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1 The illegitimate n inappropriate regime


Islamic fortress by divined sword


Karachi City,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

To Four Jurisprudence A’eymma

[Also revivalists]

Sahib’ul Mazhab al-Hanafiyah, Siraj’ul Ummah

Imam’ul A’eymma, Imam’e Azam
Abu-Hanifah Nauman bin Tha’bit
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[70/80-150 Hijri]

Sahib’ul Mazhab al-Malikiyah, Alim’e Madinah, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Malik bin A’nas
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[93-189 Hijri]

Sahib’ul Mazhab al-Shafa’eiyah, Alim’e Qu’raysh, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Muhammed bin Id’dris
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[150-204 Hijri]

Sahib’ul Mazhab al-Hanmbaliyah, Alim’e Bagh’dad, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Ahmed bin Hanmbal al-Shi’bani
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[164-241 Hijri]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 2


To Four Masters of Tariqah

[Also revivalists]

Founder of Tariqah Aliyah Qadiriyah,

Ghawth’ul Agh’yath, Qutb’ul Aqtab, Arif bi’Allah
Al-Sharif Abd’al-Qadir al-Geylani al-Hanmbali
Renown as Ghawth’ul Azam [470-561 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Founder of Tariqh Aliyah Naqhsbandiyah,

Shaykh al-Masha’ikh, Arif Bi’Allah
Al-Shaykh Baha’uddin al-Hanafi al-Naqhsband
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[718-791 Hijri]

Patron of Tariqah Aliyah Suharwardiyah,

Shaykh al-Shuyukh, Arif bi’Allah
Al-Shaykh Shahabuddin al-Siddiqui al-Shafa’ei
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[539-632 Hijri]

Patron of Tariqah Aliyah Chishtiyah,

Khwaja’e Khu’wajgan, Arif bi’Allah
Al-Sharif Moinuddin al-Hanafi al-Chishti
Renown as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz [537-627 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 3


To The Four Revivalists of Islam

Hujjat’ul Islam, Arif Bi’Allah

Imam Muhammed al-Ghazali al-Shafa’ei
Renown as Imam Ghazali [450-505 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Jalal al-Millat wa-Din, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti al-Shafa’ei
Renown as Imam Suyuti [849-950 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Muhaqiq Alal-Itlaq, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Abdul-Haq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi
Renown as Shaykh Muhaqiq [958-1052 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Muhaqiq al-Asr, Arif bi’Allah

Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi
Renown as Ala-Hudhrat [1272-1340 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 4


To The Four Sultans of Islam

[Also Revivalists]

Ameer’ul Mo’mineen, Arif Bi’Allah

Imam Umar bin Abdul-Aziz
Caliph of Muslims [61/63 - 101 Hijri]
(‫ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽ ﻋﻧﮫ‬ ‫)رﺿﯽ ﷲ‬

Ameer’ul Muslimeen, Arif bi’Allah

Sutlan Salim Khan al-Awwal
Patron of Ottoman Empire [d.926 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Fateh’e Baitul Muqaddus, Arif bi’Allah

Sultan Salahuddin al-Ayyubi al-Shafa’ei
[532-589 Hijri]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Shahensha’e Zi’Waqar, Arif bi’Allah

Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir al-Hanafi
[1027-1116 Hijri | 1618-1706 A.d]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 5


From the Blessings

Sultan’ul Awliyah, Arif bi’Allah

Al-Shaykh Al-Sharif M. Nazim Adil al-Haqqani
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[1921 - 2014]

Mast Hastee Shah, Arif Bi’Allah

Al-Shaykh Al-Sharif M. Saeed al-Hasani
Renown as Baba Saeed [al-Majzub]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[1942/43/44 - 2012]

Taj’ush Shariah, Badr’ut Tariqah, Qadhi al-Qadha fil-Hind,

Al-Shaykh M. Ahkter Ridha al-Azhari
Renown as Huzoor Taj’ush-Shariah
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[1942 - 2018]

Shaykh al-Shariah wa’l-Tariqah,

Al-Shaykh Al-Shah Turabul-Haq al-Hanafi
Renown as Shah Sahab [Ameer, Jamaat’e Ahle-Sunnat]
(‫)ﻗدﺳره اﻟﻌزﯾز‬
[1941/46 - 2016]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 6


Before to Start

This book reveals some debates in detail that couldn’t be explained in an article or even a small
transcript. Also, it contains all previously written whether says emails (Maktobat) or articles
(Madhamin) or say transcript (risalah; the last one particularly*) some incomplete as well as
concerning (to this book) discussions (with rectifications). Alhamdolillah, Wa’Billahi Taufiq.

Second, though not able to make decision about writing anything further because of this
mentioning that (might get) “… be quite …” and then ahead mentions (in same article) that, “…
shall be quiet (which we are going to now)[though it is regarding foretells or revelations
particularly, not other sections of religion and its related matters & affairs; Faqeer]) …”, but as
indicated that, “… leaving knowingly (only due to length) some useful discussions and information in
nearly every topic [but now feeling necessary to rectify and signify them] …”, and another reason
is say whether fortunate or unfortunate occurrences of some event that has caused or urged^ to
get once again in touch to illustrate them, though tried in brief but on some occasion goes in
details (open-up the pen), especially on some crucial or say critical matters that are very fragile
hence required intensive description based on deep technical interpretations for either reaching
or understanding an extent a solution (or its enumerations), which might be seems hard (in real
to implement, but main important thing its acceptance firstly) hence needing concrete steps but
without that couldn’t succeed (get out from the suppression) contrary suffers more (or say
present conditions or situations of Ummah will continues).

Third, we stated in second article, under Summary Note after 3.4, that, “… Mistakes are part of our
lives (and is a good deed because it teaches; meant from rectifying[islahi] aspect) and it is assured
and communally agreed (Arabic: Ijma al-Ummah) that besides selected ones [like Ambiya’e Kiram
and Awliya’e Kiram (by birth)] all can do/did mistakes …” hence there were some composing
mistakes present (or say found later-on) in previous emails or articles or say transcript (the last
article | fourth), that are definitely incorrect and needs rectification~, which was then rectified
(few months ago) and can be seen on newly found platform, DAR-HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah). On some places, spelling mistakes occurs which was then corrected whereas
somewhere few additional notes had been put where it seem necessary, whereas on some places
mentioned specifically that it will be now explicate in new “Article” which is now illustrating (in
form) as “Book”. All rectifications that had been done on previously emails or articles or
transcript (the last article | fourth) was colored in light gray, and at last of each alterations DATE
had been mentioned.

Fourth, in preparation of this book, we used more than 200-500 books & transcripts, most of
them (not all) are available in newly found platform on internet named DAR-HAQQ (Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), but still on some occasions, reader may or will finds repetition of same
link, under or ahead “Recommendations” or “Pointer References [*/^/~/”]”, only because
discussing debate has been taken or can be found in that respected link of book or site, thus
correlation of various debates from same or single source is certainly possible.
[*] Article, named “Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq” which form (Arabic: Surat / Urdu: Shakal) wasn’t less then alike
transcript (risalah), consist on more than 80 pages.
[^] And this includes Sufiya’ Kiram assistances; Baba Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) and some others.
[~] For all modifications, visit the following link,
Furthernote: Also see Pg. 307 in same regards.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 7


Finally through this book, our purpose is not to ignite instigation but revealing the reality &
correction of own self (which not exempted us), and wish that it will lead (guides) readers
towards righteous Ulama (Sufiyah), if not in the divine presence somehow (for which we comes
here). Similarly we have also try to give (present) some solutions of nowadays emerging
problems under issues & matters in the light of A’eymma Explications (interpretations of Quran &
Sunnah) in support (or say assistance) for Ulama particularly hoping to be helpful for their works
(interpretations | Masail Kay Hull); on every place have mentioned the reference (also see in last
at the book).

Hopes that, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi (Az’za Wa-Jallah | Alehe Salat-O-Salam), this effort may
be accepted by ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), and provides benefits to readers (whole Ummah),
because taken from Ulama’e Kiram explications (approx over 100/200 Books & Transcripts),
hence contained useful material for Analysis too. Although, for Ulama, nothing is new because all
is, since beginning, extorting from eminent Islamic Personages (Masha’ikh) books and transcripts
(see references) therefore don’t have anything from outside but actually all are theirs prestigious
Work tries to summarize in to English. [Before arguing or objection at any topic, read transcript in
full with concentration, and visit the links under recommendations or pointers or braces too].

May gets Ghawth’ul-Azam dust (Khak pa’ey Ghawth’e Azam)

Faqeer Tanzeel Bukhari al-Hanafi(ghafaralahu)
The Qadri Sword Team
Karachi City,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri

Friday, 10th October, 2014
Jumaiy’rat, 21st Ramadhan Sharif, 1436 Hijri
Thursday, July 9th, 2015
[2nd Review]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 8



From the last century (19th) especially, though begun in 17th Century after an emergence of
“HORN OF SATAN” as professed by eminent Masha’ikh wa Ulama that was reported in blissful
sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah), the instigation of diverting common Muslims in the name of
Islam, though alike “HORN OF SATAN” has been occurred before, nearly in every era (means time
to time), for instance Zul-Khuwaiys’rah (Kharji-Murtad), Abdullah bin Saba (originally Jew,
founder & inductor of Kharji-Rafdhiyat), Abu-Ya’la [d.457 Hijri] (Kharji-Perspective), Hasan bin
Saba (Kharji-Fidayan, actually Rafdhi-Shi’ite), Ibne Taymi’yah [d.728 Hijri] (Kharji-Perspectives)
and several others, in brief, once again the same has repeated, but this time it was caught (though
couldn’t denies about previous instigations that weren’t backed by external forces either), and so
continually supports till today, by The West (esp. The British Empire) as mean to annihilate
ISLAM, thus viciously planned keeping long-term objectives in view, for attaining the goal, in
other words or to an extent bring, specifically MUSLIMS, towards disbeliefs (Ma’az Allah) if not
able to Judaism or Christianity [both doesn’t exists in its true and valid form either, and former
was canceled by the later, the later was then declared canceled after proclamation of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)], and so they (planners) ensured that if somehow
not able to succeed completely (as planned), then priority or aim is to make or keep everyone
either in misery condition (deceptive form) or in confusing state (spread misconception),
specifically the Muslims.

After being successful (West through Horn of Satan), though partially (not 100%), has caused
severe setbacks (Urdu: Zabardast Dhach’kay) which after affects are still persists (for instance;
fall of Mughal Empire, The Ottoman Empire, invasions of several Muslims Lands, etc) on Muslims’
every departs beside particular core essence (Islamic Beliefs), whether it is their social (political
including territorial), economical (resources including trade) or military (strength including
artillery) etc; these are also the pillars of STATE, which Islam has also taught (to maintain),
encouraged and provides substantial ground (or necessary rules) that was portrayed as never
illuminated or neither contained such teachings (which is absolutely lie and false assertion). This
also introduced or became the cause of several movements and timely upheavals (uprisings) in
which some are valid (in defend) whereas some are actually plotted (to offend) to annihilate
leftover or survived signs, by planners, the Muslims cores or say base which kept them joined or
say unified, that are Islamic Beliefs, as well as all substantial departs (social, economical, military,
religious education) too, explicated by Ulama’e Kiram (Arabic: bil’khusoos A’eymma Arba’a)
under the light of Islamic principles (Quran and Sunnah) which they (Muslims) were practicing.

Therefore keeping all these vicious moves in front, a small effort was then made to describe and
highlights its causes and reasons that lay behind these annihilations (or say damages) which has
caused severe setback or downfall to the UMMAH particularly, though other were also targeted,
hence to address as well as depicting its proper way of resolution in hope to bring back the lost
pride, that also wishing impacts positively on other faiths too, few ARTICLES has been written in
this regards, and few will may be write ahead, which were started from the following below; and
here each one is linked to the next, meant later was actually the continuation of the previous,
whereas previous one was to before:

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 9


1. An Illegitimate and Inappropriate Regime

Subtitling, “Taliban, the Culprits and their Leader Mullah Omar, a Dacoit”
Date: June 2011 A.D [Rajab al-Murajjab, 1432 Hijri]

2. The Glorious Destination of an UMMAH

Subtitling, “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”
Date: Saturday, 23rd July 2011 A.D [22nd Sha’ban al-Moazzam, 1432 Hijri]

3. Rise of an UMMAH from al-Maghreb

Subtitling, “Khilafat’e Habibiyyah”
Date: Sunday, 11th December, 2011 A.D (5:09 AM) [16th Muharram al-Haram, 1433 Hijri]

4. Strength of an UMMAH in al-Mashreq

Subtitling, “The destination, PAKISTAN”
Date: Tuesday, 11th September 2012 A.D (4:17 AM) [24th Shawwal al-Mubarak, 1433 Hijri]

[Please Note: Dates that are stated below in every Article was of its first publication via Email,
which later when revised, has been mentioned respectively. Jazakamullah Khairah]

The present one, entitling book (kitab), is also a continuation of all before, illuminating in detail
nearly all topics that are subjected or addressing (though all those debates that was either left or
needs simplifications has now explicated in this book), which has been analyzed deeply and
technically in the light of Islamic illumination, especially under Jurisprudence (Arabic: Fiqh |
min’al-Mazhab al-Hanafi’yah).

In last, praise that may Allah bi-Wasilatun Nabi Al-Karim ar’Rauf-ar’Raheem (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) and all blessed companions and virtuous family (Ridhwan’ullahi Alehem Ajma’ein), grant
us steadiness, and guide the strayed, towards right and successful path in both universe, renown
as Islam (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah | Mazahib Arba’a wa Salasil’e Ou’liya). Ameen thuma Ameen

May gets Ghawth’ul-Azam dust (Khak paey Ghaus-e-Azam)

Faqeer Tanzeel Bukhari al-Hanafi(ghafaralahu)
The Qadri Sword Team
Karachi City,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri

Friday, 10th October, 2014
Jumaiy’rat, 21st Ramadhan Sharif, 1436 Hijri
Thursday, July 9th, 2015
[2nd Review]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 10



Dedication .……………………………………………………………………………. 002

Beginning …………………………………………………………………………….. 007

Foreword .……………………………………………………………………………. 009

Segment ‘A’
Islam .…………………………………………………………………………… 012
Section One
Religion ….…………………………………………………………………………. 044
Section Two
System …………………………………………………………………………….. 083
Section Three
Ummah .……………………………………………………………………………. 119
Section Four
Nations ……………………………………………………………………………... 213
Segment ‘B’
Solution …………………………………………………………………………….. 269

Rectifications ……………………………………………………………………….. 307

Supplement ………………………………………………………………………….. 335

References ………………………………………………………………………….… 341

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 11



“(Mafhoom) … Verily, only Islam is the Din (Religion) before Allah … [s.3:v.19]”
Al-Quran Al-Kareem

Topic Contains
Islam ………… [13]
Commemoration [13], Arrival [16], Accomplishment of Altercation [20], Centre Shall
Obeyed [23]

Summary ………… [27]

Monotheism [27], Admonition [29]

Matters ………… [33]

Epoch [33], Date [34], Procession [37], Decoration [39], Express [40]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 12


Allahumma, Salaten Daimman wa Salaman Taamman, Ala Sayyid’un al-Ambiya wal

Mursaleen wa Ala Aleyhi wa Sahabehi wa Masha’ikh-e-Ummatehi wa Ulama-e-Millatehi wa
Jamee-al-Muslimeen Alehem Ajmaen.


Islamic Fortress by the Divined Sword

One faqeer says (Qaw’l),

"At’at-e-Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), without mawlid, is impossible (Muhaal) and just a
claim (severe satanic betray)"



ISLAM, origin and peaceful in meaning, and that couldn’t be attained without love presented in
heart until or unless, particularly for Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) sent for
guidance towards people for the passage of success, although one might be thinking that why
signifying continuously or emphazing on as “origin”? There are several answers regarding this,
ORIGIN (Haqiqat), in which one is that amongst the renown Hundred Names of ALLAH, one is
“al-SALAM”, and as per saying of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
“(Mafhoom) ... Every child born upon nature (Fitrat | Yan’i Deen’e Fitrat*) but then parents
converts to Yahudi (Jew) or Nasrani (Christian) or Majusi (Polytheists) ... [Bukhari Sharif |
vol.2:Pg.846-848]”. Here if depicts a point then it wouldn’t be without benefit that ALLAH
(Subhanahu) created NABI al-Kareem (Alehe Salat o Salam) Existence and Nabuwwah Sharif as
ORIGIN (Haqiqat) of UNIVERSE includes human beings, not particularly (origin) of ISLAM’S
(Sunnat’e Muhammediyah), though bad luck for those whom being *strayed or ^deviates and to
those who doesn’t want/able to understand (Deviators explicitly).

Commemoration At Oath (Aey’hed): In 2nd article, title ‘The Glorious Destination of an Ummah’
subtitling ‘Islamic Rep. of Pakistan’, we stated, “ISLAM, origin and peaceful in meaning, and a
religion that is true and now only religion acceptable by ALLAH, as mentioned in Quran Kareem,
which has brought not for the World (including all mankind and creatures exist) only but to the
whole Universe (Urdu: Kul Aa’lameen) by our beloved NABI al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
and a stipulation (Urdu: Shert) is to accept (Arabic: Aqba’la Shaha’dah) our beloved NABI al-
Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Risalah Mubarakah, also stated in Quran Kareem, and according to
Sufiya’e Kiram is a path (Urdu: Kalima Tayyibah) to Origin (Urdu: Haqiqat).”, hence above and
then later depicts in Quran Sharif as follows; & verse also depicting Sunnat’e Elahiyyah
[*] Ulama says, Islam is an “intrinsic religion (Deen’e Fitrat | La’ilaha il’lAllah Muhammed’ur-Rasul Allah)”; meant all
new borns were converted by their parents (if non-Muslim) upon their religion (Christian, Judaism, Buddhism etc),
even either knows (Meant avoid | Deliberately) or refutes (Straightly | Invitation) the trueness of right path (Islam |
La’ilaha il’lAllah Muhammed’ur-Rasul Allah). [Ref: SM02]
[^] Islam presents to them but then denied acceptation; like Christians, Jews or Buddhists did.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 13


“(Mafhoom) … And remember when Allah took a covenant from the

Prophets; “If I give you the Book and knowledge and the (promised) Noble Messenger
(Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him) comes to you,
confirming the Books you possess, you shall positively, definitely believe in him and you
shall positively, definitely help him”; He said, “Do you agree, and
accept My binding responsibility in this matter?” They all answered, “We agree”; He said,
“Then bear witness amongst yourselves, and I myself am a witness with you … [s.3:v.81]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; Allah then explained His covenant
with the prophets on the day of “Yes, indeed!” regarding Muhammed's traits and description,
saying: (When Allah made (His) covenant with the Prophets) He says: Allah made a covenant with
the prophets that they will show to one another the traits, description and merit of Muhammed,
((He said): Behold that which I have given ye) when I did give you (of the Scripture and knowledge)
containing details of the lawful and the unlawful. (And) you also made a covenant with your nation
that (afterward there will come unto you a messenger, confirming) by calling to Allah's divine
Oneness (that which ye possess) of Scripture. (Ye shall believe in him) He says: you shall
acknowledge him and his virtue (and ye shall help him) with the sword against his enemies and also
by expositing his trait. (He said: Do ye agree?) Allah asked them whether they accepted (and will
you take My burden) My covenant (in this) what I said? (They) the prophets (answered: We agree)
we accept. (He) Allah (said: Then bear ye witness) of this. (I will be a witness with you) of this also.
Allah thus made them witnesses of one another and He Himself is a witness. And so each prophet
explained this to his nation, and each prophet made the members of his nation witnesses for each
other, just as each prophet bore witness to it.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Ulama says; And, mention, when God made a covenant with the
prophets, ‘What (if read lamā, it would be introducing a subject clause, and emphasising the aspect
of the oath in this ‘making of the covenant’; if it is read limā, it would then be connected to the verb
akhadha, ‘He took’; the mā, ‘what’, is a relative particle in both cases, meaning la’lladhī [or
li’lladhīrespectively]) I have given you (ātaytukum, or in a variant reading, ātaynākum, ‘We have
given you’) of the Book and wisdom; then there shall come to you a messenger confirming what is
with you, of the Book and wisdom, and that is Muhammed (s) — you shall believe in him and you
shall help him’ (this constitutes the response to the oath), if you reach his time and perceive him,
and their communities [of descendants] follow them [in what is incumbent upon them]. He, God,
exalted be He, said to them, ‘Do you affirm this? And do you take, [do you] accept, My load, My
covenant, on you on that condition?’ They said, ‘We affirm’. He said, ‘Then bear witness, to this
before your own souls and [those of] your followers, and I shall be with you among the witnesses’,
before you and them.

Revelations (Arb: Bisha’rat): The revelations about Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was then given or address (in the light of above verse) by all
Anmbiya wa Mursaleen Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) since first arrival (Sidna Abul-
Bashar Hudhrat Adam Alehe Salat-O-Salam) till second last (Sidna Ruh’hullah Hudhrat Esa
Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in respected periods, that is (Oath | Renown as Meesaq’an-Nabiy’yin)
also mentioned in their scriptures (Arabic: Kutub wa Suhufat al-Samaviyyah) too, and
here we are presenting from last holy book, Quran Majeed, two revelations.

Revelation expressed in form of praise by Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim ‘Khalilullah’ (Alehe

Salat-O-Salam), stated in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … 'O Our Lord, and send in
them a messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Your signs and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 14


teach them Your Book and wise knowledge and may purify them well. Surely, You
are alone the Predominant, the Wise. … [s.2:v.129]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (Our Lord!) O our Lord (And
raise up in their midst) the offspring of Ishmael (a Messenger from among them) from their
own lineage (who shall recite unto them Your revelations) the Qur'an, (and shall instruct
them in the Scripture) the Qur'an (and in wisdom) the lawful and the prohibited (and shall
make them pure) from sins through the declaration of the Oneness of God. (Lo! Thou, only
Thou, art the Mighty) Who is vengeful against whosoever does not answer Your Messenger
whom You sent to them, (the Wise) in sending the Messenger. And Allah answered his
prayers and sent unto them Muhammed (Alaihi Salat-O-Salam); and these are the words
with which Allah tried him, and he fulfilled them by asking Allah for them in his prayer.

[Tafsir ibn Abbas] Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Abdul-Aziz al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul
Aziz) stated that, “... Allah (Subhanahu) accepted the praise and sent Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), these are the praises that had been elucidated (Urdu: Ta’abeer) from above
words (Urdu: kal’moun), did and got by Sidna Ibrahim wa Ismael (Alehemus Salam) from Allah’s
order … [Ref: TM02 | vol.1:Pg.58]” Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Our Lord! And send among them, the people of this
House, a messenger, one of them and Allah granted him this petition with [the sending of]
Muhammed (s), who shall recite to them Your signs, the Qur’ān, and teach them the Book,
the Qur’ān, and Wisdom, that is, what the former contains of judgments, and purify them,
cleanse them of idolatry; You are the Mighty, the Victor, the Wise, in His creation.

Revelation expressed by addressing to Bani Israel from Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium
“Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), stated in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … And
remember when Issa son of Maryam, said, 'O children of Israel, I am Allah's
Messenger to you, confirming the previous Book Tourat before me and conveying
the glad news of the Messenger who will come after me, his name is Ahmad!' But
when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they said, 'this is an open magic.' …

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (And when Jesus son of Mary
said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming) the
profession of Allah divine Oneness and some of the laws (that which was (revealed) before
me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings) and I have come to you with the good tidings (of
a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he) i.e. Jesus
and it is also said: Muhammed (pbuh) (hath come unto them with clear proofs) with
commands, prohibitions and the marvels which he displayed to them, (they say: This is
mere magic) this is evident magic and lies.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; And, mention, when Jesus son of Mary said, ‘O
Children of Israel — he did not say ‘O my people’ [as did Moses] because he was not related
to them in any way — I am indeed God’s messenger to you, confirming what is before me of
the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger who will come after me, whose name is
Ahmad.’ God, exalted be He, says: Yet when he brought them, [when] Ahmad brought the
disbelievers, the clear signs, the revelations and the indications, they said, ‘This, namely,
what has been brought, is manifest sorcery!’ (sihrun: a variant reading has sāhirun, ‘a
sorcerer’, meaning the one who has brought them [is a manifest sorcerer]).

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FOOTNOTE [In brief]: Ulama says, almighty Allah is One (not in numerical sense), have no partner(s) in existence
(Wajood), attributes (Sifat), actions (Af’aal), commands (Ah’kam) or even in Names (As’ma). Almighty Allah is
“Wajib’ul-Wajood” (His existence is certain); whereas not existed before is absolutely impossible (meant came to
an existence | Muha’al[Ho’hi Nahi Sak’ta]), hence is eternal and everlasting (From always & will be always | al-Awwal
wa’l-Akhir); also said Azali (Urdu: Hame’sha sey hay) and Abadi (Urdu: Hame’sha Ra’hey ga). Allah (Subhanahu)
alone worthy of worship and have none (Partner | Shareek) in worship, not a father of anyone neither a son nor
have any wife; therefore whosoever believed (Only claim | not reality) that Allah is father or son of anyone or
have wife is a disbeliever (Urdu: Kafir). With the exception (Ma’siwa) of almighty Allah everything else is
“Ha’adis | Abolishing” means that it will comes to an end (By Order | Bi’iznillah), alike doesn’t existed before
(Created by Order | Bi’iznillah), that’s why abolishing (At specified time | E.g Death upon Beings etc.). Allah almighty
is a Sole Creator (Urdu: Tan’ha Khaliq) of everything; beings (creations | Takhleeqat yan’i Kai’nat, In’san
Wagheiy’rah) and their actions or attributes etc, all (everything) that is came (Past | Jo Khuch Ho’a) or will comes
(Present & Future | Jo Kuch Hoga ya Honay Wala Hai) to existence. Allah (Subhanahu) is cleaned (Arabic: Munaz’zah)
from being created (Mubar’rah | Takhleeq Honay Sey) and from defects (Arabic: Ae’yb | Masa’len kizb, dha’eyfi,
maj’boori wagheiyrahum) therefore assigning or considering any (being created, or is defected etc.) is infidelity
(Urdu: Kufr).

NOTE: Ulama says, Allah’s (Subhanahu) Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam | Torah, Injeel, Quran etc) is not
created, but everything else (Makh’loqat | Ashraf, Akbar’O Asghar, etc) is created. The Quran is the Kalam
(or an attribute of Kalam) of Allah (Sub’hanahu) hence it is not created; unlike other creations. Second,
about addressing (To Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ala’Nabiyina[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), so Allah (Sub’hanahu) did
with His Kalam that is an eternal attribute; not with tongue or any mean (Sub’bub | Instrument). Third,
Creatures (living | Jan’dar) features are granted (Attributes & Actions | Uski Ata Sey Hain) not of their
creation; for instance Allah listen (Sa’mee | Sun’ta Hai) and sees (Baseer | Jan’ta Hai) but without means
(Ba’gheyr Asbab Kay) whereas living creatures (Humans, Animals etc) also listen and sees (Restricted |
Mah’dood) but through means (instruments | Ears & Eyes) though not alike (Comparable | Similar) Allah
(Subhanahu). See Jurisprudence Book (Bab al-Aqaid), ilm’ul Kalam or asks Ulama. Allah knows all the

FURTHER [In brief]: Ulama says, all Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are Allah’s best creations (most
pious, prestigious, honorable and highly divined in sight), all were humans and men (Jin neither women wouldn’t be
ever Rasul or Nabi), chosen for receiving revelations (Arabic: Wahi), all were innocent (absolutely free/clean from
ability to do sin | Ma’soom) however Angels were also attributed with innocence (Sifat’e Ma’soomiyah), all were
vigilant upon guidance to people hence delivered without any alteration (as it is being given or sent), all were
protected hence never be decepted (by Satan) nor ever mislead by opposers (Stopped or diverted | From
responsibilities), all were same in Nabuwwah (awarding) but contains level of difference in execellency, and the
most highest level of excellency belongs to last prophet (Sidna Hudhrat Muhammed al-Rasul Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
all were alive in their graves just alike on earth; eat, drink, travels (comes and go as they [Alehemus Salam] wish
or likes), their lives are more exalted than that of Martyrs (Shaheed), but their (Anmbiya [Alehemus Salam])
belongings doesn’t distributed (alike others | Yan’i Meras Wagheiy’raha), their sign of evident (as true Nabi) is
Miracle (Moaj’zah) performs for validation and altercation (Tasdeeq ‘O’ Hujjat) [Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]. These
are few distinctions being illuminated, to know more see concerned books (See’rah etc).

See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh | Bab al-Aqaid) or asks Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Arrival of An Enlighten (al-Noor): In fourth article (or say transcript), title “Strength of an
Ummah in al-Mashreq” subtitling “The Destination, Pakistan”, we stated, “Ulama says that it was
propagating inversely by Kuffar that now no one will come ahead further for guidance, but still
many right faith people (believers) as well as knowledgeable (who knew but are not the believers
only because in denial for some reasons) were awaiting after Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) [rose towards sky, & will be back again for last time] till arrival of the
last prophet “Muhammed” al-Rasul al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), because informed (kha’br)
to them, even Jews were obvious but expecting from Bani Isra’el, though after arrival in beginning
many recognizes but only few affirmed (through signs, as the reported one) and majority dubious
or refuses, and after proclamation (Ey’lan-e-Nabuwwah Sharif), those recognizes in first place
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 16

many amongst them called belief (without hesitation, even as per tradition one is affirmed long
before arrival, renown as “King Tuba’a”) whereas majority did after propagation (peaceful
invitations | Dawah) or realization (after miracles and victories that divulges to them truth and
reality | Moaj’zat, Futu’hat Wagheiy’raha), hence entered (Af’waja) to Islam by individually or
group-wise (includes families) or the whole-tribe gradually.”, the exalted and honorable arrival (a
blissful birth of last prophet) reported or say expresses in Quran Majeed also as, “(Mafhoom) …
'O people of the Book! Undoubtedly, Our Messenger has come to you who makes clear to
you much of that which you had hidden in the Book and pardons much. Undoubtedly, there
has come to you from Allah a light and a Book, luminous. … [s.5:v.15]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (O people of the Scripture! Now hath
Our messenger) Muhammed (pbuh) (come unto you, expositing unto you much of that which ye
used to hide in the Scripture) regarding the traits and description of the Prophet 114 Muhammed
(pbuh) and the legal ruling on stoning [married fornicators] as well as other things, (and forgiving
much) and leave many other things, not mentioning them to you. (Now hath come unto you light) a
messenger, i.e. Muhammed (from Allah and a plain Scripture) explaining the lawful and the

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; O People of the Scripture, Jews and Christians, now there has
come to you Our Messenger, Muhammed (s), making clear to you much of what you used to conceal
of the Scripture, the Torah and the Gospel, such as the ‘stoning’ verse and the description [of the
Prophet Muhammed (s)], and pardoning much, of it, which he does not reveal, since this would not
be of any benefit, serving only to disgrace you. There has verily come to you from God a light,
namely, the Prophet (s), and a Book, a Qur’ān, lucid, plain and manifest.

[Tafsir ibn Abbas] Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Abdul-Aziz al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
stated that, “... From Allah (Subhanahu), a radiance (Noor) has come towards you meant Sidna Muhammed al-
Rasul (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam), who is a radiance (Noor) of Allah, and comes a open book reveals Halal and
Haram meant Quran Majeed ... [Ref.:TM02 | v.1:Pg.283].” [Paikar’e Noor] Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Abdul-
Hakim Sharf al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz) states that, “… By radiance (Noor) meant Sidna
Muhammed al-Rasul (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam) and His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) radiance and by Book (Kitab’um
Mubin) means Quran Majeed. [Ref.:OB01 | Pg.5] Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

Blessings (Noor’O Kitab): O’Dear, tell us would you feel pleasurable and delightful, or
poignant and agitation towards blessing(s) that will sent towards or gives to you? Surely,
the sane among you will felt pleasurable and delightful after getting or having it, thus
belivers that were existed early before, and then later on, and then afterwards meant
present and come in future, will always be blissful to Mercy from alMighty Allah’s, a sole
creator and controller (al-Khaliq wal-Mukhtar Haqiqi), blessings which is no doubt and
with all (since Sidna Huhdrat Adam Alehe Salat-O-Salam till the last believer in the end
times) consensus of not only Muslims Masha’ikh wa Ulama, but also Anmbiya wa
Mursaleen Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), is the most exalted one, the most
remembered one, the most revealed one, the most beautiful, the most piety, the most
pious, the most honorable, having no match (Arabic: La Nazi’raka), the best amongst the
best creation, His Eminence and Holy Highness Sidna wa Mawlana wa Malja’na wa
Ma’wana wa Habibeyna wa Karimi’na wa Nabiy’yina wa Rasulina Abil’Qasim Muhammed
bin Abdullah “Noor’im Min Noorillah” (Sallalaho Alaihi Wa Alyhi Wa’Sallam).

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As we said that sanity lay in feeling pleasurable and delightful, but there are some
(millions or may be billions in count) that wouldn’t felt neither likes contrary goes
against, in every epoch since arrival and proclamation, past and present (some does
baseless objections whereas some begun conspiracies) as well towards the blessings,
showing complete dead heartiness and insanity, upon revelation (Urdu: Bisha’rat) that
came as mercy for all, and this depicts in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) . . . They wish to
put out Allah’s light with their mouths, whereas Allah will perfect His light even if
the disbelievers get annoyed. … [s.61:v.8]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (Fain would they) i.e. the
Jews and Christians (put out the light of Allah) to abort the religion of Allah; and it is said
this means: to abort the Book of Allah: the Qur'an, (with their mouths) with their tongues
and lies, (but Allah will perfect His light) but Allah will manifest His religion and Book
(however much the disbelievers are averse) even though the Jews, Christians and pagan
Arabs dislike its happening.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; They desire to extinguish (li-yutfi’ūis in the
subjunctive form because of an implicit an [sc. an yutfi’ū], the lām being extra) the light of
God, His Law and His proofs, with their mouths, with their sayings, that this is sorcery, or
poetry or soothsaying; but God will perfect, He will manifest, His light (mutimmun nūrahu:
some have read this in the form of a genitive annextation, mutimmu nūrihi) though the
disbelievers be averse, to this.

The blessings that came towards all, is healer also that gives treatment to the hearts that
looking for cure (if dead) or becomes ill (if weak) or wanted to elevate their affectionate
(further increase), but again what one could say about those who refuted straightly
(stamped dead | Kuffar wa Mushrikeen), whereas some by tongue accepts but then
deviated (becoming stamped dead | Munafiqoon) even become harsh opposser (Khawarij
particularly) sometimes rather than retreat and accept to obeys, and this expresses in
Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) ... And We send down in Quran that which is a healing
and a mercy to the believers; and it adds loss only to the unjust … [s.17:v.82]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (And We reveal of the
Qur'an) We explain in the Qur'an (that which is a healing) a clarification against blindness;
it is also said that this means: a clarification against disbelief, idolatry and hypocrisy (and a
mercy) which prevents from chastisement (for believers) in Muhammed (pbuh) and in the
Qur'an (though it increase the evil-doers) the idolaters; that which is revealed in the Qur'an
increases them (in naught save ruin) loss.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; And We reveal of (min [here] is explicative) the
Qur’ān that which is a cure, from error, and a mercy for believers, thereby; though it only
increases the evildoers, the disbelievers, in loss, because of their disbelief in it.

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says, Allah (Subhanahu) is not created by anyone, whereas all creations were
created, is created by Allah, including the best and gorgeous amongst all which ever created is Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), meant “Noor” (along with blessed body[Jasd’e Ather] in which sends).
Further says (in light of Ahadith) that it was created (Takhleeq’e Noor’e Mustafa[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) before any
creation, meant firstly; and everything that has been given existence is from this blessed “Noor” (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam). Further says that Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was the first Prophet (Nabi); in light of Hadith
Sharif which narrates, “I was then the Prophet when Adam was in between the basic form of Water & Soil”.
They further says, it was Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) “Noor” which is transferred from the pious

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generations of Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), from one to another, that kept them cleaned from all
dirts of polytheism and deceiving (Worldly matters); particularly by opponents (Urdu: Mukha’lifeen), whom
themselves misguided in other words completely decepted (Followers | Shaiy’tan al-Rajeem).

RESPONSE: If objection being present or put forward (Usually do | Once did to faqeer) that Allah is the “Noor” of
Skies and Earth (everything under or upon it); revealed in Quran Majeed too, but personages aren’t? Answer:
O’Dea, answer lay in objection/question, if one thinks (analyze) or have brain (sensible). Second, when Allah
(Subhanahu) can be, and surely (no doubt) is, “Noor” of all creations (has alive all via his Noor) then tell us, is
(included?) Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) among or can’t be from Allah’s “Noor”? What one is thinking;
he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is exempted (Can’t from verse | Allah is Noor of Skies & Earth) or being created by else
(That would be polytheism | Shirk Hojaiy ga) besides “Noor’e Haqiqi” (Ma’az Allah). Third, when skies or earth that
are existing (presents | E.g Earth under Sky; mountains, trees, water etc) can be created & so expresses (contained)
the magnificent “Noor’e Bari-Ta’ala” then why doesn’t personages, Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
particularly, can’t be or are from or represents the “Noor’e Bari-Ta’ala” (By which rule?); whom (Alehemus Salat-
O-Salam) are the most honorable and pious as well as divined to Allah (Subhanahu) then anything else (Static in
form/nature | Secondary). What one is thinking, Allah (Subhanahu) doesn’t grants them precedence or haven’t
capability (Astagh’firullah) to creates them from his “Noor” but others will be; meant other things (static in
form/nature | particularly) will be or are eligible to be created from “Noor”, having less importance (Secondary |
Needs guidelines), but they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) aren’t (Ma’az Allah), containing significance (Core | Provides
guidelines). Don’t know from where people (Miscreants | Ah’al Bida’a) learn or bring such type of
irrational/irrelevant objections; only either to refute the status as well as monotheism OR inflict or create
confusion among Muslims. May Allah kept all of us safe from deceptions? Ameen Thum’ma Ameen. [Keep

OF PURE LINEAGE: If someone, and many were, put forward the query or objection about following people,
“Kana’an”, “Aa’zar” even “Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib (Radhi Allah Anhum)” to their inclusion in lineage of
Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as they were not believers/monotheist then how it will be cleaned
(pure)? Answer for this, Ulama says “Kana’an” was not the direct son (From Nuh[Alehe Salam] blessed back | Pusht
Mubarak) hence nor the descendant of Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam’e Sani’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) but from his
mother first Husband, and yes they (mother and son) didn’t called belief and accepted invitation (Arabic: Dawah)
when storm reaches peak and even at that stage they refuted instantly an invitation (belief and boarding on ship)
by Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam-e Thani’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Second, about “Aa’zar”, Ulama says that he was not
the father (Arabic: Walid) of Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim “Khalilullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) but was an uncle (Arabic:
Amm | Chuch’cha) and it was a tradition amongst Arabs that usually they called or considers their Uncle(s) as or
in place of father (Actually Guardian) [Ref.: HT15 | Read Transcript] either. Third, about “Abdullah bin Abdul-
Mut’talib (Radhi Allah Anhum)”, Ulama says that both were following religion of Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim
“Khalillulah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) renown as “Deen’e Haneef” hence were from Muwa’hideen (Monotheists),
whereas another answer was also given (discuss it later). Allah knows all the best.

THE HOLY QURAN: Imam’e Azam Abu Hanifa (Quddussurahul Aziz) says, “The Qur'an is the Kalam of Allah Ta’ala,
written on books (masahif), preserved in the hearts, recited on the tongues, and revealed to the Prophet (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam). Our utterance of the Qur'an is created, and our recitation of the Qur'an is created, but the Qur'an
(as the attribute of Kalam of Allah) is not created. Ulama say; His Kalam is free from sound. The Quran Shareef
that we recite with our tongue and which we read from written form is the uncreated Kalam of Allah without
any sound. Our reading, writing and our voices are Ha’dis (Creation). In other words, our recitation is creation
and that which we have recited is not Ha’dis (Creation). Our writing is Hadis and that which we have written is
uncreated. Our listening is creation and that which we have heard is uncreated. Our memorizing is creation
and that which we have memorized is uncreated.” Allah knows all the best.

Add Further: Ulama says, Allah (Subhanahu) is cleaned from body like ours or any else (Body has shape
hence limited | Allah is cleaned from shape & limit[has none]). Like we listen (through ears), view (through
eyes), know (Through brain via words | Written or Listen), talk (through tongue) etc all are created (Urdu:
Takhleeq), along with their respected abilities (Granted | Attributes), is by Allah (Subhanahu) hence they
are all ha’dis (English: Abolishing). Whereas Allah (Subhanahu) also listens (Sami’e), views (Ba’seer),
knows (Kha’beer) and conversates (Kalam) but not alike we do (That are created) neither they are hadis
(never abolishes), because alike Allah (Subhanahu) existence (Wajood) they are also “Eternal &
Everlasting | Azali wa Abadi” (English: From always and will remain always), but we didn’t knows neither
couldn’t acknowledge its absolute condition (Urdu: Surat ya Shakal), because we are his creations

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(Hence have limits | Whatever we knew (from Mecry) is little hence can’t measure or judge Allah’s existence),
however we’ll kept belief upon it (Stipulated | Zaruriyat’e Deen sey hai), as being instructed/ordered.

Objection: If Holy Books were sent by Allah (Subhanahu) and his Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam),
besides Quran Majeed that is also sent by Allah (Subhanahu) and his Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam)
too, then how come they became invalid or couldn’t be in real form? Answer: O’Dea, definitely all Holy
Books that were sent is by Allah (Subahanhu) and his Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam); and in last sent
Quran Majeed upon Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) which have canceled all
previous books, and we have mentioned already previously (See there | Articles). Form: Ulama says, all
previous books, before Quran Majeed, were also Allah’s Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam), but their
preservation responsibility was given (handed over) to Humans (people of that time) which they didn’t
fulfills or maintained (Responsibility | Being Awarded) contrary begun modification due to which
originals were nearly abolished [and that’s why new was sent, but then whenever showed same attitude
(alteration) or any else (Disobedience | Forgotten), it was then again replaced from the new one, hence finally
Quran Majeed was sent, but being revealed that it would be protected by us (Allah [Subhanahu]) now, not
humans (means whether people called believed upon it & follows or not)], therefore they were raised
towards sky (Muslims believed) and present in Heavens (From where they have came | Previous Books),
and will be show in day of resurrection (Urdu: Akhirat), that’s why didn’t present in real form. Allah
knows all the best.

See Jurisprudence Book (Kutub’e Fiqh), ilm’ul-Kalam wa Seerah Wagheiy’raha or asks Ulama.
Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Accomplishment of Altercation (al-Hujjah): In third article, title “Rise of an Ummah from al-
Maghreb” subtitle “Khilafat/Sultanat e Habibiyah”, we stated that, “Religion (Arabic: Deen) is an
only Valid and Right Way for the success of all Human Beings, and after revealing about religion
(Arabic: Deen) in given A’yah Shareef (We quoted verse 4:115 there, and have again quoted below)
which is a Valid and Right Path, other than it like Atheism refutation or Secularism opposition (in
governance esp.) the Religion, all in general not only Islam particularly, Allah (Subhanahu) has
informed that shall not accept any path other than Religion, and in religion particularly only Islam
(Sunnat’e Muhammediyah)”, this altercation was expressed in Quran Majeed also as, “(Mafhoom)
… This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and
have chosen Islam as religion for you … [s.5:v.3]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; “... (This day) the day of the
pilgrimage (have I perfected your religion for you) I have elucidated to you the prescriptions of your
religion: the lawful and the unlawful, the commands and the prohibitions (and completed My favour
unto you) I have completed My blessing upon you in that, after today, no idolater will ever gather
with you in 'Arafat, Mina, in the circumambulation around the Ka'bah, and in the coming and going
between al-Safa and al-Marwah, (and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. … ) ...”

[Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Aziz Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
stated, “(Mafhoom) ... Today I have revealed the best righteous revelations (Urdu: Ach’chi Such’chi Bateiyn)
and accomplished the traditions (Urdu: Marasim) of monotheist religion (Urdu: Deen’e Tawheed), reveals the
allowed (Halal) and forbidden (Haram). Taught to do and not (Amr’O Nahi), accomplished my mercy and
blessing (Rehma’O Nay’mah) by sending very well and today my righteous monotheist religion (Urdu: Such’cha
Deen’e Kamil) has been accomplished well ... [Ref.: TM02 | v.1:Pg.276]”

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; “... Today I have perfected your religion for you, that is, its
rulings and obligations (after this [verse] nothing about [what is] lawful or unlawful was revealed)
and I have completed My favour upon you, by perfecting it [your religion], but it is also said by
[effecting] their safe entry into Mecca; and I have approved, chosen, Islam for you as religion ...”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 20


VALIDITY (Mustanad): Therefore in Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) has clearly

signified that other than path presented by Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) would
not only rejected, but also has to face bad consequences either, meant Hell forever, this
validation of accepting only religion Islam was clearly mentioned in Quran Majeed as,
"(Mafhoom) ... Indeed the only true religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ...

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (Lo! Religion) that is
accepted (with Allah (is) the Surrender (to His will and guidance)). It is also said that this
should be understood as: Allah bears witness that Religion with Him is Islam (the
Surrender), and the angels, the prophets and the believers also bear witness to this. This
verse was revealed about two men from Historic Syria who asked the Prophet (pbuh) which
is the greatest witness in the Book of Allah. When he informed them about it, they embraced
Islam. (Those who (formerly) received the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (differed)
about Islam and Muhammed (only after knowledge) the exposition of what is in their
Scripture (came unto them, through transgression among themselves) out of resentful envy.
(Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of Allah) Muhammed and the Qur'an ((will find that)
Lo! Allah is swift at reckoning) severe in His punishment.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Lo!, the religion with God, pleasing [to Him], is
submission [to the One God], (al-islām), that is to say, the Divine Law with which the
messengers were sent, foundedupon the affirmation of God’s Oneness (a variant reading
[for inna, ‘lo!’] has anna, ‘that’, as an inclusive substitution for annahu to the end [of that
verse, sc. shahida Llāhu … anna l-dīna ‘inda Llāhi l-islām, ‘God bears witness that religion
with God is Islām]). Those who were given the Scripture, the Jews and the Christians,
differed, in religion, some affirming God’s Oneness, others rejecting it, only after the
knowledge, ofOneness, came to them through transgression, on the part of the disbelievers,
among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God’s signs, God is swift at reckoning, that is,
at requiting him.

In same third article we stated, “... agreed path of Muslims (Arabic: Mujtama’a
wa Mut’tafiqahu) ... Islamic Shariah derived from Qur’an and Sunnah, which is comprises
upon communally agreed (Arabic: Ijma al-Ummah) Four Routes (Arabic: Mazahib al-
Arba’a Ahl’al-Sunnah) renown as al-Hanafi, al-Maliki, al-Shafa’ei, al-Hanmbali and to these
four have to be (Arabic: Muqal’lid) at one sternly; therefore do not make partitions
(Arabic: Tafar’raqah) of Right Path of Religion (Arabic: Deen al-Islam) when defined
(Islamic Shari’ah) and had explained (by A’eymma Arba’a esp.)”, "(Mafhoom) … And
whoever opposes the Rasul (Noble Messenger) after the right path (Deen’e Islam or
Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) has been made clear to him, and follows a way other than
that of the Muslims, We shall leave him as he is, and put him in hell; and what a
wretched place to return … [s.4:v.115]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (And whoso opposeth the
messenger) regarding Allah's divine Oneness and his judgement, i.e. Tu'mah (after the
guidance (of Allah) hath been manifested unto him, and followth other than the believer's
way) and prefers the religion of the people of Mecca, idolatry, over the religion of the
believers, (We appoint for him that unto which he himself hath turned) We shall leave him
to that which he has chosen in this world, (and expose him unto hell) in the Hereafter (a
hapless journey's end) will be his ultimate consequence!

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 21


`2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; But whoever makes a breach with, [whoever]
opposes, the Messenger, in the truth that he brings, after guidance has become clear to him,
[after] the truth has become manifest to him through miracles, and follows, a path, other
than the way of the believers, thatis to say, [other than] the path they follow in religion, by
disbelieving, We shall turn him over to whathe has turned to, We shall make him a leader of
the misguidance which he has followed, by leaving this as itis between them in this world,
and We shall expose him, We shall admit him in the Hereafter, in Hell, where he will burn —
an evil journey’s end, an [evil] return it is.

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: O’Dea, Islam is a complete religion, in other words as stated previously that a complete
code of life, which not only focuses or emphasized upon Worships but also teaches (Provides solution also |
Current emerging issues or matters) about or caters all sort of matters that are concerning to Human beings
existence means essential necessities, whether it’s Social or Economical or Political and so on forth. Thus tell us
how could it be possible that religion wouldn’t contain or teaches political structure when being revealed now
as completed or perfected by Sole Creator* (some people [Particularly Infidels, Seculars and also so called open
minded ones (whether muslims or not)] thought that Allah may doesn’t know HOW be the political system or structure
amongst Human Beings should be to fulfills their needs (in systematic & just ways) though has created such gigantic
universe [Still expanding | From own consent[blessing]] depicting many unbelievable creations but either it wasn’t
known (how it shall be) or contains any order (in holy book) regarding political system, mainly structure [Ma’az Allah,
& Astaghfirullah] | Totally rubbish & irrational thought(s); Should Repent!)? Answer: Definitely & surely (without any
single doubt), it does contained political structure too alike solution for all issues and matters concerning
worships as well as social and economics; and its political structure has been taught (Shown | Represented) to us
practically via foundation (meant after blessed migration) of Madinah Munaw’warah, also said or known as ‘State
of Medina’ by most beloved Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), which was then followed by
blessed companions, particularly Khulafa’e Rashi’dun (Alehemur Ridhwan), fame as ‘Khilafat’e Rashidah’, and
then Ummay’yah & Abbasiyah, then Seljukiyah (actually Mamlukiyah) and Uthmaniyah etc.

FURTHER: We stated in third artice, under 1.ISLAM after Quranic verses that, “… However remembers,
it is Allah's (Subhanahu) gracious custom (Urdu: A'adat-e-Karima) that have always sent RIGHT PATHS
(Arabic: Hida’yaat) through Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehem-us-Salam) and by sending (in Textual form) HOLY
BOOKS (Kutub’e Sama’viyah) and TESTAMENTS (Arabic: Suhu’faat al-Sama’viyah) upon them (Alehem-us-
Salam) for Honorable and Noble Purpose of guidance (among one is Divinity: Ridha’e Elahiy’yah too) …”
Then stated ahead, “… Therefore Paths announced (Urdu: Eay'lan-e-Nabuwwah Mubarakah) by else
Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) must also to be believed and Right (Arabic: al-Haqq) because
sent by Allah (Subhanahu) as well but after proclamation (Urdu: Eay’lan-e-Nabuwwah Shareef) of Nabi al-
Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) now only Islam [as it had been perfected, completed and chosen] is
acceptable and shall be follows because all previous Paths had been canceled (Arabic: Man’sookh) by
Allah (Subhanahu), in other words not acceptable if still followed or practicing, whether by large
majority (Urdu: Jamhoor) …” Then further ahead, “… Same about the Books (Arabic: Kutub) and
Testaments (Arabic: Suhufa’at) sent (Arabic: Manzul) upon Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
must also to be Believed [excluding alterations(Urdu: ill’haqat) in them] but now their orders are not
applicable (Urdu: La’iq-e-Ata’at) because of Qur'an Majeed has been given as a “Final Book of Orders"
and is only applicable and acceptable [as perfection, completion and chosen status has been mentioned or
say revealed in it] because previous Books[1] had been canceled (Arabic: Mun’sookh) by Allah
(Subhanahu) …” [Exccerpts from ‘Rise of Ummah from al-Maghreb’]

NOTE: [1] Ulama says; there is no evidence neither true copy of previously sent holy books existed in
present time (Quran Majeed | Excepted), even in near time and adjacent periods, particularly Taurah
Sharif and then also said for Injeel Muqaddus; that even weren’t present in time of Sidna Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), because it was or due to responsibility given to people of book wasn’t kept
righteously (Any of them | Real Form) as it shoukd be therefore due to intense modification causes
exclusion of revelations (Orders | Instructions, Signs etc.). We believed (Muslims) that true copies were
arose towards sky after modification being done (Whenever | Duration), because they are also Allah’s
Kalam (Or an attribute of Kalam | Contains Heavenly Orders). Objection: If someone says NO! We have
[*] Created not only Human Beings but also their essential necessities; for instance, water, fire, soil, mountains,
trees, crops, minerals etc.
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 22

original (Considering present as real | Modified or totally fabricated) and considerations are baseless or
incorrect. Answer: Then why doesn’t(?) or it seems resembling (Revelations | Many) with Quran
Majeed^, contrary should or must resemble wholly because sent (all books) by the almighty Allah, a
sole creator of all universes (and everything in it), when sent all Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) for
guidance, and awarded Holy Books and Scriptures (Written Form | Guidance) either linked toghether
(Chained | Ascending form) that validates each other (Verifying previous & reports upcoming | Stopped at
last upon Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and Quran Majeed) then how come’s they aren’t now;
contrary all shall and so must coincide. Second, opponents own (priests) confessed that real was not
present, as well as converted ones (particularly priests) to Islam verified the same; disruption of verses
or illusion (proving induction) being reported etc. Allah knows all the best.

In regards of [s.3:v.19]: Ulama says; Religion (Deen) have (or say holds) vast meanings and cover all aspects
(including political system nor only Worships), and among “meanings” one is Path (Rah | Rasta) which is defined
ahead as Islam; and another one is “Law: Qanoon” which expressed or layout the political structure, between
individuals or groups or nations (internally or externally), which also taught or explicated by Islam. And in one
context it also shows that Religion (Urdu: Deen) is inevitable (Urdu: Lazim) therefore without obeying the valid
path (Religion) none is beneficial, like Atheism or declaring the state as Secular [as both oppose or refute

In regards of [s.4:v.115]: Ulama says, here Rasul (Noble Messenger) explicitly meant Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) and "other than that of Muslims” expresses (Arabic: Az’haru) other religious Paths besides Islam, like
Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Qadiyan’ism etc. In this context can include Deviators (Arabic: Munafiqoon) as
well for instance Rafdhies or Salafists and their various branches in different forms because they also opposes
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and his beloved Ummah (Muslims Way), originally enemy to their precious
Belief and Faith, agreed path (Arabic: Fiqahi wa ba’adahu Salasil), secondly to their blood (if got hands on

See Kutub’e Fiqah wagheiy’raha or asks Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Centre Shall Obeyed (Ata’t): In thid article, title “Rise of an Ummah from al-Maghreb” subtitle
“Khilafat/Sultanat e Habibiyah”, we stated that, “However the only need of time is UNITY as one
NATION (Ummah) in all aspects, Political, Economical, Social, Territorial, and Military etc,
whether called it Khilafah or Union or USI, but should be based upon Khilafat’e Rashidah Model.
According to one Dervish (his child is a Wali by birth) the main reasons of devastation and
humiliation of Muslims around the world is only because we (Muslims) contain several identities
like Malayans, Turks, Arabs, Hindies (Pakistanis), Ifriqiyans (Africans) and so on forth upon which
divided but we are not getting united as one Muslim Nation (Ummah, actually meant politically
united at one platform say Khilafah) and in all these various identities majority are Ahl’al-Sunnah
Wa’l Jama’ah besides claimers (meant Munafiqoon). And repeated shortly with addition (new
expressions) in fourth article, title “Strength of an Ummah in al-Mahreq” subtitling “The
Destination Pakistan” we stated, “ Ulama says, “ ... it cannot be possible if one have such a
marvelous divine distinction (Hubb’e Rasul Alehe Salat-O-Salam) but then didn’t shares its
resources and strength, when it is necessary (even if say inevitable), hence for it have to do
courageous efforts (fight through sword or pen) after seeking knowledge (along with Trust |
Yaqeen), thus without further delays and lame excuses all should gather upon single platform ...”,
therefore when Muslims lives, and holds large number of territories (land) enriched with
[^] Though, even then some resemblances are present (can be seen/found), after lots of modification or
fabrication being done later-on (deliberately), but still those (particularly Non-Muslims | Priests) who knew can or
will extract/understand easily the continuation process (Sending of Prophets, & Holy Books | Chained) thus
should confesses (shall embrace | Advisable) Islam’s truth & reality (The last religion[Sunnat’e Muhammediyyah] sent
in chain | Earlier was actually verified before and gave tidings of later). Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 23


uncountable blessings (sacred places, natural & mineral resources etc), having same faith and
belief though practices four different schools of jurisprudence of same righteous path, renown as
Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) hence should also acquired or say forms one centre (authority)
to lead, and this is expressed in Quran Sharif also as, "(Mafhoom) ... O People who believe!
Obey Allah and the Rasul (Noble Messenger) and those amongst you who are in authority
[Oulul Amr] ... [s.4:v.59]"

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (O ye who believe!) 'Uthman Ibn
Talhah and his fellow believers. (Obey Allah) in that which He has commanded you, (and obey the
messenger) in that which he commands you (and those of you who are in authority) the leaders of
military expeditions; it also said that this means: the men of sacred knowledge; (and if ye have a
dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah) to the Book of Allah (and the messenger) and to the
practice of the Messenger (if you are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day) resurrection
after death. (That) referring the matter to the Book ofAllah and the practice of His Messenger (is
better and more seemly in the end).

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and
those in authority among you, that is, rulers, when they command you to obey God and His
Messenger.If you should quarrel, disagree, about anything, refer it to God, that is, to His Book, and
the Messenger, while he lives, and thereafter [refer] to his Sunna: in other words examine these
[disputes] with reference tothese two [sources], if you believe in God and the Last Day; that,
reference to the two [sources], is better, for you than quarrelling or [adhering to] personal opinions,
and more excellent in interpretation, in the end.

Orders (Ahka’mat): Islam’s practical application is lay under on its orders (teachings)
implementation, and then Obedience (Ata'at also includes Taqleed of Orders and Acts),
and all orders that are to be follows taken or based upon (or say extracted from) Quran
Sharif & Sunnah Karim (Ahadith’e Mubarakah), signifying both as corelative, and this is
expressed in Quran Sharif also as, “(Mafhoom) ... Whoso obeys the messenger, has
indeed obeyed Allah, and whoso turns away his face, then We have not sent you to
save them ... [s.4:v.80]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; When the verse (We sent no
messenger save that he should be obeyed by Allah's leave) was revealed, 'Abdullah Ibn
Ubayy said: "Muhammed commands us to obey him instead of obeying Allah", so Allah
revealed the following: (Whoso obeyeth the messenger) in that which he commands (obeys
Allah) because the Messenger never commands anything unless Allah has commanded it,
(and whoso turneth away) from obeying the messenger: (We have not sent thee as a
warder) a custodian (over them).

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Who ever obeys the Messenger, verily obeys God;
and whoever turns his back, [whoever] avoids obedience to you, do not be concerned with
them: We have not sent you as a watcher over them, to keep watch over their deeds, but as a
warner. Their affair is Ours [to deal with] and We will requite them. This [statement] was
before the command to fight [them was revealed].

And for recognition (Arabic: Ma’arifah) or to get beware (Arabic: Mah’tat) about Islamic
teachings (or say orders) for Obedience (what to do and follows and which not), Allah
(Subhanahu) says that, "(Mafhoom) ... Accept whatever the Rasul (Noble Messenger)
gives you; and refrain from whatever he forbids you; ... [s.59:v.7]”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 24


1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (That which Allah giveth as
spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships) of 'Uraynah, Qurayzah, Banu'l-
Nadir, Fadak and Khaybar, (it is for Allah) specifically and there is nothing in it for you (and
His messenger) the command of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) regarding this is
permissible, and this is why he made the spoils of Fadak and Khaybar an endowment for the
needy people; it remained under his control during his lifetime, and after his death it came
under the control of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, and after him under 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali
respectively exactly as it was under the control of the Prophet (pbuh) and it remains so to
this day. The Prophet (pbuh) also divided the spoils of Banu Qurayzah and Banu'l-Nadir on
the poor from among the Emigrants (al-Muhajirun), he gave them according to their need
and the need of their dependents (and for the near of kin) and he gave some of it to the
needy among the Banu 'Abd al-Muttalib (and the orphans) and he gave some of it to the
orphans, other than the orphans of Banu 'Abd al-Muttalib (and the needy) and gave some of
it to the needy, other than the needy of the Banu 'Abd al-Muttalib (and the wayfarer) the
guest and the passer-by, (that it become not a commodity) a division (between the rich
among you) between the strong among you. (And whatsoever the messenger gives you) of
spoils, (take it) accept it; it is also said that this means: whatever the messenger commands
you, act upon it. (And whatsoever he forbideth, abstain (from it). And keep your duty to
Allah) fear Allah in that which He commanded you. (Lo! Allah is stern in reprisal) when He
punishes; this is because they said to the Prophet (pbuh): “Take your share of the spoils and
leave us to deal with the rest of it”.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Whatever spoils God has given to His Messenger
from the people of the towns, such as al-Safrā’, Wādīal-Qurā and Yanbu‘, belong to God,
dispensing with it as He will, and to the Messenger and to the near of kin, the Prophet’s kin,
from among the Banū Hāshim and the Banūal-Muttālib, and the orphans, the [orphaned]
children of Muslims, those whose parents have died and who are impoverished, and the
needy, those Muslims in need, and the traveller, the Muslim who may be cut off [from all
resources] on a remote journey: in other words, they [these spoils] are the due of the
Prophet (s) and [those of] the four categories, divided up in the way that he used to, where
each category received a fifth of the fifth, with the rest being his [the Prophet’s], so that
these, the spoils — this being the justification for the division of these [spoils] in this way, do
not (kay-lā: kay functions like lāwith a following implied an [sc. an-lā]) become a thing
circulating, handed round, between the rich among you. And whatever the Messenger gives
you, of spoils or otherwise, take it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain [from it]. And fear
God. Surely God is severe in retribution.

FOOTNOTE [In brief]: O’Dea, Allah (Subhanahu) has commands to obey; revealed via Holy Book sent to Sidna
Rasul Allah (Aleheh Salat-O-Salam). Similarly, commanded us (Revealed | Holy Book) to obey His Rasul (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam); also granting Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) an authorization to judge (Issue or Matter | If not mentioned
in Quran) and then made rule (Sunnah | Solution) accordingly. And also granting pious and erudite people an
authorization to judge and then decide the issue and matter, but under Quran & Sunnah; and then made rule
(Ijtihad | Qi’yas) if not mentioned clearly under Quran & Sunnah meant provides only indication, either
comprehensively (Ik’malen) or compressively (Ij’malen). Note: As illustrated before that Quran Majeed is a
Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam) of Allah (Subhanahu), therefore Allah (Subhanahu) revealed revelations of since
beginning (creation of universe) and before (creation of universe) as well as future (foretell | Mustaqbil) till
resurrection day (Akhirah | Signs etc); and orders for every period (Current | Mudha’reh) and onwards (Heaven &
Hell | Ha’yat Ba’ad al-Qayamah). Second, because Kalam (or an attribute of Kalam) of Allah (Subhanahu), therefore
can’t be challenged neither could be presented alike, even if all get together; and this is similarly true for other
books (Previously Sent | Tow’rah, Bi’ble etc) too because Allah (Subhanahu) kalam (or an attribute of Kalam); and it
is confessed by their priests (Righteous | Mun’sif) about revelations being heavenly and fabricated, and
moreover verified (More certification | Sha’hadah yan’i Sanad) by those converted to Islam. Allah knows all the

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 25


FURTHER: O’Dea, Sidna Rasul Allah (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam) has said (Faiths & Commands | Taught) not
someone else, amongst which presenting some compressively, (Mafhoo’mat) … Allah (Subhanahu)
created firstly my radiance (Noor), and created all other things then from my radiance (Noor); I (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) was then prophet (Nabi) when (Sidna) Adam (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was in between the
water & soil (process of creation); I (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will give you the news about myself (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) that I’am (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) a praise of my father (Sidna Hudhrat) Ibrahim (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) and a revelation of (Sidna Hudhrat) Esa bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam); when I (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) was born (Wiladat Sharif) my mother has saw or expressed to her the palaces of Sham (through
the blessings of Noor); we Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are alike (their bodies) angels of paradise
(Very soft hence have distinctive bodies | Not hard like ours body); if (Hudhrat) Moosa (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
was present on my (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) time then he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has no choice besides to
follow (obey) me (Alehe Salat-O-Salam); all Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) were alived in their
graves, offered prayers, given food, and where ever they likes or wishes can travel/move freely; your
praises (Blessings | Salat’O Salam) will definitely reaches (Even after my passing away | Visal sharif) to me
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam | Brought by angels); if ever in need of help then say, O Allah’s people (ban’doun)
help me, O Allah’s people (ban’doun) help me, O Allah’s people (Ban’doun) help me; I (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) stopped you to visit graves, now visits them as they, distract from world and creates reminder
(Fikr) of other day (Akhirah), bring tears in eyes, taught a lesson; acts (reciting Quran Sharif) and
charities (Sadqat’O Khai’rat) will definitely reaches (In form of reward[Thawab] | Converted equally to
mountains) to deceased ones. Allah knows all the best.

Ulama says following foot-steps (Qadamha’ey Mubarak) of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is
called Sunnah even blessed companions (Sahaba’e Kiram) feet too [Alehemur Ridhwan], whereas
obeying authorized personnel (Oulul Amr yan’i A’eymma Arba’a, Salateen) orders is called Mimic
(Taqleed: Payr’vi). Because Salateen (Must be Alim’e Deen) are also bind to follow any one of four schools
of thought, thus their obedience also called Mimic (Taqleed: Payr’vi). Allah knows all the best.

In regards of [s.4:v.59]: Ulama says, here Authority (Oulu Amr) meant (yan’i) Sahaba’e Kiram, Taba’een, Taba
Taba’een, A’eymma-e-Kiram, Masha’ikh’e Kiram, Ulama’e Kiram and Salateen (Alim’e Deen). However Ruler
(Malik or Ameer or Hakim) if he’s not an Islamic Scholar (Alim of Qur'an and Sunnah, in other words Shariah wa
Tariqah) then shall ask and obey, about all matters (Ebada'at, Ma'molat including Siyasiyat, Ma'ashiyat
Wa'gheiyraha) & disputation, to present Ulama’e Kiram & do accordingly as says or describe (meant as per
Fatawa Shareef).

FURTHER: If Ruler (Malik or Ameer or Hakim) is not an ALIM (which means ineligible), neither following
Ulama’e Kiram (though somehow comes to power), even not implementing too (Islamic system | Doing as
per verdicts issued, compleltely or patially or even any single line). Then what Muslims shall do? Secondly,
if state is Muslims land but doesn’t practicing Islamic Model (Ruling | Meant political), not conquered
(through invasion) or even ruled (control) by outsiders (indirectly), then what shall Muslims do? See
Obey (Pg.46), for there answers. Jazakamullahu Khairah

And for Ulama, surely it is inevitable, first to do research (examination of matter | Thoroughly), then
presenting (or looks indepth) to the books (Quran & Sunnah | Jurisprudence/Tasawwuf etc), search the best
and finest otherwise nearest evidence(s), and after then verdict will be issue (And it’s a qualified &
authentic Alim’e Deen responsibility, containing verdict authorization, nor common muslims[Amma’tun-Nas]).

In regards of [s.59:v.7]: Ulama says, gives also signify (or includes) Orders (Awamir ya Ahkamat’e Deeniyah) and
that includes Belief n Faith (Urdu: E’man’O Aqaid), Acts (Arabic: Faraidh, Wajibaat wa Sunnan Wa’gheiyraha),
Allowances (Arabic: yan’i Halal Wagheiy’raha) and concerned, similarly Forbids also signify Impedance (Arabic:
Nawahi ya Mumnoa’at al-Deeniyah) and that includes Kalimat’e Kufriyah, Amal’e Kufriyah, Not Allowed (Arabic:
yan’i Haram Wagheiy’raha) and concerned.

See Kutub’e Ahadith, Fiqh wa Seerah wagheiy’raha or asks Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

ALLAH (Subhanahu) & HIS RASUL (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) knows more and the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 26


Monotheism (Urdu: Wah’daniyat): O’Dea, remembers that Allah (Subhanahu) is a Sole Creator
(Tanha Khaliq | Yakta), alone in his existence (Urdu: Za’at ya Wajood) as well as creation (Urdu:
Takhleeq Karney Main) and attributes (Urdu: Sifa’at Main); hence no one is partner in his
existence and attributes as well as creation. Allah is not created neither dependant upon any
(one/thing | She’ay) whereas all creations are his incredible creativity (Urdu: Behtarein Takhleeq)
[also can say evident] and dependant (upon him), including Honorable Creations (Urdu: Ashraful
Makh’loqat) and amongst them the most piety and honorable are Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus
Salat-O-Salam) and then due to their blessings Awliyah Allah [Sufiya, Ulama etc | Righteous
followers of Preachings], whom all are attributed (Arabic: Mut’tasif) with birth (Urdu: Wiladat),
therefore understanding this small and very simple but the most crucial and core point will
removed all doubts and confusions that are deliberately induced or injects to spread or provoked
instigation amongst Muslims to diverge them from right path of Islam, particularly when Muslims
around the World joys the arrival by celebrating blissful Mawlid Sharif of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam), that was related to polytheism or terming it with innovation by the enemies
(Deviators | Munafiqoon) of Islam. Report (Khabr): Sending, in other words blissful arrival, was
first addressed amongst Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) a long before stepping
firstly (giving honor) by Sidna Hudhrat Adam ‘Abul-Bashar’ Nabiyina (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) upon
planet Earth, hence when last time comes upon Him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), told or say advised
(Urdu: Wasiyat) His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) son that take special care of “Urwa’tul-Wusqa”
[Ulama says; by it means Noor’e Muhammedi]; hence this was then transferred as well as
reported from one generation of respected eras to another till Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam’e Thani’
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and from him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) passes from generation of respected
eras to then Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim ‘Khalilullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and from him (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) passes to generation of respected eras to then Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) and from him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) passes to generation of respected eras to the
second last prophet, Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium ‘Ruh-hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), whom
has reported which is mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … And remember when Issa
son of Maryam, said, 'O children of Israel, I am Allah's Messenger to you, confirming the
previous Book Tourat before me and conveying the glad news of the Messenger who will
come after me, his name is Ahmad! ' But when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they
said, 'this is an open magic.’ … [s.61:v.6]”, and then finally comes the time when the most pious
and piety and honorable awaited personality has arrived in this world, with all blessings and
pleasants for Allah’s all creatures. Verification (Tas’deeq): And all these reports has been
verified through or say sent for further altercation (Urdu: Huj’jat) in textual form, so that no one
can or has excuse, to present in next-day (Urdu: Akhirat), for denying the right path that it has
been not sent towards them. And all these textual forms are known as “Kutub’e Samaviyah” or
“Suhufat’e Samaviyah” which contains not only Monotheism but also the previous and latter
Ummah portfolio; including about their prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), as well as the last
prophet. Tradition (Riva’yah): Hence this tradition of deliverance or say addressing the
monotheism (Arabic: Tawheed), brought here from heavens by Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus
Salam), that was further altercated through Scriptures and Books, which is accepted and then
acquired by people called believers, in which practicing the teachings righteously are termed or
signified as Awliyah Allah, thus there is no evidence or proof that blessed births (or honorable
arrivals) of all Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) was not organized hence reported to
their or for latter Ummah repectively in gathering contrary all Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 27

O-Salam) including Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has addresses the
blissful birth (honorable Arrival) in public gatherings to inform them (people, that becomes
believers) about Monotheism and Prophethood (Themselves[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), their
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) honors insight of Allah, Allah’s Angels, His (Subhanahu) Books, the
next day (Akhirah) and so on forth (see bab al-Aqaid, Jurisprudence Books). Distinction
(Peh’chan): Reason to illustrating that remember Ulama says and they are absoloutely right, that
Mawlid Sharif is now becomes distinction of Muslims around the World, and those who refutes
(Blissful Birth) or opposed (say Polytheism or innovation) are now exposed as enemies of Islam,
therefore to be safe from their vicious trap induced by Satan and his evil forces (part of
conspiracy) has now becomes inevitable (Urdu: Laz’mi), and best strategy to aside (encounter the
conspiracy | particularly by specific lobby) is by organizing these blessed sessions (more n more)
otherwise participate or attend the arranged sessions (by else; individual, family, group or org.

FOOTNOTE: These blessed remembering sessions (Urdu: Mahafil’e Azkar), particularly in

reminiscence of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), begins with
RECITATION of Quran Majeed, mentioned as, “(Mafhoom) … And when the Quran is
recited, hear it patiently and be silent so that you may have mercy … [s.7:v.204]”
(1), and then HAMD Bari Ta’ala is read, mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) …
Remember Allah, standing, sitting and dying or your sides; … [s.4:v.103]” (2), then
QASAID (Urdu: Na’tein) are read, mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … They
are those who have believed and their hearts find satisfaction with there
membrance of Allah. Behold, in the remembrance of Allah alone there is the
satisfaction of hearts. … [s.13:v.28 ]” (3), then ADDRESS (Urdu: Wa’az) is give to public
regarding blissful birth, significance and blessings, as well as other topics and related to
religion (from Quran & Sunnah) were also convey (by Ulama), mentioned in Quran
Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … This is to state to people and to guide and is admonition to
those who are pious … [s.3:v.138]” (4), and then HONORS OF AWLIYAH (Urdu:
Munqabat) is read (usually | here in Hind), mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) …
Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the friends of Allah …
[s.10:v.62 ]”, BLESSINGS (Urdu: Salat’O Salam) are send (present in Honor), though it is
also read continuously during session, and that is mentioned in Quran Majeed as,
“(Mafhoom) … Undoubtedly, Allah and His angels send blessings on the prophet the
Communicator of unseen news, O you who believe! Send upon him blessings and
salute him fully well in abundance … [s.33:v.56]” . . . Allahumma Salley Ala Sayyidina
Wa Mawlana Muhammed’iyun Wa’Ala Aleyhi Sayyidina Wa Mawlana Muhammed’im
Ma’adinil-Ju’di Wa’l-Karam’i Wa Alyhi Wa’Sahbihi Wa’Barik Wa’Sallim . . ., then
through PRAISES (Urdu: Fateha aur phir Dua) all these blessings are send (or say
present) in the honor of Anmbiyah & Awliyah (Alehe Tehiyat Was-Sana’a), and through
(Urdu: Wasi’ley sey) them to all Muslims (Males/Females), mentioned in Quran Majeed as,
“(Mafhoom) … Know you therefore that there is no worshipping save Allah and O
beloved, ask forgiveness for the sins of your near ones and for general Muslim men
and women. And Allah knows Your moving about in the day and your taking rest by
night … [s.47:v.19]” (5), and finally DINNER is serve in gathering, fi’sabillilah, which is
mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … O, believers! Eat our good things
provided to you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is He whom you worship … [s.2:v.172]”
(6). STATUS: All these verses illustrate prominently the significance as well as

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 28


authentications, however Ulama says refutation of Blessed Birth is actually refutation of

being divined personage (Arabic: Ab’d | Ban’dah) hence makes person disbeliever (Kafir),
however not organizing the session due to any reason (not due to refutation; but shortage
of resources or financial problems etc) wouldn’t made person astray neither disbeliever;
though Muslims should participate (arranged by else individual, family, group or org.) or
organize (himself at any place; like home, street, garden etc.) once in a life (though we’ll
advise, tries every year) to enhance and purify his further belief and affection towards
Prophets (esp. Sidna Rasul Allah [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) via these blessed remembering
sessions (gatherings).

NO. POINTERS: (1): All around the World, where ever these blessed session(s) organized (by Muslims), it begins
with the recitation of Quran Majeed, Alhamdollilah. (2): O’Dea, Prayer (Arabic: Salat) is from obligations (Urdu:
Faraidh), and form of membrance (Arabic: Zikr) too, which is allow to perform standing, sitting and laying to rest
postion (due to justified reason), when it is permissible to perform in following positions then how other forms
of membrance (Arabic: Zikr) becomes invalid? (3): Ulama say; here remembrance of Allah “Bi’Zikrillah” meant
Sidna Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and his blessed companions (Radhi Allah Anhum). (4): Ulama says; here
“Ba’yan” means “Quran”; and it is commonly known that Ulama always begin their addresses from Quran
Majeed, present appropriate verse (according to topic) and then interpret it. (5): Ulama says; Here forgiveness
(Astaghfar) means intercession (Shafa’at) for Ummah, because Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are innocent
hence cleaned from sins; meant (Verse | Mat’lab) so that Allah forgive through (Subub) your blessings the
Ummah/Muslims (Male/female). (6): For serving food (though it is not necessary to serve), there is no restriction;
whatever convenient and available can be served. Remember, distinction between Halal & Haram foods have
been utterly described (in details) by Ulama, hence there are no doubts present thus anything from Halal food
(For instance; Fruits, Sweets, Wheat, Salan, Rice, Pulses etc) only, can be served.

Furthermore: Hamd is a (form of) Zikrullah, and in it Muslims explains/read Allah (Subhanahu) sole might
(Qudrat/Quwwah), astonishing creativities (Takhleeqa’at), merciness (Rehmat), cleanliness (Paki), and all that
which as per Allah’s honor and respect is rightful (Urdu: Shan’e Jalalat aur Azmat kay laiq hai). Similarly
Naat/Nasheed/Qaseedah is also a form of Zikr, and in it Muslims explains/read Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) divinity (Ma’qam’e Qurbiyat), honors or rank (Shan ya Maratib/Madarij), blessings
(Barakaat), authorizations (ikhtiyarat) and all that which as per His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) honor and respect is
rightful (Urdu: Shan’O Munsab’e Risalat kay Mutabiq); being granted by almighty Allah.

Rights (Huq’qoq): O’Dea, remembers that worshiping is a form of “remembrance (zikr)” or vice
versa that doing remembrance (zikr) is a Worship. For instance, stipulation of Islam, Kalimah
Tayyibah, is Zikr’ullah wa’l Habib (Remembrance of Allah & His Rasul) [Azzawajal, Alehe Salat-O-
Salam], without professing one couldn’t be or becomes Muslim (if denied/refutes), hence it is
your right, not only to professes but to reminds it daily by reading hundred or as much you like
(convenient). Similarly, Prayers (Salah | Namaz), is also a Zikr’ullah wa’l Habib (Remembrance
of Allah & His Rasul) [Azzawajal, Alehe Salat-O-Salam], obligated five times a day in which
recitation of Quran Majeed is inevitable (without recitation, wouldn’t offered) whereas Tasbihat
in Ruku and Sujood is necessary, and finally Tehi’yat is inevitable (Urdu: Wajib) because without
it one cannot comes out from prayer (incomplete if not read, hence not offered), whereas Salat’e
Ibrahimi alongwith praise is Mustahab, hence tell us now all these forms aren’t the remembrance
(ZIkr), say yes and definitely yes. Therefore, we can count many like forms in same way, for
instance Recitation of Quran Majeed, reading Ahadith’e Mubarakah (sayings of Sidna Rasul Allah
[Alehe Salt-O-Salam]) and so on forth. Warned (Muhta’at): Beware that “remembrance (zikr)” is
your (Male/Female) personal right, that has been ordered to you to do (perform), like reading
(professing) kalimah tayyibah, five time prayers in which recitation of Quran Majeed and then

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 29


Tehiyat and Salat (while sitting | Fil Qa’adah) are inevitable, necessary and should do (their
orders are according to their status), similarly many other obligations (Fara’idh) declared (said
as) Worships are a form of remembrance (Zikr) either. Therefore the blessed session (Mawlid
Sharif), in same manner can be calls or gives following statuses; stipulation (Shert), obligation
(Fardh), inevitable (Wajib), necessary (Sunnah), and pleasurable (Nafil & Mustahab), HOW?
Answer: Because of Kalimah Tayyibah, a stipulation (shert) in Islam, hence once read (or
professed, if embracing) offered or read Mawld Sharif too. As obligation (Fardh) in Islam, hence
while offering prayers (five times) one is also doing (Remembering | Zikr) Mawlid Sharif too
(through recitation of Quranic verses*, particularly while reciting Al-Hamd Sharif). As inevitable
(Wajib) in Islam is reading tehiyat^ in prayers, and sending blessing (Salat-O-Salam) once in a
life (Besides prayers | Said Imam Abdul-Haq Bukhari); whereas Ulama says (esp. Imam Sakhavi) at
least 300 times a day (not Wajib but Mustahab). As necessary (Sunnah) in Islam, because Sidna
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) celebrated himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) by fasting on Monday
on which upon query replies that I (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) born on this day ... (see Kutub’e
Ahadith), however Ulama says doing fast on Monday is Sunnah and it is count as ‘Nafli’, and if
someone doesn’t fast (on Monday) then didn’t becomes Sinner nor Sunnah Abandoning (Tarik’us
Sunnah) [though shall do fast once in a life or year, Faqeer]. As pleasurable (Mustahab) in Islam,
reciting Salat-O-Salam in any form, laying or sitting or standing, at least 300 Hundred times a day
[said by Imam Sakhavi] whereas as much as you read a day besides Obligations (Faraidh’O
Wajibat) & Sunnah. Conclusion: Now tell us, if Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) didn’t sent towards or came to us, did (or say does) we get stipulation of Islam (Kalima
Tayyibah) and Quran Majeed & Sunnah Karim (And these blessed Orders | Worships[Ahkamat’e
Eba’dat]). Definitely not which proved His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arrival (a blissful birth) valid,
and true for every level that has been illustrated hence denying or refuting His (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) blissful birth is not only denying the giving of Worships (a blessing) but also making your
profession (Shahadah: Gawahi) a lie, if a Muslim (called yourself). Keep thinking.

DENOTE: Some miscreants (Mukhalifeen | yan’i Fasadi/Munkareen) or say duallers

(Munafiqoon [Fasiq’ul Aqidah]), that makes or cause severe confusion if doesn’t able to
astray common Muslims, by calling or related it to polytheism or with straying innovation
(Bida’ate-Dhalah’lah), Ma’az Allah, hence Muslims shall or say must avoid such type of
people gatherings (Urdu: Sohbat) and listening or reading to them, whether all or any or
some or particular holding if’tah (Authority of giving verdict), because such types of
miscreants or duallers or deviators only purpose is to betray you in the name of Quran &
Sunnah whereas Allah (Subhanahu), Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salam), even Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) himself, as well as blessed companions
(Sahaba’e Kiram [Alehemur Ridhwan]), Taba’ein, Taba Taba’ein, Masha’ikh(Awliyah Allah)
and Ulama all has did, and so In-Sha Allah will be continued, the celebration of blissful
birth (arrival) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Second, if it is
taken (considered) as polytheism then becomes inevitable (must) upon miscreants or
duallers to proved Allah’s birth and tomb (grave) [Ma’az Allah | Whereas Allah (Sub’buhu)
is cleaned from birth & place] because we can proved Sidna’s birth and then can shows
[*] Surah Fa’teha, “The path of those whom You have favoured … [s.1:v.7]“. And in those whom had been given
favoured were created first (Creations of Allah(Subhanahu) | Anmbiyah, esp. Noor’e Mustafa [Alehemus Salam]) and
then declared them on right path (sent on Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salam] | Expands through practices being followed and
then spread by Awliyah as well as Sualiheen and Amma’tul Muslimeen). Keep thinking.
[^] See Bahar’e Shariat, Bab al-Salat (Namaz) – Masail’e Qa’ada [A Hanafi School Encyclopedia].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 30


blessed tomb (Grave | Le’hed Mubarak) …! Third, considering it as straying innovation

(Bid’ate-Dhalah’lah | Ma’az Allah) then it is itself blasphemy in the Honor of Sidna Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), because you are calling his arrival? And if you meant
organizing then you are calling his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) practice? O’Dea, actually Islam
was extended and will be remain, whenever Allah(Subhanahu) wants, and it has also
expands through these blessed sessions a lot which not only inspired and attracts but also
very much helpful for bringing closer Non-Muslims towards Islam, even large number of
Non-Muslims, including Jews (Yahud), Nasranies (nowadays called Christian), Hunood
(Mushrikeen | Hindus) and other faiths has embraced Islam. And this wasn’t likened by
particularly Yahud’O Nasarah’O Hunood (representing specific ideology) very much hence
to stops invitation or even getting closer, if couldn’t halts completely then either to cause
setback or confusion, they unfortunately somehow succeed from one powerful tool called
Khawarij (esp. Wahabies), through their senseless brains had caused or inflicted severe
damages to Islam’s right and true image (in-real planned a complete annihilation though
fails to do so). Because such type of non-senses was actually comes from their brains
firstly (refuting deliberately or gave lame excuses in to acceptation), particularly the Jews,
mentioned in Quran Majeed that whenever they have been sent (for instance | Via Sidna
Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) any particular order to do rather than
performing begun making fun of it (believers are exempted), and thus they tried to inject
this disease into other faiths through either directly otherwise disguising as their follower
(practitioner), particularly in Nasranies (injected Christification | Due to which they called
Christians) were succeded, by changing whole heavenly book of orders (re-write it) too,
hence tried similar to inject the same disease in to Muslims, but due to divined protection
(particularly of Quran Majeed & Ahadith Shareef | Shariah Muttuhharah) didn’t able to
succeed hundred percent, contrary stuck in to their own evil trap that will soon become
headache for themselves (or cause of humiliation or destruction). In Urdu we said
“Kaw’wa Chala Huns Ki Chal - Apni Chal bhi bhool Gaya (Crow plays cunning move - But
forgets its own move)”. Keep Thinking

Shirk Teh’re Jis’me Tazeem’e Nabi

Uss Buray Mazhab Per La’nat Ki’jeay
(Ridha | Kalam’e Ala-Hudhrat)

[English: If honoring Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) considered polytheism, imprecate then

that bad path (or say religion)]

Query: One could say (or comes in mind), that it is necessary to organize blessed sessions
(Mahafil’e Mawlid Sharif), as you have said that one is also doing remembrance (Zikr’e
Mawlid Sharif) while performing Prayers (an obligations) or reading Salat-O-Salam
(lonely), isn’t it sufficient; seems to be contradictory to summary explanation? Answer:
Yes, Muslims should and so does organize these blessed sessions (if don’t have financial
problem otherwise participate on organized by others) separately, even though doing in
prayers and blessings (Salat-O-Salam), because have been order to spread invitation
(Dawah) to others (as it is also one of the best form or way to do). Second, if you are
accepting (believing) His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blissful birth, and particularly without
profession (Shahadah | Kalimah Tayyibah) one cannot be or becomes a Muslim, then
what’s wrong or stopping you to organize publically to remembers (Once in a life | if
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 31

couldn’t do yearly or monthly). And this remembrance (organizing publically) is not

stopped or prohibited by Allah (Subhanahu) too, contrary emphasized (ordered) to do
(perform); for instance prayer in Masjid (Ba’Jamat Namaz) and so on forth. Keep Thinking.

[O’Dea, not only besides Allah (Subhanahu), almighty and Sole Creator, does remembrance
(Zikr) but also Sidna Muhammed al-Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) does himself, particularly
through proclaiming Risalah on many occasion by saying “La illaha illAllah-In’ni Rasul Allah
(Ibne Ma’jah)”, then all Anmbiyah’e Kiram (Alehemus Salam) has done (by giving report of
Sidna Muhammed al-Rasul arrival, in last), then all Sahaba’e Kiram did, through all ways in
which particularly when witnessing Islam (professed Kalimah Tayyibah), and then all
Taba’een did (through professing Kalimah Tayyibah) and then Taba Taba’ein did (through
same profession) hence coming down till present era then carried on to the end times, before
final whistle-blow.]

See Seerah Books or related, or asks Ulama.

Allah knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

DENOTE: As we illustrated in previous article (in real a transcript) under Islam’s heading
Addition’s subheading “Intense Praise” that, “… MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah
| Mazahib Arba’a), all becomes practicing and divined, doing zikr YA ALLAH and YA
RASUL ALLAH (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), following path of A’eymma Kiram (Mazahib
Arba’a) and Masha’ikh Uzzam (Salasil’e Aaliyah) of origin, divinity, peace, love, harmony,
tolerance, patience and so on forth just like they defined and preached … [Keep thinking,
and Doing Zikr] …” hence do not stop contrary increase and spread the remembrance
(Zikr) as much as you can, underlined, and do not look or even listen to a single word from
deviator/dualler/intruder (Fasiq’ul Aqidah | Khawarij-Rafdhiya/Wahabiya/Diyabnah etc)
because In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi after emergence of awaiting personage (divined sword)
in other words implementation of Islamic Laws (Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib Arba’a) they
will be not only removed mostly but get quite for sometimes* that would allowed Muslims
to practice their religion (Mazhab) as per teachings freely and conveniently as well as
expanding the right and true image and teachings of Islam, as it was becomes little
difficult nowadays or being blurred because of them, infliction and induction of incorrect
perceptions and views (including Acts).

Husher Tuk Da’leingay Hum Pay’daishe Maula Ki Dhoom

Mis’le Faris Najad Kay Qal’ay Giratein Jaiyn’gey
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakhshish)
[English: Until the doomsday we’ll celebrates the blissful birth, alike Persia will lay down
the castles of Najad]

PLEASE NOTE: We have illuminated compressively, including ahead (Matters | Mamo’lat), about
(or upon) Mawlid Sharif, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, presents separate manuscript in same regards.

Allah and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.
[*] See SOLUTION in last. Also, read first article, and then last article debates regarding Imam Mahdi
Muhammed bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu). Jazak’mallahu Khairah

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 32


Matters (Mamo’lat)

EPOCH (Zama’nah)

O’Dea, as we stated earlier, particularly verse under commemoration, also known as “Meesaq’an-
Nabiyyin [s.3:v.81]”, depicted prominently that Allah (Subhanahu) has did the blessed session
firstly [1] by gathering Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) as guests whereas made Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as a distinctive guest (Urdu: Raunaq’e Mehfil) [2]
hence left no place or say reason to criticize upon its start (Blissful Sessions) that as nowadays we
have seen many people does, particularly miscreants or duallers (Deviators | Munafiqoon). And
after accepting (taken) the responsibility, Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) has always
arranged such blessed sessions in their (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) era. And finally when Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) comes & honored this world, also remembered
himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) the blessed birth by fasting on Monday, and upon asking replied,
“(Mafhoom) … I was born on this day (Monday), and revelations (Wahi) were started from
this day … [Sahih Muslim]” Therefore companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) arranges too such
blissful sessions, there are many clear traditions present in Ahadith Books [3]. First Righteous
Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) said in regards of Mawlid Sharif that,
“(Mafhoom) … Whomsoever spend single Dirham on reading (or say arranging; Faqeer)
Mawlid Sharif of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), he will be my
companion in Heaven … [Naimat’e Kubra(Urdu) | Pg.24]”. That’s why it was being
commemorated (arranged) always by A’eymma wa Masha’ikh (Alehemur Rehman) too. A founder
of Shafa’ei School of thought, Imam Muhammed Bin Idris Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz) said,
“(Mafhoom) … Whomsoever gathered friends and relatives for blessed session, made a
space in home, arranged food, and expresses generosity, distributed the charities, and
read Mawlid Sharif then in doomsday (Qayamat) Allah (Subhanahu) will raised him with
righteous (Siddi’quein), pious (Suale’heen) & martyrdoms (Shuhu’da) and enter him/her in
Heaven … [Naimat’e Kubra(Urdu) | Pg.25]” Similarly a renowned Sufi Saint and patron of
Tariqah, later famous & spread as Tariqah al-Aliyah al-Tayyibah Al-Qadiriyah, Sidna Al-Imam Al-
Shaykh Junayd al-Baghdadi (Quddussurahul Aziz) said in regards of Mawlid Sharif that,
“(Mafhoom) … The faith of the one attending the Blessed Session (Mawlid Sharif) reverently
will remain safe … [Dawn of Blessings (Eng)| Pg.9]” [4] And many more could be present here
but it would prolong the debate, because for believers (or say accepters) few are enough whereas
for deviators (or say refuters), rivers are insufficient. Keep Thinking. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] Remember, Ulama says this blessed session doesn’t contained everyone
alike in “Alust’o Birabbikum”. [2] Ulama says, blessed session was held to expressed the
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) explicit honor and rank in his
(Subhanahu) sight. [3] Gathered and remembering the events happened on the occasion
of blessed birth of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). See Tirmizi Sharif
& Mishkat Sharif particularly. [4] Imam Ibne-Hajar Makki al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul
Aziz) has narrated several sayings from the companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) and saints
(Alehemur Rehman) in this regards, however we have only written few from them, for
more see al-Naimat’ul-Kubrah (Ref.: HT11 | Arabic Ver. or Urdu Trans.). Note: We have
written evidences in ascending manner.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 33


and will be forever celebrated by Muslims, no matter what rank or position they may hold
or upon it, around the world regardless of regions and casts. Hence it was not the strange
matter or some kind of innovation (Urdu: Bida’at), that some bunch of miscreants or
duallers thought, but was and still and will be forever arranged as per capability (Urdu:
Isti’tat). Because there are no strictness in this matter as such (for food, decoration etc)
however respect (Urdu: Adab) and cleanliness (Urdu: Sa’fai) are stipulations which
Muslims should kept before when organizing.
Nowadays, even in old transcripts (written
by Deviators | Munkareen), we seen people (Deviators | Munkareen ya Mukhalifeen)
criticzing or say objection that it was started after 600 years of blissful era (Urdu: Khair
al-Qurooni) hence innovation, and most worst of them are those who called it stray
innovation (Bida’atun-Dhalalah | Maaz Allah), and named particularly Sultan al-Moazzam
Al-Shah Muzzafaruddin al-Arbali (Quddussurahul Aziz) being the patron, and before there
are no evidences that it had been organized (or say celebrated). Answer: O’dea, actually
such objections came from ill or dead heart people, alike Jews whom had been mentioned
or say pointed out as WALKING DEADS on earth, otherwise no believer has ever did or
say placed such questions. Because, when Muslims read Quran & Sunnah, and then Fiqh &
Tasawwuf based upon Quran & Sunnah, as well as Islamic History, then it revealed clearly
or very clearly, that it was not started by Sultan’e Moazzam Shah Arbali (Quddussurahul
Aziz) firstly, but actually Sultan’e Moazzam Shah Arbali (Quddussurahul Aziz) was a first
ruler whom had celebrated it upon Caliphate level (or say National Level) and used
“Central Treasure | Bayt al-Maal” for all expenditures came in this regards which
includes then Ulama consensus means permission (verdicts | Fatwa’jat) that expenditures
can be taken (or say used/payoff) from “Central Treasure | Bayt al-Maal” and it
wouldn’t be wastage (Urdu: Is’raf). Secondly, Sultan’e Moazzam Shah Arbali
(Quddussurahul Aziz) introduces Military Parade (also called “March Past”) on this day to
expressed strength (military might), hence it was actually the matter of level and
spending and none else otherwise before Sultan’e Moazzam Shah Arbali (Quddussurahul
Aziz) it was celebrated by Khulfa and Salateen under their specific jurisdiction; for
instance, in 484 Hijri when Jalal al-Daulah Sultan Malik Shah Sul’joqi (Quddussurahul
Aziz) came to Baghdad Sharif second time celebrated the Mawlid Sharif with full joy
(Urdu: Dhoom Dham Say Manai). Even, Fa’teh Bayt al-Muqad’dus Sultan Salahuddin al-
Ayyubi al-Shafa’ei al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz) celebrated the Mawlid Sharif under his
regin and jurisdiction. Allah knows all the best.

DATE (Tareekh)

In Quran Majeed Allah (Subhanahu) says, “(Mafhoom) … and remind them of the day of Allah
… [s.14:v.5]”, Ulama says, verse depicts about day, meant Allah’s gifts (Nay’matein | Relief from
Phiroan etc.), shall remembered upon which rewarded; gifts etc. Therefore arrival of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is no doubt a great blessing (above all) thus
remembering would be amongst reminding day(s) of Allah, as his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arrival
happened definitely upon specific time (Makhsoos Sa’at | Suhani Ghar’ri) honoring a explicit date.
Second, alike all others* whom has came on specific time upon date (Known | Ma’loom) similarly
[*] Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), Awliyah (Alehemur Rehma’tur Ridhwan), Muslims (Believers | Ahle E’man)
and Non-Muslims (Disbelievers | Kuffar wa Mushrikeen).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 34


undeniable for Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), event can’t for miscreants
(Deviators | Munafiqoon), as well as all who shall ^comes till doomsday would be upon specific
time having date, hence people inflicting confusion~, by saying that ‘it’s an else date besides
popular’ whereas another is ‘it is a day of demise not to/of celebration’ etc [1], and its nothing but
just an unawarenss (Decepted | La’ilmi) and misunderstanding (Misinterpretation | Ghalat
Ta’veel); though debate exists but had been finalized (Communally agreed | Ijma’a) by Ulama too
upon Monday, 12th Rab’ul-Awwal, whereas Quranic verse (s.19:v.15) identifies that Allah is
sending peace (Blessing | Salam) upon Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) birth and demise as
well as upon raising them alive (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), therefore either intention is refutation
or diversion (Deen | Risalah) and nothing else. Third, unfortunately, as illuminated from Quran
Sharif verses that has been reported (Arabic: Kha’br) through Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) and revealed (being mentioned) in earlier Books & Scriptures that were sent upon them
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) by almighty Allah, leaving no doubts but when he (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) arrived (blissful birth | Wiladat Sharif) and then proclaimed prophethood upon order at
the blessed age of Forty afterwards, many averts whereas many refuted (straightly) and worst of
them are those whom became enemy (like Abu-Ja’hel and his party); besides believers (Urdu:
Ahle-E’man) whom not only had accepted (called belief) and then protected but also presented
(or sacrifices) their lives on his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) path.

Reality: As we described earlier that definitely arrived (blissful birth) on a specific time that has
honored a date, therefore Ulama says about time so it was Monday Morning and Sun was just
begun to rising (Subh’e Sadiq | Yan’i Fajr ka Waqt tha) whereas about date so it was 12th of Rabi’ul
Awwal Sharif (a third Islamic Month), though Safar, Rabi’ul Akhir, Rajab and Ramadhan regarding
months and 7th, 8th, 10th, 17th, 18th etc regarding date were also reported in this regards [2].

However, here we like to presents some interpretations (for Time) and traditions (for Date)
which will, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, sufficient to removed or answers of all doubts and
objections (but if still problem persists then either discussed it with Ulama or see a doctor for
psychological treatment). About time, Sidna Imam Abdul-Haqq Bukhari al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul
Aziz) stated in Madarij an-Nabuwwah Sharif (Ref.: HT07 | Urdu ver.) that, “(Mafhoom) … Shall
knows that all scholars (Ahle-Seer) and historians (Arbab’e Tawareekh) are agreed that
blissful birth (Mawlid Sharif) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was
taken place after 50 or 55 days of an Elephant Incident (Waq’ea A’mul Feel). And this
statement is more correct. Famous is that blissful birth was taken palce in the month of
Rabee’ul Awwal and some Ulama has acquired that, and some says 12 and some says 2
(another was after night of 8) … but first statement (Arabic: Qawl) meant 12th Rabee’ul Awwal
is famous and foremost. People of Makkah acted on this date, visited the holy place where
blessed birth took place and read Mawlid Sharif on this date …” Stated in next paragraph, “…
The blessed birth was took place on night of Monday (Farsi: Doshanm’ba) 12th Rabee’ul
Awwal. And beginning of revelations, migration and then arrival to Madinah, conquest of
[^] Awliyah (Alehemur Rehma’tur Ridhwan), Muslims (Believers | Ahle E’man) and Non-Muslims (Disbelievers |
Kuffar wa Mushrikeen) whereas Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are exempted because Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was came, and hence closed the chapter, as last prophet. However Sidna
Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium ‘Ruh’hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), though is Nabi and Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) but
will come as an Ummati (Most Honorable, even then Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq[Radhi Allah Anhu]); it will be
one of the portents of an end times.
[~] One objection is that it is else besides communally agreed date (12th Rabi’ul Awwal).

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Makkah and then sad demise was also on Monday (Farsi: Doshanm’ba). The time of blissful
birth is crack of dawn before sunrise that is ‘Rise of Ghafar’. Ghafar is said to three small
stars rise on Morning Prayer State (Urdu: Manazil’e Fajr). It is mentioned in Mawahib’e
Ladun’nyah, that it is the time of all prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) blissful birth too …
[Vol.1:Pg.30]”, another interpretation (for time) stated in transcript name ‘The Birth of the Holy
Prophet’ is, “… 55 days after the incident of the People of Elephants, on 12th Rab’ee Al
Awwal, on Monday, which corresponds to April 20, 571 AD, at the crack of dawn (Subh’e
Sadiq), the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) illuminated the earthly worlds with His
presence. There was surge of happiness in the whole world … [Ref.:HT16 | Pg.9]”. About
date, so it was reported, “… Aafan Narrated from Saeed bin Meena and he’s from Hudhrat
Jabir and Hudhrat Ibn’e Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhum) that they both (Hudhrat Jabir & Ibne
Abbas[Radhi Allah Anhum]) stated that (Sidna) Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was born on
Monday, 12th day of Rabee’ul Awwal …”; stated in Seerat an-Nabaviyyah by Ibne Kathir
[Vol.1:Pg.199] and al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah [Vol.2:Pg.260]. Another tradition in same regards,
stated in al-Mustad’rak that, “… Hudhrat Saeed Bin Jubaiyr narrated from Hudhrat Ibn’e
Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhu) that blissful birth of Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was
taken place in (year) “Amul-Feel” on Monday, 12th day of Rabi’ul Awwal … [Vol.2:Pg.603]”

DENOTE: [1] These objections are basically did by dead (and if not then ill) heart people;
and in reality it was inflicted through *conspiracy by Infidels (Yahud’O Nasa’rah
particularly) among Muslims to create divergence (total repudiation) otherwise aside
them from their religion. Answer: Celebration meant membrances (Urdu: Taz’kirah), the
arrival (Mawlid Sharif) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as blessing
sent upon or towards us by Allah (Subhanahu), which wasn’t inevitable (Urdu: Wajib)
upon Allah (Subhanahu) but does which is a pure mercy and kindness (Urdu: Rehm’O
Karam), that’s why through membrance Muslims expressed gratitudes to Allah
(Subhanahu), and so performed matters (Urdu: Mamola’at), in this regards, as explained
earlier (see there). Even before sad demise (Urdu: Visal Mubarak), Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) charitied all wealth^ owned or contains and expressed
keenly the relation, as last advise (as per a tradition), in following words “Rafeeq al-A’ala
[The Best Companion]” therefore Muslims around the world does the same (practice the
Sunnah), spend their wealth in charity and read Mawlid Sharif to expresses their relation
with the most piety, honorable and beloved Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam). Second, Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) demises are also a blessing,
stated in Quran Majeed, “(Mafhoom) … And peace is on him the day when he was born
and the day, when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive … [s.19:v.15]”
therefore happiness or sending peace still above the mourning (Even in mourning
Muslims do membrance; read ‘Fateha’ etc). Third, Therefore whether it is the day of
demise, as per some reports (12th or 13th | See Nut’qul Ihlal[Imam Ahmed Ridha(Alehe
Rehma)]) and then its interpretation, even then it can’t be exempted from the days of
Allah. Fourth, as explained matters (Urdu: Mamola’at) performed during this or in
celebration are actually a membrance, not else as considering or thinks by miscreants
comparing it to with other celebrations; like festivals etc. (Ma’az Allah, Astaghfirullah) [2]
[*] See “Confessions of a British Spy”
[^] As per traditions, Six or Seven Dirhams were present in blessed home (Hujrah Sharif).

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Besides Monday, 12th Rabi’ul Awwal, traditions came in regards of else time and date as
illustrated are debatable (criticize by Ulama); though this time and date is also being
criticized but it has been acquired by majority (communally agreed | Ijma’e Ummat)
therefore became authentic (Urdu: Darja’e Tawatur ko Pohanchi hui hai). [3] O’Dea, when
there comes a saying of most honorable (as per rank) then priority goes to it and other
sayings will be treated beneath it; hence sayings of Blessed Companions (Alehemur
Ridhwan) are presents then all other evidences (or say debates) will naturally goes
beneath the sayings. Allah knows all the best.


O’Dea, as illuminated earlier about session (Urdu: Mahfil), therefore procession is also a form (say
moving) of session, only difference between them is; sessions are static in form, means arranged
at specified place whereas procession are in moving form means routed from one point to
another. The procession (Urdu: Juloos), in regards of glad membrance or event, is mentioned in
Quran and Sunnah; incident of Sidna Hudhrat Yousuf Bin Yaqoob ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) is prominent, stated as, “(Mafhoom) … Then when they all reached Yusuf, he offered a
place near him to his father and, mother and said. 'Enter' Egypt if Allah will with security …

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] And when they entered to Joseph (Yousuf), in his tent, he took his
parents, his father and his mother — or [and] his maternal aunt — into his arms, and said,
to them: ‘Enter into Egypt, if God will, in safety’, and they entered, and Joseph (Yousuf) sat
down on his throne.

DENOTE: In brief, Ulama (Mufas’sireen Kiram) says when Sidna Hudhrat Yaqoob bin
Ishaq ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) along with all other family members reached
Mesir (Egypt) from Sham (Syria)* where Sidna Hudhrat Yousuf bin Yaqoob ‘Nabiyinah’
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) was in reign (released from detention), similarly Sidna
Hudhrat Yousuf bin Yaqoob ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) also came to received
them, stayed in a palace near the border between Mesir and Sham. Sidna Hudhrat Yousuf
bin Yaqoob ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) welcomed warmly with full Honoring
protocol, just like King(s) gave to their counterpart upon visit to Kingdom. Keep Thinking.

Another ^verse that, depicts in one aspect a procession (Urdu: Juloos), is present in Quran Majeed
and interpretation in Sunnah Karim (Ahadith Mubarakah) regarding emigration from Makkah
Moaz’zimah to Madinah Munaw’warah by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
with other blessed companions (Alehemur Ridhwan), stated as, “(Mafhoom) … And submit like
this, 'O my Lord, make me enter with a just entering and make me go forth with a just going
and grant me from Yourself a helping control … [s.17:v.80]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (And say: My Lord!) O my Lord! (Cause me to come in with a firm
[*] Prophet (Arabic: Nabi) Sidna Hudhrat Yaqoob Bin Ishaq ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) was sent
towards Bani Isra’il, he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) lived in Sham al-Shareef till demise (Only to see or say meet Sidna
Hudhrat Yousuf ‘Nabiyinah’ [Alehe Salat-O-Salam], travels to Mesir and after then came back). His (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) blessed Tomb is in Sham al-Shareef.
[^] Ulama says, the permission was through (being extracted from) this verse.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 37


incoming) he says: cause me to come to Medina with a firm incoming, he said this when he
was leaving Medina (and to go out) of Medina (with a firm outgoing) after staying there
and cause me to enter Mecca; it is also said that this means: cause me to come in the grave
with a firm incoming, and cause me to come out of the grave on the Day of Judgement with
a firm outgoing. (And give me from Your presence) from You (a sustaining Power) a help
that is free of abasement or rejection.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] And say: ‘My Lord, make me enter, Medina, with a veritable entrance,
an entrance that is satisfying, one in which I do not see what I dislike, and bring me out,
ofMecca, with a veritable departure, a departure such that my heart will not [care to] turn
back to look at it [yearningly]. And grant me from Yourself a favourable authority’, [grant
me] strength with which You render me victorious over Your enemies.

Shaykh Muhaqqiq Imam al-Shah Abdul-Haqq Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
stated in Jazb’ul Quloob, “… When extortion of infidels (Mushrikeen’e Makkah) intensified
(unbearable | Ziyada Ho’gaey), Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was granted
permission (or say given order), to migrate from Makkah Moaz’zimah to Madinah Munaw’warah,
and on migration night left only Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) behind at home (in
Makkah) for returning people goods (Urdu: Ama’natein) otherwise nearly all (Companions
[Alehemur Ridhwan]) had already migrated whereas leftover were after granted permission.
Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) left to Thawr Cave firstly and then from there to
Madinah, when convoy took rest at a place near Madinah Munaw’warah, a person with seventy
personnel pursuing Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) convoy found it resting,
they came closer and did a conversation at which Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) expressed glad tidings to Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu), because of their
relationship (with Banu-Quraiysh). After discussion, Hudhrat Baridah Aslami (Radhi Allah Anhu)
embraced Islam hence all people embraced it too (in follow through), therefore upon querying
regarding journey Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) informed them (Alehemur
Ridhwan) about emigration towards Madinah hence Hudhrat Baridah Aslami (Radhi Allah Anhu)
appeals to Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that entrance in Madinah
Munaw’warah shall be with Pride and Honor therefore made his Turban a Flag and then puts it on
sword and raised it high and all Muslims with their Beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) begun marched towards Madinah Tayyibah and finally entered in form of Procession, on
other hand Muslims in Madinah Tayyibah were waiting for Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) arrival, therefore when they saw the procession coming towards them and Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is present amongst them, all began felt happy and
joyful and celebrates Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arrival in them. And on that
occasion every one raising slogans of Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) and Risalah (Ya Rasul Allah) as well
as small girls were singing stanzas, expressing gratitude becomes inevitable upon us due to his
highness (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed arrival, and these beautiful gratitudes are still read in
expression around the world by Muslims:

Tala al-Badru Aley’na Min Thaniyya’til Wada’e

Waja’bat Shuk’ru Aley’na Ma Da’a Lil’llahi Da’e

These are the synopsis taken from, “Bab al-Hijrat al-Madinah | Jazb’ul Quloob Ila Dayar’il Mehboob
al-Maroof Tareekh’e Madinah”.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 38


DENOTE: O’Dea, can’t you notice few points, that divine revelations means heavenly
orders are coming (not haulted), and there were no order came (another words have been
sent) in regards of procession neither upon Muslims celebration (in Madinah on arrival);
contrary we found or saw verse urging Muslims to be happy and joyful upon Allah’s mercy
[s.10:v.58], and that is Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) because
“Rehma’tullil Ala’meen (Merciful for all Universes) [s.21:v.107]”. Secondly, Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) doesn’t stopped them (Blessed
Companions[Alehemur Ridhwan]) to do so (raising flag, slogans and then reading stanzas
etc) neither says or mentions anything ever in this regards (ahead), contrary remembered
his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed birth by doing fast on Monday, also urged as well as
gave praises to Hudhrat Hassan Bin Thabit (Radhi Allah Anhu) upon his poetry (Arabic:
Qasaid) in favour of Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and condemnation (Arabic: Huju)
to infidels (Urdu: Bil’khosus Mushrikeen’e Makkah ki).

DECORATION (Chiraghan | Saja’watt)

O’Dea, Allah (Subhanahu) is the Sole Creator of all universes; created Skies (Arabic: Sama’a) and
decorated it with Stars and Planets, and is expanding (al-Ba’dee | Wus’at yan’i mazeed wasee kar
raha hai) them continueuosly, similarly created earth (Arabic: Ar’dh) and decorated it with
mountains and land as well as greenery (trees, plants, grass etc) and water (seashores etc),
therefore none could denied the decoration but only blind and deaf (whether claims that have
instruments in working condition; can see and hear). In Quran Majeed, verse depicting decoration
very clearly as, “(Mafhoom) … Say you, 'who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He
brought forth for His bondmen and the pure foods? Say you. 'That is for the believers in the
world and is exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection. Thus We explain fully the
signs for the people who have knowledge … [s.7:v.32]” therefore decoration is not prohibited
[1] but Sole Creator (Subhanahu) has does itself (as explained early). Query: A question arise
here that Allah (Subhanahu) has created and expanding it too the Skies and Earth (in other words
decoration), but on one place in Quran Majeed revealed that, “(Mafhoom) … Allah, the self-
sufficient, besought of all … [Tanwir al-Miqbas (Eng.) | s.112:v.2]” hence for whom and why?
Answer: O’Dea, no doubt and definitely, Allah (Subhanahu) is “al-Samad | Bey Niyaz”, besought of
all, neither it is inevitable upon Sole Creator (Subhanahu) that must do all this but whatever Allah
(Subhanahu) has created and still expanding (creating further) is only from own mercy and
kindness (not by anyone say) due to reason (Muqsad | Wa’jeh) which contains several hidden
relations and strategies [2] therefore presenting two narrations, Hadith’e Qudsi [3], that will
depict a secret [Sirr | Raz]. First, narrated by Imam Ibne Sab’aa from Sidna Ameer’ul Momineen
Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) that, “(Mafhoom) … Allah (Subhanahu) said (sent
revelation) to his Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), for you I’ve lay down the earth,
surge (Urdu: Moaj’zun) the river and increase the skies and appoint the rewards and
punishments (Stated by Zarqani al-Farah) … [Excerpts from ‘Meelad Karao Eman Bachao
(Urdu) | Pg.121’]”. Second, Imam Ibne Asaker narrated from Sidna Hudhrat Salman Farsi (Radhi
Allah Anhu) that, “(Mafhoom) … I’ve created this universe (Urdu: Dunyah) and its creatures
(Urdu: Makhlooqat’e Dunyah) to express your honor and rank upon them presents in my
sight, hence if you don’t exist (not being created | Faqeer) then never created universe (Urdu:
Dunyah) … [Excerpts from ‘Meelad Karao Eman Bachao (Urdu) | Pg.120’]” Hence, after these
two revelations, depicts clearly neither left any way to deny the reality, that all which has been
done and still being expanding (or say continuing) is for and in honor of Sidna Muhammed Rasul

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 39


Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Thus, decorating sessions as well as places, is actually copying (can
say) the decoration being did (and still expanding) by Sole Creator of all universes for or in
regards of significance of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in his (Subhanahu)
sight; and it is stated either in Quran Majeed, that whatever spend in Allah’s way would be
acceptable (and so proved it justified).

DENOTE: [1] Decoration, is Sunnat’e Elahiyyah as verse reveals hence Sunnat’e Rasul
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) too, like wearing clean dress and fragrancing on Friday as well as
on Eid Days etc is also came under decoration (your own self), hence not forbidden
(Arabic: Haram). Therefore, flag, banners (or panaflexes), lightening, flowering and so on
forth (that are items of or used for decoration) if does in way or to convince (Urdu: Radhi
Kerney Kay Liyey) Allah and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is not prohibited neither sin
(Urdu: Saghirah ya Kabirah) contrary a good deed (Urdu: Amal’e Sualeh). Level: Although
remembers, that it is not inevitable (Urdu: Wajib) that if having financial problems so
coerced yourself (or puts strain), single white cloth (Urdu: Sa’feyd Cha’dar) to lie on floor
and spread fragrance is enough for doing blessed session. But if haven’t any problems
then it is better (or say must) to decorate the blessed session for expressing purity,
dignity, beauty and goodness. [2] And it is not necessary neither allowed, for us (if not
eligible), to explore or know all the relations and strategies, but to some extent if reveals
(or someone does; like Sufi or Master) then we should accept it and must increase our
trust upon creed (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), and in reality it is for our intensification
the belief and faith. [3] Hadith’e Qudsi in other words revelation (Arabic: Wahi) are those
sayings (Urdu: Farman’e Bari Ta’ala) that aren’t a part of Quran Majeed; but in altercation
contains utmost postion, if chain of tradition is authentic (verified by Muhaditheen).


O’Dea, Allah (Subhanahu) said in Quran Majeed, “(Mafhoom) … Say- you, 'only Allah' grace and
only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all their wealth …
[s.10:v.58]”. This verse depicting clearly (prominently) happiness (rejoice) on grace and mercy;
and Ulama says here by grace (Arabic: Fadhl) and mercy (Arabic: Rehmah) both means Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) either, and it has been conjoined with rejoice,
means not only allowing but also said much better to express rejoice upon it rather than on any
else (matters etc). Though whatever dervishes (Fu’qarah) have said, “Smile less and fear more”,
so remembered following: A. Sign of a Dervish (Fa’qeer) that never ever goes against Quran
Majeed, contrary will be the mirror of divine teachings hence when it is revealed to express
rejoice then how could be possible that Dervishes (Fu’qarah) didn’t. Surely since blissful era till
today and In-Sha Allah, whenever Allah (Subhanahu) likes, will express (rejoice | celebrated). B.
They said smile less, didn’t says not or never. C. Said it because of stiffness (Urdu: Sakh’tiyan) of
last day (Arabic: Yaum al-Qayamah), in other words (in an aspect) it’s a reminder (to a last day |
Yaum al-Qayamah). D. So that we may not become ignoring (worships, matters[practices] etc)
that made us liable for punishments; contrary wanted all of us to be on right path (Mawlid Sharif
etc.) and perform practices (worships etc), because it would be much better than be ignorant.
Otherwise remembers that dervishes (Fu’qarah) themselves felt not only happy but in reality it is
their foundation of success either, organizing and then expressing rejoice upon Mawlid Sharif,
because they not only dependant upon, but also awarded rank (status) of dervishism from, Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 40


Hudhrat Ibne Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhu) narrated that, when Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) came to Madinah Munaw’warah, found Jews fasting on day of Ashurah (10th
Muharram), upon asking about it they (Jews) replied, “It’s a day on which Allah (Subhanahu) has
granted relief and success to Hudhrat Moosa “Kalimullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and Bani Israel
upon (or from) Phiroan, and in due respect (relief & success) of this day (event) we fast (to
remembered). Hence upon it (after listening) Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) respond,
“We deserved (Urdu: Haq’dar) more upon (Hudhrat) Moosa (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [then you
(Jews)] and then ordered to fast on Ashurah (10th Muharram)”

DENOTE: Ulama says, that we shall fast on 9th and 10th of Muharram, means opposed
(Urdu: Mukhalifat Karein) them by increasing a day (Urdu: Ta’adad Barrha Ker). See
Jurisprudence books in this regards. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

WAYS: O’dea, after proclamation and then wide spread of invitation, two types of people
emerged, one are those whom entered in Islam fully determined, whereas another are those
whom entered in Islam but acquire it’s teachings partially; means called belief and also perform
worships too (according to school of thought; after schools were formed) but didn’t leave their
traditions. In these two types, both will be considered successful, not as failures. However, to
second ones we’ll invite them towards correction of own self (Urdu: Islah’e Nafs) and wouldn’t do
strictness or say treat them hardly, even upon their traditions too; if they aren’t against Islamic
Teachings (Shariah wa Tariqah) then couldn’t prohibit. Hence, in every corner various tribes
(Urdu: Qaba’il) and nations (Urdu: Aq’wam) lived around the world having their own specific
ways (or traditions) of expressing rejoice; for any occasion, not only relgious. Therefore if those
(any or all) acts aren’t or don’t go against Islamic Teachings, and being used in to expressing
rejoice then cannot pressurize them to abandon, as there is no harm in performing.

DENOTE: We already stated about entering (arrival) to Madinah Munaw’warah, also

known as prophet’s migration (Hijrat’e Rasul[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), people are rejoicing
as well as singing the Nasheed of thanksgiving*, even people are playing (using) “DUFF”
hence Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) didn’t stopped them to do so
neither any revelation came (sent) for prohibition.

*Tala’a Al-Badru Aley’na Min Thaniyat’il Wada’e

Wa’jaba Shuk’ruh Aley’na Ma Da’a Lillahi Da’e

SAMA’A: Nowadays SAMA’A [1] has been introduced, even couldn’t denying in past (means
induced | Shamil Ho ya Kiya Gaya Ho), that Sama’a (Music) being used in Mawlid Sharif, to express
rejoice (Nasheed being read with/upon Music), that has been criticized by refuters (duallers or
deviators) allot, even sometimes by our own Muslim brothers does objection, whether in to their
(Urdu: Munafiqoun) resemblance or feeling agitation (Urdu: Kara’hat) due to it. Answer: For
Muslims (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis), if doing in resemblance to refuters (duallers or deviators) so
shouldn’t do because their purpose (straight) is to refute the Mawlid Sharif in cover of their so
called fabricated Shariah, that prohibits Music. Whereas, if do by feeling agitation then have right
and so we’ll advise attend (or listen) blessed sessions organize without SAMA’A (Music), because
it has resemblance with dissipated acts (Fisq’O Fujur), as Music usually used for it. But remember
Arif Bi’Allah Imam Muhammed Abd’ al-Ghani al-Nablusi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
has defined right use (or say stratagem | He’lah) under some precautions (or say restrictions |

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 41


Qu’yud) for those whom (Muslims) wants to express rejoice with (using) Music; and main point
Imam Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) has highlighted (or pointed out) is mean (Urdu: Ne’yat); that
should be Message (Urdu: Paiy’gham) not the dissipated acts (Fisq’O Fujur).

DENOTE: [1] Nowadays, by Sama’a it is commonly understood (taken) Qawwali; Kalam

read with instruments (Tabla. Sarangi, etc) that produces various sounds in rhythm.
Otherwise by SAMA’A, its original meaning is KALAM produce/influx an instinct upon
person (Believer | Muslim-Sunni) that would shake (effect | like correction of Soul etc.)
inward & outward, called HA’AL. Though such instinct comes (appeared) through
Qawwali as well; there are uncountable evidences present which cannot be denied.
Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) is an eye witness of Al-Shaykh Baba Saeed al-Hasani
(Quddussurahul Aziz) in this regards. [2] O’Dea, permissibility doesn’t means or say
allowing either that we vanishes the distinction therefore start dancing and clapping alike
people does in Music Concerts; in which love and related songs are sing with Music, and
all people (crowd) were dancing or clapping upon it. In real, such type of acts (or
resemblance) shall or say must be avoided and difference should be maintained. Second,
another matter is clapping at the end of Nasheed (read with Sama’a[Music]), hence it
could be much better to say ‘SUBHAN ALLAH’ or ‘MASHA ALLAH’ rather than clapping. If
common Muslims examine (notice) Ulama*, so they (Ulama) never clapped contrary
maintain hands in tied or loosed position whenever NASHEED (with Sama’a[Music]) ends,
therefore shall or say must (humble advise) learned (copied) from Ulama in this regards
also. Third, if any ^Shaykh of Shariah & Tariqah, whom you are following (obeying) has
contradiction in this matter hence if imposed restrictions (not allows to listen with Music)
then Muslims (disciples | Mureed) must avoid and follows the instruction of their Shaykh,
but do not criticized upon other Muslim brothers, whom are listening (under their
Shaykh) through permission~.

Note: These matters are mentioned (or say taken from) by Arif Bi’Allah Imam Abd’al-
Ghani Nablusi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz) transcript, E’dha-ul Dala’lat Fi Sama’a-il
A’alat (Arabic) [Moseqi & Sama’a (Urdu) | Ref.: FQ15]. Similar, about SAMA’A (Kalam
with Music), is mentioned by Sidna Imam Abu-Hamid Muhammed Muhammed Ghazali al-
Shafa’e (Quddussurahul Aziz), in outstanding work (Book) Ahya Uloom al-Din (Arabic).

OBEJCTION: If someone criticized or presents us that Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has extracted (gave) strict orders upon it;
particularly on listening Sama’a with Music? Answer: O’Dea, no doubt, order is strict
(Imam Sahab’s interprertation), upon Sama’a with music not without, and so shall be
followed, but remembers that another Imam, Sidna Imam al-Shaykh Abd’ al-Ghani
[*] Ulama should put restriction of abandoning clapping, whether through speech or mentioning upon
pass/ticket (if issuing).
[^] Here we meant righteous faith (Sahi’hul Aqeedah | Muslim-Sunni) Shaykh, not irreligious person (Urdu:
Bud’Mazhab), because Ulama has mentioned (said) that following irreligious person (Urdu: Bud’Mazhab) is
forbidden (Urdu: Haram).
[~] Muslims must take permission either from Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) or contain (through) their
work (Books or Transcripts; alike E’dha-ul Dala’lat etc.), then we find as such no harm (severe) however if
avoiding (due to any reason) then please do not criticized (whom[Muslims] listens; though propagate them, and left
the consequence) neither stop listening NASHEEDS (Urdu: Qaseeday ya Natein) without Sama’a (Music). Allah
knows the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 42


Al-Nab’lusi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has extracted (gave) soft order, for Sama’a
with Music not only without, and it is upon reasonable and justified reasons (or say
conditions | Surat’ein), not else. RECONCILE (Tat’beeq): However reconciliation (Urdu:
tat’beeq) is present amongst both extractions therefore can do, in the light of Sidna Imam
Abd’ al-Wahab al-Shay’rani al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli (Quddussurahul Aziz) teachings
(interpretation way) and that is, very strict contains (based upon) “Tash’deed (A’azimat)”,
whereas very soft contains (based upon) “Takh’feef (Rukhsat)”. [See Meezan al-Kubra al-
Shayraniyah | vol.1]

EVENT: Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) Ustadh’e Muhtarram told this event few years ago (middle
of last decade) that, “(In Brief) … a female researcher from Australia, by faith a christian, doing
research upon Music Composition, went to India for her thesis work, as Indians (Hindu-
Mushrikeen) are very famous (or known) for Music (even some of them considered it as religious
insignia), hence in Dehli while she passing from one place heard a session (Mehfil’e Sama’a |
Qawwali) was going on thus stops and begun listening, she felt very annoyed that what kind of
Music is this (meant felt strange upon composition); no rhythm and setting, therefore went inn to
listening closely (Mehfil’e Sama’a | Qawwali), after entering inn saw that it (session) was lead by a
Shaykh, hence sat (decided) their for listening till end, after completion requested to meet the
Shaykh, after getting permission introduces her self, and then told about work (thesis)
particularly, hence asked about Music Composition (mentioned her intention) that what kind of
Music is this (I listens a lot, but this isn’t a music); without rhythm and setting means compositon
was totally absent? Hearding this Shaykh of Chishti Order replied to her that, “Our intention is not
the Music but the conveyance of Message”. Listening this response she asked about the message
(what it is?), upon which Shaykh of Chishti Order replied or say told (presented) her about Islam;
creed and acts. Hence this (beautiful response) not only inspired her a lot but she then also
embraced Islam …” Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar.

Response: All those having objection or problem with, particularly nowadays, organizing
and then expressing rejoice with Music (on some places), the blessed sessions (Mawlid
Sharif), then we response (not all organize that way; Faqeer) why don’t you attend or do
celebration (organize sessions[including procession etc.]) without Music; similar about the
date too, why don’t you express celebrations (organize sessions etc) on to your claimed
date. NOTE: O’dea remember, actually these are the dead (or ill) heart people objections,
and their main purpose (deliberately or preplanned) is only to inflict confusion (Urdu:
Shuk), if not somehow able to refutation (divert from right path), through deception and
lies amongst Muslims to somehow stop them from practicing their religion. May Allah
kept all of us safe (protected) from their deceptions? Ameen Thum’ma Ameen.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know the best (Bhe’tr).

