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Table of Contents

Certificate . i
Candidates Declaration .. ii
Acknowledgement ..... iii
Table of Content iv
Abstract... 4
Chapter 1: Introduction .... 5
1.1: Objective of the System . 6
1.2: Need For New System .... 7
Chapter 2: Requirements... 8
2.1: Hardware Requirement.. 9
2.2: Software Requirement ... 9
Chapter 3: RDBMS 10
3.1: Advatages of RDBMS. 11
Chapter 4: Front End & Back End... 12
4.1: Front End : ASP.Net .. 13
4.1.1: ASP.Net File........................................................................................ 13
4.1.2: Execution of .Net Application 14
4.2: C# Programming Language... 14
4.2.1: Main Features Of C# . 14
4.3: Back End: SQL Server 2008.. 15
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4.3.1: Data Platform Leader 15
4.3.2: Solutions By SQL Server... 15
Chapter 5: Data Flow Diagram 16
5.1: 0- Level ... 17
5.2: 1- Level ... 18
5.3: 2- Level ... 19
Chapter 6: E-R Diagram .. 21
Chapter 7: Data Dictionary... 22
7.1: Login Table.. 23
7.2: Admin Area. 23
7.3: Building Details 24
7.4: Computational Facilities. 24
7.5: Contact Person Details 25
7.6: Course Detail 26
7.7: Head Of Institute Details 27
7.8: Institute Details 28
7.9: Intructional Area Details 29
7.10: Instructional Common Facility.. 30
7.11: Laboratory Details.. 30
7.12: Land Details. 31
7.13: Library Books Details. 32
7.14: Organization Details... 33
7.15: Trustee Details. 34
Chapter 8: Coding. 35
8.1: Log In.. 36
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8.2: Master Page 40
Chapter 9: Screen Shots... 45
9.1: Login... 46
9.2: Master Page 47
9.3: Administrative Area.. 48
9.4: Building Details.. 49
9.5: Computational Facility.. 50
9.6: Change Account Details. 51
9.7: Contact Person Details... 52
9.8: Course Details. 53
9.9: Head Of Institute Details 54
9.10: Instructional Area.. 55
9.11: Institute Details... 56
9.12: Laboratory Details. 57
9.13: Land Details 58
9.14: Library Books Details 59
9.15: Organizational Details... 60
9.16: Sign Up 61
9.17: Trustee Details 62
Chapter 10: Testing. 63
Chapter 11: Implimentation Of Security Mechanism.. 65
Chapter 12: Future Scope & Other Enhancements 68
Chapter 13: Bibliography... 70

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College Web Portal System is a highly enhanced from the existing system. This is a
server side system. The owners or authorized persons of colleges are providing with user-
friendly interactive system. Our system will provide a best way to manage all the
information of colleges which are belong to your city, state, or country in only one
consistent database.
As we know the manual processing is quite tedious, time Consuming and less
accurate in comparison to computerized processing. Obviously the present system is not
is exception consultant encountering all the listed problems.

1) Time consuming.
2) Its very tedious.
3) All information is not placed separately.
4) Lots of paper work.
5) Slow data processing.
6) Not user-friendly environment.
7) Its difficult to find records due to file management system.

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Chapter 1


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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Objectives of the System :

Automated College Web Portal system for Colleges enhances the facilities with implement
latest technologies. This application enables instant access of information for the colleges
like instructional area, library details, hostels, how many intakes in particular college in
particular branch etc. which increase the information services, and satisfaction that keeps
building the personal skill towards.

In this system the owner of the college can Insert, Update, Save, and delete operation for
various fields of the system.

High level of security
Instant data access
Consistent Process Approach

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1.2 Need for new system :-

To resolve the disadvantage of existing system and for faster data operation there is a
need for new system.

1) Manually system changes into Computerized system
2) Friendly user interface.
3) Time saving.
4) Save paper work.
5) Connecting database, so we can use queries to change our profile at a time.
6) Formatted and easily approachable data.

