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(N) [1
Advance Nursing Practice
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Describe the concept of Nursing process and its elements. [7]
b. Explain Nursing Management of any patient from your clinical
specialty area using nursing process. [8]
. !rite explanatory notes on any THREE of the follo"ing : [5x315]
a. #ealth$illness concept.
b. %enetic counseling.
c. &areer opportunity.
d. 'luid and Electrolyte imbalance.
e. (se of &omputers in Nursing )ractice.
*. +ist the de,elopment of nursing theories and discuss in detail any one
theory. [1-]
.. !rite short notes on any THREE / [5x315]
a. Nurse clinician.
b. 0eam Nursing.
c. 1asic human needs.
d. 2xygen insufficiency.
-. Define any THREE of the follo"ing / [5x315]
a. %rie,ing )rocess.
b. &risis and its inter,ention.
c. Ethical issues in nursing.
d. &onceptual model.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Nursing Educati%n
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Define 3 differentiate the terms 4Education56 40eaching5 and 4
+earning5. [.]
b. +ist the three domains of educational ob7ecti,es. 'rame one
ob7ecti,e in each of the domains. [8]
. a. +ist the ad,antages and disad,antages of demonstration as a
method of teaching. [-]
b. Describe ho" you can ma9e demonstrations more effecti,e. [-]
*. a. +ist the points you "ill 9eep in mind "hile selecting media for
teaching. [-]
b. #o" "ill you ma9e good o,erhead transparencies: [-]
.. a. Differentiate bet"een formati,e and summati,e e,aluation. [.]
b. !hat are multiple choice ;uestions <M&=5s>: Ma9e - M&=5s of
different types. [8]
-. !rite short notes on any FIVE of the follo"ing / [!x535]
a. ?tandardi@ed tests.
b. &ounseling process.
c. Determinants of curriculum.
d. 1asic Nursing Education programs.
e. &ontinuing Nursing Education.
f. Accreditation of Nursing Education institutions.
g. 0eacher preparation in Nursing.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Nursing +esearc, - Statistics
[Common for all Nursing Specialities]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions. Support your answers with research findings.
1. BNursing research refers to systematic6 controlled6 empirical and critical
in,estigation in attempting to disco,er or confirm facts that relate to specific
problem or ;uestion about Nursing )ractice.B
a. Explain the abo,e statement.
b. Discuss the ,arious stages of research.
. a. Explain the methods of data presentation.
b. Describe the measurement of &entral tendency "ith appropriate
*. Discuss the comparison of #istorical6 ?ur,ey and Experimental research
approach. !hich approach you thin9 is the best used in nursing research.
%i,e your reasons.

.. Define sampling and explain its types. Explain t"o sampling techni;ues
you ha,e used in your research study6 gi,e its 7ustification.
-. !rite short notes on any THREE of the follo"ing / [3x515]
a. Measures of ,ariability.
b. Methods of "riting references.
c. Measurement techni;ues in data collection.
d. ?teps of re,ie"ing literatures.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Medica. Surgica. Nursing-/
[#e$ical Surgical Nursing Specialit%]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Mr. ?harma is admitted to &&( "ith se,ere chest pain.
a. Define MF <Myocardial Fnfarction>. []
b. +ist the predisposing factors for MF. [*]
c. Describe )atho physiology along "ith signs and symptoms. [.]
d. Describe Medical and Nursing Management for the 1st .8 hours of
admission. [8]
. Miss ?"apna is admitted to medical "ard "ith the diagnosis of
a. +ist the causes for )neumonia. []
b. Describe )atho physiology along "ith sign and symptoms of
)neumonia. [8]
c. !rite the nursing case plan using nursing process approach for
?"apna. [7]

*. Miss ?eema is a 9no"n case of Anaemia.
a. +ist the types for Anaemia. []
b. Discuss the Medical and Nursing Management of ?eema. [7]
c. )repare a health teaching plan on nutritional Anaemia. [8]
.. !rite short notes on any FIVE / [8G-E*D]
a. Nursing Management of gullian barre syndrome patient.
b. #ealth instructions to a peptic ulcer patient.
c. )re and post procedure care of an endoscopy patient.
d. Discharge health teaching to a colostomy patient.
e. Nurses role in administering cancer chemotherapy drugs.
f. Dialysis.
g. )emphigus.
M.Sc.(N) [1
C%$$unit0 Hea.t, Nursing-/
[Communit% &ealt' Nursing Specialit%]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Answer 1/2E questions in all . 3.N%. ' is C%$4u.s%r0.
1. Mention scope of &ommunity #ealth Nursing. Describe role and
responsibility of indi,iduals and families in promotion of health of the
community. [7C8E1-]
. Explain methods of limitation and spacing of family. Discuss the needs and
ad,antages of 'amily #ealth ?ur,ey in Fndia. [7C8E1-]
*. Describe concept of 'amily Nursing and 'amily &entered Nursing approach.
Explain nursing care for an elderly person. [7C8E1-]

