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Forty Years of the Mercian Prep Schools
Athletics Championships

1967 - 2007
The first “Oxford Area” prep schools athletics meeting was held at the Oxford University
Athletics Stadium on Iffley Road in 1967, organised by David Evers, of the Dragon School. It
was for boys only, and continued to be so until the 16th meeting in 1982. There were events
for Under 14 and Under 12 boys only, and included 220 yds on the celebrated straight track, at
least until 1969. Two years later Under 10 events were included. 21 schools attended, of whom 8
were also present in 2007. These were the winners, and earlier records.

1969 Event Records Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14* 75 yds Hurdles 12.2 (68) Womersley Dragon 10.8
UNDER 14 100 yds 11.7 (68) Bailey St Faith’s 11.8
UNDER 14 220 yds 25.6 (68) Burridge Eagle House 27.5 (rec)
UNDER 14* 440 yds ** Warren Winchester Hse 60.9 (rec)
UNDER 14* 880 yds ** Thomas Christ Church 2;27.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay ** Dragon Dragon 54.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump ** Moore St Faith’s 4’ 7” (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump ** Elliott Dragon 17’ 1.5” (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump ** Warren Winchester Hse 34’ 4.75” (rec)
UNDER 14* Shot (prob. 7 lbs) ** Whitby Cheam 33’ 7” (rec)

UNDER 12 100 yds 12.8 Guest Dragon 12.8 (rec)

UNDER 12 220 yds 29.0 (67) Dean Winchester Hse 31.0
UNDER 12 Relay ** Dragon Dragon 57.7 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 4’ 4” (67) Shearme Berkhamsted JS 4’ 1”
UNDER 12 Long Jump 14’ 8.5” (68) Jack Winchester Hse 14’ 6”
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 30’ 8.25 (68) Hutchinson Winchester Hse 30’ 0.75”

UNDER 10 75 yds Hoffman St Faith’s 9.5 (rec)

UNDER 10 220 yds Hoffman St Faith’s 31.6 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay Dragon Dragon 63.0 (rec)

* These were classed as “Open Events.”

** My earliest results show the 1969 records, so earlier ones are not recorded if they
were beaten in 1969.
Since the track was 440 yards round, the Relays were 4 x 110 yds.

Even in these early years, it was emphasised that this was not an inter-school
competition, that “no points will be awarded, and that even if you wish to enter only one boy”
any school would be welcome.

In 1970 25 schools attended, and the track had “gone metric,” although jumping and
throwing distances were still in feet and inches, and the following year everything was in
metres. For comparison, the “pre-metric” records have been converted, and 220 yards in 25.6
seconds becomes 200m in 25.5s, a performance that was not bettered until 1983. 32 schools
attended, and events at Under 13 and Under 11 were introduced. In 1972 the Javelin was added
at Under 14.

In 1973 one of the instructions issued before the meeting read, “Ages should be
calculated from September 1st, 1973.” This was the first time the date had been specified, and
since then, the opportunity for schools with ‘August birthdays,’ or pupils who have been kept
back a year academically because of their size or intellect, to enter them in the wrong age
group, has been sporadically exploited. It happens often enough inadvertently, but deliberate
cheating is not unknown. Some headmasters felt that it was unfair on a boy who found himself
unable to compete at such a prestigious meeting in his last term at prep school.
In 1974 the same instruction was issued, together with an asterisk and “PLEASE READ
THIS CAREFULLY!” in large letters below.

In 1976 the Iffley Road track was relaid with an artificial surface replacing the old cinders,
and the Tenth Annual Preparatory Schools Athletics Meeting was held at Radley College. After
it, David Evers retired from organising the meeting, handing it over to Chris Stuart-Clark.

1977 was the Dragon School’s centenary year, but they managed nevertheless to run a
successful meeting. For the first time the throwing weights were fully specified, although the
Under 13 weights (3kg Shot, 1kg Discus (from 1981), 600g Javelin) differed from those used at
the National Championships (2.72kg Shot, 0.75kg Discus, 400g Javelin), and continued to do so
until 1993.

For the next four years the meeting proceeded with fluid efficiency, until in 1982, the
introductory notes mentioned:
‘GIRL COMPETITORS: It is permissible to enter a girl instead of a boy in any event, but
girls may not qualify to compete with boys at the London [National] meeting: there are separate
events for girls at that.’

Unfortunately, the results do not differentiate between boys and girls at all, so we can’t
say whether any girls actually competed. What’s more, there were no girls events at the
Nationals in 1982, and although I have no records between 1983 and 1985, no best
performances were established for them until 1986. That year there were, however, no Oxford
area entries.

In 1984 Douglas Duff took over the organisation of the meeting, and immediately
replaced the junior Cricket Ball events with an Under 12 Javelin.

In 1987, Oxford girls entered the National Championships for the first time, although
there is no record of them having competed at Oxford first!

Age Event Position Name School Perf.

UNDER 14 800m 4 H. Head Dragon 2;40.7
UNDER 12 200m 7 N. Coleridge Dragon 33.0
UNDER 12 800m 2 C. Park* Brockhurst 2;41.7

*Caroline Park was Under 11 when she came 2nd at the Championships, a remarkable
performance. She and her sister Nicola were the only girls at Brockhurst School, where their
father was a housemaster.

In 1988, a new notice appeared in the notes:

‘GIRL COMPETITORS: this year we are introducing the events for girls in which they
can qualify for the National Championships’
There were 46 entries, from 6 schools, at 15 events, and the first records were set as

Age Event Number Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles* 1 Broadhurst Dragon 14.2
UNDER 14 200m 1 A. Kealy Moor Park 31
UNDER 14 800m 1 Broadhurst Dragon 2;46.7
UNDER 14 Relay 2 Prior's Court Prior's Court 59.3
UNDER 14 Long Jump 2 Lane Dragon 3.87
UNDER 14 Shot 4 Thorpe St Hugh's 7.83

UNDER 13 100m 1 Stephens Moor Park 15

UNDER 13 200m 2 G. Oliver Moor Park 29.6
UNDER 13 800m 2 C. Holmes Dean Close 2;37.1
UNDER 13 High Jump 1 Farmer Dean Close 1.32

UNDER 12 100m 8 Youde Dean Close 14.8

UNDER 12 200m 6 Youde Dean Close 30.3
UNDER 12 800m 4 C. Park Brockhurst 2;40.1
UNDER 12 Relay 4 Dragon Dragon 62.1
UNDER 12 Long Jump 7 Block Moor Park 3.64

*Senior girls now compete at 75m Hurdles, so either they changed, or this is a misprint!

From these, an Oxford Team went to the National Championships, but I have no copy
of the results for that year.

1989 saw 38 entries at Oxford, again in 15 events (though not the same 15), and 9 new
best performances, as follows:

1989 Event 1988 Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 14.2
UNDER 14 100m G. Hatton Prior's Court 14.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 31.0 Varley Prior's Court 30.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;46.7
UNDER 14 Relay 59.3 Prior's Court Prior's Court 57.7 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 3.87 Hatton Prior's Court 4.12 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot* 7.83 Moffat Dragon 5.45
UNDER 14 Discus* Donelly Farleigh 18.22 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles Alban-Moore Dragon 15.1 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 15.0 C. Park Brockhurst 15.6
UNDER 13 200m 29.6
UNDER 13 800m 2;37.1 J. Dennison Prior's Court 2;36.8 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32
UNDER 13 Long Jump Axtell Dragon 3.71 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.88 Holtam Prior's Court 15.3

UNDER 12 200m 30.3 Holtam Prior's Court 32.6
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 St Richard's St Richard's 62.5
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.64 M.Garforth-Bles St Richard's 3.66 (rec)

*Throwing weights varied a bit from year to year, so it is not obvious what weights
these were, or even if they were the same.
In 1990, sadly, a new, rather retrograde notice arrived:
“Having experimented with separate events for the girls ... we have found the numbers
involved are too small. ... Accordingly we shall revert to our previous arrangement. ...”

In spite of this, 44 girls attended this year, well spread out across the range of events.
They were entered in the programme with the boys, with their names in italics. Unfortunately
sometimes this failed and girls are indistinguishable from boys. What’s more, the last few 800m
and 1500m times weren’t recorded, and these often included all the girls. Luckily, a few times
were recorded by coaches, and these have been used in the tables. Sadly, the time of the winner
of the Under 14 800m, J. Dennison of Prior’s Court, who had won the Under 13 800m the year
before, was not recorded. We can only say that her time was between 2;29.9, the time of the
boy immediately above her, and (probably) 2;37.1, which she got the year before.

Since all boys events were open to girls, there was one competitor in the 1500m, which
was not held as a girl’s event till 2004, so setting a record that stood unchallenged for 14 years.

59 girls from 9 schools entered the 1991 meeting, but unfortunately I have no results
from it. and it may be that none were published, as the programme for 1992 lists exactly the
same best performances as the year before. The table of the year, therefore, includes only St
Richard’s girls, as their results are all I have. Incidentally, the list of best performances in the
1991 and 1992 programmes contain a number of inaccuracies and omissions, which I have

More girls’ schools than ever attended the 1992 meeting, but again, unfortunately, I have
no complete set of results. I do have a resumé, but, typically, girls’ performances are
incomplete. They entered all three Javelin events, for example, and even some Triple Jump, but
I have no performances for them. Once again, the table is no more than the best I can do.

1992 was a critical year for the Oxford Area. For a few years, the need to use a large
building near the stadium for University examinations meant that the athletics track could not
be booked until quite late in the year. In 1989, the National Championships shifted a week
earlier, from 10 July to 2 July, and most of the regional meetings did the same. The Oxford
meeting couldn’t, and the National programme compiler was given less than three days to try
to complete the programme. In 1991, the Nationals moved to Birmingham, and it simply
wasn’t possible to include the Oxford team in time. Blank spaces were inserted instead, but the
area was instructed to find an earlier date, or not enter at all. In 1992 the Nationals date was
four days later than usual, and there was just enough time, nevertheless, it was decided that,
unless the area could find an earlier date, it would no longer be a qualifying meeting, and
schools wanting to compete at the Nationals would have to qualify elsewhere. To keep it alive,
Hugh Farey of St Richard’s School agreed to organise the girls’ section at Hereford Leisure
Centre, starting in 1993, and then a small committee agreed to run the boys’ section at the
Prince of Wales stadium in Cheltenham, starting in 1994. Derek Maddock, of Cheltenham
College Junior School, would organise the meeting, and Geoffrey Hammond of Abberley Hall
compiled the programme. Meanwhile, the Oxford meeting would continue, but purely as a
Dragon School invitation event.
This is a list of the best performances achieved by girls at Oxford, after the 1992 meeting,
before the meeting moved to Hereford - as best as can be managed.

Age Event Year Name School Perf.

UNDER 14 75m Hurdles None
UNDER 14 100m 1992 I. Udom Prior's Court 13.5
UNDER 14 200m 1992 R. Hudson Dragon 30.0
UNDER 14 800m 1990 J. Dennison Prior's Court >2;29.9
1992 C. Williams St Richard's 2;43.4
UNDER 14 Relay 1990 Dean Close Dean Close 56.4
UNDER 14 High Jump 1990 C. Park Brockhurst 1.28
1990 Roth Moor Park 1.28
UNDER 14 Long Jump 1992 I. Udom Prior's Court 4.67
UNDER 14 Shot 1988 Thorpe St Hugh's 7.83
UNDER 14 Discus 1989 A. Donelly Farleigh 18.22
UNDER 14 Javelin None

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 1989 Alban-Moore Dragon 15.1

UNDER 13 100m 1990 Youde Dean Close 14.0
UNDER 13 200m 1990 Youde Dean Close 29.1
UNDER 13 800m 1989 J. Dennison Prior's Court 2;36.8
UNDER 13 1500m 1990 B. Thorneycroft St Richard's 5;46.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1988 Farmer Dean Close 1.32
UNDER 13 Long Jump 1989 Axtell Dragon 3.71
UNDER 13 Shot 1991 K. Elliott St Richard's 5.98
UNDER 13 Discus 1990 I. Benjumea St Richard's 14.70
UNDER 13 Javelin 1991 C. Williams St Richard's 4.00

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 1992 J. Strickland St Richard's 15.0

UNDER 12 100m 1988 Youde Dean Close 14.8
1990 Udom Prior's Court 14.8
UNDER 12 200m 1988 Youde Dean Close 30.3
UNDER 12 800m 1988 C. Park Brockhurst 2;40.1
UNDER 12 Relay 1988 Dragon Dragon 62.1
UNDER 12 High Jump 1990 Udom Prior's Court 1.25
UNDER 12 Long Jump 1990 C. Williams St Richard's 3.80

UNDER 11 100m 1992 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 15.3

UNDER 11 200m 1992 R. Lance St Richard's 33.6
UNDER 11 800m 1992 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 2;46.2
UNDER 11 High Jump None
UNDER 11 Long Jump 1991 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 3.19

UNDER 10 75m 1991 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 12.7

UNDER 10 200m 1992 J. Sewell St Richard's 37.5
UNDER 10 800m 1991 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 2;56.9
UNDER 10 Relay 1991 St Richard's St Richard's 68.8
UNDER 10 High Jump 1990 Nawle St Hugh's 1.00
UNDER 10 Long Jump 1990 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 3.29
As far as can be ascertained, these are the records achieved by boys at Oxford by the end
of 1993.

Age Event Year Name School Perf.

UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 1992 Unknown Unknown 11.5
UNDER 14 100m 1983 Ajose Caldicott 11.9
1993 Udezue Berkhamsted 11.9
UNDER 14 200m 1983 Ajose Caldicott 24.1
UNDER 14 400m 1990 Field Dean Close 53.8
UNDER 14 800m 1987 Piney Dean Close 2;11.2
UNDER 14 1500m 1989 Mostyn St Richard’s 4;37.1
UNDER 14 Relay 1990 Prior’s Court Prior’s Court 48.9
UNDER 14 High Jump 1974 Best Berkhamsted 1.63
UNDER 14 Long Jump 1993 Danielli Cheltenham CJS 5.73
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 1984 Harrold St Piran’s 11.90
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 1993 Poynton The Elms 12.06
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 1986 Ibru Cheam 35.17
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 1990 Field Dean Close 39.92

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 1990 Gordon Winchester House 11.3

UNDER 13 100m 1990 Udom Prior’s Court 12.6
UNDER 13 200m 1973 Songkhla Cheam 25.2
UNDER 13 400m 1986 Piney Dean Close 59.6
UNDER 13 800m 1978 Payne Dragon 2;19.6
UNDER 13 1500m 1984 Thompson Brockhurst 4;49.2
UNDER 13 High Jump 1973 Best Berkhamsted 1.51
UNDER 13 Long Jump 1986 Neville Bilton Grange 5.24
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 1981 Omisore Bilton Grange 10.85
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 1993 Onwubalili Haileybury 11.85
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 1992 Unknown Unknown 29.98
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 1993 Bowman Eagle House 35.73

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 1983 Jefferson Abberley Hall 11.4

UNDER 12 100m 1992 Unknown Unknown 13.2
UNDER 12 200m 1981 Ajose Caldicott 27.6
UNDER 12 400m 1986 Cooke Dean Close 62.5
UNDER 12 800m 1993 Ainley Elstree 2;23.6
UNDER 12 Relay 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 55.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1990 Highett-Smith Davenies 1.49
UNDER 12 Long Jump 1981 Tremlett Cheam 4.55
1993 Warmann Prior’s Court 4.55
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 1980 Omisore Bilton Grange 10.49
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 1986 Fitzgerald St Richard’s 33.70

UNDER 11 100m 1981 Tilbury Brockhurst 13.8

UNDER 11 200m 1988 Udom Prior’s Court 28.6
UNDER 11 400m 1990 Collis Brockhurst 64.3
UNDER 11 800m 1992 Unknown Unknown 2;31.1
UNDER 11 High Jump 1986 Freer Bilton Grange 1.36
UNDER 11 Long Jump 1990 Wanambwa Cheam 4.60

UNDER 10 75m 1980 Pinches Moulsford 10.7

UNDER 10 200m 1987 Udom Prior’s Court 29.9
UNDER 10 Relay 1990 Caldicott Caldicott 58.2
UNDER 10 High Jump 1984 Higgott Bilton Grange 1.26
UNDER 10 Long Jump 1991 Unknown Unknown 4.60
Thursday 24 June 1993 saw 276 entries from 8 schools gather at Hereford Leisure Centre
for the first time. Events were held at Under 14, Under 13, Under 12 and Under 10 ages. The
reason for this was that at that time some schools had so few girls that quite often an Under 11
girl was better than an Under 12. To give them all an equal chance of qualifying for the
Nationals (at Under 12 - there is no Under 11), the two age-groups were combined.

By now, throwing weights and hurdle specifications had been standardised, although for
the Under 10s, 55m hurdles and and a 1.82kg (4 pound) shot were instituted. Various other
innovations were also brought out, in particular the lack of any entry-forms, entry standards or
programmes, which most coaches find very convenient before the meeting, and rather
puzzling during it, as finals are often held in place of heats, and it is impossible to tell quite how
far along the list of events we have reached, Another convenience was to keep all field events
open, even to the extent of restarting a high-jump competition for a returning athlete, allowing
athletes to take their turns whenever they want. We must have been one of very few
competitions to announce “not run according to UK:Athletics rules.” Finally, all expenses,
including the booking of the stadium and the fee for entry to the National Championships,
were borne by the host school, St Richard’s, for as long as the meeting was held in Hereford.

The first girl to appear at Hereford was Nicola Park, the only girl at Brockhurst. She was,
like her sister in 1987, Under 11, and remained with us for the next four years.

While the girls had never had a great representation at Oxford, and so not a lot to adjust,
the boys were seriously disrupted. Many of the 30 or so schools didn’t want to travel to
Cheltenham if they could find more convenient meetings, and so only 15 schools competed at
the Prince of Wales stadium on 21 June 1994. Most of them sent only the boys they thought
might qualify for the National Championships, so ironically, without a lot of competition,
standards were lower than they had been at Oxford, a situation that continued to hold for
several years, such that even now most of the best performances were set before the change of

The area changed its name from Oxford to Mercia, reflecting not just the change of
venue, but also the extent of our area, which at one time stretched from Bedstone in
Shropshire, to Rugby, Oxford, Newbury and Swindon, albeit with various exclusions who
attended other meetings. In the next ten years Manchester, Oundle and Hurstpierpoint
followed suit, becoming, less romantically than Mercia, Northwest, East and Sussex

Over at Hereford, St Richard’s was enjoying a steep learning curve. In 1996, stickers on
singlets were introduced, and suddenly names started being spelt correctly in the results lists. It
was Nicola Park’s last year, but, in a bizarre sort of continuity, Brockhurst opened a girl’s
department and we welcomed the first Marlston House athletes.

Over the years they gradually improved the running of the meeting, from getting the
starter to wait for the crouchers before firing the gun, to training the placers (St Richard’s finest
sixth formers) to do their jobs accurately. In 1997 Dickie Sewell (Chief Placer) sent a note to the
Control Box with the following:
“Dear Coz,
Nellie is finding this “very tiring”
Eleanor’s jaw is wired shut
Lizzie is in permanent lunar orbit
Annie is in the wrong octave
The Spanish no spik Inglis
Apart from that we in the placing area are FINE.”
The year 2000 saw the introduction of a little leaflet with the complete details of the
National Championships on it. The main reason for this was that the Nationals had been shifted
to Stoke-on-Trent while the Alexander Stadium was being relaid, but it has become the model
of a standard pamphlet copied by all the other areas, and has since expanded into more of a
brochure, an NPSA Handbook, and a website (

Things moved gently along, more or less satisfactorily, until 2006, when Hereford
Leisure Centre was having its track relaid. The next nearest two stadia to St Richard’s were
unavailable, so the Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham was booked, two days after the
boy’s meeting. To Hugh Farey’s horror, a casual inquiry about equipment on the Tuesday
revealed that they had lost our booking, and let the stadium out to someone else. Most of the
day was spent hunting for alternatives, and eventually opting for the Iffley Road Stadium,
which is miles from St Richard’s, but which Gareth Jones, of the Dragon, said he could largely
staff from his school. This, with very short notice, and some assistance from other schools, he
largely did.