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Chapter 2


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Chapter 2: Requirement

2.1 Hardware Requirement :-

1) Processor :- Dual Core or above.
2) RAM :- 128 MB or above.
3) Hard Disk :- 80 GB or above.
4) Monitor :- 17 CRT or above.
5) Mouse :- Optical.
6) CD-ROM.
7) Internet Connection.

2.2 Software Requirement :-

1) Operating system :- Windows 7.
2) Front end :- Microsoft visual studio 2010.
3) Back end :- Microsoft SQL server 2008.

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Chapter 3 : Relational Database Management System

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a Database Management
System (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F. Cdd.
Relational databases are the most common kind of database in use today (Assuming one
does not count a file system as a Database). A short definition of a RDBMS may be a
DBMS in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is
also stored in the form of tables. E. F. Codd introduced the term in his seminal paper "A
relational model of data for large shared data Banks", published in 1970. In this paper and
later papers he defined what he meant by relational. One well-known definition of what
constitutes a relational database system is Codd's 12 rules. However, many of the early
implementations of the relational model did not conform to all of Codd's rules, so the
term gradually came to describe a broader class of database systems. At a minimum,
these systems.
Presented the data to the user as relations (a presentation in tabular form, i.e. As a
collection of tables with each table consisting of a set of rows and columns, can
satisfy this property)
Provided relational operators to manipulate the data in tabular form
Almost All DBMS Employ SQL As Their Query Language. Alternative Query
Languages Have Been Proposed And Implemented, But Very Few Have Become
Commercial Products.
3.1 Advantages of RDBMS:
1. Support For Very Large Databases.
2. Automatic Optimization Of Searching (When Possible)
3. RDBMS Have A Simple View Of The Database That Confirms Too Much Of The
Data Used In Businesses.
4. Standard Query Language(SQL)

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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : FRONT END & BACK END

ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, and when coding ASP.NET applications you
have access to classes in the .NET Framework. You can code your applications in any
language compatible with the common language runtime (CLR), including Microsoft
Visual Basic, C#, JScript .NET, and J#. These languages enable you to develop
ASP.NET applications that benefit from the common language runtime, type safety,
inheritance, and so on.
ASP.NET is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts (embedded in web
pages) to be executed by an Internet server.
ASP.NET is a Microsoft Technology
ASP stands for Active Server Pages
ASP.NET is a program that runs inside IIS
IIS (Internet Information Services) is Microsoft's Internet server
IIS comes as a free component with Windows servers
IIS is also a part of Windows 2000 and XP Professional
ASP.NET provides object-oriented execution model.
4.1.1 What is an ASP.NET File?
An ASP.NET file is just the same as an HTML file.
An ASP.NET file can contain HTML, XML, and scripts.
Scripts in an ASP.NET file are executed on the server.
An ASP.NET file has the file extension ".aspx".

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4.1.2 Execution of .NET Application:
Source code(C# or VB.NET) is compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate
Language) with the help of language specific compiler. For example, CSC compiler
for C# and VBC compiler for VB.NET.
C# compiles source code into MSIL code.
MSIL code is stored in file extension either .dll or .exe. It is logical unit of deployment
called assembly.
The MSIL code is then compiled by Just-In-Time compiler (part of CLR) into native
executable code.
This executable code is then processed by machines processor.

4.2 C# Programming Language:
C# is a simple, modern, object oriented language derived from C++ and JAVA. It aims to
combine the high productivity of VB and the raw power of C++. It is a part of visual
studio 9.0.CLR accommodates more than one language such as C#,, Jscript, etc.

4.2.1 Main features of C# are:-
Pointers are missing.
C# code can access both managed and unmanaged code in .NET application. Legacy
application written in DLLs or using COM can be accessed in .NET application due to
Interoperability concept.
Since it is on .net, it inherits the features of automatic memory management and
garbage collection.
C# language is a type safe object-oriented language. It supports all the major and minor
pillars of Object Model.
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It is case sensitive and has its own set of keywords to represent the program.

