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Initiative I-17-2008 Explained

A Booklet Prepared by Emerson French, Chairman of Arizonans for Competitive

Elections Reform in Favor of I-17-2008, a $500 Threshold Committee

Table of Contents

The Schulze method explained

Starts on Page 3

Ballot access provisions

Starts on Page 6

Appendix: Full text of I-17-2008

Starts on Page 7

Understanding the Schulze Method of Ranked Choice Voting
Used in the Initiative

Step One: The Actual Vote

Let's say we have four (4) candidates: A, B, C, and D. Voters rank these
choices in their order of preference. For example,

1. A
2. B
3. D

In this example, the voter placed A as their first choice, B as their second,
D as their third, and chose not to rank candidate C. The Schulze method
allows for ballot truncation, where not all ranks are filled in.

Step Two: Ballot Tally and Pairwise Comparison

In an ordinary plurality election, we might have results like the


* A 41%
B 30%
C 10%
D 19%

A wins by a plurality of 41%

However, it might be that more voters preferred B to A overall, even

though 10 and 19 percent of voters voted for candidates C and D

To remedy this situation, we use the ranks collected from ballots in step
one, and tally the number of people who preferred A over B, B over A, A
over C, C over A, and so on. The tallies are then collected in a table like
this, where the results show “row preferred over column” and each “X1,
X2, X3...” listing represents a number of voters who had the given
preference. These results are like mini elections, where each candidate is
faced off against every other.

A X1 X2 X3
B X4 X5 X6
C X7 X8 X9
D X10 X11 X12

The number of “wins” are then tabulated. For instance, if the voter
preference for A over D (number of votes equal to X3) is greater than the
preference for D over A (number of votes equal to X10), then A defeats D
and that win is tallied. We might have results like this:

Wins Losses Ties

A 2 1 0
B 3 0 0
C 1 2 0
D 0 3 0

In this case, B is able to defeat all three other candidates and wins. The
Schulze method will always indicate the candidate able to defeat every
other candidate through these comparisons.

Step Three: Ambiguity Resolution (if needed)
Very rare are so-called “circular ties”, where we might have results like

A preferred over B
B preferred over C
C preferred over D
D preferred over A

In this case, the percentage of the vote cast for each “winning” candidate
is listed. As a rough example, these percentages might be:

A over B 51% in favor

B over C 60% in favor
C over D 52% in favor
D over A 71% in favor

Since the percentage of the vote cast (not the margin of victory) in favor
of A preferred over B is 51%, which is less than all the other percentages,
A is dropped. The preferences are then re-listed and the tabulation starts

B over C 60% in favor

C over D 52% in favor

**B wins the preference tally with the strongest defeat, and wins the
election overall.

In this manner, a majority winner is calculated using voter preferences.

Everyone's vote is counted, and the election result reflects the true voter

Understanding the Ballot Access Provisions of the Initiative

While the ranked choice voting provision of I-17-2008 gives voters more
freedom to choose candidates, the other half of the voting equation is
who gets to run. Here are the provisions of this initiative with regard to
ballot access in plain language:

• All political parties with at least 3,000 voters in at least three different
counties registered as belonging to that party receive ballot

• Parties with fewer than this amount of voters registered must gather
signatures. The number of signatures required is equal to the number
of voters registered in the smallest recognized party.

• All political parties with ballot recognition will be assessed for

viability every two general election cycles through petition signature
requirements that are the same for all recognized parties.

• All political parties running two or more candidates for any office or
offices in the general election that has/have one officeholder are
required to hold primaries or caucuses. Parties are required to fund
caucus elections, although the legislature may, at its option, provide a
fund to cover caucus costs for parties that would otherwise be unable
to fund these elections.
• Parties may decide whether or not to allow voters registered as
“independent” to vote in their primaries or caucuses.
• Parties may decide whether or not to have signature requirements for
primary or caucus election candidates for the party's nomination.

