S3-HSE Rules For Contractors

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Updated Feb.

27, 2003
Cedar Bayou Plant
Chocolate Bayou Plant
Deer Park Plant
Pasadena Plant
Texas City Site
S Se ep pt te em mb be er r 3 30 0, , 2 20 00 02 2
HSE Rules
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
General Guidelines
1. All contractors and their subcontractors shall comply with current Federal Safety and
Health requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
2. Contractors should refer to their Job Representative for additional information
as this document is not likely to contain all necessary job specific information.
3. Contractor and subcontractor employees shall attend Contractor Safety Orientation
and receive BP Site Specific training prior to starting work within the site and at
additional times as specified by their Job Representative.
4. Contractors and their subcontractors shall inform any and all of their supervisors and
employees of the necessity to comply with OSHA regulations and safe construction
practices as well as BP's Safety Rules.
5. Contractors and their subcontractors SHALL inform and train ALL of their
supervisors and employees as per the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
(See Hazard Communication section in this handout.)
6. Contractors and their subcontractors shall provide personal hygiene facilities for
their employees as per OSHA Standards. This includes, but is not limited to, items
such as rest room facilities, wash-up facilities, drinking water, etc. Contractors are
NOT permitted to use BP facilities.
7. ONLY contractor radiographic personnel approved by BP's Radiation Safety Officer
shall be used within the site. ALL radiographic operations shall comply with the sites
Radiation Safety procedures.
8. Contractors and subcontractors are responsible for medical surveillance of their
employees and shall ensure that contract employees are medically qualified to
perform their job duties.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
General Safety Equipment Requirements
1. Contractor and subcontractor personnel shall wear safety glasses with side shields
complying with ANSI Z87.1. Both clear and Photogray safety lenses are permitted.
Sunglasses may be worn outdoors during the day only. Examples of work that
requires additional eye protection are as follows:
a. All welding and burning operations. (Welders hoods and goggles -- refer to
29CFR1910.252 for tint guidelines)
b. Grinding, chipping, cutting, breaking, reaming or drilling any materials where
a flying chip hazard exists. (Coverall goggles or face shield along with safety
c. Using high pressure air, water or steam to clean equipment. (Face shield
along with safety glasses)
d. Handling hot or molten products; such as lead, hot asphalt, etc. (Face shield
along with safety glasses)
e. During initial opening of piping and equipment. (Coverall goggles or face
shield along with safety glasses)
f. When handling hazardous chemicals, working on equipment containing
hazardous materials and/or working in areas where a chemical hazard exists.
(Coverall goggles or face shield along with safety glasses)
2. Contractor personnel shall wear proper hearing protection when working on
operating facilities outside of control rooms and in other areas where noise levels
exceed 85 decibels (82 db for 12 hour shifts). Hearing Protection shall be provided
by contractor.
3. Contractor personnel shall wear safety hard hats while on job sites. Some facilities
require that goggles be attached to the hard hat. Metal hard hats are not permitted
due to hazards associated with possible electrical contact.
4. Contractors and their subcontractors shall wear Flame Resistant Clothing (FRC)
while onsite. The FRC must meet site FRC requirements.
5. Contractors and their subcontractors shall provide fall protection and verify its use
as per the OSHA Construction Standards.
6. Contractors and their subcontractors shall assume the responsibility for furnishing
and enforcing the use of safety equipment for their employees.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
7. Shoes worn by contract employees shall completely cover the worker's feet. The
use of safety shoes are required in most work areas. No sandals, open-toed, or
cloth shoes may be worn.
8. Any electrical equipment/tools used in areas with hazardous classifications must be
approved for the hazardous classification or a hot work permit is required. This
includes electric drills, flashlights, flood lights, etc.
10. Site specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements are described in
attached Site Specific requirements.
Respiratory Protection Guidelines
1. Contractors whose work may require the use of respiratory protective equipment must
have a Respiratory Protection Program. Contractors shall maintain records of
employee training in this area and shall supply copies upon request to BP's Health,
Safety and Environmental Department.
2. The contractor shall be responsible for monitoring their job sites for respiratory
hazards. They shall take steps to remove their employees if a potentially hazardous
situation develops, or they shall provide respiratory protective equipment. The
contractor shall train their employees in the proper use of the respiratory protective
equipment available and shall advise the employees of potential hazards related to
the work. When necessary, the contractor shall provide respiratory protection
according to the most current rules and regulations of the Federal Safety and Health
requirements of the OSHA Standard as specified in 1910.134 and 1926.103. Any
respiratory protective equipment used shall be selected on the basis of possible
hazards to which the employee may be exposed. Contractors who will be welding in
confined areas shall comply with the ventilation requirements of ANSI 49.1, Safety in
Welding and Cutting.
