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Skin Protection

What can be done to prevent the skin maceration that sometimes occurs when vacuum therapy is used?
Skin maceration occurs occasionally, especially in the case of heavily exuding wounds.
When vacuum therapy causes maceration of periwound skin, cut an adherent polyurethane dressing to the exact
wound dimensions and apply it in such a way that it extends about 4 cm beyond the wound edges. Then simply
place an adhesive polyurethane drape over the polyurethane foam dressing (Figs. Dl.1-5).

Fig, Dl . l Wound conditions prior to dress- Fig. D1.2 Cut an adherent polyurethane dress- Fig. D1.3 Place the polyurethane foam over
ing application. ing to the appropriate size and place it over the the wound.
wound edges and the periwound area.

Fig. D1.4 Cover the wound with an adhesive Fig. D1.5 Apply the tmc-pad connector.
transparent polyurethane drape.

What can be done to enhance the seal in the presence of irregular surfaces and at the same time provide maximum
skin comfort?
When a transparent drape is applied to an uneven surface (scars, skin folds, etc.), obtaining an airtight seal may be
impossible. Even hydrogel strips may not help in the case of particularly difficult areas.
Stoma paste can be used to level uneven surfaces and obtain an airtight seal. Remove the plunger of a disposable
syringe and squeeze stoma paste into the syringe barrel. Spread paste around the soft-tissue defect or on the uneven
surface. Cover the wound with the dressing and the adhesive drape and apply negative pressure as per normal (Figs.
D2.1-5). Stoma paste is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the
paste or any ingredient of the paste. It is important to note, however, that the paste becomes increasingly dry and
hard with time. According to the literature, there are even cases where high pressure levels caused pressure damage
in the area under the paste.
Fig. D2.1 Squeeze stoma paste into the bar- fig. D2.2 Spread paste around the soft-tissue Fig. D2.3 Cover the wound with polyvinyl
rel of a disposable syringe. defect. alcohol foam.
Fig. D2.4 Place a polyurethane drape over the Fig. D2.5 Apply negative pressure as usual,

What can be done to obtain a secure seal in the presence of macerated wound
edges and at the same time ensure optimal skin protection?
Protect the wound edges with non-adherent polyurethane foam exactly trim-
med to fit the defect (Fig. D3.1). Fix the foam in place with an adhesive trans-
parent drape. Cut an appropriate opening in the drape. Since these dressings
are permeable to air, they must be completely covered with an adhesive drape.
Another option is to use a liquid skin protectant such as 3M Cavilon,
which can be applied through an applicator or as a spray. Once the skin pro-
tectant has started to dry, the wound can be covered with a transparent drape
in the usual way.

Fig. D3.1 Use a non-adherent poly-
urethane foam to protect the wound
edges, and fix it in place with an ad-
hesive transparent drape.

How can two adjacent wounds be treated with a single suction source?
When two wounds are close to one another and separated by intact skin, they can be treated with a single vacuum
therapy unit together with two trac-pad connectors and one Y-connector. It is, however, also possible to use a tech-
nique known as bridging.
Fill both wounds with foam and connect the two foam pieces with an additional strip of foam (bridging; see Figs.
D4.1-4). Seal the whole area in situ with a drape and apply the trac-pad connector.
Intact skin between the wounds should be protected. For this purpose, seal both wounds with adhesive drape, which
normally also covers the tissue between the wounds. Cut two bigger holes through the drape and create a bridge
with an additional strip of foam. In most cases, excess pieces of foam can be used for this purpose. Seal the bridge
and apply the trac-pad connector. When this technique or the approaches described below are used, the bridge should
be large enough to accommodate the entire 4-cm diameter trac-pad connector on the foam and thus prevent press-
ure sores (tissue necrosis). In the present case, a hydrocolloid dressing was used to protect the skin. Adhesive trans-
parent drape, however, can be used as well (see also Tips 1 and 2).
This technique is also useful for wounds in anatomically difficult locations (the genital area, the heel, etc.) since it
allows the trac-pad connector to be placed at a more convenient site (see Tip 24).
Fig, D4.1 Place polyurethane
(PU) foam on both wounds to
the left forearm. Protect the area
between the two wounds (here
it is covered with a hydrocol-
loid dressing).
Fig. 04.3 Make two holes in
the adhesive drape over the
wounds and create a PU bridge
between the wounds. Use ex-
cess pieces of foam that are
large enough to ensure full con-
tact between the trac-pad con-
nector and the foam in order to
prevent pressure damage due to
the firm connector's edge.
Fig. D4.2 Seal the entire area.
Fig. D4.4 Only one source of
suction is required to obtain an
airtight seal and an effective vac-

How can two adjacent wounds be treated with a single suction source? (this supplements the previous tip and
focuses on larger distances between the wounds to be connected.)
By using several pieces of foam that are connected with each other, we can evenly distribute negative pressure over
large distances (see also Chapter 7 in Part A). There is almost no loss of suction when black foam is used. A con-
siderable decrease in suction force, however, can be observed at a distance of only a few centimeters from the trac-
pad connector when white foam is used at a negative pressure level of more than 125 mmHg. Several wounds can
be connected with one or more foam bridges in order to be treated simultaneously. As already described above, it
is important to protect intact skin between the wounds.
If the bridging technique is not suited to treating several wounds in different locations simultaneously (wounds to
both extremities in a wheelchair patient, large distances between wounds, etc.), Y-connectors can be used to treat
multiple wounds on the same patient with a single source of suction.

