Consent Form For Parents and Children: Associate Professor Grace Oakley Graduate School of Education

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Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia, in accordance with its ethics

and approval procedures. Any person considering participation in this research project, or agreeing to participate, may raise any
questions or issues with the researchers at any time.
In addition, any person not satisfied with the response of researchers may raise ethics issues or concerns, and may make any
complaints about this research project by contacting the Human Research Ethics Office at the University of Western Australia on
(08) 6488 3703 or by emailing to [email protected]
All research participants are entitles to retain a copy of any Participant Information For and/or Participant Consent Form relating
to this research project.

Consent Form for Parents and Children

I have read the information provided and any questions I have asked have been answered to
my satisfaction. I have explained the project to my child. I agree for my child to participate in
this intervention, realising that I may withdraw my consent at any time, without reason and
without prejudice. I understand that my childs participation is voluntary.

I understand that participation in the classroom-based research project will involve my child
undertaking an intervention for approximately 10 days. This will involve a diagnostic
assessment or test, talking to a pre-service teacher about the intervention, and may include
some final assessments or tests. It may involve the collection of work samples such as
drawings and/or written or verbal descriptions. These verbal descriptions may be audio-
recorded. I also understand that some photographs may be taken of my childs work.

I understand that the information collected from my child will be kept confidential, will only be
used for the purposes of this project, and my child will not be identified in any written
assignment or presentation of the results of this project. The only exception to this principle
of confidentiality is if documents are required by law. I have been advised as to what data is
being collected, what the purpose is, and what will be done with the data upon completion of
the research.

_______________________ ______________ ______________________
Name of parent Date Signature

Name of child

UWA Ethics Approval Number: RA/4/1/6903

Associate Professor Grace Oakley
Graduate School of Education
The University of Western Australia
M428, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley, WA, 6009
Telephone: +61 8 6488 2301
Fax: +61 8 6488 1052
Email: [email protected]

CRICOS Code: 00126G

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