3. Only air cylinders certified as "Breathing Air" shall be used when working in fresh air
breathing equipment. All air cylinders shall be properly chained or otherwise secured
in an upright position to prevent them from falling over.
Respiratory Protection Facial Hair Guidelines
BP has adopted a Respiratory Protection Facial Hair Guideline with which CONTRACT
PERSONNEL WILL comply. Any exceptions to this guideline will be made by the BP
HSE Department on a case-by-case basis. See sketch below:
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Confined Space Entry Permit
1. No person shall enter any confined spaces until the space has been isolated from
other equipment; removed from hazards other than atmospheric (e.g. electrical,
mechanical, and radioactive); ventilated or purged; atmospherically tested; posted
with an attendant (if required); and permitted for entry with appropriate precautions
indicated as per the sites Confined Space Entry Procedure.
2. A "Confined Space Entry Permit" must be obtained from BP before instructing any
personnel to enter equipment such as storage tanks, process vessels, towers,
drums, boilers, furnaces, exchanger shells, sewers, ventilation and exhaust ducts,
reactors, underground utility vaults, manholes, pipelines, and excavations 4' or
greater in depth.
3. If air supplied respiratory equipment is worn, the contractor shall designate an
employee to monitor the air cylinders during the period of time personnel are in the
hazardous area or confined space.
Hazard Communication Guidelines
1. All contractor and subcontractor supervision SHALL review their work activities
with their Job Representative and operating supervision prior to starting work.
During this discussion you should ask what potential chemical hazards may exist,
and provide personal protective equipment as needed. All sites maintain Material
Safety Data Sheets for quick reference should they be needed.
2. Contractors and subcontractors SHALL maintain, at the job site, copies of Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) for all chemicals they use at the site prior to the job.
A copy of these MSDS's shall be provided to BP's Health, Safety and
Environmental Department.
3. Contractors and subcontractors SHALL inform personnel where chemical hazard
information can be located in the event it is needed.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Asbestos Handling Guidelines
1. ONLY contractors approved by the sites Asbestos Program Coordinator shall be
assigned to jobs which require the handling of asbestos type materials.
2. Contractors shall make arrangements through their Job Representative for
disposal of any asbestos containing materials. Contractors shall adhere to OSHA's
standard concerning asbestos handling as well as BP's procedure for the removal
of asbestos containing materials.
First Aid and Industrial Injuries
1. Contractors shall maintain first-aid facilities for their employees and their
subcontractors. Contractors shall have qualified personnel at the job site to
perform basic first-aid as needed.
2. Site Specific information contains instructions on how contractors can obtain
emergency ambulance service. When requesting an ambulance, please give your
name and/or company name and be sure the answering party is given the exact
location of the accident scene.
3. All industrial injuries shall be reported promptly to BP's job representative. A copy
of the contractor's report (Employer's First Report of Injury) covering each personal
injury shall be furnished to the Job Representative. Also, a copy of the Contractor
Monthly Safety Report (Attachment # ) will be completed monthly and submitted
to the BP HSE Department.
Fire Protection Guidelines
1. Procedures to report a fire or spill are included in the Site Specific information.
2. Free access to all fire-fighting equipment, fire lanes, fire extinguishers, fire
hydrants, fire monitors, etc. must be maintained at all times.
3. Contractors shall furnish and maintain a minimum of a 20 lb. dry chemical fire
extinguisher for all hot work.
4. At least one fire extinguisher shall be furnished for each building, welding
machine, air compressor, tar pot, or lead melting pot. A fire extinguisher will also
be required at each hot work site (Operations personnel may also require a fire
extinguisher for vehicles to be used within operating units.)
5. Requirements for contractor use of fire hydrants.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
a. Contractors must get permission from the Job Representative before
connecting to a fire hydrant
b. When connections to fire hydrants are required, 2 1/2" valves approved by
BP MUST be provided on both connections to the fire hydrant. The
contractor shall open and close this valve ONLY.
c. ONLY operating facility personnel shall operate the fire hydrant.
6. A fire extinguisher shall be maintained in the immediate area where hot work is in
progress. In some facilities, when hot work is being performed inside of a tank fire
wall area, a 1-1/2" water hose shall be provided from the nearest fire hydrant. This
hose shall be kept under pressure while work is in progress. Contractor shall
designate an employee or employees to act as a fire watch and perform fire
fighting activities in an emergency.
Emergency Procedures and Alarms
Site Specific information contains information on the facility alarm systems and
emergency action plans. All contract employees are required to understand
emergency action plans.
Permit Requirements
All contractors and their subcontractors shall coordinate their permit needs through their
Job Representative unless otherwise instructed.
