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API Reference Guide

January 2014
Updated through API Release 9.70
2014 Interactive Brokers LLC. All rights reserved.
Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
United States and other countries. Excel, Windows and Visual Basic (VB) are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or in other countries.
Any symbols displayed within these pages are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to portray any rec-
Contents i
Overview 23
About the APIs 24
Installing the API Software 25
Run the API through TWS 26
Run the API through the IB Gateway 27
Recommendations 29
API Orders and TWS Precautionary Settings 30
API Order IDs 32
New Order Example 32
Modified Order Example 32
Trader Workstation API Settings 33
General 33
Trusted IP Addresses 34
Uninstalling and Re-installing the TWS API Software on Windows 35
CSharp API 36
DDEfor Excel 37
Getting Started with the DDE for Excel API 38
Download the API Components and Spreadsheet 39
Configure Trader Workstation to Support API Components 40
Open the Sample Spreadsheet 41
Using the DDE for Excel Sample Spreadsheet 42
Tickers Page 43
Using the Tickers Page 43
Tickers Page Toolbar Buttons 45
API Reference Guide i
Basic Orders Page 46
Placing Orders 47
Placing a Combination Order 48
Supported Order Types 50
Basic Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 50
Extended Order Attributes Page 50
Manually Program Extended Order Attributes 51
Apply Extended Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders 52
Extended Order Attributes 52
Conditional Orders Page 57
Setting Up Conditional Orders 57
Conditional Order Examples 59
If-Filled order 59
Price-change order 59
Conditional Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 60
Advanced Orders Page 60
Placing a Bracket Order 61
Placing a Volatility Order 62
Placing a Trailing Stop Limit Order 63
Placing a Scale Order 64
Placing a Relative Order 65
Advanced Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 65
Open Orders Page 65
Viewing Open Orders 66
Open Orders Tab Toolbar Buttons 67
Executions Page 67
Viewing Executions 68
API Reference Guide ii
Executions Page Toolbar Buttons 68
Executions Reporting Page 68
Running Execution Reports 69
Account Page 69
Using the Account Page 70
Account Page Toolbar Buttons 71
Account Page Values 71
Portfolio Page 75
Viewing Your Portfolio 76
Portfolio Page Toolbar Buttons 76
Historical Data Page 76
Viewing Historical Data 77
Historical Data Page Toolbar Buttons 78
Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields 79
Market Scanner Page 81
Starting a Market Scanner Subscription 82
Market Scanner Parameters 83
Market Scanner Page Toolbar Buttons 84
Available Market Scanners 84
Contract Details Page 88
Requesting Contract Details 89
Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons 89
Bond Contract Details Page 90
Requesting Bond Contract Details 90
Bond Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons 91
Market Depth Page 91
Using the Market Depth Page 92
API Reference Guide iii
Market Depth Page Toolbar Buttons 93
Advisors Page 93
Allocating Shares to a Single Account 94
Placing an Order using an FA Account Group and Method 95
Placing an Order using an Allocation Profile 95
Advisors Page Toolbar Buttons 96
DDE for Excel API Reference 97
Viewing the Code 97
Modules 98
Macros 98
Named Ranges 99
DDE Syntax for Excel 100
Active X 107
Linking to the Application using ActiveX 108
Registering Third-Party ActiveX Controls 109
Running the ActiveX API on 64-bit Windows XP Systems 110
Using the Visual Basic Sample Program 111
ActiveX Methods 112
connect() 113
disconnect() 113
reqCurrentTime() 113
setServerLogLevel() 113
reqMktDataEx() 114
cancelMktData() 114
calculateImpliedVolatility() 114
cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility() 114
calculateOptionPrice() 115
API Reference Guide iv
cancelCalculateOptionPrice() 115
reqMarketDataType() 115
placeOrderEx() 115
cancelOrder() 116
reqOpenOrders() 116
reqAllOpenOrders() 116
reqAutoOpenOrders() 116
reqIds() 117
exerciseOptionsEx() 117
reqGlobalCancel() 117
reqExecutionsEx() 118
reqContractDetailsEx() 118
reqMktDepthEx() 118
cancelMktDepth() 118
reqAccountUpdates() 119
reqNewsBulletins() 119
cancelNewsBulletins() 119
reqManagedAccts() 119
requestFA() 119
replaceFA() 120
reqAccountSummary() 120
cancelAccountSummary() 122
reqPositions() 122
cancelPositions() 122
reqHistoricalDataEx() 122
cancelHistoricalData() 124
reqScannerParameters() 124
API Reference Guide v
reqScannerSubscriptionEx() 125
cancelScannerSubscription() 125
reqRealTimeBarsEx() 125
cancelRealTimeBars() 126
createComboLegList() 126
createContract() 126
createExecutionFilter() 126
createOrder() 126
createScannerSubscription() 127
createTagValueList 127
createUnderComp() 127
reqFundamentalData() 127
cancelFundamentalData() 128
ActiveX Events 129
connectionClosed() 130
currentTime() 130
errMsg() 130
tickPrice() 130
tickSize() 131
tickOptionComputation() 131
tickGeneric() 132
tickString() 132
tickEFP() 132
tickSnapshotEnd() 133
marketDataType() 133
orderStatus() 134
openOrderEx() 135
API Reference Guide vi
nextValidId() 135
permId() 136
updateAccountValue() 136
updatePortfolioEx() 138
updateAccountTime() 139
accountDownloadEnd() 139
updateNewsBulletin() 139
contractDetailsEx() 140
contractDetailsEnd() 140
bondContractDetails() 140
execDetailsEx() 142
execDetailsEnd() 142
commissionReport() 142
updateMktDepth() 142
updateMktDepthL2() 143
managedAccounts() 144
receiveFA() 144
accountSummary() 145
accountSummaryEnd 147
position() 147
positionEnd() 148
historicalData() 148
scannerParameters() 148
scannerDataEx() 148
scannerDataEnd() 149
realtimeBar() 149
fundamentalData() 150
API Reference Guide vii
ActiveX COM Objects 151
IExecution 151
IExecutionFilter 152
ICommissionReport 153
IContract 153
IContractDetails 155
IComboLeg 156
IComboLegList 157
IOrder 157
OrderComboLeg 166
IOrderState 166
IScannerSubscription 166
ITagValueList 167
ITagValue 168
IUnderComp 168
ActiveX Properties 169
Placing a Combination Order 170
Example 170
C++ 173
Class EClientSocket Functions 174
EClientSocket() 175
eConnect() 175
eDisconnect() 175
isConnected() 175
reqCurrentTime() 175
serverVersion() 176
setLogLevel() 176
API Reference Guide viii
TwsConnectionTime() 176
checkMessages() 176
reqMktData() 176
cancelMktData() 177
calculateImpliedVolatility() 177
cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility() 177
calculateOptionPrice() 177
cancelCalculateOptionPrice() 178
reqMarketDataType() 178
placeOrder() 178
cancelOrder() 179
reqOpenOrders() 179
reqAllOpenOrders() 179
reqAutoOpenOrders() 179
reqIDs() 179
exerciseOptions() 180
reqGlobalCancel() 180
reqAccountUpdates() 180
reqExecutions() 181
reqContractDetails() 181
reqMktDepth() 181
cancelMktDepth() 182
reqNewsBulletins() 182
cancelNewsBulletins() 182
reqManagedAccts() 182
requestFA() 182
replaceFA() 183
API Reference Guide ix
reqAccountSummary() 183
cancelAccountSummary() 185
reqPositions() 185
cancelPositions() 185
reqHistoricalData() 185
cancelHistoricalData() 187
reqScannerParameters() 187
reqScannerSubscription() 187
cancelScannerSubscription() 187
reqRealTimeBars() 188
cancelRealTimeBars() 188
reqFundamentalData() 189
cancelFundamentalData() 189
Class EWrapper Functions 190
winError() 191
error() 191
connectionClosed() 191
currentTime() 191
tickPrice() 191
tickSize() 192
tickOptionComputation() 192
tickGeneric() 193
tickString() 193
tickEFP() 194
tickSnapshotEnd() 194
marketDataType() 195
orderStatus() 195
API Reference Guide x
openOrder() 197
nextValidId() 197
updateAccountValue() 197
updatePortfolio() 198
updateAccountTime() 199
accountDownloadEnd() 199
updateNewsBulletin() 199
contractDetails() 200
contractDetailsEnd() 200
bondContractDetails() 200
execDetails() 200
execDetailsEnd() 200
commissionReport() 201
updateMktDepth() 201
updateMktDepthL2() 202
managedAccounts() 202
receiveFA() 202
accountSummary() 203
accountSummaryEnd 205
position() 205
positionEnd() 205
historicalData() 205
scannerParameters() 206
scannerData() 206
scannerDataEnd() 206
realtimeBar() 207
fundamentalData() 207
API Reference Guide xi
SocketClient Properties 208
Execution 208
ExecutionFilter 209
Contract 210
ContractDetails 211
ComboLeg 213
Order 214
OrderState 222
ScannerSubscription 223
UnderComp 224
CommissionReport 224
Placing a Combination Order 225
Example 225
Java 227
Running the Java Test Client Sample Program 228
Running the Java Test Client Program with Eclipse 230
Java EClientSocket Methods 232
EClientSocket() 233
eConnect() 233
eDisconnect() 233
isConnected() 233
setServerLogLevel() 233
reqCurrentTime() 234
serverVersion() 234
TwsConnectionTime() 234
reqMktData() 234
cancelMktData() 234
API Reference Guide xii
calculateImpliedVolatility() 235
cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility() 235
calculateOptionPrice() 235
cancelCalculateOptionPrice() 235
reqMarketDataType() 236
placeOrder() 236
cancelOrder() 236
reqOpenOrders() 236
reqAllOpenOrders 237
reqAutoOpenOrders() 237
reqIDs() 237
exerciseOptions() 237
reqGlobalCancel() 238
reqAccountUpdates() 238
reqExecutions() 238
reqContractDetails() 239
reqMktDepth() 239
cancelMktDepth() 239
reqNewsBulletins() 239
cancelNewsBulletins() 240
reqManagedAccts() 240
requestFA() 240
replaceFA() 240
reqAccountSummary() 241
cancelAccountSummary() 243
reqPositions() 243
cancelPositions() 243
API Reference Guide xiii
reqScannerParameters() 243
reqScannerSubscription() 243
cancelScannerSubscription() 244
reqHistoricalData() 244
cancelHistoricalData() 246
reqRealTimeBars() 246
cancelRealTimeBars() 247
reqFundamentalData() 247
cancelFundamentalData() 247
Java EWrapper Methods 248
currentTime() 248
error() 249
connectionClosed() 249
tickPrice() 249
tickSize() 250
tickOptionComputation() 251
tickGeneric() 251
tickString() 252
tickEFP() 252
tickSnapshotEnd() 253
marketDataType() 253
orderStatus() 253
openOrder() 255
nextValidId() 255
updateAccountValue() 255
updatePortfolio() 256
updateAccountTime() 257
API Reference Guide xiv
accountDownloadEnd() 257
contractDetails() 257
contractDetailsEnd() 257
bondContractDetails() 258
execDetails() 258
execDetailsEnd() 258
commissionReport() 258
updateMktDepth() 259
updateMktDepthL2() 259
updateNewsBulletin() 260
managedAccounts() 260
receiveFA() 261
accountSummary() 261
accountSummaryEnd 263
position() 263
positionEnd() 263
historicalData() 263
scannerParameters() 264
scannerData() 264
scannerDataEnd() 264
realtimeBar() 265
fundamentalData() 265
Java SocketClient Properties 266
Execution 266
ExecutionFilter 267
CommissionReport 268
Contract 268
API Reference Guide xv
ContractDetails 269
ComboLeg 271
OrderComboLeg 272
Order 272
OrderState 282
ScannerSubscription 283
UnderComp 284
Placing a Combination Order 285
Example 285
Java Code Samples: Contract Parameters 288
How to Determine an Option Contract 288
How to Determine a Futures Contract 289
How to Determine a Stock 289
Advisors 291
Financial Advisor Orders and Account Configuration 292
Excel DDE Support 293
Support by Other API Technologies 294
Improved Financial Advisor Execution Reporting 295
Allocation Methods for Account Groups 296
EqualQuantity Method 296
NetLiq Method 296
AvailableEquity Method 296
PctChange Method 296
Java Code Samples for Financial Advisor API Orders 298
Place an Order for a Single Managed Account 298
Place an Order for an Allocation Profile 298
Place an Order for an Account Group 299
API Reference Guide xvi
Changing/Updating Allocation Information 299
ActiveXfor Excel 301
Getting Started with the ActiveX for Excel API 302
Download the API Components and Spreadsheet 302
Running the ActiveX for Excel API on 64-bit Windows XP Systems 302
Open the Sample Spreadsheet 303
Using the ActiveX for Excel Sample Spreadsheet 304
General Page 305
General Page Toolbar Buttons 306
Bulletins Page 307
Bulletins Page Toolbar Buttons 307
Tickers Page 308
Using the Tickers Page 309
Tickers Page Toolbar Buttons 310
Market Depth Page 310
Using the Market Depth Page 311
Market Depth Page Toolbar Buttons 311
Basic Orders Page 312
Placing Orders 313
Placing a Combination Order 314
Supported Order Types 315
Basic Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 316
Conditional Orders Page 316
Setting Up Conditional Orders 317
Conditional Order Examples 318
If-Filled order 318
Price-change order 319
API Reference Guide xvii
Conditional Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 319
Advanced Orders Page 320
Placing a Bracket Order 321
Placing a Volatility Order 322
Placing a Trailing Stop Limit Order 323
Placing a Scale Order 324
Placing a Relative Order 325
Advanced Orders Page Toolbar Buttons 325
Extended Order Attributes Page 326
Manually Program Extended Order Attributes 327
Apply Extended Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders 327
Open Orders Page 328
Viewing Open Orders 328
Open Orders Tab Toolbar 329
Account Page 329
Using the Account Page 330
Account Page Toolbar Buttons 331
Portfolio Page 332
Viewing Your Portfolio 332
Exercising Options 333
Portfolio Page Toolbar Buttons 333
Executions Page 333
Viewing Executions 334
Executions Page Toolbar Buttons 335
Commission Reports 335
Commission Reports Toolbar Buttons 336
Historical Data Page 336
API Reference Guide xviii
Viewing Historical Data 336
Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields 338
Historical Data Page Toolbar Buttons 340
Contract Details Page 341
Requesting Contract Details 341
Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons 342
Bond Contract Details Page 343
Requesting Bond Contract Details 343
Bond Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons 344
Real Time Bars Page 345
Real Time Bars Page Toolbar Buttons 346
Market Scanner Page 346
Starting a Market Scanner Subscription 347
Market Scanner Parameters 348
Market Scanner Page Toolbar Buttons 348
Fundamentals Page 349
Fundamentals Page Toolbar Buttons 350
Advisors Page 350
Allocating Shares to a Single Account 351
Placing an Order using an FA Account Group and Method 352
Placing an Order using an Allocation Profile 352
Advisors Page Toolbar Buttons 353
Log Page 353
Running the POSIX Client on a Windows Machine 356
Reference 357
API Message Codes 358
API Reference Guide xix
Error Codes 358
System Message Codes 368
Warning Message Codes 368
Historical Data Limitations 370
Pacing Violations 370
Minimum Bar Size Settings for Historical Data Requests 371
Valid Duration and Bar Size Settings for Historical Data Requests 371
Tick Types 373
Generic Tick Types 376
Using the SHORTABLE Tick 377
TAG Values for FUNDAMENTAL_RATIOS tickType 378
IBDividends Tick Example 384
Example 384
RTVolume 384
Order Types and IBAlgos 386
Supported Order Types 386
IBAlgo Parameters 388
Arrival Price (ArrivalPx) 388
Dark Ice (DarkIce) 390
Percentage of Volume (PctVol) 390
TWAP (Twap) 391
VWAP (Vwap) 391
Balance Impact and Risk (BalanceImpactRisk) 391
Minimize Impact (MinImpact) 392
Accumulate/Distribute (AD) 393
CSFB Algo Parameters 394
Crossfinder (CROS) 395
API Reference Guide xx
Crossfinder (CROS) Java Code Sample 395
Float (FLT) 396
Float (FLT) Java Code Sample 396
Guerilla (GRRL) 397
Guerilla (GRRL) Java Code Sample 397
Work It IW (INIW) 398
Work It IW (INIW) Java Code Sample 398
Work It (INLN) 399
Work It (INLN) Java Code Sample 399
Pathfinder (PTHF) 400
Pathfinder (PTHF) Java Code Sample 400
Reserve (RSRV) 401
Reserve (RSRV) Java Code Sample 401
Strike (SNPR) 402
Strike (SNPR) Java Code Sample 402
10B 18 (TENB) Java Code Sample 402
10B 18 (TENB) Java Code Sample 403
Tex (TEX) 403
Tex (TEX) Java Code Sample 404
TWAP (TWAP) Java Code Sample 405
VWAP (VWAP) Java Code Sample 406
Extended Order Attributes 407
Order Status for Partial Fills 411
Available Market Scanners 412
Instruments and Location Codes for Market Scanners 415
API Reference Guide xxi
Supported Time Zones 417
Smart Combo Routing 418
API Logging 419
Example Log Entry 419
API Request/Server Response Message Identifiers 420
Requests for Quotes (RFQs) 421
Submitting RFQs using the API 421
Delta-Neutral RFQs 421
RFQ Samples 421
Support for Mini Options 422
Support for Mini Options - ActiveX, Java and C++ APIs 422
Support for Mini Options - DDEfor Excel 423
Requirements 423
DDESyntax Examples 423
Requests That Receive Contract Data from TWS 424
Requesting Real-Time Index Premium Data 425
Requesting News from an API Client 426
To request news for IBM 426
To request only Fly On The Wall (FLY) News for IBM 426
To request only Fly On The Wall and (BRF) news for IBM 426
To request top data and news for IBM 427
To request a list of news topics 427
To request Reuters European Union News 427
Frequently Asked Questions 428
Index 431
API Reference Guide xxii
This chapter provides an overview of the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) available, including the following
l About the APIs
l Installing the API Software.htm
l Run the API through TWS
l Run the API through the IB Gateway
l Recommendations
l API Orders and TWS Precautionary Settings
l API Order IDs
l Trader Workstation API Settings
l Uninstalling and Re-installing the TWS API Software on Windows
l CSharp API
API Reference Guide 23
Chapter1 Overview
About the APIs
We provide several APIs which you can use to link to our system and trade your IB account. The API allows you to con-
nect through either the TWS or the IB Gateway.
l Connecting through the TWS requires that you have the application running, but also allows you to test and con-
firm that your API orders are working correctly.
l Connecting through the IB Gateway allows you to use the API without a large GUI application running, but does
not provide an interface for you to test and confirm API activity.
Regardless of the connection method you use, the API allows you to:
To view syntax for specific functionality, see the DDE for Excel, ActiveX, C++or Javatopics in this guide. Customers
with no programming expertise should begin with the DDE for Excel section, which uses an everyday Excel spread-
sheet to link to TWS via the API.
Note: API topics are written for experienced programmers and provide little guidance for non-tech-
nical users.
To develop and test your API program, we recommend that you use the sample application and connect via TWS. Once
you are satisfied that the API works as designed, you can use the GUI-less IB Gateway to connect, if you desire.
Note: A variety of useful troubleshooting tips and other answers to common questions can be
found in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this guide.
API Reference Guide 24
Chapter1 Overview
Installing the API Software
To install the APIsoftware
1. Download the latest API software from the IB website:
2. From the IB website menu, click Trading Technology > APISolutions.
3. Cick IB API, then click the APISoftware button.
4. In the popup window, read the license agreement then click I Agree.
5. Click the button corresponding to the Windows- or Mac/UNIX-based production or beta APIversion you want to
6. Save the installation file to your computer.
7. Run the downloaded installation program to install the API software on your computer.
API Reference Guide 25
Chapter1 Overview
Run the API through TWS
To run the API through TWS, you must always have your system running and it must be configured to use any of the
API components.
To enable API connection through TWS
1. Log into TWS.
2. On the Edit menu, select Global Configuration.
3. Select APIin the left pane, then click Settings.
4. In the right pane, click the check box for Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients (ActiveX, C++ and Java API con-
nections), and/or Enable DDE Clients(for DDE for Excel API connections only) to configure TWS for the appro-
priate API connection. You must have these settings enabled to connect to the API through TWS.
Note: Multiple API clients with different client IDs can access a single instance of TWS on the
same computer. With the exception of DDE for Excel, the API application does not need to
be running on the same computer as TWS.
For a complete description of all Trader Workstations API settings, see the TWS Users Guide.
API Reference Guide 26
Chapter1 Overview
Run the API through the IB Gateway
The IB Gateway provides a low-resource alternative to TWS for connecting to the IB trading system via the API. The
gateway uses approximately 40% fewer system resources than TWS. However, the gateway is GUI-less, which means that
you cannot view the API activity as you can when running TWS.
To log into the IB Gateway
1. From the Loginmenu on the IB web site, select IB Gateway.
2. Select the API radio button.
3. Log in using your IB username and password, just as you would when logging into TWS.
4. Click Login. The Interactive Brokers Gateway box opens, displaying the connection status and gateway activity.
API Reference Guide 27
Chapter1 Overview
You must have the IB Gateway running while connected to the API.
API Reference Guide 28
Chapter1 Overview
Before you use our TWS API to create your own customized trading application, you should consider the following
important recommendations:
l Placing Orders by Conid - When you place an order by conid, you must provide the conid AND the exchange. If
you provide extra fields when placing an order by conid, the order may not work.
l Order IDs - Each order you place must have a unique Order ID. We recommend that you increment your own
Order IDs to avoid conflicts between orders placed from your API application. To resolve issues with Order IDs,
click the Reset API order ID sequence button on the API - Settings panel in TWSGlobal Configuration.
l Please test your API application with an IB Paper Trading account to catch and avoid any errors. You can request
a Paper Trading account from Account Management.
l While the API supports up to eight simultaneous API connections using the same login to a single running TWS,
we recommend that you avoid this scenario. If possible, use a single API connection for your application to avoid
performance overhead.
API Reference Guide 29
Chapter1 Overview
API Orders and TWS Precautionary Settings
By default, Trader Workstation includes precautionary settings as part of its Order Presets on the TWS Configuration
page. Precautionary settings are safety checks and include percentage, size limit, total value and number of ticks. They
can be modified in TWS for most instrument types (stocks, options, and so on) or for specific tickers.
If your API order violates these settings, you will receive an error message. For example, the default precautionary setting
for order size is 500. If you place an order for 1000 shares of stock, you will receive an error message indicating that the
size specified violates the constraints specified in the default order settings. TWS precautionary settings apply to API
orders placed from ALL API technologies.
You can override the precautionary settings by doing one of the following:
l On the Configure menu, select API then All API Settings. Select the Bypass Order Precautions for API Orders
check box, then click OK. All of your API orders will ignore the precautionary settings in TWS.
l In the Order Presets, enter higher precautionary setting limits for the desired instrument types and or tickers. On
the Configure menu, select Order then select Order Presets. Select the instrument type or ticker on the left, enter
the desired limits in the Precautionary Settings section of the page, then click OK.
API Reference Guide 30
Chapter1 Overview
In the IB Gateway:
l From the Configure menu, select Settings. Select the Bypass Order Precautions for API Orders checkbox and
click OK. All of your API orders will ignore the precautionary settings you had set via a TWS session.
API Reference Guide 31
Chapter1 Overview
API Order IDs
When you place a new order using the API, the order id number must be greater than the previously used numbers. For
example, if you place an order with an Order ID of 11, the next order you place should have an Order ID of at least 12.
So when you place a new order, the order id must be greater than the previously used order id number.
New Order Example
In this example, a user is going to place two orders for IBM stock. The first order is a BUY order for 200 shares and set
the limit price to $85.25. The second order will be an order to sell 100 shares with the limit price set to $84.25.
In this example, the first order is tagged with an Order ID of 1:
.placeOrder(1, IBM, BUY, $85.25, 200)
Now, user can place a second order. This order is assigned an Order ID of 2:
.placeOrder(2, IBM, SELL, $84.25, 100)
Modified Order Example
To modify an order using the API, resubmit the order you want to modify using the same order id, but with the price or
quantity modified as required. Only certain fields such as price or quantity can be altered using this method. If you want
to change the order type or action, you will have to cancel the order and submit a new order.
In this example, a user initially decides to buy 100 shares and sets the limit price to $85.25. Then, customer wants to
modify the same order and change the limit price to $86.25. Note that the first order is assigned an Order ID of 3:
.placeOrder(3, IBM, BUY, $85.25, 100)
You can now modify the limit price for this order by calling the same .placeOrder method and using the same Order ID
of 3, with the limit price modified to $86.25
.placeOrder(3, IBM, BUY, $86.25, 100)
API Reference Guide 32
Chapter1 Overview
Trader Workstation API Settings
In addition to configuring Trader Workstation (TWS) to communicate with the API, there are a number of other API-
related settings in TWS that you can configure.
To configure API settings in TWS
1. In TWS, select the Edit menu, then select Global Configuration.
2. Click API in the left pane, and select Settings.
3. Configure the API settings as required. These are described below.
Note: With the exception of DDE, the API application does not need to be running on the same
computer on which the application is running.
l Enable Active X and Socket Clients - Check to enable integration using ActiveX or socket clients including
Java and C++.
l Enable DDEclients - Check to enable integration with TWS with TWS through DDE.
l Download open orders on connection - uncheck if you do not want to download all open orders when you con-
nect to your API.
API Reference Guide 33
Chapter1 Overview
l Include FX positions when sending portfolio - If you have the Include FX Positions feature activated, all FX posi-
tions will be included when portfolio updates are sent the to API client. Uncheck this box if you don't want FX
positions sent to the API client when the portfolio updates are sent.
l Send status updates for EFP and Volatility orders with "Continuous Update" flag - If you have Continuous
Update activated for EFP or Volatility orders, all updates are sent to the API client by default. Uncheck if you
don't want these updates sent from TWS to the API client.
l Use negative numbers to bind automatic orders - if checked, all orders that are automatically bound to an API
client via the reqOpenOrders or reqAutoOpenOrders calls or via system-generated orders (i.e. volatility hedging
orders) will be assigned negative API order IDs. Otherwise, these orders will be assigned incremental API order
IDs. Volatility hedging orders will have the order ID parent API order ID + 1 when possible.
l Create API message log file - check to create a message log file. Use the Logging Level selector to define the
level of detail in the log.
l Include market data in API message - shows market data in the API log file.
l Socket port - Enter a socket port number which allows you to access multiple instances of TWS or IB Gateway
running on a single host. By assigning a unique socket port number to each TWS or IB Gateway instance, a sin-
gle ActiveX or socket API client will be able to access each of these instances. This does not apply to DDE
l Logging Level - Set the level of log detail for the API text log. System gives the most general level of logging;
Detail gives the most detailed level. Note that Detail uses more computing resources and may result in a decrease
in performance.
l Master API client ID - The API client with the specified client ID will receive all orders, even those placed by
other API clients. This differs from the Client ID of 0 which will receive all orders sent from the TWS GUI.
l Timeout to send bulk data to API - define the time in seconds that TWS will wait before disconnecting the API
client if data cannot be sent quickly enough.
Trusted IP Addresses
If you connect to the API through a trusted IP address, the connection is not questioned. Otherwise, you will get a ver-
ification message asking if you are sure you want to make the connection.
l Click Create to add a new trusted IP address to the list.
l Click Edit to modify the selected address.
l Click Delete to remove the selected address.
API Reference Guide 34
Chapter1 Overview
Uninstalling and Re-installing the TWS API Software on
If you encounter problems running the TWS API software on the Windows platform, you can uninstall and re-install the
API software.
Note: This procedure is usually only necessary when troubleshooting the most extreme API prob-
To uninstall and re-install the TWS API software on Windows
1. Open the Windows Control Panel, then open Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select TWS Interoperability Componentsfrom the list of installed programs, then click Change/Remove.
3. Select Automatic, then click Next to uninstall the TWS API software.
4. In the Windows Explorer, delete the file TwsSocketClient.dllfrom the Windows\system32 folder.
5. Reboot your computer.
6. Re-install the TWS API software.
API Reference Guide 35
Chapter1 Overview
CSharp API
Beginning with APIVersion 9.70, a new CSharp API client is included with the API. After you install API software on
your computer, you can find CSharp API components in the following locations:
l CSharp API sample code - located in the samples/CSharp folder in your API installation directory (typically
TWS API X.XX, where X.XXis the current version number);
l CSharp source code - located in the source/CSharpClient folder in your API installation directory.
API Reference Guide 36
DDEfor Excel
This chapter describes the DDE for Excel API, including the following topics:
l Getting Started with the DDE for Excel API
l Using the DDE for Excel Sample Spreadsheet
l DDE for Excel API Reference
DDE is an acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange, a Microsoft-created communication method that allows multiple appli-
cations that are running simultaneously to exchange data and commands. We use this protocol to link Excel with your
running version of TWS or the IB Gateway, allowing you to view real-time market data (including market depth) manage
orders and monitor your executions and account information using an Excel spreadsheet.
The following figure shows the Tickers page in the Excel DDE API sample spreadsheet.
API Reference Guide 37
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Getting Started with the DDE for Excel API
We have created a sample DDE-linked Excel spreadsheet, TwsDde.xls, that you can use with your TWS to create a cus-
tom Excel application. It's easy to get started with the DDE for Excel API:
l Download the API components and sample Excel spreadsheet.
l Ensure that the DDE clients are enabled, either in Trader Workstation or IB Gateway, as described here here, or
that the IB Gateway is running.
l Open the spreadsheet and start using the DDE for Excel API.
The sample spreadsheet currently comprises several pages complete with sample data and action buttons that make it
easy for you to get market data, send orders and view your activity.
API Reference Guide 38
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Download the API Components and Spreadsheet
We recommending using the sample Excel spreadsheet that we provide as a starting point toward creating your own
DDE for Excel API. Follow the steps below to download the sample spreadsheet.
To install the sample DDE Spreadsheet
1. Download the latest API software from the IB website:
2. From the IB website menu, click Trading Technology > APISolutions.
3. Cick IB API, then click the APISoftware button.
4. In the popup window, read the license agreement then click I Agree.
5. Click the button corresponding to the Windows-based production, beta or previous APIversion you want to
Note: Windows users can download the beta test version of the API by using the Windows
Betacolumn, or revert to the previous production version by selecting Downgrade to Pre-
vious Version.
6. Save the installation program to your computer, and if desired, select a different directory. Click Save. Note that
the API installation file is named for the API version; for example, TWSAPI 9.70.
7. Close any versions of TWS, the IB Gateway and Excel that you have running.
8. Locate the API installation program you just saved to your computer, then double-click the file to begin the API
9. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. By default, the sample DDE spreadsheet is located in the sam-
ples\Excel folder in your APIinstallation folder.
Note: Before you can use the spreadsheet, you must have TWS running and configured to support
the DDE API. You can also run the sample against the IB Gatewaybut we recommend you
start by running TWS.
API Reference Guide 39
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Configure Trader Workstation to Support API Com-
You must have your system running to use any of the API components.
To configure the application to support accessing its functionality via the API
1. On the Edit menu select Global Configuration.
2. Click API in the left pane, and select Settings.
3. On the right panel, check Enable DDE clients to enable integration with TWS with TWS through DDE. Down-
load sample programs from the Software page on the IB website.
4. Set the rest of the API parameters as required. For details, see Trader Workstation APISettings.
Note: Not more than one API application can simultaneously access a single instance. With the
exception of DDE, the API application does not need to be running on the same computer
on which the application is running.
API Reference Guide 40
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Open the Sample Spreadsheet
After you have downloaded the sample spreadsheet and configured the application to allow the DDE for Excel API to
link to it, open the spreadsheet and save it as your personal file.
To open the sample spreadsheet
1. Go to the API installation folder in which the Excel API sample spreadsheet was installed (samples\Excel in your
APIInstallation folder), and double-click TwsDde.xls.
2. In the macro warning message box, click Enable Macros. If you receive a message asking if you want to link to
information in another worksheet, click Yes.
Note: To use the spreadsheet macros, your Excel macro security must be set to Medium or Low. If
you cannot open the spreadsheet or if the macros don't work, you need to modify your
macro security level.
In Microsoft Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then
click Trust Centerin the Excel Options window. In the Trust Center, click Macro Settings,
then change your settings as required.
In previous versions of Excel, select Macrofrom the Toolsmenu, and then select Security.
Set security to Medium or Low.
3. In the User Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?area, type your account user name. Note that you must
type your User Name on each page of the worksheet to properly connect.
We recommend using this spreadsheet as the starting point for your API application. This means that when new features
are added, you will need to cut and paste your information from your Excel spreadsheet to the newly released sample
spreadsheet, then save the application under a different filename.
API Reference Guide 41
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Using the DDE for Excel Sample Spreadsheet
The DDE for Excel API sample spreadsheet, TwsDde.xls, includes the following pages (tabs):
Page Description
Tickers Lets you set up your ticker lines and request market data. You can
view market data for all asset types including EFPs and combination
Basic Orders Lets you send and modify orders, and set up combination orders and
Extended Order Attrib-
Used in conjunction with the Basic Orders, Advanced Orders, Con-
ditional Orders and Advisors pages, this page lets you change the time
in force, create Hidden or Iceberg orders and apply many other order
Conditional Orders Lets you create an order whose submission is contingent on other con-
ditions being met, for example an order based on a prior fill.
Open Orders Shows you transmitted orders that are still working, including those
that have been accepted by the IB system, and those that are working
at an exchange.
Advanced Orders Lets you send and modify advanced orders types that require the use
of extended order attributes, such as Bracket, Scale and Trailing Stop
Limit orders.
Executions Lets you view all execution reports, and includes a filtering box so
you can limit your results.
Executions Reporting Linked to the Executions page, this page lets you run four different
types of execution reports.
Account Provides up to date account information.
Portfolio Displays all your current positions.
Historical Data Request historical data for an instrument based on data you enter in a
Market Scanner Subscribe to TWS market scanners.
Contract Details Lets you collect contract-specific information you will need for other
actions, including the conid and supported order types for a contract
Bond Contract Details Lets you collect bond contract-specific information you will need for
other actions, including bond coupon and maturity date.
Market Depth Lets you view market depth for selected quotes.
Advisors Lets Financial Advisors send and modify FA orders.
API Reference Guide 42
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Note: Two additional pages, Old Style Executions and Old Style Account-Portfolio, represent func-
tionality that has been replaced by other pages in the spreadsheet (Executions, Account and
Portfolio pages). While these older pages are still included in the TswDde.xls sample spread-
sheet, they are no longer documented in this API Users Guide and you should not use
Tickers Page
Use the Tickers page to:
l Create market data (ticker) lines.
l Request market data.
Using the Tickers Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To create a ticker using the Create Ticker button
1. Click the Tickers tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click the line number to the left of a blank row to select the row. You must have a blank row selected to create a
ticker line.
3. Click the Create Tickerbutton on the toolbar and enter information in the Tickers box.
4. Click OK.
API Reference Guide 43
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
For stocks, you only need to specify the Symbol, Type, Exchange(usually SMART), and Currency.
To create a ticker on the spreadsheet
1. Select a blank cell in the Symbol column and enter a symbol.
2. Tab through the all contract description fields and enter data where necessary, for example if you are entering a
stock ticker, you don't need values in the Expiry, Strike, P/C and Multiplier fields.
The Exchangefield accepts the following values: SMART (for smart order routing), and any valid exchange acronym.
To request market data for a ticker
1. Select the ticker row for which you want to request market data by clicking the row number.
2. Press Ctrl+R, or click Request Market Data on the toolbar.
To get market data for a group of tickers, select multiple ticker rows while holding down the Shiftkey, then click
Request Market Datamultiple times until all rows are showing data.
To set the refresh rate
The refresh rate determines how often the DDE link to TWS is refreshed.
TWS market data updates every 300 milliseconds by default, so setting the refresh rate to 250 will get every tick to the
To set the processing rate
API Reference Guide 44
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
The server processing rate affects the speed at which the DDE handles requests between TWS and the spreadsheet.
The allowed range is 100 ms- 2000 ms, inclusive.
To set the level of detail for logging of API client requests
1. In the Log Levelfield in the Which Trader Workstation?area, enter the desired log level value (1 =SYSTEM,
2. Move your cursor out of the Log Levelfield, then click the Set Log Level button.
To remove all DDE links to TWS
The Clear All Linksbutton on the Tickers page lets you remove all DDE links from the TwsDde.xls spreadsheet to
TWS that the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code provided with the spreadsheet could create. You typically use
this button when you are preparing to save the spreadsheet.
Clicking this button cancels all market data, historical data, market scanner subscriptions, and other data requests. If you
add your own links to existing or new pages, update the clearAllLinks macro to clear those links as well. Each page in
the spreadsheet contains its own clearLinksmacro; these are all called by the clearAllLinks macro.
Note: Clearing all links does NOT cancel orders.
Tickers Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Tickers page includes the buttons described below.
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a market data
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to
create legs of a combination order one by one.
Request Market Data Select a line and click to get market data for the selected con-
Set Refresh Rate The Refresh Rate value is in milliseconds, and determines how
often the DDE link to TWS is refreshed. The default refresh
rate is 1000 (updates every 1 second), and the allowed range
is 100ms to 2000ms, inclusive.
Note that the TWS market data updates every 300 mil-
liseconds. This means the default "every 1 second" rate will
only show 30% of the ticks. A Refresh Rate of 250 will get
every tick to the spreadsheet.
Set Processing Rate Set the TWS/DDE server message processing rate (also in mil-
liseconds) to affect the speed at which DDE will handle
requests between the spreadsheet and TWS. The allowed range
is 100ms to 2000ms, inclusive.
API Reference Guide 45
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Button Description
Set Log Level This specifies the level of log entry detail used when proc-
essing API requests. Valid values include:
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the most recent error
Show Bulletins Opens the News Bulletins message. If you subscribe to bul-
letins, news will appear in the RED box in the upper right
corner of the spreadsheet.
Clear All Links Clears all DDE links to the TWS.
Basic Orders Page
Use the Basic Orders pageto:
l Create an order.
l Create a "basket" of orders.
l Modify and cancel orders.
l Create combination orders.
API Reference Guide 46
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Placing Orders
This topic describes how to place the following types of orders on the Orders page:
l Simple orders
l Basket orders
l Modified orders
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To place an order
1. Click the Basic Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields.
You must define the Action(Buy, Sell or Short Sell), Quantity, Order Type, Limit Price(unless it's a market order)
and if necessary, the Aux. Pricefor order types that require it.
4. If desired, apply extended order attributes by clicking the Apply Extended Template button on the toolbar. This
applies all attributes you have defined on the Extended Order Attributes page.
5. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton in the Toolbar section of the page.
API Reference Guide 47
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
To place a "basket" of orders
1. Click the Basic Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using fields in the Order Description section.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for additional orders.
5. Select a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
6. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
To modify an order (or group of orders)
1. On the Basic Orders page, change any necessary parameters in an order or group of orders.
2. Select the order or a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
3. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
Note: You cannot modify orders in the DDEfor Excel API that were submitted from TWS .This is
because the DDEfor Excel API uses its own created order ID to modify the orders, not the
global customer order ID. All orders created in TWS have an internal order ID of 0. If you
try to modify an order in the DDE for Excel API with id = "id0" you will get the error
"duplicate order ID".
Placing a Combination Order
A combination order is a special type of order that is constructed of many separate legs but executed as a single trans-
For example, to buy a calendar spread, you would:
l Buy 1 OPT JUL03 17.5 CALL (100)
l Sell 1 OPT AUG03 17.5 CALL (100)
The following example walks you through the process of placing a hypothetical calendar spread order for XYZ on ISE.
API Reference Guide 48
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
To create a calendar spread order
1. Use theContract Details page to get the contract id for both of the leg definitions.
The conid for XYZ option JUL08 17.5 CALL on ISE is "12345678".
The conid for XYZ option AUG08 17.5 CALL on ISE is "12345679".
2. Click the Basic Orderstab to build the combo leg definitions. Click the Combo Legsbutton on the Basic
Orders page toolbar and enter leg information. Your leg information is translated into the format:
[CMBLGS]_[NumOfLegs]_[Combo Leg Definitions]_[CMBLGS]
[CMBLGS]is the delimiter used to identify the start and end of the leg definitions
[NumOfLegs] is the number of leg definitions
[Combo Leg Definitions]defines N leg definitions, and each leg definition consists of [conid]_[ratio]_[action]_
[exchange]_[openClose], so the resulting combo substring looks as follows:
3. The combination leg definitions must occur before the extended order attributes. The full place order DDE request
string will look like this:
If the order legs do not constitute a valid combination, one of the following errors will be returned:
312 = The combo details are invalid.
313 = The combo details for '<leg number>' are invalid.
314 = Security type 'BAG' requires combo leg details.
315 = Stock combo legs are restricted to SMART exchange.
Note: 1. The exchange for the leg definition must match that of the combination order. The excep-
tion is for a STK leg definition, which must specify the SMART exchange.
API Reference Guide 49
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
2. The openClose leg definition value is always 'SAME' (i.e.0) for retail accounts. For insti-
tutional accounts, the value may be any of the following: (SAME, OPEN, CLOSE).
Supported Order Types
The order types currently supported through the DDE for Excel API are:
l Limit (LMT)
l Market (MKT)
l Limit if Touched (LIT)
l Market if Touched (MIT)
l Market on Close (MOC)
l Limit on Close (LOC)
l Pegged to Market (PEGMKT)
l Relative (REL)
l Stop (STP)
l Stop Limit (STPLMT)
l Trailing Stop (TRAIL)
l Trailing Stop Limit (TRAILLIMIT)
l Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
l Volatility orders (VOL)
Basic Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Basic Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to
create legs of a combination order one by one.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order Description fields, and
defined any extended attributes, click to create an order for the
selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
Apply Extended Template Applies the current values on the Extended Order Attributes
page to the highlighted order row.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Extended Order Attributes Page
The Extended Order Attributespage includes all of the optional attributes you can use when you send an order, such as
setting a display size to create an iceberg order, adding orders to an OCA group, and setting the transmit date for a Good
After Time order. Once you define the attributes on this page, you can apply them to a single order or selected group of
API Reference Guide 50
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
orders using the Apply Extended Templatebutton, which occurs on both the Orders page and the Conditional Orders
page. The attributes populate the extended order attributes fields that follow the Order Status fields to the far right of the
Manually Program Extended Order Attributes
Observe the following guidelines when you manually assign an attribute:
l When appended to orderDescription, the number and order of attributes cannot be changed.
l For any attribute that is not defined, use the value 'EMPTY' or {}. Since a string length is limited to 255 char-
acters, we recommend using the open/close curly braces {}.
l A place order message for a simple stock limit day order looks as follows, with the primary exchange "Supersoes"
separating the extended attributes:
API Reference Guide 51
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Apply Extended Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders
Normally, values that you enter on the Extended Order Attributes page apply to all subsequent orders. However, you
also can apply selected attributes to an individual order or a group of orders on the Orders page.
Note: You can also use this procedure to apply extended order attributes to orders on the Con-
ditional Orders page.
To apply extended order attributes to individual orders or a group of orders
1. Enter the value or values on the Extended Order Attributes page that you want to apply to an individual order or
group of orders.
2. On the Orders page, select the order or group of orders.
3. Click the Apply Extended Template button.
The extended order attributes are applied to the order(s) and the values you entered on the Extended Order Attrib-
utes page are added to the corresponding fields in the Extended Order Attributes section of the Orders page.
When you place the order or group of orders, the extended order attribute values you entered are applied to the
For example, you might want to assign a unique Order Ref number to a group or basket of orders. To do this, you
would enter the number for the Order Ref attribute on the Extended Order Attributes page, then select all the
orders in the group on the Orders page and click Apply Extended Template.
4. Delete the value of the extended order attributes you used for the order from the Extended Order Attributes page.
These values will still apply to all subsequent orders that you place from the DDE for Excel API spreadsheet
unless you remove the value.
Extended Order Attributes
The following table shows the available extended order attributes.
Attribute Valid Values
timeInForce DAY
ocaGroup String that identifies an OCA (One Cancels All) group
account String (for institutions)
open/close O, C (for institutions)
origin 0, 1 (for institutions)
orderRef String
API Reference Guide 52
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Attribute Valid Values
transmit Specifies whether the order is transmitted immediately (set to 1) or not (set
to 0).
This parameter can be useful for example when working with basket orders.
First, prepare a basket of orders (untransmitted), then when ready, set the
value of the transmit parameter of each order to 1 to transmit the basket for
parentId String (the order ID used for the parent order, use for bracket and auto trail-
ing stop orders)
blockOrder 0 (not a block order)
1 (this is a block order)
sweepToFill 0 (not a sweep-to-fill order)
1 (this is a sweep-to-fill order)
displaySize Publicly disclosed order size for iceberg orders. The value is a number that
should be stored as a String.
triggerMethod Specifies how simulated Stop, Stop-Limit, and Trailing Stop orders are trig-
l O - the default value. The "double bid/ask" method will be used for
orders for OTC stocks and US options. All other orders will use the
"last" method.
l 1 - use "double bid/ask" method, where stop orders are triggered
based on two consecutive bid or ask prices.
l 2 - "last" method, where stop orders are triggered based on the last
l 3 - "double-last" method, where stop orders are triggered based on
last two prices.
l 4 bid-ask method. For a buy order, a single occurrence of the
bid price must be at or above the trigger price. For a sell order, a sin-
gle occurrence of the ask price must be at or below the trigger price.
l 7 last-or-bid-ask method. For a buy order, a single bid price or
the last price must be at or above the trigger price. For a sell order, a
single ask price or the last price must be at or below the trigger
l 8 mid-point method, where the midpoint must be at or above
(for a buy) or at or below (for a sell) the trigger price, and the spread
between the bid and ask must be less than 0.1% of the midpoint.
For a complete description of Trigger Methods, see Modify the Trigger
Method in the Trader Workstation Users' Guide.
API Reference Guide 53
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Attribute Valid Values
hidden 0
1 (order not visible when viewing market depth)
Discretionary Amount
(SMART Routing)
Used in conjunction with a limit order to give the order a greater price
range over which to execute.
Good After Time Enter the date and time after which the order will become active. Use the
format YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss TMZ, where TMZ is optional three-letter
time zone identifier. Allowed timezones are listed here.
Good 'Till Date The order continues working until the close of market on the date you
enter. Use the format YYYYMMDD. To specify a time of day to close the
order, enter the time using the format HH:MM:SS. Specify the time zone
using a valid three-letter acronym.
FA Group For Advisor accounts only. The name of the Financial Advisor group to
which the trade will be allocated to. Use an empty String if not applicable.
FA Method For Advisor accounts only. The share allocation method.
l EqualQuantity
l NetLiq
l AvailableEquity
l PctChange
FA Percentage For Advisor accounts only. The share allocation percentage.
FA Profile For Advisor accounts only. The name of the Share Allocation profile.
Short Sale Slot For institutions only. Valid values are 1 (broker holds shares) and 2 (shares
come from elsewhere).
Short Sale Location Institutional accounts only. Indicates the location where the shares to short
should originate.
Used only when Short Sale Slot is set to 2 (which means that the shares to
short are held elsewhere and not with Interactive Brokers).
API Reference Guide 54
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Attribute Valid Values
OCA Type Tells how to handle remaining orders in an OCA group when one order or
part of an order executes. Valid values include:
l 1 = Cancel all remaining orders with block
l 2 = Remaining orders are proportionately reduced in size with block
l 3 = Remaining orders are proportionately reduced in size with no
If you use a value, "with block" gives your order has overfill protection.
This means that only one order in the group will be routed at a time to
remove the possibility of an overfill.
Rule 80A l Individual = 'I'
l Agency = 'A',
l AgentOtherMember = 'W'
l IndividualPTIA = 'J'
l AgencyPTIA = 'U'
l AgentOtherMemberPTIA = 'M'
l IndividualPT = 'K'
l AgencyPT = 'Y'
l AgentOtherMemberPT = 'N'
Settling Firm Institutions only. Indicates the firm that will settle the trade.
All or None Indicates whether or not the order will remain at the exchange (or in the IB
system) until the entire quantity is available to be executed.
0 = false
1 = true
Minimum Qty Identifies the order as a minimum quantity order.
Percent Offset The percent offset for relative orders.
Electronic Trade Only Indicates whether to exclude exchanges whose quotes are not automatically
executable. If this option is selected, IB will use its best efforts to determine
which exchanges' quotes are immediately automatically executable, and
which exchanges' quotes would require manual (human) handling, and IB
will route only to those exchanges offering automatic execution. Please
note that while IB will use its best efforts, it is not always possible to deter-
mine whether quote is automatically executable.
0 = false
1 = true
Firm Quote Only 0 = false
1 = true
API Reference Guide 55
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Attribute Valid Values
NBBO Price Cap Maximum SMART order distance from the NBBO. Can be used only if
either the Electronic Trade Only or Firm Quote Only extended order attrib-
ute is set to 1.
Auction Strategy match = 1
improvement = 2
transparent = 3
For BOX exchange only.
Starting Price The starting price. For BOX orders only.
Stock Ref Price Used for VOL orders to compute the limit price sent to an exchange
(whether or not Continuous Update is used), and for price range mon-
itoring. Also used for price improvement option orders.
Delta The stock delta. For BOX orders only.
Underlying Range
The lower value for the acceptable underlying stock price range. For price
improvement option orders on BOX and VOL orders with dynamic man-
Underlying Range
The upper value for the acceptable underlying stock price range. For price
improvement option orders on BOX and VOL orders with dynamic man-
Volatility The option price in volatility, as calculated by TWS' Option Analytics.
This value is expressed as a percent and is used to calculate the limit price
sent to the exchange.
Volatility Type 1 = daily
2 = annual
Reference Price Type 1 = average (NBBOmidpoint)
2 = BidOrAsk
Hedge Delta Order Type Enter an accepted order type such as: MKT, LMT, REL or MTL.
Continuous Update For volatility orders only. Indicates whether the price should be auto-
matically updated as the underlying stock price moves.
0 = false
1 = true
Hedge Delta Aux Price Enter the Aux Price for Hedge Delta order types that require one.
Trail Stop Price Used for Trailing Stop Limit orders only. This is the stop trigger price for
TRAILLMT orders.
Scale Component Size Used for Scale orders only, this value defines the order size of the each
order component.
API Reference Guide 56
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Attribute Valid Values
Scale Price Increment Used for Scale orders only, this value is used to calculate the per-unit price
of each component in the order. This cannot be a negative number.
Outside RTH Indicates whether the order should be allowed to execute outside of reg-
ular trading hours of the trading venue where the contract is listed.
0 = false
1 = true
Conditional Orders Page
Use the Conditional Orders page to create an order whose submission is contingent on other conditions being met, for
example, an order based on a prior fill or a change in the bid or ask price. To see the Condition Statement fields, use the
scroll bar on the bottom of the page to scroll to the right.
Setting Up Conditional Orders
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To set up a conditional order
API Reference Guide 57
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
1. On the Conditional Orderspage, first create the order you want transmitted when a condition is met by defining
the contract in the Contract Descriptionfields, and then using the Order Description area to set up the order
Note: Leave the Order Description fields blank if you plan to enter ADD in the ADD/MODfield
(see Step 3 below), because once the condition is TRUE, the Order Description fields will
be overwritten.
2. In the Condition Statementsarea, use the Statementfield to set the criteria which must be met to trigger the order.
When the Statement = TRUE, your order will be submitted.
The sample spreadsheet includes a pair of orders, with the second orders transmission depending on the first order
being completely filled. In this case, the Statement field trigger is that the value in cell T10 (the Filledfield) must
be equal to the value in M10 (the order Quantity field).
3. Type ADDin the ADD/MOD field because you are creating a one-time order.
4. Define the remaining order parameters just as you did in the Order Description area.
5. Complete the necessary fields on the Conditional Orderspage according to the syntax in the following table.
Field Description
Statement An Excel function which returns a true or false. When true, the order will be
submitted; when false, nothing happens.
ADD/MOD Use ADD for a one-time order. Use MOD to continue checking and mod-
ifying the order until it is completely filled. This is the field that activates a
conditional order, and orders will be activated only with the "ADD" or
"MOD" tags.
If you use ADD, leave the Order Description fields blank because once the
condition is TRUE, the Order Description fields will be overwritten.
Action BUY
Quantity Enter the quantity of the order.
Order Type Refer to list of supported order types.
Lmt Price The limit price for Limit and Stop Limit order types.
Aux. Price The stop-election price for Stop and Stop Limit order types, or the offset for
relative orders.
API Reference Guide 58
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
All of the fields described above may be variables that depend on other cells, so any type of conditional order may be
Conditional Order Examples
If-Filled order
An if-filled order is an order that executes if a prior order executes. To create an if-filled order with the condition "If a
Buy order fully executes, enter a sell limit order at a price of $50.00":
Field Value
Statement Filled cell = 100
Action SELL
Quantity 100
Order Type LMT
Lmt Price 50
Aux. Price empty
Price-change order
A price-change order will be triggered if a specific bid or ask price is greater than, less than or equal to a specific price.
To create a price change order with the condition "If the bid price drops below 81.20, submit a buy limit order for 200
shares with a limit price of $81.10:
Field Value
Statement On the Tickerspage, put your cursor in the bid price field
you want to use, then copy the value that appears in the for-
mula bar (= entry field) at the top of the spreadsheet. This
value looks something like this:
where "4" identifies the bid price for a specific contract.
Paste this in the formula bar ("=" entry field) for the State-
ment, and add your qualifier, "=" ">" or "<" followed by the
price. In this example, the formula would be:
Action BUY
Quantity 200
Order Type LMT
Lmt Price 81.10
Aux. Price Not used in this example.
API Reference Guide 59
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
To modify an order (or basket of orders)
1. Select the order or a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
1. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
2. Change any necessary parameters, then click the Place/Modify Order button.
Conditional Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Conditional Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to
create legs of a combination orderone by one.
Place/Modify Order After you have completed the Order Description fields, and
defined any extended attributes, click to create an order for the
selected contract.
Apply Extended Template Applies all attributes on the Extended Order Attributes page to
the selected order(s).
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Advanced Orders Page
Use the Advanced Orderspageto create complex orders that require the use of extended order attributes, including:
l Bracket orders
l VOL orders
l Trailing Stop Limit Orders
l Scale Orders
l Relative Orders
API Reference Guide 60
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
For more information about using extended order attributes for individual orders or groups of orders, see Apply Extended
Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders
Placing a Bracket Order
Bracket orders in the DDE for Excel sample spreadsheet require the use of the extended order attributes Transmit and Par-
ent Order Id. You must turn Transmitoff until the order is completely set up, and you must identify the first order in the
bracket as the Parent Order.
To place a Buy-Limit bracket order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Enter the contract descriptions and order descriptions for all three orders on three contiguous rows:
The first order should be a BUY LMT order.
