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8 Renewable Energy Workshops @ RENERGY 2014

8 Unique and I nsightful Renewable Energy Expert Workshops @ RENERGY 2014

Jun 12 2.30 PM 5.30 PM
2:30 PM 5:30 PM Concentrating Solar Technologies - Community Cooking, Space Cooling &
Process Heat Applications
Concentrating Solar Thermal
Until a few years back concentrating solar heat was used predominantly for power generation known
as concentrating solar power (CSP).

But today, using the same CSP technology as the base but with lesser sophistication, solutions are
available that allow concentrating solar heat to generate steam up to 200 deg C, something that can be
used in many process industries for most of their heating purposes. This has opened up the new domain
of concentrating solar thermal (CST).

CST is today a commercial solution and has already been adopted / implemented at many process
industries in the country including diaries, food manufacturing units, large canteens and kitchens and the

Workshop Topics:
Concentrated Solar Technology, Solar heating applications in process industry, Arun/ Paraboloid
Technology, Parabolic Trough Concentrators, Scheffler Technology
Technology aspects of concentrating solar thermal and how it is different from the solar water
heater technology
Spectrum of industrial applications for concentrating solar thermal technologies
Case studies of the use of CST in industrial and commercial applications
Interactive Q&A where the experts answer specific questions on technical and end use aspects of

Workshop Speakers:
Dr. R Velraj, Director, Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University
Dr. Palaniyappan, Planters Energy Network
Mr. Valliyappan, Greenera Energy
Mr. Girish, Clique Solar
Mr. Sathish, Thermax Limited
Jun 13
State Nodal Agency (SNA) Session
State Showcase Session : Exclusive session for media and other stakeholders to learn about the
latest developments, key achievements and programs in various states

For perhaps the first time, key officials from many state energy nodal agencies (SNAs) will be
aggregating at one place and
providing insights on their plans and actions in their respective states.
12:00 PM 1:30 PM - Role of solar in industrial heating applications
Solar in Industrial Heating Applications

Going beyond simple solar water heaters and solar thermal for cooking, only a few companies in India
have actually implemented fully functional solar heating systems for industrial applications. Aspiration
Energy, a Chennai based sustainable energy pioneer, is one of them

In this workshop session, experts from Aspiration Energy provide insights on the real life work they have
done for industrial heating using solar technologies.

Workshop Details: Case study on the design, implementation and working of a solar industrial heating
application solution developed by Aspiration Energy for a TVS group company factory. The financial
viability of the implemented project mechanism will also be discussed.
Details of technology behind the solar thermal application
Inputs on economics and paybacks for the application
Inputs on precise industrial end uses where this can be applied
The experts who implemented this system will be at hand to answer questions during
1:30 PM 2:30 PM LUNCH
2:30 PM 3:30 PM Scheduling and forecasting of Wind FARMS
Scheduling & Forecasting of Wind Farms

India is progressing fast on the wind power front, with over 21,000 MW of wind farms installed.
As the contribution of wind power increases in the grid power mix, so does the necessity for forecasting
and scheduling of wind power, as wind is not a firm source of power.
A number of technology developments have taken place in the last few years in the forecasting and
scheduling of wind power. This workshop session provides you the latest insights and updates.

Workshop Details: Case study on forecasting and scheduling software framework, integration with
wind farms and actual implementation details to be presented by REConnect Energy
Background and concepts of the forecasting framework
Empirical data and analysis results from wind farms
Technology concepts behind the software
Insights on future developments in the scheduling and forecasting technologies.
3:30 PM 4:30 PM O&M for LARGE WIND FARMS
O&M for Large Wind Farms

With over 21,000 MW of wind power installed, and with states other than Tamil Nadu also starting to
have sizable capacities of wind farms, the operations and maintenance of wind farms has come into the
Wind power O&M presents both challenges and significant business opportunities especially to small
and medium businesses.

This workshop on O&M for large wind farms is a unique program from where you can learn about the
technical and operational aspects of O&M for large, MW scale wind farms, and also get a unique
opportunity to meet experts and business prospects.