1. Hot Work Permits - Burning, welding or any other hot work operation shall not be
permitted without first obtaining a Hot Work Permit from BP. Such permit will be
denied unless a satisfactory combustible gas test can be obtained by BP's
2. Confined Space Entry Permits - must be obtained from BP personnel before
permitting any personnel to enter equipment such as storage tanks, process
vessels, towers, drums, boilers, furnaces, exchanger shells, sewers, ventilation and
exhaust ducts, reactors, underground utility vaults, manholes, pipelines, and
excavations 4' or greater in depth.
General Safe Work Practice Guidelines
1. Contractors shall follow the sites smoking policy. Some sites do not allow smoking
anywhere on site while others have designated smoking areas.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
2. The use of intoxicants or illegal drugs while on duty, or reporting for work while
under their influence is strictly prohibited. Contractors shall remove violators of this
3. Contractor personnel entering and leaving a process facility shall notify operating
personnel and follow any sites log-in procedures.
4. All compressed gas cylinders shall be properly secured in an upright position.
When cylinders are not in use, cylinder caps shall be properly attached.
5. Contractors shall observe good housekeeping practices.
6. Temporary electrical installations shall conform to generally accepted safety
practices. Electrical extension cords shall not be routed through metal doorways. All
electrical installations are to be properly grounded. Sufficient clearance shall be
provided over railroads and roadways.
7. Contractors shall tie down all temporary construction buildings, trailers, port-a-cans,
and oil or gasoline storage tanks with 1/4" diameter wire rope moored to screw
anchors or approved equal.
8. When overhead work is in progress, the dangerous area shall be barricaded or
protected by a person assigned to stand by and warn others to keep clear of the
9. Materials containing asbestos fibers which may become friable during handling
SHALL NOT be brought into the site.
10. Contractor's portable gasoline tanks or containers used for refueling equipment
shall be equipped with safety vents.
11. No employee, except the equipment operator, shall ride in or on any piece of
mobile equipment such as cranes, tractors, payloaders, forklift trucks, etc., except
where special provisions have been made for passengers.
12. All process or chemical sewer openings in the vicinity of hot work shall be covered
per site procedures.
13. Contractor shall not use any existing structure for rigging, supporting, or bracing
without their Job Representatives prior consent.
14. Contractor personnel shall not tamper with BP's existing equipment.
15. When towing trailers, the hitch, ball or pin shall be well secured and a safety chain
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
16. Red flags shall be affixed to extremities of overhanging loads.
17. Gambling, fighting, or conduct which may be termed "horseplay" is forbidden.
18. Contractors shall take necessary steps to assure utmost safety of the site in the
event a hurricane makes landfall in the area.
19. Violations of the safety policies and rules set forth by BP will lead to action up to
removal of the contractor from the site.
20. Contractors who erect or work on scaffolds must be trained. The site has a three
scaffold tags: Green indicates a complete and properly erected scaffold, a yellow
tag indicates a scaffold which has been modified or has a potential hazard and the
white danger tag indicates an incomplete scaffold which cannot be used. Before
using a yellow tag, the user must understand the caution identified and wear fall
protection (if required) when working on the scaffold.
21. Contractors performing lead work must follow applicable OSHA requirements and
the site lead safety procedures.
22. Scaffolds must be built according to OSHA and site requirements. Contract
employees who build or use scaffolds must be trained accordingly. Scaffold tags
are used to designate completed scaffolds and to communicate special scaffold
hazards or precautions.
Blinding Guidelines
1. Contractors and subcontractors shall obtain verification from BP's operating
personnel that the equipment or piping is properly prepared and released for the
placement or removal of blinds. All jobs prepared by BP will have followed the sites
lockout/tagout procedure. DO NOT remove blinds or blind flanges without
permission from BP personnel.
2. Contractors shall check with their Job Representative to determine the type service
to which the equipment or piping has been exposed. If the material is potentially
hazardous, the appropriate protective clothing or equipment shall be worn. Verify
that lines and equipment have been depressured and drained.
3. When opening a flanged joint for the installation of blinds, always open the flange
on the side away from worker so any possible release will be directed away. Fresh
air breathing equipment shall be worn when opening a flange on a line or vessel
that is suspected to contain a toxic gas, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Work Inside Tank Fire Walls
The following rules shall govern contractor's actions in tank areas:
1. No motorized equipment shall enter or be operated inside a tank fire wall area
without a Hot Work Permit.
2. Where mobile equipment must enter earthen tank fire wall areas, the fire wall may
be ramped, but a 50% height shall be maintained.
3. Where fire walls must be cut for pipelines, etc. and must remain open overnight, a
50% fire wall height shall be maintained during non-working hours.
