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Sex Roles, Vol. 52, Nos.

11/12, June 2005 (

DOI: 10.1007/s11199-005-4204-x
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research
Kristin L. Anderson
Research ndings of sex-symmetry in the perpetration of intimate partner assaults have
sparked vigorous debate about the appropriate denition and measurement of intimate vio-
lence. A neglected but central issue in this debate is the conceptualization and measurement
of gender. This article rst examines the often unstated theoretical perspective on gender
that underlies the research on sex-symmetry in intimate partner violence. This perspective
treats gender as an individual characteristic of persons. Next, I describe challenges to the in-
dividualist model of gender from two emerging theoretical perspectivesinteractionist and
structuralist gender theories. The article concludes with suggestions for research on intimate
partner violence that are informed by these new gender theories.
KEYWORDS: gender theory; sex differences; intimate partner violence; typologies; physical aggression.
Connections between gender and intimate
partner violence have become complicated in recent
years. The classic feminist argument that battery
represents a manifestation of patriarchal power
is under attack in the political sphere (Currie,
1998; Worcester, 2002). Rancorous debates be-
tween scholars who identify gender and power as
the key processes in partner violence and those
who view gender as just one component of the
problem have dominated the literature during the
past decade (Dobash, Dobash, Wilson, & Daly,
1992; Johnson, 1995; Kurz, 1993; Straus, 1993; Yllo,
The controversy was initiated by a 197778
research study entitled The Battered Husband
Syndrome that reported survey research ndings of
sex-symmetry in husbands and wives self-reported
partner assaults (Steinmetz, 197778). Although
the methodology of this study was immediately
criticized, ndings from more than 30 additional
studies have corroborated Steinmetzs early report
(Currie, 1998; Straus, 1993). These sex-symmetry
ndings have been regularly cited to challenge fem-
Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington.
To whom correspondence should be addressed at Depart-
ment of Sociology, Western Washington University, Bellingham,
Washington 98225-9081; e-mail: [email protected].
inist constructions of partner violence as a problem
of gender and power (Currie, 1998). Mens rights
groups have used these ndings to support their
claim that feminist activists and scholars have hidden
the problem of husband-abuse from public view
(Messner, 1998). Researchers in the family violence
tradition have proposed that domestic violence
perpetrated by women is a social problem worthy of
greater attention and investigation (Stets & Straus,
1990; Straus 1993). The sex-symmetry ndings have
also been used to divert funding from battered
womens shelters (Currie, 1998).
Within the academy, debate about the sex-
symmetry ndings has centered on the denition and
measurement of intimate partner violence. Discus-
sions about the validity and reliability of the Con-
ict Tactic Scales (CTS), the dominant measure of
partner violence among survey researchers, have ap-
peared as regular features in social science publica-
tions during the last 15 years (Straus, 1992). Critics of
the CTS argue that this measure of partner violence
is awed because it measures the acts of violence
rather than consequences, fails to examine motives
for violence, and ignores the larger context of gender
inequality (Currie, 1998; Dobash et al., 1992; Kurz,
1993). Moreover, they note that women are vastly
overrepresented among victims of partner assaults
in studies of battered womens shelters, emergency
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854 Anderson
rooms, and clinical populations (Dobash et al., 1992;
Kurz, 1993; Stark & Flitcraft, 1996).
More recently, Johnson (1995) proposed an in-
uential methodological explanation for the sex-
symmetry nding. Johnson argued that national sur-
veys are not representative with regard to partner
assault because most violent couples will refuse to
participate in such surveys. National surveys thus
measure common couple violencea form of part-
ner assault that is gender-balanced and less severe
than the type of partner assault encountered by re-
searchers who study clinical populations, which John-
son termed patriarchal terrorism (Johnson, 1995,
p. 286). Johnson and Ferraro (2000) proposed that
researchers should focus their attention on distin-
guishing the distinct types of partner assault uncov-
ered by different sampling techniques. According to
this argument, the sex-symmetry debate reects the
failure to separate these distinct types of violence
rather than the inadequate measurement of violence;
family violence and feminist researchers are simply
studying different populations that engage in distinct
types of intimate violence.
In this article, I propose that a neglected but
central issue in the sex-symmetry debates is theoret-
ical rather than methodological. I argue that, amid
the controversy over the denition and measurement
of violence, intimate violence researchers have ne-
glected to recognize that there is equivalent con-
troversy over the conceptualization and measure-
ment of gender. Confusion about how partner as-
saults are gendered is a reection of a larger theoret-
ical confusion about what it is that we mean by gen-
der (West & Zimmerman, 1987). Theories of gender
have changed dramatically in the past three decades,
but recognition of these changes has not entered
other substantive areas within the social sciences
(Alway, 1995; Ferree, 1990; Stacey & Thorne, 1985;
Williams, 1991). For example, although Johnsons
(1995) proposed resolution to the sex-symmetry de-
bate has been benecial in that it focuses attention
on the issue of sampling limitations, his categoriza-
tion of violence into typessome male-dominated
and others gender-balancedrests on a specic
conceptualization of gender as sex difference (e.g.,
this approach assumes that if women and men do
the same thing then gender is balanced). Johnson
(1995) writes that common couple violence is less
a product of patriarchy, and more a product of the
less gendered causal processes discussed at length by
[scholars] working in the family violence tradition
(p. 285). Critics have argued that this sex difference
approach to gender vastly oversimplies the complex
ways in which gender matters within social relation-
Recently, gender scholars have classied three
divergent theoretical approaches to the study of
genderindividualist, interactionist, and structural-
ist (Risman, 1998). Answers to questions about
whether and how partner violence is gendered
change strikingly depending on the conceptualization
of gender utilized by the researcher. For example, if
we theorize gender from the interactionist or struc-
turalist theoretical perspectives, we may nd that
common couple violence is deeply connected to gen-
dered social processes. This article rst examines the
theoretical approach to gender that underlies most
previous studies of sex-symmetry in intimate partner
violencethe individualist approach. Next, I apply
two competing theories of gender that have emerged
in recent decadesinteractionist and structuralist
to develop alternative explanations of the relation-
ship between gender and intimate violence. I argue
that interactionist and structuralist gender theories
provide more fruitful approaches to understanding
the complex ways in which intimate violence is gen-
dered than individualist approaches.