And so, in its 19th year, the Mercian girls’ meeting returned to where it began. Sadly, the
Under 10 age-group was dropped this year, and replaced by the Under 11s, even the smallest
school now having enough girls to split the double age-group into two.

Meanwhile, with the retirement of Derek Maddock, the Cheltenham meeting had
become the province of Abberley Hall, firstly with the help of Richard Codrington of The Elms,
and then solely in the persons first of Geoffrey Hammond, then David Mackeown, and finally
Nigel Richardson. However, over the years since the qualifying meeting moved to
Cheltenham, the reason for the move had somewhat evaporated, with the upgrading of the
buildings around the track, and, Gareth Jones and the Dragon School being willing, it was
decided, more by general approval than any official plebiscite, to move the boys’ meeting to
Oxford as well as the girls.

On 21 June 2007, Mercia Boys and Girls reunited at Iffley Road for the first time since
1992, under the organisation of Gareth Jones. With the full National Championships event
timetable, there was sadly no room even for the Under 11 Age Group, and only the top three,
qualifying, age groups were able to compete. 24 schools attended, and 9 records were broken.
It was the 41st Oxford/Mercia Athletics Championships for Boys, and the 20th meeting with
events for Girls. It seems a fitting moment to review the history of the Championships.
Notes on the Tables

Most of this document is made up of lists of records and results from the meetings, in
two sections, for Boys and Girls. Nearly all the data have been extracted from the published
lists of results and records, with reference to entry forms and even actual results slips whenever
there are discrepancies, which occurs quite a lot. For some years, I have no material to draw on,
and have explained how I have proceeded at the foot of the tables. A few general principles
have been followed, and are noted here.

1) As the measurements changed from imperial to metric in 1970 and 1971, so, for
comparison, adjusted tables for the previous years are also included.

2) From 1982, times were taken, and recorded in the results, to 1/100 sec, and converted,
not always correctly, to 1/10s in the lists of records. Variations from the ‘Official ‘ are shown
with an asterisk. Also incorrect Imperial/Metric conversions are similarly noted.

3) Where a winner of the final recorded a faster time in the heats, their heat time is
recorded here. Where a loser recorded a faster time than the winner in their heat, they are not
recorded unless they achieved a record.

4) Until 1999, throwing distances should have been recorded to the nearest even centimetre
below the distance measured. Corrections have not been made here.

5) Throwing weights from 1993 (at least) are:

Boys Under 14 Shot: 3.25kg Discus: 1kg Javelin: 600g
All other Boys Shot: 2.72kg Discus: 0.75kg Javelin: 400g
Girls Under 10 Shot: 1.82kg Discus: 0.75kg Javelin: 400g
All other Girls: Shot: 2.72kg Discus: 0.75kg Javelin: 400g

It seems likely that before that Under 14 Girls, and Under 13 Boys and Girls, used Under
14 Boys specifications, except for the Shot, which was 3.00kg for the Under 13 Boys and Girls.
1967 Event Winner School Perf.
UNDER 12 220 yds Warren Winchester House 29.0
UNDER 12 High Jump Saugman Dragon 4’ 4”

1968 Event Records Year Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 75 yds Hurdles Warren Winchester House 12.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 100 yds Owen St Faith's 11.7 (rec)
UNDER 14 220 yds Owen St Faith's 25.6 (rec)

UNDER 12 100 yds Phillips Winchester House 12.8 (rec)

UNDER 12 220 yds 29.0 1967
UNDER 12 High Jump 4’ 4” 1967
UNDER 12 Long Jump Phillips Winchester House 14’ 8.5” (rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump Phillips Winchester House 30’ 8.25" (rec)

1969 Event Records Year Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 75 yds Hurdles 12.2 1968 Womersley Dragon 10.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 100 yds 11.7 1968 Bailey St Faith’s 11.8
UNDER 14 220 yds 25.6 1968 Burridge Eagle House 27.5
UNDER 14 440 yds Warren Winchester House 60.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 880 yds Thomas Christ Church 2;27.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay Dragon Dragon 54.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump Moore St Faith’s 4’ 7” (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump Elliott Dragon 17’ 1.5” (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump Warren Winchester House 34’ 4.75” (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (a) Whitby Cheam 33’ 7” (rec)

UNDER 12 100 yds 12.8 1998 Guest Dragon 12.8 (=rec)

UNDER 12 220 yds 29.0 1967 Dean Winchester House 31.0
UNDER 12 Relay Dragon Dragon 57.7 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 4’ 4” 1967 Shearme Berkamsted JS 4’ 1”
UNDER 12 Long Jump 14’ 8.5” 1968 Jack Winchester House 14’ 6”
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 30’ 8.25 1968 Hutchinson Winchester House 30’ 0.75”

UNDER 10 75 yds Hoffman St Faith’s 9.5 (rec)

UNDER 10 220 yds Hoffman St Faith’s 31.6 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay Dragon Dragon 63.0 (rec)

(a) Probably 7 lbs.

1967 Event Winner School Perf.
UNDER 12 200m Warren Winchester House 28.9
UNDER 12 High Jump Saugman Dragon 1.32

1968 Event Records Year Winner School

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles Warren Winchester House 12.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m Owen St Faith's 12.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m Owen St Faith's 25.5 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m Phillips Winchester House 14.0 (rec)

UNDER 12 200m 28.9 1967
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 1967
UNDER 12 Long Jump Phillips Winchester House 4.48 (rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump Phillips Winchester House 9.35 (rec)

1969 Event Records Year Winner School

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 12.5 1968 Womersley Dragon 11.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.8 1968 Bailey St Faith’s 12.9
UNDER 14 200m 25.5 1968 Burridge Eagle House 27.4
UNDER 14 400m Warren Winchester House 60.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m Thomas Christ Church 2;26.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay Dragon Dragon 53.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump Moore St Faith’s 1.39 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump Elliott Dragon 5.21 (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump Warren Winchester House 10.48 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (a) Whitby Cheam 10.23 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.0 1968 Guest Dragon 14.0 (=rec)

UNDER 12 200m 28.9 1967 Dean Winchester House 30.9
UNDER 12 Relay Dragon Dragon 57.4 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 1967 Shearme Berkamsted JS 1.24
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48 1968 Jack Winchester House 4.41
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.35 1968 Hutchinson Winchester House 9.16

UNDER 10 70m Hoffman St Faith’s 9.7 (rec)

UNDER 10 200m Hoffman St Faith’s 31.5 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay Dragon Dragon 62.7 (rec)

(a) Probably 7 lbs, or later, 3.25kg.

Converted Converted
1970 Event Records Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 11.1 1969 Bullard Dragon 11.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.8 1968 Shine Great Houghton 13.5
UNDER 14 200m 25.5 1968 Fowler Berkhamsted JS 28.0
UNDER 14 400m 60.6 1969 Williams Dragon 63.2
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.4 1969 Assheton Bilton Grange 2;25.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 54.1 1969 Dragon Dragon 54.6
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.39 1969 Harrison New College 1.47 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.21 1969 Farrer Dragon 4.80
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.48 1969 Bullard Dragon 9.76
UNDER 14 Shot 10.23 1969 Savery St Richard's 9.77

UNDER 12 100m 14.0 68/69 Jack Winchester House 14.1

UNDER 12 200m 28.9 1967 Simpson Berkhamsted JS 29.1
UNDER 12 400m Rigg Bilton Grange 72.5
Lomas (heat) Lockers Park 70.9 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m Ruck Dragon 2;38.2 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 57.7 1969 Winchester House Winchester House 58.2
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 1967 Briggs Abberley Hall 1.32 (=rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48 1968 Briggs Abberley Hall 4.41
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.35 1968 Jack Winchester House 9.58 (rec)

UNDER 10 70m 9.7 1969 Bloch Beechwood Park 10.4 (a)

Keen St Richard's 10.4 (a)
UNDER 10 220 yds 31.5 1969 Results missing
UNDER 10 Relay 62.7 1969 Results missing

(a) The Under 10 Results were not published. These performances are
taken from the list of records published the following year.
New Record/Old
1971 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 11.0 1970 Not held
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles Whitfield Berkhamsted JS 13.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.5/12.8 70/68 Charterton The Hall 12.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 28.0/25.5 70/68 Petschek Caldicott 27.1 (rec)
Webster (heat) Christ Church 27.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 400m 63.2/60.6 70/69 Gibbs Prior's Court 62.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;25.8 1970 Clegg Dragon 2;26.7
UNDER 14 Relay 54.6/54.1 70/69 Dragon Dragon 53.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.47 1970 Cook St Faith's 1.40
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.21 1969 Charterton The Hall 5.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.48 1969 Ruck Dragon 9.87=
H-Jones Beechwood Park 9.87=
UNDER 14 Shot 10.23 1969 Cumberbatch Emscote Lawn 10.73 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m Ambidge Berkhamsted JS 14.0 (rec)

UNDER 13 200m Simpson Berkhamsted JS 27.5 (rec)
UNDER 13 400m Kibblewhite Caldicott 63.1 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m Ruck Dragon 2;27.8 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.1/14.0 70/68/69 Hoffman St Faith's 14.1 (=rec)

UNDER 12 200m 29.1/28.9 70/67 Wright Davenies 29.2
Breitmayer (heat) Bilton Grange 29.0 (rec)
UNDER 12 400m 70.9 1970 Bailhache Horris Hill 68.1 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;38.2 1970 Bedell The Downs 2;34.8 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 58.2/57.7 70/69 King's Wimbledon King's Wimbledon 58.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 67/70 Allison Eagle House 1.29
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48 1968 Berkley Berkhamsted JS 4.09
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58 1970 Tudor Beechwood Park 8.70

UNDER 11 100m Keen St Richard's 14.9

Underwood (heat) Great Houghton 14.7 (rec)
UNDER 11 200m Peard Claire's Court 30.1

UNDER 10 70m 10.4/9.7 70/69 Frisby Horris Hill 10.7

UNDER 10 200m 31.5 1969 Balch Winchester House 31.4 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 62.7 1969 Horris Hill Horris Hill 62.6 (rec)
New Record/Old
1972 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 11.0 1970 Not held
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 13.1 1971 Riley Little Hampden 12.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.6 1971 Osborn Dragon 12.8
UNDER 14 200m 27.1/25.5 71/68 Tourret St Hugh's 25.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 400m 62.2/60.6 71/69 Riley Little Hampden 60.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;25.8 1970 Bailhache Horris Hill 2;27.1
UNDER 14 1500m Williams St Hugh's 5;07.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 53.2 1971 Little Hampden Little Hampden 53.4
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.47 1970 Unwin Dragon 1.46
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Williams Crosfields 5.04
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.48 1969 Hewlett Emscote Lawn 9.87
UNDER 14 Shot 10.73 1971 Hudson King's Wimbledon 11.08 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) Stainton 30.12 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 14.0 1971 Nickson Brockhurst 12.7 (rec)

UNDER 13 200m 27.5 1971 Berkeley Berkhamsted JS 27.9
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971 Haydn-Williams Emscote Lawn 65.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;27.8 1971 Mann The Downs 2;31.6
UNDER 13 High Jump Selby-Lowndes Swanbourne House 1.40 (rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump Ibe The Hall 4.56 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump Mann The Downs 9.77 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.1/14.0 ( a ) Keen St Richard's 14.0 (rec)

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/67 Songkhla Cheam 29.0 (=rec)
UNDER 12 400m 68.1 1971 Bedell The Downs 65.2 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;34.8 1971 Bedell The Downs 2;29.7 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 58.2/57.7 70/69 Horris Hill Horris Hill 57.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 67/70 Songkhla Cheam 1.30
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Alexander Dragon 4.29
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Judge Westhill Park 9.14

UNDER 11 100m 14.7 1971 Breakell Horris Hill 14.4 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 30.1 1971 Prenn Horris Hill 29.8 (rec)
UNDER 11 400m Schuster-Bruce Dragon 71.5 (rec)
Shaw Crosfields 71.5 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m Baker Bilton Grange 2;40.3 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump Andrews Claire's Court 1.12 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump O'Flaherty King's Wimbledon 4.10 (rec)

UNDER 10 70m 10.4/9.7 70/69 Not held

UNDER 10 75m Rose Lockers Park 11.4
Fulford (heat) Little Hampden 11.2 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 31.4 1971 Beavers Crosfields 31.9
UNDER 10 Relay 62.6 1971 Crosfields Crosfields 61.2 (rec)

(a) 1970/71/1968/69
New Record/Old
1973 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.4 1972 Hickmott Little Hampden 12.3
Trevor-Jones (heat) Abberley Hall 12.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.6 1971 Nickson Brockhurst 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Williams Berkhamsted JS 27.8
UNDER 14 400m 60.4 1972 Trevor-Jones Abberley Hall 60.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;25.8 1970 Dean Hurstpierpoint 2;20.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 1500m 5;07.6 1972 Edwards Hurstpierpoint 5;05.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 53.2 1971 Berkhamsted JS Berkhamsted JS 54.6
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.47 1970 Selby-Lowndes Swanbourne House 1.57 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Moody St Richard's 5.10
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.48 1969 Mann The Downs 10.66 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 11.08 1972 Fraser Claire's Court 10.47
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 30.12 1972 Picken Winchester House 27.38

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 1972 Keen St Richard's 13.2

UNDER 13 200m 27.5 1971 Songkhla Cheam 25.2 (rec)
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971 Donaldson Little Hampden 64.9
UNDER 13 800m 2;27.8 1971 Bedell The Downs 2;23.7 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.40 1972 Best Berkhamsted JS 1.51 (rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.56 1972 Appentang Little Hampden 4.29
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 9.77 1972 Appentang Little Hampden 10.01 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) Merson Crosfields 22.40 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.0 72/68/69 Smith Berkhamsted JS 13.6 (rec)

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/72/67 Breakell Horris Hill 29.6
UNDER 12 400m 65.2 1972 Bishop Berkhamsted JS 66.2
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972 Osborne-Young St Richard's 2;34.4
UNDER 12 Relay 57.5 1972 Horris Hill Horris Hill 57.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 67/70 Robinson Crosfields 1.25
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Parker Little Hampden 4.14
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Carnegie Little Hampden 8.85
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball Robertson Eagle House 65.78 (rec)

UNDER 11 100m 14.4 1972 Beavers Crosfields 14.4 (=rec)

UNDER 11 200m 29.8 1972 Beavers Crosfields 30.4
UNDER 11 400m 71.5 1972 McNeill Dragon 72.1
UNDER 11 800m 2;40.3 1972 Freeman Crosfields 2;43.0
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.12 1972 Mines Little Hampden 1.13 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.10 1972 Opperman Cheam 3.86
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball Hortin Little Hampden 58.60 (rec)

UNDER 10 75m 11.2 1972 Smith Dragon 11.5

UNDER 10 200m 31.4 1971 Pearson The Downs 32.2
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972 Little Hampden Little Hampden 63.2
UNDER 10 High Jump Ogden New College 1.18 (rec)
UNDER 10 Long Jump Sudbury Cheltenham CJS 3.69 (rec)=
Cracknell Little Hampden 3.69 (rec)=
New Record/Old
1974 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 1973
UNDER 14 100m 12.6 1971 I have no copy of the results from
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 1974. These few are from the list of records
UNDER 14 400m 60.3 1973 published after the 1975 meeting, so it is
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.9 1973 possible that some records set in 1974 and
UNDER 14 1500m 5;05.3 1973 beaten in 1975 have not been recognised.
UNDER 14 Relay 53.2 1971
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.57 1973 Best Berkhamsted JS 1.63 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.66 1973 Appentang Little Hampden 10.80 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 30.12 1972

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 1972

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971
UNDER 13 800m 2;23.7 1973
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.56 1972
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.01 1973
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) (a) Hamilton Bilton Grange 10.60 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 22.40 1973

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 1973

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/72/67
UNDER 12 400m 65.2 1972
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972
UNDER 12 Relay 57.5 1972
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 67/70
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973

UNDER 11 100m 14.4 72/73

UNDER 11 200m 29.8 1972
UNDER 11 400m 71.5 1972 Douglas-Hamilton Horris Hill 67.9 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;40.3 1972
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.13 1973 Ogden New College 1.25 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.10 1972
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973

UNDER 10 75m 11.2 1972

UNDER 10 200m 31.4 1971
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.69 1973 Appentang Little Hampden 3.98 (rec)

(a) Shot are described as 7lb and 6lb, which convert to 3.25kg and 2.72kg,
but in later years a 3.00kg shot was specified instead of 2.72kg.
New Record/Old
1975 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 1973 Lynam Dragon 12.0 (=rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.6 1971 Norman Horris Hill 12.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Carr-Jones Claire's Court 27.5
UNDER 14 400m 60.3 1973 Quinn Eagle House 62.0
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.9 1973 Prenn Horris Hill 2;20.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 1500m 5;05.3 1973 Hems Abberley Hall 5;07.2
UNDER 14 Relay 53.2 1971 Horris Hill Horris Hill 51.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Davies Cheltenham CJS 1.48
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Lynam Dragon 4.64
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Parker Little Hampden 9.99
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Rubinstein Crosfields 10.21
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 30.12 1972 Winterton Woodcote House 32.50 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 1972 Beavers Crosfields 13.4

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Burrows Dragon 28.1
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971 Winston-P. Audley House 63.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;23.7 1973 Storey Horris Hill 2;30.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 McMurtrie Caldicott 1.42
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.56 1972 Freeman Crosfields 4.63 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.01 1973 Stevenson Christ Church 9.73
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Good Abberley Hall 8.97
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 22.40 1973 Pepper Winchester House 27.00 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 1973 Smith Dragon 13.7

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/72/67 Ogden New College 30.2
UNDER 12 400m 65.2 1972 Douglas-Hamilton Horris Hill 64.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972 Ritchie Caldicott 2;35.0
UNDER 12 Relay 57.5 1972 Dragon Dragon 57.0 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.32 67/70 Ogden New College 1.38 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Jones Crosfields 4.37
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Arkell Dragon 8.85
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Bateson Claire's Court 48.80

UNDER 11 100m 14.4 72/73 Marsh Crosfields 14.0 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 29.8 1972 Munger Swanbourne House 30.1
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Headley Bilton Grange 69.4
UNDER 11 800m 2;40.3 1972 Coutts-T. Christ Church 2; 43.8
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.25 1974 Saunders Caldicott 1.25 (=rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.10 1972 Bunbury Woodcote House 3.98
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 McCullough Little Hampden 49.88

UNDER 10 75m 11.2 1972 Roberts Davenies 11.0 (rec)

UNDER 10 200m 31.4 1971 R-Russell Lockers Park 32.7
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972 Davenies Davenies 62.4
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Nason Eagle House 1.10
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.98 1974 Roberts Davenies 3.72
New Record/Old
1976 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/75 Barrett Dragon 12.6
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Ward St Piran's 13.0
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Beavers Crosfields 28.4
UNDER 14 400m 60.3 1973 Parsons Brockhurst 60.8
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.4 1975 Sandall St Neot's 2;22.9
UNDER 14 1500m 5;05.3 1973 Taylor St Richard's 5;06.7
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Crosfields Crosfields 53.9
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Montgomery Cothill House 1.43
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Ward St Piran's 4.61
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Dickinson Winchester House 9.45
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Whitwam Crosfields 10.60
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 32.50 1975 Kenny Eagle House 35.60 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 1972 Smith Dragon 13.8

