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DATE FILED: September 24, 2014

CASE NUMBER: 2014CV31595

Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting
After Action Report for the
City of Aurora, Colorado


Submitted to:
City of Aurora
15151 East Alameda Parkway
Aurora, CO 80012

Submitted by:
TriData Division, System Planning Corporation
3601 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 351-8300

April 2014
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Table of Contents
FOREWORD ......................................................................................................... I
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................ III
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ X
What Went Well ..........................................................................................................................x
Areas for Improvement ............................................................................................................ xiii
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................xv
CHAPTER I. AURORA AND ITS EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS ................................. 1
Aurora Police Department ...........................................................................................................2
Aurora Fire Department ...............................................................................................................5
Public Safety Communications Department ................................................................................7
Hospitals ......................................................................................................................................9
Attack Starts ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Audience Reaction .....................................................................................................................11
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER III. POLICE RESPONSE TO THEATER .................................................... 13
Initial Dispatch and Command ..................................................................................................13
Apprehension of Suspect ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Search of Theaters ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Emergency Medical Assistance ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Crowd Management ...................................................................................................................19
Police Incident Command ..........................................................................................................21
Mutual Aid .................................................................................................................................25
Key Findings ..............................................................................................................................27
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................28
CHAPTER IV. PARIS STREET APARTMENT ........................................................... 34
Evacuation and Security ............................................................................................................34
Inside Suspects Apartment ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Render-safe Plan ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Inter-agency Cooperation ..........................................................................................................39
Key Findings ..............................................................................................................................40
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER V. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ................................................... 42
Casualty Count ...........................................................................................................................42
Aurora EMS System ..................................................................................................................42
Overview of EMS During the Incident ......................................................................................43
Initial EMS Dispatches and Transports .....................................................................................45
Triage in the Theater ..................................................................................................................45
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System Planning Corporation
Incident Command for EMS ......................................................................................................47
Ambulance Access .....................................................................................................................48
Medical Groups ..........................................................................................................................55
Victim Transportation ................................................................................................................61
Treatment on Scene ...................................................................................................................67
Medical Direction ......................................................................................................................68
Hospital Care .............................................................................................................................68
Key Findings ..............................................................................................................................72
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................73
CHAPTER VI. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS ............................................. 82
Role of Communications Center................................................................................................82
Communications Center Staffing ...............................................................................................82
Call-taking Volume ....................................................................................................................83
Request for Mutual Aid .............................................................................................................83
Personnel Notifications ..............................................................................................................84
Police-Fire Communications .....................................................................................................85
Key Findings ..............................................................................................................................87
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................88
CHAPTER VII. PUBLIC INFORMATION ................................................................ 92
Public Information and Media Relations ...................................................................................92
Key Findings ..............................................................................................................................98
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................98
OPERATIONS CENTERS .................................................................................... 100
Incident Command System ......................................................................................................100
National Incident Management System ...................................................................................102
Single or Unified Command ....................................................................................................104
General Staff ............................................................................................................................107
Key Findings ICS ..................................................................................................................110
Recommendations ICS .........................................................................................................110
Operations Centers ...................................................................................................................111
Key Findings EOC ................................................................................................................112
Recommendations EOC ........................................................................................................113
CHAPTER IX. DEALING WITH THE AFTERMATH ................................................ 114
Victim Services Unit ................................................................................................................114
Mobilization of Victim Services ..............................................................................................116
Family Reunification Center ....................................................................................................117
PIOs for Victim Families .........................................................................................................120
Assessment of Victim Services by Victims and Families .......................................................122
Office of the Coroner ...............................................................................................................124
Prayer Vigil ..............................................................................................................................125
Presidential Visit ......................................................................................................................128
Assistance to City Personnel ....................................................................................................130
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TriData Division, April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Support Services for the Community .......................................................................................131
Aurora Strong Resilience Center .............................................................................................134
Key Findings ............................................................................................................................134
Recommendations ....................................................................................................................135
OF NOTABLE EVENTS ...................................................................................... 138

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, i April 2014
System Planning Corporation
The City of Aurora chose to conduct an independent after action review (AAR) of its
response to the July 20, 2012 mass shooting at the Century 16 Theater movie complex, and the
associated threat of explosive devices at XXXXXXX apartment on Paris Street. The City
competitively selected TriData Division, System Planning Corporation, to undertake the review.
TriData had completed over 50 after action reviews of major emergency incidents, including
previous mass shootings at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, and Columbine High
School in Littleton, Colorado.
The After Action Review started in May 2013, almost a year after the incident. The delay
was due to a court-imposed gag order on information connected with the case, which had not yet
come to trial. The case still had not yet come to trial during this review, which confined the
scope to the response, and not the investigation or background of XXXXXXX.
The review focused primarily on the response of the Citys emergency forces during the
first three days, including actions by police, fire and emergency medical services (EMS), private
ambulances, hospitals, public safety communications, and public information personnel. Also
included was the first week of family and victim assistance, assistance to first responders, and
healing support for the community. The roles played by regional and national agencies and other
city departments were reflected in the review.
The investigation of the crime itself was largely outside the scope of the review, except
for initial steps taken to gather and organize theater witnesses, and the actions of the coroner.
XXXXXXX background and motivation were outside the scope, as was the issue of preventing
these types of incidents.
The charge to the team was to first describe the event and actions taken by the Citys
emergency personnel, then to evaluate what was done, draw lessons learned, and make
recommendations for the future. The project team was also to review measures taken by the City
after the incident to improve future emergency responses.
The report attempts to make a reasonable compromise between level of detail and
readability. The goal was to provide a sufficiently detailed description of events so that readers
would understand the key aspects. In some cases, details were withheld out of concern that they
might be too useful to future perpetrators.
Some timeline information is provided in each chapter to help the reader understand the
flow of events. The Appendix has a detailed combined timeline developed by the Aurora Police
Department that is based largely on radio transmissions, telephone recordings, the automated
vehicle location system, and interviews of participants.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, ii April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Sources of Information
The City of Aurora gave the project team access to the personnel involved in the incident
and its aftermath. Over 180 interviews were conducted with city and emergency leadership,
police, fire and ambulance responders, hospital personnel, coroners office staff, public safety
communicators, family assistance personnel, mutual aid responders, federal and state agencies,
and others. The project team could not interview every first responder involved, but we obtained
more than a representative sample. A few victims and victims family members also agreed to be
The project team reviewed a large amount of written and video information the city had
gathered, including police and fire reports, reports from investigators who interviewed theater
patrons, dispatch recordings, and pictures and diagrams provided by the police. We also
reviewed videos of the event, news broadcasts, news articles, and other sources. We considered
standards and guidelines on widely accepted practices, and background information on the
various organizations involved from their websites.
Some individuals are mentioned by name in the narrative for clarity, to avoid pedantic
repetition of positions, and in some cases to give credit for innovative actions. For the most part,
however, the report describes actions of groups or individuals by rank, unit, or radio call sign.
Organization of the Report
The report begins with background on the city and the organization of its emergency
forces. Next are chapters describing the theater shooting and police response, followed by a
chapter on the response to the improvised explosive hazards found at the suspects Paris Street
apartment. The report then cycles back to discuss in separate chapters the medical response by
the fire department, ambulances, and hospitals; the public safety communications center role;
public information; and incident command. The last chapter discusses the aftermathactions
taken to reduce consequences and unite the community. There is some redundancy across
chapters that is intended to help the reader understand the context without having to reread
earlier chapters.
Each chapter after the first ends with a summary of key findings and recommendations
pertinent to the area discussed. In total, there are 84 recommendations for the future based on the
lessons learned. Many should be of interest beyond Aurora.
In the time since the Aurora Century 16 Theater shooting, mass shootings have taken
place in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, Santa Monica College in California,
and at the Washington Navy Yard in the District of Columbia. By addressing what worked well
and what could have been improved, we hope the report will contribute to the body of
knowledge on how best to deal with such incidents in the future.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, iii April 2014
System Planning Corporation
The authors wish to thank the many City of Aurora personnel and those in the local, state
and federal agencies who shared their experiences in dealing with this incident with the project
We would like to especially thank Police Commander James Puscian, the citys principal
coordinator for the project. He was extremely helpful throughout the project, including arranging
the myriad of interviews, and handling many sensitive issues. Special thanks also to Officer Faith
Goodrich, who assisted Commander Puscian and provided invaluable assistance in research,
scheduling, and many other tasks supporting the review. Unless otherwise credited, the
photographs and diagrams in this report were provided by the city.
Deputy Fire Chief Tony Cito was instrumental in coordinating the fire service aspects of
the review. Nanette Coats and Marena Lertch were instrumental in expediting the interviews for
the Public Safety Communications staff.
Most of the people interviewed individually or in groups are listed below. For privacy,
we excluded names of victims and their family members who graciously allowed us to speak
with them. We greatly appreciated everyones time and candor. We apologize if we inadvertently
missed anyone. The positions listed are those held at the time of the incident, in July 2012.
While we received much assistance from the city and those listed, the findings and
recommendations are those of the project review team, whose members are listed at the end of
the list below.
City of Aurora
George Skip Noe City Manager
Michelle Wolfe Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Nancy Freed Deputy City Manager, Operations Group
Kim Stuart Director, Communications
Jason Batchelor Director, Finance
Nancy Sheffield Director, Neighborhood Services
Barbara Shannon-Banister Community Relations Manager
Jan Haden Human Resources Specialist
Suzanne Hahn Benefits/HR Specialist
Chanell Reed Mayor/City Council Division
Heath Walter Street Maintenance Supervisor
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System Planning Corporation
Aurora Fire Department
Chief R. Mike Garcia Fire Chief
Deputy Chief Tony Cito Special Services
Deputy Chief Chris Henderson Technical Services
Deputy Chief Dan Martinelli Operations
Deputy Chief Danny Willcox Administrative Services
Battalion Chief Cynthia Andersen Training
Battalion Chief Hunter Hackbarth Battalion Chief
Battalion Chief Mark Stephenson Shift Commander
Acting Battalion Chief Kevin Waters Emergency Medical Services Manager
Captain Kris Andersen Acting Battalion Chief
Captain Harold Foos Paramedic Engine 5
Lieutenant Matthew Chapman Office of Emergency Management
Lieutenant Bernd Hoefler Truck 2
Lieutenant Jason Pendleton Tower 8
Lieutenant David Kaiser Paramedic Engine 2
Lieutenant Jeremy Sones Paramedic Engine 8
Rescue Technician Donnie Holsworth Truck 2
Rescue Technician Daniel Pollet Paramedic Engine 8
Rescue Technician John Spera Paramedic Engine 8
Firefighter Tim Orton Truck 2
Engineer Randy Rester Union President, Local 1290
Engineer Kelly Stewart Paramedic Engine 8
Acting Engineer Paul E. Barry Truck 2
Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Daniel Adams Supervisor
Jeff Prink
Mario Lujan
Ron McCune
Aurora Police Department
Chief Daniel Oates Chief of Police
Deputy Chief Terry Jones Deputy Chief of Police
Captain Fran Gomez Commander, Special Operations Bureau
Captain Jerry Hinkle Relief Duty Captain
Captain Jim Puscian Duty Captain
Captain Bob Stef Reunification Center Supervisor
Lieutenant Lee Condreay Commander, Investigative Support Section
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Lieutenant Joseph DAgosta Commander, Emergency Response Team
Lieutenant Mike Dailey Commander, SWAT Team Summer Task Force
Lieutenant Tim Dufour Commander, Crime Laboratory
Lieutenant Harry Glidden Relief Reunification Center Supervisor
Lieutenant Jad Lanigan Duty Lieutenant
Lieutenant Paul OKeefe Acting Commander, Investigations Bureau
Lieutenant Tom Wilkes SWAT Team Relief Commander
Sergeant Bryan Butler Patrol
Sergeant Cassidee Carlson Media Relations Unit Public Information Officer
Sergeant Jackie Cooley SWAT Team Range Supervisor
Sergeant Matt Fyles Homicide Unit Supervisor
Sergeant Mike Holm SWAT Team Supervisor
Sergeant Gerald Jonsgaard Patrol
Sergeant Scott Newhouse Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator
Sergeant Stephen Redfearn Summer Task Force Supervisor
Sergeant Scott Stanton Patrol
Sergeant Mike Yorchak SWAT Team Patrol
Detective Craig Appel Homicide Unit
Detective Carrigan Bennett Police Operations Center
Detective Chris Fanning Crimes Against Children Unit
Detective Todd Fredericksen Homicide Unit
Detective Randy Hansen FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force
Detective Warren Miller Homicide Unit
Officer Roland Albert Patrol
Officer Aaron Blue Patrol
Officer Annette Brook Patrol
Officer Joseph Bumberger Traffic Lead for Presidential Visit
Officer Natasha Cabouet School Resource Patrol
Officer Anthony Camacho Traffic Detail (Off-Duty)
Officer Sue Condreay School Resource Patrol
Officer Diana Cooley Police Area Representative
Officer Jeremy Cooley DART SWAT Team
Officer Steve Edwards SWAT Team
Officer Frank Fania Media Relations Unit, Public Information Officer
Officer Dave Gallegos ATF Task Force
Officer John Gonzales Patrol SWAT Team
Officer Faith Goodrich SWAT Team Paramedic
Officer Murray Hanley SWAT Team
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Officer Candice Hanson Police Area Representative
Officer Mike Hawkins Patrol
Officer Emily Hitchings Narcotics Investigator
Officer Sheldon Irons Patrol
Officer Paul Jerothe Patrol SWAT Team Operator/Paramedic
Officer Tim King Fugitive Unit SWAT Team
Officer Cody Lanier School Resource Patrol
Officer Ryan Marker Traffic
Officer Chris Neiman Patrol
Officer Shelley Owens Acting Sergeant, Patrol
Officer Jason Oviatt Patrol
Officer Mike Pitrusu SWAT Team
Officer Kevin Rossi Gang Unit
Officer Jason Sweeney Patrol
Officer Donald Wilcox Patrol
Officer Everett Williams Traffic Detail (Off-Duty)
Nick Carroll Crime Scene Investigator
Amanda Kelsey Crime Scene Investigator
Sandra Wiese Crime Scene Investigator
Carole OShea Victim Assistance Supervisor
Patty Lucy Victim Services Advocate
Connie Stauffer Victim Services Advocate
Anne Doerr Victim Services Advocate
Aurora Public Safety Communications Center
Michael Bedwell Manager, Communications
Marena Lertch Senior Supervisor
Noel Mink Training Supervisor
Deborah Smith Support Supervisor
Nanette Coats Shift Supervisor
David W. Dooley Shift Supervisor
Julie Buck Shift Supervisor
Diva Miranda Jones Support Lead
James Cummings Support Fire Positions
AJ Benegas Support Fire TAC channel
Cheri Brungardt Telecommunicator
Sarah Demoney Telecommunicator
Cheri Kline Telecommunicator
Paul Nelson Telecommunicator
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Daniea Simpson Telecommunicator
Cathy Canzanora Telecommunicator
Tarryn Downey Telecommunicator
Ethel Nelson Telecommunicator
Ryan Romberg Telecommunicator
Virginia Smith Telecommunicator
Missy Cummings Telecommunicator
Tony Kahn Telecommunicator
Katie Stamper Telecommunicator
Josh Thurmond Telecommunicator
Arapahoe County
Michael Dobersen, MD, PhD Coroner/Medical Examiner
Kelly Lear-Kaul, MD Forensic Pathologist, Office of the Coroner
Sergeant Rich Anselmi Sheriffs Office
Arvada Police Department
Jill McGranahan Public Information Officer
Broomfield Police Department
David Walts Public Information Officer
Gilpin County Sheriffs Office
Cherokee Blake Public Information Officer
Jefferson County Sheriffs Office
Lieutenant Scott Eddy Watch Supervisor
Deputy J.J. Smith Patrol K9 Deputy
Mark Techmeyer Public Information Officer
Jacki Kelley Public Information Officer
Denver Police Department
Lieutenant Paul Berdahl SWAT Team Commander
Sergeant Joe Unser Patrol
University of Colorado
Chief Doug Abraham University Police Chief
Ryan Huff (at Boulder) Public Information Officer
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System Planning Corporation
Office of the District Attorney, 18
Judicial District
George Brauchler District Attorney
Karen Pearson Chief Deputy District Attorney
Rich Orman Deputy District Attorney
Lisa Teesch-Maguire Deputy District Attorney
Rural Metro Ambulance
David Patterson Division General Manager
Courtney Morehouse Public Information Officer
Nathan Harvey Paramedic Supervisor
Shauna Allen Paramedic Supervisor
Josh Hoverton Paramedic
Tiffany Hopkins Emergency Medical Technician
Dr. Tim Givens Childrens Hospital, Director
Amy Lewis Childrens Hospital, Clinical Manager
Phillip Nemar Childrens Hospital, Emergency Manager (Incident
Dr. Maria Mandt Childrens Hospital, EMS Medical Director
Rob Leeret University of Colorado, Emergency Department,
Dr. Fred Severyn University of Colorado, Emergency Department,
EMS Medical Director
Lisa Floyd Medical Center of Aurora, Emergency Department,
Associate Director
Dr. Gilbert Pineda Medical Center of Aurora, EMS Medical Director
Federal Bureau of Investigations, Denver Field Office
James Yacone Special Agent in Charge
Steve W. Olson Assistant Special Agent in Charge
Bradley Swim Supervisory Special Agent
Garrett Gumbinner Special Agent Bomb Technician
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Steven Beggs Supervisory Special Agent
Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance
Nancy Lewis Executive Director
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System Planning Corporation
Mental Health Experts
Dr. John Nicoletti Psychologist, Nicoletti-Flater Associates, PLLP
Dr. Bruce Smoller Psychiatrist, HPC
Dr. Richard Anson Psychologist
TriData Project Team
Philip Schaenman Project Manager; Police Operations
Hollis Stambaugh Deputy Project Manager; Family Assistance; Public
Information; Coroner
Dr. Harold C. Cohen Fire and EMS Operations; Hospitals
Robert W. Nichelini Police Operations; Public Safety Communications
Steve Souder Public Safety Communications
Expert Panel Members Dr. Roger Depue; Police Operations
Dr. Howard Mell; Emergency Medicine
Carroll Ann Ellis; Family Assistance
Colonel Gerald Massengill; Police Operations

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, x April 2014
System Planning Corporation
On July 20, 2012, shortly after midnight, a lone gunman opened fire on moviegoers
attending the premiere of a Batman movie in the Century 16 Theater complex in Aurora,
Colorado. He shot 70 people XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Of the 70 shot, 12 died,
In addition to those shot, at least 12 people are known to have suffered injuries in the
course of fleeing the theater, some of which were serious enough to require surgery. In total, at
least 82 people suffered physical injuries, not including minor injuries that were not recorded. I
addition to the physical injuries, many movie patrons, family and friends of the casualties, first
responders, and people in the community suffered psychological trauma as a result of the
What Went Well
Overall, the combined efforts of Aurora public safety agenciespolice, fire,
communicationswith timely assistance from neighboring jurisdictions, the FBI and ATF,
achieved the best possible outcomes following the shooting:
All victims with survivable serious wounds were rapidly triaged, transported to
nearby hospitals, and recovered.
The first police unit arrived in less than two minutes from the first 911 call, and
multiple units arrived within three minutes. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
The first Fire Department unit arrived in five minutes and 30 seconds. They
immediately engaged in patient care near the main entrance of the theater.
Multiple improvised explosive devices at XXXXXXXX Paris Street apartment were
disarmed by an interagency bomb task force, with no harm done to the building
occupants or first responders, and with no major damage to the building. The FBI sent
senior technical experts to assist the local bomb squads, and the combined team
performed exceptionally well in disarming the complex devices.
All five area hospitals receiving victims provided outstanding emergency care
without having much forewarning to prepare for the influx of 60 victims who arrived
at their doors, most with gunshot wounds and many in critical condition. None of the
hospitals had to divert patients to other hospitals.

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TriData Division, xi April 2014
System Planning Corporation

The Public Safety Communications Department handled 6,000 calls instead of the
1,500 on a typical day, and all were answered within established call-answering
goals. The Centers telecommunicators supported the incident throughout, and were
instrumental in alerting nearby jurisdictions to render mutual aid.
Police quickly set up a family reunification center at Gateway High School, with
excellent cooperation from Aurora public school officials.
Victims and their families were treated with respect and given exceptional care by the
Aurora Police Victim Services Unit, supplemented by trained volunteers and
professional family assistance personnel from nearby jurisdictions. Families of the
deceased were given the innovative option of having their own public information
officer to help deal with the media.
The Coroners Office and Aurora Police helped speed confirmation of the deceased
victims identities by having a police forensic analyst use an innovative practice
taking just two fingerprints from each deceased victim while still in the theater, and
matching them against drivers license records. While formal identification and
release of victim names is never perceived as fast enough, this approach expedited the
process while meeting legal and professional requirements.
The general public was kept informed through a series of press conferences and press
releases. A Prayer Vigil and Presidential Visit following the incident were carried out
successfully, despite the fatigue of public safety personnel who had to provide
Care was offered early on and over a period of time to first responders who suffered
psychological trauma or wished assistance.
These successful outcomes derived in large measure from a combination of extraordinary
performance by the initial wave of arriving police officers acting on their own judgment and
training, the medical care at the scene administered by fire and EMS personnel and later in the
hospitals, and good luck as to the location of the incident and the time of day. A large number of
police were able to respond quickly because Police District 2 headquarters was less than a mile
away from the theater, and the incident occurred during a shift change. It also helped that there
was little police activity elsewhere in the city and the roads were clear after midnight on a
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, xii April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Police commanders counted on the large number of responding officers to use good
judgment and their training. They could not be individually directed in the first minutes, and
could not be on the radio channels without overloading the communications system. Officers and
supervisors performed exceptionally well, flowing around the theater, taking up containment and
observation positions, cordoning off the theater, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (there were
Ambulances could not get through to several patient triage and treatment locations
because of traffic and pedestrian congestion in the parking lots, exacerbated by unattended police
vehicles. Police officers decided to transport victims in police vehicles rather than wait for
ambulances to get through, or for patients to be carried long distances to ambulances.
Contemporaneous with the police decision to transport, a firefighter on another side of the
building asked an officer to transport a victim the firefighter was treating.
Of 60 patients brought to hospitals, 27 went in police cars and 20 in ambulances. Others
were transported in private vehicles, and one walked. This level of police transport was
unplanned and unprecedented. If the police cars had not been used for rapid transport of
seriously wounded victims, more likely would have died. While considered out-of-the-box
thinking for this incident, the use of police cars for transport of gunshot wounds is becoming
more accepted. The latest emergency medicine research suggests that speed of getting a gunshot
wound victim to a close-by hospital is more important in many cases than the mode of transport
or care en route.
Fire department personnel triaged over 100 people at multiple triage centers set up
around the theater. Some moviegoers were bloodied and unsure if they were injured. The fire and
EMS personnel treated many victims before assisting them into transports to hospitals, or letting
them leave on their own if able to do so.
Police officers and supervisors did an excellent job in crowd control of the at least 1,200
people fleeing the theater complex into the surrounding parking lots. The police separated the
crowd into groups by theater, and arranged bus transport to the local Gateway High School
where they were interviewed.
Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver, the ATF, and the FBI deserve special
recognition for their assistance. Denver sent about 97 police officers and supervisors. The FBI
sent over 100 agents and specialists. Many Aurora city departments contributed to handling the
incident and its aftermath.
A unified (joint) command between law enforcement and fire department officials
successfully managed the Paris Street bomb scene. Aurora police brought in the Adams County
bomb squad, Arapahoe County bomb squad and then FBI, ATF and Denver Police Department
experts. Police evacuated residents in the apartment building where the explosives were located
and the surrounding buildings in case things went wrong. The team of bomb experts successfully
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TriData Division, xiii April 2014
System Planning Corporation
disarmed multiple, complex devices. The team made excellent use of the Adams County robot,
and a fire department aerial unit helped law enforcement look into the apartment before entering.
Areas for Improvement
The situation was complex, and there were many challenges for first responders. Below is
a summary of the salient issues that need attention going forward. They are discussed in more
depth in the body of the report, along with lesser issues. Over 80 recommendations for
improvement in handling future incidents are made. Many have already been implemented by
Unified or Single Overall Command Police and fire officials did not establish a
unified (joint) command nor a single overall commander until late in the first hour of the
incident. Having a unified command might have resolved police-fire communications issues
regarding getting ambulances in closer to victims, and clarifying the level of risk to fire/EMS
personnel. This is not to imply that response actions in the first minutes should have been held up
until a joint command was established; any such delay could have negatively affected the
Fire Department Incident Command For the most critical period of the incident, an
acting battalion chief was fire incident commander, without support from other chief officers. As
a result, fire incident command was initially overwhelmed due to patient volume and
geographical scope of the incident. Within the Incident Command System, an overall incident
transportation coordinator was not appointed which might have alleviated some of the patient
transportation problems.
Fire-Police Communications In part due to the volume of radio traffic and dispatcher
workload on police and fire frequencies, some critical messages were either not successfully
relayed to recipients, or not understood between police and fire incident commanders. Police and
fire must train with public safety communications personnel and communications systems in
mass casualty exercises to ensure that all know how to communicate with each other in a large
incident. It is part knowledge of communication systems and part human communications that
need to improve.
Risk Assessment The level of risk in the theater was not discussed between police and
fire commanders. Fire did not know that police had arrested XXXXXXXX. Uncertainty of the
risk might have delayed triage in the theater had it not been for the fortuitous circumstance of a
police officer who was a SWAT paramedic being one of the initial officers on the scene.
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System Planning Corporation
There needs to be clearer definition and care used to describe risk to paramedics at a mass
shooting and to change the risk assessment if warranted as events proceed. There also needs to
be better training of fire and EMS personnel for entering a warm danger zone under police
protection. Another consideration is to train police officers in basic combat medic skills, and
provide them with a tactical medical kit, which Aurora police now are doing.
Access to Victims Police and fire need to work out procedures for better access to
victims in such logistically complex circumstances. Emergency medical personnel were delayed
and overloaded before getting to some of the critically injured victims because they were
intercepted by the wounded streaming away from the theater. It was difficult to bypass them,
especially with no overall transportation group having been established to coordinate transport.
Police did not inform fire on how to reach some patients, despite one police car making multiple
round trips to hospitals. No one considered having that unit or another lead an ambulance in after
the first trip. Fire never asked police how their cars were getting through. As noted above, a
transportation group should be established under ICS to deal with such issues.
Triage Ribbons Triage ribbons indicating severity of condition (black, red, yellow)
were not attached to victims, nor were patient tags used after treatment in the field. This made it
more difficult for hospitals and EMS to identify and track the most seriously wounded.
Notifications in Communications Center Messages to the public safety
communications senior managers did not result in getting senior communications managers back
to duty soon enough. This contributed to a lack of adequate arrangements to bring in relief
telecommunicators and to brief the next shift on incident status.
Emergency Operations Center Some of the resource coordination and logistics that
could have been facilitated through an activated emergency operations center did not occur.
Auroras Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a limited operation that needs improvement
and greater visibility within the citys structure.
First Responder Relief Exhausted first responders who served during the theater and
Paris Street responses were pushed to the limit by being required to serve as security for the
Prayer Vigil and Presidential Visit. They could have been rotated out, using more officers from
surrounding jurisdictions.
Victim Information Providing information to families on the status of loved ones was
problematic. Hospitals and victim advocates did not have adequate information to answer family
questions in a timely manner.
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System Planning Corporation
While there are things to improve, as is always found in hindsight, the City of Aurora
should be proud of its response to the largest civilian shooting in U.S. history, and the largest
mass casualty incident in Auroras history. To repeat the key point, the outcome could not have
been better in terms of lives saved and a rapid arrest. The neighboring jurisdictions and federal
agencies, especially the FBI, provided excellent, timely assistance in force. The City is aware of
the lessons learned, and has already taken measures to implement changes. It is hoped that the
findings and recommendations will be useful to other jurisdictions as well.

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 1 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
The City of Aurora has grown rapidly to over 340,000 in population. It is adjacent to the
City of Denver and Denver International Airport. The city straddles three countiesAdams,
Arapahoe, and Douglasas shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Aurora and Surrounding Counties

Aurora has excellent relations with its surrounding cities and counties, including well-
developed mutual and automatic aid for police and fire responses, some of which are established
under state law. Prosecution of criminal defendants rests with the county in which the offense
occurred, which requires the Aurora Police Department to deal with separate District Attorney
offices and a multiplicity of local and state courts.
In some ways, Aurora is two different cities. Old Aurora has multi-family residential
neighborhoods and high-density business districts with higher crime and fire hazards than the
newer part of the city, especially in the area surrounding the former Stapleton Airport. In
contrast, New Aurora has more planned housing developments and business districts of
modern design and construction, well-designed street and road networks, ample parks, and open
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TriData Division, 2 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Aurora has a city council/manager form of government. The city manager supervises all
departments, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. City of Aurora Organizational Chart

Aurora Police Department
The Aurora Police Department (APD) is a full-service law enforcement agency with
about 653 sworn officers and 137 support staff. The ratio of almost 2 police per 1,000 population
is higher than for cities of similar size in the western United States.
Organization The Chief of Police reports to the City Manager. The patrol function is
divided into three police districts that are supported by city-wide units such as investigations,
special weapons and tactics (SWAT), canine, narcotics, traffic enforcement, and school resource.
A 40-officer Mobile Field Force (Emergency Response Team) is drawn from across the
department when needed. The department also operates a full-service crime laboratory with non-
sworn crime scene investigators. During summer months, a special extra unit called the Summer
Task Force is fielded.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 3 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Generally, three District Police Watch Commanders (lieutenants) are on duty, one per
district. One is designated the Duty Lieutenant, with responsibility for management of major
incidents and coordination of city-wide law enforcement activities during his/her shift unless a
higher level command officer takes over. Figure 3 shows the organization of the APD.
Figure 3. Aurora Police Department Organizational Chart, July 2012

Police Training for Active Shooters The APD held active shooter training for several
years prior to the 2012 theater shooting incident, including eight hours for each officer in 2011.
Virtually all officers had completed active shooter training prior to the theater incident. They
were trained to respond rapidly and neutralize XXXXXXX as quickly as possible, without cover
or assistance from specialized teams when time did not permit.
Although Auroras overall violent crime rate is fairly low, 1,380 offenses in 2012, a little
over 3 per 1,000 population according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, the police had
experience dealing with frequent though isolated shootings, about 40 per year.
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TriData Division, 4 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
In September 2011, the APD, AFD, and the PSCD participated in Operation Mountain
Guardian, a multi-agency terrorist attack drill in the Denver metro area. Terrorist attacks were
simulated at schools, hospitals, and other major pubic venues. In addition, all three departments
participated in the following training exercises since 2010:
Operation Vortex-EOC Operations Operation Vortex at Denver International
Airport was held on October 11 and 12, 2012. It was a North Central Region exercise
that focused on tornado response and recovery efforts. They worked in a pile of
concrete that represented an office building and parking structure hit by a tornado.
Fifty agencies took part in the exercise. The Aurora Fire Department Technical
Rescue Team participated at the DIA site on the first day of the exercise. The second
day of the exercise was designed for EOC operations. The City of Aurora stood up
the EOC for four hours and EOC personnel were given several injects related to a
scenario of multiple tornado touchdowns within the city. Representatives from Fire,
Police, Communications, Public Safety Communications, Water, Public Works, Fleet,
Internal Services, Tri-County Health Department, and Information Technology all
Aurora Public Schools Annual Exercises, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Annually, the
school district in conjunction with the police and fire departments conducts a
readiness exercise centering on a school setting. The events included active shooters,
hostage situations, terrorist style takeovers, special events, and sporting event
takeovers. The scenarios usually involve active shooter movements, hostage
negotiations, EOD detection and disposal, as well as victim extraction.
The 2013 exercise involved the takeover of a theater at the Community College of
Aurora. The suspects planted explosive devices, shot several people during the
takeover of the theater, as well as booby trapping the theater itself. The exercise
involved the police SRO, SWAT, CNT, Public Safety Communications, and Aurora
Fire Department. All three departments practiced the newly designed High Risk
Extraction Protocol (HREP). (Note that this exercise was after the theater shooting
incident, and reflected lessons already learned.)
University of Colorado, Tabletop Exercise, Pandemic This is an annual exercise
with the University of Colorado Hospital. The graduating medical students are the
players in the exercise with the support and assistance of subject matter experts.
Police, Fire and Emergency Management participate in this exercise scenario where a
town is being affected by a significant pandemic. The medical students are assigned
to a focus area (police, fire, elected officials, communications, etc.), and are required
to make decisions with the assistance of the city representatives. This allows them to
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 5 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
see the overall impact of a health related crisis from multiple and how a community
can work together to address the problem.
E-470 Exercise The E-470 Exercise held in October 13, 2010 was a jointly held
with APD, Aurora Fire Department, Public Safety Communications Department,
Colorado State Patrol, Buckley AFB, and Tri-County Health. It was a full-scale
exercise at a toll plaza on E470. It simulated an F16 crash onto the highway with
subsequent release of a pesticide. On October 20, there was a tabletop recovery
exercise focused on the following several days. APDs primary involvement in the
exercise was deployment of the ERT.
Aurora Fire Department
Aurora Fire Department (AFD) provides the full range of services of a modern fire and
emergency medical services (EMS) department, with the exception of EMS patient
transportation, which is provided by a private firm, Rural Metro, under a city contract. Rural
Metro provides ambulances with paramedics stationed in Aurora, and can draw on more if
needed. Mutual aid for ambulance and other fire services is provided by surrounding
communities. The EMS resources are discussed further in Chapter V on the EMS response.
The AFD incident commander is in charge of ambulance as well as fire operations at the
scene. The senior AFD paramedic present is responsible for a patients care until the patient is
transferred to an ambulance crew. For critical patients, Fire Paramedics stay with the patient for
continuity of care when possible. Figure 4 shows the fire department organization chart.
Every firefighter must maintain emergency medical technician (EMT) certification. All
firefighters hired subsequent to January 2005 must become a paramedic as a condition of
employment. Engines and ladder trucks have four firefighter/EMTs per unit. There are at least
one, and often two, fire paramedics on each engine and truck company, which is above average
EMS capability nationally.
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TriData Division, 6 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Figure 4. Aurora Fire Department Organizational Chart, September 2012

Emergency Medical Services Division The AFDs EMS Division is headed by an
EMS bureau manager, roughly equivalent to a battalion chief in rank. The manager is assisted by
a captain and three lieutenants.
The EMS Division handles all matters related to EMS care, including protocols, training,
quality management, and supplies. EMS medical direction is provided by three board-certified
emergency physicians who practice emergency medicine within the Aurora medical community.
The EMS bureau manager maintains liaison with the medical directors, the local medical
facilities, and Rural Metro.
Prior to the Century 16 Theater shooting incident, all EMS officers were assigned to day
work and available by page for off-hours emergency response. An EMS captain coordinated
quality management and training, and an EMS lieutenant was assigned to each battalion. Since
the incident, the lieutenants have been assigned to shift work, allowing an EMS officer to be
available on a 24-hour basis to improve EMS incident management.
Emergency Management Division The fire department coordinates emergency
management for the whole city through its Emergency Management Division. However, the
division is staffed only by a lieutenant and civilian specialist who operate the Emergency
Operations Center during a major emergency and help coordinate preparedness planning of
various city agencies.
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TriData Division, 7 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Firefighter Training for Active Shooters As noted above, the fire department
participated with police in numerous mass casualty and terrorist training exercises. In July 2007,
the AFD conducted a large-scale officer training program covering multi-casualty situations, the
new Mobile Command vehicle, and HazMat decontamination. The AFD also participated in the
April 2011 joint police-fire active shooter continuing education program.
Since the theater shooting incident, the APD, AFD, and PSCD undertook a joint effort to
update their active shooter training and protocol. At the time of this report writing, High Risk
Extraction Protocols (HREP) were undergoing final revision and approval by command staff.
Public Safety Communications Department
The Public Safety Communications Department (PSCD) supports police, fire, and other
emergency services in the city. It is independent of those departments and reports to a deputy
city manager. Its organization chart is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Public Safety Communications Department Organization, July 2012

The Public Safety Communications Department had a budgeted strength of 81
employees, including a communications manager, senior supervisor, administrative specialist,
training supervisor, 6 shift supervisors, 7 lead telecommunicators, and 64 telecommunicators.
The Department operates a full-service Communications Center that houses the citys
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), which is responsible for receiving and processing 911
calls for police, fire, and emergency medical services. Communications Center staffing varies by
projected workload (time of day, day of week). During busy evening shifts, the Communications
Department is typically staffed with nine 911 operators, two or three police telecommunicators,
one police services telecommunicator (who handles requests for name checks, DMV

AFD. (2013). Section 6.19: High-risk extraction protocol. [Draft]. June 26, 2013.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 8 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
information, tow requests, etc.), and at least two fire telecommunicators. In addition to line
telecommunicators, each shift normally has a lead telecommunicator and a shift supervisor.
Communications Department trainees begin their tenure by learning call-taking skills as
a 911 operator for approximately 12 months. Then over the course of an additional three years,
each telecommunicator trains to become qualified as both a police and fire dispatcher.
The main telecommunications system is a Harris (M/A COM) 800 MHz trunked radio
system, with multiple talk groups (sometimes called channels). The talk groups are assigned to
radio fleets (groups of channels) of police, fire, and other city agencies.

Mobile and portable radios are interoperable between agencies; that is, they allow police
and fire units and command to talk to each other. Front-line public safety vehicles are equipped
with mobile data computers and a global positioning/automatic vehicle location (GPS/AVL)
system that shows the location of emergency vehicles, and records the history of their movement.
The center now uses an Intergraph computer assisted dispatching (CAD) system, although an
older Motorola Printrak CAD was in use when the theater shooting incident occurred.
In addition to the citys public safety radio systems, the Communications Center has
access to a variety of mutual aid channels, including:
MetroNet Intercommunication between area PSAPs
4 Blue Talk Groups Inter-agency police mutual aid communications
4 Red Talk Groups Inter-agency fire mutual aid communications
CLEER Colorado Law Enforcement Emergency Radio
The Communications Center has the capability to quickly patch together mutual aid
channels and Aurora talk groups. MetroNet can be monitored only by the Communications
Center and may not be accessed or patched to mobile or portable units.
During summer months, the Communications Center normally operates three police
dispatch talk groups (one for each police district) at peak workload periods. This is reduced to
two dispatch talk groups during less busy periods. In addition to the primary dispatch talk groups
are service and tactical channels, which are always available. The AFD uses one talk group for
primary dispatch and uses multiple tactical talk groups assignable to individual incidents and the
fire ground.

The terminology of communication is not consistent nationwide, and can be a little confusing. Talk groups is the
new name for channels in an 800 MHz system. Aurora also uses the following terminology: Agency = Department;
Profile = Individual radio mappings; Fleet = A series of talk groups normally but not necessarily numbering 16; Talk
group = A channel assigned to a specific function like police or fire dispatch.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 9 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Every APD officer has a personal portable radio. Many keep the radio with them even
when traveling to and from work.
Aurora was fortunate to have several hospitals with ample trauma resources relatively
near the incident, including:
The Medical Center of Aurora (Level II Trauma Center)
University of Colorado Medical Center (Level II Trauma Center)
Childrens Hospital Colorado (Level I Pediatric Trauma Center)
Denver Health (Level I Trauma Center)
Swedish Medical Center (Level I Trauma Center)
Parker Adventist Hospital (Level III Trauma Center)

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TriData Division, 10 April 2014
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TriData Division, 11 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Audience Reaction

While the scope of this review did not include advice to theater owners, we felt obliged to
offer the following suggestions:
1. Alarms and Emergency Announcement Capability in Theaters. To improve
patron safety, theaters should consider putting alarms on emergency or secondary
exits, and preferably monitor them by video surveillance. Having a voice
communications system to inform people about emergencies also is important in an
emergency. Additionally, theater complexes should be able to quickly switch off the
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 12 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
movies and turn on the lights in each theater, to facilitate exiting and improving
visibility in an emergency. Generally, these are not common features in theaters
today. Besides cost, the downside is that if leaving through an exit sets off an alarm,
some might be tempted to do it for fun.
2. Public Education. Inform the public on appropriate measures if caught in a shooting
situation. Nationally, thousands of people have been exposed each year to small- and
large-scale shooting incidents. There are likely to be more. The key guidance to offer
Flee if you can.
If not possible, hide or shelter.
If neither is possible, consider attacking XXXXXXX, preferably in concert with
others, throwing anything handy to distract or injure him.
The Houston Police Department has an excellent free instructional video for the
public on what to do in a shooting situation. The West Virginia State Police have
been training office workers in Charleston. Aurora Police Department and other
departments in the Denver region should consider this education, and enlist the media
to help disseminate it.

