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Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions

Unit 01: A Day at the Beach

Do you like spending time at the beach? Explain.
Ho do you no!mally get to the beach?
"hat do you usually p!epa!e #o! a day at the beach?
Do you like to b!ing you! lounge chai!s ith you o! do you p!e#e! to sit on the sand?
"hat acti$ities do you like to do hen you a!e at the beach? Explain.
"hat games do you usually play hen you a!e at the beach?
"hy is it impo!tant to d!ink lots o# li%uids hen you a!e at the beach?
Do you like it hen people next to you listen to loud music at the beach? Explain.
"hen you go to the beach& hat #ood do you usually p!epa!e? "hy do some people
like to p!epa!e thei! #ood at the beach 'e.g.& ba!be%ue& hotdogs& hambu!ge!s(?
Desc!ibe the last time you spent time at the beach.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 0): *i$ing Ad$ice
+ou! #!iend ould like to buy a bi!thday p!esent #o! his #athe!. "hat ad$ice can you
gi$e him on hat to buy and hy?
+ou ha$e a pa!ty at you! house tonight. +ou! #!iend ould like to come& but you
kno that he has an impo!tant exam tomo!!o. "hat can you tell you! #!iend? "hat
should he do?
+ou! #!iend is $e!y sick and the docto! told him to stay in bed, hoe$e!& he ants to
go to the mo$ies ith you. "hat should you tell him? "hat should he !eally do and
+ou! #!iend is 1-.yea!s.old and he ants to get ma!!ied. /alk to him and tell him
hat you think he should do.
+ou see that you! neighbo! sometimes mist!eats his dog. /alk to you! #!iend about
the situation and tell him o! he! hat you think you should do about it.
+ou sa you! #!iend cheat on an exam. /ell him hy cheating is not acceptable and
o0e! ad$ice on hat to do #o! the next exam.
+ou! #!iend is a $e!y good student. He is conside!ing o!king #o! a company instead
o# going to the uni$e!sity. "hat should you tell him?
+ou! #!iend is studying English as a #o!eign language and ould like to imp!o$e he!
!iting skills. *i$e he! ad$ice on ho she can do that.
+ou! little siste! ould like to imp!o$e he! g!ades at school. *i$e he! ad$ice on hat
to do to achie$e that.
+ou! #!iend is a membe! o# a gang. +ou kno it is $e!y dange!ous. "hat should you
tell him?
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 01: Ailments and /!eatments
"hat should you do i# you get sick?
Ho do you #eel hen you catch a cold? "hat should you do hen you catch a
Ho do you #eel hen you ha$e a so!e th!oat? "hat should you do #o! you! so!e
Ho can you get a stomachache? "hat should you do hen you ha$e a
Ho can you get an ea!ache? "hat should you do about it?
"hat can cause a headache? "hat should a pe!son do about a headache?
Ho do you #eel hen you ha$e a backache? Ho do people get backaches? "hat
should a pe!son do about it?
"hat might cause a toothache? "hat should you do about it?
Ho do you #eel hen you ha$e a high #e$e!? "hat should you do about it?
"hat a!e the ays to t!eat hiccups? Desc!ibe them. "hich do you think is best?
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 02: Animals and 3ets
Ho do you4ould you take ca!e o# you! pet?
"hat is you! #a$o!ite animal? "hy?
"hat do you think is the #unniest animal? Explain.
"hat animals a!e you a#!aid o#? Explain.
Do you think animals sho emotions? Explain.
"hy do some people choose not to ha$e pets in thei! homes?
Do you think animals can be 5sma!t6 o! 5silly6? Explain.
Ho do some animals help people ith disabilities? *i$e examples.
Ho do animal species depend on each othe! 'e.g.& #ood chain(? *i$e examples ho
e$e!y animal has its place in natu!e.
Do e need to p!otect people #!om animals o! animals #!om people? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 07: Appea!ances
Desc!ibe hat the pe!son sitting ac!oss #!om you looks like.
Desc!ibe hat the most popula! boy in you! class looks like.
Desc!ibe hat you! best #!iend looks like.
Desc!ibe hat you! #athe! looks like.
Desc!ibe hat you! g!andmothe!4g!and#athe! looks like.
Desc!ibe hat the p!esident o# you! count!y looks like.
Desc!ibe hat a #amous acto! in you! count!y looks like.
Desc!ibe hat a #amous act!ess in you! count!y looks like.
Desc!ibe hat a #amous male singe! in you! count!y looks like.
Desc!ibe hat a #amous celeb!ity in the U8 looks like.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 09: At the Docto!:s
"hen should a pe!son go to the docto!? *i$e examples o# diseases o! in;u!ies that
!e%ui!e a $isit to the docto!.
