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Unit 1
Stage 1
Getting started
B. accept any possible answer
Vocabulary and Pronunciation
1. quay
2. hatchery
3. vineyard
4. cannery
5. apiary
6. resort
7. bakery
8. orchard
9. dockyard
1. ce!etery
1. 16 "arch
2. #otanic
3. $a!ous
4. $irst
5. lovely
6. had
7. !et
8. did
9. e%plained
1. ne%t
11. &uropean
12. 'nterestin(
13. )hen
ind out!
1. * trip
2. +n ,riday- 16 "arch by bus
3. *t 1. o.clock
4. *- "rs. /ina
5. 0o!plete the $ollowin( sentences
,irst- we went to the odd tropical plants
)hen- we looked at all the lovely plants
*$ter that- we went to a little spot near the 1a$$les
ce!etery and had !ornin( tea. /e%t- we did so!e
)hen- we went to the orchid.s section
,inally- we (ot on the bus and returned to school.
Get it "ight.
1. (ettin( on
2. $inished
3. late
4. heard
5. told
6. a pleasure
7. lookin(
8. yesterday
9. co!$ortable
1. pleased
,ind out2
1. 3ituation 1 at the ca$eteria. 3ituation 2 in the banquet roo!
2. $ive
3. /o- 3he didn.t.
4. 3he is in a party
5. 4ow do you do5
*ccept any possible answer
1. $ine
2. hello
3. bye
4. bye
5. +.k. bye
6. (ood ni(ht
7. bye
8. how do you do
9. bye
*ccept any possible answer
1. +.6 see you in the evenin(
2. ' hope you.ll be $ine. )ake care o$ yoursel$
3. all ri(ht- ' (ot to (o now.
4. ' a! sorry but ' (ot to leave now. 't.s nice to !eet you
5. +.k. then. "ay be we can drink a cup o$ co$$ee another
6. it.s really nice to see you a(ain. #ut ' (ot to do so!ethin(
7. ' a! sorry but ' have to leave now. ' have an appoint!ent
at 9.3 p.!.
8. *ll ri(ht. 3ee u to!orrow
0onversation 1
a. at the tea plantation
b. yes
c. beauti$ul
0onversation 2
a. a !an and a wo!an7 lovers
b. e%pressin( boredo!
0onversation 3
a. a river
b. disappoint!ent
*ccept any possible answer
8ialo( 1
* 2 +h- ' a! so bored. ' have lots o$ ho!ework. ' need to
$resh !y !ind.
# 2 )hat.s o.k 9ust take a rest. #ut- don.t $or(et to do your
8ialo( 2
* 2 :osh- '.! so idiot. ' have $ailed the drivin( test three
# 2 ;hy don.t you try it once a(ain. 8on.t be upset
* 2 <eaah..' a! $ed up now
*ccept any possible answer
)hat.s too bad
't.s a (reat disappoint!ent
+h- /o=
' !ust say '.! really disappointed
ind out!
1. ,
2. )
3. ,
1. !e!ories
2. suburb
3. childhood
1. $all- 3he broken her hand
2. hit
3. do to her5 4e liked hittin( and pullin( her head
4. the $riendship with :iant>+- *$ter she hit hi! over the head
with her ba(
d. <es- ' was $i(htin( with a boy. ?accept any possible answer@
1. 'n a classroo!
3tudents2 :ood !ornin( sir
3tudent 12 '.! a$raid ' $or(et
3tudent 22 ' never $or(et
2. "other2 8o you re!e!ber what day is today5
3.)ina.s $ather
,ather2 8o you re!e!ber the phone nu!ber o$ 'ntan
travel a(ent5
)ina2 ' $or(et
*2 the $irst chie$ editor o$ Aakarta Bost
*2 4e paased away on 3aturday 3ept 9- 26
#2 :od *l!i(hty #less and keep hi!
*2 (o to the $uneral cere!ony
#2 )anah 6usir 0e!etery- 3outh Aakarta
'o(ing orward
1. !onths a(o
2. alon( the coast road
3. earthquake
4. 't was a ni(ht!are.
ind out!
1. the speaker
2. alon( the coast road
3. *t $irst- he thou(ht that his tire had (one $lat
4. )he rocks ca!e tu!blin( across the road and he had
abandoned the car.
5. 4e (ot back to town and saw nothin( le$t
6. )he last one
7. to tell his past e%perience
8. to show that it happened in the past
9. * ni(ht!are
1. Corna Cu$t
2. in 1991
3. 6evin did her !ake>up $or photo shoots. )hey spent
to(ether in her bathroo!. 4e tau(ht her how to do her own
!akeup. )hey lau(hed to(ether.
4. :ive co!!ent to 6evyn
5. a !a(ni$icent artist- (reat honor- a !a(ni$icent hu!an
6. had- was- introduced- hit- did- spent- told- were- !ade-
asked- used- etc.
7. <es
8. yes
%and in hand
1. was
2. (ot
3. was
4. ca!e
5. saw
6. was
7. tried
8. stopped and
9. $elt
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
1. decreased
2. increased
3. dropped
4. declined
5. revival
C. *ccept any possible answer
#. *ccept any possible answer
1. died
2. was
3. died
4. had battled
5. reached
6. $ounded
ind out!
1. 55
2. 5 years
3. Aohn 0u!!in(
4. 1974
5. 3- Aohnny 1a!one- Aoey 1a!one- 8ee8ee 1a!one
6. on ;ednesday a$ternoon in Cos *n(eles
7. 0edars>3inai "edical 0enter
8. from The Jakarta Post, Friday, September 17,2004
9. it tells about the past o$ Aohnny 1a!one
Gra++ar Action
1. ;hat score did she (et5 3he (ot an &
2. ;hat did they talk about5 't was bud(et
3. ;here did she lose the purse5 3he lost it in the bookstore
4. ;hat did she type5 she typed letters
5. ;hat did you do5 ' watched )D
6. ;hen did he co!e5 4e ca!e at ei(ht
7. ;as the theatre (ood5 <es- it was (ood
8. ;hy did )ina sold the car5 3he needed so!e !oney
1. 8id they eat so!ethin(5 <es- they had sandwich $or their
2. ;hat sub9ect did she teach5 3he tau(ht &n(lish
3. ;hat did he buy5 4e bou(ht a )>shirt
4. ;hat were they talkin( about5 )hey were playin( (a!es
5. ;hat did she write5 4is phone nu!ber
6. ;hat did they eat5 )hey ate so!e piEEa
7. 8id they chase a thie$5 <es- they chased a thie$.
1. he
2. his
3. he
4. he
5. he
6. they
7. they
1. toyshop- Dalentine.s day- teena(e nieces- lovely nieces-
(irl toys- doll houses- teddy bear dolls- toys $or (irls- barbie
2. bookshop- birthday- 1>years>old nephews- handso!e
nephews- children.s books- story books- adventure books-
adventure stories.