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 13 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
In light of experience from multiple victim shooting incidents in the past two decades,
widely accepted police strategy is to attempt to quickly neutralize an active shootergo to the
shooter, and do not wait for special teams or special equipment or a large force for attack. The
longer the perpetrator is left to shoot, the more people may be killed or injured.
Experience shows that in a mass shooting the shooter often stops only when the police
officers arrive. The shooter then often commits suicide (e.g. Virginia Tech and Columbine High
School), is shot (e.g. Fort Hood), surrenders, or is apprehended. Officers are expected to take
risks to stop an active shooter, especially in an incident like the Century 16 Theater shooting
Members of the Aurora Police Department followed the active shooter strategy, acting
bravely and professionally as they encountered an unknown shooting situation with multiple
seriously injured victims. Police units arrived very quickly, less than 3 minutes from the first 911
call. XXXXXXXXXXXX. All victims with survivable injuries were saved.
Initial Dispatch and Command
The Aurora Public Safety Communications Department received the first report of a
shooting at the Century 16 Theater at 12:38 a.m.the early hours of a Friday morning
A little over one minute later, two patrol units were assigned to respond to a call of shots
fired. The Communications Center broadcast that at least one person had been shot and theres
hundreds of people just running around. Lieutenant XXXXXXX, the Duty Lieutenant, radioed
Communications to send all available cars, and to broadcast this request city-wide on all district
dispatch frequencies, not just to District 2. The Century 16 Theater is less than a mile from the
District 2 police station, which is co-located with police headquarters at 15001 East Alameda
Parkway. Figure 6 is an aerial photo showing the distance from the theater to the District 2 police
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TriData Division, 14 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Figure 6. Distance from Century 16 Theater to Police District 2 Station

At the time of the initial dispatch, most officers from the 3:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. swing
shift were at the station, preparing for debriefing and relief. The graveyard shift had reported
for duty at 10:00 p.m. and was in the field. Also on duty were several officers assigned to the
Summer Task Force, the extra unit formed to increase police presence at night during the busy
summer season. In total, there were 126 Aurora police officers available across the city at that
moment, only a few of whom were handling calls. The overlapping shifts and the presence of the
Summer Task Force added approximately 54 officers and their supervisors to what normally
would have been available.
Initial Arriving Units Shortly after the dispatcher broadcast all available cars
switch to Channel 2 and start for Century 16 Theater, active shooter, there was a follow up
advisory that someone is still shooting inside Theater Number 9. By a little after 12:40 a.m.,
slightly more than two minutes after the first 911 call, officers started to arrive at the theater.
They encountered injured victims and began requesting medical assistance. XXXXXXXX.
Because of the number of officers available and the proximity to the District 2 station,
multiple Aurora police units were on scene within minutes of the initial calls for help. More units
kept arriving each minute. Figure 7 shows the rapid buildup of police units. There were 6 units
on scene within a little over two minutes, and 14 units within four minutes. XXXXXXX
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Figure 7. APDs Response to Century 16 Theater

While a few police units reported their arrival on scene by radio, most did not, in
accordance with good radio practice.
First-line Aurora police vehicles are equipped with a
Global Positioning System/Automatic Vehicle Locator (GPS/AVL) that records time and
position if the officers mobile terminal is logged on. Therefore, some arrival times are known
from GPS/AVL records rather than from radio traffic. However, AVL could not be used to find
the arrival time of many of the officers who were going off shift and not logged on to AVL, nor
officers working off-duty jobs and driving their personal vehicles. Nevertheless, though not all
arrival times are known precisely, there is no question as to the rapidity of the response and force

When there is a large police response, officers typically do not report by radio that they are on-scene in order to
reduce radio traffic and dispatcher workload. In Aurora, this practice complied with Paragraph 12.9.6 of the
departments Active Critical Incident Directive.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 16 April 2014
System Planning Corporation

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 17 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
unlikely the police would have continued to make multiple requests for emergency medical
assistance if they thought the scene was unsafe. The concept of a police-fire coordinated High
Risk Extraction Protocol (HREP) had not yet been formalized and only some officers were
familiar with the concept.
The need to clearly define threat levels and to distinguish between a hot zone with
active shooters and a warm zone where there is concern but no immediate threat will be
discussed further in the Fire/EMS and the Incident Command chapters. Fire department
personnel did not enter the theater because the wounded there had already been triaged, and the
fire department was told there were only triage category Black (deceased) victims remaining.
AFD resources focused on the treatment and transport of category Red patients (serious
injury). But while not critical here, the confusion regarding level of risk could well have been
critical were it not for the happenstance of the police paramedic responding to the theater. Fire
departments must communicate with police on when and how to affect entry after an initial
shooting or bombing is over.
Outside the Theater After finishing interior triage, Officer XXXXX went outside and
triaged victims gathered at the police-staging site behind the theater. He did not treat any victims
there. The fire department had by then had established a second triage area behind the theater,
and he coordinated with them on patient transport priorities. Three victims were loaded in each
of two available ambulances.
Many officers and EMTs outside the theater by now were being besieged by wounded
victims and people requesting medical attention for other victims. Most Aurora police officers
had not been trained beyond basic first aid, nor did they have any medical supplies in their
vehicles. They helped as best they could when fire/rescue personnel were not nearby and there
was uncertainty as to whether they were coming to help a particular victim.
Most if not all requests by police for EMS aid were made to the Communications Center,
creating delays and information loss for the fire/EMS rescuers. Officers calling dispatch for
assistance could not be sure their message resulted in any rescue action and could not tell if
sirens or ambulances nearby were responding to their call or another. Several officers reported
that they encountered wounded people, called for rescue, but no one came.
Because unified command or a single overall incident commander had not been
established, individual police officers radioed for medical assistance without coordinating with
an incident commander. This resulted in duplicate requests, unnecessary radio traffic, and an

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inability to control and prioritize use if EMS resources. ICS and Unified Command are discussed
further in Chapter VIII, Incident Command System and Emergency Operations Centers.
Ambulance Access The traffic in the parking lot and parked police vehicles blocking
roads made it difficult to get fire apparatus and ambulances through the maze of vehicles and
curbs to get close to the theater and the wounded. Police incident command knew that access for
fire and EMS vehicles was clear on the south side of the theater (from East Exposition Avenue),
but it required driving over a low median strip. As best we can tell from interviews with many
police and fire first responders, the police did not provide access directions or instructions for
fire/EMS, assuming they could navigate their own way through the parked cars as had police
On the other hand, Fire Command did not ask for directions or assistance to facilitate
ambulance access to some clusters of victims. Fire Command had delegated transportation to
their ICS Division supervisors, who did not solve the maze. Fire apparatus and ambulances have
different suspensions than police cars, and typically are not driven over curbs or raised landscape
areas, which compounded perceptions of inaccessibility. There was a swale behind the theater
that would have been difficult for fire and EMS vehicles to cross, but that should not have
interfered with access from East Exposition.
Police Transport of Victims When ambulances did not become available quickly
enough, decisions started to be made by police and then firefighters to transport some of those
wounded to hospitals by police cars. Some police car transports of victims just had the one
officer driving the car. Some police car transports had two officers, but they did not have training
or equipment to care for victims en route.
At least 27 victims were transported to hospitals in police cars, with at least one officer
making multiple round trips. If police officers had not decided to transport victims without
waiting for ICS approval, which was outside of existing protocols at the time, a few more victims
likely would have died, according to the hospitals. The police incident commander understood
the situation and soon approved further use of police cars for transports in light of the problems
in getting ambulances to patients or patients to ambulances. More than one officer said that if
they had known that fire/EMS was not going to arrive quickly (and in some cases not arriving at
all), they would have made the decision to transport by police car sooner. Fire department
officials said they were overwhelmed with the incident at that time, and not all requests for
ambulances could be honored even if they could have found a route through the maze.
Triage and medical care are complex and critical issues in this event, and will be
discussed in more detail in Chapter V, Emergency Medical Services. As will be discussed, rapid
transport of gunshot wounds in police cars, rather than waiting for ambulances, may become a
more accepted practice nationally. The latest emergency medicine research on dealing with
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 19 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
gunshot wounds pre-hospital is to get them to the hospital ASAP, in police cars if necessary,
which is ironic in light of the furor over the police transports in this incident.
Crowd Management
As enough officers arrived to set up a perimeter around the theater building, search its
interior, and help tend to the wounded, the next major police concern was stopping moviegoers
from leaving the area in order to question them as witnesses. They were also simultaneously
Checking for more injured victims among the crowd
Looking for possible additional suspects or accomplices
Looking for potential booby traps or explosive devices outside the theater, possibly in
vehicles in the parking lots
Dealing with the media in the parking lots attempting to cover the incident.
Parking Lots The theater complex was surrounded by parking lots intended for the
patrons. Beyond them were other parking lots for the nearby mall. Virtually all of the movie
patrons had arrived by car and parked in one of the adjacent lots. Figure 8 shows the theater and
parking lots.
Figure 8. Century 16 Theater and Surrounding Parking Lots

After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 20 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Lieutenant XXXXXX, who as noted had assumed command of the areas outside the
theater, said that his first efforts were aimed at caring for the wounded, clearing the crowds,
identifying witnesses, and coordinating mutual aid.
There were surprisingly few if any onlookers coming to the scene, probably because of
the late night time of the incident. The lieutenant was able to change his focus to detaining
people who left the theater so they could be questioned as witnesses. Most of the theatergoers
had not yet had time to get to their vehicles and leave in the heavy parking lot traffic before
traffic control points were established. Lieutenant Dailey directed officers controlling egress to
request voluntary cooperation for questioning, or to identify potential witnesses for later contact.
Lieutenant XXXXXX was also concerned about secondary devices being inside or
outside the theater, possibly in parked cars, and ordered police to move the crowd away from the
theater to more open spaces. He remarked, as other officers did, that he had the Columbine
incident in mind and the lessons learned from it. The Arapahoe County Bomb Squad and FBI
bomb technicians who had arrived by now were asked to search the suspects car and some
vehicles in the parking lot. Officers from a K-9 unit used bomb detection dogs to check other
cars in the parking lot. Two cars were found to have suspicious packages, but were cleared.
Lieutenant XXXXXX also had responsibility to organize the mutual aid forces who were
responding in large numbers from other jurisdictions. Since no staging or reporting areas for
arriving mutual aid police had been established, most outside agency officers drove directly to
the theater parking lots and were assigned from there. The mutual aid police vehicles contributed
to the congestion in the parking lots.
Sorting and Transporting Patrons Eventually the outside police incident commander
identified an area in which to gather the patrons of Theater 9. Police designated other parking lot
areas for patrons of each other theater as well. Although some theatergoers had left, the vast
majority were still present at the time this corralling effort was organized, and the parking lots
cordoned off. Police later appealed over the media for others who were at the theater to
voluntarily come in for interviews, and many did.
Most of the corralled patrons from Theater 9 and Theater 8 were transported by bus or
van to nearby Gateway High School, where a large interview team of about 30 Aurora detectives
and 45 FBI agents had set up. The Regional Transportation District laudably provided buses and
drivers in the middle of the night to do this transport. Movie patrons were interviewed as
witnesses to the event, not as potential suspects. Each was photographed in front of a whiteboard
containing their personal information, and given a number for further identification. Key
witnesses (especially those from Theater 9) were interviewed by Aurora police detectives. Others
were interviewed by FBI agents. In total, about 400 people were interviewed. Because police and
FBI records are processed differently, the exact number of people interviewed in the school
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could not be readily determined. Some patrons from the other theater auditoriums were
questioned briefly in the parking lots.
Generally, patrons were cooperative despite being tired and in shock at what they had
witnessed. Understandably, many taken to the Gateway school for questioning started getting
impatient, as they had to wait hours to be interviewed. The interview process lasted through the
night and into the morning, until approximately 8:00 a.m.
Besides investigators from Major Crimes/Homicide, Aurora detectives were called in
from every other Aurora investigative unit to conduct the interviews. Mutual aid forces,
including officers from the Colorado State Patrol and the Englewood Police Department,
provided security during the interview process.
One must realize that it still was not certain that there was only a lone gunman at this
time. Interviewers were collecting eyewitness accounts, but also thinking about whether there
might be suspects mixed in with the crowd in the parking lots. As it turned out, there were none.
Additionally, no weapons were found on any theater patron other than XXXXXXX.

Mall Search In the early morning hours of the incident, the door to the main shopping
mall near the theater complex was found to be unlocked. That raised concerns about the
possibility of another shooter hiding or planting explosives in the mall. Lieutenant Dailey
assigned much of Denver Police contingent, the largest mutual aid group, to search and secure
the mall, under the command of a DPD SWAT Lieutenant. This sub-incident also included other
mutual aid officers and K-9s. The Denver helicopter viewed the mall roof. The unlocked door
turned out to be an innocuous error, but anything out of the ordinary was evaluated as possibly

Police Incident Command
Normally, as noted earlier, Aurora has three District Police Watch Commanders
(lieutenants) on duty. One is designated as the Duty Lieutenant, with city-wide responsibility for
any major incidents on his watch. A police captain or commander (Duty Captain) is always on
call, but may be off-duty at home, as was the case at the time of the incident.

The Century theater chain has a no-weapons policy for its theaters nationally, regardless of whether an individual
is licensed to carry a concealed weapon or the permissiveness of state law. As happened after the Virginia Tech
shooting, blogs and other forums have discussed whether citizens carrying arms would deter mass shootings or
reduce the toll after shooting startsor whether more people carrying weapons would increase the number of
shootings. This is a controversial subject beyond the scope of this review.
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System Planning Corporation
Although Section 12.9/2 of the APD Directives Manual, entitled Active Critical
Incidents, states that The Department has adopted the National Incident Management System
(NIMS) for the control and coordination of critical incidents, in day-to-day practice the
department does not use a formal Incident Command System (ICS). Police department staff
assume that the Duty Lieutenant or other ranking officer will be the incident commander for a
major incident.
As also noted earlier, the initial incident commander for the theater shooting was
Lieutenant XXXXXX, and the incident command post was wherever he was located. (Later in
the incident, a formal command post was established in the command and communications
vehicle.) After Lieutenant XXXXXX arrived, XXXXXX maintained overall command but
requested XXXXXX to take charge of the actions outside the theater.
On the evening of the shooting Captain XXXXXX was the on-call Duty Captain and
Deputy Chief XXXXXX the Duty Executive. Both responded to the theater from home after
being notified of the shooting. Deputy Chief XXXXXX received notification at approximately
12:50 a.m. that 20-30 people had been shot. Shortly thereafter, Lieutenant XXXXXX, Acting
Commander of the Investigations Bureau, was advised of the incident and directed to deploy his
investigators. Police Chief Oates, Deputy Chief XXXXXX and Captain XXXXXX arrived
sometime prior to 1:30 a.m. Most victims had been transported by then. Because of the high
volume of tactical radio traffic, Captain XXXXXX had not radioed while en route that he would
be assuming command upon his arrival, as he had intended to do. When he viewed the situation
first hand, he did not feel any change was needed in the inside-outside command structure that
had been established, and left it to continue functioning as it was.
Eventually three command post vehicles were used at the scenefrom Aurora police,
Aurora fire department, and nearby Greenwood Village. By the time Captain XXXXXX was
ready to set up a more permanent command post, the primary Aurora command vehicle had been
preempted for public information activities. He relocated to a regional command vehicle that was
not as suitably equipped to support his command needs. In hindsight, there were some second
thoughts about allowing public information to take over the command vehicle, but it did
facilitate that important function.
Strategic Reserve No strategic police reserve was held back for a potential second
incident. All available units were sent to the theater. Police command wanted to make sure they
had enough officers to deal with the large shooting event and the more than 1,200 patrons in the
parking lots. With little other police activity going on in the city, police officials believed it
would have been relatively easy for even a large number of officers to detach from the theater
scene for a second incident if necessary, and so they decided to focus their resources on the
major incident at hand. Another factor in this decision was that the streets were relatively empty,
so travel to another part of the city would not have taken as long as at other times. Also, Denver
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and other nearby agencies had large police forces that could have assisted in another major
Essentially, there was a second incidentdealing with explosive devices at the suspects
apartment on Paris Streetand a significant number of officers indeed were rapidly re-deployed
there after serving at the theater scene.
Police-Fire Communications The police department was unable or did not know how
to communicate directly with the fire department, in spite of a fully interoperable radio system.
The fire incident commander was not immediately aware of the magnitude of the incident, and
did not have an accurate picture of the risk level. Critical content was lost as information was
relayed from police to fire through the Communications Center.
The Aurora police had multiple talk groups (channels) available. Primary dispatch talk
groups (PD-1, PD-2, and PD-3) were used for communications inside and outside the theater
during the first hours of the incident. Another channel, Blue Southeast, was used by the
Communications Center to establish contact with responding mutual aid units. Lieutenant
Lanigan initially wanted all the primary dispatch talk groups (PD-1, PD-2, and PD-3) to be
patched together, but later changed his mind and assigned one talk group to inside operations and
one to outside operations. He lamented that he could not communicate directly with the fire
department or with responding mutual aid units.
Police and fire radios contain mutual system and talk groups. However, it is cumbersome
to switch between police and fire channels, and the scan feature is not sufficiently reliable to
prevent communications gaps. Additionally, police and fire department personnel did not
participate in regular communications interoperability drills. The joint command
communications problem contributed to not getting ambulances to victims that were reachable
by police cars.
Police-fire personnel relations suffered for months after the incident. Some police officers
openly criticized the fire department for not responding adequately to calls for rescue during the
incident, without realizing the communications problem and that police did not escort fire
personnel nor help fire personnel figure out how to get through the maze of vehicles (including
parked police vehicles). On the other hand, the fire department did not take the initiative to
adequately scout the situation and solve the access problem.
The Communication Department had access to Everbridge, an interactive
communications and notification system, but did not use it to make notifications of situation
status to other police and city staff personnel. As a result, the police incident commander and the
Communications Department supervisor personally had to make notifications while trying to
manage a difficult situation. It appears that the Communications Center personnel in 2012 did
not know how to patch Blue Southeast to Aurora PD-1 or PD-2, or the equipment was not
configured to do so. At one point, the Aurora Communications Center, at the request of
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Lieutenant XXXXXX, asked the Lakewood Communications Center to make the patch, but
Lakewood did not have that capability either. Current Communications Department staff
demonstrated to us (in 2013) how Blue Southeast can be patched to Aurora talk groups.
Liaison with Fire Department There was no unified command (joint police-fire
incident command) at this incident. Late in the incident there was a fire liaison positioned with
the police commander. Earlier requests for a face-to-face meeting between the fire department
and the police department incident commander went unanswered. The external police incident
commander said he requested the acting battalion chief who was fire incident commander to
meet him in front of the theater, but that did not happen. The Fire Department rationale was that
the acting Battalion Chief did not want to abandon his command post per ICS/NIMS policy, but
no one was asking Battalion 1 to abandon his command, just to move it. Battalion 1 had assumed
that Chief 7 (the Fire Department Shift Commander) was dispatched as per policy (which he was
not) and later requested Chief 7 to be dispatched. At 1:05:41, Dispatch informs the Battalion
Chief that they are starting Chief 7. At 1:05:51, he replies Copy. Battalion 1 assumed company
officers were coordinating with police.
At approximately 1:15 a.m., Lieutenant XXXXXX walked several yards across the
parking lot to where the fire department Incident Commander (Battalion 1) was located. XXXX
requested that the Battalion Chief accompany him to the front of the theater. However, by that
time, Chief 7, had arrived and decided to fill the police-fire liaison role. Chief 7 had been
available in quarters but was not alerted until at least 30 minutes into the incident. He responded
at 1:11 a.m. arrived on scene at 1:16:58, 38 minutes into the incident. At 1:27 a.m., 48 minutes
into the incident, Lieutenant XXXXXX was still requesting a Fire Chief in front of the theater.
At 1:28 a.m. Chief 7 advised he will be liaison with the police department and may change
the command structure, but did not assume command, leaving it to the Battalion Chief (who
was a captain acting as Battalion Chief).
The information transfer problem was clearly demonstrated when at 1:12 a.m. (33
minutes into the incident), Battalion 1 advised Chief 7 So far, its running pretty smooth when,
in fact, the police were facing a chaotic situation and ambulances were not getting through to
many of the wounded. The fire departments contention that this transmission represented an
effort to establish a calm command presence and to describe the current ICS/victim
transportation situation cannot be supported by the totality of circumstances.
Many police officers said that they could not get rescue personnel to respond to places
where they were guarding, consoling, or attending to the wounded. They thought ambulance
staging was set up too far from the theater (at East Exposition Avenue and South Sable
Boulevard), about a quarter mile away. A request from Truck 2 to stage ambulances on South
Sable (within easy walking distance from the rear of the theater building) was not accomplished.
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Special Weapons and Tactics There was no time to deploy the Special Weapons and
Tactics (SWAT) team before the shooting stopped. It was over by the time the first police
officers arrived, though several members of the SWAT team were part of the initial response and
played key roles.
In active shootings, time is of the essence in neutralizing the shooter, hence the strategy
of having officers trained to go to the gunfire even if not equipped with high threat level body
armor or helmet and are alone. This is different from a hostage or barricaded shooter situation in
which there is more time to choose which forces to assemble and how to deploy them.
Deployment rules need to be worked out ahead of time for various active shooter scenarios.
The SWAT Team Commander, Lieutenant XXXXXX, was on duty at the time of the
incident and heard the initial calls from dispatch. He headed to the theater on his own, and did
not broadcast that fact for the same reason cited by the other officerskeeping radio channels
clear. He assumed other members of his team heard the same message and would respond as
officers, not as the team, which could be assembled later if needed, but for which there was no
immediate need.
When XXXXXX arrived, he met with Lieutenant XXXXXX and checked to see if the
active shooter protocol had been enacted, including a search of the building. When satisfied it
was, he volunteered to take command outside the theater so XXXXXX could focus on command
inside the building. That worked well.
Mutual Aid
The planned mutual aid for a large scale incident was crucial to the success in responding
to this incident. Early in the event the Communications Center notified neighboring jurisdictions
that a large scale shooting had taken place and that they might be needed. During the incident the
requests were refined. Eventually, about 100 law enforcement officers from almost every nearby
jurisdiction responded to help.
Due to the lack of a designated Mutual Aid Staging Area and not assigning a Staging
Officer, initial deployment of mutual aid officers was uncoordinated and confusing. Eventually,
a Denver SWAT Lieutenant arrived and took control of the majority of mutual aid resources. He
led a coordinated search of the shopping mall near the theater.
One mutual aid sergeant lamented that officers from other jurisdictions did not respect his
rank and would not obey his instructions. As a result, some mutual aid officers began performing
duplicate duties or self-assigning to jobs inconsistent with overall needs.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Police Chief Oates personally called the Denver FBI
Special Agent in Charge (SAC), requesting assistance. The FBI soon sent over 100 agents and
specialists to assist in the crime scene investigation, questioning of witnesses, and disarming the
explosive and incendiary devices at Paris Street. FBI agents played a significant role in these
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assignments. The FBI also had the capability to conduct immediate out of area interviews as
needed. Prior to this incident, Chief Oates had established a personal relationship with the FBI
SAC, which aided immeasurably in establishing working relationships in response to this
incident. The APD had an officer assigned full-time to the Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force
(JTTF), which further solidified joint operations.
Denver Police Department Denver sent a huge force of 97 officers and supervisors,
commanded by a SWAT Lieutenant. As discussed earlier, they assisted not only in helping with
crowd control, but played the major role in searching and clearing the mall when it was thought
there might be another shooter there. In addition, Denver Bomb Squad personnel also assisted at
the Paris Street part of the incident.
Jefferson County Sheriffs Department When Jefferson County Deputy XXXXXX
received a page notifying him of the incident he immediately responded from his home in
Aurora, arriving at the theater at approximately 1:50 a.m. Deputy XXXXXX is essentially the
informal coordinator of Denver area K-9 officers, through their joint training and related
activities. As such, he was able to deploy K-9 resources and coordinate their field operations. He
used a satellite map of the area surrounding the theater building to divide the workload, and
assigned individual dog handlers to specific areas. K-9 support was received from Adams
County, Boulder County, and the City and County of Denver Sheriffs Departments; the
Westminster, Golden and Arvada Police Departments; and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
K-9 teams searched the interior of the theater building by dividing it into sections, based
on the theaters fire diagram that they removed from a wall. The working dogs have time and use
limitations that must be monitored, and the dogs were assigned accordingly. It was not possible
to use the dogs to search Theater 9 because their senses are adversely affected by gun smoke.
Arapahoe County Sheriffs Department Arapahoe County bomb technicians
searched the suspects vehicle and checked the theater for explosives and other hazardous
devices. Arapahoe deputies helped as needed, including security at the Mann Chinese Theater on
South Parker Road in the event other attacks were planned.
Adams County Sheriffs Department Adams County deputies assisted with crowd
control around the theater. Their bomb technicians played an important role in dealing with the
explosives at Paris Street, as will be discussed in the next chapter.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives The APD had an officer
assigned full-time to work with the Denver ATF office. As with the FBI, this prior relationship
contributed greatly to the rapid deployment of ATF resources to this incident. As part of the
eventual resource management plan, ATF participated with federal and local partners
participated in the destruction of explosives found in the Paris Street apartment, and helped
immensely with rapid gun tracing.
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University of Colorado Police Department The University of Colorado Police
Department is headed by Chief XXXXXXXX, a retired APD Division Chief. He knows the
Aurora Police command staff and is familiar with their operations. University police officers
have access to APD radio talk groups. As the theater incident was unfolding, University police
officers provided security at various medical facilities, relieving Aurora officers of this
responsibility. Since XXXXXXX was affiliated with the University, there was concern that
students and faculty might be at risk. Chief XXXXXXX commended the Aurora Police
command staff for keeping him informed as information developed.
Key Findings
The combined actions of Aurora police, fire and public safety communications saved all
the injured who had suffered survivable wounds. Police apprehended XXXXXXX immediately
upon arrival at the scene. These optimum results were obtained thanks to many individual police
officers and firefighters making sound emergency decisions under great pressure.
Overall, there probably could not have been much better deployment and results than the
Aurora police achieved. They deployed on the fly, with self-deployments initially, then gradually
implementing more formal incident command. The one large exception to the success was the
inadequate relationship with fire department command during the key part of the incident, but
that did not affect the outcomeat least not this time.
This incident gives additional evidence that rapid response to active shooters is
imperative; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Every minute counts in reporting and responding to
an incident.
The training and exercises conducted for an active shooter response helped contribute to
the successful outcome. Individual officers understood the strategy and tactics, which enabled
them to self-deploy to maximum effect, without needing micromanagement from incident
A massive, rapid police response was possible in part because the shooting occurred
during shift change, on a weekday midnight when there was little other police or fire activity,
and at a location close to police headquarters and hospitals.
Police and fire commanders did not establish a unified command during the first hour and
did not communicate effectively using available radio systems in the initial, critical minutes of
response, triage and transport. No procedures were in place to ensure face-to-face contact or
direct communications between police and fire incident commanders.
Access routes for ambulances were not adequately identified and kept clear. Police
officers generally could not move police vehicles not assigned to them because the cars are not
keyed alike.
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There were difficulties in keeping mutual aid agencies informed on the incident specifics.
The agencies could communicate with the Aurora Communications Center using Blue
Southeast but could not be patched to Aurora police talk groups.
SWAT team paramedics are few in number in Aurora, as in most police departments of
similar size. One cannot count on having a SWAT paramedic available as soon as needed. Police
in Aurora and most departments have depended on their fire or EMS department to provide
medical assistance for gunshot wounds, but these wounds to civilians or to police themselves
may need immediate attention, possibly in a hot zone before fire paramedics are allowed in. This
raises the need for more training and equipment for police for tactical emergency medicine.
Law enforcement officers from the state patrol, most surrounding jurisdictions, and the
FBI and ATF responded to the scene. This was possible from previous regional training,
participating in regional exercises and joint task forces, and personal relationships that had been
established. When the neighboring communities, state and federal agencies were called, they
responded immediately, in force, with the right types of personnel, and stayed until no longer
Police received excellent cooperation from the non-public safety departments in Aurora,
notably the buses and drivers provided to move eyewitnesses to a nearby school for interviews.
1. Pre-incident Planning. Revise pre-incident planning and training for an active
shooter or bomber. Aurora police had paid great attention to this planning prior to the
incident, and have been refining their approaches in light of the lessons learned.
Police in departments small as well as large must plan in advance for a large-scale
critical incident response, including pre-planned mutual aid and mutual assistance.
Such planning should include establishing joint command with fire, building
diagrams, internal contact telephone numbers, mutual aid staging locations, and
communications procedures.
2. Unified Command. Plan and practice unified command for complex incidents. The
Aurora police and fire departments have changed procedures and have trained on
active shooter and other major emergencies, including how to ensure there will be
face-to-face contact between police and fire commanders. Joint police-fire training
has been approved for the rapid deployment of four-person (two police, two fire
paramedic) combat medical treatment and extraction teams. Radio procedures also
have been changed in an attempt to improve police-fire communications.
3. Identifying Incident Commander. Clearly identify who is the incident commander.
At least one mutual aid command officer advised that due to the presence of many
high-ranking Aurora police commanders, he had difficulty in determining who was in
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charge and to whom he should report. This problem was compounded by lack of a
designated staging area and staging officer. The Incident Commander should
announce his status and location on all pertinent radio talk groups (channels) or have
the information rebroadcast by the Communications Center. As higher-ranking staff
members arrive, they can assume command at their option. ICS command vests help
in identification.
4. SWAT Paramedics. Train several more fire or police personnel as SWAT
paramedics. Dispatch SWAT paramedics to active shooting incidents where victims
may be in the hot zone. The location of SWAT paramedics on duty should be known
to the extent possible. SWAT paramedics should report their arrival on scene.
5. Ambulance Access. Keep paths open for ambulances, and discuss access issues with
fire/EMS as they occur. Likewise, fire/EMS should actively seek access routes. It
cannot be assumed that if one police car finds a path to a victim, other fire and police
units will be able to do so too. Ambulance access should be a high priority task of
police and fire incident command, but may get lost as the first attention of police is
stopping and apprehending XXXXXXX(s). Factors to consider for facilitating access:
Initial parking of police vehicles.
Repositioning police vehicles, which would be easier if the department uses
universal car keys. Universal keys have their pros and cons, but many
departments use them. Further research is needed on how to handle this with
chip controlled vehicles.
Towing or pushing civilian vehicles out of the way.
Determining in pre-plans and purchase decisions whether ambulances and fire
vehicles can be driven over curbs. Educate fire and ambulance drivers as to what
heights of curbs and off-road terrain are likely to be traversable.
Familiarization of fire, police, and ambulance crews with street and parking lot
Having a police vehicle lead ambulances up to triage areas.
Sending pictures or maps of the parking lots or street configuration in real time,
using photos from helicopters, remotely piloted vehicles, or fixed wing aircraft.
Using pathfinder vehicles to show the path through congestions. Once one vehicle
figures out how to get through a maze, the path can be sent to ambulances or other
vehicles using apps on smart phones, or possibly via email from the pathfinder to
the communications center for relaying to others. (See example in Figure 9 of a
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path recorded by a smart phone app and emailed to anothera demonstration
made by the project review team.)
Figure 9. Example of Recording a Vehicle Track

6. Wearing Armor. In addition to wearing protective vests, uniformed officers should
carry active shooter armor kits. The Department of Justice requires patrol use of
protective vests if DOJ subsidized their purchase, but there is no requirement for
additional ballistics protection. If XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Aurora
police would have arrived while XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX.
Rapid arrival and a policy of confronting a shooter increase the need for protective
7. Tactical Medical Kit. Officers assigned to patrol should have a tactical medical kit
(like IFAKs). While the main motivation is to be able to assist wounded officers, the
skills and equipment can be used for civilians as well. At the Tucson, AZ shooting
incident on January 8, 2011 in which Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several
other people were shot, lives were probably saved because the Tucson police had
combat medic kits and training which they used to attend to some of the gunshot
wounds. Since the Aurora theater shooting, a medical kit has been developed for
Aurora officers. The department established a training schedule, with priority given to
patrol and school resource officers who are most likely to be involved in active
shooter incidents. Details on the kit are discussed in Chapter V.
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8. Gas Masks. Police should broaden their training on use of gas masks, if not already
done. Gas masks can protect officers from hostile gas munitions as well as gas
munitions they deploy themselves.
9. Reducing Stressors. Reduce noise and light stressors at incident scenes as soon as
possible. Sound and darkness add to confusion and make it difficult to identify
hostiles. They also may hinder evacuations and search and rescue efforts. Movie and
alarm shut-offs and switches for theater lights would be useful for public safety
personnel. Theater personnel should not be expected to stay behind and operate
shutoffs in a hostile environment.
10. Staging Mutual Aid. Stage mutual aid assistance forces when their help is not
needed for the active shooting portion of the incident. Establish the staging area
remote from the incident scene. Assign a staging officer from the primary
jurisdiction. The staging officer under NIMS/ICS guidelines may direct specific
assignments. Mutual aid forces would be dispatched from the staging area. If the
shooting had taken place on the border of Aurora, mutual aid units might have been
closest, and in that case should follow the same strategy the primary jurisdiction uses.
Prior agreements should be reached regarding the authority of outside agency
supervisors and their ability to direct officers from agencies other than their own.
11. Air Support. Develop agreements for air support for critical incidents; consider
procurement of a low-cost Remotely Piloted Vehicle (drone). Many studies have
shown that airborne monitoring can increase safety of pursuits, help set up perimeters
to contain suspects, respond quickly to criminal activity, and assist in other activities.
However, operating rotary or fixed wing aircraft for surveillance is expensive. The
APD does not have independent air support, but is generally able to obtain airborne
coverage from the Denver Police Department. Unfortunately, at the time of the
Century 16 Theater shooting, the Denver helicopter was not immediately available. A
relatively new, cost-effective alternative is to use a small helicopter drone that
provides aerial imaging for the incident commander. Some cost less than $5,000 and
can be operated with no more skill than needed for a model airplane. The images
might have been of use to both fire and police command in this incident, and would
have been helpful if the event had gone on longer.
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12. Incident Command System. Activate the ICS and establish a unified command as
soon as possible. The need for formal ICS varies from incident to incident. Activation
of ICS does not mean waiting until every element of the ICS system is in place before
acting. The main ICS deficiency in this incident was the failure to quickly establish a
unified command between Aurora police and fire, and a failure to establish a
transportation group to coordinate transports. (See the Incident Command Chapter for
further discussion.)
13. Second Duty Lieutenant. Designate someone not involved in the incident to be
responsible for the remainder of the city when the senior commander is focused on a
major incident. While Aurora was fortunate to be able to devote virtually all of its
police resources to the theater shooting for the first several hours, this will not always
be the case. It may be necessary in some incidents to turn over regular patrol
operations to mutual aid forces and their commanders or double-up mutual aid
officers with Aurora officers.
14. Command Post Location. Locate the command post at a safe distance and maintain
a scene safety zone. Although there was some suspicion that a second shooter may
have been involved and the area had not been cleared for explosive devices, the
command post and most of the command staff were located directly in front of the
theater building. Additionally, witnesses were initially allowed to remain in the
general vicinity of the theater parking lot. Had there been a second shooter or
explosive device, all of those people would have been in a danger zone.
15. Designate a Safety Officer. As the incident unfolds, a police command officer not
directly involved in management of the incident should be designated as the Safety
Officer responsible for monitoring activities and advising the Incident Commander if
circumstances develop that adversely affect officer safety. This is a routine procedure
for fire departments during major incidents.
16. Command Vehicles. Specialized command vehicles or trailers should be reserved for
commanders to use, and not be taken over by public information officers.
17. Automated Note-taking. Officers can make use of smart phone note taking and
video capability. One officer reported that he used his cell phone to record witness
identification and statements in the theater parking lot. Smart phones also may be
used to record the location of evidence and victims or transmit pictures to the
command post or police headquarters. In the absence of smart phone technology,
officers can notify the Communications Center on an alternative radio channel or talk
group (separate from the primary dispatch or incident command channel) so that
CAD notes may be updated to create a permanent record.
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18. Building Side Nomenclature. Harmonize designations for building sides. At this
incident three different identification systems were in usecompass direction (i.e.,
Northwest Corner, East Side, etc.), building sides A. B, C, and D (Fire Department
system), and building sides 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Jefferson County K-9 system). An
agreement would be desirable to establish one system for Denver area agencies.
19. Lab Mutual Aid. Consider use of mutual aid resources to reduce lab overloads. The
crime lab became overloaded by the vast amount of evidence collected at the theater
and the Paris Street apartment. The ATF laboratory was uniquely well equipped to
process gun evidence and could have been tasked more to share the crime lab
20. Officer Rest and Recovery. Several officers reported being required to return to
work with little sleep and limited psychological assistance. When possible, fatigued
officers exposed to high levels of trauma should be relieved by officers who were off-
duty when the incident occurred. As soon as a critical incident is stabilized, assign
someone to plan for continuity of operations.
21. Defer Reports. Defer report writing until officers have had time to recover. Many
officers advised that although exhausted (and in some cases traumatized), they
followed normal procedures requiring submission of written reports before going off
duty. Also, fatigue can impair report quality.
22. Crime Scene Security. Make sure the scene is secure. One entry control point should
be established and records maintained of all persons entering and leaving the crime
23. Decontamination and Hydration. Be prepared to set up officer, firefighter and EMS
decontamination and hydration stations. Several officers were covered with blood and
did not have access to clean water for washing and drinking. Consider procurement of
a suitable cleanup/hydration station for use at major fires and police emergencies, if
not available from fire rehab vehicles.

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at 1690 Paris Street, Apartment 10, a three-story residential building in an area surrounded by
other multi-family dwellings. Police units, including Aurora SWAT team members, and
narcotics investigators were immediately dispatched to secure the area, and prepare for bringing
in bomb squads. Most of the initially assigned personnel came from the theater, where the
majority of on-duty personnel were still working.
While clearly tied to the main incident, the Paris Street situation merits its own review.
The TriData project team was asked to focus on the coordination of the evacuation and rendering
safe process, not the sensitive technical details of the device disarmament. The bomb squads and
other agencies unified approach to the Paris Street incident was exemplary. Their response
prevented significant damage to the building and avoided injuries to response personnel and
The Paris Street building lies in the Adams County sector of Aurora, and that countys
bomb squad has primary responsibility for dealing with the explosives in Aurora. Aurora does
not have its own bomb squad. Upon being advised of potential explosive devices, Adams County
dispatched their bomb squad, later to be joined by members of other bomb squads as well as FBI
and ATF bomb technicians.
Evacuation and Security
A team of Aurora police officers arrived at Paris Street at about 1:30 a.m. on July 20.
investigators who were among the first to respond were in plainclothes, and able to covertly
observe the apartment.
Police took steps to immediately secure and then evacuate the building. Officers
established a perimeter around the building, setting observation and cover positions, including
deployment of a BEAR (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response) tactical vehicle. Observers
were positioned on a nearby roof. Police began to evacuate the residents, many of whom had
been asleep.
A formal ICS was established shortly after the first police units arrived. An Aurora police
lieutenant, XXXXXX, the Relief SWAT Commander, initially had responded to the theater
about 2:00 a.m., but then was sent to Paris Street to take command of that scene. He requested
and received a command post vehicle from neighboring Brighton, Colorado, since the Aurora
mobile command post was already committed to the theater.

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Initial Evacuation Beginning at the top floor where XXXXXXX XXXX, and working
down through the building, officers knocked on apartment doors and told people to evacuate.
Because of the expected presence of explosives and possibility of booby traps, officers had not
yet directly approached XXXXXXX apartment. Officers also believed it might be unsafe to
approach Apartment 9, located directly across the hall from the suspects apartment, so an officer
threw rocks at that apartment window from outside the building to get the occupants attention.
When the occupants came to the window, they were told to shelter in place until they could be
Some residents of the apartment building did not speak English. A few officers were able
to give the alert in Spanish. Some residents spoke an Asian language that was not immediately
identified, and either they did not understand what was happening or they did not want to
evacuate. Police eventually got them and all other residents to leave the building, about 16 in
total, making it clear they did not have the option of staying. Residents were not told about
explosives or the shooting, just that there was an emergency in the building that required they
leave immediately.
All vehicles in the apartment building parking lot were visually examined
contemporaneous with the building evacuation, and later were cleared by bomb detection dogs.
At about 6:45 a.m. a decision was made to have the vehicles towed and stored.
Further Evacuations The next building to be evacuated was 1685 Paris Street.
Residents were told to take whatever personal belongings they might need and evacuate by car if
possible. Residents without transportation were driven to the Aurora Police Academy. Two more
buildings in the vicinity also were evacuated. Ultimately, all residents of 11943 East 17th
Avenue, and 1685, 1686, and 1678 Paris Street were evacuated, as well as the suspects building,
1690 Paris Street. The police perimeter expanded to cover the enlarged evacuation area.
Evacuation Center Displaced residents were transported to the Aurora Police
Academy gym by police van where cots and water were available. Later, Aurora Central High
School was set up for the evacuated residents needing extended assistance, and who did not have
friends or relatives who could shelter them. School officials and the Red Cross assisted police at
the evacuation center.
After they were evacuated, most apartment residents of the suspects building were
interviewed individually concerning their knowledge of him and his activities; however, little
useful information was collected.
Slow Clear After all evacuations were completed, the incident commanders were
able to start a slow, careful process of checking for explosives and starting the disarming
process. Bomb technicians coordinated each step with the unified command team before
proceeding to the next.
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A slow clear team was deployed to check every apartment and every possible storage
and concealment area for explosives, hazardous materials, and evidence. The officers used a
ballistics blanket for protection and entered apartments and spaces using lock picks, bolt cutters,
or breaching tools as necessary. The interior slow clear process was delayed until concerns about
possible explosives on the building roof were resolved.

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Inter-agency Cooperation
Several agencies were involved in securing the Paris Street area, preparing for possible
explosion, and finally disarming and removing the multiple improvised explosive and incendiary
devices found in the apartment.
The AFD provided fire companies to stand by throughout the Paris Street incident. They
were prepared to extinguish any fires caused by an explosion or incendiary device, and to assist
anyone wounded. Fire crews set up hose lines to protect the bomb technicians and investigators
who entered the apartment. Safety officers were assigned and crews were rotated due to the very
hot weather. A rehabilitation unit was brought in.
It was agreed that the AFD would immediately take over incident command if there were
an explosion or fire. They worked closely with Aurora police, FBI, and ATF in a unified
command structure. Fire officials deployed an aerial fire truck with a bucket to provide a
platform for viewing and access into the apartments interior through the third floor windows.
As previously stated, Aurora does not have its own bomb squad, and was dependent on
the other local bomb squads and bomb technicians of federal agencies, but APD was in
command of evacuation and security of the subjects apartment building and neighborhood.
The FBI bomb experts played a major role in the analysis and disarming of the IEDs. FBI
bomb experts from the Denver Field Office worked closely with Aurora police, fire, and other
bomb squads. Pictures from the robot video camera were transmitted live to the Bomb Truck and
some images were transmitted to experts at FBI offices in the Washington, DC metropolitan
area. When the complexity of the situation became apparent, the FBI sent additional resources to
Aurora. ATF agents also provided assistance.
Aurora officials and the FBI reported that the county bomb teams, city police, city fire
commanders, FBI and ATF worked seamlessly together in this event, exchanging information
and ideas on how to proceed with each step. All federal, state, and local bomb technicians attend
the same bomb school at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. They have the same basic
training and use the same standard operating procedures. Some individuals have higher level
training and more field experience than others do, but they all operate from a common set of
concepts and have a common lexicon. In the Denver area, local, state, and federal bomb
technicians trained together. All of this facilitated smooth integration of unit operations during
critical incidents.
Contrary to some initial reports, there were no outside agency bomb technicians who self-
dispatched to the scene. Assistance and equipment were offered from the New York City and
Los Angeles police departments. Both agencies possess unique experience and equipment, and
volunteered their experts, but they were not needed.
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Knowing what capabilities exist throughout the United States is critically important
because many bomb squads do not have immediate access to the necessary specialized
equipment, and it may need to be transported from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
As in this case, it is important for criminal investigators to rely on bomb technicians
when preparing search or arrest warrants so that the device or devices can be accurately
described. Warrants for initial search and entry were not deemed necessary in this case due to the
exigent circumstances resulting from visible dangers and, later, the information from
Key Findings
Response to the Paris Street incident was exemplary in its use of unified incident
command. The police and fire departments, bomb squad personnel from local, state and federal
agencies, and even the Public Works department collaborated throughout. The Paris Street part
of the incident took place over a two-day period, which made ICS more practical than at the
theater, where command and control needs unfolded in minutes.
The APD did an excellent job in evacuating residents and establishing a security
The AFD played a critical role in setting up resources to handle potential explosions or
fires. The AFD also provided a bucket truck used to see into the apartment, and helped with
The APD commanders made excellent, rapid decisions to bring in the local bomb squads
with whom they trained, and to reach out to the FBI and ATF.
The FBI did an outstanding job in assisting in the IED analysis and then acting as the lead
in rendering safe the devices, which were highly complex.
Robots again proved their importance to avoid unnecessary risk for public safety
officials. Televising high-resolution pictures from the robots to remote experts was invaluable, as
was their use in retrieving evidence safely.
1. Size of Evacuation Area. Make the size of the safe area match the threat. Ensure the
area cleared around potential explosive or fire hazards is large enough to prevent
injury to bystanders if a device explodes. A police supervisor at Paris Street said that
before starting the rendering safe procedures of the explosive devises they should
have created a larger safe area around the suspects apartment than they did initially.
Eventually, they did expand the safe area. The basic rule is do not move the device,
move the people.
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2. Bomb Squad Resources. Know the available bomb disposal resources. Every law
enforcement agency needs to make sure they know who to call for bomb technician
and render-safe assistance should they encounter hazardous incendiary materials,
explosives, or explosive devices beyond their in-house capability, or for second
opinions and back-up. Aurora knew whom to call immediately, and that was crucial
to the success. Training with the bomb squads to be used is also essential. In the past,
many jurisdictions relied on military assistance for explosive ordinance disposal.
Under current bomb disposal and render-safe procedures, military Explosive
Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel are responsible only for the disposal of military
ordnance. With the increase in the number of civilian criminal and terrorist uses of
explosive devices, public safety bomb technicians now have the responsibility. For
complex situations, the FBI and ATF are excellent resources.
3. Language Interpretation. Plan for interpretation services in real time. There now are
apps for smart phones and iPads as well as telephone interpretation services to
identify and translate a wide variety of foreign languages. Emergency responders
should know how to access these services to facilitate evacuation and give
instructions to non-English speakers. One can speak in English and get voice out in
another language from a smart phone, and vice versa.