Appendix: Full Text of Initiative I-17-2008

Be it enacted by the People of Arizona:
Sec. 1-1. Short Title
This act may be cited as the "Arizona Competitive Elections Reform Act".
Sec. 1-2. Intent of Legislation
This legislation provides for more democratic, open, and fair elections by
allowing more qualified candidates to participate, and by allowing Arizona's
voters to rank their candidate preferences in order, so that ultimately, the
candidate most preferred by the majority of citizens is selected, without the
substantial costs of runoff elections. This is necessary in an age where
politics are dominated by division, and at times, the choices are few.
Sec. 2. Form of Ballot
The ballot shall be substantially in the form established under law, except
that, in elections with more than two candidates, it shall be altered by the
Secretary of State to read, "Rank all of the following candidates in order of
preference, marking 1 for your first choice, 2 for the second, and so on. More
than one candidate may not be assigned the same rank. Unranked candidates
will be tallied as least-preferred. The winning candidates will be chosen by
comparing voter preferences for each candidate to preferences towards every
other candidate. The most-preferred candidate in each case will be declared
the winner. This ballot entitles you to ONE (1) VOTE; however, your given
preference order will be used to tabulate the winner of this election." Beside
the name of each candidate for each office will be a box for the rank number.
Ballot instructions shall read, "RANK BY MARKING IN THE BOX". For
offices where multiple candidates are elected, an additional instruction shall
read, "Mark up to [number of positions for election]. Rank these as with other

offices, with candidates 1 to [number] being your choices for election."
Sec. 3. Candidates and Parties for Election
A. Below the ballot lines for nominated candidates or other candidates with
ballot status shall be a line for marking write-in candidates as for other
elections, and a box for marking the desired rank.
B. Unless specified by the political party concerned, the relevant signature
requirement pursuant to A.R.S. 16-322 shall have force for candidates
seeking a partisan nomination, and a party's Presidential Preference election
will be closed to voters without a party affiliation.
C. Any political party that (1) has no less than a statewide total of 3000
active, registered voters who are registered in at least three counties
preceding the next primary or Presidential Preference election AND (2) has
multiple candidates for any one office, shall be required to file a "Statement
of Intent to Hold a Primary or Caucus" in order for their candidates to attain
ballot status in the general election. The primary or caucus shall be held on
the day appointed by the governor for such elections, and in a place
designated for the conduct of elections by the County Recorder. If a party
proposes to hold caucuses in private homes or other domiciles, rather than
locations designated by the County Recorder, said party must attach to the
Statement of Intent, a complete list of all proposed locations for elections,
evidence that the proposed locations are accessible to all voters in the
precinct as determined by the County Recorder, the signature or signatures of
the property owners concerned, and a consent to elections inspection. Any
primary or caucus held for the purpose of selecting the presidential nominee
for a political party shall be held on the day allotted for Presidential
Preference Elections, unless the party notifies the Secretary of State that it
would prefer to participate in the next scheduled state Open Primary. Any
election held on the day alloted for Presidential Preference Elections shall be
considered a Presidential Preference Election. No party satisfying this section
may be denied ballot status, and shall hold ballot status and recognition as a
political party in this State until the Secretary of State determines, pursuant to
subsection (D) that the party is no longer viable. All other parties shall have
no such requirement, but must collect the number of signatures equal to the
number of registered voters for the smallest party having ballot status, with
no less than two percent of signing registered voters being registered with the

petitioning party, in order to attain ballot status.
D. In the year preceding every second presidential election, all political
parties that received ballot status at the last statewide general election shall be
required to submit to the Secretary of State a petition for certification of
viability having a number of signatures equal to no less than one and one-
third percent of the total number of votes cast in the last election for
governor. No less than two percent of the signatures may be from voters
registered with the petitioning party. The deadline for the submission of
signatures shall be the first Friday following the day that is exactly one year
from the date of the next preceding presidential election. Upon receipt of all
petitions, the Secretary of State shall verify the signatures, and on completion
of signature verifications and counts, announce the parties that shall be
granted recognition and ballot status in the state, and also announce the
parties that shall not be granted recognition and ballot status in the state.
E. The Statement of Intent to Hold a Primary or Caucus shall be in a form
determined by the Secretary of State's office, but shall contain at minimum,
the name and address of the party filing, the names of candidates who have
filed to run for election, an indication of whether the party intends to hold a
primary or caucus, an indication of whether the party wishes to suspend state
signature requirements for candidate nomination, whether (for presidential
primary or caucus elections) the election will be open or closed to voters
without a party affiliation, whether the party wishes to specify a list of
election locations and the signatures of the party officials filing the form on
the party's behalf. If the party wishes to specify a list of elections locations
they shall provide a list pursuant to subsection (C). A template for such a list
shall be provided by the Secretary of State, along with a statement
concerning the minimum funding required for the conduct of caucuses, and a
place for a declaration as to whether the political party is able to fund the
caucuses. If it is able, the party must fund the cost of holding the caucuses. At
the option of the Legislature, a source of public funding may be provided for
parties that are unable to fund caucus elections. Candidates for the primaries
or caucuses shall also file with the Secretary of State indicating their intent to
run. If the list of candidates on the Statement filed by the party does not
match the candidates who have filed separately with the Secretary of State,
the Secretary shall immediately inform the party and the candidate(s)