. accept any possible answer
1. ;hen
2. then
3. ne%t
4. then
5. lastly
1. 's Bro$essor #lunt workin( $or )he Fueen o$ &n(land5
2. )he #ritish Bri!e "inister !et the :er!an ,orei(n
"inister $or talks
3. 's lake :eneva near "ount #lanc
4. +n 3unday- (oin( to the "useu! o$ /atural 4istory
5. 's 'ndra 0hinese o$ Aapanese5
6. )he su((estion was !ade by Bresident 3ukarno and
behal$ o$ his $a!ily.
'o(ing orward
1. an artist
2. "ala(a- 3pain 1881
3. because o$ his paintin(s
4. past tense
5. 4 based on the years
6. 4e was one o$ the !ost outstandin( and i!portant artists
o$ the 19.s
7. +rientation and vents
8. yes
9. painted
1. !odern art- outstandin( artists- art teacher- traditional
style- #lue Beriod- three !usicians- etc.
,e-t 1
"+/B&CC'&12 * dutch tourist who drunkenly tried to pet a circus
lion in its ca(e in southeren ,rance was nursin( a wounded hand
and neck on )uesday a$ter bein( scratched in return- police said.
)he unna!ed 21>year>old wo!an was lucky to be only sli(htly
in9ured in the accident- which occurred late 3unday a$ter she and her
$riends went up to the ca(e $ollowin( an evenin( o$ drinkin( in a
ca!psite in the town o$ Dacquires- o$$icer said. 3he had stuckG
)he tourist was taken to hospital in "onpellier
,e-t *
3'/:*B+1&2 * se% chan(eG$or !ales
)he proble!sG$e!ale (ender
8istric Au(de Gketa!ine
%and in %and
1. paperback
2. !odern short stories
3. li$e story
4. two years a(o
5. e!er(ed
6. into pieces
7. stapled
8. bound
9. $ace
1. sales(irl
11. ta(
12. displayed
13. co!$ortable
14. air>conditioner
15. one day
16. spotted
17. $lipped
18. $inally
19. birthday present
2. at $irst
21. then
22. a $ew !onths
23. collect dust
24. a year later
25. care$ul
26. everywhere
27. soon
28. wrinkles
29. stained
3. unpleasant
31. worn
32. dustbin
33. heartbroken
34. death
35. incinerator
accept any possible answer
Show it o))
accept any possible answer
Unit *
1. $a!ous
2. !onster
3. ordered
4. cra$ts!an
5. labyrinth
6. escape
7. $i%ed
8. behind
9. e%cited
1. $lew
11. !elted
ind out!
1. a cra$ts!an $ro! *thens
2. 4e was ordered to build a labyrinth in order to house the
3. 8aedalus escaped throu(h the air by usin( win(s $i%ed to
his body with wa%.
4. his son. 4e $lew too hi(h. *s he $lew nearer to the sun- the
wa% (ot !elted
5. <es. 't.s $unny
1. stran(e
2. $i(htin(
3. !onster
4. :reek
5. !yth
6. prince
7. *thens
8. a hal$ bull
9. a hal$ !an
1. killed
Get it "ight
1. in class
*. teacher
/. students
0. tellin( a story
1. Cook 3tudents what '.ve (ot here.
1. tell a story
2. yes
3. 8o you want !e to tell you a story about H)heseus and the
"inotaurI- darlin(5
Acce2t any 2ossible answer
0onversation 1
1. e%cuse !e
2. look
3. 3orry to bother you. 8o you haveG
0onversation 2
' see
)ell !e !ore about it
;as the war success$ul5
)hat.s a (ood story
1. thanks
2. and you
3. hope
4. at 7. p.!.
5. will have the
6. /o- ' J! a$raid ' can.t
7. <es
ind out

,un 'sland

Buppet show

:eppeto.s house

*pril 23


*pril 21

Binocchio- &vil ,o%
"eetin( !y teacher at 9 a.!.
)heater with !y class!ates
Cunch with :eppeto and (oin( to the doctor at 8 p.!
Blayin( volleyball
&vil ,o%
Cultural Awareness
,ind out
1. :er!ans- 'talians
2. )he #ritish assu!e that the widespread understandin( o$
their lan(ua(e !eant a correspondin( understandin( o$
&n(lish custo!s.
3. it.s bad
4. be on ti!e
Gra++ar Action
*ccept any possible answer
1. )he :iant>+
2. * red ,errari
3. "r. 3!ith
4. the outstandin( artist
5. the capital city o$ 'ndonesia
6. a white parrot
7. a $olktale- has really (ood story
8. a co!edy- (et hi(h ratin(
Get it "ight
*ccept any possible answer
ind out!
1. an 'ndian
2. he was to laEy to chan(e the water in the barrel where he
kept the pet
3. 4e tou(ht his $ish to live without water
4. to show how the $ish walked
5. )he $ish can live without water but he died because he
couldn.t swi!
6. * Boor ,ish
7. <es
*ccept any possible answer
1. 8ear
2. death
3. Blease
4. help
&%pression o$ sy!pathy2
' share the (rie$ that you are (oin( throu(h at this !o!ent and
convey !y heart$elt condolences.
$. *ccept any possible answer
'o(ing orward
1. who were involved in the story- when and where
2. a proble! arises and $ollowed by other proble!s
3. solution to the proble!
ind out!
1. #atara 6ala- #atara 3urya and #atara 0handara
2. Aava
3. co!plete
a@ 4e $lew into paradise and stole so!e o$ the
b@ #oth o$ the! reported what #atara did to #atara
c@ #atara 3urya and #atara 0handra could escape
$ro! #atara kala.s troath because he no lon(er
had a body.
4. happy
5. yes. 't.s interestin(
%and in hand
1. Baul #unyan was the bi((estG
2. ;hen Baul #unyanG
3. +ne day- durin(G
4. ;ell- babe (otG
'n order to escape- 8aedalus !ade win(s $ro! $eathers-
wa% and thread.
Ksin( the win(s- 8aedalus and 'carius $lew $ro! 0rete.
4owever- 'carius $lew too close to the sun- so that- the
wa% !elted and he plun(ed.
"inos the pursued the! to 3icily.
*t last- 8aedalus took reven(e and killed the wicked 6in(
with scaldin( put in a special constructed bathtub
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting started
1. she wanted a s!all child
2. she went to witch
3. a little (irl which was as bi( as the wo!an.s thu!b
4. in kitchen table
5. old toad
6. to !ake her the wi$e o$ her son
7. no
8. sin(in(
1. !ove
2. husband
3. croaked
4. bank- strea!- !atter
5. sha!e- stalk- lea$
Gra++ar in Action
1. H8o ' have to listen to that son( a(ain5I*da! asked-I '
don.t like it=I
2. #ill said- H8on.t wait up $or !e. '.ll be ho!e lateI.
3. H1ead the last two chapters in your books-I the instructor
4. )he secretary said- HBlease have a seat in the waitin(
5. H8o you want to see the new horror $il!5I- "a% asked.
6. H' can.t decide which pair o$ shoes to buyI- Bat said.
7. H)here aren.t enou(h seats $or !e in this row-I 0yrus said-I
"aybe '.ll 9ust !ove to the last rowI.