Contractor's Excavations and Barricades
1. All excavation and trenching work must be done in accordance with OSHA
Standard 29 CFR 1926.650-53 (SuBPart P - Excavations, Trenching and Shoring).
2. Contractor's and subcontractor's employees shall become acquainted with BP's
barricading practices and shall respect the provisions thereof.
3. Sides of excavations 4' or greater in depth shall be shored, sheeted, braced,
sloped, or otherwise supported by means of sufficient strength to protect personnel
working inside excavations. These excavations will also be inspected by a
competent person as needed throughout the shift. (These excavations will also
require a Confined Space Entry Permit.)
4. Whenever an unidentified pipeline or concrete structure is encountered below the
surface of the ground, the contractor shall cease all work at such location and
advise BP of its findings.
5. Contractors shall adequately barricade all excavations to prevent vehicles or
personnel from falling into the excavation, regardless of whether or not work is
being performed.
6. Excavations across roadways, railroads or walkways shall be barricaded and shall
be provided with blinking lights on each side if left open overnight.
7. If excavations across normal walkways are extensive enough to preclude walking
around easily, a temporary wooden walkway with handrails shall be provided
across the opening.
8. Contractors shall erect and maintain barricades required in connection with their
operation to guard or protect:
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
a. hoisting area;
b. areas judged hazardous by BP personnel;
c. BP's existing property subject to damage by contractor's operations; and
d. railroad unloading spots.
Traffic Regulations & Personnel Identification Requirements
Contractors will be permitted to bring into the site only those vehicles necessary to their
operations. Vehicles shall be operated only by competent, licensed personnel in
accordance with the following site traffic regulations:
1. All Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations will be abided by at all times.
a. Vehicles and trailers with a combined weight over 10,000 pounds and any
vehicle in hauling hazardous materials shall be operated by a competent,
commercial licensed personnel. A medical card will be required for all
drivers who are hauling hazardous material or who are operating a vehicle
over 26,000 pounds.
b. All commercial vehicles shall be maintained such that the vehicles do not
meet any of the "North American Out of Service Criteria" guidelines. If a
vehicle is found out of compliance, it will be turned away from the site. If
requested, the driver shall also provide evidence that a daily vehicle
inspection has been performed.
c. All commercial vehicles hauling hazardous material, shall have the
appropriate shipping papers (manifest) and Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) or Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) within reach of the
driver at all times.
2. From April 1 to October 31 every year, vehicles with a gross weight of 14,000 lbs
or greater are not allowed to idle for more than five consecutive minutes.
3. Obey posted speed limits. (At times, conditions may dictate a slower speed.)
4. Pedestrians SHALL have the right-of-way at all times.
5. Seat Belts are required to be worn by all occupants of company and privately
owned vehicles.
6. ALL vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to fire fighting equipment.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
7. Drivers must not use hand held mobile phones when the vehicle is in motion.
8. Strict compliance with traffic signs is required, except when traffic is being
9. Personnel load limits for vehicles vary by site. Some facilities do not allow any
passengers in the bed of pick-ups. Drivers shall not move vehicles if any of
these limits are exceeded.
10. Contractor vehicles shall enter and leave the site only through the gates
11. ALL contractor personnel shall wear a badge or some form of contractor and
employee identification.
12. Vehicles shall not enter restricted areas unless permission is granted by
authorized personnel.
13. Contractor Vehicle Parking:
a. Vehicles permitted within the site will park in lots adjacent to the contractor's
office or work site.
b. Those vehicles not permitted within the site shall park in the contractor's
parking lot and contractors shall provide transportation within the site, if
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
In the event of a serious injury, emergency medical services can be obtained by:
1. When Using a BP Phone -- DIAL ext. 10272 or 10911.
2. The yellow emergency alarm box can also be used to report a serious injury.
When requesting an ambulance, give your name, company name, and the exact location of
the injured.
1. Contractors and subcontractors shall immediately notify BP personnel of any fires.
2. Fires can also be reported by dialing ext. 10272 on the plant telephone.
3. Alarm boxes are located in strategic locations throughout the facility. A red and
yellow alarm boxes are mounted side by side in these locations. The red alarm box
is used to report a fire.
4. The plant alarm system can also be activated by calling Chevron security officer
and reporting the type and location of the fire at: 421-6313, 421-6174, or 421-
6175. When using the plant phone you must dial 9 to get an outside line.
1. All contractors and subcontractors should be familiar with the evacuation points.
A primary and secondary point should be made. All contract employees must be
accounted for before being released
2. Contractors and subcontractors shall familiarize their employees with the
emergency alarm system used at the facility. When an alarm is sounded:
If you are in your vehicle, pull to the side of the road and immediately shut
your engine off. Leave the vehicle and exit to the nearest evacuation
assembly area.