The second order should be a SELL STP order.
The third order should be a SELL LMT order.
2. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Change the value for Transmitto 0 (row 13 on the Extended Order
Attributes page).
This ensures that your orders are not transmitted until you have completed the order setup.
3. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the first order in the bracket order, then click the Place/Modify Order
API Reference Guide 61
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
The order is not executed, but the system generates an Order ID.
4. Copy the Order ID for the first order, omitting the id prefix, then click the Extended Order Attributestab and
paste the Order ID into the Valuefield for Parent Order Id(row 14). This value will be applied to all subsequent
orders until you remove it from the Extended Order Attributes page.
The first order of the bracket order is now the primary order.
5. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the second order, then click the Place/Modify Order button.
The order is not executed but is now associated with the primary order by means of the Parent Order Id extended
order attribute.
6. Click the Extended Order Attributestab and change the value for Transmitback to 1 (row 13).
7. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the third order in the bracket order, then click the Place/Modify Order
button. The entire bracket order is transmitted.
8. When you are done placing your bracket order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Parent
Order Idvalue you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
Placing a Volatility Order
In the DDE for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place volatility (VOL) orders by entering values for the following
extended order attributes:
l Volatility
l Volatility Type
l Reference Price Type
l Continuous Update
l Underlying Range (Low) - optional
l Underlying Range (High) - optional
l Hedge Delta Order Type - optional
l Hedge Delta Aux Price - optional
To place a VOL order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Description fields.
Enter VOLin the Order Type field.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values in the Value field for the following extended order attrib-
Volatility - This value represents the volatility to use in calculating a limit price for the option. Enter this
value as a percentage, not as the market data is displayed. For example, enter 17.12 instead of .1712.
API Reference Guide 62
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Volatility Type - Enter 1for daily volatility or 2 for annual volatility.
Reference Price Type - This value is used to compute the limit price sent to an exchange and for stock range
price monitoring. Enter 1to use the average of the best bid and ask; or 2to use NBB (bid) when buying a call
or selling a put, or the NBO (ask) when selling a call or buying a put.
Continuous Update - Enter 1to automatically update the option price as the underlying stock price (or futures
price, for index options) moves. Enter 0if you do not want to use this feature.
5. On the Extended Order Attributespage, enter values in the Value field for the following optional extended order
Underlying Range (Low) - Enter a low-end acceptable stock price relative to the selected option order. If the
price of the underlying instrument falls below the lower stock range price, the option order will be canceled.
Underlying Range (High) - Enter a high-end acceptable stock price relative to the selected option order. If the
price of the underlying instrument rises above the higher stock range price, the option order will be canceled.
Hedge Delta Order Type - Enter LMT, MKTor REL. Enter NONEif you do not want to use delta hedging.
Hedge Delta Aux Price - If you have entered LMT or REL as the Hedge Delta Order Type, enter the price as
the value for this attribute.
6. Click the Advanced Orders tab, then highlight the order row.
7. Click the Apply Extended Template button. The values you entered for the extended order attributes are applied
to the order row and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
8. With the order row highlighted, click the Place/Modify Order button.
9. When you are done placing VOL orders, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the VOL order
values you entered. If you do not, these values will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
Placing a Trailing Stop Limit Order
In TWS, there are four values that make up a trailing stop limit order:
l trailing amount
l stop price
l limit price
l limit offset
In the DDE for Excel API spreadsheet, you enter the trailing amount, stop price and limit price. There is no field or
extended order attribute for the limit offset value. You must include the limit offset in the stop price (the Trail Stop Price
extended order attribute).
To create a Trailing Stop Limit Order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields.
API Reference Guide 63
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Enter BUYor SELLin the Action field.
Enter the limit price in the Lmt Price field.
Enter TRAILLIMITin the Order Type field.
Enter the trailing amount in the Aux Price field.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Specify the trailing stop price as an extended order attribute. Type this
value in the Trail Stop Price Value field.
The Trail Stop Price value must include the limit offset.
For a sell order:
Trail Stop Price = Limit Price - Trailing Amount - Limit Offset
For a buy order:
Trail Stop Price = Limit Price + Trailing Amount + Limit Offset
5. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The Trail
Stop Pricevalue is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Trail Stop Pricefield in the Extended Order
Attributessection of the page.
6. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
7. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Trail Stop Price
value you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the spread-
Placing a Scale Order
In the DDE for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place scale orders by entering values for the following extended order
To place a scale order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields. The order type should be LMT or REL.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values in the Value field for the following extended order attrib-
Scale Component Size - Enter the size of the first, or initial, order component. For example, if you submit a
10,000-share order with a Scale Component Size value of 1000, the first component will be fore 1000 shares.
Scale Price Increment - Enter the amount used to calculate the per-unit price of each component in the scale
ladder. This cannot be a negative number.
Note: As of API Release 9.41, the Scale Num Components not supported.
3. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The scale
order values are applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
4. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
API Reference Guide 64
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
5. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the scale order
values you entered. If you do not, these values will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
Placing a Relative Order
In the DDE for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place relative orders by entering a value for the Percent Offset extended
order attribute.
To place a relative order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Description fields.
Enter REL as the order type.
Enter the price cap in the Lmt Price cell.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter a percentage in decimal form in the Value field for the Percent
Offset extended order attribute.
5. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The percent
offset value is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
6. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
7. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Percent Offset
value you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the spread-
Advanced Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Advanced Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to
create legs of a combination order one by one.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order Description fields, and
defined any extended attributes, click to create an order for the
selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
Apply Extended Template Applies the current values on the Extended Order Attributes
page to the highlighted order row.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Open Orders Page
The Open Orders page shows you all transmitted orders, including those that have been accepted by the IB system, and
those that are working at an exchange. Once you have subscribed, the page is updated each time you submit a new order,
API Reference Guide 65
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
either through the API or in TWS.
Once an order executes, it remains on the Open Orders page for 30 seconds, with the Status value changed to FILLED.
Then the filled order is cleared and you can see it on the Executions page if you subscribed to real-time executions.
Viewing Open Orders
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To view open orders:
1. Click the Open Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click Subscribe to Open Orders on the toolbar.
All of your open orders are displayed on the page, including orders you enter in the Excel API spreadsheet and in
Orders that fill remain on the page for 30 seconds with a value of Fillin the Status field.
To remove open orders
1. Click the Cancel Open Orders Subscription button on the toolbar.
2. Click the Clear Open Orders button.
API Reference Guide 66
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Open Orders Tab Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Open Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Subscribe to Open Orders Once you enter a valid user name, clicking this button queries
TWS and returns all open orders. Once you subscribe to open
orders, this page updates each time there is a new open order.
Cancel Open Orders Sub-
Cancels the open orders subscription. The page will no longer
show your open orders.
Clear Open Orders Removes all open orders from the page.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Executions Page
When you subscribe to executions, the Executions page displays information about all completed trades (also called
execution reports).
API Reference Guide 67
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Viewing Executions
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To view executions
1. Click the Executions tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click the Subscribe to Executions button in the toolbar.
To remove execution reports
1. Click the Cancel Executions Subscription button on the toolbar.
2. Click the Clear Executions button.
Executions Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Executions page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Subscribe to Executions After you have entered a valid user name, this button queries
TWS and returns information about all valid executions. After
you subscribe to executions, this page updates each time an
order executes.
Cancel Executions Sub-
Click to cancel the execution subscription.
Clear Executions Removes all execution reports from the page.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Executions Reporting Page
Once you have subscribed to executions on the Executions page, you can use the Executions Reporting page to run
reports based on an Order ID, Order Reference number, VOL order key, or strategy
From a programming point of view, the Executions Reporting page is a practical example of how you can extract array
subscription data from the named rangesinto which the data is put when it is received, and how such data can be used in
your own custom DDE for Excel API applications.
API Reference Guide 68
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Running Execution Reports
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To run execution reports
1. On the Executions page, click the Subscribe to Executions button on the toolbar.
2. Click the Executions Reporting tab at the bottom of the worksheet.
3. In the Type field select from:
Order ID - finds all executions resulting from orders with a specified PermID.
Order Ref- finds all executions resulting from orders with a given order reference; for example executions
from a specific basket order.
VOL order- finds all executions resulting from specific volatility order, including any hedge delta executions.
Strategy- in the Keyfield, enter a value to define the Type you selected. For example, if you selected Order
IDas the type, enter a specific order ID in the Key field.
Account Page
Use the Account page to:
API Reference Guide 69
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
l View account details including your current Equity with Loan Value and Available funds.
l View list of advisor-managed account codes.
l View your current portfolio.
Using the Account Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To view account information
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click the Subscribe to Account Updates button on the toolbar.
To remove account information
1. Click the Cancel Account Subscription button.
2. Click the Clear Account Data button.
To request the list of Financial Advisor (FA) managed account codes
API Reference Guide 70
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click the Request Managed Accounts button.
To request details of a Financial Advisor (FA) managed account
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. In the Account Codefield in the Which Trader Workstation?area, type the account code for which you want
3. Click the Request Managed Accounts button.
Account Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Account page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Subscribe to Account
Each click gives you data for a specific account value. All
blank lines that precede the Account Portfolio section will hold
data. Continue to click until all lines are populated.
Cancel Account Sub-
Click this button one time for each position you hold. When
you get a line of "0's" you know you have downloaded all cur-
rent positions. These values continue to update in real-time.
Clear Account Data Clears all information from the page. You must first cancel your
subscription before you can clear the data.
Request Managed
For advisor accounts, click this button one time for each
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Account Page Values
The Account page displays the following values:
Field Description Notes
Account Code The account number.
Account Ready For internal use only.
Account Type Identifies the IB account type.
Accrued Cash Reflects the current month's accrued debit and
credit interest to date, updated daily.
At the beginning of
each month, the past
months accrual is
added to the cash bal-
ance and this field is
zeroed out.
API Reference Guide 71
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Field Description Notes
Available Funds For securities:
Equity with Loan Value - Initial margin
For commodities:
Net Liquidation Value - Initial margin
Buying Power Cash Account:
(Minimum (Equity with Loan Value, Previous
Day Equity with Loan Value)-Initial Margin)
Standard Margin Account:
Available Funds*4
Cash Balance For securities:
Settled cash + sales at the time of trade
For commodities:
Settled cash + sales at the time of trade +
futures PNL
Currency Shows the currency types that are listed in
the Market Value area.
Cushion Shows your current margin cushion.
Day Trades Remaining Number of day trades left for pattern day
trader period.
Day Trades Remaining
T+1, T+2, T+3, T+4
The number of day trades you have left for a
4-day pattern day-trader.
Equity With Loan
For Securities:
Cash Account: Settled Cash
Margin Account:
Total cash value + stock value + bond value
+ (non-U.S. & Canada securities options
For Commodities:
Cash Account: Total cash value + com-
modities option value - futures maintenance
margin requirement + minimum (0, futures
Margin Account:
Total cash value + commodities option value
- futures maintenance margin requirement
Excess Liquidity Equity with Loan Value - Maintenance mar-
Exchange Rate The exchange rate of the currency to your
base currency.
API Reference Guide 72
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Field Description Notes
Full Available Funds For securities:
Equity with Loan Value - Initial margin
For commodities:
Net Liquidation Value - Initial margin
Full Excess Liquidity Equity with Loan Value - Maintenance mar-
Full Init Margin Req Overnight initial margin requirement in the
base currency of the account.
Full Maint Margin
Maintenance margin requirement as of next
period's margin change in the base currency
of the account.
Future Option Value Real-time mark-to-market value of futures
Futures PNL Real-time change in futures value since last
Gross Position Value Long Stock Value + Short Stock Value +
Long Option Value + Short Option Value.
Init Margin Req Initial margin requirement in the base cur-
rency of the account.
Leverage For Securities:
Gross Position value / Net Liquidation value
For Commodities:
Net Liquidation value - Initial margin
Look Ahead Available
For Securities:
Equity with loan value - look ahead initial
For Commodities:
Net Liquidation value - look ahead initial
Look Ahead Excess Liq-
Equity with loan value - look ahead main-
tenance margin.
Look Ahead Init Mar-
gin Req
Initial margin requirement as of next period's
margin change in the base currency of the
Look Ahead Maint
Margin Req
Maintenance margin requirement as of next
period's margin change in the base currency
of the account.
Maint Margin Req Maintenance margin requirement in the base
currency of the account.
API Reference Guide 73
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Field Description Notes
Net Liquidation For Securities:
Total cash value + stock value + securities
options value + bond value
For Commodities:
Total cash value + commodities options value
Net Liquidation by
Same as above for individual currencies.
Option Market Value Real-time mark-to-market value of securities
PNL The difference between the current market
value of your open positions and the average
cost, or Value - Average Cost.
Previous Day Equity
with Loan Value
Marginable Equity with Loan Value as of
16:00 ET the previous day, only applicable
to securities.
Realized PnL Shows your profit on closed positions, which
is the difference between your entry
execution cost and exit execution cost, or
(execution price + commissions to open the
positions) - (execution price + commissions
to close the position).
Reg T Equity Initial margin requirements calculated under
US Regulation T rules.
Reg T Margin For Securities:
Cash Account : Settled Cash
Margin Account : Total cash value + stock
value + bond value + (non-U.S. & Canada
securities options value)
For Commodities:
Cash Account : Total cash value + com-
modities option value - futures maintenance
margin requirement + minimum (0, futures
Margin Account : Total cash value - futures
maintenance margin requirement
API Reference Guide 74
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Field Description Notes
SMA Max ((EWL - US initial margin require-
ments)*, (Prior Day SMA +/- change in day's
cash +/- US initial margin requirements** for
trades made during the day.))
*calculated end of day under US Stock rules,
regardless of country of trading.
**at the time of the trade
Only applicable for
Stock Market Value Real-time mark-to-market value of stock
Total Cash Balance Cash recognized at the time of trade + futures
Total Cash Value Total cash value of stock, commodities and
Portfolio Page
The Portfolio page displays all of your current positions. This page communicates with TWS and updates the values
every three minutes, which you can see in the Last Update Timefield in the Which Trader Workstation? area of the
API Reference Guide 75
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Viewing Your Portfolio
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To view your portfolio
1. Click the Portfolio tab at the bottom of the worksheet.
2. Click the Subscribe to Portfolio Updates button.
To remove portfolio information
1. Click the Cancel Portfolio Subscription button.
2. Click the Clear Portfolio Data button.
Portfolio Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Portfolio page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Subscribe to Portfolio
Click to view all current portfolio data.
Cancel Portfolio Sub-
Cancels the connection to TWS that updates your portfolio
Clear Portfolio Data Removes all data from the page. You must cancel your sub-
scription before you can clear all data.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Historical Data Page
Use the Historical Data page to request historical data for an instrument based on data you enter in query fields. The
query results display on a separate worksheet page and creates a new page for the results if the page doesn't currently
exist. Note that since the query returns in a named range of cells, you can write VBA macros to perform computations on
it, and you can chart and sort the data in Excel.
API Reference Guide 76
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Note: For information about historical data request limitations, see Historical Data Limitations.
Viewing Historical Data
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To request historical data
1. Click the Historical Data tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Create a ticker by filling in the fields in the Contract Descriptionsection of the page, or by clicking the Create
Tickerbutton on the toolbar and entering the required information in the Ticker box.
3. Enter the parameters of your query in the Query Specificationfields. For complete descriptions of the query fields,
Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields.
4. Select the line, then click the Request Historical Databutton. When the Ctrlfield displays "Finished," the results
are displayed on the specified page.
To request historical data for expired contracts
1. On the Historical Data page, create a ticker by filling in the fields in the Contract Descriptionsection of the
page, or by clicking the Create Tickerbutton on the toolbar and entering the required information in the Ticker
2. Enter the parameters of your query in the Query Specification fields.
API Reference Guide 77
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
3. In the Expiredfield in the Query Specificationsection, enter TRUE.
4. Select the line, then click the Request Historical Databutton. When the Ctrlfield displays "Finished," the results
are displayed on the specified page.
Note: Historical data queries on expired contracts are limited to the last year of the life of the con-
The following figure shows a typical historical data results page.
Historical Data Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Historical Data page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a market data
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to
create legs of a combination order one by one.
Request Historical Data Submits your historical data query to TWS and displays the
results on a separate worksheet page.
Cancel Historical Data Cancels the historical data request.
API Reference Guide 78
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Button Description
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields
Historical Data queries include the following fields:
Parameter Description
End Date/Time Use the format yyyymmdd {space}hh:mm:ss{space}tmz where the time zone
is allowed (optionally)after a space at the end.
Duration This is the time span the request will cover, and is specified using the for-
mat integer{space} unit, where valid units are:
l S (seconds)
l D (days)
l W (weeks)
l Y (years)
This unit is currently limited to one. If no unit is specified, seconds are used.
API Reference Guide 79
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Parameter Description
Bar Size Specifies the size of the bars that will be returned. The following bar sizes
may be used, and are specified using the parametric value:
Bar Size String-Integer Value
l 1 second - 1
l 5 seconds - 2
l 15 seconds - 3
l 30 seconds - 4
l 1 minutes - 5
l 2 minutes - 6
l 3 minutes - 16
l 5 minutes - 7
l 15 minutes - 8
l 30 minutes - 9
l 1 hour - 10
l 1 day - 11
On the query return page, each "bar" is represented by a line in the spread-
sheet. If you specify a duration of 300 seconds, and a bar size of "1" (one
second) your return will include 300 lines, and the value in each line is
equal to one second, or is a one-second bar. Note that you can use either the
Integer value of the Bar Size String or the Integer Value to define the bar
What to Show Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid values include:
All but the Bid/Ask data contain the start time, open, high, low, close, vol-
umeand weighted average priceduring the time slice queried.
For the Bid/Ask query, the openand closevalues are the time-weighted aver-
age bid and the time-weighted average offer, respectively. These bars are
identical to the TWS charts' candlestick bars.
API Reference Guide 80
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Parameter Description
RTH Only Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
l 0 - all data available during the time span requested is returned, includ-
ing time intervals when the market in question was outside of regular
trading hours.
l 1 - only data within the regular trading hours for the product
requested is returned, even if the time span falls partially or com-
pletely outside.
Date Format Style Valid values include:
l 1 - dates that apply to bars are returned in the format
yyyymmdd{space}{space}hh:mm:dd (the same format used when
reporting executions).
l 2 - the dates are returned as an integer specifying the number of sec-
onds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
Page Name The name of the results page. This appears in the tab for the results page at
the bottom of the worksheet.
Expired Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
If TRUE, the data query can be done on an expired futures contract, limited
to the last year of a contract's life.
For a request with a duration of 300 seconds and a bar of one second, the query return looks like this (the scroll bar on
the right side of the page allows you to scroll down and see all 300 bars).
Note that the new page is added to the right of the existing tabs on the worksheet.
Market Scanner Page
Use the Market Scanner page to subscribe to TWS market scanners. These scanners allow you to define criteria and set
filters that return the top xnumber of underlyings which meet all scan criteria. The scan is continually updated in real
API Reference Guide 81
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Starting a Market Scanner Subscription
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To start a scanner subscription
1. Click the Market Scannertab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Highlight an existing scanner row, or enter information for a different market scanner:
a. Type the name of the scan results page in the Page Name field.
b. Type TRUEor FALSEin the Activate Page field.
Setting these field to TRUE forces the scan results page to pop to the front of your application every time it
updates. To stop this behavior, set the value of this field to FALSE.
c. Type values for the rest of the scan parameters in the lightly shaded section of the page.
3. Click the Start Scanner Subscriptionbutton in the toolbar. A new page for the scanner is created and is dis-
played after the subscription is processed.
API Reference Guide 82
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Market Scanner Parameters
The following table describes the market scanner parameters that make up a scanner subscription.
Parameter Description
Page name The name that will be given to the new page that is created
with the scanner data.
Activate Page? If set to true, the new scanner page will display on top of the
worksheet every time the scan results update. This could be as
often as every minute.
Scan Code The type of scan.
Instrument The instrument type used in the scan.
Location code The market used (i.e. US Stocks) for the scan.
Stock type filter Allows you to specify just stocks, just ETFs, or both.
Number of rows The number of rows of data to return in the results.
Price Above Filters out returns with prices below the named price. Can be
left empty.
Price Below Filters out returns with prices above the named price. Can be
left empty.
Average volume above Filters out returns with an average volume below the named
price. Can be left empty.
Average Option Volume
Filters out returns with an average option volume below the
named price. Can be left empty.
Market Cap Above Filters out returns with a market capitalization value below the
named price. Can be left empty.
Market Cap Below Filters out returns with a market capitalization value above the
named price. Can be left empty.
Moody Rating Above Filters out returns with a Moody rating below the named price.
Can be left empty.
Moody Rating Below Filters out returns with a Moody rating above the named price.
Can be left empty.
S & P Rating Above Filters out returns with an S&P rating below the named price.
Can be left empty.
S & P Rating Below Filters out returns with an S&P rating above the named price.
Can be left empty.
Maturity Date Above Filters out returns with a maturity date below the named price.
Can be left empty.
Maturity Date Below Filters out returns with a maturity date above the named price.
Can be left empty.
Coupon Rate Above Filters out returns with a coupon rate below the named price.
Can be left empty.
API Reference Guide 83
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Parameter Description
Coupon Rate Below Filters out returns with a coupon rate above the named price.
Can be left empty.
Exclude Convertible Filters out convertible bonds. Can be left empty.
Scanner Settings Pairs For example "Annual/True" used on the Top Option Implied
Vol% Gainers would instruct the scan to return annualized
Delimit setting pairs by slashes.
Market Scanner Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Market Scanner page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Start Scanner Sub-
Creates and displays a new page for results of the selected mar-
ket scanner.
Cancel Scanner Sub-
Cancels the market scanner.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Available Market Scanners
The following table shows the available market scanners in the DDE for Excel API spreadsheet.
Note: To get more detailed market scan results than are available in the DDE for Excel API spread-
sheet, run the Market Scanners in TWS.
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option vol-
umes and the top underlying symbols with the low-
est ratios are displayed.
High Option Imp Vol Over Historical
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest divergence between
implied and historical volatilities.
Low Option Imp Vol Over Historical
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the smallest divergence between
implied and historical volatilities.
Highest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the highest vega-weighted implied
volatility of near-the-money options with an expi-
ration date in the next two months.
API Reference Guide 84
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent gain between cur-
rent implied volatility and yesterday's closing
value of the 15 minute average of implied vol-
Top Option Imp Vol % Losers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent loss between cur-
rent implied volatility and yesterday's closing
value of the 15 minute average of implied vol-
High Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option vol-
umes and the top underlying symbols with the
highest ratios are displayed.
Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option vol-
umes and the top underlying symbols with the low-
est ratios are displayed.
Most Active by Opt Volume
Displays the most active contracts sorted descend-
ing by options volume.
Hot by Option Volume
Shows the top underlying contracts for highest
options volume over a 10-day average.
High Option Open Interest P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highestput/call ratio of outstanding option con-
Low Option Open Interest P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest
put/call ratio of outstanding option contracts.
Top % Gainers
Contracts whose last trade price shows the highest
percent increase from the previous night's closing
Most Active
Contracts with the highest trading volume today,
based on units used by TWS (lots for US stocks;
contract for derivatives and non-US stocks).
The sample spreadsheet includes two Most Active
scans: Most Active List, which displays the most
active contracts in the NASDAQ, NYSE and
AMEX markets, and Most Active US, which dis-
plays the most active stocks in the United States.
Top % Losers
Contracts whose last trade price shows the lowest
percent increase from the previous night's closing
API Reference Guide 85
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Hot Contracts by Volume
Contracts where:
l today's Volume/avgDailyVolume is highest.
l avgDailyVolume is a 30-day exponential
moving average of the contract's daily vol-
Top % Futures Gainers
Futures whose last trade price shows the highest
percent increase from the previous night's closing
Hot Contracts by Price
Contracts where:
l (lastTradePrice-prevClose)/avgDailyChange
is highest in absolute value (positive or neg-
l The avgDailyChange is defined as an expo-
nential moving average of the contract's (dai-
Top Trade Count
The top trade count during the day.
Top Trade Rate
Contracts with the highest number of trades in the
past 60 seconds (regardless of the sizes of those
Top Price Range
The largest difference between today's high and
low, or yesterday's close if outside of today's range.
Hot by Price Range
The largest price range (from Top Price Range cal-
culation) over the volatility.
Top Volume Rate
The top volume rate per minute.
Lowest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the lowest vega-weighted implied vol-
atility of near-the-money options with an expi-
ration date in the next two months.
Most Active by Opt Open Interest
Returns the top 50 underlying contracts with the
(highest number of outstanding call contracts) +
(highest number of outstanding put contracts)
Not Open
Contracts that have not traded today.
Contracts for which trading has been halted.
API Reference Guide 86
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Top % Gainers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent price
INCREASE between the last trade and opening
Top % Losers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent price
DECREASE between the last trade and opening
Top Close-to-Open % Gainers
Shows contracts with the highest percent price
INCREASE between the previous close and today's
opening prices.
Top Close-to-Open % Losers
Shows contracts with the highest percent price
DECREASE between the previous close and
today's opening prices.
Lowest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the lowest vega-weighted implied vol-
atility of near-the-money options with an expi-
ration date in the next two months.
Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent gain between cur-
rent implied volatility and yesterday's closing
value of the 15 minute average of implied vol-
Top Option Imp Vol % Losers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent loss between cur-
rent implied volatility and yesterday's closing
value of the 15 minute average of implied vol-
13-Week High
The highest price for the past 13 weeks.
13-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 13 weeks.
26-Week High
The highest price for the past 26 weeks.
26-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 26 weeks.
52-Week High
The highest price for the past 52 weeks.
52-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 52 weeks.
API Reference Guide 87
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
EFP - High Synth Bid Rev Yield
Highlights the highest synthetic EFP interest rates
available. These rates are computed by taking the
price differential between the SSF and the under-
lying stock and netting dividends to calculate an
annualized synthetic implied interest rate over the
period of the SSF. The High rates may present an
investment opportunity.
EFP - Low Synth Bid Rev Yield
Highlights the lowest synthetic EFP interest rates
available. These rates are computed by taking the
price differential between the SSF and the under-
lying stock and netting dividends to calculate an
annualized synthetic implied interest rate over the
period of the SSF. The Low rates may present a bor-
rowing opportunity.
*30-day (V30) Implied Volatilities:
Implied volatility is calculated using a 100-step binary tree for American style options, and a Black-
Scholes model for European style options. Interest rates are calculated using the settlement prices from
the day's Eurodollar futures contracts, and dividends are based on historical payouts.
The IB 30-day volatility is the at-market volatility estimated for a maturity thirty calendar days for-
ward of the current trading day. It is based on option prices from two consecutive expiration months.
The first expiration month is that which has at least eight calendar days to run. The implied volatility
is estimated for the eight options on the four closest to market strikes in each expiry. The implied vol-
atilities are fit to a parabola as a function of the strike price for each expiry. The at-the-market implied
volatility for an expiry is then taken to be the value of the fit parabola at the expected future price for
the expiry. A linear interpolation (or extrapolation, as required) of the 30-day variance based on the
squares of the at-market volatilities is performed. V30 is then the square root of the estimated var-
iance. If there is no first expiration month with less than sixty calendar days to run, we do not cal-
culate a V30.
Contract Details Page
Use the Contract Details page to request contract-specific information such as supported order types, valid exchanges, the
contract ID, and so on.
API Reference Guide 88
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Requesting Contract Details
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To request details for a contract
1. Click the Contract Detailstab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Contract Details page.
2. Select or enter the ticker symbol for which you want to request contract details.
3. To request contract details for an expired contract, type TRUEin the Expired field.
4. Click the Request Contract Details button on the toolbar.
Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Contract Details page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Request Contract Details Returns information on the selected contract.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
API Reference Guide 89
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Bond Contract Details Page
Use the Bond Contract Details page to request contract-specific information for bonds, including the coupon, ratings,
bond type, maturity date, and so on.
Note: Beginning with TWS Version 921, some bond contract data will be suppressed and will not
be available from the API. All bond contract data will continue to be available from Trader
Workstation, but only the following bond contract data will be available from the API:
- Contract ID
- Minimum Tick
- CUSIP (if you have subscribed to the CUSIP service)
- Rating (if you have subscribed to ratings)
Requesting Bond Contract Details
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User Name
field in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet to prop-
erly connect to TWS.
To request details for a bond contract
API Reference Guide 90
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
1. Click the BondContract Details tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Enter the ticker symbol for which you want to request contract details.
3. Click the Request Bond Contract Details button on the toolbar.
Note: Beginning with TWS Version 921, some bond contract data will be suppressed and will not
be available from the API. All bond contract data will continue to be available from Trader
Workstation, but only the following bond contract data will be available from the API:
- Contract ID
- Minimum Tick
- CUSIP (if you have subscribed to the CUSIP service)
- Rating (if you have subscribed to ratings)
Bond Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Bond Contract Details page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Request Bond Contract Details Gets bond information data for the selected contract.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Market Depth Page
Use the Market Depth page to view market depth for selected contracts. You can also view market depth for NYSE-listed
products through the Open Book Market Data Subscription, and NASDAQ-listed products through the TotalView Mar-
ket Data Subscriptions, if you have signed up for those subscriptions.
API Reference Guide 91
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Using the Market Depth Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To request market depth for a contract
1. Click the Market Depthtab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Market Depth page.
2. Select the ticker symbol for which you want to request the market depth, or enter a new ticker on a blank line.
3. Click the Request Market Depth button on the toolbar.
To reset the market data refresh rate for tickers and market depth
1. Click the Tickersor Market Depth tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Type the desired market data refresh rate in milliseconds in the Refresh Ratefield in the Which Trader Work-
station? area.
3. Move your cursor out of the Refresh Rate field.
4. Click the Set Refresh Rate button on the toolbar.
To display more lines of market depth
You can edit the Request Market Depth macro to show more than the default 10 lines.
API Reference Guide 92
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
1. From the Market Depth page, press Alt+F11.
The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) opens and displays the code for the Market Depth page.
2. In the Declarations section at the top of the code window for the page, change the number value in num-
DisplayRows = 10to a higher/lower value, then click the Save button on the VBE toolbar.
3. Close the Visual Basic Editor.
Market Depth Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Market Depth page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Request Market Depth View bid/ask depth prices for the selected contract.
Cancel Market Depth Cancel market depth for the selected contract.
Set Refresh Rate Resets the refresh rate (in milliseconds) for market
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error
Advisors Page
If you are a Financial Advisor and manage multiple accounts, use the Advisors page to create FA orders that:
l allocate shares to a single managed account
l use FA account groups and methods
API Reference Guide 93
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
l use allocation profiles
Note: You must set up your managed accounts, account groups, methods and allocation profiles in
TWS before you can place FA orders in the DDE for Excel API sample spreadsheet.
Allocating Shares to a Single Account
You can use the Advisorspage to set up an order and allocate all shares in the order to a single account.
To allocate shares to a single account:
1. Create an account group in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter the account code in the Valuecell for the Account (Institutional
only) extended order attribute.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the Accountorder attribute value to the
order. The Accountvalue is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section
of the page.
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
API Reference Guide 94
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the Accountvalue from the Extended Order Attrib-
utespage. If you do not delete this value, it will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the DDE for
Excel API spreadsheet.
Placing an Order using an FA Account Group and Method
You can also use the Advisorspage to set up an order using an FA account group and FA method.
To place an order using an FA account group and FA method:
1. Create the FA account group(s) and FA method(s) in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values for the following extended order attributes:
FA Group - Enter the name of the account group.
FA Method - Enter the name of the allocation method to use for this order.
FA Percentage - Enter the percentage used by the PctChange allocation method to use for this order. This attrib-
ute applies only to FA groups that use this method.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the extended order attribute values to the
order. The values for FA Group,FA Method and FA Percentage are applied to the selected order and displayed in
the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the values you entered on the Extended Order Attrib-
utespage. If you do not delete these values, they will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the DDE
for Excel API spreadsheet.
Placing an Order using an Allocation Profile
You can also use the Advisorspage to set up an order using an FA allocation profile.
To place an order using an FA allocation profile:
1. Create the FA allocation profile in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter the name of the allocation profile in the Value field for the FA
Profile extended order attribute.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the extended order attribute value to the
order. The value for FA Profile is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes sec-
tion of the page.
API Reference Guide 95
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the FA Profile value you entered on the Extended
Order Attributespage. If you do not delete this value, it will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the
DDE for Excel API spreadsheet.
Advisors Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Basic Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to create
legs of a combination order one by one.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order Description fields, and
defined any extended attributes, click to create an order for the
selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
Apply Extended Applies the current values on the Extended Order Attributes page
to the highlighted order row.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
API Reference Guide 96
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
DDE for Excel API Reference
This section provides a variety of reference information about the DDE for Excel API, including the following topics:
l Viewing the Code
l Modules
l Named Ranges
l Macros
l DDE Syntax for Excel
Viewing the Code
To view the Visual Basic code behind the DDE for Excel API spreadsheet, press Alt+F11from any page. The Visual
Basic Editor opens:
The Visual Basic Editor contains three main components:
l Project Explorer
l Properties Window
l Code Window
API Reference Guide 97
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
The Project Explorer contains a list of objects used in the spreadsheet. These object correspond to the pages in the spread-
sheet; to view the code for a particular page, double-click the pages corresponding object in the Project Explorer.
The Visual Basic code includes the following modules (visible in the VBE Project Explorer):
l ArrayQueries
l ErrorDisplay
l Orders
l util
The util module contains many pre-defined constants that you can use when you program your own DDE API appli-
cation. Using these constants instead of hard-coded values will make your application more robust and easier to main-
tain. Specifically, the following util functions are particularly useful in building new Visual Basic functionality:
l composeLink put together a link that receives data, such as a market data bid size, option model volatility, or
execution id.
l composeControlLink put together a link that causes operations to occur, such as subscribing to market data,
placing orders, or subscribing to the market scanner.
l composeContractReq Read a contract description out of a page like Tickers or Orders, and build the DDE string
representing it.
The DDE API sample spreadsheet uses Microsoft Excel macros extensively. Each toolbar button on every page in the
spreadsheet runs a macro when you click it. For example, when you click the Request Market Data button on the Tickers
page, you are actually running a macro called requestMarketData.
You can see all the macros used in the sample spreadsheet by opening the Excel Macro dialog. From there you can
choose to edit the macro, which opens macro code in the Visual Basic Editor.
API Reference Guide 98
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Note: You must enable macros when you open Excel or none of the macros in the spreadsheet will
For information about recording, editing and viewing macros, refer to your Microsoft Excel documentation.
Named Ranges
Named ranges are a Microsoft Excel feature that lets you assign meaningful names to a single cell or a range of cells in
Microsoft Excel. The TwsDde.xls sample spreadsheet used named ranges extensively.
Named ranges help you to move data around on worksheets without breaking existing logic. It also makes important data
available to your own custom macros and worksheets.
You can view all the named ranges used in the spreadsheet by doing the following, depending on which version of
Excel you are using:
l In Excel 2007, you can see a complete list of all named ranges used in the spreadsheet by clicking Formulas then
clicking Name Manager. The Name Manager displays every named range used in the spreadsheet, the value of
the range, and the page and range of cells covered by the range.
l In earlier versions of Excel, you can view the named ranges by selecting Name > Define from the Tools menu.
You can also download a free Name Manager from Microsoft that has additional functionality for these earlier ver-
sions of Excel.
The following screen shows the Name Manager for the DDE for Excel API sample spreadsheet:
API Reference Guide 99
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
DDE Syntax for Excel
The table below defines possible cell values for DDE-supported functionality. The basic syntax, which appears in the
Excel formula bar (the "=" enterable field at the top of the spreadsheet) when you put your cursor in a cell, is:
=server|error!error (for an optional tag that will display errors)
Description Server Topic id reqType field2
Place an order server ord idn place orderDescription
Modify an order server ord idn modify orderModification
Cancel an order server ord idn cancel
Check order status server ord idn status
Request open orders server ord idn open
Request executions server ord idn executed
Check shares filled in order server ord idn sharesFilled
Check shares remaining in order server ord idn sharesRemaining
Execution (average) price server ord idn price
Underlying server ord idn symbol
Security type server ord idn secType Refer to Note 6
Expiry server ord idn expiry Refer to Note 7
Strike server ord idn strike Refer to Note 8
API Reference Guide 100
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Right server ord idn right Refer to Note 8
Specify contract multiplier for options
and futures
server ord idn multiplier Refer to Note 8
Order destination server ord idn exchange
Currency server ord idn currency
Order side server ord idn side
Order quantity server ord idn size
Order type server ord idn orderType
Limit price server ord idn limitPrice
Auxiliary price server ord idn auxPrice
Local symbol server ord idn localSymbol
Last fill price server ord idn lastFillPrice
Create ticker server tik idn req
Bid implied volatility server tik idn bidImpliedVol
Bid delta server tik idn bidDelta
Request bid size server tik idn bidSize
Request bid price server tik idn bid
Request ask price server tik idn ask
Request ask size server tik idn askSize
Ask implied volatility server tik idn askImpliedVol
Ask delta server tik idn askDelta
Request last price server tik idn last
Request last size server tik idn lastSize
Last implied volatility server tik idn lastImpliedVol
Last delta server tik idn lastDelta
Request today's high price server tik idn high
Request today's low price server tik idn low
Request today's volume size server tik idn volume
Request last close price server tik idn close
Request implied volatility calculated by
the TWS option modeler
server tik idn modelVolatility
API Reference Guide 101
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Request option delta calculated by the
TWS option modeler
server tik idn modelDelta
Request the model price server tik idn modelPrice
Request present value of dividends
expected on the options underlier
server tik idn pvDividend
Request number of hold days until the
expiry of the EFP
server tik idn holdDays
Request expiration date of the single
stock future
server tik idn futureExpiry
Request dividends expected until the
expiration of the single stock future
server tik idn dividendsToExpiry
Request annualized basis points server tik idn basisPoints
Request annualized basis points in per-
centage form
server tik idn formattedBasis
Request implied futures price server tik idn impliedFuture
Request the dividend impact on the
annualized basis points interest rate
server tik idn dividendImpact
Account statement control key server acct idn acctv Account code (for Advi-
sor-managed accounts
Request one account value string server acct idn key
Account value server acct idn value
Account currency server acct idn keyCurrency
Account portfolio control key server acct idn acctp Account code (for Advi-
sor-managed accounts
Account portfolio underlying symbol server acct idn symbol
Account portfolio security type server acct idn secType
Account portfolio expiry server acct idn expiry
Account portfolio strike price server acct idn strike
API Reference Guide 102
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Account portfolio right server acct idn right
Account portfolio currency server acct idn currency
Account portfolio local symbol server acct idn localSymbol
Account portfolio market price server acct idn marketPrice
Account portfolio market value server acct idn marketValue
Account portfolio average cost server acct idn avgCost
Account portfolio realized PNL server acct idn realizedPNL
Account portfolio unrealized PNL server acct idn unrealizedPNL
Request contract details server contract idn req contractDescription
Valid order types server contract idn orderTypes
Valid exchanges server contract idn validExchanges
Contract identifier server contract idn conid
Minimum tick server contract idn minTick
Order multiplier server contract idn multiplier
Market name server contract idn marketName
Trading class server contract idn tradingClass
Execution order id server exec idn orderId
Underlying server exec idn symbol
Security type server exec idn secType
Expiry server exec idn expiry
Strike server exec idn strike
Right server exec idn right
Order destination server exec idn exchange
Currency server exec idn currency
Local symbol server exec idn localSymbol
Execution id server exec idn execId
Execution time server exec idn time
Account number server exec idn acctnNumber
Exchange where executed server exec idn eExchange
Side server exec idn side
API Reference Guide 103
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
Number of shares filled in order server exec idn shares
Execution (average) price server exec idn price
Order ID server exec idn permId
Identifies position as one to be liq-
uidated last
server exec idn liquidation
Request execution details server exec idn Req executionFilter
Request list of Advisor-managed
server FAaccts idn Req
List of Advisor-managed accounts server FAaccts idn Value
Request market depth server mktDepth idn req contractDescripton? num_
Refer to note (1)below.
Market maker server mktDepth idn mktMaker rowId_side
Refer to note (2)below.
Order price server mktDepth idn price rowId_side
Refer to note (2)below.
Order size server mktDepth idn size rowId_side
Refer to note (2)below.
Market data refresh rate server refreshRate idn millisec Number of milliseconds
Subscribe to news bulletins server news sub 0 Refer to note 3 below
News bulletin message ID server news newsID
News bulletin message type server news newsType Refer to note 4 below
News bulletin message text server news msg
Exchange from which news bulletins
server news exchange
Set the server log level server logLevel <log_
Refer to note 5 below.
API Reference Guide 104
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
orderDescription = side_quantity_symbol_secType_exp_strike_right_exchange_orderType_lmtPrice_auxPrice
Note:Attributes in brackets are extended order attributes and are described in the topic Extended Order Attributes.
contractDescription - symbol_secType_exp_strike_right_exchange
tickerDescription = symbol_secType_exp_strike_right_exchange
ExecutionFilter = clientId_accountCode_date_time_symbol_secType_exchange_side
Note 1:When requesting market depth you can specify the number of rows to display. If not supplied, the default
number of rows is five (5) rows. This parameter can be used to optimize performance, as a low number of display rows
requires less CPU overhead.
For example: =edemo|mktDepth!id0?req?MSFT_STK_SMART?10will request 10 rows of market depth orders.
Note 2:Field 2 of the market depth 'price'and 'size' reqTypes contain additional information to specify the order row
and side that the data applies to. Market depth orders are divided into two sides, BID and ASK, and order entries start
from the offset 0.
For example:
=edemo|mktDepth!id0?price?0_ASK will request the ASK price for the order entry 0.
=edemo|mktDepth!id0?size?2_BIDwill request the BID size for the order entry 2.
Note 3:When subscribing to news bulletins, the request should look like this:
where the request type is a zero. To unsubscribe simply clear the subscription cell.
Note 4:The valid news bulletin types are:
1 = Regular news bulletin
2 = Exchange no longer available for trading
3 = Exchange available for trading
Note 5:The valid log levels are:
1 = SYSTEM (least detailed)
2 = ERROR (default, if no level is specified)
API Reference Guide 105
Chapter2 DDEfor Excel
5 = DETAIL (most detailed)
Note 6:If the order is a combo, combo legs are inserted after the aux price. Here is a three-legged IBM combo descrip-
Each leg contains : contract ID, number of contracts, side, exchange, and open/close (0 or 1). Retail can always specify
0, institutional need to specify a 1 if the order being executed would close a position.
Note 7:If the order is an option or a future, the expiry is inserted after the sec type.
Note 8:If the order is an option, the strike and right (put or call) are inserted after the expiry. If the multiplier is spec-
ified, it follows the strike and right.
API Reference Guide 106
Active X
This chapter describes the ActiveX API, including the following topics:
l Linking to the Application using ActiveX
l Registering Third-Party ActiveX Controls
l Running the ActiveX API on 64-bit Windows XP Systems
l Using the Visual Basic Sample Program
l ActiveX Methods
l ActiveX Events
l ActiveX COM Objects
l ActiveX Properties
l Placing a Combination Order
The API software also includes an ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, which duplicates most of the functionality of
the DDE for Excel sample spreadsheet but is based on the ActiveX control, Tws.ocx. See ActiveX for Excel for details.
API Reference Guide 107
Chapter3 Active X
Linking to the Application using ActiveX
Before you can use third-party ActiveX controls, you must register them with Visual Basic.
To link using the ActiveX control and VB, VBA or C++
1. Drop the application control onto a form or dialog box.
2. Call the following methods:
Call the connect() method to connect to the running application.
Call the methods you need to perform whatever operations you require, such as the reqMktData() method to
request market data.
3. Call the placeOrder() method to place an order. Orders using extended attributes require that ActiveX properties
representing them be set first.
4. Handle the following events:
Handle the nextValidId() event to receive the next available valid order ID. Increment the ID by one for suc-
cessive orders.
Handle the tickPrice() and tickSize() events to receive the market data.
Handle the orderStatus() event to receive status information about orders.
Handle the error() event to receive error information.
Handle the connectionClosed() event to be notified in case the application stops communicating with the Acti-
veX control.
API Reference Guide 108
Chapter3 Active X
Registering Third-Party ActiveX Controls
To use a third-party ActiveX control in Visual Basic it must be registered first.
To register the ActiveX control with Visual Basic, follow these instructions:
1. From the Componentsmenu in your VB project, select the TWS ActiveX control (Tws.ocx, located in the bin/Ac-
tiveX folder in your APIInstallation folder).
2. Click Apply.
3. Verify that the TWS control appears in the toolbar with all standard controls.
API Reference Guide 109
Chapter3 Active X
Running the ActiveX API on 64-bit Windows XP Sys-
To run the ActiveX API on 64-bit Windows XP systems, do the following:
1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).
2. Install Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package.
3. Download and install the API software.
API Reference Guide 110
Chapter3 Active X
Using the Visual Basic Sample Program
You can access the server through the ActiveX interface using the .NET sample application. To run the sample you must:
l Install the API sample programs
l Configure the application to support the API components
l Have MS Visual Studio (Visual Basic 6.0 or higher) installed on your PC.
The .NET program is a sample program that demonstrates use of the TWS ActiveX control to connect to the server from a
Visual Basic application.
Note: You can also run the Visual Basic version of the ActiveXsample program, but we rec-
ommend running the .NETversion.
To open the .net APIsample program:
1. Navigate to the samples\TestActiveX_VB.NET folder in your API installation folder, then rename the *.vbproj
We recommend renaming the original *.vbproj file because Visual Studio will regenerate the project files to be
compatible with both 32- and 64-bit operating systems.
2. From the MS Visual Basic file menu, select Open Project, then select the *.vbproj file that you renamed in the
samples\TestActiveX_VB.NET folder of your API installation folder.
3. Press Ctrl+F5 to compile and run the project.
Note: If you have trouble getting the sample program to run, try re-registering the TWS ActiveX
component, Tws.ocx.
API Reference Guide 111
Chapter3 Active X
ActiveX Methods
ActiveX methods allow your application to call functions and request information from TWS.
Connection and Server
Market Data
Contract Details
Market Depth
News Bulletins
Financial Advisors
Historical Data
Market Scanners
Real Time Bars
Factory Methods
Fundamental Data
API Reference Guide 112
Chapter3 Active X
Call this method to connect to the host application.
Public Overridable Sub connect(ByVal host as String, ByVal port as Integer, ByVal clientID as Integer
Parameter Type Description
The host name or IP address of the machine where TWS is running. Leave
blank to connect to the local host.
Must match the port specified in TWS on the Configure>API>Socket Port
A number used to identify this client connection. All orders placed/modified
from this client will be associated with this client identifier.
Note: Each client MUST connect with a unique clientId.
Call this method to terminate the connections the host application. Calling this method does not cancel orders that have
already been sent.
Public Overridable Sub disconnect()
Returns the current system time on the server side.
Public Overridable Sub reqCurrentTime()
Public Overridable Sub setServerLogLevel(ByVal logLevel As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
logLevel Integer Specifies the level of log entry detail used by the server when processing
API requests. Valid values include:
l 1 = SYSTEM
l 2 = ERROR
l 5 = DETAIL
The default level is ERROR. See API Logging for more details.
API Reference Guide 113
Chapter3 Active X
Call this method to request market data. The market data will be returned by the tickPrice(), tickSize(), tick-
OptionComputation(), tickGeneric(), tickString()and tickEFP()events in dispinterface_DTwsEvents.
Public Overridable Sub reqMktDataEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
genericTicks As String, ByVal snapshot As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker id. Must be a unique value. When the market data returns, it
will be identified by this tag. This is also used when canceling the mar-
ket data.
contract IContract This object contains a description of the contract for which market data
is being requested.
genericTicks String A comma delimited list of generic tick types. For more information
about tick types, see Generic Tick Types.
snapshot Integer Check to return a single snapshot of market data and have the market
data subscription cancel. Do not enter any genericTicklist values if you
use snapshot.
After calling this method, market data for the specified id will stop flowing.
Public Overridable Sub cancelMktData(ByVal id As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ID that was specified in the call to reqMktData().
Call this function to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
Public Overridable Sub calculateImpliedVolatility(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract,
ByVal optionPrice As Double, ByVal underPrice As Double)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ticker ID.
contract IContract Describes the contract.
optionPrice Double The price of the option.
underPrice Double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
Public Overridable Sub calculateImpliedVolatility(ByVal reqId As Integer)
API Reference Guide 114
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ticker id.
Call this function to calculate option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and underlying price.
Public Overridable Sub calculateOptionPrice(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
volatility As Double, ByVal underPrice As Double)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ticker ID.
contract IContract Describes the contract.
volatility Double The volatility.
underPrice Double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and underlying
Public Overridable Sub calculateOptionPrice(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ticker id.
The API can receive frozen market data from Trader Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our sys-
tem. During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. If you use this function, you are telling TWS to
automatically switch to frozen market data after the close. Then, before the opening of the next trading day, market data
will automatically switch back to real-time market data.
Public Overridable Sub reqMarketDataType(type As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
type Integer 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data.
Call this method to place an order. The order status will be returned by the orderStatus()event in dispinterface_DTwsE-
Public Overridable Sub placeOrderEx(ByVal orderId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
order As TWSLib.IOrder)
API Reference Guide 115
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
orderId Integer The order Id. You must specify a unique value. When the
order status returns, it will be identified by this tag. This tag
is also used when canceling the order.
contract IContract This object contains attributes used to describe the contract.
order IOrder This object contains the details of the order. Note: Each
client MUST connect with a unique clientId.
Call this method to cancel an order.
Public Overridable Sub cancelOrder(ByVal id As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The order ID that was specified previously in the call to place-
Call this method to request the open orders that were placed from this client. Each open order will be fed back through
the openOrderEx() events.
Note: The client with a clientId of 0 will also receive the application-owned open orders. These
orders will be associated with the client and a new orderId will be generated. This asso-
ciation will persist over multiple API and application sessions.
Public Overridable Sub reqOpenOrders()
Call this method to request the open orders that were placed from all clients and also from the application.Each open
order will be fed back through the orderStatus() event.
Note: No association is made between the returned orders and the requesting client
Public Overridable Sub reqAllOpenOrders()
Call this method to request that newly created application orders be implicitly associated with the client. When a new
application order is created, the order will be associated with the client, and fed back through the orderStatus() event.
Note: This request can only be made from a client with a clientId of 0.
Public Overridable Sub reqAutoOpenOrders(ByVal bAutoBind As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
bAutoBind Integer If set to TRUE, newly created application orders will be implic-
itly associated with the client. If set to FALSE, no association
will be made.
API Reference Guide 116
Chapter3 Active X
Call this function to request the next valid ID that can be used when placing an order. After calling this method, the next-
ValidId() event will be triggered, and the id returned is that next valid ID. That ID will reflect any autobinding that has
occurred (which generates new IDs and increments the next valid ID therein).
Public Overridable Sub reqIds(ByVal numIds As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
numIds Integer Set to 1.
Call this method to exercise options.
Note: SMART is not an allowed exchange in exerciseOptionsEx()calls, and that TWS does a
request for the position in question whenever any API initiated exercise or lapse is
Public Overridable Sub exerciseOptionsEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
exerciseAction As Integer, ByVal exerciseQuantity As Integer, ByVal account As String, ByVal override As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The Id for the exercise request
contract IContract This structure contains a description of the contract for which
market data is being requested.
exerciseAction Integer This can have two values:
1 = exercise
2 = lapse
exerciseQuantity Integer The number of contracts to be exercised
account String For institutional orders. Specifies the IB account.
override Integer Specifies whether your setting will override the system's nat-
ural action. For example, if your action is "exercise" and the
option is not in-the-money, by natural action the option
would not exercise. If you have override set to "yes" the nat-
ural action would be overridden and the out-of-the money
option would be exercised. Values are:
0 = do not override
1 = override
Use this method to cancel all open orders globally. It cancels both API and TWS open orders.
If the order was created in TWS, it also gets canceled. If the order was initiated in the API, it also gets canceled.
API Reference Guide 117
Chapter3 Active X
Public Overridable Sub reqGlobalCancel()
When this method is called, the execution reports that meet the filter criteria are downloaded to the client via the exec-
DetailsEx() event in dispinterface_DTwsEvents. To view executions beyond the past 24 hours, open the Trade Log in
TWS and, while the Trade Log is displayed, request the executions again from the API.
Public Overridable Sub reqExecutionsEx(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal filter As TWSLib.IExecutionFilter)
Parameter Type Description
reqID Integer The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched to
requests if several requests are in process.
filter IExecutionFilter The filter criteria used to determine which execution reports are
Call this method to download all details for a particular contract. The contract details will be received via the con-
tractDetailsEx() callback in dispinterface_DTwsEvents.
Public Overridable Sub reqContractDetailsEx(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched to
requests if several requests are in process.
contract IContract This object contains a description of the contract for which market
data is being requested.
Call this method to request market depth for a specific contract. The market depth will be returned by the upda-
teMktDepth()and updateMktDepthL2() events.
Public Overridable Sub reqMktDepthEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
numRows As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker Id. Must be a unique value. When the market depth data
returns, it will be identified by this tag. This is also used when can-
celing the market depth.
contract IContract This object contains a description of the contract for which market data
is being requested.
numRows Integer Specifies the number of market depth rows to return.
After calling this method, market depth for the specified id will stop flowing.
API Reference Guide 118
Chapter3 Active X
Public Overridable Sub cancelMktDepth(ByVal id As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ID that was specified in the call to reqMktDepth() or
Call this method to request account updates. The account data will be fed back through the updateAccountTime(), upda-
teAccountValue()and updatePortfolioEx() events.
Public Overridable Sub reqAccountUpdates(ByVal subscribe As Integer, ByVal acctCode As String)
Parameter Type Description
subscribe Integer If set to 1, the client will start receiving account and portfolio updates. If
set to 0, the client will stop receiving this information.
acctCode String The account code for which to receive account and portfolio updates.
Call this method to start receiving news bulletins. Each bulletin will be returned by the updateNewsBulletin() event.
Public Overridable Sub reqNewsBulletins(ByVal allDaysMsgs As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
allDaysMsgs Integer If set to TRUE, returns all the existing bulletins for the current day
and any new ones. If set to FALSE, will only return new bulletins.
Call this method to stop receiving news bulletins.
Public Overridable Sub cancelNewsBulletins()
Call this method to request the list of managed accounts. The list will be returned by the managedAccounts() event.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to a Financial Advisor account.
Public Overridable Sub reqManagedAccts()
Call this method to request FA configuration information from the server. The data returns in an XML string via the
receiveFA() event.
Public Overridable Sub requestFA(ByVal faDataType As Integer)
API Reference Guide 119
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
faDataType Integer Specifies the type of Financial Advisor configuration data being
requested. Valid values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
Call this method to modify FA configuration information from the API. Note that this can also be done manually.
