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Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of
burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes,
and cigars. Casual smoking is the act of
smoking only occasionally, usually in a social
situation or to relieve stress. A smoking habit
is a physical addiction to tobacco products.
Many health experts now regard habitual
smoking as a psychological addiction, too,
and one with serious health consequences.

Smoking a phenomenon that has spread in

many countries of the world, and have
expanded circle of this phenomenon to
include millions of individuals from different
social levels and all ages. I started smoking in
the exercise of rights in 1492, where he noted
that some travelers Columbus population of
the city of San Salvador smoked tobacco and
were carrying Jdhurat fire by igniting the
herbs that were climbing of the smell of
smoke to Ittaiboa them. It was the first to
enter the tobacco plant to Europe, a doctor
Franckohr Nndez sent Philip II of Spain in the
expedition. Has spread the habit of smoking
in the fifteenth century has moved the
practice of pain ** Iike to the Spanish
explorers, and after the victory of Spain in the
sixteenth century increased the prevalence of
smoking, where people accept it to overcome
the hunger, fatigue and cold, which led to the
addiction of many individuals to smoke. It is
likely that tobacco had moved to the country
of Spain by the British, but there is some
evidence to suggest that Ralveni first
governors of Virginia and Francis Drake the
famous Prince of traders had brought tobacco
to England in 1586 and Sir Ohdia Ralli some of
the tobacco, Sir Ralli is first smoked tobacco
in pipes.
Cigarette smoke contains thousands of
chemical compounds, and when attracting a
cigarette smoker's breath, these compounds
are up to the respiratory tract and some of
which affect the safety and efficiency of this
device, as Eetms some of these compounds
by a simple blood vessels deployed in the
lung to reach a blood-borne to the members
of the body different such as brain, heart and
arteries, causing these materials changes in
physiology and exercise after smoking for a
long time causes harmful substances in the
smoke of injuries in the respiratory tract,
heart and arteries and other organs
Installation of a smoke cigarettes,
Cigarette smoke contains more than 3600 different compounds
have the characteristics of a irritant and carcinogenic, and
substances in cigarette smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide,
Akrawlin, nitrogen oxides and many other vehicles.
The Side Effects of Smoking

the device and the urinary tract:

Weaken the nicotine in cigarette smoke, the ability of the

kidneys to filter blood of toxins and lead to the inability

of the kidneys to produce urine.

Chronic smoking leads to cancer of the kidneys.

Smoking is one of the factors causing cancer of the


Smoking leads to chronic impairment of sexual desire,

and premature ejaculation, and reduce the number of

sperm. And thus may be a reason for the inability to

conceive. May improve the ability of these citizenship

after quitting smoking.

the adrenal glands:

Cigarette smoking increases the secretion of the adrenalen glands
to rule this in turn leads to increased and accelerated heart rate and
increase blood pressure. With an increase in nervous tension, high
blood pressure

Smoking is a major
public health problem. All smokers face an
increased risk of lung cancer, other lung diseases,
and cardiovascular and other disorders. Smoking
during pregnancy can harm the health of both a
woman and her unborn baby. Currently, at least 10
percent of women in the United States smoke
during pregnancy (1).

In the United States and in other industrialized

countries, 18 percent of women smoke (2). This
proportion is somewhat smaller in developing
countries where only 8 percent of women smoke
(3). Statistics from the United States are
compelling. According to the U.S. Public Health
Service (4), if all pregnant women in this country
stopped smoking, there would be an estimated:
• 11 percent reduction in stillbirths
• 5 percent reduction in newborn deaths
Cigarette smoke contains more than 2,500
chemicals. It is not known for certain which of
these chemicals are harmful to the developing
baby, but both nicotine and carbon monoxide play
a role in causing adverse pregnancy outcomes.
How can smoking harm the newborn?
Smoking nearly doubles a woman's risk of having a low-
birthweight baby. In 2004, 11.9 percent of babies born to
smokers in the United States were of low birthweight (less than
5½ pounds), compared to 7.2 percent of babies of nonsmokers
(1). Low birthweight can result from poor growth before birth,
preterm delivery or a combination of both. Smoking has long been
known to slow fetal growth. Smoking also increases the risk of
preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of gestation) (5).
Premature and low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of
serious health problems during the newborn period, chronic
lifelong disabilities (such as cerebral palsy, mental
retardation and learning problems), and even death.
The more a pregnant woman smokes, the greater her risk of
having a low-birthweight baby. However, if a woman stops
smoking even by the end of her second trimester of pregnancy,
she is no more likely to have a low-birthweight baby than a
woman who never smoked (6).