Workshop Details: Case study on operation and maintenance of large scale wind farms Role of third
party O&M services, technology and software in wind farm maintenance by Omkar Clean Energy
Details of the entire wind farm O&M value chain
Components of O&M in wind farms
Challenges faced and solutions available for the various aspects of wind farm O&M
Opportunities available for entrepreneurs and small businesses in this sector
Use of IT for Wind Farm Yield Optimization a workshop by IBM
As the use of renewables (especially wind and solar) grows, IT will start playing a vital role. The
distributed and decentralized nature of renewables, the volatility and infirmness inherently present in
these sources, and the need for a smart grid, are forcing the hands of the energy sector to heavily invest
in IT as a critical tool to gain the most from renewable energy.

This unique workshop on the Role of Technology in Increasing Renewable Power Generation is a rare
opportunity for delegates to understand how a global industry leader such as IBM is viewing the
intersection of ET (energy technologies) and IT and their real life work in integrating IT in wind farms.

Workshop Details: Case study on role of cloud computing and big data solutions to optimize renewable
generation across wind farms by IBM
Jun 14
Waste to Energy Ecosystem Development

In the last few years, the waste to energy sector has seen significant challenges to large scale
implementation. While the promise of this sector is obvious, especially given that MSW (municipal solid
waste) management has been a critical pain point for many urban areas, a sustainable model for this
sector is not as easy as it appears.
This unique workshop on developing a holistic ecosystem is a much needed session where multiple
stakeholders deliberate on what could be a holistic but at the same practical model for sustainable waste
management and recovery of energy.
A workshop not to be missed for those keen on understanding the practical issues and challenges in the
waste to energy sector.

Workshop Details: Case study on successful implementation of a holistic end to end solution for waste
management. The workshop will involve detailed discussions on involving all stakeholders relevant
during the life cycle of the process (Waste collection to energy conversion) by Dr. Francin Pinto and
Mr. C Srinivasan
Insights on the entire waste to energy value chain
Challenges faced in each component of the waste to energy value chain
Details of the technology, operational, logistics and societal challenges
Rare perspectives from diverse stakeholders who have observed this sector at close
MW Scale Wind / Solar Hybrids Inferences from a Feasibility Study

Wind / solar hybrids are not new; there are thousands of these systems worldwide. However, these are
typically small scale systems (a few kW).

What is of greater interest to utilities are large scale solar/wind hybrids systems where MW scale solar
and wind farms can be collocated. The synergies are obvious better utilization of land and electrical
evacuation infrastructure, and synergies in operations and maintenance. There will be added benefits in
more stable power, as solar and wind power have complimentarity (the sun shines when there is little
wind vice versa).
In the first ever feasibility study that has been done anywhere in the world, EAI assisted TEDA
(organizers of RENERGY 2014) in conducting a feasibility study for such large-scale solar-wind hybrid

The results of this study are highly positive and could provide the impetus for TN and many other states
make pioneering efforts in collocating solar and wind farms. Details of and inferences from this study are
presented in this session by experts from EAI.

Workshop Details: Presentation on feasibility study of collocating wind solar hybrids in megawatt scale
Rationale behind large-scale, grid connected solar/wind hybrid farms
Detailed inputs on synergies available in such hybrid farms
Details on quantified benefits from land/civil infrastructure synergies, evacuation infrastructure
Technical and operational challenges for these hybrid wind farms and perspectives on how hard
these challenges are
Overall inferences on technical and economic feasibility of such projects
Teda Website:
Teda Email address:
Department/Organisation E-Mail Address
Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA)
[email protected]

Madurai Address
TEDA Madurai Regional Office at S.G.S.Y. Shopping Complex (1st Floor), DRDA Building
(Opposite Anna Bus Stand). (Telephone Number: 0452 253 5067) to expedite pre-
registration process.
Wind Energy
Small Hydro / Micro hydel projects / Watermills
Wind Solar Hybrid System
Solar Energy
CM's Solar Rooftop Capital Incentive Scheme
Public Relations Division
CM's Solar Powered Green House Scheme
Bio Energy
Battery Operated Vehicles
Wind Energy
The wind installed capacity of the state is 7134 MW as on 30.09.2012. This is 40% of the
countrys total wind installed capacity.
Tamil Nadu is endowed with three prominent passes having high wind potential, due to the
tunneling effect during south West Monsoon.
Sl.No Name of the Pass/Districts Annual average Wind Speed (Km/hour)
1 Palghat Pass, Coimbatore, Erode 18-22
2 Shencottah Pass, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin 18-22
3 Aralvoimozhi Pass, Kanyakumari 19-25
4 Kambam Pass , Dindigul district 19-25
Kambam Pass in Dindigul District has been identified as wind potential area in the recent past.

