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The composting process and management


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Dr Trello BEFFA

MADEP SA, PO. BOX 415, 2022 BEVAIX (Switzerland)

Bevaix, le 11 July 2002










The composting process and management
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The collection and recycling of biosolids and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
(MSW) is an important factor for the success of the so-called circle economy as a component
of modern waste management policy.

The last decade has lead to an increasing awareness of the problems associated with the classical
methods of waste treatment. It was realized that the elimination of waste materials by burning, or
by its dumping in sanitary landfills was not the final solution to all waste problems, but gave
sometimes rise to new ones (pollution of air and groundwater, elimination of toxic residues,
shortage of suitable sites for landfills). In addition, biodegradable wastes are not very well suited
for incineration because of their high water content, and create problems when put in landfills
(emanation of gases and leachates). Due to the ongoing dehumification of the soils, the necessity
to recycle plant derived wastes to return nutritive minerals to the soil, but also to renew the
humus fraction, was recognized.

Initial green and Kitchen waste

Final compost

That's why today, modern waste treatment programs can not be imagined without source
separation and composting, either at individual, local or regional level, to treat part of this
organic fraction, namely garden and park waste (green waste), kitchen waste, and also
agricultural and biodegradable industrial waste.

Composting is a self-heating, aerobic, solid-phase biological accelerated natural process of
biodegradation and mineralisation of organic matter.

Industrial composting is a controlled process. The main objectives of this process is to maximize
the hygienization and biodegradation/mineralisation.

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Composting of the organic fraction of the waste leads to numerous improvements in the overall
waste treatment process :

reduction of the amount of waste that has to be incinerated or put in landfills;

and therefore reduction of incinerator ash to be disposed of, and of landfill space;

in general lower costs than incineration, although treatment costs in very sophisticated,
completely enclosed composting systems are now near those for incineration;

recycling of humus and nutrients into the soil;

protecting and improving the microbiological diversity and quality of cultivated soils,

bog conservation, because compost can be used as peat substitute,

beneficial role of compost microorganisms in crop protection, in as much as they
compete with plant pathogens,

beneficial role of compost microorganisms in bioremediation (biodegradation of toxic
compounds and pollutants).

If composting is not carried out properly, it can also have some disadvantages :

the most common complaint about composting installations are odor nuisances;

that's why the tendency goes to completely enclosed systems where the outlet air is
treated in a biofilter before being emitted. The best way, though, to prevent malodor
generation is a composting process with a high degradation rate, in order to remove the
putrescible substances as quickly as possible;

proliferation and dispersion of potentially pathogenic and / or allergenic microorganisms;

soil pollution if the heavy metal content of the compost is too high. This can be avoided
if the starting material is free of these contaminants (source separation of the organic
waste; use of sewage sludge only from non-industrial origin);

groundwater pollution if composting is carried out on a surface that is not made up
properly or where the runoff water is not collected.
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Composting can be carried out at very different levels and in various degrees of complexity:
from the simple dump in the backyard to fully automated box composting.
The control for contamination with non-biodegradable materials is either carried out visually, or
automatically (removing of ferrous materials by a magnet, and possibly of plastic in a wind
sifter). Independent of the type of installation used, the composting technical treatment always
proceeds in the same manner, as depicted in Figure 1.

control for contamination
curing (maturation)
source separation of biodegradable waste (garden, kitchen, agriculture, etc.)
sewage sludge
wood chips
foreign substances
incineration or landfilling
foreign substances
incineration or landfilling

Figure 1: Typical course of a composting process.


The composting material is put in piles or long rows (windrows). Depending on the type of
turning machine, the windrows have a height of 2-5m, and a width at the base of 4-8m. The
turning is carried out with a special machine that drives over the windrows. The old method of
turning the compost with a front-end loader is fortunately not much employed any more, because
this time consuming procedure leads to a infrequent turning frequency, an insufficient mixing of
the material, and a bad control of compost moisture.

In pile/windrow composting, the control of compost aeration and humidity is only partially
feasible: the former through an appropriate structure of the starting material, the geometry of the
windrows and the distance between one row and the other, to allow natural aeration to happen;
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the latter through covering of the heaps during rainy periods with a tarpaulin which allows water
vapor to escape, but this hinders the passage, and the frequent addition of water during dry
periods is further complicated.

Composting in classic compost piles

Composting in windrows

Open-air piles/windrows with no artificial aeration depend mainly on convection-induced
mass transfer and gaseous diffusion for oxygenation and the loss of metabolic heat.
Composting windrows tend to vary greatly, both temporally and spatially, in oxygen
concentration, temperature, and other physical factors such as moisture, substrate density, and
interstitial concentrations of various gases.


Because the composting is carried out in boxes or trenches, natural aeration does not occur. It is
though necessary to install an artificial aeration system. Air can either be blown into the compost
or sucked through it.
Turnings in boxes or trenches is normally carried out with an automated system that can either
run either on the walls that separate the boxes, or is suspended from the roof covering the boxes.

Composting in trenches (System IPS)

Composting in box (System COMPAG)
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In some of the installations, compost temperature was controlled by aeration, and the aeration
cycle with preset aeration times that change as a function of degree of maturity of the compost.
Composting in boxes is usually carried out for a short period of time (6-8 weeks), and a curing
stage follows outside the boxes.


A bioreactor is a completely closed vessel. In order to assume a homogenous composting process,
the material either has to be mixed inside the vessel, or has from time to time to be taken out of
the vessel, mixed, and refilled. Compost in bioreactors is always aerated.

Composting in closed bioreactors

Composting in closed containers

An interesting concept is the combination of methanization (an anaerobic process) and
composting (an aerobic process). Very wet and nutrient rich materials such as kitchen waste or
sewage sludge can cause problems during the composting process (clogging of the free air space,
and therefore creation of anoxic zones and emission of bad odors). These materials are best
methanized in a fermentor under anaerobic conditions. The biogas (methane and CO
) can be
utilized to produce energy (electricity and heat) necessary for the total process. The sludge that
comes out of the fermentor (20-30 % total solids) is mixed with shredded wooden waste, and
composted optimally in boxes with automatically turning and aeration.

Composting is a microbiological process in which a succession of mixed microbial populations
is decomposing heterogeneous organic matter. The description of the microorganisms that
participate in the composting process is complex, because the populations and communities
change continuously as a function of the evolution of temperature, nutrient availability, oxygen
concentration, water content and pH in the course of composting.
The temperature both reflects prior microbial activity and the current rate of activity. The
composting ecosystem tends to limit itself due to inhibitory high temperatures resulting from
excessive heat accumulation. During this heating stage, various microbial groups succeed each
other, each of which being adapted to an environment of relatively limited duration. If a good
aeration is provided continuously, the thermophilic stage continues until the heat production
becomes lower than heat dissipation, due to the exhaustion of easily metabolizable substrates.
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The microbial groups can be classified according to the temperature ranges of their growth
activities :
psychrophilic microorganisms prefer temperatures below 20C (poorly present during
industrial composting)
mesophilic microorganisms prefer temperatures between 20-40C
thermotolerant and moderately thermophilic microorganisms prefer temperatures between
thermophilic microorganisms prefer temperatures between 60-80C.