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Section One

“(Mafhoom) … This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you
and have chosen Islam as religion for you … [s.5:v.3]”
Al-Quran al-Kareem

Topic Contains
Religion ………… [45]

Issues ………… [46]

Obey [46], Efforts [50], Resemblance [51], Deviators/Inturders [54]

Matters ………… [64]

Sacrilege [64], Blasphemy [68], Violence [73], Moon Sighting [75], Punishments [78]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 44


O’Dea remembers, “... it is Allah's (Subhanahu) kindness that has sent Anmbiya’e Kiram
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) and guides us towards valid and right path (Deen), and for altercation
sent* (in Textual form) Holy Books (Kutub’e Sama’viyah) and Scriptures (Arabic: Suhu’faat al-
Sama’viyah) upon them (Alehem-us-Salam) for the same honorable regards. …”, then ahead we
meant, “… therefore we cannot refute neither any Muslim does (we professed [shahadat: Gawahi]
all Anmbiya’e Kiram [Alehemus Salam]), but sadly some didn’t whereas calling themselves as
followers of previously brought religion before Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
particularly Jews and then Christians, in which (their scriptures sent over respected Prophets
[Alehemus Salam]) it was clearly mentioned that Last Prophet will come, named “(Sidna)
Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”, but after arriving, and later on proclaiming the prophethood
(Eylan’e Nabuwwah Sharif) they (many) turned back or refuted straightly. …” and then finally we
meant, “… guidance was also sent (for altercation) in textual or written form (Muslims professed
[shahadat: Gawahi] all holy books and scriptures) excluding alteration/induction being done in to
them because responsibility to safeguard was given to followers (Humans), which they failed
(after passage of time) to do so hence a lot has been removed (deliberately) as well as inducted;
orders of worships, matters and particularly the verses/phrases mentioned or highlighting the
honor and rank (in other words Zikr), as well as arrival, of Sidna Muhammed al-Rasul (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam), though it was Almighty Allah’s sole right to kept remain or canceled the sent
Shariah (The Holy Book), which was executed (cancelation) after new arrival. Therefore Quran
Majeed was then sent finally, canceling all previous Shariah, took responsibility to preserve, and
mentioned that shall be believed and followed (practices). …” [Abstracted from “Rise of Ummah
from al-Maghreb”]

Also this too, “… religion meant peace and stability, but unitl not followed/practiced completely
as explained (teachings), which naturally proves it “Heavenly Laws (Orders)” for “Earthly People
(esp. Believers^)” for maintaining justice and giving rights of all so that peace could prevailed
thus all can benefits, and most of all Sole Creator would convinced (Arabic: Radhi) so that reward
becomes inevitable (a sole merciness) in both universe (inverse is punishment), and for
implementation permitted force to use (Created material as source; like iron etc, for weaponary
like sword, knife etc., modern day Artillery [replacement of previous weapons though same
source]) but under limitations (as defined, and interpret by Ulama and not allowed to exceed;
meant do extraordinary extortion or misuse of force), and this was all being mentioned (in details
or compressively) in Heavenly Laws (order) in other words holy books and scriptures [Kutub wa
Suhufat e Samaviyyah], and for or to understand urged people to seek the knowledge of sent Holy
Book(s) or Scriptures from the learned people of religion (Ulama esp.), described by Anmbiyah
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), to their companions (hence follow or bind to the trail (chain) of Sidna
Rasul Allah (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam)), and after getting or completing the procedure (religious
studies, if do), informed or say warned that perform the responsibility (do) with truth and justice,
[*] Ulama say, there are nearly 104 holy books & scriptures sent by Allah (Subahanhu), in which 100 scriptures
(Suhufat), and 4 holy books named (Urdu: Asma’e Girami); Za’bur Sharif, Tow’rayt Sharif, In’jeel Sharif & Quran
Sharif. Besides Quran Majeed none (all were raised towards sky to heavens, we believe) is now presents in to their
original form (either modified or totally wrote selfly), whereas Scriptures (Suhufat) were totally rare now. See
also, “Islam and Christianity” for more details.
[^] We put the restriction (Arabic: Qey’ed) because those who refuted straightly to accept (calls belief upon) it as
“Heavenly Laws” hence niether wants/like to obey nor gives/pay any attention towards it then should be left,
and were exempted (considered outlaws).
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 45

must be away from earning name or money (do without mean[Ghardh] with purity[Khuloos]), and
this is Ulama’e Kiram works to do (if not an Alim then follows any pious [See 4.Ummah]), and if
not included (or invited Ulama in every conflicts or contradicts besides only religious) then
matters would never resolves because there is no match of heavenly orders (which only Ulama
knows) with human made laws (constitutions if not based upon religious interpretations
completely), hence before going towards hard step matters shall be resolved through dialogues
(includes invitation) otherwise there is a permissibility of acquiring strict measures …”
[Abstracted from “Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq”]

Only adds few phrases from previous articles (or say transcript, the last one), in respect of the
topic, compessively (Mukhtasaren).

ISSUES (Addition | Idha’fah)

Obey (Ata’at)

We stated in third article, “… Religion Islam which is no doubt is a Valid and Right Path and if talk
(in context) about its practical application so it is Obedience (Ata'at meant Taqleed of Orders and
Acts) which revealed in Qur'an Shareef as, "(Mafhoom) ... O People who believe! Obey Allah
and the Rasul (Noble Messenger) and those amongst you who are in authority [Oulul Amr]
... [s.4:v.59]"

[Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (O ye who believe!) 'Uthman Ibn Talhah and his fellow
believers. (Obey Allah) in that which He has commanded you, (and obey the messenger) in that which he
commands you (and those of you who are in authority) the leaders of military expeditions; it also said that this
means: the men of sacred knowledge; (and if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah) to the
Book of Allah (and the messenger) and to the practice of the Messenger (if you are (in truth) believers in Allah
and the Last Day) resurrection after death. (That) referring the matter to the Book of Allah and the practice of
His Messenger (is better and more seemly in the end).

[Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority
among you, that is, rulers, when they command you to obey God and His Messenger.If you should quarrel,
disagree, about anything, refer it to God, that is, to His Book, and the Messenger, while he lives, and thereafter
[refer] to his Sunna: in other words examine these [disputes] with reference tothese two [sources], if you
believe in God and the Last Day; that, reference to the two [sources], is better, for you than quarrelling or
[adhering to] personal opinions, and more excellent in interpretation, in the end.

[Tafsir’e Mazhari] Hudhrat Qadhi Sana’ullah Pani-Pat’ti al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) says;
after some paragraphs stated that, “Similarly Fuqaha, Ulama & Masha’ikh were included either even with more
authenticity (Urdu: Badarja’e Ou’la) applies upon them because they are Anmbiya (Alehemus Salam)
successors, keeper of Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) orders. Ibne Jarir, Hakim and several others
Muhaditheen has narrated from Sidna Abdullah bin Abbass (Radhi Allah Anhu) that by Oulul Amr meant (Urdu:
Murad) Jurisprudence Master (Arabic: Faqih) and religiously pious people (Urdu: Deendar Loag). One word
came as Knowlegeable (Urdu: Ahl’e Ilm) …”

[NOTE: The Tafsir is very long, we have only quoted partially, and even the paragraph was not translated
completely, only taken few lines. For more, see Tafsir’e Mazhari, Urdu Translation, Vol.2 Pg 401-405]

NOTE: According to Ulama, here Authority (Oulu Amr) meant (yan’i) Sahaba’e Kiram, Taba’een, Taba Taba’een,
A’eymma’e Kiram, Masha’ikh’e Kiram, Ulama’e Kiram and Salateen (Alim’e Deen). However Ruler (Malik or
Ameer or Hakim) if he’s not an Islamic Scholar (Alim of Qur'an and Sunnah, in other words Shariah wa Tariqah) then
shall ask and obey, about all matters (Ebada'at, Ma'molat including Siyasiyat, Ma'ashiyat Wa'gheiyraha) and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 46


disputation, to present Ulama-e-Kiram and do accordingly as says or describe (meant as per Fatawa Shareef).
Allah knows the best. Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu).

ADD NOTE: Remember, it didn’t means either that if “Oulul Amr” is not an Alim’e Din thus if acquiring
Ulama’e Kiram services, so whatever he wanted/desires order will be given (Verdict | Fatwa)
accordingly (or in his favor or mean), which is strictly prohibited, contrary verdict (Fatwa) shall and
must be according to Shariah wa Tariqah (Quran & Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a), after gathering complete
evidences or witnesses in front on any particular matter or issue, not as per Ruler desirations (Until or
unless ruler does not given authority or pemission from Ulama to do or take action as he likes or wants in that
particular matter or issue | From Quran & Sunnah).

See Jurisprudence Books or Asks Ulama.

Allah knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

If someone says that presented verse pretexts (Urdu: Tafasir) depict explicitly knowledgeable
people whereas nowadays we seen usually worldly educated people or ineligible (incompetent)
or even irreligious (bud mazhab | Kharji-Rafdhi/Wahabi etc) people in power (or say President’s
Office); therefore what Muslims will do (obey or not)? Though its answers was lay under
following interpretation, illustrated in 3rd & 4th articles, therefore one could easily understand if
read them, but once again stating in detail.

Query: If Government(s) is following other than Islamic Model, like Democratic (West) or
Socialist (North, now late) or Communist (North East), even without Modification, and State was
not invaded neither controlled by Infidels but is Sovereign, then what we’ll do, means couldn’t
revolt either? Answer: Yes, even if Government(s) was following other than Islamic Model
without any Modifications, neither invaded nor controls by foreign powers, only if Masha’ikh wa
Ulama along with common Muslims signed Pact or Accorded that will not revolt against
Government suggested System or say get Silent (not signed any Accord or Pact but sustaining
quietly) and obeying the legitimacy (Western Laws, and Regime Orders), hence in these
circumstances too we cannot revolt, however urged or pressurizes them peacefully to deal or
handle all matters and issues as per or under Quran and Sunnah (Shari’ah | Mazahib Arba’a) and
gives them top priority or declares it as “Supreme Law”, and this action (unarmed pressurizing) is
only for keeping peace and stability in jurisdiction, avoiding Chaos and Anarchy (Arabic: Fasad fil
Ardh). Hence (when not revolting against system) it becomes necessary to support the
Government (whether Accord or Silent) whenever calls to fight if any other inappropriate revolt
(internally) or unfair assault (externally) happens. And Allah knows all the best.

FOOTNOTE: And if they are not listening or giving importance/priority or obeying then either endure (Farsi:
Bar’dasht) them (though continued practicing religion as per teachings and resolved as well as handle all matters and
issues under its commandments) or keep pressurizing them (to implement), if don’t have adequate resources and
strength for the implementation of true Islamic Model (based upon Quran and Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a) or say to
bring change it is better not involve or urge Muslims in revolts which becomes instigation (Fitnah) and chaos

Denote: O’Dea, remember it doesn’t mean either that for or in the name of peace and
stability we shall or even one could left or abort doing efforts for implementation or
restoration [1] of right system based upon Islamic Laws (Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib
Arba’a) through pressurizing upon whomsoever being imposed or puts incharge or giving
authority (in other words puppets). Contrary we shall all or one could must raise voice
until not gets fruitfull result, 100% faqeer would say; even Master Zaid Hamid is right that

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“(Mafhoom) … doesn’t implements Allah’s religion and then says terrorism didn’t ends”
whereas on one occasion says, “(Mafhoom) … It is only a matter of night to implements”.
No doubt about that, as all work (literature) is available, only needs implementation.
First [1]: That if invaded then after withdrawal (either completely or partially) or say given
independence (alike mostly gets after colonization; all Muslim Lands, for instance, Pakistan, Tunisia,
Uzbekistan, Mesir etc). And we had pointed out this in following words; “… majority (Muslim Territories)
wasn’t able to restored back to Islam’s Khilafat’e Rashidah Model (or even Islam’s Sultanate System).
Contrary all of them (including Pakistan) have acquired or implemented (carried-on) besides some, the
Western (US and Europeans) or Northern (USSR Late) systems (Political, Economical, Social and Military),
sadly …”

In previous article (in real a transcript), we stated under SUMMARY in last of 4. NATIONS,
regarding gaining power (holds Office) by intruders (or irreligious people) that, “… Third, if
deviators (Munafiq-Khawarij [by incorrect faith]) got control (through somehow) which means
both loose (Govt. & Allied forces)? In that case, then same as above mentioned rule (with no
difference) define for Afghan Muslims will apply [See Jurisprudence Narration, Pg.83], however if
extortion is or becomes unbearable (did peace accord due to insufficient resources and strength,
required for resistance, but somehow it was violating) then migration (if capable) is the safest
option towards peaceful place. And Allah knows all the best …”

Denote: O’Dea, remember it doesn’t mean either that for or in the name of peace and
stability we shall or even one could left or abort doing efforts for restoration [1] of true
Islamic Laws (Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib Arba’a) through pressurizing upon whomsoever
(Rafdhi or Wahabi or else) being either gets in power (forcibly or loose fight by Muslims)
or giving authority (deliberately). Contrary we shall all or one could must either raise
voice or sword until not completely either gets power in hands (by Muslims; through
negotiation) or eliminates the miscreants (Munafiqoon [fasiq bil’Aqidah] | through fight).
Arab Sharif: In last article though we mentioned a peaceful way of solution however
remembers that if Muslims Army have ability or becomes capable, mean can does easily,
then it become inevitable upon them to do, the elimination of Khawarij from Power, if
they don’t handover it peacefully. Ulama says, only two hundred or above few people
(Khawarij) invaded Hijaz’e Muqaddus, which was not resisted* by Muslims-Turks Army
(Ottoman’s) in respect due to honor, therefore finding or facing no resistence they
enetered in to Haramaiyn Sharifaiyn conveniently (also slaughtered lots of Ulama and
Muslims | Sunnis of all four schools of thoughts) and took control which they remain
holding, all from (say blessings of ) The British Empire back (since beginning till then on
successful upheaval time, which was later from 19th Century joined by US also, that is still
present). Others: Similarly, for others where Kharji-Rafdhies have given power, by West
(NATO & US) and North (RUSSIA & SCO) as per their interest, meant Iraq, Afghanistan,
Lubnan, Oman, Yemen, Iran, and Sham.

FOOTNOTE: However, as it is not permissible to persecuate in Haram Sharif, even killing small ant
deliberately is sinful, thus Muslim Army shall bring them outside the premises of Haramaiyn
Sharifaiyn and then persecuate all of them (whomsoever giving resistence) because they did the same
when comes in power (or say taken control) with brutality and disrespect; slained Ulama and Muslims
in Khana’e Ka’aba. See Kutub’e Tareekh or Asks Ulama. Allah knows all the best.
[*] A mistake, they must not only resist but should kill all of them before reaching to the Haram Sharif, even if
they enters then there is no restriction to open fire and it is only because of their [Cont. On Pg.49]

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If someone says or presents an idea that what did you say or about implementing Quran &
Sunnah (Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib Arba’a) concurrently with any existing model, capitalist based
democratic or state based socialist system or monarchy? Will it satisfies or not? Answer: Ah,
that’s what every Muslims wishes for or wants around the world; either implementation or
restoration of Quran & Sunnah based Model, renowned as Khilafat’e Rashidah (existed 30yrs),
whereas the last one was Ottoman Empire (Sultanat’e Uthmaniyah [existed 800yrs approx.]), falls
in 19th Century. Second, that’s what we have illustrated in our early articles; in third article under
2.Religious System stated, “… However, actually both concepts have been taken upon inspiration
from ISLAM, which provides a Solution to both systematic faults, and that is a MERGER, How? In
Sultanate (Khilafah) based System, where Politics and Social welfare are Centralize (Under Sultan
or King Command and Control) therefore Economy converge Centralize (For Private doers,
sharing through Mudhar’bah or Mushar’kah amongst Higher and Lower Class, and applying
restrictions to interfere in Sultanate level decisions if not eligible or insincere or mean-full) as
well only to sustain natural balance for the benefits of both, State and Public (Elite, Middle and
Poor) …”. Then in fourth article under 2.System subheading Model stated that, “… good thing
about this Model are its idiosyncratic Control over State (Matters | Social, Economy, Politics etc)
through Restrictions and Limitations. Although if choosing this type of system then it shall be
implement in every Muslim Jurisdiction State so that whenever going to forms Khilafah or
Sultanate or Union all will be following same so that couldn’t become contentious or conflicting
between any one …”, anf then in same fourth article, on last at FINALLY [Pg.73], stated under
marginal note (hashiyah), “… Socialist’s Political Layout (Design or Model) is no doubt very near
to Islamic Sultanate therefore after some Modifications or say Ammendment, we can easily
convert it for our Use (implementation), which Libya has did therefore their Model is perfectly fit.
Second model is, Morocco’s, In-Sha Allah discuss it in next article …” About Monarchy, so it is not
objectionable neither prohibited by Islam to practice (followed or obeyed by Muslims) if based
upon Quran & Sunnah (Shariah Muttuhharra | Mazahib Arba’a) until if its not turned away from
Islamic Shariah to else or becomes extortive then becomes illegitimate therefore shall be enforced
(pressurize) either returns to Islamic System or handover to pious people (Masha’ikh wa Ulama).

NOTE: O’Dea, if wants to carry-on with existing bogus systems but ready or interested to
implements Islamic Laws, then remembers following; two system in one country couldn’t
operates (run) in parallel because there will be always exists a conflict or presented a rift
amongst each other, and moreover it is against Islam that practicing other than it. Second,
if desire then it is not possible without amendment (or modification) that will again then
either say naturally or definitely takes you towards Khilafah (Sultanate) based Model, that
was everyone is saying or wanted. Third, has to formed Majlis’e Shurah (either separately
or converting parliament in to Majlis) comprised upon Ulama (Muftiyan’e Kiram) because
interpretating laws from Quran & Sunnah is Ulama’e Kiram responsibility or work, nor
worldy educated or illiterate people. Restored Qadhi’yan in every place of English Laws
Judges or either declared Darul Ifta in Madaris or Masajid in whole country as government
[Contd. from Pg.48] instigation (particularly, sacrilege thoughts and hostile attitude towards Islam). Because its
consequences are dangerous if doesn’t resists contrary punishment would be comes or send, which clearly
seen that had been came or sent in form of total collapse (all major Muslims Empire; esp. Ottoman), destruction
(genocide by both; Kuffar and Munafiqoon) and humiliation all over the world. As in the end, due to no resistence
finally Khawarij (Wahabies) took over control which they still holds through British Empire back (and later it
was joined by U.S) and not only taken over but also begun inducting or imposing it (via sacrilege and slaughtering
ideology [thoughts] regarding Muslims) to other Muslims States or Territories, all in the name of Islam. [What the
benefit or gain of being so peaceful?]
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 49

authorized courts. [For more, see SYSTEM below]

Efforts (Jihad)

In last article (in real a transcript), under Fight (Jihad), describing the four types briefly, we then
presented following verse, along with Tafsir and Footnote, “(Mafhoom) … O Herald of the
Hidden! Fight (Jihad) against the disbelievers (Kuffar) and the hypocrites (Munafiqoon),
and be stern with them; and their destination hell; and what an evil place to return! …

So do remember, our point of focal was fight (jihad) and related matters against harsh enemy, not
the punishments (Arabic: Hudd al-Shariah yan’i Qi’sas etc) though illustrated some in brief too,
however not denying that punishments like persecution, beating, detention etc aren’t be
implemented in the State contrary must be (strictly) to control crimes and prevent lawlessness.

Second, before Fight (Jihad), under ‘ADD [In brief]’ of Efforts (Hubb ya Etab), we stated, “… Ulama
says, Jihad (Bis’Saif) is also Fardh upon every Muslim, without gender distinction, just like other
four constituents …” Exemption: Ulama says that Women (Females) are exempted from
obligation (Arabic: Fardhiyat) but under few circumstances weren’t, two of those amongst main
conditions are; Insufficient number of male recruits (soldiers or fighters) however priority would
be given to good health and tolerable females first (for recruitment). Encircle by the enemy,
meant city or village or town surrounded, though sufficient resources are also must be in hand
[Otherwise surrendering is suitable if peace guaranteed but if not then fight even with low
resources, because it is better to raise martyrdom rather than facing humiliation and disrespect
from an enemy, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)].

[Imam Allama Abu-Tayyib Hamdan bin Hamdoiyah al-Tartousi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul

Aziz)] stated under matters of Fight (Arabic: Masail al-Jihad) that, “it is not obligatory
upon Women (Urdu: Khawateen) [Ref.: FQ04]”, although under braces, Hudhrat Allama
Ghulam Nasiruddin al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Afdhalahum) signified that “only when
infantry is sufficient” [otherwise if short or insufficient then Women (females) cannot be
exempted (Becomes upon them | Fardh), however priority would be given to good health
and tolerable ones, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)].

[Imam al-Fiqh Hudhrat Mufti Amjad Ali A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddssurahul Aziz)]
also stated the same under the chapter regarding matters of Fight (Arabic: Masail al-
Jihad) that, “it is not obligatory (Arabic: Fardh) upon Women (Females | Khawateen)”,
though mentioned the same point that “in case of insufficient force aren’t exempted”,
second priority will be given to old age (above 45) or servants (Urdu: Ban’diyan) having
good health, and only light services will be taken from them on the battlefield like
medicare, water & food supplies etc. However if particular city or village or town of
respected Kingdom or State or Independent Territory (Region) was surrounded (enemy
succeeded in reaching and then encircling) then all Muslims, regardless of gender, must
fight (with weapons), and in this circumstance Females are not bind for taking permission
from their Males neither can be stop by them (Males) [Ref.: FT30].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 50


Rectification: After Ulama explications, nothing left to add, but would like to rectify our stance of
illustration, “… Jihad (Bis’Saif) is also Fardh upon every Muslim, without gender distinction, just
like other four constituents …” so definitely it is obligatory (Arabic: Fardh) upon women too but
only on severe circumstances*, otherwise exempted^, in which two main are; insufficient male
recruits (Soldiers or Fighters), and encircling~ of their city or village or town of respected
Kingdom or State or Independent Territory (Region).

For more details see Jurisprudence Books or Ask Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Resemblance (Tash’bhi)

In fourth article (in real a transcript) under Islam, we stated that, “… Also note and it could be
astonishing, that in Christians (one of their sect, Catholics I think) and Jews (Anti-Zionist n Israel
also), there are some very close resemblances with true Muslims, like we respect Ambiya’e Kiram
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) hence they do also, we Muslims says “Ya Rasul Allah” or “Ya Wali Allah
(like Ghawth, Khu’waja, Shaykh etc)” so they also says “O’Christ (Ya Esa)” or “O’Moses (Ya
Moosa)” as well as “O’Master Help (calls their Order Masters)”, like we believe firmly in SOUL so
they also belief in SOUL and that’s why we respect graves so similarly they do also, we pay visits
and recites Fatiha Sharif upon graves so similarly they do same as well (recites their altered or
unaltered phrases | Allah knows), Muslim celebrates Mawlid’un-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
therefore they also celebrates their respected one’s (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) Mawlid, we not
drink alcohol (Arabic: Sharab) so they also didn’t due to prohibition (Haram), and many other
resemblances can be put or written here but article goes long however still then their Faith
(incomplete) n Acts (whether good) would not sufficient for their forgiveness until do not profess
(Arabic: Shaha’dah) Sidi Muhammed al-Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) “RISALAH MUBARKAH”, and
that’s why resisting or condemning and that is the only difference between us (Muslims, due to
which would be successful | In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi) and them (Kuffar, hence unsuccessful,
therefore sends to hell forever | Ma’az Allah). If not able to get or understand, then asks Ulama …”

Query: If someone criticizes or put objection that, they (Jews & Christs) do not resembled
Ummat’e Mustapha but Ummah resembled them because these people are earlier (given book)
before Ummah; and now they are considered or called as unbelievers (Kuffar), therefore how
could their path or resemblance becomes valid because you already said that their Shariah was
now canceled thus not eligible neither valid to obey hence what are the justifications?

Answer: O’Dea, definitely we stated in third article, “… all previous Paths (Shari’ateyn) had been
canceled (Arabic: Man’sookh) by Allah (Subhanahu), in other words not acceptable if still
followed or practicing, whether by large majority (Urdu: Jamhoor) …” but in same article also
mentioned ahead (even presented several verses before explanation), “... Qur'an Majeed has been
given as a “Final Book of Orders" and is only applicable and acceptable because previous Books
had been canceled (Arabic: Mun’sookh) by Allah (Subhanahu) …” therefore answer was present in
[*] To went for fighting on battlefield or frontline
[^] Though can participate behind, meant via/in supplies and will be rewarded too; for instance, dress making,
food cooking & then packing, artillery packing etc.
[~] Even though Male recruits are sufficient, cannot stop adding females because it would not only increase
strength but also provide pressure on enemy and helpful in defeating them.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 51


it, and that is we aren’t following their Paths (Shari’ateyn) but our’s one which is sent by Allah
(Subhanahu), and brought and teached by his beloved Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alaihis
Salat-O-Salam) thus not resembling their’s contrary it is given in our Shariah (Sunnat’e

Secondly, if someone quotes following, “(Mafhoom) … Mun Tashab’baha Bi’Quamin Fa’huwa

Min’hum … [Sunan Abi-Dawood]” which means “(Mafhoom) … whosoever amongst you
(Muslims) resemble with nation (Non-Muslims) is from them …”

Answer: O’Dea, the quote is right, because from the righteous and the most finest blessed tongue
(Da’han Mubarak), but would be the misleading or inappropriate if present in negation to
illustrated matters, because if we took all matters alike this (in regards of quote) then couldn’t
saved from or what about another thousands or say uncountable resemblances that are present
amongst us (all humans regardless of religion) particularly about faith and acts (worshipping),
therefore ‘has to be left or shall we abandon’ them? [Tawheed] for instance, Muslims believed in
Monotheism (Oneness | Tawheed’e Bari Ta’ala) and existence (Wajib al-Wajood) of almighty
Allah, hence Jews & Christians also believed onto (but with incorrect understanding and that is,
one called Sidna Hudhrat Uzair [Alehe Salam] whereas another considered Sidna Hudhrat Esa
[Alehe Salam], as son of Allah), even Buddhist (Tibeti, Hindus etc) believed either but considering
existence through Buddhism (Represent | Hand Made), alike ours meant embodied, hence
worshiped it (Which is strictly prohibited by Allah (Subhanahu) to do | Called it Polytheism
[Shirk]). [Risalat] Similarly Muslims believed in all prophets (and called or considered
unbeliever, due to incomplete belief, if not professes all Anmbiya’e Kiram [Alaihis Salat-O-Salam]
prophethood) so they also do, but refuted Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam)
Risalah Mubarakah and that’s why we called them infidels (Kuffar) [Though, in real if they
believed truly upon all prophets or even only upon their respected one then they never felt even
tiny hesitation to accepts all previous as well as Risalah Mubarakah of Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alaihis Salat-O-Salam), which means only betrays or just claiming by saying so.] [Kitab]
Muslims believed in all holy books (Kutub) or scriptures/testaments (Suhufat) sent by Allah
(Subahanahu) upon Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salam), a guidance or instructions or orders in
textual form (excluding amendments in it, besides Quran Majeed), and considered its refuter as
unbeliever or infidel (Kafir), similarly they also claim faith upon Holy Books & Scriptures; for
instance Jews upon Torah, and Christians upon Bible, even Hindus called their Gita or Ramyana or
Vedas as Holy Book (came from Sky). [Though previous books are not exists in real form (and Gita
or Ramyana or Vedas aren’t holy book (From Sky | As’mani Kitab) but total fabrication[Self
Written]); even Ulama says that there is no evidence that present copies (that are shown or said)
are real-one because the original were raised towards sky or didn’t left in real form after intense
amendments]. [Wilayat] Muslims believed on spirituality, expressed or shows in form of
Miracles, foretell etc which is awarded upon obedience (Shariah brought by Anmbiyah[Alehemus
Salam]) for (or in) justification of path that is following or obeyed is correct and acceptable by
Allah (Subhanahu), to believers, hence they also have faith in such matters and called them Saints
just like we called Sufi (or Sufi Master) to Wali, however now the spiritual strength (Wilayah) is
awarded to only obeyers of Shariat’e Muhammediyah; because of cancellation (Arabic:
Mansookh) of all previous paths. [Mamola’at] We do worships as per Shariah (Heavenly Orders),
and perform several matters under its guidance; for instance Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Pilgrimage,
Fight etc which were similarly ordered to them before as well but they changed it, all rules and
ways of act. Same about matters like political (administration, judicial etc), social (living ways and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 52


standards), and economical (farming, processing, trade etc) was also ordered to them but they
changed it either, left looking or resolving rather than through heavenly orders begun and still
practices it under self-made (man made) orders (which they does through Legislation and called
it Constitution). [Daily Routines] We eat food, wears a dress, travel using animals or nowadays
modern means like aeroplane, sea-ships, trains, buses etc; in which most of these modern things
were claimed or said that developed by them, however whomsosever developed but their
purposes are facilitation and convenience hence couldn’t denied it. Thus these all are used by
everyone, regardless of particular or specified religion people, therefore what criticizer say about
this hence none couldn’t illustrate this quote without proper subject.

Level & Order: O’Dea, remember there are some levels of resemblance upon which they have
particular orders respectively; they are Infidelity (Kufr), Forbidden (Haram), obscene (Mak’ruh)
and nothing (La Mudhai’qah). For instance; [Infidelity: Kufr] refuting Allah (Subhanahu) as a
sole creator and almighty like atheist does etc; refuting Anmbiyah[Alaihimus Salam] in which
some do all, some few whereas some only one, like Jews, Christians etc; holy books sent upon
Anmbiyah [Alaihimus Salam] for orders (instructions) but they altered it, like in Torah, Injeel etc.
Similarly considering someone as Allah’s son or daughter etc, worshiping other than Allah like
Buddha, Sun, Fire etc [which is worst than profanity (Kufr), and is in real Polytheism (shirk)],
therefore if Muslims acquired any of them or try to copy anything alike then such kind of
resemblance made Muslim, a deviated-infidel (Kafir-Murtad). [Forbidden: Haram] eating pork
(Khin’zier), drinking wine (Khinda’risun), alcoholic medicines (Advi’yat), or those matters that
has been declared via holy books to them either as forbidden or not permissible but they changed
the orders and executed them therefore if Muslims do any of them alike by considering it as
forbidden (Haram) then becomes sinful, but if Muslims do alike by considering it as permissible
(Halal) then becomes infidel (Kafir-Murtad) upon which repentance become inevitable (Wajib);
hence must keep distance and shall be away from these things/acts. [Obscene: Mak’ruh]
Drinking water, eating food, while or in standing position; wearing dress alike them e.g male-
shorts, half sleave shirts or t-shirts. [Nothing: La Mudhai’qah] Using mechanical vehicles like
trucks, buses, cars etc for traveling; modern artillery like jets, tanks, gun-machines etc for war or
in battles; electronic devices like computers, radio, cell-phone etc for communication (and they
are beneficial in islam’s propagation too), and electronic accessories like juicers, blenders, mixers
etc for food; hence these things are designed & developed for facilitation for our life daily routine
works & matters thus there is no harm in their usage. [Even some of them are inevitable for
Muslims that must have or gain expertise to develop, like modern artillery.]

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; making/copying any of disbelievers’ sign which represents or based upon their
religious faith [whether altered or self-made] expressing refutation to right path/faith is also profanity, for
instance making CROSS etc. Ulama says; males dressing like women or vice-versa is forbidden [Arabic: Haram],
hence both should make and keep distinction or difference in dressing. They also said that Silk [Urdu: Resham]
is forbidden for Males to wear whereas permissible [Urdu: Ja’iz] for Females. About half-sleaves, so for Females
it is forbidden [Arabic: Haram] to made/wear dress having half-sleaves contrary their whole hands should be
covered; similarly half-sleaves shirts and t-shirts are obscene [Arabic: Makruh] for Male, particularly while
offering prayers [and if offered then revised(Urdu: Doh’raiyn) it], their hands must be covered above elbow [Urdu:
Kohniyoun sey ziyada].

ABSTRACT: O’Dea, if we resemble so do remembers we resembled the best creations amongst

all creations and those were Anmbiya’e Kiram [Alaihimus Salat-O-Salam], because they
propagated monotheism, reported (including verification) the arrival of coming prophets

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 53


particularly about the last prophet Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alaihis Salam), taught that
Allah’s divined personages helps even after their demise, preaches to bury and remembers the
deceased through reciting holy verses and so on forth. Second, our Shariah has canceled the
previous but it didn’t means that doesn’t permit some matters that were taught or practiced by
the previous [because they are present, hence ordered, in our Sha’riah too]; for instance,
celebrating arrival of last prophet, calling Saint (Sufi/Wali) for help, visiting graves, reciting holy
verses to deceased one’s, eating Halal food etc.

Reconciliation (Arabic: Tat’beeq): In real, all those matters and affairs that has been
said or declared, and had mentioned in holy book(s) too as profanity or forbidden or say
any of refuters distinction is certainly same as termed in its level thus resembling them
made Muslim alike. Whereas resembling in any matter or affair that not fell under severe
or has any strict order(s) in our Shariah contains nothing upon it (usage or acquiring).
Allah and His Rasul know all the best.

FOOTNOTE: Then what about usage of ‘KNIEVES’ for cutting Meat or Vegetables or related things that is used by
people all around the world regardless of any specific religion; similarly like ‘PEN’ and many other things. Keep

See Jurisprudence books or ask Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Deviators/Intruders (Munafiq-Khawarij)

In third article, we stated under Islam that, “… Raised some queries in last article (Second article)
and now here giving some appropriate answers (from Faqeer Bukhari ghafaralahu), “Who they
are and in which HIZB they fall? So Answer for this they belongs to Hizb-us-Satanists too, and will
be send to Hell forever, narrow than Infidels. Why they mentioned in Quran Shareef, separately
from Muslims but with Infidels (at some occasions)? Because of their Hearts have Refutation,
blasphemies, doubts, and they are the dangerous enemy (even more) just like Infidels (Kuffar) due to
many reasons, first by expressions (Infidels are Visible and Known whereas Deviators are Hidden and
Unknown sometimes), second by similarity with Infidels (by Heart), third strong ties (in terms of
infiltration via conspiracies), fourth implementation (via force if gets resources like weapon) on
common Muslims their Averts (wrong faith and perceptions). Are they (Munafiqoon) exists today as
well just like in the past (Khair al-Qurooni and then nearby to Khair al-Qurooni and after then
later to it)? So, yes and nowadays exist in various forms (called Sects excluding True one) along with
clear identities and specifications. …” And then later ahead stated that, “… How we will recognize
them (esp. nowadays, the Deviators)? …” and defined their (major deviated sects) some specific
signs (like chest beating[Rafdhies], calling Islamic Belief polytheism[Wahabies] etc.) through
which one could recognized them to be safe (from straying) and kept distance (away from

In fourth article, we stated under 1.Religion that, “… O’Dear, remembers that Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah is not a sect but a title specified or signified (by beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) to the Muslims (and proved naturally by itself, if we analyze [Tafak’kur] Quran & Sunnah
under Ulama explanation [Tashri’hat Wagheiy’raha]) for distinguish as well as distinction too
from Deviators (Munafiqoon) because they (Munafiq-Khawarij) also claims to be on Islam (as
Muslims) just like in the “Khair al-Qurooni (Most Blissful Era)”, therefore it was assured
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 54

(deviation persistence) and has been indicated as well by beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe-Salat-O-
Salam) that Ummah will divides in seventy-three groups (due to deviation that will persist but
then in form of groups) and only one will succeed (in these conditions) besides other (seventy-
two), hence tell us HOW we can denote in these circumstances (partition) if aren’t specified
distinctively, therefore after reveling has to be on one creed (right-side) inevitably, if wanted
success (Arabic: Na’jat). …” And before this presented Ahadith’e Mubarakah in same regards, only
for identification but here again would like to discuss from another angle, because some aren’t
still not getting or unable to understand hence mis-interpretating incorrectly.

TYPES: O’Dea, remembers that there are two types of Deviator/Dualler/Inturder (Arabic:
Munafiq-Fasiq/Khawarij); by Faith and by Act. [By Faith (Khawarij/Fasiq’ul Aqidah)] The most
dangerous and hazardous is by Faith compares to by Act, WHY? Only because it sucks (taken)
your most precious and highly blessed awarded thing renown as Belief (Creed), [By Act (Fasiq’ul
Amal)] whereas by Act is also hazardous but didn’t took or harms your internal (Urdu: Bat’ni)
precious and blessed award though only hurts the heart (or feelings) temporarily, however
sometimes inflict damage or loss to your external life (Urdu: Zahiri Hayat) gifts (sole creator
merciness) that are *given for survival in this world (due to Jealousy | Hasad), through lies or

DERIVED: ‘KHAWARIJ’ is a plural form of, and derived from, Arabic word ‘Kharajah’
meaning following; emergence (to come outside), expel (ousted), visible (appeared as
separate entity), whereas ‘Kharji’ is its Fa’il(actor; male or female) means Intruder or
Foreigner [External] that is an ‘outsider’, and Expeller that is ‘to become outsider
before it was a part’. APPLIED: It is applied upon or true for both circumstances that are,
either individual or group of people (or even if whole nation:qaum) comprised upon other
than true Islamic Ideology (Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a) rise
against common Muslims and their welfare State (whether independent or under any else
jurisdiction [that is not sovereign]) in the name of Islam OR individual or group of people
(or even if whole nation:qaum) acquired or becomes to (means converted) practitioner of
other than Islamic Ideology (Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a) whether
rise or not against common Muslims and their welfare State (whether independent or
under any else jurisdiction [that is not sovereign]) in the name of Islam.
RECONCILIATION: As we mentioned above two types of Deviator (Intruder/Dualler)
hence from this explanation one can easily intact them with a type that perfectly fit, and
definitely is ‘By Faith (Khawarij/Fasiq’ul Aqidah)’ not in other type, that is ‘By Act
(Fasiq’ul Amal)’, though every Muslim, must or shall, corrects its own inner so that outer
becomes beautiful, because Sufiya’e Kiram says outer represents an inner or vice versa.
EXEMPTION: Therefore no exemption looking relevant or possible, besides or unless
repentance or retreat (Urdu: Tau’bah ya Ru’ju), even if doesn’t raising weapon but
acquired or practicing radical ideology that will be or is against true and right ideology
(creed n acts) of Islam known as
[*] True faqeer or Dervish, only cares about Faith not about or focus on Worldly things or matters a lot or that
much [even some doesn’t looks towards it or gave importance], even if someone taken away from them [belongings]
through lies or deception [However in such a case (if severe) becomes must upon them to inform Qadhi’e Sharah
otherwise Police (though sometimes it becomes hectic | Corruption), if present, for investigation and preventation of
such kind of Acts known as Crimes, so that other Muslims, not only avoids [to do or acquire way] and respects law
[strictness shall be presented], also can be protected from such evilnesses or satanic people (Hasideen | Criminals)].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 55


“Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e Sahaba (Mazahib Arba’a)”; which is prominently clear or

expressing from all mentioned meaning and application as well as reconciliation. Allah
knows all the best.

NOTE: Quoting some Ahadith’e Mubarakah (only English translations) foretold upon
Inturders (Khawarij), illustrated by numerous Ulama in their wokrs but here taken from
Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb [Because would like to rectify some points]. For complete
details, see reference (Ref.: OB21).

Uprising (Khurooj): In previous article (in real a transcript), under Summary of 1.Religion
stated that, “(Mafhoom) ... I am leaving two things amongst you, if hold them fast (strongly) so
you will never be Avert, one is Book (Qur’an) and second is my Sunnah (Ahadith Mubarakah)
...”, and then ahead on Footnote of same quote stated that “… These directives (in one aspect)
also delineate or say highlighting the Honors and Virtues of Ulama (A’eymma Wa Masha’ikh) and
directing Amma’tul Muslimeen to obey them, because we could never understand Quran and
Sunnah until it was not exemplify (Arabic: Istekh’raj) and then simplified (Arabic: Tas’heel) by
Ulama’e Kiram meant A’eymma Mujtahi’deen wa Muhaddi’theen particularly A’eymma Arba’a
regarding worships (Arabic: Eba’daat) and matters (Arabic: Moam’lat) and which also includes
Creed (Arabic: al-Ema’n wa’l-Aqa’id), second signifying the validation of *Chain (Arabic: Sanad) of
both, Fiqh and Silsilah, because Quran n Sunnah (Shar’iah wa Tari’qah) was first presented (in
front) and explained to Sahaba’e Kiram and then they presented (in front) and explained it to
Taba’ien al-Kiram and then they transferred it to Taba’ien al-Taba’ein al-Kiram and so on forth
meant come downwards or count it stepwise till our era to end of the world. Third, it is also
signifies that following Ulama (A’eymma Mujtahi’deen bil’khusoos Arba’a and linked to their
Jurisprudence Ulama, any one amongst four) is actually holding fast, Quran and Sunnah (Shari’ah
Muttah’harah), because none can proves their works (Arabic: Ijtiha’dat) or say efforts (Arabic:
Isted’lal) against or out of Quran and Sunnah …” [Excerpts from ‘Strength of an Ummah in al-

Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… They will emerge from the east (of sanctuaries) … [Sahih
Bukhari Sharif]”

Another Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… They will continue to appear until the last of them
appears with the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) … [Sunan’e Nasai Sharif]”

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says that “From East”, here meant “Najad”, and supported it through another
tradition that signified clearly emergence of Horn of Satan from ‘East | Najad’. It was further authenticated from
another tradition in which indicated clearly towards East from Minbur Sharif, Masjid’e Nabawi [One came
regarding emergence of group that will refutes Fardhiyat’e Jihad against Kuffar; & they are Kharji-Qadiyan’ies whom
had refuted, emerged during British Rule over India, Allah knows the best]. Firstly it was happened when Zul
Khuwaiys’rah appeared (he also came[belongs] from East | Aey’nia or Diri’yah(Najad), Ulama says), and lastly Abdul-
Wahab Najadi appeared whom instigation is prominent which is still exists (not yet abolished) and worsen that
overruling (Ulama says; Saud Family, rulers of Najad, and Abdul-Wahab Najdi along with his followers begun their
campaign from east of Madinah Sharif known as Ay’enia or Diriyah, Najad [present day Riyadh] in 17th Century;
becomes or are very harsh and brutal, sacrileged all Ulama and common Muslims including previous hence slaughtered
large number of practicing Ulama and common Muslims through this, destroys several Tombs and graves (including
Sahaba’e Kiram Alehemur Ridhwan), never fought against real infidels or polytheists [particularly does all this upon
their back or acquired their support] and so on forth; for more details see “Tareekh’e Najad’O Hijaz [Urdu | Ref.: TR05]”
or “Confessions of a British Spy [Eng. | Ref.: TR06]” etc.). Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 56


NOTE: The blessed quote expressed ‘Geographic Direction’ rather than ‘Sanctuaries’, although
reconciliation (Arabic: Tat’beeq) seems possible or can be do, either they will always formed their
Sanctuaries in East or will have their sanctuaries in East, from where they begins campaign
(emergence), but only if by including or considering all Muslims States (otherwise doesn’t looks
appropriate), in two major geographical directions, from West to East (Marakesh in west, to Indonesia in
East), would be then justified either having santuaries in East or forms their sanctuaries in East for
upheavels, and in this way becomes true (specifically) because ‘Horn of Satan’ appeared (in 17th Century
firstly) from East of Hijaz’e Muqaddus (Haramayn Sharifayn) called Ardh’e Najad (present day Riyadh)
Saudi Arabia, which is situated (or located) in East (al-Mashreq) geographical direction, even if we look
inside Saudi Arabia so it is true that Riyadh (Ardh’e Najad) situated towards East to Hijaz’e Muqaddus.
Restriction: Whereas specifying only TTP in Pakistan as Khawarij doesn’t seem correct (neither
mentioned in any Hadith Sharif) too, because they emerged from or have sanctuaries in North-West of
Pakistan not in East. However viewing from all Muslims Countries perspective then restriction will be
justifies because Pakistan is situated in East (al-Mashreq) of all Muslims States from West to East
(Marakesh in West, to Indonesia in East), but then couldn’t exempts other groups, particularly present or
emerged (formed) in Muslims States in East (past or present or even in future), because there is no
distinction mentioned in Ahadith regarding or particularly for TTP. Query: Then how will you explains
the justification or says proved them as Khawarij because interpretation doesn’t seem to be fitted if
restricting with TTP whereas exempting others, particularly Afghan Taliban? Answer: Definitely,
through astray ideology (particularly secriliging) because of misunderstanding Quran & Sunnah (In
other words incorrect faith | Creed), totally against Islam’s right ideology or correct teachings
(interpretation) of Quran & Sunnah (Shariah Mutta’harah | Mazahib Arba’a), hence in this way it becomes
true for all other various groups either (including Afghan Zale’man) that followed or practices or based
upon same false ideology not only TTP. FURTHER: By East, means ‘Santuaries’ is only seems to be
fitted (or say correct) in a perspective of Kabul, Afghanistan, if taken. HOW? Answer: We (Pakistan) says
TTP have sanctuaries (proves formation and emergence too) in Kun’nar Province (Foreign boots are
present their), which is situated in Eastern Afghanistan adjacent to Pakistan. Contrary they
(Afghanistan) blamed Pakistan for having Sanctuaries of Afghan Taliban, which cannot be denied too
because during Soviet Invasion and then withdrawal, sanctuaries were built at Af-Pak borders (some
are still present), mostly in Pakistan (already illustrated tradition in previous article, see there). Therefore
in this way it becomes also true for all those Muslims Countries that are situated in West from where
Afghanistan lies in to their East. Hence interpretation proves not only for TTP but also Afghan Taliban
too, then why exempting(ed)? Definitely cannot and neither seems any possibility or evidence of
exemption. FINALLY: Therefore not only TTP but all others, whether raised weapon or not, that are on
or following or practicing or based upon radical ideology (or even representing), one that has emerged
is from Ardh’e Najad (present day Riyadh) in 17th Century and still present with several derivative
branches, were all included in illustrations (blessed quotes) regarding Intruders (Khawarij) only
because of no distinction by name has been mentioned (Although Rasul Allah [Alehe Salat-O-Salam] has
revealed by name too | It was either forgetted by or make forgotten to Sahaba’e Kiram[Alehemur Ridhwan]) but
pointed out through some specific signs along with geographical directions. Repentance: Therefore no
other way rather than persecuation or repentance seems to be possible or appropriate before
invitation towards right path of Islam; Islamic Sunni Beliefs. [See Bahar’e Shariat v.1 (Eng. Ver.) or
concerned books]

See Ahadith or concerned books or Asks Ulama,

Allah knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Surely, and no doubt, that they have emerged in every era (since blissful era till today) to
either violates or sabotage Islamic Shariah (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah); whenever gets chance to break-in but
then hides when Muslims (Sunnis) Army or group has taken action against them (but in present era majority
armies wouldn’t doing so because not recognizing well, and second their sympathizers (same ideology people) present
in Armies; and that’s why this instigation is persisting in Ummah inflicts destruction & humiliation), hence will be
continued [even in present era too that if not eliminates completely (somehow luckily survived from Op-Cleanup)
then will be suppressed (hides or quite)] till the end times that will finally appears with “Dajjal (Anti-Christ)”.

NOTE: We stated in first article under ‘Confusion’ that, “… although sadly it will be present and
couldn’t stop but will only suppress for time being by sword (upcoming) as had been in the past but
after then will emerge, and so persist till Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) …” And then in second article

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 57


under ‘5.2 Right Side’ that, “… However remember, whether we don’t wish or want, it will occur
(Sectarian War | Sunni-Wahabi and Sunni-Rafdhi) in future decisively, one in Armageddon (Urdu:
Hurmajdoon) and another is Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak, and one before
these both WARS expectable; and Allah (Subhanahu) will grant success to Muslims (Sunni) and removes
stepwise these Deviated Sects from the face of an earth (Farsi: Khus kum jahan pak) in upcoming Big
Wars (According to Divined Personalities in the Light (Arabic: Sirr) of Ahadith Mubarakah), Allahu Akbar …”
REVISED NOTE: And then later upon revision of second article adds a note under ‘5.2 Right Side’
stated, “… This statement seems to be contradictory or colliding to one extent, but it’s fine in one
perspective, actually it is a speculation (intense praise) or an expectation (removal of Fitnah’s in Ummah
as soon as possible), especially when separating Sunni-Wahabi and Sunni-Rafdhi conflicts (that if not all
then one should ends), one before Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) would be removed (Kharji-Wahabi)
whereas another one in Imam Mahdi’s (Radhi Allah Anhu) Time or say upon beginning (or during) of
Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak (Kharji-Rafdhi), but if we seen in the light of Ahadith’e Mubarakah, both will be
presented (as from khawarij) or might be in new form or ways (Allah and his Rasul knows) in the Time of
Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) and which are finally finishes or eliminated by Sidna Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu), some before arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) whereas
all others, including Infidels and Polythiests (Arabic: Kuffar wa Mushrikeen) completely, mutually
through Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak. Allah knows more and better …” Reconciliation (Arabic: Tat’beeq):
O’Dea, as it was reported that they will emerged, nearly in every era or generation or say time to time
till end times and finally emerged in period of Anti-Christ ‘Dajjal’. Therefore one can ask or comes in
mind that what does the correlation of underlined words have alongwith early and later explanations
with report of their emergence till end times? Answer: The relation amongst all is following; whenever
they will emerge their removal will also be send, whether belongs to any radical ideology (as there are
different radical ideologies present in UMMAH), either all otherwise stepwise (If Sunni-Wahabi fights then
Wahabies will lose, whether Rafdhies doesn’t fight but do negotiation for leaving Power and handover to
Muslims; & vice-versa) from surface due to revival of Islamic Ideology (Particularly at State Level | Absent
in most States) through Divined Sword and Gracious Eyes, as from onwards up-coming Revivalists
(mostly would be Sahib’e Saif Salateen | Ulama says) in whole UMMAH; not on any particular place or area.
Escape: Although just alike in past similarly either they will hides (to their or made secret sanctuaries or
becomes quite, like in Past) or disquise themselves (express right faith only from tongue, while refution
presents in heart), although whenever get the chance will emerge with full strength. Stepwise: Hence by
stepwise removal, that is associated to the light (Arabic: Sirr) of Ahadith’e Mubarakah, before new
arrivals (emergence of Khawarij but either with same or new brand names) in the end time, so few
postulates seems to be quite possible, in which one would happens that whenever takes action; first,
one major (with its subsidiaries) will be removed (Though few people may survived | Chances) whereas
another will choose escape. Second, that both major may be removed (like Kharji-Rafdhi and Kharji-
Wahabi), which means then emerge with new names. Third, all majors along with minors will be
removed (that is expectable or will only happen in time of Sidna Imam Mahdi [Radhi Allah Anhu]). Allah
knows all the best.

Resemblance (Mushabihat): In previous article (in real a transcript), under 1.Religion

subheading Addtion’s Conflicts stated that, “… one which all were (Ulama says, Sahaba’e Kiram
[Alehemur Ridhwan] are all Muslims Ahle Sunnat [which means in short Muslims-Sunnis]) and
still are following (Muslims largest group) since “Khair al-Qurooni”, and there is no
contradiction present in them regarding Creed (Faith) having sign “Ya Rasul Allah” and “Ya Wali
Allah (like Sidi Umer al-Farooq, Sidi Ali al-Murtadha, Sidi Ghawth, Sidi Shaykh etc)”, only
difference is in Acts (which was said or revealed as mercy for Ummah “(Mafhoom) ... Ikhtelaf’e
Ummati Rehmah”; and this saying was actually upon contradiction regarding matters [Acts] not
Creed) because, as we stated in 3rd Article, according to saying of Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam), “*(Mafhoom) … My Ummah (according to sha’reheen here meant Ulama and in their
accordance Muslims) never gathered upon AVERTION (Dhala’lah | Gumrahi) …”, therefore if
one looks back than will finds that A’eymma Mujtahideen and Muhaditheen, whom exemplified
(Arabic: Istekh’raj) all matters and issues stated in Quran and Sunnah from Compressive Form
(Arabic: Ij’mal) to Simplified Form (Arabic: Tas’heel) and made it ready (all were finalized step-

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 58


wise after last companion left this world) for implementation that becomes final and authentic
ways to acquire any amongst four (Jurisprudences) which was practiced by nearly all Khulafa and
Salateen as per their ease and influence as well as Muslims Interest, they all were pious Muslims
(Sunnis) included most pious and masters Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) …” [Excerpts
from ‘Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq’]

Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… They will apparently invite the people to Allah’s book
although they have nothing to do with it … [Sunan’e Abu Dawood Sharif]”

Another Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… The believer* will consider his own prayers and
fasting insignificant in comparison to theirs (i.e the Khawarij) … [Sahi’hayn Sharifayn]”
FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: O’dea, as we illustrated (points-out) earlier that whenever Jews were given (or sent)
orders then usually they (most or few of them amongst) doesn’t follows or accepted but contrary either made a
fun or begun modifcation (alteration), sooner or later; particularly when the sent Prophet (Alehe Salam) left this
world, which either brought (newly) or urged to follows (previously) sent heavenly orders. That’s why we’ll
finds some correlation amongst intruders & Jews that are common, regarding attitudes towards heavenly
orders (Quran & Sunnah | Presently), some are very similar whereas other were intruders (Khawarij) own
fabricated (which they called or refered it as right interpretation).

DENOTE: Sidna Hudhrat Abd’Allah bin Umar (Radhi Allah Anhum) considered intruders as worst
creatures (Urdu: Bud’tareen Makh’looq) amongst all creations of almighty Allah, only because of their
false or incorrect interpretation of Quran Verses particularly [though they does the same with blessed
sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Faqeer Bukhari
(ghafaralahu)] that all of those verses which were sent in against or condemnation to Polytheism (Urdu:
Shirk | i.e Buddhism) they applied or imposed upon common Muslims through which does the
secriliging, and if emerge with strength (weoponized) then slaughtered, in name of elimination
polytheism (Urdu: Shirk) or defending (protecting) monotheism (Urdu: Tawheed). May Allah save all of
us from their malice instigation? Ameen. Evidence: Sidna Ali al-Murtadha (Karam’Allahu Waj’hil
Kareem) operation (Urdu: Jihad) against intruders is a clear example (Solution) that has emerged during
tenure, brought Quranic Verse and declared or sacrileged [Ma’az Allah] the Fourth Righteous Caliph
(Radhi Allah Anhu) as well as all Muslims (whom has taken oath, and obeying the Fourth Righteous Caliph),
due to which Khalifa Ra’bey Sidna Ali al-Murtadha (Karam’Allahu Waj’hil Kreem) conducted the
operation clean-up (persecuted all those whom didn’t repented). Allah knows all the best.

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says, they performed the worships just alike us (Muslims), that are or from
obligation, upon which Muslims either feel embarrassment or insignificant compares to their performance;
and this will be only the severe betray in the name of worshiping. WHY? Because when they can does incorrect
interpretation of heavenly orders, say Quran & Sunnah, then worships are afterwards (as orders are given in or
extracted from it) therefore when interpretation is erroneous that implies creed becomes false or against true
and right Islamic Ideology thus no or invalid creed means worships are only show-off or for attraction to trap
(catch) or make inspired for joining or to increase numbers (which sadly strikes common Muslims hence get
trapped in to net only because of distance from Ulama or unawareness or weaknesses that caused confusions for
recognition etc), whereas their actual purposes would be entirely different or opposite (either eliminates
otherwise humiliates or make confusion ‘about or upon’ real Islamic teachings), that is to spread (or promotes) chaos
and anarchy (persisting instigation) through either implementation or conversion towards their incorrect
radical Ideology (based upon false interpretations) all in the name of ISLAM against its true and right ideology
(Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a), implementation is through weapon if somehow get their
hands (or in their hands) otherwise if doesn’t get then persist it through conversion towards or upon their
incorrect radical ideology via admiring speeches or literature upon or in favor of Islam using (based upon)
Quran & Sunnah. Allah knows all the best.

Sacrilege (Tak’feer): To whom Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) does
[*] Muslims (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba); Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 59

sacrileged would not be considered believer by us (Muslims) whereas to whom has been not
sacrileged will never be considered as disbeliever; however if someone from Muslims passed the
predefined limits (Arabic: Hu’dood) or fall in to strayed perceptions (that has been declared as
blasphemous or apostasy) then we (Ulama and in their accordance common Muslims) wouldn’t
hesitate for secriliging, but it will be before presenting right or correct perception to faller for
repentance (or retreat), if does repentance then left (consider Muslim) otherwise considered
declare (Kafir-Murtad). [See also Sacrilege | Ahead on Pg.64]

Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… They will take the verses revealed about the disbelievers and
apply them to the believers … [Sahih Bukhari Sharif]”
FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says it’s a common disease exists in intruders (Khawarij) that has always (and still
does) presented or brought Quranic Verses which are revealed (Sent | Nuzool) in regards (condemnation) of
Polytheism (Upon Buddhism) acquired by previous nations (Arabic: Aq’wam) that after signifying them presents
the justification (lame excuse) of their forefathers whereas refuting the heavenly orders straightly (brought n
presents by Rasul or Nabi sent towards them; for instance Sidna Hudhrat Nuh Adam’e Thani, Ibrahim Khalilullah
Alaihimus Salam Wagheiy’rahum) thus such type of revelation has no relation with Muslims creed (Sunnat’e Rasul
wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a) being practiced because it has been illustrated (for lessons or awareness
[Taleem] to Muslims) specifically about previous nations incorrect practices and then refutation disease (to the
correct practices), whereas Muslims followed or say practices as per Islamic Teachings given (preached) by Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [Cleaned from Polytheism or eliminates all sorts of Polytheism].

FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says, calling someone an infidel (Kafir) or polytheist (Mushrik) or deviant (Kafir-
Murtad) repels upon caller if that person (male or female) is not a disbeliever (of any kind) contrary if a right
faith believer (Muslim), otherwise if person is a disbeliever (Kafir ya Mushrik ya Kafir-Murtad) then doesn’t repel.
Hence all Muslims (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahabah | Mazahib Arba’a) are the righteous and successful
believers therefore considering or calling them or doing their sacrilege would definitely repelled upon doer
(individual or group or nation). Second: Considering any particular faith or act as Profanity or Polytheism (Kufr ya
Shirk), means doer is either becomes infidel (Kafir) or polytheist (Mushrik) or even both upon
containing/performing, indicates secriliging [Note: Khawarij literature are filled with such dirt’s], hence if that
particular faith or act is not being said or proven polytheism or profanity contrary a pure Islamic by Shariah
Muttah’harah (Quran & Sunnah) then it will repelled upon sacrileger(s) [individual or group or nation |
Doer/Caller]. Allah knows all the best.

Persecution (Qital): In previous article (in real a transcript), under 1.Religion subheading
Addition’s Jurisprudence Narration stated that, “… Killing single human life, whether Muslim
or not, through extortion (Arabic: Zul’mah) or unjustly (Arabic: Bi’Gheiyr’i Insaf) is strictly
forbidden in Islam and neither permissible, and upon circumstances or state the doer will either
execute (Arabic: Qatl) or punish (Arabic: al-Dharb) or detained for some period (Arabic:
Muqi’eed) along with liable compensation (Arabic: Dai’yah) or releases after charging
compensation only (will not detain) or even nothing applies meant forgive; rather than talking
about or say permitting the massacre (GENOCIDE) of whole nation or tribe or family, because it is
strictly prohibited in Islamic Shari’ah (Sunnat’e Muhammdiyah; Mazahib Arba’a) without
circumstances thus condemnable and will be given severe punishment whosoever did (individual
or group), even if have to do battle for that (to halt Chaos), on small or whether large scale …”
[Excerpts from ‘Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq’]

Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… They will kill Muslims and let the idol worshippers go free …
[Sahih Bukhari Sharif]”

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FOOTNOTE [In Brief]: Ulama says that it is a well known fact that Khawarij has always (and still does)
slaughtered large number of Muslims by raising slogan that ‘save religion (defending or protect monotheism
[Tawheed])’ or ‘Polytheism has been spread’ or ‘eliminates(ing) polytheism’ by/through secriliging common
Muslims (practicing true and right ideology) whereas Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has revealed that,
“(Mafhoom) … I have no fear of returning polytheism in my Ummah but only thing (worrisome) that world would
be opened upon them and they fell in to it …”; whereas they never fought against real polytheists; for instance
Buddhists, or Jews (considering or calling Sidna Hudhrat Uzair[Alehe Salam] as son of Allah) or Nasranies
(considering or calling Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium[Alehe Salam] as son of Allah), but usually or mostly acquired
or based upon their support (Resources | Weaponry, HR etc). Allah knows all the best.

ABSTRACT: O’Dea, like we Muslims professed (Shahadah | Gawahi) or read “Kalimah Tayyibah”
similarly deviators (or intruders) too professed or read it; just like we Muslims believed upon
Quran & Sunnah similarly deviators (or intruders) were also claims to be the believer (or
follower) of Quran & Sunnah; just like we Muslims offer prayers five times a day similarly
deviators (or intruders) were also offered prayers (some five times whereas some three times a
day); just like we do fasting in the Month of Ramadhan al-Sharif similarly deviators (or intruders)
were also do fasts in the Month of Ramadhan al-Sharif (though for them Moon Sighting from
Naked Eye doesn’t matters nor necessary); therefore can compared all other matters of Islam like
we Muslims performs these deviators (or intruders) were also performed, including fight (Urdu:
Jihad*), hence due to very closed resemblances tell us how you will distinguish? Definitely there
should be, hence must be, any scale or sign that signifies the distinction?

ANSWER: The main difference between Us (Muslims) and Deviators (Munafiqoon-

Khawarij) is of creed (Belief n Faith) not Acts, because some copy the Muslims same alike
whereas few are distinctive, in Acts; like Kharji-Rafdhies[Shi’ites]. Therefore, it isn’t
necessary nor one could expel them from being Deviator or Inturder, whether or if not
raising/using weapon against Muslims, while differencing in CREED^. And that’s why it is
inevitable (Arabic: Wajib) upon every Muslim, Male or Female, should or say must know
and practiced the true path’s right Creed and Acts (Urdu: E’man’O Amal), renown as
‘Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e Sahaba [Mazahib Arba’a]’. So that be saved or protected
from falling in to wrong creed n acts (false ideology).

NOTE: In absence of Qadha’e Islami, what shall we do? Answer: in the absence of Islamic Qadha, kept
long distance (say miles) from all or every types of deviated people, if you love and care yourself
(Ideology and a next day). Keep Thinking.

DENOTE: Actually, considering only TTP[a] (or alike them as hardliners) as or are intruders
(khawarij), only because have raises weapons, whereas not considering or exempting others as or
are intruders (khawarij) because not raising weapons (though contains or practiced same
ideology), presence in Muslim World (States or Territories) particularly in Afghanistan renown as
Afghan Zaliman, would be definitely incorrect[b] hence will only causes misunderstanding the
malice move (or say whole movement[c]) therefore only slips to analyzed (or say recognizes |
Urdu: Peh’chan Paiyn’gey). QUERY: One may ask why they [Munafiq-Khawarij] don’t (or didn’t)
[*] In 2009-10, during PPP’s Zardari-Gillani regime tenure, at one distress condition that might be India attacks
Pakistan, upon this TTP spokeperson said, to BBC Radio Urdu Service, “… though we have differences with
Islamabad, but we’ll fight alongside Pakistan Army against Indian Army, if attacked …”
[^] However, if not raising weapon neither passes the critical line, only then exempted from punishment
(though practicing wrong creed n act hiddenly), otherwise will be persecuated (if not retreats or repenting), if
affirmed or expressed (before Qadhi’e Islam or Mufti) that has crosses the critical line.
NOTE: For these pointers (their illustrations): [a] [b [c], see next page HEM (Urdu; Hashiyah).
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 61

accept Islam, why it is necessary to clean-sweep (meant exterminate) them or keep distance (if
couldn’t exterminate)? Answer: O’Dea, tell us does (or did) Abu-Jahl or Abu-Lahab or Atee’bah or
his alike (party or company), and in recent eras Napolean or Hitler or Lenin or Stalin or Roosevelt
or Truman or Mao Tsung (Zedong) or Gandhi or Jawal Lal Nehru or Shastri and various alilke
accepts Islam; though knew about Islam but even then nearly most of them had fought or
contained enmity against Islam, thus does you heard profession [Urdu: gawahi] (ever | or have
evidence)? Definitely says NOPS! Thus same case here and why extermination is necessary? So, do
remember it is said (ordered) by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to
exterminate them besides talks (dialogue), and during extermination if Muslim killed somehow
(from their attack or respond) thus has been said as one of the best martyr (Urdu: Shaheed) and
have been guaranteed Heavens straightly without questioning (whether how or too much sinful)
[Masha Allah, & Allahu Akbar Wa’lillahil-Hamd]. Forms: O’Dea as we stated in previous article (in
real a transcript), four forms of effort (Arabic: Jihad | derived from “Juhud” means “to do effort”)
hence it is not necessary that Khwaraij are only those who used or raised “Weapon” but it applies
upon other usage of forms too, because there are no evidences of being only using weapons
(through which kills or slaughtering Muslims) are Khawarij contrary there were other signs as
well that proves too [highlights]; like do sedition speeches, presenting of Quran & Sunnah in front
of you, worshiping, they will have Ulama, their youngs will be naughty (Urdu: Shararti | Sho’khi
pana ziyada hoga) whereas elders will be ill-mannered (Urdu: Bud’Tameez aur Sakht hongay |
Mutakabbir) etc. [Keep Thinking].

FOOTNOTE: What does one say if we present same perceptions like TTP but they haven’t
raised weapon though supports or has sympathies with TTP. Second tell us from where
these TTP members came from; all are not English people (Non-Muslims), even those who
blew themselves weren’t either Non-Muslims (English or Russian), then from where they
are coming or whom giving support or increasing their numbers (by joining)? Answer:
Defintely from irreligious people (Urdu: Bud’Mazhab), individual or families or schools,
mostly belongs to Kharji-Wahabi’s Deobandits Branch. Patriotism: If they show loyality
towards State (in other words Patriotism), then how shall we treat or what to do?
Answer: Remember, patriotism (Urdu: Hubb’ul Watani) doesn’t made them right Muslim,
whether that welfare State in which they exist of have sanctuaries consisted upon
religious ideology (say Islamic Ideology), until or unless doesn’t retreat or repent from
Apostasy (Urdu: Irti’dad) hence if one showing patriotism to welfare state of Muslims
particularly but not to religion then it is an open betray or deceiving as well as useless [1]
therefore on religion if someone contains (following) incorrect perceptions (that were
pointed out as retraction) than one shall beware of such snakes because they are more
harmless or dangerous than whom had raised weapons openly. Particularly all Muslims
state, whether formed upon Nationalism after getting rid from foreign colonization
[a] Some pictures were revealed (evidence) that shows clearly US Special Ops. Forces with TTP Fighters. See
National Security Papers published by Brasstacks.
[b] Because blessed quotes (Ahadith Mubarakah) doesn’t illustrate specific presence in State (say Pakistan) or a
particular group (say TTP) contrary illustrated in UMMAH all over (whether living as sovereign State or not) and
in various groups or forms (either presenting same ideology with different names [i.e TTP, Af-Taliban, Boko-Haram,
Al-Shabab, JI, JUI-Pak, JUH-India, MB etc] or different ideologies [i.e Rafdhiyah, Qadiyan’iyah, Qadriyyah, Jabriyyah etc.]
with separate names; all would be other than or against [refuting, and secriliging too] real ideology [Sunnat’e Rasul Wa
Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a]).
[c] Even though himself revealed firstly the amount paid by US & NATO to Afghan Zaliman, app $400
Million; and secondly their ideology is known too all (we also revealed or say provide some evidences).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 62


(particularly under West) that doesn’t acquired completely the Islamic Laws, but even
then large number of inhabitants practicing Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba |
Sunni) that is comprising upon four schools of thoughts and nearly forty spiritual chains
[2], therefore when respecting the State then why doesn’t acquired the Muslims creed
(that is inevitable); why hesitating? Second: Religion Islam is above state or nationalism,
which we have already illustrated, however if nationalism is based upon right creed then
one must try to avoid preferring (named upon it) but shall look for any other appropriate
distinction [3].

FOOTNOTE: [1] See Iqbal’s stanza below (from Jawab’e Shikwa). Jazak Allah. [2] Sufi Orders; in which
have to be obey any particular sternly, among four schools. [3] Though wouldn’t harm but could cause
trouble or exploitation.

Quam Mazhab Sey Hai, Mazhba Jo Nahi, Tum Bhi Nahi

Jazb’e Baham Jo Nahi, Mehfil’e Anjum Bhi Nahi
(Iqbal | Jawab’e Shikwah)

[Eng. (Mafhoom): Nation is from Religion, have no Religion, then nothing you are | has no mutual
instinct, would have no bright session]

NOTE: In previous articles (including last one | in real a transcript); we wrote “Khuwarij” instead
of “Khawarij” (it is a correct word | as per grammar) because of the following stanza;

Jo Te’rey Dar Sey A’ar Phir’tey Hain

Dar Ba’Dar Yu’heen KHU’WAR Phir’tey Hain
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakhshish)

[Eng. (Mafhoom): Those who shy from your honorable sight … Always distressed from each n
every door]

ADDITION: During preparation (writing) of this book Faqeer visits a holy shrine for
blessings, while offering (fatiha) one respected elder (Buzurg Muhtaram | Wali’ullah) was
also offering the same, not far from faqeer, after completion came closer and said
following words, “(Mafhoom) … He is a Wali Allah (Allah’s Friend | Pointing his hand
towards grave), and it has came in Quran & Ahadith about Awliyah Kiram honors [ranks]
‘or’ Quran & Ahadith preached about Wilayah (existence of divined personalities or say
ranks) … and then he says … nowadays deviation (Munafiqat) has been increased (spread)
a lot, and lots of people became deviators (or say Munafiqoon are more than Muslims)
therefore must finished them (Kill them all [Munafiqoon] or shall killed them) …”.
Remember, don’t know whether it is for Faqeer or send for coming Great Sultan, but
words are very clear and prominent, that deviation has and so is causing a trouble in
Ummah, severely hence must be stop too, through any mean, strict measures or dialogue.

See Jurisprudence books or ask Ulama.

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

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Sacrilege (Tak’feer)

O’Dea, to whom Allah (Subhanahu) has did sacrilege (Arabic: Tak’feer) cannot be called or
considered believer neither friends (until or unless called upon right belief) conversely
considered as or called disbelievers (Kuffar) always, similarly to whom Allah (Subhanahu) has
called or declared as believers thus will be called and considered as Muslims (righteous believers;
until wouldn’t acquired/fall in to disbelief or surpass critical line that leads towards apostasy)
always, and this sacrilege (Arabic: Tak’feer), along with all its pre-requisites (or say critical line),
was clearly mentioned (illustrated) in Quran & Sunnah, which was extracted and then exemplified
very carefully by A’eymma wa Masha’ikh (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) hence all will be measured
(or say judged) upon it, whether believers or non-believers, and that’s why it is necessary to
know the creed (Urdu: Zaruriyat’e Deeniyah yani Eman’O Aqaid); however here we are only
depicting some main signs or say critical lines.

Disbelievers (Kuffar): In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) has revealed very clearly regarding
sending the guidance which refutation made sacrilege (Arabic: Tak’feer) applied as, “(Mafhoom)
… Now whoso turns away after this, then they are the dis-obedients … [s.3:v.82]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (Then whosoever after this) the
covenant (shall turn away) from among the nations: (they will be miscreants) who have broken the
covenant and are unbelievers.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Then whoever turns his back, in rejection, after that,
covenant, they are the wicked.

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; Here “Fasiqun (dis-obedients)” means becomes ‘Kafir’; further says that, on many
places it has came so it is signifying (meant) infidels (Urdu: Kufr/Kafir), meant being sacrileged by Allah
(Subahanu). And early Verse (s.3:v.81), has revealed utterly the guidance which is Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salam),
and Holy Books that has been sent upon them (Alehemus Salam) via Angel, that if refused (the guidance) by
anyone makes him/her “Dis-Obedient (yan’i Kafir)”. Allah knows all the best.

Distinction (Taf’reiq: Farq): In Quran Majeed’s another surah, Allah (Subhanahu) reveals to
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to announced the sacrilege (Arabic:
Tak’feer) as following, “(Mafhoom) … Say you, O infidels! ... [s.109:v.1] ... For you, your
religion, and for me my religion … [s.109:v.6]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; [109:1]: And from his narration on
the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (Say: O
disbelievers!): '(Say: O disbelievers!) a group of people who derided the Prophet (pbuh) among
whom were al-'As Ibn Wa'il al-Sahmi and al-Walid Ibn al-Mughirah, said to the Prophet: “O
Muhammed! Surrender to our deity so that we worship the God you worship”. And so Allah said
addressing his Prophet: Say, O Muhammed, to these deriders, O disbelievers who mock Allah and
the Qur'an. … [109:6]: (Unto you your religion) of disbelief and ascribing partners to Allah, (and
unto me my religion) Islam and faith in Allah. The verses of fighting then abrogated this and the
Prophet (pbuh) did fight them'.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; [109:1]: Say: ‘O disbelievers! … [109:6]: You have your
religion, idolatry, and I have a religion’, Islam: this was [revealed] before he was commanded to
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 64

wage war [against the idolaters] (all seven Qur’ānic readers omit the yā’ of the genitive possessive
construction [in wa-liya dīni] whether with a pause or without; Ya‘qūb, however, retains it in both

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; it is necessary to called infidel as infidel otherwise if didn’t so person becomes itself
infidel, it is also from religion necessities (Zaruriyat’e Deen), nowdays some people say don’t called Kafir a Kafir
because doesn’t knows when become Muslims; hence we respond, you have already said Kafir a Kafir then why
objectioning and what’s the reason behind it? Secondly, then we shouldn’t called Muslim a Muslim because
don’t knows when become Kafir-Murtad. Actually these are very ill heart n sick mind as well as total lack of
right knowledge people objections (usually does or presents by Ahl’al Bida’a or so called open minded people [Dumb
heads]), having no sense of what they are saying. Allah knows all the best.

Deviators (Munafiqoon): In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) doesn’t rejected only disbelievers
but also rebuted (Arabic: Tak’zeeb) the false believers (deviators/duallers), mentioned as,
“(Mafhoom) … When the hypocrites come to you, they say, 'we bear witnesses you are
undoubtedly the Messenger of Allah, and Allah knows that you are His Messenger. But
Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are most surely liars … [s.63:v.1]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; And from his narration on the
authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (When the
hypocrites come unto thee): '(When the hypocrites come unto thee (O Muhammed)) when the
hypocrites of Medina, 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy, Mu'attib Ibn Qushayr and Jadd Ibn Qays-who were
cousins-come to you, (they say: We bear witness) we swear by Allah (that thou art) O Muhammed
(indeed Allah's messenger) we know this and are conscious of it. (And Allah knoweth) and Allah
bears witness (that thou art) O Muhammed (indeed His messenger) without the need for the
testimony of the hypocrites, (and Allah beareth witness) and Allah knows (that the Hypocrites are
speaking falsely) that the hypocrites lie in their oath, because they do not know it nor are their
hearts conscious of it.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; When the hypocrites come to you they say, with their
tongues, in contradiction of what is in their hearts: ‘We bear witness that you are indeed the
Messenger of God.’ And God knows that you are indeed His Messenger, and God bears witness, He
knows, that the hypocrites truly are liars, in what they conceal, that which is contrary to what they

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; from tongue the deviators (Arabic: Munafiqoon) witnessed (through swear) the
prophethood of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), but in their hearts fulfilled the profanity and deviation
(Kufr’O Nifaq). That’s why it has been said that from tongue these people talks about Islam and belief, but due to
their Heart duality, which Allah knew better, Allah (himself) professed (Shahadah: Gawahi) that these people are
liars, because upon their tongue was something else where as in their heart is something else. See Tafsir
Mazhar’ul Quran (Vol.2:Pg.1700).

Signs (Nishaniyah): In Quran Majeed, various signs of deviators has been mentioned (see
summary) due to which Allah (Subhanahu) will send them to hell, lowest part of hell or then
disbelievers, one sign stated as, “(Mafhoom) … And O' beloved Prophet! If you ask to them,
they will say 'We were only jesting and playing'. Say you; 'Do you mock at Allah and His
signs and His Messengers?' … [s.9:v.65] … Make no excuses; you have already become
disbelievers after being Muslims. If We forgive some one of you, then We shall chastise
others because they were guilty … [s.9:v.66]”

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1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; [s.9:v.65]: (And if thou ask them) O
Muhammed, about what they are laughing about (they will say: We did but talk) about the troop
(and jest) and joke with each other. (Say) to them, O Muhammed: (was it at Allah and His
revelations) the Qur'an (and His Messenger that ye did scoff?) … [s.9:v.66]: (Make no excuse) for
what you said. (Ye have disbelieved after your (confession of) belief) while claiming you are
believers. (If We forgive a party of you) i.e.Juhayr Ibn Humayr because he did not make fun of Allah
or the Messenger but laughed with the others, (a party of you) Wadi'ah Ibn Judham and Jadd Ibn
Qays (We shall punish because they have been guilty) because they were inwardly idolaters.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; [s.9:v.65]: And if (la-in: the lām is for oaths) you question
them, about their mockery of you and of the Qur’ān while they were journeying with you towards
Tabūk, assuredly they will say, making excuses: ‘We were only engaging [in idle talk] and jesting’, in
conversation, inorder to pass [the time of] the road, and we did not mean it. Say, to them: ‘Were you
then mocking God, and His signs, and His Messenger? … [s.9:v.66]: Make no excuses, for that. You
have disbelieved after believing, that is, your disbelief has become manifest even as you have
manifested belief. IfWe forgive (read passive yu‘fa, ‘it is forgiven’, or active [first person plural]
na‘fu, ‘We forgive’) a party of you, because of its sincerity and its repentance, as in the case of Jahsh
b. Humayyir, We will chastise (read either [passive] tu‘adhdhab, ‘[it] shall be chastised’, or
nu‘adhdhib) another party because they were sinners’, persisting in hypocrisy and mockery.

3rd NOTE: [Tafsir Durr’e Man’sour] Imam Ibn’e Munzr, Ibne Abi Hatim, and Abu-Shaykh
(Rehmatullahi Alehem Ajma’ein), narrated that Imam Mujahid (Rehmatullah Alehe) [exceptional
student of Sidna Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhu)] stated under the pretext (Tafsir) of this
verse; “(Mafhoom) … Amongst deviators (Munafiqoon) one man says, (Sidna) Muhammed (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) says to us, that person’s camel on that day was on that valley, but what does he
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) knows the unhidden knowledge? … [Vol. 3: Pg. 772]”. Then, this verse was
sent by Allah (Subhanahu) for exposition the deviators mockery (which is clearly signifying
refutation of granted blessed knowledge of unseen) to Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).
Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; unhidden knowledge (Urdu: Ilm’e Ghay’eb) can be categorize as follows; own (Za’ati)
and granted (Urdu: Ata’i). All types (hidden or expressed | Poshidah or A’ayan) of knowledges are solely Allah’s
own knowledge (Urdu: Ilm’e Za’ati | Sub Zahir aur Poshidah usskey Ilm main hai yan’i Ma’loom hai) nor someone else
granted neither created, whereas Anm’biyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) and then through their blessings to
Saints (Awliyah) and then Commoners (Am’matun Nas) were all granted (Urdu: Ata’i), but there is a difference
between Anmbiyah and Saints, and then Saints (Awliyah) and Commoners (Am’matun Nas) statuses of
knowledge, higher the rank pure is the knowledge, it’s just alike that there is no comparison of lake to sea
(Commoners to Saint), and then sea to ocean (Saints to Prophets). Keep Thinking.

NOTE: Unfortunately or say very sadly, some miscreants or fools/idiots, doesn’t differentiate neither
understand (or say nor wanted to) a very simple but say most crucial point, and that is difference
between OWN (Za’ati) and GRANTED (Ata’i). Ojection: If don’t difference then why ignore this, Allah is
al-Sa’mee (Listens) and al-Ba’seer (Sees) whereas humans also listens (Urdu: Sama’at) and sees (Urdu:
Basarat), now what one say upon it (similarity), & isn’t this would be an open Polytheism (Urdu: Shirk),
particularly in attributes (Urdu: Sifat)? Answer: O’Dea, remembers that, actually all attributes that are
valid and right for Allah are his own’s, not created neither granted by someone else, whereas ours
(Urdu: Ashraf’ul Makhlooqat) through which we able to sees or listens, even knowledge that we contains
in us (memorized in or stored at brain), are all created and granted by Sole Creator, but they have no
resemblance with his (Subhanahu) attributes (because cleaned from parts whereas ours are parts
dependant). SECOND: Then tell us what one could say about Quran Majeed, isn’t from unhidden or
contains knowledge of unseen? Answer: If refuted then remember becomes disbeliever or refractor
(Urdu: Murtad) because surely and purely without any doubt is from hidden (Urdu: Ghey’eb), thus
definitely contains knowledge of unseen, therefore nothing left to objection because it was sent to or
upon Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that doesn’t only illustrates previous nations

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 66


and events as well as orders or instructions but also future events that haven’t happened yet but will
occur soon; particularly after arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [also
killed “Anti-Christ | Dajjal”], means (in brief) emergence of Yajuj Majuj (Gog and Magog), Dab’bah-tul
Ardh (a long n huge flying creature), Soor (Final Whistle), Qayamat (Doomsday), Maidan’e Mehsher (Day of
Resurrection), Ma’qam’e Mehmood (Blessed Praising Site), Howdh’e Kausar (Fountain Cistern), Hisab
(Accountability), Jannat aur Dozakh (Heaven and Hell) wagheiyrahum. Does our beloved Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) don’t knows them either or their physical existence was hidden [Ma’az Allah]?
Definitely irrational, and also it is profanity and blasphemy if one thinks negatively (in refuting sense).
By grace and grant of almighty Allah, Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) not only informs but also
had been showed, its physical existence, while went to Mairaj Sharif particularly (During it, has[Alehe
Salat-O-Salam] saw and after returned back, then reported to his[Alehe Salat-O-Salan] companions [Alehemur
Ridhwan] about hidden things, whom [Alehemur Ridhwan] had reported it further ahead to others [Taba’ein]
in both manners, physically and spiritually. Keep Thinking). THIRD: Then tell us about Portents of End
Times, aren’t they from unhidden or is from knowledge of unseen, which are precise and true?
Answer: If refuted then remember becomes disbeliever or refractor (Urdu: Murtad) because, doomsday
(Urdu: Qayamat) is right (Urdu: Bur’Haqq), though time is hidden* but will comes suddenly upon
disbelievers (Kuffar) not believers (Muslims), and before that, there are some pre-requisites, nearly all
major as well as minor, has been illustrated or say reported in Quran Majeed and Sunnah Kareem
(Ahadith’e Mubarakah); some majors in Quran Majeed whereas other majors alongwith its details as
well as minors all are revealed in Sunnah (Ahadith’e Mubarakah | In Bab al-Fi’tan mostly).

NOTE: Ulama say; wherever Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has denying the authority (Urdu:
Ikhti’yarat), or even possessing knowledge (in other words expressed A’ajzi) so it is actually meaning or
indicating towards OWN (alike Allah Subhanahu) not GRANTED (which Allah has given). Secondly, some
people (actually miscreants | Munkareen[Ahl’al Bida’a]) thought or considers due to granting or giving
something, declined or reduced or lay-down (or even in this manner Ahl’al Bida’a thinks people [Muslims]
stop believing or worshiping Allah | Ma’az Allah) Sole Creator’s Monotheism (Urdu: Wah’daniyat) or Rights
(Urdu: Huqooq Allah) or Authority (Urdu: Ikhtiyarat’e Za’ati) and related. Answer: O’Dea, do remember
actually such people (Ahl’al Bida’a) didn’t acquired (Creed | Pure Knowledge) neither understand as well
as recognizes (Urdu: Peh’chan pa’ey) the Allah’s Monotheism (Urdu: Tawheed’e Bari Ta’ala). In-real, it is a
part of belief and faith to must have that Allah’s not only holds (Urdu: Bi’zzat) but also can grant or
gives (to chosen) and it wouldn’t reduced his (Subhanahu) rights or authority and concerned neither it
becomes polytheism (Urdu: Shirk), because if removes this difference (Own and Granting) then nothing
left righteous belief contrary becomes polytheism.

Aur Koi GHAYB Kiya, Tum Sey Ne’ha Ho Bha’la

Jub Na Chu’pa Hi Khuda, Tum Pey Karro’rron Durood
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakhshish)

[English (Mafhoom): What unseen would then left for hiding or say to be hidden, when Allah
Subhanahu doesn’t veils, millions of blessing and peace is upon you? (^)]

ABSTRACT: Allah (Subhanahu) is a Sole Creator (al-khaliq) and almighty (al-Qadir | Ya Zabardast
Quwwat Wala), sent by his own merciness Anmbiyah (Alaihimus Salat-O-Salam) for guidance, and
for altercation sent holy books too, and restricted all that do not goes beyond it neither refute the
[*] By it we mean year not date which every Muslim child knows, that is Friday, 10 Muharram al-Haram at the
time of ASR (expressing either at or after prayer or between two prayers time that are ASR and MAGHREB). Although,
about year so Ulama (particularly Sufiyah) says that it was also revealed to Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
and through his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessings Awliya’e Ummah were also knows but none has permission
(from Sole Creator Allah Subhanahu) to disclose it publically or to common people. Allah knows all the best.
[^] Subjected towards Night of Mai’raj, when Allah (Subhanahu) invited his beloved Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
towards his (Subhanahu) divined presence in which Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) became so closer
that has seen Allah (Subhanahu) as he (Subhanahu) desired. See Kutub’e Seerah or Asks Ulama, Allah knows all
the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 67


sent guidance otherwise would becomes disbeliever therefore sends or say went to hell forever.
And for fear (People | Meant not acquiring), declared it profanity (refutation of guidance sent via
Anmbiyah [Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) in other words did sacrilege (which is Allah utmost right,
because sole creator and almighty), so that people may avoid to do so (acquire disbelieves). But
unfortunately, rather than fearing people became(comes) refuters or say mockers, whereas some
acquired deivation. May Allah protect all of us from such behavior? Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Blasphemy (Gustakhi)

O’Dea, blasphemy in the Honor of Sole Creator, almighty Allah (Subhanahu), His Prophets, Angels,
and Holy Scriptures (Suhufat) & Books (Kutub) is strictly prohibited and profane (Kufr), even in
the respect of Awliyah Allah as well as common Muslims, could leads towards profanity (kufr).

In Honor of Allah (Bargah’he Aez’di): In Quran Majeed, it is stated that, “(Mafhoom) … Purity
is to Him Who took His bondman in a part of the night from the Sacred Mosque to the Aqsa
Mosque around which We have placed blessings, in order that We may show him Our great
signs; indeed he is the listener, the beholder. (This verse refers to the physical journey of
Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him - to Al Aqsa Mosque and from there to
the heavens and beyond. The entire journey back to Mecca was completed within a small part
of the night.) … [s.17:v.1]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; And from his own narration on the
authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (Glorified be):
'(Glorified be) He says: He is far exalted above and exonerated from having a son or partner (He
Who carried His servant) He Who took His servant Muhammed, peace be on him, (by night) at the
beginning of the night (from the Inviolable Place of Worship) from the Sacred Precinct, from the
house of Umm Hani' the daughter of Abu Talib (to the Far Distant Place of Worship) far in distance,
but close to heaven, i.e. the Mosque of Jerusalem (the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed)
with water, trees and fruits, (that We might show him) that We might showMuhammed (pbuh) (of
Our tokens!) of Our marvels, for all the things He saw that night were marvels of Allah. (Lo! He, only
He, is the Nearer) of what the Quraysh say, (the Seer) He sees them just as He sees His servant
Muhammed (pbuh).

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Durr’e Mansour] Ulama says; It is narrated from Ibne Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhum)
that Nafey bin Al-Azraq asked from him (Radhi Allah Anhu) that what is the meaning of this verse?
Ibne Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhu) replied, “SUB’HANA” means to explain (or belief) Allah cleanliness
from all kinds of defects, “AB’DYHI” means blessed personality of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), “AL-MASJID AL-HARAM” meant(Murad) Bait’ullah, and “MASJID AL-AQSA”
meant(Murad) Bait’ul Muqaddus. [For complete pretext, see Vol.3: Pg.373-374]

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says, Almighty Allah, attribute “Subhan” means “Pure”, indicating “Cleaned from Defects
(Arabic: Munaz’zah An’el A’eyb)”, mainly having body (Hands, legs etc), from directions (East, west etc), from time
& space (Urdu: Zaman’O Makan), from invalid attributes (lying, extortion etc). As well as cleaned from having or
being a Parents or Son. Hence considering any of these invalid attributes true for Allah (Subhanahu) makes
person disbeliever (Urdu: Kafir ya Mushrik ya Kafir-Murtad).

Furthermore: Ulama says refutation of Mairaj Sharif is “Profanity (Kufr)” and “Astray (Dhalah: Gumrahi)”; meant
refutation of embodied (Jasad’O Rooh) journey (part of it) stated in Quran Majeed is “Profanity (Kufr)” whereas

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refutation of further details (rest of it) of embodied (Jasad’O Rooh) journey stated (described) in valid Ahadith is
“Astray (Dhalah: Gumrahi)”. See Tafsir Mazhar’ul Quran (Vol 1:Pg 826).

See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

In Honor of Prophets (Janab’e Anmbiyah): In Quran Majeed, one indication as blasphemy in

the honor of Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salam) stated as, “(Mafhoom) … Then the chiefs of the
unbelievers (Kuffar) of his people spoke, 'We see you a man like us, and we see not that
any one who has followedyou but the meanest of us inadvertently, and we do not find in
you any superiority over us; but rather we think you a liar … [s.11: v.27]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (The chieftains of his folk) of Noah's
folk, (who disbelieved, said: We see thee) O Noah (but a mortal like us, and we see not that any
follow you) believe in you (save the most abject among us) the lowly and weak among us, (without
reflection) who have manifest weak judgement; it is said that this means: their bad judgement lead
them to believe in you. (We behold in you no merit above us) in what you say: you eat and drink just
as we do eat and drink (nay, we deem you liars) in what you say.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; the council, the respected elders, of his people who
disbelieved, said: ‘We see you but a mortal like us, and you have no merit over us, and we see not
that any follow you save the vilest among us, the riffraff among us, such as the weavers and the
shoemakers, [through] rash opinion (bādiya’l-ra’ya: read with hamza or without [in both cases]), in
other words, impulsively, without thinking you over (it [bādiya’l-ra’ya] is in the accusative because
it is an adverbial clause, that is tosay: at the time that their opinion first came into being). We do not
see that you have any merit over us, for which you would deserve our following you; nay, we deem
you liars’, with regard to your claim to [be bringing] a Message: they [the disbelievers] included his
folk with him in their address [to him].

FOOTNOTE: This verse prominently reveals that it is a faith of “Unblievers (Kuffar)” that “We see you a man like
us” meant calling or having faith regarding Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salam) as “Man like us (Arabic: Bashar’um
Mis’lana)”, not of believers, hence profane (Kufr) if this is meant to refute and for humiliation (like Munafiq-
Khawarij do), otherwise Ulama says all Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salam) are humans in gender but distinctive in
creativity thus not alike us, meant highly honored and ranked (Because of Risalah/Nabuwwah & Miracles), and
amongst them (Alehemus Salam) most distinctive in existence is Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-

See Kutub’e Seerah or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

In Honor of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam): In Quran Majeed, one
indication as blasphemy in the honor of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) stated as,
“(Mafhoom) … Say you, 'I giveyou one admonition that keep you standing for Allah in twos
and singly, then reflect,' there is nothing of madness in your this companion. He is not but a
warner to you before a severe torment … [s.34:v.46]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (Say) to the disbelievers of Mecca, O
Muhammed: (I exhort you unto one thing only) with “there is no deity save Allah”: (that ye awake,
for Allah's sake, by twos and singly, and then reflect) upon whether Muhammed (pbuh) is a
magician, fortune teller, a liar or madman: (There is no madness in your comrade) in your Prophet.
(He) Muhammed (pbuh) (is naught else than a warner) a warning Messenger (unto you in face of a
terrific doom) on the Day of Judgement if you reject faith.

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2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Say: ‘I will give you just one [piece of] admonition: namely,
that you rise up for God, in other words, for His sake, in twos and individually, and then reflect: and
realise [that], there is no madness in your companion, Muhammed (s). He is just a warner to you
before [the befalling of] a severe chastisement’, in the Hereafter, if you disobey him.

FOOTNOTE: The verse pretexts signified clearly that refuters or opposers, in other words disbelievers (Arabic:
Kuffar wa Mushrikeen), not only considered but also to humiliates or lay-down the invitation as well as the pious
personality image, puts or relates false accusations or attributes; for instance [Ma’az Allah]: human alike us,
magician, psychosis etc, that are impossible to exists or presents in such pious personality Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Even if looks before Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) we’ll finds same
attitudes (refutation through such false accusations that weren’t presented in them) towards these pious
personalities meant other Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) too; for instance, Sidna Hudhrat Nuh
‘Adam-e-Thani’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim ‘Khalilullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Sidna Hudhrat
Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Sidna Hudhrat Esa ‘Ruh’hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Wagheiy’rahum.
ORDER: Hence considering any or all such false and erroneous attributes or relating to them (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) made a person (male/female) disbeliever (Urdu: Kafir) thus executable (Urdu: Wajib’ul Qatl) if present
under Muslims Jurisdiction, otherwise if out of jurisdiction means into other territory (either get asylum or
belongs to it) then can conduct operation (if adequate resources and sufficient strength are available | though first
send the request either to handover it to Muslims Authority or shall repent n retreat) otherwise left it upon Allah

See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

In Honor of Angels (Malai’kah): In Quran Majeed, an honor amongst several (honors &
attributes) stated regarding Angels as, “(Mafhoom) … Undoubtedly, those who are with your
Lord wax not proud from His worship, and chant His hollowness and to Him they prostrate
… [s.7:v.206]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (Lo! those who are with your Lord)
i.e. the angels (are not too proud to do Him service) to obey Him and acknowledge their servitude to
Him, (but they praise Him) they obey Him (and adore Him) and pray to Him, and Allah knows best'.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Surely those who are with your Lord, namely, the angels, are
not too proud, they do [not] disdain, to worship Him; they glorify Him, exalting Him as being
transcendent above what does not befit Him, and to Him they prostrate, that is, they devote their
submission and worship exclusively to Him: so be like them!

For complete pretexts, see English Translations of stated Tafasir, both at Pg.182 respectively.

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says, Angels (Malaiy’kah) are light creation (Noorie Makhlooq) of Allah, innocent (Ma’soom),
cleaned from doing sins and mistakes (Mun’zah An’el Ma’asi wa Kha’ttah | Saghirah’O Kabirah), always performs
their various duites (commanded or assigned to them by Sole Creator), they are neither male nor female. Further
says; refuting or jesting Angels (light creation: Noorie Makhlooq) is profanity (Kufr), their existence and duties
(Urdu: yani Hamilan’e Arsh wagheiy’raha), any of their granted honors and attributes (Urdu: yani Rusul Malaiykah),
their presence with human beings (Urdu: yani Karam’en Kati’been wagheiy’raha), capability to form in any state
for physical appearance, for instance amogst humans (Urdu: yani Ruhul Amin ka bashari surat mein a’ana

See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

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In Honor of Books (Kutub’e Sama’viyah): In Quran Majeed, an honor amongst several about
this blessed book stated as, “(Mafhoom) … And We have sent down this Quran on you in
which every thing is clearly explained and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the
Muslims … [s.16:v.89]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (And (bethink you of) the day when
We raise in every nation) when We take from every group (a witness) a prophet (against them)
testifying that he conveyed the message to them (of their own folk) a human being like them, (and
We bring thee) O Muhammed (as a witness against these) against your people; it is also said that
this means: a witness for your nation that they had accepted the message. (And We reveal the
Scripture unto thee) and We send Gabriel to you with the Qur'an (as an exposition of all things) of
the lawful and unlawful, the commands and prohibitions, (and a guidance) from error (and a mercy)
preventing from chastisement (and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah)) that
they will have Paradise.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; And, mention, the day We shall raise up from every
community a witness against them from among themselves, and this will be their [that
community’s] prophet, and We shall bring you, O Muhammed (s), as a witness against these, namely,
your people. And We have revealed to you the Book, the Qur’ān, as a clarification of all things, that
people [might] need concerning the Law, and as a guidance, from error, and a mercy and good
tidings, of Paradise, to those who submit, [those who] affirm the Oneness [of God].

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says; Almighty Allah revealed various scriptures (Suhufa’at) and Heavenly Books (Kutub)
upon various Nabis (Alehemus Salam). All the Heavenly books and scriptures are Haq (True), and all are the
words (Kalam or an attribute of Kalam) of Allah. It is necessary to bring Eman in that which has been mentioned
in all of them. It however happened that Almighty Allah gave the books of the past in the care of the people.
They couldn’t protect it. It did not remain with them in the original form, as it had been revealed, because the
mischievous ones amongst them made alterations in these books and added and removed information to suit
their own desires. However, the Quran remains safe, unaltered. The Holy Quran is Allah’s Kalam, thus like all
His other Attributes, His Kalam (Words - Speech) is also Qadeem (uncreated). It is not a creation. Any person who
says the Quran to be a creation has been termed a Kafir, by our Imam Azam Abu Hanifa (Radi Allahu Anhu) and
all the other Great Imams. Actually, the kufr (infidelity) of such a person is proven from the Sahaba-e-Kiram
(Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajmaeen). Further says; refutation (including Jesting) of Quran Majeed, any Surah or
Verse even a single word is profanity (Kufr). Altering the verse(s) or its right n proper meaning (like Khawarij
do) is also profanity (Kufr) and severe astray (al-Dhalalah’tu sh-Shadeedah | Sakht Gumrahi).

See Jurisprudence Books (i.e Bahar’e Shariat Vol.1[Eng. Ver.]) or asks Ulama
Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

ATTITUDE: The opposing (refuting) and hostile (oppressing) attitude of unbelievers is always
present in the honor of Almighty Allah, his angels, his books, and his prophets (Alehemus Salam).
For instance, Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam-e Thani’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) did propogation
nearly 950 Years towards people (they had acquired and practices Polytheism | Buddhism[Buth
Parasti]), but only few called belief whereas majority doesn’t (contrary opposed and hurts a lot),
which were destroyed (eliminated from earth) through great storm (praised by Sidna Hudhrat
Nuh Alaihis Salam). Then later Sidna Hudhrat Ibraheem ‘Khalilullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
was opposed and hurt a lot by people (they were practicing polytheism, as well as worshiping
stars), sent into fire, but by will and grace of Allah almighty it becomes cool upon him (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam), then he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was ordered to migrate towards Sham al-Shareef,
because due to their refutation and opposition Allah almighty sends wrath upon them which was
consist upon mosquitos. Then Sidna Hudhrat Moo’sa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) sent

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towards Banu-Isra’el, very disobedient and jesting people (besides believers), although they
became the oppressed people (awarded with Holy Book | Taurat Sharif) from Phiroen’s Might
(claimed to be God | Maaz Allah), upon invitation towards Monotheism, Phiroen’s refusals and
then opposition (ressistance) caught (caused downfall) him middle of the River (River Nile)
where he sank with all his troops chasing Sidna Hudhrat Mou’sa Kalimullah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
along with Banu Isra’el, although after miraculous survival from Phiroen’s Evil Might, Banu Isra’el
themselves got involved in several prohibited acts (deeds), which was then caught them in wrath
renown as “Converged to Monkey (a very humiliating punishment | for any nation)”, and it
happened three times, and every time they were bring back to original form from Sidna
Kalimullah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) praise, but didn’t become obedient (by calling belief upon right
faith). And then Sidna Muhammed al-Rasul ‘Habibullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) sent, or say
arrived to whom all were waiting desparately; the most blessed, beautiful, distinctive in all
creations (or creatures), piety and greatest in all prophets (Rasul’O Nabi’e Azam) Alahis Salat-O-
Salam [May Allah sends and showers uncountable peace and blessing upon him and then to all
others], MOVIE: On 2012, in this regards an instigation was raised deliberately, a blasphemous
movie was released, which is published on Net too (still available, not removed yet), on Youtube
(due to which YT was blocked in several Muslims countries, including Pakistan). Showing their
(Kuffar) hatred and enmity in the honor of the most beloved and blessed in sight of Allah, Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) rather than respect and acceptance (profession:
shahadah). As it was already mentioned in Quran Majeed, the considerations (or understanding)
or faith of Unbelievers regarding Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salam) thus not suprising, even more
blasphemous faith, same alike and more humiliating present, worst than Unblievers (Kuffar), in
Khawarij-Wahabiyah and their derivative (with different brand names) all around the world;
evidences can be present in this regards. CONDEMNATION: It was condemned by all Muslims
around the world peacefully, besides Kharji-Rafdhies and Wahabies that converted their protests
in violence on some places. In Pakistan, millions were came on streets in nearly all major cities,
like Islamabad, Faislabad, Multan, Karachi etc, and sent uncountable Blessings (Arabic: Salawat)
upon beloved Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), we would like to present here once again,
“Assalat-Wassalam-O-Alaika Ya Rasul Allah”, therefore those who converted it in to violent or
try to create panic or turns to violence shows clearly that they have no honor neither any respect
and love for Islam otherwise definitely cares the Muslims assets, that are also precious and
valuable. BOYCOTT: The only way, if couldn’t take revenge (meant persecute the blasphemer) or
fight the enemy (protecting the blesphemer), then all Muslim Countries shall closed down the
Emabassies and expelled the staff until the criminal wouldn’t handover to the Muslims for Justice.
As well as should cut down the trade relations, and all those Muslims whom are living in their (all
Non-Muslims State, not particularly in U.S) territory either leave the country or left working (halt
their services) in protests, and this shall be done with unity, then a damage that was caused due
to this can’t be imagine and counts, though sadly it doesn’t happens and now the matter is nearly
suppressed (Urdu: Dub Chuka Hai), at Govt. level especially.

MOTIVE: Everyone knows that movie(s) aren’t made in a day, but took time, sometime single or
sometimes more than a year, hence its time of release proving pre-planned measure;
Divergence| to diverge Muslims attention from political instability (so called Arab Spring |
Which also taking precious lives) in some states, like Libya, Mesir, Sham, Yemen etc as well as
other disputes only for keeping us busy (or stuck), Validation | and to proved their infiltrated
indirect tool, for gathering sympathies and support (so that in result can eliminates the difference
amongst right & wrong which Muslims must have to save or avoid to be astray | A conspiracy that

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was planned to execute via them), as very true and cautious as well as pretending to be the lover,
whereas in real Deviators (Munafiq) and behind doors were combined for single cause or goal,
that is keep Muslims under vicious cycle of instigations; slaughtering and destruction. Impeding
here for while and discuss it later.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Violence (Blasts/Slaining/Bulgaring/Threatening)

O’Dea, remember that chaos and anarchy neither likened nor accepted by Allah (Subhanahu),
even for your just rights when there are peaceful measures or options available to individual or
group or nation. Thus violence; killing innocent people without justification through tool(s) or
weapon(s) or *blast(s) is strictly forbidden (against teachings), destroying or damaging Muslims
property, or looting Muslims goods or things, even threating common Muslims, all are prohibited
in Islam, hence fell in to chaos and anarchy on earth (Arabic: Fasad fil Ardh).

Chaos (Fasad): In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) not only condemned but also orders to
persecuate, if not repent, the doers (whomsoever) in Islamic territory (Jurisdiction) creating (or
even ignites) chaos and anarchy through means of violence; those are (nowadays) blasts, slaining,
bulgaring as well threatening to common Muslims, stated as “(Mafhoom) … The only
recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger and wander about in the
land making mischief is this that they all should he slain or he crucified or their hands of
one side and the feet of the other side be cut off or be sent far away from the land This is
their disgrace in the world and in the Hereafter for them there is great torment …

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; The following verse was revealed
about the people of Hilal Ibn 'Uwaymir who killed a group of people from the Banu Kinanah. This
group wanted to emigrate to Medina to see Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and declare their Islam.
However, they were all killed and their belongings taken as booty. Hence, Allah explained the
punishment of the people of the Banu Hilal, who were idolaters, saying: (The only reward) requital
(of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger) of those who disbelieve in Allah and His
messenger (and strive after corruption in the land) and engage in sin in the land, i.e. by wrongfully
killing others and taking their properties (will be that they will be killed) He says: the punishment
of one who kills and does not take the victim's property is that he be killed (or crucified) He says:
the punishment of one who kills a person and also takes his property is that he be crucified, (or
have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off) the right hand and the left leg. He says: the
punishment of one who takes another's property but does not kill is that his hand and leg be cut off,
(or will be expelled out of the land) or he will be put in prison until he displays righteousness and
his repentance becomes apparent. Allah says: the punishment of someone who terrorises people as
a highway robber but does not kill ortake anyone's property is that he be imprisoned. (Such) that
which I have mentioned (will be their degradation) their punishment (in the world, and in the
Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom) more severe thantheir punishment which they suffered in
this world, that is, if the person does not repent;

[*] Unanimously Ulama has declared (in recent years) the Suicide Attacks as forbidden (Arabic: Haram), hence if
someone try to acquire this mean by considering it as permissible (Arabic: Halal) becomes deviant (Urdu:
Murtid), even cannot acquire it by considering it as forbidden (Urdu: Haram). Allah knows all the best.

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2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; The following was revealed when the ‘Arniyyūn came to
Medina suffering from some illness, and the Prophet(s) gave them permission to go and drink from
the camels’ urine and milk. Once they felt well they slew the Prophet’s shepherd and stole the herd
of camels: Truly the only requital of those who fight against God and His Messenger, by fighting
against Muslims, and hasten about the earth to do corruption there, by Way laying, is that they shall
be slaughtered, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, that is, their right
hands and left feet, or be banished from the land (the aw, ‘or’, is [used] to indicate the [separate]
application of [each of] the cases [listed]; thus, death is for those that have only killed; crucifixion is
for those that have killed and stolen property; the cutting off [of limbs on opposite sides] is for those
that have stolen property but have not killed; whilebanishment is for those that pose a threat — this
was stated by Ibn ‘Abbās and is the opinion of al-Shāfi‘ī; the more sound of his [al-Shāfi‘ī’s] two
opinions is that crucifixion should be for three days after [the] death [of the killer], or, it is also said,
shortly before [he is killed]; with banishment are included similar punishments, such as
imprisonment and the like). That, mentioned requital, is a degradation, a humiliation, for themin
this world; and in the Hereafter theirs will be a great chastisement, namely, the chastisement of the

Note: Both pretexts (Tafasir) depicting different scenarios, but their intentions (maqasid) are same.

FOOTNOTE: We stated that, “... killing single human life, whether Muslim or not, through extortion (Arabic:
Zul’mah) or unjustly (Urdu: Bey’ghaiyr Insaf kay) is strictly forbidden in Islam and neither permissible, and upon
circumstances or state the doer will either execute (Arabic: Qatl) or punish (Arabic: Al-Dharb) or detained for
some period (Arabic: Muqi’eed) along with liable compensation (Arabic: Daiy’yah) or releases after charging
compensation only (will not detain) or even nothing applies meant forgive … [4th Article | Pg.18]”

Then stated further ahead, that “… if individual or family or group (small or large) involved in crimes like
thieving or stealing or taking money through extortion (with guns or tools that may harm even kill). OR if
individual or family or group (small or large) harassing (threatening to Kill), so in that case harasser can be
~execute (though could only detain too) or expel from jurisdiction (territory) … [4th Article | Pg.18]”

Add Note: Also See (Reminds | Interlinked) ‘Punnishments’ ahead, on Pg.78. Jazakmullahu Khairah

Repent or Retreat (Taw’bah ya Ru’ju): However, if individual or family or group or even whole
tribe or nation, repent or retreat before being caught (Farsi: Grifth | Urdu: Puk’krr) or after astray
(Urdu: Irtidad ya Gumrahi) or going to revolt (Urdu: Khurooj) against Muslims (State or
Jurisdiction or Territory), then there is an exemption of forgiveness, stated in Quran Majeed as,
“(Mafhoom) … But those who repented before you have control over them then know that
Allah is Forgiving. Merciful … [s.5:v.34]”

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; Allah then showed that He pardons
those who repent, saying: (Save those who repent) from disbelief and idolatry (before ye overpower
them) i.e. before you capture them. (For know that Allah is forgiving) He pardons, (Merciful)
towards him who repents.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir Jalalayn] Ulama says; Except for such, warmongers and waylayers, as repent
before you overpower them; for know that God is Forgiving, to them of what they have done,
Merciful, to them. This [proviso] is expressed without any statement to the effect ‘do not submit
them to prescribed legal punishment’, to point out that when such a person repents only God’s
prescribed punishments (hudūd) — and not those deriving from the rights of human beings — are
waived. This is how I see it. I do not know of any that have tackled this [topic], and God knows best.
If, then, a person has killed and stolen property, he should be killed and have his limbs cut off [on
opposite sides], but not crucified — this is the more sound of two opinions held by al-Shāfi‘ī.
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 74

However, his repentance is of no avail, once he has been overpowered [by the authorities] — this is
also the more sound of two opinions held by him.

FOOTNOTE: We stated, in fourth article (in real a transcript: risalah), that “… don’t think neither meant from
punishments (persecuations) that raised sword and begin slaughtering Infidel(s) and Deviator(s) under Muslims
Premises (Neighbors) or Jurisdiction (State) or Territories (Region), until or unless it wasn’t declared by Ulama
to do so (and it is Islamic Army work or group to whom giving authorization or permissibility) otherwise NOT.
Because ORDER (say Qital or Jihad) applied upon affirmation or confession or reports proven from reliable or
valid resources (esp. through Ulama), that blasphemy or anarchy or revolt was or being planned by them (any or
both, Infidel and Deviator). However, only to whom about that it would known giving shelter or allowing them to
enter can erect Chaos or Anarchy or Astray in Muslims Land so they shouldn’t be given permission, and if can
eliminate them (have adequate resources and strength) then shall do by the Sultan’e Islam for protection of
Muslims to be fall inn or preventing it from penetration otherwise acquired defensive mode …”

DENOTE: Ulama says; if individual or family or group or whole tribe/nation repents or retreated from
astray or revolt then will be left and wouldn’t harm, though trial can be conduct for detention,
although if again divert/diverge then we’ll persecuate or detain for punishment as per level of
corruption (by faith esp.) or crime. Second they say; there are some certain level of stray (Gumrahi)
upon which, even after repentance, the punishment is persecuation; for instance, Blasphemy in the
honor of Allah (Subhanahu), His Angels or Books or Prophets, but it is a responsibility of Sultan or
Qadhi’ul Qadha, either execute or pardon.

See Jurisprudence Books or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

EVENT (Peaceful Protest): Once Khateeb’e Masjid (Jama’e Masjid Kanz’ul Eman | Malir), told this
beautiful and learning event (in regards of protestation), that in a shoe factory (I think, mentioned
Europe), employees (labour) wanted higher Management to accept their demands, therefore
rather than going to be rash or acquired violent means, they acquired beautiful way to protest,
decided mutually to made only one side of a pair, therefore made lots of units of one side which
makes whole pair useless (not capable to sell), hence after seeing this (output) by Management, it
made them worried hence finally they agreed (accepted) employees (labour) demands.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Moon Sighting (Shahadah)

O’Dea, if remember then in third article, under Recognition’s (Arabic: Ma’arifah) note, we quotes a
verse, "(Mafhoom) ... Accept whatever the Rasul (Noble Messenger) gives you; and refrain
from whatever he forbids you; ... [s.59:v.7]" and then illustrated below the note, “Gives also
signify Orders (Awamir ya Ahkamat’e Deeniyah) and that includes Belief n Faith (Urdu: Eman’O
Aqaid), Acts (Arabic: Faraidh, Wajibaat wa Sunnan Wa’gheiyraha), Allowances (Arabic: yan’i
Halal Wagheiy’raha) and concerned, similarly Forbids also signify Impedance (Arabic: Nawahi ya
Mumnoa’at al-Deeniyah) and that includes Kalimat’e Kufriyah, Amal’e Kufriyah, Not Allowed
(Arabic: yan’i Haram, Na’jaiz Wagheiy’raha) and concerned. Allah knows the best.”

Nowadays, Moon Sighting, has becomes or being made deliberately a way/source to create or
ignite instigation (Arabic: Fitnah) amongst Muslims (Sunnis | Mazahib Arba’a) at the beginning of
the every holy months to waste their prestigious obligations (particularly Both Eids and Fasts of
Ramadhan) therefore firstly would like to present the right solution describe by current eminent

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 75


Ulama, and then will reveals (or say proved) the realtiy of Kharji-Wahabies, that how in the name
of Islam they are wasting or destroying deliberately Muslims Worships (nearly in every region),
which indirectly serving their Master’s Goal, known as the West.

Determining the Beginning of Ramadhan

Hadith Sharif narrated that, “… Do not fast one or two days before Ramadhan. Start
the month when you see the crescent, and end it when you see the crescent. If you
are blocked from seeing it, then complete thirty days of Sha^ban … [Sahi’hayn]”

So, on the 29th day of Sha^ban, directly after the sun sets, Muslims look towards the
western horizon. If the crescent (of the new moon) is seen, the following day will be the
first day of Ramadan. If it is not seen*, Sha^ban, and the day after that is the first day of
Ramadan. If there were to be an Islamic judge, he would confirm the beginning of
Ramadan if one upright Muslim, whose testimony is acceptable to the judge, bears witness
he saw the crescent.

Whereas another Hadith Sharif removing utterly the depedancy upon writings and
calculations for Moon Sighting. It is narrated that, “… We are a nation which does not
depend on writings and calculations [to determine the beginning of the month~].
The month is either twenty-nine or thirty days … [Musnad Imam Ahmed Hanmbal]”

Be warned of those who determine the month of Ramadhan relying upon astronomical
calculation. Prophet Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) informed us that such calculations
are not relied upon in determining such matters.

Source: For complete details, please visit the link and follow the teachings,

And then in fourth article (in real a transcript), stated under Ummah’s Contentious that, “. . .
Footnote: Since 1st Article, we are indicating or highlighting or saying Kharji-Salafists [Wahabies]
as West most powerful tool (indirectly as per their intention) so remember it was not without
facts and realities putting such accusation, we’ll denotes some major and prominent signs
(provide few ground figures and comparisons) without going in to controversial debates in
next Article, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, that how they are use swiftly and conveniently to betray
common Muslims, even sometimes dodged Ulama (by collecting sympathies) to make involve
them in the name of Islam, but on the other hand (back-door) actually serving their contollers,
The WEST, which is not that much easy to catch-up or judges. However, if feel necessary then
illustrate otherwise perhaps leave. . .”

The Moon Sighting and the Astronomical Observatories

The officials from the Directorate have issued briefly the following statement: “Our religion
commands us to start fasting when the New Moon is sighted. As officials from the
[*] Then complete thirty days of Sha’ban.
[~] It is valid for all Islamic Months, not Ramadhan Sharif only.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 76


Directorate, we observed the New Moon, but so far we have had no finding that proves the
observatory’s calculations incorrect. The reason for the difference between Saudi Arabia
and us is not that they observe the New Moon and we act upon astronomical data. That
country does not start fasting by observing the New Moon, but act upon American
almanacs. Once we went to Saudi Arabia as a delegation. We offered them to observe the
New Moon together. Saffat Bey, the secretary of the Muslim World League, said, “We take
the calculations of American sailors as basis.” Then we ascended Mount Safa with a
delegation composed of six people. Though we use binoculars, we could not see the New
Moon. In fact, it was not possible to see it because to see it would be a phenomenon
contrary to astronomical data. When it got dark, they announced that the New Moon was
sighted and that the Eid should be celebrated, so they made millions of people break their
fasts. It is certain that this act of theirs is based upon a false and an incorrect

In the above-mentioned quotation, what is taken as the basis is Moon sighting as well, not
calculations. We, too, reiterate every year, “Do not begin fasting and do not celebrate the
Eid before the sighting of the New Moon.” We do not say, “Act upon the calculations.”

Furthermore stated in same regards:

Question: When Saudis say that they have seen the New Moon, do we incur any sin if we
do not believe them?

Firstly, believing them means disbelieving science and technology because the New Moon
cannot be seen before the day indicated by calculations. Secondly, since Wahhabites are
not Sunni, it is not permissible to rely on their testimonies.

Islamic scholars declare:

Holders of bid’ah (people of innovation), that is, all the 72 groups who have deviated from
the Ahl as-Sunnah are not ‘adil (a Sunni Muslim who avoids grave sins and who does not
habitually commit venial sins), even if they perform all acts of worship, for either they
have become mulhids and lost their faith, or they vituperate (the true Muslims who are
called) the Ahl as-Sunnah, which is a grave sin, too. (Hadiqa)

To speak ill of any Muslim is a sin. It destroys one’s ‘adala (being an‘adil). (If one
perpetrates this sin) one’s testimony is not to be accepted. (Durr-ul-mukhtar)

That Wahhabites are zindiqs following in the footsteps of Batinites (followers of Batiniyya,
which is a heretic sect) is written in the book Ni’mat-i Islam as well. Therefore, in
determining the beginning of Ramadan, Eids, and the time for pilgrimage and in all
religious affairs, it is not permissible to act upon the testimonies of Wahhabites and of
those who do not follow any of the four true madhahib.

Note: Underlined phrase is appealing (from Saudi Directorate Officials); indicating the under-cover relations. [See
Nation, Under Arab Shareef also; provides further details there.]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 77



O’Dea, remember that astronomical calculations and various instruments that are used in this
regards, or say developed for such purposes, particularly for observations are helpful (can be
used or acquired) but they cannot be the altercation (Hujjat) hence declaration couldn’t made or
based upon it, meaning invalid or couldn’t rely and so unacceptable, until or unless sighting (from
Naked Eyes) wouldn’t be does (or say moon cannot be seen through eyes) hence Muslims must
and shall look or sights (from Naked Eyes) for new moon on 29th and 30th day of every
respectable Holy Month, if moon sighted (on the eve of 29th Day of that month) then begins the
new holy month, from next day, otherwise complete the thirty days, because after 30 days new
month begins naturally as Lunar Calendar is not below 29 days neither exceed from 30 days. Keep

The Moon Sighting is Obligatory (Fardh’e Kifayah)

Ulama says; sighting moon of every holy month is obligatory (Arabic: Fardh al-Kifayah ya
Wajib al-Kifayah) upon Muslims, however if few witnesses in each locality of population
and reported to authorized personnel (Qadhi’e Sharah ya Mufti | and he shall sights by
himself too) then it is pay-off (from rest of the population) and upon taking witnesses in
account then responsible personnel (Qadhi’e Sharah ya Mufti) is authorized to declares
the beginning of a new holy month. Significant of Five: However Huzoor Mufti’e Azam
Hind al-Hanafi al-Noorie (Quddussurahul Aziz) stated that five holy month crescent shall
or inevitably be watched by every Muslims, they are Rajab al-Murajjab, Sha’ban al-
Moazzam, Ramadhan al-Mubarak, Shawwal al-Mukarram, Dhil’Hajjah. Wrong
Declaration: However, if beginning was declared incorrect or wrong then burdon will
goes upon Govt., Ulama and Ammatul Muslimeen because followed incorrect declaration,
particularly of Ramadhan, Shawwal and Dhil’Hajj, everyone’s obligation (Fardh) was
wasted, including Eid Prayers are not offered, as well as Hajj is not performed, if moon
was not sighted from Naked Eye (however in situation of Bad Weather, then shall
completes the thirty days, and begins the new month). Stratagem: However in case of
incorrect declaration (calling Nuf’ly as fardh | and wastage of last fast of Ramadhan),
specifically Shawwal al-Mukarram, Muslims should do one fast later-on, meant after 8
days (if you are fasting Sha’shaheed, started from 2nd Day of Eid) of Shawwal al-
Mukarram. Though do remember that all will be sinful and responsible of wastage and
answerable to Allah in Aa’khirah (May Allah protect and saved us from hard questioning
[even soft contrary grant us Shafa’at of beloved and forgive us]. Ameen Thuma Ameen).

Impeding here for while thus leaving some important matters in this regards which we will
discuss separately in form of transcript and it will be inform to all Muslims, alike this book, mean
while goto the given sources link, or read the transcripts in this regards.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Punishments (Hadd | Saza’en)

In last article (in real a transcript), we stated under Addition (Idha’fah), “(Mafhoom) … O’Dear,
killing single human life, whether Muslim or not, through extortion (Arabic: Zul’mah) or unjustly

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(Arabic: Bi’Gheiyr’i Insaf) is strictly forbidden in Islam and neither permissible, and upon
circumstances or state the doer will either execute (Arabic: Qatl) or punish (Arabic: Al-Dharb) or
detained for some period (Arabic: Muqi’eed) along with liable compensation (Arabic: Dai’yah) or
releases after charging compensation only (will not detain) or even nothing applies meant
forgive; rather than talking about or say permitting the massacre (GENOCIDE) of whole nation or
tribe or family, because it is strictly prohibited in Islamic Shari’ah (Sunnat’e Muhammdiyah;
Mazahib Arba’a) without circumstances thus condemnable and will be given severe punishment
whosoever did (individual or group), even if have to do battle for that (to halt Chaos), on small or
whether large scale … [Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq | Pg.18]”

DENOTE: There are some certain levels; killing to threatening (see list below), containing
particular punishments, in which few had hard punishments; persecuation, whereas few
have flogging (Whipping | Kor’rey), therefore should be present in system, and not only
present but shall be applied onto criminals; not that being pardon in the name of

These few certain levels along with their particular punishments are as follows:

A: Murder,
B: Burglary (with or without weapon),
C: Rape,
D: Drunk
E: Beating,
F: Blame,
G: Threat.

Against A & B: For A, Assassin (Killer) will be executed (Qatl | ya Phansi[Hanged]) and is liable to
pay compensation [1] as per amount allotted by Shariah Mubarak. Whereas for B, thieve(s) [2]
will be also executed as well as liable to pay compensation (all looted goods has to be return to its
rightful owner otherwise equal amount; even both can be demand).

NOTE: In both cases, it will be applied whether conduct by individual or family or group
or whole tribe. Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be
required atleast. All shall be eligible (Urdu: Baligh) and sensible (Urdu: Aqil) as well as
righteous (Adil | Sachey).

Against C: Doer(s) will be dump in the mud till neck, whereas face would be left upon surface for
hitting stones till expiration. Punishment is called “Sun’sar”.

NOTE: It is regardless of gender, means either individual or both will be punished.

Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be required atleast. All
shall be eligible (Urd: Baligh) and sensible (Urd: Aqil) as well as righteous (Adil | Sachey).
POINTERS: [1] In case of unable to pay; even if by selling all his belongings (wealth, home etc) cann’t reached the
specified amount, then will be hanged whereas belongings (whatever their amount | Jitni Bhi Raqam Ho) will be
handover to victim’s family. [2] If did with weapon, otherwise if did without weapon then bodypart will be cut
off. For instance; left hand for first time, then left feet if does again, after then right if not correcting, and then
right feet finally.

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PARDONING: About pardoning (to forgive), for assassin (killer) or doer(involved in rape), if
matter is submitted to Qadha’e Shariah, then only upon absence of witnesses (can be left)
otherwise, in case of assassination, can be left upon either with along or without taking
compensation if victim’s family (or relatives) pardons (execution will be terminate); although
even if being pardoned by victim’s family (or relatives) including not taking compensation,
Qadhi’e Islam holds right hence could execute through Qadha’e Shariah (for maintaining
supremacy of Shariah; including peace and safety of other Muslims). However, finally Sultan’e
Islam holds the right to pardon; after Sultan’e Islam, if not pardoned; then assassin (Killer) will be
execute, whether victim’s family pardons (including not taking compensation), & Qadhi’e Islam
doesn’t take step but forward it towards Sultan’e Islam. Similarly, in regards of rape, there is no
pardoning for doer(s) [3], only upon insufficient evidences (absensce of witnesses) can be left
otherwise not.

DENOTE: Spying is also a punishable matter, hence spy would be persecute in Muslims
territory, if doing for enemies (meant belongs to enemy | say Non-Muslims).

Against D: Drunk will be whipped 40 to 80 times as per health conditions, decided by Qadhi’e
Islam on time of charged.

NOTE: It is regardless of gender; means whether drunk is male or female, will be

punished. Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be required
atleast. All shall be eligible (Urdu: Baligh) and sensible (Urdu: Aqil) as well as righteous
(Adil | Sachey).

Against E: Doer will be hit on same place where inflicted injuries to whom beated. Also, if Qadhi
likes, so could whipped (to aside doer from doing again).

NOTE: It is regardless of gender; means whether doer is male or female, will be punished.
Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be required atleast. All
shall be eligible (Urdu: Baligh) and sensible (Urdu: Aqil) as well as righteous (Adil |

Against F: Accussing someone falsely, particularly a women for immorality, in that case doer
(accuser) will be either whipped or detained as well as has to apologize, even Qadhi Islam can
applied compensation as well.

NOTE: It is regardless of gender; means whether doer is male or female, will be punished.
Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be required atleast. All
shall be eligible (Urdu: Baligh) and sensible (Urdu: Aqil) as well as righteous (Adil |

Against G: Doer will be detained, and if threats are serious or about assassination, in that case
Qadhi Islam holds right, whether to detain or persecuate.

NOTE: It is regardless of gender; means whether doer is male or female, will be punished.
POINTERS: [3] Individual or both.

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Second, for execution three male or six female witnesses would be required atleast. All
shall be eligible (Urdu: Baligh) & sensible (Urdu: Aqil) as well as righteous (Adil | Sachey).

PARDONING: About pardoning (to forgive), from all leftover acts (D to G), if submitted to
Qadha’e Shariah (meant present to Qadhi’e Islam) [1], then Qadhi’e Islam is and has (holds) rights
& authority to pardon (and case will be terminated); whether affected pardons either with along
or without taking compensation. After Qadhi’e Islam, then Sultan’e Islam is and holds the highest
authority (above Qadhi’e Islam); whether Qadhi’e Islam & affected both pardons (their decision
can be overturn). Rights: if affected pardons then not necessary it becomes valid (realized |
means criminal(s) are exempted from punishment(s)), Qadhi’e Islam holds authority to execute
punishment even after the affected pardons. Similarly, if Qadhi’e Islam pardons then Sultan’e
Islam holds authority to execute punishment; because Sultan’e Islam authority and decision is the
final. And this is only to maintain supremacy of Shariah Muttah’harah.
O’Dea, these are the few acts,
that are crime (and most of them are forbidden | Haram), have been written from Jurisprudence
Book (Hidayah Sharif & Bahar’e Shariah), whereas besides them there were few more (matters)
fall under crimes hence contains punishment(s) either, but only penality (Urdu: Ta’wan), and that
could also be pardon (by affected), hence would be considered pardon but even then same
condition(s) exist as explained above (Qadhi’e Islam, and then Sultan’e Islam holds authority as
per their ranks & rights | either punish or pardon). For more see jurisprudence books or asks

DENOTE: [1] People (common Muslims) can resolve themselves either, however it is
better to inform (or say present) to Qadhi’e Islam. [2] To whom it is known or confirmed
that may be or will do crime again; chance of conduction exists. Objection: Nowadays,
some in regards of human rights (so called humanity lovers), criticized allot upon
punishment(s), even can found organization(s) working for it around the world; to end
them (from/in System[Bogus | Democratic etc]), and considered it as against (or violation
of) Human Rights, therefore our response to them isn’t doing any of mentioned these acts
aren’t against or violation of peaceful human beings rights, why first people whom
acquired these acts (single or all), which are crimes that made them criminals (hence
eligible for punisment), don’t acquire it (fall into them) or correct themselves (as per
religion | That is Islam). NOTE: It’s just another Satanic betray, therefore Muslims around
the world shouldn’t be get trapped in such kind of hypothesis; when Satan is present then
cannot deny neither refute the occurrence of these activities thus punishment(s) shall
hence must be not only present (implemented), but execute either whenever any act(s)

O’Dea, as illustrated in previous article (in real a transcript) that, “… punishments particularly
execution(s) didn’t meant either to spread or flow only bloodbaths and unjust horrors but
actually it is for preventing chaos on land (Arabic: Fasad fil Ardh), whether do by Infidel or
Deviator, so that nobody try to think rather than to conduct. Second, to preventing misguidance
(Arabic: Dhala’lah ya thumma ta’qul Bid’atun Saei’yyah | Farsi: Sukht Gumrahi) through deception
or betrayal particularly which converts to defector (Arabic: Murtad) the common Muslim in the
name of Islam, especially oneness (Arabic: al-Tawheed) and some obligatory (Arabic: Fara’idh
Misal’en Salat, Siyam Wagheiy’raha) and particularly its fifth Pillar the Holy Fight (Arabic: al-
Jihad), just like nowadays some miscreants does. Therefore implementing these punishments will

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 81


provide security and protection to the Muslim Societies which not only maintains Peace n
Stability, so that we can do worships and performed matters according to Islamic Shari’ah (under
our respected Jurisprudence), also it will eliminate corruption and crimes, and many other
benefits would be attained or say lay in it ...”

These some major illuminations (Summarized | Ikh’tesar-en) regarding punishments has been
taken from books, al-Hidayah (Arb.-Urd. | Ref.: FQ01) & Bahar’e Shariat (Urdu | Ref.: FT30),
therefore for more details see respected books or asks Ulama. Jazakamullahu Khairah

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 82


Section Two

“(Mafhoom) … And those who obeyed the command of their Lord and established prayer and their
affairs are decided by mutual consultation and they spend something out of Our provision in Our
way … [s.42:v.38]”
Al-Quran al-Kareem

Topic Contains
System ………… [84]
Model [85], Islamic System [87], Modern System [93], Solicitation [95]

Addition ………… [97]

Obey [97], Monarchy [100]

Issues ………… [103]

Secularism [103], Economy [107] - {Currency [109], Interest [110]}, Health [111] -
{Treatment [112], Vaccination [114]}, Minorities [118]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 83


O’Dea, as we stated in third article that, “… For System, it should be comprehensive and well
designed, for All nor Partial living in whether Small Territory or Large, according to their needs
(also known as basic entities) and those are Food (Arabic/Farsi: al-Ta’am:Khoor), Cloth
(Arabic/Farsi: al-Libb’as:Poshish) and Shelter (Arabic/Farsi: al-Bait:Muskan) which are TIME
(Arabic/Farsi: al-Sa’at:Waqt) dependant therefore all these measures would be covered or kept in
top priorities by it. Means on Time, all these necessities shall be provided or available for
everyone, with convenience and justice. Which can be attain (Uniformly) only through Natural
and Mineral Resources (Gold, Silver, Coal, and Oil etc) available to us, also called real Wealth esp.
Gold and Silver, if properly utilize (produced & used) and rightly distribute (incomes & debts)
otherwise it cannot be possible, even can say Peace and Love would not prevail …”

[QUERY] One question may rise that why “Peace and Love would not prevail.”? Answer is very
simple, because it’s a human nature (created in this way) that couldn’t live (Urdu: Zinda Nahi
Reh’saktey) nor restrain (Farsi: Bar’dasht) without these basic needs (entities). And second these
enitities are Allah’s gifts (Nay’mah | Tuh’fay) as well, hence for remembering the creator so that
be thankfull (Farsi: Shukr’guzar) for kindnesses and merciness upon us.