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The AFD has responsibility for organization and oversight of emergency medical
services within the city, and for providing EMS first response. They also oversee the privately
contracted ambulance service run by Rural Metro Ambulance (RMA). This chapter discusses
how they faced the challenges of the incident, including triage, treatment, and transportation. We
also discuss the coordination with hospitals, their preparedness, and the unexpectedly key role
police played in EMS in this incident.
Casualty Count
At least 82 theater patrons were injured in the incident, 70 by gunshot, of whom 12 died.
The non-gunshot injuries to 12 patrons were incurred while escaping the theater or near it, and
some of those non-gunshot injuries required surgery.
Ten of the 12 fatalities were pronounced dead at the scene, two others at hospital
emergency departments. One of the two pronounced at hospitals was dead on arrival, and the
other pronounced after a short resuscitation attempt. The attending paramedics, the three EMS
medical directors for the fire department and ambulance contractor, and the hospital medical
staffs all concurred that the two patients who died had non-recoverable injuries. No one died who
could have been saved by EMS actions. In addition to physical injuries, many people at the
theater, their family and friends, and first responders suffered psychological trauma, which will
be discussed in Chapter IX, Dealing With The Aftermath.
Many fire and police first responders made excellent, sometimes unconventional
emergency medical decisions that saved lives. The victim survival rate indicates that the Aurora
EMS system worked well overall. The 70 gunshot wounds would stress any EMS system, even
in larger cities. There were, however, some major system problems that should be addressed
before another incident occurs. Aurora already has made good progress toward improving its
multi-agency response to future mass casualty incidents based on the lessons learned from this
Aurora EMS System
As noted in Chapter I, the City of Aurora EMS system provides all levels of emergency
medical care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Out-of-hospital care is provided by a tiered
response system, with the first tier provided by Aurora Fire Department paramedics and
emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Rural Metro under contract provides continued
paramedic care and patient transportation. First response is augmented by the APD, whose
officers have some basic EMS training. A few police officers are certified paramedics or
emergency medical technicians, one of whom played a critical role.
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Aurora Fire Department usually provides incident command for EMS incidents. Rural
Metro Ambulance is often part of the incident command process, as designated by the incident
commander. All EMS responders are trained in incident command, with supervisory personnel
trained at higher levels. Patient care is under the control of an AFD paramedic until the patient is
turned over to Rural Metro for transport to a hospital. For critical patients, the AFD paramedic
often accompanies the patient to the hospital.
Hospitals in the city and surrounding areas provide the next tier of emergency care. Most
of the theater victims were treated at The Medical Center of Aurora (TMCA), a Level II trauma
facility that was the closest hospital to the incident, and the University of Colorado Medical
Center, a Level II trauma facility. The Childrens Hospital Colorado, a Level I pediatric trauma
center, took in several adult victims, and some other hospitals in Denver and the surrounding
communities provided care for a few.
Overview of EMS During the Incident
The mass casualty incident began at 12:38 a.m. when the Communications Center
received the first call of a shooting at the theater, and immediately dispatched Aurora police,
followed by AFD and RMA units. The first arriving fire and EMS units found a chaotic scene,
with a large number of injured and uninjured theatergoers fleeing the theater on foot, civilian
vehicles trying to leave, police cars blocking parking lot road access, and uncertainty as to
whether the theater was reasonably safe for rescuers to enter. Figure 10 shows the mass of people
outside the theater (behind the yellow crime scene tape).
Figure 10. View of Scene Outside Theater

People and Places Blog, retrieved from
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Aurora Fire Department officials initiated incident command, and firefighters started to
triage and treat patrons. Fire officers divided the incident into three ICS divisions: East Division,
which covered Theater 9; Century Division, which covered the area north of the theater; and
Dillards Division, which covered the area west of the theater. An APD SWAT paramedic was
one of the initial officers to enter the theater, and switched from his police role to performing
Many of the 1,200 moviegoers exiting the theater ran toward the location where Century
Division was set up. AFD and RMA personnel began to triage and treat casualties there. Some
shooting victims walked to this area, others were carried. The Century Division triaged and
treated approximately 25 victims, many of whom were severely injured. Fire, EMS, and police
personnel sequestered uninjured patients for their protection and to determine if any perpetrators
were in the crowd.
Conditions were similar at the Dillards Division, where victims who exited the west side
of the theater had started to collect. Dillards Division triaged and treated at least seven critical
patients, several urgent cases, and many with minor or no injuries. Patients needing
transportation were carried to awaiting ambulances in Dillards staging area. At the Century and
Dillards Divisions, some moviegoers who assisted injured people were themselves blood-
stained and appeared injured, increasing the numbers needing triage.
Two significant challenges inhibited patient transport. First was confusion as to whether
ambulances were to stage or proceed into the scene. Second was that ambulance access was
limited by parked police cars from the initial wave of officers going after an active shooter, and
moviegoers trying to leave in their cars. At various times and locations outside the theater, police
officers and firefighters decided that critically injured patients needed to be transported by police
car when ambulances could not or did not know how to get close enough According to the
medical staff who treated them, these transport decisions saved the lives of at least two victims
who had been shot in their thoraco-abdominal cavities. Necessary transports to hospitals were
completed for all victims within 52 minutes of the first 911 call.
While the outcomes of the EMS and hospitals actions were excellent, the system could
have worked better. The outcomes might not have been as favorable if it werent for some luck
as well as out-of-the-box thinking. The sections below discuss the events and challenges in more
detail. The analysis is based on radio transmissions and interviews with first responders and
hospital staff. One would not get an accurate picture from radio transmissions alone because
many decisions and orders were not transmitted.
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Initial EMS Dispatches and Transports
At 12:40:49, two minutes after the first call to 911, RMA Operations dispatched
ambulance RMA 109.
At virtually the same time, 12:40:57, AFD Paramedic Engine 8 and
Battalion Chief 1 were dispatched. After dispatch received several more calls, a 911 operator
advised a dispatcher that this was a mass casualty incident shooting and additional ambulances
would be needed.
At 12:42:26, four minutes after the first call to 911, dispatch advised Paramedic Engine 8,
Battalion Chief 1, and RMA 109 that police are requesting them at Expo and Sable. Almost
simultaneously, RMA Dispatch called Aurora Dispatch to ask if an additional ambulance was
needed, and were advised yes, send a second ambulance. RMA personnel told us that several
RMA units were ordered by police to stage as they arrived; these were face-to-face orders.
12:42:59, Aurora Dispatch advised Paramedic Engine 8, Battalion Chief 1, and RMA 109 to
report to the front of the theater for a shooting victim. At 12:43:12, RMA 109 arrived and
reported they were staging. At 12:43:20, Paramedic Engine 8 asked for Truck 8 to be dispatched,
and it was.
At 12:45:39, seven minutes into the incident, Aurora Dispatch confirmed with Battalion
Chief 1 that APD requested fire and EMS units to stage in the west parking lot, and that three or
four additional ambulances were needed. The dispatcher asked if the Battalion Chief needed
additional resources.
At 12:47:16, nine minutes into the incident, a police sergeant (Metro 10) notified dispatch
that patients needed to be transported by police car to the ambulances at the west end of the lot. It
was unclear whether the decision was primarily motivated by the inability to get ambulances
closer, or that the scene was considered still too unsafe to allow fire and EMS to go near the
theater. L25 had asked for all responding ambulances to go to the west parking lot. The initial
idea was to bring the patients to the ambulances. When it became clear that the ambulances
could not get to the west end, Metro10 and L25 (police and fire) decided at 12:54:27 to have
police cars do transports directly to the hospital.
Triage in the Theater
As discussed earlier, the triage in the theater was undertaken by a police SWAT team
paramedic who happened to be among the first wave of police officers reaching to the theater
Fire and EMS personnel did not enter the theater immediately.

When RMA dispatchers hear on the police monitor that an incident requiring an ambulance is needed, they pre-
alert their ambulance to start heading in the direction of the call. This is a good policy and is not considered self-
Based on statements given by M-109s crew and corroborated by others.
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The reliance on the APD to conduct initial triage inside the theater raised some questions:
Did having APD personnel perform triage slow any other police functions?
Would a larger number of paramedics have improved initial triage?
Were any patients misclassified?
The answers to all of these questions is no.
Had XXXXXXX still been actively shooting in the theater, there were enough officers
inside and outside the building to handle that threat. One officer working as a paramedic would
not have made a difference. The APD SWAT paramedic in the theater responded initially as a
police officer, but when it was clear that there were enough officers and triage was urgently
needed, he switched roles and began to rapidly assess patients. He quickly realized that there
were several obvious deaths and several critical (red) patients.
Most public safety officials agree that using police officers to perform mass casualty
incident triage is often avoided. In this case, it was critically important. A qualified policed
paramedic quickly but properly provided triage using accepted medical practice (START and
Jump START),
additional rescuers were not placed at risk due to violence, unidentified
chemical intoxicants, or unrecognized shooters.
Most law enforcement agencies do not have the luxury of having a paramedic available to
conduct triage within environments of imminent threat to public safety. However, while
desirable, there is little evidence to suggest that paramedic providers are superior to EMTs or
police first responders in conducting initial triage. With time-tested triage methods including
START, Jump START, or other recognized methods, law enforcement officers should be able to
conduct basic triage in hazardous environments. Some theorize that basic providers might even
be superior to advanced providers in providing initial triage because without having training for
treatment they are more likely to limit their assessment to the basics of alive or deceased. In this
instance, the initial triage group leader, a police officer, quickly determined who was alive and
should be moved, and who was obviously deceased. Additional paramedics and EMTs were far
more effective by assignment to treatment units.
Evidence indicates that patients were appropriately classified in triage. Some victims
were highly bloodied but not severely injured. Even the most experienced EMS providers can
misclassify patients with these presentations as critical until proven otherwise. Patients are
usually triaged again when they enter a Treatment Unit.
In the theater, no patient was under-

START = Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment, while Jump START is the pediatric version.
Or during MCIs of this type, immediately transported to the hospital.
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triaged, meaning no one was triaged as deceased who was alive. Despite some horrendous
injuries, patients were not misclassified.
Patients in Theater 9 triaged as deceased were left in place. Live patients triaged as
immediate (red) were removed to a safe treatment unit area behind the theater. Many mobile
patients self-evacuated from the theater.
Incident Command for EMS
National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS)
are effective for managing incidents with an EMS component. The Aurora theater incident
warranted a large medical operation under ICS, known as a Multi-casualty (or EMS) Branch, but
did not have one. A Multi-casualty Branch Director would report to the Operations Section
Chief, and would be responsible for all patient care and transportation of civilian casualties.
During large scale incidents, this branch is divided into three basic functions: triage, treatment,
and transportation. There can be several triage and treatment groups, but only one Transportation

The first arriving fire unit, Paramedic Engine 8, established fire incident command, at
12:46:55. At 12:47:52, APD Gang 8 advised that entry was being made into Theater 9. Seconds
later, Metro 10 advised that rescue was needed in the theater. This was the first notification by
police that fire or EMS personnel should enter the theater. Simultaneously, APD was requesting
medical assistance at various locations where many injured people were carried or evacuated on
their own from the theater. At 12:55:11 hours, 16 minutes into the incident, APD Gang 8
reported that all other theaters were clear.
Establishment of ICS Divisions
By 12:55:21, 16 minutes into the incident, Battalion
Chief 1 had arrived and took over fire command from the engine company lieutenant.
BC 1
was a fire captain acting that day as battalion chief, and would remain the fire incident
commander for the key part of the incident. He set up three divisions, the East Division behind
the theater, the Century Division in front of the theater in a parking lot, and the Dillards
Division in the parking lot near Dillards. Engine 4 was assigned as supervisor of Dillards
Division, Engine 5 as the supervisor of East Division, and Engine 8 as supervisor of Century
Division. All EMS units not yet on scene were ordered to staging.

Christen, H. and Maniscalco, P.M. (1998). The EMS Incident Management System: EMS incidents for mass
casualty and high impact incidents. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Under ICS, Divisions refer to geographical locations. Groups refer to functions. Current ICS guidelines call for
Multi-casualty Branch functions to be called Groups, whether they are geographic or by function.
There is a minor discrepancy in radio logs by about two minutes here.
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At 01:01:07, Battalion Chief 1 ordered Dillards Division to set up an extrication, triage,
treatment, and transportation group. At 01:03:37, Truck 2 advised that there were nine patients
behind the theater. Engine 5 was also requested by police to assist. Battalion Chief 1 advised
Engine 5 to join Truck 2, and for Truck 2 to supervise Sable (East) Division. At 01:05:07, now
25 minutes into the incident, Battalion Chief 1 changed his designation to Aurora Mall
Command. Police incident commander Lincoln 25 requested a face-to-face meeting at that time,
and Chief 7 (the fire shift commander) was at his fire station and had not yet been dispatched, 25
minutes into the incident. By this time, many patients were being treated and transported by
police cars.
Within each division was a Medical Group responsible for extrication, triage, and
treatment. Triage is the process of identifying, sorting, and prioritizing the sick and injured to
determine who should be treated and in which order. The overall goal of triage during a mass
casualty incident is to do the greatest good for the greatest number. This includes determining
treatment based on chances for survival and availability of resources. There were three
strategically located triage units in the area around the theater. Fire and police personnel
efficiently performed triage.
About 100 people had some level of assessment and treatment, including minor injuries,
and non-gunshot injuries. Some of the non-gunshot injuries were transported to hospitals. Some
with shotgun pellet wounds were not transported, having likely refused service.

Unified Command At 01:28:11, almost an hour into the incident, Chief 7 established
fire liaison with police, which eventually evolved into a version of Unified Command (fire
liaison stationed with police incident commander), after most transports had already been made.
Even at this time, there were still significant issues in getting ambulances close to patients.
Dispatch requested all available ambulances from the Denver Metro area, which was a
questionable action because most patients already had been transported.
Ambulance Access
Considerable confusion arose about ambulance access to victims during the incident.
Most fire and EMS providers were unsure how close they should get to the scene. One EMS
provider (RM-109) said that the police officers they encountered would not grant them access to
the scene, and ordered them to staging. Conversely, RM-103s crew reported that APD advised
them not to stage, and so they reported to the Century parking lot.

It appears that patients who were not transported had refused service.
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Originally, fire units were ordered by police command to stage, but then Battalion Chief
1 and APD units started calling them to the incident. Communications logs do not show any
announcement ever made by police command, fire command, or dispatch to the effect that the
scene was safe for fire and EMS entry. The confusion over ambulance access and the reasons for
it led to significant post-incident tensions between police and fire personnel.

It is common for fire and EMS units to report to staging until they receive an assignment,
especially in an incident involving violence. Police procedures differ from fire departments
because police are trained and equipped to enter hostile environments and are charged with
rendering them safe.
In this instance, the district police station was close to the incident, shift change was in
progress, and a large number of officers and police cars were called to the scene. Police cars
proceeded directly into the scene, leaving their vehicles to go after the active shooter. Combined
with civilian vehicles trying to flee the parking lots, this led to traffic chaos, and limited access
for the ambulances and fire vehicles trying to get near the theater.
Lincoln 41, who essentially was the Operations Section Chief in this incident, recognized
the congestion problem and had police cars moved from the entrance. At 12:59:20, Lincoln 41
also requested on PD-3 that rescue should be advised that officers will be available for security.
Dispatch sent this message to fire command. As noted earlier, neither police nor fire command
provided a general message to all providers that the rear of the theater was safe to enter.

To summarize, the radio traffic and our interviews indicated that there were several major
challenges to ambulance access:
There was no clear message that the scene was safe for EMS providers to enter the
theater or even come near it. There was a question as to the existence of explosives or
hazardous materials in and near the theater. (The fire department said this did not
affect their decisions in this incident, but such lack of clarity about safety could well
be a factor in future incidents.)
Police cars and civilian traffic were blocking access to the theater. There was a traffic
Police did not communicate to fire and EMS units how to get through the parking lot
maze to reach victims, nor did police attempt to lead fire units to victims using the
paths that some police vehicles had found. The police thought fire could figure this

At 00:59:20 Lincoln 41advised rescue through radio channel PD-3 that officers will be there for security, that is
the best we can do at this point. (At 00:59:56 this was relayed over the fire channel.)
This was an example of why incident command, and knowing how to use technology was important.
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out on their own. Conversely, the fire department did not ask for instructions. In one
instance, a police officer tried to lead an ambulance crew on foot but they refused to

Police would not allow ambulance RM109 to proceed past the staging area. The
police did not have a consistent message as to whether fire and EMS units should or
should not proceed close in; different officers conveyed different message.
For many seriously wounded victims, it did not seem wise to wait further for ambulances
to get through, or to spend time walking stretchers long distances from ambulances to victims
and back again. Police and fire personnel were concerned about the elapsed time that patients
triaged as red were going without transport to a hospital. For these reasons, police, fire, and
EMS providers turned to alternative transport plansuse of police vehicles.
Some police vehicles made multiple transports to area hospitals, returning for more
victims. Figure 11 shows the access and egress route that police used to transport patients. .
Figure 11. Police Car Access and Egress

Scene Safety During and after the incident there has been controversy over whether fire
and EMS personnel should have entered the theater, and should have gotten closer to the victims
outside the theater. The police paramedic was already in the theater and had performed a timely
triage, so it was not really necessary for fire/EMS personnel to enter the theater. However, it is
still important to discuss when it is safe for EMS personnel to enter a warm zone, and how much
risk fire should be taking in an unclear shooting situation. Next time there may not be the luck
to have a police paramedic in the right place at the right time.

Officer XXXXXX said during his interview that he made contact with an RMA ambulance crew to obtain a
backboard for the eviscerated victim. The crew asked him where they needed to go and he said just come with me.
Officer XXXXXX takes the backboard and starts running toward the theater. When he looked back to see if they
were following him, he saw the crew getting back in their ambulance. They did not follow him inside.
AFD. (2012). Century theater shooting: Aurora Fire Department preliminary incident analysis. p. 25.
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The issue outside the theater was more access through crowded parking lot lanes than
safety, though resources in the area immediately outside the theater were pushed back by police
at one point for fear of explosive devices. It was unclear as to how dangerous the environment
was for rescue personnel. The perceived risk level varied and was never totally clarified from the
fire and EMS perspective. As noted previously, it was not known whether there were additional
shooters, if secondary devices were present, or if there was a harmful toxic substance release.
Moreover, fire was not told immediately that XXXXXXXX had been arrested.
Table 1 lists a sample of transmissions from dispatch to police, fire, and EMS that
concern EMS units making entrance into or around the theater. Listening to these transmissions,
it was no wonder that police, fire, and EMS personnel grew frustrated and remained unsure of
what was going on and what they were supposed to do.
Table 1. Radio Traffic Concerning Entry Risk
Time Into
Police or Fire
12:42.26 3:59 F Dispatch airs to Engine 8, Battalion 1 and Medic 109 PD
requesting them at Expo and Sable, do not have a request entry,
possible still shooting.
12:42:59 4:22 F Dispatch airs to Engine 8, Battalion 1, and Medic 109 that they are
needed hot to the front of the theaters, so far they have one party
12:45:30 7:02 F Dispatch airs (continuing the conversation with Battalion 1) that
they (Police) are saying to stage in the west parking lot and they
need 3 to 4 ambulances which Dispatch will start with Rural-
Metro and that we have Tower 8 en route with Engine 8, do you
want any more.
12:45:53 7:16 F Battalion 1 airs to set up ambulance staging at Expo and Sable and
asks if that is where they wanted us to stage in the first place
12:46:13 7:30 F Dispatch airs that Expo and Sable was the original staging but now
they are asking for the West parking lot. She will clarify with PD so
we will not be coming into their scene
12:46:36 7:53 F Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 that they are on scene (staged) in the
East parking lot of the theater
12:46:38 7:51 F Dispatch airs to E8 that PD wants staging on the west side
12:47:15 8:18 P Metro 10 airs to start putting them in cars and shuttling them out
to the west end
12:47:36 8:39 F Engine 8 airs to start 2 more engines emergent and staging is the
East parking lot of the mall, basically Dillards
12:47:16 9:09 P Cruiser 10 airs we need rescue inside the auditorium, multiple
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Time Into
Police or Fire
12:48:06 9:59 F Dispatch airs to Engine 8 that they (PD) are saying they have a
party on the East side of the theater that they cant get to, he is
shot in the back and multiple [other] parties
12:48:12 10:05 P Lincoln 25 directs rescue to stage at the Dillards lot and states I
need as many ambulances as we can to the Dillards Lot. L25 asks
to have the fire trucks stage in the Dillards lot also and he will get
them (firefighters) inside to triage people and get them out. He
asks that they get ready and get litters to the front of the theater
12:48:20 10:13 F Dispatch airs to Engine 8 that she copies and has 4 ambulances en
route, that PD is asking for as many ambulances as possible to
Dillards and how many does he want, that she will start 2
12:48:46 10:39 F Dispatch airs to Engine 8 and any unit on scene at Century 16
Theaters that PD is requesting them to Dillards, that they are
taking all victims to Dillards
12:49:38 11:31 F Medic 102 airs on RMA-1 to confirm where they want them
staging at since they cant get through, Rural-Metro responds to
stage at Dillards that is where they are taking all the victims

12:35 P Metro 10 airs that he can get multiple victims from 9 to the old
Sports Authority lot if Rescue can get to that lot
12:51:00 12:53 P Lincoln 25 asks for ambulances on Sable and ambulances in the
Dillards lot
12:52:02 13:55 P Dispatch airs that ambulances should be staging at the north west
corner of the theater
12:52:08 14:01 P Lincoln 25 airs on PD-3 to start all medical people available in the
City to Century 16 and wants them in the Dillards lot and on Sable
12:52:21 14:14 P Metro 10 airs to get on CLEER and request mutual aid from all
available EMS personnel in the metro area
12:53:13 15:06 F Dispatch airs that PD is requesting as many medical personnel as
possible to the Dillards to assist with patients, we have 2
additional engines en route and a child found outside
12:56:07 17:59 F Battalion 1 airs he copies and wants the Fire Department not on
scene to stage at Expo and Sable
12:57:40 19:32 F Battalion 1 airs that Tower 8 and Engine 4 will be the Dillards
Division and that they need to let him know how many
ambulances they have. Then airs to Dispatch to have all
ambulances that they are sending to stage at Exposition and put
them one block east on Sable and keep the fire equipment
separate and have Engine 4 in charge of that Division and that
Engine 8 will be in charge of the Century Division
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Time Into
Police or Fire
12:59:06 20:58 P Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 that he needs rescue to move to the rear
of the theater, we have officers there and requests them
immediately for multiple victims

21:12 P Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 to advise rescue the officers will be there
for security, that is the best we can do at this point
12:59:56 21:48 F Dispatch airs to Century Command she apologizes again PD is
asking for emergency medical to the back of the theater, they are
on scene to provide security
01:00:45 22:38 P Dispatch responds on PD-3 that she will tell them, that she has
told them 5 times
01:01:26 23:19 F Engine 5 airs they are on scene on Sable right behind the theater,
had a Police Officer run up to him with 9 patients behind the
theater and asks if they should stay there or go with the Police
01:03:07 25:00 F Engine 5 airs to Command, they are on the east side of the
theater, and does he want them to attend to the patients on the
east side. Battalion 1 asks them if they have 1 patient, correct?
01:03:37 25:30 F Truck 2 airs to Command they are in the rear of the theater they
have 9 shot if we can get any ambulances to stage on Sable, we
can get them to the ambulances
01:04:47 26:40 F Battalion 1 airs to Truck 2 to join up with Engine 5 and makes
them Sable Division, then announces to all that there are three
Divisions and directs them to set up an Extrication, Triage,
Treatment and Transport area within the Division, we will start
there till we get more resources
01:07:17 29:10 F Battalion 1 wants the ambulances to go to Expo and Sable and
asks for one of their supervisors (Rural-Metro) to go to the
transport area so they can get a handle on ambulances and start
sending them to each Division
01:07:24 29:17 P 514 airs he is at Exposition and Sable and has Denver, Littleton,
Englewood and Arapahoe and is sending them to the east side to
01:08:06 29:59 P 207 airs to call Childrens and see if they will take people
01:13:56 35:49 F Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch that he is trying to get there but right
now he has Police Officers and everybody else coming up to him
so to tell them to hang on
From these log samples and our interviews, one can conclude the following:
Having to use dispatch as a relay between police, fire, and EMS caused delays in
communicating between on-scene units.
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There was confusion as to where ambulances should stage. For example, Lincoln 25
requested units to Dillards, while Battalion Chief 1 assigned them to Expo and Sable.
During interviews, two RMA crew said that police held them at Expo and Sable,
while one crew stated they were not held.
There was never a clear message announced by police or fire command, via dispatch,
that the scene or sections of the scene were safe.
At some point APD advised dispatch that ambulances could come to the theater and
security would be provided. Within 37 seconds, dispatch relayed the message to fire
Transportation Group was not established early in the incident, causing APD to
attempt to organize transportation and hospital status information on its own.
Battalion Chief 1 was inundated with multiple repeated requests without sufficient
time to accomplish them.
EMS personnel believed they faced an extremely unsafe situation. A confirmed active
shooter, possible additional shooters, a chemical release, the possibility of secondary devices or
chemicals, and panic conditions created a situation that appeared to resemble a battlefield instead
of a civilian mass casualty incident. Law enforcement acted to prevent fire and EMS personnel
from harm, but probably overstated the danger, especially after Theater 9 was searched multiple
The gaps in patient access occurred partially due to fire command not acting on police
request, and no general announcement of scene safety being made. During the early stages,
dispatch advised fire and EMS to enter the scene, but according to our interviews of Rural Metro
and fire department responders, some PD officers prohibited their entrance, as they were
concerned about EMS personnel safety. As the incident progressed, EMS access was available,
but this was not communicated between police, fire and EMS.
Since the incident, APD and AFD have developed a joint active shooter protocol that
includes incident command guidelines, safety guidelines, instructions for rapid assessment and
extraction, and continued triage, treatment, and transportation of the injured. The joint plan is
being finalized simultaneous with the publication of this report.
Concept of Staging There seemed to have been confusion about the concept of staging
that contributed to misunderstandings between police and fire. Initially, staging is meant to
assure that responders are kept safe from further harm and that only those qualified and properly
protected would be permitted into areas immediately dangerous to life and health. Subsequently,
staging is used to keep units from freelancing and possibly creating access and egress problems,
while having them readily available to respond.
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Police and fire units quickly advised incoming units that staging would be at Sable and
Expo. By 12:42:26, dispatch announces that staging would be set up at Expo and Sable.
Considering the magnitude of the incident, staging was initiated within a reasonable time.
Staging at Expo and Sable was appropriate because it combined a good location with protection
from possible secondary devices.
Calling all Cars vs. Staged Deployment Several times throughout the incident, a
field commander or dispatch initiated a call for all available units. In some cases, the call was for
police cars, while at others it was for ambulances. Past mass casualty incidents indicate that a
general request for unitsespecially all unitsis counterproductive and increases scene chaos,
particularly when there is no specific staging area identified and communicated. This occurred at
Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, the Minnesota I-35 Bridge Collapse, and most recently
in Watertown, Massachusetts during the hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers. Precision in
predicting the number of units needed is not expected, but a controlled escalation of the units is
often beneficial. Calling units in groupsstrike teams or task forcesis one way to accomplish

Strike Team Five like units, with a supervisor, and a common form of
communications. For example, an ALS strike team would consist of five ALS
ambulances, an EMS supervisor, and a common form of communications.
Task Force Five different types of units, with a supervisor, and a common form of
communications. For example, an EMS Task Force could consist of two ALS
ambulances, three BLS ambulances, an EMS supervisor, and a common form of
For police, calling for SWAT teams can achieve the same purposea group of police
operating under a leader.
Medical Groups
As noted above, the fire department formed three geographical divisions, each containing
a medical group with extrication, triage, and treatment functions.
However, no Transportation
Group was established under the incident command. There should be only one Transportation
Group for each incident, not one for each division.

We commented in other sections that the use of Strike Teams and Task Forces may not be warranted in the initial
stages for law enforcement. During incidents involving lone or multiple perpetrators, saturation of the incident by
law enforcement may be essential in identifying and quickly capturing suspects.
There were three divisions established during the incident. A division is a geographical designation that
oversees all activities within an area. A group is a specific function within the division, such as a medical group
within each division. For example, in the Century Division, there was the Century Medical Group. The division
supervisor was also responsible for HazMat and other functions.
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East Medical Group The East Medical Group assigned to the rear of Theater 9
provided care for the patients extracted from the theater. Figure 12 shows its composition.
Figure 12. East Medical Group

Figure 13 shows the approximate location of the East Medical Group.
Figure 13. East Medical Group Location

Patients inside the theater were triaged by an APD SWAT team member who was also a
paramedic. XXXXXXXXX

Aurora Fire Department Files
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Paramedic Engine 8 could not get to the front of the theater. RMA Medic 109, which
tried to follow Paramedic Engine 8, was instructed by an APD officer not to follow PE8, and he
instead led them to a patient lying in the grass. The consideration was that this was a possible
hazardous materials incident involving a toxic substance (the gas in the air of the theater),
making rapid entry into the theater unfeasible at the time.
Crews from Truck 2, Engine 8, Engine 5, and APD began to treat the red patients. Each
patient was reassessed by a paramedic before being transported. AFD and APD personnel made
independent decisions to transport over 25 red patients by police cars to area hospitals. Some
patients were carried to ambulances staged at Expo and Sable.
Those who could self-extract or those determined by the triage unit to be ambulatory
were quickly moved to another treatment group or to a holding area. East Medical Group triage
and treatment personnel along with APD did an excellent job assuring that those who could
quickly move out of harm did so. The crews from Paramedic Engine 8, Paramedic Engine 5,
Tower 2, and APD officers performed some of the minor injury care. These patients were moved
to the staging area and provided further treatment by ambulance crews.
Because the fatalities occurred inside Theater 9, it was a crime scene and the bodies could
not be moved until the scene was fully processed. Aurora police were able to control access to
obviously deceased patients, which shielded people from unnecessary exposure to a horrific
scene, and avoided evidence contamination.
Aurora EMS protocols require on-line medical direction for a decision not to resuscitate,
or to discontinue resuscitation attempts on certain patients suffering traumatic cardiac arrest.
There was confusion as to the need to obtain medical direction for the 10 patients triaged as
obviously deceased. Some on-scene providers believed that the protocols required physician
authorization not to attempt to resuscitate patients suffering from penetrating trauma to the
thoraco-abdominal region.
Efforts were started to formulate a pronouncement team whose job would be to re-
triage those already determined deceased, and to receive on-line authorization not to resuscitate.
At 01:16Truck 2 crew did a quick reassessment of the deceased in the theater.
During our meeting with the EMS physicians, they clarified the protocol: If a patient was
triaged as obviously deceased (black tag), decisions about their care do not fall under the
pronouncement protocols. On-line medical direction was not necessary. As a result of the
uncertainty in the application of the protocol in this incident, the EMS physicians and EMS
managers said they will clarify this protocol and when to apply it.
Century Medical Group The Century Medical Group was established at the northwest
part of the area near where Paramedic Engine 8 set up initial fire command. Figure 14 shows the
Century Medical Group triage and treatment units.
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Figure 14: Century Medical Group

Figure 15 shows the location of the Century Medical Groups location.
Figure 15. Century Medical Group Location

Many injured patients who walked out of the theater were triaged in the Century
Division. Initially, while the lieutenant on Paramedic Engine 8 was setting up command, its crew
members began to triage patients.
Triaging was difficult because they were inundated with people escaping from the
theater. The unit triaged at least 25 patients, many with severe injuries. An off-duty registered
nurse who was an uninjured theater patron assisted them in triage. They were challenged by the
following conditions:

AFD. (2012). Century theater shooting: Aurora Fire Department preliminary incident analysis, p.17.
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
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Numerous patients requiring immediate treatment.
Surrounded by a large number of civilians who were being sequestered by police.
Many unoccupied police cars that could not be moved.
Many civilian vehicles that were stopped by police.
One Century Group paramedic said he personally triaged 10 red and three yellow
patients. Another said he triaged 12 patients, most of whom were severe.
Firefighters from Paramedic Engine 8, Paramedic Engine 2, and Denver Engine 19
provided treatment to those the Century Group had triaged. They provided essential care and
prepared approximately 25 patients for transport. Many exhibited severe bleeding from gunshot
wounds to their extremities. One patient was in danger of bleeding out. Standard care including
direct pressure and application of multiple dressings were ineffective for this patient, so a
paramedic made the quick decision to apply a tourniquet using a new style pre-packaged device
similar to those used by military medics. Bleeding was quickly controlled and the patient was
rapidly transported to a hospital. (The EMS Medical Directors later determined that this
tourniquet was life-saving.)
Several patients with minor injuries were sent to a patient staging area nearby, shown in
Figure 16.
Figure 16. Century Medical Group Patient Staging Area

Dillards Medical Group Dillards Medical Group was set up toward the eastern area
of the theater, near one of the Dillards parking lots. Figure 17 shows the Dillards Triage and
Treatment Units.

Hansen, C. (2012). The true knight has risen. Online Blog. Retrieved from
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
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Figure 17. Dillards Medical Group

Figure 18 shows the location of the Dillards Medical Group.
Figure 18. Dillards Medical Group Location

Several patients were either carried or walked from the theater to this group, located on
the upper parking lot. Tower 8 reported to this area after moving two police cars blocking the
entrance. Tower 8 and Engine 4 crews began triage, finding six patients, several with multiple
gunshot wounds to the body and extremities. These patients were still able to walk, but blood
loss was starting to affect their condition. As at other triage areas, there were many civilians
covered with blood who had to be triaged to determine if they were injured or just bloodied from
assisting victims or their proximity to victims inside the theater. Some people were not sure
themselves whether they were injured. Fire and EMS providers did an excellent job of rapid
triage of these patients, and quickly moving unaffected civilians out of the area. Of the patients
triaged by this Group, three were classified as red and three as yellow. Patients and bystanders
were moved to the Dillards Medical Group lot where ambulances were standing by.

AFD. (2012). Century theater shooting: Aurora Fire Department preliminary incident analysis, p.17.
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System Planning Corporation
After triage, crews from Paramedic Engine 4 and Tower 8 provided most of the initial
treatment. They were assisted by RMA personnel. Tower 8s crew treated six or seven red
patients who had chest, abdomen, or extremity wounds. After applying lifesaving treatment,
patients were moved to the Dillards Medical Group staging area for ambulance transport.
After treating the red patients, Tower 8 and Paramedic Engine 4s crews treated the less
severely injured patients who were triaged as yellow. Several were then treated and moved to
ambulances in the Dillards Medical Group staging area. Some were carried to ambulances.
Patient Identification Systems There was little use made of any patient identification
system during the triage or treatment phases of the incident. Initially, Century Triage Group
personnel started some triage tags, but this was quickly abandoned due to provider inexperience
with using the tags. There is no evidence that triage tags were used in any other triage or
treatment groups. Lack of patient identification led to confusion downstream because patient
identification and destination records were incomplete. Hospital staff complained that this made
their job more difficult in sorting quickly a large influx of trauma patients.
Triage and Treatment Summary Table 2 shows the number of patients triaged,
treated, and transported during the incident. This table does not include those who sought care
later, or the hundreds cursorily triaged (e.g., bloody, walking by, and asked if they were okay).
Table 2. Triaged, Treated, and Transported Patients
Injury Triaged Treated Transported

Gunshot 70 60 54
Other 12 12 6
Total 82 72 60
Victim Transportation
Medical transportation from the scene in a mass casualty incident usually is coordinated
by the Transportation Group operating under a Medical Group/Branch of ICS. During this
incident, there was no designated Transportation Group or Group Supervisor. At 01:06.41, 17
minutes into the incident, an RMA supervisor was dispatched to Exposition and Sable to be in
charge of transportation. This unit arrived at the scene, but stayed in staging and did not establish
Transportation Group.

The total number of gunshot and non-gunshot patients is still unclear. There is no record of patient transport
refusals by those with minor injuries or preferring their own doctors. Hospital officials attempted to keep track of
how patients arrived but had difficulty doing so in the chaos of the situation.
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Failure to establish a Transportation Group and to appoint a Transportation Group
Supervisor was a critical omission. The Transportation Group is responsible for the coordination
of patient transportation from the scene to hospitals or other facilities. It is also responsible for
medical communications between the incident and receiving hospitals.
Authentic Communications Communications between the Transportation Group and
the hospitals is considered the authentic communications of the incident status. During this
incident, hospitals received cell phone calls from various sources describing the incident and
how many patients they will receive. Hospitals must consider notifications outside the official
EMS communications system as non-authentic. The mass use of social media will further
challenge EMS providers in regards to communications authenticity. In some areas, social media
may be the medium for official disaster scene communications. The medium is less important
than all providers knowing what form of communications is considered authentic.
Another important communications point is the need to clarify whether hazardous
materials decontamination was needed. In most instances, initial decontamination occurs at the
scene, but often, hospitals must continue the process or assure that their facility does not become
contaminated. Initial notification can allow hospitals to be prepared. While mass
decontamination was not needed, the possibility existed throughout the incident.

