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G.R. No. 158857
[ G.R. No. 158857, November 11, 2005 ]
The instant petition seeks the review of the Decision
dated 30 May 2002 and
dated 28 May 2003 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 66993
entitled "Pfeger R. Dulay v. Hon. Alicia B. Gonzales-Decano, etc. and Rodrigo S.
In a complaint
for recovery of his bank deposit with prayer for a writ of attachment
and damages, Rodrigo S. Dulay, a naturalized American citizen, alleged that upon his
petition sometime in October of 1996, his brother Godofredo S. Dulay, Sr. and nephew
Pfeger R. Dulay immigrated to the United States of America. The two stayed with him
in his house at Claremont, Massachusetts. Godofredo, however, decided to return to
the Philippines because he could not endure the weather. Pfeger stayed behind to take
care of Rodrigo. Having nurtured affection, love and trust for his nephew Pfeger,
Rodrigo opened a trust account with the Bank of Boston on 27 January 1997 with a
deposit of Two Hundred Thirty Thousand U.S. Dollars ($230,000.00), naming Pfeger as
trustee thereof. Five months later, Pfeger left Rodrigo's house allegedly to join his
girlfriend in California. Rodrigo learned only later that Pfeger actually went back to the
Philippines. Pfeger returned to the United States in November of 1997, but after a
brief stay returned again to the Philippines where he went on a spending binge. Upon
knowing this, Rodrigo verified the status of his account with the Bank of Boston, and to
his shock and dismay discovered that Pfeger had already emptied the account. Rodrigo
additionally claimed that Pfeger used the money from said account to buy several
vehicles, loan money to several people, open bank accounts for his siblings, and buy a
house and lot and jewelry for his wife. Whatever was left of the account was allegedly
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transferred to Pfeger's father, Godofredo.
Denying the accusations, respondent claimed that the money deposited in the name of
Pfeger was his own money and not Rodrigo's. They assailed the admissibility of the
Statement of Account and the supporting Affidavit attached to the Complaint. For his
part, Pfeger asserted that he spent his own money.
Rodrigo filed a petition for the issuance of letters rogatory in order to get the
depositions of several witnesses residing abroad.
Petitioners, on the other hand,
moved to be allowed to file cross-examination questions to respondent's written
interrogatories, which the trial court granted.
In an order dated 1 December 1999,
the trial court stated:
These are petitions for letters Rogatory dated November 11, 1999 and
November 22, 1999 respectively praying that this Court order the Clerk of
Court to issue any order requiring the Clerk of Court in Boston Ma., USA to
conduct the examination of the following parties:
1. Mr. Rodrigo S. Dulay of 38 Claremont St. Malden, Ma., USA, and
2. Manager or authorized representative of the Bank of Boston, Ma., USA
and for the above-named persons to answer the attached questions
(direct and cross) attached to each petition, and for the Clerk of Court
of Boston to forward the same questions and answers as soon as the
same were already properly answered.
Meanwhile, petitioners filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground of failure
to prosecute.
This was however denied by the trial court, which instead allowed
Rodrigo to complete his depositions.
As it turned out, however, the depositions
could not be taken before the Clerk of Court of Massachusetts, but were taken instead
before a notary public in New York.
On 2 February 2000, Rodrigo submitted to the trial court his answers to the
interrogatories and cross interrogatories of petitioners given before a notary public in
the United States. Thereafter, petitioners filed their Motion Reiterating Motion to
Dismiss Dated July 10, 2000,
which the trial court denied in its 28 September
2000 Order.
In the same Order, the trial court directed respondent to have the
written and cross interrogatories taken by the notary public authenticated by the
consulate. Thus, respondent filed a motion to withdraw the answers so that he could
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have them authenticated by a Philippine consul in the United States.
On 10 January 2001, petitioners filed an Omnibus Motion,
praying that the written
interrogatories be declared inadmissible and reiterating their prayer for the dismissal of
the complaint. The lower court denied the motion on 20 February 2001, at the same
time directing the archival of the case while waiting for the documents from the United
According to the trial court, the dismissal of the case is improper
considering that Rodrigo had already commenced presenting his evidence and that it is
mandated to hear the evidence on the counterclaims of the petitioners. Anent the
objection to the admission of the answers to the written interrogatories, the trial court
stated that the deposition taken before the Notary Public from New York, whose
authority was duly certified by the Philippine Consul in New York, substantially
complied with the Rules of Court.