If you are in an operating area, leave the area and proceed one of the four
evacuation areas. Always follow the direction of BP personnel.
If you are in a building, follow the instructions of BP personnel.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
3. The emergency alarm system is tested at 12:00 noon each Wednesday. The
CAER alarm is tested on the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00 AM.
4. The facility emergency alarm system are listed below:
one 10 second blast - fire alarm
two 10 second blast - emergency (spill, man-down, etc.)
1. Hard hat and safety glasses required in plant except inside office buildings and control
2. Goggles and/or face shields are required when performing tasks with an increased eye
protection hazard.
3. Hearing protection required in most areas of process unit.
4. FRC required in process areas. FRC must be worn with sleeves rolled down and
buttoned to the top.
5. No rings allowed in plant.
6. Scalp hair must be retained if below collar.
7. Shoes must cover the entire foot. Sandals, open-toe shoes, shoes made of canvass or
cloth and shoes with extreme soles or heels are considered unsafe apparel and are not
8. Sleeveless shirts, tank tops, loose net shirts, muscle shirts are not permitted as outer wear.
Prior to work, all contractors must attend the Houston Area Contractor Safety Council
orientation and must go through a one hour orientation annually thereafter. If for
emergency work, other arrangements can be made.
Contractors and subcontractors must be able to speak and read English.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. Those areas are identified with signage.
Smoking is not permitted inside any building.
The use, possession, distribution or under the influence of narcotics or alcoholic
beverages is prohibited
The possession and/or use of firearms, weapons, stolen property, strike anywhere
matches and single action lighters is prohibited.
Cameras are prohibited without an approved camera pass
Facial hair (beards, long sideburns, and long mustaches) that may interfere with the
respirator sealing area are not permitted.
1. No riding in the back of pickup trucks.
2. The maximum allowed in the cab of the truck is three unless it is an extended cab
3. Speed limit in plant is 15 MPH.
4. Vehicles must not enter areas designated as restricted to automotive equipment,
unless a permit to enter has been obtained from authorized BP personnel.
5. Parking is prohibited within the plant except in designated areas assigned by the
Job Representative.
6. Keys shall be left in the ignition switch of parked vehicles within the plant.
7. Red flags shall be affixed to the extremities of overhanging loads.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Rings are not allowed inside the plant.
Scalp hair must be retained if below collar.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
When reporting a fire or spill or requesting emergency medical services in the event of
a serious injury, emergency medical service can be obtained by:
1. When Using Your Outside Line -- DIAL 581-3426. The Utilities Board Operator
will summon the assistance you require and sound any necessary alarms.
2. When Using Plant Phones -- DIAL 3311 at any time.
When reporting an emergency or requesting emergency services, PLEASE give your
name and/or company name and be sure the answering party is given the exact
location of the incident scene.
1. All contractors and subcontractors shall be familiar with the unit or buildings
designated evacuation assembly points to report to in the event that a unit or
plant emergency occurred, thus warning them to leave their job site.
2. Contractors and subcontractors shall familiarize their employees with the various
alarms used within the plant and what type action should be taken for each.
3. Each employee will be given a hard hat sticker containing the various alarms
used within the plant.
4. The Emergency Alarm System and the unit evacuation alarms are tested at
12:00 noon each Tuesday.
1. Safety glasses are required of all personnel working in the plant.
2. Hearing Protection is required on process units and where designated by signs.
3. FRC is required on all process units or areas.
5. Goggles and/or face shields are required when performing tasks with an
increased eye protection hazard.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
6. Certain work activities require additional job specific PPE requirements( Lead,
Asbestos, Benzene, butadiene, corrosives...etc.) which the contractor is
expected to provide and require.
All contractors must attend the Contractors Safety Council of Brazosport or another
reciprocal council. A pictured identification badge or other proof indicating having
received the safety orientation will be required.
Contractors must have the ability to read English.
Unit specific process overview must also be reviewed prior to working in a process
Do not enter any process unit without checking in at the control room or checking in
with the Utilities/OSBL control room if entering the Tank Farm Area. Each contractor
shall sign in and out using a log book found in each units control room.
Smoking is allowed in designated area only. All smoking materials must be
extinguished when the fire or spill alarm is activated.
The use, possession, distribution or under the influence of narcotics or alcohol is
The possession and/or use of firearms, weapons, smoking material(matches, cigarettes
and lighters) and cameras is prohibited.
No beards or facial hair that might interfere with the use of a respirator are allowed in
the plant.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
1. Traffic regulations for safe driving inside the plant are the same as the state of
Texas Motor Vehicle Laws.