Public Overridable Sub replaceFA(ByVal faDataType As Integer, ByVal cxml As String)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType Integer Specifies the type of Financial Advisor configuration data being modified via
the API. Valid values include:
cxml String The XML string containing the new FA configuration information.
Call this method to request and keep up to date the data that appears on the TWS Account Window Summary tab. The
data is returned by accountSummary().
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
Public Overridable Sub reqAccountSummary(ByVal messageType As Integer, ByVal version As Integer, ByVal
reqId As Integer, ByVal groupName As String, tags As String)
Parameter Type Description
messageType Integer Set this to 62.
version Integer Set this to 1.
reqId Integer
groupName String Set to All to return account summary data for all accounts, or set to a spe-
cific Advisor Account Group name that has already been created in
TWSGlobal Configuration.
API Reference Guide 120
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
tags String A comma-separated list of account tags.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l NetLiquidation
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as Total-
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable US stocks the
account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual funds
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of all stock
and equity option positions
l RegTEquity
l RegTMargin
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq
l MaintMarginReq
l AvailableFunds
l ExcessLiquidity
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation value
l FullInitMarginReq
l FullMaintMarginReq
l FullAvailableFunds
l FullExcessLiquidity
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead values take effect
l LookAheadInitMarginReq
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq
l LookAheadAvailableFunds
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account is to liq-
API Reference Guide 121
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close trades a user
could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A value of "-1"
means that the user can put on unlimited day trades.
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
Cancels the request for Account Window Summary tab data.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
Public Overridable Sub cancelAccountSummary(ByVal messageId As Integer, ByVal version As Integer, ByVal
reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
messageId Integer Set this to 63.
version Integer Set this to 1.
reqId Integer The ID of the data request being canceled.
Requests real-time position data for all accounts.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
Public Overridable Sub reqPositions(ByVal messageId As Integer, ByVal version As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
messageId Integer Set this to 62
version Integer Set this to 1.
Cancels real-time position updates.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
Public Overridable Sub cancelPositions(ByVal messageId As Integer, ByVal version As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
messageId Integer Set this to 64.
version Integer Set this to 1.
Call this method to start receiving historical data results through the historicalData() event.
API Reference Guide 122
Chapter3 Active X
Public Overridable Sub reqHistoricalDataEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract,
ByVal endDateTime As String, ByVal duration As String, ByVal barSize As String, ByVal whatToShow As String,
ByVal useRTH As Integer, ByVal formatDate As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The Id for the request. Must be a unique value. When the data is
received, it will be identified by this Id. This is also used when can-
celing the historical data request.
contract IContract This structure contains a description of the contract for which market
data is being requested.
endDateTime String Use the format yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tmz, where the time zone is
allowed (optionally) after a space at the end.
durationStr String This is the time span the request will cover, and is specified using the
format: <integer> <unit>, i.e., 1 D, where valid units are:
l S (seconds)
l D (days)
l W (weeks)
l M (months)
l Y (years)
Note:If no unit is specified, seconds are used. Also, note "years" is
currently limited to one.
barSize String The size of the bars that will be returned (within IB/TWS limits).
Valid values include:
Bar Size
l 1 sec
l 5 secs
l 15 secs
l 30 secs
l 1 min
l 2 mins
l 3 mins
l 5 mins
l 15 mins
l 30 mins
l 1 hour
l 1 day
API Reference Guide 123
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
whatToShow String Determines the nature of data being extracted. Valid values include:
useRTH Integer Determines whether to return all data available during the requested
time span, or only data that falls within regular trading hours. Valid
values include:
l 0 - all data is returned even where the market in question was
outside of its regular trading hours.
l 1 - only data within the regular trading hours is returned, even if
the requested time span falls partially or completely outside of
the RTH.
formatDate Integer Determines the date format applied to returned bars. Valid values
l 1 - dates applying to bars returned in the format:
l 2 - dates are returned as a long integer specifying the number of
seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
Note: For information about historical data request limitations, see Historical Data Limitations.
Used if an internet disconnect has occurred or the results of a query are otherwise delayed and the application is no
longer interested in receiving the data.
Public Overridable Sub cancelHistoricalData(ByVal tickerId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
Requests an XML string that describes all possible scanner queries.
Public Overridable Sub reqScannerParameters()
API Reference Guide 124
Chapter3 Active X
Call the reqScannerSubscriptionEX() method to start receiving market scanner results through the scannerDataEx() event.
Public Overridable Sub reqScannerSubscriptionEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal subscription As TWSLib.I-
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The Id for the subscription. Must be a unique value. When
the subscription data is received, it will be identified by
this Id. This is also used when canceling the scanner.
subscription IScannerSubscription Summary of the scanner subscription parameters including
Public Overridable Sub cancelScannerSubscription(ByVal tickerId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
Call the reqRealTimeBarsEx() method to start receiving real time bar results through the realtimeBar()event.
Public Overridable Sub reqRealTimeBarsEx(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract,
ByVal barSize As Integer, ByVal whatToShow As String, ByVal useRTH As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The Id for the request. Must be a unique value. When the data is
received, it will be identified by this Id. This is also used when can-
celing the historical data request.
contract IContract This structure contains a description of the contract for which market
data is being requested.
barSize Integer Currently only 5 second bars are supported, if any other value is used,
an exception will be thrown.
whatToShow String Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid values include:
API Reference Guide 125
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
useRTH Integer Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
l 0 = all data available during the time span requested is
returned, including time intervals when the market in question
was outside of regular trading hours.
l 1 = only data within the regular trading hours for the product
requested is returned, even if the time span falls partially or
completely outside.
Used if an Internet disconnect has occurred or the results of a query are otherwise delayed and the application is no
longer interested in receiving the data.
Public Overridable Sub cancelRealTimeBars(ByVal tickerId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
This factory method is used to create an IComboLegList COM object.
Public Overridable Sub createComboLegList() As TWSLib.IComboLegList
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects in this section. For example, the create-
ComboLegList() method creates an IComboLeg object. The IComboLeg object contains the definition of the leg list.
This factory method is used to create an IContract COM object.
Public Overridable Sub createContract() As TWSLib.IContract
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter. The createContract()
method creates an IContract object, which contains a description of the contract for which market data is being requested.
This factory method is used to create an IExecutionFilter COM object.
Public Overridable Sub createExecutionFilter() As TWSLib.IExecutionFilter
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter. The crea-
teExecutionFilter() method creates an IExecutionFilter object, which contains the filter criteria used to determine which
execution reports are returned.
This factory method is used to create an IOrder COM object.
API Reference Guide 126
Chapter3 Active X
Public Overridable Sub createOrder() As TWSLib.IOrder
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter. The createOrder() method
creates an IOrder object, which contains the details of an order.
This factory method is used to create an IScannerSubscription COM object.
Public Overridable Sub createScannerSubscription() As TWSLib.IScannerSubscription
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter. The crea-
teScannerSubscription() method creates an IScannerSubscription object, which contains a summary of the scanner sub-
scription parameters.
This factory method is used to create ITagValueListand ITagValue objects.
Public Overridable Function createTagValueList() As TWSLib.ITagValueList
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter.
This factory method is used to create an IUnderComp COM object.
Public Overridable Sub createUnderComp() As TWSLib.IScannerSubscription
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects described in this chapter. The createUnderComp()
method creates an IUnderComp object, which is used to define a Delta-Neutral Combo contract.
Call this method to receive Reuters global fundamental data for stocks. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
reqFundamentalData() can handle conid specified in the Contract object, but not tradingClass or multiplier. This is
because reqFundamentalData() is used only for stocks and stocks do not have a multiplier and trading class.
Public Overridable Sub reqFundamentalData(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal
reportType As String)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the data request.
contract IContract This structure contains a description of the contract for which Reuters
Fundamental data is being requested.
reportType String Identifies the report type, which is one of the following:
l Estimates
l Financial Statements
l Summary
API Reference Guide 127
Chapter3 Active X
Call this method to stop receiving Reuters global fundamental data.
Public Overridable Sub cancelFundamentalData(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the data request.
API Reference Guide 128
Chapter3 Active X
ActiveX Events
ActiveX events receive information from the system and make it available to an application. This section defines the
ActiveX events you can receive via the DTwsEvents interface.
Connection and Server
Market Data
Account and Portfolio
News Bulletins
Contract Details
Market Depth
Financial Advisors
Historical Data
Market Scanners
Real Time Bars
Fundamental Data
API Reference Guide 129
Chapter3 Active X
This event is triggered when TWS closes the sockets connection with the ActiveX control, or when TWS is shut down.
Sub connectionClosed()
This method receives the current system time on the server side.
Sub currentTime(ByVal time As Integer)
Parameter Typle Description
time Integer The current system time on the server side.,
This event is called when there is an error with the communication or when TWS wants to send a message to the client.
Sub errMsg(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal errorCode As Integer, ByVal errorMsg As String)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer This is the orderId or tickerId of the request that generated the error
errorCode Integer Error codes are documented in the Error Codes topic.
errorString String This is the textual description of the error, also documented in the Error
Codes topic.
This function is called when the market data changes. Prices are updated immediately with no delay.
Sub tickPrice(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal tickType As Integer, ByVal price As Double,
ByVal canAutoExecute As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to
tickType Integer Specifies the type of price. Possible values are:
l 1 = bid
l 2 = ask
l 4 = last
l 6 = high
l 7 = low
l 9 = close
API Reference Guide 130
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
price Double The bid, ask or last price, the daily high, daily low or last day
close, depending on tickType value.
canAutoExecute Integer Specifies whether the price tick is available for automatic
execution. Possible values are:
l 0 = not eligible for automatic execution
l 1 = eligible for automatic execution
This function is called when the market data changes. Sizes are updated immediately with no delay.
Sub tickSize(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal tickType As Integer, ByVal size As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
tickType Integer Specifies the type of price. Possible values are:
size Integer The bid size, ask size, last size or trading volume, depending on the tick-
Type value.
Sub tickOptionComputation(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal tickType As Integer, ByVal impliedVol As Double, ByVal
delta As Double, ByVal optPrice As Double, ByVal pvDividend As Double, ByVal gamma As Double, ByVal vega
As Double, ByVal theta As Double, ByVal undPrice As Double)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
tickType Integer Specifies the type of tick. Possible values are:
l 10 = Bid
l 11 = Ask
l 12 = Last
ImpliedVol Double The implied volatility calculated by the TWS option modeler, using the
specified ticktype value.
delta Double The option delta calculated by the TWS option modeler.
optPrice Double The option price.
API Reference Guide 131
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
pvDivdend Double The present value of dividends expected on the options underlier.
gamma Double The option gamma value.
vega Double The option vega value.
theta Double The option theta value.
undPrice Double The price of the underlying.
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
Sub tickGeneric(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal tickType As Integer, ByVal value As Double)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
tickType Integer Specifies the type of tick.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to retrieve the
field description. For example, a field value of 46 will map to shortable,
value Double The value of the specified field.
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
Sub tickString(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal tickType As Integer, ByVal value As String)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
tickType Integer Specifies the type of tick.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to retrieve the
field description. For example, a field value of 45 will map to last-
Timestamp, etc.
value String The value of the specified field.
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
Sub tickEFP(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal field As Integer, ByVal basisPoints As Double, ByVal for-
mattedBasisPoints As String, ByVal totalDividends As Double, ByVal holdDays As Integer, ByVal futureExpiry As
String, ByVal dividendImpact As Double, ByVal dividendsToExpiry As Double))
API Reference Guide 132
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
tickerId Integer The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to
field Integer Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to
retrieve the field description. For example, a field value of 38
will map to bidEFP, etc.
basisPoints Double Annualized basis points, which is representative of the financing
rate that can be directly compared to broker rates.
String Annualized basis points as a formatted string that depicts them
in percentage form.
totalDividends Double The total expected dividends.
holdDays Integer The number of hold days until the expiry of the EFP.
futureExpiry String The expiration date of the single stock future.
dividendImpact Double The dividend impact upon the annualized basis points interest
dividendsToExpiry Double The dividends expected until the expiration of the single stock
This is called when a snapshot market data subscription has been fully handled and there is nothing more to wait for.
This also covers the timeout case.
Sub tickSnapshotEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Descrption
reqID Integer Id of the data request.
TWS sends a marketDataType (type) callback to the API, where type is set to Frozen or RealTime, to announce that mar-
ket data has been switched between frozen and real-time. This notification occurs only when market data switches
between real-time and frozen. The marketDataType( ) callback accepts a reqId parameter and is sent per every sub-
scription because different contracts can generally trade on a different schedule.
Sub marketDataType(ByVal reqId As Integer, type As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer Id of the data request
type Integer 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data..
API Reference Guide 133
Chapter3 Active X
This event is called whenever the status of an order changes. It is also fired after reconnecting if the client has any open
Sub orderStatus(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal status As String, ByVal filled As Integer, ByVal remaining As Integer,
ByVal avgFillPrice As Double, ByVal permId As Integer, ByVal parentId As Integer, ByVal lastFillPrice As Dou-
ble, ByVal clientId As Integer, ByVal whyHeld As String)
Note: It is possible that orderStatus() may return duplicate messages. It is essential that you filter
the message accordingly.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The order ID that was specified previously in the call to placeOrder()
status String The order status. Possible values include:
l PendingSubmit - indicates that you have transmitted the order,
but have not yet received confirmation that it has been accepted
by the order destination.
l PendingCancel - indicates that you have sent a request to cancel
the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation from the
order destination. At this point, your order is not confirmed can-
celed. You may still receive an execution while your cancellation
request is pending. PendingSubmit and PendingCancel order sta-
tuses are not sent by the system and should be explicitly set by
the API developer when an order is canceled.
l PreSubmitted - indicates that a simulated order type has been
accepted by the system and that this order has yet to be elected.
The order is held in the system until the election criteria are met.
At that time the order is transmitted to the order destination as
l Submitted - indicates that your order has been accepted at the
order destination and is working.
l Cancelled - indicates that the balance of your order has been con-
firmed canceled by the system. This could occur unexpectedly
when the destination has rejected your order.
l Filled - indicates that he order has been completely filled.
l Inactive - indicates that the order has been accepted by the sys-
tem (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but that cur-
rently the order is inactive due to system, exchange or other
filled Integer Specifies the number of shares that have been executed.
For more information about partial fills, see Order Status for Partial Fills.
API Reference Guide 134
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
remaining Integer Specifies the number of shares still outstanding.
avgFillPrice Double The average price of the shares that have been executed. This parameter
is valid only if the filledparameter value is greater than zero. Otherwise,
the price parameter will be zero.
permId Integer The id used to identify orders. Remains the same over sessions.
parentId Integer The order ID of the parent order, used for bracket and auto trailing stop
lastFillPrice Double The last price of the shares that have been executed. Valid only if the
filled parameter value is greater than zero. Otherwise, the price parameter
will be zero.
clientId Integer - The ID of the client who placed the order. Note that application orders
have a fixed clientId and orderId of 0 that distinguishes them from API
whyHeld String Identifies an order held when TWS is trying to locate shares for a short
This method is called to feed in open orders.
Sub openOrderEx(ByVal orderId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal order As TWSLib.IO-
rder, ByVal orderState As TWSLib.IOrderState)
Parameter Type Description
orderId Integer The order Id assigned by TWS. Used to cancel or update the order.
contract IContract The Contract class attributes describe the contract.
order IOrder The Order class attributes define the details of the order.
orderState IOrderState The orderState attributes include margin and commissions fields for
both pre and post trade data.
This event is called after a successful connection to TWS.
Sub nextValidId(ByVal id As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The next available order ID received from TWS upon connection. Incre-
ment all successive orders by one based on this ID.
API Reference Guide 135
Chapter3 Active X
This event is always received after an order Status event. It gives the permId for the specified order id. The permId will
remain the same from session to session.
Sub permId(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal permId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The next available order ID received from TWS upon connection. Incre-
ment all successive orders by one based on this ID.
permId Integer This id will remain the same from session to session
This event updates a single account value.
Sub updateAccountValue(ByVal key As String, ByVal value As String, ByVal curency As String, ByVal account-
Name As String)
API Reference Guide 136
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
key String A string that indicates one type of account value. Below are some of
the keys sent by TWS.
l Account Type
l Account Code
l Available Funds
l Buying Power
l CashBalance - Account cash balance
l Currency - Currency string
l updatePortfolioEx DayTradesRemaining - Number of day trades
l EquityWithLoanValue - Equity with Loan Value
l Excess Liquidity
l Full Available Funds
l Full Excess Liquidity
l Full Init Margin Req
l Full Maint Margin Req
l Future Option Value
l Futures PNL
l Gross Position Value
l InitMarginReq - Current initial margin requirement
l Leverage
l Look Ahead Available Funds
l Look Ahead Next Change
l Look Ahead Excess Liquidity
l Look Ahead Margin Req
l Look Ahead Maint Margin Req
l LongOptionValue - Long option value
l MaintMarginReq - Current maintenance margin
l NetLiquidation - Net liquidation value
l OptionMarketValue - Option market value
l Realized PNL
l Settled Cash
l ShortOptionValue - Short option value
API Reference Guide 137
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
l StockMarketValue - Stock market value
l Total Cash Balance
l Total Cash Value
l UnalteredInitMarginReq - Overnight initial margin requirement
l UnalteredMaintMarginReq - Overnight maintenance margin
l Unrealized PNL
value String The value associated with the key.
curency String Defines the currency of the value, if the value is a monetary amount.
account String states the account the message applies to. Useful for Financial Advisor
sub-account messages.
This callback is made in response to the reqAccountUpdates() method.
API Reference Guide 138
Chapter3 Active X
Sub updatePortfolioEx(ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal position As Integer, ByVal marketPrice As
Double, ByVal marketValue As Double, ByVal averageCost As Double, ByVal unrealizedPNL As Double, ByVal
realizedPNL As Double, ByVal accountName As String)
Parameter Type Description
contract IContract This object contains a description of the contract which is being
traded. The exchange field in a contract is not set for portfolio
position Integer This integer indicates the position on the contract. If the position is
0, it means the position has just cleared.
marketPrice Double The unit price of the instrument.
marketValue Double The total market value of the instrument.
averageCost Double The average cost per share is calculated by dividing your cost
(execution price + commission) by the quantity of your position.
unrealizedPNL Double The difference between the current market value of your open posi-
tions and the average cost, or Value - Average Cost.
realizedPNL Double Shows your profit on closed positions, which is the difference
between your entry execution cost (execution price + commissions to
open the position) and exit execution cost ((execution price + com-
missions to close the position)
accountName String The name of the account to which the message applies.Useful for
Financial Advisor sub-account messages.
This event sends the time at which the account values and portfolio market prices were calculated.
Sub updateAccountTime(ByVal timeStamp As String)
Parameter Type Description
timeStamp String This indicates the last update time of the account information.
This event is called after a batch updateAccountValue() and updatePortfolioEx() is sent.
Sub accountDownloadEnd(ByVal accountName As String)
Parameter Type Description
accountName String The name of the account.
This event is triggered for each new bulletin if the client has subscribed (i.e. by calling the reqNewsBulletins() method).
API Reference Guide 139
Chapter3 Active X
Sub updateNewsBulletin(ByVal msgId As Short, ByVal msgType As Short, ByVal message As String, ByVal orig-
Exchange As String)
Parameter Type Description
msgId Short The bulletin ID, increments for each new bulletin.
msgType Short Specifies the type of bulletin. Valid values include:
l 1 = Regular IB news bulletin
l 2 = Exchange no longer available for trading.
l 3 = Exchange is available for trading.
message String The bulletins message text.
origExchange String The exchange from which this message originated.
This event is called only in response to the reqContractDetailsEx() method having been called.
Sub contractDetailsEx(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contractDetails As TWSLib.IContractDetails
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are
matched to requests if several requests are in process.
contractDetails IContractDetails This object contains a full description of the contract being
looked up.
This method is called once all contract details for a given request are received. This helps to define the end of an option chain.
Sub contractDetailsEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
Id of the data request.
Beginning with TWS Version 921, some bond contract data is suppressed and is not be available from the API. All bond
contract data continues to be available from Trader Workstation, but only the following bond contract data is available
from the API:
l Contract ID
l Minimum Tick
l CUSIP (if you have subscribed to the CUSIP service)
l Rating (if you have subscribed to ratings)
API Reference Guide 140
Chapter3 Active X
Sub bondContractDetails(ByVal symbol As String, ByVal secType As String, ByVal cusip As String, ByVal coupon
As Double, ByVal maturity As String, ByVal issueDate As String, ByVal ratings As String, ByVal bondType As
String, ByVal couponType As String, ByVal convertible As Integer, ByVal callable As Integer, ByVal putable As
Integer, ByVal descAppend As String, ByVal exchange As String, ByVal curency As String, ByVal marketName As
String, ByVal tradingClass As String, ByVal conId As Integer, ByVal minTick As Double, ByVal orderTypes As
String, ByVal validExchanges As String, ByVal nextOptionDate As String, ByVal nextOptionType As String, ByVal
nextOptionPartial As Integer, ByVal notes As String)
Parameter Type Description
symbol String The bond symbol.
secType String BOND
cusip String The nine-character bond CUSIP, or 12 character SEDOL.
coupon Double The interest rate used to calculate the amount you will receive
in interest payments over the course of the year.
maturity String The date on which the issuer must repay the face value of the
issueDate String he date on which the bond was issued.
ratings String Identifies the credit rating of the issuer. A higher credit rating
generally indicates a less risky investment. Bond ratings are
from Moody's and S&P respectively.
bondType String The type of the bond, such as "Corp" for corporate.
couponType String The type of the coupon, such as "FIXED."
convertible Integer Values are: True or False. If true, the bond can be converted to
stock under certain conditions.
callable Integer Values are: True or False. If true, the bond can be called by the
issuer under certain conditions.
putable Integer Values are: True or False. If true, the bond can be sold back to
the issuer under certain conditions.
descAppend String Description string containing further descriptive information
about the bond.
exchange String The exchange on which the BOND trades.
curency String The currency in which the bond trades.
marketName String The market name for this contract.
tradingClass String The trading class name for this contract.
conId Integer The IB contract ID of the bond.
minTick Double The minimum price increment of the bond.
orderTypes String The order types that apply to this bond.
validExchanges String A comma-delimited string of exchanges on which this bond
API Reference Guide 141
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
nextOptionDate String Next option date. Applies only to bonds with embedded
nextOptionType String Next option type. Applies only to bonds with embedded
nextOptionPartial Integer Next option partial. Applies only to bonds with embedded
options (is the next option full or partial?).
notes String Bond notes, if populated for the bond in IBs database.
This event is called when the reqExecutionsEx() method is invoked, or when an order is filled.
Sub execDetailsEx(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal contract As TWSLib.IContract, ByVal execution As TWSLib.IE-
Parameter Type Description
orderId Integer The order Id that was specified previously in the call to placeOrderEx().
contract IContract This object contains a full description of the contract that was
execution IExecution This structure contains addition order execution details.
This method is called once all executions have been sent to a client in response to reqExecutionsEx()
Sub execDetailsEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqID Integer Id of the data request.
The commissionReport() callback is triggered as follows:
l Immediately after a trade execution
l By calling reqExecutionsEx().
Sub commissionReport(ByVal commissionReport As TWSLib.ICommissionReport)
Parameter Type Description
commissionReport ICommissionReport The structure that contains com-
mission details.
This function is called when the market depth changes.
API Reference Guide 142
Chapter3 Active X
Sub updateMktDepth(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal position As Integer, ByVal operation As Integer, ByVal side As
Integer, ByVal price As Double, ByVal size As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to reqMktDepth()
position Integer Specifies the row ID of this market depth entry.
operation Integer Identifies how this order should be applied to the market depth. Valid
values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into the row identified by 'posi-
l 1 = update (update the existing order in the row identified by
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at the row identified by 'posi-
side Integer The side of the book to which this order belongs. Valid values are:
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price Double The order price.
size Integer The order size.
This function is called when the Level II market depth changes.
Sub updateMktDepthL2(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal position As Integer, ByVal marketMaker As String, ByVal oper-
ation As Integer, ByVal side As Integer, ByVal price As Double, ByVal size As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to
position Integer Specifies the row id of this market depth entry.
marketMaker String Specifies the exchange hosting this order.
API Reference Guide 143
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
operation Integer Identifies the how this order should be applied to the market depth.
Valid values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into the row identified by
l 1 = update (update the existing order in the row identified by
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at the row identified by
side Integer Identifies the side of the book that this order belongs to. Valid values
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price Double The order price.
size Integer The order size.
This event is fired when a successful connection is made to an account. It is also fired when the reqManagedAccts()
method is invoked.
Sub managedAccounts(ByVal accountsList As String)
Parameter Type Description
accountsList String The comma delimited list of FA-managed accounts.
This event receives previously requested FA configuration information from TWS.
Sub receiveFA(ByVal faDataType As Integer, ByVal cxml As String)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType Integer Specifies the type of Financial Advisor configuration data being
received from TWS. Valid values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
cxml String The XML string containing the previously requested FA configuration
API Reference Guide 144
Chapter3 Active X
Returns the data from the TWS Account Window Summary tab in response to reqAccountSummary().
Sub accountSummary(ByVal messageType As Integer, ByVal version As Integer, ByVal requestId As Integer, ByVal
account As String, tag As String, value As String, currency As String)
Parameter Type Description
messageType Integer Set to 62.
version Integer Set to 1.
requestId Integer The ID of the data request.
account String The account ID.
API Reference Guide 145
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
tag String The tag from the data request.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as Total-
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable US stocks the
account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual funds
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of all stock
and equity option positions
l RegTEquity
l RegTMargin
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq
l MaintMarginReq
l AvailableFunds
l ExcessLiquidity
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation value
l FullInitMarginReq
l FullMaintMarginReq
l FullAvailableFunds
l FullExcessLiquidity
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead values take effect
l LookAheadInitMarginReq
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq
l LookAheadAvailableFunds
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account is to liq-
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close trades a user
could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A value of "-1"
API Reference Guide 146
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
means that the user can put on unlimited day trades.
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
value String The value of the tag.
currency String The currency of the tag.
This method is called once all account summary data for a given request are received.
Sub accountSummaryEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Descrption
reqId Integer The ID of the data request.
This event returns real-time positions for all accounts in response to the reqPositions() method.
Sub position(ByVal messageId As Integer, ByVal version As Integer, ByVal account as String, ByVal conid As
Integer, ByVal underlying As String, ByVal securityType As String, ByVal expiry As String, ByVal strike As String,
ByVal right As String, ByVal multiplier As String, ByVal exchange As String, ByVal currencyAs String, By Val
ibLocalSymbol As String, ByVal position As double)
Parameter Type Description
messageId Integer Set to 62.
version Integer Set to 1.
account String The account.
conid Integer Unique contract identifier.
underlying String The symbol of the underlying asset.
securityType String The security type.
expiry String The expiration date.
strike String The strike price.
right String Put or call.
multiplier String The multiplier.
exchange String The exchange.
currency String The currency.
ibLocalSymbol String The local symbol.
position double The position.
API Reference Guide 147
Chapter3 Active X
This is called once all position data for a given request are received and functions as an end marker for the position()
Sub positionEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Descrption
reqId Integer The ID of the data request.
This event receives requested historical data from TWS.
Sub historicalData(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal date As String, ByVal open As Double, ByVal high As Double,
ByVal low As Double, ByVal close As Double, ByVal volume As Integer, ByVal barCount As Integer, ByVal WAP
As Double, ByVal hasGaps As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqId integer The ticker ID of the request to which this bar is responding.
date String The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined by
the reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open Double The bar opening price.
high Double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low Double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close Double The bar closing price.
barCount Integer The bar count.
volume Integer The volume during the time covered by the bar.
WAP Double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
hasGaps Integer Identifies whether or not there are gaps in the data.
Sub scannerParameters(ByVal xml As String)
Parameter Type Description
xml String An XML document that describes the valid parameters that a scanner
parameter can have.
This event receives the requested market scanner data results.
Sub scannerDataEx(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal rank As Integer, ByVal contractDetails As TWSLib.ICo-
ntractDetails, ByVal distance As String, ByVal benchmark As String, ByVal projection As String, ByVal legsStr As
API Reference Guide 148
Chapter3 Active X
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the request to which this row is responding.
rank Integer The ranking within the response of this bar.
contractDetails IContractDetails This object contains a full description of the contract.
distance String Varies based on query.
benchmark String Varies based on query.
projection String Varies based on query.
legsStr String Describes combo legs when scan is returning EFP.
This function is called when the snapshot is received and marks the end of one scan.
Sub scannerDataEnd(ByVal reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the market data snapshot request being closed by this param-
This method receives the real-time bars data results.
Sub realtimeBar(ByVal tickerId As Integer, ByVal time As Integer, ByVal open As Double, ByVal high As Double,
ByVal low As Double, ByVal close As Double, ByVal volume As Integer, ByVal WAP As Double, ByVal Count As
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ticker Id of the request to which this bar is responding.
time Integer The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined by
the reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open Double The bar opening price.
high Double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low Double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close Double The bar closing price.
volume Integer The volume during the time covered by the bar.
wap Double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
count Integer When TRADES historical data is returned, represents the number of
trades that occurred during the time period the bar covers.
API Reference Guide 149
Chapter3 Active X
This method is called to receive Reuters global fundamental market data. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
Sub fundamentalData(ByVal reqId As Integer, ByVal data As String)
Parameter Type Description
reqId Integer The ID of the data request.
data String One of three XML reports:
l Estimates (estimates)
l Financial statements (finstat)
l Summary (snapshot)
API Reference Guide 150
Chapter3 Active X
ActiveX COM Objects
The tables below define properties for the following objects:
l IExecution
l IExecutionFilter
l ICommissionReport
l IContract
l IContractDetails
l IComboLeg
l IComboLegList
l IOrder
l IOrderState
l IScannerSubscription
l ITagValueList
l ITagValue
l IUnderComp
You must use the factory create methods to create the COM objects in this section. Once a COM object has been
created by a factory method, the COM object is tied to a corresponding TWS COM object (an instance of the COM
object). Do not try to pass a COM object to another instance of a TWS COM object.
Attribute Description
acctNumber() As String The customer account number.
avgPrice() As Double Average price. Used in regular trades, combo trades
and legs of the combo. Includes commissions.
clientId() As Integer The id of the client that placed the order.
Note: TWS orders have a fixed
client id of "0."
cumQty() As Integer Cumulative quantity. Used in regular trades, combo
trades and legs of the combo.
exchange() As String Exchange that executed the order.
execId() As String Unique order execution id.
liquidation() As Integer Identifies the position as one to be liquidated last
should the need arise.
API Reference Guide 151
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
orderId() As Integer The order id.
Note: TWS orders have a fixed
order id of "0."
permId() As Integer The TWS id used to identify orders, remains the same
over TWS sessions.
price() As Double The order execution price, not including com-
shares() As Integer The number of shares filled.
side() As String Specifies if the transaction was a sale or a purchase.
Valid values are:
time() As String The order execution time.
evRule() As String Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the
respective optional argument. The two values should
be separated by a colon. For example, aus-
sieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When the optional
argument is not present, the first value will be fol-
lowed by a colon.
evMultiplier As Double Tells you approximately how much the market value
of a contract would change if the price were to
change by 1. It cannot be used to get market value by
multiplying the price by the approximate multiplier.
Attribute Description
acctCode() As String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on an account code. Note: this is only relevant for Finan-
cial Advisor (FA) accounts.
clientId() As Integer Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on the clientId.
exchange() As String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on the order exchange.
secType() String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on the order security type.
Note: Refer to the Contract object
for the list of valid security
API Reference Guide 152
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
side() As String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on the order action.
Note: Refer to the Order object for
the list of valid order actions.
symbol() As String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on the order symbol.
time() As String Filter the results of the reqExecutionsEx() method based
on execution reports received after the specified time. The
format for timeFilter is "yyyymmdd-hh:mm:ss"
Attribute Description
commission() As Double The commission amount.
currency() As String The currency.
execId() As String Unique order execution id.
realizedPNL() As Double The amount of realized Profit and Loss.
yield() As Double The yield.
yieldRedemptionDate() As Double Takes the YYYYMMDD format.
Attribute Description
comboLegs() As Object Dynamic memory structure used to store the leg def-
initions for this contract.
comboLegsDescrip() As String Description for combo legs
conId() As Integer The unique contract identifier.
currency() As String Specifies the currency. Ambiguities may require that
this field be specified, for example, when SMART is
the exchange and IBM is being requested (IBM can
trade in GBP or USD). Given the existence of this
kind of ambiguity, it is a good idea to always spec-
ify the currency.
exchange() As String The order destination, such as Smart.
expiry() As String The expiration date. Use the format YYYYMM.
API Reference Guide 153
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
includeExpired() As Integer If set to true, contract details requests and historical
data queries can be performed pertaining to expired
Note: Historical data queries on expired contracts
are limited to the last year of the contracts life, and
are initially only supported for expired futures con-
localSymbol() As String This is the local exchange symbol of the underlying
multiplier() As String Allows you to specify a future or option contract
multiplier. This is only necessary when multiple pos-
sibilities exist.
primaryExch() As String Identifies the listing exchange for the contract (do
not list SMART).
right() As String Specifies a Put or Call. Valid values are: P, PUT, C,
secId as String Unique identifier for the secIdType.
secIdType As String Security identifier, when querying contract details or
when placing orders. Supported identifiers are:
l ISIN (Example: Apple: US0378331005)
l CUSIP (Example: Apple: 037833100)
l SEDOL (Consists of 6-AN + check digit.
Example: BAE: 0263494)
l RIC (Consists of exchange-independent RIC
Root and a suffix identifying the exchange.
secType() As String This is the security type. Valid values are:
strike() As Double The strike price.
symbol() As String This is the symbol of the underlying asset.
API Reference Guide 154
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
tradingClass() As String The trading class name for this contract.
Attribute Description
category() As String The industry category of the underlying. For example,
contractMonth() As String The contract month. Typically the contract month of the
underlying for a futures contract.
industry() As String The industry classification of the underlying/product. For
example, Financial.
liquidHours() As String The liquid trading hours of the product. For example,
longName() As String The descriptive name of the asset.
marketName() String The market name for this contract.
minTick() As Double The minimum price tick.
orderTypes() As String The list of valid order types for this contract.
priceMagnifier() Integer Allows execution and strike prices to be reported con-
sistently with market data, historical data and the order
price, i.e. Z on LIFFE is reported in index points and not
ratings() As String Identifies the credit rating of the issuer. A higher credit
rating generally indicates a less risky investment. Bond
ratings are from Moody's and S&P respectively.
secIdList() As Object A list of contract identifiers that the customer is allowed
to view (CUSIP, ISIN, etc.)
subcategory() As String The industry subcategory of the underlying. For example,
summary() As Object A contract summary.
timeZoneId() As String The ID of the time zone for the trading hours of the prod-
uct. For example, EST.
tradingHours() As String The trading hours of the product. For example,
underConId() As String The underlying contract ID.
validExchanges() As String The list of exchanges this contract is traded on.
API Reference Guide 155
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
evRule() As String Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the respec-
tive optional argument. The two values should be sep-
arated by a colon. For example,
aussieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When the optional
argument is not present, the first value will be followed
by a colon.
evMultiplier As Double Tells you approximately how much the market value of a
contract would change if the price were to change by 1.
It cannot be used to get market value by multiplying the
price by the approximate multiplier.
Bond Values
bondType() As String The type of bond, such as "CORP."
callable() As Integer Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be called
by the issuer under certain conditions.
convertible() As Integer Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be con-
verted to stock under certain conditions.
coupon() As Double The interest rate used to calculate the amount you will
receive in interest payments over the course of the year.
couponType() As String The type of bond coupon, such as "FIXED."
cusip() As String The nine-character bond CUSIP or the 12-character
descAppend() As String A description string containing further descriptive infor-
mation about the bond.
issueDate() As String The date the bond was issued.
maturity() As String The date on which the issuer must repay the face value
of the bond.
nextOptionDate)_ As String Applies to bonds with embedded options.
nextOptionPartial() As Integer Applies to bonds with embedded options.
nextOptionType() As String Applies to bonds with embedded options.
notes() As String If populated for the bond in IB's database
putable() As Integer Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be sold
back to the issuer under certain conditions.
Attribute Description
action() As String The side (buy or sell) for the leg you are constructing.
conId() As Integer The unique contract identifier specifying the security.
API Reference Guide 156
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
exchange() As String The exchange to which the complete combination order will be routed.
openClose() As Integer Specifies whether the order is an open or close order. Valid values are:
l 0 - Same as the parent security. This is the only option for retail
l 1 - Open. This value is only valid for institutional customers.
l 2 - Close. This value is only valid for institutional customers.
l Unknown - (3)
ratio() As Integer Select the relative number of contracts for the leg you are constructing.
To help determine the ratio for a specific combination order, refer to
the Interactive Analytics section of the User's Guide.
For Short Sale Stock Legs
designatedLocation() As String If shortSaleSlot == 2, the designatedLocation must be specified.
Otherwise leave blank or orders will be rejected.
shortSaleSlot() Integer For institutional customers only.
l 0 - inapplicable (i.e. retail customer or not short leg)
l 1 - clearing broker
l 2 - third party. If this value is used, you must enter a designated
Attribute Description
Add() As Object Adds combo legs to a combo leg list.
Count() As Integer Leg count.
Item(Integer) As Object Get leg by index.
Attribute Description
Order Identifiers
clientId() As Integer The id of the client that placed this order.
orderId() As Integer The id for this order.
API Reference Guide 157
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
permId() As Integer The TWS id used to identify orders, remains the
same over TWS sessions.
Main Order Fields
action() As String Identifies the side. Valid values are: BUY, SELL,
auxPrice() As Double This is the STOP price for stop-limit orders, and
the offset amount for relative orders. In all other
cases, specify zero.
lmtPrice() As Double This is the LIMIT price, used for limit, stop-limit
and relative orders. In all other cases specify zero.
For relative orders with no limit price, also spec-
ify zero.
orderType() As String Identifies the order type.
For more information about supported order types,
see Supported Order Types.
totalQuantity() As Integer The order quantity.
Extended Order Fields
allOrNone() As Integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
blockOrder() As Integer Specifies that the order is an ISE Block order.
displaySize() As Integer The publicly disclosed order size, used when plac-
ing Iceberg orders.
goodAfterTime() As String The trade's "Good After Time," format
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional time zone)"
Use an empty String if not applicable.
goodTillDate() As String You must enter GTD as the time in force to use
this string. The trade's "Good Till Date," format
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional time zone)"
Use an empty String if not applicable.
hidden() As Integer Specifies that the order will not be visible when
viewing the market depth. This option only
applies to orders routed to the ISLAND exchange.
minQty() As Integer Identifies a minimum quantity order type.
ocaGroup() As String Identifies an OCA (one cancels all) group.
API Reference Guide 158
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
ocaType() As Integer Tells how to handle remaining orders in an OCA
group when one order or part of an order
executes. Valid values include:
l 1 = Cancel all remaining orders with
l 2 = Remaining orders are proportionately
reduced in size with block
l 3 = Remaining orders are proportionately
reduced in size with no block
If you use a value "with block" gives your order
has overfill protection. This means that only one
order in the group will be routed at a time to
remove the possibility of an overfill.
orderRef() As String The order reference. Intended for institutional cus-
tomers only, although all customers may use it to
identify the API client that sent the order when
multiple API clients are running.
outsideRth() As Integer Specifies whether orders can trigger or fill outside
of regular trading hours or not.
overridePercentageConstraints() As
Precautionary constraints are defined on the
TWS Presets page, and help ensure tha tyour
price and size order values are reasonable. Orders
sent from the API are also validated against
these safety constraints, and may be rejected if
any constraint is violated. To override val-
idation, set this parameters value to True.
Valid values include:
l 0 = False
l 1 = True
parentId() As Integer The order ID of the parent order, used for bracket
and auto trailing stop orders.
percentOffset() As Double The percent offset amount for relative orders.
API Reference Guide 159
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
rule80A() As String Values include:
l Individual = 'I'
l Agency = 'A',
l AgentOtherMember = 'W'
l IndividualPTIA = 'J'
l AgencyPTIA = 'U'
l AgentOtherMemberPTIA = 'M'
l IndividualPT = 'K'
l AgencyPT = 'Y'
l AgentOtherMemberPT = 'N'
sweepToFill() As Integer Specifies if the order is a Sweep-to-Fill order.
tif() As String The time in force. Valid values are: DAY, GTC,
transmit() As Integer Specifies whether the order will be transmitted by
triggerMethod() As Integer Specifies how Simulated Stop, Stop-Limit and
Trailing Stop orders are triggered. Valid values
l 0 - The default value. The "double
bid/ask" function will be used for orders
for OTC stocks and US options. All other
orders will used the "last" function.
l 1 - use "double bid/ask" function, where
stop orders are triggered based on two con-
secutive bid or ask prices.
l 2 - "last" function, where stop orders are
triggered based on the last price.
l 3 double last function.
l 4 bid/ask function.
l 7 last or bid/ask function.
l 8 mid-point function.
trailStopPrice() As Double For TRAILLIMIT orders only
API Reference Guide 160
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
trailingPercent() As Double Specify the trailing amount of a trailing stop
order as a percentage. Observe the following
guidelines when using the trailingPercent field:
l This field is mutually exclusive with the
existing trailing amount. That is, the API
client can send one or the other but not
l This field is read AFTER the stop price
(barrier price) as follows: del-
scale order attributes
l The field will also be sent to the API in
the openOrder message if the API client
version is >= 56. It is sent after the stop-
Price field as follows:
activeStartTime As String For GTCorders.
activeStopTime As String For GTCorders.
Financial Advisor Fields
faGroup() As String The Financial Advisor group the trade will be
allocated to -- use an empty String if not appli-
faMethod() As String The Financial Advisor allocation function the
trade will be allocated with -- use an empty
String if not applicable.
faPercentage() As String The Financial Advisor percentage concerning the
trade's allocation-- use an empty String if not
faProfile() As String The Financial Advisor allocation profile the trade
will be allocated to -- use an empty String if not
Institutional (non-cleared) Only
designatedLocation() As String Used only when shortSaleSlot = 2.
openClose() As String For institutional customers only. Valid values are
O, C.
API Reference Guide 161
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
origin() As Integer The order origin. For institutional customers only.
Valid values are 0 = customer, 1 = firm
shortSaleSlot() As Integer Valid values are 1 or 2.
SMARTRouting Only
discretionaryAmt() As Double The amount off the limit price allowed for dis-
cretionary orders.
eTradeOnly() As Integer Trade with electronic quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
firmQuoteOnly() As Integer Trade with firm quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
nbboPriceCap() As Double Maximum smart order distance from the NBBO.
optOutSmartRouting() As Integer Use to opt out of default SmartRouting for orders
routed directly to ASX. This attribute defaults to
false unless explicitly set to true. When set to
false, orders routed directly to ASX will NOT use
SmartRouting. When set to true, orders routed
directly to ASX orders WILL use SmartRouting.
notHeld() As Integer For IBDARKorders only. Orders routed to
IBDARK are tagged as post only and are held
in IB's order book, where incoming SmartRouted
orders from other IB customers are eligible to
trade against them.
BOXor VOL Orders Only
auctionStrategy() As Integer Values include:
l match = 1
l improvement = 2
l transparent = 3
For orders on BOX only.
BOXExchange Orders Only
delta() As Double The stock delta. For orders on BOX only.
startingPrice() As Double The auction starting price. For orders on BOX
stockRefPrice() As Double The stock reference price. The reference price is
used for VOL orders to compute the limit price
sent to an exchange (whether or not Continuous
Update is selected), and for price range mon-
Pegged-to-Stock and VOL Orders Only
API Reference Guide 162
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
stockRangeLower() As Double The lower value for the acceptable underlying
stock price range. For price improvement option
orders on BOX and VOL orders with dynamic
stockRangeUpper() As Double The upper value for the acceptable underlying
stock price range. For price improvement option
orders on BOX and VOL orders with dynamic
Volatility Orders Only
continuousUpdate() As Integer VOL orders only. Specifies whether TWS will
automatically update the limit price of the order
as the underlying price moves.
deltaNeutralOrderType() As String VOL orders only. Enter an order type to instruct
TWS to submit a delta neutral trade on full or par-
tial execution of the VOL order. For no hedge
delta order to be sent, specify NONE.
deltaNeutralAuxPrice() As Integer VOL orders only. Use this field to enter a value if
the value in the deltaNeutralOrderTypefield is
an order type that requires an Aux price, such as a
REL order.
referencePriceType() As Integer VOL orders only. Specifies how you want TWS
to calculate the limit price for options, and for
stock range price monitoring.
Valid values include:
l 1 = Average of NBBO
l 2 = NBB or the NBO depending on the
action and right.
volatility() As Double The option price in volatility, as calculated by
TWS' Option Analytics. This value is expressed
as a percent and is used to calculate the limit
price sent to the exchange.
volatilityType() As Integer Values include:
l 1 = Daily volatility
l 2 = Annual volatility
deltaNeutralOpenClose() As String Specifies whether the order is an Open or a Close
order and is used when the hedge involves a CFD
and the order is clearing away.
API Reference Guide 163
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
deltaNeutralShortSale () As Integer Used when the hedge involves a stock and indi-
cates whether or not it is sold short.
deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot() As Integer Has a value of 1 (the clearing broker holds shares)
or 2 (delivered from a third party). If you use 2,
then you must specify a del-
deltaNeutralDesignatedLocation() As
Used only when deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot = 2.
Combo Orders Only
basisPoints() As Double For EFP orders only
basisPointsType() As Integer For EFP orders only
Scale Orders Only
scaleAutoReset() As Integer For extended Scale orders.
scaleInitFillQty() As Integer For extended Scale orders.
scaleInitLevelSize() As Integer For Scale orders: Defines the size of the first, or
initial, order component.
scaleInitPosition() As Integer For extended Scale orders.
scalePriceIncrement() As Double For Scale orders: Defines the price increment
between scale components. This field is required.
scalePriceAdjustInterval() As Integer For extended Scale orders.
scalePriceAdjustValue() As Double For extended Scale orders.
scaleProfitOffset() As Double For extended Scale orders.
scaleRandomPercent() As Integer For extended Scale orders.
scaleSubsLevelSize() As Integer For Scale orders: Defines the order size of the sub-
sequent scale order components. Used in con-
junction with scaleInitLevelSize().
scaleTable As String Manual table for Scale orders.
Hedge Orders Only
API Reference Guide 164
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
hedgeParam() As String Beta = x for Beta hedge orders, ratio = y for Pair
hedge order
hedgeType() As String For hedge orders. Possible values are:
l D = Delta
l B = Beta
l F = FX
l P = Pair
Clearing Information
account() As String The account. For institutional customers only.
clearingAccount() As String For IBExecution customers: Specifies the true ben-
eficiary of the order. This value is required for
FUT/FOP orders for reporting to the exchange.
clearingIntent() As String For IBExecution customers: Valid values are: IB,
Away, and PTA (post trade allocation).
settlingFirm() As String Institutional only.
Algo Orders Only
algoStrategy() As String For information about API Algo orders, see
IBAlgo Parameters.
algoParams() As Object Support for IBAlgo parameters.
What If
whatIf() As Integer Use to request pre-trade commissions and margin
If set to true, margin and commissions data is
received back via the OrderState() object for the
openOrder() callback.
Smart Combo Routing
smartComboRoutingParams() As Object Support for Smart combo routing.
Order Combo Legs
OrderComboLegs() As Object Holds attributes for all legs in a combo order.
API Reference Guide 165
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
double price Order-specific leg price.
Attribute Description
commission() As Double Shows the commission amount on the order.
commissionCurrency() As String Shows the currency of the commission value.
equityWithLoan() As String Shows the impact the order would have on your
equity with loan value.
initMargin() As String Shows the impact the order would have on your ini-
tial margin.
maintMargin() As String Shows the impact the order would have on your
maintenance margin.
maxCommission() As Double Used in conjunction with the minCommission field,
this defines the highest end of the possible range
into which the actual order commission will fall.
minCommission() As Double Used in conjunction with the maxCommission field,
this defines the lowest end of the possible range into
which the actual order commission will fall.
status() As String Displays the order status.
warningText() As String Displays a warning message if warranted.
Attribute Description
averageOptionVolumeAbove () As Integer Can leave empty.
couponRateAbove() As String Filter out contracts with a coupon rate lower
than this value. Can be left blank.
couponRateBelow() As String Filter out contracts with a coupon rate higher
than this value. Can be left blank.
excludeConvertible() As Integer Filter out convertible bonds. Can be left
instrument() As String Defines the instrument type for the scan.
locations() As String The location.
marketCapAbove() As Double Filter out contracts with a market cap lower
than this value. Can be left blank.
API Reference Guide 166
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
marketCapBelow() As Double Filter out contracts with a market cap above
this value. Can be left blank.
maturityDateAbove() As String Filter out contracts with a maturity date ear-
lier than this value. Can be left blank.
maturityDateBelow() As String Filter out contracts with a maturity date later
than this value. Can be left blank.
moodyRatingAbove() As String Filter out contracts with a Moody rating
below this value. Can be left blank.
moodyRatingBelow() As String Filter out contracts with a Moody rating
above this value. Can be left blank.
numberOfRows() As Integer Defines the number of rows of data to return
for a query.
priceAbove() As Double Filter out contracts with a price lower than
this value. Can be left blank.
priceBelow() As Double Filter out contracts with a price higher than
this value. Can be left blank.
scanCode() As String Can be left blank.
scannerSettingPairs() As String Can leave empty. For example, a pairing
"Annual, true" used on the "top Option
Implied Vol % Gainers" scan would return
annualized volatilities.
spRatingAbove() As String Filter out contracts with an S&P rating below
this value. Can be left blank.
spRatingBelow() As String Filter out contracts with an S&P rating above
this value. Can be left blank.
stockTypeFilter() As String Valid values are:
l CORP = Corporation
l ADR = American Depositary Receipt
l ETF = Exchange Traded Fund
l REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust
l CEF = Closed End Fund
volumeAbove() As Integer Filter out contracts with a volume lower than
this value. Can be left blank.
Attribute Description
Count() As Integer The number of tag-value pairs (IBAlgo parameters).
Item(Integer) As Object A tag-value pair (IBAlgo parameter). For more information,
see IBAlgo Parameters.
API Reference Guide 167
Chapter3 Active X
Attribute Description
tag() As String An IBAlgo order parameter. For more information, see IBAlgo
value() As String The value of the IBAlgo parameter.
Attribute Description
conId() As Integer The unique contract identifier specifying the security. Used
for Delta-Neutral Combo contracts.
delta() As Double The underlying stock or future delta. Used for Delta-Neutral
Combo contracts.
price() As Double The price of the underlying. Used for Delta-Neutral Combo
API Reference Guide 168
Chapter3 Active X
ActiveX Properties
The table below defines properties you can use when connecting to a server using ActiveX.
Property Description
String TwsConnectionTime Connection time.
long serverVersion Server Version.
API Reference Guide 169
Chapter3 Active X
Placing a Combination Order
A combination order is a special type of order that is constructed of many separate legs but executed as a single trans-
action. Submit combo orders such as calendar spreads, conversions and straddles using the BAG security type (defined in
the Contractobject). The key to implementing a successful API combination order using the API is to knowing how to
place the same order using Trader Workstation. If you are familiar with placing combination orders in TWS, then it will
be easier to place the same order using the API, because the API only imitates the behavior of TWS.
In this example, a customer places a BUY order on a calendar spread for GOOG. To buy one calendar spread means:
Leg 1: Sell 1 GOOG OPT SEP 18 '09 150.0 CALL (100)
Leg 2: Buy 1 GOOG OPT JAN 21 '11 150.0 CALL (100)
Here is a summary of the steps required to place a combo order using the API:
l Obtain the contract id (conId) for each leg. Get this number by invoking the reqContractDetailsEx() method.
l Include each leg on the IComboLeg COM object by populating the related fields.
l Implement the placeOrderEx() method with the IContract and IOrder COM objects.
To place this combo order
1. Get the Contract IDs for both leg definitions:
'First Leg
Dim con1 As TWSLib.IContract
con1 = Tws1.createContract
con1.symbol = "GOOG"
con1.secType = "OPT"
con1.expiry = "200909"
con1.strike = 150.0
con1.right = "C"
con1.multiplier = "100" = "SMART"
con1.currency = "USD"
Tws1.reqContractDetailsEx(1, con1)
'Second Leg
Dim con2 As TWSLib.IContract
con2 = Tws1.createContract
con2.symbol = "GOOG"
con2.secType = "OPT"
con2.expiry = "201101"
con2.strike = 150.0
con2.right = "C"
con2.multiplier = "100" = "SMART"
API Reference Guide 170
Chapter3 Active X
con2.currency = "USD"
Tws1.reqContractDetailsEx(2, con2)
'All conId numbers are delivered by the ContractDetail()
Private Sub Tws1_contractDetailsEx(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxTW-
SLib._DTwsEvents_contractDetailsExEvent) Handles Tws1.contractDetailsEx
Dim contractDetails As TWSLib.IContractDetails
contractDetails = e.contractDetails
Dim contract As TWSLib.IContract
contract = contractDetails.summary
'reqId = 1 is corresponding to the first request or first leg
'reqId = 2 is corresponding to the second request or second leg
If e.reqId = 1 Then
leg1 = contract.conId 'to obtain conId for the first leg
End If
If e.reqId = 2 Then
leg2 = contract.conId 'to obtain conId for the second leg
End If
End Sub
2. Once the program has acquired the conId value for each leg, include it in the ComboLeg object:
addAllLegs = Tws1.createComboLegList
'First Combo leg
Dim Leg1 As TWSLib.IComboLeg
Leg1 = addAllLegs.Add()
Leg1.conId = leg1_conId
Leg1.ratio = 1
Leg1.action = "SELL" = "SMART"
Leg1.openClose = 0
Leg1.shortSaleSlot = 0
Leg1.designatedLocation = ""
' Second Combo leg
Dim Leg2 As TWSLib.IComboLeg
Leg2 = addAllLegs.Add()
Leg1.conId = leg2_conId
Leg1.ratio = 1
Leg1.action = "BUY" = "SMART"
Leg1.openClose = 0
API Reference Guide 171
Chapter3 Active X
Leg1.shortSaleSlot = 0
Leg1.designatedLocation = ""
3. Invoke the placeOrder() method with the appropriate contract and order objects:
Dim contract As TWSLib.IContract
contract = Tws1.createContract
contract.symbol = "USD"
contract.secType = "BAG" = "SMART"
contract.currency = "USD"
contract.comboLegs = addAllLegs
Dim order As TWSLib.IOrder
order = Tws1.createOrder
order.action = "BUY"
order.totalQuantity = 1
order.orderType = "MKT"
Tws1.placeOrderEx(OrderId, contract, order)
API Reference Guide 172
This chapter describes the C++ API, including the following topics:
l Class EClientSocket Functions
l Class EWrapper Functions
l SocketClient Properties
l Placing a Combination Order
API Reference Guide 173
Chapter4 C++
Class EClientSocket Functions
The list below define the class EClientSocket functions you can use when connecting to TWS. The list of functions
Connection and Server
Market Data
Contract Details
Market Depth
News Bulletins
Financial Advisors
Historical Data
Market Scanners
Real Time Bars
Fundamental Data
API Reference Guide 174
Chapter4 C++
This is the constructor.