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Begg Caldicott 29.1
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971 Douglas-Hamilton Horris Hill 64.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;23.7 1973 Ritchie Caldicott 2;32.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Howden Dragon 1.36
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.63 1975 Templer Elstree 4.25
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.01 1973 Arkell Dragon 9.71
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Gyngell Berkhamsted JS 8.85
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 27.00 1975 Robinson Crosfields 27.25 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 1973 Marsh Crosfields 13.9

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/72/67 Marsh Crosfields 29.7
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Van der Lande St Richard's 68.1
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972 Headley Bilton Grange 2;40.7
UNDER 12 Relay 57.0 1975 Horris Hill Horris Hill 58.9
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1975 Baker Eagle House 1.31
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Von Malaise Elstree 4.13
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Lewis Woodcote House 8.38
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Barrow Dragon 54.00

UNDER 11 100m 14.0 1975 Roberts Davenies 13.9 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 29.8 1972 Gill Elstree 30.8
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Grainger Davenies 72.5
UNDER 11 800m 2;40.3 1972 Warren Winchester House 2;38.3 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.25 74/75 Nason Eagle House 1.20
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.10 1972 Roberts Davenies 4.19 (rec)
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Tosh Cheltenham CJS 47.02

UNDER 10 75m 11.0 1975 Amos Eagle House 11.2

UNDER 10 200m 31.4 1971 Amos Eagle House 31.2 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972 Little Hampden Little Hampden 63.0
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Marrison Cheam 1.14
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.98 1974 Cornish Little Hampden 3.67
New Record/Old
1977 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/75 Jack St Piran's 12.4
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Fallowfield Berkhamsted JS 13.0
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Jack St Piran's 26.9
UNDER 14 400m 60.3 1973 Howden Dragon 61.6
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.4 1975 Douglas-Hamilton Horris Hill 2;22.1
UNDER 14 1500m 5;05.3 1973 Suter Caldicott 4;52.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Prior's Court Prior's Court 53.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Howden Dragon 1.53
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Bristow Bilton Grange 4.77
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Bristow Bilton Grange 9.77
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Gyngell Berkhamsted JS 9.85
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 35.60 1976 Hill Crosfields 34.20

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 1972 Garner Davenies 12.7 (=rec)

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Garner Davenies 27.3
UNDER 13 400m 63.1 1971 Van der Lande St Richard's 63.0 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;23.7 1973 Headley Bilton Grange 2;31.2
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Baker Eagle House 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.63 1975 Risman Eagle House 4.55
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.01 1973 Attrill St Richard's 10.20 (rec)
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Granville St Hugh's 10.04
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 27.25 1976 Van der Lande St Richard's 27.43 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 1973 Roberts Davenies 13.6 (=rec)

UNDER 12 200m 29.0/28.9 71/72/67 Dimsdale Dragon 28.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Clinch Brockhurst 67.6
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972 H a l l Horris Hill 2;30.9
UNDER 12 Relay 57.0 1975 Horris Hill Horris Hill 56.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1975 Nason Eagle House 1.44 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Randler Bilton Grange 4.11
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Dimsdale Dragon 9.17
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Popplewell Winchester House 49.02

UNDER 11 100m 13.9 1976 Amos Eagle House 13.9 (=rec)

UNDER 11 200m 29.8 1972 Easton Caldicott 29.2 (rec)
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Brooks Winchester House 69.1
UNDER 11 800m 2;38.3 1976 Sawyer Little Hampden 2;45.3
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.25 74/75 Morrison Cheam 1.26 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.19 1976 Cornish Little Hampden 4.29 (rec)
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Sheasby Caldicott 52.70

UNDER 10 75m 11.0 1975 Kitchen Christ Church 11.2

UNDER 10 200m 31.2 1976 Kitchen Christ Church 30.9 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972 Dragon Dragon 62.7
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Turner Winchester House 1.15
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.98 1974 Radcliffe St Richard's 3.73
New Record/Old
1978 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/75 Risman Eagle House 12.6
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Graley Prior's Court 12.8
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Leto St Piran's 26.1
UNDER 14 400m 60.3 1973 Leto St Piran's 59.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.4 1975 Headley Brockhurst 2;21.8
UNDER 14 1500m 4;52.6 1977 Fisher Abberley Hall 4;42.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Davenies Davenies 52.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Walliker Christ Church 1.57
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Martin Winchester House 4.81
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Martin Winchester House 10.59
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Granville St Hugh's 10.44
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 35.60 1976 Van der Lande St Richard's 37.92 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Day Little Hampden 13.0

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Petalas Summer Fields 27.5
UNDER 13 400m 63.0 1977 Strouts Cothill House 62.7 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;23.7 1973 Payne Dragon 2;19.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Nason Eagle House 1.34
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.63 1975 Roberts Davenies 4.65 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.20 1977 Lancaster Winchester House 9.91
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Smith Cothill House 9.41
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 27.43 1977 Lush Crosfields 27.26

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 73/77 Aucott Caldicott 13.6 (=rec)

UNDER 12 200m 28.6 1977 Amos Eagle House 28.6 (=rec)
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Toller Davenies 65.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.7 1972 Finlay Gayhurst 2;29.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 56.6 1977 Horris Hill Horris Hill 61.1
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.44 1977 Adams Dragon 1.26
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Cornish Little Hampden 4.21
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.58* 1970 Cornish Little Hampden 9.87 (rec)
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Bowles Abberley Hall 57.65

UNDER 11 100m 13.9 76/77 Kitchen Christ Church 14.2

UNDER 11 200m 29.2 1977 Kitchen Christ Church 30.4
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Andrewes Horris Hill 70.0
UNDER 11 800m 2;38.3 1976 Maclure Horris Hill 2;36.3 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.26 1977 Maxwell Summer Fields 1.23
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.29 1977 Jackson Eagle House 4.15
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Bloedow Dragon 50.40

UNDER 10 75m 11.0 1975 Stanley-Smith Horris Hill 11.2

UNDER 10 200m 30.9 1977 Beaumont Horris Hill 30.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 61.2 1972 Horris Hill Horris Hill 61.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Whittenbury Davenies 1.12
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.98 1974 Leach New College 3.77
New Record/Old
1979 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/75 Day Little Hampden 12.0 (=rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Day Little Hampden 12.5
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Nichol Dean Close 26.5
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 1978 Strouts Cothill House 59.0 (=rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;20.4 (a) 1975 Warren Winchester House 2;24.0
UNDER 14 1500m 4;42.3 1978 Dixon Prior's Court 4;37.7 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Cheltenham CJS Cheltenham CJS 54.4
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Cameron Brockhurst 1.59
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Hare St Richard's 4.89
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Dixon Prior's Court 10.69
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Corah Cheam 10.48
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Bergman St Richard's 32.45

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Mattimoe Caldicott 13.4

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Amos Eagle House 27.6
UNDER 13 400m 62.7 1978 McNabb Cheltenham CJS 62.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Finlay Gayhurst 2;26.2
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Jerrard St Richard's 1.46
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.65 1978 Amos Eagle House 4.54
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.20 1977 Cornish Little Hampden 10.0x (b)
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Sheasby Caldicott 9.96
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 27.43 1977 Fox Cheltenham CJS 29.30 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.6 73/77/78 Stuart-Clark Dragon 13.5 (rec)

UNDER 12 200m 28.6 77/78 Wollocombe Caldicott 28.4 (rec)
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Marvin Caldicott 66.0
UNDER 12 800m 2;29.6 1978 Walsham Berkhamsted JS 2;28.1 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 56.6 1977 Caldicott Caldicott 56.3 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.44 1977 Turner Winchester House 1.40
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Jackson Eagle House 4.42
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.87 1978 O'Dwyer Elstree 8.87
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Bowles Abberley Hall 60.59

UNDER 11 100m 13.9 76/77 Stanley-Smith Horris Hill 14.1

UNDER 11 200m 29.2 1977 Beaumont Horris Hill 29.3
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 [ Omitted from the Results Lists sent to schools ]
UNDER 11 800m 2;36.3 1978 Miller Caldicott 2;37.4
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.26 1977 Omisore Bilton Grange 1.32 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.29 1977 Gladstone Cheam 4.01
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Strutt Cothill House 51.36

UNDER 10 75m 11.0 1975 Nesbitt Davenies 11.0 (=rec) =

Hearn Crosfields 11.0 (=rec) =
UNDER 10 200m 30.1 1978 Morton St Piran's 30.6
UNDER 10 Relay 61.1 1978 Caldicott Caldicott 60.0 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Alexander Davenies 1.12
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.98 1974 Pegg Winchester House 4.20 (rec)

(a) The Under 14 record is beaten by the Under 13 record.

(b) On my copy of the results, the fourth digit failed to print.
New Record/Old
1980 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/75/79 Basden Caldicott 12.6
Hawkins (heat) Little Hampden 12.0 (=rec)
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Mattimoe Caldicott 12.8
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Wilson Cheltenham CJS 26.9
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Akande Christ Church 60.6
UNDER 14 800m [ 2;20.4 ] 1975 Williams Winchester House 2;27.3
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Finlay Gayhurst 4;50.3
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Caldicott Caldicott 52.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Lewin Winchester House 1.57
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Mattimoe Caldicott 4.94
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.80 1974 Hawkins Little Hampden 10.86 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Sheasby Caldicott 10.66
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Lewin Winchester House 33.88

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Morley Horris Hill 13.5

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Ngobi Cothill House 28.8
UNDER 13 400m 62.6 1979 Parsons Berkhamsted JS 64.9
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Finlay Gayhurst 2;26.2
UNDER 13 1500m Kaberry Cheltenham CJS 4;52.4 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Marcon Dragon 1.46
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.65 1978 Nicholson The Downs 4.62
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.20 1977 Ward Cheam 9.94
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Abujaber Dragon 9.69
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 29.30 1979 Macin Crosfields 28.54

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1979 Greig Bilton Grange 13.6

UNDER 12 200m 28.4 (a) 1979 Beaumont Horris Hill 29.7
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Reitsha Cheltenham CJS 66.4
UNDER 12 800m 2;28.1 1979 Barrett Winchester House 2;37.1
UNDER 12 Relay 56.3 1979 Winchester House Winchester House 57.5
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.44 1977 Omisore Bilton Grange 1.45 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.48* 1968 Greig Bilton Grange 4.48 (=rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 9.87 1978 Omisore Bilton Grange 10.49 (rec)
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Strutt Cothill House 56.30

UNDER 11 100m 13.9 76/77 Seddon Caldicott 14.0

UNDER 11 200m 29.2 1977 Hearn Crosfields 30.4
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Pegg Winchester House 69.9
UNDER 11 800m 2;36.3 1978 Stone Brockhurst 2;39.4
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.32 1979 Alexander Davenies 1.22
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.29 1977 Pegg Winchester House 4.41 (rec)
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Ferard Summer Fields 50.42

UNDER 10 75m 11.0 75/79 Pinches Moulsford 10.7 (rec)

UNDER 10 200m 30.1 1978 Greig Bilton Grange 30.7
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Davenies Davenies 60.1
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Morley Gayhurst 1.08
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.20 1979 Greig Bilton Grange 4.55 (rec)

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

New Record/Old
1981 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 73/5/9/80 Wollocombe Caldicott 12.3
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Tavares Moor Park 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Tavares Moor Park 26.4
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Kaberry Cheltenham CJS 59.6
UNDER 14 800m [ 2;20.4 ] 1975 Burns Brockhurst 2;21.1
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Kemp Cheltenham CJS 4;44.2
UNDER 14 Relay 51.9 1975 Dragon Dragon 51.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Jerrard St Richard's 1.44
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Nawaz Berkhamsted JS 4.96
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.86 1980 Seigne Moor Park 10.42
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Abujaber Dragon 10.85
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) Kemp Cheltenham CJS 27.09 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Bloedow Dragon 33.07

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77Stanley-Smith Horris Hill 13.5

UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973Gladstone Abberley Hall 28.3
UNDER 13 400m 62.6 1979Ismaeel Christ Church 63.2
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978Lane-Fox Cheam 2;28.4
UNDER 13 1500m 4;52.4 1980Bosher Moulsford 5;09.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973Omisore Bilton Grange 1.35
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.65 1978Wilson Cheam 4.75 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.20 1977Omisore Bilton Grange 10.85 (rec)
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974Cooper Thorpe House 8.18
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) West Crosfields 16.75
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 29.30 1979 Wilson-Stephens Lockers Park 27.76

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1979 Hearn Crosfields 13.5 (=rec)

UNDER 12 200m 28.4 (a) 1979 Ajose Caldicott 27.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Pegg Winchester House 67.0
UNDER 12 800m 2;28.1 1979 Hastings St Richard's 2;27.9 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 56.3 1979 Caldicott Caldicott 55.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Murray Crosfields 1.34
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.48* ] 68/80 Tremlett Cheam 4.55 (rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Tremlett Cheam 9.52
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Ferard Summer Fields 52.62

UNDER 11 100m 13.9 76/77 Tilbury Brockhurst 13.8 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 29.2 1977 Tilbury Brockhurst 28.9 (rec)
UNDER 11 400m 67.9 1974 Hutchinson Moulsford 67.8 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;36.3 1978 Logan Dragon 2;31.6 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.32 1979 Harrold St Piran's 1.26
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Elliott Cheam 4.27
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Crawford Gayhurst 43.28

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Figg Cothill House 11.1

UNDER 10 200m 30.1 1978 Gray Bilton Grange 30.6
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Bilton Grange Bilton Grange 60.6
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Jefferson Abberley Hall 1.14
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Gray Bilton Grange 4.00

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Gray Bilton Grange 4.00

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

New Record/Old
1982 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 (a) Birch Dragon 12.6
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Ismaeel Christ Church 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Akande Christ Church 26.6
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Shackleton-Jones Prior's Court 60.7
UNDER 14 800m [ 2;20.4 ] 1975 Shackleton-Jones Prior's Court 2;25.0
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Hammon Bilton Grange 5;01.7
UNDER 14 Relay 51.3 1981 Christ Church Christ Church 51.9
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Wraight Davenies 1.50
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.30 1971 Omisore Bilton Grange 5.36 (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 10.86 1980 Ismaeel Christ Church 11.40 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Nash Berkhamsted JS 10.55
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 27.09 1981 Cooper (b) Winchester House 30.84 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Evans Caldicott 33.50

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles Ajose Caldicott 11.5 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Sarbah Berkhamsted JS 13.6
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Ajose Caldicott 26.5
UNDER 13 400m 62.6 1979 Peperell Berkhamsted JS 63.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Hastings St Richard's 2;25.6
UNDER 13 1500m 4;52.4 1980 Neal Prior's Court 5;03.1
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Alexander Davenies 1.50
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.75 1981 Seddon Caldicott 4.66
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Pegg Winchester House 10.38
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Butler Caldicott 9.69
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 16.75 1981 Dickens Cheltenham CJS 20.72 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 29.30 1979 Awage Dean Close 25.47

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles Sullivan Davenies 12.8 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81 Tilbury Brockhurst 13.7
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Tilbury Brockhurst 28.2
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Gell Caldicott 65.0
UNDER 12 800m 2;27.9 1981 Whittaker Brockhurst 2;29.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (c) 1981 Moulsford Moulsford 56.2
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Threlfall Pinewood 1.37
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Greig Bilton Grange 4.40
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Pinches Moulsford 9.28
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Freyburg Dragon 47.70

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Jefferson Abberley Hall 14.1

UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Gray Bilton Grange 29.2
UNDER 11 400m 67.8 1981 Wright Horris Hill 68.3
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.6 1981 Thompson Brockhurst 2;33.4
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.32 1979 Francis Prior's Court 1.28
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Wallace Moulsford 4.21
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Hogg Becket's School 51.74

(a) 1973/75/79/80
(b) Possibly the same boy recorded as from Thorpe House in 1981.
(c) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
1982 New Record/Old
CONTINUED Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Maxmin Thorpe House 11.1
UNDER 10 200m 30.1 1978 Maxmin Thorpe House 30.1 (=rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Horris Hill Horris Hill 61.1
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.18 1973 Ibru Cheam 1.20 (rec)
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Appleby Elstree 3.74
New Record/Old
1983 Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 (a) Seddon Caldicott 12.4
UNDER 14 100m 12.2 1975 Ajose Caldicott 11.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 25.9/25.5 72/68 Ajose Caldicott 24.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Herbert Cheltenham CJS 59.9
UNDER 14 800m [ 2;20.4 ] 1975 Drew Eagle House 2;21.8
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Neal Prior's Court 4;50.0
UNDER 14 Relay 51.3 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 51.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Neal Prior's Court 1.43
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Sarbah Berkhamsted JS 5.06
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.40 1982 Dickman St Martin's 10.48
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 1972 Lee Berkhamsted JS 10.74
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 30.84 1982 Johansen Dragon 28.65
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Drewett Bilton Grange 32.07

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.5* 1982 Seddon II Caldicott 11.9

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Tilbury Brockhurst 13.4
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Greig Bilton Grange 28.2
UNDER 13 400m 62.6 1979 Tilbury Brockhurst 60.9 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Hutchinson Moulsford 2;27.9
UNDER 13 1500m 4;52.4 1980 McDiarmid Brockhurst 5;04.4
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Morley Gayhurst 1.44
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.75 1981 Greig Bilton Grange 4.96 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Harrold St Piran's 10.50
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Rowlands Winchester House 9.83
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 20.72 1982 Robinson Cheam 21.53 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 29.30 1979 Drewett II Bilton Grange 30.97 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8* 1982 Jefferson Abberley Hall 11.4 (rec)
UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81 Pickard Dean Close 13.7
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Purves Caldicott 28.7
UNDER 12 400m 64.5 1975 Pickard Dean Close 64.4 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;27.9 1981 Stewart Cheltenham CJS 2;27.3 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 56.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Wren Caldicott 1.34
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Evers Horris Hill 4.50
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Begley Elstree 9.13
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 Hogg Becket's School 63.45

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Maxmin Thorpe House 14.1

UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Maxmin Thorpe House 29.6
UNDER 11 400m 67.8 1981 Evans Moulsford 68.9
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.6 1981 Hoskin Caldicott 2;31.8
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.32 1979 Ibru Cheam 1.28
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Appleby Elstree 4.23
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 Guest Christ Church 50.12

(a) 1973/75/79/80
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
1983 New Record/Old
CONTINUED Event (if better) Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Hatton Prior's Court 11.2
UNDER 10 200m 30.1* 78/82 Smith Caldicott 30.9
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Horris Hill Horris Hill 62.0
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.20 1982 Mee Gayhurst 1.20 (=rec)
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Emmett Cothill House 3.95

In 1983, the last of the pre-metric records that might have still been valid finally fell.
1984 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 ( a ) McNeill Prior's Court 12.4
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Nesbitt Davenies 13.0
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (b) 1983 Scott Thorpe House 26.7
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Gell Caldicott 60.0
UNDER 14 800m [ 2;20.4 ] 1975 Gell Caldicott 2;18.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Crawford Gayhurst 4;52.8
UNDER 14 Relay 51.3 1981 Bilton Grange Bilton Grange 52.3
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Morley Gayhurst 1.59
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Harrold St Piran's 5.33
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.40 1982 Harrold St Piran's 11.90 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.08 (c) 1972 Rowlands Winchester House 11.75 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 30.84 1982 Knott Davenies 29.32
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Drewett II Bilton Grange 36.14

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Dalton-Morris The Beacon 11.8