1. 4e said that she was so u(ly
2. )hey told that she had only (ot two le(s
3. )hey said that she had no $eelin( at all
4. 4e said that you were $ar too u(ly to live with !e
5. 3he said that whether you could spare her so!e $ood
6. )he !ouse said to co!e in and (et war!. 4e had (ot
plenty o$ $ood in his pantry.
1. who
2. who
3. who
4. who!
5. who
6. who
7. whose
1. 8r. Aohnson whose house was quite near o$ten !et his
$riends in the Fueen 0lub
2. 's that the new station which you point out to !e last
3. #eethoven who! the !usic you are listenin( was one o$
the world.s $inest co!poser
4. &lephants which never $or(et live !ore than a hundred
5. )he (lass which you are drinkin( $ro! hasn.t been washed
1. )hinkin(
2. $eelin(
3. saw- look
4. said
*ccept any possible answer
2. 3he talked to !e $or two hours
3. * di$$icult lesson ended a$ter "rs. /enen( e%plained it in
the last hour.
4. )hey built the house to(ether in the !iddle o$ $orest when
the sun ca!e up
5. 4er work be(an in 3wiss in winter season.
'o(ing orward
A. accept any possible answer
,ind out
1. in a $ield- one sunny !ornin(
2. the $ly and the bull
3. the $ly was too proud o$ hi!sel$
4. he buEEed the bull
5. the bull i(nored hi!
6. 8on.t be arro(ant
7. $able
1. distant
2. inn
3. knocked
4. unlocked
5. odd
6. unlock
7. stran(e
8. coin
9. slit
1. (reedy
11. requested
12. obli(ed
ind out
1. hu!ans
2. the traveler and the inn keeper
3. he needed rest- $ood and shelter
4. he wanted to stay in inn
5. he was too (reedy
6. he asked so!e coins to unlock the door
7. help others
8. !oral story
ind out
1. 1oro Aon(ran( and #andun( #ondowoso
2. 4e wanted to !arry her
3. 3he didn.t want to !arry hi! because he had killed his
4. 3he asked hi! to build one thousands te!ples on one
5. sad endin(
6. past tense
7. once- one day
%and in %and
*ccept any possible answer
"esolution! )hen- her !other !ade a contest $or the three (irls.
3he requested that the (irl !ade a (i$t $or the youn( shepherd
)he (irls were co!petin( to be his wi$e. )he $irst (irl !ade her a
beauti$ul dress. )he second (irl bou(ht hi! a bi( and e%pensive
towel. "eanwhile- the third (irl (ave her lovely pet- Cassie to
acco!pany his duty.
)he youn( shepherd then decided to !arry the last (irl because she
had (iven her !ost precious thin(. ,inally- they (ot !arried and live
happily ever a$ter.
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Unit /
Getting Started
Get it "ight
*ccept any possible answer
1. ;ould you like an apple 3ir5 )hank you. ' would.
2. ;ant so!e5 yap
3. 3is- cookies5 /o thanks. '.! on diet
4. ;ould you like a cup o$ tea "r. 0larkley5
Acce2t any 2ossible answer
Situation 1
<ou 2 4i- (uys. ;hat.s up. )ake a seat.;ould you like
so!ethin( to drink5 )ea- co$$ee or syrup5
* 2 ' want a (lass o$ syrup
# 2 /oG' don.t
<ou 2 4ow about !ineral water5
# 2 <esG
0 2 and ' a cup o$ tea
<ou 2 :uys- you like pepperoni piEEa5
*-#-0 2 yesG
Situation *
* 2 :ood !ornin(- "rs. 8iana
"rs. 8iana ?(rand!a@2 <es- 9ust co!e in. 0 has said that you are
visitin( hi!. 4e is buyin( a book $or a while. Aust wait $or
hi!. ;ould you like so!ethin( to drink5 * cup o$ tea and
so!e cookies5
* 2 '.ll take a cup o$ tea. )hat.s enou(h.
Cultural Awareness
ind out
1. tea
2. at any ti!e o$ day
3. in Aapan
4. in the late a$ternoon
5. drink tea and eat so!e cakes7cookies and little
6. )hey !ake it in teapots. 'n su!!er- they drink iced tea or
drink it $ro! cans.
1. way
*. one
/. 5
0. L
1. tablespoons
3. pepper
4. to !ake
5. pan
6. crack
17. $ork
11. a$ter that
1*. stir
1/. then
10. browns
11. plate
ind out!
1. a $ryin( pan- a $ork- a whisk- a spatula- a cheese (rater
and a bowl and a plate.
2. one e((- 5 (ra!s o$ cheese- L cup o$ !ilk- three
tablespoons o$ cookin( oil- a pinch o$ salt and so!e
3. ei(ht steps appro%i!ately
4. on )D- cookin( session.
5. 4e was speakin( directly while !akin( the o!elet
6. 3poken- yes
7. procedure
8. !others- cooks- che$s
1. blender
2. bottle opener
3. $ryin( pan
4. rice cooker
5. kni$e
6. $unnel
7. toaster
8. teapot
Gra++ar in action
cook2 !e!asak
roast2 !e!an((an(
broil2 !e!an((an(
$ry2 !en((oren(
boil2 !erebus7!endidih
si!!er2 !endidihkan
stea!2 !en(ukus
heat2 !e!anaskan
(rind2 !en((ilin(
knead2 !en(adoni
!ince2 !e!oton( tipis>tipis
sieve2 !enyarin(
sort2 !enyortir
pick2 !e!bului
ski!2 !enyendoki sesuatu dari! adonan
serve2 !enya9ikan
scald2 !encuci den(an air !endidih
stir over2 !en(aduk
slice2 !e!oton( tipis>tipis
chop2 !e!oton(- !e!belah
!ash2 !elunakkan
pou2 !enuan(kan
$ill2 !en(isi
$old2 !elipat
roll2 !en((ulun(
!i%2 !enca!pur
add2 !ena!bahkkan
braise2 !e!asak presto
shred2 !e!arut
drain2 !en(erin(kan
!elt2 !elelehkan
baste2 !enyira!i
re!ove2 !en(hilan(kan
divide2 !e!isahkan
shell2 !en(uliti
sprinkle2 !enaburkan
wei(h2 !eni!ban(
si$t2 !en(ayaki
beat2 !e!ukuli
s!oke2 !en(asapi
seed2 !e!buan( bi9i
scale2 !enyisiki
(arnish2 !en(hias
toss2 !en((oyan(>(oyan(
top2 !elapisi ba(ian atas
crush2 !re!ukkan
wrap2 !e!bun(kus
cut2 !e!opton(
cut inti chunks2 !e!oton( kecil>kecil
cut crowise2 !e!oton( sial
take aside2 !e!ilah
let it cool2 !endin(inkan
cut into len(th2 !e!oton( pan9an(
cut into dices2 !e!oton( !en9adi dadu
*ccept any possible answer
%ow to boil an egg
1. $irst
2. then
3. ne%t
4. then
5. re!e!ber
6. ,inally
%ow to +ake instant )ried noodles
1. $irst o$ all
2. then
3. don.t $or(et
4. a$ter
5. then
6. ne%t
7. $inally
8. re!e!ber to
Arrange+ent! B8#8A8$8C
,he goal! to cook rice
'aterials! so!e rice and water
,irst- wash so!e rice in cold water. Cike this. 3econd- put the rice
with so!e water in a pot.