EClientSocket( EWrapper *ptr)
Parameter Description
ptr The pointer to an object that was derived from the EWrapper base class.
This function must be called before any other. There is no feedback for a successful connection, but a subsequent attempt
to connect will return the message "Already connected."
bool eConnect( const char *host, UINT port, int clientId=0)
Parameter Type Description
host const The host name or IP address of the
machine where TWS is running. Leave
blank to connect to the local host.
port UINT Must match the port specified in TWS on
the Configure>API>Socket Port field.
clientId int A number used to identify this client con-
nection. All orders placed/modified from
this client will be associated with this
client identifier.
Note: Each client MUST connect with a
unique clientId.
Call this function to terminate the connections with TWS. Calling this function does not cancel orders that have already been sent.
void eDisconnect()
Parameter Description
ptr The pointer to an object that was derived from the EWrapper base class.
Call this function to check if there is a connection with TWS
void isConnected()
Returns the current system time on the server side.
void reqCurrentTime()
API Reference Guide 175
Chapter4 C++
Returns the version of the TWS instance to which the API application is connected.
The default detail level is ERROR. For more details, see API Logging.
void setLogLevel(int logLevel)
Parameter Type Description
logLevel int Specifies the level of log entry
detail used by the server (TWS)
when processing API requests.
Valid values include:
l 1 = SYSTEM
l 2 = ERROR
l 5 = DETAIL
Returns the time the API application made a connection to TWS.
This function should be called frequently (every 1 second) to check for messages received from TWS.
void checkMessages()
Call this function to request market data. The market data will be returned by the tickPrice and tickSize events.
void reqMktData(TickerId id, const Contract &contract, IBString &genericTicks, bool snapshot)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker id. Must be a unique value.
When the market data returns, it will be
identified by this tag. This is also used
when canceling the market data.
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the
contract for which market data is being
API Reference Guide 176
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
genericTicks IBString A comma delimited list of generic tick
types. Tick types can be found in the
Generic Tick Types page.
snapshot bool Check to return a single snapshot of market
data and have the market data subscription
cancel. Do not enter any genericTicklist
values if you use snapshot.
After calling this function, market data for the specified id will stop flowing.
void cancelMktData(TickerId id)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ID that was specified in the call to
Call this function to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
void calculateImpliedVolatility(TickerId reqId, Contract &contract, double optionPrice, double underPrice)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId (long) The ticker id.
contract Contract Describes the contract.
optionPrice double The price of the option.
underPrice double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
calculateImpliedVolatility(TickerId reqId)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID.
Call this function to calculate option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and underlying price.
void calculateOptionPrice(TickerId reqId, const Contract &contract, double volatility, double underPrice)
API Reference Guide 177
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ticker ID.
contract Contract Describes the contract.
volatility double The volatility.
underPrice double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate the option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and under-
lying price.
cancelCalculateOptionPrice(TickerId reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ticker id.
The API can receive frozen market data from Trader Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our sys-
tem. During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. If you use this function, you are telling TWS to
automatically switch to frozen market data after the close. Then, before the opening of the next trading day, market data
will automatically switch back to real-time market data.
reqMarketDataType(int marketDataType)
Parameter Type Description
marketDataType int 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data.
Call this function to place an order. The order status will be returned by the orderStatus event.
void placeOrder( OrderId id, const Contract &contract, const Order &order)
Parameter Type Description
id OrderId The order id. You must specify a unique value.
When the order status returns, it will be identified
by this tag. This tag is also used when canceling
the order.
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the con-
tract which is being traded.
order Order This structure contains the details of the order.
Note: Each client MUST connect with a unique
API Reference Guide 178
Chapter4 C++
Call this function to cancel an order.
void cancelOrder(OrderId id)
Parameter Type Description
The order ID that was specified pre-
viously in the call to placeOrder()
Call this function to request the open orders that were placed from this client. Each open order will be fed back through
the openOrder() and orderStatus() functions on the EWrapper.
void reqOpenOrders()
Note: The client with a clientId of 0 will also receive the TWS-owned open orders. These orders
will be associated with the client and a new orderId will be generated. This association will
persist over multiple API and TWS sessions.
Call this function to request the open orders placed from all clients and also from TWS. Each open order will be fed back
through the openOrder() and orderStatus() functions on the EWrapper.
void reqAllOpenOrders()
Note: No association is made between the returned orders and the requesting client.
Call this function to request that newly created TWS orders be implicitly associated with the client. When a new TWS
order is created, the order will be associated with the client, and fed back through the openOrder() and orderStatus() func-
tions on the EWrapper.
reqAutoOpenOrders (bool bAutoBind)
Note: This request can only be made from a client with clientId of 0.
Parameter Type Description
bAutoBind bool If set to TRUE, newly created TWS orders will
be implicitly associated with the client. If set to
FALSE, no association will be made.
Call this function to request from TWS the next valid ID that can be used when placing an order. After calling this func-
tion, the nextValidId() event will be triggered, and the id returned is that next valid ID. That ID will reflect any auto-
binding that has occurred (which generates new IDs and increments the next valid ID therein).
void reqIds(int numIds)
API Reference Guide 179
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
numIds int The number of ids you want to reserve.
void exerciseOptions(TickerId id, const Contract &contract, int exerciseAction, int exerciseQuantity, const IBString
&account, int override)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker id. Must be a unique value.
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the con-
tract for which market depth data is being
exerciseAction int Specifies whether you want the option to lapse
or be exercised. Values are 1 = exercise, 2 =
exerciseQuantity int The quantity you want to exercise.
account IBString Account
override int Specifies whether your setting will override the
system's natural action. For example, if your
action is "exercise" and the option is not in-the-
money, by natural action the option would not
exercise. If you have override set to "yes" the
natural action would be overridden and the out-
of-the money option would be exercised.
Values are: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
Use this function to cancel all open orders globally. It cancels both API and TWS open orders.
If the order was created in TWS, it also gets canceled. If the order was initiated in the API, it also gets canceled.
void reqGlobalCancel()
Call this function to start getting account values, portfolio, and last update time information.
void reqAccountUpdates(bool subscribe, const IBString& acctCode)
Parameter Type Description
subscribe bool If set to TRUE, the client will start receiving
account and portfolio updates. If set to FALSE,
the client will stop receiving this information.
acctCode IBString The account code for which to receive account
and portfolio updates.
API Reference Guide 180
Chapter4 C++
When this function is called, the execution reports that meet the filter criteria are downloaded to the client via the exec-
Details() function. To view executions beyond the past 24 hours, open the Trade Log in TWS and, while the Trade Log
is displayed, request the executions again from the API.
void reqExecutions(int reqID, const ExecutionFilter& filter)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that
responses are matched to requests if several
requests are in process.
filter ExecutionFilter This object contains attributes that describe
the filter criteria used to determine which
execution reports are returned.
Call this function to download all details for a particular underlying. The contract details will be received via the con-
tractDetails() function on the EWrapper.
void reqContractDetails (int reqId, const Contract &contract)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses
are matched to requests if several requests are in
Contract Contract The summary description of the contract being
looked up.
Call this function to request market depth for a specific contract. The market depth will be returned by the upda-
teMktDepth() and updateMktDepthL2() events.
void reqMktDepth (TickerID id, const Contract &contract, int numRows)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker id. Must be a unique value. When
the market depth data returns, it will be iden-
tified by this tag. This is also used when can-
celing the market depth
contract Contact This structure contains a description of the con-
tract for which market depth data is being
numRows int Specifies the number of market depth rows to
API Reference Guide 181
Chapter4 C++
After calling this function, market depth data for the specified id will stop flowing.
void cancelMktDepth (TickerId id)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ID that was specified in the call to
Call this function to start receiving news bulletins. Each bulletin will be returned by the updatedNewsBulletin() event.
void reqNewsBulletins(bool allMsgs)
Parameter Type Description
allMsgs bool If set to TRUE, returns all the existing bulletins for
the current day and any new ones. If set to FALSE,
will only return new bulletins.
Call this function to stop receiving news bulletins.
void cancelNewsBulletins()
Call this function to request the list of managed accounts. The list will be returned by the managedAccounts() function
on the EWrapper.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to a FA managed account.
void reqManagedAccts()
Call this function to request FA configuration information from TWS. The data returns in an XML string via a
"receiveFA" ActiveX event.
requestFA(faDataType faDataType)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType faDataType Specifies the type of Financial Advisor con-
figuration data being requested. Valid
values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
API Reference Guide 182
Chapter4 C++
Call this function to modify FA configuration information from the API. Note that this can also be done manually in
TWS itself.
replaceFA(faDataType faDataType, const IBString& cxml)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType faDataType Specifies the type of Financial Advisor con-
figuration data being modified via the API. Valid
values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
cxml IBString The XML string containing the new FA con-
figuration information.
Call this method to request and keep up to date the data that appears on the TWS Account Window Summary tab. The
data is returned by accountSummary().
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
void reqAccountSummary(int reqID, const IBString& groupName, const IBString& tags)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched to
requests if several requests are in process.
groupName IBString Set to All to return account summary data for all accounts, or set to a
specific Advisor Account Group name that has already been created
in TWSGlobal Configuration.
API Reference Guide 183
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
tags IBString A comma-separated list of account tags.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l NetLiquidation,
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as Total-
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable US
stocks the account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue,
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of all
stock and equity option positions
l RegTEquity,
l RegTMargin,
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq,
l MaintMarginReq,
l AvailableFunds,
l ExcessLiquidity,
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation
l FullInitMarginReq,
l FullMaintMarginReq,
l FullAvailableFunds,
l FullExcessLiquidity,
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead values take
l LookAheadInitMarginReq,
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq,
l LookAheadAvailableFunds,
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity,
API Reference Guide 184
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account is to
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close trades a
user could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A
value of "-1" means that the user can put on unlimited day
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
Cancels the request for Account Window Summary tab data.
void cancelAccountSummary(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request being canceled.
Requests real-time position data for all accounts.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to an FA managed account.
void reqPositions()
Cancels real-time position updates.
void cancelPositions()
void reqHistoricalData (TickerId id, const Contract &contract, const IBString &endDateTime, const IBString &dur-
ationStr, const IBString &barSizeSetting, const IBString &whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The id of the request. Must be a unique value. When the market
data returns, it will be identified by this tag. This is also used
when canceling the market data.
contract Contract This object contains a description of the contract for which mar-
ket data is being requested.
API Reference Guide 185
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
endDateTime IBString Defines a query end date and time at any point during the past
6 mos. Valid values include any date/time within the past six
months in the format: yyyymmdd HH:mm:ss ttt
where "ttt" is the optional time zone.
durationStr IBString Set the query duration up to one week, using a time unit of sec-
onds, days or weeks. Valid values include any integer followed
by a space and then S (seconds), D (days) or W (week). If no unit
is specified, seconds is used.
barSizeSetting IBString Specifies the size of the bars that will be returned (within IB/TWS
limits). Valid values include:
l 1 sec
l 5 secs
l 15 secs
l 30 secs
l 1 min
l 2 mins
l 3 mins
l 5 mins
l 15 mins
l 30 mins
l 1 hour
l 1 day
whatToShow IBString Determines the nature of data being extracted. Valid values
API Reference Guide 186
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
useRTH int Determines whether to return all data available during the
requested time span, or only data that falls within regular trading
hours. Valid values include:
l 0 - all data is returned even where the market in question
was outside of its regular trading hours.
l 1 - only data within the regular trading hours is returned,
even if the requested time span falls partially or com-
pletely outside of the RTH.
formatDate int Determines the date format applied to returned bars. Valid values
l 1 - dates applying to bars returned in the format:
l 2 - dates are returned as a long integer specifying the
number of seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
For a information about historical data request limitations, see Historical Data Limitations.
Used if an internet disconnect has occurred or the results of a query are otherwise delayed and the application is no
longer interested in receiving the data.
void cancelHistoricalData (TickerId tickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId TickerId The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
Requests an XML string that describes all possible scanner queries.
void reqScannerParameters()
void reqScannerSubscription(int tickerId, const ScannerSubscription &subscription)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker ID. Must be a unique
ScannerSubscription ScannerSubscription This structure contains possible
parameters used to filter results.
void cancelScannerSubscription(int tickerId)
API Reference Guide 187
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
Call the reqRealTimeBars() function to start receiving real time bar results through the realtimeBar() EWrapper function.
void reqRealTimeBars(TickerId id, Contract contract, int barSize, const IBString &whatToShow, bool useRTH)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The Id for the request. Must be a unique value.
When the data is received, it will be identified by
this Id. This is also used when canceling the
contract Contract This object contains a description of the contract
for which real time bars are being requested
barSize int Currently only 5 second bars are supported, if any
other value is used, an exception will be thrown.
whatToShow IBString Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid
values include:
useRTH bool Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
l 0 = all data available during the time span
requested is returned, including time inter-
vals when the market in question was out-
side of regular trading hours.
l 1 = only data within the regular trading
hours for the product requested is returned,
even if the time time span falls partially or
completely outside.
Call the cancelRealTimeBars() function to stop receiving real time bar results.
void cancelRealTimeBars (TickerId tickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId TickerId The Id that was specified in the call to reqRealTimeBars().
API Reference Guide 188
Chapter4 C++
Call this function to receive Reuters global fundamental data for stocks. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
reqFundamentalData() can handle conid specified in the Contract object, but not tradingClass or multiplier. This is
because reqFundamentalData() is used only for stocks and stocks do not have a multiplier and trading class.
void reqFundamentalData(TickerId reqId, const Contract &contract, const IBString& reportType)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses
are matched to requests if several requests are in
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the con-
tract for which Reuters Fundamental data is being
reportType IBString Identifies the report type, which is one of the fol-
l Estimates
l Financial Statements
l Summary
Call this function to stop receiving Reuters global fundamental data.
void cancelFundamentalData(TickerId reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ID of the data request.
API Reference Guide 189
Chapter4 C++
Class EWrapper Functions
The tables below define the class EWrapper functions you can use when connecting to TWS. These functions receive
events from TWS.The list of functions includes:
Connection and Server
Market Data
Account and Portfolio
News Bulletins
Contract Details
Market Depth
Financial Advisors
Historical Data
Market Scanners
Real Time Bars
Fundamental Data
API Reference Guide 190
Chapter4 C++
This event is called when there is an error on the client side.
virtual void winError(const IBString &str, int lastError)
Parameter Type Description
str IBString This is the error message text.
lastError int The error code returned by GetLastError().
This event is called when there is an error with the communication or when TWS wants to send a message to the client.
virtual void error(const int id, const int errorCode, const IBString errorString)
Parameter Type Description
Parameter Description
id int This is the orderId or tickerId of the
request that generated the error.
errorCode int Error codes are documented in the API
Message Codes topic.
errorString IBString This is the textual description of the
error, also documented in the Error Codes
This function is called when TWS closes the sockets connection with the ActiveX control, or when TWS is shut down.
virtual void connectionClosed()
This function receives the current system time on the server side.
virtual void currentTime(long time)
Parameter Type Description
time long The current system time on the server side.
This function is called when the market data changes. Prices are updated immediately with no delay.
virtual void tickPrice(TickerId TickerId, TickType tickType, double price, int canAutoExecute)
API Reference Guide 191
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to
tickType TickeType Specifies the type of price. Possible values are:
l 1 = bid
l 2 = ask
l 4 = last
l 6 = high
l 7 = low
l 9 = close
price double The bid, ask or last price, the daily high, daily low or last day
close, depending on tickType value.
canAutoExecute int Specifies whether the price tick is available for automatic
execution. Possible values are:
l 0 = not eligible for automatic execution
l 1 = eligible for automatic execution
This function is called when the market data changes. Sizes are updated immediately with no delay.
virtual void tickSize(TickerId TickerId, TickType tickType, int size)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to
tickType TickType Specifies the type of size. Possible values are:
l 0 = bid size
l 3 = ask size
l 5 = last size
l 8 = volume
size int Could be the bid size, ask size, last size or trading volume, depending
on the tickType value.
This function is called when the market in an option or its underlier moves. TWSs option model volatilities, prices, and
deltas, along with the present value of dividends expected on that options underlier are received.
API Reference Guide 192
Chapter4 C++
virtual void tickOptionComputation(TickerID tickerId, TickType tickType, double impliedVol, double delta, double
optPrice, double pvDividend, double gamma, double vega, double theta, double undPrice)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
tickType TickType Specifies the type of tick. Possible values are:
l 10 = Bid
l 11 = Ask
l 12 = Last
impliedVol double The implied volatility calculated by the TWS option modeler, using
the specified ticktype value.
delta double The option delta value.
optPrice double The option price.
pvDividend double The present value of dividends expected on the options underlying
gamma double The option gamma value.
vega double The option vega value.
theta double The option theta value.
undPrice double The price of the underlying.
This function is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
virtual void tickGeneric(TickerId tickerId, TickType tickType, double value)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId TickerId The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to
tickType TickType Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to
retrieve the field description. For example, a field value of 46
will map to shortable, etc.
value double The value of the specified field.
This function is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
virtual void tickString(TickerId tickerId, TickType tickType, const IBString& value)
API Reference Guide 193
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
tickerId TickerId The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData().
field TickType Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to retrieve the
field description. For example, a field value of 45 will map to last-
Timestamp, etc.
value IBString The value of the specified field.
This function is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
virtual void tickEFP(TickerId tickerId, TickType tickType, double basisPoints, const IBString& for-
mattedBasisPoints, double totalDividends, int holdDays, const IBString& futureExpiry, double dividendImpact, dou-
ble dividendsToExpiry)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId TickerId The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to
field TickType Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to
retrieve the field description. For example, a field value of 38
will map to bidEFP, etc.
basisPoints double Annualized basis points, which is representative of the financ-
ing rate that can be directly compared to broker rates.
formattedBasisPoints IBString Annualized basis points as a formatted string that depicts them
in percentage form.
impliedFuture double Implied futures price.
holdDays int Number of hold days until the expiry of the EFP.
futureExpiry IBString Expiration date of the single stock future.
dividendImpact double The dividend impact upon the annualized basis points interest
dividendsToExpiry double The dividends expected until the expiration of the single stock
This is called when a snapshot market data subscription has been fully handled and there is nothing more to wait for.
This also covers the timeout case.
virtual void tickSnapshotEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int Id of the data request.
API Reference Guide 194
Chapter4 C++
TWS sends a marketDataType(type) callback to the API, where type is set to Frozen or RealTime, to announce that mar-
ket data has been switched between frozen and real-time. This notification occurs only when market data switches
between real-time and frozen. The marketDataType( ) callback accepts a reqId parameter and is sent per every sub-
scription because different contracts can generally trade on a different schedule.
virtual void marketDataType(TickerId reqId, int marketDataType)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId ID of the data request
marketDataType int 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data..
This event is called whenever the status of an order changes. It is also fired after reconnecting to TWS if the client has
any open orders.
virtual void orderStatus(OrderId orderId, const IBString &status, int filled, int remaining, double avgFillPrice, int
permId, int parentId, double lastFillPrice, int clientId, const IBString& whyHeld)
Note: It is possible that orderStatus() may return duplicate messages. It is essential that you filter
the message accordingly.
Parameter Type Description
id OrderId The order ID that was specified previously in the call to placeOrder()
API Reference Guide 195
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
status IBString The order status. Possible values include:
l PendingSubmit - indicates that you have transmitted the
order, but have not yet received confirmation that it has been
accepted by the order destination. NOTE: This order status is
not sent by TWS and should be explicitly set by the API
developer when an order is submitted.
l PendingCancel - indicates that you have sent a request to can-
cel the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation
from the order destination. At this point, your order is not
confirmed canceled. You may still receive an execution while
your cancellation request is pending. NOTE: This order
status is not sent by TWS and should be explicitly set by the
API developer when an order is canceled.
l PreSubmitted - indicates that a simulated order type has been
accepted by the IB system and that this order has yet to be
elected. The order is held in the IB system until the election
criteria are met. At that time the order is transmitted to the
order destination as specified.
l Submitted - indicates that your order has been accepted at the
order destination and is working.
l Cancelled - indicates that the balance of your order has been
confirmed canceled by the IB system. This could occur
unexpectedly when IB or the destination has rejected your
l Filled - indicates that the order has been completely filled.
l Inactive - indicates that the order has been accepted by the
system (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but
that currently the order is inactive due to system, exchange or
other issues.
filled int Specifies the number of shares that have been executed.
For more information about partial fills, see Order Status for Partial
remaining int Specifies the number of shares still outstanding.
avgFillPrice double The average price of the shares that have been executed. This param-
eter is valid only if the filledparameter value is greater than zero.
Otherwise, the price parameter will be zero.
permId int The TWS id used to identify orders. Remains the same over TWS ses-
API Reference Guide 196
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
parentId int The order ID of the parent order, used for bracket and auto trailing
stop orders.
lastFilledPrice double The last price of the shares that have been executed. This parameter
is valid only if the filled parameter value is greater than zero. Other-
wise, the price parameter will be zero.
clientId int The ID of the client (or TWS) that placed the order. Note that TWS
orders have a fixed clientId and orderId of 0 that distinguishes them
from API orders.
whyHeld IBString This field is used to identify an order held when TWS is trying to
locate shares for a short sell. The value used to indicate this is
This function is called to feed in open orders.
virtual void openOrder(OrderId orderId, const Contract&, const Order&, const OrderState&)
For more information, see Extended Order Attributes.
Parameter Type Description
The order ID assigned by TWS. Use to cancel or update the order.
The Contract class attributes describe the contract.
The Order class gives the details of the open order.
The orderState class includes attributes used for both pre and post
trade margin and commission data.
This function is called after a successful connection to TWS.
virtual void nextValidId(OrderId orderId)
Parameter Type Description
orderId OrderId The next available order ID received from TWS upon connection. Incre-
ment all successive orders by one based on this ID.
This function is called only when ReqAccountUpdates on EClientSocket object has been called.
virtual void updateAccountValue(const IBString& key, const IBString& value, const IBString& currency, const
IBString& accountName)
API Reference Guide 197
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
key IBString A string that indicates one type of account value. Below is a set of keys
sent by TWS.
l CashBalance - Account cash balance
l Currency - Currency string
l DayTradesRemaining - Number of day trades left
l EquityWithLoanValue - Equity with Loan Value
l InitMarginReq - Current initial margin requirement
l LongOptionValue - Long option value
l MaintMarginReq - Current maintenance margin
l NetLiquidation - Net liquidation value
l OptionMarketValue - Option market value
l ShortOptionValue - Short option value
l StockMarketValue - Stock market value
l UnalteredInitMarginReq - Overnight initial margin requirement
l UnalteredMaintMarginReq - Overnight maintenance margin require-
value IBString The value associated with the key.
currency IBString Defines the currency type, in case the value is a currency type.
account IBString States the account to which the message applies. Useful for Financial
Advisor sub-account messages.
This function is called only when reqAccountUpdates on EClientSocket object has been called.
virtual void updatePortfolio(const Contract& contract, int position, double marketPrice, double marketValue, double
averageCost, double unrealizedPNL, double realizedPNL, const IBString& accountName)
Parameter Type Description
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the contract which is being
traded. The exchange field in a contract is not set for portfolio update.
position int This integer indicates the position on the contract. If the position is 0,
it means the position has just cleared.
marketPrice double Unit price of the instrument.
marketValue double The total market value of the instrument.
API Reference Guide 198
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
averageCost double The average cost per share is calculated by dividing your cost
(execution price + commission) by the quantity of your position.
unrealizedPNL double The difference between the current market value of your open positions
and the average cost, or Value - Average Cost.
realizedPNL double Shows your profit on closed positions, which is the difference between
your entry execution cost (execution price + commissions to open the
position) and exit execution cost ((execution price + commissions to
close the position)
accountName IBString States the account to which the message applies. Useful for Financial
Advisor sub-account messages.
This function is called only when reqAccountUpdates on EClientSocket object has been called.
virtual void updateAccountTime(const IBString& timeStamp)
Parameter Type Description
timeStamp IBString This indicates the last update time of the account information.
This is called after a batch updateAccountValue() and updatePortfolio() is sent.
virtual void accountDownloadEnd(const IBString& accountName)
Parameter Type Description
accountName IBString The name of the account.
This event is triggered for each new bulletin if the client has subscribed (i.e. by calling the reqNewsBulletins() function.
virtual void updateNewsBulletin(int msgId, int msgType, const IBString& message, const IBString& origExch
Parameter Type Description
msgId int The bulletin ID, incrementing for each new bulletin.
msgType int Specifies the type of bulletin. Valid values include:
l 1 = Regular news bulletin
l 2 = Exchange no longer available for trading
l 3 = Exchange is available for trading
message IBString The bulletin's message text.
origExch IBString The exchange from which this message originated.
API Reference Guide 199
Chapter4 C++
This function is called only when reqContractDetails function on the EClientSocket object has been called.
virtual void contractDetails(int reqId, const ContractDetails &contractDetails)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are
matched to requests if several requests are in process.
contractDetails ContractDetails This structure contains a full description of the contract
being looked up.
This function is called once all contract details for a given request are received. This helps to define the end of an option chain.
void contractDetailsEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int The ID of the data request.
This function is called only when reqContractDetails function on the EClientSocket object has been called for bonds.
virtual void bondContractDetails(int reqId, const ContractDetails& contractDetails)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
contractDetails ContractDetails This structure contains a description of the contract which is
being traded. The exchange field in a contract is not set for
portfolio update.
This event is fired when the reqExecutions() functions is invoked, or when an order is filled.
virtual void execDetails(int reqId, const Contract& contract, const Execution& execution)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
contract Contract This structure contains a full description of the contract that
was executed.
execution Execution This structure contains addition order execution details.
This function is called once all executions have been sent to a client in response to reqExecutions().
API Reference Guide 200
Chapter4 C++
virtual void execDetailsEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
The Id of the data request.
The commissionReport() callback is triggered as follows:
l Immediately after a trade execution
l By calling reqExecutions().
virtual void commissionReport(const CommissionReport &commissionReport)
Parameter Type Description
commissionReport CommissionReport The structure that contains com-
mission details.
This function is called when the market depth changes.
virtual void updateMktDepth(TickerId id, int position, int operation, int side, double price, int size)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID that was specified previously in the call to reqMktDepth()
position int Specifies the row id of this market depth entry.
operation int Identifies the how this order should be applied to the market depth.
Valid values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into the row identified by 'posi-
l 1 = update (update the existing order in the row identified by
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at the row identified by 'posi-
side int Identifies the side of the book that this order belongs to. Valid values
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price double The order price.
size int The order size.
API Reference Guide 201
Chapter4 C++
This function is called when the Level II market depth changes.
virtual void updateMktDepthL2(TickerId id, int position, IBString marketMaker, int operation, int side, double price,
int size)
Parameter Type Description
id TickerId The ticker ID that was specified previously in the
call to reqMktDepth()
position int Specifies the row id of this market depth entry.
marketMaker IBString Specifies the exchange hosting this order.
operation int Identifies the how this order should be applied to
the market depth. Valid values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into the row
identified by 'position')
l 1 = update (update the existing order in the
row identified by 'position')
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at the
row identified by 'position')
side int Identifies the side of the book that this order
belongs to. Valid values are:
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price double The order price.
size int The order size.
This function is called when a successful connection is made to an account. It is also called when the reqManagedAccts()
function is invoked.
virtual void managedAccounts(const IBString& accountsList)
Parameter Type Description
accountsList IBString The comma delimited list of FA managed accounts.
This event receives previously requested FA configuration information from TWS.
virtual receiveFA(faDataType pFaDataType, IBString cxml)
API Reference Guide 202
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
pFaDataType faDataType Specifies the type of Financial Advisor configuration data being
received from TWS. Valid values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
cxml IBString The XML string containing the previously requested FA con-
figuration information.
Returns the data from the TWS Account Window Summary tab in response to reqAccountSummary().
virtual void accountSummary(int reqID, const IBString& account, const IBString& tag, const IBString& value, const
IBString& currency)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
account IBString The account ID.
API Reference Guide 203
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
tag IBString The tag from the data request.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as Total-
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable US
stocks the account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of all
stock and equity option positions
l RegTEquity
l RegTMargin
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq
l MaintMarginReq
l AvailableFunds
l ExcessLiquidity
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation
l FullInitMarginReq
l FullMaintMarginReq
l FullAvailableFunds
l FullExcessLiquidity
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead values take
l LookAheadInitMarginReq
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq
l LookAheadAvailableFunds
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account is to
API Reference Guide 204
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close trades a
user could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A
value of "-1" means that the user can put on unlimited day
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
value IBString The value of the tag.
currency IBString The currency of the tag.
This method is called once all account summary data for a given request are received.
virtual void accountSummaryEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
This event returns real-time positions for all accounts in response to the reqPositions() method.
virtual void position(const IBString& account, const Contract& contract, int position)
Parameter Type Description
account IBString The account.
contract Contract The exchange.
position int The position.
This is called once all position data for a given request are received and functions as an end marker for the position()
virtual void positionEnd()
This function receives the requested historical data results.
virtual void historicalData(TickerId reqId, const IBString& date, double open, double high, double low, double close,
int volume, int barCount, double WAP, int hasGaps)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ticker ID of the request to which this bar is responding.
API Reference Guide 205
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
date IBString The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined
by the reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open double The bar opening price.
high double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close double The bar closing price.
volume int The volume during the time covered by the bar.
barCount int When TRADES historical data is returned, represents the number of
trades that occurred during the time period the bar covers.
WAP double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
hasGaps int Reports whether or not there are gaps in the data.
This function receives an XML document that describes the valid parameters that a scanner subscription can have.
virtual void scannerParameters(const IBString &xml)
Parameter Type Description
xml IBString An XML document that describes the valid parameters for que-
This function receives the requested market scanner data results.
virtual void scannerData(int reqId, int rank, const ContractDetails &contractDetails, IBString &distance, IBString
&benchmark, IBString &projection, IBString &legsStr)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker ID of the request to which this row is responding.
rank int The ranking within the response of this bar.
contractDetails ContractDetails This object contains a full description of the contract.
distance IBString Varies based on query.
benchmark IBString Varies based on query.
projection IBString Varies based on query.
legsStr IBString Describes combo legs when scan is returning EFP.
This function is called when the snapshot is received and marks the end of one scan.
virtual void scannerDataEnd(int reqId)
API Reference Guide 206
Chapter4 C++
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the market scanner request being closed by this parameter.
This function receives the real-time bars data results.
virtual void realtimeBar(TickerId reqId, long time, double open, double high, double low, double close, long volume,
double wap, int count)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ticker Id of the request to which this bar is responding.
time long The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined by the
reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open double The bar opening price.
high double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close double The bar closing price.
volume long The volume during the time covered by the bar.
wap double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
count int When TRADES historical data is returned, represents the number of trades
that occurred during the time period the bar covers.
This function is called to receive Reuters global fundamental market data. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
virtual void fundamentalData(TickerId reqId, IBString& data)
Parameter Type Description
reqId TickerId The ID of the data request.
data IBString One of three XML reports:
l Estimates (estimates)
l Financial statements (finstat)
l Summary (snapshot)
API Reference Guide 207
Chapter4 C++
SocketClient Properties
The tables below define properties for the Execution, Contract and Order classes, and classes that are closely related to
l Execution
l ExecutionFilter
l Contract
l ContractDetails
l ComboLeg
l Order
l OrderState
l ScannerSubscription
l UnderComp
l CommissionReport
Attribute Description
IBString execId Unique order execution id.
IBString time The order execution time.
IBString acctNumber The customer account number.
IBString exchange Exchange that executed the order.
IBString side Specifies if the transaction was a sale or a purchase. Valid
values are:
int shares The number of shares filled.
double price The order execution price, not including commissions.
int permId The TWS id used to identify orders, remains the same over
TWS sessions.
long clientId The id of the client that placed the order.
Note: TWS orders have a fixed client id
of 0.
long orderId The order id.
Note: TWS orders have a fixed order id
of 0.
API Reference Guide 208
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
int liquidation Identifies the position as one to be liquidated last should the
need arise.
int cumQty Cumulative quantity. Used in regular trades, combo trades and
legs of the combo.
double avgPrice Average price. Used in regular trades, combo trades and legs
of the combo. Includes commissions.
IBString evRule Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the respective
optional argument. The two values should be separated by a
colon. For example, aussieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When
the optional argument is not present, the first value will be fol-
lowed by a colon.
double evMultiplier Tells you approximately how much the market value of a con-
tract would change if the price were to change by 1. It cannot
be used to get market value by multiplying the price by the
approximate multiplier.
Attribute Description
IBString acctCode Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on an account code. Note: this is only relevant for FA
managed accounts.
IBString exchange Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on the order exchange.
IBString secType Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on the order security type.
Note: Refer to the Contract struct for the list of valid
security types.
IBString side Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on the order action.
Note: Refer to the Order struct for the list of valid
order actions.
IBString symbol Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on the order symbol.
IBString time Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on execution reports received after the specified time.
The format for timeFilter is "yyyymmdd-hh:mm:ss"
long clientId Filter the results of the reqExecutions() function based
on the clientId.
API Reference Guide 209
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
vector<ComboLeg> comboLegs Dynamic memory structure used to store the leg def-
initions for this contract.
IBString comboLegsDescrip Description for combo legs.
int conId The unique contract identifier.
IBString currency Specifies the currency. Ambiguities may require that
this field be specified, for example, when SMART is
the exchange and IBM is being requested (IBM can
trade in GBP or USD).Given the existence of this
kind of ambiguity, it is a good idea to always specify
the currency.
IBString exchange The order destination, such as Smart.
IBString expiry The expiration date. Use the format YYYYMM.
bool includeExpired If set to true, contract details requests and historical
data queries can be performed pertaining to expired
Note: Historical data queries on
expired contracts are lim-
ited to the last year of the
contracts life, and are ini-
tially only supported for
expired futures contracts.
IBString localSymbol This is the local exchange symbol of the underlying
IBString multiplier Allows you to specify a futures or options multiplier.
This is only necessary when multiple possibilities
IBString primaryExchange To clarify any ambiguity for Smart-routed contracts,
include the primary exchange, along with the Smart
designation, for the destination.
IBString right Specifies a Put or Call. Valid values are: P, PUT, C,
IBString secId Unique identifier for the secIdType.
API Reference Guide 210
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
IBString secIdType Security identifier, when querying contract details or
when placing orders. Supported identifiers are:
l ISIN (Example: Apple: US0378331005)
l CUSIP (Example: Apple: 037833100)
l SEDOL (Consists of 6-AN + check digit. Exam-
ple: BAE: 0263494)
l RIC (Consists of exchange-independent RIC
Root and a suffix identifying the exchange.
Example: AAPL.O for Apple on NASDAQ.)
IBString secType This is the security type. Valid values are:
double strike The strike price.
IBString symbol This is the symbol of the underlying asset.
IBString tradingClass The trading class name for this contract.
Attribute Description
bool callable For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the
bond can be called by the issuer under certain con-
IBString category The industry category of the underlying. For exam-
ple, InvestmentSvc.
IBString contractMonth The contract month. Typically the contract month
of the underlying for a futures contract.
bool convertible For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the
bond can be converted to stock under certain con-
API Reference Guide 211
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
double coupon For Bonds. The interest rate used to calculate the
amount you will receive in interest payments over
the course of the year.
IBString industry The industry classification of the under-
lying/product. For example, Financial.
IBString liquidHours The liquid trading hours of the product. For exam-
ple, 20090507:0930-1600;20090508:CLOSED.
IBString longName The descriptive name of the asset.
IBString marketName The market name for this contract.
double minTick The minimum price tick.
Bool nextOptionPartial For Bonds, relevant if the bond has embedded
options, i.e., is the next option full or partial?
IBString orderTypes The list of valid order type for this contract
long priceMagnifier Allows execution and strike prices to be reported
consistently with market data, historical data and
the order price, i.e. Z on LIFFE is reported in index
points and not GBP.
bool putable For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the
bond can be sold back to the issuer under certain
TagValueListSPtr secIdList() A list of contract identifiers that the customer is
allowed to view (CUSIP, ISIN, etc.)
IBString subcategory The industry subcategory of the underlying. For
example, Brokerage.
Contract summary A contract structure.
IBString tradingHours The trading hours of the product. For example,
IBString timeZoneId The ID of the time zone for the trading hours of
the product. For example, EST.
IBString underConId The underlying contract ID.
IBString evRule Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the
respective optional argument. The two values
should be separated by a colon. For example, aus-
sieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When the optional
argument is not present, the first value will be fol-
lowed by a colon.
API Reference Guide 212
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
double evMultiplier Tells you approximately how much the market
value of a contract would change if the price were
to change by 1. It cannot be used to get market
value by multiplying the price by the approximate
Bond Values
IBString bondType For Bonds. The type of bond, such as "CORP."
IBString couponType For Bonds. The type of bond coupon, such as
IBString cusip For Bonds. The nine-character bond CUSIP or the
12-character SEDOL.
IBString descAppend For Bonds. A description string containing further
descriptive information about the bond.
IBString issueDate For Bonds. The date the bond was issued.
IBString maturity For Bonds. The date on which the issuer must
repay the face value of the bond.
IBString nextOptionDate For Bonds, relevant if the bond has embedded
IBString nextOptionType For Bonds, relevant if the bond has embedded
IBString notes For Bonds, if populated for the bond in IB's data-
IBString ratings For Bonds. Identifies the credit rating of the issuer.
A higher credit rating generally indicates a less
risky investment. Bond ratings are from Moody's
and S&P respectively.
IBString validExchanges The list of exchanges on which this contract is
Attribute Description
IBString action The side (buy or sell) for the leg you are constructing.
long conId The unique contract identifier specifying the security.
IBString des-
If shortSaleSlot == 2, the designatedLocation must be specified.
Otherwise leave blank or orders will be rejected.
IBString exchange The exchange to which the complete combination order will be routed.
API Reference Guide 213
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
long openClose Specifies whether the order is an open or close order. Valid values are:
l Same - (0) same as the parent security. This is the only option for retail
l Open - (1) only valid for institutional customers.
l Close - (2) only valid for institutional customers.
l Unknown
long ratio Select the relative number of contracts for the leg you are constructing. To help
determine the ratio for a specific combination order, refer to the Interactive Ana-
lytics section of the User's Guide.
int shortSaleSlot For institutional customers only.
l 0 - inapplicable (i.e. retail customer or not short leg)
l 1 - clearing broker
l 2 - third party. If this value is used, you must enter a designated location.
Attribute Description
Order Identifiers
long clientId The id of the client that placed this order.
long orderId The id for this order.
long permId The TWS id used to identify orders, remains the same over TWS ses-
Main Order Fields
IBString action Identifies the side. Valid values are: BUY, SELL, SSHORT
double auxPrice This is the STOP price for stop-limit orders, and the offset amount
for relative orders. In all other cases, specify zero.
double lmtPrice This is the LIMIT price, used for limit, stop-limit and relative orders.
In all other cases specify zero. For relative orders with no limit
price, also specify zero.
IBString orderType Identifies the order type.
For more information about supported order types, see Supported
Order Types.
long totalQuantity The order quantity.
Extended Order Fields
API Reference Guide 214
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
bool allOrNone 0 = no, 1 = yes
bool blockOrder If set to true, specifies that the order is an ISE Block order.
int displaySize The publicly disclosed order size, used when placing Iceberg orders.
IBString goodAfterTime The trade's "Good After Time," format
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional time zone)"
Use an empty String if not applicable.
IBString goodTillDate You must enter GTD as the time in force to use this string. The
trade's "Good Till Date," format "YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss
(optional time zone)"
Use an empty String if not applicable.
boolean hidden If set to true, the order will not be visible when viewing the market
depth. This option only applies to orders routed to the ISLAND
int minQty Identifies a minimum quantity order type.
IBString ocaGroup Identifies an OCA (one cancels all) group.
int ocaType Tells how to handle remaining orders in an OCA group when one
order or part of an order executes. Valid values include:
l 1 = Cancel all remaining orders with block
l 2 = Remaining orders are proportionately reduced in size
with block
l 3 = Remaining orders are proportionately reduced in size
with no block
If you use a value "with block" gives your order has overfill pro-
tection. This means that only one order in the group will be routed
at a time to remove the possibility of an overfill.
IBString orderRef The order reference. Intended for institutional customers only,
although all customers may use it to identify the API client that
sent the order when multiple API clients are running.
boolean outsideRth() If set to true, allows orders to also trigger or fill outside of regular
trading hours.
bool over-
Precautionary constraints are defined on the TWS Presets page, and
help ensure tha tyour price and size order values are reasonable.
Orders sent from the API are also validated against these safety
constraints, and may be rejected if any constraint is violated. To
override validation, set this parameters value to True.
Valid values include:
l 0 = False
l 1 = True
API Reference Guide 215
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
long parentId The order ID of the parent order, used for bracket and auto trailing
stop orders.
double percentOffset The percent offset amount for relative orders.
IBString rule80A Values include:
l Individual = 'I'
l Agency = 'A',
l AgentOtherMember = 'W'
l IndividualPTIA = 'J'
l AgencyPTIA = 'U'
l AgentOtherMemberPTIA = 'M'
l IndividualPT = 'K'
l AgencyPT = 'Y'
l AgentOtherMemberPT = 'N'
IBString tif The time in force. Valid values are: DAY, GTC, IOC, GTD.
bool sweepToFill If set to true, specifies that the order is a Sweep-to-Fill order.
double trailingPercent Specify the trailing amount of a trailing stop order as a percentage.
Observe the following guidelines when using the trailingPercent
l This field is mutually exclusive with the existing trailing
amount. That is, the API client can send one or the other but
not both.
l This field is read AFTER the stop price (barrier price) as fol-
lows: deltaNeutralAuxPrice
scale order attributes
l The field will also be sent to the API in the openOrder mes-
sage if the API client version is >= 56. It is sent after the
stopPrice field as follows:
double trailStopPrice For TRAILLIMIT orders only
bool transmit Specifies whether the order will be transmitted by TWS. If set to
false, the order will be created at TWS but will not be sent.
API Reference Guide 216
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
int triggerfunction Specifies how Simulated Stop, Stop-Limit and Trailing Stop orders
are triggered. Valid values are:
l 0 - The default value. The "double bid/ask" function will be
used for orders for OTC stocks and US options. All other
orders will used the "last" function.
l 1 - use "double bid/ask" function, where stop orders are trig-
gered based on two consecutive bid or ask prices.
l 2 - "last" function, where stop orders are triggered based on
the last price.
l 3 double last function.
l 4 bid/ask function.
l 7 last or bid/ask function.
l 8 mid-point function.
API Reference Guide 217
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
IBString activeStartTime For GTCorders.
IBString activeStopTime For GTCorders.
Financial Advisor Fields
IBString faGroup The Financial Advisor group the trade will be allocated to -- use an
empty String if not applicable.
IBString faMethod The Financial Advisor allocation function the trade will be allo-
cated with -- use an empty String if not applicable.
IBString faPercentage The Financial Advisor percentage concerning the trade's allocation-
- use an empty String if not applicable.
IBString faProfile The Financial Advisor allocation profile the trade will be allocated
to -- use an empty String if not applicable.
Institutional (non-cleared) Only
IBString designatedLocation Used only when shortSaleSlot = 2.
IBString openClose For institutional customers only. Valid values are O, C.
int origin The order origin. For institutional customers only. Valid values are
0 = customer, 1 = firm
int shortSaleSlot Valid values are 1 or 2.
SMARTRouting Only
double discretionaryAmt The amount off the limit price allowed for discretionary orders.
bool eTradeOnly Trade with electronic quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
API Reference Guide 218
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
bool firmQuoteOnly Trade with firm quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
double nbboPriceCap Maximum smart order distance from the NBBO.
bool optOutSmartRouting Use to opt out of default SmartRouting for orders routed directly to
ASX. This attribute defaults to false unless explicitly set to true.
When set to false, orders routed directly to ASX will NOT use Smar-
tRouting. When set to true, orders routed directly to ASX orders
WILL use SmartRouting.
BOXor VOL Orders Only
int auctionStrategy Values include:
l match = 1
l improvement = 2
l transparent = 3
For orders on BOX only.
BOXExchange Orders Only
double delta The stock delta. For orders on BOX only.
double startingPrice The auction starting price. For orders on BOX only.
double stockRefPrice The stock reference price. The reference price is used for VOL
orders to compute the limit price sent to an exchange (whether or
not Continuous Update is selected), and for price range monitoring.
Pegged-to-Stock and VOL Orders Only
double stockRangeLower The lower value for the acceptable underlying stock price range. For
price improvement option orders on BOX and VOL orders with
dynamic management.
double stockRangeUpper The upper value for the acceptable underlying stock price range. For
price improvement option orders on BOX and VOL orders with
dynamic management.
Volatility Orders Only
bool continuousUpdate VOL orders only. Specifies whether TWS will automatically update
the limit price of the order as the underlying price moves.
int deltaNeutralAuxPrice VOL orders only. Use this field to enter a value if the value in the
deltaNeutralOrderTypefield is an order type that requires an Aux
price, such as a REL order.
IBString deltaNeutralOrderType VOL orders only. Enter an order type to instruct TWS to submit a
delta neutral trade on full or partial execution of the VOL order. For
no hedge delta order to be sent, specify NONE.
API Reference Guide 219
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
int referencePriceType VOL orders only. Specifies how you want TWS to calculate the
limit price for options, and for stock range price monitoring.
Valid values include:
l 1 = Average of NBBO
l 2 = NBB or the NBO depending on the action and right.
double volatility The option price in volatility, as calculated by TWS' Option Ana-
lytics. This value is expressed as a percent and is used to calculate
the limit price sent to the exchange.
int volatilityType Values include:
l 1 = Daily volatility
l 2 = Annual volatility
IBString deltaNeutralOpenClose Specifies whether the order is an Open or a Close order and is used
when the hedge involves a CFD and the order is clearing away.
bool deltaNeutralShortSale Used when the hedge involves a stock and indicates whether or not
it is sold short.
int deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot Has a value of 1 (the clearing broker holds shares) or 2 (delivered
from a third party). If you use 2, then you must specify a del-
IBString del-
Used only when deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot = 2.
Combo Orders Only
double basisPoints For EFP orders only
int basisPointsType For EFP orders only
Scale Orders Only
bool scaleAutoReset() For extended Scale orders.
int scaleInitFillQty() For extended Scale orders.
int scaleInitLevelSize For Scale orders: Defines the size of the first, or initial, order com-
int scaleInitPosition() For extended Scale orders.
API Reference Guide 220
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
int scalePriceAdjustInterval() For extended Scale orders.
double scalePriceAdjustValue() For extended Scale orders.
double scalePriceIncrement For Scale orders: Defines the price increment between scale com-
ponents. This field is required.
double scaleProfitOffset() For extended Scale orders.
bool scaleRandomPercent() For extended Scale orders.
int scaleSubsLevelSize For Scale orders: Defines the order size of the subsequent scale
order components. Used in conjunction with scaleInitLevelSize().
IBString scaleTable Manual table for Scale orders.
Hedge Orders Only
IBString hedgeParam Beta = x for Beta hedge orders, ratio = y for Pair hedge order
IBString hedgeType For hedge orders. Possible values are:
l D = Delta
l B = Beta
l F = FX
l P = Pair
Clearing Information
IBString account The account. For institutional customers only.
IBString clearingAccount For IBExecution customers: Specifies the true beneficiary of the
order. This value is required for FUT/FOP orders for reporting to the
IBString clearingIntent For IBExecution customers: Valid values are: IB, Away, and PTA
(post trade allocation).
IBString settlingFirm Institutional only.
Algo Orders Only
IBString algoStrategy For information about API Algo orders, see IBAlgo Parameters.
Vector<TagValue> algoParams Support for IBAlgo parameters.
What If
API Reference Guide 221
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
bool whatIf Use to request pre-trade commissions and margin information.
If set to true, margin and commissions data is received back via the
OrderState() object for the openOrder() callback.
Order Combo Legs
Vector<TagValue> Order-
Holds attributes for all legs in a combo order.
Not Held
bool m_notHeld For IBDARKorders only. Orders routed to IBDARK are tagged as
post only and are held in IB's order book, where incoming Smar-
tRouted orders from other IB customers are eligible to trade against
Attribute Description
double commission Shows the commission amount on the order.
IBString commissionCurrency Shows the currency of the commission value.
IBString equityWithLoan Shows the impact the order would have on your
equity with loan value.
IBString initMargin Shows the impact the order would have on your
initial margin.
IBString maintMargin Shows the impact the order would have on your
maintenance margin.
double maxCommission Used in conjunction with the minCommission
field, this defines the highest end of the possible
range into which the actual order commission will
double minCommission Used in conjunction with the maxCommission
field, this defines the lowest end of the possible
range into which the actual order commission will
IBString status Displays the order status.
IBString warningText Displays a warning message if warranted.
API Reference Guide 222
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
double abovePrice Filter out contracts with a price lower than this value. Can be left
int aboveVolume Filter out contracts with a volume lower than this value. Can be left
int aver-
Can leave empty.
double belowPrice Filter out contracts with a price higher than this value. Can be left
double couponRateAbove Filter out contracts with a coupon rate lower than this value. Can be
left blank.
double couponRateBelow Filter out contracts with a coupon rate higher than this value. Can be
left blank.
IBString excludeConvertible Filter out convertible bonds. Can be left blank.
IBString instrument Defines the instrument type for the scan.
IBString locationCode The location.
double marketCapAbove Filter out contracts with a market cap lower than this value. Can be left
double marketCapBelow Filter out contracts with a market cap above this value. Can be left
IBString maturityDateAbove Filter out contracts with a maturity date earlier than this value. Can be
left blank.
IBString maturityDateBelow Filter out contracts with a maturity date later than this value. Can be
left blank.
IBString moodyRatingAbove Filter out contracts with a Moody rating below this value. Can be left
IBString moodyRatingBelow Filter out contracts with a Moody rating above this value. Can be left
int numberOfRows Defines the number of rows of data to return for a query.
IBString scanCode Can be left blank.
IBString scannerSettingPairs Can leave empty. For example, a pairing "Annual, true" used on the
"top Option Implied Vol % Gainers" scan would return annualized vol-
IBString spRatingAbove Filter out contracts with an S&P rating below this value. Can be left
API Reference Guide 223
Chapter4 C++
Attribute Description
IBString spRatingBelow Filter out contracts with an S&P rating above this value. Can be left
IBString stockTypeFilter Valid values are:
l CORP = Corporation
l ADR = American Depositary Receipt
l ETF = Exchange Traded Fund
l REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust
l CEF = Closed End Fund
Attribute Description
int conId The unique contract identifier specifying the security. Used for Delta-
Neutral Combo contracts.
double delta The underlying stock or future delta. Used for Delta-Neutral Combo
double price The price of the underlying. Used for Delta-Neutral Combo contracts.
Attribute Description
double commission The commission amount.
IBString currency() The currency.
IBString execId() Unique order execution id.
double realizedPNL() The amount of realized Profit and Loss.
double yield() The yield.
int yieldRedemptionDate() Takes the YYYYMMDD format.
API Reference Guide 224
Chapter4 C++
Placing a Combination Order
A combination order is a special type of order that is constructed of many separate legs but executed as a single trans-
action. Submit combo orders such as calendar spreads, conversions and straddles using the BAG security type (defined in
the Contractobject). The key to implementing a successful API combination order using the API is to knowing how to
place the same order using Trader Workstation. If you are familiar with placing combination orders in TWS, then it will
be easier to place the same order using the API, because the API only imitates the behavior of TWS.
In this example, a customer places a BUY order for a CLK9 futures contract and a SELL order for a CLM9 futures con-
tract. In this procedure, the customer must invoke reqContractDetails() to obtain the conId for both CLK9 and CLM9 con-
Leg 1: Buy 1 CLK9 futures contract
Leg 2: Sell 1 CLM9 futures contract
Here is a summary of the steps required to place a combo order using the API:
l Obtain the contract id (conId) for each leg. Get this number by invoking the reqContractDetails() method.
l Include each leg on the ComboLeg object by populating the related fields.
l Implement the placeOrder() method with the Contract and Order socket client properties.
To place this combo order
1. Get the Contract IDs for both leg definitions. Request 1 is assigned to CLK9 and Request 2 is assigned to CLM9.
con1.localSymbol = "CLK9";
con1.secType = "FUT"; = "NYMEX";
con1.currency = "USD";
m_client->reqContractDetails(1, con1->getContract()); // request 1
con2.m_localSymbol = "CLM9";
con2.m_secType = "FUT";
con2.m_exchange = "NYMEX";
con2.m_currency = "USD";
m_client->reqContractDetails(2, con2->getContract()); // request 2
The conId values are delivered by the following event. If reqId is equal to 1, then the conid is for the CLK9 con-
tract. If reqId is equal to 2, then the conId is for CLM9.
::contractDetails( int reqId, const ContractDetails &contractDetails)
// to obtain conId for CLK9
if (reqId == 1)

API Reference Guide 225

Chapter4 C++
// to obtain conid for CLM9
if (reqId == 2)
2. Assign all the related values for combo orders and combine them:
leg1.conId = Leg1_conId;
leg1.ratio = 1;
leg1.action = "BUY"; = "NYMEX";
leg1.openClose = 0;
leg1.shortSaleSlot = 0;
leg1.designatedLocation = "";
leg2.conId = Leg2_conId;
leg2.ratio = 1;
leg2.action = "SELL"; = "NYMEX";
leg2.openClose = 0;
leg2.shortSaleSlot = 0;
leg2.designatedLocation = "";
3. Invoke the placeOrder() method with the appropriate contract and order objects. As shown below, it includes the
addAllLegs declaration in the contract object.
contract.symbol = "USD"; // abitrary value only combo orders
contract.secType = "BAG"; // BAG is the security type for COMBO order = "NYMEX";
contract.currency = "USD";
contract.comboLegs = addAllLegs; //including combo order in contract object
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = "MKT";
m_client->placeOrder(Orderid, contract->getContract(), order->getOrder());
API Reference Guide 226
This chapter describes the Java API, including the following topics:
l Running the Java Test Client Sample Program
l Running the Java Test Client Program with Eclipse
l Java EClientSocket Methods
l Java EWrapper Methods
l Java SocketClient Properties
l Placing a Combination Order
l Java Code Samples: Contract Parameters
API Reference Guide 227
Chapter5 Java
Running the Java Test Client Sample Program
You can access the IB trading system via TWS or the IB Gateway through a Java application using the socket client com-
ponent. Before you can connect to TWS, you must:
To run the Java Test Client sample program on Windows
1. From Windows Explorer, navigate to the samples\Java folder in your APIinstallation folder.
2. Run the file run.bat. It may be necessary to edit this file for your system.
To run the Java Test Client sample program from a new project in NetBeans
1. Open NetBeans and click New Projectto start the wizard.
2. In the Projects area, select Java Application and click Next.
3. In the New Java Applicationwindow, name your project, choose a location, and uncheck the check box for
Create Main Class.
