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G.R. No. 167798

Date: 04/6/2006
Petitioner: Kiussang Mayo Uno
Respondent: NEDA
Facts: In April 13, 2005, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo issued Executive Order 420 requiring all
government agencies and government-owned corporations to streamline and harmonize their Identification Systems.
The purposes of the uniform ID data collection and ID format are to reduce costs, achieve efficiency and reliability
and ensure compatibility and provide convenience to the people served by government entities.
Petitioners allege that EO420 is unconstitutional because it constitutes usurpation of legislative functions by the
executive branch of the government and PGMA has authority to issue such order.
Issue: WON issuance of E.0. 420 constitutes a usurpation of legislative functions. NO.
1) T he President may by executive or administrative order direct the government entities under the Executive
department to adopt a uniform ID data collection and format. Section 17, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution
provides that the "President shall have control of all executive departments, bureaus and offices." The same Section
also mandates the President to "ensure that the laws be faithfully executed."
Certainly, under this constitutional power of control the President can direct all government entities, in the
exercise of their functions under existing laws, to adopt a uniform ID data collection and ID format to achieve
savings, efficiency, reliability, compatibility, and convenience to the public. The Presidents constitutional power of
control is self-executing and does not need any implementing legislation.
The Constitution also mandates the President to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. There are
several laws mandating government entities to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and in general, improve public
services. The adoption of a uniform ID data collection and format under EO 420 is designed to reduce costs,
increase efficiency, and in general, improve public services. Thus, in issuing EO 420, the President is simply
performing the constitutional duty to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed.
Clearly, EO 420 is well within the constitutional power of the President to promulgate. The President has
not usurped legislative power in issuing EO 420. EO 420 is an exercise of Executive power the Presidents
constitutional power of control over the Executive department. EO 420 is also compliance by the President of the
constitutional duty to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed.
Legislative power is the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal them. In issuing EO 420, the
President did not make, alter or repeal any law but merely implemented and executed existing laws. EO 420 reduces
costs, as well as insures efficiency, reliability, compatibility and user-friendliness in the implementation of current
ID systems of government entities under existing laws. Thus, EO 420 is simply an executive issuance and not an act
of legislation.
EO 420 does not require any special appropriation because the existing ID card systems of government
entities covered by EO 420 have the proper appropriation or funding. EO 420 is not compulsory on all branches of
government and is not compulsory on all citizens. EO 420 requires a very narrow and focused collection and
recording of personal data while safeguarding the confidentiality of such data. In fact, the data collected and
recorded under EO 420 are far less than the data collected and recorded under the ID systems existing prior to EO
EO 420 does not establish a national ID card system. EO 420 does not compel all citizens to have an ID
card. EO 420 applies only to government entities that under existing laws are already collecting data and issuing ID
cards as part of their governmental functions. Every government entity that presently issues an ID card will still
issue its own ID card under its own name. The only difference is that the ID card will contain only the five data
specified in Section 3 of EO 420, plus the fingerprint, the agency ID number, and the common reference number
which is needed for cross-verification to ensure integrity and reliability of identification.
CARL M!C"AEL #$ %A&!ER '4(A) AR*!CLE &!! #EC$ +,
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