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Gray Bilton Grange 13.3
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Alcock Brockhurst 27.1
UNDER 13 400m 60.9 1983 Broster Brockhurst 60.2 (rec) =
Saywell Winchester House 60.2 (rec) =
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Hilton Moor Park 2;25.4
UNDER 13 1500m 4;52.4 1980 Thompson Brockhurst 4;49.2 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Wren Caldicott 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.96 1983 Kilby Cheltenham CJS 4.91
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Gray Bilton Grange 9.82
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Clark Pinewood 10.32 (d)
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 21.53 1983 Reay Bilton Grange 25.47 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 30.97 1983 Ireland Cheam 31.75 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983Westhead The Beacon 11.9

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81Maxmin Thorpe House 13.0
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981Maxmin Thorpe House 28.4
UNDER 12 400m 64.4 1983McCammon Horris Hill 66.3
UNDER 12 800m 2;27.3 1983Dean Gayhurst 2;25.0 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981Horris Hill Horris Hill 56.7
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980Rowntree Davenies 1.37
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981Sebire Eagle House 4.41
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980Ibru Cheam 9.18
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) Stabb Elstree 24.20 (rec)
UNDER 12 Cricket Ball 65.78 1973 [ Discontinued ]

(a) 1973/75/79/80
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
(c) Incorrectly copied as 11.00 in the Official List.
(d) Using a 3.25kg shot.
1984 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Thorburn-Muirhead St Piran's 14.6
UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Lane-Nott Moor Park 29.9
UNDER 11 400m 67.8 1981 Gilman Davenies 67.0
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.6 1981 Warren Cheltenham CJS 2;32.1
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.32 1979 Mee Gayhurst 1.34 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Kyle Cothill House 4.11
UNDER 11 Cricket Ball 58.60 1973 [ Discontinued ]

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Wyatt Thorpe House 11.2

UNDER 10 200m 30.1* 78/82 Lane-Nott Moor Park 29.9
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Cheltenham CJS Cheltenham CJS 61.6
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.20 82/83 Higgott Bilton Grange 1.26 (rec)
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Maclachlan Pinewood 3.76
1985 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0 ( a ) Purvis Caldicott 12.0 (=rec)
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Hammond Pinewood 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (b) 1983 Stone Crosfields 26.3
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Wilson Cheam 60.5
UNDER 14 800m 2;18.6* 1984 Hilton Moor Park 2;18.6 (=rec)
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7* 1979 Thompson Brockhurst 4;43.2
UNDER 14 Relay 51.3 1981 Prior's Court Prior's Court 52.0
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Marcon Dragon 1.56
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Hobday Eagle House 4.95
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Hammond Pinewood 11.43
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 (c) 1984 Purvis Caldicott 10.66
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 30.84 1982 Reay Bilton Grange 31.25 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 37.92 1978 Rumbold Gayhurst 39.36 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ](d) 1982 Westhead The Beacon 11.6
UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Wilson St Piran's 13.7
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 McLoughlin The Beacon 28.6
UNDER 13 400m 60.2 1984 Broster Brockhurst 60.2 (=rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Brocklehurst Crosfields 2;29.1
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Hoskin Caldicott 4;55.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Owen Bilton Grange 1.46
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.96 1983 Evans Cheltenham CJS 4.70
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Ibru Cheam 10.00
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Guest Christ Church 9.70
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 25.47 1984 Ibru Cheam 29.74 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Lacagnina Dragon 27.66

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Cropley Winchester House 12.5

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81 Hatton Prior's Court 13.8
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 La Rocco Cheltenham CJS 28.4
UNDER 12 400m 64.4 1983 Gilman Davenies 65.2
UNDER 12 800m 2;25.0* 1984 Warren Cheltenham CJS 2;24.4
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981 Thorpe House Thorpe House 55.8
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Mee Gayhurst 1.44
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Smith Caldicott 4.50
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 La Rocco Cheltenham CJS 9.69
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 24.20 1984 Soufraki Caldicott 29.14 (rec)

(a) 1973/75/79/80
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
(c) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.
(d) Incorrectly copied (from the Under 14 record) as 12.0 in the Programme.
1985 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Wyatt Thorpe House 14.1
UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Norris Elstree 29.7
UNDER 11 400m 67.8 1981 Cooke Dean Close 64.7 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.6 1981 Cooke Dean Close 2;31.5 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.34 1984 Higgott Bilton Grange 1.29
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Parkinson Elstree 4.25

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980Longsdon Summer Fields 11.4

UNDER 10 200m 30.1* 78/82Jack Crosfields 30.8
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979Cheltenham CJS Cheltenham CJS 61.1
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (a) 1984Dellor Elstree 1.15=
Butcher Gayhurst 1.15=
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Graham Bilton Grange 3.69

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.

1986 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0* (a) Thomas Caldicott 12.2
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Cameron Eagle House 12.8
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (b) 1983 Alldrick Crosfields 26.6
UNDER 14 400m 59.0 78/79 Cameron Eagle House 58.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;18.6* 84/85 Jones Eagle House 2;21.8
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7* 1979 Waggett Caldicott 4;46.7
UNDER 14 Relay 51.3 1981 Eagle House Eagle House 51.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Wilson Eagle House 1.56
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Waugh Eagle House 4.97
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Guest Christ Church 11.38
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Bridgwood Cheltenham CJS 11.39
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 31.25 1985 Ibru Cheam 35.17 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.36 1985 Gilbey Cheam 32.97

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Cropley Winchester House 11.7

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Neville Bilton Grange 12.9
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 La Rocco Cheltenham CJS 27.1
UNDER 13 400m 60.2 84/85 Piney Dean Close 59.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Piney Dean Close 2;20.6
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Robson Crosfields 5;02.4
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Prior Winchester House 1.47
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.96 1983 Neville Bilton Grange 5.24 (rec)
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Cropley Winchester House 9.88
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Bartlett Farleigh 9.28
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Worne St Richard's 22.89
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Soufraki Caldicott 28.36

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Tait Caldicott 12.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81 Gibson The Beacon 13.5 (=rec)
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Clark Thorpe House 29.0
UNDER 12 400m 64.4 1983 Cooke Dean Close 62.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Cooke Dean Close 2;25.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981 Thorpe House Thorpe House 56.9
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Drake-Brockman Dragon 1.40
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Wyatt Thorpe House 4.31
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Garey The Beacon 9.02
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 29.14 1985 Fitzgerald St Richard's 33.70 (rec)

(a) 1973/75/79/80/85
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
1986 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Ibru Caldicott 14.4
UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Graham Bilton Grange 30.1
UNDER 11 400m 64.7* 1985 Longsdon Summer Fields 67.2
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Jenkins Cheltenham CJS 2;34.2
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.34 1984 Freer Bilton Grange 1.36 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Graham Bilton Grange 3.99

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Jack Crosfields 10.9

UNDER 10 200m 30.1* 78/82 Jack Crosfields 30.6
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Elstree Elstree 61.5
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Conner St Richard's 1.21
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Reid Ludgrove 3.91

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(d) Incorrectly copied (from the Under 11 record) as 1.34 in the Programme.
1987 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0* (a) Hutchinson St Piran's 12.1
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Hatton Prior's Court 12.5
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (b) 1983 Hatton Prior's Court 26.0
UNDER 14 400m 58.3* 1986 Neville Bilton Grange 56.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;18.6* 84/85 Piney Dean Close 2;11.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7* 1979 Robson Crosfields 4;56.0
UNDER 14 Relay 51.0 1986 Cheltenham CJS Cheltenham CJS 51.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Offer Caldicott 1.55
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Grafftey-Smith Abberley Hall 4.89
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Neville Bilton Grange 10.76
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Richards Eagle House 11.39
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Richards Eagle House 28.21
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.36 1985 La Rocco Cheltenham CJS 33.75

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Norris Elstree 11.6

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Gibson (c) Cheltenham CJS 12.8
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Gibson (c) Cheltenham CJS 27.2
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 Culver Eagle House 62.3
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Cooke Dean Close 2;24.4
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Terrell Cheltenham CJS 4;55.3
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Drake-Brockman Dragon 1.40
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Parker Dragon 4.51
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Norris Elstree 10.23
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Daniells Brockhurst 9.72
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Culver Eagle House 22.69
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Wright Cothill House 29.91

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Lurot (d) Brockhurst 12.9

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 79/81/86 Wyatt (e) Thorpe House 13.3 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Longsdon Summer Fields 28.9
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Howard Dragon 63.9
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Cooke Dean Close 2;25.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981 Thorpe House Thorpe House 56.9
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Lamb Caldicott 1.37
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Keith Winchester House 4.38
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Boyd-Maunsell Caldicott 8.65
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Honneyman Cheltenham CJS 32.85

(a) 1973/75/79/80/85
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
(c) Probably the same Gibson as went to The Beacon in 1986.
(d) Fastest in the Heats. The Final result slip was lost.
(e) A Wyatt from Thorpe House competed in this age-group in 1986.
Is this the same one, and too old, or his brother?
1987 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Jack Crosfields 14.4
UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Jack Crosfields 29.5
UNDER 11 400m 64.7* 1985 Cripps Caldicott 67.3
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Hedderwick Brockhurst 2;31.6
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Chalmers Eagle House 1.33
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Reid Ludgrove 4.26

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Udom Prior's Court 10.8

UNDER 10 200m 30.1* 78/82 Udom Prior's Court 29.9 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Dragon Dragon 62.7
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Robinson Elstree 1.19
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Moody Eagle House 4.10

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Incorrectly copied (as last year) as 1.34 in the Programme.
1988 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.0* (a) Liddington Bilton Grange 11.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Udom Prior's Court 12.6
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (b) 1983 Udom Prior's Court 25.8
UNDER 14 400m 56.5* 1987 Haigh St Hugh's 59.3
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* 1987 Busk Cothill House 2;19.8
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Broadhurst Dragon 5;02.6
UNDER 14 Relay 51.0 1986 Prior's Court Prior's Court 52.6
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Wilde Davenies 1.52
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Emson Cheam 4.97
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 MacFarlane Eagle House 11.16
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Daniels Brockhurst 10.95
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Capell Winchester House 28.95
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.36 1985 Wright Cothill House 34.17

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Satterley Winchester House 12.1

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Beim Cheltenham CJS 13.6
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Beim Cheltenham CJS 27.9
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 Howard Dragon 62.6
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Allison Prior's Court 2;30.2
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Ridley Caldicott 5;12.7
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Holden St Richard's 1.42
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Keith Winchester House 4.65
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Marriage Brockhurst 9.70
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Carlson Winchester House 9.20
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Stafford Bilton Grange 26.80
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Hoole Cheltenham CJS 28.15

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Wilson Winchester House 12.5

UNDER 12 100m 13.3* 1987 Cross Moor Park 14.1
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Fergusson Horris Hill 29.4
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Cripps Caldicott 65.2
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Cripps Caldicott 2;29.1
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (b) 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 56.0
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.45 1980 Chalmers Eagle House 1.48 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Castle Elstree 4.52
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Conner St Richard's 9.25
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Robinson Cheltenham CJS 27.46

(a) 1973/75/79/80/85
(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.
1988 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Udom Prior's Court 13.9
UNDER 11 200m 28.9 1981 Udom Prior's Court 28.6 (rec)
UNDER 11 400m 64.7* 1985 Wylie Dragon 68.4
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Martin Caldicott 2;34.7
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Waters Cheltenham CJS 1.35
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Reeve Elstree 4.31

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Ransom Crosfields 11.5

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987 Lewis Dragon 31.3
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Elstree Elstree 62.0
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Highett-Smith Davenies 1.19
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Wanambwa Cheam 3.88

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.

The first events for Girls were introduced this year. Their history is recorded separately.
1989 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9* 1988 Satterley Winchester House 12.6
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Beim Cheltenham CJS 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (a) 1983 Hewitt Bilton Grange 26.6
UNDER 14 400m 56.5* 1987 Burr Bilton Grange 62.0
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* 1987 Christopherson Cheltenham CJS 2;19.6
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.7 1979 Mostyn St Richard's 4;37.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 51.0 1986 Bilton Grange Bilton Grange 52.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Zatloukal Caldicott 1.53
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Atilade The Elms 5.18
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Keith Winchester House 10.51
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Bailey Bilton Grange 10.61
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Stafford Bilton Grange 25.59
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.36 1985 Hoole Cheltenham CJS 34.39

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Kinder Caldicott 12.3

UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Obed Prior's Court 13.7
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Obed Prior's Court 27.5
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 Borwick Cothill House 65.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Lloyd Bilton Grange 2;27.9
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 McCallum Twyford 5;05.1
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Lewis Dragon 1.43
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Francis The Elms 4.77
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Lewis Dragon 9.75
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Chamberlain Prior's Court 9.24
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Osbourne Cheam 23.73
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Dickson Caldicott 30.69

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 David Caldicott 12.0

UNDER 12 100m 13.3* 1987 Udom Prior's Court 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Udom Prior's Court 29.1
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Hulugalle Horris Hill 68.3
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Mapham Brockhurst 2;27.8
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (a) 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 56.8
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.48 1988 Waters Cheltenham CJS 1.34
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Astley Abberley Hall 4.45
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Reeve Elstree 9.30
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Bailey Cothill House 29.53

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

1989 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Jenkins Cheltenham CJS 15.0
UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Opia Farleigh 30.7
UNDER 11 400m 64.7* 1985 Hodgson Twford 70.4
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Guest St Piran's 2;38.0
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Highett-Smith Davenies 1.21
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Daukes Cheam 4.08

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Rigg Cheltenham CJS 11.9

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987 Carver Crosfields 31.9
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Cheltenham CJS Cheltenham CJS 61.4
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Montanaro Elstree 1.19
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Wanambwa (c) Cheam 4.24

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.
(c) Probably the same athlete as in the same event in 1988.
1990 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9* 1988 Wilson Winchester House 11.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Oyaide Berkhamsted JS 12.5
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (a) 1983 Obed Prior's Court 26.8
UNDER 14 400m 56.5* 1987 Field Dean Close 53.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* 1987 Thompson Crosfields 2;22.7
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1* 1989 Miners Eagle House 4;59.4
UNDER 14 Relay 51.0 1986 Prior's Court Prior's Court 48.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Parr Dean Close 1.56
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Obolensky Dragon 4.91
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Oyaide Berkhamsted JS 11.63
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Carter Bilton Grange 11.22
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Osborne Cheam 34.52
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.36 1985 Field Dean Close 39.92 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles [ 11.5* ] 1982 Gordon Winchester House 11.3 (rec)
UNDER 13 100m 12.7 72/77 Udom Prior's Court 12.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Udom Prior's Court 26.5
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 Mapham Brockhurst 61.1
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Mapham Brockhurst 2;20.6
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Child St Piran's 4;50.3
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Howard Bilton Grange 1.42
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Gordon Summer Fields 4.67
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Reeve Elstree 9.97
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Saro-Wiwa Cheam 9.61
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Winter Gayhurst 20.96
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Horton Cheam 27.59

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Willsher Elstree 13.0

UNDER 12 100m 13.3* 1987 Buxani Elstree 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Opia Farleigh 28.2
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Wrobel Cheam 63.4
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Guest St Piran's 2;29.8
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 (a) 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 55.7
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.48 1988 Highett-Smith Davenies 1.49 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.55 1981 Smith St Piran's 4.35
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Igbon St Richard's 9.32
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Rigg Cheltenham CJS 28.29

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

1990 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Hutchinson Eagle House 14.5
UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Carver Crosfields 29.7
UNDER 11 400m 64.7* 1985 Collis Brockhurst 64.3 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Kingsnorth Prior's Court 2;33.3
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Sutherland Eagle House 1.23=
Mathers Cheltenham CJS 1.23=
UNDER 11 Long Jump [ 4.41 ] 1980 Wanambwa Cheam 4.60 (rec)

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Anyanwu Moor Park 11.3

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987 Cranmer Caldicott 30.7
UNDER 10 Relay 60.0 1979 Caldicott Caldicott 58.2 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Wilson Winchester House 1.13
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Gallimore Cheltenham CJS 4.05

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.
1991 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.8 1990
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 I have no copy of the results from
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (a) 1983 1991 or 1992. The single peformance
UNDER 14 400m 53.8* 1990 recorded below is better than the previous
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* (b) 1987 record, and written (with all the others as
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1* 1989 before) in the programme for 1992.
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9* 1990
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3* 1990

UNDER 13 100m 12.6* 1990
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983

UNDER 12 100m 13.3* 1987
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6* 1981
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 1981
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

(b) Incorrectly copied as 2;21.18 (from previous results) by the compiler.
1991 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981
UNDER 11 200m 28.6* 1988
UNDER 11 400m 64.3* 1990
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986

UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987
UNDER 10 Relay 58.2* 1990
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.55 1980 Unknown Unknown 4.60 (rec)

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1984.
1992 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.8 1990 Dalton Orley Farm 11.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Sutton Gayhurst 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (a) 1983 Sutton Gayhurst 26.5
UNDER 14 400m 53.8* 1990 Boddam-Whetham Berkhamsted JS 59.0
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* (b) 1987 Haughey Cheam 2;15.3
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1* 1989 Boddam-Whetham Berkhamsted JS 4;40.9
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9* 1990 Farleigh Farleigh 52.0
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Woodger Eagle House 1.53
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Igbon St Richard's 5.09
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Dalton Orley Farm 11.59
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Makin Cheam 11.65
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Fitzsimons Bilton Grange 30.89
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Whitle Bilton Grange 34.70

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3* 1990 Kyte Dragon 11.5

UNDER 13 100m 12.6* 1990 Jones Berkhamsted JS 12.9
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Jones Berkhamsted JS 26.3
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 St George Caldicott 60.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Danielli Cheltenham CJS 2;27.3
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Page Berkhamsted JSC 5;02.9
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 1973 Sutherland Eagle House 1.51 (=rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Danielli Cheltenham CJS 4.98
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Montenaro Elstree 10.55
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 10.60 1974 Poynton The Elms 11.52 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Poynton The Elms 27.98 (c)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Ahma Farleigh 28.20

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Wilson Winchester House 12.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.3* 1987 Cranmer Caldicott 13.2 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Green Dragon 28.2
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Cadwallader Davenies 65.1
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Bindra Crosfields 2;29.3
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6* 1981 Caldicott Caldicott 56.3
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Grievson Elstree 1.29
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 1981 Green Dragon 4.37
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Elles Elstree 9.23
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Noorani Cheltenham CJS 28.15

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

(b) Incorrectly recorded as 2;15.3 (from 1992) by the compiler,
following the misprint in last year's programme
(c) Incorrectly recorded as 29.98 (a record) in subsequent programmes.
1992 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Higgins Caldicott 13.9
UNDER 11 200m 28.6* 1988 N e i l Caldicott 29.7
UNDER 11 400m 64.3* 1990 Ainley Elstree 65.7
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.5 (a) 1985 Ainley Elstree 2;31.1 (rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Richards Brockhurst 1.30
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Mezger Dragon 4.23

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Smith Christ Church 11.0

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987 Yiangou Cheltenham CJS 30.8
UNDER 10 Relay 58.2* 1990 Long Close Long Close 61.70
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (b) 1984 Sutton Davenies 1.22
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.60 1991 Baker Davenies 4.02

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in 1985.

