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The Illustrated

Encyclopedia of
Zen Buddhism
The Illustrated
Encyclopedia of
Zen Buddhism
Helen J. Baroni, Ph.D.
The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
New York
To my students at the University of Hawaii, past, present, and future.
Published in 2002 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010
Copyright 2002 by Helen J. Baroni
First Edition
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Baroni, Helen Josephine.
The illustrated encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism / Helen J. Baroni.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8239-2240-5
1. Zen BuddhismDictionariesEnglish. I. Title.
BQ9259 .B37 2002
294.392703dc21 99-053421
Manufactured in the United States of America
Staff Credits
Editors: Michael Isaac, Christine Slovey
Editorial Assistant: Rob Kirkpatrick
Book Design: Olga M. Vega
Cover Design: MaryJane Wojciechowski
Production Design: Erica Clendening, MaryJane Wojciechowski
Table of Contents
Introduction vi
How to Use This Book xi
Contents by Subject xii
Entries 1390
Bibliography 391396
Index 397425
Photo Credits 426
About the Author 426
In the one hundred years since Zen Buddhism was introduced to the West, many
of its traditions have become a part of our culture. When I tell people that I study
Zen, they often tell me about their familiarity with Zen arts such as haiku poetry,
martial arts, or flower arranging. At the same time, many people also learn about
Buddhism by experiencing meditation. Yet despite the growing popularity of Zen
arts and practices, the ancient religious beliefs that formed them remain largely
unfamiliar to those in the West.
In the Western vocabulary, the word zen has taken on a broad array of meanings.
The philosophy of Zen is often recast to Westerners as a freedom from social norms
and ordinary religious restrictions. It may be suggested, for example, that Zen prac-
titioners do not need to concern themselves with good and bad behavior because
they have risen above distinctions such as right and wrong. In East Asia, the impres-
sion of Zen could not be more different. Zen Buddhism is regarded as a religion of
strict religious practice because there it is concentrated in monasteries where
monks and nuns live their lives guided by a special code of conduct. This under-
standing of Zen is based on its tradition of scholarship and religious discipline.
In Japanese, the term zen means meditation. Zen is an abbreviation of the
word zenna, which is derived from a Chinese term for meditation, channa. The
Chinese term is a translation of the Sanskrit word dhyana, a term for meditation
that is found in Buddhist texts. The introspective and contemplative practice of
meditation is a part of many religious traditions and is a fundamental element of
all schools of Buddhism. In both the Chinese and Japanese languages, one may
use the words channa or zen to refer to any form of meditation, whether
Buddhist, Confucian, or even Christian. Most often the terms refer to the styles of
seated meditation (zazen) practiced in Zen Buddhist monasteries. Zazen speci-
fies the way a person should sit and includes techniques to allow one to release
control of his or her thoughts. When a new East Asian form of Buddhist monastic
practice centered on seated meditation took shape in China during the Tang
Dynasty (618907) and then spread to Korea and Japan, it became known as the
Meditation School of Buddhism (the Chan school in Chinese, the Son school in
Korean, and the Zen school in Japanese). The term zen, therefore, refers not only
to the practice of meditation but also refers to the many schools of Buddhism that
practice seated meditation.
The History of Zen
Traditional Account
Buddhism first arose in India, based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama
(566486 B.C.E.), the Buddha. Born as a prince, Siddharta abandoned his regal life
and began a lifelong search for religious insight. After a period of intense medita-
tion, he arrived at the core beliefs and practices of Buddhism and established a
community of followers and disciples, including pre-Hindu monks and nuns, as
well as laypeople. This community was responsible for propagating Siddhartas
teachings after his death. In the centuries that followed, several forms of
Buddhism took shape in India. The two largest of these schools of Buddhism are
known today as Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. As Buddhist
missionaries traveled east, they spread the teachings throughout the rest of Asia.
The style of Buddhism that became dominant in East Asia is Mahayana, and Zen
is one of the many forms of Mahayana Buddhism that developed there.
According to traditional Zen accounts, the teachings of Zen are said to date
back to this historical Buddha, who wordlessly transmitted them to
Mahakashyapa, one of his most talented disciples. The tradition names a series of
twenty-eight Indian patriarchs who passed the teachings on, beginning with the
historical Buddha and Mahakashyapa and culminating with the patriarch
Bodhidharma. In the fifth century, Bodhidharma traveled to China, where he took
on Chinese disciples. From among these, Bodhidharma is said to have selected
Hui-ko to be his official successor. The tradition then traces its lineage through
six generations of Chinese patriarchs, concluding with Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng.
After the sixth generation, the lineage of patriarchs branches into a large and
ever-expanding family tree of teachers and disciples. All forms of Zen Buddhism
existing today trace their origins back to the sixth patriarch, Bodhidharma, and
the historical Buddha.
Historical Account
Scholars have come to realize that the history of Zen is much more complicated
than the story related in these traditional accounts. For example, we now know
that Zen actually first developed in China as a distinctly Chinese form of
Buddhism. The basic teachings of Zen Buddhism emerged in China during the
sixth and seventh centuries as Chinese scholars translated Buddhist texts and
began to fuse Buddhist practices with indigenous Chinese beliefs. By the eighth
and ninth centuries, Zen had taken on a distinctive identity, with numerous
monastic communities developing the teachings we now know as Zen Buddhism.
Specifically, the emphasis in Zen is more on meditation and less on the study of
texts, philosophical discussion, and other practices such as chanting texts.
From China, Buddhist monks transmitted Zen teachings and practices
throughout East Asia to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Today it is among the largest
schools of Buddhism in Japan and one of the most popular forms of Buddhism in
Western countries.
In Japan today, there are three large denominations of Zen Buddhism: the
St, Rinzai, and Obaku sects. There are also several other smaller groups.
St Zen is the largest of the three denominations. The Japanese monk Dgen
Kigen (12001253) founded the St sect in the thirteenth century. He traveled to
China, where he practiced with a Chinese Zen master from the St lineage,
known as Tsao-tung.
The founding of Rinzai Zen, known in Chinese as the Lin-chi lineage, involved the
efforts of several Chinese and Japanese monks over many decades. Traditional
accounts usually simplify matters by saying that the Rinzai sect was founded by a
single person, the monk Eisai, who was Dgens teacher.
Obaku Zen is the smallest and most recent of the larger denominations. The
Chinese monk Yin-yan Lung-chi (15941673) founded the Obaku sect in the sev-
enteenth century. Yin-yuan regarded himself as a descendent of the Rinzai lin-
eage, and the two groups teachings and practices are closely related.
In the last century, numerous St and Rinzai teachers have traveled to the
West and introduced their teachings and practices to Western audiences. One of
the most influential Zen movements in the West, Sanb Kydan, originated in
Japan as only one of many small modern groups. Harada Sogaku (18711961) and
Yasutani Hakuun (18851973) founded Sanb Kydan in 1954 to encourage the
practice of seated meditation among laypeople outside of the monastic setting.
Sanb Kydan combines some aspects of both the St and Rinzai practices.
While the movement remains very small in Japan, it has greatly influenced the
development of Zen in the West through the efforts of such teachers as Robert
Aitken, Philip Kapleau, Bernard Glassman, Maureen Stuart, and Richard Baker,
who have written, and are discussed in, books about American Zen and American
Buddhism. A large percentage of Zen teachers in the United States were affiliated
with Sanb Kydan at one time or studied with its teachers.
Zen Teachings
Zen, along with all other forms of Buddhism, is fundamentally concerned with
the problem of human suffering. The Buddha determined that the root of our suf-
fering is our desire for and attachment to things, people, ideas, and experiences.
These needs are problematic because in the Buddhist view of the world, nothing
remains stableall things constantly change and will eventually pass away. We
cannot possess those things to which we have formed attachments; thus all of our
desires will inevitably lead to frustration and suffering.
Aside from the daily frustrations that our attachments cause, Buddhism
asserts that human suffering also occurs on a cosmic level. Buddhists believe that
after death each being will be reincarnated into a new life, the quality of which
depends on the religious merit (karma) earned in the last life. Despite the rewards
one may acquire through rebirth, the unending cycle of death and reincarnation
on Earth is seen as a burden and another form of suffering. This suffering will end
only when a person is able to break from the cycle of reincarnation.
The Buddhist solution to the problem of suffering requires a shift in our per-
ception of the world. By understanding the impermanence of all things and elim-
inating all desires, we can break our attachments. This means that one sees the
world as a buddha, or enlightened person, would. In fact, Zen masters are fond of
reminding us that we are all actually buddhas, even though most of us do not yet
see ourselves or reality in that way. The ultimate goal is to attain enlightenment,
or satori. This is described as a blissful state of awareness in which one has relin-
quished all attachments and recognizes the underlying unity of all things. As an
enlightened being, one exists in a state of nirvana, in which one is liberated from
the cycle of death and rebirth.
Zen Practice
Zen masters say that Zen practitioners do not depend on written words to teach
or grasp the Zen teachings. This means that reading and interpreting the
Buddhist scriptures will not lead to enlightenment. As one Chinese master said,
the scriptures are like a road mapwhile the map can show you where you would
like to go and even set out the quickest route, you still must travel the road for
yourself. Not depending on written words requires that students learn through
practice and experience, with the aid of a qualified teacher. Zen Buddhism places
great emphasis on the religious rituals and practices a student must perform to
gain proper insight into Zen teachings.
According to Zen, meditation is one of the most effective practices for attain-
ing a proper understanding of reality. Meditation allows a person to experience
the self as interconnected with all other things. One realizes that distinctions
between ones self and other people are not absolute and that every action one
takes affects everyone else. In Zen meditation, the practitioner sits in the lotus
positioncross-legged with each foot placed on the opposing thigh. Beginners
generally learn to concentrate the mind by focusing on their breathing, noticing
the intake and exhalation of the breath. Other meditation techniques may
include focusing on a single syllable of sound assigned to them by their teacher.
In Zen meditation, students may also concentrate on a kan, a cryptic saying
or story from Zen literature that is intended to focus ones mind and challenge
ordinary ways of thinking. Kan often take the form of puzzles that defy logical
solution, such as What is the sound of one hand clapping? Students meditate
with their assigned kan in mind; they are said to work on the kan. When they
have questions about the kan or feel that they have mastered it, they approach
their teacher in a private interview. In these face-to-face encounters, Zen teach-
ers evaluate the students understanding.
The Zen Monastery
The Zen monasteries I have visited in Japan are all places that engage the senses.
The smell of incense pervades many halls, since incense is regularly offered to the
images of the Buddha and bodhisattvas. Outside, one often encounters the scent of
burning leaves as the novices clean the grounds in the afternoon. Colorful silk ban-
ners stream down pillars within graceful wooden structures with smooth polished
floors and ornately carved rafters. One may glimpse the flashing eyes of a painted
dragon on the ceiling. Some of the most treasured examples of Asian painting,
sculpture, and calligraphy may be viewed within temple walls, rather than in secu-
lar museums. During the morning and evening services, a monk beats a hollow
drum carved in the shape of a fish in time with the novices chanting verses from
Buddhist scripture; hand chimes punctuate breaks during the service.
Many rules govern the appropriate conduct of life within the monastery com-
munity. Life in the monastery may be described as a series of ritual acts, from
bathing oneself in the morning to laying out ones bedding in the evening. New
monks and nuns must learn to behave properly, to chant the Buddhist scriptures,
to offer incense, and to bow. There is a proper manner of walking into the medi-
tation hall, a proper way to eat ones food, and even a proper way to take a bath
and use the toilet. There are also set manners for drinking tea, meeting with ones
teacher, and requesting entry into the monastery.
The typical daily routine at a Zen monastery is highly structured. The monks
or nuns rise early and follow a regular schedule of eating, meditating, working
outside, studying, and chanting scriptures. Much of the day is spent in silence.
Ritual takes several forms in the monastery. Monks and nuns participate in morn-
ing and evening services. They recite particular prayers and scriptures, make
offerings, and bow down before images of the Buddha and other religious figures.
Ritualizing all aspects of life serves several purposes. First of all, it allows the
many people practicing within the monastery to live together harmoniously
because it is always clear what one should be doing and how one should behave.
Second, the constant attention to detail transforms all the activities of the day,
even mundane ones such as eating and bathing, into a kind of meditation.
Throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, Zen is practiced predom-
inantly by laypeople in Zen centers, but in East Asia the situation is quite differ-
ent. In Japan, for example, Zen meditation is most often practiced by monks and
nuns. Buddhist temples do not generally offer weekly services for laypeople, as is
common at Christian churches, Jewish synagogues, and Muslim mosques.
Laypeople may be members of a local Zen congregation, but they rarely practice
meditation in a temple or at home. In Japan, Zen monasteries provide for the reli-
gious needs of laymembers. Most laypeople rely primarily on the Zen clergy to
perform religious rituals such as funerals and memorial services for deceased
family members. They may also visit their local temple on special holidays, such
as the Buddhas birthday or the Festival of the Dead.
Encyclopedia Entries
The majority of the Zen vocabulary in this book is rendered in both English and
Japanese. However, some Buddhist terms also appear in Sanskrit, Pali, or Chinese,
reflecting Buddhisms influence across Asian cultures. Many terms, therefore, are
listed in several languages. These alternative entries include cross-references to the
basic English and Japanese listings.
It should be noted that translations are not entirely standardized in the field of
Buddhist studies or Japanese religions. In each case, I have tried to select the most
common and accurate translations. I selected transliterations that reflect English
pronunciation, avoiding extensive use of diacritical markings. In certain cases, more
than one transliteration is included.
The Contents by Subject lists related entries in the following categories: Art,
Architecture, and Iconography; Biographical Entries; Buddhas and Bodhisattvas;
Concepts; Geography; Monastic Life; Mythology and Cosmology; Rituals; Sects,
Schools, and Groups; and Texts.
Parenthetical citations are used to refer to selections from primary Buddhist texts.
Citations preceded by (T.) denote the Taisho edition of the Daizky, a Japanese ver-
sion of the Buddhist scriptures used by most scholars for referencing texts. The first
number is the volume, and the second number is the document number (each docu-
ment has a unique number).
Abbreviated bibliographic citations appear at the end of some entries. The full cita-
tions are grouped together in the bibliography.
Cross-referenced terms within entries are in boldface type.
Transliterated Chinese, Japanese, and Sanskrit terms are identified by (C.), (J.), and
(Sk.), respectively.
Words with distinctive pronunciations are identified by diacritical markssymbols
above the letters to indicate their proper pronunciations. They are pronounced as follows:
e oo-eh (merged into one syllable)
How to Use This Book
bokuseki 32
calligraphy 43
chins 50
chka 52
Dharma doll 67
Diamond-Realm Mandala 71
dora 74
ens 85
gas 107
gth 107
gorin sotoba 113
haiku 120
Hou Hei 140
Hou Po 140
jgyzu 167
kad 170
kanshi 176
kare sansui 179
kend 187
konk no cho 196
mandala 214
mokugyo 223
mudra 228
musical instruments 231
Nembutsu kygen 238
N drama 242
oxherding pictures 251
pagoda 252
renga 264
roku jiz 268
sabi 271
shakuhachi 289
shastra 292
shiroku no bunsh 300
shkei 305
shr 306
Silver Pavilion 317
stupa 324
suibokuga 327
tanka 335
tatch 336
tera 344
Tun-huang Caves 360
wabi 371
waka 371
Womb-Realm Mandala 373
yuige 382
Zenga 388
Art, Architecture, and Iconography
Biographical Entries
Ananda 7
Anuruddha 10
Arada Kalama 10
Ashita 13
Ashoka 13
Ashvaghosha 14
Baiy Jikushin 17
Bankei Ytaku 17
Bassui Tokush 18
Bodhidharma 26
Buddha 34
Cakravartin 43
Chao-chou Tsung-shen 46
Chien-chen 47
Chi-fei Ju-i 48
Chih-i 48
Chih-wei 48
Chih-yen 48
Ching-shan Tao-chin 50
Ch-chih 52
Chu-hung 53
Chung-feng Ming-pen 54
Daigu Schiku 57
Dainichi Nnin 59
Daisetsu Son 60
Devadatta 65
Dgen Kigen 72
Dky Etan 74
Dsh 74
Eisai 80
Emperor Go-Daigo 81
Emperor Hanazono 81
Empress Wu 82
Enni Benen 84
Ennin 84
Fa-chih 88
Fa-hai 88
Fa-jung 88
Fa-yen Wen-i 89
Feng-hsueh Yen-chao 89
Fen-yang Shan-chao 90
Gasan Jit 107
Genshin 108
Gessh Shko 109
Gokei Ston 111
Gomizunoo 112
Guch Shky 118
Gud Tshoku 118
Hakuin Ekaku 120
Han-shan 124
Han-shan Te-ching 124
Hj Sadatoki 133
Hj Tokimune 134
Hj Tokiyori 134
Hnen 136
Hotoke 139
Ho-tse Shen-hui 139
Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien 141
Hsing-hua Tsung-chiang 141
Hsan-tsang 141
Hseh-feng I-tsun 142
Hseh-tou Chung-hsien 142
Hs-tang Chih-y 142
Hs-tang lu tai-pieh 142
Huang-po Hsi-yn 143
Hui-ko 145
Hui-neng 145
Hung-chih Cheng-cheh 146
Hung-jen 146
Ikky Sjun 151
Inzan Ien 155
Ippen 155
I-shan I-ning 156
Jakushitsu Genk 158
Jinshi Eison 162
Ju-ching 166
Jdai Deshi 166
Kakua 173
Kakuan 173
Kakushin 173
Kanzan Egen 178
Katyayana 182
Keisen Sry 184
Keizan Jkin 185
Koh Kakumy 194
Ksen Son 196
Koshushaku 197
Contents by Subject
Kuei-shan Ling-yu 199
Kkai 200
Kumarajiva 200
Lan-chi Tao-lung 204
Layman Pang 206
Lin-chi I-hsuan 206
Manzan Dhaku 216
Matsuo Bash 218
Ma-tsu Tao-i 218
Maudgalyayana 219
Menzan Zuih 221
Mu-an Hsing-tao 227
Mujaku Dch 229
Muj Dgy 229
Mumon Gensen 230
Mus Soseki 232
Nagarjuna 234
Namp Jmy 234
Nan-yan Hui-yung 235
Nichiren 239
Ogino Dokuon 248
Pai-chang Huai-hai 252
Pindola 256
Prajapati 257
Pu-chi 259
Pu-hua 259
Purna 260
Pu-tai 261
Rahula 262
Rykan 270
Rynen Myzen 270
Saich 271
Sasaki Shigetsu 281
Sekk Sshin 283
Seng-chao 284
Seng-tsan 284
Se no Rikyu 284
Senzaki Nyogen 285
Shakuen Eich 289
Shaku Sen 290
Shaku Skatsu 290
Shariputra 291
Shen-hsiu 292
Shid Bunan 294
Shinran 299
Shtoku Taishi 307
Shh Mych 309
Shun Reizan 312
Siddharta Gautama 314
Skei-an 321
Subhuti 325
Suddhodana 326
Sung-yan Chung-yueh 327
Sung Yun 327
Suzuki, Daisetsu Teitaro 328
Suzuki Shsan 328
Suzuki, Shunry 329
Ta-hsiu Cheng-nien 330
Ta-hui Tsung-kao 330
Taik Gyy 330
Takuan Sh 332
Takuj Kosen 333
Tao-che Chao-yan 335
Tao-hsin 335
ten great disciples
of the Buddha 340
Tenkei Denson 341
Te-shan Hsuan-chien 344
Tetsugen Dk 344
Tett Gik 345
Tokuh Zenketsu 353
Trei Enji 354
Ty Eich 355
Tsao-shan Pen-chi 358
Tsung-mi 359
Tung-ming Hui-jih 359
Tung-shan Liang-chieh 359
Udraka Ramaputra 363
Umpo Zenj 364
Upali 365
Vimalakirti 368
Wu-an Pu-ning 374
Wu-chun Shih-fan 374
Wu-hseh Tsu-yan 374
Wu-men Hui-kai 375
Wu-tsu Fa-yen 375
Yang-shan Hui-chi 379
Yashodhara 379
Yin-yan Lung-chi 380
Yan-wu Ko-chin 381
Yung-ming Yen-shou 382
Yun-men Wen-yen 382
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Amida buddha 5
Arhat 10
Avalokiteshvara 14
bodhisattva 27
Buddha 34
busshi 39
Dainichi Nyorai 59
daishi 60
Dharma King 69
eighty minor marks
of a buddha 79
enlightened one 83
field of merit 90
four encounters 96
Fugen 102
great renunciation 118
H 138
hotoke 139
Jiz 163
jg 167
Kanakamuni buddha 174
Kannon 176
Kashyapa buddha 180
Krakucchanda buddha 197
Kuan-yin 198
Laughing buddha 205
Mahakashyapa 210
Mahavairochana buddha 210
Maitreya 212
Monju 225
Pindola 256
pratyeka buddha 258
sambhogakaya 272
seven buddhas of the past 286
Shikhin buddha 297
shravaka 309
Siddharta Gautama 314
sobutsu 319
soshi 322
Sunface buddha,
Moonface buddha 327
Tathagata 337
ten epithets for
the Buddha 339
true person of no rank 356
two vehicles 362
Vipashyin buddha 370
Vishvabhu buddha 370
World-Honored One 374
Yakushi butsu 376
afflictions 2
ahimsa 3
alaya consciousness 4
anatman 7
anuttara samyak
sambodhi 10
atman 14
attachment 14
ball of doubt 17
black mountains 24
bodhi 26
bodhichitta 26
bongy 32
bonn 33
bonpu 33
boxwood Zen 33
buddhahood 36
Buddha Land 36
Buddha Nature 37
Buddhist path 38
Bupp 38
burning house 39
butsud 40
causality 43
cave of the dharma 43
chin 53
codependent origination 54
cold ashes and dead trees 54
compassion 55
Consciousness Only 55
Daifunshi 56
Daigi 56
Daiji 57
Daishinkon 60
dead ashes 63
dead sitting 63
defilements 63
delusion 64
Dharma 66
dharmadhatu 67
Dharma eye 68
Dharma gate 68
Dharmakaya 69
dust 75
eight consciousnesses 77
Eightfold Path 77
emptiness 82
enlightenment 84
equality 86
expedient means 87
face-to-face transmission 88
filial piety 90
five dusts 91
five eyes 92
five ranks 93
five skandhas 93
five wrong views 94
formless precepts 94
four discernments 95
four fruits 96
four great elements 96
four noble truths 98
four obligations 98
four realms of reality 99
four wisdoms 100
fury monji 104
fush fumetsu 105
gedatsu 108
genkan 108
genze riyaku 108
goga 109
gogyakuzai 110
gomi zen 112
gradual enlightenment 117
gradual teaching 117
gy-j-za-ga 119
gyny 119
handaikan 124
hannya zanmai 124
heaven 127
higan 129
h 131
honji suijaku 136
Honshin 137
honsh 137
honshkai 137
icchantika 149
ichidaiji innen 149
ichimi zen 150
ichinen fush 150
ikko hanko 151
impermanence 152
inga 153
interrelatedness 155
ishin denshin 156
isshi insh 156
Isshin 157
jakumetsu 158
jihi 159
Jikai Zen 160
jikishi ninshin 161
Jikishi ninshin kensh 161
jiri 162
jish 163
jish butsu 163
jish kai 163
Jish Shj 163
karma 179
katt 182
kensh 188
Kensh jbutsu 188
kikutsuri 190
kj 194
konk 195
koshin mida 196
Latter Age of the Dharma 204
Law of Causation 206
lions roar 208
lump of red flesh 209
merit 222
mind ground 222
moji Zen 223
mu 227
muj 229
muni 230
Mus shinji kai 232
naikan 234
namu 235
nen 238
niny 239
nirmanakaya 241
nirvana 240
non-duality 243
No-thought 244
oj 248
One mind 249
one vehicle 249
original enlightenment 249
Original Face 249
Original Mind 250
Other Power 251
ox cart 251
parinirvana 254
prajna 257
prajna samadhi 258
Pure Land 259
Pure Land of
the Mind Only 259
reincarnation 264
Relative Truth 264
Richi 264
riny 265
sangha 276
Sanky itchi 278
Sanmi 278
satori 281
Self Power 283
sentient beings 285
shaba 288
shinjin datsuraku 298
Shinshin 299
shis 301
Shbgenz 301
Shh 304
sila 316
Silver mountain,
iron wall 316
sin 317
six dusts 318
six paths 318
six sense organs 319
steep path 324
sudden enlightenment 326
suffering 326
tanden 334
Tao 335
Tathagata Garbha 337
ten stages of
a bodhisattva 343
ten thousand dharmas 343
thirty-two marks
of a buddha 345
Three Ages of
the Dharma 346
three bodies of
the Buddha 347
three essentials of Zen 347
Threefold Truth 348
three marks 348
three poisons 348
three samadhi 349
three sufferings 350
three vehicles 351
True Mind 356
true person of no rank 356
True Thusness 358
turning word 360
two entrances 361
Twofold Truth 361
two vehicles 362
Ultimate Truth 363
unborn 365
vajra 367
Vessel of the Dharma 367
Monastic Life
abbot 1
agyo 3
ajari 4
ango 8
anja 9
anjad 10
Avici hell 16
A-yu-wang-shan 16
banka 17
begging alms 19
begging bowl 20
bhikkhu 22
bhikkhuni 22
Bishamon 24
bodhisattva precepts 29
bodhisattva vows 30
bkatsu 31
bzu 33
branch temple 34
butsudan 40
Butsuden 40
Butts-ji 41
byakutsui 42
cave of the dharma 43
Chan-shih 45
chiden 47
Ching-te-ssu 50
Ching-tzu-ssu 50
chishiki 51
chiyoku 51
chiz 51
chka 52
daie 56
daigo 57
Daij-ji 58
daisan 59
Daisetsu Son 60
Daitoku-ji 61
danna 62
defrocking 64
densh 65
deshi 65
devas 65
Dharma heir 68
Dharma robe 69
Dharma transmission 71
dban 72
dojid 73
dj 73
dokusan 73
dnai 74
donkatsukan 74
Eigen-ji 76
eight precepts 78
Eihei-ji 79
Engaku-ji 82
enju 83
enjud 83
Enni Benen 84
Enryaku-ji 84
field of merit 90
formless repentance 94
founders hall 95
four assemblies 95
four grave offenses 96
four offerings 99
A-yu-wang-shan 16
Baranashi 18
Benares 20
Ching-shan 49
Hiei-zan 129
Huang-mei shan 143
Huang-po-shan 143
Kapilavastu 178
Mount Gridhrakuta 226
Mount Sumeru 227
Nan-shan 235
Pei-shan 254
Sung-shan 327
Tai-po-shan 330
Tung-shan 359
Tun-huang Caves 360
Vulture Peak 370
four periods of
meditation 99
fucha ryri 100
funze 104
fsu 105
gakuji 106
garanb 106
gas 107
gogo 110
goje 110
goka 111
Golden Pavilion 112
gosan jd 114
Gozan system 115
Gozan temples 116
han 122
hanazonokai 123
hara 125
hashin kyji 125
hatsu 126
hatt 126
hinpotsu 130
h 131
hoi 131
hj 132
hki 134
Hk-ji 135
honzan 137
honzon 138
hosshi 138
hossu 139
Hsi-shan 141
Hsan-tsang 141
hyshigi 148
inin ekishi 153
inka 154
inkin 154
ino 154
jiin hatt 159
jikai 160
Jikai Zen 160
jikid 160
jikijitsu 161
jinj 162
jisha 162
jissatsu temples 163
Jchi-ji 165
jd 165
jj 166
Jmy-ji 166
Jufuku-ji 167
jukai 168
jukaie 168
jrokujkai 169
kaichin 170
kaidan 170
kaidan seki 170
kaigen 170
kaihan 171
kaiki 171
kaimy 171
kaisan 171
kaiyoku 172
kaji ichige 172
kana hgo 174
kanben 175
kanch 175
kansh 176
kansu 178
kashaku 180
kasshiki 180
kata 181
keisaku 184
kekkaiji 185
Kench-ji 187
Kennin-ji 187
kesa 188
kesa bukuro 188
kesa kudoku 188
kikan 190
Kgaku-ji 193
kokushi 194
Kokutai-ji 195
Konsh 196
Koromo 196
Ksh-ji 197
kotsu 197
kotsu jiki 197
Kuan-li-ssu 198
kuin 200
kuje 200
kuri 201
Ling-yin-ssu 207
main temple 211
Mampuku-ji 214
Manju-ji 214
manual labor 215
married clergy 217
matsuji 217
meditation hall 220
monastic celibacy 224
monastic code 224
monastic training 225
monk 226
Myshin-ji 233
Nanzen-ji 236
nijgoten 239
Nirvana Festival 241
nirvana hall 241
nitten sjo 242
niwa zume 242
novice 244
nun 244
Obon 246
ogane 247
oshiku 250
osh 250
Pai-chang Ching-kuei 252
parajika 252
postulant 257
precepts 258
purple robe 260
rainy-season retreat 262
rakusu 262
rant 263
reitaku 264
restricted area 264
rinka 265
rinsen kakun 265
ritsu 266
rokumotsu 268
Ryan-ji 269
rygen 269
saba 271
sai 271
saku 272
sangha 276
sanjujkai 277
sanmon 278
sanpai 280
seid 282
seihan 282
sekkan 283
sembutsuj 283
semmon dj 283
sermons 285
setsuban 286
shami 291
shamini 291
shao-lin-ssu 291
shashu 292
shaven-headed layman 292
shichid garan 294
shichije 294
shid 294
shiji zazen 295
shika 296
shikunichi 297
shingi 297
shinji ike 298
shinsanshiki 299
shissui 301
shogo kten 303
shkei 304
shoki 304
Shkoku-ji 305
shs 307
shs jisha 307
shozan 308
shramana 309
shukke 310
shuku 310
shukuha fugin 310
shukushin 310
shumidan 311
shury 312
shuso 313
san 319
sd 320
Sji-ji 321
smon 322
srin 322
soshid 322
takuhatsu 332
tan 333
tanbutsu 333
tan-i 334
tanpy 335
tassu 335
tatami 336
tatch 336
temple positions 338
temple regulations 338
ten precepts 342
Tenry-ji 343
tenzo 344
three robes, one bowl 349
than 352
tsu 355
tsbun 358
tssu 359
umpan 364
vinaya 369
walking staff 371
wan-shou-ssu 371
yakuseki 376
Yk-ji 381
yokushitsu 381
Zen cuisine 387
Zenji 388
zenj 388
zenshitsu 389
Zens 390
zsu 390
Mythology and Cosmology
ashura 13
Benzaiten 20
devas 65
Mandala 71
eight cold hells 78
eight hot hells 80
Emma 86
evil paths 86
four guardian kings 97
four kinds of birth 98
Fud My 100
gaki 106
Hachiman 120
hell 128
hungry ghost 147
Indra 152
Indras jewel net 153
jigoku 159
kalpa 174
kami 174
Kokusan 194
mani 214
Mara 216
my 233
naga 234
nettetsugan 238
papiyas 252
seven lucky gods 286
shala trees 290
Sk Shinsai 321
Tanjge 334
ten directions 339
Tengu 340
ten realms 342
three realms 348
Tushita heaven 360
wandering spirits 371
Western Pure Land 372
Womb-Realm Mandala 373
Yama 378
ako 4
ango 8
angya 8
ascetic practices 12
bait 17
banka 17
begging alms 19
Bodhi Day 26
bodhisattva precepts 29
bodhisattva vows 30
bodhi tree 30
bkatsu 31
bonbai 32
Buddha Day 36
byakutsui 42
chanoy 44
chanting 45
chka 52
Daibutch-ju 56
dharani 66
Dharma combat 66
dora 74
dual practice 75
eight precepts 78
five types of zen 94
formless repentance 94
four kinds of birth 98
four shouts 99
funeral Zen 103
gassh 107
goma 112
gotai tchi 114
goya zazen 115
gyd 119
gyja 119
half-lotus position 122
Hana Matsuri 123
hekikan 128
Hekizen 128
higan-e 129
hji 132
hokkai jin 135
hokku 135
hossu 139
ichiji kan 149
igan butsuji 150
ihai 150
incense 152
inka 154
isshu 157
ittengo 157
jakugo 158
jukaie 168
kaigen 170
kaimy 170
kaiyoku 172
kanbutsu 175
kanki issoku 175
kanna Zen 176
kashin 180
katsu! 181
keisaku 184
keisu 185
kekka fuza 185
kend 187
kie 189
kie samb 189
kigan 189
kikai 189
kikan 190
kin 191
kinhin 191
kit 191
kden 193
kkon zazen 194
Konsh 196
kotsu 197
kubutsuji 199
kuf 199
kuy 201
kyd 203
lotus position 208
Makuragym 213
mantra 214
Masangin 217
Masen 217
meditation 219
memorial service 220
menju shih 221
metsujinj 222
mokush Zen 224
mond 225
monna 226
moxa 227
Mu kan 229
Namu amida butsu 235
Namu myh rengeky 235
Nant kan 235
nembutsu 237
Nembutsu kan 237
nen 238
nenki 238
Ni Zen 240
nygan 245
nyusshitsu 245
Obon 246
offerings 247
Old-woman Zen 248
One-finger Zen 248
one-hand kan 249
ordination 249
pilgrimage 255
posthumous name 257
relics 264
rini monjin 265
ro 266
Rba Zen 266
robe of transmission 266
Rhatsu 267
Rhatsu sesshin 267
roshi 268
sagan butsuji 271
samadhi 271
sanbukki 274
sanbutsuji 274
Sandai Sron 275
sanjujkai 277
sankikai 277
Sanky Nembutsu 278
sanzen 280
sarei 281
seiza 282
sekkai 282
senge 284
Senju darani 284
sermons 285
sesshin 285
sexuality 288
shichibutsuji 293
shigu seigan 295
shiji zazen 295
shikan 296
shikan taza 296
shinsanshiki 299
shippei 300
shogo kten 303
shkei 304
shken 305
shmy 305
shonan 306
shsan 306
shukuha fugin 310
shukushin 310
shukuyjri 310
shumoku 311
shussan 313
shuya 314
six perfections 319
sshin zazen 322
susoku-kan 327
taiya 331
taiza monjin 331
takuhatsu 332
tanbutsu 333
tanden 334
tanga zume 334
tassu 335
tatami 336
tencha butsuji 339
tendoku 339
ten evil acts 340
ten good acts 340
tent butsuji 343
three essentials of Zen 347
threefold training 347
three gates
to emancipation 348
three phrases 348
ton 353
tonsure 353
tortoise hair 355
ullambana 363
umpan 364
unsui 365
uposatha 366
vegetarian feasts 367
vegetarianism 367
vows 370
walking staff 371
wat 372
wheel of the dharma 372
Wheel of Life 372
whisk 373
yakuseki 376
zafu 384
zagu 384
zaniku 384
zazen 385
Zen 385
Zen cuisine 387
Zenkiku 388
Zennasu 389
zenpan 389
Zen sickness 390
Buddhism 37
Butts-ji Ha 41
Daikaku Ha 58
Daitoku-ji Ha 62
Daruma sect 63
Daruma-sh 63
East Mountain School 76
easy path 76
Eigen-ji Ha 76
Engaku-ji Ha 83
ensh 85
esoteric Buddhism 86
Fa-hsien school 88
Fa-yen school 89
five houses 92
five houses and
seven schools 92
Fuke sect 103
Hijiri 129
Hinayana Buddhism 130
Hj regents 133
Hk-ji Ha 135
Hoss School 138
Ho-tse school 139
Hott Ha 140
householder 140
Huang-lung school 143
Hua-yen school 145
Hung-chou school 146
Inzan school 155
Ji sect 162
Jiz 163
kechimyaku 182
Kegon school 182
Kench-ji Ha 187
Kennin-ji Ha 188
Kgaku-ji Ha 193
koji 194
Kokutai-ji Ha 195
komus 195
kuge 199
lay believer 206
Lin-chi school 207
lineage 207
lineage chart 207
Mdhyamaka 210
Mahayana Buddhism 211
moji Zen 223
Myshin-ji Ha 233
Nanzen-ji Ha 236
Nichiren sect 239
Ni 240
Northern school 243
Obaku sect 246
Ory school 250
Otkan school 251
Oxhead school 251
Pure Land school 260
Pure Land sect 260
Rinzai sect 265
samurai 272
Sanb Kydan 274
San-lun school 278
Sanron school 280
senju 284
seven schools 288
Shingon sect 298
shgun 303
Shichi Ha 304
Shkoku-ji Ha 305
shugend 309
sht fukk 313
shei 320
St sect 323
Southern school 323
Takuj school 333
Tendai sect 339
Tenry-ji Ha 343
Theravada Buddhism 345
three teachings 350
Tien-tai school 351
Tfuku-ji 352
Tfuku-ji Ha 352
True Pure Land sect 357
Tsao-tung school 358
upsaka 365
upsik 365
Yamabushi 378
Yang-chi school 378
Yogachara school 380
Ygi school 380
Yun-men school 382
zaike 384
Sects, Schools, and Groups
Abhidharma 2
Agama Sutras 3
agyo 3
Amidas vows 5
anroku 10
Avalokiteshvara Sutra 15
Avatamsaka Sutra 15
Awakening of Faith 16
Bendwa 20
betsugo 20
biography 24
bodhisattva precepts 29
bodhisattva vows 30
Brahma Net Sutra 33
Buddhacharita 35
Buddhist scriptures 38
burning house 39
Chan-kuan Tse-chin 44
Chan-men Kuei-shih 44
Chan-yuan Ching-Kuei 46
Chan-yuan Chu-
chuan-chi Tu-hsu 46
Chao-lun 46
Cheng-fa Yen-tsang 47
Chia-tai Pu-teng Lu 47
Chien-chung Ching-kuo
Hsu-teng Lu 47
Chih-hsiu Pai-chang
Ching-kuei 48
Chinese Tripitaka 49
Chingo Kokka No
Sambuky 49
Ching-te Chan-teng Lu 50
Chuan Fa-pao Chi 52
Chuan-hsin Fa-yao 52
Chung-feng Ho-shang
Kuang-lu 54
Daibontenn Monbutsu
Ketsugiky 56
Daigo 57
Daihannya Haramitsuky 57
Daizky 62
Denkroku 64
Diamond Sutra 72
eight precepts 78
Eihei Shingi 79
Emmei Jikku Kannonky 81
Emmei Jikku Kannonky
Reigenki 81
Feng-yang Wu-te
chan-shih Yu-lu 89
five precepts 93
forty-eight light precepts 95
four great vows 96
Fukan Zazengi 102
Genj kan 108
Goi kan 110
Goke Sansh Yro Mon 111
Gonsen kan 112
Gotroku 115
Gozan literature 115
Han-shan Shih 124
Heart Sutra 126
Hebiichigo 127
Hekiganroku 127
Hekigo 127
hgo 131
Hosshin kan 138
Hsin-hsin-ming 141
Hseh-mo Lun 142
Hs-tang Lu Tai-pieh 142
Huang-lung Hui-nan 143
Inga Monogatari 153
issaiky 156
jataka tales 159
Jdo No Sanbuky 165
Kaisan Shid Bunan
Anju Zenji Anroku 172
Kannonky 176
Keizan Shingi 185
Kikan kan 190
kan 191
kan collections 193
Konkmyky 196
Kzen Gokokuron 197
Kuan-yin Ching 199
Ku Zshi 201
Kyun-sh 203
Lankavatara Sutra 204
Lotus Sutra 208
Mahaprajna Paramita 210
mind ground 222
Mumonkan 230
Nempu 238
Nenge Mish 238
Nirvana Sutra 242
Obaku-ban 246
Obaku Shingi 246
Ojysh 248
Orategama 249
Pai-chang Ching-kuei 252
Pao-lin Chuan 252
Pei-yung Ching-kuei 254
Perfection of
Wisdom Sutra 255
pien-wen 255
Platform Sutra 256
Pure Land Sutra 260
recorded sayings 263
rinsen kakun 265
ron 268
Rykan 270
Rytaku Kaiso Jinki
Dokumy Zenji Nemp 270
Sanbe 274
Sanbyakusoku 275
Sangemon 276
sankan 277
sanne-in yuikai 278
Sanz 280
Sayings of Lin-chi 281
sekiri daruma 282
setsuwa 286
Shasekish 291
shastra 292
shijhachikykai 296
shingi 297
Shbgenz 302
Shbgenz Bench 302
Shbgenz Zuimonki 302
Shoj Dky Etan
Anju Anroku 304
Shjurin Shingi 304
shokan 304
Shshitsu Rokumon 306
Shyroku 308
Shmon Kattsh 311
Shmon Mujint Ron 311
Shuramgama Sutra 312
Sokk Roku Kaien
Fusetsu 321
Ssu-chia Yu Lu 323
Ssu-fen Lu 324
Straw Sandal
Bodhidharma 324
Sunface buddha,
Moonface buddha 324
sutras 327
Taireishsan 331
Taish Daizky 331
Tanjge 334
teish 334
ten heavy precepts 341
Tenj tenge yuiga
dokuson 341
Tenzo Kykun 344
Tien-sheng Kuang-
teng Lu 351
Tripitaka 356
Tsung-ching Lu 358
Tsung-men Lien-teng
Hui-yao 359
Tun-huang manuscripts 360
Vimalakirti Sutra 369
vinaya 369
wasan 371
Yabukji 376
Yasen Kanna 379
Zazengi 385
Zazen wasan 385
Zazen yjinki 385
Zenkai Ichiran 388
Zenrin Kush 389
The chief administrative officer within a
monastery or large temple. The most
common Japanese terms for the post are
jji and chr. The English term abbot
is appropriately applied to head monks
or nuns at training monasteries and large
temples, where the monastic community
practices Zen meditation. In the case of
small local temples where there is only
one monk in residence, the term head
monk would be more appropriate.
The abbots duties include manage-
ment of the monastery as a whole, han-
dling both the administrative work and
the spiritual direction of the community.
He or she oversees the work done by the
other administrative officers (seihan and
than). Since the abbots primary respon-
sibility is to ensure the smooth operation
of the monastery, he or she may pass on a
large portion of the spiritual guidance of
the resident novices and monks to
another Zen master. In addition, the
abbot represents the monastery in all
dealings with the outside world, including
relations with the government and with
other monasteries or religious bodies.
The abbot serves as the primary
teacher of the Dharma at the monastery.
On several occasions each month, the
abbot lectures on the Dharma to the entire
monastic community. For these great
assemblies (daisan), the abbot mounts
the podium in the Dharma hall (hatt),
takes his or her place in the Dharma chair
(hza), and speaks to the community. At
the end of the lecture, the abbot typically
invites members of the community to
engage in a question-and-answer session
(mond). At the great assemblies, the
abbot is said to teach in the place of the
buddhas and Zen patriarchs.
Abbots of major monasteries are usu-
ally selected from among a group of
qualified Zen masters. The selection
process and exact qualifications differ
throughout the world, but in general, the
qualified candidate has practiced for at
least ten years and has held other high-
ranking administrative positions. In the
Gozan temples of medieval Japan
(11851600), for example, candidates
were required to have served as the chief
seat (shuso) of a monastery and to have
passed a qualifying exam (hinpotsu). In
Japan, the abbot of a major Zen
monastery was traditionally appointed
by either the emperor or the military
government (bakufu). In Korean
temples today, the abbot is elected by the
assembly of monks at the monastery.
The abbot formally assumes his post
with an installation service (shinsan-
shiki). In some cases, an abbot serves
for a specified term of office. Since the
responsibilities of the post are quite
heavy, many Zen monasteries prefer to
An abbot is the primary teacher and
manager of a Buddhist monastery.
rotate qualified candidates to reduce
the strain on any one individual. This is
the norm in Korean temples today. In
other cases, the length of time an abbot
serves is left to his or her own discre-
tion. The abbot at Mampuku-ji, the
main monastery for the Obaku sect in
Japan, usually assumes the post perma-
nently, stepping down only if he or she
can no longer fulfill his or her duties.
Buswell, Robert E., Jr. The Zen Monastic
Experience: Buddhist Practice in
Contemporary Korea. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992.
Collcutt, Martin. Five Mountains: The
Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution
in Medieval Japan. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981.
The abbreviated name for the
Abhidharma Pitika, one of the three
sections of the Buddhist scriptures.
The Basket of Scholasticism (another
name for the Abhidharma) is the third
and latest section of the Tripitaka, rep-
resenting commentaries on the
Buddhas teachings written by later
Buddhist scholars. The Abhidharma
texts were written over a period of sev-
eral centuries, between 350 B.C.E. and
450 C.E. The Abhidharma texts deal with
teachings from the earlier sermons of
the Buddha, written in a scholastic and
systematic manner. This means that the
texts do not provide the teaching aids
employed in the discourses (or sutras),
such as images, parables, and stories,
which help to make the concepts more
The Pali Abhidharma, one version of
the Abhidharma that represents the
teachings of Theravada Buddhism, is
comprised of seven texts related to
Buddhist psychology and philosophy.
They include: 1) Dhamma-sangani
(Enumeration of Dharmas), which ana-
lyzes things into categories of mental
and physical factors; 2) Vibhanga
(Divisions), a discussion of the skandhas
(five skandhas); 3) Dhatu-katha
(Discussion of Elements), which classi-
fies elements of reality; 4) Puggala-pan-
natti (Designation of Persons), which
classifies various types of individuals; 5)
Katha-vatthu (Subjects of Discussion), a
discussion of various controversies in
early Buddhist philosophical teachings;
6) Yamaka (The Pairs), which deals with
issues in a dual fashionpositive and
negative; and 7) Patthana (Activations)
dealing with causal relations.
Other schools of Buddhism also
composed their own Abhidharma litera-
ture in Sanskrit, but most have been lost.
Some have been preserved in Chinese
translations and are included as a sepa-
rate section of the Chinese Tripitaka.
The Abhidharma of the Sarvastivada tra-
dition, for example, survives in Chinese.
It contains seven works: Jnana-
prasthana (Method of Knowledge);
Sangitiparayaya, a summary of the
Buddhas teachings; Dhatukaya (Book
of Elements); Vijnanakaya (Synopsis
of Consciousness); Prakaranapada, a
collection of verses; Dharmaskandha
(Book of Things); and Prajnapti
Sastra (Treatise on Communication).
Abhidharma literature is known in
Japanese as the Taihz or the Ronz, or
transliterated as Abidatsumaz.
Acts of the Buddha
The Buddhacharita of Ashvaghosha, the
earliest formal biography of Shakya-
muni Buddha (Siddharta Gautama).
See Buddhacharita.
Any working of the mind, such as a
delusion or an evil passion, or an action
resulting from such thoughts, that
interferes with the attainment of
enlightenment. Affliction is a transla-
tion for the terms klesha in Sanskrit and
bonn in Japanese. The Buddhist tradi-
tion identifies the afflictions as the root
cause of human suffering. The six fun-
damental afflictions are greed, anger,
ignorance, arrogance, doubt, and false
views. Greed and anger are two opposite
forms of craving; greed is an attachment
to something pleasurable, while anger
is an aversion to something unpleas-
ant. Ignorance is lack of understanding
of Buddhist teachings and the way
things are. The first three fundamental
afflictionsgreed, anger and igno-
ranceare called the three poisons.
Arrogance refers to a self-centered view
of the world based on a false sense of
self. Doubt means to be uncertain
about the validity of Buddhist teach-
ings. The tradition identifies five spe-
cific false views, including belief in a
false self and rejection of the workings
of cause and effect.
Agama Sutras
Discourses of the historical Buddha
preserved in Buddhist scripture. In the
tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, the
term Agama Sutras is used to distin-
guish the ancient sutras of Theravada
Buddhism from the later Mahayana
sutras. The word Agama literally means
tradition in Sanskrit. Other Indian
religious traditions, including
Hinduism and Jainism, also refer to
their teachings and sacred texts as
Agama. In Buddhist tradition, the
Agama Sutras (J. Agongy) are the four
collections of discourses attributed to
the Buddha, which were originally com-
posed in Sanskrit. These sutras are now
preserved in Chinese translation as the
first segment of the Chinese Tripitaka.
The four collections include the Long
Agama Sutras, the Middle Length
Agama Sutras, the Item-More Agama
Sutras and the Miscellaneous Agama
Sutras. The four Agama collections cor-
respond to four of the five Nikayas, the
collections of discourses preserved in
the Pali Canon (Tripitaka).
Age of the Degenerate Dharma
See Latter Age of the Dharma.
Words spoken about the Dharma
(Buddhist teachings) by a Zen master
when teaching his or her students. The
term also refers to a students expres-
sion in understanding the teachings in
response to a question by the master.
The term originally referred to the
immediate and spontaneous exchanges
between master and disciple during lec-
tures or question-and-answer sessions
(mond). In the broadest sense, the
term may be used as a generic reference
of various responses to a kan that stu-
dents of Zen are called upon to make,
such as capping verses (jakugo) or
turning words (ittengo). These
responses were originally intended to
be spontaneous expressions of a Zen
practitioners understanding of a kan;
masters would determine the disciples
progress based on their responses.
Later, agyo became stylized responses,
memorized by the students for the vari-
ous kan they studied.
(J. fugai) Non-injury of living beings.
The concept of ahimsa prohibits killing,
injuring, or wishing to harm sentient
beings (those capable of thought or
feeling). Ahimsa is the primary virtue in
several Indian religious traditions,
including Buddhism, Jainism, and
Hinduism. The importance of ahimsa in
Buddhist morality is seen in the pre-
cepts taken by lay people and the
monastic community against killing. It
is, in fact, the first precept of the five
taken by lay practitioners and the first
of ten taken by novices.
Buddhism interprets the practice of
ahimsa as the active expression of com-
passion for other sentient beings.
According to the Buddhist understand-
ing of ahimsa, intent is the crucial ele-
ment; accidentally injuring or causing
death would not be seen as a violation
of the precept against killing.
In Jainism, any taking of life or injury,
even unintentional or accidental, is
thought to incur karmic repercussions.
Lay Buddhists and the monastic
community approach the practice of
ahimsa somewhat differently. While lay
Buddhists refrain from causing inten-
tional injury to other sentient beings,
monks and nuns seek to reduce inad-
vertent injury. Lay Buddhists often
choose a vegetarian diet so as not to
participate in the killing of animal life,
but they nevertheless farm the land.
Buddhist monks and nuns traditionally
refrained from farming because it
inevitably caused injury to small crea-
tures living in the soil. See also
lay believer.
Japanese for King Ashoka. See Ashoka.
A senior monk who teaches students;
often abbreviated to jari. The term is a
Japanese rendering of the Chinese
transliteration for the Sanskrit crya,
one who knows and teaches the rules.
In ancient Buddhism, novices had two
masters, one who taught them the
Dharma, and one who taught them the
rules of conduct (vinaya). The term
does not retain this connotation in the
Japanese context: it is used in many
sects to indicate seniority or high rank
among monks who instruct disciples. It
is most often associated with masters
from the esoteric schools, Tendai and
Shingon Buddhism.
In St Zen, the term is used as a
title of respect for any senior monk. It is
not limited to teachers, but applies to
any monk who has practiced Zen for
more than five years. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) composed a text, the Tai
Taikogoge Jarih, in which he delineates
the proper behavior of junior monks in
the presence of their seniors, the ajari
who had passed at least five summer
retreats. See also Shingon sect, St
sect, and Tendai sect.
Shohei, Ichimura. Zen Master Eihei
Dgens Monastic Regulations.
Washington, DC: North American
Institute of Zen and Buddhist
Studies, 1993.
Lowering the flame, the ritual action
of starting the cremation fire at a
funeral service. Today, the ako is a sym-
bolic gesture performed by the
Buddhist monk leading the funeral
service. The officiant symbolically
lights the cremation fire with a torch.
Ako is performed as one of the nine rit-
ual actions (kubutsuji) comprising the
funeral services for an abbot or
another prominent member of the
monastic community. It is also one of
three ritual actions characterizing
Buddhist funerals for ordinary monks
and lay believers. Also known as hinko.
See also sanbutsuji.
Japanese for evil paths. The term refers
to the lower three of the six realms of
existence, those of hell (jigoku), hungry
ghosts (gaki), and animals (chikush).
See evil paths.
Alaya Consciousness
( J. Arayashiki) The storehouse con-
sciousness, the eighth and deepest level
of consciousness in the Yogachara
(Hoss) schema of human psychology.
The term can also be used in reference
to the schema as a whole. The
Yogachara schools psychology
analyzes human perception of the
world at eight levels: sight conscious-
ness, sound consciousness, smell con-
sciousness, taste consciousness, tactile
consciousness, mind consciousness,
ego consciousness, and the storehouse
consciousness. The first five levels cor-
respond to five senses. Mind conscious-
ness corresponds to the Western idea of
consciousness; at this level, the infor-
mation gathered from the previous five
levels is coordinated. Ego conscious-
ness is the level at which personal
attachments are formed, either positive
or negative. For example, the ego con-
sciousness determines if an object of
sight is pleasant to behold, and begins
to crave possession of the object; on the
other hand, it may find an object repul-
sive and seek to avoid contact with
it. The eighth level of consciousness
stores all previous experiences and
impressions as seeds, which are the
basis for evaluating all present and
future experience.
Ordinary human beings create their
subjective perception of the world
through the workings of the alaya con-
sciousness. Although human conscious-
ness may not create the external objects,
the process does create the image that
an individual perceives. For this reason,
different individuals will not necessarily
experience the same external object in
the same manner. For example, an indi-
vidual learns to associate a certain
aroma with burning incense; the experi-
ence is stored as a seed in the store-
house consciousness. In some cultures,
incense may be associated with funeral
services; a person raised in such a cul-
ture, may associate the smell of incense
with the sorrow of personal loss. The
scent of incense burning may then elicit
feelings of melancholy, thus he or she
may find the aroma unpleasant, even
repulsive. Another person, without a
comparable previous experience, may
find the aroma of incense pleasant or
soothing. See also Fa-hsien school and
Hoss school.
Ama No Hakkikai
The eight parajika offenses of a
Buddhist nun. Parajika offenses, the
most serious in the monastic code, are
punished with expulsion from the
monastic order.
Amida Buddha
The Buddha of Infinite Light. The
Japanese rendering of the Sanskrit
Amitabha and the Chinese Amita,
the name is also translated as Muryk.
Amida buddha is one of the most popu-
lar celestial buddhas in Mahayana
Buddhism. Amida buddha resides in
the Western Pure Land (Sk. Sukhvt), a
wondrous world and an ideal location
for Buddhist practitioners to attain
enlightenment. Veneration for Amida
dates back to the first century C.E. in
India, although Amida attained more
Amida Buddha
Amida buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, is closely associated with the Pure Land Sutras. This statue
was built in Kamakura, Japan in 1252 and stands more than eleven meters high.
popularity in East Asia. Buddhists
throughout East Asia, regardless of their
schools, consider Amida a primary
object of veneration. Amida is credited
with infinite compassion for suffering
sentient beings, even the worst offend-
ers of Buddhist ethical norms. For many
Buddhists, faith in Amida and his saving
powers are the crucial elements in the
practice of Buddhism.
Amidas story begins when he was a
king, long before he became a buddha.
Having heard the Dharma preached by
the buddha Lokeshvara, the king
desired to attain enlightenment (bodhi-
chitta). He left behind his secular life
and became a monk, taking the name
Dharmakara. Dharmakara practiced the
bodhisattva way for ten million years
under the guidance of Lokeshvara. He
visited innumerable Buddha Lands
(similar to heavens) and took note of
the good qualities of each. Finally,
he decided to concentrate all of his
accumulated merit to produce a
Buddha Land which possessed all of the
positive qualities he had observed in
the others. He then took bodhisattva
vows promising that he would not
attain buddhahood unless his Buddha
Land had the desired qualities and was
accessible to all sentient beings. Since
Dharmakara became the buddha
Amida, his vows guarantee that his
Western Pure Land exists.
Amidas Western Pure Land is
described in great detail in Buddhist lit-
erature. The birds sing the Dharma; even
the sounds of running streams proclaim
the Dharma. Everything about the land
is conducive to enlightenment. There
are no evil destinies in the Pure Land,
no hungry ghosts or hell dwellers. Any
person born into the Pure Land is
assured that they will not regress in the
path toward enlightenment.
The primary scriptural accounts of
Amida and his Western Pure Land are
found in three so-called Pure Land
Sutras: the larger Pure Land Sutra, the
Smaller Pure Land Sutra (also known as
the Amida Sutra), and the Sutra of the
Buddha of Infinite Light (also called the
Contemplation Sutra). The Larger Pure
Land Sutra recounts the story of the
bodhisattva Dharmakara, and spells out
the forty-eight vows that he took,
explaining the means for attaining
rebirth in his Pure Land. These vows
have come to be called the Original Vow
of Amida. The Smaller Pure Land Sutra
explains the simplest form of practice to
assure rebirth in the Pure Landthe
recitation of the name of Amida. In the
Sutra of the Buddha of Infinite Light,
Sakyamuni Buddha appears to a human
queen imprisoned by her wicked son;
the text teaches her several methods of
meditation on Amida buddha and the
Pure Land.
There are various opinions of what is
necessary to assure rebirth in his Pure
Land. The scriptural accounts suggest
that a combination of faith in Amida
and the practice of good works lead to
rebirth. Interpretations of the scriptures
by East Asian Pure Land believers, espe-
cially by the Japanese schools, reject the
notion that good works are necessary.
They stress faith in Amida buddha and
the power of his Original Vow to save
ordinary sentient beings. See also dual
practice and koshin mida.
Cowell, E. B. et al., eds. Buddhist
Mahayana Texts. New York: Dover
Publications, 1969.
Matsunaga, Daigan, and Alicia
Matsunaga. Foundation of Japanese
Buddhism. 2 vols. Los Angeles, CA:
Buddhist Books International, 1976.
Ueda, Yoshifumi and Dennis Hirota.
Shinran: An Introduction to His
Thought. Tokyo: Hongwanji Inter-
national Center, 1989.
Amidas Vows
Vows taken by the Amida buddha while
he was still a bodhisattva named
Dharmakara. This is also known as the
Original Vow. Dharmakara took forty-
eight great bodhisattva vows in an effort
to save sentient beings and create a
Pure Land, ideal for practicing
Buddhism. The vows are elaborated in
Amidas Vows
the Larger Pure Land Sutra. The vows
are interpreted somewhat differently by
various sects of Pure Land Buddhism; in
particular, the requirements for attain-
ing rebirth into the Pure Land stated in
the vows have been an object of contro-
versy. See also Amida buddha.
The buddha of Infinite Life. Another
Sanskrit name for Amida buddha,
translated as Muryju in Japanese. See
Amida buddha.
(J. Anan) One of the ten distinguished
disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama). Ananda was a
younger cousin of the Buddha and
became his favorite disciple in the later
part of the Buddhas life. Ananda served
as the Buddhas personal attendant for
the last twenty years of his life and was
present at the Buddhas death. Ananda
is renowned for his exceptional mem-
ory; he is said to have memorized every
sermon that he heard the Buddha
deliver. For this reason, he is known as
the Foremost in Hearing the Dharma.
Ananda is also known as a strong advo-
cate for female disciples: He helped
convince the Buddha to establish the
female order of nuns.
Ananda was the only one of the great
disciples who did not attain arhat before
the Buddha passed away. (Arhatship is
usually confirmed by another enlight-
ened master.) He still had not done so
when Mahakashyapa convened the First
Council, and therefore was not initially
allowed to attend. Ananda meditated
through the night and by morning was
admitted to the council. According to
tradition, he contributed to the assembly
by reciting several sermons of the
Buddha. This collection of sermons
became the Sutra Pitaka, one of the three
portions of the Tripitaka.
The Zen tradition reveres Ananda
as the second of the twenty-eight Indian
patriarchs. Ananda is said to have
inherited the Dharma from
Mahakashapa. The story of his
enlightenment is recorded as a kan
in Case 22, of the Mumonkn:
Ananda asked Mahakashyapa, Did
the World-Honored One transmit
anything to you other than the golden
monastic robe? Mahakashyapa
shouted in reply, Ananda! Ananda
responded. Mahakashyapa said, Knock
down the flagpole in front of the gate!
See also arhat.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
(J. Muga) The teaching of No-Self, the
most basic and distinctive teaching of
Theravada Buddhism. According to
tradition, the historical Buddha discov-
ered the truth of Anatman during med-
itation and taught it to others, begin-
ning with his first sermon. The teaching
denies the existence of atman, or soul,
which is eternal, abiding, and unchang-
ing. Attachment to the concept of such
a false self is the fundamental cause of
human suffering. Realization that no
such self exists is the basis for the
attainment of nirvana, or release.
According to the Buddhist under-
standing of Anatman, the true self can
be understood as the ever-changing
configuration of five elements, known
as the five skandhas. Rather than pos-
sessing an eternal and unchanging soul,
the individual is actually an on-going
process of transformation. The classical
text explaining the concept of Anatman
is the Questions of King Milinda. In the
text, Nagasena, the Buddhist monk,
uses the image of a chariot made from a
configuration of interdependent parts
to express this concept.
Anatman is a basic concept in
Mahayana Buddhism, although in an
altered form. The Mahayana tradition
extends the analysis of an individuals
No-Self applying it to all things
(Dharmas). This led to the Mahayana
teaching of shunyata, or emptiness.
Conze, Edward. Buddhist Scriptures:
A Bibliography. Ed. Lewis Lancaster.
New York: Garland, 1982.
The five-strip inner garment worn by
Buddhist monks and nuns. Andae is the
Japanese transliteration of the Sanskrit
term antarvasa. See goje.
Attendants hallthe living quarters for
novices at Zen monasteries of the Sung
dynasty (9601279). Used as an alterna-
tive term for the anjad. See anjad.
The rainy-season retreat. A three-
month period during the summer
when monks and nuns stay at a temple
or monastery for an intensive practice
session. Traditionally the summer
retreat was observed from the middle
of the fourth lunar month through the
middle of the seventh lunar month
(roughly April through July). The term
literally means peaceful dwelling and
is the Japanese rendering of the
Sanskrit vrsika. The custom dates
back to the time of the historical
Buddha, before the establishment of
permanent monastic dwellings.
During the Buddhas lifetime, he and
his disciples traveled throughout the
year, teaching and lecturing in the vil-
lages they visited along the way. They
settled down temporarily during the
annual rainy season when travel was
inconvenient and sometimes unsafe.
Eventually, the Buddhist monastic
code (vinaya) forbade travel during the
rainy season, a period of ninety days.
Today, the Zen community in Japan
observes the summer retreat as one of
two annual retreats. Major monasteries
hold the summer retreat from April 16
through July 15 and a winter retreat
from November through January.
During the retreat, monks and nuns
strictly observe the Zen monastic rules
(shingi), concentrating their efforts on
meditation. In many cases, up to four-
teen hours of each day are dedicated to
seated meditation. Travel outside the
temple is strictly limited for the dura-
tion of the retreat; even word of a par-
ents death will not be passed along
until the end of the retreat.
The rainy-season retreat is com-
monly called ge-ango (summer
retreat), or u-ango (rainy retreat) in
Japanese. Dgen Kigen (12001253)
discusses the St customs for the ango
in the seventy-ninth chapter of the
Shbgenz, called Ango. See also
St sect.
Buswell, Robert E., Jr. The Zen Monastic
Experience: Buddhist Practice in
Contemporary Korea. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992.
Literally meaning to go on foot; the
Zen practice of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage
is a traditional aspect of the Zen
lifestyle. Historically, angya referred to
the common practice of Zen monks
and nuns travelling from master to
master, or monastery to monastery.
Pilgrimage served a number of pur-
poses. Initially, a monk or nun traveled
in search of a comparable master with
whom to begin the practice of Zen.
Student and teacher alike needed to
evaluate the other. Masters often tested
a potential disciples resolve before
admitting him or her to the assembly. In
earlier centuries, pilgrimage was not
limited to beginners; advanced practi-
tioners also traveled. Masters often
encouraged disciples who had attained
some level of maturity to experience the
Zen styles of other teachers as a means
to further their practice. Monks and
nuns sometimes spent years travelling,
becoming familiar with the styles of var-
ious Zen masters of the day. In this case,
pilgrimage played an essential role
in preparing a Zen practitioner to
become a master who would guide the
practice of others.
In modern Japan, however, angya
usually applies to the initial journey
made by a new trainee (unsui) seeking
admission to a main monastery for for-
mal training. The experience has now
been ritualized and follows a set pat-
tern. The trainee, already ordained, will
approach the monastery dressed as a
pilgrim monk and formally ask for
admission. The traditional dress for a
pilgrim includes a bamboo hat (kasa),
straw sandals, and cotton leggings. The
pilgrim carries all necessary items,
including a full set of monastic robes
(kesa), begging bowls, a razor to shave
the head, and a straw raincoat (mino).
Inevitably, the monastery refuses the
initial request for entry with a set expla-
nation. The monastery officer usually
explains that the monastery has no
space to accommodate a new trainee or
is too poor to support one. The trainee
must then wait patiently outside the
entrance gate (niwa zume) until he is
finally admitted on a probationary basis
(tanga zume) after a number of days.
An attendant or lay novice. Historically,
anja were lay people who lived on
temple grounds before being ordained.
In China, it was quite common for lay
novices to live and work on temple
grounds for extended periods of time
without ever seeking ordination. In
Japan, that practice was less common; in
most cases, Japanese anja were young
men or boys who had not yet completed
their training for ordination. At a Zen
temple, novices serve a variety of func-
tions and perform most of the manual
labor for the monastic community
tending fields, assisting with preparation
and serving of meals, cleaning temple
buildings (shichid garan) and grounds.
Traditionally anja had their own quarters
within the temple grounds (anjad),
separate from those of the ordained
monks. Today, younger monks in train-
ing at Zen monasteries (also called anja)
serve the same functions.
The same Chinese characters which
spell the word anja are also pronounced
gyja when used in an unrelated con-
text. See also lay believer.
Angya, the Zen practice of pilgrimage, requires a traditional dress that includes robes and a straw hat.
Assistants hall. A separate residence on
temple grounds for anja, the unor-
dained novices who traditionally served
in a variety of roles in Chinese Zen
monasteries. In temples, the anjad
were often quite large and elaborate,
since it was common practice for large
numbers of lay novices to reside and
work at the monastery for many years
without seeking ordination. In addition
to sleeping quarters, the complex
included a meditation hall, reading
room, latrine, and wash stand. Only
vestiges of the anjad survived in the
Japanese Zen context, since Japanese
monasteries did not perpetuate the
practice of having lay novices in resi-
dence for extended periods of time. See
also lay believer.
Brief biographical account of any Zen
masters pilgrimages and enlighten-
ment experience. Anroku is the
Japanese rendering of the Chinese term
hsing-lu. Also pronounced gyroku or
One of the ten distinguished disciples of
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama), Anuruddha is renowned for
his divine insight. Anuruddha (J.
Anaritsu) came from the Shakya family
and was a cousin of Shakyamuni. Like
Shakyamuni, he had been raised in great
luxury and found the monastic life diffi-
cult. Although he persevered in his prac-
tice, on one occasion he fell asleep while
the Buddha was preaching. Ashamed of
his weakness, Anuruddha took a vow of
sleeplessness. As a result of his intense
practice and lack of sleep, Anuruddha
eventually lost his eyesight. The loss of his
physical vision led to his attainment of
spiritual insight. According to some tradi-
tions, Anuruddha recited the
Abhidharma Pitaka, one of the three sec-
tions of the Tripitaka, at the First Council.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi
Supreme perfect enlightenment. This is
the Sanskrit term for the perfect, unsur-
passed enlightenment experienced by
the buddhas. The term is often left
untranslated in Buddhist texts. The
Japanese transliteration is anokutara
sammyaku sambodai.
Arada Kalama
One of two Indian meditation masters
with whom Siddharta Gautama studied
before he attained enlightenment.
Kalama taught a form of yogic medita-
tion leading to a state of deep concen-
tration beyond sensory perception.
According to traditional accounts,
Siddharta mastered Kalamas teachings
easily, and Kalama was prepared
to accept him as his equal and co-
teacher. Feeling that the meditative
states that he had attained were not yet
the enlightenment he sought, Siddharta
left Kalama.
Japanese transliteration for the
Sanskrit term Alaya vijnana. See
alaya consciousness.
Known in Japanese as kyd, archery is
one of the traditional East Asian martial
arts most closely associated with the
Zen sect of Buddhism. See kyd.
Holy one worthy of veneration; one
who has attained release (nirvana)
from the cycle of suffering by following
the Eightfold Path of Buddhism.
According to the tradition of
Theravada Buddhism, the arhat is the
ideal practitioner of Buddhismone
who has attained the same level of



















Statue of an arhat housed in the Daiyhden at Mampukuji in Uji, Japan.
enlightenment as the historical Buddha,
Siddharta Gautama. Theravada Buddhism
recognizes four stages along the path to
enlightenment; the arhat has attained
the highest stage. Like the Buddha, the
arhat has nothing left to learn and is
worthy of veneration by others. At
death, the arhat achieves ultimate
release (parinirvana) from samsara,
the ongoing cycle of birth, death, and
rebirth. The term is also one of the ten
epithets of respect used for the Buddha.
The tradition of Mahayana
Buddhism generally regards the arhat
as inferior to the bodhisattva, the
Mahayana ideal of a Buddhist practi-
tioner. According to Mahayana, arhats
selfishly aspire to their own enlighten-
ment, without compassionate concern
for others. In contrast to this, bod-
hisattvas are presented as compassion-
ate beings who simultaneously seek
enlightenment for themselves and all
other sentient beings.
During the Tang dynasty (618907),
Chinese artists depicted the arhat as
grotesque figures, often with exaggerated
features. Chinese Buddhists came to favor
a group of sixteen disciples of the histori-
cal Buddha who attained enlightenment
as a subject of their art. The Sixteen Arhats
became a common theme in East Asia
Buddhist painting, sculpture, and other
styles of sacred imagery. In some cases,
the group depicted was the Five Hundred
Arhats mentioned in the Lotus Sutra.
Although the arhats were not originally
intended as positive images within the
iconography of Mahayana art, in popular
understanding they were regarded as
guardian figures who protect the Buddha
and the Dharma from evil forces.
Like the early tradition, the Zen
school tends to regard the arhat as a fig-
ure worthy of respect and admiration.
Indeed, Zen masters extol the arhat as
an ideal worthy of emulation. Like the
arhat, the Zen practitioner must rely
upon the self alone, struggling toward
the attainment of enlightenment with-
out reliance on any external assistance.
Portrayals of the Sixteen Arhats are
depicted in Zen art. Many Zen temples
even have a separate hall in which their
images are enshrined.
The Chinese and Japanese terms
Lohan and Rakan became a title of
respect used in reference to enlightened
Zen masters.
Kent, Richard K. Depictions of the
Guardians of the Law: Lohan
Painting in China. In Latter Days of
the Law: Images of Chinese
Buddhism, 8501850. Ed. Marsha
Weidner. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1994.
de Visser, Marinus Willem. The Arhats in
China and Japan. Berlin:
Oesterheld and Co., 1923.
Ascetic Practices
Ascetic practices are forms of self-denial
undertaken for religious purposes. The
most common forms of religious asceti-
cism include fasting, celibacy, and sleep
deprivation. Extreme forms of asceticism
include self-mutilation (especially castra-
tion), and fasting to the point of starva-
tion. While Buddhist monastic life can be
characterized as a modified form of
ascetic practice, the tradition rejects
extreme forms. This rejection can be
traced to the teachings of the historical
Buddha. After six years of harsh ascetic
practice, which brought him to the brink
of death, Siddharta Gautama concluded
that the extreme path of self-denial was
not helpful in attaining enlightenment.
He devised a path balancing extreme
asceticism and hedonism (the quest
for complete self-gratification). The
Buddha called his path the middle way,
the traditional name for what is now
known as Buddhism.
The Zen tradition maintains many of
the modified forms of ascetic practice
observed by other forms of Buddhism,
especially within the monastic setting.
Like other Buddhist monks and nuns,
Zen monastics traditionally remain celi-
bate, consume food only before the noon
hour, limit their diet to exclude liquor,
intoxicants, some spices and meats, and
maintain a strict schedule of early rising
Ascetic Practices
and relatively short periods of sleep.
These practices are intended to promote
concentration during meditation and to
reduce attachment to worldly values. At
the same time, they are designed to main-
tain the physical health of the body,
which the Buddha felt contributed posi-
tively to the meditative life.
Nevertheless, there are a number of
notable examples in the Zen literature
of practitioners who displayed extraor-
dinary levels of ascetic practice in their
single-minded quest for enlightenment.
Bodhidharma, the First Patriarch, is
said to have spent nine years facing a
wall in meditation; he was so intent on
attaining his goal that he lost the use of
his arms and legs. Hui-ko (487593),
the Second Patriarch, is said to have cut
off his own arm in order to demonstrate
to Bodhidharma his absolute dedica-
tion to pursuing the Dharma. Other
Zen monks, such as the Japanese monk
Bankei Ytaku, followed the Buddhas
example and practiced forms of
extreme asceticism until it threatened
their lives. Like the Buddha, Bankei
found that the answer was not achieved
through self-punishment.
(J. Ashida) An Indian holy man and seer
who visited the newborn Siddharta
Gautama. Ashita examined the child
and found marks of greatness. He
told Suddhodana, the childs father,
that his son would become either a
great religious leader (buddha) or a
great king (Cakravarti).
(J. Aiku) The Indian king who ruled the
Maurya empire in the third century
B.C.E. Ashoka inherited the throne circa
269 B.C.E. from his father, Bindusara,
and extended the empire to encompass
most of the Indian subcontinent.
According to Buddhist legend, Ashoka
defeated the Kalingas in a bloody war.
After witnessing the suffering he
inflicted on the Kalingas, he chose to
forsake violence and devote himself to
the peaceful study and teachings of the
Dharma. He became a devout Buddhist
and spent the rest of his life promoting
Buddhism throughout India. Ashoka
had several stone pillars engraved with
edicts declaring the Dharma.
Additionally, he is believed to have
erected 84,000 stupas and temples
throughout India, many of them mark-
ing religiously significant sites from the
Buddhas life. Ashoka promoted reli-
gious tolerance, denounced both hunt-
ing for sport and the sacrifice of ani-
mals, and commanded his administra-
tors to protect the welfare of the people.
He supported the Buddhist sangha and
public welfare projects such as sponsor-
ing hospitals, building rest houses along
major roads, and digging wells.
Ashoka is also credited with conven-
ing the Third Buddhist Council, held in
the Mauryan capital of Pataliputra.
Ashoka sent out emissaries to spread the
teachings of Buddhism to other lands,
including Egypt, Syria, and Sri Lanka. He
is sometimes regarded as the second
founder of Buddhism, one who embodies
the qualities of the ideal lay devotee, and
serves as the model for the perfect
Buddhist ruler. See also lay believer.
Strong, John S. The Legend of King
Ashoka: A Study and Translation of
the Asokavadana. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1983.
Fierce, pugnacious supernatural beings,
or demi-gods; often translated as titan.
According to the Hindu tradition, ashura
are evil spirits who continually engage
in warfare with the gods, especially Indra.
In this context, they are regarded as
demons or anti-gods. The Buddhist
tradition has reinterpreted the concept,
transforming ashura into protective
spirits who guard the Buddhist Dharma.
While they remain fond of fighting, they
are no longer seen as evil.
In Buddhism, existence as an ashura
is considered one of the six realms
(rokud) into which an individual may
be reincarnated. The level of the ashura
in the hierarchy of beings is generally
regarded as a higher realm than that of
human because they are supernatural
in power and activity. In other contexts,
the ashura are interpreted as one of the
evil paths (akud) in which one suffers
punishment for past misdeeds.
Indian monk who lived during the late
first and early second centuries C.E.
Ashvaghosha was a poet, Buddhist
philosopher, and proponent of
Mahayana teachings. He is best known
as the author of the Buddhacharita
(Acts of the Buddha), one of the first
biographies of Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama). He is known to
have composed a number of treatises
on Mahayana thought; several more are
attributed to him.
The Zen school reveres Ashvaghosha
as one of the twenty-eight Indian patri-
archs of Zen. In the Ching-te Chan-
teng Lu, for example, he is included as
the twelfth Indian patriarch.
(J. ga) The Hindu concept of a soul or
true self within a human being.
According to Hindu philosophy, the
atman is the eternal and non-physical
aspect of a person, identified with the
cosmic soul, or Brahman. In the classi-
cal philosophical tradition, release
(moksha) is attained by contemplating
the nature of the atman and realizing its
identification with Brahman.
Buddhism denies the existence of
the atman, rejecting the concept that
any eternal, abiding, and unchanging
aspect exists (Anatman). According to
tradition, the Buddha sought an atman,
as the Hindu tradition suggests, but dis-
covered that it did not actually exist. In
Buddhism, the atman is a false sense of
self to which human beings become
attached. This attachment leads
inevitably to suffering. Release from
suffering is attained with the realization
that there is no atman.
Buddhism regards attachmentthe
desire for things or pleasure, or obses-
sion with ideas and conceptsas one of
the basic afflictions (bonn) that cause
human suffering and hinder progress
toward enlightenment. The tradition
recognizes various kinds of attach-
ments, from very coarse to very subtle.
The crudest forms of attachment are to
sensual pleasures, including cravings
for sex, food, and wealth. The basic
Buddhist precepts, including the five
precepts of lay believers and the ten
precepts of novices, are designed to
reduce these coarser attachments.
People also form more subtle attach-
ments, however, to intangible things
like ideas. One of the most persistent
attachments, for example, is the human
tendency to cling to a false concept of
the self (atman). To overcome this sort
of attachment, one must learn medita-
tive techniques, which help to expose
the emptiness of the concept. Advanced
practitioners of Buddhism sometimes
become attached to the Buddhist teach-
ings themselves. In this case, the very
Dharma can become a hindrance to
enlightenment, since it is a means to an
end and not enlightenment itself. The
traditional image describing attach-
ment to the teachings compares them
to a raft, carrying the believer from this
shore of samsara to the other shore of
nirvana. Upon reaching the far shore,
however, the raft becomes useless and
can be abandoned. Clinging to the
teachings is the same as insisting on
carrying the raft on ones back.
The bodhisattva of infinite compassion
and mercy; one of the most important
bodhisattvas, or beings seeking enlight-
enment, in the pantheon of Mahayana
Buddhism. Avalokiteshvara is revered
throughout the Mahayana world by
Buddhists of all schools. The exact
meaning of the Sanskrit name is some-
what obscure and is debated by schol-
ars. It may mean one who looks upon
the suffering of the world, or one who
hears the cries of those suffering in the
world. The bodhisattva appears in sev-
eral Mahayana sutras, including the
Heart Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, in
which one chapter is devoted to
Avalokiteshvaras special powers to res-
cue those in need.
In China, Avalokiteshvara is known
as Kuan-yin, one who observes
the sounds. In Japan, the bodhisattva is
called Kannon, the Japanese pronuncia-
tion of the Chinese characters. Changes
occurred in the presentation and
description of Avalokiteshvara as devo-
tion to the bodhisattva spread through-
out East Asia. Although Avalokiteshvara
was portrayed as masculine in Indian
images and texts, female images
emerged in China and Japan.
Avalokiteshvara Sutra
A brief Buddhist text dedicated to a
description of the power of the bod-
hisattva named Avalokiteshvara (Ch.
Kuan-yin; J. Kannon). Although the text
has circulated as a single work, it
appears in the original Sanskrit version
of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-pun-
darika-sutra) as Chapter 24. In the
Chinese translation of the Lotus Sutra
prepared by Kumarajiva, the most pop-
ular version used in East Asia, the
Avalokiteshvara Sutra is Chapter 25. It is
known as the Kuan-yin Ching in
Chinese and the Kannonky in
Japanese. The text is commonly
chanted at Zen temples throughout
East Asia, especially at ceremonies
where lay practitioners are present.
There have been many English transla-
tions based on the Chinese, including
those by Hurvitz and Watson.
The text begins with a bodhisattva
asking Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama), why Avalokiteshvara, liter-
ally called One Who Perceives the
Sounds of the World, is so named.
Shakyamuni responds by recounting all
calamities from which Avalokiteshvara
will save a believer who calls out to him
for help. The bodhisattva then asks in
what form Avalokiteshvara appears to
perform these acts of compassion. The
Buddha explains that Avalokiteshvara
assumes any form that is appropriate to
the situation of the person in need, list-
ing thirty-three different manifestation.
See also lay believer.
Hurvitz, Leon, trans. Scripture of the
Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1982.
Watson, Burton, trans. The Lotus Sutra.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1993.
Avatamsaka Sutra
The Flower Garland Sutra; a Mahayana
sutra originally composed in Sanskrit but
now preserved in the Chinese translation
known as the Hua-yen Sutra. It became
the central text of the Chinese Hua-yen
school (J. Kegon school) and had wide-
spread influence and popularity in various
other schools of East Asian Buddhism.
There are three Chinese translations of
the text: Buddhabhadra in 418421 (T. 9,
no. 278), Shiksananda in 695699 (T. 10,
no. 279), and Prajna in 759762 (T. 10, no.
293). According to tradition, the Avatam-
saka Sutra represents the Buddhas first
sermon, given almost immediately after
he attained enlightenment. His audience
found the concepts so difficult to grasp
that the Buddha decided to alter his
teaching strategy and begin with the sim-
pler Theravada concepts.
The sutra contains a number of
chapters that once circulated as inde-
pendent texts, including a chapter
describing the ten stages of a bod-
hisattva. Another major segment of
the text, known in Sanskrit as the
Gandavyuha, describes the travels of
a pilgrim, Sudhana, who seeks guid-
ance from numerous teachers in his
quest to learn the way of the bod-
hisattva. The Gandavyuha has been
translated into English by Thomas
Cleary under the title Entry into the
Realm of Reality.
The Avatamsaka Sutra presents the
teachings of the Mdhyamaka and
Yogachara schools of Mahayana
Avatamsaka Sutra
Buddhism, as well as important new
concepts. Its prominent teachings
include the notion that all sentient
beings possess Buddha Nature, that
Absolute Truth and Relative Truth are
not mutually exclusive or mutually
denying, and that all phenomena are
interdependent and interpenetrating.
The Zen tradition makes extensive
use of teachings and images drawn
from the Avatamsaka Sutra. From the
beginning, Zen teachings were heavily
influenced by Hua-yen thoughtso
much so, that the modern Zen scholar,
D. T. Suzuki (16891966), maintained
that Zen emerged from the philosophi-
cal basis of Hua-yen thought.
Avici Hell
The lowest and harshest region of hell,
where the suffering is interminable.
Avici is the worst of the eight hot hells
(hachinetsu jigoku) reserved for those
who have committed one of the five
deadly acts (gogyakuzai) or slandered
the Dharma. The inhabitants of Avici
hell constantly cry out in pain. In
Japanese, the Avici hell is called Muken
jigoku, the Hell of Incessant Suffering.
Awakening of Faith
Known in Chinese as the Ta-cheng Chi-
hsin lun, and in Japanese as the Daij
Kishinron, a comprehensive summary
of Mahayana teachings traditionally
attributed to Ashvaghosha, an Indian
Zen patriarch. Modern scholars have
concluded that Ashvaghosha probably
did not compose the original Sanskrit
texts, as none survive. Scholars believe
it was composed originally in Chinese.
There are two Chinese versions believed
to be translations completed by
Paramartha (T. 32, no. 1666) around 550
C.E. and by Shiksananada (T. 32, no.
1667) around 700 C.E. Despite its brevity,
the treatise is among the most influen-
tial texts in all of East Asian Buddhism.
Approximately 170 commentaries were
written to explicate its tersely argued
contents. The most important of
the traditional commentaries was
written by Fa-tsang (643712),
patriarch of the Hua-yen school. Other
schools, including Shingon, Zen, and
Pure Land, hold the text in high regard.
See also Shingon sect.
Hakeda, Yoshito S., trans. The
Awakening of Faith. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
(J. Aiku-zan) Mount A-yu-wang, an
important religious site for Zen, located
in present-day Chekiang, China. A-yu-
wang is the Chinese name for the
Indian Buddhist monarch, Ashoka.
According to tradition, the Buddhist
monk Hui-tah discovered an old stupa
on the mountain in 281 C.E. Believing it
to be one of the 84,000 stupas erected
by Ashoka centuries earlier, Hui-tah
named the mountain for King Ashoka.
Centuries later, the mountain became
the site of the Zen monastery Kuan-li-
ssu; A-yu-wang-shan became known as
one of the Five Mountains (Ch. wu-
shan; J. Gozan temples), the most pres-
tigious Zen monasteries in China.
Avici Hell
Plum tea, a sweet beverage made by
steeping plums and sugar. At some
Zen temples in Japan, it is served daily
to the resident monks or nuns after the
morning service.
Baiy Jikushin
(16331707) A Japanese St monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867), who
participated in reform movements
within the St sect. Baiy was born in
Osaka, Japan and became a Buddhist
monk at age eleven. He became the
Dharma heir of Ryban Shun of
Ksh-ji and joined with Manzan
Dhaku, the reformer, to petition the
Japanese government for permission to
restore the original system of Dharma
succession within the St sect. They
were successful in their efforts, and
isshi insh became the norm once
A military government in Japan under the
leadership of a shgun. The term literally
means tent government, referring to the
field headquarters of a military leader dur-
ing wartime. Later, the term referred to a
permanent military government head-
quarters. Gradually it became the com-
mon term for the military government
itself. There have been several bakufu in
Japanese history, established under suc-
cessive lineages of shgun. Bakufu existed
during the Kamakura (11851333),
Ashikaga (13921568), and Tokugawa
(16001867) periods. The bakufu is also
called shogunate in English.
During each period, the bakufu
maintained close relations with the Zen
school, acting as supporters for various
Zen masters and monasteries. It is com-
monly noted that during the Kamakura
period, the bakufu sponsored the newly
imported Zen school because Zen was
better suited to military culture than
older, more established forms of
Buddhism. The Ashikaga ordered the
construction of an extensive network of
Zen temples throughout the country,
which served as state temples
(kokubunji). See also samurai.
Ball of Doubt
(J. gidan) A Zen expression for the ten-
sion that builds up in a Zen practitioner,
especially when teaching or working on
a kan. According to Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) the formation of this ball of
doubt is one of the essential elements of
Zen practice. When the ball of doubt
finally shatters, the practitioner has an
experience of satori, or enlightenment.
Zen texts sometimes use the phrase to
smash the ball of doubt as an expres-
sion for attaining enlightenment.
Yampolsky, Philip B., trans. The Zen
Master Hakuin: Selected Writings.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1971.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
Zen Dust: The History of the Kan
and Kan Study in Rinzai (Lin-chi)
Zen. New York: Harcourt, Brace &
World, 1967.
Evening services; one of three periods
of ritual chanting, along with morning
and midday services, held daily in a Zen
monastery. The evening service is held
before dusk in the main hall (Butsuden).
It includes the chanting of various
sutras and other prayers. It is known
more fully as banka fugin.
Bankei Ytaku
(16221693) Japanese Rinzai monk from
the early Tokugawa period (16001867),
officially recognized as a member of the
Bankei Ytaku
lineage of Myshin-ji. Bankei was born to
a samurai family of Confucian scholars.
He rebelled against the Confucian
education that his family expected of him,
turning instead to the Zen sect of
Buddhismto answer his religious doubts.
He practiced under several important
masters of the day, including Umpo Zenj
(15721653) and the Chinese monk Tao-
che Chao-yan (d. 1660). Nevertheless,
he regarded himself as self-taught, refus-
ing to accept official sanction (J. inka)
from Tao-che. He became Umpos
Dharma heir fulfilling Umpos dying
wish. Although Bankei established several
temples and accepted disciples, he did
not officially transmit the Dharma to any
successor and establish a lineage.
Nevertheless, Bankei had a deep influ-
ence on the Zen Buddhism of his day, pri-
marily through his public sermons,
which were later published.
Later in life, Bankei became a popular
preacher, opening his Dharma talks to
the general public and attracting large
crowds. Thus, he promoted his unique
style of Zen to Buddhist monks and nuns
from other sects and to all social classes.
In his sermons, Bankei explained the
Unborn Buddha Mind as innate within
every individual. Human beings have no
need to struggle to become buddhas;
they need only trust in the unborn.
Instead of recommending seated medi-
tation (zazen) or contemplation based
on a kan as is the norm in Rinzai prac-
tice, Bankei encouraged his audience to
simply abide in the Unborn Buddha
Mind. See also Rinzai sect.
Haskell, Peter. Bankei Zen: Translations
from the Record of Bankei. New
York: Grove Press, 1984.
Waddell, Norman. The Unborn: The Life
and Teaching of Zen Master Bankei,
16221693. New York: North Point
Press, 2000.
A kingdom in central India at the time
of the historical Buddha. The capital
city, also called Baranashi, was the site
of the Deer Park, where the Buddha
gave his first sermon to the five mendi-
cants. The Deer Park is near the pre-
sent-day city of Benares.
(J. koshu) In Chinese texts, the term
may apply to any foreigner. In Zen
materials, the expression refers almost
exclusively to Bodhidharma, the tradi-
tional founder of Zen in China. He is
often called the Barbarian with a Red
Beard (J. Shaku Koshu), since it was
commonly believed that all foreigners
had red hair.
See Matsuo Bash.
Bas Ditsu
Japanese transliteration of Ma-tsu Tao-i
(709788), one of the most influential
Chinese Zen masters of the Tang
dynasty (618907). See Ma-tsu Tao-i.
Bassui Tokush
(13271387) Japanese Rinzai monk of the
third generation of the Hott-Ha, who
lived during the Kamakura period
(11851333). Bassui was born in Sagami,
in present-day Kanagawa Prefecture. He
was plagued by religious doubts in his
early years, and did not take the tonsure
until he was twenty-eight years old. Later,
he regarded doubt as the crucial factor in
the struggle for enlightenment. After
becoming a monk, he set out on a pil-
grimage seeking a master. He met Koh
Kakumy and almost immediately
became his Dharma heir, although he
only remained with the master for two
months. Bassui then continued on his pil-
grimage until 1380, when patrons con-
structed a monastery for him in Enzan,
present-day Yamanashi Prefecture. He
named the temple Kgoku-ji and estab-
lished a community of disciples. He is
regarded as the founder of the Kgoku-ji
branch of Rinzai Zen. He received the
posthumous title Ek Daien Zenji, which
Begging Alms
means ZenMaster Great Perfection of the
Light of Wisdom. See also Rinzai sect.
Begging Alms
The practice of making begging rounds,
during which Buddhist monks and nuns
accept donations of food, clothing, and
other necessities from lay supporters.
Begging alms, or mendicancy, dates back
to the lifetime of the historical Buddha
in ancient India, but the Buddha was not
the first or only religious leader to
encourage the practice as a regular part
of monastic life. At the time, many reli-
gious groups embraced mendicancy as a
form of ascetic practice. For Buddhist
monks and nuns, mendicancy was tradi-
tionally a regulated part of the monastic
life. It is required by the vinaya, the
Theravadan monastic code which gov-
erns life within Buddhist monasteries.
The vinaya explicitly forbids monks and
nuns to earn a living through means
other than begging. It defines begging as
the right livelihood for monks and
nuns. Although the Buddhist monastic
community continues to rely on lay sup-
port, begging rounds remain an active
part of monastic life in only a few parts of
the Buddhist world.
According to the vinaya, monks and
nuns should beg for alms each morning,
silently visiting the houses of lay people.
The rules require them to keep their eyes
cast downward and to make no special
requests. They are not allowed to refuse
any offering, regardless of the foods
quality. Even meat is to be accepted, pro-
vided the animal was not slaughtered
specifically for the monk or nun. After
making the begging rounds, they return
to the monastery before the noon hour
to eat whatever was offered to them. The
vinaya regulates the types of offerings
lay people may make. For example,
monks and nuns traditionally could not
accept cash donations, since they were
forbidden to handle money. However,
modern cash economies have forced the
monastic community to develop various
means to accept monetary donations in
order to purchase goods and services.
Within the Buddhist monastic con-
text, begging for alms serves a number of
related purposes. It is one of the ascetic
practices that the vinaya imposes on
monks and nuns to reduce their attach-
ment to wealth and material things.
Buddhism regards attachment to mater-
ial possessions as one of the basic obsta-
cles to enlightenment. In addition, beg-
ging is often a humbling experience that
can help to reduce ones attachment to
the false self (atman). Also of great impor-
tance is the opportunity which mendi-
cancy provides for lay people to build
merit. Begging allows for a mutually ben-
eficial relationship to develop between
the ordained and lay portions of the
Buddhist sangha. While lay people pro-
vide for the physical necessities of monks
and nuns, the monastic community pro-
vides lay people with spiritual benefits.
In East Asian Buddhism, begging
for alms has never been common
practice except in the case of the Zen
school. The reasons for this are not com-
pletely clear, but they probably include
differences in culture and climate. First,
the practice of monks and nuns living
from the labor of lay supporters conflicts
with the dominant Confucian principle of
productive labor by all members of soci-
ety. In addition, unlike India, the weather
in many parts of East Asia makes mendi-
cancy a severe hardship. Throughout the
region, Buddhist monasteries and
temples relied on two basic sources of
income: land ownership and financial
assistance from government sponsorship
and wealthy lay patrons.
In the Zen sects of East Asia today,
begging for alms is not practiced univer-
sally as a regular part of the monastic life.
When it does occur, monks and nuns do
not follow the ancient pattern of daily
rounds to receive prepared food for the
days sustenance. Japanese Zen monks
and nuns go out on begging rounds sev-
eral days each month. They typically beg
in small groups, walking through the
streets single file, calling out the word
H, meaning Dharma. Lay believers
offer them donations, usually money or
uncooked rice. The exchange is marked
by mutual respect and gratitude, with
both parties bowing to each other. The
practice is known as jihatsu in Japanese.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic
Life: According to the Texts of the
Theravada Tradition. Trans. Claude
Grangier and Steven Collins. New
York: Cambridge University Press,
Begging Bowl
The bowl that Buddhist monks and
nuns traditionally used to collect
donations of food from lay people. The
begging bowl is one of the few basic
possessions allowed to monks and
nuns. Traditionally they used the same
bowl for begging and for eating the
food. According to the early monastic
code (vinaya), the bowl should be made
of iron or clay; materials such as gold,
silver, bronze, glass, and wood were for-
bidden. Each morning, monks and
nuns went out to beg food (jihatsu)
from lay people living in the vicinity.
Monks and nuns were required to
accept whatever type of food lay people
put into their bowls; they were strictly
forbidden to request special foods. They
returned to the monastery before the
noon hour to consume the food they
had collected.
In Zen monasteries, monks and
nuns generally own a set of nested
bowls which they receive at ordination
as a part of their personal possessions.
They use this set of bowls for all meals
eaten at the monastery. The largest of
the set, also called jihatsu or ryki, is
comparable to the historical begging
bowl used in India. Although techni-
cally forbidden by the vinaya, most
bowls used by Zen monks and nuns
today are made from red or black lac-
quered wood. See also begging alms
and lay believer.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic
Life: According to the Texts of the
Theravada Tradition. Trans. Claude
Grangier and Steven Collins. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Present-day city in India, which is the
site of the Deer Park, where the Buddha
gave his first sermon after attaining
enlightenment. During the time of the
Buddha, the city was known as
Baranashi, the capital city of the king-
dom bearing the same name.
Discourse on the Practice of the Way,
the first chapter of Dgen Kigens
Shbgenz. Dgen composed his first
major composition in 1231, while living
in Fukukusa. Dgen employs a question
and answer format to structure the text,
answering the doubts and queries of a
fictitious beginner. He includes an
autobiographical account of his own
search for enlightenment. He also
explains his style of zazen, distinguish-
ing it from other forms of meditation,
and invites serious practice by lay
people, monks, and nuns alike. Dgen
argues that zazen is not just another
style of meditation, but enlightenment
itself. He presents zazen as the original
way of the Buddha and all the patri-
archs. See also lay believer.
The Bendwa has been translated
into English by Abe and Waddell, in
Eastern Buddhist, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1971),
pp. 124157.
A river goddess from Hindu and
Buddhist mythology, known as
Sarashvati in Sanskrit. Benzaiten
(often shortened to Benten) is associ-
ated with eloquence, learning, and
music. She is depicted playing a lute
(biwa), or carrying the sword of wis-
dom and a wish-granting jewel (mani).
In Mahayana Buddhism, she is
regarded as the female counterpart of
Manjusri, the bodhisattva of wisdom.
In Japan, she is worshipped as one of
the seven lucky gods (shichifukujin),
and regarded as a patron deity of the
performing arts.
Begging Bowl
The begging bowl, one of the few basic possessions allowed to Buddhist monks,
is traditionally used to collect donations of food.
An alternative answer that a master pro-
vides for a kan, one which differs from
the answer given in the original exchange.
Literally, the word means to offer a differ-
ent response. When Zen masters com-
piled collections of historical kan cases,
they often appended different types of
answers of their own devising. (The other
basic type of answer is the daigo.) The
betsugo was one such type, given when
the master disagreed with the original
answer. The practice of adding on alter-
native answers is said to have originated
in Yunmens school during the Sung
dynasty (9601279) in China.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
Zen Dust: The History of the Kan
and Kan Study in Rinzai (Lin-chi)
Zen. New York: Harcourt, Brace &
World, 1967.
A wandering monk or mendicant; one
who has renounced home life and lives
as a wandering holy man, begging for
alms. Bhikkhu is the Pali term, related to
the Sanskrit bhiksu ( J. Biku). In
Buddhism, the term refers to a male
member of the sangha, the community
of Buddhist believers who have
accepted the approximately 250
precepts of the monastic code and
received full ordination.
In most schools of Mahayana
Buddhism, bhikkhu applies to any male
who has received full ordination, usually
based on the vinayathe same monastic
code used in the tradition of Theravada
Buddhism. In the Zen school, this is true
of Zen monks in China and Korea, as well
as for Obaku Zen monks in Japan, all of
whom are fully ordained when they
receive the 250 precepts. St and Rinzai
monks in Japan are not ordained using
the Theravada precepts. Nevertheless, the
term is used in reference to them. See also
Obaku sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic
Life: According to the Texts of the
Theravada Tradition. Trans. Claude
Grangier and Steven Collins. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
(J. bikuni) A wandering nun or mendi-
cant; one who has renounced home life
and lives as a wandering holy woman,
begging for alms. Bhikkhuni is the Pali
term, related to the Sanskrit bhiksuni. In
Buddhism, it applies to a female member
of the sangha, the community of
Buddhist believers who have received full
ordination. Following the Theravada
monastic code (vinaya), full ordination
for women involves accepting some 500
precepts. According to traditional
accounts, the first Buddhist nun was the
Buddhas foster mother and maternal
aunt, Maha Prajapati. When she asked
the Buddha to accept her as an ordained
member of the sangha, he refused. He
finally conceded to admitting women to
the ordained orders of the sangha after
one of his principal disciples, Ananda,
intervened on his foster mothers behalf.
The Buddha accepted the admission of
nuns, provided that they undertake a set
of precepts in addition to those taken by
monks. These precepts require that nuns
remain subservient to monks.
In many parts of the Buddhist world,
the order of nuns died out sometime after
the tenth century C.E. In some areas,
women continued to wear robes and live
the life of ordained members of the
sangha without having access to ordina-
tion. The vinaya requires that a minimum
community of at least ten fully ordained,
senior nuns be present to perform ordi-
nations. In areas lacking that number, the
formal ordination became an impossi-
bility. For this reason, surviving
communities of bhikkuni in East Asia
today are sometimes called upon to rein-
troduce womens monastic orders in
Southeast Asian Buddhist communities.
Barnes, Nancy J., Women in
Buddhism. In Todays Woman in
World Religions. Ed. Arvind Sharma.
Albany, NY: State University of New
York Press, 1994.
The bhikku, or wandering monk, is a traveling Buddhist holy man.
Paul, Diane Y. Women in Buddhism:
Images of the Feminine in
Mahayana Tradition. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1985.
Bien-li Wen
See Pien-wen.
A Buddhist monk; the Japanese translit-
eration for bhikkhu. See bhikkhu.
A Buddhist nun; the Japanese transliter-
ation for bhikkhuni. See bhikkhuni.
The Japanese name for Pindola, the
first of the Sixteen Arhats venerated in
East Asian Buddhism. Binzuru has been
popular in Japan for centuries because
of his healing powers. See Pindola.
The life stories of the historical Buddha
and other famous Buddhists are a stan-
dard genre in Buddhist literature. Such
stories are used to instruct Buddhists in
the basic beliefs of the tradition and the
principles of Buddhist morality. In
addition to biographies of the historical
Buddha such as the Buddhacharita,
there are also stories of the Buddhas
previous lifetimes, known as Jataka
tales. Biographies of enlightened mas-
ters play an especially important role in
Zen literature. Traditionally, the early
history of the Zen school is taught
through collections of biographies of
prominent masters. This form of Zen
literature is sometimes known as
transmission of the lamp literature,
since it relates the passing of the
Dharma through generations of Zen
leaders. It is a common practice in the
Zen world for a disciple to record the
life story of his or her teacher after the
teachers death.
Japanese transliteration of Vairochana
Buddha, the primary object of venera-
tion in the Shingon sect of Japanese
Buddhism. Also known as Dainichi
Nyorai, the Great Sun Buddha. See
Mahavairochana Buddha.
(Sk. Vaishravana) One of the four
guardian kings (J.shitenn) of the four
directions, Bishamon is associated
with the north. He is also called
Tamonten in Japanese, meaning the
King who hears much, because he
enjoys listening to the Buddha preach
the Dharma. The four guardian kings
live on Mount Sumeru and protect
people living in the four quarters; in
particular, they guard places where
Buddhismis taught. Images of the four
guardians kings, dressed in full armor
and having fierce expressions, appear
in almost every Buddhist temple in
East Asia. Bishamon is traditionally
pictured as having green skin. He
wears jeweled armor and often carries
a three-tined fork in his left hand; in
other images, he carries a small
pagoda in his left hand and a halbert
(a combination spear and battle-axe)
in his right hand. In Japan he is vener-
ated apart from the other three
guardian kings as one of the seven
lucky gods (shichifukujin) and is
regarded as the patron of doctors,
travelers, and missionaries.
Black Mountains
(J. kokusan) An expression used in Zen
for attachment to discriminating think-
ing, which hinders practice. A master
might say, for example, that a student is
caught in the black mountains, if the
student seems determined to resolve a
kan with reason. The phrase is an allu-
sion to a legendary region of the world
inhabited by demons. According to
Indian mythology, there are black
mountains to the north of the conti-
nent. The area within the mountains is
Bien-li Wen
completely black and infested with evil
demons. In many cases, masters use a
longer version of the phrase, living in a
demons cave in the black mountain.
Blue Cliff Record
(J. Hekiganroku) Pi-yen Lu, a classic Zen
text comprised of one hundred tradi-
tional kan, or teachings, with verse and
commentary, compiled by the Rinzai
master Yan-wu Ko-chin (10631135).
See Hekiganroku.
Enlightenment, wisdom. The Japanese
translation for the Sanskrit term bodhi.
See bodhi.
The Japanese pronunciation of
Bodhidharma, the Indian Buddhist
monk traditionally regarded as the
founder of Zen in China. The name is
more often abbreviated in Japanese to
Daruma. See Bodhidharma.
Bishamon, one of the four guardian kings, is traditionally depicted with green skin and jeweled armor.
Bodhi tree, in Japanese. See bodhi tree.
The mind of enlightenment, sometimes
translated as bodhi-mind. Japanese for
bodhichitta. See bodhichitta.
( J. bodai) Commonly translated as
enlightenment or wisdom, this Sanskrit
term refers to the ultimate goal of
Buddhist practice. The historical
Buddha attained bodhi while meditat-
ing under the bodhi tree. In the
Theravada tradition, practitioners strive
to emulate that experience by following
the Eightfold Path. Theravada
Buddhismdescribes bodhi as the point
at which one has cut off all afflictions
and illusory misconceptions realizing
the four noble truths. The Mahayana
tradition describes the Bodhisattva
Path as the way to attain bodhi. While
the various schools of Mahayana
Buddhism describe the content of
bodhi wisdom in various ways, one of
the most common is to identify it as the
realization of emptiness, which leads to
a recognition of the unity of samsara
and nirvana.
(J. bodaishin) The thought of enlighten-
ment or the aspiration to attain bud-
dhahood, sometimes translated as
bodhi-mind. In Mahayana Buddhism,
acquiring bodhichitta is a crucial first
step on the Bodhisattva Path. It involves
a twofold resolve: the desire to attain
enlightenment oneself and the desire to
assist all other sentient beings in escap-
ing the suffering of samsara (the cycle
of birth, death, and rebirth). Arousing
bodhichitta is a meritorious actone
which builds good karma and destroys
previously accumulated bad karma.
Dgen Kigen (12001253) wrote
extensively on the concept of bodhi-
chitta and its relationship to Zen prac-
tice, dedicated one essay in the
Shbgenz, Hotsu muj shin, to the
subject. He identifies the mind that
gives rise to bodhichitta with the
enlightenment mind: Within this kind
of life just as it is the act of sitting like a
buddha and making an effort like
a buddha, which is called arouses
the thought of enlightenment. The
conditions for arousing the thought of
enlightenment do not come from any-
where else. It is the enlightened mind
which arouses the thought of enlighten-
ment. (Cook, p. 116)
Cook, Francis Harold. How to Raise an
Ox: Zen Practice as Taught in Zen
Master Dgens Shobogenzo. Los
Angeles, CA: Center Publications,
Robinson, Richard H. and William L.
Johnson. The Buddhist Religion:
A Historical Introduction. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Publishing. Co.,
Williams, Paul. Mahyna Buddhism:
The Doctrinal Foundations. New
York: Routledge, 1989.
Bodhi Day
The East Asian festival commemorat-
ing the day on which the historical
Buddha, Siddharta Gautama,
attained enlightenment. Traditionally
observed on the eighth day of the
twelfth lunar month, it is now com-
monly observed on December 8. In
East Asia, Buddhists celebrate the
birth (hanamatsuri), death, and
enlightenment of the Buddha on sepa-
rate days. In the Theravadan tradition
of South and Southeast Asia, the three
events are commemorated on a single
day, called Visakha, observed on the
full moon in May.
(d. 532; J. Bodaidaruma) An Indian
Buddhist monk traditionally regarded
as the founder of the Zen sect of
Buddhism in China. He is considered
the Twenty-eigth Indian Patriarch in a
direct lineage from Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) and is
also counted as the first of the six
Chinese Zen Patriarchs. Scholars can
confirm few details about his biogra-
phy, many doubting that the historical
Bodhidharma had any connection with
the Zen school. Nevertheless, he is a
central figure in the traditional Zen
accounts of the school.
According to Zen biographies,
Bodhidharma was born to a Brahmin-
class family in southern India; some
alternative accounts say that he was the
third son of a king. He studied
Buddhism under Prajnatara, the
Twenty-seventh Patriarch of Zen, from
whom he received Dharma transmis-
sion. In 520, he made his way east to
China where he attended an interview
with Emperor Wu (502550), founder of
the Liang dynasty. The emperor asked
Bodhidharma what merit he had
accrued from his many donations to the
Buddhist order, including the construc-
tion of numerous temples. Bodhi-
dharma replied that there was no merit
in these external activities; the only use-
ful practice was meditation. The
emperor did not understand Bodhi-
dharmas teachings and banished him.
Bodhidharma then took up residence at
Shao-lin-ssu, where he sat continuously
in meditation facing a wall for nine years
until his legs withered away. He eventu-
ally accepted the Chinese monk Hui-ko
as his disciple and recognized him as the
Second Patriarch of Zen in China.
Bodhidharma miraculously survived
many attempts to poison him in China.
When he had completed his mission, he
allowed the sixth attempt on his life to
succeed and passed away while sitting
in meditation. He was granted the
posthumous title Yan-sheh Ta-shih,
or Great Master of Perfect
Enlightenment (J. Engaku Daishi), by
Emperor Tai-tsung.
Bodhidharmas Six Gates
A collection of six Zen essays in Chinese,
traditionally attributed to Bodhidharma.
See Shshitsu Rokumon.
(J. bosatsu) The term literally means a
being (striving for) enlightenment. In
the tradition of Theravada Buddhism,
it is used exclusively in reference to
Siddharta Gautama, the historical
Buddha, before he attained enlighten-
ment. In the later Mahayana tradition, it
came to mean anyone striving for
enlightenment who works tirelessly for
the sake of other sentient beings.
The bodhisattva became the
Mahayana ideal for the Buddhist practi-
tioner. A bodhisattvas goal is twofold: to
become a Buddha and to lead all sen-
tient beings to buddhahood. According
to tradition, the bodhisattva may be
capable of attaining nirvana, but will
refuse to leave the realm of samsara
the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
in order to help others. Mahayana pro-
poses this view of the bodhisattva in
sharp contrast to its rendering of the
Theravada ideal of the arhat.
Mahayana Buddhism generally por-
trays Theravadan arhats as selfish
beings, single-mindedly seeking their
own enlightenment without a trace of
concern for other sentient beings.
Although the Mahayana version of the
arhat is unfair, it serves to highlight the
guiding principle for the bodhisattvas
practice of Buddhismcompassion for
the suffering of other sentient beings.
According to Mahayana teaching,
the Bodhisattva Path is accessible to all,
including lay believers. Again, this is
said to differ sharply from the way of the
arhat which is accessible only to monks
and nuns who devote their lives to the
monastic life. Bodhisattvas build merit
through their compassionate activities,
which they share with others. The
bodhisattva does not selfishly retain
the benefits of good karma but
transfers the benefits to all other beings.
Thus, beginners on the Bodhisattva
Path can rely on more advanced
practitioners for assistance.
The path of the bodhisattva begins
when an individual hears the Dharma
from a good spiritual friend
(Zenchishiki). After pondering the
This bronze Bodhisattva head and torso is from the Kamakura period, 11851336.
Dharma, the new bodhisattva gives rise
to the thought of enlightenment (bod-
hichitta). This thought is twofold: the
desire to attain enlightenment for one-
self and the desire to help others.
Bodhisattvas then take the bodhisattva
vows expressing their intention.
Bodhisattva practice is described in
terms of the six perfections, which
include the virtues of generosity, moral-
ity, patience, vigor, meditation, and
wisdom. The bodhisattva continues to
practice the virtues until attaining the
stage of perfection, when the virtues
become spontaneous. The tradition has
also described the path of the bod-
hisattva in terms of stages of develop-
ment. The standard list includes ten
stages, which are said to take three great
eons to complete. Names for the stages
differ somewhat in various sources, but
a typical listing of the ten stages would
be: joyous, immaculate, luminous, radi-
ant, hard-to-conquer, face-to-face, far-
going, immovable, sagely, and the cloud
of the Dharma.
The concept that bodhisattvas can
transfer merit to others provides a
promise of relief and assistance for ordi-
nary people who feel they lack capabili-
ties of their own. Ordinary individuals
can rely on the merit accumulated by
buddhas and advanced bodhisattvas.
Mahayana developed a pantheon of cos-
mic bodhisattvas, including figures like
Kannon and Jiz, with stores of merit
sufficient to assist any living being who
called upon them for help. Thus, there is
a distinction to be made when using the
term bodhisattva as it applies to ordinary
Mahayana Buddhists and to the great
cosmic figures.
Strong, John S. The Experience of
Buddhism: Sources and Inter-
pretations. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing Co., 1995.
Bodhisattva Precepts
(J. bosatsukai) A set of precepts or
rules derived from the Bonmky
(Brahma Net Sutra), a Mahayana
sutra. They are used exclusively within
the tradition of Mahayana Buddhism
as the guiding principles for a bod-
hisattva. The sutra details ten heavy
precepts (jjkinkai) and forty-eight
light precepts (shijhachikykai). All
Mahayana Buddhists are required to
follow the ten heavy precepts, which
include prohibitions against killing,
stealing, sexual misconduct, lying,
using intoxicants, finding fault
in others, boasting about oneself,
envy, anger and ill will, and slandering
the three treasures. The so-called light
precepts involve a longer list of less
serious offenses.
Most Mahayana monks and nuns in
East Asia continue to be ordained
according to the full set of Theravada
monastic precepts found in the vinaya.
While the Theravada precepts were
designed to regulate the details of
monastic life in practical terms, the bod-
hisattva precepts establish the mindset
of Mahayana practice. The focus of the
bodhisattva precepts is compassion,
which is the guiding principle of the
bodhisattva path. The concern in fulfill-
ing these precepts rests in ones striving
to help other sentient beings. Both lay
people and monks receive the bod-
hisattva precepts at ordination cere-
monies and other special events.
Receiving the bodhisattva precepts reaf-
firms ones commitment to Buddhism;
people can participate in bodhisattva
ordination ceremonies on more than
one occasion.
Some changes in the use of the
bodhisattva precepts occur in
Japanese Buddhism. First, Saich
(767822), the founder of the Tendai
sect of Japanese Buddhism, intro-
duced a new ordination practice for
his sectthe final ordination of Tendai
monks was based on the bodhisattva
precepts from the Bonmky. Monks
in the Tendai sect take the bodhisattva
precepts at ordination, but not using
vinaya precepts, and so they are with-
out recourse to the Theravada vinaya
code. Dgen Kigen (12001253) like-
wise rejected the use of the Theravada
Bodhisattva Precepts
precepts for his St sect. However,
St Zen has its own set of bodhisattva
precepts used at ordinations including
a set of sixteen articles (jrokujkai):
the three refuges (sankikai), the three
pure precepts (sanshujkai), and the
ten heavy precepts from the
Bonmky. See also lay believer.
Bodiford, William M. St Zen in Medieval
Japan. Honolulu, HI: University of
Hawaii Press, 1993.
Stevens, John. The Marathon Monks of
Mount Hiei. Boston, MA:
Shambhala, 1988.
Groner, Paul. Saich: The Establishment
of the Japanese Tendai School.
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii
Press, 2000.
Bodhisattva Vows
In the Mahayana tradition, each practi-
tioner embarks upon the Buddhist path
by taking certain vows which guide his
or her practice. The most important of
these is the vow to attain enlighten-
ment. The desire or thought of attaining
enlightenment (bodhichitta) is a logical
first step in becoming a Buddhist. The
bodhisattva does not think selfishly,
however, so the vow expresses a dual
intention: not only to strive for oneself,
but at the same time, to aid all other
sentient beings toward enlightenment.
The two parts of the vow are held
together inseparably by the guiding
principle of compassion.
All practitioners of Mahayana
Buddhism, recite the bodhisattva vows.
They do this first as a symbol of their
initial commitment to Buddhism, but
continue to recite the vows many times
throughout their lives. In Zen monas-
teries, monks and nuns recite a version
of the bodhisattva vows every day as a
part of the regular daily rituals. For lay
people, reciting the vows is often done
on special occasions; this is understood
as an opportunity to reaffirm their com-
mitment to Buddhism.
The following is a translation of the
standard set of bodhisattva vows used
in Zen monasteries:
1. Sentient beings are beyond num-
ber; I vow to save them all.
2. The passions (afflictions) are
inexhaustible; I vow to extinguish
them all.
3. The Buddhist Dharmas (teach-
ings) are infinite; I vow to master
them all.
4. The Buddhist Way is unsur-
passed; I vow to attain it.
In addition to the vows recited by ordi-
nary Mahayana Buddhists, certain
celestial buddhas and bodhisattvas are
known for the extraordinary vows they
have taken for the sake of other sentient
beings. For example, while Amida
buddha was still a bodhisattva named
Dharmakara, he took a series of forty-
eight vows, among which was the estab-
lishment of a Pure Land (Jdo) in the
West. Since he stipulated that he would
only attain enlightenment if his vows
were fulfilled, his vows are understood by
many Mahayana Buddhists, especially
those in the Pure Land schools, as a
guarantee that his Pure Land exists. See
also lay believer.
Bodhi Tree
(Ficus religiosa; J. bodaiju) The fig tree in
Bodhgaya under which Siddharta
Gautama sat and meditated until he had
attained enlightenment. Literally the tree
of enlightenment, the tree is commonly
called the bo-tree or pipal tree. Early in
Buddhist history, the bodhi tree became a
popular pilgrimage site and the object of
devotion by lay believers. Believers
offered flowers, then bowed and walked
clockwise around the tree. Cuttings from
the bodhi tree were distributed widely by
early Buddhist missionaries. A descendant
of the original tree, planted by the daugh-
ter of King Ashoka, still stands in
Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka. Shashanka, a
seventh-century Indian king devoted to
the god Shiva, destroyed the original tree
in Bodhgaya during a violent persecution
of Buddhism. The tree that stands in
Bodhgaya today descends from a cutting
brought back from the tree in Sri Lanka.
Bodhisattva Vows
Basham, A. L. The Wonder That Was
India: A Survey of the History and
Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent
Before the Coming of the Muslims.
New York: Taplinger Publishing Co.,
Literally, a stick and a shout. An expres-
sion used to describe a particular style
of Zen characterized by the use of sticks
and shouts. This style of Zen practice
dates back to the classical period of
Zen, during the Tang dynasty in China
(618907). At that time, Zen masters
introduced such devices as hitting dis-
ciples with a stick (kyoshaku) or staff
(shippei), or answering them with a
loud shout (katsu). The purpose of
these actions was to shock disciples out
of the ordinary, analytical style of think-
ing and push them toward an enlight-
enment experience (satori). In particu-
lar, Te-shan Hsuan-chien (782685)
and Huang-po Hsi-Yn (d. 850) were
famous for their use of the stick, and
Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867) perfected the
use of the shout.
The Bodhi tree is the type of tree under which Siddharta Gautama,
who became known as the Buddha, is believed to have gained enlightenment.
Ink trace, a piece of calligraphy or an
ink drawing executed by a Zen master.
Bokuseki are said to be expressions of
the artists understanding of the
Dharma. They are often mounted on
brocade and hung as art.
To chant verses or hymns. The term
usually refers to the highly melodic
chanting of sacred texts accompanied
by music, which monks perform in
front of an image of the Buddha as a
part of a ritual service. Bonbai is gener-
ally performed in a stylized fashion,
with the voice rising and falling. The
chanting is alternatively known as
shmy. In the Zen school, there are a
number of bonbai chanting styles,
including Obaku bonbai. Obaku bon-
bai, or Obaku shmy, is unique in
Japanese Zen because the monks chant
the verses in an approximation of the
Fukien dialect of Chinese, the language
used by the Obaku founders in the 17th
century. See also Obaku sect.
Morally pure actions. Literally, the word
means the acts of the god Brahma, one
of the Hindu deities. Bongy is the
Japanese term that comes from the
Sanskrit brahma-cary, which was first
used in India in reference to the reli-
gious practices of the Brahmin, or
priestly class. It later came to mean reli-
giously motivated action in keeping
with religious precepts, especially
chastity or sexual purity. In Buddhism,
bongy refers specifically to those
actions which are conducive to attain-
ing enlightenment. Most especially, in
Mahayana Buddhism, it is used to con-
vey the actions taken by a bodhisattva
out of compassion to save other
sentient beings.
Bokuseki is the calligraphy art of Zen masters.
The Brahma Net Sutra, the Japanese
title for the Brahmajala Sutra. The sutra
presents ten major and forty-eight
minor precepts, commonly known as
the bodhisattva precepts, that govern
the life and practice of a bodhisattva.
See Brahma Net Sutra.
Afflictions or delusions. A Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit term klesha.
The term is commonly translated as
passions, although the English word is
not broad enough in its general usage to
encompass the various types of delu-
sions denoted by the original. Bonn
refers to any passion, attachment,
working of the mind, or subsequent
action that hinders the attainment of
enlightenment. The afflictions cause
suffering and traditionally are thought
of as impurities. These impurities are
eliminated by the practice of
Buddhism. Nirvana can be understood
as the extinction of all klesha.
The Buddhist tradition identifies six
states of mind as the fundamental
afflictions (konpon bonn). These
include greed, anger, ignorance, arro-
gance, doubt, and false views. The first
three are known collectively as the
three poisons. A large number of minor
afflictions, such as laziness, shameless-
ness, and deceit, arise in conjunction
with the basic forms.
An ordinary or foolish person. The
expression is used to contrast an unen-
lightened individual with an enlight-
ened one. The Japanese characters may
also be pronounced bonbu.
According to Zen teaching, the differ-
ence between an ordinary or foolish
person and an enlightened buddha is a
shift in perception, since all sentient
beings possess the Buddha Nature and
are originally enlightened. In the
Platform Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch
Hui-neng (638713) said, If you cling
to your previous thoughts and are
deluded, then you are ordinary. But if
the next thought is enlightened, then
you are a buddha.
Japanese for bodhisattva. See bod-
Japanese for the bodhisattva precepts.
See bodhisattva precepts.
Boxwood Zen
(J. Kyboku no Zen) The boxwood
tree is said to grow an inch a year, but
to shrink an inch in leap years. The
expression boxwood Zen is used in
reference to students progressing errat-
ically in their practice of Zen. A master
will use the expression to reproach a
disciple who is overly attached to the
notion of enlightenment.
The head monk or resident monk of a
Japanese Buddhist temple. The term may
apply to the resident monk at a small
temple, most of which have only one
monk in residence. In a larger temple,
with several monks in residence, the term
technically applies only to the head monk
or abbot. In common usage today, how-
ever, people use the term for any
Buddhist monk or priest, regardless of
status. The term is often rendered in
English as bonze.
Brahma Net Sutra
The Brahmajla Sutra (J. Bonmky), a
Mahayana sutra that sets out the moral
code for the bodhisattva, consisting of
ten major and forty-eight minor pre-
cepts. Kumarajiva translated the text
into Chinese (T. 24, no. 1484) in 406 C.E.
The precepts described by the text are
intended for all Buddhist practitioners,
lay people and monastics alike. Unlike
the vinaya, which presents a monastic
code designed to govern all aspects of life
Brahma Net Sutra
in a monastic setting, the Brahma Net
Sutra emphasizes the quality of compas-
sion that governs the actions of a bod-
hisattva. Throughout East Asia, lay
people, monks, and nuns participate in
precept ceremonies in which they receive
the bodhisattva precepts based on the
Brahma Net Sutra. In Japan, following the
example set by the Tendai school, several
schools of Buddhism ordain monks and
nuns using the bodhisattva precepts in
place of the vinaya code. See also lay
believer and Tendai sect.
Branch Temple
A Buddhist temple that has institutional
ties to a larger main temple or main
monastery. The pattern of affiliation
between main and branch temples (J.
honji matsuji) emerged in Japan during
the medieval period (11851600) and
was later systematized in the early mod-
ern (16001867) and modern
(1868present) periods. During the
Tokugawa period (16001867), the gov-
ernment required all Buddhist temples
throughout the country to be organized
in a hierarchy, limiting the number of
main monasteries. The practice contin-
ues today; most Buddhist temples in
Japan are branches under the adminis-
trative leadership of a main monastery.
(J. butsu or butsuda) A title that means
enlightened one. In its broadest
sense, the title can refer to any fully
enlightened being. It most often refers
specifically to Siddharta Gautama, also
called Shakyamuni Buddha, the
founder of Buddhism. Although it was
recognized early on that many of
Shakyamunis disciples also attained
enlightenment, he was still considered
the only one worthy of the title because
he had fashioned the path that the
others merely followed.
Shakyamuni is believed to be the
only buddha of the present epoch, but
the idea that other historical buddhas
existed before him emerged early in
Buddhist history. The most common
listing of historical buddhas of past ages
includes seven, with Shakyamuni listed
last. In many cases, a future buddha
(Maitreya), who will appear in the next
age, is also mentioned. Other historical
buddhas played the same role in previ-
ous ages as Shakyamuni does during
the present age: teaching the Dharma.
It is believed that only one buddha
exists in the world in any given age and
that his teachings live on far beyond the
time of his death. Gradually, however,
the Dharma is forgotten. When it has
completely disappeared, the next
buddha appears to reintroduce the
Dharma into the world. One tradition
says at least 12,000 years span the time
between the appearances of buddhas.
Mahayana Buddhism expanded the
general concept of the buddha beyond
the notion of historical buddhas, encom-
passing many eternal and cosmic bud-
dhas. First, ideas about Shakyamuni
Buddha underwent change. Traditionally,
the Buddha had not been worshipped as
a deity but was regarded as an enlight-
ened human being who could serve as a
guide and inspiration for other human
beings. Over time, however, veneration of
the Buddha as a human being became
more and more like worship of a god.
Early schools of Mahayana began teach-
ing that the historical Buddha was not just
an ordinary person but the human mani-
festation of an eternal Buddha; the eter-
nal Buddha did not pass into extinction
when Shakyamuni died but remained
eternally active in the world.
Next, concepts of celestial buddhas
(buddhas living in the Pure Lands)
operating in other worlds developed.
Just as the earlier tradition suggested
that historical buddhas emerged in this
world to teach in different ages,
Mahayana taught that other buddhas
existed to serve the beings in the innu-
merable other worlds in the cosmos.
Like Shakyamuni, these celestial bud-
dhas were manifestations of the eternal
Buddha. More important, many of them
were powerful enough to offer assis-
tance to sentient beings in this world.
Branch Temple
Belief in powerful celestial buddhas led
to the worship and veneration of a
number of noted buddhas, including
Amida buddha and Vairocana.
The Mahayana tradition developed
the idea of the three bodies of the
Buddha to clarify the various types of
buddhas. First, the Dharma, or Truth
Body, is the eternal Buddha from which
all other buddhas are created. The
Dharma Body is closely identified with
the Mahayana concept of emptiness
(shunyata). Second, the Bliss Body of
the Buddha is associated with the celes-
tial buddhas who dwell in Buddha
Lands. Amida is an example of this type
of buddha. Third, the transformation
body (nirmanakaya) represents the
historical appearances of the Buddha in
this world. Siddharta Gautama was one
instance of the transformation body.
Reynolds, Frank E., and Charles
Hallisey. The Buddha. In
Buddhism and Asian History. Ed.
Joseph M. Kitagawa and Mark D.
Cummings. New York: Macmillan,
Robinson, Richard H. and William L.
Johnson. The Buddhist Religion: A
Historical Introduction. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.,
( J. Busshogysan) The Acts of the
Buddha, the earliest formal biography
of Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama). The Buddhist poet
Ashvaghosha composed the text in
Sanskrit verse around 100 C.E. Although
Buddha, or enlightened one, most often refers to Siddharta Gautama, the founder of Buddhism.
The Great Buddha shown above is located at the Todai-ji Temple in Nara, Japan.
Ashvaghosha was a supporter of
Mahayana teachings, he stresses the
basic teachings of the historical
Buddha, such as the four noble truths
and the Eightfold Path. A complete
Sanskrit version of the Buddhacharita
does not survive today; however, it
is preserved in full in Tibetan and
Chinese translations.
Buddha Day
In East Asian Buddhism, the day com-
memorating the birth of Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). East
Asian Buddhists traditionally observe
Buddha Day on the eighth day of the
fourth lunar month. Some communities
now celebrate it on April 4th, according
to the Western calendar. Buddhists in
South Asia and Southeast Asia celebrate
Buddha Day somewhat differently,
combining the Buddhas birth, enlight-
enment, and death in a one-day cele-
bration; they believe that Shakyamuni
Buddha miraculously experienced
these events on the same day of the
year. Their observance of Buddha Day is
now usually held in May, shortly before
the beginning of the rainy-season
retreats. East Asian Buddhists, on the
other hand, observe the three events as
three separate holidays, with the
Buddhas enlightenment celebrated on
December 8 and Death on February 15.
See also Hana Matsuri and kanbutsu.
Buddha Dharma
The teachings of the Buddha. Some-
times referred to as the Law of the
Buddha. See Bupp.
Buddha Hall
One of the seven primary buildings of
a Zen temple or monastery, known as
a Butsuden in Japanese. It is called
the Buddha hall because it contains
a shrine housing the primary Buddha
image (honzon) of the temple. See
An expression used within Mahayana
Buddhism that means the attainment
of perfect enlightenmenta character-
istic of all buddhas. Unlike Theravada
Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism does
not reserve the title buddha for
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) alone. Mahayana teaches
that all believers as bodhisattvas are
striving to become buddhas.
Mahayana Buddhism uses the con-
cept of buddhahood to indicate the
highest goal of Buddhist practice. In
Mahayana scriptures such as the Lotus
Sutra, buddhahood is portrayed as the
supreme goal, one that surpasses
Hinayana Buddhisms goal of nirvana.
According to the Mahayana view,
the struggle to attain nirvana and
become an arhat is an inherently
selfish endeavor in contrast to the
path of the bodhisattva who seeks
buddhahood for the self and for all
other sentient beings.
Buddha Land
A world in which a buddha is living and
teaching the Dharma. The tradition
believes that hearing the Dharma directly
from a buddha greatly enhances ones
ability to progress toward enlightenment.
Although the present world currently has
no buddha preaching the Dharma, it will
someday become the Buddha Land of the
bodhisattva named Maitreya, trad-
itionally believed to be the next buddha of
our world.
In addition to our world, Mahayana
Buddhism asserts that there are tens of
thousands of other worlds, many of
which have buddhas. These cosmic
Buddha Lands share many characteris-
tics with the heavens in which gods
reside, since they are places of ease and
comfort. The primary distinction
between a Buddha Land and a heaven is
that, unlike heaven dwellers, individuals
born in Buddha Lands can practice
Buddhism and make progress toward
enlightenment. Many Buddhist believers
hope to be reborn into a Buddha Land in
Buddha Day
order to enjoy the benefits of practicing
Buddhism directly under a buddhas
guidance. The tradition commonly refers
to these cosmic Buddha Lands as Pure
Lands (J. Jdo). The most famous
Buddha Land is the Western Pure Land
of Amida buddha. Buddhas reigning
in the Pure Lands usually took vows as
bodhisattvas to create a Pure Land
specifically for the sake of their devotees.
Buddha Nature
An expression of the Mahayana
Buddhist teaching that all sentient
beings innately possess the potential to
attain perfect enlightenment and
become buddhas. (Some schools of
Mahayana Buddhism extend the con-
cept to include non-sentient objects.)
Buddha Nature (J. Bussh) is some-
times referred to as intrinsic enlighten-
ment or original enlightenment: the
basic quality within the individual that
makes the practice of Buddhism pos-
sible. Buddha Nature can be under-
stood as a seed, which if cultivated by
Buddhist practice, will eventually bear
the fruit of acquired enlightenment.
The Mahayana teaching that all sen-
tient beings possess the Buddha Nature
found early expression in the Nirvana
Sutra, which rejected the notion that
some sentient beings, known as icchan-
tika, lack the potential to become
enlightened. The concept of Buddha
Nature became one of the most basic
teachings within the Zen school. Zen
masters and texts commonly refer to
seeing ones innate Buddha Nature, or
kensh, to describe the experience of
enlightenment. Buddha Nature, in the
Zen context, is seen not so much as a
seed that holds potential, but an exist-
ing reality. Seeing ones nature or
enlightenment is not so much becom-
ing a buddha, but the realization that
one already is a buddha.
It should be noted that Buddha
Nature is not the same as an eternal,
abiding, and unchanging self, like the
Hindu understanding of the soul or
atman. The Zen master Dgen Kigen
(12001253) warned against the
dangers of misinterpreting Buddha
Nature as an essential core that
underlies all things. To avoid this trap,
Dgen stressed that Buddha Nature be
identified with impermanence, the
characteristic of emptiness that
typifies all phenomena.
Buddha Patriarch
A term applied to any buddha or patri-
arch of Zen who transmits the Dharma.
It applies especially to the lineage
extending from Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama) to Bodhidharma,
the traditional founder of Zen in China,
and on to Hui-neng (638713), the
Chinese Sixth Patriarch. See busso.
General name for the religious tradi-
tions (J. Bukky) that developed from
the teachings of Siddharta Gautama,
the original Buddha, or Enlightened
One. Siddharta (circa 566486) lived in
the northeast region of the Indian sub-
continent, teaching in the area along
the Ganges River and establishing a
community of followers (sangha) com-
prised of both ascetics and lay people.
After the Buddhas death, his teachings
were drawn together in the early scrip-
tures known as the Tripitaka. Buddhist
teachings eventually spread from India
throughout Asia.
Today, there are many schools and
forms of Buddhism throughout the world,
and therefore no single, unified tradition.
The Buddhist world is most commonly
divided into three schools: Theravada
Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and
Vajrayana Buddhism (esoteric
Buddhism). Two of these divisions flour-
ish in distinct geographical areas of the
world: Theravada Buddhism predomi-
nates in South and Southeast Asia, while
Mahayana predominates in East Asia.
While Theravada preserves the teachings
of the historical Buddha and the early
Buddhist community, Mahayana arose
several centuries later and upholds some
modifications and innovations on the
earlier tradition. Mahayana Buddhism
can be further subdivided into several
distinctive schools of thought and styles
of practice, including Zen, Pure Land,
Hua-yen, and Tendai. In addition, some
scholars regard the Vajrayana tradition as
a distinct and separate division; others
classify it as a form of Mahayana
Buddhism. Vajrayana represents the
tantric or esoteric portion of the Buddhist
tradition, and flourishes today in Tibet
and in certain schools of Japanese
Buddhism. See also Hua-yen school, lay
believer, and Tendai sect
Buddhist Name
Buddhist practitioners traditionally
accept a new Buddhist name when they
are ordained as a monk or a nun. The
new name replaces the persons secular
name, serving as a symbol that the indi-
vidual has departed from the life of a lay
person. In Japan, Buddhist names are
conferred posthumously on lay people
as a part of the Buddhist funeral and
memorial services. See kaimy.
Buddhist Path
(J. butsud) The way set out by the
Buddha leading to enlightenment. The
term may refer to the teachings and the
practice of Buddhism which lead to
enlightenment, or to enlightenment
itself. According to the tradition of
Theravada Buddhism, the path set out
by the Buddha is summarized by the
four noble truths and the Eightfold
Path. Mahayana Buddhism describes
the path in terms of the career of a bod-
hisattva, who seeks enlightenment
for him- or herself and for all other
sentient beings.
Buddhist Scriptures
The Buddhist scriptures include a wide
variety of related collections of texts pre-
served in several languages, including
Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese.
Buddhist scripture collections are distin-
guished by the portion of the religious
tradition they discuss or the cultural area
in which they are recognized. The most
basic division in the Buddhist scriptures
is that between the ancient, or Theravada
scriptures, and the later scriptures of
Mahayana Buddhism. The canon of
Theravada Buddhism, commonly
known as the Tripitaka, represents the
oldest collection of Buddhist scriptures,
portions of which date back to the sec-
ond century B.C.E. The Tripitaka is divided
into three segments, representing three
distinct types of writing. The first portion
is the vinaya, which provides the monas-
tic code governing the lives of Buddhist
monks and nuns. The second portion,
known as the sutras, preserves the ser-
mons attributed to the historical
Buddha. Third, the Abhidharma portion
includes commentaries on the Buddhas
teachings written by later Buddhist
scholars. The Tripitaka is preserved in
both Sanskrit and Pali, with related
Tibetan and Chinese translations. Since it
was originally recorded in Pali, it is some-
times known as the Pali Canon.
The Mahayana scriptures include
the original Tripitaka as well as a large
number of later texts composed by
Mahayana thinkers. The Mahayana
texts include sutras, commentaries, and
philosophical treatises composed over
many centuries beginning around the
year 100 B.C.E. The early Mahayana texts
were composed in Sanskrit and later
translated into Tibetan and Chinese. As
Buddhism spread throughout the cul-
tures of North and East Asia, additional
texts composed in Tibetan, Chinese,
and other local languages were added to
the collection. For this reason, there is
variation among the Tibetan, Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean versions of the
Mahayana scriptures. See also Chinese
Tripitaka and Daizky.
The Japanese translation of Buddha
Dharma. The term is translated into
English as the Buddhas Law or the
Buddhist Teachings. Bupp is
Shakyamunis (Siddharta Gautama)
understanding of reality or truth, which
Buddhist Name
he realized for himself when he became
enlightened. The term also signifies the
teachings of Shakyamuni through
which he conveyed to others the path to
enlightenment; in this sense, the
Buddhas Dharma is preserved in the
Buddhist scriptures, which present the
teachings of the historical Buddha and
his disciples. According to the Zen
understanding, Bupp cannot be
expressed in ordinary human language,
but must be realized for oneself through
a first-hand experience. Zen maintains
that the Buddha Dharma is transmitted
from mind to mind, master to disciple.
Burning House
A reference to a parable found in the third
chapter of the Lotus Sutra, explaining
the use of expedient means (Sk. upaya, J.
hben) in Buddhist teachings. In the
sutra, the Buddha tells his disciples
about a fathers efforts to get his children
safely out of their burning house. At first,
the children are so engrossed in playing
with their toys that they ignore their
fathers pleas. Having failed with a direct
approach, the father devises another
plan of action. The father resorts to an
expedient means to save their lives,
promising them more wondrous toys if
they will only go outside to collect them.
The children race outside to receive the
promised carriages, each drawn by a
goat, a deer, or an ox. The Buddha then
explains that ordinary people, like chil-
dren, cannot always hear and under-
stand the teachings of the Buddha, which
are designed to save them from the suf-
fering of samsara (the cycle of birth,
death, and rebirth). Therefore, the
Buddha sometimes resorts to expedient
means, such as teaching devices that take
into account what people can under-
stand and that shock them out of every-
day existence. When using expedient
means, the Buddhist tradition does not
intend to mislead believers with partial
truths. Like the father in the parable, the
purpose is to help them: in this case to
assist them in their progress along the
Buddhist path.
Hurvitz, Leon, trans. Scripture of the
Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1982.
Watson, Burton, trans. The Lotus Sutra.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1993.
Japanese warrior; samurai. See samurai.
A disciple of the Buddha; a Buddhist.
The Japanese term literally means
child of the Buddha. In some
Mahayana contexts, it refers specifically
to bodhisattvas. It is said that all sen-
tient beings are busshi, since they all
possess the Buddha Nature.
Seal of the Buddha Mind. A symbol
indicating that authentic transmission
of the Dharma has taken place: The
seal, sometimes represented by an
object such as a certificate, is conferred
by a master upon a disciple. See inka.
Buddha Nature, in Japanese. The
Mahayana teaching that all sentient
beings innately possess the potential to
become a buddha. See Buddha Nature.
Japanese title for the Buddhacharita.
See Buddhacharita.
The Buddha and the patriarchs, the
founding masters who transmitted the
Dharma from generation to generation.
The term may refer specifically to the lin-
eage within the Zen sect that begins with
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama), the
historical Buddha, and includes
twenty-eight Indian patriarchs and six
Chinese patriarchs. It may also refer
more generally to any and all masters
who perpetuate a Zen lineage, especially
those designated as founders of specific
lines. In some contexts, the term busso is
more accurately translated as Buddha-
Patriarch, since there is no real distinc-
tion between buddhas, patriarchs, and
other enlightened masters, all of whom
transmit the same Dharma.
Japanese for Buddha. The same charac-
ter may also be transliterated hotoke.
See Buddha.
Full Japanese transliteration of Buddha.
More commonly abbreviated to Butsu.
See Buddha.
A Buddhist altar. A platform or altar on
which a Buddhist image, usually depict-
ing a buddha or bodhisattva, is
enshrined. Incense, flowers, and other
offerings may be made before the
image. The term is most commonly
applied to family altars kept in Japanese
homes, on which the memorial tablets
(ihai) of deceased family members are
enshrined. In many cases, lay people are
encouraged to include a Buddist image
on their family butsudans. The family
butsudan is typically a cabinet made
from lacquered wood; sizes vary from
large pieces of furniture to small items
which fit into the limited space of mod-
ern apartments.
Family members may pay their
respects daily to both ancestors and the
buddhas; it is traditional to offer rice,
water, incense, or flowers. Many fami-
lies announce to the butsudan impor-
tant events, including graduations,
marriages, and the birth of a child. In
this way, the family symbolically
includes deceased relatives in the life of
the surviving family. Memorial services
for the deceased are generally held in
front of the butsudan, with the ihai as
the central focus. The altar also receives
special attention during the Obon sea-
son. See also lay believer.
Smith, Robert. Ancestor Worship in
Contemporary Japan. Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 1974.
The Buddha hall, where the Zen temple
or monasterys primary image of the
Buddha is enshrined, along with other
images of the buddhas and bod-
hisattvas. The Butsuden is one of the
seven monastic halls (shichid garan)
that form the core of a Zen monastery.
The Buddha hall corresponds to golden
hall (kond) found in the temples of
other Buddhist schools. Traditionally, it
is located at the center of the
monastery grounds. The style of the
Zen Buddha hall was developed in
China, probably during the Sung
dynasty (9601279), and transmitted to
Japan where it is still preserved.
The main image (honzon) in most
Zen temples is Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama), the historical
Buddha. The main image is usually
flanked by two other statues, forming a
triad. The other figures are either bud-
dhas from the past and future, or two
attendants from the historical Buddhas
lifetime. The images are placed on a
pedestal representing Mount Sumeru,
the sacred mountain at the center of the
Buddhist cosmos. The main image is set
off by a large tapestry in gold or purple
brocade. Three lacquered wooden
tablets, with inscriptions dedicating the
temple to its patrons and to the
emperor, are place in front of the hon-
zon. Daily chanting services are held in
the Buddha hall.
Collcutt, Martin. Five Mountains:
The Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution
in Medieval Japan. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981.
The Way of the Buddha; the Japanese
term for Buddhism, or the teachings of
Buddhism. The expression may refer to
the path leading to enlightenment as
taught by the Buddha; it may also refer
to enlightenment itself. According to
the tradition of Theravada Buddhism,
the way set out by the Buddha is sum-
marized by the four noble truths and
the Eightfold Path. The tradition of
Mahayana Buddhism describes the
way in terms of the career of a bod-
hisattva, who seeks enlightenment for
him- or herself and for all other sen-
tient beings. In some contexts, the term
Butsud is used as an alternative term
for Bupp, or the Buddha Dharma.
A rural Rinzai temple in Aki, Hiroshima
Prefecture. It was founded by Guch
Shky (13231409) in 1399. It serves as
the main monastery for the Butts-ji
Ha, the Butts-ji branch of Rinzai. See
also Rinzai sect.
Butts-ji Ha
The Butts-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Butts-ji,
located in Aki, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Guch Shky (13231409) is regarded
Butts-ji Ha
In the Butsuden, or Buddha hall, the main image of the historical Buddha is surrounded either by images
of Buddhas of the past and future, or two attendants from the historical Buddhas lifetime.
as the founder. The branch has fifty-one
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 98,500 followers.
Byakushi Butsu
Pratyeka buddha, the Japanese rendering
of a Chinese transliteration of the original
Sanskrit term. See pratyeka buddha.
White mallet; the religious implement
used to call an assembly of monks or
nuns to order while making a special
announcement. The term may also
refer to the high-ranking monk or nun
who wields the mallet and officiates at
important ritual occasions.
The Japanese expression meaning
equality. The term refers to the non-
duality and non-differentiation of all
things as seen from the perspective of
enlightenment. The teaching of equal-
ity is based upon the realization that all
phenomena are essentially the same.
See equality.
Byakushi Butsu



















( J. Tenrin) The Wheel-Turning
King, the ideal universal monarch
according to Indian mythology. The
myth of the Cakravartin existed in
India before the formation of
Buddhism. The Cakravartin reigns by
turning a wheel, which was presented
to him by the gods at his enthrone-
ment. As he turns the wheel, all lesser
kings accept his authority. He is said
to possess the thirty-two marks of a
buddhathe marks of greatness char-
acterizing all buddhas. In Buddhist tra-
dition, if a Cakravartin were to leave his
home life to become a holy man, he
would become a buddha.
According to the Cakravartin myth,
there are four types of universal mon-
archs, distinguished by the type of wheel
each turns: gold, silver, copper, or iron.
The king with a golden wheel rules all
four of the continents (understood by
the ancient Indians to be the entire
world). The king with a silver wheel rules
only three continents, the king with a
copper wheel rules two, and the one
with an iron wheel rules one continent.
Only one type of king rules at any one
given time.
According to the Buddhist interpre-
tation of the Cakravartin myth, the
monarch rules by virtue of turning the
Wheel of the Dharmahis rule is
benevolent because it is based on
Buddhist teachings and precepts. If
Siddharta Gautama, the historical
Buddha, had chosen to remain in the
secular life, he would have become a
Cakravartin. The historical figure King
Ashoka, a Buddhist monarch, is some-
times interpreted as a Cakravartin.
Strong, John S. The Legend of King
Ashoka: A Study and Translation of
the Asokavadana. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1983.
The art of writing is among the most
highly developed artistic forms in East
Asia, valued in both the secular and the
religious realms. Calligraphy is associ-
ated with the Zen sect of Buddhism,
although it predates the development of
Buddhism in China and Japan.
Calligraphy executed by Zen masters
is said to reveal their understanding of
the Dharma. It is common practice for
Zen monks and nuns to learn the art
of calligraphy as a part of their
monastic training. Calligraphy is
known in Japanese as either shod
(the Way of Writing), or shojutsu (the Art
of Writing).
Capping Verse
A verse offered by a Zen practitioner to
his master as a response to a kan. The
verse expresses the practitioners
understanding of the kan, and hence
of the Dharma. See jakugo.
In Buddhism every action has conse-
quences, and everything that happens
is caused by something. Cause and
effect functions like an impersonal
moral law, without dependence on the
workings of a personal god. Actions can
be likened to seeds, which an individual
sows. The seeds eventually mature and
produce a related fruit: Good actions
produce good effects and bad actions
produce bad effects. Punishment for
evil actions and reward for good actions
are the natural consequence of the
action itself. See also codependent
origination, inga, and karma.
Cave of the Dharma
(J. kokkutsu no sge) A place where
Buddhismis practiced, especially a med-
itation hall at a Zen monastery. Hakuin
Cave of the Dharma
Ekaku (16851768), the Zen Master of the
Tokugawa period (16001867), used the
expression talons and teeth of the Cave
of the Dharma to describe the powers
acquired through Zen meditation, which
could then be used to aid others.
The Way of Tea, a Japanese art form
closely associated with the Zen sect of
Buddhism. See chanoy.
Chan-kuan Tse-chin
(J. Zenkan Sakushin) To Encourage
Zealous Study of the Zen Barriers, a com-
pilation put together by the Chinese
Buddhist monk Yun-chi Chu-hung
(15351615; J. Renchi Shuk), during the
Ming dynasty (13681644). Chu-hung
collected sermons and talks from Zen
monks, stories about enlightenment
experiences, and quotations from various
sutras. He intended the work to encour-
age the practice of Zen meditation, espe-
cially the use of kan; the barriers
referred to in the title are kan. Chu-hung
not only promoted the practice of Zen
Buddhism in the text, but also encour-
aged the combined practice of Zen medi-
tation and Pure Land devotion. The text
was first published in China in 1600. It
prompted the Japanese Rinzai master
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768) to become a
Zen monk. The text was published in
Japan in 1762 by Trei Enji (17211792),
Hakuins disciple, who added an epilogue.
See also Rinzai sect.
Chan-men Kuei-shih
( J. Zenmon Kishiki) Zen monastic
code, an early Zen monastic code writ-
ten during the Sung dynasty (9601279)
in China, circa 1004. The text is very
brief and appears as an addendum to
the biography of Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814) in the Transmission of the
Lamp (Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng-Lu).
The text explains the reasons for the
production of the first distinctively Zen
monastic code, traditionally attributed
to Pai-chang, and briefly describes life
in an early Zen monastery.
The tea ceremony, a Japanese art form
associated with the Zen sect of
Buddhism since it originally devel-
oped from the practice of serving tea
Chanoy, or Zen tea ceremony, is associated with many art forms, including ceramics.
The tea ceremony bowls shown here are from the Middle Edo period of eighteenth-century Japan.
within Zen monasteries. The term lit-
erally means boiling water for tea.
The tea ceremony involves a small
gathering of guests for whom the host
carefully prepares and serves green tea
( J. matcha). The entire process is
closely choreographed and performed
with simple grace. In many cases, the
tea ceremony is carried out in a spe-
cially designed tea room or hut ( J.
sukiya), with specially selected uten-
sils. Chanoy is associated with many
art forms, including ceramics, tea gar-
dens, painting, calligraphy, and
flower arranging.
Tea was introduced to Japan by
Eisai, the Rinzai Zen monk, after his
travels to China during the twelfth cen-
tury. In China, Zen monks used tea as a
part of their monastic practice because
of its medicinal value and its effects as
a stimulant, aiding them to stay awake
during meditation sessions. In Japan,
the practice of serving tea spread
quickly throughout the populace. By
the fourteenth century, tea gatherings
were held among the social elite. This
practice eventually gave rise to a cul-
ture of tea, with tea masters and dis-
tinct schools of practice. See also
Rinzai sect.
Varley, Paul, and Kumakura Isao. Tea
in Japan: Essays on the History of
Chanoyu. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1989.
