Project #2: Sight Singing Textbook Review: Pedagogy of Music Theory I Fall, 2013

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Pedagogy of Music Theory I Fall, 2013

Project #2:
Sight Singing Textbook Review

All of the textbooks below are on reserve in the music library.
Please be careful to get the
correct edition; several of these books have changed significantly. As you look at them, keep in
mind that one does not expect a great deal of explanatory text in a skills book; it is assumed that
conceptual information will be presented in a separate theory book and/or by a teacher. Instead,
these books tend to be a collection of exercises that will ideally complement other components
of the curriculum.

Adler, Sight Singing: Pitch, Interval, Rhythm (2
Berkowitz, Fontrier, Kraft, Goldstein, and Smaldone, A New Approach to Sight Singing
Carr and Benward, Sight Singing Complete (7
Damschroder, Listen and Sing
Optional: Karpinski, Manual for Ear Training and Sight Singing
Karpinski and Kram, Anthology for Sight Singing
Krueger, Progressive Sight Singing (2
Phillips, Murphy, Marvin, and Clendinning, The Musicians Guide to Aural Skills: Sight-
Singing, Rhythm-Reading, Improvisation, and Keyboard Skills
Rogers and Ottman, Music for Sight Singing (9

Overview: Briefly summarize each sight-singing textbook; textbooks not on the list and
dedicated rhythm books are optional. Write an essay that discusses some important features of
these books and addresses some common practical concerns that arise when teaching sight

Suggested Approach:
Start by taking a fairly quick look at each book just to get a sense of its style and content.
What kinds of exercises does the book provide (e.g., duets, sing-and-play, dictation)? If
many different activities are included, is this in addition to sight singing or at the expense
of sight singing? If there is a trade-off, does it seem worthwhile for your convenience?
Does the book unavoidably promote a particular pedagogical approach for instance,
basing exercises on written solfge syllables or idiosyncratic notation?
Is the musical notation comfortably readable? Do page turns often interrupt melodies?

Some of these textbooks address aural skills beyond sight singing. Others have a supplemental website or a coordinated
companion book focusing on listening skills that you may want to examine on your own, assuming you have access.
Look for some common practical problems:
Is rhythm adequately addressed? Is it treated separately from pitch? If so, is it still
clearly and effectively coordinated with the melodies?
Are there enough melodies to provide for a reasonable amount of homework as well as
true sight-reading practice in class? (Keep in mind that an abundance of exercises does
not necessarily force you into a slow pace because you can usually skip ahead. A
shortage of exercises, on the other hand, is a significant problem.)
Now focus specifically on the organization of single-line melodies.
Are melodies grouped according to an explicit overall plan? If so, do the melodies truly
conform to the advertised criteria? (For instance, do minor keys, chromatic notes, or
triplets appear in an exercise before they have been officially introduced?)
Is the ordering of concepts pedagogically sound? Would the ordering likely coordinate
well with a written theory curriculum? Is the order practical in other words, are
common musical features introduced early? (Notice that these interests may occasionally
conflict.) In your opinion, do exercises get gradually and predictably harder?
Are the melodies aesthetically pleasing? Do they include dynamics, tempos, repeat signs,
and other important symbols that students will encounter in their musical lives?

What to turn in on Wednesday, October 16:
1. Textbook summaries Provide a brief factual summary for each textbook (in alphabetical
order); one page each should be sufficient. For convenience, please use consistent headers to
convey the following categories of information (you may also add your own categories):
Use of pre-existing music (concert repertoire, folk music, etc.) vs. music written for pedagogical purposes
Approximate number of very easy melodies (trust your judgment about what constitutes easy)
Approximate number of very difficult melodies (again, trust your judgment)
Introduction of leaps (very first leaps used, next set of leaps, third set of leaps more if you like)
Types of exercises and the clarity/consistency of their coordination
Distinguishing features, significant strengths/weaknesses, objective errors, etc.
2. A short essay (5-6 pages, double-spaced) that addresses the following questions:
A. Sight-singing melodies may be drawn from existing music (concert repertoire, folk songs,
etc.) or they may be composed specifically for the textbook by an author. What are some
advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
B. Compare the four textbooks below. Summarize the differences in their approaches and
content, explain why these differences are significant, and convey the authors apparent
priorities and reasoning. Dont address layout unless you think it has a real impact.
Adler Kreuger Phillips/Murphy/Marvin/Clendinning Rogers/Ottman
C. Now consider the remaining four required textbooks. (You may discuss additional books
if you feel strongly about them.) To which of the above textbooks does each seem most
similar? Explain. (If it seems more accurate to say that a book falls midway between
two other books or simply forms its own group, thats also fine.)
Optional: you might find it helpful to picture all of the eight assigned textbooks within a three-dimensional space
that represents their relationship to one another with respect to three attributes you find especially important. These
three attributes would correspond to the three axes of this space.

You are welcome (indeed, encouraged) to discuss these textbooks and your reactions to them
with your classmates. However, you are not permitted to divide the workload with anyone (for
example, you cant look at half of the books while a friend looks at the other half).
Additionally, the written work you turn in must be strictly your own.

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