The Transportation Group Supervisor is responsible for assuring that hospitals receive
early incident notification. Each local hospital said that lack of pre-notification affected their
ability to quickly determine resources needed for patient surge. This notification also allows
hospitals to communicate how many patients, how many critical patients, and how many
specialty patients they can receive. Based on this information, patients can be assigned to
specific ambulances with instructions to transport to specific hospitals.
Even when the Incident Commander (or Unified Command) authorizes the use of non-
ambulance vehicles for patient transportation, a Transportation Group is still needed to
coordinate destinations and for recordkeeping. By not having a Transportation Group, it was
difficult to account for all patients transported, and for later follow-up.
Vehicles Used for Transport The hospitals received a total of 60 patients. Most had
gunshot wounds, but some had serious injuries incurred while fleeing. Some gunshot victims had
relatively minor shotgun pellet wounds and did not require transport

Maniscalco, P.M., Wordin, A., and Christen, H.T. (2011). Mass casualty decontamination. In, P.M. Maniscalco
and H.T. Christen. Homeland security: Principles and practices of terrorism response. (pp. 171-180). Jones and
Bartlett: Sudbury, MA.
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Table 3 summarizes the transports. Ambulance transports were documented by patient
care reports. Records of the type of transport when made by police or private vehicle were less
formal, but there are only minor discrepancies among sources for them. Based on dispatch logs
and interviews with officers, our best estimate is that APD transported at least 27 patients,
possibly 28 (APDs own estimate was 27). The exact number is less important than the fact that
such a large number of transports were by police cars, not ambulances.
Table 3. Modes of Transport for Victims
Number Transported
to Hospital Mode
20 Ambulance
27-28 Police Vehicle
13-14 Private Vehicle or walked (one)
60 Total
About 13 or 14 patients were transported by private vehicle, and one walked. The private
vehicle transports were not authorized by police or fire officials, but did not harm anyone as best
Some of those transported to hospitals were discharged without staying overnight. Some
victims were discharged from the emergency department, but required follow-up care.
Ambulance Availability There were 24 ambulances on the scene at one time or
another, with some leaving and then returning a second time. Table 4 lists the arrival times of the
ambulances, their home organization, and which returned after initial transports. RMA had two
ambulances on scene within five minutes, and five within 10 minutes. All seven of RMAs on-
duty ambulances were on scene within 25 minutes. (During night shift, RMA has fewer
ambulances available than in daytime.) Mutual aid units were readily available, and fortunately
the region was not busy.
Table 4. Ambulances On Scene
Time of Day Unit
0:43 RM109

0:47 RM105

0:52 RM102

0:52 RM101

0:53 RM103

1:05 RM106

1:05 RM107

1:05 RM341

1:06 RM342

1:08 DEN39

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Time of Day Unit
1:10 RM315

1:12 RM104

1:12 RM308

1:12 CNG611

1:12 CNG61

1:12 RM306

1:14 RM348

1:15 RM309 x
1:18 RM105 x
1:21 DEN35

1:26 SMET42

1:30 RM102 x
1:31 SMET32

1:31 SMET35

1:41 WMETM2

1:41 WMETM6

RM = Rural Metro; DEN = Denver Health Medical
SMET = South Metro FD; WMET = West Metro FD;
CNG=Cunningham FD
Table 5 summarizes the ambulance arrival times. There were 17 on scene within the first
35 minutes, but only two within the first 10 minutes.
Table 5. Ambulances On Scene Within the First 35 Minutes
Ambulances On Scene Time Interval
2 (RM 109, 105) < 10 minutes
3 (RM 101, 102, 103) < 15 minutes
3 (RM 106, 107, 341) < 25 minutes
3 (RM 315, 342,Denver 39) < 30 minutes
6 (RM 104, 306,308,Cuningham 61, 611, RM 101-returned) < 35 minutes
Total 17 < 35 minutes
Denver Paramedics and Cunningham Fire sent mutual aid ambulances that arrived within
the first 35 minutes.
At 01:10, 32 minutes into the incident, three more ambulances more were requested from
South Metro Fire Department. They arrived at 01:31, 53 minutes into the incident. At 01:12, 34
minutes into the incident, West Metro Fire dispatched two ambulances that arrived at 01:41, 63
minutes into the incident. At 01:21, 43 minutes into the incident, American Medical Response
(AMR) dispatched one unit, but there is no record of their arrival. Due to the time it took to
obtain these units, South Metro, West Metro, and AMR did not transport any patients.
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Table 6 indicates the transport unit, time into the incident, numbers of patients
transported by police or fire units, condition of patients, and destinations. Blue is police
transports, red ambulance transports. Records on private vehicle transports were not available.
Table 6. Patients Transport Times, by Agency Transporting

Time into
Number of
APD 302 8:59 1 Red TMCA
APD Metro 11 15:54 2 NA TMCA
APD 201A 15:54 1 NA TMCA
RM 109 17:13 1 NA Childrens
RM 101 17:55 1 NA Childrens
APD 302 18:04 2 Red TMCA
APD CR6 18:29 2 Red TMCA
APD 314 21:32 3 Red University
APD Metro 11 23:59 3 Red University
APD 207 24:00 2 NA University
APD 209 00:01 1 NA University
APD 571 24:19 2 Red University
RM 105 24:57 1 NA TMCA
RM 102 25:50 3 2 Red University
APD 302 26:24 3 2 Red University
APD 204 26:24 4 NA University
APD Y47 27:24 1 NA Childrens
APD CR45 29:24 2 NA Childrens
RM 342 33:24 2 NA Swedish
DG 39 36:18 2 NA Denver General
APD Metro 11 37:39 1 NA TMCA
RM 103 39:11 3 Yellow 2, Green 1 DGH
RM 308 39:44 1 NA University
RM 107 44:59 1 NA Swedish
APD 302
48:09 0? NA University
RM 315 49:34 1 NA TMCA
RM 306 52:31 1 NA Parker
RM 104 52:49 1 Green Parker

This accounts for 48 patients transported by police vehicle or ambulance. There are others who were transported
by private or police vehicles, but the mode of transportation cannot be confirmed.
This transport is still questionable. The CAD notes APD 302 transporting two patients. APD 302s report read
that he responded to the hospital to assist with interviews, but did not transport anyone.
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Within 15 minutes, there were five ambulances on the scene, but by this time, the police
already had transported at least three patients. RM 109 was on scene in less than three minutes,
but did not transport their first patient until 14 minutes later. This is consistent with reports of
delayed patient access to ambulances, likely due to being ordered to stage. RM 101 arrived
within 12 minutes, and had patients ready for transport within five minutes after they arrived
(very efficient). Between the 18- and 24-minute points, APD transported an additional 12 red
patients before another ambulance transport was performed. There were six ambulances on
scene in this time period, but the patients could not get to the ambulances, or the
ambulances to patients.
Between the 24 and 36 minute mark, eight additional patients (two triaged red) were
transported by ambulance, while APD transported another two red patients. After this, APD
transported three more patients, while another eight were transported by ambulance. This
information suggests that after the 24-minute mark, the EMS ICS was getting organized and
ambulance transport was increasingly possible.
Reviewing the available but incomplete information on patient transports, one cannot
make definite conclusions as to whether some patients should have waited for ambulance
transportation without knowing more about their medical condition and how likely they would
have been affected by delay. It was not possible to relate each patient condition and outcome to a
transport method. However, we do know that APD transported at least 17 patients initially
triaged as red within the first 25 minutes.
Eventually a total of 27 ambulances were on scene, but their time of arrival is crucial to
understand. Even if all on-scene ambulances could access patients as they arrived in this
incident, transport of several red patients would likely have been delayed without use of the
police vehicles. There were not enough ambulances on scene early enough to transport all
the red patients, even if they had not been delayed in getting to the patients. Yellow or green
patients could have been transported by multi-purpose units.
All seven Aurora-based RMA ambulances were on scene within 25 minutes of the initial
dispatch. Additional RMA ambulances were dispatched and on scene within 35 minutes. It took
between 32 and 43 minutes to dispatch additional mutual aid ambulances. Considering the
number of patients likely to be injured, this was much too long. We could not determine if the
delay was due to the time it took for Aurora Communications or RMA to process the request, or
the piecemeal dispatch of additional units instead of strike teams or task forces, or if messages
did not get through to the intended services.
Use of Police Cars for Transport The initial use of police vehicles to transport critical
patients was not only acceptable but likely represented the best care for critical patients.
However, more effort should have been made to quickly transition to ambulance transport of
patients. Instead of making multiple transports to the hospital, police units could have assisted
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with ambulance egress into the scene. Also, police cars could have transported more of the non-
critical patients to ambulances at the staging areas.
Both police and fire officials agreed that many critically injured patients needed to be
transported by police car, because ambulances could not or did not know how to get close
enough. In actuality, this is not necessarily a bad idea. There is a growing body of medical
literature that suggests this type of expedient transport, even without the benefit of pre-hospital
care, is associated with improved outcomes for victims of penetrating trauma to the thoracic-
abdominal region.
Thus, considering the situation, the decisions concerning patient triage,
treatment, and transportation of patients appear to have been appropriate and should be credited
for saving the lives of at least two victims who required immediate interventions on arrival at the
hospital to survive. All patients who required it were transported to hospitals within 52 minutes
from the first 911 call, many much sooner than that.
Treatment on Scene
The main goal of EMS treatment units is to provide immediate care and to ready patients
for transportation to the appropriate medical facility, assignment to a casualty collection point, or
The use of treatment units allowed for the faster patient treatment and a better span of
EMS Medical Directors and EMS Managers determined that the patient care decisions
made at the incident were reasonable and prudent. As noted earlier, two patients suffering
penetrating thoraco-abdominal injuries were likely saved by rapid, immediate transport. The
application of a tourniquet on a patient experiencing a severe leg hemorrhage was probably
lifesaving. EMS providers should continue following current protocols.
Treatment dispatch managers are responsible for getting patients from the treatment
groups to the transportation group. This position is not necessary when the transportation group
is close to the treatment group(s). In these types of incidents, where there is a distance or
restricted access to the transportation group, this position becomes more important. There were
sufficient EMS supervisors and senior providers on scene to fill these positions.

Seamon, M.J., Doane, S.M., Gaughan, J.P., Kulp, H., D'Andrea, A.P., Pathak, A.S., Santora, T.A., Goldberg, A.J.,
& Wydro GC. (2013). Pre-hospital interventions for penetrating trauma victims: a prospective comparison between
Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support, 44(5), 634-8. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2012.12.020
Funder, K.S., Petersen, J.A, & Steinmetz J. (2011). On-scene time and outcome after penetrating trauma: an
observational study. Emergency Medical Journal, 28(9), 797-801. doi: 10.1136/emj.2010.097535
Walsh, D.W., Christen, H.t., Jr., Callsen, C.T., Miller, Maniscalco, P.M., Lord, G.C. and Dolan, M.J. (2012).
National incident management system: Principles and practices. (2
ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett
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If treatment dispatch managers had been used, ways to allow ambulance access to certain
parts of the scene may have been discovered. Figure 19 shows an area where ambulances may
have been able to jump curbs to hasten access or egress.
Figure 19. Possible Ambulance Access or Egress Points

Medical Direction
The Aurora EMS community is fortunate to have an EMS medical director from each
Aurora medical facility. As part of our review, we conducted a meeting between the three
medical directors and the EMS managers from AFD and RMA to discuss the incident and
The EMS Medical Directors were satisfied with the patient care provided at the scene.
The transportation decisions generally were considered appropriate for this specific incident.
EMS providers should not view this approval as a change in the standard of EMS care.
The EMS Medical Directors and EMS Managers continue to support the proper use of
ICS and documentation using triage tags and E-PCR. Hospitals were concerned that not having
documentation hindered the ability for the Emergency Department to identify patients.
Hospital Care
In part because Transportation Group was not established under ICS, there was a delay in
notifying hospitals about the incident, and the numbers and types of patients being sent to them.
ERs were hearing rumors and receiving inauthentic communications, such as calls from the
general public about patients heading their way. Lack of pre-notification and not using triage
ribbons or patient tags led to confusion at some hospitals. The hospitals were largely unaware of
the incident size, or the expected patient surge. A log, likely from RMA, indicated that at 12:59
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hospital status information was obtained, but it appeared that this information was not shared
with Police or Fire Command.
Hospital Destinations Table 7 shows the patient distribution by hospital, and the mode
of transport, based on data gleaned from CAD, E-PCR, ambulance reports, police reports, and
hospital records. Some hospitals did not know the means of transport for some victims because
they were dropped off before a record could be made, or things were too hectic and the type of
vehicle was not a crucial piece of information.
Table 7. Hospitals Receiving Patients

Hospital Number of Patients/Vehicle Type
Medical Center of Aurora 21 (10 ambulance or police; 10 private vehicles, 1 on foot)
University of Colorado (Anschutz) 23
Childrens Hospital Colorado 6 (2 ambulance, 4 by police or private)
Denver Health (Denver General) 5
Parker Hospital 2
Swedish Hospital 3
Total 60
There were additional patients transported by private vehicle after the incident was over.
Some patients were transported to Centennial Medical Center by private vehicle, but numbers
could not be confirmed.
Nature of Injuries District Attorney charging documents have records of the condition
of 75 patients. Other sources show 82 injuries in total, with minor injuries probably accounting
for the difference. Approximately 60 victims are known to have been treated in hospitals on the
day of the incident, and a few later on. Some went to their own doctors, or took care of
themselves. Table 8 shows the type and severity of injuries for the 75 patients with records
identified. We grouped them as follows:
Death Triaged on scene as dead, or declared at hospital
Gunshot Wound/Critical Patient required emergency surgery
Gunshot Wound/Complex Patient had wounds involving multiple systems, i.e.,
soft tissue with fractures or soft tissue with neurological deficit
Gunshot Wound/Soft Tissue Only Did not require surgical repair or was not
accompanied by life-threatening blood loss

This is the number reported who were transported by police cars or ambulances. It does not include all those
transported by private vehicle.
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Orthopedic Non-life threatening wounds not caused by gunshots, i.e., trip and fall
Chemical Exposure Non-life threatening chemical exposure, probably from
XXXXXXXXXX in the theater.
Table 8. Patient Type and Severity

Injury Severity Number
Death 12
Gunshot Wound/Critical 21
Gunshot Wound/Complex 22
Gunshot Wound/Soft Tissue Only 18
Orthopedic 9
Chemical Irritation 5
Total 75
The Medical Center of Aurora The Medical Center of Aurora (TMCA) is the closest
hospital to the theater. It received 21 patients, 9 by police car, 2 by ambulance, 8 by private
vehicle, 1 on foot, and 1 by unknown means. The first patient from the theater had run to the
hospital. Patient surge occurred early, with 12 gunshot wounds arriving within 20 minutes.
The emergency department was under construction at the time of the incident, and it had
fewer treatment rooms than usual. It was first notified about the incident by an unknown cell
phone caller. A hospital security guard monitoring a police radio heard about the incident and
notified the ED staff. It was not until 12:55 hours that notification was received from dispatch.
The official mass casualty incident notification system was not used. Without triage tags it was
difficult to document incoming patient information, and the emergency department did not know
if more patients were going to be arriving after the first few. A nursing supervisor called dispatch
for this information.
The emergency department challenges included:
Difficulty in planning resource allocation, because the expected size of the surge was
not communicated to them.
A slower than desired triage process in the hospital as a result of no notification, no
field triage information, and patient surge.
Not knowing how many patients would arrive at what interval as the event unfolded.

Based on charging documents from the Colorado AG Office.
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When the incident occurred, the emergency department already had a large number of
patients, with many in the waiting room. The hospital took the following actions:
Emergency department staff started moving beds to facilitate treatment.
Staff members including the on-duty hospitalist, an intensivist, a trauma surgeon, and
an anesthesiologist were summoned to the emergency department.
Another trauma surgeon, two additional orthopedic surgeons, and two additional
emergency physicians were requested to report to the emergency department.
Additional nurses were summoned from within the hospital.
Treatment included:
Two patients given emergency, life-saving surgery.
Three patients given urgent surgery.
Two other patients treated who did not need immediate care.
There was no need for the emergency department to declare a diversion. The hospital
emergency room remained ready for a second wave of patients for one and a half additional
hours. Emergency room staff said that previous mass casualty incident drills were helpful in
preparing for the incident.
University of Colorado Medical Center This hospital complex received 23 patients
by police, ambulance, or private vehicle. Several critical patients required immediate surgery or
advanced airway protection with ventilator support. There were 25 patients already in the
emergency department, and 14 were moved to make room for the new patients.
Like the other hospitals, the emergency department was challenged with the patient
surge. Decisions had to be made concerning ramping up emergency department staffing and
hospital-wide mobilization of personnel. Being a teaching hospital, situations that would
normally tax community hospitals are less challenging for a university hospital because of the
availability of residents and teaching staff.
The facility emergency manager heard the initial incident on a fire department scanner.
He called the hospital administrator and ordered the command center to be activated. Emergency
department personnel continued to prioritize patients, and acute care services were reinforced. A
limited hospital-wide mobilization was enacted that added experienced personnel to the
emergency department, including.
Two attending physicians
Two resident physicians
14 to 17 additional nurses
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Five technicians
Extra clerical and transportation personnel
No diversion was needed for patients sent to this hospital.
Childrens Hospital Colorado This hospital received six victims, two brought by
ambulance, three by police car, and one by private vehicle. The patient transported by EMS was
very critical, and the care administered by the paramedics en route was essential.
The emergency manager responded to the hospital and activated its Emergency
Operations Center, which remained open on and off until 7:00 p.m. the next evening. The
incident was considered a Level 1 emergency calling for internal stand-by procedures but no
activation of the emergency plan. Though a childrens hospital, the emergency department
treated several adults. If specific types of adult specialists are necessary, they can be easily
obtained from the adult facility located across the street.
The incident occurred around shift
change, making two additional physicians available. Emergency department diversion was not
needed. The staff were concerned that no pre-notification was made.
Other Hospitals Three additional hospitalsDenver Health, Parker, and Swedish
Hospitalseach accepted a few victims. They were adequately staffed to provide this emergency
care and advanced trauma services.
Key Findings
Overall, police, fire, EMS, and all public safety agencies were able to overcome adverse
conditions and get patients treated and transported. No one died who could have been saved.
Incident command was disorganized, primarily because no unified command or
organized single command structure was established early on, which made it difficult to
coordinate EMS with police operations. This led to
Lack of adequate police-fire communications on the level of risk in the theater.
Inability to delineate specific safe zones (like Theater 9).
Lack of communication on how to get ambulances through the maze in the parking
lot to patients.
The fire captain acting as BC who was the initial fire incident commander, was not
assisted with a second BC or higher level chiefs until much too late in the first critical hour and
he was overwhelmed with radio traffic.

Childrens Medical Center thought that the EMS community should be aware that Childrens can manage adult
patients. When children and adults are injured during an incident, all are often transported and treated there.
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Triage units did not use a patient identification system (triage ribbons or tags), which
made tracking for transportation, and quick evaluation at the hospitals, more difficult.
Treatment provided by fire and EMS crews met the standard of care. There was an
adequate number of Treatment Units set up around the theater.
Based on the conditions found, rapid transportation of severely injured patients by police
car was the right decision for critical patients. Lack of a single Incident Command Post and lack
of a Transportation Group contributed to the inability to get patients to ambulances or
ambulances to patients.
Prior to the theater incident, the AFD reassigned its EMS Shift Supervisors to day work
positions. Having an EMS shift supervisor would have been beneficial. (The AFD has since
returned its EMS Shift Supervisors to shift work.)
Hospitals did well at rapidly triaging unexpected patients, ramping up emergency
services, and providing critical care. Lack of notification and patients arriving by police vehicle
caused some stress in regards to preparation and patient identification, but no hospital had to
close the doors to emergency service patients.

Prior to the theater incident, there was no joint police, fire, and EMS active shooter
policy. This affected many aspects of the incident from ICS, communications, safety, and patient
care. Since July 2012, the APD, AFD and PSCD have been forming a High Risk Extraction
Protocol (HREP) that includes policies, tactics, and ICS strategies.
1. Scene Safety. During a mass casualty incident, command should announce when the
scene is reasonably safe for EMS to proceed, or what level of protection responding
providers need to operate under (e.g. police guarding EMTs.) There almost always
will be the possibility of another shooter or another bomb, but the probability will
vary. Different departments or incident commanders may have different value
judgments as to what is acceptable risk to firefighters vs. victims who need their help,
but there should be strong police-fire discussion as to the detailed circumstances of
risk in a particular incident. [We note again that perceived risk probably did not affect
actions in the Aurora incident, mainly by luck of having a police SWAT paramedic
present in the theater, but it brought to light the issue.]
Several recommendations have been offered by various national and regional
agencies regarding how aggressive EMS providers should be in entering and

Most EMS systems have a method that allows overcrowded hospitals close for all or certain types of patients. The
rules differ within each EMS system.
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providing triage in a warm zone. Choices include SWAT trained EMS providers,
SWAT or law enforcement teams to escort and protect EMS providers in the warm
zone, body armor for EMS providers, or having law enforcement quickly remove
patients to a triage unit in the cold zone. There is not enough data or experience to
determine one best solution. Therefore, we recommend that whichever solution is
chosen, the following guidelines be followed:
All personnel are trained and exercised in the performance of active shooter
Policies are developed with input of all agencies that can possibly be involved;
Mass purchases of any protective or countermeasure equipment be performed
only after determining which types of active shooter policies will be embraced by
local agencies; and
Whenever an incident occurs that requires the use of the active shooter policy, an
AAR is conducted to evaluate all aspects of the response. Data should be
collected to determine what procedures and equipment were used, and whether
2. Safety Officer. As noted earlier, there needs to be an Incident Safety Officer quickly
appointed who should pay particular attention to the access or egress of emergency
vehicles. Based on other conditions, it may be appropriate to rapidly move all patients
away from the incident. Choices include direct transportation to hospitals or to
awaiting ambulances in the staging area.
3. Staging Manager. The Incident Commander should quickly appoint a Staging Area
Manager who will find and report on a location for staging. Engine 7 was to be the
staging manager but there was no one in staging until about 26 minutes and 37
seconds into the event when Rural Metro 402 arrived.
4. Strike Teams. Dispatch and incident commanders should consider calling for
multiple fire or EMS units as strike teams or task forces when large numbers of
responders or equipment are needed after the first several units arrive on the scene.
Dispatch and the EOC must have the authority to plan responses based on using these
teams. The strike teams do not necessarily stay together; the intent is to promote
order, and have a supervisor with a team to assure enough supervisory personnel,
rather than a continual stream of units arriving, or attempting to call for exact
numbers of units using surgical precision, which is much harder to manage. While
prompted here primarily by the EMS situation, it also applies to police mutual aid,
especially after the initial police response.
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For example, at the theater mass casualty incident, once it was known that there were
multiple patients, dispatch could have alerted AFD for a Paramedic Engine Strike
Team consisting of the five closest ALS engines, and a Battalion Chief (or FD EMS
Supervisor), all of whom would have common communications. Instead of individual
ambulances, dispatch could have alerted RMA for an ALS Strike Team consisting of
five ALS ambulances, and an EMS Supervisor, all having common communications.
The advantages of this method:
Units would respond in organized waves, decreasing the likelihood of on scene
chaos, access and egress issues, and allow the Incident Commander to initiate
command, select a staging area, and to gather thoughts. The radio logs of the
incident included several examples of the incident commander having units
standby so he could organize his thoughts.
Instead of trying to identify or guess at precise number of units needed, these
groups allow for sufficient units to be dispatched without the need for multiple
phone calls and radio transmissions trying to clarify numbers.
An Incident Commander could assure a rapid response of sufficient equipment
without having to debate the exact number of units needed.
Dispatch could have assembled groups from mutual aid companies instead of
initiating a general call. This allows dispatch to be ready for an Incident
Commanders request, and pre-planning a large response in a way that does not
deplete one area. In this incident, dispatch might have requested Denver Health
Medical Center to send or assemble an EMS Strike Team. The Aurora EOC might
have asked Arapahoe County EOC to assemble two ALS Strike Teams and advise
when ready.
The strike teams and task forces could help prevent the lag time caused by a
single unit dispatched. In this incident, some units were not dispatched until 32 to
43 minutes into the incident.
5. Access of Ambulances. When access is difficult, police, fire or other agencies may
have to physically guide ambulance units into the scene. During this incident, police
personnel were aware of an access and egress point via the south side of the incident.
By guiding units into the scene, ambulances could have gotten closer to patients, and
a transition from police to ambulance transportation could have quickly occurred.
6. Police EMS Transports. In situations where immediate transport of patients is
warranted, use of police or other emergency vehicles is appropriate when ambulances
are not immediately available. This is especially true for patients suffering from
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penetrating wounds to the thoraco-abdominal area. Specific guidelines should be
developed to guide police, fire, and EMS crews.
7. Active Shooter Protocol. Ensure that the new active shooter protocol remains a
living document with leaders from AFD, APD, and the EMS provider monitoring
and evaluating the SOGs success and continued relevance.
8. Triage Ribbons and Tags. Aurora public safety providers should adopt a triage
identification system that includes color-coded triage ribbons for patients. Traditional
patient triage tags should be saved for use in treatment units. Initially, patient details
are not necessary, just the patients initial condition. Even if circumstances dictate
that no other documentation can be obtained, incident providers and emergency
departments will have an idea of what they are dealing with. Figure 20 shows an
example of each ribbon. Recent research has suggested that initial on-site (hot zone)
triage be limited to just red or green identifiers (acute or not acute).
It does not take
long to affix a ribbon or some indicator that the patient has been triaged if the
ribbons, etc. are at hand.
Figure 20. Triage Ribbons

Initial Triage Ribbons Triage Ribbon with Words
Triage tags (as opposed to ribbons) should be used on mass casualty incidents when
the patient reaches the Treatment Group. Careful attention should be given to using a
unique identifier when keeping track of patients. The Transportation Group should
collect a detachable copy of the unique identifier to allow for later matching with
other patient records. Figure 21 shows an example of a triage tag.

Ramish, A.C., and Kumar, S. (2010). Triage, monitoring, and treatment of mass casualty events involving
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents. Journal of Pharmacy and Bio-allied Sciences, 2(3), 239-247.
doi: 10.4103/0975-7406.68506
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Figure 21. Example of Triage Tags

Triage tags help incident and hospital staffs track patients. During this incident, crews
began to use triage tags, but the situation and lack of experience with them made their
use impractical. One member noted that the tag used was easily torn.
Aurora Fire Department and RMA personnel must become comfortable using patient
identification materials. During our interviews, providers advised that they tried to
use triage tags, but due to lack of experience, were unable to do so. To increase EMS
provider confidence in using patient identification materials, the AFD should provide
additional training and opportunities for using these materials. Ribbons and tags could
be used during smaller mass casualty incidents and during non-emergency situations
such as public or stadium events.
9. Implementing NIMS and ICS. Continue to implement NIMS and ICS throughout
the Aurora public safety system. (This should be a priority for all public safety
10. Integrating Rural Metro into ICS. The AFD should further integrate RMA into the
ICS process, especially regarding responsibility for the Transportation Group. The
current agreement between AFD and RMA fixes EMS ICS authority with the AFD.
This should not change. But during mass casualty incidents, the AFD Medical Group
Supervisor could delegate responsibility for the Transportation Group to RMA. An
RMA supervisor is usually readily available. During the theater incident, RMA and
mutual aid agencies had supervisory personnel on scene who could have assisted with
the EMS ICS process.
Also, when renegotiating the next contract with RMA, include an agreement that
when special conditions or events occur, the fire chief may order additional
ambulances to be staffed.

National Fire Academy
EMS I ncident Operations
Unit 3 - 40
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11. EMS ICS Vests. EMS ICS position vests should be used to identify those placed in
key ICS positions. Figure 22 shows examples of EMS ICS vests. During larger mass
casualty incidents, there is often mutual aid from places where providers are
unfamiliar with each other. ICS vests help providers to understand the EMS
command functions and to identify key leaders.
Figure 22: ICS Vests

12. Use of Treatment Dispatch Managers. Appoint Treatment Dispatch Managers
under ICS in order to have better organized transfer of patients from treatment units
to awaiting ambulances.
13. ICS Reporting. Pay closer attention to completing ICS forms and transportation
records in order to better document incidents.
14. Expanded Police EMS Role. Aurora Police Department should consider expanding
the EMS scope of practice for police officers, especially for gunshot wounds. The
International Association of Chiefs of Police now recommends (since October 2013)
that every law enforcement officer receive tactical emergency medical training
including critical core skills of early, life-threatening hemorrhage control and rapid
evacuation of mass casualty victims to a casualty collection point. Tactical emergency
medical skills are critical life-saving interventions whether as officer applied self-aid
or aid given to a fellow officer, or aid to victims of a mass casualty situation such as
an active shooter or bombing event.
The U.S. military, under the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care and the
Rapid Fielding Initiative, created the improved first aid kit (IFAK), which is now
issued to every combat deployed U.S. soldier. The contents of IFAKs vary between
branches, but civilian versions are now in widespread use in law enforcement. The
IFAK is designed to increase the users capabilities to provide Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid
and provides interventions for the two leading causes of death on the battlefield
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severe hemorrhage and inadequate airway. Civilian IFAKs should include a
tourniquet, a battle dressing (either an Israeli Dressing or a dressing impregnated
with a hemostatic agent such as quik clot), and a nasopharyngeal airway. Figure 23
shows a picture of a Civilian IFAK.
Figure 23. Civilian IFAK

Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA) The nasopharyngeal airway is recommended by the
Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care for use to maintain a patent airway in
semi-conscious or unconscious patients with intact gag reflex. The NPA is well
tolerated and is easy to keep in place during extrication and transportation. Figure 24
shows a NPA.
Figure 24. Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)

Emergency Bandage The emergency bandage (nicknamed the Israeli Bandage by
U.S. Military Personnel in the Middle East) is an elasticized bandage with a non-
adhesive bandage pad sewn in. It has a small plastic bar that allows the direction of
the bandage to be reversed and tightened. It can be deployed to the body or
extremities, and can be placed in more areas than a tourniquet can effectively reach.
Some brands are impregnated with hemostatic agents that promote blood clotting.
Figure 25 shows a picture of an Israeli Bandage.
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Figure 25. Emergency (Israel) Bandage

Tourniquets A tourniquet can control severe hemorrhage, and is usually employed
when dressings and direct pressure have failed. The use of tourniquets has been
taught as a last resort as part of basic first aid. Originally, medical providers were
taught that the application of a tourniquet would result in the eventual loss of the
limb. Recent advances in military medicine have guided emergency care standards in
a new direction. Low-cost, easy to use devices can be applied with a greater level of
bleeding control. Loss of limb is not a necessary result. Figure 26 shows examples of
tourniquet devices available.
Figure 26. Tourniquet Devices

Medical Direction The physicians making up the fire and EMS medical director
group should also be officially appointed as APD EMS Medical Directors. EMS is the
practice of medicine outside the hospital. The scope of such practice and not the type
of organization should determine the extent of medical direction needed. The
National Association of EMS Physicians advocates for medical direction through all
phases of EMS. This includes a recent emphasis on Law Enforcement Special
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Operations, including Tactical EMS.
36, 37
If qualified, one of the EMS Medical
Directors should be appointed the Tactical EMS Medical Director. Alternatively, a
qualified Assistant EMS Medical Director for Tactical EMS should be appointed.

Heck, J.J. and Pierluisi, G. (2001). Law enforcement special operations medical support. Position Paper of the
National Association of EMS Physicians. Adopted: March 27, 2001. Retrieved from:
NAEMSP. (2010, March). Medical direction for operational EMS programs. Position Paper of the National
Association of EMS Physician. Adopted: March 23, 2010. Retrieved from:
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Previous chapters discussed some communications issues relating to police and fire
responses to the incident. This chapter focuses on the actions of the Public Safety
Communications Department, and also addresses some radio communications issues (i.e., radio
programming) not under the control of the Communications Department.
Role of Communications Center
A public safety communications center has many critical responsibilities during a major
incident, and the Aurora Communications Department had them all. They received calls that
alerted the city to the emergency and started the process of response by dispatching selected
units following pre-established protocols. The Communications Department notified various
police, fire and city leaders about what was known. The Communications Department also gave
instructions to several callers on what to do before help arrived.
The Communications Department alerted other agencies and nearby communities that a
major incident was occurring and that mutual aid might be needed. The Communications
Department then dispatched additional Aurora units and requested mutual aid units, following
size-up by incident commanders. The Communications Department relayed messages to units
within each emergency department and across departments. Later in the incident, they handled
calls from families seeking information on victims, and from media and others who sought
information on the incident.
Overall, the Aurora Public Safety Communications Department coped well with the surge
in calls and assisted fire and police commands and first responders throughout the incident. As
might be expected, there are a number of areas needing improvement in handling a future mass
casualty incident, notably the police-fire communications problems discussed earlier.
Communications Center Staffing
The initial Computer Assisted Dispatch (CAD) entry for the first call regarding the
Century 16 Theater shooting was made at 12:38 a.m. on July 20, 2012technically the early
hours of a Friday, but to most a late weekday night. The Communications Department had
normal overlapping swing and graveyard shifts on duty at the time. As a result, 16
telecommunications staff members were available, including 911 operators, police dispatchers,
fire dispatchers, service dispatchers, a lead telecommunicator, and a shift supervisor. In addition,
four off-duty telecommunicators reported to the Communications Center on their own initiative.
Because Communications Center staff members are cross-trained, the telecommunicators
assigned to fire dispatch functions were able to assist in call taking to help answer the high
volume of incoming 911 calls. They re-focused on fire dispatch after the initial surge of calls,
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and later assisted in call taking for the second surge of calls from families, the media and others.
Taking advantage of this flexibility was routine; the fire dispatchers often helped with call taking
after midnight on weekdays, when the workload from fire/EMS was low.
Call-taking Volume
Beginning at 12:39 a.m., about 100 calls regarding the shooting were received within 22
minutes, many from theater patrons who had mobile phones. Fortunately, there was only one
unrelated emergency medical request in that period.
As soon as some of the more experienced 911 operators realized that multiple reports
were being received for the same incident, they began to quickly inform subsequent callers that
help was on the way, and then moved to the next call. However, three of the on-duty 911
operators were relatively new employees who were reluctant to deviate from the prescribed call-
taking procedures they recently had been trained to follow. They went by the book, attempting
to gather full incident information from each caller, such as asking for the theaters address, even
though it was redundant and most callers would not know this information anyhow.
Call-takers attempted to provide pre-arrival medical instructions for at least five of the
callers from the theater who reported wounded nearby. For a mass casualty situation with
massive help on the way, attempting to provide pre-arrival instructions was not the best practice
because there are too many to assist, and that ties up the 911 lines, potentially blocking or
delaying the receipt of other emergency calls.
As noted above, after the initial surge of calls reporting the shooting, a second surge
about three and a half hours later came from people inquiring about specific victims, followed by
calls from the media and people all over the world who wanted to know more about the incident.
The Communications Department handled about 6,000 calls during the 24 hours following the
shooting, versus 1,300 calls on a typical day.
In spite of the dramatic increase in calls, the Department met its goal that day of
answering 95 percent of 911 calls within 10 secondsexcellent performance. Only a small
number of calls, 22 out of 6,000, were sent as overflow, 21 to the Arapahoe County
Communications Department and one to Denver Communications. The Aurora 911 System is
programmed to do this automatically. Arapahoe County communications cannot access the
Aurora CAD System, so overflow calls must either be sent back to the Aurora Communications
Department, via 911, the non-emergency number or the Metro Net system.
Request for Mutual Aid
Within 3 minutes of the first 911 call, the Communications Department staff took the
initiative to use Metro Net (an inter-agency communications system) to notify surrounding law
enforcement agencies that a major emergency was in progress and that their assistance might be
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required. The Communications Department did this prior to receiving a request for mutual aid
from Aurora police or fire commands. This initiative sped up a massive influx of mutual aid
personnel from surrounding jurisdictions, especially from the Denver Police Department.
Personnel Notifications
There were inadequate notifications early in the incident to the Public Safety
Communications Department managers and to a backup cadre of telecommunicators.
Senior Managers Consistent with the lateness of the hour, the Citys Public Safety
Communications Manager, Senior Supervisor and Training Supervisor were off-duty and at
home. Although the Communications Manager was advised of the shooting by telephone, he
apparently did not comprehend the magnitude of the incident and did not come in until the
following morning. He said he was shocked to hear the details of the incident on the morning
news. The Senior Supervisor and Training Supervisor also were not successfully alerted and did
not learn of the incident until the following morning.
The failure to get a senior manager into the Department had two major consequences,
besides embarrassment in not being prepared to inform others about the incident: (1) they were
not able to make command and managerial decisions such as organizing backup staffing. If the
incident had gone on much longer, another shift would have had to be brought in, and there was
no preparation to do so; (2) employee relations in the Communications Center were affected for
months after the incident because the belief spread that while the telecommunicators worked
hard under great stress to handle the crisis, the senior managers slept through it.
Callbacks The shift supervisor transmitted text messages to a cadre of off-duty
telecommunicators to report for duty, but sent them as non-critical requests to come in
voluntarily, not as a directive. The messages did not note that a major emergency was in
progress. By good luck, the incident occurred during the standard shift overlap and the staffing
level was sufficient to handle communications needs throughout the incident. The
telecommunicators on duty did an outstanding job of answering the high volume of calls, and
handling radio traffic. But if the incident had occurred at a different time, or if the active part of
the incident had lasted longer, the Communications Department would have been overwhelmed,
and the failure to obtain adequate reserves could have become critical. Backup
telecommunicators and the three senior managers should have been called in and come as soon
as the dimension of the incident was understood.

Senior Fire Officials The acting battalion chief who was the initial fire incident
commander did not request an additional battalion chief, nor request communications to dispatch
the senior chief officer on-duty or off-duty senior fire officers, including the fire chief, until late
in the incident. The fire telecommunicators said they realized this omission but were
uncomfortable to make the requests on their own. As a result, senior fire officials did not respond
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during the most critical time period. The fire department seems not to have been aware that the
protocol at the time did not include dispatch of a senior chief; this is in the process of being
Police-Fire Communications
Problems in police-fire communications throughout much of the incident came from a
combination of complex equipment and lack of enough training with it. The CAD system was
nearing end of life during this incident (and was subsequently replaced.) The radio system also
was nearing its end of life (and is planned for replacement within the next 18 months)
Dispatchers were stretched to the limit by the volume of messages they had to handle, including
many police-fire messages that had to be routed through them.
Field Communications There was a failure to establish direct communications links
between the police and fire incident commanders and, to a lesser extent, with responding mutual
aid units. A critical series of mistakes were made processing police requests to the fire
department for EMS assistance, due to the configuration of the communications equipment and
the training police officers, firefighters and telecommunicators had received (or perhaps better
said, had needed but not received). Some fire department personnel (and our project team) felt
that part of the problem was not enough personnel assigned to fire dispatch during the incident.
Multiple requests for rescue and EMS from police in the field were acknowledged by the police
dispatcher but not received or not acknowledged by the fire department Incident Commander,
and needed resources were not assigned. Confusion resulted from EMS requests being made
directly to the police dispatcher by multiple field units, which made it difficult to identify
duplicate requests and keep track of EMS assignments. Any time information must pass through
multiple hands it is possible there will be miscommunication, duplicate requests, and lost
requests. Direct face-to-face contact between police, fire and emergency medical managers is the
best solution to inter-agency communications (i.e., establishment of unified or joint command).
In the early moments of the incident, the magnitude was not clearly understood by
anyone. Further, the police were not totally aware of the resources fire and EMS had staged,
where those resources were located, or why they had trouble getting access to victims. As a
result, there was a substantial delay in summoning adequate EMS resources and deploying them
effectively and efficiently.
Although the City of Aurora had a fully interoperable public safety radio system, it was
not configured at the time in a manner facilitating effective communications in a major incident,
and little training had been provided in the use of the interoperable capabilities. Specifically:
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Programming of radios was unnecessarily complicated, and interoperable talk groups
(channels) were not available on the Fire Department Suppression Fleet channels.
Accessing interoperable talk groups required switching away from primary police or
fire channels, making it highly possible that critical transmissions would be missed.
Police Department portable radios were programmed differently depending on
assignment, potentially causing confusion. Police administrative fleets contained
different talk groups from patrol fleets. That difference probably was not
immediately noticeable to the radio operator.
Alternative forms of critical incident communications were not considered, especially
use of cell phones. The Communications Department does not maintain lists of police
and fire personnels cell phone numbers. Members of the theater audience had better
cell phone communications with each other than did police and fire personnel.
Lack of a unified command resulted in multiple (and duplicate) requests for
rescue/EMS being made to the Communications Center, unnecessarily increasing
radio traffic and creating confusion regarding the level of support needed.
As a corollary issue, the police Incident Commander (Lincoln 25) specifically asked that
Blue Southeast, the mutual aid channel, be patched to the primary Aurora dispatch frequency,
but the Communications Department either could not or did not know how to do it. Lincoln 25
then asked to have the City of Lakewood Communication Center make the patch, but they did
not have that capability either. Lincoln 25 told us he asked for Lakewood because prior training
led him to believe they had the necessary equipment and capability. As a result, responding
mutual aid units were unable to monitor radio traffic as events unfolded, decreasing situational
awareness and delaying their deployment.
Communications Center Procedures The Communications Department followed
normal protocol and created separate CAD incidents for police and fire. This meant that the CAD
incident records of the two departments differed. Police CAD incident updates were not
necessarily copied into the fire CAD notes, which limited the completeness of information
provided to police and fire field commanders. Telecommunicators can paste or clone
information between CAD incidents at their discretion, but this procedure does not ensure
accuracy or completeness. Although police and fire telecommunicators operate out of the same
facility, they were not seated next to each other and have to rely on an intercom to exchange
information. They could not easily monitor each others CAD notes to better understand police
and fire needs.
The failure to successfully pass messages from police to fire slowed victim transport and
led to hard feelings of police against fire for not responding to the EMS requests, when in fact
fire units had not received the messages. Police officers and firefighters did not seem to know or
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comprehend that there was faulty communications between the two departments in the field, not
just during the incident, but long afterwards.
Fire and Rural Metro were never informed by police of the available route to get to
victims through the maze of parking lot roads and obstacles. The Communications Department
could have helped by requesting a police vehicle to lead the ambulance to patients or, as
previously shown in the chapter on the police response, could even have transmitted the path to
take if the right apps had been downloaded for personal smart phones.
Fortunately, at the end of the day, though many first responders and victims were upset
by delays in victim transports, there was little if any harm to victims from the police-fire
communications problems, and no public safety personnel were injured because of them.
However, one should not forget that at the World Trade Center in New York on 9/11, failure to
inform fire personnel to clear the towerswhen police already were clearing themcontributed
to the deaths of hundreds of firefighters. Police-fire communications problems must be remedied.
Advances Made Since the theater shooting, both the police and fire departments have
aggressively moved to establish new procedures to ensure better communications and incident
command during critical incidents. However, any system that relies on switching radio fleets
(groups of channels) or using radio scan features likely is unlikely to be effective during a
major incident with multiple victims that needs a coordinated police, fire and medical emergency
Key Findings
Auroras emergency Communications Department personnel successfully handled a huge
volume of calls from the theater, public media, and families. The telecommunicators and center
management were involved in critical communications and logistics throughout the incident.
They demonstrated their professionalism in handling a complex mass casualty incident without
backup for a sustained period through the heart of the emergency.
Communications personnel took the initiative in contacting the mutual aid agencies in the
region before being requested to do so by the incident commander, which gave the sister
agencies a head start to respond faster and with an adequate force.
The incident allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of Aurora public safety
communications, and it showed many flaws. The complexity of the communications hardware
and software hindered communications. Too many things go on during a major emergency to
remember which button to press when the choices are multiple and confusing. The lack of
adequate joint training on interoperability of the complex features of the communications system
led to major interdepartmental communications problems during the incident.
Early notification to senior Communications Department personnel were either not
received or not acted upon.
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Callbacks of Communications Department personnel were not worded strongly enough.
It is likely that some messages sent from the Communications Department to mobile
computers, including requests for ambulances, were not received because the intended recipients
were outside of their vehicles. There was no protocol to close the mobile data communications
loop by requiring an acknowledgment of the message.
1. Public Safety Three-party Team. Foster more integration of planning and exercises
among public safety communications, fire and police. Communications personnel felt
there was not enough understanding, respect, and training among the agencies, and
that emergency preparedness should be considered a three-legged stool.
2. Communications Interoperability Drills. The Communications Department should
hold regular inter-department interoperability communications drills with all three
agenciespolice, fire, and public safety communications. Personnel of all three
agencies should develop hands-on proficiency with their equipment. Human and
equipment communications issues should be identified in joint mass casualty
exercises, and remedied. The dispatch center should be involved in ICS training,
which should include testing of proficiency in using the communications systems.
3. Call-taking in MCI. Empower telecommunicators to use their judgment in a large-
scale event, and to suspend the usual protocols when they are inefficient or
troublesome. Do not waste time requesting the same information over and over from
the same event. Once the nature and size of the incident is realized, it should suffice
to ask something like Are you at the theater? Are you safe? Are you hurt? Even
inexperienced call takers should be told they may suspend the usual full protocols for
such situations.
4. Prepare for Second Surge. In a mass casualty incident, there is likely to be a second
surge of calls from family, friends and media following the initial emergency call
surge. This extra workload will hit an already fatigued work staff. Procedures should
be established early in the incident to temporarily divert non-emergency calls
elsewhere, as was eventually done in this incident. The calls could be sent to the city
EOC, PIOs, or a special office set up for that purpose.
5. Adequate Telecommunicator Relief. The Communications Department should
prepare to provide relief to its telecommunicators for a long duration incident. The
Communications Department has an Everbridge Interactive Communications and
Mass Notification System that can be programmed to do callbacks efficiently using
group notifications. This can save Communications Department staff and field
commanders time in the midst of an emergency. The lead or shift supervisor should
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have responsibility for deciding when to initiate callbacks of communications staff. A
set of notifications should be pre-planned and stored in the system.
Clear definitions must be established for all public safety staff (including police, fire
and communications) as to what situations require a request for immediate callbacks
to which personnel must respond, versus a non-urgent request for which personnel
decide voluntarily. Guidelines on call backs need to specify when to call, whom to
call, what text to use to convey a sense of urgency, and how acknowledgement is to
be obtained from the person notified.
6. Face-to-face Command Communication. As recommended in other chapters,
establish a unified police, fire and EMS command, or at least face-to-face
communications at a command center, as early as possible in a mass casualty
incident, to reduce reliance on radio communications.
7. Simplify Operation of Radio System. The radio system needs to be reconfigured to
make it simpler to use its interoperative capabilities. Attempting to use
interoperability talk groups (channels) or scanning capability is too complicated
during an emergency and may result in missing critical transmissions. Consider re-
programming police radios to simplify communications. Place specialized talk groups
in separate and distinct fleets and do not comingle them with standard (universal or
department-wide) programming. Consider reducing the number of radio fleets
(series of talk groups) to avoid operational confusion. Use identical basic radio
profiles (channel configurations).
8. Do Not Rely On Scan Feature. The scan feature on radios is not effective during a
critical incident; the radio will prioritize to the selected talk group and transmissions
on non-selected talk groups will be cut off. More training on the radio system would
help, but probably not suffice.
9. Separate Command Radios. Consider installing both police and fire radios in police
and fire command vehicles. This would allow continuous monitoring of each others
activities, and communicating without switching radio systems or talk groups. This
capability is especially useful while en route to an incident. Reprogramming existing
radios probably would help, but not suffice, because the portable radios will not
always be set to the correct talk group, they are difficult to adjust while driving, and
they do not work that well inside a vehicle. Further study probably will be required to
determine how best to allow reliable inter-department communications using portable
10. Facilitate Cell Phone Use. A backup inter-department communications systems such
as cell phone direct connect should be considered. The Communications Dispatch
should maintain listings of police and fire department cellular telephone numbers.
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However, the radio system still should be the primary system, because cell phone
infrastructure may become overloaded and fail during emergency situations. Note:
that the Communications Manager is of the opinion that cellular telephone numbers
released to the Communications Department become public records. A brief review
of the Colorado Open Records Act (Title 24, Section 24-72-200.1 et. seq.) does not
appear to support this conclusion; however, we recommend consultation with legal
counsel prior to proceeding.
11. Satellite Phones. If not already available, consider purchasing a small number of
satellite phones that do not rely on cell phone sites and will work at almost any
location. During destruction of the explosives removed from the Paris Street
apartment, the ATF reported that the destruction location was so remote that cell
phones did not work. Also, the cell phone system can get overloaded in a major
12. Mutual Aid Communications. Provide a way for mutual aid units to monitor Aurora
police talk groups. It appears that adequate patching capabilities that can be used for
this are now operational.
13. Empower Dispatchers. Dispatchers should be empowered and encouraged to, with
tact, recommend or suggest and, if needed, direct Incident Commanders to undertake
actions in support of the management of an operation. In the theater shooting, it
would have been appropriate to suggest that the fire IC call for additional chief-level
support, or even to initiate it themselves, but the dispatcher was uncertain about the
appropriateness of this. Dispatchers also should have the authority to solicit critical
information from the Incident Commander (i.e., incident status, personnel
accountability reports, etc.).
14. Mobile Terminals in Vehicles. Do not rely on mobile terminals in vehicles for
critical incident communications because incident commanders and supervisors often
will be out of their vehicles and unable to monitor computer displays.
15. Computer Aided Dispatch System Database. If not already done, program into the
Aurora Intergraph CAD system all Denver fire/EMS units, private ambulances, and
public medical care facilities. Consider use of the communications technology called
CAD 2 CAD Data Exchange Hub (DEH) in the metro area to improve integration
with surrounding jurisdictions CAD systems, and to improve unit situational
awareness and real time unit availability in routine and major incidents.