4.3 Back End: SQL Server 2008:
4.3.1 SQL Server 2008 is the Data Platform leader:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is comprehensive, integrated data management and analysis
software that enables organizations to reliably manage mission-critical information and
confidently run todays increasingly complex business applications. SQL Server 2005
allows companies to gain greater insight from their business information and achieve
faster results for a competitive advantage.
4.3.2 Solutions By SQL Server:
Gain deeper insight into your business with integrated, comprehensive analysis and
reporting for enhanced decision making.
Ensure business continuity with the highest levels of system availability through
technologies that protect your data against costly human errors and minimize disaster
recovery downtime.
Deliver an infrastructure that can grow with your business and has a proven record in
handling today's large amounts of data and most critical enterprise workloads.
Provide a secure environment to address privacy and compliance requirements with
built-in features that protect your data against unauthorized access.
Manage your infrastructure with automated diagnostics, tuning, and configuration to
reduce operational costs while reducing maintenance and easily managing very large
amounts of data.
Build and deploy critical business-ready applications more quickly by improving
developer productivity and reducing project life cycle times.

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : Data Flow Diagram

5.1 Context level diagram [ 0-Level ] :-


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5.2 1-Level diagram :-

Login process
Login details
Login details
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5.3 2-Level diagram :-

Building details
Courses details
HOI details
Institute details
Laboratory details
Land details
Library details
Other facility
Programme details
Trustee details
Add details
Add details
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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 : E-R Diagram


C_ID C_Name
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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 : Data Dictionary

7.1 Login Table:

7.2 Admin Area :

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7.3 Building Details:

7.4 Computational Facilities:

Page | 25

7.5 Contact Person Details:

Page | 26

7.6 Course Detail :

Page | 27

7.7 Head of Institute Details :

Page | 28

7.8 Institute Details:

Page | 29

7.9 Instructional Area Detail:

Page | 30

7.10 Instructional Common Facility:

7.11 Laboratory Details:

Page | 31

7.12 Land Details:

Page | 32

7.13 Library Books Details :

Page | 33

7.14 Organization Details:

Page | 34

7.15 Trustee Details :

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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 : Coding

8.1 Log In:

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/submaster.master"
CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Login" title="College Web Portal" %>

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Login Here</td>
<td align="right">
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Font-Names="Arial" ForeColor="Black"></asp:Label>
<td align="left">
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ControlToValidate="txtuname" ErrorMessage="*"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
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Font-Names="Arial" ForeColor="Black"></asp:Label>
<td align="left" class="style10">

<asp:TextBox ID="txtpassword" runat="server"
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server"

<td class="style10">

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ImageUrl="~/images/loginButton_en.jpg" Height="58px" Width="112px" />
<asp:Label ID="lblerror" runat="server"></asp:Label>
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<td colspan="4">

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8.2 Master Page:

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="main.master.vb" Inherits="main" %>

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transform: capitalize; background-color: #FF6699"
College Web Portal</td>

<td align="center">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbtnhome" runat="server" BackColor="#003366"
Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Calibri" Font-Size="15pt"
Width="100px" PostBackUrl="~/Login.aspx"
CausesValidation="False">Log Out</asp:LinkButton>
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&nbsp; <asp:LinkButton ID="lbtnchange" runat="server" BackColor="#003366" Font-
Bold="True" Font-Names="Calibri"
Font-Size="15pt" ForeColor="White" Width="200px"
PostBackUrl="~/ChangeDetails.aspx">Change Account
&nbsp; <asp:LinkButton ID="lbtnregistration" runat="server" BackColor="#003366" Font-
Bold="True" Font-Names="Calibri"
Font-Size="15pt" ForeColor="White" Width="110px"
<td style="font-family: Arial; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; color: #800000">
<marquee>Register Your College Here</marquee></td>
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DynamicHorizontalOffset="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-
ForeColor="#284E98" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px" Font-
Overline="False" Font-Underline="False"
Orientation="Horizontal" style="margin-left: 0px"