)hen- boil and cool it slowly $or about 2 !inutes. ?*$ter 2 !inutes@
3ee- there is no !ore water now. *$ter that- put the rice to the
si!!er and stea! it $or about 45 !inutes. /ow- the rice is ready to
be served.
ind out!
1. it tells about how to cook rice
2. in a recipe
3. cook- !other
4. it shows how to do thin(s
5. rice and water
6. pot- stove
7. $ive
%and in hand
*ccept any possible answer
;ell- !y $riends- 4ave you ever eaten a sandwich5 *ll ri(ht-
Kh! ..... do you know how to !ake a to!ato sandwich 5 /o5 ;ould
you like !e to tell it $or you 5 +key. 4ere we (o. Cisten to !e.
)o !ake a to!ato sandwich- you need so!e lettuces-
so!e loaves o$ bread and uh!G bee$ what else ....5 +h- yeah-
sausa(es.and don.t $or(et the to!atoes. /ow- to !ake a to!ato
sandwich - $irst- $ry the bee$. Cet it beco!es this. )hen- let
it cool. *$ter that- put the lettuces above the brad. )hen- put the
cooked>bee$ on top o$ the lettuce. 3ee like this. 8on.t $or(et to put
the to!atoes. /ow- you can deserve a to!ato sandwich.
B. *ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting started
ind out!
1. hotel- inn- !otel
2. no- you should check out by 12. noon
3. take all the belon(in(s and leave the key at the $ront desk.
4. in cashier desk
5. no- ' can.t
6. pull the $ire alar!
7. to stop burnin(
Acce2t any 2ossible answer
8ate2 Aune 4- 27
*ccount nu!ber2 999>67235577
*ccount )ype2 savin(
*!ount 1p 1
;ords2 one !illion dollars
)eller si(nature2>
8eposit.s si(nature2
*ccept any possible answer
Gra++ar in Action
1. :o to sleep. '.! not sleepy yet
2. :et out o$ !y !oney
3. 3!ile. '.ll take your picture
4. )ake a piece o$ paper. ; havin( a test today
5. #e care$ul. )he street is crowded
6. 8on.t litter this area
*ccept any possible answer
at the park
!all- depart!ent store- hospital
in park- o$$ice- hotel
to tell that the !achine is broken
to warn the people that the $loor is wet
to warn about the do(
a@ 8on.t $eed the ani!als
b@ #e quiet please
c@ /o s!okin(
d@ )urn o$$ your cell phone
e@ /o s!okin(
Positi(e co++and
1. )ake o$$
2. )urn on
3. (o
4. wake
5. )ake
6. 3tay
7. tell
8. turn o$$
9. wear7use
1. #rin(
9egati(e co++and
1. 8on.t !ake
2. 8on.t be
3. 8on.t take
4. 8on.t talk
5. 8on.t be
6. 8on.t talk
7. 8on.t waste your ti!e
8. 8on.t $or(et to turn o$$
9. 8on.t sleep
1. 8on.t be
1. put
2. take the!
3. put
4. )ake care- !i%
5. top
6. serve

1. !ust
2. !ust
3. !ustn.t
4. !ustn.t
5. !ustn.t
6. !ustn.t
7. !ust
*ccept any possible answer
' think it.s about 2 weeks
0an ' borrow you car5
<es- but re!e!ber. <ou !ustn.t let the tires (et $lat- leave
it unlocked and leave it under the sun.
+.k. '.ll re!ebr
/ow- here.s hwat you have to do2 0heck the oil and water
6eep it clean and drive it care$ully. 1e!e!ber that=
1. ,irst
2. 3econd
3. )hird
4. ,ourth
5. +ne
6. )hen
7. ,irst
8. )hen
9. /e%t
1. ,inally
'o(ing orward
,ind out
1. how to play the hole (a!e
2. 2
3. one !arble $or one person
4. si%
5. )he person $lickin( the last !arble into the hole wins and
(ets to keep both !arbles.
%and in hand
4ow to cross the street sa$ely
)here.s !ore to pedestrian sa$ety than lookin( both ways. )hese
(uidelines $ollow the reco!!endations o$ the /ational 4i(hway.
)ra$$ic 3a$ety *d!inistration chooses a corner where cars tend to
slow down the !ost. ;hen crossin( the street- look to your le$t and
to your ri(ht and to your le$t a(ain. #e$ore crossin( the street-
continue lookin( to the side as you proceed. +nce you have
deter!ined that you can cross the street sa$ely- obey crossin(
si(nals. 8o not start to cross until the walk si(n appears but i$ you
have already started to cross the street- (et to the other side as
quickly as possible. 1e!ain alert to drivers. li(hts- en(ine noises and
other indications o$ on co!in( cars both be$ore and as you cross the
Goal! 4ow to cross the street sa$ely
;hen crossin( the street- look to your le$t and to your ri(ht
and to your le$t a(ain
#e$ore crossin( the street- continue lookin( to the side as
you proceed.
+nce you have deter!ined that you can cross the street
sa$ely- obey crossin( si(nals.
8o not start to cross until the walk si(n appears but i$ you
have already started to cross the street- (et to the other
side as quickly as possible
1e!ain alert to drivers. li(hts- en(ine noises and other
indications o$ on co!in( cars both be$ore and as you cross
the street.
1. locate
2. re!ove
3. )ake
4. re!ove
5. pu!p
6. put
7. )ake
8. rub
9. rub
1. spread
11. press down
12. escape
13. pu!p
14. ridin(
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Unit 0
Stage 1
Getting started
,ind out2
1. she probably $elt upset
2. her books were wet
3. to re$use the o$$er
Gra++ar in Action
0olu!n *
direct speech
present tense
0olu!n #
indirect 3peech
past tense
there are so!e introductory verbs
1. 3he asked !e $iercely what the s!ile was $or and whether
so!ethin( was $unny
2. 4e said that ' see!ed prettier when ' was an(ry
3. 3he said that ' was craEy
4. 3he said that she knew that she was craEy but she asked
!e whether ' knew who !ade her craEy and who !ade
her like that.
5. 3he said $ir!ly that ' did it
6. 3he said that she had never seen !e cry be$ore
7. 3he said that she didn.t !ean to hurt !e
8. 4e said that she knew that ' was a nice (irl. 4e told !e to
stop cryin(.