A large diversity and a succession of mixed populations of microorganisms is involved in the
composting process; dead and living microorganisms make up 2-20 % of the composting mass.
The different populations vary in their growth temperature range, their substrate utilization, their
pH tolerance and their oxygen demand (Figure 3). Each population is suited to the environment
produced by the previous one.

1 Utilization of soluble substances (sugars, amino acids, fatty acids)
2 Cleavage and utilization of polymers (cellulose, pectine, proteins, hemicelluloses)
3 Degradation of microorganism cells, antibiotics production
4 Humus formation

cooling down
recolonisation with fungi
bacteria, actinomycetes
ammonia production
stop growth fungi

Figure 2: Schematic depiction of the composting process

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Stage 1 : Active thermogenic degradation and mineralization

a) Temperature 20-40C
Fungi, in particular molds and acid producing bacteria are dominant in fresh organic waste, and at the early
stage of the composting process (10-100 millions microrganisms/gCDW). Actinomycetes develop far more
slowly than most bacteria and fungi and are rather ineffective competitors when nutrient levels are high. The
species diversity and the number of the thermophilic / thermotolerant microorganisms are low.
b) Temperature 40-60C
Mesogenic microorganisms disappear rapidly during the initial thermogenic stage, and the species diversity
and the number of the thermophilic / thermotolerant microorganisms increase strongly (100-1000 millions of
The optimal temperature for thermophilic / thermotolerant fungi is 40-50C. Actinomycetes are generally
more tolerant than fungi to moderately high temperatures and their number and species diversity increases
markedly at 50-60C. The number and species diversity of moderately thermophilic bacteria are low at 40-
50C and increase at 50-60C.
c) Temperature 60-80C
Only thermophilic bacteria at a moderate species diversity are present, but at high concentrations (1000-
10000 millions of microrganisms/g CDW). They decompose actively the organic material.
Fungi are reported to be essentially absent at temperatures exceeding 60C. Actinomycetes could be present
at low concentrations, but do not play an active role in degradation and mineralization. Thermophilic
bacteria, as well as mesophilic bacteria attack hemicelluloses, decompose a variety of organic compounds
such as carbohydrates, sugar alcohols, organic acids, polysaccharides (starch, glycogen...) proteins, lipids,
alcohols (methanol, ethanol, phenol..), N-alkenes (acetone..), and oxidize gases (CH
, H
, CO...) and reduced
inorganic sulfur (H
S, S
, SO

Stage 2 : Active mineralization and maturation

d) Temperature 50-20C
During the terminal maturation stage the diversity and number of mesophilic / thermotolerant bacteria,
actinomycetes and fungi increase strongly (100-1000 millions of microorganisms/gCDW).
Fungi and actinomycetes are important in cellulose and hemicelloluse attack and decomposition. Lignin
decomposition is performed essentially by fungi. The number, species and metabolic functions of mesophilic
bacteria also increase markedly. The following bacterial metabolic functions are important for compost
maturation and improvement of soil quality :
- decomposition of residual simple or moderately complex organic compounds (proteins, amino acids, lipids,
sugars, organic acids...),
- oxidization and mineralization of reduced inorganic nitrogen and sulfur compounds with production of
nitrates and sulfate, respectively,
- production of complex humus compounds (exopolysaccharides) by polymerization of simple organic
- atmospheric nitrogen fixation with the production of ammonia and successively of nitrates by nitrifying
- suppression of phytopathogenic fungi,
- mineralization of iron, manganese, and phosphorous,
- metal-binding capacity (Na
, Mg
, Cu
, Ca
, K
...) and formation of mineralized aggregates
- toxic heavy metals detoxification by formation of insoluble salts,
- degradation of toxic organic compounds (pesticides).
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A great numbers of scientific papers report the needs during the composting process. Particular
attention has been paid to the optimum temperature requirement for the most effective
degradation of organic matter. However, there seems to be very little consensus on how to
manage the best operating conditions. This is largely associated with conflicting needs of the
process, which can be briefly summarized for the different temperature ranges as follows :

hygienization at > 60C
maximum biodegradation at 45-55C
maximum microbial diversity at 35-40C.

High temperatures are often considered to reduce dramatically the functional microbial diversity.
A thermogenic phase with temperatures exceeding 60C was even considered as a microbial
suicide . It is therefore generally assumed that to obtain efficient and rapid decomposition
temperatures should not be allowed to exceed 55-60C.
However, the presence and the activities of extremely thermophilic bacteria are essential for
biodegradation and mineralisation of organic biowaste at very high temperatures (60-80C).
Two recent discoveries highlight this point.
In 1996, it was reported that composts of many different types (garden and kitchen
wastes, sewage sludge, industrial composting systems) contain high numbers of bacteria
of the genus Thermus that grow on organic substrates at temperatures from 50-80
C, with
optimum growth between 65 and 75
C. The numbers were as high as 10
to 10
per gram
dry weight of compost. Spore-forming Bacillus species were also found, but they were
unable to grow above 70
C. Thus, it seems that Thermus species, previously known only
from geothermal sites, have probably adapted to the hot-compost system and play a
major role in biodegradation of biowaste in the peak-heating phase. [T. Beffa et al., 1996.
Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 1723-1727],
In addition, in 1996, a number of autotrophic (self-feeding) bacteria were isolated from
composts. These non-spore forming bacteria grew at 60-80
C, with optima of 70-75
and closely resembled Hydrogenobacter strains that previously were know only from
geothermal sites. They obtain their energy by oxidizing sulfur or hydrogen, and
synthesize their organic matter from CO
[T. Beffa et al., 1996. Archives of
Microbiology 165, 34-40]

The morphological, taxonomic (molecular approach), and metabolic/physiological features
of these bacteria correspond with the characteristics reported for the following genera or
species :
- Thermus thermophilus,
- Hydrogenobacter spp.
- Thermus aquaticus
- Bacillus schlegelii
- Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Bacillus thermoglucosidasius
- Bacillus thermodenitrificans

Several of the isolates are probably new strains particularly adapted to the conditions
present in the hot composts.

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The demonstrated functional bacterial diversity during the thermogenic phase seems to make it
possible to compost at high temperatures (65-75C) for a longer period of time, but not
exceeding 80C. By that, the composting process could be performed very speedy and with a
better destruction of potential human pathogens and allergenic molds, as well as phytopathogens
and seeds.

Composting can also be regarded as a chemical process, in which the substances present initially
in the biodegradable waste are transformed into chemically different ones. Of course, biological
and chemical processes are linked, as the enzymes produced by the microflora mainly effect the
chemical transformations.
The input of the process is biodegradable waste, consisting mainly of green and kitchen waste, of
sewage sludge and other industrial and agricultural waste. Chemically, the main components of
these substrates are free sugars, proteins, fats, amino acids and fatty acids, and polymeric
substances as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin (green waste).