Thus, on 31 August 2001, the trial court ordered
the admission of the assailed documents. Petitioners moved for the reconsideration of
the order but the motion was denied.
Imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of the trial judge, petitioners filed
before the Court of Appeals an original action for certiorari on 7 October 2001. The
appellate court dismissed the petition, finding that the questioned depositions were
accomplished in substantial compliance with the Rules of Court.
According to the
Court of Appeals, Rodrigo could not be faulted for the incidental delays in the
proceedings, which were after all caused by the refusal of the American tribunal which
brushed aside the letters rogatory issued by the trial court. Putting premium on merit
rather than on technicality, the Court of Appeals held that "laxity in the application of
the procedure is not tantamount to laxity in the rendition of justice when equitable
circumstances exist to warrant the same."
Petitioners filed a motion for
reconsideration to no avail as it was denied by the Court of Appeals.
In the present petition for review, petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals erred
when it refused to dismiss the case at the trial court level despite respondent's failure
to prosecute his case with reasonable diligence. According to petitioners, the major
delays in the litigation of the case were caused by respondent's failure to send on time
the needed documents to the trial court.
In addition, petitioners allege that
contrary to the ruling of the Court of Appeals the documents submitted by respondent
were not taken in substantial compliance with the directive of the trial court itself but in
violation of Sections 11, 12, and 14, Rule 23 of the Rules of Court.
The Court is not persuaded.
Deposition is chiefly a mode of discovery, the primary function of which is to
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supplement the pleadings for the purpose of disclosing the real points of dispute
between the parties and affording an adequate factual basis during the preparation for
trial. It may be taken with leave of court after jurisdiction has been obtained over any
defendant or over property that is the subject of the action; or, without such leave,
after an answer has been served. A party's right to avail itself of this procedure is
"well-nigh unrestricted" if the matters inquired into are otherwise relevant and not
privileged, and the inquiry is made in good faith and within the bounds of the law.
Nevertheless, the use of discovery procedures is directed to the sound discretion
of the trial courts,
which, in general, are given wide latitude in granting motions for
discovery in order to enable the parties to prepare for trial or otherwise to settle the
controversy prior thereto.
While the letters rogatory issued by the trial court specifically directed the Clerk of
Court of Boston to take the depositions needed in the case, it became impossible to
follow the directive since the Clerk of Court of Boston merely brushed it aside and
refused to cooperate. Respondent cannot be faulted for the resultant delay brought
about by this circumstance. Neither can the trial court be faulted for allowing the
admission of the depositions taken not in strict adherence to its original directive, nor
for directing the petitioner to have the depositions authenticated. Obviously, it was not
within the trial court's power, much less the respondent's to force the Clerk of Court of
Boston to have the deposition taken before it. It would be illogical and unreasonable
to expect respondent to comply with the letters rogatory without the cooperation of the
very institution or personality named in the letters rogatory and requested to examine
the witnesses. After all, while a court had the authority to entertain a discovery
request, it is not required to provide judicial assistance thereto.
This reality was
recognized by the trial court when it ordered respondent to have the questioned
depositions authenticated by the Philippine consulate. Indeed, refusing the allowance
of the depositions in issue would be going directly against the purpose of taking the
depositions in the first place, that is, the disclosure of facts which are relevant to the
proceedings in court.
More importantly, the Court finds that respondent substantially complied with the
requirements for depositions taken in foreign countries.
In our jurisdiction, depositions in foreign countries may be taken: (a) on notice before
a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular
agent of the Republic of the Philippines; (b) before such person or officer as may be
appointed by commission or under letters rogatory; or (c) before any person
authorized to administer oaths as stipulated in writing by the parties.
letters rogatory are requests to foreign tribunals, commissions are directives to
officials of the issuing jurisdiction.
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Generally, a commission is an instrument issued by a court of justice, or other
competent tribunal, directed to a magistrate by his official designation or to an
individual by name, authorizing him to take the depositions of the witnesses named
therein, while a letter rogatory is a request to a foreign court to give its aid,
backed by its power, to secure desired information.
Commissions are taken in
accordance with the rules laid down by the court issuing the commission, while in
letters rogatory, the methods of procedure are under the control of the foreign tribunal.
Leave of court is not required when the deposition is to be taken before a secretary of
embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul or consular agent of the
Republic of the Philippines and the defendant's answer has already been served.