General details on Wind Power generation
1. Demonstration Programme on Generation Based Incentives for Grid Interactive Wind Power
2. Guidelines for Wind Measurement by Private Sector and subsequent development.
1. General information on Small wind energy and Hybrid Systems
2. Modified scheme for the programme on Small Wind Energy and Hybrid Systems(SWES) during
2010-11 and 2011- 12 reg.

Small Hydro / Micro hydel projects / Watermills

The rural energy scenario in India is characterized by inadequate and unreliable supply of energy
services. Micro hydel Projects and Watermills can provide a solution for the energy problem in
rural, remote and hilly areas where extension of grid system is comparatively uneconomical.
A number of mini/micro hydro projects have been set up in remote and isolated areas. A
number of tea garden owners have also set up such micro hydel projects to meet their captive
requirement of power.
Local organizations such as the Water Mill Associations, cooperative societies, registered NGOs,
local bodies are being encouraged to install watermills in their areas. A number of NGOs are
now propagating water mills for electricity generation to meet small scale electrical
requirements of villages. The water mills costs approx. 2 lakhs/KW.
Subsidy for Watermills and Micro Hydel Projects:
(a) Watermills:
1. Mechanical output only - Rs. 35,000/- per Watermill
1. Electrical output (up to 5 kW) - Rs. 1,10,000/- per Watermill
2. Both mechanical & electrical output (up to 5 kW) - Rs. 1,10,000/- per Watermill
2. Micro Hydel Projects up to 100 kW Capacity - Rs.40,000/- per KW

Wind Solar Hybrid System
Wind solar hybrid system may be installed at wind potential areas having annual average wind
speed of about 15 kmph (4.17 m/s) at 20 m height. Both solar & wind are supplementary in
nature. The wind component of the hybrid system has to be at least 60% of the total
capacity. This generates a max of 5 units of usable energy per day. During monsoon when solar
energy is practically zero the energy from wind offsets the shortfall to a great extent. The
intermittence energy from wind is also advantageous to battery charging, by extending battery
life. Cost of the hybrid system is also cheaper by 40% to 50% than the pure solar system. The
system can be installed at the roof top and the area required for the installation of solar panel
will be 8 sq.m/kw. The cost of 1 KW hybrid system would be approximately around Rs.2. lakhs.
Eligible MNRE, GOI Subsidy
Govt./Public/Charitable,R&D,academic and other non-profit
making institutions
Rs.1.5 Lakh per Kw
Other beneficiaries not covered above (individuals and
private/corporate sector will come under this category
Rs.1.00 Lakh per KW
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Small Wind Energy and Hybrid Systems

A series of seminars were conducted in 10 cities of our state from December 12 to 21
2011 and
2215 Institutions were requested to take part in the seminars. There was an overwhelming
response (532 colleges participated) and as a result, applications for a total of 1554 KW from 41
Institutions/Org/Individuals have been received and recommended for Sanction from MNRE.

Solar Energy
Solar radiation sustains all forms of life on earth. The main features of solar radiation are its wide
spread distribution, inexhaustible supply and pollution free source of energy. India receives solar
energy equivalent to about 500 trillion kWh per annum, more than enough to provide for the
entire countrys needs.
In India, the daily solar energy incidence varies from 4 7 kWh per m2 and many regions in the country
enjoy 250 to 300 sunny days annually.
Types of Solar Energy Systems
Solar Photovoltaic Systems
o Photovoltaic (PV) systems generate electricity from the light of the suns rays.
Broadly, solar PV systems can be classified as thin film or crystalline solar PV systems.
Owing to their modularity, solar PV systems can be implemented on small rooftops to
large MW, scale ground mounted power plants.
o Some of the key applications for solar PV include
Utility scale solar power plants
Rooftop solar power plants
Solar streetlights
Solar lanterns
Solar water pumps

Solar Thermal Systems
o Solar thermal systems recover energy from the heat of the sunlight. Unlike solar PV
which can be used only to generate electricity, solar thermal systems can be used for
power production or for heating/cooling applications. Thus, solar thermal systems can be
used in a range of applications from simple solar water heaters, to solar air heating and
air conditioning systems, to medium temperature thermal applications, and finally to
produce power, through concentrating solar power systems.
o Key applications for solar PV include
Solar water heaters
Solar dryers
Solar air conditioners
Solar industrial process heating
Concentrating solar thermal
Concentrating solar power