All polymeric substances have to be cleaved by enzymes produced by the degrading microflora
in mono- or oligomers, in order to be taken up into the microbial cell. Composting is a solid
process, e.g. microorganisms can only utilize those substrates they are in direct contact with, by
cleaving of polymers with membrane-bound enzymes, and uptake of monomers. Otherwise,
excretion of exoenzymes and uptake of monomers takes place in the water film or the mucilage
that surrounds compost particles. Turning of compost is important to re-mix microorganisms
and/or their enzymes and substrate. In addition, by the mechanical action of the turner, clumps of
compost and large wood pieces are broken up, and new surfaces are thus available for microbial

The degradation of the monomers then happens like that of simple sugars, via the Krebs-cycle,
yielding, under aerobic conditions, CO
and H
O, under anaerobic conditions (fermentation)
volatile fatty acids and alcohols, which serve as substrate for methanogenic organisms, and
different gases (CO
, CO, H
). Intermediate fermentation metabolites are responsible for bad
odors, and can be responsible for the phytotoxic action of composts produced under partially
anaerobic conditions. Methane is a very potent "green-house" gas.


The goal of composting is the production of a stabilized product that can be stored without
further treatment, and can be applied to land without damage to crops. Degree of stabilization is
synonymous with extent of decomposition, in that putrescible, phytotoxic material is
decomposed through aerobic metabolism. Composting at industrial level also aims at
maximizing the rate of decomposition to reduce the facility space necessary, and to shorten the
phase where odor problems could arise. Furthermore, the required maturity depends on the
potential utilization: compost that is applied to fields, where it continues the stabilization process,
needs to be less mature than compost used in potting mixes.
In order to monitor and control the composting process the following classes of organic
substances are tested:

Organic matter (OM), often also denoted volatile solids (VS), is the percent of dry solids or dry
weight (DW) lost by ignition at 550C. Biological activity decreases the OM content of the
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initial substrate by converting organic waste derived C into CO
. On the other hand, new OM is
formed during the composting process (humus substances, microbial cells). The meaningfulness
of the OM content as a maturity indicator is limited, however, because it fails to discriminate
among readily metabolizable, putrescible material (sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.), less
readily metabolizable material (cellulose, hemicelluloses), and organic material that is only
metabolized to a minor degree during any reasonable composting period (lignin).

Total organic carbon (TOC). The test for TOC is basically the same as for OM, only CO

production by the combustion of the material is determined, and not ash content. The ratio of
OM to TOC for MSW compost was found to be approximately 2.1:1. Therefore, total carbon is
often not measured, but calculated by dividing the OM by 2.1 (by 2.3 when testing MSW).
Regarding the use of TOC as a maturity indicator, the same critics apply as for OM.

Water-soluble organic carbon (WEOC). Most microorganisms in composts can only take up
substances that are solubilized in water. Soluble substances such as sugars, amino acids, fatty
acids, etc., are either present initially in the waste, or are obtained by the hydrolyzing of the
polymers contained in the solid substrates by the enzymatic activity of the compost microflora.
The soluble substances either are utilized immediately by the microorganisms for their
metabolism and cell growth, or are accumulated in the water phase. As the composting process
progresses, the soluble substances decrease. Various authors confirm the utility of WEOC as an
indicator of compost maturity. The water extract of immature MWS compost consisted of sugars,
phenolic substances, organic and amino acids, peptides and other easily biodegradable
substances, while in the mature compost, most of the soluble organic C was present as humic
substances which were resistant to further decomposition. Experiments showed that with
progression of the composting process, the proportion of large molecular weight compounds in
the water extract increased, indicating the presence of humic substances.

Biological oxygen demand (BOD). Tests for biological oxygen demand are based on aerobic
microbial degradation of the readily bioavailable compounds. The standard 5-day BOD test used
for sewage sludge has been adapted for compost suspensions: the oxygen decline was followed
at 30C for about 24 h, with inserted periods of aeration. Another method consists in measuring
the oxygen concentration in the air space over a solid compost sample placed in a sealed
container. After aeration during 16 h, the disappearance of O
is followed during 1 h at 37C.
Comparisons of the two methods showed that the respiration rates were highly correlated, but
that the test in the compost suspension exhibited up to 6 times higher values.
In the methods book for the analysis of compost published by the German Federal Compost
Quality Assurance Organization, a method measuring the oxygen depletion in a respirometer at
20C in a 6 h rhythm over 4 days is stipulated. One problem encountered with such
measurements is the inhomogeneity of the samples, the ideal test temperature and the
standardization regarding the water content of the sample. Comparisons between different
composts are only possible on the basis of OM, or better WEOC content of the samples.

C/N ratio. The C/N ratio is an important quality parameter when using compost as a soil
amendment, because materials with a high C/N ratio can immobilize soil nitrogen by the ongoing
decomposition of the carbonaceous substances once the compost has been applied to soil. The
ratio decreases as composting progresses because of the conversion of organic C to CO
. At the
same time, part of the nitrogen can be lost in form of NH
C/N ratio can either be measured in the compost or in an aqueous extract. Normally, a C/N ratio
of less than 20 in mature compost is thought to be desirable. However, C/N values measured in
sufficiently stabilized composts varied between 5 and 20, depending on the type of raw material.
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The C/N ratio in the water extract, on the other hand, showed to be a reliable indicator of
compost maturity, as it reached, independently of the composition of the starting material, a final
value of C/N
of 5-6.

Others. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of composts is related to the amount of humic
substances showed a quite parallel evolution of CEC and humic material in cattle manure
The German Federal Compost Quality Assurance Organization has developed a test for the
determination of the degree of rotting (Rottegrad) based on self-heating of the compost in an
open Dewar vessel (1.5L). Temperature is measured in the lower third of the vessel, for at least 5
days, and the maximum temperature recorded. The rotting degrees are assigned I (T
to V (T
20-30C). Compost with rotting degrees II and III is designated as fresh compost,
such with a rotting degree IV and V as finished compost.
The ultimate evaluation of compost has to be based on bioassays, e.g. the germination of seeds
or growth of plants (cress, barley, ryegrass, tomato or lettuce seedlings, etc.) in compost/soil
Considering maturation of compost, it has always to be taken in mind that the end use dictates
the level to which the product must be stabilized. For example if compost is to be used in potting
mixes, over 50 % of the organic matter has to be degraded, while in composts destined for
agriculture, a first stabilization, attained normally after a few weeks of composting, is sufficient.

Composting is also a physical process, in that factors like temperature, humidity, airflow or
porosity affect the microbial community, and therefore the degradation process.


The compost matrix is a network of solid particles forming pores of different sizes. Structure is a
function of the stiffness of the particles, and their ability to maintain this stiffness also at high
water content. It is influenced by the nature of the biodegradable waste. Porosity describes the
volume of the free air space, expressed as percentage of the total volume. It is determined by the
shape, size and structure of the particles, and the height of the compost pile, as self-loading leads
to compression of the material at the base. The pores are filled with air, water or both. For an
adequate oxygen supply, the free air pore volume is important, with a minimum free air space of
30 % should be maintained (optimal free air pore volume is 50 %). Water, necessary on the one
hand for the nutrient uptake by the microorganisms, hinders on the other hand the diffusion of
oxygen into the pores by an increase of the aqueous film thickness around individual particles,
and by filling the small pores with water by capillary action. Shredding the material provides an
increase of surfaces for microbial attack, but the particles have to be still large enough to
maintain a certain porosity. Turning of the compost effects a loosening of the material, thereby
decreasing bulk density. With ongoing degradation of organic matter, and mechanical size
reduction of woody particles, the porosity of the compost decreases.


