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A Brief Explanation of Gang Stalking

Gang stalking also known as organized stalking is a slang term for a set of tactics used in
counterintelligence operations involving the covert surveillance and harassment of a targeted individual.
The goal of such operations in the parlance of counterintelligence personnel is to subvert or
neutralize an individual deemed by a government agency (or corporation) to be an enemy.
Organized stalking is probably a better term than gang stalking since it more accurately conveys the
systematic nature of the crime and it avoids creating the erroneous impression that the activity is
connected with street gangs.

This much can be said in defense of the term gangstalking however: it is accurate in the sense that the
perpetrators federal and local law enforcement agencies and security-intelligence contractors do
often function in the manner of criminal gangs. Although they conduct their operations under the color
of law, many of their activities have neither moral nor constitutional legitimacy.

That is true of all of the major perpetrators of organized stalking in the US: the FBI, local Law
Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), security-intelligence contractors, and U.S. military
counterintelligence agents. All of those groups and other federal intelligence agencies such as the CIA
and NSA have histories of abusing their powers dating back to their inceptions.

Currently, the National Center for Victims of Crime is receiving thousands of calls each month, totaling
about 10% of their call volume, related to gang stalking crimes. These callers requests for help are
rejected due to funding clauses as dictated by the Department of Justice. What can you do? Call the
NCVC at 800-394-2255 and report the crimes you have experienced, ask about the number of gang
stalking related calls they receive, ask why these crimes and requests for help are being ignored.
Document the information you discover and share it with others.

Groups describe their methods as FACT (first amendment, chaos and tactics) which they borrowed
from the militia movement. These groups are a threat to our democracy because they have the
capability to destroy the life of anyone they choose and his family, unless they are wealthy enough to
isolate themselves. There is very little information on the tactics used by extremist groups. That is why I
wrote this book. I am hoping that the revelation of their tactics will help end their use. When they are no
longer a secret, they will not be effective.

Some people end up participating by being recruited into one of the organizations, like Citizen Corps,
because they genuinely want to help their community. Such people might think they are volunteering to
help keep their communities safe and prepared for natural disasters, but end up getting sucked into
monitoring the lives of innocent people who have been deemed dangerous, as handed down by hidden
leaders, to the organizers of these programs. Many citizens neglect to utilize critical thinking to realize
that what they are being told about people could possibly be untrue, or they are scared not to comply
with these seemingly powerful leader types. Oftentimes these handlers are authoritative and
charismatic men who first approach a group of a targets associates, pretending to be someone very
high up in terms of power and influence (though in reality they are just smaller fish higher ups use to
leverage their surveillance information).

A well developed and insidious form of government interference is organizations like Citizen Corps,
T.I.P.S., and Citizens on Phone Patrol. These groups present fronts about keeping America safe, etc.
always implying/suggesting these fears that we need to keep an eye out for the bad guys. Such groups
patrol neighborhoods, airways, and use illegal surveillance for gathering information, spying, and
terrorizing those unfortunate individuals who have made it onto their blacklists.

Myths and Facts about Gangstalking

Myth # 1

You have to be important to be a target of such intense and persistent stalking.


This is primarily a hate crime, whose targets tend to be neither wealthy nor public figures. Because the
target is often no longer able to hold a job, s/he usually lacks the funds to fight back. What makes this
different from other hate crimes is that the target is often not made aware if the reason behind it.

Myth # 2

If you think you are targeted, you must be mentally ill.


While delusional thinking does exist, these situations have an identifiable pattern to them. This type of
harassment has been modelled on past hate crimes and refined through years of use. It is intended to
make the target look crazy. In addition, the activity is so traumatizing that many otherwise "mentally
healthy" individuals might easily develop mental health issues as a result of the stalking. Hence, mental
illness is not an indicator of whether or not the activity is actually taking place.

Myth # 3

If you don't make them angry, they will stop.


Like bullies in the school playground, they do not go away if you ignore them. Victims have found, to
their dismay that the targeting can go on for years. Exposure is the only way to stop them.

A Word about Mental Illness
It is important to realize that our society's understanding of human psychology has grown
exponentially over the last 50 years, allowing any hate or government sponsored vigilante group to take
full advantage of such knowledge. Psychological warfare" is the perfect crime, because it causes the
maximum damage to the victim, with the least chance of exposure of the perpetrator(s). Victims can
very well be driven to suicide, while the explanation appears to be mental illness, so their claims are
never investigated.

This situation is often perceived to be mental illness. Differentiating between mental illness and a true
multiple stalking and technological harassment situations takes time. Victims may also have developed
mental illness as a result of the trauma. As mentioned on various mobbing websites, this activity is so
traumatic that it can cause mental illness in an otherwise healthy individual. Therefore, mental illness is
not necessarily an indicator or proof that the situation is not happening.

For these reasons, it is important to give a person the benefit of the doubt and to remain open-minded
and receptive to the idea that something is happening that is not merely attributable to a delusion. It
took many years for mobbing to become publicly acknowledged, and victims of this crime face the same
uphill battle.

The Investigation

One high-ranking law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, has stated that law
enforcement is under strict orders by the FBI to ignore all cases of gang-stalking, and if possible to
provide evidence that the victim is criminally insane

The intent of gang-stalking is to
1. Render the target, the victim, psychologically demoralized even to the point of committing suicide;
2. Make the target appear, to the larger community, to be mentally unstable for the purposes of A.
discrediting and psychologically demoralizing the target; B. ensuring no one will believe the target when
they claim they are being targeted;
3. Alienate and marginalize the target from the larger community, even family, making it easier to
psychologically demoralize and discredit the target.