.. Mention alternati,e system of medicine. Ma9e a plan for training and
super,ision of #ealth !or9er in field. [7C8E1-]
-. Mention components of FMN&F. Explain functions of ?9illed 1irth
Attendant <?1A>. [7C8E1-]
8. Explain FE& programme at state le,el ad,antages of Mass Media
in FE& programme. [7C8E1-]
7. !rite short notes on any TWO / [7HGE1-]
a. Fnter ?ectorial &o$ordination.
b. #ealth Fndicators IJF 'ertility.
c. &ommunity Diagnosis.
d. Nursing Audit.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Pediatric Nursing-/
[C'il$ &ealt'()e$iatric* Nursing Specialit%]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions. Write suitable examples from research findings
to support your answer.
1. a. )repare an outline for history ta9ing of a )aediatric client hospitalised
in medical "ard. [-]
b. De,elop a nutritional assessment sheet for assessment of nutritional
status of a toddler. [-]
. a. Describe Eri9sons theory of psychosocial de,elopment from infancy to
adolescence. [-]
b. 2utline the expected gro"th parameters and de,elopmental milestones
of adolescence. ?pecify the parental teaching to promote adolescence
optimal gro"th and de,elopment. [1D]
*. a. 2utline the nursing assessment criteria to identify a high ris9 neonate.
b. !hat nursing measures should be ta9en to pre,ent hypothermia as
"ell as nosocomial infections in high ris9 neonate. [8]
c. #o" "ill you ensure safe transportation of high ris9 neonate. [8]
.. !rite explanatory notes on the follo"ing / [-x8E*D]
a. National #ealth programs related to child health.
b. 'ailure to thri,e.
c. )renatal factors influencing gro"th and de,elopment of fetus.
d. Fntegrated management of neonatal and childhood illness.
e. &oncept6 aims and scope of pre,enti,e paediatrics.
M.Sc.(N) [1
56stetrica. Nursing-/
[+,stetrical - .%naecological Nursing Specialit%]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Discuss the +egal Aspects of Mid"ifery )ractice. [8]
b. Fs the concept of BFndependent Mid"iferyB rele,ant in Fndia:
%i,e your comments. [-]
. a. !hat is a #igh Iis9 )regnancy: #o" "ill you detect it: [8]
b. Discuss6 ho" genetics defects can be pre,ented. [-]
*. a. Discuss6 ho" "ill you help a mother to initiate early breast feeding. [-]
b. Describe in brief the physiologic changes that occur during puerperal
period. [8]
.. a. De,elop a protocol for nursing care of a "oman during 1st stage of
+abour. [7]
b. Discuss 5)opulation Dynamics5 and Nurse5s role in it. [-]
-. Define the follo"ing terms / [1x1DE1D]
i. #abitual Abortion
ii. #egar5s sign
iii. )artograph
i,. Iesuscitation
,. &ontracted pel,is
,i. ?econdary )ost partum #emorrhage
,ii. Normal +abour
,iii. Demography
ix. 'orceps Deli,ery
x. Assisted Ieproducti,e 0echnology
8. !rite short notes on any 5FOUR' [.x-ED]
i. #ome Deli,ery
ii. 'etal &irculation
iii. Minor Disorders of )regnancy
i,. National Iural #ealth Mission <NI#M>
,. !ater 1irthing
,i. &ontrolled cord 0raction.
M.Sc.(N) [1
Ps0c,iatric Menta. Hea.t, Nursing-/
[)s%c'iatric Nursing Specialit%]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.. !""# ad$issi%n]
M.M. & '( )i$e & * H%urs.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. a. Define E&0. []
b. !rite the - indications of E&0. [*]
. a. Discuss the scope of )sychiatric Nursing. [1D]
b. !rite in brief ne" 0rends of )sychiatric Nursing de,elopments. [1-]
*. a. Enlist the Alternati,e systems of medicine in Mental #ealth
practice. [1D]
b. Explain the &hiro practice in medicine. [-]
.. a. Define Anxiety Neurosis. [-]
b. !rite the sign and symptoms of Anxiety Neurosis. [-]
c. Enlist types of Anxiety. [-]
d. !rite the nursing care plan of the patient "ho is suffering "ith
se,ere Anxiety. [1-]

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