Additional information regarding CAD2CAD/Data Exchange Hub is available at
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16. Major Incident Working Area in Communications Department. The
Communications Department now has a combined police-fire major incident
dispatching area where police and fire dispatchers can be seated next to each other
and easily exchange information.
17. National Incident Management System (NIMS) /Incident Command System.
Communication Department staff, as well as police, fire and EMS personnel, must be
versed in the use of NIMS and ICS, including the roles of various positions.
Communications Department personnel need to understand the system when field
command is setting up ICS positions, and might even prompt or query them about
doing so if they forget, as was the case in this incident with the absence of a
Transportation Group Coordinator.
18. Toll Free 1-800 Number. After this incident, the city acquired a toll free number to
facilitate public contact with the city for inquiries after a major incident. Aurora set
up some special telephone lines, but a ready-to-go 1-800 number will make it easier
for callers and city staff.
19. Critical Incident Stress Management. CISM needs to be available to
telecommunicators and their managers as well as to first responders. When external
CISM counselors are used, they need to be informed on what telecommunicators do.
20. After Action Debriefing. A debriefing for Communications Department personnel
should be conducted soon after a major event. One purpose is to dispel any lingering
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This chapter covers how information was provided to the public and the media, except
for communications handled through dispatch, which was discussed in the previous chapter.
Public Information and Media Relations
Public information was managed through two Aurora departments: the Police Department
and the Department of Communications, not to be confused with the Public Safety
Communications Center that handles 911 calls. The Director of the Communications Department
reports to a Deputy City Manager. The department provides public information services for city
departments, and for the elected and appointed officials.
The Department of Communications team handled media inquiries directed to the city
and helped manage thousands of requests for interviews. They created a central online depository
for the incident information on the citys website, which had information vetted by the police.
Aurora Police Department public information officers (PIOs) managed media inquiries
that had to do with the shooting and the improvised explosive devices at XXXXXXX apartment.
Both departments were managing a tidal wave of calls, emails, and requests for information. The
citys website crashed under the load of inquiries, so a second server had to be set up with help
from the citys information technology personnel. They created a separate masthead just for the
crisis in order to conduct immediate updates and keep the public current on the status of the
situation. The citys website slowed to a crawl mid-morning on July 20 and came back around
1:00 p.m.
Initial Police-Media Relations The Aurora Police Department has two PIOs, one of
whom was the on-call PIO at the time of the incident. A news station called him at 12:45 a.m.
and asked about the shooting. He immediately checked in with dispatch to let them know he was
en route to the theater, and he requested that the sergeant of the PIO unit respond to the scene as
The on-call PIO arrived at about 1:30 a.m. While traveling to the crime scene he had
requested that the PIO sergeant send out an email blast to the media to advise them of the
situation and announce a media staging area. The PIO sergeant arrived on the scene shortly
before 2:00 a.m. and brought department laptops to set up in the command post. In the early
hours of the event, these positions were manned by an APD officer and a PIO from Rural Metro
One of the first calls the PIO sergeant received was from the PIO at University Hospital
describing what was occurring at the hospital. The two PIOs had worked together during
previous emergency incidents. The media had started assembling at the theater by the time the
first, on-call PIO arrived. He set up crime scene tape to keep the media back and designated a
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media staging area in the adjacent parking lot. The media was instructed to operate from that
area, which was close to the scene but far enough away to prevent reporters and equipment from
interfering with public safety operations and witnesses.
The PIOs began working on a press conference planned to be held at 3:00 a.m. (three
hours after the shooting), which Chief Oates had announced. The announcement of the press
conference was made on Twitter. This would be the first in a series of press conferences over the
next several days.. At the 3:00 a.m. press conference, the Police Chief and the FBI Special Agent
in Charge of the Denver FBI regional office jointly outlined the basic facts about the shooting as
were known at that time, and answered media questions about the possibility of a second shooter.
The Chief indicated that there was no evidence that another shooter or any other conspirators
were involved. The FBI SAC addressed the issue of whether the event was an act of terrorism.
He indicated that based on all the information available, the shooting was not a terrorist act as
defined under federal law and there was no broader threat to the community or the nation.
After the first press conference, a press release was issued between 5:00-5:30 a.m. The
on-call PIO asked Executive Captain Stef to handle the media at the Gateway High School
family reunification center. The PIO then went back to the scene. For two hours, he sat in his car
and conducted interviews with CNN, Good Morning America, and others.
The PIO sergeant was stationed at headquarters throughout the day on Friday, scheduling
people to staff the media phone lines, coordinating information release, and keeping in contact
with the various involved agency PIOs. She also worked with the director and staff of the citys
Department of Communications, which was overseeing the citys website, information and
communications with elected officials.
The City of Aurora provided on-going situational reports to the media and the public,
updating information regularly and reliably. The APD PIOs conducted multiple short, scripted
briefings (no media questions allowed)) and then formal press conferences where the media was
able to ask questions of the officials who were present. The scripted briefings started Saturday at
the suspects apartment, and were done by the APD PIO. City officials communicated
developments at the crime scene and details about response and recovery. Press releases
provided updates and breaking news through media blasts, the citys website, and social media. .
Calls were coming in from everywhere. The APD PIOs and call center maintained
continual contact with the citys Department of Communications. Some calls dealt with where
theatergoers could pick up personal property and vehicles that some had left behind. A detective
was tasked with helping to return personal belongings to victims and their families, working with
the victim advocates where appropriate.
The police officer who served routinely as a Spanish interpreter was asked to report to the
theater to help with public information and communications in Spanish. She spoke with reporters
and did a phone interview for Univision Spanish radio. The officer took calls and voice mail
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messages, and linked them to the right sources of information. Assisting her was a PIO from
Rural Metro Ambulance. They also sent out social media messages when directed by the APD
PIOs. There were only a few victims of the shooting who did not speak English, so there was not
a great need for interpretation services. Media broadcasts were monitored by personnel who were
assisting with public information, in order to catch any inaccuracies and control rumors. A police
sergeant was brought in at about 10 a.m. Friday just to monitor and handle the social media,
because of the growing communications overload and the need for someone especially
conversant in social media. The city made excellent use of social media, leading people to its
sites on Twitter and Facebook to find the latest official updates, which reduced the volume of
live calls.
Throughout the first days, APD, with assistance from the Department of
Communications, released bullet-point updates to the media and via the citys communications
channels. Topics included the actual shooting incident, the theater crime scene, XXXXXXX,
XXXXXXX apartment, grief counseling and victims services, community resources, and phone
numbers to report tips, make donations, and obtain additional services.
Rural Metro personnel took care of ambulance information requested by the media. Their
PIO took laptops to the scene, where RMA personnel worked with APD to log incoming calls
and triage the calls that were from family members of the injured and the missing. They passed
along information from those calls to Victims Services for follow-up.
Next Press Conferences Following the 3:00 a.m. press conference, two more press
conferences were held that Friday. A fourth and final press conference was held in early
afternoon of the following day, Saturday. These press conferences had to be organized and
logistically coordinated. The city had to determine who would speak and what the talking points
would be. Facts had to be verified. The location of each press conference had to be worked out
so that there would be adequate space for the media, speakers, elected and appointed officials
who wanted to be there, and security. Press conferences were held:
Shortly before noon, Friday, July 20, outside Century 16 Theater
Approximately 7:00 p.m., Friday, July 20, at Aurora Municipal Center Campus
2:15 p.m., Saturday July 21, at Aurora Municipal Center Campus
Prior to the second press conference on Friday, the police chief convened an hour-long
meeting of the lead APD investigators and other key stakeholders in the event. These included
the senior public officials involved in the community response to the tragedy. Present were the
principals or senior representatives of, the governor, the mayor, the Aurora city council, the city
manager, the district attorney, the United States attorney, the Colorado attorney general and key
investigators and senior leaders of the assisting agencies, including the Aurora Fire Department,
FBI, ATF, and Adams County Sheriffs Office (bomb squad). PIOs from police, fire and city
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communications were also present. Participants decided who would speak and what information
would be released at that time. The messages were carefully scripted to include as much
information as could be reported without jeopardizing the investigation and prosecution. It also
was thought important to reassure the community and convey sympathy for the families of the
At the press conference the governor, mayor, District Attorney and FBI Special Agent in
Charge made brief statements about the event, and Police Chief Oates answered questions. He
confirmed the number of injured and deceased, and revealed that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Bomb experts and other emergency responders, he explained, were at that scene determining
how best to address the threat and residents had been evacuated.
Aurora officials hoped to hold the next press conference later on Friday at about 6:00
p.m., but it did not begin until approximately 7:00 pm because another nearly hour-long
preparation meeting had to be completed with all the key officials and investigators to go over
and agree on the updated messaging and releasable information. The Police Department hoped to
announce the identities of the deceased. The APD and personnel from the Office of the Coroner
had been working tirelessly to process the crime scene and identify the deceased victims as
quickly as possible using legally required protocols. Though that information was not fully
assembled by the time the press conference began, the victims names were released soon
afterwards, and after the families were formally notified.
During that 7 p.m. press conference, it was announced that because of the fatigue of first
responders and the fact that national FBI chemical and explosive experts had only just arrived
from the their headquarters in Quantico, Va., authorities were going to wait until the following
morning to make a definitive decision about the best way to resolve the bomb threat at Paris
Street. This, of course, was of special concern to the people who had been evacuated and the
surrounding neighborhood. The press conference also provided updates on injured persons and
where they had been taken.
Saturday morning the press focus was at Paris Street, where police bomb squads and the
FBI were still assessing the types of explosives inside XXXXXXXX apartment, and how to
disarm and remove them. There was a series of press briefings that morning. A police PIO sent
to Paris Street encountered a large number of media representatives with their equipment all
along the street, from Colfax to 17
Street. Police were at the intersection of Colfax and Peoria
to make sure that northbound traffic could get through without running into the barricaded area.
Public information officers had to communicate which streets were closed and when they were
reopened. An AFD Captain who was a PIO offered to assist the APD PIO at Paris Street with
media contacts, and stayed all day. ATF and the FBI also had PIOs with whom the APD PIO
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The APD PIO updated the play-by-play for the media as law enforcement dealt with the
explosives. Police put reporters behind the media trucks in case something went wrong.
XXXXXXXXXXXX. APD PIO Sergeant Cassidee Carlson underscored to the media the
importance of this success, but noted that the scene was being re-evaluated to see if there were
additional devices besides those visible from outside the room. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Further work continued at the site for many hours, but it was determined by mid-day that the
apartment was secured, and the press was advised that the operation had shifted into evidence
collection and hazard removal.
Final Press Conference The last formal press conference began shortly after 2:00 p.m.
Saturday in front of the Aurora Municipal Center, after a brief preparation meeting. Present
were the police chief, fire chief, mayor, governor, special agents in charge of the FBI and ATF
Denver field offices, and officials from several other city departments presented more
information about XXXXXXX and his weapons. The Paris Street operations were recapped by
the FBI SAC. The supervisor of the APD Victim Services Unit provided an update on the efforts
underway to provide services to victims and their families. As with the earlier press conferences,
Police Chief Oates gave the main briefing, answered the bulk of the media questions, and
continued to carefully control the release of specifics about the event, staying consistent with
what had been agreed to beforehand by the investigators and other officials.
Police also provided an overview of what they were facing and what agencies were
assisting at Paris StreetATF, FBI, AFD, Rural Metro, and the Arapahoe County, Adams
County and Denver bomb squads. Law enforcement described the three consecutive phases of
dealing with a bomb situation: render safe; remove and dispose of the devices; and investigate.
APD and AFD jointly had decided that for the various press conferences discussed above,
the police departments PIO would be the lead, with the fire departments PIO providing
information on the EMS and Hazmat response.
Interviews From the start of the incident on early Friday morning, July 20, through
Sunday morning, July 22, the Police Department and the citys Department of Communications
took the position that all media would be treated the same with regard to requests for one-on-one
interviews with senior officials. The city officials simply did not have time to respond to all the
requests for individual interviews, so none were granted. In addition, it was thought that agreeing
to any one interview would lead to a tidal wave of requests from the hundreds of journalists who
had descended on Aurora.
On Sunday morning, July 22, the governor, mayor and police chief participated in several
national network television interviews, beginning with the traditional Sunday morning news talk
shows. These were the first one-on-one interviews with the media. The consistent agreed-upon
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message put forth by these officials was that the first response, the investigation and aftermath
were being managed well by the authorities and that Aurora and Colorado would overcome the
tragedy and prevail.
It was expected that local media would be given access to officials for one-on-one
interviews beginning on Monday, July 23. However, at 10:00 a.m. on Monday morning, at the
defendants first court appearance, the Arapahoe County District judge imposed a gag order on
the release of any further information by the District Attorney or any law enforcement agency
involved in the case. This order cut off any further release of information by the city of Aurora,
the Police Department, the FBI, the District Attorney, or any other law enforcement agencies or
persons pending resolution of the criminal charges against the defendant.
PIO Mutual Aid PIO Sergeant Carlson, conceived of an idea to help the murdered
victims families who were receiving a barrage of communications from the media and from
people wanting to express their condolences or find out where to make donations, or a range of
other issues. The PIO organized a group of volunteer PIOs from the area who agreed to offer
their services, and the group worked out the details during a meeting. (This innovative concept is
described further in Chapter IX.)
On Friday July 20, APD PIOs reached out to colleagues through the Emergency Services
Public Information Officers of Colorado (ESPIOC) for assistance in managing the media call
center that had been set up at police headquarters. The Jefferson County Sheriffs Office
provided two PIOs, Douglas County Sheriff, Denver District Attorneys Office, South Metro
Fire Authority, and the Westminster Police Department each supplied one.
Communications Follow On The Communications Departments public information
staff managed more than 3,000 media contacts during the week following the incident. Requests
continued for the next several months. Staff members expanded the citys website, attended to
call center phone lines, assisted with the three major press conferences, and contributed to
organizing the Prayer Vigil.
The APD PIO worked with personnel from the citys Information Technology
Department to handle incoming emails and to set up a telephone number that people could call to
get information about friends and relatives, without having to go through 911. Dispatch was now
sending non-emergency calls about the shooting to the police PIOs.
A call center had been established early on Friday, July 20, and operated continuously
until after the Vigil service Sunday evening. For a short time after that, the call center remained
open 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., continuing to serve as a source of information and responding to
hundreds more emails and phone calls. Call center staffing needs were met by assigning
employees from various city departments and utilizing victim services volunteers. After the gag
order issued by the judge on July 23, the number of calls and inquiries from the media for
information and interviews died down..
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Key Findings
The Communications Director, her staff, and the Police Departments Media Relations
Officers effectively managed public information and coordination with the media. Press
conferences were timely.
The media and citizens could access the latest information through multiple
communications channels, including the citys website, social media, the call center, press
conferences and press releases, and of course radio and television broadcasts. Updating
information regularly kept rumors under control.
The Aurora Police Departments public information officer did a good job working with
multiple agency spokespersons and the media at Paris Street during all phases of the incident
initial evacuation, render safe operations, and the removal of the devices from XXXXXXX
The Police Chief did an excellent job presenting what could be said as the response and
investigation proceeded. He gave a face to the investigation, and was a calming and confidence-
building influence for the public.
Public information officers from the Aurora Police Department and other regional
agencies did an outstanding job carrying out an innovative plan to provide public information
support for victim families.
The Communications Director and her staff were resourceful and highly competent in
addressing their part of the public information/media response and outreach.
Social media was very effective and successfully used to reach a large number of people
with accurate information. Spanish-language interpretation was made available to deal with the
Spanish-speaking media and to translate for some Spanish-speaking victims.
There were a few times when decisions or planned actions were not well coordinated in
advance with other affected city departments. For example, information regarding activation of
the call center was released publically (through Access Aurora) before internal city coordination
was completed.
1. Institutionalize Practices. The processes that the city used to manage and provide
public information should be institutionalized in its major incident response plans.
This should include the manner in which volunteers with the requisite skill sets and
experience were identified and used to support public information surge operations.
2. Public Information Command Post. Establish a Public Information Command Post
remote from the crime scene in a major incident. Reporters want access to a talking
head and the ability to video something for the electronic media. Establishing a press
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command post that provides regular briefings and the ability to photograph police
activities from a distance usually satisfies that need. PIOs had set up inside the police
primary command post vehicle in front of the theater, to use as the public information
command post, but this interfered with command and control operations. They should
have been relocated, and left the vehicle for its primary purpose of police incident
3. Joint Information Center. A Joint Information Center should be established when
there is a major incident or other disaster, to provide consistent, accurate, and unified
messages from all disciplines, agencies, and responders.
4. Local Media Priority. Local media should be allowed to do interviews first, before
the national media is accommodated. The information is more important to get out
locally, and the local media has more of a vested interest and will be covering the
story for a long time after the national media leaves the area.
5. Coordination of Plans. Decisions or planned information actions should be well
coordinated in advance with other affected city departments, as they were for almost
all information actions.

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This chapter discusses the Incident Command System (ICS) and then the Emergency
Operations Centers. The latters function is closely related to incident command.
Incident Command System
Much has been said in previous chapters about incident command at the Aurora theater
shooting incident. Some believe that the many challenges could have been met better by a greater
use of a formal ICS, and especially establishment of Unified Command between fire and police
or a single incident commander with fire liaison, after the initial police response to the active
shooter. Others believe that not using an ICS led to better outcomes. In this chapter, we will
examine the incident from a command and general staff viewpoint. Incident command at the
Paris Street part of the incident was exemplary and is not further discussed.
Before proceeding with a discussion of ICS, it is necessary to place the incident in
perspective. Fortunately, this sort of devastating tragedy is not an everyday event. For most
emergency providers, it will be a once in a lifetime scenario. A fair evaluation must consider the
incident size and complexity, including:
Uncertainty about second shooters and explosives;
A multi-casualty situation that included many severely injured victims;
A crowd control situation with over 1,200 people and a traffic jam in parking lots;
A social setting that could increase the threat of behavioral incidents (large crowd,
violent movies, late night show, summer heat);
Hazardous materials (XXXXXX) that potentially affected the health of the worried
well and emergency providers; and
Access and egress issues due to maintenance of nearby roadways.
Two key questions regarding incident management are:
1. Would any improvements in incident management and use of an ICS earlier have
changed any outcomes? We think the surprising answer is no, none of the outcomes
would have changed.
2. Would better use of ICS have improved the likelihood of successful outcomes if you
reran this scenario several times? The answer is probably yes, better use of incident
management and especially unified command could have provided a stronger
foundation for conducting the incident and avoiding near misses.
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Incident Command at the Theater There were two incident commanders at the outset
of the theater shooting response. Lincoln 25, a police lieutenant, established initial police
command while the AFD Paramedic Engine 8 fire lieutenant took command of fire operations.
Lincoln 25 remained in command of police operations throughout the active shooter and
mass casualty incident phases. Police incident command later was split into an interior and
exterior command. At 12:55 a.m., approximately eight minutes after Paramedic Engine 8
assumed fire command, Battalion (Chief) 1 announced over the radio that he was taking
command. He remained as the fire commander throughout the active shooter and mass casualty
incident stages of the incident. There was no Unified Command or Single Command during the
incident. There was a 28 minute lapse between the time that Battalion 1 arrived and initial
contact was made with Lincoln 25. They were exceptionally busy and had to make fast decisions
to XXXXXXXX, protect citizens and fellow rescuers, and assure that victims were treated.
At 1:28 a.m. (49 minutes into the incident), the fire department Shift Commander (Chief
7) arrived at the scene and subsequently established face-to-face contact with Lincoln 25. After
consulting with the fire incident commander, Chief 7 was requested by Lincoln 25 to accompany
him and serve as liaison with the police. Chief 7 agreed, and made the decision not to assume fire
command. The decision to leave a lower ranking officer in command when a higher ranking
officer is present often is difficult in a quasi-military system, where the assumption is often made
that superior officers will take command. However, it is not uncommon for senior fire or police
officers to leave lower ranks in command, even for the largest of incidents. (On 9/11, the
Arlington County incident commander at the Pentagon terrorist aircraft crash was a deputy fire
chief, not the county fire chief.)
At the Aurora theater, Chief 7 took appropriate actions by evaluating the situation,
ensuring that the current incident commander was making progress, and then filling the role that
would best serve the incident at that time.
After the active shooter and mass casualty incident
portions of the incident were secured, Chief 7 did assume fire command until relieved at
approximately 4:00 a.m. by Chief 3 (Deputy Chief of Operations). Note that different decisions
may have been appropriate if a second battalion chief or higher chief had arrived during the first
half hour of the incident, as was discussed in earlier chapters.
Incident Command Post A single (Police and Fire) command post was not
immediately established. If the ranking officers from police and fire immediately established a
single Incident Command Post (ICP), then several challenges could have immediately been
mitigated. These include:

According to ICS principles and practices, a ranking officer is only required to assume command if there is a
legal obligation, an organizational SOP or/SOG requirement, or upon direction of a superior officer.
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Immediate communications between senior police and fire officials
Coordination of the requests for additional resources
Clear establishment and communication of incidents safety zones
Coordination of incident intelligence concerning additional active shooters, threats to
emergency personnel, and rumor control
Many police, fire, and EMS responders emphatically stated that having all
communications routed through dispatch, not clearly understanding which areas were safe for
which rescuers, and many rumors about second shooters and other issues, all affected the
efficient management of the incident. Even if the incident conditions delayed the establishment
of a formal ICS, a single ICP would have increased scene efficiency.
While there was no Single or Unified Command, most of the duties and responsibilities
of incident command functions were performed by police and fire command, though they did not
use ICS nomenclature. However, some incident command positions were not filled and could
have improved efficiency. Good decisions were made by many individual first responders and
commanders despite not having a formal ICS, and there was some good luck, too. The glaring
omissions of a lack of communication between police and fire commanders, and the lack of a
victim transportation coordinator, could have jeopardized having as favorable an outcome as was
National Incident Management System
After the 9/11 tragedy, the United States government became concerned that there was no
nationwide guideline for managing large or small emergency incidents. In February 2003,
President Bush enacted Presidential Directive HSPD-5 that (a) identified steps for improving
coordination of federal, state, local, and private-sector responses to emergency incidents; (b)
described how agencies should prepare for response; and (c) described use of the ICS.
There are five components to the National Incident Management System (NIMS),
including preparedness, communications and information management, resource management,
command and management, and ongoing management and maintenance. An ICS is part of
The ICS is used to efficiently manage emergency and non-emergency situations
involving public safety and other public and private functions. Some type of ICS has been used
throughout history, without the current nomenclature.
During the 1970s, the modern version of ICS was developed in California as an
organized approach to managing large-scale wild fire incidents. During the 1980s, the system
was adopted for other public safety venues, including urban and suburban firefighting,
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emergency medical services, law enforcement, and some other municipal and non-governmental
The modern ICS system includes 14 essential features
1. Common terminology
2. Modular organization
3. Chain of Command/Unity of Command
4. Management by objectives
5. Reliance on an Incident Action Plan
6. Manageable span of control
7. Incident locations and facilities
8. Establishment and transfer of command
9. Unified Command
10. Comprehensive resource management
11. Information and intelligence management
12. Integrated communications
13. Accountability
14. Dispatch/deployment
Positions that are traditionally part of the command and general staff are shown in Figure
Figure 27. Standard ICS Command and General Staff

The inability to immediately initiate a single, unified incident command led to several
significant incident problems:

National Fire Academy. (2012). Emergency Medical Services Incident Operations. Emmitsburg, MD: United
States Fire Administration.
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Lack of control over the number and types of units dispatched;
Police and fire personnel both requesting dispatch to send additional units, causing
redundant assignments;
Lack of an incident-wide safety plan, especially levels of entry, staging, and
protective equipment needs;
Delay in the implementation of an Incident Action Plan (IAP); and
Delay in establishing a fixed Incident Command Post (ICP). (Completion of this task
alone would have led to better control of resources, communications, and safety.)
Single or Unified Command
Some feel that a single command approach was appropriate, while others believe that a
unified command approach should have been used.
The traditional single command approach places the authority in a single commander
who is responsible for the overall management of the incidentpolice, fire, and EMS. During
incidents involving multiple agencies, there often is a need for an integrated, multi-disciplinary
organization that forms a Unified Command team. During the theater incident, unified command
team members would have been the APD, the AFD, and an emergency management official.
Either a single or unified command would have been acceptable. Figure 28 shows what a single
command might have comprised.
Figure 28. Single Incident Command

A senior police official could have served as the overall incident commander, with other
police officials and some fire officials serving in command and general staff positions.
A unified command model might have been structured as shown in Figure 29.
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Figure 29. Unified Command

When deciding to implement a Unified Command model, some important rules and
options should be considered.
Unified Command is responsible for the incident. At its discretion, one team member
could be selected as the team spokesperson. In this incident, it would likely have been
the senior police official.
Representatives from other essential units could be assigned to the Liaison Officer.
Others would be assigned throughout the incident command structure.
All Unified Command team members must have the authority to take any action or
mobilize any resources without having to seek approval of another agency or official.
It is essential that Unified Command representatives quickly reach consensus and
appoint an Operations Section Chief. In this case, it would likely have been a senior
APD official.
Unified Command team members would reach consensus to appoint the remainder of
the command and general staff.
Unified Command team members are not necessarily the highest ranking members of
each organization, but the most appropriate.
The initiation of Unified Command does not remove any authority from a
representative organization or official.
Incident Safety Officer During this incident there was no officially designated
Incident Safety Officer (ISO) for any organization. This position should have been filled early
because the incident commander needed assistance with the complex safety challenges affecting
responders, victims, and others. An incident safety officer would have assisted in determining
appropriate safety zones (hot, warm, and cold), determining the level of protective gear needed
for responders to enter different zones, assuring that infection control procedures were followed,
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identifying safety hazards, communicating safety messages, and assuring that an incident
accountability system was in place.

The incident safety officer could have been a qualified fire, police, or EMS officer.
Several assistant safety officers should have been appointed to support each primary function,
such as police, fire, EMS, and hazardous materials.
Liaison Officer AFD Chief 7 ultimately became the liaison officer between the police
and fire command. After this assignment was made, communications between organizations
improved. Unfortunately, this occurred late in the incident.
The liaison officer position is often underused in incident command, but can be very
beneficial. Duties can include liaison with agency representatives not assigned to unified
command, liaison with local political leaders who respond to the incident, and liaison with non-
governmental agency representatives who are on scene. The liaison officer confers with general
staff section chiefs to determine whether agency representatives should be assigned to other parts
of the ICS. This function becomes a greater priority when Unified Command is established. A
qualified officer from any city agency could have served as the liaison officer.
Public Information Officer The Public Information Officer (PIO) could be appointed
from any city agency and is responsible for all communications between the Incident
Commander or Unified Command and the media. In many instances, the PIO is pre-designated
and could be an official from police, fire, emergency management, or from City Hall itself.
Along with media communications, the PIO is responsible for controlling access and egress of
media representatives to the incident.
Our review determined that public information was handled very well, as discussed in the
previous chapter. Initially, public information was handled by the APD, and enhanced by the city
communications staff. The scene was well controlled, with media personnel being kept at a safe
Intelligence Officer In incidents such as the theater shooting, the incident commander
may choose to appoint an intelligence officer who then is responsible for keeping command
abreast of intelligence that could affect strategy and tactics of mitigation, response, and recovery.
The intelligence officer also assists with rumor control, especially during active shooter
situations where secondary devices or domestic/international terrorism can be an issue. During
extended incidents, Intelligence could be a unit assigned to Planning, or established as a General
Staff section.

National Fire Academy. (2010, July). Field operations guide: ICS 420-1. Emmitsburg, MD: United States Fire
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Due to the fast pace of this incident, the formal appointment of an intelligence officer was
impractical. During such situations, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) often takes on
many of the intelligence duties, and transmits information to the Incident Commander.

The ICS Command Staff is a valuable and sometimes overlooked aspect of incident
command. Mobilizing enough resources during a fast moving incident is often problematic. The
IC is not required to fill each of these positions, but if not done, he becomes responsible for the
During the Aurora Theater shooting, an Incident Safety Officer and Assistant Safety
Officers would likely have been of great assistance. The PIO position was filled, and the Liaison
Officer position was eventually filled. The intelligence officer duties were handled by police
General Staff
The ICS general staff consists of four sections that are an essential part of the ICS:
operations, planning, logistics, and finance and administration. Not all incidents, even larger-
scaled incidents, require the immediate appointment of these section chiefs.
Operations Section This type of incident warrants appointment of an Operations
Section Chief. This person oversees everything to do with Operations, but is not responsible for
making every technical fire/EMS and police decision. Decisions concerning LE or Fire/EMS
would be made by those assigned to the EMS (Multicasualty) or Law Enforcement Branches. An
Ops Section Chief would help prevent every little decision from going up to Command.
A competent fire, police, or EMS professional could have served in this position. Most
would agree that in this instance, a senior law enforcement professional would be best suited for
the position. In examining the incident, the officers that assumed police command and fire
command were probably functioning more as Operations Section Chiefs than performing true
incident command duties. Lincoln 25 did assign duties to another police lieutenant who then
performed many of the Operations Section Chief roles. Later into the incident, police and fire
command personnel began to delineate specific command and operations functions.
Figure 30 shows the typical Operations Section and the Branches that might have been
assigned to the section. We note that some knowledgeable senior commanders in Aurora thought
that the formal ICS would not have been as useful as having the police and fire incident
commanders standing side by side, communicating with each other and running their people.
That is essentially Unified Command, and would probably have worked.

EOC activities were discussed in a previous chapter.
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Figure 30. Operations SectionHow it might have worked.

Staging Area(s): One or more staging areas can be created, as necessary. Staging should
be set up early to avoid traffic congestion and confusion. All fire and EMS units should report to
staging until assigned by the Operations Section Chief or Branch Director. The staging function
is overseen by a Staging Area Manager who may appoint Assistant Staging Area Managers.
The initial response location for police was in the front of the theater. Establishing a
staging area remote from the theater would have been impractical since the extent of the incident
was unknown and time was of the essence. After Lincoln 41 took charge of activities outside the
theater building, he cleared the parking lots and made assignments to mutual aid forces.
Having a remote police staging location from the start would have been helped avoid the
traffic jam, and getting to victims faster. But it would have slowed the rush to the active shooter,
and in this case probably would have resulted in XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
It is a difficult call as to when police should stage, and such decisions must rely on the
judgment of the personnel involved. Incident commanders and individual officers need to
balance the need to get to the scene quickly with the potential adverse effects on the events that
follow. In this incident, and in most cases where sufficient local forces are available, at least the
mutual aid units should be directed to a remote staging location and assigned from there.
After the scene is stable, the Operations Section Chief or Law Enforcement Branch Chief
should consider moving unassigned police units to a staging area. (Remember that there can be
multiple staging areas. The operations section chief can have a close by staging area for police
and a further away area for fire and EMS. This used to be called Level I and Level II staging, but
these terms have fallen into disfavor.)

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During the active shooter and mass casualty incident phase of the incident, fire command
assigned the lieutenant from Engine 7 as Staging Manager. There were several EMS officers
from other agencies that could have served in that position, or that could have been designated as
Assistant Staging Managers.
It is not necessary for a high-ranking official to function as the Staging Manager. Several
mutual aid EMS officials were assigned to the staging area instead of being used to fill ICS
positions within the EMS Branch. There was also confusion between police, fire, and EMS as to
the definition of staging.
Planning Section A formal planning section was not put in place during the initial
active shooter and mass casualty incident phases of the incident. There is evidence that a chief
fire officer, Chief 6, assumed control as a situation status unit leader, which is a major planning
There are several advantages to the early appointment of a Planning Section Chief:
Better collection and processing of situation information.
Establishing the collection of special information that could affect incident
Assignment of technical and procedural experts, who are not part of unified
command, to assist with specific functions. For example, mutual aid fire, police, and
EMS command officers who could fulfill ICS roles.
Provide the Incident Commander/Unified Command with real-time situation status
Assure that real-time documentation could be initiated.
Logistics Section There was no formal Logistic Section Chief assigned, and there did
not need to be one. This section is responsible for assuring that the incident is properly supplied
with goods and services needed to manage the incident. During the active shooter and mass
casualty incident portion of the incident, there did not appear to be any logistical challenges that
could not be immediately handled.
Finance and Administration Section This function can be handled at the scene, the
EOC, or even at City Hall. It is important for budget control and later financial reimbursement
that documentation begins early and continues. The rapid pace of the incident precluded the need
to immediately fill this position. It is unlikely that there would have been federal reimbursement
for the incident.
The general staff functions were covered as well as could be expected during the active
shooter and mass casualty incident phases of the incident. A formal Planning Section Chief may
have had some advantages, but was not essential to command success.
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When using time as a reason for implementing or not implementing the ICS or its
components, ICs must consider the risk versus benefits of investing time and focus early against
potential outcomes. The fast pace and dangers presented with this incident did preclude the full
establishment of some, but not all parts of the ICS.
Key Findings ICS
Better use of ICS, even just a few key parts, would have led to better incident
management. Some events unrelated to direct incident management delayed ICS system
A delay in alerting agency command staffs of the incident;
The inability to use handheld radio technology to its fullest capacity; and
Failure to activate the City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in a timely manner.
This placed the IC in a position of making Continuity of Operations (COOP) decisions
that involved the remainder of the city. NIMS and its components (i.e., Resources,
Communications, etc.) are there to allow an Incident Commander to concentrate on the incident
and let the EOC focus on COOP challenges.
The challenges faced by the City of Aurora public safety professionals are rarely seen
during peacetime, non-military situations and would have been difficult for even the most fully
staffed, equipment-rich organizations to handle. The professionalism shown by the command
staff and members of each Aurora public safety agency led to the success.
Recommendations ICS
1. Single Command Post. Having the senior police and fire command personnel
operating at a single incident command post would greatly enhance inter-agency
communications. It would have also facilitated activation of basic EMS system
components, coordinated requests for additional resources, and limited the filtering
out of some police-fire messages going through the dispatch center. Regardless of
which command approach is used, there can only be one Incident Commander. Using
the Single Command approach, a Deputy Incident Commander may be appointed.
2. Unified Command. As noted earlier, a unified command approach would likely be
the best option for these types of incidents.
3. Safety. It is essential to have an Incident Safety Officer and Assistant Safety Officers
to assure responder, patient, and refuge safety.
4. Multi-casualty (EMS) Branch. Staff with EMS Officers from mutual aid agencies.
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5. Staging Area. A staging area should be designated early in the incident, along with a
Staging Area Manager. This is critical for control and assignment of later responding
6. ICS Equipment. Equipping police ICS personnel with command boards, ICS forms,
and similar materials (like fire has) will allow for quicker implementation of the ICS
Operations Centers
There were two operations centers mobilized after the theater shooting and during the
Paris Street apartment site. The most active was the police departments operations center,
known as the DOC, which is located in Police HQ on the second floor of the Police District 2
building. (Note that there often is confusion between the police operating center, a fixed facility,
and a police command center, which often refers to the location in the field of the incident
commander, often in the mobile command vehicle.) Sometimes both are called command
The citys Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is managed by the Aurora Office of
Emergency Management (OEM), a division of the fire department, and is located in the
basement of the Courthouse Building, which is attached to police HQ.
Police Department Operations Center Police activated their center at 6:30 a.m. on
July 20, staffed by three police lieutenants. Once all had arrived, a lieutenant went to get copies
of the centers policies and procedures. He then went to the family reunification center at
Gateway High School where he worked closely with the victim advocates. Staff at the Police
Operations Center kept him informed as to the status of identifying the deceased throughout the
day, and he conferred with the advocates to make sure they had the most up-to-date information.
Shortly after 8:00 a.m. a senior manager from the Public Safety Communications
Department arrived to be liaison in support of police operations. This manager was in the Police
Operations Center until the Paris Street incident was resolved. This face-to-face coordination
proved invaluable.
City Emergency Operations Center A fire lieutenant is the Emergency Management
Coordinator for the city. He learned about the shooting when Buckley Air Force Base called and
asked if OEM needed assistance.
Staffing and funding support for the EOC has been very limited, particularly considering
the size of the population protected in Aurora. At the time of the incident, EOC personnel
consisted only of the Coordinator and an assistant. The EOC could only provide informal support
to police and fire. Key EOC positions, aligned to the ICS structure and to the emergency support
functions used under NIMS (National Incident Management System) were thin to non-existent.
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The Coordinator did the best possible to develop OEM capabilities and engage EOC operations
on a shoestring.
The Emergency Management Coordinator arrived at the theater shortly after 2:00 a.m. on
July 20. He made arrangements to support road blocks, obtain physical barricades, and acquire
port-a-potties. He communicated with an emergency manager from the State OEM, who then
came to Aurora to lend assistance in case it was needed. The State OEM Field Manager, the
OEM Assistant, and the lieutenant were the only three at the citys EOC during the incident.
At around 5:00-6:00 a.m., July 20, the lieutenant called Internal Affairs (which is also the
Police Emergency Services Coordinators Office) to reroute the press/victim telephone lines for
the Department of Communications and for Police PIOs to the EOC, to accommodate the surge
of calls from the media and the public, but it was decided to maintain the status quo.
The lieutenant assisted fire and police at the Paris Street site by obtaining dump trucks
with sand to transport the rendered-safe explosives from the apartment to a designated disposal
site. He also obtained fuel for the apparatus. The EOC was closed at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, July
22, after the Vigil ended.
The OEM suffers from neglect in both priority and funding. The level of support and
resources that normally would be provided through an OEM could have helped field operations
from the time of the shooting until the suspects apartment was cleared and the Vigil was over. A
sizeable portion of the coordination tasks that emergency services agencies and other city
departments undertook on their own could have been done through an established, multi-agency
system that a viable OEM provides.
Since the shooting, some improvements have been made. There now are a few EOC
training programs, and executive staffs of the AFD and the APD meet quarterly with an
Emergency Preparedness Committee to develop a comprehensive emergency operations plan and
an emergency support function structure. That group is considering the best use of the EOC
during emergencies. In October 2012, they participated in 4-hour regional exercises with
scenarios that involved use of the EOC; police, fire and dispatch use of Everbridge with plume
modeling and GIS; and security and search and rescue response. Resource typing and planning
have been agenda topics as well.
Key Findings EOC
Terminology. There was some confusion over terminology and the context of the police
operations center versus police emergency operations center and the citys emergency operations
center as managed under the fire department.
Emergency Operations Center Staffing. The Aurora Office of Emergency Management
and its EOC are inadequately staffed and funded to carry out their mission. Some public safety
personnel were not even aware there was an Office of Emergency Management or an EOC.
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Recommendations EOC
1. EOC Organizational Reporting. The City of Aurora should consider changing its
organizational structure for emergency management. Emergency management by its
very nature involves support to and cooperation from all city departments in order to
be effective. It is usually more difficult for this to be accomplished if the emergency
management function is placed in one of the public safety departmentsfire or
policebecause it then is perceived as belonging to one or the other department
and often as a lower priority division at that.
Emergency Management should be in a direct line relationship with the City
Managers Office where a higher level of authority and oversight would underscore
the importance of this function and provide greater visibility for planning and EOC
operations, and more easily facilitate coordination with other key city departments
and agencies.
2. Notification and Opening EOC. The OEM Coordinator should be notified as soon
as a critical incident occurs, and the EOC should be opened earlier than it was.
3. Equipment in the Police DOC and City EOC. There were not enough phones and
computers for all the representatives in the operations centers, and the
communications were not recorded since many people were using their personal

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Mass shootings leave significant psychological as well as physical wounds. These
tragedies are a complicated and ongoing issue for the communities where they occur. In Aurora,
the murders traumatized families and friends of the deceased, injured victims, other people in the
theater, first responders, city employees, media personnel, and people in the community at large.
This chapter describes how Aurora served the needs of these individuals.
Overall, the city did an exemplary job in helping victims and promoting community
healing. We have provided a detailed discussion because several of Auroras services to victims
provide textbook examples that deserve national attention.
Victim Services Unit
The APD is home to the citys Victim Services Unit consisting of seven full time
employees who provide services to crime victims and their families. Most victim assistance
programs are developed in accordance with state standards and standards established by the
Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Services include crisis intervention,
counseling, advocacy, case management, accompaniment to court, financial support, and referral
to other resources.
Homicide survivors or co-victims (e.g., family members, partners, children, extended
family members, or friends) often need specialized resources as they face potential long-term
psychological impacts and social challenges. They may also have other impacts including loss of
income and medical expenses.
Services Provided After the Shooting Auroras victim advocates provided a range of
services over the course of the first days after the shooting, and then into the weeks and months
which followed. Advocates conducted ongoing needs assessments for each victim. Early in the
situation, they helped with transportation and hotel reservations. They provided emotional
support and assisted victims and families of victims in making calls. They accompanied victims
and families during the Prayer Vigil that was held on Sunday, July 22

(more details later in this
chapter). Later, the advocates explained the court process to victims families (as did
representatives from the District Attorneys office) and accompanied victims and families who
elected to be present during court proceedings of the accused.
A detective was assigned to help handle returns of personal items and, in conjunction
with the District Attorneys Office, determine what could and could not be released.
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The advocates checked in with the families of the deceased and those who were injured at
key times during the following year, such as after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary
School and on the one year anniversary of the theater shooting. Advocates contacted the families
and victims to let them know what Aurora was planning for the anniversary service, and asked
them what they wanted to have included.
Victim Advocates From Other Agencies Within a few days of the incident, two other
organizations became directly involved in a range of services for the families of the deceased and
for the injured victims: the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA) and the
Arapahoe County District Attorneys Office victim witness coordinator. The situation became
complicated with the multiplicity of advocates and case managers, and the different views on
who was in charge and what their role should be. There was the APD Victim Assistance Office
staff; the volunteer advocates that APD had mobilized and used; COVA; and finally, the D.A.s
coordinator. A meeting that was to have initiated a long-term resource plan was overtaken by
responding to immediate needs, so the respective roles of these groups and how they should
coordinate services was never clarified. The question of who was charge of what aspects of
victim and family assistance was not well defined and this created problems. Some of the
victims families were confused when the District Attorneys Office or COVA stepped in with a
different advocate. One victim complained that she wound up with three different advocates,
though the services of all the advocates were appreciated.
The D.A.s Officeunderstandably focused on their casenevertheless overplayed their
role with victims by assuming a degree of exclusivity as advocates. In terms of communicating
with victim families and witnesses about the trial process and testifying, it was logical for that
office to be the lead. However, advising victims to cease working with their APD advocates and
instead deal with the D.A.s coordinator for all follow up matters was insensitive both to the
victims and to the advocates who had been in the trenches with the victims from the beginning.
Taking that position also was unnecessary. The police-based advocates had more experience
serving the needs of victims and providing counseling and support and they were the ones who
were the legitimate leaders for most of the established services. The District Attorneys Office
maintained they needed to control victim communication to protect their case and that it was
standard practice in homicide cases. However, if this were true, it is perplexing why this was the
first time such a policy had been mandated for homicide victims families in Aurora in recent
memory, according to APD staff. Moreover, as noted, this attitude ran counter to good family
assistance practice built on continuity of care, and it was highly offensive to the many APD
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victim advocates and their network of volunteers who had created an immediate and trusted
relationship with victims families.