Zen master or meditation master,
a Chinese title of respect used to
address accomplished monks and
nuns who practice Zen. The Japanese
pronunciation of the same characters
is Zenji. Originally, the term distin-
guished masters who instructed others
in meditation from Dharma masters,
or Fa-shih. Historically, Chan-shih was
also a formal honorific title bestowed
on outstanding Zen monks by the
imperial courts in China and Japan.
The ritual recitation of the sutras or
other Buddhist texts, names for the
Buddha, and other religious state-
ments. Chanting forms a regular part
of Buddhist practice in all schools of
Buddhism throughout the world.
Monks, nuns and lay people may par-
ticipate in chanting as a part of their
daily devotions or for special inten-
tions. In Zen monasteries, for example,
monks and nuns regularly chant sutras
as a part of morning and evening ser-
vices and recite prayers before or after
each daily meal. Learning to chant the
daily services, funeral and memorial
rituals, and other ritual services forms
a major portion of the monastic train-
ing received by novices at Zen monas-
teries. Lay believers often learn to
chant specific sutras, such as the Heart
Sutra, the Avalokiteshvara Sutra, or
Zen prayers, such as the Zazen wasan
written by Hakuin Ekaku (16851768).
Buddhist religious chanting takes
many forms. In some cases, lay people
and monastics may use the chanting
of religious formulae, such as
mantras or dharani, as a part of their
meditative practice. The rhythmic
repetition of sounds has long been
known to induce meditative states
similar to those achieved through
other forms of meditation. In other
cases, chanting a religious formula is
regarded as beneficial because it
builds merit for the practitioner.
Devotees of Pure Land Buddhism, for
example, may chant the name of the
Amida buddha ( J. nembutsu; Ch.
nien-fo), in order to achieve rebirth in
the Pure Land. Buddhist clerics may
chant dharani in order to bring rain,
prevent the spread of disease, or ward
off other natural calamities.
Chan-tsung Wu-mn-kuan
The Gateless Barrier of the Zen School,
the full Chinese title for the Wu-mn-
kuan. See Mumonkan.
Chan-tsung Wu-mn-kuan
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei
(J. Zenon Shingi or Zenen Shingi) The
Zen monastic code of the Yan
dynasty, a code composed in ten sec-
tions by Zen Chinese monk Chang-lu
Tsung-i in 1103. The Chan-yuan
Ching-kuei is the oldest Zen code in
existence. The code is quite lengthy
and discusses almost every aspect of
life and practice in a Zen monastery. It
was used as the basis for subsequent
versions of the Zen monastic code pro-
duced in China. The text was transmit-
ted to Japan in about 1200 and became
very influential there. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) used it as the basis for his
Eihei Shingi.
Chan-yuan Chu-chuan-chi Tu-hsu
(J. Zengen Shosensh Tojo) Zen text
composed by Tsung-mi (780840) as a
preface to a much larger work, which is
no longer in existence. In the preface,
Tsung-mi distinguishes five types of
meditation and characterizes three
schools of early Chinese Zen. The five
types of meditation include non-
Buddhist meditation, ordinary medita-
tion, Hinayana meditation, Mahayana
meditation, and the ultimate form of
meditation associated with the Zen
school. The three schools of Chinese
Zen he describes are the Northern
school of Shen-hsiu (606?706), the
Southern school represented by Ma-
tsu Tao-i (709788) and his disciples,
and the Ho-tse school to which Tsung-
mi claimed to belong.
Chao-chou Tsung-shen
(778897; J. Jsh Jshin) A Tang dynasty
Zen master from the lineage of Nan-
chan known for his paradoxical state-
ments and strange actions. Chao-chou
was one of the outstanding masters of his
day and became the subject of numerous
kan from the classical collections,
including five in the Mumonkan and
twelve in the Hekiganroku. The most
famous is the Mukan, the first case in the
Mumonkan, commonly used as the first
device for beginning students of Zen.
Chao-chou entered the monastery at
an early age and became Nan-chans
disciple at age eighteen. It is said that he
attained his first enlightenment experi-
ence that year. He remained with Nan-
chan for many years, continually
deepening his understanding. After his
masters death, when he was in his
fifties, Chao-chou set out on a pilgrim-
age to visit other Zen masters. At the age
of eighty, he was invited to take up resi-
dence at the Kuan-yin temple in the
city of Chao-chou (from which he took
his Buddhist name). There he accepted
disciples and taught until he died at the
age of 120. He did not use harsh teach-
ing devices, such as the stick or the
shout (bkatsu), typical of his day to
challenge his disciples; instead he
employed quiet, simple words which
were, nonetheless, powerful.
( J. Jron) The Treatises by Seng-
chao, a commentary on
Mdhyamaka teaching written by
Seng-chao (374414). Seng-chao was a
disciple of Kumarajiva, the Central
Asian translator and scholar-monk. He
was the first native Chinese to discuss
the middle way of Madhyamika
thought, and he effectively expressed
these sophisticated concepts of
Buddhist philosophy in a Chinese
manner. The Chao-lun comprises four
essays, Things are Without Change,
The Emptiness of the Unreal, Prajna
is Without Knowledge, and The
Namelessness of Nirvana. The essays
were probably composed between 404
and 414, although it is unknown when
the compilation was first completed.
The Chao-lun served as one of the
foundational texts of the San-lun
school of Chinese Buddhism. It was
also highly valued by the Hua-yen and
Zen schools. The entire text appears as
one section of the Transmission of the
Lamp (Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dent Roku). A complete
English translation was prepared by
Walter Liebenthal in his Book of Chao.
See also Hua-yen school.
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei
Cheng-fa Yen-tsang
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, a
collection of traditional kan compiled
by Ta-hui Tsung-kao (10891163), a
Chinese Rinzai master of the Sung
dynasty (9601279) between 1141 and
1150. The title is pronounced
Shbgenz in Japanese, but the work is
unrelated to the more famous
Shbgenz written by Dgen Kigen
(12001253). See also Rinzai sect.
(J. shinnin) A Chinese term usually
translated as True Person. Chen-jen is
a Taoist term used by the philosopher
Chuang-tzu to indicate an ideal
Taoist adept who understands the
Tao. The expression was later adopted
by Chinese Buddhists to translate
the Sanskrit word arhat, the
ideal Buddhist practitioner who
has realized nirvana. See true person
of no rank.
Chia-tai Pu-teng Lu
The Chia-tai Comprehensive Record
of the Lamp (J. Katai Fut Roku), a
supplement to earlier historical
chronicles of the Zen school. It was
compiled by Lei-an Cheng-shou
(11461208) in 1204. The text includes
biographies and writings of Zen mas-
ters and prominent Buddhist masters
from other schools of Buddhism, as
well as biographies of emperors and
government officials who favored Zen.
Its primary focus is on the Northern
Sung and Southern Sung dynasties.
The text is the fifth and final of the five
Zen chronicles known collectively as
the Five Records of the Lamp
Prefect of the Buddha hall, one of the
six offices (chsu) related to the medi-
tation and training aspects of life in a
Zen monastery. The chiden is a senior
monk responsible for cleaning and
preparing the various halls; in particular,
he sees that the Buddha hall (Butsuden)
is ready for all ritual functions.
Wisdom; Japanese term used as a
translation for the Sanskrit term pra-
jna. See prajna.
Chief Cook
One of the highest and most important
officers in a Zen monastery, the chief
cook is one of six administrative offices
which oversee the practical adminis-
tration of the monastery. See tenzo.
(687763; J. Ganjin) Chinese Buddhist
monk who founded the ritsu (vinaya)
school of Buddhismin Japan. Japanese
monks studying in China during the
early eighth century invited the
famous vinaya master Chien-chen to
visit Japan, since Japan still lacked for-
mal ordination procedures. Chien-
chen made five unsuccessful attempts
to reach Japan over a period of eleven
years but finally succeeded in 754; by
then he was blind. He took up resi-
dence at Tdai-ji in Nara, where he
supervised the construction of the first
ordination platform (J. kaidan) in the
country. At the first formal ordination
ceremony, Chien-chen bestowed the
precepts on more than 400 lay people,
including Emperor Shmu, and some
80 monks. See also lay believer.
Chien-chung Ching-kuo
Hsu-teng Lu
(J. Kench Seikoku Zokut Roku) The
Chien-chung Ching-kuo Supplementary
Record of the Lamp, a thirty-section
chronicle of early Zen history, presented
in the biographies, sermons, and anec-
dotes of prominent Zen masters. It was
compiled by Fo-kuo Wei-po in 1101 and
published in 1103. Fo-kuo was a
scholar-monk of the Yun-men school of
Zen. He intended the work to be a
Chien-chung Ching-kuo Hsu-teng Lu
continuation of the Ching-te Chan-
teng Lu, therefore concentrating the
majority of the chapters on Zen masters
from the five houses (J. goke) of Zen
active during the Northern Sung dynasty
(9601279). The text is the third of the five
Zen chronicles known collectively as the
Five Records of the Lamp (J. Gotroku).
Chi-fei Ju-i
(16161671; J. Sokuhi Nyoichi) An
Obaku monk from Fukien province
who emigrated from Ming China and
arrived in Japan in 1657. Chi-fei was
one of the leading disciples and
Dharma heirs of Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673), the founder of Obaku Zen
in Japan. Chi-fei is known for his
poetry and masterful calligraphy.
Along with Obaku masters Yin-yan
and Mu-an, Chi-fei is known as one of
the Three Brushes of Obaku (san-
hitsu), monks who were regarded as
great artists for their calligraphy. See
also Obaku sect.
Chih-hsiu Pai-chang Ching-kuei
( J. Chokush Hyakuj Shingi) The
Imperial Compilation of the Pai-chang
Monastic Code, a Yan dynasty
(12601368) collection of monastic
codes prepared for Zen monasteries in
1336. Although the title contains the
name Pai-chang and it is often abbrevi-
ated as the Pai-chang Code, Pai-
chang himself did not compose any
part of the text. The text was transmit-
ted to Japan in about 1350 and served
as the basis for governing life at Gozan
(538597; J. Chigi) Chinese Buddhist
master who founded the Tien-tai
school of Chinese Buddhism; he
resided on Mount Tien-tai, for which
the school is named. Chih-i is recog-
nized within the Tien-tai tradition as
the fourth patriarch of the school
because he based his work on the teach-
ings of earlier masters. In particular, he
systematized the teachings of Hui-wen
and Hui-ssu (515577). Chih-i based
his work on the Lotus Sutra, which he
regarded as the final, perfect teaching
of the historical Buddha. He developed
a system classifying all of the known
Buddhist sutras into five periods of the
Buddhas life and eight styles of teach-
ing. Texts derived from the ancient
Buddhist tradition, the Theravada
school, and many of the early
Mahayana schools of thought had
been introduced simultaneously in
China without any clear sense of their
relative position in the historical devel-
opment of Buddhism. Chih-is classifi-
cation system helped clarify the con-
fusing array of Buddhist teachings
encountered by Chinese Buddhists of
his time. Chih-i also spelled out the
Tien-tai concept of the Threefold
Truth, based on Nagarjunas under-
standing of two levels of truth. In addi-
tion, he developed chih-kuan, the
Tien-tai method of meditation.
(646722; J. Chii) Zen Chinese monk of
the Tang period (618907), regarded
as the Fifth Patriarch of the Oxhead
school of early Zen. Along with his
master, Fa-chih, Chih-wei practiced
under the Fifth Patriarch of Zen, Hung-
jen (601674), for a time and received
his Dharma transmission. He and his
master then returned to Niu-tou
where they led a brief revival of the
Oxhead school.
(600677; J. Chigan) Zen Chinese
monk of the Tang period (618907),
regarded as the Second Patriarch of
the Oxhead school of early Zen. He
was the Dharma heir of founder Fa-
yung (594657).
(646722) Japanese transliteration of
Chih-wei, Fifth Patriarch of the
Oxhead school. See Chih-wei.
Chi-fei Ju-i
Stewards; the six senior monks at a
Zen monastery who assist the abbot in
managing the administrative aspects
of the community, particularly eco-
nomic matters. As a group they are also
known as the Eastern rank (than),
since their duties keep them in the
eastern portion of the temple grounds
most of the time. The stewards include
the offices of prior (tssu), supervisor
(kansu), assistant supervisor (fsu),
chief cook (tenzo), labor steward
(shissui), and supervisor of trainees
(ino). The Japanese later added a sev-
enth office, that of bursar (tsbun).
Their counterparts in the Western
ranks (seihan) are known as the pre-
fects (chshu), and assist the abbot in
the spiritual aspects of the community.
See than.
Chinese Tripitaka
( J. Daizky) The collection of
Buddhist texts, written in Chinese,
which is regarded as the canon or offi-
cial scriptures of the Buddhist tradition
throughout East Asia. The Chinese
Tripitaka incorporates several types of
texts: translations from the early tradi-
tion of Theravada Buddhism, which
formed the original Sanskrit Tripitaka;
translations of Mahayana sutras origi-
nally composed in Sanskrit; apoc-
ryphal texts composed in Chinese but
presented as translations; and texts
composed by and attributed to
Chinese authors.
Before the development of printing
technologywhen Buddhist texts still
had to be copied by handthe Chinese
devised catalogs listing existing
Buddhist texts. The catalogs were
expanded over time to include newer
translations and texts originally com-
posed in Chinese. Beginning with the
Tang dynasty (618907), Chinese
imperial courts sometimes issued
orders that a collection of all texts
mentioned in a given catalog be com-
piled. These collections of hand-writ-
ten texts were referred to as Ta-tsang-
ching ( J. Daizky), or Great
Storehouse Scriptures, and later
became the basis for printed editions
of the Chinese Tripitaka.
There have been a number of com-
plete printed editions of the Chinese
Tripitaka produced in China, Korea, and
Japan. The first complete wood-block
edition, known as the Szechuan edition,
was begun during the reign of the first
Sung emperor. It was completed in 983.
The standard edition currently used by
most scholars is the Taish Shinsh
Daizky, a modern Japanese edition,
which adds several volumes of texts
composed by Japanese authors to the
Chinese Tripitaka.
Chn, Kenneth Kuan Shng. Buddhism
in China: A Historical Survey.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1964.
Pure regulations, the Chinese form of
monastic codes used in the practice of
Zen, which set out the proper conduct
for life and practice within the Zen
monastic community. See shingi.
Chingo Kokka No Sambuky
Three sutras for the protection of the
country, three Buddhist scriptures
revered in Japan as beneficial for the
welfare of the ruler, the nation, and the
people. The three sutras are the
Konkmyky (Golden Light Sutra), the
Hokkeky (Lotus Sutra) and the
Ninnky (Benevolent Kings Sutra).
Japanese emperors ordered these sutras
distributed to temples throughout the
country, where they were recited and
copied for the sake of the nation.
(J. Kinzan) Mount Ching, a mountain
in modern-day Che-chiang province,
China, which was traditionally an
important religious site for Zen. The
mountain was the site of the Zen
monastery Wan-shou-ssu, home to
such famous Zen masters as Ta-hui
Tsung-kao (10891163). Ching-shan
became known as one of the Five
Mountains (Ch. wu-shan; J. Gozan
temples), the most prestigious Zen
monasteries in China.
Ching-shan Tao-chin
(714792; J. Kinzan Dkin) Chinese
Zen monk of the Tang dynasty
(618907), the final master of the
Oxhead school. He was the Dharma
heir of Hsan-su.
Ching-te Chan-teng Lu
(J. Keitoku Dent Roku) The Ching-te
Era Record of the Transmission of the
Lamp, a thirty-section collection of
biographies of Indian and Chinese Zen
masters. It was compiled by Tao-yuan
and edited by Yang I (9681024) in
1004, during the Ching-te era of the
Sung dynasty (9601279). The collec-
tion contains the biographies of Zen
patriarchs, monks, nuns, and impor-
tant lay disciples, arranged chronolog-
ically. The title is commonly abbrevi-
ated to Chan-teng Lu (J. Dent Roku).
The text begins with the seven bud-
dhas of the past, the last of whom is
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama), and continues to the time
of Tao-yuan at the end of the tenth
century. The chronology presents a tra-
ditional Zen history of the authentic
transmission of the Dharma through
the generations. Tao-yuan based his
version of the Zen lineage on the Pao-
lin Chuan, an earlier compilation. The
Transmission of the Lamp is the first
and earliest of the five texts known col-
lectively as the Five Records of the
Lamp (J. Gotroku).
The Transmission of the Lamp
includes a total of 1,701 biographies
960 biographical sketches and a listing
of another 740 names. In addition to
biographical details such as place of
birth and family name, it also includes
poetry attributed to the various mas-
ters, stories of encounters between
masters and disciples, and stories
about enlightenment experiences
drawn from recorded sayings and
other sources. Later Zen masters used
the text as a resource for training stu-
dents. Many of the kan traditionally
used within the Zen school were drawn
from its pages.
Scholars no longer regard the lin-
eage presented in the Transmission of
the Lamp as historically accurate, but
the text remains a basic resource for
early Zen history. Only portions of the
text have been translated into English.
See also lay believer.
Sohaku, Ogata, trans. The Transmission
of the Lamp: Early Masters.
Wolfeboro, NH: Longwood
Academic, 1989.
(J. Keitoku-ji) An important Chinese
Zen monastery on Tai-po-shan
(Mount Tai-po), located in modern-
day Chekiang. The monasterys full
name was Tien-tung Ching-te-chan-
ssu; it became known as one of the Five
Mountains (Ch. wu-shan; J. Gozan
temples), the most prestigious Zen
monasteries in China.
(Jinzu-ji) An important Chinese St
Zen monastery on Nan-shan (Mount
Nan) in Che-chiang. The monasterys
full name was Ching-tzu Pao-en-
kuang-hsiao-ssu; it became known as
one of the Five Mountains (Ch. wu-
shan; J. Gozan temples), the most
prestigious Zen monasteries in China.
See also St sect.
The portrait of a Zen master, a tradi-
tional form of Zen art, alternatively pro-
nounced Chinz. Chins include realis-
tic portraits of prominent Zen abbots
painted during the subjects life or
shortly after death, as well as traditional
depictions of famous Zen patriarchs
Ching-shan Tao-chin
from the past, especially Bodhidharma.
Formal portraits typically present the
master in formal ceremonial dress,
seated in a chair. It has long been
held that Zen masters bestowed chins
onto their disciples as a symbol of
Dharma transmission. Scholars
also believe that chins were used in
many different ritual contexts,
especially to represent the deceased
during memorial services.
A good friend. Literally, the term means
knowledge or wisdom. It is often
used as a polite form of address for
worthy or prominent monks who
practice Zen. Sometimes used synony-
mously with Zenchishiki.
The bathkeeper at a Zen monastery.
One of six offices of the monastery of
the Western rank (seihan), held by a
senior monk. In a traditional
monastery, the bathkeeper is responsi-
ble for preparing the bath and supervis-
ing conduct within the bathhouse.
(Some members of the community
were children.) Bathing days, the only
time hot water is available in large
quantities, are scheduled every two
weeks. The bathkeeper heats the water
over a fire, traditionally using leaves
and other refuse from cleaning the
grounds as fuel.
Chief librarian at a Zen monastery, one
of the six senior officers from the
Western rank (seihan) of the monastery.
Also known as the sutra prefect, or zsu,
the librarian is responsible for the
proper care of the monasterys collec-
tion of books and scrolls, including the
preservation of texts and the
acquisition of new materials. The
chiz is usually a monk educated in
Buddhist literature, especially Zen. In a
Chins, a traditional form of Zen art, includes realistic portraits of Buddhist abbots and Zen masters. This
is a painting of Bodhidharma, the legendary founder of Zen Buddhism.
contemporary Zen monastery, the
position is often held by a highly
trained scholar-monk.
Morning services, one of three periods
of ritual chanting held daily in a Zen
monastery. The morning service is held
before sunrise in the main hall
(Butsuden). It includes the chanting of
various sutras and other prayers. It is
known more fully as Chka fugin.
(2) Long verse, a genre of Japanese
poetry; one of two standard forms of
waka, or poetry. Chka may be any
length and are composed of alternating
lines of five and seven syllables, con-
cluding with a couplet of 7-7.
Chokush Hyakuj Shingi
Japanese title for the Chih-hsiu Pai-
chang Ching-kuei. See Chih-hsiu Pai-
chang Ching-kuei.
An alternative Japanese term for jji,
the abbot or chief monk at a monastery
or temple. See jji.
The prefects of a Zen monastery. The
prefects include a group of six senior
monks who assist the abbot in the spiri-
tual aspects of the monastic community.
Prefects participate in training members
of the community in meditation,
monastic discipline, ritual procedures,
and the study of religious texts. The pre-
fects include the offices of chief seat
(shuso), scribe (shoki), sutra prefect
(zsu), guest prefect (shika), bathkeeper
(chiyoku), and prefect of the Buddha
hall (chiden). They are also referred to as
the Western rank (seihan), because their
duties keep them in the western
precincts of the monastery. Their coun-
terparts on the administrative side are
called the stewards (than). See seihan.
Chuan Fa-pao Chi
(J. Den Hbki) The Annals of the
Transmission of the Dharma Treasure, a
compilation of the biographies of seven
Chinese Zen masters. These include
Bodhidharma, Hui-ko (487593), Seng-
tsan (d. 606), Tao-hsin (580651), Hung-
jen (601674), Fa-ju, and Shen-hsiu
(606?706), who are considered the
Chinese patriarchs of the Northern
school of Zen. The text was written by a lay
practitioner, Tu Fei. See also lay believer.
McRae, John R. The Northern School
and the Formation of Early Chan
Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1986. (McRae
includes a complete English trans-
lation of the text as an appendix.)
Chuan-hsin Fa-yao
( J. Insh Obaku-zan Dansai Zenji
Denshin Hy) The Principles of the
Transmission of Mind, a collection in
one section of Huang-po Hsi-yns (d.
850) recorded sayings which was com-
piled by Pei-hsiu in 857. The texts full
title is Yun-chou Huang-po-shan Tuan-
chi Chan-shih Chuan-hsin Fa-yao. It
appears as a part of the Ssu-chia Yu-lu,
the Record of the Four Houses. See also
Huang-po-shan and Zenji.
Chuan-teng Lu
(J. Keitoku Dent Roku) A common
abbreviation for the Ching-te Chan-
teng Lu, the Transmission of the Lamp.
See Ching-te Chan-teng Lu.
(J. Gutei) A Tang dynasty Zen monk
from Ma-tsu Tao-is (709788) lineage,
who lived during the ninth century.
Ch-chih was known for his One-fin-
ger Zen. When asked by disciples for
instruction, Ch-chih would reply by
silently raising a single finger. Little else
is known about Ch-chih, except that
he made use of unusual and shocking
behavior to push disciples toward
enlightenment. According to a classical
kan preserved in the Mumonkan and
Hekiganroku, when a young attendant
once imitated the masters teaching
technique without yet grasping
its importance, Ch-chih cut off the
young mans finger. In the shock and
pain of the experience, the attendant
attained enlightenment.
Japanese name for the Mdhyamaka
school. See Mdhyamaka.
Chh Myhon
The Japanese pronunciation for
Chung-feng Ming-pen (12631323),
a Yan dynasty Rinzai monk. See
Chung-feng Ming-pen.
Yn-chi Chu-hung (15351615; J. Unsei
Shuk), also known as Lien-chi Chu-
hung (J. Renchi Shuk), was a leading
Chinese Buddhist monk of the Ming
dynasty (13681644). Chu-hung did not
become a monk until he was thirty-two
years old. Before that time, he lived as a
householder, marrying twice. He is called
Yn-chi after the temple of that name,
which he founded in Hang-chou. He
resided for most of his monastic life at
Yn-chi-ssu. Within the monastery, he
studied Zen, Hua-yen, and Tien-tai
thought, but he took the tonsure at a Zen
monastery and is therefore generally
regarded as a Zen monk. Since he regu-
larly chanted the nembutsu (Ch. nien-fo)
and wrote many texts recommending
that practice, he is sometimes also
regarded as a Pure Land master. He left
behind numerous important treatises
and was the founder of a popular
lay Buddhist movement based on
the concept of meritorious and
demeritorious behavior.
Like other Buddhist masters of his
time, Chu-hung combined various reli-
gious teachings, arguing that Buddhism,
Taoism, and Confucianism were all com-
patible. He also advocated a combined
practice of Zen meditationand Pure Land
devotion, a trend in Chinese Buddhism at
the time. Chu-hung not only advocated
the simple recitation of the nembutsu, but
recommended that practitioners contem-
plate the nembutsu in a kan-like fashion,
concentrating on the Amida buddha
within the self and the Pure Land of the
Mind. Chu-hung is also known for his
response to the teachings of Jesuit mis-
sionaries in China. He composed the
essay Tien-shuo ssu-pien, in which he
gave a Buddhist refutation of Christian
beliefs. See also dual practice, Hua-yen
school, Tien-tai school, and lay believer.
The interim period between death and
the next rebirth, usually believed to last
49 days. During this period of time, the
karmic energy or residue from the pre-
vious life is believed to exist in a sus-
pended state before taking on its next
form. In more popular terms, the
karmic residue is thought of as the spirit
or soul of the deceased, which escapes
from the body at death but retains some
semblance of the individuals personal-
ity. At the end of the interim period, the
karmic residue or spirit takes on
another form, being reborn into one of
the six realms of existence. Rebirth is
based upon the accumulated karma
and merit from the previous existence,
so that goodness is rewarded and evil
actions punished.
In East Asian cultures, the chin is
observed as the initial period of mourn-
ing after the death of a loved one. Since
the exact outcome of the next rebirth is
not yet determined, it is commonly
believed that the chin period provides
a final opportunity to improve the per-
sons prospects. Specifically, meritori-
ous actions undertaken by the living
during this time can benefit the
deceased. In Japanese Buddhism, for
example, the mourning period is
marked by a series of memorial ser-
vices conducted every seven days.
Traditionally, the merit accumulated
from these services is believed to be
transferred to the deceased in the hope
of insuring a better rebirth.
Chung-feng Ho-shang Kuang-Lu
(J. Tenmoku Chh Osho Kroku)The
Comprehensive Record of Master Chung-
feng, a text of thirty sections, including the
recorded sayings (goroku) and writings of
Chung-feng Ming-pen, a Yan dynasty
(12601368) Chinese Rinzai master. The
work was compiled by Po-ting Tzu-chi
and other disciples. The full title for the
text is Tien-mu Chung-feng Ho-shang
Kuang-lu, which is sometimes abbrevi-
ated to Chung-feng Kuang-Lu. In 1334,
the completed work was presented to the
last Yan emperor, Shun-ti (r. 13331368),
who ordered it included in the Chinese
Tripitaka. See also Rinzai sect.
Chung-feng Ming-pen
(12631323; J. Chh Myhon) A Yan
dynasty (12601368) monk who prac-
ticed Zen and worked to restore a vigor-
ous form of Rinzai practice in China. He
was called the old buddha south of the
sea by his contemporaries because he
once fled the monastery by boat when
he was appointed to serve as abbot: He
preferred a solitary life of meditation to
the busy life of a senior monk at an
established monastery, and he was
respected for his act because it indicated
a dedication to practice rather than a
lust for power. For most of his career he
lived without a permanent residence,
taking up temporary lodging in various
huts on Mount Tien-mu. Although he
refused an invitation from Emperor Jen-
tsung to become a court monk, he
received from the emperor an honorific
robe and the title Fo-tzu Yan-chao
Kuang-hui Chan-shih.
Chung-feng exerted considerable
influence on Japanese Rinzai of the
Kamakura period (11851333), despite
the fact that he never left China. Several
Japanese monks traveled to China to
study with him. His Japanese Dharma
heirs then established his lineage in
Japan, where it was known as the Genj
line of Rinzai Zen. Chung-fengs style was
distinctive in Japan because he allowed
some blending of Pure Land practice
into his Zen style. See also Rinzai sect.
Codependent Origination
(J. engi) The Buddhist teaching that all
mental and physical things come into
being a result of causes and condi-
tionsnone are self-existent. A thing
passes out of existence when its causes
and conditions cease to exist. This
means that all things lack an essential
self-nature, such as an eternal soul, and
are thus impermanent. All things are
characterized by perpetual change.
Traditionally a Twelve Link Chain of
Causation illustrated how human suf-
fering arises from a series of interre-
lated conditions. A standard rendering
of the Twelve-Link Chain begins with
ignorance. Ignorance leads to disposi-
tions, consciousness, name and form,
six senses (the five senses plus the
mind), sensory stimulation, feeling,
desire, attachment to things and per-
sons, becoming, birth, and finally aging,
dying, and sorrow.
In Theravada Buddhism, the teach-
ing of codependent origination is
closely related to the four noble truths,
especially the second and third truths,
which explain the cause and relief of
suffering. When the chain is explained
as above, it describes the causes of suf-
fering. When the chain is reversed, it
illustrates how eliminating spiritual
ignorance will alleviate suffering.
In Mahayana Buddhism, the teaching
of codependent origination is closely
related to the teaching of emptiness. The
concept of emptiness recognizes that all
things are mutually interdependent.
Harvey, Peter. An Introduction to
Buddhism: Teachings, History and
Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1990.
Cold Ashes and Dead Trees
Zen masters sometimes use expressions
such as cold ashes and dead trees as
metaphors for the Zen practice of
seated meditation (zazen), in which
one transcends the hindrances of ordi-
nary passions and desires.
Chung-feng Ho-shang Kuang-Lu
Primary virtue of Buddhist practition-
ers, especially bodhisattvas.
Compassion (J. jihi) is the motivation to
help other sentient beings to alleviate
their suffering and lead them toward
enlightenment. Within the Buddhist
tradition, compassion is always paired
with wisdom. Compassion is said to
arise from wisdom because it is based
on ones awareness of the interdepen-
dence and interconnectedness of all
things. Conversely, wisdom is demon-
strated in compassion. Compassion
requires taking action that will alleviate
suffering and lead other sentient beings
toward enlightenment. It can be
demonstrated in many ways, especially
through teaching and transferring
merit to others.
According to the tradition of
Mahayana Buddhism, there are three
degrees of compassion. First, there is
the small compassion in which ordi-
nary individuals, pratyeka buddhas,
and shravakas display upon observing
the suffering of other sentient beings.
Second, arhats and bodhisattvas in the
early stages of the Buddhist path pro-
duce the middle compassion, which is
based on their awareness of the teach-
ing of No-Self (Sk. Anatman). Finally,
advanced bodhisattvas and buddhas
give rise to great compassion as a result
of their thorough grasp of emptiness.
Consciousness Only
The Mahayana teaching that all phe-
nomena that one experiences as exter-
nal realities are manifestations of ones
consciousness or mind (J. yuishiki).
This teaching, which became a great
influence on Zen thought and practice,
constituted the basic doctrine for the
Yogachara school of Mahayana
Buddhismwhich arose in India, as well
as the later Ti-lun (J. Jiron), She-lun (J.
Shron), and Fa-hsiang ( J. Hoss)
schools in China and Japan. The teach-
ing was developed and set out in the
Avatamsaka Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra,
and treatises attributed to the Indian
scholar monks Maitreyanatha, Asanga,
and Vasubandu.
According to the Yogachara schools
psychology of the human mind, each
individual has eight levels of conscious-
ness. The first five are related to the five
senses and the sixth to the ordinary
mind, which processes the sensory per-
ceptions. The seventh level of con-
sciousness is the ego, the source of
desire and other emotional responses.
At the deepest level, there is the uncon-
scious mind, known in Yogachara
thought as the storehouse conscious-
ness (alaya consciousness), in which all
previous experiences and impressions
are stored as seeds. These seeds become
the basis for evaluating all present and
future experience and are projected
outward, creating the false impression
of an external reality outside the mind.
The Consciousness Only teaching is
not intended to function simply as a
philosophical position that denies the
existence of any external reality. Rather,
its understanding of human perception
and the workings of the mind are
intended to serve as a meditative device
to promote the experience of enlight-
enment. See also eight conciousnesses,
Fa-hsien school, and Hoss school.
Consciousness Only
Daibontenn Monbutsu Ketsugiky
The Sutra of King Mahabrahmans
Questions to the Buddha and
Resolution of Doubts, a sutra in one or
two sections purported to be the words
of Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama), at the time of the first trans-
mission of the Zen Dharma. According
to tradition the Buddha raised a flower
instead of preaching, and
Mahakashyapa responded with a smile.
The title is commonly abbreviated to
Monbutsu Ketsugiky. The texts
authenticity is now doubted; based on
its contents, it was probably composed
in China. The Chinese title is Ta-fan-
tien-wang Wen-fo Chuen-i-ching. The
two existing versions are different in
length and content; the one-section text
was probably composed later than the
two-section version.
The Shuramgama dharani, a spell
derived from the seventh section of the
Shuramgama Sutra, was used to exor-
cise evil spirits and ward off calamities.
The full title of the spell in Japanese is
Daibutch Mangy Shurygon Darani;
it is sometimes abbreviated as the
Rygon-ju. The Shuramgama Dharani is
one of the most commonly used dha-
rani in the Zen school. It often appears
as a part of Zen rituals, including
memorial services and funerals. See
Shuramgama dharani.
Great robe, the formal outer garment
which monks and nuns wear over their
other monastic robes. The daie is the
largest of the three monastic robes,
or kesa. It was originally donned
whenever a monk or nun needed to
leave the monastic community to beg
or teach. Daie are constructed of strips
of cloth, numbering from nine to
twenty-five, which are sewn together. It
is alternatively known as the sgyari
(kuje) in Japanese.
Daie Sk
The Japanese pronunciation for Ta-hui
Tsung-Kao (10891163), a Chinese
Rinzai monk. See Ta-hui Tsung-Kao.
Great resolve or determination.
According to Zen teachings, Great
Resolve is one of the three essential
traits necessary for Zen practice, along
with Great Doubt (Daigi) and Great
Trust (Daishinkon). The Zen practi-
tioner must produce deep and abiding
resolve to persevere in the practice of
Zen, to overcome the doubts that arise,
and to attain enlightenment. The term
is discussed in Zen Essentials (Kao-feng
Ho-shang Chan-yao; J. Kh sh
Zeny), a text composed by the Yan
dynasty (12601368) Rinzai master Kao-
feng Yan-miao (12381295). See also
Rinzai sect.
Great doubt or great questioning.
According to Zen teachings, Great
Doubt is one of three necessary traits
for the practice of Zen. Great Resolve
(Daifunshi), Great Trust (Daishinkon),
and Great Doubt motivate the
practitioner. The term is discussed in
Zen Essentials (Kao-feng Ho-shang
Chan-yao; J. Kh sh Zeny), a text
composed by the Yan dynasty
(12601368) Rinzai master Kao-feng
Yan-miao (12381295). Like others
before him, the Rinzai master, Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768), believed that every
practitioner must produce great doubt,
sometimes called the ball of doubt, as
the first step toward attaining
Daibontenn Monbutsu Ketsugiky
enlightenment. He and other masters
formulated kan and other Zen devices
to elicit great doubt in their disciples.
See also Rinzai sect.
An alternative saying or answer that a
commentator appends to a kan to
complete the case. The term literally
means words offered in place of
another and refers specifically to cases
in which the commentator provides an
answer of his own devising when the
disciple in the original exchange
(mond) was unable to reply. The term
is used for one of two basic kinds of
answers that masters would tradition-
ally provide for kan in compilations of
historical cases. The other major style of
appended answer is the betsugo, a say-
ing with a different opinion.
The term daigo originally referred to
the spontaneous comments that mas-
ters made during actual question-and-
answer sessions with their disciples. If
the students failed to respond to a ques-
tion, the master would make a com-
ment in their stead. In the
Hekiganroku, Case 86, for example,
Yunmen answered his own question in
place of his students. When he asked,
Each person possesses their own light,
but if one tries to search for it, all is
darkness. What is this light? he
received no response. He then gave two
answers, The monastery halls and
gate; and Even something one enjoys
is not better than nothing.
Daigu Schiku
(15841669) A Japanese Rinzai monk
from the Myshin-ji lineage. Daigu was
born in Mino to a samurai-class family.
He is one of the Zen reformers who tried
to revitalize Rinzai Zen during the early
Tokugawa period (16001867). After
achieving considerable success within
the Rinzai institutional hierarchy, Daigu
set out to attain enlightenment
through the practice of meditation.
Believing that there were no qualified
masters in Japan to confirm his
experience, Daigu regarded himself as a
self-confirmed master. He is best
known for his efforts in restoring ruined
temples. See also Rinzai sect.
Daihannya Haramitsuky
Mahaprajna Paramita, The Great
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, the mas-
sive Chinese translation (T. 47, no. 220)
in 600 sections of the entire collection
of the Perfection of Wisdom literature.
Hsuan-tsang (600664), the Chinese
Buddhist monk, completed the original
translation between 661 and 663 C.E.
The sutra, which includes such texts as
the Heart Sutra and the Diamond
Sutra, is extremely important to many
East Asian schools of Buddhism,
including Zen. At many Zen monaster-
ies, monks and nuns read the entire
sutra at ceremonies for the New Year.
They also read it to acquire merit for
special intentions, using the tendoku
method, a form of speed-reading.
Daihatsu Nehangy Shuge
Japanese title for the Parinirvana Sutra,
a sutra which explains itself to be the
final sermon given by the Buddha
before his death. See Nirvana Sutra.
The Great Matter, a common Zen
expression. It is often used to indicate the
Ultimate Truth of Buddhism, which is
realized when one attains enlighten-
ment. Also, it may refer specifically to the
experience of enlightenment (J. satori),
when one sees ones own Buddha
Nature, or to the practice of meditation
that leads to enlightenment. A Zen
master may tell his disciples to attend
to the Great Matter, in which case any or
all the above meanings may apply.
The term is actually the common
abbreviation for the Japanese expression
ichidaiji innen, the most important
cause. The most important cause for the
Buddha to appear in the world was to
lead others to enlightenment.
An important St Zen monastery,
located in Kumamoto Prefecture on the
island of Kysh, Japan. The temple was
founded in 1282 by Kangan Giin
(12171300), a leading disciple of
Dgen Kigen (12001253). It was con-
structed with financial assistance from
Kawajiri Yasuaki, a samurai warrior
from Kysh. Daiji-ji became the head-
quarters of the Higo branch of St. See
also St sect.
Great vehicle, the Japanese transla-
tion of Mahayana, one of the two major
divisions within Buddhism. Mahayana
Buddhism proliferates throughout East
Asia and includes many distinctive
schools and styles of practice, including
Zen. See Mahayana Buddhism.
An important St Zen monastery,
located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa
Prefecture, Japan. The temple was
founded in 1263 by Togashi Iehisa (d.
1329), as his family temple (J. ujidera).
It was originally a Shingon temple, and
its first abbot was the Shingon monk
Chkai. Tetts Gikai (12191309), a
direct disciple of Dgen Kigen
(12001253), converted the temple to a
Zen monastery in 1293. See also
Shingon sect and St sect.
Daij Kishinron
The Awakening of Faith in Mahayana, a
Mahayana treatise traditionally attrib-
uted to Ashvaghosha. There are two
Chinese versions of the text preserved
in the Chinese Tripitaka. The first
translation is believed to have been
completed by Paramartha (T. 32, no.
1666) around 550 C.E.; the second trans-
lation was done by Shiksananada (T. 32,
no. 1667) around 700 C.E. See
Awakening of Faith.
Daikaku Ha
An alternative name for the Kench-ji
branch of Japanese Rinzai, headquar-
tered at Kench-ji in Kamakura.
Daikaku Zenji was the honorific title
conferred posthumously on Chinese
master Lan-chi Tao-lung (12131278; J.
Rankei Dry), who founded the lin-
eage. See also Rinzai sect.
Founded in 1282, the monastery Daiji-ji was the headquarters of the Higo branch of St.
Daiky Shnen
The Japanese pronunciation for Ta-
hsiu Cheng-nien (12151289), a
Chinese Rinzai monk. See Ta-hsiu
Dainichi Nnin
A twelfth-century Japanese monk who
founded the Daruma sect, the earliest
school of Zen in Japan. Little can be
confirmed about Nnins life and
teachings. Originally, he was a Tendai
monk who practiced Zen meditation
on his own before Zen was established
in Japan as an independent school.
Nnin apparently attained some
degree of proficiency and proclaimed
himself a self-enlightened teacher. In
that capacity, he established the
temple of Samb-ji in Osaka. There he
accepted disciples and trained them
according to his own system of
thought. Nnin did not adhere to the
typical style of either the Rinzai or the
St schools of Zen, but followed
meditation practices compatible with
the Tendai tradition he had studied at
Mount Hiei. Although he eventually
received recognition as a Rinzai lin-
eage master, he did not make use of
kan in training his disciples. Based
on criticism of his teachings from
other Zen masters, it appears that
Nnin believed that keeping the
monastic precepts was not a neces-
sary part of Zen practice.
Nnin eventually sought confirma-
tion of his enlightenment experience
from a qualified master in order to
establish his credibility as a Zen
teacher. He dispatched two disciples
to China in 1189, with gifts and a letter
addressed to the Chinese Rinzai mas-
ter Cho-an Te-kuang (11211203). In
response, Te-kuang sent to Nnin a
certificate of enlightenment, a
Dharma robe, and other gifts. This
form of indirect Dharma transmis-
sion was not universally accepted in
Japan, and Nnin became the target
of severe criticism from other
Japanese Zen leaders. The Daruma
sect did not survive long after Nnins
death (circa 1195). Several of Nnins
disciples later joined Dgen Kigens
St Zen community. See also Rinzai
sect, St sect, and Tendai sect.
Dainichi Nyorai
Japanese for the Great Sun Buddha, a
translation of the Sanskrit name
Mahavairochana Tathagata. Dainichi
Nyorai, also known as Birushana
(Mahavairochana Buddha), is the pri-
mary object of veneration in the
Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Early in its history, Japanese
Buddhism came to associate Dainichi
Nyorai with Amaterasu, the Sun
Goddess and the central deity within
the Shinto tradition. For this reason,
large images of Dainichi, such as the
magnificent example at Tdai-ji in
Nara, were enshrined at national
temples (kokubunji) in Japan.
Dai Kokushi
The posthumous honorific title by
which Namp Jmy (12351309), a
Japanese Rinzai monk of the
Kamakura period (11851333), is com-
monly known. The full title is actually
Enz Dai Kokushi. See Namp
Great assemblies; the formal
Dharma lectures and subsequent dis-
cussion sessions held in the Dharma
hall (hatt), of a Zen monastery with
the entire monastic community in
attendance. At the great assembly, the
abbot ascends the hall (jd), mean-
ing that he mounts the central dais in
the Dharma hall and speaks to the
community from his Dharma chair
(hza). At this time, the abbot repre-
sents the buddhas and Zen patriarchs
who taught the Dharma before him.
Most Dharma halls have no Buddhist
images, since the abbot serves the
same role at a great assembly.
The abbot typically gives a formal
lecture, known in Japanese as a teish.
The sermon is usually a commentary
on a few passages from one of the Zen
classics, such as the Lin-chi Lu
(Sayings of Lin-chi). After the formal
portion of the lecture, the abbot invites
questions from the assembly; the audi-
ence then has an opportunity to
engage in mond with the master. In
rare cases, a member of the assembly
will challenge the abbot to debate.
According to the monastic codes, great
assemblies should be scheduled every
five days. In most modern monaster-
ies, however, they are held during the
summer and winter retreats.
Daisetsu Son
(13131377) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333) who
traveled to China to study Zen. Son
was a member of the Fujiwara family
and was born and raised in Kamakura,
Japan. When he was fourteen he took
the tonsure as a Tendai monk on
Mount Hiei. At seventeen he joined the
Zen assembly at Tfuku-ji in Kyoto,
where he studied with several leading
Zen masters before leaving for China in
1344. He went to Sheng-shou-ssu and
became the disciple of Chien-yen
Yan-chang, a Dharma heir of
Chung-feng Ming-pen (12631323) of
the Yang-chi ( J. Ygi) lineage. He
received inka in 1346, and was given a
Dharma robe belonging to Chung-
feng as a symbol of Dharma transmis-
sion. He traveled in China for ten years
returning home to Japan in 1358,
where he founded several temples and
served as abbot. It is said that as many
as 3,000 disciples joined his assembly
at Rygon-ji in Ibaraki. Son also
served as the abbot of two prestigious
Zen temples, Kench-ji and Engaku-ji.
Because of his experience in China and
impressive lineage, he was in demand
from the Ashikaga government.
Although he could not refuse a direct
summons from the shogun, it is said
that on one occasion he served as
abbot of Kench-ji for only ten days
before resigning. Son was the last of
the Japanese monks who studied in
China, and his transmission repre-
sented the final influx of Chinese
teachings for several hundred years.
His posthumous title is Ken Mykan
Zenji. See also Rinzai sect, Tendai
sect, and Yang-chi school.
A great master. An honorific title which
refers primarily to Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama), the historical
Buddha. By extension it is often used
as a title of respect for a bodhisattva or
a Buddhist patriarch, the founder of a
school of Buddhism. It may also be
used more generally for any extraordi-
narily talented Buddhist teacher.
In China and Japan, it became the
custom for emperors to confer the title
great master on outstanding
Buddhist monks, usually as a posthu-
mous honor. The first Buddhist monk
to be so honored in Japan was Saich
(767822), the founder of the Tendai
sect, in 856. In some instances,
Japanese make use of the expression as
an abbreviation for Kb Daishi, the
honorific title conferred on the monk
Kkai (774835), founder of the
Shingon sect in Japan.
Great trust or great belief. According to
Zen teachings, Great Trust is one of the
three essential traits necessary for Zen
practice, along with Great Doubt
(Daigi), and Great Resolve (Daifunshi).
The Zen practitioner must have a deep
faith in Buddhist teachings and in the
historical Buddha. In addition, the
individual must place a great deal of
trust in his or her own teacher. The
term is discussed in Zen Essentials
(Kao-feng Ho-shang Chan-yao; J. Kh
sh Zeny), a text composed by the
Yan dynasty (12601368) Rinzai mas-
ter Kao-feng Yan-miao (12381295).
See also Rinzai sect.
Daisetsu Son
Dait Kokushi
The posthumous honorific title by
which Shh Mych (12821337), a
Japanese Rinzai monk of the Kamakura
period (11851333), is commonly
known. See Shh Mych.
A major Zen monastery in Kyoto, Japan,
which serves as the main monastery for
the Daitoku-ji branch of the Japanese
Rinzai sect. The temples formal name
is Ryh-zan Daitoku-ji, Dragons
Treasure Mountain, Great Virtue
Temple. It was founded by the Zen
master Shh Mych (12821337)
with the patronage of the retired
Emperor Hanazono and the reigning
Emperor Go-Daigo. Shh first built a
small hermitage for himself in the area
of Kyoto, known as Mushashino, in
1315. In 1324, Go-Daigo granted him
land to build a large monastery. A
group of patrons raised the necessary
funds, and the temple was consecrated
in 1327. Daitoku-ji was designated as
one of the highest-ranking temples in
the Gozan system for a period of time,
but voluntarily withdrew from the sys-
tem in 1431.
The temple was destroyed by fire
and war during the fifteenth century,
and was rebuilt later in that century.
Daitoku-ji, the main monastery for the Daitoku-ji branch of the Japanese Rinzai sect.
Many of the present buildings date to
that period. Daitoku-ji has strong asso-
ciations with the tea ceremony
(chanoy) and other artistic forms;
famous tea masters including Sen no
Riky took up residence at the temple.
The temple houses magnificent works
of religious art, donated by wealthy
patrons during the Ashikaga
(13921568) and Tokugawa (16001867)
periods. Although the temple suffered
some damage during the persecution of
Buddhism in the Meiji period
(18681912), it remains a vital monastic
community for Rinzai practice.
Daitoku-ji Ha
The Daitoku-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Daitoku-ji,
located in Kyoto. Shh Mych
(12821337) is regarded as the founder.
The branch has 198 temples throughout
Japan and claims approximately 15,000
The most commonly used Japanese
name for the entirety of the Buddhist
scriptures. The word is derived from
the Chinese expression Ta-tsang-
ching, which literally means the Great
Storehouse of Sutras, and is synony-
mous with issaiky; it is used some-
what loosely, and may refer to the
ancient Sanskrit or Pali Tripitaka, the
more extensive Chinese Tripitaka, or
Japanese editions which include addi-
tional materials. There are many com-
plete editions of the Buddhist scrip-
tures, including the most recent
Japanese edition, the Taish Daizky.
Danka Seido
The Parishioner System, a policy of
social control devised by the Japanese
military government during the
Tokugawa period (16001867). Under a
series of regulations introduced in the
early seventeenth century, all Japanese
families were required to register as
members of a local Buddhist temple. In
this way, Buddhism became an unoffi-
cial state religion; Buddhist monks
served as quasi-civil servants. Monks
issued certificates (terauke), verifying
that the temples parishioners were not
members of any illegal organization,
particularly Christianity or the Fuju
Fuse sect of Nichiren Buddhism. In
some respects, the system benefitted
Buddhism, since it guaranteed
Buddhist temples large memberships,
which in turn provided a stable eco-
nomic base. On the other hand,
enforced membership did not encour-
age personal commitment on the part
of individual Japanese. The regulations
were abolished in the Meiji period
The Platform Sutra, the abbreviated
Japanese title for the Rokuso Danky,
the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
Hui-neng. See Platform Sutra.
A donation, or a donor who makes an
offering to the Buddha, a monk, a nun,
or a temple. In some cases, the term is
used for a person who sponsors a reli-
gious ritual or service. The Japanese
word comes from the Sanskrit dna.
The offerings may be material gifts,
such as food, clothing, and shelter for
the monastic community, or spiritual
gifts, such as instruction in the Dharma
provided by monks and nuns. The term
also has come to be used in various
Buddhist cultures as a respectful form
of address for lay Buddhists.
Danna, understood as generosity, is
the first of the six perfections practiced
by a bodhisattva. Bodhisattvas offer
material and spiritual gifts, even their
lives, to other sentient beings. In this
way, bodhisattvas accrue merit, which
they likewise confer on others rather
than retaining the spiritual benefits for
themselves. Many jataka stories (tales
recounting the previous lives of the
Daitoku-ji Ha
historical Buddha) offer examples
of this form of compassion. See also
lay believer.
Japanese transliteration of the Sanskrit
term dharani. See dharani.
Japanese term for Bodhidharma, the
First Patriarch of Zen. The Zen school
traditionally regards Bodhidharma as
the founder of Zen in China. The term
daruma may also refer to small dolls or
tumblers called Dharma dolls made to
resemble Bodhidharma. See
Bodhidharma and Dharma doll.
Daruma Sect
The earliest independent sect of Zen
established in Japan during the late
twelfth century by Dainichi Nnin, the
Buddhist monk. The sect takes its name
from Bodhidharma, traditionally
regarded as the founder of Zen in
China. Dainichi practiced Zen medita-
tion on his own, becoming a self-
enlightened master. He established
Samb-ji temple in the Settsu region as
the headquarters for his movement. He
eventually sent two disciples to China
to request formal recognition for his
enlightenment experience from Cho-
an Te-kuang (11211203), and became
an indirect Dharma heir within a recog-
nized Chinese Rinzai lineage. The
Daruma school did not survive long
after the death of its founder; many of
his leading disciples joined Dgen
Kigens St Zen community.
Until recently, the teachings of the
Daruma school were known only
through the writings of its critics,
including Myan Eisai (11411215) and
Dgen, Japanese founders of the Rinzai
and St sects respectively. From these
texts, it seems that the Daruma school
rejected the need to follow any external
practice or monastic code. However,
scholars have recently identified three
texts that were authored by members of
the Daruma school indicating its teach-
ings had more in common with the Zen
of Tang dynasty China (618907) than
with the Sung dynasty style character-
ized in Japanese Rinzai and St.
Dainichi practiced a form of meditation
similar to that found in the Tendai
school, rather than a style typical of the
Rinzai lineage to which he formally
belonged. He did not, for example,
make use of kan. See also Rinzai sect
and Tendai sect.
Literally, the school or lineage of
Bodhidharma, the Indian monk who
is said to have brought Zen from India
to China in the sixth century. The name
may be used to designate the Zen
school in general, or the teachings of
Zen Buddhism. In other contexts, it
refers to a short-lived sect of Zen
founded in Japan by the monk Dainichi
Nnin in the late twelfth century. See
also Daruma sect.
Dead Ashes
( J. shikai) A Zen expression used
metaphorically to describe the mind
purified of all the harmful passions and
attachments of ordinary thought. The
term applies especially to practitioners
of Theravada Buddhismwho attain the
meditative level of extinction (J. met-
sujinj), a desirable state.
Dead Sitting
(J. shiza) A derogatory expression used
by Zen teachers to describe incorrect or
ineffective forms of seated meditation.
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768), for
example, criticized silent illumination
Zen, or mokush Zen, as a form of
dead sitting.
Mental activities such as attachment
that obstruct the path to enlighten-
ment. Also referred to as outflows or
binding influences (J. ro). For ordinary
people, defilements arise constantly as a
result of the workings of the senses and
the mind. Buddhist practice, especially
within the tradition of Theravada
Buddhism, can be thought of as a
process of extinguishing defilements.
Once all defilements are extinguished,
one has attained the level of an arhat
and the state of nirvana.
To be formally expelled from a monastic
community. When a monk or nun com-
mits certain offenses, the religious com-
munity may take action to expel the
individual. The community will often
request that items such as monastic
robes, certificates of ordination, or lin-
eage charts be returned to the
monastery, symbolizing that it has
revoked membership privileges. In the
ancient Buddhist tradition, there were
four offenses that called for permanent
expulsion from the sangha. These
actions were engaging in sexual inter-
course, stealing, killing a human being,
and making false claims about ones
spiritual attainments. These offenses
correspond to precepts accepted by
novices at their initial ordination; an
explanation concerning the punish-
ment for breaking them was a regular
part of the ordination process. In the
Zen school, various sects and monaster-
ies have devised monastic codes
(shingi) to govern the behavior of Zen
monks and nuns. In some cases, other
offenses have been deemed serious
enough to warrant defrocking.
Attachment to false views of reality.
Delusions are very much like ignorance
and are a cause of suffering for sen-
tient beings. The most basic delusion is
the attachment to a false sense of self
the belief that one possesses some
eternal and unchanging soul or
identity (atman).
Seal of Dharma Transmission, an
alternative expression for inka shmei.
The dembin is an official certification
from a Zen master that a disciple has
attained the same enlightenment as
the master and is qualified to function
as a Zen master. See inka.
Dengy Daishi
The posthumous title for Saich
(767822), the Japanese monk and
founder of the Tendai sect in Japan. In
866, Saich became the first Japanese
monk to receive the title daishi
(Great Teacher), an honor bestowed on
him by Emperor Seiwa. See Saich.
The Record of the Transmission of the
Light, a two-section text written by
Keizan Jkin (14251500), the Second
Patriarch of St in Japan. Keizan
patterned the text on the Keitoku
Dent Roku (Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng
Lu), the eleventh-century collection of
early Zen biographies. The Denkroku,
first published in 1857, recounts the
lineage of Zen patriarchs of the St
school, beginning with Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). The
text concludes with the biographies of
Dgen Kigen (12001253) and Koun
Ej (11981309), the 51st and 52nd
generation patriarchs. A recent English
translation was published by Nearman.
See also St sect.
Nearman, Rev. Hubert, O.B.C. The
Denkroku or The Record of the
Transmission of the Light by Keizan
Zenji. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta
Abbey, 1993.
Denshin Hy
The Japanese title for the Chuan-hsin
Fa-yao, or The Principles of the
Transmission of Mind. See Chuan-
hsin Fa-yao.
A medium-sized temple bell that hangs
from the eaves of the Buddha hall
(Butsuden). The Densh is used to call
the monks to services in the hall. It
is similar in design to the ogane,
or large monastic bell, although
significantly smaller in size. It is
rung by striking the side of the bell
with a hand mallet or a small swinging
mallet (shumoku).
The common Japanese abbreviation
for the Keitoku Dent Roku (Ch. Ching-
te chan-teng Lu). See Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu.
A disciple or follower of the Buddha;
a student who receives instruction
from a Buddhist teacher. In some
cases, the Japanese term deshi is used
as a translation for the Sanskrit term
sravaka, meaning those disciples
of the historical Buddha who heard
him preach in person. The term has
common usage in secular contexts
in Japan, indicating a student of
some sort. While the term may be used
for any student in school, it connotes a
close bond between student and
teacher; for this reason, it applies
most aptly to a teachers proteges.
Students of the fine arts and martial
arts who train under a master are also
known as deshi.
( J. Daibadatta) A cousin of
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama),
who initially became one of his
disciples, but later turned against him.
Devadatta hoped to be the leader of
the Buddhist sangha, or community,
but the Buddha rejected his request
for that position. Devadatta became
so resentful that he attempted to kill
the Buddha and take the leadership
of the sangha by force. According to
legend, he attacked the Buddha three
times. First, Devadatta sent assassins,
but they became so impressed with
the Buddha that they refused to com-
plete their assignment. Next, he tried
to crush the Buddha with a boulder,
but the boulder stopped before it
could harm the Buddha. Finally, he
attacked the Buddha with an enraged
elephant, but the Buddha pacified
the beast with his great love and was
once again unharmed. Although
unsuccessful in his attempts to destroy
the Buddha, Devadattas hostility
resulted in the first schism within the
Buddhist order.
The deities. The Sanskrit word deva lit-
erally means a shining being. In its
plural form, the term originally applied
to all Hindu deities. Buddhismadopted
the basic Indian cosmology, but rein-
terpreted the existence of the devas. In
Buddhism, devas are heaven dwellers
and represent one of the six realms of
existence in samsara (rokud)the
ongoing cycle of birth and death. Like
other sentient beings, devas are sub-
ject to the workings of karma; they
have been born into a heavenly realm
because of good merit accumulated in
previous lifetimes. When the store of
merit is exhausted, however, they fade
and die like other sentient beings, usu-
ally falling into one of the lower realms.
Devas have the advantage of living in
pleasurable circumstances, but unlike
human beings, they are unable to
make progress toward release from
samsara. It is said that, untouched by
the suffering that characterizes human
life, devas have no incentive to progress
on the path to enlightenment. See
also six paths.
Devils Cave
A dark place in which one cannot see
anything at all. Zen texts use the
expression as a metaphor for an
attachment to false views of reality,
especially nihilism. See Kikutsuri.
Devils Cave
Sacred formulas found in the Buddhist
scriptures. Dharani are chanted in a man-
ner similar to chanting mantras. Dharani
and mantras differ only in length; dharani
generally refers to longer formulas. Like
mantras, dharani often make little sense
literally, but the syllables are believed to
contain inherent power. Chinese and
Japanese versions of dharani are often
transliterations of the Sanskrit sounds,
sometimes made without any attempt at
literal accuracy. Like mantras, dharani
may be chanted repeatedly as a way to
focus concentration in certain styles of
meditation. They may also be used as
magic spells to ward off various calamities
such as disease, dangerous animals, and
drought. Although dharani are associated
most commonly with tantric and esoteric
Buddhism, schools also make some use of
dharani in daily ritual and for extraordi-
nary circumstances.
(J. h) A Sanskrit term used in all of the
major religious and philosophical
systems originating in India, including
Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The
various traditions apply the term some-
what differently. There is no single
English term that adequately translates
the full range of meanings and implica-
tions of the original Sanskrit; the word is
variously translated as Truth, Law, Duty,
Teaching, Religion, and Norm. The term
may appear in secular contexts and refer
to secular laws or a secular sense of jus-
tice. In Buddhist contexts, it may be used
synonymously with the word Buddhism.
Buddhist texts use the term Dharma to
refer to several different but related con-
cepts. The most common usage references
the teachings of Buddhism or the teach-
ings of the Buddha, including the sermons
that the Buddha gave during his lifetime as
well as the scriptures recorded later, which
are said to reflect the original sermons.
When used in this sense, the expression
Buddha-Dharma is often employed. The
term Dharma may also refer to the moral-
ity associated with the Buddhist path.
Traditional Buddhist teachings main-
tained that morality is necessary for the
practice of Buddhism and the eventual
attainment of enlightenment.Buddhist
practitioners are required to live according
to the Dharma, abiding by the Buddhas
prohibitions against killing, stealing, lying,
and other offenses. For monks and nuns
this may be interpreted to mean living
according to the entire vinaya, or monas-
tic code. Within the tradition of Mahayana
Buddhism, living according to the
Dharma would involve abiding by the bod-
hisattva precepts. Finally, the term
Dharma in its deepest sense refers to real-
ity itself and the awareness of things as
they are, characterizing the enlightenment
of the Buddha and other perfectly enlight-
ened beings. In this final sense, the
Dharma may be understood as the ulti-
mate goal of the Buddhist path.
In contrast to the above usages, which
are generally denoted in English with the
upper-case Dharma, the Sanskrit word
may also refer to elements of the world:
things, mental constructions, and events.
In this case, the term means thing.
When referring to all things that exist in
the phenomenal world, Buddhist texts
will speak of all dharmas. Used in this
manner, dharma is typically left in the
lower case to distinguish it from other
uses. See also lay believer.
Dharma Combat
An expression used to describe certain
intense exchanges between Zen masters
and disciples, using verbal and nonverbal
forms of communication. A typical
exchange is initiated when the master
issues a challenge to members of the
assembly, individually or as a group, to
express their understanding of the
Dharma. Although Dharma combat takes
on the general appearance of a debate,
usually including a question-and-answer
period, accounts of these exchanges
rarely make much logical sense to the
reader. In most cases, the exchange
between the combatants amounts to little
more than a few disjointed remarks, or
shouts and slaps. The goal of the
exchange, however, is not to provide an
analytical expression of the Zen teach-
ings. Rather, the master uses the emotion-
ally charged moment of confrontation as
an opportunity to push students toward
an immediate realization.
Examples of Dharma combat abound
in the classical Zen literature, especially in
the genre of the recorded sayings (goroku)
of the masters. Perhaps the most illustra-
tive cases are seen in the Lin-chi Lu, the
Sayings of Lin-chi. In the first discourse
recounted in the text, Lin-chi I-hsan (d.
867) explicitly employs the language of
battle in his challenge to the assembly:
Now is there any adept warrior who
forthwith can array his battle-line and
unfurl his banners here before me? Let him
try proving himself before the assembly! A
monk asked, What about the cardinal
principle of the Buddha-Dharma? The
master gave a shout. The monk bowed low.
As an opponent in argument this young
reverend is rather good, said the master.
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller. The Record of Lin-
chi. Kyoto, Japan: The Institute for
Zen Studies, 1975.
(J. hokkai; The Realm of the Dharma).
The Sanskrit term is used in the Buddhist
tradition to mean a variety of things.
Dharmadhatu refers to the realm or
sphere of ultimate reality. It may be used
also to indicate the entire universe and
everything in existence. The two senses of
the word are related philosophically. From
one perspective, the realm of Ultimate
Truth is clearly distinct from the realm of
ordinary existence. Within the realm of
ordinary existence, the various things
(dharmas) that exist are differentiated
from one another, while the realm of ulti-
mate reality transcends all distinctions.
Viewed from another perspective, how-
ever, the realm of ultimate reality is identi-
cal to the realm of ordinary existence.
Indeed, ultimate reality is made manifest
in everything that exists.
Dharma Doll
A papier-mch doll or tumbler repre-
senting Bodhidharma, the first patri-
arch of Zen. A popular item in Japanese
Dharma Doll
Designed without arms or legs, Dharma dolls represent the founder of Zen, Bodhidharma,
who according to legend lost use of his appendages in meditation.
culture today, the Dharma doll is known
simply in Japanese as Daruma and
draws loosely upon the Zen legend of
Bodhidharma. The dolls are either
round or pear-shaped, without any sug-
gestion of arms or legs. This shape sym-
bolizes Bodhidharmas perseverance in
meditation. According to popular ver-
sions of the legend, Bodhidharma sat
facing a wall meditating for nine years
without pause. During that time, it is
said, he lost the use of his arms and his
legs, so determined was he to sit until
he attained his goal of enlightenment.
Since the dolls can tumble without
falling over, they represent the proverb,
If you fall down seven times, get up
eight times (Nana korobi yaoki). Most
often, the proverb is painted on the doll
as a reminder to persevere. The body of
the doll is usually painted bright red. In
most cases, the face does not have eyes.
The person who purchases the doll
paints in the first eye when starting out
on a major endeavor or making a vow to
achieve a specific goal. The second eye
is painted in only when the goal has
been attained. People often buy daru-
mas at the New Year in a custom com-
parable to the Western practice of mak-
ing New Years resolutions.
Dharma Eye
The insight or wisdom to see the true
nature of reality; the eye of enlighten-
ment that understands the Buddhist
teachings. In the ancient Buddhist tradi-
tion, those individuals who had gained
direct insight into the Buddhas teach-
ings were said to possess the Dharma eye
(J. hgen) and to have achieved the stage
of stream-winner (one of the four fruits).
In Tien-tai thought, the Dharma eye is
regarded as one of the five eyes associ-
ated with five kinds of beings.
Bodhisattvas are said to possess Dharma
eyes, which represent the wisdom to see
the differentiation among all things that
exist. This wisdom enables bodhisattvas
to see the suffering of all sentient beings
and to create expedient means to allevi-
ate the suffering.
Zen masters may use the term
Dharma eye in a manner comparable to
those mentioned above, or they may use
it more broadly to refer to enlightenment.
For example, Zen texts use expressions
such as opening the Dharma eye in ref-
erence to enlightenment experiences. In
particular, the Zen tradition uses the
related expression True Dharma Eye, or
the Treasury of the True Dharma Eye
(J. Shbgenz), as an expression for the
fundamental Buddhist understanding
that is transmitted from generation to
generation within the Zen school. See
also Tien-tai school.
Dharma Gate
(J. hmon) The Buddhist teachings are
compared to a gate that provides entrance
to a deeper understanding of life and to
enlightenment. The expression Dharma
gate sometimes refers to the Buddhist
teachings as a whole; it may also be used
in reference to a particular school or sect
of Buddhismor to a specific type of prac-
tice. For example, one Buddhist text may
call the Zen and the Pure Land schools of
Buddhism Dharma gates, while another
may refer to the associated practices of
zazen and nembutsu as the respective
Dharma gates. Hui-neng (638713), the
Sixth Patriarch of the Zen school, com-
monly used the expression Dharma gate
when discussing his own teachings and
the teachings of Zen.
Dharma Hall
The main assembly and lecture hall at a
Zen monastery; known as hatt in
Japanese. The Dharma hall is one of
the seven buildings (shichid garan)
that form the core of any Zen monastery.
See hatt.
Dharma Heir
(J. hassu) A Zen practitioner who suc-
ceeds his or her teacher as a recognized
master of Zen and has been deemed
competent to take on and train disciples.
In most cases, recognition as a Dharma
heir implies official recognition of ones
Dharma Eye
enlightenment experience through a
certificate of inka or insh. Such recogni-
tion qualifies the student to continue the
teachers lineage and transmit the
Dharma to a future generation of stu-
dents. Males and females may be desig-
nated as Dharma heirs. The names of
Dharma heirs are recorded in the official
lineage chart of the sect or temple.
In theory, only those students who
have attained the same level of under-
standing of the Dharma as the master
may qualify as Dharma heirs. In actual
practice, however, the designation of
Dharma heir may serve as an institu-
tional device to establish legitimately
ordained individuals who serve local
temples within a given Zen sect. Since the
modern period in Japan (1868present),
when marriage for Buddhist priests has
become the norm, for example, young
St priests are usually designated as
Dharma heirs early in their careers, thus
qualifying them to succeed their fathers
as head of the local home temple.
A master might have more than one
Dharma heir, but tradition maintains
that from the Buddha down through the
sixth patriarch, only one heir may be
designated as patriarch. See also St
sect and lay believer.
Dharma body, a term used in the tradi-
tion of Mahayana Buddhism to denote
the ultimate nature of the Buddha and of
reality. It may be rendered in English as
Truth-Body or Law-Body. The term refers
to the perfectly realized wisdom of all
buddhas. In this sense all buddhas are
one. It may refer also to the ultimate real-
ity of existence, or things as they really
are. In this latter sense, the Dharmakaya
(J. hosshin) is synonymous with empti-
ness. Within the Mahayana doctrine of
the three bodies of the Buddha, the
Dharmakaya is the highest aspect of the
Buddhathe absolute or eternal Buddha.
Dharma King
(J. H) A name for the Buddha, from the
Sanskrit Dharma Raja. The expression
recognizes that the Buddha fully mas-
tered the Dharma and was the preemi-
nent teacher of the Dharma. It contrasts
the authority of the Buddha as a religious
leader with the secular authority of king.
In some contexts, the term may refer to a
secular king who guards the Buddhist
Dharma through his secular authority.
Dharma Robe
Within the Zen tradition, monastic robes
(J. he) are sometimes used as outward
symbols that Dharma transmission has
taken place between a master and disci-
ple. According to traditional accounts, the
conveying of Dharma robes began with
Bodhidharma. After he had confirmed
Hui-ko (487593) as his Dharma heir,
Bodhidharma bestowed his robe and bowl
to him as a sign of Dharma transmission.
With this gift, he officially confirmed that
Hui-ko was his legitimate heir and the
Second Chinese Patriarch of Zen. In turn,
Hui-ko transmitted the robe to his heir,
Seng-tsan (d. 606), and so on through the
first six generations of Chinese patriarchs.
In the Platform Sutra, the Fifth Patriarch
bestowed the robe of transmissionfor the
final time to Hui-neng (638713), thus
designating him as the Sixth Patriarch.
There are contradictory passages in the
Platform Sutra concerning the original
robe of transmission. In the biographical
portion of the text, Hung-jen (601674)
indicates that the robe will be a symbol
throughout the generations (Yampolsky,
p. 133). In a later passage describing the
preparations for his own death, Hui-neng
explains that there is no longer any need
to transmit the robe (Yampolsky, p. 176).
Yampolsky, Philip B. The Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
Dharma Seal
The formal certification within the Zen
school that Dharma transmission has
occurred between master and disciple.
The English expression may serve as a
translation for a variety of Chinese and
Japanese terms, most commonly inka,
Dharma Seal
Dharma Seal
The Diamond-Realm Mandala bears over 1,400 buddhas, bodhisattvas, and other deities.
inka shmei, or denbin. Receiving the
Dharma seal of a Zen master implies that
the disciple has attained a mature under-
standing of the Dharma and is qualified to
serve as a Zen master to others. See inka.
Dharma Seat
The abbots formal lecture chair, or hza,
located on the raised platform in the
hatt, or Dharma hall of the monastery.
See hza.
Dharma Transmission
Transmission of the Dharma from mas-
ter to disciple. Although the language
suggests that something is passed from
one person to another, the Dharma is not
a thing that can be physically or
literally passed on from one generation
to the next. Dharma transmission is actu-
ally the acknowledgment by a master
that a disciple has attained an experience
of enlightenment equal to his or her
own. Related traditional expressions
such as mind to mind transmission and
transmission without reliance on
words attempt to make this clear.
According to the Zen tradition, the
first example of Dharma transmission
occurred on Vulture Peak between
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama), and Mahakashyapa. On that
occasion, when the Buddha was asked to
preach the Dharma to an assembly of
disciples, he silently held up a flower. No
one in the audience understood his
meaning, and none could reply. Only
Mahakashyapa grasped the Buddhas
meaning and responded with a smile.
The Buddha then said, I have the True
Dharma Eye, the wondrous mind of nir-
vana. I entrust it to Mahakashyapa. This
story is the subject of several kan,
including Case 6 of the Mumonkan and
Case 253 of the Sanbyakusoku.
Traditional renderings of Zen history
are often referred to as transmissions of
the lamp. These maintain that the
Dharma was transmitted from
Shakyamuni through twenty-eight gen-
erations of Indian patriarchs, the last of
whom was Bodhidharma, who carried
the teaching to China. The Dharma was
then transmitted through five genera-
tions of Chinese Zen patriarchs to the
Sixth Patriarch, Hui-neng (638713).
Since then, the Dharma has been
transmitted by masters throughout the
generations of the Zen lineage; all
surviving Zen lineages trace themselves
back to Dharma transmission from
the Sixth Patriarch.
The most common expression indi-
cating that an authentic transmission has
occurred is for a master to confer inka, or
a seal of approval, onto a disciple. There
are also a variety of outward symbols
used within the Zen tradition to certify a
transmission of the Dharma. In some
cases, official certificates of transmission
are prepared; in other cases, a Dharma
robe, a portrait of the master, a copy of a
text, or a religious implement belonging
to the master may serve the same pur-
pose. Only those masters who receive a
seal of transmission are eligible to take on
disciples, passing on the Dharma to the
next generation. In addition the expres-
sion is employed as an institutional
recognition of office. The St school in
Japan today uses the ritual form of
Dharma transmission to indicate valid
ordinations within the sect. Almost every
St monk receives Dharma transmis-
sion when he is ordained in order to
qualify as the head priest of a local
temple. See also St sect.
Dharma Wheel
See Wheel of the Dharma.
The Sanskrit word for meditation from
which the Chinese term chan and the
related Japanese term Zen are derived.
See meditation.
Diamond-Realm Mandala
One of two primary mandala used in
esoteric Buddhism, especially the
Shingon sect. The Diamond-Realm
Mandala represents the power of the dia-
mond (or vajra) of wisdom to overcome
Diamond-Realm Mandala
all ignorance. The textual base for the
Diamond-Realm Mandala (J. kongch
mandara) is the Vajrashekhara Sutra (J.
Kongchky). The mandala graphic
consists of nine rectangular assemblies
arranged in three rows of three. More
than 1,400 buddhas, bodhisattvas, and
other deities appear on the Diamond-
Realm Mandala. Mahavairochana
Buddha appears more than 400 times in
various manifestations throughout the
graphic, and appears directly as the cen-
tral image in two assemblies. In the cen-
tral rectangle, Mahavairochana is sur-
rounded by four other buddhas, repre-
senting the Five Wisdoms of esoteric
thought. In the upper central rectangle,
Mahavairochana appears as the lone fig-
ure in the assembly. The mandala is inter-
preted in two basic ways: clockwise or
counterclockwise. When reading clock-
wise (begining at the center and spiral
outward), the mandala represents the
movement of Mahavairochanas enlight-
enment into all aspects of the cosmos.
Moving counterclockwise (begining at
the outside and spiraling inward), the
mandala represents the progress of a sen-
tient being toward the attainment of
enlightenment. Another primary man-
dala used in esoteric Buddhism is the
Womb-Realm Mandala.
Yamasaki, Taiko. Shingon: Japanese
Esoteric Buddhism. Trans. Richard
and Cynthia Peterson. Ed. Yasuyoshi
Morimoto and David Kidd. Boston,
MA: Shambhala, 1988.
Ishida, Hisatoyo. Esoteric Buddhist
Painting. Trans. E. Dale Saunders.
New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
Diamond Sutra
The Vajra Sutra, a one-section sutra from
Mahayana Buddhism composed around
the fourth century C.E. The Diamond
Sutra is one of the later Perfection of
Wisdom Sutras (Sk. Prajna-paramita). Its
full Sanskrit name is Vajra-cchedika-pra-
jna-paramita-sutra (J. Kong Hannya
Haramitsu Ky); it is known in English as
the Diamond-Cutter Sutra. The text
explains the Mahayana teachings of
emptiness (shunyata) and wisdom (pra-
jna). It is one of the most important
sutras for the Zen school, perhaps
because it employs negation, a teaching
device much in keeping with Zen. It is
said that Hui-neng (638713), the Sixth
Patriarch, first attained enlightenment
when he heard a man reciting verses
from the Diamond Sutra.
Way or path, the Japanese rendering
of the Chinese word Tao. Sometimes pro-
nounced T, as in Shint, the Way of
the kami. See Tao.
A hanging banner used as ornamenta-
tion for a temple building or at a memo-
rial service. The central support is a ver-
tical pole with an ornate top piece, deco-
rated with a dragon pattern and jewels. In
traditional dban, long strips of cloth
hang down from the top piece of the pole.
Today, strips of gold-colored metal or
wooden strips are used instead of cloth. A
pictorial description is provided by the
Obaku Shingi.
Dgen Kigen
(12001253) Zen monk who founded the
St sect in Japan. Dgen was the son of
a noble family and received a classical
education. He was orphaned as a young
child, losing his father at age two and his
mother at about age seven. He entered
monastic life at thirteen, becoming a
Tendai monk on Mount Hiei. A few years
later, he left Mount Hiei to study Zen with
Myan Eisai (11411215), founder of the
Rinzai sect, at Kennin-ji. It is not known
if the two ever met, since Eisai died at
about that time. Dgen became Rynen
Myzens (11841225) disciple and
remained at Kennin-ji from 1217 to 1223.
In 1223, he and Myzen traveled together
to China. While in China, Dgen became
the disciple and Dharma heir of the St
master Ju-ching (11631228). He returned
to Japan in 1227 and spent several years in
Diamond Sutra
the Kyoto area, establishing his first
monastery in 1233, called Ksh-ji. In
1244 he and his community of monks
moved to Echizen where he established
Eihei-ji, the main monastery for the St
sect. He died while traveling to Kyoto in
1253. His major literary works include the
Shbgenz and the Eihei Shingi. See
also Tendai sect.
Hall of the Guardian Deity. A small
temple building traditionally positioned
to one side of the Buddha hall (butsud)
of a Zen monastery. A Buddhist protec-
tive deity is enshrined inside the dojid.
Doji, or Dojijin, is the Japanese term for
guardian deities, including both
Buddhist deities and certain Shint
kami. In most cases, the image in a Zen
dojid would be a Buddhist deity such as
Daigon Shuri Bosatsu, Bonten, or Goh
My. Traditionally, services were held at
the hall twice a month, on the second
and sixteenth days. Offerings were also
made to the guardian deity on other
occasions. For example, a new abbot
offered incense before the image of the
Dojijin as a part of the installation ser-
vice. More recently in Zen monasteries in
Japan, the dojid has been replaced by an
altar within the Buddha hall, called the
Dojidan. It serves the same purpose as
the separate hall.
A place of the way. The term dj has
wide and varied usage. It may mean the
place under the bodhi tree in Bodhgaya,
India, where the Buddha, Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama), attained enlight-
enment; any place where Buddhism is
practiced; a Buddhist temple or
monastery as a whole; or a single hall at a
Buddhist temple. In popular usage it may
also refer to schools or buildings unre-
lated to Buddhism where martial arts are
taught and practiced.
In the Zen school, dj usually refers
to the training or the meditation hall at a
monastery where monks receive instruc-
tion in meditation. In the Rinzai and
Obaku sects, it is called the zend, or
meditation hall; in the St sect, it refers
to the sd, or monks hall. The term dj
may also be used as an abbreviation for
semmon dj, meaning a training
monastery for the Rinzai sect.
Self-enlightened one. A Japanese trans-
lation for the Sanskrit term pratyeka
buddha. Hsan-tsang (ca. 600664), the
Chinese scholar-monk, derived the
Chinese word tu-cheh, on which the
Japanese is based. See pratyeka buddha.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki. The
Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt, Brace
& World, 1967.
The private interview between a Zen
master and a disciple; the commonly
used abbreviation for nyshitsu doku-
san. The term literally means going
alone to visit the master. During the
course of the morning and evening med-
itation session at a Zen monastery, stu-
dents have the opportunity to enter the
masters quarters and consult with him
privately in matters related to their prac-
tice. The master may use the meeting as
an opportunity to evaluate a disciples
progress in meditation, especially when
the disciple is working on a kan.
Dokusan is typically practiced in Rinzai
and Obaku Zen, since it is associated
with the guidance related to kan con-
templation. It is in the context of dokusan
that a master assigns a kan, tests a stu-
dents understanding, and offers encour-
agement to persevere. When a student
experiences a breakthrough, the master
may test and perhaps affirm the experi-
ence during dokusan.
Monasteries observe traditional pat-
terns of etiquette for dokusan. During the
period when the master is receiving stu-
dents for dokusan, disciples wait outside
the masters room for their turn to enter.
Before going into the masters quarters,
the student rings a bell, announcing his
or her presence. Once inside, the student
bows to pay respect to the master. When
the master determines that the interview
is over, he signals dismissal with a hand
bell. The student bows and departs, mak-
ing way for the next person. See also
Rinzai sect and Obaku sect.
Kapleau, Philip. The Private Encounter
with the Master. In Zen, Tradition
and Transition. Ed. Kenneth Kraft.
New York: Grove Press, 1988.
Dky Etan
(16421721) Japanese Rinzai monk from
the Myshin-ji lineage, best known as
the master of Hakuin Ekaku
(17681768), the great Rinzai sect
reformer. Etan was the son of a samurai
and his concubine. He was raised in the
household of Lord Matsudaira Tadatomo,
where he was first introduced to Zen. On
a trip to Edo in 1660, Etan became the
disciple of Shid Bunan (16031676),
having already attained an experience of
enlightenment. He received the masters
certificate (J. inka) after only one year of
practice. He then returned to his native
Iiyama in Shinano, where he lived a
simple life in a small hermitage called
Shju-an. From the hermitage Etan
received his nickname, Shju Rji, the
old man of the Shju hermitage. None of
Etans writings were published, although
some of his teachings are scattered
within Hakuins work.
The areas within a Zen monastery in
which the monks or nuns live and prac-
tice, especially the zend or meditation
hall. The term literally means inside the
hall. The dnai is distinguished from the
administrative areas of the monastery,
known as jj.
Stupid blind oaf, an expression used by
the Japanese Rinzai master Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). There are a number
of related terms used in a similar manner
throughout Zen literature such as
Donkonnin (Dimwit) and Danrusei
(Damn fool!). Zen masters often
addressed disciples with such derogatory
terms in order to push them beyond
whatever hindrances they had encoun-
tered. For example, if a student persisted
in analyzing a kan in purely intellectual
terms, the master might rebuke him for
being a fool. Alternatively, masters some-
times used the term in a positive manner
to indicate a splendid disciple. See
also Rinzai sect.
A musical instrument used in Buddhist
ritual services. The dora is a gong, typi-
cally made of bronze. It is shaped like a
round dish and attached with a cord to a
wooden frame. It is sounded by striking it
in the center with a mallet. The dora is
used during memorial services and tan-
butsu services.
Dsha Chgen
The Japanese pronunciation for Tao-che
Chao-yan (d. 1660), a Chinese Rinzai
monk. See Tao-che Chao-yan.
The Japanese pronunciation for Tao-hsin
(580651), the Fourth Chinese Patriarch
of Zen. See Tao-hsin.
One of the early Buddhist monks in
Japan, Dsh (628670) founded the
Hoss school of Nara Buddhism. Dsh
is said to have been the first Japanese
monk to study Zen. While visiting China
in 653, he studied Yogachara philosophy
with the Chinese scholar monk Hsan-
tsang (ca. 600664), who also intro-
duced him to Zen thought. He then
studied meditation with Hui-man, a
disciple of Hui-ko (487593), the sec-
ond Chinese Patriarch. When he
returned to Japan, Dsh built the first
Zen meditation hall at Gang-ji in Nara.
See also Yogachara school.
Dky Etan



















The monk in charge of the sick room
or infirmary (enjud) at a Zen
monastery. The term is sometimes used
synonymously with the offices of dsu or
ino. See ino.
The supervisor of trainees at a Zen
monastery. One of the six stewards (chiji),
who assist the abbot in overseeing the
administration of the monastery, Dsu is
another term for ino. See ino.
Dropping Off Body and Mind
An expression used in St Zen for the
experience of enlightenment, which
transcends the mundane experience of
self. See shinjin datsuraku.
Dual Practice
The combined practice of Zen medita-
tion and Pure Land devotions. Dual
practice was first introduced to the Zen
school by disciples of Hung-jen
(601674), the Fifth Patriarch, although it
did not survive for long. Dual practice
later became extremely popular in
Chinese Buddhismbeginning in the late
Sung (9601279) and early Yan
(12601368) dynasties; by the time of the
Ming dynasty (13681644), it was the
norm throughout the Chinese Buddhist
world, including the Zen school. Chinese
Zen monks regularly incorporated
chanting the name of Amida buddha
(J. nembutsu; Ch. nien-fo) into their
daily ritual services. In some cases,
chanting the Buddhas name was used as
a meditative device to facilitate concen-
tration, not unlike the use of mantra or
dharani. In other cases, chanting the
name was intended as a means to build
merit in order to attain rebirth in
Amidas Western Pure Land.
While dual practice was introduced to
Japan during the Kamakura period
(11851333) by the Japanese and Chinese
disciples of Chung-feng Ming-pen and
others, it did not become the norm in
Japan. Although Japanese Zen masters
sometimes advocated forms of dual
practice, especially among lay believers,
most remained hostile to the mingling of
Pure Land elements with Zen practice.
The Rinzai reformer Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768), for example, regarded dual
practice as a serious threat to the ongoing
survival of Zen. The Obaku sect in Japan
is the primary example of practitioners
using dual practice methods. Established
by Chinese Zen monks of the late Ming
dynasty (13681644), Obaku follows the
Ming Chinese style of Zen practice.
Obaku monks chant nembutsu at ritual
services, and Obaku masters have some-
times made use of the so-called
Nembutsu kan. See also Rinzai sect.
Sanskrit term for suffering, one of
the basic teachings of Buddhism.
See suffering.
(J. jin) An expression used within the
Buddhist tradition for objects of human
perception, including sights, sounds,
tastes, textures, aromas, and mental
images. The term has negative connota-
tions suggesting contamination, since
such sensory perceptions may stimulate
desires leading to attachment, which
ultimately result in suffering. Buddhist
texts may refer to entry into the Buddhist
path, especially becoming a monk or
nun, as shaking off the dust of the
world. See also five dusts and six dusts.
Eastern Rank
The administrative officers at a Zen
monastery. See than.
East Mountain School
The teachings and practice of the
Chinese Zen masters Tao-hsin
(580651) and Hung-jen (601674),
acknowledged as the Fourth Patriarch
and Fifth Patriarch. The school derives
its name from East Mountain, the pop-
ular Zen name for Mount Feng-mu in
present-day Hupeh, where Hung-jen
established his monastery. It is known
in Chinese as Tung-shan-tsung
(J. Tzan-sh). In certain contexts, the
phrase East Mountain school may apply
to the Zen lineage of the Chinese mas-
ter Shen-hsiu (606?706), which is oth-
erwise known as the Northern school.
Easy Path
Pure Land Buddhism. An expression
usually used to contrast the path of faith
followed in Pure Land schools
of Buddhism with the so-called holy
or steep path of personal striving,
characterized especially by Zen. Pure
Land Buddhism is regarded as the
easy path, because ordinary individuals,
even those with limited capabilities, can
rely upon the assistance of Amida
buddha. Nagarjuna is said to have origi-
nated the distinction between the easy
and steep paths in a chapter on easy
practice in the Shih-chu-pi-po-sha-lun
(J. Jjbibasharon). Zen masters gener-
ally reject the easy path as incompatible
with Zen, although they may recognize
that it has limited benefits for those indi-
viduals unable to undertake the more
difficult practice of Zen. In the essay
Gakud Yjin-sh (Points to Watch in
Buddhist Training), Dgen Kigen
(12001253) observed, What is the eas-
ily practiced and easily understood
teaching of which present-day man is so
fond? It is neither a secular teaching nor
a Buddhist one. It is even inferior to the
practice of demons and evil spirits, as
well as that of non-Buddhist religions
and the two vehicles. It may be said to be
the great delusion of ordinary men and
women. (Yh Ykoi, p. 53)
Ykoi, Yh, and Daizen Victoria. Zen
Master Dgen: An Introduction with
Selected Writings. New York:
Weatherhill, 1976.
Robes and bowl, an abbreviation
for the Japanese term sane ippatsu
(three robes, one bowl). See three
robes, one bowl.
See Shakuen Eich.
A rural Rinzai temple located in Shiga
Prefecture, near Kyoto. The temples for-
mal name is Ryseki-san Eigen-ji,
Dragon Stone mountain, Eternal
Origin temple. It was founded in 1361
for the Zen master Jakushitsu Genk
(12901367) by his patron Sasaki Ujiyori
(13261370). The temple serves as the
main monastery and headquarters for
the Eigen-ji branch of Japanese Rinzai
(Eigen-ji Ha). See also Rinzai sect.
Eigen-ji Ha
The Eigen-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Eigen-ji,
located in Shiga Prefecture. Jakushitsu
Genk (12901367) is regarded as the
founder. The branch has 121 temples
throughout Japan and claims approxi-
mately 13,600 adherents.
Eastern Rank
Eight Cold Hells
( J. hachikan jigoku) According to
Buddhist mythology, hell is divided into
a number of different regions, charac-
terized by the type of punishment
inflicted. The regions in which the
inhabitants suffer from severe cold are
known as the eight cold hells. They
include Arbuda, the Hell of Swelling;
Nirarbuda, the Hell of Tumors; Atata,
Hahava, and Huhuva, each named for
the cries of their inhabitants; Utpala,
the Hell of the Blue Lotus; Padma, the
Hell of the Red Lotus; and Mahapadma,
the Hell of the Large Red Lotus. In the
latter three hells, the freezing condi-
tions cause the skin to develop sores
resembling blue or red lotus blossoms.
Eight Consciousnesses
(J. hasshiki) The eight levels of human
consciousness with which the Buddhist
school of Yogachara explains the work-
ings of human psychology. They are
sight consciousness, sound conscious-
ness, smell consciousness, taste con-
sciousness, tactile (touch) conscious-
ness, mind consciousness, ego con-
sciousness, and the storehouse con-
sciousness (alaya consciousness). The
first five levels are interpreted as the
functioning of the five senses. The
mind consciousness is generally
regarded as ordinary consciousness; at
this level, the data gathered through
the five senses are coordinated, so that
objects of sight, sound, etc., are
processed and identified. The seventh
or ego consciousness is the level at
which personal attachments, such as
likes and dislikes, are formed. The
eighth consciousness is the fundamen-
tal level of consciousness, similar to the
notion of the subconscious mind
developed by modern Western psychol-
ogy. The storehouse consciousness is
that level at which all previous experi-
ences and impressions are stored as
seeds. These seeds form the basis for
evaluating all present and future expe-
rience. See also Consciousness Only
and Yogachara school.
Eightfold Path
(J. hasshd) The path of Buddhism as
taught by the historical Buddha.
According to the tradition, Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama), devised a path to
enlightenment for himself, then taught
it to his disciples as the Eightfold
Path. The Eightfold Path is the basis of
the fourth of the four noble truths,
which identifies it as the path to
enlightenment. The path includes
right views, right intention, right
speech, right action, right livelihood,
right effort, right mindfulness, and
right concentration.
Right views, or an understanding of
things as they really are, generally
begins with learning the basic Buddhist
teachings. Right intention involves a
dual effort to keep ones thoughts free
from destructive emotions and to pro-
mote positive states of mind. One
avoids such emotions as desire, ill will,
anger, jealousy, and hatred, while
encouraging thoughts of loving kind-
ness, goodwill, and concern for others.
Right speech means abstaining from
four kinds of destructive speech: lying,
slander, abuse, and idle talk. Right
action refers to abstaining from wrong-
doing, especially killing, stealing, and
sexual misconduct. Right livelihood
involves avoiding certain occupations
that inevitably cause harm to other sen-
tient beings, such as military service,
butchering, or fishing. Right effort
means to avoid unwholesome actions
that create bad karma and to encourage
good actions that create good karma.
Right mindfulness is really a form of
meditation in which one becomes pro-
gressively mindful of the body, of the
rising and passing away of feelings, of
the activity of the mind, and of mental
objects. Right concentration refers to an
intense form of mental concentration
called one-pointedness.
The path can be seen as a unified
whole, each step to be practiced simul-
taneously with the others. Also, it can be
understood as a progressive movement:
One first learns about Buddhist
teachings and then begins to practice
Eightfold Path
Buddhist morality to gain control over
ones actions. Finally, the path culmi-
nates with the practice of meditation,
through which one gains control of the
mind. At this stage the path circles back
on itself, since through meditation one
attains wisdom and comes to fully real-
ize the teachings accepted on faith at
the beginning.
It is traditional to teach about the
Eightfold Path in terms of the threefold
training, arranging the steps under the
categories of wisdom (prajna), morality
(sila), and concentration (samadhi).
The practice of wisdom focuses on right
views and intention; the practice of
morality includes right speech, action,
and livelihood; and the practice of con-
centration covers right effort, mindful-
ness, and concentration.
The Eightfold Path remains crucial
in Theravada Buddhism as the basic
format of practice. While Mahayana
Buddhismaccepts the Eightfold Path as
an important part of the early teachings
of the Buddha, it is not a focus
of Mahayana teaching. Mahayana
texts sometimes make reference to
the threefold training, or more rarely
the Eightfold Path, but it is the
Bodhisattva Path which structures
Mahayana practice.
Eight Hot Hells
According to Buddhist mythology, hell
is divided into a number of different
regions, characterized by the type of
punishment inflicted. The regions in
which the inhabitants suffer from heat
are known as the eight hot hells
(J. hachinetsu jigoku). They include the
Hell of Repeated Misery, where inhabi-
tants are repeatedly put to death with
iron bars or knives, and then revived to
be executed again; the Hell of Black
Ropes, where sinners are bound with
hot iron cords and cut to pieces with hot
iron hatchets; the Hell of Mass
Suffering, where sinners are crushed
between two iron mountains; the Hell
of Wailing and the Hell of Great Wailing,
where sinners cry out in pain as they are
boiled in a cauldron or roasted in an
iron room; and the Hell of Searing Heat,
the Hell of Great Searing Heat, and the
Hell of Incessant Suffering in which the
suffering from the intense heat
becomes progressively worse.
Eight Precepts
(J. hakkai or hassaikai) The eight pre-
cepts undertaken by lay people on cer-
tain days of the month, known as
uposatha days. On these occasions, lay
people abide by the same precepts as
ordained novices. The eight precepts
forbid killing living beings; stealing; sex-
ual conduct; lying; consuming intoxi-
cants; eating after noon; adorning the
body with perfume, flowers, or jewelry;
participating in public entertainment
including dancing, plays, and singing;
and sleeping in a luxurious bed. The list
is very similar to the ten precepts of the
novice, with the exception that lay
people do not abstain from handling
money. Although the first five precepts
of the novice correspond to the five pre-
cepts of lay people, they are not inter-
preted in exactly the same way on
uposatha days. On ordinary days, the
prohibition against sexual misconduct
for lay people implies abstaining from
premarital and extramarital relations.
On uposatha days, lay people abstain
from all sexual conduct, abiding by the
precept in the same manner as monks
and nuns. See also lay believer.
Eighty Minor Marks of a Buddha
(J. hachijshko) Eighty physical marks
of perfection that are said to distinguish
the body of a buddha. The minor marks
are so designated to distinguish them
from the thirty-two major marks, but
there is some overlap between the
major and minor lists.
For a full listing of the Eighty Minor
Marks in English, see Robert A.F.
Thurmans The Holy Teaching of
Vimalakirti: A Mahayana Scripture
(Pennsylvania State University Press,
Eight Hot Hells
A major St Zen monastery in Fukui
Prefecture in eastern Japan, which
serves as one of the two headquarters
for the St sect of Japanese Zen. The
temple was founded by Dgen Kigen
(12001253) in 1243, with patronage
from Hatano Yoshishige. It is a matter of
some debate exactly what motivated
Dgen to leave the Kyoto area and reset-
tle his monastic community in the
remote region of Echizen province, but
it is likely that he was responding to
pressure from the Tendai sect and other
established schools of Buddhism.
Dgen himself commented that he was
following his masters instruction that
he practice deep in the mountains and
avoid cities. He initially named the
temple Daibutsu-ji, Temple of the
Great Buddha but later renamed it
Eihei-ji for the Chinese Yung-ping era
(5875 C.E.) when Buddhism is said to
have been first introduced in China.
The monastery is constructed accord-
ing to Chinese models familiar to
Dgen from his years of practice in
China. At Eihei-ji, Dgen focused his
attention on training his disciples in the
monastic practice of Zen. He composed
the Eihei Shingi to govern life at a
Eihei Shingi
Monastic Code for Eihei Monastery, a
text in two sections composed by Dgen
Kigen (12001253), the founder of
Japanese St Zen. The text is made up
of six essays that originally circulated
independently; they were first published
together in a single volume by Ksh
Chid in 1667. The six essays are Tenzo
Kykun (Instructions for the Cook), a
description of the responsibilities of the
Eihei Shingi
The Eihei-ji monastery serves as a headquarters for the
St sect of Zen Buddhists. It was founded in 1243.
head kitchen monk written in 1237;
Bendh (Method of Practicing the
Way), a description of daily conduct in
the monastery, written in 1246;
Fushuku Hanb (Manners in
Eating), a description of proper man-
ners for serving and eating food in the
monks hall (sd), written in 1246;
Shury Shingi (Code for the Reading
Room), a description of appropriate
behavior and interaction with fellow
monks, written in 1249; Taitaiko
Gogejarih (Rules for Meeting Senior
Monks), a description of respectful
behavior that junior monks should show
toward senior monks, written in 1244;
and Chiji Shingi (Code for Six
Stewards), a description of the respon-
sibilities of six senior administrative
officers in the monastery, written in
1246. See also St sect. There are two
recent translations of the entire Eihei
Shingi: Leighton, Taigen Daniel, and
Shohaku Okamuras Dgens Pure
Standards for the Zen Community (State
University of New York Press, 1996) and
Ichimura Shoheis Zen Master Eihei
Dgens Monastic Regulations (North
American Institute of Zen and Buddhist
Studies, 1993).
The Japanese Zen master Myan Eisai
(11411215), traditionally credited with
founding the Rinzai sect in Japan. His
name may be alternatively pronounced
Ysai. Eisai began his career as a Tendai
monk and trained in the teachings and
practices of esoteric Buddhism for
many years on Mount Hiei. He jour-
neyed to China twice; on the first trip, a
brief visit in 1168, he brought back texts
from China in which the Zen school and
Zen meditation were often mentioned.
Eisai later decided to return to China to
study Zen, and if possible, continue on
to India. In 1187 he returned to China
and found that a journey to India would
not be possible. He studied under Hs-
an Huai-chang on Mount Tien-tai.
After receiving Dharma transmission
within the Rinzai lineage, he returned
to Japan in 1191. He founded Shfuku-
ji, the first Zen temple in the country,
located in Hakata, Kysh. When he
returned to the Kyoto area, Eisai
encountered considerable resistance
from the established schools of
Buddhism, especially the Tendai sect
and Shingon sect. He wrote the Kzen
Gokokuron to defend himself and Zen
practice, responding to the accusation
that Zen represented a new school of
Buddhism. He gained the patronage of
the shgun in Kamakura, and founded
Jufuku-ji there in 1200. In 1202, he was
invited by the shgun to serve as the
founding abbot of Kennin-ji in Kyoto.
The Buddhist practice characteristic
of Eisais communities was not exclu-
sively Zen. He continued to incorporate
esoteric teachings and rituals which
appealed to his patrons. Eisai is remem-
bered also as the person who intro-
duced tea to Japan. He brought back
seeds from China, and initiated the cus-
tom of growing tea on temple grounds.
He even wrote an essay extolling the
virtues of drinking tea. Eisai received
the posthumous title Senk Kokushi.
Eka Daishi
Japanese transliteration of Hui-ko Ta-
shih (487593), the Second Chinese
Patriarch of Zen. See Hui-ko.
Lord of the realm of the dead; the
Japanese rendering of Yama in Sanskrit.
In Buddhist mythology, Emma reigns
over the various hells and judges the
dead. He determines what misdeeds
each individual has performed while
alive and assigns punishment accord-
ingly. Yama originally appeared in
ancient Indian mythology and as the
king of the dead in Hindu mythology.
Yama was the first human being to die.
He discovered the way to the under-
world, where he assumed power. He
became a deity and is regarded as the
guardian of the south, the region of
deceased souls. Yama is depicted as a
terrifying green figure, with red robes.
He rides a buffalo and carries a club and
noose to capture souls when they die.
In China, Yama merged with indige-
nous religious beliefs and emerged as a
high-ranking underworld bureaucrat.
Taoist mythology depicted hell as gov-
erned by a lord named Tai-shan-fu-
chn, who was served by ten kings.
Eventually, the figure of Yama became
associated with Tai-shan-fu-chn. In
Japan, Yama underwent further trans-
formation. He was often identified as a
form of the bodhisattva named Jiz,
who helps sentient beings who are
suffering in hell. Based on that
interpretation of Yama, Emma became
an object of devotion in Japan. In
Japanese Buddhist iconography, Emma
appears on mandala used in esoteric
Buddhism; on the Womb-Realm
Mandala, he appears in the southern
region. There were also mandala
devoted specifically to King Emma in
which he is the central figure. Japanese
Buddhists made Emma the primary
object of worship at esoteric rituals
intended to ensure health and long life.
Emmei Jikku Kannonky
Kannon Sutra for Long Life in Ten
Statements, an abridged version of
the popular Kannon Sutra. The text is
also known as the Jikku Kannonky.
It is extremely brief and easily
memorized, easily lending itself to
constant repetition. In the Hebiichigo,
Zen master Hakuin Ekaku (16851768)
recommended that ordinary Buddhists
recite this text as they went about their
daily work.
Emmei Jikku Kannonky Reigenki
The Wondrous Powers of the Kannon
Sutra for Long Life in Ten Statements, a
text composed by Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) in 1759. The text recounts
miracles associated with believing in
and reciting the Emmei Jikku
Kannonky and explains that one will
experience the power of the sutra after
reciting it several hundred times.
Yampolsky, Philip B., trans. The Zen
Master Hakuin: Selected Writings.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1971.
Emperor Go-Daigo
(12871339) The ninety-sixth Japanese
emperor, a patron and student of the
Zen school of Buddhism. Go-Daigo
reigned from 1319 to 1338; during that
time he extensively interacted with sev-
eral important Zen masters of the day,
including Shh Mych (12821337),
and Mus Soseki (12751351). His
attempt to regain political power from
the military government in Kamakura
led to a brief period of direct imperial
rule, known as the Kemmu Restoration
(13341336). Ultimately, Go-Daigos
efforts failed when Ashikaga Takauji
(13051358) seized power in 1336.
Takauji set in place a new puppet
emperor in Kyoto, while Go-Daigo fled
to Yoshino. This created a split in the
ruling family of Japan, the so-called
Southern and Northern Courts, which
lasted until 1392. After Go-Daigos
death, Mus Soseki convinced the
Ashikaga shgun to dedicate a new
Zen temple to Go-Daigos memory.
It became the famous Tenry-ji in
western Kyoto.
Emperor Hanazono
(12971348) The ninety-fifth Japanese
emperor and a patron and student of
the Zen school of Buddhism. Hanazono
reigned from 1308 to 1318, then
resigned and became a cloistered
emperor, or an emperor who has taken
Buddhist vows. In 1335, he took the ton-
sure and became a monk. Hanazono
preferred a strict approach to the prac-
tice of Zen. Although he was an accom-
plished poet, he did not approve of the
literary excesses of the Gozan monas-
teries. Hanazono practiced Zen under
the guidance of Shh Mych
(12821337), for whom he built
Daitoku-ji, one of the most important
Zen monasteries in Japan. When Shh
died, Hanazono turned to Shhs
Emperor Hanazono
Dharma heir, Kanzan Egen
(12771369), the founder of the
Myshin-ji line, for instruction in Zen.
Hanazono converted one of his imper-
ial villas into a monastic retreat for his
own meditation and practice; he
invited Kanzan to serve as the founding
abbot. This served as the beginning of
the extensive Myshin-ji monastery.
Empress Wu
(r. 685704) The Chinese empress Wu
Chao, who reigned during the Tang
dynasty (618907). Wu Chao was a
strong proponent of Buddhism. Her
mother was a devout Buddhist, and the
empress was raised as a believer. Under
her leadership, Buddhism enjoyed a rise
in fortunes and was favored over
Taoism; she commissioned many
Buddhist works of art, including sculp-
tures at the Lung-men caves. Empress
Wu planned to establish a new dynasty
to replace the Tang; since the
Confucian tradition disapproved of
women holding political power, she
turned to Buddhist sources to legitimize
her claims. Based on interpretations of
certain Buddhist scriptures, it was
argued that Wu Chao was an incarna-
tion of Maitreya, the future Buddha and
therefore qualified to reign. The
empress was forced to resign in 1705 by
opponents in the Tang dynasty, which
was then restored.
(J. k) The fundamental concept of
Mahayana Buddhism regarding ulti-
mate reality, which asserts that all phe-
nomena are empty of self-nature.
Emptiness is an English translation of
the Sanskrit term shunyata, also ren-
dered as void or nothingness by
some authors. Shunyata is the denial
that things in the phenomenal world,
including sentient beings, inanimate
objects, and ideas, have an indepen-
dent, unchanging, and eternal essence.
Emptiness is not a nihilistic denial of
reality or existence in absolute terms,
but the recognition that all phenomena
are relative and dependent on causa-
tion. To assert that all things are empty
means that they are interdependent,
arise out of causal factors, and are con-
tinually susceptible to change.
The Mahayana concept of emptiness
may be seen as an extension of the early
Buddhist concept of No-Self (Sk.
Anatman), which denies the existence
of an eternal, abiding, and unchanging
self or soul. The teaching of emptiness
was first developed by the
Shunyavadins. It is discussed through-
out the Perfection of Wisdom literature,
also known as the Prajna Paramita
Sutras. The second-century Buddhist
philosopher Nagarjuna brought the
concept to its full flower in his system-
ization of Mdhyamika (Mdhyamaka)
thought. Nagarjuna clarified the pos-
sible misunderstanding of emptiness as
a substance that underlies reality. He
asserted that the concept of emptiness
is itself empty. Rather than understand-
ing emptiness as a thing, it is perhaps
more accurate to conceive of it as a
descriptive characterization of things as
they really are.
The Japanese term for pratyeka bud-
dhas, or self-enlightened beings. The
characters literally mean one who real-
izes causation. The name is derived
from the understanding that pratyeka
buddhas attain enlightenment inde-
pendently, recognizing on their own the
workings of the twelve-link chain of
causation. Related Japanese terms are
dokkaku (self-enlightened) and
byakushi butsu, based on the Chinese
transliteration of the original Sanskrit.
See pratyeka buddha.
A major Rinzai Zen temple in
Kamakura, Japan, which serves as the
main headquarters for the Engaku-ji
branch of Rinzai Zen. Its formal name is
Ryroku-zan Engaku-ji. The temple
was founded in 1282 by the Chinese
master Wu-hseh Tsu-yan (12261286;
Empress Wu
J. Mugaku Sogen), and constructed
under the patronage of the regent Hj
Tokimune (12511284). The regent
intended the monastery to serve as a
memorial to the Japanese warriors who
fell during the Mongol invasions of
1281. It was one of the earliest monas-
teries built according to the Zen style
developed during the Sung dynasty
(9601279) in China. At its peak in the
fourteenth century, the monastery
housed almost 2,000 monks and
included twenty subtemples (tatch). It
was ranked among the Gozan temples
(Five Mountains) of Kamakura. See also
Rinzai sect.
Engaku-ji Ha
The Engaku-ji branch of Rinzai, one
of the fourteen contemporary branches
of the Japanese Rinzai sect. The
main monastery for the branch is
Engaku-ji, located in Kamakura.
Wu-hseh Tsu-yan (12261286; J.
Mugaku Sogen) is regarded as the
founder. The branch has 210 temples
throughout Japan and claims approxi-
mately 178,000 adherents.
Arising from causation, the Japanese
technical term for codependent origi-
nation. The concept explains that all
phenomena result from causation, that
none are self-existent in an absolute
sense. Mental and physical things come
into being as a result of causes and
conditions. A thing inevitably passes
out of existence when its causes and
conditions cease to exist. This means
that all phenomena lack an essential
self-nature, such as an eternal soul,
and are thus impermanent. See code-
pendent origination.
(2) Legends and historical accounts
associated with a Japanese Buddhist
monastery or temple, a Shint shrine,
or a religious image.
Engo Kokugon
Japanese transliteration of Yan-wu
Ko-chin (10631135), a leading
Chinese Zen master from the Sung
dynasty (9601279), best known as the
compiler of the Hekiganroku. See
Yan-wu Ko-chin.
The monks or nuns responsible for
tending the monasterys vegetable gar-
den. According to the vinaya, the
monastic code used in Theravada
Buddhism, monks and nuns are not
allowed to till the soil and grow their
own food. Tradition requires them to
beg for their sustenance from lay believ-
ers. In East Asia, where begging was not
always permitted, the Zen school
adopted the practice of raising food on
temple grounds. All members of the
community are expected to take turns
tending the garden. Like other forms of
manual labor (samu), this activity is a
form of active meditation.
The sick hall or infirmary in a Zen
monastery. The term literally means the
Hall for the Prolongation of Life.
Monks and nuns who are too ill to
maintain the daily routine of monastic
life are cared for in the infirmary. The
infirmary may also be called the nir-
vana hall (nehand), or the imperma-
nence hall (mujd). When someone in
the community falls seriously ill, other
members may hold prayer services for
the sake of the persons recovery.
Enlightened One
A translation of the title Buddha,
usually applied specifically to
Siddharta Gautama, the historical
Buddha; one of the ten epithets used for
the Buddha. The epithet may also be
applied to any individual who has
attained enlightenment.
Enlightened One
General term used to express the ultimate
goal in all schools of Buddhism.
Enlightenment describes the state of
awakened awareness achieved by Shakya-
muni (Siddharta Gautama), the historical
Buddha. By following the Buddhist path,
whether the Eightfold Path of Theravada
Buddhism or the Bodhisattva Path of
Mahayana Buddhism, practitioners seek
to attain the same state of awareness. The
English word enlightenment may be
used to translate such technical terminol-
ogy as the Sanskrit words nirvana and
bodhi, or the Japanese word satori.
Enni Benen
(12021280) Japanese Rinzai monk who
helped establish Rinzai Zen in Japan.
Enni began his career in the Tendai tra-
dition, where he learned the synchretic
mixture of Zen and esoteric practice
taught by Eisai (11411215). Enni was
born in Suruga (present-day Shizuoka).
He received his early education at
Buddhist temples and took the tonsure
at Mii-dera, a major Tendai temple, at
age 18. At Chrakuji, he studied the Zen
and esoteric mixture introduced by
Eisai under the instruction of Shakuen
Eich (d.1247). In 1235, Enni went to
China, where he remained for seven
years, studying at Mount Ching. During
that time, he became the Dharma heir
of the Chinese Zen master Wu-shuh
Shin-fan (11771249) from the Yang-chi
(J. Ygi) lineage of Rinzai. When Enni
returned to Japan in 1241, he promoted
Zen practice, while still incorporating
aspects of esoteric ritual that appealed
to wealthy patrons. He established a
strong lineage, accepting many disci-
ples and recognizing several as Dharma
heirs. Under the patronage of Fijiwara
Michiie (11921252), Enni founded
Tfuku-ji, one of the most prominent
Zen monasteries in Kyoto. He also
served as abbot at Jufuku-ji and
Kennin-ji. Among his major writings
are the Jisshydki and the Shichi
Goroku. See also Rinzai sect, Tendai
sect, and Yang-chi school.
Dumoulin, Heinrich. Zen Buddhism: A
History. 2 vols. Trans. James W. Heisig
and Paul Knitter. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company, 1994.
(793864) Japanese Tendai monk who
studied under Saich (767822), the
Tendai founder, on Mount Hiei. Later,
Ennin became head abbot of the Tendai
sect. He is better known by his posthu-
mous title, Jikaku Daishi. Ennin studied
Tien-tai thought in China between 838
and 847. Ennin was living in the city of
Chang-an when Emperor Wu-tsung
ordered the persecution of Buddhism. He
kept a diary of his experiences while in
China. Later published as Nitt Guh
Junrei Gyki, it provides crucial informa-
tion about Buddhism in Tang China
before the persecutions of 845, as well as
first-hand accounts of the persecutions.
See also Tien-tai school.
Reischauer, Edwin O., trans. Diary: The
Record of a Pilgrimage to China in
Search of the Law. New York: Ronald
Press Co., 1955.
. Ennius Travels in Tang China.
New York: Ronald Press Company,
The Japanese pronunciation for Hui-
neng (638713), the Sixth Chinese
Patriarch of Zen. See Hui-neng.
The main monastery and headquarters
for the Tendai school of Japanese
Buddhism, both founded by Saich
(767822) in 788. The temple is located
on Mount Hiei, to the east of Kyoto.
Saich originally named the temple
Hiei-ji for its mountain location, but the
name was later changed to Enryaku-ji by
imperial decree. For many centuries,
Enryaku-ji was the major center for
Buddhist studies in Japan. As many as
3,000 temples comprised the monastery
complex at one time. All of the founders
of the Buddhist schools during the
Kamakura period (11851333) originally
studied at Enryaku-ji, including Dgen
Kigen (12001253) who founded the
St sect, and Eisai who founded the
Rinzai sect. The monastery of Enryaku-ji
was also a dominant force in the political
and economic life in the Kyoto region for
centuries. The temple maintained an
army of Warrior Monks (J. shei) to
defend its interests. The monastery was
completely destroyed by Oda Nobunaga
in 1571, in order to control the signifi-
cant power accumulated by the Tendai
school. The temple complex was
restored during the Tokugawa period
(16001867). See also Tendai sect.
Round teachings or Round school of
Buddhism. In East Asian thought,
roundness implies perfection.
Therefore, to designate a teaching or
school as round is to claim that it rep-
resents Buddhist perfection. The
expression most often applies to Tendai
teachings, although it may refer to Zen
itself. See also Tendai sect.
Circle, especially an ink drawing of an
empty circle. Ens (also known as ichi
ens) are common figures in Zen teach-
ing and art. Zen masters use the image
of the circle to represent enlighten-
ment, the concept of emptiness, or
perfection. Ens are usually executed
with a single brush stroke, and are said
to reveal the mind (or enlightenment)
of the artist.
Ens means circle, and the image symbolizes enlightenment, emptiness, and perfection.
(J. byd) The non-duality and non-
differentiation of all things as seen
from the perspective of enlight-
enment. The teaching of equality arises
out of the realization that all phenom-
ena are essentially the samethat is, all
things are characterized by emptiness.
When the concept is applied to sen-
tient beings, or more specifically to
human beings, the Buddhist concept of
equality goes beyond the ordinary
social distinctions of class, gender, and
race. This equality is often affirmed
within Mahayana Buddhism by noting
that all sentient beings possess the
same Buddha Nature. Realizing the
sameness or equality of all things has
important ethical implications for
enlightened behavior. The understand-
ing that self and other are ulti-
mately the same, breaks down the bar-
riers between the two, encouraging the
compassionate behavior characteristic
of a buddha or bodhisattva. The real-
ization of equality is regarded as one of
the four wisdoms.
Esoteric Buddhism
The common term for East Asian forms
of tantric Buddhism, known in Japanese
as Mikky. This form of Buddhism
became known as secret or esoteric
because the teachings and practices are
not open to all. Practitioners are
required to undergo initiation under a
qualified teacher before they qualify for
instruction. Esoteric rituals make use of
special devices such as mantra (sacred
sounds), mudra (sacred gestures), and
mandala (cosmic diagrams).
Tantric Buddhism first arose in India
in the sixth century, spreading to Tibet
and China in the seventh and eighth
centuries. Esoteric Buddhism flour-
ished in China for approximately one
hundred years but did not survive the
great persecution of 842. During the
early ninth century, Japanese monks
studying in China were introduced to
the esoteric teachings and brought
them to Japan. The Shingon sect and
Tendai sect of Japanese Buddhism,
founded in the ninth century, are eso-
teric teachings that have survived to the
present day.
Evil Paths
( J. akud) The lower three of the
six realms of existence (rokud) in
which sentient beings experience
great suffering. In ascending order,
the evil paths are hell, the realm of
hungry ghosts, and the realm of ani-
mals. Hell dwellers and hungry ghosts
endure a variety of punishments for
committing the worst sorts of offenses
in a previous life. Animals are regarded
as evil because they are subjected to
heavy burdens, the dangers of the
wild, and cruelty from human beings.
In some cases, a fourth realm is added
to the list of evil rebirthsthat of the
ashura. Ashura are a class of demi-
gods, who are fierce and pugnatious by
nature and fight with other deities.
Although the tradition most often
regards the realm of the ashura as
above that of human beings, their con-
tinual participation in violence has
sometimes been interpreted as a per-
petual form of suffering worse than
that of human life.
Buddhism teaches that the three or
four evil realms are the worst possible
outcomes for rebirth. Birth in any of
these realms results from accumulat-
ing bad karma in a previous lifetime.
Individuals born into them must
endure the suffering entailed as a pun-
ishment for their actions, but the pun-
ishment is not eternal. Once the accu-
mulated bad karma is exhausted, birth
into a better realm becomes possible
once again. In practical terms, the
Buddhist tradition makes use of the
notion of evil rebirths to encourage
believers to keep the precepts and live
a moral life. It should be noted, how-
ever, that the Buddhist tradition rec-
ognizes that suffering characterizes all
six realms of samsara, even the plea-
surable realms. See also six paths.
Expedient Means
Teaching devices employed by a
buddha or another Buddhist teacher in
order to convey aspects of the Dharma
to individuals. Expedient means
(J. hben) is a teaching style that is tai-
lored to suit the specific learning and
spiritual capacities of the audience. The
English term is a translation of the
Sanskrit upaya-kaushalya, which may
be translated as skillful means or skill
in means. Expedient means is an
important concept within Mahayana
Buddhism, developing the compas-
sionate skill to effectively use expedient
means to lead other sentient beings to
enlightenment is part of the
Bodhisattva Path. It is included as one
of the stages of the bodhisattvaas a
bodhisattva develops wisdom and
insight into the Dharma, he or she
becomes able to evaluate the capacities
of others and to teach accordingly.
There are two basic ways to interpret
the use of expedient means, both of
which are regarded as valid within the
tradition. It is believed that the histori-
cal Buddha simplified his message to
suit his audience, especially at the
beginning of his teaching career. He did
not teach the Ultimate Truth of the
Dharma at the beginning because his
audience was not yet prepared to hear
it. He began teaching them provisional
versions of the Dharma. He later
exposed the provisional nature of these
early teachings as his disciples became
more advanced and capable of under-
standing the Dharma on a deeper level.
The classical source in the Buddhist
scriptures describing the Buddhas use
of expedient means in this sense is the
Lotus Sutra. This understanding of
expedient means enabled Mahayana
Buddhists, especially in East Asia, to
explain the changes in Buddhist teach-
ing that occurred between the early
scriptures of Theravada Buddhismand
the later Mahayana sutras.
Expedient means may also refer to
any teaching device that a Buddhist
master employs to assist others in
understanding the Dharma; typical
devices include parables, stories, and
works of art. Within the Zen tradition,
the skillful use of kan is a prime
example of expedient means. Other Zen
devices include shouts, slaps, paradoxi-
cal comments, unconventional behav-
ior, and even poetry.
Pye, Michael. Skillful Means: A Concept
in Mahayana Buddhism. London:
Duckworth, 1978.
Expedient Means
Face-to-Face Transmission
(J. menju shik) Direct transmission of
the Dharma from a Zen master to a disci-
ple through one-on-one encounters
between the two. The expression is based
upon the assumption that Zen enlighten-
ment cannot be verified through indirect
means, such as by letter.
(635702; J. Hji) Zen Chinese monk of
the Tang dynasty (618907), the fourth
generation patriarch of the short-lived
Oxhead school. Fa-chih practiced for a
time under Hung-jen (601674), the
Fifth Patriarch of the orthodox lineage
and received his Dharma transmission
before returning to Niu-tou-shan (Ox
Head Mountain). Later in life, Fa-chih
became a Pure Land practitioner, and
regularly chanted the nembutsu. This is
one of the earliest examples of dual
practice in the Zen school.
(J. Kh) The Zen monk named in the
Tun-huang edition of the Platform
Sutra as its compiler. The text identifies
Fa-hai as a direct disciple of Hui-neng
(638713), the Sixth Patriarch. Also, the
text credits Fa-hai as the head monk of
the temple, who recorded the masters
sermons for later editing and publica-
tion. Scholars cannot validate that the
text represents the actual sermons of
Hui-neng, and there is no corroborating
evidence that Hui-neng had a disciple
named Fa-hai. Hence, Fa-hais identity
has fallen into doubt. Yanagida Seizan, a
Zen scholar, theorized that Fa-hai was a
member of the Oxhead school of Zen
and a disciple of Hsan-su (668752),
who recorded a text which later served
as a partial basis for what is now known
as the Platform Sutra.
Fa-hsien School
The Chinese name for the Yogachara
school of Buddhism. It was among the
thirteen schools of Chinese Buddhism
which developed during the Tang
dynasty (618907). The name Fa-hsien
literally means characteristics of the
dharmas, indicating the philosophical
interest of the schools practitioners to
understand the essential nature of all
phenomena (dharmas). The primary
teachings of the school include the
storehouse consciousness (alaya con-
sciousness) and the Three Natures of
reality. The school is also known as the
Wei-shih, or Consciousness Only
school, because it teaches that the phe-
nomenal world that we experience is
actually a product of our conscious
minds. Based on the writings of the
scholar monks Asanga and
Vasubandhu, it is believed that the
Yogachara school developed in India
during the fourth through the seventh
centuries. In the seventh century, the
Chinese monk Hsuan-tsang (600664),
traveled to India and studied Yogachara
thought with Shilabhadra. He then
transmitted the teachings and texts to
China. The Fa-hsien school was system-
atized by Kuei-chi (638682).
(594657; J. Hy) Zen Chinese monk
of the early Tang dynasty (618907)
regarded as the founder of the Oxhead
school (Ch. Niu-tou; J. Gozu) of early
Zen. The school is also known as Niu-
tou, literally Ox Head, for the moun-
tain in present-day Kiangsu, where Fa-
jung resided. Traditional biographies
indicate that he was a Dharma heir of
the Fourth Patriarch, Tao-hsin
(580651), although historians regard
this as doubtful. His Oxhead lineage
represents the earliest branches of the
Zen school in China, as well as the
Southern school and Northern school.
Face-to-Face Transmission
Fa-yen School
(J. Hgen-sh) A lineage of Chinese
Zen active during the Tang dynasty
(618907) and known as one of the so-
called five houses of Zen. The lineage
was founded by the Zen master Fa-yen
Wen-i (885958), and only survived for
a few generations. Fa-yen developed his
own distinctive style of Zen, which did
not include the harsh methods
employed by some of his contempo-
raries. Instead of striking or shouting
(katsu!) at his disciples, he usually
answered their questions using a form
of repetition, simply repeating their
original question. The Fa-yen school
studied the texts and commentaries of
the Hua-yen school (J. Kegon school).
Although the lineage did not survive for
long, it left a lasting influence on the
later Zen tradition through its writings.
Among the most important texts pro-
duced within the school was the
Transmission of the Lamp (Ch. Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu, J. Keitoku Dentroku),
the chronicle of early Zen history, which
provided much of the material later
used as kan. The teachings of the Fa-
yen school were absorbed into the Lin-
chi school during the early Sung
dynasty (9601279).
Fa-yen Wen-i
( J. Hgen Buneki) A Tang dynasty
Chinese master who founded the Fa-
yen lineage, one of the five houses of
Chinese Zen; also known as the Fa-yen
school. Fa-yen gathered disciples at
Chin-liang-ssu, his monastery in Nan-
ching. He is known for his interest in
Hua-yen thought: He studied Hua-yen
texts and had his students do the same.
See also Hua-yen school.
Feng-hsueh Yen-chao
(896973; J. Fuketsu Ensh) A Chinese
Rinzai monk of the late Tang (618907)
and early Five Dynasties (907960)
period. Feng-hsueh studied Tien-tai
Buddhismafter he took the tonsure. He
later turned to Zen when he became the
disciple of Nan-yan Hui-yung (d. 930).
Feng-hsueh played a crucial role in the
preservation of the teachings and style
of the Rinzai school. As the sole
Dharma heir of Nan-yan Hui-yung,
Feng-hsueh was the only fourth-gener-
ation master in Lin-chi I-hsans
(d. 867) Dharma lineage. Feng-hsueh
named several heirs during his teaching
career, allowing the school to continue
and eventually thrive. His most impor-
tant Dharma heir was Shou-shan
Sheng-nien. See also Rinzai sect and
Tien-tai school.
( J. T-zan) Mount Feng-mu, a
mountain in present-day Hupeh,
where Hung-jen (601674), the Fifth
Patriarch of Zen established his
monastery. The mountain is popularly
known as Tung-shan, or East Mountain.
See Tung-shan.
Feng-yang Wu-te Chan-shih Y-lu
The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master
Wu-te of Feng-yang (J. Funy Mutoku
Zenji Goroku). The three-section text is
also known as the Feng-yang Lu and
contains sermons, talks, poetry and
miscellaneous writings of the Zen
Rinzai master Feng-yang Shan-chao. It
was compiled by Shih-shuang Chu-
yuan (9861039), his Dharma heir,
who completed the work in 1101. The
text played a significant role in the
development of kan literature. The
first section includes Fen-yang Shan-
chaos commentary on the five ranks
(goi) of Tung-shan. The second section
is made up of three collections of one
hundred kan each. The first of these
collections consists of old kan to
which Feng-yang added a verse. The
second set is kan of the masters own
devising, including answers. The third
set is old kan to which he added his
own answers in place of those previ-
ously provided. These collections later
served as models for similar collec-
tions. See also Rinzai sect.
Feng-yang Wu-te Chan-shih Y-lu
Fen-yang Shan-chao
Chinese Rinzai Zen master (9471024; J.
Funy Zensh) of the Tang dynasty
(618907). Fen-yang was the Dharma
heir of Shou-shan Sheng-nien
(926993). According to tradition, he
visited seventy-one masters before
practicing with Shou-shan. After receiv-
ing his masters recognition, he taught
for the rest of his life at Tai-tzu-yan.
His most important disciple was Shih-
shuang Chu-yan (9861039). Fen-
yang introduced the use of the five
ranks into Rinzai teachings; his teach-
ings are recorded in the Fen-yang Wu-te
Chan-shih Y-lu. The work includes the
earliest kan collection, a series of three
sets of one hundred kan. Two hundred
were old cases that Fen-yang compiled
and commented upon, adding his own
answers; the other one hundred were
created by the master himself. Fen-yang
received the posthumous title of Wu-te
Chan-shih (J. Mutoku Zenji). See also
Rinzai sect.
Festival of the Dead
A mid-summer Buddhist festival cele-
brated throughout East Asia to benefit
the deceased. The festival, known in
English as the Feast of Lanterns or the
Feast of All Souls, is popularly called
Obon or Urabon-e in Japan, Pu-tu in
China, and Manghon-il in Korea. All
versions of the festival are said to be
based upon the ancient ullambana
ceremony, but each one also represents
a combination of regional Buddhist
traditions with local religious beliefs.
See Obon.
Field of Merit
(J. fukuden) A term used for a buddha,
bodhisattva, monk, or nun, in refer-
ence to the benefits lay believers reap
from them. This expression exemplifies
the mutually beneficial relationship of
Buddhist clergy and lay followers.
Monks and nuns instruct lay people in
the Buddhist teachings and also provide
them with opportunities to repay
their teachers. Metaphorically, the
clergy are the fields in which lay believ-
ers plant the seeds of merit by provid-
ing for the material needs of the monas-
tic community and consequently reap-
ing the spiritual benefits of their dona-
tions. The term field of merit is some-
times applied to the three treasures, to
which believers offer reverence.
Fifth Patriarch
The Chinese Zen master Hung-jen
(601674; J. Gunin) of the Sui dynasty.
Hung-jen inherited the Dharma from
Tao-hsin (580651), the Fourth
Patriarch. He later acknowledged Hui-
neng (638713) as his rightful successor.
See Hung-jen.
Filial Piety
(J. k) Respect for ones parents. Filial
piety became a major theme of
Buddhism in East Asia in response to
influence from existing religious tradi-
tions, especially Confucianism. When
Buddhism first entered China, for
example, monastic life was criticized by
Confucians as a teaching that promoted
unfilial behavior. In the Confucian view,
leaving home to become a monk or nun
was unfilial, since it meant that basic
acts of filial piety such as providing
financial support for aging parents,
marrying, and having children to carry
on the family line would not occur. Even
shaving the head was regarded as an
unfilial practice, since it was seen as a
form of self-inflicted mutilation of the
body given by ones parents. In response
to these attacks, East Asian Buddhism
developed teachings reinterpreting filial
behavior in terms of Buddhist practice,
often arguing that the compassion of
the bodhisattva constituted the highest
form of filial piety. The Buddhist ullam-
bana festival became extremely popular
in East Asian cultures because of its
connections with filial piety and ances-
tor veneration. Chinese Buddhist apoc-
ryphal works such as the Sutra of the
Filial Child (Ch. Hsiao Tzu Ching, J.
Kshiky) were composed, creating a
Fen-yang Shan-chao
body of Buddhist literature dedicated to
the theme of filial piety. While not a
dominant theme in Zen writings,
biographies of Chinese and Japanese
Zen monks and nuns generally empha-
size the filial nature of their subjects.
Strong, John S. The Experience of
Buddhism: Sources and Inter-
pretations. Belmont, CA: Wads-
worth Publishing Co., 1995.
Tzu, Mou. The Disposition of Error. In
Sources of Chinese Tradition.
Compiled by Wm. Theodore De
Bary and Irene Bloom. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1999.
First Barrier
The first of three sets of kan used in
some Zen monasteries in medieval
Japan (11851600). See shokan.
Five Deadly Sins
(J. gogyakuzai) Five of the most wicked
actions, which result in rebirth for
many eons in the lowest level of hell
Avici hellwhere the suffering is inces-
sant. The sins include killing ones
father, killing ones mother, killing an
arhat, harming the body of a buddha,
and causing schism within the sangha.
See gogyakuzai.
Five Dusts
A Buddhist expression for the five
objects of perception (gojin), which
correspond to the five senses. These
include: form (color and shape), sound,
odor, taste, and texture. They are
referred to as the five dusts or
defilements because sensory percep-
tions are often distracting; attachment
Five Dusts
The Festival of the Dead, also known as the Feast of Lanterns or
the Feast of All Souls, is a Buddhist festival that celebrates the deceased.
to sensory perceptions is said to conta-
minate the originally pure mind. See
also six dusts.
Five Eyes
(J. gogen) Five kinds of eyes that are asso-
ciated with five kinds of beings: the physi-
cal eyes of ordinary sentient beings; the
heavenly eyes of deities; the Wisdom Eyes
of those in the two vehicles (shravakas
and pratyeka buddhas); the Dharma eyes
of Bodhisattvas; and the eyes of the
Buddha. Within Mahayana Buddhism,
the five eyes describe various levels of
spiritual development and are associated
with the Tien-tai schools doctrine of
Threefold Truth.
Ordinary physical eyes perceive only
color and form within a limited range,
while the heavenly eyes of deities can
see far and near without any obstruc-
tion. In contrast, the latter three types
represent different levels of insight or
wisdom. Wisdom Eyes represent the
attainment of insight related to such
teachings as emptiness and codepen-
dent origination. Those who have
attained this level of insight have
grasped the nature of ultimate reality.
Dharma eyes represent the wisdom to
see the differentiation among all things
that exist in the provisional sphere.
Bodhisattvas are said to possess this
Dharma eye, which enables them to see
the suffering of all sentient beings and
to devise expedient means to alleviate
the suffering. Buddhas possess all of the
first four types of eyes. They are capable
of maintaining the middle way, balanc-
ing an awareness of ultimate reality
while recognizing the relative reality of
the phenomenal world.
Five False Views
See five wrong views.
Five Houses
(Ch. wu-chia, J. goke) The five lineages
of the Southern school of Zen that
existed during the Tang dynasty (618
907). Each house had a distinctive
style of Zen practice, which was devel-
oped by its founding patriarchs. The
Tang Zen master Fa-yen Wen-i first
used the expression house to describe
the Zen of his time. The five houses were
the Yun-men school (J. Ummon-sh),
the Kuei-yang school (J. Igy-sh), the
Tsao-tung school (J. St-sh), the Lin-
chi school (J. Rinzai-sh) and the Fa-
yen school (J. Hgen-sh). The expres-
sion was later expanded during the
Sung dynasty (9601279) to the five
houses and seven schools, which
included two additional branches of the
Lin-chi schoolthe Yang-chi (J. Ygi-
sh) and the Huang-lung (J. Ory-sh).
See also Huang-lung school and Yang-
chi school.
Five Houses and Seven Schools
An expression used to describe the dis-
tinctive styles of Zen practiced during
the Tang (618907) and Sung (960-
1279) dynasties in China. During the
Tang dynasty, there were five separate
lineages (Ch. wu-chia, J. goke) within
the Southern school of Zen. These
five houses were the Yun-men school
(J. Ummon-sh), the Kuei-yang school
(J. Igy-sh), the Tsao-tung school (J.
St-sh), the Lin-chi school (J. Rinzai-
sh) and the Fa-yen school
(J. Hgen-sh). By the end of the Sung
dynasty, only the Lin-chi and Tsao-tung
lineages survived. The Lin-chi lineage
had further developed into two strong
subdivisions, the Yang-chi line (J. Ygi-
sh) and the Huang-lung line (J. Ory-
sh). When these were added to the five
houses, the name was changed to the
seven schools. See also Huang-lung
school and Yang-chi school.
Five Mountains
The highest ranking among the most
prestigious Zen monasteries in China
and Japan. Five Mountains is a literal
translation of the Chinese term Wu-
shan, pronounced Gozan or Gosan
in Japanese. See Gozan temples and
Gozan system.
Five Eyes
Five Precepts
(J. gokai) The set of precepts tradition-
ally taken by lay Buddhists which gov-
ern moral conduct in everyday life. The
precepts prohibit the killing of living
beings, stealing anothers belongings,
engaging in sexual misconduct, lying,
and ingesting intoxicants. These are
also the first five of the ten precepts
undertaken by ordained novices.
Although worded in the same way, the
precepts are understood differently for
lay people than for monks and nuns. In
particular, the third precept against sex-
ual misconduct is interpreted to pro-
hibit premarital and extramarital sexual
contact for lay people, but all sexual
conduct for monks and nuns. Although
they are worded in the negative form,
the five precepts are understood to
include positive action as well. For
example, the first precept not only
advocates not killing or injuring
living beings, but also the active protec-
tion and care of living beings. See also
lay believer.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist
Monastic Life: According to the Texts
of the Theravada Tradition. Trans.
Claude Grangier and Steven Collins.
New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
Five Ranks
(J. goi) The five ranks or stages of prac-
tice described by Zen master Tung-
shan Liang-chieh (807869). The five
ranks express the relationship between
ultimate reality and phenomenal exis-
tence. The Zen tradition has used a vari-
ety of means to express this teaching,
including verse and symbolic or
metaphorical representation. The stan-
dard version of the five ranks is derived
from Tung-shans original poem in five
stanzas. The first line of each stanza
serves as a title for one rank. The five
verses may be translated as follows: the
real within the apparent (J. sh-ch-
hen), the apparent within the real
( J. hen-ch-sh), the coming from
within the real (J. sh-ch-rai), the
arrival within the apparent (J. hen-ch-
shi), and mutual interpenetration of
real and apparent (J. ken-ch-t).
Tung-shan Liang-chieh initially
developed the teaching of the five
ranks, which he loosely based on the
Hua-yen doctrine of the four realms of
ultimate reality and phenomena. Tung-
shan eventually passed the teaching of
the five ranks on to his leading disciple,
Tsao-shan Pen-chi (840901), who
then systematized the concepts. They
later became a standard characteristic
of the teachings of the Tsao-tung
(J. St) lineage in China. The Chinese
Rinzai master Fen-yang Shen-chao
introduced the five ranks to members of
his school in the eleventh century; they
have since been used as a kan within
the Rinzai tradition. Numerous com-
mentaries based on the five ranks were
composed by masters of both major
schools of Zen. In Japan, the Rinzai sect
has used the five ranks kan as the final
level of kan training since the time of
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768). See also
Hua-yen school and Tsao-tung school.
Chung-Yuan, Chang. Original Teachings
of Chan Buddhism: Selected from
the Transmission of the Lamp. New
York: Vintage Books, 1971.
Five Skandhas
(J. goun) The five aggregates; the com-
ponent parts that make up all existent
things (dharmas), including the human
self. While seeking enlightenment, the
Buddha analyzed himself in search of
an intrinsic, permanent self (atman).
He found only an ever-changing config-
uration of component parts, or skand-
has. The five skandhas are form, feel-
ings, conceptions, dispositions, and
consciousness. Form refers to the
physical properties of an individual. In
this context, feelings include the raw
sensory perceptions of external things,
while conceptions are the mental
images drawn from the sensory
data. Dispositions are the likes and
Five Skandhas
dislikes formed in relation to concep-
tions and encompass the emotions.
Consciousness means the mental
workings commonly referred to as
conscious thought.
The five skandhas are characterized
by impermanence and suffering.
Although there is no permanent self or
soul that exists outside or beyond the
ongoing physical and mental processes
referred to as the five skandhas, human
beings create the notion of such a self.
The fundamental attachment to a false
sense of self is the basic cause of suffer-
ing. The true self is nothing other than a
convenient label for the process of
changing configurations.
Five Types of Zen
(J. goshuzen) The five styles of medita-
tion developed by Kuei-feng Tsung-mi
(780840). In this context, the term
zen means meditation in general, not
the style of seated mediation (zazen),
characteristic of the Zen school
of Buddhism. In the treatise entitled
Chan-yan Chu-chan-chi Tu-hs
(General Preface to the Collected
Writings on the Sources of Zen),
Tsung-mi identified differences in
meditation based on the practitioner.
The categories are non-Buddhist or
unorthodox meditation, meditation
by an ordinary person, Hinayana
meditation, Mahayana meditation, and
meditation of the Supreme Vehicle
Zen meditation itself.
Broughton, Jeffrey. Kuei-feng Tsung-mi:
The Convergence of Chan and the
Teachings. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1975.
Five Wrong Views
(J. goken) The five types of mistaken
views that are contrary to the Buddhist
teachings. First is the belief that a per-
manent and abiding self existsthat is,
denying that the self is a temporary and
constantly changing configuration of
the five skandhas. Second is belief in
the extremes of naive positivism or in
Fihilismthe belief that the self and
other things exist eternally in an ulti-
mate sense, or that they have no real
existence at all. Third is rejection of the
law of cause and effectthe denial of
the workings of karma. Fourth is
attachment to a false view as the truth.
The fifth mistaken view is adherence to
a false set of precepts as a means to
attain enlightenment. The five wrong
views are included among the basic set
of six afflictions (bonn), which hinder
an individuals quest for enlightenment.
Flower Garland Sutra
The Avatamsaka Sutra, a sutra of
Mahayana Buddhism that serves as the
scriptural basis for the Hua-yen school
( J. Kegon school) of Chinese
Buddhism. See Avatamsaka Sutra.
Formless Precepts
(J. mus kai) An understanding of the
Buddhist precepts, which sees them not
as an external moral code, but rather as
the naturally pure behavior that arises
from the enlightened mind. The con-
cept appears first in the Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch.
Formless Repentance
(J. mus zange) An interpretation of the
practice of repentance, which is intro-
duced in the Platform Sutra of the Sixth
Patriarch. Buddhist monks and nuns
regularly perform some form of repen-
tance as a part of their monastic prac-
tice. In Theravada Buddhism, monks
and nuns traditionally had two oppor-
tunities each month to reflect upon
their behavior and ritually repent for
any wrong actions they performed.
Mahayana Buddhism retained the
practice of repentance, and various
repentance rituals developed in
Chinese schools of Buddhism. The Zen
understanding of formless repentance
contrasts with the more typical
understanding of repentance, since it is
Five Types of Zen
based upon an understanding that evil
deeds, like all other phenomena, have
no ultimate reality.
Forty-Eight Light Precepts
(J. shijhachi kykai) A set of precepts,
which make up the secondary portion
of the bodhisattva precepts. The forty-
eight light and ten heavy precepts
together are the full bodhisattva pre-
cepts as presented in the Bonmky
(Brahma Net Sutra). For a full listing,
see John Stevens The Marathon Monks
of Mount Hiei (Shambhala, 1988).
Founders Hall
(J. kaisand) The temple building at a
Zen monastery, which features an
image of the founding abbot (kaisan)
and a memorial tablet (ihai) inscribed
with his name. Memorial services for
the founding abbot are held in the hall
on the anniversary of his death. The
founders hall is sometimes called the
patriarch hall (soshid) or the reflection
hall (Eishitsu).
Four Aspects
The four aspects of phenomenal exis-
tence. The four aspects are called shis
in Japanese. See shis.
Four Assemblies
(Sk. sangha; J. shishu) The four parts of
the Buddhist community, including
monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.
The four assemblies date back to the
lifetime of the historical Buddha, who
accepted disciples from all four cate-
gories. The four assemblies take refuge
(kie) in the three treasuresthe
Buddha, the Dharma, and the sangha
to establish their connection with
Buddhism. Each assembly recognizes
formal rites of entry. Monks and nuns
participate in ordination ceremonies to
become members of their respective
monastic assemblies. They are ordained
as novices, accepting the ten precepts,
and then as fully ordained bhikkhu
or bhikkhuni under the full monastic
code. Lay people also have a ritual
of entry into the Buddhist community,
based on their acceptance of the five
The bond between the monastic
community and the lay community is a
reciprocal relationship. Monks and
nuns provide for the spiritual needs of
the lay community, teaching the
Dharma and offering opportunities to
lay people to build merit. In return, lay
people provide for the material needs of
the monastic community, supplying
donations used for food, clothing, and
shelter. See also lay believer.
Four Discernments
(J. shiryken) The four viewpoints used
by the Chinese master Lin-chi I-hsan
(d. 867), founder of Rinzai Buddhism,
as a teaching device. In the Sayings of
Lin-chi, Lin-chi said, Sometimes I take
away the person and do not take away
the surroundings; sometimes I take
away the surroundings and do not take
away the person; sometimes I take away
both the person and the surroundings;
sometimes I take away neither the per-
son nor the surroundings. This passage
is usually summarized as: the negation
of subject and the affirmation of object
(J. datsunin fudakky), the negation of
object and the affirmation of subject
(J. dakky fudatsunin), the negation of
both subject and object ( J. ninky
rygudatsu), and the affirmation of
both subject and object (J. ninky gufu-
datsu). These became known as ssu-
liao-chien in Chinese and shiryken in
Japanese. The later Rinzai tradition
used the four discernments as a kan.
The four discernments represent a
gradually deepening grasp of reality.
They are based on the four propositions
of Buddhist logic: being, nonbeing, nei-
ther being nor nonbeing, and both
being and nonbeing. They also corre-
spond to the four realms of reality
taught by the Hua-yen school
of Buddhism. The first realm is the
realization that without an object, there
Four Discernments
is no subject. The second is the realiza-
tion that all objects are the product of
ones consciousness. The third realm
transcends the distinction between
subject and object. The fourth is the
realization that neither subject nor
object have any ultimate reality, that
they are ultimately identical. See also
Rinzai sect.
Four Encounters
According to tradition, when Siddharta
Gautama, the historical Buddha, was
still living a secular life at home with a
wife and child, he had four encounters
that motivated him to abandon his
home life and seek enlightenment.
Siddharta was sheltered in his youth by
his father, protected from any exposure
to the ugliness and suffering of human
life. On a series of outings to see and
experience the world, the young
Siddharta encountered first an old man,
second a diseased individual, and third
a corpse. From the first three encoun-
ters, the future Buddha learned about
the inevitability of old age, illness, and
death, which afflict all human beings.
He pondered the fleeting nature of sen-
sual pleasures and meditated on the
reality of suffering. Finally, he encoun-
tered a religious mendicant who was in
search of enlightenment. This final
encounter convinced Siddharta to leave
his secular life and set out in search of a
remedy for human suffering.
Four Fruits
The four stages of spiritual attainment
recognized in the ancient Buddhist tra-
dition and in Theravada Buddhism.
They are stream winners, once returners,
never returners, and arhats. Stream win-
ners have destroyed wrong views. Once
returners have destroyed the gross,
harmful passions and will only be reborn
once more before attaining nirvana.
Never returners are already in their final
life, having destroyed both gross and
subtle passions. Arhats are those who
have already attained nirvana.
Four Grave Offenses
(J. shij or shijzai) The gravest offenses
against the traditional Buddhist monas-
tic code (vinaya) that a monk or nun
can commit. The offenses are: engaging
in sexual intercourse, stealing another
persons belongings, killing a human
being, and lying about ones spiritual
accomplishments. Punishment for these
offenses is the most severe possible
within the monastic community
expulsion from the sangha, although it
is understood that the deed itself has
already cut the person off from the
sangha. The four offenses are therefore
called parajika, a Sanskrit term mean-
ing offenses entailing defeat.
Four Great Elements
(J. shidai or shidaishu) Earth, water, fire,
and wind; the four fundamental ele-
ments from which all things are com-
prised. The nature of earth is hardness,
so its function is to support things.
Water has the quality of moistness and
can contain things. The nature of fire is
heat, so it can bring things to perfec-
tion. Wind has the quality of motion, so
it causes things to mature. The human
body was traditionally understood to be
composed of the four elements, with
sickness and death resulting from an
improper balance of the four.
Buddhism adopted this system of clas-
sification from Indian thought.
Four Great Vows
(J. Shigu seigan) The vows undertaken
by a bodhisattva. The four great vows
taken by Zen practitioners are Sentient
beings are innumerable, I vow to save
them all; The afflictions are inex-
haustible, I vow to extinguish them all;
The Gates of the Dharma are count-
less, I vow to master them all; and The
Buddhist Way is unsurpassed, I vow to
attain it. Zen monks and nuns recite
these vows daily as a part of morning
and evening services.
The vows have a long history
in Buddhism. Originally, they were
associated with the four noble truths.
Four Encounters
Four Guardian Kings
The practitioner vowed to lead all
people unfamiliar with Buddhism to an
understanding of the four noble truths,
so they could attain enlightenment.
The vows changed over time and have
taken on somewhat different forms in
different schools of Buddhism. The ver-
sion used within the Zen school is based
upon a passage from the Tun-huang
edition of the Platform Sutra.
Four Guardian Kings
(J. shitenn) Figures originally taken
from Hindu mythology and adopted
into Buddhist mythology. The four
guardian kings live near Mount
Sumeru and are dedicated to serving
Indra. They ward off evil and protect
people living in the four quarters; in
particular, they guard places where the
Buddhist Dharma is taught. Jikoku
(Dhrtarastra) guards the east, Zj
(Virudhaka) the south, Kmoku
(Virupaksha) the west, and Tamon
(Vaishravana) the north. Images of the
four guardians kings, dressed in full
armor and depicted with fierce expres-
sions, appear in almost every Buddhist
temple in East Asia. In many cases,
their images are located in the four
corners of the main hall of a temple
The four guardian kings ward off evil wherever the Buddhist Dharma is taught.
Their images appear in almost every East Asian Buddhist temple.
Four Kinds of Birth
(the Buddha hall at a Zen temple), or
arranged around the central image of
the Buddha, symbolizing their role as
guardians of the Dharma.
Four Kinds of Birth
(J. shish) Buddhismtraditionally rec-
ognized four modes of birth: from a
womb, from an egg, from moisture,
and from metamorphosis. In the pre-
modern period, it was believed that
fish, worms, and some insects were
born spontaneously from moisture.
Certain other types of sentient beings
were thought to metamorphose
through the workings of karma. These
included the beings that dwell in
heaven and hell, some hungry ghosts,
and the ashuras.
Four Noble Truths
(J. shishtai) The most basic teachings
of Buddhism, which the Buddha is said
to have proclaimed in his very first ser-
mon. They are: the truths of suffering
(dukkha), the cause of suffering, the
cessation of suffering, and the path
leading to the cessation of suffering.
The Sanskrit word commonly trans-
lated as noble is actually the term
aryan, originally an ethnic identifica-
tion given to people of high caste in
Indian society. In Buddhist usage, how-
ever, the expression is not related to
race or social limitation; it means
holy or worthy of respect, qualities
which Buddhism regards as indepen-
dent of social class.
The truth of suffering teaches that
human life is characterized by suffer-
ing. The Buddha said that birth is suf-
fering, old age is suffering, disease is
suffering, and death is suffering.
Contact with unpleasantness is suffer-
ing, as is separation from the pleasant.
This means that every aspect of human
experience involves suffering, even the
elements that one normally thinks of
as pleasurable, since separation is
inevitable. The second truth identifies
desire or craving as the root cause of
suffering. The truth of cessation pro-
vides hope for release from suffering; it
teaches that when desire ceases, then
suffering will also cease. Finally, the
fourth truth explains that the Eightfold
Path of Buddhism is the means to
understanding the nature of human
existence, and thus, cutting off the
causes of suffering.
The four noble truths are often
described using a metaphor drawn from
medicine. The Buddha is seen as a great
physician treating the disease of suffer-
ing that plagues human existence. The
first truth is the symptom of the disease;
the second truth, identifying the cause,
is the diagnosis; third is the prognosis
that a cure is possible; and finally, the
prescription leading to the cure.