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<asp:MenuItem Text="Contact Person" Value="Contact Person"
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<asp:MenuItem Text="Building Details" Value="Building Details"
<asp:MenuItem Text="Head of Institute" Value="Head of Institute"
<asp:MenuItem Text="Programme" Value="Programme"

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&amp; 2)"
Value="Courses (Shift 1 &amp; 2)"></asp:MenuItem>
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<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/InstructionalArea.aspx"
Text="Instructional Area"
Value="Instructional Area"></asp:MenuItem>
Text="Instructional Area - Common Facility"
Value="Instructional Area - Common Facility"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/AdministrativeArea.aspx"
Text="Administrative Area" Value="Administrative
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Text="Amenities Area"
Value="Amenities Area"></asp:MenuItem>


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Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="#284E98" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px"
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Value="Other Facilities"></asp:MenuItem>
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<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/LaboratoryDetails.aspx"
Text="Laboratory Details"
Value="Laboratory Details"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/LibraryBooks.aspx" Text="Library
Value="Library Books"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/LibraryFacility.aspx" Text="Library
Value="Library Facility"></asp:MenuItem>
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Text="Computational Facilities" Value="Computational Facilities">

<td align="left">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 : Screen Shots

9.1 Login :

This is a login form which is used to login to the portal.
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9.2 Master Page:

When you are logged in successfully, you will reach at this page.
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9.3 Administrative Area :

This is an Administrative areas page where you can Add, Update and Delete information of
administrative area of your college.

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9.4 Building Details :

This is Building Details page where you can Add, Update and Delete information of buildings
of your college.
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9.5 Computational Facilities :

This is a Computational Facilitys page where you can Add, Update and Delete information of
computational facility of your college.
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9.6 Change Account Details :

This is Change Account Details page where you are able to change your accounts personal
details if all required conditions are matched.
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9.7 Contact Person Details :

This is Contact Person Detail where you can add the details of authenticated person who will
be available for contact by other people if they want to know more about your college.
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9.8 Course Details :

This is Courses Details page where you can add information indicating that how many courses
are being offered by your college.
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9.9 Head of Institute Details :

This is Head of Institute details page which shows the information of head of institute like
trustee, chairman etc.
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9.10 Instructional Area :

This is instructional area details page where you can add the details of instructional area of your

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9.11 Institute Details :

This is Institute Details page where you can insert the general information of your institute.
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9.12 Laboratory Details :

This is Laboratory Details page where you can insert the details about the Laboratory of
your college.
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9.13 Land Details :

This is Land Details page which shows the land details of your institute.
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9.14 Library Book Details :

This is Library Books page where you can insert the details about the books of library.
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9.15 Organization Details :

This form shows the details of organization.
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9.16 Sign Up :

This is sign up form. If you are new to portal then first you have to create your account using this
form to submit further details.
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9.17 Trustee Details :

This form shows the Trustee Details of your institute.

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Chapter 10


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Chapter 10 : Testing

The testing is most important thing in Project Development. The Project which we
implement is an organization is first requiring the check all the module are properly working or
not. If any exception generated when what happen, our project coding show those errors and
handle or not.
The testing of each and every module are more important so we can check one by one
module with divide in tiny parts so we can easily find out error or mistakes which are make more
trouble in future.
With support of testing we finalized the project for global market. Without testing we
cannot give project to any user because when error will be occur then at that time we have no
any proper idea about that. So at the time of deliver project to user testing is the most important
factor before finalizing, and if some other idea occurs in their mind than we can easily modify in
project, so user may satisfy with our service.
Testing take part in different level, like primary level testing, in this level we only check
the documentation which provided by the company or organization. After completing this testing
we are going to the next phase of testing that is called middle level testing. In this level of
testing, we check the flow of control in the system is correct or not. And in the last phase called
final level testing, here, we check the coding of existing system. And also check each form,
report and utilities are working properly or not. Because after that we will give this project to the
user and it called software.