COVA indicated that they only respond when asked to do so. They are well-versed in the
interests of victims. They were contacted early by the FBI to provide copies of their one-page
flyer on dealing with trauma, and later, by both the Aurora Police Department Victim Services
Supervisor and the Denver Police Department victim coordinator, who was working on behalf of
Aurora Police. COVAs advantage was that they had a credit card account for victims of crime
and could handle immediate travel costs for incoming victim family members (7 of the 12
victims families lived outside the state of Colorado). COVA went on to be heavily involved in
the deliberations over donations and special grants. Bringing the profile of a statewide agency to
the situation, they too were involved in conflicts over lead agency, rather than as supplementary
Mobilization of Victim Services
To go back to the beginning: Police Chief Oates notified the Auroras Victim Services
Supervisor about the shooting at the theater shortly after his arrival at the scene. She immediately
contacted her on-call staff and asked them to proceed with contacting the credentialed law
enforcement advocates and volunteers registered for victim services.
There were only two full-time APD victim services staff and the supervisor available
when the incident occurred. The other two advocates were on leave. The number of wounded
and deceased required a surge operation to bring in dozens of trained victim advocates from
throughout the region to augment Auroras victim services staff.
Assignments The Victim Services Supervisors first priority was to cover the hospitals
where victims had been taken, in addition to the parking lot at Dillards next to the theater. At the
same time, Dispatch asked that victim advocates be sent to the Communications Center because
they were overwhelmed with callers trying to get information about their loved ones. Callers
were being told to call the hospitals.

The DAs office told the authors that they disagreed with this discussion and requested that we add the following
note, which we are doing in fairness and in light of their inability at this time to further explain their disagreement:
Personnel from the Office of the District Attorney indicated that they could not be interviewed by Tri-Data about
any aspect related to the response to the theater shooting, because of the courts orders restricting pretrial
publicity. Upon review of this section of the report, the District Attorney expressed strong disagreement with the
factual assertions in this section, and with the conclusions reached in this section. The District Attorney expressed
that this section is based on an apparent lack of knowledge of criminal prosecution practice, criminal procedure, and
criminal discovery obligations. The District Attorney also noted that DA personnel would be willing to speak to the
authors of this report once the criminal prosecution has been resolved.
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The supervisor communicated with police as she obtained the names of victims at each
hospital. Victim advocates obtained that information as they networked at the hospitals, locating
family members and monitoring patient status, tracking who was released, who was in surgery,
and who was as yet unaccounted for. This information was communicated back to the supervisor,
who by now was operating from the family reunification center at Gateway High School.
One victim advocate reported that hospitals were like a war zone as police cars and
ambulances brought victim after victim for treatment. The advocates had to shift back and forth
between hospitals, trying to ensure that all who needed help were receiving services and being
attended to. Each Aurora advocate was handling multiple cases. A problem developed at
University Hospital during follow up contacts where victim advocates were not permitted access
to the victims. It took almost 36 hours and a personal call from the Aurora Police Chief before
the hospital allowed advocates to meet with victims there. However, the advocates were present
and welcomed in the Emergency Department by Hospital staff.
Surge Trained volunteers and victim services staff from other jurisdictions began
responding to the calls for help. By 3:00 a.m., the Victim Services Office had acquired 46 full-
time and volunteer trained victim advocates from nine metro area agencies. Another 16
volunteers connected to APDs Victim Services Office responded, plus some personnel from the
FBI. With that influx of assistance, the outside advocates could be assigned to help at the
hospitals and with the phone banks, clearing the way for Auroras staff to report to Gateway
High School. Law enforcement PIOs from the following jurisdictions volunteered:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Castle Rock
Jefferson County
Family Reunification Center
The Victim Services Supervisor learned that Gateway High School was designated as the
site where witnesses, theater employees, and others would be taken for interviews. The school
was also a convenient and logical location to serve as a family reunification center because
classes were not in session and the building was only a short distance from the theater. Schools
have parking, rest rooms, large assembly areas like gymnasiums, auditoriums, and cafeterias, as
well as smaller rooms for private sessions and an office area. Victim advocates established their
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command post in the gymnasium at Gateway High School. Six offices in the main administration
area also were used for small group meetings. That area provided the advocates a quiet place to
go during the course of the day. This was an important step as it is essential that on-scene
workers have a designated area apart from their work area where they can gain respite from the
intensive emotional work they do.
The school district and APD had worked together for years practicing response to various
types of disasters, including shootings. Officials knew each other, which streamlined the process
for accessing the school to conduct interviews and coordinate information and services to
witnesses, victims, family members and friends.
At the theater parking lot, police had established areas where they asked witnesses,
theater staff, and others who had fled the theater to wait for instructions on being interviewed.
About 2:00 a.m., buses began transporting those assembled in the parking lot areas to Gateway
High School. Passengers stayed in the buses until brought in for interviews. About 3:00 a.m., an
Aurora Victim Advocate boarded a bus to interview people and find out who they were missing,
what their friends were wearing, and other pieces of information that could help with
reunification efforts. She helped witnesses make calls, and later coordinated rides home for the
theater patrons, many of whom still had their cars at the theaters parking lot. (This was an
excellent initiative.)
The APDs school resource officer for Gateway High School was instrumental in
organizing the family reunification site. He arrived at the school at about 2:00 a.m., and asked for
two law enforcement public information officers (PIOs) to assist. Officers from Englewood
Police Department and Colorado State Patrol provided security. Family and friends continued to
arrive at Gateway High School. At APDs request, the media broadcast information that families
and friends needing help locating people should come to the school. The broadcasts and a press
release also urged anyone who had left the theater area to come to the school to be interviewed.
Advocates continued collecting information on the whereabouts of those who were in Theater 9
and created a database for victim information.
The Superintendent of Schools came to Gateway High School at about 3:30 a.m. The
school custodian also arrived and helped move witnesses and others out the back door so they
could avoid the media. Over the course of the early morning hours, a group of past and present
students from the high school gathered there to wait for news and to console each other. Rumors
had circulated that one of the victims was a Gateway student. As the number of students
increased, their presence so close to the school became somewhat problematic. Teachers and
school administrators arrived to help, and with a police officer and the school principal asked the
students to move next door to a park so they could remain close by, but not congregate at or
inside the school.
Around 6:00 a.m., the Red Cross arrived with large supplies of food and water.
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Detectives at Gateway established separate groups for witnesses from Theater 9, patrons
from Theater 8, theater employees, and one for all others who were at the theater when the
shooting occurred. Those to be interviewed were triaged at the front door, given a number, and
had their picture taken. Detectives interviewed over 200 witnesses. Most of the interviews were
finished by 8:00 a.m.
At about 9:15 a.m., an Aurora police lieutenant arrived to relieve the police captain who
was running the center. One of the first tasks he did was double-check the security. Up to that
point officers had guarded the doors. He locked all entrances that were still open.
Clergy Availability Clergy went to Gateway High School in case they were needed. At
first they circulated throughout the school, and some approached families directly, entreating
them to pray together. That trespassed on some peoples desire for privacy or preference not to
pray. Clergy then were asked to move to the Upper Commons, an area away from the families,
and advised that people would be directed there if they wanted religious support. (Since the
shooting, the Victims Services Unit has been training volunteer clergy with the goal to certify
them as faith- based responders to critical incidents.)
Death Notifications Slowly, people who had assembled at Gateway High School for
interviews or to be reunited with friends and family began to leave as relatives were accounted
By early afternoon of the day of the incident, approximately 100 people still remained at
the school. The group included 10 families and friends who were waiting for news. They were
briefed periodically about the status of the investigation and the process for identifying the
deceased. Each time a meeting was convened at Gateway, they prepared themselves for the
official announcement. They became emotionally drained as the day wore on and each
announcement fell short of the only information they truly wanted. All they were told was that
crime scene investigators and staff from the Coroners Office had to proceed carefully to
preserve evidence.
Another meeting was held at 4:00 p.m., but positive identifications still were not
available. Positive identification generally relies on fingerprints, DNA samples, or dental
records. Police Chief Oates explained to the families that positive identification takes time
because it was important that nothing be done to compromise the case, and that confirmation was
not expected until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Many families became angry and some decided to go home.
At 6:45 p.m. the Coroner authorized disclosure of the identities of the deceased. A 7:00
p.m. press conference was getting underway, which caused a delay in releasing the names. After
the press conference, victim services advocates, along with a police officer, broke the news to the
families who had remained at the school. Officers and advocates also went to the homes of the
families who already had left the school.
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Gateway High School closed as the reunification center at about 11:00 p.m. The police
lieutenant conducted a complete walk-through to check the school before closing it.
Media Management While the majority of media representatives were staged near the
Century 16 Theater crime scene, the Gateway High School became a secondary site of media
interest. Originally, the media were staged on the grassy area behind the school as they arrived,
but throughout the early hours of that morning, media representatives gravitated closer to the
school and approached some witnesses and families. When the police lieutenant relieved the
captain at the school at about 9:15 a.m., he taped off the school parking lot and moved the media
back to the original staging area.
The Superintendent of Schools reported to police that the media was interfering with
victims and families at the school, and the lieutenant advised the media they would be removed
from the property if they strayed back to the entrance or into the school. The lieutenant also
locked the doors at the school. Part of the problem for the media at the school was that they were
not directly getting the press information being given at the media staging area at the theater.
However, all releases and information were posted on social media and the website. All media
briefings were announced, and media had time to come to the briefings.
PIOs for Victim Families
The APD PIO started to work with the Victim Services Supervisor early in the incident.
She met on Friday with victim advocate volunteers who were helping at the Communications
Center, and explained that calls from people with information about the shooting should be
transferred to the APD. There also was discussion regarding how to protect victims and victims
families from intrusive calls from the media, the curious, and those with harmful intentions once
the identities of the deceased were made public. The PIO proposed the innovative idea of
assigning a PIO to each family of the deceased to protect them from unwanted communications
and help them manage information about their loved one. The Victim Services Supervisor
approved this idea after checking with the District Attorneys Office.
The new family PIO plan required obtaining more PIOs. The Aurora PIO reached out to
members of the Emergency Services Public Information Officers of Colorado (ESPIOC) and
asked if any police department PIOs in the region would volunteer to help the victims. ESPIOC
has over 100 members. PIOs volunteered from Broomfield Police, University of Colorado-
Boulder Police, Arvada Police, Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, Town of Castle Rock, Adams
County District Attorneys Office, the Colorado Office of Emergency Management, and Gilpin
County Sheriffs Office. They were told that they would serve as a buffer between the media and
families, but would not be spokespersons for the families. Since none of the volunteers were
directly involved in the case, there would be a clear separation between this service to victims
families and the public information managed by Aurora. All 12 families of the deceased were
offered the services of a PIO and eight accepted.
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The Aurora PIO met on Sunday, July 22,

with the PIO volunteers and Auroras victim
advocates to go over how the program would work and expectations. Also present at the meeting
was the District Attorney, who addressed the group with potential concerns, the Aurora Police
Victim Advocate supervisor to discuss the sensitive nature of working with victims and their
families, and the Deputy Chief of Police to express appreciation for everyones assistance. They
created a Gmail account with passwords and a Google voice phone number for each of the eight
families who chose to accept PIOs. With these tools, the PIOs could be transitioned easily if
others needed to step in. Each PIO received a family assignment and information about the
victim. Additionally, back-up PIOs were identified. The PIOs prepared a press release explaining
that communications and requests for the eight families needed to be channeled through the
family Gmail address or Google phone link. The addresses and numbers were given in the press
release, but the identities of the PIOs were not, so the media would not try to contact the PIOs
directly. The press release made clear that any media inquiry generated outside the proscribed
protocols would be ignored. The PIOs checked with the families regularly to ask if the media
was playing by the rules.
The PIOs returned at 5:00 p.m. to meet with their assigned families and work alongside
the victim advocates who also were helping them. Teamed with the victim advocates, the PIOs:
Asked families if they wanted to participate in any interviews with the media and then
helped as needed.
Educated the families about how the media works.
Provided accurate information to dispel rumors. (Some families had been advised
incorrectly that they would be paid for nationally televised interviews.)
Helped families determine the right time to release photos of their loved one.
Accompanied families to the Vigil, court appearances, and to some funerals.
Posted the names of fundraising organizations that were sanctioned.
Some PIOs archived press news articles, essentially a clipping service, and some
provided a DVD and a binder on information that had been broadcast and printed about the
familys loved one, and other helpful information.
Sometimes media asked the PIOs to speak for the family, but the PIOs were careful not to
do. Instead, the PIOs helped the spokesperson chosen by the family to frame their remarks,
prepare statements, or say no to media requests. Trust was established. If a family wished, a
daily statement would be provided on their Gmail account using Auto Reply and Out of
Office. If they wanted to release a photo, the image was attached to the message.
It was somewhat difficult to determine when to shut down the family PIO program. After
the funerals, there was a mass exodus of national media, but local media continued to be
interested in stories about the shooting. The PIO group met again in September for a debrief and
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to share their experiences so that problem areas could be identified and successful ideas could be
documented. The PIOs felt they had truly helped the families during those difficult days and
weeks. The media also provided positive feedback about this program. In the future, ESPIOC
plans to set up a volunteer PIO program and work with the advocates immediately, now that a
model had been developed and tested.
Assessment of Victim Services by Victims and Families
The views of victims and victim families are important to reflect the true outcome of the
support they received. The number of victims and family members available for interviews by
our review team was limited by the District Attorneys Office. Ultimately, interviews were
conducted with five injured victims, one family whose son died at the theater, and a woman
whose boyfriend was killed. Though the numbers were small, their views were consistent with
what we heard from the victim services providers, and with comments made to the media by
other victims. The following are highlights from our victim and family interviews.
Victim 1 said that an advocate from the APD worked closely with his family while he
was in the hospital. The advocate found out which officer helped him before an ambulance
arrived, and brought the officer to visit him in the hospital. The victim called the advocate
frequently to ask questions. The advocate brought the victim letters from the general public, the
state of Colorado, and the White House during his 20 days in the hospital. The advocate went
with him to one of the hearings at court. He gave a very high rating for the advocates services.
Victim 2 was seated with a group of friends of whom six were shot. Though not
physically wounded, she suffered deep emotional trauma. She waited in the parking lot with
others from Theater 9 immediately after the shooting. She felt safe next to a police car and knew
that the officers were trying to keep everyone safe. She was impressed with how the police
organized the interview groups in the parking lot. She was bussed to the Family Reunification
Center at Gateway High School where victim advocates assisted her. After her interview with a
detective, she went with friends to various hospitals to locate their injured friends, who turned
out to be at three different hospitals. Victim advocates were at the hospitals too, including the
ICU, and offered assistance to them. She visited the Memorial site and found it to be very
peaceful. She said it helped her because it reminded her there was a lot more love than hate. She
also found the Vigil service to be very healing. The victim advocate stayed in contact with her
for about a week.
Victim assistance also was provided by her employer. Her manager and human resources
staff obtained the services of a trauma counselor since several victims and others in Theater 9
were employees of this company. Through Aurora Mental Health, they offered services for
everyone at their company who felt they were affected. The victim said those services really
helped. She commented that APDs victim services have been amazing.
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A high point for her was meeting with the first responders. She appreciated that they were
willing to visit her in a positive setting, not just in the traumatic environment at the theater. She
also commented that everyone responded automatically to the physically injured, but were
unaware of those who were emotionally injured like she was.
Victim 3 was shot and unconscious when police pulled him out of the theater and took
him to the hospital. His victim advocates support and the support from the Aurora community
were exceptional, he said. While he was in the hospital and after he returned home, the
advocate stayed in contact with him and his family via email and phone calls. He emphasized
that the advocate had great integrity and empathy. He also found the Memorial to be very helpful
and wished they had kept it up for another month.
Victim 4 was with her husband in the theater when he was seriously wounded. Their
APD victim advocate was amazing, she said. Their hometown did a fund raiser for their own
Victim Advocacy Program and donated half of the proceeds to the Aurora APD Victims Services
Office because they saw how important APDs assistance was for victims. The victim advocate
who worked with them helped with paperwork and financial records, was a resource for
references to other services, and provided food and emotional support. They felt their advocate
did her job exceptionally well and spent a significant amount of time with their family. They
knew she was helping other victims too, but felt like they could have been the only ones, given
the high level of service they received. The advocate went with them to the arraignment of the
suspect and opened her home to them at the anniversary of the tragedy. The wife of the victim
especially enjoyed the awards ceremony for the first responders and meeting the officers who
had taken her husband to the hospital and saved his life. The District Attorneys representative
answered all their questions about the legal case and was helpful.
Victim 5s family was interviewed. He had been fatally injured. When the shooting
occurred his mother took a picture of her son to Gateway, where her sons fiance, who had been
with him in the theater, was waiting to be interviewed. A victim advocate from APD
immediately came to the victims mother, and stayed by her side the whole time.
At Gateway High School, the family endured a series of heart-wrenching meetings, with
no confirmation about the deceased. It was hard for them to understand why their son could not
be ruled in or out as one of the fatalities, because he had his wallet in his pocket. The family
members went home accompanied by an APD officer or advocate, and later that evening
received formal notification that their son had been fatally injured.
The family met with the President when he arrived at the hospital on July 22. That felt the
President was compassionate and gracious, and that his visit helped them. They also were
grateful for their assigned police PIO, who was helpful in dealing with the media, phone calls,
and emails, and stayed in touch with the family over a long period of time. The mother expressed
love and respect for the APD.
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Office of the Coroner
This study included a review of the Arapahoe County Office of the Coroners
coordination with law enforcement, and the release of information on the victims identities, but
not their technical forensic work. The Coroners Office had 12 staff who were cross-trained as
investigators. They have a good working relationship with the APD, and were accustomed to
working together.
The Coroner and several investigators are members of the areas Disaster Mortuary
Team. The Coroner had experience handling multiple fatality situations, including two weeks
serving in New York City after 9/11 and two more weeks helping after Hurricane Katrina. He is
President of the New Coroners Institution, which enhances training and consistency of coroner
practices in North Central Colorado, a 10-county region.
About 1:30 a.m., July 20, the night shift doctor in the Coroners Office notified one of the
doctors on call that there was a shooting. The on-call doctor immediately contacted the Coroner
and advised him that they could expect multiple fatalities at the hospitals and in the theater. She
then went to their Arapahoe County office where she was debriefed by the night shift doctor.
The Coroner went to the theater at about 3:00 a.m., but did not get inside until 6:00 a.m.
because of the continued threat of a second shooter and possibility of explosives. He finally
entered with FBI and Crime Lab personnel, and spent an hour there. They took pictures and
made an initial assessment. The Coroner knew the families were waiting for confirmation of the
identities of the deceased, and made that his first priority.
Fingerprinting of Victims Getting official identifications of the deceased was a top
priority. Processing the scene and the remains of the deceased after a multiple fatality shooting
usually is a long, painstaking process. The most expedient way to do it is through fingerprints.
However, fingerprinting usually is one of the last steps completed at autopsies. Confirming
identities through DNA takes even longer. Complicating the situation in Aurora was the fact that
XXXXXXXXXXX, so police had to proceed with extra caution in case any of the bodies also
was booby-trapped.
Criminalists from APD and investigators from the Coroners Office processed the scene,
including the remains. They had tremendous pressure from the families who wanted an
immediate resolution confirming or denying their worst fears, and from those responsible for the
overall investigation and prosecution, who needed painstakingly documented crime scene
evidence to establish a solid case.
Under Colorado law, the Coroner owns the area within the wingspread of a body. The
Coroners personnel must follow the law and scientific procedures before formally confirming
the identity of victims. Meanwhile, it is excruciating for the families to have to wait, even if that
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wait is reduced to the shortest time possible by those responsible for providing the critical
information. Families at homicides often question and complain about why identification cannot
be made from IDs in wallets or handbags. However, those forms of identification are not
considered definitive because the ID may not be that of the deceased. Wallets, handbags,
backpacks, and other items often are in disarray at a crime scene. It is the Coroners professional
obligation to verify the identity using fingerprints, DNA, or dental records so that emotional
tragedies are not compounded by erroneous identifications.
Fortunately, several individuals devised an expedited procedure that met professional and
ethical standards for identifying deceased victims. The Coroner and an Aurora criminologist
(Sandra Wiese), who was at the Coroners Office helping to identify the first two victims
transferred from the hospital, and the police CSI Lab Lieutenant agreed that fingerprints could be
taken at the theater after each body had been processed, but before they were taken away for
autopsies. Rather than take full prints, they decided it would suffice to take the right thumb and
right index finger. The index print is documented by Colorados DMV for all individuals who
are issued a drivers license. The thumb print was collected in case any of the victims had
drivers licenses from states which use that in their systems.
CSI staff had arrived at the theater at 8:00 a.m. and worked with the Coroner,
photographing and videotaping the overall scene. They finished at 11:20 a.m. Before the rest of
the scene could be processed, the bomb squad wanted to ensure there were no secondary devices.
It was not until 12:40 p.m. that the CSI and Coroners investigators were allowed to begin the
next phase of processing the scene. That step involved collecting, documenting, protecting, and
photographing each piece of evidence, and photographing each victim. As this work was finished
for each victim, they were moved into a hallway where a CSI criminologist had set up the
fingerprint equipment.
It took approximately 25-30 minutes to complete each fingerprint record. After half were
finished, the fingerprints were transferred to the APD lab and compared to the DMV data. The
last five fingerprint cards were taken to the lab shortly after 5:00 p.m.
The final step was to approve the findings and authorize release of the results to the
Coroners Office for their official review and acceptance. The Coroners Office contacted APD
at Gateway High School shortly before a 7:00 p.m. press conference started. There was not
enough time to notify all the families before the press conference so the identities of the deceased
were not publicly released until the following day, July 21. A few families came to the morgue
that day to view their relatives.
Prayer Vigil
When a major crisis occurs, communities generally seek a way to show their collective
grief and support for those affected, particularly the families of the deceased. Discussions began
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on Friday and continued into Saturday about where to hold a community service and what the
program should include. It was decided to hold a Prayer Vigil on the Sunday after the incident.
The organization and execution of the Prayer Vigil was an excellent interdepartmental
effort that involved staff from nearly every City of Aurora department and office. Dozens of staff
from the City, led by a Deputy City Manager, participated in organizing the program, managing
the logistics, and carrying out the Vigil. Anticipating a huge turnout, planners chose the outdoor
plaza at the Municipal Center campus as the location.
There were many details that had to be worked out in a short time:
Security for the event, including for victims, families, and VIPs.
Input from the families of the deceased regarding what they wanted to include.
Establishing a special place at the Vigil for victims and families to sit if they chose to
be together
A list of dignitaries and speakers
A program that indicated the order of the speakers
Musical performances
Seating and a sound system
A designated media area
Traffic control
A press release and information to be posted on Access Aurora announcing the time
and place of the Vigil
The planning group identified 45 elected and appointed officials to invite. The Governor
of Colorado, Colorados U.S. Senators and several House Representatives, plus state senators
and representatives, Auroras Mayor and City Council, and officials from the regions other local
governments, all accepted invitations. Another list containing names of about 500 people from a
plethora of organizations was constructed to reach more community leaders and volunteers.
Details about the Vigil were posted on the citys website and carried by local media.
The Vigil was an inter-faith gathering. Speakers were asked to focus on remembering the
victims and healing the community, not making political speeches nor promoting particular
Over 10,000 people attended the Vigil (depicted in Figure 31). Some of the victims
families met at the Municipal Building and then proceeded to the canopied area near the stage at
the beginning of the service. They were assisted by their victim advocates and PIOs. After the
Vigil, families were escorted from the stage and left with security before the public was released
from the area.
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Figure 31. Prayer Vigil

Site Logistics Arranging logistics for such a large event on short notice presented a
major challenge. Employees of Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) and from Public
Works took care of traffic management, barricades and parking, setting up the stage and tents,
bringing in and testing a sound system, seating, trash containers, port-a-johns, podiums, tables,
and many more details. Extra crews were hired to help with traffic control, and PROS staff
briefed them on the layout of the site and parking.
As people were gathering for the Vigil, a group arrived with plans to protest. It was
believed to be a well-known group from an extremist congregation in the mid-west. One of the
Water Departments irrigation technicians who was helping direct traffic asked the driver of the
protest group to park well away from the Vigil. Then, as members of the protest group tried to
get onto the grounds of the Vigil, a group of citizens held hands and did not let them through. It
was a small, empowering victory for the citizens but could have led to a clash.
After the Vigil, PROS and Public Works staff took down the equipment and cleaned up
the site because the following morning city employees would be returning to the area for work.
Ad Hoc Memorial Site PROS employees also maintained the make-shift memorial site
that sprung up near the theater. The site remained open for over six weeks and was cleaned
frequently. The day the memorial was taken down, approximately 35 employees came at 5:00
a.m. to avoid media and respectfully box and archive the massive amount of mementos and gifts
that had been left. Five one-ton trucks and a trailer were needed to transfer the items to a
warehouse where they were put on palettes for each victim, wrapped, and stored. Once the site
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was cleaned, employees installed a sign thanking people for their remembrances, but asking that
no more be left. This entire memorial effort was handled exceptionally well.
Presidential Visit
President Obama came to Aurora to pay his respects on behalf of the nation. Usually at
least five days notice is provided in advance of a Presidential visit. In this case it was 24 hours.
Given the anticipated crowd for the Vigil and the open area in which the service would be held,
it was decided that the President would meet with victims and victims families at University
Hospital, but avoid the Vigil. Figure 32 shows the President with one of several victims he
Figure 32. President Obama visiting victim at University Hospital

Security for Visit and Vigil Planning for the Vigil and the visit by the President added
to the demands on city personnel, many who had been working 12-hour shifts.
The APD Special Operation Bureau received confirmation on Saturday, July 21, a little
after 3:00 p.m. that the President would arrive mid-afternoon the next day. Busy with the theater
and Paris Street site, Aurora police estimated they would be short about 20 officers to handle
security and escort the Presidential group. Security also was needed for the Governor, Senators,
and other dignitaries both at the hospital and during the Vigil.
An APD Motorcycle Enforcement Team officer coordinating security sent a request to
nearby metro police departments for 10-20 units to guard the motorcade route. Officers from
Denver, Colorado State Police, Boulder, Broomfield, and Glendale assisted in fixed post
assignments and road closures.
Emergency Response Team The APD Emergency Response Team (ERT) also
supported the Vigil. The ERT Commander created three teams, each with 10 officers. Each team
had five 2-person units, who were spread out. Two of the ERT teams were assigned to cover the
crowd. The third team, which had been at the theater on Friday, was sent to be with the families.
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Direct Action Response Teams APD also has special teams known as Direct Action
Response Teams. Two of these teams were assigned to escort dignitaries and provide security.
Police had received an email indicating that the previously mentioned radical church group from
Topeka, Kansas might be coming to the Vigil. With that possibility, police had to be ready to
handle conflicts.
SWAT and Canine Teams The SWAT and K-9 commanders met at 3:00 p.m. on
Saturday, July 21, with the police chief and a deputy chief, concerning the units roles for the
presidential visit and Vigil. They reviewed the plan for the motorcade from Buckley to the
hospital and back. Auroras SWAT personnel were designated as the lead SWAT group for the
hospital. In support were the Denvers SWAT team, including three sniper teams and a team
The Aurora SWAT lieutenant was concerned about fatigue of his personnel. Many had
worked both the theater and Paris Street scenes, and were exhausted. He pulled in other on-call
officers to supplement his ranks. The previously-noted existing relationships with the Secret
Service and the Denver Police facilitated their assistance. At the end of the Vigil, the SWAT
team that was finishing duty at the hospital was sent to protect the theater crime scene, as
approximately 200 attendees from the Vigil were moving over to the memorial at Sable
Boulevard near the crime scene.
Saturday Coordination Shortly after the Secret Service officers arrived Saturday
afternoon, they, and all key law enforcement agencies involved in security for the Presidents
visit, mapped out and drove the route from the Air Force Base into the University Hospital
reception area where the families would be gathered, and then to the Intensive Care Unit where
the President would meet with victims being treated there. They fine-tuned their plans.
Sunday Coordination The Chief of Police requested that all parties do a second dry
run Sunday morning, including hospital staff, Secret Service, SWAT team, and Emergency
Response Team. A briefing was held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at District 2 for all participating police
departments and special teams to prepare for the 3:50 p.m. arrival of the President. All police
departments switched to Blue Southeast as a shared channel. The President arrived and
proceeded to the hospital without incident.
The families of the deceased who wished to meet with the President at the hospital had
been invited to assemble beforehand at the Municipal Center. They arrived shortly before noon,
were provided lunch, and then taken by bus to the hospital. By all accounts, the Presidents visit
with families and injured victims was experienced as beneficial to the healing process. He left
the hospital at 7:30 p.m. after staying four hours.
In total, 66 officers were used to cover President Obamas visit, including six from
outside agencies, and 32 alumni of the citizens police academy who volunteered to cover
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driveways and other uncontrolled intersections along the route. State Police sent several senior
officers to help secure the route and assist at the Vigil.
Assistance to City Personnel
An incident such as the Aurora Theater mass shooting causes psychological trauma to
many first responders, andat different levelsto other city employees and volunteers.
First Responders Many police officers were exposed to the disturbing scene inside the
theater and required to work long hours that day, and then to come back for 12-hour shifts as the
city dealt with the Paris Street IED situation, preparations for the Vigil, and the Presidents visit.
Several officers commented that this all was too much psychologically as well as physically, and
that they should have been given more opportunity to rest after serving during the incident.
Among those especially hard hit psychologically were officers who had to guard the
bodies in the theater as evidence was collected and the coroner worked. Victims cell phones
were going off. The scene was summarized as too much, too ugly, too long. Also affected
significantly were several officers who transported the wounded to hospitals in their cars, often
while the victim lay in the back bleeding and unattended. Some of their cars had extensive blood
stains, which added to the trauma.
The City of Aurora has had internal employee assistance programs available for its
public safety personnel and to personnel of other departments. Each public safety department has
its own process. The public safety departments programs are staffed by employees of various
ranks who provide confidential advice and assistance on personal issues that arise. A formal
Employee Assistance Program is also available to all employees.
The APDs psychologist and members of his team met briefly with all police who
responded to the incident soon afterwards. This was not a formal debriefing, but rather was held
to provide information about what they might expect to feel. The psychologist has worked for the
department for a long time, and was well known to most public safety employees, police and
fire, since he not only provides assistance, but also is involved in fitness evaluations. As a
familiar figure, he was very helpful in describing normal, common reactions to what they had
experienced. He and his colleagues made themselves available and later reached out to all
officers, offering them an opportunity to receive additional assistance. Many responded to the
The psychologist met in groups with several police units who were at the theater or the
Paris Street bomb scene, including the bomb squad, crime lab, dispatch, and coroners office,
each of which had special stresses. Several police officers who went to hospitals to visit victims
they helped to protect or transport said that this helped themselves as well as the victims.
The Aurora Fire Department used its own critical incident stress counseling program for
its firefighters who were on duty. The police psychologist also met with some fire personnel who
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had been on the scene, because the fire department does not have its own psychologist In
addition, a contingent of firefighters from the Fire Department of New York who had
experienced the World Trade Center bombings flew to Aurora to offer their condolences and
peer counseling services. Many AFD members noted how helpful it was to talk to other
firefighters who had experienced a mass casualty event.
Other City Employees The Citys Human Resources Department contacted their
Employee Assistance Program to advise that there might be an increase in calls for assistance
following the incident. The department put out announcements and information on the citys
intranet concerning available mental health and counseling resources. A group meeting was held
in the caf for all who were interested to learn more. The Police Departments psychologist led
that meeting as well as another held at the dispatch center.
The City also held an all-day mental health first aid class that reviewed the warning
signs of depression and post-traumatic stress. There was a spike in in-patient mental health
admissions. The city spent at least $10,000 on EAP services related to the shooting.
The Director of Human Resources reported that a lesson learned was to hold one-on-one
counseling services in a neutral facility, away from employees normal work location where they
would be less likely to be identified and would minimize incidental contacts, preferably on the
first floor of a building. A second hindsight was that it would have been desirable to explicitly
encourage city department and division heads to voice their support to their employees and
acknowledge the sadness and anxiety that many were experiencing. Thirdly, it would have
helped if the City would have called for a day of mourning or a special city employee gathering
so that all employees, not just emergency services personnel, could have a chance to process the
impact of the incident. This would have been especially appropriate because nearly every
department in Aurora city government became involved one way or another with the response
and recovery.
Support Services for the Community
Many people in the community were shocked and impacted by the deaths and injuries
stemming from the theater shooting. The incident was headline news for a long time and the
subject of radio talk shows and news specials. It was hard to get away from the constant
reminder of what had happened.
Aurora Mental Health and the Red Cross staffed two disaster recovery centers, one at
Aurora Hinkley High School and the other at Rangeview High School beginning July 21. There,
residents could access grief counseling, victim compensation information, mental health
assistance and other resources. Information on those topics also could be obtained through a
specially designated community hotline number.
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Aurora Mental Health provided counseling to community members affected by the
shooting. The following year, a grant was used to make a former library building in Hoffman
Heights into a multi-service health and wellness center. The Center opened in July 2013 just
before the one year anniversary of the shooting.
Offers of monetary assistance and volunteer services to help the victims and community
began pouring in as news of the theater shooting spread. Historically, direct financial assistance
or victim compensation funds for victims in Aurora had been handled by the Arapahoe County
District Attorneys Office, but this situation was on a larger than ordinary scale and handled
Businesses and people called and emailed to offer hotel rooms, rental cars, burial plots,
flights, and fundraisers. Auroras Finance Director, Jason Batchelor, who was working with
payroll staff in the APD and AFD to track overtime hours connected to the incident, was asked to
establish a bank account for donations and to coordinate offers of assistance.
The City published a weekly report on donation totals and payments made from the fund
and carefully tracked the money. The Finance Director contacted the IT Department to help set
up a system to track what callers were offering. The Budget Office took charge of developing a
database and entering donations.
APD victim advocates helped to connect the available assistance to immediate needs of
victims and families. All offers of money, time, and services were acknowledged with thank you
notes sent through the Communications Office.
Aurora discovered what other communities with tragedies have learned: that the business
of managing financial donations and victim compensation accounts is complicated. Part of that
task is defining who is eligible to receive money and which costs are eligible for reimbursement.
Essentially, there were two funds for victims. The first was the account the city maintained,
which accumulated several hundred thousand dollars. The second was a foundation the Governor
designated, the Community First Foundation, which received approximately $5 Million. Two
contributors earmarked their donations to specific organizations: Aurora Mental Health and
COVA, but the remainder of the donations were for the victims themselves, and needed to be
distributed in an equitable manner.
Community Committees Soon after the tragedy, the city established three committees.
First, an interdepartmental Community Healing Committee was convened to discuss how best to
approach community healing.
Second, a Community Advisory Committee also was established for the purpose of
obtaining input on community and victim needs and service priorities. That committee included
representatives from Public Schools, the District Attorneys Office, Mental Health, Police,
Victim Services, Colorado Departments of Justice and Public Safety, the Interfaith Council,
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COVA, the Chamber of Commerce, medical facilities, the Governors Office, Denver
Foundation, Judis House (for victims of crime), and more. The intent was to be as inclusive as
The Community Advisory Committee created a financial subcommittee to be in charge of
pursuing a variety of grant opportunities from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Grants from
DOJs Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) and from the Bureau of
Justice Assistance (BJA) were aggressively pursued for various purposes: to recoup expenses
related to emergency response services to victims and to first responders; to reimburse police and
fire department overtime expenses; and to finance newly created COVA staff positions a few
believed were necessary to manage victim compensation dollars. The AEAP grant, as an
example, was divided as shown in Table 9.
Table 9. AEAP Grant Distribution for Reimbursement of Services
District Attorneys Office $1,576,360
Judicial District Administration 139,543
Arapahoe County Sheriff 139,543
Aurora Mental Health 53,132
COVA 2 consultants retained 743,631
Denver Police Department 3,340
Jefferson County Sheriff 619
City of Aurora 207,351
Total $2,938,890
Source: Power Point presentation by Police Chief Oates
A third committee, known as the Executive Committee, was established to oversee
decisions about the distribution of donations and victim compensation funds. Victims and
families were asked for input about what the criteria should be for dividing the money. The
Executive Committee included senior representatives from 12 agencies. Its decisions were made
by consensus. As time wore on, many victims became frustrated that funds were not being
Ultimately, the Governor brought in Kenneth Feinberg, known for having tackled the
complex victim fund disbursements after 9/11 and the Virginia Tech massacre. Mr. Feinberg
created a system that allotted set amounts (or percentages of funds) based on the degree to which
the incident impacted a victim. Victim was defined as anyone who had been in Theater 9 and
had been physically injured. The families of fatally wounded victims received the most. Another
category was victims whose injuries were life-altering. The number of nights spent in a hospital
was another factor. While these criteria provided a framework, they neglected victims whose
injuries were mental but not physical, regardless of how severe.
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Aurora Strong Resilience Center
All of the previously mentioned committees, along with the consultants from COVA,
determined that Aurora would benefit from a special center where citizens could access
behavioral and mental support services. The goal was to provide a location that would help with
community healing and resilience. Grant money and donations were available to help pay for it.
As much as anything, the goal was to prevent the types of health and safety problems, work and
family problems, and even violence that can develop when emotional stress is high and
untreated. Studies have shown that there can be increases in suicides, accidents, family
dysfunction, domestic violence and divorce, substance abuse and DUIs, physical illnesses, and
decreases in employee productivity.
Grant money from the Department of Justice and donations, plus the availability of a
former library building owned by the city, made it possible to establish the Aurora Strong
Resilience Center. The lead organizations providing services are:
Mental Health Services: Aurora Mental Health (individual and group counseling and
other mental health services)
Victim Services: Aurora Police Department Victim Services Unit and COVA
(helping victims navigate and access services)
Recreation: City of Aurora (non-traditional therapies associated with recreation)
Cultural Services: City of Aurora (non-traditional therapies associated with art and
Wellness and Education: University of Colorado Anschutz Wellness Center
(education on healthy and flexible ways to manage trauma and stress)
A study referenced by the committees showed that the peak for support service requests
following acts of mass violence tended to be at nine months, with a gradual drop off thereafter
continuing until the second anniversary of the event. The nine month point was April 20, 2013.
The Aurora Strong Resilience Center opened its doors on July 11, 2013, past the peak demand
period for addressing the most immediate needs for services. However, the Center has the
potential for helping community members deal with trauma from all types of disasters (floods,
tornados, fires, etc.), from crimes, and from personal tragedies going into the future.
Key Findings
Auroras overall handling of the aftermath, especially victim and family assistance, was
exemplary. Victims greatly appreciated the support and services provided to them and gave high
marks for the advocates and the services they rendered.
APDs Victim Assistance unit was shorthanded, but even at full strength, would not have
had enough personnel to handle such a large incident. Their ability to quickly marshal a large
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cadre of credentialed victim advocates from other jurisdictions and from their pool of volunteers
was crucial and proved successful.
A Family Reunification Center was established quickly and organized well. It was
difficult to keep the general public away, with many wanting to help.
Making a PIO available to each family of the deceased was innovative. It was conceived
and quickly implemented by an APD PIO. Victim families expressed gratitude for this service.
Clergy and other representatives of faith groups were available to victims, but in some
cases were too proactive and imposed on some families privacy and their ideas of what they
needed at the time. The Vigil, the memorial site, and the Presidents visit with victims and
families were comforting to many. These events were well planned and protected on short notice.
The lead agency for victim assistance properly was the Victim Assistance unit of the
APD. Conflicting dictates from the District Attorneys office and COVAs ran counter to what is
considered good practicehaving a single advocate per victim or family, and maintaining
continuity of that relationship.
Some first responders to the shooting incident were overworked and stressed
psychologically by having to also work security on the Paris Street bomb threat, the Vigil, and
the Presidential Visit security within a 72-hour timeframe.
With so many victims involved, police and victim advocates had a difficult time
gathering and sharing information on the victims names, status, and location. There were too
many victim information databases with the same, or in some cases conflicting, information.
The delay in positively identifying the deceased and releasing the information to the
families continues to be problematic at major incidents. Families find it difficult to understand
the Coroners legal requirements for identification. The police and the Coroner sped up the
identification process by bringing fingerprint equipment to the scene of the crime and taking
prints from only two fingers, and matching most prints taken with Colorado drivers license
fingerprint records.
1. Family Assistance Volunteers. Do not allow even good-hearted volunteers without
family assistance training to have easy access to families and victims after a mass
casualty incident. They can do harm.
2. Consistent Advocates. Once a family advocate is assigned to a victim or family, it is
best not to eliminate that advocate, even if another advocate needs to be added per
legal protocols. Of course, an exception would be removal if requested by the victim,
or for some overt problem. A key aspect of the assistance is providing someone the
family can regard as a trusted advocate.
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3. Explanation of Identification Delays. Be prepared to explain to families of victims
why identification of the deceased takes so long. While certain details may be best to
avoid, families should be given general information about how and why the crime
scene has to be processed first before the deceased can be processedand how long
both processes generally take. They also should be informed about what is considered
positive identification and what the law and good practice require. Explain the
potential impact of an incorrect identification on other families. Families will still be
unhappy, but at least they will have more information about why the process requires
a certain amount of time to be completed correctly.
4. Victim Donations. Include in a mass casualty plan options for receiving and
distributing large amounts of donations likely to flow in to help victims One approach
that worked well in Aurora and in Boston after their Marathon bombing is to quickly
established a One Fund into which all unrestricted financial donations are
channeled . Other types of donations, for example airline tickets for victims families,
can be accommodated separately.
5. Staggered Leave. Victim Services should consider scheduling leave so that there are
not too many advocates on leave at the same time. Advocates also recommended
establishing a phone tree with assigned team leads to facilitate the process of call-
6. Hospital-based Advocates. There should be a lead advocate assigned to each
hospital that receives victims, to coordinate all victim advocates responding to that
location. Hospitals should include a point of contact in their mass casualty plans who
would work with that victim advocate coordinator. As a team, they would be in
position to handle requests for information on the status of the injured, help family
members to be with their loved ones, and coordinate information with the family
reunification center.
7. Gathering Place. In a major incident, designate an area near but not immediately
adjacent to the family reunification center where people can gather without
interfering. Establish access control as soon as a family reunification center is opened.
8. Clergy. Designate a special area where clergy can assemble within the family
reunification center. Let them know that family members and friends will initiate
contact if they want their assistance, and make sure the families are aware of which
clergy are present. Do not allow clergy to circulate and approach families on their
9. Single Victim File. Establish one central file on victim information to avoid multiple
files with conflicting or incomplete information. Hospitals, police, and victim
advocates are the primary suppliers and users of this information and should work
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together to create a template for any future mass casualty incidents. Aurora may be
able to accomplish this using Versadex (Police Records Management System).
10. Family PIOs. Promote the successful concept of assigning PIOs to families of the
deceased victims at the state and federal level, including DOJs Office of Victim
Assistance in Washington, D.C.
11. First Responder Relief. If possible, do not require first responders who worked at a
traumatic incident to work their immediate next shift, especially if those become 12-
hour shifts. Give first responders and other city employees a chance to rest and
unwind. For vigils, visits by the President or other high-ranking officials, or memorial
events held immediately following a mass casualty event, use mutual aid agencies to
relieve officers who are likely to have been physically and emotionally fatigued.
Tired officers may not provide the best security.