Individualist approaches to the study of gender
propose that individual persons are gendered beings
(Risman, 1998). In this view, masculinity and fem-
ininity are traits that men and women incorporate
into their selves or identities, either through a bi-
ologically determined predisposition to these traits
or through socialization processes. Individualist the-
ories presuppose that a propensity to use aggression
and violence is an innate or learned characteristic of
masculine persons.
This theory of gender has dominated the re-
search on intimate partner violence conducted by
scholars in the family violence tradition. However,
family violence researchers have rarely described
the theory of gender that informs their research.
The assumptions about gender that underlie this
research have remained implicit. For example,
survey research that conceptualizes sex as an in-
dependent variable to predict behavior such as
violence rests on the implicit assumption that any
statistically signicant associations with the depen-
dent variable are caused by individual sex (Williams,
1991). Researchers who claim that domestic violence
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research 855
researchers should adopt a gender-neutral frame-
work base their argument on ndings that the
independent variable sex does not predict vio-
lence perpetration in some national survey studies
(Dutton, 1994; Felson, 2002; Straus, 1993). Moreover,
Johnsons (1995) claim that patriarchal terrorism
is male-dominated and common-couple violence is
gender-balanced is based on the research nding
that rates of common couple violence perpetration
do not vary by individual sex.
In addition, partner violence studies that uti-
lize gender schema scales such as the Bem Sex Role
Inventory (BSRI) take an individualist approach to
gender. The BSRI and similar measures record in-
dividuals assessments of the extent to which they
possess traits characterized as masculine or feminine
and use these self-reports to categorize people as
masculine, feminine, or androgynous (Bem, 1974).
In a third individualist approach, researchers classify
individuals as traditional or egalitarian on the ba-
sis of their self-reported attitudes about mens and
womens roles within society. Studies of partner vi-
olence that utilize individualist approaches hypoth-
esize that biological males and more traditional and
more masculine individuals (e.g., men who score high
on masculinity or who report traditional gender atti-
tudes) will be more likely to engage in partner vio-
lence than women and more feminine or egalitarian
men (Sugerman & Frankel, 1996).
If gender is dened as a property of individu-
als, substantial research evidence suggests that there
is no relationship between gender and partner vi-
olence. Studies that conceptualize gender as a per-
sons self-reported maleness or femaleness often fail
to nd a relationship between gender and partner as-
sault perpetration and victimization (Archer, 2000;
Felson, 2002).
If gender is dened as a masculine,
feminine, or androgynous identity as measured by
gender schema scales, the relationship between gen-
der and partner assault contradicts the individual-
ist hypothesis that more masculine persons are more
violent. Previous researchers were surprised to nd
Recent victimization surveys are an exception to the pat-
tern of sex-symmetry found in most survey studies. The Na-
tional Crime Victimization Survey (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995)
and the National Violence Against Women survey (Tjaden
& Thoennes, 2000) nd substantially higher rates of domes-
tic violence victimization among women than men. These sur-
veys nd a lower overall incidence of domestic violence vic-
timization than studies employing the CTS and may uncover
more serious types of violence than surveys employing the
either no relationship between a mans masculinity
and violence, or that more feminine men and women
reported higher rates of partner assault (Bernard,
Bernard, & Bernard, 1985; Burke, Stets, & Pirog-
Good, 1988). A meta-analysis of the voluminous re-
search on gender role attitudes and partner violence
has offered weak and inconsistent support for the hy-
pothesis that traditional men engage in higher rates
of partner violence than egalitarian men (Sugerman
& Frankel, 1996).
Findings from intimate violence research that
uses individualist approaches to gender suggest that
gender is not a particularly important predictor of in-
timate partner violence. Some researchers have used
these results to suggest that intimate violence is not a
gendered phenomenon (Dutton, 1994; Felson, 2002;
Straus, 1993). However, in recent decades, gender
scholars have identied several limitations of the in-
dividualist approach to gender (see Connell, 1995;
Deaux & Major, 1990; Risman, 1998). First, and most
importantly, the individualist approach reduces gen-
der to the behavior of individual women and men.
That is, this approach assumes that, if women and
men are equally violent within intimate relationships,
then partner violence is not gendered.
Second, the sex as an independent variable
approach cannot tell us why sex differences, if they
are statistically signicant, exist. For example, the
nding that men engage in higher levels of violence
toward intimate partners than women can be inter-
preted through theoretical perspectives as diverse
and contradictory as feminism and evolutionary psy-
chology (e.g., Archer, 2000).