Clinical options when the wound is smaller than the tmc-pad connector.
If the wound is smaller than the trac-pad connector, the periwound skin should first be protected with extra drape,
and second, be protected from contacting the center of the trac-pad connector by applying another larger piece of
polyurethane foam.

Fig. D6.1 The wound is smaller than the trac- Fig. D6.2 Condition the peri-wound skin with Fig. D6.3 Apply excess semi-occlusive drape
pad connector. skin prep. to protect the periwound skin from macera-

Fig. D6.4 Cut the polyurethane foam to Fig. D6.5 Place a second larger piece of poly- Fig. D6.6 Cover the foams in total with ad-
approximate the shape of the ulcer, urethane foam adjacent to and touching the hesive drape.
original piece of foam.

Fig. D6.7 Cut a 1.5-cm diameter opening in Fig. D6.8 Engage suction at the desired press- Fig. D6.9 Place the trac-pad connector tubing
the adhesive drape centered over the foam. Place ure setting. under the patient's pants, extending from the
the trac-pad connector over the drape opening ankle to the waist, and connect it to the mo-
such that the suctioning center of the trac-pad bile VAC'"*"" vacuum therapy unit.
connector does not touch the skin.

How can a secure seal be obtained and maintained in anatomically difficult areas?
It is often challenging to apply a vacuum therapy dressing to an anatomically difficult site (the genital region, the
forefoot, etc.). This often requires special measures to prevent leaks and securely seal the dressing.
In many cases, a secure primary seal can be obtained and maintained in difficult anatomical areas when self-adhe-
sive polyurethane foam dressings and gel strips with adhesive coating on both sides are placed onto the site prior to
the application of the vacuum therapy dressing. Thin strips of adhesive transparent drape, cut for this purpose, can
also be used and gradually adapted to uneven surfaces where required. A vacuum dressing can thus be gradually
secured with overlapping (tiled) pieces of adhesive PU drape.

How can leaks be prevented around the tmc-pad connector:
Before a trac-pad connector is handed to a physician by a scrub nurse and placed on a sealed wound, the backing pa-
per must be removed from the adhesive surface of the trac-pad connector. Since the adhesive layer is thin, addi-
tional stabilisation is required to prevent it from curling and sticking to itself. For this reason, the manufacturer has
fitted the trac-pad connector with an additional stabilising layer that makes the trac-pad connector. Full contact be-
tween the circular, even trac-pad connector and the wound is thus difficult to achieve on convex surfaces and leaks
may result.
Apply only a few millimetres of the trac-pad connector to the surface to be treated. Gradually remove the stabilising
layer as you gently press the trac-pad connector in place. This procedure is not required for even surfaces, but it does
help prevent leaks on curved surfaces with a small radius.
Maintaining Airtightness

How can transcutaneous drainage tubes be embedded into the adhesive drape without causing leaks?
Although a wide variety of sophisticated products are available, it may be necessary to place an additional drainage
tube deep into the wound. This may be the case, for example, if a drainage tube is used instead of a trac-pad con-
nector for instillation therapy and therefore must be inserted deep into the wound. A drainage tube can be placed
either through the foam into the wound, between the foam and the wound edges, or transcutaneously at a site
close to the wound. In any case, the drainage tube must be embedded into the adhesive drape in order to ensure
that a secure seal is obtained (for further details on vacuum instillation therapy, see Chapter 5 in Part A).
A good seal can be obtained using the sandwich technique, which involves placing the drainage tube between two
layers of adhesive drape. Proceed as shown below (Figs. D9.1-4).

Fig. D9.1 Place the drainage tube in the peri- Fig, D9.2 Cover the skin with a strip of ad- Fig. D9.3 Cover the drainage tube with a
wound area. hesive transparent drape. Fold the drape back second layer of adhesive drape. The drainage
to create a "drainage mesentery". Press the drain- tube is now "sandwiched" between two layers
age tube onto the adhesive drape. of adhesive drape.

Fig. D9.4 Gently press the second layer of ad-
hesive drape around the drainage tube and the
skin in order to secure the tube and allow the
two drape layers to stick to each other. This is
known as the "sandwich technique" since
there are two layers of adhesive drape (like two
slices of bread) with a drainage tube (like a lay-
er of food) between them.

How can leaks be detected?
A complete seal cannot always be achieved. The vacuum therapy unit automatically stops in the presence of a
large leak. In this case, vacuum therapy cannot be continued.
When small leaks are present, the therapy unit compensates for the loss of suction and increases the pressure. Once
the target pressure is reached, however, the suction force tends to decrease again, with the consequence that the
therapy unit again begins to operate at a slightly higher pressure. The pump is thus activated continually, and the
noise can be a nuisance to the patient. In both cases, an attempt should be made to detect the leak. It is, however,
not always possible to identify leaks by listening for a whistling noise, which is typically heard in the presence of
a leak.
Separate the trac-pad connector tube from the drainage-tube. Attach a syringe to the trac-pad connector tube and in-
ject 20-40 ml of povidone iodine or another coloured solution in retrograde direction through the tube into the
wound. Once the foam and the wound are saturated with the solution, a small amount of the coloured liquid will
escape through the leak, which can thus be easily detected (Fig. D10.1).
Fig. D10.1 Inject a coloured indicator solution (e.g. povi-
done iodine) through the trac-pad connector tube. A small
amount of the liquid escapes through the leak. The picture
shows how liquid escapes at the lower right portion of the
foam after the injection of approximately 35 ml of an indi-
cator solution.