4. Click Finish.
5. To set up Java to use the API, right-click the project you just created, then select Properties.
6. From the source category click Add Folder.
7. Navigate to the folder where the TWS API is installed. The folders you want to add are called source\J-
avaClient\comand samples\Java\apidemo. Click OK.
8. Press F6to run the sample java project. When the message says "Project Samplejavacode does not have main class
set" select apidemoand click OK.
The Java Test Clients sample application window is pictured below.
API Reference Guide 228
Chapter5 Java
API Reference Guide 229
Chapter5 Java
Running the Java Test Client Program with Eclipse
This section describes how to run the Java Test Client Program with the Eclipse IDE. The following steps assume that
you have already downloaded and installed the TWS API software.
Note: This procedure assumes that you are using Eclipse Helios 3.6.2, but other versions of Eclipse
should also work.
To run the Java Test Client Program with Eclipse
1. Download the Eclipse IDE from
Download the Windows 32-bit or Windows 64-bit version, depending on your operating system.
The download process will suggest the most appropriate mirror for your download automatically. Click on the
link and save the zip file to your computer.
2. Unzip the downloaded Eclipse file.
3. Launch the Eclipse IDE by running the file eclipse.exe, which will be unzipped to the eclipse directory.
4. Start a new project:
a. To start a new project in Eclipse, select File >New > Java Project.
b. Type the project name. For this example, name the project My API Program.
c. Type or browse for the project o
d. Optionally, change various settings such as JRE.
e. Click Finish.
6. Import the TWS API source files:
a. Expand the project you just created in the Package Explorer panel on the left.
b. Right-click the srcfolder, then select New > Package.
c. Enter com.ib as the package com, then click Finish.
d. Right-click the package com.ibin the Package Explorer panel, then select Import.
e. Select General > File System, then click Next.
f. Click Browse , then locate the folder where the API is installed (typically source\JavaClient\com). Select
the ibfolder (for example, C:\TWSAPI9.70\source\JavaClient\com\ib), then click OK.
g. Put a check mark on the ibfolder, then click Finish.
8. Import the Java sample test client files:
a. Expand the project you just created in the Package Explorer panel on the left.
b. Right-click the srcfolder, then select New > Package.
API Reference Guide 230
Chapter5 Java
c. Enter apidemoas the package com, then click Finish.
d. Right-click the package apidemoin the Package Explorer panel, then select Import.
e. Select General > File System, then click Next.
f. Click Browse , then locate the folder where the Java Test Client is installed (typically samples\Java\).
Select the apidemofolder (for example, C:\TWS API 9.70\samples\Java\apidemo), then click OK.
g. Put a check mark on the apidemofolder, then click Finish.
8. Run the sample test client:
a. Right-click the apidemo package and select Run As > Java Application.
b. This is what you should see and you are ready to create your own customized program:
API Reference Guide 231
Chapter5 Java
Java EClientSocket Methods
This section describes the class EClientSocket methods you use when connecting to TWS. The list of methods includes:
Connection and Server
Market Data
Contract Details
Market Depth
News Bulletins
Financial Advisors
Market Scanners
Historical Data
Real Time Bars
Fundamental Data
API Reference Guide 232
Chapter5 Java
This is the constructor.
EClientSocket(AnyWrapper anyWrapper)
Parameter Type Description
anyWrapper AnyWrapper The reference to an object that was derived from the AnyWrapper
base interface. Note EWrapper extends AnyWrapper.
This function must be called before any other. There is no feedback for a successful connection, but a subsequent attempt
to connect will return the message "Already connected."
void eConnect(String host, int port, int clientId)
Parameter Type Description
host String The host name or IP address of the machine where TWS is running.
Leave blank to connect to the local host.
port int Must match the port specified in TWS on the Configure>API>Socket
Port field.
clientId int A number used to identify this client connection. All orders
placed/modified from this client will be associated with this client iden-
Note: Note: Each client MUST connect with a
unique clientId.
Call this method to terminate the connections with TWS. Calling this method does not cancel orders that have already
been sent.
void eDisconnect()
Call this method to check if there is a connection with TWS.
void isConnected()
The default level is ERROR. Refer to the API logging page for more details.
void setServerLogLevel(int logLevel)
API Reference Guide 233
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
logLevel int Specifies the level of log entry detail used by the server (TWS) when
processing API requests. Valid values include:
l 1 = SYSTEM
l 2 = ERROR
l 5 = DETAIL
Returns the current system time on the server side via the currentTime() EWrapper method.
void reqCurrentTime()
Returns the version of the TWS instance to which the API application is connected.
void serverVersion()
Returns the time the API application made a connection to TWS.
void TwsConnectionTime ()
Call this method to request market data. The market data will be returned by the tickPrice(), tickSize(), tick-
OptionComputation(), tickGeneric(), tickString()and tickEFP() methods.
void reqMktData(int tickerId, Contract contract, String genericTicklist, boolean snapshot)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker id. Must be a unique value. When the market data
returns, it will be identified by this tag. This is also used when
canceling the market data.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe the contract.
genericTicklist String A comma delimited list of generic tick types. Tick types can be
found in the Generic Tick Types page.
snapshot boolean Check to return a single snapshot of market data and have the
market data subscription cancel. Do not enter any gener-
icTicklist values if you use snapshot.
After calling this method, market data for the specified Id will stop flowing.
API Reference Guide 234
Chapter5 Java
void cancelMktData(int tickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id that was specified in the call to reqMktData().
Call this function to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
calculateImpliedVolatility(int reqId, Contract optionContract, double optionPrice, double underPrice)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker id.
optionContract Contract Describes the contract.
optionPrice double The price of the option.
underPrice double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.
calculateImpliedVolatility(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker id.
Call this function to calculate option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and underlying price.
void calculateOptionPrice(int reqId, Contract contract, double volatility, double underPrice)
Parameter Type Description
conid int The ticker ID.
contract Contract Describes the contract.
volatility double The volatility.
underPrice double Price of the underlying.
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate the option price and greek values for a supplied volatility and under-
lying price.
cancelCalculateOptionPrice(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker id.
API Reference Guide 235
Chapter5 Java
The API can receive frozen market data from Trader Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our sys-
tem. During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. If you use this function, you are telling TWS to
automatically switch to frozen market data after the close. Then, before the opening of the next trading day, market data
will automatically switch back to real-time market data.
reqMarketDataType(int type)
Parameter Type Description
type int 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data.
void placeOrder( int id, Contract contract, Order order)
Parameter Type Description
id int The order Id. You must specify a
unique value. When the order status
returns, it will be identified by this
tag. This tag is also used when can-
celing the order.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to
describe the contract.
order Order This structure contains the details of
the order. Note: Each client MUST
connect with a unique clientId.
Call this method to cancel an order.
void cancelOrder(int id)
Parameter Type Description
id int The order Id that was specified previously in
the call to placeOrder()
Call this method to request any open orders that were placed from this API client. Each open order will be fed back
through the openOrder()and orderStatus() methods on the EWrapper.
Note: The client with a clientId of "0" will also receive the TWS-owned open orders. These orders
will be associated with the client and a new orderId will be generated. This association will
persist over multiple API and TWS sessions.
API Reference Guide 236
Chapter5 Java
void reqOpenOrders()
Call this method to request all open orders that were placed from all API clients linked to one TWS, and also from the
TWS. Note that you can run up to 8 API clients from a single TWS. Each open order will be fed back through the ope-
nOrder()and orderStatus() methods on the EWrapper.
Note: No association is made between the returned orders and the requesting client.
void reqAllOpenOrders()
Call this method to request that newly created TWS orders be implicitly associated with the client. When a new TWS
order is created, the order will be associated with the client and automatically fed back through the openOrder()and
orderStatus() methods on the EWrapper.
Note: TWS orders can only be bound to clients with a clientId of 0.
void reqAutoOpenOrders(boolean bAutoBind)
Parameter Type Description
If set to TRUE, newly created TWS orders will be
implicitly associated with the client. If set to
FALSE, no association will be made.
Call this function to request the next valid ID that can be used when placing an order. After calling this method, the next-
ValidId() event will be triggered, and the id returned is that next valid ID. That ID will reflect any autobinding that has
occurred (which generates new IDs and increments the next valid ID therein).
Public synchronized Void reqIds (int numIds)
Parameter Type Description
numIds int Set to 1.
Call the exerciseOptions() method to exercise options.
Note: SMART is not an allowed exchange in exerciseOptions() calls, and TWS does a request for
the position in question whenever any API initiated exercise or lapse is attempted.
void exerciseOptions(int tickerId, Contract contract, int exerciseAction, int exerciseQuantity, String account, int over-
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id for the exercise request
API Reference Guide 237
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe the contract.
exerciseAction int Specifies whether to exercise the specified option or let the
option lapse. Valid values are:
l 1 = exercise
l 2 = lapse
exerciseQuantity int The number of contracts to be exercised
account String For institutional orders. Specifies the IB account.
override int Specifies whether your setting will override the system's natural
action. For example, if your action is "exercise" and the option
is not in-the-money, by natural action the option would not exer-
cise. If you have override set to "yes" the natural action would
be overridden and the out-of-the money option would be exer-
cised. Values are:
l 0 = do not override
l 1 = override
Use this method to cancel all open orders globally. It cancels both API and TWS open orders.
If the order was created in TWS, it also gets canceled. If the order was initiated in the API, it also gets canceled.
void reqGlobalCancel()
Call this function to start getting account values, portfolio, and last update time information. The account data will be
fed back through the updateAccountTime(), updateAccountValue()and updatePortfolio() EWrapper methods.
void reqAccountUpdates (boolean subscribe, String acctCode)
Parameter Type Description
subscribe boolean If set to TRUE, the client will start receiving
account and portfolio updates. If set to FALSE,
the client will stop receiving this information.
acctCode String The account code for which to receive account
and portfolio updates.
When this method is called, the execution reports from the last 24 hours that meet the filter criteria are downloaded to
the client via the execDetails() method. To view executions beyond the past 24 hours, open the Trade Log in TWS and,
while the Trade Log is displayed, request the executions again from the API.
void reqExecutions(ExecutionFilter filter)
API Reference Guide 238
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
filter ExecutionFilter The filter criteria used to determine which
execution reports are returned.
Call this method to download all details for a particular contract. The contract details will be received via the con-
tractDetails() method on the EWrapper.
void reqContractDetails (int reqId, Contract contract)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that
responses are matched to requests if several
requests are in process.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe
the contract.
Call this method to request market depth for a specific contract. The market depth will be returned by the upda-
teMktDepth()and updateMktDepthL2() methods.
void reqMktDepth(int tickerId, Contract contract, int numRows)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id. Must be a unique value. When the market
depth data returns, it will be identified by this tag. This
is also used when canceling the market depth.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe the con-
numRows int Specifies the number of market depth rows to return.
After calling this method, market depth data for the specified Id will stop flowing.
void cancelMktDepth(int TickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id that was specified in the call to reqMktDepth().
Call this method to start receiving news bulletins. Each bulletin will be returned by the updateNewsBulletin() method.
void reqNewsBulletins(boolean allMsgs)
API Reference Guide 239
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
allMsgs boolean If set to TRUE, returns all the existing bulletins
for the current day and any new ones. IF set to
FALSE, will only return new bulletins.
Call this method to stop receiving news bulletins.
void cancelNewsBulletins()
Call this method to request the list of managed accounts. The list will be returned by the managedAccounts() method on
the EWrapper.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to a Financial Advisor (FA) account
void reqManagedAccts()
Call this method to request FA configuration information from TWS. The data returns in an XML string via the
receiveFA() method.
void requestFA(int faDataType)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType int Specifies the type of Financial Advisor configuration data being
requested. Valid values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
Call this method to request new FA configuration information from TWS. The data returns in an XML string via a
"receiveFA" method.
void replaceFA(int faDataType, String xml)
API Reference Guide 240
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
faDataType int Specifies the type of Financial Advisor con-
figuration data being requested. Valid values
l 1 = GROUPS
xml String The XML string containing the new FA con-
figuration information.
Call this method to request and keep up to date the data that appears on the TWS Account Window Summary tab. The
data is returned by accountSummary().
Note: This request can only be made when connected to a Financial Advisor (FA) account.
void reqAccountSummary(int reqId, String group, String tags)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched to requests if
several requests are in process.
group String Set to All to return account summary data for all accounts, or set to a specific
Advisor Account Group name that has already been created in TWSGlobal
API Reference Guide 241
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
tags String A comma-separated list of account tags.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l NetLiquidation,
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as TotalCashValue
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable US stocks the
account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual funds
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue,
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of all stock and
equity option positions
l RegTEquity,
l RegTMargin,
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq,
l MaintMarginReq,
l AvailableFunds,
l ExcessLiquidity,
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation value
l FullInitMarginReq,
l FullMaintMarginReq,
l FullAvailableFunds,
l FullExcessLiquidity,
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead values take effect
l LookAheadInitMarginReq,
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq,
l LookAheadAvailableFunds,
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity,
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account is to liq-
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close trades a user
API Reference Guide 242
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A value of "-1"
means that the user can put on unlimited day trades.
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
Cancels the request for Account Window Summary tab data.
void cancelAccountSummary(int messageId, int version As Integer, int reqId As Integer)
Parameter Type Description
messageId Integer Set this to 63.
version Integer Set this to 1.
reqId Integer The ID of the data request being canceled.
Requests real-time position data for all accounts.
Note: This request can only be made when connected to a Financial Advisor (FA) account.
void reqPositions()
Cancels real-time position updates.
void cancelPositions()
Call the reqScannerParameters() method to receive an XML document that describes the valid parameters that a scanner
subscription can have.
void reqScannerParameters()
Call the reqScannerSubscription() method to start receiving market scanner results through the scannerData()EWrapper
void reqScannerSubscription(int tickerId, ScannerSubscription subscription)
API Reference Guide 243
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id for the subscription. Must be a
unique value. When the subscription data
is received, it will be identified by this Id.
This is also used when canceling the
subscription ScannerSubscription Summary of the scanner subscription
parameters including filters.
Call the cancelScannerSubscription() method to stop receiving market scanner results.
void cancelScannerSubscription(int tickerId)
Parameter Description
tickerId The Id that was specified in the call to reqScannerSubscription().
Call the reqHistoricalData() method to start receiving historical data results through the historicalData()EWrapper
void reqHistoricalData (int id, Contract contract, String endDateTime, String durationStr, String barSizeSetting,
String whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id for the request. Must be a unique value. When the data is
received, it will be identified by this Id. This is also used when can-
celing the historical data request.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe the contract.
endDateTime String Use the format yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tmz, where the time zone is
allowed (optionally) after a space at the end.
durationStr String This is the time span the request will cover, and is specified using the
format: <integer> <unit>, i.e., 1 D, where valid units are:
l " S (seconds)
l " D (days)
l " W (weeks)
l " M (months)
l " Y (years)
If no unit is specified, seconds are used. Also, note "years" is currently
limited to one.
API Reference Guide 244
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
barSizeSetting String Specifies the size of the bars that will be returned (within IB/TWS lim-
its). Valid bar size values include:
l 1 sec
l 5 secs
l 15 secs
l 30 secs
l 1 min
l 2 mins
l 3 mins
l 5 mins
l 15 mins
l 30 mins
l 1 hour
l 1 day
whatToShow String Determines the nature of data being extracted. Valid values include:
useRTH int Determines whether to return all data available during the requested
time span, or only data that falls within regular trading hours. Valid
values include:
l 0 - all data is returned even where the market in question was
outside of its regular trading hours.
l 1 - only data within the regular trading hours is returned, even if
the requested time span falls partially or completely outside of
the RTH.
API Reference Guide 245
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
formatDate int Determines the date format applied to returned bars. Valid values
l 1 - dates applying to bars returned in the format:
l 2 - dates are returned as a long integer specifying the number of
seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
Note: For more information about historical data request limitations, see Historical Data Lim-
Call the cancelHistoricalData() method to stop receiving historical data results.
void cancelHistoricalData (int tickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id that was specified in the call to reqHistoricalData().
Call the reqRealTimeBars() method to start receiving real time bar results through the realtimeBar()EWrapper method.
void reqRealTimeBars(int tickerId, Contract contract, int barSize, String whatToShow, boolean useRTH)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id for the request. Must be a unique value. When the data
is received, it will be identified by this Id. This is also used
when canceling the historical data request.
contract Contract This class contains attributes used to describe the contract.
barSize int Currently only 5 second bars are supported, if any other value
is used, an exception will be thrown.
whatToShow String Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid values
API Reference Guide 246
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
useRTH boolean Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
l 0 = all data available during the time span requested is
returned, including time intervals when the market in
question was outside of regular trading hours.
l 1 = only data within the regular trading hours for the
product requested is returned, even if the time time span
falls partially or completely outside.
Call this method to stop receiving real time bar results.
void cancelRealTimeBars (int tickerId)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The Id that was specified in the call to reqRealTimeBars().
Call this method to receive Reuters global fundamental data for stocks. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
reqFundamentalData() can handle conid specified in the Contract object, but not tradingClass or multiplier. This is
because reqFundamentalData() is used only for stocks and stocks do not have a multiplier and trading class.
void reqFundamentalData(int reqId, Contract contract, String reportType)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched to
requests if several requests are in process.
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the contract for which Reuters
Fundamental data is being requested.
reportType String Identifies the report type, which is one of the following:
l Estimates
l Financial Statements
l Summary
Call this method to stop receiving Reuters global fundamental data.
void cancelFundamentalData(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
API Reference Guide 247
Chapter5 Java
Java EWrapper Methods
This section describes the class EWrapper methods you can use when connecting to TWS. The list of methods includes:
Connection and Server
Market Data
Account and Portfolio
Contract Details
Market Depth
News Bulletins
Financial Advisors
Historical Data
Market Scanners
Real Time Bars
Fundamental Data
This method receives the current system time on the server side.
void currentTime(long time)
API Reference Guide 248
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
time long The current system time on the server side
This method is called when there is an error with the communication or when TWS wants to send a message to the
void error(int id, int errorCode, String errorString)
Parameter Type Description
id int This is the orderId or tickerId of the request that generated the
errorCode int For information on error codes, see Error Codes.
errorString String The textual description of the error.
This method is called when an exception occurs while handling a request.
void error(Exception e)
Parameter Type Description
e Exception The exception that occurred
This method is called when TWS wants to send an error message to the client. (V1).
void error(String str)
Parameter Type Description
str String This is the textual description of the error
This method is called when TWS closes the sockets connection, or when TWS is shut down.
void connectionClosed()
This method is called when the market data changes. Prices are updated immediately with no delay.
void tickPrice(int tickerId, int field, double price, int canAutoExecute)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified pre-
viously in the call to reqMktData()
API Reference Guide 249
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
field int Specifies the type of price. Pass the field
value into TickType.getField(int tick-
Type) to retrieve the field description.
For example, a field value of 1 will map
to bidPrice, a field value of 2 will map to
askPrice, etc.
l 1 = bid
l 2 = ask
l 4 = last
l 6 = high
l 7 = low
l 9 = close
price double Specifies the price for the specified field
canAutoExecute int Specifies whether the price tick is avail-
able for automatic execution. Possible
values are:
l 0 = not eligible for automatic
l 1 = eligible for automatic
This method is called when the market data changes. Sizes are updated immediately with no delay.
void tickSize(int tickerId, int field, int size)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to
field int Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to retrieve
the field description. For example, a field value of 0 will map to
bidSize, a field value of 3 will map to askSize, etc.
l 0 = bid size
l 3 = ask size
l 5 = last size
l 8 = volume
size int Specifies the size for the specified field
API Reference Guide 250
Chapter5 Java
This method is called when the market in an option or its underlier moves. TWSs option model volatilities, prices, and
deltas, along with the present value of dividends expected on that options underlier are received.
void tickOptionComputation(int tickerId, int field, double impliedVol, double delta, double optPrice, double pvDiv-
idend, double gamma, double vega, double theta, double undPrice)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in
the call to reqMktData()
field int Specifies the type of option computation.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int
tickType) to retrieve the field description. For
example, a field value of 13 will map to mod-
elOptComp, etc.
l 10 = Bid
l 11 = Ask
l 12 = Last
impliedVol double The implied volatility calculated by the TWS
option modeler, using the specified ticktype
delta double The option delta value.
optPrice double The option price.
pvDividend double The present value of dividends expected on the
options underlier
gamma double The option gamma value.
vega double The option vega value.
theta double The option theta value.
undPrice double The price of the underlying.
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
void tickGeneric(int tickerId, int tickType, double value)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData()
API Reference Guide 251
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
tickType int Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to retrieve the
field description. For example, a field value of 46 will map to shortable,
value double The value of the specified field
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
void tickString(int tickerId, int tickType, String value)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call
to reqMktData()
field int Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tick-
Type) to retrieve the field description. For example,
a field value of 45 will map to lastTimestamp, etc.
value String The value of the specified field
This method is called when the market data changes. Values are updated immediately with no delay.
void tickEFP(int tickerId, int tickType, double basisPoints, String formattedBasisPoints, double impliedFuture, int
holdDays, String futureExpiry, double dividendImpact, double dividendsToExpiry)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to
field int Specifies the type of price.
Pass the field value into TickType.getField(int tickType) to
retrieve the field description. For example, a field value of 38
will map to bidEFP, etc.
basisPoints double Annualized basis points, which is representative of the financ-
ing rate that can be directly compared to broker rates
formattedBasisPoints String Annualized basis points as a formatted string that depicts them
in percentage form
impliedFuture double Implied futures price
holdDays int The number of hold days until the expiry of the EFP
futureExpiry String The expiration date of the single stock future
API Reference Guide 252
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
dividendImpact double The dividend impact upon the annualized basis points interest
dividendsToExpiry double The dividends expected until the expiration of the single stock
This is called when a snapshot market data subscription has been fully handled and there is nothing more to wait for.
This also covers the timeout case.
void tickSnapshotEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int Id of the data request.
TWS sends a marketDataType(type) callback to the API, where type is set to Frozen or RealTime, to announce that mar-
ket data has been switched between frozen and real-time. This notification occurs only when market data switches
between real-time and frozen. The marketDataType( ) callback accepts a reqId parameter and is sent per every sub-
scription because different contracts can generally trade on a different schedule.
void marketDataType(int reqId, int marketDataType)
Parameter Type Description
int reqId int Id of the data request
marketDataType int 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for frozen market data..
This method is called whenever the status of an order changes. It is also fired after reconnecting to TWS if the client has
any open orders.
void orderStatus(int orderId, String status, int filled, int remaining, double avgFillPrice, int permId, int parentId, dou-
ble lastFillPrice, int clientId, String whyHeld)
Note: It is possible that orderStatus() may return duplicate messages. It is essential that you filter
the message accordingly.
Parameter Type Description
id int The order Id that was specified previously in the call to placeOrder()
API Reference Guide 253
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
status String The order status. Possible values include:
l PendingSubmit - indicates that you have transmitted the order,
but have not yet received confirmation that it has been accepted
by the order destination. NOTE: This order status is not sent by
TWS and should be explicitly set by the API developer when
an order is submitted.
l PendingCancel - indicates that you have sent a request to cancel
the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation from the
order destination. At this point, your order is not confirmed can-
celed. You may still receive an execution while your can-
cellation request is pending. NOTE: This order status is not sent
by TWS and should be explicitly set by the API developer
when an order is canceled.
l PreSubmitted - indicates that a simulated order type has been
accepted by the IB system and that this order has yet to be
elected. The order is held in the IB system until the election
criteria are met. At that time the order is transmitted to the order
destination as specified .
l Submitted - indicates that your order has been accepted at the
order destination and is working.
l Cancelled - indicates that the balance of your order has been
confirmed canceled by the IB system. This could occur unexpect-
edly when IB or the destination has rejected your order.
l Filled - indicates that the order has been completely filled.
l Inactive - indicates that the order has been accepted by the sys-
tem (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but that
currently the order is inactive due to system, exchange or other
filled int Specifies the number of shares that have been executed.
For more information about partial fills, see Order Status for Partial
remaining int Specifies the number of shares still outstanding.
avgFillPrice double The average price of the shares that have been executed. This parameter
is valid only if the filledparameter value is greater than zero. Other-
wise, the price parameter will be zero.
permId int The TWS id used to identify orders. Remains the same over TWS ses-
parentId int The order ID of the parent order, used for bracket and auto trailing stop
API Reference Guide 254
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
lastFilledPrice double The last price of the shares that have been executed. This parameter is
valid only if the filled parameter value is greater than zero. Otherwise,
the price parameter will be zero.
clientId int The ID of the client (or TWS) that placed the order. Note that TWS
orders have a fixed clientId and orderId of 0 that distinguishes them
from API orders.
whyHeld String This field is used to identify an order held when TWS is trying to
locate shares for a short sell. The value used to indicate this is 'locate'.
This method is called to feed in open orders.
void openOrder(int orderId, Contract contract, Order order, OrderState orderState )
Parameter Type Description
orderId int The order Id assigned by TWS. Used to cancel or
update the order.
contract Contract The Contract class attributes describe the contract.
order Order The Order class attributes define the details of the
orderState OrderState The orderState attributes include margin and com-
missions fields for both pre and post trade data.
This method is called after a successful connection to TWS.
void nextValidId(int orderId)
Parameter Type Description
orderId int The next available order Id received from TWS upon
connection. Increment all successive orders by one
based on this Id.
This method is called only when reqAccountUpdates() method on the EClientSocket object has been called.
void updateAccountValue(String key, String value, String currency, String accountName)
API Reference Guide 255
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
key String A string that indicates one type of account value.
There is a long list of possible keys that can be sent,
here are just a few examples:
l CashBalance - account cash balance
l DayTradesRemaining - number of day trades
l EquityWithLoanValue - equity with Loan
l InitMarginReq - current initial margin require-
l MaintMarginReq - current maintenance margin
l NetLiquidation - net liquidation value
value String The value associated with the key.
currency String Defines the currency type, in case the value is a cur-
rency type.
account String States the account the message applies to. Useful for
Financial Advisor sub-account messages.
This method is called only when reqAccountUpdates() method on the EClientSocket object has been called.
void updatePortfolio(Contract contract, int position, double marketPrice, double marketValue, double averageCost,
double unrealizedPNL, double realizedPNL, String accountName)
Parameter Type Description
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the con-
tract which is being traded. The exchange field
in a contract is not set for portfolio update.
position int This integer indicates the position on the con-
tract. If the position is 0, it means the position
has just cleared.
marketPrice double The unit price of the instrument.
marketValue double The total market value of the instrument.
averageCost double The average cost per share is calculated by divid-
ing your cost (execution price + commission) by
the quantity of your position.
unrealizedPNL double The difference between the current market value
of your open positions and the average cost, or
Value - Average Cost.
API Reference Guide 256
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
realizedPNL double Shows your profit on closed positions, which is
the difference between your entry execution cost
(execution price + commissions to open the posi-
tion) and exit execution cost ((execution price +
commissions to close the position)
accountName String The name of the account to which the message
applies.Useful for Financial Advisor sub-
account messages.
This method is called only when reqAccountUpdates() method on the EClientSocket object has been called.
void updateAccountTime(String timeStamp)
Parameter Type Description
timeStamp String This indicates the last update time of the account information
This event is called after a batch updateAccountValue() and updatePortfolio() is sent.
void accountDownloadEnd(String accountName)
Parameter Type Description
accountName String The name of the account.
This method is called only when reqContractDetails method on the EClientSocket object has been called.
void contractDetails(int ReqId, ContractDetails contractDetails)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int The ID of the data request. Ensures that
responses are matched to requests if sev-
eral requests are in process.
contractDetails ContractDetails This structure contains a full description
of the contract being looked up.
This method is called once all contract details for a given request are received. This helps to define the end of an option
void contractDetailsEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int The Id of the data request.
API Reference Guide 257
Chapter5 Java
This method is called only when reqContractDetails method on the EClientSocket object has been called for bonds.
void bondContractDetails(int reqId, ContractDetails contractDetails)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
contractDetails ContractDetails This structure contains a full description of
the bond contract being looked up.
This method is called when the reqExecutions() method is invoked, or when an order is filled.
void execDetails(int reqId, Contract contract, Execution execution)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The reqID that was specified previously in the call to reqExecution().
contract Contract This structure contains a full description of the contract that was
Note: Refer to the Java SocketClient
Propertiespage for more information.
execution Execution This structure contains addition order execution details.
This method is called once all executions have been sent to a client in response to reqExecutions().
void execDetailsEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqID int The Id of the data request.
The commissionReport() callback is triggered as follows:
l Immediately after a trade execution
l By calling reqExecutions().
void commissionReport(CommissionReport commissionReport)
Parameter Type Description
commissionReport CommissionReport The structure that contains com-
mission details.
API Reference Guide 258
Chapter5 Java
This method is called when the market depth changes.
void updateMktDepth(int tickerId, int position, int operation, int side, double price, int size)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in
the call to reqMktDepth()
position int Specifies the row Id of this market depth
operation int Identifies how this order should be applied to
the market depth. Valid values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into
the row identified by 'position')
l 1 = update (update the existing order
in the row identified by 'position')
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at
the row identified by 'position')
side int Identifies the side of the book that this order
belongs to. Valid values are:
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price double The order price.
size int The order size.
This method is called when the Level II market depth changes.
void updateMktDepthL2(int tickerId, int position, String marketMaker, int operation, int side, double price, int size)
Parameter Type Description
tickerId int The ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktDepth()
position int Specifies the row id of this market depth entry.
marketMaker String Specifies the exchange hosting this order.
API Reference Guide 259
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
operation int Identifies the how this order should be applied to the market depth.
Valid values are:
l 0 = insert (insert this new order into the row identified by 'posi-
l 1 = update (update the existing order in the row identified by
l 2 = delete (delete the existing order at the row identified by 'posi-
side int Identifies the side of the book that this order belongs to. Valid values
l 0 = ask
l 1 = bid
price double The order price.
size int The order size.
This method is triggered for each new bulletin if the client has subscribed (i.e. by calling the reqNewsBulletins() method.
void updateNewsBulletin(int msgId, int msgType, String message, String origExchange)
Parameter Type Description
msgId int The bulletin ID, incrementing for each new bulletin.
msgType int Specifies the type of bulletin. Valid values include:
l 1 = Regular news bulletin
l 2 = Exchange no longer available for trading
l 3 = Exchange is available for trading
message String The bulletin's message text.
origExchange String The exchange from which this message originated.
This method is called when a successful connection is made to an account. It is also called when the reqManagedAccts()
method is invoked.
void managedAccounts(String accountsList)
Parameter Type Description
The comma delimited list of FA managed accounts.
API Reference Guide 260
Chapter5 Java
This method receives previously requested FA configuration information from TWS.
receiveFA(int faDataType, String xml)
Parameter Type Description
faDataType int Specifies the type of Financial Advisor con-
figuration data being received from TWS. Valid
values include:
l 1 = GROUPS
xml String The XML string containing the previously
requested FA configuration information.
Returns the data from the TWS Account Window Summary tab in response to reqAccountSummary().
void accountSummary(int reqId, String account, String tag, String value, String currency)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
account String The account ID.
API Reference Guide 261
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
tag String The tag from the data request.
Available tags are:
l AccountType
l TotalCashValue Total cash including futures pnl
l SettledCash For cash accounts, this is the same as
l AccruedCash Net accrued interest
l BuyingPower The maximum amount of marginable
US stocks the account can buy
l EquityWithLoanValue Cash + stocks + bonds +
mutual funds
l PreviousEquityWithLoanValue
l GrossPositionValue The sum of the absolute value of
all stock and equity option positions
l RegTEquity
l RegTMargin
l SMA Special Memorandum Account
l InitMarginReq
l MaintMarginReq
l AvailableFunds
l ExcessLiquidity
l Cushion Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liq-
uidation value
l FullInitMarginReq
l FullMaintMarginReq
l FullAvailableFunds
l FullExcessLiquidity
l LookAheadNextChange Time when look-ahead
values take effect
l LookAheadInitMarginReq
l LookAheadMaintMarginReq
l LookAheadAvailableFunds
l LookAheadExcessLiquidity
l HighestSeverity A measure of how close the account
API Reference Guide 262
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
is to liquidation
l DayTradesRemaining The Number of Open/Close
trades a user could put on before Pattern Day Trading is
detected. A value of "-1" means that the user can put on
unlimited day trades.
l Leverage GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
value String The value of the tag.
currency String The currency of the tag.
This method is called once all account summary data for a given request are received.
void accountSummaryEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Descrption
reqId int The ID of the data request.
This event returns real-time positions for all accounts in response to the reqPositions() method.
void position(String account, Contract contract, int pos)
Parameter Type Description
account String The account.
contract Contract This structure contains a full description of the
contract that was executed.
pos double The position.
This is called once all position data for a given request are received and functions as an end marker for the position()
void positionEnd()
This method receives the requested historical data results.
void historicalData (int reqId, String date, double open, double high, double low, double close, int volume, int count,
double WAP, boolean hasGaps)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker Id of the request to which this bar is responding.
API Reference Guide 263
Chapter5 Java
Parameter Type Description
date String The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined by
the reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open double The bar opening price.
high double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close double The bar closing price.
volume int The volume during the time covered by the bar.
count int When TRADES historical data is returned, represents the number of trades
that occurred during the time period the bar covers
WAP double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
hasGaps boolean Whether or not there are gaps in the data.
This method receives an XML document that describes the valid parameters that a scanner subscription can have.
void scannerParameters(String xml)
Parameter Type Description
xml String A document describing available scanner subscription parameters.
This method receives the requested market scanner data results.
void scannerData(int reqId, int rank, ContractDetails contractDetails, String distance, String benchmark, String
projection, String legsStr)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the request to which this row is responding.
rank int The ranking within the response of this bar.
contractDetails ContractDetails This structure contains a full description of the contract that
was executed.
distance String Varies based on query.
benchmark String Varies based on query.
projection String Varies based on query.
legsStr String Describes combo legs when scan is returning EFP.
This method is called when the snapshot is received and marks the end of one scan.
API Reference Guide 264
Chapter5 Java
void scannerDataEnd(int reqId)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the market data snapshot request being closed
by this parameter.
This method receives the real-time bars data results.
void realtimeBar(int reqId, long time, double open, double high, double low, double close, long volume, double wap,
int count)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ticker ID of the request to which this bar is responding.
time long The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is determined by the
reqHistoricalData() formatDate parameter.
open double The bar opening price.
high double The high price during the time covered by the bar.
low double The low price during the time covered by the bar.
close double The bar closing price.
volume long The volume during the time covered by the bar.
wap double The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar.
count int When TRADES historical data is returned, represents the number of trades
that occurred during the time period the bar covers.
This method is called to receive Reuters global fundamental market data. There must be a subscription to Reuters Fun-
damental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
void fundamentalData(int reqId, String data)
Parameter Type Description
reqId int The ID of the data request.
data String One of three XML reports:
l Estimates (estimates)
l Financial statements (finstat)
l Summary (snapshot)
API Reference Guide 265
Chapter5 Java
Java SocketClient Properties
The tables below define attributes for the following classes:
l Execution
l ExecutionFilter
l CommissionReport
l Contract
l ContractDetails
l ComboLeg
l Order
l OrderState
l ScannerSubscription
l UnderComp
Attribute Description
String m_acctNumber The customer account number.
double m_avgPrice Average price. Used in regular trades, combo
trades and legs of the combo. Includes com-
int m_clientId The id of the client that placed the order.
Note: TWS orders have a fixed client id of "0."
int m_cumQty Cumulative quantity. Used in regular trades,
combo trades and legs of the combo.
String m_exchange Exchange that executed the order.
String m_execId Unique order execution id.
int m_liquidation Identifies the position as one to be liquidated
last should the need arise.
int m_orderId The order id.
Note: TWS orders have a
fixed order id of "0."
int m_permId The TWS id used to identify orders, remains the
same over TWS sessions.
double m_price The order execution price, not including com-
int m_shares The number of shares filled.
API Reference Guide 266
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
String m_side Specifies if the transaction was a sale or a pur-
chase. Valid values are:
String m_time The order execution time.
String m_evRule Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the
respective optional argument. The two values
should be separated by a colon. For example, aus-
sieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When the
optional argument is not present, the first value
will be followed by a colon.
double m_evMultiplier Tells you approximately how much the market
value of a contract would change if the price
were to change by 1. It cannot be used to get mar-
ket value by multiplying the price by the approx-
imate multiplier.
Attribute Description
String m_acctCode Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on an
account code. Note: this is only relevant for Financial Advi-
sor (FA) accounts.
int m_clientId Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
the clientId.
String m_exchange Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
theorder exchange.
String m_secType Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
the order security type.
Note: Refer to the Contract struct for the list of valid secu-
rity types.
String m_side Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
the order action.
Note: Refer to the Order class for the list of valid order
String m_symbol Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
the order symbol.
String m_time Filter the results of the reqExecutions() method based on
execution reports received after the specified time.
The format for timeFilter is "yyyymmdd-hh:mm:ss"
API Reference Guide 267
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_commission() The commission amount.
String m_currency() The currency.
String m_execId() Unique order execution id.
double m_realizedPNL() The amount of realized Profit and Loss.
double m_yield() The yield.
int m_yieldRedemptionDate() Takes the YYYYMMDD format.
Attribute Description
Vector m_comboLegs Dynamic memory structure used to store the leg definitions for
this contract.
String m_comboLegsDescrip Description for combo legs
int m_conId The unique contract identifier.
String m_currency Specifies the currency. Ambiguities may require that this field
be specified, for example, when SMART is the exchange and
IBM is being requested (IBM can trade in GBP or USD).
Given the existence of this kind of ambiguity, it is a good idea
to always specify the currency.
String m_exchange The order destination, such as Smart.
String m_expiry The expiration date. Use the format YYYYMM.
boolean m_includeExpired If set to true, contract details requests and historical data que-
ries can be performed pertaining to expired contracts.
Note: Historical data queries on expired contracts are limited
to the last year of the contracts life, and are initially only sup-
ported for expired futures contracts,
String m_localSymbol This is the local exchange symbol of the underlying asset.
String m_multiplier Allows you to specify a future or option contract multiplier.
This is only necessary when multiple possibilities exist.
String m_primaryExch Identifies the listing exchange for the contract (do not list
String m_right Specifies a Put or Call. Valid values are: P, PUT, C, CALL.
API Reference Guide 268
Chapter5 Java
String m_secId Unique identifier for the secIdType.
String m_secIdType Security identifier, when querying contract details or when plac-
ing orders. Supported identifiers are:
l SIN (Example: Apple: US0378331005)
l CUSIP (Example: Apple: 037833100)
l SEDOL (Consists of 6-AN + check digit. Example:
BAE: 0263494)
l RIC (Consists of exchange-independent RIC Root and a
suffix identifying the exchange. Example: AAPL.O for
Apple on NASDAQ.)
String m_secType This is the security type. Valid values are:
double m_strike The strike price.
String m_symbol This is the symbol of the underlying asset.
String m_tradingClass The trading class name for this contract.
Attribute Description
String m_category The industry category of the underlying. For example, Invest-
String m_contractMonth The contract month. Typically the contract month of the under-
lying for a futures contract.
String m_industry The industry classification of the underlying/product. For exam-
ple, Financial.
String m_liquidHours The regular trading hours of the product. For example,
String m_longName Descriptive name of the asset.
API Reference Guide 269
Chapter5 Java
String m_marketName The market name for this contract.
double m_minTick The minimum price tick.
String m_orderTypes The list of valid order types for this contract.
String m_priceMagnifier Allows execution and strike prices to be reported consistently
with market data, historical data and the order price, i.e. Z on
LIFFE is reported in index points and not GBP.
Vector<TagValue> m_secId-
A list of contract identifiers that the customer is allowed to view
(CUSIP, ISIN, etc.)
String m_subcategory The industry subcategory of the underlying. For example, Bro-
Contract m_summary A contract summary.
String m_timeZoneId The ID of the time zone for the trading hours of the product. For
example, EST.
String m_tradingHours The total trading hours of the product. For example,
String m_underConId The underlying contract ID.
String m_validExchanges The list of exchanges this contract is traded on.
String m_evRule Contains the Economic Value Rule name and the respective
optional argument. The two values should be separated by a
colon. For example, aussieBond:YearsToExpiration=3. When the
optional argument is not present, the first value will be followed
by a colon.
double m_evMultiplier Tells you approximately how much the market value of a con-
tract would change if the price were to change by 1. It cannot be
used to get market value by multiplying the price by the approx-
imate multiplier.
Bond Values
String m_bondType For Bonds. The type of bond, such as "CORP."
boolean m_callable For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be
called by the issuer under certain conditions.
boolean m_convertible For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be con-
verted to stock under certain conditions.
double m_coupon For Bonds. The interest rate used to calculate the amount you
will receive in interest payments over the course of the year.
String m_couponType For Bonds. The type of bond coupon.
API Reference Guide 270
Chapter5 Java
String m_cusip For Bonds. The nine-character bond CUSIP or the 12-character
String m_descAppend For Bonds. A description string containing further descriptive
information about the bond.
String m_issueDate For Bonds. The date the bond was issued.
String m_maturity For Bonds. The date on which the issuer must repay the face
value of the bond.
String m_nextOptionDate For Bonds, only if bond has embedded options.
boolean m_nextOptionPartial For Bonds, only if bond has embedded options.
boolean m_putable For Bonds. Values are True or False. If true, the bond can be
sold back to the issuer under certain conditions.
String m_ratings For Bonds. Identifies the credit rating of the issuer. A higher
credit rating generally indicates a less risky investment. Bond rat-
ings are from Moody's and S&P respectively.
String m_nextOptionType For Bonds, only if bond has embedded options.
String m_notes For Bonds, if populated for the bond in IB's database
Attribute Description
String m_action The side (buy or sell) for the leg you are con-
int m_conId The unique contract identifier specifying the
String m_designatedLocation If shortSaleSlot == 2, the designatedLocation
must be specified. Otherwise leave blank or
orders will be rejected.
String m_exchange The exchange to which the complete com-
bination order will be routed.
int m_openClose Specifies whether the order is an open or close
order. Valid values are:
l 0 - Same as the parent security. This is
the only option for retail customers.
l 1 - Open. This value is only valid for
institutional customers.
l 2 - Close. This value is only valid for
institutional customers.
l Unknown - (3)
API Reference Guide 271
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
int m_ratio Select the relative number of contracts for the
leg you are constructing. To help determine the
ratio for a specific combination order, refer to
the Interactive Analytics section of the User's
int m_shortSaleSlot For institutional customers only.
l 0 - inapplicable (i.e. retail customer or
not short leg)
l 1 - clearing broker
l 2 - third party. If this value is used, you
must enter a designated location.
Attribute Description
double m_price Order-specific leg price.
Attribute Description
Order Identifiers
int m_clientId The id of the client that placed this
int m_orderId The id for this order.
int m_permid The TWS id used to identify orders,
remains the same over TWS sessions.
Main Order Fields
String m_action Identifies the side. Valid values are:
double m_auxPrice This is the STOP price for stop-limit
orders, and the offset amount for rel-
ative orders. In all other cases, specify
double m_lmtPrice This is the LIMIT price, used for limit,
stop-limit and relative orders. In all
other cases specify zero. For relative
orders with no limit price, also specify
API Reference Guide 272
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
String m_orderType Identifies the order type.
For more information about supported
order types, see Supported Order
long m_totalQuantity The order quantity.
Extended Order Fields
boolean m_allOrNone 0 = no, 1 = yes
boolean m_blockOrder If set to true, specifies that the order is
an ISE Block order.
int m_displaySize The publicly disclosed order size,
used when placing Iceberg orders.
String m_goodAfterTime The trade's "Good After Time," for-
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional
time zone)"
Use an empty String if not appli-
String m_goodTillDate You must enter GTD as the time in
force to use this string. The trade's
"Good Till Date," format
"YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss (optional
time zone)"
Use an empty String if not appli-
boolean hidden If set to true, the order will not be vis-
ible when viewing the market depth.
This option only applies to orders
routed to the ISLAND exchange.
int m_minQty Identifies a minimum quantity order
String m_ocaGroup Identifies an OCA (one cancels all)
API Reference Guide 273
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
int m_ocaType Tells how to handle remaining orders
in an OCA group when one order or
part of an order executes. Valid values
l 1 = Cancel all remaining
orders with block
l 2 = Remaining orders are pro-
portionately reduced in size
with block
l 3 = Remaining orders are pro-
portionately reduced in size
with no block
If you use a value "with block" gives
your order has overfill protection.
This means that only one order in the
group will be routed at a time to
remove the possibility of an overfill.
String m_orderRef The order reference. Intended for insti-
tutional customers only, although all
customers may use it to identify the
API client that sent the order when
multiple API clients are running.
boolean m_outsideRth If set to true, allows orders to also
trigger or fill outside of regular trad-
ing hours.
int m_parentId The order ID of the parent order, used
for bracket and auto trailing stop
double m_percentOffset The percent offset amount for relative
boolean overridePercentageConstraints Precautionary constraints are defined
on the TWS Presets page, and help
ensure tha tyour price and size order
values are reasonable. Orders sent
from the API are also validated
against these safety constraints, and
may be rejected if any constraint is
violated. To override validation, set
this parameters value to True.
Valid values include:
l 0 = False
l 1 = True
API Reference Guide 274
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
string m_rule80A Values include:
l Individual = 'I'
l Agency = 'A',
l AgentOtherMember = 'W'
l IndividualPTIA = 'J'
l AgencyPTIA = 'U'
l AgentOtherMemberPTIA = 'M'
l IndividualPT = 'K'
l AgencyPT = 'Y'
l AgentOtherMemberPT = 'N'
boolean m_sweepToFill If set to true, specifies that the order is
a Sweep-to-Fill order.
String m_tif The time in force. Valid values are:
bool m_transmit Specifies whether the order will be
transmitted by TWS. If set to false, the
order will be created at TWS but will
not be sent.
API Reference Guide 275
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
int m_triggerMethod Specifies how Simulated Stop, Stop-
Limit and Trailing Stop orders are trig-
gered. Valid values are:
l 0 - The default value. The "dou-
ble bid/ask" function will be
used for orders for OTC stocks
and US options. All other
orders will used the "last" func-
l 1 - use "double bid/ask" func-
tion, where stop orders are trig-
gered based on two
consecutive bid or ask prices.
l 2 - "last" function, where stop
orders are triggered based on
the last price.
l 3 double last function.
l 4 bid/ask function.
l 7 last or bid/ask function.
l 8 mid-point function.
double m_trailStopPrice For TRAILLIMIT orders only
API Reference Guide 276
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_trailingPercent Specify the trailing amount of a trail-
ing stop order as a percentage.
Observe the following guidelines
when using the trailingPercent field:
l This field is mutually exclu-
sive with the existing trailing
amount. That is, the API client
can send one or the other but
not both.
l This field is read AFTER the
stop price (barrier price) as fol-
lows: deltaNeutralAuxPrice
scale order attributes
l The field will also be sent to
the API in the openOrder mes-
sage if the API client version is
>= 56. It is sent after the stop-
Price field as follows:
String m_activeStartTime For GTCorders.
String m_activeStopTime For GTCorders.
Financial Advisor Fields
String m_faGroup The Financial Advisor group the trade
will be allocated to -- use an empty
String if not applicable.
String m_faMethod The Financial Advisor allocation func-
tion the trade will be allocated with --
use an empty String if not applicable.
String m_faPercentage The Financial Advisor percentage con-
cerning the trade's allocation-- use an
empty String if not applicable.
String m_faProfile The Financial Advisor allocation pro-
file the trade will be allocated to --
use an empty String if not applicable.
Institutional (non-cleared) Only
String m_designatedLocation Used only when shortSaleSlot = 2.
API Reference Guide 277
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
String m_openClose For institutional customers only. Valid
values are O, C.
int m_origin The order origin. For institutional cus-
tomers only. Valid values are 0 = cus-
tomer, 1 = firm
int m_shortSaleSlot Valid values are 1 or 2.
SMARTRouting Only
double m_discretionaryAmt The amount off the limit price
allowed for discretionary orders.
boolean m_eTradeOnly Trade with electronic quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
boolean m_firmQuoteOnly Trade with firm quotes.
0 = no, 1 = yes
double m_nbboPriceCap Maximum smart order distance from
the NBBO.
boolean m_optOutSmartRouting Use to opt out of default Smar-
tRouting for orders routed directly to
ASX. This attribute defaults to false
unless explicitly set to true. When set
to false, orders routed directly to ASX
will NOT use SmartRouting. When
set to true, orders routed directly to
ASX orders WILL use SmartRouting.
BOXor VOL Orders Only
int m_auctionStrategy Values include:
l match = 1
l improvement = 2
l transparent = 3
For orders on BOX only.
BOXExchange Orders Only
double m_delta The stock delta. For orders on BOX
double m_startingPrice The auction starting price. For orders
on BOX only.
API Reference Guide 278
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_stockRefPrice The stock reference price. The ref-
erence price is used for VOL orders to
compute the limit price sent to an
exchange (whether or not Continuous
Update is selected), and for price
range monitoring.
Pegged-to-Stock and VOL Orders Only
double m_stockRangeLower The lower value for the acceptable
underlying stock price range. For price
improvement option orders on BOX
and VOL orders with dynamic man-
double m_stockRangeUpper The upper value for the acceptable
underlying stock price range. For price
improvement option orders on BOX
and VOL orders with dynamic man-
Volatility Orders Only
boolean m_continuousUpdate VOL orders only. Specifies whether
TWS will automatically update the
limit price of the order as the under-
lying price moves.
String m_deltaNeutralOrderType VOL orders only. Enter an order type
to instruct TWS to submit a delta neu-
tral trade on full or partial execution
of the VOL order. For no hedge delta
order to be sent, specify NONE.
int m_deltaNeutralAuxPrice VOL orders only. Use this field to
enter a value if the value in the del-
taNeutralOrderTypefield is an order
type that requires an Aux price, such
as a REL order.
int m_referencePriceType VOL orders only. Specifies how you
want TWS to calculate the limit price
for options, and for stock range price
Valid values include:
l 1 = Average of NBBO
l 2 = NBB or the NBO depend-
ing on the action and right.
API Reference Guide 279
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_volatility The option price in volatility, as cal-
culated by TWS' Option Analytics.
This value is expressed as a percent
and is used to calculate the limit price
sent to the exchange.
int m_volatilityType Values include:
l 1 = Daily volatility
l 2 = Annual volatility
String m_deltaNeutralOpenClose Specifies whether the order is an Open
or a Close order and is used when the
hedge involves a CFD and the order is
clearing away.
boolean m_deltaNeutralShortSale Used when the hedge involves a stock
and indicates whether or not it is sold
int m_deltaNeutralShortSaleSlot Has a value of 1 (the clearing broker
holds shares) or 2 (delivered from a
third party). If you use 2, then you
must specify a del-
String m_del-
Used only when del-
taNeutralShortSaleSlot = 2.
Combo Orders Only
double m_basisPoints For EFP orders only
int m_basisPointsType For EFP orders only
Scale Orders Only
boolean m_scaleAutoReset() For extended Scale orders.
int m_scaleInitFillQty() For extended Scale orders.
int m_scaleInitLevelSize For Scale orders: Defines the size of
the first, or initial, order component.
int m_scaleInitPosition() For extended Scale orders.
int m_scalePriceAdjustInterval() For extended Scale orders.
double m_scalePriceAdjustValue() For extended Scale orders.
API Reference Guide 280
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_scalePriceIncrement For Scale orders: Defines the price
increment between scale components.
This field is required.
double m_scaleProfitOffset() For extended Scale orders.
boolean m_scaleRandomPercent() For extended Scale orders.
int m_scaleSubsLevelSize For Scale orders: Defines the order
size of the subsequent scale order com-
ponents. Used in conjunction with sca-
String m_scaleTable Manual table for Scale orders.
Hedge Orders Only
String m_hedgeParam Beta = x for Beta hedge orders, ratio =
y for Pair hedge order
String m_hedgeType For hedge orders. Possible values are:
l D = Delta
l B = Beta
l F = FX
l P = Pair
Clearing Information
String m_account The account. For institutional cus-
tomers only.
String m_clearingAccount For IBExecution customers: Specifies
the true beneficiary of the order. This
value is required for FUT/FOP orders
for reporting to the exchange.
String m_clearingIntent For IBExecution customers: Valid
values are: IB, Away, and PTA (post
trade allocation).
String m_settlingFirm Institutional only.
Algo Orders Only
String m_algoStrategy For information about API Algo
orders, see IBAlgo Parameters.
API Reference Guide 281
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
Support for IBAlgo parameters.
What If
boolean m_whatIf Use to request pre-trade commissions
and margin information.
If set to true, margin and com-
missions data is received back via the
OrderState() object for the ope-
nOrder() callback.
Smart Combo Routing
Support for Smart Combo Routing.
Order Combo Legs
OrderComboLegs() As Object Holds attributes for all legs in a
combo order.
Not Held
boolean m_notHeld For IBDARKorders only. Orders
routed to IBDARK are tagged as
post only and are held in IB's order
book, where incoming SmartRouted
orders from other IB customers are eli-
gible to trade against them.
Attribute Description
double m_commission Shows the commission amount on the order.
String m_commissionCurrency Shows the currency of the commission value.
String m_equityWithLoan Shows the impact the order would have on your
equity with loan value.
String m_initMargin Shows the impact the order would have on your ini-
tial margin.
String m_maintMargin Shows the impact the order would have on your
maintenance margin.
double m_maxCommission Used in conjunction with the minCommission field,
this defines the highest end of the possible range
into which the actual order commission will fall.
API Reference Guide 282
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
double m_minCommission Used in conjunction with the maxCommission field,
this defines the lowest end of the possible range into
which the actual order commission will fall.
string m_status Displays the order status.
String m_warningText Displays a warning message if warranted.
Attribute Description
double m_abovePrice Filter out contracts with a price lower than this value. Can be left
int m_aboveVolume Filter out contracts with a volume lower than this value. Can be left
int m_aver-
Can leave empty.
double m_belowPrice Filter out contracts with a price higher than this value. Can be left
double m_couponRateAbove Filter out contracts with a coupon rate lower than this value. Can be
left blank.
double m_couponRateBelow Filter out contracts with a coupon rate higher than this value. Can be
left blank.
String m_excludeConvertible Filter out convertible bonds. Can be left blank.
String m_instrument Defines the instrument type for the scan.
String m_locationCode The location.
String m_matur-
Filter out contracts with a maturity date earlier than this value. Can be
left blank.