Third, this approach cannot easily explain differ-
ences within groups of women or men. The empirical
research clearly demonstrates that only a small per-
centage of women and men perpetrate intimate part-
ner violence (Archer, 2000). However, women are
biologically similar to other women and men are bio-
logically similar to other men. Moreover, within cul-
tures, same-sex groups experience similar processes
of gender socialization. Thus, it is difcult to explain
why only some men and women perpetrate inti-
mate partner violence from an individualist gender
perspective (Dutton, 1994). Research that employs
gender schema scales or measures of egalitarianism
overcomes this limitation by recognizing that individ-
uals can vary in the extent to which they incorporate
gender ideologies into their sense of identity or into
their attitudes (Bem, 1974). However, the research
largely suggests that gender identities and attitudes
are not associated with the perpetration of partner
856 Anderson
violence (Bernard et al., 1985; Sugerman & Frankel,
Finally, researchers who conceptualize gender
from an individualist framework have used studies
of partner assault among homosexual couples to but-
tress their claims that partner violence is not a prob-
lem of gender and power. Findings of equivalent or
higher rates of partner assault among gay and lesbian
couples as compared to heterosexual couples have
led some scholars to claim that gender is unrelated
to domestic violence (Dutton & Golant, 1995, p. 70;
Felson, 2002, p. 42). Such claims rest on the implicit
assumption that gender is limited to what women
and men do in interactions with the opposite sex.
This sex differences approach ignores the com-
plex ways in which gender operates in social interac-
tions between same-sex people. For example, stud-
ies of masculinities and violence suggest that much
of male violence perpetrated by youth is intended to
impress an audience of male peers (Connell, 1995;
Messerschmidt, 1993). Moreover, researchers who
use the data on same-sex partner violence to claim
that gender does not matter ignore the intricate ways
in which gender and heterosexuality are constructed
in mutually-reinforcing ways in contemporary West-
ern societies (Butler, 1990; Connell, 1995). Gay men
and lesbian women must negotiate a world in which
their masculinity and femininity are called into ques-
tion due to their sexual identity. Findings that part-
ner assaults occur within gay male and lesbian re-
lationships at the same, lower, or higher rates as
within heterosexual relationships do not challenge
the argument that gender is an important component
of intimate partner violence.
Rather, these ndings
lead to additional questions about how gender in-
teracts with heterosexism to inuence the dynam-
ics of violence in both heterosexual and homosexual
Several researchers claim that rates of partner violence are simi-
lar in heterosexual and homosexual relationships (Dutton, 1994;
Felson, 2002; Merrill, 1998). However, most studies of violence
in gay male and lesbian relationships do not use probability
sampling techniques (Renzetti, 1998). One recent study of part-
ner violence in gay male relationships that uses a probabil-
ity sample nds that rates of victimization are slightly higher
than rates of male-perpetrated violence in studies of heterosex-
ual relationships that use similar measures of violence (Green-
wood et al., 2002). However, because rates of violence are in-
uenced by both sampling techniques and the measurement of
violence (Johnson, 1995; Straus, 1992), rates of reported vi-
olence from different studies cannot be considered as valid
Researchers who believe that domestic violence
is interconnected with sexism within society need a
stronger theoretical language than that offered by the
individualist perspective with which to counter the
movement away from an analysis of gender within
the eld. In recent years, gender theorists have pro-
vided such a language. Interactionist and structural-
ist theories understand gender as more than the be-
havior of individual women and men. Gender exists
in the expectations and demands that we place on
people and in their desire to meet (or subvert) these
expectations (Butler, 1990; Goffman, 1977; West &
Zimmerman, 1987). It exists in the way in which sex
is used as a basis for the division of labor, in the sex
segregation of activities and leisure pursuits, and in
other forms of social categorization (Connell, 1995;
Risman, 1998). In sum, these theories propose that
gender is a characteristic of interactive situations and
of social structures in addition to being a character-
istic of individuals (Risman, 1998). Interactionist and
structuralist gender theories, applied to the data on
partner assault, provide new interpretations and new
questions about the relationship between gender and
intimate partner violence. Moreover, these theories
move us away from understanding gender as solely
what individual women and men do in cross-sex in-
teractions. In this regard, these theories can expose
the overly-simplied gender framework that forms
the basis for claims of gender-neutrality in intimate
partner violence.
The interactionist approach to the study of gen-
der emerged in the 1980s as, in part, a critique of indi-
vidualist approaches (Deaux & Major, 1990; Risman,
1998; West & Zimmerman, 1987). This perspective
treats gender as a characteristic of social interaction
rather than of individual persons. In this view, indi-
viduals do gender in daily interactions with others,
performing masculinity or femininity in order to
live up to social expectations (Butler, 1990; West &
Zimmerman, 1987). From this perspective, gender is
viewed as an outcome of social practices rather than
as an individual characteristic that predicts behavior.
Thus, the interactionist approach shifts our thinking
from the question of how masculinity causes violence
to the question of how violence causes masculinity.
Interactionist gender theory suggests new ways of
thinking about gender and intimate partner violence.
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research 857
Violence Is Not Gender-Neutral Behavior.
Gender Can Be Constructed Through the
Practice of Violence
The practice of violence, in Western cultures, is
perceived as masculine behavior. As gender schema
scales such as the BSRI demonstrate, aggression
is typed masculine in U.S. culture (Bem, 1974).