(b) Incorrectly recorded as 1.22 (from 1992) by the compiler,
following the misprint in successive programmes since 1984.
1993 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5* 1992 Upchurch Bilton Grange 11.8
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 1983 Udezue Berkhamsted JS 11.9 (=rec)
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 (a) 1983 Warmann Prior's Court 25.8
UNDER 14 400m 53.8* 1990 St George Caldicott 57.9
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2* (b) 1987 Hewitt Cothill House 2;21.6
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1* 1989 Page St Piran's 4;56.9
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9* 1990 Berkhamsted JS Berkhamsted JS 51.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Sutherland Eagle House 1.60
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.36 1982 Danielli Cheltenham CJS 5.73 (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Wanambwa Cheam 10.61
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 11.75 1984 Poynton The Elms 12.06 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Poynton The Elms 34.10
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Mathers Cheltenham CJS 33.92

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3* 1990 Wilson Winchester House 12.0

UNDER 13 100m 12.6* 1990 Onwubalili Haileybury 12.9
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Green Dragon 27.2=
Cranmer Caldicott 27.2=
UNDER 13 400m 59.6* 1986 Burnell Prior's Court 60.0
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Howard Dragon 2;29.5
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2* 1984 Burns Bilton Grange 5;13.6
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 73/92 Gallimore Cheltenham CJS 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Burnell Prior's Court 4.71
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Swete Elstree 10.26
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 11.52 1992 Onwubalili Haileybury 11.85 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 Gilbert Gayhurst 26.80
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 31.75 1984 Bowman Eagle House 35.73 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Coull Davenies 12.5

UNDER 12 100m 13.2* 1992 Tighe The Beacon 13.3
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Warmann Prior's Court 28.7
UNDER 12 400m 62.5* 1986 Ainley Elstree 65.1
UNDER 12 800m 2;24.4* 1985 Ainley Elstree 2;23.6 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6* 1981 The Beacon The Beacon 57.7
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Mathers Cheltenham CJS 1.39
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 1981 Warmann Prior's Court 4.55 (=rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Pool Elstree 9.49
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Mathers Cheltenham CJS 30.77

(a) Missed by the Records List compiler. Achieved in a heat.

(b) Incorrectly recorded as 2;15.3 (from 1992) by the compiler,
following the misprint in last year's programme
1993 (CONT) Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Kelly Long Close 14.1
UNDER 11 200m 28.6* 1988 Yiangou Cheltenham CJS 29.3
UNDER 11 400m 64.3* 1990 Underwood Horris Hill 68.0
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1* 1992 Dickinson The Beacon 2;35.1
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Sutton Davenies 1.30
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Yiangou Cheltenham CJS 4.19

UNDER 10 75m 10.7 1980 Andrews Moulsford 11.2

UNDER 10 200m 29.9* 1987 Basy Caldicott 31.7
UNDER 10 Relay 58.2* 1990 Dragon Dragon 62.5
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.26 (a) 1984 Conibear Dragon 1.18
UNDER 10 Long Jump 4.60 1991 Sawetz Brockhurst 3.91

(a) Incorrectly recorded as 1.22 (from 1992) by the compiler,

following the misprint in successive programmes since 1984.
1994 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Wright Caldicott 11.7
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Cunliffe The Elms 12.6
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Cunliffe The Elms 25.7
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 MacEwan Dragon 59.1
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Burnell Prior's Court 2;23.0
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Boddam-Whetham Berkhamsted 5;06.9
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Caldicott Caldicott 54.0
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Gallimore Cheltenham CJS 1.45
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Gallimore Cheltenham CJS 5.38
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Attwood The Elms 9.93
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.06 1993 Radley The Elms 10.93
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Radley The Elms 30.87
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Zialor Berkhamsted 32.82

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990Stockbridge Abberley Hall 11.7

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990Giles Crosfields 13.6
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973Higgins Caldicott 27.9
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986Williams-Thomas Abberley Hall 65.7
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978Smith Crosfields 2;35.6
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984Smith Crosfields 5;10.1
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 73/92Theunissen Prior's Court 1.49
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986Warmann Prior's Court 5.10
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981Williams-Thomas Abberley Hall 9.31
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 11.85 1993[ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) Freed Caldicott 11.78 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.74 1985 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) Magan Prior's Court 26.66 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 35.73 1993 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) Mathers Cheltenham CJS 30.62 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Wright Caldicott 12.1

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Barratt Dragon 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Bonsor Dragon 28.9
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 MacInnes Dragon 68.4
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Black Abberley Hall 2;39.5
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Dragon Dragon 57.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Sutton Davenies 1.41
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 81/03 Barratt Dragon 4.51
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Bonsor Dragon 8.98
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Charnock Berkhamsted 27.92

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Newell St Hugh's 14.4

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Newell St Hugh's 31.0
UNDER 11 400m 64.3 1990 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Homfray Abberley Hall 2;48.9
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Hogan Abberley Hall 1.24
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Morgan Winchester House 3.96
1995 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Mander-Jones Prior's Court 12.5
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Giles Crosfields 12.4
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Giles Crosfields 26.1
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 Pooley Brockhurst 62.0
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Williams-Thomas Abberley Hall 2;23.0
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Scudamore Cheltenham CJS 4;58.2
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Abberley Abberley 52.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Marsden Abberley Hall 1.54
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Manning Abberley Hall 5.10
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Warmann Prior's Court 10.38
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.06 1993 Magan Prior's Court 11.85
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Magan Prior's Court 30.14
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Mathers Cheltenham CJS 30.20

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Wright Caldicott 11.9

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Abiola Caldicott 13.2
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Baker Davenies 27.2
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 MacInnes Dragon 65.0
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Black Abberley Hall 2;27.0
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Brain Dragon 5;16.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.51 73/92 Sutton Davenies 1.60 (rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Baker Davenies 4.48
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Harbach Abberley Hall 9.27
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 11.85 1993 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 Bainbridge St Hugh's 11.43
UNDER 13 Discus (1kg) 29.98 1992 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 26.66 1994 Gilbert Gayhurst 28.86 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (600g) 35.73 1993 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 30.62 1994 Wilson Winchester House 30.40

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Williams Caldicott 13.4

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Warmann Prior's Court 13.6
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Doulton Dragon 29.5
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 Scudamore Cheltenham CJS 68.0
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Saunders Dragon 2;38.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Abberley Abberley Hall 57.0
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Dunn Moor Park 1.36
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 81/03 Lawrence Caldicott 4.29
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Morgan Winchester House 8.85
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Ross Berkhamsted 25.40

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 1981 Holborrow Abberley Hall 13.8 (=rec)

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Thompson Abberley Hall 28.9
UNDER 11 400m 64.3 1990 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Hogan (a) Abberley Hall 2;38.0
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Hogan Abberley Hall 1.32
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Markham Brockhurst 3.99

(a) This athlete also competed in ths age group last year.
1996 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Jennings Ludgrove 12.4
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Abiola Caldicott 12.6
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Abiola Caldicott 25.5
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 Yiangou Cheltenham CJS 59.7
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Black Abberley Hall 2;12.3
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Brain Dragon 5;05.8
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Caldicott Caldicott 52.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Sutton Davenies 1.55
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Baker Davenies 5.15
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 McClaren Dragon 10.69
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.06 1993 Jones Winchester House 10.54
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 35.17 1986 Brighton Cheltenham CJS 36.04 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Wilson Winchester House 30.56

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Heber Caldicott 13.1

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Fairbairn Moulsford 14.0
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Fairbairn Moulsford 29.6
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 Beyamaowei Prior's Court 62.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Ward St Piran's 2;30.4
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Hill Crosfields 5;11.3
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Lorimer Dragon 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Beyamaowei Prior's Court 4.78
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Ward St Piran's 10.08
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 Harrison Hillstone 11.32
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 Harrison Hillstone 26.14
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 30.62 1994 Kerr St Richard's 27.68

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Simmie Dragon 13.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Warmann Prior's Court 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Thompson Abberley Hall 29.8
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 Mather Dragon 67.8
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Legh Abberley Hall 2;35.8
UNDER 12 1500m Hogan Abberley Hall 5;09.1 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Abberley Abberley 57.5
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Hadman Dragon 1.35
UNDER 12 Long Jump [ 4.55 ] 81/03 Warmann Prior's Court 4.86 (rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Hadman Dragon 8.90
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Marshall The Elms 27.36

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Holborow Abberley Hall 14.3

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Bugden Caldicott 30.6
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Daily Dragon 2;37.4
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.36 1986 Nissen Ludgrove 1.39 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Forsyth Dragon 4.25
1997 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Thomson Ludgrove 13.1
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Ching Pinewood 12.6
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Ching Pinewood 26.3
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 Basey Caldicott 60.3
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Hill Crosfields 2;33.1
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Hall Pinewood 4;49.8
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Prior's Court Prior's Court 51.6
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Lorimer Dragon 1.51
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Beyamaowei Prior's Court 4.97
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Lorimer Dragon 10.53
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.06 1993 Harrison Hillstone 12.37 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 Gurney Dragon 26.90
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Gurney Dragon 33.66

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Esiri Dragon 12.5

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Warmann Prior's Court 12.7
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Warmann Prior's Court 27.4
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 Harris Caldicott 65.9
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Hogan Abberley Hall 2;32.6
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Collins Davenies 5;02.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Baillie Cheltenham CJS 1.48
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Greer Caldicott 4.42
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Hadman Dragon 9.38
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 Clague Crosfields 10.95
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 Udom Prior's Court 26.50
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 30.62 1994 Richardson Abberley Hall 31.52 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Forsythe Dragon 12.6

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Holborow Abberley Hall 13.5
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Bauer Dragon 29.3
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 Dailey Dragon 64.6
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Nissen Ludgrove 2;27.2
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 Harrop Abberley Hall 5;18.2
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Dragon Dragon 57.2
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Alcock Pinewood 1.34
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.86 1996 Holborow Abberley Hall 4.93 (rec)
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Phillips Davenies 9.44
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Jones Winchester House 28.04

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Howell Oratory Prep 14.3

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Ornell Oratory Prep 28.7
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Robertson Crosfields 2;38.4
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 Daniels Davenies 1.31
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Daniels Davenies 4.00
1998 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Simmie Dragon 13.3
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Okunowo Caldicott 12.6
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Udom Prior's Court 27.4
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 Hughes Abberley Hall 60.5
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Roberts Dragon 2;31.7
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Luckyn-Malone The Elms 4;53.0
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Caldicott Caldicott 51.5
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Warmann Prior's Court 1.61
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Warmann Prior's Court 4.98
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Masuda Caldicott 10.07
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.37 1997 Laruelle Caldicott 10.83
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 Iles Dragon 27.84
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Griffiths Oratory Prep 31.88

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Forsythe Dragon 12.4

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Morley Abberley Hall4 13.5
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Bauer Dragon 29.3
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 Measham Davenies 60.1
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Nissen Abberley Hall1 2;26.2
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Myles-Till Oratory Prep 5;12.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Beaton Caldicott 1.36
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Holborow Abberley Hall 5.16
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Forsythe Dragon 10.30
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 Clague Crosfields 11.14
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 Clague Crosfields 29.34
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 31.52 1997 Rooker Abberley Hall 28.18

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Turney Dragon 13.5

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Trythall Caldicott 14.0
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Bagshaw Winchester House 30.1
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 Omell Oratory Prep 65.3
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Womersley Dragon 2;30.7
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 Richards Crosfields 5;13.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Prior's Court Prior's Court 58.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Dunn Abberley Hall2 1.42
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 East Dragon 4.44
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Daniels Davenies 9.23
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Craig Crosfields 26.48

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Marsden Dragon 14.7

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Mills Cheltenham CJS 31.3
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Tye Oratory Prep 2;40.3
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 Skelton Brockhurst 1.10
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Coffey Dragon 4.34
1999 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 T. Forsythe Dragon 13.0
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 A. Keatley Dragon 12.8
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 T. Balmforth Dragon 27.0
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 A. Ganjou Dragon 59.4
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 G. Fountaine Hillstone 2;38.8
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 T. Dailey Dragon 5;00.1
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 The Dragon Dragon 51.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 B. Raymond Abberley Hall 1.48
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 T. Forsythe Dragon 5.14
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 O. Margot Caldicott 10.21
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.37 1997 E. Soto The Elms 11.02
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 M. Wickenden Berkhamsted 28.63
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 E. Wronski Cheltenham CJS 36.00

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 R. Jones Dragon 12.1

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 M. Reza Dragon 13.1
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 M. Reza Dragon 27.8
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 E. East Dragon 64.4
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 T.Everitt Abberley Hall 2;27.8
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 S. Mason Abberley Hall 5;08.8
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 M. Dunn Moor Park 1.40
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 E. East Dragon 4.32
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 A. French Caldicott 10.02
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 H. Millington Hillstone 10.97
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 H. Millington Hillstone 29.20
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 31.52 1997 S. Mason Abberley Hall 24.09

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 M. Coffey Dragon 12.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 J. Blades Cheltenham CJS 14.4
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 J. Marsden Dragon 30.1
UNDER 12 400m 62.5 1986 C. Cowan Dragon 61.3 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 G. Ewart-Perks Abberley Hall 2;39.9
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 M. Coffey Dragon 5;28.6
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 The Dragon Dragon 59.5
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 J. Skelton Brockhurst 1.31
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 J. Blades Cheltenham CJS 4.02
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 A. Kingham Elstree 9.21
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 A. Sloane Winchester House 28.45

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Norris Elstree 14.7

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Smith-Osborne Winchester House 30.8
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Farrar-Bell Elstree 2;45.9
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 A. Newcome Elstree 1.35
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 A. Newcome Elstree 4.33
2000 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 J. Baines-Buffery Moor Park 13.4
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 J. Mathias Moor Park 13.3
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 A. Bagshaw Winchester House 27.6
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 G. Hughes Abberley Hall 62.2
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 T. Everitt Abberley Hall 2;17.5
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 A. Dale Moor Park 5;03.5
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Moor Park Moor Park 55.4
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 H. Millington Hillstone 1.44
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 W. Coomer Abberley Hall 4.14
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 C. Ashton Berkhamsted 10.05
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.37 1997 H. Millington Hillstone 11.86
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 H. Millington Hillstone 34.68
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 S. Bilboe Abberley Hall 28.86

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 F. Waters Winchester House 12.5

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Marsden Dragon 13.9
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Bellhouse Dragon 28.1
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 E. Gorin Cheltenham CJS 67.0
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 G. Ewart-Perks Abberley Hall 2;37.1
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Evans Dragon 5;13.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 H. Codrington Elstree 1.35
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 E. Gorin Cheltenham CJS 4.12
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 E. Lo Bianco Berkhamsted 9.28
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 L. Brazier Hillstone 9.82
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 A. Bauer Dragon 21.59
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 31.52 1997 A. Sloane Winchester House 32.13 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Forsyth Dragon 12.6

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 D. Housego Moulsford 14.0
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 D. Housego Moulsford 28.4
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 F. Miller Abberley Hall 69.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 E. Wormesley Beaudesert 2;37.9
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 E. Smith-Osborn Winchester House 5;25.4
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Elstree Elstree 57.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 A. Newcome Elstree 1.37
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 E. Verrill Moulsford 4.37
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 A. Newcome Elstree 9.77
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 A. Kingham Elstree 25.66

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Newton Pinewood 14.5

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Newton Pinewood 30.7
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 E. Monkley Abberley Hall 2;47.2
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 C. Hood Pinewood 1.20
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Wood Dragon 3.92
2001 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 M. Osborne Berkhamsted 12.4
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 G. Mori Cheltenham CJS 12.7
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 E. Lo Bianco Berkhamsted 26.1
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 G. Ewart-Perkes Abberley Hall 63.0
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 O. Sloane Hillstone 2;29.1
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 P. Lucas Cheltenham CJS 5;16.5
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Cheltenham Junior Cheltenham CJS 53.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 M. Adam Berkhamsted 1.45
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 J. McKenzie-Wynne Abberley Hall 4.62
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 C. Lister Hillstone 9.45
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.37 1997 M. Nagel Cheltenham CJS 11.70
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 A. Gibson St Hugh's 26.93
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 A. Sloane Winchester House 33.18

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Forsythe Dragon 12.4

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 L. Tracey Cheltenham CJS 13.3
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 J. Wilson Abberley Hall 28.8
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 Ritchie Dragon 66.3
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 J. Wilson Joscas 2;31.4
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 E. Smith-Osborne Winchester House 5;25.8
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Gale Dragon 1.40
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 E. Verrill Moulsford 4.39
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 E. Verrill Moulsford 9.16
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 11.78 1994 A. Kingham Elstree 12.06 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 28.86 1995 A. Kingham Elstree 30.74 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 32.13 2000 J. Seaward Dragon 34.88 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 C. Wood Dragon 13.5

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 J. Oates Winchester House 14.5
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Wilson Dragon 31.4
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 Smith Dragon 76.4
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 E. Monkley Abberley Hall 2;38.3
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 T. Shuttleworth Abberley Hall 5;28.0
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Elstree Elstree 59.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 J. Hirsch Elstree 1.35
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 E. Monkley Abberley Hall 4.10
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 C. Wood Dragon 8.16
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 E. Newell St Hugh's 26.65

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Bassett Winchester House 14.5

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Bassett Winchester House 29.6
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Shale Dragon 2;41.1
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 J. Gibson Elstree 1.21
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Evans Abberley Hall 4.07
2002 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Forsythe Dragon 12.5
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Bellhouse Dragon 12.0
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 McGlone The Downs 26.0
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 C-Lambert Dragon 57.9
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Parsons RGS Worcester 2;29.7
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Tomlinson RGS Worcester 5;10.8
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 The Dragon Dragon 52.2
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Newcombe Elstree 1.54
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Barauskas Hillstone 4.34
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Oppenheimer Dragon 10.87
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.37 1997 Kingham Elstree 12.86 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 Kingham Elstree 31.72
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Seaward Dragon 37.06

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Wood Dragon 12.0

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Newton Pinewood 13.4
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Ekpe Dragon 28.8
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 C-Smith Dragon 66.0
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Winterburn Berkhamsted 2;39.9
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Winterburn Berkhamsted 5;11.2
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Monkley Abberley Hall 1.40
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Wood Dragon 4.62
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Wise Berkhamsted 9.39
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 Edwards Dragon 10.12
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 Edwards Dragon 27.32
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 Lewis Dragon 31.10

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Williamson Elstree 13.9

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 May The Elms 14.0
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Barnes Berkhamsted 29.7
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 Swift Dragon 64.0
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Shale Dragon 2;37.1
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 Morris Dragon 5;32.2
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 The Dragon Dragon 56.3
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Frome Elstree 1.31
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 Atkinson Elstree 4.20
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Evans Abberley Hall 8.92
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) Hickman Pinewood 8.44 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Gibson Elstree 31.48

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 Scrase Cheltenham CJS 14.3

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Fryer Elstree 29.7
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Winterburn Berkhamsted 2;53.5
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 Scrase Cheltenham CJS 1.26
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Saunders Elstree 3.89
2003 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 Akingbehin Cheltenham CJS 13.5
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 Porter RGS Worcester 12.5
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 Reynolds RGS Worcester 26.9
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 [ Not held due to lack of entries.]
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Blanshard Pinewood 2;32.6
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 Benyon Elstree 5;12.6
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 RGS Worcester Worcester RGS Worcester 53.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 Shaw RGS Worcester 1.40
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Emerson Moulsford 4.52
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 Kirkby Cheltenham CJS 9.37
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.86 2002 Porter RGS Worcester 11.05
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 Reynolds RGS Worcester 27.82
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 Blanshard Pinewood 29.23

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 Scrase Dean Close 11.8

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Morrissey Abberley Hall 13.2
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 Morrissey Abberley Hall 26.9
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 Evans Abberley Hall 64.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 Jupp Elstree 2;42.7
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 Gowan Elstree 5;05.4
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 Frome Elstree 1.43
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 Atkinson Elstree 4.44
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 Evans Abberley Hall 9.12
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 Macleod Pinewood 10.79
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 Morrison Elstree 27.46
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 Macleod Pinewood 34.29

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Petty Elstree 13.1

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 Jamous Abberley Hall 13.2
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Jamous Abberley Hall 28.8
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 Thompson Elstree 70.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Preece Moor Park 2;40.6
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 Preece Moor Park 5;17.5
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Elstree Elstree 59.1
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Thompson Elstree 1.25
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 Fryer Elstree 4.26
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 Jamous Abberley Hall 8.84
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.44 2002 Williams Moulsford 6.99
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Grant Pinewood 28.67