String m_maturityDateBelow Filter out contracts with a maturity date later than this value. Can be
left blank.
double m_marketCapAbove Filter out contracts with a market cap lower than this value. Can be left
double m_marketCapBelow Filter out contracts with a market cap above this value. Can be left
String m_moody-
Filter out contracts with a Moody rating below this value. Can be left
String m_moody-
Filter out contracts with a Moody rating above this value. Can be left
int m_numberOfRows Defines the number of rows of data to return for a query.
String m_scanCode Can be left blank.
API Reference Guide 283
Chapter5 Java
Attribute Description
String m_scannerSettingPairs Can leave empty. For example, a pairing "Annual, true" used on the
"top Option Implied Vol % Gainers" scan would return annualized vol-
String m_spRatingAbove Filter out contracts with an S&P rating below this value. Can be left
String m_spRatingBelow Filter out contracts with an S&P rating above this value. Can be left
String m_stockTypeFilter Valid values are:
l CORP = Corporation
l ADR = American Depositary Receipt
l ETF = Exchange Traded Fund
l REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust
l CEF = Closed End Fund
Attribute Description
int m_conId The unique contract identifier specifying the security. Used for Delta-
Neutral Combo contracts.
double m_delta The underlying stock or future delta. Used for Delta-Neutral Combo
double m_price The price of the underlying. Used for Delta-Neutral Combo contracts.
API Reference Guide 284
Chapter5 Java
Placing a Combination Order
A combination order is a special type of order that is constructed of many separate legs but executed as a single trans-
action. Submit combo orders such as calendar spreads, conversions and straddles using the BAG security type (defined in
the Contractobject). The key to implementing a successful API combination order using the API is to knowing how to
place the same order using Trader Workstation. If you are familiar with placing combination orders in TWS, then it will
be easier to place the same order using the API, because the API only imitates the behavior of TWS.
In this example, a customer places a BUY order on a calendar spread for GOOG. To buy one calendar spread means:
Leg 1: Sell 1 GOOG OPT SEP 18 '09 150.0 CALL (100)
Leg 2: Buy 1 GOOG OPT JAN 21 '11 150.0 CALL (100)
Here is a summary of the steps required to place a combo order using the API:
l Obtain the contract id (conId) for each leg. Get this number by invoking the reqContractDetails() method.
l Include each leg on the ComboLeg object by populating the related fields.
l Implement the placeOrder() method with the Contract and Order socket client properties.
To place this combo order
1. Get the Contract IDs for both leg definitions:
//First leg
Contract con1 = new Contract();
con1.m_symbol = "GOOG";
con1.m_secType = "OPT";
con1.m_expiry = 200909;
con1.m_strike = 150.0
con1.m_right = C
con1.m_multiplier = 100
con1.m_exchange = "SMART;
con1.m_currency = "USD";
.reqContractDetails(1, con1);
//Second leg
Contract con2 = new Contract();
con2.m_symbol = "GOOG";
con2.m_secType = "OPT";
con2.m_expiry = 201101;
con2.m_strike = 150.0
con2.m_right = C
con2.m_multiplier = 100
con2.m_exchange = "SMART;
API Reference Guide 285
Chapter5 Java
con2.m_currency = "USD";
.reqContractDetails(2, con2);
//All conId numbers are delivered by the ContractDetail()
static public String contractDetails(int reqId, ContractDetails con-
tractDetails) {
Contract contract = contractDetails.m_summary;
/*Base on the request above,
reqId = 1 is corresponding to the first request or first leg
reqId = 2 is corresponding to the second request or second leg*/
if (reqId == 1)
{ Leg1_conId = contract.m_conId;} // to obtain conId for first leg
if (reqId == 2)
{ Leg2_conId = contract.m_conId;} // to obtain conId for second leg
2. Once the program has acquired the conId value for each leg, include it in the ComboLeg object:
ComboLeg leg1 = new ComboLeg(); // for the first leg
ComboLeg leg2 = new ComboLeg(); // for the second leg
Vector addAllLegs = new Vector();
leg1.m_conId = Leg1_conId;
leg1.m_ratio = 1;
leg1.m_action = "SELL";
leg1.m_exchange = "SMART";
leg1.m_openClose = 0;
leg1.m_shortSaleSlot = 0;
leg1.m_designatedLocation = "";
leg2.m_conId = Leg2_conId;
leg2.m_ratio = 1;
leg2.m_action = "BUY";
leg2.m_exchange = "SMART";
leg2.m_openClose = 0;
leg2.m_shortSaleSlot = 0;
leg2.m_designatedLocation = "";
3. Invoke the placeOrder() method with the appropriate contract and order objects:
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_symbol = "USD"; // For combo order use USD as the symbol value
all the time
API Reference Guide 286
Chapter5 Java
contract.m_secType = "BAG"; // BAG is the security type for COMBO order
contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
contract.m_comboLegs = addAllLegs; //including combo order in contract object
order.m_action = BUY;
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = MKT
.placeOrder(OrderId, contract, order);
Note: For more information on combination orders, see the TWS Users Guide topic About Com-
bination Orders.
API Reference Guide 287
Chapter5 Java
Java Code Samples: Contract Parameters
This section includes the following Java code samples:
l How to Determine an Option Contract
l How to Determine a Futures Contract
l How to Determine a Stock
How to Determine an Option Contract
Example 1 - Standard Method of Determining an Option Contract
void onHowToDetermineOption(){
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_symbol = "IBKR";
contract.m_secType = "OPT";
contract.m_expiry = "20120316";
contract.m_strike = 20.0;
contract.m_right = "P";
contract.m_multiplier = "100";
contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = enteredLmtPrice;
m_client.placeOrder(GlobalOrderId, contract, order);
Example 2 - Determining an Option Contract Using OCC Option Symbology Initiative
void inUsingOptionSymbologyInitiative(){
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_localSymbol = "IBKR 120317P00020000"; //OSI
contract.m_secType = "OPT";
contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = enteredLmtPrice;
API Reference Guide 288
Chapter5 Java
m_client.placeOrder(GlobalOrderId, contract, order);
How to Determine a Futures Contract
Example 1 - Standard Method of Determining a Futures Contract
void onHowtoDetermineFuture(){
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_symbol = "ES";
contract.m_secType = "FUT";
contract.m_expiry = "201109";
contract.m_exchange = "GLOBEX";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = enteredLmtPrice;
m_client.placeOrder(GlobalOrderId, contract, order);
Example 2 - Determining a Futures Contract Using the Local Symbol
void inUsingLocalSymbolForFuture(){
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_localSymbol = "ESU1";
contract.m_secType = "FUT";
contract.m_exchange = "GLOBEX";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = enteredLmtPrice;
m_client.placeOrder(GlobalOrderId, contract, order);
How to Determine a Stock
void onHowToDetermineStock(){
API Reference Guide 289
Chapter5 Java
Contract contract = new Contract();
Order order = new Order();
contract.m_symbol = "IBKR";
contract.m_secType = "STK";
contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
contract.m_currency = "USD";
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = enteredLmtPrice;
m_client.placeOrder(GlobalOrderId, contract, order);
API Reference Guide 290
This chapter describes API functionality for users with Financial Advisor accounts, including the following topics:
l Financial Advisor Orders and Account Configuration
l Excel DDE Support
l Support by Other API Technologies
l Improved Financial Advisor Execution Reporting
l Allocation Methods for Account Groups
l Java Code Samples for Financial Advisor API Orders
API Reference Guide 291
Chapter6 Advisors
Financial Advisor Orders and Account Configuration
This section assumes familiarity on the part of the reader with TWS Financial Advisor account configuration and order
API FA functionality became significantly more powerful in TWS release 821 and higher, in that the now deprecated
"allocation string" method was replaced by the much more powerful Financial Advisor order allocation methods. Prior to
those new methods being used, TWS had to be configured to understand the desired FA order groups, profiles, and
account aliases. This can be done manually in TWS, or via the API, or via both.
API Reference Guide 292
Chapter6 Advisors
Excel DDE Support
Starting with TWS release 824, DDE orders now have six Extended Order Attributes: Good After Time, Good Till Date,
FA Group, FA Method, FA Percentage, and FA Profile. These can be left empty if they do not apply to an order. TWS
Financial Advisor account configuration should be done manually for DDE access.
You can place FA orders on the Advisors page in the most recent release of the TwsDde.xls DDE for Excel API spread-
sheet. For more information, see the Advisors Page topic.
API Reference Guide 293
Chapter6 Advisors
Support by Other API Technologies
For all ActiveX, Java, or C++ based API technologies, TWS Financial Advisor account configuration is done via two
new methods and one new event. The methods are called replaceFA, and requestFA. The event is called receiveFA.
These methods and that event pertain to the following three parts of TWS FA account configuration: creating groups, pro-
files, and account aliases.
l requestFA(int faDataType) is a method that is called by an API application to request one of those types of FA
configuration data.
l receiveFA(int faDataType, string XML) receives the requested data from TWS, via an event that TWS sends that
contains the data requested. The event includes an XML string containing the requested information.
l replaceFA(int faDataType, string XML) can be called from the API if the API application wishes to replace the
previous FA configuration information with a new XML string.
In accordance with the existence of this new functionality, all placeOrder methods, whether ActiveX, Java, or C++
based, have four new parameters pertaining to Financial Advisor order placement: faGroup, faMethod, faPercentage, and
faProfile. When one or more of these new values is not relevant to an order, simply pass in an empty string.
API Reference Guide 294
Chapter6 Advisors
Improved Financial Advisor Execution Reporting
When using TWS version 823 or higher, the execution messages resulting from a new FA order will report both the ini-
tial execution of the order, as well as its being allocated to its various subaccounts.
The following example helps explains Advisor execution reporting.
Assume that 100 shares of IBM is being bought on the NYSE by a Financial Advisor who has three sub-accounts, and
who wants them allocated with Equal Quantity to each. The following seven execution messages will occur:
l FA Account: Order filled on NYSE to BUY 100 IBM
l FA Account: allocation of 34 shares out of FA account and into sub account 1. Message says "BUY -34 IBM."
The negative quantity reflects the fact that the execution being reported is reducing the purchase.
l SUB1 Account: BUY 34 IBM.
l FA Account: allocation of 33 shares out of FA account and into sub account 2. Message says "BUY -33 IBM."
l SUB2 Account: BUY 33 IBM.
l FA Account: allocation of 33 shares out of FA account and into sub account 3. Message says "BUY -33 IBM."
l SUB3 Account: BUY 33 IBM."
API Reference Guide 295
Chapter6 Advisors
Allocation Methods for Account Groups
Note that you must type the method name in exactly as appears here, or your order won't work.
EqualQuantity Method
Requires you to specify an order size. This method distributes shares equally between all accounts in the group.
Example: You transmit an order for 400 shares of stock ABC. If your Account Group includes four accounts, each
account receives 100 shares. If your Account Group includes six accounts, each account receives 66 shares, and then 1
share is allocated to each account until all are distributed.
NetLiq Method
Requires you to specify an order size. This method distributes shares based on the net liquidation value of each account.
The system calculates ratios based on the Net Liquidation value in each account and allocates shares based on these
Example: You transmit an order for 700 shares of stock XYZ. The account group includes three accounts, A, B and C
with Net Liquidation values of $25,000, $50,000 and $100,000 respectively. The system calculates a ratio of 1:2:4 and
allocates 100 shares to Client A, 200 shares to Client B, and 400 shares to Client C.
AvailableEquity Method
Requires you to specify an order size. This method distributes shares based on the amount of equity with loan value cur-
rently available in each account. The system calculates ratios based on the Equity with Loan value in each account and
allocates shares based on these ratios.
Example: You transmit an order for 700 shares of stock XYZ. The account group includes three accounts, A, B and C
with available equity in the amounts of $25,000, $50,000 and $100,000 respectively. The system calculates a ratio of
1:2:4 and allocates 100 shares to Client A, 200 shares to Client B, and 400 shares to Client C.
PctChange Method
This method only works when you already hold a position in the selected instrument. Do not specify an order size. Since
the quantity is calculated by the system, the order size is displayed in the Quantity field after the order is acknowledged.
This method increases or decreases an already existing position. Positive percents will increase a position, negative per-
cents will decrease a position.
Example 1:Assume that three of the six accounts in this group hold long positions in stock XYZ. Client A has 100
shares, Client B has 400 shares, and Client C has 200 shares. You want to increase their holdings by 50%, so you enter
"50" in the percentage field. The system calculates that your order size needs to be equal to 350 shares. It then allocates
50 shares to Client A, 200 shares to Client B, and 100 shares to Client C.
Example 2: You want to close out all long positions for three of the five accounts in a group. You create a sell order
and enter "-100" in the Percentage field. The system calculates 100% of each position for every account in the group that
holds a position, and sells all shares to close the positions.
These handy charts make it easy to see how negative and positive percent values will affect long and short positions for
both buy and sell orders. Phew, that was a mouthful!
API Reference Guide 296
Chapter6 Advisors
Positive Per-
Negative Per-
Long Posi-
Increases posi-
No effect
Short Posi-
No effect Decreases posi-
Positive Per-
Negative Per-
Long Posi-
No effect Decreases posi-
Short Posi-
Increases posi-
No effect
API Reference Guide 297
Chapter6 Advisors
Java Code Samples for Financial Advisor API Orders
There are generally three methods for placing an order in the API from a Financial Advisor (FA) account:
l Place an order for a single managed account.
l Place an order for an allocation profile.
l Place an order for an account group.
Place an Order for a Single Managed Account
As an FA, you can place an order for any one of your managed accounts. The following code sample performs this task.
Contract m_contract = new Contract();
Order m_order = new Order();
/** Stocks */
m_contract.m_symbol = "IBM";
m_contract.m_secType = "STK";
m_contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
m_contract.m_currency = "USD";
m_order.m_orderType = "MKT";
m_order.m_action = "BUY";
m_order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
m_order.m_transmit = true;
// allocate the order for this particular account
m_order.m_account = "DU74649";
m_client.placeOrder(orderId++, m_contract, m_order);
Place an Order for an Allocation Profile
As an FA, you can place an order for accounts that share an allocation profile. The following code sample performs the
Note: Before trying this yourself, you must be familiar with setting up an allocation profile and
placing an order in TWS.
API Reference Guide 298
Chapter6 Advisors
Contract m_contract = new Contract();
Order m_order = new Order();
// allocate the order for this profile
m_order.m_faProfile = "USClients";
m_client.placeOrder(orderId++, m_contract, m_order);
Place an Order for an Account Group
As an FA, you can place an order for accounts in an account group. Note that the method attribute is a mandatory field
when placing an order for account groups. The following code sample performs the task.
Note: Before trying this yourself, you must be familiar with setting up account groups and placing
an order in TWS.
Contract m_contract = new Contract();
Order m_order = new Order();
// allocate the order for this group
m_order.m_faGroup = "USGroup";
// using the percent change method
m_order.m_faMethod = "PctChange";
m_order.m_faPercentage = "100";
m_client.placeOrder(orderId++, m_contract, m_order);
Changing/Updating Allocation Information
As an FA, you can retrieve allocation information in XML format, and change or update allocation information by pass-
ing an XML formatted configuration back.
The following code sample changes one of the groups' name by replacing the first occurrence of "TestGroup" in the con-
figuration file with "MyTestGroup" and passing it back.
public void receiveFA(int faDataType, String xml) {
API Reference Guide 299
Chapter6 Advisors
switch (faDataType) {
case EClientSocket.GROUPS:
faGroupXML = xml ;
String test = xml.replaceFirst("TestGroup", "MyTestGroup");
m_client.replaceFA(1, test);
break ;
case EClientSocket.PROFILES:
faProfilesXML = xml ;
break ;
case EClientSocket.ALIASES:
faAliasesXML = xml ;
break ;
API Reference Guide 300
ActiveXfor Excel
This chapter describes the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, including the following topics:
l Getting Started with the ActiveX for Excel API
l Using the ActiveX for Excel Sample Spreadsheet
The ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, TwsActiveX.xls, duplicates the functionality of the ActiveX for Excel API
spreadsheet but internally uses an ActiveX component, Tws.ocx. One of the benefits of using this spreadsheet is that it
can connect to a TWS or IB Gateway session that is running on a remote PC. The DDE for Excel API spreadsheet cannot
do this.
Note: The methods, events and COM objects used in the code for the ActiveX for Excel sample
spreadsheet are the same as those used in the ActiveX API. See the ActiveXchapter for com-
plete details about the ActiveX API.
The following figure shows the Tickers page in the ActiveX for Excel API sample spreadsheet.
API Reference Guide 301
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Getting Started with the ActiveX for Excel API
We have created a sample Excel spreadsheet, TwsActiveX.xls, that uses an ActiveX control, Tws.ocx. You can use this
spreadsheet with TWS as is, or use it create your own custom TWS API Excel application. It's easy to get started:
l Download the API components, which includes the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, TwsActiveX.xls.
l Ensure that:
the application server is running and that it is configured to support ActiveX or
the IB Gateway is running.
l Open the spreadsheet and start using the ActiveX for Excel API.
The sample spreadsheet currently comprises several pages complete with sample data and action buttons that make it
easy for you to get market data, send orders and view your activity.
Download the API Components and Spreadsheet
We recommending using the sample Excel spreadsheet that we provide as a starting point toward creating your own Acti-
veX for Excel API. Follow the steps below to download the sample spreadsheet.
To install the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet
1. From the IB homepage, select API Solutions from the Trading menu.
2. Click the IB APIbutton, then on the API Software page, find the column appropriate to your operating system and
click Download latest version.
Windows users can download the beta test version of the API by using the Windows Betacolumn, or revert to
the previous production version by selecting Downgrade to Previous Version.
3. Save the installation program to your computer, and if desired, select a different directory. Click Save.
4. Close any versions of TWS and Excel that you have running.
5. Locate the installation program you just saved to your computer, then double-click the file to begin the API instal-
6. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
Note: Before you can use the spreadsheet, you must have TWS running and configured to support
the ActiveX API. See Run the API through TWS for detailed instructions.
Running the ActiveX for Excel API on 64-bit Windows XP Systems
To run the ActiveX for Excel API on 64-bit Windows XP systems, do the following:
1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).
2. Install Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package.
3. Download and install the API software.
API Reference Guide 302
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Open the Sample Spreadsheet
After you have downloaded the sample spreadsheet and configured the application to allow the ActiveX for Excel API
to link to it, open the spreadsheet and save it as your personal file.
Note: Note that not more than one API application can simultaneously access a single instance.
The API application does not need to be running on the same computer on which the appli-
cation is running.
To open the sample spreadsheet
1. Go to the API installation folder in which the Excel API sample spreadsheet was installed (typically C:\Jts\Excel)
and double-click TwsActiveX.xls.
2. Save the spreadsheet with a different file name. This lets you customize the spreadsheet without changing the orig-
3. Click the General tab.
4. Modify the default values in the Host, Port, and ClientID cells, then click Connect to TWS on the Toolbar.
l If you select the Show Errors Message Boxcheck box, error messages display when you connect to TWS. In this
case, you must click OKto dismiss any messages that appear.
API Reference Guide 303
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Using the ActiveX for Excel Sample Spreadsheet
The ActiveX for Excel API sample spreadsheet, TwsDde.xls, includes the following pages (tabs):
Page Description
General Lets you connect to and disconnect from TWS, set the
server log level and request the current time.
Tickers Lets you set up your ticker lines and request market data.
You can view market data for all asset types including EFPs
and combination orders.
Bulletins Lets you subscribe to and view IB News Bulletins.
Market Depth Lets you view market depth for selected quotes.
Basic Orders Lets you send and modify orders, set up combination orders
and EFPs, and request open orders.
Conditional Orders Lets you create an order whose submission is contingent on
other conditions being met, for example an order based on a
prior fill.
Advanced Orders Lets you send and modify advanced orders types that
require the use of extended order attributes, such as Bracket,
Scale and Trailing Stop Limit orders.
Extended Order Attributes Used in conjunction with the Basic Orders, Advanced
Orders, Conditional Orders and Advisors pages, this page
lets you change the time in force, create Hidden or Iceberg
orders and apply many other order attributes.
Open Orders Shows you all transmitted orders, including those that have
been accepted by the IB system, and those that are working
at an exchange.
Account Provides up to date account information and displays your
Portfolio Displays all your current positions.
Executions Lets you view all execution reports, and includes a filtering
box so you can limit your results.
Commission Reports Lets you view commission details.
Historical Data Request historical data for an instrument based on data you
enter in a query.
Contract Details Lets you collect contract-specific information you will need
for other actions, including the conid and supported order
types for a contract
Bond Contract Details Lets you collect bond contract-specific information you will
need for other actions, including bond coupon and maturity
API Reference Guide 304
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Page Description
Real Time Bars Lets you request and view real time bars from TWS.
Market Scanner Lets you view market scanner parameters and subscribe to
TWS market scanners.
Fundamentals Lets you request and view Fundamentals data from TWS.
Advisors Lets Financial Advisors send and modify FA orders.
Log Lets you view all error messages.
General Page
Use the General page to:
l Connect to TWS.
l Disconnect from TWS.
l Set the level of log entry detail used by the server when processing API requests.
l Request the current server time.
To connect to TWS
API Reference Guide 305
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
1. Click Connect to TWS in the toolbar.
If required, change the values in the Host, Portand ClientID cells.
Select the Show Errors Message Boxto display errors when connecting to TWS.
To disconnect from TWS
1. Click Disconnect from TWS in the toolbar.
To set the server log level
1. Type one of the following values in the Log Level cell:
The higher the number, the greater the level of detail and performance overhead.
2. Click Set Server Log Level in the toolbar.
To request the current time
1. Click Request Current Time in the toolbar.
General Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the General page includes the buttons described below.
API Reference Guide 306
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Connect to TWS Connects to TWS.
Disconnect from TWS Disconnects from TWS.
Set Server Log Level Sets the level of detail of entries in the log.txt log file.
Request Current Time Requests the current server time.
Global Cancel Cancels all requests.
The toolbar also includes the Show Errors Message Box check box, which when selected, displays error when con-
necting to TWS.
Bulletins Page
Use the Bulletins page to request and view IB news bulletins. Simply click Request News Bulletinsin the toolbar. News
bulletins display in the table on the page. To request all the existing bulletins for the current day and any new ones,
select the All Day News check box on the toolbar. If this check box is not selected, you will receive only new bulletins.
Bulletins Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Tickers page includes the buttons described below.
API Reference Guide 307
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Request News Bulletins Requests all the new news bulletins.
Cancel News Bulletins Cancels receipt of all news bulletins.
Clear News Bulletins Clears all news bulletins from the page.
The toolbar also includes the All Day News check box, which when selected, requests all the existing bulletins for the
current day and any new ones.
Tickers Page
Use the Tickers page to:
l Create market data (ticker) lines.
l Request market data.
l Create a combination order for options.
l Create market data line for Exchange for Physical (EFP) combination orders.
API Reference Guide 308
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Using the Tickers Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To create a ticker using the Create Ticker button
1. Click the Tickers tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click the line number to the left of a blank row to select the row. You must have a blank row selected to create a
ticker line.
3. Click the Create Tickerbutton on the toolbar and enter information in the Create Tickers dialog.
4. Click OK.
For stocks, you only need to specify the Symbol, Type, Exchange(usually SMART), and Currency.
To create a ticker on the spreadsheet
1. Select a blank cell in the Symbol column and enter a symbol.
2. Tab through the all contract description fields and enter data where necessary, for example if you are entering a
stock ticker, you don't need values in the Expiry, Strike, P/C and Multiplier fields.
Note: The Exchange field accepts the following values: SMART (for smart order routing), and any
valid exchange acronym.
To request market data for a ticker
1. Select the ticker row for which you want to request market data by clicking the row number.
2. Enter a comma-separated list of generic tick values in the Generic Tick Listcell. For details about generic tick
values, see Generic Tick Types.
API Reference Guide 309
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
3. Optionally, click the Snapshot check box to request a single snapshot of market data.
4. Click Request Market Data on the toolbar.
To get market data for a group of tickers, select multiple ticker rows while holding down the Shiftkey, then click
Request Market Datamultiple times until all rows are showing data.
To set the refresh rate
The market data refresh rate determines how often the link to TWS is refreshed.
l Enter the refresh rate value (in whole numbers, in seconds) in the Market Data Refresh Rate cell.
TWS market data updates every 3 seconds by default.
Tickers Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Tickers page includes the buttons described below.
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a
market data line.
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract
detailsto create legs of a combination order one by
Request Market Data Select a line and click to get market data for the
selected contract.
Cancel Market Data Cancel market data for the selected ticker.
Clear Market Data Clears all market data from the page.
The toolbar also includes the Snapshotcheck box, which when selected, requests only a single snapshot of market data.
Market Depth Page
Use the Market Depth page to view market depth for selected contracts. You can also view market depth for NYSE-listed
products through the Open Book Market Data Subscription, and NASDAQ-listed products through the TotalView Mar-
ket Data Subscriptions, if you have signed up for those subscriptions.
API Reference Guide 310
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Using the Market Depth Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To request market depth for a contract
1. Click the Market Depthtab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Market Depth page.
2. Select the ticker symbol for which you want to request the market depth, or enter a new ticker on a blank line.
3. Click the Request Market Depth button on the toolbar.
To reset the market data refresh rate for market depth
1. Type the desired market data refresh rate in seconds in the Market Depth Refresh Ratecell. The value must be in
whole numbers from 1 to 9.
Market Depth Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Market Depth page includes the following buttons:
API Reference Guide 311
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Request Market Depth View bid/ask depth prices for the selected contract.
Cancel Market Depth Cancel market depth for the selected contract.
Clear Market Depth Clears all market depth data from the page.
The page also includes a Market Depth Refresh Ratecell, which lets you rest the market depth refresh rate in seconds, in
whole numbers from 1 - 9. The default refresh rate is 3 seconds.
Basic Orders Page
Use the Basic Orders page to:
l Create an order.
l Place a what if order, which shows you the margin and commission information before you place an order.
l Create a "basket" of orders.
l Modify and cancel orders.
l Create combination orders.
API Reference Guide 312
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Placing Orders
This topic describes how to place the following types of orders on the Orders page:
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To place an order
1. Click the Basic Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields.
You must define the Action(Buy, Sell or Short Sell), Quantity, Order Type, Limit Price(unless it's a market order)
and if necessary, the Aux. Pricefor order types that require it.
4. If desired, select the contract (the ticker row) and apply extended order attributes by clicking the Apply Extended
Template button on the toolbar. This applies all attributes you have defined on the Extended Order
Attributespage to the selected contract.
5. Click the Place/Modify Order button on the toolbar.
To place a "basket" of orders
1. Click the Basic Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using fields in the Order Description section.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for additional orders.
5. Select a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
6. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
To modify an order (or group of orders)
1. On the Basic Orders page, change any necessary parameters in an order or group of orders.
2. Select the order or a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
3. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
API Reference Guide 313
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Placing a Combination Order
A combination order is a special type of order that is constructed of many separate legs but executed as a single trans-
To buy a calendar spread, you would:
To create a calendar spread order
The following example walks you through the process of placing a hypothetical calendar spread order for XYZ on ISE.
1. Use theContract Details page to get the contract id for both of the leg definitions.
The conid for XYZ option JUL08 17.5 CALL on ISE is "12345678".
The conid for XYZ option AUG08 17.5 CALL on ISE is "12345679".
2. Click the Basic Orderstab to build the combo leg definitions. Click the Combo Legsbutton on the Basic
Orders page toolbar and enter leg information. Your leg information is translated into the format:
[CMBLGS]_[NumOfLegs]_[Combo Leg Definitions]_[CMBLGS]
[CMBLGS]is the delimiter used to identify the start and end of the leg definitions
[NumOfLegs] is the number of leg definitions
API Reference Guide 314
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
[Combo Leg Definitions]defines N leg definitions, and each leg definition consists of [conid]_[ratio]_[action]_
[exchange]_[openClose], so the resulting combo substring looks as follows:
3. The combination leg definitions must occur before the extended order attributes. The full place order DDE
request string will look like this:
If the order legs do not constitute a valid combination, one of the following errors will be returned:
312 = The combo details are invalid.
313 = The combo details for '<leg number>' are invalid.
314 = Security type 'BAG' requires combo leg details.
315 = Stock combo legs are restricted to SMART exchange.
Note: 1. The exchange for the leg definition must match that of the combination order. The excep-
tion is for a STK leg definition, which must specify the SMART exchange.
2. The openClose leg definition value is always 'SAME' (i.e.0) for retail accounts. For insti-
tutional accounts, the value may be any of the following: (SAME, OPEN, CLOSE).
Supported Order Types
The order types currently supported through the ActiveX for Excel API are:
l Limit (LMT)
l Market (MKT)
l Limit if Touched (LIT)
l Market if Touched (MIT)
l Market on Close (MOC)
l Limit on Close (LOC)
l Pegged to Market (PEGMKT)
l Relative (REL)
l Stop (STP)
l Stop Limit (STPLMT)
l Trailing Stop (TRAIL)
l Trailing Stop Limit (TRAILLIMIT)
l Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
l Volatility orders (VOL)
API Reference Guide 315
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Basic Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Basic Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a market
data line.
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details
to create legs of a combination order one by one.
You can also enter Delta Neutral information.
Apply Extended Template Applies the current values on the Extended Order Attrib-
utes page to the highlighted order row.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order Description fields, and
defined any extended attributes, click to create an order for
the selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the selected order(s).
Smart Combo Routing Par-
Opens the Smart Combo Routing Parameters box, which
lets you add and remove parameter/value pairs to combo
orders. For more information, see Smart Combo Routing.
Clear Order Statuses Clears all order status information from the page.
There is also a WhatIfcheck box on the toolbar. When checked, you will receive margin and commission data as if the
order were placed, but the order will NOT be placed.
Conditional Orders Page
Use the Conditional Orders page to create an order whose submission is contingent on other conditions being met, for
example, an order based on a prior fill or a change in the bid or ask price.
To see the Conditional Statement fields, use the scroll bar on the bottom of the page to scroll to the right.
API Reference Guide 316
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Setting Up Conditional Orders
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have entered your user name in the User
Namefield in the Which Trader Workstation?section of all pages in the Excel spreadsheet
to properly connect to TWS.
To set up a conditional order
1. On the Conditional Orderspage, first create the order you want transmitted when a condition is met by defining
the contract in the Contract Descriptionfields, and then using the Order Description area to set up the order
2. In the Condition Statementsarea, use the Statementfield to set the criteria which must be met to trigger the order.
When the Statement = TRUE, your order will be submitted.
The sample spreadsheet includes a pair of orders, with the second orders transmission depending on the first order
being completely filled. In this case, the Statement field trigger is that the value in cell T10 (the Filledfield) must
be equal to the value in M10 (the order Quantity field).
3. Type ADDin the ADD/MOD field because you are creating a one-time order.
4. Define the remaining order parameters just as you did in the Order Description area.
API Reference Guide 317
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
5. Complete the necessary fields on the Conditional Orderspage according to the syntax in the following table.
Field Description
Statement An Excel function which returns a true or false. When true, the order will be sub-
mitted; when false, nothing happens.
ADD/MOD Use ADD for a one-time order. Use MOD to continue checking and modifying the
order until it is completely filled. This is the field that activates a conditional
order, and orders will be activated only with the "ADD" or "MOD" tags.
Action BUY
Quantity Enter the quantity of the order.
Order Type Refer to list of supported order types.
Lmt Price The limit price for Limit and Stop Limit order types.
Aux. Price The stop-election price for Stop and Stop Limit order types, or the offset for rel-
ative orders.
All of the fields described above may be variables that depend on other cells, so any type of conditional order may be
Conditional Order Examples
If-Filled order
An if-filled order is an order that executes if a prior order executes. To create an if-filled order with the condition "If a
Buy order fully executes, enter a sell limit order at a price of $50.00":
Field Value
Statement Filled cell = 100
Action SELL
Quantity 100
Order Type LMT
Lmt Price 50
Aux. Price empty
API Reference Guide 318
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Price-change order
A price-change order will be triggered if a specific bid or ask price is greater than, less than or equal to a specific price.
To create a price change order with the condition "If the bid price drops below 81.20, submit a buy limit order for 200
shares with a limit price of $81.10:
Field Value
Statement On the Tickerspage, find the bid price field you want to use,
then enter the cell location in the standard Excel format
(=SheetName!CellAddress) in the formula bar (= entry field)
at the top of the Conditional Orders page. Add your qualifier,
"=" ">" or "<" followed by the price to the statement.
Action BUY
Quantity 200
Order Type LMT
Lmt Price 81.10
Aux. Price Not used in this example.
To modify an order (or basket of orders)
1. Select the order or a group of orders.
To select a group of contiguous orders, highlight the first order, hold down the Shift key, then highlight the
last order of the group.
To select a group of non-contiguous orders, hold the Ctrlkey down as you select each order.
2. Click the Place/ModifyOrder button.
3. Change any necessary parameters, then click the Place/ModifyOrder button.
Conditional Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Conditional Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to create
legs of a combination order one by one.
After you have completed the Order Description fields, and defined
any extended attributes, click to create an order for the selected con-
Apply Extended
Applies all attributes on the Extended Order Attributes page to the
selected order(s).
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
API Reference Guide 319
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Smart Combo
Routing Params
Opens the Smart Combo Routing Parameters box, which lets you add
and remove parameter/value pairs to combo orders. For more infor-
mation, see Smart Combo Routing.
Show Errors Jumps to the Error Code field and shows the error code.
Advanced Orders Page
Use the Advanced Orderspageto:
l Bracket orders
l VOL orders
l Trailing Stop Limit Orders
l Scale Orders
l Relative Orders
API Reference Guide 320
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
This page includes several example orders with mouseover help to assist you in learning how to place these orders.
Simply move your mouse over the red triangle of the corner of cells on the page to display pop-up help.
For more information about using extended order attributes for individual orders or groups of orders, see Apply Extended
Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders
Placing a Bracket Order
Bracket orders in the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet require the use of the extended order attributes Transmit and
Parent Order Id. You must turn Transmitoff until the order is completely set up, and you must identify the first order in
the bracket as the Parent Order.
To place a Buy-Limit bracket order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Enter the contract descriptions and order descriptions for all three orders on three contiguous rows:
The first order should be a BUY LMT order.
The second order should be a SELL STP order.
The third order should be a SELL LMT order.
3. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Change the value for Transmitto 0 (row 13 on the Extended Order
Attributes page).
This ensures that your orders are not transmitted until you have completed the order setup.
4. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the first order in the bracket order, then click the Place/Modify Order
The order is not executed, but the system generates an Order ID.
5. Copy the Order ID for the first order, omitting the id prefix, then click the Extended Order Attributestab and
paste the Order ID into the Valuefield for Parent Order Id(row 14). This value will be applied to all subsequent
orders until you remove it from the Extended Order Attributes page.
The first order of the bracket order is now the primary order.
6. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the second order, then click the Place/Modify Order button.
API Reference Guide 321
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
The order is not executed but is now associated with the primary order by means of the Parent Order Id extended
order attribute.
7. Click the Extended Order Attributestab and change the value for Transmitback to 1 (row 13).
8. Click the Advanced Orderstab, highlight the third order in the bracket order, then click the Place/Modify Order
button. The entire bracket order is transmitted.
9. When you are done placing your bracket order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Parent
Order Idvalue you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
Placing a Volatility Order
In the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place VOL orders by entering values for the following extended order
l Volatility
l Volatility Type
l Reference Price Type
l Continuous Update
l Underlying Range (Low) - optional
l Underlying Range (High) - optional
l Hedge Delta Order Type - optional
l Hedge Delta Aux Price - optional
To place a VOL order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Description fields.
Enter VOLin the Order Type field.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values in the Value field for the following extended order attrib-
Volatility - This value represents the volatility to use in calculating a limit price for the option. Enter this
value as a percentage, not as the market data is displayed. For example, enter 17.12 instead of .1712.
Volatility Type - Enter 1for daily volatility or 2 for annual volatility.
Reference Price Type - This value is used to compute the limit price sent to an exchange and for stock range
price monitoring. Enter 1to use the average of the best bid and ask; or 2to use NBB (bid) when buying a call
or selling a put, or the NBO (ask) when selling a call or buying a put.
Continuous Update - Enter 1to automatically update the option price as the underlying stock price (or futures
price, for index options) moves. Enter 0if you do not want to use this feature.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
5. On the Extended Order Attributespage, enter values in the Value field for the following optional extended order
Underlying Range (Low) - Enter a low-end acceptable stock price relative to the selected option order. If the
price of the underlying instrument falls below the lower stock range price, the option order will be canceled.
Underlying Range (High) - Enter a high-end acceptable stock price relative to the selected option order. If the
price of the underlying instrument rises above the higher stock range price, the option order will be canceled.
Hedge Delta Order Type - Enter LMT, MKTor REL. Enter NONEif you do not want to use delta hedging.
Hedge Delta Aux Price - If you have entered LMT or REL as the Hedge Delta Order Type, enter the price as
the value for this attribute.
6. Click the Advanced Orders tab, then highlight the order row.
7. Click the Apply Extended Template button. The values you entered for the extended order attributes are applied
to the order row and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
8. With the order row highlighted, click the Place/Modify Order button.
9. When you are done placing VOL orders, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the VOL order
values you entered. If you do not, these values will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
Placing a Trailing Stop Limit Order
In TWS, there are four values that make up a trailing stop limit order:
l trailing amount
l stop price
l limit price
l limit offset
In the ActiveX for Excel API spreadsheet, you enter the trailing amount, stop price and limit price. There is no field or
extended order attribute for the limit offset value. You must include the limit offset in the stop price (the Trail Stop Price
extended order attribute).
To create a Trailing Stop Limit Order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields.
Enter BUYor SELLin the Action field.
Enter the limit price in the Lmt Price field.
Enter TRAILLIMITin the Order Type field.
Enter the trailing amount in the Aux Price field.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Specify the trailing stop price as an extended order attribute. Type this
value in the Trail Stop Price Value field.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
The Trail Stop Price value must include the limit offset.
For a sell order:
Trail Stop Price = Limit Price - Trailing Amount - Limit Offset
For a buy order:
Trail Stop Price = Limit Price + Trailing Amount + Limit Offset
5. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The Trail
Stop Pricevalue is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Trail Stop Pricefield in the Extended Order
Attributessection of the page.
6. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
7. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Trail Stop Price
value you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the spread-
Placing a Scale Order
In the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place scale orders by entering values for the following extended order
l Scale Component Size
l Scale Price Increment
To place a scale order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Descriptionfields. The order type should be LMT or REL.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values in the Value field for the following extended order attrib-
Scale Component Size - Enter the size of the first, or initial, order component. For example, if you submit a
10,000-share order with a Scale Component Size value of 1000, the first component will be fore 1000 shares.
Scale Price Increment - Enter the amount used to calculate the per-unit price of each component in the scale
ladder. This cannot be a negative number.
Note: As of API Release 9.41, the Scale Num Components not supported.
5. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The scale
order values are applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
6. Click the Place/Modify Order button.
7. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the scale order
values you entered. If you do not, these values will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the
API Reference Guide 324
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Placing a Relative Order
In the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet, you place relative orders by entering a value for the Percent Offset
extended order attribute.
To place a relative order
1. Click the Advanced Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Define a contract by typing a symbol in a blank Symbolfield, then entering information in the relevant contract
description fields.
3. Select a contract and set up the order using the Order Description fields.
Enter REL as the order type.
Enter the price cap in the Lmt Price cell.
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter a percentage in decimal form in the Value field for the Percent
Offset extended order attribute.
5. On the Advanced Orderspage, select the order row and click the Apply Extended Templatebutton. The percent
offset value is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
6. Click the Place/ModifyOrder button.
7. When you are done placing your order, go to the Extended Order Attributespage and delete the Percent Offset
value you entered. If you do not, this value will be applied to all subsequent orders that you place in the spread-
Advanced Orders Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Advanced Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter infor-
mation to create a market data line.
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box.
Enter contract detailsto create legs of
a combination order one by one.
Apply Extended Template Applies the current values on the
Extended Order Attributes page to the
highlighted order row.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order
Description fields, and defined any
extended attributes, click to create an
order for the selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the selected
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Smart Combo Routing Par-
Opens the Smart Combo Routing
Parameters box, which lets you add
and remove parameter/value pairs to
combo orders. For more information,
see Smart Combo Routing.
Clear Order Statuses Clears all order status information from
the page.
There is also a WhatIfcheck box on the toolbar. When checked, you will receive margin and commission data as if the
order were placed, but the order will NOT be placed.
Extended Order Attributes Page
The Extended Order Attributespage includes all of the optional attributes you can use when you send an order, such as
setting a display size to create an iceberg order, adding orders to an OCA group, and setting the transmit date for a Good
After Time order. Once you define the attributes on this page, you can apply them to a single order or selected group of
orders using the Apply Extended Templatebutton, which occurs on both the Orders page and the Conditional Orders
page. The attributes populate the extended order attributes fields that follow the Order Status fields to the far right of the
API Reference Guide 326
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
For a complete list of extended order attributes supported by the API, see Extended Order Attributes.
Manually Program Extended Order Attributes
Observe the following guidelines when you manually assign an attribute:
l When appended to orderDescription, the number and order of attributes cannot be changed.
l For any attribute that is not defined, use the value 'EMPTY' or {}. Since a string length is limited to 255 char-
acters, we recommend using the open/close curly braces {}.
l A place order message for a simple stock limit day order looks as follows, with the primary exchange "ISLAND"
separating the extended attributes:
Apply Extended Order Attributes to Individual Orders and Groups of Orders
Normally, values that you enter on the Extended Order Attributes page apply to all subsequent orders. However, you
also can apply selected attributes to an individual order or a group of orders on the Orders page.
Note: You can also use this procedure to apply extended order attributes to orders on the Con-
ditional Orders page.
To apply extended order attributes to individual orders or a group of orders
1. Enter the value or values on the Extended Order Attributes page that you want to apply to an individual order or
group of orders.
2. On the Orders page, select the order or group of orders.
3. Click the Apply Extended Template button.
The extended order attributes are applied to the order(s) and the values you entered on the Extended Order Attrib-
utes page are added to the corresponding fields in the Extended Order Attributes section of the Orders page.
When you place the order or group of orders, the extended order attribute values you entered are applied to the
For example, you might want to assign a unique Order Ref number to a group or basket of orders. To do this, you
would enter the number for the Order Ref attribute on the Extended Order Attributes page, then select all the
orders in the group on the Orders page and click Apply Extended Template.
4. Delete the value of the extended order attributes you used for the order from the Extended Order Attributes page.
These values will still apply to all subsequent orders that you place from the ActiveX for Excel API spreadsheet
unless you remove the value.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Open Orders Page
The Open Orders page shows you all transmitted orders, including those that have been accepted by the IB system, and
those that are working at an exchange. Once you have subscribed, the page is updated each time you submit a new order,
either through the API or in TWS.
Once an order executes, it remains on the Open Orders page for 30 seconds, with the Status value changed to FILLED.
Then the filled order is cleared and you can see it on the Executions page if you subscribed to real-time executions.
Viewing Open Orders
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To view open orders:
1. Click the Open Orders tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Do one of the following:
To request open orders from the current ActiveX for Excel spreadsheet, click Subscribe to Open Orders on the
To request all open orders for the current account, click Request All Open Orders on the toolbar.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
To associate all newly created TWS orders with the current client, click Request Auto Open Orders on the
toolbar. Note that the Client ID must be 0.
All of the requested open orders are displayed on the page, including orders you enter in the spreadsheet and in
Orders that fill remain on the page for 30 seconds with a value of Fillin the Statusfield.
To remove open orders
1. Click the Cancel Open Orders Subscription button on the toolbar.
2. Click the Clear Open Orders button.
Open Orders Tab Toolbar
The toolbar on the Open Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Request Open Orders Queries TWS and returns all open
orders. Once you subscribe to open
orders, this page updates each time
there is a new open order.
Request All Open Orders Queries TWS and returns all open
orders from the current account. Once
you subscribe to open orders, this page
updates each time there is a new open
Request Auto Open Orders Queries TWS and associate all newly
created TWS orders with the current
client, which must be Client ID 0.
Cancel Auto Open Orders Cancels association of newly created
TWS orders with the client
Clear Open Orders Removes all open orders from the page.
Account Page
Use the Account page to:
l View account details including your current Equity with Loan Value and Available funds.
l View list of advisor-managed account codes.
l Financial Advisors can view FA information.
l View your current portfolio.
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Using the Account Page
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To view account information
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click Request Account Updates on the toolbar.
To remove account information
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click Cancel Account Updates on the toolbar to stop receiving account updates.
3. Click Clear Account Data on the toolbar to clear all data from the page.
To request the list of Financial Advisor (FA) managed account codes
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click Request Managed Accounts on the toolbar.
A comma-separated list of all managed account numbers displays in the Managed Accounts cell.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
To request Financial Advisor (FA) information
1. Click the Account tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. In the Account Code cell, type the account code for which you want details.
3. In the FA Data Typecell, enter a numeric value representing the type of data you wish you receive:
Type 1 for groups.
Type 2 for profiles.
Type 3 for account aliases.
4. Click Request Managed Accounts on the toolbar.
Account Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Account page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Request Account Updates Each click gives you data for a specific account value. All blank
lines that precede the Account Portfolio section will hold data.
Continue to click until all lines are populated.
Cancel Account Updates Click this button one time for each position you hold. When you
get a line of "0's" you know you have downloaded all current posi-
tions. These values continue to update in real-time.
Request Managed
For advisor accounts, receives a list of managed accounts and dis-
plays them as a comma-separated list in the Management Accounts
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Button Description
Request FA For advisor accounts, displays FA data of the type specified in the
FA Data Type cell.
Clear Account Data Clears all information from the page. You must first cancel your
subscription before you can clear the data.
Portfolio Page
Use the Portfolio page to:
l Displays all of your current positions.
l Exercise options.
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
Viewing Your Portfolio
To view your portfolio
1. Click the Account tab on the bottom of the worksheet, then click Request Account Updates on the toolbar.
2. Click the Portfolio tab at the bottom of the worksheet to view your portfolio.
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To remove portfolio information
1. Click the Account tab on the bottom of the worksheet, then click Cancel Account Updates on the toolbar to stop
receiving portfolio updates.
2. Click the Clear Portfolio Data button to clear all data from the page.
Exercising Options
You can exercise options or let options lapse on the Portfolio page.
To exercise an option or let an option lapse
1. Click the Portfolio tab at the bottom of the worksheet.
2. Enter values in the Exercise Options Parameters cells at the far right side of the page:
Exercise Action- Enter 1to exercise the selected option; 2to let the option lapse.
Exercise Quantity- Enter the number of contracts you wish to exercise or let lapse.
Override- Enter 1to override the systems natural action; 2 to not override.
3. Click Exercise Optionsin the toolbar. The Status column updates.
Portfolio Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Portfolio page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Exercise Options Exercises the selected option or lets the
selected option lapse, depending on the
value in the Exercise Action cell.
Clear Portfolio Data Removes all data from the page.
Executions Page
When you subscribe to executions, the Executions page displays information about all completed trades.
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Viewing Executions
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To view executions
1. Click the Executions tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Optionally, filter your executions by entering values in the Execution Filter cells:
Filter executions by client ID, account code, date/time, symbol, security type, exchange or side.
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3. Click RequestExecutions on the toolbar.
To remove execution data
1. Click Clear Executions Table on the toolbar. All data is removed from the page.
Executions Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Executions page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Request Executions Queries TWS and returns information
about all valid executions. After you
subscribe to executions, this page
updates each time an order executes.
Clear Executions Table Removes all execution reports from the
Commission Reports
The Commission Reports page displays commission details, including commission, currency, realized P&L, yield and
yield redemption date. When you request Executions on the Execution page, you also receive commission reports.
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Commission Reports Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Commission Reports page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Clear Commission Reports Removes all commission reports from the page.
Historical Data Page
Use the Historical Data page to request historical data for an instrument based on data you enter in query fields. The
query results display on a separate worksheet page and creates a new page for the results if the page doesn't currently
Note: For a information about historical data request limitations, see Historical Data Limitations.
Viewing Historical Data
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To request historical data
API Reference Guide 336
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
1. Click the Historical Data tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Create a ticker by filling in the fields in the Contract Descriptionsection of the page, or by clicking the Create
Ticker button on the toolbar andentering the required information in the Ticker box.
3. Enter the parameters of your query in the Query Specificationfields. For complete descriptions of the query fields,
Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields.
4. Select the line, then click the Request Historical Databutton. The status of your request displays in the Request
Status cell.
In the Activate Page cell, enter TRUE to display the results page on top of the current window. Enter FALSEto
display the page on a separate tab in the spreadsheet without displaying on top of the current window.
The results are displayed on a new tabbed page in the spreadsheet, the name of which is specified in the Page
Name cell.
To request historical data for expired contracts
1. On the Historical Data page, create a ticker by filling in the fields in the Contract Descriptionsection of the
page, or by clicking the Create Tickerbutton on the toolbar and entering the required information in the Ticker
2. Enter the parameters of your query in the Query Specification fields.
3. In the Incl Expiredcell in the Query Specificationsection, enter TRUE.
4. Select the line, then click Request Historical Dataon the toolbar. The status of your request displays in the
Request Status cell.
In the Activate Page cell, enter TRUE to display the results page on top of the current window. Enter FALSEto
display the page on a separate tab in the spreadsheet without displaying on top of the current window.
The results are displayed on a new tabbed page in the spreadsheet, the name of which is specified in the Page
Name cell.
5. Historical data queries on expired contracts are limited to the last year of the life of the contract.
The following figure shows a typical historical data results page.
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Historical Data Page Query Specification Fields
Parameter Description
End Date/Time Use the format yyyymmdd {space}hh:mm:ss{space}tmz where the time
zone is allowed (optionally)after a space at the end.
Duration This is the time span the request will cover, and is specified using the for-
mat integer{space} unit, where valid units are:
l S (seconds)
l D (days)
l W (weeks)
l Y (years)
This unit is currently limited to one. If no unit is specified, seconds are
API Reference Guide 338
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Parameter Description
Bar Size Specifies the size of the bars that will be returned. The following bar
sizes may be used, and are specified using the parametric value:
Bar Size
1 second 1
5 seconds 2
15 sec-
30 sec-
1 minute 5
2 minutes 6
3 minutes 16
5 minutes 7
15 min-
30 min-
1 hour 10
1 day 11
On the query return page, each "bar" is represented by a line in the
spreadsheet. If you specify a duration of 300 seconds, and a bar size of
"1" (one second) your return will include 300 lines, and the value in
each line is equal to one second, or is a one-second bar. Note that you
can use either the Integer value of the Bar Size String or the Integer
Value to define the bar sizes.
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Parameter Description
What to Show Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid values include:
l Trades
l Midpoint
l Bid
l Ask
l Bid/Ask
All but the Bid/Ask data contain the start time, open, high, low, close,
volumeand weighted average priceduring the time slice queried.
For the Bid/Ask query, the openand closevalues are the time-weighted
average bid and the time-weighted average offer, respectively. These
bars are identical to the TWS charts' candlestick bars.
RTH Only Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
l 0 - all data available during the time span requested is returned,
including time intervals when the market in question was outside
of regular trading hours.
l 1 - only data within the regular trading hours for the product
requested is returned, even if the time span falls partially or com-
pletely outside.
Date Format Style Valid values include:
l 1 - dates that apply to bars are returned in the format
yyyymmdd{space}{space}hh:mm:dd (the same format used when
reporting executions).
l 2 - the dates are returned as an integer specifying the number of
seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
Page Name The name of the results page. This appears in the tab for the results page
at the bottom of the worksheet.
Activate page Enter TRUE to display the results page on top of the current window.
Enter FALSE to display the results on a new page in the spreadsheet with-
out appearing on top of the current window.
Note that the new page is added to the right of the existing tabs on the worksheet.
Historical Data Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Historical Data page includes the following buttons.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a mar-
ket data line.
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract
detailsto create legs of a combination order one by
Request Historical
Submits your historical data query to TWS and displays
the results on a separate worksheet page.
Cancel Historical
Cancels the historical data request.
Contract Details Page
Use the Contract Details page to request contract-specific information such as supported order types, valid exchanges, the
contract ID, and so on.
Requesting Contract Details
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To request details for a contract
API Reference Guide 341
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
1. Click the Contract Detailstab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Contract Details page.
2. Select or enter the ticker symbol for which you want to request contract details.
3. To request contract details for an expired contract, type TRUEin the Incl Expired cell.
4. Select the row, then click Request Contract Details on the toolbar. The status of your request displays in the
Request Status cell.
In the Activate Page cell, enter TRUE to display the results page on top of the current window. Enter FALSEto
display the page on a separate tab in the spreadsheet without displaying on top of the current window.
The results are displayed on a new tabbed page in the spreadsheet, the name of which is specified in the Page
Name cell.
The following figure shows a typical contract details page.
Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Contract Details page includes the following button:
Button Description
Request Contract Details Returns information on the selected contract.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Bond Contract Details Page
Use the Bond Contract Details page to request contract-specific information for bonds, including the coupon, ratings,
bond type, maturity date, and so on.
Note: Beginning with TWS Version 921, some bond contract data will be suppressed and will not
be available from the API. All bond contract data will continue to be available from Trader
Workstation, but only the following bond contract data will be available from the API:
- Contract ID
- Minimum Tick
- CUSIP (if you have subscribed to the CUSIP service)
- Rating (if you have subscribed to ratings)
Requesting Bond Contract Details
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To request details for a bond contract
1. Click the Bond Contract Detailstab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Bond Contract Details page.
2. Select or enter the ticker symbol for which you want to request bond contract details.
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Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
3. Select the row, then click Request Bond Contract Details on the toolbar. The status of your request displays in
the Request Status cell.
In the Activate Page cell, enter TRUE to display the results page on top of the current window. Enter FALSEto
display the page on a separate tab in the spreadsheet without displaying on top of the current window.
The results are displayed on a new tabbed page in the spreadsheet, the name of which is specified in the Page
Name cell.
Note: Beginning with TWS Version 921, some bond contract data will be suppressed and will not
be available from the API. All bond contract data will continue to be available from Trader
Workstation, but only the following bond contract data will be available from the API:
- Contract ID
- Minimum Tick
- CUSIP (if you have subscribed to the CUSIP service)
- Rating (if you have subscribed to ratings)
The following figure shows a typical bond contract details page.
Bond Contract Details Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Bond Contract Details page includes the following button:
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Button Description
Request Bond Contract Details Gets bond information data for the selected contract.
Real Time Bars Page
Real time bars allow you to get a summary of real-time market data every five seconds, including the opening and clos-
ing price, and the high and the low within that five-second period (using TWS charting terminology, we call these five-
second periods "bars"). You can also get data showing trades, midpoints, bids or asks. You request real time bars on the
Real Time Bars page, which is shown below.
To request real time bars
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
1. Click the Real Time Bars tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to open the Real Time Bars page.
2. Select or enter the ticker symbol for which you want to request real time bars.
3. Enter the following information for the selected row:
API Reference Guide 345
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
In the What to Show cell, enter TRADES, BID, ASK or MIDPOINT.