How can pain be reduced during dressing changes?
The removal of dressings, especially polyurethane foam dressings, can be painful.
Remove the polyurethane adhesive drape at the wound edges. Inject a local anaesthetic (e.g. 0.25% or 0.5% bupi-
vacaine solution) into the wound base and the foam approximately 30-60 minutes before the planned removal of
the dressing. Alternatively, disconnect the tubes and instill the local anesthetic down the dressing tube. You can also
inject the local anaesthetic through the adhesive drape into the foam. Furthermore, the modern vacuum instilla-
tion therapy provides an elegant and simple method of introducing a local anaesthetic into the wound before a
treatment or intervention is performed.

How it is possible to reduce discomfort during dressing changes?
Often, the removal of the vacuum therapy dressing can be performed at the bedside with minimal discomfort. Vacuum
therapy foam changes are routinely done for chronic wounds in the home setting with rare instances of complication.
There are, however, situations in which the removal of the foam from a wound bed can be more difficult and the ad-
herence of the foam to the underlying tissue can create patient discomfort.
Some of this discomfort can be allayed by instilling saline into the foam dressing prior to removal. Simple injection
of normal saline solution into the foam several minutes prior to a dressing removal can help to dissolve adherent clot
and loosen the foam from the wound bed making the foam removal process more patient friendly. For patients who
seem to have significant discomfort, adding an ampule of lidocaine to the moistening solution is equally safe and can
provide sufficient analgesia to make bedside vacuum therapy removal tolerable.
Pain Management

Patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) require airtight sealing of their wounds following toe amputation.
In the treatment of DFS airtight sealing of the area surrounding the wound with adhesive drapes can be technical-
ly challenging. In many cases, a primary seal cannot be achieved due to dry skin and remaining viable toes.
One suggestion for overcoming these technical challenges is to cut the foil into strips (about 5 x 20 cm or even smal-
ler), so that they can be applied in an imbricated manner. Then, the entire forefoot can be sealed. Gauze should
then be placed between the toes to avoid maceration. Briefly, the wound is overlaid with strips of bonding sheet
(highly secreting wounds can be temporarily padded with a swab). Next, the bonding sheet across the wound can
be cut out (if applicable, the swab can be removed) so that the foam can be placed into the wound bed. Finally, the
wound can be resealed in an imbricated manner (Figs. D13.1-4).
Difficult Anatomical Sites and Other Special Cases
Fig. D13.1-2 Diabetic foot, wound treatment after amputation of the third and fourth toes;
before (left) and after (right) application of the Mini-VAC system.
Fig. D13.3-4 Diabetic foot, wound treatment after amputation of the big toe and incision of
the plantar arch; before (left) and aftet (right) application of the Mini-VAC system.

How can airtight seal be obtained when a wound is located between the toes?
When a wound defect is located between the toes (for example after a toe amputation), fill the wound with foam.
Apply a gel strip to the sides of the adjacent toes and skin folds. Use an additional piece of foam to create a bridge.
When negative pressure is applied, the gel strip helps seal difficult sites. Cover and secure the bridge with overlap-
ping pieces of adhesive drape (Figs. D14.1-5).
Alternatively, you can seal the entire forefoot. It should be noted, however, that this procedure is associated with an
increased risk of skin maceration. Place foam dressings, such as Mepitex, between the toes in order to prevent ma-
ceration (Fig. D14.6).
Figs. D14.1-5 Picture of a diabetic foot after
the amputation of the second digit (1). Apply
adhesive drape to the area between the toes and
cut a piece of foam to the size and shape of the
wound. Use a small probe to apply strips of ad-
hesive drape or gel to contoured skin surfaces
(2). Place an additional piece of foam to a con-
venient site (on the forefoot) to permit the use
ofa trac-padconnector(3-5).
Fig. D14.6 Alternatively, take appropriate
measures to prevent skin maceration in the area
between the toes and seal the entire forefoot.

How can a deep wound cavity at an amputation site be closed as quickly as possible?
Wound cavities left to heal by secondary intention in patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) occur predomi-
nantly in association with metatarsophalangeal joint resections or with forefoot, Lisfranc or Chopart amputations.
Vacuum therapy is used to reduce the treatment period and to avoid or minimize the number of skin grafts es-
pecially in weight-bearing areas.
Institute vacuum therapy in the usual way and fill the entire wound cavity with foam. Once the entire wound cavi-
ty is lined with granulation tissue, gradually reduce the size of the wound and shape the wound cavity using ad-
hesive drape. First, cover the wound with adhesive drape (Fig. D15.2). Cut a hole in the drape, preferably using a
number 11 scalpel and forceps. Ensure wound approximation. Then, place one or more pieces of foam through the
drape hole into the cavity. In contrast to the initial phase of treatment, leave a gap between the foam and the wound
edges. Note: Do not pack the foam into any areas of the wound. The use of suction further reduces the size of the
wound cavity. Repeat this procedure with pieces of foam of decreasing size until the wound edges are approximated.
Simply place the foam on the approximated wound edges that are protected by adhesive drape. The suction force is
thus applied only to the small gap between the wound edges. Use for example Leukostrip wound closure strips to en-
sure that the wound edges are held together securely for about another 14 days (Figs. D15.1-6).
Fig. D15.1 After forefoot am-
putation and debridement.
Fig. D15.2 Approximate the
wound edges using adhesive
drape (no foam).