"hat in#o!mation do you ha$e to p!o$ide to the docto! be#o!e an appointment?
"hy is it impo!tant to gi$e you! docto! in#o!mation about the health issues o# you!
g!andpa!ents& pa!ents& and siblings?
"hat types o# thing does a pe!son ha$e to do hen he o! she is at the docto!<s?
"hat inst!uments4tools4e%uipment does a docto! use to diagnose diseases?
=# you get a p!esc!iption #!om you! docto!& he!e do you go to >ll it?
Do you like staying in bed hen you a!e sick? Explain.
Do you like staying in the hospital hen you a!e sick? Explain. "ho takes ca!e o#
you hen you a!e in the hospital?
"hy do some people p!e#e! sel#.t!eatment? *i$e examples hen sel#.t!eatment
might be dange!ous.
"hy is it impo!tant #o! people to $isit thei! docto! !egula!ly& e$en hen they a!e not
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 0?: Beauty
=n you! opinion& ho is a beauti#ul pe!son? Desc!ibe hat makes him o! he!
Do you think ad$e!tising in@uences hat e think o# beauty? *i$e examples.
Do you think being att!acti$e means being popula!? Explain.
"ould you choose to date a beauti#ul pe!son o! an intelligent pe!son? Explain.
Does ha$ing a lot o# money make it easie! to be beauti#ul? Explain.
"hat do you think is 5too much6 make.up? Do you >nd make.up att!acti$e? Explain.
"ould you conside! cosmetic su!ge!y? "hat #eatu!es's( ould you imp!o$e?
Do you ha$e a tattoo? "ould you conside! getting one? =# so& desc!ibe the tattoo
you might conside! getting. =# not& hy not?
"hat do you think o# beauty pageants?
Desc!ibe you! ideal man o! oman.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 0-: Aa!s and D!i$ing
Desc!ibe you! #a$o!ite ca!. "hy is it you! #a$o!ite?
Do you think sa#ety #eatu!es a!e mo!e impo!tant than luxu!y #o! a ca!?
"hat is you! #a$o!ite colo! #o! a ca!? Explain.
"ould you p!e#e! to d!i$e a manual o! an automatic ca!? "hy?
=n la!ge cities& is it mo!e con$enient to d!i$e a ca! o! to take a bus? Explain.
Do gas p!ices in@uence people<s decisions about hich ca! to on? Explain.
Ha$e you 'o! somebody you kno( e$e! been in an accident? "hat happened?
Does d!unk d!i$ing p!esent a p!oblem in you! count!y?
8peeding is against the la. Aan slo d!i$ing be dange!ous as ell? Explain.
Ho old do you think a pe!son should be to get a d!i$e!<s license? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 0B: Aeleb!ating Bi!thdays
Desc!ibe the #eelings you ha$e hen you! bi!thday is app!oaching.
Do you like to plan you! on bi!thday pa!ty& o! do you like somebody else to do it
#o! you? Explain.
Do you like to in$ite you! #amily and #!iends togethe! to you! bi!thday& o! do you
p!e#e! to ha$e sepa!ate celeb!ations #o! them? Explain.
Ha$e you! #!iends e$e! th!on a su!p!ise bi!thday pa!ty #o! you? Ho ould you #eel
i# they did? Explain.
"hat type o# #ood do you like p!epa!ed #o! you! bi!thday pa!ty?
"he!e do you usually buy you! bi!thday cake? "hat kind o# cake is you! #a$o!ite?
"hat do you usually do at you! bi!thday pa!ty?
"hat songs do people sing at bi!thdays 'e.g.& 5Happy Bi!thday to +ou6(? "hat is the
t!aditional bi!thday song in you! cultu!e?
Do you usually tell people hat you ould like to get #o! you! bi!thday o!& do you
like it to be a su!p!ise? Explain.
"hat as the biggest bi!thday pa!ty that you e$e! had? Desc!ibe it.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 10: Aell 3hones
"hy is it con$enient to ha$e a cell phone?
"ho else in you! #amily has a cell phone? Desc!ibe situations hen you ha$e to call
othe! #amily membe!s.
"ho pays the cell phone bill in you! #amily? Ho much is it usually? =s it too high?
Ho many text.messages do you send pe! month? =s it too many? "hom do you
send text.messages to? "hat do you send text.messages about?
"hy do people change !ing.tones on thei! cell phones? Ho o#ten do you do it?
"hat music and games do you donload on you! cell phone? "hat is you! #a$o!ite
song o! cell phone game? Explain.