Then we stated in fourth article (in real a transcript) that, “… System which is following
(practicing) or say implemented in various Muslims and Non-Muslims Jurisdiction Territories,
that is alike Iran, Saudi Arabia, and China (North Korea too) etc as per their needs or
requirements (or say it is fulfilling). But here would like to say add Libya (before fall) because
they were also following same Model as follows by Iran and China (single party based), actually
similar (or same as) to Monarchy. Second, good thing about this Model are its idiosyncratic
Control over State (Matters | Social, Economy, Politics etc) through Restrictions and Limitations.
Although if choosing this type of system then it shall be implement in every Muslim Jurisdiction
State so that whenever going to forms Khilafah or Sultanate or Union all will be following same so
that couldn’t become contentious or conflicting between any one. Third, system that would affects
and alike Khilfat’e Rashidah Model, definitely will covers or say handles all aspects (Political,
Economical, Social and so on forth) and hopeful acceptable by the Muslims (just like in past
gathered upon Khilafat’e Rashidah and then later Abbassiyah, similarly Sultanate Uthmaniyah),
that is Hierarchy based under central command and control, and can be deployed either State
wise or Region wise (Arabs, Africans, Turks, Hind, Malayans etc) or totally like Monarchy. …”

DENOTE: System means a predetermined structure for specific task, hence Ruling
System (Government) means a predetermined structured to provide welfare under its
jurisdiction by maintaining stability (or say balance) in/between all essential departs, say
core of the State, and that is Political, Social and Economical[1] based upon Time[2].
Hence model shall or say must complianced such balance would then result positively
otherwise imbalance will persist that would impact negatively. Hence many Models came
to existence (emergence) for maintaining balance.

FOOTNOTE: [1] Military (defense) is a part of Social Pillar that is mobilized through Political Pillar with
Economical Pillar together to defend whole State (or say its all essential pillars). [2] Say a fourth Pillar of
State; because if these essentials wouldn’t available on or meet its required TIME then imbalance will
occurred which depicts system failure (either needs rectification or overall modification).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 84



[Forms] As defined earlier the System, to compliance with it many concepts comes forward or
into practices. Monarchy[1] was mostly practiced, whereas besides it then Islam’s suggested
Caliphate[2], and then in recent years (mainly emerged in 19th Century) came Capitalists based
State Democracy, State Based Socialist Democracy, & Social plus Capitalist based Communist
Democracy. [Discuss] Some aspects of Monarchy have been highlighted previously whereas
further have been discussing ahead in this book, and about other than Islam, so they’ve been
discussed in brief, in previous articles (see there), as well as highlights few points ahead in this
book. [Islamic Caliphate] In previous article, we explained a hierarchy in brief about model
based upon Islamic concept, whereas further have been discussing ahead although in same regard
found one good written book[3], by a pious & eminent Islamic scholar of present time. Main
emphasis of book in the beginning is Khilafah but then ahead advised modifications for capitalist’s
based state democratic model, which is currently practiced in Pakistan, hence couldn’t say for
surely that it will be possible rather than thinking about to be beneficial, because it has already
causes alot adversaries besides advantages therefore seems impractical therefore incompetent to
do efforts, WHY? Because reforms or say amendments, in all departs of state is required, which
we have discusses if taken into consideration[4], as enumerated from Islamic concept, then could
hopes for beneficial rather than objection or criticism, regardless of region belongs to & whether
practicing or following any other model than Islam’s suggested Khilafat’e Rashidah model.

DENOTE: [1] Before Islam (arrival of Sidna Rasul Allah [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), mostly
Monarchy was practiced (followed) around the world. [2] Initiated by Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), before sad demised through clear indications towards
blessed companions’ honor; that is Abu-Bakr and then Umar and then Usman and then Ali
(Ridhwa’nullahi Alehem Ajma’ein). [3] For our assistance, upon searching. Second, not
meant to defame effort (Book) but contrary saying that shall acquired Islamic Caliphate
Structure. [4] Or say advised, in this book on different occasions according to its domain.

Adversary: Sultan’ul Awliyah Sidna Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Haqqani al-Hanafi al-
Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe) in a Sohbah, termed ‘Democracy’ as ‘Demon-Crazy’ and
described it as follows, “The term democracy is derived from two separate Greek words, ‘Demos’
means Satan whereas ‘Cratic’ means System, coined as System of Satan.”

One defined it as, “… The term originates from the Greek word dēmokratía meaning "rule of the
people", which was coined from demos means "people" and kratos means "power" or "rule" [or
say system] in the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-
states, notably Athens; the term is an antonym to aristocratie "rule of an elite" …” [Source:]

Another defined it as, “… a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible
members of a state, typically through elected representatives [For instance; a system of
parliamentary democracy] …”

One more definintion, “… government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme

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power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their

elected agents under a free electoral system … (it contans further details, goto the source)”

Reconciliation (Tat’beeq): One may object or criticize, after comparison, that word ‘Demos’
means ‘People’ not ‘Satan’ and definition depicting the ‘system of people’ not ‘system of satan’ in
other words it clearly meant ‘system based upon people opinion’ not upon ‘Satan’ thus incorrect?
Hence answer for this, and same is given by Sultan’ul Awliyah (Rehmatullah Alehe) for terming it;
when people doesn’t accepts thus neither practiced the right religion, which contains heavenly
orders, then definitely or naturally becomes or called followers of Satan (because refuting
religion, and its heavenly orders, is satanism), thus if made any system based upon people’s
opinion rather than heavenly orders (religious based) would be definitely misleading thus
chaotic. Hence this term or definition (System of Satan) is not wrong contrary justifying itself
naturally as correct. Think on it.

Modern Concepts

Hence, all modern concepts based upon or emerged from above illustrated definition of
‘Democracy’, particularly from last century in consequence of Wars that leads to dissolution of
Monarchy in many regions including Muslims too (Ottoman Empire etc.), but their drawback can’t
be blamed to serving perception, as they emerged (forms) upon it, but religious status as well as
disturbing natural balance rather than maintaining. And this happened because either lacking to
understand (the fault that cause imbalance) or deliberately doesn’t want to cater and maintain
the balance (keeps everyone suppressed & under vicious cycle). [IDEOLOGY] These systems are
acquired by States usually declared themselve as either ATHEIST or SECULAR, both confronted to
or denial of RELIGION at state level. Even some Muslim Countries also acquired these statuses[1]
after their independences from colonization; like Turkey, Kazakhistan, Niger, Senegal etc. Hence
without religious ideology, state becomes vulnerable for both; govt. & invaders. [FAULT] We
summarized the major faults present into these systems, particularly Socialist & Capitalists
Model, in 3rd article as, “… It was a popular saying that in SOCIALISM, Government is Rich but
Public (Middle and Lower Class even Higher becomes as well) are Poor (compares to State,
second if not provided services and facilities adequately) whereas in CAPITALISM, Government is
Poor but Public (High or Elite Class) is Rich (Compares to State, second if Wealth being used in
only their self benefits or interest avoiding masses benefit or interest). However, actually both
concepts have been taken upon inspiration from ISLAM, which provides a Solution to both
systematic faults[2], and that is a MERGER …” [Topic: Religious System | Pg. 12]

Denote: [1] Besides Athiest or Secular, declared ‘No Religion’. [2] China is practicing
integration of these two Models (Socialist & Capitalist) and that’s why becoming strong
country, a rival Power like USSR (Late) & USA (Soon Late), as one may find both can do
trade (Services & Manufacturings); govt. & private. Even now North Korea is also
switching towards this integration. Note: Word Communist derived from Community;
means working together for single cause (goal). Hence Communist based State Democracy
represents a system in which Government & Private Sectors (private business are allowed
under govt. control policies & regulations) works together for benefit of State.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 86



Political (Siyasi)

As we stated, that Islam has its own political system, so it is actually based upon mutual advices
(Urdu: Bahmi Mush’warey), renowned as “Majlis’e Shurah” comprised (must be) on pious and
knowledgeable personnel, called Ulama (Legislators), responsible for forming Laws
(Under/through Quran & Sunnah), whereas implementation is the responsibility of Umra’a
(Executives), supported (Monitoring) by Wuzr’a (Ministers), all leads by Oulul Amr yan’i Sahib’e
Saif Khalifa ya Sultan’e Waqt.

Whereas, Sahib’e Saif is not only responsible for monitoring the whole Sultanate Operations from
Chair (Musnad or Minbur), but also the Hierarchy means chain of command; Governance, means
peace and stability; Justice, means social and economic balance; and all concerned, by visiting
(Borders & Lands, as well as residential and commercial areas) them regularly.

System: O’Dea, proposed system is very simple and as per (or enumerated from) Quran &
Sunnah, that Sultan (or Ameer) will preside Sultanate (or Ema’ret) through ‘Majlis’e
Shurah’, that will be also authorized not only to advice and monitor the operations under
Sultan (or Ameer) commands but also to appoints (includes termination, obviously) new
if goes erroneous or violates (Quran & Sunnah | Sunnat’e Muhammediyah[Mazahib
Arba’a]) [first warns, if not considering, then through mutual decision are permissible to
terminate], OR becomes ill or wounded that affects the possession, OR passes away.
Members: Whereas members of ‘Majlis’e Shurah’ will be choosed from educational
institutions for Legislation (Muqan’nanah | Qanon Sazi), from religious schools; because
Islamic Legislation is only permissible for Ulama’e Kiram (Muftiyan’e Kiram) whom are
authorized due to certifications (qualified); capable to make or extract laws from Quran &
Sunnah. For Executives (Umra’a), from Military [though not inevitable, civilian can be also
select]; because of strict discipline and stick (or say holds Sword, nowadays say modern
weaponry) for enforcement and maintaining the governance. For Ministers (Wuzra), so
will be from their domains for respected ministry, for instance, agriculture minister
should be literate (including Islamic Jurisprudence) and as well as cultivator (or if not,
then must knows all about agriculture), hence same for other Ministries. Division: There
are two designs; Region-Wise and State-Wise. The REGION-WISE alliance provides
better strength compares to State-Wise; its outlay is like this, Muslims can gather upon
their belonged cast principal state (anyone); for instance all our Muslims-Turk States can
declare Istan’bul or else (if wants) as their principal, similarly our Muslims-African
States can declare Qahi’rah or else (if wants) as their principal, and our Muslims-Arab
States can declare Dam’ishq or else (if wants) as their principal, and our Muslims-Hind
States can declare Islam’abad or else (if wants) as their principal, and our Muslims-
Malayan States can declare Kuala Lam’pur or else (if wants) as their principal, even our
Muslims-Chinese can form Region [Separate] and declare any of their likened city as
principal. And finally all these regional principals will be alliance upon one centre (al-
Markaz); most probably Islamic Republic of Pakistan due to ideological foundation
[Formed & Selected by Awliyah Allah] and military strength [Muslims Nuclear Power
State]. However, in all these alliance as we said [in regards of Islamic Sultanate] in
previous article (in-real a transcript) Political, Economical and Social as well as Military

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structures will be centralized not scattered (alike state-wise) on centre [al-Markaz]. The
STATE-WISE alliance is also good but is weak compares to Region-Wise, because in this
form Muslims will be remain scattered or distributed alike nowadays [and aren’t getting
or is on right direction], hence wouldn’t seems that much affective the way Region-Wise
might be. Otherwise State-Wise example is already exists in the World, renowned as
United States of America.

1. Region-Wise lay-out is extracted from Sufiya’e Kiram Prognosticate(s).

2. Principal represents the present day States Capital, however consensus can be conduct for else
place (venue) in same region.
3. Sultan (or Khalifah) will lead Sultanat or Union (Politics, Economy, Social & Military), whereas every
Principal will be lead by Ameer (Executive) follows Sultan, and all states (or can be termed as
Province) under each respected Principal will be governed by Governors that will follows Ameer
(Executive), and all cities under respected states (or can be termed as Province) in particular
Principal will be monitor by Mayor (Nazim: Waliy’e Shehr) follows Governor.

DENOTE: Majlis’e Shu’rah will be comprised upon Ulama (Legislators | Muqan’nanah),

includes Umra (Executives) & Wuzra (Ministers) too, which would be chaired by Grand
Jurist (Qadhi al-Qadha | Mufti’e Azam), also authorized to declare, in light of Shariah
Muttah’harah and Communal Decision of Majlis’e Shurah, for Ameer’e Sultanat
termination; whereas Ameer will also holds right to present justification of stance upon
which objectioned and being asked for resignation. [Selection] For new Ameer’e
Sultanate, Majlis shall selects (for electing anyone), personnel from either Administration
or Educational Academies, whom shall be Muslim (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba),
practicing and eligible. [Ministers] After selection, then Ameer’e Saltanate is authorized
to either presides previous or select new Majlis’e Shu’rah (particularly Ulama for
legislation | Qanon Sazi Kay Liyey), and with their suggestions either presides previous or
select new Ministers (Wuzra’a) and Executives (Umra’a) [*]. [Commission] For more
convenient, Ameer’e Saltanate can form Higher Level Committee comprising upon
Advisors and Ministers, for monitoring operations as well as commissioning Orders
(Rules & Regulations). Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) has a layout (Advisors & Ministries)
in this regards too, which will In-Sha Allah present(or say reveals) later. [Besides
Commission, model is abstracted from book, Hudhrat Ameer’e Millat Aur Pakistan | Pg.74-75
(By Mawlana Muhammed Sadiq Qasuri al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi)]

NOTE: Imam al-Fiqh Hudhrat Mufti Muhammed Amjad Ali al-Hanafi al-A’azmi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has
illustrated, which we have written (say taken), under the responsibilities of Sultan (Ameer) for all
appointments of Ministers (Urdu: Wuzra) & Executives (Urdu: Um’ra | Wali’yan) as well as Majlis’e
Shurah (if forming new). Whereas Sadr’ul Fadhil Hudhrat Mawlana Syed Muhammed Naeemuddin al-
Hanafi al-Muradabadi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has suggested, in eleven points, that after selection of
Ameer (Sultan), shall appoints (with mutual suggestion) his Prime Minister (Urdu: Wazir’e Azam) first,
and then Prime Minister is responsible for all proceedings, with mutual suggestions; appointments of
Ministers (Urdu: Wuzra) & Executives (Urdu: Um’ra | Wali’yan) as well as Majlis’e Shurah (if forming new).
[*]: We illustrated in 4th article, “… Sultan’e Islam is authorized to deploy the hierarchy (structure or command of
chain), whatever thinks feasible and suitable (whether already implemented or needs deployment), for
appointments of Umra wa Wuzra wa Qadhi’yan. Ulama says; Sultan’e Islam is responsible for appointing Ameer
and Qadhi’e Islam (The Grand Mufti), whereas Ameer is responsible for appointing Qadhi for his allotted
Jurisdiction, and Qadhi can appoint subordinates if essential. However we’ll say let it be decided by “awaiting
personality” mean let him (May Allah protect him) emerge and suggest the Hierarchy, because that will be more
blissful and beneficial for Ummah. In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi …” [Topic: 2.System(Model) | Pg. 26]

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Eomomical (Mo’ashi)

The economical system of Islam, is based upon sharing of resources (State and People | Muslims)
and exchange of goods, whereas exchanging medium can be Gold and Silver, though nowadays
paper currency being used, even both could be used, however whatever the medium is balanced
should be maintained while doing (exchanging goods or services) otherwise deal (Arabic: Bea’y)
becomes invalid (Arabic: Fasid), whereas about Land (a resource), so authorities are liable (their
responsibilities) to either distribute it amongst common people or shared it (individual or family
or group) on soft terms n conditions; even for free can be granted with assurance of protection so
that it may not be seizes from owner by anyone, because it’s a violation, hence Qadhi’e Sharah is
bind (Urdu: Pa’band) to reinstate back its original ownership [can do forcibly, if not leaving

System: O’Dea, economical model is also not complex, only thing is implementation if
wanted (otherwise don’t, so definitely there are thousands of lame excuses present, which
usually do by regimes). CURRENCY: Gold and Silver shall be used (circulated) for
exchange of goods and services, and all commercial dealings shall be done under Islamic
Shariah (Mazahib Arba’a). However paper currency can also be used, or say even both, but
the second-one can be restricted and that is, what one would say about doing trade
through paper currency with Non-Muslim States? Second, Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz) stated that Muslims must do or promote business
internally (with each other) rather than from foreign nations or companies (corporates),
particularly Non-Muslims, Sidna Aa’la Hudhrat (Quddussurahul Aziz) also gave (or say
illustrated) the process that is [Mafhoom], Muslims Farmer must sell (Raw Material | Say
crops etc) to Muslim Producer (Manufacturer) whereas Muslim Producer must sell
(Finished Product) to Muslims Trader (Wholeseller) whereas Muslim Trader must
distribute or sell it to the Muslim Retailer, and stated that must avoid to relying upon
imports as well as on foreign manufacturers and traders. And in this cycle both form of
currency can be used, there is no restriction, however as stated early that we must revive
Gold n Silver Currency hence it is also advisable by Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Quddussurahul Aziz); though gave startegam too if other than Gold n Silver Form of
Currecny is circulating (using) [Ref.: FQ11]. Third, Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) advises all Muslims that they shall or should open their own banks
and do dealing as per Islamic Laws (Mazahib Arba’a), for LOAN (Qar’dha) and
INVESTMENT (Modhar’bah or Mushar’kah), and keep softness in terms and condition in
returning (taking back the amount). [Even Leasing or Specific Financing (Mortgaging); for
instance Home, Car, Shop etc. can do]. Fourth, Muslim Authorities must create (activitiy)
or build (zones) economy cycle (self-funded or with private sector) regularly for common
people and operates & monitors them directly, share the income mutually and expand it
to other areas (nomads or far areas like arid zones etc). RESOURCES: Master Zaid Hamid
Shah Shb, pointed out rightly that Muslim State Resources are Muslims Wealth hence can’t
be privatized; contrary centrally maintained whereas income shall be distribute
righteously and equally amongst Muslims for their Welfare. Note: Of Course, after
reduction of all debts (costs, salaries etc). Second, private doers (individual or group) can
also invest in resource(s) to increase/support production from that resource(s); under
Central Policies & Monitoring. For instance, DAMS are built for reserving water as well as
producing electricity nowadays (after process introduction); similarly private doers can

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 89


also produce electricity to support/increase energy production by installing Power Plant.

CROPS: Crops rely upon some important factors that are, land, seeds, water and
environment (weather etc.) and every element contains various mode of dealing for
obtaining. For instance, Land contained owning or renting modes; meant either Centre
sell it (transfer of ownership) or lease it (can take rent in form of currency[Gold, Silver or
Paper] or crop[quantity equals to rent amount]). Note: In Hanafi School of Thought, whole
crop belongs to seed owner, whether own’s the land or not. For Zakat/Ushr matters
(Masail), see Jurisprudence Books (Bahar’e Shariah or Gulistan’e Shariah etc) or asks
Ulama. Second, by sharing meant both, development (Structure, facilities etc.) and
distribution; amongst needed ones (orphan, disabled, low income etc.), whether
exempted or not from ZAKAT.

Social (Mo’ashrati)

The social system of Islam is based upon brotherhood and welfare, means caring each other and
paying the due rights teaches by the religion.

System: O’Dea, Muslims authority should build walled social camps that must contains or
facilitates the Masjid, Academy (Urdu: Mader’sey), Health Services (Urdu: Ma’tab) and
Market that will operate under Administration only to securing privacy, protection of
rights, delivering of Justice, availability of basic necessities for formation of a strong
society; it will In-Sha Allah comprised (Comes or Emerges | Generation) upon religious
ideology and natonal identity. Education: Open education facilities (Academies) above
class distinction (Poor or Rich | Should be separated genderly) and monitor their
operations. Syllabus shall be religious with some necessary courses of modern day. Urge
all Muslims of local area to support it through Zakat or Ati’yat (Donations) either, and also
fund it from treasury. Justice: Open, either in Masjid or adjacent to it, Dar’ul Ifta (or
Qadha) presided by authorized ‘Mufti’ otherwise religious scholar (can able to perform
judgment upon verdicts[Fatwa] or acquire new from authorized personnel), In-Sha Allah
this will not only benefited the society but also delivers quick and speedy justice, because
Qadhi services are based upon submission of witnesses and also visiting scenes (gathering
information or evidences by self), not only sitting in office (meant at court’s chair like
nowadays Judges are) and judging upon evidences present on table. However in support
(say further), victim can acquire (Services) or could make someone as, an associate
(Lawyer: Wakeel), before Qadhi. Trade: Open Markets, adjacent to or near Masjid,
particularly near Dar’ul Ifta (or Qadha), and operates as well as allows private doers, for
business or say trade of goods and services via real wealth, as per Islamic teachings
(Monitor through Qadha’e Islami). It will provide control of prices of goods (basic
commodities or items or aplliances etc) and rates of services to suitable and affordable
level, which naturally prevents unreasonable or self (created) inflation. Security: Build
security towers and posts, all around the walled social camp (meant “Secured Walls |
Mahfouz Char Dewari”), and monitor strictly incomers and out goers, and wouldn’t allows
any kind weapon or material to either enter or taken away from area (or say walled social
camp), if unauthorized (or say declared as illegal in Jurisdiction), by anyone regardless of
religion and status. Secondly, if not Sultan then Ameer shall visits regularly all areas of
allotted or assigned (whether Kingdom or Country or any specific zone) jurisdiction of
Empire or Union.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 90


DENOTE: We stated in 3rd article, “… Remember, we have only highlighted and compared
few elements of Economical Concepts or Model of Socialism and Capitalism not all
procedures therefore lots of space exist for discussion, and avoided to highlight other
aspects like Religious, Political and Social Perceptions or Models of USSR, USA and
Europeans [1] because disagreed with their incorrect perceptions (religious) or models
(political and social) that’s why not feel necessarily to explain, second because of fear that
if discusses so Article may get very long …” [Topic: 2.Religious System | Pg. 12-13]

In 4th article, mentioned under footnote, “… without any strict regulations for Guests
[however if covers as per Sunnah so it would be better] so that they could come and
understand the religion Islam, as they are far away from religion, whether consciously or
not. And these objections, though right in one aspect but could be inappropriate too …”
[Topic: 3.Ummah | Pg. 35-36]

Further stated in same article (4th), that “… he (Colonel Muammar al-Qazzafi) is an Heir
(King) of a Country[2], therefore if wore colorful suits so can because his right and also
it’s not prohibited; wearing neat and clean as well as pleasant dresses (as per Shar’iah) is
SUNNAH whereas wearing simple dress (as per Shar’iah) is TAQWA, and also Heirs can
wear dress that will distinct between Ruler and Public …” [Topic: 3.Ummah(Cotentious) |
Pg. 42]

Muslims shall, or say must, lives as per Sunnat’e Muhammediyah (Ala Sahib’as-Salat-O-
Salam); meant in every aspect should acquired or practice Sunnah (avoid modernism |
Westernism), for instance in dressing, eating, sleeping, meeting etc.

FOOTNOTE: [1] USSR was declared officialy Atheism, similarly China too, whereas majority including
USA, European Countries as well as Latin American have declared officialy Secularism. Though
remembers, in all these atheist or secular states, large numbers of population is or are practicing
Christianity. Even many countries of Muslims World also declared their official status as Secular
rather than religion Islam; which is an embarrassment, because it would be asked in resurrection day
(Arabic: al-Youm al-Qayamah | Roze’ Mehshr). [2] Has to say, ‘was an Heir (King)’.

Enforcement (Ni’faz)

The enforcement of Islam’s Political, Economical and Social system is based upon mutual
cooperation by respecting each others rights and obeying orders in every level, as per rank being
appointed under the predetermined rules of Islamic Shari’ah, which is definitely can only be
either attained or becomes possible through proper education otherwise training (for respected
domain; that would be particular), and it is the responsibility of Sahib’e Saif (Khalifah or Sultan),
the Supreme Commander of The Caliphate (Khilafah or Sultanat or say Union[as advices by
some]), to appoints (through with mutual collabration of Majlis’e Ulama) and maintins (through
Qadha’e Islami) the proper hierarchy in true and righteous way.

System: O’Dea, Muslims authorities can categorize security institutions in following

levels, National and Local. Security at State level (National) as well as in defense and
offense will be executed through Armed Forces, whom responsibilities are the protection
of Muslims Sovereignty & Safety, under predetermined framework. Whereas, security at
local level (Public), executed through paramilitary (say Guards) whom responsibilities are

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 91


the protection of Public Rights, under predetermined and restricted framework (Rules &
Regulations). NOTE: Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) has a layout (State & Local levels with
respect to their authorization & jurisdiction) in this regards too, which will In-Sha Allah
present(or say reveals) later.

DENOTE: In 4th article we stated, “… Islamic Military responsibility to act or conduct (any
kind of operation amongst explained, whether on large or small scales) as they are formed
(trained) for this responsibility or grants through consensus, to do fight (or battle), not
everyone though if wanted then joined the Army or takes training and then permission to
do so (under Shari’ah Laws in Ulama’s or Ameer’s or General’s Command), not by yourself
without permit …” [Topic: Addition | Pg. 18-19]

Do remembers, stated in 4th article, that by “… punishments particularly execution(s)

didn’t meant either to spread or flow only bloodbaths and unjust horrors but actually it is
for preventing chaos on land (Arabic: Fasad fil Ardh), whether by Infidel or Deviator, so
that nobody try to think rather than to conduct. Second, to preventing misguidance
(Arabic: Dhala’lah ya thumma ta’qul Bid’atun Saei’yyah | Farsi: Sukht Gumrahi) through
deception or betrayal particularly which converts to defector (Arabic: Murtad) the
common Muslim in the name of Islam, especially onenesss (Arabic: al-Tawheed) and some
obligatory (Arabic: Fara’idh Misal’en Salat, Siyam Wagheiy’raha) and particularly its fifth
Pillar the Holy Fight (Arabic: al-Jihad), just like nowadays some miscreants does.
Therefore implementing [1] these punishments will provide security and protection to
the Muslims Societies which not only maintains Peace n Stability, so that we can do
worships and performed matters according to Islamic Shari’ah (under our respected
Jurisprudence), also it will eliminate corruption and crimes, and many other benefits
would be attained or say lay in it …” [Topic: Conflicts | Pg. 21]

FOOTNOTE: [1] Say in other words, “Enforcement”.

[LAWS] O’Dea, since first article, till last one, emphasized upon implementation, first Hanafi
School of Thought, and then said Four Schools (Arabic: Mazahib Arba’a), even read or say came to
knowledge that many Muslims asked that which Jurisprudence (Urdu: Fiqah) is going to be
implement under Shariah Laws; and have little confusion? Answer: No suspicion that when we
says or emphasized upon implementation of Islamic Laws (Shariah Muttah’harah), so it means
definitely all Four Schools, will be applied but assessment would be then made upon majority
acquired or practicing School; for instance, in al-Hind nearly all Muslims follows or practices
religion under Hanafi School of Though (Urdu: Mazhab’e Hanafiy’yah) whereas else schools
followers or practicioners are rarely found. Ulama says that after reigning inn, Mughal’s saw
(noticed) Muslims, in large number (say majority), following or practicing Hanafi School of
Thought therefore they acquired, at Kingdom (Arabic: Mumlukiyah) level, or say assessed all
matters as per Hanafi School of Thought, though other were also presented to serve, if any
Muslim from them is requests for assessment.

DENOTE: Some people have been seen (heard | Suna Gaya Hai) that asked usually which
Path and whose Shari’ah is going to be implement, particularly when heard such non-
senses from those people studying in International Islamic University (Islamabad), don’t
know what they are studying or being teached by Teachers; it is much better to acquire

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 92


any respectful Scholar (Sunni | Hanafi) service near to your home rather than taking
admissions in such type of institutions, when such intuitions comes to mind (by studying
their). Answer: O’Dea, actually this is only to inflict confusion, and being done
deliberately, because when we study Quran & Sunnah, no doubt that we may found that
only valid path of Islam, that is going to be implement is Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e
Sahaba (Ahle-Sunnah) [Sign ‘Ya Rasul Allah’ | Haqq Charr Yar : Ya Ghawth Maddad],
whereas whose Shariah so definitely Muslims (Ahle-Sunnat Wa-Jamaat | Mazahib Arba’a).
Note: If remembers (can see their) we identified (under Ulama explications) that all
Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) are Ahle-Sunnah, secondly all A’eymma Saha Sit’tah
were upon any particular school amongst four; for instance Imam Bukhari and Imam
Muslim (Alehemur Rehman), their works are well known, both are upon Shafa’ei School of
Thought (Arabic: Shafi’ul Mazhab). [Keep Thinking] Allah knows all the best.

RESISTANCE: O’Dea, that’s why you may find harsh resistance upon it, because majority
either* confused or doesn’t wants to live under Islam (Four Schools | Mazahib Arba’a),
even you’ll finds people (actually imposters) relating themselves with or to any particular
school of thought are resists, only because knew that if once it implements, all their
desirations would diminish and further well decorated shops will be closed forever and
conspiracy (which they are part of) will be foiled, as currently progressing successfully.

FOOTENOTE: [*] Whereas Irreligious (Urdu: Bud’Mazhab | Ahl’ul Bida’a) and Seculars are exempted,
because they have no relation neither concerns to Islamic Teachings and Prosperity (definitely
flourishes), because if they have then definitely neither deviates nor be the part of resistance. Keep


O’Dea, as we illustrated earlier (in previous articles too) that Islam has its own system, renowned
as The Khilafah (or Sultanate), based upon Quran & Sunnah, a affectionate and peaceful for all,
provides security and justice according to everyone’s deserving rights, especially for life (Arabic:
Hayat), through Qadha (Arabic: Qi’sas Wagheiy’raha). Whereas contrary to Islamic system, the
other opponent systems, practiced currently around the world, mainly Capitalist based
Democracy (The West | Americas, Europe etc.), State based Socialism (Former USSR, and her allies
| i.e North Korea, Vietnam etc), and Socialist plus Capitalist based (mixed) Communism (China
particularly). All were based upon people opinions besides heavenly orders (say either refutes
straightly or avoids deliberately) as stated earlier under model. [HISTORY] These all concepts, or
say systems [1], prominently emerged in last century particularly whereas penetration (or say
inducton) was already begun before it, since 17th Century when Americas was began civilizing by
European Settlers; USA since foundation, whereas Brazil in late 18th Century has acquired or say
begun practicing democracy (constitutional | People Opinion). These systems were actually
introduced against [2] two systems that were practices around the world on that time; The
Islamic Caliphate (Ottoman Empire) and Monarchy (Kingdom). One has been fallen whereas
another not, still practiced in many countries around the world. [PRETEND] Therefore these
systems expressed or say pretended themselves as Human friendly and rights protector [3], as
well as need of the time, whereas depicts Islamic Model and Monarchism as unjust and
incompetent, by ignoring its own adversaries; due to exceeding either in affectionate to humanity
(exaggerating in courtesy | violating the limitations) or justified restrictions (because doesn’t
contains | abandoning the limitations). Success: They succeed by benefiting an either naturally or
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 93

was fabricated severe conditions; corruption or invasions [4]. [MISERY] Thus these systems
create misery conditions [5], which occurred naturally or deliberately, and it is because not
acquiring or wanted to implement right policies that would be better for both, the state & its
people [6]; which no doubt heavenly orders (religion | Islam) contained or provide such policies
(beneficial for both | state and its people). And instability contains, not only economical but also
social and political [7], hence always kept whole state and its people in irritate cycle of chaos and
anarchy so that they may not able to prospers neither to stand for others but be stucked [8].
Evidence: Pakistan has suffered many losses and still it persists, only stabilizes for some period
[9], from Western Democracy practices since foundation, nearly in all departs of State; even
Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Late) wasn’t able to implement the right system and passed
away very early (1948 | after a year of Pakistan’s Foundation), and afterwards only traitors or
lame excusers holds the Office [10]. [VULNERABILITY] Hence due to their practicing either
creates or made whole state vulnerable for others, or say soft piece of cake for upheavels (armed)
or rivalry (any big strength or stable nation). And it happens because doesn’t implements the
right laws told or say mentioned in Quran Majeed, by Allah (Subhanahu), that was further
exemplify by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to blessed companions
(Sahaba’e Kiram[Alehemur Ridhwan]) whom have further added or say does simplifications [11],
which is then furthermore interpreted by A’eymma Mujtahideen (A’eymma Arba’a Bil’Khusoos).
Allah knows all the best. [CONSEQUENCE] Final results of these systems is disasterous
(devastating); either complete or partial collapse of State, through invasions or upheaval; like
Pakistan had faced (suffered) and still on high stakes [12]. And it happened because leadership
doesn’t pay attention neither wants to resolve all the matters & issues as per right solution,
contrary maintaining the policy of irritative cycle of instability for suppressing people [13],
particularly practicing continuously in Muslims World (Nations | Mumalik), since independence of
nearly all.

DENOTE: [1] Based upon ideology too, which is Darwinism. Darwin was a freemason
(Zionist). [2] Considered them as their opponents (Enemy), even conflicts exist amongst
them also; Western’s Democracy (Capitalism) opposed Northern’s Socialist as well as
Communist Democracy. [3] Expressed as “Peace and Justice for all”. [4] Meant took
advantage of devastation occurred due to war or conspiracy (penetration of corruption in
rulling authorities). [5] Like we seen instability in either all or any particular department
(or say pillar) of state (under these systems); inflation, injustice, poverty, insecurity etc.
[6] State Based Socialist Democracy can be exempted; i.e Libya under Fatah Revolution,
lead by Colonel Muammar al-Qazzafi [7] See point [1]. [8] Like present conditions in
Pakistan, Afghanistan and similar states around the world; particularly Muslims. [9]
Under Military Rule, also called dictatorship. [10] President or say Prime Minister.
Second: Miliatry Rulers are exempted, though didn’t changes the practice but no doubt
always defended the country or say pulls out from the vulnerable conditions. [11] During
blissful era, as well as afterwards, till presence of last companion, Hudhrat Abu-Tufail
Amir Bin Wasla (Radhi Allah Anhu), passed away in 110 Hijri. [12] Lost East Pakistan
(now Bangladesh) that includes Soviet Union Pressure, then Kargil on table (it was then
the same present regime | Since 2013 [PML-N]), whereas presently suffering from
instability of economy, social justice (public security [Peacetalks with western backed
terrorists] | In 2014) and so on forth. [12] Because mindset is corrupt hence brings
corrupt people in power, say a natural phenomena; as well as have others interests or

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 94



O’Dea, the best system which should be acquired, is religion because of containing or say based
upon true orders essential for natural equilibrium and sustainability, particularly peace and
justice in respect of social, economics, and politics. In other words sent (true orders | Heavenly
Books) by Sole Creator of all universes[1], includes planet Earth. Secondly, heavenly orders
emphasis upon worships and remembering your Sole Creator consistently doesn’t meant nor
depicts either that left means (Urdu: Asbab) given for fulfilling essential desires of human being
sustainability, for which granted knowledge includes usages of all means (Urdu: Asbab) required
to attain thus which sent religion has prohibited[2] or haulting people to acquire such means
(Urdu: Asbab)? Answer: NONE, even not the self made religions either. One Faqeer says that, “…
Remembrance doesn’t mean that abandon gifts (ways of getting them) neither gift doesn’t mean
that abandon remembrance (as told to perform them); but in real equilibrium shall be maintained
…” Keep Thinking. [PROGRESS] We may seen many good progresses that couldn’t be denied
under these modern day systems other than Islam either; for instance, infrastructure like roads,
railways, airports etc; structures like home, plazas, parks etc; facilities like factories, mills etc;
advancement in field of sciences, engineering, technology and so on forth, though remembers that
it becomes or is all scrap (just a green garden for deceiving) because if everyone or say each
individual of state wouldn’t benefit or gets guaranteed protection (contrary unstable) through
righteous justice and security, then it’s all useless or worthless because still hasn’t earned
anything rather than vulnerability (in severe deception). Example: People may present as an
example, U.S.A or even some other countries too (European, African, Asia etc) that they have or
are very successful through practicing democracy? Answer: Screwed (again decieved) from
frontage (or say Green Garden). Faqeer is a little person, and would like to remain, hence who
told you or how did you enumerates (Urdu: A’khaz) that? Do you ever saw their structure,
particularly developed countries; most of them are still under Monarchies, like Canada (under
British monarch), England (UK), Japan, Spain etc, whereas only few are following capitalists
democratic system, like USA, Mexico, Brazil, France, South Korea etc. Second, besides Monarchies,
none are religion based state[3] contrary their statuses are seculars rather than any particular
religion. [RESEMBLANCE] O’Dea, if any else system, whether modern or old, resembled or
matched with Islamic System (Caliphate | Khilafah), represent (or called) by any identification[4]
then it doesn’t means that system is wrong, however if have (following) its own ideology as well
as hierarchy (chain of command), then it can be change therefore very much closer is Monarchy
(Jordan/Morocco or UK) then Communism (China or Iran) then Socialism (Syria or North Korea
or Vietnam) and then Capitalist Democracy (Pakistan/India or USA).

DENOTE: [1] Definitely who created this world, us and all things (gifts | entities) in it for
our benefits, knew more and better that should be acquired (system) to maintain its
equilibrium; and it has been revealed (or say sent) via Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-
O-Salam) in sent books, in which Quran Majeed is given finally. [2] Only thing which is
strictly prohibited, and warned as well, is by identifying some matters or say draws a line
between them, as permissible OR forbidden, and then instructed that beware don’t retreat
(permissible) or exceed (forbidden) from it (drawn lines), because it has harmful or
dangerous effects for everyone, if exceed (forbidden) particularly. [3] Population
comprised upon or followed any particular religion but at official level (by Governments)
they have Secular Status [a]; it means not restricted to any specific religion [b]. But on the
other hand, it is also against rule of majority (said a base of Democracy too) that if majority

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 95


have or practicing any particular religion then it should be State’s Official Status (Now
where is Democracy?). [4] Like mentioned ahead that Monarch & then Communism are
very much closed to Islamic System (Caliphate); therefore if someone copyied Islamic
Model and termed it with their identification then itself system can’t be said as incoorect
however here we’ll judge through perception (or say based ideology | either religious or
else). NOTE: We already said that through amendment (or say modification) we can used
them for our purpose; any system closed to Islamic System.

FOOTNOTE: [a] Free to practice any; but under their self made constitution (Human formed laws). [b] By
religion, mentioned kingdoms or states population (majority) are Christians; besides atheist or else.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

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ADDITION (Idha’fah)

Obey (Ata’at)

We stated in third article, “… Religion Islam which is no doubt is a Valid and Right Path and if talk
(in context) about its practical application so it is Obedience (Ata'at meant Taqleed of Orders and
Acts) which revealed in Qur'an Shareef as, "(Mafhoom) ... O People who believe! Obey Allah
and the Rasul (Noble Messenger) and those amongst you who are in authority [Oulul Amr].
... [s.4:v.59]"

ADD NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (O ye who believe!) 'Uthman Ibn Talhah and
his fellow believers. (Obey Allah) in that which He has commanded you, (and obey the messenger) in that
which he commands you (and those of you who are in authority) the leaders of military expeditions; it also said
that this means: the men of sacred knowledge; (and if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to
Allah) to the Book of Allah (and the messenger) and to the practice of the Messenger (if you are (in truth)
believers in Allah and the Last Day) resurrection after death. (That) referring the matter to the Book ofAllah
and the practice of His Messenger (is better and more seemly in the end).

[Tafsir Al-Jalalayn] Ulama says, O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority
among you, that is, rulers, when they command you to obey God and His Messenger. If you should quarrel,
disagree, about anything, refer it to God, that is, to His Book, and the Messenger, while he lives, and thereafter
[refer] to his Sunna: in other words examine these [disputes] with reference to these two [sources], if you
believe in God and the Last Day; that, reference to the two [sources], is better, for you than quarrelling or
[adhering to] personal opinions, and more excellent in interpretation, in the end.

NOTE: According to Ulama, here Authority (Oulu Amr) meant (yan’i) Sahaba’e Kiram, Taba’een, Taba Taba’een,
A’eymma-e-Kiram, Masha’ikh’e Kiram, Ulama’e Kiram and Salateen (Alim’e Deen). However Ruler (Malik or
Ameer or Hakim) if he’s not an Islamic Scholar (Alim of Qur'an and Sunnah, in other words Shariah wa Tariqah) then
shall ask and obey, about all matters (Ebada'at, Ma'molat including Siyasiyat, Ma'ashiyat Wa'gheiyraha) and
disputation, to present Ulama’e Kiram and do accordingly as says or describe (meant as per Fatawa Shareef).
Allah knows the best. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu).

[AUTHORISED]: In third article, and then repeated same in fourth but with further
delineation, which is very clear in regards of obeying (to follows), therefore must be kept
in view (or say in front) or mind, “(Mafhoom) ... I am leaving two things amongst you,
if hold them fast (strongly) so you will never be Avert, one is Book (Qur’an) and
second is my Sunnah (Hadith Mubarakah) ...”, when these instructions are for later
Ummah than how could it be possible that not applicable or inevitable to followed in
Khair al-Qurooni, when it was presented or revealed (Nuzul’e Ah’kamat yan’i A’yah wa
Sunnah Wagh’eiyrah)”. Footnote: These directives (in one aspect) also delineate or say
highlighting the Honors and Virtues of Ulama (A’eymma Wa Masha’ikh) and directing
Amma’tul Muslimeen to obey them, because we could never understand Quran and
Sunnah until it was not exemplify (Arabic: Istekh’raj) and then simplified (Arabic:
Tas’heel) by Ulama’e Kiram meant A’eymma Mujtahi’deen wa Muhaddi’theen particularly
A’eymma Arba’a regarding worships (Arabic: Eba’daat) and matters (Arabic: Moam’laat)
and which also includes Creed (Arabic: al-Ema’n wa’l-Aqa’id), second signifying the
validation of Chain (Arabic: Sanad) of both, Fiqh and Silsilah, because Quran n Sunnah
(Shar’iah wa Tari’qah) was first presented (in front) and explained to Sahaba’e Kiram
(Alehemur Ridhwan) and then they presented (in front) and explained it to Taba’ien al-
Kiram and then they transferred it to Taba’ien al-Taba’ein al-Kiram and so on forth meant
come downwards or count it stepwise till our era to end of the world. Third, it is also

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signifies that following Ulama (A’eymma Mujtahi’deen bil’khusoos Arba’a and linked to
their Jurisprudence Ulama, any one amongst four) is actually holding fast, Quran and
Sunnah (Shari’ah Muttah’harah), because none can proves their works (Arabic: Ijtiha’dat)
or say efforts (Arabic: Isted’lal) against or out of Quran and Sunnah.

[DISTINCTION]: However, only Muslims right group will be acceptable, not else as
nowadays some groups emerged (doesn’t existed in blissful era) which also claims
following or are upon Quran & Sunnah, which is reported 1400yrs ago, in Jam’ey Tirmizi
and Moajim al-Tabarani, through their chains, quoting* its last part (Urdu: Juz) here,
“(Mafhoom) … Verily, Bani Isra’il divided into seventy-two sects whereas my
Ummah will be parted into seventy-three sects, all will be gone to hell besides one,
when asked O’Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) who they were? Replied, those who
would be upon MINE & MY COMPANION’S WAY …” Under its simplification, Al-Shaykh*
stated from the narrations of Imam abu-Hamid al-Ghazali al-Shafa’ei “Ahya Uloom’uddin”
that, *it is stated in another Hadith, “… That successful group is Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah …” Further stated that Hafiz Zainuddin al-Iraqi (Rehmatullah Alehe) says^, “… its
chains are very elegant …” Similarly in “Fatah’ur Rehman bi-Asbat’e Mazhab’e Nauman”,
Sidna Imam Muhammed Abdul-Haq Muhadith al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Rehmatullah Alehe) [958-1052 Hijri] quotes, “(Mafhoom) … Ibn’e Asaker narrates
that, Sidna Ali al-Murtadha (Karam’Allahu Wajehil-Kareem) reported that Nabi al-
Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) said My Ummah will be parted into ^73 groups (sects)
and besides one all others would be infernal (Urdu: Jahannami Houngay). The one
(who succeeds) would be those upon which I and my companions were standing …
[Ref.: FQ06]” Thus all these including above quotes signified prominently whom shall be
obeyed. Means Quran Majeed, Sunnat’e Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and blessed Sahaba’e
Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan). In Shifa Shareef [Ref.: HT01], Sidna Imam al-Qadhi Ayadh al-
Andulusi al-Maliki (Rehmatullah Alehe) [d. 544 Hijri] quotes, highlighting significance of
Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan), “(Mafhoom) … My Companions are like the
stars; whomever of them you follow you will be guided ... ” It is objection by some
upon its chain, though Sidna Imam al-Qadhi Ayadh (Rehmatullah Alehe) himself a
Muhadith as well as Jurisprudence Master (Arabic: Fa’qeh) therefore when he quoted then
definitely seen (knew) all aspects. Second, then later this quote was rectified (Arabic:
Tasreeh) by Ulama[Muhadditheen], particularly by nineth century revivalist and a great
Muhaddith Imam Mullah Muhammed Ali Qari al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul
Aziz), as well as recently~ by Taj’ush Shariah Al-Shaykh Mufti Akhter Ridha al-Azhari al-
Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah). Therefore after these few explications of
Ulama, no doubt left in path as well as whom will be considered that said in Quran Majeed
as “Oulul Amr | Authorised” for obedience, and they are surely Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah comprising upon four beautiful territories (in acts n matters, not creed) renown
as “Mazahib Arba’a”, hence in absence or even in presence of Sultan’e Islam (or say
[*] Al-Shaykh Mufti Muhammed Afdhal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum), Arbaein’e Afdhaliyah (quote-
5:Pg.18; Footnote Pg.18-19 | Ref.: SM12)
[^] There is an intense debate present amongst Ulama, upon figure 73, that by it what really meant here. Nearly
all Ulama agrees that by it means in perceptions (Nazariyat | E’man’O Aqaiyd) from right path of Islam (Sunni-
Beliefs) upon which distributed (and due to this goes/send to Hell | say wrong beliefs).
[~] For more details, see “My Companions Are Like The Stars of Guidance [English]” by Taj’ush Shariah Badr’ut
Tariqah Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Akhter Ridha al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkathum Aliyah). English
translation did by Resp. Muhammed Junaid al-Hanafi al-Ridhawi (Barakallahum).
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 98

Islamic System), Masha’ikh wa Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) would be remain to

followed (because were included), which also implies that there decisions contains
priority and validation.

[QUERY]: A question may arise in minds, most of readers, that the verse clearly mentioning obeys
‘Oulul Amr (Authorised)’ and then in pretext (Tafsir) also signifies that “it also said that this
means: the men of sacred knowledge” hence if we don’t have ‘Oulul Amr (Authorised)’ [Person
with Sacred Knowledge in power; politically] neither have system based upon it [following other
than Islam; meant which don’t have Supreme Laws based upon, neither implemented, Quran &
Sunnah], then how it become true to follow or practice or avoid the sin (which will comes due to
absence) the particular blissful verse?

Answer: O’Dea, though have defined in some details on previous transcript and have stated
further above (see there), however illustrating again to eliminate doubts (Urdu: Shukook) in this
regards. As we mentioned under “NOTE | Pg.97” of a quoted verse, and do remember the “NOTE |
Pg.97” explication was taken from a transcript (by Hudhrat Mufti Abdul-Wahab Khan Late), which
is also depicted by as same in Jurisprudence Books; that Ulama say ‘Oulul Amr (Authorised)’
meant (or includes), “… Sahaba’e Kiram, Taba’een Kiram, Taba Taba’een Kiram, A’eymma’e
Kiram, Masha’ikh’e Kiram, Ulama’e Kiram and Salateen (Alim’e Deen) …” hence bind to their path
(Right creed | Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba) will removed (lessen) the burdon or
responsibility naturally (of Sin), and we also mentioned this in last article (in real a transcript),
under solicitation at the end, “… however all those whom are already connected or say bind
properly with Masha’ikh wa Ulama (Right Creed | Sunnat’e Muhammediyyah[Mazahib Arba’a]) are
exempted from this caution, Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar …”, though we must also seek or urge
Ulama to take step and lead the Ummah politically too (taking power), which they did in past and
once again needed, so that could avoid the possibilty of burdon (might be upon us or expectable),
that seemed clearly in one aspect, meant the political grip. Think on it.

[PERMISSION]: However if Government (Ameer and its regime) itself extorted

(massacring people, stopping from Worshiping and so on forth)? Answer: In this
condition, if itself extorted (Arabic: Zalim) and corrupt (by faith and act; Athiest or itself
made any new religion or else), and massacring people and begin preventing them to
perform Worships, in Masajid, then upon adequate resources (weapon) whether taken
from Government Resources OR arranged privately OR from outside (Assistance from
Sovereign Muslim State) whereas sufficient strength (HR) is available then on consensus
at Shaykh (Must be Alim, and at least Mufti) ensuring protection of civilians (not capable
to fight or involving themselves), as well as safety and continuation of supplies all can and
should fight against extortion and unjust regime and also should eliminate insurgents
(Munafiqoon-Khawarij) if entered in between Muslims somehow, before or during battle.

[CONSENSUS]: Second, Ulama has tried always, and still doing efforts, but if somehow
didn’t able to succeed (implementing the Islamic System) then in this case following
would be applied, stated in last article (in real a transcript), under Islamic Nations, “… If
Government [Ameer and its Regime] is following other than Islamic Model, like
Democratic (West) or Socialist (North, now late) or Communist (North East), even
without Modification, and State was not invaded neither controlled by Infidels but is
Sovereign, then what we’ll do, means couldn’t revolt either? Answer: Yes, even if

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Government [Ameer and its Regime] was following other than Islamic Model without any
Modifications, neither invaded nor controls by foreign powers, only if Masha’ikh wa
Ulama along with common Muslims signed Pact or Accorded that will not revolt against
Government suggested System or say get Silent (not signed any Accord or Pact but
sustaining quietly) and obeying the legitimacy (Western Laws, and Regime Orders), hence
in these circumstances we couldn’t revolt [because consensus is necessary], however
urged or pressurizes them [Ameer and its Regime] peacefully to deal or handle all matters
and issues as per or under Quran and Sunnah (Shari’ah | Mazahib Arba’a) along with
Muslims consensus (Ulama) and gives them top priority, as well as it is better to declares
it as “Supreme Law [Islamic Shariah]”, and this action (unarmed pressurizing) is only for
keeping peace and stability in jurisdiction, avoiding Chaos and Anarchy (Arabic: Fasad fil
Ardh). Hence (when not revolting against system) it becomes necessary to support the
Government (whether Accord with or Silent from it) whenever calls to fight if any other
inappropriate revolt (internally) or unfair assault (externally) happens. And Allah knows
all the best. …”

FOOTNOTE: And if they doesn’t pay attention (as nowadays we seen) either endure (Farsi: Bar’dasht)
them (though continued practicing religion as per teachings and resolved as well as handle all matters and
issues under its commandments) or keep pressurizing them (to implement), if don’t have adequate
resources and sufficient strength to fight against extortion; to implement true Islamic Model (based
upon Quran and Sunnah; Mazahib Arba’a) or say to bring change, otherwise it is better not involve or
urge Muslims in revolts which becomes instigation (Fitnah) and chaos (Fasad) means unnecessary
killngs of people (it will casue | due to inadequate resources and strength). [Reason] Govt. use force, means
Law Enforcement Agencies, say police (even calls military, if not stabilizing), whereas if you don’t have
resources then what’s the use/result? And Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
has strictly prohibited such type of protests.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

MONARCHY (Malukiyah | Badsha’hat)

O’Dea, in 3rd article we highlights the significance of obey (Arabic: Ata’at | Tabey’dari) from
Quran’s verse [s.4:v.59], and then under its respected Note presents Ulama interpretation, which
has been discussed in detail later on forth article (4th) and also in this book either, in respect to
some concerned matters. In note, stated that, “… According to Ulama, here Authority (Oulu Amr)
meant (yan’i) Sahaba’e Kiram, Taba’een, Taba Taba’een, A’eymma’e Kiram, Masha’ikh’e Kiram,
Ulama’e Kiram and Salateen[1] (Alim’e Deen). However Ruler (Malik or Ameer or Hakim) if
not[2] an Islamic Scholar (Alim of Qur'an and Sunnah, in other words Shariah wa Tariqah) then
shall ask and obey …” [Topic: Obey | Pg. 3-4]

DENOTE: [1] Heir(s) cannot be exempted, if an Islamic Shariah literate. [2] Heir(s) aren’t
exempted in this case either, meant whether not learned religion but worldly education
(like nowadays | science, technology, arts, civic etc.) or given power by predecessor
(illiterate). NOTE: In both conditions if Heir (Malik | Bad’shah) practicing or implemented
Islam (Quran & Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a) as Kingdom’s official status & constitution then
Muslims are fetter to obey, if not switching to Caliphate System. Allah knows all the best.

We stated in 4th Article, “… But here would like to say add Libya (before fall) because they were
also following same Model as follows by Iran and China (single party based), actually similar (or
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 100

same as) to Monarchy. Second, good thing about this Model are its idiosyncratic Control[1] over
State (Matters | Social, Economy, Politics etc) through Restrictions and Limitations …” [Topic:
Model | Pg. 26]

Then stated, under Hem (Urdu: Ha’shiah), in same article (4th), “… acquired Kingdom Style,
though few did modifications (following Demon-cracy under Monarchy) and few didn’t (Kept as
Old), but unfortunately majority of them implements (whether did modification or not in
monarch system) English Laws rather than Islamic Shari’ah (Qadha’e Shari’ah) except Morocco as
per one authentic source[2] that it is a complete (or say following Model) Islamic Sultanate.
Masha Allah …” [Topic: Model | Pg. 26]

DENOTE: [1] Same control present in Monarchy too. [2] Sultan’ul Awliyah al-Shaykh al-
Sharif Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Haqqani al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)

All early explanations (paragraphs) depicting clearly that Monarchy Model isn’t bad or illegal
either, or say un-islamic, if maintaining stability in the State (Kingdom | Shahi Mumlikah) through
or under Islamic Shari’ah (Ahle-Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a). Even Ahadith’e Mubarakah too shows
its right to practice, though should switch to Caliphate Model as emphasize (or say enforced). It is
narrated on the authority of Hudhrat Obaidah Bin Jarrah (Radhi Allah Anhu), that Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) says, “(Mafhoom) … Beginning of your religion
is from Prophethood (Nabuwwah) and Mercy. After then Caliphate (Khliafah) and Mercy
then Kingdom (Malu’kiyah) and era of enforcement (Zamana’e Jabr) will come … [Tareekh’ul
Khula’fa (Urdu) | Pg. 27]”

O’Dea, blessed saying (or say foretell | Ghaybi Khabr) has been transpired[1], which also depicts
itself the beautiful order that is; beginning of religion happens after arrival of Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) after then proclamation (Aylan’e Nabuwwah), then highlighting
the Caliphate (Khilafat’e Rashidah) as mercy, and then Kingdom (extortion | Zalimana), here
depicting it as unjust (Urdu: Zalim) [2]. Another blessed saying (Hadith Sharif) depicts that, “…
first era of Caliphate (30yrs) passed, and then afterwards Malukiyah (like Seljuks,
Uthmaniyah) and then comes slavery (Daur’e Ghulami | Say Present) [3] …” Reconcile: Both
saying can be reconciled (Urdu: tatbeeq) as, particularly their last part[4]; wise kingdom aren’t
condemnable but the unjust were [Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)].

DENOTE: [1] As following, 30yrs of Khilafat’e Rashidah, after it Malukiyah[*] and then era
of slavery[^], even before formation of Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Caliphate/Sultanate)
many muslims areas were fallen to upheavels (Kharji-Fatmies/Batnies etc) & invaders
(Byzantinium/Mongols etc) [~]. Second, it also depicts repetition of order; Imam
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz) has mentioned in Tareekh’ul
Khulafa. [2] Meant that unjust rulers will comes whom will sabotages the natural and just
balance; as taught and told. [3] Due to not fulfilling the criteria (stipulation) for Caliphate;
both Seljukiyah & then Uthmnaniya (when stopped startegam | Jub Helah Terk Kiya[Chorr
Diya]) were Kingdoms (Malukiyah | Sultanate). [4] First quote showing Kingdom as unjust
(or not right) whereas later one showing exemption (Urdu: Mus’tasna) from being unjust
hence signifies that can be practice or acquire (permissible)[#].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 101


FOOTNOTE: [*] Some of Ummeyyid & then Abbassid Rulers aren’t or can be said as deserving Right
Caliphs but they were only unjust Rulers. However Seljuks Mamlukiyah, are righteous Kings (Sultans)
not Caliphs (due to deficient in stipulation for caliph); from whom (afterwards) emerged then Ottomans
(Uthmaniyah). NOTE: Through Stratagem (Urdu: Helah), Ottoman Empire was at beginning fulfilling the
requirements of Caliphate (Khilafah), but then later left (Stratagem) thus converged to Malukiyah
(Sultanate), and finally fallen to slavery (Ghulami). [^] After fall of Ottoman Empire in 1921, though it
started since 18th Century, when Muslims Territories were begun to encircling by invaders (West &
North repsectively), crumbling one by one (Slowly | In result) to them. [~] Say under slavery (Urdu: Daur’e
Ghulami), because later-on all were liberated (Urdu: Wapas Ley’liyay Ga’ey). [#] But will be one level less
to Caliphate; in honor & due to stipulations.

Thus, as we illustrated earlier, “… Monarchy (Jordan/Morocco) & then Communism (China &
Iran) are much closed to Islamic System (Caliphate) …” In the light of above mentionings (quotes),
as well as Ulama (Fuqaha) interpretations, if Monarch implements (follows) Islamic Shari’ah
(Quran & Sunnah) and declared Islam as Kingdom’s official status and constitution, then such
Monarchy is right[1] and everyone will be obliged to fettered upon it (Monarchy | Mumlikah) to
obey Heir (Malik | Bad’shah) or say Sultan or Ameer (Ruler) because Heir is now a rightful ‘Oulul
Amr (Authority)’, as well as eligible too. [Stratagem] The Heir (Malik | Bad’shah) can acquire
Caliphate mode of selection for Islamic Kingdom; meant could holds power (even for his
generations) but should conduct selection[2] based elections for ‘Prime Minister’; as in some
Kingdoms nowadays it is practice.

DENOTE: [1] Only difference between Caliphate and Kingdom is of Successor’s

nomination. In Caliphate, the Caliph is responsible to nominate eligible people for the
position with mutual suggestion, either from his own government or public, for election.
Whereas in Kingdom, it follows predetermine inheritance, meant to hold reign nominee
shall or must be the rulling family member. Only election happens in this type of
nomination, at high level (say supreme council), when King have several sons, and all are
either eligible or meeting criteria (knowledge and sightedness[ilm’O Farasat]). [2] Selects
qualified and renowned people from educational institutions (particularly Religious
School[Deeni Madressah]) and forward them to public for election.

Islam’s suggested model for ruling system is more comprehensive and diversify then any else,
because it not only contains proper and complete laws for attaining stability, in all departs of
state, but also opportunity for deserving people to comes in power, and serve the honorable
cause; however the only stipulation it has is of Qur’shiyat (Banu Quraiyshi). Hence Caliphate
model seems better, and is honorable too, then Monarchy, whereas Monarchy is better then rest
of all other options (means other models of system), therefore Muslims around the world shall
either forms Caliphate (advisable) otherwise acquired Religious Monarchy. Keep Thinking

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 102




There is a debate going on among Muslims regarding the status of state, that what it should be,
Religious or Secular? As Muslims State so definitely status shall be Islam officialy but other side
(Secular) present evidence from Quran Majeed too for their emphasis status. However here we
are illuminating in compressive form regarding this matter.

We stated in third article, under Islamic Nations, “… and after WWI defeat it leads to its
dissolution completely in 1923 by Kemal Ataturk, who founded a Modern Turkish State by getting
rid from invaders and had declared it as Secular which is still, …” and then ahead in same artilce
stated, under Ummah, “… a. Turkey is a secular state (hasn’t change the status yet), b. Member of
NATO (However not permanent), c. Present ruling party also called themselves Islamist are
supporting Salafism (Hypocrites), d. They betrayed Libya which is officially declared as an Islamic
Sunni State but they didn’t do anything, let more than 60,000 Civilians died unjustly by NATO
Bombing and still bloodshed is going on (shame on them, this is brotherhood), …”

Then in fourth article, we stated under Nations, “… 1. It has no good meaning (Word:
Secular), and it is used by a particular lobby for their ideology promotion & goals, “NORVO ORDO
SECLORUM”, which is also a part of their conspiracy to form World Single Government. 2. Secular
State (declared by Regime of Muslims territories) usually didn’t distinguished neither recognizes
(for judgements) correctly between right-side and wrong-side [within Islam], because if they do
then Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) would be their official religion, and all decisions are
making in Islam’s benefits nor only in their self benefits. 3. However, if a State is officially declared
(as Secular) so it doesn’t mean that inhabitants are non-religious or they were not practicing (or
following) any religion, but actually it was a Govt. fault (why don’t they change it), if an
independent State. 4. Muslim State should have or declares Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) as
official religion not else, even if UN says or pressurized by anyone. 5. It is highly graspable status
in Aa’khirah, therefore shall fears Allah more than this “Fani Duniya”, and we have already
mentioned evidences. Foundation: As we said, “*Kemal Ataturk, who founded a Modern Turkish
State by getting rid from invaders and had declared it as Secular which is still (actually a small
mistake, should declares Islam)”. Opposite to all these objections, Turkey is still our ^stronghold
and reliablse partner because they will help (come to) Mominan’e Gharbi (Pakistan). …”

Overview: First we have to look its meaning or say origin of derivation then it will become
convenient to understand the difference (explains ahead); we have found following meanings or
say definitions for “Secular”:

It is introduced by, “… The term "secularism" was first used by the British writer George Jacob
Holyoake in 1851. … Holyoake invented the term "secularism" to describe his views of promoting
a social order separate from religion, without actively dismissing or criticizing religious belief. …”

Defined as, “… In political terms, secularism is a movement towards the separation of religion and
government (often termed the separation of church and state). This can refer to reducing ties
[*] A Verse; in which missed a very simple interpretation hence either misunderstand or mislead.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 103


between a government and a state religion, replacing laws based on scripture (such as the
Torah and Sharia law) with civil laws, and eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion. This
is said to add to democracy by protecting the rights of religious minorities. …”
[*Read also:]

One defined it as, “… CHRISTIAN CHURCH (of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule;
not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order. …”

Another defined it as, “… a form of opinion which concerns itself only with questions, the issues of
which can be tested by the experience of this life" (English Secularism, 60). …”, further stated, “…
Secularism is that which seeks the development of the physical, moral,
and intellectual nature of man to the highest possible point, as the immediate duty of life — which
inculcates the practical sufficiency of natural morality apart from Atheism, Theism or the Bible —
which selects as its methods of procedure the promotion of human improvement by material
means, and proposes these positive agreements as the common bond of union, to all who would
regulate life by reason and ennoble it by service" (Principles of Secularism, 17). …”

One more defined it as following, “… not spiritual or religious [For Secular] … bodily [For
Fleshly] … thinking mainly about physical things [For Materialistic] … material, worldly
[For Temporal] … material, nonreligious [For Worldly], and so on forth.

Rectification: Now illustrating from the History, and then the blissful era and afterwards, though
try best to write in brief. From Ulama several explanations, particularly from Tafasirs regarding
various Empires formation and then their dissolutions (sabotages by the rivals; and it was also a
punishment or wrath) before His Eminence Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam), one will found existence of Empires based upon either one of two different ideology, a
religious (deen) and irreligious (free from religion or self-made religion or say human made
laws), and all (both ideologies) were finally ruled or lead by a single person (at top), renown as
CALIPH (used specifically for religious like Sidna Hudhrat Sulaiman Alehe Salat-O-Salam) or say
KING (Shad’dad, Phiroan’e Mesir, ^Tub’bah of Yemen, *Nuj’jashi of Habshah) or QUEEN (*Malikah
Bilqis of Mulk’e Sabah, Yemen).

And in KING(s) or QUEEN(s), some were Muslims (Caliphs: Khulafa) whereas some weren’t
(disbelievers: Kuffar wa Mushrikeen), and amongst Muslims the most piety and honorable are
Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus-Salat-O-Salam), like Sidna Hudhrat Yousuf bin Yaqoob Nabiyinah
(Alehemus-Salat-O-Salam), Sidna Hudhrat Sulaiman bin Dawood Nabiyinah (Alehemus-
Salat-O-Salam), and the most best amongst all creations, and most distinctive in existence
[*] Only for more satisfaction about “SECULAR” that “Secularism” or have a status of being a “Secular State”
meant separation from religious laws (also termed as Heavenly Laws), in other words following or replacing it
with self made or say man made laws. (Ma’az Allah)
[^] Remember that Respectable & Honorable Rulers Bilqis, Tub’bah & Nuj’jashi were became Muslims
(Believers) [Radhi Allah Anhum], and their Kingdoms are religion based not SECULAR STATUS. Think on it.

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amongst Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus-Salat-O-Salam), our beloved prophet, His Eminence

Khalifah’tullahil Azam Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), formed
beautiful and blissful State of Madinah Munaw’warah (An origin, a center: al-Markaz)*.

After foundation of blissful State (Khilafah) of Madinah Munaw’warah by His Eminence

Khalifah’tullahil Azam Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), the empire
(Khilafat) was then carried-on by the most piety and best after Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus-
Salat-O-Salam), particularly the four amongst the blessed companions (Sahaba’e Kiram)
[Alehem’ur Ridhwan], renown as Khilafat’e Rashidah, which was lead by Khalifa’e Aw’wal Sidna
Hudhrat Abu Bakr al-Siddiq’e Akbar (Radhi Allah Anhu), and then Khalifa’e Thani Sidna Hudhrat
Umar al-Farooq’e Azam (Radhi Allah Anhu), and then Khalifa’e Thalith Sidna Hudhrat Usman al-
Ghani Zun’norayn (Radhi Allah Anhu), and then Khalifa’e Rab’ey Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Mutadha
‘Shah Mardan’ (Karam Allahu Waji’hil Kareem), and then by ^Sidna Hudhrat Imam Hasan bin Ali
al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhum).

Correction: Supporters of “Secular Status”, gives or present following Quranic Verse,

“(Mafhoom) … There is no compulsion in religion; … [s.2:v.256]”, they missed a following,
that Verse depicting or emphasizing itself upon the Religion not revealing that acquire “Secular
Status”, and secondly there is a Verse present which indicates the religion meant in this Verse,
which has no compulsion and moreover it is comprehensive and chosen (as successful) is,
“(Mafhoom) … This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour
upon you and have chosen Islam as religion for you. … [s.5:v.3]”. Hence as we wrote before,
and emphasize a lot, that religion is the only valid and right path which will be acceptable by Allah
(Subhanahu), and in religion only Islam would be accepted, and none other, which is mentioned
in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … Verily, only Islam is the Din (Religion) before Allah, …
[s.3:v.19]”. Therefore, all these blessed verses of Quran Majeed, revealed the religion Islam, not
indicating towards “Secular Status”. Now we look towards compulsion that of what type or
actually meant here, first we present full verse, then its pretext (Tafsir), and then Ulama’e Kiram
interpretation (Fiqahi);
[From third Article] NOTE: Religion (Deen) have (or say holds) vast meanings and cover all aspects (including
Political System nor only Worships), and among “meanings” one is Path (Rah: Rasta) which is defined ahead as
Islam; and in one context it also shows that Religion (Urdu: Deen) is inevitable (Urdu: Lazim) therefore without
obeying the valid path (Religion) none is beneficial, like Atheism or declaring the state as Secular [as one
refutes whereas other opposes Religion]. Allah knows all the best.
Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu).

The Verse states, “(Mafhoom) … There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous
path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil and
believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and
Knows. … [s.2:v.256]”

[Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Aziz Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Alehe Rehma)
[*] Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are the real Heirs of all creations (Urdu: Makhlooqat), hence it is
not necessary that they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) formed or have any kind of EMPIRE (Land etc.).
[^] Ulama has counted Sidna Imam Hasan bin Ali (Radhi Allah Anhum) tenure, which is of six months, in to
Khilafat’e Rashidah, and after its inclusion the report (Arabic: Khabr) about the period of Khilafah revealed by
Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was fulfilled (or say completed). Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 105


stated, “... From Infidels of Arabs (kuffar’e Arab) the tax (jiziyah) was not taken (charged) because
main purpose is to clean Arab from Infidelity & Polytheism (Kufr’O Shirk), when they became Muslim
and Arab becomes cleaned from dirt of polytheism (Nijasat’e Shirk) … it has came (Urdu: Ut’ra) that
Jews (Yahud), Chrisians (Nasara) and Polytheist (Majoosi) if convinced upon paying Tax (Jiziyah) then
shall be left and would not be enforced towards embracing or say entering into Islam. Truth (Haqq)
from False (Batil) and False (Batil) from Truth (Haqq) has been separated. The trueness of Islam has
been revealed (expressed) upon everyone, Islam’s justification (Haqqah’niyat) is now not hidden from
anyone. Hence if these Nations wouldn’t becomes Muslim then they knows and their Creator (Khaliq’e
Haqiqi). Don’t do coercion (Jabr) on anyone … This verse was come in honor of Mundhir Bin Sawi
(Radhi Allah Anhu) … [v.1:Pg.116 | Ref.: TM02]”

[Note: This is a partial (left few lines) English translation of actual prestext (Tafsir) of Urdu
translation version. For complete details, see Tafsir Ibne Abbas.]

[Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (There is no compulsion in religion) no one
from among the people of the Book and the Magians should be coerced to believe in the divine Oneness
of Allah after the Arabs' embrace of Islam. (The right direction is hence forth distinct from error) faith
from disbelief and Truth from falsehood. The following was revealed about Mundhir Ibn Sawi al-
Tamimi: (And he who rejecteth false deities) the command of the devil and the worship of idols (and
believeth in Allah) and in what has come forth from Him (hath grasped a firm handhold) has taken in
trust “there is no God save Allah” (which will never break) will never cease, vanish or perish; it is also
said that this means: for him who believes in it, the bliss of Paradise will never cease and he will never
be taken out of Paradise, nor will he perish by staying in the Fire. (Allah is Hearer) of this speech,
(Knower) of its reward and bliss

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Ulama say; There is no compulsion in, entering into, religion. Rectitude has become
clear from error, that is say, through clear proofs it has become manifest that faith is rectitude and
disbelief is error: this was revealed concerning the Ansār [of Medina] who tried to compel their sons to
enter into Islam; so whoever disbelieves in the false deity, namely, Satan or idols (tāghūt, ‘false deity’,
is used in a singular and plural sense), and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, the
tight knot, unbreaking, that cannot be severed; God is Hearing, of what is said, Knowing, of what is

[FOOTNOTE] Ulama says; if Infidel(s) or Polythiest(s) or Athiest(s) [Yahud’O Nasarah’O Mushrikeen etc] wants to
come/lives (for work or business) or travel (for touring or trade) in to the Islamic Sultanat or Mumlikah then it is
permissible (allowed) but has to pay Tax (Jiziyah) in both condition (till stay | Decided by the Islamic State, the mode
and schedule), and if somehow becomes known or revealed that purpose was spying (has entered and doing) then
shall be persecuated (behead), second they are not allowed to bring weapon or anything related to it, third they
(whomsoever) can perform their Worships but under their limitations (meant in living/staying place), will be not
allowed Publically like constructing the specific place (Eba’dat Khana) for it. However if any territory (or say
land) conquered by Muslims that belongs to or inhabitant by Non-Muslims (in majority) then the remained
(Mo’joudah) worshiping-place could be left (expansion of old/remained one and constructing new place wouldn’t be
permitted, even if they insists) and permitted to perform communal worshiping as they were doing before
downfall (from their control), meant being conquered (by Muslims).

Similarly, Muslims can stay in (for work or business) or travel (for touring or trade) to Non-Muslims territories (or
say lands) after getting permission by their authorities through signing accord (Permit or Visa) in which are
liable or bind to follow their laws (Which they should do | Avoid violation), however couldn’t desist Worships
(Prayers, Fasts, Zakat, Hajj etc) in any circumstances, and if they are preventing to offer worship then, in first
place shouldn’t select or stay in such type of territory, or secondly left at once and went to some other place
(where there was no restrictions) or otherwise return to Muslim territory (Home or else place | Under Muslims rule).
Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 106


Impeding here hence refraining from further details. For more, see Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks
Ulama’e Kiram. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu).

These following explanations prominently shows or proved that an ease, in other words no
compulsion, for Infidel(s) & Polytheist(s) which includes Jews & Christians & Majousis (Yahud’O
Nasarah’O Mushrikeen), was in to embracing or say entering to Islam, that if they embraces or
entered after invitation then welcome warmly and if doesn’t then left them (but charged),
however after acceptation we’ll do all matters or treat them just alike other Muslims. Second
ease is, in other words no compulsion, was about in working (job or business) or travelling (tour
or trade), and charges (Jiziyah) will applied, and we have stated some laws under ‘FOOTNOTE’,
hence see there. Third ease, in other words no compulsion, was in some ACTS (Aama’al); for
instance, that if someone captured by Enemy (Forces or etc.), and he has fear or assured that
exposing my religion to enemy would cost life however hiding it would be beneficial, thus in this
position person can, hence must, hide his religion (Islam), even if enemy enforced to embrace or
accept their religion then can say from tongue, but must have firm believed and trust upon person
real and true belief, an origin, Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah), in heart. Another ease, that we
have been ordered to offer prayers five times a day, however if one couldn’t offer it in standing
position then can, hence should, performs in sitting position, and if not in sitting then can, hence
should, performs in resting position, and if conditions are worst; like in Coma etc, then after
recovery (100% or reasonable) performs all previous leftover*, although there is no exemption of
age, because it is obligatory (Arabic: Fardh) upon all.

Comparison: Remembers, before His Eminence Khalifah’tullahil Azam Sidna Muhammed

Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), there was numerous Empires in which some based upon
Religion whereas some aren’t, however in both kinds Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alaihemus Salat-O-
Salam) were present for guidance, and in this guidance contained all matters related to Worships,
Politics, Economics, Social and so on. Religion Based: Empires formed either by Anmbiya’e
Kiram (Alaihemus Salat-O-Salam) or Awliyah’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) were definitely called
‘Religion based’, for instance; Sidna Huhdrat Sulaiman bin Dawood Nabiyinah (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) blissful and honorable empire in Bayt’ul Muqaddus, and Sidna Hudhrat Zulqarnayn (Radhi
Allah Anhu) blissful and honorable empire in Sham. Irreligious Based: Whereas those who
refuted/rejected the invitation rather than adaptation called ‘Irreligious Based’ in other words
could say ‘Secular Based’, for instance Shaddad’s empire in Yemen and Phiroan’s empire in
Bayt’ul Muqaddas, because they didn’t accept invitation neither allowed practicing the Heveanly
Orders (under their Rule) but their desires or say intention is purely their self made orders (in
which some of them called it Religious | say man made religion).

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

ECONOMY (Ma’eishat | Ti’jarah)

O’Dea, as illustrated earlier that, “… according to their needs (also known as basic entities) and
those are Food (Arabic/Farsi: al-Ta’am:Khoor), Cloth (Arabic/Farsi: al-Libb’as:Poshish) and
Shelter (Arabic/Farsi: al-Bait:Muskan) which are TIME (Arabic/Farsi: al-Sa’at:Waqt) dependant
therefore all these measures would be covered or kept in top priorities by it. Means on Time, all
these necessities shall be provided or available for everyone, with convenience and justice ...”
Therefore their availability or say access has been bind with exchange[1], means these three core
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 107

though basic necessities are based upon or contains several sub-elements (or say entities |
Juz’yat) itself, for instance; food are of various kinds, Crops (Wheat, Rice etc), Fruits, Vegetables,
Dry Nuts, similarly Cloth too; for instance, Cotton, Silk etc, and Shelter as well; for instance, Camp
(Arabic: Khey’mah), Mud House, Wood House, Wood Huts etc. And they cannot be manage lonely
but definitely required other people services, for mass production or on large scale; & due this
have to consider their needs[2] too, expenditures and facilities etc.

DENOTE: [1] Naturally eliminated individual control; meant these three core though
basic elements along with their sub-elements (or say entities | Juz’yat) can’t be nor able to
handle individually (crops cultivation & material production); human being has limitation
hence further manpower needed, and that’s why society is either necessary to form or
being came into formation. (Keep Thinking) [2] Thus becomes inevitable, to fulfills, either
means or goods that will payoff (their dues); hence means introduced or in real it was
revealed to Prophets(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), and Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
taught respected Ummah, about dealings through Gold & Silver (or say currency). [Keep

[DEALING] In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) said, “(Mafhoom) … Those who devour
interest shall not stand on the Day of judgement, but like the standing of one whom the evil
spirit has by touching made mad. This is because they said 'The trade too is like interest,'
and Allah made trade lawful and made interest unlawful. So he, who received admonition
from his Lord and refrained, then whatever he took before is lawful to him, and his affair is
with Allah. And now whoever shall commit such. Fault, they are men of hell, they will live
therein for longer period ... [s.2:v.275]”

[Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Allah then mentioned the punishment of consuming usury,saying:
(Those who swallow usury) declaring it to be lawful (cannot rise up) from their graves on
the Day of Judgement (save as he ariseth) in the life of this world (whom the Devil hath
prostrated) confounded (by (his) touch) of insanity. (That) confusion is, in the Hereafter,
the sign of the one who consumes usury (is because they say: Trade is just like usury)
increase at 49 the end of selling, once the term is due, is like the increase at the beginning
of a transaction when the sale is deferred; (whereas Allah permitteth trading) the former
increase (and forbideth usury) the latter increase. (He unto whom and admonition from
his Lord cometh) a prohibition of usury comes from his Lord, (and (he) refraineth (in
obedience thereto)) from dealing in usury, (he shall keep (the profit) that which is past)
he shall not be blamed for his dealing in usury before itwas made unlawful, (and his affair
(henceforth)) in what remains of his life (is with Allah) if He wishes He will protect him
and if He wishes He will let him down. (As for him who returneth (to usury)) after usury
has been made forbidden and says trade is just like usury (-such are rightful owners of the
Fire) the dwellers of hell. (They will abide therein) they will abide therein until Allah wills.

[Tafsir Jalalaiyn] Those who devour, that is, [those who] seize by way of, usury, which is
an excess [levied] in transactions of money or foodstuffs either on their value or on credit,
shall not rise again, from their graves, except, rising, as one whom Satan has made
prostrate, demented, from touch, [through] madness (min al-mass, ‘from touch’, is
semantically connected to yaqūmūna, ‘they rise’); that, which befalls them, is because, of
the fact that, they say, ‘Trade is like usury’, in terms of permissibility: this [statement] is a

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 108


type of reversed simile used for intensity [sc. ‘usury is liketrade’ is the expected word
order]. God responds to them saying that: God has permitted trade, and forbidden usury.
Whoever receives an admonition from his Lord and desists, from devouring it, he shall
have his past gains, those made before the prohibition and which cannot be reclaimed
from him, and his affair, with regard to pardoning him, is committed to God; but whoever
reverts, to devouring it, treating it like trade in terms of lawfulness — those are the
inhabitants of the Fire, abiding therein.

Ulama has explicated thoroughly upon this matter (see Tafsir Mazhari (Urdu Ver.) | v.1:Pg.540-
556) therefore only need is just implementation, and we’ve discusses (interest esp.) too some
points ahead (under Interests), meant the above verse prominently separating or distinguishes
between Trade & Interest[1]. In Trade, when selling goods by either purchasing from producer
(cultivator, manufacturer etc.) or processing (manufacturing), it is permissible (lawful) to take
profit; because debtor is paying your preset price. Whereas Interest becomes forbidden (Urdu:
Haram), because it was asked (Urdu: Taqa’dha) for only specified amount with stipulating to
return it on affix time either through easy installments or at once[2] hence demanding or
applying profit on loan (Mukhsoos Taqa’dha | Qardh) is signified as unlawful (forbidden |

DENOTE: [1] In trade, Ulama says taking Profit is permissible; whether selling (else
goods; as wholeseller or retailer) or produced (by self | Manufacturing). Whereas upon
Interest, Ulama says, it is forbidden to take profit on loan; whether dealing form is
currency or goods, and this is also depicted by the verse, particularly pretext (Tafsir).
Allah knows all the best. [2] However, it has been instructed to or said for creditor that
shall be lenient upon debtor on retaking; if either request (for further skips or delays) or
unable to pay (monthly or whole amount on scheduled time). See Jurisprudence Books or
asks Ulama. Allah knows all the best. Note: Even in Trade it becomes invalid deal (Arabic:
Bea’y Fasid’ah); once deal (amount & quantity) was final and then incline or decline was
impose by any side until or unless either not settled (change) or revised (retreat).
Secondly, doing deliberately by any side made deal naturally invalid, either doer is on
incline side or decline becomes sinful (taken interest | Soodi Tijarat Ki), whereas upon
remembrance, if happens mistakenly (counting error etc. | Bhool Sey), then revision (Must
| Shall be do) will restores the valid status (right). Allah knows all the best. [3] Currencies
(paper or material | Gold or Silver) aren’t only means but other things (Goods | Food item
or animals or material etc) can also be used (takes) as loan and so debtor is only liable to
payback that specified taken (Goods | Food item or animals or material etc); on basis of
either monthly or affix time. Allah knows all the best.

Currency (Sik’ka | Kagh’zi ya Dha’at)

O’Dea, as we stated in previous article, Gold and Silver as real wealth (Urdu: Maal’e Haqiqi), hence
shall be revived (acquired) by all Muslim States around the world and must be circulated for
doing commercial dealings (Urdu: Bah’mi Tijarat), under the light of Islamic Jurisprudence.

Paper Currency: However, paper compares to Gold n Silver has no worth and weight,
[*] For more details, see Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama’e Kiram.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 109


even to Bronze, because in one piece of gold weighing 1kg thousands of paper notes (even
give/print to them higher value) would comes, if weight togehter. The only value which
paper currency has is figures (numbers) which we gave (printed on) it otherwise that
particular paper note having higher value (100, 500, 1000 or 5000) couldn’t be placed in
front of 1kg Gold Piece even a 100g Gold Coin is heavy, if weight each other (paper note
and gold coin). But despite the drawback, Ulama says particularly Sidna Imam Ahmed
Ridha al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz), that commercial dealings can be do through
paper currency either (including trading of Gold n Silver or Bronze against or in exchange
of Paper Note), and all conditions of dealing that is allowed along with restrictions (that
will leads to cancelation | Be’ay Fasid’ah) upon Gold n Silver will also be applied upon
paper currency too, because we are doing same operations through Paper Currency which
can be did from Gold n Silver Currency. NOTE: Remember, Gold n Silver is also not or
could be exempted from interest based dealing (Urdu: Soud per Mubni Baey Fasid’ah |
Yani Tijarat) which is forbidden (Urdu: Haram), one is that (alike paper currency loan) if
one (individual or group or company [Bank or Corporate]) giving LOAN (Arabic: Qardh) in
Gold or Silver then couldn’t take more than or above agreed specific amount (Quantity;
because Gold or Silver based Currency comprises upon Coins which are countable).

Interest (Riba | Sood)

O’Dea, definitely and obviously interest is forbidden in Islam, meant while doing mutually any
personal or commercial dealing inclines or declines from or on any side will be called or termed
as Interest. It has some conditions; first is, while giving LOAN (Arabic: Qardh) one (individual or
group or company[Bank]) couldn’t take more than or above settled amount [Profit is prohibited |
See Footnote on next Pg.], and second in Exchange of Goods, means while selling any item against
Gold Coins, or even Paper Currency, having particular value or weight or quantity (preset | Price)
must be equal (properly balanced) otherwise decline or incline (Urdu: Kum’ie ya Ziyad’ti) will
make the deal interest based until not settled (revised) with mutual acceptance (Urdu: Bah’mie
Raza Mun’di) upon incline (Urdu: Ziyad’ti) particularly, whereas upon decline (Urdu: Kum’ie) so
both sides must be carefull and should maintain balance*. E.g. if Oranges are 1 Dozen per 12 Gold
Coins or Rs.100, then both (Seller n Buyer) are liable/bind to maintain the balance while dealing,
decline in Quantity or Amount will leads the deal towards interest (Urdu: So’od) based hence
canceled (Arabic: Fasid’ah); however upon notice or reminder if revised as per the deal, then
condition of cancelation (interst based | Sood per mubni Be’ay) is removed. Third in Leasing, that
form (way of doing business) is not prohibited but only thing that makes it interest based is once
price was decided and agreed (whether its actual market price is different and both made
transaction mutually) individual or group or company couldn’t charge penalty (it was known that
if you don’t pay any month installment they puts accessive amount [it is Interest: Sood] as penalty
in to the next installment), upon skipping or break in installment (due to any reason), however
taker (debtor) must ensures the giver (creditor) of paying the installments (the amount) whether
it halts due to any reason (must try to pay-off the credit contineously, as agreed). In this case
third party services can be hired or acquired for recovery assurance, govt. or else (e.g Qadhi’e
Sharah). Fourth in Utility Bills, that utility service provider (USP | Board or Company[Corporate]
etc) cannot take accessive amount in form of penalty neither forward it to the next month bill
[*] Unfortunately, some people (regardless of Class) are litte careless in counting (Quantity & Amount) nowadays,
doesn’t look while dealing, whether in weighing or quantity.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 110


once the per unit charge was applied (declared, and known to public already) as per usage of a
particular month, on form of delaying payment or skipping (due to any reason). The only penalty
that USP can apply and reserved legally is dis-continuation of the service. Sometimes users
request for installments, so it is upon USP to do or not though only divides that particular month
bill to forth coming month bills but cannot charge or takes accessive amount [It is Interest: Sood]
more than bill. However, people must or shall avoid, or to make it habit, not paying the bills
regularly (on and before mentioned time). Fifth, on Credit Cards, same alike Leasing or Utility
Bills that couldn’t charge or takes accessive amount via installments [only did and takes the
instalments of amount being used or transacted] once you passes the 45 Days limit of Credit Card
transaction (however if pays under 45 Days Limit, CC Service Provider doesn’t charge besides
service charges), the only amount CC Service Provider can charge or takes is service charges
(Arabic: Uj’rat) per transaction, but cannot applied accessive amount [it is Interest | Sood] upon
installments if card holder didn’t able to pay somehow the Credit before 45 days.

FOOTNOTE: There is a Stratagem that can provide benefit to both, the Creditor (giver) & Debtor (taker) but only
upon mutual agreement; through ‘CHANGE OF FORM (Urdu: Tabdileyey Jince)’, means Creditor can give a LOAN
(Urdu: Qar’dha) in Gold or Silver or else form (like flocks, bags, cartons etc. even from paper currency) and in return
(other than given form, whatever) takes Paper Currency or else goods (but not the given form, whatever), for
instance, flock of Sheeps/Goats etc, bags of wheat/rice/pulses etc, cartons of fruits/food-items etc (Whether
there value or costs is higher then agreed amount of loan | Though shall be affordable not burdening upon debtor).
Second, Creditor must or shall shows tolerance or softness in terms n conditions in taking back loan & for
security (protection) can made Govt. or else (e.g Qadhi’e Sharah) as third party that in case of any violation or
problem recovery could be made possible (Demand(Taqa’dha) | Credit(Qardh)).

NOTE: O’Dea, we should try to avoid taking or getting in to LOAN (even some made it habit, that is not
good), however sometimes (even if don’t want) it happens or conditions are come that LOAN seems to
be only solution (feasible) means unavoidable hence there is no problem in that either (it is permissible
to take) but it must be deal under Islamic Laws with Honestly and Justly as well as good mean, not one
or both involve or fall themselves in to humiliation through betray or cheat (in that case strictly
prohibited). See Jurisprudence Books or asks Ulama.

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.
HEALTH (Sey’hat | Sirr al-Shifa)

O’Dea, as illustrated earlier, blessing and mercy was send towards us, which is no doubt and
healer of all diseases too, not only hearts, and this mentioned in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) ...
And We send down in Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers; and it
adds loss only to the unjust … [s.17:v.82]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (And We reveal of the Qur'an)
We explain in the Qur'an (that which is a healing) a clarification against blindness; it is
also said that this means: a clarification against disbelief, idolatry and hypocrisy (and a
mercy) which prevents from chastisement (for believers) in Muhammed (pbuh) and in
the Qur'an (though it increase the evil-doers) the idolaters; that which is revealed in the
Qur'an increases them (in naught save ruin) loss.

[Tafsir Jalalaiyn] Ulama says; And We reveal of (min [here] is explicative) the Qur’ān that
which is a cure, from error, and a mercy for believers, thereby; though it only increases
the evildoers, the disbelievers, in loss, because of their disbelief in it.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 111


Some Ulama says “… Min is from Tab’eiy-dhiyah, and by Shifa (Cure | Healer) meant healer for
outward illnesses (Urdu: Amradh’e Jismaniyah), and by some Quran meant are those verses from
which patient gets cure (Shifa) for instance Surah Fa’teha etc. And blessed quote of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that, “Aley’kum bi-Shifatein’i al-Asl’u wa’l-
Quran’u [it is inevitable upon you to get treatment (for diseases) from two things, Honey (al-Asl)
and Quran]” is also to be meant this (signify towards it) ...” [Tafsir’e Mazhari (Urd. ver.) | vol.5-

Shaykh’ul Islam, Mufti’e Azam, Shaykh Muhammed Maz’harullah al-Hanafi al-Dehlavi

(Quddussurahul Aziz) stated under *distinctions of Surah Fateha that, “… Recite Al-Hamd Sharif
40 times and blow (Urdu: Dumm) it upon water and then sprinkle on patient face, In-Sha Allah,
fever will left soon … For measles (Urdu: Chey’chuk), it is beneficial (Urdu: Mujar’rib) to blow
(Urdu: Dumm) on patient by recite 11 times …” [Tafsir Mazhar’ul Quran (Urdu) | vol.1-Pg.50]


O’Dea, it was stated in Hadith Sharif that, “(Mafhoom) … O you, the born-slaves of Allah
(Subhanahu)! When you become ill get treatment! For, when Allah (Subhanahu) sends an
illness, He sends medicine for it as well …” therefore also expressed clearly that every disease
came or comes would be have its appropriate treatment with it, but then who will guides or tell
us that right treatment. Definitely who have recognition (Ma’arifah | Pehchan) of Allah
(Subhanahu), almighty and sole creator, and those are Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam),
hence there teachings will be more valid and guiding light (taken into consideration) besides
anyone else, and from their blessings then definitely Awliyah Allah (Alehemur Rehma’tur
Ridhwan) have recognition (Ma’arifah | Pehchan) then leftovers (not amongst Anmbiyah wa
Awliyah [Alehem’ut-Tehiyat was’Sana]) therefore there (Awliyah) teachings then will be more
valid and guiding light for us (taken into consideration; because in real are a simplification of
Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam] teachings). However treatment for any kind of illness, severe
or normal, is Sunnah of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), which expressed
through this saying also, “(Mafhoom) … O you who are Allah’s slaves! Use medicine …” as well
as many other sayings are or can be present in this regards. But it didn’t means either that if
treatment is Sunnah then we acquired illegal means (against Islamic Shariah) or shall do from
wrong things (when right things exists). Because it is also mentioned by beloved Sidna Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that, “(Mafhoom) … Halal is clear and Haram is clear, between
them exists doubtful that shall be left (better, if Halal subtitue is present, Faqeer) …” Therefore
Muslims shall look towards, and must do or acquired treatment of their illnesses through
permissible ingredient medicines (Urdu: Halal Aj’za), rather than unpermissible ingredient
medicines (Urdu: Haram Aj’za), and this also expressed* through following Hadith Sharif clearly,
“(Mafhoom) … In Kalounji, lays a treatment of every disease besides a death”. However, it is
Muslims utter responsibility, if not all then few must, learned Religious knowledge as well as gain
expertise in medicines (making and usage), and acquired or enters to the medical domain, for the
treatment of Muslims (through permissible ingredient, particularly).
NOTE: [*] We have illustrated in brief, few distinctions in regards of topic; for more details see Tafsir Mubarak.

FOOTNOTE: Here Kalounji has been signified, whereas there are many others herbs as well, instructed
(signifies) as well as permitted (extracted, if not signified clearly) through Stratagem (by Ulama) for
treatment. Allah and his Rasul know all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 112


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DENOTE: In previous article, mentioned the rectification required in present day

treatment options (health system needs treatment itself) that are available for all of us,
regardless of religion, and those are; allopathic and homeopathic particularly that is
largely used. Whereas Tibb (Herbal) on small scale. In which blamed Allopath due to side
affects, signifies avoidance from Homeopath due to Alcohol and urges to use Tibb’e
Nabavi without hesitation, because there are no side affects as well as contained any
*objectionable ingredient. SMILE: May be some of our recipients were smiled (And if not
and has understood, then Jazak Allah) that what a childish illustration (previous article in
same regards), hence would like to say it was not completed but partial (actually we try to
copy Masha’ikh Eloquence, but couldn’t able to do thus definitely remains a gap),
therefore writing in some details now to clarify in-detail (further).

[CONSENT]: Good health is no doubt a gift and blessing, from Allah (Subhanahu), but remembers
that illness, though a painful period is also a blessing because it washes your sins, therefore
during this period showing tolerance is better than hesitation. Although tolerance didn’t means
that acquired treatment that may ^either prolonged the disease [in regards for washing sins] or
caused further new diseases [whether previous was removed], which is not sanity but insanity.
Sense: Think or tell us by yourself, that it would be sanity or insanity, doing treatment through
medicines which are itself a disease (reason of another new) or unclean (Najis | Napak)~, due to
either all or any particular content(s)? Definitely right answer is insanity, and not advisable too
(you will say), therefore then why shall we don’t acquired those means which are instructed, pure
and clean, from all sorts of doubt, because made from natural herbs (in first place). Right Way:
May Allah keep all of us with good health, and with wealth (particularly Belief n Faith-Sunni) as
well. And if (examine) somehow becomes ill then show (grant) tolerance and try to look
treatment under Tibb (Herbal Medicines) firstly, and for this definitely contact nearest of famous
Tabeeb (Herbal Doctor | Hakeem), and follows his prescriptions as well as safety measures (Urdu:
Ahtiyat yani Parheyz Wagheiy’raha).

[CONTENT]: Nearly all medicines based upon or contain Salts, which have various sub-types too,
therefore if we look then we can easily sees that none, whether Allopathic or Homeopathic
medicines, were out from this basic and core content along with its all sub-types. Whereas Tibb’e
Nabawi has taught (Taleem | Sikhati) and its nearly all medicines were based upon Salts, and its
various sub-types. Then what is the reason of accusation or difference, Allopath as silent killer (as
well as side effects) and Homeopath shall be avoided? Answer: Very simple and clear, that is
Misuse; one is inducing unpermissible or harmful ingredients deliberately (without reason or
[*] However, if someone made from ingredient or puts ingredient, that is forbidden, deliberately in to any new
or old formula (medicine) then it’s another thing. Qadhi’e Islam shall look and resolved such matter. But even
then couldn’t blame (refused to acquire) the medium but the abuser (either not used that medicine but the real
formula/alternate OR will be punished and waste all medicines). Keep Thinking. [See Kutub’e Fiqh or Asks Ulama,
Allah knows all the best]
[^] Fate (Urdu: Taqdeer) is another aspect, and couldn’t be denied neither removed (without order or effort),
therefore could only either acquired spiritual treatment (effort) or do praises (order).
[~] In any severe condition or disease, that either there is no other option left or cure is lay under its usage, an
unpermissible ingredient or its content medicine, which definitely save the patient’s life, only in that condition
it is permit to use. [See Kutub’e Fiqh or Asks Ulama, Allah knows all the best]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 113


have a place). For instance, in Allopathic nearly every medicine contains harmful ingredient,
whether of light power (mg.). Proof: Aspirin (Disprin) is used or prescribed for headache, but it’s
or becomes also the cause of Heart problem. But aside from Allopathic side effect thing,
Homeopathic is safer and has no side effects at all; even its heavy power medicine for headache
doesn’t cause any Heart problem. But it contains or based (induce deliberately) upon Alcohol,
nearly every medicine (besides some Homeo Syrups) that is usually prescribed or given by
Doctors. And in Tibb (Herbal Medicines), Alhamdollilah, there is no problem of side effects
neither unpermissible ingredient*.

Recommends: Url:

[STATUS]: We’ve been instructed to use permissible things (Urdu: Halal Ashi’yah), hence
medicines were also be, therefore shall look first from right and permissible contents
(medicines), and if doesn’t available (or found), which is rare, then look (search) for use less
contained unpermissible contents (medicines), and if they aren’t available then allowed or can
used hazardous or unpermissible contents (under strict, and severe circumsatnces). LEVEL:
Meant first look, and hence must rely upon Tibb (Herbal Medicines), and if somehow couldn’t
find or have any facility (service) near your vicinity, even far distance, then switch to other
option, and that is Allopathic medicines first, only because doesn’t contains Alcohol in every
medicines, though have side effects, high power medicines. And after that if allopathic doesn’t
available or suits then in last switch to or acquire Homeopathic medicines. And this is the only
feasible or appropriate selection of treatment Faqeer has found from Ulama’e Kiram explications.

[EFFORTS]: We’ve been ordered or bind to obey, Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) and those whom are Oulul Amr (in authority), and they are Sahaba, Taba’ein, Taba
tabaein, A’eymma Mujtahidin wa Muhaddithin, Masha’ikh wa Ulama, Salateen Wagheiy’rahum
[Alehem’ur Rehma’tur Ridhwan]. Therefore whenever emerges (introduces) any new medicine
for disease, should be discussed with or take into an account of Ulama regarding its permissibility
matter, whereas Ulama must seeks, take Burdon upon shoulders, for its ingredients and
procedure of making research so that all shall be saved from fall to prey, regardless of religion we
would say (in context of universality of religion Islam). See Jurisprudence Books or asks Ulama.

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.


O’Dea, already illustrated that treatment shall be do through or priority given to permissible
content medicine(s), nor from or to unpermissible content medicine(s), even in rare condition if
patient can sustains or survived without using unpermissible content medicine, due to or in
absence of permissible medicine, then it is better (Urdu: Taqwa | Sabr Kar’ley) to have pain or
acquire other source (Urdu: Tibb); rather than falling into it (Urdu: Haram ya Makruhat
Wagheiy’rahum). Inquiry: During previous regime (Zardari Admin), government took verdict
from Ulama, regarding treating POLIO Diesease through vaccines (Imported | W.H.O[UNO]); or say
in regards of vaccination campaign, upon which it was granted permission to execute[1] by
[*] See previous pg. marginal note (Urdu: Hashiyah [^]), otherwise forbidden is forbidden hence unpermissible
to cure through it when alternative is available. Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 114


signifying that it’s Sunnah to do treatment, particularly of either severe or becomes. Response:
No doubt, a good step taken by previous regime, asked Ulama (S.I.C), whereas Ulama responded
accordingly; it is Sunnah (obviously). But remember, it is Sunnah only when detected and along
with or under permissible content (Urdu: Halal Aj’za), otherwise not if contains unpermissible or
objectionable content thus rather than Sunnah becomes forbidden (Urdu: Haram) to do
treatment, however only in rare conditions if doesn’t have any else or besides it for curing is
exceptional; it becomes or fell to Kara’hat (Makruh’e Tan’zeehi ya Teh’reemi), though if there is a
risk of losing life then becomes inevitable (Urdu: Wajib) or say above every obligation (Urdu:
Fardh)[2]. Secondly, it was not investigated by any, Govt. neither Ulama[3], that from which
ingredients these vaccines are made of, and why W.H.O (UNO) is providing them free of cost[4];
particularly in Muslims countries, as well as campaigning lot (spent ransome amount) to get
vaccination etc. Third, these vaccinations are made by Non-Muslims companies, contain same
status as resemblance of news (report | Khabr) if being brought by them (disbeliever | Kuffar),
hence before using them shall do research thoroughly, because it was amongst the protocols of
specific lobby[5]; elimination of Muslim population (conduct genocide) by all means, includes
medical treatment, and vaccination could be the or is part of it, in the name of securing health for
better life. Fourth, Government isn’t providing any certification upon it (to child’s parents) along
with third party consent (Lawyers or Ulama | including Doctor), which is necessary and shall be
provided, so that child may have legal protection (for future) to claim due rights (compensation),
if something inappropriate or negative happens[6].

DENOTE: [1] In one aspect, depicts cunningness (Urdu: Dajal) of these people (regime),
that for dubious mean (or say vicious conspiracy) asked Ulama, for permissibility,
whereas for else matter not considering (or ever asked); for instance Political Structure or
Issues, Economy System etc. [2] Idiom: Became obligation above every obligation (Hur
Fardh sey barh kr Fardh hojata Hai | Ja’an Ba’chana); for instance Salat, Siyam, Zakat etc.
[3] For Ulama, don’t goes on government reports, because usually they have stakes
(indirect) in to it, therefore independent research regarding ingredients shall be do,
because it was heard about these vaccinations that are harmful (effects after 20yrs | Slow
poisoning for Silent Genocide ), secondly instigating deliberately for eliminating Muslims
population as much as they could (Jews | Freemasons). Note: Effects are either disability
or weakness (made intaker useless; and moreover burdon for parents then in regards of
forth treatments). Allah knows the best. [4] This Organization (UN), and all its
subsidiaries (W.H.O, UNHCR etc.), say either dubious or becomes invalid contrary not
authentic, for any reason because their enmity towards Islam is known or has been
revealed (as formed by Non-Muslims to suppressed Muslims) by rather than resovling
matters conversely destroys Muslims. [5] U.N is their best Umbrella. [6] As highlighted
that it’s objectionable. Note: Proper Vaccination, executed around the World (besides
some Muslims Nations | Sadly or Unfortunately), contains Certification with third party
consent (Lawyer | including Doctor).

[STUDY] A reknown problem (or say disease | Bey’mari), Diabetics (Urdu: Sugar ka Mardh), and
for curement several solution exists in Market, amongst them some are right whereas some are
harmful (poisonous | Zahr’e Qatil). Here would like to illustrate some harmful content, used in
removing or controlling Higher Sugar Level based products. Aspartame: A very known content,
used by some big corporate(s)[1] in their SUGAR FREE related products (Canderel, NutraSweet
etc.), inreal it’s a content of Wood Polishing Chemical, but people[2] has been prescribed by

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 115


Doctors; either unknowingly or due to heavy commissions. Sucralose: Another gaining

popularity, discovered through unfortunate event as sweet by British researcher (Leslie) and his
colleague (Phandis | Hindu) during experimenting for insecticides (Rats killing etc.), although it is
now being used by some corporate(s) for their SUGAR FREE related products (Sucral etc.),
whereas it’s a dangerous content for Human Body (effects after sometime), but people has been
prescribed by Doctors; either unknowingly or due to heavy commissions. CAUTION: It is much
better, rather than using such harmful content based products[3]; either avoid or used something
else in alternate[4]. Impeding here for while, Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] They hide the real fact and present you (or say pretend as Human friendly)
false justification; that it has nothing or caused any such problem. [2] According to one
Doctor (female); every Canderel (Aspartame) using patient, becomes a Heart patient upon
its regular usage (12yrs app.); though it’s not necessary that Diabetic Patient has Heart
problem but Higher Sugar Level does. And these medicines (harmful content based |
definitely unpermissible) rather than controlling they increased it gradually (causes Heart
disease after some period). [3] Definitely, Corporate(s) themselves as well as their
sympathizers (paid or commissioned Doctors) wouldn’t accept contrary present you
several justifications (including facts and figures). Note: Very famous blessed saying,
“(Mafhoom) … Halal is clear and Haram is clear, between them exists doubtful that
shall be left …” therefore shall be left (if not unpermissible but even then are doubtful |
objectionable). [4] Harmless and safe (100%) alternate are present therefore shall be
used; for instance in Herbal, Stevia is gaining popularity nowadays & is a best alternate.
Query: Some criticizes that it’s a steroid because an energy booster too. Answer: It’s a
natural herbal not artificial made as well as during extraction process nothing was added
for such purpose, therefore isn’t a steroid but leaf posses such feature itself. Second, some
corporate(s) used Alcohol & Company (family | Derivatives) with Stevia for their Brands
(Truvia etc.) whereas Natural elements (Dextrose, Maltdextrin or Sugar) are also present
and being used too by some (Stevia In the Raw, etc.); therefore Alcoholic (Erythritol,
Sorbitol etc) based Stevia products shall/must be avoid. Note: Alcohol is inappropirate
because it’s just like adding or mixing human urine to or with food or medicine (Yukh…!);
because in Shariah Muttah’harah it doesn’t contain any level for permissibility, even
through Stratagem wasn’t. See Jurisprudence Books or asks Ulama.

FOOTNOTE: All illustration under Study is actually a research work being done by Faqeer’s Ustadh,
whom have more than 25yrs of experienced in pharmaceuticals of both, product development
(Designing & Testing) and marketing (Medical Rep.), particularly knows well about contents (base and

[ADVISE] O’Dea, as couldn’t stop government, the way promotes (for initiation) and then
campaigned (for execution), therefore getting to your children is certain[1] therefore shall
tolerate if had (be patient | Sabir, ya Sabr Karein), however there is an advise[2] for vaccinated
child(s), that recite “Surah Fa’teha” eleven times[3], after E’sha Prayers (offering), upon (blow |
Dumm) glass of water, and then give to the vaccinated child, do this at least for three days and
maximum for forty days. In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, from blessings of Quran Sharif, particularly
distinctions of “Surah Fa’teha” as illustrated earlier, the vaccinated child would be safe from its
after effects[4]. Extortion: O’Dea, examine (judge or think) by yourself, that isn’t an unjust that
those children (in majority) haven’t POLIO or being not affected neither have any chance in future
would be treated the same way the affected children[5] were; does it make any sense? Second,
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 116

whenever children born, usually they’ve been given proper treatment[6] in Hospitals under
Doctors supervision along with certification of assurance. Avoid: This advised is for those whom
had been vaccinated unknowingly, whereas for those who haven’t, can also do. However don’t
vaccinate your child(s) without certification along with third party consent; so that you may have
legal protection in future for the child(s), if happens something negative.

DENOTE: [1] Some parents refuted straightly (didn’t vaccinate), whereas sometimes
children themselves doesn’t (either refused or begun crying lot), which is a good sign and
a brilliant stand (alike effort | Jihad). [2] If someone objection, that there is no such thing
or no need to be scared, we are not enemy neither such campaigns are meant to be for.
Response: Thanks for revealing such intentions as it’s a safety measure alike yours to
avoid negative happening in future; because aren’t trustworthy contrary doubtful
(vaccines). [3] Send first n last, “Assalat-O-Wassalam-O-Alayka Ya Naj’ji Allah” three
times at leasts, and 11 times max. [4] Heard negative reports about these vaccines, part of
eliminating Muslims population conspiracy, that’s why revealing safety measures. [5]
They shall be given priority for treatment; with complete certification along with third
party (Lawyer | & Doctor) consent. Second, affectees doesn’t justified that else could be
affected; totally a wrong speculation. [6] Includes vaccination; not only of Polio but else
diseases too.

[STATUS] Alhamdolillah, some good people are still present in this world, thinks positively for
Humanity regardless of religion, and warns or highlights always dangers of such moves
(conspiracies), therefore shall listens to them[1] either. Second, in Pakistan, besides so called
learned and sympathizers (in name of health; to these medicines), there are good Doctors as well
whom have saved (through right advices) common people (Muslims particularly) by falling[2] in
to this trap (May Allah reward them best). Third, if few have problem or being detected then it is
not inevitable neither need to inject to innocent children, whom are fine and well, this is simply
extortion[3] and all those involved or behind it are answerable, if found guilty, for their unjust
actions hereafter.

DENOTE: [1] One is Dr.Mercola [U.S.A |]. [2]

One of Faqeer’s relative, when born and then taken to Doctor for vaccination, by mother,
Doctor refused to do so and conversely asked relative’s mother that does your parents or
you have it, she replied no, then asked is everybody alive, she said yes, hence Doctor
respond then why worrying about the KID, nothing will happens to him nor it is
necessary, this is only a fear (actually deception) that it is inevitable (vaccination course
etc.); Alhamdolillah relative is alive and well, progressing towards higher school (college).
[3] Inflict fear, and then exploit situation conveniently; through unawareness (lack of,
own[Doctors] research or public’s knowledge).

[REFRAIN] Cannot enforce neither holds authority to enforced people for vaccination; whether it
is permissible (Sunnah | Treatment) and contains no harmful contents, if someone don’t wants or
wishes to have then shall be left because in that case he/she would be responsible therefore shall
restrain and avoids enforcement. Note: There’s a doubt present therefore refraining is also a right
act. (Reminds Quote | Halal, Haram, Dubious).

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.
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In Quran Majeed, “(Mafhoom) … There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous

path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil and
believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and
Knows … [s.2:v.256]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas] Ulama says; (There is no compulsion in religion) no one from
among the people of the Book and the Magians should be coerced to believe in the divine Oneness of Allah
after the Arabs' embrace of Islam. (The right direction is hence forth distinct from error) faith from
disbelief and Truth from falsehood. The following was revealed about Mundhir Ibn Sawi al-Tamimi: (And
he who rejecteth false deities) the command of the devil and the worship of idols (and believeth in Allah)
and in what has come forth from Him (hath grasped a firm handhold) has taken in trust “there is no God
save Allah” (which will never break) will never cease, vanish or perish; it is also said that this means: for
him who believes in it, the bliss of Paradise will never cease and he will never be taken out of Paradise, nor
will he perish by staying in the Fire. (Allah is Hearer) of this speech, (Knower) of its reward and bliss

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Ulama say; There is no compulsion in, entering into, religion. Rectitude has become
clear from error, that is say, through clear proofs it has become manifest that faith is rectitude and disbelief
is error: this was revealed concerning the Ansār [of Medina] who tried to compel their sons to enter into
Islam; so whoever disbelieves in the false deity, namely, Satan or idols (tāghūt, ‘false deity’, is used in a
singular and plural sense), and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, the tight knot,
unbreaking, that cannot be severed; God is Hearing, of what is said, Knowing, of what is done.

An ease, in other words no compulsion, for Infidel(s) & Polytheist(s) which includes Jews &
Christians & Majousis (Yahud’O Nasarah’O Mushrikeen), was in to embracing or say entering to
Islam, that if they embraces or entered after invitation then welcome warmly and if doesn’t then
left them (but charged), however after acceptation we’ll do all matters or treat them just alike
other Muslims. Second ease is, in other words no compulsion, was about in working (job or
business) or travelling (tour or trade), and charges (Jizi’yah) will applied, and we have stated
some laws under ‘FOOTNOTE’ of respected verse on Pg. 103, see there. [These are the synopsis
take from ‘Secularism’ for respected topic, for more details see there, Jazak’mallahu Khairah]

DENOTE: In 4th artcle stated, “… remembers, that Infidel(s) and Polythiest(s) even
*Deviator(s) can live under Islamic Sultanate (or Khilafah) and even practice their
Religion (but in limitations, only Infidel or Polytheist not Deviator), if allowed (not
necessarily) by Ulama upon signing Terms and Conditions (Peace Accord with Sultanate),
in which bind to pay (Arabic: Dhari’bah) the Sultanate as well …” [Topic: Finally | Pg. 73]

FOOTNOTE: [*] Only if their astray is not of severe level or reaches the peak upon which Hadd’e
Shara’ei is inevitable or say become must, although it is better to expel them. Second, it is better to
restrict them (Infidels and Polytheists) if possible and not allowed to do Worships publicly or made
their Worship buildings in Muslim State.

See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh), or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best. Faqeer Bukhari(gahafaralhu)

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 118


Section Three

“(Mafhoom) … You are the best among all those nations appeared unto mankind, you command!
To good, and forbid evil, and keep faith unto Allah. Had the people of the Book believed, then it
was good for them. Some of them are Muslims and most of them are infidels … [s.3:v.110]”
Al-Quran Majeed

Topic Contains
Ummah ………… [120]
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [120], Blessed Companions
(Alehemur Ridhwan) [123], Saints (Alehemur Rehman) [128], Ulama (A’eymma wa
Masha’ikh) [130], Dispersed [156]

Awaiting Personage ………… [160]

Shah’e Gharbistan [160], Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) [163]

Contentious Figures ………… [171]

Taliban [171] {Jurisprudence Narration [181]}, Munafiq Brotherhood [185],
Prof. Tahirul-Qad’ri [185], Miss Malalah Yousufzai [187], Execution [189]

Issues ………… [191]

Sainthood [191], Martyrdom [193], Contradiction [196], Electronic Media [202]
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 119

In second article we stated, under Ummah that, “. . . Recession comes, and very fortunate that
always lifted upwards after downfall, but despite the devastations and humiliation still exist and
present in large numbers Alhamdolillah, and will be till whenever ALLAH (Subhanahu) want
(because before final whistle (Soor) era UMMAH will be reduced to nil). And also there is no
denial that amongst UMMAH, MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Sunnis) are refered as
SILENT MAJORITY whereas others are just a handful (Urdu: mot’tih bhar) or small number bunch
of people or groups (Munafiqoon, so called Muslim), and we all knows that has been ordered to
attached or linked with MUSLIMS (al-Sawad al-Azam Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah, and there true
sign is “Ya Rasul Allah”). . .”

Then in third article we stated, under Ummah that, “... very fortunate that always handle carefully
(even during downed) and then lift upward by divined personalities after downfall (which is an
examination too), ... Usually Ummah was lifted through A’eymma Kiram (Here we meant those
A’eymma upon which Ummah is agreed as Reviver: Mujaddid) but also from Sword as well when
Ummah was politically unstable and surrounded in severe chaos and anarchy (Arabic: Fitnah’O
Fasad) like nowadays …”

And in fourth one (in real a transcript), under Ummah that, “... Reviver: In short, Ulama says,
“(Mafhoom) … Rasul’e Akram (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has indicated that at the beginning of
every century Allah (Subhanahu) will send a person who will revived the religion for my
Ummah or for them …”, which has been usually lifted through A’eymma Kiram (Research
Scholars) upon whom Ummah (Masha’ikh wa Ulama and in their follow through Muslims) has
agreed or gathered as Reviver: Mujaddid in their or every respected century. Also Ulama further
says/added that Salateen as well as Qura’e Kiram can also be or admit as revivalist, it is not
necessary that only Researcher (Muhaqqiq Alim) would be Reviver (Mujaddid). Further says,
there can be more than one Revivalist could present at a time in a century. Hence Salateen
expresses revival through Sword, meant politically unstable (to one extent means no Islamic
Laws implementation) and surrounded in severe chaos and anarchy (Fitnah O Fasad) [including
wrong interpretations and judgments], like common nowadays ...“

Sayyid’ul Anmbiya Wa’l-Murasa’leen, Khatim an-Nabi’yeen, Rehmatul’lil Ala’meen,

Raha’til Ashi’qeen, Sham’sil Ari’feen, Shafi’il Muz’nabin,
Sayyidina Wa Mawlana Wa Maljana Wa Ma’wana
Wa Habibina Wa Nabiyina Wa Rasulina Wa Karimina
Muhammed Ibne Abd’Allah
“Noor im’Min Noor’illah”
(SallAllahu Aleyhi Wa’alyhe Wa’Sahabehi Wa’Barik Wa’Salim)

ORIGIN: O’Dea, a lot had been written, by the most piety and knowledgeable like a mountain in all
aspects (Urdu: Ilm, Zo’hud, Taqwa, Qana’at etc), upon and about Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed life (al-Hayat al-Tayyibah), and they always expressed their
writings as little efforts (though it was in real not less than a mountain) in an honor of the most
highest and blessed personage. Even if recite with open eyes so finds that Quran Majeed is also
doing remembrance (Arabic: Madd’ha), then what this little faqeer could write or say (because
nothing compares to those A’eymma wa Masha’ikh rank rather than thinking about Quran Sharif),
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 120

though only doing intrepidity (Urdu: Jasa’rat) because of book, to get some blessings of beloved
blessed name (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). REALITY (NOOR): In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu)
revealed an attribute of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) reality (expressed
clearly), in other words origin, “(Mafhoom) … And an inviter towards Allah by His command
and a brightening sun (Siraj um’Munirah | Chamakta Hua Aftab yan’i Noor) … [s.33:v.46]”
KINDNESS (REH’MAT): Therefore in another verse, Allah (Subhanahu) declared his beloved
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) reality as very kind for whole universe, “(Mafhoom) … And We sent not
you, but a mercy for all worlds … [s.21:v.107]” LAST (KHA’TIM): And mentioned that don’t
considered our beloved (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as your father but always as last
prophet/messenger (Arabic: Nabi) from us (Subhanahu), “(Mafhoom) … Mohammed is not the
father of any of your men; yes He is the Messenger of Allah and the last one among all the
prophets. And Allah knows all things ... [s.33:v.40]” HELPFUL (BASHA’RIYAT): Though
revealed that this mercy and blessing (reality) means Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) was sent amongst humans towards all (whatsoever cast and religion), although merciful
(bi’Iznillah) for those who called belief, “(Mafhoom) … Assuredly there has come to you a
messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering; ardently desirous of
your welfare, and to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful. ... [s.9:v.128]” PRESENCE
(SHA’HID): Hence revealed that the sent Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
would be present (for witnessing) and knowing consequences of obedience and disobedience as,
“(Mafhoom) … 'O prophet! The Communicator of unseen news, no doubt, We have sent you
as a present beholder (Shahid | Gawah yan’i Hadhir’O Nazir) and bearer of glad tiding
(Basheer | Khushkhabri Sunaney Wala) and a warner (Nazeer | Dur Sunaney Wala) …
[s.33:v.45]” SUCCESS (NA’JI): And finally stipulated (Arabic: Mashroot) it as a sign of success in
obedience (definitely if didn’t then have to face punishment; hell forever[if Refute Risalah]),
“(Mafhoom) … Whoso obeys the messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah, and whoso turns
away his face, then We have not sent you to save them ... [s.4:v.80]” BLISSFUL (SHAFA’AT):
However shown us (Muslims | Ahle E’man) a way if not able to compliance as per commands,
“(Mafhoom) … And We have not sent any messenger, but that he should be obeyed by
Allah's will. And if when they do injustice unto their souls, then O beloved! They should
come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should intercede for
them then surely, they would find Allah Most Relenting, Merciful. ... [s.4:v.64]” REJOICE
(EID): O’Dea, now explain us that shall Muslims not joys or doesn’t commemorates such kindness
and blessings came through blissful arrival as well as presence (Witnessing | Shahid) of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) amongst us (till Qayamah | and then afterwards),
Allah (Subhanahu) has revealed that can do so, “(Mafhoom) … Say-you, 'only Allah' grace and
only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all their wealth ...

DENOTE: O’Dea, can’t you see (or note) one aspect prominently that Allah (Subhanahu)
has mentioned “WE HAVE SENT” only nor the creation (or discusses birth explicitly)
meant question arise then when Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was
born (created | Takhleeq) if were sent (it means he[Alehe Salat-O-Salam] was born or
existed before sending), although only sign (Arabic: Ishara’ten) which we found (or one
could seen) the following verse [1] which highlights blessing of Anmbiyah (Alaihimus
Salat-O-Salam) births (Wiladat), demise (Wisal) and then again alive (Hayat) on
doomsday as, “(Mafhoom) … And peace is on him the day when he was born and the
day, when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive ... [s.19:v.15]”

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therefore where or when creation took place and it was happens? Answer: Already
answered (see Pg.18), and also can see Hadith Takhleeq’e Noor al-Mustapha (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) in Musan’nif Abd’al-Razzaq. Second, all were created (Souls) before this
universe (World), as depicts from a Verse (Arabic: Meesaq an’Nabiy’yin) and Hadith
Shareef (Arabic: al-Takhleeq al-Noor Muhammed[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), however firstly
Sidna Hudhrat Adam “Abul-Bashar” Nabiyina (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was granted body
(physical) in Heaven, and after an event, Sidna Hudhrat Adam “Abul-Bashar” Nabiyina
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) sent embodied with prophethood (Arabic: Nabuwwah) on earth
firstly (Sarandeep | Sri Lanka), and in last Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) was came embodied with prophethood (Arabic: Nabuwwah ma’a Risalah) on earth
(Makkah Moazzimah | Hijaz’e Muqaddus, present day Saudia Arabia) [2]. Therefore Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in reality was “Light | Noor” but has come
(sent) towards us with “blessed body | Jasd’e Ather” hence came to us Enlighten Blessed
Body (Urdu: Khas Noori Bashar) [3], whom is merciful for all (Jinns etc) including
universes, Allah knows exactly how many there were besides our world, hence not only
towards us (world) specifically, therefore whosoever now called belief will be rewarded
distinctively whereas whosoever refuted will be punished meant sent to hell forever on
doomsday (Ma’az Allah). And Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was
came as a final prophet meant in reality he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was first (most divined
and distinctive existence) whereas sent on earth in last (most blessed and honorable
personage) that has ends the further arrival or coming [4] of heavenly revelation
(Prophets & Books), however to maintain the teachings (or say sent guidance) Awliyah
Kiram (Alehemur Rehman) will comes (born) time to time (in every era), before final
whistle blow. Thus guidance (or say religion) brought by him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is not
hard or imposing severeness or some kind of pressure contrary it is for our own benefits
and ease, on both universes, meant it is one of the most convenient and delightful as well
as covered all aspects religion, whether economical or social or political or militarily etc,
therefore shouldn’t be abandoned or ignored, and also not becasue of his (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) presence amongst us (like other prophets) either, as seeing us (bi’Iznillah) or our
deeds were sent or present to him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), taken by Angels (Alehemus
Salam) to his holy highness (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), because left this world physically (like
other prophets) but not in reality and still present (spiritually with embodied) [5] hence
not only to be worried of some matters but also couldn’t avoid following or practicing
teachings otherwise, he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has no fear and worries but refuters will be
sent to hell forever contrary if accepts then he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will be glad and so
submit witness (regarding our belief n act) before Allah in doomsday, otherwise
witnessing of our belief and act couldn’t be possible if not present or seeing us
(bi’Iznillah) [Keep Thinking], and does remembers that he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has no
fear neither worries about himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) otherwise couldn’t gave tidings
nor inflict fear upon us (invitees), and this is clearly depicts from verse (mentioned under
Presence) either, as Allah (Subhanahu) has revealed that whosoever follows (obey) our
beloved Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has followed us, and so will be successful (given
rewards) otherwise whosoever turned their face (meant refute straightly) then does the
blunder because we (Subhanahu) will sent refuter (him/her) to hell forever; and this
verse also depicts the same aspect (illustrate early) that Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is protected from all worries (has no fear of himself[Alehe Salat-O-
Salam]) as success was declared upon his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) obedience [6]. Even then

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it is only kindness and pure merciness that after called belief, if somehow we weren’t able
to do acts (or good deeds) as per teachings, but went to His Holy Highness (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) sight and requested for intercession and Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) interceded before Allah (Subahanahu) then has (Subhanahu) promised
that pardoned the sins. Hence has it is not pleasurable matter for us? Definitely ‘YES’, and
always say “YES”, thus shall not only remembered but also organized sessions or called
processions or whatever is right and permissible (under Shariah) do for the propogation
(Jashan | Chur’cha) of such a blissful and beautiful as well as the most perfect personage,
birth and teachings especially, Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

FOOTNOTE: [1] Stated verse was came in honor of or about Sidna Hudhrat Yahya bin Zakariyah (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam). Whereas another verse (v.33) having nearly same description is came in honor for Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Maryam “Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) [2] All prophets were came through same
process like all other human beings, but the only difference between them (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) and us, is of
cleanliness and prophethood (Urdu: Nabuwwat aur Risalat ki wajeh sey) as well as distinction in physical bodies (theirs
[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam] were highly sophisticated and beautiful whereas our bodies need refinement through
practices to become capable of examining revelations [Hidden signs] but still couldn’t claims neither permissible to be
said [Ulama says its profanity(Kufr)] alike them[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam] | Difference would be remain existed because of
prophethood). [3] Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Rehmatullahi Alehe) stated that, “(Mafhoom) … Whosoever
denied Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) physical existence (Embodied | Basha’riyat) becomes ‘Kafir-
Murtad’, similarly mentioned about light (Nooraniyat) too”. [4] One Kharji-Fasadi Mullah (Qasim Nanotvi, India) in
last century refuted the finality of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), misinterpretated the verse, upon which new
instigation emerged, person claimed false prophethood (Mirza Ghulam Qad’yani), and both were backed by then British
Empire. May Allah (Subhanahu) send both of them in to deep hell forever? [5] As per Hadith Sharif, prophets are alive
in their graves, did worships, given food, and travels wherever they wanted. See Sunan’e Abi Dawood Sharif. [6] Though
all early verses depicts also the same very clearly that Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is protected to be or free
from fear about himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and in same regards all other prophets (Alehemus Salam) couldn’t
exempted; even regarding those personages (Sahaba [Alehemur Ridhwan]) too upon whom Allah (Subhanahu) has sent
verses or he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) had given tidings in this world. Therefore fear shown (Arabic: Fil’Haqiqa’h al-A’ajzi)
by all these personages (Anmbiyah [Alehemus Salat-O-Salam] particularly) is actually teaching (kept fear in heart) for
their respected Ummah (Believers | Ahl’al Ema’n). [Fa’fahum | Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)]

Sahaba’e Kiram
(Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alehem Ajmaein)

STATUS: Several verses of Quran Majeed indicates, not only acceptance but also gave guarantee
of being successful in both universe, the honors and ranks of blessed companions of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). But here, we are only presenting one verse in this
subject. Allah (Subhanahu) said, “(Mafhoom) … Their recompense is with their Lord, gardens
of habitation, beneath which flow streams, abiding therein forever, Allah is well pleased
with them and they are pleased with Allah, This is for him who fears his Lord. … [s.98:v.8]”,
Ulama (Mufas’sireen Kiram) says that this verse was sent in the honor of blessed companions
(Sahaba’e Kiram [Alehemur Ridhwan]) due to their called belief (Arabic: al-Ema’n) and
obedience (Arabic: Ata’at) to Allah (Subhanahu) and Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as
told (order); acquiring Monotheism (Arabic: Tawheed), accepting significance of messenger
(Arabic: Risalah Mubar’kah), doing good deeds (Urdu: Sualeh Amal) etc (Urdu: Wagheiy’rahum).

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of Eden) the chamber of the
Beneficent, the source of the prophets and those near to Him (beneath which) beneath
whose trees, habitations and rooms (rivers flow) rivers of wine, water, honey and milk,
(wherein they dwell forever)they remain in Paradise for ever never to die or leave it.
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 123

(Allah hath pleasure in them) i.e. in their faith and works (and they have pleasure in Him)
in His reward and bestowal of honour upon Him. (This) i.e.the Gardens and good pleasure
(is (in store) for him who feareth his Lord) is for him who believes in Allah's divine
Oneness such as Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and his companions and 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Their reward with their Lord will be Gardens of Eden, as a residence,
underneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide forever. God is pleased with them,
because of [their] obedience of Him, and they are pleased with Him, because of His
reward. That is [the reward] for him who fears his Lord, [for him] who fears His
punishment and hence desists from disobeying Him, exalted be He.