Solar Energy in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy
The state came up with an ambitious solar energy policy in 2012, with the goal of 3000 MW of solar
power in Tamil Nadu by 2015. More about the policy from here
Chief Ministers Solar Powered Green House Scheme
The Govt. of Tamil Nadu has launched Solar Powered Green House Scheme. Under this scheme 3 lakh
houses will be constructed with solar powered lighting systems over a period of 5 years from 2011-12 to
2015-16 for the benefit of poor in rural areas.
More about the scheme from here
Energisation of Street Lights through Solar Power
The Govt. of Tamil Nadu has decided to energise 1 lakh street lights in village panchayats through solar
power over a period of 5 years up to 2016. More about the scheme from here
MNRE Capital Subsidy Scheme for Offgrid and Decentralised Solar Applications Plants
Solar PV
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provides financial incentives for rooftop and offgrid
solar power plants. Details of the schemeare provided here.
Solar Water Heaters
Details of MNRE benchmark costs and financial incentives for solar water heaters are provided here
Technical Specifications from Grid-tied Solar Power Plants
AkshayUrja Shop Details
Solar Street Lights LED
Solar Water Pumps
Solar PV Power Plant

Chief Ministers Solar Powered Green House Scheme

Govt of Tamil Nadu has launched Solar powered Green House Scheme. Under this scheme 3 lakh houses
will be constructed with solar powered lighting systems over a period of 5 years from 2011-12 to 2015-16
for the benefit of poor in rural areas.
For the year 2011-12, 60,000 Houses have been taken up and solar powers lighting systems are provided
at an estimated cost of Rs.180 Cr. Out of 180 Cr the eligible subsidy from Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy, GOI will be appx Rs.42.6 Cr
For the year 2012-13 , 60,000 Houses have been takenup and are being provided with 49650 CFL
based , 10,350 LED based solar power lighting system at an estimated cost of Rs 180 Cr. With
approximately Rs 39.42 Cr subsidy from MNRE .
The solar lighting system consists of 5 nos CFLs/ LEDsone each in Living room, Bed room, Kitchen,
Toilet & Verandah. These CFLs/ LEDscan be operated for 5 hrs a day. The solar home lighting system is
with grid backup and has following innovative features:
1. Smart power conditioning unit to charge the battery from grid only in rainy or cloudy days when
solar power is insufficient.
2. MNRE design of solar system is with 3 day autonomy. ie., even if it is raining for 3 days the system
will work as the required energy for 3 days is generated by the panel & stored in the battery. Provision of
grid back up avoids requirement of autonomy for more than a day. Hence additional capacity of battery
and SPV panel required for more autonomy is reduced, resulting in huge capital saving.
3. Direct EB supply to lights in case of failure of Battery/Inverter
4. Comprehensive maintenance of the systems by the supplier for 5 years
5. Call Centre is established for addressing the grievance of beneficiaries.
Energisation Of Street Lights Through Solar Power
Govt of Tamil Nadu has decided to energise 1 lakh street lights in village panchayats through solar power
over a period of 5 years upto 2016. For the year 2011-12, 20,000 street lights have been taken up at an
estimated cost of Rs. 50.5 Cr out of which Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GOI provides the
subsidy of Rs. 8.1Cr.
For the year 2012-13, 20,000 street lights have been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs. 50.5 Cr out
of which Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GOI provides the subsidy of Rs. 8.1Cr
The street lights are energised through solar power in three categories.
1. Per year 18000 existing street lights with 40W incandescent bulbs or tube lights are replaced with
20W LED lights and powered in clusters from centralised Solar Photo Voltaic(SPV) power plants through
the existing distribution line of TANGEDCO, with grid backup.
2. per year 1000 new LED based street lights are powered in clusters from centralised SPV power
3. Per year 1000new LED based stand alone street lights are powered by SPV.