2. Drivers must have a current Drivers License and vehicle inspection and
3. The posted speed limit is 20 mph within the plant, and pedestrians have the
Contact lenses are allowed inside the plant.
Finger rings are not allowed to be worn in the work areas.
An open top tank with a roof more than four feet below the top of the tank is also
considered a confined space.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Emergency Ambulance Service
1. In the event of a serious injury, emergency medical service can be obtained by
dialing 4444 on any plant phone. The outside line number is 740-4444.
2. When requesting an ambulance, PLEASE give your name and/or company
name and be sure that Security is given the exact location of the accident scene
and the nature of the accident. Let Security hang up first.
Reporting a Fire
1. Local Alarm Box -- Alarm boxes are located throughout the plant. They are
painted red with white trim. Pull an alarm box if available in the immediate area.
Leave the immediate area and report to your local supervision.
2. Plant Phone -- Dial 4444 on any plant phone. PLEASE give your name and/or
company name and be sure that Security is given the exact location of the fire.
Let Security hang up first. Leave the immediate area and report to your local
supervision or Job Rep.
Emergency Action Plan
1. All contractors and subcontractors shall designate a location for their employees
to report by phone and in person in the event they are warned to shelter in place
or leave their job area.
2. Contractors and subcontractors shall familiarize their employees with the two
types of alarm codes used in the plant and what action should be taken for each.
3. The Alarm System is tested every morning at 8 AM. The Toxic Gas Alarm is
tested the first Wednesday of the month at 10 AM. No action is required for the
4. The Emergency Horn Signals are a series of coded blasts. The general location
of the emergency can be determined by the alarm given. A description card
should be obtained at the Construction Gate when entering the plant for the first
The first set of blasts are divided by a pause and then the second half of the
code is heard. A longer pause will be heard and the alarm is repeated three
times. A series of five blasts that are not divided by a pause indicates a toxic
gas release. One long blast indicates an all clear.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
5. Any alarm shuts down all work. The operating area will have to perform a gas
test and inspect the area prior to updating the permits before work can continue.
All contract employees should leave the operating area until the nature of the
emergency is determined. A toxic gas alarm requires all employees to seek the
nearest shelter-in-place building. These are indicated by a red triangle on a white
background. Instructions will be given on the Plant Information Channel (PIC-10)
6. Always ask a BP employee what action should be taken during an emergency if
in doubt.
Safety Orientation
All contractor employees will be required to go through the Basic Plus safety orientation
for a chemical plant at a contractor safety council. The Pasadena plant Site-specific
safety orientation is also required.
Personal Protective Equipment
1. FRC-all contractor employees will be required to wear as the outer garment,
long-sleeved flame retardant clothing. It must have a label that describes it as
being flame retardant. Flame retardant paper coveralls do not meet the
2. Safety Glasses- all contractor employees will be required to use safety glasses
with fixed side shields when entering the plant. Safety glasses are required
everywhere (except in office buildings and control rooms) including riding in
3. Hard Hat-a non-metallic hard had that meets the current ANSI Z89.1 Standard is
required to be worn by all contractor employees. The hard hat should have
some type of goggle retainer (such as MSA brand goggle retainer) for storing
chemical protective goggles on the hat when they are not in use. Chemical
goggles are required as well. Hard hats should be worn with the bill to the front at
all times (with the exception of welding operations).
4. Hearing Protection-all contractor employees are required to have hearing
protection on their person when they enter the work area. Hearing protection is
required in all process units and in areas designated by a sign in the Logistics
and Distribution (L&D) area.
5. Safety Shoes-all contractor employees are required to wear safety-toed shoes of
substantial construction. Athletic look-alike safety-toed shoes, sandals,
sneakers, and other shoes of this nature are not allowed.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
6. Gloves- Suitable gloves should be worn when handling materials and equipment.
7. Certain work activities may require more specific PPE requirements which the
contractor is expected to provide and require. Examples include respiratory
protection, safety harnesses, acid suits, alkyl suits, chemical protective suits and
Smoking Rules
Smoking is only allowed in areas that are clearly marked as, Designated Smoking
Area. No matches or lighters are allowed to be brought on the plant site. Matches are
provided at the designated smoking areas and should not be removed from those
Tool Holders
Use tool holders when driving stakes or using hammer wrenches.
Tag Lines
Tag lines must be used to control loads and keep individuals at a safe distance from all
lifts made by mechanical equipment. Do not wrap tag lines around hands or body.
Mobile Equipment
Mobile equipment are to be operated only by authorized qualified employees.
Authorization To Work Permit (A.T.W.)