[Tafsir Mazharul Quran] “… like Jews and Christians in Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) era and today as well are far away from research (or have no interest), and
without research opposed, similarly some perversed sects contradicts Ahl’al-Sunnah
Wa’l-Jama’ah [Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis]* due to spite. If put some efforts in research then
would found (or seen) that this is the religion (Mazhab | Ahl’al-Sunnah), which Allah
(Subhanahu) have sent on earth, and Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
has preached (taught) Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan), whosoever turns away from
this path definitely must be fallen to hell … [v.2:Pg.1888]”

FOOTNOTE: [*] It was then later distributed further on four beautiful branches in jurisprudence (al-Hanafi, al-
Maliki, al-Shafa’ei, al-Hanbali), two in ilm’ul-Kalam (al-Asha’ari & al-Matu’ridi), and nearly forty in Tasawwuf (al-
Naqshbandiyah, al-Suharwardiyah, al-Qadiriyah, al-Chistiyah, al-Shaziliyah, al-Tijaniyah, al-Shattariyah etc) however
all of their source of origin goes directly (Chain | al-Muttasil), without break (Validity | la Munqatah), to Sahaba’e
Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) and then to Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and from him (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) to Allah (Subhanahu). Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

DIFFERENCES: O’Dea, though Quran Majeed verse is very clear, even all other verses in this
regards are too [and definitely whole Quran Majeed is very clear in every matter and aspect], but
still we seen some differences present or inducted amongst us, only to keep us either away from
our unity (as powerful block) [exploit the differences] Or away from religion (sometimes people
become fed-up of such conflicts, hence thinking to leave the path [Islam] or astray from the right
path {Ahl’al-Sunnah} [Ma’az Allah & Astaghfirullah]) [again exploitation; hence total benefit for an
enemy]. Companions: O’Dea, tell us is Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu)
and his (Radhi Allah Anhu) beloved daughter Sayyidatuna Ummul-Momineen Hudhrat Bibi
Ayesha Siddiqah bint’e Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhum) saw Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) and called belief, and not only called but followed the path (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah)
too hence would be considered amongst companions or not? Say definitely YES, both did (Radhi
Allah Anhum). Similarly, do Sidna Hudhrat Umar al-Farooq (Radhi Allah Anhu) and his (Radhi
Allah Anhu) beloved daughter Sayyidatuna Ummul-Momineen Hudhrat Bibi Hafsa Bint’e Umar al-
Farooq (Radhi Allah Anhum) saw Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and called belief, not
only called belief but also followed the path (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) hence would be
considered amongst companions or not? Answer is, definitely YES, both did (Radhi Allah Anhum).
Hence same for Sidna Hudhrat Usman al-Ghani (Radhi Allah Anhu) and his (Radhi Allah Anhu)
beloved wives Sayyidatuna Hudhrat Bibi Ruqaiyah Bint’e Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and
then Sayyidatuna Hudhrat Bibi Umm’e Kulsoom Bint’e Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), do they
(Radhi Allah Anhum) saw Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and called belief, and not only

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called but also followed the path (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) too hence would be considered
amongst companions or not? Say definitely YES, all did (Radhi Allah Anhum). Similar for Sidna
Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) and his (Radhi Allah Anhu) beloved wife
Sayyidatuna Hudhrat Bibi Fatima al-Zahra Bint’e Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), do they
(Radhi Allah Anhu) along with their beloved sons, particularly Husnaiyn Karimayn Shaheedayn
Imam Hasan & Imam Hussain (Radhi Allah Anhum), saw Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
and called belief, not only called belief but also followed the path (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah)
hence would be considered amongst companions or not? Answer is, definitely YES, all did (Radhi
Allah Anhum). [1] Ameer: Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Mua’viyah bin Abi-Sufyan (Radhi Allah Anhu)
was a great companion (Urdu: Jaleel’ul Qadr) and amongst “Katiban’e Wahiy”, has saw Sidna
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and called belief, and not only called belief but also followed
the path (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) sternly. Contained a family relation with Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as belongs to Banu Quraiysh Ummayid Lineage through Abd-
Mannaf whereas Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and Asad’ullah Hudhrat Ali
al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) is from Hashem Lineage of Abd-Mannaf. Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) gave him many blessings in this world, regarding knowledge it was
narrated in Musnad Ahmed, that “(Mafhoom) … O’Allah made Muaviyah a scholar (Arabic:
Alim) of Accountability and Book, and protect him from wrath …”, similarly regarding reign,
stated in Tareekh’ul Khulafa through (narrated from) Hudhrat Ameer Mua’viyah (Radhi Allah
Anhu), “(Mafhoom) … When I heard from Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) says that
O’Muaviyah when you become King (Arabic: Malik) then treat people nicely. Since then I
was hopeful to having reign … [Pg.149]” and there are many more revelation presents or came
in his (Radhi Allah Anhu) honor. [2] Therefore taunting, and worsen that cursing, any companion,
not only Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu), isn’t forbidden only but also
profanity (Refraction | Kufr’O Irti’dad) and doer will be persecuted (if not repented; even if repent
then it’s upon Sultan’e Islam either forgive or execute), Ulama’e Kiram has rectified.
Reconciliation: O’Dea, when Sidna Ameer’ul Muslimeen Khalifa’e Khamis Imam Hasan bin Ali
(Radhi Allah Anhum) transited Caliphate (power) peacefully and taken oath upon Sidna Hudhrat
Ameer Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) as Ameer then all contradiction were end naturally [3].
However it was transited with some stipulations that Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Muaviyah (Radhi
Allah Anhu) will either shall returned to Ahl’al-Bayt OR left it upon Muslims communal decision
[both tradition present | but first was famous and had priority], but unfortunately when time came
rather than it would be transited it was transferred to Yazid. In Tareekh’ul Khulafa, Sidna Imam
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti al-Shafa’ei (Rehmatullahi Alehe) stated, “(Mafhoom) … In 50 Hijri, after
conquering Qohistan, in same year Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) has
called people of Sham al-Sharif and taken oath for Yazid after him (Radhi Allah Anhu), and
he (Radhi Allah Anhu) was a first person (as Muslims Ameer) whom during his life have taken
oath for own son … [Pg.283]” Hence Ulama says, it was a small verdict (Arabic: Ij’tehad) mistake
which is forgivable because Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Muaviyah bin Abi-Sufiyan (Radhi Allah Anhum)
was a companion and holds many blessings (Urdu: Bisharat’O Nisbat Wagheiy’rahum) from Sidna
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and it is only for him (Radhi Allah Anhu) not for Yazid ‘Paleed’
[4]. Allah knows all the best. Ashrah Mubash’sharah: In Takmeel’ul Ema’n Sharif, Sidna Imam
Abdul-Haqq Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe) stated, “… After four pious
Caliphs (Shai’khayn wa Khut’naiyn), blissful ten personages has significance, they have been
given tidings of being heavenly (Urdu: Qa’tai Jan’nati) by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), they are (other six) Hudhrat Talha, Hudhrat Zubaiyr, Hudhrat Abdur-
Rehman Bin Aouf, Hudhrat Sa’ad Bin Abi-Waqas, Hudhrat Saeed Bin Zaid, Hudhrat Abu-

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Obaidah Bin Jarrah (Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein). These Ten personages are best and
honorable in all Ummah. These are the leaders of Muhajireen. Relatives of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). [Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein] … [Pg.194-
195]” After few lines ahead stated “… There explication came in to creed (Arabic: al-Aqa’id)
because these people (Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein) had a very great significance in Islam
due to their (Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein) services rendered, but some people (say
Khawarij esp. | Faqeer) whom hearts were totally zinc-oxide, from these pious personages
(Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein) didn’t stop to disrespecting and kept hatred. Our purpose
(to illustrate) is to condemn them severely (through mentioning in creed, and they are part as
well; Faqeer) … [Pg.195]”. Others: Azwaj’e Muta’harat (Ummahat’ul Momineen), Ahl’al Bayt
an’Nabi, Ansareen al-Kiram, Muhajireen al-Kiram, Shuhda’e Badr al-Kiram Wagheiy’rahum
(Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alehem Ajma’ein) also have a significance in Islam, and they also have been
given such tidings, not mentioning alike ten personages doesn’t means neither compliance that
they (others) weren’t heavenly, Maaz Allah, only compares to those ten personages particularly
there levels are less that’s why ten has given tiding or mentioned clearly. Similarly if someone
followed those ten passage then couldn’t Allah (Subhanahu) grants or sent to them Heavens
(Arabic: Jannah al-Naeem), doesn’t Allah (Subhanahu) authorized to do so, Maaz Allah, definintely
irrational thought. See Takmeel’ul Ema’n or concerned creed books. [5] Finally: O’Dea, we have
been ordered to accept and obey whatever Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
have taught (guidance | Basharat’ein) and given (permitted or restricted | Ijazah wa Mana’a) and
whatever have been told (or warned) to be away from OR beware of crossing the limitations (red
line | Hudd’e Kufr), and all had been explicated by A’eymma Kiram, particularly A’eymma Arba’a
(Alehem ur’Rehmah tur’Ridhwan), therefore we shall or should behave under these limitations,
and not tried to be smart or some kind of own evaluator or extractor of every matter, particularly
about Anmbiyah wa Awliyah (Alehem ut’Tehiyah tu-was’Sana’a) honor and rank in sight of Allah
(Subhanahu), and in Awliyah particularly Blessed Companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) whom all
holds highest honors and ranks. Therefore rather than going in to matters which we couldn’t
understand it is better not to goes inside or needs to do research [when all is/was already being
done and presented], even though if Ulama (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba) presents upon
question or due to instigation, any new research or work (writings) from Shariah, then we should
accept it besides denying OR making anykind of objections [6].

Denote: [1] First two pious personalities, Sidna Khalifa’e Awwal Hudhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
(Radhi Allah Anhu) and Sidna Khalifa’e Thani Hudhrat Umar Farooq al-Azam (Radhi Allah
Anhu), were called “Shai’khayn” whereas later two, Sidna Khalifa’e Thalith Hudhrat
Usman al-Ghani (Radhi Allah Anhu) and Sidna Khalifa’e Ra’bey Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha
(Radhi Allah Anhu), were called “Khut’nayn”. In Sharah Aqaid’e Nusufi stated that, “…
Ja’alo Min Alamat Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah Tafdheel ash-Shaykhayn Wa’l
Mahabbat’ul Khatnaiyn {Eng: That’s why A’eymma has gave honor to Shaykhayn (Radhi
Allah Anhum) and loved of Khutnayn (Radhi Allah Anhum) as sign of Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah} [Pg.106] …” Similarly stated in Marqat Sharah Mishkat, “… Question was asked
from Hudhrat Anas Bin Malik (Radhi Allah Anhu) that what is the sign of Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah? In response said that Sign of a being a Sunni is that you
should loved Hudhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) and Hudhrat Umar Farooq
al-Azam (Radhi Allah Anhu), and upon Hudhrat Usman al-Ghani (Radhi Allah Anhu)
and Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) doesn’t jeered (Urdu: Ta’an Zeni) and
do wiping (Arabic: Mas’sah) on socks (meant accept it permissible) … [Vol.2:Pg.77]”. [2]

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In Shifa Shareef, it was stated that Hudhrat Ma’afi bin Imran (Rehmatullahi Alehe) in
response to a query said, “(Mafhoom) … None person could be consider (Arabic: Qiyas)
upon companions of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Muaviyah is Sidna
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) companion, relative (Arabic: Sah’rah | Susrali
Rish’teydar), writer and trustworthy of divine revelation … [Vol.2:Pg.43]”. Similarly in
al-Swahiq’ul Muharriqah, it is stated by Imam Ibn’e Hajar Makki (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
that, “(Mafhoom) … It is from creed of Ahl’al-Sunnah that Sidna Hudhrat Ameer
Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) was King (Malik | Badshah) during the Caliphate of
Sidna Khalifa’e Ra’bey Ameer’ul Mo’mineen Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah
Anhu) and upon his stand did verdict (Arabic: Ij’tehad), though does mistake but he
(Radhi Allah Anhu) would be rewarded upon this verdict (Arabic: Ij’tehad) …
[Pg.217]”. [3] Due to this transition, some Ulama says hence counted Sidna Hudhrat
Ameer Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) tenure of reign as Caliphate, but if we seen or judge
in the light of blessed sayings (foretell), particularly came about Caliphate tenure, so it
doesn’t compliance because it was mentioned that Caliphate would be of 30yrs and then
there will be Emarat and Kingdom (Urdu: Imarat’O Malukiyat). Therefore upon transition
time, means leaving the reign by Sidna Ameer’ul Muslimeen Imam Hasan bin Ali al-
Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhum), 30yrs was completed. Hence Sidna Hudhrat Ameer
Muaviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) reigning tenure would be called “Islamic Emirate”, after
transition. Allah and His Rasul know all the best. [4] It is inevitable (Arabic: Wajib) upon
Yazid ‘Paleed’, because doesn’t compliance neither eligible, rather than giving order to
fight against Sidna Hudhrat Imam Aali Ma’qam Hussain bin Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah
Anhum) must hand over it to Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), when it was
already accorded. [5] In Quran Majeed, there are many verses (Also say, “Nus’e Qa’tai”)
depicts clearly or highlights the honors and ranks of Azwaj’an-Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam), Ahl’al-Bayt an’Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Ansareen al-Kiram,
Muhajireen al-Kiram, Shuhda Badr al-Kiram Wagheiy’rahum (Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala
Alehem Ajma’ein) too, therefore in one aspect (declaring heavenly in world) it was
expressed or highlights their (honorable ten) services rendered for Islam as an
emblematic for all Ummah (Fa’fahum | Faqeer). [6] It is admonitioned clearly, stated in
Shifa Sharif (Eng. Ver), regarding this subject (respecting companions), Sidna Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) said, “… Whenever my Companions are mentioned, hold your
tongue … [Pg.173]” Similarly another instruction is, “… Do not curse my Companions.
If anyone were capable of spending the weight of Mount Uhud in gold, it would not
even reach the measure of one of them, nor yet their half … [Pg.173]” Further
instructed in same regards, “… Should anyone curse my Companions, the curse of
Allah will fall upon him, and that of the angels and all mankind. Allah will not accept
any exchange or recompense from him … [Pg.173]” May Allah bi’Wasilatun Nabi al-
Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) made all of us respectful to Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur
Ridhwan) and save us from being disrespectful. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

FOOTNOTE: The discussion (Honor & Emirate) regarding Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Muaviyah bin Abi-Sufyan
(Radhi Allah Anhu), under heading “Ameer” and it’s denote “[2]”, have been taken from transcript, “Sarf al-
Ann’an Anil Muta’an Muaviyah Bin Abi-Sufyan (Urdu: Ameer Muaviyah Per Aytiradhat Kay Jawabaat)” by
Rais’ut Tahrir Munazir’e Ahle-Sunnah Shaykh al-Shariah wa’l-Tariqah Hudhrat Allama Mufti Faiydh
Ahmed al-Owaisi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz).

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Awliyah Kiram (Blessed Saints)

(Rehmatullahi Ta’ala Ale’hem Ajma’ein)

STATUS: O’Dea, after Anmbiyah wa Mursaleen (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), in sight (divine

presence) of Allah, Awliya [plural of Wali | Friend] has significance due to several reasons; mainly
obedience, steadiness, miracles and membrance. Obedience: Through practices (obeying
teachings righteously and with purity) attain such level which made them very closed (Divined |
Muqarrib). Steadiness: There main purpose of presence amongst people is for securing and
propogating the heavenly teachings (Shariah brought/presented by Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam]), which we mentioned in 4th article under ‘Enlighten (al-Noor) [Pg.8]’ that, “… Therefore
how could be possible that persistence (means resistance) would stopped easily or vanish
completely while chapter (bab) has been closed (closing of Guidance via Ambiya-e-Kiram [Alehem-
us-Salam]; which was always had shown resistance) and none will be coming further (means new
prophet) and the custom of addressing (delivers) have been then given to perform by Awliyah [by
birth, which are one level below Ambiyah, (think on this point)] …” Miracles: In reward, upon
following the sent guidance (via Anmbiyah[Alehem-us-Salam]), Allah (Subhanahu) grants them
such abilities that are sometimes impossible for common people to do [not for Anmbiyah(Alehem-
us-Salam), in real it was their (Anmbiyah[Alehem-us-Salam]) replication (Urdu: Par’tow) like
Sidna Ghawth’ul Azam (Quddussurahul Aziz) alived a deceased one (Qawwal) and several others
(uncountable). Reminds: These attributes of Awliya’e Kiram (Alehemur Rehman) proved them
the chosen personages (Farsi: Husti’yan) whom not only delivers right teachings for obedience,
and then be steadiness upon it whether rewarded with miracles or not (miracles are not
necessary to happens from Wali) but also their presence reminds Allah (Subhanahu) might and
creativity, therefore Awliyah have no fear as well as neither any grieved about their selves or any
matter or issue relating/concerning to them, and there honor have been revealed in Quran
Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the
friends of Allah … [s.10:v.62]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (Lo! verily the) believing (friends of Allah are (those) on whom fear
(cometh) not) regarding any future punishment, (nor do they grieve) about that which
they have left behind.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Assuredly God’s friends, no fear shall befall them, neither shall they
grieve, in the Hereafter.

[Tafsir Durr’e Mansour] Narrated from Hudhrat Sa’ad (Radhi Allah Anhu) that, it was
asked from Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), whom are Awliyah Allah? He (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) replied, “People who whenever seen reminds Allah (Subhanahu)” [Urdu
Ver | Vol.3, Pg.938]

RANKS: Ulama’e Kiram says that Awliyah are below (a level | Aik Darjah) then Anmbiyah
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) in rank, and there is an apparent difference between Prophethood
(Nabuwwah) and Sainthood (Wilayah). They said Sainthood (Wilayah), is a form of divinity
contains several attributes or specialities (abilities) that awarded upon obedience of Shariah
brought by Rasul or instructed by Nabi to follow[1]; even a born Saint (Urdu: Wali), in to which
emerged (Ummah), will always invites and preached as well as obeys himself the Shariah of Rasul
being brought or instructed by Nabi to follow. No Saint (Urdu: Wali) can ever neither has becomes

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greater then Rasul and Shariah brought by him or instructed by Nabi to follow {Alehe Salat-O-
Salam}, and keeping opposite faith would make a person disbeliever [2]. Second, Ulama says that
all venerable companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) are of or holds highest ranks amongst Awliyah of
Ummat’e Mustapha (Sahib’e Ala Salat-O-Salam) [3], the later can’t exceed their rank due to any
circumstances [4] therefore considering any of later above venerable companions (Alehemur
Ridhwan) is a severe astray (refraction | Irti’dad); hence becomes inevitable upon person to
repent and retreat from such perception. Third, Ulama says that every saint (Urdu: Wali) is
knowledgeable (Alim’e Shariah wa’Tariqah), even illetrate saint (not follows traditional ways of
learning | Ummi Wali) is also knowledgeable (Alim’e Shariah wa’Tariqah), and one sign of
recognition is that never goes or say anything against Shari’ah [5]. Fourth, Ulama says that all
Saints (Awliyah) are upon Islam’s right path, renowned as “Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah |
Mazahib Arba’a”. All pious personages, whatever rank or position may holds in Sainthood
(Wilyah), like Aghwath, Aqtab, Nuqa’ba, Nuja’ba Wagheiy’rahum are always from this path. Note:
None of them had ever upon or will selects wrong path, or say innovated path; for instance,
Khawarij-Rafdhiyat, Wahabiyat, Tablighiyat, Moudodiyat, Qadiyan’iat, Deobandiyat etc. Fifth,
Ulama says that alike Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) some Awliyah (by birth saint |
Paydai’shi Wali), not all, are protected from doing mistakes called “Protected Saints (Awliya’e
Mah’fozeen)” and this is only to safeguard the Shariah brought to or given by their (Alehemur
Rehman) Rasul or instructed by Nabi to follow. Caution: Therefore alike Anmbiyah (Alehemus
Salat-O-Salam), either be silent and left it upon Allah (Subhanahu) or shall be interpret
righteously (takes in to good account), about mistakes (if reports or sees); particularly in
correction aspect (Urdu: Islahi Nazariyey Sey), rather than refuting or throwing mud upon them.
Allah knows all the best. [Rehmatullahi Ta’ala Ale’hem Ajma’ein]

Denote: [1] There are min or max 1,24,000 approx Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) has been sent, amongst them 313 were Mursaleen’e Uzzam (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam), hence it is right to say that every Nabi is not a Rasul but every Rasul is a Nabi too,
as difference of rank exist here too. Second, Shariah was always given to or brought by
Rasul, whereas only Nabi instructs to follow (on other words revive) that Shariah whom
era being sent. {Alehe Salat-O-Salam}. See Takmeel’ul E’man Wagheiy’raha or asks
Ulama. [2] Here we meant generally (all nations | Tumam Ummatein) not specifically,
means all sent Shariah which are valid in to their respected period, as cancelation of
previous by later was executed, which now stopped as Shariah Muhammediyah is last
and valid till resurrection (ah), as later arrived cancels the previous thus Saint (Urdu:
Wali) will then definitely preaches as well as obeys himself the later Shariah (if such
change happens in his presence). Note: In previous century one Kharji-Fasadi Mullah
(Qasim Nanotvi | a British agent), under British Empire rule over India, has written the
superseding of Saint (Urdu: Wali), even for common person, upon Nabi (Ma’az Allah;
Astagh’firullah). [3] Discussed some ranks of venerable companions (Alehemur
Ridhwan) in earlier topic (See there, Pg. 123). [4] Whether passed their whole life in
practices even then can’t exceed the smallest rank companions (Alehemur Ridhwan); as
there are ranks present amongst themselves (Alehemur Ridhwan) too, like Khulfa’e
Rashidun, then Ashrah Mubashrah, then Ashab’e Badr Wagheiy’rahum. [5] Strictly
practice, as well as advised to everyone, any particular school of thought & chain of

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HELP (Bi’iznillah): Many people raised objection or asks that if Saints (Awliyah[Sufiyah]) are so
divined personages, as well as contains tremendous powers (spiritual strength), then why
couldn’t help in severe or devastating conditions of Nation (Ummah), either suffering from or
before coming? Answer: O’Dea remembers, there is no hesitation in usage (tremendous
strength), but then first disbelievers couldn’t able to succeed ever[1]; and that’s why Saints are
ordered either use partially or acquired silence, in real it’s a matter of fate [2]. Second, they are
looking upon our actions/steps (particularly righteous | Sahih Qadmoun Ki Taraf), whether we
takes it or NOT. And if takes right action/step and also calls assistance from Saints (Awliyah),
then definitely help (Bi’iznillah) was granted without hesitation, even sometimes without call
they help (Bi’iznillah). Therefore rather than criticzing or objectioning upon their piousness and
abilities we shall look/seen towards ourselves (own actions/steps) [3]. Third, can’t one may
noticed that even then religion was survived in such conditions (either suffering from or before
coming), meant was presented in its right and true form[4], even though severe or devastating
conditions inflicts lot damages (sometimes complete elimination of nation), speaking generally
here (all nations | Ta’mam Ummatein); whereas about present time (Nation | Ummah) so valid
too, Alhamdollilah, exists and In-Sha Allah, till whenever Allah (Subhanahu) would like, persists
before final whistle blow (Urdu: Soor). [5]

Denote: [1] Particularly as punishment on believers, due to their sins. Secondly, they’ll
never acquire means, whereas have been order to acquired and then use alike them
(Disbelievers). [2] Refraining to go into details, contrary shall believed (ability to help |
Bi’iznillah) upon them (Awliyah), and also shall be consent (Urdu: Ra’dhi) upon good and
bad fate. [3] Whether taking under Islamic teachings or either exceeding or aborting. [4]
It persists due to their blessed presence; whether called or not. [5] Before final whistle,
Ummah would be reduced to nill (zero), only infidels would left upon whom whistle will
blows, and this happens after 200yrs approx[*] of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) arrival, and before period so not known. Note: Existence of Islam’s
teachings and heritage itself revealing clearly that supported by third strength (hidden |
Po’shidah); particularly if seen present days conditions of Ummah.

Membrance (Zikr): Hujjah’tul Islam Arif Bi’Allah Imam Abu-Hamid Muhammed Muhammed al-
Ghazali al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz) said, “(Mafhoom) … wherever Saints (Awliyah) being
remembered or narrated, Allah (Subhanahu) showered uncountable mercies there …” [Book:
Ahya Uloom’ al-Din]

Denote: Remembers all A’eymma were from Saints (Awliyah) too, therefore to get some
drops of merciful showers, hopeful, in the light of above beautiful saying, now illustrating
some piety and renowned Saints (Awliyah) of Ummat’e Mustapha (Sahib’e Ala Salat-O-
Salam). Beginning from A’eymma Mazhab, and then well known presonages.

Also visit, URL:

(A’eymma Wa Masha’ikh | Mazahib Arba’a: Salasil Mubarakah)
[*] It’s estimation through calculating some revealed events tenure; however increase or decrease is possible,
because Allah (Subhanahu) knew the exact period.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 130



(Thoughts | Mazahib Arba’a)

Imam’ul A’eymma Siraj’ul Ummah Imam’e Azam Arif Bi’Allah

Sidna Abu Hanifa Nauman bin Thabit
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

Blessed Life (Recommended, must read):
(Also read):
(This too)

RESPOND: Imam’e Azam Imam Abu-Hanifah al-Numan Bin Thabit (Quddussurahul Aziz) was
criticized or objection by some miscreants having small skull without brain; particularly upon
verdict (Urdu: Ij’tehad) & retainer (Urdu: Hifz’e Ahadith). Hudhrat Abul-Hasan Zaid al-Farooqui
al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Rehmatullah Alehe) has gave a good response, “… all the false allegations
being put on Imam’e Azam (Rehmatullah Alehe) by defiant and jealous people, whosoever repeat
those allegations, increases, or Imam’e Azam (Rehmatullah Alehe) will obtain, virtues …” [Book:
Swaneh Imam’e Azam | Pg. 52]

Book is available at URL:

Also read, URL:

Alim’e Madinah, Sahib’e Mazhab, Arif Bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Malick Bin Anas al-Madani
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

Blessed Life

Alim’e Quraiysh, Sahib’e Mazhab, Arif Bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Muhammed Bin Idris al-Shafa’ei
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

Blessed Life

Alim’e Baghdad, Sahib’e Mazhab, Arif Bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Ahmed Bin Hanmbal al-She’bani
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

Blessed Life
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 131


(Tasawwuf | Salasil’e Arba’a)

Sultan Mohiyyuddin, Ghawth’ul-Azam, Arif Bi’Allah, al-Imam,

Sidna al-Shaykh al-Sharif Muhammed Abdul-Qadir al-Hasani wal-Husayni
al-Geylani al-Hanmbali
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life & Chain

Also read, [Urdu]

The Golden Words of Wisdom


Khwaja’e Khwajgan, Sultan al-Hind, Arif Bi’Allah

Sidna al-Sheykh al-Sharif Muhammed Moinuddin al-Husayni al-Hanafi
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life & Chain


The Golden Words of Wisdom


Shaykh al-Shuyukh, Arif Bi’Allah,

Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Shahab’uddin al-Siddiqui al-Shafa’ei al-Suharwardi
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life & Chain


Shaykh al-Islam, Arif Bi’Allah,

Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Bahahuddin al-Hanafi al-Naqhsband
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 132


The Blessed Life & Chain

(Mystic Personages | A’eymma wa Masha’ikh[Mujaddidn])

Zubda’tul Sali’keen, Ummdat’ul Arfeen, Arif bi’Allah

Sidi Al-Shaykh al-Shareef Nai’matullah Shah Wali al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: The disputation upon Awliyah’e Kiram bibliography, esp. birth date n place,
youth life and then final years before departure, was usually present (we’ll not going to discuss in
details here there reasons) in books (Tasawuf) though some are resolves whereas some aren’t
hence still unclear or contradictory, and amongst them one is Sidi al-Shaykh Muhammed
Nai’matullah Shah Wali al-Bukhari (Quddussurahul Aziz) whom bibliography wasn’t available
completely or say precisely (in written form) however according to some valid traditions
(amongst Ulama), Sidi al-Shaykh Naimatullah Shah Wali al-Bukhari (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was
born in an outskirt districts of Dehli, and was finally rest in Kashmir Valley. His (Alehe Rehma)
ancestors are from Shurufa (Sada’at) of Bukhara from ‘Hussaiyni Lineage’, He (Alehe Rehma) was
al-Hanafi in Fiqh and al-Qadiri in Tariqah, He (Alehe Rehma) went to Makkah as well as travel
many other Muslims regions (Arabic: al-Mamluk) for studies and touring (Arabic: Siy’yahat)
purposes respectively and upon orders (some says it was spiritually given) from Sidi Ghawth al-
Azam al-Shaykh Muhammed Abdul-Qadir al-Geylani (Quddussurahul Aziz) returned (sent) to
Hind, for preaching and serving the Islam, where he (Alehe Rehma) also brought Silsilah Aliyah
al-Tayyibatun al-Qadiriyyah and spread its practices. However confusion persist because
according to Ulama there was also a renown poet (Farsi) with same name, Nai’matullah Shah Wali
al-Kirmani, his birth and resting place was, Kerman-Iran, and secondly his creed (Arabic: Mazhab)
was unclear or divisive, mean some say he was a Muslim (Sunni) whereas some reported him a
Munafiq (Kharji-Rafdhi); and unfortunately many people (mainly writers) are not able to
differentiate correctly thus misunderstand or misjudge due to similarity.

Qaseedah Naimatullah Wali: As we illustrated in previous article (in real a transcript), that
according to faqeer’s Ustadh’e Muhtaram, “Ulama says, similar to this there is another *Qaseedah
written by Sidi al-Shaykh Naimatullah Shah Wali al-Bukhari (Quddussurahul Aziz), which stanzas
are end upon word “Farsi: Tan” like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Daghestan etc, in which he also
depicted some geopolitical turmoil and alterations, in and around Ummah. Reason: Therefore
reason to mention it, in that (missing) Qaseedah Sidna Shaykh Naimatullah Shah Wali al-Bukhari
(Quddussurahul Aziz) reveals that a country name “PAKISTAN” will be formed (or emerged) in
‘al-HIND’ which was then afterwards losing some areas finally rise (as per founding/forming
reason; an Islamic Ideology) and will also invites other states of the same region, particularly
North and its Western states (indicating Central Asian Republics) to join, it was stated (in
Qaseedah) in following way, “(Mafhoom) … a country name “PAKISTAN” will then formed (or
emerged) and it will gathered all “TANS”, which will be either becomes one ^nation (say Country)
or a powerful block (one union) …”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 133


DENOTE: If someone object or say that “PAKISTAN” name was first came in to one
Nawab’s dream; and after revealing it was then decided or declared to form or found a
country upon it (name)? Answer: Well couldn’t denied that either because it’s a truth, but
remember, is “PAKISTAN” name was in Allah’s knowledge (Urdu: ilm’e Ellahi | Yani U’sey
Maloom tha ya nahi), meant had it was written upon “Loh’e Mehfooz” or not? Definitely
and obviously, everything is in Allah’s knowledge (Urdu: ilm’e Ellahi | U’sey sub Maloom
hai), in which happenings (whatever going to and will be happens, since beginning till end
| and Allah knows more than this, and better) was ordered to write upon “Loh’e Mehfooz”,
therefore when Awliyah Kiram can sees it clearly, through their practices which removed
covers upon hearts letting hidden becomes visible, hence dream is also from (sometimes
very clear) “Loh’e Mehfooz” therefore common Muslims can also sees it (but it is only
unveil through dream | which increases their belief n faith further) thus both revelations
(because belongs to same source of origin | Loh’e Mehfooz) aren’t or cannot be opposite to
each other. Second, there are no evidences that Awliyah Allah of previous century didn’t
reveals (name esp.), particularly high ranks (whom can seen Loh’e Mehfooz clearly, as
such ranked saints present in every era), when came upon state name that what shall it
be. When tradition reaches to Faqeer through Ustadh’e Muhataram regarding Qaseedah
ending upon “TAN” containing (or revealing) name as well, then how it is possible that it
wasn’t known to, if not all (common Muslims), then some people (Ulama’O
Masha’ikh[Sufiya’e Kiram]), in last two centuries (18th & 19th century, particularly during
banned period) as tradition reaches to us from chain (chest by chest passes banned
period), definitely proves vice versa (renowned to Ulama’O Masha’ikh[Sufiya’e Kiram], if
not commoners). [Keep Thinking] Third, it is possible that Ulama’O Masha’ikh[Sufiya’e
Kiram] only became quite regarding name due to divine fate (Urdu: Mansha’e Elahi kay
subub), because it has to and so it came too familiar through dream firstly (during british
rule), therefore after revelation then raised for or stood-up in support (because
they[Ulama’O Masha’ikh(Sufiya’e Kiram)] already knew the name through spirituality).
Fourth, it was well known that Qaseedah Sharif was banned, hence not easily available,
during British Empire Rule over al-Hind (Indo-Pak Subcontinent), therefore due to
unavailability of qaseedah name becomes hidden too which was.then revealed through
dream (actually say in parallel | Kept 1st, 2nd & then 3rd points in view). Fifth, might be
Nawab doesn’t met anyone whom knows about Qaseedah Sharif, even possibility exists
that due to ban majority doesn’t knows (whom either had participated physically or
expresses complete solidarity for this cause | separate Muslims State), thus when looking
for name (state) it was then revealed to them through Nawab’s dream (actually say in
parallel | Kept 1st, 2nd & then 3rd points in view). Alah knows all the best.

Qaseedah’s famous copy, published from Lahore, in Farsi/Urdu:
[*] Only heard from Ustadh, don’t have copy (Nuskha) or read anywhere (never passes from view) though
looking, hence if we found (will shares with all) or any of our recipient have knowledge then do kindly share
with us. Jazak’mallahu Khairah.
[^] Definitely seems to us a block (Union), though couldn’t denied either about becoming one country (nor
impossible), as Muslims will conquer INDIA all together illustrated in Qaseedah Naimatullah (below links) which
is no doubt made Pakistan a big state, in regards of area also (however it will further increases if all “TANS”
merge(s) besides joining union or sultanate as separate entity) [Keep Thinking]. Allah knows the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 134


Qaseedah’s another copy, published from Peshawar, in Farsi/Urdu/English:

Qaseedah in English Translation:

Qaseedah’s another copy published by BrassTacks Pakistan, in Farsi/Urdu:

Qaseedah’s another copy published in 2009 from Peshawar, in Farsi/Urdu:

Qaseedah’s another copy published in 2007 from Lahore, in Farsi/Urdu:
--- ---

Imam Rabbani, Mujaddid Alif Thani, Arif bi’Allah

Sidna Al-Shaykh Muhammed Ahmed Faruqi al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi al-Sirhandi
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life

The Chain:

Imam’ul Muhaditheen, Khatim’tul Muhaqqi’qeen, Mujaddid al-Asr, Arif bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah al-Shah Muhammed Abdul-Haqq al-Bukhari
al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life

Also read, [Urd.]

Ala Hudhrat, Azeem’ul Barkat, Mujaddid’e Deen’O Millat, Arif bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah al-Shah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life & Chain


Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 135


Also read, [Ur./En.]

Mujahid’e Islam, Arif bi’Allah

Sidna Imam Muhammed Ali Shamil al-Shafa’ei al-Naqshbandi al-Daghestani
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

The Blessed Life

The Chain:
Naqshbandi silsilah beginning from Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is
passed in chain till Ismail Kurdumeri (who is No.31 in chain of *Shaykh Said Effendi (Rehmatullah
Alehe)). After Ismail Kurdumeri the chain has split in two as he had two Ma'zuns, i.e. Muhammed
Salih Shirwani (No32) and Khas Muhammed Shirwani. From Khas Muhammed Shirwani the chain
goes to Muhammed Yaraghi ad-Daghestani, from him to Jamaluddin Kumuki ad-Daghestani, who
had three Ma'zuns, i.e. Mamadibir ar-Rochi ad-Daghestani, Sidna Imam Muhammed Ali
Shamil ad-Daghestani (both had no Ma'zun), and Abdurrahman as-Sughuri ad-Daghestani (he
had two Ma’zun, Sidi Muhammed Obodi ad-Dagestani and Sidi Muhammed Ilyas ad-Dagestani, but
upon them it was ended because they had no Ma’zun).

FOOTNOTE: [*] Here is the golden chain:

Shayr’e Mashreq, Hakeem’ul Ummah,

Arif Bi’Allah Hudhrat Allama Dr.Muhammed Iqbal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
[9 Nov, 1877 – 21 Apr, 1938]
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

BLESSED LIFE: Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was born in Sialkot on 9th
November, 1877, in a Bar’hemen Kashmiri Cast family whom had embraced Islam and settled in
Sialkot approx. 250yrs before his (Rehmatullah Alehe) birth [a]. Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) parents were religious (Urdu: Mazhabi) and pious (Urdu: Sualeh) people;
keen worshippers (Urdu: Ebadat Guzar) and sufiya lovers (Arabic: Tasawwuf). They, particularly
His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) father was linked (Urdu: Bay’et) to Silsilah Aliyah al-Tayyibatun al-
Qadiriyah on the hands of Al-Shaykh Qadhi Sultan Mehmood al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehamatullahi
Allehe) [*]. Due to this reason Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) found or have
Sufi Environment and its practices[b] around Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe), hence from the
beginning both parents urged or keep focus on Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi
Alehe) to do the religious practices, particularly recitation of Quran Majeed was a daily routine.
His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) early education was begun from traditional madressah where He
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) learned Quran Majeed, and then sent (admit) to Missionary School for
modern education, from where he (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was chosen by Maulvi Syed Meer Hasan,
teached Farsi, Arabic, and Urdu[c]. After passing from Mission School, He (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
went to Govt. College Lahore, where He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) met Prof. Arnold (A British Prof.)
[*] Passed Away on 1st Shaban al-Moazzam, 1337 Hijri (Friday 2nd May, 1919 A.D); rest in Dargah Awan Sharif,
District Gujtrat, Punjab Province, Pakistan.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 136


and continued education under his supervision. After graduating with rewards, He (Rehmatullahi
Alehe) then joined Oriental College where He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) taught Philosphy & History. In
1905 went to England (Cambridge University) and then to Germany (Munich University), from
where He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) received P.hd Degree, and then after completing[d] the studies
returned to homeland in 1908. In 1924, from Lahore, He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) became the
parliament member, and also visited many places in subcontinent where gave lectures, in 1930
from Muslim League Meeting held at Illahbad, gave historical speech upon Pakistan Resolution
(separate nation), though this advice (Urdu: Tajveez) was already given by Abdul-Qadeer
Bilgirami in 1925 that was published on same year. In 1931 went to England for Round Table
Conference, it was an informative and historical visit for him, and returned to home in 1932,
between this period also met following people; Bergsen (France), Missoulini (Italy), as well as
^Gharnataka (Spain) and Bait’ul Muqaddus (Falasteen) [Attends a Conference]. In 1933 went to
Afghanistan upon King Nadir Shah’s invitation, where met a famous poet Abdullah Khan whom
had said stanzas in his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) honor too. Finally this prestigious thinker and
philospher of his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) time passed away on April 21, 1938. [Excerpts from Book;
“Iqbal and Present Sectarianism Solution (Urdu)”]

May Allah shower uncountable blessings upon him forever? Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

[a] Stanza
Main Asil Ka Khas Soma’nati
Aa’ba Meray Lati O Manati
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[English translation: In real am a Somnati [lineage]; my ancestors were La’ati and Manati [means
Buddhists (Polytheists); La’at and Soumnath were two famous Buddha Names]

[b] Stanza
Jis Ghar Ka Magar Chiragh Hay Tou
Hay Uska Mazaq Arifana
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[English Translation: A Home, which light you are, their interest (Mazaq | Zauq) is, Mysticism]

[c] Stanza
Tujhe Yaad Kya Nahi Hai Meray Dil Ka Woh Zamana
Woh Adab Gahe Muhabbat Woh Nigeh Ka Taziyana
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[English translation: Can’t you remember, that period of my heart, which respect with
compassion, and a whip of expression]

[d] Stanza
Magar Wo Ilm Kay Moti Kita’bein Apnay A’aba Ki
Jo Deykhein Inn Ko Europe Main Dil Hota Hay Si’Para
(Iqbal | Ba’ang D’ra)
[English translation: But those pearls of knowledge, books of our ancestors, when seen them in
Europe, heart become shuddering]
[^] Visits Masjid Qurtaba, where he (Rehmatullahi Alehe) gave salvation and then offered prayer afterwards; and
cried a lot for the loss of such a great place (whole empire).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 137


[BOOK] Recently, a book by Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb, name “Pur’israr Iqbal (Urdu)”
was released (published) by BrassTacks Pakistan, due to its early teasers (via FB) was
aware, therefore downloaded for reading when found it online, we were thinking that
book will be full mystic but somehow quite partial besides our expectation, because
absence of some aspects, say small but are very essential/crucial part of Hudhrat
Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullah Alehe), life and teachings. [Thought] Don’t consider
our remarks as some kind of review on book through critic’s eyes, but as opinion or
advice. Definitely, Faqeer is a human being, possibility exists that might be couldn’t able to
understand correctly. [Analysis] While presented other personalities/people with or
having some kind of mutual interests (or relation) to Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal
(Rehmatullah Alehe), few had been either skipped or ignored otherwise missed, and it
could be deliberately or due to objections (fear, might be face), but they wouldn’t harm
contrary strengthen the book further [*], and also presents the truth as well as loyality in
regards of religion Islam.

MISSING SECRETS: Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) name, as it renowned to

all over the world, hence where it is being used righteously contrary abused unjustly. Ulama’e
Kiram says that it’s a very sad approach that people depicts or discuss various aspects like mystic
(Urdu: Pur’Israr) and rectifying (Urdu: Islahi) of his poetry but mostly (besides Ulama) couldn’t
highlights or addresses, the core of all his mystical and majestic essence of poetry or works. [1]
[OATH] Ulama says; when Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehamtullahi Alehe) was a child, His
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) father took him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) to Astana’e Qadiriyah Ghawthiyah
(Awan Sharif, Distrcit Gujrat), through where he (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was attached to Majestic
al-Qadiri Tariqah, for also entering little Iqbal to Tariqah. His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) hands were
then given to Hudhrat Al-Shaykh Qadhi Sultan Mehmood al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul
Aziz) [d. 1337 Hijri]. [2] [FAITH] Regarding necessary faith (Zaruriyat’e Deeniyah), for instance
Monotheism (Arabic: Tawheed), Reality and Honor of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) [Urdu: Haqeeqat O Ma’qam E Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)], calling for help (Arabic:
Isti’ghasah), honors of Awliyah (Companions & Sufiya | Tasawwuf) etc, so kindly see few stanzas
being illuminated below. [MAWLID SHARIF] Ulama says; Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal
(Rehamtullahi Alehe) regarding Mawlid’un Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has outlined it in three
ways; A. Celebrate individually by following upon the footsteps (Urdu: Sunnah Mubarakah) and
sending blessings (Urdu: Salat-O-Salam) to Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). B. Celebrate
publically by organizing sessions and through processions in which Ulama should address
blessed life and message of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). C. Celebrate mystically,
which is not possible without domain expert (Urdu: Murshid | Kamil Shaykh) meant through
Awliyah Allah (Sufiya | Dervishes) gatherings or say practices (Training | Urdu: Tarbiyat). He
(Rehamtullahi Alehe) urges Ulama to organized such sessions and processions on large scale at
every corner of the world regularly because it is one of the best way to address and rectify
Muslims (whole Ummah), as well as for invitation others towards Islam. [JURISPRUDENCE]
About his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) intuition towards importance of jurisprudence, stated;
“(Mafhoom)… Perhaps that’s why as Hudhrat Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rehmatullahi Alehe) has
understood completely the wide spread (universality) of Islam didn’t solicitude (Urdu: Ey’tena)
from Ahadith Sharifah. He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) created “Rule of Appraisal (Urdu: Usool’e
Is’tihsan)” meant “Jurisprudence priority (Urdu: Fiqahi Tarjeeh)” which purpose
[*] It wouldn’t be sectarianism either but not mentioning is, and also revealed or expressed the truth and
reality. A Sirr, that had been either skipped or we say missed.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 138


(Demand | Urdu: Taqadha) is too dealt under endorsed analysis (Urdu: Qanooni Ghour’O Fikr) for
us to studied carefully the physically presents (or occurrences | Urdu: Waqe’yaten Moujood).
From this it is easily understandable his (Rehamtullahi Alehe) intention towards adopting Islamic
Juisprudence …” [3] [SPIRITUALITY] Alim’e Madinah Sidna Imam Muhammed Malik bin Anas
(Quddussurahul Aziz) said, “(Mafhoom)… If learn Jurisprudence but not Tasawwuf then it’s
insignificant similarly if learn Tasawwuf but not the Jurisprudence then it’s also insignificant, as
both are correlated hence shall be learned together …” [4] Truth: In one address to general
procession (1925, Mochi Darwaza, Lahore), Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
declared clearly that, “This is Mine oath vivid description that I am a Hanafi and a very stern
Hanafi. Also, felt necessary in my articulation that I and my family relation (firmly) are with
Sultan Arab-O-Ajam Al-Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Ghawth’ul Azam al-Jeelani (Rehmatullahi
Alehe).” [EXPOSING & CONDEMNATION] Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehamtullahi Alehe),
not only exposed technically but also condemned beautifully the malice insitagtion inducted in
Islam on the name of religion Islam, “Qadiyan and Deoband though (Farsi: Ager’che) opposite to
each other …. But both source of origin (Urdu: Ser’Chashma) is one and both are the outcome of a
movement that is generally renowned as ‘Wahabiyat’.” He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) also said some
stanzas in their condemnation [See Below]. [5] [ADVISE] Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal
(Rehamtullahi Alehe) gave advise (Urdu: Wasiyat) to his son in following words, “(Mafhoom) …
About religion (Islam) so would like to say only that in your faith besides few partial matters, that
are not from religion necessities (or pillars), I am an obedient of predecessors and after being
researched this path was proven safe too. My advised to Javed is same that stead on this path
(predecessors) and due to Muslims slavery in this bad luck nation (Mumlikat’e Hidustan) which
has formed some new faiths shall be avoided must …” then said further ahead, “… mean way of
Ahl’al-Sunnah (Wa’l-Jama’ah) is secured and so shall be steadfast upon it and keep love and faith
with A’eymma Ahl’e Bayt’un Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) …” [6]

DENOTE: [1] In third article, on last under “Correction (Precaution | Muh’tat)” in regards
of true Sufiya (Saints) mentioned following, “… never refute faiths (Arabic: al-Aqa’id) of
Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah (esp. saying Ya Rasul Allah, Ya Ghawth al-Madad, Ya Shaykh
al-Madad), stern on any communally agreed respective Fiqh (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa’ei or
Hanbali), linked to Valid and Authentic Chain (Silsilah) of Tariqah, always condemn
deviators (nowadays Wrong Sects besides True one), and also Sufiya’e Kiram will be
always recognized and verified by Ulama’e Kiram …” therefore when you read ahead
matters it would be cleared or reveals Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
path. [2] It had been signified that the chain is authentic and continued (Arabic: Mutta’sil),
not broken (Arabic: Mun’qatah). [3] From this Faqeer has able to understand that, “…
Creating (or forming) jurisprudence rules and giving them priority doesn’t means to
neither they have violated Quran & Sunnah, contrary they were made through intense
analysis or based (Urdu: Ijtihad) upon or according to teachings of Quran & Sunnah, for
any new act or thing that if either may appears [Doesn’t explained in clear words or being
mentioned (Urdu: Alfazoun Main), in Quran & Sunnah; like use of automobiles, machinery,
computer etc] OR happen alteration in present form [introduction of new procedure or
way for same thing or act; like sighting moon from Binoculars etc] can be judge or find its
status of application in Shariah Muttah’harah conveniently. And this is one of the best
safety measures depicted by Imam’e Azam Abu-Hanifah Nauman bin Thabit
(Quddussrahul Aziz) which rather than objection or criticized contrary appreciated &
acquired (for practicing) by Ulama (Sufiya) of all respected epochs …” [4] Hence absence

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 139


of any (either Fiqh or Tasawwuf) never expressed the reality neither interpretate its
essence, until not mentioned or being illustrated (here not means matters [Masail] but
highlighting the personality is also enough), because without Jurisprudence the essence
or aspects of Tasawwuf couldn’t be understand [Urdu: Lazim’O Malzoom | Correlated],
and it cannot be possible that personality talking in such a depth that not only shook the
hearts but also bringing revolution doesn’t or wouldn’t talks about or have any relation
with Jurisprudence. [5] It was stated that one of Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) social circle member having permit to visit wrote that, “… one day,
in service to attend his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) usual meeting (Urdu: Sohbah), my friend
Hafeez Sufi (Wahabi Ahle-Hadas) was with me, he says some inappropriate things which
shows clearly that he’s total dried. Because it was the first time thus Allama Iqbal didn’t
say anything but later while we were leaving asked me, “Aren’t you a Wahabi?” I replied
“NO” but (added) if I were then what you’ll do? He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) replied, “I’ll
expel you from my home” {Monthly Arif (Lahore), Edition Jan-1968} [6] Hudhrat
Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehamtullahi Alehe) wrote many Manaqibat in honor of Sahaba’e
Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) also, see Kuliyat’e Iqbal.

Ki Muhammed Sey Wafa Tou Ney Tou Hum Teray Hain

Yeh Jahan Cheez Hay Kya Loh’O Qalam Teray Hain
(Iqbal | Ba’ang D’ra)
[Eng: If shows suffice to Sidna Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), who doesn’t fear to die, pulls
out its origin (Faith | Risalah yan’i Haqiqat’e Muhammediyah), from their existence (Body |

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting award,

particularly origin of authority (Urdu: Ikhteyarat Ki Haqiqat), that if one called belief or
already a believer (Muslim) and then shows suffice to obedience (teachings being told),
then not only Allah (Subhanahu) grants his consent and intimacy, but also Pen and Tablet
will be are yours, not only universe; means will have access, hence whatever your wishes,
can make or write, impeding here for while. Allah knows all the best.

Shauq Tera Agr Na Ho, Meri Namaz Ka Imam

Mera Qayam Bhi Hijab, Mera Sujoud Bhi Hijab
(Iqbal | Baal’e Jibrail)
[Eng: Zeal towards or on you, if not leading my prayers, then my sitting is covered, my prostration
is covered]

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting faith of

presence and viewing (Urdu: Hadhir”o Nazir). That, if we don’t have such believe (contray
it is profanity if refute Sidna Rasul Allah[Alehe Salat-O-Salam] *existence[Hayat]), or level
of trust (Yaqeen), that Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is present and
watching our acts, then our worships are of no use; all were covered (Urdu: Mahjoob)
hence not offered (as it should be). Allah knows all the best.
Footnote: [*] Ulama says, Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are alive in their (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
graves, only for a time being it (means not exempted | Muth’tathna) came upon (demise | Maut), and then
afterwards (when it passed) returned to their before condition (though hidden from us | Through right
and pure practices then one could see, Imam Ghazali[Rehmatullah Alehe] has illustrated).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 140


Karam Ay Sheh’e Arab’O Ajam Kay Kharray Hain Muntazir’e Karam

Wo Gada Kay Tou Nay Ata Kiya Hai Jinhey Dimagh’e Sikandari
(Iqbal | Ba’ang D’ra)
[Eng: O’King of Arab & Ajam does mecry, stanging to your (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) prsence for
kindness, those beggars whom you have, granted the strength alike Sikandar]

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting help (Urdu:
Istighatha yani ‘Madad’ mang rahey hain), that O’Beloved Rasul, O’Shah of Arab & Ajam
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), do mercy as standing or present in your (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
honor for kindness, grant us that destitude (Urdu: Faqr) that after getting it (intuition)
becomes alike Sikandar’e Azam reigning the World, from west to east (meant not
physically but spiritual strength). Allah knows all the best.

In regards of Saints (Awliyah)

Syed Hajveyr Makhdoom’e Umam

Murqad O’o Peer Sunjar Ra Haram
(Iqbal | Israr’O Rumoz)
[Eng: O’Shah of Hajveyr (Ghazni | Afghanistan), Servant of Ummah, tomb of yours, is Haram for
Shaykh of Sunjar (India)]

Denote: ‘SYED’ means “King | Sardar” in Arabic. This term is also used (attached with) for
Ahl’al-Bayt al-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), specifically in Hind; whereas in Arab Sharif
word “Shareef” and in Turks “Effendi” being used (attached with) for Ahl’al-Bayt al-Nabi
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam). However, Data Ganj Bakhsh Syed Ali bin Uthman al-Hasani al-
Hanafi al-Hajveyri (Quddussuahul Aziz) was born in Hajveyr, Ghazni Province
(Afghanistan) in 370-400 Hijri[*] and came to Lahore in 435 Hijri (as per one tradition)
though its not confirmed, but passed away in Lahore on 465 Hijri (as per most
researchers). Hudhrat Khuwaja Gharib Nawaz (Quddussuahul Aziz) has spent nearly forty
days, did seclusion (Urdu: Chillah Farmaya Tha) at His (Quddussuahul Aziz) tomb (near
grave). After completion, when leaving said following stanza in His (Quddussuahul Aziz)

Ganj Bakhsh, Faydh’e Alam, Mazhar’e Noor’e Khuda

Na’qisan Ra Peer’e Kamil, Kamil’an Ra Rahnuma
(Hudhrat Khuwaja Gharib Nawaz [Rehmatlullah Alehe])

FOOTNOTE: [*] Ulama says, there are no valid traditions that could identify His (Quddussurahul Aziz)
exact birth year, nearly all were estimation (Urdu: Andazey Hain); even we have just stated the
supposing range (not affirm). See Dee’bacha, Kashful Mahjoob (Urdu) by Hudhrat Abul-Hasnat Imam
Syed Muhammed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe).

Hadhir Hua Main Shaykh Mujaddid Ki Lehed Per

Wo Khak Kay Hay Zeyr’e Falak Matla’e Anwar
(Iqbal | Baal’e Jibrail)
[Eng: Have come in presence, to the Shaykh Mujaddid (Mujaddid Alif Thani), that dust is a center,
under sky a radiance]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 141


Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) pointing the status and
divinity of Imam Rabbani, Mujaddid Alif Thani, Shaykh Ahmed al-Farooqui al-Hanafi al-
Naqsbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz), particularly Tomb, that has came or visited for

In Condemnation to Chaotic Clerics (Heretics | Khawarij)

Yeh Faqa Kash Jo Maut Sey Dar’ta Nahi Za’ra

Roh’e Muhammed Is’kay Ba’dan Sey Nikal Do
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[Eng: These well practicing people, who doesn’t fear to die, expel its origin (Faith | Risalah yan’i
Haqiqat’e Muhammediyah), from their existence (Body | Badan)]

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting reality of

Muslims Faith (or say existence), that if removed it then nothing left inside hence these
chaotic clerics (Heretic | Khawarij-Wahabiyah/Diyabnah), backed by Britishers
(Englishmen | Faran’gi), actually want this (or doing this task) so that their plan could

Fikr’e Arab Ko Dey Ker Farangi Takhiey’yulat

Islam Ko Hijaz’O Yemen Sey Nikal Do
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[Eng: To Arabs thinking, inflict English thoughts; expel Islam from, Hejaz n Yemen]

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting about how
they (conspirators) catering Arabs Thinking; whom are a source of Islam that, if inflicted
these innovated thoughts (designed by Englishmen; Hamphrey etc) in name of Islam,
through these chaotic clerics (Heretic | Khawarij-Wahabiyah/Diyabnah), then it will
naturally expelled Islam (Creed | Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah[Mazahib Arba’a]) from their.

Afghani’youn Ki Ghey’rat Deen ka Hay Ye Elaj

Mullah Kay Inkay Koh’O Daman Sey Nikal Do
(Iqbal | Dharb’e Kaleem)
[Eng: For Afghan’s dignity, regarding religion, expel Ulama, from their jurisdiction]

Denote: Here Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) depicting about

Afghans dignity; that expel (by Infidels or their backed Deviators) out all Ulama (Religious
scholars | Ahl’al-Sunnah) from their land, which will then left no more religious
sympathies; thus destroying religion becomes or is easy.

NOTE: These stanzas also highlight ‘The Great Game’ moves, in clear aspect; that is to lay
down Islam, attack its route everywhere (all regions) which is Creed (Ideology | Belief n
Faith) by their fabricated thoughts of Islam, in the name of Islam, through these Chaotic
Clerics (Heretics | Khawarij-Wahabiyah/Diyabnah).

[POETRY] Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) wrote a magnificent poetry like
Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Al-Shah Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz), containing love

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 142


and respect as well as strain (down fall or sabotage condition | Humdard) for religion, particularly
in regards of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) honor and rank, which is an
origin and core. However, Hudhrat Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) mentioned (or say
covers) in poetry specifically some geo-political turmoils around the world, particularly in or
against Muslims (World); that was to an extent some thought Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah
(Quddussurahul Aziz) didn’t and it is due to either Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Brahiechi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) don’t knows (or covers) or pay any attention towards them, which is
definitely incorrect (shall retreat) and showed lack of knowledge (or this might be jealousy; as
usually people have for his [Rehmatullahi Alehe] works). [SIMILAR] Reality is that, Sidna Imam
Ahl’al-Sunnah (Quddussurahul Aziz) was a born and protected Wali (Divined Sufi Saint | Awliya’e
Mehfoozeen) thus contained magnificent sightedness, therefore where he (Quddussurahul Aziz)
defended Shariah wa Tariqah; particularly Honor and Rank of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), also fought (through pen) battle against all odds and evils [economical,
political, social turmoils etc], knew from his (Quddussurahul Aziz) magnificent sightedness about
vicious moves of enemy (direct; that also created indirect, like Kharji-Wahabies etc) of Islam, he
(Quddussurahul Aziz) always addressed and pointed-out them very utterly and warned us that
beware & be careful from such tactics, and the best part of his (Quddussurahul Aziz) great
services are that he (Rehamtullahi Alehe) provided us all solutions to handle or tackle such/any
kind of problem and vicious moves, presented [already; but if cause new emergence then] or may
occurs/ever face by us [totally new], for judging and so to get aside from its adversaries.
[ANOTHER] Another personage* of same era that has done the similar services is Arif Bi’Allah
Mujaddid’e Islam Imam Allama Muhammed Yousuf Bin Ismail al-Nibhani al-Shafa’ei al-Shazili
(Quddussurahul Aziz). But, Ah some eyes unfortunately doesn’t see that but targets, particularly
Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Rehmatullahi Alehe) unjustly OR ignores him with their poor
sightedness or due to enmity against Islam. [We are impeding here for while; and will present
some evidences in this regards on other occassion] Allah and His Rasul know all the best.

STANZAS (Poem & Quatrain): As mentioned early (in 1st article) that Hudhrat
Dr.Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullahi Alehe) divined poetry main emphasis or say core,
which is a stipulation of Islam after professing Kalimah Tayyibah, is “Respect and Love of
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”, therefore here stating some from it
(divined treasure) to depicts Faith, Reality and Compassion.

STANZAS (Asha’ar | Muntakhib)

Ki Muhammed Sey Wafa Tou Ney Tou Hum Teray Hain

Yeh Jahan Cheez Hay Kya Loh’O Qalam Teray Hain
(Iqbal | Ba’ang D’ra)
[Eng: If shows suffice to Sidna Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), then we’re yours,
talking about this unverse, pen and tablet are yours]

[*] Hudhrat Imam Allama Muhammed Yousuf bin Ismail al-Nibhani (Quddussurahul Aziz), worte more than 700
Books on Islam’s various matters and issues, He (Quddussurahul Aziz) also wrote a magnificent Qasidah in
Arabic, which is comprised upon more than 500 Stanzas and in it revealed the vicious moves of enemies and
warned Ummah to beware and get aside from them. It is easily available in market (can buy and read). Faqeer
Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 143


Quwwat’e Ishq Sey Her Pust Ko Bala Kerday

Dehr Main Ism’e Muhammed Sey Ujala Kerday
(Iqbal | Baal’e Jibrail)
[Eng: By might of affection, raise everything from subterranean, through name of
Muhammed, lighten the whole World]
Nigah’e Ishq’O Masti Main Wohi Awwal Wohi Akhir
Wohi Quran, Wohi Furqan, Wohi Yaseen Wohi Taha
[Eng: In eyes of affection O lascivious, He is first, He is last, He is Quran, He is Furqan, He is
Yaseen, He is Taha]

POEM (Nasheed | Naat)

Loh Bhi Tou Qalam Bhi Tou, Tera Wajud Al-Kitab

Gunmbad’e Ab’gena Rung, Terey Muheet Main Hubab
[Eng: The tablet, the pen is (or from) you eminence, your existence is a book, dome is a
spherical mirror alike bubble (encircle its surface), everything is encircled under your’s

Alam’e Aab’O Khak Main, Terey Zahoor Sey Fa’roogh

Zarra’e Reyg Ko Diya, Tou Ney Tolou’e Aftab
[Eng: In between the Water and Soil, uphold from your emergence, the tiny particle has
been given, the light to rise by you (Noor)]

Shaukat’e Sunjar’O Saleem, Teray Jalal Ki Namood

Fiqr’e Junayd’O Ba’Yazid, Tera Jamal’e Bey Niqab
[Eng: Grandeur of Sunjar (Khuwaja Ghareb Nawaz) & Saleem (Sultan Salim 1), are a
spectacle of your majesty, the fiqr of Junayd and Bayazid, are an unveil of your elegance]

Shauq Tera Agr Na Ho, Meri Namaz Ka Imam

Mera Qayam Bhi Hijab, Mera Sujoud Bhi Hijab
[Eng: Zeal towards or on you, if not leading my prayers, then my sitting is covered, my
prostration is covered]

Teri Nigah’e Naaz Sey, Dono Murad Pa’gaey

Aql’e Ayab’O Justuju, Ishq’e Huzur O Idh’tirab
[Eng: From your pleasurable view, both got its intentions, the defected and seeking sense,
passionate to attend and anxiety]
(Iqbal | Baal’e Jibrail)



{ … Sallal’lahu Alehe Wa Aleyhi Wa Barik Wa’Sallim …}

--- ---
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 144

Shaykh al-Islam wal Muslimeen, Khatima’tul Muhaditheen, Umdah’tus Salikeen

Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah, Arif Bi’Allah,
Al-Shaykh Muhammed Abdullah al-Hari’ry al-Shafa’ei al-Qadiri al-Rifa’iy
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life


The Chain [Rifa’iy Tariqah]


Umdah’tus Salikeen, Zubda’tul Arifeen,

Arif Bi’Allah, Sidna
Al-Imam Hamza Bin Abbas al-Gaylani al-Qadiri al-Boutchichi
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life


The Chain

Sultan al-Awliyah, Arif bi’Allah,

Sidna Al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil Effendi al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi
(Quddussuraul Aziz)
Passed away on 8th Rajab al-Muraj’jab 1435 Hijri
(Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilehe Raje’oun)

The Blessed Life


The Chain

A Tribute to
Honorable and Pious
Arif bi’Allah Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

One faqeer says; “He emerged as guiding light, in the time of sinisters, and leads all
towards divinity, when hearts are shuddering.”

Also says, “Some people are very mysterious, when they live amongst us, we don’t able
to recognize them, but whenever got some recognition (Mari’fah) we don’t able to
realize (Ma’qam) them, although whenever got some realization then normally it was
too late”.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 145


Also says, “Ah, even if you don’t feel sad, rather than shedding tears, for Sidi Nazim
Adil al-Effendi (Quddussurahul Aziz), it means you don’t have heart, rather than saying
what Tariqah”
--- ---

Zubda’tul Sali’keen, Ummdat’ul Arfeen

Arif bi’Allah Sidna Al-Shaykh Muhammed Saeed Effendi al-Shafa’ei al-Naqshbandi
al-Chirkawi al-SHAHEED
(Quddussurahul Aziz)
[1937 – 2012]

The Blessed Life (Watch on Youtube)
The Chain

Sidna al-Shaykh Saeed al-Effendi (Quddussurahul Aziz) once said before assasination, “If killer
enters to my house for taking my life, I will not prevent him to do so, and in Aa’khirah present him
to before Allah for answering”.

Incident: Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Saeed Effendi al-Shafa’ee (Quddussurahul Aziz) have been
assasinated along with some other people (disciples) including eleven year old boy at Home
(majority were His family members, as per later reports), on Wednesday, 29th August 2012,
during Halqa-e-Zikr, where one suicide female bomber, a militant (Kharji-Salafist) wife, express
herself as follower due to which able to enters the house and then blew herself when came near.
Such kind of immoral and shameless acts are not a JIHAD neither permissible, contrary Ulama has
already declared suicide assaults as “Forbidden: Haram” hence can never be Islam, thus proves
it only and only “Fasad fil Ardh” therefore those who are involved or behind these acts (whether
group or mob) shall be exterminated (govt. responsibility) must at any cost without any lame
excuses before they do further harm or destruction.

A Tribute to
Honorable and Pious
Arif bi’Allah Sidna Shaykh Muhammed Saeed al-Effendi al-Shaheed
(Quddussurahul Aziz)

One faqeer says; “He shines more than like a bright star, but left us alone in sinister,
now who will enlighten our hearts and relieve the pains (hijaba’at) endures by it,
hopes that someone (replica, if have) will do in these darkest moments (period).”

Also says, “Some people are very mysterious, when they live amongst us, we don’t able
to recognize them, but whenever got some recognition (Mari’fah) we don’t able to
realize (Ma’qam) them, although whenever got some realization then normally it was
too late”.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 146


Also says, “Ah, if you don’t cry or shed tears for Sidi Saeed al-Effendi (Quddussurahul
Aziz) then what you learnt from Tariqah (Sufism)”
--- ---

Muhaddith’e Kabeer, Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah

Hudhrat Hafiz Muhammed Dhiya’ul-Mustafa al-Azmi al-Hanafi
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life & Chain

[Note: Take mouse to Documents button at header (top), and then click “Muhadith’e Kabeer”, for
complete biography. JazakAllah]

Taj’ush-Shariah, Badr’ut Tariqah, Arif bi’Allah,

Sidna Al-Shaykh Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi al-Azhari
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life


The Chain

Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah,

Hudhrat Mawlana Allama al-Syed Shah Turab’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life

[Eng.] See Islamic Beliefs (Url:
Sunnah-Wa-l-Jama-at-English), last pages [Pg.25-26].

The Chain
Hudhrat Shah Sahab (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) holds IJAZAH from Hudhrat Qari Musle’huddin
al-Siddiqui al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz), and Hudhrat Qari Musle’huddin al-Siddiqui
al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz) had IJAZAH from Saddar’ush-Shariah, Imam al-Fiqh,
Mufti Muhammed Amjad Ali A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussuahul Aziz) and Saddar’ush-
Shariah, Imam al-Fiqh, Mufti Muhammed Amjad Ali A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussuahul
Aziz) had IJAZAH from Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Al-Shah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-
Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz). And from Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah (Rehmatullah Alehe) to
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), see Taj’ush Shariah Mufti Akhter Ridha al-
Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Azhari (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) chain. Jazakamullah Khairah.

Mast Hustee Shah, Arif Bi’Allah

Al-Shaykh Al-Shareef Saeed al-Hasani (al-Majzub)
Renowned as Baba Saeed (Quddussurahul Aziz)
[1943/44/45 - 2012]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 147


The Blessed Life (In Brief)

Some people (divined | Pur Israr) passes life amongst us whom outwardly seems in vain, but in
reality they are piety and practicing as well as center of treasure (Secrets | Rumooz) and strength
(spiritual | Roohani Quwwah) because rewarded in purity and dignity (in faith & acts) of their
selves (Hearts | Quloob). And amongst such pious and dignified personalities, one is Hudhrat Al-
Shareef Saeed al-Hasani (Quddussurahul Aziz), renowned as “Baba Saeed”. [Birth] He
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) was born in a suffering (financially) family of Ahle-Bayt al-Hasani Lineage
before partition of Bar’re Saghir al-Hind (Indo-Pak Subcontinent) in upper Punjab (present day of
Pakistan), in 1944/45/46[1]. However his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) parents are either from different
localities or same but before his (Rehmatullahi Alehe) birth was present in upper Punjab (present
day in Pakistan) [2]; however His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) father was either from upper Punjab or
India, whereas mother was from Ja’az-Bareilly, India [3] affirmly. [Early Life] After partition, His
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) parents came to Karachi, where His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) father got job in
military cantonment’s garden (Malir Cantt.); as a gardener. He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) has two
brothers and one sister [4]. Learned Quran Majeed from near Madressah (attached to Masjid),
then due to financial recession couldn’t able to continued studies therefore begun working as a
Water-Boy[5]. [Divined Journey] One day, while bringing water from well to someone’s home,
he (Rehmatullahi Alehe) faced a terrible accident[6], hit by a fast moving passenger wagon due to
which became severely injured, though brought to hospital but due to incomplete treatment as
such injuries treatment are costly hence left remains in to anomalous condition (Urdu:
Ma’azor[7]); this (accident) happens 35yrs before met to us in 2008/09. However after this
accident becomes unable to work but awarded with then sainthood (Wilayah), because
mentioned also that our condition (Outward & Inward | Halat’e Maazori aur Jazbiyat) was since
then. [Routine] It was a routine, that people generally and kids particularly, teased Him
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) and in response listen curses or even throws stone sometimes (in anger),
even kids do deliberately (Faqeer saw many times), whereas some people (say pious) doesn’t
contrary they paid respect as well as gave Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) either money or food
(something to eat) [8]. [Recogntion] Ulama says, sign of a true Saint (Urdu: Wali) is that never
refutes Shari’ah, particularly Worships as per any school of thought amongst four. Therefore He
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) never refuted Worships but urged everyone and felt sad of His
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) own condition due to which unable to offer; but even then some people has
saw Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) offering prayers outstandingly (Urdu: Khusho aur Khudhu sey)
[9]. In one sohbah, He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) shown faqeer how to pray; it was as per Hanafi Fiqh,
even faqeer does correction of own, because these personalities shows rightly. Secondly, told
about abulotion (Urdu: Wudhu) to faqeer’s brother, and it was as per Hanafi Fiqh (Rules). Many
people in our vicinity, particularly worshippers instructed Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) that not to
say curses and first cleaned yourself and then comes to Masjid for offering prayer, and in respond
He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) expressed acceptance but then let remains in to His (Rehmatullahi
Alehe) condition[10]. [Mysticism | Pur Israriyat] It was usual that whatsoever cooked in our
home upon His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) visit (gives Honor) revealed earlier (even before to Faqeer’s
speak-out in this regards). One day Faqeer’s Walid’e Girami arrived from work and found Him
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) sitting outside[11] thus stopped for paying respect, during it He
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) revealed that, “Vegetables are Cooking (on stove) [Tarkariyan Charri Hui
Hain (yan’i Puk Rahein Hain)]” hence after entering in to home, Walid’e Girami became astonished
by seeing that it was really vegetables are cooking. In 2009, when President Zardari arrived from
official visit to China, it was 29th of Ramadhan Sharif, therefore Eid’ul Fitr was declared suddenly
whereas earlier (after Maghreb) it was announced that moon was not sighted (and it was true),

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 148


therefore Baba Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) told faqeer that Moon was not appeared (means
sighting was inccorect), thus do fast one later (Qadha), whenever feels convenient [12]. He
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) told a lot about current and future conditions, particularly Pakistan and
generally whole Ummah; in which some we have revealed whereas some wasn’t because of abuse.
Here presenting few more, once said that, “We have left behind Quran [Urdu: Hum ney Quran’O
Sunnah ko pas’e pusht dal diya hai (ya dal rakha hai)]”, expressed in grieve[13], generally upon
Ummah and particularly upon individual, currently suffering downfall. Further it’s an indication
towards practicing System too, as mostly doesn’t implements Islamic system (Muslims
Countries). Once said this, “Human, before taking any step, shall thinks thoroughly [Urdu:
Insan, koi bhi Qadam Utahney sey pehlay, achi tarah soch ley (yani ghour’o fikr karley)]”, because
consequences depend upon or bind to it; meant if step taken as per Quran & Sunnah then results
will be definitely fruitfull otherwise if not then definitely it wouldn’t be beneficial, and moreover
might be face punishment (in resurrection day | al-Youm al-ah). Once in response about a
personage expresses, “A very big personage [Urdu: Bohat Bari Hastee Hain]”, personage is
Sultan’ul Awliyah Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz);
also verified similarly about Hudhrat Baba Yahya Khan Sahab (Da’mat Afdhalahum) [14].
[Demise] As per people witnessed, He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) crossing road incorrectly that causes
again terrible accident due to which faced severe injuries, hence passed away later in Hospital
from injuires (Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilehe Ra’jeon). Unfortunately His (Rehmatullah Alehe) body
was custodied by Edhi which is then upon intense pressure from family as well as devotees was
released, hence faqeer (ghafaralahu) was informed when people brought His (Rehmatullahi
Alehe) body from Edhi for burial, and it was Friday, 12th March, 2012. Also, it is reported by
Muslims, closed people and devotees, which became famous amongst people in our vicinity later,
that they (Edhi) have extracted His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) both kidneys from body [15]. May Allah,
showered uncountable mercies and forgive all of us (that unable to do anything), and punished all
those whom are involved (in this act, as well as black and immoral business). Ameen Thuma

DENOTE: Remembers this life sketch is based upon q&a, means our submission of queries
in His Honor (Rehmatullahi Alehe) upon which sometimes answered vocally whereas
sometimes through impressions (Signs | Isha’roun Main); whereas some answers are
verified by him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) upon our guess. [1] Gave response through
impression; by raising right hand till 2½ ft or 3ft approx [*], means either 4/3/2 years old
when Pakistan was established. Note: Year is estimation, it can be further earlier, because
he (Rehmatullahi Alehe) didn’t told exact, whereas we just only guesses an age (in front)
which he verifies[^]. [2] In one Sohbah replied that His (Rehmatullahi Alehe) parent’s
marriage took place in upper Punjab (Nowadays in Pakistan). [3] About father, so Faqeer
Bukhari (ghafaralahu) guess is from Upper Punjab, and about mother so told himself
(Alehe Rehma). [4] Usually He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) talks or mentioned only about them
(this figure), whereas if have more than couldn’t say. [5] Brings water from well to people
water tanks, and was paid for services. [6] As per Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe), it was month
of Shaban al-Moazzam, when this happened; identifies many times. [7] From right side, a
hand and a leg. Both were fractured[~]; slipped from its right position (Urdu: hath ki kalai,
or tang kay jorr, apni jaga sey morr’gain thee). Note: Only given necessary treatment
otherwise if treated completely on that time such injury doesn’t remained permanently.
However told Faqeer (ghafaralahu) that some doctors, whenever saw his (Rehmatullahi
Alehe) suffering condition, in goodwill gave Him (Rehmatullahi Alehe) medicine for free;

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 149


of relief from pain. [8] Faqeer noticed many times that, items He (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
usually carried are as per Sunnah, whether purchased by self (Rehmatullahi Alehe) or
given by else. [9] In real, Sufiyah says, they worshiped Allah but it’s hidden from Public,
however if someone saw then it is for seer’s own heart verification (Trust | Yaqeen). [10]
Sign of a true and right Majzub. [11] Faqeer was offering E’sha prayer when this
happened. Second, He (Rehmatullahi Alehe) likes to sit outside; only once or twice came
inside. [12] Indicating sighting was incorrect, upon which it was then declared. And
Faqeer has fast all balanced fasts (including previous and ahead), in 2013, after
Ramadhan Sharif. Note: There as are many incorrect declarations being executed in past
decade, as well as 3yrs (includes Musharraf Shb tenure), particularly of Ramadhan and
Eid’ul Fitr[`], in Pakistan. {See Issues: Moon Sighting | Pg. 75} [13] It’s a solution too.
Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu). [14] He (Rehmatullah Alehe) lay down head, and then in
very respect, expressed. Secondly some people puts baseless objection upon such piety
and honorable personage; hence it’s to show them a mirror. [15] Baba Sahab
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) also informed this unethical and unislamic act to faqeer spiritually.
Ah! Don’t know till when this black and immoral business[“] goes on; and when such
criminals of humanity will be brought to justice. Faqeer never believed but it is already
informed by Ustadh’e Muhataram through an eye witness about this that’s why not
unusual, but some reader may be astonished to know that this is happening here in the
name or cover of, serving (poor) and saving (needy) humanity tirelessly (even has been
given awards by govt.; either ignoring or without knowing the fact).

FOOTNOTE: [*] It’s a common way to points out childhood; means very small. [^] By shaking His
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) head in positive (Urdu: Musbat). In Urdu we indicate it, “Chohtey Sey thy yani
Teen-Char Saal Kay Thay [Was small means 3/4 years Old]”. [~] It was really a painful; even in
explaining, therefore can imagine how He sustains or passed his life. (May Allah, showers uncountable
mercies, and rest him in peace forever). [`] This happened because Ulama accepted Telephonic
Profession (Urdu: Phone Ki Gawahi), which doesn’t compliance to actual order (sighting from eyes
without any object and then submission to Jurist[Qadhi/Mufti]) thus incorrect neither mentioned in
Shariah anywhere, see Bahar’e Shariat [Bab al-Saum | Fisl Ro’ya]. [“] Unknown people bodies (Urdu:
La’warisoun ki lashein) becomes the target of this unethical and unislamic act. Through surgery, all
working or right parts are extracted from body, and then sell to western markets particularly.
Agencies, as well as Master, can investigate this matter; as it is well known fact amongst commoners in

[BRIEF]: We stated in 4th article, “… We will present Baba Sahab compressed bibliography in next
article, due to some length of this article, refrained … [Pg.72]” therefore we have followed our
previous statement and has refrained from details, particularly in regards of some of His
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) sayings and foretells, due to fear of misunderstanding and abuse as well as
danger of instigation ignition. Those who have read “al-Ibriz” could understand this reason easily.

Arif Bi’Allah Al-Shaykh al-Shareef Saeed al-Hasani
Reknown as Baba Saeed (al-Majzub)
(Rehmatullah Ta’ala Alehe)

O’Dea, as we said about one pious personage earlier (in this book), and previously too (last
article), hence those words are true for Baba Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) too, “Some people are
very mysterious, when they live amongst us, we don’t able to recognize them, but whenever

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got some recognition (Mari’fah) we don’t able to realize (Ma’qam) them, although whenever
got some realization then normally it was too late”.

[STRENGTH] One day, in afternoon, Baba Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) gave honor by
visiting us, & this time sat inside at home (in Galyari), when leaving after usual serving,
told us to pull Him (Rehmatullah Alehe), therefore we grabbed His (Rehmatullah Alehe)
blessed hands and tries to pull Him (Rehmatullah Alehe) but failed (His body becomes
very strong | Bohat Qa’wi Hogai Thee), then He (Rehmatullah Alehe) said pull us, so we
tried again but then failed, after second failure Baba Sahab (Rehmatullah Alehe) said to us
that did you examined, this is our strength (spiritual) that no power on earth can pulled
us if we adhere to any place; and then He (Rehmatullah Alehe) stand by himself and went
away (didn’t asked for help). Note: It was astonishing for us because before this miracle,
we already as well as later support Him (Rehmatullah Alehe) in standing alot, because due
to His (Rehmatullah Alehe) defected body (as discussed earlier), He (Rehmatullah Alehe)
faced difficulties for standing byself therefore usually asked for support before it.

Koi Andaza Ker Sakta Hai Uskay Zour’e Bazo Ka

Nigah’e Mard’e Momin Sey Badal Jati Hain Taqdeerain
[Eng.: Can anyone estimate, its strength of shoulder, from eyes of men-believers, fate becomes
--- ---

Fadhilah’tush Shaykh,
Al-Shaykh Hamza Yousuf Hanson
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life & Chain


DENOTE: Honorable Shaykh (May Allah Preserve Him), was earlier a Christian, but after studying
religion, then embraced Islam by himself (May Allah Preserve Him). Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar.
Read His (May Allah Preserve Him) bibliography, and fill your heart with enlightening and true
facts. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) was also inspired by His (May Allah Preserve Him) approach
(thinking, efforts etc), and wish as well as praise that may everybody will have. Ameen Thum’ma

Fadhilah’tush Shaykh,
Al-Shaykh Mawlana Habib Ali Zain al-Abidin al-Jifri al-Hussaiyni al-Shafa’ei
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life & Chain


Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 151


Fadhilah’tush Shaykh,
Al-Shaykh Al-Daktour Salim Alwan al-Hussaiyni
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

Honorable Services [Khidma’te Aliyah]


Shaykh al-Islam,
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Hafiz
al-Syed Muhammed Dhiya’uddin al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life


Fadhila’tush Shaykh, Ibn’ul Ghawth’ul Azam,

Al-Shaykh Muhammed Hashim’uddin al-Gaylani al-Hanmbali al-Qadiri
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)

The Blessed Life & Chain


Honorable Master Adnan Oktar al-Hasani (Barakallahum)

(Thinker | A Patron of Peace)

The Bibliography:

Also read [*]:


[RULE | In brief] For respectful Master, would like to point out one rule that is, appropriate
pretext of Quran Majeed are its own verses [Urdu: Quran (Ayah) Ki Tafsir Quran (Ayah) Sey] first,
although if contain or found none[1] then the best pretext are blessed sayings (Ahadith’e
Mubarakah). Similarly for blessed sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah) that its right pretext or
illustration is either itself (depicting clearly | needs no interprertation) or concerned blessed
sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah), however if contain or found none[2] then searches (look into)
blessed companions acts or sayings (Aqwal’e Sahaba’e Kiram[Alehemur Ridhwan]). Similarly rule
applied upon blessed companions sayings (Aqwal’e Sahaba’e Kiram[Alehemur Ridhwan]) or
interpretations that right pretexts are their own (Alehemur Ridhwan) either actions or sayings,
although if contain or found none then follows interpretation of A’eymma Mujtahideen
(particularly of four schools | A’eymma Arba’a) [3]. Second, already mentioned that
Jurisprudence (Fiqh) & Sufism (Tasaw’wuf) are correlated and actually an interpretation of Quran
& Sunnah, say of their compressed (Urdu: Ij’mal ya Mujmil Ah’kamat) orders, whereas for
comprehensive orders so they have been acquired accordingly (without any interpretation |
Fardhiyat’e Ebada’at yani Salat, Siyam, Zakat etc). Result: Hence avoiding or leaving, any level
would definitely caused either deviation or wrong interpretation in regards of issue or matter

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 152


whenever does in light of Quran & Sunnah, either as solution or for event. And this was extracted
and then illustrated properly by Ulama Av’valeen wa Muta’khireen (early centuries | 1st – 3rd
Hijri). Illuminated shortly (Rule), & discuss it later (Occasion | Manuscript). Allah knows all best.

DENOTE: [1] Though sometime, single verse is sufficient in or as an evidence for issue(s)
or matter(s); means it doesn’t required further verse (or blessed saying) in interpretation,
particularly in Creed (Arabic: al-Aqaid). See Rules Books or asks Ulama. Allah knows all
the best. [2] Whether contains strong or normal or weak chain (but shouldn’t be
disconnected neither objectionable), as well as being verified by Quran Sharif
comprehensively or compressively (even if doesn’t by Quran Sharif). Second, another
complexivity alike Quran Majeed that some blessed sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah) will
be accepted according to outward illustrations (Urdu: Zahiri Alfaz) whereas some doesn’t;
either reconciliation (Urdu: Tat’beeq) or interpretation (Urdu: Ta’veel Karein’gay | Zahiri
Alfazoun Ki) will be do. Third, contained priorities status (Urdu: darja’e tar’jeehat); whom
shall be given/taken first, then afterwards & forth. For more details, see rules books or
asks Ulama. [3] & naturally, though already being done, justifies Jurisprudence necessity.

FOOTNOTE: Remembers that, our purpose to illustrate isn’t to teach you but to remind only, due to
some reasons; in regards of few matters. Keep Thinking.

[AUTHENTICITY] Recently read, a synopsis, depicting upon validity[1] of previous holy books,
though had already discussed but would like to add few more points, that its validity is
questionable because of chain, can they present? Whereas about Quran Majeed authenticity, so it
has been mentioned in Quran Majeed itself[2], as well as chain could be present. Second, already
illustrated that they have been canceled, as Sole Creator Allah (Subhanahu) gracious customs
(Urdu: Adat’e Kareema), and Quran Majeed has been given then its enough[3]. Third, whether
events (Urdu: Waqe’yat) or matters (Urdu: Masa’il), all will be acceptable if verified by Quran
Majeed, not colliding with its revelations; however priority (Urdu: Tar’jeeh), for acquiescence,
would be given to Quran Majeed and all resolutions (Solution | Hul) under as well. Fourth, events
regarding Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), presented or mentioned in previous holy
books, would also be assessed through either Quran Majeed or Blessed sayings (Nabi al-
Kareem[Alehe Salat-O-Salam] or Companions[Alehemur Ridhwan]); if depicting honor and respect
nor showing defamation, even slightly[4], then would be taken for consideration (acceptation)
but for only correction (Urdu: Islah yani Nasi’hat). Objection: It’s upon Master to present the real
copy(s) along with chain of previous holy books, if wishes to acquire any interpretation, or wants
to satisfy people of Book, nor upon Ulama, as they had already written or say illustrated that there
are no true or original copy(s) presented around the World of previous Holy Books, even the real
books weren’t sent in English (translations)[5] but else languages; as per Shaykh Hamza Yousuf
Granson, all were altered (lots of induction that is not a part or said by religion contrary
prohibited[or say forbidden]) by Jews in Greece particularly, a part of conspiracy, hence question
remain upon Master regarding validity to present.

DENOTE: [1] Completely or say whether partially (due to fabrication | induction). [2]
Even mentioned about previous holy books too; forgotten by people & shown
irresponsibility (deliberate alteration, hiding orders etc). [3] Previous Holy Books
revelations aren’t remain altercation alike Quran Majeed presently, in for resolutions
(issues/matters | Masa’il ka Ikh’raj); even for events (Urdu: Waqe’yat), will be taken only

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 153


in for correction (Urdu: Islahi, yani Nasi’hat). Note: Those events compliance with Quran
& Sunnah. [4] Otherwise refute or do appropriate interpretation; if can be done rightly
otherwise left (considered either fabricated or altered[Dubious]). [5] See “Islam and
Christianity” and “al-Ibriz”. Note: Also read Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-
Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) ahead.
--- ---

Honorable Master Zaid Hamid al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barakallahum)

(Defense Analyst | A Brave Soldier)

In previous article (in real a transcript), we have presented a brief bibliography (provided
youtube link as well as his personal website link). But still objections are do upon him (mostly
old, and had been responded), very strange, though baseless and only to creates confusion so that
Muslims around the world benefiting from him or getting closer to his salvation becomes either
divert or opposer, as from his works one can easily extract that Master is a good Muslim,
following a path of Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e Sahaba, and inviting everyone regardless of
ethnicity towards unity, upon one platform.

Remember he cannot be Kharji-Rafdhi, hence exmepted from Kharji-Shia’sm, because talking

(advising to implement) about Khilafat’e Rashidah Model, whereas Kharji-Rafdhies didn’t
believed neither accepts Khulfa’e Rashideen besides just claiming their belief and sympathies
towards Fourth Caliph Sidna Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu). Second, he couldn’t be Kharji-
Wahabi (Heretic) or belongs to any of their derivative branches, hence exempted, because says
“Labayk Ya Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”, gave importance to *mimic (Urdu: Taqleed) and
talking (advising to practice) about spirituality or the ^Sufi Ways for instance their chains,
teachings, practices, also told miracles (like Sultan Muhammed Fatih [Quddussurahul Aziz]) and so
on forth, whereas all Kharji-Wahabies and their derivative branches didn’t believed neither
accepts contrary called or relates it to Polytheism and Innvoation, and the most worst amongst
them are imposters portraying to be Muqalideen and Sufis through which try to astray Muslims
upon its name. Third, he couldn’t be Kharji-Qadi’yani (Kafir-Murtad), hence exempted too,
because believed upon finality of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and
wouldn’t accepts any claim by else as prophet after Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam); and announced (published) it in written form too, can inquire him directly or download
from his official website. And most important, Kharji-Qadi’yani refuted effort as obligatory (Urdu:
Fardhiyat’e Jihad) against infidels (Urdu: Kuffar), whereas Master invitation is totally opposite to
their perception.

Therefore, when he doesn’t have any incorrect belief neither belongs nor follows to any of these
deviated paths then definitely, and so proves him naturally, a good ~Muslim-Sunni, just like to
whom he idealize a lot are both good and practicing Muslim-Sunnis, Hudhrat Allama Dr.
Muhammed Iqbal and Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Alehemur Rehman).
[*] In one show (Halqa’e Yaran | Broadcasted on Royal News, Pakistan), has said that there is no other choice
besides mimicking (Urdu: Taqleed kay elawa koi rastah nahi hai)
[^] Has visited a lot Sufi Shrines, in Pakistan and around the World (photos are available on his blogs), whereas
Khawarij (all their derivative branches) didn’t believed upon life after death otherwise if do so then never ever
harm rather than demolishes Muslims Graves and Shrines (Sufi). And they considered all these matters (visiting,
respects etc.) as innovation (whereas some as polytheism).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 154


QUERY: If someone asks, if he is a good Muslim-Sunni, then why he says on many times or
places (occassions), even presented stanzas from Allama Iqbal’s poetry, regarding Sunni-
Shia Conflict or Muslims are fighting each other, if besides true Muslims (Sunnis), others
are not Muslims but actually Munafiqoon (as you written)?

Answer: O’dea, actually he is looking to bigger enemy that is reaching or coming towards
Muslims*, invading their land one by one, causing severe destruction to religious as well
as social, economical and political practices (under religion). By replacing it with ^enemy
own choice of system through direct (their Military and Intelligence presence) and
indirect (puppets and traitors) control, whereas we are busy in to these internal conflicts,
therefore besides involving in to, should worries about bigger enemy (that is

Footnote: However, not only him, but many common Muslims (including non-religious
literated class, mostly) also have such perception that we are busy in fighting each other
whereas infidels are destroying our lands. [Through conspiracies and then invasions, or say
both simulteaneously] Answer: O’Dea, though we have given the answer or say responded
this perception in previous article in lot detail (see there), and has rectified some of its
part in this book (see Intruders), but however would like to say alike Master analysis
(extracted from his work) that now Barr’e Saghir al-Hind had been divided into many
countries, which includes Pakistan (founded upon the ideology of Islam), then there is no
other choice besides to accept its reality and existence rather than talking (or saying)
rubbish against this ideological state (Pakistan) or refuting its existence or even harming
it (because in that case you are harming Sidna Rasul Allah[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]); similarly
there is no concept of sectarianism in Islam (it not only stops but also condemns the
disintegration amongst each other [and have severe punishments upon igniting separation
amongst Muslims], contrary preaches the peace, respect, love, unity, tolerance, and so on
forth), because it is well defined single straight path (Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e Sahaba)
containing four beautiful branches (Hana’fi, Mali’ki, Shafa’ei & Hanm’bali) with nearly
forty blissfull chains (based upon following sternly the teaching of one amongst four
beautiful branches) for attaining divinity (Qadiriyah, Suharwardiyah, Naqshbandiyah,
Chishtiyah, Shazuliyah, Tijaniyah, Shattariyah and so on forth); whereas all these deviated
paths which called or say related themselves with religion has nothing to do with Islam,
but somehow being successfully planted through conspiracies whereas some were
indtroduced (unfortunately), to eliminates the true teachings and image of Islam, and if
not able to succeeding in complete elimination (which they weren’t) then left severe
contradictions and confusions amongst us (which they did). Therefore, when sectarianism
[*] In-real they create such divisions deliberately for exploitation to either make way for invasion otherwise
igniting instigation.
[^] if someone, specific lobby themselves or their sympathizers, says there nothing as such, it is just a
propaganda or exxegeration regarding our plans which don’t have such kind of intentions at all? Then we’ll
respond, if these are exxegeration or propaganda, hence do one thing, left Muslims land without any further
excuses or reasons to present and stop inverse (or of any kind) propaganda against Islam, and rather than doing
better accept Islam, and follows the footsteps of your elders, whom had called belief upon Sidna Hudhrat
Moosa “Kalimullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and when later came then Sidna Hudhrat Essa Bin Marium
“Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), they called belief upon it (invitation), & when finally came then Sidna
Hudhrat Muhammed “Habibullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), they accepted the invitation and called belief upon it
(Risalah Mubarakah).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 155


has been induced due to which disintegrated then there is no other choice besides
accepting it and so relating yourself to the straight right path, along with its any of four
branches by adjoining the blissfull chains while announcing the disgust (Urdu: Beyzari)
from all other deviated paths (72 groups) as well as refuting harshly, which is everyone
responsibility, not only Ulama’e Kiram, because it becomes Fardh’e Kifayyah (or say
Wajib) when astray or instigation prevails amongst Muslims and one or few (team or
group), if not all, must comes in front to defend the right path (creed [Ideology]) and
prevent (refutes harshly) the prevailing of innovative perceptions (belief and acts), and
this couldn’t be understand until *either have complete knowledge and affirmed trust
upon right creed OR knows the difference between right and wrong (Urdu: Haqq’O Batil),
that can be only avail from Ulama’O Masha’ikh (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Mazahib
Arba’a) works (addresses or literature). That’s why we seen some (even all does |
Refutation) Ulama busy in responding false perceptions as well as allegations upon right
path of Islam (renown as Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah).

QUERY: If someone puts query that, on one place you are talking about supporting him
(also calls him Jalali Dervish) whereas criticizes by puting a lot objections (generally since
first to third article; and in last article particularly including this book) upon him too?

Answer: O’Dea, since first article till upto this book, we are supporting him and will
continues because of good voice raised for Ummah, whereas about criticism so only
objectioning upon his incorrect analysis regarding a malice movement (whether say it
becomes, and was not from the beginning) which he was not either able to recognize or
don’t want to accept (considering it justified | though in real doesn’t seems to be). Not
criticizing upon his religion, as being a good ^Muslim (Sunni).

However, if he refuses to be a Muslim (Sunni), which is a severe astray (Urdu: Shadeed

Gumrahi), then definitely we’ll refute (opposed harshly), and urged him to follow (or
returned to) the right path of Islam, otherwise leave him (and neither consider him a Jalali
Dervish). Keep Thinking.

Bey-Azab’O Etab’O Hisab’O Kitab

Ta’Abad Ahle-Sunnat Pay Lakhon Salam
(Ridhã | Kalam’e Ala-Hudhrat)
[English: Without Torment n Rebuke n Accounts, eternally on Ahle-Sunnah Lacs blessing]

DISPERSED (Mun’tashir)

In Quran Majeed Allah (Subhanahu) has said, “(Mafhoom) … Yasin. By the wise Quran. No
doubt, you. Have been sent on straight path … [s.36:v.1-4]”

[Tafsir Ibne Abbas] And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said
[*] In faqeer (ghafaralahu) view, both (deviated paths and movements [based upon deviated paths]) are now
becomes necessary for Muslims around the world (to knows) for avoidance to fall in any of these vicious traps
of enemies inducted or planted in the name of Islam against Islam.
[^] Just like faqeer said about Master Adnan Oktar al-Hasani in previous article, same is here that we’ll not
think negatively about him too (Urdu: Hum Budgumani Nahi Karein gay)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 156


upon the interpretation of the saying of the Creator, glorified is His mention, (Ya Sin.): '(Ya
Sin.) He says: Ya Sin, O human being, in the Syriac language [36:1]. (By the wise Qur'an,
[36:2]. Lo! thou art) O Muhammed (of those sent) it is also said that this is an oath by
which Allah swore: He swore by the Ya', the Sin and the wise Qur'an and He did also swear
by the Qur'an which exposits the lawful and the unlawful, the commands and prohibitions
[36:3]. (On a straight path) you are holding firm to an established religion with which
Allah is pleased, i.e. Islam. [36:4]

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Yāsīn: God knows best what He means by these [letters] {36:1}. By
the Definitive Qur’ān, made definitive by its marvelous arrangement and unique
meanings, {36:2}. You, O Muhammed (s), are indeed of those sent [by Allah] {36:3}, on a
(‘alāis sE’mantically connected to the preceding [statement]) straight path, that is, [you
follow] the way of the prophets before you, [enjoining] the affirmation of God’s Oneness
and guidance (the emphasis expressed by the oath [in ‘by the definitive Qur’ān’] and the
remainder [of the statement] is a response to the disbelievers’ saying to him, ‘You havenot
been sent [by God]!’ [Q. 13:43] {36:4}.

[Tafsir Mazhari] Arif Bi’Allah Hudhrat Qadhi Sana’ullah al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi

(Quddussurahul Aziz) stated, “(Mafhoom) … Yasin, in meaning and connotation (Urdu:
Ay’raab | Yani Zeyr, Zabr Wagheiyrah) is similar to other Muqati’aat (those words whom
meanings are hidden). Some Ulama says in Lughat Tua [Arabic Words: Tua-ya] it
means (Urdu: Murad) O’Human (Urdu: Ya Insan) and by it meant (Urdu: Murad) Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) … [then after few lines ahead | stated]
… Abu’Bakr al-Waraq says by it means (Urdu: Murad) Ya Sayyadul’Bashar … [Urdu
Trans. | Vol.8:Pg.86]”

[Tafsir Mazhar’ul-Quran] Shaykh’ul Islam Hudhrat Mufti Muhammed Mazharullah Shah

Dehlavi al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) stated, “(Mafhoom) … And in
meaning of Yasin contains contradiction. Hudhrat Ibne’Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhu)
said by it means (Urdu: Murad) Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
because His Eminence Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has
several names (Asma’ey Giram | Beautiful), and it is one name (Ism’e Girami | Beautiful)
amongst them … [Vol.2:Pg.1319]”


(Tafseer al-Quran Min’al-Quran)

In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) said, “(Mafhoom) … Guide us in the straight path … The
path of those whom You have favoured … [s.1:v.6-7]” Ulama says, the path which is praised or
say being mentioned here is mentioned in Quran Majeed too, “(Mafhoom) … company of those
who have been blessed by, Allah, viz. the prophets, and the truthful, and martyrs and the
righteous, and what good companions are they … [s.4:v.69]” Here in “Prophets
(Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam])” messengers (Mursaleen[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) are
included, as all Mursaleen (Messengers[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) are Prophets
(Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) too though all Prophets (Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam]) weren’t messengers (Mursaleen[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]), as Nabuwwah and Risalah are
two different ranks; and latter is honorable then before, though Risalah is awarded (given) only to

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 157


Prophet (Nabi), after proclamation of prophethood (Urdu: Aylan’e Nabuwwah Kay Ba’ad) [See
Tak’meel-ul E’man etc.]. Hence path of Prophets & Messengers (Anmbiya’wa Mursaleen[Alehemus
Salat-O-Salam]), particularly of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), is valid and
right only which is illustrated (or say signified) in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … Whoso obeys
the messenger (Sidna Muhammed[Alehe Salam]), has indeed obeyed Allah, and whoso turns
away his face, then We have not sent you to save them … [s.4:v.80]”, thus glad tidings were
evident upon following this path being mentioned also in Quran Majeed but along with warning
too (if deviates) that is, “(Mafhoom) … Those who swear allegiance to you, swear allegiance
to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands; so who-so ever breaks his oath, he breaks it
to his own loss, and whosoever fulfils the covenant which he had made with Allah, then
Allah shall soon give him a great Reward … [s.48:v.10]” Ulama says that Allah (Subhanahu) is
cleaned from body parts (or say restrictions | Hand has limitations), therefore here by “hand of
Allah” means divinity (closeness | Taqar’rub), secondly it shows affection towards his
(Subhanahu) beloved (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

DENOTE: First verse depicts clearly praising to Allah for guidance towards right path,
which was responded (or say revealed) by Allah (Subhanahu) in another verse that of
Prophets & Messengers (Anmbiya’wa Mursaleen[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) whom
followed (called belief) by Awliyah (Friends | Trustworthy, Martyrs and Pious), which is
later specified by ahead verse for Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
because sent as a last prophet, and then ahead verse revealed obeying (joining) the path
through oath; everybody (Muslims) knows that first oath was taken by blessed
companions (Alehemur Ridhwan), which is since then being carried on (practiced) by
Muslims in all era. [Keep Thinking]

O’Dea, an intense debate present[1] in Umma’tul Muslimeen upon right path, which since
occurence (differences | Ideological Contradiction) persisted, though implementing right path
(Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a) would definitely end it but unfortunately
some miscreants (includes Preachers | Fasadi Mullahs) doesn’t wanted, even in this matter can’t
blame Jews or Christians or Hindus etc[2]; whom also exploited the situation conveniently and
well, for either erupting conflict[3] or inflicting confusion[4]. Recently, watched an analysis by
Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb upon sectarianism in Ummah and its solution, some points pinches
the heart hence decided to respond them. Objection: Does Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) have any Maslak …? Answer: To deny the existence of Maslak this objection is
normally or say commonly being placed/put by anti-Islam (Mukhalifeen’e Islam) in the cover of
beloved name of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), which is rarely picked and
then understand (as refusal to right path) by common Muslims whereas Ulama knew the reality
(answer). [Meaning] Ulama says “al-Sirat [Arabic Word: Su’wad]” means way (Urdu: Rasta),
derived from “Sarat’ut Tu’am (meaning he has swallowed the food)” and travelling is said “Sirat”
too because person actually swallowed the path by travelling it or path swallowed the person
once reached upon final destination*, it is also true for Bridge (Urdu: Pul), whereas “Maslak” and
“Mazhab” are Arabic words too have similar meanings, doesn’t vary (Urdu: Koi Farq Nahi Hai),
meant “Path | Rah ya Rasta”. [Present] First, presented verses (s.36:v.1-4) at the beginning under
this topic are sufficient evidence, in an aspect of signifying Maslak or Mazhab that is Sunnah of
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), valid and right path (yani Maslak ya Mazhab
[*] Surah Fateha, Tafsir’e Mazhari (Urdu Trans.), Pg.60:Vol.1

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 158


| Rah ya Rasta) which is presented (in other words preached) through sayings and acts (Sidna
Rasul Allah[Alehe Salat-o-Salam]); hence are the key of success for believers (Ahle Ema’n |
Muslims meant Muslims-Sunnis). Secondly, already discussed (quotes Ahadith’e Mubarakah) in
regards (or under context) of sectarianism and the right path, in previous article and this book
either, earlier (See Pg.54 | Reminds it). Here presenting another saying signifying prominently the
right and successful path in both universe (or say depicting Maslak or Mazhab,), illustrated by
Shaykh’ul-Hadith wa’l-Tafsir Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Faiydh Ahmed al-Owaisi al-Hanafi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) in a transcript, states “(Mafhoom) … Soon my Ummah will be divided
into some above seventy sects, amongst them one will be successful (Na’ji). Hence being
asked that who would be that succeeding (Na’ji) one? Replied “Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah”, then being asked who will be “Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah”? Replied, “Those who
were upon my path (Sunnah | Present) and my companion’s path (Sunnah | Ij’tehad/Ij’ma) …
[Ahle-Sunnat Wa-Jamaat Kay Fadha’il | Pg.9-10]” The last words, as of before, identifying
clearly the Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba whereas Quran Majeed verses presented in this
regards are verifying the blessed sayings clearly, hence left no doubts but still if exists or persists
then there seems two conditions either heart is ill (actually dead)[5] or needs treatment from
Psychiatrist [6]. Secondly proving chain, particularly an oath verse (s.48:v.10) itself of both,
blessed sayings (or say Fiqh | as derived or based upon it) as well as tasawwuf (spirituality |
Tariqah ya Salasil); because both routed to or in other words origin are Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Objection: What about their (Deviators | Munafiqoon-Khawarij) [7]
deeds meant worships, good manners etc (as we condemn lot and rather than appreciating
ignores their good deeds[acts etc.])? Answer: Already illustrated that if creed (ideology | Belief n
Faith) is not correct then deeds aren’t beneficial (Wasted). Second, Ulama has interpreted that
they will be reward (or get their reward | Aj’r ya Tha’wab) in this world against their good deeds
like infidels do[8], but will have or get nothing in other day (Resurrection Day | Al-Youm al-
Qaya’mah) hence what’s the benefit to gain (or gets) the reward in this ending world and losing
the everlasting day (Arabic: Al-Youm al-Akhirah) when one could get reward in both universes
(Now imagine yourself)? And that’s why they’ve been condemned that fools & idiots by following
or going to/on wrong path [9].

DENOTE: [1] Happens usually amongst each other; particularly when one-side is either
lacking knowledge (illetrate or confused) or newly converted to false path (Deviated |
Gumrah). [2] If astray Mullah, whether Kharji-Rafdhi[Shiete] or Kharji-Wahabi[Salafists]
or Kharji-Ahle’Hadas[Non-Mimics] else, stop deviating people from right path (Sunnat’e
Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a) rather than preaching wrong path tell (or say
teach) them the truth then this hazardous headache will end naturally itself otherwise
enemy will have an edge over us. Keep Thinking [3] To frailing (Urdu: Kamzoor Karna) the
strength of entire Ummah (Region | States or Territories); for overrule. [4] Doubts on
belief n faith, if not able to terminate completely (right belief n faith); though primary (or
core | main) target is termination. [5] Sufiyah, through spiritual strength, can change such
heart’s condition (Bi’iznillah), if there’s a guidance written in fate by Allah (Subhanahu).
[6] Means a total “Psycopath | Nafsiyati Mareedh”. [7] Though severe (Extreme level
people | Shadeed Irtidad Kay Murtakib Houn Yan’i Takfir Lazim Ati Ho) amongst them
wouldn’t get any reward upon their worships etc. [8] They joy (or avail) all means like
food, clothes, home etc. [9] Besides Islam’s true path, Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah
(Mazahib Arba’a).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 159


O’Dea, in first article we mentioned that, “(in short): sectarianism will only suppressed (not
vanished) for time being” whereas in second article we illustrated “(in short): avoidance of
igniting sectarianism but refuted harshly the concept of not defending the right path (Maslak |
Debates)” and then in third article we highlighted or say discussed briefly “(in short): right path
and deviated path” and finally in last article (fourth) specifically explained “(in short): right path
and condemn or refuted deviated path (particularly Kharji-Wahabies)” in detail, and in this book
has added further too. [Reason] Isn’t a reversal or diverging from own words (in all articles, if
compared), as could seem to reader, but actually specifying (or say identifying) the right path and
deviated path. Second, already mentioned and emphasizing to upon implementation of Islamic
Laws (Shariah Muttah’harah | Mazahib Arba’a) that will definitely reduced[1] the level of
instigations existed, naturally. And that’s why we didn’t goes into debate, as Ulama’e Ahl’al-
Sunnah has did (responded, see their books), exists amongst Muslims (Sunnis) and Deviators
(Munafiq-Khawarij). [Recognition] Fadhilat’ush-Shaykh Al-Shah Muhammad Irfan al-Mash’hadi
al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) said in an address[2], which published then in
document form (transcript), “Actually Ahle-Sunnat Wa-Jamaat are true Islam(religion) and
successful group (Jamaat | Groh) … [Ahle’Sunnat Wa’Jamaat | Pg.11]”. Similarly, one of
Faqeer(ghafaralahu) social circle member (Descendant of Sahib’e Bahar’e Shariat | Grandson and
Hafidh’e Quran) has said well, “Islam is Sunniyat and Sunni (or Sunniyat) means Islam” and
second sentence is “A Muslim is a Sunni and Sunni means a Muslim”. Reason to illustrate it
because many has confusion or doubts, where some called or termed themselves as General
Muslim and avoid (even some refutes) to relate towards any specific group (Sect | Groh) [3],
particularly to Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah (which is a severe astray[if refutes creed esp.] |
Sha’deed Gumrahi Hai). These are few more explanation being illustrated here and at earlier of
this book, as well as in previous articles too, sees there. Jazak Allah

DENOTE: [1] Ulama says that “whenever they got chance in Ummah, emerges with full
strength, but when sees Muslims are standing goes underground, like hide in cave”; and
illustrated in first article too. Second, it is known to Ulama particularly, that all deviated
sects will finish in the time of Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani
(Radhi Allah Anhu), which is indecisive. Allah knows all the best. [2] A’eymma wa
Masha’ikh, has also illustrated (addresses in their work) the same indications, see
Hujjah’tullahil A’alameen by Sidna Imam Allama Muhammed Yousuf Bin Ismail al-Nib’hani
al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz). [3] Though in real if you ever have chance of discussion
or talks to them upon religion, then they will be either representing any deviated sect
ideology (usually Kharji-Wahabiyat or Rafdhiyat) otherwise right path ideology but have
confusions or defects in particular faith (due to lack of knowledge or distancing from
Ulama). Note: Some people of such type can be found completely diffracted (Murtad) due
to refutation of any necessary faith of Islam, and they are usually unaware of such status
(even telling them the right faith wouldn’t benefit, as they were in denial condition).

ALLAH and his RASUL (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.


SHAH-E-GHARBISTAN: As unveiled some points in previous article, particularly about

geneology, therefore would like to discuss one more point, has relation with geneology too, that is
‘Name or Attributes’. But first geneology in brief and then the later point.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 160


GENEOLOGY: Here what is meant, from Banu Quraiysh (have several branches) or ‘Ahle-
Bayt or Banu Abbass (Banu Hashem)’ or else (other tribes). Banu Quraiysh: If meant
from Banu Quraiysh, and if Sahib’ul Waqt is from them, then cannot deny the appearance
of Shah-e-Gharbistan, foretell will be considered as true (emerge), time is begun and all
glories will be attain soon. Noble Family: If meant specifically from Ahle-Bayt or Banu
Abbass descendant, and if present Sahib-ul-Waqt is from any of these two lineages, then
certainly Shah-e-Gharbistan has come (appear), foretell is fulfilled, time is begun and all
glories will be attain soon. Other Tribe: But, here by Shah-e-Gharbistan, if not meant
specifically from Ahle-Bayt or Banu Abbas or even Banu Quraiysh descendant, could be
possible, but from any other lineage (Tribe) and so the Sahib-ul-Waqt is also from besides
Ahle-Bayt or Banu Abbas or even Banu Quraiysh lineages, then in this case too we will not
deny the certainty about time and glories ahead to Ummah as stated. Contrary: If meant
from any of first three lineages but Sahib’ul Waqt have different geneology, then
remember either all events will happens (proved repitition) or nothing will happens
(occurred in future | Which seems dubious). Emergence: However, present Awliyah’e
Kiram (Mystic Personalities | Ahl’e Nazar) are linked or attached with him (Sahib-ul-
Waqt), taking and providing guidelines and strategies, keeping all *Muslims and their
states in their view, especially severely affected, therefore it is better to let him (Sahib-ul-
Waqt) emerge (and also resolves this complexity of genealogy), about Time so it is not
disclosed yet but In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi soon because he will not hide forever,
definitely appear physically and visible to all of us, in 2½ months or 2½ years or between
mentioned period or may be little farther (ahead of mentioned period). Allah knows
better. Consensus: Remember, in all these matters, consensus of Masha’ikh (Awliyah) O’
Ulama (Ahla’l-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Mazahib Arba’a), and in their follow through Ummah
(Am’matul Muslimeen) upon awaiting personality as Shah-e-Gharbistan or even as
Sultan’e Islam is stipulated (Arabic: Mash’root). Second, all glories that are mentioned
including Ghazwa’tul Hind (in Qaseedah Sharif), will only attained from or bind to the
sword of Shah-e-Gharbistan, before or without him, NOT or say impossible (forget it)
though if happens any (alike) so it means they will occur again in future (including
Ghazwa’tul Hind).

NAME OR ATTRIBUTE: In Qaseedah, few terms in some stanzas came that are correlated
to each other, particularly regarding and itself Shah’e Gharbistan, but it is not clear that
either for same or means different person(s), and this will try to be interpret (or say
enumerate) here. Terms: Habibullah, Sher Ali, Shah Gharbi, Fateh’e Hind or Shah’e
Gharbistan. Indications: “[1] Habibullah” is an Arabic word, meaning “Allah’s Friend”; it
is implied (or used as) upon both, a name or as an attribute (being awarded “Wilayah”);
even both name and attribute can exist in one person and vice versa. “[2] Sher Ali” is two
separate words, one is from Farsi “Sher (Arabic: al-Asad | Eng.: Lion)” and another is from
Arabic “Ali”. It is also true for both, name and attribute. Means Sher Ali can be a name
meant here of any King or Ruler [though seems doubtful]. Whereas Sher Ali can be an
attribute, it also depicts geneology (in one aspect), that King or Ruler would be very
brave, as well as holds Wilayah [even could have blessed sword “Zulfiqar”] having
features alike 4th Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Alllah Anhu). And both
[*] Where ever Muslims are expelling forcibly, oppressed or massacred all were under view, and In-Sha Allah
wa Rasulehi they will be help soon, physically.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 161


name and attribute can exists in one person, whether belongs to Banu-Quraiysh (Hahsem)
or else. “[3] Shah Gharbi” is two separate words and both used or are from Arabic.
Usually Shah is used for two purposes; with Ahle-Bayt for giving honor (in Hind Region),
and with people having high knowledge or rank in religion [even both can be present in
one person]. Second, Gharbi so without any doubt is meant King or Ruler of Mominan’e
Gharbi (Pakistan). Therefore ‘Shah Gharbi’ is not a name but an attribute depicts King or
Ruler either have lineage (Noble Family) & Knowledge (Religious) OR else (Other Tribe) &
knowledge (Religious). “[4] Fateh Hind” so it is not the name but definitely it depicts or
highlights only one thing and that is ‘Conquerer of Hind’ means holy personage who will
conduct ‘Ghazwa’tul Hind’. “[5] Shah Gharbistan”, so it is also not the name but depicts
or highlights either implies to [If taken] King/Ruler of Western States (Arabic: Bilad al-
Maghreb) or to [if meant] “Shah Gharbi”. By Shah so already illustrated whereas
Gharbistan mean Land (where came to or reigning; that would be Mominan’e Gharbi
(Pakistan) in regards of Ghazwa’tul Hind).

Stanza(s): [1] In case of name, and its presence in stanza (from where it is taken) shows
clearly that one from Ottoman Empire (Muslims-Turks) are still left to come, as earlier
stanza (Farsi: Qatl’e Azeem Thani Der Ahed Ou’Kamali …) has been fulfilled but not the
afterward (Farsi: Akhir Habibullah Sahib’e Quran Min’Allah …). Even in case of as an
attribute, still left to be fulfilled that if “Habibullah” is not be the name but an attribute
implies clearly that someone very divined (having knowledge of Quran & Sunnah) will
rise and takes charge of every matter, means revive Islam through sword but would be
from Ottomans, and our Muslims-Turks will becomes happy as indicated by the stanza.
[2] In case of name, and its presence in stanza (from where it is taken), so doesn’t fit until
more stanzas between early or later one would not be added (contrary accepted as
missing) otherwise it signifies as an attribute only and very clearly with “Shah Gharbi”.
[3] & [4] So as stated earlier that aren’t names but an attributes of a personage, and its
presence in stanza (from where it is taken), shows clearly that not only rectifies (revival
of religion) the Muslims as they were in turmoils but also afterwards fought against Kuffar
present wherever in Muslim world and that includes definitely and surely conquering “al-
HIND’. [5] Same as stated earlier that isn’t a name but an attribute of a personage, and its
presence in stanza (from where it is taken) shows clearly that would be very magnificent
and powerful, shake the Kufr and all its extortive pillars upon or through which have
destroyed or suppressed Muslims around the world. Contradiction [5]: However in one
aspect and seems too, by “Shah’e Gharbistan” would be meant Sultan or Ruler from
Muslims Western States, as illustrated in pevious article that by ‘Gharb’ usually Sufiya’e
Kiram meant or indicates bilad al-Maghreb (cities or states lies in Western Region), that
will come to Mominan’e Gharbi and then either leads fight himself or appoints someone
else as a VICE (Urdu: Naib Sultan or Ameer) and then VICE (Urdu: Shah Gharbi) would
leads under his authorization (command) the glorious battle, whereas Shah will leads
other battles at the same time. In case of VICE (Urdu: Shah Gharbi), then definitely can be
attributed as Shah’e Gharbistan as rules and leads Mominan’e Gharbi. Impeding here for
while and refrains to go in further interpretations that would not only disclose everything
but could become problematic for Muslims. Allah and his Rasul knows all the best, and by
grace of Allah whom had written this Qaseedah.

ALLAH (Subhanahu) and his RASUL (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 162


IMAM MAHDI (Radhi Allahu Anhu): Here we (ghafaralahu) can present the profound research
did by eminent Ulama in this regards but due to its length refraining therefore we’ll illustrate only
in brief. GENEOLOGY: Ulama says, in the end times, when extortion and unjustice prevailed and
reaches to its peak, infidels and their infidelity (perspectives) was overruled due to which Chaos n
Anarchies spread all over, devastation and slaughtering becomes common, and confusions as well
as misguidance would be prevailed especiallly in recognition and following true and right Islamic
Teachings (Shari’ah Muttah’harah), in these most difficult and toughest times Allah (Subhanahu)
will send a person from Ahle Bayt-un-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to revive the religion (right
path, Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) once again, and will creates the fifth largest EMPIRE in history
since creation of this World, comprising from West to East [1]. His (Radhi Allah Anhu) name will
be upon blissful name of beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), “Muhammed”, and his
(Radhi Allah Anhu) father name will be same as beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
“Abdullah” similarly mother name will be also same as beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam), “Amna”. According to Ulama, he (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be “Najib’ut Taraffain al-
Sharifain”, and from al-Hasani Lineage. IMAMET: At the age of forty, Imam Muhammed bin
Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allahu Anhu) comes to Makkah from Madinah, in the month of
Ramadhan Sharif, while doing Tawaf (shows performing Umrah) Awliyah’e Kiram (Abdal and
Aqtab from Sham n Iraq esp.), migrated from their areas to Hijaz’e Muqaddas due to Anarchies,
will recognize him first through some signs, therefore request him to lead for which he (Radhi
Allah Anhu) expresses exception (Arabic: Aa’jzi) [2] but than later he (Radhi Allah Anhu) will
agrees and begin to taking oath (Arabic: Bay’et) in which first Awliyah and then in their follow
through common Muslims will start submitting for oath (Arabic: Bay’et) after recognition. Ulama
says; Imam Mahdi Muhammed bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be from Muslims
(Sawad Azam | Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) and communally agreed Imam of ‘Sunnat’e Rasul wa
Jamaat’e Sahaba’ on that time. GREAT HOLY FIGHTS: From here to last heading (DAJJAL), seem
two different scenarios because of the explication done by Ulama due to different traditions for
same subject [3]. We’ll discuss only one here and another will be in next Article. First One: On
that time Muslim Ummah (nearly all states) are captured and ruled by Infidels, including
Qustun’tuniyah (Istanbul), till Hijaz’e Muqaddas which is exempted and the only place would be
left on earth ruled by Muslims (Sunnis). Thus, from there all will stride under Imam Mahdi (Radhi
Allah Anhu) banner liberating all Muslim Lands comes in their way till Sham al-Sharif where they
will stay and made camps because Infidels have brings massive army in opposition (Arabic:
Mukha’lifat), comprising upon 80 Flags where under each flag there will be 12000 men (totaling
9,60,000), and while reaching or after arriving Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be then joins
by Khorasan’s Black Flag Army lead by Ahle-Bayt Banu’Abbas lineage personage [4], whom are
also striding from Khorasan towards al-Mashriq al-Wusta (Sham al-Sharif) liberating all Muslim
Lands comes in their way being captured by Infidels, and together they fight against Infidels
massive army, which will be definitely “Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak”. SIDNA HUDHRAT ESA bin
MARIUM (Alehe Salat-O-Salam): In Dam’ishq, At the Time of Fajr, when Imam Sahib (Radhi
Allah Anhu) was going to lead prayers, Allah (Subhanahu) will send Sayyiduna Hudhrat Esa bin
Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) from Sky upon Sidna Jibrail’e Amin (Alehe Salam) Wings at East
White Minerat, Jama Masjid Dam’ishq. Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will request him (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) to lead prayers but will be refused (by Him Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and urges Imam
Sahib (Radhi Allah Anhu) to lead (or say carry on the Imamet), which will be followed (as per
command). DAJJAL (La’een): In the mean time one eyed DAJJAL, upon his head word “KAFIR”
was written clearly (only Muslims-Sunni will read), claimed himself as GOD, though remembers
that Allah (Subhanahu) is clean from eyes or being an one eyed (Arabic: Munaz’zah An’el A’adha),

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 163


emerging from Isphahan, Iran along with 70,000 Jews, after traveling whole world in 40 days, will
reach Damascus (Damishq) [5] where upon blissful fragrance of Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Marium
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), while coming towards earth upon Sidna Hudhrat Jibra’il Amin (Alehe
Salam) wings, started suddenly melting hence begins to run away, Sidi Hudhrat Esa bin Marium
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) along with Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) after finishing prayers will
announce fight and upon pursue finally at Bab al-Lud, Jerusalem, after escaping from several
attempts, DAJJAL will be Captured and then Killed through knife, which will be then raised to
show his blood to all Muslims as (sign of) victory (Fa’tah), and after elimination of DAJJAL all
Muslims will together liberates Bayt-ul-Muqaddas from Jews (all will be killed present there), and
particularly this (One Eyed Dajjal) was warned (or say reported | Kha’br) by all Anmbiya’e Kiram
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), since creation of this world, till in last by beloved Nabi al-Kareem
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as “Great Anarchy (Fitnah’e Azeem or Azam)”. Allah and his Rasul
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

DENOTES: [1] Ulama says, in the light of Ahadith Mubarak regarding Khawarij
particularly, they will emerge in every era (continuously or time to time), and their last
group will joins Dajjal | Anti-Christ. Therefore, alike nowadays that lots of confusion and
misguidance has been spread and by reaching to its peak causes destructions and
slaughtering of common Muslims (finally), whom following or practicing Sunnat’e Rasul
Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba (Mazahib Arba’a | Salasil Aliyah[40 app.]), that is usually all pre-
planned* to caused and hence provoked such type of enmity against right path, renowned
as Islam, deliberately upon the name of Quran & Sunnah (Mazahib Arba’a) by planners via
dirty seeds (Urdu: Buddi Kay Beej | Yani bud’mazhab logon kay zareiyey sey). However this
will continued until end times, that is of Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) and Sidna
Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium “Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), due to blessed efforts of
such highly honored and pious personages, finally all sorts of conspiracies as well as
incorrect beliefs and faiths would definitely comes to an end, and by grace of Allah
almighty, Islamic Ideology (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | in short Sunnis) would
then prevailed, not only single place but all over the world, as creates 5th Largest Empire
since creation of this World, comprising from West to East. In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi.
Whereas the previous are who “(In Brief)… took possession of the earth, two of them
were Believers, namely, Zulqar’nain [a Wali] and Sulaiman (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [a Nabi].
The other two were disbelievers [Kuffar], namely, Namrud [Nimrod] and Bakht’an-Nasr
[Nebuchadnezzar], and fifthly the earth will be owned by one of my (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
descendants (Imam Mahdi | Radhi Allah Anhu) [Hidaya Research Foundation Official
Website] …” [2] By exception (Urdu: A’ajzi) means, in beginning Sidna Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu) will present excuse to lead or would refuse. “(In Brief)… From the
Unknown, a Voice would say: “This is the Khalifah of Allah, Mahdi! Listen to him and obey
him.” Then, all will make Bay’et (Oath) at his blessed hands. Thereafter, Imam Mahdi
would take everyone with him to Syria [Bahar’e Shari’at] …” [3] Due to different
traditions for same subject means Ahadith’e Mubarakah narrates converse situation on
same subject or matter hence have been written down below with possible interpretation.
[4] Same about Black Flag Army Leadership, as there are different traditions, regarding
leading personage not emergence. However as per Imam Al-Sharif Muhammed bin
[*] Though not new, it started since beginning of Islam (Eaylan’e Nabuwwah Sharif), even one can find such
before Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), conspiracies to eliminate otherwise if not succeeds
then to spread confusion regarding right path(s).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 164


Abd’ar-Rasul al-Barzanji (Quddussurahul Aziz) [1040-1103 Hijri] has gathered, in “al-

Isha’at al-Ishra’at-is Sa’at”, Ahadith Mubarakah in this regards illustrating that from
“Khurasan” black flag army that will come or reach to help Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed
bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) is lead by personage from “Ahle-Bayt al-Hasani
Lineage” whereas in Maktoobat Imam Rabbani, Shaykh Mujaddid Alif al-Thani Ahmed al-
Faruqi al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) [971-1034 Hijri] stated that black
flag army would be lead by personage from “Ahle-Bayt Banu-Abbas Lineage” name “al-
Mansoor”. Reconciliation (Tat’beiq): O’Dea, actually army that will come (emerges)
from Khurasan raising black flag would be large not small, consisting upon several tribes
(including Ahle-Bayt Banu-Hashem~, Banu-Abbas, Banu-Braheichi etc) which will be
further divided into sub-divisions or units (like professional militaries are), hence in this
situation (structure) we can’t denied the speculation of having presence of both (lineage
personages) in same army (leading their divisions). [5] “(In Brief)… He travels the whole
world in forty days, went to nearly all major places (cities, districts, towns or villages),
gives invitation to everyone towards his claims (and in justification shows various
astonishing acts; like raining, giving life to dead etc, which all will be acrobats[Urdu:
Shobdey Ba’azi] or magic), also reaches (or come), in last, to Makkah Sharif and then
Madinah Sharif, and here Allah (Subhanahu | a sole creator and almighty) will already
have deployed Angels (Arabic: Malai’kah | Urdu: Firish’tey) for protection from his
instigation (Arabic: Fitnah), say entrance, due to which only able to points out to his
followers the Madinah (Masjid’e Nabawi) [This is Taybah, This is Taybah, This is Taybah],
then some more people will joins him after quake (or shocks) send towards or come to
Madinah Munawwarah (heavenly cleaning of mess from this divined places | Keep
Thinking). Therefore finally left (actually runs away or escapes from this place because of
Angels) afterwards and then reaches to Sham al-Shareef …”

Source: Hidaya Research Foundation



Here would like to discuss (add for blessing | Barakah) some more features of Sidna Imam Mahdi
Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu), in light of Ulama explications under
blessed sayings. ATTRIBUTES: Ulama says, Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) ku’niyah will be
Abu-Abd’Allah. Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be al-Hasani from fatherside and al-
Hussaiyni from motherside. Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will born in Madinah Tayyibah and
then migrated to Bait al-Maqdus (for liberation). At the age of forty, when come to Makkah from
Madinah, Muslims (Saints particularly | Awliyah Kiram) will recognize Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah
Anhu) and request for oath[1 (See on Next Pg., under denote)], which would be held (ceremony)
peacefully in Makkah Moaz’zimah at Khana’e Ka’aba between Ma’qam’e Ibrahim and Rukn’e
[^] Remembers on that time nearly all major tribes would be present (alike nowadays) in Muslim World
particularly; for instance, Banu-Qauraiysh, Ahle-Bayt Banu-Hashem, Ahle-Bayt Banu Abbas, Banu-Braheichi, as
well as uthmaniyah (Turks) Wagheiy’rahum.
[~] Here by Banu-Hashem means (or we are indicating) “al-Hasani and al-Hussaiyni Lineages”.

See Kutub’e Fiqh or Ahadith or Seerah etc., or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)

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Yamani. Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be similar in ethics to Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), will be awarded Khilafah and Mah’diyat in one night (meant Wilayah |
Ma’qam’e Ghawthiyat’e Kubrah) and also would have Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) blessed mantle (Jubba Sharif | Qameedh Mubarak), blessed flag (Alam Mubarak) and
blessed sword (Talwar Mubarak) in possession (hands). Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will
stays 9yrs or 11yrs or 13yrs (even 40yrs also reported) amongst Muslims, and during this tenure
filled the world with great peace and stability (after great fight) that a woman alongwith few
other females would travel calmly and peacefully towards Makkah (for pilgrimage | Hajj) and
then return safely to their motherland (Watan); which would be covered (world) with severe
chaoses and anarchies earlier (meant can’t imagine such travelling before). Imam Mahdi (Radhi
Allah Anhu) will finally left this world at age of 49yrs or 51yrs or 53yrs, and Imam Mahdi (Radhi
Allah Anhu) last prayer will be offer by Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium ‘Ruh-hullah’ (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam), and then will be buried in Madinah Tayyibah (Jannat’ul Ba’qei). ORDER: Ulama says, it
is narrated on the authority of Hudhrat Jabir Bin Abd’Allah (Radhi Allah Anhu) that Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) says, “(Mafhoom) … whosoever refuted
Dajjal[2] is an infidel (Kafir) and whosoever refuted Mahdi is also an infidel (Kafir) …
[Havi’ul Fatawa | Pg.83:vol.2]”.