9. 3he said that we could !eet a(ain at school the ne%t day
1. Cina told !e to wait $or !inute.
1. don.t2 do not- can.t2 cannot- don.t 2 do not let.s2 let us
don.t 2 do not
2. can.t2 cannot-
3. so!ethin( is- the speech o$ Cina
4. shouldn.t2 should not
't.s2 it is- doesn.t2 does not
5. haven.t2 have not- '.!2 ' a!
6. ;hat.s2 what is '.!2 ' a! haven.t2 have not '.d2 ' would
7. Ai!.s watch2 the watch o$ Ai!
Get &t "ight
Con(ersation 1
1. at their house- no
2. by phone
M /o. thank you
Con(ersation *
3. on the road
4. no- the $irst speaker asks so!e in$or!ation to the second
speaker and the lan(ua(e used is $or!al.
M)hanks anyway
0onversation 3
5. at the hospital7house
6. yes
M)hank you- )hanks #ill. /o- thanks
0onversation 4
7. re$usin( the o$$er
M /o- thank you.
0onversation 5
8. re$usin( the o$$er
M thanks anyway
0onversation 6
M *ll ri(ht. ' won.t !iss it. )hank you
'o(ing orward
A. acce2t any 2ossible answer
,ind out
1. love story
2. <es. 't shows the content o$ the story
3. Ksin( direct speech
4. school and ho!e
5. <ustita- 'wan and &lsa
6. love
7. interestin(
8. yes. /o
9. the character o$ the story
*ccept any possible answer
)he story be(ins when Cucy told <ustita
)hat &lsa was $allin( in love wioth 'wan. &veryone in the school had
known about it e%cept <ustita. <ustita thou(ht that&lsa was a cal!
(irl and she was worried with the response o$ 'wan. )he con$lict
arouse when &lsa asked <utita to (ive a private letter to 'wan. <et-
'wan didn.t answer the letter. <ustita $ound the reason why 'wan did
not answer &lsa.s letter. 4e was $allin( in love with her. 4e.s waitin(
$or her answer. )hen- she was con$used what she had to say to &lsa
her best>$riend
%and in hand
*ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting started
8escribe character M *ccept any possible answer
ind out!
1. courteous NO rude
2. cheer$ul NO borin(
3. trustworthy NO untrustworthy
4. hardworkin( NO laEy
5. interestin( NO dull
6. bold NO ti!id
7. care$ul NO careless
8. kind NO cruel
9. lively NO !iserable
1. reliable NO unreliable
Gra++ar in Action
1. '
2. '
3. 't
4. '
5. !ine
6. '
7. her
8. she
9. her
1. it
11. her
12. she
13. !e
14. she
15. she
16. '
17. her
18. she
19. '
2. her
21. !e
22. the!
1. '
2. !y
3. her
4. she
5. she
6. she
7. she
8. !e
9. her
1. her
11. she
12. her
1. rushed
2. looked
3. si(hed
4. hit
5. needed
6. cried
7. sat
8. happened
1. asked- drove- were- was- looked
2. e%clai!ed- !et- was- looked- were- told- le$t
3. took- (ot- knocked- heard- $ell- held- asked
Get it "ight
*ccept any possible answer
1. Creating an orientation o) the story
e.(. the orientation $or the topic o$ $irst love
8o you re!e!ber you $irst love5 ;hat is that5 0an you $or(et it5
no. ' won.t ' would never $or(et it. 4e was the $irst one who
ca!e into !y heart. 4e had (one away and disappeared. #ut
now- why he ca!e backG
*. Creating an ending o) a story
a@ statin( your own $eelin(7opinion
b@ a happy endin(
c@ an une%pected $eelin(
d@ a sad endin(
e@ re>e!phasiEin( the !ain idea
'o(ing orward
,ind out
1. about lovers
2. to buy a chain $or Ai!.s watch
3. to buy a 9eweled>co!b $or his wi$e
4. /o- because 8ella cut her hair and Ai! sold his watch
5. )he (i$ts show their love
6. happy. #oth o$ then know that they love each other
7. yes. 't.s a (ood story
1. lon( hair- a (old pocket watch
2. sold her hair
3. he wanted to buy a 9eweled>co!b $or his wi$e
4. +h- Ai! don.t look at !e like that-. 't will (row a(ain- sure it
5. 4e had sold his watch
1. love story
2. yes. )he (i$ts were the sy!bol o$ their love
3. describin( the settin(
4. in /ew <ork
5. )he co!in( o$ /ew <ear.s day
6. <es
7. 8ella and Ai!
8. )he characters o$ the story represent the idea o$ the writer
9. about two lovers
1. e%citin(
11. in the story- 8ella sold her lon( hair and Ai! sold his
watch. )he (i$ts then beca!e useless but it showed that
they loved each other
12. the proble!s were not solved
13. yes- no
14. observer
15. orientation
16. 2
17. resolution
Co+2lete the table
"esolution! 3he sold her hair $or P 15 and used the !oney to buy a
chain $or Ai!.s watch.
Co+2lication! Ai! wanted to buy a 9eweled>hair co!b $or his lon(
hair wi$e
"esolution! 8ella said that it would (row a(ain
Co+2lication2 Ai! opened the present that 8ella (ave and $elt
%and in hand
,ind out2
1. a poor apart!ent
2. 3he was one o$ those pretty and char!in( (irl but she (ot
!arried to a lowly>paid clerk
3. at the party
4. ,rau had to (et 18- $rancs his $ather le$t
5. "atilda2 beauti$ul- sel$>i!portant
,rau2 patient- tolerant- wise
B :C:#
Acce2t any 2ossible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Unit 1
Stage 1
Getting started
1. beak
2. $eather
3. win(s
4. le(s
5. claw
6. tail
7. tail
8. !outh
9. whiskers
1. $ur
11. paws
12. scales
13. pectoral $in
14. (ill
15. pelvic pin
16. caudal $in
8o(- cat- snail- tortoise- rabbit- hen
,ind out
1. a do(
2. a !ale do(
3. his $ur is (rayish>white
his ears are s!all
his !outh is cone>shaped
4is paws are stron(
4. 4e can do !any thin(s such as sittin( down and is treated
Gra++ar in Action
1. >
2. )weety looks bi((er
3. "ary has a $lower on her head
4. ##.s hooked beak looks so power$ul
5. ##.s has white $ur
6. ##.s $eathered crest appears color$ul and sti$$
7. :ranky is a $unny rabbit that has two lon( ears
B. acce2t any 2ossible answer
1. is
2. na!ed
3. was
4. is
5. is
6. are
7. is
8. are
9. is
1. $eels
11. looks
12. $ollows
'o(ing orward
1. beauti$ul
2. native
3. power$ul
4. clever
5. speech
6. whistles
7. cheer$ul
8. a!usin(
9. wonder$ul
1. $inish
ind out!
1. 't.s a cockatoo
2. ## has a sti$$ $eathered crest and power$ul hooked beak.
3. ## is a clever cockatoo. 3he is clever at !i!ickin( a
hu!an.s speech.
4. two ears o$ corn every day
5. ## is ori(inally native to Bhilippines
6. 4er body siEe lies between 3 and 32 centi!eters.
