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Listos 1 Teachers Guide new PoS information

Covering the Programmes of Study

1. Key concepts
There are a number of key concepts outlined in the QCA Prorammes of Study! which underpin the study of
lanuaes" Pupils need to understand these concepts in order to deepen and broaden their knowlede! skills
and understandin" These are addressed in all modules of #Listos! 1! so are not included in the tables below!
but are listed here for reference"
a. Linguistic competence
a de$elopin the skills of listenin! speakin! readin and writin in a rane of situations and
b applyin linuistic knowlede and skills to understand and communicate effecti$ely
b. Knowledge about language
a understandin how a lanuae works and how to manipulate it
b reconisin that lanuaes differ but may share common rammatical! syntactical or le%ical
c. Creativity
a usin familiar lanuae for new purposes and in new conte%ts
b usin imaination to e%press thouhts! ideas! e%periences and feelins
d. Intercultural understanding
a appreciatin the richness and di$ersity of other cultures
b reconisin that there are different ways of seein the world! and de$elopin an international

The table below indicates where in #Listos! 1,
pupils ha$e the opportunity to proress in the Key
processes, ange and content! and Curriculum
opportunities prescribed in the QCA Prorammes
of Study" &or each area we ha$e indicated where
these appear in the core units of the Pupils 'ook"
There are further opportunities both in the Pupils
'ook and the supplementary components" (ore
detail is pro$ided in the rids at the beinnin of
each module in this Teachers Guide"
!. Key processes
These are the essential skills and processes in lanuaes that pupils need to learn to make proress"
)"1 *e$elopin lanuae+learnin strateies , pupils should be able to-
a identify patterns in the taret lanuae (odule ) .nit 1! (odule / .nit )! (odule 0 .nit 1
b de$elop techni1ues for memorisin words! phrases
and spellins
(odule 1 .nit )! (odule 1 .nit 2! Resumen 3all modules)
c use their knowlede of 4nlish or another lanuae
when learnin the taret lanuae
(odule ) .nit )! (odule 5 .nit 1! (odule 2 .nit 1
d use pre$ious knowlede! conte%t and other clues to
work out the meanin of what they hear or read
(odule ) Extra!! (odule 5 .nit 5! (odule 0 .nit 5
e use reference materials such as dictionaries
appropriately and effecti$ely
(odule 1 Resumen! (odule 5 .nit )! (odule 5 .nit 2
)") *e$elopin lanuae skills , pupils should be able to-
a listen for ist or detail (odule ) .nit /! (odule / .nit 5! (odule 0 .nit )
b skim and scan written te%ts for the main points or
(odule / Extra!! (odule 0 .nit 0! (odule 2 .nit 0
c respond appropriately to spoken and written
(odule 1 Extra!! (odule ) Te Toca a ti, (odule 0 Preprate