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 McCallum Moulsford 14.6

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 Burton Moor Park 31.3
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 Shirlow Abberley Hall 2;51.9
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 Wild Moor Park 1.25
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 McCallum Moulsford 4.00
2004 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 J. Gibson Elstree 11.6
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 R. Morrissey Abberley Hall 11.8
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 R. Morrissey Abberley Hall 25.3
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 A. Morrison Elstree 58.6
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 E. Mason Pinewood 2;24.5
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 T. Gowan Elstree 4;57.8
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Abberley Hall Abberley Hall 52.2
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 J. Gibson Elstree 1.50
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 A. Scrase Dean Close 5.20
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 T. Atkinson Elstree 10.20
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.86 2002 C. Seiersen Dragon 10.95
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 A. Morrison Elstree 32.60
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 J. Macleod Pinewood 38.32

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 1990 O. Petty Elstree 11.3 (=rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 S. Jamous Abberley Hall 12.7
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 S. Jamous Abberley Hall 27.0
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 D. Swift Dragon 62.5
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 A. Muir Brockhurst 2;27.8
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 F. Thompson Elstree 5;10.6
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 C. Hawkes Port Regis 1.42
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 T. Muller Davenies 4.48
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 H. Day St Richard's 10.08
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 T. Nuttall-Smith Dragon 11.25
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 M. Oyston Abberley Hall 20.00
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 W. Grant Pinewood 30.80

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 A. George Dragon 12.4

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 A. James Abberley Hall 13.6
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 B. Gratton Davenies 28.9
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 F. Russell Elstree 70.1
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 T. Barton St Hugh's 2;37.6
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 C. Harris Dragon 5;29.9
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Dragon Dragon 58.7
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 G. Cooper Pinewood 1.39
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 A. George Dragon 4.34
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 T. Burton St Hugh's 9.37
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.44 2002 A. Closier Elstree 8.32
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 G. Cooper Pinewood 25.02

UNDER 11 100m 13.8 81/95 B. McCallum Moulsford 13.2 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 28.6 1988 B. McCallum Moulsford 28.1 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 G. Swalwell Davenies 2;45.0
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 M. Cresswell Pinewood 1.23
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 A. Huntsman Elstree 3.98
2005 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.5 1992 J. Carlisle Port Regis 11.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 S. Jamous Abberley Hall 12.0
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 S. Jamous Abberley Hall 25.6
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 L. Edwards RGS Worcester 57.8
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 A. Muir Brockhurst 2:19.4
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 X. Wood Moor Park 4;44.0
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Pinewood Pinewood 52.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 T. Momoh Dragon 1.50
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 M. Mintram Dean Close 4.93
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 T. Momoh Dragon 10.65
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.86 2002 T. Nuttall-Smith Dragon 12.26
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 M. Oyston Abberley Hall 28.13
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 T. Nuttall-Smith Dragon 31.11

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 90/04 A. George Dragon 11.2 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 P. Allen Port Regis 13.1
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 A. James Abberley Hall 29.1
UNDER 13 400m 59.6 1986 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 T. Barton St Hugh's 2;33.7
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 C. Harris Dragon 5;13.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 G. Cooper Pinewood 1.36
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 T. Barton St Hugh's 4.91
UNDER 13 Triple Jump 10.85 1981 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 A. Closier Elstree 11.08
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 A. Closier Elstree 29.57
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 E. Toke-Bjolgerud Dragon 33.33

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 J. Helsby Dragon 12.0

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 1992 B. McCallum Moulsford 13.1 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 B. McCallum Moulsford 27.7
UNDER 12 400m 61.3 1999 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 J. Phillips Abberley Hall 2;38.9
UNDER 12 1500m 5;09.1 1996 J. Evans Dean Close 5;04.0 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Dragon Dragon 56.2
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 T. McIntyre Dragon 1.40
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 B. McCallum Moulsford 4.43
UNDER 12 Triple Jump 10.49 1980 [ Discontinued ]
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.44 2002 M. Cresswell Pinewood 9.93
UNDER 12 Discus (0.75kg) M. Lavoiepierre Elstree 23.88 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 B. Davies Elstree 27.32

UNDER 11 100m 13.2 2004 M. Keown Dragon 14.4

UNDER 11 200m 28.1 2004 M. Keown Dragon 30.7
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 T. Johnson-Watts Dragon 2;42.5
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 G. Vare Elstree 1.25
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 A. Orr Dragon 4.01
2006 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.4 2005 A. George Dragon 12.2
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 P. Allen Port Regis 12.2
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 A. Closier Elstree 25.9
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 E. Neale RGS Worcester 58.3
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 C. McRitchie Dragon 2;30.0
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 W. Burton Moor Park 4;56.0
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Elstree Elstree 52.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 G. Cooper Pinewood 1.55
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 M. Brookes Hatherop Castle 4.92
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 A. George Dragon 10.47
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.86 2002 A. Closier Elstree 11.12
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 A. Hamilton Port Regis 26.17
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 P. Allen Port Regis 37.72

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.2 2005 C. Helsby Port Regis 11.2 (=rec)
UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 B. McCallum Moulsford 12.7
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 A. Esu Port Regis 26.9
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 S. Pullen Port Regis 2;35.0
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 J. Evans Dean Close 5;01.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 O. Hall Pinewood 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 C. Helsby Port Regis 4.65
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 M. Cresswell Pinewood 11.29
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 M. Lavoipierre Elstree 29.40
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 M. Cresswell Pinewood 31.28

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 A. Orr Dragon 12.2

UNDER 12 100m 13.1 2005 N. Keown Dragon 13.5
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 T. George Dragon 28.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 T. Johnson-Watts Dragon 2;39
UNDER 12 1500m 5;04.0 2005 C. Bradley-Hole Port Regis 5;37
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Dragon Dragon 58.0
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 T. George Dragon 1.35
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 E. Lovell Elstree 4.33
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.44 2002 J. Wyatt Brockhurst 8.06
UNDER 12 Discus (0.75kg) 23.88 2005 S. Meredith Brockhurst 20.75
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 G. Lewis St Hugh's 27.10

UNDER 11 100m 13.2 2004 P. Lindsay Brockhurst 14.0

UNDER 11 200m 28.1 2004 H. Holmes Dragon 30.1
UNDER 11 800m 2;31.1 1992 F. Hill Abberley Hall 2;49.0
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.39 1996 H. Fox-Edwards Pinewood 1.20
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 G. Lewis St Hugh's 4.11
2007 Event Record Year Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.4 2005 C. Helsby Port Regis 11.5
UNDER 14 100m 11.9 83/93 C. Robinson Port Regis 12.3
UNDER 14 200m 24.1 1983 A. Esu Port Regis 25.7
UNDER 14 400m 53.8 1990 G. Jones Dragon 58.9
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 G. Gundle Dragon 2;20.1
UNDER 14 1500m 4;37.1 1989 J. Bennington Magdalen College 4;46.7
UNDER 14 Relay 48.9 1990 Port Regis Port Regis 50.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.63 1974 T. MacIntyre Dragon 1.55
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 G. Jones Dragon 5.05
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 11.90 1984 H. Watts Farleigh 10.40
UNDER 14 Shot (3.25kg) 12.86 2002 M. Cresswell Pinewood 13.56 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus (1kg) 36.04 1996 M. Lavoipierre Elstree 28.55
UNDER 14 Javelin (600g) 39.92 1990 M. Cresswell Pinewood 44.33 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.2 05/06 C. Owen-Edmunds Farleigh 11.0 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 G. Chung Elstree 13.0
UNDER 13 200m 25.2 1973 T. George Dragon 28.1
UNDER 13 800m 2;19.6 1978 C. Owen-Edmunds Farleigh 2;29.2
UNDER 13 1500m 4;49.2 1984 C. Courtenay Summer Fields 5;19.1
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.60 1995 T. George Dragon 1.45
UNDER 13 Long Jump 5.24 1986 N. Keown Dragon 5.12
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 F. Mills Brockhurst 9.86
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 J. Hawkes Port Regis 29.29
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 H. Eastwood Farleigh 32.48

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 B. Pointon Winchester House 12.8

UNDER 12 100m 13.1 2005 W. Bailey Port Regis 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 H. Holmes Dragon 28.7
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 G. Henry Farleigh 2;38.3
UNDER 12 1500m 5;04.0 2005 A. Revell Elstree 5;18.3
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Farleigh Farleigh 57.5
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 S. Iglesias Elstree 1.30
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 M. Coen Farleigh 4.22
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.44 2002 E. Pratt Elstree 8.62 (rec)
UNDER 12 Discus (0.75kg) 23.88 2005 E. Pratt Elstree 21.85
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 W. Stuart Farleigh 31.60

UNDER 11 Events were not held in 2007.

Event Record
Record Date
Date Winner
Winner School
14 400m
75m Hurdles 59.6
11.4 1986
2005 Piney
J. Carlisle Dean
Port Regis
14 Triple
100m Jump 10.85
11.9 1981
1983 Omisore
Ajose Bilton
UNDER 13 Shot (3.00kg) 11.85 1993
1993 Onwubalili
Udezue Haileybury
Berkhamsted JS
14 Discus
200m (1kg) 29.74
24.1 1985
1983 Ibru
Ajose Cheam
14 Javelin
400m (600g) 35.73
53.8 1993
1990 Bowman
Field Eagle
Dean House
UNDER 14 800m 2;11.2 1987 Piney Dean Close
14 400m
1500m 4;37.1
61.3 1999
1989 C.
Mostyn Dragon
St Richard's
14 Triple
RelayJump 10.49
48.9 1980
1990 Omisore
Prior's Court Bilton
Prior's Grange
14 Cricket
High JumpBall 65.78
1.63 1973
1974 Robertson
Best Eagle
House JS
UNDER 14 Long Jump 5.73 1993 Danielli Cheltenham CJS
14 100m
Triple Jump 11.90
13.2 2004
1984 B.
McCallum Moulsford
St Piran's
14 200m
Shot (3.25kg) 13.56
28.1 2004
2007 B.
Cresswell Moulsford
14 800m
Discus (1kg) 2;31.1
36.04 1992
1996 Unknown
Brighton Unknown
Cheltenham CJS
14 High
(600g) 44.33
1.39 1996
2007 Nissen
M. Cresswell Ludgrove
UNDER 11 Long Jump 4.60 1990 Wanambwa Cheam
13 Cricket
70m Hurdles
Ball 58.60
11.0 1973
2007 Hortin
C. Owen-Edmunds Little
UNDER 13 100m 12.6 1990 Udom Prior's Court
13 75m
200m 10.7
25.2 1980
1973 Pinches
Songkhla Moulsford
13 200m
800m 2;19.6
29.9 1987
1978 Udom
Payne Prior's
13 Relay
1500m 4;49.2
58.2 1990
1984 Caldicott
Thompson Caldicott
13 High
High Jump
Jump 1.26
1.60 1984
1995 Higgott
Sutton Bilton
13 Long
Long Jump
Jump 4.60
5.24 1991
1986 Unknown
Neville Unknown
Bilton Grange
UNDER 13 Shot (2.72kg) 12.06 2001 A. Kingham Elstree
UNDER 13 Discus (0.75kg) 30.74 2001 A. Kingham Elstree
UNDER 13 Javelin (400g) 34.88 2001 J. Seaward Dragon

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.4 1983 Jefferson Abberley Hall

UNDER 12 100m 13.1 2005 B. McCallum Moulsford
UNDER 12 200m 27.6 1981 Ajose Caldicott
UNDER 12 800m 2;23.6 1993 Ainley Elstree
UNDER 12 1500m 5;04.0 2005 J. Evans Dean Close
UNDER 12 Relay 55.6 1981 Caldicott Caldicott
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.49 1990 Highett-Smith Davenies
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.93 1997 Holborow Abberley Hall
UNDER 12 Shot (2.72kg) 8.62 2007 E. Pratt Elstree
UNDER 12 Discus (0.75kg) 23.88 2005 M. Lavoiepierre Elstree
UNDER 12 Javelin (400g) 33.70 1986 Fitzgerald St Richard's
1987 Event Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 800m NATIONAL H. Head Dragon 2;40.7
UNDER 12 200m CHAMPIONSHIPS N. Coleridge Dragon 33.0
UNDER 12 800m C. Park Brockhurst 2;41.7

1988 Event Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles Broadhurst Dragon 14.2
UNDER 14 200m OXFORD A. Kealy Moor Park 31.0
UNDER 14 800m AREA Broadhurst Dragon 2;46.7
UNDER 14 Relay Prior's Court Prior's Court 59.3
UNDER 14 Long Jump Lane Dragon 3.87
UNDER 14 Shot Thorpe St Hugh's 7.83

UNDER 13 100m Stephens Moor Park 15.0

UNDER 13 200m G. Oliver Moor Park 29.6
UNDER 13 800m C. Holmes Dean Close 2;37.1
UNDER 13 High Jump Farmer Dean Close 1.32

UNDER 12 100m Youde Dean Close 14.8

UNDER 12 200m Youde Dean Close 30.3
UNDER 12 800m C. Park Brockhurst 2;40.1
UNDER 12 Relay Dragon Dragon 62.1
UNDER 12 Long Jump Block Moor Park 3.64

1989 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.

UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 14.2 1988
UNDER 14 100m G. Hatton Prior's Court 14.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 31.0 1988 Varley Prior's Court 30.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;46.7 1988
UNDER 14 Relay 59.3 1988 Prior's Court Prior's Court 57.7 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 3.87 1988 G. Hatton Prior's Court 4.12 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988 Moffats Dragon 5.45
UNDER 14 Discus A. Donelly Farleigh 18.22 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles Alban-Moore Dragon 15.1 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 15.0 1988 C. Park Brockhurst 15.6
UNDER 13 200m 29.6 1988
UNDER 13 800m 2;37.1 1988 J. Dennison Prior's Court 2;36.8 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32 1988
UNDER 13 Long Jump Axtell Dragon 3.71 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.8 1988 S. Holtam Prior's Court 15.3

UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 S. Holtam Prior's Court 32.6
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 C. Williams St Richard's 2;54.0
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 1988 St Richard's St Richard's 62.5
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.64 1988 M. Garforth-Bles St Richard's 3.66 (rec)
1990 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 14.2 1988
UNDER 14 100m 14.4 1989 Cooke Dean Close 14.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 30.9 1989
UNDER 14 800m 2;46.7 1988 J. Dennison Prior's Court >2;29.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 577.0 1989 Dean Close Dean Close 56.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump C. Park Brockhurst 1.28 (rec)
Roth Moor Park 1.28 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.12 1989 Axtell Dragon 4.45 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988
UNDER 14 Discus 18.22 1989

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 15.1 1989

UNDER 13 100m 15.0 1988 Youde Dean Close 14.0 (rec)
UNDER 13 200m 29.6 1988 Youde Dean Close 29.1 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 Atubra Dean Close 2;38.6
UNDER 13 1500m B. Thorneycroft St Richard's 5;46.5 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32 1988
UNDER 13 Long Jump 3.71 1989
UNDER 13 Discus I. Benjumea St Richard's 14.70 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles R. Strickland St Richard's 16.0 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.8 1988 Udom Prior's Court 14.8 (=rec)
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 Whittal Moor Park 35.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 C. Williams St Richard's 2;43.8
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 1988 Prior's Court Prior's Court 62.2
UNDER 12 High Jump Udom Prior's Court 1.25 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.66 1989 C. Williams St Richard's 3.80 (rec)

UNDER 11 100m H. Owusu St Richard's 15.4 (rec)

UNDER 11 800m M. Conner St Richard's 3;10.5 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump M. Conner St Richard's 3.10 (rec)

UNDER 10 High Jump Nawle St Hugh's 1.00 (rec)

UNDER 10 Long Jump R. Blackshaw St Richard's 3.29 (rec)
1991 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 14.2 1988
UNDER 14 100m 14.1 1990
UNDER 14 200m 30.9 1989 I have no copy of the results from
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 1991. The peformances recorded below are
2;46.7 1988 from St Richard’s own records.
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.28 1990
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.45 1990
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988
UNDER 14 Discus 18.22 1989

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 15.1 1989

UNDER 13 100m 14.0 1990
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989
UNDER 13 1500m 5;46.5 1990
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32 1988
UNDER 13 Long Jump 3.71 1989
UNDER 13 Shot K. Elliott St Richard's 5.98 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus 14.70 1990
UNDER 13 Javelin C. Williams St Richard's 4.00 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 16.0 1990

UNDER 12 100m 14.8 88/90
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 1988
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.25 1990
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.80 1990

UNDER 11 100m 15.4 1990

UNDER 11 800m 3;10.5 1990
UNDER 11 Long Jump 3.10 1990 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 3.19 (rec)

UNDER 10 75m A. MacKenzie St Richard's 12.7 (rec)

UNDER 10 800m A. MacKenzie St Richard's 2;56.9 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay St Richard's St Richard's 68.8 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.00 1990
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990
1992 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 70m Hurdles 14.2 1988
UNDER 14 100m 14.1 1990 I. Udom Prior's Court 13.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 30.9 1989 R. Hudson Dragon 30.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 C. Williams St Richard's 2;43.4 (rec?)
2;46.7 1988
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 57.1
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.28 1990
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.45 1990 I. Udom Prior's Court 4.67 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988 J. Berry St Hugh's 7.16
UNDER 14 Discus 18.22 1989
UNDER 14 Javelin 2 entered. Not recorded

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 15.1 1989

UNDER 13 100m 14.0 1990 H. Owusu St Richard's 14.1
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 H. Owusu St Richard's 30.1
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 M. Conner St Richard's 2;47.0
UNDER 13 1500m 5;46.5 1990
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32 1988 K. Elliott St Richard's 1.27
UNDER 13 Long Jump 3.71 1989 2 entered. Not recorded
UNDER 13 Triple Jump M. Conner St Richard's N/R
UNDER 13 Shot 5.98 1991
UNDER 13 Discus 14.70 1990 J. Gretton St Richard's N/R
UNDER 13 Javelin 4.00 1991 K. Elliott St Richard's N/R

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 16.0 1990 J. Strickland St Richard's 15.0 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.8 88/90 V. Ayres Winchester House 15.0
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 31.7
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 R. Williams St Richard's 2;44.7
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 1988 The Elms The Elms 63.7
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.25 1990 3 entered. Not recorded N/R
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.80 1990 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 3.65
UNDER 12 Triple Jump H. Hodgson St Richard's N/R
UNDER 12 Javelin L. Selway-Swift St Richard's N/R

UNDER 11 100m 15.4 1990 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 15.3 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m R. Lance St Richard's 33.6 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 3;10.5 1990 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 2;46.2 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 3.19 1991 T. Stokes St Richard's N/R