DENOTE: [1] O’Dea, in last article, we illustrated that “… At the age of forty, Imam
Muhammed bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allahu Anhu) comes to Makkah from
Madinah, in the month of Ramadhan Sharif, while doing Tawaf (shows performing
Umrah) Awliyah’e Kiram (Abdal and Aqtab from Sham n Iraq esp.), migrated from their
areas to Hijaz’e Muqaddas due to Anarchies, will recognize him first through some signs,
therefore request him to lead for which he (Radhi Allah Anhu) expresses exception
(Arabic: Aa’jzi) … [Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq | Pg.39-40]”, this interpretation
was taken from book “Qayamat Kab A’ey Gi (Urdu | Ref.: FQ23)”, written by Shaykh’ul
Hadith Hudhrat Mawlana Abd’al-Mustafa al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
[Azamgarh, India] whereas there are some other interpretations as well being done by
Ulama under light of other traditions (Urdu: Degar Rivayat Ki Roshni Main) as well which
depicts that, “… on the sudden death (Urdu: Acha’nuk Maut | Yani Qatl [Shahadat]) of a
Caliph (proving Caliphate will be existed earlier), one personage (Imam Mahdi
Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani[Radhi Allah Anhu]) will move (run) towards Makkah
from Madinah though quitely, but Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be recognized by
saints (Awliyah) of Makkah at home near Ka’aba firstly, whereas some says saints of both
(Makkah & Madinah), and after recognition then request for oath (to lead) which would
be held (Ceremony | Peacefully) at between Rukn’e Yamani (Hijr’e Aswad) & Maqam’e
Ibrahim, a military expedition (Urdu: Fauji Lashkar) either already or will send by
Suf’yani from Sham al-Shareef against Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) would be swelled
at Maqam’e Bey’dah (a place between Makkah & Madinah) while coming towards Makkah
from Madinah, after listening to this Suf’yani would send another military expedition
against Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) which will be defeated (another military
expedition was also send by Bani Kalb in same regards | faces same fate[defeat]) by Imam
Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu), on these successes over enemy Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah
Anhu) will gain fame or popularity around, hence Saints (Awliyah) from Sham al-Shareef
& Iraq when heard this will then begin migration towards Makkah to joins (taking oath |
Bay’et) the cause … [Halat’e Hadhrah Aur Dajjal (Ref.: FQ25 | Pg.29-30) & Dajjal al-Kabeer
(Ref.: OB23 | Pg.253)]”. Note: This is a synopsis, for details see the books. Jazak Allah [2]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 166


Ulama says (in light of Ahadith’e Mubarakah), Dajjal is a specific person with curly hairs,
two eyes among which one would be ertered (Urdu: Dhansi Hui Hogi) whereas another
would be swollen (Urdu: Pohli Hui Hogi | Sored[Pohrah Hoga] like bubble), his hands as
well as legs were obstinate (Urdu: Teh’rey Houn’gay), travel upon donkey around the
world where give invitation in each place to everyone towards his lordship (Urdu: Khudai
Ki Taraf) but would be unable to enter in Makkah & Madinah, due to Angels being
deployed already whereas in Bait al-Maqdus too, because of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Maryam (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) presence (already arrived from Sky | Nuzool farma Chukay
Houngay) for elimination. Allah knows all the best.

Tradition: We stated in 4th article that, “… From here to last heading (DAJJAL), seem two different
scenarios because of the explication done by Ulama due to different traditions (under its light) in
same subject. We’ll discuss only one here and another will be in next Article …” [Topic: Imam
Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) | Pg. 40]

Second: Hudhrat Ka’ab (Radhi Allah Anhu) says that, “(Mafhoom) … Dajjal would have
besieged Muslims in Bait al-Maqdus [1], due to which starvation will prevail amongst them
severely that Muslims begin eating their bows and arrows soft side, while passes few days
in such conditions, on one day at morning while some darkness present Muslims will
heard a sound, upon which said to each other that it is someone well eaten person voice,
therefore they pursue that personage (to sound direction) and found that it is Sidna Hudhrat
Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [2]. As prayer was called already (Urdu: Azaan) and
Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) is going to lead the prayer[3], by seeing Sidna
Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium coming (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu)
then get aside and requests Nabi Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to lead prayer which will be
regret by Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and respond that called
(Urdu: Aqamat) has been said for you therefore you should lead prayer. Hence Sidna
Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will offer prayer with Muslims, and then
after completion Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will be declared
(selected) Muslims Ameer[4] … [Halat’e Hadhra’h Aur Dajjal (Urdu) | Pg.20]”

DENOTE: [1] This will happens definitely after Great Fight, seems relevant too, because
after defeat then infidels becomes worrisome about losing everything hence during this
recession Dajjal will emerged and then regain everything lost by infidels, for which then
Allah (Subhanahu) will send Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to
eliminate Dajjal’s instigation finally. Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) [2] Sidna Hudhrat Esa
Bin Marium ‘Ruh-hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will arrive upon Sidna Hudhrat Jibrail
Ameen (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) wings. Second, while coming towards earth Sidna Hudhrat
Esa Bin Marium ‘Ruh-hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will look towards East and West also.
Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium ‘Ruh-hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed fragrance will
spread all over East and West; even Dajjal begin melting from Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed fragrance. Note: As per one tradition, in Hakim al-
Mustadrak, Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will arrive on Sidna
Hudhrat Jibrail Ameen (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) wings at East Minaret of Bait al-Maqdus; a
place, respected for both (Muslims and Non-Muslims[Jews/Christians]), where Sidna
Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was born. [3] Depicting that Muslims will
be present with Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) in Bait al-Maqdus, which was then

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 167


besieged by Dajjal and Company. Note: After arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in Bait al-Maqdus, Muslims will then closed all the doors, and then
prayer (morning | Fajr) will be offer. [4] Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) will then order Muslims to open all front doors of Bait al-Maqdus and then ready
to fight (begin attack upon) against Dajjal and his men (Jews/Christians etc).

STATUS: Second tradition (arrival at Bait al-Maqdus) seems to be relevant compares to first
(arrival at Jama’e Masjid Da’mishq), though many has gone towards first tradition (Da’mishq,
Sham al-Shareef) but remembers that Bait al-Muqdas has more significance then Sham al-Shareef
due to following; Birth (as well as resting) place of many Prophets (Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam])[1] including Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium “Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Centre
of major Muslims as well as Non-Muslims Empires[2], direction (Arabic: Qib’lah) of Worshiping,
all Prophets (Anmbiyah[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) has offered prayer under IMAMET of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) at the occasion of Maiy’raj al-Shareef (Divine
Journey) etc. Therefore besieging Bait al-Muqdas, to take it back, is looking more apparent then
Jama’e Masjid Da’mishq (Syria). Allah knows the best.

DENOTE: [1] Muslims (Believers | Ahl’al-Ema’n) deserves, as well as respect, more than
anyone else (Jews & Christian), but due to our own blunders (particularly leadership)
have lost it. Note: Mostly were from Oulul Azm Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) born and then rest their. Second, place where Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) born is near Bait al-Muqdas, and it is still present their. Third, If
disbelievers (Kuffar | Yahud’O Nasarah) really deserve as well as respect, particularly to
whom [Anmbiyah wa Mursaleen (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)] this place become honorable
(or precisious) then they definitely called belief upon Sidna Muhammad Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam). [2] Definitely, it becomes Non-Muslims Centre after losing by
Muslims; which is actually wrath as well upon Muslims (of those eons) by leaving the
right path as preached by Anmbiyah wa Mursaleen (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). Note: Even
today (in last century | 19th) once again taken (captured | Lost by Muslims) due to
conspiracy by disbelievers (Kuffar | Yahud’O Nasarah).

Now, would like to illustrate, some matters from the explications (or say interpretations) of
Ulama’e Kiram did in regards of some significant signs as well as portents.

BLACK FLAG: In last article, added in this book too, under topic “Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah
Anhu)” stated that when extortion would prevailed (reach to its highest peak), and there would
be no Islamic state left besides Hijaz’e Muqaddus, then Allah (Subhanahu) will send a personage
name Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani, also termed as “IMAM MAHDI” in blessed sayings, who
(Radhi Allah Anhu) will begin Great Fight for removal (extortion | darkness[Zul’mah]) and revival
(Islam | Peace and Stability) through sword after being recongnized and then taken oath by
Muslims. He (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be given support from nearly all regions for this great cause,
as Infidels will brings massive army in opposition or resistance (Arabic: Mukha’lifat), comprising
upon 80 Flags where under each flag there will be 12000 men (totaling 9,60,000). In that battle,
Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be joined by Khorasan’s Black Flag Army too, lead by Ahle-
Bayt Banu’Abbas lineage personage, whom are also striding (begin after Imam Mahdi[Radhi Allah
Anhu] appearance) from Khorasan towards al-Mashriq al-Wusta (Sham al-Sharif) liberating all
Muslim Lands comes in their way being captured by Infidels, and together they fight against

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Infidels massive army, which will be definitely “Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak”. PERSONAGE: The
army will be lead by Ahle-Bayt al-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), as per tradition, personage will be
from Ahle-Bayt al-Hussaiyni Lineage; where as from Ahle-Bayt al-Hasani Lineage as well as from
else tribe also being reported (came in blessed sayings). Reconciliation: As illustrated earlier, in
this topic, that it will be a large army, comprised on several division (alike Armies nowadays),
consisting upon tribes (various of different origins[Nations | Cast]) therefore it couldn’t be denied
or irrelevant that all said personage(s) from different lineages are present and leading their
divisions (though from Ahle-Bayt al-Hussaiyni Lineage is said by Imam Abd’ar-Rasul al-
Barzanji[Quddussurahul Aziz] in his book), and when they finally reached or meet at place where
Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abd’Allah (Radhi Allah Anhu) is camping, either at Sham al-
Shareef or Bait al-Maqdus, joins (obviously come under central command | Takes Oath). FLAG:
Recently, an interpretation comes in view though couldn’t say incorrect, but would like to add
that, particularly in Ahadith’e Mubarakah (blessed sayings), some places (or sayings) are
considered (taken) as said (expressed | Far’maya Ga’ya)[1] whereas on some places we’ll do
interpretation (from either verses or sayings) of expressed words. Hence Ahadith Mubarakah
regarding End times (or say portent of End times) are mostly exempted from interpretation
(Urdu: Ta’veelat sey Mubar’rah Hain), because door of wonders (Urdu: Ajai’bat Ka Darwaza
Khulay Ga) will be then opens actually [2], hence Flag color would or might be Black as
expressed[3]. Secondly, Ulama has illustrated that “Black Flag Army” personnel (including head |
Leading Personage) will wears Black Cap and White Dress (that might be Qameedh and Shalwar
as its regional dress); though whole black dress couldn’t be denied either, alike Black Flag Color.
Allah knows all the best. MOVEMENTS: As stated that get the support from all regions, including
Khorasan (Afghanistan mainly) hence several movements[4] comes up (formed) or forward try
to be either represent or wants to be called as that Black Flag Army (whereas it’s just a deception)
in HIND nowadays; even in Middle East can be seen that some movements[5] have black flag (as
representing sign) and they are fighting (destroying[Divine Places]; and slaughtering[Muslims-
Sunnis]), against Islam (Muslims, heritage and commoners) rather than disbelievers (non-
muslims). Whereas some Muslims (Analysts esp.) has considers them as that Black Flag Army but
unable to either judge or understand that it’s rising (or emergence) time is bind[6] with Sidna
Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Adb’Allah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu), emergence and then
spiritual signal to them; alike Sidna Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (Quddussurahul Aziz) has
reported about Sahib’ul-Waqt (The Great Sultan), and then all other Fuqarah in his
(Quddussurahul Aziz) accordance (or follow through) has begun reporting the coming of The
Awaiting Personage (Sahib’ul Waqt | The Great Sultan) and forming their divisions (spiritually),
which are soon appears when order comes from The Awaiting Personage (Sahib’ul Waqt | The
Great Sultan) for physical emergence. Allah knows all the best. REPETITION: As stated in last
article that time is indecisive, not evident for present era, because of some portents which are
bind with Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) that happens before emergence hasn’t occurred.
Therefore, repetitions of events are possible, even Ulama say that all regions (including HIND)
will conquer once again that were before conquered (in earlier eras). Evidence: Sidna Imam
Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz) illustrated, under the interpretation of
Hadith Sharif regarding end times portent which is, “(Mafhoom) … after Sudden Death of Caliph,
then Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) will emerge …
[Al-Malfuz Sharif]” said, “by Sudden Death” means Caliph will be assassinated (Martyr | Shaheed).
And last Caliph (actually Sultan | Sultan Abdul-Hameed Khan[Rehmatullah Alehe]) of Ottoman
Empire[7] was not assassinated but died naturally, in detention.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 169


DENOTE: [1] Urdu: Zahiri Alfaz Murad Le’yey Jaiyn’gey. Jub Kay Ba’adh Ma’qamat Per
Ta’veel Ki Jaiy’gi. See Rules Books (Kutub’e Usool’e Ahadith) or Ask Ulama. [2] In many
blessed addressings, Sultan’ul Awliyah Imam al-Fuqarah Sidna Shaykh al-Shareef
Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Geylani al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has discussed (or say
disclosed) some End Times strange or say astonishing (which would be unbelieveable for
present era people | Muslims particularly) events, in which revealed this one, “All
technology will going to be failed or stop working when Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah
Anhu) said Allahu Akbar (3 TImes), and it will be heard clearly (blessed voice without any
device | a miracle) in West and East”. Allah knows all the best. [3] As illustrated in
previous article, that “Black Color” is actually Ahle-Bayt Banu Abbas Lineage Color (they
acquired) therefore in their resemblance (as well as showing relation), as they stand too,
Ahle-Bayt al-Hussaiyni or al-Hasani Lineage Personage choose Black color for respected
division; even if lead by else tribe personage (as per one report), so therefore in respect or
resemblance (or say sympathy | Aqeedat Main) of Ahle-Bayt al-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam), chooses Black color for respected division army. Allah knows all the best. Note:
Black is a color like others, therefore if someone acquired for representing faith (incorrect
| diffracted) then it wouldn’t made its use forbidden, because it’s not color’s fault but the
chosen’s own perception. [4] al-CIA-DA (alqaeeda | AQIM), ISIS – ISIL (Iraq & Sham), AT
(Afghan Taliban, Afghanistan), TTP (Pakistan), FSA (Sham), Al-Shabab (Somalia). Note:
Afghan Taliban also indicates themselves (which is only a claim), or by their
sympathizers, to be that Black Flag Army, several videos can be seen (or available) on
internet in this regards. [5] In real, they are Khawarij, and represent deviated ideology,
and backed by The West (particularly specific lobby). [5] Came through blessings of
Masha’ikh’e Kiram[Sufiya], particularly Shaykh al-Kareem (Da’mat Barkatahum) and
Sultan’ul Awliyah (Rehmatullah Alehe); it’s a key (or core) point [Think on it]. Allah
knows the best. [7] Ibrahim Pasha was not a Sultan, but actually a caretaker (OSD) before
Kemal Ata Turk; because has no authority to do anything like before Sultan had (Sultan
Abdul-Hameed Khan[Rehmatullah Alehe]). Note: This blessed saying also depicts, the
presence of Caliphate before Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abd’allah al-Hasani (Radhi
Allah Anhu), otherwise it would be never said, “… After the sudden death of a Caliph …”,
secondly we mentioned to read transcript in regards for stipulations of right Caliph, to
which Ottomans doesn’t compliance completely; in real they were accepted (as Sultans)
through Stratagem. See Kutub’e Fiqh* or Asks Ulama [Keep Thinking]

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

[*] See also, “Dawam al-Ey’sh” by Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi(Rehmatullah Alehe).

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CONTENTIOUS FIGURES (single/movements)

TALIBAN (Afghan Zale’man)

Illustrated lot about them already in previous articles (or say a transcript, fourth one); hence see
there for details also. However, here we only give review and then discuss some new points
rasied or revealed in their favour, and finally writes solution in the light of jurisprudence; though
points that are raised for proving them as valid movement thus reserved legitimacy so in reality
NOT and are still being used (West best players) to betray (A’ammatul Muslimeen; Ummah).

BACKGROUND: In first article, stated under Afghan National Hero, “. . . Actually, during Afghan
Jihad, General Dhi’ya-ul-Haq Marhoom was ruling Pakistan and on that time some Kharji-
Wahabies got chance to reach and grab few TOP and CRUCIAL positions esp. in Intelligence,
whether by trick and cruelty or being given deliberately especially against to stop JUP’S anti-
government campaign, which in real should be holds by right belief and faith people but contrary
was not happened therefore it became the golden chance for them, The Soviets Aggression was
going on, and in the name of ISLAM’S fifth pillar JIHAD they could utilized the positions easily and
(for) a move by using PAKISTAN’S Soil, and so they did it hundred percent and got easy access to
Afghanistan for their intuitions and interest against the MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis)
living there and for the whole devastated[due to invasion] AFGHAN Nation . . .” Then same
illustration but with slight changes along with rectifications, stated under Pakistan, “. . . And in
the beginning, it was confronted by Muslims (Sunnis) of Afghanistan and even
from Pakistan which was then later joined by others concurrently (including groups | Osama,
Haqqani and *Gulbadin) from around the world. Meanwhile 1984 Elections in Pakistan
particularly conducted by General Dhi’ya-ul-Haq Marhoom was proven a turmoil which began
slowly and made impact after a period (approx 10 years, began in 1994-5) and it did by those
people whom elected (or say selected through OFFERS) and reached to the key position
(including Intelligence) in result of 1984 Elections whom were actually belongs or linked or has
intentions for Kharji-Wahabiyyat(Deobandiyyat). Their approaching hold many reasons in which
one is Ulama’e Kiram (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) anti campaign against Dictatorship
of General Dhi’ya-ul-Haq Marhoom and their boycott to Elections ... therefore land was itself clear
to taking lead. . . .” In first article, stated under The Game, “. . . however many are very optimistic
about TALIBANS … even our Honorable Zaid Hamid Shah Sahab too not recognizing (Urdu:
Pehchan pa rahey hain) them (TALIBANS) … all of them are traitors and betrayers excluding
those MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis) whom had joined them un-knowingly or because of
being portrayed that it would be the holy cause if supports (Islamic Governance and then JIHAD)
or may be because of desperation they had after The Soviets Aggression which causes severe
devastation or destruction to their Social (Homes), Political (System) and Economical (Trade)
structures [thus due to which might be joined], but after realization has left, though if not anti-
Taliban (Zaleman) then now after exposure of this ACT (humiliation shown to Holy Relic) should
and must become anti-Taliban (Afghan Zaleman), we guess most of them were became already
[those who knew earlier or be informed on that time about this]. . .” And then stated in same
article under Instigation, “. . . using Kharji-Wahabies as their cover and human shield to execute
and materialize their dreams and plans which was actually not being recognized or judged well
by common MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis) due to illiteracy or unknowingly (unaware of
history) or distance from true and original MASHA’IKH(Urdu: Awliya Allah) even sometimes
ULAMA (not well practicing or divined) deviates or confused from such kind of their evil designs

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 171


and traps therefore fell or got involved in these malice circles; however leaves (ULAMA, not well
practicing or divined) after recognizing the reality (Urdu: Haqiqat ko janney kay baad bohat sey)
which is a true sign of loyalty and purity towards religion ISLAM, but it doesn’t mean [when they
were joined and working with them before leaving] that the movement becomes TRUE and
VALID, and their leaders are DIGNIFIED. . .”

Jurisprudence Narration: We condemned Rasheed Dostum act of association with US &

NATO for eliminating Taliban Regime, because, “(Mafhoom) ... a person (MUSLIM)
becomes MURTAD, that if he calls or takes help (if don’t have enough resources or
strength) from non-believers (Urdu: Kuffar) for aggression (against rulling regime) and in
result they (Urdu: Kuffar) captured or becomes the decision makers or direct/indirect
rulers rather than him …”. Therefore it is a big blunder or say mistake or could say sin
(Arabic: al-Kabirah) he did (May Allah punish him for that). Only thing which is allowed in
SHARIAH, are with strict circumstances, and everyone including Rasheed Dostum must
know before taking such decisions, and amongst these one is, “(Mafhoom) … could seek
for WEOPANRY even HR help from non-believers (Arabic: al-Kuffar) but only in this
restriction that it shall be assured or affirmed (must have large munber of force compares
to unbelievers) for seeking or taking their (Urdu: Kuffar) help would not let them (Kuffar)
overcomes or overruled the MUSLIMS (their own land) …” [Excerpts from An Illegitimate
and Inappropriate Regime].

DENOTE: Remember, if person didn’t becomes Murtad then Fasiq otherwise Sinner
(Arabic: al-Murtakab al-Kabira’h), hence not eligible for obedience, because it is not
permissible to do alliance, in any condition, with non-believers (Urdu: kuffar) in regards
of removing regime that is or becomes illegitimate on Muslim Land, however help from
any other Muslim Territory (which is inevitable upon that either exist as state or free
territory) or from Muslims having enough strength and resources though not living
independently, are allowed only, which becomes must upon them [however talks can be
do first before fight]. Second, Rasheed Dostum (along with all his aides) must repent and
retreat from such association so that burdon (in both universe) upon them due to this
may removed, and pay compensation to all losses (including families that lost their loved
ones) that has been happened due to this association, as well as enforced them to leave
otherwise expel them through fight. Third, and if couldn’t do or haven’t ability to acquire
any of these options then all will be punish that are part, and all will be either persecuated
or detained forever [in compensation]; and this will be decides by the Ulama’e Kiram.
Allah knows all the best.

DECEIVING: In previous article (in real a transcript), under Ummah, subheading Contentious,
we stated that, “… Then in last Article (Rise of Ummah from al-Maghreb), we illustrated that
“First, humiliation and showing disrespect to the Holy Relic, “Jubba Sharif” . . . to one
documentary report which was made by Non-Muslims (BBC Team) and Muslims (Ulama esp.)
knows that if Kuffar or even Munafiqoon brought any news so we (Muslims) shall research
(Tah’qeeq) first about its affirmation (Mez’an al-Khabr) and then verify (Tasdeeq) so that
afterwards may not feel ashamed (if it is found or proven wrong) or face bad consequences . .
. ”. It has been not yet proved as False or Invalid report, second Afghanistan has suffered severely
from American Invasion, which in other words can be said (although proving naturally too) easily
as severe punishment in result (its repercussions).

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Recommends: Watch and read the last part (moments 6:00–8:14) of VIDEO, follow the

The Words of Hudhrat Haji Abdur-Rehman Djonabi Shb (Da’mat Barkatahum):

(Mafhoom) . . . “If Omar was a truly learned student of Quran, an enlightened man … he
would’ve been aware of Holy Relic (Jub’ba Sharif) significance. He failed to show respect
and worship [Adab wa Salat-O-Salam; Faqeer] the Holy Relic. That was an ignoble and
shameful act. Such acts debase both him and his followers. He cannot be forgiven. He
defiled the Holy Relic. We have a saying “He who hurts himself, hurts others more.” And
Allah (Subhanahu) has punished the entire country for Omar’s Sin. With the hands that
were used to kill people … Omar took the Holy Relic from the TOMB and brought it into
the city. He climbed on to a roof to show off the Holy Relic. He wore it and proclaimed
himself “Ameer al-Mu’mineen”. That was a blasphemy. He left the Holy Relic there all
night and just put it in a box the next morning … as if it was just an ordinary garment
(Ma’az Allah). Then he drove at high speed to the Holy Edgar Masjid. Omar committed a
sacrilege, which is why his regime has fallen.” [For more satisfaction, we have written
down the words as well].

Now in above context of provided video link read these and compares the difference (we are not
blaming them without evidences);

Importance & Virtues of Holy Relics

Rememebrs, if Taliban really implemented the Shari’ah wa Tariqah as explicated by Ulama

(A’eymma al-Shar’iah, wa’l-Tariqah), then they never conduct such type of ACT, because Quran
Majeed has describes Holy Relics importance (Misa’len: Taboot’e Sakinah Wagheiy’raha) and
that’s why Shar’iah Muttuh’harah (Quran and Sunnah) has ordered and instructed us to respect
and preserve it. Then tell us why Hudhrat Khalid bin Waleed (Radhi Allah Anhu) kept “Mo’ay
Mubarak” in Helmet whenever fights, and during Battle of Tashfin stop fighting when Helmet
fallen towards ground, if Holy Relics has no importance …? On one side when you are talking
about Hubb’e Rasul, “[Master Zaid Hamid Words] we follows those who called us towards Allah
and His Rasul (Alehe Salam), do not betray Madina’e Sani because it means you are betraying Sidi
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”, and so on forth hence tell us now in the light of your own
Salvation, showing disrespect and humilitation to Holy Relic wouldn’t be an ACT of disrespect and
humiliation in honor of Sidi Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), hence which is more honorable in
your view, the “Jubba Sharif of Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)” or Taliban …? It’s Your
Right, whether support or not, though faqeer like to say shall avoid. (May Allah protect all of us?)

Denote: As we mentioned that, if news brought by Kuffar or Munafiqoon, even if there are
doubts or confusion upon reported by Muslim(s), then it should be investigated in case of
Infidels & Deviators (Kuffar wa Munafiqoon), and can be researched or reviewed for more
satisfaction or authentication (Urdu: Itminan’e Qalbi) in case of Muslims. Remember,
there are no exemption that if news was brought by Muslims, so will be acceptable as it is
(Urdu: Aman’nah wa Saddaq’nah) without any objection, if reporter is sinful or not
compliance to Shariah rules of submitting witness (Urdu: Gawahi kay laiq | Yani Shara’e

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 173


Adil Gawah) [*]. However, its about reporter’s eligibility that if not then the report (by
him) will be considered as false hence rejected otherwise will be declared right hence
considered as valid. [See a report below, in same regards; particularly Master ZH Shb]

AID: Then in same last Article, we illustrated that “Second, according to Master Zaid Hamid al-
Shah Shb (Defense Analyst), that US & NATO mutually paying $400 Million to AFGHAN-
TALIBAN for regular supplies passage safety for their forces deployed in Afghanistan
through a route held (Kandahar) by them, therefore it is also not yet declared as wrong or
false report therefore it proves fishy or something black in pulse ‘itself’ . . .”

Denote: From one reliable source, US & NATO are paying $800 Million, double to the said
(by Master Zaid hamid Shah Sb), don’t think it’s an exaggerating figure, heard and
forwarded. Secondly, the same source also says that Master Zaid Hamid Shah Sb analysis
are right and good (some were cutting edged) but about Afghan-Taliban, so he is not
correct. Similarly one Sufi lover n minded person told the same that he speaks right
(justified) and according to issue (expresses truth) and provide good solution but about
Afghan-Taliban so mistaking (not able to understand or judge them). Allah knows the
best. [^] Supplies: About NATO supplies, that was blocked nearly 8 months which is now
finally opens (via Chaman to Qandahar route, as per some sources) after agreement due to
intense pressure upon regime, although they (one-side) have also using another passage
(NDN) since invasion, but it’s more costly and lengthier then ours, however all credits for
keeping 8 months blockade goes (we gives) to Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb powerful
salvation. Masha Allah, & Allahu Akbar. Blaming: We would like to add one more point
here; just like cursing (bashing) upon opening the supplies by present regime hence
hoping for their removal, because now it will cause (or ignite) Civil War (destruction &
slaughtering) that could bring foreign intervention, just like Libya, as per analysis. So why
don’t Master shows same attitude or response towards Taliban, they also did the same
and still carries on (Taking $400 or $800 Million and letting pass), which has already
caused devastation and slaughtering of Muslims Land, structures and people (and it will
increase further when these new supplies will reaches)?

Here is the proof (Urdu); URL:

NEW POINTS: Some new points that are raised (b/w last article till this book), particularly by
Master Zaid Hamid Sb, in proof (as the right movement) or favor, of Afghan Taliban (Zaliman):

Following points are revealed by Master; A. Seven nations had no loan burdon of IMF (or World
Bank; in other words trapped in specific lobby Money, which transacts with interest) that
includes Libya under Colonel Qazzafi, Afghanistan during Taliban Rule, and so on forth [On
Facebook]. B. American was not fighting against Taliban [In a show, available at Youtube]. C.
News revealed by Master depicting a denial by the U.S that they have any hand or linked in
[*] We haven’t wrote all rules, but only few, however there are numerous important rules of Shariah (that must
also be kept in front or view by Ulama before final opinion or judgement, or known to person going for it in front of
Qadhi or Ulama) regarding submission of reports or witnessing, for it see Jurisprudence Books or ask Ulama.
Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)
[^] For safety precautions (security reasons), we are not mentioning both sources names.

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creation of Afghan Taliban. [On Facebook] D. In context of Afghanistan said, “… Pakistani people
are innocent, they believed suddenly upon rumors (Urdu: Suni-Sunai ba’ton per yaqeen kr leytain
hain) …” [In another recent show, available at Youtube]. E. Upon recent news, published by Dawn
Newspaper Pakistan [Source:], “… Our analysis are right
about Taliban … [On Facebook]”, although his domain is defense which based upon very critical
and highly technical analysis but faqeer was astonished that in this case failing to do and still
stuck in their love and not able to understand the game or recongnizing the move. F. The US is
defeated in Afghanistan, now the time has come to crush them in Afghanistan [On Facebook].

Answers: [A] It is a good sign, that Masha Allah no menacing money circulated for any
purpose in these State(s); which is a responsibility of Government. And here seem to be
true because they don’t have either any burden or say stuck in their Money trap directly
(which was in real gives upon totally interest) although (and would be unfortunate, for
Master ZH) Afghan Taliban were funded indirectly by their (West) best ally and player,
whom total wealth was controlled by the West (particularly the U.S), well known as fools
and idiots Al-Saud Bedouins (Rulers of Saudia Arabia). And it was sent through their
derivatives in Pakistan (though don’t know whether still operating or not, but on that time
they were), to promote and spread Kharji-Wahabism, which they did during Rule with all
their best capabilities. [B] This is what we said earlier, begun our writings from it, “…
Remember that, US & NATO (particularly the British) will never crushed or came to
crushed these CULPRIT TALIBANS, until or unless MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis)
will not take stand and conducts *operation cleanup (QITAL) against both, because US &
NATO (particularly the British) like and want to stay in the region and do politics (play
and continue their malice great game in this region) and for this they need PLAYERS so &
which they already have and will now only continue funding (pay approx $400 Million
[whereas another figure is $800 Million] for their Logistics pass or clearance) and provide
supplies (Weapons from black market [which is their own] as PAKISTAN halted or stopped
the supplies) so that they (means CULPRIT TALIBANS) can carry on according to their (US
& NATO) vicious game of destruction all in the name of our beloved religion ISLAM, and
traps common MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis particularly) in the name of JIHAD,
therefore all of us has to understand the GAME and must recognized the PLAYERS in first
place so that could save and protect ourselves (Ummat-e-Marhoma and all its States) from
this malice game of EVILS and their perpetrators. [Excerpts from 1st Artcile, An illegitimate
and inappropriate regime] …” [Another aspect] And if by “not fighting against Taliban”
meant West weakness and Taliban’s strength, due to which not maneuvering, so response
was lay in early part of [B], and secondly yes they aren’t maneuvering deliberately for
complete elimination, and third they (The West) wanted to kept them alive so that do
politics in future, in which one reason/aspect behind is that they planned to keep Muslims
stuck or trapped in internal conflicts, through raging assaults or conflicts from these
culprits, just alike in Pakistan via TTP, BLA etc so that Muslims could not able to stand-up
together to form any block. [Expect] Don’t expect or enumerates that by not fighting
means defeat; it’s just betray or dodge [C] Yups! Not by the U.S, and we didn’t wrote
neither blame them solely anywhere, but highlighted one thing and that is along with or
under the West taken U.S & NATO specified The British Empire as “particularly” too,
hence it was actually their seed in Hind, which casued its creation (or say natural bi-
product). [D] If this we’ll takes as valid or true then do remember, all reports about
Afghanistan couldn’t be declared as rumors to deny upon which one blame’s common

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people that begun to trust (Urdu: Yaqeen) incorrectly, because you’re not the only one
who fought their alone but native Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) were also hence
they are more valid and reliable, as you returned from their whereas they didn’t and
continues guiding (under Islamic Teachings) the Muslims, even presented during Afghan
Taliban (Zaleman) Rule, thus we’ll accept their views and analysis more than your’s
(Accept apology | if these hard words hurts you), see below summary because we have
quoted one tradition. Second, if it is signaling (Urdu: Isha’rah) towards Afghan Taliban
(Zaleman) that emerged and took power (in 1996) after some period of Soviet Army
withdrawal (in 1989), so will you include yourself amongst these innocent Pakistanis or
not, and if yes, then in first place you will lose your credibility as valid defense analyst,
because why did you spread it without research, the news that US & NATO paying $400
Millions to Afghan Taliban (Zaleman) for their logistics clearance to pass, and you haven’t
repudiated (Urdu: Tar’deed) it yet [And faqeer says, that now you have no way for
repudiation because another reliable source has confirmed it too, even provided the
figure that is double from your’s, $800 Millions Approx]. Third, what authentication you
have that all analysis made upon or still doing in support are not rumor, because when all
reports which are against them can be rumors then all reports in support can also be
rumor, couldn’t they? How we may trust? And by this if indicating towards Media, that
spreading lies or dis-information is their common habit, so we didn’t relying (trusting)
100% upon them, already said that must be researched (the report) if brought by Media,
controlled by Non-Muslims, even now if Muslims too. [E] Fortunately, when read the news
logged in suddenly to Facebook to see update, hence surprise that you have posted the
same, and knew that “Luddo(*) were begun to cracks in your Heart” and mentioned it too
that “our (ZH) analysis are right” though in-real NOT, because you forgot all your’s own
previous analysis [see summary below]. However, we would like to say that it was a
brilliant play by the West (as it is their old tool & way which is very successful yet |
Division & Collision). [F] Nops! Know Why? Because U.S involves or came in WAR(s), since
19th Century till date, not only to sabotage or upside-down (Urdu: Tal’pat) the running
system (all cycles of State), but also to implement their proposed fake system (Urdu:
Ddha’kosla Nizam) only to keep State in misery conditions, thus how and why we accept
that they were defeated contrary say succeeded, because according to some reports, they
aren’t withdrawing completely, but followings; A. 100% will staying (none leaving); B.
More than 50% but less than 100% will stay (60%-80%); C. Exact 50% will stay whereas
50% leaves; D. Approx 50,000 Troops will stay and perform their operations alongwith
Afghan National Army, just like in Iraq. Allah knows the best.

Furthermore Points: G. recently said, “… Afghan Taliban will crush (slaughter) Indians in
Afghanistan … Zaid Hamid” [On Facebook]. H. Admitting following; “… Pakistan crushed
USSR with the help of CIA assistance in Afghanistan during 1980’s …”, and “… Afghan
Taliban is the creation of Pakistan Intelligence to fool the West …” [On Facebook]. I.
Recently on 8th November-2013, posted that, “… Even the blind can see that TTP has
[*] ”Lud’do” is a very famous sweet in Pakistan, I think in India too, usually distributed on the pleasurable
occasions or events, like engagement, wedding, eid, mahafil (Mawlid Sharif) etc. And this sweet was also used
in an idiom, ‘[Urdu] Dil mayn luddo phoot rahey hain’ which means “Person is too much happy or excitement is
beyond limit”. However, nowadays, Gulab Jamun and Chum’chum are distributed whereas some gives Balo-
Shahi, due to inflation because first two are costly compared to latter. However, ‘Luddo’ tradition is now lay
down nowadays, although not left the market, still present.

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nothing to do with Afghan Taliban. Only the snakes deployed to spread confusion would
still say that Fadhlullah is controlled by Mullah Omer despite the fact that just last month
Fadhlullah survived an attack (attacked with tomato or potato shooting gun) by Afghan
Taliban …” [On Facebook] J. On 12th November-2013, posted some various points in to
some different posts mentioning following, “(Mafhoom) … Everyone is silent upon
Sirajuddin Haqqani’s silent murder … Son of Jalaluddin Haqqani [Founder of Haqqani
Network which is formed during Afghan-Soviet War]. Second if it has anything to do or
relation with TTP then definitely would be raised but instead of it not (proving no
relation). Third, Army doesn’t consider AZ as an enemy but TZP similarly neither AZ
considers Pakistan and its Armed Forces as an enemy. Fourth, weapons are passing
through Karachi via Chaman Border to Kandahar or via Khyber Pass to Kabul in
Afghanistan, which was robbed (or let it be do) by Afghan Taliban as per their need or to
fulfilled their requirements, however mentioned also that same weapon is also being
given deliberately to TZP to continued war against Pakistan.

Answers: [G] Yups, Only in dreams (I think living in fantasy world; otherwise if in
physical along with spirituality then never expects hence said), because if we looks back
the history, will find that such type of culprits or menaces has never fought against
Infidels or Polythiests (Kuffar wa Mushrikeen), contrary slaughter Muslims by
considering them as polytheist. Allah knows all the best. [H] Ah, admitting^ the
involvement or hand behind them, that will also depicts own mistake done in analysis
gave during previous regime term in a show~ (on ARY) with Shahid Masood, in which
denied that Pakistan Intelligence has any link or relation with Afghan Taliban, creation
and supplies. [I] Don’t let us to write (but your words urging us to write) that “Yups as per
your words that all blinds (if we taken) sees but not the eyes were, [Url:
report]. Now, com’on doesn’t say that “we don’t accept because it’s a fabrication or not a
valid report”. Remember, it’s a same source upon which you jump-in-joy to say that our
analysis are right [See point E and then its answer, also read below verification]. If you say
source is spreading confusion OR not itself familiar or clear, then what’s the validation of
your mentioned link regarding AZ & TZP fight [including TZP Leader survival], it could
also be the confusion or can take in to this manner that West is covering its both elements
(by showing that, see both are separate that’s why fighting; [whereas in-real one or no
difference#, Faqeer]). [J] About Haqqani Network, presently stationed in NWA (Pakistan)
was founded by Jalaluddin Haqqani with the help of CIA Assistances during Afghan-Soviet
War under Raegon Administration, a known fact. And we knew once goal is acheive
remove/wipe the evidence [Remind Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq], and that is also another
reason seem for CIA Stationed Chief ran away. Second, read previous point I (provided
[^] We revealed those two years ago, in second article that Pakistan Intelligence was behind them (Wrong
[~] Whereas the Lady Professor, in same show, was right that Pakistan Intelligence has created Afghan Zaleman
(Then why Master ZH refuted/responded harshly?).
[#] In our circle, one of our member belong to Wahabi-Sect, a Maulvi (studying in Madressah) and has
sympathizes for both (For him Pak-Army did extortion[by killing TTP], killed Millions people and destroyed beautiful
land[Swat]), further says that there is no difference and Zaid Hamid is incorrect (also considered you a Jew Agent)
and moreover mentions that Mullah Omar is Ameer’ul Zalimeen (oops! Mo’mineen) as well as Mullah
Fadhl’Allah is also Zaleel (oops! Ameer), and is closed to Mullah Omar. His Madressah supports both, AZ and TZP
through recruitings. Allah knows all the best.

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link). Third, in previous article under Taliban’s subheading Denote upon “Fifth” point’s
marginal note (Urdu: Hashiyah), that “According to one source [Dharb’e Momin
Newspaper*; a pure pro Af-Taliban newspaper in Pakistan], they gave threatening remarks
which is, “Pakistan is our only two hours operation [Urdu: Pakistan hamarey sirf Dou
ghantey ki mar hai]” means they will forms their legitimacy [Statement was either given by
or published with the name of Mullah Omar]; it was said before 2001, when they were in
Power [Alhamdollilah, those two hours had never came and In-Sha Allah wouldn’t comes
ever]. In Miliary perspective, if you don’t remove (attack to destroy) the source or main
base then remembers assaults upon you would be continued. [Keep Thinking] Fourth,
faqeer thinks that Master didn’t read a book, which was recommends or mentioned in
every article, named “Mashal’e Rah” by Hudhrat Allama Abdul-Hakim Akhter
Shahjahanpuri (Rehmatullah Alehe). As mentioned that tremendous research work upon
British Empire Rule and Extortion upon al-Hind, he (rehmatullah alehe) also highlights
how The British supplied weapons to their indirect powerful tool.

DENOTES: As stated in previous articles, about their humiliating conduct of an act regarding Holy
Relic “Jubba Sharif”, therefore news being taken in to consideration would be only accept if
verified (by Muslims) because brought by Non-Muslims (BBC Team), hence confirmation was
liable, which is not refuted by Master yet, that whether it may happens or not as reported. Which
is now seems verified (Alhamdollilah) when Afghan-Soviet War Veteran, an Islamic Scholar
(Hanafi in Fiqh, Mujaddidi in Tariqah), visited Pakistan few months ago, in early months (Rabi’ul
Awwal Sharif, 1434 Hijri), and addressed Muslims, here in Karachi, in which revealed extortions
of Afghan-Zaleman regarding Islamic Teachings and Traditions; and also admits that we weren’t
able to understand Western Game (US particularly). [See below, Tradition under Summary]

Second, we stated in previous article, under Taliban heading, Denote [Pg.49], that “… our
main concern is only that “if” wanted or desired to uses then select the right tool or any
appropriate option, for keeping influence in cross-border neighboring state affairs, rather
than making trouble for both, which create gap or differences, by supporting wrong-side or
using inappropriate tool …” clarifies a lot however here would like to rectify that Pakistan’s
Intelligence did blunder by chosing radicals or letting them to took control, because they
belongs (or their source of origin was) to the seed (Radicals Base in Saharan’pur) that was
digged by the British Empire, during their Rule over al-HIND. Hence, it wasn’t Pakistan’s
Interest tool but straightly for the West (US & NATO | That includes British Empire).

Third, this will then justify their (The West & Afghan Present [Puppet] Regime) claims that
Pakistan is responsible of instability through insurgencies which halting peace in the region
[Whereas we’ve been either dodged or made fooled]. And so then definitely Indian will also
claims the same and thus has to accept it either as valid regarding infiltration of insurgencies
(terrorism) in to their territory by Pakistan, particularly the Mumbai Drama (which is in real
their own plot) [Whereas they contained the west seed] and so on forth.

[*] Dharb’e Momin Newspaper (Urdu), published in Pakistan, is a pure Kharji-Wahabi Newspaper (Mimic
Wahabies), came (launched) same time (In Paksitan) while Afghan Taliban reigning in Afghanistan, also a die
heart or loyalist news publisher regarding Afghan Taliban operations (during their Tenure). [Note: We
preserved the copy till 2005, but then it was lost during home renovation (2005) otherwise we’ll provide its
image to all definitely, Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 178


[Note: O’Dea, remember actually this will happens (stuck in your own words) when you try to
proved and cover invalid and incompetent people (intruders) as righteous and dignified, in other
words intruders (khawarij) as Muslims. Question is that, then why calling TTP as Intruders
(kharjies) if Afghan Zaleman aren’t? Keep Thinking]

Verification: In last article (in real a transcript), we stated two different traditions
regarding Afghan Zaleman, in which gave preference to the second tradition that they
belongs to the radical school of thought, hence here is an evidence from same source upon
whom Master’s Heart was cracking with sweet Luddo [see point E]. Url:

OVERVIEW: Real sign of a True (Arabic: Sadiq) and Frightful (Arabic: Jalali) Dervish is not giving
priority to World Matters firstly but to the Creed (Urdu: Aqaid’O Nazariyat) and then Respect
(Urdu: Ada’ab) and afterwards the matters, hence whenever judges anyone (individual or group
or nation) will be always upon creed and respect first (whether as per Sunnat’e Rasul wa Jamaat’e
Sahaba or not) then look towards matters being carried on or practiced (whether under Shariah
or not), and after then create or express any opinion, which is part of Tasawwuf teachings, can
check or see the books. Therefore, under the light of this rule, we would say it blunder rather than
mistake that Master was doing by judging the Afghan Taliban (Zaleman) on outwardly (Urdu:
Zahiri) and ignoring their horrible part, which not only destroyed them in this world but also in
other day as well, and not only them but all those whom followed their path (creed), however
door is open for repentance, therefore chance is available otherwise until not doing we’ll keep the
far distance from them [even doesn’t hesitate to eliminate through Sword]. Reality: No one could
denies, including Master, that Afghan-Soviet War was the part of Great Game also; in which two
major players collided, The North (USSR) via Afghanistan (that was left as buffer state) and The
West (USA & British Empire) via Pakistan (that emerged after fall of British Rule over Sub-
Continent), in which north looses and then finally collapsed as Empire whereas west succeeded
but besides collapsing made future plan to invade the land for resources which Muslim territories
preserved under their precious soil, specifically in Central Asia including Pakistan. To invade the
Muslim Lands, plans or in another words say slight change in the Great Game tactic was,
introduce Seculars in the name of Nationalism and Kharji-Wahabies in the name of religion, raise
voice for moderate laws whereas in opposition the religious laws (based on Salafism), then
handover power to any one of them, which either work as slave (becomes allied for West Interest,
if Secular) or otherwise send threatening messages (if religious faction succeeds) to west which
becomes the cause of finally invitation to an enemy invasion without looking own capabilities in
views and calculating its aftermath. And this plan was designed only to keep Muslims Territories
under vicious cycle of evil traps and in misery conditions so that Muslims couldn’t able to live
peacefully and well neither as powerful strength. War: We stated in second article, under
Pakistan’s subheading note “. . . The Soviet Invaders entered in Afghanistan in 1979, and then
kicked out in 1989, and war or say resistance was not began suddenly but later after 1980-81
which was then gradually increased high and then reaches the peak (turned in to actual war) in
1985 and was lasted till their withdrawal, 1989. . .” Then in next para we illustrated that, “. . . in
the beginning, it was confronted by Muslims (Sunnis) of Afghanistan and even
from Pakistan which was then later joined by others concurrently (including groups | Osama,
Haqqani and *Gulbadin) from around the world. . .” Hence this joining includes or can say
induction became the cause in future for rise and control of new player instead of getting in hands

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 179


of desesrving ones. Disguise: We stated in second article under Instigation at note below to
paragragh that, “. . . They always shown or present themselves (disguise or in other words
imposters) in every region to MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis) as Muslim (Sunni), for
entrance to grab and after success start creating block or made enough followers to execute so
that can move towards original goal easily (Serving the Goals and Objectives of an ENEMY, known
as USA & The BRITISH nowadays, esp. Zionists). . .” Origin: We stated in fourth article under
Ummah’s subheading contentious that, “. . . Taliban (Already West’s indirect powerful Tool) was
made from religious people (hardliners) of Madaris (Religious Schools of Hypocrites), majority of
them were Afghan refugees whom migrated to Pakistan during Afghan-Soviet War*, they (mostly
Afghans) were trained in Madaris (Religious Schools of Hypocrites) built nearby to Refugee
Camps and some other adjacent areas of Afghan-Pakistan Borders (for instance Quetta, Chaman
and so on forth), and then sent back along with other foreigners (including Pakistani hypocrites
religious schools students) to Afghanistan. Assistance: However, none couldn’t deny, in any of
true case amongst both (even before Taliban the assistances to Mujahideen are supplied by
Pakistan, Master cannot refute), the assistances (Human and Weaponry) were going from
Pakistan (whereas Pakistan was assisted by US, and Saudi Arabia), although during President
General (Retd.) Pervaiz Musharraf al-Hasani era (took power) they were completely halted
(Military supplies to Taliban) till up to date. Alhamdollilah & Allahu Akbar. Though, it is now
supplying by US & NATO since their presence after invasion in the region.

NOTE: Stated in previous article, that we will not put too much objection upon Master Zaid Hamid Shb because
a Jalali Dervish; so not denying but do remember that being a dervish didn’t made anyone above Shariah
Tayyibah, whether if Jalali and does mistake so can’t judge (or say left | exempted), contrary will be rectified
(only to prevent from getting or fallen to wrong side or path | that may leads towards defame), which includes this
little faqeer too. Hence, in same context we mentioned this either that we’ll rejects all liberal or incorrect
perceptions that would collides with Shariah Tayyibah (and here Master’s thought or analysis about Afghan
Zaleman are seems to be colliding completely, from his own words).

SUMMARY: Judgement or recognition shouldn’t be based or made upon single factor or

few but on all, including creed, acts, history, biography etc., therefore expressing any
opinion without knowing or say ignoring these other factors will definitely deviates or say
diverts the analysis, hence rather than extracting (Arabic: Takh’reej) right solution falls or
stuck into own analysis (goes wrong), that would be either contradictory or incorrect
outcomes, which will or may hurts a lot if not fulfilled or realized as per expectations.
Accusation: Revealing that Afghan Zaleman as West (US & NATO) powerful tool and
player is not without evidences in which two are, shown disrespect [The Holy Relic,
‘Jub’ba Sharif’] and taking funds [$400 Million whereas another figure is $800 Million],
one is part of creed whereas another was part of history, and we have illustrated alot in
previous articles & above (see there). About showing disrespect in very humiliating way,
is it justified them eligible or ineligible? Answer, is ineligible and resembled them (though
proved them early as Kharji-Wahabies) with Kharji-Wahabies(Salafist) because they also
didn’t shows any respect neither has Islamic faith regarding Holy Relics. About Funds, so
since mid of the 18th Century till today, they are inducing funds, not to promote Islam but
in real to eliminates all in the name of newly and self made perceptions called them as
right and justified, whereas refuting all previous ERA A’eymma wa Masha’ikh teachings,
particularly A’eymma Arba’a [Read ‘Confessions of a British Spy’]. Tradition: Recently, an
Eminient Islamic Scholar (*) and also an Afghan-Soviet War Veteran, visited Karachi City,
few months ago (Jan or Feb 2013), in his address given before Juma Prayer, revealed

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following points; “We fought against Soviets till their defeat”, in regards of Afghan Taliban
says, “We didn’t able (admits) to understand the American (West) game”, and also says,
“They (Afghan-Zaliman) didn’t (or ever) showed respect to Tombs (Sufiya’e Kiram) and
Graves (Ammatul Muslimeen), contrary destroyed.” hence in respond to game, “Presently
we have silenced all Muslims (Mujahideen) in Afghanistan”, for Muslims standing against
both (ops. Clean-up), revealed an interesting point, “We met Musharraf and said him that
we are now looking towards you”. Contradictory Analysis: The West (US & NATO) put
allegations upon us regarding the presence (Afghan Taliban Fighters, particularly their
Leader, and training camps) and supplies (Weapons), whereas Pakistan (including
Military) has always denied both allegations officialy, even Master bashed these two
blames in denial [In a Show last year or previous to it, available at Youtube]; then tell us,
by accepting the news reported by Dawn Newspaper, regarding alliance of Afghan
Zaliman, LeT & Ansar’ul Islam; is it formed in Pakistan or Afghanistan? If says ‘in Pakistan’
which justified West is right then there respond (if do) becomes valid. And if says ‘in
Afghanistan’ that means Pakistan is right, and surely is, then it proved naturally as their
own player, hence it is just another Cat & Mouse Game, but the only difference this time is
through large group (alliance) they are trying to eliminate smaller. Supplies: When
Musharraf Admin halted the supplies, after 9/11 fabricated event that became the reason
of invasion, then who is providing them supplies to fight against TTP.

ADD NOTE: After revelation stated in point H from Master (or say accepted by Him),
though we already illustrated in ^second article in very detail (see there), which is
definitely a big blunder causes deviation to Pakistan’s Military (because without Military
assistance or involvement they couldn’t formed neither fights) against the benefit of
Religion and State (which is found upon Religion), only because incorrect faith people
reaches the top intelligence position which became the cause of their formation, rather
than serving Islam has only damages the image, which is based upon peace, love, respect,
purity, dignity and so on forth. Second, due to this Pakistan has or only able to ~served
the West purposes indirectly (rather than talking about fooling them), because they
belongs to the West (The British Vampire oh means Empire specifically) leftover seed
(renowned as Kharji Whahabi-Deobandies) after their withdrawl from al-HIND in 1947
(which also divided Barr’e Saghir al-Hind). Allah knows all the best.

Jurisprudence Narration: Here we would like to illuminate few major aspects in the light of
Jurisprudence regarding Afghanistan present situation, because it becomes complexive; those are,
Takeover, Coalition, an Invitation and finally an Operation stepwise from all previous illustrations
till this one (new points).
[*] Name have been slipped from our close member mind’s, whom had attended the sermon and then told us,
definitely it was a sad moment for us that missed a golden chance to know more about Afghanistan,
particularly Afghan Zaleman. And definitely we’ll do effort to arrange a meeting or establishes a contact for
Master with him (May Allah preotect him). In-Sha Allah if visit again and we’re informed then let master knows
[^] Remember, second article (see 3.3.a) and fourth article (see 3.Ummah: Contentious-Taliban) illustration that
depicts the Taliban’s formation and rule are correlated, not separated neither contradictory to each other; it’s
all about understanding the one vicious move played successfully by the West that involved both Nation (States
| particularly Pakistan in/as front).
[~] And its repercussion now can be seen in form of on-going bloodshed (terrorism) in the country (by its
subsidiary TTP), all is doing in the name of Islam. Now tell us, it serves Islam or the West?

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[TAKEOVER] In first article, we stated under The Game that, “... those MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah
| Sunnis) whom had joined them un-knowingly or because of being portrayed that it would be the
holy cause if supports (Islamic Governance and then JIHAD) or may be because of desperation
they had after The Soviets Aggression which causes severe devastation or destruction to their
Social (Homes), Political (System) and Economical (Trade) structures [thus due to which might be
joined], or that due to their resistance which gave them power (control of the center)
therefore rather than confronting joins them only for the cause of restoration of peace and
stability in the war-torned country but after realization has left, and though if not became anti-
Taliban (Zaleman) then now after exposure of this ACT (humiliation shown to Holy Relic) should
and must become anti-Taliban (Afghan Zaleman), we guess most of them were became already
[those who informed earlier or got aware on that time when it was conducted] ...”

Answer: If deviators (Khawarij) got control (through somehow) which means both loose (Govt. &
Allied forces | see denote)? In that case; first consensus upon SHAYKH (must be Alim’e Din and at
least a MUFTI [Preferable]) or Tribal Leader or Pious Person [Must have necessary knowledge of
religion; particularly knows Right & Wrong (Hoqq’O Batil)], for Directives and Orders, adequate
resources and strength available and are assured of or in possession of continuous supplies, must
be ensured that fight will not prolong but finishes soon, however if extortion is or becomes
unbearable (did peace accord due to insufficient resources and strength, required for resistance,
but somehow it was violating) then migration (if capable) is the safest option towards peaceful
place [if any other sovereign State is not helping; otherwise it is inevitable upon them to help the
resistance]. And Allah knows all the best.

Denote: Afghanistan Government, after Soviet Army withdrawl, from 1989 to 1992 lead
by Dr.Najibullah was a weak government which failed, and then from 1992 till 1996 was
operated as interim government (because all groups didn’t joined the center), lead by
Ahmed Shah Masood then Sibghatullah Mujaddidi and then Burhanuddin Rabbani, also
didn’t able to succeed in stabilizing the country turmoil (restoration of Peace and
Activities) to norm nor able to sustained very long (fall in 1996), in which foreign hands
are involved due to their interests, especially the west (that also includes; uses to create
exploiting situation, the religious discrimination; one is Kharji-Wahabism and another is
Kharji-Shia’ism), through regional allies.

[INVITATION] In fourth article (in real a transcript) we stated, under Ummah’s subheading
contentious as “... If someone (including Master) giving them side (supporting) due to some
interest(s) or if people or group (and they are Muslims-Sunnis) fighting alongwith Taliban so
remembers as we already said in our first Article, “those who are fighting, might be unknowingly
(the future consequences) or induct forcibly or enforced to join, even though it didn’t verifies the
whole movement as valid neither their leaders as dignified [Synopsis from An Illegitimate and
Inappropriate Regime]”. Contrary, we will edify all of them, to whom can be approach, regarding
for to keep distance or be away from it (vicious game, as “they are a West players to carry-on the
great game”), because when Masha’ikh wa Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) are not
supporting (includes verification) and quiet then we will not either ...” Answer: It was present in
the same article (in real a transcript), mentioned under Religion subheading addition’s
jurisprudence narration after illustrating the Shariah Laws (partial) regarding persecuation
(Arabic: Qital), that “… and before their endorsement they relies (on some situations) upon
invitation (Arabic: Da’wah) and its acceptation (if, by revolting or extorting side) could be retain

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or retrieve (orders to execute) …” and after then again in the same article (in real a transcript) we
stated under Ummah’s subheading of contentious at Taliban’s Denote that “... However,
representation by CAST or NATION is not important (neither acceptable) but Representation by
CREED has the significance in Islam, and this actually distinguishes b/w the Right and Wrong
[Haqq O Batil], therefore if someone (individual) or group (tribe) or nation (people) represented
by strayed leadership then we’ll invite (leadership) to edify the right path (towards repentance),
and if acknowledges and then repented in that case we’ll not blame neither goes for war
otherwise above partially mentioned laws will applied (we’ll fight until not repent and come
towards right path or otherwise till their complete annihilation) ... “

Denote: Remembers that invitation send only on those circumstances where it is known
that revolting side will retreat, otherwise when it is cleared that movement activities are
already doubtful and vicious (their top brass particularly, and die-heart loyalists) because
calling themselves as religion representives but on the other hand involved or dealing
with enemy, therefore elimination becomes necessary and better in the Muslims interest.
Second, we send or give invitation only to those people about whom we knew that had
joined (still working) unknowingly or unware of the game and will be revert back, in
other words innocent Muslims involved (initially) in the name of Islamic Governance and
Jihad or due to their took over the center (in past).

[COALITION] In first article, we stated under Cat Out Of Bag that, “... until or unless MUSLIMS
(Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis) will not take stand and conducts *operation cleanup (QITAL) against
both ...”, and defined some major constraints for conduction of operation in second article, under
Ummah’s subheading fiqah narration that, “... first consensus upon Command by SHAYKH (who
must be Alim-e-Din and at least a MUFTI) for Directives and Orders, enough resources and
strength available and are assure of continuous supplies, ensures that will not prolong too much
but finishes soon, and that the KING is involved with infiltrators and in consequence is now
stopping from WORSHIPINGS, due to any reason, pressure (Arabic: min’al-Kuffar) or by self
darkness (Urdu: Zalim ya Safeeh) and so on forth ...” and to these contraints added further (brown
colored) in fourth article (in real a transcript) under Nation’s subheading Jurisprudence
narration that, “... Stand for Operation cleanup (QITAL) against both (ISAF and Talibans) though it
will apply only upon MUSLIMS (Ahle-Sunnah | Sunnis) of Afghanistan in these circumstances; first
consensus upon Command by SHAYKH (who must be Alim-e-Din and at least a MUFTI) for Directives
and Orders, adequate resources and strength available and are assured of or in possession of
continuous supplies, must be ensured that fight will not prolong but finishes soon, and that the KING
or Ruler is involved with (or backed by) invaders or (supporting) infiltrators in which its
consequence halting from WORSHIPING or implementing forcibly unjust rules (or system) or
promoting extortion (Arabic: Zul’mah yan’i Qatl Wagheiy’raha) or spreading innovations
(disbeliefs) that are strictly prohibited in or against Islam (Shari’ah Muhammediyah |
Mazahib Arba’a), due to any reason, pressure (from Kuffar) or by self darkness (Zalim ya Safeeh ya
kharji) and etc.” Comment: Though Ruler or King is backed or given power or sat by invaders (in
other words West Puppet), but is not stopping Muslims from practicing religion, like worshiping
etc. However invaders didn’t left the Muslims Land yet and still present therefore what Muslims
will do in this condition [see operation below]?

ANSWER: It is better to support Government (only due to peace n stability as well as economic
process continuity) because of resources required to handle such conditions are mostly

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controlled or reserves by Government(s), esp. Armed Forces, more than public or private (if
gathered or compares), and in such conditions you cannot fight against government but to
opponents (Mukhalifeen), if by providing the adequate resources (weapon) due to strength (HR)
thus after consensus upon Shaykh (Must be Alim, and at least Mufti or if none available then
Tribal Leader or selects pious) should fight (with govt. forces) against trouble makers or
miscreants to prevent anarchy and stabilizing the conditions if not getting under control.

Denote: Whether Government is not practicing Islamic System neither implemented laws,
in this condition too Muslims has to fight against miscreants first, and then settle the
matters or contradiction with govt., especially about implementation of Islamic system
and laws. However in some areas Tribes has offer, wheras vice versa and it was accepted
by both sides, for eliminating the Afghan Zaleman culprits together, and they are
succeeding (doing operations mutually) too just alike in Pakistan, lashkar was formed (in
2009) to fight alongside with Armed Forces against TTP.

[OPERATION] Now here situation becomes complexive but despite the fact can resolve through
one of these few options; A. coalition wth Govt. (regime) to fight miscreants, even though
invaders are present and backing the regime. B. After getting rid from miscreants then pressurize
invaders, through govt (indirectly) or directly, to leave otherwise conduct operation against them
too. C. Stand and conduct operation against both (invaders and their backed regime forces, and
the miscreants, alike Soviet Era), simultaneously.

ANSWER: In this condition, better option is to conduct operation against miscreants first, if
Government shown interest (as they have shows and offered) and provide resources (weapons
etc) for elimination, and if not providing sufficient supplies (but a limited that are insufficient)
then certainly regime itself, not sincere in elimination (ending insurgency and restoration of
peace), which will proves complete involvement (in real it is) in this vicious game, by the West
through their powerful tool (both backed, puppet regime and intruders), the miscreants (Afghan
Zaleman) whom are betraying common Muslims in the name of Islam and its fifth respected pillar
Jihad. Otherwise, if sufficient strength and adequate resources are available or present (in hands |
through externally) to Muslims and are assures that can fight against all of them just like against
Soviets and their Puppet Regime then it is preferable to conduct operation against all, however
this time another addition of an obstacle is miscreants (hence has to keep them in target also, and
understand their moves), in other words three forces.

Denote: Whether the Government is not practicing Islamic System neither the
government shows any interest for its implementation ahead whether succeeds or not
(letting them alive so that can do politics etc.) in the battle (operation); even then first
option is feasible to alliance with government for clean the mess, otherwise awaits until
other conditions couldn’t emerge that will be supportive, meant then it becomes
inevitable upon neighbouring Muslim independent state or territory to support in
elimination or expelling of both, invaders as well as miscreants (Afghan Zaleman), and
after then implement Islamic Laws (Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib Arba’a) if or which
government falls (against resistance) or fails (betray after succeeding | then enforced
[*] Though remember it is invetible (Wajib) upon sovereign Muslims State to help captured Muslims State in
freedom, if have enough resources, via both HR & Weaponry.

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them, whether has to fight) to do.

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul know further (Ma’zied) and the best (Beh’tr).


In previous article (in real a transcript), we have illustrated briefly about some movements in
Muslim World, in which indicated that some are valid, representing right creed’s path, whereas
some aren’t, because they are a vicious trap of an enemy (inducted or say planted), hence giving
side or supporting them wouldn’t benefit anyone contrary brings disappointments or shame in
front of Allah, and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and then finally to all Ummaties. And then
provided link, though particularly in regards of MB, but however it is also generally.


Denote: Recently, on facebook, Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb, has revealed in justification
as valid movement because founder of Pakistan has met them (MB Leadership), while
returning back to India from British Empire, stopped at Mesir too. Don’t know why not
reveals another relation (alike), however, if this is the strong evidence in support or
sympathies for any organization as valid then we should (or one must) also does with or
why exempting, opponents? Answer: Would like to say *Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah
Late [1976-1948], founder of Pakistan, was a British Law (English Law) Layer, not an
Imam or Muhadith or even a Mufti (Faqih), whom will point-out differentiation amongst
right and wrong path (movements), suddenly. Otherwise if this (evidence) will to be taken
(accepted) then what about his membership to Indian Congress (though he left after
realization/recognition) thus not only met but sat in, hence does this wouldn’t justifies
Indian Congress Policies towards Muslims as valid (in this manner, it shall). Regret:
Similarly, one couldn’t realize or recognize suddenly any movement but it takes or
required time to judge; definitely if Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah Late met Ulama’e
Kiram in Mesir, whom were against them since their beginning (foundation and
operations) then definitely wouldn’t like to meet rather than talking about sitting, because
once he realizes the dangers (any movement), was very good in avoidance (as left the
Indian Congress).

Prof. Dr.Tahirul Qad’ri: In real an Anglo-Saxon (British) Law Professor (Lawyer), whereas
learning of Religious knowledge is not seems very much significant or of that level upon which
[*] Al-Shaykh Al-Sharif Jamaat Ali Shah al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi Muhadith al-Wari (Quddussurahul Aziz) [1841-
1951] also rectified that he is not a Imam or Qadhi (or a reviver | In one speech) but a lawyer and doing our work
(for separate nation), and none couldn’t denied that he is Wali’ullah (Divined Personage), hence neither Faqeer
Bukhari (ghafaralahu) too, but only thing would like to express that possibility exists that couldn’t able to judge
or realizes (recognizes) the vicious trap (lay for Muslims) suddenly, particularly the instigation in the name of
Islam, was sometimes not very easy to evaluate (besides Ulama’O Mashikh[Sufiyah’e Kamileen]). [Remembers, that
mistakes doesn’t repels or is against holding the sainthood: Wilayah by a friend of Allah (See also SOLUTION, in

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one calls him “Faqih: Jurisprudence Master” (though you will find in his bibliography | and
secondly his way of deliverance is attractive or impressive), because if has studied it well then
never does such a blunders, rather than talking about small mistakes. Objections: Ulama’e Kiram
has some severe objections or criticizes upon some of his intentions (due to which acquired or
developed[created] some perceptions) that has gone very far away frorm right teachings (path);
some of them are, difference between Muslims and Munafiq (Khawarij: Rafdhiyah & Wahabiyah
etc), Non-Muslims (exempting people of book from Infidels [Kuffar]) in the name of inter-faith
relationship, matters of compensation (Urdu: Masail’e Dai’yat), and some other related to faith
and acts. Reviver: Has been claimed (calls) as a Reviver, though Ulama and Fuqarah doesn’t,
because Reviver never does mistakes rather than talking or thinking about do blunders, which he
did. Hence, if he was a Reviver then definitely Ulama and all Fuqarah will be not only accepting
but also took oath besides contradicting upon some very basics however core matters. Shaykh’ul
Islam: Has been said that Ulama’e Sham al-Shareef had given him this title. Well if it is true then
not denying but then (do one thing) why don’t you show or present in front of them Ulama’e Hind
O Pak objections or criticism and then takes their opinion (record their respond) upon it (verdict:
Fatwa), faqeer is very much optimistic that they will not only take it back (the title) but also urged
him to retreat from blunders (because Shaykh’ul Islam doesn’t do such blunders or such title
wasn’t awarded). Movement: Running a movement called Minhaj’ul Quran International which
has expanded (or say grows with the passage of time on large scale) worldwide having several
number of centres around globe, including Asia, Europe, and America so on, headquarter is based
in Lahore, Pakistan. Campaign: After his return to Pakistan on 30th, Nov-2012, runned a
campaign that brought out the massive rally [January, 2013] before elections against present
system (particularly electorial) by saying (slongan) “Urdu: Siyasat Nahi Riyasat Bachao [Save the
State, not Politics]” subtitling (or say another slogan) was “Nizam Badlo [Changed the System*]”
which was though attended by large number of Muslims mostly (participants: approx 2 Million)
but its result was failure (or say disappointing^), neither made or does any positive impact (only
showed some strength) because it was leaked that deal was done~ behind closed doors (to save
the bogus system, and not demand for implementation of Islamic Model [it could be rumor:
afwah]). However rally might be turns to violant if not intervened suddenly and bravely by
Pakistan’s Armed Forces, due to which it wasn’t become hence remained peaceful till the end, all
were returned safely to their homes [No incident was reported].

NOTE: Faqeer followed MIQ Rally updates from their official facebook page, upon which
one post, a press conference held by Dr.Tahirul Qad’ri, depicts the following, “(Mafhoom)
… there was a time came (Wednesday or Thursday [3rd or 4th day of the rally], Night
before deal signed b/w Govt. and MIQ Rally Chairman) that ground is clear for us (due to
Armed Forces intervention [1] that made the passage free), and a whole parliament was
vacant hence if we said to our workers to move inn and takeover then remember there is
no one to stop us for capturing the parliament and then whatever I say or likes to do can
execute, even could bring the system of my own.” Comment: People may be not accepts it
[*] Still exists (and sucking common people blood | more openly), and even present regime came through
fradulaent (Through Pay’n’Won), reported on some places. [Hence where is the change?]
[^] Remember always, that REVIVER never disappoints or dis-satisfy contrary not only revive but also
expressed (shows) the outstanding sightedness that will not only alive the hearts and removed instigations (if
not by Sword, then through pen and speeches; highlights it, and then defend n present the right solution under true
pretext of teachings or via verdict [ijtehad] etc), but also increased the faith, trust, strength, and so on forth.
[~] Even if not happened then it’s either, totally a waste of or are useless efforts.

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as reality because obviously everyone will ask then why you didn’t take it. Even no one
will ever resist contrary applaude (because people are that much fed-up [2])? Second, do
remembers that, if he was chosen for revival, or even say betterment of Ummah then
definitely He took over the parliament (if sincere or wanted), surely brings the new
system (implements, Qadha Shariah: Mazahib Arba’a) and converted the Nation into first
Islamic Sultanate (according to the foretells), that will surely leads whole Ummah, but
unfortunately missed the chance and now new will not be given or award again (even if he
tries and spend billion rupees as in this rally) hence it seems clearly that He was not
chosen (Fate is now written for someone else) neither contains far sightedness (whereas
REVIVER has outstanding Far Sightedness), but someone else [3] has been chosen.
Impeding here for while, and do keep thinking [4]. Allah knows all the best.

First: Actually it was reported that, situation like Tahrir Square, Mesir might be happened, severe
clashes between Govt. and Public (as public anger was at very high stakes | which is still not yet down but
increasing) that will brings civil war and then foreign intervention (alike Libya), but National Army’s
sudden intervention has prevented it to be happening [Faqeer says, good move because it has struck hard
the beneficiary if not spoiled a vicious move]. Second: We knew that it (Rally and its Result) may be
disappointing for our Armed Forces Commanders (whom are fed up with this bogus system) either alike
others. Third: But actually else personage as well as nation was now chosen to becomes first Islamic
Sultanate, and then afterwards other will begins to convert [As per Sultanul Awliyah(Alehe Rehma)
Foretell]. Fourth: Missed a very Goldden Chance, because he will cries in both universe if shown or
somehow revealed upon him the pride and reward lay in or under it.

Footnote: If someone says or presents Sultanul Awliyah (Rehmatullah Alehe) meeting

with him (Video available on Youtube) in which His Holy Highness appreciates and
praises his work or say efforts* then? Answer: Same answer alike given under Shaykh’ul
Islam heading earlier that presents Ulama’e Hind O Pak objections to His Holy Highness
and you may have the answer (response).

Miss Malalah Yousufzai: As per some sources, in real she is a Hungarian (by birth; and not a
Muslim but a Christian^ [Url:
story-with-evidence.html]) and being gifted here to a family (by her original parents) in Swat.
Definitely when someone becomes suddenly famous through or giving too much coverage or
made center of focus on E-Media, particularly upon specific lobby controlled E-Media, and also
giving Awards then considered it as “Something black in the Pulse (Urdu: Dal Mey Kuch Kala
Zaror Hai)” or “Something is very fishy going on”. Drama: She’s being shot by TTP very carefully
that couldn’t die but be saved [~Url:
4.124268511019037&type=1&relevant_count=1] so that becomes easily to run exploiting
campaign, which progressed successfully and still going on, because there were some strange
(questionable) photos came (or revolved) upon Social Networks regarding place of shot (before
and after surgery | See Hem on next Pg. [*]). Diversion: Actually this drama was executed very
carefully and upon fragile time, because on its beginning time a campaign against humiliation and
[*] Actually his efforts could be defined through this idiom; “Doodh Diya Magr Meng’ni Bharah [Gave Milk but
filled with dung]”
[^] Allah knows better; however verification is required or inevitable.
[~] Before Surgery spot was on left side but after surgery moved to opposite side [Unfortunately we have missed
another photo which revealed clearly the change of position, though presented one is also sufficient]. [Wa’ow. what a
brilliant surgery by English Doctors | changes the spot position] (Well Play or Good Drama)

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disrespect in the Honor of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was going on very successfully
already and Muslims were demanding don’t touched (amend) the blasphemy law and in
defending (the Law) by handover himself demanding sudden release of Islami Brother Malik
Mumtaz Qad’ri (Barakallahum) hence to switched common Muslims attention from it towards
new issue has been suppressed (if not diverged) somehow. Efforts: The only effort she does or
made is became the victim of target by TTP (and still threatened to made her further top heroin),
and then all work to make her from hidden to visible like only solution was then exposed by the
lobby (Foreign Intelligence) behind her (waiting for right time to do). She is highlighting alot
about education to eradicate terrorism (Yups | implementation of right Islamic System and
Education would definitely eliminates), but why people don’t or couldn’t sees that she was talking
about Western Education not Islamic, even you will see her never says or has mentioned about
following and practicing Shariah wa Tariqah (Quran & Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a); contrary
according to Ulama, one source (newspaper) revealed that in her personal diary it was stated in
against regarding women “VEIL (HIJAB)”. Allah knows the truth and best.

Note: Remember, she can’t escape or get away from almighty Allah’s Sultanate, hence
whenever Sultan’e Islam, appears and take control, we’ll urged His Highness to present^
her Islam (if not a Muslim) or the right path (if a Muslim). Because, if she wasn’t foreign
backed neither have any dangerous intentions (particularly against Islam) then definitely
wouldn’t nor ever refuses to accept invitation. Second: And if she is a foreign backed then
either hide (means will be remove from main stream media) or gets silent (through
assassination~ or by living abroad). Allah knows the best.

DENOTE: Faqeer hopes that Master will now easily understand how the west plays; Divides and
Collides: In many of his Media Debates or Programs as well as upon Social Networks highlighted
alot that Government is foreign backed or controlled or deployed by the West etc (completely in
to their interest | particularly the last PPP Regime) whereas similarly illustrates (points out) TTP
as Western backed (created) movement[!] and so on forth. Two Perceptions: Actually through
this they only wants to keep common Muslims, if not all then as much as they can (particularly
modern educated class), deviates from Islam’s right path and teachings as well as not let others
(by Faith) to enter (embracing) or gets the right image. They present radicals Islam as true
representative (though we knew all are created and funded by them) whereas on other hand
potray Harmony and Education (particularly as per West Designed[Interests]) the only Solution.

FOOTNOTE: If someone says or criticizes that Islam have also four schools of thought,
then what’s wrong or why objectioning upon these two thoughts? Answer: O’Dea, no
doubt that Islam have Four Schools of Thought, but it has regarding ACTS (Urdu: A’amaal)
not upon Creed (Aqaid), because on Creed there is no difference (or have any school of
[*] Allah knows better; however verification is required or inevitable.
[^] Same for Prof. Dr.Tahirul Qad’ri regarding his blunders [Rectifications will be present to Dr.]. Note: However
modern (or say Worldly) education is not prohibited until if it’s not harming one’s essential belief n faith as well
as acts of Islam, otherwise knowledge that takes away (from right path[Belief n Faith particularly]) or leads
towards astray perceptions, for instance Kharjism, Atheism, Infidelity etc., is forbidden (Haram) hence strictly
prohibited. Allah knows all the best.
[~] Nowadays we seen or experience usually that through terrorism or terrorist attacks (she was threaten to kill
by TTP) they tried to gather sympathies and create hatred against Islam (becomes a common practice of Kuffar &
[!] Though there are many others as well, present nearly in every sovereign Muslim States.

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thoughts). Whereas, these two thoughts are actually a vicious move, 1st is Secular whereas
2nd is Radical (Kharjism), which both attacks on Islam’s not only four schools of thought
regarding Acts but also straightly targets the creed (Aqaid). [Keep Thinking]

Execution: Recently a leader belongs to (ir)religious political party, formed during British Rule
over India by Mr.Moududi (a British Empire Agent), Mullah Abdul-Qadeer (or Qadir) was
executed on charges of criminal activities including treason or involvement in to resistance
against present secular regime revolution (so called) of 1971, which then separated East from
West Pakistan, that became later Bangladesh. Both our Masters has condemned the execution;
can be seen upon theirs renowned online platforms. Particularly, one at Facebook and his
condemnation is on the basis of showing loyality towards United Pakistan (East & West).

DENOTE: O’Dea, punishments are permissible and valid thus should be given, but upon or
on the basis of solid evidences (jusitifed), and particularly (or say priority shall be) on the
violation of Quran & Sunnah (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah | Mazahib Arba’a), in other words
exceeding Shariah Limitations (Hadood’e Shariah); and this includes definitely revolt
against Muslim State by people unjustly (without justified reason or permissibility[by
Ulama]), as well as upon colliding with or refutation necessities of Islamic Creed (crossed
the red-line upon which persecuation becomes inevitable). REVOLT: It is renowned that
Mujibur Rehman revolt, backed by India (via Mukti Bahini), against Islamic Republic
capital (Dar’ul Khilafah) Islamabad, was a treason (conspiracy | Sazish) against Muslim
State that is formed upon Islamic Ideology [1], therefore all those would also be hanged
whomsoever did or involved in it or sympathizes(so that none could ever think for this
again). REALITY: In real, a person who was executed (hanged) is also belongs to group
which itself is a revolt too or say still involved (working) against Islamic Ideology though
labeling themselves religiously. Hence we didn’t find any harm; even their office in
Pakistan has already declared Pakistan’s Army efforts (operation, and sacrifices) against
TTP as Anti-Islamic [2]. POLITICAL ASPECT: The official status of state regarding religion
came under or is a part of politics because in an aspect it represents people living in state
(thoughts and culture) [3]; reason for mentioning this because present regime (Awami
League) in Bangladesh represents or called itself the Secular Ideologs, which conducted
an execution, and one of our Master (Adnan Oktar, Turkey) is in favour of Secularism [4],
therefore shall see by himself (Here are your Seculars!). POLITICAL ANGLE: Change of
State, doesn’t changes the base meant that representation or belonging becomes different
from its principal ideology [5], whereas there is no difference exists between Pakistan
Office and Bangladesh Office on foundation (creed n thoughs | Aqaid’O Nazariyat), even
they have Offices in Kashmir and India, as well as around the globe; we mean one of our
Master (Zaid Hamid, Pakistan) expresses sympathize (to execute | calls him martyr) and
condemned the regime conduction (calls Mujibur Rehman an infidel), particularly due to
revolt(though we condemned it too | see early statement in revolt) whereas same party
office in Pakistan have being condemning harshly due to their opposite perceptions (or
statements) on Pakistan’s Army Operation (and sacrificises) against TTP. Is it not
contradictory; hence before to saying or gives any statement shall thinks first? Actually,
its a political move that gave the advantages or benefited to the party for collecting
sympathizes (including for their Political perceptions and thoughts) from around the
world [6], which they get successfully (whether say partially; besides their own workers
and supporters), which not only to diverts (an attention too) but also if not hundred

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 189


percent then to some extent (percent) confused people regarding their views (including
for foundation [7]), one issue is upon Pakistan’s Army Operation against TTP.

POINTERS: [1]. Though since foundation till today, unfortunately due to our leaderships always lame excuses and
incorrect justification, we are not practicing (implemented and following) Islamic Teachings (System) at State Level,
however Ulama’e Kiram tried best to resolve the issues under Islamic Jurisprudence. [2]. See Intuders (Khawarij), on
Pg. 54; and also under Issues “Martyrdom | Shahdat yan’i Shaheed”. Jazak’mallahu Khairah [3]. Though this is an
extortion (Urdu: Zulm) that people (majority) thoughts are relgious and official status was declared or is non-religious.
[4]. Now don’t say this is not Secularism or we didn’t mean. Note: Remember punishment is inevitable for criminal,
once proved from strong and solid evidences (becomes justified), and punishments are and were always presented in
every status or model, therefore if State or Region or Continent is populated by Muslims then its official status shall be
Islam, and none (No Secularism or any kind of ISM). [5] The (ir)religious political party (Jamat’e Islami) foundation
stone was lay by Mr. Abul’Aala Moududi (B.A), a well known Britsh Empire Agent, during (or in the time of) British Rule
over India. It represents or belongs to Kharji-Salafist school of thought (clone of Banna’vies), and the main purpose is or
objectives are to made or kept Muslims away (otherwise confused them) from right ideology and teachings of Islam,
particularly Islamic Jurisprudence. [6] Few months ago, we met a person whom visited Bangladesh for Business
purpose (visit was not fruitful due to political instability during that period, according to him), and he mentioned that
during his stay, a time came when they were very near to throw the Govt. (present regime) but then does deal secretly
(with govt.) hence left the ground suddenly and so all their pre-planned drama end by itself successfully (it was lead by
Mullah Abdul-Qadeer). [7] People (particularly common Muslims) will begun to considered them very religious; but in
reality stabbing on Muslims back is their mission.

Allah (Subhanahu) and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know further (Ma’zied) and
the best (Beh’tr).

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SAINTHOOD (al-Wilayah | Qutbiyat)

O’Dea, sainthood (Urdu: Wilayat) is actually a blessing (award or gift) from Allah (Subhanahu),
granted upon accepting (calling belief) and then practicing the religion (Arabic: Shariah) brought
by Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [1], it is actually the form of getting divine presence (much closed |
Muqarrib) which also divulges many hidden secrets (created by almighty Allah). In Quran Majeed,
it is reveled that, “(Mafhoom) … And those who struggled in Our path, surely We shall guide
them in Our ways. And no doubt, Allah is with the righteous … [s.29:v.69]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (As for those who strive in Us) in Our obedience; Ibn 'Abbas said this
means: those who strive for Our Word, (We surely guide them to Our paths) i.e. whoever
acts upon what he knows, We shall give him success to know that which he do not know;
it is also said that this means: We shall honour them with a natural aptitude, easiness and
sweetness [of faith]; it is also said that this means: We shall guide them to obey Us, (and
lo! Allah is with the good) He helps those who are good in their works and speech by
giving them success and holding them back from transgression'.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] But as for those who struggle for Our sake, for Our truth, We shall
assuredly guide them in Our ways, that is, the means to come to Us, and truly God is with
the virtuous, the believers, assisting and helping.

Sidna Imam Abdul-Haqq Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe) stated in Takmeel’ul
Ema’n Sharif, “… No Saint (Arabic: Wali | Sufi) could ever reached [2] Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
rank. Because Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are innocent from sins (Arabic: Munaz’zah
An’el Esyan), they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) haven’t fear from removal and termination of
prophethood and they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) don’t have either fear of bad end (because they
don’t have bad ends | Faqeer). They (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) receives divined revelations from
Allah (Subhanahu) and are commissioned (Urdu: Ma’moor Bil’Amr) upon delivering the guidance
to the people. All the significances of Saints (Awliyah) are less than Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam). In brief, Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Excellency upon Saint (Urdu: Wali | Sufi) is definite
(Arabic: Qata’ei) and assured (Urdu: Ya’qeeni). And acquiring (or having) opposite faith would
become (made a person | Male or Female) infidel … [Ref.: FQ05 | Pg.209]”

In same Takmeel’ul Ema’n, stated earlier that, “… Meaning of sainthood (Urdu: Wilayat | Wali ya
Sufi) is Fana’fillah and Baqa’billah. This relation becomes stronger and perfect after demise. In
views of divined people (Urdu: Ahle-Kashf) and researchers (Urdu: Muhaqi’qeen) this
FOOTNOTE: [1] Saints (Awliyah) were always existed in every nation (Arabic: Ummah), not in ours only (if
someone thought), however as we discussed early (before this topic) that Nation of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is excellence then all previous, hence Saints of this Nation are also excellence from all
previous (no doubt about that). Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) [2] Rather than thinking about superseding we
don’t think (nor have such belief) about equality in any case with Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam); but in last
century, one Kharji-Fasadi Scholar wrote in his transcript that, “(Mafhoom) … sometimes Ummati exceeds
(supersede) Nabi … (Ma’az Allah, Astagh’firullah) … [Takhzeer’un Nas, Mawlvi Qasim Nanotvi, India]”

See Jurisprudence Books, or asks Ulama,

Allah Knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 191


phenomenon is proved that visitor accepts divine and secret reflections from saint’s grave. Like if
we placed a mirror before another mirror the image (Arabic: Aka’sa) will reflects on both. Saints
(Awliyah Allah) contained physical bodies through which they appeared and helps indeed people,
those whom are denier of this matter, have no evidences in this regards ... [Pg.157]”

In same Takmeel’ul Ema’n, stated earlier that, “… Miracles of Saints (Awliyah Allah) are right. But
only that person would be called Saint (Urdu: Wali | Sufi) whom have recognition (Arabic:
Ma’arifah | Pehchan) of Allah (Subhanahu), steadfast upon his creator’s obedience, keep aside
(himself) from sins and bad deeds as well as avoids carnal tastes. Therefore from such person if
any unexpected thing happens so it is called “Miracle | Karamat” and it is permissible. Actually a
Miracle (Arabic: Kira’mah) of Saint (Urdu: Wali | Sufi) is a reflection of a Miracles (Arabic:
Moaj’zat) to whom [Nabi (Alehe Salam)] nation he belongs to ... [Pg.207-208]”

In same Takmeel’ul Ema’n, also mentioned this (removes doubts [Urdu: Khadshat] may came in
minds), “… Human being can never approaches a level of perfection at which restrictions of
Shariah (Arabic: Hadood al’Shariah) would be terminated. Some irreligious people (Urdu: Mulhid
aur Bey’Deen) have thought that reaching at a certain level Human being becomes freed from
Shariah formalities. Their hypothesis (Arabic: Maf’rodha) is that when person reached at utmost
affection level it attained a purification of heart and faith becomes prominently clear and due to
this Shariah orders are eliminated from him and Allah (Subhanahu) pardoned him all sorts of sins
(big | Kabirah). This hypothesis is not only stray and profanity but also a sign of unawareness
(Urdu: Bey Khabri Ki Alamat) from Allah (Subhanahu) because attaining such level of affection
caused purification of heart and strengthens the faith due to which person becomes busier in
obedience and worships and became perfect. Not meant that these attributes made him futile
(Urdu: Na’qis) and formalities would be eliminated. To grasp or pardon upon sins depends (Urdu:
Mo’qouf) upon Allah (Subhanahu) own consent (Urdu: Mar’dhi). He (Subhanahu) is authorized
(Urdu: Mukhtar’e Haqi’qi) whomsoever grasp or pardon. But termination of Shariah formalities
weren’t correct (or becomes permissible) in any circumstances ... [Pg.210]”

DENOTE: O’Dea, can’t you see an aspect very clearly, expressed from blissful verse that is,
if you (a believer) strive for divinity (or say does efforts[practice] under religious
teachings/guidance) then Allah (Subhanahu) will grants (or say divulges the divine
secrets etc) the accessibility towards his (Subhanahu) presence (say closed | Muqar’rib).
And this revelation is for the believers (Urdu: Ahle-Ema’n | Musal’manoun), because
Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) were already on divined level (Urdu: Maqam’e
Qurbiyat Sey Sarfaraz Hotay Hain | Nabuwwah Ki Wajeh Sey) as well as informed (Urdu:
Mut’talah) about the hidden secrets; in-real their purpose for sending is to reminds the
promise (Arabic: Alast’O bi’Rabbikum), expressing the reality (Urdu: Maqsad’e Hayat) and
to showing the ways (Urdu: Rah’e Sulook), that are essential for attaining these levels, but
it didn’t means that after reaching or attaining initial or some or very last level person
could supersedes them (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), it is not practically possible neither
ever happened (and believing upon it or claims would made person an infidel). Another
Angle: Saints (Arabic: Wali | Sufi), whether by birth, dependant upon Shariah to which
nation Saint (Arabic: Wali | Sufi) belongs, whereas Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
brought these guidelines or instructions and shows by perfoming sternly upon it (all
their[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam] blissful Life) however they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) only
depends upon order for realization (proclamation | and revealing the Book) whereas Saint

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 192


(Arabic: Wali | Sufi) has to followed (practiced) them strictly hence dependant upon
Shariah brought by Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

MARTYRDOM (al-Shahadah | Shaheed)

O’Dea, precious gift of human being, that will sacrifice in a path, no doubt would be the most
difficult but the noblest decision, and if advances then one of the boldest step has ever taken, and
definitely hoping for the reward (otherwise never takes if doesn’t contained) after advances, but
remember that for it (reward particularly) path should be correct because if not then definitely
outcome would be opposite and that is desecrated. Hence sacrifice must and so shall be only in
path of our Sole Creator Almighty Allah, which was sent (revealed) through Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) not else (presently), then destination (Urdu: Munzil) is very
clear and straight, which not only contained consent of Sole Creator, also becomes alive forever
(Arabic: al-Hayat Ba’ad al-Mamat), and this is stated in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … And
those who have been slain in the way of Allah never think of them as dead; but they are
alive with their Lord, get their subsistence … [s.3:v.169]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (Think not) consider not (of those, who are slain in the way of Allah)
on the Day of Badr and Uhud, (as dead) like any other dead people. (Nay, they are living)
they are like the living. (With their Lord they have provision) they are given gifts.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] The following was revealed regarding martyrs: Count not those who
were slain (read qutilū or quttilū) in God’s way, that is, for the sake of His religion, as
dead, but rather, that they are, living with their Lord, their spirits inside green birds that
take wing freely wherever they wish in Paradise, as reported in a hadīth); provided for
[by Him], with the fruits of Paradise.

DERIVED: Word “Shaheed (Martyr)” is derived (Farsi: Mash’tuq) from either

“Sha’hood” or “Sha’hadat” which meaning “Shahid (Witness | Gawah)” or “Mash’hood
(Professed | Jis Ki Gawahi Di Gai Ho)”. Shahid (upon Martyr | Shaheed) applies (fate |
Ber’Taqdeer), due to blood and injuries professes the death or soul was arrived in heavens
or Angels (Arabic: Malai’kah) becomes witness of death, whereas Mash’hood (upon
Martyr | Shaheed) applies (fate | Ber’Taqdeer), due to Mash’hood-Lahu Bil-Jannah
(Arb.). [Mukhtasar al-Qudoori (Urd.) | vol.1:Pg.180]

MARTYR: Ulama says, that whosoever die in path of religion [1], sent by Allah (Subhanahu) is a
martyr, whereas other than valid path (religion Islam) whether considering it as valid path
(religion, like Buddhism etc., hence sacrificing life in this path), wouldn’t benefit (contrary wasted
hence not a martyr). Sidna Imam Allama Muhammed Bin Ahmed al-Hanafi (Quddussurhaul Aziz)
stated in Qudoori Sharif, “(Mafhoom) … In Shariah, Martyr is termed to that Muslim who have
been slained by Polytheists or Infidels OR who have been found (slained) in battlefield containing
signs of injuries OR who have been slained (in detention, or siding opponent unknowingly etc)
through extortion (Urdu: Zulm) by Muslims and upon it compensation wouldn’t applicable
inevitabily (Urdu: Wajib) … [Mukhtasar al-Qudoori (Urd.) | vol.1:Pg.180]”. Similarly, Abul-
Hasnat Imam Muhammed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz) states (but add few

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 193


more types) that, “(Mafhoom) … For martyr, should be Muslim (righteous faith); eligible (Urdu:
Baligh) and sensible (Urdu: A’qil), and shall be slained [2] through any weapon or tool (Sword,
knife, etc) in one shot or on spot (without treatment) … [Tafseer’e Hasnat | vol.1:Pg.294]” Also
those who (Muslims) die through any weapon, like sword, knife etc [3] are martyr(s). Similarly,
all those who (Muslims) die through any illness or disease (of severe level), like Ta’oun etc, are
martyr too. Further add that if someone dies in any sudden incident is also a martyr, for instance
fell from horse etc. However honorable are those died on battleground during or after fight
(through injuries that are not cured or unable to provide treatment to them), and most honorable
amongst them are Ulama [4]. Further added that person leaving home (went out) to avail
knowledge (religious explicitly) and dies in this way is also a martyr [5].

DENOTE: [1] Religion shall be valid, not an abandoned (Urdu: Mansookh), hence already
mentioned alot times that Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah | Mazahib Arba’a) is the only
valid and acceptable path (as religion); whereas all previously sent (even on their time of
validation | new removed the previous) has been canceled by Allah (Subhanahu). A.
Regardless of gender (and age as well | Faqeer). [2] Sidna Imam al-Farghani al-Hanafi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) stated, “(Mafhoom) … Person (Male/Female) would be considered
Martyr if dies on spot or even after some times (succumbed to death from injuries) but
shouldn’t be given any kind of treatment (on battlefield, place of assassination etc.).
Second, Bath (Urdu: Ghusul) wouldn’t be given but will be wrapped in white cloth in
same dress upon which raised martyrdom, however Prayer will be offer (in Mazhab’e
Hanafi), and then will be buried … [al-Hidayah (Arb./Urd.) | vol.1:Pg,315-320]”, [3] In
war(s) so definitely sacrificing precious life for religion (Islam) is martyrdom. B. Also,
being murdered, if an innocent. C. And nowadays, pistol, ak47, m16 etc are also included
(modern day weapons). [4] Their Honor increase because of two reasons; first is learning
religious knowledge (understanding and then practicing). Second, participating
physically in battlefield, and then raising martyrdom, that would be definitely sufficient
for high honors (Urdu: Sharf) then any other award (Urdu: Ay’zaz). [5] O’dea, nowadays
people might be thinking or considering that leaving home (went out) for worldly
education is also included hence majority of them spend lot of time or say whole life in
this regards (*). Answer: So answer for these Ulama has pointed out about the knowledge
depicted here, and that is of Quran & Sunnah. Mufassir’e Quran Hudhrat Imam Abdullah
bin Abbass (Radhi Allah Anhum) said, “(Mafhoom) … if rope of my camel would lost, I
will find (searched) it through Quran Majeed … [Malfuzat’e Ala-Hudhrat | Ref.:
FT31]” Similarly, Imam Abdul-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
has signified that, “(Mafhoom) … there is no need to go anywhere in the world (to look
for knowledge; & learn besides it; Faqeer), everything (all knowledge | Kul Uloom) is
present in Quran & Sunnah (that is sufficient; Faqeer) … [Madarij an-Nabuwwah]”
hence reason for mentioning these two quotes is to identify or highlights the significance
of knowledge present (or say hidden) in Quran & Sunnah, though remember, these pure
[*] Due to this reason, whereas there is another reason as well, large number of people has either left or not
consider religious knowledge sufficient (or at any level), which is not less than a sign of nightmare for Ummah (a
main reason of our downfall; and the only to revive is returning back towards it). Second reason is preferrence,
meant people holding worldly degrees (B.E, B.S, B.B.A, M.S, M.B.A etc) preferred or given priority compares to
religious course (Dars’e Nizami) qualified scholar(s), particularly in Govt. sector, otherwise before COLONIAL
RULE and their EXTORTIVE EDUCATION system, Muslims learned (studied) Quran & Sunnah, and they were
preferred for top till bottom positions in Govt. Sector (Say Khilafah or Sultanat or Malukiyah). NOTE: See also
Education debate in this book under System. Jazakamullahu Khairah
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 194

and precious treasure cannot be extracted without true faith and right practices under the
guidance of its expert (Imam of Shariah wa Tariqah) (^).

CAUSE: O’Dea, the above discussion depicts (or say signified) one thing (aspect) very clear and
prominently, and that is cause, should be religion and it must be valid not canceled neither self
fabricated (like Buddhism etc). Hence as already defined that relgion holds vast meaning which
includes system, therefore sacrificing life in way of right and just cause would be acceptable
otherwise not. Means in regards of SYSTEM [1], sacrificing life besides religion based system (say
Khilafah or Sultanat or Emirate) would not benefit, that is prepared for sacrifice (or if did);
whether say doing for people benefit to convince (for consent) Allah (Subhanahu). WHY?
Answer: In regards of System, based upon people opinions besides (or rather than) heavenly
orders [2], which is actually a system of Satan (as illustrated in Religion, under issues
“Secularism”. See there) is definitely not a sacrifice in way of Allah but in way of Satan hence
complete wastage of your efforts, particularly precious life.

DENOTE: O’Dea, don’t look towards neither worried about those whom had lost their
lives or are still stuck, whether knowingly or not, in this regards (System based upon
People Opinions rather than Heavenly Orders; i.e Democracy under Capitalism etc)
contrary open-up your eyes and look to your own self first and then towards those whom
you can inform and convinvce about the dangers of incorrect path and then giving or
throwing life in this regards (or ways | say Demon-Cratic System etc). Second, dangers
doesn’t meant either that left doing effort as well as not prepared yourself (and inform
others) to sacrifice for right and just cause, contrary shouldn’t refrained and do effort
(preparation) through knowledge and right decision (after judgement); that can be only
made under the guidance of Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Mazaib Arba’a) mutual
[^] O’Dea, Allah (Subhanahu) is a sole creator of all universes, and everything that exists in it hence nothing is
hidden or absent in his knowledge (Ma’az Allah) hence keeping (or having) faith (perception | Nazariyah ya
Aqeedah) oppositely (means not known or hidden from Allah) is profanity (Urdu: Kufr) hence definitely became
infidel (Urdu: Kafir). Similarly about Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), that on the occasion of
May’raj Sharif (Sacred Journey), went towards sky (all seven) and then crosses Sidrah’tul Muntaha (the most
highest limit) where finally get closer (Urdu: Qareeb | Muqarrib) before Allah (Subhanahu) and saw (not like we saw
each other) him (Subhanahu), then tell us what could be left undisclosed contrary nothing left hidden (or say any
knowledge [unverses & existence etc.] was hidden from him [Alehe Salat-O-Salam] either), therefore keeping (or
having) faith (perception | Nazariyah ya Aqeedah) oppositely (means not have knowledge of unseen upon revealing to
him [Alehe Salat-O-Salam] by Allah) is profanity (Urdu: Kufr) hence definitely made a person (male/female) an
deviant-infidel (Urdu: Kafir-Murtid).

Aur Koi Ghey’eb Kya, Tum Sey Neha Ho Bhala

Jub Na Khuda Hee Chupa, Tum Pay Karoron Durood
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakh’shish)

[English Trans.: What else “knowledge of unseen [Ghey’eb]”, could be hidden from you, when Sole Creator
almighty Allah doesn’t hide (himself from you, means you got so closer to him [Subhanahu] at the occasion of Maiyraj
Sharif [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), millions of blessing [Salat | Durood] upon you]

Ghey’eb Ka Janney Wala, Jo Main Ney Un’ko Kaha

Baat E’man Ki Thi, Kufr Bura Maan Gaya
(Ejaz Shb)

[English Trans.: I Belief (Said | Affirmly) that you (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know (Bi’Iznillah) unseen (Ghey’eb), it’s a
part (baat) of belief thus (but) profanity (Kufr) minds allot]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 195


decision and consent. Third, also remembered that, even if accepting religion Islam but
then somehow (May Allah protect all of us) strayed (acquired incorrect way; like
Rafdhiyat, Wahabiyat etc) then still doesn’t benefits, means totally wasting your effort and
precious life (if sacrifices). [1] Kingdom (Malukiyat | Ba’adshahat) is exempted, if based
upon right and valid path (religion Islam), meant following Quran & Sunnah, otherwise
contains (applied) same order alike for non-relgious based system. [2] If country
populated by or belongs to Muslims, but not practicing Islamic model means other than
religious based system; like Democracy under Capitalism or State based Socialism etc,
hence in these circumstances if Muslims Land or territory being invaded or assaulted by
Non-Muslims Or even Rebellions (Khawarij etc) then figting along with Govt. Forces to
defend the Muslims Honor and their Land, would be definitely considered as religious
cause (*), hence sacrificing precious life will surely a martyrdom (Urdu: Shahadat).
However, if taken stand against implemented system that would be not based upon
relgion, then in that condition (^) sacrifices are also considered as Martyrdom, if given (or
somehow happens). NOTE: Muslims (including Ulama) around the world shall or say
must enforce their governments to implement (or say switch to) or follow Quran &
Sunnah (Mazahib Arba’a), and declared country official religion status Islam (if have other
than Islam), and then formed Islamic block, say Khilafah or Sultanat; before further
punishment would come (or send) from Heavens.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

CONTRADICTION (Ikh’talafat | yan’i ikhtalaf’e Ra’ey)

O’Dea, as we already mentioned, and presented verses from Quran Majeed and sayings of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in this regards or illustrated in honor for Blessed
Companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) then there is no reason exists to either taunt or condemn
(Ma’az Allah, Astagh’firullah), besides it contrary we (Muslims) must respect their (Alehemur
Ridhwan) faith and honor, as most devoted and divined, in sight of Allah (Subhanahu) as well as
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). However, nowadays few people, whom in
real was induced by the Jews [1], criticized even some (in them) refute harshly (Ma’az Allah)
Blessed Companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) faith and honor, and did upon or say point of focal (to
criticize or refutation) was their (Blessed Companions (Alehemur Ridhwan)) decisions due to
difference of opinion. Therefore would like to discuss here few matters alongwith interpretations
in light of Ulama’e Kiram explications.

DENOTE: Word “Shi’ah [Shi’iete]” means ‘Friend or Partner | Sathi’. This word came in
Quran Majeed on many places, though Ulama’e Kiram says that it is being used for
[*] Here condition is different (or changed | cause), as not fighting for System but for saving Muslims Honor and
Land (enrich with resources). Like in Pakistan, our brave tribes have taken stand and fought along with Army
against TTP infiltration (in 2009 particularly), to defend the honor and land belongs to Muslims [not denying on
other Muslim States | have face(ing) same condition]. Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar
[^] Now here condition is again changed (or different | cause) that stand is for religion to remove people’s
opinion based system (also said as Satanic System). Keep Thinking NOTE: In both [*/^] defined cases; creed
(belief & faith) must be according to Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba [Alehem ut-Tehiya’tu Was-Sana’a].

See Jurisprudence Books, or asks Ulama

Allah Knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 196


pointing or wherever being mentioned is meant infidels and chaotic (Kuffar’O Fasadi), and
the same is also signified (or accepted by) by Shi’iete Mufasireen. Then why Muslims
(Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba) called or referred them as Kharji-Rafdhi? Answer:
Due to several reasons (or say revelations[Sayings | Ahadith’O Aqwal]). Here we are
presenting few; Imam Allama Yousuf Bin Isma’il al-Nibhani al-Shafa’ei (Rehmatullah
Alehe) stated in his magnificent book, “Hujja’tullahil Aa’lameen Fi Moaj’zat al-Syyadil
Mursaleen”, narrated from Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) that Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) says, “(Mafhoom) … There will some
people (appeared; Faqeer) in my Ummah whom would be called Rafdha, they will be
ousted (Urdu: Ju’da | Nikal Jaingey) from Islam … [Bahi’qi]” In another Hadith Sharif,
stated in same book and chapter [ch.6:Pg.889], narrated from Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha
(Radhi Allah Anhu), indicating their (Kharji-Rafdha) resemblance (with Jews n
Christians), “(Mafhoom) … You [Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu)] have a great
resemblance with Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), Jews does enemity with
him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and accused his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) mother with
unethical act (From which she is cleaned; Faqeer) whereas Nasranies (Urdu: Esa’yon)
exaggerated in affection with him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that increased the rank
which he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) doesn’t possessed … [Chpater 6, Pg. 889]”. Second,
Fourth Righteous Caliph Ameer’ul Momineen Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah
Anhu) has said that, “(Mafhoom) … Listen, that two person would be destroyed about
myself, one who in affection exaggerate my rank and honor which I don’t possessed
(like Kharji-Rafdhies[Shi’ietes] did). Second who defame my honor and rank which I
don’t deserved (like Kharji-Wahabies do) …” Third, Sidna Hudhrat Imam Zaid Bin Zain’ul
Abideen (Radhi Allah Anhum) pointed towards one person and said that, “… Ha’za
Rafadhu | He become separated from us (means form or have new perception that is not
ours[Muslims-Sunnis]) …” after this quote Sidna Ghawth’ul Azam Al-Shaykh al-Imam
Abdul-Qadir al-Geylani al-Hanmbali (Rehmatullahi Ta’ala Alehe) pointed out various
branches of Kharji-Rafdhies[Shi’ietes] sect in his sermon, stated in Ghun’yatul-Tualibeen
(A collection of Sermons upon Shariah & Tariqah).

FOOTNOTE: O’Dea, no doubt Kharji-Rafdhies[Shi’ietes] have a great resemblance (or say relation) with Jews &
Christian to their enmity & affection (as explained/mentioned in Hadith Sharif). In enmity, they refuted and
cursed (harshly) other blessed companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) besides Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi, particularly first
three righteous and pious caliphs, whereas in affection with Fourth Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha
(Radhi Allah Anhu) some (Naseeri/Haluli Shi’ietes) says Allah resolved in him (Ma’az Allah), whereas some (Ghali
Shi’ietes) says besides Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi none were the believers, and there are many other believes (or say
faith) has been introduced (or say innovated), Sidna Ghawth’ul Azam al-Imam al-Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Geylani
al-Hanmbali (Rehmatullahi Alehe) had explained (or say identified) various types of Kharji-Rafdha(ies), see

Prayer Leading (Imamet): When illness intensifies due to which unable to lead prayers, Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) then appointed Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi
Allah Anhu) for leading prayers (though wishes for other companions present too amongst
companions but he was chosen [Alehemur Ridhwan]), and before sad demise offered Zuhr behind
him (Radhi Allah Anhu). Similarly, offered once behind Hudhrat Abdur-Rehman Bin Aouf (Radhi
Allah Anhu), it was another evet. [2] Sad Demise: At the time of sad demise, Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was present in blessed home (Urdu: Huj’rah Sharif) of Ummul
Momineen Hudhrat Bibi Ayesha Siddiqah (Radhi Allah Anha), pious daughter of First Righteous
Caliph Ameer’ul Momineen Sidna Hudhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu), and left this
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 197

world on her (Radhi Allah Anha) blessed hands [famous and acquired | traditions in this regards].
She (Radhi Allah Anha) then puts his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed head on pillow and went
towards other Ummaha’tul Momineen (Radhi Allah Anhum), and then suppurate and also read
Qaseedah Sharif with all (Radhi Allah Anhum) present their (Ummaha’tul Momineen) in
membrance of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). However, on that time only
Ahl’al-Bayt (here we meant all those whom have family relations) were allowed to enter inn,
whereas other visitors were restricted due to cover (Hijab | Purdehy ki wajeh sey). Hence
Shaykh’aiyn (First two pious righteous caliphs) and fourth along with his uncle (Radhi Allah
Anhum) was permitted hence coming or say present till last time in blessed home (Urdu: Huj’rah
Sharif). Therefore during this period Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah didn’t wrote any advice
(Urdu: Wasiyat), although if gave any before means during previous tenure when not ill then it’s a
different matter, though have said once (narrated by Hudhrat Huzai’fah[Radhi Allah Anhu]);
“(Mafhoom) … Don’t know how much long I (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) would have stay (Urdu:
Baqa) amongst you, therefore obey afterwards (Urdu: Ba’ad Walon Ki) and they are Abu-
Bakr & Umar … [Mishkat Sharif]”, also assigned Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah
Anhu) as Imam to lead prayer depicted selection too as “Oulul Amr | Authorised Personage” after
him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [3]. Caliph: When Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
farewell this ending world, after burial which was done on Tuesday, all companions (Alehemur
Ridhwan) then taken oath on Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) as “Oulul Amr |
Authorised Personage” meant “Caliph | Khalifa” including Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi
Allah Anhu) and else Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), it was did on after Burial being
done means on same day, some says oath was carried-on the next day means Wednesday,
whereas some says on Friday after Sermon [4]. Request: After sad demise, Syyadatuna Hudhrat
Bibi Fatima al-Zahra al-Tahirah (Radhi Allah Anha) requested for inheritance (belongings) of
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) shall be handover to Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi,
which First Righteous Caliph Ameer’ul Momineen Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah
Anhu) didn’t gave, even all Ummahat’ul Momineen (including Hudhrat Bibi Ayesha Siddiqah
[Radhi Allah Anha]) asked for it, but presented the same reason to everyone and all companions
bare witness upon it that, “(Mafhoom) … there is no inheritance (Urdu: Mee’ras) of ours
(Anmbiyah [Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) …”, therefore whatever shall be left (by prophets) wouldn’t
distribute alike people inheritance but for charity to people; though he (Radhi Allah Anhu)
continued the amount affixed (from belongings | like land etc) as taken by all (Ahl’al-Bayt and
Azwaj’e Muttah’harat [Alehemur Ridhwan]) before sad demise (Urdu: Visal Shareef) of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). And it (Reason | Wajeh) is actually said (or an
order) by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [5]. Hence she (Radhi Allah Anha)
became upset because of wish wasn’t fulfilled but later, before her (Radhi Allah Anha) demise,
Ameer’ul Momineen Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) pay a visit to her (Radhi
Allah Anha) in regards of fallen health conditions and upon consent of Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-
Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) for entrance (which includes her[Radhi Allah Anha] permission
also) convinced her (Radhi Allah Anha) finally upon the matter of inheritence too which she
(Radhi Allah Anha) does (or became). For more details in this regards read Madarij an-
Nabuwwah [Urdu | Vol.2:Pg.516-523], also Sawahiq al-Muharriqah by Imam Ibn’e Hajar Makki al-
Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz). Fourth Caliph: After demise of first, and martyrdoms of later two
pious righteous caliphs, Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) became with
communal decision (Urdu: Ijma) of blessed companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) as fourth righteous
caliph, kept Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Mu’aviyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) as ruler of Sham al-Shareef and
during Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) tenure Sidna Hudhrat Ameer Mu’aviyah

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 198


(Radhi Allah Anhu) never revolt against him [Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha(Radhi Allah Anhu)], shows
no such differences, however the difference to lead Ummah is very beautifully depicts by Sidna
Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) that, “… They considered themselves as righteous
(Arabic: Birr-Haqq) whereas we considered ourself as righteous (Arabic: Birr-Haqq) …” [6]

DENOTE: [1] Both, Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes] and Kharji-Salafists[Wahabies]. One (Kharji-

Rafdhi’es) is by Abdullah Bin Saba, a Jew from Yemen; whereas another one (Kharji-
Wahabi’es) through Abdul-Wahab Najadi whom has choosen (caught) and trained by
Hamphrey, a British-Mason (Zionist). Both deviated sects’ main goals are to defame Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), somehow or in another way means
directly or indirectly, common features are by criticizing (objectioning) OR laying down
honor and rank of Sahaba’e Kiram (Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alehem Ajmaein). Kharji-
Rafdhies defame (objection and cursed | Ma’az Allah) in cover of Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) else Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan), particularly Khulfa’e
Thalatha (Alehemur Ridhwan), by saying that none was right (even some rafdhies[Ghali
Shi’ietes] believed that none was Muslims besides him (Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha[Radhi
Allah Anhu]) | Ma’az Allah) for caliphate besides Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi
Allah Anhu). Whereas Kharji-Salafists defame Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
in cover of Khulfa’e Thalatha (Alehemur Ridhwan), by considering Yazid as righteous
[some called him Ameer’ul Momineen (Ma’az Allah, Astaghfirullah)]. [2] Never offered
behind any else Sahaba (Alehemur Ridhwan) including Sidna Ameer’ul Momineen
Khalifa’e Ra’bey Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) besides these two
(Alehemur Ridhwan). Also said in this regards that, “(Mafhoom) … there is no Prophet
(Nabi) [Alehe Salat-O-Salam] had came which left this world without offering prayer
behind his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) pious believer (Ummati) …” Hence this saying proved
itself the rank of these two pious personages (Alehemur Ridhwan). [3] Though there are
many other sayings beside this in honor or say signify his (Radhi Allah Anhu) obvious
selection as “Oulul Amr | Authorised Personage” meant “Caliph | Khalifa”. [4] Sidna
Ameer’ul Momineen Fourth Righteous Caliph Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu)
says that, “(Mafhoom) … if Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) is not eligible or
right for this position then I’ll definitely fight with my sword against him until not given or
transferred it to the right person”; rather than using sword Sidna Ameer’ul Momineen
Khalifa’e Ra’bey Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) took oath at his (Radhi Allah
Anhu) blessed hand and until he (Radhi Allah Anhu) was in reign had always obeyed him
(Radhi Allah Anhum) and fought battles under his (Radhi Allah Anhu) command. Even
never uses his (Radhi Allah Anhu) sword against else pious and righteous two caliphs
(Radhi Allah Anhum), contrary always in their (Alehemur Ridhwan) support and under
command. Also, proves that early three caliphs whom had come one by one in to reign are
justified and righteous, as well as communally agreed (included Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi[Alehe
Salat-O-Salam]). [5] No doubt, that it was an outstanding verdict (Urdu: Ij’tehad) by First
Righteous Caliph Ameer’ul Momineen Sidna Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu),
and there is also a very clear verse [“Ayah Khatim an-Nabiyyin” | s.33:v.40] present too
in this regards which supports this decision. Whereas, Syyadatuna Hudhrat Bibi Fatima al-
Zahra (Radhi Allah Anha) was also not requested incorrectly because of her (Radhi Allah
Anha) relation, which none wasn’t neither couldn’t denied, to Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as dughter but all companions (including Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi)
knew that first is Prophethood (Arabic: Nabuwwah) and then relation (Urdu: Qarabat

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 199


Dariyan | Rishtey Dariyan). Because it is inevitable (Urdu: Lazim), and so she (Radhi Allah
Anha) does either, to confession of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
prophethood upon Ahl’al-Bayt also, not only upon else.

FOOTNOTE: O’Dea, as we stated in previous article (3rd | Third) that Chest Beating (Urdu: Matam) is not proven
from Shariah; hence it is forbidden (Urdu: Haram), means beating own self (a sign of Kharji-Rafdhies), according
to Ulama. And their (Ulama’e Kiram) evidences in this matter are based upon or present in Ahadith Mubarakah.
Although Kharji-Rafdhies brought one Hadith Sharif in regards to justify their act (chest beating) that Hudhrat
Bibi Ayesha Siddiqah (Radhi Allah Anhu) suppurated and then beat her face upon sad demise (From Tareekh’e
Tabari, Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal etc). Imam Abdul-Haqq Bukhari (Quddussurahul Aziz) stated it, through Sahib’e
Iktefah, in his book (written in Persian) “Meelad’e Rasul’e Azam (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [Urdu Title]” Answer: First
of all, Hadith Sharif indicates Syyada’tuna Ummul Momineen Hudhrat Bibi Ayesha Siddiqah (Radhi Allah Anhu)
own expression, and she (Radhi Allah Anhu) signified that it was her (Radhi Allah Anhu) innocence to express
grieve (in such manner). Second, remember Ulama has defined scale of accepting sayings and acts, hence
Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) own acts (even expressions) are not allowed to practice until following
criteria wouldn’t meets; 1. If there’s present a prohibition regarding an act (or expressions) then instruction will
be followed (acquired), whereas Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) act (or expression) would be considered
permissible for them (Alehemur Ridhwan) only. 2. If Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) says that it is likened
or permitted by Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) then it will be followed (acquired). 3. If Sahaba’e Kiram
(Alehemur Ridhwan) says that it contained no clear or particular order in or from Quran & Sunnah, but it is their
(Alehemur Ridhwan) verdict (Urdu: Ij’tehad) being extracted (or based upon) from Quran & Sunnah due to its
goodness, then it will be followed (acquired). Hence it will be considered her (Radhi Allah Anha) own way of
expression, and not allowed for others to do neither can be taken as an evidence to base any act upon it
because or when prohibition (Urdu: Nafi | Man’aa) is already present (Saying of Sidna Rasul Allah[Alehe Salat-O-
Salam]) in same regards. Third, it was did only once, at sad demise, not every year (not proven from anywhere);
neither she (Radhi Allah Anha) ever says or urged to do it, contrary signified that it was her (Radhi Allah Anha)
own innocence, not meant to do it. For more details, see Jurisprudence Books or ask Ulama. Allah and his Rasul
know all the best.

[OUSTED]: O’Dea, Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes] are ousted from Islam due to following: [A] Allah
(Subhanahu) said that, “(Mafhoom) … No doubt, We have sent down this Quran, and We most
surely are its Guardian … [s.15:v.9], whereas they said (or have believed) that actually 40 Paras
were sent (Ma’az Allah) in which 10 was either hide or lost. And such faith is definitely against
Quran Majeed revelations (Arabic: A’yat) hence severe profanity and retraction (Urdu: Kufr’O
Irti’dad). [B] Allah (Subhanahu) sent Quran Majeed upon Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) through Syyad’ul Malaikah Hudhrat Jibrail Ameen (Alehe Salam), whereas some in
them (or all) have faith that actually it (Quran Majeed) was sent towards Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha
(Radhi Allah Anhu) but Hudhrat Jibra’il Ameen (Alehe Salam) has mistakenly take it towards
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [Ma’az Allah, Astagh’firullah]. And such faith
is also definitely against Quran Majeed hence severe profanity and retraction (Urdu: Kufr’O
Irti’dad). [C] Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has chosen Hudhrat Abu-Bakr
Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) for Muslims (as next Ameer | Khalifah), as per a saying of Hudhrat Ali
al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) which depicts clearly, offered prayer behind him (Radhi Allah
Anhu) whereas another was Hudhrat Abdur-Rehman Bin Auf (Radhi Allah Anhu). And among
several reasons few were, Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddiq (Radhi Allah Anhu) was first person among
men to embraced (accept means professed | Shaha’dah) Islam, professed May’raj Shareef without
question, stayed at Thawr Cave, spend all money in way of Allah and his Rasul etc
(Wagheiy’rahum), hence being chosen by blessed companions (Alehemur Ridhwan) as well
(Urdu: Ijma’e Sahaba Bashamool’e Ahle-Bayt an-Nabi [Alehe Salam]) as First Caliph (Urdu:
Khalifa’e Awwal); and afterwards all Ulama (including A’eymma Kiram from Ahl’al-Bayt) were
gathered and agreed (Urdu: Ijma’e Ummat) upon his (Radhi Allah Anhu) Caliphate as righteous
and justified. Whereas they (Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes]) have gone against it (including Hudhrat Ali
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 200

al-Murtadha[Radhi Allah Anhu]), and still upon it (some insist alot), and Ulama’e Kiram says going
against Muslims communal faith (Urdu: Ijma’e Ummat) is profanity and retraction (Urdu: Kufr’O
Ir’tidad). [D] Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) has taken oath first upon Sidna
Hudhrat Siddiq’e Akbar (Radhi Allah Anhu) as caliph (Urdu: Khalifah), and then afterwards upon
Sidna Hudhrat Umar Farooq’e Azam (Radhi Allah Anhu) as caliph (Urdu: Khalifah), and then
afterwards upon Sidna Hudhrat Usman al-Ghani (Radhi Allah Anhu) [whom also have two pious
daughters, one by one, of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in matrimony] as
caliph (Urdu: Khalifah), and then became himself (Radhi Allah Anhu) at fourth position as caliph
upon which convinced (Radhi | Mutma’in). Whereas they (Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes]) goes against
Sidna Hudhrat Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) own decision and consent, proving clearly
their intention to betray, and aside (from right path), Muslims in the cover (or upon the name) of
Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salam). And such faith is clearly against Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e
Sahaba hence severe astray (in an aspect of communal agreed [Ijma’e Ummat] | profanity and
retraction). [E] Muslims followed (or say practiced) around the world four schools of thought
(communally agreed | Ijma’a Ummah), since its introduction (extraction and interpretation),
including Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi [Alehe Salam] (called ‘al-Shareef’ in Arab; ‘Syed’ or ‘Shah’ in Hind,
‘Effendi’ in Turks), whereas they innovated their own path aside from Muslims communally
agreed, known as Jafferiya relates to Imam Jaffer Sadiq (Rehmatullah Alehe). And in reality Ahl’al-
Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salam) or Imam Jaffer Sadiq (Rehmatullah Alehe) didn’t introuduced any
school of jurisprudence, and if there is any (or if have) so it is “Fiqh Hanafi” or “Mazhab’e
Hanafiyyah”; because Imam Abu-Hanifah (Quddussurahul Aziz), known as Imam’e Azam, was a
student of Imam Jaffer Sadiq (Rehmatullah Alehe), and son-in-law (Urdu: Da’mad) too. Hence
proved clearly that they (Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes]) are not only against Muslims communal path
(Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba), but also against Ahl’al-Bayt an-Nabi (Alehe Salam),
depicting betraying Muslims; which is severe astray (in an aspect of communal agreed | profanity
and retraction). [F] Muslims around the world have been ordered to pray five times a day, as
obligatory (Urdu: Fardh), which is from Quran and Sunnah, and also communally agreed matter.
Whereas they (Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’ietes]) have goes against Muslims path (communally agreed |
Ijma’e Ummah), and did incorrect interpretaion of Quran & Sunnah. And Ulama’e Kiram says
refuting as obligation of prayer five times a day is profanity (Urdu: Kufr), and also as we
mentioned, going against Muslims path (communally agreed | Ijma’e Ummah) is also profanity
and retarction (Urdu: Kufr’O Irti’dad). Finally: In regards of their separation or being ousted from
Islam, many more differences can be present for comparison, but for while impeding (Urdu:
Ik’tefah) here. And if they (Kharji-Rafdhies) denies these few presented differences as their faith
(or perception) and says all are accusations, then response is very simple, acquired (Sunnat’e
Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba) Muslims communally agreed creed (Urdu: Aqaid’O Nazariyat) and
begun practicing (anyone) Muslims communally agreed schools (Urdu: Mazahib Arba’a), from

SUMMARY: O’Dea, truth is that whether it was Kharji-Rafdhies or Kharji-Wahabies, both anti-
Islam preachers (Fasadi-Mullahs) knew the truth and reality, because if one reads Quran &
Sunnah with justified eyes (Urdu: Insaf Ki Nigah Sey) then couldn’t denied the honor and rank of
Anmbiyah & Awliyah (Alehem’ut Tehiyatu Was-Sana’a); and amongst them (Alehem’ut Tehiyatu
Was-Sana’a) were Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and Sahaba’e Kiram
(Alehemur Ridhwan) are the most honorable, earlier amongst Anmbiyah (Alehem’us Salat-O-
Salam) whereas later amongst Awliyah (Alehemur Rehma’tur Ridhwan). Then why denies, so
very simple (contains several reasons); First, they (both) not from “Good Ones | al-Saeed (yan’i

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 201


Sa’adat Mundon)” but from “Bad Ones | al-Shaqi (yan’i Jahan’nami)”, however door of repentance
is open for retreat to becomes or came under “Good Ones | al-Saeed (yan’i Sa’adat Mundon)”.
Second, because as we said earlier that these two both sect are induced by Jews (Urdu: Yahud) in
Muslims hence contained very closed resemblance and that is both, Jews & Christians, knew
(recognized) that Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) would came as last
prophet but then when arrived and then proclaimed the prophethood, they (Jews & Christians)
turned back their faces, and present many ill/lame excuses as well as hide the truth mentioned in
their books (say Tohrah & Bible). Same thing you will find in these two induced sects. Third, does
Abu-Jahal, or Abu-Lahab, or Musel’limah Kazzab or Zul-Khuwaiys’rah Wagheiy’rahum called
belief upon Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as revealed (or present) to them.
Answer is NO, which gave the solution because there is no difference between these two deviated
sect and mentioned names or say they (particularly their Fasadi-Mullahs) are present day Abu-
Jahal or Abu-Lahab and party etc hence should be kept distance. [Keep Thinking]

See Seerah & Jurisprudence Books, or asks Ulama

Allah Knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

ELECTRONIC MEDIA (al-Zare’a al-Barqi’yah)

As we illustrated in previous article under 4.Nations note ‘Addition’ that, “… Before e-Media,
Paper was used to exchange or deliver (address) perspectives (Creed) and histories (including
political conditions), as well as vital information, in form of books, transcripts or letters, which is
still used and one of the best and appropriate medium (esp. about History*), but unfortunately
where it has such benefits also misused a lot, in both, Islamic World (by Munafiqoon, esp. Horn of
Satan) and by others (Colonial and Influential Powers incuding specific lobby | for propaganda
esp. and bluring the History). And after introduction of electronic medium for the same,
information exchange, possible through inventions of various devices and gadgets, now they have
been exploited for spreading anarchies and deceptions to create havoc, rather than to serve
mankind with right education and pure knowledge. However, another dangerous aspect is that it
has been also used (also termed as “Weapon of Mass Deception”, which is very true) to create
confusion or blurring the truth even trying to change the realities, whether past or present, all nor
any specific, like Religious, Histories, Politics and so on forth. Objection: Therefore one could say
that it means it is not a good medium (e-Media) to share or exchange information. Answer: In one
aspect yes (shall be avoided), but similarly in other context if desired to use then should be
righteously and with justice. Rather than going in to details we would like to recommend our
recipients (all) to read (online) or download (PDF) the transcript, follow the link below;


Comment: An aspect in which it shall be avoided is only if not under Muslims control, otherwise
in case of Muslim State, it should not only be controlled but must be used to propogate Islam,
ideology (creed) and teachings (perception).

[*] It doesn’t means that only best and appropriate medium for History but not for others, definitely contains
the same significance alike History, even more then History in some domains.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 202


ADDITION: O’Dea might be some of our recipients could place objections or criticism, and
that can be severe or if not so then hard, due to upon its (e-Media) permissibility issue,
particularly VIDEOGRAPHY and T.V, as there is an rift in form of debate present amongst
Ulama, that whether it is permissible to use or not [1]? Some (Ulama) goes on
permissibility but with restrictions whereas some (Ulama) goes or are denying its
permissibility [2a], as both sides hold and contain strong evidences in this matter or
defense therefore it doesn’t end yet or being finalized (consequence). Although none
couldn’t denied its adversaries (Urdu: Nuq’sanat) going above benefits (Urdu: Fawa’id)
because of misuse [2b], but conversely have positive impacts too on our societies as well
as others (non-muslims), particularly when Ulama and Sufiya comes and begun delivering
the message of Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a), which
was shattered (and still going on) by opponents (Kuffar’O Munafiqoon) of Islam [2c].
Debate: Therefore we have also illustrated some points in details for thinking or analysis
in this regards, not meant giving any certain order, which is definitely leaving upon
Ulama. Computer: Amongst the astonishing invention (becoming great) of our times
(since last mid-century[when built] till present day form [due to continuous
Advancements]), and also contains same features like VIDEO and TV as being used widely
nowadays in this regards (field), though its main purpose of invention is calculation, for
operation particularly (Military Supplies Monitoring, at beginning) but then its
application (whole system | Hardware with Software) began in other fields beside of one
sector, that is Military purpose; which includes Videography and TV Broadcasting known
as live streaming or webcasting via Internet, whereas in Islamic Caligraphy, Art as well as
also used in Text Composing, particularly Quran Majeed and Ahadith Sharif Books etc,
thus if applied restrictions upon TV due to videography and other incorrect deeds then
what would be the status (order of permisisbility) for Computer? [Discuss it later] [3].

FOOTNOTE: [1] Due to photography (static picture) particularly; as well as immoral acts, lewdness,
indecency etc. (Urdu: Laho La’ab yani Fisq’O Fujur, Mosiqi Wagheiy’raha) [2a] Ulama whom went on its
permissibility has restricted it with limitations. Whereas Ulama whom went on its unpermisibility
said seems no evidences/justification present in Shariah, even if uses under limitations. [2b] But
misuse not necessary implied unpermissibility or forbidden, not only to Videography or TV, but other
acts or mediums (things). For instance PAPER, where it has too many benefits contrary in same way
abused a lot? [2c] Through false propagandas[by infidels]; and misinterpretation of Quran & Sunnah[by
deviators]. [3] Leaving it upon Ulama presently, and after their answer will then comment (or present
opinion). However, large number of Muslims used PC at their homes, as well as many of them linked
(working in) to its any particular respected field amongst many e.g Business Applications, Web
Development, Composing etc [employed thus their earnings or daily incomes are bind with or depends
upon it].

We would like to illustrate (points-out) or highlights the process involved in this technology along
with its procedures.

[MIRROR]: The core, or vital, or say based of, content upon which this whole process of
technology, meant videography or in other words denote as photoghraphy (Picture Making)*,
[*] That is another issue; some Ulama says not only a static picture (either on paper, cloth, wood etc) would be
said or called as forbidden to made, which inflict obscenity (Karahat | Tanzeehi), if present anywhere (in
dimension or near place) during upon or on or in offering Prayers (Salat | Namaz) but also Solid Form Picture,
means Sculpture of any living thing also caused the same infliction of obscenity. [See Bahar’e Shariat; Bab
Makrohat’e Namaz]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 203


exists. But if we looks (search) in detail its making or developing process present day (generally),
along with history (partcularly), so it is made, firstly in past (said in prehistoric times) from
“SILVER METAL (Urdu: Chandi ki daht)” which was then processed from raw form to SILVER
shape and then polished (through Salts); and secondly, meant some times later (including present
day) so it has begun and is made from “GLASS”, which was itself presents in raw form after
passing through specific procedure then reshape or forms ‘GLASS’ which was then finally coated
on one side from any of various chemical coating options present, usually Silver Di’Oxide Coating
used, a common and well known agent. Involvement: In all these processes; either Mirror made
from Silver raw material to then Silver finished form, called “Silver mirror” or Mirror made from
Glass^, which itself composed of various minerals after passes through specific processes
including final coat on one side, called “Glass Mirror”, human hands (Urdu: Dakheel’e Insani) are
not only involved contrary couldn’t possible to have (Mirror; whether Silver or Glass) without
their involvement, as if nowadays automatic processing (Computer Controlled or based) has been
introduced and used by major producers (Glass Manufacturers) around the world, even then it
couldn’t run (produces) itself or unless someone not operates (monitor) it, in other words
Humans are preparing Screen~ to make you visible or make your movable photo visible on
Mirror, made from or based upon Glass.