No contractor is allowed to start work without permission from operations and an
Authorization To Work permit has been completed. Do not enter any process unit
without checking in at the control room. Each contractor shall sign in and out of the
control room.
Visitors must sign in at the Front Gate by Security be escorted at all times in the plant.
Visitors must be escorted back to the Front Gate and signed out of the plant.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Prohibited on Plant
No drugs, alcohol, firearms, weapons and cameras allowed on plant.
Facial Hair
Any employee that may use respiratory protective equipment should be clean shaven to
ensure good fit. Small mustaches are permitted if they dont interfere with the sealing
Jewelry Policies
No dangling jewelry is allowed outside the employees garment.
Traffic Rules
All vehicular traffic shall obey all traffic signs. The maximum speed limit is 15 mph in
the plant. All employees riding in the back of trucks will be seated. Vehicles must carry
liability insurance and current registration.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
In the event of a serious injury, emergency medical service can be obtained by:
1. Calling extension 1911 from any site phone.
2. Calling 409-945-1765 from mobile phones or other outside lines.
3. Depressing the emergency button on a plant radio.
When requesting an ambulance, PLEASE give your name and/or company name and
be sure the answering party is given the exact location of the accident scene.
1. Call 1911 from any site phone. Give answering party an accurate description of
the location of the fire.
2. Call 409-945-1765 from your mobile phone or other outside line. Give answering
party an accurate description of the location of the fire.
1. All contractors and subcontractors shall designate a location for their employees
to report to in the event that they are warned to leave their job site. Contractor
supervision should account for personnel and report findings to Job
2. Contractors and subcontractors shall familiarize their employees with the two
types of alarm systems used within the site and what type action should be taken
for each.
3. Facilities will test their Unit Emergency Horn Systems at 12:00 noon each
Monday. The Site Fire Alarm System will also be tested throughout the site each
Monday at noon.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
4. The site unit Emergency Horn Signals are listed below:
(5 second blasts or 5 warble cycles)
Two Blasts - Stop ALL hot work (shut down all mobile equipment)
Three Blasts - Evacuate Unit (all except operating personnel)
Continuous Blasts - Evacuate Unit (including operating personnel)
One Blast - Resume Work (check with operations about hot work)
5. The site alarm system consists of a series of short blasts on a horn within the
Site and a warning siren within the Chemical Plant. Each unit or area has its
own unique code. In the event of a fire, spill or gas release, the alarm system
will be sounded throughout the site to alert fire department personnel. When
activated the coded alarm horn will repeat five (5) times.
FIRE LOCATION CODES - Fire Code digits will be indicated by taps of the bell. Dashes
between code digits indicate pauses. Code numbers will repeat five times. Revision:
1-1-1 Hydrogen Plants
1-1-2 Mutual Aid Call
1-1-3 Aromatics Recovery Unit (ARU)
1-1-4 Ultracracker (ULC)
1-1-5 Butane Sphere Area
1-2-1 Pipe Still #3
1-2-4 OMCC
1-3-1 FCCU #1
1-3-2 FCCU #2
1-3-3 Isomerization Unit (ISOM)
1-3-4 NDU
1-3-5 Environmental Facility
1-4-2 Cogen 2
1-4-3 Power Station #3
1-4-4 Power Station #2
2-1-1 O&TS, Medical Bldg., Change House, CDCC, Whse. #7, Quonset Hut,
Old Training Bldg.
2-2-2 Gas Station
2-3-1 AU #2
2-3-4 Ultraformer #3
2-3-5 Cokers/RDU
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
2-4-1 Central Shop, Whse. #10, Fire Station, Garage, South Office Bldg.,
Craft Bldg., Main Whse.
2-4-2 Docks
2-4-3 Alky #2 & Acid Plant
2-4-4 FCCU #3
2-4-5 All Clear & Testing
3-1-2 General Office Bldg., North Office Bldg., Main Gate, Lab
3-1-4 Flare Grounds
3-2-1 Ultraformer #4
3-2-4 DDU 100/200/300
3-2-5 Power Station #4
3-3-1 Cat Feed Hydrotreating Unit (CFHU)/Hydrogen Recovery Unit (HRU)
3-3-2 Resid Hydrotreating Unit (RHU)
4-1-1 Shelter in Place
4-2-3 SRU
4-4-4 Alky #3
1-1-1 Area east of the main north-south road
1-1-2 Area east of the Plant A Whse. and west of the main north-south road
1-1-3 Plant A Whse. and area east of the Whse.