LED lights are used as its life is around 50,000 hrs, which is 5-8 times that of CFL and consumes only
half of the energy consumed by CFL.
This is first of its kind in the country, as the existing street lights so far powered from grid supply are now
being powered with solar energy with provision for grid backup. ie., Battery charges from EB supply only
during Cloudy/Rainy days.
The solar street lighting system has following innovative features:
1. Remote monitoring unit is provided to monitor the performance of the street lighting systems from
anywhere. A daily fault report will be generated & given to the installer for rectification within 48 Hrs.
Tampering of Panel, battery & inverter housing is also monitored.
2. Automatic ON/OFF control of the lights from 6am to 6 pm
3. Automatic dimming of lights to one third during off peak hours. The LED lights glow with full
brightness during the peak hours (Evening 6.00pm-10.00pm & Morning 5.00am - 6.00am) and one third
of full brightness during remaining period. This reduces the capacity of SPV panel, Battery and other
accessories resulting in huge reduction in investment, while going for large scale implementation.
4. Smart power conditioning unit to charge the battery from grid only in only during rainy or cloudy
days when solar power is insufficient.
5. MNRE design of solar system is with 3 day autonomy. ie., even if it is raining for 3 days the system
will work as the required energy for 3 days is generated by the panel & stored in the battery. Provision of
grid back up avoids requirement of autonomy for more than a day. Hence additional capacity of battery
and SPV panel required for more autonomy is reduced, resulting in huge capital saving.
6. Direct EB supply to lights in case of failure of Battery/Inverter
7. Comprehensive maintenance of the systems by the supplier for 5 years.

Chief Minister's Solar Rooftop Capital Incentive Scheme
Online Application Forms :
1. Individuals
2. Group (In case of Apartments)

Offline Application Forms (Download PDFs below)
1. Individuals
2. Group (Incase of Apartments)

List of Empanelled Installers

Applicants Login Page


Consumer Guide on Net Metering

For any queries, please contact our Call Centre @ 77080 60310

Public Relations

(The International Conference cum Exhibition on Renewable
To promote the State Nationally & Internationally as an attractive investment destination for Renewable
Energy, an event under the name RENERGY 2014 was organized on 12th, 13th & 14th June, 2014 at
Chennai Trade Centre, (CTC) Chennai. The event was a phenomenal success with around 200 exhibitors,
2,000 conference delegates and about 15,000 visitors. All Senior Officers from Govt. of India connected
with the sector participated.

Awareness Activities

TEDA (Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency), a State Nodal Agency under Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE)/Government of India is promoting the renewable energy among
masses by creating the much-needed awareness. In this connection, TEDA has been organizing
various functions/ activities comprising rallies, human chains /mini-marathon, competitions such
as essay writing, painting, quiz, debate etc. among the student community. This has stimulated
the much needed mass awareness about the need, benefits and the relevance of renewable
energy in the present scenario.
TEDA has produced a short film for promoting Renewable Energy amongst school students.
Kindly find time to watch. Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
English Version
Tamil Version
View the presentation
Green Energy Campaign
TEDA conducted a mega mass awareness campaign on Renewable Energy as Green Energy
Virumbuvom Campaign during the year 2012-13 throughout the State in coordination with
Rotary International. The campaign involved participation of more than 10 lakh students in 1048
schools all over the State. The Green Energy Virumbuvom campaign had a series of activities
held in school and colleges with an aim of promoting Renewable energy as the prospective
substitute for the depleting natural resources.
During the campaign several contests on Green Energy such as Essay- Writing, Collage,
Elocution, Painting, were organized. Winners at School, Revenue district, Rotary district and State
level were awarded prizes. The State level winners were awarded prizes by the Honble Minister
for Electricity, Prohibition & Excise Natham Thiru R. Viswanathan & Honble Minister for Higher
Education Thiru Paranjothi, at the valedictory function held at Trichy. Certificates of participation
were issued to all the students who participated in various competitions

TREE (Tamil Nadu Renewable Energy Exhibition)
The Honble Minister for Electricity, Prohibition & Excise has announced in the floor of Assembly
that TEDA would conduct exhibitions in 10 districts to create large scale awareness of
Renewable Energy sources among the people.
As per the Announcement of Honble Minister, TEDA had arranged Exhibitions which is named
as Tamil Nadu Renewable Energy Exhibition ie, TREE.
The first exhibition was conducted at Madurai District from 20.9.2012 to 24.9.2012 jointly with
MADTISSIA. The Honble Minister for Electricity, Prohibition & Excise has attended the
Valedictory Function on 23.9.2012.
Mobile Exhibition Van
Mobile Exhibition Vans (2-Nos) fitted with working models of Renewable Energy Gadgets are
made to travel throughout Tamil Nadu on request from various Educational Institutions
(Colleges & Schools), NGOs, Private Entrepreneurs etc to spread the awareness and publicity
about renewable energy sources. This also enables the student community and the general
public to have close look at various components of the renewable energy gadgets and about
their working.