Because aggression is a component of an idealized
cultural image of masculinity, violence can be used to
show others that one is a real man. Studies of part-
ner violence that utilize interactionist approaches
to gender theorize that violence is one means by
which men can perform masculinity (Anderson
& Umberson, 2001; Hearn, 1998). This approach
illuminates qualitative research ndings that suggest
that men use violence against their wives or partners
in response to a perceived challenge to their position
or authority (Dobash & Dobash, 1998; Ptacek,
1988; Totten, 2003). However, the use of violence
against female partners to perform masculinity is not
uncontested; because women are constructed as the
weaker sex within popular culture, mens violence
against women can be construed as cowardly and
unmanly. Thus, many men minimize and deny the
violence that they perpetrate against female partners
(Anderson & Umberson, 2001; Dobash & Dobash,
1998; Ptacek, 1988).
Mens Violence Is Evaluated and Interpreted
Differently From Womens Violence
Interactionists posit that gender is a social ac-
complishment (West & Zimmerman, 1987) that is
based on the denitions and interpretations of oth-
ers. Scholars in the interactive tradition argue that
audiences expect different performances from men
and women and that the same behavior will be dif-
ferentially evaluated depending on the perceived sex
of the performer and the interactive context (West
& Zimmerman, 1987). Thus, the very same violent
act that conveys masculinity to others when the ac-
tor is perceived to be a man (e.g., punching a man
who has insulted his honor) will be interpreted in a
different fashion when the actor is perceived to be a
woman. This framework helps us to understand re-
search ndings that mens violence is viewed more
seriously than womens violence. Because violence
is dened as masculine within popular culture, au-
diences expect, acknowledge, and encourage mens
violence as normal behavior. In contrast, audiences
may discourage, trivialize, or mock women who en-
gage in violence (McCaughey, 1997).
There is some evidence that these gendered
interpretations inuence the dynamics of violence
within intimate relationships. A qualitative analysis
of the accounts of violence offered by men in a court-
mandated treatment program found that batterers
depicted their violence as rational and effectual, but
similar violent acts perpetrated by their female part-
ners were perceived as irrational and ineffectual
(Anderson & Umberson, 2001). College students of
both sexes trivialize womens violence as compared
to mens violence (Miller & Simpson, 1991). The em-
pirical nding that men engage in stalking behav-
iors that are physically threatening more often than
women (Davis & Frieze, 2000) can be explained, in
part, by the idea that women may not be perceived
as dangerous in situations where the same acts done
by men would be seen as threatening (Frieze, 2000,
p. 682).
Moreover, these gendered interpretations inu-
ence how people respond to partner violence that
they experience. Tjaden and Thoennes (2000) found
that male victims of partner assaults were signi-
cantly more likely than female victims to choose not
to report the violence to the police because they de-
ned the assault as a minor or one-time. In her study
of violence in lesbian relationships, Renzetti (1998)
found that women who were victimized by female
partners who they dened as physically weaker and
more feminine than themselves were unwilling to de-
fend themselves against their partners. Gay men who
are victims of partner assaults may also be reluctant
to report the violence due to a cultural perception
that they should be able to stand up to their partners
assaults like a man (Merrill, 1998).
This perspective also helps us to understand why
male victims and criminal justice agents are reluctant
to hold female perpetrators accountable for their vi-
olence. To be labeled as a victim of an assault by
a woman may threaten a mans sense of masculinity.
Thus, even men who are injured by a female part-
ner are reluctant to have their partners arrested or
prosecuted (Anderson & Umberson, 2001). Several
studies nd that male victims are less likely than fe-
male victims to report the violence to the police and
that police are more likely to make an arrest if the
victim is female (Buzawa & Hotaling, 2000; Tjaden
& Thoennes, 2000). Renzettis (1998) study of bat-
tering within lesbian relationships found that many
victims reported that their friends, families, and even
womens shelters refused to believe that they were
858 Anderson
battered due to the feminine appearance of the per-
Violence Will Be Used to Construct
Masculinity In Social Situations in Which
Masculine Identity Is Threatened
The interactionist perspective on gender sug-
gests that the interactive context inuences violent
behavior. If violence is a means by which men con-
struct masculinity, violence should occur in situa-
tions in which men desire to demonstrate or per-
form masculinity for others (Anderson & Umberson,
2001; Messerschmidt, 1993). One such situation is
when a mans masculinity is challenged or called into
There is a small body of research that pro-
vides support for the interactionist claim that part-
ner violence is more likely to occur under conditions
in which mens sense of masculinity is threatened.
Qualitative studies nd that men report perpetrating
partner assaults when they perceive a threat to their
authority or status (Anderson & Umberson, 2001;
Dobash & Dobash, 1998; Ptacek, 1988). Other stud-
ies suggest that violence is used in a compensatory
fashion when men lack other resources to display
masculinity; for example, rates of physical and emo-
tional abuse are higher among men whose female
partners out-earn them (Anderson, 1997; Kalmuss
& Straus, 1990; Kaukinen, 2004). In a recent study,
Salari and Baldwin (2002) found that injurious vio-
lence was more likely in couples with a greater in-
come contribution by the woman.
