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Engleza bilingv admitere cl IX-a 30.05.

Varianta 2
1. For questions 1-12, decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
At 19, Ben Way was (0)
a millionaire, and one of a number of teenagers who
91) ......................their fortune through the Internet. (2) .......................makes Bens story all the more
remarkable is that he is dyslexic, and was (3) teachers at his junior school that he
would never be able to read or write properly. I wanted to prove them (4) ........ says Ben, creator and
director of Waysearch, a net engine which can be used to find goods in online shopping malls.
When he was eight, his local authorities (5) ....................him with a PC to help with school work.
Although he was (6)........................ to read the manuals, he had a natural ability with the computer,
and encouraged by his father, he soon began (7) .............................10$ an hour for his knowledge
and skills. At the age of 15 he (8) .................. up his own computer consultancy, Quad Computer,
which he ran from his bedroom, and two years later he left school to (9) ..................all his time to
business. By this time the company had grown and I needed to take on a couple of emplyees to
help me, says Ben. That enabled me to start (10) with bigger companies.
It was his ability to consistently overcome difficult challenges that led him to win the Young
Entrepreneur of the Year award in the same year that he formed Waysearch.

A yet
A taken
A This
A said
A wrong
A provided
A impossible
A owing
A put
A pay
A having

B just
B made
B That
B told
B false
B gave
B incapable
B charging
B ran
B spend
B doing

C already
C put
C Something
C suggested
C untrue
C offered
C disabled
C lending
C made
C devote
C making

D even
D done
D What
D reported
D unfair
D got
D unable
D borrowing
D set
D invest
D bringing

2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Modern art
Modern art has become rather (0) fashionable oin the North-East
Of England, and large metallic (1) ...........................are now fairly
Commonplace in the region. The 92) .............................known of
These is the 200-ton steel figure, Angel of the North, erected in
Gateshead at the (3)............................cost of 800,000. Many local
People were horrified at the (4) spend such a large
Sum on a 65-foot metal structure. Nevertheless, the Angel is
(5) of the most frequently viewed artworks in
the world, seen (6) almost 100,000 passing motorists.
A number of (7) Hartlepool were similarly upset
When they were greeted one day by the (8) ...........................of 15
Giant, metal balls on a traffic roundabout in the town centre.
They described the payment of 70,000 for the spheres as
(9) ....................................and felt the money could have been spent on
something more directly (10) the local population.


3. Read the text bellow and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Over the centuries millions of animal mummies (0) have been discovered in Egypt. (1) ...........lying
Alongside human mummies, and others in their own separate cemeteries. We know, of course, that
the Egyptians mummified pharaohs, queens and priests to ensure (2)...........passage into the afterlife.
But why did they bury so (3) ........... animals? Some, it seems, were pets; in the same way that
possessions were burried (4)..........the use of the dead in the afterlife; a favourite cat, dog or monkey
would (5)........... sacrificied in order to keep deceased company there. Other animals, however, were
intended (6) to the gods; a corcodile to please Sobek or a cow for Hathor. Whole catacombs
were dedicated to particular animals, such as cats, dogs or birds, (7) .............were burried in large
numbers, possibly to mark a religious festival. (8) .......animal was considered too small or insignificant
for mummification: snakes, beetles, fish of all sizes and even the eggs of birds and reptiles. (9)...........
Animal mummies were clearly very important to the ancient Egyptians, few studies have been carried
out on the subject, perhaps because there was always been more interest (10).......human mummies.
4. Rephrase the following:
1. She began playing the piano when she was 18 - SINCE
She ...................................................she was 18.
2. He finished his homework before going to bed. - UNTIL
He didnt go to bed .........................................................
3. I will finish the lesson and then I will explain the problem to you.
I will explain the problem to you .....................................the lesson.
4. I am certain Martin didnt eat the orange. CANT
Martin ..............................................the orange.
5. It wasnt necessary for him to arrive that early. HAVE
He ...........................................................that early.
6. Sue would rather eat chocolate than eat salad. PREFER
Sue salad.
7. Although it was cold, we sat outside.
..............................................we sat outside.
8. I was upset, thats why I didnt say anything.
If I ............................................................something.
9. There were a lot of people at the meeting. I had never met many of them.
There were a lot of people at the meeting ..........................................I had never met.
10. Our grass is cut by the gardener daily. HAVE
We ......................................................daily.
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. If I were you, I (not/buy) .........................................................................these trousers.
2. No sooner (he/break) ..................................the news to her than she broke down and started to cry.
3. He is upset. (He/argue)....................................................with his father?
4. I would rather you (not/sit) the back of the class.
5. It is high time (you/get) ...................................down to some serious work.
6. It is the first time (I/fly) ..................................................................a plane.
7. I cant believe (you/eat) ..............those cakes already. I only (bring)............them in few minutes ago.
8. By the time she arrives, I (make) ............................................dinner.
9. Dont call at 8. The baby (sleep)........................................then.
10. The orchestra played very well last night. They (practice)....................together for the weeks
before they held the concert.

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