On another occasion, on the same business band frequency, I heard someone complain that an African
American man was crossing the street. "All we could get him for is jaywalking" responded the leader.

People in the group would discuss where they would go for supper, after their shift was over, so I [the
author] went too. I listened to a group of people openly discussing various activities as if they were the
Real police officers were also sitting in the restaurant, listening to them. I later learned that their
presence was not a coincidence ..

Profiting through the target

When [stalking] groups move into a neighborhood, there is an increase in the number of break-ins,
vandalism, noise, and it will become a high traffic area. On some occasions, apartment management will
attempt to curtail the break-ins and vandalism by hiring a local security company

What the apartment management is unaware of is the fact that in some cases of gangstalking, owners
of the security company are either current or retired local law enforcement personnel that are secretly
working with law enforcement to further the gangstalking.

This newly developed tactic allows the target to be monitored and harassed while the security company
owners either profit through the stalking or use any profits to pay for the stalking operation

Chapter 5: The Surveillance Operation

Groups will not purchase property to establish a presence near a target but they will rent properties
near his residence/place of employment, or sublet apartments..

Surveillance on a residence or place of employment of a target is by triangulation. They watch it from
three different positions. They will use the garage, or erect shacks or sit in cars on the property of co-
operating neighbors. If they have to, they will even sit in their vehicles on the street but they will do
frequent trade-offs Surveillance on an apartment complex can involve as many as 6 stalkers, each
residing in separate apartment units.

Group members maintain a vigil around the target's residence and/or place of employment. They can
always find a valid reason to be in the area where the target resides and/or works...

They will mow neighbors' grass, hang around any businesses in the area, join nearby churches, join
neighborhood watch associations, hold meetings at the homes of neighbors, hold neighborhood parties,
deliver newspapers to people who don't subscribe to a newspaper, and whatever else they can think of.
They will have co-operating neighbors hold lawn sales so their members can maintain a presence in the
area. ...

When extremist groups rent property around a target's residence or place of employment, it is often
rented by a group member of a local gangstalker, who typically receives up to $100 a month (cash
transactions only) for use of the property by the group. Group members use the property to watch the
target in shifts. In other cases, no one will actually live in the residence, but there will be a steady stream
of different people at all times of the day and night.

"Groups typically consider themselves to be investigators who are gathering information to be used to
lay charges against the target. A typical police investigation lasts a few days. An investigation by a
private investigator may last a month and it may involve being followed around by two or three people.
The 'investigations' conducted by extremist groups against individuals can last for decades and involve
hundreds of 'investigators'. Some extremist leaders say that what they do is essentially what
investigative journalists do, but they don't mention the harassment, break-ins, vandalism or property


Groups study their targets, and as a result they are fully aware of whatever weakness he may have. If he
is addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex etc. They will know it and they will attempt to exploit it.
Calling the police to report a drunken driver or a suspicious person is standard practice.

Stalking Groups also attack targets of convenience. These people are selected because they are
convenient targets, and not for any other reason. These include loners who tend to be more vulnerable
to their harassment tactics than those with family and friends around them. Targets of convenience are
used for practice.

Some targets have reported seeing an increase in vehicle traffic by simply stepping outside their front
door to smoke a cigarette. On one occasion the target described how on several occasions he stepped
outside at 3AM to smoke a cigarette. About a minute later 3 cars drove past the target (about a minute
apart) on an otherwise deserted residential street. Minutes later local police showed up with their
overhead lights on.

When the target questioned why the police officer was in front of his house with his overhead lights on
the officer stated: We got a call about a suspicious person

The target then reported that once he returned into his residence, all traffic suddenly ceased.

Stalkers will use this tactic to give law enforcement an excuse to harass the target. Local security
companies that are owned by local law enforcement personnel and that have a hand in the stalking have
been known to use the same tactics to avoid being accused of harassing the target.

Knowledge of covert tactical training scenarios/timing allow these types of harassment tactics to appear
as though they are simply happening at random and not through any purposely thought out means

Character assassination

Stalking groups attempt to interfere with any business and personal relationships which the target has.
Typically, this interference involves character assassination from some anonymous individual and is not
usually taken seriously by those who know the target. It can be effective with people who don't know
the target.

At work, the target will also experience character assassination. If he works in any position where he
has to deal with the public, there will be a steady stream of customers who complain about him. If he is
a real estate agent, he will have a steady stream of prospects that occupy his time but never make an

Often times, when law enforcement is behind the character assassination, to avoid breaking the law and
being sued for defamation of character, they will use negative body language and facial expressions of
distress when the target is brought up in conversation. This tactic is used to frighten those that live
close to the target or come in contact with the target

Right up front, targets of organized stalking report that lies circulated about the targets are what fuel
local hatred for the targets. One of the favorite lies being circulated is that the target is a child molester.
This is routinely used against female targets as well as targeted men.

Other lies are that the target has a serious criminal record, or is into the drug trade, or is a prostitute. So
for those reading this book who aren't familiar with organized stalking, keep in mind that the obvious
answer to "Why would people harass targets who are nobodies?" ... is that once lies are circulated that
the target is a major criminal, that target is no longer a "nobody."

As to why certain people are chosen as targets, targets' reports show that whistleblowers and activists
are sometimes subjected to organized stalking as "punishment" for their activities.

The goal of these stalking groups is to harass the targets until they leave town. Many targets do not
realize that the groups operate as a national network. For many targets, moving to another town or to
another state across the country proves to be a waste of money because the harassment continues no
matter where they live. Some targets have been forced to leave the country.

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Omaha Police Officer Alexander Badge # 1361

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