The interactionist approach might also help to
explain why rates of intimate partner violence are
higher among those who live in poverty. Financial
success as a family breadwinner is another ideal-
ized characteristic of masculinity in U.S. culture, but
not all men are able to live up to this ideal (Fine,
Weis, Addelston, & Marusza, 1997; Totten, 2003).
Men who are unemployed or involved in part-time
or low-wage work may feel that their masculine iden-
tities are threatened because they are not breadwin-
ners (Anderson, 1997). Research ndings that part-
ner violence is correlated with unemployment and
low levels of income and education can be under-
stood through this interactionist framework (Totten,
2003). Moreover, men who are breadwinners may
be able to exert control over their intimate part-
ners through their control of economic resources
rather than through violence (Stark & Flitcraft,
In sum, interactionist gender theory proposes
that violence may be a compensatory method of ex-
erting control and constructing masculinity among
men who feel that their authority and masculinity
have been called into question. This argument ap-
plies to mens violence perpetrated against other men
as well as their violence perpetrated against female
partners. In the language of causal order, the individ-
ualist perspective posits that violence is an outcome
of gender, whereas the interactionist perspective pro-
poses the oppositethat gender is an outcome of
violence. Applied to the study of partner violence,
the interactionist perspective can help us understand
why the practice of violence is evaluated differently
depending on the gender attributions applied to the
perpetrator and victim. For example, a common-
couple violence scenario in which a woman slaps or
shoves her male partner and he responds in kind is
not gender-neutral in this framework; these equiv-
alent acts will be treated differently based on the per-
ceived sex of the actor and the audiences interpreta-
tion (Was she out of line in slapping him? Is he
a brute who deserved it? Is he a coward who
should pick on someone his own size?).
A third and newly emerging approach to gen-
der studies contends that gender is a form of social
structure. This perspective emphasizes that gender
organizes social institutions as well as identities, at-
titudes, and interactions. Structuralists contend that
gender is a system of stratication that places women
and men into unequal categories, roles, and occupa-
tions (Risman, 1998). The structural perspective em-
phasizes that gender exists as a social force that op-
erates independently of individual wishes or desires:
Even when men and women do not desire to live
gendered lives or to support male dominance, they
often nd themselves compelled to do so by the logic
of gendered choices (Risman, 1998, p. 29).
The structuralist approach is methodologically
distinct from the individualist and interactionist
approaches in that it conceptualizes gender as a
pattern of resource-distribution and social orga-
nization rather than as a predictor of individual
behavior (Risman, 1998). From a structuralist gen-
der perspective, individual sex does not predict
violent behavior. Rather, the gender structure
inuences womens and mens opportunities and
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research 859
rewards for the use of violent behavior. A number
of social structural processes inuence womens
and mens experiences of intimate partner vio-
lence. For example, marriage, as an institution,
is organized by gender. We assign different roles
and responsibilities to husbands and wives within
marriage. This means that marriage is experienced
differently by women and men (Hochschild &
Machung, 1989). Similarly, the practice of violence
is organized by gender (McCaughey, 1997). Men
receive encouragement, support, and training in the
use of violence whereas women are barred from its
use in some situations (e.g., U.S. military service).
Thus, violence is experienced differently by women
and men.
The structuralist approach to gender has long
been utilized by feminist theorists of domestic
violence although it has not been named as such.
Feminist scholars have repeatedly emphasized that
domestic violence must be understood in the context
of the larger system of gender inequality (Brush,
1993; Currie, 1998; Dasgupta, 2002; Dobash et al.,
1992; Yllo, 1993). However, feminist efforts to rede-
ne domestic violence to include this larger context
of gender inequality have centered on changing the
denition and measurement of intimate violence
rather than the denition and measurement of
gender. For example, in a review of the gender sym-
metry debate, Dasgupta (2002) claims that a broad
denition of battering as a pattern of intimidation,
coercive control, and oppression is needed so that
researchers have to acknowledge the context of
social norms and social power differentials between
men and women (pp. 13671368). However, no def-
inition of violence can fully encapsulate the myriad
ways in which gender organizes social relationships.
As the quotation from Dasguptas work suggests,
what feminist theorists really want domestic violence
researchers to consider is how the context of gender
inequality inuences the experience of violence.
Although efforts to redene domestic violence as a
pattern of coercive control have been successful in
shaping feminist research, they have not helped to
stem the political and academic debate about sex-
symmetry. It is not that the measures of violence are
inaccurate, but that these measures fail to illuminate
how gender inuences and structures violence. In ad-
dition to criticizing the measures of violence utilized
by sex-symmetry researchers, feminist researchers
should note that the sex-symmetry research rests
on individualist gender theory and is thus limited in
important respects.
Structuralist gender theory is needed to under-
stand the ways in which women and men encounter
different constraints to the perpetration of violence
and different barriers to stopping the violence or
leaving the relationship. The structuralist theory of
gender suggests that an adequate understanding of
gender and intimate partner violence must consider
the ways in which gender is used to organize social
Men Receive More Instruction
in the Use of Violence Than Women
Access to violence is unequally distributed by
the gender structure. Boys and men are granted more
opportunities to learn to use violence effectively
than girls and women (Fagot, Hagan, Leinbach,
& Kronsberg, 1985; McCaughey, 1997). Girls and
women are discouraged from the use of violence as
young children and throughout their formative expe-
riences, whereas boys and men are more likely to be
encouraged to play sports or apply for jobs in which
violence and self-defense skills are taught (Fagot
et al., 1985; Messner, 1998). Historically, women have
been formally barred from some occupations that in-
volve training in the use of violence and they con-
tinue to be barred from military combat positions
in the U.S. The ways in which gender organizes
training in violence has implications for the sever-
ity and success of violence perpetrated by men and
The Consequences of Intimate Violence
Will Differ for Women and Men Due to the
Larger System of Gender Inequality
Consequences for Injury
Cultural expectations about male dominance in
heterosexual pairings lead to situations in which
women are disadvantaged in violent conicts with
male partners. In U.S. culture, it is normative for
men to have slightly more status than the women
with whom they pair; male partners are typically
older, physically larger, and have greater education
and income than female partners (Goffman, 1977).