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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 : Implementation Of Security Mechanisms

Security Is Not Joking Matter. Because computer software within an enterprise previously
through top be isolated from the outside world become accessible through carelessness and back
door introducers security is long been seen as a major striking point in the adaptation of internet
technology. User name password authentication has long been used as a mechanism for
restricting access to websites. Administrator has to think about unauthorized user there are
different security threats implemented to prevent it.
A session of web browsing is a period of time during which a particular person while sitting at a
particular machine views a number of different web pages in his or her browser program and
them calls it quits, either for the height or because the person in question actually has a life. If
you run a website that his person visits during that time, for your purposes the session runs from
that persons first download of a page from your site through the last. For example a Caribbean
hotels website might enjoy a session of five pages during in the middle of a real users session
that began with a travel portal and ended with that user booking his or her vacation with a
Cookies have always been controversial from a privacy points of view and that controversy heats
up again periodically as we wrote the first edition double click (an internet advertising agency)
was being flamed for its announcement that it planned to cross correlated cookies information
with a very large database of consumer names, addresses, and buying habits (in a apparent
reversal of earlier promises about such behavior). The worry was that, after a consumer reveals
his or her identity on a site by filling out a form and accepting a cookie, any other website that
compares notes with the original website could conceivably know the true identity of the
user(and lots of other information as well). If this practice become wide spread every e-
commerce website you visit might be able to figure out only your name, address, and buying
habits but also a list of other pages you have visited on the web. So cookies worry some people
but at the same time they are also a reasonable and benign workaround to the statelessness of the
https protocol. Here are plenty of good reasons to want a web client/server interaction to covertly
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span a few page requests in a row, rather then conversing just a single request. As a web
developer you might well decide to use cookies for such a purpose comfortable in the knowledge
that there is no substantive invasion of privacy occurring your comfort is not the same as the
users comfort however and many users have set up their browsers to refuse all cookies as is
their right.
Remember that what is at issue here is not only users privacy. But also the use of his or her own
personal hard disk any server site code you write should gracefully handle a cookie refusal from
the client sides and any websites you design should have easily found privacy polices so that
your users know what they are getting users that refuse cookies; there are some kinds of
functionality that cookies cooperation is a prerequisite to using a privately provided site seems
perfectly legitimate.
Following security mechanism is used in our application:-
1. User name/Password for logging in to the portal.
2. Encryption & Decryptions.
3. Verify the user credential at every page.
4. Session is limited to 20 Minutes, after 20 minutes of inactivity system will automatically
log out the user.
5. User level like Student, Website User, Faculty, Branch Manager, Administrator and thus
user rights according to their level.

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Chapter 12


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Chapter 12: Future Scope & Further Enhancements

We can add Rss feed support for fast access to news with portability. Https protocol support for
more secure transaction. More modules and modification based on user feedback. Use of
macromedia flash based modules for better user interface design. Integration of smart cards for
attendance and library system. To summarize the future scope, following are the key
enhancements possible.
Some sites, especially those operated by hobbyists, use self-signed certificates on public sites.
Using these provides protection against simple eavesdropping, but unlike a well-known
certificate, preventing a man-in-the-middle attack with a self-signed certificate requires the site
to make available some other secure method of verifying the certificate.
The system can also be used for client authentication, in order to restrict access to a web server
to only authorized users. For this, typically the site administrator creates certificates for each user
which are loaded into their browser. These normally contain the name and e-mail address of the
authorized user, and are automatically checked by the server on each reconnect to verify the
user's identity, potentially without ever entering a password.
1. Use Of HTTPS Protocol
2. Flash Based UI Design
3. Smart Card Integration
4. User Supplied Feedback For Enhancement And Bug Fixing.
5. Use Any Unknown Technology That May Be Available In Future.
We will add Daily, Weekly and Monthly backup utility.
We will try to enhance the security of portal as well as its database.
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Chapter 13


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