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The APD compiled the following timeline using radio and telephone recordings/records.
Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Call for loud music at 1690 Paris Street #10. (0:29:1
a (0:30:19) (0:31:38)
First call of a shooting is received by Public Safety Dispatch.
0:00:00 a (0:01:01) (0:02:20)
Second call, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Address given, a manager
calling in.
0:00:14 a (0:00:47) (0:02:06)
Third call, XXXXXXXXXX. 0:00:16 a (0:00:45) (0:02:04)
Fourth call, XXXXXXXXXX. 0:00:25 a (0:00:36) (0:01:55)
Fifth call, of shooting at Century 16 in Aurora, XXXXXXXXXXX 0:00:35 a (0:00:26) (0:01:45)
Sixth call of gunshots at Century theater, hundreds running
out of the building, XXXXXXX. Caller believes it was in theater
10 or 9. Caller reports 16 to 20 shots, at 00:41:58 (Caller
reports 3 Police cars on scene).
0:00:45 a (0:00:16) (0:01:35)
Seventh call, Century 16 at Aurora Mall, XXXXXXXXXXX. 0:01:00 a (0:00:01) (0:01:20)
First Police Units are dispatched for a shooting at Century
0:01:01 p 0:00:00 (0:01:19)
Dispatch airs that at least one person shot with hundreds
running around.
0:01:26 p 0:00:25 (0:00:54)
The Watch Commander, Lincoln 25, on PD-2 asks for available
cars from all three districts.
0:01:34 p 0:00:33 (0:00:46)
Dispatch airs on PD-1 to west sidecars at least one person
shot, hundreds running around.
0:01:37 p 0:00:36 (0:00:43)
Dispatch airs on PD-2 for all available units to respond. 0:01:41 p 0:00:40 (0:00:39)
Dispatch asks District 3 Cruisers if they want D3 cars to
respond stating they have lots of calls.
0:01:43 p 0:00:42 (0:00:37)
Dispatch airs on PD-1 for all available west side cars to switch
to Channel 2 and start for Century Theaters, Active Shooter.
0:01:47 p 0:00:46 (0:00:33)
Cruiser 50 on PD-3 has District 3 cars start to the theater. 0:01:50 p 0:00:49 (0:00:30)
The first car, Cruiser 11, a Sergeant, on PD-2 calls out on
0:01:52 p 0:00:51 (0:00:28)
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Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Call from a manager. Does not know if anyone was shot or just
firecrackers. Just saw Customers running out of the building.
0:01:54 a 0:00:53 (0:00:26)
Call by employees in the break room saying someone is firing
multiple shots in theater 9. They do not know if anyone is
shot, cannot hear shots anymore, just saw everyone running
out of the theater.
0:01:55 a 0:00:54 (0:00:25)
Rural-Metro airs on RMA-1 sending Medic 109 Emergent to
Century Theaters.
0:02:12 f 0:01:11 (0:00:08)
First Fire Units are dispatched on a shooting at Century
0:02:20 f 0:01:19 0:00:00
Caller relates at Century 16 there has been a shooting we
need people here right away, Dispatch says 20 officers are on
0:02:20 a 0:01:19 0:00:00
Call into 911, no one on the other end, eventually can hear
the Fire alarm going off in the background.
0:02:24 a 0:01:23
Channels Patched for the call and all available cars dispatched. 0:02:27 p 0:01:26 0:00:07
Dispatch airs on the patched channels for all available officers
to respond to the shooting.
p 0:01:29 0:00:10
Caller reports there has been a shooting in one of the theaters
with Batman. Someone walked in and shot someone in the
audience. Not sure if anyone is injured.
0:02:30 a 0:01:29 0:00:10
Call Taker, are you calling about the theater, R/P (road crew)
responds they are working with the City and there is a
shooting in the theater, People are running everywhere,
description is someone wearing a Jersey. Two Officers show
up towards the end of the call at 00:42:03.
0:02:35 a 0:01:34 0:00:15
Cruiser 11 calls out again, on the east side. 0:02:40 p 0:01:39 0:00:20
Dispatch airs that someone is still shooting in theater 9, per
0:02:43 p 0:01:42 0:00:23
Medic 109 airs on TAC 2 that they are responding. 0:02:44 f 0:01:43 0:00:24
L25 calls for cops on the back side also. 0:02:57 p 0:01:56 0:00:37
Caller reports she is at the Century 16, call taker asks if this is
the shots fired, Caller says she does not know what happened
and is put on hold.
0:02:57 a 0:01:56 0:00:37
Dispatch notifies Denver & Arapahoe on MetroNet of an
active shooter, no response requested at that time.
0:02:58 p 0:01:57 0:00:38
Call taker asks if the person on the line is hurt, she says no but
there are dead people in there.
0:02:57 a 0:01:56 0:00:37
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Fire Tone
514 (Working off duty traffic control) asks for an Ambulance
at Exposition and Sable (first reported victim contact).
0:03:02 p 0:02:01 0:00:42
Cruiser 25 calls out on foot on the Sable side of the theater. 0:03:18 p 0:02:17 0:00:58
A caller reports a shooting at the Century 16,
and Potomac.
0:03:20 a 0:02:19 0:01:00
Call Taker asks if they are at Century Theaters, R/P responds
yes, does not know how many had weapons, said they were
shooting something off in the air and that everyone pretty
much got out of there.
0:03:20 a 0:02:19 0:01:00
Call Takers asks if they are calling about the theater.
XXXXX. Around 00:44:32 in the background people are calling
for Police. It sounds like an officer can be heard talking to the
victims eventually.
0:03:35 a 0:02:34 0:01:15
316 reports people saying theater 9 still. 0:03:42 p 0:02:41 0:01:22
Caller reports a Fire Alarm at Century 16 Theaters. 0:03:48 a 0:02:47 0:01:28
Dispatch airs to Engine 8, Battalion 1 and Medic 109 PD
requesting them at Exposition and Sable, do not have a
request entry, possible still shooting.
0:03:49 f 0:02:48 0:01:29
Rural Metro calls dispatch on a landline asking if they should
start another ambulance Routine. Dispatch affirms that.
0:03:59 f 0:02:58 0:01:39
King 6 calls out on scene. 0:04:04 p 0:03:03 0:01:44
453 has a party shot in front of the theater (second victim
0:04:10 p 0:03:09 0:01:50
State asks for Shooting address over MetroNet. 0:04:14 p 0:03:13 0:01:54
Caller asks what is going on at the theater. He does not know
what is going on or what he should do. Said he was in Theater
8 and that there were some Fireworks that went off. He was
pretty sure they were not shots.
0:04:16 a 0:03:15 0:01:56
316, calls for more cars (officers) inside in front of theater 9,
and relates XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The fire alarm can be heard in
the background, XXXXXXXXXXX.
0:04:20 p 0:03:19 0:02:00
Dispatch airs to Engine 8, Battalion 1 and Medic 109 that they
are needed hot to the front of the theaters, so far they have
one party shot.
0:04:22 f 0:03:21 0:02:02
Rural-Metro airs on RMA-1 sending a second ambulance
0:04:25 f 0:03:24 0:02:05
Engine 8 airs OK, front of the building. 0:04:30 f 0:03:29 0:02:10
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Fire Tone
Caller states trying to help a person shot in the leg, Victim is
calling his wife. EMD started.
0:04:31 a 0:03:30 0:02:11
Medic 109 airs they copy (response to dispatch to front of
0:04:36 f 0:03:35 0:02:16
Caller states they are at Centerpoint and Sable with victim hit
in the head, below the ear, sirens heard in the background,
caller sees medics and is told to wave them down.
0:04:37 a 0:03:36 0:02:17
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 they may have additional victims and
are starting a second ambulance.
0:04:38 f 0:03:37 0:02:18
Engine 8 airs to start Tower 8 (first call for additional Fire
0:04:43 f 0:03:42 0:02:23
Dispatch calls Rural Metro and asks for a third ambulance
routine for multiple victims.
0:04:45 f 0:03:44 0:02:25
316 asks for rescue inside hot, for a shooting victim (third
known victim contact).
0:04:47 p 0:03:46 0:02:27
Transfer from Arapahoe County, caller reports something
exploded and a victim has shrapnel and someone is shooting,
that he heard pop, pop, pop, outside the theater.
0:04:47 a 0:03:46 0:02:27
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 they are starting a third ambulance
routine and will start Tower 8.
0:04:55 f 0:03:54 0:02:35
316 asks dispatch to send him another available officer inside. 0:05:00 p 0:03:59 0:02:40
Engine 8 airs that they will have staging away from the scene
and he will give them staging shortly.
0:05:01 f 0:04:00 0:02:41
Rural-Metro airs on RMA-1 to have Medic 105 start towards
the theaters routine.
0:05:03 f 0:04:02 0:02:43
Cruiser 11 airs they have the back and south side covered. 0:05:07 p 0:04:06 0:02:47
Transfer 911 from Arapahoe, R/P says he only saw one person
in one theater but does not know if they were organized and
went into many theaters. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
0:05:09 a 0:04:08 0:02:49
King 6 reports a female shot in the leg outside of the theater
(fourth victim) and reports people running out of the theater
shot in room 9, Dispatch responds they will let rescue know
and they (Rescue) will start more people.
0:05:12 p 0:04:11 0:02:52
Dispatch airs on Dispatch sending Tower 8 to the shooting
with multiple victims, at least 3 at the Century Theaters.
0:05:25 f 0:04:24 0:03:05
318 reports another victim in the parking lot (fifth victim). 0:05:27 p 0:04:26 0:03:07
Medic 109 airs they are staging. 0:05:28 f 0:04:27 0:03:08
Cruiser 10 asks if gas masks are available. 0:05:35 p 0:04:34 0:03:15
216 airs we need gas masks in 9, can't get into 9. 0:05:38 p 0:04:37 0:03:18
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Fire Tone
Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 they are staged at Sable and
0:05:39 f 0:04:38 0:03:19
Dispatch airs for any unit that can bring gas masks to theater
9, that they need gas masks.
0:05:42 p 0:04:41 0:03:22
Lincoln 25 airs being told he's in theater 9 and it seems like
0:05:49 p 0:04:48 0:03:29
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. EMD started but caller cannot hear
because the movie is too load, Caller states she cannot do
CPR, Call Taker tries to talk her through itXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, at
00:48:46 the caller reports the Police are there.
0:05:58 a 0:04:57 0:03:38
Cruiser 10 airs "get us some damn gas masks for theater 9, we
can't get in it."
0:06:01 p 0:05:00 0:03:41
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that we have multiple victims 3
plus and that PD is airing XXXX has been sprayed inside, they
(Fire) will need gas masks and that there is 1 patient in front
of Dillard's, 1 at Exposition and Sable and 1 in front of the
0:06:07 f 0:05:06 0:03:47
216 airs he needs officers on the east side to block it. 0:06:08 p 0:05:07 0:03:48
302 airs a male shot in front of Dillard's and requests an
ambulance (sixth victim).
0:06:17 p 0:05:16 0:03:57
Caller reports that she is in theater 9 and that the shooting is
stopped, she reports that she and her family are not injured
but that others around her may be, the call taker has her stay
in the theater if she is safe there. When asked if it was
gunshots or fireworks, she relates she saw fireworks. Call
Taker tells her that officers are on scene and the Fire
Department is standing by. At 00:47:40 the caller relates the
Police have come in.
0:06:18 a 0:05:17 0:03:58
Cruiser 26 asks if we are staging rescue so he can take the
0:06:26 p 0:05:25 0:04:06
214 airs he has a party shot in a car (seventh victim). 0:06:33 p 0:05:32 0:04:13
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that they have 4 patients now, 1
patient in front of Dillard's, 1 at Exposition and Sable and 1 in
front of the theater and they have XXXXX being sprayed inside
the theater.
0:06:40 f 0:05:39 0:04:20
L25 directs Rescue to stage in the west lot and asks for at least
3 or 4 ambulances to be brought in.
0:06:48 p 0:05:47 0:04:28
Caller has left the area.
0:06:48 a 0:05:47 0:04:28
Medic 101 asks Rural-Metro on RMA-1 if they are needed.
Rural-Metro responds they have not asked for a fourth
ambulance but go ahead and respond.
0:06:53 f 0:05:52 0:04:33
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System Planning Corporation
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Fire Tone
Caller asks for help and reports
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, she does not know where
XXXXXXX went. Caller can't hear the Call Taker because the
At 00:47:39 she reports "We're OK, the cops are here."
0:06:57 a 0:05:56 0:04:37
Dispatch airs (continuing the conversation with Battalion 1)
that they (Police) are saying to stage in the west parking lot
and they need 3 to 4 ambulances which Dispatch will start
with Rural-Metro and that we have Tower 8 en route with
Engine 8, do you want any more?
0:07:02 f 0:06:01 0:04:42
216A asks for a marked car on the south side,
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - (7 minutes into the call, 6 minutes after
0:07:03 p 0:06:02 0:04:43
Battalion 1 airs to set up ambulance staging at Exposition and
Sable and asks if that is where they wanted us to stage in the
first place?
0:07:16 f 0:06:15 0:04:56
Cruiser 26 airs he has rescue on the north side. 0:07:24 p 0:06:23 0:05:04
453 airs he has 3 parties shot and asks were rescue will be? 0:07:28 p 0:06:27 0:05:08
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that Exposition and Sable was the
original staging but now they are asking for the West parking
lot. She will clarify with PD so we will not be coming into their
0:07:30 f 0:06:29 0:05:10
Cruiser 26 airs he has two victims with him on the north side. 0:07:33 p 0:06:32 0:05:13
Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 that they are on scene in the East
parking lot of the theater.
0:07:36 f 0:06:35 0:05:16
Cruiser 11 asks to hold the air and asks if that is a suspect with
the white car in the rear of the lot.
0:07:39 p 0:06:38 0:05:19
Battalion 1 airs that if 8s is there they need to set up a staging
area, he is not on scene yet.
0:07:43 f 0:06:42 0:05:23
216A confirms it is a suspect and that he has rifles, gas masks,
is detained right now, and that there is an open door into the
0:07:45 p 0:06:44 0:05:25
Dispatch notifies Denver to notify Denver General that we
have a multitude of parties shot and that they may be getting
0:07:46 f 0:06:45 0:05:26
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 that they want the staging area in
the west parking lot of the theater.
0:07:51 f 0:06:50 0:05:31
Cruiser 11 airs to hold the position XXXXXXXXXXXXX. 0:07:52 p 0:06:51 0:05:32
Lincoln 25 notifies on call Duty Captain by phone. This starts
the notification process to call in the Chief of Police, The Duty
Chief, the Emergency Response Team, and the Detectives.
Time Approximated
0:07:53 p 0:06:52 0:05:33
0:46:3 Medic 109 airs they are on scene with APD 0:08:01 f 0:07:00 0:05:41
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Fire Tone
Cruiser 49 airs for cars coming in to set up a perimeter around
the entire mall. That all cars do not need to go into the
0:08:02 p 0:07:01 0:05:42
Medic 104 asks Rural-Metro on RMA-1 to let TAC-2 know they
are on scene.
0:08:09 f 0:07:08 0:05:49
Engine 8 airs to dispatch they are on scene and getting reports
of multiple patients and an active shooter, Engine 8
establishes Century Command, Dispatch lets them know there
may be as many as 5 patients.
0:08:11 f 0:07:10 0:05:51
Cruiser 26 airs to bring all victims that have been shot to the
north end of the theater.
0:08:18 p 0:07:17 0:05:58
Medic 102 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 if they still want
them routine?
0:08:19 f 0:07:18 0:05:59
Cruiser 25 airs that he has two victims on the east side/north
side of the theater and will need an ambulance quick.
0:08:28 p 0:07:27 0:06:08
Dispatch airs they copy Engine 8, and that PD is taking the
victims to the North end of the theater, and that Engine 8 is in
0:08:38 f 0:07:37 0:06:18
Metro 10 airs to start putting them in cars and shuttling them
out to the west end.
0:08:18 p 0:07:38 0:06:19
210 airs he has one immobile on the east side he cannot get
to rescue shot twice in the back.
0:08:45 p 0:07:44 0:06:25
Dispatch airs she is starting 2 more ambulances. 0:08:45 f 0:07:44 0:06:25
Medic 101 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 if they want them
emergent. Rural-Metro responds they are requested routine
for now.
0:08:45 f 0:07:44 0:06:25
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 asking if they need additional
engines, that they just have Tower 8 en route.
0:08:52 f 0:07:51 0:06:32
201A asks for an ambulance at Sable and Centerpoint, he has
a victim with the road crew.
0:08:59 p 0:07:58 0:06:39
Engine 8 airs to start 2 more engines emergent and staging is
the East parking lot of the mall, basically Dillard's.
0:08:59 f 0:07:58 0:06:39
Gang 8 airs to hold the air they are making entry in 9. 0:09:15 p 0:08:14 0:06:55
Cruiser 10 airs we need rescue inside the auditorium, multiple
0:09:19 p 0:08:18 0:06:59
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 that they (PD) are saying they have a
party on the East side of the theater that they can't get to,
and he is shot in the back and multiple parties inside the
0:09:29 f 0:08:28 0:07:09
M17 Airs that he needs more cars on the east end. 0:09:30 p 0:08:29 0:07:10
Rural-Metro airs on RMA-1 to Medic 103 to respond routine
that they will be the fifth ambulance in on a shooting at the
0:09:32 f 0:08:31 0:07:12
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System Planning Corporation
Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Lincoln 25 directs rescue to stage at the Dillards lot and states
I need as many ambulances as we can to the Dillards Lot."
L25 asks to have the fire trucks stage in the Dillards lot also
and he will get them (firefighters) inside to triage people and
get them out. He asks that they get ready and get litters to the
front of the theater.
0:09:35 p 0:08:34 0:07:15
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 that she has 4 ambulances en route,
that PD is asking for as many ambulances as possible to
Dillard's and how many does he want, that she will start 2
0:09:43 f 0:08:42 0:07:23
Medic 105 on scene, west parking lot 0:10:02 f 0:09:01 0:07:42
302A takes one male to the hospital in his police car (First
transport of an injured victim by Police)
0:10:07 p 0:09:06 0:07:47
Dispatch airs to Engine 8 and any unit on scene at Century
Theaters that PD is requesting them to Dillard's, that they are
taking all victims to Dillard's
0:10:09 f 0:09:08 0:07:49
216 airs he has 7 down in theater 9 0:10:13 p 0:09:12 0:07:53
Dispatch airs that they will notify Fire of 7 down in theater 9 0:10:18 p 0:09:17 0:07:58
Cruiser 10 airs to get officers in 9 to get the movable victims
0:10:21 p 0:09:20 0:08:01
Battalion 1 airs to Tower 8 who responds that they have a
victim at Exposition and Sable they are going to take, Battalion
1 asks them to split their crew since he is with one at
Centerpoint and Sable
0:10:31 f 0:09:30 0:08:11
620 airs he is with fire and to let him know when you are
ready for them
0:10:35 p 0:09:34 0:08:15
Lincoln 25 asks for mutual aid from Denver Police. (First
Request for mutual aid)
0:10:40 p 0:09:39 0:08:20
Dispatch contacts Denver on MetroNet and asks for any
officers available to respond that we have at least 12 people
0:10:47 p 0:09:46 0:08:27
321 airs that one of
0:10:47 p 0:09:46 0:08:27
Medic 101 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 that they cannot get
through on TAC and to let them know they are en route
0:10:47 f 0:09:46 0:08:27
ERT Commander notified. First formal notification to call in Off
Duty Officers. Time Approximated.
0:10:53 p 0:09:52 0:08:33
Tower 8 airs in response to Battalion 1 that they will get out of
their rig, triage the one they have, and then try to make their
way north to him.
0:10:56 f 0:09:55 0:08:36
Cruiser 10 airs he has a child victim needs rescue at the back
door of theater 9 now
0:10:57 p 0:09:56 0:08:37
Medic 102 airs on RMA-1 to confirm where they want them
staging at since they can't get through, Rural-Metro responds
to stage at Dillard's that is where they are taking all the
0:11:01 f 0:10:00 0:08:41
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Fire Tone
Medic 109 asks Dispatch who is command. Dispatch responds
Dillard's Parking Lot, Engine 8
0:11:04 f 0:10:03 0:08:44
Medic 101 airs on RMA-1 to let them know they are on scene,
that they cannot get them on TAC
0:11:05 f 0:10:04 0:08:45
Tower 8 responds to Battalion 1 that they will get out of the
Rig, triage the one they have then make their way to him
0:11:06 f 0:10:05 0:08:46
Dispatch airs on Dispatch to Engine 4 and Truck 2 to assist
Tower 8 and Engine 8 with Multiple Gunshot Victims
0:11:11 f 0:10:10 0:08:51
Lincoln 25 airs to have the channels unpatched with 2 inside
and 3 outside
0:11:25 p 0:10:24 0:09:05
Medic 102 airs to Medic 101on RMA-1 what side is Dillard's,
Medic 101 responds the best access is from Sable because
Dillard's is on the west of the Theater but that she (101) is
coming from the wrong angle because she is not going to be
able to get to Dillard's
0:11:26 f 0:10:25 0:09:06
Medic 109 airs to Engine 8 he is North of the theaters with a
GSW, 18, female to the leg, Engine 8 responds that they are
on the North West corner of the theater and they are starting
a treatment center there, they already have multiple victims
0:11:27 f 0:10:26 0:09:07
Lincoln 41 on PD-3 asks for mutual aid from Arapahoe county
for cars to create a perimeter around the scene
0:11:45 p 0:10:44 0:09:25
216 asks for immediate medical to theater 9, he has 7 down 0:11:55 p 0:10:54 0:09:35
Lincoln 25 responds to 216 that he is trying to get them there
but he does not have enough medical people there yet
0:12:00 p 0:10:59 0:09:40
Medic 109 airs to Engine 8 that his patient is stable right now
and that he is going to load her up and get going
0:12:01 f 0:11:00 0:09:41
Metro 10 airs that he can get multiple victims from 9 to the
old Sports Authority lot if Rescue can get to that lot
0:12:05 p 0:11:04 0:09:45
Medic 106 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 asking for an
address, Rural-Metro airs she will have him respond routine
because of his distance to the theaters
0:12:10 f 0:11:09 0:09:50
Dispatch contacts Arapahoe on MetroNet and asks for cars to
help with the perimeter
0:12:13 p 0:11:12 0:09:53
Cruiser 49 on PD-3 takes control of the outer perimeter, still
needs a car at Abilene and Exposition
0:12:15 p 0:11:14 0:09:55
Dispatch airs to Century Command that Rural Metro is
sending all ambulances available in Aurora and that they have
2 additional engines en route, does he need any additional
Fire apparatus?
0:12:20 f 0:11:19 0:10:00
Lincoln 25 asks for ambulances on Sable and ambulances in
the Dillard's lot
0:12:23 p 0:11:22 0:10:03
Metro 10 airs that the suspect states he is alone but the
officer is getting conflicting information from witnesses
0:12:33 p 0:11:32 0:10:13
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Fire Tone
Century Command responds to give him two more engines
and he wants them on the North West corner of Century 16
0:12:37 f 0:11:36 0:10:17
Cruiser 11 airs that the inside is secure and they are bringing
out bodies, has 3 to 7 hit and asks for Rescue to the back of
theater 9
0:12:48 p 0:11:47 0:10:28
On call Duty Chief notified Time Approximated 0:12:53 p 0:11:52 0:10:33
Medic 348 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 that they are at
Wadsworth and 44th and asks if they are responding, Rural
Metro confirms they are routine towards Aurora
0:12:56 f 0:11:55 0:10:36
Medic 102 airs to Century Command that they are to the
North of Dillard's and if there is a way (transmission cuts off)
0:12:57 f 0:11:56 0:10:37
Cruiser 26 airs that they have a team that is clearing the
theaters on the north side
0:13:01 p 0:12:00 0:10:41
Lincoln 25 states he has one ambulance and asks where the
other ambulances are
0:13:06 p 0:12:05 0:10:46
321 on PD-3 asks for Rescue on the north east corner so he
can start extracting victims
0:13:12 p 0:12:11 0:10:52
Medic 105 airs to Century Command 0:13:15 f 0:12:14 0:10:55
Lincoln 25 on PD-3 airs that he has 1 ambulance, he needs
every medical person in the city there
0:13:21 p 0:12:20 0:11:01
Tower 8 airs they are at Sable and Exposition with a GSW to
abdomen, arms and legs, they need an ambulance if they
have any to spare
0:13:21 f 0:12:20 0:11:01
Dispatch airs that ambulances should be staging at the north
west corner of the theater
0:13:25 p 0:12:24 0:11:05
Denver contacts Dispatch on metro net and asks if it is still an
active shooter, Dispatch confirms
0:13:28 p 0:12:27 0:11:08
Lincoln 25 airs on PD-3 to start all medical people available in
the City to Century 16 and wants them in the Dillard's lot and
on Sable that they are going to have to come in off of
0:13:31 p 0:12:30 0:11:11
216 airs to step up that ambulance to theater 9 0:13:37 p 0:12:36 0:11:17
Engine 8.4 airs to Command he has on the North East corner,
4 reds with APD bringing out more victims from the back, he
needs at least 1 AFD unit and two ambulances right away.
0:13:38 f 0:12:37 0:11:18
Denver notifies Dispatch on MetroNet that they have
numerous cars en route and asks where Aurora wants them to
come in from
0:13:39 p 0:12:38 0:11:19
Metro 10 airs to Dispatch to get on CLEER and request mutual
aid from all available EMS personnel in the metro area
0:13:44 p 0:12:43 0:11:24
Cruiser 10 asks for a medical crew in 9 for an eviscerated
0:13:53 p 0:12:52 0:11:33
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Fire Tone
Dispatch on PD-3 asks 321 if he can get anybody over to the
Dillard's lot (in response to his request for Rescue on the NE
0:13:53 p 0:12:52 0:11:33
Command airs to Engine 8.4 asking if he is on the North East
corner of the building, 8.4 states yes and they just brought
another red over to me so I have 5 reds and they are bringing
additional people to this corner
0:14:07 f 0:13:06 0:11:47
Metro 10 airs to not worry about the emergency key and to
keep the channels clear
0:14:08 p 0:13:07 0:11:48
Dispatch airs on MetroNet to all Metro agencies requesting
emergency response to the theater for an active shooter
with multiple patients.
0:14:10 p 0:13:09 0:11:50
216 airs that they are going to evacuate as many as they can
out of theater 9 to the east side.
0:14:14 p 0:13:13 0:11:54
Medic 106 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 asking to confirm
they are still wanted routine.
0:14:24 f 0:13:23 0:12:04
Metro 10 asks for Ambulances to the back of the theater or
the old Sports Authority lot. Dispatch replies she will let them
(Fire) know.
0:14:25 p 0:13:24 0:12:05
Medic 105 calls Command, Command answers but Medic 105
does not state anything back, possibly preempted by Dispatch
0:14:30 f 0:13:29 0:12:10
Lincoln 15 calls Lincoln 25 and advises that they have a lot
more resources coming in and confirms the majority of the
incident is in theater 9.
0:14:35 p 0:13:34 0:12:15
Rural-Metro airs to Medic 106 on RMA-1 because of the
distance she is going to start them emergent.
0:14:36 f 0:13:35 0:12:16
Dispatch airs that PD is requesting as many medical personnel
as possible to the Dillard's to assist with patients, we have 2
additional engines en route and a child down outside.
0:14:36 f 0:13:35 0:12:16
Dispatch airs to Engine 2 and Engine 5 on Dispatch to respond
with a Task Force, multiple gunshot victims, to the theaters.
0:14:39 f 0:13:38 0:12:19
Englewood airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they are
sending 4.
0:14:47 p 0:13:46 0:12:27
Command copies the PD request and airs for inbound units.
Engine 4 airs they are at Mississippi and Abilene. Engine 8
(Command) tells them they will be the Dillard's Division
0:14:54 f 0:13:53 0:12:34
Medic 107 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 about responding,
Rural-Metro confirms they are responding and are routine for
0:14:58 f 0:13:57 0:12:38
Jefferson airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they will get some
cars en route.
0:15:00 p 0:13:59 0:12:40
Dispatch airs to responding agencies on MetroNet to respond
to approximately Alameda and 225.
0:15:04 p 0:14:03 0:12:44
Cruiser 49 on PD-3 tells perimeter cars to check the cars that
are leaving for anyone armed or injured.
0:15:05 p 0:14:04 0:12:45
0:53:4 216 asks to have the movie shut off in theater 9. 0:15:09 p 0:14:08 0:12:49
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Fire Tone
Lincoln 25 airs there are XXXXXXXXXXXX. 0:15:15 p 0:14:14 0:12:55
Medic 102 airs to Command that they are at Centerpoint and
Sable with a patient in the back of a pickup truck. Should they
take that or go to the staging area?
0:15:24 f 0:14:23 0:13:04
Broomfield airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they are
sending three cars to 225 and Alameda.
0:15:34 p 0:14:33 0:13:14
Engine 8 airs for the ambulance calling command. 0:15:41 f 0:14:40 0:13:21
Metro 10 asks Lincoln 25 if he can start taking victims by car,
he has a whole bunch of people shot and no Rescue.
0:15:42 p 0:14:41 0:13:22
Medic 102 airs they have a patient shot in the face/neck and
asks if they should take him.
0:15:47 f 0:14:46 0:13:27
Lincoln 25 airs yes, load em up, get em in cars, get em out of
0:15:50 p 0:14:49 0:13:30
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on MetroNet they have 6 en route. 0:15:50 p 0:14:49 0:13:30
Cruiser 10 airs that they have 1 in theater 9 that they cannot
move and asks for an ambulance crew as soon as available.
0:15:55 p 0:14:54 0:13:35
Engine 8 airs who is this again? Medic 102 responds one-zero-
two, Engine 8 responds but it is unintelligible, at 00:57:01
Medic 102 airs they are staged at Exposition and Sable.
0:15:59 f 0:14:58 0:13:39
Denver contacts Dispatch on CLEER and states they have
officers rolling on scene asks where they should stage.
0:16:03 p 0:15:02 0:13:43
Dispatcher asks what hospitals the police are taking victims to
so they can make notifications. Lincoln 25 replies to notify all
of them.
0:16:06 p 0:15:05 0:13:46
Dispatch contacts Cruiser 49 on PD-3 relating she has 6
Arapahoe en route and Denver is arriving on scene, asking
where he wants themCruiser 49 applies them to the
0:16:11 p 0:15:10 0:13:51
Medic 101 airs they are on scene. 0:16:12 f 0:15:11 0:13:52
Dispatch airs to Century Command that PD cannot evacuate
the patient that is in theater 9 and need medical, Engine 8
responds he copies.
0:16:15 f 0:15:14 0:13:55
201A airs on TAC 11 that he is running hot with a gunshot
victim to south (Second patient transported by Police).
0:16:25 p 0:15:24 0:14:05
Medic 101 airs to Command that they are in front of the
theater with 105 and have a patient, does command want
them to take him, Engine 8 relates affirmative.
0:16:28 f 0:15:27 0:14:08
Gang 8 airs that all other theaters are clear. 0:16:34 p 0:15:33 0:14:14
0:55:2 Cruiser 11 airs to have officers posted on the hallways in case 0:16:44 p 0:15:43 0:14:24
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Fire Tone
1 they missed someone
Battalion 1 airs he is assuming command, wants a count on
who is coming in (Fire Apparatus) and all ambulances not on
scene to stage at Sable and Exposition until they gets this
sorted out.
0:16:44 f 0:15:43 0:14:24
Thornton airs to Dispatch on MetroNet they have 3 officers en
route with one being a K-9 unit.
0:16:46 p 0:15:45 0:14:26
Cruiser 10 airs that if they are mobile get them outside, a few
are not mobile and they need a rescue crew in there right
0:16:57 p 0:15:56 0:14:37
321 airs on PD-3 that they need rescue to the east in the rear
of the theater ASAP.
0:17:01 p 0:16:00 0:14:41
Thornton asks Dispatch on MetroNet which Channel to use,
Dispatch relates they are on Auroras primary and they will
look for another channel if Thornton does not have that
primary channel.
0:17:04 p 0:16:03 0:14:44
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that she has Engine 2, Truck 2,
Engine 4 assigned to Dillard's Division and Engine 5 en route.
She relates again that PD is requesting medical personnel in
theater 9, they have a child down and cannot evacuate.
0:17:09 f 0:16:08 0:14:49
Metro 11 airs he is en route to TMCA with 1 patient (Third
patient transported+C222 by Police).
0:17:16 p 0:16:15 0:14:56
Cruiser 49 airs to have cars coming in to help at the exits
checking for armed or injured. He asks for 2 cars at each exit.
0:17:22 p 0:16:21 0:15:02
216 airs he needs medical behind theater 9 east side. 0:17:27 p 0:16:26 0:15:07
Battalion 1 airs he copies and wants the Fire Department not
on scene to stage at Exposition and Sable.
0:17:30 f 0:16:29 0:15:10
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they now have 9
Deputies en route.
0:17:31 p 0:16:30 0:15:11
Rural-metro airs on RMA-1 that all units not on scene at the
MCI need to stage at Exposition and Sable.
0:17:34 f 0:16:33 0:15:14
216 repeats that he has multiples down behind 9 0:17:35 p 0:16:34 0:15:15
Jefferson airs to Dispatch on metro net that they have 2 en
0:17:38 p 0:16:37 0:15:18
Dispatch airs that any Fire apparatus and Medical apparatus
that are not on scene, she needs them at Exposition.
0:17:42 f 0:16:41 0:15:22
216 airs he has 10 behind theater 9. 0:17:45 p 0:16:44 0:15:25
Cruiser 25 airs that for the next ambulances that comes in he
is going to direct them down the east side.
0:17:50 p 0:16:49 0:15:30
Engine 5 airs they copy to go to Exposition and Sable. 0:17:51 f 0:16:50 0:15:31
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Fire Tone
King 3 airs there is a party in a red shirt running at Alameda
and Sable and asks if anyone is down there.
0:17:53 p 0:16:52 0:15:33
Tower 8 airs to Command that Truck 2 is on scene and Staging
Exposition and Sable.
0:17:54 f 0:16:53 0:15:34
Metro 10 airs that they need rescue or more patrol cars to the
east side, we're just going to take these people.
0:17:57 p 0:16:56 0:15:37
Dispatch acknowledges Tower 8 and airs PD advises there are
10 people down behind the theater.
0:18:02 f 0:17:01 0:15:42
310 airs that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. (Coughing over radio) 0:18:08 p 0:17:07 0:15:48
Battalion 1 responds to dispatch he copies and calls engine 4. 0:18:11 f 0:17:10 0:15:51
Dispatch copies 310 and asks if he needs rescue as wellHe
replies no.
0:18:19 f 0:17:18 0:15:59
Medic 102 airs they are staged at Exposition and Sable. 0:18:24 f 0:17:23 0:16:04
Cruiser 49 airs on PD-3 he is already identifying people who
saw what happened, tells cars to stop people leaving and ask
them what they saw.
0:18:31 p 0:17:30 0:16:11
Tower 8 airs to Command that they have 1 patient in the back
of the ambulance and are coming in to the scene, are they
wanted at Dillard's or where?
0:18:31 f 0:17:30 0:16:11
Metro 11 airs he has one to the head and another to the
0:18:35 p 0:17:34 0:16:15
Littleton airs to Dispatch on metro net that they have at least
5 en route 1 is a K-9 and 2 are SWAT.
0:18:37 p 0:17:36 0:16:17
Battalion 1 answers Tower 8 to go to Dillard's and asks if
Engine 4 is on scene. Dispatch answers Engine 4 is showing on
0:18:42 f 0:17:41 0:16:22
Metro 10 asks Metro 11 if they can get out southboundHe
replies yes, he went out the south entrance and it is all open,
Exposition to Abilene.
0:18:44 p 0:17:43 0:16:24
Douglas airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have 2 en
route 1 patrol, 1 K-9.
0:18:51 p 0:17:50 0:16:31
Metro 10 airs that Cruiser 6 is taking 2 more victims. 0:18:56 p 0:17:55 0:16:36
Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 they are emergent to Children's, no
fire, and to let TAC know since they (the TAC Channel) are
0:19:02 f 0:18:01 0:16:42
Battalion 1 airs that Tower 8 and Engine 4 will be the Dillard's
Division and that they need to let him know how many
ambulances they have. Then airs to Dispatch to have all
ambulances that they are sending to stage at Exposition and
put them one block east on Sable and keep the fire equipment
separate and have Engine 4 in charge of that Division and that
Engine 8 will be in charge of the Century Division.
0:19:03 f 0:18:02 0:16:43
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Fire Tone
Adams County airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have 10
en route now, 1 K-9 and more to come.
0:19:05 p 0:18:04 0:16:45
SWAT 2 airs asking if anyone has been upstairs yet, other
respond they are clearing it now.
0:19:08 p 0:18:07 0:16:48
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that they advised Rural Metro
Exposition and Sable and will let them know one block east,
and advised that PD is again requesting emergent medical to
the back.
0:19:35 f 0:18:34 0:17:15
216 asks to send somebody to 9, asks where are his police
cars, he still needs ambulances or cars at theater 9.
0:19:36 p 0:18:35 0:17:16
Denver asks Dispatch on MetroNet if they can patch in on
Blue SE for their officers on scene.
0:19:41 p 0:18:40 0:17:21
Lincoln 25 airs to check behind the screen. 0:19:47 p 0:18:46 0:17:27
Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch he copies the request on emergent
medical, but is just trying to get things under control. Dispatch
airs she copies and that again they are still asking for
additional medical in theater 9.
0:19:47 f 0:18:46 0:17:27
Medic 407 airs to Rural-Metro on RMA-1 they are headed
emergent to Aurora.
0:19:48 f 0:18:47 0:17:28
Dispatch airs they copy Battalion 1and that they are still
asking for additional medical in theater 9.
0:19:52 f 0:18:51 0:17:32
Dispatch airs on MetroNet to all agencies assisting Aurora to
switch to Blue SE.
0:19:53 p 0:18:52 0:17:33
On call Major Crimes Commander notified Time
0:19:53 p 0:18:52 0:17:33
Cruiser 49 airs on PD-3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0:19:56 p 0:18:55 0:17:36
216 airs to get a hold of Denver Ambulance and have them
roll on this.
0:20:00 p 0:18:59 0:17:40
Castle Rock airs to Dispatch over MetroNet that they have 2
en route, 1 K-9.
0:20:00 p 0:18:59 0:17:40
Battalion 1 airs to Truck 2 asking their location. 0:20:00 f 0:18:59 0:17:40
Metro 10 airs to let South know that Cruiser 6 is en route with
1 critical and 1 semi-critical.
0:20:04 p 0:19:03 0:17:44
Truck 2 airs in response to Battalion 1s call that they can take
theater 9.
0:20:05 f 0:19:04 0:17:45
Battalion 1 responds to Truck 2, OK I need all fire apparatus
coming to Century he needs them to come in off the west side
of the theaters where Engine 8 is, Engine 8 will be this
0:20:11 f 0:19:10 0:17:51
Dispatch airs that Truck 2, medical personnel is en route to
theater 9.
0:20:14 p 0:19:13 0:17:54
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Fire Tone
Cruiser 49 airs on PD-3 that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. 0:20:18 p 0:19:17 0:17:58
Metro 10 airs that he needs any available patrol car in the
back, or an ambulance.
0:20:20 p 0:19:19 0:18:00
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have 13
Deputies and 1 K-9 en route.
0:20:23 p 0:19:22 0:18:03
Medic 101 airs on RMA-1 they are emergent to Children's, 1
0:20:25 f 0:19:24 0:18:05
Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 that he needs rescue to move to the
rear of the theater, we have officers there and requests them
immediately for multiple victims.
0:20:29 p 0:19:28 0:18:09
Metro 10 airs asking which hospital to take the next victim. 0:20:32 p 0:19:31 0:18:12
302 airs two more victims en route to South. 0:20:40 p 0:19:39 0:18:20
Engine 4 airs he has 2 reds in front of Dillard's and needs an
ambulance whenever he gets a chance.
0:20:41 f 0:19:40 0:18:21
Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 to advise rescue the officers will be
there for security, that is the best we can do at this point.
0:20:43 p 0:19:42 0:18:23
Metro 10 airs to take patients to University, we sent a lot to
0:20:43 p 0:19:42 0:18:23
Cruiser 10 asks if anyone has begun to systematically clear the
theaters, and to rip the screens down because of the voids
behind the screens.
0:20:47 p 0:19:46 0:18:27
On call District Detective Sergeant notified Time
0:20:53 p 0:19:52 0:18:33
210 airs that he has at least three victims on the Southeast
0:20:57 p 0:19:56 0:18:37
Blue SE is set up and mutual aid cars are starting to go to that
0:20:59 p 0:19:58 0:18:39
201 airs he has 5 possible employees that they are searching
0:21:02 p 0:20:01 0:18:42
Battalion 1 airs in response to Engine 4s request for an
ambulance with "Copy, just run that Division, I have you in
charge with Tower 8, just let me know what resources you
need and we will go from there."
0:21:03 f 0:20:02 0:18:43
Englewood airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have cars
coming into the area and asks for a better staging area, they
are given perimeter positions.
0:21:11 p 0:20:10 0:18:51
Dispatch airs to Century Command she apologizes again PD is
asking for emergency medical to the back of the theater, they
are on scene to provide security.
0:21:19 f 0:20:18 0:18:59
Denver airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that Denver cars are now
on Blue SE.
0:21:21 p 0:20:20 0:19:01
Denver airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that Denver cars are
switched over to that channel.
0:21:30 p 0:20:29 0:19:10
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Fire Tone
Medic 342 asks Rural-Metro on RMA -1 if they are wanted
emergent or not. Rural-Metro starts them emergent
0:21:32 f 0:20:31 0:19:12
Battalion 1 airs in response to Dispatches call for medical in
the back that he has Truck 2 coming around to help Engine 8.
0:21:34 f 0:20:33 0:19:14
Dispatch responds to Battalion 1 that PD has 10 in the back of
the theater and another party, a child, inside theater 9 that
they can't evacuate.
0:21:40 f 0:20:39 0:19:20
Lincoln 25 airs on PD-3 that he needs ambulances to the back,
that he has a whole bunch of people down and sees one
ambulance on scene. Dispatch responds that she has told
them 5 times and will tell them again.
0:21:45 p 0:20:44 0:19:25
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that they too are on Blue
0:21:47 p 0:20:46 0:19:27
Battalion 1 asks to activate the EM system, he needs to know
exactly how many these hospitals can take.
0:21:52 f 0:20:51 0:19:32
Cruiser 11 airs that if there is a free car, they could use it
behind the theater.
0:21:56 p 0:20:55 0:19:36
Jefferson airs on Blue SE that their Deputies will be switching
0:21:56 p 0:20:55 0:19:36
Rural-Metro airs to Medic 348 to start to theater staging
f 0:20:55 0:19:36
Metro 11 airs that he is coming back and asks if he needs to
come back for more. Cruiser 11 responds to come back for
more I have two that need treated right away.
0:22:01 p 0:21:00 0:19:41
Dispatch airs asking for a patient count. Battalion 1 responds
that he is trying to sort it out and uses an estimate of 20.
0:22:05 f 0:21:04 0:19:45
Metro 10 airs that we have been sending everyone to South,
we need to start taking them to University.
0:22:11 p 0:21:10 0:19:51
Dispatch airs to units to start taking people to University and
that there are ambulances from out of the City responding.
0:22:15 p 0:21:14 0:19:55
Dillard's Division airs to Command that he has Medic 102 can
he have them transport his two red patients.
0:22:22 f 0:21:21 0:20:02
Battalion 1 airs in response to Dillard's Division's request,
copy, set up an extrication, triage, treatment and if you can
transport officer and airs for all divisions to set those positions
0:22:30 f 0:21:29 0:20:10
Dispatch airs to Lincoln 25 on PD-3 that Truck 2 and Engine 8
should be heading over to him.
0:22:34 p 0:21:33 0:20:14
Metro 10 airs for more cars in the back. 0:22:48 p 0:21:47 0:20:28
Engine 5 airs they are on scene on Sable right behind the
theater, had a Police Officer run up to him with 9 patients
behind the theater and asks if they should stay there or go
with the Police Officer?
0:22:49 f 0:21:48 0:20:29
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Fire Tone
201A airs that they can take more at South but they are
freaking out so we need to take them to other hospitals.
0:22:59 p 0:21:58 0:20:39
Metro 10 airs for cars just leaving to go to University. 0:23:06 p 0:22:05 0:20:46
Medic 103 airs on TAC 2 that they are following Truck 8 to the
0:23:16 f 0:22:15 0:20:56
201A airs that if cars are already on the way to South to send
them there.
0:23:23 p 0:22:22 0:21:03
State airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have 3 Troopers
0:23:30 p 0:22:29 0:21:10
Engine 2 airs they are arriving on scene. 0:23:33 f 0:22:32 0:21:13
Denver 310 on Blue SE asks for the location of the Command
0:23:36 p 0:22:35 0:21:16
Battalion 1 airs to Engine 2 to go to the West Division,
otherwise known as Century and Engine 8 will have an
assignment, to park the rig in the lots and bring his crew and
his kits.
0:23:36 f 0:22:35 0:21:16
Commerce City airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have 6
0:23:44 p 0:22:43 0:21:24
Dispatch airs on Blue SE to all responding agencies the
location of the Command Post.
0:23:52 p 0:22:51 0:21:32
Metro 11 airs if he is needed on the east side, Metro 10
confirms the east side and states he has a bunch more shot.
0:23:58 p 0:22:57 0:21:38
Dispatch airs to Command asking if he copied Engine 5,
Battalion 1 answers with "Copy", Dispatch asks if he wants
Engine 5 to stay or continue on?
0:24:00 f 0:22:59 0:21:40
Medic 109 airs they are out. 0:24:24 f 0:23:23 0:22:04
Engine 5 airs to Command, they are on the east side of the
theater, does he want them to attend to the patients on the
east side. Battalion 1 asks them if they have 1 patient,
0:24:30 f 0:23:29 0:22:10
Denver 532 on Blue SE airs that Aurora wants Denver Officers
to contain all personnel in the parking lot and not let anyone
0:24:34 p 0:23:33 0:22:14
Cruiser 10 airs to the guys in theater 9 that he is working on a
0:24:35 p 0:23:34 0:22:15
Denver 230 airs on Blue SE to get Officers on the exits from
the parking lot.
0:24:49 p 0:23:48 0:22:29
Engine 5 airs to Battalion 1 that the Police Officer told him
there was 9 patients.
0:24:53 f 0:23:52 0:22:33
Rural-Metro on RMA-1 confirms with Medic 106 that they are
staging at Exposition and Sable.
0:24:59 f 0:23:58 0:22:39
Truck 2 airs to Command they are in the rear of the theater
they have 9 shot if we can get any ambulances to stage on
Sable, we can get them to the ambulances.
0:25:00 f 0:23:59 0:22:40
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Fire Tone
Denver TAC 21 airs on Blue SE that a Construction worker saw
someone with a red back pack ran out of the parking lot
headed towards Alameda.
0:25:03 p 0:24:02 0:22:43
Cruiser 10 airs for a car to the back of theater 9 for a transport
0:25:13 p 0:24:12 0:22:53
Metro 10 airs there is a critical patient en route to University
with Metro 11.
0:25:19 p 0:24:18 0:22:59
Arapahoe Victor 81 airs on Blue SE that he is on Alameda. 0:25:20 p 0:24:19 0:23:00
Battalion 1 airs to stand by to let him get this sorted out and
he will get with them, just hang on.
0:25:21 f 0:24:20 0:23:01
207 airs he is inbound University with a gunshot wound to the
0:25:26 p 0:24:25 0:23:06
230 airs on Blue SE that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. 0:25:42 p 0:24:41 0:23:22
Dispatch airs to Cruiser 49 on PD-3 that all mutual aid cars are
on Channel Blue SE.
0:25:48 p 0:24:47 0:23:28
Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch if there is any other Chief
responding, Dispatch responds negative, Battalion 1 asks for
Chief 7.
0:25:50 f 0:24:49 0:23:30
Metro 10 airs he needs a status on University to see if they
can keep taking patients.
0:25:52 p 0:24:51 0:23:32
203 airs he is loading one up right now to go to University. 0:26:05 p 0:25:04 0:23:45
Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 asking if there is a Fire Command
Officer that can meet him in front of the theater.
0:26:10 p 0:25:09 0:23:50
Battalion 1 airs to Truck 2 to join up with Engine 5 and makes
them Sable Division, then announces to all that there are
three Divisions and directs them to set up an Extrication,
Triage, Treatment and Transport area within the Division, we
will start there till we get more resources.
0:26:10 f 0:25:09 0:23:50
Medic 107 airs on RMA-1 that they are on scene. 0:26:15 f 0:25:14 0:23:55
Cruiser 10 airs for another car for transport to the back right
0:26:49 p 0:25:48 0:24:29
Dispatch airs to Century Command, Battalion 1 responds to
avoid confusion, he will now be Aurora Mall Command.
Dispatch tells him that the Police Lieutenant is requesting to
meet him face to face in front of the theater and they are
starting Chief 7.
0:26:52 f 0:25:51 0:24:32
Cruiser 10 airs one more critical en route to University with
Gomez from Traffic.
0:26:57 p 0:25:56 0:24:37
Cruiser 49 airs to Dispatch on PD-3 that he assumes they are
waking up everybodyDispatch answers in the affirmative.
0:27:07 p 0:26:06 0:24:47
Rural -Metro on RMA-1 dispatches Medic 104 routine to
staging at Exposition and Sable.
0:27:07 f 0:26:06 0:24:47
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Fire Tone
209 airs he is out at University. 0:27:09 p 0:26:08 0:24:49
Cruiser 10 airs for officers, when they come to the back for
transport, to stay in their cars so they can load patients and
get out of there.
0:27:14 p 0:26:13 0:24:54
Battalion 1 airs that he copies in response to the face to face
meeting request.
0:27:14 f 0:26:13 0:24:54
Dillard's Division airs to Command they are sending two red
patients off, on Medic 102 unknown hospital.
0:27:22 f 0:26:21 0:25:02
Metro 10 airs for Arapahoe Bomb Squad ASAP. 0:27:25 p 0:26:24 0:25:05
Dispatch airs to Lincoln 41 on PD-3 that the Fire Chief has
been notified. Lincoln 41 confirms and reaffirms that the
command is in front of the theater.
0:27:29 p 0:26:28 0:25:09
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that they have a Denver
car and a K-9 checking the area to the NE of the mall.
0:27:31 p 0:26:30 0:25:11
Metro 10 asks Dispatch to list plate 119ROC. 0:27:36 p 0:26:35 0:25:16
Dispatch airs the plate is clear and comes back to Paris St. 0:27:44 p 0:26:43 0:25:24
Truck 2 airs to Command that they are loading patients in the
back of PD cars to get them transported, any ambulances they
can get would be nice.
0:27:44 f 0:26:43 0:25:24
Medic 106 airs to Truck 2 where do you need us. 0:27:56 f 0:26:55 0:25:36
Cruiser 10 airs another car with 2 critical is en route to
0:27:57 p 0:26:56 0:25:37
Engine 7 on Dispatch clears their call, volunteers to respond to
the theater and is sent by Fire Dispatch.
0:28:01 f 0:27:00 0:25:41
Medic 106 airs again, Truck 2 where do you need us for a
patient No one answ+C381ers.
0:28:05 f 0:27:04 0:25:45
514 reports Englewood on scene 0:28:06 p 0:27:05 0:25:46
Dispatch airs to Arapahoe on MetroNet a request for their
Bomb Squad.
0:28:07 p 0:27:06 0:25:47
Cruiser 10 reports there are enough people on foot, he needs
others in cars to get people transported.
0:28:13 p 0:27:12 0:25:53
Battalion 1 airs asking how many ambulances he has and they
need to all go to staging they are jumping in and out and he is
not sure where anybody is.
0:28:15 f 0:27:14 0:25:55
L25 airs that he is assuming command and wants Englewood
to segregate the witness in front.
0:28:23 p 0:27:22 0:26:03
Medic 102 airs to Rural-Metro that they are emergent to
University with 3 Fire and 3 patients.
0:28:25 f 0:27:24 0:26:05
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Fire Tone
Denver 231 airs on Blue SE that he has a backpack on the SE
side of the theater, suspect may have dumped it.
0:28:27 p 0:27:26 0:26:07
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that she does not know an exact
count on ambulances, that they just advised her they are
sending two more Pridemark units emergent and that he has
every ambulance available in the City.
0:28:30 f 0:27:29 0:26:10
L25 airs he wants the lot locked down, no cars leaving. 0:28:40 p 0:27:39 0:26:20
Battalion 1 wants the ambulances to go to Exposition and
Sable and asks for one of their supervisors (Rural-Metro) to go
to the transport area so they can get a handle on ambulances
and start sending them to each Division.
0:28:40 f 0:27:39 0:26:20
514 airs he is at Exposition and Sable and has Denver,
Littleton, Englewood and Arapahoe and is sending them to the
east side to transport.
0:28:47 p 0:27:46 0:26:27
Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 they are clear and heading back. 0:28:49 f 0:27:48 0:26:29
L25 redirects the Mutual Aid agencies to stage in the Dillard's
lot and moved to the front of the theater to start segregating
0:29:00 p 0:27:59 0:26:40
Dillard's Division airs to Battalion 1, that he has Medic 103
with a green patient, if he (Battalion 1) has 2 red patients they
can take them, Battalion 1 responds "yes."
0:29:00 f 0:27:59 0:26:40
Medic 342 airs on RMA-1 that they are in the staging area. f
Metro 11 airs arrival at University. 0:29:20 p 0:28:19 0:27:00
Englewood airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they were
advised Aurora needed more medical units and offers theirs.
0:29:25 f 0:28:24 0:27:05
Englewood airs to Aurora on MetroNet asking if more medic
units are needed. Aurora responds anything they have is
much appreciated. They are directed to the east side of the
Theater at Triage for transport to the hospitals.
0:29:25 f 0:28:24 0:27:05
Engine 7 airs to dispatch on dispatch that their patient refused
and they are available to help out if needed, dispatch has
them respond to the theater.
0:29:27 f 0:28:26 0:27:07
207 airs to call Children's and see if they will take people. 0:29:29 p 0:28:28 0:27:09
Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch to make sure all of the ambulances
return to the staging area at Exposition and Sable, drop off
their patients but we need a count so we don't overload
University and South, he needs to know about the other area
hospitals that are Level 1, and that no greens are to be
transported at this time Dispatch advises that Rural Metro has
a supervisor.
0:29:29 f 0:28:28 0:27:09
203 airs he has 3 wounded on board going to University. 0:29:35 p 0:28:34 0:27:15
202 airs he is en route University with 2 critical. 0:29:41 p 0:28:40 0:27:21
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Fire Tone
Medic 107 on RMA-1 airs they are in the staging area. 0:29:43 f 0:28:42 0:27:23
514 airs he has ambulances at Exposition and Sable. 0:29:51 p 0:28:50 0:27:31
Metro 10 orders the ambulances into the Sports Authority lot. 0:29:55 p 0:28:54 0:27:35
King 3 airs on PD-3 that he has parents showing up and asks if
there is a list so he can direct them to the proper hospital.
Dispatch replies there is no list.
0:29:57 p 0:28:56 0:27:37
Sable -Altura Station 41 contacts Fire Dispatch on Dispatch
and advises they have been monitoring. Fire dispatch asks
them to stage an ambulance in the North East portion of the
0:30:06 f 0:29:05 0:27:46
Victor 50 airs he is freeing up officers inside and asks if there
is someone outside they can rally with to start interviews.
0:30:13 p 0:29:12 0:27:53
Dillard's Division airs to Battalion 1 asking if he has an
assignment for 103 who can take 2 red patients, Battalion 1
sends them to Century Division.
0:30:15 f 0:29:14 0:27:55
Dispatch airs asking Lincoln 25 if he wants all available PD to
meet him at the Dillard's lot, he wants all available PD cars to
stage in the Dillard's lot and have all agencies to the front to
start segregating people.
0:30:23 p 0:29:22 0:28:03
Engine 5 airs to Battalion 1 that they have transported 7
patients, are on their 8th and police say there may be a
number of people dead inside theater.
0:30:42 f 0:29:41 0:28:22
Tower 6 airs to Fire Dispatch on Dispatch that they are
0:30:49 f 0:29:48 0:28:29
Cruiser 25 airs he will be out front with the Denver and
Englewood officers moving to the front of the theater.
0:30:54 p 0:29:53 0:28:34
Dispatch airs on Blue SE for any unit that can clear to check an
unknown problem on South Moline St, of 3 people dragging a
person into a vehicle.
0:30:54 p 0:29:53 0:28:34
Cruiser 10 asks for CSI to respond. 0:31:02 p 0:30:01 0:28:42
Battalion 1 states if they are dead to leave them since we are
in a mass casualty and to make sure they set up a transport
officer that can contact the hospitals so they don't overload
0:31:05 f 0:30:04 0:28:45
Yankee 46 answers for CSI and is sent to the Dillard's lot. 0:31:12 p 0:30:11 0:28:52
Metro 10 airs he is sending another victim with the other CSI
0:31:20 p 0:30:19 0:29:00
Denver Zebra 54 and then Denver 161 volunteer to check the
Moline St incident.
0:31:25 p 0:30:24 0:29:05
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that ambulances are returning to
the staging area
0:31:29 f 0:30:28 0:29:09
Rural-Metro airs to Medic 341 on RMA-1 to start routine to
0:31:33 f 0:30:32 0:29:13
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Fire Tone
Metro 10 asks if AIP (University) can still accept patients
Dispatch answers AIP will still take them
0:31:37 p 0:30:36 0:29:17
Battalion 1 asks if there is anyone else in the area they can
contact such as Cunningham or AMR.
0:31:38 f 0:30:37 0:29:18
Metro 10 airs that he is sending one more to AIP non-critical. 0:31:45 p 0:30:44 0:29:25
Lincoln 25 airs to have other agencies respond with their gas
masks in case they need to go inside.
0:31:48 p 0:30:47 0:29:28
Medic 109 airs they are back en route, ETA 5 minutes. 0:31:54 f 0:30:53 0:29:34
Dispatch airs that Children's can take 1 patient only. 0:32:03 p 0:31:02 0:29:43
Dispatch airs they are working on trying to find additional
transport rigs.
0:32:04 f 0:31:03 0:29:44
Tower 6 airs to Dispatch that they got something on the MDC
and asks if they should disregard, Dispatch affirms to
disregard, states they are working multiple gunshot victims
from Century Theaters but for now they have enough rigs up
0:32:10 f 0:31:09 0:29:50
Engine 4 airs to Command if the Century Division is on the
Northwest or Southwest, Battalion 1 states it is Northwest, to
park out by the circle and bring their prams up to the scene.
0:32:14 f 0:31:13 0:29:54
Denver 316 airs on Blue SE that he was told there are
employees still in the break room in the theater.
0:32:20 p 0:31:19 0:30:00
Medic 402 airs to Command if staging is at Sable and
Exposition or Sable and Center Point, Battalion 1 states Sable
and Exposition and that the Divisions will call in ambulances
through him.
0:32:39 f 0:31:38 0:30:19
South Metro Fire District airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that
they have 2 Medic units en route and asks for a Channel to
0:32:41 f 0:31:40 0:30:21
Cruiser 45 airs out at Children's. 0:32:52 p 0:31:51 0:30:32
514 asks for a press location and what to do with family
members, he already has some trying to get in.
0:33:02 p 0:32:01 0:30:42
Medic 105 airs they are en route to South with no Fire. 0:33:05 f 0:32:04 0:30:45
Denver Truck 19 airs on Blue SE that they are at the Command
Post waiting for an assignment.
0:33:12 f 0:32:11 0:30:52
Chief 7 airs he is en route. 0:33:18 f 0:32:17 0:30:58
303 airs that South can take anybody that is critical. 0:33:20 p 0:32:19 0:31:00
Denver Fire Truck 19 airs on Blue SE that they are at the
command Post waiting for an assignment.
0:33:20 f 0:32:19 0:31:00
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Fire Tone
Battalion 1 airs to Chief 7 the Command Post is set up just
north of the Century Theaters, that is where they will do a
face to face and try to get this straightened out. So far it is
running pretty smooth.
0:33:25 f 0:32:24 0:31:05
203 airs he has 1 critical and 2 non critical coming into the
emergency room at University.
0:33:35 p 0:32:34 0:31:15
Cruiser 11 airs he has about 15 Denver Officers coming
around to the front to help with witnesses.
0:33:49 p 0:32:48 0:31:29
Medic 107 airs to Battalion 1 that there are 3 ambulances at
Sable and Exposition.
0:33:52 f 0:32:51 0:31:32
Medic 101 airs on RMA-1 that they are back on scene. 0:34:03 f 0:33:02 0:31:43
Lincoln 25 airs he needs a Fire Command Officer at the front
doors right now.
0:34:05 p 0:33:04 0:31:45
Engine 2 airs to Battalion 1. 0:34:09 f 0:33:08 0:31:49
Battalion 1 airs to standby then airs to ambulances in staging,
asking if there is a supervisor there yet, medic 402 is the
0:34:12 f 0:33:11 0:31:52
Lincoln 25 airs that family and press should go to the Dillard's
lot. Dispatch airs there are already a lot of cars there. 514
suggests Wal-Mart.
0:34:14 p 0:33:13 0:31:54
Parker airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that they have a couple
of units en route.
0:34:29 p 0:33:28 0:32:09
Battalion 1 asks for 3 ambulances to the North side and report
to Century Division.
0:34:32 f 0:33:31 0:32:12
Lincoln 25 airs to have Arapahoe County start taking some of
Aurora's calls.
0:34:44 p 0:33:43 0:32:24
206 airs if there are any more people that need transport. 0:34:51 p 0:33:50 0:32:31
Engine 7 airs to Battalion 1 that they are arriving, he directs
them to staging at Expositions and Sable and he will give them
directions in a minute.
0:34:53 f 0:33:52 0:32:33
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that AMR, West Metro and Denver
Paramedics are sending ambulances and PD is requesting him
to the front of the theater to meet with the Lieutenant.
0:35:05 f 0:34:04 0:32:45
Medic 342 airs on RMA-1 that they are emergent to Swedish
with 2 patients and 1 Fire.
0:35:06 f 0:34:05 0:32:46
Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch that he is trying to get there (To
the PD) but right now he has Police Officers and everybody
else coming up to him so to tell them to hang on.
0:35:19 f 0:34:18 0:32:59
Cruiser 11 airs that there is no one needing transport from the
back of the theater or theater 9.
0:35:22 p 0:34:21 0:33:02
Denver TAC 4 airs on Blue SE that the inside of the theater is
cleared and are now working on the cars in the lot.
0:35:26 p 0:34:25 0:33:06
Metro 10 airs that the last victim has gone to Children's. 0:35:33 p 0:34:32 0:33:13
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Fire Tone
Engine 2 airs to Century Division asking if he needs help, if not
they will go help Truck 2. Century Division has him send the
Engine 8 partial crew back to their rig and has Engine 2 go
help Truck 2.
0:35:33 f 0:34:32 0:33:13
Medic 348 airs on RMA-1 that they are at the staging area. 0:35:42 f 0:34:41 0:33:22
Medic 101 airs he is on scene, north west corner. 0:36:10 f 0:35:09 0:33:50
Metro 10 airs the last victim went to Children's in the CSI truck
and that Fire is checking the remaining victims in theater 9 but
he does not think any will be transported.
0:36:11 p 0:35:10 0:33:51
Unknown on Blue SE airs that Triage is down to about 6
patients that need to be transported.
0:36:15 p 0:35:14 0:33:55
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that Children's can take 1 critical, 2
non critical.
0:36:16 f 0:35:15 0:33:56
201A airs on TAC-11 for information only that he has an adult
male on board and is en route to District 2.
0:36:20 p 0:35:19 0:34:00
Littleton airs to Dispatch on MetroNet that their officers are
on scene with a male in the parking lot having difficulty
0:36:25 p 0:35:24 0:34:05
CR10 airs that he has a platoon of Denver guys that are going
to sweep north to south and clear all the cars. SWAT5 airs that
has already been done and send them across the ring road to
clear the cars over there.
0:36:28 p 0:35:27 0:34:08
Dillard's Division airs that he has Cunningham 61 on south
west side but Dillard's has no one that needs transport.
Dispatch advises that Littleton PD officers have a patient.
0:36:28 f 0:35:27 0:34:08
Medic 109 airs on RMA-1 that they are staged. 0:36:32 f 0:35:31 0:34:12
Denver Zebra 54 airs on Blue SE that the Moline address
checks clear.
0:36:40 p 0:35:39 0:34:20
Metro 13 airs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0:36:54 p 0:35:53 0:34:34
Metro 10 asks dispatch to send the suspects address to his
computer, but not to send that information over the air.
0:36:59 p 0:35:58 0:34:39
Denver 531 on Blue SE asks for clarification on what to do
with the people if we are grouping them in one location.
0:37:04 p 0:36:03 0:34:44
Medic 341airs on RMA-1 that they are on scene. 0:37:10 f 0:36:09 0:34:50
Metro 10 asks for undercover officers so he can send them to
the suspects house.
0:37:23 p 0:36:22 0:35:03
Truck 2 airs that they have been in the Theater, met with the
Lieutenant and there are 10 Black in there.
0:37:24 f 0:36:23 0:35:04
Truck 2 airs all the patients are transported from the rear of
the structure, they are going to make their way to help others.
0:37:41 f 0:36:40 0:35:21
1:16:2 303 airs South can take any victims. 0:37:50 p 0:36:49 0:35:30
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Fire Tone
Battalion 1 airs to Truck 2 to just stay on the East side with
engine 5, he does not need people jumping through Divisions
so he can keep it straight.
0:37:54 f 0:36:53 0:35:34
Metro 10 airs to 303 to stay at the hospital for security. 0:38:01 p 0:37:00 0:35:41
Truck 2 airs to Battalion 1 that the PD wants them out
because of the perps car and they are checking for devices.
0:38:05 f 0:37:04 0:35:45
Victor 50 airs asking if more Officers are needed at University. 0:38:10 p 0:37:09 0:35:50
Denver 670 airs on Blue SE to all Denver Officers to clear the
east side of the theater for a possible bomb.
0:38:21 p 0:37:20 0:36:01
Chief 7 is on scene. 0:38:21 f 0:37:20 0:36:01
209 airs when he left University it was only 2 CUPD Officers. 0:38:23 p 0:37:22 0:36:03
Metro 11 airs he is at University and can use a few more
Officers he has 7 or 8 patients there.
0:38:28 p 0:37:27 0:36:08
Engine 5 airs to Battalion 1 that he has Engine 5, Truck 2 and
Denver Engine 19 on the North and East side of the theater.
0:38:35 f 0:37:34 0:36:15
Cruiser 11 clears the back of theater for a possible device and
asks for the Bomb Squad.
0:38:38 p 0:37:37 0:36:18
Dispatch airs for all officers to clear the rear of the theater for
a possible device.
0:38:50 p 0:37:49 0:36:30
Dispatch airs to units at the mall that they have AMR, West
Metro, and other units en route.
0:39:01 f 0:38:00 0:36:41
Dispatch airs on Blue SE to have all units clear east of the
theater Bomb Squad is clearing the suspect vehicle.
0:39:02 p 0:38:01 0:36:42
Cruiser 10 airs that SWAT has the interior secure and has
masks so all officers without masks can clear the building.
0:39:07 p 0:38:06 0:36:47
Metro 10 airs he is sending Narcs to the suspect address to do
surveillance, he has three Officers finishing clearing the lot
and he will need a lot of Crime Scene tape.
0:39:24 p 0:38:23 0:37:04
Battalion 1 airs to the East Division to evacuate all personnel,
Fire and Civilians from the East side of the theater, move
them to Alameda and Sable, there may be some type of
secondary device.
0:39:30 f 0:38:29 0:37:10
Arapahoe confirms to Dispatch on MetroNet that their Bomb
Squad is en route and the ETA is 30 minutes.
0:39:37 p 0:38:36 0:37:17
Englewood airs to Dispatch on MetroNet asking if all Officers
were supposed to clear the east side of the parking lot since
she has officers clearing cars there. Dispatch confirms this due
to a possible device.
0:39:43 p 0:38:42 0:37:23
217 airs to Lincoln 25 if an area can be set up are just for the
people in theater 9.
0:39:52 p 0:38:51 0:37:32
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Fire Tone
Medic 103 airs that they are emergent with three patients to
Denver Health.
0:40:04 f 0:39:03 0:37:44
Lincoln 25 airs to go through the crowd and segregate people
in 8 and 9 from everyone else.
0:40:06 p 0:39:05 0:37:46
Engine 5 airs they are already relocated to the North side, the
Police had already notified them of the vehicle.
0:40:18 f 0:39:17 0:37:58
Cruiser 25 airs to 217 and all others to have theater 9 people
go to the north end by the fire truck.
0:40:23 p 0:39:22 0:38:03
Dispatch again airs on Blue SE co clear out from the east side
of the theater.
0:40:27 p 0:39:26 0:38:07
Dispatch airs to Lincoln 25 that they have witness who have
left, are not injured but do have blood splatter on them.
0:40:38 p 0:39:37 0:38:18
Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 that we have enough officers from the
metro response and any others calling in, we have enough
officers on scene.
0:40:42 p 0:39:41 0:38:22
Buckley Engine 1 airs to Aurora Command. 0:40:45 f 0:39:44 0:38:25
Battalion 1 airs to Dispatch to have all incoming units go to
staging and as soon as he gets Chief 7, they can start changing
0:40:50 f 0:39:49 0:38:30
201A airs on TAC-11 for information only that he is out at
District 2 with the Suspect.
0:40:54 p 0:39:53 0:38:34
Dispatch directs Buckley Engine 1 to staging. 0:41:06 f 0:40:05 0:38:46
Buckley airs they are responding with 1 Engine and 2 ALS. 0:41:13 f 0:40:12 0:38:53
Cruiser 10 airs to have the witness who have left, return and
go to the north side by the fire truck.
0:41:16 p 0:40:15 0:38:56
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that they have two jail
transport vans available.
0:41:21 p 0:40:20 0:39:01
Battalion 1 sends Truck 2 to the front of the Theater to assist
PD with ventilation.
0:41:34 f 0:40:33 0:39:14
Denver 353 on Blue SE asks if Denver Air 1 is still available,
Denver Dispatch responds it is down but they can call them
0:41:56 p 0:40:55 0:39:36
Dispatch airs to Arapahoe on Blue SE that they will take the
transport vans.
0:42:14 p 0:41:13 0:39:54
Medic 106 airs to Aurora on Dispatch that the Denver EMS
Captain was wondering if this would be switched to a Mutual
Aid channel so their (Denver's) Ambulances could
0:42:25 f 0:41:24 0:40:05
Dispatch airs that there are no more victims to be transported
by PD, rescue may have some but they do not need PD to
0:42:33 p 0:41:32 0:40:13
Arapahoe airs to Dispatch on Blue SE that their Bomb Squad is
en route.
0:43:00 p 0:41:59 0:40:40
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Fire Tone
Dispatch airs to all agencies on MetroNet that we have
enough officers on scene, that if their Officers are not on
scene, they can go available, and thanks them for their
0:43:02 p 0:42:01 0:40:42
Dispatch airs on PD-3 that there is a possible device on the
east side of the theater and asks any cars on the east side to
stage to the north.
0:43:46 p 0:42:45 0:41:26
Transport 22 airs he is on his way to University with a victim,
0:43:50 p 0:42:49 0:41:30
Battalion 1 asks for an alert tone and airs to all AFD units to
report to their Division Leader and sit tight, and all
ambulances not being used to report to staging at Exposition
and Sable.
0:44:00 f 0:42:59 0:41:40
Medic 105 airs on RMA-1 that they are back on scene and
0:44:11 f 0:43:10 0:41:51
Denver airs on Blue SE that they are calling out Denver Air 1. 0:44:16 p 0:43:15 0:41:56
SWAT 4 airs Denver has cleared the cars on the south side. 0:44:22 p 0:43:21 0:42:02
Dispatch airs that they still need additional units at University. 0:44:58 p 0:43:57 0:42:38
Metro 10 airs to the people with key witnesses inside to get
suspect descriptions, we originally got conflicting information
and we need to make sure they are not looking for anyone
0:45:50 p 0:44:49 0:43:30
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that she has multiple agencies on
Red SE that are unable to monitor Aurora TAC 2.
0:45:51 f 0:44:50 0:43:31
Battalion 1 airs and asks if Engine 7 is at Exposition and Sable.
Battalion 1 assigns Engine 7 to be in charge of Staging on TAC
0:46:07 f 0:45:06 0:43:47
Lincoln 25 on PD-3 asks for the Red Cross to respond. 0:46:42 p 0:45:41 0:44:22
Medic 107 airs on RMA-1 that they transporting emergent 1
to Swedish.
0:46:51 f 0:45:50 0:44:31
Edward 10 airs on Vice-2 to have undercover personnel check
for the suspects address on both North and South Paris St.
0:46:54 p 0:45:53 0:44:34
Buckley Engine 1 staged. 0:47:03 f 0:46:02 0:44:43
207 airs that he has a wounded person with shrapnel in his
face and is looking for an ambulance. A Broomfield Officer will
take him to ambulances on the ring road.
0:47:17 p 0:46:16 0:44:57
207 airs he has a wounded person in with the victims and asks
for an ambulance location
0:47:23 p 0:46:22 0:45:03
Lincoln 41 airs on PD-3 that he is still waiting for the Fire
Commander, he needs to talk to him. Dispatch responds that
Truck 2 should be with him.
0:48:27 p 0:47:26 0:46:07
Dispatch airs to Battalion 1 that a PD Lieutenant is again
requesting a Fire Chief to the front of the Theater.
0:48:57 f 0:47:56 0:46:37
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 166 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Truck 2 airs they are with the Police Lieutenant. 0:49:14 f 0:48:13 0:46:54
Lincoln 25 airs to Lincoln 41 that he has Fire Command coming
with Lincoln 25 to Lincoln 41.
0:49:17 p 0:48:16 0:46:57
Chief 7 will be the liaison with PD, once he meets, we may
change the Command structure.
0:49:34 f 0:48:33 0:47:14
Edward 10 airs on Vice-2 that the address is North Paris St and
sends the undercover officers there.
0:49:52 p 0:48:51 0:47:32
301 airs that the lot directly in front of the theater has been
0:49:53 p 0:48:52 0:47:33
Edward 10 airs on Vice-2 that it is probably a high rise and
that the suspect stated there are devices inside.
0:50:10 p 0:49:09 0:47:50
Engine 5 reports on the north side of the theater they have
Denver truck 19, Denver Engine 19 and their Chief 4, Engine 5
is the only unit in East Division.
0:50:11 f 0:49:10 0:47:51
Victor 42 airs on Vice-2 that he has Denver gang unit on the
phone and asks if there is a need for Uniformed Officers on
Paris. Edward 10 responds XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
0:50:21 p 0:49:20 0:48:01
Battalion 1 responds to Engine 5 saying Denver is with you, is
that what I am hearing?
0:50:34 f 0:49:33 0:48:14
Engine 5 responds that they have not been able to get close to
the theater so they are staged right there.
0:50:39 f 0:49:38 0:48:19
Metro 10 airs asking for the Mobile Command Post, 442 airs
she is bringing it.
0:50:41 p 0:49:40 0:48:21
Battalion 1 tells Engine 5 that he is keeping Engine 5 in charge
of East Division and that all those rigs are supposed to go to
Staging at Exposition and Sable.
0:50:46 f 0:49:45 0:48:26
Engine 5 tells Battalion 1 that Denver stated they cannot get
to Expositions and Sable to stage.
0:51:03 f 0:50:02 0:48:43
Medic 102 airs on RMA-1 that they are staged. 0:51:27 f 0:50:26 0:49:07
Dispatch airs on PD-3 if anyone knows where the parents of
Victims should go?
0:51:52 p 0:50:51 0:49:32
Chief 7 airs to Battalion 1 that he will be Liaison and that he
needs 3 to 5 paramedics to go in with Police to survey the
blacks and possibly turn them into an extraction team right
away. He needs them in front of the theater.
0:52:07 f 0:51:06 0:49:47
Victor 65 airs on Vice-2 that he is at the building now. 0:52:15 p 0:51:14 0:49:55
Engine 5.2 calls Staging asking for routing for Denver 19. 0:52:33 f 0:51:32 0:50:13
Battalion 1 copies Chief 7 and has Century Division sending 3
to 4 medics.
0:52:47 f 0:51:46 0:50:27
Cruiser 49 airs on Blue SE that anybody who saw XXXXXXX or
it unfold is being held in case someone else needs to talk to
0:52:59 p 0:51:58 0:50:39
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 167 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Cruiser 49 on Blue SE airs for the parents to go to the
Command Post.
0:53:36 p 0:52:35 0:51:16
South Metro Battalion 32 on TAC 3 calls for Aurora Staging
Officer, Dispatch answers for staging and is on scene with
three South metro Medic Units.
0:53:38 f 0:52:37 0:51:18
Cruiser 49 on Blue SE airs for additional officers to go to the
Command Post to help with the parents and to provide
security for the Command Post.
0:53:47 p 0:52:46 0:51:27
Chief 3 airs he is on scene at the mall and asks for Aurora
Command's location.
0:53:56 f 0:52:55 0:51:36
Medic 104 airs on RMA-1 that they are routine to Parker with
1 green patient.
0:54:25 f 0:53:24 0:52:05
Lincoln 25 airs asking to have the Primary Channel merged
with Blue SE and believes that Lakewood has that capability.
0:54:43 p 0:53:42 0:52:23
Dispatch airs on Blue SE that they are patching Blue SE with
the Primary Channel.
0:55:53 p 0:54:52 0:53:33
Engine 7 Staging Command reports on TAC 3 he has 18
available ambulances at that time and has 2 South Metro, 1
Buckley AFB Fire Truck along with Engine 7.
0:56:23 f 0:55:22 0:54:03
Chief 7 on TAC 3 cancels entry into the theater because other
Fire Personnel have swept and confirmed the patients black
but is keeping the crew because of a possible device and Truck
2's crew is inside waiting on ventilation.
0:57:33 f 0:56:32 0:55:13
Dispatch airs to Lakewood on MetroNet asking if they can
patch Blue SE with Aurora PD-2, Lakewood responds that they
do not have that capability.
0:57:53 p 0:56:52 0:55:33
Arapahoe 1Charlie4 airs on Blue SE that there is an open door
on the mall on the east side by the food court.
0:58:10 p 0:57:09 0:55:50
Denver TAC 8 airs that all the Denver TAC cars are on the mall
and asks for a K-9 to start the search.
0:58:37 p 0:57:36 0:56:17
Chief 3 calls Chief 7 on TAC 3 and asks if he is Liaison with
Police and helping with Staging.
0:58:50 f 0:57:49 0:56:30
Victor 42 airs on Vice-2 that SWAT is on its way to Paris St as is
the Narc Lt.
0:58:51 p 0:57:50 0:56:31
Adam 92, PIO, airs he is out. 0:58:55 p 0:57:54 0:56:35
Chief 3 stated negative with staging because the Watch
commander wanted a Chief Officer with him. States a possible
secondary device in an SUV in front of theater and possible
device inside.
0:59:07 f 0:58:06 0:56:47
Battalion 1 contacts Dillard's Command and checks status.
Engine 4 relates they have checked the parking lot and have
no patients.
0:59:15 f 0:58:14 0:56:55
After Action Report Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting CONFIDENTIAL
TriData Division, 168 April 2014
System Planning Corporation
Time Activity Elapsed