These advantages mean that men and women will
have different resources (physical, economic, psycho-
logical) for gaining control over a partner. For ex-
ample, numerous studies demonstrate that although
860 Anderson
heterosexual men and women perpetrate assaults at
similar rates, women are more likely than men to be
injured (Archer, 2000; Brush, 1993; Stets & Straus,
1990). Data from the National Violence Against
Women Survey (NVAWS), the largest national study
of partner violence in the U.S., show that women
victimized by male partners are twice as likely to
be injured as men victimized by female partners
(Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). This nding has typi-
cally been interpreted as resulting from the fact that
men are physically larger and stronger than women
(Archer, 2000; Felson, 2002). This explanation, how-
ever, treats gender (in this case, physical size and
strength) as an individual characteristic. Structural-
ist gender theory would further explain that mens
size advantage is not simply an individual traitit
is built into the organization of heterosexual pair-
ings. Although men, on average, are slightly heavier
and taller than women, on average, there are many
women who are larger and taller than many men.
Gender norms organize heterosexual pairings such
that tall women often seek male partners who are
taller than themselves, and short men seek shorter
women (Goffman, 1977). Mens size advantage is
thus a structural component of heterosexual relation-
ships; it is not simply a reection of individual gender
Consequences for Fear, Depression, and Self-Esteem
Victimization studies have documented the neg-
ative emotional, social, and psychological conse-
quences of partner violence for female victims
(Frieze, Hymer, &Greenberg, 1987; Kirkwood, 1993;
Stark & Flitcraft, 1996). However, few studies com-
pare consequences for male and female victims
(Anderson, 2002). The available comparative stud-
ies suggest that women experience more negative
psychological consequences than men as a result of
victimization. Jacobsen et al. (1994), in a laboratory
study of arguments between heterosexual couples,
found that female partners in violent relationships
experienced higher levels of physiological arousal
than their boyfriends or husbands, suggesting that
women experience more symptoms of distress. Re-
search on why victims are reluctant to report abuse
to the police nds that women are signicantly more
likely than men to choose not to report out of fear
of retaliation by their attacker (Tjaden & Thoennes,
2000). In a study of married military couples that
engage in mutual violence, Langhinrichsen-Rohling,
Neidig, and Thorn (1995) demonstrated that wives
were more likely than husbands to experience fear
during a violent incident.
Intimate violence victimization also has gen-
dered consequences for depression. Stets and Straus
(1990) found that, among heterosexual couples, fe-
male victims were signicantly more likely than
male victims to experience stress and depression.
Anderson (2002) found that, although domestic as-
sault victimization was associated with increased
depression and lowered self-esteem among both
women and men, the negative effects of violence on
well-being were signicantly greater among women.
These ndings suggest that the consequences of
partner violence are more negative for heterosexual
women than for heterosexual men. Although the ex-
planation for why this should be the case has not
been empirically demonstrated, the structuralist per-
spective on gender suggests a number of hypothe-
ses. Because women are assigned responsibility for
the care and nurturance of others in the relationship,
they may be more likely than men to feel guilt and re-
sponsibility for their partners violent behavior and
this may contribute to depression and lowered self-
esteem (Kirkwood, 1993). Langhinrichsen-Rohling
et al. (1995) found that wives were more likely than
husbands to feel blame and guilt about the violence
in their marriage. Women may also suffer more neg-
ative psychological consequences from violence vic-
timization because they are more likely than men to
be injured by violence. Male batterers also isolate
their female victims from support networks of fam-
ily members and friends (Dobash & Dobash, 1998;
Kirkwood, 1993; Walker, 1984). This pattern of iso-
lation has also been found in studies of gay male and
lesbian relationships (Kirkwood, 1993; Merrill, 1998;
Renzetti, 1998). It is currently unknown whether het-
erosexual men who are victims of intimate violence
also experience this isolation. However, structural-
ist gender theory suggests that heterosexual and gay
male victims might experience less social isolation
due the gendered organization of employment. Men
are more likely than women to experience contact
with others in the workforce and thus male victims
of partner violence might be less likely than female
victims to experience such isolation.
Consequences for Economic Well-Being
Heterosexual women are more likely than het-
erosexual men to be economically dependent on
their intimate partners. Moreover, women are more
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research 861
likely than men to experience poverty upon disso-
lution of a marital or cohabiting relationship (Kurz,
1995). These patterns are consequences of the way
in which gender organizes labor and compensation
patterns and they have implications for the way in
which women and men experience intimate assault.