Bio Energy

Brief Note On Biomass Power Generation
Biomass has always been an important energy source for the country considering the benefits it
offers. It is renewable, widely available, carbon-neutral and has the potential to provide
significant employment in the rural areas. Biomass is capable of providing firm energy. About
32% of the total primary energy use in the country is still derived from biomass. Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy has initiated a number of programmes for promotion of efficient
technologies for its use in various sectors to ensure derivation of maximum benefits .
For efficient utilization of biomass, bagasse based cogeneration in sugar mills and biomass
power generation / co-generation in industries have been taken up under biomass power and
cogeneration programme.
Biomass power & cogeneration programme is implemented with the main objective of
promoting technologies for optimum use of countrys biomass resources for grid power
generation and captive power production. Biomass materials used for power generation
include juliaflora, bagasse, rice husk, straw, cotton stalk, coconut shells, soya husk, de-oiled
cakes, coffee waste, jute wastes, groundnut shells, saw dust etc.
Biomass Gasifier

Grid connected Biomass Gasifiers in the state
M/s. Sri Saastha Energy Pvt Ltd, Vellore - 0.5 MW (2010)
M/s. Arasi Hitech Bio Power Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore 1 MW (2003)
Biomass Gasifiers can be deployed for meeting thermal energy requirements in various
industries viz., Rice mills, jaggery, textile and dying, tiles, steel and other industries Biomass
gasifiers can be utilized for Grid interactive/ Off grid power wood firing .generation. Biomass
gasifiers consume less biomass fuel compared to conventional wood firing.
MNRE/GoI provides subsidy for the following
Biomass Gasifier based Distributed / Off-grid power programme for Rural Areas.
Biomass Gasifier based Grid Connected Power Programme
Biomass gasifier based programmes in Rice Mills
1. The MNRE programme on providing subsidy for the above Biomass Gasifier programmes
and application form seeking subsidy from MNRE, GoI may be downloaded
2. Biomass Gasifier for industries amendment regarding
Biogas Plants

A combustible gas (composed primarily of methane) produced when Organic waste, sewage or
manure is fermented in the absence of oxygen. The solid material that remains in the digester
after fermentation can be used as an organic fertilizer.
Biogas - a gas mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and small quantities of hydrogen and
hydrogen sulphide - is created under air exclusion through the fermentation of organic
substances with microorganism assistance. Biogas is a gas mixture, consisting of approximately
40 to 75 % methane (CH4), 25 to 60 % carbon dioxide (CO2), and approx. 2 % of other gases
(hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide).
Advantages of Biogas
No smoke , Clean Fuel
Produces organic manure for a sustainable agriculture
It reduces fossils fuels Dependency
MNRE provides subsidy towards establishment of Biogas Based Power Generation Systems vide
the following:
1. Continuation of Biogas based Distributed / Grid Power Generation Programme during 2010-
11 - Administrative Approval
2. Implementation of National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) during
11th Five Year Plan Administrative Approval addendum reg.
Waste To Energy

Grid connected Waste to Energy Plants.
1. M/s. Shubashree Bio Energy Pvt Ltd - 2.5 MW
2. M/s. G.K.Bio Energy Pvt Ltd - 1.5 MW
3. Vegetable waste based power plant at Koyambedu Vegetable Market, Chennai - 0.25 MW
4. M/s. IOT Mabagas Ltd. - 2.4 MW

Detailed note on Energy Recovery from Urban and Industrial waste
1. Programme on Energy Recovery from Urban Wastes for the year 2011-12 - sanction
2. Programme on Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste for the year 2011-12 - Sanction
3. Waste to Energy Projects established in State PDF FILE Programme on Recovery of Energy
from Industrial Wastes for the year 2011-12 sanction regarding.