Temperature is a key factor in the composting process. It determines the growth rate, metabolic
activity and type of community structure of the compost organisms. Temperature is also the main
factor influencing the survival of pathogens present in compost. High composting temperatures
also increase degradation, considering that for a given enzyme, activity rates double with a 10C
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temperature increase, until the inactivation temperature is reached. Usually, enzymes are more
thermostable than the organisms that produce them.

Temperature increases as a function of metabolic heat evolution of the degrading microflora
and heat conservation due to the naturally insulating property of organic waste. Heat storage is
an important factor during the initial stage of rising temperature. It is mostly determined by
water because of the high specific heat of H
O. The absolute maximum temperature achievable
in composts is 82C, at which point biological activity and metabolic heat evolution cease.

The temperature that can be measured at any point in a compost heap is a function of the rates of
heat evolution and heat transfer (= distribution of heat within the composting mass, and its

Metabolic heat evolution is affected by the following factors:
the chemical composition of starting material and thus the nutrient content and its
availability for microbial metabolisms,
the moisture content,
the compost temperature, which effects a feedback control on the activity of different
groups of compost microorganisms.
the turning frequency : stimulation of the microbial activity by redistribution of
nutrients and oxygen,
the oxygen input, because only aerobic metabolisms generate large amounts of
the particle size; size reduction of particles by shredding leads on the one hand to an
enhanced substrate availability through increase of the surface, on the other hand to
a reduction of free air space, and therefore to lower rates of activity because of
oxygen transfer limitations.

Heat transfer mechanisms are radiation (a minor factor that can be ignored), conduction,
convection, evaporative cooling and sensible heating.
Conduction in the bulk compost mass is low, between that of wood (0.17 Wm
) and that of
water (0.56 Wm
). In addition, the air-filled pores inhibit conduction. In small composting
masses with a large surface area/volume ratio, however, conduction can be a significant factor.
Experiments showed lower temperatures in a windrow (4 m wide and 1.2-1.5 m high, with a
surface area to volume ratio of 1.6-1.9 m
) compared to a pile (radius of 4 m, height of 3 m,
area/volume ratio 1 m

Moving air in a compost heap, either produced by artificial aeration or by convection, or a
combination of both, leads to heat removal. About 90 % of the heat is removed by evaporative
cooling because of the high heat of evaporation of H
O; the remaining 10 % by sensible heating
of the air passing through the compost. Turning of the compost also leads to significant heat
removal through evaporative cooling.

Controlled removal of heat can only be achieved by artificial aeration, often executed as
temperature feedback-controlled ventilation. The often-recommended action of turning to reduce
temperature certainly removes heat, but, at least in the active phase of the composting process,
stimulates microbial activity, and leads to more heat production. Measures to control compost
temperature by inhibiting heat evolution are not advisable because they would interfere with
optimal microbial activity, slowing thus the whole composting process down.

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By the moving air in a compost heap, either due to convection (in the case of open-air windrows)
or artificial aeration (in box or trench composting or in a closed bioreactor), a temperature
gradient builds up, according to the physical phenomena explained :
sensible temperature increase along the airflow pathway,
influx of cold and dry air at the lower part of the windrow due to convection that
produces an upwardly curved convective pathway ("chimney effect"), or at the point of
air entry of the ventilation system,
heat conduction at the surface of the heap,
less important heat storage, due to dryer material at the surface, or in the case of artificial
aeration, at the point of air entry.

Thermohygienization, e.g. the reduction or elimination of potential pathogens by the high
temperatures of the thermogenic phase, is very important for industrial scale composting,
because the maturation phase, during which antagonism and antibiotic production mainly occur,
are normally very short.
The thermoresistance of microorganisms is usually tested in the laboratory, with reference strains,
and often in a liquid environment. Under these conditions, most of the mesophilic organisms are
destroyed in a short time at temperatures exceeding 55-60C. However, inactivation under field
conditions may be much different from that observed in the laboratory due to clumping of solids,
irregular temperature distribution, incomplete mixing and microorganism regrowth.


Composting is by definition an aerobic process : oxygen or O
has to be supplied to the compost
in order to compensate for the amount used up by the degrading microorganisms. The O
of a composting mass is therefore determined by its rates of utilization and supply. High or low
rates of these two factors can result in similar O
levels. Air requirements of the microorganisms
are dependent on the type of waste (nutrients; structure, which influences the free air space),
process temperature, stage of the process and process conditions (moisture content, compaction).
Besides providing oxygen, the provision of air also removes waste gases like CO
and NH
excess moisture and heat.

Anaerobiosis (absence of oxygen) has to be prevented because it leads to a smaller rate of heat
evolution and the production of undesirable intermediate metabolites that are the cause of bad
odors (propionic and butyric acid, sulfur compounds and ammonia), phytotoxicity, and the
production of greenhouse gases (methane, N

In unvented composting systems, air is supplied to the compost through convection-induced
mass transfer ("chimney effect") and gaseous diffusion driven by concentration differences
between the interior of the heap and ambient air. Convection will bring fresh, oxygen-rich air
into the large pores of the pile, while diffusion from the interstitial atmosphere through the small
pores and the water film surrounding the compost particles is responsible for the oxygen supply
of the microorganisms. It is stated that oxygen will not limit composting if 10 % interstitial
oxygen is present. Thick water films in overly hydrated composts, and small pore sizes will
hinder the oxygen diffusion.

Artificially, air can be introduced into the compost by the action of blowers, who either push
(positive pressure) or suck (negative pressure) the air through the compost.
Air is also introduced into the compost during turning, but the oxygenation is only momentary,
because the turning normally leads to an enhanced microbial activity, and thus to a faster O

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utilization. The beneficial effect of windrow turning on aeration is most probably a loosening of
the composting mass, bringing about an increase in free air space.

The combination of artificial aeration and turning would be ideal, combining the advantages
of a maintenance of oxic conditions with the re-mixing of the composting material in the view of
homogenous temperature, nutrient and moisture distribution, and the breaking up of preferential
air channels which lead to uneven aeration.

Composting windrows without forced aeration tend to vary greatly, both temporally and spatially,
in oxygen concentration. Experiments have demonstrated variations between the inner parts of a
compost windrow, and the outer layers. In addition, aerated systems can show oxygen gradients,
although to a lesser extent. A uniform oxygenation of heaps that exceed a height of 4-5 m can
not be obtained: the lower part of the mass gets over-ventilated with excessive cooling and
drying, and the upper layers are insufficiently aerated, because the air, while passing through the
composting mass, looses oxygen.