However, if the deposition is to be taken in a foreign country where the Philippines has
no secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul or consular
agent, it may be taken only before such person or officer as may be appointed by
commission or under letters rogatory.
In the instant case, the authentication made by the consul was a ratification of the
authority of the notary public who took the questioned depositions. The deposition was,
in effect, obtained through a commission, and no longer through letters rogatory. It
must be noted that this move was even sanctioned by the trial court by virtue of its
Order dated 28 September 2000.
With the ratification of the depositions in issue,
there is no more impediment to their admissibility.
Besides, the allowance of the deposition can not be said to have caused any prejudice
to the adverse party. They were given the opportunity to cross-examine the witnesses
through their cross-interrogatories, which were in turn answered by the deponents.
Save for the complaint of delay in the proceedings, petitioners were unable to point out
any injury they suffered as a result of the trial court's action.
The ends of justice are reached not only through the speedy disposal of cases, but
more importantly, through a meticulous and comprehensive evaluation of the merits
of the case. The parties' right to be given full opportunity to ventilate their cases
should not be hindered by a strict adherence to technicalities. After all, as this Court
has so often enunciated, rules of procedure are not inflexible tools designed to hinder
or delay, but to facilitate and promote the administration of justice.
A strict and
rigid application of rules, resulting in technicalities that tend to frustrate rather than
promote substantial justice, must be avoided.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED. Costs against petitioners.
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Puno, (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, and Callejo, Sr., JJ., concur.
Chico-Nazario, J., on leave.
Penned by Associate Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, JJ., Roberto A. Barrios and
Edgardo F. Sundiam, concurring.
Rollo, pp. 26-27.
Id. at 30-36. The case was raffled to RTC Branch 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
presided by Judge Alicia Gonzales-Decano.
Id. at 32-34.
Id. at 40-45.
Id. at 46.
CA Rollo, p. 72.
Id. at 47.
Id. at 49-51.
Id. at 52.
Rollo, p. 49-A.
Id. at 59.
Id. at 60.
Id. at 53-57.
CA Rollo, pp. 25-26.
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Id. at 25.
Id. at 28.
Rollo, p. 24.
Id. at 25.
Id. at 26-27.
Id. at 13.
Jonathan Landoil International Co., Inc. v. Mangudadatu, G.R. No. 155010, 16
August 2004, 436 SCRA 559, 573, citations omitted.
People of Philippines v. Webb, 371 Phil. 491, 512 (1999).
Security Bank Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 380 Phil. 299, 309 (2000).
Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 542 U.S. 241 (2004).
Rules of Court, Rule 23, Secs. 11 and 14:
Section 11. Persons before whom depositions may be taken in foreign
countries. In a foreign state or country, depositions may be taken (a) on
notice before a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul,
vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the Philippines; (b) before
such person or officer as may be appointed by commission or under letters
rogatory; or the person referred to in Section 14 hereof.
Section 14. Stipulations regarding taking of depositions. If the parties so
stipulate in writing, depositions may be taken before any person authorized
to administer oaths, at any time or place, in accordance with these Rules,
and when so taken may be used like other depositions.
RULES OF COURT, Rule 23, Section 12. Commission or letters rogatory. A
commission or letters rogatory shall be issued only when necessary or convenient, on
application and notice, and on such terms and with such direction as are just and
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appropriate. Officers may be designated in notices or commissions either by name or
descriptive title and letters rogatory may be addressed to the appropriate judicial
authority in the foreign country.
Vantstophorst v. Maryland, 2 US 401, McClure v. Mclintock, 150 Ky 265, Ings v.
Ferguson 282 F2d 149, cited in 23 Am Jur 2d 346, 15.
United States v. Paraffin Wax, 23 FRD 289 cited in 23 Am Jur 2d 346, 15.
Rules of Court, Rule 23, Sec. 16.
Dasmarias Garments, Inc. v. Reyes, G.R. No. 108229, 24 August 1993, 225
SCRA 622, 632.
See note 17.
Jaworski v. PAGCOR, G.R. No. 144463, 14 January 2004, 419 SCRA 317, 324.
Posadas-Moya and Associates Construction Co., Inc. v. Greenfield Development
Corporation, et al., G.R. No. 141115, 10 June 2003, 403 SCRA 530, 541.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library
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