In the RTH Only cell, enter 0 to return all data available during the time span requested, including time inter-
vals when the market in question was outside of regular trading hours. Enter 1to return only data within the
regular trading hours for the product requested is returned, even if the time span falls partially or completely
4. Select the row, then click Request Real Time Bars on the toolbar. The status of your request displays in the Sub-
scription Status cell.
Results are displayed in the Real Time Bars cells on the right side of the page.
Real Time Bars Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Real Time Bars page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a market data
Request Real Time Bars Submits your real time bars request to TWS and displays the
results in the dark gray cells the right side of the page.
Cancel Real Time Bars Cancels the real time bars request.
Clear Real Time Bars
Clears all real time bar data from the page.
Market Scanner Page
Use the Market Scannerpage to subscribe to TWS market scanners. These scanners allow you to define criteria and set
filters that return the top xnumber of underlyings which meet all scan criteria. The scan is continually updated in real
You can also display market scanner parameters from this page.
API Reference Guide 346
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Starting a Market Scanner Subscription
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To start a scanner subscription
1. Click the Market Scannertab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Highlight an existing scanner row, or enter information for a different market scanner:
a. Type the name of the scan results page in the Page Name cell.
b. Type TRUEor FALSEin the Activate Page cell.
Setting this cell to TRUE forces the scan results page to pop to the front of your application every time it
updates. To stop this behavior, set the value of this field to FALSE.
c. Type values for the rest of the scan parameters in the lightly shaded section of the page. You can get all of
the scan codes from the market scanner parameters.
3. Click Request Scanner Subscriptionon the toolbar. A new page for the scanner is created and is displayed after
the subscription is processed.
API Reference Guide 347
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Market Scanner Parameters
You can display all of the market scanner parameters from the Market Scanner page. Scanner parameters are returned to
the spreadsheet from TWS as an XML file.
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To view scanner parameters
1. Click the Market Scannertab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Click Request Scanner Parameters on the toolbar.
The entire scanner parameters XML file is displayed in a window.
3. To save the parameters in a convenient file on your computer, manually select part or all of the contents of the
XML file in the Scanner Parameters window, then copy and paste it into a separate text document.
4. Click OK to close the Scanner Parameters window.
The Scanner Parameters window is shown on the next page.
Market Scanner Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Market Scanner page includes the following buttons.
API Reference Guide 348
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
Button Description
Request Scanner Parameters Displays all scanner parameters in an XML file in a
separate window.
Request Scanner Subscription Creates and displays a new page for results of the
selected market scanner.
Cancel Scanner Subscription Cancels the market scanner.
Fundamentals Page
Use the Fundamentals page to receive Reuters global fundamental data and fundamental ratios. There must be a paid sub-
scription to Reuters Fundamental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data.
To receive Reuters global fundamental data and fundamental ratios
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
1. Click the Fundamentals tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to display the Fundamentals page.
2. Enter information about the contract for which you want fundamentals data or ratios into the Contract Descrip-
API Reference Guide 349
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
tion cells.
3. In the Report Typecell, enter the type of report you wish to view:
finstat - Financial Statement
estimates - Estimates
snapshot - Summary
4. In the Generic Tick Type cell, enter 258 as the tick type value. For details on generic tick type values, see Generic
Tick Types.
5. Enter the following information in the Fundamentals section of the page for fundamental data, or the Fun-
damental Ratios section for fundamental ratios:
a. Fundamental data and ratio results display on a new page in the spreadsheet. Type the name of the results
page in the Page Name cell.
b. Type TRUEor FALSEin the Activate Page cell.
Setting this cell to TRUE forces the results page to pop to the front of your application every time it
updates. To stop this behavior, set the value of this field to FALSE.
6. Do one of the following:
Click Request Fundamentalson the toolbar to view fundamentals data. A new page for the results is created
and is displayed after the request is processed.
Click Fundamentals Ratios on the toolbar to view fundamentals ratios. A new page for the results is created
and is displayed after the request is processed.
The status of your request appears in the Subscription Status cell.
Fundamentals Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Market Scanner page includes the following buttons.
Button Description
Request Fundamentals Requests fundamentals data, which displays on a
new page in the spreadsheet based on the infor-
mation you enter on the page.
Cancel Fundamentals Cancels fundamentals data.
Fundamental Ratios Requests fundamentals ratios, which displays on
a new page in the spreadsheet based on the infor-
mation you enter on the page.
Cancel Fundamental
Cancels fundamentals ratios.
Advisors Page
If you are a Financial Advisor and manage multiple accounts, use the Advisors page to create FA orders that:
l allocate shares to a single managed account
l use FA account groups and methods
API Reference Guide 350
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
l use allocation profiles
Note: You must set up your managed accounts, account groups, methods and allocation profiles in
TWS before you can place FA orders in the ActiveX for Excel API sample spreadsheet.
Allocating Shares to a Single Account
You can use the Advisorspage to set up an order and allocate all shares in the order to a single account.
Note: Ensure that TWS is running, and that you have connected the spreadsheet to TWS.
To allocate shares to a single account:
1. Create an account group in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter the account code in the Valuecell for the Account (Institutional
only) extended order attribute.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
API Reference Guide 351
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the Accountorder attribute value to the
order. The Accountvalue is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes section
of the page.
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the Accountvalue from the Extended Order Attrib-
utespage. If you do not delete this value, it will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the ActiveX for
Excel spreadsheet.
Optionally, you can receive margin and commission information that would result from the order if you placed it by
selecting the WhatIf check box on the toolbar. In this case, your order is not actually placed. Deselect the check box to
place your order without seeing the margin and commission information ahead of time.
Placing an Order using an FA Account Group and Method
You can also use the Advisorspage to set up an order using an FA account group and FA method.
To place an order using an FA account group and FA method:
1. Create the FA account group(s) and FA method(s) in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter values for the following extended order attributes:
FA Group - Enter the name of the account group.
FA Method - Enter the name of the allocation method to use for this order.
FA Percentage - Enter the percentage used by the PctChange allocation method to use for this order. This attrib-
ute applies only to FA groups that use this method.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the extended order attribute values to the
order. The values for FA Group,FA Method and FA Percentage are applied to the selected order and displayed in
the Extended Order Attributes section of the page.
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the values you entered on the Extended Order Attrib-
utespage. If you do not delete these values, they will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the Acti-
veX for Excel spreadsheet.
Optionally, you can receive margin and commission information that would result from the order if you placed it by
selecting the WhatIf check box on the toolbar. In this case, your order is not actually placed. Deselect the check box to
place your order without seeing the margin and commission information ahead of time.
Placing an Order using an Allocation Profile
You can also use the Advisorspage to set up an order using an FA allocation profile.
To place an order using an FA allocation profile:
API Reference Guide 352
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
1. Create the FA allocation profile in TWS.
2. Click the Advisors tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Enter the contract information in the Contract Descriptioncells, then enter the order information in the Order
4. Click the Extended Order Attributestab. Enter the name of the allocation profile in the Value field for the FA
Profile extended order attribute.
5. Click the Advisors tab.
6. Highlight the order row, then click the Apply Extendedbutton to apply the extended order attribute value to the
order. The value for FA Profile is applied to the selected order and displayed in the Extended Order Attributes sec-
tion of the page.
7. Click the Place/Modify Orderbutton.
8. When you are done allocating shares to the account, delete the FA Profile value you entered on the Extended
Order Attributespage. If you do not delete this value, it will be applied to all subsequent orders placed from the
ActiveX for Excel spreadsheet.
Optionally, you can receive margin and commission information that would result from the order if you placed it by
selecting the WhatIf check box on the toolbar. In this case, your order is not actually placed. Deselect the check box to
place your order without seeing the margin and commission information ahead of time.
Advisors Page Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar on the Basic Orders page includes the following buttons:
Button Description
Create Ticker Opens the Ticker box. Enter information to create a market data line.
Combo Legs Opens the Combination Legs box. Enter contract details to create legs
of a combination order one by one.
Apply Extended Tem-
Applies the current values on the Extended Order Attributes page to the
highlighted order row.
Place/Modify Orders After you have completed the Order Description fields, and defined any
extended attributes, click to create an order for the selected contract.
Cancel Order This button cancels the order(s) you have highlighted.
Clear Order Statuses Clears all information from the Order Status cells.
Log Page
The Log page displays all error messages received while logged into TWS and using the ActiveX for Excel spreadsheet.
You can clear all the information on the page by clicking Clear Logon the toolbar.
Here is an example of a typical Log page:
API Reference Guide 353
Chapter7 ActiveXfor Excel
API Reference Guide 354
This chapter describes the POSIX API.
The POSIX API is based on our C++API code. The C++ code was refactored so it could be built on any POSIX-compli-
ant platform. Use this new POSIX API to build a TWS API on Linux, and on Windows in non-MFC applications.
Note: Although the pre-existing public interface has been preserved, you must recompile your
client applications.
We also include a POSIX test client. The API installation directory includes these directories for the POSIX API: Posix-
SocketClient and TestPosixSocketClient. The POSIX test client uses the same methods as the C++ Socket client, plus it
exposes several extra methods that clients must call when data is available on a socket for read/write. Refer to Test-
PosixSocketClient as an example. Please note that this test client is greatly simplified. For real POSIX API applications,
you will have to use a select system of some kind to manage several sockets and/or asynchronous events.
To run the POSIX test client on a Windows machine, see Running the POSIX Client on a Windows Machine.
API Reference Guide 355
Chapter8 POSIX
Running the POSIX Client on a Windows Machine
To run the POSIX client on a Windows machine
1. Run vcvars32.batat the command prompt. In the example below, vcvars32.bat is located in C:\Program Files\M-
icrosoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\.
2. If you ran vcvars32.bat successfully, the command prompt should look like this:
3. Navigate to C:\... \TestPosixSocketClientin the same command prompt window. In the example below, Test-
PosixSocketClient is located in the C:\IB_API_963.
4. Type nmake -f at the command prompt.
5. Now run the POSIX sample application by running PosixSocketClientTest.exein the same C:\..-
.\TestPosixSocketClient directory.
API Reference Guide 356
Chapter8 Reference
This chapter includes the following TWS API reference information:
l API Message Codes
l Historical Data Limitations
l Tick Types
l Generic Tick Types
l Order Types and IBAlgos
l Extended Order Attributes
l Order Status for Partial Fills
l Available Market Scanners
l Supported Time Zones
l Smart Combo Routing
l API Logging
l Requests for Quotes (RFQs)
l Support for Mini Options
l Requesting Real-Time Index Premium Data
l Requesting News
l Frequently Asked Questions
API Reference Guide 357
Chapter8 Reference
API Message Codes
This section lists all of the API Error, Systemand Warningmessage codes and their descriptions.
Message codes shown below that end with a colon ( : ) display additional information.
Error Codes
Code Description
100 Max rate of messages per second has been exceeded.
101 Max number of tickers has been reached.
102 Duplicate ticker ID.
103 Duplicate order ID.
104 Can't modify a filled order.
105 Order being modified does not match original order.
106 Can't transmit order ID:
107 Cannot transmit incomplete order.
109 Price is out of the range defined by the Percentage setting at order defaults
frame. The order will not be transmitted.
110 The price does not conform to the minimum price variation for this contract.
111 The TIF (Tif type) and the order type are incompatible.
113 The Tif option should be set to DAY for MOC and LOC orders.
114 Relative orders are valid for stocks only.
115 Relative orders for US stocks can only be submitted to SMART, SMART_ECN,
116 The order cannot be transmitted to a dead exchange.
117 The block order size must be at least 50.
118 VWAP orders must be routed through the VWAP exchange.
119 Only VWAP orders may be placed on the VWAP exchange.
120 It is too late to place a VWAP order for today.
121 Invalid BD flag for the order. Check "Destination" and "BD" flag.
122 No request tag has been found for order:
123 No record is available for conid:
124 No market rule is available for conid:
125 Buy price must be the same as the best asking price.
126 Sell price must be the same as the best bidding price.
API Reference Guide 358
Chapter8 Reference
Code Description
129 VWAP orders must be submitted at least three minutes before the start time.
131 The sweep-to-fill flag and display size are only valid for US stocks routed
through SMART, and will be ignored.
132 This order cannot be transmitted without a clearing account.
133 Submit new order failed.
134 Modify order failed.
135 Can't find order with ID =
136 This order cannot be cancelled.
137 VWAP orders can only be cancelled up to three minutes before the start time.
138 Could not parse ticker request:
139 Parsing error:
140 The size value should be an integer:
141 The price value should be a double:
142 Institutional customer account does not have account info
143 Requested ID is not an integer number.
144 Order size does not match total share allocation.
To adjust the share allocation, right-click on the order and select Modify >
Share Allocation.
145 Error in validating entry fields -
146 Invalid trigger method.
147 The conditional contract info is incomplete.
148 A conditional order can only be submitted when the order type is set to limit or
151 This order cannot be transmitted without a user name.
152 The "hidden" order attribute may not be specified for this order.
153 EFPs can only be limit orders.
154 Orders cannot be transmitted for a halted security.
155 A sizeOp order must have a username and account.
156 A SizeOp order must go to IBSX
157 An order can be EITHER Iceberg or Discretionary. Please remove either the Dis-
cretionary amount or the Display size.
158 You must specify an offset amount or a percent offset value.
159 The percent offset value must be between 0% and 100%.
160 The size value cannot be zero.
API Reference Guide 359
Chapter8 Reference
Code Description
161 Cancel attempted when order is not in a cancellable state. Order permId =
162 Historical market data Service error message.
163 The price specified would violate the percentage constraint specified in the
default order settings.
164 There is no market data to check price percent violations.
165 Historical market Data Service query message.
166 HMDS Expired Contract Violation.
167 VWAP order time must be in the future.
168 Discretionary amount does not conform to the minimum price variation for this
Code Description
200 No security definition has been found for the request.
201 Order rejected - Reason:
202 Order cancelled - Reason:
203 The security <security> is not available or allowed for this account.
Code Description
300 Can't find EId with ticker Id:
301 Invalid ticker action:
302 Error parsing stop ticker string:
303 Invalid action:
304 Invalid account value action:
305 Request parsing error, the request has been ignored.
306 Error processing DDE request:
307 Invalid request topic:
308 Unable to create the 'API' page in TWS as the maximum number of pages
already exists.
309 Max number (3) of market depth requests has been reached.
Note: TWS currently limits users to a maximum of 3 dis-
tinct market depth requests. This same restriction
applies to API clients, however API clients may
make multiple market depth requests for the same
API Reference Guide 360
Chapter8 Reference
310 Can't find the subscribed market depth with tickerId:
311 The origin is invalid.
312 The combo details are invalid.
313 The combo details for leg '<leg number>' are invalid.
314 Security type 'BAG' requires combo leg details.
315 Stock combo legs are restricted to SMART order routing.
316 Market depth data has been HALTED. Please re-subscribe.
317 Market depth data has been RESET. Please empty deep book contents before
applying any new entries.
319 Invalid log level <log level>
320 Server error when reading an API client request.
321 Server error when validating an API client request.
322 Server error when processing an API client request.
323 Server error: cause - %s
324 Server error when reading a DDE client request (missing information).
325 Discretionary orders are not supported for this combination of exchange and
order type.
326 Unable to connect as the client id is already in use. Retry with a unique client
327 Only API connections with clientId set to 0 can set the auto bind TWS orders
328 Trailing stop orders can be attached to limit or stop-limit orders only.
329 Order modify failed. Cannot change to the new order type.
330 Only FA or STL customers can request managed accounts list.
331 Internal error. FA or STL does not have any managed accounts.
332 The account codes for the order profile are invalid.
333 Invalid share allocation syntax.
334 Invalid Good Till Date order
335 Invalid delta: The delta must be between 0 and 100.
336 The time or time zone is invalid.
The correct format is hh:mm:ss xxx
where xxx is an optionally specified time-zone. E.g.: 15:59:00 EST
Note that there is a space between the time and the time zone.
If no time zone is specified, local time is assumed.
API Reference Guide 361
Chapter8 Reference
337 The date, time, or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is
yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss xxx
where yyyymmdd and xxx are optional. E.g.: 20031126 15:59:00 EST
Note that there is a space between the date and time, and between the time
and time-zone.
If no date is specified, current date is assumed.
If no time-zone is specified, local time-zone is assumed.
338 Good After Time orders are currently disabled on this exchange.
339 Futures spread are no longer supported. Please use combos instead.
340 Invalid improvement amount for box auction strategy.
341 Invalid delta. Valid values are from 1 to 100.
You can set the delta from the "Pegged to Stock" section of the Order Ticket
Panel, or by selecting Page/Layout from the main menu and adding the Delta
342 Pegged order is not supported on this exchange.
343 The date, time, or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is
yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss xxx
where yyyymmdd and xxx are optional. E.g.: 20031126 15:59:00 EST
Note that there is a space between the date and time, and between the time
and time-zone.
If no date is specified, current date is assumed.
If no time-zone is specified, local time-zone is assumed.
344 The account logged into is not a financial advisor account.
345 Generic combo is not supported for FA advisor account.
346 Not an institutional account or an away clearing account.
347 Short sale slot value must be 1 (broker holds shares) or 2 (delivered from else-
348 Order not a short sale -- type must be SSHORT to specify short sale slot.
349 Generic combo does not support "Good After" attribute.
350 Minimum quantity is not supported for best combo order.
351 The "Regular Trading Hours only" flag is not valid for this order.
352 Short sale slot value of 2 (delivered from elsewhere) requires location.
353 Short sale slot value of 1 requires no location be specified.
354 Not subscribed to requested market data.
355 Order size does not conform to market rule.
API Reference Guide 362
Chapter8 Reference
356 Smart-combo order does not support OCA group.
357 Your client version is out of date.
358 Smart combo child order not supported.
359 Combo order only supports reduce on fill without block(OCA).
360 No whatif check support for smart combo order.
361 Invalid trigger price.
362 Invalid adjusted stop price.
363 Invalid adjusted stop limit price.
364 Invalid adjusted trailing amount.
365 No scanner subscription found for ticker id:
366 No historical data query found for ticker id:
367 Volatility type if set must be 1 or 2 for VOL orders. Do not set it for other order
368 Reference Price Type must be 1 or 2 for dynamic volatility management. Do not
set it for non-VOL orders.
369 Volatility orders are only valid for US options.
370 Dynamic Volatility orders must be SMART routed, or trade on a Price Improve-
ment Exchange.
371 VOL order requires positive floating point value for volatility. Do not set it for
other order types.
372 Cannot set dynamic VOL attribute on non-VOL order.
373 Can only set stock range attribute on VOL or RELATIVE TO STOCK order.
374 If both are set, the lower stock range attribute must be less than the upper stock
range attribute.
375 Stock range attributes cannot be negative.
376 The order is not eligible for continuous update. The option must trade on a
cheap-to-reroute exchange.
377 Must specify valid delta hedge order aux. price.
378 Delta hedge order type requires delta hedge aux. price to be specified.
379 Delta hedge order type requires that no delta hedge aux. price be specified.
380 This order type is not allowed for delta hedge orders.
381 Your DDE.dll needs to be upgraded.
382 The price specified violates the number of ticks constraint specified in the
default order settings.
API Reference Guide 363
Chapter8 Reference
383 The size specified violates the size constraint specified in the default order set-
384 Invalid DDE array request.
385 Duplicate ticker ID for API scanner subscription.
386 Duplicate ticker ID for API historical data query.
387 Unsupported order type for this exchange and security type.
388 Order size is smaller than the minimum requirement.
389 Supplied routed order ID is not unique.
390 Supplied routed order ID is invalid.
391 The time or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is hh:mm:ss xxx
where xxx is an optionally specified time-zone. E.g.: 15:59:00 EST.
Note that there is a space between the time and the time zone.
If no time zone is specified, local time is assumed.
392 Invalid order: contract expired.
393 Short sale slot may be specified for delta hedge orders only.
394 Invalid Process Time: must be integer number of milliseconds between 100 and
2000. Found:
395 Due to system problems, orders with OCA groups are currently not being
396 Due to system problems, application is currently accepting only Market and
Limit orders for this contract.
397 Due to system problems, application is currently accepting only Market and
Limit orders for this contract.
398 < > cannot be used as a condition trigger.
399 Order message error
Code Description
400 Algo order error.
401 Length restriction.
402 Conditions are not allowed for this contract.
403 Invalid stop price.
404 Shares for this order are not immediately available for short sale. The order
will be held while we attempt to locate the shares.
405 The child order quantity should be equivalent to the parent order size.
API Reference Guide 364
Chapter8 Reference
406 The currency < > is not allowed.
407 The symbol should contain valid non-unicode characters only.
408 Invalid scale order increment.
409 Invalid scale order. You must specify order component size.
410 Invalid subsequent component size for scale order.
411 The "Outside Regular Trading Hours" flag is not valid for this order.
412 The contract is not available for trading.
413 What-if order should have the transmit flag set to true.
414 Snapshot market data subscription is not applicable to generic ticks.
415 Wait until previous RFQ finishes and try again.
416 RFQ is not applicable for the contract. Order ID:
417 Invalid initial component size for scale order.
418 Invalid scale order profit offset.
419 Missing initial component size for scale order.
420 Invalid real-time query.
421 Invalid route.
422 The account and clearing attributes on this order may not be changed.
423 Cross order RFQ has been expired. THI committed size is no longer avail-
able. Please open order dialog and verify liquidity allocation.
424 FA Order requires allocation to be specified.
425 FA Order requires per-account manual allocations because there is no com-
mon clearing instruction. Please use order dialog Adviser tab to enter the
426 None of the accounts have enough shares.
427 Mutual Fund order requires monetary value to be specified.
428 Mutual Fund Sell order requires shares to be specified.
429 Delta neutral orders are only supported for combos (BAG security type).
430 We are sorry, but fundamentals data for the security specified is not avail-
431 What to show field is missing or incorrect.
432 Commission must not be negative.
433 Invalid "Restore size after taking profit" for multiple account allocation scale
API Reference Guide 365
Chapter8 Reference
434 The order size cannot be zero.
435 You must specify an account.
436 You must specify an allocation (either a single account, group, or profile).
437 Order can have only one flag Outside RTH or Allow PreOpen.
438 The application is now locked.
439 Order processing failed. Algorithm definition not found.
440 Order modify failed. Algorithm cannot be modified.
441 Algo attributes validation failed:
442 Specified algorithm is not allowed for this order.
443 Order processing failed. Unknown algo attribute.
444 Volatility Combo order is not yet acknowledged. Cannot submit changes at
this time.
445 The RFQ for this order is no longer valid.
446 Missing scale order profit offset.
447 Missing scale price adjustment amount or interval.
448 Invalid scale price adjustment interval.
449 Unexpected scale price adjustment amount or interval.
40 Dividend schedule query failed.
Code Description
501 Already connected.
502 Couldn't connect to TWS. Confirm that API is enabled in TWS via the Con-
figure>API menu command.
503 Your version of TWS is out of date and must be upgraded.
504 Not connected.
505 Fatal error: Unknown message id.
510 Request market data - sending error:
511 Cancel market data - sending error:
512 Order - sending error:
513 Account update request - sending error:
514 Request for executions - sending error:
515 Cancel order - sending error:
516 Request open order - sending error:
517 Unknown contract. Verify the contract details supplied.
518 Request contract data - sending error:
API Reference Guide 366
Chapter8 Reference
519 Request market depth - sending error:
520 Cancel market depth - sending error:
521 Set server log level - sending error:
522 FA Information Request - sending error:
523 FA Information Replace - sending error:
524 Request Scanner subscription - sending error:
525 Cancel Scanner subscription - sending error:
526 Request Scanner parameter - sending error:
527 Request Historical data - sending error:
528 Cancel Historical data - sending error:
529 Request real-time bar data - sending error:
530 Cancel real-time bar data - sending error:
531 Request Current Time - Sending error:
Code Description
10000 Cross currency combo error.
10001 Cross currency vol error.
10002 Invalid non-guaranteed legs.
10003 IBSX not allowed.
10005 Read-only models.
10006 Missing parent order.
10007 Invalid hedge type.
10008 Invalid beta value.
10009 Invalid hedge ratio.
10010 Invalid delta hedge order.
10011 Currency is not supported for Smart combo.
10012 Invalid allocation percentage
10013 Smart routing API error (Smart routing opt-out required).
10014 PctChange limits.
10015 Trading is not allowed in the API.
10016 Contract is not visible.
10017 Contracts are not visible.
10018 Orders use EV warning.
10019 Trades use EVwarning.
API Reference Guide 367
Chapter8 Reference
10020 Display size should be smaller than order size.
10021 Invalid leg2 to Mkt Offset API.
10022 Invalid Leg Prio API.
10023 Invalid combo display size API.
10024 Invalid dont start next legin API.
10025 Invalid leg2 to Mkt time1 API.
10026 Invalid leg2 to Mkt time2 API.
10027 Invalid combo routing tag API.
System Message Codes
Code Description
1100 Connectivity between IB and TWS has been lost.
1101 Connectivity between IB and TWS has been restored-
data lost.*
1102 Connectivity between IB and TWS has been restored-
data maintained.
1300 TWS socket port has been reset and this connection is
being dropped.
Please reconnect on the new port - <port_num>
*Market and account data subscription requests must be resubmitted
Warning Message Codes
Code Description
2100 New account data requested from TWS. API client has been unsub-
scribed from account data.
2101 Unable to subscribe to account as the following clients are subscribed to
a different account.
2102 Unable to modify this order as it is still being processed.
2103 A market data farm is disconnected.
2104 A market data farm is connected.
2105 A historical data farm is disconnected.
2106 A historical data farm is connected.
2107 A historical data farm connection has become inactive but should be
available upon demand.
2108 A market data farm connection has become inactive but should be avail-
able upon demand.
API Reference Guide 368
Chapter8 Reference
2109 Order Event Warning: Attribute Outside Regular Trading Hours is
ignored based on the order type and destination. PlaceOrder is now proc-
2110 Connectivity between TWS and server is broken. It will be restored auto-
API Reference Guide 369
Chapter8 Reference
Historical Data Limitations
Historical data requests are subject to the following limitations:
l Historical data requests that use a bar size below 30 seconds can only go back six months.
l Historical data requests can go back one full calendar year or more, depending on the number of concurrent real-
time market data lines:
Number of Market
Data Lines
Historical Data
Request Limit
Less than 499 One year
500 - 749 Two years
750 - 999 Three years
1000 Four years
Market data lines can be increased based on monthly commission amounts, amount of equity and Quote Booster sub-
l For more information on how market data is affected by commissions and equity, see the second-to-the-last Note
(the long note with the examples) at the bottom of the Market Data page on our website.
l For more information on Quote Boosters, see the Quote Boosters page on our website. You subscribe to Quote
Boosters on the Market Data Subscriptions page in Account Management.
Pacing Violations
All of the API technologies support historical data requests. However, requesting the same historical data in a short
period of time can cause extra load on the backend and subsequently cause pacing violations. The error code and mes-
sage that indicates a pacing violation is:
162 - Historical Market Data Service error message: Historical data request pacing violation
The following conditions can cause a pacing violation:
l Making identical historical data requests within 15 seconds;
l Making six or more historical data requests for the same Contract, Exchange and Tick Type within two seconds.
Also, observe the following limitation when requesting historical data:
l Do not make more than 60 historical data requests in any ten-minute period.
l If the whatToShow parameter in reqHistoricalData() is set to BID_ASK, then this counts as two requests and we
will call BIDand ASKhistorical data separately.
Note: For more information about historical data requests, see Viewing Historical Datain the DDE
for Excel chapter, reqHistoricalDataEx()in the ActiveX chapter, reqHistoricalData()in the
C++ chapter, and reqHistoricalData()in the Java chapter.
API Reference Guide 370
Chapter8 Reference
Minimum Bar Size Settings for Historical Data Requests
The following table lists the minimum bar size settings for APIhistorical data requests.
Duration Minimum Bar Size
1 min 1 second
5 mins 1 second
15 mins 1 second
1 hour 5 seconds
2 hours 5 seconds
4 hours 10 seconds
1 day 30 seconds
2 days 1 minute
1 week 10 minutes
2 weeks 15 minutes
1 month 30 minutes
3 months 1 day
Everything else 1 day
Valid Duration and Bar Size Settings for Historical Data Requests
The following table lists the minimum bar size settings for APIhistorical data requests.
The following table lists valid duration and bar size settings for API historical data requests. Please note that these are
only guidelines.
Duration Bar Size
1 Y 1 day
6 M 1 day
3 M 1 day
1 M 1 day, 1 hour
1 W 1 day,1 hour,30 mins, 15 mins
2 D 1 hour,30 mins,15 mins, 3 mins,2 mins, 1 min
1 D 1 hour,30 mins,15 mins, 5 mins, 3 mins,2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs
14400 S (4 hrs) 1 hour, 30 mins, 15 mins, 5 mins, 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs,
15 secs
7200 S (2 hrs) 1 hour,30 mins, 15 mins, 5mins, 3 mins,2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs,
15 secs, 5 secs
API Reference Guide 371
Chapter8 Reference
Duration Bar Size
3600 S (1 hr) 15 mins, 5 mins,3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs, 15 secs, 5 secs,
1800 S (30 mins) 15 mins, 5 mins,3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs, 15 secs, 5 secs, 1
960 S (15 mins.) 5 mins, 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs, 15 secs, 5 secs, 1 secs
300 S (5 mins) 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min, 30 secs, 15 secs, 5 secs, 1 secs
60 S ( 1 min) 30 secs, 15 secs, 5 secs, 1 secs
API Reference Guide 372
Chapter8 Reference
Tick Types
The following table lists all possible values for the tickType parameter, which is used in the following ActiveX events,
C++ EWrapper functions, and Java EWrapper methods:
l tickPrice()
l tickSize()
l tickOptionComputation()
l tickGeneric()
l tickString()
l tickEFP
Tick Value Description Event/Function/Method
-1 Not applicable. --
0 BID_SIZE tickSize()
1 BID_PRICE tickPrice()
2 ASK_PRICE tickPrice()
3 ASK_SIZE tickSize()
4 LAST_PRICE tickPrice()
5 LAST_SIZE tickSize()
6 HIGH tickPrice()
7 LOW tickPrice()
8 VOLUME tickSize()
9 CLOSE_PRICE tickPrice()
10 BID_OPTION_COMPUTATION tickOptionComputation()
See Note 1 below
11 ASK_OPTION_COMPUTATION tickOptionComputation()
See Note 1 below
12 LAST_OPTION_COMPUTATION tickOptionComputation()
See Note 1 below
13 MODEL_OPTION_COMPUTATION tickOptionComputation()
See Note 1 below
14 OPEN_TICK tickPrice()
15 LOW_13_WEEK tickPrice()
16 HIGH_13_WEEK tickPrice()
17 LOW_26_WEEK tickPrice()
18 HIGH_26_WEEK tickPrice()
API Reference Guide 373
Chapter8 Reference
Tick Value Description Event/Function/Method
19 LOW_52_WEEK tickPrice()
20 HIGH_52_WEEK tickPrice()
21 AVG_VOLUME tickSize()
22 OPEN_INTEREST tickSize()
24 OPTION_IMPLIED_VOL tickGeneric()
32 BID_EXCH tickString()
33 ASK_EXCH tickString()
34 AUCTION_VOLUME tickSize()
35 AUCTION_PRICE tickPrice()
37 MARK_PRICE tickPrice()
45 LAST_TIMESTAMP tickString()
46 SHORTABLE tickString()
48 RT_VOLUME tickGeneric()
49 HALTED See Note 2 below.
50 BIDYIELD tickPrice()
See Note 3 below
51 ASKYIELD tickPrice()
See Note 3 below
API Reference Guide 374
Chapter8 Reference
Tick Value Description Event/Function/Method
52 LASTYIELD tickPrice()
See Note 3 below
53 CUST_OPTION_COMPUTATION tickOptionComputation()
54 TRADE_COUNT tickGeneric()
55 TRADE_RATE tickGeneric()
56 VOLUME_RATE tickGeneric()
PUTATION, and MODEL_OPTION_COMPUTATION return all Greeks (delta, gamma, vega, theta), the under-
lying price and the stock and option reference price when requested. MODEL_OPTION_COMPUTATION also
returns model implied volatility.
2. Prior to TWSVersion 939, when trading is halted for a contract, TWS receives a special tick: haltedLast=1. When
trading is resumed, TWS receives haltedLast=0. A tick type, HALTED, tick ID = 49, is available in regular mar-
ket data via the API to indicate this halted state. Possible values for this tick type are:
0 = Not halted
1 = Halted.
Beginning with TWSVersion 939, possible values for the HALTEDtick type are:
0 = Not halted
1 = General halt (trading halt is imposed for purely regulatory reasons) with/without volatility halt.
2 = Volatility only halt (trading halt is imposed by the exchange to protect against extreme volatility).
3. Applies to bond contracts only.
API Reference Guide 375
Chapter8 Reference
Generic Tick Types
For all socket-based API technologies, including the socket client library, ActiveX and Java, we provide several types of
market data ticks that can be requested as a part of the market data request.
Starting with API version 9.0 (client version 30), version 6 of the REQ_MKT_DATA message is sent containing a new
field that specifies the requested ticks as a list of comma-delimited integer Ids (generic tick types). Requests for these
ticks will be answered if the tick type requested pertains to the contract at issue.
Note that Generic Tick Tags cannot be specified if you elect to use the Snapshot market data subscription.
The generic market data tick types are:
Integer ID Value Tick Type
100 Option Volume (currently for stocks) 29, 30
101 Option Open Interest (currently for stocks) 27, 28
104 Historical Volatility (currently for stocks) 23
106 Option Implied Volatility (currently for stocks) 24
162 Index Future Premium 31
165 Miscellaneous Stats 15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20,
221 Mark Price (used in TWS P&L computations) 37
225 Auction values (volume, price and imbalance) 34, 35,
233 RTVolume - contains the last trade price, last trade size, last trade
time, total volume, VWAP, and single trade flag.
236 Shortable 46
256 Inventory
258 Fundamental Ratios 47
API Reference Guide 376
Chapter8 Reference
Integer ID Value Tick Type
292 Receive top news for underlying contracts from TWS for news feeds to
which you have subscribed (in Account Management). Use secType =
NEWS in the Contract object. See Requesting News for examples.
You will receive at least one news tick regardless of its timeliness (it
could be new or it could be weeks old). Some news providers limit us
to maximum news retention of 30 days, so those limitations may affect
which news you see. Otherwise you will receive a maximum of five of
the most recent news items in the last 24 hours, and you will receive
additional news items as they come in.
411 Realtime Historical Volatility 58
456 IBDividends 59
Using the SHORTABLE Tick
In TWS, there is a SHORTABLE column, as shown below. The column describes number of shares with which the secu-
rity can be sold short.
The color GREEN indicates that at least 1000 shares are available to sell short. DARK GREEN indicates that this con-
tract can be sold short but that at the moment there are no shares available for short sale, and that the system is searching
for shares. RED indicates that no shares are available for short sale.
With API 9.30 or higher, the shorting indicator is supported for all socket connections. The functionality equates to the
SHORTABLE column in the TWS workstation.
When invoking the reqMktDataEx()/reqMktData() methods, you must include generic ticktype 236 in the argument to
obtain the shortable value. For example:
API Reference Guide 377
Chapter8 Reference
The Shortable tick determines if SHORT SELL orders for a contract will be accepted. Analyze the value returned from
tickGeneric(int tickerId, int tickType, double value) as follows:
if (value > 2.5) { // 3.0
// There are at least 1000 shares available for a short sale
// In TWS, this is identical to GREEN status
else if (value > 1.5) { // 2.0
// This contract will be available for short sale if shares can be // located
// In TWS, this is identical to DARK GREEN status
else if (value > 0.5) { // 1.0
// Not available for short sale
// In TWS, this is identical to RED status
else {
// unknown value
Note: This feature is supported as of server version 33 (872 release of TWS).
The FUNDAMENTAL_RATIOS tickType (Tick Value 47) lets you request fundamental ratios in the form
TAG=VALUE, TAG2=VALUE2, and so on. This ratios are sent using the tickGeneric() callback. The following table
lists all the TAG values for FUNDAMENTAL_RATIOS.
TAG Description
NPRICE Closing Price
This is the closing price for the issue from the day it last traded. It is also referred to
as the Current Price. Note that some issues may not trade every day, and therefore it
is possible for this price to come from a date prior to the last business day.
3 year trailing twelve months growth.
TTM_over_TTM Trailing twelve months over trailing twelve months.
NHIG High Price
This price is the highest price the stock traded at in the last 12 months. This could
be an intra-day high.
NLOW Low Price
This price is the lowest price the stock traded at in the last 12 months. This could
be an intra-day low.
PDATE Pricing date
The pricing date is the date at which the issue was last priced.
VOL10DAVG Volume
This is the daily average of the cumulative trading volume for the last ten days.
API Reference Guide 378
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
MKTCAP Market capitalization
This value is calculated by multiplying the current Price by the current number of
shares outstanding.
TTMEPSXCLX EPS excluding extraordinary items
This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing
twelve months divided by the trailing twelve month Diluted Weighted Average
Shares Outstanding.
This is the Normalized Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most
recent annual period divided by the same period's Diluted Weighted Average
Shares Outstanding.
TTMREVPS Revenue/share
This value is the trailing twelve month Total Revenue divided by the Average
Diluted Shares Outstanding for the trailing twelve months.
Note: Most banks and insurance companies do not report reve-
nues when they announce their preliminary quarterly
financial results in the press. When this happens, the
trailing twelve month values will not be available
QBVPS Book value (Common Equity) per share
This is defined as the Common Shareholder's Equity divided by the Shares Out-
standing at the end of the most recent interim period. Book Value is the Total Share-
holder's Equity minus Preferred Stock and Redeemable Preferred Stock.
QTANBVPS Book value (tangible) per share
This is the interim Tangible Book Value divided by the Shares Outstanding at the
end of the most recent interim period. Tangible Book Value is the Book Value
minus Goodwill and Intangible Assets for the same period.
QCSHPS Cash per share
This is the Total Cash plus Short Term Investments divided by the Shares Out-
standing at the end of the most recent interim period.
Note: This does NOT include cash equivalents that may be
reported under long term assets.
TTMCFSHR Cash Flow per share
This value is the trailing twelve month Cash Flow divided by the trailing twelve
month Average Shares Outstanding. Cash Flow is defined as the sum of Income
After Taxes minus Preferred Dividends and General Partner Distributions plus
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization.
API Reference Guide 379
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
TTMDIVSHR Dividends per share
This is the sum of the Cash Dividends per share paid to common stockholders dur-
ing the last trailing twelve month period.
IAD Dividend rate
This value is the total of the expected dividend payments over the next twelve
months. It is generally the most recent cash dividend paid or declared multiplied by
the dividend payment frequency, plus any recurring extra dividends.
PEEXCLXOR P/E excluding extraordinary items
This ratio is calculated by dividing the current Price by the sum of the Diluted
Earnings Per Share from continuing operations BEFORE Extraordinary Items and
Accounting Changes over the last four interim periods.
APENORM P/E Normalized
This is the Current Price divided by the latest annual Normalized Earnings Per
Share value.
TMPR2REV Price to sales
This is the current Price divided by the Sales Per Share for the trailing twelve
months. If there is a preliminary earnings announcement for an interim period that
has recently ended, the revenue (sales) values from this announcement will be used
in calculating the trailing twelve month revenue per share. NOTE: Most Banks and
Finance companies do not report revenues when they announce their preliminary
interim financial results in the press. When this happens, the trailing twelve month
values will not be available (NA) until the complete interim filing is released.
PR2TANBK Price to Tangible Book
This is the Current Price divided by the latest annual Tangible Book Value Per
Share. Tangible Book Value Per Share is defined as Book Value minus Goodwill
and Intangible Assets divided by the Shares Outstanding at the end of the fiscal
TTMPRCFPS Price to Cash Flow per share
This is the current Price divided by Cash Flow Per Share for the trailing twelve
months. Cash Flow is defined as Income After Taxes minus Preferred Dividends and
General Partner Distributions plus Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization.
PRICE2BK Price to Book
This is the Current Price divided by the latest interim period Book Value Per
API Reference Guide 380
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
QCURRATIO Current ratio
This is the ratio of Total Current Assets for the most recent interim period divided
by Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available
(NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish
between current and long term assets and liabilities.
QQUICKRATI Quick ratio
Also known as the Acid Test Ratio, this ratio is defined as Cash plus Short Term
Investments plus Accounts Receivable for the most recent interim period divided by
the Total Current Liabilities for the same period. NOTE: This item is Not Available
(NA) for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish
between current and long term assets and liabilities.
QLTD2EQ LT debt/equity
This ratio is the Total Long Term Debt for the most recent interim period divided
by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period.
QTOTD2EQ Total debt/total equity
This ratio is Total Debt for the most recent interim period divided by Total Share-
holder Equity for the same period. NOTE: This is Not Meaningful (NM) for banks.
TTMPAYRAT Payout ratio
This ratio is the percentage of the Primary/Basic Earnings Per Share Excluding
Extraordinary Items paid to common stockholders in the form of cash dividends dur-
ing the trailing twelve months.
TTMREV Revenue
This is the sum of all revenue (sales) reported for all operating divisions for the
most recent TTM period. NOTE: Most banks and Insurance companies do not
report revenues when they announce their preliminary quarterly financial results in
the press. When this happens, the quarterly value will not be available (NA).
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) is EBIT
for the trailing twelve months plus the same period's Depreciation and Amortization
expenses (from the Statement of Cash Flows). NOTE: This item is only available for
Industrial and Utility companies.
TTMEBT Earnings before taxes
Also known as Pretax Income and Earnings Before Taxes, this is Total Revenue for
the most recent TTM period minus Total Expenses plus Non-operating Income
(Expenses) for the same period.
API Reference Guide 381
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
TTMNIAC Net Income available to common
This is the trailing twelve month dollar amount accruing to common shareholders
for dividends and retained earnings. Income Available to Common Shareholders is
calculated as trailing twelve month Income After Taxes plus Minority Interest and
Equity in Affiliates plus Preferred Dividends, General Partner Distributions and US
GAAP Adjustments. NOTE: Any adjustment that is negative (ie. Preferred Stock
Dividends) would be subtracted from Income After Taxes.
AEBTNORM Earnings before taxes Normalized
This is the Income Before Tax number excluding the impact of all unusual/one-
time/special charges items for the most recent annual period.
ANIACNORM Net Income Available to Common, Normalized
This is the annual dollar amount accruing to common shareholders for dividends
and retained earnings excluding the impact of all unusual/one-time/special charges
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production
expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Total Revenue minus the trailing
12 months Cost of Goods Sold divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue
and multiplied by 100. NOTE: This item is only available for Industrial and Utility
TTMNPMGN Net Profit Margin %
Also known as Return on Sales, this value is the Income After Taxes for the trail-
ing twelve months divided by Total Revenue for the same period and is expressed
as a percentage. NOTE: Most Banks and Finance companies do not report revenues
when they announce their preliminary quarterly financial results in the press. When
this happens, the trailing twelve month value will not be available (NA).
TTMOPMGN Operating margin
This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating
expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Operating Income divided by
the trailing 12 months Total Revenue, multiplied by 100. Operating Income is
defined as Total Revenue minus Total Operating Expenses.
APTMGNPCT Pretax margin
This value represents Income Before Taxes for the most recent fiscal year expressed
as a percent of Total Revenue for the most recent fiscal year.
TTMROAPCT Return on average assets
This value is the Income After Taxes for the trailing twelve months divided by the
Average Total Assets, expressed as a percentage. Average Total Assets is calculated
by adding the Total Assets for the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5.
API Reference Guide 382
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
TTMROEPCT Return on average equity
This value is the Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing
twelve months divided by the Average Common Equity and is expressed as a per-
centage. Average Common Equity is calculated by adding the Common Equity for
the 5 most recent quarters and dividing by 5.
TTMROIPCT Return on investment
This value is the trailing twelve month Income After Taxes divided by the average
Total Long Term Debt, Other Long Term Liabilities and Shareholders Equity,
expressed as a percentage.
REVCHNGYR Revenue Change %
This value is calculated as the most recent interim period Sales minus the Sales for
the same interim period 1 year ago divided by the Sales for the same interim period
one year ago, multiplied by 100.
TTMREVCHG Revenue Change %
This is the percent change in the trailing twelve month Sales as compared to the
same trailing twelve month period one year ago. It is calculated as the trailing
twelve month Sales minus the trailing twelve month Sales one year ago divided by
the trailing twelve month Sales one year ago, multiplied by 100.
REVTRENDGR Revenue growth rate
The Five Year Revenue Growth Rate is the annual compounded growth rate of
Revenues over the last 5 years.
This value is calculated as the most recent interim period EPS minus the EPS for
the same interim period 1 year ago divided by the EPS for the same interim period
one year ago, multiplied by 100. NOTE: EPS must be positive for both periods. If
either EPS value is negative, the result in Not Meaningful (NM).
This is the percent change in the trailing twelve month EPS as compared to the
same trailing twelve month period one year ago. It is calculated as the trailing
twelve month EPS minus the trailing twelve month EPS one year ago divided by
the trailing twelve month EPS one year ago, multiplied by 100. NOTE: If either
value has a negative value, the resulting value will be Not Meaningful (NM).
EPSTRENDGR EPS growth rate
This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Earnings Per Share Exclud-
ing Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations over the last 5 years. NOTE:
If the value for either the most recent year or the oldest year is zero or negative, the
growth rate cannot be calculated and a 'NA' (Not Available) code will be used.
API Reference Guide 383
Chapter8 Reference
TAG Description
DIVGRPCT Growth rate % - dividend
The Dividend Growth Rate is the compound annual growth rate in dividends per
share. DIVGR% is calculated for 3 years whenever 4 years of dividends are avail-
IBDividends Tick Example
The IBDividends generic tick returns a comma-separated list of dividends in the following order:
1. sum of dividends for the past 12 months
2. sum of dividends for the next 12 months
3. next dividend date
4. next single dividend amount
Here is an example of an IBDividends tick update for the symbol MSFT:
0.83 = sum of dividends for the past 12 months
0.92 - sum of dividends for the next 12 months
20130219 - next dividend date
0.23 - next single dividend amount
RTVolume is one of the generic tick tags that can be requested as part of a market data request. RTVolume returns the
l Last trade price
l Last trade size
l Last trade time
l Total volume
l Single trade flag - True indicates the trade was filled by a single market maker; False indicates multiple market-
makers helped fill the trade
RTVolume is the APIequivalent to opening the Time and Sales Window in Trader Workstation and viewing the updates
in real time. To implement this, you must include 233 in the genericTicklist parameter in your market data request.
You will receive the RTVolume update through the tickString() event within field value 48.
API Reference Guide 384
Chapter8 Reference
Here is an example of the RTVolume formatting for AAPL:
API Reference Guide 385
Chapter8 Reference
Order Types and IBAlgos
This section includes the following topics:
l Supported Order Types
l IBAlgo Parameters
l CSFB Algo Parameters
Supported Order Types
IBs API technologies support the order types listed below.
API orders only mimic the behavior of Trader Workstation (TWS). Test each order type, ensuring that you can suc-
cessfully submit each one in TWS, before you submit the same order using the API.
Order Type Abbreviation
Limit LMT
Limit Risk
Market-to-Limit MTL
Market with Protection MKT PRT
Request for Quote QUOTE
Stop STP
Stop Limit STP LMT
Trailing Limit if Touched TRAIL LIT
Trailing Market If Touched TRAIL MIT
Trailing Stop TRAIL
Trailing Stop Limit TRAIL LIMIT
Speed of Execution
At Auction
Market MKT
Market-if-Touched MIT
Market-on-Close MOC
Market-on-Open MOO
Pegged-to-Market PEG MKT
Relative REL
API Reference Guide 386
Chapter8 Reference
Order Type Abbreviation
Price Improvement
Price Improvement Auction
Limit-on-Close LOC
Limit-on-Open LOO
Limit if Touched LIT
Pegged-to-Midpoint PEG MID
VWAP - Guaranteed VWAP
Time to Market
Good-after-Time/Date GAT
Good-till-Date/Time GTD
Good-till-Canceled GTC
Immediate-or-Cancel IOC
Advanced Trading
One-Cancels-All OCA
Volatility VOL
Algorithmic Trading (Algos)
Arrival Price
Balance Impact and Risk
Minimize Impact
Percent of volume
VWAP - Best Effort
API Reference Guide 387
Chapter8 Reference
IBAlgo Parameters
Beginning with TWS API Release 9.6, the ActiveX, C++ and Java APIs support the following IBAlgo orders for US
Stocks and US Options:
US Stocks
l Arrival Price (ArrivalPx)
l Dark Ice (DarkIce)
l Percentage of Volume (PctVol)
l TWAP (Twap)
l VWAP (Vwap)
US Options
l Balance Impact and Risk (BalanceImpactRisk)
l Minimize Impact (MinImpact)
US Products
l Accumulate/Distribute (AD)
The following image lists all of the IBAlgo strategies and parameters supported by the API, except Accumu-
late/Distribute, which is documented in Accumulate/Distribute (AD).
Arrival Price (ArrivalPx)
Parameter Description Syntax
maxPctVol Maximum percentage range: 0.01 0.5
riskAversion Urgency/Risk aversion Get Done, Aggressive, Neutral,
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time 15:00:00 EST
API Reference Guide 388
Chapter8 Reference
Parameter Description Syntax
forceCompletion Attempt completion by EOD 0 or 1
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 0 or 1
Arrival Price Java Code Example:
Contract m_contract = new Contract();
Order m_order = new Order();
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
/** Stocks */
m_contract.m_symbol = "MSFT";
m_contract.m_secType = "STK";
m_contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
m_contract.m_currency = "USD";
/** Arrival Price */
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("maxPctVol","0.01") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("riskAversion","Passive") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("startTime","9:00:00 EST") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("endTime","15:00:00 EST") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("forceCompletion","0") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("allowPastEndTime","1") );
m_order.m_action = "BUY";
m_order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
m_order.m_orderType = "LMT";
m_order.m_lmtPrice = 0.14
m_order.m_algoStrategy = "ArrivalPx";
m_order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
m_order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(40, m_contract, m_order);
For More Information...
API Reference Guide 389
Chapter8 Reference
l Arrival Price Algo
Dark Ice (DarkIce)
Parameter Description Syntax
displaySize Display size
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time: 0 or 1
For More Information...
l Dark Ice Algo
Percentage of Volume (PctVol)
Parameter Description Syntax
pctVol Percentage of volume range: 0.01 0.5
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time 15:00:00 EST]
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 0 or 1
For More Information...
l Percentage of Volume Algo
API Reference Guide 390
Chapter8 Reference
TWAP (Twap)
Parameter Description Syntax
strategyType Trade strategy Marketable, Matching Midpoint,
Matching Same Side, Matching
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time 15:00:00 EST
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 0 or 1
For More Information...
l TWAP Algo
VWAP (Vwap)
Parameter Description Syntax
maxPctVol Maximum percentage range: 0.01 0.5
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time 15:00:00 EST
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 0 or 1
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 0 or 1
For More Information...
l VWAP Algo
Balance Impact and Risk (BalanceImpactRisk)
Parameters Description Syntax
maxPctVol Maximum percentage range: 0.01 0.5
riskAversion Urgency/Risk aversion Get Done, Aggressive, Neu-
tral, Passive
forceCompletion Attempt completion by EOD 0 or 1
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 0 or 1
Balance Impact and Risk Java Code Example:
Contract m_contract = new Contract();
Order m_order = new Order();
API Reference Guide 391
Chapter8 Reference
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
/** Options */
m_contract.m_symbol = "C";
m_contract.m_secType = "OPT";
m_contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
m_contract.m_localSymbol = "C 110304C00004500";
/** Balance Impact and Risk (OPT) */
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("maxPctVol","0.1") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("riskAversion","Aggressive") );
m_algoParams.add( new TagValue("forceCompletion","1") );
m_order.m_action = "BUY";
m_order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
m_order.m_orderType = "LMT";
m_order.m_lmtPrice = 0.14;
m_order.m_algoStrategy = "BalanceImpactRisk";
m_order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
m_order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(45, m_contract, m_order);
For More Information...
l Balance Impact and Risk Algo
Minimize Impact (MinImpact)
Parameter Description Syntax
maxPctVol Maximum percentage range: 0.01 0.5
For More Information...
l Minimize Impact
API Reference Guide 392
Chapter8 Reference
Accumulate/Distribute (AD)
Parameter Description Syntax
componentSize Quantity of increment Cannot exceed the amount of the
initial order
timeBetweenOrders Time interval
randomizeTime20 Randomize time period by +/- 20% "0" or "1"
randomizeSize55 Randomize size by +/- 55% "0" or "1"
giveUp Number associated with the clearing
catchUp Catch up in time: "0" or "1"
waitForFill Wait for current order to fill before sub-
mitting next order
"0" or "1"
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
Accumulate Distribute Java Code Example
Contract m_contract = newContract();
Order m_order = newOrder();
Vector<TagValue>m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
/** Stocks */
m_contract.m_symbol = "IBM";
m_contract.m_secType = "STK";
m_contract.m_exchange = "SMART";
m_contract.m_currency = "USD";
/** Accumulate/Distribute (All) */
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("componentSize", "100"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("timeBetweenOrders", "60"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("randomizeTime20", "1"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("randomizeSize55", "1"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("giveUp", "1"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("catchUp", "1"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("waitForFill", "1"));
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("startTime", "20110302-14:30:00 GMT"));
API Reference Guide 393
Chapter8 Reference
m_algoParams.add(newTagValue("endTime", "20110302-21:00:00 GMT"));
m_order.m_action = "BUY";
m_order.m_totalQuantity = 700;
m_order.m_orderType = "LMT";
m_order.m_lmtPrice = 140.0;
m_order.m_algoStrategy = "AD";
m_order.m_tif = "DAY";
m_order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
m_order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(orderId++, m_contract, m_order);
For More Information...
l Accumulate Distribute Order Type
l TWS Accumulate Distribute
CSFB Algo Parameters
The ActiveX, C++ and Java APIs support the following CSFBalgo strategies:
l Crossfinder
l Float
l Guerilla
l Work It IW
l Work It
l Pathfinder
l Reserve
l Strike
l 10B 18
l Tex
The following image lists all of the CSFB algo strategies and parameters supported by the API.