Fig. D15.3 Cut a hole in the
drape over the wound.
Fig. D15.5 Use a piece of foam
that is large enough to prevent
the trac-padconnectorfmm cau-
sing pressure marks and necro-
sis at the wound edges.
Fig. D15.4 Place the foam into
the wound cavity and cover the
wound with adhesive drape.
Create a hole in the drape.
Fig. D15.6 Place the foam un-
der negative pressure.
In many cases, it is not necessary to amputate all toes. Dressing application in the presence of large wound cavities
and individual toes requires that the remaining toes and the area between the toes be sealed as well. Proceed as fol-
lows. Dry the entire area. Cover the area between the toes and the sides of the adjacent toes with several small strips
of adhesive drape. Note: Do not wrap the drape around the toes. Cut a hole in the drape over the wound. Cut a
small piece of foam to the size of the wound and place it into the wound. Secure the foam with an additional strip
of drape. Cut a hole in this drape over the wound. Use an additional strip of foam so that the trac-pad connector can
be applied on the dorsal aspect of the foot.

When vacuum therapy is used to hold a meshed graft in place and increase graft take, is it necessary to secure the
entire foam and the whole graft at the wound edges?
Especially on uneven surfaces, soft polyurethane (PU) foam can help gently press the meshed graft onto the wound
and thus ensure full contact between the graft and the underlying wound bed even in highly contoured areas until
the graft has taken (four to five days). The application of constant gentle pressure and the immobility of the foam
prevent the graft from being subjected to shearing forces.
Whereas it is often not necessary to fix the foam in place using stitches or staples, there are sites where it is advis-
able to secure the entire meshed graft. When vacuum therapy is used to secure a meshed graft, it should be borne
in mind that the application of suction causes a reduction in the volume and surface area of the foam. If the foam
is not fixed, it will therefore shrink and retract from the wound edges. As a result, it can detach an unsecured mes-
hed graft from the underlying wound bed, causing undulations in a previously well-fitted graft. In our own patient
population, there was one case in which a skin graft was applied to a convex surface and was displaced despite par-
tial fixation (Fig. D16.1). In cases like this, the foam should be secured in place in order to prevent the graft from
moving under the dressing.
Fig. D16.1 A 20 cm by 17 cm defect on the lateral thigh of a 41-
year-old female patient was covered with a meshed graft. Two strips
of skin were harvested and placed on the wound. They were at-
tached to the wound edges using a continuous suture. Excess skin
was trimmed off and used to cover small residual defects without
further fixation. The foam was not secured in place. When the dress-
ing was changed for the first time after five days, there were a few
sites where the graft had failed to take (at 1 o'clock in the pic-
ture), where undulations had been induced (at 3 to 6 o'clock), or
where the wound was either uncovered or covered with a double
layer of grafted skin (from the middle to the lower region of the
wound at 6 to 7 o'clock). The unsecured foam had moved on the
concave surface of the wound (extending from the ventral to the
dorsal side of the thigh) and caused a displacement of the skin graft.

How can a secure seal be obtained if the Schanz screws of an external fixator protrude through the wound and the
Fractures are often associated with large soft-tissue defects. In some of these cases, the Schanz screws of an external
fixation system must be inserted through the wound and require special precautions when the adhesive drape is
Cut a piece of foam to the appropriate dimensions and place it on the wound. Apply a white gel strip around the
Schanz screws in close proximity to the foam. Spread the gel over and around the screws and ensure that each screw
is completely covered with gel. Cut adhesive drape into several small pieces. Place the pieces of drape onto the wound
in such a way that they slightly overlap each other. The adhesive drape can thus be applied more easily to the con-
vex surface of the wound. Place one or two additional strips of drape on the gel layer over the screws in order to
ensure the integrity of the seal (Figs. D17.1-5).

Fig. D17.1 Deep soft-tissue defect over an Fig. D17.2 Place a piece of PU foam into the Fig. D17.3 Apply a strip of gel to the screws,
open fracture of the proximal humerus. Two wound. The Schanz screws are incorporated in Completely cover and connect both screws with
Schanz screws protrude from the cranial por- the foam. a layer of gel.
tion of the wound.
Fig. D17.4 Successively apply small pieces of Fig. D17.5 Apply suction. The wound is tight-
an adhesive drape. ly sealed.
Tip 18 - Vacuum Therapy and Simultaneous Use of an External Fixation
L. Labler
How do you seal the vacuum therapy dressing properly when the soft tissue injury dimensions around the external
fixator are very large?
Large soft tissue defects are often localised over fractures and, thus, the external fixator has to be positioned in an
area of extensive soft tissue injury (e.g. degloving injury). In cases of soft tissue trauma with open wounds or in the
scope of traumatic decollement of extremities, vacuum therapy may be applied as a temporary coverage. The avuls-
ed skin areas are completely de-fatted and re-planted to the injured body part as either a skin graft or a mesh-graft
and fixed by means of vacuum therapy. If there is an indication for immobilisation of the extremity or an accom-
panying extremity fracture requires external fixation with a fixator, technical problems frequently occur secondary
to the tightness of the dressing in the area of the points of the Schanz's screws leading to failure of the therapy.
To avoid possible leaks around the Schanz's screws of the external fixator of this large wound area, the whole extre-
mity was packed into a black foam dressing ("extra large"), as might otherwise be used in patients with large-
dimensioned burn wounds (Figs. D18.1-6).