[CAMERA]: Made or Contains ‘Mirrors’ made from Glass, usually Convex and Concave Mirrors
used and placed in such manners that movable photo/sketch rays becomes possible to see in
same way from all directions as it is (on Camera Screen) and then stored (Inside component or
device; either built-in or detachable). However, it uses electronics for restoring (movable
photo/sketch) and power supplies (for energy), for whatever (objects | movble or immovable) and
wherever (place | sight or scenario) wants to be focused and stored. All is controlled from Human
Hands (Urdu: Dakheel’e Insani), and not only involved contrary couldn’t possible to make and
restore any object or place without their involvement (static or moving), as nowadays in very
small or say reduced sizes cameras are also available or introduced in Markets; for instance in
Laptops, Mobile phones, Iphone, Ipads etc, based upon either Glass made Mirrors or Optic Fibre
Plastic Screens (Laptops, L.E.Ds etc) contained automatic processing which couldn’t run itself
until not operate (monitor) or used by someone. Restoration: The restoration process contains
several procedures, in which mainly Rays (of an object | whether moving or static) have been
stored in Electronic Signals on device (inside | built-in or detachable), of present day cameras, and
then attaching to any appropriate compatible device for instance Computer, it will then re-
transmited or say sends (converts electronic signals stored in device to visible form) them on
Screen made of either Glass or Optic Fibre Plastic (Laptops [Liquid filled inside/between two
layers], L.E.Ds etc).

FOOTNOTE: There are mainly two types of Cameras; Static Picture Camera (now based upon digitization) without
Sound, and Motion Camera (also based upon digitization) with Sound (either store inside or spearately).
[^] Glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material that exhibits a glass transition, which is the reversible
transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semi-crystalline materials) from a hard and
relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state. Glasses are typically brittle and can be
optically transparent. The most familiar type of glass, used for centuries in windows and drinking vessels,
is soda-lime glass, which is composed of about 75% Silicon dioxide (SiO2), sodium oxide (Na2O) from soda
ash, lime (CaO), and several minor additives. The term glass is often used to refer only to this specific use.
[~] Screen (Usually a Glass; because nowadays Optic Fibre Plastic Screens were also came), a very common word,
spoken for many gadets or things that are commonly in our use; for instance, Car Screen, Mobile Screen etc.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 204


Picture Camera: It follows the same procedure, means based upon LENSES (Convex & Concave) made of Glass
along with mirror inside which capture the rays of light (Urdu: Shu’wain) but stored them (say transfer them)
upon inside detachable film-real which was then (photo or image) through specific process transfer onto paper
(Printer does the same thing, that it transfer the electronic signals upon paper with the help of Powder[Printer’s Ink or
Color]). Order: Larger the size applies strict orders (Haram) whereas smaller the size removes strictness but
remains the obscenity (Kara’hat). Motion Camera: It follows the same procedure, means based upon LENSES
(Convex & Concave) made of Glass along with Mirror inside upon which rays of light (Urdu: Shu’wain) captured
but stored them upon built-in (Chip) or detachable (USB[Contains Chip inside]) device, remaining it in form of
either rays (Shu’wain) or convert it to electronic signal, which was then through specific procedures transmit
upon Screen (either Glass Mirror or Optic Fibre Plastic) whenever desire. Difference: Some Motion Cameras
doesn’t store sound and required separate system, like TV Studio etc, whereas some digital cameras have
capability to store the sound, present day hand carry digital cameras. Order: See below, Fact and then Order.
Allah knows the best.

[RESEMBLANCE]: There seems no difference between Mirror (whether fixed or movable) and
Camera (whether fixed or movable) contrary resembled a lot each other more then contradiction.
First: Both are of or contains Glass made Mirror; in home either affixed on Wall OR Furniture
(like Cupboard etc); whereas hand carry mirrors were also very common or used (can see/finds
in nearly all homes), purpose is to look in to or to yourself (or any purpose) in Mirror. Similarly
Cameras were built and are used for the same purpose but includes restoration capability,
whether affixed inside on any place, for instance like security cameras or in studios, say indoor
shooting (videography), OR to record any object (static or moving) or place (sight) that is
outside/away from location, say outdoor shooting (videography), for carrying conveniently to the
destination wherever it is and whatever forms its in. Second: Both Glass made (Mirror) or
contained (Cameras) screens can be affixed or carries wherever like, and whatever wants to focus
(on Mirrors) or records (in Cameras) can be attain through by placing or positioning it [1]
towards either (in fixed position or moving) on that object (static or moving) OR place (sight) that
is required.

[OPERATION]: There seems to be intense correlation between both, Glass made Mirror and
contained Camera. Captures: Both captures (operates) or say follows to show or view through
reflection (rays of light | Shu’wain) procedure, whether of an object (static or moving) or place
(sight). Save: Although one doesn’t restored (save), that is Mirror, whereas another does or has
capability but not only physical but also the sound (nowadays digital camera) [1], and it is stored
in component (built-in | Chip.) or device [2], and as per research the rays of light (Urdu:
Shu’wain) came in Camera are preserved or say saved, if likes or wants, in remaining form [3] and
whenever one desired/wanted to see (the captured [4]); rays were then sent to screen [5]
through another preset [6] built-in procedure.

FOOTNOTE: [1] See above Motion Camera. [2] Detachable; USB (which also contained chip inside) or Hard Drive
etc. [3] Nowadays, due to continuous research, they have converted Rays (Urdu: Shu’an) in to Electronic Signals
(Energy). Remember, both ray and signal have one common feature, which is HEATING. [4] VCR Cassettes stored
the rays in magnetic wave form, whereas nowadays CD, VCD stored the rays or electronic signal in to light on
surface by burning procedure through optical lens, which was then picked (or say to read) again back by the
lens for displaying on screen. [5] Either Glass made mirror or Optic Fibre Plastic (a new technique). [6] Either
directly the rays (if device is compatible) or indirectly from rays to electronic signal (through converting process).

HONORS: Mirror, very common and known item (thing), also used OR say either gave or
have honor to served the most blessed personages amongst us, Anmbiyah and Awliyah
(Alehem’ut Tehiyat’ was-Tha’na). Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam): Amongst
blessed personage the most beloved and beautiful Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 205

Salat-O-Salam) have used or say gave it honor of blessed view (Urdu: Jalwa’e Yar
Bey’Misal) [1] which was kept as blessing (relic) by Ummul Mo’mineen Umme-Salma
(Radhi Allah Anha), and also shown whenever Sahaba’e Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) came
to blessed doorstep (Urdu: Kashana’e Aqdus), and if requested sometimes or being told
that Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) gave honor to this Mirror by
viewing his blessed and beautiful face (Urdu: Rukh’e Anwer) [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]. Ahle-
Bayt At’har (Ridhwanullahi Alehem Ajma’ein): One day Abdul-Malik bin Marwan,
standing on Minbur and giving sermon, during it suddenly his eyes goes towards home
not far from him (at Minbur); belongs to Ahle-Bayt At’har, where he saw a personage
combing the blessed hairs in front of Mirror. After watching all this, in jealousy, called
someone for information regarding the personage and place. After being informed, he
then orders to lay down the home, expelled the residents, and include it in to Masjid’e
Nabawi limitation (Urdu: Hudood). Ghawth’ul Azam Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Geylani
(Quddussurahul Aziz): Narrated in regards of His Holy Highness idyllic ethics that; a
very precious Chinese mirror was gifted by someone (brought from China) which was
then handed over to servant and being instructed that whenever asked present it. One day
it was broken from the servant (Urdu: Khadim) somehow, he became scared that may be
His Holy Highness (Huzoor A’ali Janab) will punish or express grandeur (Urdu: Izhar’e
Jalal farmaiyn’gey) upon this, therefore remians in feared condition expresses the reality
in form of stanza which was then replied/respond in same manner with beautiful and
charming smile by His Great Highness (Huzoor A’ali Janab), therefore rather than
punishing the servant was pardoned [2]. Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Quddussurahul Aziz): One day, a Muslim Jinn came to Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi (Rehmatullahi Alehe) presence (Majlis), upon query, replied that his age was
above 2000yrs, then upon further query revealed that he saw (honor to visit) many
prophets, then he further revealed that he had a mirror with him in which all prophets has
seen (viewed) and in last Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) had, upon
query replied that he have it because kept with him all the time therefore upon request
presented to Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz), after viewing
(having honor) the blessed face (Farsi: Rukh’e Anwer) of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) then Imam Sahab (Rehmatullah Alehe) told the people present there now see or
view your’s prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed face (Farsi: Rukh’e Anwer) [3].

[1] Stanza
Jalwa’e Yar I’dehr Bhi Ho Koi Phera Tera
Hasratein A’ath Pehr Takti Hain Rasta Tera
(Hâsan | Zauq’e Naat)

[English Translation | O’blessed light may visit us to show a glimpse, waits all day in grieve
for your way]

[2] Stanza
Az Qadha A’eyna Cheeni Ba’shikust
Khoob Shud Asbab Khoud Bay’ni Shikust
[Sarkar Ghawth’ul Wara]
(Ref.: Seerat’e Ghawth’us Saqa’laiyn)

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[English Translation | (Khadim) The precious Chinese Mirror had been broken due to fate,
(Sidna Ghawth’ul Azam) Don’t worry; New or better means will emerged in regards of
broken itself or naturally]

Note: In Farsi, Bi’ni used for Nose (Urdu: Naak) which doesn’t seems to be correct here.
Therefore either it is Bu’nai, from Bunyad (Foundation | like Bani used for Tribes), OR it is
Bay’ni, from Bay’en (Between | used to show comparison or relation b/w two separate
entities). Now if taken Bu’nai from Bunyad, then response meant, “New or Better means
will be found (emerged or comes) soon, as they were before”, and if taken Bay’ni from
Bay’yen, then response meant, “New or better means will be appeared soon between
broken and fate, that is either broken would be repaired or new will come”. Both or One of
them makes a sense, whereas first meaning doesn’t due to its meaning. Allah knows the
best. [Faqeer ghafaralahu]

[3] Stanza
Lam Ya’ti Na’zeruka Fi Nazar’in, Misley Tu Na Shud Paiyda Jana
Jug Raj Ko Taj Toray Sarsoun, Hai Tujh Ko Shahe’ Do-Sara Jana
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakh’shish)

[English Translation | (Arabic) There is no match found of Sidna Rasul Allah, (Farsi)
Because your similitude wasn’t created, (Poorbi) The Crown of the whole or all universe
(Urdu) has been given to or is upon you O’beloved ]


As we illustrated early, that debate is present (going-on) and didn’t resolved yet in regards of
final decision (consequence), therefore now shall looks or search through above explained
procedures in light of Shariah.

[FACT]: Al-Shaykh’ul Islam Hudhrat Mawlana Al-Syed Muhammed Madani Miyan al-
Geylani al-Hanafi al-Ashrafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) says in regards of Mirror,
“Whatever to see or view from outside the Mirror is permissible to see or view from
inside the Mirror … [Ref.: FQ19]”. Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar, a strong evidence and has
no interception, we must think upon it with open minds through reality. For instance: If
Mirror set on some place, say a passage or else that people crosses regularly (passage) or
uses (else) and person set himself at a position that could see or view the people passings
or using clearly, hence reflections will appears/visible on Mirror of all activities naturally,
in which positioned person isn’t allowed or permissible to see or view Na-Mehram if
passes (From whom you cannot married neither permitted to see) or else if happening
(unethical or indecency), whether heard (Audio or Sound) anything or not. Note: Islamic
Shariah has defined all limits, allowed and prohibited, and upon breaching (prohibition)
there are strict punishments (as per level of an act). Second: Put transparent Glass
between two rooms, in centre of the Wall separating each other and consigned two
persons on both sides, now whatever one person can see (or view) and hear (if sound
crosses) from assigned position room, is true for the person assigned in next room, and
this is possible through because of transparent glass, now polished any one side which
will ends its transparency naturally of a side, take more Mirrors and placed them in such

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situation, that reflects the rays from one mirror to another and then finally approaches to
the non-polished side, therefore person on non-polished side wouldn’t listen anything but
definitely see or view the activity, hence whatever is permissible to see or view is allowed
(in light of Islamic Shariah) can be see otherwise not. Mean: Now if we let the one side
remains polished, and replaced all other extra set mirrors for reflecting the hidden side to
the non-polshed side, and used any other technique based upon Mirrors but using some
source of energy too (keeping the Rays remains or convert them in to some source of
signal) and then make them visible or produces upon non-polished side then there seems
no harm neither any breaching or violation of Islamic Shariah, because of same operation
is conducting. Appearance: Remember in any of above conditions, the appearance of
objects (movable | people) and place (Sight | Person position) that will appears on Mirror
would be in form of Rays (Urdu: Shu’wain) not else, therefore whatever is permissible to
see or view from outside Mirror if its appears on Mirror (say positioned), in form of rays
means can see or view them, seems no harm to preserving that rays or energy in
remaining form too, even it is not converting to static (alike picture on paper) form, for
later time to see or view through deivce (Monitor | Screen) containing again Mirror inside
(nowadays Optic Fibre Plastics are also used). And that stored form of rays or energy can
be re-transmit upon need through a device, for transmitting the stored rays (Urdu:
Shu’an) or energy (electronic signal).

[ORDER]: One Faqeer says, “If there is an order present, in regards of prohibition
(unpermissibility | A’dum-Jawaz), upon rays and even waves, then capturing (to preserve |
save) and transmitting (for later | casting) of rays regarding any object or palce, or waves
about conversation or recitation, would be definitely unpermissible, hence Mirror, as well
as telephone (cell phones), cannot be exempted (it will be unlawful | Na-Insafi) either”.
MEANS: Besides Rays (light) and Waves (Sound/Magnetic), there are several other means
exists as well, that have same features or abilities to perform same operations or are/can
be used in this regards though will be static in nature (without sound); for instance paper,
wood, steel, cloth and alikes (means materials). For instance, lets take a paper, as we said
earlier (stated previously), that it is one of the best mean, in past and still being used and
would be remains in future, not only to deliver history but also for all other purposes, and
most important religion, its education particularly Quran Sharif & Sunnah Mubarakah, as
it is necessary or inevitable (Urdu: Wajib) to forward it (for new/coming generation)
through any means, as nowadays memorization has been left (nearly) like in past during
the blissful era or near to it but nowadays only emphasis or relying upon reading is left
(say present | though less for religion). Thus cannot abandoned now contrary Ulama’e
Kiram has to used without taking misuse of paper in account otherwise nothing mean
would remain valid, particularly for religion propagation, and that includes our voices
(Because they are also or can be misuse [KeepThinking]). LEVEL: O’Dea, there are some
certain levels described by A’eymma Mujtahideen regarding permissibility, that are; Halal
(alllowed), Mak’ruh* (permissible with obscenity or unpermissible due to obscenity),
Haram (forbidden) and severe is infidelity (Kufr), which was always kept in view (front)
by latter Ulama upon which they have extracted or based upon to resolve various matters
in the light of these orders as per their (latter Ulama) respected era conditions.

[*] Mak’ruh has further two types; Slight (The’rimi) or Severe (Tanzee’hi).

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For instance, Quran Majeed was never abandoned (read about Katiban’e Wahi of blissful
era) and still available and will be always till Allah (Subhanahu) likes in form of Book.
Thus heveanly orders have been preserved on paper and so respected as well (inevitable |
Wajib), even Ulama says showing disrespect or throwing it or putting foot on it or making
fun of it or refuting any verse or saying that it is incorrect verse all are profanity, and a
person becomes expelled from Islam (Urdu: Kharij Az Islam) upon conduction therefore
repentance and retreat from such acts becomes inevitable (Urdu: wajib), even if holds
wife then shall revised Nikah too [See Kutub’e Fiqh]. Therefore due to heavenly orders
how a mean, PAPER, becomes honorable and respectable. Now if someone misuse this
mean, a PAPER, meant in or to publishing indecency (Urdu: Laho La’ab yani Fisq’O Fuh’sh)
which is forbidden (Urdu: Haram) but then couldn’t blame PAPER (Mean) for that rather
than a publisher (doer), therefore doesn’t imply neither means that shall be abandoned
(Publishing Quran & Sunnah) because used in indecency (Urdu: Laho La’ab yani Fisq’O
Fuh’sh). Impeding (Arabic: Ik’tefah) here for while. Allah knows all the best.

[OBJECTION]: Malik’ut-Tahrir Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Yahya al-Ansari al-Hanafi al-

Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) says, “Knife work is to cut, whether cutting vegetable
or someone’s belle being burst, the knife (source) is not responsible but the abuser would
be (if kill someone, faqeer). If someone send curses via fax (or email) whereas at receiving
end it blame fax machine (or computer) that it is wrong or responsible, then in that case
receciver would be said as unaware (lacking knowledge) not the machine considered
wrong (or to be blamed) …”. Further says (a few lines ahead), “… In modern days
thousands of things that has been emerged through inventions, were not existed in
blissful era of Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) even after it many hundreds of year
human doesn’t think such things may be appeared (come). And our ancestors didn’t
expect (Farsi: Guman) their emergence (in real doesn’t pay the attention | Urdu: il’tifat
nahi farma’tey thay; Faqeer) from which we are benefiting today ...” Then wrote ahead, “…
These inventions contain helicopter, aeroplane, tanks, jet fighters, bombers, armory,
artillery, radar, electronic items, telephone, fax, telex, computer, camera, tape recorders,
audio cassettes, video cassettes, cd, vcd, internet, etc and don’t know so many astonishing
inventions are emerging daily that are/becoming means of respect and honor for humans
…” [Excerpts from “Usage of TV & VIDEO under Shariah (Ref.: FQ19)”]

ANSWER: O’Dea, definitely as we stated in this book, see resemblance, that there are
many common things or acts present/exist amongst humans regardless of religion; for
instance knife, plates, cups, water glass, jugs etc. are common things, whereas drinking,
eating, sleeping etc. were common acts (features), therefore due to resemblances shall we
abandoned them or correct means rectified them; as per Quran Sharif & Sunnah Karim?
Defintely those resemblances that are impossible or becomes very difficult to abandon
shall or must be rectified, and Ulama should highlights or address (which they definitely
does) its solution under Islamic Teachings (based upon Quran & Sunnah, called Shariah
wa Tariqah). Queries: [A] If someone says; TV & VIDEO (including computers) based
upon photography? Then we respond mirror is also followed same principal. [B] If
someone says, it is 2D photography, hence prohibited? Then we respond mirror is also 2D
because of plane, not 3D like us. [C] If someone says, it based upon static picture
motioning? Then we respond, as already explained above two types and their working
procedure therefore, it falls under Motion Camera (based upon digitization storing rays of

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light not static picture) therefore didn’t fits (static picture thing) here because even static
object (human or thing) or place (sight) is too [preserving and then] forming by rays or
energy on screen (either mirror or optic fibre plastic) though in realilty they were but due
to change of medium not remain static like picture on paper or sculpture of mud, wood
etc; that are only permanently printed or made and contains prohibition in Islamic
Shariah. [D] If someone says; it is or falls under mirth (Urdu: Lahw’O La’b), hence
prohibited? Then we respond, Ah’ in this case still its upon Ulama to define-lines as well as
proved it as mirth (Urdu: Lahw’O La’b), second where it is illustrated in Islamic Shariah
that mediums (rays, waves, paper etc) are mirth (Urdu: Lahw’O La’b), and if taken like this
then what about our own body contains one medium, soundwave (due to which we able
to produce words through mouth)? Misuse of medium, any not specific, is definitely
prohibited but it didn’t mean that blame the medium and do not rectify (abusers), either
control righteously or stop from abusing. Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Rehmatullah Alehe) refuted the profession (Witnessing | Shahdah) acceptability
regarding Moon (and concerned) over Telegram/Telephone, not declared the medium as
wrong (Incorrect | Batil). Otherwise, it is also not exempted; mirth is also possible from it.
[Keep Thinking] [E] If someone says; prayers wouldn’t offer or aren’t allowed if have
Photo or Sculpture of living things in room, and TV (or computer) shows? Then we
respond, (precaution) either close down the medium OR leaves the room for offering
prayers. [F] If someone says; Angels wouldn’t come if house contains photo (picture) of
living things [or sculpture], and TV (or computer) does? Then we respond, Ah, then they
will never comes or are present anywhere, not only at your home, because if counts or
considered rays and waves same mean like picture on paper or sculpture of living things
then such pictures or sculptures are everywhere, into and then through AIR because of
satellite presence (that telecasts or sends | Signals), and no place on earth, present days, is
excepted from its coverage, including Makkah Moaz’zimah and Madinah Munaw’warah.
Then what you say, considered the whole world is either left by or becomes vacant from
Angels [Ma’az Allah], definitely irrelevant and there must be any way of exemption
(Implies | Rays & Waves aren’t static) otherwise many verses as well as sayings becomes
incorrect regarding Angels presence, which in-real weren’t. May Allah open our hearts
(Urdu: Sharah Sadr) in these regards. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen.

LIMITATION: However, medium contains restrictions due to which cannot be taken

acceptable in some matters until or unless fulfills Shariah’s Criteria of fulfillment for that
particular matter, few of them are following. Moon Sighting: There is a difference existed
between regions (West & East) time zone, therefore has to sight from Naked Eyes,
whereas exists a restricted way due to time difference of two regions (meant within
Muslims Countries) therefore seeing on one region (West) can’t be applied to another
(East | Same day) but within region (State or States sharing same time zone |
Neighbouring or Connected) can be taken in to consideration but even then submission to
Jurist (Authorized in vicinity | Qadhi yan’i Mufti) is necessary; whether at-once or later.
Prayer: Doesn’t offer, means if channel telecasting prayer live from Masjid and person
begins to following Imam Qir’at and then qi’yam and qa’ada at home, then it doesn’t offer
(shall be revised | If does mistakenly), because not present there physically behind Imam
Sahab, whereas for Jama’at it is must to be present there physically (Stipulation | Shert).
Prostration: Upon recitation, Quran Majeed, at Prostration Verse when it comes (Recited
| Tilawat Ki Ja’ey), shall do (whether status is Mustahab or Nafil or Wajib) because doing

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to Allah (Subhanahu); measuring (Qiyas) upon listening intentionally recitation from next
room (Difference of Rooms | Hijab Baiyn’al-Majlis) on which Prostration becomes
inevitable. Event: We’ll accept its happening, wouldn’t deny but not confirmed it until or
unless not submitted by the bare witnesses personally, at least three people (Urdu: Adil
Gawah), from that vicinity (Conflcts | Injustices etc.). [Same for Murder, if someone
(individual or group) telecasts confession; that until not at least 3 witness submits their
confession before Qadhi’e Islam, confessor (individual or group) wouldn’t be punished
(persecute) however can either puts under surveillance or detention]. Printing: Don’t
prints the living things (Human, Animals etc) image through computer on paper via
printer, because that would be definitely comes under photo order, as medium changed,
which is as per level of size have strictness in Islamic Shariah, smaller size have lower
order (permissible with obscenity | Kara’hat) whereas larger the size has alarming hence
applies strict orders (say forbidden), and Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Rehmatullah Alehe) has illustrated these all. Impeding here on these compressive
illustrations for while and discuss them later. Allah knows all the best.

NOTE: Computer Storage Devices and its concerned gadgets (that stores data)
cannot be considered (Urdu: Qiyas) upon Gramophone Tape, as mentioned
forbidden to record Quran Majeed Recitation only due to material content
(contained sprit[Alcohol]), by Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha a-Braheichi (Rehmatullah
Alehe); correlated (extracted from) it with the matter of reciting Quran Majeed on
dirty places that is definitely humiliation and disrespect of Heavenly Orders which
is strictly prohibited (and forbidden), as infidels used sprit (Alcohol) deliberately
in everything, whether it (alcohol) has no place (Urdu: Mahal) there or any
relation. Therefore until or unless not proven that *Computer storage devices and
its concerned gadgets (that stores data) whether does contains or not the
prohibited content couldn’t declared forbidden before but if does so then
definitely it is. Allah knows the best

MEASURES: There are two forms of measures; Strict (Urdu: Azi’met) and Leave (Urdu:
Rukh’sat). The strict (Urdu: Azi’mat) measures are acquired when there is an affirmation
or evidence present regarding an act or item (Object | Shey) that it contains anything
harmful which is strictly prohibited in Islam, meant forbidden (Urdu: Haram), and is
without any condition or Stratagem [3a]. Whereas leave (Urdu: Rukh’sat) measures are
acquired when there is no evidence or affirmation regarding an act or item (Object | Shey)
that isn’t contains anything objectionable or harmful to Islamic Teachings or Traditions,
but through Stratagem can be easily perform (act) or use (item). And in both condition
have to kept in view the common Muslims involvement, whether in largely or few, and so
either is harming or benefiting [3b]. STRATAGEM: (A) Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi (Rehmatullah Alehe) has stated that if Muslims considered any thing good then
it will be considered good as well, means permitted through Stratagem the usage of Paper
Currency (Bank Note | Kaghazi Sikka) in replace of Gold and Silver Currency (a real wealth
| Maal’e Haqiqi) that was unfortunately being removed in circulation through preplanned
conspiracy. Although illustrated that restrictions (applied) that are permissible and
unpermissible, for dealings (exchange of goods and services), in Gold and Silver Currency
[*] Same about TV Channel broadcasting equipments.

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would be remained same upon Paper Currency as of Gold and Silver [2]. (B) Another
Stratagem, if taken as unpermissible but then question would remains on its place
regarding Angels presence, seem possible for Muslims to keep and Ulama to come [3a]
upon it (using e-Media) only because has now prevailed [3b] and that is like using
“Khidhab al-Aswad | Black Dye” during fight “Jihad” but outside means other than fight
“Jihad” its usage has been strictly prohibited, even said forbidden by Ulama [3c].
FOOTNOTE: [1a] In this condition, Act or Object would be abandoned (Arabic: Mut’rook). Second, but it
doesn’t means that, any thing occurred new, would be left by saying forbidden or as bad innovation,
and doesn’t judges upon Islamic Shariah Rules of Stratagem if contains any thing that may provide way
of allowance (Urdu: Surat’e Halal) or permissibility (Urdu: Jawaz) to acquire, particularly when its new
and prevailing on large/small scale. For instance, Paper Currency (Bank Note) etc. [1b] In this
condition, Act or Object would be not abandoned (Though if someone don’t wants to act/use then will be
not enforced). Second, but it doesn’t means that, everything would be let allowed (Arabic: Halal) or
permissible (Urdu: Jaiz) through Stratagem or creating false condition, when in Islamic Shariah it is
declared strictly prohibited, and at severe level forbidden (Urdu: Haram), whether it’s old/new and
prevailed on large/small scale. For instance, Prayer behind irreligious (Urdu: Budmazhabon key
pechey), Beer (Alcoholic), Fragrances (Alcoholic Based), Rape etc. [2] Change of medium. Though doesn’t
imply the exemption from Islamic Shariah Orders, but would be judge (permissibility[Jawaz] and
unermisibility[Adum Jawaz]) through it usage or work being taken from it. [3a] Muslims make their
intention of learning and building (Society) whereas Ulama come with intention (Urdu: Jihad bi’lisan ki
Neyat sey) for promoting Islamic Ideology and teachings. [3b] Removal is possible through three ways;
Sultan Islam enforced people (Common Muslims) to oust it from homes or people (Common Muslims)
oust by themselves; or left it (both) through consensus. [3c] Listen this (in Urdu), Url: Second, Permissibility of using “Khidhab al-Aswad |
Black Dye” in fight doesn’t implied or allows to committing suicide assaults upon enemy, whether
Muslims (considered by Khawarij) or Infidels (by Muslims). Contrary Muslims shall acquire face to face
battle otherwise if conditions becomes unsuitable or inappropriate then either leave the ground or
acquired any else mean to fight such condition.

SOLUTION: O’Dea, upon Taqwa then should left all means (Mediums | Paper, T.V, Computer etc.),
because of misuse hence have to relied totally upon memorization; everything concerning to
religion (particularly Quran & Sunnah), alike done in previous eras (particularly earlier eras |
Blissful, etc.). However, nowadays as large number of Muslims lived in Cities or Districts; even
Villages are advanced, therefore can’t be left segregated (Being advanced | technologically) from
Islamic Shariah (Teachings & Practices), hence by living amongst them (Advanced |
Technologically) Ulama has to faced either questions (Relevant & Irrelevant | Particularly upon
Technological Means) or objections (Why can’t use | Any Stratagem?), therefore shall looks
thoroughly in every matters (like in past eras, Ulama has searched | Evidences are present)
concerning to Technology has now linked to daily life; particularly if benefiting meant impacting
positively, and Stratagems would be available for permissibility then shall be used (Allows |
Appropriately) besides refraining. Impeding here for while & discuss it later. See Jurisprudence
Books or asks Ulama. Allah knows all the best.

Recommends: Usage of E-Media (Social Networks, Movies etc)


Also read: Url:

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 212


Section Four

“(Mafhoom) … 'O people! We created you from one man and one woman and made you branches
and tribes that you may recognize one another. Undoubtedly, the most respected among you in the
sight of Allah is he who is more pious, verily, Allah is knowing, Aware … [s.49:v.13]”
Al-Quran al-Kareem

Topic Contains
Nations ………… [214]
Al-Maghreb (The West) [215], Al-Maghreb al-Ba’eed (Far West) [221], Al-Mashreq
al-Wusta (Middle East) [223], Al-Mashreq (The East) [228]

Matters ………… [243]

Nations (Aqwam) [243], Honorable State [244], Patriotism [245], Authority [248]

Issues ………… [252]

Incident [252], Enmity [254], 9/11 (USA) [257], Airplane Mystery (MH370) [261],
Accidents [264]

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4. NATIONS (Aqwam’e Alam | Mumalik)

We stated in 3rd article, under Nations that, “ . . . Islam spread all over the world, nor only in one
place (say Arab Sharif) therefore it is certain and proved as well that wherever invitation (Arabic:
Daw’ah) goes (reaches) it attracted (or say converted) uncounted believers of previous faiths
(means religion brought by Ambiya’e Kiram Alehemus-Salam) as well as those who have no faith
(for instance Atheist) or following their own made religion (for instance Buddhism). It began
from Arab Sharif (nowadays called Middle East) and then aggressively spread in Africa, Asia
(Hind, Central Asia, China, and Far East Asia), Europe, even in Americas. After Fall or Collapse of
OTTOMAN EMPIRE (Khilafat’e Uthmaniyah) they’ve been disintegrated and then made slaves by
Kuffar through Munafiqoon but after fall of Colonialism most of the Nations formed (founded)
upon Nationalism (Arabic: al-Qaumiyyah) which is though condemnable (if completely refuting)
and against the concept of one nation (Ummah) in ISLAM, but it didn’t proved that these Muslims
countries haven’t hold any Secrecy (Divined Personalities) and Sacredness (Divined Places)
contrary they also have the most finest and respectable, Masha’ikh wa Ulama’e Haqq (Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) as well as Divined Signs and Shrines. Thus just like PAKISTAN they are also
divined states although due to Allah (Subhanahu) own WILL (Urdu: Mansha’e Elahi) they are now
not awarding position to Lead that will give to PAKISTAN in future, otherwise what will one say
about Makkah Moaz’zimah and Madinah Munawwa’rah, and first Qibla Bait-ul-Muqad’das, Is
Pakistan sacred (divined place) than these Holy and Respectable Places …? . . . [Pg.13]”

Then in 4th article, under the Nations we stated that, “... Before e-Media, Paper was used to
exchange or deliver (address) perspectives (Creed) and histories (including political conditions),
as well as vital information, in form of books, transcripts or letters, which is still used and one of
the best and appropriate medium (esp. about History), but unfortunately where it has such
benefits also misused a lot, in both, Islamic World (by Munafiqoon, esp. Horn of Satan) and by
others (Colonial and Influential Powers incuding specific lobby | for propaganda esp. and bluring
the History). And after introduction of electronic medium for the same, information exchange,
possible through inventions of various devices and gadgets, now they have been exploited for
spreading anarchies and deceptions to create havoc, rather than to serve mankind with right
education and pure knowledge. However, another dangerous aspect is that it has been also used
(also termed as “Weapon of Mass Deception”, which is very true) to create confusion or blurring
the truth even trying to change the realities, whether past or present, all nor any specific, like
Religious, Histories, Politics and so on forth. Objection: Therefore one could say that it means it is
not a good medium (e-Media) to share or exchange information. Answer: In one aspect yes (shall
be avoided), but similarly in other context if desired to use then should be righteously and with
justice … [Pg.52]”

DENOTE: O’Dea, actually an intense debate exists amongst Ulama regarding

permissibility of e-media (videography etc.); hence stated as caution (as some doesn’t
consider permissible) that shall be avoided, but then ahead statement is opposite, and
depicts contradiction to readers (few), so it is because if mean (source) is expanded and
also beneficial (meant can be use rightly | harmless) then misuse doesn’t implies neither
depicts that source shall be abandoned but contrary if can be acquire to used righteously;
then for propagation of religion as well as rectification of all misconceptions and
misunderstanding, should. Otherwise nothing would be left permissible because chance
exists and being abused too, of misuse of right source either, for instance paper, cloth etc.
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 214

Al-Maghreb (The West)

Geographically consist upon, from Egypt including with Turkey (in North of Egypt by crossing
Mediterranean) to Morocco which includes Andalusia (Spain, it’s in north to Morocco & Algeria
via crossing Mediterranean), Algeria, Tunisia, Libya as well as Sudan, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and
Senegal. But here we’ll discuss or say highlights only few important nations in regards to this

NOTE: Evading few nation demographies and impeding upon illustrated below (due to
some reasons); as mentioned in last article that we’ll discuss some new countries
(geography and history).

Marakesh (Morocco): In brief, the history and geography. Geography: Located in North of Africa
(Ifraqiyah), facing Atlantic Ocean in West, Western Sahara (Though claimed by Marakesh as
legitimate territory[1]) in South, Aljazair in east, and Spain (closed by crossing Mediterranean
Sea) in North. History (Islamic Era): In 670 AD, Sidna Hudhrat Uqba ibn Naf’ey (Radhi Allah
Anhu), a general serving under the Umayyads of Damascus, came to this region. The Umayyad’s
brought religion particularly as well as language, and government system (Caliphate). Large
number of Berbers embraced Islam (accepted invitation). The first independent Muslim state in
this region (present day Morocco) was the Kingdom of Nekor, an emirate in the Rif Mountains. It
was founded by Hudhrat Salih I ibn Mansur (Rehmatullah Alehe) in 710, under Rashidun
Caliphate. Berbers revolted in 739 to form their own states; but succeeded partially. Then
Hudhrat Idris ibn Abd’Allah (Rehmatullah Alehe) comes to Morocco from Iraq and founded the
Idrisid Dynasty in 788. The Idrisids established Fes[2] as their capital and Morocco became a
centre of Muslim learning and a major regional power. Then Idrissids were ousted in 927 by the
Fatimids and their Miknasa allies. After Miknasa broke off relations with the Fatimids in 932, they
were removed from power by the Maghrawa of Sijilmasa in 980. Berber Dynasties: From the
11th century onwards, a series of powerful Berber dynasties arose. Under the Almoravid dynasty
and the Almohad dynasty, Morocco dominated the Maghreb[3], much of present-day Spain and
Portugal, and the western Mediterranean region. In the 13th and 14th centuries the Merinids held
power in Morocco and strove to replicate the successes of the Almohads by military campaigns in
Algeria and Spain. They were followed by the Wattasids. In the 15th century, the Reconquista
ended Muslim rule in central and southern Spain and many Muslims and Jews fled to Morocco.
Portuguese efforts to control the Atlantic coast in the 15th century did not greatly affect the
interior of Morocco. According to Elizabeth Allo Isichei, "In 1520, there was a famine in Morocco
so terrible that for a long time other events were dated by it. It has been suggested that the
population of Morocco fell from 5 to under 3 million between the early sixteenth and nineteenth
centuries." Sharifaiyn Dynasty: In 1549, the region came under the reign of Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) descendants; first the Saadi dynasty, ruled from 1549 to 1659,
and then the Alaouite dynasty, remained in power since the 17th century. After independence
from Spain in 1957, became once again independent Muslims monarchy[4] which is presently
reign by Malik al-Moazzam al-Sharif Muhammed al-Hasani VI (May Allah prolong his reign), came
after demise of Malik al-Moazzam al-Sharif Hassan al-Hasani II (May Allah shower mercy upon
him) in 1999 [5], and Malik al-Moazzam al-Sharif Hassan al-Hasani II (May Allah shower mercy
upon him) was came to reign after demise of Malik al-Moazzam al-Sharif Muhammed al-Hasani V
(May Allah shower mercy upon him) in 1961. Honor: A great Sufi Saint of present time, have
passed away recently, Sultan al-Awliyah Al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Geylani al-Hanafi

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 215


al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz), revealed in some sohbah, Morocco as proper Islamic

Sultanate, and indicates Malik al-Moazzam Muhammed al-Hasani VI (May Allah prolong his reign)
as Sultan, and its people as Lions of Islam. Hence Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) praise that May
Allah grant them strength and ability either to stand and patron in revival of Ummah’s lost pride;
from al-Maghreb. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

DENOTE: [1] Typical style of Divide n Rule, however In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi would be
finished forever on coming Islamic Sultanate revival, from Morocco to Malaysia (West to
East) & Siberia to Uganda (North to South). [2] A birthplace of renowned and blessed
Saint of 11th Century, Sidna Ghawth’ul Waqt al-Shaykh al-Sharif Abd’al-Aziz al-Hasani al-
Dabbagh al-Maliki (Quddussurahul Aziz). [3] Praising for doing once again; revives our
ancestor glories (Urdu: Aj’dad yani Aslaf ki kawi’shoun co taza krdain). [4] See also topic
‘Monarchy [Pg.99]’ under System [Pg.83]; everybody loves to rule (be Monarch), though
permissible (Monarchy) if for the consent (includes naturally implementation of Quran &
Sunnah) of sole creator, otherwise forbidden (such love). Keep Thinking. [5] Remained in
power for 38yrs approx as Monarch. Note:, a famous Sufi portal of Morocco,
also contained complete and authentic Moroccon history, becomes inactive for while (due
to insufficient funds) unfortunately, therefore has illustrated history from Wikipedia
(Excerpts taken from Morocco); however as soon it will restored, would be revised in
book (new edition) too.

Libya: In brief, the history and geography (for some details read previous articles). Geography:
Located in North Africa (Ifraqiyah), bordering Chad in south, Aljazair in west and Tunisia in North
West, Mesir in East, and Mediterranean Sea in North. History (Fact): Libya was once called a
whole Africa (Ifraqiyah), according to Historical Facts, which was then shrinked to present area
with passage of time, and plans are underway to shrinked it further (left it as tiny particle as sign
on planet earth). Foundation (Present): After fall of The Ottoman Empire, under which exists as
a province, went to Italy’s Rule from which freed in 1947 and after then fallen to French and
British Colonization respectively and finally got her independence in 1951 as United Kingdom of
Libya, but bad governance and corruption caused (pave the way) coup d’état in 1969 lead by
Colonel Muhammed Muammar al-Qazzafi which named her as Libya Arab Jamahiriya who made
Libya 5th Richest country in the World, which was then sadly overthrew (pre-planned) by
fabricated protests and then civil war and then finally foreign intervention taking Libya once
again towards poorest nation list (all because of poor defence and people’s own lack of
understanding regarding vicious western moves).

PRESENT AFFAIRS: One can ask a question harshly; Did Brother Leader Colonel Qazzafi
gets an UN Human Rights Award (which was expectable to him; one reason for awarding
is becoming soft with the West)? We mean expecting from Animals (or Beasts) to give you
award upon Humanity? Second, what’s the benefit of getting so soft against West (Libya’s
North, crossing Mediterranean) when you are an ally of West’s Rival (whether at back-
door they are similar and friend). Remember, we are not passing an era[See next pg
hem(*)] of Peace and Love that of Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) but Chaos and
Anarchy (far presently from Sidna’s Time) in which one must (or all Muslim States) have
lion eyes and strong defense [esp. Missile Technology], because don’t consider West or
else as your friends or expecting good from them even if they ensures you transformation
of Advance Technologies or building of large structures etc. [Just Think].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 216


ADD FURTHER: No doubt awarded brilliantly, West under and along with UN, to Colonel Qazzafi, that is
an invasion, which includes slaughtering^ (majority common people; Muslims) and destruction (all major
cities; particularly coastal), through Navy Fleets which created n protected NO FLY ZONE and then
Missiles Attack (Cruise Missile) and then Air assaults and finally land forces reached, that all was done
via their backed agents (individuals, official, militant groups etc). [Tell us justly; isn’t it a brilliant Human
Rights Award?]

Mesir (Egypt): In brief, the geography and history (for some details read previous articles).
Geography: Located in North Africa (Ifraqiyah), bordering Sudan in south, Libya in west and
Falasteen, Lebanon and Israel in East, and Mediterranean Sea in North. History: The last centre of
Muslims Arab’s Empire (Khilaphat’e Abbasiyyah | Abbasyd Caliphate) followed (takeover and
rule) by then The Seljuks Memlukiyah and then Ottomans Empire respectively. After
disintegration or dissolution (Sultanat’e Uthman’iyah), Egypt was fallen under French
(Napoleons) and then to British colonization, from which finally got her independence in 1923 as
a Kingdom (under British Empire Influence) lead by King Farouk 1 consisting upon Mesir along
with Sudan (Dafur & Kafodran) and Sham al-Sharif, but then in 1952 coup d’état split Mesir into
three separate nations (also ends the British Empire Influence), coup was lead by Najeeb and
Abdul Nasser (Army Officers) which was firstly ruled by Najeeb and after then Abdul Nasser then
Anwar Sadat and then came al-Shareef Husni al-Mubarak after Anwar’s assassination, and then
finally after a long time in power al-Shareef Hussni al-Mubarak was removed oppressively
(enforced) by Munafiq Brotherhood (particularly) in 2011 (preplanned uprising), after which
then came Muhammed Morsi in office (power) whom was removed (bloodless coup) by Military
in June-2013 lead by General Abdul-Fatah al-Sisi, though its a bloodless coup but has sparked a
countrywide violent protests (including bloody clashes) for some period (which is now

PRESENT AFFAIRS: As we illustrated previously, “… as per sources Mesir’s Military

leadership is watching or say monitoring this regime strictly (because they are not in their
favor), and might be they will over throw them if found dangerous for National Security
and Interests …” therefore Allah (Subhanahu) has fulfilled Faqeer’s speculation (extracted
from sources), whether one say that the overthrown hasn’t brought any difference
(change), means still practicing and defending British Laws (English Law Constitution)
not Islamic Sultanate Laws (implementing), even it created or converted the conditions
more horrific (worsen) since overthrown (or coup de’tat)? Answer: O’dea, whether the
[*] However, when Sahib’ul Waqt (May Allah Protect Him) will emerge and takes control (revive Islamic Sultanat),
it will have resemblance with time of Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu). Allah knows the best.

OBJECTION: In a show (Name: ‘Ikhtilaf’) with Wajahat Khan, Master’s indicates Colonel Qazzafi as
American Agent? If that’s true, then it means (or say then how can it be possible) Americans fund
Pakistan’s Nuclear Program (Would you think Americans will do such a mistake?)., for becoming Muslim
Nuclear Power; then why Kissinger gave harsh Message? [Keep Thinking.]

[^] More than 100,000 people died; killed in bombings, become a victim of battle, slaughter by khawarij or

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says, trading (or Business) with or acquiring services from Non-Muslims
(Disbelievers: Kuffar wa Mushrikeen) is permissible (though there are some restrictions). Although shall be
avoid and must do with each other besides them (if produce and sale by Muslims; otherwise in case of not
producing or having shortage then can do). [Ask Ulama or See Kutub’e Fiqh, Faqeer

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 217


move is preplanned (designed by Foreign Intelligences) and after execution favoring

externals even then the Nation has got rid from oppressor (why forgot that they [MB] also
came through the same way), second through Coup Detat Military has protected the
National Security (Defense) that was going (crossing) critical (line); even with passage of
time may be gets out of military control. Third, if accepts it as conspiracy (Foreign Move)
even then favored Muslims, soon World will see its outcome. However, we request
Muslims that be peaceful and support* Military (Let them handle the security). Impeding
here and refraining to go in further debate. Allah and his Rasul know all the best. CRISIS:
Actually state was fell into the deep crisis in every sector rather than flourishing towards
development as well as then stepping for Muslims unification (Caliphate); social (clashing
with Muslims Ideology), economical (inflation) as well as in security (injustice) which is
due to inappropriate way of acquiring to implement Islamic Laws (that are self fabricated,
can say~) by MB’s Leader, costing the state’s own existence hence left no choice for
Military besides elimination (overthrowing). HUMANITARIAN AID: Recently came to
knowledge that Indonesia have sent Aid for Muslims suffering in GAZA Strip, Falasteen
due to Israel’s unjust oppression against unarmed civilians (if accepts they[particularly
Hammas] have weapons, even then couldn’t accept that contains more or above then
Israel’s Military^ possessed) which was returned by Mesir’s Present Regime in reign lead
by President General (Retd.) Abd’al-Fatah al-Sisi. ASSISTANCE: Remember, currently
border are closed hence assistances can’t reached to Muslims in Gaza Strip, therefore (if
wanted) either send to Falasteen al-Fatah Administration or to Mesir’s al-Sisi
Administration; avoid directly. Second, if keen to dispatch (delivering directly) then send
through Govt. and govt. shall send alongwith Military Personnel[!| See next Pg. Hem], for
ensuring security for Mesir’s Govt. as well as People (particularly Muslims). Note: We
should avoid to puts whole Mesir State in to trouble due to situation besides pushing
without understanding the move (playing by West). [See also Falasteen Below | Jazak

FOOTNOTE: Many had objectioned (particularly so called anti-Israel elements; Kharji-Wahabi/Rafdhi), and
even still doing (and in one aspect seem relevant too in regards of situation), but nobody has able to
understanding another aspect (which is worst then this; for people of Mesir esp.[1]), that is through this
Conflict, if Mesir opens up the border and let everyone move freely then it could bring that WAR (or its
side effects) inside Mesir which couldn’t be less then a suicide firstly; nobody (other states) helps
neither send Military[2] to Mesir to support central authorities (Government) then in this condition
secondly; and state becomes vulnerable for everyone (Govt. and its people, as well as for outside powers;
playing in that region a vicious game of instability) alike Libya, Iraq etc., thirdly. NOTE:
Faqeer(ghafaralahu) remembers that when President Abdul-Fatah al-Sisi came in reign signed firstly a
security bill (actually revived old policy; following during President Husni Mubarak era) which includes
Border Closing with Israel.

POINTERS: [1] And this situation comes due to Muslims are disintegrated currently, not United. [2]
Like for Iraq, Afghanistan and then recently to Libya and Syria.
[*] As we mentioned early, and in this book too, whether Govt. is practicing other than Islamic Model, like
Socialist or Western Democratic Model, even than due to insufficient resources and strength, have to support
Govt. & Military from refraining chaos and anarchies for keeping peace and stability.
[^] If Isreali Military have guts or is brave then why don’t picked of own size or equal strength; because this
isn’t a bravery fighting against unarmed innocent civilians as well as imbalance side (self made). Note: About
Hammas, so our stance is clear (see 1st & 2nd Articles) that they aren’t in favor of Muslims alike Afghan Taliban.
Keep Thinking.
[~] Already revealed, in previous articles, that they represent Kharji-Wahabi[Salafists] ideology.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 218


DENOTE: Faqeer remembers that, back in 2011, when western design (pre-planned)
upheavels are going-on, or say started, in one message Master informed (or say warned)
Pakistani Nation that beware and careful that no need to came on street and turned
nation* alike Middle East or North African Countries because it is a western intelligence
move, particularly CIA, to provoke chaos n anarchy to attain specific goals. Now tell us
would you include (came under wave) Mesir or not? Definitely couldn’t exempt; hence
answer lay in it because MB is also a British Empire backed organization, that coming to
power proves everything. QUERY: One may put question here (in context of foretell); why
appreciating present regime, when previous[MB] weren’t good and according to foretell
too because what assurance or speculation have for them, as we haven’t seen the change
either from them (implementation of Islamic Laws | Revival of Sultanate); as revealed by
Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz) and you’ve gave remarks (in negation; actually a
caution), “… Do not relate any outcome (Tunisia’s Enhada & Mesir’s Mursi Victory) with
“Foretell” revealed by Sultan’ul Awliyah (Da’mat Barkatahum), because it divulges that
“Islamic Sultanate” based system will revived, in all said States (majority are strategic)
and it is bind with “awaiting personality emergence” which would be region wise lead by
Awliyah under his (May Allah protect him) command, and that Time is not come yet (little
far) … [4th Article, Pg.56]”. Answer: O’Dea, first of all that there’s no doubt in foretell
because from very true (authentic) and divined tongue and In-Sha Allah will fullfil soon.
Second, definitely don’t have (or holds) any authentication that this present regime[1] is
meant (came under it) or else hence couldn’t say for sure but has to wait until emergence
of “Sahib’’ul-Waqt”. Third, we also stated that if regime is not practicing Islamic System
even then we’ll support the Govt. for maintaining peace and stability however would not
stop urging (peacefully) to implement right system. [See also: SOLUTION]

FOOTNOTE: [1] However, this regime could become the part of ahead Islamic Sultanate revival, if takes
positive step or move towards it; meant bring Ulama in Parliament (not through elections but select
them from Jamia Al-Azhar, as well as from around the World), follows Islamic Laws (Quran & Sunnah |
Mazahib Arba’a) and then either brought other states (try to gathers them[all Muslim World] on one centre;
if not all then try for own region[Africa]) or urge them to do same in their respected jurisdiction (so that
in future[on Islamic Sultanate Revival] it becomes easier for Muslims).

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Turkey: In brief, the history and geography (for some details read previous articles). Geography:
Located in Middle East with North Africa (Ifraqiyah), bordering Sham al-Sharif in southeast,
whereas facing Mediterranean Sea in South and Southwest. History: After fall of Muslims Arab’s
Caliphate (Khilaphat’e Abbasiyah) it becomes centre of Islamic world renown as The Ottoman
Empire/Sultanate (Khilafat’e Uthmaniyah) formed by Uthmani Turks which existed nearly 800
yrs approx^, and after WWI defeat it leads to its dissolution completely in 1923 by Kemal Ataturk,
who founded a Modern Turkish State by getting rid from invaders (a great game move). After
Kemal Ata Turk, reigning as a first President (after dissolving Ottoman Caliphate), then following
Note: [!| From Previous Pg.] And this only possible through Govt. to Govt.; second upon consent of Mesir’s
Central as well as Military Authorities. Advice: Faqeer(ghafaralahu) would like to Advice that Mesir should deal
directly (accepts aid, and then distribute upon others behalf) otherwise do coalition; which isn’t bad either.
[*] As anger amongst people against regime, due to instability which still persist, was at high stakes; nowadays
departing towards further ahead to new heights.
[^] In real 600yrs [1299-1922] app,, but if includes 200yrs [1053-1299] of Seljuk Memluks (also said to be
Muslim-Turks), then definitely it became around 800yrs app.
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 219

has came [Url:], mostly through

elections besides few Military takeover.

PRESENT ROLE: Their current President, Mr. Recip Tayyip Erdogan, has gain a good fame
amongst Muslims (particularly in al-Maghreb*) due to role played in issues (actually
disputes), internally as well as externally (existed in Muslim World); even master (ZH)
has appreciated some of his activities^ on FB. Despite having such popularity and good
efforts (if say) still stuck in matters (either confused or unable to judge), particularly
Democracy as well as Muslims Kurd and Syrian Crisis. Note: For Master (ZH), if wanted to
support anyone in Turkey, then remembers, Mawlana Fethullah Gulen (Hafiz Allahu
Ta’ala), an Islamic Scholar (Hanafi | Mevlavi) shall be supported besides Tayyip Erdogan,
because wanted to revive Islamic practices in all departments of State and its people. See
websites of Mawlana Fethullah Gulen (official | and movement[Gulen]) in this regards.
SYRIAN CRISIS: O’Dea, we stated in last article that, “… they are moving in wrong
directions (mistaking), because according to one famous American Analyst, Webster
Tarpley (Investigative Journalist); “… Turkey is doing suicidal by supporting Munafiq
Brotherhood in Syria and going for War … [4th Article | Pg.53]” whereas advised them too
(pointed out one direction) and that is, “… Faqeer(ghafaralahu) advise them, support
Masha’ikh wa Ulama Ahl’al-Sunnah (like Sidi al-Shaykh Abul-Huda Muhammad Yaqoubi
al-Hanafi al-Shazly and others, that if eager to provide arms then armed them) there
(whom are quite, or against, or might be with govt. only to prevent Chaos n Anarchy | also
see in last Jurisprudence Narration), and follow their guidelines if keen or thinks that
regime in Damascus is not suitable (eligible) hence must be changed with new people
(pious and knowledgeable) … [4th Article | Pg.53]” Note: It was pleasant (or say
astonishing too) for us to seen later (or say revealed to us), after dispatching 4th Article
(published via email on 11th Sep., 2012), a Sohbah of Sultan’ul Awliyah Shaykh Nazim Adil
al-Haqqani al-Kibrisi (Quddussurahul Aziz) in which instructed same (advises as well as
gave glad tiding [to Turkish Army]) that, “(Mafhoom) … Muslims (Turks | Uthmani) can
take Sham al-Shareef back or will be open for them~, as before in Caliphate (Ottoman
Empire), if they support Ulama’e Kiram wa Ammat’ul Muslimeen (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-
Jama’ah) there …”

DENOTE: If Muslim-Turks Military support Muslims there (Ulama wa Masha’ikh), then

would be better for State as well as for its people (Muslims particularly); it will removed
stain of being West Puppet (presently in total control alike Pakistan) and pushes them
once again towards new status (heights | Urooj[Bulandiyan]). OBJECTION: What about
Russia (presence)? Answer: They should also switch side, meant support Ulama wa
Masha’ikh (Ahl’sl-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) otherwise we are leaving details (consequnces)
here (not disclosing). Note: Already U.S has announced to send troops (invasion), in the
name of elimination their (with Israel) own backed terrorists group (ISIS, ISIL etc); aiming
many targets through single arrow, and one is ending Russian influence in region too.
[*] Extracted (taken from) from Presidential Election Campaign website.
[^] Though Faqeer(ghafaralahu) not meant either that he’s worst leader (may be good), but tell us does he ever
talks about either revival (Ottoman | Uthmaniyah) or formation of Caliphate [Why Silent]? Second, does he change
the official status from “Secular State” to “Islamic State”? Third, does he ever talks about implementing Islamic
Laws (Quran & Suunah | Mazahib Arba’a)?
[~] It’s their (Will succeed), if enters (invade) to revive an Islamic Sultanate (Ottoman Caliphate).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 220



History of an Ottoman Caliphate

Islamic States & Fall of Ottoman Empire

Al-Maghreb al-Ba’eed (The Far West)

Geographically consist upon; crossing Atlantic Ocean, from Canada to West Indies including USA,
Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, El-Salvador and some Islands.
In its south lays Latin America, from Venezuela to Chile, including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and some other (small) Islands &

United States of America: In brief, the geography and history. Geography: Located in North
America, bordering Mexico in south alongwith Carribean Islands, facing Pacific Ocean in west,
Canada in North and facing Atlantic Ocean in East. History: Usually taught in School Books,
concerning Social or History, that Columbus was the first who explored this continent, however
truth or say real facts are opposite, North along with South (both continents) were already being
explored (Discovered and Civilized) many epochs before arrival of Columbus. Indigenous Fact:
The indigenous people of that continent were and are still present, though in very small number*
compares to new settlers (since 1500) now, from their face outlook one can speculate (or say
enumerate) them as Chinese people (Urdu: Yafasi’un Nasal) [Url:]. In Canada, the indigenous people
having similarity with Chinese people are called Aborgines, also present in Latin America and
Australia too, as well as in Polynesia (country between Australia and Chile, surrounded by water
and comprising upon several small Islands).

NOTE: Do remember that such are the Non-Muslims speculation [mentioned in link] that
many thousands or millions of years or 12000yrs etc; whereas Ulama says, whole universe including planet
Earth was created 5000yrs before Hijrat (which by adding becomes 6435yrs) ago only in 6 Days by Almighty &
Sole Creator Allah (Subhanahu). Hence how could it be possible or acceptable, the figure Millions of Years or
even above 6435yrs; for instance 10,000yrs or even 7,000yrs ago? [Allah knows the best]

Footnote: Continents (North & South) were already explored and inhabitated by many
nations (Urdu: Aqwam) before Christopher Columbus [1451-1506], for instance Madocs,
Vikings, Turks, Africans, Arabs and the most pious Sahaba’e Kiram (blessed companions
[Alehemur Ridhwan]). The last before Columbus was General Zheng He [1371-1433] (a
Muslim) from China, a Navy Commander (Admiral) of Ming Dynasty of Song Dynasties.
General Zheng He, under Ming Dynasty Emperor (esp. last emperor) made several
voyages from China to rest of the world. His voyage is from Malaysia to India (stayed on
Yemen too) then Africa (stayed on Kenya too), and then begun traveling further to south
[*] They were in real wiped-out (genocide) by European Settlers (Lead by Columbus) through diseases; like
measles, chicken pox and some others, and sadly those people don’t know or whether deliberately not told the
right cures (how to protect themselves).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 221


of Africa (present day South Africa) then to Morocco (Marakesh) to present day America
[This route was also suggested (point-out) by Ex-British Navy Officer Gavin Menzies,
follow the link, Url: [Full
Documentary]. Further: Read this too, by Gavin Menzies. Url:


Muslims: About Muslims, from North Africa, not only explored but travels usually, Url:

Chinese: About Chinese exploration lead by General Zheng He (a Muslim), read Url:


By History Channel
2of2.html [Part 2 of 2]].


By National Geographic Channel


DENOTE: O’Dea, remembers many civilization built and destroyed all over the world, based upon
both perceptions; religious and non-religious, in passed Milleniums (6 approx.) in which some
were very strong and powerful whereas weak and dependable upon mercy were existed too,
hence none couldn’t denied (historical navigations or explorations) neither can say people
(Scholars, Rulers etc.) as well as the most pious Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)
doesn’t knows (Ma’az Allah | that is profanity[Kufr]) contrary many had explored and civilized but
with the passage of time either removed through torments (Urdu: Azab ya Etab ki Wa’jeh sey) due
to disobedience or any else reasons (for instance Migration etc.). However elimination happens
only due to when either forgot the right teachings or acquired self-made perceptions (based upon
infidelity or polytheism etc | which is unacceptable). [Allah knows the best.]. Natives: Therefore
natives living there before Coumbus period (arrival, and then colonization) was here now seems
to be suppressed (punishment) actually, which is either due to refuting Islam, that has reached to
them in its early period and invitation was given to them (was carried on) but not accepts* or left
practicing the way have been ordered (embraced, whether in small numbers meant by few) or
any else reason. Columbus’s America: As said early that usually taught in School Books that
Columbus discovered America in 1491 A.D, and before that none knows about this continent;
hidden but when Columbus stepped inn becomes appeared (Wa’ow this is great | what a magic.!).
Re-Inhabitated: O’Dea, actually the continent was re-inhabitated by the European Settlers, North
[*] When emerged as the righteous and last religion (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah) on earth.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 222


America by mostly English people where as South America (Latin) by Spanish people, and the one
reason behind it was to made an Empire(s) that would be far reaching and safe haven; away from
Muslim World particularly and difficult to be reached meant unaccessible to invade (wanted to
get away from the righteous religion | Islam), though forgot several things that are; first,
wherever you go finds Allah’s order (cannot get away from almighty Rehman’s Sultanat) [Thus
called belief upon Islam rather than thinking to runaway]. Second, destruction of Empires
wouldn’t necessary happens by invasion, because of other means (if Allah [Subhanahu] wants to
destroys then orders | May Allah protect us all) that cannot be fight neither couldn’t be endure
(Natural Disasters, Diseases etc). Third, it is not totally disconnected, meant still accessible from
Russia’s east (or say far-east) via Alaska to Canada and then here is USA, as both borders are met.
Fourth, it is more vulnerable than they were thinking (or had planned) that making far distance
safe haven from Muslims wouldn’t let them to reach easily, thus will sat there and do whatever
planning we like to do to annihilate Islam completely, but however more dangerous enemy then
expecting us is closer to them. [Keep Thinking] NOTE: For Muslims (around the world), there is
nothing to afraid (from their strength) neither to give any threat because when they are enemy of
their own (particularly U.S Government) then who needs (to become their enemy; though avoid
friendship either and Muslims shall strengthen their ownselves) or why puts tremendous
resources to build large scale army for invading U.S (to destroy or punish them) particularly;
there are many other solution (soft) present for ending their tyranny that will easily plunk them.
Impeding here for while, and discuss (or say highlights) them later. Allah knows all the best.

Al-Mashreq al-Wusta (The Middle East)

Arab al-Shareef (Hijaz’e Muqaddus): In brief, the history and geography (for some details read
previous articles). Geography: Located in Middle East as well as known as center of our planet
earth, particularly Makkah Moaz’zimah, whereas origin & reality is Madinah Tayyibah [Keep
Thinking], facing Mediterranean Sea to west and bordering Turkey to the North and Iraq to the
East, and Urdan to South. History: Center of religion, many well known empires based upon both
religion and non-religious (including self made religion), Arab Civilization*, comprising upon
various precious and divined lands (territories) for instance; Land of Abdal (Sham al-Sharif now),
Land of Saints (Iraq), Sana’a and Hudhr-Maut (Yemen), Bait’ul Muqaddus (Falasteen, presently
occupied by Jews [disbelievers]), Hejazz’e Muqaddus (Makkah Moaz’zimah & Madinah
Munaw’warah) and so on forth. After proclamation (Aylan’e Nabuwwah Sharif) by Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), which was responded in both ways, accepted and
neglected, nearly by all tribes, particularly those in Makkah Moaz’zimah when it was given, but as
promised by Allah almighty that will open (Hearts | Su’door) for Islam which was then fulfilled too
when large number begun to entered (embracing) in form of singular, family, tribe and nation.
Islamic State: After honorable migration (Hijrat Sharif) and then settlement to Madinah
Munaw’warah, Sidna Muhammed al-Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) made it center (or say State of
Madinah [Riyasat’e Madinah] was formed or founded), and continues the holy and pious
invitation, upon getting harsh resistance (means including military assaults), particularly first
from tribes, which was then later followed by Empires; for instance Kaiser’O Kasrah etc, upon
revelation of verses regarding ‘to fight’ (for invitation; meant Islam, defense as well as spreading),
orders blessed companions (Sahaba’e Kiram [Alehemur Ridh’wan]) to do (performed as
[*] Including right faith and pious Jews: Yahud [believers; only those whom had embraced invitation given by
Anmbiya Kiram (Alehemus Salam)], however present day are disbelievers [Kuffar].

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 223


obligatory) and participated himself (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as well. KHILAFAT’E RASH’DAH:

After sad demised (Urdu: Visal Farmana) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam),
Hudhrat Abu-Bakr Siddique (Radhi Allah Anhu) was then selected through mutual agreement
(Urdu: Bahmi Mushwarey aur ittefaq’e ra’ey sey) as first caliph (Khalifa’e Awwal), tenure was
12yrs approx, whom was succeeded after his (Radhi Allah Anhu) demised by then Hudhrat Umar
al-Farooq (Radhi Allah Anhu) as second caliph (Khalifa’e Thani), tenure was 10yrs approx, whom
was then succeeded after his (Radhi Allah Anhu) martyrdom by then Hudhrat Usman al-Ghani
(Radhi Allah Anhu) as third caliph (Khalifa’e Thalith), tenure was 8yrs approx, whom was then
succeeded after his martyrdom by then Hudhrat Ali al-Mutardha (Radhi Allah Anhu) as fourth
caliph (Khalifa’e Rab’ey), tenure was 4yrs approx, and then finally came Hudhrat Imam Hasan bin
Ali (Radhi Allah Anhuma) when Ibn’e Maljum (al-Khabees wal-Mardud) martyrdom Hudhrat Ali
al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) in Kufa while going for Fajr Salat (prayer). Imam Hasan (Radhi
Allah Anhu) tenure was of only 6 Months that will after addition to earlier tenures complete 30yrs
as reported earlier by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) regarding Khilafah
(Caliphate), Mumlukiyah (Sultanate) and then Ghulami (Slavery). EXPANSION: During Rashidun
Caliphate, and then afterwards too (when fell to Abbasyds and Umayyad), it expanded in all
directions (Andalusia[present day Spain] in West is a clear example), even during rise and then
control of Ottomans (Muslims Utmani-Turks), lasted 800yrs which was ended in early 19th
century, expansion is going-on (mostly towards North in West; where Muslim-Turks are
campaigning). Kharji-Wahabism: As we wrote previously, “… Arab al-Sharif is called SAUDIA
because of Saud Dynasty (unanimously came to power in 1932, from Western Back after
dissolution of Ottoman Empire, declared by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1921-23), actually a
Bedouin Tribe whom are the rulers of Najad, by creed they converted to Kharji-Wahabism
inspiring from its founder sedition speeches (lectures) in 17th Century (when they begun to rise,
Horn of Satan), they were then backed by specific lobby (because of their similarity and interests)
... In 19th Century when the British Empire [as they were serving (working for) the Masters
(agenda) too which is till today, a specific lobby] through Khawarij got successfully (indirectly)
the control of Hijaz’e Muqqaddus from Muslims (Turks) and transferred it to them (still controls
indirectly, includes US now too), in the name of Religion and Arabism. However, Al-Sharif’e
Makkah, by creed Muslim (Sunni), was actually determined to hold both, Khilafah and Hejaz’e
Muqaddus as its centre, but the only mistake he did chooses and relying upon British support,
rather than selecting dialogue with Istanbul, which later proved not beneficial, and Lawrence, an
agent from British Empire, playing on both sides (with Khawarij and al-Sharif), however
supporting al-Sharif’e Makkah in their stance as deserving side thus keen to gives control to him,
but somehow was not able to succeed hence failed thus Kharij-Wahabies won from East India
Company support (back), also involved in Arab revolts against Muslims-Turks. For a while
impeding here and discuss this issue later on some other appropriate occasion. In-Sha Allah wa
Rasulehi …”

DENOTE: We mentioned in last article to discuss one issue (Sharif’e Makkah and
Lawrence Collaboration upon one Stance) later hence would like to illustrate here.
STANCE: Actually, matter of holding (or say presiding) caliphate by Qurayshi (Banu-
Quraiysh in general; and in them Banu-Hashem particular) was picked by Lawrence (can
say cunningly), an exploitation to disintegrate Ottomans in one aspect, is correct hence Al-
Sharif Hussian al-Makkah stance for demanding return (or say transformation) to them is
not wrong either but Sharif’e Makkah back (West; British Vampire, oops Empire) is
dangerous (which proved later | Baad Main Sabit Hui). MISTAKE: Similarly, on the other

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side Muslims Turks (Ottoman Army) also did some mistakes (or say blunders), and one is
refuted transformation (which if they did could benefit them; gave them political
edge[advantage]) and second (that could saves them | maintain their hold for dignity and
integrity of Hijaz’e Muqaddus) is not resisting to Kharji-Wahabies at Hijaz’e Muqaddus.
Ulama says only Two Hundred Kharji-Wahabies came on horses and took control of
Hijaz’e Muqaddus from Ottoman Army (Muslims-Turks) and in respect and integrity of
Hijaz’e Muqaddus, Ottomans (Army) didn’t resists contrary left it (or say gave them in
plate). Note: In the end, these bastard Kharji-Wahabies, when came to reign (even on time
of takeover) upon Western Back, didn’t shown any respect (even today either); flown lots
of unjust blood of Ulama wa Muslimeen (particularly in Khana’e Ka’aba; where it is strictly
prohibited), destroyed several holy places (still doing in name of expansion), removed
relics, etc.

O’Dea, can’t you noticed that since their reign over Hejaz’s Muqaddus particularly, Muslims
around the world has begun to falls in terrible conditions. Second had lost (squeezing), and still
losing, our territories rather than gaining new territories (spreading). Third, were being
humiliated alot, and still do, by Non-Muslims that causing hurdles in spreading invitation (which
is bad for themselve; would become strong on wrong path/side). Therefore, Muslims around the
World should open-up their eyes, must understand and then aside from their trap (falling into) by
keeping far distance (not from Ulama’e Ahlal-Sunnah | Sign Ya Rasul Allah, Ya Ghawth al-Madad),
enforce state authorities to puts ban on their all sorts of activities (particularly Madaris; either
closed them or handover it to Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah) whereas revive true Islamic Teachings at all
education level (school, college, university etc.).

Sham al-Shareef: In brief, the history and geography (for some details read previous articles).
Geography: Located in Middle East’s West (or NW), facing Mediterranean Sea to west and
bordering Turkey to the North and Iraq to the East, and Urdan to South. History: As we wrote
previously (in “Rise of an Ummah from al-Maghreb”) that one of the most divined place (or say
amongst divined places), one significane of ts divineness is that when Sidna Adam’e Thani
Hudhrat Nuh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) along with his three pious Sons (all were prophets | Alehemus
Salat-O-Salam) and other creatures (couples) Ship was harbored (Bi’iznillah) at Judi Mountain
[Koh’he Tour], it was Sham al-Shareef, and then again began to build new civilization. Secondly,
amongst three of his pious sons (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) Sidna Hudhrat Sa’am bin Nuh (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) stayed and built civilization is from Sham al-Shareef, even region real name was
Sa’am (upon Sidna’s name) that was later becomes with the passage of time to ‘Shem or Sham’.
Many companions of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) belong as well as rest
in Sham al-Shareef, one is resting is Moazzin’e Rasul Sidna Hudhrat Bilal Habashi (Radhi Allah
Anhu), and another is Sidna Hudhrat Khalid Bin Waleed (Radhi Allah Anhu) and many others.
Very famous Taba’ei restng is Sidna Hudhrat Owais al-Qarani (Radhi Allah Anhu), Fateh Bait’ul
Muqaddus Hudhrat Sultan Salahuddin al-Ayubi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz), and very famous
guerilla fighter of 18th Century Hudhrat Mufti Muhammed Abdul-Qadir al-Jaza’iry al-Qadiri
(Quddussurahul Aziz). Fall & Rise: After fall of an Ottoman Empire went under French Rule and
finally get her independence in 1946. In 1970 bloodless coup lead by Hafiz al-Assad (then
Minister of Defence) which was end in 2000 upon his death is then succeeded by his son
Bash’shar al-Assad; since then in power (Re-elected | Through Recent Elections).

CURRENT AFFAIRS: In previous article (in real a transcript), under Nations on Sham al-

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Shareef, we stated that, “… In short, according to sources, North (Russia) has already
deployed (sent) some Military, Troops and Equipments (Armory; Gunship Helicopter,
Warships etc., Artillery; SAM etc) … whereas The West (US and Europe) is now preparing
in opposite to North will soon deploy (send) Military, Troops and Equipments (Armory;
Aircraft Warships etc., Artillery; Machine Guns, Anti-Air, RPG etc) ... in this collision, one
will rise and one will fall, as Power, but in this fight third will benefit and takes control, In-
Sha Allah wa Rasulehi …” Comment: O’Dea, as we illustrated in last, “one will rise and one
will fall, as Power” so do remember that obviously or say it’s a natural outcome that
whenever two forces collided, usually one fall (lost) whereas another succeed (wins)
though another condition is both withdraw (whether collides or not). Although in case of
Sham al-Shareef both has confronted (Diplomatically first | Airstrikes are Underway) made
situation little complex, though one side seems to be prominently winning (nearly wins),
and it is Russian Federation (Empire) whereas side that is losing is United Corporate(s)
[oops, States] of America. And then illustrated ahead in last, “but in this fight third will
benefit and takes control” hence it will happen because the side despite winning will
become weakened due to which unable to sustain support that will be in result benefits
Muslims to take charge of all matters as per Islamic teachings [a Glorious Rise].

Do remember, whether both collides or not, somehow (deliberately) or withdraw

(peacefully) in avoidance of third side benefits (Advantage | Rise) to get access in power
and then forms powerful block later, so it would be only just speculation, because third
will emerge surely whether one likes or not. Example: It’s like that if we eat well in a day,
then never feel starve again, but tell us then why becomes hungry a day next? Answer: It’s
a natural process, created by Sole Creator and almighty Allah, that whether eats or not,
feel starve at specified time, thus need food; similarly whether they collides or not third
will emerge and takes control (because they had brought the conditions at such level).
Question: If someone asks that, then why doesn’t emerges in Iraq or Afghanistan or on
any other territory (when they were invaded) tense and disastrous conditions
occurrence; why Sham al-Shareef? Answer: Fate (Urdu: Taqdeer) and due to restrictions
couldn’t illustrate but do remembers that fortunately appearance coming on time when
conflict (might be converts to WWIII) is going on in Sham al-Shareef. Allah knows the best.

FOOTNOTE: Not ignoring the Military presence in the region, as illustrated, but presently battle is
going on table (which Russia has won), whereas on ground it hasn’t happened yet (let see erects or not).

SYMPATHIES: Oh’ Muslims of Sham al-Shareef, be steadfast and patient, your stand
would not only bring inspiration but also the precious blood that has been given and still
sacrificing will also revive the UMMAH, our hearts and praises are with you same alike
with others, for instance Falasteen, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and so on forth, hence regret
all of us that in first place we shouldn’t let it be falls* or happened^. Show unity amongst
each other, stand firmly on ground and keep fighting until the extortion wouldn’t fall or
dies itself. Remembers, Allah (Subhanahu) will award you first the honorable status of
Islamic Sultanate. [Keep Thinking]. May Allah bi-Wasila’tun Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-
O-Salam) pardoned the sacrificed (sent them to Heavens) and grant patience and
steadiness to all of you. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen
[*] Your precious blood, even not only elseone, if stand united but unfortunately scattered or divided presently.
[^] Chaos and Anarchy, if stand united.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 226


Falasteen: In brief, history and geography. For details, particularly about Fatah Bait al-Muqdas
read “Tareekh’ul Khulafa” and fall of Falasteen to Jews (Zionists | Sahuni ya Masuni) read
“Tareekh Najd-O-Hejaz”. Geography: Located in Middle East, facing Mediterranean Sea to west
and bordering Lebanon to north and Sham to the Northeast, and Urdan to Southeast, whereas
annexed mostly parts unjustly by Isreal. History: Situated at a strategic location
between Egypt, Syria and Arabia, and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the region has a
long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. The
region has been controlled by numerous different people, including Ancient
Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient
Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Muslims (Sunni) Arab Caliphates, the Shia Fatimid Rule, Crusaders,
Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans (Uthmani Caliphate | The Last Muslim Rulers), the British and
modern Israelis and Palestinians. Presently: Boundaries of the region have changed throughout
history, and were last defined in modern times by the Franco-British boundary agreement
(1920) and the Transjordan memorandum of 16 September 1922, during the mandate period.
Today, the region comprises the State of Israel and Palestinian territories in which the State of
Palestine was declared. [Excerpts taken from Wikipedia]

DENOTE: In the time (blessed tenure) of 2nd Righteous Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Umar al-
Farooq’e Azam (Radhi Allah Anhu), it was liberated, then again lost to Jews which was
later liberated by Arif Bi’Allah al-Sultan al-Shaykh Salahuddin al-Ayyubi al-Shafa’ei al-
Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz), which was kept under Mameluks and then came under
Ottomans Empire control, after dissolved (into Ottoman’s Empire), till their fall in 1922
(Dissolution by Kemal Ata Turk | Or say because of defeat in WWI[Weakened them to
sustain]). Occupation: In 1948, Jews declared* State of Israel, which in reality as per their
teachings of Torah^ aren’t permissible to form State, but non-religious lobby bypass all
their teachings (because there intention in not religion but a deception[Dajal]) and finally
formed it. Extra Judicial Killings since establishment till today, in the name of expansion as
well as after foundation and then attacks by Hammas, are practice commonly by exploting
the unarmed of innocent Muslims (Civilians) in Falasteen otherwise if ever faces a real
Muslim Army (alike Sultan Salahuddin’s) then definitely couldn’t sustain. BOYCOTT:
Some people thought that boycotting Israel’s control corporate or companies’
products/services would affect them. This was asked from Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz) either (in his time), to which responded that “(Mafhoom)
… this wouldn’t (boycotting general items; Faqeer) because you can’t imagine their
sources of income (Loans, Oil Refinaries etc.) …” therefore rather than boycotting those
products, especially manufactured in Muslim Countries (employing Muslims) and in used
of general public (Muslims | Common or Rich), shall be avoided (boycotting). However (if
desire | Thinks) manufacturers (owners) can participate by stop paying Royalty to
Principal (if affiliated) in protest. Second, if wants a real affect (massive), than enforce
Central Authorities to close down or halts “OIL” and some concern materials supplies to
them; in reality such resources that can be used in WAR, are prohibited to sell to Non-
Muslims. Also, reform Banking Structure as well as Economy, and implement Quran &
Sunnah (Mazahib Arba’a) in State instead of practicing Western Laws (Democracy etc.).
[*] Succeed in conspiracy; including betrayals of then Leadership (under Shareef Faisal esp.) to common Muslims.
[^] “Torah” or “Tow’reyt” was sent towards Sidna Hudhrat Moosa “Kalimullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) for Banu-
Israel specifically; a valid religion (path) on that time. Note: Torah was canceled by/after Bible, which is then
latter was canceled by/after Quran Majeed.

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Al-Mashreq (The East)

Largest Continent on Earth in respect of area and civilizations, comprising from Japan in East
(Far) to Caucasus, Russia in West including Middle East according to some definitions, though not
sensible because Continent is defined as Land surrounded or encircling by Water from all sides
and in that case Europe cannot be excluded because bordering to Russia (Largest country in
World according to area and in Asia), westerners own contradictory or unclear definition,
however recently they are thinking to call it EURASIA. ASIAN Continent has been place of
hundreds of Empires formed by various Dynasties or Tribes, enriched in Natural and Mineral
Resources compares to any other continent on Earth, and most of all it was and still centre of all
major Religions (around the World).

Russia: In brief, the history and geography (for some details read previous article). Geography:
Located in Asia, bordering European Countries (including Scandinavian) in to West, then
Caucasus and Central Asian States as well as China and Mongolia in South, and Japan in East,
whereas Arctic Region (Ice) in North. History: Russian Empire was formed mutually by Russ-
Vikings (from region now called Scandinvia[Sweden]) and The Slavs Tribes (some says East Slavic,
living under Byzantine Empire Jurisdiction), in the 9th A.D Century, made “Kiev” as their first
centre (nowadays Ukraine’s capital) after liberation (Several Fights with Byzantine Empire’s
Centre, Constantinople). After the defeat of Byzantine Empire from Sidi Sultan Muhammed Fateh
(Quddussurahul Aziz) at Istanbul (Constantinople), they (The Russ-Vikings with Slavic Tribes)
accorded with Grand Duchy of Moscow (moved upward or in direction to north), to get protection
from further intrusions of Muslims in their Orthodox Christianty based (formed) Jurisdictions,
hence started campaign (voyage) from Scandinavian Region (Moscow) in to conquered lands by
Mongols (captured before Mongols embraces Islam and after entering inn controlled till fallen to
Soviets and P.R China), which was called as The Great Khanate Empire (Comprised upon several
small Mongol Kingdoms latter entered to Islam, after embracement). In short, their campaign was
finally succeeded in 18th Century (Tsar’s Russian Empire expansion) and then in 19th Century
(Bolshevik Revolution) respectively, when all major Muslims territories (The Khanate Empire)
which were the barrier for preventing Europeans from North and West to entering in Asia
(Muslims Jurisdiction), fell one by one to Communist led Socialist regime called Soviet Union

PRESENT AFFAIRS: In previous article (in real a transcript), under Nations on Russia,
stated (advising) that, “… Advise: We advise them, if they wants to end these upheavals
because feels unsecure from Western (US & NATO) interruptions, so rather than
supporting immoral regimes (or say present) in Muslim World, why not support any third
party, meant Russians can help Islam, by supporting Ulama’e Ahla’l Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah
(but upon our stipulations), in every disturbed Muslim country, like Libya, Iraq, Syria,
Afghanistan and so on forth. …” though remembers, firstly, it just an advise, second only
to depicts Muslim World that see (examine yourself) how they didn’t like niether wants
peace and stability as well as letting us to become block (Powerful Muslim Block), we gave
this advise in last article (published via email on 11th Septmeber, 2012), and after some
period of time Russian President (Vladimir Putin) visited India, and signed a Arms Deal,
worth of $3 Billion [Url:], which
definitely benefits [See next pg Hem (*)] Indian Defense Line (all; Army, Navy, Air Force),
whereas postponed visit to Pakistan (gave lame security excuse; though our then

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 228


President Asif Ali Zardari and retired COAS General Kayani has visited Russia), thus
requested Muslims all around the world kindly build your own (everything) and left
relying^ upon Non-Muslims, because they can never be our friends or ever likes or wants
about us to become strong rival (powerful block). Third, we already mentioned in same
article (in real a transcript), “… And from Russia large number of Muslims who are living
there having good knowledge and expertise of modern technologies compares to
Religious (though Learning it as well | majority of them either Hana’fi or Shafa’ei), hence
their chances to come~ looking prominent for assistances …”, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi.
Support: If one or even Russian says, that we have helped (you cannot blame that we
don’t wanted Peace and Stability) hence couldn’t accuse of chaos and anarchy
(provocation or prevailing) or as an enemy to Muslims and their Lands. Answer: If very
fair and friendly then why don’t you support Muslims and their Ulama, besides Zulama
(Kharji-Rafdhies), because presently whom you are supporting (regimes) in Iran and
Sham al-Shareef are Kharji-Rafdhies (mostly or all their members [employees; whether in
admin or security forces]), though west (US & NATO) is also supporting Kharji-Rafdhies in
Iraq and Afghanistan (regimes; mostly or all their members [employees; whether in admin
or security forces]), therefore expecting from chaotic or anarchist people a peace and
stability is not sanity but either insanity or betray. [Keep Thinking]. Central Asia: If one
or even Russian says, indicates Central Asian Republics, all are Muslims (Turks)
Territories and majority of natives are Sunnis (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba) hence
couldn’t accuse. Answer: Proved they are religious? As per sources, leadership in those
states either communists (and by perception | atheists) or western democratized, because
under Soviet Union which was an Atheist Vampire (oops, Empire) hence appointments
(for leadership) were based upon atheist perception, and secondly they are following
Socialist or Western Democratic Model. Hence where is Islam? Libya: If one or even
Russian says, what about Libya? Answer: We admit, Colonel Qazzafi and his regime did
mistake even blunders being made, no doubt they built (Urdu: Tameer) the nation but
didn’t prepared (Urdu: Tarbiyat) neither formed Military the way they should [as per
Islamic Teachings]. Iraq: If one or even Russian says, what about Iraq (because Late
Saddam Hussain, represents Ba’ath Socialist Party, which was then backed by Former
Soviet Union)? Answer: Same alike Colonel Qazzafi’s Libya, built (Urdu: Tameer) the
Nation but not prepared (Urdu: Tarbiyat) neither formed Miliatry the way they should [as
per Islamic Teachings].

[See also all respected Muslim States illustrations separately, early and ahead,
Jazakamullahu Khairah]

CHECHNYA (CAUCASUS REGION): In brief, the history and geography. For details, see Wikipedia.
Geography: Located in the North Caucasus, on the southernmost part of Eastern Europe, and
within 100 kilometers of the Caspian Sea. The capital of the republic is Grozny. As of the 2010
Census, the republic had a population of 1,268,989 people (1.27 Million app.). Some about
[*] Advice for Indians (only due to Muslim population living there), be carefull (no need to be over excited) as you
experienced [Read following, Url:
[^] However in goodwill (if agrees against charges), if they (Non-Muslims) help or give support then it is
permissible (no harm in it), but even though shall tries best to avoid reliance.
[~] Whether from “Kuj-Shumali” Russia wouldn’t be meant (someone else); as Muslims from around the world
reach here for achieving glorious destiny hence from Russia either (cannot exclude or exempted).
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 229

Region: Region situated at the border of Europe and Asia, between the Black and the Caspean
seas. It is home to the Caucasus Mountains (Arb: Qaw’qaz | Urd: Koh-Qaf), which contain Europe's
highest mountain, Mount Elbrus. Politically, the Caucasus region is separated between northern
and southern parts. The southern parts consist of independent sovereign states (Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Georgia etc). The northern parts are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation
(Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia etc.). History: In 1921, Russian Red Army attacked Caucasus
Region (Northern) and absorbed forcibly into Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet
Empire in 1991, the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was split into two parts: the Republic of Ingushetia and
the Chechen Republic. The latter proclaimed the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, which sought
independence. Following the First Chechen War with Russia, Chechnya gained de facto
independence as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Russian federal control was restored during
the Second Chechen War. Since then there has been a systematic reconstruction and rebuilding
process, though sporadic fighting continues in the mountains and southern regions of the
republic. Significance: “… and Oh shall we not discuss it in the light of Sufiya’e Kiram sayings
(Predictions), besides The Soviet Empire disintegration; though Russia had enough knocks from
Muslims but may be get one more and that is in response to our beloved CHECHNIYA, what other
achievements from PAKISTAN will also be attain …[3rd Article | Pg.16]” therefore one more knock
is dependable upon Muslims, under their (Russian Federation) jurisdiction, for accede them to
join Islamic Empire (Sultanat or Caliphate | Upcoming); meant if let peacefully, then couldn’t get
(though invitation[Islam] will be send), otherwise if not then does. Impeding here for while and
refraining to go in further details. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: We mentioned in previous article, under ‘Exemption’ that, “… About Accord(s)

or Pact(s) specifically FOR PEACE and GOVERNANCE even for UNIFICATION, between
Muslims and Non-Muslims living in same territory … … we’ll discuss its some aspects
related to our discussion on one regional conflict(s) that was provoked and it was then
settled (though insurgencies are still going-on) after agreement (in which it looks that one
side has been constrict unjustly, although not), in next article. In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi …
[4th Article | Pg.19]” so by this we meant ‘Chechen Republic’ under Russian Federation.
War for as an Independent State, was fought twice, first lead by Dzhokhar Dudayev (1st
President | After USSR Dissolution) and then second was lead by Aslan Maskhadov (2nd
President | After Dudayev Assasination in 1996) respectively*. The Second Chechen War
ended upon Russian Army seized control over Grozny (Chechnya) and appointed Hudhrat
Mufti Akhmat Kadyrov^ (Rehmatullah Alehe) incharge or as caretaker (switched a side |
From Resistence to Assistance~), then later became President through General Elections in
2003. [See also “Control” in Issues | Ahead] Opposed: This was harshly opposed by some
groups fighting against Russian Federation, and in them one leading figure (Shamil
Basayev) assassinated President Mufti Akhmat Kadyrov (Rehmatullah Alehe) over this
matter (abandoning the resistence); blasted a bomb during Military Parade on 9th
February, 2004. Insurgency: Afterwards (Walid’e Girami’s Assassination), then comes (or
say inheritor) Ramzan Kadyrov as President of Chechen Republic, Russia in 2007
(through General Elections | Before that acted as caretaker) and continued the earlier
Policies, as well as made some new reforms. Also separatist movement, that was started
since 1991 was then announced ceased (by Akhmed Zakayev!) in Aug-2009 (considered
officially), although presence of Radical Groups (Kharji-Salafist[Wahabies]), entered inn
either both or 2nd War, have been converted into suicide attacks since; backed by either

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Russian Inteligence (FSB) or Foreign Inteligences (West | Mi6, CIA, Mossad etc). Allah
knows the best.

FOOTNOTE: [*] After first War (ends in 1996), comes President Aslan Maskhadov Late in reign. [^] “al-
Shafa’ei” in Fiqh, and “al-Qadiri[Kadyrov]” in Tariqah. Note: President Aslan Maskhadov Late, during
reign (1997-2000), has terminated Hudhrat Mufti Akhmat Kadyrov (Rehmatullah Alehe) from the
position of Grand Mufti (Chechen Republic of Ichkeria) over matter to fight (for separation) against
Russian Federation. [~] Due to insufficient resources (Supplies | Weapons etc) and strength (Manpower |
Out-Numbered). Note: Though had fallen to Russian Army in 2000, but even then status was awarded
(given) as Semi-Independent Republic. Allah knows the best. [!] Live in exile now; in London. Note:
Nearly all members of Separatist Movement has been either killed or assassinated; leaving no one to
continue ahead.

China (Seen or Sino): In brief, the history and geography (for details, read previous article also).
Geography: Located in Northern Hemisphere, bordering with Russia and Mongolia to North,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos & Vietnam to
South, Koreas (North & South) along with Japan to East and Central Asian Republics to West For
more clear understanding; see map]. History: Ulama says, Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam’e Sani’
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has three pious sons, whereas some counted or says seven although first
figure was acquired mostly by Ulama, amongst them one is Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas bin Nuh
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), after the great storm known as “Toufan’e Nuh” which devastated the
whole planet Earth, Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas bin Nuh (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) was left or some
says ordered to sent here by Sidi Hudhrat Nuh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [1], and after settling in to
this region Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas bin Nuh (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) has started and continues the
civilization, social and economical, based upon religion, and all Chinese people were actually from
his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) lineage or say descendants. This also removed the objections [which
one from Ambiya (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)] or claims [that none from Ambiya (Alehemus Salat-
O-Salam)] upon sending prophets to this region [2]. Because Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas bin Nuh
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) was a “Nabi” and he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) along with some other
people are the first, after The Great Storm (Toufan’e Nuh), whom had step (came) and settled in
this region [3], which is now called China. Allah knows better that how many sent here [in this
region] after Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas bin Nuh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [4] but in last beloved Sidna
Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was sent for whole world which includes China (Subhan
Allah | Allahu Akbar).

DENOTE: [1] Another interpretation depicts that Sidna Hudhrat Ya’fas Bin Nuh (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) wasn’t sent neither travels towards any present area of CHINA (which also
meant never stepped inn), contrary stayed near Judi Mountain (Ko’he Tour), on that time
but His (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) descendants went (begun spreading towards north of Judi
Mountain; that is from Sham al-Shareef or above [Azerbaijan, Armenia etc]) there and then
has established their civilization by spreading all the way to present day CHINA; where
thickly populated. [2] Sultan’ul Awliyah Al-Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (Quddussurahul
Aziz) says that, “(Mafhoom) … Allah (Subhanahu) hasn’t revealed about all prophets in
Quran Majeed (however mentioned that has sent prophets towards every civilization
existed around the world; Faqeer) therefore Allah (Subhanahu) knew the exact details
(figure & names) …” Although Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was
sent towards all mankind; regardless of cast and region. [3] In the light of this
interpretation ‘[1]’, then any from else Anmbiya (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) would be
considered first to step inn. [4] Definitly, whether not stepped (came) in to CHINA, even

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then he (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) would be the first prophet towards his (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) people (descendants).

East Turkestan (Kash’ghar): In brief, the geography. For details see (writes) Uyighur People on
Wikipedia (some information, or nearly most of it, has been either removed or modified at
Wikipedia on East Turkestan subject). Geography: In last article, we stated that, “… According to
Allama Muhammad Iqbal al-Hanafi (Rehamtullah Alehe) one Farsi stanza, “Mafhoom … Be the one
protector of Haram from the river of Nile till the Soil (Farsi: Ta ba-Kha’ke) of Kash’ghar”, can
someone tells or signifies following; Where Kash’ghar situated? What it means or showing?
Because River Nile so everyone is familiar, “Mesir ...!’, but then “to Kashghar ...?”. Like to know,
is it independent or occupied, if not independent (present on map as Free State) then who are the
occupants? For while, leaving it upon to all, esp. analysts. In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, we’ll discuss
in some details in next article … [4th Article | Pg.61]” therefore Kashgahr (East Turkestan) is
located in Central Asia or say it’s an occupied-part* of Central Asia. On north, situated
Kazakhistan, Russian Federation (Touches) and Mongolia whereas on east, situated P.R. of China
(Present Occupants | By Qinghai and Gansu Provinces). On its south lies Tibet Region as well as
bordering Pakistan (via Gilgit-Baltistan Province) and India (via Laddakh), whereas on west,
situated (or say bordering) Kyrghystan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan (Touches) respectively. It is
home to Uighur or Uyghur people, old inhabitans living since centuries even before Islam; current
population^ is around 10 Million app. (43.3%). Significance: In last artcle, we stated, “…War
(Tibet): Keeping orders of stanza as valid, here we like to leave a question or say vague upon to
all esp. analysts particularly to Master Zaid Hamid Sb, and that is “why firstly they (Shah and his
forces) fight at or occurs upon TIBET”. What could be the reasons behind whereas what
importance it has?… [4th Article | Pg.65]” hence importance which have been put under vague is
nothing but from military point (Campaign | Height Advantage); Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahu
Aziz) has pointed out (in one Sohbah) that, “… what one will do by taking (capturing) gigantic
mountains under control?…” Second, people in there (Tibetans) were, by majority (or say
inlarge), practices Buddhism (Real Polytheism(Shirk) | Mushrikeen) hence should be given
invitation (towards Monotheism | Tawheed’O Risalat) once again. Impeding here for while and
refraining to go in some more details. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [*] They got the independence twice. Firstly in 1933 as East Turkestan Republic
and then as Islamic Republic of East Turkestan respectively; lasted till 1936. And then
again, in 1944 as East Turkestan Repblic only but then fell to P.R. of China in 1949. [^]
Under P.R of China (Communist Rule), approx. 250 Million Uyghur Muslims have been
exterminated in between 1949-1965 (Mao Zedong Tenure); mostly through executions
(Unjustly | Massive Genocide).

Afghanistan (Khu’rasan): In brief, the history and geography (for some details read previous
articles). Geography: Before Hotaki Dynasty’s liberation for their Empire, naming it Afghanistan,
it was renowned as “Khurasan” along with parts of Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as well as
some parts of Pakistan (western), bordering Afghanistan, though it is not confirmed or say
verified. However change of name doesn’t implied neither could change the reality as well as fate
or events as foretold by beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in the respect of
“Khurasan” and so are still valid or came under it. Soviet Invasion: It was left as buffer state for
The Great Game by its players, and has been not too much touched or affected by Kharji-Salafism
(though British tried to induct but failed during their Rule over Hind), and that’s why

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independent as imperial state but later (in middle of 19th Century) went under communist regime
which causes or erupted bloody civil war (continuation of The Great Game) which began in 1979
when Soviet Army enters, approx 1.5 Million Afghan Muslims lost their lives, all structures either
badly damaged or completely destroyed, although after the end of Afghan-Soviet War in 1989
upon Soviet withdrawal, gave or provided the chance for penetration to Kharji-Wahabism, which
was successfully exploited by them, specifically in the name of Islam and Jihad, that resulted later
a drastic fall of Communist Regime (Lead by Dr.Najibullah) in 1992, created the vacuum in
governance (esp. peace n stability) all over Afghanistan, hence unfortunately persisted a
unending War also, but this time internally amongst Tribes for the power, though it was tries to
filled by then allied (majority joined not all, Tribes) government formed and run under leadership
of Ahmed Shah Masood and then preceded by Hudhrat Mawlana Sibghatullah al-Hanafi al-
Mujaddidi and then Burhanuddin Rabbani respectively, but somehow all were fails to prevent it
completely, therefore fight was persisted (because of neighbors interests too, esp. Iran &
Pakistan) which gave or provided chance to Taliban (Emergence of the West’s powerful tool in
governance, assisted by Pakistan alongwith some partners, esp. Saudia Arabia) for takeover, but
they were also failed to control 100% (taken 85%) due to Northern Alliance resistance from their
jurisdictions which later resulted Taliban collapse, although suffering from aftermaths (more
than 30 years in war). Black Flags: Ulama says, that in end times an army having Black Flags
wearing black dresses appears from Talqan, Khurasan, situated to north of Kabul, present
inhabitants are either Tajiks or Uzbeks alongwith some population of Pashtuns, lead by Ahle-Bayt
Banu Abbass lineage personage[1] (actually it is our Ahle Bayt Banu Abbass symbol, Black dress n
flag, they acquired it during their Rule, rafdhies-shi’ite only betrays to wearing it, however it has
no relation with them due to difference in creed) in support to Imam Mahdi Muhammed bin
Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) for rights, no one can able to stops them or nothing
become hurdle in their way to Jerusalem, where they finally affix their flags (a place in Sham,
called Dhilah al-Qadam, Damishq) and performed Jihad with Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu).

DENOTE: [1] There are different interpretations regarding Commander leading the Black
Flag Army, one indicates Banu Abbas (named al-Mansour), another Banu Hashem al-
Hussaiyni, one is Banu Kalb (Sualeh) hence illustrated (does reconciliation) under topic
Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu), at Awaiting Personage, in this book (reminds it).

Al-Hind “Bar’re Sagheer” [Indo–Pak Subcontinent]: In brief, the history and geography (for
some details read previous articles). Geography: Located in Northern Hemisphere, before
partition comprises from Peshawar to Rangoon under Mughal Empire then fell to Britsh Empire
but remains as earlier and then after partition, disintegrated into Pakistan in West, India in
Cantre, Bangladesh & Burma in East, Nepal & Bhutan in North and Sri Lanka in South. INDIA
(Hind, Bar’re Saghir): Here we(ghafaralahu) can present the profound researches did by
Scholars (religious and non-religious) and eminent Muslims Ulama but due to its length
refraining. Geography: One of the most ancient civilization and prehistoric nation, second largest
country according to population (1.2 Billion app. as per source) and seventh largest in respect of
area. Located in Northern Hemisphere also, bordering with China, Nepal and Bhutan to North, Sri
Lanka along with Maldives to South, Bangladesh along with Burma to West and Pakistan to East.
Foundation: Sikandar’e Azam Sidi Zulqarnain (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) after returning from the
region, called it Indus Valley, which was later becomes famous as INDIA, first settlers of India are
Aryan people sharing largest population of nearly 856 Millions inahbitants. It was also home to
some other tribes came from different regions and settled here, mostly from upper North region,

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Chinese origin or descendants, and so on forth. Hinduism was the largest religion practiced in
India, nearly 80% approx., then Islam and then Christianity was practiced respectively where as
small number of people following Buddhism and others. Islam in India: Islam affected (reached)
in early period, first when Prince Rama Varma of Cheraman, who becomes the Muslim during the
blissful era of Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) upon “Moajza’e Shaqq al-Qamar” which he
witnessed personally from Palace balcony and upon inquiry to pundits being revealed about this
(as a sign of Last Prophet and his emergence [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]), therefore when hears this
very pleased hence professes at once, and after embracing he sent secretly some gifts in the
honorable presence of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and in returned he
gets too, and built first Masjid “Cheraman Juma Masjid” which is still present in India, and can be
visit. []. Second, Sidna Hudhrat
Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (Radhi Allah Anhu) along with some other companions (Radhi Allah Anhum)
was also said brought Islam here, while going to China passes from Indus River, some says from
Bengal (nowadays Bangladesh), whereas passing from Sindh River were also reported. Allah
knows the best. Muslims in India makes nearly 13% approx of Total Population (2001 census)
whereas it is now 20% approx (2011 reports), however according to one source India is home to
largest Muslims population (248 Millions) in Muslim World (compares to any other Muslims
State) which was then followed by Indonesia (210 Millions), however we heard about this for
China that she homes the largest population of Muslims (280 Millions), if considering 17% or
20% as valid. Allah knows the best. Invasion: It was rules by Aryan people practicing Hinduism
(self made religion) since their settlements, that lasted till emergence of Islam, after Muslims
begun attempts in the light of Beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) saying, known as
“Ghazwa-tul-Hind”, in which some attempts are successful whereas some none, renown
conquerors Sidi Hudhrat Muhammed bin Qasim al-Thaqafi (Radhi Allah Anhu) [known as Fateh
Sindh, went till Multan and then called back due to alterations in centre], Sidi Sultan Mehmood
Ghaznavi (Quddussurahul Aziz) [Fateh Dehli, and also lay down Somnath Munder; biggest
Buddha in HIND on that Time], Sidi Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammed Ghauri (Quddussurahul)
[Afghan Emperor | also ruled Dehli], and several others. And finally in 1526 A.D Mughals
(Mongols, direct descendants of Genghis Khan, amid Timurids) came to India from north-east
(some says) and establishes very strong Empire in Agra (200 Miles from Delhi, though it was
included in their Rule) which lasted 325 years approx till 1857 A.D, also End of the Mughal
Dynasty so the Muslims Rule over Hind (Mughals areas of influence are nowadays Afghanistan,
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma), fall to East India Company (The British), came for
Trading (or say in the name of Business Relationship) but in-real through conspiracies made the
whole empire their slave gradually by trapping them (it took 100 years to infiltrate; Mid 17th
century to Mid 18th Century; also proving Mughals weaknesses or ignorance that not recognizing
the enemy within ranks which later costs them whole empire) and finally in 1858 A.D declared
British Empire Rule over it, and left in mid of the 19th Century (1947-48) after splitting into many
states, India, West Pakistan, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Afghanistan (as per Mughals influence it
was then came under British Empire Rule after fall) and Burma[1]. Conditions: After
independence, India did tremendous achievements and developments in their Political, Social,
Economical and Military structures, they became largest Democratic Nation in World, having 3rd
largest Army (in both perspective | HR and Artillery), called 7th largest economy, and made
progresses in some other fields too (for instance; Engineering, Science and Technology), though
having such characteristics or say achievements, their Political influence or say grip seems to be
weak that it was unable to controls or say deliver the solutions to some internal matters, like
poverty, living standard, religious riots (Hindu-Muslims Clashes; in which usually Muslims suffers

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a lot, Allah knows the best), as well as disputed territories, insurgencies meant several
movements undergoing for separation (for independent state), like Khalistan (Sikhs), Naxalites
(Maoist) etc; just like her eastern neighbor Pakistan. For while impeding (Arabic: Ikte’fah) here.

DENOTE: [1] Muslims Rule Barr’e Saghir al-Hind (Indo-Pak Subcontinent) approximately
1000yrs, from Sidna Sultan al-Hind Khuwaja al-Sharif Moinuddin al-Hussaiyni al-Hanafi
al-Chishti (Quddussurahul Aziz) arrival in India and then inviting Sultan Shahabuddin
Ghauri (Rehmatullah Alehe) once again (through Spiritual instinct) after Sultan’s few
early attempts being failed but then this recall was successful (Khuwaja
Sahab’s[Quddussurahul Aziz]), till the Mughal Empire. Though attempts were planned and
made also before final capture of Dehli (or say firstly | Mililtarily), by Sultan Mehmood
Ghaznavi (Rehmatullah Alehe) etc. Note: Nepal, Bhutan, Sri-lanka and Maldive were also
under Mughal Empire, hence after fall to British Empire, and then fall of British Empire,
gave them sovereignty.

PAKISTAN (Hind, Bar’re Saghir, wa Mominan’e Gharbi): It started when The Britih Empire
explored and then begun penetrating through trade (Business | East India Company[Bengal]) in
between 16th & 17th Centuries, though Ulama warned then the Emperors but it wasn’t taken
seriously or paid attention hence in the middle of 18th Century, through vicious planning, fallen to
foreign guests (hands | rivalry) finally. During their reign on Center, several instigations and
calamities either happened or being created; particularly sectarianism and natural crisis.
Resistance: In the midst of collapse, several prominent personages took part in resistance,
mainly Hudhrat Allama Fadhl’e Haq Khairabadi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Quddussurahul Aziz),
Hudhrat Allama Naqi Ali al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz), Hudhrat Allama
Kifayat Ahmed Ka’korvi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz); but could say that it was too late,
because of enemy infiltration till roots of Empire, which caused fracture in whole thus unable to
recovered, similarly on the other side Ottomans were also stuck into internal upheavels
(instability | Heretic Wahabies esp.) under their reign (Ottoman Caliphate [or Sultanate]).
Foundation: During such times of chaos and anarchy, Allah (Subhananhu) awarded Muslims with
a great persosnage, Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul
Aziz), provided the foundation of Two Nation Theory, as well as with Hudhrat Allama Muhammed
Iqbal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe) and Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Alehe
Rehma). Hence after mutual long efforts, mainly by Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), on 14th
August, 1947, a dream comes true and a separate state upon Islam being founded[A].
Examination: Since foundation Pakistan have been examined several time even with very hard
hits, meant got many punches by Western (US & Europe) and Northern (USSR Late) Powers, and
most of all very famous our neighbors INDIA, also faced many punches, distribution of Indo-Pak
Subcontinent was not fair, then lost Jammu & Kashmir (got chance in 1998 to take it back, during
Kargil War, which was nearly won, but then loose on table with US), and then lost East Pakistan
(Mominan’e Sharqi | Now Bangladesh) in 1971 War (on table which includes Soviet Pressure),
and there are many other small disputes with INDIA (seems to be very Lucky, Hindu Banya).
Therefore another hard punch is expected, and this time might be loose something, hence do not
fear or worried that Pakistan will collapse (whole state) or lost everything or even upset on
devastations, which come upon us as severe punishments (in other words examination), because
before arrival of Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect him) may be lost something, however if
destiny has been written under his guidance and leadership in Fate by Allah (Subhanahu) for this
country in present era then it will happens therefore wait and see (show patience), be united and

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stand firm. Pakistan will pass this examination too and would stand as country[B]. In-Sha Allah
wa Rasulehi. Conspiracy: First, Af-Pak Doctrine (The Western Moves) and Cold Start Doctrine
(The Indian Moves), revealed by Master Zaid Hamid Shah Sb, are seems to be now very much true
or looks like that going to be happen soon because conditions are taking deliberately towards that
way or level which will allowed them to execute or say pursue us in the name of false allegations.
MoU [
nato.html] for opening supplies is one proof seems reluctant therefore request Ulama, sitting in
Parliament, ask Government (Higher Authorities, and Military)....? Note: Signed during previous
regime era, by leadership (Military esp.), and now we have new leadership (Civil & Military) but
still heard nothing in this regards (MoU | Means under execution because nor canceled neither
terminated). Second, internal players, can called them Munafiqoon (by Faith[Khawarij], and an
Act[Seculars esp.]), both has been placed and positioned, one in the name of religion that might be
claims to implement Shari’ah Laws (like TTP), whereas another in the name of injustices and thus
claims partition. Therefore, let see what will be the outcome from these vicious moves (enemies)
and divined strategies (friends). Note: Brutal and Harsh activities, causing chaos or inflicting
anarchy, by both (Deviators | of Faith, & of Act) time to time, are crystal clear signs. Third, be
noted, especially those lives in India, that we will not begin first (can say would be not in the
mood of war) but whenever with India (As foretells by Awliyah), they will (Hindu Banya) start it
first we just finished it (with your kind support, without it then forget conquering Hind) under
the guidance and leadership of “Divined Personality”. Note: As per Honorable Master Zaid Hamid
Shah Sahab, “butcher of Gujrat” now in power; and have hostile attitude towards Pakistan.
Second, present regime PM (being treated as Schoolboy; said Imran Khan[Cricketer]), has visited
INDIA on inaugural ceremony of newly elected PM, during visit issues were also discussed (or say
highlighted | summarized in 5 Points) to resolve them at utmost priority for lowering the tensions
and strengthening the friendly relationship between both countries (to live in peace and harmony
forever | Wow what a dream?). Destiny: Ah, come to Pakistan, come to Madina’e Sani of Sahib’e
Madinah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), come to Allah’s miraculous Sign, do not hesitate nor confused
neither fears because our guidance and protector, by Allah’s WILL (bi’iznillah), will be beloved
Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe-Salat-O-Salam), therefore stick to Masha’ikh because of divine orders
whenever they receives and say Labbayk, respond their call and come (if capable) for Allah and
his Rasul (Alehe-Salat-O-Salam) not for the “Nufs” or “Money” even for “Land”. O’Dear remember
it has been founded for noble cause not for else hence belongs to all Muslims around the world, it
is not anyone’s personal asset or property, therefore no matter which cast or tribe you belongs
and spoke language don’t hesitate, come whenever calls by Oulul Amr (yan’i Sahib-ul-Waqt).
Remembers, your glorious destination will await you. [Also watch this in same regards; (Ref.: IN28)] SOLUTION: See
solution, under interpretations of Sultan al-Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz) and Al-Shaykh Baba
Saeed al-Hasani (Quddussurahul aziz) foretells. For while impeding (Arabic: Ikte’fah) here. May
Allah bi-Wasilatun Nabi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) protect Ummah from all sorts of humiliation and
devastations, and revived them back as before. Ameen thuma Ameen.

DENOTE: [A] In one tv program (available on internet), Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb, has
exaggerated, that Pakistan Movement was initiated by students of Aligarh Muslims
University, therefore would like to say that giving answer to every question (objection) is
not possible because begin unending debate, however its all depends upon from where
and whom you learn (or taken reference), and right answer is it was actually initiated by
Mystic Personalities (Sufiya’e Kiram | See Qaseedah Naimatullah Interpretation earlier)

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second by Ulama (has addressed public about Two Nation Theory | includes Allama Iqbal),
and then thirdly supported (joined) by Students (under Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah
Late). [B] Pakistan is still besieged, don’t think it is abolished (lifted-up), contrary going
further intensifying (or say tighten) from all sides nearly[1], in which three are confirmed,
only from North for while isn’t[2]. Second, media campaigns at international level will
begin soon or might be started like Libya to defame and destabilize the State, reports will
be “half true and half false [50-50]” whereas some will be “orchestrated” hence be careful
about making any final opinion. Third, due to encircle, sanctions could be placed upon us
on anytime, expectable in upcoming 3-4 months (Oct-Dec/2012 to Jan-Feb/2013) that are
crucial[3], therefore should praised that may Allah grant us strength to break the siege if
somehow block from North too or delay it further. Allah knows the best.

FOOTNOTE: [1] As new faces are coming in centres (Afghanistan & India esp.). Note: False allegations are
inflicted and being repeated too, from both sides, are clear signal. [2] Plans are underway for blockade
Note: By either West or East Move or even can be both together. Even from Iran, in southwest, also
showing aggression on borders, blaming Pakistan for letting banned outfits infiltrating to their
jurisdiction, as per some reccent reports. [3] By grace of almighty Allah, it was forwarded from then
(when revealed) to ahead (coming days | of 2014 or 2015). Masha Allah, & Allahu Akbar. Note: Consider it
pure mercy, or say gracious buffer, for repentance and returning towards religion. Secondly, only
forwarded since then, not abandoned means would come on anytime in future days (see before note).

PRESENT AFFAIRS: Pakistan is enriched in nearly all resources[1], including the most
precious resource are its people; Muslims. Geographically located in very strategic
position hence making it a centre would definitely benefit everyone, not only itself (State
& its people) but also Muslims all around the world. Dilemma: Unfortunately, since
foundation, haven’t got true leadership, based (contained & practicing) on ideology upon
which established, otherwise State itself is not bad neither people; even other Muslims
Countries aren’t bad either (All are blessed | al-Mabrook). However, if gets and chances
are coming closer too, then In-Sha Allah the sad dilemma could, and so will, turned into
wonder for whole Ummah. Instability: Due to absence of right system, it either creates or
occurs naturally (exploitation of right system absence) instability in nearly all sectors;
security, economy, social and so on forth. However solution present but now acquiring
them will required loyality and intense efforts[2], which is possible hence should be do
under Islamic Teachings (Quran & Sunnah | Jurisprudence & Tasaw’wuf). Therefore rather
than presenting lame execuses all shall hence must strive for implementation the right
system, otherwise like suffered in past which consequences are still persisted (or say
experiencing different forms of instigations | upheaval, sectarianism etc.) will never ends.
Examination: That’s why suffered, or say got hard hits, severely in form of calamities in
Past; examples are lost East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh), then Jammu & Kashmir (in 1998
on table) and expected further. And this is because of not acquiring the solution, contrary
expressed always thousands of lame execuses (actually decept people), therefore until or
unless doesn’t acquired and then followed have to face such chaoses time to time (or say
suffered). However, its existence as State and then becoming Nuclear Power, even losing
lot, is no doubt and definitely is a miracle, because besides Military Leadership in reign[3],
nearly all civil regimes has only inflicted destruction (and still present regime[4] is on or
practicing same attitude) in all sectors. Steps: Ulama has illustrated all measures, say
upon or for which founded Pakistan, for every department (or say sector) of State that
shall be implement or say practice, and we have also written some from them in this book
under System whereas mentioned that further would be disclosed later (to The Great
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 237

Sultan | Structure) hence, not only in Pakistan, but other Muslim Countries should also
acquired these measures (steps), so that becomes convenient for forming Union or
gathering on single platform; say Caliphate or Sultanate.

FOOTNOTE: [1] Readers may heard that country is facing shortage in some sectors (Energy esp. | Crisis),
whereas in reality, it is self made not the natural. For instance, Pakistan has installed capacity of
35000 MW to produce electricity, which is more than requirement, but still load shedding being done
(6-7 Hrs. Officialy) deliberately and signifies that it will be overcome soon. Secondly, charged overly
above public affording price, whereas on reasonable or for free can be given. Similarly, in gas and
gasoline too, but still its prices are shooting like rocket (compares to last previous decades | even last
regime tenure’s) whereas on very reasonable price can be given to Public; even for free. [2] Regarding
security, operation clean-up is necessary, which isn’t possible without sacrifices. Second, it doesn’t
meant that due to pre-requisition shall be abandoned, contrary have to (and further delays amplify it) as
comes to such level (penetrated | Corruption) because of not acquiring the right solution (system). [3] All
three, Field Marshal President Muhammed Ayyub Khan (Late), then President General Dhi’ya-ul-Haq
(Late), and then Honorable President General (Retd.) Pervaiz Musharraf al-Hasani (May Allah Protect
Him) tenures were better then Civil Regimes; they have always stabilizes (economy esp.) as well as
defended the State. [4] About a year or two ago (in 2011 or 2012), while going for work by Bus, one
policeman was also travelling on same bus, at one point when bus stopped (passed 10-15 mins.) due to
jam, he then step down angrily from Bus and went towards the situation, after releasing the jam in few
seconds came back and sat on his place; then in anger (because of situation | Usual Jams in Karachi) said
that, “(Mafhoom) … if people select Zardari once again, then he will not only takes your (people | Awam)
two time bread from mouth but also clothes as well (next time | actually infuriated upon then intensified
level of corruption and poor governance) …”, whereas Faqeer would like to comment (add), nothing has
changed and conditions are remain as before, though people hadn’t selected them so said would
happens, but has selected (or say imposed) worst because they aren’t upto people bread and clothes
only but their skin too (if they somehow able to do so). An illustration for Master ZH, address it in your
own style. Keep Thinking. Note: Quoted partially only, not complete. Second, Faqeer remembered, that
policemen face was nice (Chamakta hu’wa tha) not irritated (Urdu: Manhoos Nahi tha), might be mystic
person (Sufi | Allah Wala Ho), though right definitely. Allah knows all the best.

QUERY: One may question (object | Ay’teradh) that if Ulama does everything then why don’t they
established it, after finally founding, upon the ideology; meant on the basis of Islamic Caliphate?
Answer: That’s a sad dilemma, and Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) would definitely admit that
Ulama should do this final effort as well, which they somehow left (either they sat in their
Khanqahs or relying upon moderate leadership to deliver), and unable to deliver the rest part of
dream upon which founded. However, there could be several reasons but few seems relevant;
first, might be due to Military Opposition, Ulama didn’t felt appropriate to tussle with new
divisional army because it was not under them but lead by The British (General Gracey, 1st COAS,
Pakistan Army) after their withdrawl (includes Military division, that was unified earlier) from
Barr’e Saghir al-Hind. Note: Usually Army’s are an obstacle in way of realization, whereas they
can do if wants. Second, insufficient resources, because nearly all migrated people don’t came
with their whole or even enough wealth[1] otherwise supports Ulama too in forming own army.
Note: Actually massive amount and resources are required to form full fledge army, thus might be
due to shortage they abandoned. Third, Ulama had relied upon then Muslim League leadership
for delivering (realization) the subject for which founded. Note: Ulama are right that leaderships
(moderate) never does (deliver | 100%) whatever they say. VIEW: Fuqarah are viewing or say
noticing, Bi’iznillah, just like in past[2] hence presently[3] too, role played or participation for
state (by people in power | Regimes), whether positive (favoring State) or negative (harming
State), includes deception does by leaderships; not implementing Islam, keeping corruption,
lingering an issue(s), etc. But this time are now aggressive, because time has come (for revival).
Second, conditions are declining (negative | Wars, Destruction etc.) rather than inclining (meant
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 238

positive) as expectable, mean same routine betrayals are going on everywhere (not on any
particular region | Other Muslims States too) and as whole Ummah conditions aren’t improving (as
not acquiring Islamic Teachings esp.) which should. Note: Change wouldn’t occurs through single
person effort (whether Mystic or Not), but as Ummah (mutual cooperation would be required) all
has to join the cause without any self (individual) interest but for general (everyone’s | Each

DENOTE: [1] Those people whom already living here (inhabitants) were might be relying
upon divisional army (before partition, Hind has one unified army under British Empire).
[2] When passed away (left this ending world | Jahan’e Fani), appointed responsible
(successor | tarbiyat yafta) on same position for execution, as well as control, on/over all
matters (Urdu: Moam’lat). [3] Why not doing something when have spiritual strength, a
question may come or rise in minds? Answer: Informing about or judging people (or say
alarming them) acts and their consequences; either positive or negative via spiritual
strength, is actually an effort (or say doing | Karna). Second, everyone has limitation
hence can’t exceed from it either. Third, whenever chosen (or say being ordered) then
has always steps forward too (therefore will come in current time or future once again).
Fourth, physical means (or say support) is also required, particularly stepping for any big
cause; otherwise existence of physical means (Manpower esp.) would become worthless
(if use totally spiritual strength | Wouldn’t a Matter for Sufis) including resources (Means |
Asbab[*]) that would become meaningless, created by Allah (Subhanahu).

CRISIS: These are the critical times (protests | Aug-2014), though such conditions has came many
times in past that has been through successfully without any foreign interventions, but this time
scenarios are quite different, particularly due to foreign presence in west (and they quiting |
Withdrawing) and anti-state fanatic at power in east (has just came in reign | For 5yrs), therefore
shall be careful and watchful too because these are the perfect conditions for foreign powers to
get involved inn and then play as per their plan (particularly targeting Muslims Nuclear Arsenals)
by exploiting the situation of instability in all sectors, especially security; economy, social, etc.
Advice: Military should intervene, bring down present regime and then install Technocratic
Government [^], for leadership so reinstate Resp. General (Retd.) Pervaiz Musharraf Shb (May
Allah Protect Him) in office and let Mr.President do reforms that should be in all sectors (Change
of system | Throw away this scrap[British System]), via strict measures (Avoid any sort of
generosity | Alike real martial law); particularly in accountability for corrupt people, regardless of
religion and cast (class | Elite, Middle, Poor etc).

DENOTE: Critical conditions (or times) comes due to absence of Law and Order in all sectors
(Social, Economy, Justice, Security etc.) which should be under or according to Quran &
Sunnah, that isn’t practiced (or say contained) by the British System, because they are not
Muslims and had designed deliberately to kept Muslims under slavery and suppression
(constant chaos and anarchy). Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) remembers Ex-COAS General
Pervaiz Kayani statement, said during a memorial ceremony, “(Mafhoom) … This isn’t about a
System but actually we are fighting a WAR (against TTP esp.) of our existence (Sovereingty of
State) … [Video posted on FB by Master ZH]” No doubt that we went to such conditions
[*] Like, Weapons, Armor, Vehicles etc., all made from Iron and Steel (A Resource | Material).
[^] Don’t worries for right people, they’ll come naturally once Resp. Mr.President comes in reign & ask (or
announce) for assisting to implement Islamic Laws (Quran and Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 239


but can’t Ex-COAS analyze that why it happened (or reaches to such condition)? Answer:
Only because of absence of right system (Law & Order as per Quran & Sunnah[Mazahib
Arba’a]). Even present COAS has said, in response to ongoing protests that, “… we’ll
defend the democracy …” Again same blunder is depicting by present COAS, because it
will not stop this (instability in all sectors, contrary persists), as doesn’t contains solution,
and soon dragged not only Military but whole nation into devastating conflict, that has
been designed and under process of execution (looking for right time), by the enemy
(already suffering | Master ZH is right). Impeding here for while and refraining to go in
further details. Allah knows all the best.

Iran (Faris): In brief, the history and geography. Geography: Located in Western Asia. It is
bordered on the north by Turkmenistan, with Kazakhstan and Russia across the Caspian Sea; on
the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan; on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman; on
the west by Iraq; and on the northwest by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Comprising a land
area of 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), it is the second-largest nation in the Middle East and the
18th-largest in the world; with over 77 million inhabitants, Iran is the world's 17th most
populous nation. It is the only country that has both a Caspian Sea and Indian Ocean coastline.
Iran has been of geostrategic importance because of its central location in Eurasia and Western
Asia and the Strait of Hormuz. History: Iran is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations,
includes formation of the Proto-Elamite and Elamite kingdom, the Achaemenid Empire (First
Persian Empire) founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BCE, which extented to major portions of the
ancient world, stretching from parts of the Balkans (Bulgaria-Pannonia) and Thrace-Macedonia in
the west, to the Indus Valley in the east. The empire collapsed in 330 CE following the conquests
of Alexander the Great. The area eventually regained influence under the Parthian Empire and
rose to prominence once more after the establishment of the Sasanian dynasty (Neo-Persian
Empire) in 224 CE, under which Iran again became one of the leading powers in the world along
with the Byzantine Empire for the next four centuries. Islam in Iran: In 633 CE, Rashidun
Caliphate lead by Second Righteous Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Umar “Farooq’e A’azam” (Radhi Allah
Anhu), sent an expedition under the supervision of Sidna Hudhrat Sariyah (Radhi Allah Anhu) for
invasion, after conquering it in 651 CE, it thereafter played a vital role in the subsequent Islamic
Golden Age, producing numerous influential scientists, scholars, artists, and thinkers. Republic:
The Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906 established the nation's first parliament, which
operated within a constitutional monarchy. Following a coup d'état instigated by the UK and the
US in 1953, Iran gradually became autocratic. Growing dissent against foreign influence and
political repression culminated in the Iranian Revolution, which led to the establishment[1] of
Republic on 1st April 1979. Advancement: Largest city and the Capital too is Tehran, serving as
the cultural, commercial, and industrial center for nation (mostly military, as well as mechanical
like Vehicles[Khodro Car etc.], Trains, Ships etc., are their own designed and developed). Iran has
a major regional and middle power (ranked amongts top militaries), exerting considerable
influence in international energy, security and the world economy through its large reserves
of fuels, which include the largest natural gas supply in the world and the fourth-largest
proven petroleum reserves. It hosts Asia's fourth-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage
Sites. Globally, it ranks 8th in the world for the amount of books published per year, and was
ranked first in scientific progress in the world in 2011.

DENOTE: [1] Written “Republic” instead of “Islamic Republic” because of following

reasons. A] Ulama says, when Kharji-Rafdhies (Ismaili Shietes) took control over Persia

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 240


(Faris | Iran), before Sultan Salim Khan Awwal reign inn (918-926 Hijri), it was then later
liberated (between tenure) by Sultan Selim Khan I (Quddussurahul Aziz) of Uthmani
Caliphate (Ottoman Empire) [*], whom restored Islamic Ideology; particularly teachings
which was abandoned (Forcibly | Like Nowadays) in Iran. Read “Sultanat’e Uthmaniya
(Urdu Trans.) [Pg.236-244]” B] In one Sohbah, Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz)
has revealed that shi’etes revolution (Pasdaran’e Inqilab) in Iran is in real a punishment
upon whole nation due to small mistake[^] conducted by King Reza Shah Pehlvi Late. C]
In an article, Prof. Dr. Irfan al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Barakallahum) has illustrated that Sufi Dr.
Nazeer Quraiyshi Late (a Homeopath Doctor) had unfold many future changes before (say
decades) their happening exactly later, including ousting of Pehlavi Royal Family through
reigning of Iranian Shi’etes Revolution (Pasdaran’e Inqilab) and then its fall (Current
Revolution | Pasdaran’e Inqilab) upon which Muslims rule will once again return. D]
Master Adnan Ocktar al-Hasani (Barakallahum) has revealed that present system in Iran,
which is practicing, is of Tudah Communist Party (or say proposed | Backed by then Soviet
Union). E] In one interview, Master Zaid Hamid al-Hasani (Barakallahum) has said that
currently Iran is practicing (acquired) 2nd Righteous Caliph Sidna Hudhrat Umar al-
Farooq’e Azam (Radhi Allah Anhu) model but not accepts[~] him (Radhi Allah Anhu) as
2nd Righteous Caliph. F] According to Declassified Documents (revealed by History
Channel), CIA has also provided weapons secretly to Revolutionaries, which includes then
Soviet Union consent. G] We wrote (or say points out) in our last article under system, “…
so reason is that Libyan revolution came before then Iranian revolution and they
implemented it early therefore we could say that Iran has copied Libyan Model, the only
difference between both revolution was one is lead by Muslim (Sunni) whereas another
was lead by Munafiq (Rafdhi) … [4th Article | Pg.27]”. UNJUST: Faqeer Ustadh has told
that, revolutionaries under the guidance of (or say lead by) Khomeni, when blew the
Parliament, it contained large number of Muslims (Sunnis) instead of Shietes members,
which were present in small numbers at that time (blast), and then after this incident
elections were called again in which nearly all Munafiq (Shietes) has came inn, and even
today they don’t have (or allow) any Muslim (Sunni) in government, from top to bottm (as
per our sources). Allah knows the best reality.

VERDICT: Recently a verdict being issued by Iranian Shiete Supreme Leader, in Honor of
Blessed Companions (Radhi Allah Anhum), prohibiting to say or keeping faith ill about
them (Radhi Allah Anhum) [!]. Ulama has responded (particularly of Jamiya al-Azhar)
therefore Faqeer wouldn’t present any long review here but would like to say only, shall
also declares that all Shiete should accept first three caliphs as righteous (Khilafat’e
Rashidah), four school of thoughts as communally agreed, and “Sunnat’e Rasul Wa
Jamaat’e Sahaba” as right path hence should repent from being Kharji-Rafdhi[Shiete],
because has been introduced/inducted by Jews (it has no connection to/with Islam).
Remember this will benefit themselves in first place, not Muslims. Allah knows all the
best. [Keep Thinking]

FOOTNOTE: [*] Ah, once again Tehran, Iran (Faris) is looking (or in search) to another Sultan Selim
Khan I (Rehmatullah Alehe) for liberation (coming | Allahu Akbar) from Shietes Control (Kharji-Rfdhies).
Note: As per sources, Iran has Muslims (Sunnis | Hanafi) in majority, instead of Munafiq (Shietes) as
claimed through or shown on Media (A WMD); however Muslims are living in suppression (Urd: Dab
Kay yani Khamosh Ho Ker Reh Rahey Hain | Can’t raise their voices, for Islam esp.). [^] Had paid visit
together with then Turkish counterpart to a Holy Relic to which doesn’t have authorization

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 241


(permission). Note: A whole nation is now sustaining (paying a price | [Urdu]Bhughatna Purr Raha Hai) an
extortive regime (Shietes Pasdaran’e Inqilab) upon this mistake (whether say small). [~] Definitely if they
were Muslims then wouldn’t refute contrary accept (including Muslims four schools of thought), whereas
in real deceptors (Urdu: Dhokay’baz Hain) or say duallers (Urdu: Munafiq Bil-Aqidah). [!] Now see or
examine by yourself, what Faqeer has said earlier or say already mentioned (in previous article esp.),
that actually preachers are the problem, not the public, because if you told them the truth they will
follow it, and if don’t (meant kept them in dark) then definitely they will be always live in dark which
responsibility goes to their shoulders. True for both, Rafdhies and Wahabies.



Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 242


MATTERS (Moam’lat)

NATION (al-Ummah)

Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) nation (Arabic: Ummah) is honorable then
all other Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) nations (Arabic: Ummatoun). Like Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is most honorable in all Anmbiya’e Kiram
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). Similary his (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) nation is superseding amongst all
nations [Due to Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah(Alehe Salat-O-Salam); Faqeer]. It is mentioned (or
sau declared by Allah[Subhanahu]) in Quran Majeed as, “(Mafhoom) … You are the best among
all those nations appeared unto mankind, you command! To good, and forbid evil, and
keep faith unto Allah. Had the people of the Book believed, then it was good for them. Some
of them are Muslims and most of them are infidels … [s.3:v.110]”

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (Ye are the best community that has been raised up for mankind)
that ever was for mankind. Allah then showed how they were the best community that
has been raised for mankind saying: (Ye enjoin right conduct) you enjoin the divine
Oneness of Allah and the following of Muhammed (and forbid indecency) you forbid
disbelief, idolatry and the opposition of the Messenger; (and ye believe in Allah) as well as
in all revealed scriptures and messengers. (And if the People of the Scripture) i.e. the Jews
and Christians (had believed it had been better for them) than what they are in now.
(Some of them are believers) 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers; (but most of them are
evil-livers) unbelievers who break their pledges.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] You, O community of Muhammed (s), are the best community
brought forth, manifested, to men, according to God’s knowledge, enjoining decency, and
forbidding indecency, and believing in God. Had the People of the Scripture believed, it,
their belief, would have been better for them; some of them are believers, such as ‘Abd
Allāh b. Salām, May God be pleased with him and his companions; but most of them, the
disbelievers, are wicked.

Imam Abdul-Haqq Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe) stated in Takmeel’ul Ema’n
Sharif, “… Narrated in Hadith Sharif that tenure of your age and survival compares to early
nations are like from time of Asr to Maghreb. And in such a small period we’ll reward you more
than enough … [Pg.173]” After paragraph and few lines, stated ahead that, “… In birth, Nation of
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) appeared in last, but regarding excessive
reward and honor is first. Reality is that in recognition (Urdu: Uloom’O Ma’arif) and incredibles
(Urdu: Aja’ib-O-Ghara’ib) granted to each n every head in this Ummah, wasn’t availed by people of
an else nations [1]. And there are no doubts in this regards ... [Pg.174]”

Ulama’e Kiram says that nearly all prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) wished and praises for
arrival of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in to their time (era) or nation
(Ummah), but they all were informed about significance and time period of Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) therefore their desires weren’t realized, only Sidna Hudhrat
Esa Bin Marium “Ruh’hullah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) desire was accepted (requested to made him
his Ummati [Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) hence raised towards sky in this regards and will be send
back on earth, but that would be or in the end of time (Urdu: Akhiri Zamana), though he (Alehe

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 243


Salat-O-Salam) will be the Prophet (Arabic: Nabi wa Rasul) but follows and practices, means
perform worships and acts, as per the Sunnah (say Shariah) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and also rectified [2] the Bible (Arabic: Injeel Shareef), during his (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) leftover physical tenure in this world.

DENOTE: [1] That’s why if one (other than Muslims; meant Jews, Christians, Buddhists
etc) wanted these rewards and honors then without hesitation and wasting anymore
time, embrace Islam, then In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi not only be included (as an Ummati)
but also rewarded (if practice rightly) too. [2] All sorts of alterations (change, removal etc
of verses) they did in Bible (Arabic: Injeel Shareef); as well as addition of their desires,
which were not said neither ordered (say aren’t part of Bible), because prophets
remembered (Arabic: Hif’zan) their Holy Books (sent upon them). Although Ulama says
that real bible was not existed in orginal form (hence we believed that they were raised
towards Sky | say to Heavens) present day, and all copies that were existed today are
actually re-written; earlier are in Roman and Greek Languages, and then translated in to
English and other languages as well; whereas original was in Hebrew (Lisan al-Ibrani |
Ebrani Zaban Main Thee). Read “Islam and Christianity [Eng]” by Hudhrat Mawlana
Husayn Hilmi Isik (Rehmatullahi Alehe) [b.1911/d.2001], and “Islam Aur Esa’iyyat, Aik
Taqab’buli Mutua’leyah [Urdu]” by Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Javed Ahmed Anmber al-
Misbahi al-Hanafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah).

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

HONORABLE STATE (Riyasat’e Madinah)

O’Dea, as we mentioned early (on beginning of this book) under procession subjecting emigration
to Madinah and presented this verse; and as per some Ulama it was conducted upon it;
“(Mafhoom) … And submit like this, 'O my Lord, make me enter with a just entering and
make me go forth with a just going and grant me from Yourself a helping control …

[Tanwir al-Miqbas] (And say: My Lord!) O my Lord! (Cause me to come in with a firm
incoming) he says: cause me to come to Medina with a firm incoming, he said this when he
was leaving Medina (and to go out) of Medina (with a firm outgoing) after staying there
and cause me to enter Mecca; it is also said that this means: cause me to come in the grave
with a firm incoming, and cause me to come out of the grave on the Day of Judgement with
a firm outgoing. (And give me from Your presence) from You (a sustaining Power) a help
that is free of abasement or rejection.

[Tafsir al-Jalalayn] And say: ‘My Lord, make me enter, Medina, with a veritable entrance,
an entrance that is satisfying, one in which I do not see what I dislike, and bring me out,
ofMecca, with a veritable departure, a departure such that my heart will not [care to] turn
back to look at it [yearningly]. And grant me from Yourself a favourable authority’, [grant
me] strength with which You render me victorious over Your enemies.

[Tareekh’e Madinah] Sidna Imam Al-Shareef Abdul-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri

(Quddussurahul Aziz) stated in Jazb’ul-Quloob that, “… Ibne Abbass narrated that to
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 244

acquire migration Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has the permission
through this verse [because it came (sent) before Migration | Faqeer] … [Pg.84 | Ref.:

O’Dea, reason to mentioned it again only to depicts one vital point or say to divulge a blessing
(Rimz | Fay’dh) hidden in it; that is after intensification (Arabic: Shid’dah | Ziyadti) of extortion,
which became unbearable, faced due to invitation (Dawah | Aylan’e Nabuwwah Ki Wajeh Say)
towards Monotheism (Arabic: Tawheed) by Muslims (Companions) [Ridhwanullahi Alehem
Ajmaein], even for Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) too, then expressed an intention of
separate State now shall be form for proper and in systematic way, and then spread invitation
afterwards, and if needed or becomes necessary for incursion then can be sent enforcements, for
dispersion (Urdu: Pehlana | Tawheed’O Risalat) and protection (Urdu: Tahaf’fuz | Ahle Ema’n Ki)
particularly. Hence, as per some Ulama, it was then realized after emigration that has acquired (or
say extraction through verdict | Ij’tehad Shareef) upon mentioned verse [s.17:v.80].

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

PATRIOTISM & NATIONALISM (Hubb’ul Watani | Qaum Parasti)

O’Dea, we seen (you may have read) lot debates (or books) upon Nationalism (Urdu: Qaumiyat |
Qaum Parasti), and nearly all present states (exists today) around the world are formed or made
on it; even most of these states were formed through political parties based upon nationalism,
and then later on continued the practice, upon nationalism [1] nor relgion, in their respected
sovereign jurisdiction. This debate is also present amongst Ulama’e Kiram regarding its status
that what it holds; permissible or not. Some condemns it, because suppressed religion and says
that being a Muslim (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba) is enough (no else identity is need to be
acquired); whereas some says (or found) no harm but emphasize and gave priority first to
religion. However all Ulama’e Kiram are agreed that considering nationalism above religion, if
person is Muslims (believer) becomes Non-Muslims (disbeliever) and has to repent and then
retreat (& if married, then revived matrimony) from such perception.

DENOTE: O’Dea, ‘patriotism | hubb’ul watani’ means loving your homeland (birth
place), and its intense condition is giving (sacrifice) your precious life upon it.
Whereas ‘nationalism | qaum parasti’ means, or it is also based upon concept of
patriotism, gathering of people either belongs to same nation (cast or tribes) or upon
any perception (ideology) on limited jurisdiction, however the only difference b/w
both is of relation. In patriotism it is not necessary all people likes, living around or
adjacent, to your territory (homeland [birth place]) whereas in nationalism it can
contains or comprises upon several territories, that are below under nation (cast or
tribes) and its perception (ideology). Therefore under this definition, we can resolve
this matter easily, that any or both (patriotism and nationalism) if above or refute
relgion then its status leads towards infidelity otherwise under or according to or
based upon the teachings and status of religion, and that is only Islam, then there will
be no harm (or being ever objection by Ulama) In-Sha Allah; because practicing as
well as sacrificing life upon religion (Islam) and for its followers nor else. [1] See
System, under issues topic “Secularism [Pg.103]”.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 245


We have stated in third article under 4.Ummah that, “However, these distinctions if not sabotage
UNITY (One Nation) or say concept of one UMMAH (in all aspects, Political, Economical and Social
etc) under one flag of ISLAM so we can distribute them (Region-Wise) for their (Tribes or Nations
like Arabs, Turks, Hinds and etc) satisfaction and better control (for Sultanate) because
distinctions were also for our recognition (Arabic: Ma’arifah) of sole creator’s (Arabic: Khaliq al-
Haqiqi) creativity (Arabic: Takh’leeq) that how Allah (Subhanahu) have created and distributed
human beings in various Tribes which each spoke different kinds of language and so on forth.”
VALIDITY: So this is actually first an advise (Urdu: Mush’warah), second indication “if not
sabotage unity (one nation) under one flag of Islam” itself expressed everything in which core
is unitation should be based (or Empire shall be formed) upon Kalimah Tayyibah (Quran &
Sunnah | Mazahib ARba’a), third distribution so it is signifying for administrative distribution due
to (or say can be based upon | and it would be better too) indigenous inhabitants (casts or tribes);
and none else.

CORRECTION or INDICATION: O’Dea, but always remember that patriotism based upon
nationalism is not beneficial nor would be acceptable by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) either if it’s
above religion; even if under religion but someone having irreligious faith (Urdu: Bud-Aqeedah ya
Bud Mazhab) then still of no use (nor provide any benefit or success) contrary such type of
patriotism or nationalism usually (in an aspect its a powerful tool) becomes dangerous for State
or Empire based upon Islam, and it is utmost priority of Sultan or Ameer (Ruler) to eliminate such
elements as well as its roots of cause too. [Keep Thinking]

DENOTE: One may place objection (in other words criticize) that how could you say that
person following incorrect religious path cannot get or be beneficial for State (His
sacrifice etc)? Answer: O’Dea, tell us or judge by yourself (or can’t you see from this
aspect) that when a person (male/female) is not sincere nor fair with Allah and His Rasul
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and acquired faith against their teachings, then how come or what
do you think, that they would become sincere and fair to Muslims Empire which will form
or would be based upon Allah and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) teachings; as per creed
of Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah (Mazahib Arba’a)? Second, we seen nowadays, even
couldn’t deny in upcoming future, that they (irreligious people | Bud-Mazhab Loag)
infiltrate Muslims army; penetrate through pretending or labeling themselves as Muslims,
and even fought bravely and gave (sacrificed) their lives too. Hence remembers, such
sacrificed cannot be called or termed as “Martyrdom | Shahadat” nor person can be called
“Martyr | Shaheed” if died upon having incorrect creed therefore would be considered dies
as deviant (Urdu: Irtidad per Maut Hui yani MurtAd Mar’aa | Ma’az Allah), otherwise if not
known or assured (means not revealed or expressed himself to anyone regarding creed
but pretended upon right path) then we will acquired silence (& could be considered
Martyr | because this matter will be open in Qayamah as ind’allah every person right creed
is known).

FOOTNOTE: There are two certain levels in faith, defined by Ulama (or say can be extracted from their works),
inevitable (Urdu: Wajib) and not-inevitable (Urdu: Wajib Nahi Hain). If a person (male/female) refused inevitable
upon which sacrilege (Urdu: Tak’feer) becomes necessary or say applied then it will be do or person
(male/female) would be considered refractor (Urdu: MurtAd). Whereas if a person (male/female) refused not-
inevitable (Urdu: Wajib Nahi Hain) upon which sacrilege doesn’t applied nor becomes necessary but the warning
is then it will be given and person (male/female) would be considered as strayed (Urdu: Gumrah). In both
conditions, Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba) will be present at both level passed person (Male/Female),
and upon acceptance shall be left otherwise first one would be persecuated (whomsoever | Male or Female
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 246

regardless of age) whereas second one would be detained until repentance or retreat (though can be persecuate
too | if Sultan or Qadhi’e Islam gives order). And it is only to save Muslims from being fallen in to severe strays,
which is Sultan’e Islam’s (or Ameer) responsibility (implementation & maintaining of Shariah at Empire/State Level)
whereas identifying, and after then declaring, the level is Ulama’e Kiram responsibility, nor uneligible person.
ALTERCATION: Although, both level of faith has been described by Ulama, and they are available in to written
form either, therefore every Muslim (Male/Female) must knows (listen from Ulama) or read (read books) them,
because they/none cannot present any excuse on day of resurrection that it wasn’t revealed or told to us by
Ulama. See Takmeel’ul Ema’n, Belief & Islam (Ay’tiqad Nama), Bahar’e Shariat (Vol.1) or concerned books.

See Jurisprudence Books, or asks Ulama

Allah knows all the best, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

EXAMPLE: O’Dea, tell us or explain by yourself that person (male/female) refuting *monotheism
(Urdu: Tawheed), like Jews/Christians OR practicing polytheism (Urdu: Shirk), like Buddhist or
Hindus etc. would be called or considered their sacrifices as Martyrdom (Urdu: Shaheed) or
person as Martyr (Urdu: Shaheed) when not following or acquiring the right creed (faiths and
teachings) from or sent by the creator of all universes, almighty Allah. Definitely “NOT” similarly
person, even if, calling himself Muslim means pretended that following Islam but having incorrect
faith (not as per Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba) that are innovations and never told to
acquire or have anything (relation) with Islam but was inflicted and then being acquired^ and
afterwards sacrificing life would made or be considered as Martyrdom (even have not
acquired/fulfilled Islam’s stipulations the way should be or as per teachings). Though nowadays
people doesn’t distinguished hence asking would be of no use but still then remembers that
Ulama has explicated every matter completely and prominently and under their explications light
such sacrifice is not martyrdom (Urdu: Shahadat) nor person become or is or can be considered
martyr (Urdu: Shaheed), once deviated means it confirmed.

DENOTE: [*] Here monotheism (Tawheed) includes prophethood (Risalat) too, of all
Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). Second, refuters belong to any faith besides (or
other than) Islam, also claimed their sacrifices as martyrdom in way of Creator. [^]
As stated earlier on FOOTNOTE, see there in regards of inevitable (Urdu: Wajib);
refutation and its consequence. For instance, person having faith like Kharji-Rasheed
Ahmed Gangohi that wrote, “… Allah can lie [Ma’az Allah, Astaghfiruallh] … {Baraheen’e
Qatea}” whereas Allah is “Subhan” which means cleaned from defects and “Lie | Kizb ya
Jhoot” is a defect (Urdu: Ay’eb) therefore person following/acquired such perception and
considering this bastard as IMAM would become “Kafir-Murtad” as per Ulama’e Islam [1].
Similarly person havng faith like Kharji-Shurr’e Fay’le Thanvi that denied knowledge of
unseen, in Hifz’ul Ema’n, whereas worst of it divided (or say categorized) the knowledge
and then compared it equals to common people even relate it with animals (Ma’az Allah,
Astagh’firullah) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) therefore person
following/acquired such perception and considering this bastard as IMAM would become
“Kafir-Murtad” as per Ulama’e Islam [2]. Same is about Kharji-Qadi’yanism that is an open
and straight refraction (Urdu: Irti’dad) [3]. Also about acquiring Kharji-Rafdhi[Shi’etes]
faiths that are also severe strays. [See Sawahiq al-Muharriqah (Arabic) | Souz’e Barqan
(Urdu Trans.); Bahar’e Shariah (vol.1) etc]. Consequence: Ulama says that acquiring
disbelief (Urdu: Kufr’O Irtidad) or innovated faith (Urdu: Bidat’e Sae’yah Aqaid) would
make a person disbeliever hence if still considering themselve as Muslim and then
[1] [2] [3]: See Hussam al-Harmain (Available in three languages: Urdu – Arabic - English)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 247


sacrificed life wouldn’t benefit. Contrary, Islam will be present to such person means right
creed (belief n faith), if acquired (means repented from previous) then can be left (only in
case of insufficient recruits) otherwise on such severe strayed perception (that are
blasphemous), even after repentance, person would be persecuated (it is better for

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

AUTHORITY (Ikh’tiyarat | al-Hukomah)

O’Dea, we are illustrating since first article, a very important and crucial matter (contains
complexity and requires lot of expertise for determination [1]), which needs similar level of
attention (appropriate) and it should have (in every Muslim) to understand, the subject according
to either dispute or accordance, the control (Legitimacy | Reign) by people holding in centre
(whether eligible[Deserving] or not). JURISDICTION: Nowadays, though existed previously too
say since emergence (Islam), Muslims living in two conditions either independent (State) or
accordance (as Minority or Semi-Independent), and both of these conditions holds different
statuses; particularly to fight (revolt or battle). Here we discuss only according to regional conflict
existed in Muslims Territories particularly.

DENOTE: Remember, Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) is not an expert, in-real a student,

and just tried to illuminates under Ulama explication; particularly of Mazhab’e Hanafiyah
(Hanafi School of Thought).

Sovereign State (Mesir, Turkey, Pakistan etc.)

Query: If Government(s) is following other than Islamic Model, like Democratic (West) or
Socialist (North, now late) or Communist (North East), even without Modification, and State was
not invaded neither controlled by Infidels but is Sovereign, then what we’ll do, means couldn’t
revolt either? Answer: Yes, even if Government(s) was following other than Islamic Model
without any Modifications, neither invaded nor controls by foreign powers, only if Masha’ikh wa
Ulama along with common Muslims signed Pact or Accorded that will not revolt against
Government suggested System or say get Silent (not signed any Accord or Pact but sustaining
quietly) and obeying the legitimacy (Western Laws, and Regime Orders), hence in these
circumstances too we cannot revolt, however urged or pressurizes them peacefully to deal or
handle all matters and issues as per or under Quran and Sunnah (Shari’ah | Mazahib Arba’a) and
gives them top priority or declares it as “Supreme Law”, and this action (unarmed pressurizing) is
only for keeping peace and stability in jurisdiction, avoiding Chaos and Anarchy (Arabic: Fasad fil
Ardh). Hence (when not revolting against system) it becomes necessary to support the
Government (whether Accord with or Silent from) whenever calls to fight if any other
inappropriate revolt (internally) or unfair assault (externally) happens. And Allah knows all the

DENOTE: And if they are not listening or giving importance/priority or obeying then
either endure (Farsi: Bar’dasht) them (though continued practicing religion as per
teachings and resolved as well as handle all matters and issues under its commandments)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 248


or keep pressurizing them (to implement), if don’t have adequate resources and strength
for the implementation of true Islamic Model (based upon Quran and Sunnah | Mazahib
Arba’a) or say to bring change it is better not involve or urge Muslims in revolts which
becomes instigation (Fitnah) and chaos (Fasad).

NOTE: For Muslims State(s), sovereign and practicing Islamic Laws (Quran & Sunnah | Mazahib
Arba’a), hence in last article (4th Article | Pg.18) as well as in this book (Punishments | Pg.78),
have illuminated some laws (all are valid) covering both revolts as well as crimes respectively,
therefore see there. Second, remembers that anti-state elements, when State is
following/practicing Islamic Laws; and ruler is justified and peaceful (Right Creed | Practicing
Muslim), then in these circumstances whether individual or family or group (small or large) upon
igniting/starting or becoming a cause of upheaval, will be persecuated (Inteshar Bayin al-
Muslimeen Kay Tehet yani Musalmano Main Tafar’raqah[ya fitna’O Fasad] Pehlaney Kay Jawaz
Main | Qatl Kiyey Jain’gey). See Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama. Allah knows all
the best.

Illegitimate Regimes (like in Iraq, Syria, Libya etc)

Query: However if Government itself extorted (massacring people, stopping from Worshiping
and so on forth*)? Answer: In this condition, if itself extorted (Arabic: Zalim) and corrupt (by
faith and act; Athiest or itself made any new religion or else), and massacring people and begin
preventing them to perform Worships^, in Masajid, then upon adequate resources (weapon)
whether taken from Government Resources OR arranged privately OR from outside (Assistance
from Sovereign Muslim State) whereas sufficient strength (HR) is available then on consensus at
Shaykh (Must be Alim, and at least Mufti) ensuring protection of civilians (not capable to fight or
involving themselves), as well as safety and continuation of supplies all can and should fight
against extortion and unjust regime and also should eliminate insurgents (Munafiqoon-khawarij)
if entered in between Muslims somehow, before or during battle.

In case of insufficient resources or strength, in both circumstances~, even if (Farsi: Ager’che)

have strength but not the resources, it is strictly prohibited to conduct such operations, therefore
either migrate to safer place or endure (Farsi: Bardasht) the extortion (Arabic: Zul’mah) until
prerequisites aren’t fulfilled or meet sufficiency level (whether through internally or externally),
against either extorted government or miscreants (even if they able or succeed to takeover) OR
both. And Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [*] Includes authority holds by irreligious people (Innovators or Intruders |

Ahl’ul Bida’a yan’i Khawarij Waghiey’raha). Note: Whether not stopping from Worshipping.
[^] Includes restriction; like not allowing or permitting to say salvation (A’zan) openly
(widely | Through Minaret). For instance, we heard about Iran that Muslims (Sunnis) aren’t
allowed to say salvation openly (Through Minaret | Via Loud Speakers). Allah knows the
best. [~] (1) Allying with government (whether not following Islamic Model or even
Modified version) against miscreants &, (2) Against extorted government and miscreants.

FOOTNOTE: Here Resources mean Supplies, Artillery n Food, whereas Strength means Personnel
(Arabic: al-Quwwatu al’Afradiyah).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 249


Also add, “… if *deviators (Khawarij | Rafdhi, Wahabi etc.) got control (through somehow) which
means both loose (Govt. & Allied forces)? In that case, then same as above mentioned rule (with
no difference) define for Afghan Muslims will apply, however if extortion is or becomes
unbearable (did peace accord due to insufficient resources and strength, required for resistance,
but somehow it was violating) then migration (if capable) is the safest option towards peaceful
place. And Allah knows all the best …”

DENOTE: [*] Like in many Muslims Countries, including Iran (though it was between
Monarch Authorities and Kharji-Rafdhies[Shi’ete]), Khawarij are in reign (complete).

NOTE: For Afghanistan (or say alike Muslims States too), see Jurisprudence Narration on page
180 (Or See | 181). Jazakamallahu Khairah

Annexed (Caucasus Region etc.)

In case of annexation (captured), or even lost legitimacy after conflict, in this situation either
couldn’t revolt, if new authorities (Non-Muslims esp.) accedes to practice religion independently.
Until or unless have back or support, strongly and contineous, from sovereign state (Muslims |
Whole or living as Minority) that should be either bordering or neighbouring (having gap | sea,
river etc.) to annexed territory belonging to Muslims. Stance: Therefore, Chechen President
Hudhrat Mufti Akhmad Kadyrov (Rehmatullah Alehe) stance to switch a side* is valid and
justified, whereas opposing groups^ were on fault, becuase when Russian Federation Army took
over Grozny (Chechen Republic Capital) it ended^ (Conflict | War).

DENOTE: [*] In Faqeer understanding, Hudhrat Shb (Rehmatullah Alehe) did after
realizing (or say analyzing) the insufficiency of resources and strength. Note: There was
no backup [Muslims States | bordering or neighbouring] for Muslims there to fight against
such large army (has to say superior too; in context of physical means like
machinery[Vehicles, Carriers, Equipments etc.]). Objection: There are Muslims States, in
neighbor (bordering)? Answer: Daghestan in east, and Ingushetia in west, of Chechnya
are under annexation, hence accorded, to Russian Federation. Second, reminds
illegitimate Regimes for else Muslims States (in south and ahead of Daghestan in East).
Keep Thinking. [^] Remembers, that, Sidna Imam Muhammad Shamil Bin Ali al-Shafa’ei al-
Naqshbandi al-Daghestani (Quddussurahul Aziz) also surrendered, once found no backup
(Way | Rastah); for all sorts of activities and facilities. Hence, Imam Sahab (Quddussurahul
Aziz) act are clear evidence in this matter; though couldn’t denies possession of sainthood
level (miracles |. Karamat) but then instead of using (such abilities | Karama’at), handed
over himself (Rehmatulah Alehe) to then Russian Tsar’s Army. Note: Some groups,
amongst them, represent incorrect ideology (Kharji-Salafism) and in reality supported
(funded and supplied) by West, for their purpose (goal). Therefore Muslims, not only
there but around the World, shall avoid for recruiting (in such groups). Secondly, if
desires then asked Ulama and then joined right faith groups; better joins State Army (if
comprise upon Muslims | nor Khawarij). Allah knows the best.

FALASTEEN: It was annexed in 1948, when Israeli State has been declared (came into being), on
Muslims territory, that was actually sold (land) to them (Jews | Against Ransome without Muslims
Census) by Sharif Hussain son’s Sharif Faisal [1]; backed by British Empire (Via Spy, Lawrence). In

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 250


response, Shareef Hussain along with Shareef Faisal didn’t get anyting either (for which they
collaborated with British Empire[Under Specific Lobby Control] against[2] Ottoman
Empire[Sultanat’e Uthmaniyah]), being thrown in middle of desert (Urdan) and after then shed
only tears; according to Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz), witnessed them crying. Stance:
After establishment Israeli State, it begun Muslims annihilation through force, in the name of
expansion (new settlements), since then till today; recently had killed 1000 approx. innocent
Muslims in GAZA. Whereas Muslims there compares to Israeli Military Strength has nothing;
besides throwing stones or moreover is AK47 & RPG (light weaponry) hence no match (Physically
| By Means). Therefore, fighting in these circumstances are nonetheless but insanity or shows
vulnerability in approach thus one could object then what shall Muslims do? Answer: O’Dea,
already illustrated (pointed out) though again mentioning (in brief), “… if extortion is or becomes
unbearable[3] … then migration (becomes necessary) to the safest option towards peaceful place.
And Allah knows all the best …” Also keep in reminds (Honorable State | Pg.242), the honorable
migration by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

DENOTE: [1] For details, see Tareekh’e Najd’O Hijaz [Ref.: TR05]. Jazakmullahu Khairah.
[2] They stand upon matter of Caliph, that Arabs (Banu-Quraiysh) deserved rather than
else; in light of sayings of Sidna Muhammad Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), we have
discussed this matter earlier therefore remind it (Arab Shareef | Pg.223). [3] As
mentioned earlier that, “… In case of insufficient resources or strength, in both
circumstances, even if (Farsi: Ager’che) have strength but not the resources [Presently
Falasteen are at this level | Faqeer], it is strictly prohibited to conduct such operations,
therefore either migrate to safer place or endure (Farsi: Bardasht) the extortion (Arabic:
Zul’mah) until prerequisites aren’t fulfilled or meet sufficiency level (whether through
internally or externally) …” Advice: Migration* is a better option (towards Urdan or Sham
or Mesir); to regroup and then strike back. Like Muslims in Hind founded Islamic Republic
of Pakistan. Keep Thinking

FOOTNOTE: [*] Sometimes migration becomes inevitable (when possible to do), particularly when
population (Muslim) became vulnerable to/for enemy; Ulama has illustrated. See Jurisprudence Books
(Kutub’e Fiqh) or asks Ulama. Allah knows all the best.

DELINEATION: This is the best delineation of ISRAEL, “… so-called Israel – I say so-called
for the reason that Isra’eel is the Laqab (appellation) and name of Hazrat Ya’qoob ‘Ala
Nabiyyina wa ‘Alayhi’s Salatu wa’s Salam, and the regime and the people are not worthy of
this name because they do not have belief in him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) … [Verdict on
serving Coke, Pepsi etc. | Taj’ush Shariah Badr’ut Tariqah Al-Shaykh Mufti Akhter Ridha al-
Hanafi al-Azhari (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)]”

We have illuminated partially, though remember as stated before (in 4th Article esp.) that
matter itself is very technical and complex, and it’s Ulama (Muftiyan’e Kiram) works
(responsibility) to deal. Therefore impeding here for while, and refraining to go in further
details. Allah knows all the best.

Allah (Subhanahu) & his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 251


ISSUES (Qadha’yah | Masa’il)

(Ha’ditha | Hawadith)

O’Dea, incidents happens and will continues[1] till existence of this world. However, some of
them, depended upon our actions too; meant if we don’t acquire right path then disasters will
comes towards us[2]. But here, has to be very careful at this point, that is must differentiates from
natural, comes due to our actions, and preplanned destructions, designed to attain goal or for any
specific reason. Second, destruction happens, or say orders, cannot be charged neither
questioned (asked) to Allah (Subhanahu) [3], contrary has to relate it (consequence) towards our
bad deeds (or say acts); that if acquired and then follows right path so it wouldn’t happens [4].
Whereas, preplanned cannot be accused to commoners rather than relating it towards Anmbiyah
wa Awliyah (Alehem’ut Tehiyat’u wa’Thana) or to sole creator almighty Allah (Subhanahu).
Reason for illustrating are few issues[5], though remembers that (or say cannot be denied)
whatever happens either naturally or preplanned all is written (previous | Madhi) or say
mentioned (present & future | Ha’al aur Mustaqbil) in Quran Majeed; on some places clearly
whereas somewhere compressively or just being pointed out [6].

DENOTE: [1] (a) Matter of fate also. (b) Like pasts, for instance, earthquakes or floods or
forest fires or brigdes/buildings collapse etc. [2] Send for/as punishments that will
definitely sabotages the planet further. [3] Allah (Subhanahu), has also mentioned this in
Quran Majeed that depicts whatever He (Allah [Subhanahu]) do* couldn’t be questioned
whereas your (ours) actions will be questioned. Second, Ulama says, Allah (Subhanahu) is
cleaned from doing extortion (Urdu: Zulm). [4] Even if following right path, and any
disaster comes still then has to be adhered upon right path (Urdu: Mustaqeem) and be
consent (Urdu: Radhi Bur Ridha). [5] Discussed ahead. [6] This is Quran Majeed beauty,
very comprehensive and compressive; always right towards its subject.

In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) says, “(Mafhoom) … And the day when We shall raise a
witness in every community from amongst themselves that they may give evidence against
them and O beloved! We shall bring you as a witness against all those. And We have sent
down this Quran on you in which every thing is clearly explained and as guidance and
mercy and good tidings for the Muslims … [s.16:v.89]”

[Tafsir Ibne Abbas] (And (bethink you of) the day when We raise in every nation) when
We take from every group (a witness) a prophet (against them) testifying that he
conveyed the message to them (of their own folk) a human being like them, (and We bring
thee) O Muhammed (as a witness against these) against your people; it is also said that
this means: a witness for your nation that they had accepted the message. (And We reveal
the Scripture unto thee) and We send Gabriel to you with the Qur'an (as an exposition of
all things) of the lawful and unlawful, the commands and prohibitions, (and a guidance)
from error (and a mercy) preventing from chastisement (and good tidings for those who
have surrendered (to Allah)) that they will have Paradise.

[*] Which is always right and just.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 252


[Tafsir Jalalayn] And, mention, the day We shall raise up from every community a
witness against them from among themselves, and this will be their [that community’s]
prophet, and We shall bring you, O Muhammed (s), as a witness against these, namely,
your people. And We have revealed to you the Book, the Qur’ān, as a clarification of all
things, that people [might] need concerning the Law, and as a guidance, from error, and a
mercy and good tidings, of Paradise, to those who submit, [those who] affirm the Oneness
[of God].

NOTE: The verse depicts some beautiful matters prominently, however we have
presented complete pretexts but refraining to go in its details, only discussing partially
concerned to our subject; green coloured in verse (Ayat), and red bolded in pretexts

[Tafseer’ul Hasnat] Abul-Hasnat Imam Syed Muhammed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri

(Quddussurahul Aziz) stated under the pretext of “Tibyan’al-Likulli Shay’in” that, “… In Quran
Kareem, ‘In which every thing is clearly explained’ contains past and future facts, conditions
and events, all has been explained by Allah (Subhanahu) leaving no place for refutation (or say
denial) – [Mun Shakkah Faqad Kafara | Whosoever will doubt conducts profanity]. Then
further stated ahead (a paragraph), illustrated blessed saying from Tirmizi Shareef, “(Mafhoom)
… Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has revealed about all coming events
(instigations), venerable companions (Sahaba’e Kiram [Alehemur Ridhwan]) asked about
immunity (Urdu: Khulasi) from them? Upon which Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) replied, it is presented (Reported | Khabr) in Quran Majeed, about all
conditions, before (Urdu: Pichlay) you, and after (Urdu: Ba’ad Kay) you as well as currently
(Urdu: Moujudah) … [vol.3 | Pg.562]”

[REPORTS | Akhbar] These above interpretations, by eminent Ulama, are sufficient,

though as depicting compressively (and may raise queries in mind | about events), thus
presenting (in brief) some events of past, present and future from Quran Majeed. PAST:
[1] Sidna Hudhrat Nuh ‘Adam’e Thani’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) invitation to nation (900yrs
approx | Faqeer), then building of Ship, then great storm that devastated whole planet
(covered with water). [2] Sidna Hudhrat Ibrahim ‘Khalilullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
invitation to Nimrod Nation (Qaum’e Namrod), construction of Khana’e Ka’aba (still
present and strong evidence). [3] Sidna Hudhrat Yousuf Bin Yaqoob (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) pushed in to well, elucidating dream of cows and stars in prison to prisoners,
release from detention and then becoming King of Mesir, rejoining with blessed family.
[4] Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) journey (Urdu: Safr) with
Sidna Hudhrat Khidhr (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), competition with Magicians, pursue and
then sinking of Phiroan, and its followers. [5] Sidna Hudhrat Sulaiyman Bin Dawood
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) miracles, traveling to world, widespread kingdom (3rd Ruler
that rules whole world), and completion of Bayt al-Muqaddus Masjid construction (still
present and strong evidence). [6] Sidna Hudhrat Esa bin Mariyum “Ruh’hullah” (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) blessed birth, miracles, invitation to Banu Isra’il, giving glad tide about
Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), raising towards sky. PRESENT: [1]
Elephant event (Urdu: Waqe’ya Amul Feel) before blessed arrival of Sidna Muhammed
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). then arrival (Amad’e Mustafa[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]),
invitation (Urdu: Dawat), conflicts (Urdu: Ghazwat Wagheiyrahum), blessed journey

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(Urdu: May’raj Shareef), Makkah victory (Urdu: Fatah Makkah), Rome victory (Urdu:
Fatah Room). [2] Glad tidings of caliphate & heavens to venerable companions (Urdu:
Bisha’rateyn), entering of nations in Islam. [3] Obeying Allah & Rasul & Oulul Amr,
Worships (Praying, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj, Jihad etc.), success for Muslims lay in obedience.
FUTURE: [1] Yajuj Majuj (Gog Magog), Dukh’khan (Smoke), Dabbah’tul Ardh, Soor (Final
Whistle), Qayamat (Resurrection Day).

DENOTE: Reports added in PRESENT, though some happened 1400yrs approx. ago, but
we are passing or say came in era of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
Ummah, hence considering or taking it into present reports. Allah knows all the best.

[ISSUES] O’Dea, as mentioned earlier that reason for such illustrations are few issues therefore
now would like to discuss few; Enmity, 911, MH370 & Accidents. One (911) of them is related
towards spiritual strength though in real has nothing to do with spiritual strength involvement,
interpreting incorrectly by one of our Master (AO), whereas another Master (ZH) is depicting it
rightly. However another (MH370) can be accepted, because reported by most pious and highest
rank QUTUB (WALI), therefore discussing them in some details, not completely; whereas about
else (enmity & accidents) so will only highlights.

ENMITY (Against Religion)

[JEALOUSY | Ha’sad] O’Dea, battle between right (Urdu: Haqq) and wrong (Urdu: Batil) was
going on since beginning; when Sidna Hudhrat Adam ‘Abul-Bashar’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arrived
in this World, from Heavens, and then started human civilization[1] after 300yrs approx. (as per
traditions). In this establishment, or say afterwards, the first incident depicts enmity in an
aspect[2], was a murder did[3] by Qa’beil of Ha’beil that had began the conflict or say it was due
to difference of thought (Nature) causing it. Therefore, this was then unfortunately carried on
(practiced) as latest eras came with different of civilizations.

DENOTE: [1] Ulama says, when Hudhrat Bibi Haw’wah (Radhi Allah Anhu) send (or say
arrived) to this World from Heavens, after meeting with Sidna Hudhrat Adam ‘Abul-
Bashar’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and then begun living in Makkah together, nearly 50 twins
were born whereas some says 500 twins were born (one male & one female); amongst
them one is Qa’beil and His sister Aqli’miyah, & Ha’beil and His sister Lew’sa. [2] Sidna
Hudhrat Adam ‘Abul-Bashar’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arranged matrimony, as per heavenly
orders, amongst QaBeil’s with Lew’sa and HaBeil’s with Aqli’miyah. Note: It was
permissible in Sidna Hudhrat Adam ‘Abul-Bashar’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Shariah,
matrimony of Brothers & Sisters to each other, but in exchange (as illustrate); because all
were twins. Whereas Forbidden in Shariah Muhammediyah. [3] It happened due to
jealousy, also say denying decision (heavenly), as HaBeil’s sister was beautiful whereas
QaBeil’s sister wasn’t; and Habeil refuses (exchange) the decision (or say heavenly order).

[DEMAND | Mutali’bah] Then, among those previous eras, came a nation name Sam’oud Nation
(Urdu: Qaum’e Samoud), towards whom Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
was sent. Upon proclamation (Urdu: Aylan’e Nabuwwah), or say giving invitation, nation was then
divided into two gropus, believers and disbelievers which started a conflict amongst them;
although believers fought for right (Urdu: Haqq). The bad thing about Sam’oud Nation (Urdu:
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 254

Qaum’e Samoud) was their stepping quickly towards sin (Urdu: Gunah | Burai) besides virtue
(Urdu: Nay’ki | Ach’chai). Therefore Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) giving
them invitation towards right side (or say virtues) whereas nation was rather than accepting,
accusing false and baseless objections on to Him (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), even Sidna Hudhrat
Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) showed them miracle (Urdu: Moaj’zah) upon their own
demand[1], but even then they (majority) didn’t called belief neither got righteous, contrary
becomes more rigid upon their bad habits, particularly begun planning conspiracies[2] to
eliminate their own demanded miracle (Female Camel), as well as Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh
‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), which caused their[3] own elimination (via wrath) rather than
inflicted any harms to Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

DENOTE: [1] Miracle was requested by one of Sam’oud Nation’s Tribe Leader, name
Junda’a Bin Umro (Radhi Allah Anhu), and it is a Female Camel with Baby from (should
emerged) one piece of rock named ‘Kafiyah’. Note: After realization of Miracle (Urdu:
Moaj’zah), Tribe Leader (Radhi Allah Anhu) with some people called belief but most of
them wasn’t. [2] It is also told (or say instructed) to them, amongst divined orders, term
(or say being fixed) to use/drink water; that Camel will drink one day whereas you people
and rest of your animals other day. Second, it was also told or say warned to them that if
tries to harm or inflict something bad then remember wrath will comes (send) to you.
[Routine] Camel feed herself, and her baby, in valley outwards during Summer whereas
went towards waterside during Winter, due to these routine (including Water Drinking
from well) people not likening it (Urdu: Kuffar[yani Mush’rikeen] Ko Khuj’li/Kha’lish Hoti
Thi Asl Main | Bila’wajeh Ki). [3] But people wouldn’t listen that either (definitely when
not listens or pay attention towards invitation then how comes or could be possible they
follows instructions[warnings]), they begun harming the Camel, and then finally
murdered her, which is reported (or say informed) by Female Camel’s Baby (Baby was
also butchered later) to Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).

[UNJUST | Na’haq] Similarly, then comes era of Bani Isra’il[1], and besides few majority follows
the same tradition of disobedience to Heavenly Orders, alike Sa’moud Nation (Urdu: Qaum’e
Sa’moud), even goes worst then them and it was not only denying (an invitation), but also
assassinating Prophets (Anmbiya’e Kiram[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) unjustly; Sidna Hudhrat
Yahya & Sidna Hudhrat Zakariyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)[2] were amongst martyred unjustly,
as well as does malice conspiracies. Murder: Amongst Bani Isra’il, there was a person who
desired to takeover all his relative wealth hence for this he murdered the relative and then threw
the body on square. After assassination, came with tears and anger into the presence of Sidna
Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and demanded an inquiry[3]. After unable to
found anything about the killer then people (Bani Isra’il) advised (present in honor) that why
don’t you (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) asked from lord (Urdu: Rabb), may be He (Subhanahu) revealed,
upon this Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was told [4] that say to your
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) people slaughter any cow, and then put’s cow piece to deceased, by our
(subhanahu) order, he will alive and professed (Urdu: Gawahi) himself about the killer[5]. But
rather than following the simple instruction they (Bani Isra’il) made the matter more complicated
by raising queries[5], however after long inquiries finally the matter resolved; cow was then
found, and then slaughtered and instructed piece was then touched to the slained body[6].

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DENOTE: [1] Ulama says, Bani/Banu Isra’il are descendants (or called sons) of Sidna
Hudhrat Yaqoob ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), some says are from Sidna Hudhrat
Ishaq bin Yaqoob (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). Note: Amongst Sidna Hudhrat Yaqoob
‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) sons, one (elder son) name was “Yahu’dah” from
mother Liya Binte Liyan bin Fa’hir, to whom may be they (Banu Isra’il) called (or relate
themselves) as “Ya’hudi | Jews”. Allah knows the best. [2] Ulama says, at least 5000 app.
(Urdu: Kam’o Bey’sh) Prophets (Anmbiya’e Kiram[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) were sent
towards Bani Isra’il (Jews | Qaum’e Yahud). [3] After intense efforts (investigation),
nothing was found (clues | Who did it). [4] This was did upon people’s demand, otherwise
Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) knows, Bi’iznillah, due to their (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) high ranks (Urdu: Ma’qam’e Nabuw’wah); meant spiritually. [5] Actually killer,
slained relative, wants to make the matter deliberately complexive (or say trying to inflict
confusion) so that it may not disclosed. [6] The murdered person becomes alive and
pointed out towards the killer which was his own relative, shouting alot (demanded
inquiry) upon killing.

[CONFLICT | Inte’shar] Finally, then comes blissful era of most beloved and beautiful Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), for whom (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) arrival all
Prophets (Anmbiya’e Kiram[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) were sent, but the same tradition of
denying and false accusations was carried on, even conspiracies were made and then attempted
to assassinate, but Allah (Subhanahu) told to Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
that no need to be worried as We (Subhanahu) will protect You (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) from their
evil plans. Inflicts: Ulama says; Two Tribes had a long enmity (and fought regularly) but after
proclamation (Eay’lan-e-Nabuwwah Sharif) they entered in Islam and resolved (ended) all their
disputes and becomes peaceful to each other. This was not feels well by Jews therefore started
conspiracy to inflict separation thus at one occasion when they (Tribes Leader) sat and discussing
matters (including old enmity) Jews were somehow able to succeed to provoke enmity & hatred
through sedition once again thus ignites the fight (they begun) upon which verse [s.3:v.103] was
then sent (Arabic: Nuzool) to Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat O Salam), and after listening to this
verse (A’yah Mubarakah) became aware that Jews only want us to be splitted and fight always
otherwise there is no such intentions are left among us after entering to Islam.

DENOTE: In verse [s.3:v.103], by ‘Rope’ means or signified clearly, path sent through
Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), that was followed righteously by Awliyah
(Alehemur Ridhwan); in other words “Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jama’at’e Sahaba” [Keep
Thinking]. NOTE: The pretext depicting clearly about inflicting separation or say igniting
conflicts, particularly in religion, by Jews (Bani Isra’il | Qaum’e Yahud). For instance,
Abdullah Bin Saba (a Jew); founder of Kharji-Rafdhiyat[Shi’iete]. Hamphrey (a Freemason
| Zionist); patron of Kharji-Wahabiyat[Salafists].

NOTE: We have only illustrated, or highlighted briefly, all events from books in context of our
topic, regarding Anmbiya’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) blessed life, miracles, teachings and
incidents. For details, see the references (read authentic books).

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9/11 (U.S.A)

On Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, four amongst five[1] planes fled from different Airports,
Boston, Washington and Newark and en routed towards two main destinations; Los Angeles &
San Francisco, but then deviated from their[2] destined routes towards New York, Washington
D.C and Viriginia respectively, where they were reported being crashed to World Trade Centre
(Twin Towers | New York), Metropolitan Area (Washington D.C) and Pentagon (Virginia)
separately causing numerous casualities[3]. This incident was reported all around the world
through e-media (channels), also shown (telecast | reported) in Pakistan’s state-run channel. The
attacks were condemned by nearly all countries around the world, particularly Europeans. That
initiates respond from then U.S Government (Bush Administration), ordering U.S Military
immediate action against the responsible group behind the attacks. Although many Journalists
raised objection upon Federal Aviation Authority responsibilities in such time particularly; which
is not responded well on that time, means absence from whole scenario when planes were
Hijacked[4] and flies half an hour before crashes.

DENOTE: [1] Earlier reports were of five planes, but then only four were reported; being
highlights. [2] After deviation, flies at least half an hour in Air before crashing to
mentioned sites. [3] Our sympathies are with poor victims, came in middle of this trauma.
[4] As per reports, there were 19 hijackers (linked to al-CIA-da), all from Muslims Arab
Countries; Egypt, Lebanon, Saudia & U.A.E, and sadly none of them touched, like
Afghanistan & Iraq, because of U.S Allies (closed).

[TWIN TOWERS] World Trade Centres Complex situated in Lower Manhattan, New York City
was given lot of coverage besides others, even 9/11 is now remembered with it; particularly Twin
Towers collapse or say became its insignia. Therefore would like to illustrate its history first and
then present technical review of whole incident. [History] The World Trade Centres Complex
was comprised upon nearly seven towers built between Aug, 1965 – May, 1987 respectively; in
which 1 WTC was completed in December, 1970 whereas 7 WTC was completed in May, 1987 as
per source (wikipedia), however the World Trade Centres Complex was famous for its Twin
Towers, inaugurated (both) on April 4, 1973. [Structure] The World Trade Centres Complex
were built with Steel, also called Steel Structural Buildings, capable of sustaining[1] at least 6-7
magnitude shock at ritcher scale. Second, these(a) steel structures are built or designed in such
manner that could sustained heavy collisions(b). Third, these structures(c) are capable of
sustaining specific heat temperature too. [Damage] On Feb-26, 1993 an explosion[2] at
underground garage, of North Tower (1 WTC), has happened damaging its few sublevels, from B1
to B3 (holes | 30m wide) as well as central refrigeration plant at B5, caused structural weakening
(particularly to coloumns) that has support from floor walls[3], however it was then repaired but
had weakened the tower.

DENOTE: [1] Their coloumns at bottom made like half cutted ball, stand over bowl for
rolling in such manner to shock (earthquake), that tower can sustain. Note: Faqeer heard
that, steel structures can sustains (or handle) even higher than 7 Magnitude Shocks. (a)
Meant generally; all steel structural towers. (b) Like planes, missiles, etc. Note: Definitely
of limited strength, not unlimited (Meteor is unsustainable, etc). (c) As per reports,
temperature upon explsion reached to 600 Degrees, which was then increased gradually
upto 1500-2000 Celsius Degrees. [2] Planned by Al-CIA-da, which was executed (planted)

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by Ramzi Yousuf (as per U.S Government); He was arrested from Islamabad, Pakistan (in
1995) and then extradited to U.S for trial and punishment. [3] In high rise towers, whole
structure is bind together with each other, specifically upon pillars & beams; meant
Coloumns (pillars) joint with plinth (at floor) and beams (at roof) whereas roof itself
based upon pillars and beams particularly, given support by walls. Therefore, this
proceedure goes till top, last floor.

[BACKGROUND] O’dea, before indepth reviewing (technically), would like to illustrate one
matter having close connection with it. [Investment] Before 9/11 incident, U.S Government along
with some big corporate(s), had inducted ransome investment of Saud’s Regime and Bin Laden
Group, which is reached around US$ 1 Trillion app. (includes Profit), as per David Moore, an
American Investigative Journalist; that is definitely has to returned someday. Therefore after
September 11, 2001 attacks, their families being extradited to Saudia[1], otherwise on that time
all flights, local and international, was abandoned for three days. After their safe extradition, then
U.S Government (Bush Administration) becomes more apprehended thus announced/puts
responsibility upon Osama Bin Laden, member of Bin Laden Family, therefore rather than
returning the investment, they executed this trauma and invaded Muslims States[2] upon pursue
of one person (or say a traitor); their own asset [3]. [Defense Projects] The ransome investment,
taken from mentioned sources, was used in Defense Projects mainly. The projects was executing
by several corporate(s), particularly Boeing Corporation was completed its research work upon
unmanned flying machines, also called drones, hence required to test their drone project, this
trauma was conducted (which is actually a live tests), but through this made and achieved several
targets & goals.

DENOTE: [1] They have been given safe exit, actually. Note: Even many of their own high
level dignitories weren’t granted permission to fly, inside U.S.A. [2] Afghanistan in 2001
till present, & Iraq in 2003 to 2009. Note: Some forces are remained stationed in these
respected states. [3] As per sources, Osama Bin Laden was assassinated by Omar Shaykh
earlier [Url:
2001-benazir-bhutto-says-osama-bin-laden-dead-in-2007_news | Another, Url:],
before claimed of extermination by U.S Government (Obama Administration). Note:
Pakistan’s then Civil Government (PPP Regime), Military & Intelligence Leadership, was
right that don’t have information or knows exactly of OBL’s whereabouts, because he was
already slained.

[TECHNICAL REVIEW] Now would like to review an incident technically (as contains some
serious objections; even have surpassed their own scientific theories). [INCIDENT | Attacks] On
Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 two Airplanes (of American Airlines & United Airlines resp.)
crashes to twin towers separately, destroying their upper floors firstly and then later on, after
collision (or say crashing), within two hours both the towers were collapsed, causing many
wounded and casualities, and this was shown on screen (televised), including trapped people
raising cloth from their hands for help (even some had jumped). [Review] U.S claims to be highly
advanced and developed country, though cannot denied either, but then such incident occurred,
very strange and made no sense (in context of advancement & development) contrary depicting
something else (own involvement). [SITUATION | Hijack] O’Dea, remember that in such types of
condition, Airplane stop responding (positively[1] | Communication either Breaks or becomes

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 258


alarming) to Air Traffic Control Tower, based on ground (as they are 24/7 connected). Secondly
radars are monitoring Airplane assigned vectors of en-route therefore in case of deviation it
emerged on surveillance screen quickly (more sufficient evidence). And thirdly Air Force (of any
country) are standing by 24/7 for interception in such situations, takes only few minutes for
taking over the matter[2]. [Review] U.S Government, particularly Military, have claimed there
military strength as superior (advanced) and powerful (might) in the World, even they destroyed
the accused(a) states in no time with sophisticated technology, meant took only less time to enter
(or say invade) and toppled the center (regimes), then how come couldn’t able to detect these
Airplanes (actually Drones) flies half an hour in their own air space (jurisdiction) …? If admit
(Failure | Surveillance), then why didn’t hanged firstly FAA Staff (not informing USAF), and it also
proved technology is dumb; and if don’t admits (Failure | Surveillance) then it’s a vicious move (or
say black in a pulse), however whether admits or not, your own people are involved. [PEOPLE |
Casualities] It was reported that thousands died (approx 3000; includes 227 Passengers and 19
Hijackers[3] as well as including fire fighters); whereas in reality only in hundreds were lost their
lives (100-400 app. building staff, 343 plus 72 fire fighters, etc). Secondly, it is also said
(Circulated | Reported) that at least 3000 Jews, who works their[4], were on holiday on
September-11. [Review] O’Dea, all Airplanes are Drones (Computer Controlled | also built to
follow Laser Guiding Systems), they flew regularly from mentioned Airports, and then after some
travelling had changed their en-route path to pre-determined destinations, where Laser Guiding
System was deployed in secret places already, therefore when Airplanes (actually Drones)
reached the destination, they were then guided (or say picked) towards target by Laser Guiding
Systems. Hence no one was on board inside in reality, and total on board casualities was a
fabrication (Lie | Mun’gharath). Secondly, due to holiday, small number of people was presented
(including building staff) in Towers. [Collapse | Demolition] Towers collapsed[5] vertically
downward; as their upper floors didn’t fallen (after collision) upon else adjacent towers into any
direction, nor horizontally left or right; only debris (small pieces) could hit while towers are
falling downwards [6]. Second, airplanes collided with two towers, then how comes all the other
rest of complex towers have collapsed[7]; particularly the 7 WTC (47 Storeys)? [Review] O’Dea,
twin towers as well as all the other complex towers collapsed was actually a control demolition,
through Thermite Detonation Devices placed in ground floors (underground particularly), used
by Militaries as Anti-Tank, because Airplane collision can never cause vertical downward fall,
until not carried on from ground. [MELTDOWN | Molten Lava] From a video (that televised on
channels), one could seen clearly a molten lava had flown from destroyed structure (towers); and
for this process, at least 1500-2500 Celsius Degrees heating temperature is required to meltdown
steel, whereas plane fuel caused or can create upon burning (or explosion), only upto 600 Celsius
Degrees heating temperature approx. Hence, question remains valid (in its place) that from where
or how such temperature came? [Review] Those crashed to Twin Towers, are actually loaded
inside with TNT Dynamites, which was blown upon collision (it’s all about timing). Second, at the
Ground Floors, Thermite Detonation Devices[8] were placed, particularly at Pillars (Coloumns) &
Beams Joints from inside via Lift Roof. Third, because when Towers began to collapse people
heard destruction sounds (blasts) from inside, even nearby people (escaping) to tower have
heard it. Fourth, the way it fallen, vertically downward, can’t happened in reality through
collision, contrary only executed through controlled demolition, that is seems evident here.

DENOTE: [1] As there are some special codes for Pilots to report on ground for Hijack
situation [2] It was further reported to at least nine authorities quickly by ATC, including
government(s) and Avaition Authorities as well as Central Air Command Control etc. (a)

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Though, the states are innocent (majority public) and have no linked to attacks neither
their puppets (OBL & AT) carried out, the person (OBL) and then its protector (Afghan
Taliban). [3] In real, all four Boeing’s Air Planes, as reported (or say claimed Manually
Controlled), are Drones [Computer Controlled | there is no one boarded inside]); it was
Boeing’s Computer Controlled with Laser Guided Planes/Drones Project (which was
tested). [4] Our purpose to depict also absence of large number of people there comes for
working, on day it collapsed (or says Demolition). [5] And this only happened in control
demolition. Note: According to New York’s Licensed Demolition Expert, the way towers
had collapsed, was a control demolition; and we (Demolition Companies) have or uses
Thermite Detonation Devices for this purpose. [6] But vertically downword falling debris
cannot destroyed other buildings (the rest buildings in complex have some distance with
twin towers | see map); particularly 7 WTC (47 Storeys). [7] Seventh tower (47 Storeys),
was reported earlier, before its demolition, by BBC Reporter present in near building for
live coverage. [8] Thermite Devices (or Thermite Bombs) are actually used in destroying
Tanks (or say Anti-Tank Device), contained by Militaries (can asked Military Personnel).
Second, they [Url:] just need little ignition and
then begun reaction with Steel Structure quickly, and raised the temperature at significant
level, 1500-2500 Celsius Degrees into less time, which is enough to Melt down any steel
structure. Note: According to Lift Technician (WTC), one person (or say expert) could
easily used or climbed at Lift Roof to deploy these devices in very short time.

NOTE: Remember, for closer look of some matters (Demolition & Molten Lava)
concerning to twin tower collapse, have to either repeat or apply slow motion to 9/11
incident video.


[PLANNED] From all technical reviews, including examination done by renowned western
architects & engineers[*], depicts clearly hence left no doubts or say place for denials that it was a
pre-planned trauma, involving from U.S Government (Bush Administration particularly) to few
people (or say corporate(s)), laying some specific interests in conducting it which have been
attained successfully, mainly defaming Islam; sabotaging Muslims[1], second running
corporate(s); particularly Arms & Petroleum related. [Deception] O’Dea, actually policy of mass
deception being practiced everywhere, including in Muslims Countries too[2], particularly on the
name or in the cover of Justice (Right to Act etc.). Enemies of Islam, The British Empire
specifically(a); under indirect control or influence of Freemasonic Lobby, has promoted (meant
supported) deviators (Urdu: Munafiqoon) in Muslims, and then made ways for them to carry on
prohibited, even some are forbidden, activities on both sides(b) besides 9/11 attacks(c), Muslims
and their own Jurisdictons, however accused Muslims Countries only for involvement in
activities. Whereas on the other hand, majority Muslims Countries leadership protects rather
than eliminate such elements either due to western interests or not recognizing them[3], hence
this vicious cycle of deception is going on; destroying both sides but harming Islam’s lot then
them or others. [Justice] Though didn’t exists anywhere in the world, because only Justice, we
seen and is practicing nowadays, was ‘Might is Right’ whether on wrong stance. However, if then
U.S Authorities (Bush Admin.) accused Muslims, and in name of Justice invade their respected
Lands, killed hundred of thousands[4] innocents civilians (have nothing to do with or link to
attacks) and destroyed whole nations[5], then why shouldn’t then or present U.S Authorities

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(Obama Admin.) investigated (do new inquiry) the matter and punishes (hanged) those people
also due to whom irresponsibility (ATC, FAA etc) this happened[6], that had caused such
casualities, as per your own claims 3000[7] people (in WTC, NY).

DENOTE: [1] Their existence (precious blood), States as well as deserving wealth (Oil,
Gold, etc). [2] Because of Western Interests. Second, they (Muslims Leadership) fear &
Care about west more and less or even could say have no fear of almighty Allah
(Subhanahu); otherwise Islam is implemented in every Muslim Country, Faqeer
Bukhari(ghafaralahu). (a) U.S.A is completely, or says it’s their (Freemasonic Lobby)
colony or base camp; Ex-King Raza Shah Pahlavi (Iran) revealed also, after visiting
officialy during reign, in an interview. Second, one Ahle Nazar has also said same thing to
Faqeer; it’s Banu Israil (Jews) Country/Colony. (b) Like Osama Bin Laden & Co., Suicide
attacks executed by Intruders (Khawarij: Wahabiyah etc). (c) Because it’s an inside job.
Note: Although can’t denying Saudia’s Investment in U.S Defense Sector (Arms Research,
& Manufacturing Corporates), also developed Drones. [3] Even Master Zaid Hamid Shb
was deceived from one movement then one could imagine or speculate easily the
recognition level of Muslims Leadership (without visions). [4] As per reports, 500,000
app. Children in Iraq were killed or died during their occupation. Similarly, numerous
civilians (including children) have lost their precious life, and still losing, in Afghansitan
due to their unjust on-going occupation. [5] Adna Faqeer(ghafaralahu) admits that,
unfortunately Muslims don’t have diversified (farsighted and visionary) and eligible
leadership (including Military), in any Muslim Country, otherwise it wouldn’t be that easy
to accused but shall asked or questioned your own security & safety standards first, rather
letting invading and inflicting destruction, without solid evidences (contrary all provided
evidences goes in to their own court | proving inside Job). [6] Not a single person was trial
nor given any sort of punishment. [7] Fabricated figure, whereas actual was less than b/w

Source: [*]

NOTE: Another famous American Investigative Journalist, Prof. Webster Tarpley, also
wrote a book upon this matter in detail, titling “9/11 Synthetic Terror - Made in U.S.A”,
his work available on internet too (Youtube etc. | Interviews, documentaries etc.).


Recently on March 8th, 2014, a Malaysian Airplane (Flight No. MH370), left Kuala Lampur
(Malaysian capital) for Beijing (Chinese capital), was lost in midst of somewhere after few hours
of flight (traveled 500Km in an air), several speculation came forth and still (with the passage of
time) more are coming about the exact position [1], however last information is heading towards
North East of Malaysia means has crossed the country and is close to reaching the Philipines
Islands but then it was suddenly disappeared (all sort of communication was lost | with
ground)[2]. Although as per report Radar on ground have spotted (catched) an unidentified
object on their screens but then (after sometime) it was disappeared from their surveillance
either [3], hence no other observation since this has came forth regarding its disappearance [4].
It was reported that plane has changes its course but not mentioning how, whether manually (by
pilot) or due to technical reason; it is and will be remain unknown, as it was actually heading in

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North East direction for Beijing but then final statement unveiling that lost in south of an Indian
Ocean (which is being declared totally opposite towards its course).

DENOTE: [1] Early reports were based upon Radar(s) Surveillance after then comings are
from Satellite Data. [2] Finally, on March 23rd, 2014, Malaysian Prime Minister Dr.Najib
Razzak issued final statement that it had been lost somewhere in south of Indian Ocean
with no evidence of any survivors; which meant it was diverted from its original path
(course). [3] Depicting prominently that its transponder was stopped responding, either
manually or due to any technical reason being switched off (a mystery); if that
unidentified object is a plane. [4] The planes are also interlinked to the Satellites (in geo-
syncronous orbit | mostly belongs and operates by the U.S) providing them coordinates
(vectors | for dimension towards destination) hence new reports (after a week, when lost)
have come, including from French Satellite too, suggesting that it has changed its course.

OPERATION: Remember, modern day aeroplanes are equiped with highly sophisticated and
advanced instruments [1]; communication, navigation etc, in which (includes) interlinking with
satellites 24/7 while flying (from take-off till safe landing). Aeroplane Communication: As per a
definition, “… ACARS (an acronym for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
System) a digital datalink system, used for transmission of short messages between aircraft and
ground stations via airband radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by ARINC and deployed
in 1978, using the Telex format. More ACARS radio stations were added subsequently … [2]”.
[Excerpts taken from Internet Source, “Wikipedia”] Aeroplane Transponders: As per a definition,
“… A transponder (short-for transmitter-responder and sometimes abbreviated to XPDR, XPNDR,
TPDR or TP) is an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a radio-frequency
interrogation. Aircraft have transponders to assist in identifying them on air traffic control radar;
and collision avoidance systems have been developed to use transponder transmissions as a
means of detecting aircraft at risk of colliding with each other ... [3]”. [Excerpts taken from Internet
Source, “Wikipedia”] NOTE: We have illustrated only two important systems of airplane, in brief,
because of our concern (for topic); for more details either see related books (or search on
internet) or asked any domain expert (pilot or avionics engineer).

DENOTE: [1] Recent advancement are computer based controlled planes; developed for
safe travelling (to avoid human error | then what about System Failure (its electronics) …?),
for instance tracking, landing etc. Unmanned Drones are known example of it. [2] The
three major functions of this system is; a. communication with ATC, b. communication
Aeronautical Operational, c. communication with crew members. [3] Its main purpose is
to inform ground radar about plane information (flight number particularly; as well as
origin, coming from and destination, heading towards) in predefined specific codes.

TRACKING: O’Dea, as mentioned earlier that Aeroplanes are equipped with advanced
instruments, including communication, therefore such instruments are also installed on ground
for responding or say providing necessary information. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL: As per
definition “… ATC is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the
ground and through controlled airspace[1], and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non-
controlled airspace. The primary purpose of ATC worldwide is to prevent collisions, organize and
expedite the flow of traffic, and provide information and other support for pilots. In some
countries, ATC plays a security or defensive role, or is operated by the military … [Internet |

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 262


Wikipedia]”. BEACON TOWERS: As per one definition, “… A most basic aviation radio
navigational aid is the NDB or Non-directional Beacon. These are simple low frequency and
medium frequency transmitters and they are used to locate airways intersections, airports and to
conduct instrument approaches, with the use of a radio direction finder located on the aircraft.
The aviation NDBs, especially the ones marking airways intersections, are gradually
decommissioned[2], as they are replaced with other navigational aids based on newer
technologies. Due to relatively low purchase, maintenance and calibration cost, they are still used
to mark locations of smaller aerodromes and important helicopter landing sites … [Internet |
Wikipedia]”. RADARS: As per definition, “… Radar (acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging
[3]) is an object-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude,
direction, or speed of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided
missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits
pulses of radio waves or microwaves that bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a
tiny part of the wave's energy to a dish or antenna that is usually located at the same site as the
transmitter … [Internet | Wikipedia]”. NAVY: Navy Ships, also present on seas[4] around the
clock (24/7), equipped with latest communication devices; navigation, tracking etc. They also
tracks, any object (Metal | Iron) not only flying, within their parameters and does comunication
with Pilots, regarding necessary information; directions etc.

DENOTE: [1] They (Radars Installed on Tower) have limited coverage in all direction,
approx 200 Nautical Miles in longitude (of Air) and 200 Miles in latitude (of Land). [2] It’s
an old technology now, though still used (Beacon Towers are installed), as illustrated
ahead. [3] This acronym is according to U.S Navy, not standardize (or referred to the
process), however used frequently (for this process) around the world. [4] There were at
least 6 Countries Navies are stationed; Malaysia, Philipines, South Korea, China & Vietnam
and Thailand, whereas U.S Navy Ships are also present their. Note: It was U.S Navy Ship
reported firstly that unidentified object was spotted and then disappeared, from their

FORCE: O’Dea, reason to illustrate about Aeroplane Operation and Ground Tracking, in general, is
for depicting inter-connection (24/7). Secondly, in this process, massive human force works
behind it primarily, besides magnetic wave forces that are the carriers of communication signal
and is secondary. And achieving such advancements in communication and having 24/7
surveillance has failed[1], not to keep track continuously but also unable to find the plane.
Reason: This would be unacceptable for some because of relying or trusting totally upon
materialism ignoring another aspect, and that is spiritualism containing ability to impact upon
physical world; even one great saint of our times, Sultan’ul Awliyah Imam al-Fuqarah Al-Shaykh
Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) has told (or say pointed
out) that today’s world problem is ignoring (or say abandoning) spirituality from materialism
therefore acquiring it with right faith and act[2] would end all sorts of conflicts itself. Hence shall
accept that there is another strength, which has no match, and is right and just that whatever do
is for beneficial for everyone regardless of ideology, however to convince (that strength |
Quwwat’e Haqiqi) has to called belief upon monotheism (Urdu: Tawheed), and fulfills through
submission of testimony upon prophethood (Urdu: Risalah)[3].

DENOTE: [1] O’Dea, actually it’s a big slap upon their faith (Urdu: Ema’n ya Yaqeen) and
arrogant (Urdu: Gho’rour) upon technology; thought that it is everything and through this
could do anything or conquers the world etc, particularly lay down Islam. Note: Faqeer
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 263

remembers well that few years ago (2011 or 2012) one German Engineer (Christian),
asked an Engineering Professor that, now tell us how you going to compete us (actually
challenging)? Answer: Though Resp. Engg. Prof. replied him, but here is another answer
(lay in this mystery too). [2] Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba | Mazahib Arba’a).
Note: All materials, extracts from natural resources are gifts from, and is solely created
by, Allah (Subhanahu) therefore relying completely upon sources by ignoring sole creator
almighty Allah creativity, itself is a stray (Urdu: Gumrahi), extortion as well as cause of
conflict (simply Satanism), thus would never resolved the disputes contrary persists. [3]
La’illah Illallah Muhammed’ur Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Note: After submission,
there are some necessary Faiths (Kalimat, Aqaid etc.) that one has to admit in front of
Alim’e Deen (Islamic Scholar).

MYSTERY: O’Dea, as illustrate earlier about spiritual dimension similar to physical, active and
inflict impacts[1] on it, so this dimension is contained (or say executes | Bi’iznillah) by Saints
(Awliyah | Sufis), and relied completely upon fate; which is no doubt solely controlled by almighty
Allah (Subhanahu). Impact: The plane was actually covered (hided) by Saint (Sufi | Qutub) of that
region for right and just purpose, and it’s not extortion either[2], contrary lays right lesson for
every one in it and that is ‘Do Not Forget Your Creator, almighty Allah (Subhanahu)’ by falling
completely in world, and its beauty (materialism etc)[3]. And this was revealed (or say reported)
by the most truth and trusted personage of our time, that left us recently, a great saint, Sultan’ul
Awliyah Imam al-Fuqarah Al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi
(Quddussurahul Aziz). Fate: When this happened and then people contacted Sultan’ul Awliyah
(Quddussurahul Aziz) for praise, it was told (or say gave clear instruction) that built Masjid for
consent of Allah (Subhanahu) in regards of missing shall be appeared, but it wasn’t followed
therefore upon disobeying then responded now they will be never found, but would be raised
towards sky (Urdu: Alam’e Bar’zakh). And this called “Taqdeer’e Mubar’ram (Dependable
Fate)”, that if Malaysian govt. does accordingly[4] then definitely it will appears (Bi’iznillah)
whereas they didn’t announce such anything hence now forgot (recite Fatiha for Muslims).

DENOTE: [1] There impact is always beneficial for both sides, not one sided; as one of our
Master (AO) has interlinked the event (9/11) to spiritual force (it has nothing to do with
it), because that has caused severe destruction to definitely one side, not gives any benefit
to both sides. [2] Death is right, and will comes upon every living and non-living thing
inevitably. [3] It’s really strange that people falls in or admires from world beauty, calling
it natural process etc, but either not accepts or ignored completely its sole creator,
almighty Allah. [4] And it is stipulated to announce within a week (before Friday, 14th
March, 2014), when it disappeared mysteriously (8th March, 2014).

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

ACCIDENTS (Wrath | Punishments)

O’Dea, as said earlier, “… However, some of them, depended upon our actions too; meant if we
don’t acquire right path then disasters will comes towards us …” Hence would like to illustrate
some in this regards, whether says punishment(s) or learning event.

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[GREAT STORM | Tuofan’e Nuh] Ulama says, Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) came after Sidna Hudhrat Idrees ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed life, after
100yrs app., and stayed[1] at least 180yrs or 1240yrs or 1400-1500yrs resp. in this world.
Nation: Nation comprised upon Banu Qa’beil in majority, & Banu Shiess in minority, and they
were fallen into polytheism; practiced Buddism, hence being sent to guide them towards
righteous path but besides few none hadn’t accepted the invitation of monotheism (Urdu;
Tawheed | Wah’daniyat’e Bari Ta’ala). [2] Tease: One old person, in nation, told (teached) his son
that don’t left any means to harm Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Adam’e Thani | Shaykh’ul Anmbiyah” (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) nor pay any attention (towards invitation) because a witch, anti-ancestors (to
ours) and so on forth, hence one day they both came to Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam), hence after pointing out by bastard old man, the bastard son took his stick and hit
very hardly upon Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed head, due to
which it began bleeding, therefore upon this act Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) then finally praised against the nation[3]. Ship: Thus was responded that develop a SHIP,
as wrath will soon be send, and after completion on board[4] it with believers, as well as every
existing living thing’s couple on planet earth. During development, people (Kuffar) made fun of it,
says that why are you doing such efforts, meant developing which sails on water, as its dried out
there due to long time have passed (20 or 40 yrs app.) since raining; meant there’s no water.
Wrath: Finally, storm was begun coming from oven (Urdu: Tandur), while Sidna Hudhrat Nuh
“Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) wife baking bread (it was also told that comes from oven),
thus informed quickly Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) about it upon
which Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) took everyone towards Ship,
whereas animals were sent towards ship by Allah (Subhanahu), hence after on boarding[5], water
level then begun rising gradually and whole planet was then filled with water through raining,
flood etc., leaving no place on earth dry.

DENOTE: [1] Includes proclamation, as per one tradition (said correct by mostly), after
40yrs, and then preached monotheism (Urdu: Tawheed) 950yrs, and after storm lived
250yrs approx; therefore total blessed life was around 1240yrs, whereas some says after
storm stayed 200yrs thus total blessed life then 1190yrs, however the longest age (Urdu:
Ta’veil Umar) Prophet (Alehe Salam) amongst Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). Allah
knows all the best. [2] Banu Qab’eil, by name depicting, are QaBeil’s descendant and lives
in structural buildings whereas Banu Shiess are Sidna Hudhrat Shiess ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) descendants and lives in Mountains & Caves. Banu Qabeil’s females are
beautiful whereas Banu Shiess Males are beautiful; and opposite gender’s in both of them
weren’t. Note: Satan made them fell (majority) in to polytheism (Urdu: Shirk) by making
Buddha of some of their profound respected elders; Wad, Sawa’a, etc. [3] Written only last
incident, due to which praised (Urdu: Bad’dua), otherwise had been wounded badly
numerous time before, and such type of teasings are the common habit of the people
(Kuffar | Mushrikeen). Note: Praising against nation is not against Anmbiya’e Kiram
(Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) rank and innocence, they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) were
already informed about this before to do so; actually they (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) only
delayed the wrath by not praising earlier and tolerates upon the reason (nation teasing,
enmity etc), hence it’s a matter from fate so impeding here for while. Allah knows all the
best. [4] As per tradition, day was 10th Rajab al-Murajjab, and place was either from Kufa
(Iraq) or Hindustan, from where on boards. Note: Ship was 400ft long (L) and 75ft wide
(B) and 45ft high (H) consisting upon three floors, and it is made from Sagwan Wood,

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whereas its shape is like Hen’s Mouth from front, like birds stomach from centre, and like
Hen’s tail from backside. [5] As per tradition, there were 79 or 80 Believers on board
(including Sidna Hudhrat Nuh “Naj’ji Allah” and family members [Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam]), whereas rest were the couple of every living thing; animals, birds, insects etc.
Note: The Great Storm was persisted 6 months whereas some says 50 months.

[CONVERTED TO MONKEY | Ban’daroun ka Azab] Ulama says, during the period of Sidna
Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), as well as in era of Sidna Hudhrat Da’oud
“Nabiyina” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [1], various kinds of wrath were sent upon them due to their
stiffness on disobedience (Urdu: Na’farmani) and nastism (Urdu: Shara’ratoun); includes
converting to monkey, due to which all affected were died. REASON: Ulama says, that “Bani Isra’il
(Jews)” besides calling belief upon monotheism (Urdu: Wahdaniyat’e Bari Ta’ala) were also
ordered to worship on Friday, wasn’t permitted to catch fish on Saturday, and not allowed too
much involvement in business (trading), but they (besides refuters | even some so called believers)
altered every matter as per their desires[2]; they choose Saturday for worship rather than doing
on friday, has made small well (Urdu: Haw’dh) in or near to their homes, where bring fishes from
near lake[3], and passed[4] a lot time in business (trading). Punishment: Therefore stiffness to
disobedience (Urdu: Na’farmani) and nastism (Urdu: Shara’ratoun) increases rather to declined
upon warnings thus besides other, finally converting to monkey, a very humiliating and severe
too as after it none survived but died[5] was sent (imposed); also hapened in time of Sidna
Hudhrat Da’oud “Nabiyina” (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that one day none (Bani Isra’il | Jews) came out
from their homes, therefore some people from their nation (good or neutral) went to inquire
about them therefore when reaches to their homes, found all were converted to monkey and

DENOTE: [1] Both Prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) sent towards “Bani Isra’il (Jews)”;
as per tradition (there some other too), Sidna Hudhrat Da’oud ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) came after 599yrs after Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).
[2] These are the Heavenly Orders (Urdu: Yeh min’janib Allah[Subhanahu] thay), not from
else. [3] Fishes came to lake on Saturday, and sign was raised their heads from it, thus
when they saw it begun pushing them towards their wells, where net was already
deployed, hence catched them on Sunday; whereas some on same day. Allah knows all the
best. [4] Actually, due to it they skipped worships (daily) by giving lot attention to
business (trading). [5] In time of Sidna Hudhrat Moosa ‘Kalimullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).
[6] Ulama says, their youngs were became monkey whereas their elders faces were
turned to pig. Note: Further says, all people of Banu Isra’il weren’t good niether bad; even
there are some neutral too whom didn’t side any. [SPECULATE] Now Master Adnan
Oktar, could speculate, that why they fabricated and then emphasize a lot upon theory of
evolution, that all human being were (or converted) from monkey (Ma’az Allah |
Astagh’firullah). Note: Rather than admitting their (Bani Isra’il) own refutation (right path
| Deen’e Haqq Islam) and bad habits cause of it (wrath | Converted to Monkey), by
accepting (as true) or applying it upon all (whole humanity) whereas it is specifically
upon them, which is definitely a severe profanity by itself (whole theory). May Allah saved
us from such rubbish. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen.

[ELEPHANT EVENT | Waqe’a Amul Feil] Ulama says, Ab’raha al-Habashi[1] was became then
King of Yemen when Najashi sent him on expedition to pursue and punished King Zu’nawas of

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Yemen (from Banu-Humeir | by faith Polytheist). In short, after reigning in noticed that all Arabs
went to Makkah Moaz’zimah for Hajj, thus made plan (Worship Place | Ebadat Khana) to build
structure for worship alike Khana’e Ka’aba, hence in Sana’a (Yemen) started its development
upon which spent ransome amount, though people didn’t paid any attention (as expecting),
however news sparked all around, particularly in Arab’s wasn’t felt very well (taken painfully |
Bohat Sha’aq Guzri), even in its reaction a person from Banu Bin-Kana’nah (Adnani | Quraiyshi)
grimed (dirt | Qadha’e Ha’jaat) it, even later some burned it (as per tradition), upon which Abraha
became very ruthless therefore decided to take revenge[2]; formed an army, main force was an
elephants brigade[3] besides others in large nos., and then ordered them to march towards
Makkah Moaz’zimah. During their en route, offers everyone comes between either joined or do
not intervened[4], though some had intervened[5] to defend but eliminated whereas neutral
were left remain unharmed. Camp: They camped at Mugham’mus near Makkah Moazzimah, and
begun seizing animals which includes Hudhrat Abdul-Mut’talib (Radhi Allah Anhu) 200 Camels
(some says 100 whereas 100 were gifted). On this agression Hudhrat Abdul-Mut’talib (Radhi
Allah Anhu) went to Abraha al-Habashi personally and asked for their release (seized camels),
upon which Abraha al-Habashi became astonished and said, “I feel strange to heard this as came
here to destroyed Makkah Moaz’zimah (Khana’e Ka’aba particularly), a honorable and respectful
place of your elders, though you weren’t asking for it[6] but for the camels?” on which Hudhrat
Abdul-Mut’talib (Radhi Allah Anhu) replied that, “I’am the owner of Camels, that’s why asking for
their release, whereas it also has protector (Owner | Ma’lik), hence if likes then protect himself”
thus Abraha al-Habashi gave order to released the camels (200 app.), then Hudhrat Abdul-
Mut’talib (Radhi AAllah Anhu) took the camels and came back to Banu-Quraiysh and informed
about this[7] upon which they suggested that we shall hide (climbed) to near mountains rather
than to fight (or say to intervened[8]) thus suggestion was executed[9]. Result: Time came, and
on morning Abraha ordered the Army to be ready for an attack, therefore upon start leading
elephant, of elephant brigade, refuted to move in Ka’aba direction whereas in else it was moving,
they tried a lot but has failed all the time, thus while busy in, from Mehshr Valley (Urdu: Wadi’ye
Mah’shr) near Makkah Moazzimah, towards east, a bunch of small yellow and green birds began
appearing and then shooting small pebbles upon convoy due to which numerous died on spot
whereas several ran away[10], thus in very less time whole army was destroyed; converted in to
like husk (Urdu: Bho’si). Arrival: Ulama says, this event happened 55 Days before arrival (blessed
birth) of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), whereas some says on same day
(12th Rabi al-Noor); however first one was acquired mostly, though there are some other
traditions (figures) too; before 10yrs, 30yrs, 40yrs, 55yrs resp. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] King of Yemen, originally from Habshah (present day Ethiopia), and by faith
was Nasrani. Allah knows all the best. [2] It was, laying down Makkah Moazzimah
(Khana’e Ka’aba particularly). [3] Most strongest, as well as brigade leading, elephant
name was ‘Mehmood’; as per tradition. [4] Some tribes had joined whereas some didn’t
(requested amnesty | Neutrality). [5] Some faithful tried to stop (intervened) but was
unsuccessful (Urdu: Na’kam Rahey), due to Abraha’s military might (strength). [6]
Amnesty or any sort of pact for our retrieval etc. Note: Abraha showed respect either
rather than disrespect or humiliation, because Hudhrat Abdul-Mut’talib (Radhi Allah
Anhu) was a renowned (due to piousness) and respected personage (due to justice), as
well as a leader (Urdu: Sar’dar), amongst Banu-Quraiysh and surrounding (whole Arab).
[7] Abraha’s plans and strength. [8] They lacked in strength; compares to Abraha’s. [9]

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Hudhrat Abdul-Mut’talib (Radhi Allah Anhu) came towards Ka’aba Door, a day before
attack, and praised for its safety. [10] Died later (in severe bad conditions | A Punishment).

[QUAKE | Tabahi] Quake also means “SHAKE”, normally termed with to expressed disaster; for
instance earthquake (Urdu: Zalzalah) etc. Hence if sees from this aspect (consequence) or say
meanings, it is true or can be apply to some other natural means because their intensification also
results a disaster; like Fire, Air and Water etc. Disasters: HOW? In regards of FIRE, it also shakes
the structure(s) whatever it caught once; before normalizing manually, example structure(s) of
whether steel, cement, wood etc. being either burnt severely (deteriorate the structure) or
demolished through detonation; like TWIN TOWERS being demolished through Thermite
Detonation Devices[1], on September 11th, 2001. In regards of AIR, particularly tornado(s) also
shakes the structure(s) which comes in its range once its rotation begun and then moving
uniformly; until its rotation stop either through collision or pressure collapsed, example
structures throw away or destroyed by it; normally reported in U.S. In regards of WATER,
particularly cloud burst also shakes the structure(s) wherever it burst, example in 2012, on
Jacobabad-Pakistan it occured due to which 150 homes were destroyed. [APPLY] In blessed
quotes (Ahadith’e Mubarakah) regarding intruders instigation (Urdu: Fitnah’e Khawarij), on one
occasion Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) pointed towards East and then
revealed that instigation (Arabic: Fit’nah) and quakes (Arabic: Zal’zalat) will appear from their[2].
Reason: O’Dea, nothing is important then right belief and faith (Creed | Sunnat’e Rasul Wa
Jamaat’e Sahaba), that’s why Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has mentioned
or illustrated the instigation’s intensity by or with QUAKES (Plural | Zal’zalay), because once it
gone or being lost then it never comes back or say hardly returns[3], & this quake would be alike
earthquake (actually resembled | though it is worst then it, Faqeer). [PORTENTS] In end times,
amongst several portents (signs), common are instigations and quakes will comes regularly, like
beads fall one by one from rosary when it broke (Urdu: Tasbih Danoun ka girna | ayk ayk ker kay).
Hence we seen, or say can examined, that really every report given to us in regards of end times
portents[4] are happening exactly, particularly those before Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin
Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu), and their intensity will increased gradually & will be at its
highest peak on emergence. For instance, now usually thousands casualities being reported in
quakes whenever and wherever it comes, of high intesnity.

DENOTE: [1] As per reports, temperature gone to 1500-2500 Celsius Degrees after
detnoation; enough to meltdown steel structures. [2] Ulama says, this revelation has been
fulfilled after emergence of Abd’al-Wahab Najdi & Company’s instigation in 12th Hijri (17th
Century); since then backed by British Empire after exploration (Ministry of
Commonwealth | Agent Hemphrey[a freemason] particularly). [3] Until or unless Allah
(Subhanahu) grants it back, due to own mercy and kindness; it would be or sign is that,
always towards “Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamaat’e Sahaba (Mazahib Arba’a)”. [4] Ulama
says, there are three types of protents, or say they have categorized it into three periods;
early period (passed), happened. Middle period (passing), means happening and their
intensity will increases with the passage of time till Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu). And
Last period, will happen definitely after emergence of Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin
Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu). For more details, see Hujjah’tul-Lahil A’lameen by
Sidna Imam Yousuf bin Ismail Nibhani al-Shafa’ei (Quddussrahul Aziz).

Allah and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 268


“(Mafhoom) … And they plotted their own plot and We made Our secret plan and they remained
unaware … [s.27:v.50]”
Al-Quran al-Kareem

Topic Contains
Solution ………… [270]
Learning Lesson [272], Punishments & Glad Tidings [274], Foretells [275-280],
Despensation [281], Solicitaions [284]

Finally ………… [286]

Conclusion [286-293], Ask Ulama [293]

Matters ………… [296]

Dreams (al-Ro’ya) [296], Ressurection Day (al-Qayamah) [298], Movies (Films) [302],
Intention [304]

Praise ………… [306]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 269


In Quran Majeed, Allah (Subhanahu) said, “(Mafhoom) … And they plotted their own plot and
We made Our secret plan and they remained unaware … [s.27:v.50]”.

1st NOTE: [Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas] Ulama says; (So they plotted a plot) they planned
to kill Salih and all those who believed with him: (and We plotted a plot) and We wanted to kill
them, (while they perceived not) Our plotting; it is also said that this means: the angels killed them
in the house of Salih by hailing stones at them without them perceiving it.

2nd NOTE: [Tafsir al-Jalalayn] Ulama says; So they plotted, thereby, a plot, but We [also] plotted a
plot, in other words, We requited them by hastening on their punishment, while they were not

3rd NOTE: [Tafsir Mazhari (Urdu)] Ulama says; (Mafhoom) … They plot (means by betraying harshly
| Sukht Dhokah Kiya) to assassinate Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) on night,
whereas we (Subhanahu) also acquired our secret strategy (Urdu: Khuf’ya Tadbeer) to turned their
plot on to them queitly (or became the cause of their own destruction). And they hadn’t able to
understand our plan (strategy | Khuf’ya Tadbeer) either …” [Vol.7 | Pg.183-184]

FOOTNOTE: Ulama says, Allah (Subhanahu) is cleaned from ‘Move | Cha’al(Urdu)’ alike Human Beings, hence
such association is inappropriate neither permissible to use for the Honor (doesn’t shows respect too) of
almighty Allah (Subhanahu). However justified for refuters (opposers of divined orders), otherwise right word,
and shall be used, whenever do translation from Arabic to Urdu for the Honor (shows respect as well) of
almighty Allah (Subhanahu), is ‘Strategy | Tadbeer(Urdu/Arabic)’; actually some people (miscreants |
Munafiqoon(Khawarij)) associated (related[it’laq] this word) deliberately in to their translations for Allah
(Subhanahu), when translated from Arabic to Urdu (all was a part of conspiracy). Therefore, advice to All Muslims
that kindly avoids to read or do such translations. Allah knows all the best.

NOTE: Whenever come such correlations or comparisons in verses that depicts or reveals same
attribute for two different entities, then in that case we’ll kept difference in view (Urdu: Madd’e Nazar),
honor & rank (Urdu: Ma’qam’O Martaba), while translating from one language to another, particularly
from Arabic to Urdu, specifically in regards of Allah (Subhananhu) and His Prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-
Salam) membrance (Arabic: Zikr); as some words (their using or association), in Urdu lead towards or are
profanity (al-Ayaz bi’llahi Ta’ala). See concerned books or ask Ulama. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: Ulama says, Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was a descendant of
Sidna Hudhrat Sa’am Bin Nuh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and was very beautiful[1]
though all prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are very beautiful. Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was sent towards “Nation of Sa’mood (Qaum’e Sam’oud)” which
lived between Hijaz n Sham al-Shareef and were also from, as per tradition, the lineage of
Sidna Hudhrat Sa’am Bin Nuh ‘Nabiyina’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) [2]. They (Qaum’e
Sam’oud) got involved in polytheism and practices Buddhism (Urdu: Butt Parasti) [3].
After proclamation (Urdu: Aylan’e Nabuw’wah) by Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyinah’
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam), rather than to accept the invitation they refutes [4]. One day they
demands to show them a Miracle (Urdu: Moaj’zah), particularly their tribe leader asked to
bring us a CAMEL (Urdu: Outni) from this stone that also gives birth to a child when
expressed, hence their desire submission was accepted but warned that if doesn’t called
belief [5], then have to face a severe punishment (or say wrath will comes to you).
Therefore they agreed, thus after expressing Miracle besides accepting the invitation they

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 270


refuted the Miracle as well [6], and called it or terming with a magic. In brief, in their
nation lives a very beautiful women on near mountains, who custodies many CAMELS in
her possession, became Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) CAMEL’s enemy (in
jealousy | say) [7] therefore requested few men [8] to kill Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) CAMEL and in reward said that they will get her (removed cover[Hijab]
from her face) and her’s all wealth [9]. Hence they agreed and on one night while Sidna
Hudhrat Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) CAMEL was drinking water from a well they [10]
attacked her (CAMEL) and inflicted severe injuries (due to which CAMEL fell down) upon
which later-on people after knowing this, came-out from their home too and butchered
Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) CAMEL finally and distributed her (CAMEL)
meal amongst each other. When report reached from CAMEL’s child to Sidna Hudhrat
Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), in response said now wait for wrath [11]. Hence listening
to this (by Nation | Qaum’e Sa’mood), coming of wrath, became enemy to Sidna Hudhrat
Sualeh (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) too thus made plan to assassinate Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) either, which was reverted by Allah (Subhanahu) upon them by
sending few wrath towards them, last one was sent in stepwise (three days) [12]. From
which they were all destroyed and wiped-out from the surface, and Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh
‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) went along with Muslims (Believers | Ahl’ul-Ema’n)
towards Yemen. Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) lived nearly 85
years approx [13]. whereas another tradition is about 180 years approx. in this world.
[Excerpts taken from “Jahan’e Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam)”]

Allah knows all the best.

FOOTNOTE: [1] Blessed Skin color was of White with Red Shade. [2] Their (Qaum’e Sam’oud) skin color was also
White with Red Shade. [3] Like Nation of Irum (Qaum’e Irum); whom was (as per tradition) their Ancestors; and
towards them Sidna Hudhrat Houd ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was sent. [4] Alike Nation of Irum (Qaum’e
Irum) did upon the invitation given to them by Sidna Hudhrat Houd ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). [5] Allah
(Subhananhu) sent revelation (Urdu: Wa’hi) to Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) that told
them (add this term too) do not harmed her (CAMEL). [6] Beside tribe leader; who had demanded it particularly,
and after seeing it embraced Islam (called belief | Ema’n Ley A’ya). [7] There was a day fixed (Urdu: Muqar’rar) for
her feeding (particularly for drinking Water from a Well). [8] They were two, whom came to her for passed time.
Depicts that not a good character women. [9] Face covering (Urdu: Hijab) was not an explicit part or preaching
of Islam (Sunnat’e Muhammediyah), in previous epochs women did (whether believer or not) for their protection
(also a sign of respect). [10] Those two men (whom visited her) along with their some (brought) other friends
(counts seven). [11] As being already warned (upon which they agreed), that if refutes (an invitation), which they
did in the first place (and after showing Miracle too); and avoid (being instructed) to inflict any harm (to CAMEL),
which they also did later-on (finally killed unjustly). [12] Form of Wrath was also told to them; it was turning of
their faces to Yellow on first day, red on second day and then black to third day respectively; and finally whistle
will be blow upon all of them. [13] Ulama says, it was traditioned that Sidna Hudhrat Sualeh ‘Nabiyinah’ (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) was passed away (Urdu: Visal Mubarak) in Makkah Mukkar’ramah, and resting (Urdu: Mazar
Muba’rak) between Safa & Marwah. Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 271


(Urdu: Sabaq Amoz Waqe’a)

O’Dea, since first article till this book, faqeer (ghafaralahu) presenting foretells under this topic
(or say section), highlighting some important happenings[1], for future[2], which also depicts
change[3], but remember this also depends upon our efforts too[4] not only stay behind and
watching all happenings or changes[5] contrary have to becomes apart physically; but Ah … !
Beware of dangers; for instance, satanic assaults, obstacles, diversions and so on forth, in this
way[6]. For better understanding, first read this beautiful and teaching event (Urdu: Waqe’ya).

DENOTE: [1] Few have trasnpired; validating remaining to be happen sooner or later. [2] That will
cause impact upon everyone; regardless of region and its people (religion and cast). [3] Wished by
everyone; particularly Muslims. [4] Meant have to takes physical steps or perform actions; not just by
voice (includes written form). [5] By itself, that is not the fate but come forward (physically) and then left
its consequence upon sole creator, Allah (Subhanahu). Note: When The Great Sultan emerged, and then
calls therefore come forward (step) and do your part (physical act). [6] Enemies; Infidels (Kuffar),
Polytheists (Mushrikeen), deviators (Munafiqoon | Khawarij), seculars (anti-religion) etc. Note: Have
pointed out many (in signs, and clearly), even some by name, in previous articles as well as in this book,
see there too. Jazak Allah

EVENT: Once Hudhrat Bu-Ali Sina (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was inquired by the King (Malik |
Badshah) that what happens if we knew before (means already | the Hidden) anything going to be
happened later (means ahead | a foretell)? [1]. Rather than rendering answer Hudhrat Bu Ali-Sina
(Rehmatullahi Alehe) requested to His Highness (Malik | Badshah) that visit him on the rooftop
tonight[2] but don’t tell neither inform anyone about your movement; even not to the guards
(Urdu: Darban). Listening to this response, King (Malik | Badshah) was astonishes first but then
later-on agreed though had realized that now something strange will happens[3] tonight but not
sure exactly what therefore King (Malik | Badshah) visited the said place in middle of a night
quietly[4] where founds Hudhrat Bu Ali-Sina (Rehmatullahi Alehe) already present. Thus from
the rooftop Hudhrat Bu Ali-Sina (Rehmatullahi Alehe) drops, holding in hands, a very heavy and
big metal saucer (Urdu: Tashtari) in to the Castle’s compound, which after fallen to there
generated huge noise[5] which creates a panic all over there in the castle amongst people[6].
Many of them thought that we were came under attacked, hence begun searching the King (Malik
| Badshah) too. Viewing[7] all this from the top, Hudhrat Bu Ali-Sina (Rehmatullahi Alehe) then
replied to His Highness (Malik | Badshah), did you saw (noticed) all this, that if we knew[8] it
already then such panic[9] doesn’t occurred [10].

FOOTNOTE: [1] Meaning what effect does it made (when it has to be happened). [2] if accepted, then in midst of
night. [3] Meant He[RehmatuAllah Alehe] will do something. [4] Didn’t inform neither letting anyone knew about
his visit. [5] As it sights clearly the castle’s compound; and it’s also the highest place in Castle (in context of
height). Noise was like a blast. [6] Screaming, colliding, falling to the ground, injuring themselves etc. [7] His
Highness the King (Malik | Badshah) & Hudhrat Bu-Ali Sina (Rehmatullahi Alehe). [8] Or say all; the king, people
etc. [9] Causing rush and injuries etc. [10] Contrary everyone will face it calmly; be prepared (organized etc.).

DENOTE: O’Dea, Allah (Subhanahu) is a sole creator of everything; Universes (Galaxies

and in them Planets | Earth, Mars, Jupiter etc), Time, Space etc. Hence already knew (Urdu:
Ma’loom) everything from beginning till end, and then afterwards[1] whatever happens,
even of before[2]. Hence “Allah Ahkam al-Hakimeen | Allah, The Greatest of all rulers
[3]” is the true and sole Ruler (King | Malik ya Badshah) of all universes therefore if
revealed anything earlier before its execution[4], which is not necessary neither
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 272

inevitable[5] contrary an utter mercy and kindness if does, then must acquired it
(shouldn’t present any lame excuse) before its too late, because then altercation is being
done and there is no point of returning or abandoning the punishment in case of ‘not
acquiring’ the right path.

FOOTNOTE: [1] There is no limit, or say a line could be drawn; that from when to then (in context of period) or
this till that (in context of limits). Allah (Subhanahu) is cleaned from such kind of limitations; and keeping
opposite faith made a person Disbeliever (Urdu: Kafir). [2] Creating everything; universe, time etc. [3] See
Surah Tin (Eng: a Fig), verse 8. [4] Via Dreams, Influx etc. [5] One is because, already sent the guidance through
Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam), say a written instructions (Textual Form | Holy Books), which includes
adversaries (punishments) of not following (or say acquiring) the right path.

We stated in fourth article (in real a transcript), “… Remembers that there is always a solution
exist for issues (Arabic: Tanaze’at) and matters (Arabic: Masa’il). For issues, if exists between two
persons or groups or nations, or even if we goes on large scale meant between two continents, so
it can be resolved through conversation (from dialogue) otherwise if not getting on some point
(concord or unanimity) then next option was left is conflict (through fight). However priority
shall be via peace (conversation) rather than choosing havoc (conflict). Although, if somehow
acquiring fight[1] than it shall be only to preventing extortion and removing injustice[2], nor for
flowing bloodshed neither spreading devastations[3], like in past and nowadays too, acquired by
these so called powers [4]. And for matters, so there is no need to explain here or goes in details
because all has been explicated completely by Ulama’e Kiram under exemplifications of A’eymma
Kiram (A’eymma Mujtahideen, bil’Khusoos Arba’a) therefore if faced any problem then it is better
to asks Ulama’e Kiram …” [Topic: Solution | Pg. 68]

DENOTE: [1] Muslims, have been ordered to do fight (Urdu: Jihad) [a], for spreading
religion but it is stipulated with peaceful invitation first which would be refuted
harshly[b], and it is Khalifah’e Islam (or Sultan’e Islam) responsibility, even Malik and
Ameer can’t be exempted, as being a leader of Islamic State [c]. [2] This is a big difference
between Muslims and Non-Muslims invasion that whenever we (Muslims) have
invade[d], never kills common people whereas they (Non-Muslims) have always target
commoners deliberately & specifically; because knew that couldn’t face army & wins, if
Muslims comes with their original physical as well as spiritual strength[e]. [3] Islam’s
fifth pillar JIHAD main purpose is to kept an instigation, whether irreligious (Urdu: Bud-
Mazhab) or non-religious (Urdu: La Deeniyat | Butt Parasti, Deh’riyat, Kufr Wagheiyraha),
so that people could come towards right path. [4] Last century’s USSR, whereas present
era West (US & Europe) and North (Russia & China). “… Indians also considered
themselves as power too, but can’t say for sure (Urdu: Wasuq sey Nahi keh saktey), Faqeer
Bukhari (ghafaralahu) …”

FOOTNOTE: [a] Some matters concerning fight (Urdu: Jihad) have been already discussed, in last article as well
as in this book. See there. [b] This is another complex and deep topic; discuss it In-Sha Allah later. [c] Now
observe by yourself, in other words see the level of corruption (particularly mind or efforts), that we didn’t seen
or listen, nearly from any region, that Muslim Leaders (present era regimes) have ever expresses invitation to
Non-Muslims towards ISLAM. However, if they have formed any specific board (of Ulama) who have been
assigned for this specific responsibility, giving invitation towards ISLAM (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jama’ate Sahaba),
only then exemption present (might be not questioned) otherwise will be question strictly in resurrection day
(Urdu: Roz’e Qayamat). [d] In past (History), and In-Sha Allah ahead (future). [e] Purchasing leadership (political)
or generals (Military) is entirely a different matter (it happened in past a lot | and very common in present days).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 273



(Foretells & Explanations)

We stated, in fourth article (in-real a transcript), “… Allah (subhanahu) if alike so can bring the
change without flow of single blood and that will be the intense mercy (al-Reh’mah) from Allah
(Subhanahu) because al-Rehman al-Raheem, similarly if wants so could bring it through severe
punishment (bloodshed) which would be the virtuous justice from Allah (Subhanahu) because al-
Ad’l …” [Topic: Solution | Pg. 68]

DENOTE: Remembers, “… Allah (Subhanahu), whenever decided to either send

punishments or glad tidings[1], from his (Subhanahu) utter mercy and kindness, always
informed it before execution[2], via revelations to Prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam),
which was then finally haulted (revelations | Wahi) forever after arrival of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) as Last Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam).
However after this closure, only thing which is then left[3] in this regards are spiritual
signs; dreams, influx etc. Therefore, if any big event going to be happened, it was shown or
say warns, via dreams (Urdu: Khuwab), to common Muslims as well[4]. Second, it is not
necessary that punishments or glad-tidings are always come in natural calamities form,
any particular strong Nation can also be sometime sends in this context[5] …”

FOOTNOTE: [1] Punishments on large scale or small; & glad-tidings for long tenure or short. [2] Only
for altercation (Urdu: Itmam’e Hujjat). [3] Ulama says; Wilayah is a shadow (Arabic: Zill | Saya[Urdu]) of
Nabuw’wah. Further says in evidence, that every Saint is actually upon the footsteps of any particular
Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam); for instance Sidna Ghawth’ul Azam (Quddussurahul Aziz) says in
Qaseedah Ghawthiyah al-Sharif, “Ala Qadami al-Nabiyyi Badr’il Kamali [Eng: I am upon the footsteps of
the most perfect Prophet(Alehe Salat-O-Salam)]”. [4] Not only Saints (Awliyah[Sufiyah]) are awared through
influx (Urdu: Mushahidat). [5] Becomes invincible powers, crushes small or distributed nations; like
Kaiser’O Kasra (Romans - Iran), Byzantium (Europe | present day Russia), Mongols (Genghis Khan), USSR
(19th Century), West (USA & Europe) etc.

[EFFORTS] We stated in 4th article, “… All must have to seek for it or do efforts, OIC is not capable
nor competent neither delivering (actually it was made and controlled through UN, Israel’s
famous umbrella, thus represent their interest neither true Islamic Ideology nor according to
Muslims aspirations) hence urge Masha’ikh (Sufiya) for gathering upon any one personage
(advisable, shall take guidance from Sultan’ul Awliyah or if you knows someone like him) [For
Khilafah or Sultanate], so that we can all get reward that has been promised …” [Topic:
Promise[Reward] | Pg. 9]

DENOTE: Illustrated in 4th Article, “… we also wanted peaceful change, like Ulama, and it
is possible too without flowing of single drop of blood, therefore we advised that, Ulama
shall be given complete control and authority, transformation of power, restoration of
Qadh’e Shari’ah (Mazahib Arba’a | described in Books), let Ulama to decides and handles
the issues and matters, though under these Bogus Systems or Circumstances they are still
doing and performing their duties with complete responsibilities and best abilities but
sadly it is not completely materialize because of “hold” or say “Power” hence some
interferences in their decisions cause trouble (persistence of Anarchy) rather than
resoluton …” [Topic: Finally | Pg. 73]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 274


Sultan’ul Awliyah Imam al-Fuqarah

Arif Bi’Allah Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Haqqani
al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz)

Rise of an Ummah from al-Maghreb

(3rd Article)

1. All Regimes Will Collapse in 2011

2. The Appearance of Sahib-ul-Waqt (The Great Sultan) and the Spiritual Journey of Sultan-ul-
Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz)

3. Precaution for Muharram-ul-Haram

DENOTE: O’Dea, in beginning mentions Al-Shaykh Saeed al-Hasani (Quddussurahul Aziz)

foretells[1] that was then later followed (or say disclosed to us) with His Holy Highness
Sultan’ul Awliyah Imam al-Fuqarah al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Haqqani al-
Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) foretells, both having tremendous
correlation; crystal clear and prominent[2]. [COLLAPSE] It was reported (or say
revealed) in blessed sohbah by Sultan al-Awliya (Quddussurahul Aziz) about fall of
governments based upon Demon-Crazy System (not upon Religion | Say Khilafah or
Sultanate), especially in Muslim World. It doesn’t means neither highlighting States
themselve will collapsed (partition | Divides), and it is very true as well, no doubt that this
Demon-Crazy System mess the matters (even complicates) more and resolved less.
Forwarded: The revealed matters were actually forwarded, therefore leftover or say
repitition (fall of regimes | Once again) is expectable [3]. In one blessed session (Mawlid
Sharif) regarding this foretell (collapse of regimes), successor of Sultan’ul Awliyah
(Quddussurahul Aziz), Sidi al-Shaykh Abdul-Kareem al-Kibrisi (Rehmatullah Alehe) said,
“… event has been forwarded from Muharram (1433 Hijri, 2011 A.D) to coming Muharram
(1434 Hijri, 2012 A.D), which occurrence was expected (or say revealed) from Muharram,
1432 Hijri (2010 A.D) to Muharram, 1433 Hijri, 2011 A.D. However, possibility exists of
further delays meant might be postponed (events) till next coming Muharram (1435 Hijri,
2013 A.D) …”, though month has been passed therefore if Muharram al-Haram (1435
Hijri) is a beginning then can say that upcoming months would be crucial [4]. [IMAM of
TIME (May Allah Protect HIm)] We discussed some details in previous article(s) whereas
some have been in this book, particularly about Imam Mahdi Muhammed bin Abdullah
(Radhi Allah Anhu), therefore see their too; because of some signs that are bind to
emergence hasn’t occurred thus couldn’t say precisely. Second, Sultan Al-Awliya
(Quddussurahul Aziz) saying that IMAM of TIME (Sahib al-Zaman) will appear not said
IMAM MAHDI (Radhi Allah Anhu), but in some other Sohbah have depicts own intention,
therefore reconciliation would be; if those portents occurred then cannot denied

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 275


otherwise it means that emerging Sahib’ul Waqt (The Great Sultan) would act, and then
form an empire, alike Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) [5]. Transpired: In third Article,
we mentioned under its respected footnote that few have fallen; like In Turks Nations,
Kazakh’s Govt. was dissolved, and then in ahead fourth article (afterwards revealing of
this foretell) and others are left however most of them are upon edge of the nail to be fall
(including Turkey). Although their partial transpiration[6] since mentioned period till
today can’t be denied either, [PRECAUTIONS] The mentioned precaution, especially for
Islamic month of Muharram al’Haram-1433 Hijri, is actually specified[7] but though
contains generality either; can say true for both types. Reason, in times of WAR you may
never know whether gets goods (particularly Food) or not therefore it is better to
restored in advance, second such restoration is also permissible from Shari’ah
Muttah’harah; but only for/in times of WAR (going-on or expectable).

FOOTNOTE: [1] In our first two articles (1st & 2nd), see Rectifications ‘PART A’ (for their titles). [2] They
transpired (Urdu: Wuqu Pazeer Ho’ein) partially, therefore proving their future transpiration (Urdu: Do’bara
Wuqu Pazeer Hona); whether completely (repetition | Seen possible) or partially (leftovers). [3] Other mentioned
states where fall doesn’t happened; might be depends upon emergence of Sahib al-Waqt, which is stipulated
with collision of two powers (West & North). [4] In an aspect, it also shows that occurrence (partially happened)
will removed regimes (some | validating report) and brought other people (in/as punishment) but then they will
also be removes from power which then brought awaiting personage(s); Sahib al-Zaman and his Successors
(May Allah protect them all). Allah knows all the best. [5] Ulama says, Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-
Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) will formed fifth largest empire of History; since creation of this World. Second,
Sultan al-Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz), himself has revealed in some Sohbah that Sultanat’e Uthmaniyah
(Ottoman Empire) is reviving once again. [6] Fall of regimes, that happened, in few states; like of Mesir, Libya,
Yemen etc. [7] For our Muslim fellows of Sham al-Shareef, whom are still suffering from instability that has
converted in to civil war; which is heading towards big war.

Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq

(4th Article)

4. The Time of Accountability is near; repent otherwise wrath will come

5. The Time of Sahib-ul-Waqt has begun

6. An opening for the Nation of Sayyidna Muhammed (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) Will Begin with
Lailatul Bara’a

DENOTE: [ACCOUNTABILITY] We illustrated under its respected footnote, “… the

accountability will start soon (or may be began) of all those whom are not resolving the
issues and matters (esp. preventing injustice killings), appropriately and accordingly (as
per right Solution). Hence before strict grasp[1], more time is giving for repentance
(Arabic: Taw’bah) to retrieve towards right path[2], if does from true heart so will be
exempted[3] but should be before specified Time, and this is Allah (Subhanahu) intense
Reh’mah upon rulers or doers. Oppositely if not does then severe punishment in physical
form is ahead which will definitely send or reaches to them[4], which would be Allah

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 276


(Subhanahu) virtuous justice, because through extortion they have only spread injustices
and bloodshed, thus deserves to be punished …” [TIME & OPENNING] O’Dea, good time is
also depends upon our actions too, whether asked for it or not; though we choose and still
punishment reaches (send), therefore shouldn’t shout or objection upon it contrary shall
be consent upon it (See footnote [3]). Second, delays are not bad but good; say sometimes
better for everyone because punishments are not good contrary should praise for refuge
(Urdu: Panah) from it. In-Sha Allah time of goodness and blessings will come towards all
Muslims around the world[5]. Whom are suffering from Anarchies (Fitnah O Fasad),
Bloodshed (Revolts and Killings), Injuries (Damages to their Health n Wealth), Tears (Lost
of beloved ones), Disheartening (Injustice) and Disappointment (Betrayal by Regimes), In-
Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, by Allah’s Will (Mansha’o’Mardhi) all will be wipe-out (Anarchies),
prevented (Bloodshed), removes (Injuries), clean (Tears), resolves (Injustice), and
eliminates (Betrayal). We, Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu), hope n wish as well as praise
that May Allah (Subhanahu) grant us Honor, if appropriate and eligible, to be the part of
Sahib-ul-Waqt Jurisdiction as peon which would be the highest n enough honor for us
because due to our sins we feel ashamed and not considering our-self even for this

FOOTNOTE: [1] In form of havocs; War, Storms etc. [2] It would be then a buffer period; in which if do
repentance then could change the fate, means depend upon our form of acts to be acquired (good or bad) as
well. [3] O’Dea, sometimes several people (or say majority) does repentance but still (punishment) comes to
them (send); hence everyone shall be consent upon it (Urdu: Radhi Ber’Ridha), rather than going into such
debate indepths, because there is a danger exist of getting astray. [4] Remembers, that our good acts converts,
if not abandoned, the severe punishment into any small loss, and this is also an intense Reh’mah. NOTE: Ulama
says, Allah (Subhanahu) is cleaned from doing extortion, hence whatever Allah (Subhanahu) does is all sole
mercy and justice. Even His (Subhanahu) punishments are also Mercy for people; for believers (Ahl’ul E’man |
Muslims[Sunnis]) so shouldn’t left, contrary for returning (if deviating), to the right path (Islam | Sunnat’e Rasul Wa
Jamat’e Sahaba). And for disbelievers (Kuffar wa Mushrikeen) so they may shouldn’t exceed the limitations
(particularly spread avertion), and also called belief (accept) upon oneness of Allah (Subhanahu) and His sent
Prophets (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam). See Ilm’ul Kalam Books or Ask Ulama. Allah knows all the best. [5] It will be
blessing for everyone else either (all people around the world).

Success of an Ummah on al-Markaz

(This Book)

7. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil (Quddussrahul Aziz) meeting Former President Musharraf

DENOTE: O’Dea, very overwhelming meeting appeared, an unexpectable, that Honorable

& Respectful President General (Retd.) Pervaiz Musharraf al-Hasani (May Allah Protect
Him) was called (an invitation) by Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz) on 3rd
November, 2012 to Dargah Sharif in Lefke, Qub’rus. [FAME] Mr.President (May Allah
Protect Him) visit was then got fame very quickly, as Mr.President own FB Official Page
reported this visit as well as later-on some newspapers highlighted it (in articles) too, and
also it is seen by millions of people around the world through internet (still available), as
uploaded upon (or say telecast) Dargah’s Official Site, [MEMBER] Further
blessed thing revealed in this meeting is Mr.President (May Allah Protect Him) selection
as a member in unfolding revival of Islamic Sultanate. Therefore being informed that if
people don’t selects[1] then wait till arrival of His Majesty Sahib’ul Waqt (The Great

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 277


Sultan) [2]. However, one pious Sufi person, renowned as Taylor Master, also revealed
some matters regarding Mr.President (May Allah Protect Him), particularly returning to
Pakistan, and then stuck into baseless & unfair trials, as well as coming of present regime,
that will fall and then later-on Nationalist come to power for small tenure whom will pave
the way for suggested system (say Khilafat’e Rashidah), as being dreamed by founding
fathers[3]. In some of those revealing, all doesn’t happens yet, secondly transpired (Urdu:
Wuqu Pazeer Ho’ein) [4] in those are also not happened completely but partially.
[SELECTION] Mr.President (May Allah Protect Him) selection as a member in revival of
Islamic Sultanate (Khilafah), was no doubt an astonishing fact for many, though
remember that Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz) has also told in one blessed
Sohbah that these selections as well as occurrence of events (in future | particularly
regarding Islamic Sultanate), is not from anyone’s own decision or authority, but all is
executing from Heavens (Arabic: Min’al Ghey’eb). Therefore people in Pakistan should,
particularly Muslims and in them Ulama specifically, support as well as praise for
honorable former President (May Allah Protect Him) good health (for recovery from
present suffering). [SERVICES] Some of Former President’s good services rendered to,
Pakistan generally and Islam particularly; fought brilliantly (tactically) against INDIA on
Kargil[5] as COAS, maintained inflation during reign at suitable level, enhanced Military
Strength (Missile Program, Air Force[JF-17] etc), halt supplies to Taliban (revealed in an
interview that they were not representing Islam; depicting that Mr.President knows their
inside story [Faqeer Bukhari ghafaralahu]). Although, people either became or being
made against Him (May Allah Protect Him) due to some matters, which was still
expressed even then large number of them (sensible particularly) are remembering His
(May Allah Protect Him) tenure and saying that it was better then present (expresses the
same intention about previous regime tenure too | Keep Thinking).

FOOTNOTE: [1] Via elections, as it has to be conducted on next year in February, 2013. Second, people didn’t
vote either because elections in Pakistan were pre-planned; means they conduct under “Pay n Win” Rule, never
have upon the basis of fairity. [2] It will be through might, may be, because it is not necessary that people
knows about their right leadership for stability. [3] Ulama’O Masha’ikh (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba), as
well as Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Iqbal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri and Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Alehemur
Rehman). [4] It was a blessed meeting b/w Prof. Shb & Taylor Master, however contained lots of vague (Ebham
| Shuk), mentioned by Prof. Shb himself due to Taylor Master Shb age (which affected speaking ability) inflicted
doubts in understanding words (of Taylor Master) clearly; because most of them happened partially (Nawaz
Sharif came as PM not as President, Shujaat is nowhere in politics [mainly in forming NS Govt. through alliance], chaos is
existed but not severed presently, & Pres. Musharraf Shb is facing baseless trials), whereas few are still left to occur
including coming of Nationalist, and those were seems to be President Musharraf Shb and his team (includes
Fuqarah). Allah knows the best. [2] Sadly, battle was lost on table (or say sold) to U.S Clinton Administration by
then regime, which is now comes again in Power through “Pay n Win”; after a decade long self exiled.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 278


Mast Hastee al-Shah

Sidi Arif Bi’Allah Al-Shaykh al-Sharif Saeed al-Hasani
Renown (al-Maroof) as Baba Saeed (al-Majzub)
(Quddussurahul Aziz)
[1944/45/46 – 2012]

“(Mafhoom) ... Nothing will happen to Pakistan, it will remain stand as said by Sufiya’e Kiram,
IN-SHA ALLAH … Current Govt. is very strong therefore if not remove than will complete its
Tenure (of 5 years), and will be elect or come again for next term (of 5 years) … (May be we
loose something first) …” Allah knows all the best.

“(Mafhoom) ... We ask, will he come from West (Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Syria etc)? … He replied,
yes, he come after Maghreb (Salat) … (he has come, and takes charge soon)” IN-SHA ALLAH

“(Mafhoom) … there is a danger of war ahead upon us … (a very fierce or dangerous fight very
… with INDIA) … (too much blood will flow)”. Allah knows the best.

DENOTE: [STANDING] Stated in 2nd article, “… It doesn’t meant that Pakistan will always
be protected (means couldn’t lose further area) but in real it’s a dependable factor upon
stipulation and that is to give respect and priority to beloved religion ISLAM (esp. Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and other divined personalities), Ideology and
Principles as well as linking to the Right-Side (Urdu: Haqq) otherwise if we loses Bait-ul-
Muqqaddas then why not Pakistan (or any particular area) …” Pakistan is still standing
affirmly, Alhamdolilah, therefore wiil remains always, In-Sha Allah, though many previous
regime(s) has inflicted severe damages[1] due to adverse policies, which side-effects can
be seen or are exists or impacts negatively on the state. [COLLAPSE] Therefore we
revealed in 4th article, “… another hard punch is expected, and this time might be loose
something, hence do not fear or worried that Pakistan will collapse (whole state) or lost
everything or even upset on devastations, which come upon us as severe punishments (in
other words examination), because before arrival of Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect
him) may be lost something …” Although losing something didn’t means neither implies
to whole state (as highlighted), in reality it would be the punishment[2] for awakening.
[CONFLICT] Hence highlighted, say suggestion too, in 4th article, “… those lives in India,
that we will not begin first (can say would be not in the mood of war[3]) but whenever
with India (As foretells by Awliyah), they will (Hindu Banya) start it first we just finished
it (with your kind support, without it then forget conquering Hind) under the guidance
and leadership of ‘Divined Personality’ …” But all Muslims[4] shall, or say must, do effort
for unification in all aspects (departs | Social, Economical, Political etc) rather than sitting
at home and waiting everything happens by itself.

FOOTNOTE: [1] Particularly demon-crazy lovers, calling themselves as public representatives. Second, Baba
Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) has foretold about the present regime reigning as well, but due to some reasons
didn’t disclose (we), however also mentioned that it would be the worst (then this regime[Zardari Admin]) for the
country. [2] And this is because, in one aspect, not returning or say acquiring the right solution as given by
Shariah Muttah’harah, particularly suggested system of religion Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba). [3]
Due to any reason; instability, inflation, crisis, chaos etc. [4] Urged government(s), particularly Ulama must
strive, and in case of ‘Negative Respond’ either formed your own (govt.) otherwise wait for harsh punishment.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 279


We (Tanzeel Bukhari ghafaralahu)

[Faqeer is in no count of comparison to above personalities]

Stated in our last Article, an awaiting personality will be definitely on one side (Right: Haqq) and
it is upon Mazhab’e Haqqahu Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah, we mean The Great Sultan, by birth
a Wali, have the rank of QUTUB, Imam (a Reviver | Mujaddid) of the time, al-Hanafi in
Shariah, al-Qadiri in Tariqah (Junaidi Mashrab), an affirm MAULVI Sahab and Kamil DERVISH or
we can say just like Beloved Sultan Nuruddin Zangi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Qudussurahul Aziz).

DENOTE: [REVIVAL] Stated in 3rd article, “… lifted through A’eymma Kiram (Here we
meant those A’eymma upon which Ummah is agreed as Reviver: Mujaddid) but also from
Sword as well when Ummah was politically unstable and surrounded in severe chaos and
anarchy (Arabic: Fitnah wa’l-Fasad) like nowadays …” Ulama accounted (accepted)
Salateen amongst Revivaist (as revivers | Mujaddi’deen) as well, hence Islam’s fortification
not lay in pen only but with sword too, therefore it’s vulnerable to have one but not the
other, as both are correlated for restoration, thus forget its fortification in absence of any.
Keep Thinking. [MENTIONED] Therefore illustrated in 4th article, “… there is a stanza
which tells that a person name “Habibullah” along with “Divined Sword (Arabic: al-Saif al-
Fatah)” will emerge[1] and take charge (lead Ummah) and that foretell isn’t fulfilled yet
…” Which depicts itself the revival (uprise), upon its position in Qaseedah Sharif, if seen in
respect of current scenarios and foretells [2]. [PRESENCE] That’s why mentioned in same
4th article, “… would like to say that kindly do not refuse nor dishearten or become
hopeless if nothing happened or give any argument upon it contrary always be positive
and hopeful. However Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect him) is present amongst us and
seeing or say noticing everything, bi’iznillah, therefore be patient and hold your grounds
and prepared yourself for future because changed wouldn’t come in air or virtually (from
PCs or Laptops) but will be from physical acts too for which have to come on ground …”
Hence, it will be good and blessings for all people in general, not only Muslims around the
world[3], in particular.

Sultan’ul Awliyah Al-Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (Quddussurahul Aziz)

Textual form:

FOOTNOTE: [1] Either a name or attribute is meant here (Stanza in Qaseedah), even true for both too; if meant
name then depicts itself whereas if meant attribute (not the name) then also signified its purpose, because
sometimes personage(s) becomes famous through their distinction(s), any particular or by both. For instance
Abu’Bakr Siddiq (name: Ateeq), through attribute (Urdu: Siddiq), whereas Usman’e Ghani with both (Name:Usman
bin Affan | attribute:Ghani) [Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alehem Ajmaen]. [2] Seems very clear correlation, as Ottoman
had fallen, and in one Sohbah, Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul Aziz) has said that Ottoman Empire is going to
be revived again. Masha Allah, & Allahu Akbar. [3] For Muslims, In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi, by Allah’s Consent
(Mansha O’Mardhi) all will be wipe-out (Anarchies), prevented (Bloodshed | Unjust), removes (Injuries), clean
(Tears), resolves (Injustice | Disputes), and eliminates (Betrayal | Regimes). NOTE: After formation of Islamic
Empire (Sultanate), ignitions of Chaos & Anarchies are expectable, by the rivalries (opponent blocks)
particularly; hence injection of extortion doesn’t imply neither signifies that Islamic Empire (Sultanate) is
inappropriate or responsible. Keep Thinking.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 280



We stated, in fourth article (in-real a transcript), “… Whatever likes do none can oppose Allah
(Subhanahu) to did contrary whatever doesn’t likes to did none can urge Allah (Subhanahu) to do,
because Allah (Subhanahu) is clean (Arabic: Munaz’zah) from dependency whereas we all are
dependent (because Creatures) …” [Topic: Solution | Pg. 68]

DENOTE: “… There are two types of FATE [1], unchangeable and changeable.
Unchangeable (Arabic: Taqdeer al-Mutlaq); it wasn't abandoned (neither change) but
only delay (through Anmbiyah [Alehemus Salam] praises only, not else), even sometime
cannot delay (whether Anmbiyah [Alehemus Salam] praises). Changeable (Urdu:
Taqdeer'e Mubar'rum); it will change and delay (from Awliyah, including common
Muslims mutual praises), even sometimes completely abandoned (from Aqtab [Aghwath]
praises only). Hence, selection [2] of dervish (Faqeer) to come in Power is not from
anyone's own decision contrary it is comes from Heavens (Urdu: Ghey’eb), which is not
against Shariah wa Tariqah, whereas refuting is against, however presenting lower-ness
(Urdu: Aaj'zi) is permissible (Urdu: bara'ey nafs kushi). Hence that Faqeer, would be from
Karachi (if award chance), though could appeared from any else city as well (possibility
exist), and will be the nightmare for Kuffar & Munafiqoon (Hindu Banya & Taliban
especially), if somehow Pres. Pervaiz Musharraf Shb (May Allah Protect HIm) couldn't
able to succeed (stays for long term) [3]. Whereas Allah (Subhanahu) is Qadir al-Mutlaq
therefore change of person & place is possible (in regards of Short Term) [4] …”

FOOTNOTE: [1] We haven't discussed all matters of FATE because of complexities, second these are only for
understanding whereas more details are present in Ilm'ul Kalam books (See there). [2] When Sidna Arif Bi'Allah
Al-Shaykh Said Effendi al-Chirkawi al-Shafa'ei al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz) was awarded (or say
appointed) responsibility to lead Muslims (disciples), presented excuse of ineligibility to before Peer'O Murshid,
which was then respond that it wasn't from my (Peer'O Murshid) own decision but came from heavens (Urdu:
Ghey’eb), means appointment was send by creator of heavens. [3] About this Faqeer’s bibliography then don't
ask however one can revealed that following Ulama salvation as well as Master Zaid Hamid Shah Sb salvation,
and his work is gaining little momentum therefore his intentions can be guess. However, in case of long term
(stay of Pres. Musharraf Shb.) then will serve as a member of Nationalists team (if awarded vacancy); all is
depended or based upon IF. [4] Means someone else could be selected, not necessary to whom we are pointing
would be the one; leads and succeed. Note: Remembers, there is no power on earth currently present, bi-
iznillah, to or that could eliminate PAKISTAN, however losing something is not as well as nor can be
said/termed as elimination but only a pushing (Urdu: Dhak’kah), in other words punishment for its people to get
on right path (awakening).

[BLESSING] Mentioned in 3rd Article, “… However the only need of time is UNITY as one NATION
(Ummah) in all aspects, Political, Economical, Social, Territorial, and Military etc, whether called it
Khilafah or Union or USI, but should be based upon Khilafat’e Rashidah Model. According to one
Dervish (his child is a Wali by birth) the main reasons of devastation and humiliation of Muslims
around the world is only because we (Muslims) contain several identities like Malayans, Turks,
Arabs, Hindies (Pakistanis), Ifriqiyans (Africans) and so on forth upon which divided but we are
not getting united as one Muslim Nation (Ummah, actually meant politically united at one
platform say Khilafah) and in all these various identities majority are Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah
besides claimers (meant Munafiqoon) …” [Topic: 4.Ummah | Pg. 17]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 281


DENOTE: “… because of own weaknesses like in faith and acts[1], in pure knowledge[2],
uncertainty (whether happen or not, don’t know) or seem impossible and so on forth[3],
and it also becomes further complex and unrealistic (mean goes to refusal about its
physical appearance) when it was not happened (due to any reason)[4], or delayed from
its specification (Date and Time) if given by anyone whether consciously[5], therefore
Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) would like to say that kindly do not refuse nor dishearten
or become hopeless if nothing happened or give any argument upon it contrary always be
positive and hopeful. However Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect him) is present
amongst us and seeing or say noticing everything, bi’iznillah, therefore be patient and
hold your grounds and prepared yourself for future because changed wouldn’t come in air
or virtually (from PCs or Laptops) but will be from physical acts too for which have to
come on ground when Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect him), after consensus of
Ulama, will calls us …” [Topic: Finally[Solution] | Pg. 74]

FOOTNOTE: [1] Not knowing the essential as well as about all matters (Urdu: Masa’il) related to pillars of Islam,
which every Muslims must seek to learns it (or say shall strive). NOTE: We’ve seen nowadays, nearly all Muslims
(literate or less literate), puts their tremendous efforts (or passed time) or their main focus is in gaining worldy
education; but doesn’t shows or pay attention towards religion that much, which is very alarming (dangerous
sign) or say a suicidal for Muslims (Also a reason of not gaining our lost glory or strength). [2] Mentioned in 2nd
article, “… without knowing reality or not linked to Masha’ikh wa Ulama’e Haqq (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) or
attended their lectures (also a path to Knowledge “ilm”) …” [Topic: Solicitation | Pg. 13]. [3] Trust (Urdu: Yaqeen)
due to lack of practicing; particularly ignoring the footsteps of Masha’ikh. [4] Allah (Subhanahu) is a Sole
Creator & Authority (Urdu: Haqiqi Khaliq’O Mukhtar), therefore if changes or abandoned any consequence
(foretell or expectation) then holds right to do so; we can’t criticize nor asked Allah (Subhanahu) that why not
does it (as it[our efforts] was right and under guidance). [5] Usually ‘Date n Time’ aren’t allow to disclosed, but it
was instructed to hide, therefore if someone disclosed it then showed high rank (Urdu: Bulund Ma’qam Ki
Nishandahi Karta Hai) hence rather than refusing shall do paraphrase (Urdu: Ta’veel), if not happened anything
on revealed ‘Date n Time’, and that is forwarded (delayed). NOTE: Ulama says, Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) was told about the exact Date of resurrection (Urdu: Soor Phunka Jaigah Jis din) but ordered
not to disclosed it publicaly; those (Ummatis | Sahaba, A’eymma, Sufiya etc) gain high ranks (closed divine presence
through practices) was then told about it (spiritually intuition). Allah knows all the best.