Does it annoy you hen people ha$e thei! cell phones on du!ing a mo$ie in a mo$ie
theate!? Explain.
"hy is it impo!tant to ha$e you! cell phone tu!ned o0 du!ing classes at school?
"hy is it dange!ous to d!i$e and talk on you! cell phone at the same time?
Desc!ibe the next gene!ation cell phone.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 11: Aho!es
"hat things a!ound the house do you ha$e to do e$e!y eek?
"ho !epai!s things a!ound you! house? Explain.
"ho ashes the dishes in you! house? Explain.
"hat cho!es do you do in you! house? Do you en;oy doing them? Explain.
"ho does the cooking in you! #amily? "hat meals do you usually eat at home?
"he!e is the nea!est g!oce!y sto!e& ma!ket o! supe!ma!ket located? "hat g!oce!ies
do you usually buy the!e?
"hat cho!es do you ha$e to do at the post oCce? "ho usually does that in you!
#amily? Explain.
Do you ha$e 'do you kno o# anybody ho has( pets at home? "ho takes ca!e o#
them? Explain.
"ho in the #amily takes out the ga!bage and !ecycles? Explain.
8hould child!en !ecei$e money #o! completing thei! cho!es? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 1): +ou! Hometon
/alk a little about the histo!y o# you! hometon.
"hat a!e the main att!actions in you! hometon? "hat a!e the most #amous
"hat is the biggest pa!k in you! hometon? "hat can people see and do the!e?
A!e the!e any lib!a!ies in you! hometon? "he!e is the biggest one? Do you check
out books #!om the lib!a!y?
=s the!e a spo!ts stadium in you! hometon? "he!e can people play spo!ts in you!
Desc!ibe the indust!ies in you! hometon. "hat do they p!oduce?
"he!e do people go g!oce!y shopping in you! hometon?
"he!e is the most popula! place to !elax in you! hometon? Explain.
Desc!ibe hat the eathe! is like in you! hometon. Do you ha$e all #ou! seasons
"hat is you! #a$o!ite place in you! hometon?
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 11: Alothes and Dashion
Desc!ibe the clothes you a!e ea!ing !ight no.
"hat<s you! #a$o!ite colo! to ea!? "hat clothes do you on that a!e this colo!?
"hat is you! #a$o!ite pai! o# shoes? "hy is it you! #a$o!ite? Explain.
Ho is you! style in clothing simila! to o! di0e!ent #!om you! best #!iend<s?
"hat styles o# clothing do you >nd unatt!acti$e? Explain.
Desc!ibe t!aditional clothing in you! count!y.
"hat do people in you! count!y ea! #o! thei! school4college g!aduation ce!emony?
"hy is it a good idea to ea! a suit and a tie #o! men o! a conse!$ati$e out>t #o!
omen to a ;ob inte!$ie? Explain.
"hy do some teenage!s like to ea! clothing that makes them look di0e!ent #!om
othe!s 'e.g.& too tight& too loose& too colo!#ul o! too conse!$ati$e(? Explain.
Do you think school uni#o!ms should be !e%ui!ed at all schools? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 12: Alothes #o! 8pecial Eccasions
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to o!k in you! #!ont4back ya!d.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to bed.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to the gym.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to the beach.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to a dance club4pa!ty.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! #o! a ;ob inte!$ie.
Desc!ibe hat you usually ea! to go out ith you! g!andmothe!4g!and#athe!.
"hat do people usually ea! to o!k4oCce?
"hat do people in you! count!y usually ea! in the inte!?
"hat do people in you! count!y usually ea! in the sp!ing4#all o! hen it !ains?
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 17: Aolo!
"hat is you! #a$o!ite colo!? Explain.
"hat colo!s do you think go ell togethe!? Explain.
"hat colo!s do you think do not go ell togethe!? Explain.
"hat colo! is you! bed!oom? "ould you like to change it? Explain.
"hat is you! #a$o!ite hai! colo!? "hat do you think o# people ho dye thei! hai! in
b!ight colo!s?
"hy do you think little gi!ls a!e usually d!essed in pink? Explain.
"hat do you think is the colo! o# happiness? Explain.
"hat does 5#eeling blue6 mean? Desc!ibe a situation hen you #elt blue.
Explain the meaning o# the saying: 8peech is sil$e!& but silence is golden.
"hat special meanings a!e assigned to colo!s in you! cultu!e? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 19: Aompute!s and /echnology
Do you ha$e a compute! at home? Desc!ibe its ha!da!e and so#ta!e.
Ho o#ten do you use a compute! and #o! hat tasks? Explain.
=s it mo!e con$enient to ha$e a desktop compute! o! a laptop? Explain.