2-1-1 Styrene and Tank Farm
2-1-2 PX-1 and Tank Farm, Maint. Bldg., Storehouse
2-2-1 Admin. Bldg., Changehouse
2-2-2 Poly-B and Tank Farm, Utilities
2-2-4 PCU and Tank Farm
2-3-2 PX-2 and Tank Farm
3-2-1 Plant B Docks
2-3-3 MX-1
2-3-4 PX-3 and Tank Farm
2-3-5 MX-2
6-6 All Clear
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
1. Safety Glasses with side shields are required of all personnel entering the site.
Safety Glasses are required everywhere (except in office buildings and control
rooms) including riding in vehicles, (except when the windows are rolled up.)
2. Hearing Protection is required on process units.
3. Safety Shoes are required in all work areas.
4. FRC is required on all process units.
5. Goggles and/or faceshields are required when performing tasks with an
increased eye protection hazard. All contract employees will have coverall safety
goggles affixed to their hard hat.
6. Certain work activities require additional job specific PPE requirements ( Lead,
Asbestos, Benzene, corrosives...etc.) which the contractor is expected to provide
and require.
7. Hard hats, FRC and Safety Shoes are not required of visitors going to the office
All contractors must attend the Texas City Contractor Safety Council Orientation before
working at BPs Texas City site. The orientation class begins at 8:00 a.m. on Monday
through Friday.
Contractors must have the ability to read and understand basic English.
Process overviews must also be reviewed prior to working on a process units.
Do not enter any process unit without checking in at the control room or checking in with
the Oil Movements Control Center (OMCC) if entering the Tank Farm Area. Each
contractor shall sign in and out using a log book found in the facility satellite shelter.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
The requirements listed below are the MINIMUM requirements that must be met prior to a
contractor arriving to work at the BP Texas City site. BP is trying to eliminate any delays
in contractors being passed into the site. Cooperation in following these procedures will
prevent any delays.
1. All contractors must have a VALID CONTRACT issued by BP.
2. All contractor employees must have a valid Texas City Contractor Safety Council
card with valid expiration dates for both Basic and Basic Plus training and
BP site specific training. Each employee is required to have this badge in his
possession at all times while on site, plus the Site Contractor Badge, i.e. proximity
3. Badges are made at Gate 42. All contractors must submit a list of their employees
with Social Security numbers to the BP Security Department at least 24 hours prior
to their arrival on the site (Fax 409-943-2622.) The safety cards will be verified and
proximity badge issued to each employee to allow access to the site. The proximity
badge will expire on the date the safety card expires. All employees must badge in
and out through the badge readers at their assigned gate. Delivery drivers to the
Site must badge in at Gate 26.
These requirements are designed to ensure that everyone entering the site has
the proper safety training and allows Security to account for everyone in the site
in the event of an emergency. The system will allow Job Representatives and
Planners to see labor trends and help control maintenance and TAR costs. If
anyone has any questions, please contact Security at ext. 21755 or Security
Operations Center at ext. 21762/21765.
NO smoking allowed inside the site. There are designated smoking areas within the
chemical plant site.
The use, possession, distribution or under the influence of narcotics or alcohol is prohibited.
The possession and/or use of firearms or weapons is prohibited.
The possession and/or use of televisions, video equipment, and AM/FM radios is
prohibited in non-office areas or other areas specifically covered by site policies.
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
No beards or facial hair that might interfere with the use of a respirator are allowed in
the site.
1. Traffic regulations for safe driving inside the site are the same as the state of
Texas Motor Vehicle Laws.
2. Drivers must have a current Drivers License and vehicle inspection and
3. The posted speed limit is 15 mph within the site, and pedestrians have the right-
4. Seat belts must be worn by the driver and all passengers at all times except
those seated in the back of trucks.
5. Personnel loading in vehicles is as follows:
a. One driver and ten passengers on pickups. Passengers must be seated
on benches provided or seated down in the bed of the truck. No sitting on
the top of the bed.
b. One driver and eighteen passengers on flatbeds and winch trucks.
Seating area to be enclosed and passengers seated.
c. NO vehicle shall have more than three (3) people in the front seat.
6. A sign identifying the contractor shall be affixed to all vehicles and buildings used
within the site.
7. Drivers must not use hand held mobile phones when the vehicle is in motion.
Hand jewelry (rings) are NOT allowed in any work areas (units, shops, etc.)
Updated Feb. 27, 2003
Contact lenses are permitted.
Contractors shall not use self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for maintenance
work within the site except for approved short duration tasks.
Please keep in mind that all industrial wastes generated while performing a job at BP
must be handled responsibly. We are required to follow strict guidelines for each
classification of waste material. Disposal costs add to the overall expense of a job and
therefore, we encourage segregation of all generated wastes. Once a non-hazardous
waste has been mixed with a hazardous waste, it must all be handled, stored and
disposed of under hazardous waste regulations. Please check with your job
representative for proper instructions on how to handle each waste material.

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