Battery Operated Vehicles

Battery operated vehicles (BOVs) are run by batteries and are free from noise and air pollution.
They are ideally suited for cities are also suitable for use in hospitals, factories, educational
institutions, wild life sanctuaries, airports and places of historic importance.
BOVs can be operated as public transport vehicles -- BOVs are available as passenger cars, 10
seater auto rickshaws and 12 seater vans. MNRE provides subsidy for the same.
The battery operated vehicles (two wheelers) have the following advantages:
1. They have zero emissions and do not pollute the atmosphere.
2. They cost about Rs.25,000/- to Rs.40,000/- (subsidy of Rs.4000/- & Rs.5000/- for low & high
speed vehicle respectively) and consume only about 1.5 KWhr of electricity to travel 60 km.
3. They can go about 3050 km on a single charge. This capability meets the needs of an
average, two wheeler-riders.
4. Most are used during the day and can be charged late at night, which is advantageous in
balancing the electric power load.
5. Electric bikes reduce human exertion. They are structurally simple, convenient to charge, and
easy to operate. Users do not need a drivers license to operate them.
6. They are compatible with city roads.
7. They will reduce traffic congestion in the cities.
8. They will help reduce energy consumption. Their annual operating cost is about 15% of that
of motorcycles.
Implementation of Alternate Fuels for Surface Transportation Programme (AFSTP) for the
remaining period of 11th Plan for the years 2010-2011 and 2011-12 Administrative Approval

News & Announcements
Displaying 1-5 of 5 result(s).
Scheme on 'Energy Efficient Solar / Green Buildings' for
implementation during 2013-14
Scheme on 'Energy Efficient Solar / Green Buildings' for implementation during 2013-14 and rest of the
12th Five year Plan Per...
Read more
Revised Benchmark Costs for Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants
v> Amendment in the bench mark cost for Off-grid and Decentralized Solar Applications Program...
Read more
Revised Benchmark Costs for Solar Water Heaters
v> Amendment in the Bench mark cost of Off-grid and Decentralized Solar Applications Programme
being im...
Read more
Honourable Chief Minister's Solar Awards
Honourable Chief Minister's Awards for Solar Power Generation will be given to various categories of
Low Tension Consumers. ...
Read more
Attention: New Solar water heating system buyers
Solar Water Heating systems installed as per minimum technical requirements prescribed by ministry of
new and renewable energy, Government of India, New Delhi / certified by bureau of Indian standa...
Read more

Tamil Nadu, India Promotes Renewable Energy
Efforts to boost solar energy generation
With special focus on solar energy, the State government has come out with the Tamil
Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2012 and also taken several other measures to boost solar
energy generation in the State.
At a meeting organised by the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore,
here on Saturday, Electricity Minister Natham R. Viswanathan said that all new
government buildings would go in for solar energy. Houses constructed under the
Green House Scheme also went in for solar power. Further, the government was
installing one lakh solar street lights.
According to the policy, all solar or solar-wind hybrid systems installed on roof tops by
domestic consumers before the end of March next year would get generation-based
incentive. The Centre gave 30 per cent subsidy for minimum 1 kw systems.
Industries could invest in solar energy parks. The Tamil Nadu Energy Development
Agency (TEDA) was the single window system to get all clearances. The TEDA would
help the investing units identify land for the solar park. The government would create
evacuation facilities and the investors could opt to sell the power generated to the Tamil
Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (Tangedgo) or through the open access
system. Those into manufacture of solar equipment and accessories were eligible for
several concessions.
The target was to have 3,000 MW of solar energy generation capacity in the State in
three years. Of this, the target for this year was 1,000 MW and bids had come for 260
MW. It would be possible to achieve the target with improving awareness of the
scheme, he said.
In the case of solar energy obligation for high tension and commercial tariff consumers,
it was three per cent for this year and six per cent next year. The target was fixed after
studying the feasibility. If the industries were unable to generate the required solar
energy, the Tangedco would be able to buy it and supply to the industries at the
purchase rate, he said.
Coimbatore Mayor S.M. Velusamy said that Coimbatore was one of the solar cities
identified in the country. The local body planned to go in for 2 MW solar energy
Former president of the chamber Mahendra Ramdass sought reduction in the solar
power obligation for industries this year and said that the evacuation infrastructure
should be improved in the State.
Chamber president R.R. Balasundaram said that the chamber welcomed the solar
energy policy of the government. Provisions for solar systems should be included in the
planning stage in buildings of about 2,000 sq.ft. or more, he suggested.

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