UNDER 10 75m 12.7 1991 J. Sewell St Richard's 13.6

UNDER 10 200m J. Sewell St Richard's 37.5 (rec)
UNDER 10 800m 2;56.9 1991
UNDER 10 Relay 68.8 1991
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.00 1990
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990
1993 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles E. Slade Moffats 15.6 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 H. Owusu St Richard's 13.7
UNDER 14 200m 30.0 1992 M. Vicente St Richard's 29.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 E. Massie Moffats 2;38.9 (rec)
2;43.4 1988
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 St Richard's St Richard's 57.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.28 1990 K. Elliott St Richard's 1.51 (rec)
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 H. Owusu St Richard's 4.12
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988 J. Bury St Hugh's 7.59
UNDER 14 Discus 18.22 1989 S. Hampson The Elms 16.30
UNDER 14 Javelin K. Elliott St Richard's 20.4 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 15.1 1989 E. Westwood The Elms 13.1 (rec)
UNDER 13 100m 14.0 1990 V. Ayres Winchester House 14.4
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 V. Ayres Winchester House 29.2
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 R. Morris Moffats 2;49.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.32 1988 J. Gretton St Richard's 1.41 (rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump 3.71 1989 H. Longstaff Moffats 4.17 (rec)
UNDER 13 Shot 5.98 1991 S. Lewis Moffats 7.09 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus 14.70 1990 S. Lewis Moffats 18.60 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin 4.00 1991 L. Clark Moor Park 16.68 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 15.0 1992 R. Lance St Richard's 14.7 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 14.8 88/90 P. Igbon St Richard's 14.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 A. Gilman Winchester House 31.6
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 R. Williams St Richard's 2;48.5
UNDER 12 Relay 62.1 1988 St Richard's St Richard's 61.7 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.25 1990 K. Mark Moor Park 1.38 (rec)
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.80 1990 J. Halfacre St Hugh's 3.89 (rec)
UNDER 12 Shot J. Halfacre St Hugh's 6.50 (rec)
UNDER 12 Discus L. Boonzaier The Elms 15.48 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin L. Boonzaier The Elms 15.13 (rec)

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles M. Thomas St Richard's 12.9 (rec)

UNDER 10 100m E. Blayney Winchester House 16.2 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 37.5 1992 E. Blayney Winchester House 32.4 (rec)
UNDER 10 800m 2;56.9 1991 S. Burford The Elms 3;30.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 68.8 1991 Winchester House Winchester House 70.8 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.00 1990 E. Blayney Winchester House 1.12 (rec)
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990 G. Wetherill Winchester House 3.25 (rec)
UNDER 10 Shot H. Sharman Winchester House 4.19 (rec)
UNDER 10 Discus M. Strong St Richard's 4.20 (rec)
UNDER 10 Javelin no entrants
UNDER 10 Rounders Ball E. Hopkinson Moor Park 21.67 (rec)
1994 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 15.6 1993 R. Blackshaw St Richard's 14.7 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 F. Philip Prior's Court 13.8
UNDER 14 200m 28.8 1993 V. Ayres Winchester House 30.6
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 no entrants
2;38.9 1993
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 St Richard's St Richard's 57.3
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 S. Hartley Hillstone 1.33
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 L. Williams The Downs 4.09
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988 F. Philip Prior's Court 7.62
UNDER 14 Discus 18.22 1989 J. Gretton St Richard's 19.19 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin 20.40 1993 L. Clark Moor Park 20.39

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 13.1 1993 K. Tiarks The Elms 14.3

UNDER 13 100m 14.0 1990 P. Igbon St Richard's 13.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 A. MacKenzie St Richard's 30.6
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 R. Williams St Richard's 2;46.9
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 H. Johnson St Richard's 1.12
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 1993 P. Igbon St Richard's 3.85
UNDER 13 Shot 7.09 1993 S. Wooton Moor Park 8.49 (rec)
UNDER 13 Discus 18.60 1993 L. Boonzaier The Elms 18.36
UNDER 13 Javelin 16.68 1993 R. Lance St Richard's 19.39 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 14.7 1993 H. Richard's Winchester House 14.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 100m 14.5 1993 H. Douthwaite Prior's Court 14.7
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 E. Blayney Winchester House 32.9
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 N. Park Brockhurst 2;48.7
UNDER 12 Relay 61.7 1993 Winchester House Winchester House 63.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 N. Park Brockhurst 1.32
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.89 1993 N. Park Brockhurst 3.93 (rec)
UNDER 12 Shot 6.50 1993 L. Russell Moor Park 6.50 (=rec)
UNDER 12 Discus 15.48 1993 E. Esterez Moor Park 15.62 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin 15.13 1993 C. Colston Winchester House 15.35 (rec)

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 12.9 1993 R. Lucas-Scudamore The Elms 12.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 100m 16.2 1993 K. Musgrave Winchester House 16.4
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 K. Musgrave Winchester House 35.5
UNDER 10 800m 3;30.1 1993 L. Jones Moor Park 3;07.6 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 70.8 1993 Winchester House Winchester House 71.4
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 S. Hogg Moor Park 0.95
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990 T. Tellwright Moor Park 3.06
UNDER 10 Shot 4.19 1993 R. Lucas-Scudamore The Elms 5.61 (rec)
UNDER 10 Discus 4.20 1993 K. Scott Winchester House 9.26 (rec)
UNDER 10 Javelin E. R-Watson Winchester House 8.62 (rec)
UNDER 10 Rounders Ball 21.67 1993 not held
1995 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 14.7 1994 L. Musgrave Winchester House 13.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 P. Igbon St Richard's 13.6
UNDER 14 200m 28.8 1993 L. Murphy Winchester House 29.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 R. Williams St Richard's 2;36.6 (rec)
2;38.9 1993
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 St Richard's St Richard's 56.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 L. Musgrave Winchester House 1.20
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 H. Hodgson St Richard's 3.82
UNDER 14 Shot 7.83 1988 R. Lance St Richard's 8.30 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus 19.19 1994 R. Lance St Richard's 24.82 (rec)
UNDER 14 Javelin 20.40 1993 P. Igbon St Richard's 19.40

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 13.1 1993 H. Richard's Winchester House 13.7

UNDER 13 100m 13.6 1994 E. Valdes-Scott St Richard's 14.7
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 H. Sewrey Hillstone 31.6
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 N. Park Brockhurst 2;42.9
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 N. Park Brockhurst 1.40
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 1993 C. Dale Winchester House 4.17 (=rec)
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 S. Chow Prior's Court 6.68
UNDER 13 Discus 18.60 1993 V. Tickle Bilton Grange 15.54
UNDER 13 Javelin 19.39 1994 M. Sewrey Hillstone 21.28 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 14.5 1994 S. Harris Bilton Grange 12.8 (rec)
UNDER 12 100m 14.5 1993 S. Wallbank Prior's Court 15.2
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 K. Wallbank Prior's Court 30.9
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 M. Thomas St Richard's 2;57.1
UNDER 12 Relay 61.7 1993 Prior's Court Prior's Court 61.2 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 M. Greenhalgh Bilton Grange 1.29
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.93 1994 M. Greenhalgh Bilton Grange 3.80
UNDER 12 Shot 6.50 93/94 E. Hopkinson Moor Park 6.30
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 E. Hopkinson Moor Park 12.54
UNDER 12 Javelin 15.35 1994 E. Hickson King's Worcs 12.32

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 12.1 1994 N. Wetherill Winchester House 11.6 (rec)
UNDER 10 100m 16.2 1993 N. Wetherill Winchester House 16.8
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 B. Stokes St Richard's 35.4
UNDER 10 800m 3;07.6 1994 S. Manning Hereford Cath 3;12.2
UNDER 10 Relay 70.8 1993 St Richard's St Richard's 70.7 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 E. R-Watson Winchester House 0.96
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990 E. Ashby Prior's Court 3.21
UNDER 10 Shot 5.61 1994 E. Hayward Bilton Grange 5.58
UNDER 10 Discus 9.26 1994 C. Keenan St Richard's 7.46
UNDER 10 Javelin 8.62 1994 E. R-Watson Winchester House 5.30
1996 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 13.8 1995 Z. Gerloff Dragon 14.2
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 G. Levy Dragon 14.5
UNDER 14 200m 29.5 1995 Z. Gerloff Dragon 28.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 N. Park Brockhurst 2;42.4
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Winchester House Winchester House 58.5
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 N. Park Brockhurst 1.37
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 N. Park Brockhurst 4.53
UNDER 14 Shot 8.30 1995 O. Reade St Hugh's 9.44 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 G. Levy Dragon 21.66
UNDER 14 Javelin 20.40 1993 J. Holroyd-Pearce Dragon 22.92 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 13.1 1993 S. Harris Bilton Grange 12.3 (rec)
UNDER 13 100m 13.6 1994 S. Wallbank Prior's Court 14.1
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 S. Harris Bilton Grange 30.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 S. Wallbank Prior's Court 2;46.6
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 M. Greenhaigh Bilton Grange 1.38
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 M. Greenhaigh Bilton Grange 4.14
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 F. Taylor Bilton Grange 7.47
UNDER 13 Discus 18.60 1993 E. Pollock Dragon 18.50
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.28 1994 S. Harris Bilton Grange 21.74 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8 1995 S. Awoliyi Croftdown 13.2

UNDER 12 100m 14.5 1993 K. Wallbank Prior's Court 14.4 (rec)
C. Andrewes Dragon 14.4 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 30.3 1988 K. Wallbank Prior's Court 29.1 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 K. Maudsley King's Worcs 2;56.2
UNDER 12 Relay 61.2 1995 Croftdown Croftdown 61.9
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 J. Cooper Dragon 1.20
UNDER 12 Long Jump 3.93 1994 K. Wallbank Prior's Court 4.16 (rec)
UNDER 12 Shot 6.50 93/94 J. Cooper Dragon 7.12 (rec)
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 K. Scott Winchester House 13.98
UNDER 12 Javelin 15.35 1994 E. Landegrebe Moor Park 14.32

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 1995 S. de Stacpoole Moor Park 11.7

UNDER 10 100m 16.2 1993 S. Milne Bilton Grange 16.3
J. Bullock (heat) Hereford Cath 16.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 S. Milne Bilton Grange 35.4
UNDER 10 800m 3;07.6 1994 L. Watkins Croftdown 3;12.6
UNDER 10 Relay 70.7 1995 The Elms The Elms 68.2 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 M. Cooper Winchester House 1.00
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.29 1990 C. Wootton The Elms 3.38 (rec)
UNDER 10 Shot 5.61 1994 E. Power Winchester House 5.45
UNDER 10 Discus 9.26 1994 B. Davidson Hereford Cath 9.22
UNDER 10 Javelin 8.62 1994 F. Locker-Marsh Winchester House 12.48 (rec)
1997 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 13.8 1995 S. Harris Bilton Grange 12.1 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 S. Wallbank Prior's Court 13.6
UNDER 14 200m 28.9 1996 G. Wetherill Winchester House 28.5 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 K. Head Dragon 2;45.5
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Bilton Grange Bilton Grange 57.8
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 M. Greenhalgh Bilton Grange 1.45
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 M. Greenhalgh Bilton Grange 4.25
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 J. Molyneux-Webb Dragon 9.02
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 E. Pollock Dragon 24.52
UNDER 14 Javelin 22.92 1996 S. Harris Bilton Grange 20.98

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 12.3 1993 M. King Moor Park 12.9

UNDER 13 100m 13.6 1994 M. King Moor Park 13.4 (rec)
UNDER 13 200m 29.1 1990 C. Andrewes Dragon 29.0
K. Wallbank (heat) Prior's Court 28.7 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 J. Murray-Smith Pinewood 2;40.7
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 J. Cooper Dragon 1.25
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 D. Cullen Hillstone 4.10
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 J. Cooper Dragon 7.94
UNDER 13 Discus 18.60 1993 K. Scott Winchester House 18.12
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.74 1994 B. Patching Pinewood 17.28

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8 1995 L. Banks Bilton Grange 13.2

UNDER 12 100m 14.4 1996 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 14.4 (=rec)
UNDER 12 200m 29.1 1996 B. Stokes St Richard's 30.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 2;47.2
UNDER 12 Relay 61.2 1995 Winchester House Winchester House 61.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 A. Winthrop Cheltenham Cheltenham1.30
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.16 1996 R. Loades Bilton Grange 3.76
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 N. Wetherill Winchester House 6.43
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 R. Crewe-Smith Bilton Grange 13.86
UNDER 12 Javelin 15.35 1994 F. Johnson Bilton Grange 16.32 (rec)

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 1995 A. Tomkinson Moor Park 11.6 (=rec)
UNDER 10 100m 16.1 1996 S. Milne Bilton Grange 15.6 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 S. Milne Bilton Grange 32.6
UNDER 10 800m 3;07.6 1994 I. Dale Moor Park 3;03.0 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 68.2 1996 St Richard's St Richard's 69.8
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 Z. Tennant Bilton Grange 1.07
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.38 1996 S. Milne Bilton Grange 3.51 (rec)
UNDER 10 Shot 5.61 1994 A. Bernard Winchester House 4.60
UNDER 10 Discus 9.26 1994 A. Bernard Winchester House 10.44
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.48 1996 P. James Hereford Cath 6.58
1998 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 E. Hayward Bilton Grange 14.8
UNDER 14 100m 13.5 1992 A. Greasley Pinewood 13.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 28.5 1997 C. Andrewes Dragon 27.0 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 J. Murray-Smith Pinewood 2;42.2
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 56.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 K. Wallbank Prior's Court 1.40
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 D. Cullen Hillstone 4.32
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 H. Meadmore Hillstone 8.52
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 R. Lucas-Scudamore The Elms 23.20
UNDER 14 Javelin 22.92 1996 B. Patching Pinewood 24.00 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 12.3 1993 L. Banks Bilton Grange 12.6

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 13.9
UNDER 13 200m 28.7 1997 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 28.9
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 L. Banks Bilton Grange 2;38.9
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 B. Tinn Winchester House 1.24
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 3.90
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 C. Minty Dragon 7.63
UNDER 13 Discus 18.60 1993 C. Minty Dragon 19.96 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.74 1994 A. Bailey Bilton Grange 20.40

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8 1995 G. Cummings Dragon 13.6

UNDER 12 100m 14.4 96/97 S. Steele Dragon 13.5 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 29.1 1996 S. Milne Bilton Grange 29.3
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 A. Dowling Prior's Court 2;50.9
UNDER 12 Relay 61.2 1995 Dragon Dragon 61.0 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 G. Cummings Dragon 1.16
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.16 1996 S. Milne Bilton Grange 4.19 (rec)
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 E. Power Winchester House 6.75
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 R. Laughton Pinewood 13.80
UNDER 12 Javelin 16.32 1997 F. Locker-Marsh Winchester House 15.90

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 L. Haley Croftdown 11.7

UNDER 10 100m 15.6 1997 V. Manning St Richard's 15.5 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 G. Holt Pinewood 35.2
UNDER 10 800m 3;03.0 1994 F. de Haan Moor Park 3;09.2
UNDER 10 Relay 68.2 1996 Pinewood Pinewood 68.3
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 L. Bradley Pinewood 1.04=
V. Manning St Richard's 1.04=
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.51 1996 L. Haley Croftdown 3.02
UNDER 10 Shot 5.61 1994 A. Earp Croftdown 5.82 (rec)
UNDER 10 Discus 9.26 1994 A. Earp Croftdown 11.60 (rec)
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.48 1996 I. Campbell Winchester House 11.40
1999 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 K. Mezger Dragon 13.3
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 1998 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 13.3 (=rec)
UNDER 14 200m 27.0 1998 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 29.0
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 A. Bailey Bilton Grange 2;39.4
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Bilton Grange Bilton Grange 56.9
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 E. Stewart Hillstone 1.39
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 A. Bailey Bilton Grange 4.37
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 A. Cundall The Elms 7.98
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 L. Yorke-Long Winchester House 23.37
UNDER 14 Javelin 24.00 1998 A. Bailey Bilton Grange 24.91 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 12.3 1993 G. Cummings Dragon 12.3 (=rec)

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 E. King Moor Park 14.0
UNDER 13 200m 28.7 1997 E. King Moor Park 28.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 N. Goodson St Richard's 2;52.0
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 G. Cummings Dragon 1.29
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 G. Cummings Dragon 4.15
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 A. St John Dragon 7.53
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 A. St John Dragon 17.67
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.74 1994 R. Laughton Pinewood 20.06

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8 1995 A. Tomkinson Moor Park 13.4

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1998 A. Stewart Dragon 14.6
UNDER 12 200m 29.1 1996 S. Milne Bilton Grange 27.8 (rec)
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 I. Dale Moor Park 2;47.7
UNDER 12 Relay 61.0 1998 Dragon Dragon 61.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 L. van Vuuren Marlston House 1.22
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.19 1998 S. Milne Bilton Grange 4.35 (rec)
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 J. Dziubinski Pinewood 6.61
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 J. Dziubinski Pinewood 15.92
UNDER 12 Javelin 16.32 1997 C. Hibberd Pinewood 15.64

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 R. Quick Dragon 11.7

UNDER 10 100m 15.5 1998 P. Morris Dragon 16.1
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 S. Kele Dragon 33.9
UNDER 10 800m 3;03.0 1994 R. Cooper Pinewood 2;55.8 (rec)
UNDER 10 Relay 68.2 1996 Moor Park Moor Park 68.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 E. Thomson Dragon 1.03
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.51 1996 S. Webb St Richard's 3.16
UNDER 10 Shot 5.62 1998 T. Schafroth Moffats 6.06 (rec)
UNDER 10 Discus 11.60 1998 R. Quick Dragon 11.67 (rec)
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.48 1996 R. Quick Dragon 12.50 (rec)
2000 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 Z. Tennant Bilton Grange 15.6
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99 S. Steel Dragon 13.5
UNDER 14 200m 27.0 1998 E. King Moor Park 28.6
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 I. Lloyd St Hugh's 2;50.3
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 61.3
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 G. Hodgetts Bilton Grange 1.26
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 C. Wootton The Elms 3.83
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 J. May The Elms 8.16
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 G. Hodgetts Bilton Grange 22.37
UNDER 14 Javelin 24.91 1999 H. Morley Dragon 21.17

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 12.3 93/99 A. Tomkinson Moor Park 13.9

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 S. Byers Hillstone 13.5
UNDER 13 200m 28.7 1997 L. Sewell St Richard's 31.3
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 L. Evans Dragon 2;45.8
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 R. Hatfield St Richard's 1.17
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 I. Brown Pinewood 3.68
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 J. Dziubinski Pinewood 7.02
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 S. Aksland Bilton Grange 16.43
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.74 1994 N. Lister Dragon 20.93

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.8 1995 L. Boggis St Hugh's 12.6 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1998 G. Holt Pinewood 14.7
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 G. Holt Pinewood 30.2
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 R. Owen St Hugh's 2;48.8
UNDER 12 Relay 61.0 1998 St Hugh's St Hugh's 62.0
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 V. Manning St Richard's 1.20
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 L. Bradley Pinewood 3.63
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 C. Cranley Moor Park 5.89
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 E. Varley St Richard's 14.24
UNDER 12 Javelin 16.32 1997 L. Boggis St Hugh's 18.85 (rec)

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 H. Williams Winchester House 12.1

UNDER 10 100m 15.5 1998 J. Tennant Pinewood 15.4 (rec)
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 H. Mathias Dragon 34.2
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 J. Rickman Dragon 3;13.8
UNDER 10 Relay 68.1 1999 Pinewood Pinewood 69.6
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 J. Tennant Pinewood 1.05
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.51 1996 L. Nelson Pinewood 3.18
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 E. Francis Pinewood 5.06
UNDER 10 Discus 11.67 1999 V. Wetherell St Richard's 6.95
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 R. White Pinewood 7.43
2001 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 E. Pullon Cheltenham CJS 14.2
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99 S. Milne Bilton Grange 13.5
UNDER 14 200m 27.0 1998 S. Milne Bilton Grange 26.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 L. Evans Dragon 2;42.1
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 56.9
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 N. Chadderton Bedstone 1.38
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 S. Milne Bilton Grange 4.31
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 Z. Cowling Moor Park 8.26
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 S. Aksland Bilton Grange 24.66
UNDER 14 Javelin 24.91 1999 M. Tarrant Dragon 27.31 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 12.3 93/99 L. Boggis St Hugh's 11.3 (rec)

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 I. Egonmwan Dragon 14.0
UNDER 13 200m 28.7 1997 V. Manning St Richard's 29.0
UNDER 13 800m 2;36.8 1989 E. Pidgeon Cheltenham CJS 2;34.6 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.41 1993 V. Manning St Richard's 1.43 (rec)
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 K. Wallwork Hillstone 4.16
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 C. Cranley Moor Park 7.36
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 S. Whinney Dragon 19.80
UNDER 13 Javelin 21.74 1994 L. Boggis St Hugh's 27.73 (rec)