7. to describe ##
1. tellin( the topic
2. ##
3. 3>32 c!
4. sin(in(
5. no closin(
%and in %and
*ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting started
1. toe
2. knee
3. hip
4. le(
5. head
6. back
7. shoulder
8. $oot
9. chest
1. ar!
11. elbow
12. $in(er
13. hand
14. neck
1. hair
2. $orehead
3. eyebrows
4. eye
5. eyelashes
6. ear
7. nose
8. $reckles
9. lips
1. !outh
11. teeth
12. ton(ue
13. cheek
14. chin
15. 9aw
1. describin( so!eone.s (irl$riend
2. CiEEy
3. 3he is sli!- not to tall- not too short. 4er hair is short and
4. *t $irst- 4e.s curious and wondered about the personality.
5. )ed.s (irl$riend. <es
1. :eor(e.s !o!
2. to introduce CiEEy to her
3. Aakarta
4. her aunt
5. )he co!ic strip. <ou can see the !i!ic
Get it "ight
*ccept any possible answer
#i( nose
#lue eyes
:reen eyes
#lack hair
3hort hair
0urly hair
0hubby cheeks
)hick eyebrows
8i!pled cheeks
*ccept any possible answer
2. clean>shaven chin
3. a (ood shaped body
4. !iddle>a(ed
5. wavy>hair
6. blonde>hair- pitched black>hair
1oni has brown skin and short>black hair. 4e is tall. 4is nose is
pointed. 4is eyes are bi(. 4is eyebrows are thick. 4e.s handso!e
*ccept any possible answer
Ciu 0hin( 4ai is a new che$ o$ 3han(hai Blace- a $a!ous restaurant
$ro 8i! 3u!. 4e started his career at 15. 4e has e%perienced in
cook $or !ore than 2 years. 'n 1989 he won the #est 0ulinary 3kill
*ward or(aniEed by the 4on( 6on( )ouris! *ssociation
1. laEy
2. stin(y
3. Kn$riendly
4. strict
5. uni!a(inative
6. (enuine7true
7. loyal
8. $riendly
9. unreliable
1. tidy
11. idiot7stupid
12. i!patient
13. !iserly
14. charitable
15. une!otional
1. c
2. a
3. $
4. i
5. e
6. (
7. d
8. h
9. b
1. 4enry
Bositive traits2 ener(etic- always (et thin(s done- listen to
other people- responsible
/e(ative traits2 like cheatin(-
2. 8essy 1atna
Bositive traits2 s!art
/e(ative2 arro(ant- bad>te!pered- not help$ul
*ccept any possible answer
1udi is a (ood>lookin( boy who always wears e%pensive clothes. 4e
likes to wear 9eans and 'talian shoes. 4e has short curly hair and
slanted black. 4e is about avera(e hei(ht and is not overwei(ht.
&verybody likes hi! because he has a very nice personality.
Get &t "ight
1. lovely
2. )hank you.
3. look nice
4. (ood aunt
*ccept any possible answer
Cultural Awareness
ind out
1. (ood aunt ;hen they !ade (ood thin(s
2. pleasedM *ccept any possible answer
3. yes. 't shows your attention to the person M*ccept any
possible answer.
'o(ing orward
1. 8ebby Butti
2. !ode
3. 3he won the co!petition o$ )eena(e "odel 25 and <)D
Aran( Aren( 24
4. brown>skinned
5. easy (oin(
6. ?Q@ cheer$ul- hu!orous- creative
?>@ short>te!per
)he identi$ication2
8ian- a three>year>old (irl
3he is 3 years old
3he has short curly hair and di!ples when she s!iles
3he was last seen wearin( a white shirt and red shorts
%and in hand
*ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Unit 3
Stage 1
Getting Started
*ccept any possible answer
1. "ahaka!
2. "all
3. best
4. too bi(
5. yard
6. canteen
7. basketball $ield
8. laboratories
9. two>stair>classroo!
1. the canteen
near- lar(e- $avorite
*ccept any possible answer
Get it "ight
1. $
2. a
3. (
4. e
5. d
6. i
7. b
8. c
,ind out2
1. 4utabarat.s school
2. )he oldest one in the district. 't has 24 classes and $ive
3. $ive canteens. &ach canteen has the sa!e siEe- his
classroo!. )hey also have the sa!e color but they sell
di$$erent $ood.
3peech ,unction7
1. (reetin(
2. *skin( $or in$or!ation
3. :ivin( in$or!ation
4. 1i(ht or ;ron(
5. :uessin(
0ould you tell !e..
<ou know !y schoolG
' thinkG
1. /o. she doesn.t. 't.s the $irst ti!e "enur !eet "r. #illy
2. "enur is a student o$ "ahesa 'nstitute. "r. #illy is a hotel
!ana(er $ro! *!erica
3. )hey are in <o(ya
4. )hey are talkin( about "r. billy i!pressions o$ 'ndonesia
5. 4e thinks that 'ndonesia is a beauti$ul country. 4e likes the
people who are $riendly and the spicy $ood.
6. 4e dislikes drivin( in 'ndonesia because he thinks that
!any o$ bikers are craEy
#reakin( in 'nterruptin(
&%cuse !eG ;ould you !ind i$ ' ask you a $ew questions5
Gra++ar in Action
1. ' like the people
2. ' think 'ndonesia is a beauti$ul country
3. ' don.t really like drivin( in 'ndonesia
*ccept any possible answer
* bi( balck board
24 brown tables
* co!$ortable classroo!
*ccept any possible answer
ind out
1. )hey are talkin( about $indin( a place by !ap
2. they are lookin( $or 8arwin
3. 3he thou(ht that it was in /orth
4. 8arwin is so!ewhere in the /orthern )erritory. 't $aces the
Baci$ic +cean
1. 6atherine
2. 8arwin
3. located in 3outhern
4. :reat #arrier 1ee$
5. /orthern )erritory.
1. is
2. belon(s
3. consist
4. is
5. has
6. live
1. a!
2. visit
3. a!
4. stand
5. take
6. a!
7. a!
8. a!
9. a!
1. a!
11. is
12. is
*ccept any possible answer
3tudent 12 it.s a!aEin( island
3tudent 12 it.s about two hours
3tudent 12 the view is !a(ni$icient and the people are $riendly
*ccept any possible answer
Get &t "ight
*ccept any possible answer
*ccept any possible answer
"r. Aackson2 0on(ratulation
"r. 3unton 2 )hank you
"r. Aackson2 ' !ust con(ratulate you $or your success
"r. 3unton 2 )hank you
ind out
1. the openin( o$ new branch o$$ice
2. "r R"rs. ,rank Aackson
3. "r. 3unton
4. )he openin( o$ new branch :eneral "erchantille
5. at 3-Dictoria 3treet- Condon &.0 at 7p.!. on )hursday-
*pril 27
6. &venin( dress
7. belu!