A recent study suggests that women who smoke anytime during

the month before pregnancy to the end of the first trimester are
more likely to have a baby with birth defects, particularly
congenital heart defects (7). The risk of heart
defects appears to increase with the number of cigarettes a
woman smokes.
Can smoking cause pregnancy complications?
Smoking is associated with a number of pregnancy complications.
Smoking cigarettes doubles a woman's risk of developing
placental problems (4). These include:
• Placenta previa (a low-lying placenta that covers part or all
of the opening of the uterus)
• Placental abruption (in which the placenta peels away,
partially or almost completely, from the uterine wall before
Both can result in heavy bleeding during delivery that can
endanger mother and baby, although cesarean delivery can
prevent most deaths.
Smoking in pregnancy increases a woman's risk of premature
rupture of the membranes (PROM), when the sac that holds the
baby inside the uterus breaks before completion of 37 weeks of
pregnancy (4). (Usually, when it breaks, normal labor ensues
within a few hours.) If the rupture occurs before 37 weeks of
pregnancy, it often results in the birth of a premature baby.
Does smoking affect fertility?
Cigarette smoking can cause reproductive problems before a
woman even becomes pregnant. Studies show that women who
smoke may have more trouble conceiving than nonsmokers (4).
Studies suggest that fertility returns to normal after a woman
stops smoking.
Does smoking during pregnancy cause other
problems in babies or young children?
A 2003 study suggests that babies of mothers who smoke during
pregnancy undergo withdrawal-like symptoms similar to those
seen in babies of mothers who use some illicit drugs (8). For
example, babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and difficult
to soothe than babies of nonsmokers.
Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are up to three
times as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
as babies of nonsmokers (5).
Can exposure to secondhand smoke during
pregnancy harm the baby?
Studies suggest that babies of women who are regularly exposed
to secondhand smoke during pregnancy may have reduced
growth and may be more likely to be born with low birth weight
(5). Pregnant women should avoid exposure to other people's

Their are other major health problems

caused due to smoking

1. Stroke and heart attack

2. Heart attack
3. Bronchitis, acute and chronic
4. Find circulation leading to amputation of the legs
5. Lung Cancer
6. Stomach cancer
7. Cervical cancer
8. Abortion in women
9 low birth weight
10. Secondary effects of smoking on your children:
increasing troubles such as al-Sadr and other
Raboo pneumonia and bronchitis, It also increases
the child mortality;

Materials affect the central nervous system:

Tobacco smoke contains material absorbs
mediated blood vessels deployed in the lungs to
the blood that carries it to the brain, nicotine is
transmitted through the blood to the brain cells
that lead to the article smoker enjoy smoking and
want to make it in the practice of smoking and
addiction. Studies show that nicotine is readily
absorbed through the lining of the mouth, and
mediated by the blood vessels deployed in the
lung, and less absorption of nicotine-mediated
membrane of the stomach and intestines, and up
from the lungs of nicotine to the brain after 7.5
seconds to attract a cigarette breath, and this
explains the speed of effect of nicotine on the
brain, where affects some centers, causing
pleasure and increased intellectual focus and
overcome the tension, anxiety and fatigue, helping
to muscle relaxant. And a low rate of nicotine in
the blood to the text after about 20 minutes to put
out the cigarette, and this explains the desire of a
smoker in ignition
Another cigarette after a short period of
extinguishing a cigarette before. Research has
shown that nicotine
Morvinat help produce endorphins, or brain and
helps the secretion of other substances such as
adrenaline and dopamine, light, and causes the
secretion of these substances activate the centers
of the brain and ecstasy This leads to the
enjoyment of the smoker nicotine
Reasons for the symptoms of deprivation after
quitting smoking,
When smoking is nonexistent access nicotine to
the brain and this reduces the secretion of
endorphins and other materials which used to give
pleasure to the smoker, and that the smoker
craves a cigarette after take-off
And showing some of the symptoms that may not
endure, and tries to overcome the exercise of
smoking again.
Cigarette smoke contains at least 4000 articles on
the cause of cancer in the mouth, lung, esophagus
and other organs
This material includes Alnitrozzamin compounds
and aromatic amines and Abannzoubireden
addition to Annasralamcapmthel

Stop Smoking

• How to stop smoking?

Smoking habit, and addiction, and is usually the hardest
to crashing and disposal. And the means used to stop
smoking are the same that is used to destroy any other
, And the key to break the habit as follows:
1. Decision to do the change
2. The use of awareness training
3. Devised strategies to help you to stop the habit
4. Usually replaced by an alternative behavior
5. Persevered to be (the firm and constant) to continue
the line of your progress
6. Learning control and lapses in Filtat
7. Motive and incentive to break the habit
With this, if you really wanted to stop, you can always
achieve that, most of them who are diagnosed with lung
cancer who are infected to stop smoking immediately as
was their smoking in the past, they stop simply because
they feel the greatest degree of motivation and increased
as an incentive can be perceived, and Sadly, they did not
feel such an incentive of force by now.

• Why stop smoking?

Reasons to stop smoking and in two words: health
and money. And the correlation between smoking
and serious cases of health is stronger than any
other environmental cause of disease, not lung
cancer is the biggest killers, if you smoke 20
cigarettes or more per day, you will die of a heart
attack five times those who do not smoke, and
displays to heart attacks three times as many,
because smoking accelerates atherosclerosis injury
and narrow, leading to a broken blood flow, and
can double the flow of blood to the brain can lead
to stroke, and poor blood flow to blood to the heart
muscle can cause heart attack .
• Some of the causes of smoking:
1. Think it helps you to relax
2. Do you think that eating a cigarette makes you
feel you are better off
3. You smell like
4. Think it gives you the confidence and especially
among people Sahbpmn

5. Believes that it helps you focus and gives you

energy to work or study, for example
6. Cigarettes ignite spontaneously

• The merits of giving up smoking:

1. Longer life
2. Increase physical fitness
3. Ahla skin and wrinkles, and less Kremcp
4. Best appearance (the lack of nicotine patches)
5. Raiank become the best for others
6. Your food taste better
7. More money, and money increase, and other

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