The control of aeration in artificially oxygenated systems can be exerted in two ways: by either
measuring the temperature or the oxygen content in the compost or in the outlet air. When
temperature is controlled at 60-70C, as suggested by the group of Beffa, to be in the range of
maximal decomposition rate, thorough aeration is believed to be automatically ensured, because
about 9 times more air is necessary to remove heat than to supply enough oxygen to maintain
aerobic conditions. In the first phase of the composting process, temperature controlled aeration
did not supply enough oxygen, and that a combined system with temperature and oxygen control
was required.

In any system (windrows or boxes) the point where temperature or oxygen content is measured
in the compost heap is of big importance, because of the large temperature and oxygen gradients.

Air is normally not applied continuously, but in short bursts to allow a better distribution of
oxygen and temperature to all portions of the pile. There seems to be, however, no "standard
aeration cycle", and no literature exists where different modes of aeration are compared.
Comparisons of amount of air used for aeration among different systems from the literature are
not easy: compost volume instead of weight is used, and it is often not clear if the total amount
of air is indicated, taking into account the moments of the cycle where no aeration occurs, or if
the amounts given are that of a single aeration event.

The measurements of O
consumption or CO
production, respectively, either directly in the
composting mass after aeration, or in the outlet air in a closed system, can also be used to
determine the rate of microbial activity, and therefore the decomposition rate.


Growth of microorganisms is only possible in an aqueous solution, e.g. in the water film that
envelops the compost particles. As well, uptake of nutrients takes mainly place if they are
dissolved in water.
However, not only a water deficiency, also a water surplus can impair the composting process, in
that the water film surrounding the compost particles increases. The oxygen diffusion through
water is 10'000 times slower than through air, explaining why a too high initial moisture content
leads to anoxic conditions. The maximum water content a material can hold (up to full capillary
saturation) is dependent on the material itself: It is recommended a maximum water content for
The composting process and management
Page 16
composting of 74-90 % for wood (sawdust, mulch, bark), 75-85 % for straw, 55-65 % for paper
and MSW, and 50-55 % for biowaste (kitchen waste, grass clippings). But in MSW already at a
moisture content of 60-65 % the small air pores become water filled (matrix effect due to
capillarity), creating water filled zones between particles.
The initial moisture content of mixed garden and kitchen waste ranges from 60-70 %.

Water is produced in the course of the composting process by the metabolic breakdown of
organic matter, but this is largely compensated by the loss of water through evaporation, caused
by the self-heating of the material. Temperature-controlled ventilation causes an intensive drying
of the composting material, because heat is removed mostly in the form of the latent heat of
vaporization of water. The composting process should operate with moisture contents in the 40-
60 % band, the addition of water during the process is therefore often necessary. This is not
possible without re-mixing the material at the same time. At the end of the composting process, a
water content of 40-50% should be reached, in order to facilitate screening.

In open-air windrows a humidity gradient similar to that of temperature and oxygen was
measured. After 2 weeks of composting, the top and the base of the windrow were much wetter
(55 % H
O) than the center or the lateral surfaces (45 % H
O). The top was more humid because
of condensation, the bottom because of the pressure of the material.
In ventilated systems, the material tends to dry at the point of the air entry.
The composting process and management
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Turning of compost heap mixes the compost materials, increases porosity, promotes drying
through release of water vapor, and exposes the compost mass to high interior temperatures so
that adequate pathogen destruction occurs. The widespread belief that turning oxygenates
compost is only partially correct.

Own measurements on site showed that the oxygen introduced into young composts (1-4 weeks
old) by turning and/or artificial aeration was used up in less than one hour in the thermogenic
phase (60-75C) of the process (T. BEFFA, not published).

This can be explained by the activation of the microflora by the mixing of the compost material,
redistributing microorganisms, exoenzymes produced by them, nutrients and water, as well as
augmenting the surface for microbial attack by breaking apart clumps of material or large wood
pieces. In addition, the increased porosity and the drying effect have a beneficial effect on
aeration, leading to increased microbial activity. Little scientific information is available about
turning machines, their mixing efficiency and the effect of turning frequencies.


Heap and Pile/windrow size markedly influences the composting process: the heat liberated by
the thermophilic decomposition must exceed the heat lost through the exposed surface.
Increasing windrow size greatly decreases the rate of heat loss. For each 0.5 m
increase in cross-
sectional area, there was a 1.2C increase in temperature. It is proposed a maximum height of 2
m for a temperature-controlled aerated static-pile, in order to restrict the temperature to a upper
ceiling of 60C, having determined an upward temperature gradient of 23C per meter.
WE examined the compaction of the compost material by its own weight, and the resulting
resistance to airflow in compost materials. We concluded that with moist material, e.g. 60 %
water content, common in starting material, a height of 2.5 m should not be exceeded, otherwise
the free air space gets drastically reduced, leading to a loss of free air space, and therefore to
anoxic conditions. Drier material (below 55 % moisture) was much less subject to compaction
due to its lower density and better mechanical resistance, meaning that in the later stages of
composting, e.g. during curing, higher heaps can be formed. Compost heap size is also a function
of the turning machine used.

By its very nature, biodegradable waste can be the vehicle and the breeding ground of a broad
spectrum of microorganisms. Most of them are saprophytes, e.g. organisms which live and feed
on dead or decaying organic matter, but the presence of obligate (primary) and facultative or
opportunistic (secondary) pathogens is possible. Primary pathogens can invade and infect
healthy persons, whereas secondary pathogens normally infect debilitated individuals Primary
pathogens can get into the waste by spoiled food, contaminated paper handkerchiefs, animal
litter, or with animal excrement polluted grass clippings. Another source is sewage sludge, which
is sometimes added in small quantities to yard wastes, or water from sewage plants used for
The composting process and management
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Since composting is employed on a large scale for the treatment of sewage sludge, many studies
were carried about the survival and dispersion of microorganisms pathogenic for man and animal.
When composting plant materials, the elimination of phytopathogenic organisms has to be
ensured. Saprophytic microorganisms, which are at the same time opportunistic pathogens (fungi,
actinomycetes) have found special attention.

The following groups of human pathogens as having the most importance in composting
environments :

Bacteria: Fungi:
Enterobacteraceae Aspergillus fumigatus
E. coli Penicillium
Staphylococci Viruses:
Streptococci Coxsackie-B-Virus
thermophilic actinomycetes, especially Echo-Virus
Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula and
Saccharomonospora viridis

Undoubtedly, the most widespread potential biohazards associated with composting appear to be
the mould Aspergillus fumigatus or AF. AF, a cellulolytic mold, is a normal compost inhabitant
at temperatures below 60C, and can survive at temperature of 55-60C for a fairly long period.
Up to 10
spores per m
of air were measured at sites where compost was processed
AF is an opportunistic pathogen, which can cause infections (aspergilloma, infectious
aspergillosis) in immunodepressed people. It is also a powerful allergen, which provokes
immunoallergic diseases, like allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis and allergic alveolitis.
Immunoallergic response of individuals depends on their genetic predisposition, on the
frequency of exposure and on the number of inhaled spores.
The precise dose of AF required to elicit adverse health effects in either healthy or sensitive
individuals has not been determined.

