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We have a deeply experienced and dedicated board, which led

the company successfully through a search for a new chief

executive at the end of 2007. I want to thank Charles Prince,
who left the company and the board this fall, for his efforts on
behalf of Citi for many years and for the many contributions he
made in embedding in the company a culture of responsibility
to our clients, to each other and to our franchise. Adding to the
breadth of our board since July is Robert L. Ryan, retired chief
fnancial offcer of Medtronic.
A period of market turmoil such as the one we have
experienced this year rightfully forces a company to examine
itself and look inward. But Citi, with its integration into the
communities of the world at large, has also never been more
committed to reaching beyond our offce doors. In May, we
announced a $44 billion local currency fnancing program
involving Citibank India and SKS Microfnance that is facilitating
fnancial access through micro loans to more than 250,000
women residents of rural villages in 11 Indian states. We are now
directing $50 billion over the next ten years to address global
climate change through investments, fnancings and related
activities to support the commercialization and growth of
alternative energy and clean technology among our clients and
the markets we serve, as well as within our own businesses and
operations. With a presence in more than 100 countries, we are
conscious of our responsibility to the people and communities
who are our customers. Environmental and climate issues pose
a signifcant challenge to the world and the global economy,
and they will require creative fnancial and investment
We are making changes that will position Citi to compete and
win. We will continue to build on our remarkable franchise and
embrace opportunities around the world for our clients. I look
forward to reporting on our progress.
Sir Winfried Bischoff
It is a privilege for me to have been asked to serve as Chairman
of Citi at this important time in our companys history. I look
forward to working with Vikram Pandit and our board as we
strive to reestablish our leading position in world markets and
guide Citi toward long-term growth and success.
The sobering results of this year notwithstanding, I would like
to reinforce that this is a great company with talented and
dedicated employees and a robust and innovative range of
products and services. I have long admired this frms
extraordinary client relationships, which are built on service
and insights provided by our people with their local and global
perspective. As a result of the drive and commitment of our
people, we have won the loyalty of our clients over many years.
These same employees, most of whom own stock in the
company, have shared the pain of diminished personal wealth
with all shareholders. We regret these losses to all our
shareholders and thank you for your continued faith in Citis
unparalleled franchise and longer-term prospects. Among the
employees with signifcant stakes in Citis future are the
members of our management team. We are fortunate to have
many managers who run our businesses well and who have
earned trust and respect throughout the industry and, indeed,
throughout the world.
Dear felloW ShareholDerS,

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