Fig. D18.1 A 76-years female patient after a Fig. D18.2 After complete stepwise surgical Fig. D18.3 The de-fatted skin was sutured and
motor vehicle accident. A complete circular debridement, the degloved skin was fully de- equipped with relaxing stab incisions. Immobi-
skin decollement on left lower extremity. fatted and replanted. lisation was perfomed by a fixator overlapping
the joint.

Fig. D18.4 In order to further fix the sutured Fig. D18.5 Suction was adjusted to 125 mmHg Fig. D18.6 Medial view of the dressing
skin, we chose the vacuum therapy. The extre- negative pressure. The proximal and distal con- system.
mity including the external fixator are wrapped nections were tight when the suction was star-
with the black PU foam. The whole system was ted. The whole dressing, even in the areas
finally wrapped in the transparent foil. above the external fixator, was leak-free. The
first dressing change took place after five days.
Necrotic skin areas, which did not survive, were
debrided and covered with a skin mesh-graft.

What can be done to ensure that a solution that is instilled into a deep wound reaches the site where it is needed?
Usually, two trac-pad connectors &K used for instillation therapy. One pad is used for removing fluid from the wound,
the other for instilling a solution. The solution passes through the foam until it reaches the surface of the wound.
Depending on wound dimensions, gravity and the pressure of the fluid, the solution is distributed throughout the
wound. As a result of this passive distribution, there is no guarantee that a sufficient amount of the instilled solu-
tion reaches the target site within a period of 5-30 minutes.
Insert an additional drainage tube through the wound or skin and place it at the target site (Figs. D19.1-2; see also
Chapter 5 of Part A for further information on vacuum instillation therapy).
Fig, D19.1 A 51-year-old patient with post-trauma-
tic osteitis of the ulna and the radius. After hardware
removal and debridement, instillation therapy was
used in conjunction with vacuum therapy until an ex-
ternal fixator was applied. An additional tube was in-
serted through the skin in order to ensure that the in-
stilled solution (160 mg of gentamycin in 250 ml of
sodium chloride) entered deep into the wound and
reached the area between the bones.

Fig. D19.2 An additional tube, generally,
allows a solution to be instilled manually or
automatically (if using the VAC'"
""-therapy unit).

Is there a way to accelerate healing of deep-seated bone and soft tissue defects in chronic infection?
Chronic infections often cause deep-seated bone and soft tissue defects. Effective use of vacuum therapy requires
thorough excision of infected and necrotic tissue.
Treatment of bone infections requires patience. Infected tissue needs to be debrided thoroughly and often repea-
tedly. It is not quite clear whether the bone actually clears the infection or whether the infection simply becomes
quiescent, since chronic osteitis quite frequently relapses even after long disease-free intervals. However, if the
local findings (cultures, radiography, clinical appearance of the wound) and the systemic investigations (tempera-
ture, WBC, biochemistry) suggest an overcome (quiescent) infection, a final bone and soft tissue debridement is
performed to remove the last vestiges of necrotic tissue. Once healthy, bleeding bone appears, the defect is filled
using autologous spongiosa. In order to accelerate closure of the soft tissue defect, vacuum therapy is applied.
According to the size of the initial wound, final wound closure may require further plastic surgery (Figs. D20.1-
Fig, D20.2 Radiography after
several interventions. Note the
large bone defect partly filled
with antibiotic pellets.
Figs, D20.3-4
Radiographic and clinical
appearance suggest
successful treatment.
Fig. D20.1 Chronic osteitis of
the proximal tibia following
medial transfer of the tibial tu-
Figs. D20.5-6 The large cavity of the tibial metaphysis was
filled with autologous spongiosa. Subsequent vacuum ther-
apy was applied to treat the remaining soft tissue defect.
Figs. D20.7-8 Final closure of the wound was performed
using a pedicled medial gastrocnemius muscle flap and skin
Figs. D20.9-12 The Final cosmetic and functional result.
Abdominal Dressing System

How can the abdomen be closed temporarly, when vacuum therapy abdominal dressing foam is not available for
use on a dehiscence wound following laparotomy?
Abdominal dressing is unavailable.
As an alternative to the abdominal dressing foam the exposed intestines can be covered with a silicon mesh (e.g.
Mcpitel*; Fig. D21.1) followed by PU foam.
Fig. D21.1 Postoperative wound dehiscence with exposed
intestines; covering of the intestines with Mepitel mesh be-
fore application of the vacuum dressing.
Is it possible to close an open abdomen using only an abdominal dressing or
should one or two additional drainage tubes be inserted deep into the
It is usually sufficient to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use only one abdominal dressing to close the
abdominal cavity. An additional drainage tube is not required in the majority of cases.
Experience has shown, however, that large amounts of fluid can accumulate in the pouch of Douglas. In a patient
with four-quadrant peritonitis, residual irrigation solution and other fluids were not removed through the abdomi-
nal dressing during the 24 hours after initial surgery and copious irrigation. Second-look surgery showed a large
amount of fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Whereas fluid that accumulates in existing cavities and similar areas due
to gravity can usually be removed by drainage tubes, it cannot be safely drained using vacuum therapy. One or two
additional drainage tubes (Charriere 20 to 26) should therefore be inserted into the abdominal cavity if peritonitis
or other infectious conditions make it necessary to leave an abdomen open. Additional drainage tubes, however, are
not required after laparotomy for abdominal compartment syndrome alone. Thomas Wild in Vienna recommends
leaving the ends of the additional drainage tubes between the two pieces of foam comprising the abdominal dress-
ing system.