d use correct pronunciation and intonation (odule 1 .nit 1! (odule ) .nit 5! (odule 5 .nit )
e ask and answer 1uestions (odule 1 .nit 2! (odule ) unit 5! (odule 5 .nit 2
f initiate and sustain con$ersations (odule ) unit /! (odule 5 .nit 0! (odule 2 .nit 5
g write clearly and coherently! includin an
appropriate le$el of detail
(odule ) .nit 5, (odule / .nit ), (odule 0 .nit )
h redraft their writin to impro$e accuracy and 1uality (odule / .nit /! (odule 5 .nit /! (odule 2 .nit 2
i re+use lanuae that they ha$e heard or read in their
own speakin and writin
(odule ) .nit 0! (odule / Te Toca a ti! (odule 0 .nit 5
" adapt lanuae they already know in new conte%ts
for different purposes
(odule / .nit )! (odule 5 .nit 2! (odule 2 .nit 5
# deal with unfamiliar lanuae! une%pected responses
and unpredictable situations
(odule 5 .nit 2! (odule 0 .nit 0! (odule 2 Extra !
$. ange and content
This section outlines the breadth of the sub6ect on which teachers should draw when teachin the key concepts and key
processes" The study of lanuaes should include-
a the spoken and written form of the taret lanuae All modules
b the interrelationship between sounds and writin in
the taret lanuae
(odule 1 .nit 5! (odule ) .nit /! (odule / .nit 1
c the rammar of the taret lanuae and how to apply
(odule ) .nit /! (odule / .nit )! (odule 5 .nit 0
d a rane of $ocabulary and structures (odule 5 .nit 2! (odule 0 .nit 0! (odule 2 .nit /
e learnin about different countries and cultures (odule / .nit /! (odule 0 Extra!! (odule 2 Extra!
f comparin pupils own e%periences and perspecti$es
with those of people in countries and communities
where the taret lanuae is spoken
(odule / .nit 5! (odule 5 Extra!! (odule 2 Extra!
%. Curriculum opportunities
*urin the key stae pupils should be offered the followin opportunities that are interal to their learnin and enhance
their enaement with the concepts! processes and content of the sub6ect" The curriculum should pro$ide opportunities
for pupils to-
a hear! speak! read and write in the taret
lanuae reularly and fre1uently within the
classroom and beyond
All modules
b communicate in the taret lanuae
indi$idually! in pairs! in roups and with
speakers of the taret lanuae! includin
nati$e speakers! where possible! for a $ariety of
(odule ) .nit 0! (odule / .nit )! (odule 2 .nit 5
c use an increasin rane of more comple%
(odule 5 Extra !! (odule 0 Extra !, (odule 2 .nit 2
d make links with 4nlish at word! sentence and
te%t le$el
(odule 1 .nit 7! (odule / .nit 1! (odule 5 Extra !
e use a rane of resources! includin 8CT! for
accessin and communicatin information
(odule 1 .nit 7! (odule ) .nit 2! (odule 0 Extra!
f listen to! read or $iew a rane of materials!
includin authentic materials in the taret
lanuae! both to support learnin and for
personal interest and en6oyment
(odule ) unit 5! (odule / Extra !, (odule 2 Extra!
g use the taret lanuae in connection with
topics and issues that are enain and may be
related to other areas of the curriculum
(odule / Extra !, (odule 0 Extra !! (odule 2 .nit 5
Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
1 &'ienvenidos ( 3Pupils 'ook paes 2+)0:
PoS *rammar and
#ey language
1 &+ola(
3pp" 2+7:
Askin a friends name
Gi$in your name
Greetin someone
Askin how someone is
.nchaned ,
please refer
to oriinal
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$b sounds and writin
%b communicate in pairs etc"
.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
! ,n la mochila
3pp" ;+<:
Sayin what you ha$e in your
=amin classroom items
Sayin what you need
!.1b memorisin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
$c apply rammar
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
$ -Cu.ntos a/os tienes0
3pp" 1?+11:
Sayin how old you are
Askin someone their ae
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!f initiate > sustain con$ersations
$b sounds and writin
%b communicate in pairs etc"
% &1eli2 cumplea/os(
3pp" 1)+1/:
Talkin about dates
Sayin when your birthday is
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
3 ,n clase
3pp" 15+10:
Classroom instructions
Classroom ob6ects
*ays of the week
!.1a identify patterns
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%d make links with 4nlish

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
4 -Como se escribe0
3pp" 12+17:
The Spanish alphabet
Spellin your name
(ore classroom phrases
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.1b memorisin
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$b sounds and writin
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%f lanuae for interest >

.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
5 &Con6ctate(
=amin parts of a computer
Phrases for usin a
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%d make links with 4nlish
%e use a rane of resources
esumen y Prep.rate
3pp" )?+)1:
Pupils checklist and practice
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( Se llama 8eus
3pp" ))+)/:
@ptional e%tension unit-
a school photo story
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!c respond appropriately
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 112+117:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1d work out meanin
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
! 9: y yo 3Pupils 'ook paes )2+5/:
PoS *rammar
and #ey
1 -;e d<nde eres0
3pp" )2+)7:
Country names
Sayin your nationality
Sayin where you are from
, please
refer to
!.1a identify patterns
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
.nchaned ,
please refer
to oriinal
! -;<nde vives0
3pp" );+)<:
Sayin where you li$e
Sayin what lanuaes you
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!f initiate > sustain con$ersations
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
$ -9ienes hermanos0
3pp" /?+/1:
Talkin about your family
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!f initiate > sustain con$ersations
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%g use TL for enain topics
% -9ienes un animal en
3pp" /)+//:
Talkin about pets
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%f lanuae of interest > en6oyment