API Reference Guide 394
Chapter8 Reference
Crossfinder (CROS)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
ExecutionStyle Execution style "Normal", "Patient", "Aggressive"
Crossfinder (CROS) Java Code Sample
void onCrossFinderAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:30:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "14:30:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "25")); // Max % Volume
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("ExecutionStyle", "Normal"));
//possible values for ExecutionStyle: Normal, Patient, Aggressive
API Reference Guide 395
Chapter8 Reference
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "CROS";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Float (FLT)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
DisplaySize Display size 50 (integer)
ExecutionStyle Execution style "Normal", "Patient", "Aggressive"
Float (FLT) Java Code Sample
void onFloatCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:30:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("DisplaySize", "10")); //iceberg
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("ExecutionStyle", "Normal"));
//possible values for ExecutionStyle: Normal, Patient, Aggressive
API Reference Guide 396
Chapter8 Reference
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "FLT";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Guerilla (GRRL)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
ExecutionStyle Execution style "Normal", "Patient", "Aggressive"
Guerilla (GRRL) Java Code Sample
void onGuerillaCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:30:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "25")); // Max % Volume
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("ExecutionStyle", "Patient"));
//possible values for ExecutionStyle: Normal, Patient, Aggressive
API Reference Guide 397
Chapter8 Reference
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "GRRL";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Work It IW (INIW)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
Work It IW (INIW) Java Code Sample
void onWorkItIwCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:30:00 EST"));
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "INIW";
API Reference Guide 398
Chapter8 Reference
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Work It (INLN)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
MinPctVolume Minimum percentage volume range: 0 99
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
ExecutionStyle Execution style "Normal", "Patient", "Aggressive"
Work It (INLN) Java Code Sample
void onWorkItCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:45:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:30:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MinPctVolume", "15")); // Min % Volume
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "25")); // Max % Volume
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("ExecutionStyle", "Patient"));
//possible values for ExecutionStyle: Normal, Patient, Aggressive
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
API Reference Guide 399
Chapter8 Reference
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "INLN";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Pathfinder (PTHF)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
Pathfinder (PTHF) Java Code Sample
void onPathFinderCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "13:45:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:30:00 EST"));
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "PTHF";
API Reference Guide 400
Chapter8 Reference
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Reserve (RSRV)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
DisplaySize Display size 50 (integer)
Reserve (RSRV) Java Code Sample
void onReserveCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("DisplaySize", "50")); //iceberg
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "RSRV";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
API Reference Guide 401
Chapter8 Reference
Strike (SNPR)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
DisplaySize Display size 50 (integer)
Strike (SNPR) Java Code Sample
void onStrikeCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("DisplaySize", "50")); //iceberg
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "SNPR";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
10B 18 (TENB) Java Code Sample
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
API Reference Guide 402
Chapter8 Reference
10B 18 (TENB) Java Code Sample
void on10BCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "35")); // Max % Volume
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "TENB";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Tex (TEX)
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
ExecutionStyle Execution style "Normal", "Patient", "Aggressive"
API Reference Guide 403
Chapter8 Reference
Tex (TEX) Java Code Sample
void onTexCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "47")); // Max % Volume
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("ExecutionStyle", "Normal"));
//possible values for ExecutionStyle: Normal, Patient, Aggressive
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "TEX";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00 EST
endTime End time: 15:00:00 EST
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range: 0 99
API Reference Guide 404
Chapter8 Reference
TWAP (TWAP) Java Code Sample
void onTwapCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "48")); // Max % Volume
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "TWAP";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
Parameter Description Syntax
startTime Start time 9:00:00
endTime End time: 15:00:00
MaxPctVolume Maximum percentage volume range:
API Reference Guide 405
Chapter8 Reference
VWAP (VWAP) Java Code Sample
void onVwapCsfbAlgo(){
Contract con = new Contract();
con.m_symbol = "IBM";
con.m_secType = "STK";
con.m_exchange = "CSFBALGO";
con.m_currency = "USD";
Vector<TagValue> m_algoParams = new Vector<TagValue>();
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("StartTime", "14:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("EndTime", "15:40:00 EST"));
m_algoParams.add(new TagValue("MaxPctVolume", "49")); // Max % Volume
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = "BUY";
order.m_totalQuantity = 100;
order.m_orderType = "LMT";
order.m_lmtPrice = 200.0;
order.m_algoStrategy = "VWAP";
order.m_algoParams = m_algoParams;
order.m_transmit = false;
m_client.placeOrder(globalOrderId++, con, order);
API Reference Guide 406
Chapter8 Reference
Extended Order Attributes
The extended order attributes below can be used in all placeOrder functions and Open_Order events.
Attribute Possible Values
string m_tif Day, GTC, IOC, GTD
string m_ocaGroup Identifies a member of a one-cancels-all group.
string m_account Institutional only.
string m_openClose Institutional only.
int m_origin Institutional only.
string m_orderRef Customer defined order ID tag.
boolean m_transmit Specifies whether the order will be transmitted by TWS. If set to false, order is
created by not transmitted.
int m_parentId The order ID of the parent, used for bracket, auto stop and trailing stop orders.
boolean m_blockOrder If set to true, specifies that the order is a block order.
boolean m_sweep-
If set to true, specifies that the order is a Sweep-to-fill order.
int m_displaySize The publicly disclosed order size to be used when placing iceberg orders.
API Reference Guide 407
Chapter8 Reference
Attribute Possible Values
int m_triggerMethod Specifies how simulated Stop, Stop-Limit, and Trailing Stop orders are trig-
l O - the default value. The "double bid/ask" method will be used for
orders for OTC stocks and US options. All other orders will use the
"last" method.
l 1 - use "double bid/ask" method, where stop orders are triggered based
on two consecutive bid or ask prices.
l 2 - "last" method, where stop orders are triggered based on the last price.
l 3 - "double-last" method, where stop orders are triggered based on last
two prices.
l 4 bid-ask method. For a buy order, a single occurrence of the bid
price must be at or above the trigger price. For a sell order, a single
occurrence of the ask price must be at or below the trigger price.
l 7 last-or-bid-ask method. For a buy order, a single bid price or the
last price must be at or above the trigger price. For a sell order, a single
ask price or the last price must be at or below the trigger price.
l 8 mid-point method, where the midpoint must be at or above (for a
buy) or at or below (for a sell) the trigger price, and the spread between
the bid and ask must be less than 0.1% of the midpoint.
For a complete description of Trigger Methods, see Modify the Trigger Method
in the Trader Workstation Users' Guide.
boolean m_ignoreRth If set to true, allows triggering of orders outside of regular trading hours.
boolean m_hidden If set to true, the order will not be visible when viewing the market depth. The
only applies to orders routed to INet.
string m_good-
Indicates that the trade should be submitted after the time and date set, with for-
mat YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (seconds are optional). Use an empty string if
not applicable.
string m_goodTillDate Indicates that the trade should remain working until the time and date set, with
format YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (seconds are optional). You must set the tif
to GTD when using this string. Use an empty string if not applicable.
string m_faGroup The advisor group to which the trade will be allocated. Use an empty string if
not applicable.
string m_faProfile The advisor allocation profile to which the trade will be allocated. Use an
empty string if not applicable.
string m_faMethod The advisor allocation method with which the trade will be allocated. Use an
empty string if not applicable.
API Reference Guide 408
Chapter8 Reference
Attribute Possible Values
string m_faPercentage The advisor percentage concerning the trade's allocation. Use an empty string if
not applicable.
string m_primaryExch To clarify any ambiguity for Smart-routed contracts, include the primary
exchange, along with the Smart designation, for the destination.
int m_shortSaleSlot For institutional customers only.
l 0 - unapplicable (i.e. retail customer or not sshort leg)
l 1 - clearing broker
l 2 - third party. If this value is used, you must enter a designated loca-
string m_des-
Only valid when shortSaleSlot value = 2. Otherwise leave blank or orders will
be rejected.
long ocaType Cancel on Fill with Block = 1
Reduce on Fill with Block = 2
Reduce on Fill without Block = 3
int rthOnly Regular trading hours only.
yes=1, no=0
String rule80A Individual = 'I'
Agency = 'A',
AgentOtherMember = 'W'
IndividualPTIA = 'J'
AgencyPTIA = 'U'
AgentOtherMemberPTIA = 'M'
IndividualPT = 'K'
AgencyPT = 'Y'
AgentOtherMemberPT = 'N'
String settlingFirm Institutional only
String clear-
The true beneficiary of the order. This value must be sent on FUT/FOP orders
for reporting the exchange.
String clearingIntent IB, Away, or PTA
int allOrNone yes=1, no=0
long minQty Identifies a minimum quantity order type.
double percentOffset The percent offset for relative orders.
int eTradeOnly Trade with electronic quotes.
yes=1, no=0
API Reference Guide 409
Chapter8 Reference
Attribute Possible Values
int firmQuoteOnly Trade with firm quotes.
yes=1, no=0
double nbboPriceCap Maximum SMART order distance from the NBBO.
long auctionStrategy match = 1
improvement = 2
transparent = 3
For BOX exchange only.
double startingPrice Starting price. For BOX exchange only.
double stockRefPrice The stock reference price. For BOX exchange only.
double delta For BOX exchange only.
double stock-
The lower value of the acceptable stock range. For BOX exchange only.
double stock-
The upper value of the acceptable stock range. For BOX exchange only.
double m_volatility The option price in volatility, as calculated by TWS' Option Analytics. This
value is expressed as a percent and is used to calculate the limit price sent to
the exchange.
int m_volatilityType 1 = Daily; 2 = Annual
m_continuousUpdate 0 = false; 1 = True
int m_ref-
1 = Average; 2 = BidorAsk
String m_del-
Enter an accepted order type such as: MKT, LMT, REL etc.
double m_del-
Enter the Aux Price for Hedge Delta order types that require one.
int m_scale-
For Scale orders: Defines the number of component orders into which the parent
order will be split, thereby backing into the number of units within each com-
int m_scale-
For Scale orders: Defines the number of units per component, backing into the
number of components into which the parent order is split.
double m_sca-
For Scale orders: Defines the price increment per scale component.
double m_basisPoints EFP orders
int basisPointsType EFP orders
API Reference Guide 410
Chapter8 Reference
Order Status for Partial Fills
The following example demonstrates how the orderStatus() event behaves when there is a partial fill of an order.
Partial Fill Example
You place an order for 1000 shares of XYZ stock. There are four separate executions before the order for 1000 total
shares is completed. The first partial fill executes with 200, then the second partial fill executes with 200 shares. The
third partial fill executes with another 200 shares and finally, the last partial fill executes with 400 shares.
l First execution: 200
l Second execution: 200
l Third execution: 200
l Fourth execution: 400
In the orderStatus() event, here is the sequence of status messages that will be received by the API based on this example:
Execution Status Message
1st Execution Status = Submitted Filled qnty = 200 Remaining qnty = 800
2nd Execution Status = Submitted Filled qnty = 400 Remaining qnty = 600
3rd Execution Status = Submitted Filled qnty = 600 Remaining qnty = 400
4th Execution Status = Filled Filled qnty = 1000 Remaining qnty = 0
API Reference Guide 411
Chapter8 Reference
Available Market Scanners
The following table shows a list (current as of July 2008) of the available scanners.
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option
volumes and the top underlying symbols with
the lowest ratios are displayed.
High Option Imp Vol Over Historical
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest divergence between
implied and historical volatilities.
Low Option Imp Vol Over Historical
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the smallest divergence between
implied and historical volatilities.
Highest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the highest vega-weighted
implied volatility of near-the-money options
with an expiration date in the next two
Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent gain between
current implied volatility and yesterday's clos-
ing value of the 15 minute average of implied
Top Option Imp Vol % Losers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent loss between
current implied volatility and yesterday's clos-
ing value of the 15 minute average of implied
High Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option
volumes and the top underlying symbols with
the highest ratios are displayed.
Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call option
volumes and the top underlying symbols with
the lowest ratios are displayed.
Most Active by Opt Volume
Displays the most active contracts sorted
descending by options volume.
Hot by Option Volume
Shows the top underlying contracts for high-
est options volume over a 10-day average.
API Reference Guide 412
Chapter8 Reference
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
High Option Open Interest P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highestput/call ratio of outstanding option
Low Option Open Interest P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest
put/call ratio of outstanding option contracts.
Top % Gainers
Contracts whose last trade price shows the
highest percent increase from the previous
night's closing price.
Most Active
Contracts with the highest trading volume
today, based on units used by TWS (lots for
US stocks; contract for derivatives and non-
US stocks).
The sample spreadsheet includes two Most
Active scans: Most Active List, which dis-
plays the most active contracts in the NAS-
DAQ, NYSE and AMEX markets, and Most
Active US, which displays the most active
stocks in the United States.
Top % Losers
Contracts whose last trade price shows the
lowest percent increase from the previous
night's closing price.
Hot Contracts by Volume
Contracts where:
l today's Volume/avgDailyVolume is
l avgDailyVolume is a 30-day expo-
nential moving average of the con-
tract's daily volume.
Top % Futures Gainers
Futures whose last trade price shows the high-
est percent increase from the previous night's
closing price.
Hot Contracts by Price
Contracts where:
l (lastTradePrice-prev-
Close)/avgDailyChange is highest in
absolute value (positive or negative).
l The avgDailyChange is defined as an
exponential moving average of the
contract's (dailyClose-dailyOpen)
Top Trade Count
The top trade count during the day.
API Reference Guide 413
Chapter8 Reference
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Top Trade Rate
Contracts with the highest number of trades
in the past 60 seconds (regardless of the sizes
of those trades).
Top Price Range
The largest difference between today's high
and low, or yesterday's close if outside of
today's range.
Hot by Price Range
The largest price range (from Top Price Range
calculation) over the volatility.
Top Volume Rate
The top volume rate per minute.
Lowest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the lowest vega-weighted
implied volatility of near-the-money options
with an expiration date in the next two
Most Active by Opt Open Interest
Returns the top 50 underlying contracts with
the (highest number of outstanding call con-
tracts) + (highest number of outstanding put
Not Open
Contracts that have not traded today.
Contracts for which trading has been halted.
Top % Gainers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price INCREASE between the last trade and
opening prices.
Top % Losers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price DECREASE between the last trade and
opening prices.
Top Close-to-Open % Gainers
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price INCREASE between the previous close
and today's opening prices.
Top Close-to-Open % Losers
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price DECREASE between the previous close
and today's opening prices.
Lowest Option Imp Vol
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the lowest vega-weighted
implied volatility of near-the-money options
with an expiration date in the next two
API Reference Guide 414
Chapter8 Reference
Market Scanner (Scan Code) Description
Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent gain between
current implied volatility and yesterday's clos-
ing value of the 15 minute average of implied
Top Option Imp Vol % Losers
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or
indices) with the largest percent loss between
current implied volatility and yesterday's clos-
ing value of the 15 minute average of implied
13-Week High
The highest price for the past 13 weeks.
13-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 13 weeks.
26-Week High
The highest price for the past 26 weeks.
26-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 26 weeks.
52-Week High
The highest price for the past 52 weeks.
52-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 52 weeks.
EFP- High Synth Bid Rev Yield
Highlights the highest synthetic EFP interest
rates available. These rates are computed by
taking the price differential between the SSF
and the underlying stock and netting div-
idends to calculate an annualized synthetic
implied interest rate over the period of the
SSF. The High rates may present an invest-
ment opportunity.
EFP- Low Synth Bid Rev Yield
Highlights the lowest synthetic EFP interest
rates available. These rates are computed by
taking the price differential between the SSF
and the underlying stock and netting div-
idends to calculate an annualized synthetic
implied interest rate over the period of the
SSF. The Low rates may present a borrowing
Instruments and Location Codes for Market Scanners
Market scanners in the TWS API support the following instruments and location codes:
API Reference Guide 415
Chapter8 Reference
l STK - US stocks
l STOCK.HK - Asian stocks
l STOCK.EU - European stocks
Location Codes
l STK.US - US stocks
l STK.US.MAJOR - US stocks (without pink sheet)
l STK.US.MINOR - US stocks (only pink sheet)
l STK.HK.SEHK - Hong Kong stocks
l STK.HK.ASX - Australian Stocks
l STK.EU - European stocks
API Reference Guide 416
Chapter8 Reference
Supported Time Zones
The following table shows a list of time zones supported by the TWS API.
Time Zone Description
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
EST Eastern Standard Time
MST Mountain Standard Time
PST Pacific Standard Time
AST Atlantic Standard Time
JST Japan Standard Time
AET Australian Standard Time
API Reference Guide 417
Chapter8 Reference
Smart Combo Routing
These features are for both guaranteed and non-guaranteed combination orders routed to Smart, and are available based
on the combo type and order type. For example, users can specify the maximum size to submit at one time (Maximum
leg-in combo size) and which leg should be legged in first.
Smart Combo Routing is also supported in the Active X, C++ and Java APIs through the use of smart-
ComboRoutingParams, which requires TWS server version 57 or higher. smartComboRoutingParams is similar to
AlgoParams in that it makes use of tag/value pairs to add parameters to combo orders. The parameters cover the fol-
lowing capabilities:
l Priority - User can specify which leg to be executed first.
Tag = LeginPrio
Values = -1, 0 or 1
l Discretionary Amount - When one leg is executed, we can adjust the other leg by up to a discretionary amount.
Tag = MaxSegSize
Value = An amount
l Market-If-Touched Timeout - For Market-If-Touched combo orders, we record the firstTradeTime of the first fill
of the first leg to execute, and the lastTradeTime of the last partial fill. For these kinds of orders, you can now
specify timeout values of the last fill and the timeout since the first fill, in seconds.
Tags = ChangeToMktTime1 is the timeout after the last fill, and ChangeToMktTime2 is the timeout after the first
Value = Number of seconds
l Market-If-Touched Stop-Loss - Specify an absolute stop-loss amount per combo. If specified and if the implied
execution price of the combo (based on a leg that has already been executed and current market data) exceeds the
combo price plus the stop-loss amount, we convert the order from LMT to MKT immediately in order to finish
executing the combo order. If the stop-loss amount is specified but timeouts have not been specified, we will con-
tinue to try to execute the second leg at the calculated LMT price until it either executes or the stop-loss amount
is reached.
Tag = ChangeToMktOffset
Value = An amount.
l Maximum Leg-In Size - Specify the maximum allowed leg-in size per segment.
Tag = MaxSegSize
Value = Unit of combo size
l Discretionary Percentage - Specify a percentage of the combo price. This applies to scale combos in which the
discretionary amount is calculated from the current scale level. When the discretionary amount is entered as a per-
centage, the API converts it to a dollar amount based on the combo. This amount will be updated when the order
price changes or for scale orders for each level. You can enter a value for this parameter or for the Discretionary
Amt extended attribute one at a time, but not both at the same time.
Tag = DiscretionaryPct
Value = A value between 0 and 100.
API Reference Guide 418
Chapter8 Reference
API Logging
As client requests are processed (both system and API clients) it logs certain information to its 'log.txt' log file, which is
located in the installation directory. The purpose of this file is to help resolve problems by providing some insight into
the state of the program before the problem occurred.
API clients can specify how detailed they want these log entries to be by setting the log level. Log levels are:
l 1 = SYSTEM
l 2 = ERROR
l 5 = DETAIL
Note: Setting the log level to 5 will increase performance overhead. You should only use log level
5 when you are trying to resolve an issue.
The log entries for API requests have the format:
l ClientID is the clientId used when connecting.
l ClientVersion identifies the client's request stream (for internal use).
l ServerVersion identifies the server's response stream (for internal use).
l ClientType is the type of API connection: DDE = 0, Socket = 1.
l Request: If greater than 0, indicates that the log entry is the result of an API client request. The number shown
is the request identifier as listed in the "Outgoing Request Identifiers" section below.
l Response: If greater than 0, indicates that the log entry is the result of a server response to the API. The number
shown is the response identifier as listed in the "Incoming Response Identifiers" section below.
l Version identifies the version of the request or response message. The version changes when the message format
l LogEntryLevel identifies the type of log entry (i.e. the log level as listed above)
Example Log Entry
[0:9:9:1:1:0:3:DET]Socket request - [3;52;IBM;STK;null;0.0;2;SMART;null;null]
From this example, we can tell that a socket client with clientId=0 connected and made a request for market data. The
version of the market data request, which was 3, implies what data should have been sent.
API Reference Guide 419
Chapter8 Reference
API Request/Server Response Message Identifiers
Outgoing Request Identifiers Incoming Response Identifiers
1 = Request Market Data 1 = Ticker Price
2 = Cancel Market Data 2 = Ticker Size
3 = Place Order 3 = Order Status
4 = Cancel Order 4 = Error Message
5 = Request Open Orders 5 = Open Order
6 = Request Account Data 6 = Account Value
7 = Request Execution Reports 7 = Portfolio Value
8 = Request Next Order Id 8 = Account Update Time
9 = Request Contract Details 9 = Next Valid Order Id
10 = Request Market Depth 10 = Contract Details
11 = Cancel Market Depth 11 = Execution Report Details
12 = Request News Bulletins 12 = NYSE Open Book Row Entry
13 = Cancel News Bulletins 13 = Level II Quotes Row Entry
14 = Set Server Log Level 14 = News Bulletin
Note: This information, along with the various request/response message versions, can be found in
the EClientSocket implementation file supplied with the API installation.
API Reference Guide 420
Chapter8 Reference
Requests for Quotes (RFQs)
RFQs from the IB Options Trading Desk allow you to get quotes for large orders from IB affiliate Timber Hill. Quotes
are available for US equity and index options, and major European and Asian index options and combinations. For a
complete list, please contact the IB Options Trading Desk.
RFQs from the IB Options Trading Desk are available only to users who have access to these specific areas. Please con-
tact the IB Options Trading Deskif you are interested in participating.
Submitting RFQs using the API
Submit an RFQ by submitting an order with an order type of QUOTE. In the response, tickPrice()/tickSize() are called
with the tickerId matching the orderId of the RFQ. Use orderId's with a relatively high number to avoid clashes. Addi-
tional space is required for non-RFQ tickerIds.
Market data for an RFQ is received until the user cancels the RFQ or the RFQ is canceled by the server. The server nor-
mally cancels an RFQ when it expires (approximately 1 minute) or if the RFQ request is invalid and/or for an unsup-
ported product.
Delta-Neutral RFQs
Submit Delta-Neutral RFQs by creating a combo order, even if a single contract must be hedged, and filling up and
attaching an UnderComp structure to a contract underComp field.
In the UnderComp structure, you must specify the conId of the hedge contract. The price and delta fields can be left
empty (0).
Upon accepting a Delta-Neutral DN RFQ, the server sends a deltaNeutralValidation() message with the UnderComp struc-
ture. If the delta and price fields are empty in the original request, the confirmation will contain the current values from
the server. These values are locked when the RFQ is processed and remain locked until the RFQ is canceled.
RFQ Samples
To learn more about submitting RFQs with the TWS API, look at the RFQ samples included in the 9.6 release of the API
software. The samples are located in the samples/rfqfolder in your API software installation folder. The
SampleRFQ.javasample implements a small-state machine and shows how to submit RFQ's for:
l EU Stocks
l US Futures
l US Stock Options
l EU Stock Options
l Calendar Spread for Index Option (Delta-Neutral)
l US Stock Option (Delta-Neutral)
l US Index Option (Delta-Neutral)
l EU Index Option (Delta-Neutral)
API Reference Guide 421
Chapter8 Reference
Support for Mini Options
The APIs support mini-options in requests to TWS and data returned by TWS. Click one of the following links for more
l Support for Mini Options - Active X, Java and C++APIs
l Support for Mini Options - DDEfor Excel API
Support for Mini Options - ActiveX, Java and C++ APIs
You can identify mini options in the Active X, Java and C++ APIs by providing the multiplier or trading class in both
requests to TWS and responses from TWS.
The following requests and callbacks that include the Contract structure as a parameter can now use the tradingClass and
multiplier attributes to identify mini options. Also, some of these requests can now use the conId attribute to identify a
security (these are indicated below).
l reqMktData
l reqHistoricalData - also conId
l reqRealTimeBars - also conId
l reqContractDetails
l reqMktDepth - also conId
l exerciseOptions - also conId
l placeOrder
l calculateImpliedVolatility
l calculateOptionPrice
l openOrder
l updatePortfolio
l execDetails
l position
Note the following:
l multiplier is encoded/decoded after contract.right and before in all requests and callbacks.
l conId is encoded after tickerId/reqId and before contract.symbol in all requests and callbacks.
l tradingClass is encoded/decoded after contract.localSymbol in all requests and callbacks.
API Reference Guide 422
Chapter8 Reference
The reqFundamentalData request, available for stocks only, can also handle the conid attribute in the Contract structure
but not tradingClass or multiplier.
Support for Mini Options - DDEfor Excel
You can identify mini options in the DDEfor Excel API by providing the multiplier or trading class in both requests to
TWS and responses from TWS. The DDEfor Excel API spreadsheet (TwsDde.xls) released with APIVersion 9.69 was
updated to include the Trading Class column on most pages. You use this field to request mini options data from TWS.
Mini-option support in the DDEfor Excel API requires the following:
l The updated Excel spreadsheet requires ddedll.dll Version 16 and TWS Version 9.69 or higher.
l Previous versions of the Excel spreadsheet will not work with ddedll.dll Version 16 and TWS Version 9.69 or
l However, TWS Version 9.69 or higher will work with previous versions of the Excel spreadsheet if you are using
a previous version of the ddedll.dll file.
DDESyntax Examples
DDEsyntax has been updated to support mini options data. The following examples show which requests for contract
data have been updated for mini options support. To check the DDEsyntax in the Excel spreadsheet, look at the Ctrl
cells on the spreadsheet page for each data request.
Requests That Send Contract Data to TWS
l Request market data:
topic=tik request=req (Request Market Data - Tickers page)
l Calculate implied volatility:
topic=calcimplvol request=get (Calculate Implied Volatility - Tickers page)
l Calculate options price:
topic=calcoptionprice request=get (Calculate Option Price - Tickers page)
l Request generic ticks:
topic=gentick request=get (Request Generic Ticks - Tickers page)
API Reference Guide 423
Chapter8 Reference
l Place order:
topic=ord request=place (Place / Modify Order - Basic Orders, Conditional Orders, Advanced Orders, Advisors
l Request historical data:
topic=hist request=req (Request Historical Data - Historical Data page)
l Request contract details:
topic=contract request=req (Re-request Contract Details - Contract Details page)
l Request market depth:
topic=mktDepth request=req (Request Market Depth - Market Depth page)
Requests That Receive Contract Data from TWS
l topic=opens request=req (open orders - Open Orders page)
Trading Class is expected after Multiplier and before Exchange
l topic=execs request=req (executions - Executions page)
Trading Class is expected after P/C (Right) and before Exchange
l topic=ports request=req (portfolio updates - Portfolio page)
Trading Class is expected after Right and before Currency
l topic=scan request=req (market scanner data)
Trading Class is expected after Right and before Exchange
For more information
l DDE Syntax for Excel
API Reference Guide 424
Chapter8 Reference
Requesting Real-Time Index Premium Data
You can request real-time Index Premium market data using the following APIs and API sample applications:
l ActiveX (including the ActiveX API sample application)
l C++ (including the C++ API sample application)
l Java (including the Java API sample application)
l ActiveX for Excel
To request real-time Index Premium data, you must do the following:
l Specify the Symbol, Security Type and Exchange.
l For example, INDU, IND and NYSE would get you Index Premium data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
l The exchange must match the index for which you want data.
l You must use the generic tick type 162 (for Index Future Premium).
API Reference Guide 425
Chapter8 Reference
Requesting News from an API Client
You can receive news top news for underlying contracts from TWS for news feeds to which you have subscribed (in
Account Management) using generic tick type 292. The following examples illustrate the different ways you can request
news from TWS.
Note that we use the Java API method/parameters in the examples below, but you can substitute the correct meth-
od/parameters for your API language of choice.
To request news for IBM
Request market data with the following parameters:
Note: mdoff indicates that top market data will not tick.
Request market data with the following parameters:
To request only Fly On The Wall (FLY) News for IBM
Request market data with the following parameters:
To request only Fly On The Wall and (BRF) news for IBM
Request market data with the following parameters:
API Reference Guide 426
Chapter8 Reference
To request top data and news for IBM
Request market data with the following parameters:
To request a list of news topics
Request contract data with the following parameters:
exchange=FLY or NEWS:FLY
To request Reuters European Union News
Request market data with the following parameters:
exchange=FLY or NEWS:FLY
Request market data with the following parameters:
API Reference Guide 427
Chapter8 Reference
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common API issues/questions and their solutions/answers.
I received the error "The DDEDLL.dll file required for Excel integration is either missing or out of date." -
(DDEfor Excel API)
This error appears when you try to launch Trader Workstation (TWS) on a 64-bit Windows computer using a 32-bit
Java executable. To solve this issue, launch TWS using the 64-bit Java executable.
To launch the standalone TWS using the 64-bit Java executable
1. On your Windows desktop, right-click the TWS shortcut and select Properties from the popup menu.
2. In the Properties dialog, click the Shortcut tab, then click at the very beginning of the Target field.
3. Typically the text in the Target field displays a long path beginning with "C:\Windows\system32\javaw.exe ...".
Change the part of the path that says system32 to sysWOW64. The sysWOW64 folder contains the 64-bit Java
executable (javaw.exe). Click OK when you're done.
4. If the Target path already contains "sysWOW64,". change to system32, then click Apply. Then change system32
back to sysWOW64 and click Apply, then OK.
5. Launch TWS.
The browser-based TWS can be launched using 64-bit Java executable with a 64-bit browser like Internet Explorer (Fire-
fox and Google Chrome do not have 64-bit version when this version of the APIReference Guide was published). In
some cases, when both Java executables are installed (32-bit and 64-bit), the 64-bit browser may still use the 32-bit
Java. In this case it is necessary to uninstall the Java 32-bit executable and possibly even re-install the Java 64-bit
Can I get historical data without a market data subscription?
No. However, some market data subscriptions are free and enabled by default and you can retrieve historical data for the
market data represented by these free subscriptions.
Can I retrieve API orders created in TWS?
Can I modify orders in the API that were created in TWS?
Yes in the Active X, Java and C++ APIs (not in the DDE for Excel API). To modify the orders, you must use the orde-
rID, not the permID. The orderID will be negative if the order is created in TWS.
Why do I get I get all zeroes in a market data cell when using the DDE for Excel API?
This happens when the Excel DDE sheet has not been connected properly to TWS. To solve, restart both Excel and
Are conditional orders possible in the API?
Conditional orders sent from API, in the sense that they are held and monitored on the servers of Interactive Brokers, are
not available. Traders can monitor the condition on their machines and send the orders for execution when the con-
dition is satisfied.
TWS does offer conditional orders that are held and monitored on IB's servers, albeit the range of conditions is limited
to a few variables like price and volume.
API Reference Guide 428
Chapter8 Reference
How many API clients can connect to Trader Workstation/IB Gateway simultaneously?
A single instance of Trader Workstation (or IB Gateway) can support a maximum of 8 API clients at the same time.
When receiving market data, does tickPrice() always come before tickSize()?
When receiving market data, why do I receive two consecutive LAST_PRICEtick values?
TWSsends two LAST_PRICE tick values because one has the timestamp, which gives you the time of the last trade.
Is there any method in the Java API that gives me the close time for a particular financial product?
No, but we do send the opening and closing time of a particular exchange in the m_tradingHours (total trading hours)
and m_liquidHours (regular trading hours) attributes of the contractDetails() callback. These attributes send the current
trading day times and the following trading day times in this format:
Is there away to get the minimum order size for Hong Kong stocks through the API?
No, but you can use the Contract Search on our website; search results include details such as minimum order size.
Simply click Contract Search under the Help and Contacts menu located in the upper right corner of our website.
What is the best way to get real-time up-to-date quote information once for a series of tickers (up to 100)?
Subscribe to real-time market data with snapshot set to false so you get the latest up-to-date information. If snapshots are
old, it may be due to the market being closed; in that case, only the latest available information is sent to the API.
Is volatility data available for options?
Yes. You can also calculate volatility using the calculateImpliedVolatility() method.
Can I receive news and events for currencies and futures in the Java API?
Not at this time. If this is a feature that you would like to see added to the API, use the New Feature Poll on our web-
site to request it.
Is there any method in the Java API that receives economic events as provided by the economic events calendar in
No, because we have not integrated the APIwith IBIS. If this is a feature that you would like to see added to the API,
use the New Feature Poll on our website to request it.
In the Java API beta version 9.69, why is the OPT value missing from com.ib.controller.Instrument?
There are no scans for Options in the API.
I'm using two separate machines to request FTSE futures tick data by callingreqMktData() and the two machines
receive similar but not identical data. Why is this happening?
We provide snapshots of the data based on what we receive from the exchange, and these snapshots can be generated at
a different pace for different users. This is why you are not getting the exact same data from both machines.
What is "frozen" market data?/When do I call reqMarketDataType()?
Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our system at the moment trading stops for the day. During normal trad-
ing hours, the API receives real-time market data. The type parameter for reqMarketDataType() may be set to 1 for real-
time market data or 2 for frozen market data. When you use reqMarketDataType(), you are telling TWS to auto-
matically switch to frozen market data after the close. Then, before the opening of the next trading day, market data will
automatically switch back to real-time market data.
Why do I receive an error 200 - No security definition has been found for the request when I call reqContractDetails,
reqMktData, or addOrder() for a stock contract?
API Reference Guide 429
Chapter8 Reference
When using these methods for a stock contract, leave Global Symbol and Trading Class blank.
Is there a way to connect to your server directly, without connecting to TWSlocally, in an authorized and secure
No. Any client application has to go through TWS or IB Gateway in order to reach our servers.
Is historical data available for options?
Yes, but you cannot request one-day bars in this case.
What is the easiest way to program a simple moving average in real time on a chart using the API?
While the APIdoes not directly support chart indicators, you can construct your own indicators based raw data received
through the API. Try appending real-time bars to historical data requests.
How do I convert chart data to ASCII using the API?
Use historical data available via the API. If you're only looking for time and sales, you can export this from TWS.
When sending an order outside regular trading hours for the S&P Mini, I receive the following error message:
Order Event Warning:Attribute 'Outside Regular Trading Hours' is ignored based on the order type and destination.
PlaceOrder is now being processed.. even though I set the property m_outsideRth to True in the order object when
calling placeOrder() to ensure the order gets executed outside regular trading hours.
It is not necessary to set this for limit orders on Globex. The outsideRTH flag only applies to stop orders on Globex.
Why isn't it possible to send more than 20 orders or order-modifications per executed order with the API?
This is an Interactive Brokers policy. However, it is possible to adjust the order modification ratio. For more infor-
mation, see
How do you submit a TRAIL order with percentage instead of amount?
Use the trailingPercent attribute to specify the trailing amount as a percentage.
API Reference Guide 430
.NET sample program 111
.NET sample program, for ActiveX 111
about the APIs 24
account details in ActiveX for Excel 329
account information in Excel 70
account information, viewing in ActiveX for
Excel 330
Account page
in ActiveX for Excel 329
using in Excel 70
Account page in Excel 69
account values 71
Account page toolbar 71
Account page, using in ActiveX for Excel 330
account values in Excel 71
accountDownloadEnd() 139, 199, 257
accountSummary() 145, 203, 261
accountSummaryEnd() 147, 205, 263
Active X 107
Active X events 140
linking to TWS 108
placing a combination order 170
registering third-party controls 109
API Reference Guide 431
ActiveX API
on 64-bit systems 110
ActiveX COM objects 151-153, 155-157, 166, 168
ActiveX events 129-132, 134-136, 138-140, 142-144,
ActiveX factory methods 126-127
ActiveX for Excel 335
Account page 329
Advanced Orders page 320
Advisors page 350
allocating shares to a single account 351
Basic Orders page 312
Bond Contract Details page 343
bracket orders in 321
Bulletins page 307
connecting to TWS 305
Contract Details page 341
disconnecting from TWS 306
download API components 302
Executions page 333
Extended Order Attributes page 326
FA orders using account group and method 352
FA orders using allocation profile 352
Fundamentals page 349
General page 305
API Reference Guide 432
Advanced Orders page toolbar 65
advisors 291
financial reporting for 295
change or update allocation information 299
Java code samples for 298
place order for a single managed account 298
place order for an account group 299
place order for an allocation profile 298
Advisors page 94-95
in ActiveX for Excel 350
Advisors page in Excel 93
Advisors page toolbar 96
advisors, Excel DDE support for 94-95, 293
CSFB 394
allocating shares to a single account in Excel 94
allocation methods for account groups 296
allocation profiles in Excel 95
about 24
recommendations 29
API components, downloading 302
API logging 419
API message codes 358
API overview 23
API request/server response message identifiers 420
getting started 302
Historical Data page 336
Log page 353
Market Depth page 310
Market Scanner page 346
Open Orders page 328
opening sample spreadsheet 303
placing orders in 313
Real Time Bars page 345
relative orders in 325
requesting current time 306
scale orders in 324
setting server log level in 306
Tickers page 308
trailing stop limit orders in 323
ActiveX for Excel historical data
expired contracts 337
ActiveX for Excel on 64-bit Windows 302
ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet
using 304
ActiveX methods 112-114, 117, 119, 124-126
ActiveX properties 169
ActiveX sample program 111
Advanced Orders
in ActiveX for Excel 320
Advanced Orders page
in Excel 60
API Reference Guide 433
API settings in TWS 33, 40
API software
downloading 39
uninstalling 35
API software installation 25
API, for financial advisor accounts 291
apply extended order attibutes 52
Apply Extended Template button 327
Arrival Price Java code sample 389
available market scanners 412
available market scanners in Excel 84
AvailableEquity Method 296
bar size settings for historical data 371
Basic Orders page
combination orders 314
in ActiveX for Excel 312
in Excel 46
modifying orders 313
placing orders in ActiveX for Excel 313
toolbar buttons 316
Basic Orders page toolbar in Excel 50
basket orders in Excel 48
basket orders, in ActiveX for Excel 313
bond contract details 90
Bond Contract Details page
in ActiveX for Excel 343
Bond Contract Details page in Excel 90
Bond Contract Details page toolbar 91
bond contract details, requesting in ActiveX for
Excel 343
bondContractDetails() 140, 200, 258
bracket orders
in ActiveX for Excel 321
in Excel 61
Bulletins page
in ActiveX for Excel 307
toolbar buttons 307
C++ 173, 189
Class EClientSocket methods 174
Class EWrapper functions 190
combinations orders 225
C++ SocketClient properties 208
calcOptionPriceAndGreeks 115
calculateImpliedVolatility 114, 177, 235
calculateOptionPrice 177, 235
calendar spread in Excel 49
calendar spread order in Excel 314
calendar spread order, in C++ 225
cancelAccountSummary() 122, 185, 243
cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility 114, 177, 235
cancelCalculateOptionPrice 115, 178, 235
cancelFundamentalData 128, 189
API Reference Guide 434
common issues and solutions 428
conditional Orders page 57
Conditional Orders page 316
in Excel 57
conditional orders in Excel, examples of 59, 318
Conditional Orders page
toolbar buttons 319
Conditional Orders page toolbar 60
Conditional Orders page, modifying orders 60, 319
conditional orders, in Excel 57, 317
configure TWS 26, 40
connect() 113
connecting to TWS
using ActiveX for Excel 305
connectionClosed() 130, 191, 249
Contract 210, 268
contract details 89
Contract Details page
in ActiveX for Excel 341
Contract Details page in Excel 88
Contract Details page toolbar 89
contract details, requesting in ActiveX for Excel 341
contract parameters
samples in Java 288
ContractDetails 211, 269
contractDetails() 140, 200, 257
contractDetailsEx() 140
cancelFundamentalData() 247
cancelHistoricalData() 124, 187, 246
canceling all open orders 117, 180, 238
cancelMktData() 114, 177, 234
cancelMktDepth() 118, 182, 239
cancelNewsBulletins() 119, 182, 240
cancelOrder() 116, 179, 236
cancelPositions() 122, 185, 243
cancelRealTimeBars() 126, 188, 247
cancelScannerSubscription() 125, 187, 244
checkMessages() 176
Class EClientSocket methods 174-183, 185, 187-
Class EWrapper functions 190-195, 197-202, 205-
code for DDE for Excel API 97
code modules in Excel 98
combination order, in ActiveX 170
combination order, in ActiveX for Excel 314
combination orders in Excel 48
combination orders, in C++ 225
combination orders, in Java 285
ComboLeg 213, 271
Commission Reports page 335
toolbar buttons 336
commissionReport 201
CommissionReport 224, 268
commissionReport() 142, 258
API Reference Guide 435
createComboLegList() 126
createContract() 126
createExecutionFilter() 126
createOrder() 126
createScannerSubscription() 127
createTagValueList 127
createUnderComp() 127
creating a ticker in ActiveX for Excel 309
creating a ticker in Excel spreadsheet 43
CSFB algo parameters 394
CSharp API client 36
current time
requesting in ActiveX for Excel 306
currentTime() 130, 191, 248
DDE defined 37
DDE for Excel 37
downloading 39
getting started with 38
macros 98
modules 98
named ranges in 99
open the spreadsheet 41
syntax 100
viewing the code 97
DDE for Excel for Advisors 93
DDE for Excel reference 97
DDE for Excel spreadsheet pages 42
DDE links
removing 45
DDE syntax 100
delta-neutral RFQs 421
determine a futures contract in Java 289
determine a stock in Java 289
determine an option contract in Java 288
disconnect() 113
disconnecting from TWS
using ActiveX for Excel 306
downloading API components 302
downloading API software 39
Dynamic Data Exchange 37
Eclient Socket methods 237
EClient Socket methods 232-234, 236-240, 243-244,
EClientSocket functions 174
EClientSocket() 175, 233
running Java test client in 230
eConnect() 175, 233
eDisconnect() 175, 233
Enable DDEclients setting in TWS 40
EqualQuantity Method 296
errMsg() 130
API Reference Guide 436
Excel sample spreadsheet 42
opening 41
Excel spreadsheet
Advanced Orders page 60
Basic Orders page 46
Conditional Orders page 57
Executions page 67
Extended Order Attributes page 50
Open Orders page 65
placing orders 47
removing all links 45
setting log detail level 45
setting processing rate 44
setting refresh rate 44
Tickers page 43
execDetails() 200, 258
execDetailsEnd() 142, 200, 258
execDetailsEx() 142
Execution 208, 266
Execution page toolbar 68
execution reporting, for financial advisors 295
execution reporting, in ActiveX for Excel 333
execution reports
running in Excel 69
ExecutionFilter 209, 267
viewing in Excel 68
error messages
viewing in ActiveX for Excel 353
error() 191, 249
EWrapper methods 248
Advisors page 93
Bond Contract Details 90
Contract Details page 88
Historical Data page 76
Market Depth page 91
Market Scanner page 81
market scanner parameters 83
starting market scanner 82
viewing your portfolio in 76
Excel Advanced Order page 65
Excel API 37
getting market data 44
supported order types 50
Excel DDE 301
pages 304
supported order types 315
Excel DDE sample spreadsheet, installing 302
Excel DDE, extended order attributes 326
Excel DDE, Extended Order attributes page 326
Excel DDE, financial advisor support 293
Excel DDE, supported order types 315
Excel modules 98
API Reference Guide 437
Executions page
in ActiveX for Excel 333
Executions page in Excel 67
Executions Reporting page in Excel 68
executions, viewing in ActiveX for Excel 334
exerciseOptions() 180, 237
exerciseOptionsEx() 117
exercising options
in ActiveX for Excel 333
expired contracts
historical data in Excel 77
extended order attributes 407
applying to individual or groups of orders 327
applying to orders 52
extended order attributes in Excel 52
Extended Order Attributes page
in ActiveX for Excel 326
in Excel 50
extended order attributes, manually programming
in ActiveX for Excel 51, 327
FA account groups in Excel 95
FA information
in ActiveX for Excel 331
FA managed account codes in Excel 70
FA managed accounts, in ActiveX for Excel 330
Portfolio page 332
FA orders 95
allocating shares to a single account 351
allocation profiles 352
using account group and method 352
FA orders in ActiveX for Excel 350
FA page in Excel 93
filtering executions in Excel 68
financial advisors 291
allocation methods for account groups 296
execution reporting for 295
orders and account configuration 292
financial advisors, Excel DDE support for 293
financial advisors, support by other API
technologies 294
fundamental data
in ActiveX for Excel 349
report types 350
fundamental data() 265
fundamental ratios
in ActiveX for Excel 349
fundamentalData() 150, 207
Fundamentals page
in ActiveX for Excel 349
General page
toolbar buttons 306
API Reference Guide 438
ICommissionReport 153
IContract 153
IContractDetails 155
IExecution 151
IExecutionFilter 152
if-filled order, in Excel 59, 318
Index Premium data 425
installation 25
installing Excel DDE sample spreadsheet 302
instrument codes for market scanners 415
IOrder 157
IOrderComboLeg 166
IOrderState 166
IScannerSubscription 166
isConnected() 175, 233
ITagValue 168
ITagValueList 167
IUnderComp 168
Java 227
combination orders 285
Java code samples 288-289
for FAs 298-299
Java EClient Socket methods 232
Java EWrapper methods 248-253, 255-261, 263-265
Java SocketClient properties 266-269, 271-272, 282-
generic tick types 376
getting started
DDE for Excel 38
with ActiveX for Excel
sample spreadsheet 302
historical data
duration and bar size settings 371
minimum bar size settings 371
viewing in ActiveX for Excel 336
historical data in Excel 77
query specification fields 79
historical data limitations 370
Historical Data page
in ActiveX for Excel 336
query specification fields 338
Historical Data page in Excel 76
Historical Data page toolbar 78
historicalData() 148, 205, 263
IB Gateway
running the API through 27
IBAlgo parameters 388
IBAlgos 386, 388
IBDividends tick type example 384
IComboLeg 156
IComboLegList 157
API Reference Guide 439
Java Test Client
running 228
Java Test Client and Eclipse 230
of historical data requests 370
linking to TWS, using ActiveX 108
location codes for market scanners 415
log detail in Excel 45
Log page
in ActiveX for Excel 353
logging 419
macros in Excel 98
managedAccounts() 144, 202, 260
market data in Excel 44
market depth
requesting in ActiveX for Excel 311
Market Depth page
in ActiveX for Excel 310
toolbar buttons in ActiveX for Excel 311
using ActiveX for Excel 311
using in Excel 92
Market Depth page in Excel 91
Market Depth page toolbar 93
Market Scanner page
in ActiveX for Excel 346
Market Scanner page in Excel 81
Market Scanner page toolbar 84
market scanner parameters
in ActiveX for Excel 348
market scanner parameters in Excel 83
market scanner subscription
starting in Excel 82
market scanner subscription, starting in ActiveX for
Excel 347
market scanners 412
available in Excel 84
instruments and locations codes for 415
marketDataType() 133, 195, 253
message codes 358
mini options - DDE for Excel 423
mini options - socket clients 422
modifying orders in ActiveX for Excel 313
modifying orders in the DDE for Excel API 48
modifying orders, on Conditional Orders page 60, 319
Name Manager in Excel 99
named ranges in Excel 99
NetLiq Method 296
news 426
nextValidId() 135, 197, 255
open orders
removing in Excel 66
API Reference Guide 440
orders in Java
for a single managed account 298
for an account group 299
for an allocation profile 298
orders, modifying in ActiveX for Excel 313
OrderState 222, 282
orderStatus() 134, 195, 253
overview 23
pages 304
pages in Excel spreadsheet 42
partial fills and order status 411
PctChange Method 296
permId() 136
placeOrder() 178, 236
placeOrderEx() 115
placing orders
basket 313
combination order in ActiveX for Excel 314
conditional orders in Excel 317
placing orders in ActiveX for Excel 313
placing orders in Excel 47
portfolio data in FA managed accounts, in ActiveX for
Excel 332
Portfolio page
in FA managed accounts, in ActiveX for Excel 332
Portfolio page in Excel 75
viewing in Excel 66
Open Orders page
ActiveX for Excel 328
in Excel 65
Open Orders page toolbar 67
open orders, viewing in ActiveX for Excel 328
opening the ActiveX sample program 111
openOrder() 197, 255
openOrderEx() 135
exercising in ActiveX for Excel 333
Order 214, 272
order IDs 32
order in Excel
modifying 48
order status event 411
order status for partial fills 411
order types 386
order types in Excel DDE 315
order types, in Excel 315
OrderComboLeg 272
orders 30
in Excel 61-65
placing in ActiveX for Excel 313
orders and account configuration, for financial
advisors 292
orders in Excel API 47
API Reference Guide 441
Portfolio page toolbar 76
portfolio, viewing in FA managed accounts, in
ActiveX for Excel 332
position() 147, 205, 263
positionEnd() 148, 205, 263
running client on Windows machine 356
premium data 425
price-change order, in Excel 59, 319
processing rate in Excel 44
query specification fields for historical data in
Excel 79
query specification fields, on Historical Data page
in ActiveX for Excel 338
real time bars
in ActiveX for Excel 345
realtimeBar() 149, 207, 265
receiveFA() 144, 202, 261
recommendations for using API 29
reference 357
refresh rate in Excel 44
refresh rate, for market depth in Excel 311
refresh rate, on ActiveX for Excel Tickers
page 310
registering third-party ActiveX controls 109
relative orders
in Excel 65
relative orders, in ActiveX for Excel 325
removing DDE links 45
replaceFA() 183, 240
reqAccountSummary 120, 183, 241
reqAccountUpdates() 119, 180, 238
reqAllOpenOrders 237
reqAllOpenOrders() 116, 179
reqAutoOpenOrders() 116, 179, 237
reqContractDetails() 181, 239
reqContractDetailsEx() 118
reqCurrentTime() 113, 175, 234
reqExecutions() 181, 238
reqExecutionsEx() 118
reqFundamentalData 127, 189
reqFundamentalData() 247
reqGlobalCancel();ActiveX methods 117
reqGlobalCancel();C++ EClient Socket functions 180
reqGlobalCancel();Java EClient Socket methods 238
reqHistoricalData() 185, 244
reqHistoricalDataEx() 122
reqIds() 117, 179
reqIDs() 237
reqManagedAccts() 119, 182, 240
reqMarketDataType() 115, 178, 236
reqMktData() 176, 234
reqMktDataEx() 114
reqMktDepth() 181, 239
API Reference Guide 442
sample program
ActiveX 111
Java 228
sample spreadsheet
Conditional Orders page 316
opening 303
pages in 304
sample spreadsheet, installing 302
scale orders
in ActiveX for Excel 324
in Excel 64
scannerData() 206, 264
scannerDataEnd() 149, 206, 264
scannerDataEx() 148
scannerParameters() 148, 206, 264
ScannerSubscription 223, 283
server log level
setting in ActiveX for Excel 306
serverVersion() 176, 234
setLogLevel() 176
setServerLogLevel() 113, 233
SHORTABLE tick 377
smart combo routing 418
smartCombotRoutingParams 418
Socket Client Properties, in Java 268
SocketClient Properties 208-211, 213-214, 222-224
reqMktDepthEx() 118
reqNewsBulletins() 119, 182, 239
reqOpenOrders() 116, 179, 236
reqPositions() 122, 185, 243
reqRealTimeBars() 188, 246
reqRealTimeBarsEx() 125
reqScannerParameters() 124, 187, 243
reqScannerSubscription() 187, 243
reqScannerSubscriptionEx() 125
Request for Quote 421
request market depth in Excel 92
requestFA() 119, 182, 240
requesting bond contract details in ActiveX for
Excel 343
requesting bond contract details in Excel 90
requesting contract details in ActiveX for
Excel 341
requesting contract details in Excel 89
requesting market data, in ActiveX for Excel 309
requesting market depth
in ActiveX for Excel 311
requesting news 426
Reuters global fundamentals
in ActiveX for Excel 349
RFQs 421
RTVolume 384
running execution reports in Excel 69
running the API through IB Gateway 27
API Reference Guide 443
SocketClient properties, in Java API 266
downloading 39
spreadsheet pages 42
starting market scanner in ActiveX for Excel 347
supported order types 386
supported order types in Excel 50
supported time zones 417
tables 357
TestJavaClient 228
third-party controls, for ActiveX 109
tick types 373
tickEFP() 132, 194, 252
creating in Excel 43
ticker, creating in ActiveX for Excel 309
Tickers page
in ActiveX for Excel 308
in Excel 43
requesting market data in ActiveX for
Excel 309
setting the refresh rate in ActiveX for
Excel 310
toolbar buttons in ActiveX for Excel 310
using 43
Tickers page toolbar 45
Tickers page, using ActiveX for Excel 309
tickGeneric() 132, 193, 251
tickOptionComputation() 131, 192, 251
tickPrice() 130, 249
tickPrice()Class EWrapper Functions 191
tickSize() 131, 192, 250
tickSnapshotEnd() 133, 194, 253
tickString() 132, 193, 252
time zones 417
Historical Data page 78
toolbar buttons
Advanced Order page 65
on ActiveX for Excel Advanced Orders page 325
on ActiveX for Excel Advisors page 353
on ActiveX for Excel Basic Orders page 316
on ActiveX for Excel Bond Contract Details
page 344
on ActiveX for Excel Contract Details page 342
on ActiveX for Excel Executions page 335
on ActiveX for Excel Fundamentals page 350
on ActiveX for Excel Historical Data page 340
on ActiveX for Excel Market Depth page 311
on ActiveX for Excel Market Scanner page 348
on ActiveX for Excel Open Orders page 329
on ActiveX for Excel Portfolio page 333
on ActiveX for Excel Real Time Bars page 346
API Reference Guide 444
TWS, configuring for API 26
TWS, linking using ActiveX 108
TwsConnectionTime() 176, 234
udpateMktDepthL2() 259
UnderComp 224, 284
uninstalling the API software 35
updateAccountTime() 139, 199, 257
updateAccountValue() 136, 197, 255
updateMktDepth() 142, 201, 259
updateMktDepthL2() 143, 202
updateNewsBulletin() 139, 199, 260
updatePortfolio() 198, 256
updatePortfolioEx() 138
using Account page in ActiveX for Excel 330
using Account page in Excel 70
using the ActiveX for Excel sample spreadsheet 304
using the ActiveX for Excel Tickers page 309
using the Market Depth page in ActiveX for
Excel 311
using the Tickers page 43
util module in Excel 98
viewing code in Excel 97
viewing executions in Excel 68
viewing executions, in ActiveX for Excel 334
viewing historical data in ActiveX for Excel 336
viewing historical data in Excel 77
on Conditional Orders page 319
on FA managed accounts, in ActiveX for Excel
Account page 331
toolbar buttons, on ActiveX for Excel Bulletins
page 307
toolbar buttons, on ActiveX for Excel General
page 306
toolbar buttons, on ActiveX for Excel Tickers
page 310
Advisors page 96
Basic Orders page 50
Bond Contract Details 91
Conditional Orders page 60
Contract Details 89
Execution page 68
Market Depth page 93
Market Scanner page 84
Open Orders page 67
Portfolio page 76
Tickers page 45
trailing stop limit orders
Excel 63
trailing stop limit orders, in ActiveX for
Excel 323
troubleshooting 428
TWS API settings 33
TWS log file 419
TWS precautionary settings 30
API Reference Guide 445
viewing open orders in ActiveX for Excel 328
viewing portfolio data in FA managed accounts,
in ActiveX for Excel 332
viewing your portfolio in Excel 76
Visual Basic editor 97
VOL orders
in ActiveX for Excel 322
volatility orders
in Excel 62
winError() 191

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