Does using a compute! make doing homeo!k easie!? Explain.
"hat att!acts people to chat !ooms? Explain.
"hat is you! #a$o!ite ebsite? "hy is it you! #a$o!ite?
"hat a!e the ad$antages and disad$antages o# ha$ing you! cell phone on all the
"hat do you think a 5pe!#ect6 cell phone should be able to do? Explain.
"hat machines should a mode!n oCce ha$e? Ho do these machines help people
in business?
Desc!ibe hat you think compute!s ill be able to do in tenty yea!s.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 1?: A!ime
Do you think people think o# conse%uences hen they b!eak the la? Explain.
=s it sa#e to go alking a#te! da!k in you! city? Explain.
"hich city in you! count!y is mo!e dange!ous than othe!s? "hy?
Desc!ibe hat happened to you o! somebody you kno ho as a $ictim o# a
"hy is it dange!ous to ;oin a gang?
"hy is it dange!ous hen people buy guns illegally? "hat punishment should they
get #o! this c!ime?
"hat punishment should people ho sell d!ugs !ecei$e? "hy?
*i$e examples o# c!imes that ha$e !ecently been in the nes.
=s b!eaking copy!ight las a c!ime? Explain.
Do you think c!ime !ates ill d!op in the #utu!e? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 1-: Education
"hat is the best ay #o! you to lea!n something 'e.g.& !eading& talking& listening&
seeing& doing(?
Desc!ibe a situation hen you had to teach someone ho to do something o! sol$e
a p!oblem.
Ho do you! pa!ents !ea!d you #o! good g!ades and punish you #o! bad g!ades?
Desc!ibe the teache! ho made the g!eatest di0e!ence in you! education.
Do you think education happens only at school? Explain.
Do you think schools teach hat students !eally need to kno? Explain.
"hy is it impo!tant to ha$e $acations? Ho long do you think they should be?
Does listening to music help you o! dist!act you hile doing homeo!k?
=n you! count!y& does a good education gua!antee you a good ;ob? Explain.
Ho impo!tant do you think it is to study ab!oad? Explain.
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit 1B: Eme!gency Fesponses and Di!st Aid
Desc!ibe an eme!gency situation that you ha$e expe!ienced.
Do you keep an eme!gency4>!st aid kit at home? "hat do you ha$e in it?
=# you itnessed a ca! accident and the d!i$e! is badly in;u!ed and stuck in the ca!&
hat should you do?
+ou a!e babysitting you! little cousin on the eekend. He accidentally sallos
dishashing li%uid. Desc!ibe the >!st aid that is necessa!y in this situation.
+ou a!e ;ogging th!ough a pa!k hen a huge dog ;umps out on you! path and bites
you on you! leg. "hat ould you do in this situation? "hy might dog bites be
dange!ous #o! you! health?
+ou! clothes a!e on >!e. "hat should you do? "hat a!e the ays to minimiGe bu!ns
and damage to you! body?
+ou a!e $isiting you! g!and#athe! hen he suddenly #alls on the @oo! unconscious.
He is not b!eathing. "hat should you do in this situation?
"hile you e!e cooking dinne!& you spilled some oil on you! sto$e and it caught >!e.
"hat should you do to minimiGe the possible damage to you! house?
"hile you e!e cutting some $egetables #o! you! salad& you! kni#e slipped and cut
you! a!m deeply. "hat should you do ith you! ound?
+ou! #athe! as >xing the !oo# o# you! house and as standing on a ladde!.
8uddenly the ladde! tipped& and you! #athe! #ell on his back. He cannot mo$e and he
is in a lot o# pain. "hat should you do and hat should you not do in this situation?
Just Speak Up 2 Extra Questions
Unit )0: Ente!tainment
"hat ould you choose to do i# you had H70?
"hy a!e su!p!ise pa!ties popula!? Ha$e you e$e! o!ganiGed a su!p!ise pa!ty #o!
somebody? Desc!ibe.
Do you like to go dancing? A!e you good at it? Explain.
8hould /I be #o! education o! ente!tainment? Explain.
Do you like theate!? Ha$e you e$e! seen a play at the theate!? "hich ones ha$e
you seen?
"hy do you think so many people like classical music? A!e you one o# them?
"ho is you! #a$o!ite singe!? "hy?
"hy do some people >nd gambling ente!taining? Ha$e you e$e! gone gambling and
on4lost any money? =# you on any money& hat ould you do ith the innings?
8hould child!en be alloed to play $iolent $ideogames? Explain.
Ho o#ten do you !ead comic books? Do you think comic books should be
ente!taining o! educational?

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