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Graphic Era University, Dehradun

Assignment on Functions and Formulas

Case Problem 1
Data File needed for this Case Probl em: Chemi stry.xlsx
Karen Raul is a professor of chemistry at a community college in Shawnee, Kansas. She has started
using Excel to calculate the final grade for students in her Chemistry 303 course. The final score is a
weighted average of the scores given for three exams and the final exam. One way to calculate a
weighted average is by multiplying each students exam score by the weight given to the exam, and then
totaling the results. For example, consider the following four exam scores:
Exam 1 =84 Exam 2 =80 Exam 3 =83 Final Exam =72
If the first three exams are each given a weight of 20 percent and the final exam is given
a weight of 40 percent, the weighted average of the four scores is:
84*0.2 +80*0.2 +83*0.2 +72*0.4 =78.2
Karen has already entered the scores for her students and formatted much of the workbook.
You will enter the formulas and highlight the top 10 overall scores in her class.
Complete the following:
1. Open the Chemi stry workbook located in the Case1 folder included with your Data Files, and then
save the workbook as Chemistry 303 Final Scores.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3 and the date in cell B4.
3. In the First Semester Scores worksheet, in cell F17, enter a formula to calculate the weighted average
of the first students four exams. Use the weights found in the range C8:C11, matching each weight with
the corresponding exam score. Use absolute cell references for the four weights.
4. Use AutoFill to copy the formula in cell F17 into the range F18:F52.
5. In cell B5, use the COUNT function to calculate the total number of students in the class.
6. In cell D8, calculate the median score for the first exam.
7. In cell E8, calculate the maximum score for the first exam.
8. In cell F8, calculate the minimum score for the first exam.
9. In cell G8, calculate the range of scores for the first exam, which is equal to the difference between the
maximum and minimum score.
10. Repeat Steps 6 through 9 for each of the other two exams, the final exam, and the overall weighted
11. Use conditional formatting to highlight the top 10 scores in the range F17:F52 in a light red fill with
dark red text.
12. Insert a page break at cell A14, repeat the first three rows of the worksheet in any printout, and verify
that the worksheet is in portrait orientation.
13. Save and close the workbook, and then submit the finished workbook to your instructor, either in
printed or electronic form, as requested.

Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Assignment on Functions and Formulas

Case Problem 2
Data File needed for this Case Probl em: Wizard.xlsx
WizardWorks Andrew Howe owns and operates WizardWorks, an online seller of fireworks based in
Franklin, Tennessee. Andrew wants you to help him develop an order form for his business. The form
needs to contain formulas to calculate the charge for each order. The total charge is based on the
quantity and type of items ordered plus the shipping charge and the 5 percent sales tax. Orders can be
shipped using standard 3- to 5-day shipping for $3.99 or overnight for $10.99. Andrew is also offering a 4
percent discount for orders that exceed $200. Both the shipping option and the discount need to be
calculated using formulas based on values entered into the worksheet. Complete the following:
1. Open the Wizard workbook located in theCase2 folder included with your Data Files, and then save
the workbook as WizardWorks Order Form.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3 and enter the date in cell B4.
3. In the Order Form worksheet, in cell C4, enter the customer name, Kevin Kemper.In cell C6, enter the
order number, 28314. In the range C9:C13, enter the following address:
Address 1: 315 Avalon Street
City: Greenfi eld
State: IN
Zip: 46140
4. In cell C5, enter a function that displays the current date.
5. In the range B20:E22, enter the following orders:
Item Name Price Qty
BF001 Bucket of Fireworks $45.75 1
NAF Nightair Fountain $12.95 4
MR20B Mountain Rockets $55.25 2
6. In cell C15, enter overni ght to ship this order overnight.
7. In cell F20, enter an IF function that tests whether the order quantity in cell E20 is greater than 0 (zero).
If it is, return the value of cell E20 multiplied by cell D20; otherwise, return no text by entering . AutoFill
this formula into the range F21:F25.
8. In cell F27, calculate the sum of the values in the range F20:F25.
9. In cell F28, enter an IF function that tests whether cell F27 is greater than 200. If it is, return the value
of cell F27 multiplied by the discount percentage in cell F12; otherwise, return the value 0 (zero).
10. In cell F29, subtract the discount value in cell F28 from the subtotal value in cell F27.
11. In cell F31, calculate the sales tax by multiplying the after discount value in cell F29 by the sales tax
percentage, 0.05.
12. In cell F32, determine the shipping charge by entering an IF function that tests whether cell C15
equals standard. If it does, return the value in cell F9; otherwise ,return the value in cell F10.
13. In cell G32, display the value of cell C15.
14. In cell F34, calculate the total of the after discount value, the sales tax, and the shipping fee.
15. Reduce the quantity of Mountain Rockets boxes from 2 to 1, and then verify that the discount is
changed to 0 for the order.
16. Change the shipping option from overnight to standard, and then verify that the shipping fee is
changed to the fee for standard shipping.
17. Save and close the workbook, and then submit the finished workbook to your instructor, either in
printed or electronic form, as requested.

Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Assignment on Functions and Formulas

Case Problem 3
Data File needed for this Case Probl em: Loan.xl sx
Eason Financial Services J esse Buchmann is a finance officer at Eason Financial Services in Meridian,
Idaho. She works with people who are looking for home mortgages. Most clients want mortgages they
can afford, and affordability is determined by the size of the monthly payment. The monthly payment is
determined by the interest rate, the total number of payments, and the size of the home loan. J esse cant
change the interest rate, but homebuyers can reduce their monthly payments by increasing the number of
years to repay the loan. J esse wants to give her clients a grid that displays combinations of loan amounts
and payment periods so that they can select a loan that best meets their needs and budget. J esse
already entered much of the layout and formatting for the worksheet containing the loan payment grid.
You will enter the PMT function.
Complete the following:
1. Open the Loan workbook located in the Case3 folder included with your Data Files, and then save the
workbook as Loan Grid.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name and the date.
3. In the Loan Calculation worksheet, in cell E3, enter a monthly payment of $1,750.
4. In cell E5, enter the annual interest rate of 5.75%. In cell E6, enter 12 to indicate that the interest
payment is compounded 12 times a year, or monthly.
5. In the range C10:C20, use AutoFill to enter the currency values $250,000 through $350,000 in
increments of $10,000. In the range D9:H9, use AutoFill to enter the year values 15 through 35 in
increments of 5 years.
6. In cell D10, use the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment required to repay a $250,000 loan
in 15 years at 5.75% interest compounded monthly. Use
absolute references to cells E5 and E6 to enter the annual interest rate and number of payments per
year. Use the mixed references D$9 and $C10 to cells D9 and C10,respectively, to reference the number
of years to repay the loan and the loan amount.
Place a minus sign before the PMT function so that the value returned by the function is positive rather
than negative.
7. Using AutoFill, copy the formula in cell D10 into the range E10:H10, and then copy that range of
formulas into the range D11:H20.
8. Conditionally format the range D10:H20 to highlight all of the values in the range that are less than the
value in cell E3 in a dark green font on a green fill.
9. Add a second conditional format to the range D10:H20 to highlight all of the values in the range that
are greater than the value in cell E3 in a dark red font on a red fill.
10. Change the value in cell E3 from $1,750 to $1,800. If this represents the maximum affordable monthly
payment, use the values in the grid to determine the largest mortgage for payment schedules lasting 15
through 35 years. Can any of the home loan
values displayed in the grid be repaid in 20 years at $1,800 per month?
11. Save and close the workbook, and then submit the finished workbook to your instructor, either in
printed or electronic form, as requested.

Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Assignment on Functions and Formulas

Case Problem 4
Data File needed for this Case Probl em: V6.xl sx
V-6 Dri ving Academy Sebastian Villanueva owns and operates the V-6 Driving Academy, a driving
school located in Pine Hills, Florida. In addition to driving, students must take multiple-choice tests offered
by the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Students must answer at least 80 percent of the questions
correctly to pass each test. Sebastian has to grade these tests himself. Sebastian could save a lot of time
if the test questions were in a workbook and Excel totaled the test results. Sebastian has already entered
a 20-question test into a workbook. You will format this workbook and insert the necessary functions and
formulas to grade a students answers. Complete the following:
1. Open the V6 workbook located in the Case4 folder included with your Data Files, and then save the
workbook as V6 Driving Test.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3 and enter the date in cell B4.
3. In the Exam1 worksheet, format the questions and possible answers so that the worksheet is easy to
read. The format is up to you. At the top of the worksheet, enter a title that describes the exam, and then
enter a function that returns the current date.
4. Add a section somewhere on the Exam1 worksheet where Sebastian can enter each students name
and answers to each question. Design the workbook so that Sebastian can always go back and review
any students completed exam.
5. The answers for the 20 questions are listed below. Use this information to write functions that will grade
each answer, giving 1 point for a correct answer and 0 otherwise.
Assume that all answers are in lowercase letters; therefore, the function that tests the answer to the first
question should check for a c rather than a C.
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 c 8 a 15 b
2 a 9 c 16 b
3 b 10 b 17 b
4 a 11 c 18 b
5 c 12 b 19 b
6 b 13 b 20 c
7 c 14 a
6. At the top of the worksheet, insert a formula to calculate the total number of correct answers for each
7. Insert another formula that divides the total number of correct answers by the total number of exam
questions on the worksheet. Display this value as a percentage.
8. Enter a logical function that displays the message PASS on the exam if the percentage of correct
answers is greater than or equal to 80 percent; otherwise, the logical function displays the message
9. Test your worksheet with the following student exams. Which students passed and which failed? What
score did each student receive on the exam?
J uan Marquez
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 a 8 a 15 b
2 b 9 c 16 b
3 a 10 c 17 b
4 c 11 b 18 b
5 c 12 b 19 b
6 b 13 b 20 c
7 c 14 a

Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Assignment on Functions and Formulas

Kurt Bessette
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 b 8 b 15 b
2 b 9 a 16 a
3 a 10 b 17 c
4 a 11 b 18 c
5 b 12 b 19 b
6 b 13 b 20 c
7 a 14 a

Rebecca Pena
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 a 8 a 15 c
2 b 9 c 16 c
3 b 10 c 17 c
4 b 11 b 18 a
5 c 12 c 19 c
6 a 13 a 20 c
7 c 14 a
10. Format the worksheet so that it prints nicely with no questions crossing over a page break, and the
names of the students and the name of the driving academy at the top of each page.
11. Save and close the workbook, and then submit the finished workbook to your

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