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
3 Los o"os y el pelo
3pp" /5+/0:
*escribin your eyes and
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
4 -C<mo eres0
3pp" /2+/7:
*escribin your siAe
*escribin your colourin
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
%c use more comple% lanuae
%e use a rane of resources
esumen y Prep.rate
Pupils checklist and practice
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( Se hable espa/ol
3pp" 5?+51:
@ptional e%tension unit- a
map showin Spanish
speakin countries across
the world
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!c respond appropriately
$e different countries > cultures
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
%g use TL for enain topics
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 11;+11<:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1d work out meanin
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
$ &=amos al instituto( 3Pupils 'ook paes 55+21:
PoS *rammar
and #ey
1 >e ecanata la inform.tica
3pp" 55+50:
Talkin about school sub6ects
4%pressin likes and dislikes
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.1a identify patterns
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
%d make links with 4nlish
.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
! La historia es interesante
3pp" 52+57:
Gi$in opinions about school
and school sub6ects
!.1a identify patterns
!.1d work out meanin
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!" adapt pre$iously learned
$c apply rammar
%b communicate in pairs etc"
$ -?u6 hora es0
3pp" 5;+5<:
Askin the time
Sayin the time
Talkin about your school
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!h redraft to impro$e writin
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
$e different countries > cultures
$f compare e%periences
%d make links with 4nlish
% La hora de comer
3pp" 0?+01:
Talkin about meal times
Sayin what you ha$e to eat
and drink
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
$f compare e%periences

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
3 >i instituto
3pp" 0)+0/:
*escribin your school
.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
!.1a identify patterns
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!b skim and scan
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
$f compare e%periences
$e different countries > cultures
.nchaned ,
please refer
to oriinal
4 &@a liegamos(
3pp" 05+00:
Sayin how you et to school
!.1a identify patterns
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$c apply rammar
%b communicate in pairs etc"
esumen y Prep.rate
Pupils checklist and practice
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( )n instituto en
3pp" 0;+0<:
@ptional e%tension unit-
bein at school in Spain
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!b skim and scan
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$f compare e%periences
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
%g use TL for enain topics
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 1)?+1)1:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1d work out meanin
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
% ,n Casa 3Pupils 'ook paes 2)+7<:
PoS *rammar
and #ey
1 -;<nde vives0
3pp" 2)+2/:
Talkin about your home
Sayin where it is
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!a listen for ist >detail
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
, please
refer to
! -C<mo es tu casa0
3pp" 25+20:
*escribin your house
!.1e use reference materials
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$b sounds and writin
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
$ ,l plano de mi casa
3pp" 22+27:
*escribin the rooms in your
!.1b memorisin
!.!a listen for ist >detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!h redraft to impro$e writin
$b sounds and writin
$f compare e%periences
% >i dormitorio
3pp" 2;+2<:
*escribin your bedroom
!.1d work out meanin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!b skim and scan
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%f lanuae of interest > en6oyment
3 Por la ma/ana
3pp" 7?+71:
Talkin about your daily
!.1a identify patterns
!.!a listen for ist >detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
4 Por la tarde
3pp" 7)+7/:
Talkin about what you do after
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.1d work out meanin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!" reuse lanuae they ha$e met
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
$f compare e%periences
%e use a rane of resources