How can the lateral skirt of the double-layered drape be easily placed directly on the intestine or other organs?
The lateral skirt of the drape extends approximately 25 cm beyond the foam and needs to be spread as smoothly as
possible into the four quadrants laterally and craniocaudally. Depending on local conditions, it can be difficult to
apply the adhesive drape subperitoneally. Tangential folds can lead to fluid accumulations and thus to an unsuc-
cessful treatment.
Use forceps with wet swabs to apply and smooth down the adhesive drape over an abdominal dressing. Radial folds
can help drain the site.

Fig. D23.1 Open abdomen before closure Fig. D23.2 Use wet swabs to smooth down Fig. D23.3 After application of the adhesive
with an abdominal dressing. the adhesive drape. drape.
General Handling Advice

How can an inconvenient location for the trac-pad connector be avoided?
Depending on their respective locations, a trac-pad connector and the tubing can make it difficult for a patient to
wear therapeutic shoes, thus delaying ambulation. In addition, they can cause pressure and pain, or even damage
when they are applied on the dorsal trunk.
Apply a transparent hydrocolloid dressing or a piece of adhesive drape on intact skin. Place an additional piece of
foam on this site in order to move the trac-pad connectorand/'or the tubing to a suitable location. (This technique
has led the manufacturer to develop what is known as a heel dressing.)
Fig. D24.1 The wound is on the plantar surface of the foot.
Use an additional piece of foam and place the trac-pad
connector and/or the tubing on a more convenient site. Protect
the skin under the additional piece of foam with excess ad-
hesive drape or a hydrocolloid dressing.

How can complete adhesion of the drape be achieved?
When adhesive drape is used to secure the foam, take care to first apply the
drape directly to the wound edge. Then fit the drape along the contours
of the foam dressing before the foam is collapsed. Instead of applying one
large piece of drape to secure the foam, use small pieces of drape that are
shorter than the length or width of the foam. Apply these pieces loosely to
the edges of the foam. When negative pressure is applied, shearing forces
will thus be prevented from damaging the wound edges or from detaching
the foam from the wound edges and exposing them.

Fig. D25.1 Apply pieces of drape loosely in
order to avoid skin tension and damage. The
two green arrows mark sites where the drape is
loosely applied. This technique allows the ad-
hesive drape to be fitted to the shape of the
foam before the latter collapses.

How easy is it to assess the wound during vacuum therapy?
There is often a tendency for the clinician to avoid evaluation of a wound under the vacuum therapy system, as-
suming it is too difficult to take the dressing down for wound assessment.
However, if one simply incises the vacuum therapy foam and adherent drape using a scalpel or scissors in an appro-
priate strategic location, it is quite easy to evaluate the wound and simply patch the incised area with additional ad-
herent drape. In this way, one does not lose the seal in the periphery that was most difficult to obtain during the
original application. Patient discomfort is also minimised as complete takedown of the dressing is unnecessary. With
some experience, one may find that using this technique is easier than taking down a traditional gauze dressing. Use
of this technique is particularly important when vacuum therapy is used for acute extremity burn injuries in which
timely serial evaluations are necessary for determining the need for escharotomy or fasciotomy.

How can a disconnection of Y-connectors be prevented?
When Y-connectors are used, a single therapy unit is sufficient for applying negative pressure to several vacuum
dressings simultaneously. The connectors' own weight, the rigidity of the tubing systems and patient movements
can cause disconnection of the bayonet fittings and, thus, a loss of vacuum, especially when several Y-connectors
are used.
Simply secure the Y connectors to a suitable plate.

Fig. D27.1 Y-connectors connect three tubes
through which fluid is drained from the wound.
The Y-connectors are securely attached to a

How can different rates of granulation tissue formation in different parts of the wound be managed?
Depending on wound bed conditions and perfusion, granulation tissue formation, which is encouraged by vac-
uum therapy, will take place at different rates in different parts of the wound. As a result, the pattern of granula-
tion tissue development can be extremely heterogeneous. Whereas some parts of the wound will require continued
vacuum therapy, other parts may already be covered with granulation tissue and would be at the risk of hypergra-
nulation if vacuum therapy were continued.
If some parts of the wound are covered with granulation tissue that has reached the level of the surrounding skin and
other parts require the continuation of vacuum therapy, place a hydrocolloid or other dressing on the area that has
granulated to skin level. Acting as a barrier to new tissue growth, this dressing prevents hypergranulation and at the
same time allows epithelium to spread from the wound edges.

What should be done if the canister is filled with large amounts of bubbles
that cause the vacuum therapy unit to erroneously report that the canister is
When fluid with a high protein content (wound fluid containing blood,
ascites, etc.) is removed from the wound and foam is produced, the vac-
uum therapy unit may notify the user that the canister is full even if the latter is filled with only a small
amount of wound fluid. In such cases, the Fig- D29.1 Completely "filled" canister. canister is usually changed,
which incurs increased costs in the long run.
Add a few drops of dimeticone to the tube behind the connector. Dimeticone
is an anti-foaming agent and as such can prevent foam formation by
changing the surface tension of gas bubbles.