Qualitative studies of heterosexual womens experi-
ences of partner violence victimization consistently
nd that women feel trapped into violent relation-
ships due to their inability to earn enough alone to
care for themselves and their children (Kirkwood,
1993; Kurz, 1995). Moreover, the economic conse-
quences of leaving a violent relationship are of-
ten severe for gay and lesbian people. Studies of
the dynamics of violence within gay and lesbian re-
lationships nd that violent gay and lesbian part-
ners rely on societal heterosexism and the threat
of outing their partners to employers as a means
of additional dominance and control (Merrill, 1998;
Renzetti, 1998).
The structuralist gender perspective thus sug-
gests that sex and sexual orientation will inuence
the barriers to leaving a violent relationship. Because
the gender structure assigns women responsibility for
the care and well-being of children, threatened cus-
tody battles may inhibit womens plans to leave a vi-
olent relationship; men have less reason to fear that
they will be socially sanctioned if they do not obtain
custody following a divorce. In a study of mothers
experiences of divorce, Kurz (1995) found a signi-
cant relationship between womens partner violence
victimization prior to the divorce and the experience
of fear during child custody negotiations. Moreover,
lesbian mothers might remain in a violent relation-
ship due to fears that they will lose custody of their
children if they are outed by their partners. These
ndings suggest that the gendered organization of the
distribution of income, paid work, and responsibility
for childrearing creates differential consequences for
womens and mens experiences of intimate partner
Rates of Intimate Partner Violence
Perpetration Among Women and Men
Will Vary by Structural Context
Structuralist gender theory is also helpful for
analyses of the ways in which rates of partner
violence differ across social contexts. One well-
documented research nding is that women perpe-
trate partner violence more often than men within
dating relationships (Frieze, 2000). In marriages,
rates of male- and female-perpetration seem to be
more equal (Archer, 2000). One explanation for this
difference might lie in the way in which gender orga-
nizes dating and marital relationships. In dating rela-
tionships, women are granted a degree of power in
that men are assigned the task of requesting dates
and women have the right of refusal (Goffman,
1977). Moreover, women are able to freely leave a
dating relationship (Frieze, 2000). Upon marriage,
the balance of power shifts in that men are norma-
tively considered to be heads of the household
and they usually control the economic resources.
The risks for womens violence perpetration increase
upon marriage because women are often economi-
cally dependent on the relationship and the relation-
ship is less easily dissolved (Archer, 2000).
The structuralist perspective on gender proposes
that women and men will experience partner assault
differently because they are differentially-situated
within societies organized by gender inequality. This
perspective suggests that although rates of perpetra-
tion and victimization may not vary by sex, the con-
sequences of victimization will differ for women and
men because these groups face different structural
opportunities and constraints. From this perspective,
a common-couple violence scenario in which a
woman slaps or shoves her male partner and he re-
sponds in kind is not gender-neutral; this woman
and man will in all likelihood be differentially posi-
tioned in terms of size, strength, and economic de-
Debates about howgender inuences partner vi-
olence have ourished in recent decades. However,
debate has centered on the denition of measure-
ment of violence rather than the denition and mea-
surement of gender. Bringing gender theory into the
debate complicates the discussion of whether women
and men are equally violent by asking us to recon-
sider what we mean by gender. Do we mean, by gen-
der, what women and men do? If so, the debate about
sexual symmetry in intimate partner violence is over.
We now have sufcient evidence that both women
and men engage in partner violence to put the issue
to rest (Archer, 2000). If, however, we apply inter-
actionist and structuralist gender perspectives to un-
derstanding gender and partner assault, there remain
numerous unanswered questions. Such theories push
862 Anderson
us toward questions of how gender matters rather
than whether rates of intimate violence differ by sex.
Interactionist theories of gender, as applied to
the issue of intimate partner violence, suggest that
violence is a means by which those who wish to be
seen as manly can demonstrate masculinity for oth-
ers. This approach suggests that interactive contexts
are part of gender and that we can identify contexts
in which male-perpetrated violence should be more
likely to occur. The following hypotheses, suggested
by interactionist gender theory, should inform future
H1: Gender Attributions Inuence the Ways in Which
Violence Is Dened and Evaluated by Observers
Mens violence will be treated more seriously
than womens violence due to our cultural stereo-
types about masculinity and violence. Women will
be viewed as more credible victims than men. Both
women and men will trivialize and discount female-
perpetrated violence.
H2: Mens Perpetration of Violence Will Be More
Likely to Occur in Contexts in Which Their
Masculine Identities Are Threatened
These contexts could include structural disad-
vantage (e.g., unemployment) and interactive situa-
tions in which men feel challenged or threatened by
the actions of their intimate partners.
H3: Mens Perpetration of Partner Violence
Will, Temporarily, Reinforce Their Sense
of Masculine Identity
Interactionists propose that violence can be used
to perform masculinity. Although a handful of qual-
itative studies suggest that violence is successful in
bolstering a sense of masculine identity (Anderson &
Umberson, 2001; Totten, 2003), the outcome of vio-
lence for gender identity remains an empirical ques-
tion. Moreover, interactionists propose that gender
identity is not a stable quality of individuals, but uid
and shifting across time and place (Deaux & Major,
1990; West & Zimmerman, 1987). Thus, it will be
methodologically difcult to assess the ways in which
violence inuences mens sense of masculinity with-
out access to data on the process and context of spe-
cic violent incidents.