It is important to understand that
an intellectual grasp of the four noble
truths is not considered sufficient; fol-
lowing the Buddhist path requires
great effort on the part of the individ-
ual, leading to a realization of the
truths for oneself. This realization
requires the practice of meditation and
is associated with Buddhist monastic
practice rather than lay Buddhism.
Although Mahayana Buddhismaccepts
the four noble truths as the basic teach-
ings of the Buddha, they are not gener-
ally a primary topic for Mahayana
teaching, nor are they typically the focus
of Mahayana meditative practices.
While lay followers of Theravada
Buddhism are familiar with the four
noble truths, most Mahayana Buddhists
are not. See also lay believer.
Four Obligations
(J. shion) The East Asian concept that
every individual receives four kinds of
blessings in this life, and therefore, owes
a debt of gratitude for these blessings.
This notion is referred to as the four
debts of gratitude, emphasizing that the
obligation is to express gratitude for
received blessings. The concept of bless-
ings and obligations is not exclusive to
Buddhism, but is also taught by the
other major East Asian religious and
philosophical systems, such as
Confucianism and Shint. There are
many Buddhist versions of the four
obligations, each incorporating minor
variations. Perhaps the most common
version includes gratitude toward ones
parents, ones country and its leaders, all
other living beings, and the three trea-
sures (the Buddha, the Dharma, and
the sangha). Another version of the four
obligations may include mother, father,
the buddhas, and ones Buddhist teach-
ers. In Zen monasteries, monks and
nuns fulfill the obligation to express
gratitude by remembering four types of
benefactors at their daily meals: their
country and its leaders, their parents,
their teachers and friends, and the lay
patrons who support their monastery.
See also lay believer.
Four Offerings
(J. Shiji no Kuy) The four kinds of
offerings that are appropriate for a
buddha, a monk, or a nun. There are
various listings of the four kinds of
offerings. In the Kuy Shobutsu
chapter of the Shbgenz, Dgen
Kigen (12001253) lists the offerings as
food and drink, clothing, bedding, and
medicine. This traditional list coin-
cides with the four daily necessities of
monks and nuns enumerated else-
where. Other traditional lists include
such items as shelter, scattered flow-
ers, and burning incense.
Four Periods of Meditation
(J. shiji zazen) Monks and nuns in a
Zen monastery participate in four daily
sessions of seated meditation. This
tradition dates back to the Sung
dynasty (9601279) in China. The times
and duration differ from monastery to
monastery, but the sessions are gener-
ally held before dawn, later in the
morning (after breakfast), in the after-
noon, and in the late evening.
Four Realms of Reality
( J. shishu hokkai) Hua-yen concept
using four levels of existence, or
Dharma realms, to describe reality.
The first is the realm of phenomena,
which can be thought of as the mun-
dane level of reality. At this level, one
experiences things as existing in a tem-
porary sense and as having clear dis-
tinctions one from another. The sec-
ond is the realm of reality. At this level,
one realizes that all things are the
same, since all are characterized by
emptiness. Third is the realm of inter-
penetration of phenomena and reality.
At this level, one understands that the
two previous views of reality are not
absolutely opposed. In any individual
phenomenon, one may perceive the
ultimate reality of emptiness. The
fourth and final realm is that of inter-
penetration of phenomena and phe-
nomena, which describes the com-
plete interconnectedness and interde-
pendence of all things. At this level,
one understands that any action taken
in relationship with any single phe-
nomenon affects all other phenomena.
That is, what affects any one thing
affects the whole. This realm is com-
monly described using the image of
Indras Jewel Net.
The teaching of the four realms of
reality deeply influenced Zen thought. It
is expressed in such concepts as the five
ranks of Tung-shan Liang-chieh
(807869) and the four discernments of
Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867). Mastery of the
concept of the four realms, in the form
of the five ranks (J. Goi Kan), serves as
the final stage of kan practice in the
Japanese Rinzai school today. See also
Rinzai sect and Hua-yen school.
Four Shouts
(J. shikatsu) The four kinds of shouts that
the Chinese master Lin-chi
I-hsan (d. 867), founder of Rinzai
Buddhism, claimed to use with his
disciples, based on the individuals
needs. In the Rinzai-roku (Sayings
of Lin-chi), Lin-chi compared the shouts
to a jeweled sword of a vajra king, capa-
ble of cutting through any delusion; a
crouching lion waiting to pounce; a
grass-tipped pole used as a decoy for
fishing; and finally a shout that does not
Four Shouts
function as a shout. This formula was
sometimes used as a kan in the later
Rinzai tradition. See also Rinzai sect.
Fourth Patriarch
The title usually refers to Tao-hsin
(580651), the Fourth Chinese
Patriarch of Zen. According to tradi-
tion, Toa-hsin directly inherited the
Dharma from the Third Patriarch,
Seng-tsan (d. 606). See Tao-hsin.
Four Wisdoms
(J. shichi) Within the tradition of
Theravada Buddhism, the four wis-
doms refer to the realization of the four
noble truths that are said to character-
ize an arhat. Within the Yogachara
school of Mahayana Buddhism, an
alternative concept of the four wisdoms
of the Buddha developed. Bodhisattvas
strive to attain the four wisdoms in order
to save sentient beings. The four wis-
doms are: the Great Perfect Mirror
Wisdom (the ability to see all things as
they really are); the Universal Nature
Wisdom (the ability to see that all things
are equal and undifferentiated, leading
to the compassion of a bodhisattva); the
Marvelous Observing Wisdom (the abil-
ity to evaluate the needs of all sentient
beings, which allows a buddha to preach
the Dharma in a way appropriate to
each individual); and the Perfecting of
Action Wisdom (the ability of a buddha
to take on any physical form necessary
to instruct sentient beings).
Fucha Ryri
Vegetarian cuisine typical of the
Japanese Obaku sect of the Zen school
of Buddhism. The founding monks of
the Obaku sect emigrated to Japan from
southern China in the mid- to late sev-
enteenth century. They preserved the
monastic cooking styles of their home
culture, including the more elaborate
cooking used for vegetarian feasts.
Fucha ryri remains a distinctive feature
at the main monastery of Mampuku-ji
in the city of Uji; it is prepared for visi-
tors. Sometimes monks were allowed to
enjoy this cuisine if wealthy patrons
paid for it as a means to build merit.
Fud My
The Immovable Shining King; one of
the fierce guardian deities (my) who
destroy demons, protecting Buddhism
and human beings from evil. The my
are regarded as manifestations of
Dainichi Nyorai, the Mahavairochana
Buddha; they are capable of teaching
the most stubborn sentient beings by
means of sacred sounds (mantra or
shingon). Like the other my, Fud is
depicted as a fierce deity, with blazing
eyes, surrounded by the fire of anger and
wisdom. His skin is blue-black in color;
he stands upon a rock, armed and ready
for battle. Fud holds a rope in his left
hand to ensnare the wicked, with a
sword in his right hand to slay them.
Fud is the most popular of the my
class of deities in Japanese Buddhism. His
image appears in numerous paintings
and mandala; statues of this fierce
guardian often protect temple halls. In
the esoteric traditions, Fud is associated
with the fire ritual, or goma, and is some-
times used as the central deity for that rit-
ual. Suzuki Shsan (15791655), the Zen
master of the Tokugawa period (1600
1867), favored Fud not only as an image
to focus ones attention when meditating,
but as an ideal for the Zen practitioner to
emulate. Shsan recommended that
beginners concentrate on the power and
energy of the Fud image.
King, Winston L. Death Was His
Kan: The Samurai-Zen of Suzuki
Shosan. Berkeley, CA: Asian
Humanities Press, 1986.
Tyler, Royall, trans. Selected Writings of
Suzuki Shosan. Ithaca, NY:
Chinese-Japanese Program, Cornell
University, 1977.
Yamasaki, Taiko. Shingon: Japanese
Esoteric Buddhism. Trans. Richard
and Cynthia Peterson. Ed. Yasuyoshi
Morimoto and David Kidd. Boston,
MA: Shambhala, 1988.
Fourth Patriarch
Fud My
The Fud My, or Immovable Shining King, is one of the
fierce guardian deities who protects human beings from evil.
The Japanese name for the bodhisattva
known as Samantabhadra in Sanskrit.
Fugen is considered the personification
of the mercy, meditation, and practice
of all the buddhas. Fugen is usually
depicted riding a white elephant with
six tusks. He often appears as one of the
attendants of either Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama) or Maha-
vairochana Buddhas, standing at the
Buddhas right side in a triad of figures
(Shaka triad). He is often paired with
Manjusri (Monju), the left-hand atten-
dant, who represents wisdom and
enlightenment. In the Hua-yen Sutra
(Avatamsaka Sutra), Fugen takes ten
great bodhisattva vows, representing
the perfect practice of a bodhisattva.
See also Hua-yen school.
The Japanese pronunciation for Pu-chi
(651739), a Chinese Zen monk.
See Pu-chi.
Fukan Zazengi
General recommendations for seated
meditation, a brief essay (T. 82, no.
2580) composed by Dgen Kigen
(12001253), the founder of Japanese
St Zen. The text describes the proper
method for seated meditation as well as
Dgens understanding of meditation as
enlightenment. The text is traditionally
dated to 1227, immediately after
Dgens return from China, but scholars
now question that date. Dgen proba-
bly wrote the first version of the text in
1233 and revised it sometime later in his
This anonymous painting of Fugen depicts him seated on an elephant,
surrounded by acolytes and devotees.
life. It is the latter version that is best
known today. The text sometimes circu-
lates as a single work, but under the title
Zazengi, it is also included as one chap-
ter in the Shbgenz, Dgens most
important work. See also St sect.
Bielefeldt, Carl. Dgens Manuals of Zen
Meditation. Berkeley, CA: University
of California Press, 1988.
Fuke Sect
A sect of Zen, traditionally said to have
originated during the Tang dynasty
(618907) in China, which spread in
early modern Japan (16001867); also
called the Komu sect. The Fuke sect is
known for its use of the shakuhachia
long bamboo flute with five holesas a
means of attaining enlightenment.
Most of its members were lay people
rather than monks and nuns. They were
commonly called komus, or monks of
nothingness. The komus lived a wan-
dering life, traveling around the
Japanese countryside. They played the
shakuhachi, chanted the nembutsu,
and collected alms.
Traditional accounts maintain that
the Zen master Pu-hua ( J. Fuke)
founded the sect and that his lay disci-
ple, Chang Po, spread his teachings.
There is no historical evidence, how-
ever, that the Fuke sect ever existed in
China. It is believed that the Japanese
Rinzai Zen master Kakushin
(12071298) learned about the Fuke
teachings from Chang Tsan while he
was in China, and later transmitted
them to Japan during the Kamakura
period (11851333). The sect took on
definite shape and became popular
during the Tokugawa period
(16001867), when many rnin, or mas-
terless samurai, became practitioners.
They wore a distinctive costume,
including a bamboo hat that covered
the face. Because the Fuke hat effec-
tively disguised the face, thieves and
other outlaws sometimes adopted the
dress of a Fuke monk to avoid detec-
tion. For this reason, the sect was out-
lawed by the Meiji government in 1871,
and it has not been revived since. See
also lay believer and Rinzai sect.
Fuketsu Ensh
Japanese transliteration for Feng-hsueh
Yen-chao, a Chinese Rinzai master. See
Feng-hsueh Yen-chao.
Fuke Zenji
The Japanese name for Zen Master Pu-
hua, a Chinese monk from the Tang
dynasty (618907) who is remembered
as the founder of the Fuke sect of Zen
Buddhism. See Pu-hua.
Field of merit, in Japanese. The charac-
ter, pronounced den, literally means a
rice paddy or another cultivated piece
of land. See field of merit.
Funeral Zen
A popular expression used to describe
the extent to which the Zen school of
Buddhism is practiced in Japan today,
especially by lay practitioners. Although
most Japanese may be considered
members of one Buddhist sect or
another, most have contact with
Buddhism only at funeral or memorial
services. This is equally true for lay
members of the three major Zen sects:
St, Rinzai, and Obaku. Very few
Japanese Zen Buddhists receive instruc-
tion in the teachings of Zen or in the
practice of seated meditation. Indeed,
only a small minority of Buddhist
temples and monasteries in Japan offer
to lay people the option of joining in
sessions of seated meditation. Few Zen
clergy regularly practice meditation
after their initial monastic training
which qualifies them for ordination.
Most serve as local parish priests, offer-
ing services such as funeral and memo-
rial rites for their members.
Historically, the close association of
Zen and funeral practices can be
explained by studying the rapid spread
of Zen during the medieval (11851600)
Funeral Zen
and early modern (16001867) periods.
During the medieval period, St Zen
leaders sought to popularize the sect
among the warrior and commoner
classes in Japan by offering funeral and
memorial services to lay members.
Later, in the Tokugawa period
(16001867), government policies
spread the use of Buddhist funerals
throughout the entire populace. First,
the government required that every
Japanese be registered as a member of a
Buddhist temple. Second, the govern-
ment required that, when a death
occurred, a Buddhist monk examine
the body before filing a report and issu-
ing a death certificate. Even today, the
vast majority of Japanese make use of
Buddhist services to honor the
deceased. See also lay believer, Obaku
sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect.
Bodiford, William M. St Zen in
Medieval Japan. Honolulu, HI:
University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
Reader, Ian. Zazenless Zen: The
Position of Zazen in Institutional
Zen Buddhism. Japanese Religion.
Vol. 14, No. 3 (1986), pp. 727.
Funy Roku
The Japanese abbreviated title for the
Feng-yang Wu-te Chan-shi Y-lu, The
Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Wu-te
of Feng-yang. See Feng-yang Wu-te
Chan-shi Y-lu.
Funy Zensh
Japanese name for Fen-yang Shan-
chao (9471024), a Chinese Rinzai mas-
ter of the Tang period (618907). He is
also known in Japanese by his posthu-
mous name, Mutoku Zenji. See Fen-
yang Shan-chao.
(Sk. kashaya) A kesa or robe made by
patching together discarded rags.
Funze is the Japanese translation for
the Sanskrit pamsu-kula kesa, which
means a robe [made from] rags off a
dust heap. The Japanese expression is
actually somewhat stronger, literally
meaning excrement wiping cloth. In
the Shbgenz Kesa Kudoku, an
essay about the religious significance of
monastic robes, Dgen Kigen
(12001253) explains that buddhas have
always preferred to use rag robes rather
than robes made from finer materials.
In fact, the earliest Buddhist monks and
nuns did originally wear funze. The
historical Buddha and his disciples ini-
tially constructed their robes from dis-
carded rags that they collected from the
streets or from cremation areas. They
washed the rags and pieced them
together to fashion monastic robes. For
health reasons, the Buddha later
allowed monks and nuns to accept
donations of new clothes from lay
people. See also lay believer.
Japanese rendering of Purna. See Purna.
Fury Monji
Without reliance on words or letters, a
Japanese expression used to character-
ize Zen. The Zen tradition maintains
that the Dharma cannot be adequately
expressed through human language.
Therefore, transmission of the Dharma
from a Zen master to a disciple is said to
occur from mind to mind, without any
dependence upon the written scrip-
tures of Buddhism. The phrase is actu-
ally one line of a Chinese verse tradi-
tionally attributed to Bodhidharma.
Japanese rendering of the Sanskrit term
uposatha, or poshadha, the traditional
meeting of the Buddhist sangha, or
community, held twice a month for the
purpose of reflection and repentance.
The fusatsushiki, or uposatha
ceremony, is still observed as a part of
Zen monastic practice. On the fifteenth
day and last day of each month,
Zen monks and nuns renew their
commitment to the four bodhisattva
Funy Roku
vows (J. shiguseizan) and repent from
any offenses against the monastic code.
See uposatha.
Zen sermon; a general lecture given
by a Zen master to the entire assembly
in a Zen monastery. The fusetsu is less
formal than the daisan.
Manual labor, a regular part of the Zen
monastic life. The Chinese characters
are pronounced fush in Japanese.
The word literally means general
admonition, since manual labor was
required of the entire monastic com-
munity. See manual labor.
Fush Fumetsu
Unborn and undying, or not arising
and not passing into extinction, the
Japanese rendering of a common
Mahayana Buddhism expression for
absolute reality. The classical scriptural
source for the expression is a passage
from the Chinese translation of the
Heart Sutra which says, O Shariputra,
all things are characterized by empti-
ness. They are not born and they do not
pass into extinction. . .
The Assistant Supervisor of a Zen
monastery. One of the six offices held by
senior monks, whose role is to oversee
the practical administration of the
monastery. The fsu works closely with
the Prior (tssu) and the Supervisor
(kansu) in handling the economic man-
agement of the temple. Along with the
other two financial officers, the fsu has
his living quarters within the kitchen-
office (kuin). From there it is possible
to observe and control the daily con-
sumption of resources and assess the
immediate needs of the monastic com-
munity. The fsus particular responsi-
bility lies in keeping accounts of the
day-to-day expenditures of temple
resources, both monetary and of other
supplies. See also temple positions.
Japanese translation of the Sanskrit
term atman. See atman.
Japanese for hungry ghost, one of the
six realms of existence through which
individuals travel until they attain
release (nirvana). Birth into the realm
of hungry ghosts was one of the evil out-
comes, seen as a form of punishment
for wicked deeds performed in a previ-
ous lifetime. Japanese and Chinese
Buddhists focused on one of several
species of hungry ghosts described in
earlier texts, a creature with a large belly
and a needle-thin neck. Although these
gaki have voracious appetites, they can-
not fill their bellies due to the narrow-
ness of their throats. Originally, each
different species of hungry ghost was
associated with specific behavior pat-
terns for which they suffered an appro-
priate form of retribution. In East Asian
accounts, a gaki was an individual who
lacked charity and intentionally hin-
dered others from practicing the virtue
of giving.
In Zen monasteries, a number of rit-
uals are performed to ease the suffering
of hungry ghosts. On an annual basis,
monastic communities make special
offerings to hungry ghosts at the time of
the ullambana ceremony in the sum-
mer, a festival known in Japan as Obon.
On a daily basis, Zen monks and nuns
set aside a few grains of rice (saba) from
every meal as an offering (suisan or
shussan) to aid the gaki; they also recite
a brief verse. In some monasteries,
monks and nuns pour off the water left
over from rinsing the eating bowls as an
additional offering. It is said that the
tiny particles of food present in the
water are the easiest for the hungry
ghosts to swallow.
Inscribed tablets used in Zen monaster-
ies to indicate the names of monastery
buildings and offices; tablets also
announce upcoming or ongoing func-
tions, such as sermons.
Chien-chen (687763), the Chinese
Buddhist monk who founded the ritsu
(vinaya) school of Buddhism in Japan.
See Chien-chen.
Dharma lineages based upon the
temple of residence rather than ones
actual teacher. Although Dharma
Gakuji are inscribed tablets that indicate the
names of Buddhist monasteries.



















transmission in the Zen school is theo-
retically based upon a face-to-face
encounter between a master and a dis-
ciple, other forms of Dharma transmis-
sion may occur. The practice of garanb
was an institutional form of Dharma
transmission common within the St
school in Japan beginning in the
medieval period (11851600). It was
later rejected during the reform move-
ments of the Tokugawa period
(16001867). Although less widespread
than in the St school, the practice
was sometimes followed in Rinzai
temples during the medieval period.
According to the garanb process, a
monk would assume the Dharma lin-
eage of the former abbots of the temple
at which he served as abbot or head
monk. If a new head monk was from
outside the temple in question, he
would change his lineage (inin ekishi).
His name would be added to the
Dharma lineage of the temple, and he
would receive a lineage chart of its line.
This occurred regardless of his actual
connections with the previous abbots.
The Dharma lineage of the temple
would thus remain constant, while the
lineage of an individual monk could
change several times in a career. See
also Rinzai sect and St sect.
Bodiford, William M. Dharma
Transmission in St Zen. In
Monumenta Nipponica. Vol. 46, No.
4 (Winter 1991).
Gasan Jit
(17271797) Japanese Rinzai monk who
trained under Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) and is generally counted
among his Dharma heirs. Gasan was
born in northeastern Japan in Osh. He
originally practiced Zen under the
Rinzai master Gessen Zene
(17021781); he came to Hakuin much
later in his career. It is unclear whether
Gasan actually received inka from
Hakuin before the master died.
Nevertheless, Gasans disciples consti-
tute the most important lineage of
Hakuin Zen. Along with his disciples,
Inzan Ien (17511814) and Takuj
Kosen (17601833), Gasan continued
the reforms of the Rinzai system of
kan study that were initiated by
Hakuin. Gasan is said to have taught
some 500 disciples at Rinsh-in in Edo
and did much to promote Hakuin Zen.
See also Rinzai sect.
Painter-monk; Zen monks and nuns
traditionally use the visual arts, includ-
ing a variety of painting and calligraphy
styles, to express their understanding of
the Dharma.
A gesture of reverence, performed with
the hands held palm-to-palm at chest
level. In India, the ancient gesture was
thought to symbolize sincerity. In
Buddhist cultures, it is commonly used
as a respectful form of greeting, espe-
cially between members of the monas-
tic community. It is also commonly
employed as a means to pay homage to
an image of a buddha. In the Zen con-
text, the gesture is understood as a
mudra which expresses nonduality;
specifically, it is interpreted as a symbol
of the unity between perception and
reality, or One mind.
Saunders, E. Dale. Mudra: A Study of the
Symbolic Gestures in Japanese
Buddhist Sculpture. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1985.
Gateless Gate
Wu-men Kuan, known in Japanese as
the Mumonkan, a classic Zen text con-
taining forty-eight traditional kan with
commentary, compiled by the Rinzai
master Wu-men Hui-kai (11831260).
See Mumonkan.
(J. ge) A style of verse or song used to
teach concepts from a religious tradi-
tion or to praise a religious figure.
Gths are used in several Indian religious
traditions, including Buddhism.
Buddhist sutras often contain sections
of gatha interspersed with prose, while
some canonical texts are comprised
solely of verse.
Japanese term for gth. See gth.
Release or liberation, a Japanese
word commonly used to indicate
enlightenment, the goal of Buddhist
practice. It is sometimes used as the
technical term for nirvanathe release
from ignorance and suffering. In other
contexts, gedatsu means meditation,
since enlightenment is achieved
through meditation.
Genj Kan
Manifesting Absolute Reality before
Ones Eyes, an essay composed in 1233
by Dgen Kigen (12001253), the
founder of Japanese St Zen. The text
sometimes circulates as a single work,
but is also included as one chapter in
the Shbgenz, Dgens most
important work. The term Genj kan
expresses the Mahayana Buddhism
teaching that ordinary phenomena
experienced in everyday life are them-
selves expressions of absolute reality.
Dgen uses the expression to suggest
that Zen practice and Zen enlighten-
ment are a part of ordinary life. See also
St sect.
Literally meaning a dark or mysterious
gateway, the term is used metaphori-
cally in Buddhismto denote entry by a
believer onto the Buddhist path, or
more specifically, entry into the realm
of enlightenment. In more concrete
terms, it refers simply to the entry gate
of a Zen temple.
Traditionally, Zen monasteries in
China customarily inscribed the word
genkan on their entryways, suggesting
that all who entered the gate were
embarking on the Buddhist path to
enlightenment. Eventually, the word
came to be used almost exclusively for
the visitors entrance to the guest hall
of a Zen monastery, and thus associ-
ated with the specific architectural
style of those entryways. The related
customs were brought to Japan along
with the transmission of Zen teachings
during the Kamakura period
(11851333). Eventually, the practice of
building entry gates in the same style
became popular at other Buddhist
temples. The style then became wide-
spread throughout the secular world.
Almost all Japanese homes today have
an entryway referred to as a genkan. In
most cases, the genkan is a small area
separating the interior living quarters
from the outside door. On entering the
genkan, one removes ones shoes
before stepping up into the raised level
of the living quarters.
(9421017) Japanese Tendai monk
known for his teaching of Pure Land
devotion. Genshin established a
theoretical basis for devotion to Amida
buddha and the hope for rebirth in
his Western Pure Land. He popular-
ized Pure Land belief and the practice
of chanting the nembutsu through his
paintings and writings, especially
the Essentials of Salvation
(J. Ojysh). Genshin is revered by
the True Pure Land sect ( Jdo
Shinsh) as the Sixth Pure Land
Patriarch. See also Tendai sect.
Genze Riyaku
Worldly benefits that may be gained
in this life through the practice of
Buddhism. These benefits include
long life, physical health, monetary
wealth, safety in childbirth, and pro-
tection from various calamities.
Although Buddhist scholars often
maintain that worldly benefits are not
an important part of the Buddhist
faith, promises of them abound in the
Buddhist scriptures and other classi-
cal texts. The appeal of worldly bene-
fits has often been used by Buddhist
teachers as an expedient means to
attract lay people to the tradition. See
also lay believer.
Gessh Shko
Japanese St master (16161696) of
the Tokugawa period (16001867) who
inspired reform movements within the
St sect. Gessh was initially a
Shingon monk, but soon began to
study with Zen masters. He became
the Dharma heir of Hakuh Genteki,
the abbot at Daij-ji. He also studied
with two Chinese Zen masters, Tao-
che Chao-yan (d. 1660) and Yin-
yan Lung-chi (15941673), the
founder of Obaku Zen. In 1680, he
became abbot at Daij-ji. His primary
disciple and Dharma heir, Manzan
Dhaku (16361715), carried out the
monastic reforms that Gessh hoped
to accomplish. See also Obaku sect
and Shingon sect.
Wooden footwear traditionally worn in
Japan. Geta are made from a platform
of wood resting on two supporting
cross bars which raise the foot off the
ground. Geta are held on the foot with
cloth straps much like thongs.
Although the word geta did not come
into common usage until the
Tokugawa period (16001867), the
style of footwear dates back to ancient
times in Japan.
The ball of doubt. An expression used
by Zen masters for the tension that
builds up in an individual when he or
she practice Zen intensely, especially
when working on a kan. The buildup
of tension is a necessary precursor to
the initial experience of enlighten-
ment (kensh). Enlightenment is said
to occur when the ball of doubt shat-
ters. See ball of doubt.
The Silver Pavilion, the popular name
for Jish-ji, a Rinzai Zen temple in
eastern Kyoto. See Silver Pavilion.
Ginzan Teppeki
Silver mountain, iron wall, a Zen
expression for enlightenment. See
Silver mountain, iron wall.
The Japanese word for karma; actions
and the resulting consequences of
actions. See karma.
Goddess of Mercy
Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of
infinite compassion and mercy. Jesuit
missionaries to China in the sixteenth
century coined the name for female
images of Kuan-yin. The missionaries
noted a striking resemblance between
female figures of the bodhisattva,
especially the white-robed Kuan-yin,
and Catholic images of the Virgin Mary.
See Kuan-yin.
False self, the belief in and attach-
ment to a false concept of the self or
ego. The Japanese term goga refers to
the common belief that each individ-
ual possesses an eternal and unchang-
ing self or soul. According to Buddhist
teachings, there is nothing eternal,
unchanging, or abiding within the
human self. The historical Buddha
taught that human beings suffer pri-
marily because they become attached
to the false self. The term also refers to
selfish attitudes and states of mind.
See also Anatman.
Five eyes, the five kinds of percep-
tion associated with ordinary sentient
beings, deities, shravakas and
pratyeka buddhas, bodhisattvas, and
buddhas. See five eyes.
Practice after enlightenment (satori).
Training within the Rinzai school of
Zen can be divided into two parts, the
practice leading to enlightenment,
known in Japanese as kensh, and
subsequent practice after the initial
experience, or gogo. During the
Tokugawa period (16001867), masters
in the Rinzai school developed a regu-
lar system of Zen practice based on the
use of kan as the central focus of
seated meditation. The reformer
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768) is credited
with developing the system of kan
practice still in use in the Rinzai school
today. According to this system, the
initial goal of the practitioner is to con-
template on the first kan until attain-
ing an initial experience of enlighten-
ment. Attaining the initial experience
of kensh is not the end of practice
under the masters guidance, nor is it
sufficient to qualify a practitioner as a
Zen master. After enlightenment, the
practitioner continues to practice
seated meditation, proceeding through
a series of other kan designed to
mature the level of practice and pre-
pare the individual to become a
teacher. See also Rinzai sect.
The five deadly actions of killing
ones father, killing ones mother,
killing an arhat, harming the body of a
buddha, and causing dissention within
the sangha. Committing one of these
five acts results in rebirth for many
eons in the lowest level of hell, Avici
hell, where the suffering from intense
heat is incessant.
The Japanese term for the five ranks
developed by Zen master Tung-shan
Liang-chieh (807869). The standard
Japanese version of the five ranks is
also known as hensh goi, the five
ranks of the Real and the Apparent.
Based on Tung-shans original poem,
this abbreviated version is comprised
of five verses of three characters each:
sh-ch-hen, the real within the
apparent; hen-ch-sh, the apparent
within the real; sh-ch-rai, the com-
ing from within the real; hen-ch-shi,
the arrival within the apparent; and
ken-ch-t, mutual interpenetration
of real and apparent. See five ranks.
Goi Kan
A kan based on the five ranks
developed by the Chinese master
Tung-shan Liang-chieh (807869). The
five ranks is a formulaic expression of
the degrees, or stages, of Zen realiza-
tion. Tung-shans original statement of
the five ranks is a poem in five stanzas.
The Japanese Rinzai school uses the
Goi kan as the final stage of formal
kan practice. In the eighteenth cen-
tury, Hakuin Ekaku (16851768) and
his disciples devised a process of kan
practice to be undertaken after an ini-
tial enlightenment experience. They
based the system on five stages or cat-
egories of kan, designed to lead the
practitioner to deeper levels of under-
standing. In this system, a considera-
tion of the Goi kan serves as the fifth
and final barrier through which poten-
tial Zen masters must pass before qual-
ifying to take on disciples of their own.
See also Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
The five dusts or defilements. A
Japanese Buddhist expression for the
five objects of perception related to the
five senses (J. gokon). See five dusts.
Five-strip robe, one of three basic
types of kesa or monastic robes worn
by Buddhist monks and nuns. The
five-strip robe was originally called
the antarvasa in Sanskrit. It is known
in Japanese as the naie, literally inner
robe, or andae. The goje was origi-
nally designed to be worn as an inner
garment or undergarment. In the Zen
school it is sometimes known as the
samue, or work garment, because
monks often strip down to the inner
robe when engaging in physical labor.
In Japan, the goje is usually worn
symbolically on a strap placed around
the neck as a reminder of the Buddhas
patched robe. The strap and five-strip
kesa worn together in this manner are
known as a rakusu. Today, lay practi-
tioners sometimes receive this gar-
ment when they take the precepts. See
also lay believer.
The rear stands. A wash house
located behind the monks hall (sd)
of a traditional Zen monastery. The
monks used the goka for ordinary daily
purposes, such as washing their faces
and brushing their teeth. Travelers
would also use this facility to wash the
dirt from their feet before entering the
hall. In most traditional monasteries,
hot water for bathing was only pro-
vided in the separate bath house
(yokushitsu) once every two weeks.
For daily purposes, the monks used
cold water at the goka.
Japanese for the five precepts under-
taken by lay Buddhists. They are
fusessh, not to kill living beings;
fucht, not to steal; fujain, to abstain
from sexual misconduct; fumgo, not
to lie; and fuonju, not to drink liquor.
See five precepts.
Five houses (Ch. wu-chia), a
Japanese expression used to describe
the five distinctive styles of Zen based
on the five different lineages which
developed during the Tang dynasty
(618907) in China. See five houses.
Gokei Ston
(14161500) Japanese Rinzai monk of the
Ashikaga period (13921568). He was a
seventh-generation descendant of the
Myshin-ji line started by Kanzan Egen
(12771369). He became the Dharma heir
of Sekk Sshin (14081486) and was one
of his four principle disciples. Gokei served
as abbot at Daitoku-ji, Myshin-ji, and
other major Rinzai monasteries. He
founded Zuiry-ji in Mino, present-day
Gifu Prefecture. See also Rinzai sect.
The five wrong views. The Japanese
term literally means the five views.
They are the mistaken belief that the
self is permanent and abiding
(shinken); the mistaken belief that the
self exists eternally after death or that
it is annihilated (henken); mistaken
rejection of the workings of cause and
effect (jaken); mistaken attachment to
a false view (kenjuken); and adherence
to a false set of precepts as a means to
attain enlightenment (kaigonjuken).
See five wrong views.
Goke Sansh Yro Mon
A Detailed Study of the Fundamental
Principles of the Five Houses, a Zen text
in five sections composed by Trei Enji
(17211792). Using anecdotes, portions
of sermons, and other quotations from
classical Zen literature, each section
presents the distinctive teachings of one
of the Five Schools of Chinese Zen. Two
essays by Trei, the Rhatsu jish
(Instructions for Rhatsu) and the
Kankin b (Sutra chanting announce-
ment board) are attached as appen-
dices. The work was completed in 1788
and first published in 1827.
Goke Shichish
Five houses and seven schools, a
Japanese expression used to describe
the distinctive styles of Zen practice that
developed during the Tang (618907)
and Sung (9601279) dynasties. See five
houses and seven schools.
Goke Shichish
Golden Pavilion
The popular name for Rokuon-ji, a Rinzai
Zen temple in northwestern Kyoto in the
Kitayama area. The temple takes the
name Golden Pavilion, a literal transla-
tion of the Japanese Kinkaku-ji, from the
three-story gold-leaf pavilion, which is
the centerpiece of the monastery garden.
The Golden Pavilion sits beside a small
pond, in which it is spectacularly
reflected. The temple was originally the
site of the retirement villa of the third
Ashikaga shgun, Yoshimitsu (1358
1408), which was built in 1397. It was con-
verted into a Zen temple after
Yoshimitsus death. Mus Soseki
(12751351) is regarded as the temples
founding abbot, although it was con-
structed long after his death. With the
exception of the Golden Pavilion itself,
most of the temple buildings (shichid
garan) were destroyed in the Onin War
(14661477) and later restored. The
Golden Pavilion was burned to the
ground in 1950 by a resident cleric. It was
rebuilt to precisely match plans of the
original. Along with its sister structure,
the Silver Pavilion, the Golden Pavilion is
regarded as a fine example of Gozan
architecture of the Ashikaga period
(13921568). See also Rinzai sect.
Fire ritual performed by the esoteric
schools of Buddhism, including Tendai
and Shingon. The ritual comes from
Indian practices in which Brahmin
priests offered sacrifices to the gods by
burning food offerings in a specifically
designed section of an altar. In the
Buddhist ritual, the fire is said to sym-
bolize the wisdom of enlightenment,
which burns away any defilements
that hinder enlightenment. Goma may
be offered to gain merit and diminish
bad karma, to pray for a special inten-
tion such as recovery from illness, or to
pray for the protection of family or
nation. See also Shingon sect and
Tendai sect.
Gomi Zen
Five taste zen, or the five tastes of
zen. An expression used for any form
of zen regarded as impure or inconsis-
tent with the zen of the patriarchs. In
this sense, gomi zen is contrasted with
single taste zen (ichimi zen), or pure
zen. In a more technical sense, the
expression refers to five basic varieties
of meditative practice identified by
Tsung-mi (780840), a Chinese monk,
who studied both Hua-yen and Chan
Buddhism. According to Tsung-mis
classification, one can distinguish the
meditative styles of non-Buddhists
(ged zen), ordinary people (bonpu
zen), Hinayana Buddhists (shj zen),
Mahayana Buddhists (daij zen), and
followers of the supreme teachings
(saijj zen). The Zen tradition recog-
nizes its own meditative style as the
fifth and highest form. See also five
types of zen and Hua-yen school.
The 108th Japanese emperor
(15961680) and a patron and devotee
of Zen Buddhism. Gomizunoo, the
third son of Emperor Go-Yzei,
reigned from 1611 to 1629, the period
when Tokugawa rule was firmly estab-
lished. He was obliged to marry
Tokugawa Kazuko, the daughter of the
second Tokugawa shogun, Hidetada.
Gomizunoos displeasure led him
to resign.
Gomizunoo studied Zen under a
series of masters. He eventually took
the tonsure in 1651 under Rykei, a
Rinzai monk, who later became an
Obaku master. Gomizunoo assumed
the Dharma name Enj Dkaku; he
later became Rykeis Dharma heir
and his name is still listed on Obaku
lineage charts. See also Obaku sect
and Rinzai sect.
Gonsen Kan
One type of Zen kan based upon dif-
ficult phrases and expressions from the
classical texts. The term gonsen literally
means the investigation of words.
Golden Pavilion
The Zen practitioner contemplates an
expression originally uttered by one of
the great historical Zen masters, seek-
ing insight beyond the literal or techni-
cal meaning of the words. The phrases
can be thought of as gates leading to
deeper understanding of the Zen
teachings. Examples of Gonsen kan
include Cases 24 and 27 from the
Mumonkan, and Cases 13 and 36 from
the Hekiganroku.
Since the time of the eighteenth-
century reformer Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768), the Rinzai school of
Japanese Zen has employed a system
of kan practice that sets out a regular
pattern for approaching kan after the
initial enlightenment experience
(kensh). The system is designed to
lead practitioners to deeper levels of
understanding by moving through var-
ious types of kan. Within the confines
of this system, Gonsen kan are the
third of five types. They follow the
Hosshin kan and Kikan kan, and
precede the Nant kan and Goi kan.
See also Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
Shimano, Eido T. Zen Kans. In
Zen, Tradition and Transition.
Edited by Kenneth Kraft. New York:
Grove Press, 1988.
Gorin Sotoba
Five wheel stupa. A stone or cast
metal stupa made in five sections.
Stupas are dome-shaped structures
used to enshrine relics or mark histori-
cally important places. Each section of
the Gorin sotoba forms a different
shape, which symbolizes one of the five
great elements: earth, water, fire, wind,
and space (or emptiness). Originally
Gorin Sotoba
Gorin Sobota is a five-piece statue that
marks holy and historic sites.
the stupas were intended to house
Buddhist relics, but in later practice
they were used as gravestones. Gorin
sotoba were first introduced in Japan
during the Heian period (7941185) and
are commonly associated with the eso-
teric schools of Buddhism, the Tendai
sect, and the Shingon sect.
Each section of the Gorin sotoba is
inscribed with an associated Sanskrit
character as well as the Chinese charac-
ter for the related element. The bottom
section is a cube, representing the
earth, inscribed with the Sanskrit letter
A. Next is a sphere, representing water,
inscribed with the Sanskrit letter VA.
The third section is a triangular stone,
representing fire, inscribed with the
Sanskrit letter RA. The fourth is a half-
sphere, representing the wind,
inscribed with the Sanskrit letter HA.
The top section is in the shape of a
mani jewel, representing space or
emptiness, inscribed with the Sanskrit
letter KHA.
In the esoteric schools of Buddhism,
the five sections of the stupa are also
said to represent the Five Buddhas; the
cube is associated with Ashuku
(Akshobhya), the sphere with Amida
buddha (Amitabha), the triangle with
Hd (Ratnasambhava), the half-
sphere with Fukjju (Amoghasiddhi),
and the mani jewel with Dainichi
Nnin (Mahavairochana Buddha).
Worldly benefits arising from the
practice of Buddhism. The term is an
abbreviation for genze riyaku. See
genze riyaku.
The Japanese term for recorded say-
ings, one of the most important and
distinctive genres of Zen literature. See
recorded sayings.
Gosan Jd
To go to the lecture hall for the fifth-
day sermon. According to monastic
codes used in the practive of Zen, the
abbot is expected to give public lec-
tures to the entire community every
five days, on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th,
and 25th of each lunar month. Since
Zen monasteries hold services for the
health of the emperor on the 1st and
15th of the month, fifth-day sermons
are given only four times each lunar
Five types of zen, the classification of
five styles of meditation developed by
Kuei-feng Tsung-mi (780840). See five
types of zen.
Goso Hoen
Japanese pronunciation for Wu-tsu
Fa-yen (d. 1104), Chinese Rinzai master
of the Sung (9601279) dynasty. See
Wu-tsu Fa-yen.
Gotai Tchi
The most formal bow performed within
the Buddhist community. The word lit-
erally means to cast the five parts of the
body (gotai) upon the ground. The five
parts of the body are the elbows, the
knees, and the forehead. Gotai tchi is
performed as follows: beginning in a
standing position, hands held palm-to-
palm at chest level (gassh), one makes
a slight bow. Then, slowly bending the
knees, one lowers the knees to the floor.
Bending forward from the waist, one
lowers the upper torso until ones fore-
head rests on the ground, resting the
arms on the floor, with the palms facing
up. One then raises the palms upward,
maintaining the position for a moment.
Reversing the process, one returns to
the standing position, hands held in
gassh, and concludes with another
slight bow.
This bow is used at morning and
evening services before the image of the
Buddha; other occasions include ser-
vices where an abbot presides.
The Five Records of the Lamp, five
chronicles recounting the history of Zen
and the authentic lineage of the school.
Composed in China during the Sung
dynasty (9601279), all five texts explain
the transmission of the Dharma using
biographical sketches of important
masters. The five texts include Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu (Ching-te Record of the
Transmission of the Lamp), Tien-sheng
Kuang-teng Lu (Tien-sheng Record of
the Widely Extending Lamp), Chien-
chung Ching-kuo Hsu-teng Lu (Chien-
chung Ching-kuo Supplementary
Record of the Lamp), Tsung-men Lien-
teng Hui-yao (Collection of Essential
Material of the Zen Sects Successive
Records of the Lamp) and Chia-tai pu-
teng Lu (Chia-tai Comprehensive
Record of the Lamp).
Gottan Funei
Japanese pronunciation of Wu-an Pu-
ning (11971276), a Chinese Rinzai Zen
monk, who also taught in Japan. See
Wu-an Pu-ning.
The five aggregates, the component
parts that comprise all things. Japanese
for the five skandhas. See five skandhas.
Goya Zazen
Pre-dawn session of zazen, one of the
four periods of meditation (J. shiji
zazen) observed daily in Zen monaster-
ies. Although the exact hours differ by
monastery, Goya zazen is held before
breakfast, usually between 3 and 5 A.M.
See also shiji zazen.
Gozan Jissatsu
Five mountains and seven temples,
the common Japanese designation for
the Gozan ranking system for Zen
monasteries in China and Japan. See
Gozan system.
Gozan Literature
A general term for the artistic and schol-
arly writings produced by Zen monks in
the Gozan (Five Mountain) monasteries
in Kyoto and Kamakura during the
medieval period (11851600). This class
of literature is known in Japanese as
Gozan bungaku. Beginning in the
Kamakura period (11851333), Gozan
monasteries functioned as cultural and
artistic centers in Japan, helping to
foster several forms of Chinese art,
literature, and philosophy. Gozan litera-
ture includes poetry, literary prose,
encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other
scholarly reference works. With the
exception of some poetry composed in
Japanese, Gozan literature is written in
classical Chinese. In addition to
Chinese Buddhist texts, Zen monks of
the Japanese Gozan temples studied
Chinese literature and philosophical
systems, especially Confucianism and
Sung Confucianism. They often com-
posed literary pieces that imitated
Chinese styles. Leading figures in Gozan
literature include Mus Soseki
(12751351), Ikky Sjun (13941481),
and Zekkai Chshin.
Gozan System
The Five Mountain System, an official
system of ranking Zen monasteries,
which originated in China and was later
adopted by the Japanese. The system is
known in Japanese as Gozan jissatsu,
The Five Mountains and Ten
Distinguished Temples. The name is
derived from the actual numbers of Zen
temples within the two hierarchical lev-
els that characterized the original
Chinese system. In China, the Five
Mountains referred to the five monas-
teries (Gozan temples) officially recog-
nized by the government as the highest-
ranking Zen monasteries. The Ten
Temples were ten somewhat lower-
ranking monasteries. All fifteen monas-
teries within the Chinese Gozan system
received government patronage. Few
details are known of the Chinese sys-
tem, which started during the late Sung
Gozan System
dynasty (9601279). It seems likely that
it was less structured than the later
Japanese development bearing the
same name.
In Japan, the Gozan system was
introduced toward the end of the
Kamakura period (11851333), and fully
developed during the Ashikaga period
(13921568). The Japanese government
treated all temples within the Gozan
system, said to number approximately
300, as a single administrative unit. All
of the temples and monasteries in the
Gozan system shared things in com-
mon. For example, they were governed
by similar monastic codes and all were
designed to have a similar physical lay-
out and administrative organization. As
the Japanese Gozan system took on def-
inite shape, there were three tiers of
temples included in the system: the
highest ranking Gozan monasteries, the
middle ranking Jissatsu monasteries,
and the lowest ranking shozan temples.
In the fully developed Japanese
Gozan system, eleven monasteries were
counted among the Gozan, or Five
Mountain tier of the system. These
included five major monasteries in
Kamakura and five in Kyoto, all orga-
nized under the administrative leader-
ship of the eleventh monastery. The rel-
ative ranking of the eleven temples at
the Gozan level shifted over time, as did
the actual list of Gozan monasteries.
The Jissatsu, or Ten Temples tier
included somewhat less prestigious
monasteries in Kyoto and Kamakura as
well as important monasteries from the
provinces; the number was not strictly
limited to ten. The lowest ranking of
shozan temples, literally meaning vari-
ous temples, was a looser category of
provincial temples; the category had no
formal numerical limit.
Over time, the Zen monasteries
within the Gozan system became
closely identified with cultural pursuits,
especially in the areas of literature, tea
ceremony (chanoy), Zen gardens, and
the fine arts. Indeed, it is not uncom-
mon to speak of a distinctive Gozan cul-
ture or Gozan literature. Throughout
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,
Gozan temples flourished as artistic
and cultural centers for the nobility and
samurai classes. By this period, they
functioned less as religious institutions
devoted to Zen practice than as literary
and artistic centers.
The Gozan system did not encom-
pass all Japanese Zen monasteries and
temples. The vast majority of the
temples within the Gozan system were
affiliated with a Rinzai lineage.
Although a few St monasteries were
officially designated as Gozan monas-
teries for periods of time, the majority
were never ranked within the system.
Non-Gozan monasteries are commonly
designated as rinka, or Ringe temples.
See also Rinzai sect and St sect.
Collcutt, Martin. Five Mountains:
The Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution
in Medieval Japan. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981.
Gozan Temples
Five Mountains, the highest-ranking
Zen temples according to the Chinese
and Japanese hierarchical system. In the
original Chinese system, there were
exactly five Zen monasteries at the high-
est rank. They were Wan-shou-ssu,
Kuan-li-ssu, Ching-te-ssu, Ling-yin-
ssu, and Ching-tzu-ssu. These five
became known collectively as Wu-shan
in Chinese. When the Japanese adopted
the system during the late Kamakura
(11851333) and early Ashikaga
(13921568) periods, the actual number
of Gozan temples varied. There were
generally eleven Gozan monasteries,
which included the five most influential
monasteries located in Kamakura and
five in Kyoto, all organized under the
eleventh head monastery. The
Kamakura Gozan monasteries included
Kench-ji, Engaku-ji, Jufuku-ji, Jchi-
ji, and Jmy-ji. The Kyoto Gozan
monasteries included Tenry-ji,
Shkoku-ji, Kennin-ji, Tfuku-ji, and
Manju-ji. Nanzen-ji, also located in
Kyoto, served for many generations as
Gozan Temples
the head monastery in the system. All of
these monasteries were affiliated with
the Rinzai sect. Lower ranking Rinzai
temples that were part of the system
were known as jissatsu temples. In
some cases, the term Gozan temple may
apply to any temple or monastery that
was officially a part of the Gozan sys-
tem, regardless of ranking.
Gozu School
The Oxhead school, an important lin-
eage of early Chinese Zen founded by
Fa-jung (594657), a Dharma heir of
the Fourth Patriarch Tao-hsin
(580651). Gozu is the Japanese translit-
eration of the Chinese name Niu-tou.
See Oxhead school.
Gradual Enlightenment
(J. zengo) The concept that enlighten-
ment may be attained gradually as a
process of stages mastered over an
extended period of time. Many schools
of Buddhism teach a form of gradual
enlightenment, although the concept is
generally rejected by Zen teachers. In
Zen texts, gradual enlightenment is
regarded as an unorthodox concept; it is
contrasted with the orthodox under-
standing of sudden enlightenment.
Gradual enlightenment is most often
associated with the Northern school of
early Chinese Zen.
Gradual Teaching
(J. Zengy) Teachings based on a belief
in gradual enlightenment, in which
enlightenment is seen as a progression
through several stages, or levels, of
attainment. Within Zen context, grad-
ual teaching is generally associated with
the Northern school of early Chinese
Zen, which is contrasted with the sud-
den enlightenment teaching (tongy)
of the orthodox Southern school.
Great Assemblies
The formal lectures and discussion ses-
sions held by the abbot in the Dharma
Great Assemblies
Tfuku-ji, one of the Gozan temples in Kyoto.
hall (hatt) of a Zen monastery on spe-
cific occasions. The great assemblies are
so called because the entire monastic
community attends. See daisan.
Great Doubt
One of the three bases for the practice
of Zen, along with Great Trust
(Daishinkon) and Great Resolve
(Daifunshi). According to Zen teach-
ings, a practitioner must break through
the Great Doubt to attain enlighten-
ment. See Daigi.
Great Matter
A common Zen expression used to indi-
cate the Ultimate Truth of Buddhism. It
is used in various ways throughout Zen
literatureit may mean the experience
of enlightenment in one context, and
the practice leading to that enlighten-
ment in another. The English expres-
sion is a translation of the Japanese
term Daiji (Ch. Ta-shih). See Daiji.
Great Renunciation
A term used in reference to an episode
from the life of Siddharta Gautama, the
historical Buddha. According to tradi-
tional accounts of his life, Siddharta
experienced four encounters when he
left his home and family to seek enlight-
enment. He saw an old man, a diseased
person, and a corpse, which led to his
contemplation of the problem of human
suffering. Finally, his meeting with a reli-
gious mendicant motivated him to begin
his own search for a solution to suffering.
The episode is known as the great renun-
ciation because Siddharta gave up a lux-
urious life filled with sensual pleasures.
Legends maintain that he was raised in a
palace, the beloved and pampered son of
a ruling king, and was married to a lovely
wife who had recently given birth to a
son. The story highlights the contrasting
values of duty to family and the religious
quest for enlightenment; it is intended to
stress the permeation of suffering even
within the most pleasurable of human
Great Resolve
One of the three essential motivating
elements of Zen practice, along with
Great Doubt (Daigi) and Great Trust
(Daishinkon). The practitioner must
have a deep determination to persevere
in Zen practice. See Daifunshi.
Great Trust
One of the three essential bases of Zen
practice, along with Great Doubt
(Daigi) and Great Resolve (Daifunshi).
The Zen practitioner must place great
trust in the Buddhist teachings, the path
of Zen, and his or her own teacher. See
Great Vehicle
(J. daij) Mahayana Buddhism. The
Sanskrit term mahayana literally means
great vehicle. The phrase was coined
within the tradition to distinguish
newer developments in the first century
C.E. from older teachings. See
Mahayana Buddhism.
Guch Shky
(13231409) Japanese Rinzai monk.
Guch studied Zen in China and
received Dharma transmission from
Chi-hsiu Chi-liao. When he returned to
Japan, he served as founding abbot at
Butts-ji, an important independent
Rinzai temple in Aki. He received the
posthumous title Daits Zenji. His writ-
ings include the Syo Sh and the
Daits Zenji Goroku. He is regarded as
the founder of Butts-ji Ha, the Butts-
ji branch of the Rinzai sect.
Gud Tshoku
(15791661) Japanese Rinzai Zen monk
from the early Tokugawa period
(16001867). Gud was a leading figure
within the lineage of the Myshin-ji,
where he led a reform movement to
revitalize the practice of Rinzai. He
served three times as abbot at Myshin-
ji and trained numerous disciples.
Among his leading disciples was Shid
Great Doubt
Bunan (16031676), from whose line
came the great Rinzai reformer Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). Gud received the
posthumous title Daien Hkan
Kokushi. He left behind no written
works. See also Rinzai sect.
(601674) Japanese transliteration of
Hung-jen, the Fifth Patriarch of
Chinese Zen. See Hung-jen.
The Japanese pronunciation for
Ch-chih, a Tang dynasty (618907)
master known for his One-finger Zen.
See Ch-chih.
A ritual circumambulation around, or
in front of the main image of the
Buddha within the main hall of a Zen
monastery. The members of the proces-
sion chant a sutra. The practice is
derived from the ancient custom of
walking in a circle around an image to
show respect or pay homage. Typically,
Zen monks and nuns no longer walk
around the image, but form a proces-
sion walking in front of the image.
A Buddhist practitioner, especially
Buddhist monks in the ancient
tradition. The Japanese and related
Chinese term was used to translate the
Sanskrit term crin. In Japan, the term
especially applies to ascetic practition-
ers like the Yamabushi, who build
merit and spiritual power by combining
strenuous physical training with
meditative practices. Although written
with the same characters as anja, an
attendant novice at a Zen temple, the
usage is completely different. See also
ascetic practices.
Going, staying, sitting, lying down. A
very common Zen expression used to
indicate all human action or the behav-
ior of everyday life. Zen masters often
use the expression to suggest that the
practice of Zen is not limited to the
hours spent in seated meditation, but
that all aspects of life, even mundane
activities, comprise the Buddhist way.
The entrance through practice,
Japanese term for one of the two
entrances (niny) to Buddhist enlight-
enment. Practice is said to include four
basic types: hongy (endurance of
hardships), zuiengy (adapting to cir-
cumstances), mushogugy (seeking
nothing), and shbgy (practicing in
conformity with the Dharma). Gyny
is the opposite of riny, or the entrance
through reason.
See Taik Gyy.
Hachikan Jigoku
Hachikan Jigoku
Also pronounced Hakkan jigoku, the
Japanese term for the eight cold hells,
where inhabitants suffer various
punishments related to severe cold.
The Japanese names for the eight hells
are 1) Abuda, 2) Nirabuda, 3) Aseta,
4) Kakaba, 5) Kokoba, 6) Upara, 7)
Hadoma or Guren, and 8) Makahadoma
or Daiguren. See eight cold hells.
The Japanese Shint kami (deity)
associated with archery (kyd) and
war, who is revered as a bodhisattva,
or enlightened one, in Japan.
Hachiman is the deification of a his-
torical figure, the Emperor Ojin
(270310 C.E.). During the Nara period
(710794), shrines to Hachiman were
constructed beside national Buddhist
temples (kokubunji), symbolizing
Hachimans role as a special guardian
of Buddhism in Japan. Hachiman was
one of the first Shint kami to be iden-
tified by Buddhism as a bodhisattva;
he was also sometimes regarded as a
manifestation of the Amida buddha.
See also honji suijaku.
Hachinetsu Jigoku
The eight hot hells, where inhabitants
suffer various punishments, including
searing heat. The eight hells are
1) Repeated Misery (Tkatsu), 2) Black
Ropes (Kokuj), 3) Mass Suffering
(shug), 4) Wailing (Kykan), 5) Great
Wailing (Daikykan), 6) Searing Heat
(Shnetsu), 7) Great Searing Heat
(Daishnetsu), and 8) Incessant
Suffering (Muken).
In Japan, Genshin (9421017)
described in detail the sufferings of the
various hells in his Ojysh, (The
Essentials of Salvation). The hells are
also popular subjects for religious paint-
ings, often used to teach ordinary
people the consequences of their
actions (karma). See eight hot hells.
Genre of Japanese poetry indirectly
associated with Zen, alternatively
known as hokku. Haiku are composed
of seventeen syllables arranged in three
lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
The most famous of the Japanese Haiku
poets was Matsuo Bash (16441694), a
lay practitioner of Zen whose poetry is
said to reflect Zen influences. See also
lay believer.
Japanese transliteration of Prajapati,
the Buddhas stepmother. See Prajapati.
Papiyas, an evil heavenly king, also
known in Japanese as Mahajun (the
Demon Papiyas) and Ma (the Demon
King). Hajun is the Japanese pronuncia-
tion of the Chinese transliteration of the
original Sanskrit name. See Papiyas.
Eight precepts, a Japanese abbrevia-
tion for Hassaikai. See eight precepts.
Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) The great Japanese Zen
reformer of the Tokugawa period
(16001867) who revitalized the prac-
tice of Rinzai, one of the three major
sects of Zen, in Japan. Hakuins influ-
ence on early modern and modern
Rinzai is so strong that many refer to it
as Hakuin Zen. Hakuin was born in the
village of Hara at the foot of Mount
Fuji. His secular name was Sugiyama
Iwajir. Hakuin entered monastic life
at age fifteen, when he took the ton-
sure at the local Zen temple, Shin-ji.
He spent many years on pilgrimage,
beginning in 1705, seeking his way
through his many doubts. According to
his own account, he determined his
fate one day in Gifu Prefecture where
he was staying with his friend Ba, a
Rinzai monk, at Zuiun-ji. The abbot
there had a large library comprising
Taoist, Confucian, and Buddhist texts.
On a day when the books were laid out
in the sun, Hakuin picked one up with-
out checking the title. He decided that
this random choice would determine
his future. His selection was a collec-
tion of biographies of Chinese Zen
masters, and he decided to pursue the
Zen path toward enlightenment.
Hakuin achieved his first enlighten-
ment experience in 1708 at Eigan-ji in
Niigata. Shtetsu, the abbot there,
refused to acknowledge the experi-
ence, as did the other masters he
sought out. Eventually, he made his
way to Nagano where he became the
disciple of Dky Etan (16421721) at
Shju-an, but he remained only eight
months before he was called home by
the illness of a former teacher.
Throughout his life, Hakuin regarded
Dky as his master. It is unclear
whether or not he received Dkys
formal sanction, but tradition regards
Hakuin as Dkys Dharma heir, fully
qualified to take on Dkys teaching
after that masters death. In 1710, he
once again took up residence at Shin-
ji in Hara. At that time, Hakuin was
practicing a regime so austere that he
drove himself to a nervous breakdown,
which is often referred to as the Zen
sickness (J. Zenby). He sought the
help of the Taoist hermit Hakuyshi
and cured himself.
Hakuin continued to travel, practic-
ing in various places with different
masters. He later wrote that through-
out this period of his life he had many
enlightenment experiences, which
grew more profound. He spent a short
time at Myshin-ji in 1718, where he
was appointed abbot. He then
returned to Hara and settled down per-
manently at Shin-ji. Hakuin had no
need to remain at a major monastery
since disciples came to him in great
numbers. He taught for many years,
often lecturing on the important kan
collections and recorded sayings of
earlier Zen masters. He also wrote
extensively: a few of his writings have
been translated into English by
Yampolsky and Waddell.
Hakuin trained his disciples using
stern methods. He is credited with for-
mulating the systematic use of kan
still in use within the Rinzai sect
today, although his immediate disci-
ples no doubt completed the task.
Hakuin required students to continue
the practice of zazen throughout their
career, believing that not only should
they contemplate kan in order to
attain an initial experience of enlight-
enment (J. kensh), but use zazen as a
lifelong means of deepening that
experience. He developed a number of
his own kan, including the famous
Sound of One Hand (J. Sekish), which
he used with beginners.
Hakuin did extensive work among
the common people, writing several
popular hymns, miracle stories, and
other religious texts in the vernacular
language. He is known as an artist,
especially his ink painting, calligraphy,
and sculpture. His leading disciples
include Trei Enji (17211792) and
Gasan Jit (17271797). He received
the title Shinki Dokumy Zenji after
his death. His many written works
include Itsumadegusa, Orategama,
and Yasen Kanna.
Waddell, Norman. The Essential
Teachings of Zen Master Hakuin: A
Translation of the Sokko-roku
Kaien-fusetsu. Boston, MA:
Shambhala, 1994.
Yampolsky, Philip B., trans. The Zen
Master Hakuin: Selected Writings.
New York: Columbia University
Press, 1971.
Hakuin Ekaku
Half-Lotus Position
Half-Lotus Position
(J. hanka fuza) An alternative posture
used for seated meditation (zazen).
When seated in the half-lotus position,
the left foot usually rests on the right
thigh with both knees resting on the
cushion (zaniku). Many people find the
half-lotus position easier to maintain
than the full lotus position over long
periods of meditation. It is also possible
to alternate the position and rest the
right foot on the left thigh. Classical Zen
texts on seated meditation, including
the Tso-chan I by Chang-lu Tsung-tse
and Dgen Kigens (12001253) Fukan
Zazengi mention this posture.
Sounding boards used to signal various
events throughout the monastery,
including meal times and the end of
meditation sessions. The term most
commonly refers to rectangular
wooden boards that hang outside cer-
tain temple buildings (shichid garan),
including the abbots hall and the
monks hall (sd), among others. It
may also be used more generically to
signify the entire class of sounding
instruments, including both the
wooden boards and the bronze gongs
called umpan.
Wooden han are all shaped identi-
cally, although they may be distin-
guished by specific names based on
The half-lotus position is a classic meditation posture where the one foot rests upon the other thigh.
their location. They are sounded simul-
taneously at specified times to alert the
entire monastic community of an
upcoming transition or event. To strike
the han, one grasps it by an attached
handle and uses a wooden mallet.
Typically, the boards have verses
inscribed on them, although these may
differ by sect and monastery. According
to the Obaku Shingi, the han outside
the meditation hall at Obaku temples
should read, Say to the whole assembly
that life and death are the great matter.
Impermanence is swift upon us. Let
each one awaken to this. Be reverent,
and refrain from self-indulgence. See
also Obaku sect.
Hana Matsuri
Flower Festival, the popular Japanese
name for Buddha Day, the day com-
memorating the birth of Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). The
holiday is known more formally in
Japanese as Gtane. Throughout East
Asia, the eighth day of the fourth lunar
month was traditionally observed as
Buddha Day. Today, the Japanese cele-
brate Hana Matsuri according to the
modern calendar on April 8. Typically,
images of the infant Siddharta Gautama
are placed within a small shrine draped
with flowers. Believers then take turns
ladling sweetened tea, known as
amacha, or perfumed water over
the image. This recalls the episode in
the birth accounts of the Buddha when
the gods and other heavenly beings
bathed the newborn with pure water.
See also kanbutsu.
A Japanese lay association of Rinzai
Buddhism, founded by the Myshin-ji
branch of the Rinzai sect in 1947. The
purpose of the organization is to spread
The han is a rectangular wooden board used to signal various events
in a monastery, such as meal times or meditation sessions.
Zen Buddhism among the general pop-
ulace. Branches of the association exist
in Korea, Mexico, the United States, and
other countries. The organization is
named for Emperor Hanazono
(12971348), under whose patronage
the Myshin-ji was originally con-
structed. See also lay believer.
The monk or nun responsible for serving
the rice to the rest of the monastic com-
munity at mealtime. This responsibility
rotates among the monks or nuns in resi-
dence. In the Rinzai sect, the term some-
times refers to the monks hall (sd).
Hanka Fuza
Term that means sitting in the half-
lotus position in Japanese. Also called
Bosatsu-za, the bodhisattva position.
See half-lotus position.
Wisdom. Hannya is the Japanese
transliteration of the Sanskrit term pra-
jna. See prajna.
Hannya Shingy
Heart Sutra, an abbreviated Japanese
title for the Prajna-paramita-hrdaya-
sutra (T. 8, no. 251). The full title in
Japanese is Maka Hannya Haramitta
Shingy. See Heart Sutra.
Hannya Zanmai
The samadhi, or state of consciousness
of perfect wisdom, in which one realizes
the reality of emptiness through
wisdom. Hannya zanmai is the
Japanese transliteration of the original
Sanskrit term prajna samadhi. The
realization of emptiness is regarded
within the Buddhist tradition as the
moment of enlightenment.
(J. Kanzan) Chinese poet and Buddhist
practitioner of the Tang dynasty
(618907) about whom little is known.
Scholars tentatively date his life at the
late eighth to early ninth century. He
lived in Han-shan cave on Mount Tien-
tai, from which he drew his name. He is
known as an eccentric whose behavior
was quite erratic. Tradition maintains,
however, that he had a deep under-
standing of Buddhism and that his
unusual behavior was intended to
express the principles of Zen. He is said
to have disappeared mysteriously; later
generations identified him as an incar-
nation of the bodhisattva Manjusri.
Portraits of him were popular among
Zen students in China and Japan. He is
usually pictured with a writing scroll,
and he is often paired with his friend
and fellow hermit, Shih-te (J. Jittoku),
who holds a broom because he worked
in the temple kitchen. His poetry, com-
prised of approximately three hundred
verses, is collected in the Han-shan
Shih ( J. Kanzanshi). The Japanese
Rinzai master Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) wrote a commentary on
Han-shans three hundred poems. See
also Rinzai sect.
Han-shan Shih
Poems of Han-shan (J. Kanzanshi),
the collected poems of the Chinese poet
and Zen practitioner Han-shan. This
collection of approximately three hun-
dred verses has long been popular
among Zen students, and several com-
mentaries have been written on it. The
Japanese Rinzai master Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768), for example, wrote a
commentary on the collection, known
as the Kanzanshi Sendai Kimon. See
also Rinzai sect.
Han-shan Te-ching
Chinese Rinzai master (15461623) of
the late Ming period (13681644). Han-
shan was one of a small group of mas-
ters who brought about a revival of
Buddhism in the late Ming period. He
advocated a combined practice of Zen
meditation and Pure Land devotion to
Amida buddha. Although he was a Zen
monk, he continually chanted the
name of Amida (Ch. nien-fo; J. nem-
butsu) and claimed that he once had a
vision of Amida in a dream. See also
dual practice and Rinzai sect.
Hsu, Sung-peng. A Buddhist Leader in
Ming China: The Life and Thought
of Han-shan Te-ching, 15461623.
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 1979.
A temple bell shaped like the ogane,
the largest of the monastery bells, but
small enough to hang under the
eaves of a temple building. The
hansh is sounded by striking its
side with a wooden hand mallet. See
also densh.
The colloquial Japanese term for the
lower abdomen, known more formally
as tanden. Various systems of Asian
meditation identify the hara as the cen-
tral core of the individual or as one of
the bodys energy centers. One method
of Zen concentration focuses the atten-
tion on the hara, especially its move-
ment as one inhales and exhales.
Offenses that consist of defeat, which
are the most serious offenses against
the monastic code a Buddhist monk or
nun can commit. The word haraizai is
the Japanese transliteration of the
Sanskrit term parajika. See parajika.
Hashin Kyji
Needle and moxa. This term refers to
the mundane activities of sewing robes
and burning moxa, a flammable
substance obtained from the leaves of
the mugwort plant. In traditional
Zen monasteries, monks and nuns
sewed their own robes. In addition,
they patched and repaired damaged
robes to extend their wear. The
monastic code limits the number of
robes an individual can own at one
time and recommends that old robes
be completely worn out before a monk
or nun acquires a new one. Monks
burned moxa on their skin as a medic-
inal treatment for sore legs and other
minor ailments. These activities were
typically undertaken on bath day at
Zen monasteries, when the regular
meditation schedule was not
observed. Although these activities
may seem separate from the Zen prac-
tice of meditation, they nevertheless
typify the mindfulness of the Zen life.
The eight precepts of abstinence
observed by lay people on specific days
of the month. The eight precepts are 1)
not to kill living beings; 2) not to steal;
3) to abstain from sexual misconduct;
4) not to lie; 5) not to take intoxicants;
6) not to eat after noon; 7) not to adorn
the body with perfume, flowers, jew-
elry, etc., and not to participate in pub-
lic entertainment, including dancing,
plays, singing, etc.; and 8) not to use a
luxurious bed. See eight precepts.
Japanese term for the eight conscious-
nesses that make up the human process
of perception according to the Yogachara
school (Hoss) of Mahayana Buddhism.
The eight consciousnesses are 1) sight
consciousness (genshiki), 2) sound con-
sciousness (nishiki), 3) smell conscious-
ness (bishiki), 4) taste consciousness
(zesshiki), 5) tactile consciousness (shin-
shiki), 6) mind consciousness (ishiki), 7)
ego consciousness (manashiki) and 8)
the storehouse or alaya consciousness
(arayashiki). See eight consciousnesses.
Holy Eightfold Path, the Japanese
term for the Eightfold Path of
Buddhism. See Eightfold Path.
Japanese term for Dharma heir. A stu-
dent who qualifies to succeed his or her
master in teaching disciples and trans-
mitting the Dharma. See Dharma heir.
Japanese term for begging bowl; also
pronounced hachi. The largest of a set
of nested eating bowls that Zen monks
and nuns receive at ordination. This
bowl corresponds to the ancient beg-
ging bowl used by Buddhist mendicants
to collect donations of food from lay
believers. There are a number of related
Japanese terms, including hou, jihatsu
(begging alms), and ryki.
An alternative pronunciation for hoi,
the place where one eats ones meals in
a Zen monastery. See hoi.
Japanese transliteration of pari-
nirvana. See parinirvana.
The Dharma hall; the main assembly
and lecture hall at a Zen monastery. The
hatt is one of the seven buildings
(shichid garan) that form the heart of
any Zen monastery. It is generally
located behind the Butsuden, or
Buddha hall, and replaces the kd, or
lecture hall, found in monasteries of
other Buddhist schools. It is used for
lectures, as well as for discussions,
question and answer sessions (mond),
and ritual services. Unlike other lecture
halls, the Zen Dharma hall does not
usually have an image of a buddha or
bodhisattva enshrined within it;
instead, the abbot is said to represent
the buddhas and patriarchs when he
takes his place on the central dais to
instruct the community on the Dharma.
The building is designed to hold the
entire monastic community, which
gathers there for morning assemblies
(jd) and great assemblies (daisan).
For this reason, most Dharma halls are
large, without much internal furnishing
that would take up space. The main
focus of the hall is the central dais, from
which the abbot addresses the commu-
nity. The dais is approached by three
sets of stairs. The abbots formal
Dharma chair (hza) holds a prominent
place on the dais. Many of the Dharma
halls in Japanese Zen monasteries have
a high circular ceiling adorned with a
dramatic painting of a dragon.
Heart Sutra
(J. Hannya Shingy) Prajna Paramita
Hrdaya Sutra, an extremely brief sutra,
only a single page in length, which pre-
sents the heart or essence of the
Mahayana tradition. The original
Sanskrit text was probably composed
during the fourth century C.E. There are
two versions in the Sanskrit, a shorter
version with only the main body of the
text and a longer version that includes
an additional introduction and conclu-
sion. In East Asia, the shorter version is
more commonly used. There are several
Chinese translations of the sutra; the
most popular are those by Kumarajiva
(T. 8, no. 250), completed in 402, and by
Hsuan-tsang (T. 8, no. 251), completed
in 648.
The Heart Sutra is among the most
important of the Buddhist scriptures in
China, Korea, and Japan. Buddhist
monks and nuns of many sects, includ-
ing the Zen schools, recite the sutra
daily. In addition, many lay Buddhists
commit the sutra to memory and recite
it as a prayer. See also lay believer. An
English translation from the Sanskrit
can be found in Conzes Buddhist
Scriptures: A Bibliography and Suzukis
Manual of Zen Buddhism.
Conze, Edward. Buddhist Scriptures: A
Bibliography. Ed. Lewis Lancaster.
New York: Garland, 1982.
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. Manual of
Zen Buddhism. New York: Grove
Press, 1960.
One of the six realms of existence into
which sentient beings may be reborn.
According to the Buddhist understand-
ing of existence, unenlightened sentient
beings are trapped in a continual pat-
tern of birth, death and rebirth. Actions
in the present life determine the nature
of future rebirths. Those who build up
sufficient good karma may be reborn in
one of the various heavens (J. ten). Like
other possible rebirths, however, exis-
tence as a heaven-dweller is not eternal.
Eventually, good karma is exhausted
and even deities pass away, to be reborn
in another realm. It should be noted
that, in religious terms, heaven is not a
completely desirable rebirth. While
heaven dwellers do not suffer as
intensely as sentient beings in the lower
realms of existence, they are not able to
make spiritual progress toward release
from the cycle of rebirth. In that regard,
birth as a human being is the most
desirable outcome.
In addition to the realm of the gods
recognized by all parts of the Buddhist
tradition, some schools of Mahayana
Buddhism believe in the existence of
Buddha Lands, or Pure Lands, which
are somewhat reminiscent of heavens.
Buddha Lands are envisioned as other
worlds, beautiful to all the senses,
where sentient beings may readily hear
the Dharma from a buddha and prac-
tice Buddhism.
A letter in two segments, written by
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768), a Rinzai
monk, in 1754. The letter, composed as
a sermon on the Dharma, was
addressed to Ikeda Munemasa,
daimy, or military leader, of Iyo
province. In the letter, Hakuin dis-
cusses the behavior and virtue of a
beneficent ruler and explains the
karmic repercussions of tyrannical
rule. An English translation can be
found in Philip Yampolskys The Zen
Master Hakuin. See also Rinzai sect.
Yampolsky, Philip B, trans. The Zen Master
Hakuin: Selected Writings. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
The Japanese title for the Pi-yen Lu (T. 48,
no.), a classic Chinese Zenkancollection
in ten segments. The full title in Japanese
is Bukka Engo Zenji Hekiganroku, The
Blue Cliff Record of Zen Master Yuan-wu.
Yan-wu Ko-chin (10631135; J. Engo
Kokugon), the Sung dynasty Rinzai monk
completed the work in 1125; it was first
published in 1128. The Hekiganroku grew
out of a series of sermons on an earlier
collection of one hundred kan put
together by Hseh-tou Chung-hsien (J.
Setch Jken) in the eleventh century.
Hsueh-tou originally selected his kan
from the Ching-te Chan-teng Lu (J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and the recorded say-
ings of Yun-men Wen-yen (864949). To
each kan, Hsueh-tou appended a verse
of his own as a commentary. Yan-wu
added an introduction as well as notes
and commentaries on each kan and
related verse.
The original edition of the
Hekiganroku was destroyed by Ta-hui
Tsung-kao (10891163), a disciple of
Yuan-wu. Ta-hui, a prominent Rinzai
master in his own right, collected all the
printed copies of the text that he could
find and burned them. He also
destroyed the original woodblocks. It is
uncertain why Ta-hui took this action,
but some scholars believe that he was
concerned that Zen practitioners would
become too reliant on a written text.
The text as we know it was pieced
together later by a lay practitioner
named Chang Ming-yuan in 1300. See
also lay believer and Rinzai sect.
Alternative title for the Hekiganroku.
See Hekiganroku.
Kan series studied after the
Hekiganroku, a classic Chinese Zen
kan collection. During the medieval
period (11851600), Zen monks of the
Japanese Rinzai school worked through
a series of three hundred kan. The sys-
tem included three sets of one hundred
kan each: the Hekizen, the
Hekiganroku, and the Hekigo. The man-
ner in which the kan were used is
unknown, since the medieval system
was replaced by the current practice
developed in the eighteenth century by
the reformer Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768). See also Rinzai sect.
Wall contemplation; to meditate fac-
ing a blank wall. The practice is said to
derive from Bodhidharma, the tradi-
tional founder of Zen in China.
According to legend, Bodhidharma
spent nine years in seated meditation
(zazen) facing a cliff wall outside his
small hermitage on Mount Sung. The
Zen school preserves that practice for:
when a young person first requests
entrance to a Zen monastery, he or she
must spend up to three days in isolation,
doing zazen facing a blank wall.
The term first appears in the Treatise
on the Two Entrances and Four Practices
(Ch. Erh-ju Ssu-hsing Lun), traditionally
attributed to Bodhidharma. The text
reads in part: If one discards the false
and takes refuge in the True, one resides
frozen in wall contemplation (pi kuan),
[in which] self and other, ordinary per-
son and sage, are one and the same. . .
(McRae, p. 103) Some modern scholars
maintain that the expression means not
to face a wall while meditating, but to
meditate like a wall.
McRae, John R. The Northern School
and the Formation of Early Chan
Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1986.
Kan studied before the Hekiganroku.
During the medieval period
(11851600), Zen monks of the
Japanese Rinzai school worked through
a series of three hundred kan. The
system included three sets of one hun-
dred kan each: the Hekizen, the
Hekiganroku, and the Hekigo. The
Hekizen was the initial set of approxi-
mately one hundred kan to be mas-
tered before moving on to the
Hekiganroku itself. See also Rinzai sect.
One of the six realms of existence into
which sentient beings are born.
According to the Buddhist under-
standing of existence, unenlightened
sentient beings are trapped in a con-
tinual pattern of birth, death, and
rebirth. Actions in the present life
determine the nature of future
rebirths. Those who commit serious
acts of evil create bad karma, which
results in birth in one of the various
hells (J. jigoku). Like other possible
rebirths, existence as a hell-dweller is
not eternal, and those suffering in hell
will eventually exhaust their bad
karma and attain higher births.
The Buddhist tradition graphically
describes the punishments suffered in
various hells, especially the eight cold
hells and the eight hot hells. The pur-
pose of these descriptions is to warn
people about the karmic consequences
of their actions. Zen masters sometimes
describe the various hells as the present
condition of wicked individuals rather
than the punishment waiting in a future
existence. Those individuals who kill for
sport or participate in other evil activi-
ties are said to be hell dwellers.
Hensh Goi
The five ranks of the real and
the apparent, a standard Japanese
re-statement of the five ranks of
Tung-shan Liang-chieh (807869), the
popular Zen name for Mount Feng-mu
in present day Hupeh. See five ranks.
To travel on a pilgrimage of visiting Zen
masters. The term henzan may be used
synonymously with angya. Dgen
Kigen (12001253) included an essay
entitled Henzan in his Shbgenz
(Chapter 62). See pilgrimage.
Mount Hiei, a mountain situated to the
northeast of Kyoto, Japan. Hiei-zan is
the site of Enryaku-ji, the headquarters
for the Tendai school of Japanese
Buddhism. The Japanese Buddhist
monk Saich (767822) founded the
temple there in 782. Because of its aus-
picious location to the east of Kyoto,
Mount Hiei and the temples on its
slopes were traditionally regarded as
the guardians of the capital city. As
many as 3,000 temples at one time
stood on the mountain, but all of them
were burned to the ground by the mili-
tary leader Oda Nobunaga in 1571. See
also Enryaku-ji.
Literally meaning the other shore, the
Japanese term higan derives from a
Chinese rendering of the Sanskrit word
pramit, meaning to cross over from
this shore of suffering to the other
shore of nirvana, the realm where suf-
fering ceases. The word higan can
therefore be used to express the attain-
ment of enlightenment.
In Japan, the term higan is often
used to denote the spring and autumn
equinoxes, since rituals known as
higan-e are held at those times.
Alternatively, higan may also be used as
an abbreviated reference to the higan-e
rituals themselves.
Buddhist rituals held in Japan at the
spring and autumn equinoxes, which
are observed on March 1824 and
September 2026 according to the
modern calendar. Services are offered
at Buddhist temples of all denomina-
tions to aid sentient beings, especially
the spirits of the dead, to pass from
this shore of suffering to the other
shore (higan) of enlightenment. On a
more popular level, Japanese families
observe the festival period by visiting
family graves, cleaning them, and
making offerings of flowers, water,
and festival foods in honor of deceased
family members.
Literally, a holy person or a sage. The
Japanese term has a variety of uses in
the context of Buddhism. Since about
the mid-Heian period (7941185), it
has been a term for wandering
Buddhist ascetics who spread
Buddhism among the common people,
as well as for mountain ascetics who
practiced austerities in the mountains.
In some cases these ascetics were for-
mally ordained monks, in other cases
they were self-ordained. In the early
period most hijiri operated indepen-
dently, outside the confines of the
existing Buddhist monastic system.
Buddhism at this time was largely
associated with the elite classes and
thus under close government scrutiny:
the government tried to limit the activ-
ities of hijiri in order to control the
spread of Buddhism among the com-
mon people. Later, in the Kamakura
period (11851333), various schools of
Buddhism incorporated hijiri into their
ranks as a part of their program to
spread their teachings on a more pop-
ular level. In this capacity, groups of
hijiri from Mount Kya helped to pop-
ularize Shingon Buddhism, especially
popular devotion to its founder Kkai
Kya (903972), sometimes pro-
nounced Kya, is a prime example of
the early hijiri. Kya was a Tendai monk
who traveled throughout the Japanese
countryside, mostly working among the
common people to promote Pure Land
practice and belief. He is said to have
constantly chanted the nembutsu, call-
ing on the name of Amida buddha. For
this reason, he is called an Amida hijiri.
See also Shingon sect and Tendai sect.
Hinayana Buddhism
Hori, Ichiro. Folk Religion in Japan:
Continuity and Change. Ed. Joseph
M. Kitagawa and Alan L. Miller.
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
Press, 1968.
Hinayana Buddhism
A derogatory name used by the
Mahayana Buddhist tradition to
describe the early Buddhist teachings
as well as the surviving Theravada
school of Buddhism. The term literally
means small vehicle or lesser vehi-
cle, and is contrasted with the great
vehicle of Mahayana.
Raising the torch, the ritual action of
starting the cremation fire at a funeral
service. Today, the hinko is a symbolic
gesture performed during the service.
The Buddhist monk leading the
funeral service symbolically lights the
cremation fire with a torch. In practice,
the term sometimes refers to the final
words addressed to the deceased by the
officiant at the funeral. Hinko is
performed as one of the nine ritual
actions, (kubutsuji) comprising the
funeral services for an abbot or other
prominent member of the monastic
community. It is also one of the three
ritual actions that characterize
Buddhist funerals for ordinary monks
and lay believers. See ako.
Taking hold of the whisk, a formal
sermon given by a master from the high
seat. The name derives from the first
action taken by the master after assum-
ing his place on the high seat, which is
to take hold of the hossu or whisk, a
symbol of the masters authority to
teach the Dharma. According to Zen
monastic codes, the abbot or another
senior officer serving the monastery
H, a wooden gong in the shape of a fish, is sounded to announce meal times in a Zen monastery.
was obliged to give a hinpotsu sermon
four times each year, on the opening
and closing days of the summer and
winter retreats. In the Zen corpus, col-
lections of hinpotsu sermons represent
a genre in Zen literature.
In the Gozan system of Zen temples
in medieval Japan (11851600), hin-
potsu came to refer to a qualifying exam
undertaken by monks who wished to
advance to the highest level of seniority.
Senior monks were required to pass the
hinpotsu exam before they qualified to
serve as abbot at a major temple or
monastery. The exam was held on a
yearly basis, when senior monks would
take the high seat in place of the abbot
and engage in an exchange of Zen ques-
tions and answers (mond) with
younger monks. If an individuals per-
formance was deemed acceptable by
the abbot, the monk would receive a
hinpotsu certificate.
A wooden gong in the shape of a long
fish with a pearl in its mouth used in
Zen monasteries. In some cases, the h
may have the shape of a dragon head on
a fish body. In modern Zen monasteries,
the h hangs outside the dining hall or
monks hall (sd). It is sounded by
striking it with a wooden stick and is
used to announce meal times in a Zen
monastery. In former periods, the h
was known as the mokugyo (literally,
wooden fish). For this reason, it is
sometimes still called mokugyo today,
although that term generally refers to a
distinct instrument used during
Buddhist ritual services.
(2) Japanese translation for the Sanskrit
word Dharma. It may refer to 1) the
teachings of the Buddha or the
Buddhist scriptures; 2) Buddhist
morality, or the Buddhist path; 3)
Reality or Truth, the realization of things
as they really are; and 4) elements of
phenomenal existence, things, mental
constructions, and events. See Dharma.
(Expedient means) Any teaching
device employed by a buddha or
another Buddhist teacher in order to
convey aspects of the Dharma to
individuals. Hben is the Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit term upaya
(expedient means) or upaya-kaushalya.
See expedient means.
Hgen Buneki
Japanese rendering of Fa-yen Wen-i, a
Chinese Zen monk who founded the
Fa-yen school. See Fa-yen Wen-i.
Hgen School
The Japanese name for the Fa-yen
school, a lineage of Chinese Zen active
during the Tang dynasty (618907). See
Fa-yen school.
Teachings on Zen Buddhism presented
by a master to disciples either orally (as
a sermon) or in writing. Hgo represent
an important genre of Zen instructional
literature, which encompasses a wide
range of materials, including formal
sermons in classical Chinese and less
formal instructions conveyed in collo-
quial language. The term is the Japanese
rendering of the Chinese word fa-yu,
which literally means Dharma words.
In Japan, it is typical to contrast
the more formal hgo composed in
classical Chinese with the more
popular kana hgo, informal sermons
written in Japanese.
The designated place within a Zen
monastery where a monk or nun sits to
eat daily meals. The term literally
means the place for the begging
bowls. In Japanese St monasteries,
monks and nuns eat, sleep, and sit in
meditation at the same spot in the
monks hall (sd). In Rinzai and Obaku
monasteries, there is generally a sepa-
rate dining hall. In either case, assigned
places are determined by length of
practice and rank. Also pronounced
hatsui. See also Obaku sect, Rinzai
sect, and St sect.
Literally meaning Dharma matter, the
term was originally used for any
Buddhist ritual observance. It now
refers specifically to memorial services
offered for deceased family members.
In Japan, memorial services are con-
ducted at specified intervals from the
date of death, continuing for a number
of years. During the primary period of
mourning (chin), which lasts forty-
nine days, services are offered every
seventh day. After that, services mark
the hundredth day, the first, third, sev-
enth, thirteenth, seventeenth, twenty-
third, twenty-seventh, and thirty-third
anniversaries of death. In some cases,
fiftieth and hundredth anniversaries are
likewise marked. In the case of
extremely influential people, including
founders, memorial services may be
observed perpetually every fifty or one-
hundred years.
(2) Japanese transliteration of Fa-chih
(635702), Fourth Patriarch of the
Oxhead school of early Zen. See Fa-chih.
Bliss body, the Japanese translation of
the Sanskrit term sambhogakaya.
Within the Mahayana Buddhist doc-
trine of the three bodies of the Buddha
( J. sanshin), the sambhogakaya is
understood as manifestations of the
eternal Buddha ( J. hosshin; Sk.
Dharmakaya) in other celestial worlds.
See sambhogakaya.
Hoji Zazen
Afternoon session of zazen, one of the
four periods of meditation ( J. shiji
zazen), observed daily in Zen monas-
teries. Although the exact hours differ
by monastery, sshin zazen is held after
lunch, sometime between three oclock
and five oclock.
The abbots quarters at a Buddhist
temple or monastery. The Zen school
uses the expression more regularly than
other Buddhist schools. In the Zen sect,
the term may also be used as a polite
title for the abbot or chief monk. The
term hj literally means ten-foot
square, a reference to the bedroom of
Vimalakirti as described in the
Vimalakirti Sutra. Vimalakirti, the
main character of the sutra, was a
wealthy lay Buddhist of deep wisdom
who attained enlightenment while still
a lay person. According to the sutra, he
successfully debated with the bod-
hisattva Manjusri and taught a gather-
ing of 32,000 disciples in his small ten-
foot square room.
Although the name suggests the
cramped quarters of a simple medita-
tion hut, Zen hj are typically large
complexes. The abbot of a Zen
monastery traditionally uses his quar-
ters not only for sleep, private medita-
tion, and study, but also as a place of
instruction for the entire community.
According to Zen monastic codes,
evening instruction, known as small
assemblies, take place within the
abbots quarters. In the Rinzai sect, per-
sonal interviews between master and
disciples likewise occur in the hj.
Since the hj needed to accommodate
the entire monastic community on
some occasions, they are often large
structures, divided into private inner
quarters and outer public areas. See
also lay believer.
Collcutt, Martin. Five Mountains: The
Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution in
Medieval Japan. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981.
(2) Releasing living things, or the
Buddhist practice of buying captive
animals, such as birds, fish, and turtles,
for the sole purpose of releasing them.
The term is also used as an abbreviated
expression for Hje, the Buddhist cer-
emony celebrating the release of cap-
tive animals. The ritual was typically
held on the fifteenth day of the eighth
lunar month, and became popular in
both China and Japan as a means to
promote compassion for living beings
and to build merit.
In China, Tien-tai monasteries com-
monly held Hje rituals, since the
founder of the school, Chih-i (538597),
favored the practice. Chih-i designated a
specially constructed pond on Mount
Tien-tai for the purpose of releasing
fish. In Japan, the practice initially gained
the support of the imperial family and
the aristocracy, who considered it both a
merit builder and a pleasant pastime.
Special ponds, known in Japanese as hj
iki, were constructed at some Buddhist
temples and Shint shrines for the cere-
monies. The Zen master Yin-yan Lung-
chi (15941673), founder of the Obaku
Zen sect, favored the ceremony and
included a pond for the release of captive
fish on the grounds of Mampuku-ji, the
main Obaku monastery. See also Obaku
sect and Tien-tai school.
Hj Regents
The Hj family was a samurai clan
that governed Japan as regents ( J.
shikken) to the shgun during the
Kamakura period (11851333). They
were patrons of Zen Buddhism,
beginning with Tokiyori (12271263),
the fifth regent. The Hj helped to
establish Zen as an independent school
in Japan. They invited prominent
Chinese Zen masters to visit and settle
in Japan, built many large monasteries
in Kamakura and Kyoto, and began the
Gozan (Five Mountain) system of
officially sponsored Zen temples
throughout the country.
Hj Sadatoki
(12711311) The seventh Hj regent;
he showed an interest in Zen both as a
form of personal religious practice and
as a cultural resource. He practiced Zen
meditation under the guidance of the
Chinese master I-shan I-ning
(12471317) and invited the Chinese
St master Tung-ming Hui-jih
(12721340) to come to Japan to serve
as abbot at several of the major monas-
teries in Kamakura. Sadatoki became
involved in issues of monastic disci-
pline, issuing a list of regulations for
Zen monasteries in 1294. He also over-
saw the first introduction of the Gozan
system (Five Mountain) of officially
sponsored Zen temples. He took the
tonsureshaving the head at ordina-
tion as an indication of the break from
ordinary secular life and dedication to
monastic practicein 1301 and contin-
ued to govern from retirement until his
death in 1311. See also St sect.
Hj Tokiyori
The fifth of the Hj regents who gov-
erned during the Kamakura period
(11851333). Tokiyori (12271263) not
only patronized Zen masters and
temples, he undertook the serious prac-
tice of seated meditation (J. zazen) and
of exchanges with a Zen master (J.
mond). He assumed the office of
regent in 1246, the same year that the
prominent Chinese Zen master Lan-
chi Tao-lung (12131278) immigrated
to Japan. The two men met in 1249, and
Tokiyori immediately became the
monks patron. He first established
Lan-chi as the head monk at Jraku-ji,
which he converted to a Zen temple for
the master. Tokiyori then began the
construction of Kench-ji, the first full-
scale Zen monastery in Kamakura mod-
eled on the Sung Chinese style. Tokiyori
invited Lan-chi to serve as the founding
abbot. Tokiyori also practiced Zen
under the instruction of the Chinese
master Wu-an Pu-ning (11971276),
who granted the regent formal inka
(official certification that a student has
attained the same insight into the
Dharma as the master) and a Dharma
robe as a symbol of the transmission.
Hj Tokiyori
Hj Tokimune
Hj Tokimune
(12511284) The sixth Hj regent,
and son of Tokiyori. Tokimune
became a patron of Zen only late in
his life; in his early years he was a sup-
porter of the Ritsu sect. Like his
father, he not only acted as patron, he
also practiced Zen meditation.
Tokimune was in power during the
period of the Mongol invasions, and
he built the Zen monastery Engaku-ji
as a memorial for the Japanese war-
riors who died in battle against the
invaders. He died suddenly at the age
of thirty-four. On the day of his death,
he had taken the tonsure and become
a Zen monk.
The most commonly used abbreviated
Japanese title for the Myh rengeky,
the Lotus Sutra. See Lotus Sutra.
A vessel of the Dharma. Sometimes
pronounced hokki. An expression
used to describe an individual with a
deep capacity to master the Buddhist
Dharma. In the Zen school, it refers to
a Zen practitioner who is capable of
attaining enlightenment and is wor-
thy of transmitting the Dharma. A
master will often use the term in refer-
ence to a prospective disciple who
shows great promise. For example,
when Hui-ko (487593), the Second
Patriarch, cut off his arm and gave it
to Bodhidharma to show his determi-
nation to practice Zen, Bodhidharma
concluded that he was a worthy vessel
of the Dharma.
Dharma realm, the Japanese transla-
tion of the Sanskrit term dharmad-
hatu. See dharmadhatu.
The hokkai jin mudra is a meditative position of the hands and body.
Hokkai Jin
The cosmic mudra, the body and
hand position generally assumed dur-
ing periods of Zen meditation. One
forms the hokkai jin by first crossing
the legs either in the lotus or half-
lotus position, with the left foot rest-
ing on the right thigh. The right hand
rests on the left foot, palm facing up.
The left hand rests on the right hand,
with the tips of the thumbs lightly
An alternative pronunciation for
Hokeky, the common abbreviated
Japanese title for the Myh rengeky,
the Lotus Sutra. See Lotus Sutra.
Sometimes pronounced hku, a
term meaning Dharma drum, a
drum used during Buddhist services.
The hokku found in St and Rinzai
temples is one of two large drums
(taiko) found in the Dharma hall
(hatt). The hokku sits in the north-
east corner of the hall, while the
sakuthe tea drum used to call
monks to teasits in the northwest
corner. They rest horizontally on
wooden platforms and both ends may
be played using two wooden sticks.
The hokku is sounded at large assem-
blies of the monastic community,
including such occasions as the abbot
taking the high seat to give a formal
sermon (jd), the small evening
assembly (shsan), and informal ser-
mons (fusetsu).
The hokku found in Obaku temples
is somewhat different in style and
usage. Instead of resting horizontally,
it sits vertically in a wooden frame,
with only one surface for playing. It is
used regularly at both morning and
evening services. See also Obaku sect,
Rinzai sect, and St sect.
(2) See Haiku.
H Koji
Japanese rendering of Layman
Pang. See Layman Pang.
A major Rinzai Zen monastery located
in Ttmi, Shizuoka Prefecture. Its
formal name is Shin-zan Hk-ji.
The monastery was founded by
Mumon Gensen (13231390) in 1384.
It was originally an independent
monastery ( J. rinka), not associated
with the Gozan system, and it now
serves as the main headquarters for
the Hk-ji branch of Rinzai Zen. See
also Rinzai sect.
Hk-ji Ha
The Hk-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches
of the Japanese Rinzai sect. The
branchs main monastery, founded by
Mumon Gensen (13231390), for the
branch in Hk-ji, is located in
Ttmi, Shizuoka Prefecture. The
Hk-ji Ha has 170 temples through-
out Japan and claims approximately
590,000 adherents.
Dharma gate, usually a reference
to the Buddhist teachings. See
Dharma gate.
The Dharma name given to an indi-
vidual upon taking the tonsure and
becoming a monk or nun. The term
also often denotes the posthumous
Buddhist name granted to a lay per-
son during Buddhist memorial ser-
vices (hji). The term hmy is used
less commonly than the related term
kaimy. See kaimy.
The main hall at a Buddhist temple or
monastery in which the main image (J.
honzon) of a buddha or bodhisattva is
enshrined. Morning and evening services
are generally held in the Hond. At Zen
temples, the Hond is formally known as
the Butsuden, or Buddha hall. At other
Buddhist temples, it is often known as the
kond, or golden hall. See Butsuden.
(11331212) Japanese Pure Land monk of
the late Heian (7941185) and early
Kamakura (11851333) periods, who
founded the Jdo sect of Pure Land
Buddhism in Japan. Hnen began his
career as a Tendai monk, and it was during
his years as a Tendai monk on Mount Hiei
that he first became familiar with the prac-
tices and teaching of Pure Land devotion.
He became a believer in Amida buddha
and chanted the nembutsu constantly. In
1175, after more than twenty years of train-
ing and study on Mount Hiei, Hnen left
the mountain and moved to the city of
Kyoto where he began to publicly teach the
exclusive practice of nembutsu (J. senju
nembutsu). His disciples included people
from every social class, Buddhist monks
and nuns, commoners, and warriors.
Conflict with established schools of
Buddhism lead to his exile in 1207. He died
in 1212 at the age of eighty. See also Pure
Land sect andTendai sect.
Original enlightenment, the Japanese
term for the innate Buddha Nature pos-
sessed by all sentient beings. See original
Honji Suijaku
Manifestation of the original state, a
unique Japanese religious teaching that
seeks to harmonize Buddhism with the
indigenous Shint belief in kami (indige-
nous Japanese deities or spirits).
The Hond, formally known as Butsuden, is the main hall of a Buddhist
temple where morning and evening services are held.
According to the Honji suijaku theory,
various buddhas and bodhisattvas take
on specific forms in Japan as the native
Japanese kami. The buddhas and bod-
hisattvas are identified as the honji, or
original state, while the Shint kami rep-
resent the suijaku, or localized manifes-
tation. For example, Amida buddha is
said to become manifest as the kami
Kumano Gongen, and the Sun Goddess
Amaterasu is a manifestation of the Sun
Buddha Dainichi (Mahavairochana
Buddha). The Honji suijaku theory devel-
oped gradually during the Heian
(7941185) and Kamakura (11851333)
periods and allowed Buddhism to spread
among the common people who
remained devoted to the local kami. Lists
of kami and their associated Buddhist
figures date back to at least the twelfth
century, but there is no real consistency
between existing lists. Although some
associations became fairly standard, the
Honji suijaku theory was applied mainly
at the local level.
Honrai No Menmoku
Original Face, in Japanese. One of the
most common Zen expressions, mean-
ing original enlightenment. See
Original Face.
Original Mind, a Japanese Zen expres-
sion meaning ones true nature or Buddha
Nature. The term is contrasted with the
deluded mind of ordinary beings. Zen
teaches that everyone possesses the
Original Mind of enlightenment, which is
clouded by delusions. Through medita-
tion, it is possible to realize the Original
Mind, another expression for satori.
Original nature, a common Japanese
Zen expression for buddhahood or origi-
nal enlightenment. It is based on the affir-
mation that all sentient beings inherently
possess the Buddha Nature and are origi-
nally buddhas. Enlightenment is the real-
ization of ones original nature.
(2) Original lives, Japanese translation
for jataka tales of the historical Buddhas
previous lives. See jataka tales.
Precepts of the original nature, a
Mahayana expression indicating that
observance of the bodhisattva precepts
is a natural expression of ones inherent
Buddha Nature. Since ones true nature
is Buddha Nature, the Buddhist pre-
cepts are not an external moral code.
The main monastery for a school of
Buddhism. In Japanese Buddhism, every
independent sect of Buddhism has one or
more honzan, which serve as headquar-
ters for the sect or its branches. In many
cases, the honzan also serves as the pri-
mary training monastery for Buddhist
priests who will serve in local parish
temples. Other temples within the sect
are generally related to the main
monastery as branch temples. The term
honzan may also be used for the main
temple within a large monastic complex
to distinguish it from other subtemples
(tatch) on the grounds.
Although the practice of ranking
temples is quite old, the hierarchical
system of ranking temples as main and
branch temples was not formalized until
the Tokugawa period (16001867). At
that time, every Buddhist temple and
monastery was required to fit some-
where within a formal sectarian struc-
ture. Honzan were designated as the
highest level, and as such, represented
the sect as a whole to the government.
Under the honzan were various levels of
primary temples (honji) and branch
temples (matsuji) that answered
directly or indirectly to the honzan.
Today, there are eighteen honzan within
the Zen school. The St sect has two,
Rinzai has fifteen (one for each of its
main branches), and Obaku has one.
See also Obaku sect and Rinzai sect.
The main image at a Buddhist temple or
monastery. The term literally means the
main honored one. In most cases, the
image is a statue of a buddha or bod-
hisattva, but different schools of Bud-
dhismfavor different images. For example,
Pure Land temples always have an image
of Amida buddha enshrined as their hon-
zon. In Zen temples, the honzon is most
often an image of Shakyamuni (Siddharta
Gautama), the historical Buddha. Often
the central image is flanked by two other
statues to form a triad. When Shakyamuni
stands in the center, he is flanked by two
prominent attendants from his lifetime or
by buddhas from the past and future.
Other popular images include the bod-
hisattva Kannon, Yakushi Buddha, or the
bodhisattva Jiz.
The King of the Dharma, an epithet used
for the Buddha. H is the Japanese trans-
lation for the Sanskrit Dharma Raja. In
Japanese history, the Empress Shtoku
(764770 C.E.) bestowed the title of H on
a Buddhist monknamed Dky (d. 770) in
766 C.E. Dky had designs on ascending
the imperial throne himself, and the title
conferred upon him the empresss full
authority to determine government policy.
See also Dharma King.
Japanese for Wheel of the Dharma. See
Wheel of the Dharma.
The Japanese title for the Pao-lin
Chuan. See Pao-lin Chuan.
Dharma master, a Buddhist monk or nun
well-versed in the Buddhist teachings who
is competent to instruct others. The
Japanese term may also be pronounced
hshi. In some cases, it is used to distin-
guish scholar-monks from meditation
masters (zenji) and vinayamasters (ritsuji).
Dharma body, the Japanese transla-
tion of the Sanskrit term Dharmakaya.
Within the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine
of the three bodies of the Buddha
(J. sanshin), the Dharmakaya is the
highest aspect of the Buddha, and is
understood as the absolute or eternal
Buddha. In Japanese the other bodies of
the Buddha are the hjin (Sk. samb-
hogakaya), and the ojin (Sk. nir-
manakaya). See Dharmakaya.
Hosshin Kan
A category of kan comprising those
based on sayings from the classical Zen
texts related to the concept of hosshin, or
Dharmakaya. The word hosshin is the
Japanese translation of the Sanskrit term
Dharmakaya, literally meaning body of
the Dharma. Hosshin kan generally
include a comment or verse made by one
of the great historical Zen masters when
asked about the Dharmakaya. As a cate-
gory of kan, they encourage a deep
understanding of the Buddha Nature that
pervades all of reality.
Hosshin kan represent the first of five
stages of Rinzai kan practice, which fol-
low the initial enlightenment experience
(kensh). The process of working through
five categories of kan, established by the
eighteenth century reformer Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) and his successors,
remains standard practice in the Rinzai
school in Japan today. The practitioner
undertakes the contemplation of hosshin
kan to expand the initial experience of
seeing into ones own nature. See also
Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
Shimano, Eido T. Zen Kans. In Zen,
Tradition and Transition. Ed. Kenneth
Kraft. New York: Grove Press, 1988.
Hoss School
The Japanese name for the Yogachara or
Fa-hsien school of Buddhism, also
known as the Yuishiki or Consciousness



















Only school. The Hoss school was
one of the six schools of Nara
Buddhism, established in Japan during
the Nara period (710794). The term
Hoss literally means characteristics
of the dharmas, which reflects the
schools philosophical interest in
understanding the essential nature of
all phenomena (dharmas). The pri-
mary teachings of the school include
the storehouse consciousness (alaya
consciousness) and the three natures
of reality. The school is also known as
the Yuishiki or Consciousness Only
school, because it teaches that the
physical world that we experience
through the five senses is actually a
product of our conscious minds. The
Yogachara school developed in India
during the fourth through the seventh
centuries C.E., based on the writings of
Asanga and Vasubandhu, two Indian
Buddhist scholar monks. It spread to
China in the seventh century, and was
first introduced in Japan by Dsh
(628700), the monk who studied
under the Fa-hsien master Hsuan-
tsang (600664) in China.
A fly whisk, usually made from horse
hair attached to a short staff. Originally,
Buddhist monks in India carried the
whisk to clear the ground in front of
them as they walked to avoid inadver-
tently killing any small insects in their
path. In the Zen school, the hossu is car-
ried by a Zen master as a sign of teach-
ing authority. The master may
use the whisk as a means of nonverbal
communication during encounters with
disciples, raising the whisk, throwing it
to the ground, or even striking students
with it. Because the whisk is regarded as
a symbol of a masters authority to teach
and transmit the Dharma, a master may
pass a whisk on to a disciple as a physi-
cal symbol of Dharma transmission.
Japanese for Pu-tai (d. 916), an eccen-
tric Chinese monk from the Tang
dynasty (618907). In Japan, Hotei is
revered as one of the seven lucky gods
(J. shichifukujin). In that regard, he is
considered the patron deity for fortune
tellers and liquor merchants. See Pu-tai.
Japanese term for the Buddha or a
buddha. The word can refer generally to
any enlightened being or more specifi-
cally, to the historical Buddha, and is
said to be derived from an ancient
Chinese transliteration for the Sanskrit
word buddha, futoke, or futo.
The term is also commonly used in
Japan in reference to the dead. Although
not in keeping with orthodox Buddhist
teachings of transmigration, rebirth and
nirvana, in Japanese folk understand-
ing, the spirits of the dead are said to
become buddhas after death.
Ho-tse School
An early lineage of Chinese Zen and
one of three lineages founded by disci-
ples of the Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng
(638713). The lineage was founded by
Ho-tse Shen-hui (670762), the
Dharma heir of Hui-neng, during the
Tang dynasty (618907). Although
Shen-hui had a lasting impact on Zen
history, providing the traditional
understanding of the orthodox lineage
and the distinction between the
Southern and Northern schools, his
lineage was not a dominant force in
early Zen. The Ho-tse school ( J.
Kataku-sh) survived for only five or
six generations. The only significant
figure to emerge from the school after
Shenhui was Kuei-feng Tsung-mi.
Ho-tse Shen-hui
(670762; J. Kataku Jinne) Chinese
monk of the Tang dynasty (618907),
remembered as the founder of the Ho-
tse school of early Zen. The name
Ho-tse derives from the mountain
where he had his monastery. Shen-hui
was a Dharma heir of the Sixth
Patriarch Hui-neng (638713).
Ho-tse Shen-hui
Hott Ha
Nothing is known of Shen-huis early
life. In 699 he became a disciple of
Shen-hsiu (606?706), founder of the
so-called Northern school of Zen. In
701, he joined Hui-nengs Zen commu-
nity on the advice of his former master.
He received Hui-nengs inkaor seal
of approvalin 713, shortly before the
master died. Shen-hui played an impor-
tant role in Zen history, creating the tra-
ditional distinction between the
Northern and Southern schools of early
Zen. Shen-hui publicly denounced Zen
master Shen-hsiu and his Northern
school, accusing them of usurping the
patriarchy and promoting a heretical
form of gradual enlightenment. Shen-
hui argued that his own master Hui-
neng was the only disciple of the Fifth
Patriarch Hung-jen (601674) to receive
a valid transmission of the Dharma.
Therefore, Hui-neng alone deserved the
title Sixth Patriarch. Shen-hui argued
that Hui-nengs Southern school pre-
served the orthodox understanding of
sudden enlightenment taught by the
Fifth Patriarch Hung-jen. Shen-huis
attacks on the Northern school came to
a head at the Great Dharma Assembly
(J. Daihe), which he held at Ta-yun-ssu
monastery in Honan in 732. Shen-huis
understanding of Zen eventually
became the dominant version, and the
Southern school became the orthodox
school. All currently active lineages of
Zen trace their roots through Hui-neng.
Scholars now believe that the distinc-
tion between the two schools was
largely of Shen-huis own creation.
Hott Ha
A lineage of Japanese Rinzai and one of
the twenty-four lineages of Japanese
Zen active during the Kamakura
(11851333) and early Ashikaga
(13921568) periods. The Hott Ha is a
Japanese branch of the Yang-chi lin-
eage founded by Shinchi Kakushin
(12071298). Its name comes from
Kakushins honorific title Hott Zenji.
After Kakushin traveled to Sung China,
where he became the Dharma heir
of the Chinese Rinzai master Wu-men
Hui-kai (11831260), he returned to
Japan and established his own lineage
at Saih-ji, later called Kkoku-ji. The
lineage retained Kakushins interest
in esoteric teachings and rituals. It
also emphasized the study of Wu-
mens Mumonkan, which Kakushin
introduced to Japan. The Hott lineage
was closely associated with the
Southern Imperial Court and therefore
received patronage from the Ashikaga
bakufu. See also Rinzai sect and
Yang-chi school.
Hou Hei
Lord Black, one of two clever robbers
from China whose names appear
occasionally in Zen literature. His part-
ner in crime, Hou Po (Lady White), is a
female robber. Hou Hei is known as K
Koku in Japanese.
Hou Po
Lady White, the clever female robber
from China, associated with a male rob-
ber named Hou Hei. They appear
together in Zen literature. Hou Po is
known as K Haku in Japanese.
A term commonly used to designate
Buddhist lay believers who have not
been ordained as monks or nuns. The
term indicates that the primary concern
of lay practitioners remains family life,
thus distinguishing them from monks
and nuns who leave the home life
behind when they enter the monastery.
Japanese transliteration of Fa-jung
(594657), the Chinese monk who
founded the Oxhead school of early
Zen. See Fa-jung.
The Dharma seat, usually the abbots
formal lecture chair located on the
raised platform in the hatt, or Dharma
hall of the monastery. The abbot
addresses the assembly from this seat
for formal lectures and informal discus-
sions about the Dharma. When seated
in the chair expounding the Dharma,
the abbot is said to represent the
Buddha and the patriarchs, thus the
chair is generally the focus of the
Dharma hall, which typically houses no
other buddha images.
Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien
(d. 898; J. Kygen Chikan) Chinese Zen
master of the Tang dynasty (618-907)
from the Kuei-yang school (J. Igy-
sh). He was a Dharma heir of Kuei-
shan Ling-yu (771853), although he
was originally a disciple of Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814). The story of
Hsiang-yens attainment of enlighten-
ment is very famous within the Zen tra-
dition. It recounts that although
Hsiang-yen was an accomplished
scholar of the Buddhist scriptures, he
did not make progress in his medita-
tion. One day, when Kuei-shan asked
him about his Original Face before his
birth ( J. honrai no memmoku),
Hsiang-yen could not respond. His
extensive knowledge of scripture did
him no good; as he observed, pictures
of food cannot satisfy the hungry. He
burned his books and concentrated his
efforts on the problem, finally, as he was
working in the yard, he heard the sound
of a tile strike the ground and was sud-
denly enlightened.
Hsing-hua Tsung-chiang
(830888; J. Kygen Chikan) A Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Tang dynasty
(618907). Hsing-hua was an important
Dharma heir of Lin-chi I-hsan (d.
867), the founder of the Rinzai school.
He joined Lin-chis assembly in 861.
After he attained enlightenment, he set
off on a pilgrimage. He later returned to
care for the master during the last
months of his life. Hsing-hua played a
crucial role in preserving the teachings
and Zen style of Lin-chi. His most
important Dharma heir was Nan-yan
Hui-yng. See also Rinzai sect.
Hymn of the Sincere Mind, a verse
of 146 lines traditionally attributed
to Seng-tsan (d. 606), the third
Chinese patriarch. The verse is an
early example of Zen poetry and
includes many famous lines quoted in
subsequent Zen literature. It is known in
Japanese as Shinjinmei. D. T. Suzuki
(16891966) published an English trans-
lation of the verse in both Essays in Zen
Buddhism(First Series; Ryder, 1970) and
Manual of Zen Buddhism(Grove, 1960).
West Mountain, the Zen monastery
established by Tao-hsin (580651), the
fourth Zen patriarch. Hsi-shan is a
mountain in Lo-chang in modern day
Guandong. It is also known as Mount
Shuang-feng (J. Sh-zan)
(ca. 600664; J. Genj) Chinese
Buddhist scholar monk who traveled to
India on a pilgrimage in search of
Buddhist texts and translated many
texts into Chinese upon his return.
Hsan-tsang left China secretly in 629,
having been denied official permission
to make the trip to India. He traveled
throughout Central Asia and India,
studying Sanskrit and Buddhist philos-
ophy. He returned to China in 645, car-
rying 657 Buddhist texts. He spent the
rest of his life translating them from
Sanskrit into Chinese, but he completed
only seventy-three items. A large por-
tion of the texts that he translated were
from the Yogachara school. He is cred-
ited with founding the Chinese
Yogachara school, known as the Fa-
hsiang school. Hsan-tsang is said to
have introduced Zen to the early
Japanese Buddhist monk Dsh
(628670), the first Japanese monk to
study Zen in China. He wrote an account
Hseh-feng I-tsun
of his travels in the Ta-tang Hsi-y chi
(Record of the Western Regions). His jour-
ney was also made famous by the popu-
lar novel Monkey (Ch. Hsiyki).
Wu, Cheng-en. Monkey. Trans. Arthur
Waley. New York: Grove Press, 1994.
Hseh-feng I-tsun
(822908; J. Sepp Gison) Chinese
monk who was one of the most famous
and influential Zen masters of the late
Tang period (618907). Hseh-feng
was the Dharma heir of Te-shan
Hsuan-chien (782865). He appears in
many classical kan, including number
thirteen in the Mumonkan and num-
bers five, twenty-two, forty-nine, fifty-
one and sixty-six of the Hekiganroku.
His leading disciples include Yun-men
Wen-yen (864949) and Hsan-sha
Shih-pei (835908), founders of the
Yun-men and Fa-yen houses of Zen
respectively, and Chang-ching Hui-
leng (854932). See also Fa-yen school.
Hseh-mo Lun
Treatise on Blood Lineage, a Zen trea-
tise written in Chinese (T. 48, no. 2009).
It is known more commonly by its title
in Japanese, the Ketsumyaku Ron.
Although the text is traditionally attrib-
uted to Bodhidharma (d. 532), the first
patriarch, it is a later work, probably
composed in the early Tang dynasty
(618907). The sermon stresses the Zen
teaching of seeing into ones own
nature and thus attaining enlighten-
ment without reliance on external
practices or written words. The author
may have been from Ma-tsu Tao-is lin-
eage or perhaps from the Oxhead
school. The Hseh-mo Lun appears in
Bodhidharmas Six Gates (Ch. Shao-
shih, J. Shshitsu Rokumon Sh), a col-
lection of six essays attributed to
Bodhidharma. An English translation of
the essay by Red Pine appears in The
Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma (North
Point Press, 1989).
Hseh-tou Chung-hsien
(9801052; J. Setch Jken) Chinese Zen
master of the early Sung dynasty
(9601279) who was a member of the
Yun-men school and also one of its last
prominent masters. The Dharma heir
of Chih-men Kuang-tsu (d. 1031), he
took his name from Mount Hseh-tou,
in present day Chekiang, where he
taught and wrote for thirty years.
Hseh-tou was a famous writer and
poet of his time, and among his writings
is a compilation of the most important
classical kan, the Hseh-tou Po-tse
Sung-ku, which included one hundred
cases favored in the Yun-men lineage.
The work later became the basis for the
Hekiganroku. The collection includes
eighteen kan originally created by
Yun-men Wen-yen (864949), the
founder of the lineage, which helped to
preserve the masters influence on later
generations of Zen students. Hseh-tou
also composed a poem for each of the
one hundred cases, which served as his
Hs-tang Chih-y
(11851269; Kid Chigu) A Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Sung dynasty
(9601279). Chih-y was born in a vil-
lage in what is now Chekiang Province.
He took the tonsure at age sixteen at a
local temple and then set out on pil-
grimage. He practiced under the Rinzai
master Y-an Pu-yen (11561226) at
Ching-shan in Hangchow, and eventu-
ally became his Dharma heir. He was in
good favor with the imperial court and
held the position of abbot at many of
the leading monasteries of his time.
After he retired to Hseh-tou-shan, the
Japanese monk Namp Jmy
(12351309) became his disciple and
later carried his Dharma lineage back
to Japan. See also Rinzai sect.
Hs-tang Lu Tai-pieh
A portion of the Hs-tang Ho-shang Yu-
lu, the Recorded Sayings of Master Hs-
tang, which circulates as an independent
work, and contains a collection of one-
hundred old kan with answers. Fifty-
three of the kan have answers in the
tai-yu (J. daigo) style, in which the mas-
ter responds for the disciple, and the
remaining forty-seven have answers of
the pieh-yu (J. betsugo) style, in which
the master offers an alternative answer
to the original. The Hs-tang Lu Tai-
pieh (J. Kid Roku Daibetsu) is used as
an advanced text within the Takuj line
of modern Japanese Rinzai. See also
Rinzai sect and Takuj school.
Huang-lung Hui-nan
(10021069; J. Ory or Ory Enan)
Chinese Rinzai master of the Sung
dynasty (9601279) who founded the
Huang-lung school, one of the two
major Rinzai lineages of his time. Hui-
nan was the Dharma heir of Shih-
shuang Chu-yuan (9861039), and he
received the posthumous title Pu-chai
Chan-shih. His lineage lasted for about
200 years, and was transmitted to Japan
by Eisai (11411215), the Japanese
Rinzai monk. See also Rinzai sect.
Huang-lung School
A lineage of Chinese Rinzai Zen active
during the Sung dynasty (9601279) and
known as one of the so-called seven
schools of Zen. The lineage was
founded by the Zen master Huang-lung
Hui-nan (10021069; J. Ory Enan). The
school remained active for about 200
years in China before it faded. In the
late twelfth century, Eisai (11411215),
the Japanese Zen monk, transmitted
the lineage to Japan, where it became
known as the Ory school. See also
Rinzai sect.
Huang-mei Hung-jen
(601674; J. Obai Gunin) An alternative
name for the Ffth Chinese Patriarch
of Zen, better known simply as Hung-
jen. The name Huang-mei derives from
the mountain were he lived and taught.
See Hung-jen.
Huang-mei Shan
Yellow Plum Mountain (J. Obai-zan),
the mountain in present day Hupeh,
China, where the Fifth Patriarch Hung-
jen (601674) had his monastery. The
mountain is also known by alternative
names. It is called Wu-tsu-shan, or Fifth
Patriarch Mountain (J. Goso-zan) in
honor of Hung-jen. Some texts refer to
it as Tung-shan (807869), or East
Mountain (J. Tzan).
Huang-po Hsi-yn
(d. 850; J. Obaku Kiun) Chinese Zen
master of the Tang dynasty (618907),
one of the most famous and influential
masters of the classical period. Huang-
po took his vows at Chien-fu-ssu on
Huang-po-shan in Fukien, then moved
north and practiced for a time under
Nan-chan Pu-yan (748835). Later
he became the disciple of Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814), who recognized
him as his Dharma heir. A lay disciple
built a temple for him in the mountains
of western Kiangsi. Huang-po named
the mountain and the temple Huang-
po-shan and Huang-po-ssu after the
mountain where he took the tonsure,
and he later became known by the
same name. His most prominent
disciple was Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867),
founder of the Lin-chi ( J. Rinzai)
school. Huangpos writings are
recorded in the Huangpo Tuan-chi
Chan-shih Wan-ling Lu, which was
translated into English by John Blofeld.
See also lay believer and Rinzai sect.
Blofeld, John. The Zen Teaching of
Huang Po on the Transmission of
Mind. Boston, MA: Shambhala,
Mount Huang-po. There are two
mountains in China that bear the name
Huang-po. One is in Fukien province
near the modern city of Foochow in
southeastern China, and the other in
central China in the western part of
Kiangsi. The mountain in Fukien has
been the site of a Zen temple since the
late eighth century. In 789, a Zen monk
named Cheng-kan, a disciple of the
Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng (638713),
constructed a meditation hut there,
which was later expanded to a full Zen
monastery called Chien-fu-ssu. The
Chinese master later known as Huang-
po Hsi-yn (d.850; J. Obaku Kiun) took
his monastic vows at Chien-fu-ssu and
later named the other Mount Huang-po
after his childhood home. Chien-fu-ssu
fell into disrepair during the Sung
dynasty (9601279) and was only a ruin
by the late Ming dynasty (13681644)
when a new Zen monastery, Wan-fu-
ssu, was built on the same site. Huang-
po-shan Wan-fu-ssu ( J. Obaku-san
Mampuku-ji) was the home monastery
of Yin-yan Lung-chi (15941673)
who emigrated to Japan in the mid-
seventeenth century and founded the
Obaku sect.
Huang-po Hsi-yn, after receiving
inka from Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814), established a monastery of
his own on a mountain in western
Kiangsi. Hsi-yn named both the
monastery and the mountain in central
China after Mount Huang-po in the
south. His own popular name derives
from this latter mountain, since it was
there that he trained his own disciples,
including Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867), the
founder of Rinzai Zen. See also lay
believer and Rinzai sect.
Hui-ko is depicted offering his arm to Bodhidharma. He is said to have cut off his arm to demonstrate his
sincerity in seeking the dharma.
Hua-yen School
Flower Garden school, one of the thir-
teen schools of Chinese Buddhismthat
developed during the Tang dynasty
(618907). The name derives from the
title of the primary scripture of the
school, the Hua-yen Sutra (Sk.
Avatamsaka Sutra; J. Kegonky).
Although the sutra was written in India,
the school has no Indian counterpart.
Its primary teachings include the four
realms of reality and the ten stages of
the bodhisattva. The school recognizes
the Chinese monk Fa-shun (557640) as
its founder, although it was the Third
Patriarch Fa-tsang (643712) who sys-
tematized its teachings.
Hua-yen Sutra
( J. Kegonky) The Flower Garland
Sutra, the Chinese translation of the
Avatamsaka Sutra. There are three
Chinese translations of the text: the first
produced by Buddhabhadra from
418421 in sixty parts (T. 9, no. 278), the
second by Shiksananda from 695699 in
eighty parts (T. 10, no. 279), and the
third by Prajna from 759762 in forty
parts (T. 10, no. 293). The Hua-yen Sutra
was used widely by various schools of
East Asian Buddhism, including Zen.
The Buddhabhadra translation served
as the scriptural basis for the Hua-yen
school of Chinese Buddhism, known as
the Kegon school in Japan. See
Avatamsaka Sutra.
(487593; J. Eka) Chinese Buddhist
monk who became known as the Second
Chinese Patriarch of Zen. According to
Zen tradition, Hui-ko inherited the
Dharma from Bodhidharma. The story
of the transmission is among the most
famous in Zen literature. According to
traditional biographies, Hui-ko was
born in Wu-lao (present day Honan). He
studied Confucian, Taoist, and Buddhist
writings on his own before deciding to
become a Buddhist monk. He received
the tonsure on Lung-men Hsiang-shan
and then studied various Buddhist
teachings extensively. He practiced
meditation at Lung-men for eight
years before seeking out a master at the
age of forty.
Shen-kuang, as Hui-ko was then
called, traveled south and found
Bodhidharma living at Shao-lin-ssu. In
vain he beseeched the master to admit
him as a disciple. On a cold winter
night, as Hui-ko stood outside the
monastery in a raging blizzard. The
master asked him what he wanted. In
response, Hui-ko drew out a sharp
knife, cut off his left arm, and handed it
to Bodhidharma. This dramatic gesture
proved the intensity of his intention to
seek the Dharma. Bodhidharma
accepted him as his disciple and recog-
nized him as his Dharma heir. He also
granted him the new name Hui-ko.
Hui-ko spent five or six years with
Bodhidharma. Before the two parted,
Hui-ko received from the master a
robe and bowl as signs of Dharma
transmission. Hui-ko then traveled
for some years. In 551, he met a lay
practitioner of meditation, whom
he recognized as his Dharma heir.
Hui-ko bestowed monastic vows on
him and gave him the name Seng-tsan,
thus making him the Third Patriarch.
See also lay believer.
(J. En) Chinese Zen master (638713)
of the Tang dynasty (618907), tradi-
tionally known as the Sixth Chinese
Patriarch of Zen. Little is known for cer-
tain about Hui-neng except that he was
at one time a disciple of the Fifth
Patriarch Hung-jen (601674). There
are, however, traditional accounts of his
life, such as the one found in the
Platform Sutra. Scholars regard these
stories as historically problematic, but
they represent the Zen traditions view of
its own history. According to the biogra-
phy in the Platform Sutra, Hui-neng
grew up in poverty, supporting his wid-
owed mother by gathering and selling
firewood. He did not receive any formal
education and remained illiterate. He
decided to enter monastic life after
Hung-chih Cheng-cheh
hearing someone recite the Diamond
Sutra. He made his way to Mount
Huang-mei and entered Hung-jens
assembly as a lay person, laboring in the
mill, grinding flour. He came to the
attention of the Zen master when he
composed a poem in response to a verse
written by Shen-hsiu (606?706), the
senior disciple. Hung-jen recognized
Hui-nengs verse as an indication of
enlightenment. He secretly designated
him as the Sixth Patriarch and sent him
south to protect the Dharma. Hui-
nengs lineage, which became
the orthodox school of Zen, is known
as the Southern school. Tradition main-
tains that the latter portions of the
Platform Sutra preserve lectures given
by Hui-neng later in his teaching career.
According to the teachings presented
in the sutra, Hui-neng taught the
identity of wisdom (prajna) and
meditation, and advocated the concept
of original enlightenment. His teaching
represents the orthodox Zen teaching
of sudden enlightenment. See also
lay believer.
Hung-chih Cheng-cheh
(10911157; J. Wanshi Shgaku)
Chinese St Zen master of the Sung
dynasty (9601279). Cheng-cheh
descended from the Yn-ch (J. Ungo)
lineage. He was born in Hsi-chou in
modern day Shansi and became a
monk at age eleven. He received inka
from the St master Tan-hsia Tzu-
chun. He taught for most of his life at
Ching-te-ssu on Tien-lung-shan in
Chekiang. He restored the monastery
and gathered a large assembly of disci-
ples, said to have numbered up to 1,200
students, and he is sometimes known as
Tien-lung Cheng-cheh because of his
role as restorer.
Cheng-cheh is remembered pri-
marily for the famous controversy that
arose between him and his Rinzai
friend and contemporary, Ta-hui
Tsung-kao (10891163), concerning the
use of kan. Ta-hui favored the contem-
plation of kan during seated medita-
tion as the best approach for achieving
enlightenment. Hung-chih preferred
meditation without the use of kan,
striving instead for a mental state of
complete tranquillity. His style of medi-
tation became known as silent illumi-
nation Zen (mokush Zen), which still
characterizes practice within the St
school. He received the posthumous
title Hung-chih Chan-shih from the
Sung emperor Kao-tsung. Although he
did not regard the use of kan as highly
as Ta-hui, his writings include two sep-
arate collections of one hundred kan
each, which he compiled. The more
famous of the two is the Sung-ku Po-tse.
His writings were collected in the Hung-
chih Chan-shih Kuang-lu. See also
Rinzai sect and St sect.
Hung-chou School
An important lineage of early Zen
founded by the Tang dynasty (618907)
master Ma-tsu Tao-i. The name was
coined by Tsung-mi (780840) after the
region where Ma-tsu had his
monastery. The Hung-chou school (J.
Kj-sh or Ksh-sh) is one of the
main branches of the so-called
Southern school of Zen, which
descended from the Sixth Patriarch
Hui-neng (638713). Many of the
prominent Zen masters of the Tang
dynasty arose from this lineage, includ-
ing Pai-chang Huai-hai (720814),
Nan-chan, Huang-po Hsi-Yn (d.
850), Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867), and
Yang-shan Hui-chi (807883).
The Chinese Buddhist master (601674;
J. Gunin) who became known as the
Fifth Patriarch of Zen in China. He is
also known as Huang-mei Hung-jen and
Wu-tsu Hung-jen. According to tradi-
tion, Hung-jen received the Dharma
from the Fourth Patriarch Tao-hsin
(580651) and later recognized Hui-neng
(638713) as the authentic Sixth
Patriarch, founder of the Southern
school. He also formally recognized
Shen-hsiu (606?706), who founded the
Northern school, as a Dharma heir.
After Tao-hsins death, Hung-jen estab-
lished a monastery at Huang-mei-shan
in modern day Hupeh, where he trained
his own disciples.
According to the account of trans-
mission given in the Platform Sutra,
Hung-jen asked his disciples at Huang-
mei-shan to compose verses so that he
could select a Dharma heir who would
become the next patriarch. Only Shen-
hsiu, the highest ranking disciple,
submitted a verse. The master publicly
praised the verse and had the others
recite it; he privately informed Shen-
hsiu that the verse indicated that he had
not attained perfect enlightenment.
Hui-neng, then only a lay disciple
working in the threshing room, heard
the verse and composed a reply. Based
on this verse, Hung-jen secretly
acknowledged Dharma transmission
and bestowed on Hui-neng the
robe and bowl of transmission. See also
lay believer.
Hungry Ghost
( J. gaki) A type of sentient being,
known as preta in Sanskrit. After death,
Buddhism teaches that an individual
may be reborn into one of six possible
realms of existence (rokud) ranging
from hell dwellers and hungry ghosts to
heaven dwellers. The realm of the hun-
gry ghosts is regarded as an evil out-
come because hungry ghosts suffer in a
variety of ways. They are said to live
either in an area just outside of hell or in
a region of hell itself, but unlike other
hell dwellers, they leave hell and
wander through other regions in
search of food, often looking for
garbage and human waste on the
outskirts of human cities. As their
name suggests, they are unable to
satisfy their craving for food, and thus
are doomed to perpetual hunger. They
are said to be invisible during daylight
hours but visible at night.
In this Zen monastery at the Spring Equinox, rice is offered at an altar to hungry ghosts,
sentient beings who have been condemned to wander the earth looking for food.
Hungry Ghost
The Buddhist tradition describes
several different kinds of hungry ghosts
in terms of specific behavior patterns in
the previous life, which lead to appro-
priate punishments. For example, a per-
son who steals food is said to become a
hungry ghost that can only eat corpses,
while a person who deals harshly with
others out of anger will have a mouth of
fire that destroys food before it can be
consumed. A person who prevents oth-
ers from practicing the virtue of giving
(danna), becomes a hungry ghost with
a big belly and a neck as thin as a
needle. This last species became the
basic image for hungry ghosts in East
Asian Buddhism. See also six paths.
Strong, John S. The Experience of
Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Co., 1995.
Hyakuj Ekai
The Japanese pronunciation for Pai-
chang Huai-hai (720814), a Chinese
Zen monk. See Pai-chang Huai-hai.
Hyakuj Shingi
Japanese title for the Pai-chang Ching-
kuei, a monastic code used in the prac-
tice of Zen, attributed to Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814). See Pai-chang
Wooden clappers used in a Zen
monastery to signal specific times and
events, such as the start of meals.
Hyakuj Ekai
(J. issendai, or sendai) A sentient being
without the capacity to attain enlight-
enment. This term is also used to
describe a bodhisattva who willingly
chooses not to enter nirvana in order to
continue living in the world of samsara
and assist other sentient beings. Some
schools of Theravada and Mahayana
Buddhism maintained the theory that
certain individuals have so damaged
their store of merit that they have no
root of goodness left; thus these indi-
viduals have no hope of ever attaining
enlightenment. Other schools of
Mahayana denied this teaching. They
argued that icchantika do not exist or
that even if they do exist, icchantika
have the Buddha Nature. After
Buddhism was transmitted to East Asia,
controversy over these teachings con-
tinued to be important in several East
Asian schools of Buddhism.
The Buddhist scriptures can be
used to support both arguments, as can
be seen by comparing two versions of
the Nirvana Sutra. One version states
that icchantika lack the seed of enlight-
enment; the other teaches that all sen-
tient beings, including the icchantika,
possess the Buddha Nature and are thus
capable of attaining enlightenment. In
China, the former version of the text
was transmitted earlier, setting off the
controversy. The monk Tao-sheng
(360434 C.E.) rejected the notion that
icchantika lacked the Buddha Nature.
His position was later vindicated when
the latter version of the sutra was trans-
lated. Most schools of East Asian
Buddhism, including Zen, follow Tao-
shengs lead and teach that the Buddha
Nature is universal.
Another sutra favored by the Zen
school, the Lankavatara Sutra, teaches
an alternative and more positive under-
standing of the concept of icchantika.
The Lankavatara Sutra applies the term
to bodhisattvas who deliberately
choose to stay in samsara and serve
other sentient beings. Like the earlier
concept of icchantika, a bodhisattva
who chooses to remain in samsara until
all sentient beings have been saved will
never attain enlightenment. In this
case, however, the cause is compassion
for others, so the icchantika-bod-
hisattva is a valiant figure.
Strong, John S. The Experience of
Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Co., 1995.
Ichidaiji Innen
The most important cause, usually
referring to the primary reason the
Buddha had to appear in the world.
The Lotus Sutra says that the Buddhas
primary purpose was to preach
the Dharma and thereby save
sentient beings.
An alternative name for Muj Dky
(12261313), a Japanese Rinzai monk
who authored the Shasekish. See
Muj Dky.
Ichi Ens
One circle, an alternative name for
ens, the image of a painted circle com-
monly found in Zen art. See ens.
Ichiji Kan
One-word barrier, a Zen teaching
device made famous by the master
Yunmen. The device entails a master
using one sharp word in response to a
question asked by a disciple. The single-
word answer is sometimes accompa-
nied by a shout or slap. The purpose of
this device is to cut off the disciples
Ichiji Kan
rambling flow of rational thought and to
prompt an immediate experience or
realization. Translators often have diffi-
culty rendering a satisfactory transla-
tion with a single word, since the origi-
nal Chinese character usually encom-
passes several possible meanings. One
of Master Yunmens famous one-word
barriers is the Chinese word fu, mean-
ing everywhere, universal, or vast
and great. Someone asked Master
Yunmen, What is the eye of the genuine
teaching? The Master said, Its every-
where [fu] (App, p. 91).
App, Urs., trans. and ed. Master
Yunmen: From the Record of the
Chan Master Gate of the Clouds.
New York: Kodansha International,
One vehicle, the path of Mahayana
Buddhism. See one vehicle.
Ichimi Zen
One-taste zen, an expression used
to mean a pure form of zen, the zen
transmitted by the buddhas and patri-
archs. It is contrasted with five-taste
zen (gomi zen), or impure forms of
meditative practice.
Ichinen Fush
Nonarising of a single thought, the
realm in which no delusions arise. The
expression describes the enlightened
mind of a buddha or the experience of
enlightenment. In his collection of
talks and instructions, the Shbgenz,
Dgen Kigen (12001253) identifies the
mental state of ichinen fush with
zazen, or meditation itself.
Igan Butsuji
Moving the coffin of a deceased abbot
or other prominent Buddhist monk or
nun to the lecture hall. Igan is one of the
nine ritual acts (kubutsuji) performed
when a prominent Buddhist monk or
nun dies. The coffins of ordinary monks
and nuns are left in the infirmary until
cremation. See also kubutsuji.
Igy School
The Japanese name for the Kuei-yang
school, a lineage of Chinese Zen active
during the Tang dynasty (618907). See
Kuei-yang school.
A memorial tablet prepared for the
deceased soon after death, according to
Japanese Buddhist custom. Inscribed
on the tablet is a special Buddhist
name, known in Japanese as the
kaimy, which is used for the deceased
at all memorial services. Kaimy are
normally conferred on monks or nuns
at their ordination; lay Buddhists
usually receive the kaimy posthu-
mously from members of their family
temple shortly after death. Initially,
temporary memorial tablets are used,
often made of plain wood with the
kaimy written in black ink. Later,
permanent tablets, typically black
lacquered wood embossed with the
name in gold, are prepared.
Memorial tablets are used as physi-
cal representations of the deceased at
the funeral service and at all subse-
quent memorial services (hji) per-
formed for the individual. In many
cases, two permanent memorial tablets
are prepared for each person, one to be
kept by the family and the other to be
kept at the family temple. Incense,
prayers, and readings from sacred texts
are offered before the ihai in much the
same manner that offerings are made
to other Buddhist images. Temples
mark the anniversaries of death (nenki)
for deceased members by offering ser-
vices in front of the appropriate ihai on
the specified day.
After an initial period of mourning
(chin), lasting forty-nine days from
the time of death, the family enshrines
its copy of the ihai on an altar (butsu-
dan), along with the memorial tablets of
other deceased family members. Many
Japanese families make daily offerings
of food and water before the ihai, and
keep flowers on the altar to honor the
dead. It is not unusual for important
events, such as graduations, new jobs,
and marriages to be formally
announced to the ihai, particularly if
the deceased was the head of the house-
hold. According to tradition, the family
will keep the ihai until the final memor-
ial service, usually the service marking
either the thirty-third or the fiftieth
anniversary of death. After that time,
the family disposes of the ihai, often
returning it to the temple for burning.
See also lay believer.
Smith, Robert. Ancestor Worship in
Contemporary Japan. Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 1974.
Flower arranging, the popular name for
kad, the way of flowers. See kad.
Ikko Hanko
One person or half a person. The
expression appears in the Hekiganroku,
the Dentroku (Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng
Lu), and other classical Zen texts. It refers
to a general scarcity of talented people,
indicating that it is rare to find a
worthy disciple. A master might say
that he hopes to find one disciple or even
half a disciple to whom he can transmit
the Dharma.
Ikky Sjun
(13941481) Japanese Rinzai monk from
the Ashikaga period (13921568). Ikky
belonged to the Daitoku-ji branch of
Rinzai and was a dominant figure in that
lineage. He is famous for his calligraphy,
painting, and writing, especially poetry.
He was an eccentric and remains a con-
troversial figure. Ikky was born in
poverty in Saga, in western Kyoto,
although he came from a noble family.
His mother, a court lady for Emperor Go-
Komatsu (13921412), was dismissed
Ihai are memorial tablets used as physical representations of the deceased at a funeral service.
Ikky Sjun
from court during her pregnancy. When
Ikky reached the age of five, she
entrusted him to a local temple where he
received a solid education in the Chinese
classics and Buddhist texts. At age thirty
he went to Kennin-ji, where he studied
poetry with the poet monk Botetsu for
four years. Disturbed by the worldly
atmosphere at Kennin-ji, he moved to a
small temple called Saikin-ji where he
lived with the hermit monk Ken.
Although Ikky attained enlightenment
during this period, Ken was not quali-
fied to certify his experience. After
Kens death, Ikky became the disciple
of Kas Sdon (13521428). Although
Kas was officially abbot of Daitoku-ji,
he resided in a small hermitage on Lake
Biwa. Ikky practiced with him for nine
years, becoming his Dharma heir in
1420. It is said that when Ikky received
his certificate of enlightenment, he
threw it onto the fire and destroyed it.
After his masters death, Ikky
became a wandering monk and spent
thirty years travelling throughout the
Kyoto and Osaka region, mostly dealing
with lay people rather than the Zen
monastic community. He did not
believe that he was bound by any exter-
nal monastic code, and was known to
drink sake, eat meat and fish, and enjoy
the company of women. Ikky was
quite critical of monastic life.
Ikky settled down at the age of sixty,
when he undertook the restoration of
Myshin-ji, a major Rinzai monastery in
Kyoto. Disciples built him a hermitage
within the grounds, which he called
Shon-an. For the first time in his career,
he guided a community of students. He
later restored Daitoku-ji, which had
been badly damaged by fire. In 1474, he
was appointed abbot at Daitoku-ji, but
continued to reside at Shon-an. He
died there at age eighty-seven. See also
Rinzai sect and lay believer.
Covell, Jon Carter, and Shobin Yamada.
Unraveling Zens Red Thread:
Ikkyus Controversial Way. Eliza-
beth, NJ: Hollym International
Corporation, 1980.
According to the Buddhist understand-
ing of reality, impermanence (J. muj)
characterizes all of existence. All things
are impermanent and subject to per-
petual change until they eventually pass
out of existence. Things arise, change,
and then pass away. Nothing is eternal;
indeed, nothing remains constant or
unchanging for even a moment.
Acceptance of impermanence is part
of the process of recognizing the nature
of reality. Buddhist meditation allows
one to observe the impermanence
of the mind, following the ongoing
flow of thoughts, emotions, and
feelings. Impermanence is one of the
three marks of existence, along
with suffering (Sk. duhkha) and No-Self
(Sk. Anatman).
Buddhists burn incense before images
of the Buddha and other Buddhist fig-
ures as a sign of reverence. One will
almost always find incense burning at
the various temples of Buddhist
schools. The pleasant aroma is said to
be a reminder of the Buddha himself
who was traditionally described as
fragrant. Incense is among the appro-
priate offerings made to a buddha or
to Buddhist monks and nuns. Incense
is also regularly offered as a part of
funeral and memorial services for
deceased relatives.
Japanese for Indras jewel net, also
called Taim, an abbreviation for
Taishakum. See Indras jewel net.
(J. Indara) The god of war in ancient
Indian mythology, whose exploits are
celebrated in the Rig Veda and other
Vedic texts. Indra was the primary deity
of the Aryan people who migrated to
the Indian subcontinent. He is an
atmospheric god who lives in the region
between heaven and earth and is
described as a powerful warrior, the dri-
ver of a chariot whose weapon is the
thunderbolt. In his most dramatic
exploit, he destroyed the snake demon
Vrtra, who was withholding rain and
sunlight from the earth. The warrior
class (kshastriya) regard him as their
special patron. Since Indra enjoys heavy
drinking, he is closely associated with
the god Soma, the deified form of an
intoxicating liquor used in Vedic ritual.
In Buddhism, Indra is regarded as a
guardian deity for Buddhist teachings
and believers. He appears frequently in
Buddhist texts, including the
Buddhacharita, the story of the histor-
ical Buddhas life. In that text, Indra
appears to the recently enlightened
Buddha as he sits in meditation under
the bodhi tree. Along with other Hindu
deities, Indra begs the Buddha to
venture out to teach the Dharma for
the sake of all sentient beings. Indra is
said to reside in a palace in
Trayastrimsha Heaven above Mount
Sumeru, where he receives reports from
the four guardian kings (shittenn)
regarding the moral condition of people
in the world.
Indras Jewel Net
(J. Indaram) According to Buddhist
lore, the god Indra lives above Mount
Sumeru in a magnificent palace. Draped
over the palace is a wondrous net made
with jewels, which hang from each node
of intersection on the net. The jewels are
perfectly reflective, such that every jewel
perfectly reflects every other jewel; thus,
any jewel can be taken as the central
point, which encompasses the entirety
of the net. The image of Indras Jewel Net
is used in Mahayana Buddhist texts to
teach the concept of interrelatedness
and the interpenetration of all things.
Because of their reflective quality, an
alteration made to any single jewel
affects them all. For example, painting a
dot on one jewel will produce reflected
dots on all the others. In the same way,
all things in the world are interrelated
with one another and interdependent.
Most importantly, causing harm to one
sentient being injures all other sentient
beings. The Hua-yen Sutra (Sk.
Avatamsaka Sutra) provides the classi-
cal description of the image.
Cause and effect; the law of causality.
The Japanese word literally means a
cause and its fruits. According to the
Buddhist conception of reality, every
action inevitably produces conse-
quences. Actions can be likened to
seeds which an individual sows. The
seeds eventually mature and produce
related fruits. Good actions produce
good effects and bad actions produce
bad effects. Retribution for evil actions
and reward for good actions are not
meted out by a deity, but are the natural
consequence of the action itself. Thus,
the workings of cause and effect func-
tion like an impersonal moral law. See
also karma and Law of Causation.
Inga Monogatari
Causation stories, or tales of cause and
effect; a genre of Buddhist literature
used for popular instruction in the
workings of karma. In particular the
stories are told to demonstrate the neg-
ative effects of evil or harmful behavior.
Inga monogatari also include miracu-
lous tales of salvation brought about by
an individuals pious behavior or deep
faith in a buddha, bodhisattva, or
sutra. Inga Monogatari is the title of a
text composed by Suzuki Shsan
(15791655), a Tokugawa period Zen
monk, which was published in 1661.
Ingen Ryki
Japanese pronunciation for Yin-yan
Lung-chi (15941673), the Chinese
Rinzai master who founded the
Obaku sect of Japanese Zen. See
Yin-yan Lung-chi.
Inin Ekishi
The practice of changing Dharma lin-
eage according to the temple at which a
monk serves as abbot. According to the
Inin Ekishi
inin ekishi process, when a monk
moves from his home temple to
become abbot at a different temple, he
changes lineage. He gives up his initial
lineage inherited from his immediate
master and adopts the lineage of the
former abbots of the new temple. The
change takes place even if the monk
never practiced under any of the
temples previous abbot. In this manner,
a monk could change lineages several
times during the course of a career,
based solely on the temples he serves.
The practice of inin ekishi is not gener-
ally regarded as compatible with the
Zen ideal of inheriting the Dharma
(shih) directly from ones master (isshi
insh). According to normal Zen prac-
tice, a disciple becomes a part of the
Dharma lineage of his master when he
receives formal acknowledgment of
enlightenment (insh or inka). At that
time, he is said to inherit the Dharma
and become a Dharma heir. Lineage of
this type, depicted in much the same
way as blood lineage on a family tree,
does not change based on the temple of
residence. Nevertheless, inin ekishi has
been the norm in some periods of Zen
history. Before Manzan initiated a
reform movement in seventeenth cen-
tury Japan, for example, inin ekishi was
the common practice for St Zen. See
also St sect.
Bodiford, William M. Dharma Trans-
mission in St Zen. Monumenta
NipponicaVol. 46 No. 4 (Winter 1991).
The most commonly used expression in
the Zen school for a seal of Dharma
transmission, which confirms the
validity of an individuals enlighten-
ment experience and indicates that
transmission of the Dharma has
occurred from master to disciple. Inka
is actually an abbreviation of inka
shmei, which literally means seal of
approval with clear proof. One typi-
cally speaks of a master conferring inka
on a disciple, or a student receiving
inka. Inka functions as an official
certification or seal of approval from a
Zen master that a disciple has attained
the same insight into the Dharma as the
master and is qualified to serve as a Zen
master to others. In some cases, inka is
symbolically represented by a written
document; in others, it is represented
by conferring a personal religious item
from the master such as a robe or
whisk. A disciple who receives inka is
formally included in the Dharma lin-
eage of the master, which is always
traced back through the generations to
Bodhidharma and Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). Inka
formally indicates that the disciple has
attained a sufficient level of maturity in
the Dharma to qualify as a master in his
or her own right. Once receiving inka, a
Zen teacher may accept students and
acknowledge them in turn. For this rea-
son, not all students who attain enlight-
enment experiences receive inka. Long
years of training after an initial enlight-
enment experience are often required
to qualify for inka.
A small hand-held bell used at
Zen monasteries. The bell is bowl-
shaped, resting on a small cushion
and attached to a wooden handle. It
is sounded by striking the side of the
bowl with an attached metal stick. Inkin
are used in the meditation hall to signal
the beginning and end of periods of
seated mediation.
The supervisor of trainees at a Zen
monastery in charge of the meditation
or monks hall (sd), sometimes trans-
lated as registrar or rector. The same
term, usually transliterated ina, is used
by other Buddhist sects for a high rank-
ing officer who manages the affairs of a
temple. In a Zen monastery, the ino is
one of the six senior offices of the
Eastern rank (than), who assist the
abbot in the administrative aspects of
the community. The ino plays a crucial
role in managing the daily activities
within the monastic community
because he oversees activities in the
monks hall. New arrivals register with
him, and he determines the relative
ranking of seniority among the resident
monks. The ino sees to it that the monks
keep to the daily mediation and ritual
schedule, and leads the monks in some
ceremonies. See also temple positions.
A common abbreviation for the expres-
sion inka shmei. Insh refers to the
formal recognition of a disciples
enlightenment experience by a Zen
master. In some cases, insh is repre-
sented by a written certificate indicat-
ing that an authentic transmission of
the Dharma has taken place. In other
cases, a Zen master may bestow another
physical object, usually a personal reli-
gious implement, such as a robe, a
whisk (J. hossu), a portrait of the mas-
ter, or a scripture. See inka.
The Buddhist understanding of reality,
which posits that all things and all indi-
viduals are mutually dependent on one
another. Interrelatedness implies that
any action taken toward one individual
will impact all others. The concept
of interrelatedness is based upon the
notion of emptiness, that all things
exist as a result of causes and nothing
is absolutely self-existent. A basic
component of interrelatedness is
compassion, since injuring any other
sentient being causes injury to all,
including the self. See also emptiness
and Indras jewel net.
Inzan Ien
(17511814) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867) who
is regarded as the founder of the Inzan
school of Japanese Zen. Inzan was the
Dharma heir of Gasan Jit (17271797),
a leading disciple of the reformer
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768). Along with
his Dharma brother, Takuj Kosen
(17601833), Inzan is credited with
completing the process of systematiz-
ing kan practice within the Rinzai
sect. Inzan was born in Echizen
province, where at age nine he entered a
Buddhist temple in Gifu. At sixteen, he
turned to Zen and practiced with
Bankoku, a Rinzai master, who pro-
moted the teachings of the Rinzai mas-
ter Bankei Ytaku (16221693). After
three years, he became the disciple of
Rinzai master Gessen Zene
(17021781), with whom he remained
for seven years. He later spent many
years in Mino, before hearing about
Gasan. He practiced with Gasan for two
years and became his Dharma heir.
After receiving inka, he spent several
years on pilgrimage. In 1806, he settled
down and established a community at
Zuiry-ji in Gifu, where he taught for
most of his final years. He was
appointed abbot at Myshin-ji in 1808,
and served briefly. See also Rinzai sect.
Inzan School
One of two major forms of modern
Japanese Rinzai Zen founded by Inzan
Ien (17511814), a second-generation
descendant of Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768). All active lineages of Rinzai
Zen in Japan descend from either the
Inzan or the Takuj schools. The teach-
ing methods and Zen style of the two
schools are nearly identical. Together
they encompass what is often known as
Hakuin Zen. See also Rinzai sect.