Fire Tone
Dispatch airs on Blue SE to any unit not on an assignment to
go to the mall food court for an open door.
0:59:24 p 0:58:23 0:57:04
L25 airs that he wants a minimum of four officers at each
0:59:31 p 0:58:30 0:57:11
Metro 11 airs that University is good, they have 4. 0:59:40 p 0:58:39 0:57:20
Chief 3 confirms with Chief 7 to stay in his assignment and
Chief 3 will assist with Command.
1:00:05 f 0:59:04 0:57:45
303 confirms 4 officers at Aurora South. 1:00:32 p 0:59:31 0:58:12
Jefferson County airs to Aurora on Blue SE that they have a
Bomb Dog en route.
1:00:34 p 0:59:33 0:58:14
University Command 1 sends Officers to cover Children's
hospital since there were not enough APD officers there. 201
also responds.
1:00:45 p 0:59:44 0:58:25
Metro 10 airs for any officer to advise if media was on-scene.
Metro 24 answers Media is on the far east side of Sable.
1:01:37 p 1:00:36 0:59:17
Battalion 1 airs to Truck 2 asking if all the patients in the
theater are black. Truck 2 confirms all are black.
1:02:38 f 1:01:37 1:00:18
Rural-Metro airs on RMA-1 to ambulance coming back in
service that at this time they do not need any more assistance
at the scene.
1:03:22 f 1:02:21 1:01:02

Communications uses MetroNet and CLEER to talk to other agency's
communications centers.
Police Use PD-1, PD-2 and PD-3 for primary Dispatch and Communications and
Blue SE for Mutual Aid.
Fire uses Dispatch as their dispatching channel, TAC 1-4 for operations and Red SE
for Mutual Aid.

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