September 28, 2014 Worship Folder

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The Call To Worship

~ based on Psalm 98 ~

Leader: Oh sing to the Lord a new song,
for He has done marvellous things! His
right hand and His holy arm have
worked salvation for Him.

Unison: The Lord has made known His
salvation; He has revealed His right-
eousness in the sight of the nations. He
has remembered His steadfast love and
faithfulness to the house of Israel, and
the ends of the earth have seen the
salvation of our God.

Leader: Make a joyful noise to the Lord,
all the earth; break forth into joyous
song and sing praises!

Prayer Of Adoration

Songs Of Praise & Worship


O Lord, our Lord
How majestic is
Your name in all the earth
O Lord, our Lord
How majestic is
Your name inall the earth

The heavens declare
Your greatness
The oceans cry out to You
The mountains
They bow down before You
So I'll join with the earth
And I'll give my praise to You

I will worship You, I will worship You
I will worship You, I will worship You

We will worship You
We will worship You
King of Glory

Lift up your gaze, be lifted up
Tell everyone how great the love
The love come down from heavens gate
To kiss the earth with hope and grace

Sing, Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty!

Lift up your hands, be lifted up
Let the redeemed declare the love
And we bow down at heavens gate
To kiss the feet of hope and grace

Sing, Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty!

There is one God, He is holy
There is one Lord over everything
There is one King, He is Jesus
King of glory, strong and mighty!

You are the King of glory
The Lord, strong and mighty!
(repeat 4x)
Call To Repentance &

~ Jeremiah 17:9 ~

Leader: The Lord has spoken through the
prophet Jeremiah saying, The heart is
deceitful above all things and despera-
tely sick; who can understand it? I the
Lord search the heart and examine the

Prayer Of Confession

Leader: Gracious God, our sins are too
heavy to carry, too real to hide, and to
deep to undo.

~ Silent Confession & Reflection ~

Leader: Forgive what our lips tremble to
name, what our hearts can no longer bear,
and what has become for us a consuming
fire of judgment.

~ Silent Confession & Reflection ~

Leader: Set us free from a past we cannot
change; open to us a future in which we
can be changed.

~ Silent Confession & Reflection ~

Leader: And grant us to grow more and
more in Your likeness and image, though
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Words Of The Gospel

~ based on 1 John 1:8-2:1 ~

Leader: While it is true that we have
sinned, it is a greater truth that God offers
forgiveness to all who turn to the Lord
Jesus Christ, seeking His grace and
pardon. He is the Righteous One - our
Advocate - who speaks in our defence.
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins,
and for the sins of the world.

To all who humbly seek the mercy of
God, I say to you that in Christ Jesus
your sins are forgiven!

Song Of Response

"Amazing Love (You Are My King)"

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, You were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Amazing love, how can it be?
That You, my King, would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
Its my joy to honour You
In all I do Ill honour you

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

(repeat chorus)

You are my king
You are my king
Jesus, You are my king
Jesus, You are my king

(repeat chorus)
The Prayers Of The People
For The Church & City

Leader: Let us pray.

Unison: Our Father in Heaven, hallow-
ed be your name. Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done, on earth as it is in

Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our debts as we also have
forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the
glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

Presentation Of Our Tithes
& Offerings

Song Of Preparation

Hail the Day

Hail the day that Christ arose
Through the skies to worlds unknown
Glorious there He ever reigns
Object of all Heavens praise

See Him lift His hands above
See the scars of His great love
He has conquered death and sin
Saving all who hope in Him

Hallelujah, hallelujah
The King of Love is on His throne
Hallelujah, hallelujah
His grace will lead us safely home

Though He dwells beyond the stars
His redeemed are on His heart
Even now He intercedes
Jesus cares for all our needs

(repeat chorus)

Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
We are redeemed
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
Jesus is King
(repeat 3x)

(repeat chorus)
Todays Scripture Lesson:

The Small Big: How Hanging
Together In Small Groups
Can Influence Our City

Romans 12:9-13

Grant Galpin
Songs For Communion

Your Presence Is Heaven

Who is like You, Lord in all the earth?
Matchless love and beauty, endless worth
For nothing in this world can satisfy
Jesus, You're the cup that won't run dry

Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me

Treasure of my heart and of my soul
In my weakness You are merciful
Redeemer of my past and present wrong
Holder of my future days to come

Oh Jesus, oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
All my days on earth I will await
The moment that I see You face to face
For nothing in this world can satisfy
Jesus, You're the cup that won't run dry

Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me

I Will Rise

There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles' wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise, I will rise

There's a day that's drawing near
When this darkness breaks to light
And the shadows disappear
And my faith shall be my eyes

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

(repeat chorus)

And I hear the voice of many angels sing,
"Worthy is the Lamb"
And I hear the cry of every longing heart,
"Worthy is the Lamb"

(repeat chorus)

Our Confession Of Faith

~ based on Romans 8:1, 29, 38-39 ~

Leader: Let us together profess our faith
by saying

Unison: We believe there is no condem-
nation for those who are in Christ Jesus;
for we know that all things work together
for good for those who love God, who
are called according to Gods purpose.

The Lords Day Worship Service
September 28, 2014
God Receives
Our Offerings
God Gives Us
His Words
Of Eternal Life
God Feeds Us His
Covenant Meal
God Calls Us
To Worship
God Graciously
Renews Us In
We are convinced that neither life, nor
death, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things
present, nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth, nor anything else
in all creation, will be able to separate
us from the love of God in Christ Jesus
our Lord. Amen.
The Benediction

~ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 ~

Leader: Now may the Lord of peace
Himself give you peace at all times and
in every way. The Lord be with you

Unison: Amen!

God Sends Us
Into The World
With His Blessing
Thanks For
Joining Us For
Worship Today
A church in the city with a heart for the city!
All songs used by permission. CCLI
license #273300. Parts of the worship
service are adapted from or reprinted by
permission from The Worship
Sourcebook, c. 2004, CRC Publications.

Please recycle.
Were delighted to have had you with
us today. If you are looking for a place
to explore Christianity and its life-
changing relevance, we hope that you
will find New City Church to be a safe
place to ask questions and to grow in
your understanding of the person and
mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you
have any questions about New City
Church, Christianity, or the uniqueness
of Jesus of Nazareth, please dont
hesitate to ask us.

Pastor John Ferguson / 403.991.5555
[email protected]

Pastor Mike Ivancic / 403.282.3454
[email protected]

Elder Don Kitchener / 403.547.4461
[email protected]

Elder Darrell Wolfe / 403.247.8332
[email protected]
Upcoming Preaching Schedule:
The elders have granted Pastor John a mini-sabbatical during the month of
September. Although John & his family will be around, John will be on a sabbatical.
If you need to speak to a pastor, contact Pastor Mike, or one of the elders, Don or

September 28: Grant Galpin

Attention Youth:
Plans are in the works to have a monthly Jr & Sr High youth event.

Potluck Sunday: Next Week!
On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate a meal together after the service.
These are intentional times of meeting new friends and catching up with old friends.
We want to be intentional in seeking to build relationships and our monthly potluck
luncheons are a perfect opportunity to do so. Please bring food for yourself / your
family plus extra to share with our guests.

Fall Start-Up:
Sunday School will begin in October. More details to follow.
Small Groups will begin in October. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table
in the lobby.
If you would like to learn more about or join one of the Servant Teams, please talk to
the team leads. There are sign-up forms on the Welcome Table in the lobby.

Last Weeks Givings: $3,578.85

Save The Date
Bryan Clarke & his team at Gracefinder Resourcing Network will be in Calgary on
the afternoon of Saturday, October 18th for a supporter appreciation event. Staff &
board members will be sharing ministry updates & plans. Details to follow.

Servant Team Schedules
These will be sent out via email weekly, so be sure that you are receiving our emails.
You can sign up at on our website or email [email protected].
image credit: MaN Crossroads
(Fish Creek Park)

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