(12391289) Japanese Buddhist monk
of the Kamakura period (11851333)
who founded the Ji sect of Pure Land
Buddhism. He was originally a Tendai
monk and studied for many years on
Mount Hiei. He was then known as
Zuien. He later left Mount Hiei and
became a disciple of Shtatsu Shnin, a
Pure Land teacher. He took the name
Ippen in 1276 while visiting the Shinto
shrine on Mount Kumano. He traveled
throughout the countryside of Japan,
spreading Pure Land belief by handing
Isan Reiy
out nembutsu amulets (J. fusan). He
was popularly known as Yugy Shnin,
the wandering holy man, because of
his itinerant life. See also Tendai sect.
Isan Reiy
Japanese rendering of Kuei-shan Ling-
yu (771853). See Kuei-shan Ling-yu.
I-shan I-ning
(12471317; J. Issan Ichinei) Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Yan dynasty (1260-
1368) who emigrated to Japan. I-shan
was sent to Japan as an emissary by the
new Yan government in 1299. The
Japanese suspected him of being a spy
and confined him under house arrest at
Shuzen-ji in Izu. When Japanese offi-
cials realized that they were mistaken, I-
shan was welcomed in Kamakura by the
regent Hj Sadatoki (12711311). He
eventually served as abbot at both
Kench-ji and Engaku-ji. He attracted
disciples in such numbers that he lim-
ited entry into his assembly with an
entrance exam designed to test the lit-
erary skill of the applicants. Mus
Sseki (12751351) was among his stu-
dents in Kamakura. I-shan emphasized
the literary, artistic, and cultural aspects
of Zen far more than religious practice.
He greatly influenced the rise of Gozan
culture in Japan. He also served as
abbot at Nanzen-ji in Kyoto and influ-
enced the Zen culture of the traditional
capital. See also Gozan literature and
Rinzai sect.
Ishin Denshin
Transmission from mind to mind. An
expression used to describe the authen-
tic transmission of the Dharma in the
Zen school from master to disciple,
generation after generation. The con-
cept of ishin denshin forms one of the
basic assumptions of Zen practice: that
enlightenment passes from one indi-
vidual to another not through the
process of teaching with words, but by
an accord of minds. A student attains an
intuitive understanding of the Dharma
and the master recognizes that intu-
ition, and although no specific teach-
ings have passed from one to the other,
they share a realization of the Dharma.
The opening line of the Hseh-mo lun
( J. Ketsumyaku ron), attributed to
Bodhidharma, provides a classical
statement of the concept: The Three
Worlds arise from and return to One
Mind. From buddhas of the past to suc-
ceeding buddhas, [the Dharma] is
transmitted from mind to mind, with-
out reliance on words or letters (T. vol.
48, p. 373).
A general Japanese term for the entirety
of the Buddhist scriptures. The word
literally means all the sutras and is
used synonymously with Daizky.
Since the term is generic, it may refer to
the ancient Sanskrit or Pali Tripitaka,
the more extensive Chinese Tripitaka,
or Japanese editions, which include
additional materials.
Issan Ichinei
Japanese transliteration of I-shan I-
ning (12471317), a Chinese Rinzai
monk of the Yan dynasty (12601368).
See I-shan I-ning.
Japanese for icchantika, a sentient being
who lacks the capacity to attain enlight-
enment. Also used for bodhisattvas who
remain indefinitely in the realm of sam-
sara in order to lead other sentient
beings to enlightenment. See icchantika.
Isshi Inj
An alternative pronunciation for
isshi insh, to receive the Dharma seal
(inka) from only one Zen master. See
isshi insh.
Isshi Insh
To receive Dharma transmission and
inka from only one Zen master. Also
pronounced isshi inj. Isshi insh
became one of the reform themes for
Japanese St during the Tokugawa
period (16001867). In earlier genera-
tions, it was common practice in the St
school for monks to change Dharma lin-
eages whenever they assumed a new
position as abbot or head monk (inin
ekishi). Rather than maintaining identifi-
cation with a single master and lineage,
they assumed the Dharma seal of their
immediate predecessor at each new post.
The seventeenth-century St reformer
Manzan opposed this practice and cham-
pioned a return to the principle of isshi
insh. See also St sect.
One mind, Japanese term for
the mind of enlightenment that
perceives ultimate reality and tran-
scends the dualism of ordinary thought
and perception.
Isshit Zen
See One-finger Zen.
A hand position used during periods of
walking meditation (kinhin). The left
hand forms a fist around the thumb,
and the right hand covers the left. The
hands are held in front of the body with
forearms straight.
One turning word, a word or expres-
sion usually spoken by a Zen master
that turns or shifts ones point of view
and thereby leads the listener to sud-
denly attain enlightenment.
This Zen calligraphy depicts Isshin, the Japanese term for one mind, or enlightenment.
A verse that a Zenpractitioner offers to his
or her master in response to a kan. The
verse expresses the practitioners under-
standing of the kan, and hence of the
Dharma. The practice of using capping
verses in this manner developed gradu-
ally from a unique genre of Zen commen-
tary found in the Zen kan literature. In
the classical period of Zen in China, the
masters who compiled collections of
kan attached verses to each of the his-
torical cases they included in their com-
pendia, thereby expressing in poetic lan-
guage their own understanding of the
meaning of the kan. Each kan in the
Mumonkan, for example, is accompa-
nied by a verse composed by the monk
who compiled the text.
Later, masters devised the practice
of testing their students progress by
asking them for capping verses, which
similarly expressed their understanding
of a kan. In eighteenth century Japan,
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768) established
a regularized system of kan study,
which applied the same principle, a sys-
tem that is still used in the Rinzai sect
today. When a disciple has made suffi-
cient progress in contemplating a par-
ticular kan, the master will ask for a
capping phrase. The student then pro-
vides a verse, but not an original poem,
composed on the spot. Rather, the stu-
dent draws upon the classical Zen body
of religious and secular literature to find
an appropriate verse or phrase. The
most common resource for this pur-
pose is the Zenrin Kush.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
. Zen Dust: The History of
the Kan and Kan Study in Rinzai
(Lin-chi) Zen. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
Tranquility and extinction. Jakumetsu is
the Japanese pronunciation of a
Chinese compound sometimes used to
translate the Sanskrit word nirvana in
the scriptures. It is used as a synonym
for nirvana and enlightenment. It can
be understood to mean the state of
tranquillity in which all of the afflic-
tions (bonn) have been extinguished.
Jakushitsu Genk
(12901367) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333),
regarded as the founder of the Eigen-ji
branch of the Rinzai sect. Jakushitsu
was born in Mimasaka. His parents sent
him to Tfuku-ji in Kyoto when he was
twelve years old so that he could receive
a classical education. Two years later,
the young man became determined to
undertake a serious religious life. He left
Tfuku-ji and joined Yaku Tokken
(12451320) in Kamakura. When Tokken
became abbot at Kennin-ji, Jakushitsu
accompanied him. He attained enlight-
enment in 1306 and soon began a
wandering life. He practiced with
many of the Chinese migr monks,
including Tung-ming Hui-jih
(12721340) and I-shan I-neng
(12471317). Under the latters influ-
ence, he became a refined poet.
Jakushitsu traveled to China in 1320
in order to become the disciple of
Chung-feng Ming-pen (12631323).
He practiced with the master at Tien-
mu-shan for one year, and then traveled
throughout China for several years,
visiting various masters. He returned
to Japan in 1326, where he spent the
next twenty-five years as a wandering
monk. In 1361, Sasaki Ujiyori became
his patron and built for him the
monastery Eigen-ji in Omi province
(modern day Shiga prefecture).
Jakushitsu gathered a community of
disciples at the temple and remained
active as abbot for five years. In 1366, he
retired in favor of his leading disciple,
Miten Eishaku (d. 1406).
A common abbreviation for ajari. In
St Zen, it is a title of respect used
for a senior monk who has practiced
Zen for more than five summer retreats.
See ajari.
Jataka Tales
(J. Jataka or Honsh) Stories concern-
ing the previous lives of Siddharta
Gautama, the historical Buddha. Jataka
tales represent a traditional form of
Buddhist literature, which has long
been used for popular instruction. In
particular, the stories are used to illus-
trate various Buddhist virtues, espe-
cially the six perfections and the bene-
fits of building good karma. They are
also a common subject for Buddhist art.
One collection of 547 jataka tales forms
a part of the Theravada Buddhist
canon; many other collections, canoni-
cal and otherwise, exist throughout the
Buddhist world.
The Japanese term for temple, which
commonly refers to Buddhist temples
and monasteries. Ji generally appears as
a part of any Buddhist temples name.
See tera.
The Japanese term for hell, one of the
six realms of existence (rokud) into
which sentient beings are reborn.
According to Buddhist teachings,
actions in the present life determine
ones next rebirth. Hell is the lowest and
most painful of the six possibilities. If
one commits evil acts and accumulates
bad karma, one may be reborn in one
of several hells. The tradition describes
eight hot hells (hachinetsu jigoku),
eight cold hells (hachikan jigoku), and
various others. Each one entails a form
of suffering appropriate for various
kinds of evil action performed in a pre-
vious existence. See also six paths.
To beg for alms; one of the basic prac-
tices of Buddhist monastic life. Jihatsu
is more commonly referred to as
takuhatsu or kotsu jiki. The term may
also refer to the begging bowls that
monks own and use. See begging alms.
Japanese Buddhist term for compas-
sion. The mental attitude of compas-
sion toward all sentient beings is
regarded as an ideal within the
Mahayana tradition, and is manifested
especially by bodhisattvas who vow to
save all sentient beings from suffering
and assist them toward enlightenment.
The Japanese word is a compound of
two Chinese characters: ji means to
give pleasure and is related to the
Sanskrit word maitri; hi means to
relieve suffering and is related to the
Sanskrit word karuna.
Jiin Hatt
Temple regulations enacted by the
Tokugawa military government
(bakufu) during the Tokugawa period
(16001867) to control Buddhist
temples in Japan. In the era immedi-
ately preceding the Tokugawa period,
some Buddhist sects and individual
temples maintained significant finan-
cial influence, and in some cases,
impressive military power. The military
leaders who unified Japan, leading to
the establishment of the Tokugawa
regime, opposed these Buddhist centers
of power and brought them under secu-
lar control. The Tokugawa government
intended the jiin hatt to maintain that
control by limiting Buddhist groups
access to secular power. Most of the reg-
ulations were issued between 1615 and
1640. Although some were issued to
regulate specific temples or individual
sects of Buddhism, many were general
Jiin Hatt
in nature and applied to the entire net-
work of sects and temples. Temple regu-
lations forbade the construction of new
temples and limited the restoration of
dilapidated temples without govern-
ment permission. They required that
every temple claim a sectarian affilia-
tion and be listed within the given sects
hierarchical structure of main temples
and branch temples. In some cases,
entire groups were banned, such as the
Fujufuse sect of Nichiren Buddhism.
Other regulations, directed at the clergy,
were intended to encourage monks and
nuns to engage in religious and intellec-
tual pursuits. These specifically pro-
scribed certain behaviors for monks
and nuns, including inter-sectarian dis-
putes, public debates, and some infrac-
tions against the monastic code.
Observance of the precepts. Keeping
the Buddhist precepts is a value
throughout the Buddhist world,
although Buddhists understand the
precepts somewhat differently depend-
ing on time, place, sect, and the status
of the believer. Within the monastic
world, monks and nuns are generally
expected to live according to the code
laid out in the vinaya texts, especially
the ten precepts of novices. Lay people
typically strive to follow the first five of
these precepts. This holds true not only
for Theravada Buddhists but for many
Mahayana Buddhists as well. In some
schools of Mahayana Buddhism, lay
people, monks, and nuns strive to
uphold the bodhisattva precepts,
which may replace or supplement the
precepts of the vinaya. However the
precepts may be interpreted, observing
them is generally regarded as one of the
basic elements of Buddhist practice for
all members of the community. Indeed,
many Buddhist teachers regard ethical
behavior as the starting point on the
Buddhist path, the basis on which all
other forms of practice are built. In
Mahayana descriptions of the Buddhist
path of a bodhisattva, for example,
observance of the precepts is the sec-
ond of the six perfections. See also Jikai
Zen and lay believer.
Jikai Zen
Observe-the-precepts Zen, a term
which can be applied to any style of Zen
practice that emphasizes keeping the
Buddhist precepts, especially the
detailed monastic code for monks and
nuns. In a Zen monastic context, keep-
ing the precepts often implies living
according to special monastic codes (J.
shingi), developed specifically for Zen
temples. In particular, the term applies
to movements within the Zen world to
reform and revitalize Zen practice by a
renewed dedication to keeping the
monastic codes.
Although the phrase Jikai Zen can be
used in a positive manner, in most cases
it suggests a negative criticism of over-
emphasis on the external observance of
precepts. Zen monastic practice gener-
ally assumes a strict observance of the
monastic code, which defines nearly
every aspect of life in the monastery.
Nevertheless, Zen teachings often take a
critical stance against formalistic
behavior based on the observance of an
external moral code. In the Platform
Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, for
example, Hui-neng (638713) intro-
duces the concept of preserving form-
less precepts. This teaching stresses
that the origin of the precepts lies
within the enlightened mind, not in any
external code. If the Zen practitioner
becomes overly concerned with fulfill-
ing the letter of the law rather than the
motivating spirit within, the monastic
code becomes a hindrance to practice
rather than an enabling device.
In a Zen monastery, the monk assigns
to watch over the robes and bowls in
the meditation hall. Any lost items are
the jikids responsibility. This duty
traditionally rotates on a daily basis and
is shared by all monks in turn.
The manager of the monks hall, or
sd. Originally, the term applied to the
monk assigned to care for the robes and
bowls of the monastic community. The
monks rotated the duty on a daily basis.
Today, in the Rinzai sect, the jikijitsu
serves as the manager for the daily
activities within the monks hall. The
manager of the monks hall keeps track
of the timing for meditation sessions,
mealtimes, and other aspects of the
daily schedule. He alerts the other
monks through the use of a hand bell
and sounding boards (han). The posi-
tion of jikijitsu no longer rotates on a
daily basis among the monks, but is an
appointed position lasting for an entire
retreat period. See also jikid.
Jikishi Ninshin
Direct pointing to the mind, a
Japanese Zen expression used to
characterize Zen practice and teach-
ings, especially meditation. The Zen
tradition maintains that ones mind is
identical with the mind of the Buddha,
if one only realizes it. By focusing ones
attention inward on the mind, enlight-
enment becomes possible. All Zen
teaching devices and practices are
intended to serve as aids in attaining
enlightenment, or fingers pointing
directly at the mind.
Jikishi Ninshin Kensh Jbutsu
Direct pointing to the mind, seeing
ones nature and becoming a buddha.
The expression is part of a verse tradi-
tionally attributed to Bodhidharma,
which provides the classical characteri-
zation of Zen practice. According to Zen
teachings, all ordinary individuals
already possess the buddha mind and
are in fact originally buddhas. By focus-
ing ones attention inward through the
practice of meditation, one may be able
to realize this reality and attain enlight-
enment. The process may be under-
stood less as an ordinary person
becoming a buddha than as a shift of
perspective which allows a person to
see his or her true nature.
Jikishi Tanden
Direct transmission of the Dharma
from a Zen master to a disciple.
This Japanese expression is used
synonymously with ishin denshin,
transmission from mind to mind. See
ishin denshin.
The ten realms of living beings, which
include, in ascending order, 1) hell
dwellers (jigoku), 2) hungry ghosts
(gaki), 3) animals (chikush), 4) human
beings (ningen), 5) ashura (ashura), 6)
heaven dwellers (tenj), 7) shravakas
(shmon), 8) pratyeka buddhas
(engaku), 9) bodhisattvas (bosatsu), and
10) buddhas (Butsu). See ten realms.
(2) The ten precepts accepted by male
and female novices at their ordination.
Also pronounced jukkai. The ten pre-
cepts represent the heart of the tradi-
tional Buddhist monastic code. They
include 1) not to kill living beings; 2)
not to steal; 3) to abstain from sexual
misconduct; 4) not to lie; 5) not to take
intoxicants; 6) not to eat after noon; 7)
not to adorn the body with perfume,
flowers, jewelry, etc.; 8) not to partici-
pate in public entertainment, including
dancing, plays, singing, etc.; 9) not to
use a luxurious bed; and 10) not to han-
dle money. These precepts are some-
times known in Japanese as the
shamikai, or novice precepts.
The term jikkai sometimes
refers alternatively to the ten heavy
precepts (Jj kinkai), the most impor-
tant elements in the bodhisattva
precepts. The ten heavy precepts
are prohibitions against 1) killing, 2)
stealing, 3) sexual misconduct, 4) lying,
5) using intoxicants, 6) finding fault in
others, 7) boasting about oneself, 8)
envy, 9) anger and ill will, and 10) slan-
dering the three treasures. The Japanese
St and Rinzai communities use the ten
heavy precepts developed within the
Mahayana tradition in place of the
above novice precepts, which derive
from the Theravada tradition. See ten
heavy precepts and ten precepts.
Dust, a Japanese Buddhist expression
for the objects of human perception,
including sights, sounds, tastes, tex-
tures, aromas, and mental images. The
term has negative connotations sug-
gesting contamination or defilement,
since tradition maintains that sensory
perceptions may stimulate desires.
Desires lead to attachment and ulti-
mately result in suffering. See dust.
Steward of purity, the sanitation stew-
ard at a Zen monastery, responsible for
keeping the latrines clean. In a Zen
monastery, cleaning the toilets was not
traditionally relegated to lay attendants
or junior monks. Senior monks were
expected to hold the position. See also
lay believer.
The Japanese pronunciation for Ho-tse
Shen-hui (670762), an early Chinese
Zen monk. See Ho-tse Shen-hui.
Jinshi Eison
(11951272) Japanese Buddhist monk
of the Kamakura period (11851333).
Eison was born in Echigo, present day
Fukuoka Prefecture. He became a
Buddhist monk at age seven, studying
the Tendai tradition. He was first intro-
duced to Zen by Shakuen Eich
(d.1247) at Chraku-ji, a Tendai temple
where a combined form of esoteric and
Zen Buddhismwere practiced. In 1235,
he journeyed to China where he studied
an exclusive form of Rinzai Zen. He
returned to Japan in 1238. In 1240, he
became founding abbot at Manjuji in
Echizen. See also Tendai sect.
The Japanese pronunciation for Shen-
hsiu (606?706), an early Chinese Zen
monk. See Shen-hsiu.
Phenomena and noumena, or relative
and absolute. The Japanese term, based
on the Chinese term shih-li, is used in
technical philosophical discussions on
the nature of reality. The character ji
typically refers to things experienced in
the phenomenal world, while ri refers to
an underlying principle or reality. In a
Buddhist context, ri is most often asso-
ciated with the concept of emptiness.
Self Power, the Japanese term for
seeking enlightenment through ones
own merit and religious practice. See
Self Power.
Ji Sect
Time sect, a sect of Japanese Pure
Land Buddhism founded by the monk
Ippen (12391289) during the
Kamakura period (11851333). The
name is said to signify that members
chant the nembutsu at all times of the
day and night. In the early generations
of its history, all members of the Ji sect
followed Ippens example and were
expected to practice yugy, or constant
travel to spread the teachings, and
fusan, the distribution of nembutsu
tablets. Later, the sect allowed for lay
believers who did not leave the home to
devote their lives to religious practice.
Attendants to the abbot; younger
monks who serve the abbot as personal
assistants. In medieval monasteries, the
jisha were selected from among the
more talented or promising young
monks. The position was coveted
because it provided important
training in the workings of monastic
life. Serving as a jisha prepared a young
monk to later assume high-ranking
monastic offices.
The abbot typically had five atten-
dants, who served in a variety of roles.
They assisted in serving tea, cared for
the abbots incense box, served as
acolytes at ritual functions, received the
abbots guests, handled the abbots per-
sonal correspondence, kept the abbots
personal financial accounts, and pro-
vided medical attention and herbal
treatments. The jisha were often
assisted in their duties by anja, lay
attendants who did most of the strenu-
ous physical labor. See also lay believer.
Self Nature or Original Nature, a
Japanese Zen expression used to indi-
cate the Buddha Nature, which is
inherent in all sentient beings.
Realization of ones original nature,
freed from the veil of delusion, is
enlightenment. In Zen contexts, jish is
used synonymously with the terms
Honsh (Original Nature), Bussh
(Buddha Nature), and Nyoraiz
(Tathagata Garbha). In most Buddhist
contexts, however, the term jish is
used quite differently. In Mahayana
texts it was first used as the Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit concept of
svabhava, a permanent, unchanging
self. According to the Buddhist teaching
of emptiness, all things are devoid of
self-nature in this sense of the word.
Jish Butsu
Ones self nature is itself Buddha. This
is a Japanese Zen expression for origi-
nal enlightenment, the affirmation that
ordinary individuals possess the
Buddha Nature. If one is freed from all
delusions, one will see ones true nature
and attain enlightenment.
Jish Kai
Precepts of the self nature, a
Mahayana expression in Japanese indi-
cating that observance of the bod-
hisattva precepts is a natural expression
of ones inherent Buddha Nature.
Since ones true nature is Buddha
Nature, the Buddhist precepts are not
an external moral code. Used as a syn-
onym for Honshkai.
Jish Shj
Self nature, originally pure and free
from delusion. The Japanese term may
be used as a synonym for Nyoraiz
(Tathagata Garbha) and Shinshin
(True Mind).
Jissatsu Temples
Ten Distinguished Temples, a designa-
tion for a lower ranking within the Gozan
system of Chinese and Japanese Zen
monasteries. In the original Chinese sys-
tem, the Ten Temples referred to a group
of ten Zen monasteries, which ranked
below the prestigious Five Mountains.
Along with the Five Mountains, the Ten
Temples received some government
patronage. In Japan, the number of
Jissatsu temples was not strictly limited
to ten. As the second tier in the Gozan
system, the Jissatsu designation was at
one time limited to ten monasteries in
Kyoto and ten monasteries in Kamakura,
which were regarded as less prestigious
than the Gozan monasteries. The cate-
gory gradually extended to include a
number of temples in Kyoto and
Kamakura as well as numerous impor-
tant provincial monasteries throughout
the country. See also Gozan system.
Earth womb, the Japanese name for
the cosmic bodhisattva known as
Kshitigarbha in Sanskrit. In China, he is
known as Ti-tsang. The name may
derive from the popular belief that the
historical Buddha invoked
Kshitigarbhas name to bear witness
that he had overcome Maras tempta-
tion. In images of that episode, the
Buddha is depicted pointing to
the earth. Although Kshitigarbha was
never a popular figure in Indian and
Central Asian Buddhism, he became
Jiz is an especially popular bodhisattva in Japan; his image often appears
at temples and roadside shrines.
progressively more popular in East
Asia. Devotion to Jiz is strongest in
Japan, where his image is commonly
found at roadside shrines in the coun-
tryside, at city street corners, and at
many temples.
As a part of his bodhisattva vows,
Jiz swore to remain in the realm of
samsara throughout the difficult period
between the death of Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) Buddha,
and the birth of the future buddha
Maitreya. He is said to travel freely
among the six paths (rokud) into
which sentient beings are born, offer-
ing assistance to anyone in need. In
particular, Jiz willingly journeys down
to the realm of hell, where he relieves
the suffering of hell dwellers and
hungry ghosts. Jiz is understood to be
a guide for individuals making the
transition from one birth to the next,
especially for children. Because of this,
Jiz has strong associations with
children: women pray to him when they
wish to get pregnant or are hoping
for an easy childbirth, and bereaved
parents request Jizs help in guiding
a deceased child through the afterlife.
In modern day Japan, Jiz is a promi-
nent cult image for women who have
had abortions.
In Japanese Buddhist iconography,
Jiz is depicted as a young monk with
shaven head and monastic robes. In
many cases, he is surrounded by small
children, regarded as his special
charges. He carries a staff (shakuj)
with six rings in his right hand and a
mani jewel in his left. The six rings rep-
resent the six paths of samsaric exis-
tence. Grouping six Jiz images
together (roku jiz) is another popular
device for illustrating the same concept.
de Visser, Marinus Willem. The
Bodhisattva Ti-Tsang in China and
Japan. Ostasiatische Zeitschift 2
La Fleur, William R. The Karma of Words:
Buddhism and the Literary Arts in
Medieval Japan. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1983.
. Liquid Life: Abortion and
Buddhism in Japan. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992.
An important Rinzai monastery in
Kamakura, Japan. Jchi-ji was founded
by the Chinese master Ta-hsiu Cheng-
nien (12591289) in 1283. It was later
designated as one of the Gozan monas-
teries in Japan. See also Gozan system
and Rinzai sect.
To go up to the hall, which usually
refers to a Zen abbot entering the lec-
ture hall and going up to the lecture
platform to give a formal sermon to the
assembly. Alternatively, it may refer to
monks and nuns entering the medita-
tion hall or monks hall (sd) for a
meal. In some cases the term may also
refer to the upper (or eastern) portion of
the monks hall.
(2) Pure Land, the Japanese term for the
Mahayana Buddhist concept of a celes-
tial world or paradise created by a
buddha. In most cases, jdo refers
specifically to the Western Pure Land of
Amida buddha. See Pure Land.
The East Asian Buddhist festival cele-
brating the Buddhas enlightenment
under the bodhi tree. The holiday is
more commonly known as Rhatsu-e or
simply Rhatsu. It was traditionally
observed on the eighth day of the
twelfth lunar month, but is now
celebrated on December 8th in Japan.
See Rhatsu.
Jdo no Sanbuky
The three Pure Land Sutras, which
form the scriptural basis for the Pure
Land teachings. In Japanese, the three
titles are Daimuryjuky (Larger Pure
Land Sutra), Amidaky (Amida Sutra,
Jdo no Sanbuky
Jdo Shinsh
also known as the Smaller Pure Land
Sutra), and Kammuryjuky (Medita-
tion Sutra).
Jdo Shinsh
True Pure Land sect of Japanese
Buddhism, founded by the monk
Shinran (11731262) during the
Kamakura period (11851333). See True
Pure Land sect.
The Pure Land sect of Japanese
Buddhism, founded by the monk
Hnen (11331212) during the
Kamakura period (11851333). See Pure
Land sect.
The term literally means permanence,
something that remains without
change. In a Zen monastery, it refers to
the public property of the community,
those things available for common use
as opposed to the private belongings of
the monks or nuns. In this sense, it
refers to buildings, grounds, utensils,
and food supplies. By extension, the
term may also be used as a reference to
the administrative office of the
monastery. The temple administration
bears responsibility for the business of
running the monastery, including food
preparation, the upkeep of the public
property, seeing to visitors, etc.
An important Rinzai monastery in
Kamakura, Japan. Jmy-ji was origi-
nally founded as a Shingon temple in
1188, by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshikane
(11471196). It was later converted to a
Zen temple by his son Yoshiuji
(11891254). Taik Gyy (11631241),
a Dharma heir of Eisai (11411215), is
officially listed as the founding abbot.
The monastery was later designated as
one of the Gozan monasteries in Japan.
See also Gozan system, Rinzai sect, and
Shingon sect.
Jsh Jshin
The Japanese name for Chao-chou
Tsung-shen (778897), one of the
outstanding Zen masters of the
Tang dynasty (618907). See Chao-
chou Tsung-shen.
High seat, a term for the highest
ranking monastic officer in a Zen
temple after the abbot. The term
refers to the Jzas position beside the
abbot on the meditation platform. It is
more commonly referred to as the
shuso. See shuso.
The ten evil acts. They are: 1) killing a
living being (sessh); 2) stealing
(cht); 3) sexual misconduct (jain);
4) lying (mgo); 5) slander (akku), 6)
using language that causes dissention
among others (ryzetsu), 7) idle talk
(kigo), 8) greed (tonyoku), 9) giving way
to anger (shinni), and 10) holding
wrong views (jaken). The jaku are the
opposites of jzen, the ten good acts.
See ten evil acts.
(11631228; J. Nyoj) Chinese St
master of the Sung dynasty (9601279)
best known as the Dharma master of
Dgen Kigen (12001253), the founder
of Japanese St. He is also known as
Tien-tung Ju-ching (J. Tend Nyoj)
after Mount Tien-tung where he
was the abbot at Ching-te-ssu. He was
the Dharma heir of Tsu-an Chih-chien.
Ju-ching stressed the importance of
seated meditation and the strict obser-
vance of proper monastic behavior. See
also St sect.
Jdai Deshi
The ten great disciples of Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). Among
the immediate disciples of the Buddha,
the tradition has singled out ten as out-
standing in some respect. Their names,
in Japanese, are: 1) Anan (Sk. Ananda),
known for hearing and recalling the ser-
mons of the Buddha; 2) Anaritsu (Sk.
Anuruddha), known for his divine
insight; 3) Kasennen (Sk. Katyayana),
known for analyzing the teachings; 4)
Makakash (Sk. Mahakashyapa),
known for his dedication to ascetic
practice; 5) Mokuren (Sk. Maudgal-
yyana), known for his psychic powers;
6) Furuna (Sk. Purna), known for his
eloquence and skill in debate; 7) Ragora
(Sk. Rahula), known for his dedication
to training young novices; 8) Sharihotsu
(Sk. Shariputra), known for his deep
wisdom; 9) Shubodai (Sk. Subhuti),
known for his deep understanding of
the teaching of emptiness; and 10)
Ubari (Sk. Upali), known for his strict
observance of the precepts.
The Zen school reveres Makakash
and Anan as the first and second of the
twenty-eight Indian Patriarchs of Zen.
To enter the temple, an expression for
the formal installation of a new abbot at
a Zen temple or monastery. It is alterna-
tively pronounced nyin. The cere-
mony was generally witnessed by hon-
ored guests, usually high-ranking
monks from other monasteries as well
as government officials. The most
senior visitor officiated as byakutsui,
calling the assembly to order at each
stage of the ceremony. According to rit-
ual protocol, the new abbot would enter
through the main gate, offer incense,
and say a few words to the gathered
assembly. He would then proceed to the
Buddha hall where he would offer
incense and prayers, followed by a short
sermon. The abbot would visit various
other halls within the monastery, and
then formally register at the monks hall
(sd). Since all newly arrived monks
and nuns register in a similar manner at
the monks hall, the term juen some-
times is used for the entry of a new res-
ident, especially a novice, to a Zen
monastery. Only after registering did
the new abbot take possession of the
abbots quarters. See shinsanshiki.
An important Rinzai monastery in
Kamakura, Japan, and the first Zen
monastery in that city. Jufuku-ji was
founded by Eisai (11411215) in 1200.
Hj Masako (11571225), the widow of
the founding shgun of the Kamakura
period (11851333), Minamoto
Yoritomo, had the monastery built in
the memory of her deceased husband.
It was later designated as one of the
Gozan monasteries in Japan. See also
Gozan system and Rinzai sect.
The ten epithets or honorific titles of the
Buddha. In Japanese they are: 1) Nyorai,
(Tathagata or Thus Come One), 2) Ogu
(arhat, or a holy one worthy of venera-
tion), 3) Shhenchi (Fully enlightened
one), 4) Mygysoku (Possessor of
Wisdom and Practice), 5) Zenzei (Well
Gone One), 6) Sekenge (Knower of the
World), 7) Mujshi (Unsurpassed), 8)
Jgojbu (Trainer of Human Beings), 9)
Tenninshi (Teacher of gods and human
beings), and 10) Butsu seson (the Buddha,
the World-Honored One).
Ten oxherding pictures, a series of
ten drawings of an ox and an oxherder,
which describe the process of Zen prac-
tice and enlightenment. The oxherder
represents the Zen practitioner seeking
enlightenment while the ox represents
the true self. The original pictures are
attributed to the twelfth-century
Chinese Zen monk Kuo-an Shih-yuan
(J. Kakuan Shion; d. 1234). The ten pic-
tures are known in Japanese as: 1)
jingy (seeking the ox); 2) kenshaku
(finding its footprints); 3) kengy (see-
ing the ox); 4) tokugy (catching the ox);
5) bokugy (herding the ox); 6) kigy
kike (riding the ox home); 7) bgy zon-
nin (forgetting the ox, but not the self );
8) ningy kub (forgetting both ox and
self ); 9) henpon gengen (returning to
the source); and 10) nitten suishu
(entering the marketplace to bestow
blessings on others).
One who dwells in the world and
maintains the Dharma, the Japanese
term for an abbot or chief monk at
a monastery or temple. It is said that
the abbot teaches the Dharma in place
of the Buddha and the patriarchs
of Zen and thus makes their compas-
sion manifest.
At a training monastery or large
temple, the abbot serves as the chief
administrative officer for the entire
community. At a smaller temple, the
jji may be the only monk in resi-
dence. In such cases, it is more appro-
priate to call him the chief monk. The
abbot is responsible for the smooth
functioning of both the administrative
side of the monastery and the medita-
tion and training side, the so-called
eastern (than) and western (seihan)
ranks. For this reason, he oversees the
work done by the other high-ranking
officers of the monastery. In addition,
the abbot is the primary teacher of the
Dharma for the monastic community.
He holds the great assemblies
(daisan) several times each month to
instruct the community on the
(2) Ten stages of a bodhisattva. Also
pronounced jucchi. In Japanese, the
ten stages are: 1) kangiji (the stage of
joy in benefiting oneself and others), 2)
rikuji (the stage of freedom from all
defilement), 3) hakkji (the stage of
emitting the light of wisdom), 4) enneji
(the stage of radiating wisdom), 5)
nanshji (the stage at which one is dif-
ficult to conquer), 6) genzenji (the
stage at which reality is manifested
before ones eyes), 7) ongyji (the stage
of going far), 8) fudji (the stage of
being immovable), 9) zenneji (the
stage of attaining expedient wisdom),
and 10) hunji (the stage when one can
spread the Dharma like a cloud). See
ten stages of a bodhisattva.
The ten heavy precepts. The primary
precepts of the bodhisattva path,
derived from the Bonmky (Brahma
Net Sutra). The ten include prohibitions
against: 1) killing, 2) stealing, 3) sexual
misconduct, 4) lying, 5) using intoxi-
cants, 6) finding fault in others, 7)
boasting about oneself, 8) envy, 9) anger
and ill will, and 10) slandering the three
treasures. A secondary set of forty-
eight light precepts (shijhachikykai)
fill out the full bodhisattva precepts
which guide the practice of Mahayana
Buddhists. See ten heavy precepts.
To receive the precepts. In most
cases, this expression indicates ordina-
tion as a Buddhist monk or nun, since
monks and nuns accept the monastic
code at their ordination ceremony. In
Theravada Buddhism and many parts
of the Mahayana tradition, novices first
receive the ten precepts of a novice
before accepting the full compliment of
250 precepts for monks and 500 pre-
cepts for nuns. In Japan, many Buddhist
sects, including Zen, use an alternative
set of precepts known as the bod-
hisattva precepts.
A related Japanese term with the
same pronunciation but written with
different Chinese characters means to
bestow the precepts. This refers to a
Buddhist monk or nun granting some
form of the Buddhist precepts on lay
believers, novices, or monks and nuns.
Ceremony for receiving the precepts. In
most cases, this refers to a Buddhist
ordination ceremony for monks or
nuns in which they accept the monastic
precepts as a part of joining the monas-
tic community. In some contexts, the
term may refer to ceremonies designed
for all Buddhist practitioners, lay
people and monastics, at which they
receive the bodhisattva precepts and
renew their commitment to Buddhism.
See also lay believer.
The sixteen article precepts that form
the basis for St ordinations. The
sixteen precepts, sometimes called the
bodhisattva precepts, include the
three refuges (sankikai), the three pure
precepts (sanshujkai), and the ten
heavy precepts (jjkinkai). These six-
teen precepts are understood to
encompass the entire moral code of
Mahayana Buddhism. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) spelled out the sixteen pre-
cepts and the manner of ordination in a
chapter in the Shbgenz entitled
Jukai (Receiving the Precepts). See
also St sect.
Ykoi, Yh, and Daizen Victoria. Zen
Master Dgen: An Introduction with
Selected Writings. New York:
Weatherhill, 1976.
The ten good acts. They are: 1) not
killing living beings (fusessh); 2) not
stealing (fucht); 3) abstaining from
sexual misconduct (fujain); 4) not lying
(fumgo); 5) not committing slander
(fuakku), 6) not using language that
causes dissention among others
(furyzetsu), 7) not engaging in idle talk
(fukigo), 8) not acting out of greed
(futonyoku), 9) not giving way to
anger (fushinni), and 10) not holding
wrong views (fujaken). They are the
opposites of jaku, the ten evil acts. See
ten good acts.
Buddhist monks or nuns are ordained during the Jukai ceremony.
Japanese transliteration of the Sanskrit
term gth, a form of religious verse.
See gth.
The way of flowers, a traditional
Japanese art form, closely associated
with the tea ceremony (chanoy). Kad
is popularly known as ikebana, or
flower arranging. Although flower
arranging predates the introduction of
Zen Buddhism to Japan, it is now indi-
rectly associated with the Zen tradition.
The Zen expression for laying out ones
bed and retiring for the night. At the
sound of the kaichin bell, resident
monks or nuns take down their
bedding, which is stored in the monks
hall, or (sd). Traditionally, Zen monks
and nuns use only one futon, or
mattress pad, and no pillow. Since
they are allowed no other blankets,
they roll themselves into the single
futon on cold nights.
Ordination platform; a platform on
which one receives the Buddhist precepts
as a part of the ordination ceremony. The
tradition of designating special sites
for ordination ceremonies is said to
date to the time of the historical Buddha.
In the ancient tradition, the community
would mark out a special area known
as a sima for ordination rituals. In East
Asia, it became customary to construct
platforms with three steps for this pur-
pose. The first ordination platform was
constructed in China at Lo-yang in the
middle of the third century. The first
kaidan in Japan was constructed at
Tdai-ji in Nara under the direction of
the Chinese Vinaya master Chien-chen
(688763; J. Ganjin). Initially, all
Buddhist monks and nuns in Japan
received their full ordination at a few
officially sanctioned ordination plat-
forms under the supervision of masters
from the Ritsu school. The Japanese
monk Saich (767822), founder of the
Tendai sect of Buddhism, later altered
this pattern. He received permission to
construct a Mahayana kaidan on Mount
Hiei specifically for Tendai ordinations.
Unlike ordinations held at the Ritsu
kaidan, Tendai monks were ordained
using a set of Mahayana precepts known
as the bodhisattva precepts. After that
time, it became common practice for
each sect of Japanese Buddhism to
maintain its own ordination platforms.
Matsunaga, Daigan, and Alicia
Matsunaga. Foundation of Japanese
Buddhism. 2 vols. Los Angeles, CA:
Buddhist Books International, 1976.
Kaidan Seki
A stone tablet posted outside the gates of
both the Zen and Ritsu monasteries,
which announces that meat, fish, and
alcohol are forbidden within temple
grounds. Although the sign only specifies a
few items forbidden by the monastic code,
it is intended to indicate that the monastic
community maintains all of the precepts
received by its members at ordination.
Opening the eyes. The root meaning of
the term is the experience of enlighten-
ment, when one sees through the delu-
sions of ordinary thinking and opens the
Buddha eye to see things as they really
are. The term also denotes the consecra-
tion ritual used for enshrining a new
Buddhist image, usually that of a buddha
or bodhisattva. At the consecration cere-
mony, the eyes of the image are symboli-
cally opened in some manner. In some



















cases, the image may be fully draped or
the face covered until an appropriate
point in the ritual when the image is
uncovered. In the Zen sect, the eyes may
be opened by the officiant drawing a cir-
cle (J. ensu) in black ink.
According to traditional accounts
within the Obaku Zen sect, a kaigen cere-
mony was held at Mampuku-ji in 1663 to
enshrine a set of sixteen life-size statues
of arhats. The masters Mu-an Hsing-tao
(16111684; J. Mokuan Sht) and Chi-fei
Ju-i (16161671; J. Sokuhi Nyoitsu) offici-
ated, each consecrating eight of the
images. Mu-an is said to have proceeded
down the row, politely offering incense,
bowing, and reciting the appropriate
Dharma words before each statue. Chi-fei
neither bowed nor offered incense. He
walked up to each arhat in turn, struck
the image squarely between the eyes and
said, This monks eyes are already open.
See also Obaku sect.
An announcement of the time of day. At
Japanese Rinzai monasteries, the time of
day is announced three times daily, at day-
break, dusk, and bedtime. This is done by
sounding a han hanging outside the
monks hall (sd). See also Rinzai sect.
To open a foundation; a term for the
founding patron of a Buddhist temple or
monastery or the founding of a temple by
a patron. In most cases, founding patrons
were lay Buddhists who donated money
to construct a new temple in order to
build merit. Buddhism teaches that lay
believers accrue merit from such good
deeds, especially donations made to a
monastic community. Lay believers built
temples, thus providing shelter to monks
and nuns, for a variety of spiritual and
practical benefits. They could hope to
ensure a better rebirth in the next life for
themselves or for deceased family mem-
bers. In some cases, patrons built temples
in order to promote physical health, to
ensure themselves and their family a
longer life, or to maintain peace within
the country. Emperors, military rulers,
and wealthy government officials often
provided patronage for the Buddhist
monastic order by founding temples.
A special Buddhist name conferred on
an individual at the time of ordination
as a monk or nun. The term literally
means precept name, since monks
and nuns receive the name when they
accept the precepts at their ordination.
Generally speaking, the name is chosen
by the ordinands teacher, known as the
precept master. The name may indicate
the lineage of the new monk or nun and
may suggest an aspect of the persons
character. In the Zen sect, a master may
confer a new kaimy on a previously
ordained individual when first accept-
ing the individual as a disciple.
In Japanese Buddhist practice, the
term is also used for the special Buddhist
name that most lay people receive after
death. For this reason, kaimy is often
referred to as the posthumous name. The
kaimy is usually conferred on the
deceased at the first seventh day service
(shonan), held seven days after death. At
that service, the presiding monk confers
the precepts on the deceased, symboli-
cally ordaining the person as a monk or
nun. The name indicates the gender of
the individual and may indicate social
standing in the community.
Whether referring to a name received
posthumously or at ordination, the
related term hmy, or Dharma name,
may also be used. Hmy is used more
commonly in the Obaku sect than in St
or Rinzai. See also lay believer, Rinzai
sect, and St sect.
To open a mountain, a term for the
founding abbot of a temple or monastery.
All Zen temples have a mountain name,
regardless of where they actually are built.
The practice of mountain names harkens
back to the tradition of Zen masters build-
ing meditation huts in the mountains,
removed from the distractions of towns
and cities. Disciples wishing instruction
would seek out a noted master even in a
remote area, and in this way, masters built
up a meditative community based on
their reputation; construction of a temple
complex followed later. The early found-
ing abbots were therefore said to open the
mountain. The term now applies to any
founding abbot. The term is also used in
reference to the founder of a Buddhist
sect or a Zen lineage.
In many cases, the kaisan may not
have initiated construction of the new
temple. A founding patron (kaiki) may
appoint or invite a particular monk or
nun to serve as the first abbot after the
building project is complete. It is not
uncommon for a monk or nun to name
their own Zen master as the founding
abbot, sometimes posthumously, as a
sign of appreciation and respect.
The fortieth case of the Mumonkan
recounts how master Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814) selected the kaisan of a new
monastery. The master challenged his dis-
ciples to respond (agyo) to his question,
with the understanding that the winner
would become the founder. [Pai-chang]
took a water jug and put it on the ground.
He asked, You must not call this a water
jug. So, what will you call it? The chief seat
(shuso) answered, You cant say its a
wooden post. Then Pai-chang asked
Kuei-shan Ling-yu (771853). Kuei-shan
knocked the water jug over and left. Pai-
chang laughed and said, The chief seat
loses to Kuei-shan! Thereupon, Pai-chang
made Kuei-shan the founding abbot.
Japanese for founders hall, a monastery
building dedicated to the temples
founding abbot. See founders hall.
Kaisan Shid Bunan Anju
Zenji Anroku
The Biography of the Founder, the
Hermitage-dwelling Zen Master Shid
Bunan, composed by Trei Enji (1721
1792). The brief text provides a basic bio-
graphical sketch of Shid Bunan
(16031676), a Rinzai master from the
lineage of Kanzan Egen who was the
teacher of Dky Etan (16421721), the
master of Hakuin Ekaku(16851768). See
also Rinzai sect.
To open the bath. At traditional Zen
monasteries, the bath house was prepared
and a hot bath provided for the resident
monks or nuns only on specially desig-
nated days. According to the Chokush
Shingi, the bath was prepared every five
days during the winter retreat and daily
during the summer retreat. At St
monasteries, bath days were generally
observed on days with the numerals 4 or 9,
the shikunichi. According to Zen monas-
tic codes, the bath house is one of three
areas within temple grounds where
silence is observed. See also St sect.
Kaji Ichige
To give a forceful shout, an expression
used in reference to the moment of
attaining satori (enlightenment). Zen
masters often use a loud shout, called
katsu! in Japanese, as a teaching
device. Shouting serves to shock a stu-
dent caught up in ordinary thinking
into an experience of enlightenment. At
the moment of breakthrough, the stu-
dent may also give a great shout.
Kako Shichibutsu
Japanese for the seven buddhas of the
past, whose biographies appear at the
beginning of the Transmission of the
Lamp (Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other tradi-
tional accounts of the history of Zen
Buddhismthrough the ages. The names
of the seven in Japanese are Bibashi Butsu
(Sk. Vipashyin buddha), Shiki Butsu (Sk.
Shikhin buddha), Bishabu Butsu
(Sk. Vishvabhu buddha), Kuruson Butsu
(Sk. Krakucchanda buddha), Kuna-
gonmuni Butsu (Sk. Kanakamuni
buddha), Kash Butsu (Sk. Kashyapa
buddha), and Shakamuni Butsu (Sk.
Shakyamuni Buddha or Siddharta
Gautama). See seven buddhas of the past.
(b. 1142) Japanese Buddhist monk who
traveled to Sung China and became a
Rinzai master there. Kakua was origi-
nally a Tendai monk who studied on
Mount Hiei before he became inter-
ested in Zen. He went to China in 1171
and practiced under the Rinzai master
Hui-yan (11031176), better known as
Fo-hai Chan-shih, of the Yang-chi lin-
eage. He received the masters Dharma
seal (inka) in 1175 and returned to
Japan to propagate Zen. Kakua was
among the first to attempt to spread
Zen teachings in Japan, but he was
largely unsuccessful. It is said that when
Emperor Takakura (r. 11611181)
invited him to court to speak about Zen,
Kakua responded by playing a single
note on his flute. The emperor and
his entourage were not convinced,
and Kakua eventually retired to a
small hermitage on Mount Hiei, where
he practiced Zen until his death. See
also Rinzai sect, Tendai sect, and Yang-
chi school.
Kakuan Shion
(d. ca. 1234) A Japanese monk from the
Daruma sect, an early Japanese school
of Zen. Kakuan Shion was a disciple of
the sects founder, Dainichi Nnin; he
continued to train disciples at Samb-ji
after Nnins death. He moved the sects
headquarters and set up a monastery at
Tnomine, in the Nara area, to avoid
harassment from Tendai monks from
Mount Hiei. After Kakuans death his
disciple Ekan (d. 1251) led the group
until they joined Dgen Kigens
(12001253) community at Eihei-ji.
Kakuans former disciples, Ej
(11981280) and Ekan, became leading
disciples of Dgen.
(12071298) Shinchi Kakushin or
Muhon Kakushin was a Japanese
Buddhist monk of the Kamakura period
(11851333), regarded as the founder of
the Fuke sect. Kakushin was born in
what is now Nagano Prefecture; at age
Moss garden of Saih-ji (later renamed Kkoku-ji), founded by Kakushin in Wakayama, Japan.
fourteen, he entered Buddhist orders in
the Shingon tradition of esoteric
Buddhism. Later he went to study at
Mount Kya. He studied Zen in Japan
under such masters as Taik Gyy
(11631241), Shakuen Eich (d. 1247),
and Dgen Kigen (12001253), before
traveling to China in 1249. In China, he
received Dharma transmission from
Wu-men Hui-kai (11831260), com-
piler of the Mumonkan. Kakushin
introduced that important kan collec-
tion to Japan when he returned in 1254.
After coming home, he founded Saih-ji
(later renamed Kkoku-ji) in
Wakayama, where he remained for the
rest of his life. He resisted all attempts
by retired, Buddhist-minded emperors
to draw him into the Zen community in
Kyoto or Kamakura, preferring a life of
solitude. His lineage was known as the
Hott-ha. See also Shingon sect.
(J. k) A world age or a world cycle; a
traditional measure of time used in var-
ious Indian religions. It indicates an
incalculably long period, lasting several
thousand eons. In some parts of the
Hindu tradition, for example, a kalpa is
understood to be a single day for the
god Brahma, lasting 4,320 million earth
years. The Buddhist tradition
metaphorically defines the duration of
a kalpa as the time required to empty a
ten-mile-square city filled with poppy
seeds, if one removes one seed every
three years. Alternatively, a kalpa is the
time required for a heavenly woman to
wear away a ten-cubic-mile rock by
rubbing it with her robe once every
three years.
A Shint spirit or deity. Shint, the
indigenous religious tradition in Japan,
recognizes the existence of a wide vari-
ety of spiritual beings which are known
as kami, including supernatural deities
described in mythological terms like
stories of the gods from other cultures.
The concept of kami is not limited,
however, to beings understood as gods
in the usual Western sense of the word.
Some kami represent forces in nature,
such as the sun, the moon, wind and
storms, etc. The most important deity of
this kind is Amaterasu, the Sun
Goddess. Amaterasu is revered as the
highest kami in the heavens and is
regarded as an ancestor of the imperial
family. Other kami are legendary heroes
or prominent historical figures who
became kami after death. Even living
human beings may be regarded as kami
under certain extraordinary circum-
stances. In addition, there are many
places identified as kami, including
mountains, waterfalls, extraordinary
rock formations, and the like. The con-
cept of kami encompasses the under-
standing that nature is a sacred force.
According to the classical definition
written by Motoori Norinaga, the lead-
ing Shinto scholar of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, a kami may be
anything extraordinary, mysterious, or
Kana Hgo
Dharma lectures composed in Japanese
rather than classical Chinese. Kana
hgo represents a genre of Japanese
Buddhist literature designed to make its
teachings accessible to a broader audi-
ence. Traditionally, Buddhist monks
wrote about Buddhism in classical
Chinese, the literary language used by
the elite educated classes for all schol-
arly writing. Kana refers to two Japanese
phonetic syllabaries (hiragana and
katakana) of approximately fifty charac-
ters each, which allow the spoken lan-
guage to be rendered in written form.
Hgo literally means words on the
Dharma and refers to a lesson or ser-
mon about the Buddhist teachings.
Kanakamuni Buddha
(J. Kunagonmuni) One of the seven
Buddhas of the past whose biographies
appear at the beginning of the
Transmission of the Lamp (Ch. Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu; J. Keitoku Dentroku)
and other traditional accounts of the
history of Zen Buddhism through the
ages. Kanakamuni is the fifth on the list
and is identified as the second buddha
of the present eon.
Brief conversations between a Zen mas-
ter and a disciple in which the master
tests the disciples understanding of the
Dharma. The Sayings of Lin-chi
includes a selection of kanben, for
example. Kanben is the Japanese ren-
dering of the Chinese term kan-pien.
Bathing the Buddha; the ritual of
sprinkling perfumed water or sweet-
ened tea over an image of the Buddha.
The rituals is also known as Yokubutsu.
Throughout the Buddhist world, believ-
ers bathe images of the infant
Siddharta Gautama as part of the
observance of his birthday. In East Asia,
Buddhists traditionally commemorate
the Buddhas birthday on the eighth
day of the fourth lunar month. The
practice of kanbutsu recalls the descrip-
tion of the Buddhas birth in traditional
biographies, which depict gods and
other heavenly beings celebrating the
birth of the child by bathing him in per-
fumed water and showering him with
flower blossoms.
The practice of bathing images of
the Buddha to celebrate his birth origi-
nated in India. It became a popular cus-
tom in China by the seventh and eighth
centuries, when it was transmitted to
Japan. Prince Shtoku Taishi (574622)
held the first kanbutsu ritual in Japan to
celebrate the Buddhas birthday in 606.
See also Hana Matsuri.
Kamens, Edward, trans. The Three Jewels:
A Study and Translation of Minamoto
Tamenoris Sanboe. Ann Arbor, MI:
Center for Japanese Studies,
University of Michigan, 1988.
The head abbot responsible for the
administration of an entire sect of
Japanese Buddhism. The position was
created by the Japanese government
during the modern period (1868pre-
sent), as a part of the Meiji govern-
ments program of regulations to facili-
tate its control of Buddhism. Beginning
in 1872, government regulations
required a reorganization and simplifi-
cation of the Buddhist monastic world
into seven sects, Tendai, Shingon, Jdo,
Zen, Shin, Nichiren, and Ji. At the head
of each sect was the kanch, responsi-
ble for the administration of all sub-
sects and answerable to the govern-
ment for the entire sect. Under this ini-
tial restructuring, the Rinzai, St, and
Obaku sects were unified under a single
head abbot. The government later
eased its regulations, allowing sub-sects
to gain independence. Under the
revised regulations, Rinzai, St, and
Obaku were each independent
sects, each with its own head abbot.
Since 1946, under the Religious Juridical
Persons Law, the position of kanch
has been replaced by a board of at
least three officials for any sect that
chooses to register under the law for
tax purposes. Head abbots of the
main monastery for a sect are now
known as the kanshu. The term is
sometimes translated as bishop, or
archbishop. See also Obaku sect, Rinzai
sect, and St sect.
Hori, Ichiro, et. al, eds. Japanese
Religions: A Survey by the Agency for
Cultural Affairs. Tokyo: Kodansha
Internatiuonal, 1972.
One who observes freely, an
alternative Japanese name for the bod-
hisattva Kannon (Sk. Avalokiteshvara).
See Kannon.
Kanki Issoku
To exhale in a single breath; a term for
exhaling and inhaling to regulate ones
Kanki Issoku
breathing at the beginning of seated
meditation. In the Fukan Zazengi,
Dgen Kigen (12001253) uses this
expression to explain the initial process
of regulating ones breathing. After
adjusting ones body in the correct
posture, one opens the mouth slightly
and quietly and fully exhales, expelling
the air from deep in the abdomen
in a single, long breath. One then
closes the mouth and breathes in
through the nose.
Kanna Zen
The Zen of seeing into a kan, the
practice of Zen using kan as a medita-
tion device. The term, pronounced Kan-
hua Chan in Chinese, was originally
coined by the disciples of Hung-chih
Cheng-cheh (10911157) as a deroga-
tory expression for the Zen style of their
rival Ta-hui Tsung-kao (10891163). Ta-
hui was a strong advocate for the use of
kan, regarding kan as an essential
device for attaining enlightenment.
Eventually, the term kanna Zen lost its
negative connotations and is generally
used to denote the Rinzai style of Zen
practice, which relies upon the use of
kan. The opposite style of practice is
known as mokush Zen, or silent illumi-
nation Zen. See also Rinzai sect.
One who observes the sounds, the
Japanese name for Avalokiteshvara, the
bodhisattva of infinite compassion and
mercy. Kannon is among the most pop-
ular Buddhist deities in Japan. She is
revered in all sects of Japanese
Buddhism, including the Zen sects. The
name is understood to mean that
Kannon closely observes the world and
can hear all the cries of suffering com-
ing from sentient beings everywhere.
Kannon will respond to save anyone
who cries out for help using her name.
Kannon can assume any corporeal shape
and can enter any region, including hell,
to rescue a believer. It is also believed
that Kannon will appear at death to
safely escort a believer to Amidas Pure
Land. One of the most popular depic-
tions of Kannon in Japan is the
Thousand-armed Kannon ( J. Senju
Kannon), which has an eye in each of its
many hands to better watch over the
world. Although images of
Avalokiteshvara from India are always
masculine in form, there are many fem-
inine images for Kannon in East Asia. In
Japan, Hidden Christians (J. Kakure
Kirishitan), who were forbidden by law
to openly practice their Catholic faith
for many years, used images of Kannon
to represent the Virgin Mary. She
became known as Maria Kannon. Also
known in Japanese as Kanzeon (one
who observes the sounds of the world)
and Kanjizai (the one who observes
freely). See also Kuan-yin.
Kannon Sutra, the popular Japanese
title for the Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumon-
bon (The Universal Gateway of the
Bodhisattva Perceiver of the Worlds
Sounds), the twenty-fifth chapter of
the Lotus Sutra. It is alternatively
abbreviated as the Fumon-bon. The
most common version of the sutra used
in East Asia is the translation by
Kumarajiva. The text has circulated
independently and is sometimes
regarded as a separate sutra. It is often
recited at Zen rituals involving lay prac-
titioners. See also Avalokiteshvara
Sutra and Kuan-yin Ching.
Poetry composed in Chinese, especially
that written by Japanese authors. In
Japan, kanshi is contrasted with Waka,
poetry composed in Japanese.
A dried outhouse stick. See shiketsu.
A small hanging bell used in Zen
monasteries to announce the opportu-
nity for private instruction with the
master (dokusan). The bell is sounded
Kanna Zen
Kannon is among the most popular of the Buddhist dieties.
by striking it with a wooden mallet. The
kansh sits outside the masters quar-
ters, and an assistant sounds the bell at
the beginning of the instruction period.
Students seeking instruction gather to
await their turn. One by one, after the
master signals for the next person to
enter, students ring the bell twice to
announce their entrance.
The supervisor, one of the six stewards
at a Zen monastery who assist the
abbot in the administrative responsibil-
ities in managing the monastery. Along
with the assistant supervisor (fsu) and
the prior (tssu), the kansu is one of
three financial officers responsible for
the economic management of temple
resources. The supervisor and his assis-
tant keep the daily accounts and draw
up the annual budget. The economic
officers replaced the single office of
kanin (or kannin), previously the sole
financial administrator for Zen monas-
teries. See also temple positions.
Japanese rendering of the name Han-
shan, a Chinese Zen poet of the Tang
dynasty (618907). See Han-shan.
Kanzan Egen
(12771369) Japanese Rinzai monk of the
Kamakura period (11851333) who
founded the important monastery
Myshin-ji. He was born in Nakano, in
present day Nagano Prefecture, and
entered Buddhist orders at a young age to
study with his uncle, Gekkoku Sch, a
Dharma heir of Namp Jmy
(12351309). At age twenty, his uncle took
him to Kench-ji in Kamakura, where he
briefly became a disciple of Namp
Jmy. When the master died, Kanzan
returned to his home and practiced on
his own for twenty years. At age fifty, he
traveled to Kyoto to study with Shh
Mych (12821337), the abbot at
Daitoku-ji, and in two years time he
became Shhs Dharma heir. In 1337,
following Shhs recommendation, the
retired Emperor Hanazono (12971348)
invited Kanzan to become founding
abbot at a new temple which would
become Myshin-ji. Kanzan continued
to live a frugal and austere life at
Myshin-ji, accepting only a few disci-
ples, and training them severely. He
acknowledged only one Dharma heir, Ju
Shitsu (12961380). Nevertheless, his
lineage survived and became one of the
most important in Japanese Rinzai.
Kanzan left behind no recorded sayings
or other writings. He received posthu-
mous titles from six emperors, but is best
known as Mus Daishi, the title con-
ferred on him in 1909 by the Emperor
Meiji (18681912). See also Rinzai sect.
Japanese title for the Han-shan
Shih (Poems of Han-shan). See Han-
shan Shih.
(Sk. Avalokiteshvara) One who
observes the sounds of the world,
an alternative Japanese name for the
bodhisattva Kannon See Kannon.
Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumon-bon
The Universal Gateway of the
Bodhisattva Perceiver of the Worlds
Sounds, the twenty-fifth chapter of the
Lotus Sutra. More popularly known in
Japanese as the Kannonky. See
Avalokiteshvara Sutra.
City in present-day Nepal in the
foothills of the Himalayas, which was
the home of Siddharta Gautama.
Kapilavastu was the capital city of the
kingdom of the Shakya clan into which
the future Buddha was born. Siddharta
was born outside the confines of the
city, in a garden called Lumbini, and
was raised in Kapilavastu.
Kare Sansui
Dry mountains and water; dry land-
scape gardens constructed of stone, sand,
and moss, which represent a traditional
form of Japanese art closely associated
with Zen Buddhism. In most cases, raked
sand or pebbles are used to represent
flowing water, larger stones represent
islands and mountains, and moss sug-
gests forests. Dry landscape gardens are a
common feature in Japanese Zen monas-
teries. The most famous examples
include the gardens at Ryan-ji, Daisen-
in, and Saih-ji, all in Kyoto.
(J. g) Actions and the personal conse-
quences that accrue from ones actions.
The basic concept of karma is shared by
the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religious
traditions, with some variations in
interpretation. In the Buddhist teaching
of karma, moral actions of the body,
speech, and mind that are taken inten-
tionally are said to inevitably bear some
fruit for the individual. If an action is
good, its resulting effects will be posi-
tive and pleasant. If an action is evil,
then the consequences will be negative
and painful. Karma thus works as an
impersonal law of cause and effect, in
which good and bad actions produce
their own rewards or punishments. No
deity metes out punishment or reward,
nor does a deity determine the nature of
good and evil. In this context, good and
bad can be understood in terms of the
basic Buddhist precepts against killing,
stealing, sexual misconduct, and so on.
In the Buddhist understanding of
karma, intention is a crucial aspect of
the cause and effect process. Indeed,
even an intention that does not result in
the action itself will, nevertheless, have
some karmic consequences for the indi-
vidual. While the intention to murder
may not produce the same evil karma as
the act of murder, it does entail some
consequences. On the other hand,
although unintentional actions may
cause some inadvertent effects, they do
not produce karmic consequences.
Kare sansui gardens are dry landscapes that include raked sand, stone, and moss.
It is possible that the karmic conse-
quences of ones actions may not come
to fruition in a single lifetime. Although
Buddhism denies the existence of a
permanent spirit or soul, it nevertheless
teaches that karma carries over from
one birth to another. The karmic
residue accumulated in one lifetime
helps to determine the next rebirth. An
individual who has accumulated good
karma, often referred to as merit, will
be reborn in one of the better realms of
existence. A person who has behaved
immorally will fall into one of the three
evil paths and be reborn as a hell
dweller, a hungry ghost, or an animal. It
should be noted that whether the sum
of ones actions is good or bad, karmic
consequences perpetuate the cycle of
samsara. In this sense, even the pro-
duction of good karma is not ideal.
Breaking the cycle is only possible when
one lives without acting out of greed,
anger, and ignorance.
Robinson, Richard H. and William L.
Johnson. The Buddhist Religion: A
Historical Introduction. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996.
King, Winston L. In the Hope of
Nibbana: The Ethics of Theravada
Buddhism. LaSalle, IL: Open Court,
To hang up ones staff, to formally
enter a Zen monastery for practice.
Traditionally, Buddhist monks and
nuns carried a staff (shakuj) with them
when they traveled on pilgrimage.
When they entered a monastery to
spend a few nights or to stay for a sea-
sonal retreat, they would hang up their
staff on a hook above their assigned
place in the monks hall (sd). The
expression is now used primarily for
novices entering a Zen monastery for
training. In certain contexts, however, it
may refer to a Zen monk or nun taking
up the position as abbot or resident
priest at a temple.
Buddhist monastic robe. See kesa.
Hanging a portrait of a deceased abbot
or other prominent Buddhist monk or
nun in the lecture hall during the
funeral services. In addition to the por-
trait, banners are hung around the cof-
fin and the personal possessions of the
deceased, such as the masters whisk,
meditation mat, and razor, are laid out
within the hall. Kashin is one of the nine
ritual acts (kubutsuji) performed when
a prominent Buddhist monk or nun
dies. The term is also pronounced
Keshin. See also kubutsuji.
Japanese transliteration for Kashyapa,
the common abbreviation for
Makakash, or Mahakashyapa. See
Kashyapa Buddha
One of the seven buddhas of the past
whose biographies appear at the begin-
ning of the Transmission of the Lamp
(Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other tradi-
tional accounts of the history of Zen
Buddhism through the ages. Kashyapa
(Mahakashyapa) is sixth on the list and
is identified as the third Buddha of the
present eon.
A postulant; the Japanese term for an
individual who lives and trains in a
monastery without taking any monastic
vows. In the Chinese milieu, kasshiki
could live in the monastery indefinitely,
without ever taking vows. In Japan,
most kasshiki came to the temple with
the intention of eventually seeking
ordination, so the English rendering
postulant is more appropriate for the
Japanese context. In medieval Japan
(11851600), it was not uncommon for
young boys, between the ages of five
and seven, to be sent to a monastery to
begin their religious training.
Ordination was not generally allowed
before age fifteen or older, so the boys
spent several years as postulants. These
youngsters did not shave their heads or
wear monastic robes, so they were a dis-
tinctive presence within the confines of
a monastery. Today, children are not
normally accepted into monasteries in
the same manner. There are, however,
usually determined periods of practice
in the monastery before an individual
qualifies for initial ordination as a
novice, so that adults may reside in a
temple as postulants.
The term literally means to
announce meals. In Chinese temples,
it was originally used in reference to the
lay attendants (anja) responsible for
announcing mealtime and serving the
food in the monks hall (sd).
According to Dgen Kigens
(12001253) description in the Fushuku
Hanb (Rules Governing the Morning
and Noon Meals), the kasshikis
announcement included a careful list-
ing of the items on the days menu. See
also lay believer.
The term literally means to hang up
ones bag and staff and indicates taking
up residence at a Zen monastery for
practice and instruction. When a monk
or nun first requests formal admittance
to a Zen monastery and receives per-
mission to enter, a process that may
take several days, the newcomer is
assigned an appropriate place in the
residence hall. Each assigned space
includes a hook, upon which the new
arrival hangs up both bag and staff. The
term is also pronounced Kat.
Katai Fut Roku
Japanese title for the Chia-tai
Comprehensive Record of the Lamp (Ch.
Chia-tai pu-teng lu). See Chia-tai
pu-teng lu.
Kataku Jinne
The Japanese pronunciation for Ho-tse
Shen-hui (670762), a Chinese Zen
monk. See Ho-tse Shen-hui.
The Japanese name for the Ho-tse
school of early Chinese Zen, founded
by Ho-tse Shen-hui (670762) during
the Tang dynasty (618907). See
Ho-tse school.
A shout characteristically used by Zen
masters, especially in the Rinzai school, to
suggest a state beyond distinctions and
discursive thought. Katsu is the Japanese
pronunciation for the Chinese character
read Ko! The shout was first used as a
teaching device by the Chinese Tang
dynasty master Ma-tsu Tao-i, but is most
often associated with Lin-chi I-hsuan,
founder of the Rinzai school. Zen masters
use a loud shout as a means to shock dis-
ciples into cutting off discursive and ana-
lytical thought. In some cases, the shout is
said to have pushed students into the
enlightenment experience.
In a passage found in the Sayings of
Lin-chi (Rinzai-roku), Lin-chi distin-
guished four types of Katsu in a formula
that came to be known as shikatsu, the
four shouts.
The Master said to a monk, At times
my shout is like the precious sword of
the Diamond King. At times my shout is
like a golden-haired lion crouching on
the ground. At times my shout is like the
search pole and the shadow glass. At
times my shout doesnt work like a
shout at all (Watson, p. 98).
In the first instance, the shout is com-
pared to the sword of wisdom, capable
of cutting through any delusion. The
search pole and the shadow glass refer
to lures used by fishermen to draw fish
to one spot. See also Rinzai sect.
Watson, Burton, trans. The Zen
Teachings of Master Lin-chi: A
Translation of the Lin-chi lu.
Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1993.
Creeping vines or complications, a
Japanese Zen expression generally used
as a derogatory reference for an overly
complex teaching. In the Zen school,
it refers to an attachment to words,
participation in pointless dialogue, or
verbal explanations.
Abbreviated title for the Shmon
Kattsh. See Shmon Kattsh.
Katt Zen
A derogatory expression for any Zen
style which is overly concerned with
words and literary pursuits rather than
seeking a direct understanding of the
Dharma. It is used synonymously with
moji Zen. See moji Zen.
(J. Kasennen) One of the ten outstand-
ing disciples of the Buddha, renowned
for his ability to analyze the Buddhist
teachings and to convey them to oth-
ers. Katyayana was a Brahmin from
Avanti, a region in western India far
from the Buddhas territory. He is said
to have trained under the guidance of
Ashita, the seer who predicted
Siddharta Gautamas greatness at his
birth. Katyayana served as a court
priest for the king in Avanti. When the
king sent him on a mission to visit
Shakyamuni, he became a disciple and
soon attained arhatship (nirvana). The
Buddha then sent Katyayana back to
Avanti to spread the Dharma there. See
also arhat.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
Blood vessel, a term for lineage
charts, especially those within the Zen
school, which illustrate the succession
of the teachings through generations
of masters and disciples. Dharma
transmission is likened to a blood lin-
eage linking the present generation
with all previous generations of mas-
ters going back to the Buddha. The
charts typically delineate all genera-
tions of Zen patriarchs and masters
from the Buddha or Bodhidharma,
through the particular sectarian lin-
eage of a Zen master down to a newly
recognized disciple. These documents
were traditionally presented to disci-
ples either at the time of ordination or
when they were officially designated as
Dharma heirs. During the medieval
period in Japan (11851600), it became
a common practice in the St school
to distribute kechimyaku to lay practi-
tioners who participated in precept
ceremonies. See also lay believer and
St sect.
The Flower Garland Sutra, the
Japanese title for the Hua-yen Sutra, the
Chinese translation of the Avatamsaka
Sutra. See Avatamsaka Sutra.
Kegon School
Flower garland school, the Japanese
name for the Hua-yen school of
Chinese Buddhism. The Kegon school
was one of the six schools of Nara
Buddhism, established in Japan dur-
ing the Nara period (710794). The
name derives from the title of the pri-
mary scripture of the school, the Hua-
yen Sutra (Sk. Avatamsaka Sutra; J.
Kegonky). The primary teachings of
the school include the four realms of
reality and the ten stages of the bod-
hisattva. The founder of the school
was the Chinese monk Fa-shun
(557640), although it was the Third
Patriarch Fa-tsang (643712) who sys-
tematized its teachings. The school
was transmitted to Japan by the
Korean monk Shen-hsiang (d. 742).
Kegon School
Kechimyaku charts delineate the generations of Zen patriarchs and masters.
The warning staff or admonition staff
used during periods of seated medita-
tion (zazen) to ward off drowsiness, to
discipline a mind that is wandering, or
to encourage the efforts of a meditator
striving for enlightenment. Keisaku is
the Japanese reading of the Mandarin
term, pronounced ching-tse, which is
preferred by the Rinzai school. In the
St school, the same term, is more
often pronounced Kysaku. Keisaku
typically are made from wood, with a
rounded handle at one end for gripping
and a flat portion at the other end
which strikes the body. They come in
various lengths, from two to five feet.
The flat end is usually about two to
three inches wide. Heavier weight
keisaku are used in colder weather
when heavier clothing provides extra
padding, while lighter keisaku are used
in warm weather.
The jikid, the person in charge of
the meditation hall, wields the keisaku
during sessions of seated meditation.
Use of the stick is not intended as a
form of punishment, although its use
may appear quite harsh or painful.
Indeed, it is regarded as a crucial aid for
those who sit in meditation, especially
in the hands of a skillful jikid. Not only
does the keisaku assist meditators to
stay awake and focused, it relieves some
of the muscular tension and discomfort
that may build up during longer ses-
sions. Individuals may request a blow
from the keisaku when they feel sleepy
or distracted by lifting their hands in
gassh, the Buddhist gesture of rever-
ence. In other instances, the jikid may
recognize the signs of sleepiness and
offer the blow. Generally, the jikid
gives a warning tap on the shoulder to
prepare the individual to receive the
blow. The meditator leans forward and
the keisaku falls across the shoulder
and back muscles. Afterward, the medi-
tator thanks the jikid by bowing, and
the jikid responds with a bow. See also
Rinzai sect and St sect.
Keisen Sry
(14251500) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Ashikaga period (13921568). He
was a seventh-generation descendant
of Kanzan Egens (12771369)
Myshin-ji line. He became the
The keisaku is a long wooden staff used during meditation to
strike those who are becoming drowsy or otherwise preoccupied.
Dharma heir of Sekk Sshin
(14081486) and was one of his four
principal disciples. He served as abbot
at Myshin-ji, Ryan-ji, and other
major Rinzai monasteries. See also
Rinzai sect.
A large, bronze percussion instrument
used during sutra chanting and other
rituals in the Buddha hall (Butsuden).
In the Zen sect, the keisu is made from
cast bronze and is shaped very much
like a begging bowl. It rests on a pillow,
supported by a wooden stand. The
keisu is sounded by striking the rim
with a padded stick. It is used through-
out ritual ceremonies to punctuate the
chanting. It is also called a kin. Smaller
versions are called shkei.
Keitoku Dentroku
The Japanese title of the Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu, a compilation of Zen
biographies recounting the history of
the Zen school from the seven buddhas
of the past through the Chinese masters
of the Sung dynasty (9601279). See
Ching-te Chan-teng Lu.
Keizan Jkin
(12681325) Japanese St monk of the
Kamakura period (11851333), who
founded Sji-ji, one of the main
monasteries for the St sect. Keizan
played a crucial role in the early devel-
opment and spread of St. He is some-
times regarded as the second founder of
the sect. Keizan was born in what is now
Fukui Prefecture and became a monk at
age twelve, when he entered Eihei-ji.
He first practiced under Koun Ej
(11981280) and later became the disci-
ple and Dharma heir of Tetts Gikai
(12191309). He became abbot at
Daij-ji after his master Gikai retired in
1303. He remained there for ten years,
before passing on the leadership to a
disciple and setting out to found other
temples. In 1322, he inherited a
Shingon temple that he renamed Sji-ji.
The Emperor Go-daigo (12871339)
later elevated Sji-ji to the same rank as
Eihei-ji, and it remains the second main
monastery for the sect. Keizan popular-
ized St among the common people
and rural samurai class by incorporat-
ing some esoteric rituals into St prac-
tice and introducing funeral and
memorial services for lay members.
Keizans written works include the
Denkroku, Zazen Yjinki, and the
Keizan Shingi. He received the posthu-
mous title Jsai daishi from the Meiji
emperor. See also lay believer and
Shingon sect.
Keizan Shingi
A St monastic code of two sections
composed by Keizan Jkin
(12681325), the Second Patriarch of
the Zen sect in Japan. Keizan wrote the
code in 1325 to govern life at Yk-ji, a
monastery he founded in Noto. The text
is also known as the Keizan Osh Shingi
or the Tkoku Shingi. It was first pub-
lished in 1680 by the St scholar-monk
Manzan. See also St sect.
Kekka Fuza
To assume the full lotus position, the
body posture most commonly used
during Buddhist meditation. One sits
cross-legged, placing the right foot on
the left thigh and the left foot on the
right thigh. In most schools of
Buddhism, one places the hands palm
up, the right hand resting on the left
foot and the left hand on the right
foot. In the case of Zen meditation, the
right hand rests palm up on the left
foot, and the left hand is placed above
the right hand with the tips of the
thumbs touching.
Restricted area, the Japanese term for
monastery grounds that were restricted
to practitioners only. In Japan, the term
applied especially to Buddhist
monastery complexes such as those on
Mount Hiei and Mount Kya, where
Kend practice in a class held at Hanazono College, a Buddhist college in Kyoto, Japan.
women were not allowed to enter. These
were also known as nyonin kekkai, areas
restricted from women.
A major Rinzai Zen monastery located
in Kamakura, Japan. Its formal name is
Kofuku-zan Kench-ji. It was named in
honor of the Kench era (12491256).
The temple was founded under the
patronage of the regent Hj Tokiyori
(12271263), who planned to construct
the first full-fledged Rinzai monastery
in Japan. He invited the Chinese master
Lan-chi Tao-lung (12131278; J. Rankei
Dry) to serve as the founding abbot.
The temple was consecrated in 1253.
Kench-ji was the first major Zen
monastery constructed in Kamakura,
and unlike Rinzai monasteries already
standing in Kyoto, it did not include any
structures for esoteric Buddhist rituals.
It was modeled after the Ching-shan
monastery built during the Sung
dynasty (9601279) in China and
included a monks hall (J. sd), the
first in the country. It ranked first
among the Gozan (Five Mountain)
temples in Kamakura. It serves today
as the main headquarters for the
Kench-ji branch of Rinzai Zen. See also
Rinzai sect.
Kench-ji Ha
The Kench-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch in Kench-ji,
located in Kamakura. Lan-chi Tao-lung
(12131278; J. Rankei Dry) is
regarded as the founder. The branch has
407 temples throughout Japan and
claims approximately 89,000 adherents.
Kench Seikoku Zokut Roku
Japanese title for the Chien-chung
Ching-kuo Supplementary Record of the
Lamp (C. Chien-chung Ching-kuo Hsu-
teng Lu). See Chien-chung Ching-kuo
Hsu-teng Lu.
The way of the sword, a Japanese mar-
tial art popularly associated with Zen
Buddhism. It is also known as Kenjutsu,
the art of the sword. The connection
between swordsmanship and Zen first
emerged in the medieval period
(11851600), when some sword masters
took up the practice of Zen. The stead-
fastness, concentration, and compo-
sure in the face of death of an accom-
plished Zen practitioner is often com-
pared to the mindset needed by a war-
rior in battle. Kend became widely
popular during the Tokugawa period
(16001867), when the arts of war were
learned as sport. The Zen master
Takuan Sh (15731645) wrote about
the relationship between Zen and
kend among other martial arts. In the
modern period (1868present), kend is
practiced using wooden swords and
protective clothing.
A major Rinzai monastery, located in
Kyoto, Japan. It was founded by Myan
Eisai (11411215) in 1202 and named
for the era. It was built under the
patronage of Minamoto Yoriie
(11821204), the second Kamakura
shgun, and was modeled after the Po-
chang-shan monastery in China. It was
not originally an independent Rinzai
monastery but a branch temple of
Enryaku-ji, the headquarters for the
Tendai sect. Some of the temple struc-
tures were intended to house esoteric
rituals of both the Shingon and Tendai
schools, rather than strictly Rinzai ser-
vices. Under the guidance of the
Chinese master Lan-chi Tao-lung
(13231390; J. Rankei Dry) it became
a strictly Rinzai monastery. It later
ranked among the Gozan (Five
Mountain) temples in Kyoto. The
monastery was completely destroyed
during the Onin War in the late fifteenth
century, and was later rebuilt. The
temple serves today as the main head-
quarters for the Kennin-ji branch of the
Rinzai sect. See also Shingon sect.
Kennin-ji Ha
The Kennin-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Kennin-ji,
located in Kyoto. Myan Eisai
(11411215) is regarded as the founder.
The branch has seventy-two temples
throughout Japan and claims approxi-
mately 25,000 adherents.
Seeing ones nature, that is, realizing
ones own original Buddha Nature.
Kensh is a Japanese term commonly
used for an enlightenment experience;
in many cases it is used synonymously
with satori. In the Rinzai school, it most
often refers more specifically to ones
initial enlightenment experience
attained through kan practice. See
also Rinzai sect.
Kensh Jbutsu
Seeing ones nature and attaining bud-
dhahood. The phrase first appeared in
a commentary on the Nirvana Sutra,
the Ta-po Nieh-pan-ching Chi-chieh (J.
Daihatsu Nehangy Shuge; T
37:377611). It is best known as one line
in a poem, attributed to Bodhidharma,
which describes Zen Buddhism.
According to Zen teachings, all ordinary
individuals already possess the Buddha
mind, or Buddha Nature, and are
originally buddhas. By focusing ones
attention inward through the practice
of meditation, one may be able to
realize this reality and attain
enlightenment. The process may be
understood less as an ordinary person
becoming a buddha than as a shift of
perspective, which allows a person to
see his or her true nature.
Buddhist monastic robes worn by
monks and nuns. The Japanese term
derives from the Sanskrit word kashaya.
There are three primary types of kesa
used in the Zen school, those made with
five, seven, or nine strips of cloth. The
five-strip robe (Sk. antarvasa; J. goje)
was originally designed to be worn as
an inner garment or undergarment. It is
sometimes known as the work garment,
because monks often stripped down to
the inner robe when engaging in physi-
cal labor. The seven-strip robe (Sk.
uttarasanga; J. shichije) is an outer
garment intended to be worn as the
basic monastic robe within the monas-
tic community. The nine-strip robe (Sk.
samghati; J. kuje) was originally
designed as a formal outer garment to
be worn when outside the monastery.
In China and Japan, kesa are worn in
a more symbolic fashion, with the long
monastic robe, called the Koromo,
serving as the basic monastic robe.
Buddhist monks generally wear a kesa
draped over the koromo. In many cases,
the goje is worn on a strap placed
around the neck as a symbolic reminder
of the Buddhas patched robe and his
enlightenment. The strap and five-strip
kesa worn together in this manner are
known as a rakusu. Alternatively, a
shichije is worn over the shoulder as a
tunic or sash.
Kesa Bukuro
The bag or box designed to carry
monastic robes, alternatively known
as the kesa gri or kesa bunko.
Traditionally, monks used a large cloth
bag to carry their robes and other
possessions. In East Asia, boxes made
of bamboo or lacquered wood are
also commonly used. Zen monks
always carry the kesa bukuro with them
when they go out on pilgrimage. See
also kesa.
Kesa Kudoku
Merit of the monastic robe. There are
three types of monastic robes tradi-
tionally worn by monks, which are
called kesa in Japanese. It is said that
each type of kesa brings a specific ben-
efit with its use. The five-strip kesa
frees one from greed. The seven-strip
kesa destroys anger, while the nine-strip
Kennin-ji Ha
kesa alleviates ignorance. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) wrote an essay entitled
Kesa kudoku, which is included as a
chapter in the Shbgenz. In it, he
explains that all the buddhas and
patriarchs of Zen have worn the
monastic robe which symbolizes the
Dharma. Monks and nuns receive
their robes at ordination, clothing
which marks them as members of the
monastic community and links them
back to the buddhas and patriarchs.
Ketsumyaku Ron
Japanese title of the Chinese text the
Hseh-mo Lun, attributed to
Bodhidharma. Also pronounced
kechimyaku ron. See Hseh-mo Lun.
Kid Chigu
Japanese rendering of the name Hs-
tang Chih-y (11851269), a Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Sung dynasty
(9601279), known in Japan as the
Dharma master of Namp Jmy
(12351309), better known as Dai
Kokushi. See Hs-tang Chih-y.
Kid Roku Daibetsu
The Japanese title for the Hs-tang Lu
Tai-pieh, a collection of 100 old kan
with answers composed by Hs-tang
Chih-yu. The Kid Roku Daibetsu is still
used today as an advanced text within
the Takuj line of modern Japanese
Rinzai. See Hs-tang Lu Tai-pieh.
To take refuge. The practice of taking
refuge dates back to ancient India. In
Indian culture, to take refuge in a per-
son or concept indicates that one has
made a deep personal commitment.
Taking refuge usually involved publicly
reciting an oath or some other state-
ment of commitment. In a religious
context, refuge does not imply a place
to hide but rather a source of strength.
Buddhists of all denominations speak
of taking refuge in the Buddha as an
expression of their commitment to the
Buddhist tradition. They regularly
recite a brief ritual prayer stating their
reliance on the Buddha, the Dharma,
and the sangha. Buddhists repeat
the formula, I take refuge in the
Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I
take refuge in the sangha three times.
This is known as taking refuge in the
three treasures.
Yampolsky, Philip B. The Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
Kie Samb
To take refuge (kie) in the three trea-
sures. Buddhists express their commit-
ment to Buddhismby verbally confirm-
ing their trust in the Buddha, the
Dharma, and the sangha. The brief rit-
ual formula, I go to the Buddha for
refuge, I go to the Dharma for refuge, I
go to the sangha for refuge is recited
three times. The triple repetition
indicates that this prayer is not a form
of ordinary speech and allows the
speaker to dwell on the meaning of each
phrase at least once. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) wrote an essay entitled Kie
samb, which is included as a chapter
in the Shbgenz.
The procession accompanying the cof-
fin of a prominent Buddhist monk or
nun as it is carried from the lecture hall
to the cremation grounds. During the
procession, attendants carry the coffin
on their shoulders, while other mem-
bers of the monastic community follow
behind, carrying banners, gongs,
incense burners, and other items
needed at the cremation site. Kigan is
one of nine ritual actions (kubutsuji)
performed during the funeral services
for abbots and other high-ranking
members of the monastic community.
See also kubutsuji.
The center of breathing, located
approximately 1
2 inches below the
navel. During periods of contemplation
and introspection, attention is focused
on an area below the navel, between the
kikai and the tanden.
A teaching device used by a Zen master
to help a disciple overcome a hindrance
to enlightenment. The term is derived
from the Japanese words konki, which
means capacity, and kanmon, which
means barrier gates. The master sets
up barrier gates in accordance with the
individual capacities of his disciples.
(2) Tortoise mirror, a term for the
admonitions addressed to a Zen com-
munity at the beginning of a long
period of meditation. The term origi-
nally implied a magical mirror or device
that could foretell the future but later
came to mean an example or model to
be emulated. It is in this context that
kikan is used in Zen. In Chinese Zen
temples, it was customary for masters
to begin long periods of intensive prac-
tice by telling exemplary stories of ear-
lier Zen masters who struggled to attain
enlightenment. They hoped to encour-
age the assembled community to strive
with comparable devotion. In Japan,
the custom later changed, and masters
offered personal words of encourage-
ment and guidance to their community.
In some cases, the admonitions of a
master were preserved, passed down
within the monastery, and read aloud
by successive generations of masters.
Kikan usually spell out guiding princi-
ples for the resident monks or nuns
and offer encouragement in their
practice. In Japan, they are traditionally
read aloud at the beginning of the
summer and winter retreats and the
night before Rhatsu sesshin, the
period of intensive meditation that
commemorates the enlightenment of
the historical Buddha.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
Zen Dust: The History of the Kan
and Kan Study in Rinzai (Lin-chi)
Zen. New York: Harcourt, Brace &
World, 1967.
Kikan Kan
One of five categories of kan distin-
guished by the Rinzai school. Kikan
kan deal with differentiation and dis-
tinction. The eighteenth-century
Japanese Rinzai reformer Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768)and his successors
developed a system for kan practice
still in use today. Students who have
already experienced an initial break-
through (kensh) are guided through a
series of kan intended to deepen their
understanding. Kikan kan are the sec-
ond category in the series. They follow
the hosshin kan, which stress the real-
ization of the essential oneness of the
self and all reality. In order to prevent
students from getting trapped at a
superficial level of understanding,
Kikan kan encourage the contempla-
tion of multiplicity and differentiation,
while still acknowledging the underly-
ing unity. It is said that holding together
the sense of oneness and multiplicity
allows the freedom to deal sponta-
neously with phenomena in the here
and now. See also Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
Shimano, Eido T. Zen Kans. In
Zen, Tradition and Transition. Ed.
Kenneth Kraft. New York: Grove
Press, 1988.
Devils cave, a place of total darkness
where one can see nothing. The term
appears in Zen writings in reference to
living in a state of delusion, attached to
a false conception of reality. Zen mas-
ters apply the term kikutsuri no kakkei,
living in a devils cave, to those students
who become obsessed with nihilism, a
false understanding of the concept of
emptiness. Kikutsuri is also used in the
game of g for the stalemate of being
trapped in seki.
Tortoise hair, a Zen expression for
something that does not exist. See
tortoise hair.
Kim Tokaku
Tortoise hair and rabbits horns, a Zen
expression for something that does not
exist. See tortoise hair.
A percussion instrument used during
Buddhist ritual services. In Japanese, it
is alternatively called keisu. The kin is
made from cast bronze and is shaped
like a bowl or cauldron. It rests on a
cushion; larger instruments sit on
wooden stands. It is sounded by striking
the side or rim with a padded mallet
called a bai. The instrument is used dur-
ing sutra chanting.
King Ashoka
(J. Aiku) An Indian ruler who governed
the powerful Maryan empire from 269
to 232 B.C.E. The Buddhist tradition
reveres King Ashoka as an ideal lay
practitioner and an example for
Buddhist rulers. See Ashoka.
A form of walking meditation, used as a
break between periods of zazen (seated
meditation). Generally speaking, a ten
minute period of kinhin follows a fifty
minute period of zazen. The word liter-
ally means the warp of a woven cloth,
and refers to the pattern of walking
characteristic of kinhin. The individual
walks straight forward, makes a pivot
turn, and walks straight back. In the
slow-paced kinhin preferred by the St
tradition, the meditator walks a half
step with each complete breath (exhala-
tion and inhalation). The hands are held
in front of the chest, the right hand
in a fist, left hand loosely covering
the right, and forearms parallel to the
floor. Faster-paced kinhin is performed
with the hands loosely held at ones
sides, moving almost at a run. See also
St sect.
The Golden Pavilion, the popular
name for Rokuon-ji, a Rinzai temple
in northwestern Kyoto, Japan. See
Golden Pavilion.
One of the seven primary buildings
forming the core of a Zen temple or
monastery, known as the kuin in
Japanese. The Kitchen-office housed
both the kitchen areas and related staff
as well as all of the administrative offices
for the monastery. See kuin.
Prayers recited to buddhas, bod-
hisattvas, or Shint kami (deities) for a
special intention. Typical intentions
traditionally included requests for fair
weather or for rain, relief from various
natural disasters, recovery from illness,
or a persons birthday. In some cases,
lay people make special requests to
temples and monasteries to have kit
performed in exchange for a donation.
In the Zen sect, the purpose of the
prayer service is posted on an
announcement board (kithai). Zen
communities most often perform
a tendoku service, reading the
Daihannyaky (Great Wisdom Sutra).
See also lay believer.
A world age or a world cycle; the
Japanese term for kalpa. See kalpa.
(Ch. kung-an) Public case, Term for a
teaching device used within the Zen
school, especially associated with the
Rinzai style of practice. Practitioners
use kan as the focus of meditation in
order to transcend dualistic thinking
and promote enlightenment experi-
ences. Generally kan take the shape of
a short episode from Zen literature,
depicting an encounter between a mas-
ter and disciple or a traditional account
of an important event in Zen history.
Although commonly thought of as puz-
zles, kan are not intended to elicit
rational responses. Rather, they
represent challenges to discursive and
rational thought.
The term derives from the Chinese
governmental tradition of publishing
juridical cases that set precedent in law.
Chinese Zen masters of the Sung
dynasty (9601279) developed kan
practice by drawing upon famous cases
of the earlier Tang dynasty masters.
According to traditional accounts of the
development of the kan, Zen masters
in the early periods spontaneously
invented teaching devices to aid their
disciples, drawing upon some aspect of
the immediate situation. Eventually,
stories about these encounters were
recorded in Zen biographies and
recorded sayings. By the ninth or tenth
century, Zen masters started to use
these stories, presenting them to their
own students as a means to promote
enlightenment and to test their stu-
dents understanding of Zen. By the
eleventh century, collections of
traditional stories of masters and disci-
ples were being compiled, along with
poetic and prose commentaries; kan
collections became a distinct genre of
Zen literature. The most famous of
these collections are the Mumonkan
and the Hekiganroku.
In Chinese Zen, kan practice came
to full flower under the inspiration of
Ta-hui Tsung-kao (10891163), who
championed its active use as a medita-
tive device and rejected the literary
study of kan. Kan have often been
studied in a literary fashion in the Zen
school, especially as a means to learn
the classical style of poetry. The modern
practice of kan employed by the
Japanese Rinzai school was system-
atized by Hakuin Ekaku (16851768)
and his disciples. This system includes
Koden is the offering of incense before an image of Buddha in honor of Zen patriarchs and founders.
five types or progressive levels of kan:
hosshin, kikan, gonsen, nant, and go-i
kan. See also Rinzai sect.
Kan Collections
One of the most important genres of
Zen literature. Most kan collections
draw sayings and incidents from the
classical tradition. Many are famous
stories about the interaction between
Zen masters and their disciples. Kan
collections were originally compiled by
Zen masters of the Sung dynasty
(9601279) in China as aids in training
disciples. Collections often include
the compilers prose and poetic com-
mentary on each case. The most impor-
tant collections include the Wu-men
Kuan (J. Mumonkan) and the Pi-yen Lu
(J. Hekiganroku).
Kan-gazing Zen
Style of seated meditation characteris-
tic of the Rinzai school of Zen, which
uses kan as the focus of meditation.
See kanna Zen.
Kb Daishi
The posthumous honorific title, which
means Great Teacher Who Spreads
Widely the Dharma, by which Kkai
(774835), the founder of the Shingon
sect in Japan, is popularly known. The
emperor bestowed the title on him in
921. Kb daishi has long been the
object of popular veneration for the
Japanese, regardless of sectarian affilia-
tion. Throughout Japan, there are
numerous pilgrimage routes dedicated
to Kb daishi, who functions for
believers very much like a saint in
Roman Catholicism. There are many
miracle stories associated with Kb
daishi, especially those regarding his
saving powers for believers on pilgrim-
age. See Kkai.
To offer incense. Throughout the
Buddhist world, incense is commonly
burned in front of an image of a buddha
or bodhisattva as a symbol of rever-
ence. The term kden is also used in
East Asia for the practice of offering
incense for the sake of ones deceased
relatives and ancestors. Such offerings
are often made as a part of memorial
services (hji) marking anniversaries of
death. In the Zen sect, the term primar-
ily denotes offerings of incense made to
the patriarchs and founders, since they
are regarded as ancestors.
In the context of modern Japanese
Buddhism, the term kden has come to
mean the monetary offerings made to
the bereaved family by those who
attend a funeral. The money is used to
defray the cost of the funeral and the
subsequent memorial services.
An important rural Japanese Rinzai Zen
temple, located in Enzan, Yamanashi
Prefecture. Its formal name is Enzan
Kgaku-ji. It was founded by Bassui
Tokusho (13271387) in 1380. It was at
one time ranked as one of the Jissatsu
temples (Ten Distinguished Temples),
ranking below the Five Mountains in
the Gozan system. It serves today as the
main headquarters for the Kgaku
branch of the Rinzai sect.
Kgaku-ji Ha
The Kgaku-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Kgaku-ji,
located in Yamanashi Prefecture. Bassui
Tokusho (13271387) is regarded as the
founder. The branch has sixty-two
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 30,100 adherents.
Kgaku Sen
The formal religious name of the promi-
nent Rinzai master Shaku Sen
(18591919). See Shaku Sen.
K Haku
Lady White, Japanese for Hou Po, a
clever female robber who appears in
K Haku
Zen literature as the partner of K Koku,
Lord Black. See Hou Po.
Japanese rendering of Fa-hai. See Fa-hai.
Koh Kakumy
(12711361) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333).
Koh was the disciple of Shinchi
Kakushin (12071298) and the second
generation patriarch of the Hott line
of Japanese Rinzai Zen. He founded
Unju-ji in Izumo and Daiy-ji in Izumi.
See also Rinzai sect.
Lay person or householder, a Japanese
term for a Buddhist believer who has not
left the home life to become a monk or
nun. In the modern period (1868present),
the term is often used as the final part of
the posthumous Buddhist name given to
the deceased as a part of a Japanese
Buddhist funeral. See also lay believer.
Reality itself; the ultimate state of
satori. The opposite of kge, or phe-
nomenal reality. Kj refers to the realm
of absolute equality, which transcends
all distinctions. The term literally
means above or beyond, or to move
upward or to progress. In the Zen
school, the term is sometimes used for
the third and highest level of a three
part system of kan practice; in this sys-
tem, kj follows Richi and kikan.
An alternative Japanese transliteration
of Hung-chou school, an important
Chinese lineage of early Zen. Also
transliterated as Ksh-sh. See Hung-
chou school.
Kke Zonsh
Japanese transliteration for Hsing-hua
Tsung-chiang (830888), a Dharma
heir of Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867). See
Hsing-hua Tsung-chiang.
K Koku
Lord Black, Japanese for Hou Hei, a
clever male robber who appears in Zen
literature as the parter of K Haku (Hou
Po), Lady White. See Hou Hei.
Kkon Zazen
Evening session of zazen, one of the
four periods of zazen (J. shiji zazen)
observed daily in Zen monasteries.
Although the exact hours differ by
monastery, Kkon zazen is held in the
evening, sometime between seven and
nine oclock. See also shiji zazen.
The black mountains, a legendary
region understood to be north of India.
In Indian mythology, the black moun-
tains are veiled in darkness and
infested with evil demons. Zen masters
sometimes use an allusion to this
region as a metaphor for an unproduc-
tive mental state in which a person is
hindered by delusions and discrimina-
tory thinking.
National Teacher, the Japanese ren-
dering of the Chinese term kuo-shih. An
honorific title conferred on prominent
Buddhist masters by the emperor. The
practice is said to have originated
in India. The first monk to receive
the honor in China was Fa-chang
in 550. In China, the masters designated
as kokushi, usually served in some
capacity as teachers of the ruling
family at court.
In Japan, the term was first used
during the Nara period (710794) for a
monastic officer responsible for over-
seeing the Buddhist monks and nuns in
a given province. The practice of con-
ferring the title as an imperial honor
was transmitted later. Emperor
Hanazono (12971348) first bestowed
the posthumous title kokushi on Zen
master Enni Benen (12021280) in 1312.
After that time, the honor was often
granted in Japan as a posthumous trib-
ute for outstanding figures, although
there are also examples of monks receiv-
ing the title during their lifetime.
In Zen texts, the title is sometimes
used in reference to Nan-yang Hui-
chung, the first Zen master to receive
the honor in China. According to the
tradition, Hui-chung was summoned to
court by the emperor three times before
he accepted the invitation. When he did
finally go to court, he impressed the
emperor so thoroughly that he received
the title National Teacher.
An important rural Rinzai monastery
located in Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture.
Its formal name is Mach-zan Kokutai-
ji. It was founded by Jiun Myi
(12741345) in 1327. It serves today as
the main headquarters for the Kokutai
branch of the Rinzai sect.
Kokutai-ji Ha
The Kokutai-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Kokutai-ji,
located in Toyama Prefecture. Jiun Myi
(12741345) is regarded as the founder.
The branch has thirty-five temples
throughout Japan and claims approxi-
mately 2,200 adherents.
Monk of emptiness, The most com-
monly used name for members of the
Fuke sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism.
The exact derivation of the name is
unknown. Komus were half-monks
and half-laymen, neither shaving their
heads, nor wearing ordinary monks
robes. They lived a mendicant life, trav-
eling through Japan begging for alms
and playing the shakuhachi, a bamboo
flute. During the Tokugawa period
(16001867), the movement flourished,
attracting many rnin, or masterless
samurai. At that time komus wore a
distinctive costume which included a
bee-hive shaped bamboo hat. The hat
completely hid the face and therefore
effectively disguised the persons iden-
tity. For this reason, criminals some-
times posed as komus, and the gov-
ernment eventually outlawed the
group. See also Fuke sect.
Kong Hannya Haramitsu Ky
The Perfection of Wisdom Diamond
Sutra (Sk. Vajra-cchedika-prajna-
paramita-sutra), more commonly
known as the Kongky or Diamond
Sutra. See Diamond Sutra.
Diamond vehicle, the Japanese trans-
lation for the Sanskrit term Vajrayana.
See esoteric Buddhism.
Kongkai Mandara
The Japanese name for the Diamond-
Realm Mandala, one of two primary
mandala used in esoteric Buddhism,
especially within the Shingon sect. The
Diamond Mandala represents the
power of the diamond (vajra) of wis-
dom to overcome all ignorance. It con-
sists of nine almost square rectangles
arranged in three rows of three. The
other primary mandala used in esoteric
Buddhism is the Taizkai Mandara
(Womb-Realm Mandala). See
Diamond-Realm Mandala.
Diamond Sutra, the popular abbrevi-
ated Japanese title for the Kong
Hannya haramitsu ky (Sk. Vajra-
cchedika-prajna-paramita-sutra). See
Diamond Sutra.
Diamond, the Japanese translation for
the Sanskrit word vajra. The diamond
represents firmness and indestructibil-
ity in Buddhism. It is therefore used as a
symbol for the buddha mind, which
can cut through any obstruction.
( J. Chingo Kokka No Sambuky)
Golden Light Sutra, the Japanese title
for the Suvarna Prabhasottama Sutra,
one of three scriptures used in Japanese
Buddhism to protect the state. The
Golden Light Sutra teaches that wher-
ever a ruler honors the sutra and gov-
erns according to its teachings, the four
guardian kings (J. Shitenn) will pro-
vide protection for the ruler, the nation,
and its people. There are three major
Chinese translations of the text (T. nos.
663665). Japanese emperors beginning
with Temmu (r. 672686) had the sutra
distributed at temples throughout the
country, where it was recited and
copied for the sake of the nation.
Konk No Cho
Vajra pounder. Originally a weapon of
war in ancient India, the vajra pounder
was adopted as a religious implement in
the esoteric traditions of Buddhism.
The konk no cho symbolizes the ability
of the enlightened mind to cut through
any delusion. In the Zen school, it is
said that the konk no cho represents
the realization that thusness is not dif-
ferent from the dharmas.
The evening bell which is sounded after
sunset. It is customary in Zen monas-
teries to ring the evening bell 108 times
to drive out all delusions. The number
corresponds to the number of different
kinds of delusion that are said to afflict
human beings. As the person responsi-
ble sounds the bell, he or she simulta-
neously chants a sutra. On New Years
Eve, Zen monasteries sound the Konsh
108 times at midnight.
A long monastic robe worn by Buddhist
monks in China and Japan. In India,
this style of robe was traditionally used
as a sleeping garment. It is alternatively
known as the jikitotsu. See also kesa.
Ksen Son
(18161892) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the late Tokugawa (16001867) and
Meiji (18681912) periods who served
as the abbot at Engaku-ji in Kamakura.
His family name was Imakita, and he is
often referred to as Imakita Ksen.
Ksen is among the most important
Rinzai masters of the modern period
(1868present). He studied Confucianism
as a young man and only became a
Buddhist monk at age twenty-five. He
began as the disciple of Daisetsu Shen
(d. 1855) at Shkoku-ji in Kyoto, with
whom he practiced for seven years.
Daisetsu then sent him to practice
under Gisan Zenrai (d. 1877) in
Okayama. It was from Gisan that Ksen
received his official recognition as a
Dharma heir. Ksen became abbot at
Eik-ji in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1858,
where he taught the daimy, or military
leader, of Iwakuni province and many
other samurai. In 1862, he completed
his most important work, the Zenkai
Ichiran (One Wave on the Sea of Zen), a
commentary on Confucian terms from
a Zen perspective. After the Meiji
Restoration, Ksen gained further
prominence. He was appointed as head
of the Bureau of Religion and Education
by the Meiji government. He also
became abbot at Engaku-ji in 1875. As
abbot, he developed Rym Kykai, an
organization devoted to promoting the
practice of Zen among the laity. His
other writings include the Kroku and
the Nempu. His most important
Dharma heir was Shaku Sen
(18591919). See also Rinzai sect.
Koshin Mida
Amida within the self, the under-
standing that Amida buddha does not
exist as an external reality outside ones
own mind. Rather than rely upon the
external power of Amida buddha as is
the norm in Pure Land practice, other
Krakucchanda Buddha
schools of Mahayana Buddhism,
including Zen, shift the emphasis to
ones own efforts of meditation on the
true nature of the self.
A St temple in Fukukusa, Japan,
south of Kyoto. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) established a community
there in 1233 a few years after he
returned from China. The temple was
officially consecrated in 1236. Dgen
constructed Ksh-ji as the first
Chinese-style Zen temple in Japan. It
included a monks hall (J. Sd), a
Dharma hall (J. Hd), and a Buddha
hall (J. Butsud). See also St sect.
The barbarian with a red beard, a ref-
erence to Bodhidharma. The Chinese
referred to all foreigners as barbarians
and commonly believed that foreigners
had red hair. Since Bodhidharma was
an Indian monk, Zen texts often refer to
him in this manner.
An alternative Japanese transliteration
of Hung-chou school, an important
Chinese lineage of early Zen. Also
transliterated Kj-sh. See Hung-
chou school.
A small staff or baton used by a
Zen master when instructing students
or giving a sermon. The kotsu is
usually about fifteen inches (35 cm)
long, carved from wood or bamboo,
and curved in the shape of a human
spine. The master may use the kotsu
to emphasize a point when speaking,
to strike a student during a private
interview (sanzen), or as a staff to
rest upon when seated on the floor.
The implement was originally used
by government officials in China as
a writing tablet, which was held at
the chest during public audiences.
The material (jade, ivory, or bamboo),
indicated the officials rank. Also
known as a nyoi.
Kotsu Jiki
To beg for food, one of the basic prac-
tices of the monastic life. According to
the most ancient Buddhist tradition,
monks and nuns sustain themselves by
begging for food and not by any other
form of labor. Begging is an ascetic
practice, which reduces ones attach-
ment to external possessions and con-
cerns. In addition, monastic begging
provides lay practitioners with the
opportunity to build up merit through
their generosity to monks and nuns. In
the early tradition, monks and nuns
begged daily for prepared food. While
begging remains a standard practice in
the Zen monasteries of East Asia, it is
more common for monks to beg less
frequently and to receive monetary
donations or uncooked rice. See also
begging alms and lay believer.
Kyboku No Zen
Boxwood tree Zen. See boxwood Zen.
Kzen Gokokuron
Discourse on the Propagation of Zen and
the Protection of the Nation, a text in
three parts (T. 80, no. 2543), composed
by the Japanese Rinzai monk Eisai
(11411215) in 1198. In the text, Eisai
responds to criticisms of the newly
introduced Zen teachings from mem-
bers of established Japanese Buddhist
sects. He maintains that promoting the
practice of Zen will benefit the entire
nation. This was the first work concern-
ing Zen Buddhismwritten in Japan.
Krakucchanda Buddha
One of the seven buddhas of the past
whose biographies appear at the begin-
ning of the Transmission of the Lamp
(Ch. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other tradi-
tional accounts of the history of Zen
Buddhism through the ages.
Krakucchandra ( J. Kuruson) is the
fourth on the list and is identified as the
first buddha of the present eon.
(J. setteiri) The warrior class in India.
According to the classical Hindu class
system, the kshatriya were the second of
four classes or castes, falling under the
Brahmin or priestly class. Traditionally,
kshatriyas had the responsibility to pro-
tect the people, either by governing in
peacetime or fighting in wartime.
Although Brahmanical texts clearly indi-
cate that the priestly class was superior
to the kshatriyas, kshatriyas did not
always concede to priestly superiority.
Buddhist texts, for example, often list
the kshatriya as superior to the brah-
mins, rejecting the concept of priestly
authority. Siddharta Gautama, the his-
torical Buddha, was born into a warrior
class family. According to the Buddhist
texts, had the brahmins been the supe-
rior class, he would have been born a
Basham, A. L. The Wonder That Was India:
A Survey of the History and Culture of
the Indian Sub-Continent Before the
Coming of the Muslims. New York:
Taplinger Publishing Co., 1968.
The Sanskrit name for the Earth
Womb bodhisattva. See Jiz.
Emptiness, the Japanese translation
of the Sanskrit term shunyata.
See emptiness.
Suffering; one of the basic teachings of
Buddhism. Ku is the standard Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit term
duhkha. See suffering.
An important Chinese Zen monastery
on A-yu-wang-shan. It was designated
as one of the Five Mountains (Ch. wu-
shan; J. Gozan temples), the most pres-
tigious Zen monasteries in China.
(J. Kannon) One who observes the
sounds, the Chinese name for
Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of infi-
nite compassion and mercy. Kuan-yin is
among the most popular Buddhist
deities in China and is universally
revered in Chinese Buddhism, regardless
of the sect or school. The name Kuan-yin
is a rough translation of the original
Sanskrit. It conveys the popular Buddhist
understanding that Kuan-yin listens to
the cries of suffering coming from sen-
tient beings throughout the world. She
will respond to rescue anyone in danger
who cries out for help using her name.
Kuan-yin can assume any corporeal
shape and can enter any region, includ-
ing hell, to save a believer.
Avalokiteshvara was consistently
portrayed as masculine in Indian
images and texts, but changes occurred
in the Chinese iconography of the bod-
hisattva. Scholars cannot definitively
explain the reasons for the transforma-
tion, but since at least the twelfth cen-
tury, Kuan-yin has almost always been
depicted as female in China. Early
Chinese figures retained the masculine
identity, but female versions began to
appear as early as the fifth century. The
most popular version takes the form of
the white-robed Kuan-yin.
From an early period, Kuan-yin
became the object of a popular cult dedi-
cated to her; this remains true today. She
is one of the most common subjects for
miracle stories in popular Chinese litera-
ture, and pilgrimage to famous images of
the bodhisattva is a common aspect of
popular devotion. She is closely identified
with several indigenous deities, including
Miao-shan, a legendary Chinese princess
who became a Buddhist nun, and who is
now protective deity. Many scholars
maintain that she has been completely
transformed into a goddess in Chinese
folk religion, although she is still revered
in Chinese Buddhist temples. She is
closely associated with childbirth in
China, and women pray to her when they
hope to conceive and when they are
approaching childbirth.
Jesuit missionaries to China in the
sixteenth century coined the name
Goddess of Mercy for Kuan-yin. They
noted the striking resemblance
between female figures of the bod-
hisattva, especially the white-robed
Kuan-yin, and Catholic images of the
Virgin Mary. She is also known in
Chinese as Kuan-shih-yin (one who
observes the sounds of the world) and
Kuan-tz-tsai (the one who observes
freely). See also Kannon.
Kuan-yin Ching
Kuan-yin Sutra, the popular Chinese
title for the Kuan-shih-yin Pu-sa Pu-
men Pin (The Universal Gateway of
the Bodhisattva Perceiver of the Worlds
Sounds), which appears as the twenty-
fifth chapter of the Lotus Sutra. The
most common version of the sutra used
in East Asia is the translation by
Kumarajiva. The text has circulated
independently and is sometimes
regarded as a separate sutra. It is often
recited at Zen rituals involving lay prac-
titioners. See also Avalokiteshvara
Sutra, Kannonky, and lay believer.
Nine Buddhist ritual actions performed
as a part of the funeral of a prominent
Buddhist monk or nun. They are 1)
nygan, laying the corpse in the coffin;
2) igan butsuji, moving the coffin to the
lecture hall; 3) sagan butsuji, closing
the coffin lid; 4) kashin, hanging a por-
trait of the deceased in the lecture hall
or at the front gate; 5) taireishsan, a
brief sermon on the Dharma in front of
the coffin at the taiya service; 6) kigan,
carrying the coffin to the cremation
grounds; 7) tencha butsuji, offering
hot tea, 8) tent butsuji, offering hot
sweetened water; and 9) ako, starting
the cremation fire with a torch. Also
pronounced kybutsuji.
Kuei-shan Ling-yu
(771853; J. Isan Reiy) Chinese Zen
master of the Tang dynasty (618907)
who, along with his disciple Yang-shan
Hui-chi (807883), founded the Kuei-
yang school (J. Igy-sh) of Zen. The
Kuei-yang school is one of the so-called
five houses (J. goke) of Chinese Zen. He
was the Dharma heir of Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814). Pai-chang
appointed him abbot at a new
monastery on Mount Kuei-shan, from
which his popular name derives.
Among his forty-one Dharma heirs, the
most influential were the brothers Yang-
shan and Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien.
Kuei-yang School
(J. Igy-sh) A lineage of Chinese Zen
active during the Tang dynasty
(618907) and known as one of the so-
called five houses of Zen. The lineage
was founded by two Zen masters, Kuei-
shan Ling-yu (771853) and his
Dharma heir, Yang-shan Hui-chi
(807883). The two developed a distinc-
tive style of Zen practice, favoring
silence and action over words. They also
perfected the use of circular images as a
Zen teaching device. The Kuei-yang
school did not survive for long. It had
already faded by the beginning of
|the Sung dynasty (9601279), and its
teachings were incorporated into the
Lin-chi school.
(work on or inquire into) Zen prac-
tice, especially seated meditation (J.
zazen) or contemplation of a kan dur-
ing seated meditation. The expression
may also be used to indicate intensive,
single-minded meditation.
The Japanese aristocracy, noble families
associated with the imperial court.
When Buddhism was first transmitted
to Japan, it was limited to the kuge class.
The kuge class became supporters of
Zen, beginning in the Kamakura period
(11851333). They were especially inter-
ested in the highly refined culture of the
Gozan temples, centers for the fine arts
and literature during the medieval
period (11851600).
The kitchen-office building, one of the
seven core buildings (shichid garan)
within a traditional Zen monastery. In
traditional layouts, the kuin was
located off to the right side of the
Buddha hall (butsud). The large
kitchen-office complexes of medieval
Zen monasteries housed not only the
kitchen areas where the two daily meals
were prepared for the whole monastic
community, but also storage areas and
administrative offices. The head admin-
istrator in the kuin was the tenzo, or
cook, one of the highest offices in the
monastery hierarchy. The tenzo typi-
cally oversaw a large staff of assistants
and novices. Other administrative offi-
cers (than) likewise had their offices in
the kuin. Over the centuries, kuin fell
out of use in Japanese Zen monasteries;
they were replaced by the smaller kuri.
Nine-strip robe, one of three basic
types of kesa, or monastic robes, worn
by Buddhist monks and nuns. The
nine-strip robe was originally called the
samghati in Sanskrit. It is alternatively
known in Japanese as the sgyari or
the daie, literally great robe. The
kuje was originally designed to be
worn as a formal outer garment, which
monks and nuns donned whenever
they had business outside the
monastery grounds.
(774835) Japanese Buddhist monk
who founded the Shingon sect of
Japanese Buddhism. Kkai came from a
noble class family and received a formal
education in the Chinese classics. He
later left school to pursue Buddhist
practice. Kkai traveled to China in 804,
where he was initiated into the practices
of esoteric Buddhism. He returned to
Japan in 806 and eventually established
the Shingon monastic headquarters on
Mount Kya.
Hakeda, Kkai. Major Works. Trans.
Yoshito S. Hakeda. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1972.
(344413; J. Kumaraj or Raj) A
Buddhist monk from Kucha, in Central
Asia, who became the foremost transla-
tor of Buddhist texts from Sanskrit into
Chinese. His father was Indian and his
mother was the sister of the king of
Kucha. He entered monastic life at a
young age and studied both Theravada
and Mahayana teachings. When the
Chinese overran Kucha in 383, they took
Kumarajiva captive. After being held for
nearly twenty years, he was taken to
Chang-an, the capital city of China, in
401. In China, Kumarajiva supervised a
large team of linguists, including both
Chinese and Central Asians, who pro-
duced new and revised translations of
numerous texts, including the Heart
Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Lotus
Sutra, the Vimalakirti Sutra, and the
basic treatises of the Mdhyamaka
school. His disciples became the
founders of the San-lun school, based
on the Mdhyamaka teachings that
Kumarajiva had transmitted. For this
reason, Kumarajiva is regarded as one of
the schools patriarchs.
Japanese transliteration for Kuma-
rajiva. Generally abbreviated to Raj.
See Kumarajiva.
Public case, the original Chinese
name for kan, the teaching devices
used in Zen practice. The term derives
from the Chinese governmental tradi-
tion of publishing judicial cases that set
precedent in law. See kan.
Kunshin Goi
The five ranks of lord and vassal. An
alternative expression of the five ranks
developed by Tsao-shan Pen-chi
(840901). In this version of the for-
mula, the lord represents ultimate
reality and the vassal represents phe-
nomenal existence. The five-part for-
mula may be translated: 1) the lord
sees the vassal; 2) the vassal faces the
lord; 3) the lord alone; 4) the vassal
alone; and 5) lord and vassal are one.
See five ranks.
A small monastery kitchen, traditionally
used to prepare meals for the residents
of the abbots quarters and the guest
quarters. The kuri was much smaller in
size than the main kitchen-office, or
kuin, where meals for the majority of
the monastic community were pre-
pared. Over the centuries, Japanese Zen
monasteries came to rely on the kuri
rather than the kuin, and the kuri
became the administrative core for the
monastery. Instead of gathering as a
community to eat together in a central
dining hall, most Japanese monks and
nuns ate within their specific subtem-
ples (tatch) within the larger
monastery complex. Meals were typi-
cally prepared at the small kuri which
served the various subtemples.
Offerings made to express veneration,
especially offerings made to the three
treasures, the Buddha, the Dharma,
and the sangha. The word kuy is the
Japanese translation of the Sanskrit
term puja. Kuy can include ritual
offerings of food, flowers, incense and
the like, presented to images of bud-
dhas and bodhisattvas. It may also refer
to the food, clothing, shelter, and other
necessities that lay people provide for
monks and nuns. See also lay believer.
Today, the most common usage of
kuy is for memorial services offered for
the sake of deceased relatives. Other
types of memorial services also exist,
such as mizuko kuy, or memorial ser-
vices offered for the sake of miscarried or
aborted fetuses. See also four offerings.
Ku Zshi
The Phrase Book, an anthology of
5,000 Zen phrases compiled in Japan by
Ty Eich (14381504), a Dharma
descendant of Kanzan Egen
(12771369) of the Myshin-ji line of
Rinzai Zen. Ty drew his material from
sutras, recorded sayings of Chinese
Zen masters, Taoist texts, Confucian
texts, and Chinese poetry. He arranged
the phrases according to length, includ-
ing expressions of one to eight charac-
ters and parallel verses of five to eight
characters. Tys work circulated in
manuscript form for several genera-
tions, but was never published. In the
seventeenth century, someone using
the pen name Ijshi produced an
expanded version of the Ku Zshi under
the title Zenrin Kush, first published
in 1688. See also Zenrin Kush.
The standard Japanese translation for
sutra. The word is commonly appended
to the title of a sutra, and may in some
cases be pronounced gy. See sutras.
Kygen Chikan
Japanese rendering of Hsiang-yen
Chih-hsien (d. 898). See Hsiang-yen
The warning staff or admonition staff
used during periods of seated medita-
tion (zazen) to ward off drowsiness and
distracted thoughts and to provide
encouragement for meditators striving
for enlightenment. Kysaku is the
Japanese transliteration of the Chinese
term preferred by the St school. In
the Rinzai school, the same term is
more often pronounced keisaku. The
most obvious difference in the use of
the Kysaku in the St school arises
from differences in positioning during
Kyd, or the Way of the Bow, is the modern Japanese term for archery.
Archery was introduced to Japan during the sixth century.



















periods of meditation. Since meditators
sit facing the wall in a St context, they
may not always anticipate a blow from
the Kysaku. In addition, the Kysaku is
generally used only to strike the right
shoulder in St, rather than both sides
as is the case in Rinzai. See keisaku.
Anthology of Crazy Cloud, a collection
of Zen poetry composed in classical
Chinese by Ikky Sjun (13941481).
The collection, two sections in length,
was first published in 1642. Kyun
(Crazy Cloud) was Ikkys pen name.
Kyzan Ejaku
Japanese rendering of Yang-shan Hui-
chi (807883). See Yang-shan Hui-chi.
The Way of the Bow, the modern
Japanese term for archery. In earlier
periods it was more commonly known
as kyjutsu, the art of the bow. Archery
was introduced to Japan from the Asian
mainland by the sixth century, long
before Zen had developed in China. It
first became associated with Zen prac-
tice during the medieval period
(11851600), when several prominent
archers studied and practiced Zen med-
itation. Eugen Herrigel wrote about the
relationship between kyd and Zen in
Zen in the Art of Archery.
Herrigel, Eugen. Zen in the Art of
Archery. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. New
York: Vintage Books, 1989.
Lan-chi Tao-lung
Lan-chi Tao-lung
(12131278; J. Rankei Dry) A Yan
dynasty (12601368) Zen master from
the Yang-chi lineage of Rinzai Zen, who
traveled to Japan in 1246. Lan-chi was
the first of several prominent Chinese
monks who helped to establish exclu-
sive Rinzai practice devoid of esoteric
elements in Japan. In Kamakura, the
regent Hj Tokiyori (12271263)
invited Lan-chi to become the found-
ing abbot of Kench-ji, the first strictly
Rinzai monastery in Japan. Lan-chi
modeled the monastery on Chinese
examples; the grounds included such
typical Zen structures as a communal
meditation hall (sd). There were no
buildings for esoteric practices and the
rule observed allowed for no mixing of
Rinzai with esoteric Buddhism. Lan-
chi was later accused of being a Mongol
spy and was twice exiled. See also
Rinzai sect and Yang-chi school.
Lankavatara Sutra
(J. Rygaky; Ch. Leng-chieh Ching)
Sutra When Entering Lanka, a
Mahayana sutra set when the Buddha
visited the island of Lanka and gave a
sermon. Lanka is identified as being
located to the south of India, and is gen-
erally thought to be a reference to Sri
Lanka. The date and place of origin of
the sutra are uncertain, although tradi-
tion holds that it was composed in India
around the second century C.E. The
Lankavatara Sutra provides an unsys-
tematic review of several Mahayana
teachings. It focuses primarily on the
psychological workings of the mind,
and it presents concepts such as the
storehouse consciousness (alaya con-
sciousness) and the tathagata
gharbha. It explains that enlighten-
ment is an internal transcendence of
dualistic thought and that the Dharma
may be transmitted without words,
teachings later promoted by the Zen
school. Indeed, the sutra is closely
associated with Zen; in the early
period of Zens development in China,
it was sometimes referred to as
the Lankavatara school. According to
Zen tradition, Bodhidharma handed
down a copy of the Lankavatara Sutra to
the Second Patriarch Hui-ko (487593)
as a symbol of Dharma transmission.
There are three Chinese translations
(T. 16, nos. 670672) of the sutra. D. T.
Suzuki (16891966) translated the sutra
into English, basing his work on the
Sanskrit text.
Latter Age of the Dharma
(J. Mapp) According to a Mahayana
Buddhist concept of history, the teach-
ings and practice of Buddhism pass
through three progressively deteriorat-
ing stages following Buddhas death. In
each stage the Dharma is said to deteri-
orate until it ceases to exist. After the
end of the third age, the world will await
a new buddha to set the process back in
motion. During the initial period, the
Dharma survives intact, and the teach-
ings, practice, and the attainment of
enlightenment remain viable. During
the second age, the teachings and prac-
tice remain, but enlightenment is no
longer attainable. By the third and final
age, the Dharma has deteriorated so
thoroughly that even the practice of
Buddhism becomes impossible. All that
remains are the teachings, which can-
not be truly followed or fully realized.
This latter age of the Dharma is said to
last for 10,000 years.
For many Buddhists, the latter age of
the Dharma caused grave concern, in
much the same way that the end of the
millennium and predictions about the
apocalypse concern some Christians.
Calculations for the onset of the latter
age of the Dharma differ in various
parts of the Buddhist world. In East
Asia, calculations are traditionally
based on 949 B.C.E. as the year of the
Buddhas death. In addition, the first
age may be calculated to last either 500
or 1,000 years. In China, Buddhists typ-
ically believed that the latter age com-
menced around the year 550 C.E. In
Japan, where calculations were usually
based on the longer interpretation, it
was thought to begin around 1050 C.E.
Zen Buddhists have not generally been
as concerned about the concept of the
latter age of the Dharma. This
is because of the Zen understanding
that enlightened masters of any age
can teach the Dharma and that
Zen practitioners continue to attain
enlightenment. See also three ages of
the Dharma.
Laughing Buddha
A popular name for Maitreya, especially
when depicted as the Chinese monk
Pu-tai (d. 916; J. Hotei). While early
Buddhist images of the future buddha
Maitreya depicted him as a graceful fig-
ure, sometime during the Sung dynasty
(9601279) an alternative portrayal
became popular in China. The image of
Pu-tai, regarded as an incarnation of
Maitreya, is that of a smiling monk with
a large belly protruding from his robes.
He may be seated with his right leg
raised or standing with his hands thrust
over his head. Pu-tai was a historical fig-
ure, a Chinese Zen monk from the Sung
dynasty, who became the subject of
popular religious legend. After his
death, Pu-tai was identified as an
incarnation of Maitreya. Statues of Pu-
tai are sometimes enshrined at
Buddhist temples in East Asia as images
of the future buddha Maitreya. Small
figurines of Pu-tai are commonly sold
as good luck charms.
Chn, Kenneth Kuan Shng. Buddhism
in China: A Historical Survey.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1964.
The Laughing Buddha, or Maitreya, is a smiling monk with a protruding belly.
Small figures of the Laughing Buddha are commonly sold as charms.
Laughing Buddha
Law of Causation
Law of Causation
The Buddhist understanding of cause
and effect, which is based on the under-
standing that all phenomena, whether
physical or mental, have causes.
Everything arises due to certain causes
and conditions. When those causes and
conditions cease to exist, the thing in
question changes and passes out of
existence. The Law of Causation is
closely related to the concept of code-
pendent origination, which is used to
explain the origin and the possible ces-
sation of suffering.
In addition, the Buddhist Law of
Causation maintains that every inten-
tional action necessarily produces
an effect, whether in this lifetime or in
a future life. In this regard, the Law
of Causation is closely related to
the concept of karma. Good actions
necessarily produce positive fruits,
and evil actions necessarily produce
negative fruits.
Lay Believer
An ordinary member of a religious
group who is neither ordained nor a
member of a religious order of monks
or nuns. Lay believers typically do not
devote their entire lives to religious
practice. In Buddhist contexts, lay
believers are frequently called house-
holders, indicating that their primary
concern revolves around family life,
unlike monks and nuns, who leave the
home life when they enter the
monastery. Lay Buddhists follow an
abbreviated set of moral precepts,
known as the five precepts, which
enjoin the practitioner to abstain from
killing, lying, sexual misconduct, steal-
ing, and drinking alcohol. These are the
first five precepts kept by all ordained
Buddhists, although they are inter-
preted differently for lay people. For
example, the third precept, which for-
bids monks and nuns from engaging in
any sexual activity, is understood to
preclude only improper sexual contact,
including premarital and extramarital
relations, for lay believers.
Layman Pang
(740803; J. H koji) Pang Yun, a
Chinese lay practitioner of Zen
Buddhism and accomplished poet
from the Tang dynasty (618907).
Nothing is known of his youth. Married,
with two children, Pang practiced Zen
throughout his life, receiving guidance
from some of the leading masters of the
day, including Shih-tou and Ma-tsu
Tao-i. He attained enlightenment
under Ma-tsu but refused to become a
monk. In his later years, he gave away
his home and took up an itinerant life.
Pang appears in case forty-two of the
Hekiganroku. He is often compared to
Vimalakirti, another prominent lay
practitioner who attained enlighten-
ment without ever taking the tonsure.
Pang left behind more than 300 poems,
some of which still survive. There is an
English translation of his recorded say-
ings, edited by Ruth Fuller Sasaki. See
also lay believer.
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, Yoshitaka Iriya, and
Dana R. Fraser. A Man of Zen: The
Recorded Sayings of Layman Pang.
New York: Weatherhill, 1971.
Lin-chi I-hsan
(d. 867; Rinzai Gigen) Chinese Zen mas-
ter of the Tang dynasty (618907), who
is regarded as the founder of the Rinzai
school of Zen Buddhism. Lin-chi had a
distinctive teaching style, making use of
shouts (J. katsu) and slaps to push his
disciples toward an enlightenment
experience. Little is known about Lin-
chis early life. He was born in Tsao pre-
fecture sometime between 810 and 815
C.E. It is not known at what age he first
entered monastic orders; he initially
studied the Vinaya and various
Mahayana teachings. Eventually, he
traveled to Chiang-hsi to practice Zen at
the monastery of Huang-po Hsi-yn (d.
850). The story of his enlightenment is
quite famous within the tradition. After
three years in Huang-pos community,
Lin-chi had made little progress and had
not once approached the master for
direct instruction. The chief seat (J.
shuso) at the monastery encouraged
Lin-chi to ask the master about the car-
dinal principle of the Dharma. Three
times Lin-chi asked Huang-po, and three
times the master struck him with a blow.
With Lin-chi on the verge of quitting the
community in discouragement, Huang-
po suggested that he visit Zen master Ta-
yu. Lin-chi experienced enlightenment
during his first interview with Ta-yu. He
then returned to Huang-po, who recog-
nized him as his Dharma heir. After ten
more years of practice with Huang-po,
Lin-chi went on a pilgrimage and even-
tually settled near the city of Chen-chou
in a small temple called Lin-chi-yuan,
from which he gained his popular name.
He spent the last years of his life in a
temple in Wei-fu. Lin-chis recorded say-
ings, the Lin-chi Lu (Sayings of Lin-Chi),
is among the most important texts within
the Zen corpus. See also Rinzai sect.
Lin-chi Lu
The common abbreviation for Lin-chi
Chan-shih Yu-lu, the Recorded Sayings
of Chan Master Lin-chi (J. Rinzai-roku).
See Sayings of Lin-chi.
Lin-chi School
( J. Rinzai-sh) One of two major
schools of Chinese Zen, along with the
Tsao-tung school (J. St). Lin-chi Zen
is named for its founding patriarch Lin-
chi I-hsuan (d. 867), one of the most
famous Chinese Zen masters of the
Tang dynasty (618907). The predomi-
nant Lin-chi style of practice uses kan
as the focus of attention during seated
meditation (zazen). The Lin-chi style is
also traditionally associated with the
use of slapping and shouting (katsu!) as
teaching devices.
The Lin-chi lineage first took shape
during the Tang dynasty and numbers
among the five houses of Chinese Zen
from that period. During the Sung
dynasty (9601279), the Lin-chi school
divided into two major branches, the
Yang-chi line ( J. Ygi-sh) and the
Huang-lung line (J. Ory-sh). Since
the Sung dynasty, it has been the domi-
nant form of Zen practice in China. The
Lin-chi school was transmitted to Japan
during the Kamakura period
(11851333) and is known there as the
Rinzai sect. See also Huang-lung
school and Yang-chi school.
Within the Zen school of Buddhism, it
is very common to discuss the history of
the school as a whole, or a segment of it
in terms of lineage. Zen typically repre-
sents itself as a lineage of enlightened
masters going back to Bodhidharma
and the historical Buddha. Zen lineages
are charted out in much the same way
that family trees are drawn, presenting
several generations of related Zen
teachers and disciples. In a Zen context,
however, lineage is not understood sim-
ply as a matter of historical relation-
ships. It functions as a religiously
charged concept and is understood to
imply Dharma transmission from one
generation to the next.
Lineage Chart
A listing from generation to generation
of the Zen practitioners officially
regarded as Dharma heirs within a seg-
ment of the Zen school. Lineage charts
resemble family trees, mapping out the
religious notion of Dharma transmis-
sion. They are a standard feature in the
Zen school for presenting in graphic
form the understanding that the
Dharma is passed from master to disci-
ple. Lineage charts typically begin with
the historical Buddha, Bodhidharma,
or another founding patriarch. The list
then continues through the subsequent
generations of patriarchs and masters.
An important Chinese Zen monastery
on Pei-shan. The monasterys full name
was Ching-te Ling-yin-ssu. It was desig-
nated as one of the Five Mountains (Ch.
wu-shan; J. Gozan temples), the most
prestigious Zen monasteries in China.
Lions Roar
Lions Roar
An expression indicating intensity and
power, since a lions roar is said to pos-
sess the resonance of one hundred ani-
mals. Buddhist scriptures often apply
the original Sanskrit expression simha
nada ( J. shishiku) to describe the
unsurpassed quality of the Buddha
preaching the Dharma.
Lotus Position
The body posture most commonly used
for Buddhist meditation. In the full
lotus position (J. kekka fuza), one sits
cross-legged, placing the right foot on
the left thigh and the left foot on the
right thigh. In most schools of
Buddhism, one places the hands palms
up, the right hand resting on the left foot
and the left hand on the right foot. In the
case of Zen meditation, the right hand
rests palm up on the left foot, and the
left hand is placed above the right hand
with the tips of the thumbs touching.
Lotus Sutra
(J. Myh Rengeky) Popular name for
the Saddharma-pundarika Sutra, the
Scripture of the Lotus Flower of the
Wondrous Dharma, one of the most
important Mahayana sutras. The Lotus
Sutra was originally composed in
Sanskrit and was completed sometime
around 200 C.E. It has been especially
influential throughout East Asia, where
it is widely accepted by all schools of
Buddhism. In particular, the Tien-tai,
Tendai, and Nichiren schools are based
on interpretations of the Lotus Sutra.
There are several Chinese translations
of the text, but by far the most popular
was the one completed by Kumarajiva
(T. 9, no. 262) in 406 C.E. There are sev-
eral English translations from the
Chinese text, including Leon Hurvitzs
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the
Fine Dharma and Burton Watsons The
Lotus Sutra.
The Lotus Sutra presents a number
of distinctive Mahayana teachings, in
many cases providing the primary
scriptural basis for Mahayana concepts.
The sutra is set on Vulture Peak and is
presented as the final sermon given by
the Buddha before his death. For this
reason, the sutra is said to represent the
culmination of the Buddhas teachings,
perfecting or superseding his earlier
sermons, which are treated in the text
as provisional. Through the use of col-
orful parables, including the stories of
the burning house and the conjured
city, the Buddha explains that he makes
use of upaya, or expedient means, to
prepare his followers for progressively
advanced teachings. For this reason,
followers of the Theravada (Hinayana)
teachings who seek nirvana are actually
on the same path as bodhisattvas of the
Mahayana tradition who seek buddha-
hood. The sutra teaches that all sen-
tient beings are capable of attaining
The Lotus Sutra was originally composed in
Sanskrit around 200 C.E.
enlightenment and are on the path to
buddhahood. Finally, the Buddha
explains that he is not an ordinary
human being who attained enlighten-
ment, but a manifestation of an eternal
Buddha. As a means of instructing oth-
ers, the eternal Buddha assumes human
form at various times in history, and
then appears to pass into nirvana. See
also Tendai sect and Tien-tai school.
Tanabe, George J., Jr., and Willa Jane
Tanabe. The Lotus Sutra in Japanese
Culture. Honolulu, HI: University of
Hawaii Press, 1989.
Lump of Red Flesh
A graphic expression used by the Tang
Zen master Lin-chi I-hsan (d. 867) in
reference to the human body or the
human mind. Lin-chi I-hsan con-
trasted the lump of red flesh (J. shaku-
niku danj) with the innate Buddha
Nature within the self. A famous pas-
sage from the Sayings of Lin-chi says:
The master ascended the hall and said,
Here in this lump of red flesh there is a
True Man with no rank. Constantly he
goes in and out the gates of your face. If
there are any of you who dont know this
for a fact, then look! Look!
Watson, Burton. The Zen Teachings
of Master Lin-chi: A Translation of
the Lin-chi lu. Boston, MA:
Shambhala, 1993.
Lump of Red Flesh
The Middle Doctrine school of early
Mahayana Buddhism (J. Chgan-ha),
based on the writings of Nagarjuna
(ca. 150250 C.E.). The primary teach-
ings of the school include the two
truths and emptiness (shunyata).
Mdyamaka thought first developed in
India but became extremely influential
throughout East Asian Buddhism. In
China and Japan, it became known
respectively as the San-lun school and
the Sanron school.
A follower of the Mdhyamaka
school of Mahayana Buddhism.
See Mdhyamaka.
(J. Makakash or Kash) One of the ten
distinguished disciples of the Buddha,
reknowned for his strict ascetic prac-
tice. Tradition has it that Mahakashyapa
obtained enlightenment and became
an arhat after only eight days as the
Buddhas disciple. Because of his strict
adherence to the ascetic life,
Mahakashyapa became the head of
the Buddhist community after the
Buddhas death. He convened the First
Buddhist Council at Rajagrha, at which
the community composed the Vinaya
and Sutra Pitaka, the first two sections
of the Tripitaka.
Mahakashyapa came from a wealthy
brahmin family, but from his youth was
uninterested in worldly pleasures. He
left the home life soon after his parents
died and requested that the Buddha
accept him as a follower. His request
granted, Mahakashyapa folded his
outer garment and offered it to the
Buddha as a cushion. When the Buddha
admired its softness, Mahakashyapa
begged that the Buddha accept his robe,
which was made from the same quality
fabric. The Buddha agreed, offering his
own tattered robe to Mahakashyapa
in return. Mahakashyapa continued
to wear the masters robe throughout
his life, despite criticism from other
disciples that his appearance was a
discredit to the sangha, the community
of Buddhist believers. Zen tradition
regards this robe as the first robe
of transmission.
Mahakashyapa is revered in the Zen
school as the first of the twenty-eight
Indian patriarchs of Zen. The first
transmission of the Zen Dharma from
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama) to
Mahakashyapa is a common theme in
Zen literature. Once when the Buddha
was lecturing to his disciples on Vulture
Peak, he silently held up a flower. His
disciples made no reply, unable to
understand the Buddhas action. Only
Mahakashyapa answered, responding
to the Buddha with a smile. Seeing his
smile, the Buddha said, I have the True
Dharma Eye, the wondrous mind of
nirvana. I entrust it to Mahakashyapa.
This story is the subject of several kan,
including case six of the Mumonkan
and case 253 of the Sanbyakusoku.
Mahaprajna Paramita
( J. daihannya haramitta) Great
perfection of wisdom, an expression
for the attainment of real or intuitive
wisdom. Dgen Kigen (12001253)
used the term as the title for one essay
in the Shbgenz.
Mahavairochana Buddha
(J. Dainichi Butsu) The central of the
five cosmic buddhas closely associated
with the esoteric traditions of
Buddhism. Originally, the epithet
Vairochana, or One who shines forth,
was applied to Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama), but eventually,
Vairochana came to be understood as
an independent celestial buddha.
Unlike other celestial buddhas,
Mahavairochana is not thought to have
existed first as a bodhisattva, but to
exist eternally as a buddha.
Mahavairochana Buddha is regarded as
the embodiment of reality in the uni-
verse. Since his body, speech, and mind
pervade the universe, many esoteric
Buddhist practices focus on the three
mysteries of body, speech, and mind as
a means to identify with Vairochana.
Iconographically, Mahavairochana
occupies the central position in
the Womb-Realm Mandala and
the Diamond-Realm Mandala, both
of which are used extensively in
the Shingon sect. He is sometimes
depicted attended by the bodhisattvas
Manjusri ( J. Monju) and Samanta-
bhadra (J. Fugen).
Mahayana Buddhism
(J. Daij) The Great Vehicle, one of the
two (or three) major divisions within
Buddhism, which incorporates a large
number of distinctive schools of
thought and styles of practice.
Mahayana Buddhists adopted the name
to contrast themselves with earlier
forms of Buddhism, which they dubbed
Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle.
Mahayana is sometimes called
Northern Buddhism because it pre-
dominates throughout East Asia, which
lies to the north of Theravadan cultures.
The various schools of Mahayana
include the Yogachara school, the Hua-
yen school, the Pure Land schools,
the Zen, the Tien-tai school, and
many others. In addition, some
scholars include the Vajrayana
schools of Buddhism, including
Tibetan Buddhism, under the general
rubric of Mahayana.
Mahayana teachings are presented
in a series of new scriptures that serve
as a supplement to the early scriptures
compiled in the original Tripitaka.
Mahayana scriptures incorporate the
Wisdom Literature, including the Heart
Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Lotus
Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Pure
Land Sutras, etc. Later Chinese and
Japanese writings, including many texts
from the extensive Zen corpus of litera-
ture, are also incorporated into the
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese versions
of the Tripitaka.
Mahayana Buddhism represents
several new developments that
diverged from the early Buddhist teach-
ing and practice. These innovations first
emerged in India from the first century
B.C.E. through the third century C.E. and
can be summarized under three basic
areas. First, Mahayana teachings devel-
oped and expanded the concept of the
Buddha to include the concept of an
Eternal Buddha, who takes on specific
form as the numerous historical and
celestial buddhas. Second, the
Mahayana teachings contrasted their
understanding of the ideal practitioner
of Buddhism, the bodhisattva, who
demonstrates compassion to all
sentient beings, with the earlier ideal
of the arhat, who seeks only his or
her own enlightenment. Finally,
Mahayana thought built upon and
extended the early teaching of No-Self
(Sk. Anatman), which stressed the tran-
sient nature of the individual human self,
thus developing the concept of empti-
ness (Sk. shunyata) which is said to char-
acterize all phenomena (Sk. Dharmas).
See also esoteric Buddhism and three
bodies of the Buddha.
Main Temple
A Buddhist temple or monastery that
serves as the institutional headquarters
for a network of branch temples. The
pattern of affiliation between main and
branch temples ( J. honji matsuji)
emerged in Japan during the medieval
period (11851600) and was later sys-
tematized in the early modern (1600
1867) and modern periods (1868pre-
sent). During the Tokugawa period
(16001867), the government required
that all Buddhist temples be affiliated in
a sectarian hierarchy. The government
limited the number of sectarian head-
quarters to a specified group of main
monasteries and communicated with
Main Temple
the main temples, which were then
responsible for conveying government
regulations to the branch temples
under their control. Main temples thus
functioned as a part of the govern-
ments regulatory system designed to
control many aspects of Japanese soci-
ety, including Buddhism. The practice
of temple networks continues today in
Japan, although the separation of
church and state in the post-World War
II period has freed Buddhist main
temples from any official governmental
control. Most Buddhist temples in
Japan are still affiliated as branch
temples within an institutional sectar-
ian structure under the administrative
leadership of a main temple that serves
as the sects headquarters.
(J. Miroku) The Future Buddha, whom
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) is said to have designated as
his successor. Other than Shakyamuni
buddha himself, Maitreya is the only
major cultic figure accepted throughout
the Buddhist world, enjoying devo-
tional popularity in both the Mahayana
and the Theravada traditions.
Buddhists believe that Maitreya
currently resides as a highly advanced
bodhisattva in Tushita Heaven, where
he continues to perfect his bodhisattva
practice in preparation for his final
birth here in this world. As the
future Buddha, Maitreya often serves
as a symbol of hope for a better age,
when human beings will find it easier to
practice Buddhism more fully and
attain enlightenment.
The most common form of Buddhist
devotion to Maitreya focuses on build-
ing merit sufficient to warrant rebirth
during Maitreyas future golden age. It
is believed that those individuals
fortunate enough to hear Maitreya
Maitreya, the future Buddha, is accepted throughout the Buddhist world as a symbol of hope.
preach the Dharma at that time will
be able to attain enlightenment. In
most Buddhist conceptualizations of
time, it is understood that Maitreya
will be born far in the distant future,
millions of years from now. Before
the dawn of the new age, the world
must first pass through the tribulations
of the end of the present age as the
teachings of Shakyamuni buddha
progressively fade away.
Another form of popular devotional
practice once popular in East Asia
focused on the hope of attaining rebirth
in Tushita Heaven in the immediate
future. Individuals born there would
not only benefit from an environment
more conducive to Buddhist practice,
they would also have an opportunity to
accompany Maitreya when he returns
to this world. A believer hoping for
rebirth in Tushita Heaven would seek to
build merit and call upon Maitreyas
assistance. This form of practice is quite
similar to some forms of Pure Land
belief. In fact, devotion to Amida
buddha and hope for rebirth in his
Western Pure Land later eclipsed devo-
tion to Maitreya in East Asia.
In a few rare cases, East Asian
Buddhists reinterpreted the main-
stream Maitreya myth, transforming
him into a messianic savior who would
soon appear, or had already appeared,
to usher in the millennial age. In some
cases, political leaders in China claimed
to be Maitreya to legitimate the rule. In
other cases, Maitreya served as a rally-
ing symbol for revolutionary political
movements. The latent political and
religious power of this variation of the
Maitreya myth has not completely dis-
appeared. In at least two new Japanese
religions that have emerged in this cen-
tury, founders were identified an incar-
nations of Maitreya.
Sponberg, Alan, and Helen Hardacre,
eds. Maitreya, the Future Buddha.
New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1988.
Maka Hannya Haramitsu
Great Perfection of Wisdom, the
Japanese transliteration for Maha-
prajna Paramita. See Mahaprajna
The Japanese pronunciation of
Mahakashyapa, the foremost disciple
of the Buddha and the first Indian
patriarch of Zen. See Mahakashyapa.
A brief Japanese Buddhist service per-
formed by a Buddhist monk over the
body of the deceased immediately after
death. Since the service is traditionally
performed at the deathbed, it is known
as the pillow sutra. Despite the name,
there is no text bearing the name
Pillow Sutra, nor do the various
Buddhist denominations employ a sin-
gle common text for the deathbed ser-
vice. The Makuragy service is unique
to Japanese Buddhist custom. The ser-
vice typically includes the burning of
incense, reading of a short passage
from a sutra, and a brief sermon by a
Buddhist priest. Throughout the ser-
vice, the face of the deceased is covered
with a white cloth, used as a shroud.
The custom of performing the pillow
sutra became common in all denomi-
nations of Japanese Buddhism during
the Tokugawa period (16001867). At
that time, the Japanese government
required that in every case of death, a
Buddhist monk examine the body
before filing a report and issuing a
death certificate. Only then was permis-
sion granted for burial or cremation.
The requirement was part of the
Tokugawa governments effort to limit
the spread of illegal religious groups,
including Christianity. Buddhist monks
played a role in the governments pro-
gram by helping to ascertain that every
Japanese was a member of a Buddhist
temple, and not a member of an illegal
religion. In earlier periods, the
Makuraky was a part of the wake, held
throughout the night following death.
The main monastery for the Obaku sect
of Japanese Zen, located in Uji, a small
city south of Kyoto. The full formal
name is Obaku-san Mampuku-ji. The
monastery was founded in 1663 by Yin-
yan Lung-chi (15941673), the
founder of the Obaku sect. The
monastery is distinctive in Japan,
because it is constructed in the Ming
Chinese style. It was originally modeled
after Yin-yans home monastery, Wan-
fu-ssu, in Fukien province. In addition
to using Chinese architectural styles,
Yin-yan commissioned Chinese arti-
sans to complete much of the carving
and art work which adorns the temple
buildings (shichid garan).
Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese
characters meaning ten thousand
Dharmas (things). This is a common
East Asian Buddhist expression for
everything in existence, the entire phe-
nomenal world. The phrase is alterna-
tively translated as the myriad things.
See ten thousand Dharmas.
A sacred visual image often constructed
of circles and rectangles, designed to
symbolically depict the cosmos, the
realm of a deity, or buddha. Originally
developed in India, mandala (J. man-
dara) are generally used as aids in med-
itation. In the Buddhist world, they are
most commonly associated with eso-
teric Buddhism, including Tibetan
Buddhism and the East Asian schools of
Shingon and Tendai Buddhism.
Buddhist mandala generally incorpo-
rate images of various buddhas and
bodhisattvas, or Sanskrit letters that
symbolically represent them. Mandala
may be temporary constructions or per-
manent images painted on scrolls. In
Tibetan practice, mandala are images
made from colored sand for specific rit-
uals. In other cases, physical objects
such as statues or religious imple-
ments may be arranged to form three-
dimensional mandala. Mandala are not
regularly used in the Zen school. See
also Diamond-Realm Mandala, Womb-
Realm Mandala, Shingon sect, and
Tendai sect.
A mythical wish-fulfilling jewel
obtained from a dragon king (naga) liv-
ing in the sea. The jewel is spherical
in shape, with a short pointed top, and
is said to be capable of warding
off calamities. In the eighth chapter
of the Lotus Sutra, the mani is used as
a metaphor for buddhahood. When
the Buddha predicted perfect enlight-
enment for the five hundred arhats,
they told a parable of a man with a
jewel sewn to his garments. Not realiz-
ing that he had in his possession a
jewel which would fulfill all his needs
and wants, the man struggled and
suffered to eke out a living, just as
human beings, not realizing that they
have the seed of buddhahood within
themselves, suffer needlessly. In Zen
texts, the mani is used in a similar
manner as a symbol of the Buddha
Nature that every individual possesses.
An important Rinzai monastery in
Kyoto. Manju-ji was designated as a
Jissatsu temple for a time and was later
designated one of the Gozan temples in
Japan. Today it is a sub-temple of
Tfuku-ji. See also Rinzai sect.
The cosmic bodhisattva who represents
the qualities of knowledge, wisdom, and
enlightenment of the buddhas. Known
as Monju in Japanese. See Monju.
(J. shingn) Sacred sounds, often with
no literal meaning, which are believed
to have intrinsic power. The Buddhist
use of mantra derives from the Indian
Hindu practice of using sacred sounds
from the Vedas, the Hindu scriptures.
The Buddhist scriptures include
mantras of various lengths, from one or
two syllables to lengthy passages. In
Buddhist contexts, mantras may be
used as sacred formulas to ward off evil,
to ensure good health, to bring rain in
time of drought, and to acquire other
practical benefits. They are also used as
aids in meditation. The steady repeti-
tion of a mantra may help to focus the
concentration and induce a meditative
state. Mantra are used widely in the
Buddhist world, and although they may
be most closely associated with esoteric
Buddhism, they are sometimes used
within the Zen school. In the Obaku
sect of Japanese Zen, for example,
mantras are chanted during morning
and evening services.
Manual Labor
Zen monks and nuns engage in manual
labor (J. fushin or samu) as a regular part
of their monastic practice. Activities
such as raking the yard, collecting fire-
wood, and cooking meals are interpreted
by the Zen tradition as active forms of
meditation that contribute to an indi-
viduals practice. The incorporation of
manual labor into the Zen monastic
lifestyle is said to date to the time of the
fourth patriarch, Tao-hsin (580651),
when it was adopted as a necessity to
insure the communitys physical sur-
vival. Tao-hsin and his disciples, said to
number over five hundred, lived a
secluded life at Shuan-feng-shan, where
they could not rely on the lay community
to provide sufficient food supplies. They
therefore undertook farming the land
Zen monks and nuns are required to perform manual labor such as raking,
cooking, or collecting firewood as a part of their monastic practice.