What other options exist for avoiding foam in the canister?
In our general surgery patients undergoing vacuum therapy treatments, we are often confronted with the problem
of suctioning off very large quantities of secretions. If the exudate is rich in protein, large-bubbled foam often de-
velops at the applied pressures of 75-150 mmHg, very quickly obstructing the secretion-collection bottles. This pro-
blem arises mainly when vacuum therapy is applied for open abdomen, as part of the septic shock, or in case of se-
condary closure of the abdominal wall with mesh implantation.
Safety features in the device (e.g. VAC
) prevent the further use of the canister. Most of the methods currently
used for foam reduction (e.g. intermittent bottle changing, insertion of an additional secretion-collecting contai-
ner) are risky from a hygienic point of view and, in addition, conflict with the law on product liability.
Before connecting a new secretion-collecting container with the trac-pad connector, you can fill the hose system un-
der sterile conditions with 5-10 ml of a silicone-based de-foaming agent (e.g. Sab Simplex'") or alcohol (which will
denature the protein molecules in the protein-rich secretion and is, in our opinion, more efficient and cheaper).
This will considerably reduce the foam formation so that the canister can be used for a significantly longer time.
What should be done if the canister is blocked with a blood-containing fluid that
causes the vacuum therapy unit to erroneously report that the canister is full?
If blood is drained from the wound, it can coagulate in the tube or at the opening
of the trac-pad connector (Fig. D31.1). This causes the system to generate the
message "canister full". In this case, changing the canister will have little effect.
Disconnect the tubing while the unit is operating. Inject 10 ml of NaCl into
both openings of the tubing and reconnect the tubing. Temporarily increase the pj

Q31.1 Blockage in the trac-pad
level of suction. If this fails to clear the blockage, change the dressing and, where
connector opening.
necessary, control the bleeding.

Must a vacuum dressing be completely changed if parts of the wound surface are not covered by foam once nega-
tive pressure has been applied?
This problem can occur when the foam is not firmly secured to the wound edges.
In general, uncovered parts of the wound pose no problems for the patient but can reduce the effectiveness of treat-
ment. Use scissors or a scalpel and cut a hole through the adhesive drape over the uncovered parts of the wound.
Cut an additional piece of foam to the appropriate size and place it on the uncovered part of the wound. Re-cover
this area with adhesive drape.

How can a piece of foam be secured to the wound edges?
The foam is secured to the wound edges in order to encourage wound contraction once the foam shrinks under
suction. In other words, the foam is sutured or stapled in situ at the wound edges and thus helps pull the wound
closed when the foam becomes smaller.
You can attach the foam to the wound edges with sutures or staples. Alternatively, you can cut a piece of foam to the
size and shape of the wound and place it onto the wound. When this "simple" measure is used to reduce the wound
surface, tension is applied to the wound edges via the adhesive drape. Although the drape does not become smaller
in size, it adapts to the uneven surface of the shrinking foam and helps apply tension to the wound edges as soon as
the foam is under negative pressure.
In our patient population, we usually do not secure the foam with either sutures or staples in more than one-third
of patients receiving vacuum therapy.

Is it possible to close the skin over a piece of foam that was placed deep into the wound?
A foam dressing that reaches to the level of the surrounding skin has the advantage that it can be inspected. Infection-
induced discoloration of PVA foam, blood accumulations and loss of suction can thus be easily detected. If a piece
of foam is inserted deep into the wound and the skin over the foam is closed, this is no longer possible. Closure of
the skin has the additional disadvantage that it requires the placement of a drainage tube that must usually be in-
serted in the periwound area. This results in further tissue injury and complicates sealing.
In general, it is possible to close the skin over the foam. The aforementioned aspects (the role of the foam as an in-
dicator of problems and the difficulties in sealing the system), however, should be well-considered. When the foam
remains in the wound and the skin is closed, it is usually impossible to securely seal the wound area over the foam
with a suture alone. An adhesive drape must be placed over the area in the majority of cases.
We usually do not close the skin over a wound filled with foam.

How can a deep fistula be filled with foam?
Assess the depth of the fistula and cut a piece of foam that has the same width as the fistula but slightly longer. Attach
a piece of thread to the foam to mark the exact depth of the fistula. Carefully pack the fistula with the foam piece.
Pull the thread gently until it is approximately 0.5 cm above the level of the skin surrounding the fistula. Cut off the
thread. Apply the tubing and the vacuum source. In the case of a narrow fistula tract, it is advisable to use polyvinyl
alcohol foam, which has a higher tensile strength than polyurethane foam (Fig. D35.1).
Fig. D35.1 Assess the depth of the fistula and cut a piece of foam to the appropriate size. Attach a piece of thread to the foam. Carefully pack
the foam into the wound. Pull the thread gently until it is above skin level. The foam now conforms perfectly to the shape of the wound and is
in full contact with the entire wound surface.

What, other than using a second piece of foam, can be done to increase
the size of a foam piece that is too small?
A piece of foam that has been applied to a wound may prove to be of an
inappropriate size. If a package has been opened and the foam piece is too
small, you can increase its size easily by using a simple trick. (This applies
at least to commercially available 3.3-cm-thick foam).
Use a scalpel to split the foam in half lengthwise but do not cut through,
leaving it hinged on one side. The piece of foam is now almost twice its
original size and no additional costs have been incurred (Figs. D36.1-2).

Fig. D36.1 Split the piece of foam in half
lengthwise but do not cut through.

Fig. D36.2 The foam is now almost twice as
large and half as thick as before.

How should an opening be made in the adhesive drape to ensure reliable suction?
The trac-pad connector must be placed over a hole in the adhesive drape to transmit negative pressure to the foam.
Whereas some users make an X-shaped cut in the drape, others prefer to cut a hole in the drape.
Cut a 1- or 2-cm-wide hole in the drape. When you make an X-shaped cut in the drape and then apply negative
pressure, the foam will collapse and the drape along the cuts may stick to itself. In this case, it would be impossible
to transmit negative pressure (Figs. D37.1 and 2).
Fig. D37.1 An X-shaped cut was made in the fig. D37.2 An approximately 1 - or 2-cm-wide
drape. hole was cut in the drape.