H4: Womens Perpetration of Partner Violence Will
Challenge Their Sense of Feminine Identity
Women who perpetrate partner assaults might
experience guilt and a sense of shame for behavior
that does not meet cultural expectations for feminine
comportment. Alternatively, as noted above, women
might dismiss their own violence as trivial or unim-
portant because they view themselves as too weak
to do any harm.
Structuralist gender theory suggests that the
experience of partner violence will differ by sex
due to the larger structure of gender inequality
within society. The larger social and cultural cir-
cumstances that shape gendered experiences of vio-
lence have been undertheorized in intimate partner
violence research. Specic hypotheses about part-
ner violence suggested by structuralist gender theory
include the following.
H5: Differential Injury Rates by Sex Are Linked to
Differential Training and Experience With the Use
of Violence and to Advantages in Size and Strength
Mens more successful use of violence is not sim-
ply natural; it is organized by gender. Of particu-
lar interest would be studies that assess whether in-
jury differences by sex occur among the minority of
heterosexual couples in which women are physically
larger and stronger than their male partners or in
which women have training in the use of violence.
H6: Women Will Be More Likely Than Men to
Experience Economic, Social, and Psychological
Barriers to Leaving Violent Relationships
Compared to male victims, female victims of
partner violence will be more likely to be trapped
in violent relationships due to economical depen-
dency, social isolation, and damaging psychological
H7: Rates and Experiences of Partner Violence
Will Vary Across Structural Contexts
A small body of existing research documents
variation in rates of partner assault across structural
contexts. Past studies nd that women perpetrate
violence at higher rates in dating than in marital
contexts and that rates of perpetration are higher
Theorizing Gender in Intimate Partner Violence Research 863
among both women and men in cohabiting relation-
ships as compared to marriages (Anderson, 1997;
Frieze, 2000). Additionally, survey ndings suggest
that U.S. women perpetrate intimate violence at
higher rates than women in other nations, a nding
that Archer (2000) suggests may be related to the
success of feminist movements in the U.S. Although
men perpetrate more intimate homicides than
women in most societies, U.S. women are more
likely than women in other countries to kill their
intimate partners (Felson, 2002). Additional studies
of contextual variation in the incidence of mens and
womens partner violence will help us to understand
the interactions between gender inequalities in the
larger society and intimate violence. Comparative
studies of womens and mens experiences of vio-
lence in dating, marital, and cohabiting contexts are
needed to explain why rates of intimate violence
perpetration by sex vary across these contexts.
In their recent review of domestic violence
scholarship in the 1990s, Johnson and Ferraro (2000)
criticized domestic violence researchers for treating
violence a unitary phenomenon. We need to further
recognize that gender is not a unitary phenomenon
that can be reduced to self-reported sex (Connell,
1995; Deaux & Major, 1990). Gender is multidimen-
sional; it has consequences for individual identities
and attitudes, social interaction, and structural
Feminist critiques of the use of gender as a vari-
able (e.g., Williams, 1991) have not been recognized
within the academic debate about sex symmetry in
intimate violence. The use of sex, uncritically, as a
predictor of violent behavior suggests that individ-
ual sex causes violent behavior, reifying essential-
ist notions of gender difference (or a lack thereof).
This individualist gender framework underlies recent
claims of gender-neutrality in intimate partner vio-
lence. Scholars who believe that a gender-lens is cru-
cial for an understanding of partner violence need a
stronger theoretical language with which to counter
the claims drawn from sex-symmetry research. We
must clarify that the individualist approach to gen-
der reduces our chances of understanding the com-
plex ways in which violence is gendered within
Interactionalist and structuralist approaches to
gender may provide more fruitful contributions
to our understanding of the relationship between
gender and partner violence than individualist ap-
proaches. The hypotheses informed by interaction-
ist and structuralist gender theories that are pro-
posed here will require comparative data on womens
and mens experiences of intimate violence victim-
ization and perpetration across social contexts. Pre-
vious intimate partner violence research has largely
studied women as victims and men as perpetrators
(Anderson, 2002). Although there are a number of
recent studies of women as perpetrators of domes-
tic violence, these studies do not compare the corre-
lates and characteristics of female versus male per-
petrators (Babcock, Miller, & Siard, 2003; Stuart,
Moore, Ramsey, & Kahler, 2004). Research on vio-
lence within gay and lesbian relationships, to date,
has largely focused on exploring violence within one
group (e.g., gay men or lesbians) and thus does
help us to understand how rates, correlates, or con-
sequences of violence may differ by sex and sex-
ual orientation (Greenwood et al., 2002; Merrill,
1998; Renzetti, 1998). Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)
comparative analysis of intimate violence among
same-sex and opposite-sex cohabiting relationships
nds that rates of intimate violence victimization are
higher among both men and women who have lived
with male partners than with female partners. How-
ever, their study does not assess whether correlates
or outcomes of victimization vary by sexual orienta-
tion. Additional comparative research that examines
the correlates and consequences of intimate violence
by data by sex and sexual orientation is needed to
understand the ways in which gender and sexuality
matter to the experience of intimate violence.
The vast majority of previous studies on gender
and partner violence have used an individualist ap-
proach to gender. Interactionist and structuralist gen-
der theories can help us to understand that, although
men and women may report perpetrating violence
at similar rates, this does not mean that intimate vi-
olence is not a gendered problem. Gender is more
than a characteristic of individuals. It also exists in
the larger societal expectations for behavior and in
the ways in which men and women are differentially
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