Manual Labor
Manzan Dhaku
themselves, an activity traditionally for-
bidden to monks and nuns in the
Vinaya. The requirement to participate
in manual labor was later incorporated
into the Zen monastic codes. Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814), traditionally
credited with creating the first monastic
code specific to Zen, is said to have
admonished his disciples, A day
without work, a day without food.
Despite the traditional value placed on
manual labor, not all members of the
Zen monastic community engage in
it on a daily basis. Certain monks
and nuns are excused in order to
concentrate more fully on meditation.
Those who are otherwise occupied with
administrative duties are also usually
excused. See also lay believer.
Manzan Dhaku
(16361715) Japanese St scholar-
monk of the Tokugawa period
(16001867) who initiated major
reforms in the St school. Manzan was
born in Bingo province, present-day
Hiroshima Prefecture. He entered
Buddhist orders at age six, and as a
young man he traveled frequently with
his master throughout the country. In
1651, they arrived in the capital city of
Edo (now Tokyo). Manzan had numer-
ous enlightenment experiences over
the years. When he first met Gessh
Shko (16161696), then abbot at
Daij-ji, in 1678, the master immedi-
ately acknowledged him as his Dharma
heir. Two years later, Manzan suc-
ceeded Gessh as abbot and served in
that post for twelve years. Manzan
carried out monastic reform in a num-
ber of ways, inspired by reading the
works of the founder, Dgen Kigen
(12001253). Manzan studied the exist-
ing monastic codes available to him,
including early St codes, such as
Dgens Eihei Shingi and the Keizan
Shingi, and the recently published
Obaku Shingi of the Obaku sect. He
prepared his own monastic code, the
Shjurin Shingi, for Daij-ji. Based
upon these texts, Manzan also argued
that Dharma transmission and lineage
succession needed to be restored to
comply with Dgens original under-
standing. His efforts to reinstitute the
seal of succession from one master (J.
isshi insh) and Dharma transmission
from mind to mind (J. Menju shih)
were successful.
The end of the Dharma, a term for
the latter age of the Dharma, or the
Age of the degenerate Dharma, the
third and final period after the death of
the historical Buddha. See latter age of
the Dharma.
The Tempter, an evil deity in the
Buddhist cosmology. The name Mara
literally means killer or death in
Sanskrit. Mara reigns in one of the six
heavens in the realm of desire. In
Buddhist legends, Mara is depicted as
the personification of evil, a deity who
prevents human beings from concen-
trating on religious practice by distract-
ing them with various sensual pleasures
and secular concerns. He can be seen as
a special enemy of Buddhism.
Mara plays an important role in the
stories of Shakyamunis (Siddahrta
Gautamas) life, especially the accounts
of the Buddhas enlightenment. When
the Buddha sat down to meditate under
the bodhi tree, determined to meditate
until he had achieved his goal, Mara set
out to prevent him. He attempted to
dissuade the Buddha from his course by
tempting him with worldly benefits and
attacking him with armies of demons.
Understanding that Maras promises
and attacks are always illusory,
the Buddha persevered and defeated
Mara. In other Buddhist texts, Mara
can be found causing trouble for
the Buddhas disciples and other
Buddhist practitioners.
Boyd, James W. Satan and Mara: Christian
and Buddhist Symbols of Evil. Leiden,
Netherlands: Brill, 1975.
Ling, Trevor Oswald. Buddhism and
the Mythology of Evil: A Study in
Theravada Buddhism. Rockport,
MA: Oneworld, 1997.
Married Clergy
In most parts of the Buddhist world,
Buddhist monks and nuns leave the
ordinary life of a married householder
to live celibate lives within the monastic
community. In Japanese Buddhism,
this is no longer the norm in the mod-
ern period (1868present), and most
Japanese Buddhist monks are actually
married men with families. They are
sometimes called priests in English,
since the word monk implies celibacy in
most contexts. The Jdo Shinsh, or
True Pure Land sect, was the first
Japanese sect to allow its clergy to
marry, beginning with the founder
Shinran (11731262), who lived during
the late twelfth and early thirteenth
centuries. For many centuries, Jdo
Shinsh priests were the only married
Buddhist clergy in Japan. During the
Meiji period (18681912), the Japanese
government lifted the legal sanctions
against marriage for Buddhist monks.
Although the monastic code was never
actually changed, Buddhist monks
began to marry, and it is now typical for
Buddhist temples in Japan to be handed
down within biological families, with
sons inheriting the position of head
monk from their fathers. The Japanese
introduced the practice of married
clergy to Korea during the years of occu-
pation (19111945). The practice
resulted in difficulties in the Korean
Buddhist community after the end of
the Second World War, when Korean
Buddhists began to reassert the tradi-
tional monastic code of celibacy. See
also monastic celibacy.
Three pounds of flax, a famous line
attributed to the master Tung-shan
Shou-chu (J. Tzan Shusho; d. 900)
from one of the most popular of the
traditional Zen kan. The kan appears
as case eighteen in the Mumonkan,
case twelve in Hekiganroku, and case
172 in Dgen Kigens (12001253)
Sanbyakusoku. It is commonly referred
to as Tzan masangin, using the
Japanese pronunciation. In the case, a
monk asked Tung-shan, What is the
Buddha? Tung-shan replied, Three
pounds of flax. Tung-shans reply is
similar to a one word barrier (ichiji
kan), a device perfected by his teacher
Yun-men Wen-yen (864949) that is
intended to push a disciple beyond
rational discursive thought. Tung-shan
himself said that words without any
rational intention are living words,
while words with rational intention are
dead words.
Polishing a tile, a reference to the
famous classical kan about the master
Nan-yeh Huai-jang (677744) and his
disciple Ma-tsu Tao-i (709788).
According to the story, Ma-tsu avidly
practiced zazen in the hopes of attain-
ing enlightenment and becoming a
buddha. Nan-yeh, aware that his dis-
ciple was becoming obsessed with
meditation to such an extent that med-
itation itself constituted an obstacle to
his progress, devised an ingenious
method to overcome the problem. He
sat outside his quarters polishing a
coarse ceramic tile. Ma-tsu asked the
master what he was trying to accom-
plish, and Nan-yeh replied that he was
making a mirror. When Ma-tsu
exclaimed that he could not make a
mirror by polishing a tile, Nan-yeh
retorted that neither could Ma-tsu
make a buddha by practicing zazen.
A branch temple which has formal ties
to a main temple or monastery (hon-
zan). Most local Buddhist temples in
Japan are branch temples that answer
to a main monastery and that serve as
the sects headquarters. Historically,
most relationships between branch
temples and main temples go back to
Matsuo Bash
the founding of the branch temple.
When a new temple was built, the
patron usually invited a prominent
monk to serve as the founding abbot
(kaisan). The new temple would then
be related to the temple or monastery
from which the founding abbot came,
and his disciples typically served subse-
quently as abbots. Relationships
between branch temples and main
temples were formalized officially dur-
ing the Tokugawa period (16001867).
Matsuo Bash
(16441694) One of the most famous
Japanese writers of the Tokugawa
period (16001867), who was deeply
influenced by Zen Buddhism. Bash
is best known for his Haiku poetry,
linked verse, and travelogues, which
combine poetry and prose. Bashs best
known writings include Hoku no
hosomichi, known in English as The
Narrow Road to the Deep North, a
description of his final and longest
journey undertaken to the northeastern
provinces from 1689 to 1691.
Ma-tsu ssu-chia lu
Recorded sayings of the four houses of
Ma-tsu. See Ssu-chia Yu Lu.
Ma-tsu Tao-i
(709788; J. Baso Ditsu) One of the most
influential Chinese Zen masters of the
Tang dynasty (618907). Ma-tsu was the
Dharma heir of Nan-yeh Huai-jang. He
developed a dynamic teaching style, hav-
ing learned from his master that sitting
quietly alone was insufficient. According
to accounts of his enlightenment, Ma-
tsu was at one time overly absorbed by
seated meditationand would do nothing
else. When Nan-yeh asked his student
what he hoped to accomplish through all
his meditating, Ma-tsu replied that he
wanted to become a buddha. The master
Matsuo Bash is a famous Japanese writer best known for his poetry. The seventeenth-century
calligraphy shown above is by Bash, the painting by one of his students.
then took up a rough ceramic tile and
began to rub it, and when Ma-tsu asked
him what he was doing, the master
replied that he was polishing the tile to
make a mirror. Ma-tsu asked, How can
you hope to make a mirror from a tile?
The master replied, How can you hope
to make a buddha out of meditating?
Ma-tsu is famous for employing loud
shouts and other shocking actions, such
as striking students. These Zen teaching
devices later characterized the Rinzai
school, which descended from Ma-tsus
lineage. His Dharma heirs represent
most of the dominant lineages of the
period; they include Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814), Nan-chan Pu-yan, and Ta-
mei Fa-chang. Ma-tsu is sometimes
referred to as the Patriarch of the House
of Ma. See also Rinzai sect.
(J. Mokuren) One of the ten distin-
guished disciples of the Buddha,
renowned as foremost in psychic pow-
ers. Maudgalyyana came from a brah-
min family and left the home life to
become a follower of Sanjaya, one of the
six non-Buddhist teachers mentioned
in the Buddhist scriptures. Maud-
galyyana and Shariputra, another out-
standing disciple of the Buddha, were
close friends from boyhood and joined
Sanjayas community together. When
they made their decision to leave
Sanjaya and become disciples of
Shakyamuni (Siddahrta Gautama),
they led numerous other disciples to
follow suit, creating tension. Maud-
galyyana suffered persecution because
of his decision and was eventually killed
by members of a rival religious group
shortly before the Buddhas death.
Maudgalyyana is best known in
East Asian Buddhism for a story found
in the Ullambana Sutra. According to
the tradition, when Maudgalyayanas
mother died, he used his psychic pow-
ers to learn her fate in the next rebirth.
Maudgalyyana searched through all
the realms of existence and finally dis-
covered that she had been reborn in
hell as a hungry ghost. By means of his
supernatural powers, Maudgalyyana
traveled down into hell and tried to
offer his mother food and water to ease
her suffering. She eagerly accepted his
offering, but when she tried to eat it, it
turned to fire in her mouth.
Maudgalyyana asked the Buddha how
he could help his mother, and the
Buddha instructed him to feed the
entire assembly of monks at the end of
the rainy season retreat. At that
time, the community would have
accumulated a large reserve of merit
from their intensive practice and could
transfer the merit to all hungry ghosts,
thus easing the suffering of
Maudgalyyanas mother.
Medicine Buddha
The buddha of healing, called Yakushi
butsu in Japanese and Bhaishajya-guru
in Sanskrit. See Yakushi butsu.
A general English term for a wide variety
of introspective contemplative tech-
niques used throughout the religious
world. Meditation is one of the
most basic elements of Buddhist
practice, especially for monks and
nuns. Within the Buddhist world, the
different schools teach a wide variety of
meditation styles, some of which
include breathing practices, special
body postures, visualization tech-
niques, and different stages or levels of
altered states of consciousness. The
common goal of most forms of
Buddhist meditation is the immediate
realization of enlightenment.
The style of meditation practiced by
members of the Zen school is com-
monly known as zazen, which simply
means seated meditation. Zazen is usu-
ally performed while seated in the lotus
or half-lotus position. It does not
involve a complex series of levels or
stages of attainment, nor do practition-
ers of zazen employ visual or mental
images to focus the mind. In most
cases, practitioners learn to observe
their breathing, without seeking to
Meditation Hall
control the pattern. In some cases,
especially in the Rinzai school of Zen,
teaching devices known as kan are
used as the focus of Zen meditation. See
also lotus position and Rinzai sect.
Meditation Hall
A hall specifically designed for the com-
munal practice of seated meditation at
a Zen monastery or temple. Meditation
halls are equipped with raised medita-
tion platforms typically covered with
tatami, or rush matting. The term medi-
tation hall may refer to the monks hall
(sd), since it served as the traditional
location for seated meditation within
Chinese and medieval Japanese Zen
monasteries. Alternatively, it may refer
to a separate hall used exclusively for
meditation. The latter is much smaller
than the traditional monks hall, since
residents do not use it for eating meals
or sleeping. Separate zend of this type
were introduced in Japan by the Chinese
founders of the Obaku sect in the early
Tokugawa period (16001867) and have
since become common throughout all
the sects of Japanese Zen.
Memorial Service
Buddhist ritual services (kuy) that are
held for deceased members of the com-
munity, both lay and monastic, to mark
specific anniversaries of the date of
death. The custom of holding memorial
services for several years after death
was first developed in China under
Confucian influence. Initially, Chinese
Zen monasteries developed a system of
memorial services to commemorate the
passing of monks and nuns from within
the monastery community. When Zen
spread to Japan, lay sponsors requested
funeral and memorial services for their
A meditation hall is specifically designed for seated meditation
and is equipped with special platforms and matting.
deceased family members. To accom-
modate this, Zen monks adapted the
services originally designed for ordinary
monks and nuns. Since the Tokugawa
period (16001867), it has been custom-
ary that all Japanese receive funeral and
memorial services from a Buddhist
temple. The pattern of services cur-
rently used by the majority of Japanese
Buddhist sects is related to the original
Zen monastic rituals.
The actual pattern of memorial ser-
vices differs slightly between the vari-
ous school of Buddhismin Japan. In the
initial period of mourning (J. chin)
immediately following the death, ser-
vices were traditionally held every
seven days for the first forty-nine days
and then again on the hundredth day.
Today, families rarely hold all seven sev-
enth-day services; the first and last are
the most common. Subsequent
anniversary services gradually become
less frequent, with the first anniversary
service being the most important. In the
Zen sect, it is typical for memorial ser-
vices to be held on the first, third, sev-
enth, thirteenth, seventeenth, twenty-
third, twenty-seventh, and thirty-third
years. In some cases, memorial services
continue until the fiftieth anniversary.
The cycle of services concludes with the
thirty-third or fiftieth service, except in
the case of extremely prominent mem-
bers of the monastic community, such
as the founder of a sect or lineage. See
also lay believer.
Memorial Tablet
(J. ihai) A wooden tablet on which is
written the name of a deceased individ-
ual. Memorial tablets have been used as
part of East Asian funeral rituals since at
least the second or third century in
China. They were originally Confucian
in origin, but were adopted by Chinese
Buddhism. The custom of making
memorial tablets was transmitted to
Japan by the Zen school and became
widespread during the Tokugawa
period (16001867). According to mod-
ern Japanese Buddhist custom, items
such as the posthumous Buddhist
name, date of death, secular name, and
age are inscribed on the memorial
tablet. See ihai.
Menju Kuketsu
Face to face oral transmission of the
Dharma. See menju shih.
Menju Shih
Face-to-face transmission of the
Dharma from a Zen master to a disci-
ple. The term refers to direct, one-on-
one contact between the teacher and
student, leading to formal recognition
of the student as a Dharma heir
through the conferral of inka. Used syn-
onymously with ishin denshin.
To do zazen (seated meditation) facing
a wall. The term literally means facing
a wall. The practice is said to derive
from Bodhidharma, the traditional
founder of Zen in China. According to
Zen legend, Bodhidharma built him-
self a hermitage on Mount Sung out-
side the city of Lo-yang and spent nine
years in meditation facing the steep
face of the cliff. The hermitage was
known as Menpeki-an, or Wall-gazing
hermitage. At St temples and
monasteries, monks and nuns still
meditate facing the wall, with their
backs to the central aisle. The practice
is also known as hekikan (Ch. pi-
kuan). See hekikan.
Menzan Zuih
(16831769) Japanese St scholar
monk of the Tokugawa period
(16001867) who carried out a major
reformation of the St sect, which
was inspired by his elder Manzan
Dhaku (16361715). Menzan was
born in Higo province, in the
Kumamoto area. He studied briefly
under Manzan, but then became the
disciple of Sonn Seki (16491705).
After Sekis death in 1705, Menzan
undertook a thousand-day period of
strict solitude at Rba-an in Sagami.
Menzan Zuih
He later became abbot at several lead-
ing St monasteries. He wrote sev-
eral commentaries on Dgen Kigens
(12001253) writings, the most impor-
tant being the Shbgenz Shtenroku,
an eleven-volume encyclopedic com-
panion to the Shbgenz.
An expression commonly used in
Buddhist texts in a manner roughly
synonymous with good karma.
Buddhist practitioners, especially lay
people, seek to build merit through
good actions, since it is believed to con-
fer benefits in ones present and future
lives. The benefits of merit include long
life, health, wealth, and a better rebirth
in ones next lifetime. Activities such as
keeping the precepts, giving donations
to the monastic community, reading
and copying Buddhist scriptures, spon-
soring Buddhist rituals, and other simi-
lar actions are said to build ones merit.
In addition, Mahayana teachings
explain that merit may be shared from
one individual to another. It is believed,
for example, that the highly advanced
buddhas and bodhisattva can assist
ordinary sentient beings by transferring
merit to them. See also lay believer.
The meditation of extinction, an
advanced level of meditation in which
all mental activity is extinguished.
Practitioners in the Theravada tradition
sought this meditative state as one
of the ultimate states of mental
tranquility. It is said that once attained,
a practitioner can remain in meditation
for up to seven days. Only those who
have reached enlightenment and
thus attained the stage of an arhat
are capable of attaining the
meditation of extinction. Also called
metsujin samadhi.
Middle Path
An early name for Buddhism said to
date back to the historical Buddha
himself. In his first sermon, the Buddha
admonished his followers to avoid
the two extremes of sensual pleasure
and severe asceticism. From his own
life experience, the Buddha realized
that neither of the extremes lead to
enlightenment. He recommended
instead a path that took a middle course
between the two.
Secret teaching, Japanese name for
esoteric Buddhism, especially the
Shingon and Tendai sects. It is
so named because practitioners are
required to undergo initiation
before they qualify for instruction. See
esoteric Buddhism.
Mind and Body Drop-Off
See shinjin datsuraku.
Mind Ground
(J. shinji) A Zen expression for ones
mental state. The mind is compared
to a field or the ground because it
is regarded as the source of all
thoughts and experiences, including
perceptions of all external phenom-
ena. In some cases, the term refers to
the mind of enlightenment.
Mind-to-Mind Transmission
An expression used to describe the
authentic transmission of the Dharma
in the Zen school from master to
disciple, generation after generation.
See ishin denshin.
The Japanese name for the cosmic
bodhisattva Maitreya, recognized
throughout the Buddhist world as the
future Buddha. Miroku resides for now
in Tosotsuten (Sk. Tushita heaven),
awaiting the appropriate time for birth
in this world. See Maitreya.
Moji Zen
Word and letter Zen or literary Zen,
a derogatory expression for any Zen
style which is overly concerned with
words and literary pursuits rather than
seeking a direct understanding of the
Dharma. It is used synonymously with
katt Zen.
A wooden fish, a musical instrument
used to accompany chanting in Zen
monasteries. The shape of the instru-
ment is globular, in the stylized shape of
a fish with a bloated belly and a dragons
head. The exterior is engraved with
markings to suggest the fish and dragon
motif. The mokugyo is carved from a
single piece of wood, with the center
hollowed out. It is played by striking it
with a padded stick. The mokugyo
generally sits on a wooden stand,
resting on a cushion.
According to one traditional
account, the drum is made in the
shape of a fish because fish never close
their eyes to sleep, night or day. The
image is intended to encourage Zen
practitioners to forget about sleep and
strive diligently in meditation. The
mokugyo is a Ming-style instrument,
introduced to Japan in the mid-seven-
teenth century by Chinese Obaku
monks who founded the Obaku sect
of Zen. Before that time, the word
mokugyo was used for the wooden fish
gong, known today as the h, used to
call monks to meals.
Japanese for Maudgalyyana, one of
the ten outstanding disciples of the
Buddha, reknowned for his psychic
powers. See Maudgalyyana.
Mokugyo, or wooden fish, is a musical instrument carved from a single
block of wood. It is used to accompany Zen chanting.
Mokush Zen
Mokush Zen
Silent illumination Zen, the practice of
Zen characteristic of the St school of Zen
Buddhism. Mokush Zen involves practic-
ing seated meditationwithout the use of a
meditative device such as a kanas a focal
point. The term, pronounced mo-chao
chan in Chinese, was originally coined by
Ta-hui Tsung-kao (10891163) as a
derogatory expression for the Zen style of
his friend and rival Hung-chih Cheng-
cheh (10911157), which Ta-hui regarded
as unorthodox. The opposite style of prac-
tice is known as kanna Zen, or Kan-gaz-
ing Zen. Although the term mokush Zen
is not always used in a negative sense, it is
more common for people within the St
tradition to refer to their style of medita-
tion as shikan taza, or just sitting.
Monastic Celibacy
Buddhist monks and nuns traditionally
leave the ordinary secular life of house-
holders (i.e., those who marry and have
children) to lead celibate lives within the
monastic community. Monastic celibacy
dates to the historical Buddha and his
immediate disciples, who left their families
and possessions behind when they took
the tonsure. It was common in the Indian
culture of that time for religious seekers
and holy people to forego sexual relations
as a part of their religious practice. The
Vinaya, or traditional Buddhist monastic
code, required celibacy for all monks and
nuns. Breaking the precept against sexual
relations was one of only four violations
that entailed expulsion from the commu-
nity. Monastic celibacy represented one of
the major stumbling blocks to Buddhisms
initial acceptance in China and other areas
in East Asia, since it was diametrically
opposed to the dominant Confucian
ethics, which demanded that every indi-
vidual marry and rear children to fulfill the
obligation of filial piety toward parents
and family. Buddhist monastic celibacy
was at first viewed as unfilial and destruc-
tive to the society, but Chinese Buddhists
eventually came to interpret monastic
celibacy as the highest form of filial piety.
Today, monastic celibacy remains the
norm throughout most of the Buddhist
world. Japanese Buddhism represents the
primary exception to this pattern: In Japan,
although Buddhist nuns continue to lead
celibate lives, most Buddhist monks are
married men with families. See also mar-
ried clergy.
Monastic Code
A collection of ethical precepts designed
to govern the lives of monks or nuns liv-
ing in religious communities. Within the
Buddhist tradition, the earliest monastic
code is the Vinaya, which constitutes one
portion of the Tripitaka, the scriptures of
Theravada Buddhism. According to
Buddhist accounts, the regulations pre-
served in the Vinaya were actually estab-
lished by the historical Buddha to regu-
late the activities of the sangha, the com-
munity of Buddhist believers, during his
lifetime. The Buddha created regulations
to meet various problems that arose
within the community. The regulations
typically convey the circumstances under
which the individual rules were created
and their specific purpose. The tradition
maintains that the entire Vinaya was
recited by the disciple Upali at the first
Buddhist council held shortly after the
Buddhas death. Later, tradition added to
the Vinaya code as the need arose, and
several versions of the Vinaya developed.
The Zen school developed its own
genre of monastic codes, known in
Chinese as ching-kuei and in Japanese as
shingi, or pure regulations. One of the
distinctive features of the Zen codes is the
requirement that all monks or nuns
engage in manual labor as a regular part
of their monastic training. Zen tradition
maintains that the Chinese Zen master
Pai-chang Huai-hai (720814) composed
the earliest Zen monastic code, the Pai-
chang Ching-kuei (J. Hyakuj Shingi), in
the eighth or ninth century. Chinese
codes were transmitted to Japan, where
Japanese Zen masters designed their own
versions to suit the Japanese context.
Dgen Kigen (12001253), the founder of
St Zen, wrote one of the most famous
Japanese examples, the Eihei Shingi.
Monastic Training
The practice and discipline followed by a
monastic community of monks or nuns.
Buddhist monastic training is tradition-
ally said to be divided into three parts:
wisdom (J. egaku, Sk. prajna), morality (J.
kaigaku, Sk. sila), and concentration (J.
jgaku, Sk. samadhi). See also threefold
Question and answer, a term for the dis-
cussion about the Dharma between a
Zen master and disciple. In the classical
Zen literature there are numerous
exchanges between masters and disci-
ples. In some cases, a student posed a
question to the master, either to clarify an
issue of personal concern or as a chal-
lenge. The master typically responded in a
manner designed to push the student
toward an immediate understanding of
the Dharma. In other cases, the master
would challenge an individual student or
his entire assembly with a question. If a
disciple answered the masters question
with insight, the master could recognize
the students level of enlightenment in
some way. It was very common for
answers to take non-verbal forms such as
shouts, slaps, or other gestures.
Exchanges of this type became a common
characteristic of Zen in Tang dynasty
China (618907). Many of the classical
examples of mond were recorded and
later served as the basis for kan.
Although Zen masters and disciples still
engage in mond, in many cases the
practice has become stylized and
scripted, lacking the spontaneity of the
original exchanges.
The cosmic bodhisattva Manjusri,
understood to represent the qualities of
knowledge, wisdom, and enlighten-
ment of the buddhas. Monju is often
figured as an attendant of the Buddha
(either Shakyamuni or Vairochana),
standing on the left side of the triad. He
is contrasted with the other attendant,
Monju is the bodhisattva who represents knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment.
This monk pays respect to an image of Monju in the meditation hall.
the bodhisattva Fugen, who represents
meditation and practice. Iconograph-
ically, Monju rides a lion, and carries in
his hands a sutra and the sword of wis-
dom, which cuts through the hin-
drances to enlightenment.
Monju is a favorite figure in Zen art
and literature, because of his close asso-
ciation with meditation. In many Zen
monasteries, an image of Monju is
enshrined as the main image in the
meditation hall (zend) or monks
hall (sd). A story about Monjus
encounter with a Chinese Zen
monk appears in the Hekiganroku,
case thirty-five.
A male member of a religious monastic
order. Given the many similarities
between Christian and Buddhist
monastic practice, the term monk has
been adopted for Buddhist clerics. Like
Christian monks, Buddhist monks typi-
cally live a celibate life within a monas-
tic community devoted to religious
practice, especially meditation. They
share a similar tradition of taking vows
and abiding by a monastic code that
governs religious life in the monastery.
Buddhist monks traditionally enter
orders by taking on the ten precepts of
a novice. A novice may later accept full
ordination by undertaking the full set
of 250 precepts.
Monks Hall
One of the seven primary buildings
(shichid garan) which form the core of
a Zen temple or monastery.
Traditionally, the monks hall served as
the central living quarters for the
majority of the monastic community
and also as the dining hall and medita-
tion hall. See sd.
Questions about the Dharma, usually
addressed by a disciple to a Zen master.
The term literally means to ask a
question. The term refers specifically
to a question that a student asks during
mond (the question and answer
session between master and student).
In some cases, it applies to classical
examples of questions drawn from
Zen literature.
Moral Code
A set of precepts or ethical norms that
govern the life and practice of religious
individuals. See precepts.
Mount Gridhrakuta
Vulture Peak, or Mount of the
Numinous Eagle ( J. Ryjusen), a
mountain outside the city of Rajagrha,
India, where Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama) sometimes lived
and taught. The mountain was probably
so called because its profile resembles
that of an eagle or vultures head, or
because flocks of vultures congregate
there. In addition to the historical occa-
sions when the Buddha gave sermons
on Mount Gridhrakuta, the mountain is
named as the legendary site for a num-
ber of later Mahayana sutras. The most
famous sermon said to have been given
at Vulture Peak was the Lotus Sutra. In
Buddhist texts and art, Mount
Gridhrakuta came to be envisioned as a
transcendent mountain where won-
drous events occurred, rather than the
geographical site in India.
Within the Zen tradition, Mount
Gridhrakuta is regarded as the site of
the first authentic Zen transmission of
the Dharma from Shakyamuni to
Mahakashyapa. According to tradi-
tional accounts, once when the Buddha
had a large audience of disciples gath-
ered around him, he held up a flower
without comment. No one in the audi-
ence said a word, except Mahakashyapa
who smiled in response. The Buddha,
understanding from the smile that
Mahakashyapa had attained enlighten-
ment, said, I have the True Eye of the
Dharma, the wondrous mind of nir-
vana, the true form of formlessness and
the mysterious Gate of the Dharma.
Without reliance on words or letter, in a
special transmission outside the teach-
ings, I entrust this to Mahakashyapa.
Zen masters have often used this
exchange as a kan; it is included in the
Mumonkan (case six) and the
Sanbyakusoku (case 253). The Zen tra-
dition regards the exchange as the first
transmission of the Dharma from mind
to mind without recourse to words.
Tanabe, George J., Jr. and Willa Jane
Tanabe. The Lotus Sutra in Japanese
Culture. Honolulu, HI: University of
Hawaii Press, 1989.
Mount Sumeru
(J. Shumisen) According to Indian cos-
mology, Mount Sumeru, or Meru, is the
highest mountain in the world and
stands at the center of the universe. It is
surrounded in each of the four cardinal
directions by mountains, oceans, and
continents. The continent to the south
of Meru, the region where human
beings dwell, is India, separated from
Sumeru by the Himalayas. Mt. Sumeru
is the axis of heaven and earth, under-
stood as the dwelling place of the gods.
Indra dwells in a palace at its summit,
and the four guardian kings (shitenn)
live on its slopes, each protecting his
respective direction and associated
continent. Buddhism adopted the ear-
lier ancient Indian cosmology in its
basic outlines, but made some alter-
ations to suit its teachings.
(J. yomogi or mogusa) A combustible
substance obtained from the leaves of
the mugwort plant. The English term is
derived from the Japanese. People
throughout East Asia have used moxa
for centuries as a traditional medicine.
Fibers from the mugwort are gathered
together and formed into tiny cones,
like incense. An individual lights a cone
and holds it against the skin for a
few minutes, causing mild burns. The
burning sensation is said to be
bearable, and the warmth that follows
is pleasant. Moxa is applied to specific
points on the body depending on the
purpose of the treatment.
Zen monks traditionally use moxa
treatments to ease minor ailments
and discomfort, especially pain in the
legs caused by long sessions of seated
meditation (zazen). In this case, the
practice of using moxa is not a form of
asceticism, but a medicinal practice.
There are some examples, however, of
monks who used moxa treatments as a
form of ascetic practice. In the latter
cases, the burning is used to purify the
mind of improper thoughts, especially
sexual desires. Burning the forehead
with moxa was also a traditional part of
the ordination ceremony in China. This
tradition survives in modified form in
parts of Buddhist East Asia.
No, not, nothing, without. The
Japanese translation of the Chinese
word wu, a word of negation, which is
used to negate other terms in much the
same manner as the English prefixes a-,
ab- or un-. When used in contrast to the
word u, which means existence or
being, mu means non-existence or
non-being as opposed to existence or
being. In Zen texts, the expression mu
often refers to the Mu kan, or to the
key phrase (wat) from the kan.
Mu-an Hsing-tao
(16111684; J. Mokuan Shtai) Chinese
Obaku monk of the late Ming dynasty
(13681644) who emigrated to Japan and
assisted his master Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673) in founding the Obaku sect
of Zen in Japan. Mu-an was born in
Fukien province and took the tonsure at
age nineteen at Wan-fu-ssu monastery,
where Yin-yan was abbot. He became
Yin-yans Dharma heir in 1650. Mu-an
initially remained in China when Yin-
yan left for Japan in 1654, but he then
sailed for Japan the next year at Yin-
yans request. In 1664, Mu-an suc-
ceeded his master and became the sec-
ond abbot at Mampuku-ji. During his
seventeen years as abbot, he oversaw the
Mu-an Hsing-tao
construction of most of the monastery
buildings. He also founded Zuish-ji, the
Obaku headquarters in the capital city of
Edo (now Tokyo). Mu-an recognized over
forty Dharma heirs, including Tetsugy
Dki, Tetsugen Dk (16301682), and
Chon Dkai. Mu-an is well known for
his calligraphy; along with Yin-yan and
Chi-fei, he is known as one of the three
brushes of Obaku.
Symbolic body postures, especially
hand gestures, used in religious iconog-
raphy and as a part of religious practice
within various traditions, including
several schools of Buddhism (J. ingei
or inz). The Sanskrit term literally
means sign or seal. In Buddhist art,
mudra are used to indicate the state of
enlightenment or special attributes
of a buddha or bodhisattva. The ritual
use of mudra is associated most closely
with esoteric and tantric forms of
Buddhist practice. In these cases, the
practitioner performs mudra while
reciting related mantras as an aid to
attain specific states of consciousness.
Ritual use of mudra is not a regular
feature of Zen practice.
Muen Botoke
The spirit of a dead person (hotoke)
caught between the worlds of the living
and the dead, unable to attain release.
The term literally translates as a
buddha (or dead spirit) without
attachments. To be without attach-
ments in this context means to have no
living family to offer the proper
Buddhist memorial services. In
Japanese folk belief, it is thought that
such spirits wander in this world,
unable to attain release on their own.
See wandering spirits.
A mudra is a hand gesture or other body posture used to indicate a state of enlightenment. This mudra is
known as nebina gassh in Japanese. It represents a firm and sincere heart.
No-Self, the Japanese translation
for the Sanskrit term Anatman.
See Anatman.
Mugaku Sogen
Japanese pronunciation for Wu-hseh
Tsu-yan (12261286), a Chinese
Rinzai master who helped to establish
the Rinzai school in Japan. See
Wu-hseh Tsu-yan.
Muhon Kakushin
See Kakushin.
Mujaku Dch
(16531744) A Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867).
Mujaku was born in Tajima, in modern
day Hygo Prefecture. He became a
monk at the age of seven and became
the disciple of the Rinzai monk Jikuin
Somon (16101677) at Ryge-in, a sub-
temple of Myshin-ji. He inherited the
temple from Jikuin after his death.
Mujaku also practiced under several
other Zen masters and served three
times as abbot of the main monastery
Myshin-ji. Mujaku was a leading
Rinzai scholar monk of his day, and he
pioneered philological studies of the
Chinese Zen corpus, producing several
commentaries and lexicons. Many of
his scholarly works remain in use today.
See also Rinzai sect.
Impermanence, which characterizes all
things that exist. Impermanence is one
of the three marks of existence, along
with suffering (dukkha) and No-Self
(Sk. Anatman). According to the
Buddhist understanding of reality, all
things are impermanent and undergo
constant change. Things arise, change,
and eventually pass away. Nothing
remains constant or unchanging for
even a moment. Muj is the Japanese
translation for the Sanskrit concept
anitya or the pali anicca.
Muj Dgy
(12261313) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333), also
known as Muj Ichien. Muj became a
monk at age nineteen and studied a
wide variety of Mahayana teachings.
Although he became a Zen monk and
practiced as a disciple of Rinzai monk
Enni Benen (12021280), he retained
his interest in the mixture of Zen teach-
ings and esoteric Buddhism. He is
remembered primarily as the author of
the Shasekish, a collection of
Buddhist stories and anecdotes. See
also Rinzai sect.
Mujun Shiban
Japanese pronunciation for Wu-chun
Shih-fan (11771249), a leading
Chinese Rinzai Zen monk of the
late Sung dynasty (9601279). See
Wu-chun Shih-fan.
Muken Jigoku
The Japanese translation for Avici hell,
the hell of incessant suffering, the worst
of the eight hot hells (hachinetsu
jigoku). See Avici hell.
Mu Kan
One of the most famous traditional Zen
kan, and the one Rinzai masters most
often give to beginners as a focus for med-
itation. The so-called Mu kan appears
as the first case in the Mumonkan. A stu-
dent once asked Zen Master Chao-chou
Tsung-shen (778897; J. Jsh) if a dog
has the Buddha Nature. Chao-chou
answered, mu. The word mu (Ch. wu) is
a negation that can be translated as no,
not, nothing, without. It is also used
to express emptiness, the Buddhist char-
acterization for ultimate reality. Since the
time of Hakuin Ekaku (16851768),
Japanese Rinzai has classified the Mu
kan as a hosshin kan, that is, a kan
appropriate for beginners seeking ken-
sh, the initial enlightenment experi-
ence. The Mu kan is also known as
Jshs Dog, or Chao-chous Dog. See also
Rinzai sect.
Mu Kan
Mumon Ekai
Mumon Ekai
Japanese pronunciation for Wu-men
Hui-kai (11831260), Chinese Rinzai
master who authored the Mumonkan.
See Wu-men Hui-kai.
Mumon Gensen
(13231390) A Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Ashikaga period (13921568) who
founded the Hk-ji line of Japanese
Rinzai. Mumon was born in Kyoto, the son
of Emperor Go-daigo (12871339). He
entered Buddhist orders at age seven. At
eighteen, he entered the Zen monastery
Kennin-ji and practiced under Meis
Skan, Ka Snen, and Sesson Ybai. In
1343, he traveled to Yan-dynasty China
where he visited many famous monaster-
ies and practiced under various Zen mas-
ters. He received his formal inka in China.
Mumon returned home to Japan in 1350 to
escape chaos and warfare in China. He
founded the monastery Hk-ji, in present
day Shizuoka prefecture, in 1384. See also
Rinzai sect.
The Japanese title for the Wu-mn kuan
(T. 48, no. 2005, pp. 292299), a classic
Chinese Zen text compiled by the Rinzai
master Wu-men Hui-kai (11831260; J.
Mumon Ekai) and edited by his disciple
Tsung-shao (J. Shsh). The work was
completed in 1228 and first published in
1229. The full title in Japanese is Zensh
Mumonkan, The Gateless Gate of the
Zen Lineage. The text is comprised of
forty-eight kan from various sources,
most of them extremely famous
encounters in Zen history. To each kan,
Wu-mn provided a title and appended
his own prose commentary and a verse.
Wu-mn explains in his preface to
the Mumonkan that he collected the
kan cases to aid his own disciples in
their practice. He wrote that he used
the cases of the ancient masters as
brickbats to batter the gate and lead [his
disciples] on according to their respec-
tive capacities (Sekida, p. 26). The text
has long been the most popular collec-
tion of kan, used widely in the Zen
world as a resource for training stu-
dents. Many students of Zen begin their
kan practice with the first case of the
Mumonkan, Jshs Mu.
The Japanese Rinzai monk Shinchi
Kakushin (12071298) first brought the
collection to Japan in 1254. Kakushin
traveled to China and practiced directly
under Master Wu-mns guidance. When
Kakushin was leaving China to return
home to Japan, the master gave him a
copy of the Mumonkan as a departing
gift. Kakushins copy was a handwritten
manuscript, copied by Wu-mn himself.
All versions of the Mumonkan in use
today in Japan are based on a wood
block edition produced at Tosotsu-zan
Kon-ji in 1405. The Mumonkan has
become popular in the West as well.
There are several complete English
translations, including Katsuki Sekidas
Two Zen Classics (Weatherhill, 1977),
Robert Aitkens The Gateless Barrier
(North Point Press, 1990), and Zenkei
Shibayamas Zen Comments on the
Mumonkan (Harper & Row, 1974),
among others. See also Rinzai sect.
No-thought, the Japanese translation of
the Chinese term wu-nien, a basic Zen
concept introduced in the Platform
Sutra. See no-thought.
Sage or saint, in Sanskrit. Muni was orig-
inally an honorific title used for any out-
standing religious teachers. In Buddhist
texts, it refers specifically to the histori-
cal Buddha. The most commonly used
name for the historical Buddha,
Shakyamuni, is a compound word
meaning the Sage of the Shakya
people, as Siddharta Gautama was
born to a family from the Shakya clan.
(2) Non-duality, transcendence from the
distinctions of ordinary perception. The
Japanese term literally means not two,
since from the perspective of ultimate
reality there are no distinctions such as
good and bad, male and female, and so on.
Infinite Life, another Japanese name
for Amida buddha. See Amida buddha.
Infinite Light, another Japanese name
for Amida buddha. See Amida buddha.
No-mind, the Japanese translation of
the Chinese term wu-hsin. Within
the Zen school, the term is used syn-
onymously with munen, No-thought.
See No-thought.
Musical Instruments
A variety of musical instruments are
used in Zen temples and monasteries to
announce times of day, provide cues to
begin and end daily activities, and punc-
tuate ritual ceremonies. In traditional
monastic settings, verbal announcements
are rendered unnecessary by the regular
system of sounding instruments. The
most common instruments include the
following categories:
1) Bells. The largest of the monastery
bells is the daish, or ogane, which is
generally made from cast bronze and
hangs in a separate structure, the shr.
Smaller versions of the same style
of bell include the densh, which
hangs outside the Buddha hall, and
the kansh, which sits outside the
masters quarters.
2) Drums. Taiko drums, called hokku
and saku in a Zen context, are found in
the Buddha hall. These large instruments
rest horizontally on wooden platforms
and may be played at both ends using
wooden sticks. Another drum-like instru-
ment found in monasteries is the wooden
mokugyo, carved in the shape of a fish.
3) Gongs. One style of Buddhist gong
is shaped like a bowl, typically made
from cast bronze. Gongs rest on pillows,
supported by a wooden stand, and are
sounded by striking the rim with a
padded stick. In Zen monasteries, the
Musical Instruments
Musical instruments, such as this sounding gong (mokugyo), are used in Zen monasteries to
signal such things as the time of day and the beginning of ceremonies or rituals.
Mus Kai
larger version is called keisu and the
smaller shkei. There are also large
wooden gongs, known as h, which are
carved in the shape of a fish with a pearl
in its mouth.
4) Sounding Boards. There are basi-
cally two styles of sounding boards, the
metal umpan and the wooden han.
These boards are found throughout
monastery grounds, hanging outside
nearly every structure.
5) Small Hand Instruments. A variety
of hand-held instruments that resemble
tiny bells or gongs include the suzu, the
rei, and the inkin. There are also wooden
clappers called hyshigi.
Mus Kai
Formless precepts, the common
Japanese abbreviation for the term
mus shinji kai. See mus shinji kai.
Mus Shinji Kai
Formless precepts of the mind-
ground, the Japanese rendering of the
original Chinese term derived from the
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.
The concept of formless precepts is a
distinctly Zen understanding of the
Buddhist precepts, which sees them not
as an external moral code, but rather as
the naturally pure behavior which
arises from the enlightened mind.
Mus Soseki
(12751351) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the late Kamakura (11851333) and
early Ashikaga (13921568) periods
who was the most influential Gozan
Zen master of his age. He is also known
as Mus Kokushi, or National Teacher
Mus, an honorific title that Emperor
Go-daigo (r. 13181339) bestowed on
him in 1335. Mus was born in Ise to a
branch of the Minamoto family with
imperial roots. He became a Buddhist
monk at age eight and studied Shingon
Buddhism for ten years before turning
to Zen when his first teacher died.
Mus traveled extensively on Zen pil-
grimages and studied with many of
the leading Japanese and Chinese Zen
masters throughout Japan. He eventu-
ally became the Dharma heir of Kh
Kennichi (12411316). Mus spent his
early years in seclusion, practicing
intently. He later gained the patronage
of emperors and shgun and was
invited to serve as abbot at several
important monasteries including
Nanzen-ji, Jchi-ji, and Engaku-ji. In
1339, Mus founded the Zen
monastery Tenry-ji as a memorial to
the recently deceased Emperor Go-
daigo, with the patronage of the sh-
gun Ashikaga Takauji (13051358).
After his death, Mus received a total
of six other honorific titles from suc-
cessive emperors, including Fusai
Kokushi, Geny Kokushi, Butt
Kokushi, and Daien Kokushi. He is
remembered for his contributions in
the fields of Zen literature, especially
poetry, and landscape gardening. An
English translation of Muss poetry
and sermons was published by W. S.
Merwin and Siku Shigematsu. See
also Gozan literature, Rinzai sect, and
Shingon sect.
Merwin, W. S., and Siku Shigematsu.
Sun at Midnight. San Francisco, CA:
North Point Press, 1989.
Mus Zange
Formless repentance, the Japanese
rendering of the original Chinese term
derived from the Platform Sutra of the
Sixth Patriarch. The concept of formless
repentance is a distinctly Zen under-
standing of repentance based on the
awareness that outward actions, whether
good or evil, are ultimately empty. See
formless repentance.
Myan Eisai
(11411215) The Japanese Zen master
traditionally credited with founding the
Rinzai sect in Japan. He is most com-
monly known as Eisai, which may also be
pronounced Ysai. See Eisai.
Myh renge ky
The Scripture of the Lotus Flower of the
Wondrous Dharma, the full Japanese
title for the Saddharma pundarika, popu-
larly known as the Lotus Sutra. See Lotus
Shining lord, a class of fierce guardian
deities who protect Buddhism, the three
treasures, people, and the nation from
evil. The word is a Japanese translation of
the Sanskrit Vidyaraja. The my were
adopted by Buddhism from Hindu
mythology. They are understood in the
Buddhist tradition to be manifestations of
Dainichi, the Buddha Vairochana, capa-
ble of teaching the most stubborn unbe-
lievers through the use of mantra (shin-
gon). They are depicted as dramatically
fierce figures, armed with weapons and
having contorted faces, blazing eyes and
hair of flames. A group of five my,
known as godai my (the five great
my), are especially revered in Japan as
protective deities of the four directions
and the center of the universe. They
include Fd, Gzanze, Gundari,
Daiitoku, and Kongyasha.
Although more closely associated with
schools of esoteric Buddhism than Zen,
the my are often represented at Zen
temples as guardians. The most popular
my in the Zen tradition, and in
Japanese Buddhism in general, is Fud
My. The Tokugawa period (16001867)
Zen master Suzuki Shsan (15791655),
for example, recommended Fud as an
inspiration for Zen practitioners.
A major Rinzai monastery, located in
Kyoto. Its formal name is Shb-zan
Myshin-ji. The monastery was founded
by retired Emperor Hanazono (r. 1308
1318) in 1337. The retired emperor took
the tonsure in 1335, and converted one
of his residences into a Zen temple. He
invited Kanzan Egen (12771369) to
serve as the founding abbot. The original
structure of the temple was quite bare,
and Egen lived a frugal existence there.
He maintained a strict and rigorous style
of Zen practice that continued to charac-
terize the monastery throughout its his-
tory. The monastery never became asso-
ciated with the Gozan systemof ranking
temples, nor with the literary and artistic
concerns that characterized the Gozan
temples. The temple was completely
destroyed during the Onin War and
rebuilt under the patronage of Emperor
Go-Tsuchimikado in the late fifteenth
century. It reached its greatest period of
influence during the Tokugawa period
(16001867), and today remains one of
the most active monastic communities
for training Zen monks. The monastery
serves today as the main headquarters
for the Myshin-ji branch of the Rinzai
sect. It sponsors the affiliated Hanazono
College (J. Hanazono Daigaku), a major
center for Zen studies in Japan.
Myshin-ji Ha
The Myshin-ji branch of Rinzai, the
largest of the fourteen contemporary
branches of the Japanese Rinzai sect in
terms of both branch temples and
adherents. The main monastery for the
branch is Myshin-ji, located in Kyto.
Kanzan Egen (12771369) is regarded as
the founder. The branch has 3,431
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 1,628,000 adherents.
See Rynen Myzen.
(J. ry) Lesser gods and demigods from
the Buddhist pantheon. Veneration of
nagas dates back to pre-Hindu India.
Nagas are serpent-like beings, some-
times said to resemble dragons. They
reside in the sea, under the earth, or in
the air, and control rainfall as well as the
fertility of the land. The Buddhist tradi-
tion regards them as guardians of the
Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha.
According to some Mahayana legends,
the Buddha entrusted his later
Mahayana sermons to them, to be
revealed to human beings only when
they are prepared to hear the advanced
teachings of Mahayana Buddhism.
(J. Ryju) Indian monk who lived during
the second or third century C.E.
Nagarjuna was one of the outstanding
philosophers of the early Mahayana tra-
dition and was the founder of
Madyamika school of early Mahayana.
His most famous writing was the Verses
on the Middle Way (Mdhyamaka
Karikas), which rejects wrong views. An
English translation of the entire text was
published by Garfield. His basic teach-
ing is that all things are characterized by
emptiness, including the concept of
emptiness itself; he takes a middle view
that rejects both an absolute conception
of reality and an absolute negation of
reality. Several schools of East Asian
Buddhism regard him as a founding
patriarch, including the Pure Land
schools, the esoteric and tantric schools
and the Zen school. The Zen tradition
regards him as the fourteenth of the
twenty-eight Indian patriarchs of Zen.
Garfield, Jay L., trans. The Fundamental
Wisdom of the Middle Way: Nagarjunas
Mulamadhyamakakarika. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1995.
Kalupahana, Nagarjuna. The Philosophy
of the Middle Way. Albany, NY: State
University of New York Press, 1986.
Streng, Frederick J. Emptiness: A Study
in Religious Meaning. Nashville, TN:
Abingdon Press, 1967.
Introspection, a form of inner con-
templation in which attention is focused
on the lower abdomen (tanden). The
purpose of the practice is to build up and
maintain the ki, or vital breath, within
that power center of the body. This form
of introspection can be carried out
throughout the day during various activ-
ities. The Zen Master Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) advocated this form of intro-
spection for therapeutic purposes.
Namp Jmy
(12351309) Japanese Rinzai monk of the
Kamakura period (11851333) who trav-
eled to China to study Zen. Namp was
born in what is now Shizuoka Prefecture
to a branch of the Fujiwara family. He
entered a Buddhist order at age fifteen at
a local temple and traveled to Kench-ji
in Kamakura to practice under the
Chinese master Lan-chi Tao-lung
(12131278) at age eighteen. In 1259, he
sailed for China, where he became the
disciple of Hs-tang Chih-y
(11851269) at Hseh-tou-shan. Like
Lan-chi, Chih-y was from the Yang-chi
lineage of Rinzai. Namp accompanied
Chih-y to Ching-tzu-ssu and Ching-
shan, and in 1265 became his Dharma
heir. He returned to Japan two years later.
In Japan, Namp served as abbot first
at Ktoku-ji in Fukuoka, and then Sfuku-
ji, where he remained for thirty years. The
emperor called him to Kyoto in 1304 to
become abbot at Manju-ji. Later the
Kamakura bakufu summoned him to
Kamakura, where he served as abbot at
Kench-ji. His leading Dharma heir was
Shh Mych (12821337). He is more



















popularly known as Dai Kokushi. His
writings are recorded in the Enz Dai
Kokushi Goroku (The Recorded Sayings of
the National Teacher Enz Dai). See also
Rinzai sect andYang-chi school.
The Japanese pronunciation of the
Chinese characters used to transliterate
the Sanskrit word namas. Namu expresses
reverence, and is most commonly used in
East Asian Buddhism with reference to
the buddhas and the three treasures
(Buddha, Dharma, and sangha). It may
be used in formulaic expressions of faith
when invoking the name of one or more
buddhas, or when taking refuge (kie) in
the three treasures. It may be variously
translated into English as Homage to. . .,
All praise to. . ., or I take refuge in. . .
Namu Amida Butsu
All praise to Amida buddha. The
Japanese pronunciation for the formula
that followers of Pure Land Buddhism
use most commonly to express their
faith in and reliance on Amida buddha.
The practice of calling on Amidas name
using this formula is known as the
nembutsu. According to Pure Land
Buddhist belief, those who recite the
nembutsu in faith will be reborn in
Amidas Western Pure Land.
Namu Myh Rengeky
All praise to the Sutra of the Lotus
Blossom of the Wondrous Dharma.
Followers of Nichiren Buddhism recite
this formula daily as an expression of
their faith and reliance in the Lotus
Sutra. The practice of reciting the for-
mula is known as Shdai or Daimoku.
According to Nichiren belief, those
who recite the Daimoku will become
buddhas in the future.
Nanin Engy
Japanese transliteration of Nan-yan
Hui-yung (d. 930), a Chinese Rinzai
master. See Nan-yan Hui-yung.
Mount Nan, literally Mount South, a
mountain in modern day Hang-chou
province, China, traditionally an impor-
tant religious site for Zen. The mountain
was the site for the Zen monastery
Ching-tzu-ssu. Nan-shan became
known as one of the Five Mountains (Ch.
wu-shan; J. Gozan temples), the most
prestigious Zen monasteries in China.
Nant Kan
Difficult to pass through, the fourth of
five categories of kan distinguished by
the Rinzai school of Zen. The kan so des-
ignated are regarded as among the most
difficult to understand. Since the time of
the eighteenth century Japanese reformer
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768), the Japanese
school of Zen has used five categories of
kan to organize the ongoing process of
kan practice. After the practitioner has
attained an initial enlightenment experi-
ence (kensh), the student is guided
through successive stages of kan practice,
each designed to deepen his or her under-
standing of Zen. Among the final stages are
the Nant kan. See also Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1967.
Shimano, Eido T. Zen Kans. In Zen:
Tradition and Transition. Ed. Kenneth
Kraft. New York: Grove Press, 1988.
Nan-yan Hui-yung
(J. Nanin Engy; d. 930) Chinese Rinzai
monk of the late Tang (618907)
and Five Dynasties period (907960).
Nan-yan is also known as Pao-ying Ho-
shang, or Master Pao-ying. He was the
Dharma heir of Hsing-hua Tsun-chiang
(830888), an important disciple of Lin-
chi I-hsan (d. 867). Although little is
known of Nan-yan, he played a crucial
role in preserving the Rinzai lineage, and
he was the first to make use of the kan
as a teaching device with his students.
His only Dharma heir, Feng-hsueh Yen-
chao (896973), carried on the lineage.
See also Rinzai sect.
Nan-yan Hui-yung
A major Rinzai monastery located in
Kyoto. Its formal name is Zuiry-zan
Nanzen-ji. The monastery was founded by
the retired emperor Kameyama (r.
12591274), who converted one of his res-
idences into a Zen temple in 1293 and
invited Mukan Fumon (12121291) to
serve as the founding abbot. According to
traditional accounts, soon after the retired
emperor built a villa in the Higashiyama
area of the capital, it became haunted. He
requested that a Shingon monk from
Tdai-ji exorcise the grounds, but after
conducting ritual chanting for ninety
days, the monk was unsuccessful in exor-
cising the demons. The emperor next
sought the help of Mukan Fumon, who is
said to have solved the problem by taking
up residence in the villa and practicing
meditation for an extended period of
time. To express his gratitude, the retired
emperor converted the estate into a Zen
monastery that then became the most
powerful Zen monastery in the country
and remained so for many generations. It
was long ranked as the highest monastery
in the Gozan(Five Mountain) system. The
monastery grounds were completely
destroyed during the Onin War
(14661477) and were not restored until
the early Tokugawa period (16001867).
The monastery serves today as the
main headquarters for the Nanzen-ji
branch of the Rinzai sect. See also
Shingon sect.
Nanzen-ji Ha
The Nanzen-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The
main monastery for the branch is
Nanzen-ji, located in Kyoto. Mukan
Fumon (12121291) is regarded as
the founder. The branch has 427
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 91,200 adherents. It now
ranks second to Myshin-ji in terms of
temples and adherents.
Nanzen-ji, Kyoto, Japan.
The Japanese transliteration of nirvana.
See nirvana.
Nirvana hall, the infirmary or
sick room at a Zen monastery. See
nirvana hall.
Nirvana Festival, the day East Asian
Buddhists commemorate the death, or
perfect nirvana (Sk. parinirvana), of
the historical Shakyamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama). Nehan-e is one
of the Sanbukki, or three festivals com-
memorating major events in the
Buddhas life. See Nirvana Festival.
Commonly used Japanese abbreviation
for the Daihatsu Nehangy, the Nirvana
Sutra. See Nirvana Sutra.
To think about the Buddha, a Buddhist
practice that may either involve medita-
tion on the Buddha or, more commonly,
the invocation of the Buddhas name.
Nembutsu is the Japanese pronuncia-
tion of the Chinese word nien-fo. In
most cases, the buddha Amida serves as
the focus of nembutsu devotion. The
practice of chanting the nembutsu is
especially associated with the Pure
Land schools of East Asian Buddhism.
All forms of the practice derive from the
Pure Land scriptures, three Mahayana
sutras devoted to the buddha Amida
and his Western Pure Land.
Meditation on the Buddha or the
Buddhas Pure Land is known more fully
as kannen nembutsu. There are actually
several styles of meditation on the
Buddha, which may include visualization
of the physical form of Amida and on the
nature of the Pure Land. These meditative
techniques are practiced primarily by
monks and nuns as a part of their monas-
tic practice. The goals of meditation on
the Buddha are multiple. The immediate
goal may be a vision of the Buddha or an
enlightenment experience. The practi-
tioner may also hope to be reborn in
Amidas Pure Land (j) in the next life.
The practice of verbally invoking the
Buddhas name is known more fully as
shmy nembutsu. This practice gener-
ally involves the repetition of a formula of
praise using the Buddhas name. The most
common formula is, Namu Amida
Butsu, which may be translated All
praise to Amida buddha or I take refuge
in Amida buddha. Since the invocation
of the Buddhas name is an extremely
simple practice to learn, its use is wide-
spread among lay Buddhists as well as
monastics. The ultimate goal of chanting
the nembutsu depends on the faith of the
believer. In many cases, people chant the
name in order to gain rebirth in Amidas
Pure Land. In the case of Jdo Shinsh
(Pure Land sect), believers chant the
nembutsu in order to express gratitude to
Amida for the promise of rebirth.
During the practice of chanting the
nembutsu within the Zen school, it is
most often the former style of medita-
tion on the Buddha which is stressed.
Zen masters will refer to the Buddha
within the self (koshin mida) and the
Pure Land of the Mind Only (yuishin no
jdo). In some cases, Zen masters
encourage disciples to make use of the
nembutsu as a kan. The combined
practice of Zen meditation and nem-
butsu was introduced to the Zen school
by disciples of the Fifth Patriarch Hung-
jen. It became common in Chinese Zen
beginning in the tenth century and char-
acterized all of Chinese Zen by the early
Ming dynasty (13681644). It is still char-
acteristic of the Obaku sect of Japanese
Zen, introduced from China in the seven-
teenth century. See also dual practice,
lay believer, and Nembutsu kan.
Nembutsu Kan
A kan based upon the practice of nem-
butsu, or chanting the name of the
Buddha. The Nembutsu kan generally
takes the form of a question, such as
Who chants the nembutsu? Although
Nembutsu Kan
Nembutsu Kygen
the Nembutsu kan is common in some
parts of the Zen world, it is not derived
from any traditional kan collection or
other classical Zen literature, but seems
to have developed as a result of the dual
practice of Zen and Pure Land
Buddhismin Chinese monasteries dur-
ing the Ming dynasty (13681644).
Nembutsu Kygen
A popular form of Japanese drama
devoted to Buddhist themes, such as
miracle stories or moral tales of karmic
retribution. The plays are performed as
pantomimes, with the actors dressed in
colorful costumes and masks. Nembutsu
kygen dates back several hundred years
and is still performed today at Buddhist
monasteries, such as Mibu-dera in
Kyoto. The popular dramas are often
comical in nature, but designed to con-
vey Buddhist morals and teachings while
entertaining the audience.
Chronology of years, biography of
an important Zen monk or nun,
composed to cover the life year by
year. It is traditional for a leading
disciple to record the biography of the
master shortly after his or her death.
Nempu represents a distinctive genre
of Zen literature.
A Japanese word, which, when used as
a noun, means a thought, a
moment, or a moment of thought.
When used as a verb, it may mean to
think, to contemplate, or to
remember. In some cases, such as in
the expression nembutsu, it may alter-
natively mean to chant or recite.
Nenge Mish
Lifting a flower and smiling faintly, a
reference to the Zen traditions account
of the first transmission of the Dharma
from Shkyamuni Buddha to
Mahakashyapa, the first Indian
patriarch of Zen. When Shkyamuni
lectured on the Dharma to a group of
disciples on Vulture Peak, he is said to
have raised a flower and winked his eye
without speaking a word. Only Maha-
kashyapa understood the Buddhas
action, and he silently smiled his reply.
Seeing Mahakashyapa smile, the
Buddha recognized that he grasped the
Dharma. According to Zen teachings,
this event marks the beginning of the
Zen school. The story is one of the
most famous classical kan, appearing
as the sixth case in the Mumonkan.
Nenge Shunmoku
Lifting a flower and winking an eye, a
reference to the Zen traditions account
of the first transmission of the Dharma
from Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) to Mahakashyapa, the first
Indian patriarch of Zen. The more
common expression is Nenge mish.
See Nenge mish.
The anniversary of death. In Japanese
Buddhist custom, memorial services
(hji) are held for deceased members of
the monastic community on certain
anniversaries of the death date.
Although there is much variation in
memorial practice throughout the
denominations of Japanese Buddhism,
the anniversaries most commonly
observed are the first, third, seventh,
thirteenth, seventeenth, twenty-third,
twenty-seventh, and thirty-third. It is
likewise customary for lay people to
have similar memorial services held for
deceased family members either at
home or at the temple. Zen monasteries
commemorate certain anniversaries of
death on an annual basis, especially
those of the sects founder, the founder
of the monastery, and other important
personages. See also lay believer.
A red-hot iron ball; one of the punish-
ments of hell dwellers described in
Buddhist texts is being forced to swallow
a ball of hot iron. According to Lin-chi
I-hsan (d. 867), any person who
deceives others in this life will swallow
hot iron in hell.
Nichimen Butsu, Gatsumen Butsu
Sunface buddha, Moonface buddha,
the dying words of the Chinese Zen
master Ma-tsu Tao-i (709788), which
appear as a kan in case three of the
Hekiganroku. Sunface buddha and
Moonface buddha are two of the three
thousand buddhas named in the Sutra
of the Buddhas Names ( J.
Butsumyky; T. 14, nos. 440442).
According to the sutra, the lifespan of
the Moonface buddha is twenty-four
hours, while that of the Sunface
buddha is 1,800 years. See Sunface
buddha, Moonface buddha.
(12221282) Japanese Buddhist monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333) who
founded the Nichiren school of Japanese
Buddhism. Nichiren was originally a
Tendai monk and practiced and studied
for some years on Mount Hiei. He
became convinced that the Lotus Sutra
was the ultimate teaching of Buddhism,
and the only authentic teaching during
the age of Mapp. He promoted the
practice of chanting the title of the sutra
using the formula Namu myh
rengeky. Nichiren was twice exiled by
Japanese authorities for his outspoken
rejection of other schools of Buddhism.
See also Tendai sect.
Nichiren Sect
A sect of Japanese Buddhism founded
by the monk Nichiren (12221282) dur-
ing the Kamakura period (11851333).
The teachings and practices of the sect
are based on Nichirens understanding
of the Lotus Sutra, which serves as the
sects principal scripture. Nichiren was
originally a Tendai monk, and he stud-
ied the Lotus Sutra at the Tendai head-
quarters on Mount Hiei. Chanting the
title of the sutra (using the formula
Namu myh rengeky) is among the
primary practices of Nichiren faithful.
See also Tendai sect.
To think about the Buddha Nien-fo
refers to two types of Buddhist prac-
tices related to Amidha buddha. The
first type involves some form of medi-
tation on the Buddha or his Pure Land.
The second, more common type of
nien-fo practice includes the invoca-
tion of the Buddhas name.
Practitioners generally chant the for-
mula, Na-mo A-mi-to fo, which may
be translated All praise to Amida
buddha or I take refuge in Amida
buddha. See nembutsu.
Japanese for the two vehicles, namely
those of shravakas and pratyeka bud-
dhas. See two vehicles.
The twenty-five divisions of the night,
from sunset to daybreak, which were
traditionally announced in Zen monas-
teries using a wooden gong (J. han).
Two entrances, the Japanese term
for the two basic ways to attain an
understanding of ultimate reality.
Tradition maintains that Bodhi-
dharma, the founder of Zen, first
described the two entrances. The first
entrance is riny, the entrance
through reason. This refers to study-
ing the teachings of Buddhism as set
out in the scriptures. The second
entrance is gyny, the entrance
through practice. Zen Buddhism rep-
resents a form of gyny.
Niny Shigyron
Discourse on Two Entries and Four
Practices, a Zen text traditionally attrib-
uted to Bodhidharma. See Shshitsu
Niny Shigyron
The two guardian kings. Two fierce
figures of Kong kings (vajra or
Diamond kings) often found guarding
either side of a temple gate. The two are
identified by name as Misshaku (on the
left) and Naraen (on the right). They are
depicted as prepared for battle, ready to
repulse demons and other forces of evil
from entering temple grounds. The fig-
ure on the left has his mouth open,
symbolically speaking the sacred sound
a; the figure on the right has his mouth
closed, pronouncing the syllable Um.
The two sounds together form the pow-
erful mantra AUM, a combination of
the first and last letters in Sanskrit.
Ni Zen
Guardian King Zen. A form of Zen
practice recommended by the Toku-
gawa period (16001867) Zen master
Suzuki Shsan (15791655). Shsan did
not believe that beginners were capable
of practicing what he called Nyrai Zen,
the meditation of the Buddha. He sug-
gested that beginners visualize the form
of the Ni in their minds and concen-
trate on the intense energy displayed by
them. In some cases, he suggested that
the meditator physically imitate the
posture and facial expression of the Ni
in order to generate the same levels of
energy. The purpose of the exercise was
to generate energy and direct it against
the evil influences that hinder the medi-
tation of a beginner.
King, Winston L. Death Was His Kan:
The Samurai-Zen of Suzuki Shosan.
Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities
Press, 1986.
Tyler, Royall, trans. Selected Writings of
Suzuki Shosan. Ithaca, NY: China-
Japan Program, Cornell University,
(J. jin) Transformation body, one of
three aspects or bodies of the Buddha
according to the Mahayana under-
standing of the concept of Buddha.
Nirmanakaya are manifestations of the
eternal Buddha in this world, the so-
called historical buddhas. These histor-
ical buddhas appear in human form to
teach the Dharma to ordinary sentient
beings. Siddharta Gautama is one
example of nirmanakaya; the
Mahayana tradition teaches that there
have been innumerable others. See also
three bodies of the Buddha.
(J. nehan) Blowing out or extinction,
the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice.
The concept is associated with an
enlightened state in which one has
extinguished all passions and attained
the highest wisdom. Having attained
nirvana, one is no longer subject to the
workings of karma or the process of
rebirth. All suffering, delusion, and
attachment are blown out in the state
of nirvana. The final or perfect nirvana
Ni are fierce guardian kings found
on either side of a Zen temple gate.
(Sk. parinirvana) may be said to occur
at the death of the enlightened individ-
ual. Although tradition has long main-
tained that nirvana cannot be ade-
quately described with words, it is often
discussed in positive terms as a blissful
state of altered consciousness.
Nirvana Festival
In East Asian Buddhism, the celebra-
tion commemorating the death of the
historical Shayamuni Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama). As a part of the
festival, followers display images
depicting the Buddha entering his final
or perfect nirvana (Sk. parinirvana)
and chant the Nirvana Sutra.
Traditionally, the festival was observed
on the fifteenth day of the second
month of the lunar calendar, but in
Japan it is now observed on February
15, according to the solar calendar.
Unlike their East Asian counterparts
who celebrate the major events in
the Buddhas life on separate
holidays, South and Southeast Asian
Buddhists commemorate the Buddhas
birth, enlightenment, and death on a
single day, usually in May. See also
Buddha Day.
Nirvana Hall
The infirmary or sick room at a Zen
monastery. The name refers to the
attainment of perfect nirvana (Sk. pari-
nirvana), or the final passing into
extinction that occurs when an enlight-
ened person dies. Monks and nuns are
cared for in the infirmary when they are
too ill to continue with the normal
temple life. Other names for the sick
room include hall for the prolongation
of life (enjud) and anrakud, the hall
of peace and pleasure.
Nirvana Hall
Ni are typically depicted as prepared for battle, ready to fight evil demons.
Nirvana Sutra
Nirvana Sutra
(J. Nehanky) The Parinirvana Sutra, a
Mahayana sutra that presents itself as
the final sermon given by the Buddha
before his death. There are no Sanskrit
versions extant, only Chinese
translations (T. 12, nos. 374 and 375),
the more important completed by
Dharmakshema, a Buddhist monk
of the fourth century C.E. The sutra
gives an account of the Buddhas
passage into parinirvana. Its basic
teaching is that all sentient beings
possess Buddha Nature and are
capable of attaining enlightenment.
Twofold Truth, a Mahayana teaching
that there are two levels or perspectives
on reality. The two are daiichigitai, or
absolute truth, and sezokutai, or con-
ventional truth. See Twofold Truth.
Nitten Sjo
Daily cleaning of a Zen monastery or
temple. Every morning after breakfast,
the resident monks or nuns participate
in cleaning the temple buildings
(shichid garan) and grounds. Also
called nitten samu.
Niu-tou School
(J. Gozu-sh) The Oxhead school, an
important lineage of early Chinese
Zen founded by Fa-jung (594657),
a Dharma heir of the Fourth
Patriarch Tao-hsin (580651). See
Oxhead school.
Niwa Zume
Waiting period endured by new Zen
trainees (unsui) before they are admit-
ted to a Zen monastery for formal train-
ing. The term means to be left waiting at
the entry gate (genkan), which is where
the newcomer remains until the request
for entry is accepted. Zen postulants
formally request permission to enter a
monastery for practice, but the initial
request is always refused as a matter of
form. The postulant then waits for a
period of one to several days as a sign of
his or her determination to practice
Zen. Throughout the waiting period, the
postulant sits at the edge of the raised
platform in the entryway, with head
bowed down over his or her baggage
and hands held together in supplica-
tion. The practice is intended to test the
resolve of trainees.
The Niwa Zume is a stylized version
of traditional practices. Early Zen
literature is filled with stories of masters
testing the sincerity and determination
of would-be disciples. Perhaps the most
famous is the story of the Second
Patriarch Hui-ko (487593), who stood
patiently in the snow for several days
awaiting recognition from Bodhi-
dharma, the first patriarch. Finally,
Hui-ko cut off his arm with a sharp
knife and presented it to Bodhidharma
as a symbol of his deep commitment to
the practice of Zen.
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. The Training of
the Zen Buddhist Monk. New York:
Globe Press Books, 1991.
N Drama
A highly stylized form of Japanese
drama and dance indirectly associated
with Zen Buddhism. N, sometimes
transliterated as Noh, was developed
during the Ashikaga period (13921568)
by Kanami (13331384) and his son
Zeami (13631443) out of more popular
forms of dance. The drama is performed
by masked actors accompanied by
musicians and a chorus. Although
not all dramas portray Buddhist
themes, the aesthetics of N and some
of its themes are said to have been
permeated by Zen influence.
A Buddhist concept used somewhat dif-
ferently in various schools of thought.
Within the Zen school, the term no-
mind (mushin) refers to a state of
detachment from the ordinary flow of
discursive thought, which characterizes
the state of enlightenment. The expres-
sion is used synonymously with no-
thought. See no-thought.
The enlightened perspective of ultimate
reality that transcends the distinctions
of ordinary perception. The unenlight-
ened individual experiences the world
as a series of distinct phenomena, each
perceived as different and judged as
pleasant or unpleasant. From the per-
spective of ultimate reality, all phenom-
ena are understood to be characterized
by emptiness and are therefore without
distinction. Reality is thus experienced
as non-dual (J. muni); distinctions such
as subject and object, samsara and nir-
vana, good and bad, male and female,
and so on, are understood to be relative
and not absolute.
Northern School
An important lineage of early Chinese
Zen descending from Shen-hsiu
(606?706), a Dharma heir of the Fifth
Patriarch Hung-jen (601674). The
Northern school flourished for several
generations before fading. It is not
known if the lineage died out on its own
or as a result of opposition from the
Southern school of Zen. The division
between the so-called Northern school
of Shen-hsiu and the Southern school of
Hui-neng (638713) is regarded as one
of the earliest splits within the Zen
tradition. The names derive from the
relative geographical location of the two
lineages. Shen-hsiu and his lineage were
active in the area north of the Yellow
River and in the cities of Lo-yang and
Chang-an, while Hui-neng and his
group were active in the south.
According to traditional accounts of
early Zen, the Northern school was an
unorthodox form of Zen. It diverged
from the orthodox Southern school in
two ways. First, it taught a form of
gradual enlightenment, which contra-
vened the authentic Zen teaching
of sudden enlightenment. Second, it
followed an alternative lineage that did
not recognize Hui-neng as the only valid
N, a highly theatrical form of drama and dance, is performed
by masked actors along with musicians and a chorus.
Northern School
Sixth Patriarch. More recent research by
Zen scholars, based on texts found at
Tun-huang, has shown that this charac-
terization is not historically accurate
and was largely the creation of Ho-tse
Shen-hui (670762), a descendent of
McRae, John R. The Northern School and
the Formation of Early Chan
Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1986.
(J. Muga) The teaching of Anatman, one
of the most basic and distinctive teach-
ings of Buddhism. The concept of No-
Self categorically denies that human
beings possess a self-existent soul or self
(Sk. atman) that is eternal, abiding, and
unchanging. Attachment to the concept
of such a false self is the fundamental
cause of human suffering. Realization
that no such self exists is understood as
the basis for the attainment of nirvana,
or release. See Anatman.
(J. munen) Detachment from the ordi-
nary flow of discursive thought, which
characterizes the state of enlighten-
ment. No-thought is one of the most
basic concepts of Zen introduced in the
Platform Sutra. It is roughly equivalent
of no-mind. No-thought does not imply
the absolute absence of thought, a men-
tal state that can be attained using some
meditative techniques. Rather, no-
thought describes a heightened state of
awareness, in which one can respond
without hindrance to any circumstance.
No-thought describes the perspective of
the enlightened mind, in which one
realizes the nature of reality (i.e., one
grasps the concept of emptiness). This
allows one to think and respond to stim-
uli without clinging to thoughts or
becoming attached to phenomena. The
Platform Sutra says, No-thought is not
to think even when involved in thought
. . . If you give rise to thoughts from your
self-nature, then although you see, hear,
perceive, and know, you are not stained
by the manifold environments, and are
always free (Yampolsky, pp. 138139).
Yampolsky, Philip B. The Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
(J. shami and shamini) A person who
has undergone an initial ordination as
a monk or nun, but has not yet taken
his or her final vows. In Buddhism,
novices traditionally take refuge (kie) in
the three treasures and accept the ten
precepts as a part of their ordination.
In accepting the ten precepts, the
novice promises to refrain from killing,
stealing, sexual misconduct, lying,
drinking alcohol, eating after noon,
enjoying secular entertainment, adorn-
ing the body, sleeping on a high (com-
fortable) bed, and handling gold and
silver. Novices were accepted into the
community under the guidance of a
preceptor and a tutor, who respectively
instructed the newcomer in the regula-
tions of monastic code and the
Buddhist teachings. The Buddhist
monastic community did not tradition-
ally accept children younger than eight,
and in some cases fifteen, as a novices.
A young novice had to reach the age of
twenty before being allowed to proceed
with full ordination.
A female member of a religious
monastic order. Given the many simi-
larities between Christian and
Buddhist monastic practice, the term
nun has been adopted for Buddhist
clerics. Like their Christian counter-
parts, Buddhist nuns typically live a
celibate life within a monastic com-
munity devoted to religious practice,
especially meditation. They share a
similar tradition of taking vows and
abiding by a monastic code that gov-
erns religious life in the monastery.
Unlike Christian nuns, however,
Buddhist nuns are ordained and are
therefore competent to conduct the
same religious rituals as Buddhist
monks. Buddhist nuns traditionally
enter orders by taking on the ten pre-
cepts of a novice. A novice may later
accept full ordination by undertaking
the full set of 500 precepts for women.
A small curved staff or baton used by a
Zen master when instructing students or
giving a sermon. The term literally
means as one wishes. Nyoi are usually
carved from wood or bamboo, and about
fifteen inches long (35 cm). The master
may use the nyoi to emphasize a point
when speaking, to strike a student dur-
ing a private interview (sanzen), or as a
staff to rest upon when seated on the
floor. Also known as a kotsu. See kotsu.
Thus Come One, the Japanese trans-
lation of Tathagata. One of the ten epi-
thets for the Buddha. The honorific
title is commonly added to the name of
a buddha, taking the place of the title
Butsu, meaning buddha in Japanese.
For example, Amida buddha may be
alternatively referred to as Amida
Nyorai. See Tathagata.
Womb of the thus come one
or Matrix of the Buddha, the
Japanese translation of the Sanskrit
term Tathagata Garbha. See
Tathagata Garbha.
Laying a corpse in the coffin, one of
the nine ritual acts (kubutsuji)
performed when a prominent Buddhist
monk or nun dies. The deceased
is placed in a round coffin in an
upright seated position, as if he or she
were meditating.
The installation of a new abbot at a
Zen temple or monastery. The term
literally means to enter the temple.
It is alternatively pronounced juen.
In some cases, it may refer to the
entry of a new novice to a Zen
monastery. See shinsanshiki.
Private instruction with the Zen
master in the abbots quarters.
Sometimes pronounced Nisshitsu. The
term literally means entering the
(masters) room. An alternative
expression for sheki.
The Obaku edition of the Chinese
Tripitaka, composed by the Obaku
monk Tetsugen Dk (16301682) in
the late seventeenth century. Known as
the Tetsugen edition, the Obaku-ban
was Japans first complete wood block
version of the Chinese Buddhist scrip-
tures. It was used as a standard edition
in Japan until the modern Taish
Daizky edition replaced it. Tetsugen
traveled Japan raising funds for his
Tripitaka project by preaching and col-
lecting small donations from ordinary
citizens. Meanwhile, craftsmen carved
more than 60,000 blocks to complete the
set of 6,956 bound volumes. The entire
project took twelve years, from 1668 to
1680. Every volume of the set records the
individuals, village associations, and
Buddhist organizations who con-
tributed to the effort.
According to popular legend,
Tetsugen raised funds for the Obaku-
ban project three times before the work
was completed. First, a flood devastated
the city of Osaka, and Tetsugen decided
to spend the collected funds on disaster
relief. The second time, he had almost
raised the necessary amount when a
famine struck the Kyoto-Osaka area.
Tetsugen once again used his funds to
feed the destitute. The third time, he col-
lected donations and was able to com-
plete his intended project. Tetsugen is
known for both his work on the Tripitaka
project and his participation in large-
scale relief work.
Obaku Kiun
(d. 850) Japanese transliteration of
Huang-po Hsi-yn (d. 850), one of the
most important Chinese Zen masters of
the Tang dynasty (618907). See
Huang-po Hsi-yn.
Obaku Sect
The smallest of the three sects of Zen
Buddhism in Japan. Obaku was
founded by Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673) and a group of his disciples
who emigrated from China, beginning
in 1654. Obaku did not exist as an inde-
pendent sect of Zen in China. Yin-yan
and his disciples descended from the
Yang-chi lineage of the Rinzai sect of
Zen. Its inclusion of Pure Land belief
and practice, typical of all Zen lineages
in China by the time of the Ming dynasty
(13681644), is cited as one reason that
Obaku became an independent sect dis-
tinct from Rinzai in Japan.
The main monastery for the Obaku
sect is Obaku-san Mampuku-ji in the
city of Uji, located to the south of Kyoto.
Yin-yan founded the monastery in
1661 with the permission and patronage
of Tokugawa Ietsuna, the fourth
Tokugawa shogun. The monastery in
Japan bears the same name as Yin-
yans home monastery in the Fukien
province of southeastern China. The
sect has approximately 462 temples and
claims some 353,500 adherents. See also
Yang-chi school.
Obaku Shingi
The Monastic Code for the Obaku
Sect, a text consisting of one section
commonly attributed to Yin-yan
Lung-chi (15941673). The text, com-
piled by Kao-chan Hsing-tun, was first
published in 1673, the year of Yin-yans
death. It governs the life and practice at
the sects main monastery, Mampuku-ji,
as well as at other Obaku temples.
The Japanese version of the Festival of
the Dead, celebrated during summer
throughout Buddhist East Asia. The fes-
tival is based upon the ullambana cere-
mony, which traditionally closes the
summer rainy season retreat on the fif-
teenth day of the seventh lunar month.
The ceremony includes a feast offered
up to the monastic community for those
living beings suffering in hell as hungry
ghosts. Since hungry ghosts cannot
receive assistance directly, offerings of
food are made to the sangha, and the
merit is said to be transferred to the
hungry ghosts to alleviate their suffer-
ing. As a part of Obon, Buddhist temples
and many families in Japan continue to
set up special altars and make offerings
for the sake of hungry ghosts and other
spirits who have no family to care for
them. The festival has expanded to
include many local folk traditions as
well. In Japan, the focus of Obon now
has more to do with honoring the spirits
of the ancestors than with feeding hun-
gry ghosts. The festival is usually
observed from August 13 through
August 15 and is the most important
Buddhist festival of the year.
Traditionally, the Japanese travel
back to their native villages for the Obon
season, welcoming the spirits of their
ancestors back to the world of the living.
According to folk tradition, the spirits of
the ancestors are said to travel back to
the land of the living at Obon to visit
their living descendants. To welcome
the spirits and guide their passage, the
celebrants light lanterns on the first
evening of the festival. In preparation
for the visit, families will carefully clean
their Buddhist altar (J. Butsudan) and
set out fresh flowers and incense. They
may also set up a spirit altar, especially if
they have suffered a loss since the last
Obon festival. They participate in the
customs of dancing, or Bon odori,
intended to entertain both the living
and the dead. At the end of the festival,
people light farewell fires and say their
goodbyes to the spirits, usually inviting
them to return next year. Lantern boats,
bearing the names of recently deceased
individuals, may be lighted as a special
send-off for the spirits who died within
the last year. They are released on a river
or dropped directly into the ocean and
allowed to float out to sea.
Smith, Robert. Ancestor Worship in Con-
temporary Japan. Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 1974.
Buddhist practitioners make ritual offer-
ings as a regular part of their religious
practice. Monks, nuns, and lay people
alike may place offerings of incense,
flowers, food, and other items before
images of the buddha and bodhisattvas
to express reverence and devotion. It is
also traditional for lay people to make
offerings to the monastic community
and to individual monks and nuns as a
means to build good merit and progress
along the religious path of Buddhism.
See also four offerings and lay believer.
The largest temple bell on Buddhist
monastery grounds. Ogane is the more
popular transliteration of the characters
that are formally pronounced daish.
The ogane, which is usually made of cast
Ogane, the largest temple bell on the grounds of a
Buddhist monastery, is usually made of cast
bronze and is intricately detailed.
Ogino Dokuon
bronze, hangs in a detached structure or
bell tower (J. shr) specially designed
for its display and ringing. Each one has
a distinctive voice. They are prized as
works of art for the deep, resonant
sound they produce and the intricate
designs in the casting. The large bell can
be heard from afar when it is rung to sig-
nal events to the temple community. On
the eve of the new year, most Buddhist
temples ring the ogane 108 times to
mark the passing of the old year. Each
toll represents one of the 108 passions
(or afflictions) that afflict human beings,
and they are symbolically cast off in prepa-
ration for the new year.
Ogino Dokuon
(18191895) Japanese monk of the Rinzai
sect of the late Tokugawa (16001867) and
Meiji (18681912) periods who resisted
government oppression of Buddhism.
Born in Bizen province (Okayama
Prefecture), Dokuon became the disciple
of Daisetsu Shen at Shkoku-ji. He even-
tually became Daisetsus Dharma heir and
succeeded him as abbot in 1879. In 1872,
as the official head of the combined Zen
schools, Dokuon protested the Meiji gov-
ernments policies toward Buddhism.
Oji Goi
The five ranks of princes. One of several
formulaic expressions of the five ranks,
originally developed by Tung-shan Liang-
chieh (807869) and Tsao-shan Pen-chi
(840901). In this version of the formula,
titles of differing ranks of heirs to the
throne are used allegorically to express the
five ranks. The five-part formula may be
translated as: 1) the crown prince, 2) an
illegitimate son born to the rulers concu-
bine, 3) a vassal, 4) a military general, and
5) the kings younger brother. See five
Transformation body, the Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit term nir-
manakaya. Within the Mahayana
Buddhist doctrine of the three bodies of
the Buddha (J. sanshin), the nirmanakaya
are the historical buddhas, manifestations
of the eternal Buddha (J. hosshin; Sk.
Dharmakaya) in this world. See nir-
The Japanese term for the ongoing cycle of
birth and death that continues through
numerous lifetimes. In the context of Pure
Land Buddhist teachings, the term refers
specifically to rebirth in Amidas Western
Pure Land. See also rebirth.
The Essentials of Salvation, a Japanese
Pure Land text in three or six sections,
composed by Genshin (9421017) in 985.
The Ojysh, the first Pure Land text writ-
ten in Japan, provided a theological basis
for the later development of Japanese Pure
Land sects.
Old-Woman Zen
Used in reference to the teaching style of
some Zen masters who take great care in
the training of students. The expression
may be a form of praise, indicating that
the master skillfully deals with disciples,
or it may be derogatory, suggesting that
the master is overly gentle with disciples
or overly fastidious in his concern for
detail. Zen texts abound with related
expressions, such as grandmotherly
concern (J. rba shinsetsu and rba
tekkon), employed in much the same
manner. See also Rba Zen.
One-Finger Zen
(J. Tenry isshit or Isshit Zen) A refer-
ence to the teaching style of the Tang
dynasty Zen master Tien-lung (J. Tenry)
and his disciple Ch-chih (J. Gutei).
According to tradition, when Ch-chi
asked Tien-lung to explain the essence of
Buddhism, the master simply raised one
finger. At that moment, Ch-chih was
enlightened. From that time on, Ch-chih
used this teaching device himself when-
ever disciples asked him questions about
the Dharma. One-finger Zen is the topic
of a famous case that appears in the
Mumonkan and other kan collections.
One Hand Kan
(J. Sekishu kan) The most famous kan,
attributed to the Rinzai master Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). The basic form of the
kan is, What is the sound of one hand
clapping? Hakuin developed this kan to
be used by beginners as their first kan. He
believed that the One Hand kan and the
Mu kan were the most effective medita-
tive devices for attaining the initial experi-
ence of enlightenment (J. kensh). See
also Rinzai sect.
One Mind
(J. Isshin) The mind of enlightenment
that perceives ultimate reality and
transcends the dualism of ordinary
thought and perception. The concept of
One mind is presented in the
Awakening of Faith, a Mahayana treatise
attributed to Ashvaghosha. See also
Mahayana Buddhism.
One Vehicle
(J. ichij) The single path of Buddhism,
encompassing all forms of Buddhism.
The image of the one vehicle is presented
in the Lotus Sutra, contrasted with ear-
lier notions of the three vehicles. The
Lotus Sutra teaches that all forms of
Buddhism are paths to enlightenment,
and together comprise the one great
vehicle, or Mahayana.
One-Word Barrier
A Zen teaching device, which entailed a
master using only one word in the orig-
inal Chinese. See ichiji kan.
A Japanese Zen text in three or four divi-
sions, comprised of various letters (kana
hgo) composed by Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768). The first edition, published
in 1749, included three letters: one to
Lord Nabeshima, one to a sick Zen
monk, and one to a Nichiren nun. A
later edition from 1751 appended addi-
tional letters in the Orategama Zokush.
A religious ritual symbolizing formal entry
into a monastic community or religious
profession. In Buddhism, ordination ritu-
als marking the entry into monastic life as
a monk or nun generally involve shaving
the head to signify departure from ordi-
nary lay life, reception of monastic robes,
and the formal acceptance of the precepts
that govern monastic life. In many schools
of Buddhism, there are two levels of ordi-
nation: the initial ordination as a novice
and full ordination as a monk or nun.
Novices typically accept a smaller set of
eight or ten monastic precepts, while fully
ordained Buddhist monastics undertake
the 250 precepts for monks or 500 precepts
for nuns as set out in the vinaya. In Japan,
many schools of Buddhism use a much
shorter set of precepts known as the bod-
hisattva precepts at ordinations. See also
lay believer.
Ordination Platform
In East Asia, Buddhist ordinations take
place on specially constructed three-step
platforms. See kaidan.
Original Enlightenment
(J. hongaku) The Mahayana teaching that
all sentient beings innately possess the
Buddha Nature and are capable of attain-
ing enlightenment. Some schools of
Buddhism teach that the seed of original
enlightenment is gradually nurtured until
one attains enlightenment, but in the Zen
school, original enlightenment means that
since we are already buddhas, it is only nec-
essary to realize that within the self. This is
the teaching of sudden enlightenment.
Original Face
(J. honrai no menmoku) A Zen expression
for the original state of enlightenment,
which Zen teaches that we all possess. The
phrase Original Face is also commonly
Original Face
Original Mind
used in Zen texts to express the attain-
ment of enlightenment (J. satori). For
example, Zen Master Tetsugen Dk
(16301682) wrote in his Kana hgo,
Therefore, when the [proper] time
comes and the causes [are ripe], you will
suddenly overcome the darkness of
ignorance [that has surrounded you] for
innumerable kalpas. For the first time
you will wake up from the long night of
dreaming. You will clap your hands and
laugh out loud. You will reveal your
Original Face and illuminate the land-
scape of the original state.
Original Mind
(J. Honshin) A Zen expression used for
ones true nature or Buddha Nature,
which everyone possesses. The term is
contrasted with the deluded mind of
ordinary beings. Zen teaches that
although everyone possesses the
Original Mind of enlightenment, for
most of us it is clouded by delusions.
Through meditation, it is possible to
realize the Original Mind or attain
Ory Enan
(10021069) The Japanese name for
Huang-lung Hui-nan, a Chinese Rinzai
sect master of the Sung dynasty
(9601279). The name may also be alter-
natively transliterated Ory Enan in
Japanese. See Huang-lung Hui-nan.
Ory School
The Japanese name for the Huang-lung
school, a lineage of Chinese Rinzai. The
characters are also transliterated Ory
in Japanese. In China, the Huang-lung
school, active during the Sung dynasty
(9601279), was founded by the Chinese
Zen master Huang-lung Hui-nan
(10021069; J. Ory Enan). In the late
twelfth century, a Japanese Zen monk
named Eisai traveled to China and
became the Dharma heir of Hs-an
Huai-chang, an eighth generation mas-
ter in the Huang-lung lineage. He then
returned to Japan and transmitted the
lineage to his disciples there. In Japan,
the Ory school is regarded as one of the
twenty-four lines of Japanese Zen.
However, the school did not survive for
long after Eisais generation in either
China or Japan. See also Rinzai sect.
Two days each month observed as days
of rest at Zen monasteries, when the res-
ident monks and nuns do not follow the
regular schedule of meditation and rit-
ual services. In the morning of oshiku
days, monks and nuns help one another
shave their heads and clean the
monastery buildings and grounds. In
the afternoon, they are free to attend to
personal business. Oshiku are usually
observed on the fourteenth and last day
of each month.
A title of respect used for senior Zen
monks in Japan. Used in previous ages
for any high-ranking monk, today the
term osh applies more specifically to
abbots. In the St school, osh indi-
cates a monk who has already inherited
the Dharma (J. shih) from his master.
Other schools of Japanese Buddhism
use the same title for senior monks but
may pronounce the characters differ-
ently. Tendai pronounces the word
Kash, whereas Ritsu, Shingon, and Jdo
Shinsh (True Pure Land sect) say Waj.
Historically, the osh was the Precept
Master responsible for guiding a
novices practice, especially regarding
the monastic code. Osh is the Japanese
translation of the term Upadhyaya, as
the Precept Master was called in
Sanskrit texts. In the ancient tradition,
novices needed three teachers when
they accepted the precepts at ordina-
tion. Of the three, the osh was the per-
son most directly responsible for the
development of the new monk or nun.
To serve as Precept Masters, monks or
nuns were required to have practiced for
ten full years beyond their full ordina-
tion. See also Shingon sect, St sect,
and Tendai sect.
Other Power
(J. Tariki) Reliance upon the merit of a
buddha or bodhisattva to attain spiri-
tual progress on the path to enlighten-
ment. Other Power is closely associated
with the teachings of Pure Land
Buddhism, encouraging faith in Amida
buddha as the basic or solitary means
for spiritual advancement. Other Power
is contrasted with Self Power (J. Jiriki),
the reliance on ones own merit and
effort to attain enlightenment, which is
characteristic of the Zen school.
Otkan School
The Japanese Rinzai lineage centered at
the monastery Daitoku-ji and Myshin-
ji in Kyoto. The name Otkan derives
from the honorific titles of its first three
patriarchs: The from Dai Kokushi
(Namp Jmy; 12351309), the t from
Dait Kokushi (Shh Mych), and the
kan from Kanzan Kokushi (Kanzan
Egen). Namp founded the lineage dur-
ing the Kamakura period (11851333),
and under the Second and Third
Patriarchs it became the dominant
Rinzai lineage in Japan. The Tokugawa
period (16001867) reformer Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) descended from this
lineage. See also Rinzai sect.
An alternate English translation for the
Sanskrit term ashrava. See defilements.
Ox Cart
An image used for Mahayana
Buddhismas the one path to enlighten-
ment, drawn from the parable of the
burning house recounted in the Lotus
Oxhead School
(J. Gozu-sh) The Chinese Niu-tou
school of Zen, an important lineage of
early Chinese Zen founded by Fa-jung
(594657), a Dharma heir of the Fourth
Patriarch Tao-hsin (580651). The name
derives from Ox-head Mountain (C.
Niu-tou-shan) in Chiang-su where the
headquarters of the school was located.
The lineage thrived throughout the early
centuries of the Tang dynasty
(618907), continuing for eight or nine
generations before it faded in the late
ninth century. The Oxhead Zen teach-
ings are said to have been transmitted to
Japan by Saich (767822), the founder
of the Japanese Tendai sect.
Oxherding Pictures
A series of ten drawings of an ox and an
oxherder (J. jgyzu), which describe
the process of Zen practice and enlight-
enment. The oxherder represents the
Zen practitioner seeking enlightenment,
while the ox represents the true self. The
original pictures are attributed to the
twelfth century Chinese Zen monk
Kuo-an Shih-yuan (J. Kakuan Shion; d.
1234). The ten pictures are interpreted
as graphic representations of ten stages
of Zen practice: 1) seeking the ox, 2)
finding its footprints, 3) seeing the ox, 4)
catching the ox, 5) herding the ox, 6) rid-
ing the ox home, 7) forgetting the ox, but
not the self, 8) forgetting both the ox and
the self, 9) returning to the true self, and
10) entering the marketplace to bestow
blessings on others.
Oxherding Pictures
(J. t or tba) A Buddhist religious
structure found throughout East Asia
characteristically possessing several
stories with distinct rooftops forming
a towerlike structure. The pagoda
originally derived from the Indian
stupa. Like stupas, pagodas are
traditionally used to enshrine relics
of the historical Buddha or other
prominent holy men and women.
Pai-chang Ching-kuei
(J. Hyakuj Shingi) The Monastic Code
of Pai-chang Huai-hai, a Zen text
traditionally regarded as the earliest
Zen monastic code. The text, attributed
to the Tang master Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814), exists in name only. There is
no historical evidence that Pai-chang
ever authored a monastic code,
although references to a text by that
title date back to the Sung dynasty
(9601279). In some cases, the
term refers to the Chih-hsiu Pai-chang
Ching-kuei, a Yuan dynasty synthesis
of major Zen monastic codes of the
Sung dynasty.
Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814; J. Hyakuj Ekai; alternatively
transliterated Po-chang) Chinese Zen
monk of the Tang dynasty (618907)
and one of the most prominent masters
of the day. Pai-chang is the disciple and
Dharma heir of Ma-tsu Tao-i (709788).
His disciples include Huang-po Hsi-yn
(d. 850). He is traditionally known as the
author of the first Zen monastic code,
the Pai-chang Ching-kuei, although
scholars no longer believe that he
authored such a text. Tradition main-
tains that Pai-chang systematized the
monastic practice of Zen Buddhismin a
manner distinctive from other forms of
Chinese Buddhism of his day. He also
established the requirement for daily
manual labor, coining the rule, A day
without labor, a day without food.
Pali Canon
An alternative name for the Theravada
Buddhist scriptures, better known as
the Tripitaka. The earliest version was
composed in the Pali language, hence
the name. See Tripitaka.
Pang Yun
(J. h koji) Chinese lay practitioner of
Zen, better known as Layman Pang
(740803). See Layman Pang.
Pao-lin Chuan
(J. Hrinden) A Chinese Zen text in ten
sections, recounting the lineage of Zen
masters from the Tang dynasty
(618907). The monk Hui-chu Chu-ling
compiled the work in 801. It represents
the traditional standard version of the
Zen lineage.
(J. Hajun) An evil deity who reigns
in the highest of the six heavens in
the realm of desire. Papiyas is an
enemy of Buddhism, determined
to prevent the Buddha and his
followers from practicing Buddhism and
attaining enlightenment.
(J. haraizai) Offenses entailing defeat;
actions of a Buddhist monk or nun that
are punishable by expulsion from the
sangha. Parajika is the most serious cat-
egory of offenses set out in the vinaya,
the monastic code developed within the
Theravada tradition. The vinaya identi-
fies four parajika offenses for monks and
eight for nuns. Monks are prohibited
East pagoda at Yakushi-ji (Medicine Buddha Temple),which was founded in Nara in 718 C.E.
from: 1) engaging in sexual intercourse,
2) stealing another persons belongings,
3) killing a human being, and 4) lying
about ones spiritual accomplishments.
Nuns, in addition, are prohibited from:
5) touching a mans body, 6) engaging in
a forbidden activity with a man when
filled with desire, 7) concealing the
faults of another person at the assembly,
and 8) breaking the rules of the assem-
bly. See also Theravada Buddhism.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic
Life: According to the Texts of
the Theravada Tradition. Trans.
Claude Grangier and Steven Collins.
New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
(J. hatsu nehan) Final or perfect nir-
vana, the ultimate release attained
when an enlightened person dies. The
term parinirvana most often refers to
the death of the historical Buddha,
although it can be used more generally.
When people attain enlightenment in
this life, they are said to have reached
the state of nirvana with residue. This
means that although free from the work-
ings of karma, they continue to live out
the remainder of the present life. Such
individuals are no longer subject to the
ongoing cycle of birth and death, and at
death attain complete release.
Parivirnana is sometimes called nirvana
without residue.
Parishioner System
A social system devised by the military
government during the Tokugawa
period (16001867) to control the
Japanese populace. See danka seido.
(J. so, soshi, or sobutsu) An important
leader recognized within a religious tra-
dition as a founding figure. Although the
Buddhist tradition rarely relies upon
blood lineage for its leadership, the tra-
dition makes wide use of familial terms,
including the concept of patriarchs.
Many Buddhist schools and sects
acknowledge several historical teachers
as their patriarchs. Zen Buddhism
places an especially strong emphasis on
the lineage of early patriarchs who cre-
ated the Zen school and transmitted its
Dharma. The Zen school acknowledges
a lineage of patriarchs extending back
from Hui-neng (638713), the Sixth
Chinese Patriarch, to the historical
Buddha and beyond. According to Zen
teaching, Shakyamuni (Siddharta
Gautama) transmitted the Dharma to
Mahakashyapa, the first Indian patri-
arch. The Dharma was then transmitted
through twenty-eight Indian patriarchs.
Bodhidharma, who traveled to China
and passed on the Dharma there, is
counted as the twenty-eighth Indian
patriarch and the First Patriarch in China.
Six Chinese patriarchs are acknowledged
by all surviving Zen lineages. Later Zen
teachers may also be known as patri-
archs, for example, Dgen Kigen
(12001253) of the Japanese St sect.
Patriarchs Hall
A hall within a Zen monastic complex
dedicated to the early Zen patriarchs
and founders. See soshid.
(J. Hokusan) Mount Pei, literally Mount
North, a mountain in modern day Hang-
chou province, China. The mountain
was the site for the Zen monastery Ling-
yin-ssu and became known as one of
the Five Mountains (C. Wu-shan; J.
Gozan temples), traditional religious
sites and locations of the most presti-
gious Zen monasteries in China.
Pei-yung Ching-kuei
Abbreviated title for the Chan-lin
Pei-yung monastic code, a Chinese
Zen monastic code in ten sections.
Also known as the Zenrin Biy Shingi,
Biy Shingi, or the Shidai Shingi, it
was written by Tse-shan I-hsien and
published in 1311.
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
(J. Daihannya Haramitsuky) An entire
class of Mahayana literature comprised
of approximately forty texts originally
composed in Sanskrit. The Heart Sutra
and the Diamond Sutra are two impor-
tant texts in the Perfection of Wisdom
literature that emerged in India between
the second and sixth centuries C.E.
Tibetan and Chinese translations also
exist. The Perfection of Wisdom litera-
ture discusses the Mahayana concept
that emptiness characterizes all of exis-
tence. In some cases, the title Perfection
of Wisdom Sutra may refer specifically to
the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight
Thousand Lines, which is among the
earliest examples of the Wisdom litera-
ture. See also Mahayana Buddhism.
Tales of marvelous events, a genre of
Chinese literature used to popularize
stories from the life of the Buddha and
from various sutras.
Traveling for religious purposes has
been a part of the Buddhist tradition
since the ancient period in India, and
pilgrimage is still an important form of
Buddhist ritual practice. As do pilgrim-
ages in other religious traditions,
Buddhist pilgrimages serve a number of
purposes: they offer entertainment, the
historical sites visited are educational,
and the pilgrims may use the opportu-
nity to reaffirm their commitment to
Buddhism. For those less capable of
undertaking the inward pilgrimage of
meditation, the physical pilgrimage
may represent a meaningful step on the
Buddhist path.
In ancient Buddhism, pilgrimage was
especially characteristic of lay Buddhist
practice. Lay Buddhists traveled to two
primary types of pilgrimage sitestu-
pas constructed to house relics of the
Buddha, and locations associated with
crucial events in the Buddhas life.
According to scriptural accounts, the
Buddha himself made arrangements to
have his cremated remains distributed
for the sake of lay devotion. Relics,
including not only portions of the ash
and bits of bone, but also personal
effects such as the Buddhas robes and
begging bowl, were eventually distrib-
uted throughout the Buddhist world.
Pilgrimage routes also honored central
locations from the Buddhas life, espe-
cially the wooded grove in Lumbini
where he was born, the bodhi tree
under which he attained enlighten-
ment, the deer park outside Benares
where he gave his first sermon, and the
grove of shala trees in Kushinagara
where he passed away.
Chinese and Japanese monks under-
took long and often hazardous pilgrim-
ages in search of the Dharma. Chinese
monks like Hsan-tsang (ca. 600664)
made the arduous trek across the
deserts of Central Asia to visit India,
where they could study Buddhism with
Indian masters and acquire the written
scriptures to carry home. A few genera-
tions later, the Japanese looked to China
as the source of the Dharma in much the
same way. Japanese monks risked the
dangers of ocean crossings to visit
China, where they could study
Buddhism and acquire the texts and
implements needed to transmit the tra-
dition back to Japan.
Other forms of Buddhist pilgrimage
also took root within East Asia, building
upon the previously existing indigenous
traditions. For example, the five peaks of
Mount Wu-tai, originally a Taoist pil-
grimage site, became closely associated
with the cosmic bodhisattva Manjusri
(J. Monju). Similarly, the Kumano and
Kya mountains in Japan, once associ-
ated with the powerful practices of
indigenous asceticism, became holy
sites for Japanese Buddhism, where holy
men known as Yamabushi developed a
syncretic asceticism based on the com-
bination of Buddhist practice and
indigenous beliefs.
The Japanese later developed junrei,
a distinctive form of Buddhist pilgrim-
age that involves visiting a series of reli-
gious sites, usually a number of temples
Pillow Sutra
dedicated to a single buddha or bod-
hisattva. The most famous junrei cir-
cuits are the eighty-eight temples dedi-
cated to Kb Daishi (J. Kkai) on the
island of Shikoku and the thirty-three
Kannon temples in Saikoku. Even today,
junrei pilgrims don the traditional garb
of the religious travelerwhite shirt,
straw hat, and walking staff, which sets
them apart from the ordinary world.
Today, however, few Japanese pilgrims
travel on foot. Most take buses that
guide them along the set pilgrimage
route. Junrei remains extremely popu-
lar; thousands of Japanese every year
undertake a pilgrimage for religious and
enjoyment purposes. Many say that
their basic purpose is to acquire some
practical benefit (J. genze riyaku) from
the experience, the majority specifically
hoping to resolve health concerns.
Zen pilgrimage, known as angya in
Japanese, is a traditional part of the Zen
monastic life. See also lay believer.
Pillow Sutra
A deathbed Buddhist service performed
as a customary part of Japanese funeral
rituals. See Makuragy.
(J. Binzuru) The first of the sixteen
arhats venerated in East Asian
Buddhism. Pindola, depicted with
white hair and long eyebrows, devel-
oped supernatural powersaccording
to the traditionand exhibited them
rashly to impress ordinary people. The
Buddha rebuked him for this and, for
his inappropriate behavior, ordered
him to postpone his own entrance into
nirvana to assist sentient beings. In
China, beginning in the early Tang
period (618907), images of Pindola,
called Pin-tou-lu in Chinese, were
enshrined in temple dining halls as the
holy monk of the hall ( J. shs).
Monks made an offering of food to him
before every meal. In Japan, Pindola,
known as Binzuru, is venerated for his
healing powers. It is said that a person
can be healed by touching the image.
Small images of Pindola are often
found outside the main image hall.
According to popular Japanese lore,
Pindola sits outside the hall because he
was expelled from the company of the
other arhats for an act of indiscretion.
It is said that he once admired a beau-
tiful woman and commented on her
appearance to others, an act of sexual
misconduct for a monk. To request his
assistance with health problems,
Japanese supplicants touch the images
of Binzuru and adorn him with knitted
caps and bibs.
Pi-yen Lu
The Blue Cliff Record, one of the most
popular collections of classical Zen
kan, compiled by the Chinese Rinzai
master Yan-wu Ko-chin (10631135;
J. Engo Kokugon) in 1125. The text is
more commonly known by its Japanese
title, Hekiganroku. See Hekiganroku.
Platform Sutra
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth
Patriarch, an important early Zen text,
purporting to be the teachings of Hui-
neng (638713), the Sixth Chinese
Patriarch of Zen. The Platform Sutra is
the only Buddhist text called a sutra yet
not considered to be the words of the
Buddha. However, according to Zen
understanding, an enlightened Zen
master is no different from a buddha,
and therefore the sermon may be
regarded as a sutra. The Platform Sutra
is divided into two sections, an autobio-
graphical account of the Sixth Patriarchs
early life and enlightenment and ser-
mons presented by the patriarch to his
disciples. The autobiographical section
includes the famous account of the
poetry contest that convinced the Fifth
Patriarch to designate Hui-neng as his
Dharma heir and the Sixth Patriarch.
The earliest extant version of the
sutra (T. 48, no. 2007) is a ninth-century
text discovered among the Tun-huang
manuscripts in 1906. Its full title is The
Southern School Sudden Teaching
Supreme Mahayana Great Perfection of
Wisdom: The Platform Sutra Preached
by the Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng Ta-shih
at Ta-fan Temple in Shao-chou (J.
Nansh Tongy Saij Daij Makahannya
Haramitsu Ky: Rokuso En Daishi
Shsh Daibon-ji Ni Oite seh Suru No
Danky). Philip Yampolsky translated
this version into English under the title,
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
(New York: Columbia University Press,
The version of the sutra traditionally
used within the Zen school is a Yuan
dynasty text (T. 48, no. 2008) compiled
by Tsung-pao in 1291. It is known as the
Liu-tsu Ta-shih Fa-pao Tan-ching (J.
Rokuso Daishi Hb Danky), or The
Treasure of the Dharma Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch. This version con-
tains additional materials, including six
epilogues by later masters. It is approxi-
mately twice the length of the earlier
Tun-huang manuscripts.
Po-chang Huai-hai
Alternative transliteration of Pai-chang
Huai-hai (720814). See Pai-chang
Posthumous Name
According to Japanese Buddhist
practice, lay Buddhists receive a
Buddhist name as a part of the funeral
and memorial services following
death. The Japanese terms kaimy and
hmy, commonly translated as
posthumous name, actually denote
the Buddhist names monks and nuns
receive at ordination.
A person who requests ordination from
a monastic community. In some cases, a
person requesting ordination must live
the monastic life for a designated period
of time and abide by a specified monas-
tic code of conduct before being
accepted by the community. In this case,
the postulancy serves as a probationary
period during which the community
observes the newcomer to evaluate his
or her suitability for monastic life. In
other cases, postulants are underage
individuals living in a monastery and
preparing for ordination when they
reach the minimum age.
In Buddhism, male candidates are
not required to undergo a probationary
period before ordination unless they are
underage. If a young man is at least
twenty years of age, he may receive full
ordination immediately after being
ordained as a novice. Although many
young monks do spend some time prac-
ticing as a novice before undertaking full
ordination, this is technically optional.
In contrast, female novices are required
to pass a two-year postulancy, regard-
less of age, before being permitted to
move on to full ordination. The female
novice is required to abide by the first six
precepts of the novice during postu-
lancy, a confusing requirement, since
she will have already undertaken the full
ten precepts to become a novice.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic
Life: According to the Texts of
the Theravada Tradition. Trans.
Claude Grangier and Steven Collins.
New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
(J. Hajahadai, Makahajahadai) The aunt
and foster mother of Siddharta
Gautama, also known as Mahaprajapati.
Siddhartas mother Maya died shortly
after his birth, and his father
Suddhodana married Prajapati to raise
the child. Later, Prajapati became a lay
disciple of the Buddha and requested
permission to become a nun. According
to traditional accounts, the Buddha
initially rejected her request and
only conceded to her pleas after
Ananda interceded on her behalf. See
also lay believer.
(J. chie or hannya) Wisdom, the
Buddhist concept of the absolute or
perfect wisdom, which allows one to
Prajna Samadhi
understand reality and perceive things
as they really are. In Theravada
Buddhism, prajna is the third part of the
Buddhist training leading to nirvana
and is built upon the training in moral-
ity (Sk. sila) and meditation. In
Mahayana Buddhism, prajna refers
specifically to the intuitive understand-
ing of emptiness (Sk. shunyata). It is last
of the six perfections (Sk. paramitas),
which define the path of the bod-
hisattva toward enlightenment. See
also Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.
Prajna Samadhi
The samadhi of perfect wisdom; the
state of consciousness in which one
realizes the reality of emptiness through
wisdom. The realization of emptiness is
regarded within the Buddhist tradition
as the moment of enlightenment. Upon
realizing that all things are ultimately
devoid of any eternal, abiding, and
unchanging quality, one can be said to
understand things as they are rather
than through a deluded mindset. See
also Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.
Pratyeka Buddha
(J. engaku) A self-enlightened being;
one that attains enlightenment solely
through personal effort, without the
benefit of hearing the teachings of a
buddha. Pratyeka buddhas are solitary
practitioners who have learned the
Dharma on their own by contemplating
the twelve-link chain of causation. They
completely lack the ability to teach oth-
ers. In the tradition of Mahayana
Buddhism, pratyeka buddhas and
shravakas are the two vehicles associ-
ated with Hinayana Buddhism, and
they are regarded as inferior to the bod-
hisattva. See also three vehicles.
(J. kai) The generic term for the ethical
norms that govern the life and practice
of religious individuals, especially
Buddhists. Within Buddhism, distinct
sets of precepts apply to different
members of the Buddhist community.
Lay Buddhists typically follow a set of
five precepts: 1) not to kill living beings;
2) not to steal anothers belongings; 3) to
abstain from sexual misconduct; 4) not
to lie; and 5) not to take intoxicants.
These lay precepts, the first five of the
ten precepts undertaken by ordained
novices, are understood somewhat dif-
ferently for lay people than for monks
and nuns, although they are worded in
the same way. In particular, the third
precept against sexual misconduct is
interpreted to preclude premarital and
extramarital sexual contact for lay
people, while it precludes all sexual
conduct for monks and nuns. The ten
precepts of the Buddhist novice con-
tinue with: 6) not to eat after noon; 7)
not to adorn the body with perfume,
flowers or jewelry; 8) not to participate
in public entertainment such as danc-
ing, plays, or singing; 9) not to use a lux-
urious bed; and 10) not to handle
money. Although all of these precepts
are worded in the negative form, they
are understood to include positive
action as well. For example, the first pre-
cept advocates actively protecting and
caring for living beings.
Most fully ordained Buddhist monks
and nuns also follow the vinaya, which
comprise a much longer set of monastic
precepts. The full list includes approxi-
mately 250 precepts for monks and 500
for nuns. These detailed rules, designed
to govern all aspects of the shared life
within the monastery, are not all
regarded as being of equal importance.
Violation of the most serious precepts
might involve expulsion from the com-
munity, while a lesser offense might
require temporary suspension, penance,
or simple confession.
In Mahayana Buddhism, the bod-
hisattva precepts (J. bosatsukai) were
developed, deriving from the Brahma
Net Sutra (J. Bonmky). The ten heavy
precepts and forty-eight light precepts
are intended to serve as the guiding
principles of practice for a bodhisattva.
All Mahayana Buddhists, monastic and
lay, are enjoined to follow the ten heavy
precepts, which include prohibitions
against: 1) killing, 2) stealing, 3) sexual
misconduct, 4) lying, 5) using intoxi-
cants, 6) finding fault in others, 7) boast-
ing about oneself, 8) envy, 9) anger and
ill will, and 10) slandering the three
treasures. The so-called light precepts
involve a longer list of less serious
offenses. In some schools of Japanese
Zen, monks and nuns are ordained
using the bodhisattva precepts rather
than the precepts of the vinaya. See also
lay believer.
(J. gaki) A hungry ghost. The Sanskrit
word literally means a dead person,
but the term is used specifically in
the Buddhist tradition for one of the
six possible realms of existence into
which a person may be reborn after
death. Preta suffer perpetual hunger
that they cannot alleviate. See gaki and
hungry ghost.
Prince Shtoku
(574622) Japanese regent who
promoted Buddhism in Japan. See
Shtoku Taishi.
(651739; J. Fujaku) Chinese Buddhist
monk known both as a Zen master and
as a master of the Hua-yen school. Pu-
chi was the Dharma heir and most
important disciple of Shen-hsiu
(606?706), leader of the Northern
school. Texts of his time often refer to
him as the Seventh Patriarch, a title that
seems to have been used for him during
his lifetime. Pu-chi taught a large num-
ber of disciples, and the Northern school
flourished under his direction.
(J. Fuke) An eccentric Chinese Zen
monk of the Tang dynasty (618907)
about whom little is known. Pu-hua was
the Dharma heir of Pan-shan Pao-chi.
After Pan-shan died, Pu-hua traveled
around China. For a time he joined Lin-
chi I-hsuans assembly and became the
famous masters friend, offering him
assistance. Stories about him appear in
the Sayings of Lin-chi (J. Rinzai-roku).
Pu-hua is traditionally regarded as the
founder of the Fuke sect of Zen.
Pure Land
(J. jdo) Mahayana Buddhist concept of
a celestial world or paradise created by a
buddha. Buddhas are said to be capable
of purifying a place and removing all
hindrances for Buddhist practice by
means of their limitless merit. The
Buddha Lands they create are
envisioned as ideal places for ordinary
sentient beings to hear the Buddhist
teachings and to practice and attain
enlightenment. Rebirth in a Pure Land
may be the immediate religious goal of a
Buddhist believer, since attaining
enlightenment there is far less difficult
than on earth. Rebirth in a Pure Land is
dependent not on the individuals merit
or good karma, but on that of the
Buddha or an associated bodhisattva.
Having faith in the appropriate buddha,
chanting his name, or meditating on
him and his world may lead to rebirth in
his land. In most contexts, the term Pure
Land applies specifically to the Western
Pure Land of Amida buddha, the most
popular of the celestial buddhas.
In the Zen school, the concept of the
Pure Land reflects an internal state of
mind rather than a literal external place.
That is, when one sees through the eyes
of enlightenment, the ordinary world is
transformed into a Pure Land.
Pure Land of the Mind Only
(J. yuishin no jdo) A Mahayana teach-
ing that the Pure Land does not literally
exist as an actual world outside the self.
According to this teaching, the ordinary
concept of the Pure Land is reinter-
preted as reflecting an internal state of
mind. According to this understanding,
the ordinary world, when seen through
the eyes of enlightenment, is trans-
formed into a Pure Land. The concept of
Pure Land of the Mind Only
Pure Land School
the Pure Land of the Mind Only is shared
by several schools of Mahayana
Buddhism, including Zen.
Pure Land School
A form of Mahayana Buddhism that
promotes faith in Amida buddha and
teaches that individuals can attain sal-
vation by being reborn in Amidas
Western Pure Land. The scriptural basis
for Pure Land teachings are the three
Pure Land Sutras: the Larger Pure Land
Sutra (J. Daimuryjuky), the Smaller
Pure Land Sutra (J. Amidaky), and the
Meditation Sutra (J. Kammuryjuky).
Although many Pure Land texts and
concepts originated in India, the school
did not develop there. Pure Land devo-
tion took on distinct form as a school in
East Asia, giving rise to several sects in
China, Korea, and Japan. The primary
practice of Pure Land devotion is chant-
ing the name of Amida buddha, known
in Japanese as the nembutsu.
Zen Buddhism and Pure Land
became the two dominant schools of
Buddhism in China. The first sects of
Pure Land devotees took shape there in
the fifth century C.E. Several prominent
Chinese Buddhist monks are regarded
as patriarchs of the Pure Land school,
including Hui-yuan (344416), Tan-
luan (476542), Tao-cho (562645), and
Shan-tao (613681). Pure Land devotion
was transmitted to Japan in the Heian
period (7941185). During the
Kamakura period (11851333), it gave
rise to several distinctive sects, includ-
ing the Jdo-sh founded by Hnen
(11331212), the Jdo Shinsh founded
by Shinran (11731262), and the Ji sect
founded by Ippen (12391289). The sev-
eral Pure Land sects of Japanese
Buddhism together represent the largest
school of Buddhism in Japan.
Pure Land Sect
A sect of Japanese Buddhism founded
by the monk Hnen (11331212) during
the Kamakura period (11851333),
known in Japanese as Jdosh. The
teachings and practices of the sect are
based on Hnens understanding of the
Pure Land Sutras, the sects principal
scriptures. Hnen was originally a
Tendai sect monk, until he left Mount
Hiei to establish a form of exclusive Pure
Land practice. Pure Land Buddhism
encourages placing ones faith in Amida
buddha and achieving salvation
through rebirth in his Western Pure
Land. The primary practice of the sect is
chanting the name of Amida, using the
simple formula Namu Amida Butsu.
Pure Land Sutras
(Sk. Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra; J. Daimury-
juky) Three Mahayana sutras that
form the scriptural basis for the Pure
Land teachings. The three scriptures
include the Larger Pure Land Sutra;
the Smaller Pure Land Sutra, or
Amitabha Sutra (J. Amidaky); and the
Meditation Sutra (Sk. Amitayurdhyana
Sutra; J. Kammuryjuky).
(J. Furuna) One of the ten outstanding
disciples of Shakyamuni buddha
(Siddharta Gautama), renowned for his
eloquence and ability in debate. Purna
was a Brahmin and a teacher of repute
before he met Shakyamuni. His first
encounter with the Buddha took place
when he became determined to chal-
lenge Shakyamuni to debate, confident
that he would defeat him. The Buddha
quietly convinced Purna of the futility of
debate, and Purna joined the sangha
and became the Buddhas disciple.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
Purple Robe
(J. shie) An honorific monastic robe
bestowed on high-ranking monks, usu-
ally awarded by a reigning emperor. The
color purple was not traditionally used
for Buddhist monastic robes, but in
China, the imperial court established a
hierarchy of honorific robes classified by
color for individuals who had performed
meritorious service. Purple robes were
ranked the highest. Dgen Kigen
(12001253) and Myan Eisai, the
founders of the Japanese St sect and
Rinzai sect respectively, were the first to
receive imperial purple robes in Japan.
Unlike honorific titles, which are com-
monly granted posthumously, the pur-
ple robe is given to living masters.
(d. 916; J. Hotei) An eccentric Chinese
Zen monk who lived during the Tang
dynasty (618907). Pu-tai lived the life of
a homeless wandering monk in what is
now Chekiang province. His actual fam-
ily name is unknown, but he called him-
self Chi-tzu. The name Pu-tai literally
means cloth sack and was given to him
by the people of the day, who took to
calling him Master Cloth Sack because
he always carried a large sack over his
shoulder. It is said that he carried all of
his worldly possessions in the sack and
often stuffed in bits of leftover food he
had received when begging.
He is always depicted as a humble
person with a large, naked stomach
protruding from his robes and carrying
his staff and sack. In many cases, he is
surrounded by children. Figures of Pu-
tai, called the Laughing Buddha, are
sometimes used in China and Japan as
images of the future buddha Maitreya
(J. Miroku). Obaku-san Mampuku-ji,
the main monastery for Obaku Zen, has
a statue of Pu-tai as Maitreya enshrined
as the main image (J. honzon) in the
Tenn-den. See also Obaku sect.
The Chinese rendering of Bodhidharma,
commonly shortened to Ta-mo. See
Japanese transliteration for Rahula,
the son of the Buddha. See Rahula.
(J. Ragora) Siddharta Gautamas son
with his wife Yashodhara, born shortly
before Siddharta determined to leave
the home life and seek enlightenment
as an ascetic. The name Rahula means
fetter and suggests that Siddharta
was already inclined toward religious
life. Rahula, said to have joined the
sangha at age nine and to have been
fully ordained at age twenty, later
became one of Shakyamunis
(Siddharta Gautama) leading disciples.
He is numbered among the ten out-
standing disciples of the Buddha.
Rahula is reknowned for his dedication
to training new monks and novices.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage
and Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
Rainy Season Retreat
(J. ango) A three-month period during
the summer months when Buddhist
monks and nuns retire to a temple or
monastery for an intensive practice
session. Traditionally the summer
retreat was observed from the middle
of the fourth lunar month through the
middle of the seventh lunar month,
roughly corresponding to the mon-
soon season on the Indian subconti-
nent. The custom dates back to the
time of the historical Buddha, before
the establishment of permanent
monastic dwellings, when the Buddha
and his disciples traveled throughout
the year, taking only temporary shelter
in the areas they visited. They only set-
tled down for an extended period of
time when the annual rainy season
made travel inconvenient. Eventually,
the Buddhist monastic code (Sk.
vinaya) forbade travel during the rainy
season, specifying that it be observed
for a period of ninety days.
Zen monastic communities observe
the rainy season retreat as one of two
annual retreats. The other retreat falls
during the severe winter months.
Many monasteries now follow a
Western calendar and keep the sum-
mer retreat from April 16 through July
15. During this retreat, monks and
nuns observe a very strict version of
the Zen monastic rules (J. shingi) and
concentrate their efforts on making
progress in meditation. Up to fourteen
hours of the day are dedicated to
seated meditation, and travel outside
the temple is strictly limited for the
duration of the retreat.
A small five-strip kesa that is com-
monly worn on a strap around the
necks of Zen monks and nuns in China
and Japan. This modification of the
traditional kesa is worn over clothing
to symbolically represent the patched
robe of the Buddha. The design is not
traditional to Indian Buddhism; it was
created in China to allow more free-
dom of movement for Buddhist monks
when they went begging or engaged in
manual labor. Today, lay practitioners
of Zen sometimes receive this garment
when they take the precepts. See also
lay believer.
Rankei Dry
The Japanese name for Lan-chi Tao-
lung (12131278), a Chinese Rinzai
master who helped to establish the
Rinzai sect in Kamakura, Japan. See
Lan-chi Tao-lung.
An oval-shaped stupa, or memorial
stone, used to honor deceased Zen
monks and nuns. The oval stone,
shaped like a birds egg, rests upon a six-
or eight-sided stone base. The term
rant literally means egg stupa. They
are also known as mht, or seamless
pagoda. In classical Zen literature,
when the Tang Zen master Nan-yang
Hui-chung (d. 776), better known as
Chung Kuo-shih, was near death, the
emperor Tai-tsung (r. 762779) asked
how the master would like to be
honored. The old monk responded that
the emperor should build for him a
seamless stupa.
Belief in a cycle of birth and death that
continues through numerous lifetimes.
The concept is shared by many religious
traditions, including Buddhism. The
term is sometimes used to translate the
Sanskrit word samsara (J. rinne). In
Buddhist contexts, it is a more accurate
translation than reincarnation, since it
does not necessarily imply the existence
of an eternal soul.
Recorded Sayings
One of the most important and distinc-
tive genres of Zen literature that devel-
oped first in China, where they are
known as yu-lu, and continued in
Japan, where they are called goroku.
Recorded sayings preserve sermons,
encounters with disciples, anecdotes,
and other teachings of prominent Zen
monks and nuns that disciples have
collected and published after the mas-
ters deaths.
A hand bell used in Zen monasteries
during some sutra chanting services.
Also pronounced rin. See shkei.
Rakusu, a small five-strip kesa commonly worn on a strap around the neck
by Zen monks and nuns, represents the patched robe of the Buddha.
Belief that an eternal soul or essence is
reborn in successive bodies. The con-
cept of reincarnation is shared by many
religious traditions. In the Indian tradi-
tions of Hinduism and Jainism, which
accept the notion of a soul or eternal
self, reincarnation is sometimes used to
express the concept of samsara, the
ongoing cycle of birth and death.
Although the term is sometimes used
similarly in a Buddhist context, it is not
completely accurate, since Buddhism
does not accept the concept of a soul.
Large and small handbells used by the
abbot or another monk in leading vari-
ous rituals. They are used, for example,
while reading sutras during mealtime.
Reitaku are played by shaking them.
Small handbells are called rin or rei. See
also shkei.
Relative Truth
Conventional reality; the view of
existence from which things may be said
to exist in a relative sense and to be
distinguished one from another.
Relative Truth is generally contrasted
with Ultimate Truth, the view of
existence from which things are
perceived to be empty. In Mdhyamaka
philosophy, for example, reality is
spoken of at two levels, relative
and ultimate. At the level of Relative
Truth, or mundane reality, one may
discuss things as having transitory
existence. They arise due to causes
and eventually pass away, leaving
behind various effects. They cannot
be said to have independent existence
or to be permanent and unchanging.
See also emptiness.
(J. sharira) Objects such as pieces of
bone, hair, monastic robes, bowls, and
other implements associated with reli-
gious figures and therefore regarded as
in some sense sacred or powerful. Relics
are a common feature in religious tradi-
tions throughout the world. In the
Buddhist tradition, relics from the his-
torical Buddha and other important
Buddhist figures have been treated as
objects of Buddhist veneration, espe-
cially among lay believers. The practice
dates to the death of the Buddha, when
pieces of bone collected from the
Buddhas funeral pyre were distributed
throughout the existing Buddhist com-
munity. Buddhist relics are commonly
enshrined in special structures known
as stupas, or pagodas as they are called
in East Asia.
Linked verse, a genre of Japanese poetry
indirectly associated with Zen. Renga
are composed of alternating stanzas
with 5-7-5 and 7-7 syllable lines, respec-
tively. The first stanza of 5-7-7 syllables
is known as the hokku. It developed into
an independent genre known more
commonly as haiku.
Restricted Area
Monastery grounds that are bounded
and thereby restricted to practitioners
only, especially ordained members of
the Buddhist community. The concept
derives from the practice in Theravada
Buddhismof designating an ordination
ground by setting up stone markers,
known as sima stones. Sima stones
may also be found at monastery
entrances to designate monastery
grounds in which the monastic code is
observed as distinct from the secular
world. In Japan, the term kekkaiji
applied especially to Buddhist
monastery complexes, such as those on
Mount Hiei and Mount Kya, where
women were not allowed to enter.
Ultimate Truth; wisdom that perceives
ultimate reality. The term is a combina-
tion of characters which literally mean
reality and wisdom. In the Zen
school, the term is sometimes used for
the first level of a three part system of
kan practice in which Richi precedes
kikan and kj.
A small hand bell used in Zen monaster-
ies during some sutra chanting services.
Also pronounced rei. See shkei.
Rini Monjin
Bowing with ones hands held in gassh
to greet the people on ones right and left
in the meditation hall before beginning
a session of seated meditation. The bow
is performed facing ones own medita-
tion cushion, not toward the other med-
itators; they bow in greeting in return.
An expression for Japanese Zen monas-
teries and temples not affiliated with the
Gozan system. The term literally means
below the grove and was coined to
contrast affiliated and unaffiliated
temples. Monasteries within the Gozan
system were commonly designated
srin, literally, grove or thicket. They
were gradually associated more with lit-
erary and artistic pursuits than with Zen
practice. Rinka monasteries, on the
other hand, included almost all St sect
temples and many Rinzai sect monas-
teries that remained independent. Rinka
monasteries remained dedicated to the
religious pursuit of meditation and
Samsara, the ongoing cycle of birth,
death, and rebirth. The term rinne is
the Japanese translation of the
original Sanskrit term, often translated
as transmigration or rebirth in English.
See samsara.
Rinsen Kakun
The Rinsen-ji House Code, a Zen
monastic code devised by Mus Sseki
(12751351) for Rinsen-ji temple in
1339. The Rinsen kakun is among the
first Zen monastic codes (J. shingi) writ-
ten in Japan. It is an important resource
for understanding Rinzai practice
within the Gozan system during the
Ashikaga period (13921568). A com-
plete English translation appears in
Martin Collcutts Five Mountains. See
also Rinzai sect.
The entrance through reason,
Japanese term for one of the Two Entries
(J. Niny) to Buddhist enlightenment.
The entrance through reason refers to
studying the teachings of Buddhism as
set out in the scriptures. It is the oppo-
site of gyny, or the entrance through
practice. See also two entrances.
Rinzai Gigen
(d. 867) The Japanese pronunciation
for Lin-chi I-hsuan, the Tang
dynasty (618907) Chinese monk who
founded the Rinzai school of Zen. See
Lin-chi I-hsuan.
Japanese abbreviated title for the Lin-
chi Chan-shih Yu-lu, the recorded say-
ings of Chan master Lin-chi. See
Sayings of Lin-chi.
Rinzai Sect
One of three major sects of Japanese
Zen, along with the St sect and the
Obaku sect. Rinzai Zen is named for its
founding patriarch Lin-chi I-hsuan
(d. 867), one of the most famous Chinese
Zen masters of the Tang dynasty
(618907). Lin-chi is pronounced Rinzai
in Japanese. The predominant Rinzai
style of practice makes use of kan as
the focus of attention during seated
meditation (J. zazen). The Rinzai style is
also traditionally associated with the use
of slapping and shouting (J. katsu!) as
teaching devices to encourage the expe-
rience of enlightenment.
The Lin-chi school was established
as a distinct lineage and sect in China
and numbers among the five houses of
Rinzai Sect
Chinese Zen of the Tang dynasty. Since
the Sung dynasty (9601279), it has been
the dominant form of Zen practice in
China. During the Sung dynasty, the Lin-
chi school divided into two major
branches, the Yang-chi line (J. Ygi-sh)
and the Huang-lung line (J. Ory-sh).
Lin-chi Zen was transmitted to Japan
during the Kamakura period
(11851333). Traditionally, the sect
regards the monk Eisai (11411215) as
the founder in Japan, although the his-
tory is far more complex.
Today the Rinzai sect in Japan com-
prises fourteen lineages (J. ha), which
are registered as independent institu-
tions. These include: Butts-ji Ha,
Daitoku-ji Ha, Eigen-ji Ha, Engaku-ji
Ha, Hk-ji Ha, Kench-ji Ha, Kennin-
ji Ha, Kgaku-ji Ha, Kokutai-ji Ha,
Myshin-ji Ha, Nanzen-ji Ha, Shkoku-
ji Ha, Tenry-ji Ha, and Tfuku-ji Ha.
See also Huang-lung school and Yang-
chi school.
Japanese for Rinzai sect of Zen
Buddhism. Alternatively, it may refer
to the Chinese Lin-chi school of
Zen Buddhism. See Rinzai sect and
Lin-chi school.
Vinaya, the monastic code of Buddhism
which governs the lives of Buddhist
monks and nuns. The Japanese word
ritsu literally means laws, and the term is
also used for secular legal codes. As a
genre of Buddhist literature, ritsu texts
form one portion of the Sanz, or
Tripitaka. The Sanskrit term vinaya
refers specifically to the Theravada
monastic codes, but the Japanese term
ritsu is used in a general way to refer to
more specialized Mahayana monastic
codes, especially the bodhisattva pre-
cepts and Zen monastic codes (J.
shingi), which in some cases supple-
mented and in others supplanted the
traditional Theravada vinaya codes. See
also Theravada Buddhism.
Defilements, outflows, or binding
influences; the Japanese translation for
the Sanskrit ashrava. Any mental
activity that hinders ones attainment
of enlightenment is a defilement.
Sensual desires and attachment to
false views are the most basic
defilements to be extinguished through
Buddhist practice. Ro is closely related
to the concept bonn (literally,
afflictions and delusions).
Rba Zen
Old-Woman Zen or Grandmother Zen,
an expression used for Zen teaching
styles demonstrating the masters con-
cern for his disciples. Just as a grand-
mother showers her grandchildren with
affection, the master expresses compas-
sion for his students. The compassion
may be such that the master refrains
from the harsher teaching methods
often associated with Zen, yet a sharp
blow may just as well be said to embody
grandmotherly concern. Zen texts
employ a number of expressions for
grandmotherly concern, such as Rba
Shinsetsu and Rba Tekkon. While Rba
Zen generally reflects a positive evalua-
tion of a master, in some cases the term
is used in a derogatory manner to criti-
cize a master who is overly gentle.
Robe of Transmission
A Dharma robe passed from a Zen mas-
ter to a disciple as a symbol of Dharma
transmission. Bodhidharma bestowed
the original robe of transmission on his
heir, Hui-ko (487593), designating him
as the Second Chinese Patriarch of Zen.
Rock Garden
Dry landscape gardens constructed of
stone, sand, and moss, which are a form
of Zen art. Known in Japanese as kare
sansui (dry mountains and water), rock
gardens are a common feature in Zen
monasteries. The most famous examples
include the gardens at Ryan-ji and
Kokedera, both in Kyoto. See Kare sansui.



















The eighth day of the twelfth
lunar month. Rhatsu is the day East
Asian Buddhists celebrate as Bodhi
Day, the day on which the historical
Buddha attained enlightenment. In
Japan and other parts of the Buddhist
world, Rhatsu, also commonly
pronounced rhachi, is now celebrated
on December 8.
Rhatsu Sesshin
An intensive period of seated medita-
tion (sesshin), traditionally from the
first day of the twelfth lunar month to
the eighth day. Rhatsu literally means
the eighth day of the twelfth lunar
month. The Rhatsu sesshin commem-
orates the enlightenment of
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama), the
historical Buddha, which East Asian
Buddhists believe occurred on Rhatsu.
During the sesshin, monks and nuns
strive to imitate the determination
shown by the Buddha when he sat down
with the intention of meditating until he
reached his goal of enlightenment. On
the final night of the sesshin, partici-
pants sit up through the night without
lying down to sleep (J. tetsuya). They do
this in imitation of the Buddha, who sat
in meditation through the night and
attained enlightenment with the dawn.
In some monasteries, monks refrain
from lying down to sleep throughout all
seven nights of the sesshin.
Buswell, Robert E., Jr. The Zen Monastic
Experience: Buddhist Practice in
Contemporary Korea. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992.
The six sense organs: eyes, ears,
nose, tongue, body, and mind. These
are paired with the six objects of
perception (J. rokky), form (color
and shape), sound, odor, taste, texture,
and mental objects. The term rokkon
literally translates as the six bases.
The pairings of the six sense organs
and their objects constitute the first six
consciousnesses in the Yogachara
school psychological system of the eight
consciousnesses. See six sense organs.
Roku Chiji
(J. than) The six stewards; the six
senior monks at a Zen monastery
who assist the abbot in managing the
administrative aspects of the commu-
nity, particularly economic matters.
Together, they are known as the Eastern
rank since their duties keep them largely
in the eastern part of the temple
grounds. The stewards include the
offices of bursar (J. tsbun), prior (J.
tssu), supervisor (J. kansu), assistant
supervisor (J. fsu), cook (J. tenzo),
labor steward (J. shissui), and supervi-
sor of trainees (J. ino). Their counter-
parts in the Western rank (J. seihan) are
known as the six prefects (J. roku chsu).
See than.
Roku Chsu
(J. seihan) The group of six senior
monks who assist the abbot in the spir-
itual aspects of the monastic commu-
nity. These prefects help train the com-
munity in meditation, monastic disci-
pline, ritual procedures, and the study of
religious texts. The prefects include the
offices of chief seat (J. shuso), scribe (J.
shoki), sutra prefect (J. zsu), guest pre-
fect (J. shika), bathkeeper (J. chiyoku),
and prefect of the Buddha hall (J. chi-
den). They are also referred to as the
Western rank because they work in the
western area of the monastery. Their
counterparts in the Eastern rank (J.
tohan) are called the six stewards
(J. roku chiji). See seihan.
Six Paramitas or the six perfections; an
alternative Japanese term for roppa-
ramitsu. See six perfections.
The six paths; the six realms of existence
into which sentient beings are born.
They include the realms of hell dwellers
(J. jigoku), hungry ghosts (J. gaki), ani-
mals (J. chikush), human beings (J.
ningen), evil demi-gods (J. ashura), and
heaven dwellers (J. tenj). See six paths.
The six dusts or defilements. A syn-
onym for the six objects of perception
(rokky). See six dusts.
Roku Jiz
Six Jiz, a grouping of six images of the
bodhisattva Jiz. These figures repre-
sent Jizs special willingness to enter
any realm of samsaric existence to assist
a sentient being. The six Jiz are: 1)
Danda, who holds a human skull and
saves those in hell; 2) Hju, who holds a
mani jewel and saves hungry ghosts; 3)
Hin, who saves animals; 4) Jiji, who
saves ashura; 5) Jogaish, who saves
human beings; and 6) Nikk, who saves
heaven dwellers. See also samsara.
Six gates, also known as rokkonmon, a
Japanese Buddhist expression for the six
sense organs. See six sense organs.
The six items that monks are tradition-
ally allowed as personal property. These
include the outer robe with a lining, the
unlined inner robe worn in toga fashion,
the undergarment, a filtering bag used
to filter out insects from drinking water,
the begging bowl, and the zagu, a ritual
sitting cloth.
Rokuso Danky
Japanese title for the Platform Sutra of
the Sixth Patriarch. See Platform Sutra.
Japanese term for a commentary on
a Buddhist sutra or a Buddhist
philosophical treatise. Ron and Ronz
are standard translations for the
Sanskrit term Abhidharma.
Year of the Donkey in Japanese.
Something that will never occur, since
there is no Year Of The Donkey in the
traditional calendar used in East Asia.
See Year of the Donkey.
Six paramitas or perfections; six prac-
tices that describe the bodhisattvas
path toward enlightenment. In
Japanese they are: 1) fuse haramitsu
(charity or giving); 2) jikai (observing
the precepts); 3) ninniku (persever-
ance); 4) shjin (energy); 5) zenj (med-
itation); and 6) chie (wisdom; Sk. pra-
jna). See six perfections.
A respectful form of address for a Zen
master, usually translated as old
master. However, the translation
venerable master better suggests the
original connotations of respect. In Zen,
the meaning of the term differs accord-
ing to time period and sect. It usually
applies to any Zen master certified to
guide others in meditative practice. In
Western Zen contexts, male and female
masters may be roshi.
In its broadest sense, Japanese may
use the title roshi to refer to any senior
or older monk. In the St sect today, it
is often used in this manner, especially
by younger monks as a polite form of
address for the senior monks holding
official positions at a monastery. In the
contemporary Rinzai sect, only the
abbot of a major monastery is
addressed as roshi. The most limited
application of the title roshi can be
found within the Rinzai sect; here it may
designate only the most exceptional Zen
masters who have attained deep levels
of enlightenment and are thus deemed
qualified to guide the practice of others.
Achieving this status normally requires
thirty or more years of practice.
Kraft, Kenneth, ed. Zen, Tradition and
Transition. New York: Grove Press,
An important Rinzai Zen temple,
located in northwestern Kyoto and
famous for its lovely Zen garden. The
temple was built under the patronage of
the daimy, or military leader,
Hosokawa Katsumoto (14301473) in
1450. Hosokawa invited Giten Gensh
(13961465) to serve as its founding
abbot. For many generations it was a
significant branch temple of nearby
Myshin-ji, but the temple suffered
serious fire damage in the late eigh-
teenth century and never recovered its
former prominence. The Abbots
Garden, attributed to Sami (d. 1525), is
commonly regarded as the finest
example of a Zen dry landscape garden
(J. kare sansui). Its deceptively simple
construction includes only fifteen oddly
shaped stones and raked white sand; it
is devoid of vegetation except moss. It is
sometimes pronounced Ryan-ji. See
also Rinzai sect.
Japanese title for the Lankavatara
Sutra, Sutra When Entering Lanka. See
Lankavatara Sutra.
The head monk of the reading room
(shury) at a Zen monastery. The ry-
gen is responsible for supervising
monks conduct in the reading room,
where they read, study, and have tea
after meals. Also called ryshuso.
Ryan-ji is a Zen temple famous for its dry landscape garden
containing fifteen stones, raked sand, and moss.
Abbreviated Japanese title for the
Shuramgama Sutra (T. 19, no. 945). The
full Japanese title is Daibutch Nyorai
Mitsuin Shush Rygi Shobosatsu
Mangy Shurygon-Gy. See Shuram-
gama Sutra.
The Shuramgama dharani, a spell
derived from the seventh division of
the Shuramgama Sutra, which was
used to exorcise evil spirits and ward off
calamities. Its full title in Japanese is
Daibutch mangy shurygon darani.
It is alternatively abbreviated as
the Daibutch-ju. The Shuramgama
dharani is one of the most commonly
used dharani in the Zen school. It
often appears as a part of Zen rituals,
including memorial services and
funerals. See Shuramgama dharani.
(17581831) Japanese St monk of the
Tokugawa period (16001867), best
known for his Zen poetry, and popularly
known as Daigu (sometimes spelled
Taigu), or Great Fool. Born in Izumozaki,
in Echigo province (now Niigata), the
oldest son of a village headman, he
began to study Zen at about sixteen and
took the tonsure at a local Zen temple at
age seventeen. In 1779, he moved to a
larger St monastery in Bitch and
became the disciple of Kokusen. After
Kokusen died, Rykan left the
monastery, lived as a pilgrim monk for
twenty years, and then returned to his
native Echigo, where he lived in a her-
mitage on Mount Kugami. Translations
of his poetry can be found in Great Fool,
by Ryuichi Abe and Peter Haskel
(University of Hawaii Press, 1996) and
One Robe, One Bowl, by John Stevens
(Weatherhill, 1988). See also St sect.
(2) Second Barrier, the second of three
sets of kan used by some Zen monas-
teries in medieval Japan (11851600).
The three sets were known as the first (J.
shokan), second, and third barriers (J.
sankan). The rykan were derived from
the Sayings of Lin-chi.
Rynen Myzen
(11841225) Japanese Rinzai monk, a
direct disciple of Eisai, best known as the
teacher of Dgen Kigen (12001253).
Born in Ise, Myzen was orphaned at age
eight. He entered monastic life on Mount
Hiei, where he studied Tendai Buddhist
thought. After full ordination in 1199, he
joined Eisai at Kennin-ji. There he prac-
ticed Zen meditation and eventually
became Eisais Dharma heir. Dgen stud-
ied with him at Kennin-ji from 1217 to
1223, when the two traveled together to
China. In China, Myzen went to Ching-
te-ssu on Mount Tien-tung, where his
master Eisai had likewise practiced. He
became ill and died there in 1225. See also
Rinzai sect andTendai sect.
Mount Gridhrakuta, or Vulture Peak.
Ryzen is the common Japanese abbrevi-
ation for Ryjusen, which is more accu-
rately translated Mount of the Numinous
Eagle. Ryzen is important within the
Zen tradition as the place where the
Buddha transmitted the Dharma to
Mahakashyapa. See Mount Gridhrakuta.
Rytaku Kaiso Jinki Dokumy
Zenji Nempu
The Chronological Biography of Zen
Master Jinki Dokumy, Founder of
Rytaku-ji, a biography of Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) in two parts, com-
posed by Trei Enji (17211792), one of
his leading disciples.
A few grains of rice set aside at daily
meals in Zen monasteries for the sake
of hungry ghosts ( J. gaki). Before eat-
ing the meal, Zen monks and nuns
perform a brief ritual called shussan,
in which they remove a small amount
of rice and recite a short verse. In
other temples, the kitchen staff pours
off the waste liquid used to rinse the
eating bowls as an offering to the gaki.
The tiny particles of food remaining in
the water are said to be the perfect
size for hungry ghosts narrow throats.
Loneliness, valued in traditional
Japanese culture as an aesthetic qual-
ity. Art forms inspired by Zen, such as
pottery, poetry, and drama, embody
the styles of sabi and wabi (austere
Sagan Butsuji
Closing the coffin lid. The sagan is one of
nine ritual actions (J. kubutsuji) per-
formed when an abbot or other promi-
nent Buddhist monk or nun dies. See
also kubutsuji.
The noontime meal at a Zen temple or
monastery. Sai, the largest meal of the
day, typically consists of rice, miso soup,
pickles, and vegetables. Silence is
observed at mealtimes; only chanting
can be heard. At this meal, monks and
nuns recite a five-part vow before they
eat, remembering the labor that
produced the food and the purpose for
partaking of the meal.
The term was originally used for the
Sanskrit uposatha, the twice-monthly
observance days when monks and nuns
reflected on their behavior and con-
fessed any transgressions (violations) of
the monastic code. In other contexts, it
referred specifically to the monastic
practice of abstaining from eating meals
at inappropriate times.
(767822) Japanese Buddhist monk,
founder of the Tendai sect of Japanese
Buddhism. Saich traveled to China in
804 and studied Tien-tai teachings on
Mount Tien-tai. Returning to Japan, he
established a major religious center on
Mount Hiei where he transmitted Tien-
tai thought and other styles of Chinese
Buddhist practice, such as esoteric
Buddhism, various forms of medita-
tion, and Pure Land teachings. He intro-
duced the practice of ordaining monks
using only the bodhisattva precepts.
Saich, commonly known by his
posthumous title, Dengy Daishi, was
the first Japanese monk to receive the
title Daishi (Great Teacher), an honor
bestowed on him by the Emperor Seiwa.
See also Tien-tai school.
Tea drum, the drum used in the
Dharma hall (J. hatt) and the monks
hall (J. sd) at Zen monasteries to call
the monks to tea. In the Dharma hall,
the saku, which sits in the northwest
corner, is sounded once at the begin-
ning of the tea ceremony (J. chanoy)
and three times when tea is finished.
(J. sammai) Concentration; an intense
state of mental concentration achieved
through meditation in which the dis-
tinctions between subject and object are
transcended. Smadhi is the Sanskrit
term used in several religious traditions,
including Hinduism, Jainism, and
Buddhism. In Buddhism, samadhi
refers to a state of one-pointedness
achieved through the practice of medi-
tation. Although samadhi is not the ulti-
mate goal of Buddhist practice, it is
regarded as the most conducive mental
state for attaining nirvana, or enlight-
enment. The term samadhi is also used
to describe Buddhist meditative train-
ing, one of the three traditional divisions
of the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. In
this case, it refers to the final three stages
of the path: Right Effort, Right
Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
A cosmic bodhisattva representing the
mercy, meditation, and practice of all
the buddhas. Known as Fugen in
Japanese. See Fugen.
(J. hjin) Bliss Body of the Buddha.
According to Mahayana understanding, it
is one of the three aspects, or bodies, of
the Buddha. Sambhogakaya are manifes-
tations of the eternal Buddha and they
live and teach in other worlds. Various
celestial buddhas, such as Amida
buddha, who dwell in their own Buddha
Lands and guide sentient beings born
there are considered sambhogakaya. See
also Mahayana Buddhism and three
bodies of the Buddha.
See three treasures.
See Sanbe.
Samb Kydan
See Sanb Kydan.
Concentration; an intense state of
mental concentration achieved during
meditation. Sammai, also written
sanmai or zammai, is the Japanese
transliteration of the Sanskrit term
samadhi. See samadhi.
The Sanskrit religious term for the belief
in transmigration or rebirth, the ongo-
ing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
Samsara is a common teaching within
several religious traditions originating in
India, including Hinduism, Buddhism,
and Jainism. The process of samsara
depends upon the workings of karma,
the actions one takes, and the moral
consequences of those actions. Karma
not only affects ones future in the pre-
sent life, but also determines ones
future rebirths. Since samsara was tradi-
tionally viewed as a relentless cycle of
re-death, Indian religious traditions for-
mulated means to escape from this cycle
of suffering.
Manual labor, a regular part of the Zen
monastic life. The word samu literally
means strenuous work and typically
involves working in the fields, sweeping
the yard, or gathering firewood. See
manual labor.
Japanese warrior; the Japanese warrior
class as a whole. The samurai class
eventually replaced the nobility (J. kuge)
as the ruling class in Japan. They gained
military and political control
of Japan during the Kamakura period
(11851333) and maintained power
until the modern period. According
to the Confucian political and
philosophical system, which prevailed
during the Tokugawa period
(16001867), the samurai class is
designated as the highest of four social
classes. The class system was abolished
after the Meiji Restoration in the late
nineteenth century.