The presence and abundance of AF in compost and in the air can be taken as an indicator of
the potential presence and dispersal of other microorganisms and particles.

Adverse health effects may also result from aerosol exposure to metabolic products of
microorganisms. Some fungi produce mycotoxins. ,1,3-D-Glucan and galactomannans, both
polyglucose structures in fungal cell walls, have been associated with inflammatory responses.
Fever, cough, headache and respiratory impairment can be caused by endotoxins, which are
lipopolysaccharides found in the outer membrane of Gram

bacteria. Furthermore, the constant

exposition to dust can provoke an unspecific irritation of the mucous membranes of the
respiratory tract (Mucous membrane irritation (MMI)), leading to chronic bronchitis. It is
suspected, as in the Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS, that often not a single agent, but the
combination of fungi, bacteria, and inorganic dust particles, leads to the development of a

Hygiene biorisks need to be identified and solutions need to be found to avoid and eliminate
these risks as they may pose a grave danger with respect to:

- Employees of composting operations (though direct contact with the compost or through
inhalation of the aerosols),
The composting process and management
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- The inhabitants in the vicinity of the composting installations (by inhalation of the aerosols),
- The users of the finished compost product (though direct contact),
- The soil and the animals (pathogens can survive after application onto the earth during many



Aspergilli, primarily AF, but also A. flavus and A. niger can provoke a disease called
aspergillosis, if the spores get to the lung by inhalation. A benign form is the so-called fungus
ball, where the fungus grows in preformed cavities, either in the lung or in the paranasal sinus.

Complications only arise if blood vessels are perforated.

Invasive aspergillosis, where the fungus penetrates from the lung into the blood stream and
attacks other organs, has often a lethal outcome. It requires a considerable immune deficiency
through an underlying disease like AIDS or leukemia, but also diabetes or hepatitis can favor the
development of a mycosis. Patients with a suppressed immune system after organ transplantation
or in the course of a cancer therapy are especially at risk. Invasive aspergillosis was observed in
aged persons presenting no other risk factors. Aspergillosis has also been observed in animals:
young pigs, lambs, cattle (mycotic placentitis, leading to abortion of the fetus), and chicks.

Molds of the order Mucorales cause the so-called mucormycosis, which can manifest itself as a
lung, a gastrointestinal or a cutaneous disease.

Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungus found in soil, bird excrement, but also in compost, causes
cryptococcosis, which can lead to a meningitis.


Mycotoxicoses are normally provoked by the ingestion of moldy foods, but it has been
demonstrated that the spores of various fungi (amongst others AF and A. flavus) contain
mycotoxins. An author discussed the significance of inhaled Aflatoxin B1, produced by A. flavus,
in the pathology of lung tumors.. One author isolated several potentially mycotoxigenic strains
(A. flavus, A. parasiticus, A. sidowii) from MSW compost. From 5 strains, three produced
mycotoxins after incubation in a liquid medium. No aflatoxins could be extracted from the
compost ; a possible interaction between toxins and humic acids was suspected.
The quantities of aflatoxins in the air, and the necessary doses to elicit tumors are not known to


Because fungal spores can only cause infections in the case of reduced host resistance, the main
risk of exposure to high concentrations of fungal or actinomycetal spores is the appearance of
If the hypersensitivity is caused by the inhalation of spores, one speaks of an extrinsic disease, if
hyphae are growing in the air passages, it is called intrinsic.

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Fungal allergies are of type I (immediate type); the reaction is triggered by the immunoglobulin
E (IgE), which can be found in large quantities in the serum of affected persons. The clinical
manifestations are rhinitis, edema of the nasal mucous membrane, and in later stages asthma
bronchial. About 10-20 % of the population are thought to be atopic. Population studies of the
prevalence of IgE antibodies against AF gave results of 0-1 %, increasing to 20 % in allergic

Actinomycetes but also fungal antigens can provoke exogen allergic alveolitis (EEA), often also
called hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), which manifests itself in the form of a pneumonia with
severe general reactions such as high fever and shivering attacks which occur 6 to 8 hours after
contact with the sensitizing agent. Milder courses of the disease can resemble viral infections.
The disease is known under the name of Farmer's Lung and constitutes an acknowledged
occupational illness.

Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) is a characteristic intrinsic condition in atopic,
asthmatic patients that can lead to chronic pulmonary damage.

Exposition to bacterial endotoxins


bacteria produce lipopolysaccharides (LPS) as part of the outer layer of their cell wall that
have toxic properties. When the cells lyse, the toxins, called endotoxins, are set free. Inhalation
of these can lead to fever and flu-like symptoms.


Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS) is a non-infectious, flu-like illness, characterized by
fever, malaise, muscular pain, and inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, and has been
observed in persons exposed to dust containing large amounts of fungi and bacteria. Because no
correlation between the presence of precipitation antibodies and illness could be established, an
unspecific immune mechanism is suspected.


Fungi play an important role in the degradation process of composts. While yeasts could be
isolated in the first few days of the composting process during the acidification phase,
thermophilic or thermotolerant species of the order Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes
and Fungi imperfecti predominated during the rotting and Ceratocystis, Doratomyces, and
Trichoderma in the maturation phase. In stored compost, the opportunistic human pathogenic
species Paecilomyces varioti and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis were detected.

Virulence: Both the small size of the conidia and the ability to grow at 37C contribute to the
pathogeneicity (mycosis) of AF. However, other virulence factors are presumed to be responsible
for the germination of the conidia and the growth of mycelial filaments in the lung tissue. Toxins
contained in the conidia are thought to weaken the action of the cilia that cover the surface of the
respiratory tract and that are normally mechanically removing all foreign particles. AF was also
found to produce proteases that inactivate substances, which render microorganisms more
susceptible to macrophage attack in the alveoli, as well as a toxin, gliotoxin, which reduces the
mobility of phagocytes.

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However, none of these substances was proven alone responsible for the pathogeneicity of AF,
and no difference was seen between strains isolated from patients suffering from mycoses and
strains isolated from the environment. Alternatively, authors concluded that any strain of AF
could become pathogenic if the normal defense reactions of the host are suppressed.

Presence and dispersion in composting operations: already the garden and kitchen waste
contained, dependent on the season, up to 10
cfu/gDW, the highest concentrations being
measured in the spring material. Grass clippings supported higher AF levels (10
) than dead
leaves (10
). Old woodchips were a big source of AF, as they contained between 10
and 10

cfu/gDW. Even undigested sewage sludge had between 10
and 10
cfu/gDW AF.

During the composting process, a reduction of AF numbers was observed, especially in the
active rotting phase, when temperatures were highest. In the investigations that took compost
samples in different depths in compost piles, it was shown that AF concentrations were always
higher on the surface than in the center, where high temperatures and maybe reduced oxygen
content limited fungal survival and growth. Screening of the compost often lead to an increase in
AF numbers, attributed to a break-up of spore chains. In sewage sludge composts experiments
reported the highest AF concentrations in composts from static pile facilities.