concerned. The party and the candidate(s) shall then have five days from the
day of receipt of the notice to rectify the discrepancy. The Statement of Intent
must be filed no later than four months preceding the date of the proposed
F. In no case shall a primary election be held in a private domicile or other
similar location, and no case shall a caucus held in a private location be held
anywhere except in a domicile or other similar location belonging to a
qualified elector of the state, who is registered as a member of the party
holding the caucus. The laws applicable to all other elections in this state
shall be coextensive with caucuses held in private locations. Candidates
nominated by a caucus process shall have the same status as candidates
nominated by a primary process.
Sec. 4. Falsification or Other Intentional Alteration with Respect to
Statements of Intent to Hold a Primary or Caucus; Classification
Any political party that knowingly falsifies or otherwise alters any
information or signatures contained on a Statement of Intent to Hold a
Primary or Caucus shall be liable for a civil penalty of at least one thousand
dollars, and not to exceed a maximum to be determined by the legislature.
Any person who knowingly signs such a false or altered statement is guilty of
a class 1 misdemeanor.
Sec. 5. Method of Counting for Single-Person Offices
A. A rank of "1" shall indicate most-preferred, and the lowest possible
ranking, or no rank, shall indicate a least-preferred candidate. No ballot
marking multiple candidates with the same rank shall be counted, although
multiple unranked candidates is permitted.
B. Using the voter preferences, compare the numbers of voters preferring one
candidate over every other in pairs, and mark in each case, the candidate with
the greater number of votes (the winner), the candidate with the lesser
number of votes, and also indicate ties. The results should be tallied using a
matrix, with all the candidates listed as column and row headings.
C. After completing the pairwise comparisons, tally the numbers of wins,
losses, and ties for each candidate. Declare the candidate with the greatest
number of wins, the Condorcet winner (the majority winner of the election).
Sec. 6. Method of Counting for Boards, Commissions, and Other Multiple-
Seat Elections

The method of counting shall be the same as in section (3), except that the
appropriate number of top winners shall reflect the winning combination of
Sec. 7. Method for Resolving Ambiguities
A. List the pairwise comparisons for the set of candidates defeating all other
candidates not on the list, along with the number of preference votes for the
winning candidate in each pairwise comparison.
B. If a smaller list of candidates exists inside the full list, which defeats all
candidates not on the smaller list, remove all candidates not on the smaller
list, until no such smaller lists remain. The smallest set shall be referred to as
the "Schwartz set".
C. Remove the winner of a preference comparison, who received the fewest
number of total votes from the Schwartz set, and repeat the process with the
new, truncated list, starting at (A).
Sec. 8. Elections in Counties, Cities, and Towns
This law will apply to elections in counties, cities, towns, and other
subdivisions, with all duties performed here by state officials, by the
respective local officials.
Sec. 9. Publication of Results
The matrix used to display the pairwise comparisons, the tally of pairwise
victories, the Schwartz set, and the Condorcet winner or winners of the
election(s) shall be published in electronic and print formats for archival and
other purposes, and when full results of an election are available, in all the
major newspapers in the state.
Sec. 10. Severability
If a provision of this act or its application to any person, entity, or
circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or
applications of the act that can be given effect without the invalid provision
or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.


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