Samurai leaders of the Kamakura
period became generous patrons of
Zen masters and built monasteries and
temples throughout the country.
Samurai governments continued to
patronize Zen monasteries throughout
the Kamakura (11851333), Ashikaga
(13921568), and Tokugawa (16001867)
The Japanese warrior or samurai replaced the nobility as the ruling class of Japan. They remained in power
until the modern period, when the class system was abolished.
periods. Yet few samurai seriously
undertook the practice of meditation
under the guidance of a Zen master.
Many, however, called upon Zen
monks as ritual specialists, especially
for funeral services. Many samurai
families were affiliated with a Zen sect
and sponsored a Zen temple as their
family temple (J. ujidera).
(J. akud) The three evil paths, includ-
ing hell, the realm of hungry ghosts,
and the realm of animals. See evil paths.
Japanese for the three treasures: the
Buddha, the Dharma, and the sangha.
In Japanese they are Butsu, H, and S.
See three treasures.
Illustrations of the Three Treasures, a
collection of Buddhist stories in three
parts, composed by Minamoto
Tamenori (d. 1011) in 984. Tamenori
designed the text to serve as an intro-
duction to Buddhism for the imperial
princess Enyinnygo Takako-
naishinn after she took the tonsure as
a nun. The text is divided into three sec-
tions, one for each of the three treasures.
The Buddha relates Jataka tales, sto-
ries of the previous lives of the historical
Buddha Shakyamuni (Siddharta
Gautama). The Dharma includes sto-
ries of famous Japanese Buddhist fig-
ures. The Sangha relates the Buddhist
calendar of rituals and festivals as they
were observed in Japan at that time.
Edward Kamens published a complete
annotated translation of the text entitled
The Three Jewels.
Kamens, Edward. The Three Jewels: A
Study and Translation of Minamoto
Tamenoris Sanbe. Ann Arbor, MI:
Center for Japanese Studies,
University of Michigan, 1988.
Sanb Kydan
Fellowship of the three treasures, a
modern Zen movement for lay practi-
tioners, established in Japan by Harada
Sogaku (18711961) and his Dharma
heir Yasutani Hakuun (18851973) in
1954. Sanb Kydan, now an indepen-
dent organization, was at one time
affiliated with the St sect. The Zen
style of the movement combines
features from the Rinzai sect into its
St style of practice. Despite its
relatively small size in Japan, Sanb
Kydan has deeply influenced Zen in
the West, especially in America. Zen
teachers active in the West who have
studied with the Sanb Kydan include
Robert Aitken, Philip Kapleau, Bernard
Glassman, Maureen Stuart, and Richard
Baker. See also lay believer.
Three memorial days commemorating
the historical Buddha Siddharta
Gautamas birth, enlightenment, and
death. In Japanese, the birth of the
Buddha is formally called Ktan-e but is
more popularly known as Hana Matsuri,
or Flower Festival. It was traditionally
observed on the eighth day of the fourth
lunar month, but in Japan it is now cele-
brated on April 8. The festival celebrating
the Buddhas enlightenment under the
bodhi tree is known as Jd-e, or
Rhatsu. It was traditionally observed
on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar
month but is now on December 8 in
Japan. The Nirvana Festival, or Nehan-e,
commemorating the Buddhas entry into
the final nirvana at his death, was tradi-
tionally observed on the fifteenth day of
the second lunar month and is now cele-
brated on February 15 in Japan. In South
Asia and South East Asia, Buddhists cele-
brate the three events on a single day,
usually in May.
Three Buddhist ritual actions performed
as a part of funerals and memorial
services. They are 1) tencha butsuji,
offering hot tea; 2) tent butsuji,
Sane Ippatsu
offering hot sweetened water; and 3)
ako, the symbolic starting of the crema-
tion fire with a torch.
Three Hundred Cases, a collection of
three hundred kan, compiled by the
St master Dgen Kigen (12001253).
The text is more widely known as the
Sanbyakusoku Shbgenz. It is com-
posed in Chinese and may have originally
been entitled simply Shbgenz. In the
Sanbyakusoku, Dgen brings together
traditional kan materials that he col-
lected in China while practicing under the
Chinese master Ju-ching (11631228). It
is possible that Dgen composed the
more famous Shbgenz in Japanese as a
commentary on the Chinese text.
Lost for several centuries, the
Sanbyakusoku was discovered during the
Tokugawa period (16001867) by Ein
Shigetsu (d. 1764). Shigetsus disciple,
Honk Katsud, published the work,
with a brief commentary on each case by
his master. The text, published under the
name Nempy Sanbyakusoku Fun Go,
caused some controversy in Japan. St
scholars had long maintained that Dgen
completely rejected the use of kan, so
they initially denounced the
Sanbyakusoku text as a forgery. Thus, the
text does not usually appear in modern
editions of the collected works of Dgen.
Scholars now accept the theory that
Dgen compiled the Chinese text, and
they study it as a part of Dgens works.
In order to reduce confusion and dis-
tinguish between the Chinese
Sanbyakusoku Shbgenz and the
Japanese language text, the former is
sometimes called the Shinji Shbgenz,
the Shbgenz in Proper Characters,
while the latter is known as the Keji
Shbgenz, the Shbgenz in
Temporary Characters. See also St sect.
Sandai Sron
Third Generation Schism, a sectarian dis-
pute within the early St sect in Japan
over who legitimately served as the third
abbot at Eihei-ji, the main monastery. The
various traditional accounts posit a seri-
ous conflict between Tettsu Gikai
(12191309) and Gien (d. ca. 1313), two
prominent disciples of Dgen Kigen
(12001253). Dgen, founder and first
abbot at Eihei-ji, appointed his disciple
Ej to serve as the second abbot. Ej
seems to have appointed Gikai to succeed
him. Gikai assumed the post but faced
serious difficulties during his tenure as
abbot, and was eventually forced out of
Eihei-ji. Gien then assumed leadership at
the monastery. Gikais departure is said to
have created a schism within the nascent
sect, which left Eihei-ji in decline for many
years. In traditional versions of the schism,
Gikai is often portrayed as a progressive
who tried to popularize St by introduc-
ing new styles of ritual, while Gien is pre-
sented as a conservative who sought to
maintain the traditional St practice.
Bodiford, William M. St Zen in
Medieval Japan. Honolulu, HI:
University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
Japanese for the three poisons: greed,
anger, and ignorance. See three poi-
Three robes, the three types of kesa (Sk.
kashaya) worn by monks and nuns. These
include the five-strip robe (J. goje), origi-
nally an inner garment, the seven-strip
robe (J. shichije), originally an outer gar-
ment worn inside monastery grounds,
and the nine-strip robe (J. kuje), origi-
nally an outer formal garment worn out-
side the monastery. See kesa.
Sane Ippatsu
Three robes, one bowl, the most basic
possessions of a Buddhist monk or nun.
The term refers to the three types of kesa
and the begging bowl, the only posses-
sions monks and nuns were tradition-
ally allowed to own. An alternate
transliteration is sanne ippatsu. See
three robes, one bowl.
Three realms or three worlds of ordi-
nary, unenlightened existence. In
Japanese these are: 1) yokkai, the realm
of desire; 2) shikikai, the realm of form;
and 3) mushikika, the realm of no form.
See three realms.
Sangai Yui Isshin
The three realms (of desire, form, and
formlessness) are mind only. Mahayana
Buddhism teaches that all phenomena
experienced in ordinary life are actually
the products of the mind. See
Consciousness Only.
The Three Learnings. A Japanese expres-
sion for the threefold training of wisdom
(J. egaku, Sk. prajna), morality (J. kaigaku,
Sk. sila), and concentration (J. jgaku,
Sk. samadhi) in Buddhism. These three
areas of learning are said to encompass
the whole of Buddhist teaching and
practice. Zen masters accept this basic
Buddhist formula, identifying Zen
meditation as the fundamental form
of training in concentration. See three-
fold training.
Repentance for ones evil thoughts and
actions. The Japanese translation of the
Sanskrit term kshama.
Three gates to emancipation, a refer-
ence to three kinds of meditation, or
gedatsu. In Japanese these are: 1) k
gedatsu, release through meditation on
emptiness; 2) mus gedatsu, release
through meditation on no-attributes;
and 3) mugan gedatsu, release through
meditation on no desire. See Three
gates to emancipation.
Repentance verse, a verse taken from
the Avatamsaka Sutra and used to
repent for evil deeds. The verse reads:
All the karmic hindrances I have accu-
mulated originated from passion,
hatred, and ignorance. They are the
product of my own physical, verbal, and
mental misconduct. I confess them all.
(J. sgya or shu) The community of
Buddhist believers, which includes the
four assemblies of monks (J. bhikkhu),
nuns (J. bhikkhuni), laymen (J.
upsaka), and lay women (J. upsik).
The community dates back to the
lifetime of the Siddharta Gautama, the
historical Buddha, who accepted lay
and monastic followers during his
forty-five years of traveling and
teaching. The sangha is regarded as one
of the three treasures, along with
the Buddha and the Dharma, the
Buddhas teachings. The sangha strives
to live by the Buddhas teachings and to
perpetuate them.
Many of Siddharta Gautamas follow-
ers venerated the Buddha and his teach-
ings, but chose to continue to live as lay
believers in the secular world. They
practiced a modified form of the disciple
in the monastic community. Other disci-
ples abandoned their ordinary life to
wholly dedicate themselves to the prac-
tice of Buddhismas monks and nuns.
In the early period of Buddhisms
development, monks and nuns lived an
itinerant life patterned on that of the
historical Buddha, traveling much of the
year from village to village, teaching oth-
ers and seeking to fully realize for them-
selves the Buddhist goal of nirvana.
They settled down only during the
three-month rainy season (approxi-
mately July to October), because it made
travel impractical. As a sign that they
had completely abandoned ordinary
attachments to material possessions,
monks and nuns owned nothing other
than their robes, begging bowl, and a
few other minor items they could carry
with them. Their other material needs
were supplied by lay Buddhists.
In the early stage, the monastic com-
munity had no permanent dwellings,
only temporary shelters. Over time, the
monastic community developed pat-
terns of returning to the same areas,
building relationships with the local lay
Buddhist community. Lay believers
gradually built more permanent struc-
tures that the monks and nuns could use
for the rainy season retreat. These
structures were precursors to the major
monasteries that lay devotees eventu-
ally built when the monastic community
modified the practice of perpetual travel
to allow for permanent residence.
The two parts of the sangha, lay and
monastic, traditionally remain in close
contact and support each other in a reci-
procal relationship. Lay believers provide
for the material necessities of monks and
nuns by donating food, clothing, and
shelter. Monks and nuns reciprocate by
providing for the spiritual needs of the lay
people, teaching them the Buddhist
Dharma and allowing the lay people to
build their merit through donations.
Three Ages, a Japanese term for the
Three Ages of the Dharma, three
periods of progressive deterioration of
the Buddhist teachings, practice, and
attainment of enlightenment, which
follow the death of the historical
Buddha. The first age is Shh, the
Age of the True Dharma; the second is
Zh, the Age of the Semblance
Dharma; and the third is Mapp, the
Latter Age of the Dharma. See Three
Ages of the Dharma.
The three vehicles, in Japanese. They
are the vehicles of shmon (Sk.
shravaka), engaku (Sk. pratyeka
buddha), and bosatsu (Sk. bodhisattva).
See three vehicles.
The three pure precepts, representing
the ideals of Mahayana Buddhism that
bodhisattvas strive to realize. The pre-
cepts are: 1) do no evil, 2) do good, and
3) benefit all sentient beings. In
the St Zen sect, monks and nuns take
the three pure precepts as part of their
ordination. The sanjujkai constitute
three of the sixteen bodhisattva
precepts of St Zen (J. jrokujkai).
See also St sect.
Third barrier, the last of three sets of
kan used by some Zen monasteries in
medieval Japan (11851600). The first
and second barriers were known as
shokan and rykan, respectively. The
sankan, derived from the Mumonkan,
were preceded by kan sets from the
Hekiganroku (Blue Cliff Record) and the
Sayings of Lin-chi.
To take refuge (J. kie) in the three trea-
sures: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the
sangha. Literally, the term sankikai
means the precepts of the three refuges,
which are precepts in the context of Zen
ordination rituals in the St sect. St
monks and nuns take the three refuges
as the first three precepts of the sixteen
(J. jrokujkai) received at ordination.
The formula I take refuge in the
Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma; I
take refuge in the sangha is repeated
three times.
The three phrases, a formulaic
expression developed as a teaching
device by Lin-chi I-hsuan, the founder
of the Rinzai school of Zen. The
term sanku is a Japanese rendering
of the Chinese word san-chu. See
three phrases.
(2) Three sufferings. The three kinds of
human suffering arise from sickness or
hunger (J. kuku), separation from plea-
sure (J. eku), and the impermanence of
things (J. gyku). See Three sufferings.
Sanky Itchi
The three teachings are one, a tradi-
tional religious concept first developed
in China, maintaining that Buddhism,
Confucianism, and Taoism are essen-
tially compatible and unified. The
concept was widely accepted by Chinese
Zen masters beginning in the Sung
dynasty (9601279) and spread through-
out East Asia. In Japan, the same expres-
sion sometimes is interpreted to include
Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shint,
the indigenous religion of the Japanese
Sanky Nembutsu
The use of the nembutsu, that is, chant-
ing the name of the Buddha, as a kan.
The so-called Nembutsu kan generally
takes the form of a question such as,
Who chants the nembutsu?
San-lun School
Three Treatises school of Chinese
Buddhism, the Chinese Mdhyamika
school that arose during the Southern
and Northern dynasties. The schools
name derives from the three
Madhyamika texts on which its teach-
ings are based: the Mdhyamaka Karika
(Treatise on the Middle; C. Chung-lun),
Dvadashadvara-shastra (Treatise in
One Hundred Verses; C. Po-lun) of
Nagarjuna, and the Shata-shastra
(Treatise of Twelve Categories; C. Shih-
erh-men) of Aryadeva. Kumarajiva
transmitted these texts to China, trans-
lating them into Chinese. Among
Kumarajivas Chinese disciples was
Seng-chao (374414), who wrote trea-
tises on San-lun thought. The teachings
were later systematized by the Korean
master Chi-tsang (549623). They were
transmitted to Japan in the seventh cen-
tury, where the school became known as
the Sanron school.
See sammai.
Three levels, term used for a traditional
three-part schema of kan in the
St school. The three levels are known
as Richi (Ultimate Truth), kikan
(devices), and kj (reality itself ). See
also St sect.
Bodiford, William M. St Zen in
Medieval Japan. Honolulu, HI:
University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
The large gate that serves as the main
entryway into a Zen monastery, one of
seven buildings forming the basic core
of a Zen monastery ( J. shichid
garan). The word sanmon is written
with characters meaning either
mountain gatea reference to the
fact that every Zen monastery regard-
less of location includes a mountain
name as part of its full, formal name
or triple gate. The typical architec-
tural form is a two-story building with
a tile roof, divided into three sections,
hence the name triple gate. Massive
doors hang in the center section, and
images of the Two Guardian Kings (J.
Ni) are usually displayed on the outer
sections of the gate.
At Rinzai sect and Obaku
sect monasteries in Japan, the gate
stands independently, without any
connections to other buildings or
passageways. In medieval monasteries,
the gate was incorporated into the
outer wall of the monastery, making it
the primary entrance for visitors and
monks alike. Either way, the gate is
regarded as the formal entrance to the
monastery grounds.
The sanmon is the site for a number
of formal Zen rituals, such as the
installation ceremony for a new
abbots and the formal greeting offered
to visiting dignitaries.
Sanne-in Yuikai
The final instructions for Sanne-in, a set
of admonitions composed by Mus
Sseki (12751351) in 1339 for his
Sanky Itchi
descendants at Sanne-in, a subtemple
(J. tatch) of Rinsen-ji. Also written
sane-in ikai.
Three lacquered wood tablets arranged
in front of the main image (J. honzon) in
the Buddha hall (J. Butsuden) at a Zen
temple. Inscribed characters wish good
fortune on the imperial family and other
powerful patrons of the temple. The
practice of using Sanpai originated in
China during the Sung dynasty
(9601279). It was transmitted to Japan
in the fourteenth century along with
other Zen practices.
The inscriptions on the Sanpai differ
from one period of Zen history to
another. Sung dynasty tablets bore the
inscriptions Long Live the Emperor on
the center tablet and Prosperity and
Good Fortune to Patrons and Hail to
the Lord of Fire on the side tablets.
Later, during the Yan dynasty
(12601368), the tablets read Long Live
the Emperor in the center, Gracious
Years to the Empress on the left, and A
Thousand Autumns for the Crown
Prince on the right. The Sung dynasty
inscriptions were the norm in Japanese
Zen temples, but during the Tokugawa
period (16001867), the dedication to
the fire deity was sometimes supplanted
The sanmon is a large gate at the entrance of a Zen monastery.
by a tablet with the inscription Long
Life and Prosperity for the Shgun.
Collcutt, Martin. Five Mountains: The
Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution in
Medieval Japan. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981.
(2) Three bows or prostrations performed
to indicate ones respectfulness in
all actions, using the gotai tchi, a
full prostration on the floor. Repeating the
bow three times is said to symbolize the
three kinds of action (J. sango), those of
body, speech, and mind. Monks and nuns
typically perform sanpai before and after
reciting the sutras at morning and after-
noon services and on other occasions.
Sanron School
Three Treatises school, one of the Six
Schools of Japanese Buddhism during
the Nara period (710794). This school
of thought derived from the San-lun
school of Chinese Buddhism, a system
based on Mdhyamaka philosophical
writings. This name derives from the
three Madhyamika texts on which its
teachings are based: the Mdhyamaka
Karika (Treatise on the Middle; J.
Chron), Dvadashadvara-shastra (Treatise
in One Hundred Verses; J. Hyakuron) of
Nagarjuna, and the Shara-shastra
(Treatise of Twelve Categories; J.
Jnimonron) of Aryadeva. Kumarajiva
transmitted these texts to China, trans-
lating them into Chinese. The Korean
monk Ekan (d. 1251), a disciple of Chi-
tsang, transmitted the teachings to
Japan in 625.
Three samadhi, three levels of samadhi,
or realization. In Japanese these are: 1)
kzanmai, samadhi of emptiness; 2)
mus zanmai, samadhi of no attributes;
and 3) mugan zanmai, samadhi of no
desire. See three samadhi.
Three bodies of the Buddha, a
Mahayana Buddhism concept of the
Buddha. In Japanese the three are
hosshin (Dharmakaya), hjin (samb-
hogakaya), and ojin (Sk. nirmanakaya).
See three bodies of the Buddha.
Sanshu Samb
Three ways of understanding the three
treasures, as taught by Mahayana
Buddhism. They are genzen samb, jji
samb, and ittai samb, or the three
treasures as manifest, as enduring, and
as one. See three treasures.
The Threefold Truth, the Japanese
name for the Tien-tai teaching. See
Threefold Truth.
Going to see the Zen master for instruc-
tion. In the Rinzai school, the term is
often used synonymously with the word
dokusan, for the private interviews stu-
dents have with the Zen master.
Literally, sanzen means practicing
meditation. It may include zazen
mediation, or to contemplate a kan
under the instruction of a Zen master.
See also Rinzai sect.
The Japanese title for the Tripitaka, the
three part scriptures of Theravada
Buddhism. The term literally means
three storehouses, the rough equiva-
lent of the Three Baskets, indicated by
the Sanskrit name. The three parts of the
Sanz include: 1) ky (Sk. sutras), the
sermons of the Buddha; 2) ritsu (Sk.
vinaya), the monastic rules of disci-
pline; and 3) ron (Sk. shastras), com-
mentaries on the Buddhas teachings.
(2) Mountain monk; a humble term used
by Zen monks referring to themselves.
Sometimes pronounced sans, the term
is used in much the same self-deprecat-
ing spirit as expressions like this foolish
monk (sess) or this rustic monk
(yas). Since all Zen monasteries have
mountain names, all Zen monks can be
called mountain monks, regardless of
their monasterys location.
Historically, the term designated a
monk living and practicing in the moun-
tains. At one time, the Tendai sect
monks from Mount Hiei were called
sanz to distinguish them from the
temple monks living a more comfort-
able life in the capital city of Nara.
(J. chanoy) A tea ceremony held rou-
tinely at Zen monasteries. Sarei is held
daily in the monks hall (J. sd) or
zend (meditation hall) after the
monks or nuns return from breakfast. At
the morning tea service, attendance is
checked to see that all monks or nuns
are present. Daily tasks are assigned at
the end of the sarei.
Sasaki Shigetsu
(18821945) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the modern period who was influential
in spreading Zen in the United States.
Shigetsu is better known by his teaching
name Skei-an Roshi, although his for-
mal religious name is actually Sshin
Taik. Shigetsu practiced as a lay person
with Shaku Skatash and became his
Dharma heir. He took the tonsure only
after he had already received inka, or
Dharma transmission. He traveled to
the United States and in 1931 estab-
lished The First Zen Institute of America
in New York City. See also Rinzai sect.
Enlightenment, the immediate experi-
ence of reality. Satori, regarded as the
goal of Zen Buddhist practice, is typi-
cally described as a state of understand-
ing that transcends differentiation and
duality. The term satori is the most com-
mon Japanese expression used for
enlightenment within Zen texts. It is
often used as a synonym for kensh.
The character is alternatively pro-
nounced go in Japanese. The Chinese
pronunciation is wu.
Sayings of Lin-chi
A text in one division (T. 47, no. 1985, pp.
495506), which preserves the teachings
of the Tang dynasty Zen master Lin-chi
I-hsuan (d. 866), the founder of the
Rinzai sect school of Zen Buddhism.
The Sayings of Lin-chi (J. Rinzai-roku) is
among the most important classical Zen
texts. It is comprised of three sections,
the recorded sayings and sermons,
interactions with disciples, and pilgrim-
age accounts. Some versions of the text
include a biographical sketch appended
at the end. The full Chinese title is Chen-
chou Lin-chi Hui-chao Chan-shih Yu-lu,
the Recorded Sayings of Zen Master
Lin-chi Hui-chao of Chen-chao. It is
most often abbreviated as Lin-chi
Chan-shih Yu-lu or simply Lin-chi Lu.
The original text was compiled by Lin-
chis disciple San-sheng Hui-jan. A later
edition, with a preface by Ma Fang, was
completed by Yuan-chueh Tsng-yen in
1120. Complete English translations of
the text include Ruth Fuller Sasakis The
Record of Lin-chi (Institute for Zen
Studies, 1975) and Burton Watsons The
Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi
(Shambhala, 1993).
Second Barrier
The second of three sets of kan used by
some Zen monasteries in medieval
Japan (11851600). See rykan.
Second Patriarch
Usually refers to Hui-ko (487593) Ta-
shih (487593), the second Chinese
Patriarch of Zen, who, tradition says,
directly inherited the Dharma from
Bodhidharma. In rare cases, the title
applies to Mahakashyapa, the second
Indian patriarch, who received the
Dharma from Shakyamuni (Siddharta
Gautama), the historical Buddha. See
Hui-ko and Mahakashyapa.
Second Patriarch
A Buddhist ritual offered for the sake of
hungry ghosts (J. gaki). Segaki is the
common Japanese abbreviation for
segaki-e, which literally means ritual
for offering alms to hungry ghosts. The
ritual is held at Buddhist temples and
monasteries throughout East Asia, par-
ticularly during the Festival of the Dead
(J. Obon). Special altars are constructed,
and monks and nuns chant sutras and
offer rice and water to the beings suffer-
ing in hell. Segaki is regarded as an
important ritual for those deceased
souls who have no living relative to offer
services for them. See ullambana.
The western retreat. An alternative
expression for seid. See seid.
Literally, the western hall, sometimes
called seian, or western retreat. Seid
is a title of respect for former abbots
residing at a temple other than the one
at which they served as abbot. They are
distinguished from td, or the eastern
hall, which are the retired abbots
remaining at the temple where they
served. Traditionally, these names
derive from the halls where these
high ranking monks lived. Today, the
term seid is used in the St sect as a
title of respect for any high-ranking
monk residing in a temple where he
is not the abbot.
The Western rank, a group of monastic
officers who assist the abbot with mat-
ters related to meditation and spiritual
training of the community. Within every
Zen monastery, administrative aspects
of temple management are handled
separately from spiritual aspects of
monastic life. The distinct duties are
entrusted to two sets of officers, referred
to as the Western ranks and Eastern
ranks (J. than). Both ranks fall under
the direction of the abbot, who is
responsible for the operation of the
community as a whole.
The Western rank of officers have this
name because their primary duties are
in monastic halls that are traditionally
on the western side of the grounds.
Officers of the Western rank, referred to
collectively as the prefects (J. chshu),
include the chief seat (J. shuso), the
scribe (J. shoki), the sutra prefect (J.
zsu), the guest prefect (J. shika), the
bathkeeper (J. chiyoku), and the prefect
of the Buddha hall (J. chiden).
Quiet sitting, an expression used for
sitting calmly in meditation. It is alter-
natively pronounced jza. Seiza may
occasionally refer to Zen meditation, or
more often, to the meditative practices
of Sung or Neo-Confucianism. The term
also refers to the traditional Japanese
posture of sitting with buttocks resting
on heels.
West Mountain, the Japanese name
for Hsi-shan, the monastery of the
Fourth Zen Patriarch Tao-hsin
(580651). See Hsi-shan.
Sekiri Daruma
One Sandal Bodhidharma, Japanese
reference to the story of Bodhidharma
returning to India after his death while
carrying a single straw sandal. See also
Straw Sandal Bodhidharma.
Sekishu Kan
The Kan of One Hand, the most
famous kan created by Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768). The basic form of the
kan is the question, What is the sound
of one hand clapping? See One
Hand kan.
The explanation of the precepts given
as a part of the ordination ceremony.
On this occasion, the precept master
explains the sects configuration of
monastic precepts. In most cases, these
will include the three refuges and either
the ten precepts from the Theravada
tradition or the bodhisattva precepts
of the Mahayana. In earlier usage, the
term sekkai referred to the practice
of reading or reciting the entire
monastic code aloud twice each month
at the uposatha assemblies. See
also Mahayana Buddhism and
Theravada Buddhism.
A flagpole located at the monastery gate
from which a temple flag or Dharma
banner (J. setsuban) is hung. The flag
indicates that the resident abbot or
head monk will be holding a sermon
open to the public. The twenty-second
case of the Mumonkan is entitled
Kashyapas Flagpole. Ananda once
asked Kashyapa, Other than the golden
robe, did the World-Honored One
transmit anything else to you?
Kashyapa called to him, Ananda!
Ananda responded. Kashyapa said,
Knock down the flag pole at the temple
gate! This episode is used as a teaching
device called a kan, a cryptic passage
from Zen literature that students use
in meditation.
Sekk Sshin
(14081486) Japanese Rinzai monk
of the Ashikaga period (13921568)
who reinvigorated the Zen style at
Myshin-ji and restored its buildings
and grounds after the devastation of
the Onin War. He served as abbot at
Myshin-ji, Daitoku-ji, and other
major Rinzai monasteries. He received
the posthumous title Butsunichi
Shinsh Zenji (Zen Master True Light
of the Buddhas Sun). His four primary
disciples were Gokei Ston (14161500),
Keisen Sry (14251500), Tokuh
Zenketsu (14191506), and Ty Eich
(14381504). See also Rinzai sect.
Self Power
(J. Jiriki) The endeavor to attain enlight-
enment through ones own efforts and
merit, especially through the practices
of Buddhism, including meditation.
Self power is contrasted with Other
Power (J. Tariki), the reliance on the
merit of another being, such as a
buddha or bodhisattva, for spiritual
growth and advancement toward
enlightenment. Zen Buddhism is among
the schools of Buddhism that expect
individuals to rely on their own efforts
in order to attain enlightenment.
Zen encourages believers to turn inward
in meditation to seek realization of
their true nature, rather than outward
toward external objects of devotion.
Other schools of Buddhism, most
notably the Pure Land schools, encour-
age faith in a buddha as the basic means
for spiritual advancement, recommend-
ing complete reliance on the power of
the Buddha rather than on ones own
religious practice.
(J. zend) The meditation hall at a Zen
monastery. Sembutsuj literally means
the place where buddhas are selected.
Since most Zen practitioners attain
enlightenment while practicing seated
meditation, this term has come to be
another name for the zend.
Semmon Dj
The training hall at a Zen monastery;
a Zen training monastery. The term
usually refers to a place designated for
the practice of zazen or other training
in the practice of Buddhism. In the
Rinzai sect, the term is most commonly
used for its large training monasteries,
including Daitoku-ji in Kyoto,
Kench-ji and Engaku-ji in Kamakura,
and Myshin-ji, Nanzen-ji, and
Tenry-ji. In the St sect, the term
may be used for the monks hall (J. sd)
at one of the main monasteries, Eihei-ji
and Sji-ji, where monks in training
practice zazen.
Semmon Dj
Most local Zen temples in Japan
are too small to include a training hall,
and Zen meditation is not a regular
part of the daily routine. These temples
serve the surrounding community,
providing services at festival times,
as well as funeral and memorial
services for member families. The larger
monasteries, where monks receive their
training, have daily Zen meditation
and training. In some cases, interested
lay people may have the option to join.
See also lay believer.
Shortened form of issendai. The
Japanese rendering of the Sanskrit
icchantika, a sentient being without
the capacity to attain enlightenment.
See icchantika.
(374414) Chinese Buddhist monk of
the early Chinese Mdhyamaka or
San-lun school, one of the most impor-
tant Buddhist thinkers of his day. His
biography says that he came from a
poor family and studied Taoist texts
before turning to Buddhism. Seng-chao
was the leading Chinese disciple of
Kumarajiva, and together they trans-
lated Buddhist scriptures into Chinese.
Seng-chao wrote the four-essay collec-
tion Chao-lun. His various works were
highly influential among the Zen mas-
ters of the Tang (618907) and Sung
(9601279) dynasties.
A polite term commonly used to indi-
cate the death of a monk or nun, espe-
cially a prominent individual. The term
literally means to move away. It can
refer to the movement of a bodhisattva
from one place (or lifetime) to another
to save sentient beings trapped in the
six realms of existence. This makes it a
fitting euphemism for the passing of a
Buddhist monk or nun.
(d. 606; J. Ssan) The Third Chinese
Patriarch of Zen, according to tradition.
Although nothing is known for certain
about Seng-tsan, traditional Zen
accounts maintain that Hui-ko
(487593) designated him as his
Dharma heir by presenting him with a
copy of the Lankavatara Sutra, and that
he, in turn, designated Tao-hsin
(580651) as his heir. See also
Exclusive practice, a Japanese
expression describing forms of
Buddhism that stress a single form of
practice to the exclusion or near exclu-
sion of all others, especially the prac-
tice of chanting the nembutsu. Senju
nembutsu is the exclusive practice pro-
moted within some schools of Pure
Land Buddhism. It rejects the efficacy
of any other practice, such as reading
sutras or meditation. Zen itself has
been described as a form of exclusive
practice stressing meditation over all
other forms of practice.
Senju Darani
A Buddhist spell or dharani extolling the
merits of the Senju Kannon, the
Thousand-armed Kannon. The dharani,
which includes eighty-two phrases and
derives from the Senjuky, is widely
used in the esoteric schools of
Buddhism and in the Zen sects. Senju
darani is one common abbreviation for
the Senju sengen kanzeon bosatsu
emman muge daihishin darani. Also
known as the Daihi darani or Daihi ju.
See also esoteric Buddhism.
Sen No Riky
(15211591) Seki Riky, a Japanese Zen
monk of the late Ashikaga period
(13921568), best known as the fore-
most tea master of his time. Riky
served as advisor and tea master to
both Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi
Hideyoshi. Two schools of the tea
Setch Jken
ceremony (J. chanoy), the Ura-senke
and Omote-senke, continue to practice
Rikys style.
Sentient Beings
Living beings. Although the term usu-
ally refers to human beings, Buddhism
also recognizes sentient beings residing
in six paths (J. rokud), or levels of
existence. The six realms encompass
human beings, animals, heavenly
beings, hell dwellers, hungry ghosts,
and ashura, loosely translated as evil
demi-gods. All sentient beings, even
those dwelling comfortably in heaven,
are caught in the cycle of reincarnation
(Sk. samsara) and thus suffer and need
to attain release through the practice of
Buddhism. Since progress toward
release can only be made by human
beings, the focus of Buddhism remains
on the human world.
Senzaki Nyogen
(18761958) Japanese monk of the
Rinzai sect influential in spreading Zen
to the West. Nyogen, the Dharma heir of
Shaku Sen (18591919), traveled to the
United States and taught Zen to
American disciples in both San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Sepp Gison
(822908) Japanese transliteration of
Hseh-feng I-tsun (822908), Chinese
Zen monk of the late Tang period
(618907). See Hseh-feng I-tsun.
There are several styles of sermons char-
acteristic of Zen monastic practice in
Japan, from formal, ritualized presenta-
tions to informal instruction. At daisan,
or Great Assemblies, the abbot of a Zen
monastery addresses the entire monas-
tic community in the main hall, giving a
formal Dharma lecture and allowing for
subsequent questions and discussion.
This formal sermon, known in Japanese
as a teish, usually includes the masters
commentary on a particular kan or a
short passage from another classic Zen
text. Abbots traditionally give less for-
mal talks in their quarters to small
groups of disciples; these are known as
shsan, or Small Assemblies.
In addition to sermons presented
orally to an audience, there are also Zen
sermons preserved in written form. The
general Japanese term for written
sermons is hgo, or Dharma words.
Hgo likewise include a range of formal
and colloquial styles. In general, formal
hgo are short texts in classical Chinese,
while colloquial instructions, known as
kanahgo, are written in Japanese.
World-Honored One, the Japanese
translation for the Sanskrit word
Bhagavat, most commonly used in ref-
erence to Shakyamuni (Siddharta
Gautama). See World-Honored One.
(encountering the mind, collecting
ones thoughts) Period of intensive
meditative practice, traditionally seven
days and nights, held periodically at Zen
monasteries. During the sesshin, partic-
ipants devote the entire day to medita-
tion, nearly ceasing all their regular
activities, such as manual labor and
study. It is common for a monastic
community to reduce the hours of sleep
allowed each night during the sesshin.
In some cases, the participants forego
sleep altogether throughout the sesshin.
Participants typically have the opportu-
nity to visit with the Zen master
for dokusan at least daily during
sesshin. The master also traditionally
gives sermons, or teish, during
the sesshin. In many monasteries,
sesshin are held twice each year, in
winter and in summer.
Setch Jken
(9801052) Japanese transliteration
of Hseh-tou Chung-hsien (980
1052), Chinese Zen monk of the
Yun-men school from the early Sung
dynasty (9601279). See Hseh-tou
A temple flag hung by the monastery
gate to announce an upcoming lecture
or service to the public. The temple flag
will fly during retreat periods when a
resident abbot offers regularly sched-
uled talks (J. teish) or when there are
special events, such as a visiting lecturer.
In the St sect, the banner is used to
announce the opening of the summer or
winter retreats. The practice of using a
banner to announce the location of a
sermon is said to date back to Indian
Buddhism. The temple flag is also
known as Hd, or Dharma banner, and
the flagpole is called a sekkan.
The twenty-ninth case of the
Mumonkan involves a discussion of a
setsuban flapping in the wind. Two
monks were arguing about it; one said
that it was the flag that moved, while the
other maintained that it was the wind
moving. Overhearing their discussion,
the Sixth Patriarch stepped in and set-
tled the matter, saying, It is not the
wind that moves, nor is it the flag that
moves. It is your mind that moves.
Short didactic stories or legends. These
form a genre of Japanese literature that
is closely associated with Buddhism.
Setsuwa are usually placed in collec-
tions, such as the Konjaku Monogatari.
Scholars believe that Buddhist monks
and nuns used setsuwa in their popular
preaching to teach lay people basic
Buddhist concepts and virtues. See also
lay believer.
Seven Buddhas of the Past
(J. kako shichibutsu) The seven buddhas
from previous ages enumerated at the
beginning of the Transmission of the
Lamp (C. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other traditional
accounts of the history of Zen Buddhism.
The group of seven buddhas includes
Vipashyin buddha, Shikhin buddha,
Vishvabhu buddha, Krakucchanda
buddha, Kanakamuni buddha, Kashyapa
buddha, and Shakyamuni buddha
(Siddharta Gautama). The first three are
said to have lived during the previous eon
and the latter four in the present eon.
Shakyamuni, an honorific name for
Siddharta Gautama, who was presented
as the most recent in a line of innumer-
able historical buddhas, serves as the piv-
otal figure who transmits the Dharma
directly to Mahakashyapa, the first
Indian patriarch of Zen. The account of
the Seven Buddhas of the Past thus serves
as a pre-history to the story of Zen proper.
With the exception of Shakyamuni
buddha, the Transmission of the Lamp
does not include stories recounting the
lives of the buddhas of the past. The sec-
tions related to the first six buddhas fol-
low a stylized format, including only a few
standard biographical details, such as the
place of birth, family name, and leading
disciples. The text also provides a poem
attributed to each buddha. Zen scholars
regard the Shakyamuni buddha as the
only historical figure in the list.
The opening passage of the Trans-
mission of the Lamp indicates that the
author selected seven individuals from the
one thousand buddhas who appeared in
recent eons. By portraying Shakyamuni
buddha as the most recent in a line of his-
torical buddhas, the text seeks to validate
Zen not merely as a venerable tradition
and an authentic school of Buddhism, but
as the authentic form of Buddhism.
Sohaku, Ogata, trans. The Transmission of
the Lamp: Early Masters. Wolfeboro,
NH: Longwood Academic, 1989.
Seven Lucky Gods
Shichifukujin, seven deities revered in
Japan as gods who bring good fortune.
The deities are also understood as
embodiments of various virtues. They are
usually depicted sailing in a treasure ship
(J. takarabune). Originally worshipped
individually, they were eventually
grouped together and became an object
Seven Lucky Gods
Depiction of the Seven Lucky Gods, who bring good fortune.
Seven Schools
of popular devotion starting in the fif-
teenth century. Now popularly identified
as patron deities for a variety of occupa-
tions and trades, they include Daikoku
and Ebisu, gods of business; Bishamon,
the patron of doctors and travelers;
Benten (or Benzaiten), the patron of the
arts; Fukurokuju and Jurojin, the gods of
learning; and Hotei, the patron of fortune
tellers and liquor merchants.
Benzaiten, Bishamon, and Daikoku
are from Indian mythology, while Hotei,
Fukurokuju, and Jurojin are from Chinese
mythology. Hotei was a historical person,
the Zen monk Pu-tai (d. 916). Ebisu is an
indigenous Japanese deity (J. kami). The
Seven Gods of Fortune are associated
with the New Year, when they are said to
sail down from heaven to distribute good
fortune for the coming year.
Seven Schools
(C. chi-tsung, J. shichish) The seven lin-
eages of Chinese Zen active during the
Sung dynasty (9601279). The seven
schools include the earlier Tang dynasty
Zen lineages known as the five houses,
along with two new Rinzai lineages
founded during the Sung dynasty. The
original five houses include the Yun-men
school (J. Ummon-sh), the Kuei-yang
school (J. Igy-sh), the Tsao-tung
school (J. St-sh), the Lin-chi school (J.
Rinzai-sh), and the Fa-yen school (J.
Hgen-sh). The two additional branches
of the Lin-chi school were the Yang-chi
school (J. Ygi-sh) and the Huang-lung
school (J. Ory-sh). These lineages are
commonly referred to as the five houses
and seven schools. See individual entries
for more information. See also Rinzai sect.
Traditional Zen views of human sexuality
fall comfortably within the broader realm
of Buddhist morality. That is to say,
human sexual behavior, especially sexual
desire, is not regarded as inherently evil or
good, but it is seen as one of the most
powerful hindrances to religious practice
and the attainment of enlightenment.
Thus, for example, the vinaya texts
specifically forbid all forms of sexual
behavior for monks and nuns. The vinaya
codes called for the automatic expulsion
from the monastic community of any
monk or nun who engaged in sexual
intercourse. Although the Zen monastic
codes are not an exact replication of the
older vinaya codes, celibacy has been the
expected norm in traditional Zen monas-
teries. Traditionally, appropriate sexual
behavior for Buddhist lay practitioners
includes sexual intercourse only within
the confines of marriage.
Throughout the history of the Zen
tradition, some masters have rejected
some aspects of the Zen monastic code,
including the traditional understanding
of sexuality, eating meat, and drinking
alcohol. Taking the view that all distinc-
tions such as good and evil, moral and
immoral are dualities that are tran-
scended in enlightenment, certain Zen
teachers have regarded sexual relations
as permissible. This approach has been
severely criticized by other Zen teachers
as a misunderstanding of Zen free-
dom that leads to degenerate behavior.
Zen monasticism in Japan has under-
gone a significant change since the late
nineteenth century. Within the various
sects of Zen Buddhism in Japan today,
most priests marry and raise families,
although nuns continue to practice
celibacy. In this regard, modern Japanese
Zen differs from other modern forms of
Zen in East Asia. In the West, where most
Zen practitioners and teachers are lay
people, marriage among the leadership is
common. Indeed, the understanding of
appropriate sexual behavior in Western
Zen circles is changing so that it is not
uncommon for Zen teachers in the West
to accept committed sexual relations
between unmarried couples, including
homosexual relationships.
This world; the world in which
Shakyamuni buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) teaches the Dharma. Shaba
is a Japanese transliteration of the
Sanskrit word sah, meaning
endurance, since in the ordinary world
all sentient beings must endure suffer-
ing and samsara, the ongoing cycle of
death and rebirth.
Japanese pronunciation of Shakya, the
clan from northern India into which the
historical Buddha Siddharta Gautama
was born. In many contexts, the term
Shaka is used as an abbreviated refer-
ence for the Buddha himself. See
Shakya Clan.
Japanese pronunciation of Shakyamuni,
an honorific title for Siddharta
Gautama, the historical Buddha. See
Siddharta Gautama.
Shaka Nyorai
Shakya Tathagata or Thus Come One
Shakya, referring to the Buddha
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama).
Shaka Nyorai is a commonly used
Japanese name for Siddharta Gautama,
the historical Buddha. The Buddha was
born to the Shakya clan in India, which
is pronounced Shaka in Japanese. See
Siddharta Gautama.
Shakuen Eich
(d. 1247) A Japanese Rinzai monk of the
Kamakura period (11851333), one of
the leading disciples of Eisai. Eich was
originally a Tendai monk and studied
esoteric Buddhism. He became Eisais
disciple in Kamakura and practiced
meditation under his guidance. Eisai
recognized him as a Dharma heir in the
Zen tradition, but Eich remained com-
mitted to the esoteric tradition. He con-
tinued to practice a mixed form of
Buddhism, combining Zen meditation
with many elements of esoteric ritual
and thought, placing heavier emphasis
on esoteric practice. His primary contri-
bution to the Rinzai sect of Zen was
through his disciples. He founded
Chraku-ji, a Tendai temple in the Kant
region, where Jinshi Eison (11951272),
Muhon Kakushin (12071298), and
Enni Benen (12021280) became his
students and were first introduced to
Zen. See also Tendai sect.
A long bamboo flute with five finger
holes associated with the Fuke sect of
Zen Buddhism. According to Fuke
teachings and practice, playing the
shakuhachi and hearing its music are
conducive to attaining enlightenment.
The shakuhachi is a thin bamboo flute; its music is used to enhance the path to enlightenment.
Shakuniku Danj
Shakuniku Danj
A lump of red flesh, the graphic
expression used by the Zen master Lin-
chi I-Hsuan for the human body or the
human mind. Lin-chi distinguishes the
lump of red flesh from the Buddha
Nature innate within the self. See lump
of red flesh.
Shaku Sen
(18591919) Japanese Rinzai monk, also
known by his religious name Kgaku
Sen, one of the most important Zen
masters of the modern period. He was
the disciple and Dharma heir of Ksen
Son (18161892) who sent him to Kei
Gijuku (later to become Kei University)
so that the young monk would receive
an education appropriate for the new
era of modern Japan. After Sen com-
pleted his practice under Ksen, he trav-
eled to Ceylon to study Theravada
Buddhism. He also visited Siam (now
Thailand) and China. Shaku inherited
the position of abbot at Engaku-ji when
his master died in 1892. The next year,
he attended the World Conference of
Religions in Chicago. He was the first
monk from the Rinzai sect to visit the
West, and he visited two more times.
Three of Sens disciples also were influ-
ential in introducing Rinzai to the West:
Shaku Skatsu (18701954), D.T.
Suzuki (18701966), and Senzaki
Nyogen (18761958).
Shaku Skatsu
(18701954) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the modern period, also known by his
religious name Tetsu Skatsu. Skatsu
was the adopted son and primary
Dharma heir of Shaku Sen
(18591919). Skatsu originally prac-
ticed Zen as a lay person under the guid-
ance of Ksen Son (18161892). After
Ksen died, he took the tonsure and
became the disciple of Sen. When he
had received inka, or the Dharma trans-
mission, Skatsu made a pilgrimage
throughout Japan, Burma, and Siam
(now Thailand). Skatsu never lost his
interest in promoting Zen practice
among lay people. He revived the
Rym Kykai, a lay organization of Zen
practitioners, and dedicated his career
to guiding its members. In 1907, he trav-
eled to California with a group of disci-
ples to establish a Zen center there, but
decided that the time was not yet ripe
for transmitting the Dharma to America.
He returned to Japan in 1910. One of his
Dharma heirs, Sasaki Shigetsu
(18821945), later completed the mis-
sion to the United States. See also lay
believer and Rinzai sect.
Shakya Clan
Family from which Siddharta Gautama
descended. The Shakya clan were war-
rior class (kshatriya) and the ruling
family of a small republic in the north-
eastern region of the Indian subconti-
nent, now Nepal. At the time of the
Buddha, they remained self-governing,
with Kapilavastu as their capital.
The Sage of the Shakya Clan, an
honorific title for the historical
Buddha, Siddharta Gautama, who
founded Buddhism. The Buddha was
born to the Shakya clan, a people
from northern India (now Nepal).
Buddhists commonly refer to Siddharta
as the Shakyamuni buddha. See
Siddharta Gautama.
Shala Trees
(Vatica robusta) According to the
Buddhist tradition, the historical
Buddha lay down to die in the town of
Kushinagara between two shala trees,
commonly referred to as twin shala
trees; that is, trees with two trunks. The
Buddhas death is known as parinir-
vana, or perfect nirvana. The trees were
blooming out of season, and the Buddha
requested that his disciple Ananda pre-
pare a couch between two of them. In
some accounts, the blossoms fell and
the trees withered when he died. The
grove of shala trees is called the crane
grove (J. kakurin) because in other
accounts, the tradition says that the
trees blossomed with pure white flowers
after the Buddha died, as if a flock of
cranes had landed.
The Japanese term for a male novice
who has received the initial ordination,
based on the ten precepts of the novice.
A shami has received the tonsure,
meaning that he shaves his head and
wears monastic robes. He will continue
to train at a monastery until prepared to
accept full ordination. In the past, most
novices were teenagers who were too
young to qualify for full ordination, nor-
mally allowed at age twenty. In medieval
Japan (11851600), the term shami was
also used for lay Buddhists and self-
ordained monks who practiced outside
the confines of monastic Buddhism. See
also lay believer.
The novice precepts based on the
monastic code (Sk. vinaya) of
Theravada Buddhism. See ten precepts.
The Japanese term for a female novice
who has received the ten precepts of the
novice at an initial ordination cere-
mony. She shaves her head and wears
novices robes until prepared to accept
the full ordination.
Japanese for shramana, an ascetic monk
or nun. In Japanese, the word most
often simply denotes a Buddhist monk
or nun. See shramana.
(J. Shrin-ji) The Chinese Buddhist
monastery on Mount Sung, near the
former capital city of Lo-yang, where
the Indian monk Bodhidharma is
traditionally said to have remained for
nine years seated in meditation facing a
wall at Shao-lin-ssu.
Relics, especially of the historical Buddha
or another important Buddhist figure.
Shari is the Japanese transliteration of the
Sanskrit term sharira. See relics.
Japanese for Shariputra, one of the
ten distinguished disciples of the
Buddha, known for his deep wisdom.
See Shariputra.
(J. Sharihotsu) One of the ten outstand-
ing disciples of the Buddha and
reknowned as foremost in wisdom.
Shariputra was born to the brahmin
class and, along with his boyhood friend
Maudgalyyana, left the home life to
become a follower of the skeptic
Sanjaya. Shariputra met a disciple of the
Buddha and determined from a short
exchange that the Buddhas teaching
was the wisdom he had been seeking.
The two friends then decided to become
disciples of the Buddha and joined the
sangha. They brought with them scores
of Sanjayas other disciples as well.
Because of his brilliance, Shariputra
soon distinguished himself as one of the
Buddhas leading disciples. Many years
later, when the Buddha was nearing
death, Shariputra asked the Buddha for
permission to die. He died shortly before
the Buddhas passing.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
Relics, especially of the historical
Buddha or another important Buddhist
figure. Sharira is the Sanskrit term.
See relics.
Collection of Sand and Stone, a text in
ten sections compiled by the Japanese
Rinzai monk Muj Dgy (12261313)
and completed in 1283. The text con-
tains a series of popular Buddhist stories
or setsuwa, many of them humorous in
tone. Robert E. Morrell has published an
English translation under the title Sand
and Pebbles (SUNY Press, 1985). See also
Rinzai sect.
Hand position used in Zen monasteries
when entering and leaving the medita-
tion hall. The left hand forms a fist
around the thumb, and the right hand
covers the left. The hands are held, fist
toward the chest, in front of the body
with forearms straight.
(J. ron) A genre of religious instructional
literature common to all the religious
traditions of Indian origin, including
Buddhism. In a Buddhist context, a
shastra is a commentary on a Buddhist
sutra or a Buddhist philosophical trea-
tise. Shastras compose a major portion
of the Buddhist scriptures.
Shaven-Headed Layman
A Zen monk who focuses on literary or
artistic pursuits as the primary concern
of his practice. Although the monk may
pursue Buddhist literature and art, the
approach to the material is usually secu-
lar. The Rinzai master Mus Sseki
(12751351) used the expression
shaven-headed laymen in contrast to
the three grades of disciples that he had
encountered: those of high, medium,
and low ability. He asserted that shaven-
headed laymen were not worthy of
being classified as disciples at all; even
disciples with low capacities for Zen
practice were superior to those with a
secular mind set. See also Rinzai sect.
(606?706; J. Jinsh) Chinese Zen monk
of the early Tang dynasty (618907),
commonly regarded as the founder of
the Northern school of early Zen.
Contemporary scholars conclude that
Shen-hsiu was a leading disciple of
Hung-jen (601674), the Fifth
Patriarch, and one of the most impor-
tant Zen masters of his day. Born in
Hunan province to an aristocratic fam-
ily, he renounced the home life at an
early age. At age twenty, he took the full
precepts at Tien-kung ssu in Lo-yang.
In 651, he traveled to Huang-mei and
practiced with Hung-jen for several
years. Scholars believe that after Hung-
jens death in 674, Shen-hsiu became
the leader of the East Mountain school.
Shen-hsiu spent the majority of his
teaching career at Tu-men ssu in
Ching-chou, where he led a large com-
munity of monks. In 701, he traveled
back to Lo-yang and spent the last
years before his death working there
and in Chang-an. The community that
he founded in Ching-chou remained
active for several generations. It would
later become known (and disparaged)
as the Northern school, so designated
by Ho-tse Shen-hui (670762).
However, these historical accounts of
Shen-hsius role in early Zen differ sig-
nificantly from traditional accounts. The
traditional account is based on a section
of the Platform Sutra, which explains
how Hui-neng (638713), rather than
Shen-hsiu, became the rightful Sixth
Patriarch. In the biographical section of
the sutra, Shen-hsiu is portrayed as the
highest ranking disciple in Hung-jens
assembly, but one who does not fully
grasp the Dharma. On one occasion, the
Fifth Patriarch asked his disciples to pre-
sent him with verses demonstrating
their understanding of the Dharma so
that he could designate an heir as the
Sixth Patriarch. Shen-hsiu wrote a verse
that the master deemed insufficient.
When another member of the assembly,
Hui-neng, responded to Shen-hsius
verse with one of his own, Hung-jen
secretly named him the Sixth Patriarch.
This account became the orthodox ver-
sion of early Zen history, and Shen-hsiu
fell into obscurity.
McRae, John R. The Northern School and
the Formation of Early Chan
Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1986.
(670762; J. Jinne) Chinese Zen monk of
the Tang dynasty (618907). His full
name is Ho-tse Shen-hui (670762). See
Ho-tse Shen-hui.
The four wisdoms, the Japanese
translation of the Sanskrit term catvari
jnanani. Within the context of early
Buddhist texts, shichi refers to the real-
ization of the four noble truths. This
can be obtained by the arhat, the ideal
practitioner of Theravada Buddhism.
Within the Mahayana tradition, bod-
hisattvas strive to attain shichi, which
characterize a Buddha. The four wis-
doms are: 1) Daienkychi, Great Perfect
Mirror Wisdom; 2) Bydshchi,
Universal Nature Wisdom; 3)
Mykansatchi, Marvelous Observing
Wisdom; and 4) Jioshosatchi, Perfecting
of Action Wisdom. See four wisdoms.
Seven Buddhist ritual actions performed
as a part of the funeral of a prominent
Buddhist monk or nun. They are: 1)
nygan, laying the corpse in the coffin;
2) igan butsuji, moving the coffin to the
lecture hall; 3) sagan butsuji, closing the
coffin lid; 4) kigan, carrying the coffin to
the cremation grounds; 5) tencha but-
suji, offering hot tea; 6) tent butsuji,
offering hot sweetened water; and 7)
ako, starting the cremation fire with a
torch. See also kubutsuji.
Cremation is one of the shichibutsuji, or seven ritual actions,
performed at the funeral of a prominent Buddhist monk or nun.
Shichid Garan
Shichid Garan
The seven monastic halls that form the
basic core of all Zen temples and
monasteries. These seven include: the
Dharma hall (J. hatt), which serves as
the main assembly hall for sermons; the
Buddha hall (J. butsden), in which the
primary Buddha image is enshrined; the
monks hall (J. sd), where the monks
or nuns sleep, eat and meditate; the
kitchen-office (J. kuin), where meals
are prepared and the senior monastery
staff have offices; the latrines (J. tsu);
the mountain gate (J. sanmon), which
serves as the formal entrance to the
monastic compound; and the bath-
house (J. yokushitsu). According to
Mujaku Dch (16531744), a
Tokugawa scholar monk, the traditional
layout of the seven halls can be repre-
sented graphically in the shape of a
human body. The buildings are con-
ceived in anthropomorphic fashion,
with the Dharma hall as the head, the
Buddha hall as the heart, and so forth, as
shown in the diagram. This layout was
probably a Ming Chinese style of Zen
monasteries, introduced into Japan by
the Obaku sect.
The term shichid garan may also
refer generically to any Buddhist
monastery from any Buddhist school.
The Zen list differs somewhat from the
basic buildings found in other monaster-
ies. A typical list from another Buddhist
school would include a golden hall (J.
kond), a lecture hall (J. kyd), a stupa
(J. t), a dining hall, a bell tower (J.
shr), a storehouse for sacred texts (J.
kyz), a separate meditation hall (J.
zend), a founders hall (J. kaisand),
and the monks hall (J. sd).
The seven lucky gods revered in Japan.
See seven lucky gods.
Seven-strip robe, one of three basic
types of kesa, or monastic robes, worn
by Buddhist monks and nuns. The
seven-strip robe was originally called the
uttarasangha in Sanskrit. It is alterna-
tively known in Japanese as the uttaras.
The shichije is designed to be worn as
an outer garment and was originally the
basic robe that monks and nuns wore
inside the monastic community.
(C. chi-tsung) Seven school, a
Japanese expression used to describe
the seven lineages of Zen active during
the Sung dynasty (9601279) in China.
In other contexts, the expression may
refer to seven sects and schools of
Japanese Buddhism, including the
Ritsu sect, the Hoss school, the Sanron
school, the Kegon school, the Tendai
sect, the Shingon sect, and the Zen sect.
See seven schools.
The four great elements: earth, water,
fire, and wind. See four great elements.
Hall within a Buddhist temple or
monastery in which mortuary tablets (J.
ihai) for deceased lay members are
enshrined. Sutras are chanted daily
within the shid (a practice known as
shid fugin in Japanese), and other
offerings are made periodically to com-
memorate anniversaries of specific indi-
viduals deaths. See also lay believer.
Shid Bunan
(16031676) Japanese Rinzai monk and
Zen master of the early Tokugawa period
(16001867). Bunan was born to a com-
moner family in Sekigahara, in Mino
province, where his father ran an inn.
Although he became familiar with Zen
practice as a young man, he did not
become a monk until 1654, when he was
already fifty-one years old. His teacher
was Gud Tshoku (15791661). His
only Dharma heir was Dky Etan
(16421721), the teacher of Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). See also Rinzai sect.
Purple robe, Japanese term for an hon-
orific monastic robe bestowed on high
ranking monks. See purple robe.
Shigu seigan
The four great vows of a bodhisattva.
Various versions of the vows are used in
different schools of Buddhism. The ver-
sion used by the Zen school is based
upon a passage from the Tun-huang edi-
tion of the Platform Sutra. In Japanese it
reads: 1) Shuj muhen seigan do
(Sentient beings are innumerable, I vow
to save them all); 2) Bonn muhen
seigan do (The afflictions are innumer-
able, I vow to extinguish them all); 3)
Hmon muhen seigan gaku (The
Dharma is immeasurable, I vow to mas-
ter it all); and 4) Muj butsud seigan j
(The Buddhist Way is unsurpassed, I
vow to attain it). Zen monks and nuns
recite these vows daily as a part of morn-
ing and evening services.
Four realms of reality, an alternate
expression for shishu hokkai. See four
realms of reality.
Shiji No Kuy
Japanese for four offerings, which one
may appropriately offer to a buddha,
monk, or nun. See four offerings.
Shiji Zazen
Four periods of meditation, which are
traditionally observed daily in a Zen
monastery. (Alternately rendered Shiji
no zazen.) Although they are not men-
tioned in the Zenen Shingi, both Eisai
and Dgen Kigen (12001253) mention
that the four periods of Zazen were
observed in the Chinese Zen monaster-
ies of the Sung dynasty (9601279) that
they visited. The custom was then trans-
mitted and preserved in Japanese Zen
monasteries. The times and duration of
the periods differ somewhat from
Shichid garan, Nanzen-ji.
Shiji Zazen
monastery to monastery. The tradi-
tional names for the four periods are:
1) Goya zazen, held early in the morn-
ing before daybreak; 2) Sshin zazen,
held later in the morning, after break-
fast; 3) Hoji zazen, held in the after-
noon; and 4) Kkon zazen, held in the
late evening.
The forty-eight light precepts. The
secondary set of bodhisattva precepts,
as presented in the Bonmky (Sk.
Brahma Net Sutra). The forty-eight
light and ten heavy precepts ( J.
Jjkinkai) together comprise the
complete set of bodhisattva precepts.
For a full listing of the
Shijhachikykai, see John Stevens,
The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei
(Shambhala, 1988. pp. 2425.)
Four grave offenses in Japanese. See
four grave offenses.
The Guest Prefect at a Zen monastery,
one of the six offices (J. chsu) of the
Western rank held by a senior monk.
The guest prefects responsibilities
include the entertainment of official
visitors and the care of itinerant monks
(J. unsui). Because pilgrimage is a tra-
ditional part of the Zen monastic life,
Zen monasteries maintain guest
accommodations (J. kakusu) to house
visiting monks. The shika sees to the
visitors material needs during his stay.
In addition, since all new arrivals seek-
ing entry to the monastery come under
his supervision, the shika plays a very
important role within the monastic
community. During a newcomers pro-
bation period ( J. tanga zume), the
shika observes and evaluates the can-
didate to determine his suitability for
entering the monastery. Also called the
tenkaku or tenbin.
Dead ashes, a metaphoric expres-
sion used to describe the mental state
of a person who has extinguished all
harmful passions and attachments.
The word often applies to Theravada
Buddhism masters who attain the
meditative level of extinction (J. met-
sujinj). See dead ashes.
Tranquility and contemplation, the
Japanese translation for chih-kuan, the
form of Buddhist meditation devised
by the Tien-tai school master Chih-i
(538597). The term derives from the
Sanskrit words samatha (tranquillity)
and vipashyana (contemplation).
Shikan was transmitted to Japan by
Saich (767822) and is the character-
istic Tendai sect style of meditation.
Shikan Taza
Style of seated Zen meditation without
the use of a kan, the style characteris-
tic of the St sect of Zen. The expres-
sion literally means earnest medita-
tion, or seated meditation only.
Dgen Kigen (12001253), the founder
of Japanese St, advocated shikan
taza as the ideal form of Buddhist prac-
tice. He identified shikan taza with
enlightenment itself.
Four shouts, the Japanese rendering
of the Chinese expression ssu-ho. The
four kinds of shouts is a formulaic
expression developed by Lin-chi I-
hsuan, founder of Rinzai Buddhism,
which explains how he used loud
shouting (katsu!) as a teaching device
for his disciples. See four shouts.
Shike Goroku
Japanese title for the Ssu-chia Yu Lu,
the Recorded Sayings of the Four
Houses. See Ssu-chia Yu Lu.
An implement made from soft bamboo
or wood that was traditionally used in
place of toilet paper. It translates literally
as outhouse stick. The term appears in
several Zen texts, including Case 21 of
the Wu-men Kuan (J. Mumonkan). In
that passage, a monk asks master Yun-
men Wen-yen (864949), What is
Buddha? Yun-men replies, A dried
outhouse stick. Yun-mens answer is
shocking not only because the imple-
ment was generally regarded as defiled,
but also because of the vulgarity of the
expression itself. Like a loud shout or a
sharp slap on the face, the Yun-mens
shocking reply cuts off the discursive
and discriminatory thought suggested
by the students question.
Shikhin Buddha
One of the seven buddhas of the past
whose biographies appear at the
beginning of the Transmission of the
Lamp (C. Ching-te Chan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other
traditional accounts of the history of
Zen Buddhism through the ages.
Shikhin (J. Shiki) is second on the list
and is identified as the 999th Buddha
of the previous eon.
Days of the month containing the
numerals 4 or 9; that is, the 4th, 9th,
14th, 19th, 24th and 29th of each
month. At Zen monasteries, these days
are observed as free days on which
monks and nuns help one another to
shave their heads, wash their clothing,
take a bath, and attend to other chores.
See also oshiku.
Sanskrit pronunciation of the more
commonly used Pali word sila. See sila.
Shinbun Ritsu
(C. Ssu-fen Lu) The Vinaya in Four
Categories of Dharmagupta, the version
of the vinaya that became the standard
in East Asian Buddhism. The text was
translated into Chinese and transmit-
ted to Japan in the eighth century. The
Japanese Ritsu school was based on
the study and careful observance of
this version of the Theravada monastic
code. See Ssu-fen Lu.
Mind ground, a Zen expression for
ones mental state. The mind is com-
pared to a field or the ground because
it is regarded as the source of all
thoughts and experiences, including
perceptions of all external phenom-
ena. In some cases, the term refers to
the mind of enlightenment. Alter-
natively pronounced Shinji. See
mind ground.
Shinchi Kakushin
See Kakushin.
Zen monastic codes, which set out the
proper conduct for life and practice
within the Zen monastic community.
Shingi may be literally translated as
pure regulations. It is the Japanese
pronunciation of the Chinese term
ching-kuei. Shingi represent a distinc-
tive genre of Zen literature. Zen tradi-
tion maintains that the Tang master
Pai-chang Huai-hai (720814) com-
posed the earliest shingi, the Pai-
chang Ching-kuei (J. Hyakuj Shingi),
in the eighth or ninth century.
Scholars no longer believe that this
text ever existed. Recent scholarship
suggests that the earliest Zen monastic
codes actually date to the Sung
dynasty (9601279). Chinese codes
were transmitted to Japan beginning
in the twelfth century. Many Japanese
shingi were likewise composed,
including the Eihei Shingi written by
Dgen Kigen (12001253). In some
cases, shingi are written to govern
conduct within a particular mona-
stery. In other cases, they are designed
Shingon Sect
for more general use within a sect or
school of Zen.
Shingon Sect
Japanese school of esoteric Buddhism
founded by Kkai (774835) during
the Heian period (7941185). Esoteric
Buddhism first developed in India and
was transmitted to China in the eighth
century. Although this school did not
give rise to a separate school of
Buddhism in China, Kkai was initi-
ated into its teachings and practice
when he studied in China. When he
returned to Japan, he established an
independent sect and systematized
the teachings. The primary texts for
the school are the Mahvairochana
Sutra ( J. Dainichiky) and the
Vajrashekhara ( J. Kongchky).
Shingon literally means true word,
and is the Japanese translation for
mantra. Shingon ritual makes use of
mantra, mudra and mandala.
Heart Sutra, the common, abbrevi-
ated Japanese title for the Prajna
Paramita Hrdaya Sutra. The most pop-
ular Chinese translation (T. 8, no. 251)
is that completed by Hsan-tsang (ca.
600664) in 648. The Japanese version
of the text is composed of only 268
characters. The full title in Japanese is
Maka Hannya Haramitta Shingy. See
Heart Sutra.
Seal of the mind, a Zen expression
for transmission of the Dharma
between master and disciple. Shinin
is a common abbreviation for bussh-
inin (inka), seal of the Buddhas
Shinji Ike
Heart-shaped pond; a pond created to
resemble the Chinese character for
heart. Shinji ike are sometimes
found in monastery gardens, such as
the gardens at Tenry-ji and Saih-ji,
both located in western Kyoto.
Shinjin Datsuraku
Dropping off body and mind, an
expression used in St Zen for the
experience of enlightenment, which
Dgen Kigen (12001253) identified
with the practice of seated medita-
tion. The expression derives from tra-
ditional accounts of Dgens enlight-
enment experience during an inten-
sive summer retreat at a Chinese Zen
monastery where he resided for a time.
Dgen and his fellow monks were sit-
ting in meditation when the man
beside him fell asleep. Dgen sud-
denly attained enlightenment when he
heard his master Ju-ching (11631228)
shout at his sleepy neighbor, When
you study under a master, you must
drop off the body and mind. What is
the use of single-minded, intense
Scholars now believe that the orig-
inal expression employed by Ju-ching
may have actually been Dropping off
dust from the mind. Although they
are not homonyms in the original
Chinese, in Japanese, the two expres-
sions are pronounced identically. It is
theorized that Dgen either cleverly
reinterpreted the verse or fortuitously
misheard it. See also St sect.
Kodera, Takashi James. Dgens
Formative Years in China: An
Historical Study and Annotated
Translation of the Hokyo-ki.
Boulder, CO: Praja Press, 1980.
Japanese title of the Hsin-hsin-
ming, a verse attributed to Seng-tsan
(d. 606), the Third Chinese Patriarch.
See Hsin-hsin-ming.
True person, the Japanese pronuncia-
tion of the Chinese word chen-jen.
The concept derives from the Taoist



















tradition, and the Taoist philosopher
Chuang-tzu who used the term as an
expression for a Taoist expert who per-
fectly understands the Tao. The
expression was later adopted by
Chinese Buddhists to translate the
Sanskrit word arhat, the ideal
Buddhist practitioner who has realized
nirvana. See true person of no rank.
True Thusness, the Japanese trans-
lation for the Sanskrit term tathata.
See True Thusness.
(11731262) Japanese Buddhist monk
who founded the True Pure Land sect
( J. Jdo Shinsh). Shinran was born to
a branch of the Fujiwara family and
was the son of Hino Arinori. He began
his Buddhist training at age nine as a
Tendai monk and spent twenty years
on Mount Hiei, where he first became
acquainted with Pure Land teachings.
He left Mount Hiei in 1201 when he
was twenty-nine to become a disciple
of the Pure Land teacher Hnen
(11331212). A few years later, he mar-
ried Eshin-ni. In 1207, when Honen
offended the emperor, Honen and his
disciples, including Shinran, were
exiled from Kyoto. Shinran was sent to
Echigo province, where he remained
until he was pardoned in 1211.
He continued to teach in rural areas
for many years, spreading the Pure
Land faith in the Kant region. He
returned to Kyoto in 1235 and lived
there until his death in 1262. See also
Tendai sect.
Ordination ceremony for a new abbot
at a Zen monastery. An announcement
of the ceremony is posted outside the
main monastery gate. The newly
appointed abbot first rests in a room
prepared for his use (J. angesho) and
then is greeted formally there by the
senior temple officers and lay sponsors,
with whom he exchanges bows and
shares tea. The supervisor of the med-
itation hall (J. ino) rings a bell to sum-
mon the entire monastic assembly, at
which time the new abbot, monastery
officers, and assembled monks form a
procession and enter the monastery
gate. Inside the gate, the abbot gives a
brief Dharma sermon (J. hgo) and
offers incense. The group proceeds to
the monks hall (J. sd), where the
abbot once again speaks a few words
and lights incense. He then formally
hangs up his staff, symbolic of taking
up residence in the monastery, and
moves on to the Buddha hall, where
he again gives a brief sermon and
offers incense. Here he lays out a ritual
cloth (J. zagu) and prostrates himself
three times (J. sanbai). He stops at the
shrine for the local guardian deity (J.
dojijin) and says some words of the
Dharma. He then proceeds to the
founders hall where he gives his final
sermon, offers incense, and bows
three times. Finally, he enters the
abbots quarters, where he formally
accepts the room and receives the
monasterys seal. See also lay believer.
The True Mind, a Zen expression
for ones true or original nature, which
is said to be Buddha Nature. The
realization of Shinshin is synonymous
with enlightenment.
The common abbreviation for Jdo
Shinsh, the True Pure Land sect
of Japanese Buddhism. The sect is
generally referred to as Shinsh in
Japan, as well as in Western countries
to which it has been transmitted. See
True Pure Land sect.
The four obligations or the four debts
of gratitude. See four obligations.
Bamboo staff used as a ritual imple-
ment by Zen masters. The shippei is
made from a split piece of bamboo,
which is bound with wisteria vine and
then lacquered. It is bent like a bow
and measures approximately sixty to
one hundred centimeters in length.
Chinese Zen masters would use the
shippei to strike students as a teaching
device. It is now used primarily as a
symbol of the Zen masters authority.
Shiroku Benreitai
See shiroku no bunsh.
Shiroku No Bunsh
A Chinese style of composition dating to
the Southern and Northern dynasties
(5th6th c.) with alternating lines of four
and six characters. It is known formally
in Japanese as Shiroku benreitai. The
style was used by Zen masters in both
China and Japan.
The four discernments (C. ssu-liao-
chien), a teaching device used by the
Chinese master Lin-chi I-hsuan, founder
of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. The four
viewpoints are: 1) datsunin fudakky, the
negation of subject and the affirmation of
object; 2) dakky fudatsunin, the nega-
tion of object and the affirmation of sub-
ject; 3) ninky rygudatsu, the negation
of both subject and object; and 4) ninky
gufudatsu, the affirmation of both subject
and object. See four discernments.
Lions roar, the Japanese translation
of the Sanskrit expression simha nada.
See lions roar.
The four manners of birth: from
a womb, from an egg, from moisture,
and from metamorphosis. See four
kinds of birth.
The shippei was traditionally used to discipline meditating monks,
but today is considered mostly symbolic.
Succession certificate, a document pre-
sented to a Zen disciple by his or her
master to certify transmission of the
Dharma. Documents of succession typ-
ically include a listing of the lineage of
the newly certified teacher, providing
the names of founding patriarchs and
more recent descendants, down to the
master and new Dharma heir. In some
cases, shiso may trace the lineage back
to Bodhidharma or Shakyamuni
buddha (Siddharta Gautama). In prac-
tical terms, the shiso certifies that the
recipient is qualified to train students
and to serve as abbot or head monk at a
Zen temple or monastery. Shiso is also
the title of one essay in Dgen Kigens
(12001253) Shbgenz.
Shishu Hokkai
Four realms of reality, the Japanese
name for the Hua-yen school concept
that describes reality using four levels of
existence or Dharma realms. In Japanese,
the four realms are: 1) jihokkai, the realm
of phenomena; 2) rihokkai, the realm of
reality; 3) rijimuge hokkai, the realm of
interpenetration of phenomena and real-
ity; and 4) jijimuge hokkai, the realm of
interpenetration of phenomena and phe-
nomena. The school is also known as
Shihokkai. See four realms of reality.
Four aspects of phenomenal existence.
Buddhist thought includes several such
listings of aspects of existence. Shis
may refer to birth (J. sh), old age (J. r),
sickness (J. by), and death (J. shi)the
basic kinds of suffering endured by all
living beings. It may refer to four phases
of change that characterize everything
that exists: coming into existence or
birth (J. sh), continuing (J. j), chang-
ing (J. i), and passing out of existence or
death (J. metsu). Shis may also refer to
four erroneous views of the self men-
tioned in the Diamond Sutra: existence
of a real self (J. gas), an individual self
(J. nins), a sentient soul (J. jushas),
and an eternal soul (J. shujs).
The labor steward at a Zen monastery,
one of the six administrative offices of
the monastic community. The shissui
position is held by a senior monk
responsible for organizing manual
labor crews and assigning specific
tasks. He oversees all construction,
maintenance, and repair of temple
buildings (J. shichid garan); all large-
scale cleaning operations; and all field
work related to planting and harvest-
ing crops. In most cases, the shissui
manages labor done by lay workers,
attendants, and novices. When a pro-
ject is more labor intensive, such as
planting or harvesting crops,
the shissui may call upon the entire
monastic community to participate in
the project. The post generally rotates
on a yearly basis. See also lay believer
and temple positions.
Japanese for the four guardian kings.
See four guardian kings.
Dead sitting, a derogatory expression
used to describe incorrect or ineffective
forms of seated meditation. See
dead sitting.
The Treasury of the Eye of the True
Dharma, a Zen expression for the essen-
tial truth of Buddhism. According to tra-
ditional Zen accounts of the first trans-
mission of the Dharma from Shakya-
muni buddha (Siddharta Gautama) to
his disciple Mahakashyapa, such as
found in the sixth case of the
Mumonkan, the Buddha declared that
he possessed the Shbgenz and that
he entrusted it to Mahakashyapa.
Shbgenz is also the title that Dgen
Kigen (12001253), founder of the St
sect of Zen in Japan, chose for his mag-
num opus (greatest written work).
(2) Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, the
master work of Dgen Kigen
(12001253), the founder of the St
sect in Japan. The text is comprised of
ninety-five separate essays (ninety-two
in some editions), composed over a
period of twenty-two years, from 1231 to
1253. Dgen wrote the essays in
Japanese, a departure from the norm at
the time, which was using classical
Chinese for writings on Buddhism.
Dgen intended the work to eventually
include 100 essays, but he died before
completing the project. In addition to
the Japanese language text, Dgen com-
piled a second text in Chinese, also
called the Shbgenz. The latter texts
full title is Shbgenz Sambyakusoku,
and it is a set of three hundred kan that
Dgen collected while he was in China.
There are several partial translations
of the Shbgenz in English, including
How to Raise an Ox (Center Publica-
tions, 1978) and Sounds of Valley
Streams (State University of New York,
1989), both by Francis Cook; Zen Master
Dgen, by Yh Ykoi (Weatherhill,
1976); and Moon in a Dewdrop by
Kazuaki Tanahashi (North Point Press,
1985). A complete translation in several
volumes has been published under the
title Master Dgens Shbgenz by
Gudo Waju Nishijima and Chodo Cross
(Windbell Publications, 1994).
A second text, written by the Chinese
Rinzai master Ta-hui Tsung-kao
(10891163), also bears the Shbgenz
name in Japanese. Its Chinese title is
Cheng-fa Yen-tsang.
Shbgenz Bench
A commentary on Dgen Kigens
Shbgenz in twenty-two parts, writ-
ten by the Tokugawa monk Tenkei
Denson (16471735). The Bench was
the first line-by-line commentary on the
Shbgenz. Tenkei rejected some of the
original chapters and made substantial
changes to several others. He criticized
Dgens ungrammatical reading of
Chinese passages in many places and
disagreed with Dgen on many substan-
tive issues. He rejected, for example,
Dgens tendency to criticize great Zen
masters of the past. Tenkei worked on
the study for a period of about four
years, from 1726 to 1729, but it was not
published until 1881.
Shbgenz Zuimonki
A collection of Dgen Kigens Dharma
talks and instructions given to his disci-
ples. The material was recorded and
edited by Dgens leading disciple, Koun
Ej (11981280). Dgen gave the talks
between 1235 and 1237 while he was still
at Ksh-ji in the Kyoto area. The
Zuimonki, as it is often abbreviated, is
extremely popular in the St sect
because of its easy literary style. It repre-
sents the earliest Japanese example of
the Zen genre known as recorded say-
ings (J. goroku), first developed in
China. Ej recorded Dgens talks in
Japanese, but he did not translate them
into formal Chinese, as was the norm in
Japan. Instead, he left the text in collo-
quial Japanese. The text was first printed
in 1651, and the scholar monk Menzan
Zuih (16831769) published an
improved edition in 1769. Matsunaga
Reih published an English translation
under the title A Primer of St Zen.
Matsunaga, Reih, trans. A Primer of
St Zen: A Translation of Dgens
Shbgenz Zuimonki. London:
Routledge and K. Paul, 1972.
The Way of Writing, a Japanese term
for the art of calligraphy. It is also
known as Shojutsu. See calligraphy.
Holy path, or the steep path, an
expression used for those forms of
Buddhism, especially Zen, which
encourage personal striving toward
enlightenment through the practices of
meditation and observance of precepts.
See steep path.
Private instruction with the Zen master
in the abbots quarters. The term liter-
ally means asking for instruction. It is
another expression for nisshitsu or
nyusshitsu. See nyusshitsu.
Shgen Sgaku
The Japanese pronunciation for Sung-
yan Chung-yueh (11321202), a
Chinese Rinzai master. See Sung-yan
Shogo Kten
The sounding of a wooden gong (J. han)
to announce the twenty-five divisions of
the night, from sunset to daybreak. This
was traditionally done throughout the
night in Zen monasteries.
A military general or commander; most
often used as a shortened form of Seii-
Tai-Shgun, a title conferred by the
Japanese imperial court on a military
leader who serves as the acting head of
state. Seii-Tai-Shgun literally means
the General who quells barbarians,
reflecting its origins. In the eighth
century, the title was bestowed by the
reigning emperor upon military leaders
who fought for the imperial court
against the indigenous Ainu people.
Later, the title was borne by military dic-
tators who only theoretically wielded
power delegated to them by the
emperor, since during the Kamakura
(11851333), Ashikaga (13921568), and
Tokugawa (16001867) periods, Japanese
emperors were largely figureheads. The
shguns ruled through authority based
The Japanese shgun or military general acts as the head of state.
on their own military power. They pos-
sessed the title for life and passed it on
to hereditary successors, creating
dynastic governments called bakufu, or
shogunates. Many shgun maintained
strong relations with Zen Buddhism as
lay sponsors and, in a few rare cases, as
lay practitioners. See also lay believer.
The True Dharma, in Japanese; the first
of the Three Ages of the Dharma that
follow the death of the historical
Buddha. During the Age of True
Dharma, the Buddhas teachings remain
intact, as perfect as they were during his
lifetime. Throughout the age, Buddhists
continue to practice and follow the
Buddhist path, and some individuals
attain enlightenment. According to
some versions of the theory of the
Three Ages, including those most
popularly accepted in China, the first
age lasts for 500 years. Other interpreta-
tions, including the most prevalent in
Japanese Buddhism, set the time span
at 1,000 years.
Shichi Ha
A Japanese Rinzai lineage founded by
Enni Benen (12021280), which was
closely associated with the Tfuku-ji
monastery in Kyoto. The lineage was
one of the dominant lineages within the
Gozan system of Rinzai Zen. The name
of the lineage derives from Shichi
Kokushi (National Teacher Sagely
Unity), the posthumous title bestowed
on Benen by the Emperor Hanazono
(12971348). See also Rinzai sect.
Lesser Path or Small Path, the
Japanese translation for Hinayana. See
Hinayana Buddhism.
Shju Dky Etan Anju Anroku
The Biography of Hermitage Master
Shju Dky Etan, composed by Trei
Enji. The short text is a biography of
Dky Etan, known more popularly as
Shju Rjin. Dky was a Dharma heir
of Shid Bunan (16031676) and is
regarded as the most important Zen
teacher for Hakuin Ekaku (16851768).
See also Dky Etan.
Shjurin Shingi
A study of St and other Zen monastic
codes prepared by Manzan Dhaku, the
Tokugawa period (16001867) reformer,
between 1680 and 1691. Manzen based
his work on traditional St sect codes,
including the Eihei Shingi attributed to
Dgen Kigen (12001253), and the
Keizan Shingi, attributed to Keizan
Jkin (12681325). He also made use of
codes from the Tokugawa period, such
as the Undo Jki, composed by his mas-
ter Gessh, and the Obaku Shingi of the
Obaku sect.
Shju Rjin
The Old Man of Shju Hermitage, a
nickname for Dky Etan (16421721).
See Dky Etan.
The art of writing, a Japanese term for
the art of calligraphy. It is also known as
shod. See calligraphy.
First barrier, the first of three sets of
kan used by some Zen monasteries in
medieval Japan (11851600), which
were known as the first, second (J.
rykan), and third barriers (J. sankan).
The first shokan were derived from the
Hekiganroku (Blue Cliff Record), the
second from the Sayings of Lin-chi, and
the third from Mumonkan.
A percussion instrument used in Zen
temples to accompany chanting during
Buddhist services. The shkei is a much
smaller version of the keisu, without a
separate wooden stand. Like the keisu,
the shkei is cast in bronze and shaped
like a begging bowl. It rests on a small
cushion and is played by striking the rim
with a wooden stick. Unlike the larger
keisu, which is played throughout sutra
chanting, the shkei is used to signal
specific transitions during the service.
For example, it signals the end of sutra
chanting and marks the transition to cir-
cumambulating inside the Buddha hall
during a service. Also called rin or rei.
See also reitaku.
(J. dokusan) A Zen practitioners first
interview with the Zen master, at which
time he or she is officially accepted as a
disciple. The shken occurs after the
student has passed an initial probation-
ary period in the temple, known as the
tanga zume. At the shken, the disciple
formally meets with the master, requests
guidance, and, traditionally, makes a
small monetary donation, or incense
money, to establish the master-disciple
relationship. If the master finds the stu-
dents request sincere, the individual
will be formally accepted as a disciple.
A clerical officer or scribe, one of the six
prefects (J. chshu) of a Zen monastery.
The prefects, known collectively as
the Western rank (J. seihan), aid the
abbot in managing the spiritual
direction of the monastic community.
The scribes duties include the prepara-
tion of all official monastic documents
and correspondence. For this reason,
the scribe needs familiarity with
Zen documentary styles and a good
hand at calligraphy. Traditionally, the
shoki handled both internal and exter-
nal correspondence, but today the post
is generally divided between two
individuals. The shoki handles formal
documents and external matters, while
one of the jisha serving the abbot
handles informal and internal matters.
A major Rinzai sect temple located in
Kyoto. Its formal name is Mannen-zan
Shkoku-ji. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
(13581408), the third Ashikaga shgun,
built the temple in 1382 as a symbol of
his power. Mus Sseki (12751351) was
posthumously named the founding
abbot. Although originally conceived as
a branch of Tenry-ji, it later became
independent and was ranked as one of
the Five Mountains, or Gozan temples
of Kyoto. It was completely destroyed
during the Onin War (14661477) and
later restored. It now serves as the head-
quarters for the Shkoku-ji branch of
Rinzai Zen.
Shkoku-ji Ha
The Shkoku-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is the
Shkoku-ji temple, located in Kyoto.
Mus Sseki (12751351) is regarded as
the branch founder. The branch has 119
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 53,750 adherents.
Voices hearers, the Japanese transla-
tion for the Sanskrit term shravaka.
Shmon refers to the immediate
disciples of the historical Buddha who
had the opportunity to hear the Buddha
preach firsthand. The Mahayana
Buddhism tradition also uses the term
for those individuals who study
the Buddhas teachings and contem-
plate them in an attempt to attain
enlightenment for themselves, in
contrast to bosatsu (Sk. bodhisattvas),
who strive to aid others as well as
themselves. See shravaka.
To chant verses from the sutras. The
term originally referred to one of five
traditional forms of linguistic study in
India, sabda-vidya in Sanskrit. In East
Asian Buddhism, it came to refer to a
melodic style of ritual chanting set to
music. Shmy is usually performed by
monks in front of an image of the
Buddha. The chanting style is also
known in Japanese as bonbai. Shmy
was first introduced to Japan in the
ninth century by the monk Ennin
(793864), who learned the practice
in China. It became popular in the eso-
teric schools of Japanese Buddhism,
the Shingon sect, and the Tendai
sect. Shmy styles also exist in
Japanese Zen.
Matsunaga, Daigan, and Alicia
Matsunaga. Foundation of Japanese
Buddhism. 2 vols. Los Angeles, CA:
Buddhist Books International, 1976.
The first seventh day service, a memor-
ial service held seven days after death,
according to Japanese Buddhist custom.
The shonan is the first of seven memor-
ial services, which are held at seven-day
intervals throughout the primary period
of mourning (J. chin) following a
death. For lay Buddhists, the shonan is
traditionally the occasion on which the
deceased receives a posthumous
Buddhist name (J. kaimy) from the
family temple. It includes an ordination
ceremony, in which the presiding monk
symbolically confers the precepts on the
deceased. See also lay believer.
Shao-lin-ssu, the Chinese Buddhist
monastery on Mount Sung. See
The bell tower that houses the ogane,
the largest temple bell. Shr are open
structures of support beams covered by
a tile roof. The ogane hangs under the
roof, with a swinging beam (J.
shumoku) hanging horizontally beside
the bell. The bell is sounded by pulling
back the beam with the attached guide
ropes and allowing it to strike the out-
side of the bell. The shr becomes the
focus of the monastic community and
the neighboring lay members on New
Years Eve when, just before midnight,
a service is held beside the shr and
the ogane is struck 108 times, one for
each of the 108 human failings. Each
sounding of the bell symbolically
expels the previous years failures in
preparation for the new year. See also
lay believer.
Small assembly, informal instruction
given by the Zen master to a small
number of disciples in the abbots
quarters. The shsan are distinguished
from the daisan, the large formal
assemblies which include all resident
monks or nuns.
Shshitsu Rokumon
A collection of six Zen essays, all of
which are traditionally attributed to
Bodhidharma (T. 48, no. 2009). The
word Shshitsu (C. Shao-shih) refers to
the hermitage on Mount Sung where
Bodhidharma practiced meditation,
and it is often used as another name for
Bodhidharma. The title therefore can be
translated as The Six Gates of
Bodhidharma. Scholars believe that the
six texts are later compositions, proba-
bly written during the Tang dynasty
(618907). They were originally written
as independent texts and later collected
under a single title. Exactly when the
collection was put together is unknown,
but the oldest extant copy is a Japanese
edition published in 1647.
The first essay is written in verse and
called the Hsin-ching Sung (J. Shingy
Ju), or Verses on the Heart Sutra. The
other five are prose texts, entitled Po-
hsiang Lun (J. Has Ron), On Breaking
Through Form; Erh-chung-ju (J.
Nishuny), Two Ways of Entrance; An-
hsin fa-mn (J. Anjin Hmon), The
Gate of Peaceful Mind; Wu-hsing lun (J.
Gosh Ron), On Awakened Nature;
and Hseh-mo lun (J. Ketsumyaku
Ron), On the Blood Lineage. Three
of the six essays are translated
into English in Red Pines Zen Teaching
of Bodhidharma.
Shtoku Taishi
An image of a buddha or bodhisattva
enshrined in the middle of the medita-
tion hall, the monks hall (J. sd), and
other buildings in a Zen monastery. The
term literally means holy monk in
Japanese. The practice of enshrining holy
monks seems to have originated in China.
By the early Tang period (618907),
images of the arhat Pindola were com-
monly enshrined in the dining hall at
Buddhist temples. Today, the figure most
often enshrined in the meditation hall is
the bodhisattva Manjusri (J. Monju).
Other images, such as Mahakashyapa,
Pindola, and Subhuti are sometimes also
used. In the shury, or reading room,
Kannon usually serves as the shs.
Shs Jisha
The formal name for the attendant
monk (J. jisha) assigned to care for the
shs (holy monk), the image of a
buddha or bodhisattva enshrined in the
monks hall (J. sd) or meditation hall.
Shtoku Taishi
(574622) Prince Shtoku, a Japanese
imperial regent of the Asuka period who
is regarded as the founder of Buddhism
in Japan. Shtoku was the second son of
Emperor Ymei. He served as regent
from the age of nineteen, during the
reign of his aunt, Empress Suiko.
Shtoku is said to have written and
promulgated the Seventeen Article
Constitution (Jshichij Kemp), a
statement about good government
that mentions Buddhist principles as
one basis for political and social
life, although the actual authorship of
the Constitution remains in doubt
among scholars. He is also known as a
Buddhist scholar in his own right and as
a patron of the Buddhist clergy.
Tradition credits Shtoku with writing
three commentaries on Buddhist
sutras (the Lotus Sutra, the Shrimala
Sutra, and the Vimalakirti Sutra), the
first Buddhist texts composed in Japan.
He is also known for sponsoring the
construction of seven major Buddhist
The shr is the tower that houses the ogane, or temple bell, and is
the site of a special New Years Eve bell-ringing ceremony.
temples, including Shitenn-ji in
Osaka and Hry-ji near Nara. After his
death, Shtoku was regarded as
an incarnation of the bodhisattva
Kannon, and he is often portrayed
accordingly in iconography.
Zen masters, especially in the Rinzai
school, characteristically make use of
powerful, sudden shouts as an expres-
sion for a state of perception beyond
analytical thought. The shout was first
used as a teaching device by the Chinese
Tang dynasty master Ma-tsu Tao-i
(709788) but is most closely associated
with Lin-chi I-hsuan, founder of the
Rinzai school. Zen masters may use a
loud shout to push a disciple beyond the
web of discursive and analytical
thought. In other cases, a disciple may
respond to the master with a shout to
indicate comprehension that goes
beyond words. See katsu!
The Japanese title for the Tsung-jung Lu,
a collection of one hundred classical
Zen kan with prose commentary and
verses. It was first published in 1224 (T.
48, no. 2004) under the long title Wang-
sung Lao-jn Ping-chang Tien-tung
Cheh Ho-shang Sung-ku Tsung-jung-
an Lu. The text consists of a series of ser-
mons on classical kan and related
verses given by the Chinese St sect
master Wang-sung Hang-hsiu (1166
1246; J. Bansh Gysh). Wang-sung
based his commentaries on the Sung-ku
Po-ts (J. Juko Hyakusoku), an earlier
collection of one hundred kan com-
piled by Hung-chih Cheng-cheh
(10911157; J. Wanshi Shgaku), a
Chinese St master from the same lin-
eage. The abbreviated title means The
record of the [hermitage of ] serenity,
referring to the hermitage where Wang-
sung gave his lectures.
The Shyroku represents Wang-
sungs second lecture series on the
Sung-ku Po-ts. He gave the first series
early in his teaching career, but the
manuscript of those sermons was lost
during the confusion of the Mongol
invasion. Later in his life, his disciples
requested that he give his commentary a
second time. They recorded his sermons
and published the text. For each kan
case, the Shyroku includes five parts:
Wang-sungs introduction, the original
kan, Wang-sungs prose commentary
on the case, Hung-chihs verse, and
Wang-sungs commentary on the verse.
Although St Zen may not focus on
kan practice as intently as Rinzai, the
Shyroku holds an important place
within the St tradition. It is often said
that it enjoys a high status in the St
school, comparable to that of the
Hekiganroku in the Rinzai school.
Indeed, Wang-sung, who gave his lec-
tures a hundred years after the publica-
tion of the Hekiganroku, styled his own
work on its general format. In terms of
the cases included, the Shyroku shows
significant overlap with both the
Hekiganroku and the Mumonkan.
These three are the classic collections of
Zen kan. Thomas Cleary published a
full translation of the text in English
under the title The Book of Serenity. See
also Rinzai sect.
Cleary, Thomas. The Book of Serenity.
Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1998.
Various mountains, the designation
for the lowest rank of temples within the
Gozan system of Chinese and Japanese
Zen monasteries. In the original Chinese
system, the lowest tier was a group of
approximately thirty-five provincial
temples known as chia-cha, or major
temples. In Japan, the number
of shozan temples rose to more than
250 temples throughout the country.
Unlike temples in the higher tiers, the
shozan were not formally ranked, nor
did they receive government funding.
They were primarily smaller regional
temples, housing no more than forty to
fifty monks.
The Japanese term for the Three Ages
of the Dharma, three periods of
progressive deterioration in the
Buddhist teachings, practice, and
attainment of enlightenment, which
follow the death of the Buddha. The first
age is Shh, the Age of the True
Dharma; the second is Zh, the Age of
the Semblance Dharma; and the third is
Mapp (written with characters read
separately as matsu and h), the
Latter Age of the Dharma. See Three
Ages of the Dharma.
An ascetic monk or nun who strives for
enlightenment. Shramana (J. shamon)
have left the home life and taken on the
life of a wandering holy person. They
avoid evil and do good, not in the hope
of a better rebirth, but as a part of their
practice to attain release from samsara,
the ongoing cycle of birth and death.
Ascetics practice equanimity; that is,
controlling their emotions and reducing
their attachments to material and spiri-
tual aspects of life. They practice
ahimsa, or non-injury to other sentient
beings. The Sanskrit term has been used
by both Buddhists and Jains for their
monks and nuns.
(J. shmon) Those who hear the teach-
ing of the Buddha and attain enlighten-
ment by contemplating the Dharma.
The Sanskrit word literally means one
who hears. It originally applied to the
immediate disciples of the historical
Buddha who heard him teach directly,
and it may still be used in that limited
fashion. It may also apply to any individ-
ual striving to follow the path forged by
the historical Buddha. Shravakas aim at
becoming arhats, that is, individuals
who become enlightened by their own
strenuous efforts. To reach that end,
shravakas contemplate on the four
noble truths and practice the Eightfold
Path. In Mahayana teaching, shravakas
are one of the two vehicles of the
Hinayana tradition, which are con-
trasted with the one vehicle of the
Mahayana tradition. Since shravakas are
said to strive only for themselves, they
are regarded as inferior to bodhisattvas.
See also three vehicles.
Shrimala Sutra
Short name for the Shrimaladevi
Shimhanada Sutra, the sutra of the
lions roar of Queen Shrimala, a
Mahayana sutra comprised of one sec-
tion (T. 12, no. 353). The sutra presents
itself as the teachings of Queen
Shrimala, a lay Buddhist. The text
teaches about the Tathagata Garbha
theory, concerning the potential inher-
ent in each sentient being to attain bud-
dhahood. See also lay believer.
Assembly, the entire community living
in a Buddhist monastery; sometimes
used as an alternative Japanese transla-
tion for sangha. See sangha.
Japanese term which may be translated
as school, sect, denomination, or lin-
eage, depending on the context. Sh is
typically appended to the name of a reli-
gious institution, such as Rinzai-sh
(Rinzai sect) or St-sh. See lineage.
A form of Japanese religious ascetic
practice that draws upon Buddhist and
Shint teachings. Practitioners, known
as Yamabushi, undertake austerities in
the mountains in order to accumulate
mystical powers. The legendary moun-
tain ascetic En-no-Gyja, also known as
En-no-Ozunu, is regarded as the
founder. Shugend first emerged as an
organized tradition during the Heian
period (7941185). Throughout its his-
tory, the movement has been closely
associated with the Tendai sect and
Shingon sect of esoteric Buddhism.
Shh Mych
Shh Mych
(12821337) A Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Kamakura period (11851333), better
known by his honorific title Dait
Kokushi. Mych is regarded as one of
the founders of the Otkan school which
became one of the most important in the
development of Japanese Rinzai Zen. He
was born in Harima province (modern
day Hygo Prefecture) near Osaka. At age
ten, he entered Buddhist orders at a
Tendai temple. In 1301, he traveled to
Kamakura where he became a disciple of
Kh Kennichi (12411316) at Manju-ji.
He later became the disciple of Namp
Jmy (12351309), whom he had fol-
lowed to Kamakura. He received inka, or
the transfer of Dharma, from Namp at
the early age of twenty-five. After
Namps death, Mych returned to
Kyoto where he established a small her-
mitage and gathered disciples. With
imperial patronage, the hermitage was
eventually expanded to a full monastery
and named Daitoku-ji. His most impor-
tant Dharma heirs were Kanzan Egen
and Tett Gik (12951369). Mych
received several imperial honors, includ-
ing the honorific title Kzen Dait
Kokushi (National Teacher Great Lamp
That Propogates Zen) from Emperor
Hanazono (12971348), bestowed during
the masters lifetime, and the title Daijun
Kyshin Kokushi from Emperor Go-
Daigo (12871339), conferred posthu-
mously. The monastery, Daitoku-ji, and
Mychs lineage through Kanzan Egen
produced one of the most influential
Rinzai lines in Japan. See also Rinzai sect
andTendai sect.
Walking staff used by Zen monks and
nuns when traveling on pilgrimages.
See walking staff.
To leave the home life; a Japanese
expression for the process of becoming
a member of the Buddhist monastic
community. When a lay person (J. koji)
is ordained as a monk or nun, the
individual leaves behind the ordinary
life and responsibilities of the house-
holder and accepts the precepts of
monastic life. See also ordination.
Rice gruel, one of the main dietary sta-
ples at traditional Zen temples and
monasteries. According to Buddhist
monastic codes, monks and nuns are
technically allowed only one full meal
each day, generally eaten at the noon
hour. In East Asian monasteries, rice
gruel has long been used as a supple-
ment to maintain bodily strength and
alleviate unnecessary discomfort. Shuku
is served to resident monks or nuns in
the morning and again in the evening.
Rice gruel preserves the simple lifestyle
appropriate to the monastic life and
represents a frugal use of temple
resources. It is also said to have many
medicinal benefits. Since shuku is
served for breakfast, the term some-
times is used synonymously with
breakfast. Shuku is the more
formal term; it is more commonly
called kayu or okayu. The ten benefits
one receives from eating shuku are
called shukuyjri.
Shukuha Fugin
Sutra chanting which is performed after
the morning meal.
Prayer services held regularly on the first
and fifteenth day of each month at Zen
monasteries for the health and well-
being of the secular authorities. On
these occasions, the abbot ascends the
high seat in the main hall and addresses
the assembly, giving a sermon on the
Dharma. He also burns incense and
prays for the health of the emperor and
prosperity for the nation.
The ten benefits associated with eating
shuku, or rice gruel. According to a tra-
ditional Zen verse, rice gruel improves
ones complexion, builds stamina, pro-
motes longevity, provides comfort, puri-
fies ones speech, is easily digested, does
not cause gas, alleviates hunger, allevi-
ates thirst, and is simple to prepare.
The raised platform in the buddha
hall or Dharma hall on which the image
of the Buddha is enshrined. The term
literally means platform of Mount
Sumeru and symbolizes the center
of the cosmos.
Mount Sumeru, in Japanese. Often
abbreviated as Shumi or Misen. See
Mount Sumeru.
Japanese rendering of Tsung-mi
(780840), a Chinese Buddhist monk.
See Tsung-mi.
A large wooden beam used to sound the
large monastery bell, the ogane. The
beam hangs, suspended horizontally
with ropes, beside the bell. To sound the
bell, the shumoku is drawn back, often
with guide ropes, and brought forward
to strike the side of the bell. The term
may also be used for smaller wooden
mallets used to strike smaller temple
bells and gongs.
Shmon Kattsh
A Zen kan collection in two sections,
compiled in Japan during the Tokugawa
period (16001867). The compiler and
date of first publication are unknown.
The text includes 272 kan, primarily
from classical Chinese Zen sources. A
few are of Japanese origin. The work
remains a basic resource within the
Japanese Rinzai sect today.
Shmon Mujint Ron
On the Eternal Lamp of Zen, a text in two
sections (T. 81, 581a605b) composed
Shmon Mujint Ron
Shuku, or rice gruel, is a dietary staple of Buddhist monks and nuns.
Shmon Rent Ey
by Trei Enji under the pen name Fufu-
an. The preface is dated 1751 by the
author, but the text was first published
in 1800. Trei wrote the text while he
was living in Kyoto, where he undertook
an intense period of solitary meditation
after his initial enlightenment experi-
ence. As a result of his severe discipline
he became ill, contracting tuberculosis.
Told that his condition was terminal
and that he would not live long, Trei
wrote in the preface that he regretted
being unable to lead others to enlight-
enment. He therefore decided to record
the basic teachings of Zen Buddhismas
they were taught to him by Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). The text is divided
into ten sections that describe the pro-
gressive system of Zen practice designed
by Hakuin. The text became highly influ-
ential in the Rinzai sect, which contin-
ues to use it as an introduction to
Hakuin Zen.
Shmon Rent Ey
Japanese title for The Tien-sheng
Record of the Widely Extending Lamp,
(C. Tsung-men Lien-teng Hui-yao). See
Tsung-men Lien-teng Hui-yao.
Shun Reizan
(d. 1399) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the late Kamakura period (11851333).
He was the Dharma heir of Bassui
Tokush (13271387). He worked in the
Kant area and founded Kon-ji
in Hachioji, near present day Tokyo.
He is best known for publishing the
authoritative Japanese edition of the
Wu-men Kuan (J. Mumonkan) in 1405.
See also Rinzai sect.
Emptiness, the fundamental Maha-
yana Buddhist concept regarding ulti-
mate reality and one of the definitive
concepts within Mahayana thought. The
Sanskrit term is also rendered Void or
Nothingness. Shunyata asserts that all
phenomena, including sentient beings,
inanimate objects, and ideas, are empty
of self-nature. This teaching denies as
false the ordinary perception that things
in the phenomenal world possess an
independent existence that is unchang-
ing and eternal. The teaching is based
on the realization of Dependent
Coorigination; that all phenomena are
relative and dependent on causation. To
say that all things are empty means that
they are interdependent, arise out of
causal factors, and are continually sus-
ceptible to change. See emptiness.
Shuramgama Dharani
A dharani, or spell, derived from the
seventh section of the Shuramgama
Sutra. One of the most commonly used
dharani in the Zen school, it often
appears as a part of rituals, including
memorial services and funerals. The
dharani may be used to exorcise evil
spirits and ward off calamities and is
therefore sometimes used to pray for
rain, for recovery from serious illness,
and the like. It is known in Japanese as
the Rygon-ju or the Daibutch-ju,
alternate abbreviations for Daibutch
mangy shurygon darani.
Shuramgama Sutra
Heroic Valour Sutra, a title shared by two
distinct Mahayana sutras. The earlier
text, more properly known as the
Shuramgama Samadhi Sutra (T. 15, no.
642), is a work in two sections that
describes a form of meditation known
as shuramgama samadhi. This text was
translated into Chinese by Kumarajiva.
The later sutra, a text of ten sections
(T. 19, no. 945), is an apocryphal
scripture originally composed in
Chinese. It is a discourse on the work-
ings of the mind and includes some
description of esoteric practices. The
latter Shuramgama Sutra was widely
influential in the Zen school.
The Reading Room in a Zen monastery
where monks study and have tea after
meals. The word shury literally means
monks quarters, but the hall is not
used for sleeping or meditating. It typi-
cally has an image of Kannon enshrined
in the center as the shs, and desks are
arranged around the perimeter of the
hall on raised tatami platforms for read-
ing and study. Dgen Kigen (12001253)
composed a brief set of regulations for
conduct in the shury, called the
Kisshzan Eiheiji Shury Shingi.
Shohei, Ichimura. Zen Master Eihei
Dgens Monastic Regulations
Washington, DC: North American
Institute of Zen and Buddhist
Studies, 1993.
Japanese title for the Shuramgama
Sutra (T. 19, no. 945), often abbreviated
to Rygon-gy. The full Japanese title is
Daibutch Nyorai Mitsuin Shush Rygi
Shobosatsu Mangy Shurygon-Gy.
See Shuramgama Sutra.
Chief Seat, the highest ranking offi-
cer in a Zen temple after the abbot.
The shuso is one of six monastic offi-
cers, or prefects (J. chshu), known
collectively as the Western rank (J. sei-
han). Together, the prefects assist the
abbot in managing the spiritual direc-
tion of the monastic community.
However, the shuso directs all activi-
ties within the monks hall (J. sd)
and meditation hall. He is entrusted
with guiding the meditation practice
of the other resident monks. Thus, to
be qualified for appointment as shuso,
a monk must have many years of expe-
rience in the practice of Zen medita-
tion, usually more than ten years.
The word shuso literally means head
seat or chief seat, a reference to the
shusos place beside the abbot on the
meditation platform. There are several
other terms used for the same office,
including daiichiza, jza, shushu, riss,
zagen, and zent.
A daily ritual performed at mealtime in
Zen temples for the sake of hungry
ghosts (J. gaki). Before eating, each
monk or nun sets aside a few grains of
rice or a small amount of another food
item (J. saba) as an offering to the hun-
gry ghosts who suffer perpetual hunger.
The offering is accompanied by a brief
verse. According to Ichimura Shohei in
his translation of Dgen Kigens monas-
tic code, monks at Eihei-ji today chant
the verse, Oh, host of hungry ghosts,
Now I make an offering of food for you.
This food is offered widely in all ten
regions, For all those of ghost spirits.
(Shohei, p. 120).
Shohei, Ichimura. Zen Master Eihei
Dgens Monastic Regulations
Washington, DC: North American
Institute of Zen and Buddhist Studies,
A Japanese transliteration of sutra.
See sutra.
Sht Fukk
Restoration of the lineage system, a
reform movement within the Japanese
St sect during the Tokugawa period
(16001867) to restore Dgen Kigens
original system of Dharma succession.
In the centuries before the Tokugawa
period, it became common practice for
St monks to accept Dharma seals (J.
inkas) from several masters, often
switching lineages when they changed
temple residence. The seventeenth
century St reformer Manzan
Dhaku objected to the practice and
argued strenuously for a return to isshi
insh. Manzan and Baiy jikushin
(16331707) petitioned the Japanese
government to mandate the restoration
of isshi insh. In 1703, their petition
was accepted and Dharma succession
in St temples was regularized.
Sht Fukk
Nightly fire watch, traditionally per-
formed after sunset and again at bed-
time each night at Zen monasteries. The
person responsible for acting as watch-
man walks around the temple grounds,
beating wooden clappers and chanting
a special dharani to ward off fire and
other calamities.
Siddharta Gautama
Indian religious teacher who became
known as the Buddha, regarded as the
founder of Buddhism. Siddharta
Gautama was born around 586 B.C.E. in
a small kingdom in the northwestern
region of the Indian subcontinent, in
what is now Nepal. Little has been
established about his life with histori-
cal certainty, but traditional biogra-
phies abound. The most important tra-
ditional account of the Buddhas life is
the Buddhacharita, a text written sev-
eral centuries after his death. What fol-
lows is a summary of traditional
accounts of his life.
Tradition maintains that Siddharta
was born the son and heir of
Suddhodana, the king of Kapilavastu of
the Shakya clan. His mother, Maya,
conceived the child when she saw a
white elephant enter her body during a
dream. When the time for her delivery
approached, she traveled home to her
own people. She gave birth to Siddharta
in a grove called Lumbini; the child
emerged miraculously from her side
without causing his mother any pain.
The child immediately took seven steps
and declared that this was to be his final
birth. Within a few days, Maya passed
away, and Siddharta was raised by his
maternal aunt Prajapati.
Ashita, a seer and interpreter of
signs, visited the newborn and informed
Suddhodana that his son was destined
to renounce the world and become a
great religious teacher. The father was
determined to protect the child from
any awareness of suffering and by doing
so steer him away from a religious quest.
Siddharta grew up within the protective
confines of the court. When he came of
age, he married a woman named
Yashodhara, who bore him a son named
Rahula. At about this time, Siddharta
decided to leave the court and travel out
into the city to experience something of
the world. His father, concerned that
Siddharta would be distressed by evi-
dence of poverty and disease among the
populace, cleared the streets of the old,
the poor, and the infirm. Siddharta ven-
tured out with his charioteer four times,
and on each occasion encountered a
part of life his father had hoped to con-
ceal. On the first venture, Siddharta saw
an old person and learned that all
human beings age. On the second out-
ing, he met a person riddled with dis-
ease and learned that all people suffer
illness. Next, he encountered a corpse
being carried to the cremation grounds
and realized that all who are born will
eventually die. Finally, he encountered a
wandering mendicant who had for-
saken ordinary life to seek release from
suffering. The young prince determined
to do the same.
At the age of twenty-nine, Siddharta
left his home and family to become a
homeless wanderer, seeking a solution
to the problems of human suffering. He
practiced different forms of meditation
under various teachers, mastering each
technique thoroughly but finding that it
was not the solution he sought.
Deciding that meditation itself is not the
goal, Siddharta began to practice asceti-
cism. He joined a group of five ascetics
and practiced increasingly severe aus-
terities for several years. Emaciated
nearly to the point of physical collapse,
Siddharta concluded that asceticism
alone is insufficient, and, at age thirty-
five, he began to follow a path of his own
First, Siddharta accepted food
offered to him by a woman who took
him to be the incarnation of a deity. The
other mendicants rejected him as a fail-
ure in religious practice. Eventually,
when he had recovered his strength,
Siddharta sat down under a tree to
meditate, determined to continue
Siddharta Gautama
This scroll depicts the death of Buddha (Siddharta Gautama).
It is located in the Kannon building of the Bukkokuji Zen temple in Japan.
until he reached his goal. First he with-
stood the temptations and attacks of
Mara, the god of desire and death,
who sensed that Siddharta would
soon escape the power of death.
Siddharta remained firm and medi-
tated throughout the watches of the
night, attaining increasingly higher
states of awareness. During the first
watch, he became aware of the cycles
of his former births. In the second
watch, he gained an understanding of
the life and death of all sentient
beings in the universe. During the
third watch, he realized the concepts
now known as the basic teachings of
Buddhism. Finally, as the morning
star rose at the end of the fourth
watch, Siddharta attained nirvana,
the state of complete enlightenment.
The Buddha, as he now could be
called, remained in mediation for
seven days. He reflected on the truths
he had realized and decided that they
would be too difficult for others to
grasp. Indra and Brahma, two popular
Indian deities, visited him and begged
him to reconsider. The Buddha then
decided to teach others and began a
lengthy career as a wandering religious
teacher. His first disciples were the five
mendicants, who attained enlighten-
ment during his first sermon. He went
on to teach several members of his
family, including his father, his aunt
and foster mother Prajapati, who
became the first nun, and his son
Rahula, who became a monk.
The Buddha taught for the rest of
his life, spending forty-five years wan-
dering throughout the Ganges River
region. He gathered hundreds of disci-
ples who formed the basis of the
Buddhist order. When he was about
eighty years old, the Buddha died.
Some accounts say that his death was
caused by tainted pork offered to him
by a lay disciple. Before his death, he
designated no successor to lead the
order. Instead, he asked his disciples
to continue to live according to his
teachings and to be each his own
light. The Buddha instructed his
disciples to cremate his corpse and
distribute the ashes as relics through-
out the Buddhist community. See also
lay believer.
Morality, ethics, and conduct con-
ducive for progressing toward
enlightenment. In some cases the
term may refer to religious precepts,
such as those undertaken by Buddhist
lay people, monks, and nuns. In
Buddhist contexts, sila (morality,
ethics, and conduct) is one part of the
threefold training; prajna (wisdom)
and samadhi (concentration) are the
other two parts. Sila is the first and
most basic of the three types of train-
ing. In terms of the Eightfold Path,
sila is associated with right speech,
right action, and right livelihood. For
lay people, sila implies undertaking
the five precepts of the laity; for
Buddhist monks and nuns, it implies
keeping the ten precepts of novices
(and the entire monastic code for the
fully ordained). In the Mahayana tra-
dition, sila is closely associated with
the six perfections of the Bodhisattva
Path. See also lay believer.
Silent Illumination Zen
Style of seated meditation character-
istic of the St school of Zen, which
refrains from kan as the focus of
meditation. See mokush Zen.
Silver Mountain, Iron Wall
( J. ginzan teppeki) Zen expression for
enlightenment. The mind of enlight-
enment is compared to a mountain or
wall that cannot be climbed by ordi-
nary means, since it cannot be
attained through ordinary, discrimi-
nating thought. For example, case 57
of the Hekiganroku says, When you
have not penetrated it, it stands
before you like a silver mountain or an
iron wall. When you have penetrated
it, you yourself are the silver moun-
tain and iron wall.
Silver Pavilion
Ginkaku-ji, the popular name for the
Rinzai Zen temple Jish-ji, located in
eastern Kyoto in the Higashiyama area.
The temple was originally designed and
constructed by the eighth Ashikaga sh-
gun Yoshimasa (14361490) as a retire-
ment villa in 1482. It was designed to be
a match for the Golden Pavilion in
northwestern Kyoto, and Yoshimasas
original plans called for the pavilion to
be covered in silver leaf, hence the popu-
lar name. Yoshimasa never actually com-
pleted this portion of the plan because
he was unable to raise the necessary
funds. The villa was constructed imme-
diately following the devastating Onin
War (14661477), and the economy had
not yet recovered to support such an
ambitious project. The villa was con-
verted to a Zen temple after Yoshimasas
death in 1490, and Mus Sseki
(12751351) was posthumously named
the founding abbot. The Golden Pavilion
and the Silver Pavilion are regarded as
the finest examples of Gozan architec-
ture from the Ashikaga period
(13921568). See also Rinzai sect.
An action or mental state that alienates
a person from God; a theological con-
cept common to several religious tradi-
tions in the West, including Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. Buddhismdoes
not have any concept directly analogous
to Western notions of sin. In particular,
Buddhism does not accept the premise
that a personal and omnipotent deity
determines proper conduct or metes
out reward and punishment. Instead,
Buddhism teaches the concept of
karma, which functions as an imper-
sonal law, like the laws of nature.
Silver Pavilion, Kyoto, Japan.
Six Dusts
According to the Buddhist understand-
ing of karma, good actions necessarily
produce good effects and evil actions
necessarily produce bad effects.
Six Dusts
A common synonym for the six objects
of perception (J. rokky), which include
form (color and shape), sound, odor,
taste, texture, and mental objects. They
are referred to as the six dusts (J. rokujin)
or defilements because attachment to
them defiles the originally pure mind. In
the Platform Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch
says, The Dharma of no-thought
means: even though you see all things,
you do not attach to them . . . Even
though you are in the midst of the six
dusts, you do not stand apart from them,
yet are not stained by them. . .
(Yampolsy, p. 153)
Yampolsky, Philip B. The Platform Sutra
of the Sixth Patriarch. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1967.
Six Gates
(J. rokumon) The six sense organs: the
eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and
mind. See six sense organs.
Six Paths
(J. rokud) The six realms of existence
into which sentient beings caught in
the ongoing cycle of samsara may be
reborn. The realms are arranged hierar-
chically from best to worst: heaven
dwellers, ashuras, human beings, ani-
mals, hungry ghosts, and hell dwellers.
The realms are depicted as existing on
different levels of the cosmos. Hell is
understood to be an extensive region
beneath the earth where sentient
beings undergo a variety of punish-
ments. Hell has many regions,
descending from cold hells to progres-
sively hotter hells. Hungry ghosts suffer
from perpetual and insatiable hunger.
They are said to live either on the out-
skirts of hell or as invisible beings on
the periphery of the human world. The
earth is the location for the animal and
human realms, while ashuras, deities,
and other heaven dwellers live in the
atmosphere above the earth or in the
heavens above that.
Rebirth into one of the six realms is
determined by the karma accumulated
during the previous lifetime, that is, by
an impersonal law of cause and effect.
The three higher destinies reward good
behavior and are regarded as good out-
comes. The three lower destinies involve
varying degrees of suffering as punish-
ment for wicked behavior. These are the
so-called evil paths. Despite the recog-
nition that some destinies are better
than others, all six are equally part of the
ongoing cycle of samsara, characterized
by suffering. This means that no exis-
tence is permanent, and imperma-
nence itself is seen as a form of suffer-
ing. For example, individuals born into
heaven, despite the pleasures of their
current existence, are subject to death
once their good karma has been
exhausted. They will then inevitably fall
into a lower rebirth.
Of the upper three realms, the
human is the most important because
only human beings can make spiritual
progress toward enlightenment, which
entails escape from the cycles of
samsara. Being born as a human being
is regarded, therefore, as a rare and
precious opportunity. The realm of
the ashuras has ambiguous status in
the tradition. Ashuras are demi-gods
who fight continually with other deities.
Although they rank higher on the scale
than humans, the tradition sometimes
interprets their violent nature as a
form of punishment.
The Zen tradition often interprets
the six realms in a metaphoric sense and
sees the various realms as creations of
the human mind in the present exis-
tence. Individuals who are pugnacious
and eager to fight transform themselves
into ashuras. People who greedily grasp
at possessions and refuse to practice the
virtue of generosity are already hungry
ghosts, and those who kill others have
already fallen into hell.
Six Perfections
(J. ropparamitsu) The six paramitas,
which can be understood as virtues or
practices undertaken by bodhisattvas as
they progress toward enlightenment.
Bodhisattvas undertake the practice of
the six perfections in order to build
merit, which they then transfer to other
sentient beings. The six paramitas
include: 1) charity or giving (Sk. dana),
which includes the sharing of material
goods, Dharma instruction with others,
and the willingness to give up ones life
for the sake of another; 2) observing the
precepts (Sk. sila), which includes con-
trolling ones body, speech, and mind; 3)
patience or perseverance (Sk. kshanti),
which means endurance of pain and
hardship and forgiveness of injury with-
out anger or agitation; 4) vigor (Sk.
virya), which refers to boundless energy
and willingness to overcome ones faults
and cultivate virtues; 5) meditation (Sk.
dhyana), in which the bodhisattva
enters various meditative states but
does not accept rebirth in a heaven or
Pure Land; and 6) wisdom (Sk. prajna),
the stage at which the bodhisattva fully
realizes Buddhist teachings of reality,
including emptiness, codependent
origination, and No-Self (Sk. Anatman).
Six Sense Organs
(J. rokkon) The eyes, ears, nose, tongue,
body, and mind; also called the six gates
(J. rokumon). The senses are compared
to gates, since it is through the senses
that we perceive the stimuli of form,
sound, smell, taste, texture, and
thought. According to the Buddhist
understanding of perception, the senses
include not only the five senses nor-
mally recognized in Western thought,
but the mind as well. Just as the eyes
perceive shape and color and the ears
sound, the mind perceives mental
images and thoughts.
Sixth Patriarch
The title usually refers to Hui-neng
(638713), the Sixth Chinese Patriarch
of Zen. Tradition says Jui-neng directly
inherited the Dharma from the Fifth
Patriarch Hung-jen (601674). In some
classical texts deriving from the
Northern school, the title may refer to
Shen-hsiu (606?706), another Dharma
heir of Hung-jen. See Hui-neng.
(J. un) Literally, a heap. Buddhism
uses the term in reference to the
component parts that comprise all
existent things, including the human
self. See the five skandhas.
Skillful Means
See expedient means.
Small Vehicle
(J. Shj) Literal English translation of
Hinayana, a derogatory name for
ancient and Theravada Buddhism. The
term was coined by proponents of
Mahayana Buddhism, to contrast it
with their own great vehicle. See
Hinayana Buddhism.
Patriarch, a founder of a school, sect,
or lineage of Buddhism. See patriarch.
A grass hut or hermitage used for soli-
tary Zen life and practice. San are
sometimes located in rural or moun-
tainous areas, where individual monks
and nuns practice far from the distrac-
tions of urban life and a large monastic
community. In other cases, san are
built on monastery grounds, sometimes
in the middle of a city.
(2) Departing from the monastery; seeing
off a Zen monk or nun who is leaving
on pilgrimage.
The patriarchs and the Buddha who
transmit the Dharma. When translated
as Patriarch-Buddha, it refers specifi-
cally to Shakyamuni buddha (Siddharta
Gautama). Zen masters sometimes use
the term sobutsu to emphasize the Zen
teaching that all human beings are orig-
inally enlightened beings and that an
enlightened person is no different from
a buddha or patriarch. For example, the
Chinese Zen Master Lin-chi I-Hsuan
explained in one of his sermons, Bring
to rest the thoughts of the ceaselessly
seeking mind, and youll not differ from
the Patriarch-Buddha. Do you want to
know the Patriarch-Buddha? He is none
other than you who stand before me lis-
tening to my discourse. (Sasaki, p. 7)
See also busso.
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller. The Record of Lin-
chi. Kyoto, Japan: The Institute for
Zen Studies, 1975.
The monks hall, one of the seven pri-
mary buildings (J. shichid garan) that
form the core of a Zen temple or
monastery. Traditionally, the sd was
the central spiritual center of a Zen
monastery, where the monastic com-
munity ate, slept, and practiced seated
meditation together. In traditional lay-
outs, it is located to the left of the
Buddha hall. Inside the monks hall,
meditation platforms line the walls and
are grouped in the central areas. In
China, the platforms are covered with
rush matting in summer and rugs in
winter. In Japan, they are covered with
tatami matting. Resident monks or
nuns are traditionally assigned a small
mat on one of the meditation platforms
in the hall. There they sit in meditation,
take their daily meals, and sleep. At the
center of the inner hall is a raised altar
with an image of the halls patron, the
holy monk (J. shs), usually the bod-
hisattva Manjusri (J. Monju). Facing the
holy monk at the entrance is the
abbots chair. The outer part of monks
hall includes space for walking medita-
tion (J. kinhin) and platforms for
administrative officers, attendants, and
other staff to take meals and meditate.
The sd was one of the most char-
acteristic halls of Zen monasteries in
China and became characteristic of
early Japanese Zen monasteries as well.
Traditional use of the monks hall fell
out of common practice in Japan during
the Ashikaga period (13921568), when
it became common for monks and nuns
to reside and practice in separate sub-
temples. Despite efforts to revive com-
munal living and practice in the sd by
restoration movements within Rinzai
and St Zen during the Tokugawa
period (16001867), few monks halls
operate in the traditional manner today.
Most monasteries have adopted the
Obaku custom of maintaining a sepa-
rate meditation hall (J. zend). See also
Obaku sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect.
Sangha, the community of Buddhist
practitioners. See sangha.
The nine-strip outer garment worn by
Buddhist monks and nuns. Sgyari is
the Japanese transliteration of the
Sanskrit term samghati. See Kuje.
Warrior monks, the Japanese term used
for armed Buddhist monks who served
as soldiers within a monastic army.
Shei were a common feature for many
centuries in Japanese Buddhism,
despite the fact that bearing arms and
going into battle are strictly forbidden
by the Buddhist monastic code.
Throughout the medieval period
(11851600), powerful Buddhist monas-
teries in Japan raised and maintained
armies from among the ranks of resi-
dent monks. These armies protected the
monasterys interests against rival
Buddhist institutions, the imperial
court, military government (J. bakufu)
forces, and other competitors. The prac-
tice began in the early Heian period
(7941185) and continued until the early
modern period (16001867). In the late
sixteenth century, the last warrior
monks were defeated and disarmed by
Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi
Hideyoshi. Monasteries subsequently
had no opportunity to rearm because
the Tokugawa military government
established and enforced strict monas-
tic codes prohibiting monastic armies.
Shei were drawn from the lower
ranks of the monastic community,
including low-ranking monks and unor-
dained servants residing on temple
grounds, but not including the scholar
monks. Shei generally came from the
lower social classes. They not only
served as soldiers in times of need, but
also were responsible for carrying out
much of the regular manual labor nec-
essary to keep a large monastic commu-
nity in operation.
A major St Zen monastery in
Yokohama and one of two main monas-
teries for the St sect in Japan. The
original Sji-ji was located in what is
now Ishikawa Prefecture. It was founded
by the Hoss monk Gygi (668749) and
was called Shogaku-ji. In 1321, the St
master Keizan Jkin inherited Shogaku-
ji, then a Ritsu sect temple. Keizan con-
verted it into a St monastery and
renamed it Sji-ji. The Emperor Go-
Daigo (12871339) raised Sji-jis rank to
a main monastery (J. honzan), making it
equal to Eihei-ji. The monastery grew in
prominence under the direction of its
second abbot, Gasan Jseki, attracting a
great many resident monks and building
a large network of branch temples
throughout rural Japan. The original
monastery was completely destroyed by
fire in 1898, and Sji-ji was then estab-
lished at its present location in
Yokohama. See also Hoss school.
The Japanese pronunciation for Seng-
chao (374414), an early Chinese
Buddhist scholar-monk. See Seng-chao.
The Japanese pronunciation for Tsao-
hsi, an alternative name for Hui-neng
(638713), the Sixth Patriarch. See
(18821945) The teaching name
of Sasaki Shigetsu, the Japanese
Rinzai master who was influential in
introducing Zen to the West. He
founded The First Zen Institute of
America in New York City in 1931. See
also Sasaki Shigetsu.
Sokk Roku Kaien Fusetsu
A text comprised of one section that
records a series of sermons (J. teish)
given in 1740 by Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) on The Recorded Sayings of
Master Hsu-tang Lu (J. Kid Roku). The
sermons were recorded and revised by
two of Hakuins disciples. The text was
first published in 1743. Sokk Roku was
the title Hakuin used for The Recorded
Sayings of Master Hsu-tang Lu. The
Fusetsu is one of Hakuins most impor-
tant works and serves as a basic intro-
duction to his understanding of Zen
teaching and practice. In the sermons,
Hakuin promotes the traditional use of
kan (J. kanna Zen) as a means to attain
enlightenment and sharply criticizes
silent illumination Zen (J. mokush
Zen). Norman Waddell published an
English translation of the text under the
title The Essential Teachings of Zen
Master Hakuin (Shambhala, 1994).
Sk Shinsai
Tsao-kung, the Chinese god of the
hearth who protects the kitchen fire.
This Chinese folk deity came to be
enshrined in the kitchens of Chinese
Zen temples, and the practice was later
transmitted to Japanese Zen temples.
Dgen Kigen (12001253) specifically
required that a ritual of chanting verses
from the sutras be offered on a daily
basis to Sk Shinsai by the kitchen staff
before the noon meal.
Sk Shinsai
Sokuhi Nyoichi
The worship of Sk Shinsai is an
ancient practice in China, dating back
to the second century B.C.E. Sk
Shinsai, sometimes called the kitchen
god, is a popular and important deity
for ordinary Chinese, since he is asso-
ciated with personal longevity and
with the kitchen fire, a potent symbol
of family unity. He sits above the
hearth throughout the year observing
the words and deeds of family mem-
bers. Once each year he visits heaven
to report on the familys actions, thus
determining the longevity of individual
family members. On the twenty-third
day of the twelfth lunar month, the
family sends Sk Shinsai off to
heaven by burning the paper image of
him that hangs above the stove
throughout the year. Traditionally, they
smear his mouth with something sweet
so that he will make a pleasant report
about their behavior. On New Years
Eve, they paste up a new image to mark
the beginning of the New Year.
Shohei, Ichimura. Zen Master Eihei
Dgens Monastic Regulations.
Washington, DC: North American
Institute of Zen and Buddhist
Studies, 1993.
Thompson, Laurence G. Chinese
Religion, An Introduction. Fifth
Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing Co., 1996.
Sokuhi Nyoichi
The Japanese name for Chi-fei Ju-i
(16161671), an Obaku monk who emi-
grated from Ming China to Japan. See
Chi-fei Ju-i. See also Obaku sect.
The outer gate of a Zen monastery. The
smon is much smaller than the
sanmon, the main monastery gate. In
earlier periods, monasteries had three
gates, with the smon being the outer-
most of the three.
A Zen monastery or temple. The word
literally means thicket or grove. It
derives from an Indian expression, pin-
davana, which was used for an assembly
of religious mendicants. In Japan, srin
was used as a common designation for
all of the Japanese Zen monasteries that
comprised the Gozan system. Zen tem-
ples that were not part of the Gozan sys-
tem were designated rinka, literally
meaning below the grove.
(d. 606) The Japanese pronunciation for
Seng-tsan, the Third Chinese Patriarch
of Zen. See Seng-tsan.
(2) A general form of sanzen in which
disciples gather as a group to receive
instruction from the Zen master.
(3) Morning instruction, a sermon given
in the morning after breakfast. The
ssan takes place in the Dharma hall
and is addressed to the entire assembly.
Patriarch, a founder of a Buddhist
school, sect, or lineage. Sometimes used
in Zen texts as a reference for
Bodhidharma, traditionally regarded as
the founder of Zen Buddhism.
Patriarchs hall, a monastery building
in which images and/or mortuary
tablets of the founder of the sect or the
monastery are enshrined. In some
cases, images of earlier patriarchs, such
as Bodhidharma or Lin-chi I-Hsuan,
may also be enshrined in the soshid.
Sshin Zazen
Morning session of meditation, one of
the four periods of zazen (J. shiji zazen)
observed daily in Zen monasteries.
Although the exact hours differ by
monastery, sshin zazen is held after
breakfast, sometime between nine and
eleven oclock in the morning.
St Sect
One of three major sects of Japanese
Zen. The Rinzai sect and Obaku sect are
the other two. St Zen developed from
the Chinese Tsao-tung school (J. St)
of Zen. Its name derives from two of its
founding patriarchs, Tung-shan Liang-
chieh (807869; J. Tzan) and Tsao-
shan Pen-chi (840901; J. Szan), who
were active during the Tang dynasty
(618907). The predominant style of
St focuses on single-minded devotion
to seated meditation (J. zazen) without
the use of kan or other devices.
The Tsao-tung lineage was estab-
lished as a distinct lineage and sect in
China and numbered among the five
houses of Chinese Zen of the Tang
dynasty. During the Sung dynasty
(9601279), Tsao-tung was one of two
major forms of Zen practice in China.
Unlike the Lin-chi lineage which cham-
pioned kan practice, Tsao-tung mas-
ters preferred a style of meditation
known in Japanese as shikan taza,
earnest meditation, or seated medi-
tation only. The Tsao-tung style of Zen
was transmitted to Japan during the
Kamakura period (11851333) by the
Japanese monk Dgen Kigen
(12001253), who established Eihei-ji
as the main monastery for the new sect.
After his death, the sect developed fur-
ther under the guidance of Keizan
Jkin, sometimes known as the Second
Patriarch. Keizan and other St monks
successfully established St as a popu-
lar form of Buddhism, especially
among the warrior class. Today, St
remains among the largest sects in
Japan, with almost 15,000 temples
and over six million members. See also
Lin-chi school.
Japanese for St sect of Zen
Buddhism. It also may refer to
the Chinese Tsao-tung school of
Zen Buddhism. See St sect and
Tsao-tung school.
Southern School
An early school of Chinese Zen, gener-
ally regarded by the tradition as the
orthodox lineage of Hui-neng
(638713), the Sixth Patriarch, from
which all surviving lineages of Zen
claim descent. Ho-tse Shen-hui
(670762), a disciple of Hui-neng,
adopted the name Southern school to
distinguish his masters lineage from
the so-called Northern school of Shen-
hsiu (606?706). The names of the two
schools derive from the relative geo-
graphical location of the two lineages.
Shen-hsiu and his lineage were active
in the area north of the Yellow River
and the cities of Lo-yang and Chang-
an, while Hui-neng and his group were
active in the south. According to Shen-
hui and the later tradition, the
Southern school preserved the Sixth
Patriarchs teaching of sudden enlight-
enment, as opposed to the Northern
schools preference for gradual
enlightenment. Recent scholarship has
questioned the historical accuracy of
this story of the doctrinal schism
between the two schools.
Szan Honjaku
The Japanese pronunciation for Tsao-
shan Pen-chi (840901), a Chinese Zen
monk and co-founder of the Chinese
St school. See Tsao-shan Pen-chi.
Ssu-chia Yu Lu
Recorded Sayings of the Four Houses, a
text in six sections containing the
recorded sayings of four famous
Chinese Zen masters of the Tang
(618907) dynasty: Ma-tsu Tao-i
(709788), Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814), Huang-po Hsi-yn (d.
850), and Lin-chi I-hsuan (d. 866).
The compiler and date of the original
publication are unknown, but a sub-
sequent edition was published by
Ssu-chia Yu Lu
Chieh Ning in 1607. The text is also
known as the Ma-tsu Ssu-chia Lu.
Ssu-fen Lu
(J. Shinbun Ritsu) The Vinaya in Four
Categories of Dharmagupta, one of
several versions of the monastic code of
Theravada Buddhism translated into
Chinese, and the version that became the
standard in East Asian Buddhism. The
text explains the general regulations for
monks and nuns in the first section; the
regulations for receiving the precepts
and for preaching in the second section;
the regulations for retreats, repentance,
clothing, and medication in the third sec-
tion; and the regulations related to hous-
ing and miscellaneous items in the fourth
section. The text was transmitted to
China in the fifth century C.E, and trans-
lated into Chinese by Buddhayashas. The
Chinese Buddhist monk Tao-hsuan
(596667) founded the Lu school, or
Vinaya school, based on the study and
careful observance of this text.
Steep Path
(J. shd) Also known as the holy path,
an expression used for those forms of
Buddhism, especially Zen, which
encourage personal striving toward
enlightenment through the practices of
meditation and observance of precepts.
The steep path contrasts with the easy
path of faith, characteristic of Pure
Land Buddhism, in which the individual
relies upon the merit of a buddha or
bodhisattva. Nagarjuna is said to have
originated the distinction between the
easy and steep paths in a chapter on
easy practice in the Shih-chu-pi-po-
sha-lun (J. Jjbibasharon).
Storehouse Consciousness
The alaya consciousness, part of the
Yogachara (J. Hoss) system of human
psychology. In this schema, the store-
house consciousness (J. arayashiki) is
the fundamental level of human con-
sciousness that stores previous experi-
ences and constitutes the lense through
which all other experiences are evalu-
ated. The storehouse is the eighth (J.
hasshiki) and deepest level of con-
sciousness. The Zen school has gener-
ally accepted and adopted the
Yogachara view of human psychology as
the theoretical basis for its own thought.
See alaya consciousness.
Straw Sandal Bodhidharma
Refers to the story of Bodhidharma
returning to India after his death with
one straw sandal. According to the leg-
end preserved in the Ching-te Chan-
teng Lu (J. Dentroku), some three years
after Bodhidharma had died and been
buried in China, a Chinese official named
Sung Yun was returning to China from a
mission to India and encountered the
master somewhere in Central Asia. The
master carried a single straw sandal in his
hand. When the emissary asked where he
was going, the master replied that he was
returning to India. The official reported
this encounter to the emperor on his
return to the capitol. The emperor
ordered Bodhidharmas grave opened for
inspection. They found the coffin com-
pletely empty, save for a single straw san-
dal. Because of this story, Bodhidharma
often appears in Zen art carrying a single
sandal (J. sekiri daruma).
Buddhist structure used to enshrine
relics of the historical Buddha or
another important religious figure, or to
mark a religiously significant location.
In early Buddhism and still today in
Theravada communities, stupas sym-
bolically represent the historical
Buddha and serve as the principal
objects of worship for lay Buddhists.
While Theravadan believers understand
that the Buddha passed into nirvana
and that he is not present to be
worshipped in the sense that a deity
is, stupa worship nevertheless serves
as a reminder of the founder and his
teachings. The structures are not
designed for worshippers to enter.
Believers circumambulate the stupa in
Ssu-fen Lu
the clockwise direction; they may also
prostrate themselves before it or make
offerings of flowers.
Traditional stupas are derived in form
from the burial mounds constructed for
Indian royalty. They are dome-shaped
structures resting on a square or circular
base. From the top of the dome, a metal
pole rises, supporting umbrella-shaped
discs, which symbolize the Buddhas
spiritual royalty. They may also repre-
sent the bodhi tree, under which the
Buddha attained enlightenment. Some
stupas include covered or enclosed walk-
ways around the exterior designed for
circumambulation. In China, the tradi-
tional form of the stupa underwent sig-
nificant change. The East Asian form of
the stupa, known as a pagoda (J. t or
tba), is a multistoried tower with dis-
tinct rooftops for each level. The most
common style of pagoda has three or five
stories. See also lay believer.
(J. Shubodai) One of the ten outstanding
disciples of the Buddha, renowned for
his understanding of No-Self (Sk.
Anatman) and emptiness (Sk. shuny-
ata). Before becoming a disciple of the
Buddha, Subhuti is said to have been
plagued by a constant state of anger,
causing him to perpetually lash out at
others. Under the Buddhas guidance,
Subhuti practiced meditation on loving
kindness and attained enlightenment,
making him an arhat. Because of his
deep understanding of the teaching of
Anatman, Mahayana sutras often
depicted Subhuti expounding the teach-
ing of shunyata.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
The stupa is a Buddhist shrine used to preserve relics of the historical
Buddha, or to mark a religiously significant site.
A Buddhist temple that is built within a
larger monastery complex and does not
have legal status independent of the
monastery. Large Japanese Zen monas-
teries often have a number of smaller
subtemples, known in Japanese as
tatch. In most cases, subtemples were
originally constructed by leading Zen
masters as personal residences after
their retirement. See tatch.
Succession Certificate
The document that a qualified Zen mas-
ter presents to a disciple to certify the
individual as a designated Dharma heir.
The succession certificate indicates that
the recipient is qualified to train stu-
dents and to serve as abbot or head
monk at a Zen temple or monastery.
Documents of succession generally take
the form of lineage charts, presenting
the Dharma ancestors of the newly cer-
tified teacher. See shisho.
Sudden Enlightenment
Zen understanding that enlightenment
is attained immediately and not gradu-
ally through stages. The teaching of sud-
den enlightenment (J. tongo or tongaku)
appears in the Platform Sutra of the
Sixth Patriarch and is associated with
the Southern school of Chinese Zen. It
came to be regarded as the orthodox
position. The teaching of gradual
enlightenment is traditionally associ-
ated with the Northern school,
although scholars have shown that this
is not historically accurate.
(J. Jbonn) The personal name of
Suddhodana Gautama, the father of
Siddharta Gautama, the historical
Buddha. Suddhodana was the ruler of
Kapilavastu, a small republic in north-
ern India, during the sixth century B.C.E.
This country, the land of the Shakya
clan, was at the time a semi-
autonomous part of the larger kingdom
of Koshala. The region is now part of
Nepal. Suddhodana and his wife, Maya,
had a son named Siddharta, who later
became known as Shakyamuni Buddha.
Since Maya died shortly after giving
birth, Suddhodana married her sister
Prajapati to raise the young prince.
According to traditional accounts of the
Buddhas life, Suddhodana objected to
his son pursuing a religious life and tried
to preclude that possibility by limiting
his sons exposure to the harsher reali-
ties of human life. Later in life, he
became a devoted lay disciple of the
Buddha. See also lay believer.
According to the Buddhist understand-
ing of reality, suffering characterizes all
aspects of ordinary existence. The pri-
mary goal of Buddhist practice is nir-
vana, or enlightenmentthe elimina-
tion of all suffering. Suffering (Sk.
dukhha; J. ku) is one of the three marks
of existence, along with impermanence
(Sk. anitya) and No-Self (Sk. Anatman).
The Buddhist understanding of suf-
fering is closely associated with the
four noble truths. The first of the noble
truths, called the teaching of suffering
(Sk. duhkha), states that all life is suf-
fering. Birth, death, old age, illness,
separation from what one loves or
desires, and contact with what one
despises are all forms of suffering. Even
aspects of life that may be seen as plea-
surable involve the eventual suffering
of loss or separation due to the transi-
tory nature of existence. The second
and third noble truths indicate that
desire is the cause of suffering and that
cutting off desire leads to the elimina-
tion of suffering. The fourth noble truth
teaches that the way to eliminate desire
and end suffering is to follow the
Eightfold Path of Buddhism.
Japanese title for the Tsung-ching Lu, by
Yung-ming Yen-shou (904975). See
Tsung-ching Lu.
Black ink painting, or ink drawing; a
style of monochromatic painting com-
monly used by Zen monks and nuns to
express their understanding of the
Dharma. The paintings may be land-
scapes or may depict famous Zen patri-
archs and stories from the past.
Black ink painting, or ink drawing.
See suibokuga.
Sunface Buddha, Moonface Buddha
(J. Nichimen Butsu Gatsumen Butsu)
Two buddhas named in chapter seven-
teen of the Sutra of the Buddhas Names
(J. Butsumyky; T. 14, nos. 440442), a
listing of three thousand buddhas of the
past, present, and future. According to
the sutra, the life span of the Sunface
buddha is 1,800 years, while the
Moonface buddha survives only one day
and one night. Just before he died, the
Chinese Zen master Ma-tsu Tao-i
(709788) is said to have spoken the
words Sunface buddha, Moonface
buddha. This account takes the form of
a kan in case 3 of the Hekiganroku.
(J. S-zan) Mount Sung, a mountain in
Honan province, China, near the old
capital city of Lo-yang, which was the
site of many Buddhist monasteries.
According to Zen legend, the founder
Bodhidharma sat in meditation for
nine years at Shao-lin-ssu, a Buddhist
monastery on Mount Sung.
Sung-yan Chung-yueh
(11321202; J. Shgen Sgaku) Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Sung dynasty
(9601279). Sung-yan became the
Dharma heir of Mi-an. Although Sung-
yan died without naming a successor,
one of his disciples was designated as
his heir after his death. His lineage thus
extended to that of Namp Jmy
(12351309) and Shh Mych
(12821337), an important lineage in
Japanese Rinzai. Sung-yuan appears in
case 20 of the Wu-men Kuan (J.
Mumonkan). See also Rinzai sect.
Sung Yun
Chinese government official of the sixth
century who plays a small role in the
traditional biography of Bodhidharma.
According to legend, Sung Yun encoun-
tered Bodhidharma in Central Asia as
he was returning home to China from
India. He noticed that Bodhidharma
was carrying a single sandal in his hand.
On reporting on his mission, Sung Yun
realized that he had seen Bodhidharma
on the very day of his death. When
Bodhidharmas tomb was opened,
all that was found inside was a
single sandal. See also Straw
Sandal Bodhidharma.
Breath-counting contemplation, an
introductory form of meditation in
which one calms the mind by counting
ones breaths. Susoku-kan is generally
regarded as a Theravada Buddhism
practice, derived from anapana sati.
Although it is explicitly rejected by some
Zen teachers, many Zen students first
learn to meditate by counting their
inhalations and exhalations. There are
different styles, but the most common is
to count one on the inhalation, two on
the exhalation, three on the inhalation,
and so on up to ten. One then begins the
process again with one inhalation.
Sermons or discourses of a buddha,
especially sermons attributed to
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama), the
historical Buddha. The sutras are a genre
of Buddhist literature and one of the
three basic divisions in the Theravada
Buddhist scriptures (Sk. Tripitaka).
According to the Buddhist tradition, the
sermons of the historical Buddha were
preserved as the sutras by Ananda, who
was able to recite them from memory
Suzuki, Daisetsu Teitaro
after the Buddhas death. The early
sutras were first recorded in Pali and
Sanskrit and later translated into
Tibetan and Chinese. The Mahayana
sutras were composed later by other
Buddhist masters, but like the
Theravadan sutras, are generally attrib-
uted to the historical Buddha. In a few
cases, Mahayana sutras present them-
selves as the discourse of another
buddha. The Zen text known as the
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch is
the only text referred to as a sutra but
not attributed to a buddha.
Suzuki, Daisetsu Teitaro
(18691966) Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, a
Japanese Zen scholar and teacher of the
modern period who was instrumental in
introducing Zen to the West. Suzuki was
born in Kanazawa to a samurai family.
His father was a physician who died
when Suzuki was only six, leaving the
family in poverty. While attending col-
lege, he studied Zen as a lay person
under the Rinzai master Imakita Kosen
and his Dharma heir Soyen Shaku at
Engaku-ji in Kamakura. Because of
Suzukis ability to speak and write in
English, Soyen sent him to the United
States in 1897, where he lived and
worked for a number of years. He later
returned to Japan, and there married
Beatrice Erskine Lane in 1911. Together
they founded The Eastern Buddhist, an
English-language journal. After World
War II, Suzuki returned to the United
States and taught at several American
universities, including the University of
Hawaii, Claremont College, and
Columbia University. He again returned
to Japan and continued to write until his
death at age 96. His many books in
English include Essays in Zen Buddhism
(in three volumes), An Introduction to
Zen Buddhism, The Training of the Zen
Buddhist Monk, and The Zen Kan as a
Means of Attaining Enlightenment.
Suzuki also contributed many scholarly
translations of Buddhist texts, especially
those important for Zen Buddhism. See
also lay believer and Rinzai sect.
Suzuki Shsan
(15791655) Japanese Zen monk from
the early Tokugawa period (16001867),
loosely associated with St Zen.
Shsan was born in Mikawa (Aichi pre-
fecture), to a samurai family. As a young
man he fought for Tokugawa Ieyasu at
the crucial battles at Sekigahara (1600)
and Osaka Castle (16141615). He took
the tonsure and became a monk late in
life, at age forty. He continued to serve
the Tokugawa bakufu in his new capac-
ity as a Buddhist monk. In particular, he
participated in establishing methods for
controlling Christianity, which was
banned at that time.
Shsan was not a part of the St
Zen institutional structure, nor any
other established Buddhist sect. He
never established his lineage or created
an independent school to carry on his
teachings after his death. He acted as a
freelance agent, promoting his own
brand of Buddhist practice among the
warrior and commoner classes. He
strongly advocated Buddhist practice
within the confines of ordinary life,
stressing the religious character of ones
inherited profession. The style of Zen
meditation that he recommended is
sometimes known as Ni Zen. He also
promoted chanting nembutsu as an
appropriate religious practice for com-
moners. His writings include Roanky
(Donkey-Saddle Bridge), Ha-kirishitan
(Christianity Crushed), Manj (A
Trustworthy Staff for the Blind),
Banmin Tokuy (Meritorious Way of
Life for All), and Nembutsu Zshi
(Nembutsu Notes). See also St sect.
King, Winston L. Death Was His Kan:
The Samurai-Zen of Suzuki Shosan.
Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities
Press, 1986.
Ooms, Herman. Tokugawa Ideology: Early
Constructs, 15701680. Ann Arbor,
MI: Center for Japanese Studies,
University of Michigan, 1998.
Tyler, Royall, trans. Selected Writings of
Suzuki Shosan. Ithaca, NY: China-
Japan Program, Cornell University,
Suzuki Shunry
(19041971) Japanese St master of the
modern period who taught Zen in the
United States. Although Shunrys
father was a Zen priest, he did not
become his fathers heir. Instead, he left
home and became the disciple of
Gyakuju So-on. Shunry first came to
the United States in 1959 to serve as the
priest for a Japanese immigrant com-
munity at the St Zen Mission temple
in San Francisco. He began to attract
American disciples and later founded
the San Francisco Zen Center in 1962.
His American Dharma heirs include
Richard Baker. A collection of Shunrys
Dharma talks is published under the
title Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. See also
St sect.
Suzuki, Shunry. Zen Mind,
Beginners Mind. New York:
Walker/Weatherhill, 1970.
Suzuki Shunry
Ta-hsiu Cheng-nien
Ta-hsiu Cheng-nien
(12151289; J. Daiky Shnen) Chinese
Rinzai master of the late Sung dynasty
(9601279) who helped to transmit
Rinzai Zen to Japan. In China, Ta-hsiu
became the Dharma heir of Shih-chi
Hsin-yueh. In 1269, he came to Japan at
the invitation of Hj Tokiyori
(12271263). He served as abbot at sev-
eral Kamakura Zen temples, including
Jufuku-ji, Kench-ji, and Engaku-ji,
and was the founding abbot at Jchi-ji.
He received the posthumous title
Butsugen Zenji (Zen Master Buddhas
Source). See also Rinzai sect.
Ta-hui Tsung-kao
(10891163; J. Daie Sk) Prominent
Chinese Rinzai master of the Sung
dynasty (9601279) who was a leading
Rinzai teacher of his day. He is said to
have taught more than 2,000 disciples.
Ta-hui became the Dharma heir of
Yan-wu Ko-chin (10631135), a
strong proponent of kan practice
and author of the kan collection the
Hekiganroku. Despite his own dedi-
cation to the use of kan and his mas-
ters connection with the text, Ta-hui
was responsible for destroying the
original version of the Hekiganroku.
Ta-hui collected all the printed copies
of the text that he could find and
burned them, and also destroyed the
original woodblocks. Some scholars
believe that Ta-hui did this because
his disciples became too reliant on the
written word.
Ta-hui is best known in the Zen tradi-
tion for his emphasis on the use of kan
rather than what he called silent illumi-
nation Zen (J. mokush Zen). He and
his friend Hung-chih Cheng-cheh
(10911157), a leading St master of
the day, entered into a famous contro-
versy about the proper approach to Zen
meditation. While Ta-hui favored the
contemplation of kan during seated
meditation as the best approach for
achieving enlightenment, Hung-chih
preferred meditation without the use of
kan. Ta-huis style of meditation, which
has become known as kan gazing Zen
(J. kanna Zen), still characterizes prac-
tice within the Rinzai school. Ta-hui
received the posthumous title Pu-chueh
Chan-shih (Zen Master Deep Insight).