The percentage of AF on the total fungal flora made out between 20 and 100 %, dependent on
the stage of the composting process.

In the heating phase, AF occurred almost exclusively, while in the maturation phase, due to
temperature decrease and thus concurrence by other, mesophilic fungi, as well as the depletion of
degradable substances and progressive drying, its percentage was reduced.


Among the bacteria, the actinomycetes and the Gram

bacteria are most important in the context

of composting, the former as allergens and opportunistic pathogens, and the latter as indicators
of an insufficient thermohygienization (fecal coliforms) and as producers of endotoxins.

A high degree of thermohygienization in the course of the composting process was generally
observed with respect to these bacterial groups. Their regrowth at the end of the thermogenic
phase was found to be much more influenced by the degree of degradation of the compost than
was the case with fungi. This is because they can not metabolize the less bioavailable substrates
like lignin or cellulose left at the end of the composting process, in contrast to fungi.




bacteria, defined as bacteria with a cell wall consisting of a thin murein layer and an outer
membrane of proteins, phospholipids and LPS, being colored red by the Gram differential
coloration method, have their importance in composting in the connection with the release of


The family of Enterobacteraceae (formerly Enterobacteriaceae) groups 2-3 m long, Gram

mostly peritrichously flagellated and oxidase-negative bacteria that are rod-shaped. They do not
form spores and are facultative anaerobes. Some species have their habitat in the gut of warm-
The composting process and management
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blooded animals and man, whereas others occur normally in water or soil or are plant pathogens.
Strains affecting human health are either primary (mostly gastrointestinal disorders) or secondary
(urinary tract disease, pneumonia, septicemia, meningitis, wound infection) pathogens.
The most important representatives of this group are members of the genera Escherichia,
Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Erwinia, Klebsiella, Salmonella, and Vibrio.
The classification of Enterobacteraceae is not always easy: The newly named species Pantoea
agglomerans , most common in organic dusts, is a synonym of Enterobacter agglomerans and
Erwinia herbicola, which by recent research using DNA hybridization, have been shown to be
the same species. Also, proposals were made to transfer the species Enterobacter aerogenes to
the genus Klebsiella.
The percentage of detection of the different species varied from one installation to the other. A
recent publication reported the occurrence of Salmonella in 50% of the investigated fresh
biowaste samples.


Coliforms are lactose-fermenting Enterobacteraceae, which can be of either human, animal or
plant origin. Species of the genera Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Erwinia are part of the
autochthonous flora of plants. Instead of total coliforms, fecal coliforms which are supposed to
be only of human or animal origin, are determined by incubation at 44C. In fresh biowaste,
where concentrations up to 10
cfu/gDW fecal coliforms were measured, 1-3 times more total
coliforms. In a MSW compost, however, where the microorganisms had be exposed to elevated
temperatures (maximum 75C), no difference between total and fecal coliforms was seen.
Total coliforms are monitored during the composting process because the die-off of coliforms
should give a good indication of the completeness of the disinfecting process, and because the
population of coliforms can be directly related to the population of human pathogens.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation demands for sewage sludge
compost a final concentration of 1000 cfu coliforms/gDW.

Escherichia coli

The species Escherichia coli (E. coli) belongs to the family of Enterobacteraceae, and because it
is lactose positive to the group of coliforms. It is part of the normal intestinal flora of man, where
it is present in concentrations of 10
to 10
cfu/g feces. Some strains are pathogenic. Its presence
in water and food is an important indicator for a fecal contamination. Investigations of biowaste
have shown its presence in sometimes quite high concentrations (up to 10
questioning its fecal origin.


Pathogenic microorganisms either are attached to the compost material, or are emitted in form of
bioaerosols often associated with dust particles. Infections or allergic reactions in compost
workers can occur by inhalation or swallowing of aerosols, by oral contact with compost due to
insufficient personal hygiene, or by entry through wounds. While the last two possibilities can be
avoided by an adequate instruction of the personnel, and technical measures (protective clothing,
etc.), the emergence of bioaerosols can not be completely avoided, unless the composting
installation is entirely enclosed and automated, and the vitiated air is filtered before emission to
the atmosphere. Although effective personnel protection could be given by the wearing of masks,
this is, because of reasons of comfort, only feasible in special situation and for a short period, e.g.
for control of completely closed installations or biofilters.
The composting process and management
Page 23


A collection of airborne biological particles is called a bioaerosol. Those generated by agitation
of moist compost during the rotting phase are a mixture of microorganisms and plant particles
associated with inorganic particles, surrounded by a thin layer of moisture and often consist of
aggregates of several organisms.

Human exposure to aerosol during turning of a
compost pile

Thousands of A. fumigatus particles collected
on Petri dish (8 cm diameter) from 100L of air
aspirated 50m behind the turning machine

Human exposure to aerosolized microorganisms and their metabolites happens mainly by
inhalation of aerosols: the average amount of air inhaled is approximately 10 m
/day; one breath
accounts to 0.5 (no activity) to 3 (heavy work, sport) liters, which adds, by 16 breaths/min, to an
average air volume of 0.8 m
/ hour by moderate heavy work.
Large airborne particles are lodged in the upper respiratory tract (nose and nasopharynx),
particles < 6 m are transported to the lung, and the very small fraction (2-3 m) gets to the
Aerosols are released before being transported by air. Their settling is affected by the
physical properties of the particles (size, density, shape) and the environmental parameters
(air currents, relative humidity, temperature).

Our practical and fundamental works (1994-2002), financed by Swiss National Scientific
Research Fund (priority program and biotechnology, biorisk module) permitted the identification
and evaluation of risks present on site at industrial size composting and anaerobic digestion
facilities. Technical solutions were proposed and adopted thereby significantly reducing or
eliminating hygiene risks and to improve the management of industrial facilities/systems in order
to produce rapidly a good quality final compost.

Industrial composting is a controlled process. The main objectives of this process are to
maximize the hygienization and biodegradation/mineralisation. As described in chapter 3, the hot
composts are populated with literally billions of thermophilic bacteria per gram; present a wide
diversity of highly thermophilic (high temperature loving 60-80 degrees C) bacteria, which serve
The composting process and management
Page 24
to degrade organic waste at quasi-infernal temperatures. These elevated temperatures are created
through the intensive management of the compost, commonly referred to as thermocomposting.
The thermocomposting technique improves and accelerates the degradation of waste, rapidly
kills most of the pathogens for man and plants, avoids the repopulation of the finished compost
by pathogens, avoids the formation of odors, and permits the production of a compost of
excellent quality within just 8 - 12 weeks.

Even without understanding in detail the complex microbial processes, designer, manager and
operator of composting installations should consider certain fundamental basic rules in order to
produce compost under good conditions. From our practical work on several different industrial
composting installations, we consider the following parameters as essential for an optimal
thermocomposting :

The initial nutrient balance (C/N ratio between 25-35), to ensure a good degradation without
nutrient limitation.

The initial structure and the size of the composting mass to ensure an optimized aeration
(passive or mechanical) required for an efficient aerobic degradation process. This rate is
directly related to the type of waste and to the phase (initial, intermediary and terminal) of the
composting process.

