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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 137042 June 17, 2003
FELIPE MUSA, JR., SILVERIO MANJARES, JR. (deceased), allan reolo, randy lleno and
FELIPE MUSA, JR., Allan reolo, randy lleno and ANGELO MABINI, Appellants.


Defendants hurled stones at Zaldy (victim, deceased), who was hit on the face and fell to
the ground. Mabini and Reolo stood behind the other three accused holding stones. In the
meantime, Barangay Tanod Ireneo Mendez was asleep in his house nearby when he was
awakened by the sound of stones hitting the road and shouts for help saying, "Dont kill me." He
went out of his house and saw Zaldy sprawled on the road and five individuals standing around
him. When he shouted, "Hey, what is that, the five men ran away. Together, Mendez and Bebot
brought Zaldy to the Albay Provincial Hospital. Dr. Cesar Ong Chua, the resident physician of
Department of Surgery at the Albay Provincial Hospital, performed a "craniectomy or burr
holing" on the skull of Zaldy to evacuate "hematoma" or the "blood clot surrounding the brain."
Dr. Chua found that Zaldy suffered massive internal bleeding caused by strong force applied
directly to his head.12 However, Zaldy died the next day after the operation.


Whether or not appellants shall be liable for the loss of the earning capacity of the deceased?


Under Article 2206 of the Civil Code, appellants shall be liable for the loss of the earning
capacity of the deceased. Indemnification for loss of earning capacity partakes of the nature of
actual damages which must be duly proven.30 As shown by the victims service record, he was
holding the position of Supervising Civil Engineering Draftsman at the Department of Public
Works and Highway (Region V, Legazpi City) when he died at the age of 30 on July 18, 1988.32
His salary then was P58.21 per day, hence, his gross annual income would be P20, 955.60. Using
the American Expectancy Table of Mortality, the award of damages representing loss of earning
capacity should be P349, 225.07, computed as follows:

Capacity = Life expectancy
[2/3 (80 - age at death)] x Gross Annual Income - Living expenses
(GAI) (50% of GAI)

= 2/3 [(80-30)] x P20,955.60 - 50%

= 33.33 x P20,955.60 - 50%

= 33.33 x [P20, 955.60 - 10,477.80]

= 33.33 x P10,477.80

= P349,225.07

WHEREFORE, all the appellants are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs P349,
225.07 as actual damages for loss of earning capacity.

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