See also Rinzai sect and St sect.
Cleary, Christopher, trans. Swampland
Flowers: The Letters and Lectures of
Zen Master Ta Hui. New York: Grove
Press, 1977.
Taik Gyy
(11631241) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the early Kamakura period (11851333)
and a leading disciple of Eisai. Gyy
was born and raised in the Kamakura
area. He became a Buddhist monk at an
early age in the Shingon tradition of eso-
teric Buddhism, and he served for a
time as an attendant at the Tsuruoka
Hachiman Shint shrine in Kamakura.
Gyy was already advanced in age
when he became Eisais disciple at
Jufuku-ji; however, he succeeded Eisai
as abbot at Jufuku-ji when the master
died. He did not forsake the Shingon
teachings and practice, but advocated
a mixed form of Zen and esoteric
Buddhism. See also Rinzai sect and
Shingon sect.
(J. Taihaku-zan) Mount Tai-po, a
mountain in Chinas modern day Che-
chiang province, which was traditionally
an important religious site for Zen.
Mount Tai-po was the site for the Zen
monastery Ching-te-ssu, home to such
famous Zen masters as Hung-chih
Cheng-cheh (10911157) and Ju-ching
(11631228). The Japanese Zen masters
Eisai, Dgen Kigen (12001253), and



















Rynen Myzen (11841225) visited the
mountain and practiced at Ching-te-
ssu. Tai-po-shan became known as one
of the Five Mountains (C. wu-shan; J.
Gozan temples), the most prestigious
Zen monasteries in China.
A brief sermon on the Dharma given as a
part of the funeral services for a promi-
nent Buddhist monk or nun. It is tradi-
tional for sermons to mark virtually
every stage of the funeral process for
prominent members of the monastic
community. The taireishsan is the ser-
mon given in the lecture hall in front of
the coffin on the taiya, the night before
the funeral. It is one of nine ritual actions
(kubutsuji) comprising the funeral ser-
vices for prominent individuals.
Short form for Taishakuten; Japanese for
Indra, an ancient Indian god of war.
Indra reigns in a palace above Mount
Sumeru, from which he serves as a
guardian for Buddhist teachings and
believers. See Indra.
Japanese for Indra, an ancient Indian
god of war. Often shortened to Taishaku.
See Indra.
Taish Daizky
Modern Japanese edition of the
Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, an
extended version of the Chinese
Tripitaka. The full name of the edition
is the Taish Shinsh Daizky, the
Newly Revised Tripitaka of the Taish
Era. The project was first started in 1924
during the Taish period and was com-
pleted in 1932. The Taish Daizky
includes 100 volumes which incorpo-
rate several types of text: 1) translations
from the early Theravada tradition
which formed the original Sanskrit
Tripitaka; 2) translations of Mahayana
sutras originally composed in Sanskrit;
3) apocryphal texts composed in
Chinese but represented as transla-
tions; 4) texts composed by and attrib-
uted to Chinese authors; 5) texts com-
posed by Japanese authors; 6) indices;
and 7) iconography and illustrations.
The evening before a Buddhist funeral
or memorial service. The term taiya
also refers to the rituals performed on
that night. When a prominent Buddhist
monk or nun dies, for example, a brief
sermon known as the taireishsan is
addressed to the monastic community.
Thus the taireishsan is one example of
a taiya.
Taiza Monjin
Bowing with ones hands held in gassh
to greet the people on the opposite side
of the meditation hall before beginning
a session of seated meditation. The bow
is performed with ones back to ones
own meditation position after one has
already greeted the meditators to ones
right and left (J. rini monjin). The med-
itators on the other side, in turn, bow
together in greeting.
Taizkai Mandara
The Japanese title for the Womb-Realm
Mandala, one of the two primary man-
dala used in esoteric Buddhism, espe-
cially the Shingon sect. The Womb
Mandala consists of a series of twelve
concentric rectangles. The central por-
tion of the mandala depicts an open
lotus blossom with eight petals. The
buddha Dainichi (Sk. Mahavairochana)
sits in the center of the lotus, sur-
rounded by four buddhas and bod-
hisattvas. Other Buddhist deities
inhabit the other rectangular halls. The
second primary mandala is the
Kongkai Mandara (Diamond-Realm
Mandala). See Womb-Realm Mandala.
Taking Refuge
Called kie in Japanese. In Indian cul-
ture, to take refuge in a person or con-
cept indicates that one has made a
Taking Refuge
Takuan Sh
deep personal commitment. In a reli-
gious context, refuge does not imply a
place to hide but rather a source of
strength. See Kie.
Takuan Sh
(15731645) Japanese Rinzai master of
the early Tokugawa period. (16001867)
Takuan was born into a samurai family
in Hygo province. Although his family
were Pure Land Buddhists and he began
his education at a Pure Land temple,
Takuan soon moved to a Zen temple to
continue his education. He eventually
followed his Zen teacher to Kyoto, where
he practiced under Shunoku Sen at
Daitoku-ji. He received inka, the
Dharma transfer, from Itt Shteki.
Takuan was appointed abbot at several
monasteries, including Daitoku-ji. In
1628, he was exiled to Yamagata by the
Tokugawa military government for his
role in the so-called purple robe affair
(when the military government stripped
away imperial honors that they had not
authorized). He was pardoned in 1632
and returned to Kyoto. The third
Tokugawa shgun Iemitsu named him
founding abbot for Tkai-ji in
Shinagawa, near Edo. Takuan is perhaps
best known for his writings on the rela-
tionship between swordsmanship (J.
kyd or kyjutsu) and Zen. See also
Rinzai sect.
To seek alms; a basic part of the practice
of monastic Buddhism. The term liter-
ally means to take up the begging bowl.
The practice originated in ancient India,
where various religious groups, includ-
ing that of the historical Buddha, sub-
sisted on the food they received as
donations from lay people. Takuhatsu
may refer to monks and nuns begging
for prepared food on a daily basis, as
was the norm in the early tradition. It
may also refer to begging for alms in
other forms, as is more commonly done
in East Asia. Zen monks typically beg in
small groups, walking through the
streets, announcing their presence with
the word H, or Dharma. They may
also chant sutras for the sake of their
benefactors. Lay believers offer them
donations, usually money or uncooked
rice. In the autumn, monks and nuns
go out into the countryside to beg for
daikon, which are Japanese radishes,
during the harvest season. Takuhatsu
is also known as Jihatsu or Kotsujiki.
See also begging alms.
Takuj Kosen
(17601833) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867) who
is regarded as the founder of the
Takuj school of Japanese Zen. Takuj
was the Dharma heir of Gasan Jit
(17271348), a leading disciple of the
reformer Hakuin Ekaku (16851768).
He and his Dharma brother Inzan Ien
(17511814) are credited with complet-
ing the process of systematizing kan
practice within the Rinzai sect. Takuj
was born in Tsushima, near the city of
Nagoya. He became a Buddhist monk
at Sken-ji in Nagoya at age fifteen and
began a pilgrimage looking for a suit-
able master at age nineteen. He visited
Gasan at Tki-an and decided to join
his assembly. Takuj requested permis-
sion to live separately and to be
relieved of all of his monastic duties in
order to concentrate exclusively on
meditation. His request granted, he
attained kensh in a matter of ninety
days. He then resumed his normal
duties and practiced under Gasan for
fourteen years. Gasan acknowledged
him as a Dharma heir. Takuj then
returned to his home temple Sken-ji
where he lived quietly for twenty years.
He was appointed abbot at Myshin-ji
in 1813 and received a purple robe.
This spread his reputation and he gath-
ered a community of disciples at
Sken-ji. He also attracted many lay
believers. He is especially known for
the quality of his lectures on the Zen
corpus. He received the posthumous
name Daid Enkan Zenji (Zen Master
Round Mirror of the Great Way).
Takuj School
One of two major forms of Japanese
Rinzai Zen founded by Takuj Kosen
(17601833), a second generation
descendent of Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768). All active lineages of Rinzai
Zen in Japan today descend from either
the Takuj or the Inzan schools. The
teaching methods and Zen style of the
two schools are nearly identical.
Together they encompass what is
often known as Hakuin Zen. See also
Rinzai sect.
The assigned place on the raised plat-
form in the monks hall (J. sd) or the
meditation hall (J. zend) where a resi-
dent monk or nun sits in meditation,
takes daily meals, and sleeps. The term
also refers to the platform as a whole.
Tan generally line the interior walls of
the hall and may also be placed in the
central area. The platform is usually two
to three feet high and covered with rush
or tatami mats. The depth of the tan
depends upon its use. In the monks
hall, the tan measures approximately
three and one-half by seven feet, deep
enough to accommodate a person
stretched out to sleep. In the meditation
hall, the tan are typically more shallow.
The term also refers to the individual
nameplates designating the occupant of
each position on the raised platform.
Paying homage to the Buddha, usually
by a verse of praise. Zen monks and
nuns pay homage to the Buddha at cer-
tain meals, by reciting a verse of ten
Buddha names. There are also special
rituals known as tanbutsu-e, in which
the names of 3,000 Buddhas recorded in
the Sutra of the Buddhas Names (J.
Butsumyky; T. 14, nos. 440442) are
chanted. The tanbutsu-e is observed at
some Zen monasteries.
Takuhatsu is the process of monks and nuns seeking alms, such as money or rice.
The lower abdomen, specifically the
region between the navel and the pelvis.
The word tanden literally means Field
of Cinnabar. Various systems of Asian
meditation identify the tanden as the
central core of the individual, one of the
bodys natural energy centers. In Taoism
and Zen Buddhism, the tanden is
said to be the location of ones vital
breath, or ki. One method of Zen
concentration focuses the attention on
the tanden, especially its movement
while breathing. It is known more
popularly as the hara.
(2) Simple or direct transmission; the
transmission of the Dharma from a Zen
master to a disciple.
Literally meaning to pass the night, the
term denotes the practice of traveling
monks taking lodging for a single night
at a time at various monasteries along
their route. Zen monasteries maintain a
guest hall, administrated by the guest
prefect (J. shika), for the sake of offering
such lodging. Newly admitted trainees
also spend a period of time in the guest
hall. See also tanga zume.
Tanga Zume
A probationary period lasting a few
days, when a new Zen postulant is first
accepted by a monastery for training.
During the tanga zume, the trainee is
not yet admitted into the monastery
proper to practice with the rest of the
assembly. For a few days, the postulant
resides alone in a guest hall specifically
designed and maintained for tempo-
rary lodging. The term tanga literally
means to pass the night and is the
word used for the practice of traveling
monks stopping at a temple for a
nights lodging in the guest room.
Before being admitted to the monastery
for the tanga zume, the trainee under-
goes another initial waiting period,
known as the niwa zume. During that
period of time, the trainee is left wait-
ing in the entryway.
During the three to seven days of the
tanga zume probation, the postulant
remains alone, passing the days in quiet
meditation, isolated from other monks.
The probation period is a further test of
the postulants determination to
practice Zen. It provides the administra-
tor of the temple an opportunity to
observe the candidate and evaluate his
or her suitability to monastic life. At the
end of the probation period, the postu-
lant is given formal permission to enter
the monastery and instructed in the
rules of the monastic community.
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. The Training of
the Zen Buddhist Monk. New York:
Globe Press Books, 1991
The place within the monks hall (J.
sd) or the meditation hall (J. zend)
assigned to a particular monk or nun.
Each tan-i is marked with a sign bearing
the occupants name. Positions within
the hall are assigned based upon senior-
ity determined by the date of entry into
monastic orders.
The birthday verse of Siddharta
Gautama, who would later become the
Buddha. According to the Buddhist tra-
dition, immediately after his birth in the
Lumbini Garden, the newborn
Siddharta is said to have taken seven
steps in each of the four cardinal direc-
tions, pointed his right hand to heaven
and his left to the earth, and declared his
intention to attain enlightenment.
There are several different versions of
the verse. The most popular version of
the birthday verse in East Asia is the fol-
lowing: In the heavens above and on
the earth below, I alone am worthy of
respect. The triple world is filled with
suffering; I will ease that suffering.
Short verse, a genre of Japanese poetry;
one of two standard forms of waka.
Tanka are composed of five lines of verse,
having 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, respectively.
The nameplate hanging above the
raised platform in the monks hall (J.
sd) or the meditation hall (J. zend)
indicating the individual monk or nun
assigned to occupy that spot. Also called
the tanban or simply tan.
Way or path, a Chinese term used
extensively in East Asian religious and
philosophical traditions. On the sim-
plest level, the term Tao (J. d) desig-
nates different religious and philosophi-
cal traditions. Buddhism, for example,
may be referred to as the Way of the
Buddha. Used alone, the word Way
often suggests the most appropriate
style of human life or the most effective
course of human action. In Buddhist
contexts, Tao has two basic meanings. It
may be used to describe the practice of
Buddhism, that is, the way to attain
enlightenment. Alternatively, in rare
examples, it is used as a term for enlight-
enment itself.
Tao-che Chao-yan
(d. 1660; J. Dsha Chgen) Chinese
Rinzai master of the Ming dynasty
(13681644) who was among the earliest
Chinese monks to travel to Japan during
the early Tokugawa period (16001867).
Tao-che served as head monk for a
Chinese Zen monastery in Nagasaki,
and he also attracted many Japanese
students interested in practicing with a
Chinese master. His most prominent
Japanese disciple was Bankei Ytaku
(16221693). Tao-che came from the
same lineage as Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673), the founder of Obaku
Zen, and is commonly regarded as a
forerunner of the Obaku Zen move-
ment. He returned to China shortly
before his death. See also Obaku sect
and Rinzai sect.
(580651; J. Dshin) The Fourth Chinese
Patriarch of Zen, according to
traditional accounts. Tao-hsin was a
Chinese Zen master of the Sui dynasty
and founder of the East Mountain
school of early Zen. According to
traditional biographies, he was born in
Ho-nei in Hunan province. He practiced
under Seng-tsan (d. 606) on Mount
Huan-kung for eight or nine years
and became his Dharma heir. He even-
tually settled on Mount Shuang-feng in
Huang-mei, where the Fifth Patriarch
Hung-jen (601674) numbered among
his disciples.
McRae, John R. The Northern School and
the Formation of Early Chan
Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii Press, 1986.
Other Power, the Japanese term for
seeking enlightenment through
reliance on the merit of a buddha or
bodhisattva. See Other Power.
Ta Sheng Chi-hsin-lun
The Awakening of Faith in Mahayana (J.
Daij kishinron), a treatise in Mahayana
Buddhism traditionally attributed to
Ashvaghosha. The text survives only in
Chinese, and scholars now believe it was
originally composed in Chinese rather
than Sanskrit. Two Chinese versions
exist, said to be translations completed
by Paramartha (T. 32, no. 1666) around
550 C.E. and by Shiksananada (T. 32,
no. 1667) around 700 C.E. See
Awakening of Faith.
The Zen monk charged with conducting
memorial services for a Zen patriarch
or founder. Services are generally held in
the presence of a portrait of the master,
another sort of image, or the memorial
tablet (J. ihai). They may also be con-
ducted at the grave site or a stupa espe-
cially dedicated to the master. In later
usage, the term tassu sometimes refers
to the head monk at a subtemple within
the complex of a large monastery.
Floor matting made from straw or rush,
used as the traditional flooring in
Japanese structures, including family
homes and monastery buildings. Each
tatami mat is approximately three and
one-half feet by seven feet. Rooms are
often measured in terms of tatami mats.
In Zen monasteries, the raised platforms
(J. tan) in the monks hall (J. sd) and
the meditation hall are covered with
tatami. Each resident monk or nun is
assigned one full tatami mat in the
monks hall for living space; this allows
each person sufficient space to stretch
out to sleep. The tatami mats in the
meditation hall are generally more shal-
low, since practitioners do not need to
lie down in the meditation hall.
A small subtemple within a larger Zen
monastery complex. Subtemples are a
unique feature of Japanese Zen
Floors covered with tatami mats in a building near Mount Haguro, Japan.
monasteries, not based upon any
Chinese model. During the Kamakura
(11851333) and Ashikaga (13921568)
periods, it became common for senior
Zen monks to build tatch within the
precincts of the monastery in which they
had served as abbot. After retiring from
office, they used the tatch as personal
residences. Often the masters disciples
also took up residence at the tatch and
continued to practice under the masters
immediate supervision. In some cases,
the tatch functioned as monasteries in
their own right with numerous monks in
residence, drawing the focus away from
the original main monastery. After the
masters death, Dharma heirs inherited
the subtemple as a part of the masters
personal possessions. In this way, sub-
temples typically remain within the lin-
eage of the founding master. Before the
modern period, tatch were not treated
as independent temples. For this reason,
they did not generally have formal
mountain names typical of Zen temples.
Since the Meiji period (18681912), many
of them have acquired legal status as
independent branch temples.
The term tatch may also refer to the
grave site of the founder of a monastery
or another leading master. After a senior
monk died, it was traditional for his or
her disciples to construct a memorial
pagoda or another small structure
within the precincts of the monastery.
This tatch was then used as the site for
memorial services offered for the sake
of the deceased master.
(J. nyorai) Thus Come One, in Sanskrit.
One of the ten epithets used for the
Buddha. The Sanskrit word can also be
understood to mean Thus Gone One,
but it is rarely rendered that way in the
English translation. The tathagata is an
individual who has attained perfect
enlightenment and gone to or come
from a realization of truth. Having fol-
lowed the path of the buddhas, the
tathagata understands Thusness, or
things as they really are. Siddharta
Gautama, the historical Buddha, appar-
ently referred to himself after his
enlightenment using this title.
Tathagata Garbha
(J. Nyoraiz) The womb of the thus
come one, or the matrix of buddha-
hood, a Mahayana Buddhist concept.
The term has two basic meanings in the
tradition. First, it may refer to the poten-
tial inherent in each sentient being to
attain buddhahood, the seed of enlight-
enment which may be perfected. Used
in this sense, it is identical with the con-
cept of Buddha Nature. Second, the
term may refer to the matrix or environ-
ment in which enlightenment develops.
In this latter sense, it is closely associ-
ated with the concept of the alaya (or
storehouse) consciousness.
Tea Ceremony
A Japanese art form closely associated
with Zen Buddhism. See chanoy.
Tonsure, shaving the head. Buddhist
monks and nuns initially shave off their
hair at ordination as an indication of
their break from ordinary secular life
and their dedication to monastic prac-
tice. See tonsure.
Expounding the principles of the
Dharma. The term is most commonly
used for the formal Zen sermons given
by the Zen master for his or her disci-
ples during periods of intensive Zen
practice (J. sesshin). Teish typically
take place in the Dharma hall (J. hatt)
with the entire assembly present. The
master speaks from the high seat (J.
hza) set up on the central dais (raised
platform). The sermon itself takes the
form of a commentary on a classical
Zen text, such as the Sayings of Lin-chi
or the Wu-men Kuan (J. Mumonkan).
Teish are not, however, lectures in the
academic sense; they are immediate
Temple Buildings
presentations of the masters under-
standing of the Dharma. Alternate
terms include teiy and teik.
Temple Buildings
There are seven monastic halls which
form the basic core of any Zen
monastery. The seven include the
Dharma hall (J. hatt), the Buddha hall
(J. Butsuden), the monks hall (J. sd),
the kitchen-office (J. kuin), the latrines
(J. tsu), the mountain or triple gate (J.
sanmon) and the bathhouse (J.
yokushitsu). These seven halls are
known collectively as shichid garan in
Japanese. See shichid garan.
Temple Positions
The highest ranking monk or nun at a
large training monastery is the abbot (J.
jji or chr), who is responsible for the
management of the monastery as a
whole. This means that the abbot serves
as both the senior administrator who
oversees the monastery staff and the
Zen master who directs the monastic
training of the resident monks or nuns.
In order to fulfill these responsibilities,
the abbot of a major monastery relies
upon a large staff of senior officers who
assist with either the administrative
aspects of management or the spiritual
aspects of monastic training. These two
types of responsibility are entrusted to
two distinct sets of officers, referred to
as the Eastern rank (J. than) and
Western rank (J. seihan).
The Eastern rank is the group of
monastic officers who assist the abbot
with matters related to the secular
administration of the community.
Officers of the Eastern rank, referred to
collectively as the stewards (J. chiji),
include the bursar (J. tsbun), who is
the chief financial officer; his three
assistants, the prior (J. tssu), the super-
visor (J. kansu), and the assistant super-
visor (J. fsu); the cook (J. tenzo), who
oversees the kitchen staff; the labor
steward (J. shissui), who oversees con-
struction projects, repair, maintenance,
and farm work; and the supervisor of
trainees (J. ino), who manages activities
in the monks hall (sd).
The Western rank is the group of
monastic officers who assist the abbot
with matters related to meditation and
training of the community. Officers of
the Western rank, referred to collectively
as the prefects (J. chshu), include: the
chief seat (J. shuso), who is second only
to the abbot and directly responsible for
guiding the other resident monks in
their meditation practice; the scribe (J.
shoki), who handles official correspon-
dence and prepares formal documents;
the sutra prefect (J. zsu or chiz), who
serves as the librarian and cares for the
monasterys book collection; the guest
prefect (J. shika), who receives guests
and admits novices seeking entry into
the community; the bathkeeper (J.
chiyoku); and the prefect of the Buddha
hall (J. chiden), who cleans the hall and
prepares it for ritual use.
Temple Regulations
Regulations from two sources, the
monastic community and external
authorities, which govern life and prac-
tice within a Zen Buddhist temple or
monastery. First, there are the internal
regulations created by the community
itself. There are Zen monastic codes, a
special genre of Zen literature known as
shingi in Japanese. There also may be
internal regulations written by the
founder of a monastery or sect to govern
his or her own community. In addition
to internal regulations, Zen communi-
ties often must answer to external
authorities. In many parts of the
Buddhist world, secular governments
create official regulations to control
Buddhist monastic communities.
During the Tokugawa period
(16001867) in Japan, for example, the
Tokugawa military government (J.
bakufu) enacted a special series of regu-
lations related to Buddhist temples and
monasteries. These regulations, known
as jiin hatt, were designed to control
Buddhist growth and the activities of
monks and nuns.
Turning the Wheel of the Dharma,
in Japanese, an image used for the
Buddha teaching the Dharma. See also
Wheel of the Dharma.
Tencha Butsuji
A Buddhist ritual in which hot tea is
offered in veneration to the Buddha, the
patriarchs, or a deceased individual.
Tencha is performed as one of the nine
ritual actions (J. kubutsuji) making
up the funeral services for an abbot
or another prominent member of
the monastic community. It is also
one of the three ritual actions which
characterize Buddhist funerals for
ordinary monks and lay believers. See
also sanbutsuji.
Tendai Sect
Sect of Japanese Buddhism founded by
Saich (767822) in the early ninth cen-
tury. Its headquarters is the Enryaku-ji
monastery on Mount Hiei, just east of
Kyoto. Tendai teachings draw heavily
upon those of the Tien-tai school of
Chinese Buddhism, from which it drew
its name. As in Tien-tai, the primary
textual base of Tendai Buddhism is the
Lotus Sutra. The Chinese Tien-tai and
Japanese Tendai systems are not identi-
cal, however, because Tendai teachings
incorporate elements from other forms
of Buddhism, including esoteric Bud-
dhism rituals, Pure Land meditation,
and the bodhisattva precepts. Tendai
was among the most active schools of
Japanese Buddhism throughout the
classical and medieval periods. All of the
founders of the so-called Kamakura
period (11851333) schools of Bud-
dhism, including Rinzai and St Zen,
emerged from the Tendai school. See
also Rinzai sect and St sect.
Ten Directions
The term literally refers to the four car-
dinal directions (east, west, north, and
south), the four intermediate directions
(northeast, northwest, southeast, and
southwest), and up and down. The
expression ten directions appears fre-
quently in Buddhist texts as a general
reference for the entire world or the
entire cosmos.
Revolving reading, a method of speed
reading the sutras by turning the pages.
In tendoku, one does not read or recite
the entire sutra word for word. Rather,
one recites a few lines from the begin-
ning, middle, and end of the text, and
then fans the pages to complete the
process. Using this method, it is possible
for a small group of monks to read the
entire Chinese Tripitaka in a single
short ceremony. Japanese Zen temples
today continue to hold tendoku cere-
monies at specified times of year. In
many temples, for example, monks
recite the 600 sections of the Great
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (J.
Daihannya Ky) at New Years assem-
blies, using the tendoku method. At
Mampuku-ji, the main monastery of
Obaku Zen, the monks read the entire
Chinese Tripitaka in a dramatic New
Years Eve service. In addition, tendoku
services may be offered at irregular
times as an extraordinary means to
build merit for special purposes, such as
when someone is seriously ill. Tendoku
is regarded as the opposite of Shindoku,
or true reading. See also Obaku sect.
Ten Epithets for the Buddha
Ten honorific phrases (J. jg) used to
express the qualities of the Buddha
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama):
1) Tathagata, or Thus Come One; 2)
Arhat, or a Holy One Worthy of
Veneration;3) Fully enlightened one; 4)
Possessor of Wisdom and Practice; 5)
Well Gone One; 6) Knower of the World;
7) Unsurpassed; 8) Guide for Human
Beings; 9) Teacher of Gods and Human
Beings; and 10) the Buddha, the World-
Honored One.
Ten Epithets for the Buddha
Ten Evil Acts
Ten Evil Acts
The ten most serious offenses of body,
speech, and mind (J. jaku). They are: 1)
killing a living being, 2) stealing, 3) sex-
ual misconduct, 4) lying, 5) slander, 6)
using language that causes dissension
among others, 7) idle talk, 8) greed, 9)
giving way to anger, and 10) holding
wrong views. The first three are the evil
acts of the body, four through seven are
the evil acts of speech, and eight
through ten are the evil acts of the mind.
They are the opposite of the ten good
acts (jzen).
Ten Good Acts
The ten good actions related to body,
speech, and mind (J. jzen). Most often
they are presented in negative terms as
refraining from the ten evil acts (J.
jaku): 1) not killing, 2) not stealing, 3)
not engaging in sexual misconduct, 4)
not lying, 5) not slandering, 6) not
using language that causes dissension
among others, 7) not engaging in idle
talk, 8) not acting out of greed, 9) not
giving way to anger, and 10) not hold-
ing wrong views. They can also be
interpreted in positive terms. The three
good actions of the body are saving
sentient beings, giving generously, and
abiding by sexual norms. The four good
actions of speech are truthfulness (this
counts as two, since it is the positive
interpretation of not lying and not slan-
dering), gentle speech, and using lan-
guage to reconcile disputes. The three
good actions of the mind are having
generosity, having loving kindness, and
holding right views.
Ten Great Disciples of the Buddha
The most prominent of Siddharta
Gautamas immediate disciples ( J.
Jdai Deshi), each traditionally hon-
ored for special aptitude in one aspect
of Buddhist practice: Ananda, fore-
most in hearing the Dharma;
Anuruddha, foremost in divine insight;
Katyayana, foremost in analyzing the
teachings; Mahakashyapa, foremost
in ascetic practice; Maudgalyyana,
foremost in psychic powers; Purna,
foremost in debate; Rahula, foremost
in training young novices; Shariputra,
foremost in wisdom; Subhuti, foremost
in understanding the teaching of
emptiness; and Upali, foremost in
keeping the precepts.
Of these ten, the Zen school holds
Mahakashyapa and Ananda in special
regard as the first two Indian patri-
archs of Zen. According to traditional
accounts, Shakyamuni transmitted the
Dharma to Mahakashyapa mind to
mind, without reliance on verbal
teaching, on Vulture Peak. The
Buddha held up a flower to his assem-
bled disciples and Mahakashyapa
alone responded with a smile.
Mahakashyapa then transmitted the
Dharma to Ananda. See individual
entries for further information.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
A fantastical creature from Japanese
folklore, described as appearing half
human and half bird. The tengu has a
long nose or beak, wings, glittering eyes,
and a human body with arms and legs.
Many stories about tengu appear in
popular literature from the medieval
period through the modern period.
The tengu is closely associated with
the mountains and may be regarded
as the special guardian of forests and
large trees. Perhaps for this reason,
when tengu assumes a human form it
disguises itself as Yamabushi, a
Japanese mountain ascetic who wears
distinctive robes.
The tengu is generally understood to
be an enemy of Buddhism. It is often
depicted setting fire to Buddhist tem-
ples or kidnapping Buddhist monks.
While holding monks captive, tengu
corrupt them by offering them sumptu-
ous food which is actually dung. Tengu
also kidnap children, carrying them
away from ordinary human existence.
Even when the children escape and
return home, they are damaged by the
experience and never fully recover.
Blacker, Carmen. The Catalpa Bow.
Boston, MA: Unwin, 1989.
Ten Heavy Precepts
(J. jjkai or jjkinkai) The primary
precepts of the Bodhisattva Path,
derived from the Bonmky (Sk.
Brahma Net Sutra). The ten heavy pre-
cepts include prohibitions against 1)
killing, 2) stealing, 3) sexual misconduct,
4) lying, 5) using intoxicants, 6) finding
fault in others, 7) boasting about one-
self, 8) envy, 9) anger and ill will, and 10)
slandering the three treasures. The ten
heavy precepts differ from the ten pre-
cepts in that they were not originally
used for ordination of monks and nuns,
but were to be observed by all Buddhists
including lay people. A secondary set of
forty-eight light precepts fill out the full
bodhisattva precepts which guide those
practicing Mahayana Buddhism. See
also lay believer.
Tenj Tenge Yuiga Dokuson
In the heavens above and on the earth
below, I alone am worthy of respect.
According to the Buddhist tradition,
Siddharta Gautama, who would later
become the Buddha, spoke these words
immediately after his birth in the
Lumbini Garden. The entire verse is
known in Japanese as the Tanjge, or
the birthday verse.
Tenkei Denson
(16481735) Japanese St monk of the
Tokugawa period (16001867) who was
one of the leading early modern schol-
ars of Dgen Kigens writings. Tenkei
was born in Kii, present-day Wakayama
Prefecture, and became a Buddhist
monk at age eight. He became the
Dharma heir of Goh Kaion and served
as abbot at Sji-ji and other important
St monasteries. He opposed Manzans
reform efforts to restore the practice of
isshi insh, receiving inka, or Dharma
transfer, from only one master. Tenkei
defended the inin ekishi system of
changing Dharma lineage according to
Tenkei Denson
The tengu, a half-human, half-bird creature of Japanese folklore,
is thought to be the special guardian of forests.
the temple at which one serves as abbot.
His literary works include the
Shbgenz Bench, the first early
modern commentary on Dgens master
work. See also St sect.
Ten Precepts
The most important precepts in the
vinaya, the Buddhist monastic code for-
mulated by the Theravada Buddhism
tradition. Male and female novices
accept the ten precepts (J. jikkai) at their
initial ordination. The ten precepts are:
1) not to kill living beings, 2) not to steal,
3) to abstain from sexual misconduct; 4)
not to lie, 5) not to take intoxicants, 6)
not to eat after noon, 7) not to adorn the
body with perfume, flowers, or jewelry,
8) not to participate in public entertain-
ment including dancing, plays, or
singing, 9) not to use a luxurious bed,
and 10) not to handle money. These pre-
cepts form the basis for all monastic
practice, providing the foundation upon
which monks and nuns add training in
meditation and wisdom.
The ten precepts of the novice are
sometimes compared with the Ten
Commandments found in Judaism and
Christianity. The basic rationales for the
two codes, however, differ significantly.
While the Western traditions under-
stand their moral code to be the ethical
norms determined by God and revealed
in scripture, the Buddhist monastic
code is not based on any form of divine
revelation. The ten precepts represent
behavior in keeping with the Buddhist
Dharma and describe a lifestyle which is
conducive to the attainment of enlight-
enment. Alcohol, perfume, and secular
entertainments are not precluded
because they are in any sense wrong or
evil in and of themselves. Rather, they
are regarded as distractions that may
interfere with meditative concentration.
Likewise, the Buddha recommended
that monks and nuns not eat after the
noon hour in order to maximize their
powers of concentration.
Not all Zen monks and nuns are
ordained with the ten precepts based on
the Theravada vinaya, since Chinese
ordination practices underwent some
alteration in the context of Japanese
Buddhism. St monks and nuns in
Japan, for example, receive the bod-
hisattva precepts based on Mahayana
texts in place of the ten precepts. The
Chinese and Korean Zen traditions and
the Obaku school in Japan continue to
use the ten precepts for novices. See also
Obaku sect and St sect.
Ten Realms
The ten levels of living beings recog-
nized by the Mahayana tradition. The
ten realms (J. jikkai) include 1) hell
dwellers, 2) hungry ghosts, 3) animals,
4) human beings, 5) ashura, 6) heaven
dwellers, 7) shravakas, 8) pratyeka bud-
dhas, 9) bodhisattvas, and 10) buddhas.
The lower six realms, from hell dwellers
through heaven dwellers, constitute the
realms of ordinary sentient beings,
while the upper four are the realms of
enlightenment. Ordinary sentient
beings do not understand the world as it
really is and are thus caught in the cycle
of samsara. Based on their behavior,
they are reborn within the six lower
realms. Shravakas and pratyeka
buddhas have made progress by realiz-
ing the concept of emptiness. They have
not perfected their Buddhist practice,
since they do not embody compassion
for other sentient beings. Bodhisattvas
not only understand emptiness; they
practice compassion. Buddhas have
attained perfect enlightenment and
understand the world as it actually is.
See also six paths.
Swanson, Paul L. Foundations of Tien-
Tai Philosophy: The Flowering of the
Two Truths Theory in Chinese
Buddhism. Berkeley, CA: Asian
Humanities Press, 1989.
The Wheel-Turning King, Japanese for
Cakravartin, the ideal monarch in
Indian mythology. See Cakravartin.
Ten Precepts
Tent Butsuji
A major Rinzai sect monastery located
in western Kyoto. Its formal name is
Rykin-zan Tenry-ji. It was founded by
Mus Sseki (12751351) in 1339, as a
memorial to the recently deceased
Emperor Go-Daigo (r. 13181339). It
was constructed on the site of an imper-
ial villa donated by retired emperor
Kgon (r. 13321333). Mus received the
support and patronage of the Ashikaga
bakufu, including the shgun Takauji
(13051358). The project was funded, in
part, by the proceeds of a trading mis-
sion to China undertaken by the bakufu
in 1342 specifically to raise funds for the
temple. Tenry-ji was ranked among the
Gozan temples (Five Mountain temples)
of Kyoto. It contains some of the loveli-
est landscape gardens in Kyoto, one said
to have been designed by Mus himself.
The temple serves today as the head-
quarters for the Tenry-ji branch of
Rinzai Zen.
Tenry-ji Ha
The Tenry-ji branch of Rinzai, one of
the fourteen contemporary branches of
the Japanese Rinzai sect. The main
monastery for the branch is Tenry-ji,
located in the Saga area of Kyoto. Mus
Sseki (12751351) is regarded as the
branch founder. The branch has 103
temples throughout Japan and claims
approximately 82,600 adherents.
Tensh Ktroku
Japanese title for the Tien-sheng
Kuang-teng Lu, The Tien-sheng
Record of the Widely Extending Lamp.
See Tien-sheng Kuang-teng Lu.
Ten Stages of a Bodhisattva
Ten stages in the development of
buddha-wisdom which are used to
describe the bodhisattvas progress
along the path toward complete
enlightenment (J. jji or jucchi). The
stages are set out in one chapter of the
Avatamsaka Sutra. They are: 1) the stage
of joy in benefitting oneself and others
(Sk. pramudita bhumi); 2) the stage of
freedom from all defilement (Sk. vimala
bhumi); 3) the stage of emitting the light
of wisdom (Sk. prabhakari bhumi); 4)
the stage of radiance with wisdom (Sk.
arcishmati bhumi); 5) the stage of being
difficult to conquer (Sk. sudurjaya
bhumi); 6) the stage at which reality is
manifested before ones eyes (Sk.
abhimukhi bhumi); 7) the stage of going
far (Sk. duramgama bhumi); 8) the stage
of immovability (Sk. acala bhumi); 9) the
stage of attaining of expedient wisdom
(Sk. sadhumati bhumi); and 10) the
stage of the cloud of the Dharma (Sk.
dharmamegha bhumi).
Ten Thousand Dharmas
An expression for all things in existence,
the entire phenomenal world. In this
case, the Sanskrit word Dharma does
not refer to the teachings of Buddhism
but has a meaning similar to the English
word things. The earlier Buddhist tra-
dition used the word Dharma to refer to
a limited number of building blocks of
phenomenal existence, which we expe-
rience as a multitude of mental and
physical entities. In East Asia, the term
came to refer to the things of the
phenomenal world itself, including
physical and mental objects. In Chinese
thought, the number 10,000 is used to
express completion, all-inclusiveness.
Hence, the phrase ten thousand things
(J. manb) is better understood to
mean all things.
Tent Butsuji
A Buddhist ritual in which hot, sweet-
ened water is offered in veneration to
the Buddha, the patriarchs, or a
deceased individual. Tent is performed
as one of the nine ritual actions (J.
kubutsuji) comprising the funeral ser-
vices for an abbot or another prominent
member of the monastic community. It
is also one of the three ritual actions
which characterize Buddhist funerals
for ordinary monks and lay believers.
See also sanbutsuji.
Chief cook, or kitchen head, at a Zen
monastery, one of the six administra-
tive offices of the monastic commu-
nity whose role is to oversee the prac-
tical administration of the monastery.
The tenzo oversees the monastery
kitchen and is responsible for all
aspects of food preparation and pro-
curement. He or she generally has a
large staff of assistants to aid in meal
preparation and service. The role of
chief cook is crucial to the smooth
operation of the monastery and is
therefore a position reserved for a
senior member of the community.
Dgen Kigen (12001253) wrote the
Tenzo Kykun, a famous essay on
the responsibilities of the tenzo which
is included in the Eihei Shingi. See
also temple positions.
Tenzo Kykun
Instructions for the Cook, a text in
one section by Dgen Kigen
(12001253). Dgen composed this
essay in 1237, when he was residing at
Kshji near the city of Kyoto. It con-
tains Dgens reflections on the respon-
sibilities of the head kitchen monk, or
tenzo, one of the most important offi-
cials within a Zen monastery, and sto-
ries from Dgens travels to China. The
Tenzo Kykun was published as the
first section of the Eihei Shingi. There
are two recent English translations, in
Dgens Pure Standards for the Zen
Community, by Taigen Daniel Leighton
and Shohaku Okamura (State
University of New York Press, 1996),
and in Zen Master Eihei Dgens
Monastic Regulations, by Ichimura
Shohei (North American Institute of
Zen and Buddhist Studies, 1993).
The Japanese term for temple, which
commonly refers to Buddhist temples
and monasteries. When used as a part
of a temples name, the same word
may be pronounced dera. An alternate
transliteration of the same character,
ji, generally appears as a part of any
Buddhist temples name. Tera may
refer to a small local temple with only
one building or a large monastery
complex with several subtemples con-
sisting of numerous structures.
Te-shan Hsuan-chien
(782865) Chinese Zen master of the
Tang dynasty (618907). Te-shan was
the Dharma heir of Lung-tan Chung-
hsin. His lineage encompasses both
the Yun-men school and the Fa-yen
school of Zen, through his disciple
Hseh-feng I-tsun (822908). Te-
shan is best known for striking stu-
dents with a stick as a means to pro-
voke an enlightenment experience.
He appears in many traditional kan
cases in the large kan collections.
Tetsugen Dk
(16301682) Japanese Obaku monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867), best
known for producing the Obaku-ban,
the first complete woodblock edition of
the Chinese Tripitaka produced in
Japan. Tetsugen was born in Kumamoto
province on Kysh to a Shinsh (True
Pure Land sect) family. He entered
Buddhist orders at age twelve and
trained as a Shinsh monk. He later
converted to Zen at age twenty-six,
when he met Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673), the founder of Obaku Zen.
He eventually became the Dharma heir
of Mu-an Hsing-tao (16111684), the
second Obaku patriarch. Tetsugen died
of a fever he contracted while feeding
the hungry during a famine in Osaka.
See also Obaku sect.
An alternative name for the Obaku-
ban, the Obaku edition of the Chinese
Tripitaka produced through the
efforts of the Obaku monk Tetsugen
Dk (16301682). See Obaku-ban.
Tett Gik
(12951369) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the late Kamakura (11851333) and
early Ashikaga (13921568) periods.
Tett was born in Izumo and became
a Buddhist monk at age six. He began
his practice of Zen at Kennin-ji,
where he took the precepts at age
nineteen. Dissatisfied with the Gozan
style of Zen, he became a disciple of
Shh Mych (Dait Kokushi) at
Daitoku-ji. Tett was one of the mas-
ters leading Dharma heirs, and he
assumed the position as second abbot
at Daitoku-ji when Dait passed away
in 1338. His leading disciples included
Gongai Sch. He received the
posthumous titles Daiso Shb Zenji
(Zen Master Great Patriarch of the
True Eye) and Tenn Daigen Kokushi
(National Teacher Great Manifestation
of Heavenly Response). See also
Rinzai sect.
Theravada Buddhism
The Way of the Elders, the name
used to designate the school of
Buddhism, which flourishes today in
South Asia and South East Asia, as
well as a general term for the teach-
ings of early Buddhism. The
Theravada school, one of several early
Buddhist sects, was originally
founded in Sri Lanka in the third cen-
tury B.C.E. At that time it was one
among several early sects of
Buddhism. Scholars now apply the
term more broadly, since it was the
only sect in the region which survived
into the modern period. Theravada
Buddhism is sometimes called
Hinayana, a pejorative term meaning
Lesser Vehicle ( J. Shj). The school is
contrasted with the Mahayana
Buddhism tradition, or Great Vehicle,
which developed later and spread
throughout East Asia.
Third Barrier
The last of three sets of kan used by
some Zen monasteries in medieval
Japan (11851600). See sankan.
Third Generation Schism
A sectarian dispute within the early
St sect in Japan over who legiti-
mately served as the third abbot at
Eihei-ji, the sects main monastery.
See Sandai Sron.
Third Patriarch
The title usually refers to Seng-tsan
(d. 606), the Third Chinese Patriarch
of Zen who, tradition says, directly
inherited the Dharma from the
Second Patriarch Hui-ko (487593).
See Seng-tsan.
Thirty-two Marks of a Buddha
Developed from a pre-Buddhist con-
cept of the physical marks that distin-
guish a cakravartin, or universal
monarch, from ordinary human beings.
The thirty-two marks ( J. sanjnis)
were associated with the Buddha, and
Buddhist art often portrays him pos-
sessing some of these marks. Some
slight variation exists in different texts.
A typical list would include: 1) a cone-
shaped protrusion on top of the head,
2) curly hair, 3) a smooth forehead, 4) a
white tuft of hair between the eye-
brows, 5) blue eyes with lashes like a
bull, 6) forty teeth, 7) perfectly even
teeth, 8) pure white teeth, 9) four white
canine teeth, 10) saliva that makes all
food taste good, 11) a proud jaw like a
lion, 12) a long, slender tongue, 13) a
beautiful voice, 14) full, strong shoul-
ders, 15) well-formed hands, feet,
shoulders, and head, 16) full armpits,
17) golden skin, 18) long arms which
reach his knees, 19) an upper body like
a lions, 20) armspan equal to his
height, 21) body hair that curls to the
right, 22) body hair that stands up, 23)
penis concealed in a sheath, 24) full,
rounded thighs, 25) well-arched feet,
26) soft hands and feet, 27) webbed
fingers and toes, 28) soles marked
with the thousand-spoked Wheel of
the Dharma, 29) slender fingers, 30)
flat soles that rest firmly on the
ground, 31) long legs, and 32) slender
legs like a deer.
Thirty-two Marks of a Buddha
Three Ages of the Dharma
Three Ages of the Dharma
( J. Sanji) The Buddhist concept,
developed in India, that the Dharma
taught by the historical Buddha
would begin to degenerate over time
after his death. The concept coincides
with other Indian conceptions of
cyclical decline over periods of time
leading to the emergence of a new
age. According to the concept, the
Dharma passes through three ages,
the Age of the True Dharma, the
Semblance Dharma, and the
Degenerate Dharma. After the
Dharma of the Buddha has com-
pletely degenerated and disappeared
altogether from the world, a new
buddha will emerge to teach the
Dharma. The degenerative process
then begins anew.
While the concept of the Three
Ages ( J. Sanjji or Shzmatsu) took
initial shape in India, it was only fully
developed and systematized in East
Asia. The Tien-tai school master
Hui-ssu (515577) was among the first
to clearly define the ages and deter-
mine the time spans involved. Other
Buddhist thinkers altered the time
spans somewhat, but the basic system
that became widely accepted
throughout the East Asian Buddhist
world can be outlined as follows:
1) During the Age of True Dharma,
the Buddhas teachings remain intact as
they were during his lifetime. Buddhists
can practice and follow the Buddhist
path, and some highly advanced indi-
viduals attain enlightenment. By Hui-
ssus reckoning, this age lasts for 500
years. Other interpretations popular in
Japanese Buddhismset the time span at
1,000 years.
2) During the Age of Semblance
Dharma, the teachings have begun to
deteriorate. What remains has the
appearance of the true Dharma but is
no longer perfect. In this intermediate
stage, people continue to practice
Buddhism as they did in the earlier
age, but the full realization of the
teachings and the attainment of
enlightenment are no longer possible.
This period lasts for 1,000 years.
3) Finally, during the Age of
Degenerate Dharma, the Dharma has
deteriorated so thoroughly that even the
practice of Buddhism becomes impossi-
ble. All that remains are the teachings,
which can neither be truly followed nor
fully realized. This Latter Age of the
Dharma (J. Mapp), as it is commonly
called, lasts for 10,000 years.
Since East Asian Buddhists tradi-
tionally accept the year 949 B.C.E. as
the date of the Buddhas death, they
believed that the Age of the
Degenerate Dharma (Latter Age of the
Dharma) began in 550 or 1050 C.E.,
depending on their interpretation of
the time span of the first age. (The
date 949 B.C.E. is historically inaccu-
rate. The Buddha actually died circa
560 B.C.E. However, the earlier date
served an important purpose for East
Asian Buddhism, since it placed the
Buddha several centuries before
Confucius, rendering Buddhism the
more venerable tradition!) The belief
in the Three Ages was so widespread
in China and Japan that almost all
schools of East Asian Buddhism
responded to it in some way.
The Zen school most commonly
rejects the notion that practice and
enlightenment are inaccessible in the
present age. Zen teaching maintains
that the Dharma, transmitted from
mind to mind throughout the genera-
tions starting with Shakyamuni
Buddha (Siddharta Gautama),
remains the True Dharma.
Matsunaga, Daigan, and Alicia
Matsunaga. Foundation of
Japanese Buddhism. 2 vols. Los
Angeles, CA: Buddhist Books
International, 1976.
Three Baskets
Literal translation of the Sanskrit
Tripitaka, the Buddhist scriptures.
See Tripitaka.
Three Bodies of the Buddha
The Dharma body (Sk. Dharmakaya),
the bliss body (Sk. sambhogakaya),
and the transformation body (Sk. nir-
manakaya) of the Buddha. The con-
cept of the three bodies (Sk. trikaya; J.
sanshin) is a Mahayana understand-
ing of the Buddha, formulated to clar-
ify the various and often confusing
teachings related to the different
types of buddhas that developed
within the tradition. Ancient
Buddhism and the Theravada tradi-
tion recognize Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama), the historical
Buddha, as the one and only Buddha,
who, with his death, passed out of
existence. Over time the Mahayana
tradition not only developed alterna-
tive understandings of Shakyamuni
himself, it came to recognize numer-
ous other historical and cosmic bud-
dhas. In addition, the Mahayana tra-
dition regarded all of these historical
and cosmic buddhas as manifesta-
tions of an eternal Buddha.
First, the Dharma or truth body is
understood to be the eternal Buddha
that represents the source of all the
manifestations of the Buddha in vari-
ous times and places. The Dharma
body is closely identified with the
Mahayana concept of emptiness (Sk.
shunyata). Second, the bliss body of
the Buddha is associated with the var-
ious celestial buddhas like Amida
buddha who dwell in their own
Buddha Lands and guide sentient
beings born there. Third, the transfor-
mation body signifies the manifesta-
tions of the Buddha in this world, the
historical buddhas, of whom
Siddharta Gautama is but one
example. These historical buddhas
appear in order to teach the Dharma
to ordinary sentient beings.
Three Essentials of Zen
( J. sangen sany) According to the
Zen teachers, the sincere practice of
Zen requires three essential elements,
Great Trust ( J. Daishinkon), Great
Doubt ( J. Daigi), and Great Resolve ( J.
Daifunshi). The Three Essentials were
first discussed by the Yan dynasty
(12601368) Rinzai master Kao-feng
Yan-miao (12381295) in a text enti-
tled Zen Essentials (Kao-feng Ho-
shang Chan-yao; J. Kh sh Zeny).
The Japanese Rinzai master Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) drew upon Kao-
fengs writings and likewise stressed
the Three Essentials for his own disci-
ples. First, the Zen practitioner must
place great trust in the Buddhist
teachings, the path of Zen, and his or
her own individual teacher. Second,
through the practice of seated medi-
tation and the use of kan, the practi-
tioner must produce and break
through the Great Doubt to attain
enlightenment. Third, the practi-
tioner must preserve a deep determi-
nation to persevere in Zen practice.
See also Rinzai sect.
Threefold Training
Wisdom (Sk. prajna), morality (Sk.
sila), and concentration (Sk. samadhi).
These three areas of learning and prac-
tice encompass the whole of the tradi-
tional Buddhist path. Wisdom begins
with intellectual training in the teach-
ings of Buddhism. Morality is ethical
training, which involves keeping the
Buddhist precepts and coming to
understand the premises on which the
code is based. Concentration includes
a variety of forms of meditative train-
ing. In practical terms, Buddhists, both
lay and monastic, begin with morality
as the basis of practice. Intellectual and
meditative training are most often
understood to be the proper concern of
monks and nuns.
Buddhists traditionally use the
threefold training ( J. sangaku) as an
abbreviated formula which encom-
passes all the elements of the
Eightfold Path. In this context, wis-
dom is said to be composed of right
views and intention; morality, of right
speech, action, and livelihood; and con-
centration, of right effort, mindfulness
Threefold Training
Threefold Truth
and concentration. In Mahayana con-
texts, one more often finds references
to the threefold training than to the
Eightfold Path.
Threefold Truth
A Chinese Buddhist elaboration on
the earlier Mahayana concept of
Twofold Truth. Chih-i (538597), the
founder of the Tien-tai school of
Buddhism, developed the concept to
avoid problems arising from viewing
the Twofold Truth originally set out by
Mdhyamaka as though it were an
absolute dichotomy. In addition to the
levels of Ultimate Truth and Relative
Truth, the Threefold Truth ( J. santai)
adds the perspective of the middle
path. From this perspective, the ulti-
mate reality of emptiness and the rel-
ative reality of ordinary existence are
seen as one.
Three Gates to Emancipation
Three kinds of meditation which lead to
release (J. sangedatsumon). These are:
1) meditation on emptiness, especially
as it regards the self; 2) meditation on
no-attributes, the concept that all phe-
nomena lack ultimate reality; and 3)
meditation on no desire, because since
phenomena lack ultimate reality, there
is nothing to desire.
Three Marks
Buddhist teaching that all of existence is
characterized by suffering (Sk. duhkha),
impermanence (Sk. anitya), and No-Self
(Sk. Anatman).
Three Phrases
A formulaic expression developed by
Lin-chi I-hsuan, the founder of the
Rinzai school of Zen, as a teaching
device. It is based on a passage from the
Sayings of Lin-chi:
A monk asked, What is the First
Phrase? The master said, When the seal
of the Three Essentials is revealed, the
vermilion dots are seen to be merged,
and yet, without resort to discussion,
host and guest are distinct.
What is the Second Phrase? The
master said, How could Miao-chie
permit Wu-cho to question him? How
can skill in the use of expedients go
against the power to cut through the
myriad streams?
What is the Third Phrase? The mas-
ter said, Look at the puppets playing on
the stage! All their jumps and jerks
depend upon the person behind.
These phrases became known in
Chinese as san-chu and in Japanese as
sanku. The later Rinzai tradition used
the formula as a kan. The tradition
does not have a unified understanding
of the meaning of the phrases. See also
Rinzai sect.
Three Poisons
(J. sandoku) Greed, anger, and igno-
rance. These are the three fundamental
obstructions to enlightenment, some-
times called afflictions (J. bonn),
which can also be identified as the basic
causes of suffering.
Three Pounds of Flax
A famous answer given by the Zen
master Tung-shan Shou-chu (J.
Tzan Shusho; d. 900) which became a
popular kan in the classical tradition.
See Masangin.
Three Realms
The world of unenlightened beings is
divided into three realms (J. sangai),
according to the Buddhist tradition.
The lowest level is the realm of desire,
which includes hell dwellers, hungry
ghosts, animals, human beings,
ashura, and some heaven dwellers. In
these levels of existence, sentient
beings experience sexual desire,
hunger, thirst, and other forms of sen-
sual desire. The realm of form includes
some of the higher heavens, in which
the inhabitants experience no sensual
desires. The realm of formlessness
includes the very highest heavens, in
which beings have no physical form
and exist in meditative states.
Three Robes
Buddhist monks and nuns traditionally
wear the three types of monastic robes (J.
sane), or kesa (Sk. kashaya). These three
include an undergarment (Sk. antarvasa;
J. goje), an ordinary outer garment (Sk.
uttarasangha; J. shichije), and a formal
outer garment (Sk. samghati; J. kuje).
The first robe served as underwear during
daytime hours and was worn alone while
sleeping and working on temple grounds.
The second robe was worn during the day
inside the temple grounds. The third robe
was worn over the others whenever a
monk or nun ventured outside monastery
grounds. See kesa.
Three Robes, One Bowl
(J. sane ippatsu) The most basic
possessions of a Buddhist monk or nun,
which are regarded as symbolic of the
monastic life. Traditionally, monks and
nuns were allowed to own only three
kesa and one begging bowl as their
personal property.
Three Samadhi
Three levels of samadhi or realization (J.
sansammai). These are: 1) samadhi of
emptiness, in which one realizes that
there is no abiding and unchanging self;
2) samadhi of no attributes, in which
one realizes that all phenomena lack
ultimate reality; and 3) samadhi of no
desire, in which one realizes that since
phenomena lack ultimate reality, there
is nothing to desire.
Three Samadhi
Buddhist monks and nuns wear the traditional three robes and carry
one begging bowl as they travel about seeking alms.
Three Sufferings
Three Sufferings
The three kinds of human suffering
( J. sank) that arise from sickness or
hunger, separation from pleasure, and
the impermanence of things.
Three Teachings
( J. sanky) An expression used
throughout East Asia for the three
major religious traditions of the
region, namely, Buddhism,
Confucianism, and Taoism. In some
cases, Japanese used the term three
teachings in reference to Buddhism,
Confucianism, and Shint, substitut-
ing the Japanese indigenous religion
for Taoism. There were many thinkers,
including some Buddhist masters,
who taught the principle that the
three teachings are one. See also
Sanky itchi.
Three Teachings as One
A traditional religious concept popu-
lar throughout East Asia which main-
tains that Buddhism, Confucianism,
and Taoism (or sometimes Shint)
are essentially compatible. See
Sanky itchi.
Three Treasures
( J. samb) The Buddha, the Dharma,
and the sangha; that is, the Buddha;
his teachings, especially as they are
preserved in the Buddhist scriptures;
and the community of believers, espe-
cially the community of monks and
nuns. These three things function as
the core objects of faith for Buddhists
and serve as resources for Buddhist
belief and practice. All Buddhists,
regardless of school or denomination,
revere the three treasures. Buddhists
express their faith in them through a
ritual formula known as taking refuge
( J. kie), a universal practice through-
out the Buddhist world. Taking refuge
in the three treasures is the ritual
action through which one embarks
upon the Buddhist path, and it is
therefore used as a part of initiation
rituals, including ordinations. In
addition, Buddhists regularly repeat
the formula as a means of reaffirming
their commitment to the tradition.
Despite the unifying structure pro-
vided by the three treasures through-
out the Buddhist world, differences in
various schools interpretations natu-
rally arise. (For instance, Theravada
Buddhism recognizes only the histori-
cal Buddha, Siddharta Gautama,
Mahayana Buddhism recognizes
many different Buddhas.)
Mahayana Buddhism teaches that
there are three ways of understanding
the three treasures ( J. sanshu samb):
as manifest ( J. genzen samb), as
enduring ( J. jji samb), and as one
( J. ittai samb). The manifest three
treasures refers to the treasures as
they existed during the lifetime of the
historical Buddha: Shakyamuni
buddha (Siddharta Gautama) him-
self, his teachings expressed in words
and sermons, and the community of
his immediate disciples. The enduring
three treasures refers to the ongoing
forms of the treasures as they have
continued to exist since the Buddhas
death: images of the Buddha pre-
served in art, the written scriptures
which convey his teachings, and the
existing Buddhist monastic commu-
nity. The conception of the three trea-
sures as one affirms that from the per-
spective of ultimate reality, the three
treasures transcend distinctions.
The Zen school maintains faith in
the three treasures, including the
recognition of the manifest, enduring,
and unified perspectives. Zen texts
tend to stress, however, the need to
recognize that the Treasures are not
realities external to the believer, but
rather are inherent within the self. In
the Platform Sutra, the Sixth
Patriarch admonishes, Good friends,
I urge you to take refuge in the three
treasures in your own natures. The
Buddha is enlightenment, the
Dharma is truth, and the sangha is
purity. (Yampolsky, p. 145).
Yampolsky, Philip B. The Platform
Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. New
York: Columbia University Press,
Three Vehicles
The Mahayana tradition originally
recognized three paths or vehicles ( J.
sanj) leading to enlightenment:
those of shravakas, bodhisattvas, and
pratyeka buddhas. Shravaka buddhas
rely upon the teachings of the Buddha
and strive to become arhats. That is,
they aspire to attain enlightenment
for themselves. Their practice is based
upon the contemplation of the four
noble truths and the Eightfold Path
as taught by the historical Buddha.
Bodhisattvas follow the Bodhisattva
Path, striving to perfect their practice
of the six perfections. Their goal is to
become buddhas and to lead all other
sentient beings to the same goal.
Unlike the bodhisattvas, who embody
compassion for others, shravakas are
said to focus selfishly on their own
attainment of enlightenment.
Pratyeka buddhas are self-enlight-
ened beings who achieved an under-
standing of the Law of Causation on
their own, without the benefits of
learning the Dharma from another
buddha. However, pratyeka buddhas
cannot share what they have learned
with others. They are completely iso-
lated practitioners. The Mahayana
tradition deems the vehicles of
pratyeka buddhas and shravakas to be
inferior to that of the bodhisattva.
The so-called two vehicles are
associated with the Hinayana tradi-
tion. Mahayana uses the pejorative
expression meaning Lesser Vehicle
for ancient Buddhism and Theravada
Buddhism. The vehicle of the bod-
hisattva is identified as the Great
Vehicle, or Mahayana. The Lotus
Sutra took the teachings of the three
vehicles one step further and denied
that three distinct vehicles actually
exist. By means of the parable of the
burning house found in chapter three
of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha
explains that all three vehicles can be
reduced to the single Great Vehicle,
the one vehicle of Mahayana. In
effect, the Lotus Sutra identifies
pratyeka buddhas and shravakas as
bodhisattvas who misunderstand the
ultimate nature of the Buddhist path.
Tien-sheng Kuang-teng Lu
The Tien-sheng Record of the Widely
Extending Lamp, ( J. Tensh
Ktroku) a chronicle of early Zen his-
tory, presented in the biographies,
sermons, and anecdotes of prominent
Zen masters. The biographies begin
with Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) and continue down
through the Chinese patriarchs and
to the masters of the early eleventh
century. The text was written by the
nobleman Li Tsun-hsu (d. 1038), a lay
practitioner of Rinzai Zen, in 1036. Li
placed special emphasis on the Rinzai
lineage and included the Sayings of
Lin-chi (Ch. Lin-chi Lu; J. Rinzai-
roku) in its entirety. It is the second of
the five Zen chronicles known collec-
tively as the Five Records of the Lamp
( J. Gotroku). See also lay believer
and Rinzai sect.
Tien-tai School
Chinese school of Buddhism, system-
atized by Chih-i (538597) in the sixth
century. The school draws its name
from Mt. Tien-tai in Chekiang, the
headquarters of the school where
Chih-i lived and taught. Tien-tai
thought draws heavily upon
Nagarjunas writings. The schools
primary teaching of the Threefold
Truth is a Chinese elaboration of
Nagarjunas teaching of Twofold
Truth. Chih-i created a synthesis of all
the various Buddhist teachings and
sutras by dividing the life of the his-
torical Buddha into five time periods.
In this system, the Lotus Sutra repre-
sents the final and supreme teaching
of the Buddha. Tien-tai thought was
Tien-tai School
Tien-tung Ju-ching
transmitted to Japan in the ninth cen-
tury by Saich (767822) where it
became the primary basis for the
Tendai sect.
Tien-tung Ju-ching
(11631228) Chinese St master bet-
ter known as Ju-ching. See Ju-ching.
Mount Tien-tung, also an alternate
name for Mount Tai-po, in modern-
day Che-chiang province, China. See
Chinese name for the bodhisattva
Kshitigarbha, popularly known by his
Japanese name Jiz. See Jiz.
Pagoda, or stupa, a Buddhist struc-
ture designed to house relics. The
Japanese term t is the standard
translation for the Sanskrit word
stupa. Also known in Japanese as tba
or sotoba. See stupa.
Literally, the eastern retreat. The term
is used as a variant term for td.
Literally, the eastern hall; alternately,
tan, the eastern retreat. It is a title of
respect given to a retired abbot of a
Zen temple. Retired abbots residing in
the temple where they previously
served as abbot are called td,
because they traditionally live in the
eastern hall. In contrast, retired
abbots who served at a different
temple are called seid, or western
hall. In the modern period, the term is
used by both the Rinzai sect and the
Obaku sect to designate one of ten
possible ranks a monk may hold.
A major Rinzai sect monastery,
located in the Higashiyama area of
Kyoto. Its formal name is Enichi-zan
Tfuku-ji. It was named for the mag-
nificent Nara temples Tdai-ji and
Kfuku-ji, which it was intended to
rival in grandeur. It was founded by
Enni Benen (12021280) in 1239 with
the patronage of the regent Kuj
Michiie (11931252). The monastery
remained closely associated with the
Fujiwara family for many years.
Although it was built to be primarily a
Zen monastery, the original grounds
included structures for Shingon and
Tendai esoteric rituals. It was ranked
among the Gozan temples (Five
Mountain temples) of Kyoto. The
monastery suffered damage on sev-
eral occasions throughout its history.
Various political leaders have funded
restoration projects, and many of
the present structures were built or
restored in 1938. The monastery
serves today as the headquarters for
the Tfuku-ji branch of Rinzai Zen
and is an active monastery in terms of
meditative practice. See also Shingon
sect and Tendai sect.
Tfuku-ji Ha
The Tfuku-ji branch of Rinzai, one
of the fourteen contemporary
branches of the Japanese Rinzai
sect. The main monastery for the
branch is Tfuku-ji, located in the
Higashiyama area of Kyoto. Enni
Benen (12021280) is regarded as the
branch founder. The branch has 372
temples throughout Japan.
The Eastern rank, a group of monastic
officers who assist the abbot with
matters related to the secular admin-
istration of the community. Within
every Zen monastery, responsibilities
for the administrative aspects of
temple management are handled sep-
arately from the spiritual aspects of
monastic life, such as meditation and
training. The distinct duties are
entrusted to two sets of officers,
referred to as the Eastern and Western
( J. seihan) ranks. Both ranks fall
under the direction of the abbot, who
is responsible for the smooth opera-
tion of the community as a whole.
The Eastern rank of officers are so
called because their primary duties keep
them in the monastic halls traditionally
situated on the eastern side of the
grounds. Officers of the Eastern rank,
referred to collectively as the stewards
(J. chiji), include the bursar (J. tsbun),
the prior (J. tssu), the supervisor (J.
kansu), the assistant supervisor (J.
fsu), the cook (J. tenzo), the labor
steward (J. shissui), and the supervisor
of trainees (J. ino). See the respective
entries for the specific duties of each
office. See also temple positions.
Tokuh Zenketsu
(14191506) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Ashikaga period (13921568).
Tokuh was born in Mino, in present
day Gifu Prefecture. He was a seventh
generation descendent of Kanzan
Egens Myshin-ji line. Sekk Sshin
(14081486) trained Tokuh to be
his Dharma heir and Tokuh became
one of his four principal disciples.
He served as abbot at Daitoku-ji,
Myshin-ji, and other major Rinzai
monasteries. After his death, he
received the title Daijaku Jsh Zenji
(Zen Master Ever Illuminating
Nirvana). See also Rinzai sect.
Tokusan Senkan
The Japanese pronunciation for Te-
shan Hsuan-chien (782865), a
Chinese Zen monk. See Te-shan
Tmy Enichi
Japanese pronunciation for Tung-ming
Hui-jih (12721340), a Chinese St Zen
monk. Alternatively pronounced Tmei.
See Tung-ming Hui-jih.
A measure indicating a certain num-
ber of blows with a cane. In secular
Chinese society, striking with a cane
was commonly used to punish crimi-
nals. One ton was generally equivalent
to forty or sixty blows with the cane.
In the Zen school, Zen masters some-
times struck disciples with the cane as
a teaching device to shock them out of
ordinary patterns of discursive
thought. This practice was not
intended as a punishment for misbe-
havior, but as a means to trigger an
enlightenment experience. In the Zen
context, one ton is thought to indicate
ten or twenty blows with the cane.
Sudden teaching, an alternate
expression for tongo, sudden enlight-
enment. See sudden enlightenment.
Sudden enlightenment, the
Japanese term for the Zen teaching
that enlightenment is achieved
immediately rather than gradually
or in stages over an extended period
of time. The term is contrasted with
zengo, or gradual enlightenment. See
sudden enlightenment.
Shaving the head when becoming a
monk or nun. One speaks of a person
taking the tonsure when they join a
monastic order. The word derives from
the Roman Catholic monastic practice
of shaving the top of the head and leav-
ing a thin outer band of hair. The prac-
tice of shaving the head when entering
monastic orders exists in numerous reli-
gious traditions throughout the world
and is generally regarded as a symbol of
leaving behind the ordinary secular life.
In the Christian West, monks tradition-
ally shaved a portion of their heads
when they first entered orders and con-
tinued to do so as a regular part of
monastic life.
Trei Enji
Throughout the Buddhist world,
both monks and nuns completely shave
their heads at ordination and continue
to do so at regular intervals. Men also
shave all facial hair. At many Japanese
Zen monasteries, shaving days are
observed at five-day intervals, falling on
days with a four or a nine (J. shiku-
nichi). Shaving days are generally also
cleaning days; monks and nuns do their
laundry and clean the temple grounds
after assisting one another with shaving.
The Buddhist tonsure not only distin-
guishes the monastic community from
ordinary householders, it effectively
reduces the worldly distinctions
between the genders. In some Buddhist
areas and in some time periods, the
tonsure is more a symbolic gesture,
and only a portion of the hair is cut,
especially for women.
Trei Enji
(17211792) Japanese Rinzai monk of
the Tokugawa period (16001867) who
was a direct Dharma heir of Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). Enji was born in
Kanzaki, modern-day Shiga Prefecture,
to the Nakamura family. His maternal
family was an important Shint lin-
eage, and Enji maintained connections
to Shint practice and thought
throughout his life. He entered
Buddhist orders at age nine. He was
When one becomes a Buddhist monk or nun, he or she is given tonsure, the ritual shaving of the head.
later ordained by a Rinzai monk and
soon made his way to Shin-ji to prac-
tice under Hakuin. After an initial
enlightenment experience, he spent
many years in solitary practice in
Kyoto, beginning in 1746. He received
Hakuins inka, or Dharma transfer, and
a Dharma robe in 1748. Hakuin pur-
chased and restored two temples for his
favorite disciple. In 1755, Hakuin
restored Rytaku-ji in the neighboring
village of Mishima in Izu. Trei, as he
was now called, resided at Rytaku-ji
for twenty years. Hakuin later bought
Shid-an in Edo, which Trei used
when he lectured in Edo. Trei became
a writer and lecturer of high repute. His
literary works include the Shmon
Mujint Ron, the Goke Sansh Yro
Mon, the Kaisan Shid Bunan Anju
Zenji Anroku, the Shju Dky Etan
Anju Anroku, and the Rytaku Kaiso
Jinki Dokumy Zenji Nempu. He
received the posthumous title Butsugo
Jinsh Zenji (Zen Master Guardian of
the Buddha Illuminator of the Gods).
See also Rinzai sect.
Tortoise Hair
A Zen expression used to undermine or
ridicule belief in something that does
not exist. In particular, Zen teachers
apply the term tortoise hair (J. kim) to
the belief that one has an abiding, eter-
nal self, or that the phenomena of every-
day life have ultimate reality when they
do not. Tortoise hair is often paired as an
expression with rabbits horns.
Japanese for Tushita heaven, the
current abode of the future
Buddha, Miroku (Sk. Maitreya).
See Tushita Heaven.
The latrine, one of the seven buildings
(J. shichid garan) that form the core of
a Zen monastery. The term literally
means the eastern office, a reference
to its traditional location. The Zen
monastic codes provide extensive
instructions on proper etiquette in the
latrine. Before using the latrine, for
example, monks were enjoined to con-
template on the compassion of
Ususama My, a deity willing to purify
even the foulest place. Images of
Ususama My are often enshrined in
the tsu as the presiding deity. Incense
was burned in the hall not only to
freshen the air, but as a part of proper
ritual behavior. Traditional latrines are
no longer used in Japanese monasteries.
Ty Eich
(14381504) Japanese Rinzai monk
of the Ashikaga period (13921568).
Ty was born in Mino, in present-day
Gifu Prefecture. He was a seventh gener-
ation descendent of Kanzan Egens
Myshin-ji line. He became the
Dharma heir of Sekk Sshin
(14081486) and was one of his four
principal disciples. He served as abbot
at Daitoku-ji, Myshin-ji, and other
major Rinzai monasteries. The Rinzai
reformer Hakuin Ekaku (16851768)
was a later descendant in Tys lineage.
His literary works include the Ku Zshi.
See also Rinzai sect.
East Mountain, the Japanese name
for Tung-shan, the monastery of the
Fifth Zen Patriarch Hung-jen (601674).
See Tung-shan.
Tzan Rykai
The Japanese pronunciation for
Tung-shan Liang-chieh (807869),
a Chinese Zen monk, co-founder of
the Chinese St school. See Tung-
shan Liang-chieh.
Transformation Body
One of three bodies of the
Buddha according to the Mahayana
understanding of the concept of the
Buddha. Called nirmanakaya in
Sanskrit. See nirmanakaya.
Transformation Body
Transmission of the Lamp
Transmission of the Lamp
(J. Keitoku Dentroku) The Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu, a collection of Zen
biographies of Indian and Chinese Zen
masters compiled by Tao-yuan and
edited by Yang I (9681024) in 1004, dur-
ing the Ching-te era of the Sung dynasty
(9601279). The text provides a tradi-
tional version of the authentic Zen lin-
eage from the Seven Buddhas of the
Past through the Chinese masters of the
Sung dynasty.
The title Transmission of the Lamp is
sometimes used to refer to the entire
genre of Zen literature which provides
biographies of eminent masters
arranged to convey the history of
Dharma transmission. These texts
serve a variety of purposes. They honor
the masters of the past, and thereby
legitimate the Zen school as a whole or a
specific lineage. They also give informa-
tion about the teaching styles of all the
important masters of a given period and
provide teaching material Zen masters
can use with their own students. Most of
the kan used throughout the Zen tradi-
tion derive from this literature. See
Ching-te Chan-teng Lu.
The Buddhist scriptures, especially
those of early Buddhismand Theravada
Buddhism. The Tripitaka proper, a col-
lection of thirty-one Theravadan texts,
represents the oldest collection of
Buddhist scriptures, portions of which
date back to the second century B.C.E.
For several centuries, the scriptures
were preserved orally, and there are
therefore different versions. The texts
were eventually recorded in Pali and
later translated into Sanskrit, Tibetan,
and Chinese. The term Tripitaka
(J. sanz) is sometimes used more
loosely for the later Mahayana
collections of the scriptures which
contain many additional Mahayana
sutras and commentaries.
Tripitaka literally means Three
Baskets, and the scriptures of the orig-
inal are divided into three distinct sec-
tions or baskets, each representing a
different type of teaching. The first bas-
ket is the vinaya, which sets out the
monastic code governing the lives of
Buddhist monks and nuns. According
to tradition, Upali, a leading disciple of
the Buddha, recited the entire vinaya at
the first Buddhist council held shortly
after the Buddhas death. The second
basket, known as the sutras or dis-
courses, preserves the sermons given
by the historical Buddha. Tradition
maintains that Ananda, another impor-
tant disciple, likewise recited the sutras
at the first council. Finally, the
Abhidharma basket includes commen-
taries on the Buddhas teachings written
by later Buddhist scholars. Because the
Triptaka was originally preserved in
Pali, the Theravada collection is com-
monly known as the Pali Canon. Later
Mahayana collections are sometimes
known as Tibetan or Chinese Tripitaka.
The Japanese refer to the Chinese
Tripitaka as the Daizky or issaiky.
True Mind
A Zen expression for ones true or orig-
inal nature, which is said to be Buddha
Nature. The realization of True Mind is
synonymous with enlightenment.
True Person of No Rank
An expression coined by the Tang Zen
master Lin-chi I-hsuan for an enlight-
ened individual. According to one
famous passage in the Sayings of Lin-
chi, the master said, Here in this lump
of red flesh there is a true person with no
rank. Constantly he goes in and out the
gates of your face. If there are any of you
who dont know this for a fact, then look!
Look! (Watson, p. 13) Lin-chi used the
term true person in contrast to the
lump of red flesh, the ordinary human
person. Like other Zen teachers, Lin-chi
stressed that every individual possesses
an innate Buddha Nature and that one
needs only to recognize it to be enlight-
ened. The enlightened being and the
ordinary person differ only in the real-
ization of innate enlightenment, so the
true person is already present in the
ordinary person.
The concept of the true person (Ch.
chen-jen; J. shinnin) derives from con-
cepts and terminology from both classi-
cal Buddhism and Taoism. Taoists first
used the term true person to describe an
ideal Taoism adept who had attained a
high level of wisdom. Chinese Buddhists
originally adopted the Taoist concept as
a translation for the Sanskrit arhat, a
Buddhist practitioner who has attained
nirvana. Lin-chi describes the true per-
son as without rank, suggesting com-
plete freedom from external limitations
based on social classification and other
form of categorization.
Watson, Burton. The Zen Teachings of
Master Lin-chi: A Translation of the Lin-
chi Lu. Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1993.
True Pure Land Sect
A sect of Japanese Buddhism founded
by the monk Shinran (11731262) dur-
ing the Kamakura period (11851333),
known in Japanese as Jdo Shinsh. The
teachings and practices of the sect are
based on Shinrans understanding of the
Pure Land Sutras, which serve as the
principal scriptures. Shinran was origi-
nally a Tendai monk until he left Mount
Hiei to become the disciple of Hnen, a
proponent of exclusive Pure Land
practice. True Pure Land Buddhism
encourages placing ones faith in the
Amida buddha and achieving salvation
through rebirth in his Western Pure
Land. The primary practice of the sect is
chanting the name of Amida, using the
simple formula Namu Amida Butsu.
See also Tendai sect.
True Pure Land Sect
Woodblock plate bearing part of the Tripitaka, or Buddhist scriptures, from the Obaku-ban at Hz-in.
True Thusness
True Thusness
Things as they are; absolute reality. One
of the standard English translations for
the Sanskrit term Tathata (J. Shinnyo). It
is alternately translated as suchness.
True Thusness is a Mahayana
Buddhism concept which came to be a
key notion for Zen Buddhism. True
Thusness is beyond the distinctions of
ordinary discursive thought and is per-
ceived immediately by the enlightened
mind. It is closely associated with the
concept of shunyata, or emptiness; True
Thusness expresses the same reality as
the positive concept of emptiness.
A mountain in China which is
sometimes used as an alternative
name for Hui-neng (638713), the
Sixth Patriarch, who resided there. See
Sk Shinsai, the Chinese God of the
hearth who protects the kitchen fire. See
Sk Shinsai.
Tsao-shan Pen-chi
(840901; J. Szan Honjaku) Chinese Zen
master, who, along with his Dharma mas-
ter Tung-shan Liang-chieh (807869), is
known as a co-founder of the Tsao-tung
school (J. St) of Chinese Zen. Tung-
shan entrusted Tsao-shan with the doc-
trine of the five ranks, a teaching then
exclusive to their lineage, as a sign of his
Dharma transmission. Tsao-shan is
said to have systematized the teaching.
Tsao-tung School
One of two major schools of Chinese
Zen, along with the Lin-chi school.
Tsao-tung Zen is named for two of its
founding patriarchs, Tung-shan Liang-
chieh (807869) and his disciple Tsao-
shan Pen-chi (840901), who rank
among the leading Chinese Zen masters
of the Tang dynasty (618907). The pre-
dominant style of Tsao-tung practice
focuses on single-minded devotion to
seated meditation (zazen) without the
use of kan or other devices. The Tsao-
tung lineage is traditionally numbered
among the five houses of Chinese Zen
from the Tang dynasty. It was transmit-
ted to Japan during the Kamakura
period (11851333) by the Japanese
monk Dgen Kigen (12001253). It is
known there as the St sect.
The bursar at a Zen monastery. This
office was added by the Japanese to the
original Chinese list of six administra-
tive offices within the monastic commu-
nity whose role is to oversee the practi-
cal administration of the monastery.
(These positions together are called the
chiji or than.) The bursar was the chief
financial officer responsible for the
overall economic welfare of the commu-
nity. In that capacity, the bursar super-
vised the activities of the other three
financial officers within the administra-
tion, the tssu, the kansu, and the fsu.
In some cases, the bursar served as the
chief officer in the Eastern Rank and
oversaw all six of the chiji. In medieval
Japan (11851600), the bursar often
acted as a moneylender to raise addi-
tional funds for the upkeep of the
temple. See also temple positions.
Chinese term which may be translated as
school, sect, denomination, or lineage,
depending on the context. Pronounced
sh in Japanese. See lineage.
Tsung-ching Lu
(J. Sgyroku) A Chinese Buddhist
text by Yung-ming Yen-shou (904975), in
100 sections and composed in 961.
In the text, Yung-ming provides a
syncretic overview of various Mahayana
Buddhismschools of thought and argues
that the teachings of Zen are identical
with those of the Consciousness Only
school, San-lun school, Hua-yen school,
and Tien-tai school.
Tsung-jung Lu
The Book of Serenity, a classic collection
of one hundred Zen kan with
verses and prose commentaries, first
published in 1224. Known more
commonly by its Japanese title, the
Shyroku. See Shyroku.
Tsung-men Lien-teng Hui-yao
(J. Shmon Rent Ey) A Collection of
Essential Material of the Zen Sects
Successive Records of the Lamp, in
thirty sections. It was compiled by Hui-
weng Wu-ming in 1183. It includes
material derived from the Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu, the Tien-sheng
Kuang-teng Lu, and the Chien-chung
Ching-kuo Hsu-teng Lu, as well as
additional materials drawn from
recorded sayings of several Zen mas-
ters of the Sung dynasty (9601279). It
begins with the Seven Buddhas of the
Past and continues down through the
masters of the Southern Sung dynasty,
the time period of the compiler. This
text represents the fourth of the five
Zen chronicles of Zen biographies
known collectively as the Five Records
of the Lamp (J. Gotroku).
(780840; J. Shmitsu) Chinese
Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty
(618907) who is regarded as a Zen mas-
ter in the lineage of Ho-tse Shen-hui
(670762) and as the fifth and final
patriarch of the Hua-yen school of
Buddhism. In Zen contexts, he is more
commonly known as Kuei-feng Tsung-
mi because of his residence at Kuei-feng
monastery. Tsung-mis writings include
the Yuan-jen Lun (J. Gennin Ron), often
used as a primer of Mahayana
Buddhism teachings, and Chan-yuan
Chu-chuan-chi Tu-hsu (J. Zengen
Shozensh Tojo), which distinguishes
five styles of meditation and three
schools of early Zen: the Northern,
Southern, and Ho-tse schools.
Chief Supervisory Officer or Prior at a
Zen monastery, one of the six adminis-
trative offices of the monastic commu-
nity. Along with the supervisor (J.
kansu) and the assistant supervisor (J.
fsu) who are under his direct supervi-
sion, the prior is one of three financial
officers responsible for the economic
management of temple resources. See
also temple positions.
Tung-ming Hui-jih
(12721340; J. Tmy Enichi) Chinese
St Zen monk of the Yan dynasty
who emigrated to Japan in 1309.
Although he was himself a St master,
he served as abbot at several Rinzai
monasteries in Kamakura, including
Kench-ji and Engaku-ji. See also
Rinzai sect and St sect.
East Mountain (J. Tzan), the popular
Zen name for Mount Feng-mu in
present-day Hupeh, where the Fifth
Patriarch Hung-jen (601674) estab-
lished his monastery. The mountain is
also known as Huang-mei-shan (J. Obai-
zan) or Yellow Plum Mountain, and Wu-
tsu-shan (J. Goso-zan), or Fifth Patriarch
Mountain. The name East Mountain was
coined to contrast Hung-jens monastery
from that of his predecessor Tao-hsin
(580651), whose monastery was known
as Hsi-shan(J. Seizan), or West Mountain.
See also East Mountain school.
Tung-shan Liang-chieh
(807869; J. Tzan Rykai) Chinese Zen
master, who along with his Dharma heir
Tsao-shan Pen-chi (840901), is known
as a co-founder of the Tsao-tung school
(J. St) of Chinese Zen. Tung-shan was
the Dharma heir of Yun-yen Tan-sheng.
Known as a poet, he composed the Wu-
wei Sung, the classic verse of five stanzas
on the five ranks, one of the distinctive
teachings of his lineage of Zen. Tung-
shans prominent disciples included
Tsao-shan and Yun-chu Tao-ying.
Tung-shan Liang-chieh
Tun-huang Caves
Caves located in the Tun-huang ( J.
Tonk) oasis in northwestern China,
near the desert. The caves house a
number of Buddhist temples, where
numerous carved and painted images
are preserved. The earliest wall murals
date back to at least 344, and the
process of painting continued through
the end of the Sung dynasty
(9601279), leaving an important
record of Chinese art through nearly
1,000 years. In cave number sixteen, an
important collection of written manu-
scripts, mostly Buddhist texts, was dis-
covered early in the twentieth century.
See also Tun-huang manuscripts.
Tun-huang Manuscripts
A collection of Chinese texts recov-
ered from one of the Tun-huang caves
( J. Tonk), in northwestern China. The
manuscripts were first discovered by a
farmer in 1900; Western scholars later
removed several thousand of the texts
for study. There were two major
Western expeditions to the caves to
collect manuscripts: one led by Sir
Aurel Stein in 1907, the other led by
Paul Pelliot in 1908. Portions of the
collection can now be found at the
British Museum, the Bibliotheque
National in Paris, and the National
Library in Peking. Among the manu-
scripts found at Tun-huang are a large
number of important early Zen texts,
including the oldest extant copy of the
Platform Sutra.
Turning the Wheel of
the Dharma
An image used for the Buddha teach-
ing the Dharma. See also Wheel of
the Dharma.
Turning Word
A word or expression that reveals the
speakers depth of understanding of
the Dharma, or one that turns or
shifts listeners point of view, thereby
leading to a sudden experience of
insight or enlightenment. Turning
word is a translation of the Japanese
expression tengo or ittengo.
Tushita Heaven
According to Buddhist cosmology, the
fourth of six heavens in the Realm of
Desire. Tushita heaven ( J. Tosotsuten)
is currently the abode of the bod-
hisattva Maitreya, the future buddha.
For this reason, Tushita is sometimes
referred to as Maitreyas Pure Land.
All future buddhas must reside there
for a time while they perfect their
practice as bodhisattvas in prepara-
tion for their final birth into this
world. Once born in this world, the
future buddha will attain final
enlightenment, become the Buddha,
and preach the Dharma. Traditional
biographies of Shakyamuni buddha
(Siddharta Gautama) generally begin
with accounts of his life in Tushita
heaven before his final rebirth as
Siddharta Gautama.
For believers devoted to Maitreya,
Tushita heaven may serve as an object
of contemplation just as Amidas Pure
Land is contemplated by devotees of
Amida buddha. Tushita heaven is
regarded as easily accessible through
meditative states, because of its close
proximity to this world. Believers may
also regard Tushita as an other-
worldly paradise into which they hope
to be reborn as a reward for meritori-
ous life. Rebirth in Tushita heaven is
said to provide the practitioner with
an opportunity to attain the bod-
hisattva stage of non-reversal. See
also Maitreya.
Twelve-Link Chain of Causation
An early Buddhist teaching designed
to explain the causes for human suf-
fering and the reasons for continued
bondage in the cycle of birth, death,
and rebirth. The Twelve-Link Chain of
Causation includes a series of interre-
lated conditions. A standard rendering
Tun-huang Caves
of the Twelve-Link Chain includes: 1)
ignorance, 2) dispositions, 3) con-
sciousness, 4) name and form, 5) six
senses (the five senses plus the mind),
6) sensory stimulation, 7) feeling, 8)
desire, 9) attachment to things and
persons, 10) becoming, 11) birth, 12)
aging, dying, and sorrow.
Ignorance refers specifically to the
ordinary persons lack of awareness of
the four noble truths of Buddhism,
which explain reality as it is. This does
not mean merely an ignorance of the
teachings in an intellectual sense, but
a failure to perceive the world through
an awareness of them. Ignorance
leads to dispositions; that is, the cre-
ation of karmic consequences for
ones mental and physical actions. The
karmic dispositions create tendencies
of thought and behavior which char-
acterize ones consciousness.
Karmic dispositions can lead to
consciousness in this life and also as a
legacy for future lives. Consciousness
takes shape in a sentient being with
both mental and physical attributes,
known as Name and Form. This sen-
tient being then makes use of the six
senses to explore the world through
sensory stimulation. This exploration
leads to feelings or responses to sen-
sory stimuli, including evaluations of
which experiences are pleasant and
which are unpleasant. These feelings
then lead to desires, to possess the
pleasant and avoid the unpleasant.
Desire leads to specific attachments to
things and people. Attachments create
the fuel for the ongoing process of
change that will lead not to the attain-
ment of enlightenment, but to a sub-
sequent birth after this life; ultimately
this continuation of ignorance leads to
aging, dying, and sorrow in the next
life. The chain thus forms a circle.
It is likewise traditional to discuss
the chain in reverse order, to discuss
how one may bring suffering to an end
by cutting off ignorance through the
wisdom of the Buddhist teachings.
The tradition recognizes two places at
which one may cut the twelve-link
chain of causation, by cutting off
ignorance or by reducing desires. The
Eightfold Path of Buddhism is
designed to cut the chain at these two
intersections and thus end the cycle
of suffering, birth, and death.
Two Entrances
Two Buddhist paths, or ways, which
allow one to attain an understanding
of ultimate reality. The concept is
spelled out in the Discourse on Two
Entries and Four Practices ( J. Niny
Shigyron), an essay attributed to
Bodhidharma. The first entrance to
the way of Buddhism is through rea-
son, which includes studying the
teachings as they are set out in the
scriptures. The second entrance is
through practice. Bodhidharma
explicitly mentions four types of prac-
tice: endurance of hardships, adapt-
ing to circumstances, seeking noth-
ing, and practicing in conformity with
the Dharma.
Twofold Truth
Mahayana teaching that reality may
be viewed from two perspectives ( J.
Nitai), either the absolute or the rela-
tive and conventional. From the per-
spective of absolute truth, all things
that exist are characterized by empti-
ness. This means that nothing pos-
sesses an unchanging and eternal
essence; all things arise from causes
and are conditioned by circum-
stances. From this perspective all
ordinary distinctions dissolve, and all
things appear as equal and undiffer-
entiated. From the perspective of rela-
tive or conventional truth, however,
things do possess a transitory exis-
tence, and it is possible to distinguish
them one from the other. The
concept of Twofold Truth was devel-
oped by thinkers in the Madyamika
school of Buddhism and expressed
most clearly in the writings of
Twofold Truth
Two Vehicles
Two Vehicles
( J. nij) Shravakas and pratyeka bud-
dhas, as well as their Buddhist practices.
The Mahayana Buddhismtradition rec-
ognizes three vehicles leading to
enlightenment: those of shravakas,
pratyeka buddhas, and bodhisattvas.
The first two vehicles are often identi-
fied with the Hinayana tradition and are
generally regarded as inferior to the
Bodhisattva Path. Shravaka buddhas
rely upon the teachings of the Buddha
and strive to attain enlightenment for
themselves. Unlike bodhisattvas,
shravakas are said to focus selfishly on
themselves. Pratyeka buddhas are self-
enlightened beings who neither learn
from others nor teach others the
Dharma they realize for themselves.


















Udraka Ramaputra
One of two Indian meditation masters
with whom Siddharta Gautama, the
historical Buddha, studied before he
attained enlightenment. Udraka
Ramaputra taught a form of yogic
meditation leading to a state of
concentration known as the attainment
of neither perception nor non-
perception. According to traditional
accounts, Siddharta mastered
Ramaputras technique and was
declared competent to teach. He chose
to leave Ramaputras community
because he found the teaching and the
meditative states insufficient.
( J. Urabon-e or Obon) A Buddhist cer-
emony traditionally held immediately
following the close of the summer
retreat, which ends on the fifteenth
day of the seventh lunar month. The
ullambana service is offered to ease
the suffering of sentient beings living
in hell as hungry ghosts. According to
the traditional accounts based on the
Urabon Sutra, the ceremony was first
established by the historical Buddha.
Maudgalyyana ( J. Mokuren), one of
the Buddhas leading disciples, was
renowned for the supernatural abili-
ties he developed through his medita-
tive practices. When his mother died,
Maudgalyayana used his abilities to
search for her and learn her fate in
the next rebirth. Maudgalyayana
searched through all the realms of
existence, and finally discovered that
his mother had been reborn in hell as
a hungry ghost. Again relying on his
supernatural powers, Maudgalyayana
traveled down into hell and tried to
offer her food and water to lessen her
plight. When she took his offering, it
turned to fire in her mouth, and she
could not eat it. Maudgalyayana then
consulted with the Buddha to ask how
he could effectively help his mother.
The Buddha instructed him to feed
the assembly of monks at the end of
the rainy season retreat, when they
had accumulated a large reserve of
merit from their intensive practice.
The merit earned from feeding the
monastic community and all of the
merit accumulated throughout the
retreat would be transferred to the
hungry ghosts, thus easing the suffer-
ing of Maudgalyayanas mother and
all other hungry ghosts.
Ultimate Truth
The absolute view of reality (J. Richi);
one of two (or sometimes three) levels
of truth, or perspectives of reality recog-
nized by Mahayana philosophical
thought. From the perspective of ulti-
mate truth, all things that exist are char-
acterized by emptiness. This means
that nothing possesses an unchanging
and eternal essence; all things arise
from causes and are conditioned by cir-
cumstances. From this perspective all
ordinary distinctions dissolve, and all
things appear as equal and undifferen-
tiated. Ultimate Truth is generally con-
trasted with Relative Truth. See also
Mahayana Buddhism.
Ummon Bunen
(864949) Japanese pronunciation of
Yun-men Wen-yen, founder of the Yun-
men school of early Chinese Zen
Buddhism. See Yun-men Wen-yen.
Ummon School
The Japanese name for the Yun-men
school, a lineage of Chinese Zen active
during the Tang dynasty (618907). See
Yun-men school.
Ummon School
A flat, bronze gong or sounding board in
the stylized shape symbolic for clouds,
used to call monks to meals and to signal
other events. The word literally means
cloud plate. Cloud motifs are common
on monastic implements because they
symbolize freedom from attachment.
Umpan hang outside the kitchen (kuri)
and the dining hall. They may be sounded
to signal meal times or the end of a zazen
session. Wooden boards (han) hanging
on various buildings throughout the
temple grounds are sounded simultane-
ously to alert the members of the com-
munity beyond the range of the umpan.
Umpo Zenj
(15721653) Japanese Rinzai master
from the early Tokugawa period
(16001867). Little is known about the
teachings of this master, who came
from the Myshin-ji lineage. He is
famous primarily for his prominent dis-
ciple, Bankei Ytaku (16221693), one
of the best-known figures of the period.
See also Rinzai sect.
Waddell, Norman. The Unborn: The Life
and Teaching of Zen Master Bankei,
16221693. New York: North Point
Press, 2000.
Pile or heap, the Japanese transla-
tion of the Sanskrit term skandha. See
five skandhas.
An umpan, a sounding board made of bronze, at Zuiryu-ji in Osaka, Japan.
(J. fush) A Mahayana expression for
absolute reality, often paired with the
term undying. In contrast to samsara,
in which sentient beings are subject to
an ongoing cycle of birth, suffering,
and death, nirvana is said to be unborn,
or non-arising. The term unborn was
originally used in the Theravada tradi-
tion as an epithet for arhats, who were
no longer subject to the workings of
birth and death because of their
enlightenment. They were therefore
said to be unborn and undying. This
concept also appears in Mahayana phi-
losophy. While all existing things appear
to be created and pass away, Mahayana
teachings insist that everything is ulti-
mately characterized by emptiness,
possessing no independent and eternal
essence to be created or distorted. Thus,
all things are considered unborn and
undying. The Tokugawa Zen teacher,
Bankei Yotaku, championed the teach-
ing that all people innately possess the
unborn Buddha mind, which makes
them all buddhas without realizing it.
Since his work is closely associated with
the concept of the unborn, his style of
Zen is often called Unborn Zen (J.
fush zen). See also Mahayana
Buddhismand Theravada Buddhism.
Unsei Shuk
(15351615) Japanese transliteration of
Yn-chi Chu-hung, a Chinese Buddhist
monk from the Ming dynasty
(13681644), who advocated the dual
practice of Zen meditation and chant-
ing the nembutsu. See Chu-hung.
(J. kun rysui) Clouds and water; an
abbreviation for moving clouds and
flowing water. The Japanese term refers
specifically to Zen postulants who seek
entry into a monastery and for novices
undergoing training in Zen practice.
They seek the Way (Tao) by traveling
from master to master as freely as pass-
ing clouds and flowing water. It may
also refer to pilgrim monks or nuns,
since they are without permanent
homes and travel without many physi-
cal possessions to weigh them down.
The term can be applied more broadly
for any practitioner of Zen, since follow-
ers of Zen attempt to move freely
through life, without the constraints
and limitations of attachment, like
free-floating clouds or flowing water.
(J. Ubari) A barber from Kapilavastu
who became a leading disciple of the
Buddha. Upali is counted among the
ten outstanding disciples of the Buddha
due to his great dedication to the
monastic code, the vinaya. At the first
Buddhist council convened after the
Buddhas death, Upali recited all the
instructions formulated by the Buddha
to regulate the life of the community
and the circumstances under which
these rules were created. This became
the vinaya, one of the three sections of
the Tripitaka.
Ishigami, Zenno. Disciples of the
Buddha. Trans. Richard L. Gage and
Paul McCarthy. Tokyo: Kosei
Publishing Co., 1989.
The Sanskrit term for Buddhist laymen,
one of the four assemblies of the
Buddhist sangha, or community. To
become an upsaka, a man first pledges
his commitment by taking refuge (kie)
in the three treasures: the Buddha, the
Dharma and the sangha. He then
promises to live his life by the five
precepts. Lay practice dates back to the
lifetime of the historical Buddha, who
accepted lay people as his disciples. Lay
believers remain involved in secular life
and their practice of Buddhism is
usually less extensive than monks and
nuns. They keep the precepts and build
merit by supporting the monastic
community through donations. See
also Upsik.
A laywoman who practices Buddhism;
the Sanskrit term for one of the four
assemblies of the Buddhist sangha, or
community. Like her male counterpart,
the upsaka ( J. ubai), a woman
becomes a lay Buddhist by establishing
her connection with Buddhism in the
ritual act of taking refuge (kie) in the
three treasures: the Buddha, the
Dharma and the sangha. In addition,
she commits herself to keeping the
five precepts of the layperson. See also
lay believer.
(J. hben) The original Sanskrit term
usually rendered in English as
expedient means. Upaya refers to any
teaching device employed by a buddha
or another Buddhist teacher to convey
aspects of the Dharma to individuals.
The full Sanskrit term is
upaya-kaushalya, which may be
alternatively translated into English
as skillful or expedient means. See
expedient means.
(J. fusatsu) A meeting of the Buddhist
sangha, or community, held twice a
month for reflection and repentance. In
India, a month was divided into two fif-
teen-day periods based on phases of the
moon. Uposatha was observed on the
last days of each period at the full moon
and the new moon. In Theravada
Buddhist monasteries, the rituals
related to the uposatha include reading
and explaining the vinaya, the portion
of the Tripitaka containing the monas-
tic code. In Mahayana monasteries in
East Asia, the bodhisattva precepts or
the Bonmky (Brahma Net Sutra)
were sometimes substituted. These rit-
uals provide monks and nuns the
opportunity to reflect on their actions
over the two-week period and to con-
fess any offenses committed during that
time. Lay believers also have the oppor-
tunity to participate on uposatha days.
The more devout may spend the day
and night at the monastery and take on
additional precepts, temporarily abid-
ing by the monastic code for novices.
This means that in addition to following
the five precepts for a layperson, they
abstain from all sexual relations, do not
eat after the noon hour, and do not
sleep on a comfortable bed.
The observance of uposatha days
remains an important part of Theravada
Buddhist practice for the monastic and
lay communities, but it is only
rarely observed by Mahayana lay
Buddhists. The Fusatsushiki, as the
uposatha ceremony is known in
Japanese, is still a part of Zen monastic
practice. See also Mahayana Buddhism
and Theravada Buddhism.
The full name of the Buddhist festival
more popularly known as Obon, the
Japanese observance of the Festival of
the Dead. See Obon.
The seven-strip outer garment worn
by Buddhist monks and nuns. Uttaras
is the Japanese transliteration of
the Sanskrit term uttarasangha.
See shichije.
Vairocana Buddha
A common abbreviation for
Mahavairochana Buddha, the great cos-
mic Buddha associated with esoteric
Buddhism. See Mahavairochana Buddha.
(J. kong or konk) Diamond in
Sanskrit. The diamond represents firm-
ness and indestructibility in Buddhism. It
is therefore used as a symbol for the
Buddha mind, which can cut through
any obstruction. The term vajra may also
be used as an abbreviated name for a
vajra pounder, a religious implement
used within the esoteric Buddhist tradi-
tion. During rituals, they are held as sym-
bolic weapons that can cut through delu-
sion. Originally, vajra pounders were
weapons used in ancient India. There are
several types of vajra pounders: they may
have a single prong, three prongs, or five
prongs. The single-pronged vajra repre-
sents the singularity of reality; the three-
pronged vajra represents the Three
Mysteries, which are practices related to
body, speech, and mind; and the five-
pronged vajra represents the Five
Wisdom Buddhas, which are the five
buddhas either at the center of the
Diamond-Realm Mandala or the Womb-
Realm Mandala.
Vajrayana Buddhism
( J. Kongj) Diamond Vehicle, a
Sanskrit name for Tantric or esoteric
Buddhism. Vajrayana is sometimes
regarded as the third major school
or vehicle of Buddhism, along with
Theravada and Mahayana. Other
scholars classify it as a form of Mahayana
Buddhism. See esoteric Buddhism.
Vegetarian Feasts
The practice of offering vegetarian
feasts to the monastic community at a
Buddhist temple arose as a means for
lay Buddhists to build merit. Many
laypeople regularly offer alms to monks
and nuns making their daily begging
rounds. In East Asia, where monks and
nuns do not usually beg, lay Buddhists
sometimes sponsor feasts at the
monastery or another location to build
merit for special occasions. These may
include the illness or death of a loved
one, the approaching birth of a child, or
the coronation of a new leader. See also
lay believer and vegetarianism.
Throughout East Asia, it is traditional
for practicing Buddhists, particularly
the monastic community of monks and
nuns, to maintain a strict vegetarian
diet. The teaching of ahimsa, or non-
injury of all sentient beings, is the
philosophical basis for Buddhists to
refrain from eating meat. Buddhists rec-
ognize that, like human beings, animals
are sentient beings living and suffering
in one of the six paths of existence
(rokud). The vegetarian diet is
intended to reduce the suffering
inflicted on animals and is thus an
expression of Buddhist compassion.
The observance of vegetarianism at
Buddhist temples and monasteries is
based on the precepts against killing,
but vegetarian practice has changed
from ancient times. The early monastic
codes (vinaya) still observed in
Theravada Buddhism do not strictly
forbid monks and nuns to consume
meat. Rather, the codes instructed them
to accept and eat any food which lay
people donate to them on their daily
begging rounds. To express a preference
for any type of food, including vegetar-
ian dishes, was strictly forbidden. So
long as an animal was not killed
expressly to feed the monk or nun, they
committed no offense by accepting
meat and eating it. In addition, the
early codes forbid monks and nuns to
prepare food in the monastery for
themselves. The bodhisattva precepts
observed in the Mahayana tradition of
East Asia, however, explicitly forbid eat-
ing animal flesh. As a rule, the monastic
communities in East Asia do not
depend directly on lay believers for
food preparation. Monasteries main-
tain their own kitchens where they pre-
pare their own vegetarian meals.
Zen monasteries throughout East
Asia maintain the general Mahayana
practice of strict vegetarianism, in some
areas developing a unique Zen cuisine.
While the food served in Zen monaster-
ies on ordinary days is very simple veg-
etarian fare, the monastery food pre-
pared for festival occasions may be
quite elaborate. Many temples enjoy
reputations for the quality of their food.
It should be noted that in the modern
period in Japan (1868present), many
Zen Buddhists, including ordained
clergy, do not maintain a strict vegetar-
ian diet outside of the monastic context.
Indeed, since the Meiji period
(18681912) when the government
made observance of the monastic
code a matter of personal preference,
strict observance of vegetarianism
outside the monastery has become
the exception rather than the rule.
See also Mahayana Buddhism and
vegetarian feasts.
Vessel of the Dharma
An expression used to describe an indi-
vidual with a deep capacity to master
the Buddhist Dharma. In the Zen
school, it refers to a Zen practitioner
who is capable of attaining enlighten-
ment and is worthy to transmit the
Dharma. See also hki.
(J. Yuima or Bimarakitsu) A wealthy lay
Buddhist from Vaishali, India, who was a
contemporary of Shakyamuni
(Siddharta Gautama), the historical
Vessel of the Dharma
It is traditional for Buddhist monks and nuns to adhere to a strict vegetarian diet,
based upon the principle of ahimsa, or noninjury of all sentient beings.
Buddha, and appears as the leading
character in the Vimalakirti Sutra. In the
sutra, Vimalakirti is depicted as the per-
fect lay bodhisattva, capable of cleverly
and effectively using expedient means to
teach the most profound Mahayana con-
cepts. One teaching device that
Vimalakirti employs is his own illness;
bedridden, he draws visitors into his sick-
room, where he instructs them in the
Dharma. (The words used to describe
Vimalakirtis sickroom, ten-foot-square
room or hj, is the term employed by
the Zen school for the abbots quarters at
a Zen monastery.) Hearing of the illness,
the Buddha suggests that his most promi-
nent disciples go to inquire about
Vimalakirtis health. One by one, each dis-
ciple declines the mission, describing an
earlier occasion in which he was bested by
the layman and received a lesson in the
Dharma, a role reversal for monk and lay
practitioner. Finally, Manjusri (J. Monju)
agrees to visit Vimalakirti and all of the dis-
ciples accompany him. The sutra reaches
its climax in their exchange about the
meaning of emptiness, in which
Vimalakirti surpasses the others by
answering with silence.
Vimalakirti is a popular figure
throughout the schools of East Asian
Buddhism precisely because he
practiced Buddhism and attained
enlightenment as a lay person.
Vimalakirti sometimes appears in Zen
texts, including case 84 of the
Hekiganroku, which recounts his dis-
cussion with Manjushri. See also lay
believer and Mahayana Buddhism.
Thurman, Robert A. F., trans. The Holy
Teaching of Vimalakirti: A
Mahayana Scripture. University
Park, PA: Pennsylvania State
University Press, 1976.
Vimalakirti Sutra
The Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra, Sutra of
the Teaching of Vimalakirti, a Mahayana
sutra about a wealthy lay Buddhist named
Vimalakirti who was a contemporary of
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama), the
historical Buddha. In the sutra, Vimalakirti
is depicted as the perfect bodhisattva,
capable of cleverly and effectively using
expedient means to teach the most pro-
found Mahayana concepts. One such
teaching device that Vimalakirti employs
is his own illness; bedridden, he draws vis-
itors into his sickroom, where he instructs
them in the Dharma. Hearing of the ill-
ness, the Buddha suggests that his most
prominent disciples go to inquire about
Vimalakirtis health. One by one, the disci-
ples all decline the mission. Each one
describes an earlier occasion in which he
was bested by the layman and received a
lesson in the Dharma, a role reversal for
monk and lay practitioner. Finally,
Manjusri (J. Monju) agrees to visit
Vimalakirti, and all of the disciples accom-
pany him. The sutra reaches its climax in
their exchange about the meaning of
emptiness, in which Vimalakirti surpasses
the others by answering with silence.
The Vimalakirti Sutra is widely pop-
ular in East Asia, where at least six
translations were made into Chinese. It
is a favorite sutra in the Zen school,
where Vimalakirtis roaring silence
became the subject of a traditional
kan. The most commonly used
Chinese translation of the sutra is the
Wei-mo-chieh So-shuo Ching ( J.
Yuimakitsu Shosetsuky), completed by
Kumarajiva (T. 14, no. 475) in three
parts. A complete English translation
was done by Robert Thurman under the
title The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: A
Mahayana Scripture. See also lay
believer and Mahayana Buddhism.
Thurman, Robert A. F., trans. The Holy
Teaching of Vimalakirti: A
Mahayana Scripture. University
Park, PA: Pennsylvania State
University Press, 1976.
( J. ritsu or binaya) The Buddhist
monastic code, which governs the lives
of Buddhist monks and nuns. The
vinaya texts constitute one portion or
basket of the Theravada Buddhist
scriptures, which are known as the
Tripitaka. According to Buddhist
accounts, the regulations preserved in
the vinaya were actually established by
the historical Buddha to regulate the
activities of the Buddhist sangha, or
community, during his lifetime. The
Buddha created new regulations as var-
ious problems arose within the commu-
nity. The texts typically convey the spe-
cific purpose of each rule and the cir-
cumstances under which it was created.
The tradition maintains that the entire
vinaya was recited by the disciple Upali
at the first Buddhist council held shortly
after the Buddhas death. The later tra-
dition added to the vinaya code as the
need arose, and several versions of the
vinaya developed.
The version of the vinaya that became
the standard in East Asia is the Vinaya in
Four Categories of Dharmagupta (J.
Shinbun Ritsu or Ssu-fen Lu).
Dharmagupta is a school of Theravada
Buddhism. The first section outlines the
regulations for monks. The second
explains the regulations for receiving the
precepts and for preaching. The third
describes the regulations for retreats,
repentance, clothing, and medication.
The fourth section explains the regula-
tions related to housing and miscella-
neous items. Vinaya schools arose in
China and Japan based on this version of
the code. These included the Lu school in
China and the Ritsu school in Japan.
Traditionally, the vinaya was recited
twice a month at the uposatha
ceremony. These readings provided
monks and nuns the opportunity to
reflect upon their actions and confess to
any major breaches of the code. The
vinaya prescribes the appropriate
punishment for various offenses,
dividing them into four categories.
First were the most serious offenses
entailing defeat (Sk. parajika); these
require immediate expulsion from the
monastic community. Second were the
offenses that required temporary
suspension and public repentance.
The third category requires repentance
and forfeiting the object involved. The
fourth requires simple repentance.
Vipashyin Buddha
(J. Bibashi) One of the Seven Buddhas
of the Past whose biographies appear
at the beginning of the Transmission of
the Lamp (Ch. Ching-te Ch uan-teng
Lu; J. Keitoku Dentroku) and other
traditional accounts of the history of
Zen Buddhism through the ages.
Vipashyin is the first buddha named
and is identified as the 998th buddha of
the previous eon.
Vishvabhu Buddha
(J. Bishabu) One of the Seven Buddhas
of the Past whose biographies appear at
the beginning of the Transmission of the
Lamp (Ch. Ching-te Ch uan-teng Lu; J.
Keitoku Dentroku) and other traditional
accounts of the history of ZenBuddhism
through the ages. Vishvabhu is the third
buddha named and is identified as the
1,000th buddha of the previous eon.
(J. gan) There are several types of vows
undertaken by Buddhist practitioners.
First there are various sets of precepts
undertaken by lay believers, novices,
and fully ordained monks and nuns,
which are sometimes spoken of as
vows. The precepts are common to
both Theravada and Mahayana. In
addition, followers of Mahayana
Buddhism, both lay and ordained, recite
the four bodhisattva vows. See also
Theravada Buddhism.
Vulture Peak
(J. Ryjusen) Mount Gridhrakuta, a
mountain in Magadha, India, where the
Buddha is traditionally said to have given
many sermons, including the Lotus
Sutra. Vulture Peak is important within
the Zen tradition, because it is there that
the Buddha transmitted the Dharma to
his disciple, Mahakashyapa.
Vipashyin Buddha
Poverty, or austere simplicity, valued in
the Japanese cultural tradition as an
aesthetic quality. The various art forms
inspired by Zen, such as pottery, poetry,
and drama, are said to embody the
styles of wabi and sabi (loneliness).
Japanese poetry, which is written in two
standard forms: tanka and chka. In
Japan, waka is contrasted with kanshi,
poetry composed in Chinese.
Walking Staff
(J. shuj) Zen monks and nuns tradi-
tionally carry a long walking staff when
traveling on a pilgrimage. The walking
staff is also carried by Zen masters as a
symbol of authority at ordinations and
is hung on the wall during formal lec-
tures given in the Dharma hall ( J.
hatt). It is said that the walking staff
derives from the classical Buddhist tra-
dition. According to the Theravadan
monastic code (vinaya), the Buddha
allowed old and infirm monks and nuns
to use a walking stick. See also
Theravada Buddhism.
Wandering Spirits
A folk concept in Japan referring to spir-
its of the dead who wander in search of
release from their endless suffering.
The Japanese term muen botoke literally
means a buddha without attach-
ments, but is more accurately under-
stood as the spirit of a dead person
(hotoke) caught between worlds,
unable to attain release. The spirit may
have been forgotten or may have died
without surviving family to offer the
appropriate memorial services (hji).
It is also said that individuals who die
without resolving deep emotional
problems, such as intense jealousy,
rage, or resentment, may be trapped in
a similar state. Such spirits are said to
wander in the world of the living,
seeking food and comfort, dependent
on the living to ease their suffering.
Services such as segaki (ullambana) are
offered for their benefit.
Wanshi Shgaku
(10911157) Japanese transliteration of
Hung-chih Cheng-cheh (10911157),
Chinese St Zen master of the Sung
period (9601279). See Hung-chih
An important Chinese Zen monastery
on Chin-shan. The monasterys full
name was Hsing-sheng Wan-shou-ssu.
It was designated as one of the Five
Mountains (Ch. wu-shan; J. Gozan tem-
ples), the most prestigious Zen monas-
teries in China.
Warrior Monks
Armed monks, known as shei in
Japanese, who fought to protect the
interests of Japanese Buddhist monas-
teries and temples throughout the
medieval period (11851600). The prac-
tice of monasteries raising armies from
among their own ranks began in the
Heian period (7941185) and continued
until the last warrior monks were
defeated and disarmed by the military
leaders Oda Nobunaga (15341582) and
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (15361598), who
helped unify Japan in the late 16th cen-
tury. See shei.
Hymn or devotional verse, usually in
praise of a buddha, a bodhisattva, a
patriarch, or some other Buddhist fig-
ure. Together, wasan form a genre of
Japanese Buddhist literature, common
to all schools of Japanese Buddhism. In
the Zen school, the best known wasan is
the Zazen wasan, composed by Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) in praise of the prac-
tice of seated meditation.
The primary word or expression that
summarizes a kan. Wat literally
means head of thought. When a stu-
dent contemplates a kan as a part of
meditative practice, one word or phrase
from the original kan may become the
primary focus of attention. For
example, when contemplating the Mu
kan, the first case from the
Mumonkan, the single sound mu
becomes the wat for most practition-
ers. Sometimes the term is used more
generally as an alternative expression
for kan.
(J. T or D) The most commonly used
English translation for the Chinese
word Tao, which may also be rendered
path. See Tao.
Western Pure Land
The celestial world created by Amida
buddha, where ordinary individuals
may easily attain enlightenment. It is
called Sukhavati in Sanskrit and
Gokuraku in Japanese. According to the
Pure Land scriptures, when Amida was
still a bodhisattva, he made a series of
vows. Among these was a vow to attain
buddhahood only if he could create a
pure land were even the weak could be
reborn, hear the Dharma, and easily
practice Buddhism. A lengthy descrip-
tion of the Western Pure Land is pro-
vided in the three Pure Land Sutras,
especially the Larger Pure Land Sutra.
Western Rank
The monastic officers who guide the
meditation practice and training at a
Zen monastery. See seihan.
Wheel of the Dharma
One of the most common images used
for the Buddhist Dharma, or teachings,
is a wheel. Known as dharmachakra in
Sanskrit, and hrin in Japanese, the
image goes back to the most ancient
period in Buddhist history. By using
a wheel to symbolize the Buddha and
the Dharma, the Buddhas teachings
are compared to the Cakravartins
great wheels. Just as the Cakravartin
use their wheels to subdue the
secular world, the Buddha uses the
Dharma to crush all delusions and lead
people to enlightenment.
There are three traditional levels of
meaning in the image of the Wheel of
the Dharma based upon its roundness,
its power to crush, and its ability to
turn. First, the Wheel of the Dharmas
roundness symbolizes its perfection
and completeness; the Dharma is
unsurpassed and lacking in nothing.
Second, the Dharma crushes the false
views held by sentient beings in the
same way that the Cakravartins wheel
crushes political resistance. Third, just
as a wheel can turn and move freely,
the Dharma can be transmitted
anywhere it is taught.
The Wheel of the Dharma is most
closely identified with the teachings
presented in the first sermon in
Benares, which explains the concepts
of the middle path, the four noble
truths, and the Eightfold Path. In
Buddhist iconography, the wheel is
commonly drawn with eight spokes,
representing the Eightfold Path. In the
early centuries, before the Buddhist tra-
dition used human representations of
the Buddha, the wheel was a popular
image for veneration.
Wheel of Life
An image created by the Buddhist tradi-
tion to graphically systematize the
teachings about existence in the world
of samsara, the ongoing cycle of birth
and death. It is called Bhavachakra in
Sanskrit and Urin in Japanese, literally
translated as the wheel of existence.
At the center of the wheel, forming the
hub, are three animals: a cock, a snake,
and a pig, symbolizing greed, anger, and
ignorance. These three afflictions,
known collectively as the three poisons,
are the forces that keep the cycles of
samsara in motion. The spokes of the
wheel depict the six realms of existence:
the realms of heaven, ashuras (protec-
tive spirits), human beings, animals,
hungry ghosts, and hell. Individuals are
reborn into one of these realms
depending on the karmic accumulation
from their previous existence. The outer
rim of the wheel represents the twelve
causal links in the chain of codepen-
dent origination that are responsible
for human suffering. Mara, the demon
who represents impermanence and
death, holds the whole wheel in his
mouth and claws.
A religious implement that Zen teachers
carry as a symbol of their authority.
They are known as hossu in Japanese.
Zen whisks are usually made from horse
hair attached to a short staff. Originally,
Buddhist monks in India carried
the whisk to clear the ground in front
of them as they walked to avoid
inadvertently killing any small insects
in their path.
Womb-Realm Mandala
(J. Taizkai Mandara) One of the two pri-
mary mandala used in esoteric
Buddhism, especially the Shingon sect,
to symbolically depict the realm of divin-
ity. The Womb-Realm Mandala represents
Mahavairochanas enlightenment, which
pervades the entire cosmos and is inher-
ent in all sentient beings. Through com-
passion, this seed of Buddha Nature that
each sentient being possesses can lead
one to enlightenment. The mandala
depicts twelve rectangular halls; the cen-
tral hall encompasses an eight-petalled
lotus, with the eleven other halls forming
concentric rectangles around it. At the
center of the lotus sits the buddha
Mahavairochana (J. Dainichi Butsu), the
Womb-Realm Mandala
The Wheel of the Dharma is one of the most common Buddhist images,
symbolizing perfection and completeness.
central buddha of esoteric Buddhism.
Mahavairochana is surrounded by four
other buddhas, one in each of the petals
in the four cardinal directions, and by four
bodhisattvas in the intermediate petals.
Other Buddhist deities inhabit the various
halls surrounding the central lotus blos-
som. Over 400 buddhas, bodhisattvas,
and other Buddhist deities are depicted
on the mandala. The mandala is based
upon a description from the Maha-
vairochana Sutra (J. Dainichky), although
some variant versions exist. The other
major mandala is the Diamond-Realm
Mandala (J. Kongkai Mandara).
Ishida, Hisatoyo. Esoteric Buddhist
Painting. Trans. E. Dale Saunders.
New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
Yamasaki, Taiko. Shingon: Japanese
Esoteric Buddhism. Trans. Richard
and Cynthia Peterson. Ed.Yasuyoshi
Morimoto and David Kidd. Boston,
MA: Shambhala, 1988.
World-Honored One
(J. Seson) An honorific title used for any
worthy religious teacher, especially
Shakyamuni (Siddharta Gautama), the
historical Buddha. World Honored One
is an English translation of the Sanskrit
word Bhagavat. The combined expres-
sion the Buddha, the World-Honored
One forms one of the ten epithets for
the Buddha. The Buddha is worthy of
honor because he attained perfect
enlightenment and thereby benefits all
sentient beings. Zen literature often
refers to the Buddha simply as the
World-Honored One.
No, not; a Chinese word of negation.
See mu.
(2) Enlightenment; satori. Wu is the
Chinese pronunciation of the same
character transliterated as satori in
Japanese. See satori.
Wu-an Pu-ning
(1197-1276; J. Gottan Funei) Chinese
Rinzai Zen monk of the Yan dynasty
(12751368) who helped to establish
Rinzai Zen in Japan. Wu-an emigrated
to Japan in 1260, perhaps to escape the
unrest in China. He received the spon-
sorship of the regent Hj Tokiyori
(12271263) and served as abbot at
Kench-ji, a monastery in Kamakura.
Wu-an eventually recognized Tokiyori
as his Dharma heir. He returned to
China after Tokiyoris death. See also
Rinzai sect.
( J. goke) Five houses, a Chinese
expression used to describe the five dis-
tinctive styles of Zen characteristic of
the five different lineages which devel-
oped during the Tang dynasty
(618907) in China. See five houses.
Wu-chun Shih-fan
(11771249; J. Bushun Shiban) Chinese
Rinzai monk of the late Sung dynasty
(9601279), a leading master in the
Yang-chi lineage (J. Ygi) in the thir-
teenth century. Although Wu-chun
never visited Japan, he had a strong
impact on the development of Rinzai
Zen in Japan through his Japanese
disciple, Enni Benen (12021280), and
Chinese disciples Wu-hseh Tsu-yan
(12261286) and Wu-an Pu-ning
(11971276). See also Rinzai sect and
Yang-chi school.
Wu-hseh Tsu-yan
(12261286; J. Mugaku Sogen) Chinese
Rinzai monk of the late Sung dynasty
(9601279), who helped establish the
Rinzai school in Japan. Wu-hsueh was
the Dharma heir of Wu-chun Shih-fan
(11771276). He immigrated to Japan in
1279 at the invitation of the Japanese
regent Hj Tokimune (12511284).
Wu-hsueh served as the abbot of
Kench-ji and was the founding abbot
of Engaku-ji. See also Rinzai sect.
World-Honored One
Wu-men Hui-kai
(11831260; J. Mumon Ekai) Chinese
Rinzai monk of the Sung dynasty
(9601279), best known as the compiler
of the Wu-men Kuan (J. Mumonkan).
Wu-men was the Dharma heir of
the Zen master Yueh-lin Shih-kuan of
the Yang-chi lineage ( J. Ygi). He
attained enlightenment fairly early
in life, and began teaching at the age
of thirty-six. He developed his
collection of classical kan as an aid
in teaching his own disciples. He
eventually became the founding abbot
at Hu-kuo Jen-wang-ssu in Hangchow
by imperial decree. His disciples
include the Japanese monk Shinchi
Kakushin (12071298). See also Rinzai
sect and Yang-chi school.
Wu-men Kuan
The Gateless Gate, the most popular col-
lection of classical Zen kan, compiled
by the Chinese Rinzai master Wu-men
Hui-kai (11831260) in 1228. The text is
more commonly known by its Japanese
title, Mumonkan. See Mumonkan.
Wu-tsu Fa-yen
(d. 1104; J. Goso Hoen) Chinese Rinzai
monk of the Sung dynasty (9601279), an
early master in the Yang-chi lineage. Fa-
yen was a native of Szechwan and did not
enter monastic orders until he was thirty-
five. He initially studied Consciousness
Only teachings, but later looked for a
Zen teacher. He first became the disciple
of Yuan-chien Fa-yuan, and then Shou-
tuan Chan-shih, from whom he received
Dharma transmission. He lived for
many years as Wu-tsu-shan, the popular
name for Huang-mei-shan, from which
his name derives. See also Rinzai sect
and Yang-chi school.
Wu-tsu Hung-jen
(J. Goso Gunin) The Fifth Patriarch
Hung-jen. See Hung-jen.
Wu-tsu Hung-jen
A kana hgo written by Hakuin Ekaku
(16851768) for Ikeda Tsugumasa
(17021776), the daimy or lord of
Okayama in 1753. Hakuin describes the
practice of Zen and commends the use
of the One Hand kan (J. Sekishu kan).
The Yabukji is alternatively known as
the Sekishu No Onj. A translation of
the Yabukji appears in Yampolskys
The Zen Master Hakuin: Selected
Writings (Columbia University Press,
In Zen temples, they use the term
yakuseki as a euphemism for the
evening meal or the last meal of the day.
This is a meal that is eaten in the
evening in violation of the monastic
rule; the term literally means medicine
stone. The vinaya or Buddhist monas-
tic code developed within the
Theravada tradition explicitly forbids
monks and nuns to eat after the noon
hour. Medicinal stones originally
referred to heated stones that monks
and nuns held against their abdomens
in the evening to ease the sensation of
hunger and to provide warmth in cold
weather. In the Mahayana temples of
East Asia, although Buddhist monks
and nuns continued to abide by the
same monastic code, eating an evening
meal has become common practice in
most monasteries. It has been argued
that the purpose of allowing an evening
meal is medicinal in intention, that it is
used as a preventive against illness
rather than as a concession to personal
comfort. The term first appears in Zen
monastic codes (shingi) in the early
thirteenth century. See also Mahayana
Buddhismand Theravada Buddhism.
Yakushi Butsu
(Sk. Bhaishajya-guru Vaidurya-prabha)
The Buddha of Healing; known as
Bhaishajya-guru in Sanskrit. His full
Japanese name is Yakushi Rurik,
meaning the Medicine Master of
Emerald Light. Tradition says that
Yakushi was a great medicine king who
took twelve vows while still a bod-
hisattva; one of the vows was to cure all
sentient beings from suffering from
disease. Yakushi now reigns as the
buddha of the Eastern Pure Land of
Pure Emerald. He is venerated as the
Medicine Buddha throughout East Asia,
where he has enjoyed more popularity
than in India. Worship of him as a
means of curing illness and ensuring
longevity are ancient practices in China
and Japan, dating back to the earliest
Buddhist period in Japan. Although Zen
temples typically enshrine an image of
Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddharta
Gautama) as the main image (honzon),
many smaller Zen temples in the coun-
tryside have images of Yakushi.
In Japan, Yakushi is sometimes
identified with Pindola, the healing
arhat, who is also known as Binzuru
in Japanese. Pindola can often be found
outside the main hall, since according
to popular Japanese lore he was
expelled from the company of the
other arhats. It is said that he
committed an act of sexual indiscretion
when he admired a beautiful woman.
People adorn smaller images of
Yakushi or Binzuru with knitted caps
and bibs to request his assistance with
health problems.
In iconography, Yakushi is often
depicted seated in meditation or stand-
ing, holding a medicine bowl in his left
hand while his right hand is raised in
the mudra, indicating that those
approaching should have no fear. He
may be included in a buddha triad,
standing on the left with Shakyamuni in
the middle and Amida buddha on
Yakushi Butsu
Yakushi Butsu is the great Buddhist medicine king who vowed to cure all beings of disease and illness.
the right. Alternatively, Yakushi may
be depicted standing in the center of
his assistants, Nikk and Gakk
Bosatsu, the bodhisattvas of sunlight
and moonlight.
Getty, Alice. The Gods of Northern
Buddhism: Their History and
Iconography. New York: Dover
Publications, 1988.
Saunders, E. Dale. Mudra: A Study of the
Symbolic Gestures in Japanese
Buddhist Sculpture. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1985.
(J. Emma) Lord of the realm of the dead
in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. In
Buddhist mythology, Yama assumes
authority over humans after death and
judges their actions, both good and evil.
Based on his review of a persons deeds,
Yama determines whether the individ-
ual deserves punishment or rewards,
and assigns them to a heaven or hell,
accordingly. Yama himself reigns over
the various hells, where souls of the
dead are punished until their evil
karma is exhausted.
Yama originally appeared in ancient
Indian mythology, where he was a
benign deity who cared for the souls of
the dead in heaven. Yama became the
ruler of the dead as the first human
being to die and discover the path to
that realm. He came to be regarded as a
deity, and the guardian of the south, the
region of deceased souls. He was carried
over into Hindu mythology as the king
of hell, a much darker and more fright-
ening figure. In Hindu iconography,
Yama is depicted as a terrifying figure.
His body is green and he wears red
robes. He rides on the back of a buffalo
and carries a club and noose to capture
souls when they die. He not only judges
souls after death, but has an army of
assistants to inflict cruel punishments
on those found guilty of wicked acts.
Yama also has a female counterpart,
called Yam, who reigns over the female
residents of hell. Beliefs about Yama
underwent significant changes in East
Asian Buddhism.
Mountain ascetics in Japan who
practice shugend, a religious practice
that blends beliefs and practices from
different traditions. Yamabushi com-
bine intense physical austerities and
mystical practices that build spiritual
power with the teachings and practice
of Buddhism. Yamabushi traditionally
provide services of healing and
exorcism. They display their spiritual
power at religious rituals by walking
across beds of glowing embers or
climbing ladders of sharpened sword
blades. Most Yamabushi are affiliated
with either the Tendai or the Shingon
sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Yang-chi School
A lineage of Chinese Rinzai Zen that
first became active during the Sung
dynasty (9601279); it is known as one
of the so-called seven schools of Zen.
The lineage was founded by the Zen
master Yang-chi Fang-hui (9921049; J.
Ygi He), a seventh generation
descendent of Lin-chi I-hsuan. By the
end of the Sung dynasty, the Yang-chi
school was the dominant lineage of
Rinzai in China. It was within this
school that kan practice fully devel-
oped and flourished. Descendants of
this lineage include Wu-men Hui-kai
(11831260) the compiler of the Wu-
men Kuan (J. Mumonkan); and Ta-hui
Tsung-kao (10891163) author of the
Hekiganroku. In the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries, several prominent
Chinese masters and their Japanese
disciples transmitted the lineage to
Japan, where it became known as
the Ygi school. All active Rinzai
lineages in Japan are branches of the
Yang-chi lineage, with the exception of
the Obaku school. See also Obaku sect
and Rinzai sect.
Yang-shan Hui-chi
(807883; J. Kyzan Ejaku) Chinese
Zen master of the Tang dynasty
(618907) who, along with his Dharma
master Kuei-shan Ling-yu (771853),
founded the Kuei-yang school ( J.
Igy-sh) of Chinese Zen. The Kuei-
yang school is one of the so-called five
houses (J. goke) of Chinese Zen. Yang-
shan founded a temple on Mount
Yang-shan, from which his popular
name derives. Yan-shan perfected the
use of the circle, long a symbol of per-
fection in Chinese thought, as a Zen
teaching device.
Yasen Kanna
Zen treatise composed by Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768) in 1757. The text
is comprised of one section. The name
is sometimes transliterated as Yasen
Kanwa. In the text, Hakuin addresses
the problem of the Zen sickness,
which commonly afflicts those
who meditate extensively. He describes
in detail his own difficulties with
meditation-related physical and mental
illness. He recounts his visits to a
Taoist master named Hakuy, who
taught him an effective cure, the
introspective practice known as naikan.
See also meditation.
The wife of Siddharta Gautama, before
he renounced his home life and became
the Buddha. She was also the mother
of Rahula. Later in life she became a
disciple of the Buddha and joined the
order of nuns.
At a firewalking ceremony, the Yamabushi walk across the hot, glowing coals first;
then laypeople are allowed to cross.
Year of the Donkey
(J. Ronen) A Zen expression for some-
thing that will never happen. Each year
in the twelve-year cycle of the tradi-
tional Chinese calendar is named for an
animal of the zodiac. Since there is no
Year of the Donkey, it designates an
impossible event.
Yin-yan Lung-chi
(15941673; J. Ingen Ryki) Chinese
monk in the Rinzai sect. Yin-yan lived
late in the Ming dynasty (13681644)
and founded the Obaku sect of Zen in
Japan. Yin-yan was born in the Fukien
province in southern China. He entered
monastic life at age twenty-nine at Wan-
fu-ssu monastery. He practiced first
under the Chinese Rinzai master, Mi-
yun Yan-Wu (15661642), and later
became the Dharma heir of Mi-yuns
successor, Fei-yun Tung-Jung
(15931661). Yin-yan became the
abbot of Wan-fu-ssu in 1637. He
accepted an invitation from the Chinese
migr community in Nagasaki and
immigrated to Japan in 1654, at the age
of sixty-two. Yin-yan was the most
prominent Chinese monk to travel to
Japan in several generations, and he
attracted many Japanese disciples. Yin-
yan eventually received the patronage
of the Japanese military government
and founded Obaku-san Mampuku-ji,
the head monastery for the Obaku sect,
in the city of Uji. Yin-yan served
as abbot for only a year before retiring
in 1664 in favor of his disciple Mu-an
Hsing-tao (16111684). Yin-yan
lived out his years of retirement
at Mampuku-ji, composing portions
of the Obaku Shingi, the monastic
code for the Obaku sect, during that
time. He was granted the posthumous
title Daik Fush Kokushi (National
Teacher Great Illumination Shining
Widely) from retired emperor
Gomizunoo (15961680).
Yogachara School
A school of Mahayana Buddhism first
developed in India in the fourth or fifth
century C.E., based on the writing of two
scholar monks, Asanga and his brother,
Vasubandhu. The school is often
referred to as the Consciousness Only
school, because it teaches that the phe-
nomenal world that we experience is
actually a product of our conscious
minds. The primary teachings of the
school include the storehouse con-
sciousness (alaya consciousness) and
the Three Natures of reality. The first of
the Three Natures of reality is the mis-
taken view that the perceived world is
made of permanent essences or souls.
The second nature is the view that all
things are changing or mutually depen-
dent. The third nature is the view of
absolute reality. In the seventh century,
the Yogachara school was transmitted
to China, where it became known as the
Fa-hsien school, and to Japan where it
is known as the Hoss school.
Ygi School
The Japanese name for the Yang-chi
lineage of the Chinese Rinzai sect. In
China, the Yang-chi school first
became active during the Sung dynasty
(9601279). It was founded by the
Chinese Zen master Yang-chi Fang-hui
(9921049; J. Ygi He). By the end of
the Sung dynasty, the Yang-chi school
was the dominant lineage of Rinzai in
China. In the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries, several prominent Chinese
masters and their Japanese disciples
transmitted the lineage to Japan, where
it became known as the Ygi school. All
active Rinzai lineages in Japan are
branches of the Yang-chi lineage, with
the exception of the Obaku sect.
Yj Taimitsu
(11411215) The Yj lineage of Tendai
esoteric Buddhism, the name used by
Myan Eisai (11411215) for his own
lineage of Zen, a combination of Rinzai
Zen with esoteric practice. Eisai is tradi-
tionally regarded as the founder of
Rinzai Zen in Japan. He began his career
as a monk in the Tendai sect on Mount
Hiei, and was fully trained in the
Year of the Donkey
esoteric practices and teachings of
the Tendai school. Although Eisai hoped
to promote an exclusive practice of
Zen in Japan such as he had experi-
enced in China, it was not practical
in his day. He therefore continued
to incorporate esoteric rituals and
teachings in his Zen school. He named
his lineage after the Yj valley on
Mount Hiei. See also Rinzai sect.
A Japanese St monastery in what is
now Ishikawa Prefecture. Around the
year 1313 C.E., the St master Keizan
Jkin (12681325) built a small medita-
tion retreat on the grounds of Yk-ji,
then a Shingon temple. Sometime later,
perhaps in 1325, Keizan received funds
to restore the temple and convert it into
a St monastery. He renamed it
Tkoku-san Yk-ji. See also Shingon
sect and St sect.
The name for the bathhouse in a Zen
monastery. Yokushitsu is one of the
seven buildings (shichid garan) that
make up the core of every Zen
monastery. While it is a physical neces-
sity to have a bathhouse, in the
monastery it is intended to be a place of
contemplation as well. Zen monastic
codes carefully specify regulations for
the proper behavior and demeanor
while using the bath. An appropriate
subject for meditation on bath day, for
example, is the touch of water, a refer-
ence to an episode in case 78 of the
Hekiganroku. Long ago, there were
sixteen bodhisattvas. At bath time, they
entered the water according to usual
order. They were suddenly enlightened
by the touch of the water. So, Zen wor-
thies, do you understand this?
According to the Zen monastic codes,
one day every two weeks is set aside as
bath day, a day when the ordinary
monastic routine is not observed. The
bath is heated, and the residents of the
monastery enter the bath based on their
order of seniority. While monks and nuns
wash daily to maintain proper hygiene, in
many monasteries hot water is only
available in large quantities on bath day.
Traditionally the fuel used to heat the
bath is dead leaves and other refuse gath-
ered while cleaning the temple grounds,
although many monasteries now use
more modern methods.
Ymy Enju
(904975 C.E.) Japanese rendering of
Yung-ming Yen-shou (904975). See
Yung-ming Yen-shou.
(11411215) An alternative pronuncia-
tion for Eisai, the Japanese Zen master
of the Kamakura period (11851333)
traditionally credited with founding the
Rinzai sect in Japan. Some scholars
have argued that Ysai was the original
pronunciation that the master used
himself. Both readings are possible, but
Eisai is used more commonly in sec-
ondary materials. See Eisai.
Yan-wu Ko-chin
(10631135; J. Engo Kokugon) A
Chinese Zen master from the Sung
dynasty (9601279) who is best known
as the compiler of the Hekiganroku.
Ko-chin was a disciple of Wu-tsu Fa-
yen (d. 1104), from the Yang-chi school
(in Japan, the Ygi school) of the Rinzai
sect. He became one of the most popu-
lar Zen masters of his day, with disciples
from lay and monastic circles. Ko-chin
received several imperial titles and hon-
ors, and is also known by the honorific
title Yan-wu Chan-shih ( J. Engo
Zenji), bestowed upon him by the
emperor Kao-tsung of the Southern
Sung dynasty. His most important heir
was the master Ta-hui Tsung-kao
(10891163). Ko-chin based the
Hekiganroku on an existing kan col-
lection edited by Hseh-tou Chung-
hsien, to which he added notes and
commentary. See also lay believer.
Yan-wu Ko-chin
Death poems, a genre of Zen literature.
It is customary for a Buddhist master to
record a final verse before death. In
most cases, the verse is intended as a
final instruction for the masters disci-
ples and may be an expression of the
masters understanding of the Dharma.
The common abbreviation for
Yuimakitsu, the Japanese name for
Vimalakirti, the lay bodhisattva who
plays the leading role in the Vimalakirti
Sutra. In Japan, he is also sometimes
referred to as Yuima Koji, the Layman
Vimalakirti. See Vimalakirti.
The popular abbreviated Japanese title
for the Vimalakirti Sutra. The term
generally refers specifically to
Kumarajivas Chinese translation of the
sutra, the Yuimakitsu Shosetsuky (Ch.
Wei-mo-chieh So-shuo Ching; T. 14, no.
475). See Vimalakirti Sutra.
Consciousness Only, the Japanese
term for the Mahayana Buddhist teach-
ing that all phenomena that one experi-
ences as external realities are manifes-
tations of ones consciousness or mind.
The doctrine was developed first within
the Yogachara school in India.
Yogachara teachings, especially the
treatises attributed to the Indian
scholar monks Asanga and Vasubandu,
inspired the Chinese Fa-hsien school.
This in turn served as the basis for the
Hoss school of Nara Buddhism in
Japan. See Consciousness Only.
Yuishin No Jdo
Pure Land of the Mind Only, the
Japanese rendering of a teaching shared
by several schools of Mahayana
Buddhism, including Zen. See Pure
Land of the Mind Only.
The Chinese term for recorded sayings,
one of the most important and distinc-
tive genres of Zen literature. See
recorded sayings.
Yn-chi Chu-hung
(15351615; J. Unsei Shuk) One
of the leading Chinese Buddhist
monks of the Ming dynasty
(13681644). See Chu-hung.
Yung-ming Yen-shou
(904975; J. Ymy Enju) A Chinese
Sung dynasty Zen master famous for his
syncretic approach to Buddhism. Yung-
ming stressed the basic unity between
the doctrines set out in the sutras and
the understanding achieved through
Zen meditation (J. kyzen itchi). He
advocated combining Zen practice
with the Pure Land Buddhist practice
of the nembutsu (Ch. nien-fo), recita-
tion of the name of Amida buddha.
He pioneered this form of dual
practice, which later became a
dominant force in Chinese Buddhism.
Yung-ming is regarded as a patriarch
in the Pure Land school as well as a
Zen master from the lineage of
Fa-yen Wen-i (J. Hgen). Yung-mings
primary literary work is the Tsung-
ching Lu (J. Sugyroku).
Yun-men School
(J. Ummon-sh) A lineage of Chinese
Zen active during the Tang (618907)
and Sung (9601279) dynasties and
known as one of the so-called five
houses of Zen. The lineage was founded
by the Zen master Yun-men Wen-yen
(864949). It flourished during the early
Sung dynasty, but was later absorbed
into the dominant Lin-chi lineage. Yun-
men developed a distinctive teaching
style, which included sharp blows with
the staff, shouts, and abrupt answers to
disciples questions, known as one-
word barriers (ichiji kan). These pithy
remarks and longer exchanges between
Yun-men and his disciples became the
subject of numerous kan used in the
later Zen tradition. It was a Zen monk
from the Yun-men school, Hseh-tou
Chung-hsien, who first collected and
commented upon the one hundred
cases that later became the
Hekiganroku. Although the Yun-men
school did not survive beyond the Sung
dynasty, its literature ensured that it
had an enduring influence on the later
tradition. See also Lin-chi school.
Yun-men Wen-yen
(864949; J. Ummon Bunen) Chinese
Zen monk of the Tang dynasty
(618907), founder of the Yun-men
school of early Zen Buddhism. Yun-
men was born in Chia-hsing. He took
his monastic vows at age twenty, and
began his Buddhist carrier studying the
vinaya. A few years later, he went out on
pilgrimage, seeking a master. He prac-
ticed under two important Zen masters
of the day. He first attained enlighten-
ment under Chen Tsun-su (better
known as Mu-chou), a direct disciple of
Huang-po Hsi-yn (d. 850), and later
became the Dharma heir of Hsueh-
feng. Yun-men taught in southern
China for thirty years. He first became
abbot at Ling-shu-yuan in 919, under
the patronage of Liu Yan. He later built a
monastery on Mount Yun-men, from
which his popular name derives. Yun-
men became famous for his one-word
barriers (ichiji kan), short, pithy
replies to questions from his disciples.
Many of these interchanges became the
subjects for classical kan. Selections
from Yun-mens recorded sayings are
translated by Urs App in Master
Yunmen: From the Record of the Chan
Master Gate of the Clouds (Kodansha
International, 1994).
Yun-men Wen-yen
A square cushion used during
seated meditation. Also called zaniku.
See zaniku.
A small, round pillow used during
seated meditation (zazen). Following
the St manner of zazen, the medita-
tor sits directly on the zafu, which is
resting on a larger cushion called a zab-
uton or zaniku. When seated in the
proper position for zazen, the backbone
falls just above the center of the zafu,
so that half of the cushion is behind
ones back. According to Dgen
Kigen (12001253), the founder of
the St sect, the zafu is used in
conjunction with the larger cushion to
raise the backside above the level of the
knees, which then rest on the larger
mat. The practice is still followed within
the St sect.
A square ritual cloth used for sitting and
for making formal prostrations. The
zagu is one of the six personal posses-
sions (rokumotsu) of a monk or nun.
The size of the cloth was officially deter-
mined in the monastic codes, but larger
monks are allowed to use a larger size
for practical reasons.
A lay Buddhist. This Japanese term liter-
ally means a householder, or someone
who lives at home. Although the word
can refer to anyone living a secular life,
it most often denotes Buddhist lay
believers. The term originated because
of the contrast in the location and man-
ner of practice between the lay and
monastic communities in Buddhism.
Buddhist monks and nuns leave the
home life (shukke) to join the monastic
community, so it became the practice to
refer to lay believers as householders.
Concentration; an intense state of
mental concentration achieved during
meditation. Zammai, also written
zanmai or sammai, is the Japanese
transliteration of the Sanskrit term
samadhi. See samadhi.
A square pillow or mat used during
seated meditation (zazen). The zaniku
is just large enough to accommodate a
person sitting in the lotus position. In
the St manner of meditation, the
zaniku rests on the tatami, with the
zafu, a smaller, round cushion, placed
upon it. It is also called zabuton. See
also St sect.
A zafu is a small pillow used during meditation;
it rests upon a zabuton.
Seated meditation, the style of
Buddhist meditation characteristic of
the Zen school. Zazen is traditionally
performed while seated cross-legged in
the full lotus or half-lotus position; in
Korean monasteries, the quarter lotus
position is more often adopted. In the
quarter lotus position, one sits with one
leg pulled up against the bottom of the
opposite thigh, with the other leg bent
with the knee pointing upward. In most
cases, the practitioner sits on a thick
cushion, wearing loose clothing. The
hands are held in the cosmic mudra,
palms up with the left over right and
thumbs lightly touching. The body pos-
ture is straight, with ears parallel to
shoulders, and nose in line with the
navel. Teeth and lips are held shut, but
the eyes remain slightly open, gazing
downward. Breathing may be observed,
but is not controlled; nor is an effort
made to empty the mind or control the
flow of thought. Thoughts are allowed
to arise and pass away.
Manual of Zen Meditation, the
Japanese title for any one of several
manuals describing the proper method
of seated meditation (zazen). The title
most commonly refers to the Tso-chan
I, a Chinese Zen text that appears in the
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei ( J. Zennen
Shingi) composed by the Chinese Zen
master, Chang-lu Tsung-tse. It is also
used as an abbreviated title for Dgen
Kigens (12001253) Fukan Zazengi,
which forms one chapter in the
Shbgenz. Dgens essay is based on
Tsung-tses earlier work.
Zazen Wasan
A Hymn to Zazen, a popular devotional
verse written in Japanese by the eigh-
teenth-century Rinzai reformer, Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768). Rinzai monks and
lay practitioners of Zen continue to
chant the verse as a devotional practice
today. The verse opens with the line,
Sentient beings are intrinsically
Buddha. Just like ice and waterapart
from water there is no ice; apart from
sentient beings there is no Buddha. A
full English translation of the verse can
be found in Isshu Miuras and Ruth Fuller
Sasakis Zen Dust (Harcourt, Brace &
World, 1966). See also lay believer,
Rinzai sect, and zazen.
Zazen Yjinki
Notebook on Zen Practice, a com-
mentary in one section on the practice
of seated meditation (J. zazen) written
by Keizan Jkin (12681325), the sec-
ond patriarch of the St sect in Japan.
The text was first published in 1680 by
the St scholar-monk Manzan. The
Zazen yjinki describes the practice of
meditation following the style devel-
oped by the founder of the St sects,
Dgen Kigen (12001253). Keizan
based his text on Dgens earlier Zen
manual, the Fukan Zazengi. The St
sect continues to use the Zazen yjinki
as a beginners manual on how to med-
itate. Two English translations have
been published: The St Approach to
Zen by Matsunaga Reih, and Timeless
Spring by Thomas Cleary.
Cleary, Thomas. Timeless Spring: A
St Zen Anthology. New York:
Weatherhill, 1980.
Matsunaga, Reih. The St Approach
to Zen. London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1972.
Meditation, the Japanese abbreviation
for zenna, which is the Japanese pronun-
ciation for the Chinese word channa.
Channa and zenna are the standard
transliterations for the Sanskrit term
dhyana. In Japanese texts, the term Zen
may be used broadly for any style of
meditation, whether Buddhist or not. It
often refers specifically, however, to
zazen, the style of seated meditation
practiced within the Zen school of
Buddhism. In addition, the term Zen is
used to designate the Zen school, or Zen
teachings and Zen practice in general.
Zen tradition explains its history in
terms of simple transmission of the
Dharma from one master to another,
which historians no longer accept as
factually accurate. Tradition maintains
that the Indian monk Bodhidharma
was the first Zen patriarch to travel to
China to spread Zen practice in East
Asia. He is said to have transmitted the
Zen teachings and style of practice to
his Chinese disciple, Hui-ko (487593),
known as the Second Patriarch. Hui-ko
then transmitted the Dharma to his dis-
ciple, the Third Patriarch Seng-tsan (d.
606), and so on through Hui-neng
(638713), recognized as the Sixth
Patriarch. Tradition says that
Bodhidharma taught that all human
beings innately possess the Buddha
Nature. He is said to have taught a
form of seated meditation designed to
allow the individual to grasp the
workings of the mind, to recognize
ones own Buddha Nature, and thus
attain enlightenment.
The actual history of Zen Buddhisms
development in China presents a much
more complex process. Zen first arose
in China sometime during the Tang
dynasty (618907), several centuries
after Buddhism had entered the coun-
try. The Chinese had long expressed
special interest in the Buddhist medita-
tive texts that were imported from India
and Central Asia and translated into
Chinese. Chinese meditation masters
began to develop styles of practice
appropriate for the Chinese cultural
context. In the sixth and seventh cen-
turies, before one can accurately speak
of Zen Buddhism as an independent
school of Chinese Buddhism, small
communities of Buddhist meditators
took shape at monasteries and her-
mitages located in mountainous areas.
From these early communities, the pre-
cursors of Zen emerged, including the
East Mountain school. By the eighth
century, Zen took the form of distinct
lineages of Zen masters who identified
Zen cuisine consists of vegetarian food served at Zen Buddhist
monasteries to monks and nuns, as well as to the general public.
themselves as the heirs of earlier
patriarchs, including Bodhidharma
and Hui-ko. The latter portion of the
Tang dynasty, the ninth and tenth
centuries, are regarded as the golden
age of Zen in China. It was during this
period that masters such as Ma-tsu
Tao-i (709788), Pai-chang Huai-hai
(720814), Huang-po Hsi-yn (d. 850),
Yun-men Wen-Yen (864949),
Tung-shan Liang-chieh (807869), and
Lin-chi I-hsuan were active.
Zen took on a distinctive institu-
tional form during the Sung dynasty
(9601279), when Zen monastic codes
were compiled. It was during the same
period that most of the classical textual
sources, such as the recorded sayings of
the masters, collections of kan, and
the compendia of biographies were
compiled. The kan emerged during
this period as an important meditative
device among some Zen masters, espe-
cially those in Lin-chis Rinzai lineage.
By the late Sung dynasty, only a few
major Zen lineages survived, out of
which came the two primary schools of
Chinese Zen, the Rinzai sect and the
St sect. Both schools were transmit-
ted to Japan during the late twelfth
through the thirteenth century.
The founder of St Zen in Japan
was Dgen Kigen (12001253), who
traveled to China. In China, he prac-
ticed under a Chinese master and
became his Dharma heir. The trans-
mission of Rinzai Zen was much more
complicated, involving the efforts of
several Chinese monks who emigrated
to Japan and Japanese monks who vis-
ited China. Nevertheless, the Japanese
monk, Eisai, is traditionally recognized
as the founder of Japanese Rinzai. A
third school of Japanese Zen, the Obaku
school, emerged centuries later, during
the early Tokugawa period (16001867).
