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The Guru Sadhana called "Light Amassment of Blessings"

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On a comfortable cushion assuming the points of the body, (the seven-point posture of Vairocana), train well in the common preliminary practices, and with
thoughts of renunciation take refuge and arouse bodhicitta.
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chog sum kn d la ma lhar / jang chub bar du dag kyab chi
In the Lama and deity who are the embodiment of the three jewels I take refuge until attaining enlightenment.
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nyam thag kha khyab dro drl chir / la ma sang gye drub tsn ja
In order to liberate helpless wayfaring beings pervading space, I shall diligently strive to accomplish the enlightened Lama.
Repeat three times
<%-?3?- $?=- !%-:.-s:-$<-H3- .2?<%-<$-%-2-.0=-w/-]-3-/
rang sem sal tong nge gur khyim / rang rig ngo wo pal den la ma ni
My natural mind, luminous and void, [manifests] as a sphere of five-colored light. In its center [appears] the glorious Lama who in essence is
my own innate awareness.
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gyen me cher bu ang rag gom thag chen / gye pe nyam chen tse we dro la zig
Naked and without ornamentation he [is solely bedecked with] Angrag pants
and a meditation belt. With joyful countenance he beholds [all]
beings with love.
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chag ye ch khor bar me kor wa yi / tong sum kn du ch kyi char pa beb
By turning the Dharma wheel unceasingly with his right hand, the billionfold universe [is imbued] with the rainfall of Dharma, ever showering
K$-$;/-2..-l?- z%- 29.-:6/-0-;??3?-&/-*/- 3%?- /.- i3?- $?-2<-L.
chag yn d tsi lhung ze dzin pa yi /sem chen nyn mong ne nam so war je
By holding a begging bowl filled with nectar in his left hand, he heals the malady of kleshas of sentient beings.
v-2<-*-!%-_-.!<-:.-9<- &/.-;-:.-G?-.?-$?3- o=- 2- i3?
te war nyi teng hung kar zer chen / de yi kyi d sum gyal wa nam
At his navel upon a sun disk [stands] a white luminous HUNG emitting rays of light and
kha wa bu yug tshub zhin chen drang tim / d sum sang gye kn d ngo wor sam
summoning the Conquerors who descend like snowflakes in a blizzard and dissolve into him.
Thus consider him to be the embodiment of the Buddha of Past, Present and Future.
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The offering of the seven limbs
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jam dang nying je dag nyi chen re zig / dro la ma tar tse we drl ma ng
As the manifestation of loving kindness and compassion you are Chenrezig. [Because] you love all beings like a mother does [a child], you are
the true Tara.
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kyil khor gya tsh khyab dag dor je chang / pal den gar chen zhab la sl wa deb
As the lord who pervades an ocean of mandalas you are Vajradhara. I supplicate you, glorious Garchen!
]-3-.%-S/-0-<%-?3?-$?3:.- :V=- 3.-0?-$?-K$-:2=
la ma dang dren pa rang sem sum / du dral me pe g chag bl
[Through realizing] the threethe Lama, vigilance, and my own mindto be a union free from meeting and parting, reverent prostration is
[spontaneously made.]
5$?-S$- <%- 28$- 3- 2&?-%%-$%- Y.-3(.- 0:-o/-.-:2=
tshog drug rang zhag ma ch ngang / nang si ch pe gyen du bl
From within an unmodified state in which the six senses are settled in their natural place, all phenomenal existence, the finest of offerings, is
[spontaneously] given.
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nyn mong nam tog trin tshog nam / rang drl kha ying long du shag
Within the space where all kleshas and conceptual thoughts amassed like clouds are self-liberated, confession [spontaneously occurs.]
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nyi dzin zeb kyi ma ching par / nyam nyi ngang ne je yi rang
Within a state of equanimity, unconfined by the cage of dualistic fixation, rejoicing [spontaneously arises.]
3-<$-3/-:,3- :P-2-=;->?-1/-3-&<- 36.- $?=
ma rig mn thum dro wa la / ye she drn me bar dze sl
I request you to kindle the torch of primordial awareness for transient beings enveloped by the darkness of unawareness.
dag sog dro we s kal du / ku tshe zhab pe tag ten sl
For the sake of merit and good fortune for myself and others, may your life be long and steadfast.
|3-12- =- ?$?- .$-5$?- i3?3#:- H2- 3- c/- ./- :I<->$
gom drub la sog ge tshog nam / kha khyab ma gen dn gyur shog
May the merit gathered through meditation practice and so forth turn into the welfare of all mother sentient beings.
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This seven-limb prayer was offered by Drikung Nuba Rinpoche during Garchen Rinpoche's retreat in the Drog Lapchi snow range.e.
3- 2&?-<%-<$-(?-{-3%/-.-I<.3$?-3.-2l-(/- :P-#3?-;%?- =- H2
ma ch rang rig ch ku ngn du gyur / mig me tse chen dro kham yong la khyab
You have realized the uncontrived self-aware Dharmakaya. Your unconditioned great love pervades all beings and realms.
5.-3.- :U/-=?-$.=-L:-#3?-28/-:)$%?-./-2!/-0:-*- 3<- $?=-2-:.2?
tshe me thrin le dl je kham zhin jug / nge dn ten pe nyi mar sl wa deb
With your immeasurable enlightened activity you guide those to be tamed according to their inclinations. I supplicate you, the sun of the
teachings of the absolute truth.
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Repeat these blessed words spoken by Adeu Rinpoche three or seven times.
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te war nyi teng ngag threng ye kor gyi / tong nyi nying je kyi gyal kn ch
At his navel upon a sun disk the mantra chain rotates clockwise. From it the light of emptiness and compassion radiates and makes offerings to
all Conquerors and
sem chen le nyn dig drib bag chag jang / n ch dag pa rab jam zhing gyur sam
purifies the karmas, kleshas, negativities, and propensities of sentient being. Think that the vessel and its contents have become a field of all-
embracing purity. br
Recite [the mantra] as many times as
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thar ni n ch zhu la mar thim / la ma nge gong bur gyur ne su
At the end, the vessel and its contents melt into light and dissolve into the Lama. The Lama transforms into a five-colored orb,
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rang gi nying khar thim pe thug yi dre / la ma rang sem yer me ngo wor ta
dissolves into my heart, and our minds merge. Look at the nature of the Lama's enlightened mind and your own mind united!
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Know that your conscious awareness is the nature of the Lama. Preserve mindful awareness, the essence of the Lama,
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ge wa di yi nyur du dag / pal den la ma drub gyur ne
Through this virtue, may I swiftly accomplish the glorious Lama,
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dro wa chig kyang ma l pa / de yi sa la g par shog
and thus establish all sentient beings without exception in that state.
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Following the earnest request of the devoted disciple Kunchog Dekyi, this practice was composed by the 8th Garchen Rinpoche Ngedn Tenpe Nyima
and written down by the disciple Thubten Nyima (Gape Lama). May it be virtuous
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When the oral transmission for this sadhana was requested Rinpoche said that it is permissible to recite this practice without having received the oral transmission.
Rinpoche said that giving rise to Bodhicitta is the actual transmission.
Translated into English by Ina Bieler in November 2007.

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