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.6 2000 G. Cooke Winchester House 13.1

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1998 C. Vaz Swanbourne House 14.1
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 A. Webb Swanbourne House 30.3
UNDER 12 800m 2;40.1 1988 R. Cooper Pinewood 2;39.7 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 61.0 1998 Swanbourne House Swanbourne House 59.9 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 P. Parker Abberley Hall 1.25
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 E. Donger Dragon 3.77
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 G. Hart Winchester House 6.01
UNDER 12 Discus 15.62 1994 F. Hilton-Jones Winchester House 17.33 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin 18.85 2000 G. Hart Winchester House 15.22

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 S. Kryjnk Swanbourne House 11.7

UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 L. Wessley Winchester House 15.8
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 L. Wessley Winchester House 31.4
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 J. Riley Dragon 3;06.7
UNDER 10 Relay 68.1 1999 Swanbourne House Swanbourne House 66.0 (rec)
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 R. Pearson-Gregory St Richard's 1.06
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.51 1996 S. Wild Moor Park 3.50
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 R. Sayce St Richard's 4.04
UNDER 10 Discus 11.67 1999 I. Moyle St Richard's 7.32
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 I. Clowes St Richard's 7.61
2002 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 V. Scott Dalgleish Dragon 14.2
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99 V. Manning St Richard's 13.3 (=rec)
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 C. Coleman Hillstone 29.7
UNDER 14 800m >2;29.9 1990 E. Pidgeon Cheltenham CJS 2;26.8 (rec)
2;36.6 1995
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 58.7
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 V. Manning St Richard's 1.39
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 K. Wallwork Hillstone 4.39
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 S. Whinney Dragon 8.73
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 S. Whinney Dragon 19.14
UNDER 14 Javelin 27.31 2001 H. Daffern St Hugh's 26.30

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 J. Brown Pinewood 12.7

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 L. Vafiadis The Elms 13.5
UNDER 13 200m 28.7 1997 R. Cooper Pinewood 27.9 (rec)
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 T. Seccombe Dragon 2;37.7
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 P. Parker Abberley Hall 1.37
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/05 S. Brown Pinewood 4.12
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 S. Brown Pinewood 8.21
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 S. Kele Dragon 19.58
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 V. Siddons Cheltenham CJS 22.12

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.6 2000 H. Mathias Dragon 13.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.5 1998 N. Kalu Hillstone 13.2 (rec)
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 C. Barrett MAP 30.5
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 J. Rickman Dragon 2;50.9
UNDER 12 Relay 59.9 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 62.5
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 J. Chadderton Bedstone 1.24
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 R. Linington-Payne Moor Park 3.81
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 E. McAleer The Elms 6.53
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 F. Olley St Richard's 12.43
UNDER 12 Javelin 18.85 2000 G. Jefferies Cheltenham CJS 14.30

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 H. Dinger Dragon 11.8

UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 L. Skull Pinewood 15.9
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 H. Brown Dragon 33.5
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 L. Skull Pinewood 3;11.3
UNDER 10 Relay 66.0 2001 Dragon Dragon 69.30
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 L. Skull Pinewood 1.01
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.51 1996 V. Mackarness Dragon 3.58 (rec)
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 Z. Twiston-Davies The Elms 5.47
UNDER 10 Discus 11.67 1999 B. H'worth-Brooks Bedstone 10.84
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 L. Legge St Richard's 9.06
2003 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 12.1 1997 R. Cooper Pinewood 11.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99/02 K. Thomas Moor Park 13.9=
L. Vafiadis The Elms 13.9=
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 K. Hames St Richard's 28.3
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 R. Cooper Pinewood 2;42.6
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Pinewood Pinewood 57.4
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 K. Hames St Richard's 1.42
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 R. Cooper Pinewood 4.13
UNDER 14 Shot 9.44 1996 S. Kele Dragon 10.83 (rec)
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 K. Hames St Richard's 23.75
UNDER 14 Javelin 27.31 2001 V. Siddons Cheltenham CJS 22.49

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 K. MacSween Dragon 14.4

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 P. Stott Moor Park 14.1
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 P. Stott Moor Park 29.8
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 D. Crampton-Smith Dragon 2;54.5
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 A. Dixon Abberley Hall 1.28
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 N. Constantine Cheltenham CJS 3.67
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 S. Richards Cheltenham CJS 7.41
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 S. Gardner Dragon 16.26
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 J. Tabares Cheltenham CJS 15.07

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.6 2000 M. Alexander Pinewood 12.7

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 L. Skull Pinewood 14.7
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 R. Linington-Payne Moor Park 29.9
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 R. Linington-Payne Moor Park 2;46.7
UNDER 12 Relay 59.9 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 63.3
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 M. Alexander Pinewood 1.24
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 R. Linington-Payne Moor Park 3.52
UNDER 12 Shot 7.12 1996 J. Riley Dragon 8.43 (rec)
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 E. Feeley Pinewood 12.38
UNDER 12 Javelin 18.85 2000 P. Cholerton St Richard's 16.56

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 L. Davies Dragon 12.1

UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 R. Younger The Elms 15.7
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 E. McEwen Pinewood 34.4
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 E. Tufnell Dragon 3;09.6
UNDER 10 Relay 66.0 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 68.7
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 R. Gore Bedstone 1.05
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.58 2002 R. Younger The Elms 3.15
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 H. Blackman-Howard St Richard's 4.38
UNDER 10 Discus 11.67 1999 P. Dressler-Pearson St Richard's 9.93
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 E. McEwen Pinewood 6.34
2004 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9 2003 H. Mathias Dragon 13.2
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99/02 N. Kalu Hillstone 13.7
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 H. Mathias Dragon 27.9
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 C. Crampton-Smith Dragon 2;44.6
UNDER 14 1500m K. Hamilton Port Regis unopposed
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Dragon Dragon 57.2
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 H. Mathias Dragon 1.40
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 O. Vaughan-Fowler St Hugh's 4.16
UNDER 14 Shot 10.83 2003 E. Jackson St Hugh's 9.13
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 L. Martin Pinewood 23.78
UNDER 14 Javelin 27.31 2001 F. Olley St Richard's 17.49

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 K. Legh Abberley Hall 12.6

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 T. Fowora Dragon 14.4
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 T. Fowora Dragon 29.3
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 K. Legh Abberley Hall 2;47.0
UNDER 13 1500m 5;46.5 1990 J. Stevenson Abberley Hall 5;43.7 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 M. Alexander Pinewood 1.28
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 C. Ritchie Dragon 4.13
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 J. Riley Dragon 8.11
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 J. Riley Dragon 18.01
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 A. Tudor St Hugh's 22.20

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.6 2000 V. Mackarness Dragon 12.4 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 F. Hillman Pinewood 13.9
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 F. Hillman Pinewood 30.2
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 L. Skull Pinewood 2;41.5
UNDER 12 Relay 59.9 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 58.9 (rec)
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 E. Fry Port Regis 1.22
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 V. Mackarness Dragon 3.82
UNDER 12 Shot 8.43 2003 E. Price Hereford Cath 6.67
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 R. Sayce St Richard's 12.05
UNDER 12 Javelin 18.85 2000 B. Jeffcoat Pinewood 13.67

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97 J. Mendoza Pinewood 11.6 (=rec)

UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 A. Marr The Elms 16.5
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 D. Morgan Pinewood 33.8
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 D. Morgan Pinewood 2;57.6
UNDER 10 Relay 66.0 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 73.30
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 E. Sangster Pinewood 0.94
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.58 2002 D. Morgan Pinewood 3.03
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 A. Butler Bedstone 5.68
UNDER 10 Discus 11.67 1999 P. Dressler-Pearson St Richard's 13.01 (rec)
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 F. Wrighton St Richard's 10.18
2005 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9 2003 M. Alexander Pinewood 13.6
UNDER 14 100m 13.3 98/99/02 S. Wild Moor Park 13.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 E. Smith Moor Park 28.0
UNDER 14 300m L. Chester Moor Park 46.2 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 A. Hay Abberley Hall 2;41.1
UNDER 14 1500m S. Schmidt Port Regis 5;40.4 (rec)
UNDER 14 Relay 56.4 1989 Pinewood A Pinewood 55.8 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 A. Tudor St Hugh's 1.46
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 S. Wild Moor Park 4.54
UNDER 14 Triple Jump A. Tudor St Hugh's 9.09 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 10.83 2003 J. Riley Dragon 8.78
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 S. Le Roux Port Regis 22.07
UNDER 14 Javelin 27.31 2001 A. Tudor St Hugh's 28.03 (rec)

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 V. Mackaness Dragon 11.8

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 A. Afolabi Hillstone 13.4 (=rec)
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 K. MacKilligin St Hugh's N/R
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 L. Skull Pinewood 2;41.1
UNDER 13 1500m 5;43.7 2004 C. Macé Pinewood 5;52.2
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 K. MacKilligin St Hugh's 1.41
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 K. MacKilligin St Hugh's 4.09
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 I. Davies Abberley Hall 6.94
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 L. Legge St Richard's 17.78
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 S. Pearce Port Regis 16.51

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.4 2004 J. Clark Port Regis 13.3

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 E. Johnson St Hugh's 14.7
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 F. Dugdale Dragon 30.8
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 D. Morgan Pinewood 2;34.1
UNDER 12 1500m B. Swords Headington 5;25.8 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 58.9 2004 Pinewood Pinewood 61.4
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 J. Kenchington Moor Park 1.32
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 J. Kenchington Moor Park 3.95
UNDER 12 Shot 8.43 2003 E. Carter Port Regis 6.58
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 A. Pearson Abberley Hall 17.10
UNDER 12 Javelin 18.85 2000 F. Swan St Hugh's 19.30 (rec)

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 95/97/04 NOT HELD

UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 J. Mendoza Pinewood 16.0
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 A. Garvie Abberley Hall 32.1 (rec)
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 J. Mendoza Pinewood 2;58.1
UNDER 10 Relay 66.0 2001 Pinewood Pinewood 69.7
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 J. Mendoza Pinewood 1.11
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.58 2002 L. Sheckell Pinewood 2.95
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 K. Jenkins St Richard's 4.93
UNDER 10 Discus 13.01 2004 K. Jenkins St Richard's 9.40
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 M. Loveridge St Richard's 8.04
2006 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9 2003 V. Mackarness Dragon 12.8
UNDER 14 100m 13.2 2005 A. Afolabi Hillstone 13.7
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 G. Byers Hillstone 28.7
UNDER 14 300m 46.2 2005 L. Skull Pinewood 43.9 (rec)
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 M. Powers Abberley Hall 2;41
UNDER 14 1500m 5;40.4 2005 C. Macé Pinewood 5;53.7
UNDER 14 Relay 55.8 2005 Pinewood A Pinewood 55.3 (rec)
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 K. MacKilligan St Hugh's 1.46
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.67 1992 K. MacKilligan St Hugh's 4.70 (rec)
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 9.09 2005 L. Skull Pinewood 9.91 (rec)
UNDER 14 Shot 10.83 2003 I. Adams Marlston House 7.70
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 S. Hood Pinewood 20.11
UNDER 14 Javelin 28.03 2005 B. Jeffcoat Pinewood 21.95

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 J. Clark Port Regis 12.6

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 97/05 J. Kenchington Moor Park 14.9
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 S. Macrea-Todd Marlston House 30.6
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 E. Tuffnell Dragon 2;34.7
UNDER 13 1500m 5;43.7 2004 J. Kenchington Moor Park 5;28.0 (rec)
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 H. Smallbone Marlston House 1.33
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 H. Miller Dragon 4.08
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 A. Hislop Port Regis 7.83
UNDER 13 Discus 19.96 1998 H. Cox Port Regis 22.73 (rec)
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 F. Swan St Hugh's 20.13

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.4 2004 T. Willett Dragon 13.7

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 E. Cullingworth Headington 14.3
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 L. Stratton Pinewood 30.9
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 M. Pick Moor Park 2;47
UNDER 12 1500m 5;25.8 2005 D. Morgan Pinewood 5;28.2
UNDER 12 Relay 58.9 2004 Pinewood Pinewood 61.9
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 F. McFarlane Port Regis 1.23
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 E. Cullingworth Headington 4.03
UNDER 12 Shot 8.43 2003 E. Quinton Headington 7.10
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 K. Gane Marlston House 15.98
UNDER 12 Javelin 19.30 2005 F. Briggs-Reeve Port Regis 16.53

UNDER 11 100m 15.3 1992 J. Tokalou Marlston House 15.2 (rec)

UNDER 11 200m 33.6 1992 C. Browne Dragon 33.1 (rec)
UNDER 11 800m 2;46.2 1992 F. Ropner Marlston House 2;46 (=rec)
UNDER 11 High Jump J. Mendoza Pinewood 1.15 (rec)
UNDER 11 Long Jump 3.19 1991 L. Elias Pinewood 3.74 (rec)
UNDER 11 Shot C. Thomasson St Hugh's 5.75 (rec)
UNDER 11 Discus C. Thomasson St Hugh's 13.00 (rec)
UNDER 11 Javelin L. Elias Pinewood 11.80 (rec)
2007 Event Record Date Winner School Perf.
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9 2003 A. Scott-Dalgleish Farleigh 12.7
UNDER 14 100m 13.2 2005 N. Pollock Beachborough 13.8
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 H. Dove Beachborough 29.6
UNDER 14 300m 43.9 2006 H. Shegog Farleigh 47.3
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 H. Mainds Winchester House 2;51.2
UNDER 14 1500m 5;40.4 2005 S. Hand Pinewood 5;46
UNDER 14 Relay 55.3 2006 Dragon Dragon 57.5
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 H. Smallbone Marlston House 1.50
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.70 2006 H. Miller Dragon 4.54
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 9.91 2006 J. James Malvern Coll Prep 9.56
UNDER 14 Shot 10.83 2003 A. Hislop Port Regis 10.46
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 S. Hood Pinewood 21.97
UNDER 14 Javelin 28.03 2005 S. Liautaud Dragon 24.01

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 C. Russell-Parsons Winchester House 11.9

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 97/05 C. Chaplin Dragon 13.8
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 A. Brown Winchester House 31.4
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 A. Marr The Elms 2;35.9
UNDER 13 1500m 5;28.0 2006 I. Coen Farleigh 5;53
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 S. Harwood Farleigh 1.30
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.17 93/95 C. Russell-Parsons Winchester House 4.24 (rec)
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 J. Folkes Port Regis 7.77
UNDER 13 Discus 22.73 2006 B. Oyston Abberley Hall 18.42
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 L. Ritchie St Hugh's 23.62

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 12.4 2004 A. Lindsay Farleigh 11.6 (rec)

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 L. Pattie Port Regis 14.8
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 L. Leigh St Hugh's 31.1
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 R. Bourne Port Regis 2;43.0
UNDER 12 1500m 5;25.8 2005 R. Bourne Port Regis 5;23 (rec)
UNDER 12 Relay 58.9 2004 Dragon Dragon 60.6
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 C. Thomasson St Hugh's 1.25
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 L. Elias Pinewood 3.89
UNDER 12 Shot 8.43 2003 S. Jones Winchester House 7.34
UNDER 12 Discus 17.33 2001 M. Loveridge St Richard's 18.44 (rec)
UNDER 12 Javelin 19.30 2005 X. Petley Farleigh 25.07 (rec)
RECORDS Event Record Date Winner School
UNDER 14 75m Hurdles 11.9 2003 R. Cooper Pinewood
UNDER 14 100m 13.2 2005 S. Wild Moor Park
UNDER 14 200m 26.9 2001 S. Milne Bilton Grange
UNDER 14 300m 43.9 2006 L. Skull Pinewood
UNDER 14 800m 2;26.8 2002 E. Pidgeon Cheltenham CJS
UNDER 14 1500m 5;40.4 2005 S. Schmidt Port Regis
UNDER 14 Relay 55.3 2006 Pinewood Pinewood
UNDER 14 High Jump 1.51 1993 K. Elliott St Richard's
UNDER 14 Long Jump 4.70 2006 K. MacKilligan St Hugh's
UNDER 14 Triple Jump 9.91 2006 L. Skull Pinewood
UNDER 14 Shot 10.83 2003 S. Kele Dragon
UNDER 14 Discus 24.82 1995 R. Lance St Richard's
UNDER 14 Javelin 28.03 2005 A. Tudor St Hugh's

UNDER 13 70m Hurdles 11.3 2001 L. Boggis St Hugh's

UNDER 13 100m 13.4 1997 M. King Moor Park
13.4 2005 A. Afolabi Hillstone
UNDER 13 200m 27.9 2002 R. Cooper Pinewood
UNDER 13 800m 2;34.6 2001 E. Pidgeon Cheltenham CJS
UNDER 13 1500m 5;28.0 2006 J. Kenchington Moor Park
UNDER 13 High Jump 1.43 2001 V. Manning St Richard's
UNDER 13 Long Jump 4.24 2007 C. Russell-Parsons Winchester House
UNDER 13 Shot 8.49 1994 S. Wooton Moor Park
UNDER 13 Discus 22.73 2006 H. Cox Port Regis
UNDER 13 Javelin 27.73 2001 L. Boggis St Hugh's

UNDER 12 70m Hurdles 11.6 2007 A. Lindsay Farleigh

UNDER 12 100m 13.2 2002 N. Kalu Hillstone
UNDER 12 200m 27.8 1999 S. Milne Bilton Grange
UNDER 12 800m 2;39.7 2001 R. Cooper Pinewood
UNDER 12 1500m 5;23 2007 R. Bourne Port Regis
UNDER 12 Relay 58.9 2004 Pinewood Pinewood
UNDER 12 High Jump 1.38 1993 K. Mark Moor Park
UNDER 12 Long Jump 4.35 1999 S. Milne Bilton Grange
UNDER 12 Shot 8.43 2003 J. Riley Dragon
UNDER 12 Discus 18.44 2007 M. Loveridge St Richard's
UNDER 12 Javelin 25.07 2007 X. Petley Farleigh
RECORDS Event Record Date Winner School
UNDER 11 100m 15.2 2006 J. Tokalou Marlston House
UNDER 11 200m 33.1 2006 C. Browne Dragon
UNDER 11 800m 2;46.2 1992 A. MacKenzie St Richard's
2;46 2006 F. Ropner Marlston House
UNDER 11 High Jump 1.15 2006 J. Mendoza Pinewood
UNDER 11 Long Jump 3.74 1991 L. Elias Pinewood
UNDER 11 Shot 5.75 2006 C. Thomasson St Hugh's
UNDER 11 Discus 13.00 2006 C. Thomasson St Hugh's
UNDER 11 Javelin 11.80 2006 L. Elias Pinewood

UNDER 10 55m Hurdles 11.6 1995 N. Wetherill Winchester House

11.6 1997 A. Tomkinson Moor Park
11.6 2004 J. Mendoza Pinewood
UNDER 10 100m 15.4 2000 J. Tennant Pinewood
UNDER 10 200m 32.4 1993 E. Blayney Winchester House
UNDER 10 800m 2;55.8 1999 R. Cooper Pinewood
UNDER 10 Relay 66.0 2001 Swanbourne House Swanbourne House
UNDER 10 High Jump 1.12 1993 E. Blayney Winchester House
UNDER 10 Long Jump 3.58 2002 V. Mackarness Dragon
UNDER 10 Shot 6.06 1999 T. Schafroth Moffats
UNDER 10 Discus 13.01 2004 P. Dressler-Pearson St Richard's
UNDER 10 Javelin 12.50 1999 R. Quick Dragon
UNDER 10 Rounders Ball 21.67 1993 E. Hopkinson Moor Park

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