Obaku was founded by the Chinese
monk Yin-yan Lung-chi (15941673)
and a small group of his disciples, who
immigrated to Japan in the mid-
sixteenth century. In the twentieth
century, Zen Buddhism has spread
throughout the Western world, and is
developing new monastic and lay
styles of practice appropriate for
Western culture. See also lay believer
and Obaku sect.
Japanese for Zen sickness, an ailment
that may arise as a result of practicing
Zen meditation. See Zen Sickness.
A good friend in the Dharma. Literally
the term means good and knowledge-
able. Often used in reference to the
person who first introduced one to the
practice of Buddhism, or someone who
guided one along the Buddhist path.
In Zen literature, the term usually
refers to an excellent teacher of the
Buddhist way or, more specifically, ones
Zen master. The term may also be used
as a polite form of address; in the
Platform Sutra, for example, the Sixth
Patriarch addresses his audience using
the expression.
Zen Cuisine
Zen monasteries are sometimes known
for their vegetarian cuisine. In Japan,
monasteries may serve food to the
general public in an affiliated restaurant
or in the monastery dining hall. While
the ordinary diet for Zen monks and
nuns is quite simple, fancier food is
usually prepared for special occasions.
See also vegetarianism.
The meditation hall at a Zen monastery
or temple. The term zend refers to the
monks hall (J. sd), which served as
the traditional location in Chinese and
medieval Japanese Zen monasteries for
seated meditation, meals and sleeping;
zend may also refer to a separate hall
used exclusively for meditation. The lat-
ter are much smaller than the tradi-
tional monks hall, since residents do
not use them for eating meals or sleep-
ing. They were introduced in Japan by
the Chinese founders of the Obaku sect
in the early Tokugawa period
(16001867) and have since become
common throughout all the sects of
Japanese Zen. See meditation hall.
Zenen Shingi
The Zen monastic code of the Yuan
dynasty, the Japanese title for the
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei. Also translit-
erated as Zennen Shingi and Zenon
Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei.
Zen painting, a general term that
encompasses several styles or genres,
including ink painting (J. suibokuga),
landscapes, and portraits of Zen
masters (J. chins).
Zengen Shozensh Tojo
Japanese title for the Chan-yuan Chu-
chuan-chi Tu-hsu, a text by Tsung-mi
(780840). See Chan-yuan Chu-
chuan-chi Tu-hsu.
Gradual enlightenment, the
Japanese term for the belief that
enlightenment may be achieved in
stages over an extended period of time.
See gradual enlightenment.
Gradual teaching, teachings based on
the concept of gradual enlightenment.
See gradual teaching.
Zen master or Meditation master, a
Japanese title of respect used to address
accomplished Zen monks and nuns. The
Chinese pronunciation of the same char-
acters is Chan-shih. Originally the term
distinguished masters who instructed
others in meditation from Dharma mas-
ters, or hosshi. Historically, Zenji was also
a formal honorific title bestowed on out-
standing Zen monks by the imperial court
in China and Japan.
Meditation; the state of mental con-
centration achieved while meditating
or the practice associated with it.
Zenj represents the Japanese pro-
nunciation of a Chinese word used to
translate the Sanskrit term dhyana.
The word zenj can be used in a num-
ber of ways, since its component parts
allow for different interpretations. The
character zen can be used alone to
mean dhyana, the practice of medita-
tion. The character j can be trans-
lated as samadhi, the state of mental
concentration typically achieved
through the practice of meditation.
While the Sanskrit term dhyana does
not apply exclusively to the Zen style
of meditation, the word zenj is some-
times used synonymously with zazen,
the word for seated Zen meditation.
See meditation and zazen.
Zenkai Ichiran
One Wave on the Sea of Zen, a Zen
treatise in one part, which is one of the
most important works of Zen literature
written in the modern period
(1868present). A monk in the Rinzai
sect, Ksen Son (18161892), also
known as Imakita Ksen, composed the
text for the daimy, or military leader, of
the Iwakuni province in 1862. It argues
for the basic compatibility between
Confucianism and Zen. Large portions
of the work provide commentary on
Confucian terminology and sayings as
seen from the Zen perspective.
Zenkan Sakushin
Japanese title for the Chan-kuan
Tse-chin (To Encourage Zealous
Study of the Zen Barriers). See Chan-
kuan Tse-chin.
A woven ball made of animal hair that
was used to prevent monks from
falling asleep during sessions of
seated meditation. The ball would be
tossed at monks who were nodding off
Zenen Shingi
to stop them from falling asleep. The
practice is no longer observed in Zen
Zenmon Kishiki
Zen monastic code, the Japanese title
for the Chan-men Kuei-shih. See
Chan-men Kuei-shih.
A practitioner or trainee of meditation,
a Zen monk or nun. The term zenna is
the Japanese translation of the Sanskrit
word dhyana, or meditation.
Zennen Shingi
The Zen monastic code of the Yan
dynasty, the Japanese title for the
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei. Also translit-
erated as Zenen Shingi and Zenon
Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei.
Zenon Shingi
The Zen monastic code of the Yan
dynasty, the Japanese title for the
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei. Also translit-
erated as Zennen Shingi and Zenen
Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei.
A board used to provide support during
zazen (seated meditation) so that the
meditator can rest or even nap while
seated in the lotus position. The board
is long and narrow, measuring approxi-
mately 21 inches long (52 cm), 2.4
inches wide (6 cm), and less than half
an inch thick (10 mm). The zenpan has
a small, round hole cut toward the top.
In some cases, a cord was passed
through the hole and attached to wall
behind, such that the person meditat-
ing could rest on a diagonal against the
flat of the board. Today, it is rested flat
across the knees or used as a chin rest to
prop up the head.
Zenrin Biy Shingi
Japanese title for the Pei-yung
Ching-kuei, a Chinese Zen monastic
code published in 1311. See Pei-yung
Zenrin Kush
A Collection of Phrases from the Zen
Garden, a compilation of 6,000 quota-
tions drawn from various Buddhist
scriptures, Zen texts, and non-Buddhist
sources. At least since the time of the
eighteenth-century Rinzai reformer,
Hakuin Ekaku (16851768), Rinzai
masters and students have relied upon
the Zenrin Kush as a resource for
jakugo, or capping verses, which
are used as a regular part of kan
practice. Portions of the text have been
translated into English in Sasaki and
Miuras The Zen Kan and Shigematsus
A Zen Forest.
The Zenrin Kush is based upon an
earlier anthology of 5,000 Zen phrases
known as the Ku Zshi, compiled by
Ty Eich (14381504). Ty drew his
material from sutras, recorded sayings
of Chinese Zen masters, Taoist texts,
Confucian texts, and Chinese poetry. He
arranged the phrases according to
length, beginning with single-character
expressions, continuing with phrases of
two characters through eight charac-
ters, and interspersing parallel verses of
five through eight characters. Tys
work circulated in manuscript form for
several generations until the seven-
teenth century. At that time, a person
using the pen name Ijshi produced an
expanded version of the text that was
first published in 1688 under the title
Zenrin Kush. See also Rinzai sect.
Miura, Issh, and Ruth Fuller Sasaki.
The Zen Kan. New York: Harcourt
Brace & World, 1967.
Shigematsu, Soiku, trans. A Zen Forest:
Sayings of the Masters. New York:
Weatherhill, 1992.
The hall or room at a Zen temple or
monastery in which seated meditation
(zazen) is practiced. The term sometimes
refers to the abbots quarters (hj) at a
Zen monastery. By extension, it can also
be used as an indirect reference to the
abbot himself. In other contexts not
related specifically to the Zen school of
Buddhism, the word zenshitsu may refer
to small meditation hermitages that indi-
vidual monks and nuns built for them-
selves to provide a secluded location for
meditative practices.
Zen Sickness
An illness of the body or mind that arises
as a result of practicing zazen, especially
when practicing without proper guid-
ance from a qualified master. Although
different physical and mental illnesses
may occur, the most common ailment is
a form of delusion and hallucination.
Meditators routinely experience a vari-
ety of phenomena when meditating,
which can easily be misunderstood. If
the condition goes unchecked, it com-
monly leads to false understanding
regarding ones practice and a false
sense of enlightenment. The seven-
teenth-century Rinzai master, Hakuin
Ekaku (16851768), discusses Zen sick-
ness in his Orategama and Yasen
Kanna. See also Rinzai sect.
Dumoulin, Heinrich. Zen Buddhism: A
History, Vol. 2: Japan. Trans. James W.
Heisig and Paul Knitter. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994.
Yampolsky, Philip B., trans. The Zen Master
Hakuin: Selected Writings. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1971.
Meditation monk, a Buddhist monk or
nun who practices some form of medi-
tation. In many cases, the term refers
specifically to Zen monks or nuns.
A Zen trainee or Zen monk or nun. A
shortened form of Zennasu. See Zennasu.
The Semblance Dharma, in Japanese;
the second of the Three Ages of the
Dharma following the death of the his-
torical Buddha. The Age of Semblance
Dharma follows the Age of the True
Dharma, when the Buddhas teachings
remained perfect. During the second
age, the teachings have begun to deteri-
orate somewhat, so that what remains
has only the appearance of the true
Dharma. In this intermediate stage,
people continue to practice Buddhism
as they did in the earlier age, but the full
realization of the teachings and the
attainment of enlightenment are no
longer possible. The period lasts for
1,000 years.
Sutra prefect at a Zen monastery, one of
the six senior officers from the Western
rank (seihan) of the monastery. Also
known as the chief librarian, or chiz.
The sutra prefect is responsible for the
proper care of the monasterys collec-
tion of books and scrolls, which
includes the preservation of texts and
the acquisition of new materials. The
zsu is usually a monk widely educated
in Buddhist literature, especially the
Zen corpus. In a contemporary Zen
monastery, the position is often held by
a highly trained Zen scholar-monk.
Zen Sickness
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abbot, 12, 4, 33, 4950, 52, 54, 5860, 71, 73,
75, 80, 82, 84, 95, 107, 109, 111112, 114,
117118, 121122, 126, 130, 132133, 135,
140, 142, 150, 152158, 162, 165168,
171172, 178, 180, 185, 187, 189, 196, 199,
201, 204, 216, 218, 222, 227, 229, 232234,
236, 245, 248, 250, 264, 268269, 272, 275,
278, 282283, 285286, 290, 299, 301, 303,
305306, 310, 313, 317, 320321, 326, 330,
332, 337339, 341, 343, 345, 352353, 355,
359, 369, 374375, 383, 390
Abhidharma, 2, 10, 38, 268, 356
Abihidharma literature, 2
Acts of the Buddha. See Buddhacharita
afflictions, 23, 14, 26, 30, 33, 94, 96, 158,
248, 266, 295, 348, 373
Agama Sutras, 3
Age of the Degenerate Dharma. See Latter
Age of the Dharma
agyo, 3, 172
ahimsa, 34, 309, 367. See also lay believer
Aiku. See Ashoka
Aitken, Robert, viii, 274
ajari, 4, 159. See also Shingon sect, St sect,
and Tendai sect
ako, 4, 199, 275, 293. See also sanbutsuji
akud. See evil paths
alaya consciousness, 45, 10, 55, 77, 88, 125,
139, 204, 324, 337, 380. See also
Fa-hsien school and Hoss school
alcohol and intoxicants, 12, 78, 93, 111, 125,
139, 153, 161, 168, 170, 206, 244,
258259, 288, 341342
ama no hakkikai, 5
Amida buddha, 56, 7, 30, 35, 37, 45, 53,
7576, 108, 114, 124, 129, 136, 138, 165,
196, 213, 231, 235, 237, 239, 245, 251,
259260, 272, 347, 357, 360, 372, 376.
See also dual practice and koshin mida
Amidas vows, 56. See also Amida buddha
Amitayus. See Amida buddha
Ananda, 7, 22, 167, 257, 283, 290, 327, 340,
356. See also arhat
Anatman, 78, 14, 55, 82, 109, 152, 211, 229,
244, 319, 325326, 348
Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Japan
(Smith), 40, 151, 247
andae. See goje
and. See anjad
ango, 8. See also St sect
anger, 23, 33, 7677, 148, 168, 180, 259, 319,
340,341, 348, 373
angya, 89, 129, 256
animals, 4, 13, 19, 66, 81, 86, 133, 139, 191,
208, 223, 226, 229, 234, 251, 314, 318,
340, 342, 345, 348, 367, 373, 378, 388
anja, 9, 10, 119, 163, 181
anjad, 89, 10. See also lay believer
anroku, 10
Anuruddha, 10, 167, 340
anuttara samyak sambodhi, 10
App, Urs, 150, 383
Arada Kalama, 10
arayashiki. See Alaya consciousness
archery. See kyd
architectural styles, 40, 108, 111112, 115116,
252, 283, 294, 317, 324325, 336
arhat, 7, 1012, 24, 27, 47, 55, 64, 91, 96, 100,
167, 171, 182, 210211, 214, 222, 256,
293, 299, 307, 309, 325, 339, 351, 357,
365, 376
The Arhats in China and Japan (de Visser), 12
arrogance, 23, 33
art, ix, 149, 12 32, 4344, 48, 5051, 65, 82,
100, 102, 107, 115116, 120121, 126,
167, 170, 179, 226, 228, 248, 251, 271,
292, 327, 345, 360, 371, 388
ascetic practices, 1213, 19, 119
Ashikaga period (13921568; Japan), 17, 62,
111, 116, 140, 151, 184, 203, 232, 242,
265, 272, 283284, 305, 317, 320, 337,
343, 345, 353, 355
Ashita, 13, 182, 314
Ashoka, 13, 16, 30, 43, 191. See also lay believer
ashura, 1314, 86, 98, 161, 268, 285, 318, 342,
348, 373
Ashvaghosha, 14, 16, 35, 58, 249, 335
Asuka period (5th6th c.; Japan), 307
atman, 7, 14, 19, 37, 64, 93, 106, 244
attachment, viii, 2, 4, 7, 13, 14, 19, 24, 33, 54,
63, 65, 75, 77, 91, 94, 109, 162, 182, 197,
228, 241, 244, 266, 276, 296, 309, 318,
364365, 371
Avalokiteshvara, 1415, 45, 109, 175176, 198
Avalokiteshvara Sutra, 15, 176, 178, 199. See
also lay believer
Avatamsaka Sutra, 1516, 55, 94, 102, 145,
153, 182, 211, 276, 343
Avici hell, 16, 91, 110, 229
Awakening of Faith, 16, 58, 249, 335. See also
Shingon sect
The Awakening of Faith (Hakeda), 16
A-yu-wang-shan, 16, 198
bait, 17
Baiy Jikushin, 17, 313
Baker, Richard, viii, 274
bakufu, 1, 17, 140, 159, 234, 304, 320, 328,
338, 343. See also samurai
ball of doubt, 17, 56, 109
banka, 17
Bankei Ytaku, 13, 1718, 155, 335, 364365.
See also Rinzai sect
Primary references appear in boldface type.
Bankei Zen: Translations from the Record of
Bankei (Haskell), 18
Baranashi, 18
barbarian, 18, 197, 303
Barnes, Nancy J., 22
Basham, A. L., 31, 198
Bash. See Matsuo Bash
Bas Ditsu. See Ma-tsu Tao-i
Bassui Tokush, 1819, 312. See also Rinzai sect
bathing, 51, 111, 123, 172, 175, 294, 381
begging alms, 1920, 126, 159, 197, 332
begging bowl, 9, 20, 126, 131, 159, 185, 255,
268, 275276, 304, 332, 349. See also
begging alms and lay believer
Benares, 18, 20, 255, 372
Bendwa, 20. See also lay believer
Benzaiten, 20, 288
betsugo, 22, 57, 143
bhikkhu, 22, 95, 276. See also Obaku sect,
Rinzai, sect, and St sect
bhikkhuni, 2224, 95, 276
bien-li wen. See pien-wen
biku. See bhikkhu
bikuni. See bhikkhuni
Binzuru. See Pindola
biography, 24, 27, 35, 44, 172, 238, 270, 284, 327
Birushana. See Mahavairochana Buddha
Bishamon, 24, 288
black mountains, 2425, 194
Blofeld, John, 143
Blue Cliff Record. See Hekiganroku
bodai. See bodhi
Bodaidaruma. See Bodhidharma
bodaiju. See bodhi tree
bodaishin. See bodhichitta
bodhi, 25, 26, 84
bodhichitta, 6, 26, 2930
Bodhi Day, 26, 267
Bodhidharma, vii, 13, 18, 25, 2627, 37, 5152,
63, 67, 69, 71, 104, 128, 134, 142, 145, 154,
156, 161, 182, 188189, 197, 204, 207, 221,
239, 242, 254, 261, 266, 281282, 291, 301,
306, 322, 324, 327, 335, 361, 386
Bodhidharmas Six Gates. See Shshitsu
bodhisattva, ix, 6, 12, 1415, 20, 26, 2729, 30,
3233, 36, 3841, 55, 60, 62, 68, 72, 78, 81,
84, 8687, 90, 92, 96, 100, 102, 109, 120,
124, 126, 132, 135137, 145, 149, 153, 156,
159161, 163, 168, 170, 175176, 178, 191,
193, 198199, 201, 208, 211212, 214, 222,
225, 228, 247, 251, 255, 258259, 268, 272,
277, 283284, 293, 295, 305, 307309, 316,
319320, 324, 331, 335, 341342, 351352,
360, 362, 369, 371372, 374, 376, 382
bodhisattva precepts, 2930, 3334, 66, 95,
137, 160161, 163, 168170, 249, 258,
266, 271, 283, 296, 339, 341342, 366,
368. See also lay believer
The Bodhisattva Ti-Tsang in China and
Japan, Ostasiatische Zeitschift (de
Visser), 165
bodhisattva vows, 6, 29, 30, 102, 104105,
165, 370. See also lay believer
bodhi tree, 26, 3031, 73, 153, 165, 216, 255,
274, 325
Bodiford, William M., 30, 104, 107, 154, 275,
bkatsu, 31, 46
bokuseki, 32
bonbai, 32, 306. See also Obaku sect
bongy, 32
Bonmky. See Brahma Net Sutra
bonn, 2, 33
bonpu, 33, 112
The Book of Serenity (Cleary, T.), 308
bosatsu. See bodhisattva
bosatsukai. See bodhisattva precepts
bowing, 20, 74, 107, 114, 184, 265, 280, 298, 331
boxwood Zen, 33, 197
Boyd, James W., 216
bzu, 33
Brahma Net Sutra, 29, 3334, 95, 168, 258,
296, 341, 366. See also lay believer and
Tendai sect
branch temple, 34, 137, 160, 187, 211, 217,
233, 269, 321, 337
Broughton, Jeffrey, 94
Buddha, vi, viiiix, 13, 5, 78, 10, 1215, 1820,
22, 24, 2627, 3233, 3435, 3640, 45, 48,
50, 54, 57, 5960, 62, 6466, 6869, 71, 73,
7779, 8284, 8687, 9091, 93, 9596,
98100, 102, 104, 107, 109111, 118119,
123, 131, 135, 137, 139, 141, 149150,
152154, 159, 161, 163, 165168, 170, 178,
180, 182, 188190, 193, 196198, 201,
204205, 207208, 210214, 216219,
222226, 228, 230, 233235, 237242, 245,
247, 251252, 254260, 262, 264, 267, 270,
272, 274, 276283, 288291, 293295, 297,
299, 301, 304307, 309, 311, 314, 319320,
324325, 327, 331335, 337339, 341343,
345347, 350351, 355356, 360, 362363,
365367, 369372, 374, 376, 379, 385, 390
The Buddha, Buddhism and Asian History
(Reynolds and Hallisey), 35
Buddhacharita, 2, 14, 24, 3536, 39, 153
Buddha Day, 36, 123, 241. See also Hana
Matsuri and kanbutsu
Buddha Dharma. See Bupp
buddha hall. See butsuden
buddhahood, 6, 2627, 36, 137, 188, 208,
214, 309, 337, 372
Buddha Land, 6, 35, 3637, 127, 259, 272, 347
Buddha Nature, 16, 33, 37, 39, 57, 86,
136138, 149, 163, 188, 209, 214,
229, 242, 249250, 290, 299, 337,
356, 373, 386
buddha patriarch. See busso
Buddhism, viviii, 24, 6, 10, 1315, 1719, 22,
24, 26, 2930, 3234, 36, 3738, 40, 4348,
53, 5760, 62, 6566, 68, 7377, 7986,
8890, 9496, 98100, 103, 106, 108, 112,
114, 117118, 120, 123124125, 129130,
133, 135138, 145, 147, 153, 155, 162163,
166, 168, 170172, 174176, 179180, 182,
185, 187189, 193, 195200, 204, 206208,
210213, 216222, 224, 227228, 232235,
237239, 241242, 244, 246252, 254,
256257, 259260, 262266, 271272, 274,
276, 278, 280281, 283286, 288292,
294297, 300302, 304305, 307, 312, 314,
317, 319321, 323324, 326, 332, 334335,
337, 339340, 342343, 345348, 350351,
356359, 361, 363, 366, 369, 372, 378,
382385, 387, 390. See also Hua-yen
school, lay believer, and Tendai sect
Buddhism and the Mythology of Evil: A Study
in Theravada Buddhism(Ling), 217
Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey
(Chn), 49, 205
A Buddhist Leader in Ming China: The Life
and Thought of Han-shan Te-ching,
15461623 (Hsu), 125
Buddhist Mahayana Texts (Cowell), 6
Buddhist Monastic Life: According to the
Texts of the Theravada Tradition
(Wijayaratna), 20, 22, 93, 254, 257
Buddhist name. See kaimy
Buddhist path, 30, 38, 39, 55, 66, 75, 84, 98,
108, 131, 160, 255, 304, 346347,
350351, 361, 387
The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction
(Robinson and Johnson), 26, 35, 180
Buddhist scriptures, viii, 2, 38, 39, 49, 62, 66,
82, 87, 109, 126, 131, 141, 149, 156, 208,
215, 219, 222, 246, 252, 284, 292, 327,
331, 346, 350, 356, 369, 389. See also
Chinese Tripitaka and Daizky
Buddhist Scriptures: A Bibliography (Conze),
8, 126
Buddhists, persecution of, 84, 86, 106, 219, 248
Bupp, 36, 3839, 41
burning house, 39, 208, 251, 351
bushi. See samurai
busshi, 39
busshinin. See inka
Bussh. See Buddha Nature
Busshgysan. See Buddhacharita
busso, 37, 3940, 320
Buswell, Robert E., Jr., 2, 8, 267
Butsu. See Buddha
Butsuda. See Buddha
butsudan, 40, 150, 247. See also lay believer
Butsuden, 17, 36, 40, 47, 52, 65, 126, 135,
185, 279, 294, 338
butsud, 38, 4041, 73, 197, 200, 295
Butts-ji, 41, 118. See also Rinzai sect
Butts-ji Ha, 4142, 118, 266
Byakushi Butsu. See pratyeka buddha
byakutsui, 42, 167
byd. See equality
Cakravartin, 43, 342, 345, 372
calligraphy, ix, 32, 43, 45, 48, 107, 121, 151,
228, 302, 304305
capping verse. See jakugo
causality, 43, 153. See also codependent
origination, inga, and karma
cave of the dharma, 4344
celibacy and sexual conduct, 12, 64, 78, 93,
111, 125, 161, 166, 168169, 206, 217,
224, 226, 244, 254, 256, 258259, 282,
340342, 366, 376
chad. See chanoy
Chan-kuan Tse-chin, 44, 388. See also
Rinzai sect
Chan-men Kuei-shih, 44, 389
chanoy, 4445, 62, 116, 170, 271, 281, 285,
337. See also Rinzai sect
Chan-shih, 45, 330, 375, 381
chanting, 17, 32, 40, 45, 52, 66, 75, 108, 111,
185, 191, 223, 236237, 239, 259260,
263, 265, 278, 284, 304305, 310, 314,
321, 328, 357, 365
Chan-tsung Wu-mn-kuan. See Mumonkan
Chan-yuan Ching-kuei, 46, 385, 388389
Chan-yuan Chu-chuan-chi Tu-hsu, 46, 359, 388
Chao-chou tsung-shen, 46, 166, 229
Chao-lun, 46, 284. See also Hua-yen school
Che-chiang, China, 4950, 330, 352
Chekiang, China, 16, 50, 142, 261, 357
Cheng-fa Yen-tsang, 47, 302. See also Rinzai sect
chen-jen. See true person of no rank
Chn, Kenneth Kuan Shng, 49, 205
Chia-tai Pu-teng Lu, 47, 115, 181
chiden, 47, 52, 267, 282, 338
chie. See prajna
chief cook. See tenzo
Chien-chen, 47, 106, 170. See also lay believer
Chien-chung Ching-kuo Hsu-teng Lu, 4748,
115, 187, 359
Chi-fei Ju-i, 48, 171, 228, 322. See also
Obaku sect
Chih-hsiu Pai-chang Ching-kuei, 48, 52, 252
Chih-i, 48, 133, 296, 348, 351
Chih-wei, 48
Chih-yen, 48
Chii. See Chih-wei
chiji. See than
China, vi, vii
Chinese Religion, An Introduction
(Thompson), 322
Chinese Tripitaka, 2, 3, 38, 49, 54, 58, 62,
156, 246, 331, 339, 344, 356
Ching-kuei. See Shingi
Chingo Kokka No Sambuky, 49, 196
Ching-shan, 4950, 142, 187, 234
Ching-shan Tao-chin, 50
Ching-te Chan-teng Lu, 14, 44, 46, 48, 50,
52, 6465, 89, 115, 127, 151, 172, 174,
180, 185, 197, 286, 297, 324, 356, 359,
370. See also lay believer
Ching-te-ssu, 50, 116, 146, 166, 270, 330
Ching-tzu-ssu, 50, 116, 235. See also St sect
chins, 5051, 388
chishiki, 51
chiyoku, 51, 52, 267, 282, 338
chiz, 5152, 338, 390
chka, 52
chka (2), 52, 371
Chokush Hyakujo Shingi. See Chih-hsiu
Pai-chang Ching-kuei
chr. See jji
chshu. See seihan
Christianity, 244, 328, 342, 353
Chuan Fa-pao Chi, 52. See also lay believer
Chuan-hsin Fa-yao, 52, 64. See also Huang-
po-shan and Zenji
Chuan-teng lu. See Ching-te chuan-teng lu
Ch-chih, 5253, 119, 248
Chganha. See Mdhyamaka
Chh Myhon. See Chung-feng Ming-pen
Chu-hung, 44, 53, 365, 382. See also dual
practice, Hua-yen school, lay believer,
and Tien-tai school
chin, 53, 132, 150, 221, 306
Chung-feng Ho-shang Kuang-lu, 54. See also
Rinzai sect
Chung-feng Ming-pen, 53, 54, 60, 75, 158.
See also Rinzai sect
Chung-Yuan, Chang, 93
Cleary, Christopher, 330
Cleary, Thomas, 308, 385
clothing, 89, 19, 22, 56, 62, 64, 69, 95, 99,
103104, 108111, 125, 155, 180181,
187, 189, 195196, 200, 210, 249, 256,
260262, 264, 266, 268, 275, 291,
294295, 324, 340, 349, 366, 370, 385
codependent origination, 43, 54, 83, 92, 206,
319, 373
cold ashes and dead trees, 54
Collcutt, Martin, 2, 40, 116, 132, 280
compassion, 3, 6, 1415, 27, 2930, 32, 34, 55,
63, 90, 100, 109, 133, 149, 155, 159, 168,
176, 198, 211, 266, 342, 351, 355, 367, 373
Confucianism, 1819, 53, 82, 90, 98, 115, 121,
145, 196, 201, 224, 272, 278, 282, 350, 388
Consciousness Only, 55, 77, 88, 138139,
276, 358, 375, 380, 382. See also eight
consciousnesses, Fa-hsien school, and
Hoss school
Conze, Edward, 8, 126
Cook, Francis Harold, 26, 302
Covell, Jon Carter, 152
Cowell, E. B., 6
Cross, Chodo, 302
Daibontenn Monbutsu Ketsugiky, 56
Daibutch-ju, 56. See also Shuragama dharani
daie, 56
Daie Sk. See Ta-hui Tsung-Kao
Daifunshi, 56, 60, 118, 347. See also Rinzai sect
Daigi, 5657, 60, 118, 347. See also Rinzai sect
daigo, 22, 57, 143
Daigu Schiku, 57. See also Rinzai sect
Daihannya Haramitsuky, 57, 255
Daihatsu Nehangy Shuge. See Nirvana Sutra
Daiji, 57, 118
Daiji-ji. See St sect
daij. See Mahayana Buddhism
Daij-ji, 58, 109, 185, 216. See also Shingon
sect and St sect
Daij Kishinron. See Awakening of Faith
Daikaku Ha, 58. See also Rinzai sect
Daiky Shnen. See Ta-hsiu Cheng-nien
Dainichi Nnin, 59, 63, 114, 173. See also
Rinzai sect, St sect, and Tendai sect
Dainichi Nyorai, 24, 59
Dai Kokushi. See Namp Jmy
daisan, 1, 59, 105, 118, 126, 168, 285, 306
Daisetsu Son, 60. See also Rinzai sect,
Tendai sect, and Yang-chi school
daishi, 60, 64, 84, 178
Daishinkon, 56, 60, 118, 347. See also
Rinzai sect
Dait Kokushi. See Shh Mych
Daitoku-ji, 6162, 81, 111, 151, 178, 251,
283, 310, 332, 345, 353, 355
Daitoku-ji Ha, 62, 266
Daizen, Victoria 76, 169
Daizky, 38, 49, 62, 156, 356
danka seido, 62, 254
Danky. See Platform Sutra
danna, 6263, 148. See also lay believer
darani. See dharani
Daruma. See Bodhidharma and Dharma doll
Daruma sect, 59, 63, 173. See also Rinzai
sect and Tendai sect
Daruma-sh, 63. See also Daruma sect
dead ashes, 63, 296
dead sitting, 63, 301
Death Was His Kan: The Samurai-Zen of
Suzuki Shosan (King), 100, 240, 328
Deer Park, 18, 20, 255
defilements, 6364, 91, 110, 112, 251, 266, 318
defrocking, 64
delusion, 2, 33, 64, 76, 99, 163, 181, 190, 196,
241, 390
dembin. See inka
Dengy Daishi. See Saich
Denkroku, 64, 185. See also St sect
The Denkroku or The Record of the
Transmission of the Light by Keizan
Zenji (Nearman), 64
Denshin Hy. See Chuan-hsin Fa-yao
densh, 65, 125, 231
Dentroku. See Ching-te Chan-teng Lu
Depictions of the Guardians of the Law:
Lohan Painting in China, Latter Days
of the Law: Images of Chinese
Buddhism(Kent), 12
deshi, 65
Devadatta, 65
devas, 65. See also six paths
Devils Cave. See Kikutsuri
de Visser, Marinus Willem, 12, 165
dharani, 45, 56, 63, 66, 75, 284, 312, 314
Dharma, 14, 67, 1214, 16, 19, 24, 27, 30,
32, 34, 3637, 39, 43, 45, 50, 52, 59, 62,
66, 67, 69, 71, 8788, 90, 93, 9597,
99100, 104, 106107, 112, 115, 119,
126127, 130132, 134135,
138139140, 145146, 149, 151,
153156, 158, 161, 166, 168, 171, 174,
182, 189, 196197, 199, 201, 204,
207208, 210211, 213, 221223,
225226, 233235, 238, 241, 249250,
254255, 258, 270, 274, 276277, 281,
283, 285286, 288, 292, 294295,
298299, 301302, 304, 309311, 313,
318319, 322, 327, 331332, 334,
337338, 340, 342343, 345347,
350351, 358, 360362, 365366,
368370, 372, 379, 382, 386388, 390.
See also lay believer
Dharma combat, 6667
dharmadhatu, 67, 134
Dharma doll, 63, 6768
Dharma eye, 47, 68, 71, 92, 210, 302. See also
St sect and lay believer
Dharma gate, 68, 135
Dharma hall. See hatt
Dharma heir, 1718, 48, 50, 54, 60, 63, 6869,
72, 82, 84, 8890, 107, 109, 111112, 117,
121, 126, 139143, 145146, 152, 154155,
166, 178, 182, 185, 194, 196, 199, 207, 216,
218, 221, 227, 232, 234235, 242243, 248,
251252, 256, 259, 270, 274, 280, 284285,
289290, 294, 301, 304, 310, 312, 319,
326330, 332, 335, 337, 341, 344345,
353355, 359, 374375, 380, 383, 387. See
also lay believer and St sect
Dharmakaya, 69, 132, 138, 248, 280, 347
Dharma King, 69, 138
Dharma robe, 5960, 69, 71, 133, 266, 355
Dharma Seal. See inka
Dharma Seat. See Hza
Dharma transmission, 27, 51, 59, 64, 69, 71,
80, 88, 106107, 118, 139, 145, 147, 154,
156, 174, 182, 204, 207, 216, 266, 356,
358, 375. See also St sect
Dharma Transmission in St Zen,
Monumenta Nipponica (Bodiford),
107, 154
Dharma Wheel. See Wheel of the Dharma
dhyana. See meditation
Diamond-Realm Mandala, 7172, 195, 211,
214, 331, 367, 374
Diamond Sutra, 57, 72, 146, 195, 200, 211,
255, 301
Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China
in Search of the Law (Reischauer), 84
Disciples of the Buddha (Ishigami), 7, 10,
182, 260, 262, 291, 325, 340, 365
The Disposition of Error, Sources of
Chinese Tradition (Tzu), 91
D. See Tao
dban, 72
Dgen Kigen, vii, 4, 8, 26, 29, 37, 4647,
5859, 6364, 7273, 76, 79, 85, 99, 102,
104, 108, 122, 129, 150, 166, 169,
173174, 176, 181, 189, 197, 210,
216217, 222, 224, 254, 261, 270, 275,
295298, 301302, 304, 313, 321, 323,
330, 341, 344, 358, 384385, 387. See
also Tendai sect
Dgens Formative Years in China: An
Historical Study and Annotated
Translation of the Hokyo-ki (Kodera),
Dgens Pure Standards for the Zen Community
(Leighton and Okamura), 80, 344
dojid, 73
dj, 73
dokkaku. See pratyeka buddha
dokusan, 7374, 176, 280, 285, 305. See also
Obaku sect and Rinzai sect
Dky Etan, 74, 121, 172, 294, 304
dnai, 74
donkatsukan, 74. See also Rinzai sect
dora, 74
Dsha Chgen. See Tao-che Chao-yan
Dshin. See Tao-hsin
Dsh, 74, 139, 141. See also Yogachara
dshu. See ino
dsu. See ino
doubt, 23, 33
dropping off body and mind. See shinjin
dual practice, 6, 53, 75, 88, 125, 237238,
365. See also Rinzai sect
duhkha. See suffering
Dumoulin, Heinrich, 84, 390
dust, 75, 104, 162, 298. See also five dusts
and six dusts
Early Modern period (16001867; Japan),
103104, 211, 320
Eastern rank. See than
East Mountain school, 76, 292, 335, 359, 386
easy path, 76, 324
Edo (Tokyo), Japan, 74, 216, 228, 312
ehatsu. See three robes, one bowl
Eich. See Shakuen Eich
Eigen-ji, 76, 158. See also Rinzai sect
Eigen-ji Ha, 76, 266
eight cold hells, 77, 120, 128, 159
eight consciousnesses, 55, 77, 125, 267. See
also Consciousness Only and
Yogachara school
Eightfold Path, 10, 26, 36, 38, 41, 7778, 84, 98,
125, 272, 309, 316, 326, 347, 351, 361, 372
eight hot hells, 16, 78, 120, 128, 159, 229
eight precepts, 78, 120, 125. See also
lay believer
eighty minor marks of a buddha, 78
Eihei-ji, 73, 79, 173, 185, 275, 283, 313, 321, 323
Eihei Shingi, 46, 73, 7980, 216, 224, 304,
344. See also St sect
Eisai, vii, 45, 63, 72, 80, 8485, 143, 166167,
187188, 197, 232, 261, 266, 270, 289,
295, 330, 380381
Eka Daishi. See Hui-ko
Emma, 8081, 378
Emmei Jikku Kannonky, 81
Emmei Jikku Kannonky Reigenki, 81
Emperor Go-Daigo, 61, 81, 185, 230, 232,
310, 321, 343
Emperor Hanazono, 61, 8182, 124, 178,
194, 233, 304, 310
Empress Wu, 82
emptiness, 7, 26, 35, 37, 5455, 69, 72, 82, 8586,
92, 99, 105, 113, 124, 155, 162163, 167,
191, 195, 198, 210211, 229, 234, 243244,
255, 258, 264, 276, 280, 312, 319, 325, 340,
342, 347349, 358, 361, 363, 365, 369
Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning
(Streng), 234
engaku. See pratyeka buddha
Engaku-ji, 60, 8283, 116, 134, 156, 196, 232,
283, 290, 328, 330, 359, 374. See also
Rinzai sect
Engaku-ji Ha, 83, 266
engi. See co-dependent-origination
engi (2), 83
Engo Kokugon. See Yan-wu Ko-chin
enju, 83
enjud, 75, 83, 241
enlightened one, 34, 37, 83, 119, 167, 339
enlightenment, viii, 2, 5, 10, 12, 1415, 1720,
2527, 3034, 3639, 4142, 44, 46, 50, 52,
5557, 59, 6366, 6869, 7175, 77, 8283,
84, 8588, 94, 9697, 102103, 108113,
117119, 121, 124, 129, 132, 134, 137138,
141142, 146147, 149150, 152, 154159,
161163, 165, 167, 170, 172, 184, 188, 190,
192, 201, 204, 206, 209, 211212, 214,
216219, 222, 225226, 228229, 235, 237,
241244, 249252, 254256, 258259, 262,
265268, 272, 274, 277, 281, 283284,
288289, 296299, 302, 304305, 309, 312,
316, 318319, 321, 324326, 330, 334335,
337, 342344, 346348, 350351, 353,
355357, 360, 362363, 365, 368369,
372375, 383, 386, 390
gradual enlightenment, 117, 140, 243, 323,
326, 353, 388
sudden enlightenment, 117, 140, 146, 243,
249, 323, 326, 353
Enni Benen, 84, 195, 229, 289, 304, 352, 374.
See also Rinzai sect, Tendai sect, and
Yang-chi school
Ennin, 84, 306. See also Tien-tai school
Ennius Travels in Tang China (Reischauer), 84
En. See Hui-neng
Enryaku-ji, 8485, 129, 187, 339. See also
Tendai sect
ensh, 85. See also Tendai sect
ens, 85, 149
equality, 42, 86, 194
esoteric Buddhism, 37, 66, 71, 81, 86, 140, 162,
174, 187, 195196, 200, 204, 214215, 222,
228229, 233234, 271, 284, 289, 298, 309,
330331, 339, 367, 373, 380
Esoteric Buddhist Painting (Ishida), 72, 374
Essays in Zen Buddhism(Suzuki, D. T.), 141, 328
The Essential Teachings of Zen Master
Hakuin: A Translation of the Sokko-
roku Kaien-fusetsu (Waddell), 121, 321
evil paths, 4, 14, 86, 180, 274, 318. See also
six paths
expedient means, 39, 68, 87, 92, 109, 131,
208, 366, 369
The Experience of Buddhism: Sources and
Interpretations (Strong), 29, 91,
face-to-face transmission, 88, 221
Fa-chih, 88, 132
Fa-hai, 88, 194
Fa-hsien school, 5, 55, 88, 138, 380, 382
Fa-jung, 88, 117, 140, 242, 251
farming, 4, 83, 215, 301
fasting, 12, 161, 244, 258, 288, 266
Fa-yen school, 89, 92, 131, 142, 288, 344
Fa-yen Wen-i, 89, 92, 131, 382. See also
Hua-yen school
Feng-hsueh Yen-chao, 89, 103, 235. See also
Rinzai sect and Tien-tai school
Feng-mu-shan. See Tung-shan
Feng-yang Wu-te chan-shih Y-lu, 89, 104.
See also Rinzai sect
Fen-yang Shan-chao, 89, 90, 93, 104. See also
Rinzai sect
Festival of the Dead. See Obon
festivals and holy days, 26, 36, 90, 123, 129,
132133, 165, 237, 241, 246247, 267,
274, 366
field of merit, 90, 103
Fifth Patriarch. See Hung-jen
filial piety, 9091, 224
First Barrier. See Shokan
First Zen Institute of America, 281, 321
five deadly sins. See gogyakuzai
five dusts, 75, 9192, 110. See also six dusts
Five dynasties (907960; China), 89
five eyes, 68, 92, 109
five false views. See five wrong views
five houses, 89, 92, 111, 199, 207, 265, 286,
323, 358, 374, 379, 382. See also Huang-
lung school and Yang-chi school
five houses and seven schools, 92, 111, 288.
See also Huang-lung school and Yang-
chi school
Five Mountains. See Gozan temples and
Gozan system
Five Mountaints: The Rinzai Zen Monastic
Institution in Medieval Japan
(Collcutt), 2, 40, 116, 132, 280
five precepts, 14, 78, 93, 95, 111, 206, 258,
316, 366. See also lay believer
five ranks, 8990, 93, 99, 110, 128, 201, 248,
358359. See also Hua-yen school and
Tsao-tung school
five skandhas, 2, 7, 9394, 115, 319, 364
five types of zen, 94, 112, 114
five wrong views, 94, 111
Flower Garland Sutra. See Avatamsaka Sutra
Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and
Change (Hori), 130
food, 4, 12, 14, 1920, 40, 62, 83, 95, 99100,
106, 126, 147148, 166, 170, 181, 197, 201,
219, 247, 271, 310311, 344, 367368, 387
formless precepts, 94, 160, 232
formless repentance, 9495, 232
forty-eight light precepts, 95, 168, 258, 295, 341
Foundation of Japanese Buddhism(Matsunaga
and Matsunaga), 6, 170, 306, 346
Foundations of Tien-Tai Philosophy: The
Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in
Chinese Buddhism(Swanson), 342
founders hall, 95, 172, 294, 299
four aspects. See shis
four assemblies, 95, 276, 365366. See also
lay believer
four discernments, 9596, 99, 300. See also
Rinzai sect
four encounters, 96, 118
four fruits, 68, 96
four grave offenses, 96, 296
four great elements, 96, 294
four great vows, 9697, 295
four guardian kings, 24, 9798, 153, 196,
227, 301
four kinds of birth, 98, 300
four noble truths, 26, 36, 38, 41, 54, 77, 96,
98, 100, 293, 309, 326, 350, 372. See also
lay believer
four obligations, 9899, 299. See also lay believer
four offerings, 99, 152, 201, 247, 295
four periods of meditation, 99, 115, 295
four realms of reality, 95, 99, 145, 182, 295, 301.
See also Rinzai sect and Hua-yen school
four shouts, 99100, 181, 296. See also
Rinzai sect
Fourth Patriarch. See Tao-hsin
four wisdoms, 86, 100, 293
Fraser, Dana R., 206
fucha ryri, 100
Fud My, 100, 233
Fugen, 102, 211, 226, 272. See also
Hua-yen school
Fujaku. See Pu-chi
Fukan Zazengi, 102103, 122, 176, 385. See
also St sect
Fuke sect, 103, 173, 195, 259, 289. See also
lay believer and Rinzai sect
Fuketsu Ensh. See Feng-hsueh Yen-Chao
Fuke Zenji. See Pu-hua
Fukien, China, 143144, 227, 246
fukuden. See field of merit
The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way:
Nagarjunas Mulamadhyamakakarika
(Garfield), 234
funerals, 4, 38, 45, 103104, 130, 150, 152, 189,
193194, 199, 213, 220221, 256257, 264,
274, 284, 293, 312, 331, 339
funeral Zen, 103104. See also lay believer,
Obaku sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect
Funy Roku. See Feng-yang Wu-te
Chan-shi Y-lu
Funy Zensh. See Fen-yang Shan-chao
funze, 104. See also lay believer
Furuna. See Purna
fury monji, 104
fusatsu. See uposatha
fusetsu, 105, 135, 321
fushin. See manual labor
fush fumetsu, 105
fsu, 49, 105, 176, 267, 338, 358359. See
also temple positions
ga. See atman
gaki, 4, 106, 147, 161, 259, 268, 271, 282, 313
gakuji, 106
Ganges River, 37, 316
Ganjin. See Chien-chen
garanb, 106107. See also Rinzai sect and
St sect
gardens, 45, 83, 112, 145, 178179, 232, 266,
269, 298, 334, 341, 343, 389
Garfield, Jay L., 234
Gasan Jit, 107, 121, 155, 332. See also
Rinzai sect
gas, 107, 301
gassh, 107, 114, 184, 265, 331
Gateless Gate. See Mumonkan
gth, 107108, 170
ge. See gth
gedatsu, 108, 276
genj kan, 108. See also St sect
genkan, 108, 242
Genshin, 108, 120, 248. See also Tendai sect
genze riyaku, 108109, 114, 256. See also
lay believer
Gessh Shko, 109, 216. See also Obaku sect
and Shingon sect
geta, 109
Getty, Alice, 378
gidan. See ball of doubt
Ginkaku-ji. See Silver Pavilion
Ginzan teppeki. See Silver mountain, iron wall
Glassman, Bernard, viii, 274
g. See karma
Goddess of Mercy. See Kuan-Yin
The Gods of Northern Buddhism: Their
History and Iconography (Getty), 378
goga, 109. See also Rinzai sect
gogen. See five eyes
gogo, 110. See also Rinzai sect
gogyakuzai, 16, 91, 110
goi. See five ranks
Goi kan, 99, 110, 113. See also Rinzai sect
gojin. See five dusts
goje, 8, 110111, 188, 275, 349. See also
lay believer
goka, 111
gokai. See five precepts
goke. See five houses
Gokei Ston, 111, 283. See also Rinzai sect
goken. See five wrong views
Goke Sansh Yro Mon, 111, 355
Goke Shichish. See five houses and seven
Golden Pavilion, 112, 191, 317. See also
Rinzai sect
goma, 100, 112. See also Shingon sect and
Tendai sect
gomi zen, 112, 150. See also five types of zen
and Hua-yen school
Gomizunoo, 112, 380. See also Obaku sect
and Rinzai sect
Gonsen Kan, 112113. See also Rinzai sect
gorin sotoba, 113114
goriyaku. See genze riyaku
goroku. See recorded sayings
gosan jd, 114
goshuzen. See Five Types of Zen
Goso Hoen. See Wu-tsu Fa-yen
gotai tchi, 114, 280
Gotroku, 4748, 50, 115, 351, 359
Gottan Funei. See Wu-an Pu-ning
goun. See five skandhas
goya zazen, 115, 296. See also shiji zazen
Gozan jissatsu. See Gozan system
Gozan literature, 115, 116, 156, 232
Gozan system, 61, 92, 115116, 117, 131,
133, 135, 163, 165167, 193, 233, 236,
265, 304, 308, 322. See also Rinzai sect
and St sect
Gozan temples, 1, 16, 50, 83, 92, 115,
116117, 187, 198, 200, 207, 214, 233,
235, 254, 305, 343, 352, 371
Gozu school. See Oxhead school
gradual enlightenment, 117, 140, 243, 323,
326, 353, 388
gradual teaching, 117, 388
great assemblies. See daisan
Great Doubt. See Daigi
Great Matter. See Daiji
great renunciation, 118
Great Resolve. See Daifunshi
Great Trust. See Daishinkon
great vehicle. See Mahayana Buddhism
greed, 23, 33, 166, 169, 180, 318, 340, 348, 373
Groner, Paul, 30
Guch Shky, 41, 118
Gud Tshoku, 118119, 294. See also
Rinzai sect
Gunin. See Hung-jen
Gutei. See Ch-chih
gyd, 119
gyja, 9, 119. See also ascetic practices
gy-j-za-ga, 119
gyny, 119, 239, 265
Gyy. See Taik Gyy
hachikan jigoku. See eight cold hells
Hachiman, 120. See also honki suijaku
hachinetsu jigoku. See eight hot hells
haiku, vi, 120, 135, 218, 264. See also
lay believer
Hajahadai. See Prajapati
Hajun. See Papiyas
Hakeda, Kkai, 200
Hakeda, Yoshito S., 16, 200
hakkai. See eight precepts
Hakuin Ekaku, 17, 4345, 56, 63, 7475, 81,
93, 107, 110, 113, 119, 120121, 124,
127128, 138, 155, 158, 172, 190, 192,
229, 234235, 249, 251, 270, 282, 294,
304, 312, 321, 332333, 347, 354355,
372, 376, 379, 385, 389390
half-lotus position, 122, 124, 134, 219, 385
Hallisey, Charles, 35
han, 122123, 161, 171, 232, 239, 303, 364.
See also Obaku sect
Hana Matsuri, 36, 123, 274. See also kanbutsu
Hanazonokai, 123124. See also lay believer
handaikan, 124
hanka fuza. See half-lotus position
Hannya. See Prajna
Hannya shingy. See Heart Sutra
hannya zanmai, 124
Han-shan, 124, 178. See also Rinzai sect
Han-shan Shih, 124, 178. See also Rinzai sect
Han-shan Te-ching, 124125. See also dual
practice and Rinzai sect
hansh, 125. See also densh
hara, 125, 334
Hara, Japan,120121
Harado Sogaki, vii
haraizai. See parajika
Hardacre, Helen, 213
Harvey, Peter, 54
hashin kyji, 125
Haskell, Peter, 18
hassaikai. See eight precepts
hasshiki. See eight consciousness
hasshd. See eightfold path
hassu. See dharma heir
hatsu, 126
hatsui. See hoi
hatsunehan. See parinirvana
hatt, 1, 59, 68, 71, 118, 126, 135, 141, 271,
294, 337338, 371
Heart Sutra, 15, 45, 57, 105, 124, 126, 200,
211, 255, 298, 306
heaven, 6, 36, 98, 127, 147, 153, 161, 227,
268, 285, 288, 318319, 322, 334, 342,
348, 373, 378
Hebiichigo, 81, 127. See also Rinzai sect
Heian period (7941185; Japan), 129, 135,
137, 260, 298, 309, 320, 371
Hekiganroku, 25, 46, 53, 57, 83, 113, 127,
128, 142, 151, 192193, 206, 217, 226,
239, 256, 277, 304, 308, 316, 327, 330,
369, 378, 381, 383. See also lay believer
and Rinzai sect
Hekigansh. See Hekiganroku
Hekigo, 127128. See also Rinzai sect
hekikan, 128, 221
Hekizen, 128. See also Rinzai sect
hell, 4, 6, 16, 28, 7778, 81, 86, 91, 98, 110,
147, 159, 161, 165, 176, 180, 198, 219,
238, 247, 267268, 274, 282, 285, 318,
342, 348, 363, 373, 378
hensh goi. See five ranks
henzan. See pilgrimage
Herrigel, Eugen, 203
Hiei-zan, 129. See also Enryaku-ji
higan, 129
higan-e, 129
hijiri, 129130. See also Shingon sect and
Tendai sect
Hinayana Buddhism, 36, 112, 130, 208, 211,
258, 304, 319, 345
Hinduism, vi, 31314, 20, 32, 66, 80, 97, 179,
234, 264, 271, 272, 378
hinko. See ako
hinpotsu, 1, 130131
Hiroshima, Japan, 41, 216
Hirota, Dennis, 6
h, 131, 223, 232
H (2). See Dharma
hben. See expedient means
Hgen Buneki. See Fa-yen Wen-i
Hgen school. See Fa-yen school
hgo, 131, 285, 299
hoi, 126, 131132. See also Obaku sect,
Rinzai sect, and St sect
hji, 132, 135, 150, 193, 238, 371
Hji (2). See Fa-chih
hjin. See sambhogakaya
hoji zazen, 132, 296
hj, 132, 369, 390. See also lay believer
hj (2), 132133. See also Obaku sect and
Tien-tai school
Hj regents, 133, 134
Hj Sadatoki, 133, 156. See also St sect
Hj Tokiyori, 133, 187, 204, 330, 374
Hj Tokimune, 83, 134, 374
Hokeky. See Lotus Sutra
hki, 134, 368
hokkai. See dharmadhatu
hokkai jin, 135
Hokkeky. See Lotus Sutra
hokku, 120, 135, 231, 264. See also Obaku
sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect
hokku (2). See haiku
H Koji. See Layman Pang
Hk-ji, 135, 230. See also Rinzai sect
Hk-ji Ha, 135, 266
The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: A
Mahayana Scripture (Thurman), 369
hmon. See Dharma gate
hmy. See kaimy
Hond. See butsuden
Hnen, 136, 166, 260, 299, 357. See also Pure
Land sect and Tendai sect
hongaku. See original enlightenment
honji suijaku, 120, 137
Honrai no Menmoku. See Original Face
Honshin, 137, 250
honsh, 137, 159, 163
Honsh (2). See jataka tales
honshkai, 137, 163
honzan, 137, 217, 320. See also Obaku sect
and Rinzai sect
honzon, 36, 40, 135, 138, 261, 279, 376
H, 69, 138. See also Dharma King
Hori, Ichiro, 130, 175
hrin. See Wheel of the Dharma
Hrinden. See Pao-lin Chuan
hosshi, 138, 388
hosshin. See Dharmakaya
Hosshin kan, 138, 190, 193, 229. See also
Rinzai sect
Hoss school, 5, 55, 74, 138, 294, 321,
380, 382
hossu, 130, 139, 155, 373
Hotei. See Pu-tai
hotoke, 40, 139, 228, 371
Ho-tse school, 46, 139, 181, 359
Ho-tse Shen-hui, 139140, 162, 181, 244,
292293, 323, 359
Hott Ha, 18, 140, 174. See also Rinzai sect
and Yang-chi school
Hou Hei, 140, 194
Hou Po, 140, 193194
householder, 53, 140, 194, 206, 217, 224, 310,
354, 384
How to Raise an Ox: Zen Practice as Taught
in Zen Master Dgens Shobogenzo
(Cook), 26, 302
Hy. See Fa-jung
hza, 1, 59, 71, 126, 140141, 337
Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien, 141, 199, 201
Hsing-hua Tsung-chiang, 141, 194, 235. See
also Rinzai sect
Hsin-hsin-ming, 141, 284, 298
Hsi-shan, 141, 282, 359
Hsan-tsang, 7374, 141142, 255, 298
Hseh-feng I-tsun, 142, 285, 344. See also
Fa-yen school
Hseh-mo Lun, 142, 156, 189, 306
Hseh-tou Chung-hsien, 127, 142, 285286,
381, 383
Hsu, Sung-peng, 125
Hs-tang Chih-y, 142, 189, 234. See also
Rinzai sect
Hs-tang Lu Tai-Pieh, 142143, 189. See
also Rinzai sect and Takuj school
Huang-lung Hui-nan, 143, 250. See also
Rinzai sect
Huang-lung school, 92, 143, 207, 266, 288.
See also Rinzai sect
Huang-mei Hung-jen. See Hung-jen
Huang-mei shan, 143, 375
Huang-po Hsi-yn, 31, 52, 143, 144, 146,
206, 246, 252, 323, 383, 387. See also lay
believer and Rinzai sect
Huang-po-shan, 52, 143, 143144. See also
lay believer and Rinzai sect
Hua-yen school, 1516, 38, 46, 53, 89, 93, 95, 99,
102, 112, 145, 182, 211, 259, 301, 358359
Hua-yen Sutra. See Avatamsaka Sutra
Hui-ko, vii,13, 52, 69, 74, 80, 134, 145, 204, 242,
266, 281, 284, 345, 386. See also lay believer
Hui-neng, vii, 33, 37, 62, 6869, 7172, 84,
88, 90, 139, 144, 145146, 160, 243, 254,
256, 292, 319, 321, 323, 358, 386. See
also lay believer
Hung-chih Cheng-cheh, 146, 176, 224, 308,
330, 371. See also Rinzai sect and St sect
Hung-chou school, 146, 194, 197
Hung-jen, 52, 69, 7576, 8890, 119, 140,
143, 145, 146147, 237, 243, 292, 319,
335, 355, 359, 375. See also lay believer
hungry ghost, 4, 6, 86, 98, 106, 147148, 161,
165, 180, 219, 247, 259, 268, 271, 274,
282, 285, 313, 318, 342, 348, 363, 373.
See also six paths
Hupeh, China, 89, 143, 147, 359
Hurvitz, Leon, 15, 39
Hyakuj Ekai. See Pai-chang Huai-hai
Hyakuj Shingi. See Pai-chang Ching-kuei
hyshigi, 148, 232
icchantika, 37, 149, 156, 284
ichidaiji innen, 57, 149
Ichien. See Mj Dgy
ichi ens. See ens
ichiji kan, 217, 149150, 249, 382383
ichij. See one vehicle
ichimi zen, 112, 150
ichinen fush, 150
iconography and images, 40, 43, 7172,
8081, 102, 109, 120, 124, 137138, 165,
226, 228, 251, 256, 261, 324, 331, 345,
372373, 376, 378
guardians, 12, 24, 9798, 100, 233, 240241
laughing buddha, 205, 261
igan butsuji, 150, 199, 293
ignorance, 23, 33, 54, 72, 108, 180, 250, 348,
361, 373
Igy school. See Kuei-yang school
ihai, 40, 95, 150151, 221, 294, 336. See also
lay believer
ikebana. See kad
ikko hanko, 151
Ikky Sjun, 115, 151152, 203. See also lay
believer and Rinzai sect
impermanence, viii, 37, 94, 123, 152, 229,
277, 318, 326, 348, 350, 373
incense, ix, 5, 40, 73, 99, 150, 152, 163, 167,
171, 189, 193, 201, 213, 227, 247, 299,
305, 310, 355
indaram. See Indras jewel net
India, vi, 5, 13, 1820, 27, 32, 37, 63, 66, 80,
86, 88, 139, 141, 145, 189, 194, 196, 204,
214, 227, 234, 255, 262, 272, 282, 289,
298, 314, 324, 332, 367368, 370, 373,
376, 382, 386
Indra, 13, 97, 152153, 227, 316, 331
Indras jewel net, 99, 152, 153, 155
inga, 43, 153. See also karma and Law
of Causation
Inga Monogatari, 153
Ingen Ryki. See Yin-yan Lung-chi
inin ekishi, 107, 153154, 157, 341
inka, 18, 39, 60, 64, 69, 71, 74, 107, 133, 140,
144, 146, 154, 155156, 173, 221, 230,
281, 290, 298, 310, 313, 332, 341, 355
inkin, 154, 232
ino, 49, 75, 154155, 267, 299, 338, 353. See
also temple positions
insh. See inka
interrelatedness, 153, 155. See also empti-
ness and Indras jewel net
In the Hope of Nibbana: The Ethics of
Theravada Buddhism(King), 180
An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings,
History and Practices (Harvey), 54
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism(Suzuki,
D. T.), 328
Inzan Ien, 107, 155, 322. See also Rinzai sect
Inzan school, 155, 333. See also Rinzai sect
Ippen, 155156, 162, 260. See also Tendai sect
Isan Reiy. See Kuei-shan Ling-yu
Isao, Kumakura, 45
I-shan I-ning, 133, 156, 158. See also Gozan
literature and Rinzai sect
Ishida, Hisatoyo, 72, 374
Ishigami, Zenno, 7, 10, 182, 260, 262, 291,
325, 340, 365
ishin denshin, 156, 161, 221222
issaiky, 62, 156, 356
Issan Ichinei. See I-shan I-ning
issendai. See icchantika
isshi inj. See isshi insh
isshi insh, 17, 154, 156157, 216, 313, 341.
See also St sect
Isshin, 157, 249
Isshit Zen. See One-finger Zen
isshu, 157
ittengo, 3, 157, 360
Jainism, 3, 66, 179, 264, 271272
jakugo, 3, 43, 158, 389
jakumetsu, 158
Jakushitsu Genk, 76, 158159
Japanese Religions: A Survey by the Agency
for Cultural Affairs (Hori), 175
jari. See ajari
jataka tales, 24, 137, 159, 274
ji. See tera
jigoku, 4, 7778, 128, 159, 161, 229, 268. See
also six paths
jihatsu. See begging alms
jihi, 55, 159
jiin hatt, 159160, 338
jikai, 160, 268. See also Jikai Zen and lay believer
Jikai Zen, 160
jikid, 160, 161, 184
jikijitsu, 161. See also jikid
jikishi ninshin, 161
jikishi ninshin kensh jbutsu, 161
jikishi tanden. See ishin denshin
jikkai. See ten realms
jikkai (2). See ten heavy precepts and
ten precepts
jin. See dust
jinj, 162. See also lay believer
Jinne. See Ho-tse Shen-hui
Jinshi Eison, 162, 289. See also Tendai sect
Jinsh. See Shen-hsiu
jiri, 162
Jiriki. See Self Power
Ji sect, 155, 162, 175, 260
jisha, 162163, 305, 307. See also lay believer
jish, 163
jish butsu, 163
jish kai, 163
Jish Shj, 163
jissatsu temples, 117, 163, 193, 214. See also
Gozan system
Jiz, 29, 81, 138, 163165, 198, 268, 352
Jchi-ji, 116, 165, 232, 330. See also Gozan
system and Rinzai sect
jd, 59, 126, 135, 165, 175
Jdo (2). See Pure Land
Jd-e. See Rhatsu
Jdo No Sanbuky, 165166
Jdo Shinsh. See True Pure Land sect
Jdo-sh. See Pure Land sect
Johnson, William L., 26, 35, 180
jj, 74, 166
Jmy-ji, 116, 166. See also Gozan system,
Rinzai sect, and Shingon sect
Jsh Jshin. See Chao-Chou Tsung-shen
jza. See shuso
jaku. See ten evil acts
Ju-ching, 72, 166, 275, 298, 330, 352. See also
St sect
Jdai Deshi, 166167, 340
juen. See shinsansiki
Jufuku-ji, 80, 84, 116, 167, 330. See also
Gozan system and Rinzai sect
jg, 167, 339
jgyzu, 167, 251
jji, 1, 52, 168, 338, 343
jji (2). See ten stages of a bodhisattva
jjkinkai. See ten heavy precepts
jukai, 168, 169
jukaie, 168. See also lay believer
jrokujkai, 30, 169, 277. See also St sect
jzen. See ten good acts
kada. See gth
kad, 151, 170
kaichin, 170
kaidan, 47, 170, 249
kaidan seki, 170
kaigen, 170171. See also Obaku sect
kaihan, 171. See also Rinzai sect
kaiki, 171, 172
kaimy, 38, 135, 150, 171, 257, 306. See also
lay believer, Rinzai sect, and St sect
kaisan, 95, 171172, 218
kaisand. See founders hall
Kaisan Shid Bunan Anju Zenji Anroku,
172, 355. See also Rinzai sect
kaiyoku, 172. See also St sect
kaji ichige, 172
kako shichibutsu. See seven buddhas of
the past
Kakua, 173. See also Rinzai sect, Tendai sect,
and Yang-chi school
Kakuan Shion, 167, 173, 251
Kakushin, 103, 140, 173174, 194, 230, 289,
375. See also Shingon sect
kalpa, 174, 191, 250
Kalupahana, Nagarjuna, 234
Kamakura, Japan, 8283, 133, 115116, 156,
158, 162, 165, 167, 178, 187, 196, 204,
234, 262, 289, 310, 328, 330, 359, 374
Kamakura period (11851333; Japan), 1718,
54, 5961, 75, 85, 103, 108, 115116, 129,
133, 135, 137, 140, 158, 162, 166167, 173,
178, 185, 194, 199200, 206, 229, 232, 234,
239, 251, 260, 266, 272, 289, 303, 310, 312,
323, 330, 337, 339, 345, 357358, 381
Kamens, Edward, 175, 274
kami, 7273, 120, 136, 174, 191, 286
kana hgo, 131, 174, 249250, 376
Kanakamuni buddha, 172, 174175, 286
kanben, 175
kanbutsu, 36, 123, 175. See also Hana Matsuri
kanch, 175. See also Obaku sect, Rinzai
sect, and St sect
Kanjizai. See Kannon
kanki issoku, 175176
kanna Zen, 176, 193, 224, 321, 330. See also
Rinzai sect
Kannon, 15, 29, 138, 175, 176, 178, 198199,
256, 284, 307308, 313. See also Kuan-yin
Kannonky, 15, 81, 176, 199. See also
Avalokiteshvara Sutra and Kuan-yin
kanshi, 176, 371
kanshiketsu. See shiketsu
kansh, 176178, 231
kansu, 49, 105, 178, 267, 338, 353, 358359.
See also temple positions
Kanzan. See Han-shan
Kanzan Egen, 82, 111, 172, 178, 184, 201, 233,
251, 310, 353, 355. See also Rinzai sect
Kanzan-shi. See Han-shan Shih
Kanzeon. See Kannon
Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumon-bon. See
Avalokiteshvara Sutra
Kapilavastu, 178, 290, 314, 326, 365
Kapleau, Philip, viii, 74, 274
kare sansui, 179, 266, 269
karma, viii, 2627, 43, 53, 65, 77, 86, 94, 98, 109,
112, 120, 127128, 153, 159, 179180, 206,
222, 241, 254, 259, 272, 317318, 378
The Karma of Words: Buddhism and the
Literary Arts in Medieval Japan (La
Fleur), 165
kashaku, 180
kashaya. See kesa
kashin, 180, 199
Kash. See Mahakashyapa
Kashyapa buddha, 172, 180, 286
kasshiki, 180181. See also lay believer
kata, 181
Katai Fut Roku. See Chia-tai Pu-Teng Lu
Kataku Jinne. See Ho-tse Shen-hui
Kataku-sh. See Ho-tse school
katsu!, 31, 89, 172, 206207, 181, 265, 296,
308. See also Rinzai sect
katt, 182
Kattsh. See Shmon Kattsh
katt Zen. See moji Zen
Katyayana, 167, 182, 340. See also arhat
kechimyaku, 182, 189. See also lay believer
and St sect
Kegonky. See Avatamsaka Sutra
Kegon school, 15, 89, 94, 145, 182, 294
keisaku, 184, 201, 203. See also Rinzai sect
and St sect
Keisen Sry, 184185, 283. See also Rinzai sect
keisu, 185, 191, 232, 304
Keitoku Dentroku. See Ching-te Chuan-
Teng Lu
Keizan Jkin, 64, 185, 304, 321, 323, 381, 385.
See also lay believer and Shingon sect
Keizan shingi, 185, 216, 304. See also St sect
kekka fuza, 185, 208
kekkaiji, 185187, 264
Kench-ji, 58, 60, 116, 133, 156, 178, 187,
204, 234, 330, 359, 374. See also Rinzai
Kench-ji Ha, 187, 266
Kench Seikoku Zokut Roku. See Chien-
chung Ching-Kuo Hsu-Teng Lu
kend, 187
Kennin-ji, 72, 80, 84, 116, 152, 158, 187, 188,
230, 270, 345. See also Shingon sect
Kennin-ji Ha, 188, 266
kensh, 37, 109110, 113, 121, 138, 188, 190,
229, 235, 249, 281, 332. See also Rinzai sect
Kensh jbutsu, 188
Kent, Richard K., 12
kesa, 9, 56, 104, 110, 180, 188, 196, 200, 262,
275, 294, 349
kesa bukuro, 188. See also kesa
kesa kudoku, 188189
Ketsumyaku Ron. See Hseh-Mo Lun
Kiangsi, China, 143144
Kid Chigu. See Hs-tang Chih-y
Kid Roku Daibetsu. See Hs-Tang Lu Tai-Pieh
kie, 95, 189, 235, 244, 277, 331332, 350,
365, 366
kie samb, 189
kigan, 189, 199, 293
kikai, 190
kikan, 190, 265, 278
kikan (2), 190
kikan kan, 113, 190, 194. See also Rinzai sect
kikutsuri, 65, 190191
kim. See tortoise hair
kim tokaku. See tortoise hair
kin, 185, 191
King Ashoka. See Ashoka
King, Winston L., 100, 180, 240, 328
kinhin, 157, 191, 320. See also St sect
Kinkaku-ji. See Golden Pavillion
kitchen-office. See kuin
kit, 191. See also lay believer
k. See kalpa
kan, viiiix, 3, 1718, 22, 2425, 4344, 4647,
50, 53, 57, 59, 63, 7374, 87, 8991, 93, 95,
100, 107, 109110, 113, 127, 138, 142, 146,
155, 158, 174, 188, 190, 191193, 194,
199200, 207, 217, 220, 224225, 227,
229230, 235, 237, 239, 249, 256, 265, 270,
275, 277278, 280281283, 285, 296, 302,
304, 308, 311, 316, 321, 323, 327, 330,
344345, 347348, 358359, 369, 372, 375,
378, 381, 383, 387, 389. See also Rinzai sect
kan collections, 121, 191, 193, 249, 344
kan-gazing Zen. See kanna Zen
Kb Daishi. See Kkai
kden, 193
Kodera, Takashi James, 298
Kgaku-ji, 193. See also Rinzai sect
Kgaku-ji Ha, 193, 266
Kgaku Sen. See Shaku Sen
K Haku. See Hou Po
Kh. See Fa-hai
Koh Kakumy, 18, 194. See also Rinzai sect
koji, 194, 310. See also lay believer
kj, 194, 265, 278
Kj-sh. See Hung-chou school
Kke Zonsh. See Hsing-hua Tsung-chiang
K Koku. See Hou Hei
kkon zazen, 194, 296. See also shiji zazen
Kokusan, 24, 194
kokushi, 80, 119, 194195, 232, 304, 310, 380
Kokutai-ji, 195
Kokutai-ji Ha, 195
komus, 103, 195. See also Fuke sect
Kong Hannya Haramitsu Ky. See
Diamond Sutra
Kongj. See esoteric buddhism
Kongkai Mandara. See Diamond-Realm
Kongky. See Diamond Sutra
konk, 195196, 367
Konkmyky, 49, 196
konk no cho, 196
Konsh, 196
Korea, 22, 49, 124, 217, 260
Koromo, 188, 196. See also kesa
Ksen Son, 196, 290, 388. See also Rinzai sect
koshin mida, 6, 196197, 237
Ksh-ji, 17, 73, 197, 302. See also St sect
Koshushaku, 197
Ksh-sh. See Hung-chou school
kotsu, 197, 245
kotsu jiki, 159, 197. See also begging alms
and lay believer
kyboku no Zen. See boxwood Zen
Kzen Gokokuron, 80, 197
Kraft, Kenneth, 74, 113, 138, 190, 235, 268
Krakucchanda buddha, 172, 197198, 286
kshatriya, 198, 290
Kshitigarbha. See Jiz
k. See emptiness
ku. See suffering
Kuan-li-ssu, 16, 116, 198
Kuan-yin, 15, 46, 109, 176, 198199. See
also Kannon
Kuan-yin Ching, 15, 176, 199. See also
Avalokiteshvara Sutra, Kannonky,
and lay believer
kubutsuji, 4, 130, 150, 180, 189, 199, 245,
271, 293, 331, 339, 343
Kuei-fen Tsung-mi: The Convergence of Chan
and the Teachings (Broughton), 94
Kuei-shan Ling-yu, 141, 156, 172, 199, 379
Kuei-yang school, 92, 141, 150, 199, 286, 379
kuf, 199
kuge, 199200, 272
kuin, 105, 190, 200, 201, 294, 338
kuje, 56, 188, 200, 275, 320, 349
Kkai, 60, 129, 193, 200, 256, 298
Kumarajiva, 15, 46, 126, 176, 199, 200, 208,
278, 280, 284, 312, 369, 382
Kumaraj. See Kumarajiva
kung-an. See kan
kunshin goi. See five ranks
kuri, 200, 201, 364
kuy, 201, 220. See also four offerings
Ku Zshi, 201, 355, 389. See also Zenrin Kush
ky. See sutras
Kygen Chikan. See Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien
Kysaku. See keisaku
Kyoto, Japan, 6061, 73, 76, 79, 81, 8485,
111112, 115116, 129, 133, 136, 152,
158, 162, 187188, 191, 196197, 214,
230, 233234, 236, 238, 246, 251, 266,
283, 298299, 302, 304305, 312, 317,
332, 339 343, 352, 355
Kyun-sh, 203
Kyzan Ejaku. See Yang-shan Hui-chi
kyd, 10, 120, 203, 332
Kysh, Japan, 58, 80, 344
La Fleur, William R., 165
Lan-chi Tao-lung, 58, 133, 187, 204, 234, 262.
See also Rinzai sect and Yang-chi school
Lankavatara Sutra, 55, 149, 204, 269, 284
Latter Age of the Dharma, 204205, 216,
277, 309, 346. See also three ages of
the Dharma
Laughing buddha, 205, 261
Law of Causation, 153, 206, 351
lay believer, vi, ix, 4, 910, 1315, 1920, 27, 30,
34, 38, 40, 45, 47, 50, 5253, 63, 66, 69, 75,
78, 83, 90, 93, 98, 103104, 109, 111, 120,
124, 126127, 130, 132, 140, 143147,
151152, 160, 162163, 168, 171, 181182,
185, 191, 194, 197, 199, 201, 206, 216,
221222, 237238, 247, 249, 256257, 259,
262, 264, 274, 276, 284, 286, 290291, 294,
299, 301, 304, 306, 309, 316, 325326, 328,
332, 339, 341, 343, 347, 351, 365370, 381,
384385, 387
Layman Pang, 135, 206, 252. See also
lay believer
The Legend of King Ashoka: A Study and
Translation of the Asokavadana
(Strong), 13, 43
Leighton, Taigen Daniel, 80, 344
Liang dynasty (c. 500; China), 27
Lin-chi I-hsan, 31, 67, 89, 95, 99, 141,
143144, 146, 181, 206207, 209, 235,
239, 259, 265, 277, 281, 290, 296, 300,
308, 320321, 323, 348, 356, 378, 387.
See also Rinzai sect
Lin-chi Lu. See Sayings of Lin-chi
Lin-chi school, vii, 89, 92, 143, 199, 207,
265266, 288, 323, 358, 383. See also
Huang-lung school and Yang-chi school
lineage, vii, 1718, 26, 37, 39, 46, 50, 52, 54,
5760, 6364, 69, 71, 74, 76, 80, 84, 8889,
9293, 107, 115117, 131, 139140,
142143, 146, 150151, 153154, 157,
171174, 178, 194, 197, 199, 204, 207, 216,
219, 221, 234235, 242243, 246, 251252,
254, 265, 288, 301, 304, 306, 308309, 313,
319, 322323, 327328, 335, 337, 341, 344,
351, 354356, 358359, 363364, 374375,
378, 380, 382, 386387
lineage chart, 64, 69, 107, 112, 182, 207, 326
Ling, Trevor Oswald, 217
Ling-yin-ssu, 116, 207, 254
lions roar, 208, 300, 309
Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan
(La Fleur), 165
literature, ix, 2, 6, 24, 51, 89, 9091, 111, 114,
116, 131, 140141, 145, 153, 158159,
192194, 226, 232, 238, 263, 286, 292, 302,
308, 327, 356, 371, 374, 382, 387388, 390
lotus position, viii, 134, 185, 208, 219220,
384385, 389
Lotus Sutra, 12, 15, 36, 39, 4849, 87,
134135, 149, 176, 178, 199200,
208209, 211, 214, 226, 233, 235, 239,
249, 251, 307, 339, 351, 370. See also
Tendai sect and Tien-tai school
The Lotus Sutra in Japanese Culture (Tanabe
and Tanabe), 227
The Lotus Sutra (Watson), 15, 39
lump of red flesh, 209, 290, 356
Mdhyamaka, 15, 46, 53, 82, 200, 210, 234,
264, 278, 280, 284, 348
Mdhyamika. See Mdhyamaka
Mahakashyapa, 7, 56, 71, 167, 180, 210, 213,
226, 238, 254, 270, 281, 286, 301, 307,
340, 370
Mahaprajna Paramita, 57, 210, 213
Mahavairochana Buddha, 24, 59, 72, 100,
102, 114, 136137, 210211, 367, 373
Mahayana Buddhism, vivii, 3, 5, 7, 12, 1416,
20, 22, 2627, 2930, 32, 34, 3638, 41,
5455, 58, 66, 69, 72, 78, 82, 84, 8687, 92,
94, 98, 100, 105, 108, 118, 125, 127, 130,
132, 137, 149150, 153, 159160, 162163,
168170, 197, 200, 204, 206, 208, 210, 211,
212, 222, 226, 229, 234, 237, 241242, 249,
251, 255, 258, 260, 272, 276277, 280, 283,
305, 319, 335, 341, 345, 350, 356, 358359,
362363, 365366, 368370, 376, 380, 382.
See also three bodies of the Buddha
Mahyna Buddhism: The Doctrinal
Foundations (Williams), 26
main temple, 34, 137, 160, 211212, 217
Maitreya, 34, 36, 82, 165, 205, 212213, 222,
261, 355, 360
Maitreya, the Future Buddha (Sponberg and
Hardacre), 213
Major Works (Hakeda), 200
Maka Hannya Haramitsu. See Mahaprajna
Makakash. See Mahakashyapa
Makuragy, 213, 256
Mampuku-ji, 2, 100, 133, 144, 171, 214, 227,
246, 261, 339, 380
manb. See ten thousand dharmas
mandala, 71, 81, 86, 100, 214, 298, 373. See
also Diamond-Realm Mandala,
Shingon sect, Tendai sect, and Womb-
Realm Mandala
mani, 20, 114, 165, 214, 268
Manju-ji, 116, 214, 234, 310. See also
Rinzai sect
Manjusri. See Monju
A Man of Zen: The Recorded Sayings of
Layman Pang (Sasaki, Yoshitaka, and
Fraser), 206
mantra, 45, 66, 75, 86, 100, 214215, 233,
240, 298
manual labor, 9, 83, 105, 215216, 224, 252, 262,
272, 285, 301, 321. See also lay believer
Manual of Zen Buddhism(Suzuki, D. T.),
126, 141
Manzan Dhaku, 17, 109, 216, 221, 304, 313
Mapp. See Latter Age of the Dharma
Mara, 163, 216217, 316, 373
The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei
(Stevens), 30, 296
married clergy, 217, 224. See also monastic
Masangin, 217, 348
Masen, 217
Master Dgens Shbgenzo (Nishijima and
Cross), 302
Master Yunmen: From the Record of the
Chan Master Gate of the Clouds
(App), 150, 383
matsuji, 137, 211, 217218
Matsunaga, Alicia, 6, 170, 306, 346
Matsunaga, Daigan, 6, 170, 306, 346
Matsunaga, Reih, 302, 385
Matsuo Bash, 120, 218
Ma-tsu Ssu-chia lu. See Ssu-chia Yu Lu
Ma-tsu Tao-i, 18, 46, 52, 142, 146, 181, 206,
217, 218219, 239, 252, 308, 323, 327,
387. See also Rinzai sect
Maudgalyyana, 167, 219, 223, 291, 340, 363
McRae, John R., 52, 128, 244, 293, 335
Medicine buddha. See Yakushi butsu
Medieval period (11851600; Japan), 34, 103,
107, 115, 128, 131, 180, 182, 187, 200,
203, 211, 270, 277, 281, 291, 304, 320,
345, 358, 371
meditation, viix,1, 68, 10, 13, 18, 20, 26, 29,
4448, 5254, 57, 59, 63, 66, 68, 71, 7375,
77, 80, 8283, 94, 9899, 102103, 108,
110, 114, 119, 122, 124125, 128, 131134,
137138, 141, 144146, 152154, 157, 161,
166, 168, 171, 176, 180, 184185, 188,
190193, 197, 199, 201, 203, 207208,
214215, 217218, 219220, 221224,
226227, 236237, 239240, 244, 250, 255,
258260, 262, 265, 267268, 270272, 274,
276, 280, 282285, 289, 291, 296, 298,
301302, 306, 312, 314, 316, 319320,
323325, 327328, 330, 332, 334, 338339,
342, 347, 353, 358359, 363, 365, 372, 376,
379, 381382, 384385, 388389. See also
lotus position and Rinzai sect
meditation hall, 10, 43, 7374, 123, 154, 160,
165, 184, 204, 220, 226, 265, 280, 283,
292, 294, 299, 307, 313, 320, 331,
333336, 387388
Meiji period (18681912; Japan), 62, 103,
196, 217, 248, 272, 337, 368
memorial service, 38, 40, 51, 53, 56, 72, 74,
95, 103, 132, 135, 150, 152, 185, 193,
201, 220221, 228, 238, 257, 270, 274,
284, 306, 312, 331, 335, 337, 371. See
also lay believer
memorial tablet. See ihai
mendicancy, 19, 22, 195, 197, 276277, 314
menju kuketsu. See menju shih
menju shih, 216, 221
menpeki. See hekikan
Menzan Zuih, 221222, 302
merit, 6, 19, 27, 45, 53, 55, 57, 62, 65, 75, 90,
95, 112, 119, 133, 149, 162, 171, 180,
188, 197, 212, 219, 222, 247, 251, 259,
277, 283284, 319, 324, 335, 339, 363,
365, 367. See also lay believer
metsujinj, 63, 222, 296
middle path, 222, 372
Mikky. See esoteric buddhism
military forces, 17, 77, 81, 127, 159, 269, 272,
303304, 320321, 332, 338, 371, 380
mind and body drop-off. See shinjin dat-
mind ground, 222, 297
mind-to-mind transmission. See ishin denshin
Ming dynasty (13681644; China), 44, 48, 53,
75, 124, 144, 227, 237238, 246, 322,
335, 365, 380, 382
Miroku. See Maitreya
Miura, Issh, 17, 22, 73, 110, 113, 138, 158,
190, 235, 385, 389
Modern period (1868present; Japan), 34, 175,
187, 194, 211, 217, 272, 329, 368, 388
moji Zen, 182, 223
mokugyo, 131, 231, 223
Mokuren. See Maudgalyyana
mokush Zen, 63, 146, 176, 224, 316, 321, 330
monasteries, vivii, ix, 12
monastic celibacy, 217, 224. See also
married clergy
monastic code, 5, 8, 1920, 22, 33, 38, 44, 46,
49, 60, 6364, 66, 83, 9596, 105, 114,
116, 125, 130, 132, 148, 152, 160161,
168, 170, 172, 185, 216217, 224, 226,
244, 246, 250, 252, 254, 257, 262,
264266, 272, 283, 288, 291, 297, 304,
310, 313, 316, 320, 324, 338, 342,
355356, 365367, 369, 371, 376, 380,
387, 389
monastic training, 43, 45, 103, 224, 225, 338.
See also threefold training
mond, 1, 3, 57, 126, 131, 133, 225, 226
Mongol Invasion (1281), 83, 134, 308
Monju, 102, 211, 214, 225226, 255, 307,
320, 369
monk, vi, ix, 1, 4, 69, 12, 1620, 22, 2427,
2930, 3234, 38, 4254, 5667, 7175,
78, 8081, 8384, 86, 8890, 9396,
99100, 102112, 115, 118119,
124135, 138146, 148152153,
155162, 165168, 170174, 178,
180182, 184185, 188190, 194197,
199201, 204206, 213, 215221,
223225, 226, 227, 229230, 232239,
241242, 244252, 255271, 274278,
280286, 288299, 301302, 305313,
316, 319324, 326328, 330345,
347350, 352359, 363367, 369371,
373376, 380381, 383385, 387390
Monkey (Wu), 142
monks hall. See sd
monna, 226
Moon in a Dewdrop (Tanashi), 302
moral code. See precepts
Morrell, Robert E., 292
mountains, 16, 2425, 40, 4950, 61, 76, 80, 84,
89, 92, 115116, 120, 128129, 133, 136,
141, 143144, 146, 163, 171, 173174,
178179, 185, 187, 193194, 207, 221,
226227, 235, 239, 254255, 264, 270,
308309, 319, 327, 331, 340, 359, 378, 386
Mount Gridhrakuta, 226227, 270, 370
Mount Hiei, 260, 264, 270271, 281, 299, 339,
357, 380381
Mount Sumeru, 24, 40, 97, 153, 227, 311, 331
moxa, 125, 227
mu, 227, 229230, 372, 374
Mu-an Hsing-tao, 171, 227228, 344, 380
mudra, 86, 107, 134, 228, 298, 376, 385
Mudra: A Study of the Symbolic Gestures in
Japanese Buddhist Sculpture
(Saunders), 107, 378
muen botoke. See wandering spirits
Muga. See Anatman
Mugaku Sogen. See Wu-hseh Tsu-yan
Muhon Kakushin. See Kakushin
Mujaku Dch, 229, 294. See also Rinzai sect
muj, 152, 229, 295
Muj Dgy, 149, 229, 292. See also Rinzai sect
Mujun Shiban. See Wu-chun Shih-fan
muken jigoku. See Avici hell
Mu kan, 46, 227, 229, 249, 372. See also
Rinzai sect
Mumon Ekai. See Wu-men Hui-kai
Mumon Gensen, 135, 230. See also Rinzai sect
Mumonkan, 7, 4546, 53, 71, 107, 113, 140,
142, 158, 172, 174, 192193, 210, 217,
227, 229, 230, 238, 249, 277, 283, 286,
297, 301, 304, 308, 312, 327, 337, 372,
375, 378. See also Rinzai sect
Munen. See No-thought
muni, 230
muni (2), 230231, 243
Muryju. See Amida buddha
Muryk. See Amida buddha
Mushin. See No-thought
music, 20, 32, 74, 289
musical instruments, 185, 191, 223, 232,
231232, 304305
bells, 65, 125, 154, 161, 176, 231232,
247248, 263265, 299, 306, 311
clappers, 122123, 148, 323, 314
drums, 135, 223, 231, 271
flutes, 103, 195, 289
gongs, 74, 122123, 131, 189, 223, 231232,
303, 311, 364
lutes, 20
mus kai. See Mus shinji kai
Mus shinji kai, 232
Mus Soseki, 81, 112, 115, 156, 232, 265, 278,
292, 305, 317, 343. See also Gozan liter-
ature, Rinzai sect, and Shingon sect
mus zange. See formless repentance
Myan Eisai. See Eisai
Myh Renge Ky. See Lotus Sutra
my, 100, 233, 355
Myshin-ji, 18, 57, 74, 82, 111, 118, 121, 123,
152, 155, 178, 184, 201, 229, 233, 236,
251, 269, 283, 332, 353, 355, 364
Myshin-ji Ha, 233, 266
Myzen. See Rynen Myzen
naga, 214, 234
Nagarjuna, 48, 76, 82, 210, 234, 278, 280,
324, 351, 361
Nagasaki, Japan, 335, 380
naikan, 234
Namp Jmy, 59, 142, 178, 189, 234235,
251, 310, 327. See also Rinzai sect and
Yang-chi school
namu, 235
Namu amida butsu, 235, 237, 260, 357
Namu myh rengeky, 235, 239
Nanin Engy. See Nan-yan Hui-yung
Nan-shan, 50, 235
Nant kan, 113, 193, 235. See also Rinzai sect
Nan-yan Hui-yung, 89, 141, 235
Nanzen-ji, 116, 156, 232, 236, 283. See also
Shingon sect
Nanzen-ji Ha, 236, 266
Nara, Japan, 47, 59, 74, 173, 281, 308, 352
Nara period (710794; Japan), 120, 139, 182,
194, 280
Nearman, Rev. Hubert, O.B.C., 64
nehan. See nirvana
nehand. See nirvana hall
Nehan-e. See Nirvana Festival
Nehanky. See Nirvana Sutra
nembutsu, 45, 53, 68, 75, 88, 108, 125, 129,
137, 156, 162, 235, 237, 238239, 260,
278, 284, 328, 365. See also dual prac-
tice, lay believer, and Nembutsu Kan
Nembutsu kan, 75, 237238, 278
Nembutsu kygen, 238
Nempu, 196, 238
nen, 238
Nenge mish, 238
Nenge shunmoku. See Nenge mish
nenki, 150, 238. See also lay believer
nettetsugan, 238239
Nichimen butsu, Gatsumen butsu. See
Sunface buddha, Moonface buddha
Nichiren, 62, 160, 175, 208, 235, 239, 249. See
also Tendai sect
Nichiren sect, 239. See also Tendai sect
nien-fo. See nembutsu
nij. See two vehicles
nijgoten, 239
niny, 119, 239, 265
Niny Shigyron. See Shshitsu Rokumon
Ni, 240, 278
Ni Zen, 240, 328
nirmanakaya, 35, 138, 240, 248, 280, 347, 355.
See also three bodies of the Buddha
nirvana, viii, 7, 10, 14, 2627, 33, 36, 4647,
64, 71, 84, 96, 106, 108, 129, 139, 149,
158, 182, 208, 210, 226, 237, 240241,
243244, 254, 256, 258, 272, 274, 290,
299, 316, 324, 326, 357, 365
Nirvana Festival, 237, 241, 274. See also
Buddha Day
nirvana hall, 83, 237, 241
Nirvana Sutra, 37, 57, 149, 188, 237, 241, 242
Nishijima, Gudo Waju, 302
Nitai. See Twofold Truth
nitten sjo, 242
Niu-tou school. See Oxhead school
niwa zume, 9, 242, 334
N drama, 242
No-mind. See No-thought
non-duality, 42, 86, 230, 243
Northern school, 46, 52, 76, 88, 117,
139140, 146, 243244, 259, 292, 319,
323, 326
The Northern School and the Formation of
Early Chan Buddhism(McRae), 52,
128, 244, 293, 335
No-Self. See Anatman
no-thought, 230231, 243, 244, 318
novice, ix, 1, 3, 4, 810, 14, 45, 64, 78, 93, 95,
119, 160161, 167, 180, 200, 226, 244,
245, 249250, 257258, 262, 291, 316,
338, 340, 342, 365366, 370
nun, vi, ix, 1, 45, 78, 12, 17, 1920, 22, 24, 27,
2930, 34, 38, 4243, 45, 50, 5657, 62, 64,
66, 7475, 78, 83, 90, 9396, 99, 103104,
106, 110, 119, 124126, 131, 135136, 138,
140, 150, 152, 160, 165166, 168, 170172,
180181, 188190, 194, 197, 199201, 206,
215, 217, 219221, 224225, 237238,
241242, 244245, 247, 249250, 252,
257258, 262263, 266267, 271,
274275, 277, 280282, 284, 286, 288, 291,
293295, 297, 306, 309310, 313, 316,
319320, 324, 327, 331338, 342, 347,
349350, 353, 356, 365367, 370371, 376,
379, 381, 384, 387390
nyoi. See kotsu
Nyorai. See Tathagata
nyoraiz. See Tathagata Garbha
nygan, 199, 245, 293
nyin. See shinsanshiki
nyusshitsu, 245, 303
Obaku-ban, 246, 344
Obaku Kiun. See Huang-po Hsi-yn
Obaku sect, vii, 2, 22, 32, 7375, 100, 104, 109,
112, 123, 132133, 135, 137, 144, 153,
171, 175, 214216, 220, 223, 227, 237,
246, 261, 265, 278, 294, 304, 320,
322323, 339, 342, 344, 352, 378, 380, 387
Obaku Shingi, 72, 123, 216, 246, 304, 380
Obon, ix, 40, 90, 106, 246247, 282, 363, 366
offerings, ix, 19, 40, 62, 73, 99, 106, 112, 129,
150, 193, 201, 247, 282, 294, 325. See
also four offerings and lay believer
ogane, 65, 125, 230, 247248, 306, 311
Ogino Dokuon, 248
oji goi. See five ranks
ojin. See nirmanakaya
oj, 237, 248. See also rebirth
Ojysh, 108, 120, 248
Okamura, Shohaku, 80, 344
Old-woman Zen, 248, 266. See also
Rba Zen
One-finger Zen, 52, 119, 157, 248249
One hand kan, 249, 282, 376. See also
Rinzai sect
One mind, 107, 156157, 249. See also
Mahayana Buddhism
one vehicle, 150, 249, 309, 351
one-word barrier. See ichiji kan
Onin War (14661477), 112, 233, 236, 283,
305, 317
Ooms, Herman, 328
Orategama, 121, 249, 390
ordination, 910, 20, 22, 29, 47, 64, 71, 95, 103,
126, 133, 150, 161, 168171, 180, 182, 189,
226227, 244245, 249, 250, 257, 264,
270, 277, 282, 291, 299, 306, 310, 337, 342,
350, 354, 371. See also lay believer
ordination platform. See kaidan
original enlightenment, 37, 136137, 146,
163, 249
Original Face, 137, 141, 249250
Original Mind, 137, 250
Original Teachings of Chan Buddhism:
Selected from the Transmission of the
Lamp (Chung-Yuan), 93
Ory Enan. See Huang-lung Hui-nan
Ory school, 143, 250. See also Rinzai sect
Osaka, Japan, 17, 152, 246, 308, 310, 344
oshiku, 250, 297
osh, 250. See also Shingon sect, St sect,
and Tendai sect
Other Power, 251, 283, 335
Otkan school, 251, 310. See also Rinzai sect
outflows. See defilements
ox cart, 251
Oxhead school, 48, 50, 88, 117, 132, 140, 142,
242, 251
oxherding pictures, 167, 251
pagoda, 24, 252, 263264, 325, 337, 352
Pai-chang Ching-kuei, 148, 252, 297
Pai-chang Huai-hai, 44, 141, 143144, 146,
148, 172, 199, 216, 219, 224, 252, 257,
297, 323, 387
painting, ix
Pali Canon. See Tripitaka
Pang Yun. See Layman Pang
Pao-lin Chuan, 50, 138, 252
Papiyas, 120, 252
parajika, 5, 96, 125, 252254, 370. See also
Theravada Buddhism
parinirvana, 12, 126, 237, 241242, 254, 290
parishioner system. See danka seido
Buddhist, 30, 38, 39, 55, 66, 75, 84, 98, 108,
131, 160, 255, 304, 346347, 350351,
361, 387
easy, 76, 324
Eightfold, 10, 26, 36, 38, 41, 7778, 84, 98,
125, 272, 309, 316, 326, 347, 351, 361, 372
evil, 4, 14, 86, 180, 274, 318
middle, 222, 372
six, 65, 86, 148, 159, 165, 267268, 285,
318, 342, 367
steep, 76, 302, 324
patriarch, vii, 1, 7, 13, 16, 20, 26, 33, 37, 39,
48, 50, 52, 5960, 6364, 67, 69, 71, 74,
80, 84, 8889, 92, 100, 108, 112, 126,
141143, 145, 167168, 182, 189,
193194, 200, 207, 210, 213, 219, 234,
238, 244, 251, 254, 256, 259260,
265266, 268, 281282, 284, 286, 296,
301, 319, 322323, 327, 335, 339340,
343345, 351, 355, 358359, 371, 375,
385387. See also St sect
patriarchs hall. See soshid
Paul, Diane Y., 24
Pei-shan, 207, 254
Pei-yung Ching-kuei, 254, 389
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, 57, 72, 255, 258,
339. See also Mahayana Buddhism
The Philosophy of the Middle Way
(Kalupahana), 234
pien-wen, 255
pilgrimage, 8, 10, 18, 30, 46, 121, 128129,
141142, 155, 180, 188, 193, 198, 207,
232, 255256, 281, 290, 296, 310, 319,
332, 371, 383. See also lay believer
Pillow Sutra. See Makuragy
Pindola, 24, 256, 307, 376
Pine, Red, 142, 306
Pi-yen Lu. See Hekiganroku
Platform Sutra, 33, 62, 69, 88, 97, 145, 147,
160, 230, 232, 242, 256257, 268, 292,
295, 318, 326, 328, 350, 360, 387
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
(Yampolsky), 69, 189, 244, 257, 351
Po-chang Huai-hai. See Pai-chang Huai-hai
poetry, vi, 14, 110, 115, 124, 141, 146, 151,
176, 192193, 201, 203, 206, 218, 232,
270, 371, 382, 389
posthumous name, 104, 171, 257, 332
postulant, 180, 242, 257, 334, 365
Prajapati, 22, 120, 257, 314, 316, 326. See
also lay believer
prajna, 15, 47, 72, 78, 124, 146, 225, 257258,
268, 276, 298, 316, 319, 347. See also
Perfection of the Wisdom Sutra
prajna samadhi, 124, 258. See also
Perfection of the Wisdom Sutra
pratyeka buddha, 42, 55, 73, 82, 92, 109, 161,
239, 258, 277, 342, 351, 362. See also
three vehicles
precepts, 3, 14, 22, 29, 3233, 43, 47, 59, 64,
86, 9395, 111, 137, 160161, 163,
167171, 179, 206, 222, 224, 226, 245,
249250, 257, 258259, 262, 268, 277,
282, 292, 302, 306, 310, 316, 319, 324,
340342, 345, 347, 365367, 370. See
also lay believer
preta. See gaki and hungry ghost
A Primer of St Zen: A Translation of
Dgens Shbgenz Zuimonki
(Matsunaga R.), 302
Prince Shtoku. See Shtoku Taishi
The Private Encounter with the Master,
Zen, Tradition and Transition
(Kapleau), 74
Pu-chi, 102, 259
Pu-hua, 103, 259
Pure Land, 6, 16, 30, 34, 3738, 4445, 5354,
75, 88, 108, 124, 127, 129, 135, 137, 155,
162, 165, 176, 196, 213, 235, 238239,
246, 248, 251, 259, 271, 284, 319, 324,
332, 339, 360, 372, 376, 382
Pure Land of the Mind Only, 237, 259260, 382
Pure Land school, 30, 68, 76, 211, 237, 260, 283
Pure Land sect, 136, 166, 248, 260
Pure Land Sutra, 67, 165, 211, 234, 260,
357, 372
Purna, 167, 260, 340
purple robe, 260261, 295, 332
Pu-tai, 139, 205, 261, 288. See also Obaku sect
Pu-ti-ta-mo. See Bodhidharma
Pye, Michael, 87
Ragora. See Rahula
Rahula, 167, 262, 314, 340, 379
rainy season retreat, 8, 36, 219, 247, 262,
277, 363
rakusu, 111, 188, 262. See also lay believer
Rankei Dry. See Lan-chi Tao-lung
rant, 263
Reader, Ian, 104
rebirth, viii, 67, 12, 2627, 45, 53, 75, 86, 91,
108, 110, 127128, 139, 159, 171, 180, 212,
219, 222, 237, 241, 248, 259, 260, 263,
265, 272, 309, 318319, 357, 360, 363
The Record of Lin-chi (Sasaki), 67, 281, 320
recorded sayings, 50, 52, 54, 67, 114, 121,
127, 178, 192, 201, 206207, 218, 263,
265, 281, 302, 359, 382383, 387, 389
rei. See shkei
reincarnation, viii, 263, 264
Reischauer, Edwin O., 84
reitaku, 264, 305. See also shkei
Relative Truth, 16, 264, 348, 363
relics, 114, 252, 255, 264, 291, 316, 324, 352
renga, 264
restricted area, 185, 264
Reynolds, Frank E., 35
rice, 40, 197, 271, 310311, 313, 332
Richi, 194, 264265, 278, 363
rin. See shkei
rini monjin, 265, 331
rinka, 116, 135, 265, 322
rinne. See samsara
rinsen kakun, 265
riny, 119, 239, 265. See also two entrances
Rinzai Gigen. See Lin-chi I-hsuan
Rinzai-roku. See Sayings of Lin-chi
Rinzai sect, vii, 1819, 22, 41, 44, 47, 54, 5663,
7276, 80, 8384, 8990, 93, 96, 99100,
103104, 107, 110113, 116119, 121,
123125, 127128, 132, 135, 137138,
140144, 146, 152, 155156, 158, 161,
165167, 171173, 175176, 178, 181,
184185, 187188, 190, 193196, 204, 207,
214, 219220, 229230, 232233,
235236, 246, 248251, 261262,
265266, 268270, 274, 278, 280281,
283, 285, 288290, 292, 294, 300, 304305,
308312, 317, 320, 323, 327328, 330,
332333, 335, 339, 343, 345, 347348,
351353, 355, 359, 364, 374375, 378,
380381, 385, 387390. See also Huang-
lung school and Yang-chi school
Rinza-sh. See Lin-chi school and Rinzai sect
ritsu, 47, 106, 134, 170, 250, 266, 280, 294,
297, 321, 369. See also Theravada
ro, 63, 266
Rba Zen, 248, 266
robe of transmission, 69, 210, 266
Robinson, Richard H., 26, 35, 180
rock garden. See kare sansui
Rhatsu, 111, 165, 267, 274
Rhatsu sesshin, 190, 267
rokkon. See six sense organs
roku chiji. See than
roku chsu. See seihan
rokudo. See six perfections
rokud. See six paths
rokujin. See six dusts
roku jiz, 165, 268. See also samsara
rokumon. See six sense organs
rokumotsu, 268, 384
Rokuso Danky. See Platform Sutra
ron, 189, 268, 280, 292, 306
Ronen. See Year of the Donkey
ropparamitsu. See six perfections
roshi, 268
Ryan-ji, 185, 269. See also Rinzai sect
Rygaky. See Lankavatara Sutra
rygen, 269
Rygon-gy. See Shuramgama Sutra
Rygon-ju. See Shuramgama dharani
Rykan, 270. See also St sect
rykan (2), 270, 277, 281, 304
Rynen Myzen, 72, 270, 331. See also
Rinzai sect and Tendai sect
Ryzen. See Mount Gridhrakuta
Rytaku Kaiso Jinki Dokumy Zenji Nempu,
270, 355
saba, 106, 271, 313
sabi, 271, 371
sagan butsuji, 199, 271, 293. See also
sai, 271
Saich, 29, 60, 64, 84, 129, 170, 251, 271, 296,
339, 352. See also Tien-tai school
Saich: The Establishment of the Japanese
Tendai School (Groner), 30
saku, 135, 231, 272
samadhi, 78, 124, 222, 225, 271272, 276,
312, 316, 347, 349, 384, 388
Samantabhadra. See Fugen
sambhogakaya, 132, 272, 280, 347. See also
Mahayana Buddhism and three bodies
of the Buddha
samb. See three treasures
Sambe. See Sanbe
Samb Kydan. See Sanb Kydan
sammai. See samadhi
samsara, 12, 14, 2627, 39, 65, 86, 149, 156,
165, 180, 243, 263265, 268, 272, 285,
289, 309, 318, 342, 365, 372
samu. See manual labor
samurai, 1718, 39, 5758, 74, 103, 116, 133,
185, 195196, 272274, 328, 332
sanakud. See evil paths
Sanb. See three treasures
Sanbe, 274
Sanb Kydan, viiviii, 274. See also lay believer
Sanbukki, 237, 274
sanbutsuji, 4, 274275, 339, 343
Sanbyakusoku, 71, 210, 217, 227, 275. See
also St sect
Sandai Sron, 275, 345
Sand and Pebbles (Morrell), 292
sandoku. See three poisons
sane. See kesa
sane ippatsu. See three robes, one bowl
sangai. See three realms
Sangai yui isshin. See Consciousness Only
sangaku. See threefold training
sange, 276
sangedatsumon. See Three gates to
Sangemon, 276
sangha, 13, 19, 22, 37, 6465, 91, 9596, 99,
104, 110, 189, 201, 210, 224, 235, 247,
252, 260, 262, 274, 276277, 291, 309,
320, 350, 365366, 370
Sanji. See Three Ages of the Dharma
sanj. See three vehicles
sanjujkai, 277. See also St sect
sankan, 270, 277, 304, 345
sankikai, 30, 169, 277
Sanku. See three phrases
Sanku (2). See three sufferings
Sanky itchi, 278, 350
Sanky Nembutsu, 278
San-lun school, 46, 200, 210, 278, 280, 283, 358
sanmai. See sammai
sanmi, 278. See also St sect
sanmon, 278, 294, 322, 338
sanne-in yuikai, 278279
sanpai, 279280
sanpai (2), 280
Sanron school, 210, 278, 280, 294
sansammai. See three samadhi
sanshin. See three bodies of the Buddha
sanshu samb. See three treasures
santai. See threefold truth
sanzen, 197, 245, 280, 322. See also Rinzai sect
Sanz, 266, 280, 356
sanz (2), 280281
sarei, 281
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, 17, 22, 67, 73, 110, 113, 138,
158, 190, 206, 235, 281, 320, 385, 389
Sasaki Shigetsu, 281, 290, 321. See also
Rinzai sect
Satan and Mara: Christian and Buddhist
Symbols of Evil (Boyd), 216
satori, 17, 31, 57, 84, 110, 137, 172, 188, 194,
250, 281, 374
Saunders, E. Dale, 107, 378
Sayings of Lin-chi , 60, 67, 95, 99, 181, 207,
209, 259, 265, 270, 277, 281, 304, 337,
348, 351, 356
East Mountain school, 76, 292, 335, 359, 386
Fa-hsien school, 5, 55, 88, 138, 380, 382
Fa-yen school, 89, 92, 131, 142, 288, 344
Hoss school, 5, 55, 74, 138139, 294, 321,
380, 382
Ho-tse school, 46, 139, 181, 359
Huang-lung school, 92, 143, 207, 266, 288
Hung-chou school, 146, 194, 197
Inzan school, 155, 333
Kegon school, 15, 89, 94, 145, 182, 294
Kuei-yang school, 92, 141, 150, 199, 286, 379
Lin-chi school, vii, 89, 92, 143, 199, 207,
265266, 288, 323, 358, 383
Northern school, 46, 52, 76, 88, 117,
139140, 146, 243244, 259, 292, 319,
323, 326
Ory school, 143, 250
Otkan school, 251, 310
Oxhead school, 48, 50, 88, 117, 132, 140,
142, 242, 251
Pure Land school, 30, 68, 76, 211, 237,
260, 283
San-lun school, 46, 200, 210, 278, 280,
283, 358
Sanron school, 210, 278, 280, 294
seven schools, 92, 143, 288, 294, 378
Southern school, 46, 88, 92, 117, 139140,
146, 243, 323, 326
Takuj school, 143, 155, 332, 333
Tien-tai school, 48, 53, 68, 84, 89, 92, 133,
209, 211, 271, 296, 339, 346, 348,
351352, 358
Tsao-tung school, vii, 9293, 207, 288,
323, 358, 359
Yang-chi school, 60, 84, 92, 140, 173, 204,
207, 235, 246, 266, 288, 374375, 378,
Yogachara school, 4, 15, 55, 74, 77, 88, 100,
125, 139, 141, 211, 267, 380, 382
Ygi school, 378, 380, 381
Yun-men school, 47, 92, 142, 286, 288,
344, 363, 382383
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine
Dharma (Hurvitz), 15, 39
second barrier. See rykan
Second Patriarch. See Hui-ko and
Daruma sect, 59, 63, 173
Fuke sect, 103, 173, 195, 259, 289
Ji sect, 155, 162, 175, 260
Nichiren sect, 239
Obaku sect, vii, 2, 22, 32, 7375, 100, 104,
109, 112, 123, 132133, 135, 137, 144, 153,
171, 175, 214216, 220, 223, 227, 237,
246, 261, 265, 278, 294, 304, 320,
322323, 339, 342, 344, 352, 378, 380, 387
Pure Land sect, 136, 166, 248, 260
Rinzai sect, vii, 1819, 22, 41, 44, 47, 54,
5663, 7276, 80, 8384, 8990, 93, 96,
99100, 103104, 107, 110113, 116119,
121, 123125, 127128, 132, 135, 137138,
140144, 146, 152, 155156, 158, 161,
165167, 171173, 175176, 178, 181,
184185, 187188, 190, 193196, 204, 207,
214, 219220, 229230, 232233, 235236,
246, 248251, 261262, 265266, 268270,
274, 278, 280281, 283, 285, 288290, 292,
294, 300, 304305, 308312, 317, 320, 323,
327328, 330, 332333, 335, 339, 343, 345,
347348, 351353, 355, 359, 364, 374375,
378, 380381, 385, 387390
Shingon sect, 4, 16, 24, 5860, 71, 80, 86,
109, 112, 114, 129, 166, 174175, 185,
187, 193, 195, 200, 211, 214, 222, 232,
236, 250, 294, 298, 306, 309, 330331,
352, 373, 378, 381
St sect, vii, 4, 8, 17, 22, 30, 50, 5859,
6364, 69, 7173, 79, 85, 103, 107109,
116, 132133, 135, 137, 146, 154, 157, 166,
169, 171172, 175, 182, 184185, 191, 197,
221, 250, 254, 261, 265, 268, 270, 274275,
277278, 282283, 286, 296, 298, 301302,
308, 313, 320321, 323, 328330, 339, 342,
345, 358359, 381, 384385, 387
Tendai sect, 4, 29, 34, 38, 5960, 6364, 73,
7980, 8486, 108, 112, 114, 129, 136,
156, 162, 170, 173, 175, 187, 209, 214,
222, 239, 250251, 260, 270271, 281,
289, 294, 296, 299, 306, 309310, 339,
352, 357, 378, 380
True Pure Land sect, 108, 166, 217, 299,
344, 357
segaki. See ullambana
seian. See seid
seid, 282, 352
seihan, 1, 49, 5152, 168, 267, 282, 305, 313,
338, 353, 372, 390
seiza, 282
Seizan. See Hsi-shan
sekiri daruma, 282, 324. See also Straw
Sandal Bodhidharma
Sekishu kan. See One hand kan
sekkai, 282283. See also Mahayana
Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism
sekkan, 283, 286
Sekk Sshin, 111, 185, 283, 353, 355. See
also Rinzai sect
Selected Writings of Suzuki Shosan (Tyler),
100, 240, 328
Self Power, 162, 251, 283
sembutsuj, 283
semmon dj, 73, 283284. See also lay believer
sendai. See icchantika
Seng-chao, 46, 278, 284, 321
senge, 284
Seng-tsan, 52, 69, 100, 141, 145, 284, 298, 322,
335, 345, 386. See also Hsin-hsin-ming
senju, 136, 284
Senju darani, 284. See also esoteric buddhism
Sen no Riky, 62, 284285
sentient beings, 3, 6, 12, 16, 2627, 2930,
3234, 3639, 41, 55, 62, 6465, 68, 77,
8182, 8687, 92, 96, 98, 100, 109,
127129, 136137, 147, 149, 153,
155156, 159, 163, 165, 176, 198, 208,
211, 222, 241242, 249, 256, 259, 267,
272, 277, 284, 285, 289, 295, 309, 312,
316, 318319, 340, 342, 347348, 351,
363, 365, 367, 372374, 376, 385
Senzaki Nyogen, 285, 290
Sepp Gison. See Hseh-feng I-tsun
sermons, 2, 7, 18, 38, 44, 47, 66, 8889, 106,
111, 114, 127, 131, 135, 167, 208, 226, 232,
234, 256, 263, 280281, 285, 294, 308,
320321, 327, 331, 337, 350351, 356, 370
Seson. See World-Honored One
sesshin, 267, 285, 337
Setch Jken. See Hseh-tou Chung-hsien
setsuban, 283, 286
setsuwa, 286, 292. See also lay believer
seven buddhas of the past, 50, 172, 174, 180,
185, 197, 286, 297, 356, 359, 370
seven lucky gods, 20, 24, 139, 286288, 294
seven schools, 92, 143, 288, 294, 378. See
also Rinzai sect
sexuality, 288
shaba, 288289
Shaka. See Shakya Clan
Shakamuni. See Siddharta Gautama
Shaka Nyorai. See Siddharta Gautama
Shakuen Eich, 84, 162, 174, 289. See also
Tendai sect
shakuhachi, 103, 289, 195
shakuniku danj. See lump of red flesh
Shaku Sen, 193, 196, 285, 290
Shaku Skatsu, 281, 290. See also lay believer
and Rinzai sect
Shakya clan, 178, 230, 289, 290, 314, 326
Shakyamuni. See Siddharta Gautama
shala trees, 255, 290291
shami, 244, 291. See also lay believer
shamikai. See ten precepts
shamini, 244, 291
shamon. See shramana
Shao-lin-ssu, 27, 145, 291, 306, 327
shari. See relics
Sharihotsu. See Shariputra
Shariputra, 105, 167, 219, 291, 340
sharira. See relics
Shasekish, 149, 229, 291292. See also
Rinzai sect
shashu, 292
shastra, 278, 280, 292
shaven-headed layman, 292. See also
Rinzai sect
Shen-hsiu, 46, 52, 76, 140, 146, 162, 243, 259,
292293, 319, 323
Shen-hui. See Ho-tse Shen-hui
shichi. See four wisdoms
shichibutsuji, 293. See also kubutsuji
shichid garan, 9, 40, 68, 112, 122, 126, 200,
214, 226, 242, 278, 294, 301, 320, 338, 355
shichifukujin . See seven lucky gods
shichije, 188, 294, 349, 366
shichish. See seven schools
shidai. See four great elements
shid, 294. See also lay believer
Shid Bunan, 74, 118119, 172, 294, 304.
See also Rinzai sect
shie. See purple robe
Shigematsu, Soiku, 389
shigu seigan, 96, 295
shihokkai. See four realms of reality
shiji no kuy. See four offerings
shiji zazen, 99, 115, 132, 194, 295296, 322
shijhachikykai, 29, 168, 296
shijzai. See four grave offenses
shika, 52, 267, 282, 296, 334, 338
shikai. See dead ashes
shikan, 296
shikan taza, 224, 296, 323
shikatsu. See four shouts
Shike Goroku. See Ssu-chia Yu Lu
shiketsu, 176, 297
Shikhin buddha, 172, 286, 297
shikunichi, 172, 297, 354. See also oshiku
shila. See sila
Shimano, Eido T., 113, 138, 190, 235
Shinbun Ritsu. See Ssu-fen Lu
shinchi. See mind ground
Shinchi Kakushin. See Kakushin
shingi, 8, 4849, 64, 160, 172, 224, 262,
265266, 297298, 338, 376
Shingon: Japanese Esoteric Buddhism
(Yamasaki), 72, 100, 374
Shingon sect, 4, 16, 24, 5860, 71, 80, 86, 109,
112, 114, 129, 166, 174175, 185, 187, 193,
195, 200, 211, 214, 222, 232, 236, 250, 294,
298, 306, 309, 330331, 352, 373, 378, 381
Shingy. See Heart Sutra
Shinin, 298
shinji ike, 298. See also St sect
shinjin datsuraku, 75, 298. See also St sect
Shinjinmei. See Hsin-hsin-ming
shinnin. See True person of no rank
Shinnyo. See True Thusness
Shinran, 166, 217, 260, 299, 357. See also
Tendai sect
Shinran: An Introduction to His Thought
(Ueda and Hirota), 6
shinsanshiki, 1, 167, 245, 299. See also
lay believer
Shinshin, 163, 299
Shinsh. See True Pure Land sect
Shint, 59, 73, 83, 98, 120, 133, 136, 155, 174,
278, 330, 350, 354
shion. See four obligations
shippei, 31, 300
shiroku benreitai. See shiroku no bush
shiroku no bunsh, 300
shiryken. See four discernments
shishiku. See lions roar
shish. See four kinds of birth
Shisho, 301, 326
shishu hokkai. See four realms of reality
shis, 301
shissui, 49, 267, 301, 338, 353. See also lay
believer and temple positions
shitenn. See four guardian kings
Shiza. See dead sitting
Shbgenz, 68, 301
Shbgenz (2), 8, 26, 47, 73, 99, 103, 108, 129,
150, 169, 189, 210, 222, 275, 301, 302, 385
Shbgenz Bench, 302, 342
Shbgenz Zuimonki, 302
shod. See calligraphy
shd. See steep path
sheki. See nyusshitsu
Shgen Sgaku. See Sung-yan Chung-yueh
shogo kten, 303
shgun, 17, 8081, 112, 133, 167, 187, 232,
280, 303304, 305, 317, 332, 343. See
also lay believer
Shohei, Ichimura, 4, 80, 313, 322, 344
Shh, 277, 304, 309
Shichi Ha, 304. See also Rinzai sect
shj. See Hinayana Buddhism
Shju Dky Etan Anju Anroku, 304, 354.
See also Dky Etan
Shjurin Shingi, 216, 304. See also
Obaku sect
Shju Rjin. See Dky Etan
shojutsu. See calligraphy
shokan, 91, 270, 277, 304
shkei, 185, 232, 263265, 304305. See
also reitaku
shken, 305
shoki, 52, 267, 282, 305, 338
Shkoku-ji, 116, 196, 248, 305
Shkoku-ji Ha, 266, 305
shmon. See shravaka
shmy, 32, 237, 305306
shonan, 171, 306. See also lay believer
Shrin-ji. See Shao-lin-ssu
shr, 231, 248, 294, 306. See also lay believer
shsan, 135, 285, 306, 328
Shshitsu Rokumon, 27, 142, 239, 306
shs, 256, 307, 313, 320
shs jisha, 307
Shtoku Taishi, 259, 307308
shouting. See Katsu!
Shyroku, 308309, 359. See also Rinzai sect
shozan, 116, 308
Shzmatsu. See Three Ages of the Dharma
shramana, 291, 309
shravaka, 55, 92, 109, 161, 239, 258, 277, 305,
309, 342, 351, 362. See also three vehicles
Shrimala Sutra, 307, 309. See also lay believer
shu. See sangha
sh. See lineage
shugend, 309, 378
Shh Mych, 6162, 81, 178, 234, 251,
309, 327, 345. See also Rinzai sect and
Tendai sect
shuj. See walking staff
shukke. 310, 384
shuku, 310
shukuha fugin, 310
shukushin, 310
shukuyjri, 310311
shumidan, 311
Shumisen. See Mount Sumeru
Shmitsu. See Tsung-mi
shumoku, 65, 311, 306
Shmon Kattsh, 182, 311
Shmon Mujint Ron, 311312, 355
Shmon Rent Ey. See Tsung-men Lien-teng
Shun Reizan, 312. See also Rinzai sect
shunyata. See emptiness
Shuramgama dharani, 56, 270, 312
Shuramgama Sutra, 56, 270, 312, 313
shury, 269, 307, 312313
Shurygon-gy. See Shuramgama Sutra
shuso, 1, 52, 166, 172, 207, 267, 282, 313, 338
shussan, 106, 271, 313
shutara. See sutra
sht fukk, 313
shuya, 314
Siddharta Gautama, vi, 2, 7, 10, 1215, 2627,
30, 3440, 43, 50, 56, 60, 6465, 71, 73, 77,
8384, 96, 102, 118, 123, 138, 154, 165166,
172, 178, 182, 198, 210, 212, 216, 219, 226,
230, 237238, 241, 254, 257, 260, 262, 267,
274, 276, 281, 285286, 288290, 301,
314316, 320, 326327, 334, 337, 339341,
346347, 350351, 360, 363, 368369, 374,
376, 379. See also lay believer
sila, 78, 225, 258, 276, 297, 316, 319, 347. See
also lay believer
silent illumination Zen. See mokush Zen
Silver mountain, iron wall, 109, 316
Silver Pavilion, 109, 112, 317. See also Rinzai sect
sin, 317318
six dusts, 75, 92, 268, 318
six gates. See six sense organs
six paths, 65, 86, 148, 159, 165, 267268, 285,
318, 342, 367
six perfections, 29, 62, 159160, 258,
267268, 316, 319, 351
six sense organs, 267268, 318, 319
Sixth Patriarch. See Hui-neng
skandha. See five skandhas
skillful means. See expedient means
Skillful Means: A Concept in Mahayana
Buddhism(Pye), 87
small vehicle. See Hinayana Buddhism
Smith, Robert, 40, 151, 247
so. See patriarch
san, 319
san (2), 319
sobutsu, 254, 319320. See also busso
sd, 73, 80, 111, 122, 124, 131, 154, 161, 165,
167, 170171, 180181, 187, 197, 204, 220,
226, 271, 281, 283, 294, 299, 307, 313,
320, 333336, 338, 387. See also Obaku
sect, Rinzai sect, and St sect
sgya. See sangha
sgyari. See kuje
Sohaku, Ogata, 50, 286
shei, 85, 320321, 371
Sji-ji, 185, 283, 321, 341. See also Hoss school
Sj. See Seng-chao
Skei. See Hui-neng and Tsao-hsi
Skei-an, 321. See also Sasaki Shigetsu
Sokk Roku Kaien Fusetsu, 321
Sk Shinsai, 321322, 358
Sokuhi Nyoichi. See Chi-fei ju-i; See also
Obaku sect
smon, 322
srin, 265, 322
Ssan. See Seng-tsan
ssan (2), 322
ssan (3), 322
soshi, 254, 322
soshid, 95, 254, 322
sshin zazen, 132, 296, 322323
The St Approach to Zen (Matsunaga R.), 385
St sect, vii, 4, 8, 17, 22, 30, 50, 5859, 6364,
69, 7173, 79, 85, 103, 107109, 116,
132133, 135, 137, 146, 154, 157, 166, 169,
171172, 175, 182, 184185, 191, 197, 221,
250, 254, 261, 265, 268, 270, 274275,
277278, 282283, 286, 296, 298, 301302,
308, 313, 320321, 323, 328330, 339,
342, 345, 358359, 381, 384385, 387. See
also Lin-chi school
St-sh. See St sect and Tsao-tung school
St Zen in Medieval Japan (Bodiford), 30,
104, 275, 278
Sounds of Valley Streams (Cook), 302
Southern school, 46, 88, 92, 117, 139140,
146, 243, 323, 326
Szan Honjaku. See Tsao-shan Pen-chi
Sponberg, Alan, 213
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 30, 204, 290, 345
Ssu-chia Yu Lu, 218, 296, 323324
Ssu-fen Lu, 297, 324, 370
steep path, 76, 302, 324
Stevens, John, 30, 296
storehouse consciousness. See alaya
Straw Sandal Bodhidharma, 282, 324, 327
Streng, Frederick J., 234
Strong, John S., 13, 29, 43, 91, 148149
Stuart, Maureen, viii, 274
stupa, 13, 16, 113, 252, 255, 263264, 294,
324325, 336, 352. See also lay believer
Subhuti, 167, 307, 325, 340
subtemple. See tatch
succession certificate. See shisho
sudden enlightenment, 117, 140, 146, 243,
249, 323, 326, 353
Suddhodana, 13, 257, 314, 326. See also
lay believer
suffering, viii, 2, 7, 10, 1316, 2627, 33, 39,
5455, 6465, 68, 75, 81, 86, 9192, 94,
96, 98, 106, 108, 110, 118, 120, 128129,
152, 159, 162, 165, 176, 198, 206, 219,
229, 241, 244, 247, 272, 277, 282, 289,
301, 314, 318, 326, 334, 348, 350, 363,
365, 367, 371, 373, 376
Sugyroku. See Tsung-ching Lu
suibokuga, 327, 388
sumie. See suibokuga
Sunface buddha, Moonface buddha, 239, 327
Sung dynasty (9601279; China), 8, 22, 40, 44,
4750, 63, 75, 83, 89, 92, 99, 111, 114116,
127, 133, 140, 142144, 146, 166, 173, 185,
187, 189,192193, 199, 205, 207, 229, 250,
252, 266, 278279, 284, 286, 288, 294295,
297, 323, 327, 330, 356, 359360, 371,
374375, 378, 380383, 387
Sung-shan, 327
Sung-yan Chung-yueh, 303, 327. See also
Rinzai sect
Sung Yun, 324, 327. See also Straw Sandal
susoku-kan, 327
sutras, 2, 15, 17, 38, 4445, 4849, 52, 57, 62, 82,
87, 108, 153, 156, 201, 208, 226, 237, 239,
241, 255, 260, 264, 280, 282, 284, 294, 305,
307, 309, 312313, 321, 325, 327328,
331332, 339, 351, 355, 369, 382, 389
Agama Sutras, 3
Avalokiteshvara Sutra, 15, 176, 178, 199
Avatamsaka Sutra, 1516, 55, 94, 102, 145,
153, 182, 211, 276, 343
Brahma Net Sutra, 29, 3334, 95, 168, 258,
296, 341, 366
Diamond Sutra, 57, 72, 146, 195, 200, 211,
255, 301
Heart Sutra, 15, 45, 57, 105, 124, 126, 200,
211, 255, 298, 306
Lankavatara Sutra, 55, 149, 204, 269, 284
Lotus Sutra, 12, 15, 36, 39, 4849, 87,
134135, 149, 176, 178, 199200,
208209, 211, 214, 226, 233, 235, 239,
249, 251, 307, 339, 351, 370
Nirvana Sutra, 37, 57, 149, 188, 237, 241, 242
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, 57, 72, 255,
258, 339
Platform Sutra, 33, 62, 69, 88, 97, 145, 147,
160, 230, 232, 242, 256257, 268, 292,
295, 318, 326, 328, 350, 360, 387
Pure Land Sutra, 67, 165, 211, 234, 260,
357, 372
Shrimala Sutra, 307, 309
Shuramgama Sutra, 56, 270, 312, 313
Vimalakirti Sutra, 132, 200, 307, 369, 382
Suzuki, D. T. (Daisetsu Teitaro), 16, 126, 141,
204, 242, 290, 328, 334. See also lay
believer and Rinzai sect
Suzuki Shsan, 100, 153, 233, 240, 328. See
also St sect
Suzuki, Shunry, 329. See also St sect
Swampland Flowers: The Letters and Lectures
of Zen Master Ta Hui (Cleary, C.), 330
Swanson, Paul L., 342
Ta-hsiu Cheng-nien, 59, 165, 330. See also
Rinzai sect
Ta-hui Tsung-kao, 47, 50, 56, 127, 146, 176,
192, 224, 302, 330, 378, 381. See also
Rinzai sect and St sect
Taik Gyy, 119, 166, 174, 330. See also
Rinzai sect and St sect
Tai-po-shan, 330331, 352
taireishsan, 199, 331
Taishaku. See Indra
Taishakuten. See Indra
Taish Daizky, 62, 246, 331
taiya, 199, 331
taiza monjin, 331
Taizkai Mandara. SeeWomb-Realm Mandala
taking refuge. See kie
Takuan Sh, 187, 332. See also Rinzai sect
takuhatsu, 159, 332. See also begging alms
Takuj Kosen, 107, 155, 333
Takuj school, 143, 155, 332, 333. See also
Rinzai sect
tan, 333, 335336
Tanabe, George J., Jr., 227
Tanabe, Willa Jane, 227
Tanashi, Kazuaki, 302
tanbutsu, 74, 333
tanden, 125, 190, 234, 334
tanden (2), 334
tanga, 334. See also tanga zume
tanga zume, 9, 296, 305, 334
Tang dynasty (618907; China), vi, 12, 18, 31,
46, 4850, 52, 63, 82, 84, 8890, 92,
103104, 111, 119, 124, 139, 141143, 145,
150, 166, 181, 192, 199, 206, 218, 225, 235,
246, 251252, 256, 259, 261, 265, 281, 284,
288, 292293, 297, 306308, 323, 344,
358359, 363, 374, 379, 382383, 386387
tan-i, 334
Tanjge, 334, 341
tanka, 335, 371
tanpy, 335
Tao, 72, 299, 335, 365, 372
Tao-che Chao-yan, 18, 74, 109, 335. See
also Obaku sect and Rinzai sect
Tao-hsin, 52, 74, 76, 88, 90, 100, 117, 141,
146, 215, 242, 251, 282, 284, 335, 359
Taoism, 53, 72, 121, 145, 278, 284, 298299,
334335, 350, 357, 365, 372, 389
Tariki. See Other Power
Ta Sheng Chi-hsin-lun. See Awakening of
tassu, 335336
tatami, 220, 313, 320, 333, 336, 384
tatch, 83, 137, 200, 279, 326, 336337
Tathagata, 167, 245, 289, 337, 339
Tathagata Garbha, 163, 204, 245, 309, 337
tea, 17, 4445, 62, 80, 116, 123, 135, 170, 175,
269, 271, 281, 284285, 293, 299, 337, 339
tea ceremony. See chanoy
Tea in Japan: Essays on the History of
Chanoyu (Varley and Isao), 45
teihatsu. See tonsure
teish, 60, 285286, 337338
temple buildings. See shichid garan
temple positions, 105, 155, 301, 338, 344,
353, 358359
temple regulations, 159, 338
temples, 1213, 17, 19, 24, 27, 33, 36, 4042,
5859, 6162, 73, 76, 79, 8285, 95,
9798, 105, 111112, 116117, 129, 133,
135, 137138, 150154, 159, 163,
170171, 217218, 233, 242, 246,
255256, 267, 269, 274, 279, 282, 284,
294, 301, 306, 308, 314, 322, 326, 338,
343344, 352, 360
branch temple, 34, 137, 160, 187, 211, 217,
233, 269, 321, 337
main temple, 34, 137, 160, 211212, 217
subtemples, 83, 137, 200, 279, 326,
tenbrin, 339. See also Wheel of the Dharma
tencha butsuji, 199, 274, 293, 339. See also
Tendai sect, 4, 29, 34, 38, 5960, 6364, 73,
7980, 8486, 108, 112, 114, 129, 136, 156,
162, 170, 173, 175, 187, 209, 214, 222, 239,
250251, 260, 270271, 281, 289, 294, 296,
299, 306, 309310, 339, 352, 357, 378, 380.
See also Rinzai sect and St sect
ten directions, 339
tendoku, 57, 191, 339. See also Obaku sect
ten epithets for the Buddha, 245, 339, 374
ten evil acts, 166, 169, 340
ten good acts, 166, 169, 340
ten great disciples of the Buddha, 340
tengu, 340341
ten heavy precepts, 29, 95, 161162, 168169,
258, 296, 341. See also lay believer
Tenj tenge yuiga dokuson, 341
Tenkei Denson, 302, 341342. See also
St sect
ten precepts, 14, 78, 93, 95, 160162, 168, 226,
244245, 257258, 283, 291, 316, 341,
342. See also Obaku sect and St sect
ten realms, 161, 342. See also six paths
tenrinn. See cakravartin
Tenry-ji, 81, 116, 232, 283, 298, 305, 343
Tenry-ji Ha, 266, 343
Tensh Ktroku. See Tien-sheng
Kuang-teng Lu
ten stages of a bodhisattva, 15, 168, 182, 343
ten thousand dharmas, 214, 343
tent butsuji, 199, 274, 293, 343. See also
tenzo, 47, 49, 200, 267, 338, 344, 353. See
also temple positions
Tenzo Kykun, 79, 344
tera, 159, 344
Te-shan Hsuan-chien, 31, 142, 344, 353
Tetsugen-ban. See Obaku-ban
Tetsugen Dk, 228, 246, 250, 344. See also
Obaku sect
Tett Gik, 310, 345. See also Rinzai sect
Theravada Buddhism, vi, 23, 7, 10, 22,
2627, 3638, 41, 49, 54, 6364, 78, 84,
87, 94, 96, 98, 100, 149, 159160, 162,
168, 200, 208, 212, 222, 224, 254, 258,
264, 266, 280, 283, 290291, 293, 296,
319, 324, 327, 342, 345, 351, 356,
365367, 370371, 376
third barrier. See sankan
Third Generation Schism. See Sandai Sron
Third Patriarch. See Seng-tsan
thirty-two marks of a buddha, 43, 345
Thompson, Laurence G., 322
Three Ages of the Dharma, 205, 277, 304,
309, 346, 390
Three Baskets. See Tripitaka
three bodies of the Buddha, 35, 69, 132, 138,
211, 241, 248, 272, 280, 347, 355
three essentials of Zen, 347. See also
Rinzai sect
threefold training, 78, 225, 276, 316, 347348
Threefold Truth, 48, 92, 280, 348, 351
Three gates to emancipation, 276, 348
The Three Jewels: A Study and Translation of
Minamoto Tamenoris Sanboe
(Kamens), 175
three marks, 152, 229, 326, 348
three phrases, 277, 348. See also Rinzai sect
three poisons, 3, 33, 275, 348, 373
Three pounds of flax. See Masangin
three realms, 276, 318, 348349
three robes. See kesa
three robes, one bowl, 76, 275, 349
three samadhi, 280, 349
three sufferings, 277, 350
three teachings, 278, 350. See also Sanky itchi
Three teachings as one. See Sanky itchi
three treasures, 29, 90, 95, 99, 161, 168, 189,
201, 233, 235, 244, 259, 274, 276, 280,
341, 350351, 365366
three vehicles, 249, 258, 277, 309, 351, 361
Thurman, Robert A. F., 369
Tibet, 38, 86
Tien-sheng Kuang-teng Lu, 115, 343, 351, 359.
See also lay believer and Rinzai sect
Tien-tai school, 48, 53, 68, 84, 89, 92, 133,
209, 211, 271, 296, 339, 346, 348,
351352, 358
Tien-tung Ju-ching. See Ju-ching
Tien-tung-shan. See Tai-po-shan
Timeless Spring: A St Zen Anthology
(Cleary, T.), 385
Ti-Tsang. See Jiz
t. See stupa
tan, 352
td, 282, 352
Tfuku-ji, 60, 84, 116, 158, 214, 304, 352. See
also Shingon sect and Tendai sect
Tfuku-ji Ha, 266, 352
than, 1, 49, 52, 154, 168, 200, 267, 282, 338,
352353, 358. See also temple positions
Tokugawa Ideology: Early Constructs,
15701680 (Ooms), 328
Tokugawa period (16001867; Japan), 17, 34,
44, 57, 62, 85, 100, 103104, 107, 109,
110, 112, 118, 120, 137, 153, 155, 157,
159, 187, 195196, 211, 216, 218,
220221, 229, 233, 236, 246, 251, 254,
270, 272, 275, 279, 294, 302304, 311,
313, 320321, 328, 332, 335, 338, 341,
344, 354, 364, 387, 388
Tokuh Zenketsu, 283, 353. See also
Rinzai sect
Tokusan Senkan. See Te-shan Hsuan-chien
Tmy Enichi. See Tung-ming Hui-jih
ton, 353
tongaku. See sudden enlightenment
tongo. See sudden enlightenment
tonsure, 18, 53, 60, 81, 84, 89, 112, 121,
133135, 142143, 206, 224, 227, 233, 270,
274, 281, 290291, 328, 337, 353354
Trei Enji, 44, 111, 121, 172, 270, 304, 312,
354355. See also Rinzai sect
tortoise hair, 191, 355
tosotsuten. See Tushita Heaven
tsu, 294, 338, 355
Ty Eich, 201, 283, 355, 389. See also
Rinzai sect
Tzan. See Tung-shan
Tzan Rykai. See Tung-shan Liang-chieh
The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk
(Suzuki, D. T.), 242, 328, 334
transformation body. See nirmanakaya
The Transmission of the Lamp: Early Masters
(Sohaku), 50, 286
Transmission of the Lamp. See Ching-te
Chan-teng Lu
Tripitaka, 23, 7, 10, 3738, 156, 210211,
224, 252, 266, 280, 327, 346, 356,
365366, 369
True Mind, 163, 299, 356
true person of no rank, 47, 299, 356357
True Pure Land sect, 108, 166, 217, 250, 299,
344, 357. See also Tendai sect
True Thusness, 299, 358
four noble truths, 26, 36, 38, 41, 54, 77, 96,
98, 100, 293, 309, 326, 350, 372
relative, 16, 264, 348, 363
threefold, 48, 92, 280, 348, 351
twofold, 242, 348, 351, 361
ultimate, 57, 67, 87, 118, 264, 278, 348, 363
Tsao-hsi. See Hui-neng
Tsao-kung. See Sk Shinsai
Tsao-shan Pen-chi, 93, 201, 248, 323, 358, 359
Tsao-tung school, vii, 9293, 207, 288, 323,
358, 359
tsbun, 49, 267, 338, 353, 358. See also
temple positions
tsung. See lineage
Tsung-ching Lu, 326, 358, 382
Tsung-jung Lu. See Shyroku
Tsung-men Lien-teng Hui-yao, 115, 312, 359
Tsung-mi, 46, 94, 112, 114, 146, 311, 359
tssu, 49, 105, 176, 267, 338, 353, 358, 359.
See also temple positions
Tung-ming Hui-jih, 133, 158, 353, 359. See
also Rinzai sect and St sect
Tung-shan, 89, 143, 355, 359. See also East
Mountain school
Tung-shan Liang-chieh, 93, 99, 110, 128,
248, 323, 355, 358, 359, 387
Tun-huang Caves, 360. See also Tun-huang
Tun-huang manuscripts, 256, 360
turning the Wheel of the Dharma, 339, 360.
See also Wheel of the Dharma
turning word, 3, 157, 360
Tushita heaven, 212213, 222, 355, 360. See
also Maitreya
Twelve-Link Chain of Causation, 360361
two entrances, 119, 239, 265, 361
Twofold Truth, 242, 348, 351, 361
two vehicles, 76, 92, 239, 258, 309, 351, 362
Tyler, Royal, 100, 240, 328
Tzu, Mou, 91
Udraka Ramaputra, 363
Ueda, Yoshifumi, 6
ullambana, 90, 106, 219, 246, 282, 363, 371
Ultimate Truth, 57, 67, 87, 118, 264, 278, 348,
363. See also Mahayana Buddhism
Ummon Bunen. See Yun-men Wen-yen
Ummon school. See Yun-men school
umpan, 122, 232, 364
Umpo Zenj, 18, 364. See also Rinzai sect
un. See five skandhas
unborn, 18, 365. See also Mahayana
Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism
The Unborn: The Life and Teaching of Zen
Master Bankei (Waddell), 18, 364
United States, 281, 285, 290, 328329
Unraveling Zens Red Thread: Ikkyus
Controversial Way (Covell and
Yamada), 152
Unsei Shuk. See Chu-hung
unsui, 9, 242, 296, 365
Upali, 167, 224, 340, 356, 365, 370
upsaka, 276, 365, 366. See also upsik
upsik, 276, 365, 365. See also lay believer
upaya. See expedient means
uposatha, 78, 104105, 271, 283, 366, 370.
See also Mahayana Buddhism and
Theravada Buddhism
Urabon-e. See Obon
uttaras. See Shichije
Vairochana buddha. See Mahavairochana
vajra, 71, 99, 195, 240, 367
Vajrayana Buddhism. See esoteric buddhism
Varley, Paul, 45
vegetarian feasts, 100, 367, 368. See also lay
believer and vegetarianism
vegetarianism, 367368, 387. See also Maha-
yana Buddhism and vegetarian feasts
vessel of the Dharma, 134, 368. See also hki
Vietnam, vii
Vimalakirti, 132, 206, 368369, 382. See also
lay believer and Mahayana Buddhism
Vimalakirti Sutra, 132, 200, 307, 369, 382. See
also lay believer and Mahayana
vinaya, 4, 8, 1920, 22, 29, 33, 38, 47, 66, 83, 96,
106, 138, 160, 170, 206, 210, 216, 224, 249,
252, 258, 262, 266, 280, 288, 291, 297, 324,
342, 356, 365367, 369370, 371, 376, 383
Vipashyin buddha, 172, 286, 370
Vishvabhu buddha, 172, 286, 370
vows, 6, 30, 37, 96, 143145, 180, 226, 244, 370,
372, 383. See also Theravada Buddhism
Vulture Peak, 71, 208, 210, 226, 238, 270,
340, 370
wabi, 271, 371
Waddell, Norman, 18, 121, 321, 364
waka, 52, 176, 335, 371
walking staff, 256, 310, 371. See also
Theravada Buddhism
wandering spirits, 228, 371
Wanshi Shgaku. See Hung-chih Cheng-cheh
Wan-shou-ssu, 49, 116, 371
warrior monks. See shei
warriors, 83, 85, 104, 134, 153, 187, 198, 272,
274, 303, 320321, 371
wasan, 371372
wat, 227, 372
Watson, Burton, 15, 39, 181, 209, 281
Way. See Tao
Western Pure Land, 5, 37, 75, 108, 165, 213,
235, 237, 248, 259260, 357, 372
Western rank. See seihan
Wheel of the Dharma, 43, 138, 339, 345,
360, 372
Wheel of Life, 372373
whisk, 130, 139, 154155, 180, 373
Wijayaratna, Mohan, 20, 22, 93, 254, 257
Williams, Paul, 26
Womb-Realm Mandala, 72, 81, 195, 211, 214,
331, 367, 373374
Women in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine
in Mahayana Tradition (Paul), 24
Women in Buddhism, Todays Woman in
World Religions (Barnes), 22
The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the
History and Culture of the Indian Sub-
Continent Before the Coming of the
Muslims (Basham), 31, 198
World Conference of Religions (1893), 290
World-Honored One, 7, 167, 283, 285, 339, 374
wu. See mu
wu (2). See satori
Wu-an Pu-ning, 115, 133, 374. See also
Rinzai sect
Wu, Cheng-en, 142
wu-chia. See five houses
Wu-chun Shih-fan, 229, 374. See also Rinzai
sect and Yang-chi school
Wu-hseh Tsu-yan, 8283, 229, 374. See
also Rinzai sect
Wu-men Hui-kai, 107, 140, 174, 230, 375, 378.
See also Rinzai sect and Yang-chi school
Wu-men Kuan. See Mumonkan
Wu-tsu Fa-yen, 114, 375, 381. See also Rinzai
sect and Yang-chi school
Wu-tsu Hung-jen. See Hung-jen
Yabukji, 376
yakuseki, 376. See also Mahayana Buddhism
and Theravada Buddhism
Yakushi butsu, 219, 376378
Yama, 80, 378
Yamabushi, 119, 255, 309, 340, 378
Yamada, Shobin, 152
Yamasaki, Taiko, 72, 100, 374
Yampolsky, Philip B., 17, 69, 81, 121, 127,
189, 244, 257, 351, 376, 390
Yang-chi school, 60, 84, 92, 140, 173, 204,
207, 235, 246, 266, 288, 374375, 378,
380381. See also Obaku sect
Yang-shan Hui-chi, 146, 199, 203, 379
Yasen Kanna, 121, 379, 390. See also meditation
Yashodhara, 262, 314, 379
Yasutani Hakuun, viii
Year of the Donkey, 268, 380
Yin-yan Lung-chi, vii, 48, 109, 133, 144,
153, 214, 227, 246, 335, 344, 380, 387
Yogachara school, 4, 15, 55, 74, 77, 88, 100,
125, 139, 141, 211, 267, 380, 382
Ygi school, 378, 380, 381
Yj taimitsu, 380381. See also Rinzai sect
Yokohama, Japan, 321
Ykoi, Yh, 76, 169, 302
Yk-ji, 185, 381. See also Shingon sect and
St sect
yokushitsu, 111, 294, 338, 381
Ymy Enju. See Yung-ming Yen-shou
Ysai. See Eisai
Yoshitaka Iriya, 206
Yan dynasty (12601368; China), 48, 54, 56, 60,
75, 156, 204, 230, 279, 347, 359, 374, 389
Yan-wu Ko-chin, 25, 83, 127, 256, 330,
381. See also lay believer
yuige, 382
Yuima. See Vimalakirti
Yuimaky. See Vimalakirti Sutra
Yuishiki. See Consciousness Only
Yuishin no jdo. See Pure land of the
mind only
yu-lu. See recorded sayings
Yun-chi Chu-hung. See Chu-hung
Yung-ming Yen-shou, 326, 358, 381, 382
Yun-men school, 47, 92, 142, 286, 288, 344,
363, 382383. See also Lin-chi school
Yun-men Wen-yen, 127, 142, 217, 297, 363,
382, 383, 387
zabuton. See zaniku
zafu, 384
zagu, 268, 299, 384
zaike, 384
zammai. See samadhi
zaniku, 122, 384. See also St sect
zazen, vi, 18, 20, 54, 68, 94, 115, 121122, 128,
132133, 150, 184, 191, 194, 199, 201, 207,
217, 219, 221, 227, 265, 280, 283, 295,
322323, 358, 364, 384, 385, 388390
Zazengi, 103, 385
Zazenless Zen: The Position of Zazen in
Institutional Zen Buddhism, Japanese
Religion (Reader), 104
Zazen wasan, 45, 372, 385. See also lay
believer, Rinzai sect, and zazen
Zazen yjinki, 185, 385
Zen, viix, 1, 34, 710, 12, 1420, 22, 2427,
3033, 3640, 4361, 6369, 7176,
7985, 8796, 98100, 102112,
114120, 122, 124128, 130135,
137146, 148150, 153163, 165168,
170172, 174176, 178182, 185,
187191, 193201, 203211, 213215,
217227, 229246, 248252, 254, 256,
259272, 276286, 288290, 292308,
310314, 316324, 326330, 333340,
342347, 350353, 355356, 358360,
363, 365366, 368375, 379, 381383,
385387, 388390. See also lay believer
and Obaku sect
Zen Buddhism: A History (Dumoulin), 84, 390
Zenby. See Zen sickness
Zenchishiki, 27, 51, 387
Zen cuisine, 368, 387. See also vegetarian
zend. See meditation hall
Zen Dust: The History of the Kan and Kan
Study in Rinzai (Lin-chi) Zen (Miura
and Sasaki), 17, 22, 158, 385
Zenen Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei
A Zen Forest: Sayings of the Masters
(Shigematsu), 389
Zenga, 388
Zengen Shozensh Tojo. See Chan-yuan
Chu-chuan-chi Tu-hsu
zengo. See gradual enlightenment
Zengy. See gradual teaching
Zen in the Art of Archery (Herrigel), 203
Zenji, 18, 45, 52, 58, 60, 90, 104, 118, 121,
138, 140, 283, 330, 332, 345, 353, 388
zenj. See meditation and zazen
Zenkai Ichiran, 196, 388
Zenkan Sakushin. See Chan-kuan Tse-chin
Zenkiku, 388389
The Zen Kan (Miura and Sasaki), 73, 110,
113, 138, 158, 190, 235, 389
The Zen Kan as a Means of Attaining
Enlightenment (Suzuki, D. T.), 328
Zen Kans, Zen, Tradition and Transition
(Shimano), 113, 138, 190, 235
Zen Master Dgen: An Introduction with
Selected Writings (Ykoi and Daizen),
76, 169, 302
Zen Master Eihei Dgens Monastic Regulations
(Shohei), 4, 80, 313, 322, 344
The Zen Master Hakuin: Selected Writings
(Yampolsky), 17, 81, 121, 127, 376, 390
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind (Suzuki, S.), 329
The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist
Practice in Contemporary Korea
(Buswell), 2, 8, 267
Zenmon Kishiki. See Chan-men Kuei-shi
Zennasu, 389, 390
Zennen Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei
Zenon Shingi. See Chan-yuan Ching-kuei
zenpan, 389
Zenrin Biy Shingi. See Pei-yung Ching-kuei
Zenrin Kush, 158, 201, 389. See also
Rinzai sect
zenshitsu, 389390
Zen sickness, 121, 379, 387, 390. See also
Rinzai sect
Zens, 390
Zensu. See Zennasu
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma (Pine),
142, 306
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po on the
Transmission of the Mind (Blofeld), 143
The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi: A
Translation of the Lin-chi Lu (Watson),
181, 209, 281
Zen, Tradition and Transition (Kraft), 74,
113, 138, 190, 235, 268
Zh, 277, 309, 390
zsu, 5152, 267, 282, 338, 390
About the Author
Helen J. Baroni, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the department of religion at
the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She received a bachelor of arts from
Grinnell College in 1981, a masters degree in divinity from the Princeton
Theological Seminary in 1984, and both a masters degree (1990) and a doctor-
ate degree (1993) in philosophy from Columbia University.
From 1990 to 1991, Dr. Baroni was a visiting research fellow at the
International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism of Hanazozo College in
Kyoto, Japan. She was awarded a Japan Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in
1990, a Weatherhead Fellowship in 1992, and a grant from the Harvard
Pluralism Project in 1998. Dr. Baroni has published a number of journal articles
on Japanese religions. She is also the author of Obaku Zen: The Emergence of
the Third Sect of Zen in Tokugawa, Japan, published by the University of Hawaii
Press (2000).
Cover, pp. 9, 25, 32, 51, 67, 85, 97, 106, 113, 122, 123, 147, 151, 157, 169, 183,
184, 223, 225, 228, 231, 247, 263, 279, 300, 307, 315, 325, 368, 377, 384
Patricio Goycoolea/The Hutchison Library; p. ii courtesy of the General
Libraries, University of Texas at Austin; pp. 1, 5, 35, 44, 58, 202, 218, 240, 241,
269, 341 Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY; pp. 11, 186, 253, 287, 357, 364,
379 Rodman Low; pp. 21, 23, 31, 79, 130, 134, 136, 179, 212, 215, 220, 243,
273, 386 Graham Harrison; pp. 28, 101, 102, 164, 177, 205, 208
Christies Images Ltd.; p. 41 Michael Greenhalgh; p. 61 Angelo
Hornak/Corbis; p. 70 Brooklyn Museum of Art; p. 91 H. Armstrong
Roberts; p. 117 Kyodo News; p. 144 Sakamoto Photo Research
Laboratory/Corbis; p. 173 Macduff Everton/Corbis; p. 192 Adam
Woolfitt/Corbis; p. 236 Michael Schulman; p. 289 courtesy of the Embassy
of Japan; p. 293 Nathan Benn/Corbis; p. 295 Pacific Press Service Images;
p. 303 Asian Art and Archaeology, Inc./Corbis; pp. 311, 333, 354 Horace
Bristol/Corbis; p. 317 Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis; p. 336 Chris
Rainier/Corbis; p. 349 Nik Wheeler/Corbis; p. 373 Christine
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