The control of the airflow rate (in high technology systems) to ensure a homogenous and fast
microbial degradation rate. This rate is directly related to the type of waste and to the
phase (initial, intermediary and terminal) of the composting process.

The moisture content (45-55%), sufficient to allow optimum activity without releasing

The frequency of mixing or turning, to ensure a better homogeneity of the degradation process.
The frequent mixing or turning (e.g. 2-3x / week), improves and stimulate :

- the constant availability of organic and mineral substrate to micro-organisms, sustaining a
high degradation rate and thermohygienization,

- the redistribution of the free enzymes and micro-organisms in the whole mass,

- the porosity, air diffusion and moisture distribution minimizes air channeling and avoids the
formation of large anaerobic zones provoking nauseating odors.

The duration of the composting process (minimum 6-8 weeks) : to avoid toxic effects of the
end product, as well as the recolonisation of pathogens promoted by the presence of residual
large amounts of easily biodegradable organic compounds.

This type of management should be applied universally for industrial size composting and
aerobic digestion + composting facilities in Switzerland and around the world.
If these basic rules are not respected, the microbial degradation process, the hygienization, and
the final compost quality are negatively affected.
The composting process and management
Page 25

The <Swiss-Made>, COMPAG Technology permits the recycling of all types of biowaste. The
process is 100% ecological and is effective for all organic wastes and agro industrial by-products.
The technology was developed in the late 1980's evolving significantly in the past decade.
Numerous scientific studies have been conducted in view to optimize the technical and
biological parameters. In Switzerland today, the COMPAG system is the most commonly used
fully automated composting technology.


Application, technical management and economics

1. Reliable system with simplified management, minimum labor input and optimized
economic model for the treatment of 5,000 to 10,000 or more metric tons of waste per

2. Automated controls for real time management of the technical parameters (aeration,
turning, hydrating, temperatures, duration, stocking and post-maturation of the finished

3. Adaptation and instant modification of the management parameters as a function of
the types of biowaste and the optimum conditions for biodegradation.

4. Highly flexible, easily expandable with a wide range of fields of application :

Biotreatment of all types of urban and industrial biowaste
Remediation of contaminated sites with co-composting
Biotreatment of contaminated industrial wastes with co-composting technique
Dehydration of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) (50% water reduction in 12 days).

5. Enhanced economic return due in part to an accelerated biodegrading/maturation
process resulting in excellent quality finished compost in only 8-10 weeks time.

6. Optimal aerobic maturation during the storage of the compost.

Biology, biodegradation hygiene and compost quality

7. Accelerated degradation/maturation yielding a variety of compost qualities for diverse
applications. For example: the period of 4-5 weeks for fresh compost and 10-12 weeks
for a high quality potting compost.

8. Rapid elimination of all pathogens present in fresh waste (1 - 3 days) via composting,
ensuring safety for human, animal and plant life.

The composting process and management
Page 26
9. Hygiene and biosafety guaranteed for the workers, the persons living nearby the
installations, due to the absence or very limited dispersion in the air of pathogenic

10. Avoids the formation of troublesome odors throughout the whole process.

11. Natural selection of the microorganisms responsible for the biodegradation through
the control over the principle parameters (aeration, turning, hydration, temperature,
duration, storage and maturation...).

12. Homogeneous and constant biodegradation with optimal distribution of
microorganisms and enzymes due to lateral and horizontal turning mechanism.

13. Production of a high agronomic and biological quality compost comprising a high
diversity and elevated quantity of micro-organisms generally regarded as indispensable
for the regeneration and fertilization of soil and for the elimination of plant pathogens.

Useful Addresses:

Mr. Frhlich (CEO of COMPAG): commercialization of turnkey installations, licensing of COMPAG
technologies, and sales of equipment components and operations system software.
[email protected]

Mr. Ronald Ermatinger (Director of ATB SA, Tramelan-CH): civil engineering, logistics, waste
collection, and cost of ownership estimations.
[email protected]

Dr.. Trello Beffa (CEO of MADEP SA, Bevaix-CH): technical and biological management, fields of
application: hygiene and biosafety, quality control of finished compost.
[email protected]

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Page 27
References (T. Beffa and collaborators)

Lyon P.-F., Beffa T., Blanc. M., Auling G., Aragno M. (2000) : Isolation and characterization of highly thermophilic xylanolytic Thermus
thermophilusstrains from hot compots. . Can. J . Microbiol., 46:1029-1035.
Lyon P.-F., Beffa T., Lott Fischer J., Aragno M. (2000). Xylanase activity and thermostratification during the thermogenic phase of
industrial composting in aerated trenches. Waste Management and Research, 18(2):174-183..
Beffa T. (1999) : Le compostage industriel , une technologie indispensable? Oui, si elle est bien matrise! Compost-CH Magazin, 4-6.
Blanc M., Marilley L., Beffa T., Aragno M. (1999). Thermophilic bacterial communities in hot composts as revealed by cultural and
molecular (16s rDNA) methods. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 28:141-149.
Beffa T., Staib F., Lott Fischer J., Lyon P.-F., Gumowski P., Marfenina O. E., Dunoyer-Geindre S., Georgen F., Roch-Susuki R.,
Gallaz L., Latg J.P. (1998). Mycological control and surveillance of biological waste and compost. Medical Mycology, 36 (suppl.I),
Lott Fischer J., Beffa T., Lyon P.-F., Aragno M. (1998). Influence of the turning frequency of open-air compost windrows on the
presence and dispersion of Aspergillus fumigatus. Waste Management and Research 16(4):320-329.
Beffa T. et Julien Perrot (1998) : Le Compost. La Salamandre(octobre/novembre), No 128 :18-40.
Aragno M., Beffa T., Blanc M., Lott Fischer J., Lyon P-F. (1998). Composting : hygiene, microbial diversity and enzymology, new lights on
an old recipe. Eighth International Symposiumon Microbial Ecology, Halifax (Canada),
Lyon P-F., Beffa T., Blanc M., Lott Fischer J., Aragno M. (1998). Isolation and characterization of two thermophilic, aerobic, xylanolytic
bacteria from hot compost. International Conference: Thermophiles 98, Brest (France).
Lott Fischer J., Beffa T., Aragno M. (1998). Schimmelpilze bei der industriellen Kompostierung. Mycologia Helvetica (abstract.
Beffa T., Lyon P-F., Blanc M., Lott Fischer J., Aragno M. (1997). Influence of compost systems and management on the thermogenic
biodegradation, maturation and hygienisation. In : Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration, (Eds : Barrage, A., and Edelman, X.). EMPA
Dbendorf (Switzerland), vol 4:10-15.
Blanc M., Marilley L., Beffa T., Aragno M. (1997). Rapid Identification of Heterotrophic Thermophilic Spore-forming Bacteria
Isolated from Hot Composts. I nt. J . Syst. Bact. 47 :1246-1248.
Beffa T., Blanc M., Lyon P.-F., Vogt G., Marchiani M., Lott Fischer J, Aragno M. (1996). Isolation of Thermusstrains from hot composts
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