1. 4
2. 5
3. 3
4. 1
5. 2
6. 6
'o(ing orward
1. island
2. apart!ents
3. spaces
4. district
5. buildin(s
6. houses
7. unique
8. antique
9. colonial
1. $a!ous
,ind out
1. 3in(apore
2. 3 !illion people
3. beauti$ul city lots o$ parks and a very clean city
4. 'n 0hinatown- rows o$ +ld 3hop
5. !ost o$ the (oods are duty $ree
6. yes
7. a tropical cli!ate with nice weather in both dry and rainy
8. to describe 3in(apore
1. (oin(
2. tell !e
3. beauti$ul
4. shoppin(
5. took
6. reasonable
7. listen
,ind out2
1. 3in(apore
2. very enthusiastic
%and in %and
ind out
1. alon( the )ha!es 1iver
2. about seven !illion
3. war!
4. cold
5. belu!
6. to describe Condon
C. *ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting started
ind out
1. Aakarta is the capital city o$ 'ndonesia
't is centrally located in the country on the northwest coast
o$ Aava island at the !outh o$ 0iliwun( 1iver.
't do!inates 'ndonesia.s ad!inistrative- econo!y- cultural
activities and is a !a9or co!!ercial and transportation hub
within *sia
)he cli!ate is hot and hu!id year>round
2. :lodok is a bankin( retail and residentaial nei(hborhood
with a lar(e 0hinese population.
3. in "erdeka 3quare
4. to describe Aakarta
5. no. it is the identi$ication
Gra++ar in Action
*ccept any possible answer
2. is hi(her in 27 than in 196s
3. worse than 196s
4. $ro! in 196s
5. is not si!ilar to the 196s
6. !orepopulation than in 196s
7. best town in 'ndonesia
8. like
9. worse and worse
1. is the best
1. S
2. 0oal is no lon(er used since the use o$ petroleu!
3. )his ancient royal buildin( was built in the early o$ 19

4. )he 3t. Baul 0hurch was partly burned in the :reaat $ire o$
Condon durin( 1666
5. 4iroshi!a and /a(asaki were destroyed by an ato!ic
#o!b in ;orld ;ar ''
6. Beople wonder whether they will live on the !oon by the
end o$ the ne%t century
7. Condon is situated in southeastern &n(land alon( the
)ha!es 1iver
8. )he river $lows $ro! the west city throu(h the east
9. )hese ships brin( all kinds o$ (oods $or Condon !arkets
1. *t the corner o$ 4yde Bark- anyone is $ree to stand up and
tell his ideas to passers>by
2. Aakarta-called 8aerah khusus 'bukota Aakarta 1aya- has a
total area o$ 661 k!.
3. )he lar(e urban area known as Aabotabek has (rown into
the ad9acent province o$ ;est Aava
4. 6ota located in the 3outh o$ 3unda 6elapa- is the city.s
oldest co!!ercial area.
5. )he new buildin(s were built to replace older buildin(s
destroyed in ;orld ;ar ''.
6. *nnual culture events- held in the city hall $ro! Auly to
3epte!ber- have been a tradition $or !ore than a hundred
7. )he hotel $acin( $orward the snowy !ountain is a $ive>star
8. )he roo! which havin( sea views are e%pensive
9. )he tree (rowin( in $ront o$ !y house is ,la!boyant tree.
1. )he star shinin( the bri(htest at ni(ht is called the /orth
2. * $ive>shel$ cupboard
3. * ten>$loor apart!ent
4. * $our>door car
5. * city hall
6. * physic laboratory
7. * hall
8. * $ive> billion>dollar pro9ect
9. * police!en station
1. * two>bedroo! condo!iniu!
1. &arly in the 3eventh 0entury 6in( :eor(e ' o$ &n(land
(ave the Condon co!pany the ri(ht to settle in /orth
2. *$ter crossin( the *tlantic +cean- the settlers established
Aa!estown- Dir(inia- the $irst per!anent #ritish settle!ent
on this continent.
3. 'n 1619 a ship owned by 4olland brou(ht the $irst *$ricans
to &n(lish colonies in *!erica.
4. 'n 19682 ;illia! Benn and a (roup o$ Fuakers ?!e!ber
o$ 4olland society@ established the city o$ Bhiladelphia on
the 8elaware 1iver.
5. )he Bil(ri!s- a (roup o$ &n(lish Buritans who disa(reed
with the 0hurch o$ &n(land- landed in /orth o$ Dir(inia at
0ape 0od in 162.
'o(ing orward
ind out
1. #orobudur
2. to describe #orobudur
3. in the 19
4. 't is old a!aEin( buildin(- which was e%cavated in the
early 2th 0entury.
5. #orobudur in$luenced by :upta architecture o$ 'ndia is
constructed on a hill 46 ! ?15 $t@ hi(h consists o$ ei(ht>
step like stone terraces- one on top o$ the other. )he $irst
terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with
#uddhist sculpture in bas>relie$ ?par 3>7@
6. <es. 't is still e%ist now
ind out
1. Burna #akti Bertiwi "useu!
2. Burna #akti Bertiwi "useu!
3. )he $unction o$ Burna #akti Bertiwi "useu!
4. 3
5. the $unction o$ booklet
6. accept any possible answer
%and in hand
*ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Unit 4
Stage 1
*ccept any possible answer
1. evidence
2. sailors
3. entire
4. 9ournalist
5. e%plosion
6. accident
7. disaster
8. e%plosion
9. re!ove
1. secrecy
11. describe
12. accident
,ind out
1. <elena DaErshavskya
2. 1
3. a nuclear catastrophe
4. <elena DaErshavskya
5. at the naval base o$ 3hkotovo 22- near Dladivostock.
6. it occurred 13 !onths be$ore the 0hernobyl disaster-
spread radioactive $allout.
7. <es
8. 6 tons
9. * (reat disaster
Get it "ight
.2en the inter(iew
:ood a$ternoon
Ask )or the in)or+ation
4ow are you $eelin( at this !o!ent5 *re you $eelin( better
;hat happened then5
*ccept any possible answer
1eporter2 ;hat about your $eelin( now5
<elena2 G' a! a$raid too
<elena2 <es. '.ve $i(ured it out be$ore ' spoke to the people. <ou
9ust (ot to the ri(ht thin(s to do.
1eporter2 't.s really (reat seein( you. ' hope ' can be like you
one day.
*ccept any possible answer
*2 :ood a$ternoon /ia 1a!adhani. 0ould we have an interview
#2 <es- but ' only have 15 !inutes. 's it +65
*2 <es- ' 9ust like to con$ir! about the news
#2 ;hat news5
*2 8id you break up with #a!s5
#2 +h- noGthat.s only (ossip. ; $ine now. ; 9ust busy at the
*2 +.k. then. 0an ' ask you another questions5
#2 +h- sorry ' (ot to (o now. )ha.s !y car
*2 +.k. thank you /ia.
#2 bye
*ccept any possible answer
1. )e9o2 are you 9okin(5
)e9o2 /o- ' don.t believe it.