, please
refer to
esumen y Prep.rate
Pupils checklist and practice test
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( >i casa
3pp" 72+77:
@ptional e%tension unit- talkin
about houses
!.1d work out meanin
!.!b skim and scan
$f compare e%periences
%c use more comple% lanuae
%d make links with 4nlish
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 1))+1)/:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1d work out meanin
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
3 >i pueblo 3Pupils 'ook paes ;?+<7:
PoS *ramm
ar and
1 =oy al polideportivo
3pp" ;?+;1:
Sayin where you are oin
, please
refer to
!.!a listen for ist >detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!f initiate > sustain con$ersations
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$c apply rammar
d , please
refer to
! -Por d<nde se va al Corte
3pp" ;)+;/:
Gi$in directions
.nderstandin directions
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
%b communicate in pairs etc"
$ Sube le avenida y cru2a la
pla2a A
3pp" ;5+;0:
*escribin the location of places
in a town
Gi$in more detailed directions
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
% -,st. cerca0
3pp" ;2+;7:
Talkin about distance
!.1d work out meanin
!.!b skim and scan
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
$b sounds and writin
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
3 -Como es tu ciudad0
3pp" ;;+;<:
Talkin about what your town
is like
.nchaned ,
please refer to
oriinal edition
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!b skim and scan
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%d make links with 4nlish
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
.nchaned ,
please refer
to oriinal
4 -?u6 tiempo hace0
3pp" <?+<1:
Talkin about the weather
!.1b memorisin
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
esumen y Prep.rate
Pupils checklist and practice
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( )n paseo por
3pp" <5+<0:
@ptional e%tension unit- about
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!b skim and scan
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$e different countries > cultures
%c use more comple% lanuae
%e use a rane of resources
%g use TL for enain topics
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 1)5+1)0:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1d work out meanin
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!" adapt pre$iously learned
!.!# *eal with unfamiliar lanuae
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
4 ,l tiempo libre 3Pupils 'ook paes <;+110:
PoS *rammar
and #ey
1 -?u6 deportes0
3pp" <;+<<:
Talkin about sports
.nchaned ,
please refer to
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$b sounds and writin
$c apply rammar
, please
refer to
! -?ue te gusta hacer en tu
tiempo libre0
3pp" 1??+1?1:
Talkin about what you like
doin in your free time
!.!a listen for ist >detail
!.!b skim and scan
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
%d make links with 4nlish
$ -?u6 haces los fines de
3pp" 1?)+1?/:
Talkin about what you do
durin the week
Talkin what you do at the
!.1a identify patterns
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!g write clearly and coherently
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%c use more comple% lanuae
% )ne cita
3pp" 1?5+1?0:
Arranin to o out
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist >detail
!.!e ask and answer 1uestions
!.!f initiate > sustain con$ersations
!.!" adapt pre$iously+learnt lanuae
%g use TL for enain topics

3 ,ste fin de semana
3pp" 1?2+1?7:
Sayin what you are oin to do
at the weekend
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!b skim and scan
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"

Listos 1 Teachers Guide 9eplacement paes
PoS *rammar
and #ey
4-Byudas en casa0
3pp" 1?;+1?<:
Sayin how you help at home
Sayin how you are oin to
help at the weekend
!.1c knowlede of lanuae
!.!d pronunciation and intonation
!.!h redraft to impro$e writin
$c apply rammar
$d use a rane of $ocab > structures
%b communicate in pairs etc"
%c use more comple% lanuae
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
esumen y Prep.rate
Pupils checklist and practice
!.1b memorisin
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!i reuse lanuae they ha$e met
&,7tra( &+asta luego (
3pp" 11)+11/:
@ptional e%tension unit-
youn Spanish people talkin
about their routines and
!.1d work out meanin
!.!a listen for ist > detail
!.!b skim and scan
!.!# deal with unfamiliar lanuae
$e different countries > cultures
$f compare e%periences
%d make links with 4nlish
%f lanuae for interest > en6oyment
9e 9oca a ti
3pp" 1)2+1)7:
Self+access readin and
writin at two le$els
!.1e use reference materials
!.!c respond appropriately
!.!g write clearly and coherently
!.!" adapt pre$iously learned

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