Can vacuum therapy be continued during a hyperbaric oxygenation session?
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is increasingly used as an effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of chro-
nic inflammatory diseases of soft tissue and bone. HBO therapy appears to be particularly beneficial when areas of
compromised blood flow are involved. A literature review and our own experience show that HBO therapy has esta-
blished itself as an effective option for the following conditions:
air or gas embolism
carbon monoxide poisoning
clostridial myositis
crush injury, compartment syndrome and other acute traumatic ischemias
decompression sickness
enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds
intracranial abscess
necrotising faschtis/myositis
chronic osteitis/osteomyelitis
radiation-induced bone and soft-tissue complications
compromised skin grafts and flaps
severe burns
In general, successful treatment requires surgery (debridement, irrigation, use of antiseptics and, where necessary,
local antibiotics and vacuum therapy). When HBO therapy is used as an adjunct, the question arises whether vac-
uum therapy must be discontinued for a session in the pressure chamber.
You can combine vacuum therapy and hyperbaric oxygenation under the following conditions. Always apply the
vacuum dressing in such a way that an airtight seal is maintained. Otherwise, there may be a valve effect. If a com-
mercially available therapy unit (with a pump) is used as the vacuum source, disconnect the patient from the ther-
apy unit prior to a hyperbaric oxygenation session. In many cases, the application of negative pressure can be inter-
rupted for 1.5 or 2 hours without problems. If the discontinuation of vacuum therapy is unacceptable (heavily exu-
ding wounds, skin graft fixation, etc.), suction must be produced by alternative vacuum sources (temporary use of
the suction equipment in the hyperbaric chamber, use of a drainage system). In the presence of a leak, permanent
suction must be applied during a session since a valve effect around the leak can cause undesired changes (clotting,
inflation of the drape). Regularly check the airtightness of the seal during a session in the pressure chamber and take
remedial action where necessary.
Tip 39 - Choosing Between Continuous and Intermittent Therapy - C.Willy
When should continuous therapy be used and when should intermittent therapy be chosen? What pressure settings
are recommended?
State-of-the-art vacuum therapy units offer a wide variety of settings. You can choose negative pressure levels be-
tween 50 and 200 mmHg and operate the system in the continuous or the intermittent mode. When you use inter-
mittent therapy, the active or ON phase and the inactive or OFF phase can last between 1 and 10 minutes each.
Continuous suction at a negative pressure level of 125 mmHg is, however, applied in the majority of cases.
The following statements can be made on the basis of recent experience and the literature, which has already been
discussed elsewhere in this book (see also Chapters 6 and 7 of Part A).
There are no major differences between negative pressure levels of 50, 75 or 125 mmHg in their potential
for encouraging granulation tissue formation'.
The size of the hypoperfused area close to the wound increases with increasing negative pressure
When the level of negative pressure is increased, subcutaneous tissue is more vulnerable to hypoperfusion than
muscular tissue
Intermittent therapy can stimulate granulation tissue formation faster than the application of continuous
negative pressure
Intermittent therapy is ideally provided with cycles of 2 minutes ON and 5 minutes OFF (Morykwas et al.)
or with cycles of 10 minutes ON and 10 minutes OFF (Wackenfors et al.)
Nowhere in the literature has an author shown to date that continuous therapy is more suitable
for particular conditions.
A number of recommendations emerge from these findings. In this context, the author wishes to point out that he, too,
has always used continuous negative pressure at 125 mmHg. During the preparation of this book, however, he began
to question the reasons behind using this mode and pressure setting. A review of the experience and recommendations
that have been reported in the literature (sometimes without explanations) allows the following conclusions to be drawn.
A negative pressure level of 50 or 75 mmHg should be used for tissues that are characterised by critical nutri
tive perfusion or are tender to pressure (e.g. elderly patients with sacral pressure ulcers, impaired healing of
laerge wounds involving subcutaneous fat, peripheral soft-tissue wounds with exposed small vessels such as the
digital arteries of the foot, etc.). Low levels of negative pressure should also be used when dressings are applied
Higher pressure levels (100 or 125 mmHg) are suitable for adequately perfused wounds (e.g. young patients
with large soft-tissue defects and exposed muscle tissue).
In the majority of cases, intermittent suction appears to produce better results than continuous negative
pressure. Some authors recommend that negative pressure should be provided continuously during the first two
or three days for the initial removal of wound fluid and then the settings should be changed to the intermittent
mode. The reasons for this advice, however, are not explained. The question is whether intermittent therapy
alone has the potential to remove wound fluid adequately.
Intermittent therapy should be provided on the basis of either two-minute ON/five-minute OFF cycles or
ten-minute ON/ten-minute OFF cycles, which have been established in the literature ' *.
Ir would be desirable if future publications included detailed information on what therapy settings (level of
negative pressure and mode of suction) were used and on whether instillation therapy was used in conjunction with
vacuum therapy. Without these data, an accurate comparison of available studies is often impossible. It would be
sufficient to abbreviate the entire mode of therapy like this: 75-1-2-5 (negative pressure of 75 mmHg, two-minute
ON/five-minute OFF intermittent cycle) or 125 C (negative pressure of 125 mmHg, continuous mode).

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