2. "aya2 are you serious5
"aya2 +h- ' don.t believe it
3. 4endra2 )hat.s not true
4endra2 *re you kiddin(5
1. )wo vehicles collide on a hi(h way near the 1ed 3ea port
o$ Aeddah.
2. *ccident happened when a vehicle carryin( 14 <e!enis
and two 3audis tried to avoid a police check point by (oin(
3. *round 4- people die each year in road accidents in
3audi *rabia.
4. )he accidents happen due to recklessness.
,ind out
1. the news
2. because they are not discipline on the street.
3. 3anti
4. to tell surprisin( news and the response.
dru(2 substance (iven as !edicine
chan(e2 replace
char(e2 ask !oney $or so!ethin(
tra$$ickin(2 ille(al trade
underwent2 had so!ethin( happen to you
con$ir!ed2 proved to be true
pleaded2 o$$ered an ar(u!ent
(uilty2 asha!ed o$ wron( action
*ccept any possible answer
Cultural Awareness
,ind out2
1. to attract reader
2. on the $irst pa(e o$ newspaper
3. 't is written in special sense and di$$erent (ra!!atical
4. accept any possible answer
'o(ing orward
1. )hursday
2. victi!s
3. incident
4. captain
5. crew!an
6. were $ound
7. earlier
8. 3aturday
9. sank
1. bad weather
11. searchin(
12. passen(er
,ind out2
1. 16
2. on ,riday last week
3. the 3*1 tea!
4. *ris )riono- the captain o$ the Amami 0ar(o ship- <akub- a
crew!an- and 3uharto- a passen(er
5. on )hursday.
6. bad weather
7. the !issin( passen(ers and the bad weather
8. > * ship sank in #anda *ceh due to bad weather on ,riday
last week.
> two victi!s were saved by the 3*1 tea! on 3aturday
> )he 3*1 tea! is stillT searchin( $or ten crew!e!bers
and a passen(er
1. readers- listeners- events- interestin(
2. 1-2
3. 3
4. co!!ent
%and in hand
1. 1ecent heavy rain in #en(kulu province has reduced the
nu!ber o$ $ires in the province to si% points $ro! 21 in
2. H)he rain here over the last $ew day is due to the chan(e in
cli!ate in 3outh *sian countries that has caused $loodin(
in- $or e%a!ple- #en((ala- 'ndia. )he chan(e in cli!ate in
'ndia has also a$$ected #en(kulu.s cli!ate-Isaid 3oe(ito.
3. 3oe(ito- the head o$ #en(kulu $orestry o$$ice- said on
3aturday that the rain which $ell durin( the dry season this
year- was une%pected.
/ewsworthy event2 1ecent..
#ack(round event2 the rainG
3ource2 3oe(ito
who has been sentenced 15>year 9ail in an island prison-
on )hursday.
banned her visit a$ter hearin( with !e!bers o$ le(islative.
visited )o!!y and stayed $or 2 days.
(ra$t and order $or !urder o$ a 9ud(e.
Show it o))
*ccept any possible answer
Stage *
Getting Started
1. d
2. c
3. b
4. e
5. a
1. editorial
2. hu!an interest
3. $iction
4. headline
5. caricature
6. criticis!
7. advertise!ent
8. report
,ind out
1. &arthquake Aolts Aapan 0apital
2. earthquake in Aapan
3. * sli(ht earthquake 9olted the Aapanese capital last ni(ht
but authorities said there were no i!!ediate reports
casualties or da!a(e.
4. no
5. a spokes!an $or the Aapan !eteorolo(ical a(ency.
6. 1esidents o$ central )okyo said the tre!or was the
stron(est in several !onths in the capital.
7. yes
*ccept any possible answer
2. )he election was won by a surprise candidate
3. * pop star was !obbed by $ans at airport
4. )he local residents were a$raid o$ eruption.
5. )he police was investi(atin( a suspect.
6. 6risdayanti was success$ul in her concert
7. "iss ;orld was visitin( an orphana(e
8. )he Bresident will inspect the da!a(e roads.
*ccept any possible answer
2. * bo!b was e%ploded in central Condon
3. )he Bri!e "inister pro!ised to support &urope
4. )suna!i attack *ceh badly
5. )he Bresident leads the peace !ove!ent.
1. /ew (ovt ties to i!prove *ustralia
*. "inister wants to !ake sports an industry
/. "inister plants on econo!ic di$$er
0. 1ussian wo!an lands on !oon
1. &verest bid by Aapanese wo!an
Gra++ar in Action
1. was !ade- were held
2. was destroyed
3. is known
4. is called
5. are ordered
6. were packed
7. was put
1. )he villa(e was severely da!a(ed by a terrible tornado
2. )he statue was care$ully observed by the historians.
3. )he whole town was co!pletely swept away the whole
4. 4er weddin( (own will be beauti$ully desi(ned by 'tan(
5. 4is was brutally abused by the husband.
3ayin( verb 2 said
*ction Derb 2 killed
1. &ven thou(h he desperately wanted to- the little boy didn.t
take the chocolate.
2. ;hile 3ara was (ettin( ready $or bed- she heard so!eone
$ire a (un.
3. #ecause #udi is only seven years old- he cannot vote yet
4. Knless the co!pany sells !ore car ne%t year- it is (oin( to
(o broke.
5. *lthou(h he had (ood (rades and several
acco!!odations- #en did not (et accepted by the
1. 4e told )he Aakarta Bost on ,riday
2. 4ead o$ the distribution a(ency- #enya!in 8avnie- was
quoted by )e!po news on 3unday.
3. +ne o$ the *lbert.s cousin- <ulianto- told )he Aakarta Bost.
4. 4e looks very positive on the decision. "uha!!ad told
the associated press.
'o(ing orward
9ewsworthy e(ent! the event in a su!!ary $or!
Background e(ent! the elaboration o$ what happened and the
Sources! co!!ents by participants- witnesses- and authorities
e%perts involved in the event.
1. 4e repeatedly struck his 'ndonesian !aid
2. * supervisor was in 9ailed because he hit 'ndonesian !aid
with a television re!ote.
3. ,irst- he be(an strikin( ;inarti. a$ter she started workin(
$or hi!.
3econd- he hit her on the head with )D set.s re!ote
+n one occasion- he punched her on the back a$ter
accusin( her day o$ drea!in(.
4. )he !an was unhappy with her work.
5. 3.3. 8hillion- 3ha$iq.s lawyer. 4e said his client lost his
Jbetter senses. when he saw his dau(hter.s $ace covered
as she lay in bed.
/ewsworthy2 )he 3in(apore (overn!entG
#ack(round2 the tar(et ca!eG
)he source2 3in(apore (overn!entG
,ind out2
1. to double the siEe o$ the country.s !edia- desi(n and art
industries to si% percent o$ the econo!y by 212
2. they want the country to !ove away $ro! its stu$$y- rule>
bound i!a(e and e!brace !ore creativity as it seeks
ways to sustain its econo!ic (rowth.
3. Cee #oon <an(
%and in %and
*ccept any possible answer
Show it o))
*ccept any possible

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