[RESULT] O’Dea, some people (Muslims) are in great deception, by Satan, that Allah (Subhanahu)
is very merciful and kind, hence hopes that will forgive us therefore they left performing
worships (as per instructions | Islamic Rulings), present lame execuses either; in learning matters.
Answer: No doubt Allah (Subhanahu) is very merciful and kind, will pardon every believer
(right), from mercy and kindness, but how could you expect (how come it becomes possible) that
not following his (Subhanahu) sent orders and then expecting to be pardoned (not send you in
hell | As for punishment); upon what grounds (requesting for pardoning). Thus do not betray
yourself, as it is Satan betray, open your eyes and do effort; then make expectation in hope or are
right that Allah will pardon (including mistakes in worships), as very merciful and kind.
[Abstracted from Imam Muhammed al-Ghazali al-Sahafa’ei (Rehmatullah Alehe) “Ahya al-Uloom”]

DENOTE: Actually many fell in to this confusion, “… sometimes we did effort (as per right
way; under or through proper guidance | Religious) but then consequences aren’t as per
expectation, therefore what the use? …” Upon this, Ulama says (Sufiyah), shall not be
disappointed neither abandons efforts as per the right path, contrary keep practicing
(continued efforts), and should be consent upon it (Urdu: Radhi Ber-Ridha). NOTE:
Always praise for to be on right creed (Ideology | Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) in first
place, and then for good consequence, because it (creed particularly) is the most essential

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 282


or say vital part in success (result, pardon, and then to heavens). Keep Thinking and

[EXAMPLE] O’Dea, all Muslims around the World[1] should learned from Non-Muslims, though
our own history is enriched with solid examples, but as nowadays all are inspired alot from The
West and The North, therefore can’t everyone seen or noticed, how they are operating (playing)?
Whatever they say also does (acted) and all just watches them for doing it or fulfilling their
desirations; means they formed blocks, and then break as well, like Neo-Natzi (19th Century),
USSR (19th Century), USA (Present | Plans are Underway), PRC (Present | Plans are Underway),
GBR (Present | Plans are Underway) etc. And through these powers they achieved whatever their
goals were (by national strength), i.e Libya’s Locker-B Bombing, 9/11, Iraq’s WMD, Afghan’s
Terrorists Camps etc[2]. On the other hand Muslims exists in large number, in terms of
population and states, but we can’t achieve single goal, even couldn’t able to defend anyone sadly,
contrary are busy and very well in destroying each other; recently all Middle East States (Arabist |
Arab Parast), are putting all their wealth and effort in destroying Sham al-Sharif together, only
because of their (The West) Oil interests. In which Turkey is siding with The West (USA & NATO)
too, due to Western Democracy Mindset [3]. Similarly, Saudi Arabia funded, whereas Turkey sides
with West (US & NATO) again and destroyed Libya, because Libya was practicing Socialism (say
Islamic), and enriches with Oil Reserves and its wealth; became the 5th Richest State in the world
[4]. Another i.e, Pakistan did mistake by supporting Zaleman (Afghan Taliban) [5] since their
formation till reign in Kabul, which later becomes easy and soft reason to invade for the West (US
& NATO), that has caused instability for both countries later-on; now Pakistan own state is on
high stakes. Similar i.e, Iran is busy (destroying) in Iraq, defending Kharji-Rafdhiyat(Shi’etes), by
supporting Iraq’s Safavid Army of implanted puppet regime[6], backed by The West (USA &
NATO). And several other examples can be presented (already in front of you). BLOCK: The only
need of time is formation of unified Muslim Block; say CALIPHATE or SULTANATE [7].

DENOTE: [1] particularly corrupt, as well as confused (due to modernity), leaderships;

whether political or military. [2] Terrifies through and then abused these, powers to
invade any specific country they wanted (likes); plotting false flag drama by self & then
put blame* upon that sovereign state. [3] Reason. Another is system difference. [4] Saudi
Arabia doesn’t like Libya Oil Income, as well as Libya’s Anti-Kharji(Wahabism) attitude
(or say Policy | Which is right). And Turkey is following (practicing) Western Democracy;
both practicing system are opponents to each other; an enemy. [5] After withdrawal of
Soviet Army, back then in 1989. Although, then Musharraf Admin (from 1999-2008) had
realized it hence understood the mistake being done, thus haulted the assistances, Masha
Allah, and Allahu Akbar; however it would be much better to side Northern Alliance
rather than collaborating in Afg. Zaliman, & it doesn’t let such mistake happened. [6] Now
somebody asks them; hey Iran’s Shi’ete Regime, where are your slogans & attitude of
hating The West (USA & NATO) …? Then why did you throw Raza Shah Pahlvi’s by
accusing him being an agent of West (U.S. and here, in Iraq, what about your own status)
…? Where are your claims to fight against ISRAEL, as she controls USA indirectly …?
People (Muslims) should see double standards (duality | Munafiqat) & try to avoid. [7] In
which all Muslilm States should practice, only one system; say Khilafat’e Rashidah Model.

FOOTNOTE: [*] We have a saying (an idiom) in Urdu, which is, “… Thief yells upon Guard himself (Ulta Chor
Kotwal Ko Da’tey) ...” Another is, “… River is flowing inversely (Ulti Ganga Beh Ra’hee Hai) …”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 283


(Ardh | Ma’arodhat)

O’Dea, we illustrated in 2nd article, “… Mistakes are part of our lives (and is a good deed because it
teaches; meant from correction[islahi] aspect) and it is assured and communally agreed (Urdu:
Ijma’e Ummah) that besides selected ones [like Anmbiya’e Kiram and Awliya’e Kiram (by birth)
{Alehem’ut Tehiyat’us San’aa}] all can do/did mistakes …” [Topic: 3.Pakistan | Pg. 10]

DENOTE: “… Mistakes aren't bad, contrary for our teachings (correction | Islah), as well as
not against Wilayah either. Means, doing mistakes doesn't implied that person isn't
Wali'ullah, possibility exists that blunders being done (even a person could be Kafir; and
then became Muslim and being promoted to Wilayah[any rank]) before Wilayah or even
after getting (Awarding) Wilayah can't do mistakes. However, Wali'ullah never have nor
does corrupt faith and act[1], always have faith as per Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah and
act per any one specific school (Mazahib Arba'a | kisi bhi aik mazhab per hota hai).
However, only Secured Saints (Urdu: Awliya'e Mahfo’zeen) are cleaned [2] from doing
mistake contrary their life and teachings are the shadow (Partow | A'eyna Dar) of Shariah
brought by their respected Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), and they have always existed
in every Ummah [3]; however Saints(Awliyah) of Ummat'e Mustapha are more honorable
(hold high ranks | Ma’qam) then previous alike Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam )
has highest rank (Bulund Ma’qam Rakhtein Hain | Syed'ul Mursaleen, Nabi'ul Anmbiyah,
Imam'ul Anmbiyah) among Anmbiyah (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam).

FOOTNOTE: [1] Possibility exist of having any act being left due to any reason (justified); Prayer being left, Fast
being left etc. However Wali'ullah will offer them (leftover | Qadha Namaz Ya Roza) later after excuse being
vanished (Urdu: Uzur Jab Dour Hojata Hai). NOTE: Anmbiya'e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) are cleaned from
Mistakes (Munaz'zah An’el Khatah | Aghlat sey). [2] Actually being protected to do so, reason they were created
(Born | Takhleeq yani paidah) to protect as well as preaching Shariah wa Tariqah. [3] Usually (or say all)
revivalists are protected, and they are from high ranks Awliyah (Aqtab[7], Aghwath[5], Abdal[40] etc), from doing
mistakes. NOTE: We stated that they are hidden from people however on some specific conditions, particular
very severe (when chaos and anarchy as well as mis-interpretation of Quran & Sunnah prevailed), Aghwath are given
order to exposed, but even then people are unaware of their high rank (or say blessings). Like Sidna Gahwth'ul
Azam Mujaddid al-Asr Al-Imam Al-Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Geylani (Quddussurahul Aziz), Sidna Ghawth al-
Maghreb Al-Shareef Abd'al-Aziz al-Dabbagh al-Fasi (Quddussurahul Aziz).

NOTE: [COUNTS] There are few more ranks, besides mentioned, in Wilayah; like Afrad, Qutb'ul Irshad
Wagheiy’rahum. Similarly, besides continental (each per continent), there are regional or territorial,
even city wise and village wise Awliya’e Kiram presents in every era, around the World; particularly
where Muslims are thickly populated.

Since first article till last one (which is in real a transcript), we are mentioning few things; A
Transcript written in this regards that will covers all sort of problems and contains its Solution
(particularly the secrets | Foretells) faced by UMMAH presently but it later then postponed it
(stated in fourth article) only because many of its debates (contents) were discussed and revealed
(the secrets: foretells) in all articles [1] whereas the leftone (debates and revelations
[interpretations in regards of present condition]) has been now done in this book. A Sectarianism,
so already stated [2] alot in previous articles, particularly from second to last one including this
book, therefore shall see their (respected topics | under Islam & Religion). A Change, so it is
dependant upon our efforts too [3], not only sit and watching media (whether TV, internet,
newspaper etc) and waiting to be something that favor us happens contrary has to take stand or if
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 284

not then pressurize (through available resources) as much as we can to all our present
leaderships for retruning to Islamic Sultanate (implementation, or say in other words restoration
of, Qadha’e Shariah | Mazahib Arba’a) or handover to its real deserving people (Ulama ya
Salateen[their descendant]). A Divined Sword, upon which we named our team, since begun
which was an expectation (in future) but later on after revelation (particularly by Sultan’ul
Awliyah) becomes certain (validates it) that yes time is or has become for revival (which is
expectable in far future) through sword because of incompetency (ineligible) and ignorant (due
to many reasons; one is western interest, second self interest etc whereas aborting mass
interests) attitude of all ruling regimes that are or comes in power [4]. An Order, finally taken
physically and spiritually the authority (bi’iznillah) to lead Ummah, currently seeing and
monitoring (Bi-Izn’e Allah[Subhanahu] and kindness of his beloved Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) the terrible and tearful situation of UMMAH. [5] Praises: All of us
must praise intensely, that O’Allah send us the Great Sultan. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

DENOTE: First: The fourth article (in real a transcript), “Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq” contained
a lot. Second: Remember, since first till last one, no where we have entered (Thoroughly | Tafseel’en) in
to debates that are usually exists, only highlighted the criminals as well as their links, however to
know about deviated sects perceptions (that are or leads if acquired towards ‘Retraction:Irtidad’), then
kindly read books written in this regards by Ulama’e Kiram (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Mazahib
Arba’a). Third: Have to build a mindset, which are usually corrupted (due to right education or
unawareness), that can be only through proper training (Urdu: Tarbiyat) or education (although it doesn’t
mean either that educate people especially about religion through corrupt faith people literature or
addresses). Fourth: Whether fallen ones (including Pakistan’s that completes 5yrs) or present (coming of
new regimes through elections). Fifth: Also mentioned that too, he will not hide forever but definitely
emerge soon, however waiting for an order (another), though as per Sultan’ul Awliyah (Quddussurahul
Aziz) has been now given to stand and lead UMMAH. Masha Allah & Allahu Akbar

ALLAH (Subhanahu) and his RASUL (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 285



Here like to conclude ours’ little effort; in an abstract. MAWLID SHARIF: O’Dea, mawlid sharif of
ours Beloved prophet (Nabi al-Mah’boob), Master of all universes (Sarkar’e Dow-Alam), King of
all prophets (Sayyid’ul Anmbiyah), Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) is
stipulation of belief, and whosoever refute or even denied wouldn’t left a Muslim anymore[1]. In
reality, refutation or objectioning is a conspiracy to divert[2], Muslims from religion (Urdu: Deen
sey Pheyrna Hai) otherwise to inflict confusion. Organize: Therefore blessed sessions (Urdu:
Maha’fil Mubarak), shall and so must be[3], organized under one’s own best capacity and ability
(Urdu: Istita’at Kay Mutabiq) with cleanliness of both aspects, inwardly (Batin | Qalb) and
outwardly (Place | Ma’qam). Avoid: However Music as well as Clapping & Alcoholic fragrance (if
using), shall be avoid[4], because Stratagem is present for earlier but not for the latters.
Performance: About presenting Tablo (Performing Skit), by children (though young/elders also
do | Barray Bhi Peysh Kartey Hain) has been seen nowadays (in most parts of the World), thus
contains no objection, because its purpose (Mawlid Sharif | “Fal-Yafra’hu”) is to express[5]
ecstasy and gratitude (but shall be under respect). Day: Allah (Subhanahu) sends Peace (Salam |
Yau’ma Wuli’da Wa Yamu’tu) on a day when born and then when leave (Demise | Wisal) [6],
hence left no place for objection therefore Muslims shall and so must do same in accordance that
sends peace and blessings as much as could (or say possible); besides getting confuse (Day of
demise | As per some reports[interpretations]) or stops (Whether permissible or not | Satanic
Assault). Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] If someone says or claims that refuter or denier is a monotheist (Kalima
Reciter | Mawahid), hence couldn’t say or declared him/her a non-muslim (dffractor |
Murtad) then we respond, as per empathizer saying, if can’t called or terminate him/her
from Islam then can’t include or declares either. Note: In this case or condition, refuter or
denier is deviated confirmly and reached to severe level at which applied or is fall in
diffraction (Urdu: Irti’dad). Allah knows all the best. [2] Haven’t succeed completely from
diverting (Specific Mindset | Conspirators). Note: Though sadly, they (Conspirators |
Kuffar’O Munafiqoon) succeed in inflicting/spreading confusion. [3] Don’t pay any
attention (neither listens nor talks) towards those who refute or even objection (without
evidence) upon organizing (arranging). [4] Those using instruments, should also read
Nasheeds (Kalam) without Music so that may left no place for objection; recently like
Maher Zain has did. Masha Allah, & Allahu Akbar. Note: There is no Stratagem for clapping
(as well as Alcoholic Fragrance | Forbidden[Alcohol Haram Hai]) rather than talking about
clear evidence (in Faqeer’s knowledge) therefore it shall be avoided must. Second, Ulama
or organizers should mention instructions either on invitation cards (if circulating) or at
reception (place a notice board) or announced it that, at the end of Nasheed or Skit say
‘May Allah bless (or Subhan Allah)’ otherwise ‘See quietly | Non-Muslims’; avoids clapping
(whether Muslim or Non-Muslim). [5] And through this (performance) children (or even
young/elders too) show Joy and Happiness. Note: We haven’t found any particular rulling
(In negation | Nafi Main) regarding Skit; if Ulama are permitting then can’t objection,
because one purpose is to teach audience (History etc | As seen some). [6] Verse (Surah
Maryam | 15) depicts (or say came in/upon | Nazil) significance of Sidna Hudhrat Yahya
ala’Nabiyina (Alehe Salat-O-Salam); illuminating demise (Wisal | Sidna Hudhrat Yahya
[Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) as blessed too, therefore others can’t be exempted, due to
similarity in prophethood (Nabuwwah | Nabi) especially, because evidence for single

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 286


personage (meant Sidna Hudhrat Yah’ya [Alehe Salat-O-Salam]) is enough and clear
(Urdu: Isha’rah Kafi Hai), though another verse (Surah Maryam | 33) ahead is present
either in same regards. Allah knows all the best.

RELIGION: O’Dea, as illustrated before (in previous articles) that, “… Religion (Deen) have (or say
holds) vast meanings and cover all aspects (including Political System not only Worships), and
among “meanings” one is Path (Rah: Rasta) which is defined ahead as Islam … [3rd Article | Pg.7]”.
Therefore abandoning or ignoring wouldn’t benefits contrary leads towards total annihilation, in
both universes (Dunya’O Akhirah). Second, holding vast meanings contained dealing (level of
status | Permissible Or Not-Permissible) with latest emerging issues too, hence thinking (or making
mind) that there is no solution being contained or provided by the religion (Islam | Sunnat’e
Muhammediyah) is nothing but the shortsightedness[1]. Principles: Illustrated a lot this either,
particularly in 3rd Article, “… An orders of Islam, known as Islamic Shari’ah, defined (Arabic: al-
Ba’yan) in Qur'an Sharif and Sunnah Karim (or say Ahadith’e Mubarakah), described [after
extraction and simplification] to us by ULAMA (A’eymma’e Kiram, principally A’eymma’e Arba’a),
upon which executing acts called (mimic of Orders and Acts) as obedience (Arabic: Ata'at) of
Allah and His Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), shall be obeyed and followed accordingly (respected
Jurisprudence: Fiqh) ... [3rd Article | Pg.6]” therefore all matters and issues will be resolved
through or under it; recently in one post Master Zaid Hamid Shb, has illuminated either that
Quran, Sunnah, Ijma’a (Mazahib Arba’a) and Qiyas [2]. Statement: Few months ago, watched a
documentary (upon Uzbekistan | By Journeyman Pictures[Youtube]) in which one says (or gave
remarks upon religion, in wake of terrorism) that, “… I don’t want religion to disturb our
civilization … [Student | Tashkent]”, therefore would like to say that, “… Civilization without
Religion (Right Path, and then its practices) is total havoc (Satanism | E.g. USSR, Secular States
etc.) …” Second, abusing religion (Right Path | Islam), by miscreants, didn’t imply that shall be
aside from or abandon it, contrary abuser (Hanged | Persecuate) should be blamed hence
punished[3]. Call: Calling Muslim (Urd: Ahle Qibla) an infidel, definitely doing sacrileging (Urdu:
Tak’feer Karna Hai), which would revert upon caller, but if to whom being called belongs to
renowned incorrect path or contains creed (Faith | Incorrect) then it wouldn’t reverts to caller[4].
That’s why acquiring incorrect path is dangerous; if knowned and has profane faiths (Urdu:
Kufriyah Aqaid). Recently Master ZH, has discussed (partially) this matter in debate (on TV) upon
sectarianism, hence illuminating for eliminating doubts, any, if left after watching debate by
common Muslims (Urd: Amma’tul Muslimeen). Sighting: Actually, some Ulama goes towards
accepting profession (Shahada | Gawahi) via modern communication (Telephone, Cell etc.),
inflicting contradiction (includes incorrect declaration), whereas stipulation is or to the presence
of witness before Qadhi[5] physically, not by any third mean[6]. Second, Muslims around the
world shall, or we say must, revive the Sunnah of Sighting Moon, and then reports to theirs local
area Masjid Imam for declaration. Third, some matters cannot be execute through centralization,
in Islam, until or unless fulfills the preset criteria by Quran & Sunnah (Mazahib Arba’a), hence
shall be performed/executes separately[7]. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] This is also a reason (amongst many), that so called Muslim World Leaders
aren’t ready (pay any attention) to implement Islamic System (Quran & Sunnah). Second,
fear exists among people that following religion will leads us to abandon entertainment &
corruption (Acts | Not Permissible Acts); which they don’t want. Allah knows all the best.
[2] Specific school of thought (Mazhab | Yan’i Hanafi ya Maliki ya Shafa’ei ya Hanmbali) is
based upon Quran & Sunnah as well as communal agreement of blessed companions

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(Radhi Allah Anhum) upon/regarding matters and issues; hence all four schools of
thought are naturally a representation of Ijama’a Sahaba (Companions[Alehemur
Ridhwan]) too. Note: On any particular matter or issue, if present no specific order then it
we’ll be resolute or look through or in the light of Quran & Sunnah including Ijma’a; and
this is Ulama’e Kiram responsibilities, for which Majlis’e Shura is created (in other words
Parliament). Query: Can domain expert joins or be part of it; other than Islamic Scholars,
for instance, doctors or engineers or scientists etc. Answer: Definitely or surely (for
coordination), because without their assistance cannot extract (Ulama) and then issue
precise order under/through Islamic Principles, if Islamic Scholars aren’t themselves
holds that domain knowledge. Allah knows all the best. [3] Not the religion, and its right
preachers (Ulama) and followers (Muslimeen). [4] For instance, Qadiyan’ies, Rafdhies
(Ghali Rafdhies), Khawarij (Wahabies etc. | Because they did same against Muslims; which
reverted upon them definitely) etc. [5] That’s why Zonal or say Local Committee System
(Restricted to specific boundaries | Decentralization) is better than Central, in this
particular matter. Allah knows all the best. [6] Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Rehmatullah Alehe) has illuminated that, “(Mafhoom) … If witness(s), can be seen (face |
Eyes and Ears) but not heard only then electronic means (Tel., Cell, Internet etc) will be
acceptable as this situation is equals to physical appearance … [From Azka’a al-Ihlaal |
Pg.370]”. Allah knows all the best. Note: Witness shall or must be eligible and righteous, at
least two males (Scholars are most preferable) or one male & two females in count; and
shall be acceptable in or for other matters either (fulfills the criteria of submission). Allah
knows all the best. [7] For instance, in Pakistan, possibility exists that moon may be
sighted on one place but couldn’t be in another due to bad weather, hence in such
conditions either they (disturbed site) received eye witness from sighted area or complete
their tenure (30 Days); whereas geographically if Moon sights in Pakistan on any place
then would be seen all over Pakistan clearly, in good weather conditions. Allah knows all
the best

SYSTEM: Illustrated earlier, “… For System, it should be comprehensive and well designed, for
All nor Partial living in whether Small Territory or Large, according to their needs (also known as
basic entities) and those are Food (Arabic/Farsi: al-Ta’am:Khoor), Cloth (Arabic/Farsi: al-
Libb’as:Poshish) and Shelter (Arabic/Farsi: al-Bait:Muskan) which are TIME (Arabic/Farsi: al-
Sa’at:Waqt) dependant therefore all these measures would be covered or kept in top priorities by
it. Means on Time, all these necessities shall be provided or available for everyone, with
convenience and justice. Which can be attain (Uniformly) only through Natural and Mineral
Resources (Gold, Silver, Coal, and Oil etc) available to us, also called real Wealth esp. Gold and
Silver, if properly utilize and rightly distribute otherwise it cannot be possible, even can say Peace
and Love would not prevail … [3rd Artcile | Pg.10]” therefore loyality and sincerity (Fear | of
Almighty Allah[Subhanahu]) is needed utmost [1] otherwise any system can be lay down on its
knee; whether it’s an Islamic Caliphate or else (Appropriate | Islamic Kingdom etc.). Education:
Learn, from cradle till grave, a very renowned blessed saying. Though here learning isn’t meant
only worldly (Urd: Dun’yavi), but first and most important is religious; necessary faith, obligatory
acts and then matters whenever getting involve or facing; defined (elucidated) by Ulama,
particularly Sidna Imam Muhammed Ghazali al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz). Unfortunately, due
to stretched economic conditions too (in an aspect), Muslims has turned since last century
towards worldy education rather than religious (avoids due to sectarianism too[2]) and becomes
ignorant upon it; that’s why falling day by day downwards (left real essence), otherwise if

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acquired both, meant first study religion (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) and then worldy so In-Sha
Allah would benefits them. Health: Islam’s first most principle, after necessary faith, is cleanliness
therefore maintaining is not only necessary (Urd: Zaruri) but inevitable (Urd: Wajib) and
nowadays, sadly or unfortunately, Muslims becomes very careless and pays no attention or if do
so too little. Therefore, Muslims must be aware and should avoid products (medicines, cosmetics
etc.) based upon/contains either Alcohol or its sub-elements (derived constituents | Family)
because it has no difference [3]; same order for them (derivatives) in Shariah, forbidden. It’s just
like that, for example Shampoos[4], you are cleaning (or getting cleanliness[Taha’rat] for) your
hairs with content equals to urine. Now did you get cleanliness (Urd: Taha’rat)? Remember,
infidels (Kuffar) are unclean people (Urd: Najis Qaum), and they want you to be alike them, if not
by faith then somehow through acts (make you alike them, filthy[Najis]). Keep Thinking

DENOTE: [1] Untill or unless Muslims wouldn’t realize and then accepted their limit
(Consent | Radhi), second be consent on their income and third stop eagering beyond
their capacity (Hirs | La’lach) otherwise none efforts would be beneficial; particularly
forming right system say Islamic Caliphate. [2] A prominent success for enemies (Kuffar’O
Munafiqoon) of Islam. Note: Most have doubts upon right path that’s why ignores.
Second, because opportunities (Vacancies | Jobs) aren’t either available or given priority,
that’s why has been ignored or abandoned. [3] In most of items, it added deliberately
otherwise content has no use neither have any affect on whole composition; purpose is to
make consumer filthy (Muslims partcularly). Note: Muslims must stop using Alcohol or its
derived constituents based products, this will caused also a lot effects upon conspirators.
Second, should form, and in most parts of the World exists, Boards (Operates own
Laboratories | For Testing or Checking) to check the products for Halal Compliance. [4]
Pantene, Nivea, etc. a renowned brands, contains Alcohol. Note: Use non-alcoholic
products instead of these brands otherwise natural subtitutes like Oils (Hair |
Sarsoun/Nariyal/Zaytun Ka Tayl) etc.

NATIONS: O’Dea, the only solution for Muslim World (lay in it), present day and so ahead until
not abandon (like Kemal Ata Turk does), is implementation of Islamic Laws (Quran & Sunnah |
Mazahib Arba’a), and then unification upon one centre. And for this or to attain we must strive for
it [1], have to take practical step; for instance, educating people (far away or not well aware |
Islamic Ideology & Principles), acquire all means (media | Electronic, Print etc.), bringing them
closer (towards Ulama | For Awareness & Interpretation), reviving trust (or say rebuilding it |
Particularly upon right path) etc. Note: Though mentioned steps, being always taken (since
emergence of Islam | Revivers) and still carried (continuation or forwards | By Ulama) or can say
efforts are under progress (going-on | Latest), like Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb, Master Adnan
Oktar Shah Shb etc. [THE NORTH] RUSSIA: Don’t take encircling lightly, by The West, because
purpose for dragging in WAR (continuation of The Great Game) is either to split or make weaker.
Remember, Russia is a super power also, hence collision will or can create equal or may be bigger
consequence (Advancements | In Military esp., etc). CENTRAL ASIA: Enrich in natural resources
(Oil, Gold etc.) due to which all eyes upon them, particularly emerging powers since 17th or 18th
Century (Beginning | The Great Game), and fortunately whole region is mostly inhabitant by
Muslims (Mongols), practicing Islam (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba | Hanafi & Shafa’ei
Schools particularly); spoke Turkish and Persian languages mainly. After fall of Soviet Vampire
(oops Empire), left annexed region on its own (Though formed C.I.S later | To regain/maintain
access for resources) that allows them to operate independently; for Political, Religious,

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 289


Economical etc modes. Move: As illuminated in last article, “… The West (US & NATO) was
encircling Russia and China to break them further, just like Soviet Union, or say continuation of
The Great Game, for which they have to remove hurdles in its path which are the presence of
Russian and Chinese Assets in some coastal areas … [4th Article | Pg.59]” therefore to gain access
or say to hold it for future (continuous supply) looking for all possible ways, in which one is via
Black Sea (Caucasus Region to Central Asia) and Ukraine’s Crimea Region, affiliated (through
consensus) in to Russian Federation, is now a hurdle. Second, is Afghanistan via Pakistan from
Arabian Sea, though West is present in Afghanistan but Pakistan (Ally | China) is still their hurdle
because of erratic attitude; Politics due to varying impacts on Economy & Security (Pressure |
Usually in Negation). Third, long but not the least is via Myanmar (Rangoon) to Tibet for Silk
Route (may be irrelevant | Faqeer). CHINA: Also under red lines of encircling alike Russia;
particularly tensions (whether say fabricated) in Yellow Sea (Far East Asia), though a rising
power have gaining similar strength like Russia (alike USSR | Late), hence not a soft mark.
Second, “… Give my Iron Helmet back (Kashghar), made of East Turkestan …” [THE WEST] U.S.A:
Recently upon ISIS emergence and then expansion of their activities, dubious (Foreign Backed |
West Intel. Work) and immoral (Khawarij | Destroying Muslims Heritage), U.S President Barack
Obama gave remarks/says that, “… We don’t allow Terrorists to form Caliphate …” Response:
Must not (neither Muslims allows), because its Ours (Saints | Sufiya[Awliya’e Kiram]) work, not
such filthly deviators (Khawarij) job to perform[2]. Second, word ‘Hussein[3]’ comes in your
name and you know that whom this referred to, Sidna Imam A’ali Ma’qam Hussein Ibne Ali al-
Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) [4], and Imam Hussein Bin Ali al-Murtadha (Radhi Allah Anhu) was,
and still, Muslims Sufi Mentor (Qadiriyah & Chishtiyah esp.) therefore definitely peaceful and
dignified Muslims will going to form Caliphate, which will benefit not only us but the entire world,
that includes USA (particularly Muslims, & poor/middle class[Non-Muslim] [5]) as well. In-Sha
Allah wa Rasulehi. [THE SOUTH] ANGOLA (Africa): Nearly 80 Masajid, mostly historical,
were/was laid down in wake of Terrorism, actually Anti-Religion (Islam) thoughts or say total
extremism (or say terrorism). Muslims, has noticed and expresses concerns too, therefore should
regret it and rebuild before Muslims raised arms for rebuilding (reviving). [THE EAST] INDIA:
Upon recent achievement in Indian Defence Line, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave
remarks/says that, “… defence forces will be modernised to ensure that “nobody casts an evil eye”
on the nation ... [On INS-KOLKATA Commisioning | The Indian Express]” Response: Definitely if
defence isn’t modernized and forces aren’t well equipped then State (Nation) couldn’t stand
contrary becomes vulnerable, particularly for anti-religion/state elements, therefore to block an
evil eyes to see, it shall be upgraded. Second, remembers Muslims (Ahle Eman | Sufiya[Awliya’e
Kiram]) sees every state through pure eyes (Spiritual especially), therefore when examines the
dirt (against right path | Tawheed’O Risalat) definitely tries to clean it; not for their benefits (Self |
Own) but for everyone, whom are plunked (Stuck | Atheism, Polytheism etc.) in it. Note: Muslims,
in Pakistan especially[6], “… This is it. Don’t get scared now … [Kevin | Home Alone]” because
being already told or given tiding for much better machinery. Keep Thinking. PAKISTAN: Passing
from tough times, but Military is handling (or say diverting | Foiling Conspiracy) brilliantly by not
using force against unarmed peaceful civilians. Reports: As per some reports, Punjab Authorities
are using secret force to create serious security issues, particularly trying rift between Protestors
and Security Personnel (to defame or demoralize the peaceful protest); whereas dirty act of
violence is being acquired by Authorities themselves[7]. Future: Definitely, when couldn’t able to
get out from such conditions then one would be obviously thinking that how come changes unfold
as being told earlier; seems impossible or dubious? Answer: This will unfold the change soon;
because moving towards big collision in West (Sham al-Shareef particularly | Due to I.S.I.S/ISIL

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 290


too) which may also brings collision in East (Indo-Pakistan Conflict | Expectable) and then
conditions become changing quickly. MALAYSIA: Consecutive incidents in small period, first
MH370 and then MH17 [8], feels sorrow when heard and praise for Muslims especially that May
Allah award them highest rank in Heavens and grants patience to their relatives. Second, does
charity as much as one can do, under capability (Urd: Isti’tat) like Sultan’ul-Awliyah
(Quddussurahul Aziz) instructed, otherwise furthermore could come or may happens. Reason:
Because Muslims are suffering [9], due to corrupt system too, therefore should do or try best to
acquire (or say implement) Islamic Model; as Masha’ikh Kiram (Sufiyah) said.

DENOTE: [1] Already depicted (In previous articles | esp. 4th), Ulama are doing effort both
by voice and pen, but then question may arise why not materializing? Answer: Has
responded (in previous articles), that leaderships in Muslim World, and seem totally (say
100%), are actually an obstacle; otherwise it’s one day/night work (Islamic Laws are
present | Islamic Books etc). [2] Shall be eliminated (Farsi: Khus Kum Jahan Paak);
particularly by Muslims in their activity region (Iraq, Sham etc.). [3] Barack Hussein
Obama. [4] Given by beloved Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). [5]
Suffering due to irrelevant policies (Economical etc.) being acquired by U.S
Administration (mostly all); benefits only particular class (Elite | Corporate Owners). [6]
We will not start first, but they do, after loss (first) then just finish it (Conflict | Whole
State). Allah knows the best. [7] Present regime hands are already red with common
Muslims blood; Model Town Madressah Incident, and then recently several has been
killed during violence. Second, regime is also responsible of attempting murder (due to
which deceased from Power), back in their 2nd Tenure of Reign (1997-99); by not allowing
plane to land in Pakistan, on which then COAS (Gen. Retd. Pervaiz Musharraf | Later
became President) was present, as well as several civilians too. [8] Strange isn’t it, 370 &
17. Second, already discussed earlier incident whereas for latter one so it was seen
definitely being shot down, but whom? It’s unclear; though Faqeer (ghafaralahu) guess is
NATO, because wanted to initiate conflict with RUSSIA in that region. Allah knows the
best. [9] This is actually a warning that come or return towards right path (Origin | Islamic
Caliphate[Quran & Sunnah]) otherwise furthermore will comes; it could be bigger then
this. Allah knows the best.

SOLUTION: As illustrated previously, “… Remembers that there is always a solution exist for
issues (Arabic: Tanaze’at) and matters (Arabic: Masa’il). For issues, if exists between two persons
or groups or nations, or even if we goes on large scale meant between two continents, so it can be
resolved through conversation (from dialogue) otherwise if not getting on some point (concord
or unanimity) then next option was left is conflict (through fight). However priority shall be via
peace (conversation) rather than choosing havoc (conflict). Although, if somehow acquiring fight
than it shall be only to preventing extortion and removing injustice, nor for flowing bloodshed
neither spreading devastations, like in past and nowadays too, acquired by these so called powers
[1]. And for matters, so there is no need to explain here or goes in details because all has been
explicated completely by Ulama’e Kiram under exemplifications of A’eymma Kiram (A’eymma
Mujtahideen, bil’Khusoos Arba’a) therefore if faced any problem then it is better to asks Ulama’e
Kiram … [4th Article | Pg.68]” STANCE: As illustrated previously, “… we also wanted peaceful
change, like Ulama, and it is possible too without flowing of single drop of blood, therefore …
Ulama shall be given complete control and authority, transformation of power, restoration of
Qadh’e Shari’ah (Mazahib Arba’a | described in Books), let Ulama to decides and handles the issues

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 291


and matters, though under these Bogus Systems or Circumstances they are still doing and
performing their duties with complete responsibilities and best abilities but sadly it is not
completely materialize because of “hold” or say “Power” hence some interferences in their
decisions cause trouble (persistence of Anarchy) rather than resolution … [4th Article | Pg.74]”
hence still valid; repercussion can be seen [2] in absence of implementing and then following
right system. RESISTANCE: As illustrated previously, “… Sahib-ul-Waqt (May Allah protect him)
will emerge as fighting side against all odds and evils, converting every state in to Islamic
Sultanate, … respond by people in both manners, Obeying and Opposing or can termed as
“Obeyers and Opposers”, means following by Firm Believers and little Doubtful whereas opposing
by Deviators (complete doubtful or refuters) and Enemies, second there will be tremendous
propaganda [3] will be do or erupts against him (definitely by Satan and his evil forces), by both
Infidels (by all) and Deviators (by Faith or an Act), especially astray sects and so called Liberal or
Secular Classes (Arabic: Taba’qat), due to his resistivity against all wrong creeds and bogus
Systems (Political, Social, Education and so on forth). Third, upon victories, so he may be declares
as West (Israel’s too) or North’s agent though he will fight against both, Infidels (whether West or
North or whosoever) and Deviators, and so many other accusations will be put upon him. Now in
these difficult and different circumstances HOW will you recognize and support, if don’t know the
creed? … [4th Article | Pg.24]” hence attitude can be examine by West tone, and their die heart
sympathizers; so called modern intellectuals, and deviators[4]. DUAL-PLAY: Illustrated
previously, “… Although other states are also sacred and secret though only thing which has to be
judge is instigation (Urdu: Fitnah) [including Ruling Regime, as sometimes or say majorly they
were the actual problem], whether exist there or not. Think on it …” hence regimes are obstacle in
implementation Islamic Laws and then forming Islamic Caliphate; as Master Zaid Hamid Shah Shb
has bashed a lot, previous as well as present regime in PAKISTAN, as western backed puppet
Regime [5]. Whereas, about intruders (khawarij) so known (Revealed | Exposed) to everybody
that backed by The West (US & NATO), for instance Taliban, Al-Qaeeda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab,
AQIM, ISIS, ISIL etc. ORDER: Illustrated, “… PAKISTAN will be always safe from all odds of getting
hit by any instigation (Arabic: Fitnah), people living in there were very peaceful, fair and
justifiable, contrary if any of that (Urdu: Fitnah) approaches or gained positions (fairly or
unfairly) or made grounds (Bases in form of Madres’sah by Khawarij), so all has to think
(consensus) first and according to Shariah Muttah’harah must be deal and shall be eliminate
besides forgiving or allowing them to live amongst MUSLIMS … [2nd Article | Pg.7]” though
illustrated (depicts reality) in forth article“… PREACHERS (Deviated Scholars), whom are the
actual problem that mislead and misguide the people and in their following and orders people
deviates and even would raise weapons, will be cleanup or wipeout forever (a correct way to
finish any Fitnah) upon the execution of Hadd’e Shari’ah, which will then naturally expose the
Right Path (Deen’e Islam, Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) for indistinctive people (esp.
Deviators), In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi …[3rd Article | Pg.9-10]” not only true for Pakistan, but also
other Muslim States. Second, Shariah Mubarakah orders applied upon outward statement (Urdu:
Zahiri Alfazoun Per), not upon inward secrecy (Urdu: Batin), only Allah knows that [6], therefore
through eligible & rightful witness(s) submissions, if indication (Accused | Fasiq’ul Aqidah)
proven valid (Diffracted | Irtidad), then order will be applied. Impeding here for while and for
more details [7], see Jurisprudence Books (Kutub’e Fiqh) or ask Ulama. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] Ulama has defined, or say theirs explications naturally contained, Solution
for issues (territorial disputes) either not for matters (concerning worships) only. [2] As
mentioned earlier (in above portion), that Muslims are suffering (humiliation and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 292


destruction) due to absence of right system. [3] As e-media work (news-channel/papers

etc.), or say being acquired to do so, otherwise it can be used (or its purpose of invention
is serving) in development of common people ideology and charachteristics (Urdu:
Taleem’O Tarbiyat). Note: As nowadays we examines (or becomes common) that e-media
(particular | Giants[Renown]) either hides or blurr the truth & reality sometimes
(reporting, religion etc. | Particularly Right Path) whereas promotes either deception or
fabrication (against Muslims | Normally); and this happen due to absence of controlled
media policy (restricted). [4] Some writers (calling themselves a Muslims), either refuters
or don’t have believe upon spirituality (deviators), denying the emergence. Note: All
western back upheavels in Muslim World by both, Seculars and Intruders are the clearcut
indications. [5] CIA installed (or deployed | Both), and RAW backed (present regime
particularly). [6] And to whom Allah (Subhanahu) divulges (Ayan Kerdy | Munkashif). [7]
Disscusses some details earlier, see their. Jazak’mallahu Khairah

INVITATION: It would be much better, and convenient, to called belief upon almighty Allah
(Subhanahu) and Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), in other words embraced
ISLAM, besides planning and investing tremendous efforts and amount in annihilation, that has to
be wasted totally later-on. Note: Calling belief upon Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) would include obviously all other Anmbiya wa’l-Mursaleen (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam);
Sidna Hudhrat Moosa & Sidna Hudhrat Esa ‘Ala-Nabiyina’ (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) too. Second,
this wouldn’t enlighten you only in the world but also hereafter, embracing ISLAM, besides tries
to destroying (world & hereafter) it through your own deeds (anti-ISLAM, planning and
investing); by adhering on wrong path. Third, when don’t have ability and can’t defeat Muslims
(Sufiya’e Kiram) either, then it is much better to admit, & not only that but also accepts, ISLAM is
the right path and MUSLIMS contains superiority in all domains; social, economy, military etc.
Fourth, don’t present divisions (Sectarianism | Tafreeq) as lame excuse, and political condition
(Instability | Zab’O Haali) too, for denial in embracing ISLAM, because all this was either
introduced (sectarianism) or induced (puppets) to exploit divisions & turmoils (for refutation)
otherwise truth or reality is known (your priests & politicians knew the truth). Fifth, embracing
ISLAM wouldn’t stop you either from developing new inventions as well as using of present
things through Technology in possession or being used. Do Think on it. Impeding here and, Allah
knows all the best.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).


In previous article (in real a transcript: risalah) at last on Solicitation, stated under “Links: In
other words can say “Disclaimer” that first, by saying that, “Ask or Asks (advisable) Ulama” so it
means Muslims Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) not Deviators Zulama (Munafiqoon-
Khawarij) therefore we will be not responsible for your astraying if asks from incorrect creed
Scholars (Zulama) and they mislead or misguides you, normally they hide the orders or present it
with baseless and incorrect modification. Hence we are providing some links in this regards for
your own safety, see “Links” on page 78, to whom you can ask blindly, whereas E-mail Addresses
are also available see “Acc”. “

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 293


We presented the names of eminent Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah, whereas in every conrner (around
the world) they are presented (to serve), hence who are linked properly to the right creed and
chained, can be requested for submission (queries). However do remember few points; A.
Eligibility: The restriction of right creed is only because ulama say, “… Holders of bid’ah (people
of innovation), that is, all the 72 groups who have deviated from the Ahl as-Sunnah are not ‘adil (a
Sunni Muslim who avoids grave sins and who does not habitually commit venial sins), even if they
perform all acts of worship, for either they have become mulhids and lost their faith, or they
vituperate (the true Muslims who are called) the Ahl as-Sunnah, which is a grave sin,
too. (Hadiqa) … To speak ill of any Muslim is a sin. It destroys one’s ‘adala (being an‘adil). (If one
perpetrates this sin) one’s testimony is not to be accepted. (Durr-ul-mukhtar) … That
Wahhabites (and all their derivatives; like deobandies, moudodies, tablighies etc)
are zindiqs following in the footsteps of Batinites (followers of Batiniyya, which is a heretic sect)
is written in the book Ni’mat-i Islam as well. Therefore, in determining the beginning of Ramadan,
Eids, and the time for pilgrimage and in all religious affairs, it is not permissible to act upon the
testimonies of Wahhabites and of those who do not follow any of the four true madhahib.” [See
more at (Source) Url:
observatories/#sthash.oa4dfbi6.dpuf] B. Mistake: Ulama say, if Islamic Scholar ‘Alim’ (right
creed | Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba[Mazahib Arba’a]) gives right verdict then will be
rewarded twice (becomes altercation when verified by eminent Ulama of his present time | in
large number[quantity]), whereas if does mistake even then will be rewarded (only because did
effort to guide towards right side, but somehow not able to reach the right or proper or
appropriate answer | and this will be also highlighted[objection or specify] by other eminent Ulama
of his present time) therefore mistake; if not severe upon which repentance becomes inevitable
(even sometimes persecuation becomes applicable | even after repentance), is forgivable (hopes
in Akhirah too | when in World is obvious) otherwise there is only a total reward (Urdu: Ajr’e
Azeem) upon right answer (verdict).

Rectification: Might be (and it seems to be as well) that Master was dis-appointed (not
happy contrary may be astonished or confused) from or seeing the name of Shaykh al-
Shariah wa’l-Tariqah Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Ghulam Sarwar al-Hanafi al-
Qadiri (Mad’de Zil’lahu) in statement (or say verdict by Hudhrat Mufti Qad’ri Shb Mad’de
Zil’lahu) given against Master, exploited by ‘The News International (English Newspaper
of Jhang“vies” oops mean Jang Group)’, as posted on FB? Answer: Hudhrat Mufti Qadiri
Shb (Mad’de Zillahu) is amongst the eminent Ulama’e Kiram of present era, very genious
and pious, contains several certifications from various Ulama (Arab’O Ajam) around the
world, more than 80yrs of age, belongs to Ahle-Bayt Banu Abbas Lineage, wrote several
books on various matters and issues; including upon Khilafat’e Rashidah Model under the
name of “Khilafat’e Islamiyah and Maghrabi Jamhoriyah [Khilfate Islamiyah & Western
Democracy (Urdu)]” and other titles in same regards. Therefore about statement
(verdict), so might be possible due to following reasons becomes unclear (regarding you)
and issued, that is: As incomplete or incorrect details* provided to him upon which issues
OR might be misleading (submits incorrect or false queries) deliberately by people^.
[*] It’s a common disease or sometimes happens un-usually, that taker submits incomplete or incorrect details,
upon which issueing authority not realizing the inaccuracy, issues the statement (verdict). Faqeer
[^] Advice: Master, you travel abroad a lot of times, hence why don’t you do one little effort and that is travel to
Lahore (see google map, if face difficulty), & meet Hudhrat Mufti Qadiri Shb (Mad’de Zil’lahu) [Contd. on Next Pg.]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 294


Otherwise, Hudhrat Mufti Qadiri Shb (Madde Zillahu) is also a member (keen supporter)
of Tehreek’e Nizam’e Mustafa, Jamia Nizamia Razvia (Darul Musan’nifeen) and Jamia
Naeemia (Darul Musan’nifeen) whom Ulama had already declared (supports your
salvation) you as a good Muslim. Now tell us is that seems to be any malice move to you
(against yourself) by propaganda machine in Pakistan, renown as Jhang Group’s The
News Intl.?

Declaration link from Ulama, Url:

Also, can contact~ directly to Hudhrat Mufti Ghulam Sarwar al-Hanafi al-Qadiri Shb
(Mad’de Zil’lahu):

Allah (Subhanahu) & his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

[^] Continued: directly and present your beliefs & perceptions (including other Ulama views) in his honor, In-Sha
Allah wa Rasulehi, will take back the statement or issues the correct one alike Jamia Naeemia (Lahore). As all
Muslims around the world knows that there is great propaganda or decepting campaign going-on against you
because of your powerful mission (salvation). Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)
[~] The Site is under development process, though contact page is active.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 295



DREAM (al-Ro’ya)

O’Dea, dreams (al-Ro’ya | Khuwab) are right, and contained level of altercation (Urdu: Hujjat) too
in light of Shar’iah Muttah’harah[1], but only of right creed Muslims (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e
Sahaba) [2]; whereas about Infidels and Deviators (Kuffar’O Munafiqoon) dreams, so they will be
not taken as altercation (Urdu: Hujjat) but will look through or present to Shariah Muttah’harah,
as per view[3]. Hence dreams verification or rejection is based upon one principal, say main or
core, for acceptation (as Altercation | Hujjah) and that is creed (Ideology | Aqaid’O Nazariyat) and
truth (Urdu: Sadaqat | Sach’chai), if are right and accordingly then would be accepted (Dream | al-
Ro’ya) otherwise either will be rejected (fabricated | Mun Ghar’rath) or acquired silence (Urdu:
Warna khamoshi ikhtiyar ki jaey’gi) or do its nearest interpretation[4].

DENOTE: [1] Ulama says, many Quranic verses and blessed sayings (Ahadith’e
Mubarakah) are evident upon its reality, which made them altercation either. Hence
whenever seen then shall takes its elucidation from Ulama, and then should act
accordingly (means correction | Islah). Note: Ulama says, those blessed dreams in which
awarded honorable presence of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and
then any instruction, or tidings, or warnings being given so they are altercation for viewer
particularly, not like blessed sayings (Ahadith’e Mubarakah) that are altercation for whole
Ummah. However, if someone else or all (besides viewer) acquires/obeys the instruction,
or tidings, or warnings then definitely couldn’t denied, and hopeful too, that Allah
(Subhanahu) will reward from mercy. [2] Ulama says, most righteous dreams amongst
people as per level of clarity are of Salateen, then Ulama, then Traders, then pious (Urdu:
Sualeheen | Sulha) and then common Muslims. [3] If eligible for elucidation then do its
nearest interpretation (also judge through similarity | if seen by Muslims in same regards)
otherwise either rejected or acquired silence. [4] Either extract consequence (glad tiding
or warning) or see other Muslims dreams, if viewed in same regards (for assistance).

INSIGNIA: O’Dea, whenever Allah (Subhanahu) grants anyone in this world, an honor of blessed
presence of Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in dream, then either it will be
glad tiding or warning, as sent “Bashi’raun Wa Nazirah [Bearer of Glad Tiding & a Warner]”
towards all universe, second Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) will be seen as
beautiful radiance, as sent “Sirajaun Wa Munirah [Glowing Radiance]”. Therefore would like to
inscribe two beautiful dreams depicting both blessed attribute. Glad Tiding & Warning: Imam
al-Harmain (Abul-Ma’ani al-Jo’ayni) became dubious after reading Ahle-Sunnah, Mo’tazlah &
Philasfa literature as found everyone’s evidences solid and very strong*, thus being given honor
of blessed presence by Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) in dream on this
critical situation, and then instructed that “Alaiyka Bi’eytiqadi al-Sabouni [be adhere upon
Sabouni’s Creed^]”, therefore after this blessed dream, all the darkness of Mo’tazlah & Philasfa
were diminished upon reading Imam Abu-Usman Ismail al-Sabouni~ (Rehmatullah Alehe) books
and became adhere on Imam al-Sabouni’s creed (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) till last period
[Awliyah Rijal al-Hadith | Pg.153]. Enlighten Radiance: Once nephew of Sidna Imam Qadhi al-
Ayadh al-Maliki (Quddussurahul Aziz) saw, in dream, Imam Qadhi al-Ayadh was sitting next to
very beautiful enlightening radiance personage on a golden stage, hence becomes astonished that
how my uncle got such an honor of being sitting next to Sidna Muhammed Noor Allah (Alehe

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 296


Salat-O-Salam) on same golden stage. Nephew narrated that, Imam Qadhi al-Ayadh got knew my
intentions (Urdu: Ha’lat) and dangers (Urdu: Khat’rat) in heart through influx, therefore called me
closer and then instructed calmly that, O’My son behold my book Shifa strongly and made
altercation in your faith and act [Awliyah Rijal al-Hadith | Pg.204]. Impeding: Impeding here for
while, because are enough evidence to understand for sensible, faqeer bukhari(ghafaralahu).
Allah knows the all the best.

DENOTE: [*] Into their defense. [^] Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e Sahaba | Ahl’al-Sunnah
Wa’l-Jama’ah. [~] Born in 373 Hijri at Nisha'pore, and was a very famous addresser
(Mawa’iz) and pretexter (Mufassir).

STANDINGS: About dubious people dreams, particularly known by or linked with irreligious
group (Arabic: Ahl’ul-Bid’aa), specifically viewing His Holy-Highness, Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), hence they would be ‘Nor Rejected Neither Accepted But
Acquired Silence’, secondly they wouldn’t be taken into consideration or as evidence for/in any
matter contrary priority given to only righteous faith Muslims (Sunnat’e Rasul Wa Jamat’e
Sahaba). Status: Therefore, dream of Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, a renowned Wahabi-Deoband Sect
cleric, regarding Pakistan which is usually quoted[1], in favour of opponent side as loyal to
Pakistan, so have illustrated earlier that either they will be rejected or will do nearest
interpretation[2]. Interpretation: As per quote, got an Honor to view in which signifying
towards Pakistan to join (cause), so two interpretations seem possible. A. Signifying towards
Pakistan can also be meant that come towards our path; as we all knew it was founded on Islam
(Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah | Mazahib Arba’a). B. Could be meant that on wrong side (viewer |
which he is) therefore repent and comes towards right path; as all Kharji-Wahabi Deoband Sect
Clerics were opposing Pakistan, even some in them (extreme Kharji-Wahabies) called it Kafiristan
(Ma’az Allah, Astaghfirullah) [3].

DENOTE: [1] Cleric also lead last prayers of Barister Muhammed Ali Jinnah (Late), and
after SALAM, went away rather than raising hands to praise; because in their sect it’s an
innovation whereas Islam permitted (its Sunnah). Second, in pretext of verse [s.5:v.15],
particularly under ‘LIGHT & BOOK’ stated that, “May be here, by light meant Muahmmad
al-Rasul, whereas by Book meant Quran” though Ulama (Mufasireen’e Kiram) has wiitten
that by light, even by both light & book (some says), is or signified towards Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam); actually inflicting dececption deliberately,
can see Tafsir’e Usmani. Note: Common Muslims are advice to refrain, whereas Ulama can
view for reference. Jazak Allah [2] Ulama has illustrated about Dreams, view and status;
particularly having honor to view Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)
that whenever one gets, if misguided then either repented (and person would definitely
begun following right faith and teachings) otherwise it would be an altercation that
viewer goes in hell forever (Ma’az Allah). Allah knows all the best. [3] Query: Those who
called Pakistan as Kafiristan before foundation, but after it their descandants or sect
people either migrated or born here, now what should be their status or shall be
considered? Note: Mullah Abul-Kalam Azad, a renowned Wahabi-Deoband Sect cleric, was
against Pakistan, therefore at one occasion while returning to India, his plane was landed
for short period in Karachi, then capital of Pakistan, but he didn’t came outside Airport
and remained inside because doesn’t likes Pakistan, contrary gave remarks that Pakistan
wouldn’t sustained more than 60yrs (means will collapsed). Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 297


was told this by an elder gen. practitioner (above 80’s now). Alhamdolillah, Thum’ma
Alhamdolillah, Chaotic Mullah was died in last century with keeping hopes of collapse
(actually jealousy) in heart, whereas Pakistan is standing and will remains, In-Sha Allah
wa Rasulehi; have passed more than 60yrs and this year (2014) will be its 67th Year
(Ma’sha Allah).

FABRICATION: O’Dea, actually during British Empire rule over subcontinent (Bar’re Saghir al-
Hind), several instigations being erupted, or say deliberately ignited, to achieve some specific
goals, though not completely but partially were, and one is disintigration of Muslims in to several
groups, as large or say nearly 99% are following, and still contains majority (80% approx.),
“Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah (Fiqh Hanafi (Majority) | Tariqah Qadiriyah, Naqshbandiyah,
Suharwardiyah, Chishtiyah esp.)”. Therefore they used all means to either divert completely
otherwise left confusion (made them of nowhere), and this also includes, fabrication of false
dreams. Hence, has to be very careful upon this matter, as some were fabricated by the enemy
(Intruders | Khawarij) for gaining sympathies or increasing their group number. Respond:
Ulama’e Islam, on that time has responded, even later also and still delivers whenever feel
necessary or being inquired, particularly about their cunning and vicious moves which included
fabricated dreams. Therefore, it is better to avoid rather than to fall into their traps, which is alike
mouse trap. For more details (particularly fabricated dreams) see, Mash’ale Rah by Hudhrat
Allama Abdul-Hakeen Akhter al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz).

Yeh Jo Tujh Ko Bulata Hai, Yeh Tuh’g Hai Mar Hi Rakhey Ga

Ha’ey Musafir Dumm Main Na Ana, Mat Keysi Matwali Hai
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakh’shish)
[Eng.: That who calls you, is a thug thus beat you definitely, O’h Passenger don’t comes inn, that
luck is such regrettably]

Shay’hed Dikha’ey Ze’her Pilay, Qatil, Da’eyn, Shohar Kush

Iss Mur’dar pey Kiya Lul’chana, Dun’ya Dey’khi Bha’li Hai
(Rîdha | Hadaiq’e Bakh’shish)
[Eng.: Shows honey feed Poison, Killer – Vampire - Husband taker, why greeding to this dead,
World is watched very well]

Allah (Subhanahu) & his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhetr).


O’Dea, resurrection day is right, and definitely will comes upon its specified time, whereas
refutation or doubting, or even making its fun (for denying), is profanity because is from
necessities of religion (Urdu: Zaruriyat’e Deen) [1], however before it’s coming (arrival), there are
some prominent signs that will happens and after their accomplishment, whistle (Urdu: Soor) will
then blow in last.

DENOTE: [1] All blessed Prophets (Anmbiya’e Kiram[Alehemus Salat-O-Salam]) have

preached and warned about its occurrence. Note: Ulama says, when someone dies,
resurrection day (Arabic: al-Qayamah) begins after demise, and it’s true for everyone
(regardless of particular religion), nor only Muslims. Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 298


[PORTENTS] O’Dea, as illustrated earlier that, before execution some protents will occurs,
therefore Ulama have categorized them into three periods; early period (passed) meant
happened, middle period (passing) means happening and their intensity will increases with the
passage of time till Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu),
and last period that all will happen definitely after emergence of Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed
Bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu), one by one like rosary breaks & then beads begun
falling. IN BRIEF: Therefore would like to highlights in brief categorically. Happened (Passed):
Arrival as last prophet (Khatim an-Nabi’yin) and then sad demise of Sidna Muhammed Rasul
Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), formation of Khilafat’e Rashidah and then 30yrs of tenure, demises
of all blessed companions (Sahaba’e Kiram[Alehemur Ridhwan]), surmount of Bait al-Muqaddus
(In Sidna 2nd Caliph Farooq’e Azam[Radhi Allah Anhu] period), 60 Hijri Rulers, Karbala Event,
passing of blessed companions obeyers (Taba’ein Uzzam[Alehemur Rehman]) etc. Hapenning
(Present): Disintegration of Ummah, (includes Abdullah Bin Saba[a Jew] & Company; inductor or
founder of Kharji-Rafdhiyat[Shi’iete]), emergence of Khawarij time to time (includes Abdul-
Wahab Najadi & Company[backed by Freemasons]; inductor of Kharji-Wahabiyat[Salafists]), 30
people will claims prophethood[1], increase of means (Urdu: Asbab) for printing as well as in
trading, reigning inn of ineligible people (or say tyrants) on Muslims (States and Matters), unjust
killings (Arabic: Fitnah al-Harj | Nahaqq Qatl), man will obeys wife whereas disobey parents
(Ulama says, disobey either to convince wife or due to wife), children becomes heartache for
parents, women will participate in trading (doing business) with man[2], lies will spread whereas
truth will be suppressed (either deliberately or because of false campaigning | like through
Media[e or paper] we sees be doing today), etc. Happens (Future): Armageddon (Arabic:
Malah’matul-Kubra) [a], then emergence of Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-
Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu) [b], emergence of Dajjal la’ein[c], arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Marium ‘Ruh’hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) from Heavens[d], conquering of Bait al-Muqaddus[e],
Gog Magog (Yajuj Majuj) [f], Rise of Sun from West and then sets in West (and after this portent,
will then rise regularly as per routine from next day), Dabbah’tul Ardh[g], departures of all
Muslims through beautiful air[h], and then people will be pushes towards Sham al-Shareef by a
fire from Aden[i], and then between or after 40yrs whistle will blows. Allah knows all the best.

DENOTE: [1] Whereas Sidna Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) has indicated
that, “… remembers I’am the last prophet (Khatim’ul Anmbiyah) and none would comes
afterwards …” [*]. [2] It is strictly prohibited in Islam (or say Forbidden | Haram) that in
presence of male (eligible and capable) member female’s shall goes for earning outside
too, however in rare circumstances only then exempted; means can go for earning outside
whereas better (advice) is try to do something from/at home (biz., services etc). [^]. [a] It
will start when Darya’e Arafat (Euphrate River) becomes desiccated and then a Gold
Mountain will emerge, secondly inflicts disintegration of Muslim Empire too exist on that
time. Allah knows all the best. [b] After Armageddon’s aftermath [~], then one personage
(Imam Mahdi[Radi Allah Anhu]) come to Makkah from Madinah, where saints
(Awliyah[Sufiyah]) will recognize and then take Oath to begins Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak.
[c] After conflict, either[#] in Bait al-Muqaddus or Sham al-Shareef where Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu) would be present with Muslims, Satan will then spread news that
Dajjal La’ein has emerged. Allah knows all the best. [d] After Fajr Prayers Dajjal La’ein,
present nearby, will be pursue and then finally persecute near Bab al-Ludd (Jerusalem,
Isra’il). Allah knows all the best. [e] Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium ‘Ruh’hullah’ (Alehe
Salat-O-Salam) with Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will together conquers the Bait al-

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 299


Muqaddus from Infidels (Kuffar). [f] After their emergence, Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Mariyam (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) stays and reign, but in Madinah, for at least 40yrs and
then departs and would be buried near blessed grave (Urdu: Rawdha’e Anwer). Allah
knows all the best. [g] It will put sign upon every Muslim and Infidel head which will be
seen and understand clearly by each other; as Muslim will remains Muslims whereas
Infidel would remain Infidel, and couldn’t able to change their religion. Allah knows all the
best. [h] Before it Quran Majeed will be raised towards Heaven. Allah knows all the best.
[i] Ulama say Qayamah will comes only upon infidels (Urdu: Kuffar) and Muslims would
be raised towards sky (or say departed | Alam’e Bar’zukh). Allah knows all the best.

FOOTNOTE: [*] Ulama says, either exact 30 or it is said for expressing quantity that many will claim.
Allah knows all the best. [^] Rare Conditions: Widow or Divorced or Missed (died or lost) or Have no
Male Member or Male is or become abnormal (ineligible). Second, Govt. can create, therefore should do,
means for Female(s), whether have Male (can allow, but will have no right on income) nor particularly for
those who don’t have (earlier mentioned), all those work (by consent nor enforce) which can be do with
hands or tools at home without going outside; for instance, stiching clothes, making baskets of tree
leaves (coconut etc), food packing and so on forth. See Jurisprudence Books or asks Ulama. Allah knows
all the best. [~] It will caused destruction on large scale, nearly 1/3 of World’s population will be
wiped out and planet will be covered with black cloud for one year; after ignition. Allah knows all the
best. [#] There are two scenarios due to different traditions (though happens only one) and both has
been discussed, one in last article whereas another in this book respectively, at Ummah under
awaiting personage. See there. Jazak Allah.

[QUESTION]: One question (or say objection | Ay’tiradh) was recently came to knowledge which
is did (put) or say commentor has extracted in the light of end time reports (Arabic: Akh’bar |
A’asar) that every new coming era would be worst then previously passed era; therefore how will
be or say can’t expect (or hopes) for good people to comes in Power (particularly in current era)?
Response: Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) already mentioned in last article, that Ulama says
“Ahadith’e Mubarakah are very averting [1]”, though added further to it that, “but not to
Jurisprudence expert (Urdu: Faqih)”. Second, Hadith Sharif is right because from righteous
tongue; and also its chains (Urdu: Asnad) are right (valid) too. Third, if consider this meaning
only (as right) by neglecting other valid sayings (contained glad tidings) which interprets the
matter appropriately, then tell us how comes Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) era will become
peaceful and blessing (conversely expectations and waiting becomes worthless, Ma’az Allah), as it
would be new and so every new will be worst then previously passed hence matter seems to be
unresolved. Reconcilialtion (Tatbeeq): O’Dea, actually such sayings required reconciliation
(Urdu: Tatbeeq) and without it can’t understand correctly (definitely misjudge), because this is
Jurisprudence Masters (Fuqaha’e Kiram) domain, however appropriate interpretation is that
every coming era becomes WORST because of mainly left or absence of religion (right practices),
corruption (in faith & acts), lies (deception), injustice (prevails), ineligible and incompetent
people in power (regimes), harsh enmity[3], and etc. But contrary it will becomes GOOD also,
because has been revealed either, that Allah (Subhanahu) will never imposed harsh enemy on
Ummah (that wiped us out completely), second right group will be always present to preached or
fight for religion (Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah | Mazahib Arba’a), and third will send reviver(s)[4] at
the beginning of every century whom converts it peaceful and blessed (or say removes all
darknesses before); and Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abdullah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah
Anhu) would be amongst the last revivers. Impeding here for a while whereas for more details
see concern books or asks Ulama, Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 300


DENOTE: [1] If tries to read without knowing necessary elements; Jurisprudence and
Tasawwuf mainly. [2] Due to several reasons, in which mains are because studies all
(necessary elements), secondly following specific school of thought (which interpreted
every matter and issue thoroughly), third Ulama has gave respond to all such objections
and hence knew (kept in front). Allah knows all the best. [3] Or say as revenge, enemies
will implant (on Muslims Land) their puppets either to make worst (conditions); ruthless
particularly. [4] And Salateen are also included; Ulama says.

[UNPLEASANT] A Christian priest name Harold Camping, (d.2013 at age of 92yrs) runned a
campaign (as per source, spent $5 Million app.), particularly in U.S, that on May 21st – 2011,
World will goes to an end. This was also discussed on Media (Radio, Internet etc.), and became the
focus of usual discussions of common people too[1], but after this DATE when nothing happens
then switched (predicts) to October 21st – 2011 as an end date and said that earlier was changed
(transferred ahead) due to spiritual interventions, but then it has also been passed successfully,
even without occurrence of any single event that may depicts or leads to its initial sign(s) rather
than final, hence died without any conclusion. Reasons behind misjudgement are or could be
numerous but one amongst them is actually taking assistance from canceled holy book (Bible |
Injeel Muqaddus) whereas Quran Majeed, a valid holy book, has revealed (Arabic: Mujmi’lan) few
major portents (Big | Alamat’e Kubra) emergence before its execution (which hadn’t happened
yet), whereas in Ahadith’e Mubarakah, from minor to all major (causes & situations) has been
revealed[2]; Ulama says[3] real Bible (Urdu: Injeel Shareef) is not present anywhere, whereas
existing Bible (Urdu: Injeel Shareef) contains numerous alterations and fabrications (Allah Knows
all the Best). In parallel, or say year later (2012 esp.), Mayan Calender gain popularity which
predicting December, 21st -2012 as an end time for the World, which also passed successfully,
similarly without occurrence of any event that may depicts or leads to its initial sign(s) rather
than final, because in real their Calender was gets over. Remarks: On December, 21st – 2012,
Russian President Vladmir Putin, suprises everyone by giving remarks (though objectionable)
upon this matter, at a Press Conference where nearly 1000 Journalists were present, says “I know
when the world will end” and believes that it will be around in 4.5 Billion Years, when Earth’s
rotation will stops whereas Sun turns out to be the White Dwarf, as per reporting source. Even
some people, on this matter, denied straightly the occurrence which depicts refutation (don’t
believed). RESPONSE: Allah (Subhanahu) is the Sole Creator of all universes and creatures in
them (includes us) therefore when brought nothing to something (without anyone’s help) then
can do vice versa (there is no tiny suspicion), without dependency of any special cause like
speculating, particularly by President Putin, hence its just an exaggeration (expected years[4]);
meant Earth wasn’t rotating neither Sun[5] will converts to White Dwarf, only come closer, when
whistle will going to blow, contrary would be present as today. Second, when one dies, whether
male or female, the resurrection (Arabic: al-Qayamah) begins hence should consider life here as a
blessed gift therefore rather than wasting shall do preparations for other day (Urdu: Aa’khirat).
Third, all events (Arabic: Waqey’at) happened or living creatures (Arabic: Makh’loqat) demised
are itself the clear evidence of resurrection day, because if there weren’t any day then neither
dimishing happens (to events) nor death imposed (to living creatures), because after believers
(Muslims) going to Heavens whereas disbelievers send to Hell then death will be slaughter in
front of all and will annoucned that live forever now wherever in place you are. [Keep Thinking]

DENOTE: [1] In Pakistan, Ulama has addressed the issue as per Islamic teachings when it
came under discussion publically. Note: A prominent difference that Muslims don’t need

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 301


to spend single peny nor to do any sort of campaign[*], because every Muslim, even child
has firmed belief upon it, and even knows (see 4) about its time & date besides year. [2]
Includes or say depicts detail (or say interpretations | Taf’silat) of Quran revelations too,
regarding end time. [3] See “Islam & Christianity” by Hudhrat Mawlana Hussaiyn Hilmi
Isik al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe) [d.2003] in this regards for more
details. [4] Ulama says, it will be Friday, 10th Muharram al-Haram, between Asr and
Maghreb Prayers, whereas about Year, so it is hidden, but after (as estimation, Faqeer)
200yrs approx. of Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) and Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin
Maryam ‘Ruh’hullah’ (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessed era (mutual). Allah knows all the best.
Note: As per Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz), Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu) time is around 19th Hijri (and currently we’re in 14th Hijri). See
Malfuzat Sharif. [5] Sun is revolving in preset course[^] around our planet Earth. Note:
Read “Fauz al-Mobeen Ala’a Radd’e Harkat’e Zameen” by Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Braheichi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz), refuting the concept of Earth’s movement

FOOTNOTE: [*] But shall listen or learn or ask Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), when is or becomes
eligible. [^] Sunrise from East and sets in West. Second, during summer days rise early and set late but
then in autumn variation begins, whereas during winter days rise late and set early but then in spring
variation begins. Third, coming closer towards planet Earth in revolving course with the passage of
time due to which days will be get shortened (passes quickly), as reported a sign of end times, depicted
by months become short meaning Time will passes quickly, though days in months and hours in day
remain same. For more details, See “Aasar’e Qayamat [Eng. Ver. | Pg.59-63]” by Taj’ush-Shariah Badr’ut
Tariqah Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah).

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

MOVIES (Films)

As illustrated earlier in regards of e-media that shall be avoided if purpose is or being used for to
spread lies or deception otherwise educate people[1], particularly can be very helpful in
propagating ISLAM. Although debate exists amongst Ulama regarding status of permissibility
(Videography esp.); as some considered or compares it with ‘Photography [Static | Called Moving
Pictures]’ whereas some says, in light of modern research, that medium are rays hence not static
in nature alike ‘Photography’ though getting same output; PICTURE of objects in both forms,
static and moving [2]. Hence, if taken justifiable to use (meant considered permissible) then
whatever permissible to see outside is permissible to watch from inside[3] therefore movies
obtained same status but only thing, say a precaution, that it’s not permissible neither
appreciated by Muslims (in context of or due to respect and honor), to made movies, by casting
people[4], upon Anmbiyah and Companions (Alehe’mut Tehiyat wa’Thana), even upon pious
Muslims shall be refrained too; for instance Saints (Sufiyah[Awliyah]).

DENOTE: Here by education, meant religious particularly, so that not only Muslims get
awareness but others too. Note: Should be through right creed scholars work not
deviants. [2] See Electronic Media (Pg.202) for more details. Note: Old technique (before
1950 | First Generation) was no doubt based upon static pictures being moved in
ascending manner (Cinematics | Cinema), but then with the passage of time has been
replaced by new technique, RAYS; T.V, Computers etc. [3] Outstanding rule given by

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 302


Shaykh’ul Islam Syed Muhammed Madni Miyan (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah). [4] Faqeer
Bukhari(ghafaralahu) liked and preferred either, precaution illustrated by, Faqih’e Azam
al-Hind Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Shareef’ul Haq A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri
(Quddussurahul Aziz); particularly, criticizing or we would say pointing out towards right
matter, CASTS, that people performing such pious personage characters aren’t righteous
neither practicing people; contrary Fasiq and Fajir, even for some characters Non-
Muslims (disbelievers) being hired for performance. [Al-Ayaz Bi’llahi Ta’ala] Second,
Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu) would like to say, if practicing Muslims were stand for
performance, even then couldn’t permit (avoids); better. Allah knows all the best. Note:
Muslims, usually avoid comparing themselves with practicing Muslims rather than
thinking about to perform character of these pious personages, whom ranks are

[REFERENCE] One analyst (C.A.P) gave reference (clip), of movie, in opposition (For denial | Can
say) that being assisted (meant equipped) by West (USA particularly), as we are blaming Taliban,
foreign backed regime (West Intels.). Hence, answer for that, of course, Taliban[1] isn’t equipped
like shown in that reference, movie clip (exaggeration), because the move is entirely different and
hard to understand, not for Ulama’e Kiram (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) but for common
Muslims; even Master Zaid Hamid Shb being decepted (Urd: Dhoka Kha Ga’ey). Second, movies
contained both aspects realistic and unrealistic therefore unrealistic shall be subtracted (or say
exempted) whereas realistic can be taken or consider valid. Third, many movies are made upon
or highlights real events, both past and future, therefore couldn’t denies happening but then
exaggeration (Unrealistic | Fantasy or Sc-Fiction) or fabrication (Induction | Lie or Deception) or
subtraction (Truth | Blurring or Ignoring) should be separated from them.

DENOTE: [1] See Taliban (Pg.171) for more details.

[DOCUMENTARIES] There purpose, specifically, is to educate (world life, bibliographies etc.) or

illumination of past (history, events etc.) hence lay no objection in making upon Anmbiyah &
Companions (Alehe’mut Tehiyat wa’Thana), even on Pious Personages (Saints | Sufiyah), but
CASTING shall be avoided (as illustrated earlier) however only their blessed place or site
(Ma’qam | Mazar Mubarak, Ja’ey Pay’daish etc) can be show. Second, shall be used or made
through authentic references (Books). Exempt: Some documentaries contained same problem
like movies, exaggeration (Unrealistic | Fantasy or Sc-Fiction) or fabrication (Induction | Lie or
Deception) or addition (False | Allegation) therefore such features should be subtracted when
watches. For Instance, David Moore, An American Investigative Journalist, made a documentary
upon 9/11, revealing behind the scene matters, had unfortunately called or termed ‘Terrorists
Attack (From Outside)’ whereas it has been unveiled that it was an inside job. See Architects &
Engineers Documentary. `

For further information, read Electronic Media by Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Dhiya’uddin al-Hanafi
al-Naqshbandi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum) transcript or Hidayah Research Foundation
Articles. Jazak’mallahu Khairah.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 303



O’Dea, since first article till this book, discussing (Highlighting | Pointing) sectarianism doesn’t
meant ignition or conducts genocide until or unless it isn’t proved, from solid evidences[1], that
minorities (includes astray sects | Kharji-Rafdhi/Salafists etc.) were planning or involved in
upheaval against State (Muslims); and it (operation clean-up) is Muslim’s Army or authorized
people (by Ulama’e Kiram) work. ABUSE: As unfortunately, heart breaking events have been
sparked [2] in Muslim World, particularly at Muslim’s Arab Region (Middle East) therefore would
like to signify once again (our’s stance); because seems clearly of abusing Islamic Shariah by
miscreants (imposters | Munafiqoon[Khawarij]), creating problems as well as humiliation for
Muslims on the name of Islam [3], therefore illustrating, first subject from first till last article and
then response.

DENOTE: [1] Witnesses (Urdu: Shaha’datoun). [2] On-going activities of these so called
fighting groups, like Boko-Haram, ISIS, ISIL, Al-CIA-da, Al-Nusra Front, TTP etc. [3]
Actually disguising themselves as Muslims but in reality weren’t.

[1st Article] Illustrated, “… it’s not the matter of SECTARIANISM or HATRED or CONFLICT to
provoking amongst each other or involving the reader in it or raising the issues between Ulama’e
Haqq (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) and Anti preachers (Arabic: Khawarij) but actually it is
about the ORIGINAL PATH, the true (Urdu: Asl) Belief (Urdu: Eman) and Faith (Urdu: Aqaid),
which also the Ulama’e Haqq (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) meant and fighting (Arabic: al-
Jihad bil-Lisa’n wa’l-Qalam) for … [Confusion | Pg.8]”

[2nd Article] Illustrated, earlier (at Pg.14) about conflict between Muslims (Sunnis) and
Deviators, and then stated, “… in real mostly will be happen after implementation of Shariah
wa’Tariqah upon refusing or disobeying by deviated people (Arabic: Munafiqoon) as same they
done in the Past (Arabic: Qurun al-Oala, Khilafat al-Rashidah, Abbasiyah wa Usmaniyah) from
which all are very much familiar but this time whenever it happen will be abolish … [Right Side
[Denote] | Pg.15]” Note: Could say speculation, because in revised version (in which added note)
has mentioned that sectarianism will persisted till the time of Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin
Abd’Allah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah Anhu).

[3rd Article] Illustrated, earlier (at Pg.7-8) about distinction (Signs | Nishaniyah) of some deviated
sects (major), and then stated, “… If *read Quran Karim, Ahadith Sharif, Aqwal’e Sahaba and
A’eymma wa Masha’ikh Kiram (Obviously including Sufiya’e Kiram too) books (Arabic: Kutub) or
transcripts (Arabic: Rasail) then In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi all disputes (contradictions) will be
resolve naturally including elimination of doubts (Arabic: Mub’himat) only if accept via true heart
… (then under Jurisprudence Narration states) … GENOCIDE is forbidden and strictly prohibited
in Islamic Shari’ah, of any faith people, within Islam (meant deviators) or other than Islam
(Infidels or Polytheist). However it would be not called or said as Genocide within ISLAM, if any
particular Nation or Tribe or Family refutes to follow or obey Shari’ah for which ^Hadd’e Shara’ey
is inevitable … [Deviators | Pg.9]”

[4th Article] Illustrated, “… Ahl’al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah is not a sect but a title specified or given
(by beloved Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) to the Muslims (and proved naturally by itself,
if we analyze [Tafak’kur] Quran & Sunnah under Ulama explanation [Tashri’hat Wagheiy’raha])

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 304


for distinguish as well as distinction too from Deviators (Munafiqoon) because they (Munafiq-
Khawarij) also claims to be on Islam (as Muslims) just like in the “Khair al-Qurooni (Most Blissful
Era)”, therefore it was assured (deviation persistence) and has been indicated as well by beloved
Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe-Salat-O-Salam) that Ummah will divides in seventy-three groups (due to
deviation that will persist but then in form of groups) and only one will succeed (in these
conditions) besides other (seventy-two), hence tell us HOW we can denote in these circumstances
(partition) if aren’t specified distinctively, therefore after reveling has to be on one creed (right-
side) inevitably, if wanted success (Arabic: Na’jat) … [Religion [Summary] | Pg15-16]”. Note:
Discussed further matters in same regards either, see article.

[OBJECTION | Query] After reading all previous articles (whereas last was not less than
transcript), one might either objection or question that on one side talking about “Peace, Love,
Harmony and Unity” and denying to go in sectarian debates but on otherside not only illustrating
(in details | Signs etc) but also depicting orders; seems contradiction or reversal (uturn)?
[RECONCILIATION | Answer] O’Dea, Satan (Rajeem) refuted prostration, and not only refuses
but shown willingness to stray others (living creatures esp. | Human) which was responded that
you will but not able to the chosen(Alehem’ut Tehiyat); hence Satan comes before to everyone,
including most pious and protected Anmbiya wa-Mursaleen’e Kiram (Alehemus Salat-O-Salam) to
deceive but failed upon chosen (Anmbiya Wa Awliyah[Alehem’ut Tehiyat]) but succeeded upon
others in large numbers thus when doesn’t left pious and protected and moreover appears and
strayed majority in before theirs (Alehem’ut Tehiyat was’Thana) prestige presence then how
could one/we expect not present and appeared before us (in our time) hence wouldn’t strays
people; already (people) away from truth and reality (religion) [1] and confused (stuck in world |
Materialism particularly) [2]. Second, as said earlier that Satan will emerge before people to
deceive them therefore can’t deny Satan’s success by inflicting, not only in Muslims but other
people (whether of faith or none) too, divisions amongst them, therefore have just illuminated
(Highlighted | Nishan’dahi) [3]. Third, due to presence and intention’s of SATAN (al-rajeem), can’t
ignored either therefore has to points out alongwith order given (in Quran & Sunnah | Shariah) in
this regards; and so that’s what we did. Fourth, all articles contained appropriate respond in
them too, therefore shall be kept in front (View | Nazar). Reason: Some analysts (western esp.)
calls or termed intruders (Khawarij) as Muslims (Sunnis) on e-media, that’s why illumination
becomes inevitable to point-out; because intruders (Khawarij) haven’t any linked to or
representation of Islam, contrary made or acquired [4] to defame Islam if can’t annihilate
completely (which they weren’t | Alhamdo’lillah), otherwise if they wouldn’t enters or stop
labeling intruders (Khawarij) as Muslims (Sunnis) then might be it wouldn’t necessary.

DENOTE: [1] Being away from truth and reality, meant religion Islam, is a great deception
(Satan’s clear and open success). [2] Either becomes or being made. [3] We tried best, and
still did some in this book, not to enters completely in debates like Ulama’e Kiram (Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) has responded the deviators misinterpretations, therefore see
theirs books for details, if desires to know about deviated sects (though advisable that
avoid, and read only Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah original works; Jurisprudence & Tasawwuf
esp. [for instance, Bahar’e Shariat, Gulistan’e Shariat etc.]). [4] Purely by Jews earlier
(Kharji-Rafdhi) & then west latter (Kharji-Salafist etc.); nowadays used by U.S & NATO.

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat O Salam) know all the best (Bhe’tr).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 305



One faqeer praise, “... O’Allah, destroy corruption and eliminates all its executives (particularly
direct | Initiators) and responsible (say indirect | Helpers), and grant Muslims around the world
steadiness (Arabic: Isti’qamah) on religion (Islam | Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) and strength
(Arabic: Quw’wah) to revive ours lost pride, so that true peace and love may prevail and everbody
may live righteously and deserving …”

“… O’Allah, grant our hearts respect (Arabic: al-Aada’ab) to your divines (Arabic: Muqar’ribeen)
and strength (Arabic: al-Quwwah) in our faith, we know that Hearts are under your WILL(Urdu:
Hukum) and AUTHORITY(Urdu: ikhtiar’e Haqiqi) that whenever likes switch (Arabic:
tubad’dilahu) therefore we praise (Urdu: iltijah) that turned our Hearts to Sahib’uz Zaman (The
Divined Sword), grant us (WILL) to follow and obey His command, and do not make us among or
in backers (Arabic: Munafiqoon) …”

“… O’Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), do not look towards our Sins, be covered (Arabic:
Tah’tul-Hijab) it, because that will give your eminence (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) pain (Arabic: Eza),
whereas to us Hell forever, hence your eminence (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) do kindness (Karam) and
remembers us in blessing (Shafa’at), because aren’t we yours (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) innocent
poor sheeps …”

O’Allah bi-Wasila’tun Nabi al-Kareem al-Rauf ar-Raheem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), accepts all our
praises and means. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen

Labaika Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah


Adna Faqeer
tanzeel SHAH HUSSAIN al-gharbi(ghafaralahu)
The Qadri Sword Team
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014 [5:08 PM | Morning]
[1st Version]
Jumaiy’rat, 21st Ramadhan Sharif, 1436 Hijri
Thursday, July 9th, 2015 [9:38 PM | Morning]
[2nd Review]

Karachi City, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 306



In this section, all previous articles, in which last one was not less then a transcript (as
illuminated in this book), have been added but taken partially; words or phrases that are to an
extent seems incorrect or incomplete or requires calirification needing rectification, though all
added (articles & a transcript) were rectified later (before & during preparation of this book);
also available on Internet at DAR–HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 307



Since first article, titling ‘Illegitimate and Inappropriate Regime’ till last article (or say a
transcript) titling ‘Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq’, some composing mistakes have been
occurred whereas some known has been left. For composing so it’s a Human Error whereas about
known-oversights so they have been left to teach people (particularly literate class) that if ever
does any and then upon identifying shall retreat rather than make it your ego problem. Here we
are presenting few known oversights, whereas about composing errors so nearly all have been
rectified in every article respectfully (but still reader may found any leftover, chance exist, then
please kindly do inform us. Jazakamullahu Khairah).


We wrote, ‘Ulema’ instead of ‘Ulama’ which afterwards (including pointing out by ZH too on FB)
rectified, reason for illustrating because it is commonly spoken amongst people (Muslims),
particularly in Pakistan.

We wrote, ‘Karam’ instead of ‘Kiram’ with both terms, ‘Sufiya & Ulama’ which afterwards
(including pointing out by a respectful Scholar Malwana Saadullah Khan al-Hashmati
(Barakallahum) too on FB) rectified, reason for illustrating is same above that commonly spoken
amongst people (Muslims), particularly in Pakistan.

Another word, particularly spoken in Urdu, is ‘Farishtah or Farishtay’ instead of ‘Firishta or

Firishtay’, therefore doesn’t makes it a matter of conflict (though shall try to rectify) because we
are getting (or understanding) its right elucidation, secondly neither it is defaming nor have any
false meaning (due to change of pronounciation). Otherwise if does then we’ll append restriction.

NOTE: Ulama says, ‘Incorrect Grammar(words & their pronounciation) amongst people would be
considered correct as grammar (Idiom: Ghalat’ul Awam Sahih’ul Lughat)’

DENOTE: It also means in an aspect; that if knew (literate person) correct grammar
(word & its pronounciation) then after listening incorrectly from any person would be
taken (considered) its right grammar (word & its pronounciation). For instance, people
say ‘Ulma’e Deen or Ulema Karam’ in Urdu, hence literate person (Alim’e Deen or
knows Arabic) definitely consider (or takes) it Ulama’e “Deen or Kiram”. But it didn’t
mean either that always speak incorrectly (exploiting this rule), shall rectified every
incorrect word & its pronounciation righteously.

We wrote ‘Sahib’ instead of ‘Sahab’, for instance Imam Sahib or Allama Sahib, and its plural is
‘Sahaba’ meaning Companion(s), which is also rectified now; see 2nd Article. Though “Sahib”
denotes in actual eligibility or deserved to be aligned; for instance Sahib’e Ilm meant

We wrote, ‘Khuwarij’ instead of ‘Khawarij’ on some places which was afterwards being rectified,
reason for illustrating has been discussed in this book thoroughly under intruder debate (see

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 308


We wrote, ‘Jazakah Wa Khairah’ instead of ‘Jazakamullahu Khairah’ which is also rectified,

reason for illustrating is to examine that whether recipients (whomsoever [*| See below]) grasp us
or not (in case of catching then definitely we’ll send revised note to all), although our purpose is
to taught (particularly about mistakes | admit and then retreat) and nothing else, secondly from
Arabic Grammar perspective then it doesn’t shows any appropriate sense (Urdu: Koi Mahal Nahi
Nazr Ata | Qareena) by splitting with or putting between “Wa’ow Atifa”. Those whom knew
Arabic will understand it better.


About composing mistakes, so they present numerously in every article hence nearly all have
been rectified after review later, whereas on some places for better understanding (or say making
it further clear) more word(s) or phrase(s) have been added. For instance, in 1st Article on Pg.2,
word “too” have been put further later-on in phrase “… as we all have a firm belief and knows too
…” Therefore it has been illustrated (pointed) in this part (‘A’) of book whereas on actual places, it
has only added without mentioning it (in new edition of all articles).


All articles are actually blessings of Sufiya’e Kiram (Masha’ikh e Islam), and so were dedicated
according to specific disclosures of foretell, however now in latest rectified versions (say 4th
Revision) it has been mentioned, in last, above our name.

khadim Ulama’O Fuqa’rah

Faqeer Tanzeel Bukhari al-Hanafi (ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014
Jumaiy’rat, 21st Ramadhan Sharif, 1436 Hijri
Thursday, July 9th, 2015
[2nd Review]

[*] Since, first article till last one, send (or say published) via E-mail, then later-on it was now added on DAR-
HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) Internet Site (platform) on SCRIBD.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 309



(1st Article)


We stated, “… as we all have a firm belief and knows too about their ranks (Arabic: Munsib ya
Ma’qam), honored with influx (Urdu: Kashf) about TRUTH and REALITY …” [Topic: 2nd Paragraph
| Pg.2]

Revision: And knows too about their ranks.

We stated, “… Quran Sharif and Sunnah Karim specifically, would have always CORE POINT [1] as
their first priority, not only emphasize to respect Principles and Rules but also to any HOLY RELIC
(Urdu: Deeni Nishani ya Yadgar) belongs or related to it (CORE POINT [1]) holds as well, and
which is no doubt that is a *stipulation (Shert) too, not only necessary to sustain (governance
over state) and expand (to other states, meant to ally them) but for existence as well although if
this would not be found then, definitely results will be opposite and goes towards drastic
downfall and may be dump in the mud forever or vanishes or say wiped out from an EARTH
(Farsi: Khus Kum Jahan Paak), depending upon the nature and level of ACT going to conduct or
being done …” [Topic: 4th Paragraph | Pg.3]

Revision: Necessary to sustain “(governance over state)” and expand “(to other states,
meant to ally them)”.


We provided video evidence (link) in respect of condemning Afghan Taliban, and for further
satisfaction later added true words from an interview of Hudhrat Shaykh Abdur-Rehman Djonabi
(Da’mat Afdhalahum); [Topic: Between 1st & 2nd Paragraph | Pg.3-4]

Watch and read the last part (moments 6:00–8:14) of VIDEO, Follow the link:

The Words of Hudhrat Haji Abdur-Rehman Djonabi Shb (Da’mat Barkatahum):

(Mafhoom) ... “If Omar was a truly learned student of Quran, an enlightened man … he
would’ve been aware of Holy Relic (Jub’ba Sharif) significance. He failed to show respect
and worship [Adab wa Salat-O-Salam | Faqeer] the Holy Relic. That was an ignoble and
shameful act. Such acts debase both him and his followers. He cannot be forgiven. He
defiled the Holy Relic. We have a saying “He who hurts himself, hurts others more.” And
Allah (Subhanahu) has punished the entire country for Omar’s Sin. With the hands that
were used to kill people … Omar took the Holy Relic from the TOMB and brought it into
the city. He climbed on to a roof to show off the Holy Relic. He wore it and proclaimed
himself “Ameer al-Mu’mineen”. That was a blasphemy. He left the Holy Relic there all
night and just put it in a box the next morning … as if it was just an ordinary garment
(Ma’az Allah). Then he drove at high speed to the Holy Edgar Masjid. Omar committed a
sacrilege, which is why his regime has fallen.”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 310


Append the following later: If one objection why going to be very harsh or angry, Islam
means peace hence is there any soft aspect existed (maybe there is), therefore answer(s)
for this was depicts in forth articles (3 and 4, under topic Ummah, see there).


We stated, “… and even our Honorable Zaid Hamid Shah Sahab too not recognizing (Urdu:
Pehchan pa rahey hain) them (TALIBANS) and has said them, on many time and occasions (TV
Discussions available on internet; youtube etc) true representative and dignified (esp. Dacoit
Mullah Umar) people though in real they weren’t, all of them are traitors and betrayers excluding
those MUSLIMS (Ahl’al-Sunnah | Sunnis) whom had joined them un-knowingly or because of
being portrayed that it is a very holy cause ...” [Topic: 1st Paragraph | Pg.4]

Revision: TV Discussions “available on Internet; youtube etc”

We stated, “… like IRAQ (by al-Qaeda), SOMALIA (by al-Shabab), *SUDAN (by South Sudan
Liberation Army & al-Qaeda), NIGERIA (by Boko Haram), PALESTINE (by Hammas), LEBANON
(by Hizbullah), CHECHENIYA (by Doku Umarov’s Radical Militants), PAKISTAN (by TTP) and so
on forth …” [Topic: 2nd Paragraph | Pg.4-5]

Append Later: Sadly on 7th July, 2012, SUDAN has been disintegrated (partitioned)
successfully. [A very common practice to disintegrate any country; particularly Muslims
State, create instability including chaos n anarchy, and then advise referendum for
separating the trouble area in the name of better control.]


We stated, “… do politics (play and continue their malice great game in this region) and for this
they need PLAYERS so & which they already have and will now only continue funding (pay
approx $400 Million^ for their Logistics pass or clearance) and provide supplies (Weapons from
black market as PAKISTAN halted or stopped the supplies) so that they (means CULPRIT
TALIBANS) can carry on according to …” [Topic: 1st Paragraph | Pg.5]

Revision: ^Proof, Url:,

remembers, that information was first disclosed in one video, made in support to Taliban
expressing going to fight against enemy forces, which was posted by Master on his
FACEBOOK official page (but I think that page was hacked), although we were unable to
restored it (original from where caught), for evidence, on that time.


We stated, “… The Soviets Aggression was going on, and in the name of ISLAM’S fifth pillar JIHAD
they could utilized the positions easily and a move by using PAKISTAN’S Soil …” [Topic: 1st
Paragraph | Pg.6]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 311


Revision: Written FOURTH (typing mistake) whereas it is FIFTH; Salat (Namaz), Soam
(Roza), Zakat, Hajj, Jihad, definitely after Kalimat’e Shahadah (Six Kalimats & necessary
faiths, renowned as Zaruriyat’e Deen).

Furthermore: Some Ulama placed it on Sixth, in their works (Jurisprudence Book[s]); by

illustrating Creed as First Pillar.


We stated, “… Doomsday (Arabic: Aa’khirah), when only Infidels (Urdu: Kuffar) will be left on
earth and then final whistle (Arabic: Soor) blow (will be order) …” [Topic: Confusion (Last
Paragraph) | Pg.8]

Revision: whistle (Arabic: Soor) blow “(will be order)”.

Final Note: Append following at the end of an article, “… There are some similar words in Arabic
and Urdu having same meaning (or understanding) in both languages, for instance; al-E’man
(Arabic) has same meaning (or understanding) in Urdu. Hence if reader found words mentioned
(under braces) by Urdu but also used and have same understanding in Arabic, so has considered
it righteously …” [Topic: Solution | Pg.9]

Written On:
Rajab al-Muraj’jab, 1432 Hijri
June, 2011 A.D
[1st Version, published via Email (Date has been missed somehow)]

Revises On:
17th Rabi al-Thani, 1434 Hijri
Wednesday, 27th February, 2013 (5:49 PM)
[1st Revision, illustrated as ‘Appending Notes’ & ‘Furthermore’]

28th Zhi’qad Sharif, 1435 Hijri

Thursday, 25th September, 2014 (12:36 AM)
[2nd Revision, composing (spelling, lines etc) mistakes being corrected]

khak-pa’ey GHAWTH’E AZAM dastagir

faqeer tanzeel bukhari al-hanafi (ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014

NOTE: Rectifications of 1st Article, published by DAR – HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), have been
taken because of page numbers being mentioned in this book of revised version published by DAR - HAQQ,
send via mail to some, whereas to read online (internet) visit the DAR - HAQQ site’s collection at SCRIBD.

------------------------------- | End of the 1st Article | ------------------------------

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 312



(2nd Article)


We stated, “… but after then still some questions arise here about another one at this stage, they
are; "What about Deviators (Arabic: Munafiqoon)? Who they are and in which HIZB they fall? …”
[Topic: Hizb (Groups) | Pg.2]

Revision: “… Why Masjid’e Zar’rar was ordered to be Demolished in Quran Karim, if Masajid
are very sacred places, also called Baitullah (Urdu: *Allah ka Ghar isleyey kay eba’det ki
ja’ati hai yani qurbiyat ki wajeh sey)...? Although, when current regime (Arabic: Munafiqoon:
Kharji-Salafists) by The British backed took control (Urdu: Shab Khoon mar kr) in early
19th Century they built it again in Arab Sharif (currently Saudi Arabia), isn’t it against Quran
Karim. Think on it ...”

Note: Append following hem later (3rd revision): *Ulama say, Allah (Subhanahu) is
cleaned from Place (Arabic: Munaz’zah an’el-Maka’n[ghar ya emarat wagheiyrah]) [It is
commonly spoken or used to specify divinity (Arabic: al-Qurbiyah) only, Faqeer]. See
Kutub’e Fiqh ya Kalam (Arabic: al-Aqaid bil’Khusoos) or ask Ulama.

We stated, “… all these *questions mentioned in 1.1.a (Hizb | groups) were answered in the light
of Quran Karim, Ahadith Sharif, Aqwal’e Sahaba and A’eymma wa Masha’ikh’e Uz’zam obviously
including Sufiya’e Kiram too) but with justice (Urdu: Insaf sey), than remember In-Sha Allah wa
Rasulehi all disputes (contradictions) will be end (eliminate) naturally …” [Topic: Confusion |

Revision: “… Only Shaykh al-Shariah wa’l-Tariqah can give the true and right answers of
our queries which In-Sha Allah naturally expose The Right-Side (Urdu: Haqq) or say
prominence the Right (Arabic: al-Haqq) and Wrong (Arabic: al-Batil) … Second, common
Muslims (Sunnis) are actually the obedient and follower of Masha’ikh and Salateen, as
mentioned in Quran Sharif and Sunnah Karim too, therefore in their accordance were quite
but whenever Masha’ikh or Salateen express orders (permissible by Shariah according to
conditions) they will emerge with true and real strength (Physical and Spiritual they holds),
In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi ...”

Note: Append following hem later (3rd revision): *In forth article we have given few
appropriate answers to some of these raised queries, see their or asks Ulama.
Jazakamullahu khairah

We stated, “… by many A’eymma wa Masha’ikh mainly *Hudhrat Mujadid Alif Thani Shaykh
Ahmed al-Farooqui al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi al-Sirhandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe) [1564-1624] …”
[Topic: Two Nation Theory | Pg.3]

Revision: Append following hem later (3rd Revision) “… Read, (Mujaddid Alif Thani, Imam
Rabbani) Shaykh Ahmed Sirhandi (Alehe Rehma) Revivalist Role & Two Nation Theory, by

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 313


Muhammed Aslam Shb. [Available on Internet at Scribd] …”

We stated, “… Although during The British rule, which was nearly of 100 years and ended in last
mid century …” [Topic: Two Nation Theory | Pg.3-4]

Revision: “… There is no doubt that before The British Invasion our beloved region (al-
Hind) is fulfilled and flourished with prosperity and growth in all areas whether Social,
Political, Educational or Military and reason for this it was ruled under principles of Shariah
(Arabic: Mazhab al-Sunni’yah, Fiqh al-Hanafiy’yah) however Sectarian Conversation existed
though not like during British Rule and in nowadays [Blasphemy, Defame and Humiliation
shown to Sacred and Secret Personalities openly esp. towards (Urdu: janab main) beloved
Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) and Sahaba-e-Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) even to
Awliya Allah or any common Muslim] but there was none sectarian violence because of
Qadha’e Shariah is properly implemented (Anti Preachers or Zulama were not allowed to
speak or made basis in form of Madressah rather than thinking to raise weapon against
Khilafah or Sultanat or Mamlook) and imposed (punishment was given according to an act n
belief) …”

Footnote: Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) refers to read an article by Resp. Oriya Maqbool
Jan Shb though not agrees (Urdu: Muttafiq) about Sectarian Conversation and Hatred but
with “Hanging Crow” is the true and right solution, follow the link Url:

We stated, “… There are some very good and strong similarities between Imam Ahmed Ridha al-
Brahiechi (Alehe Rehma) and Allama Muhammed Iqbal (Alehe Rehma). How? Both (Alehem-ur-
Rehman) are Muslims (Sunni Hanafi Qad’ri) and divined personalities; …” [Topic: Imam Sahab &
Allama Sahab (Alehemur Ridhwan) | Pg.3-4]

Revision: A monthly magazine, named “Radha’e Mustafa”, circulated from Gujranwala,

Punjab Province, Pakistan has published firstly the research (visit the link below) upon
“Hudhrat Allama Dr.Muhammed Iqbal” school of thought & spiritual link, Hudhrat Allama
Muhammed Iqbal (Rehmatullah Alehe) was al-Hanafi in Fiqh, and al-Qadiri in Tariqah,
however Allama Sahab (Alehe Rehma) also visited (for blessing: faydh) Khanqah
Naqshbandiyyah Sharqpur Sharif (Punjab, Pakistan), and might be taken oath (Urdu:
Bay’et) in Tariqah as well there (it was only a speculation), because one tradition (see
‘ADD’ below) was present about being a Naqshbandi; hence research shows that we wrote
correctly, however will provide details about tradition of linked (Urdu: Bay’et) to Tariqah
al-Naqshband soon (in forth coming new article[Transcript]), In-Sha Allah . . . Allah knows
all the best. [3rd Revision]

Here is a link:


DENOTE: The tradition regarding Allama Sahab (Quddussurahul Aziz) being Naqshbandi
in tariqah was not verified by the source as valid; saying that it was only heard (revolves
in their Naqshbandi Halqah). [4th Revision]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 314


We stated, “… Another evidence of similarity as anti-deviator (Urdu: Munafiqat kay Mukhalif) …

Allama Iqbal (Alehe Rehma) said, “[*] Why doesn’t sky collapsed upon them (Urdu: In per Asman
kyun nahi tuta), why wouldn’t earth cracked upon them (In per Zameen kyun nahi phatee)”, and
after that Allama Iqbal (Alehe Rehma) has said few STANZAS in farsi against (Urdu: Radd main); …”
[Topic: Imam Sahab & Allama Sahab (Alehemur Ridhwan) | Pg. 4]

Revision: Append following “(Urdu: Munafiqat kay Mukhalif)”.

Append the following under same paragraph (3rd Revision),“… [*] We heard these words
[in this manner] that’s why wrote, however found true words of this event in written form
(it’s in Urdu language, here we are presenting in English translation), which is following:
“Mawlana (Hujjah-tul-Islam Al-Shaykh Hamid Ridha Al-Braheichi) these statements
(Urdu: Eba’raat) are blasphemous, why not sky crack upon them, sky should be fell upon
them”, says Allama Muhammed Iqbal (Alehe Rehma) which is narrated by Allama
Taqad’dus Ali Khan Al-Hanafi Al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz) in one letter …”

Further: Also append following note (1st Revision): ^Please note, those blasphemies and
controversies are the statements (lines) which related or direct assault upon the Honor
and Respect of Huzoor Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) which according to Fiqh, a
straight blasphemy & person become infidel having such intuitions. For more details see
Kutub’e Fiqh or meet Ulama’e Haqq (Ahle-Sunnat Wa-Jamaat).


We stated, “… than how come one say that if Ulama (esp. Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) doesn’t
make PAKISTAN then common MUSLIMS in the leadership of Barrister Muhammed Ali Jinnah
(Marhoom) will definitely do, upon whose CALL (Stand) and SUPPORT (Motivation) …” [Topic:
Ulama’e Kiram | Pg. 6]

Revision: “… Actually Zulama were the real problems (Urdu: bar’ray Munafiq) always (in
past n present too) that are deviated and whenever speaks deviate others only because
knowing the Truth (Urdu: Sachai) and Reality (Urdu: Haqiqat) but doesn’t accept truly to
expose it, that’s why A’eymma Kiram has excluded from line or chain of Ulama and
condemned sternly their duality and includes amongst deviators (Arabic: Munafiqoon) ...”

“… If someone includes (Urdu: Shamil) Zulama (Ulama-e-Sou, also opposing creation of

Pakistan) along with Ulama’e Haq (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah) and then enumerate or
assert such statement or perception then unfortunately have misjudged or not well familiar
with history and deviated from reality …”

“… It can be ignorance (Urdu; Nazar Andazi) or suppression (Urdu: par’da daal’na) to reality
(Urdu: Haqaiq) if knows …? But why, that is hidden ...”

We stated, “… It doesn’t mean that other Islamic countries, whether created upon nationalism
(Urdu: Qaumi’yat) which is condemnable and against the concept of one nation (Ummah)
in ISLAM, aren’t hold any Secrecy and Sacred Nations and there are no Muslims (Sunnis) …”
[Topic: Muslim States | Pg. 7]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 315


Revision: “… Then what about Makkah and Madinah, and first Qibla Bait-ul-Muqad’das, Is
Pakistan sacred than these Holy and Respectable Places …? Although other states are also
sacred and secret though only thing which has to be judge is instigation (Urdu: Fitnah)
[including Ruling Regime, as sometimes or say majorly they were the actual problem],
whether exist there or not. Think on it …”


We stated, “… After formation; question arise here that why Governor Gen. Barrister Muhammed
Ali Jinnah (Marhoom) doesn’t implements the Shariah wa Tariqah, despite Hudhrat Shaykh
Jamaat Ali Shah al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe) was supported fully and after
creation has requested …” [Topic: Query (1st Paragraph) | Pg. 8]

Revision: “… After Pakistan came into being, when beloved Shaykh, Hudhrat Jamaat Ali
Shah al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe) requested 1st Governor General of
Pakistan for implementation of Islamic System (based upon Quran Sharif and Sunnah
Karim) so he presented excuse and referred it to assembly that it will decide the ruling
system; and we all knows that ^General Gracey, 1st COAS, Pak-Army called back army from
Kashmir which was fighting there even from 1st Governor General orders he (Gen. Gracey)
presented excuse (or say refused to send); after refutation 1st Governor General then
requested Sarhad Pathans to fight and capture as much as they can (they freed current part
known as Azad Kashmir); and we all knew that 1st Governor General has been eliminated, by
giving poison from which he became sick for at least 10 months and kept in isolation in
Ziyarat, Quetta where he dies, in 1948 ... now isn’t seems like or proving TIT FOR TAT …”

We stated, “… Second. Pakistan is a STATE of fair, peaceful and unified societies (whether Sunni
(Haqq), Rafdhi (Shi’ete), Wahabi, and so on forth living) therefore we all should live together and
work because KALIMA GOH …” [Topic: Query (2nd Paragraph) | Pg. 8]

Revision: “… Reason to raises above queries in 2nd Paragraph was only to enlighten the
Contradicts (Urdu: Ikhtalafat). Though remember that Contradict (Urdu: Ikhtalaf) is not bad
or worst thing but actually it is for our recognition (Urdu: Mar’fat) otherwise how we can
realize or judge that what is right and wrong or what is good and bad or what is true and
false; contrary then what will be the Satanism and its AVERTION (Urdu: Gumrah karna) if
all is well and fine? What will be the purpose to explain chaos on earth (Arabic: Fasad fil
Ardh) and its process to eliminate? …”

We stated, “… Their approaching hold many reasons in which one is Ulama al-Kiram (Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah) anti campaign against Dictatorship of General Dhi’ya-ul-Haq
Marhoom and their boycott to Elections, although it wasn’t beneficial stand for ^us (Ahl’al-
Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), therefore land was itself clear to taking lead …” [Topic: Please Note (3rd
Paragraph) | Pg. 9]

Revision: “… Be note that, Hudhrat Allama Shah Ahmed al-Siddiqui al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri
(Rehmatullah Alehe) renown as “Noorani Mi’yan”, Leader Jamiat’e Ulama Pakistan former
All India Sunni Conference, was a divined personality and has been pardoned (Urdu:
Bakhshish) after few hard words (Urdu: Sarzanish kay ba’ad) according (Urdu:

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 316


Musha’hidah) to one Faqeer, therefore shall be praise (Fatiha) and always remember
Noorani Mi’yan Sahab (Alehe Rehma) efforts for UMMAH in good Words … And these hard
words are not like condemnation but it was just like b/w Muhib and Mehboob that, ‘told you
it would be impossible or not a right way to choose but doesn’t pay any attention’ according
to that Faqeer ...”

We stated that, “... in real wishes n praises for everyone (Urdu: Ummah) nor only Pakistan to get
on the Right-side (Arabic: al-Haqq) besides Wrong-side (Urdu: Batil) and elimination of Enemies
(whomsoever, whether Infidels or Deviators (even criminals whom defame Islam) according to
Islamic Shariah Laws ...” [Topic: Pakistan (Last Paragraph) | Pg. 10]

Revision: “… Mistakes are part of our lives (and is a good deed because it teaches; meant
from correction[islahi] aspect) and it is assured and communally agreed (Arabic: Ijma al-
Ummah) that besides selected ones [like Ambiya’e Kiram and Awliya’e Kiram (by birth)] all
can do/did mistakes, hence 1st Governor General did small mistake to present excuse (for
Islamic Model System implementation request) and refers it to assembly … About Noorani
Mian Sahab (Alehe Rehma) few tense hard words, the only thing seems that he (Alehe
Rehma) wanted to modify System (implement the Constitution, Article No.62 and 63 and
some other, as defined and stated) or change System (make it according to Islamic Model)
through Demon-Cracy which in real proves as an impractical approach (therefore all must
think for another way) …”

Note: Append following hem, “… Not necessary that Every Deviator (Urdu: Munafiq) will
be Kharji but every Kharji is an affirmed deviator (Urdu: Munafiq), prove? Current
President of Pakistan (Now former | meant Asif Ali Zardari) is a Muslim (Sunni | As per
reports, reached to us) by belief but by an act is a deviator (Arabic: Munafiq) though
forgivable if dies upon right belief after strict punishment in doomsday (Urdu: Qayamat)
but contrary those deviators (Arabic: Munafiqoon) including Kharjies are worst than
Munafiq by an act that are deviates from right Belief n Faith or refusing religion
necessities (Urdu: Zaruriyat’e Deen) that’s why unforgivable, therefore shows that true
Belief n Faith are the core essence of success. [Extracted from Kutub’e Fiqh, see their or
ask Ulama] …”

Further: Then later append further note (3rd Revision), “… This is a praise; and it is for
“on the right and justified system alike, and definitely completely, Khilafat’e Rashidah”,
and secondly for all those Muslims whom are confused, and even deviators (By Faith, &
Act as well) whom are misguided due to impure or incorrect knowledge [as all; still even
confused, or before strayed were, part of Ummah], all shall returned upon explications
and simplifications did by Ulama’e Kiram, especially by Imams of four Islamic
Jurisprudence (Arabic: bil-Khusoos A’eymma Arba’a). May Allah bi’Wasilatun Nabi al-
Karim (Alehe Salam) grant guides to all of us, and unite whole UMMAH upon one platform.
Ameen Thuma Ameen …”


We stated that, “... Recession comes, and very fortunate that always lifted upwards after downfall,
but despite the devastations and humiliation still exist and present in large numbers

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 317


Alhamdolillah ...” [Topic: 1st Paragraph) | Pg. 11]

Revision: “… The Silent Majority doesn’t meant Muslims (Sunnis) living in Pakistan only but
all around the World (other Muslim States) and also that this SILENCE is Not forever or to
long period but whenever ALLAH (Subhanahu) by WILL(Urdu: Mashiyat-O-Mansha)
execute(Urdu: hukum farmaey ga) which will appear(comes) in physical form of SULTAN
(also will be the IMAM of his Time) all Masha’ikh n Ulama n Muslims (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wal-
Jama’ah, sign ‘Ya Rasul Allah’) bi Hukum’O Fazl’e Elahi will emerge along with SULTAN in
respect(Arabic: Ata’at) and following(Arabic: itteba’a) the order(Arabic: Hukum) of ALLAH

We stated that, “... Also, a question about another important matter quoted under CAT OUT OF
BAG that, how did they (US & NATO) pay and they (Taliban) receive the money (approx $400
Million according to Zaid Hamid Shah Sb) ...” [Topic: Fiqh Narrates (Last Paragraph) | Pg. 11-12]

Revision: “… Practically there are only two ways of funding, direct interaction or indirect
channel, and in both cases Taliban can be easily grab (to eliminate) or arrest (to punish) but
this is not happening proving they don’t want to eliminate them ... And also Taliban are not
the part of solution but are the part of problem therefore must eliminate completely
otherwise instability persist in our region but if not dealt (the way must be, elimination) or
considered (as problem) than In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi upcoming sword will decide
prominently if come in our time …”


We stated that, “... Now tell us with justifiable eye (Urdu: Insaf ki Nigah sey) aren’t these
also CONTRADICT (Urdu: Ikhtilaf) or precisely are not given on the basis of perception and
politics which people (esp. Analysts) making public Antis (against) ...” [Topic: Contradict | Pg. 13-

Revision: “… Explain that is this a Justice, “People (Rulers) betraying Pakistan are the
Enemy or Hizb-Satans (Urdu: Napak Paleed) of ideological nation but people (Urdu:
Munafiqoun) defaming and humiliating the Honor and Respect of Huzoor Nabi al-Kareem
(Alehe Salat O Salam) and Sahaba-e-Kiram (Alehemur Ridhwan) as well as A’eymma Wa
Masha’ikh Kiram whom are the Ideology shouldn’t be discuss or to raise or no need to get
involved in this circle (Urdu: Maslaki ikhtalafat ya Chakkar) etc … Is Pakistan Sacred and
Secret than these beloved Personalities and Are these deviated Sects (Urdu: Munafiqoun) not
Hizb-Satans (Urdu: Napak Paleed)? (Urdu: La’hol parrh’yey) … What a Rubbish and
senseless thought and by the way who gives it and from where gets it …”

We stated that, “... An awaiting personality* will be definitely on one side (Right: Haqq) or say
biased (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), we mean The Great Sultan ...” [Topic: Right Side | Pg. 14]

Revision: “… A faqeer divulges that has seen the SULTAN leading a Prayer according to
Fiqah-e-Hanafi which affirming that beloved SULTAN will be al-Hanafi, Masha Allah …
Second, most important to note that ALLAH never sends Abdal or Ghaus or Qutub or Nuqba

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 318


in any deviated Sects from origin besides the True, Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah, see
Mashal-e-Rah …”

We stated, “… and Allah (Subhanahu) will grant success to Muslims (Sunni) and removes stepwise
these Deviated Sects from the face of an earth (Farsi: Khus kum jahan pak) in upcoming Big Wars
[According to Divined Personalities in the Light (Arabic: Sirr) of Ahadith Mubarakah], Allahu Akbar
…” [Topic: Right Side | Pg. 14]

Revision: Underlined statement seems to be contradictory or colliding to one extent, but

it’s correct in another context, actually it is a speculation [intense praise] or an
expectation [removal of Fitnah’s in Ummah as soon as possible], especially when
separating Sunni-Wahabi and Sunni-Rafdhi conflicts [that if not all then one should ends],
one before Imam Mahdi would be removed (Kharji-Wahabi) whereas another one in
Imam Mahdi’s (Radhi Allah Anhu) Time or say upon beginning of Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak
[Kharji-Rafdhi], but if we seen in the light of Ahadith’e Mubarakah, both will be presented
(as from khawarij) or might be in new form or ways (Allah and his Rasul knows)
[particularly the Kharji-Wahabites] in the Time of Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) and
which are finally finishes or eliminated by Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu), before
arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Maryam (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) whereas leftover,
including Infidels and Polythiests (Arabic: Kuffar wa Mushrikeen) completely, mutually
through Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak. Allah knows more and better. [3rd Revision]

Note: Then later append further note (1st Revision), “… Please correct that all Sectarian
Wars shall not be ignited or incited by CIA although can speculate (or say possibility exist)
Jews could fund (for erection) if any of their particular interest present in any conflict (there
is a Big difference b/w CIA and Jews) but in real mostly will be happen after implementation
of Shariah wa Tariqah upon refusing or disobeying by deviated people (Arabic: Munafiqoon)
as same they done in the Past (Arabic: Qurun al-Oala, Khilafat al-Rashidah, Abbasiyah wa
Usmaniyah) from which all are very much familiar but this time whenever it happen will be
abolish …”

We stated, “… Second, please do remember, esp. Analysts or going to jumps in this field, for
analysis regarding problems and issues related to UMMAH in the light of Islam’s Ideology and
Principles …” [Topic: Advice | Pg. 15]

Revision: “… Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) is not meant to stop people doing analysis
either they are completely wrong but in real only intention is that always keep religion
beliefs (Arabic: al-Ma’roof al-Zaru’riyat al-Deeniyah fil’Fiqh) at the TOP of your references
after then you will never deviate or can be misjudge or say dodge by any Fitnah or Culprits
(including Zulama) …”


We stated, “… Nothing will happen to Pakistan, it will remain stand as said by Sufiya’e Kiram …
We ask, Will he come from *West? He replied yes after ^Maghreb …” [Topic: Foretells | Pg. 16]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 319


Revision: “… It doesn’t meant that Pakistan will always be protected (means couldn’t lose
further area) but in real it’s a dependable factor upon stipulation and that is to give respect
and priority to beloved religion ISLAM (esp. Sayyadi Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat O Salam) and
other divined personalities), Ideology and Principles as well as linking to the Right-Side
(Urdu: Haqq) otherwise if we loses Bait-ul-Muqqaddas then why not Pakistan (or any
particular area) … From WEST faqeer bukhari (ghafaralahu) meant region (Arabic: Bilad
al-Maghreb | like Turkey, Mesir, Sham, Libya and so on forth) whereas BABA pointed out
towards time … Not necessary WAR means Ghazwa-e-Hind but it can be about other conflict
(b/w Indo-Pak) which is also expected and predicted by some Sufiya’e Kiram … ALLAH know
all the best …”

NOTE: Pointers (* | ^) upon second foretell are of first article, which has been left remain
and forwarded to this article (2nd), hence donot confused and could see first article for
their subject either; as explained (identified) under ‘DENOTE’ too (in 2nd Article, same
page). Thanks

We stated, “… But if we talk about or say seen the Fate (Urdu: Taqdeer) then desired (Ummah
rises) change will be come through awaiting personality once before Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah
Anhu) on his time …” [Topic: Change | Pg. 16-17]

Revision: “… Besides getting in further details or say disclosing secrets, because as we

stated that sometime requires strong belief and faith as well as fortitude and tolerance
which sadly majority don’t have (Urdu: sub main ZARF nahi hota) or lacking nowadays,
therefore if still not accepting (above ideology) or distinguishing (Right n Wrong Sides) then
wait (Urdu: Sabr) and all will see by themselves upon emerging sword (if come in present
Time otherwise conditions will prolong till emergence) which will distinguish and decides,
The Right Side (Arabic: al-Haqq) and The Wrong Side (Urdu: Batil) straightly …”

FINAL NOTE(s): Append following note (3rd Revision): There are some similar words in
Arabic and Urdu having same meaning (or understanding) in both languages, for instance; al-
E’man (Arabic) has same meaning (or understanding) in Urdu. Hence if reader found words
mentioned (under braces) by Urdu but also used and have same understanding in Arabic, so
has understood it righteously.

Further appends (3rd Revision): The Article contains only general or summary or partial
information (in every topic), hence lots of details as well as simplifications were not
illustrated (left) in other words it has been presented in compressed form, although we’ve
provided the links and references for details (to see their), but discussions are still continued
(some places, or under statement as “discuss or discusses in next article”), and this precaution
has been mentioned firstly in third article since onward as “deliberately (knowingly) left lots
of information or details in every topic, due to its length”, similarly about foretells, so
mentioning as, “due to tight instructions (not disclosing everything), lots of postulates exists
(regarding Qaseedah Naimatullah Sharif), and there are some restrictions of fate (esp.
emergence of awaiting personage)”, by Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu). See forth articles too.
Thanks (Jazak’mallahu Khairah)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 320


Written On:
22nd Sha’ban al-Moazzam, 1432 Hijri
Saturday, 23rd July, 2011
[1st Version, published via email (possibility of one day error exist in Islamic Date)]

Revises On:
9th Ramadhan al-Mubarak, 1432 Hijri
Tuesday, 9th August, 2011 (4:07 AM)
[1st Revision, Illustrated in Italic Style under Revision]

17th & 19th Rabi al-Thani, 1434 Hijri

Wednesday & Saturday, 27th February & 2nd March, 2013
(5:40 PM) & (4:55 AM)
[2nd Revision, Some corrections had been made, identified under Braces(in this Book)]

12th Jamadi’ul Awwal, 1434 Hijri

Monday, 25th March, 2013 (4:05 AM)
[3rd Revision, illustrated in Bold Style(in an Article), mentioned under Braces(in this Book)]

28th Zhi’qad Sharif, 1435 Hijri

Wednesday, 17th September, 2014 (3:35 AM)
[4th Revision, composing (spelling, lines etc) mistakes being corrected & few note(s) appended]

faidh’e BABA SAEED mast-shah

faqeer tanzeel bukhari al-hanafi (ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014

NOTE: Rectifications of 2nd Article, published by DAR – HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), have been
taken because of page numbers being mentioned in this book of revised version published by DAR - HAQQ,
send via mail to some, whereas to read online (internet) visit the DAR - HAQQ site’s collection at SCRIBD.

------------------------------- | End of the 2nd Article | ------------------------------

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 321

Rise of an Ummah from al-Maghreb

(3rd Article)


At the beginning of this article we have presented few (nearly four) verses with less pretext
(Urdu: Tafsir) along with interpretations (taken from Jurisprudence Books & concerned
transcripts) did by Ulama’e Kiram, that are came under (or say in the light/teachings) of these
verse, however later added a pretext (Urdu: Tafsir) from Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas
under ‘ADD NOTE’. [Pg. 3-5]

Revision: Append following DENOTE, “… In forth article we have explained [in brief] that
if Ruler (Malik or Ameer or Hakim) is not an ALIM, neither following Ulama’e Kiram (as
per Fatawa’jat wagheiy’rah) nor implements, even state has or not practicing Islamic
Model (Ruling; meant political) then what shall Muslims do. (See their, Thanks) …” [Topic:
Obey | Pg. 4]

Append Further: Discuss this matter with detail (keeping present situations in front) in
this book as well. [3rd Revision]

Revision: Append following DENOTE, “… Both explanation of same Ayah Tafsir(s) are
highlighting or say subjecting the same context, meant in Tanwir al-Miqbas, it was
mentioning compressively (Arabic: Mukh’tasaren ya taqu’lu Isha’raten) about Tribes fight.
“... And remember Allah's favor unto you) by giving you Islam: (how ye were enemies)
before Islam (and He made friendship between your hearts) through Islam (so that ye
became as brothers by His grace) by His religion, Islam ...”, whereas the first one (which
was presented before later addition) of same was expressing comprehensively (Arabic:
Wa’dheh) the actual background (Tribes fight) upon which this Ayah Sharif was sent
(Arabic: Nuzool) …” [Topic: Partitions | Pg. 5]

Finally append a safety NOTE, under square braces.

We stated, “…Muslims and Infidels including Deviators ahead was only to enlighten the
Contradicts (Urdu: Ikhtalafat) not meant to ignite Conflict (they will be happen naturally in future
(See Denote[*] on next pg.) …” [Topic: Muslims (2nd Paragraph) | Pg. 6-7]

Revision: Append following DENOTE, ”… In forth articles, if possible, then we’ll explain
those major factors or possible causes of it which could make a way for eruption or
ignition …”

We stated, “… although by an Act is also condemnable and punishable but will be *forgive (Arabic:
Magh’firah) In-sha Allah …” [Topic: Deviators (2nd Paragraph) | Pg. 7-8]

Revision: Ulama says, that would be from or say because of blessings (Arabic: Shafa’at) of
Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam). Allah knows the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 322


We stated, “… they belongs to Hizb-us-Satanists too, and will be send to Hell forever, narrow than
Infidels …” [Topic: Deviators (3rd Paragraph) | Pg. 8]

Revision: We wrote “Sent” instead of “Send”.

We stated, “… according to Ulama, 72 groups (sects) burn into Hell because of their wrong beliefs
(Deviation from ^True Path of Muslims known as Ahl’al-Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah) …” [Topic:
Deviators (3rd Paragraph) | Pg. 8]

Revision: ^In next article, we have depicts about the true path or right sect (Arabic:
Furqah Naji’yyah).

We stated, “… Kharji-Qad’yanies, mentioned in *Ahadith’e Mubarakah by pointing (Arabic:

Ishara’ah) towards east from Madinah Tayyibah and highlights them as Hizb emerges to refute
the Fardhiyat of Jihad …” [Topic: Deviators (4th Paragraph) | Pg. 9]

Revision: *Ulama says, “traditions (Arabic: Riwa’yaat) that pointed towards east were
mostly about Ardh’e Najad”. But there is another one also which reveals, pointing
similarly towards east, that group will emerge and would be the denial of Fardhiyat’e
Jihad (Fight through sword) against infidels (Arabic: Kuffar; Yahud’O Nasara
wagheiy’rahum), although debatable regarding its chain of authenticity (Arabic: Sanad)
amongst Ulama. [But its validation (quote application) seems to be realistic after
emergence of kharji-Qadiyan’ies in last century, during British rule over India, and
considered Jihad against Infidels as abandoned, Faqeer]. Allah knows the best.

Append later following DENOTE, “… We heard this tradition (upon kharji-Qad’yanies)

also in one address (Urdu: Ba’yan) given by eminent scholar Hudhrat Allama Air-Com.
(Retd.) Muhammed Mazharuddin Siyalvi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Afdhalahum) at the
blissful gathering for Mawlid Sharif (in Karachi) few years ago. Allah knows all the best …”

NOTE: Tradition was also heard by Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu) brother Syed Ghufran
Bukhari al-Hanafi (Baralkallahum), Madressah Colleague Mawlana Hafiz Muhammed
Dhiya-ul-Mustafa al-Qad’ri (Barakallahum), and Ustadh Mawlana Sufi Muhammed
Irfan’ullah al-Ansari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) in the same blessed
session. [4th Revision]

We stated, “… If *read Quran Karim, Ahadith Sharif, Aqwal’e Sahaba and A’eymma wa Masha’ikh
Kiram (Obviously including Sufiya’e Kiram too) books (Arabic: Kutub) …” [Topic: Deviators (5th
Paragraph) | Pg. 9]

Revision: *An objection can be put; even present in justification by deviators too (for
their prove to be on the right side), that everyone claims to be on right path, and brought
evidences from Quran and Sunnah too, now in that circumstances what we will do or to
whom shall we follows? Answer(s) for this will be render in forth articles (few given in
fourth one).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 323


We stated, “… if any particular Nation or Tribe or Family refutes to follow or obey Shari’ah for
which ^Hadd’e Shara’ey is inevitable …” [Topic: Fiqah Narration | Pg. 9]

Revision: ^See Kutub’e Fiqh Wagheiy’raha, bil-Khusoos bab al-Hadood al-Shari’ah or ask
Ulama’e Kiram.

We stated, “… Allah (Subhanahu) will grant success to Muslims (Sunni) and removes stepwise these
Deviated Sects from this face of an earth (Farsi: Khus kum jahan pak) in upcoming Big Wars
(According to Divined Personalities in the Light (Sirr) of Ahadith Mubarakah) …” [Topic: Fiqah
Narration | Pg. 9-10]

Revision: Append following Note, “… Underlined: This statement seems to be

contradictory or colliding to one extent, but its fine in one perspective, actually it is a
speculation [intense praise] or an expectation [removal of Fitnah’s in Ummah as soon as
possible], especially when separating Sunni-Wahabi and Sunni-Rafdhi conflicts [that if not
all then one should ends], one before Imam Mahdi would be removed (Kharji-Wahabi)
whereas another one in Imam Mahdi’s (Radhi Allah Anhu) Time or say after Jihad’e Azeem
Mubarak [Kharji-Rafdhi], but if we seen in the light of Ahadith’e Mubarakah, both will be
presented (as from khawarij) or might be in new form or ways (Allah and his Rasul
knows) in the Time of Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) and they will be finally eliminated
by Sidna Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) along-with Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Mar’yam
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) completely through Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak. Allah knows more and
better. Jazak’mallahu Khairah …”


We stated, “… Then Why Wars (I and II occurred, Destruction in the name of War on Terror is
underway, and III^ will happen) …” [4th Paragraph | Pg. 11]

Revision: ^Not necessary that 3rd World War will be the Armageddon (Arabic:
Hurmajdoon) or Armageddon is particularly the 3rd World War, big wars alike
Armageddon are expectable before true Armageddon, and this possibility has revealed in
next article. Allah knows the best. Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu).

We stated, “… Actually, some people (including Muslims, so called *modern educated but without
religious knowledge) have perception or thought that ISLAM doesn’t have or provide any
structure for POLITICS …” [Topic: Capitalism (4th Paragraph) | Pg. 13]

Revision: *Some readers (only worldly educated) may be feel dishearten or angry or even
reject (as per their ego), although we have gave some answer in next artcle whereas few
more will be render in forth articles.


We stated, “… means taking bribes etc so it is his personal Act (Arabic: Fa’al al-Zat’i) which is a sin
however but forgivable*, and now it is a matter (Arabic: Mo’amlah) between Allah (Subhanahu)
and him as passed away …” [Topic: al-Shareef Yousuf Ali Chishti | Pg. 18-19]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 324


Revision: Ulama says, Sidna Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessings (Arabic:
Sha’faat) is for sins (Arabic: al-Saghira wa’l-Kabirah) or are for sinners particularly, once
left this world with right belief n faith. Although, they further add that in doomsday all
(including Ambiya/Awliya) will be given/provided benefits from His Holiness n Eminence
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) blessings as per their rank (Urdu: Husb’e Ma’qam). See Kutub’e
Seerah or asks Ulama. Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu). Allah knows the best.

We stated, “… Because of few doubts, Taliban aren’t looking VALIID movement for Ummat’e Rasul
(Alehe Salat-O-Salam) contrary seem chaotic (Arabic: Fasadi) …” [Topic: Taliban | Pg. 20-21]

Revision: Provided video link in this regards in our first artcile, hence later-on appended
the true words of Shaykh Abdur-Rehman Djonabi Sahab (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
everywhere, this topic have been forwarded (or being discussed | See there).


We stated under footnote, “… Spiritual Intelligences given by Sultan Al-Awliya (Rehmatullah

Alehe) in this Sohba is actually about *Collapse of Governments (Regimes) based upon Demon-
Crazy particularly not means highlighted States itself (partition) …” [Topic: 1.All Regimes Will
Collapse in 2011 | Pg. 22]

Revision: Events (matters) reported in this blessed Sohbah has forwarded, however
some partially have happened (after fall of regimes in some states, like Mesir, Libya,
Yemen etc) since the mentioned period, and leftover (fall of regimes in some states) are
expectable (may be depends upon emergence of Sahib al-Waqt). We have discussed some
in next article, and will highlights furthermore in forth one. Allah knows the best
[3rd Revision]

We stated under footnote, “… spiritual Intelligences (Musha’hida’at) explained (Ba’yan) by Sultan

Al-Awliya (Rehmatullah Alehe) in this Sohba is specifying IMAM of TIME (Sahib’ul Waqt)
prominently …” [Topic: 2.Appearance of Sahib’ul Waqt (The Great Sultan) | Pg. 23]

Revision: Mentioned little about Him (indicates | Isha’raten) in last one and few about in
next one, and will do further in forth coming article. In-Sha Allah.

We stated under footnote, “… Insitgation (Urdu: fitnah) signifies by Sultan Al-Awliya

(Rehmatullah Alehe) is about ongoing current REVOLTS around the Muslim Nations (esp. in Arab
World) therefore it is better to stay away from them. …” [Topic: 3.Don’t Invovle yourself in Fitnah |
Pg. 23]

Revision: Foretell is still valid and relevant since revealed; and best way of protection
(from FITNAH), which is also revealed by Sultan al-Awliyah (Rehmatullah Alehe) is by
doing Zikr’O Azkar (Tilawat Sharif, Mahafil’e Milad, Wazaif Wagheiy’raha), or be with
Masha’ikh’O Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), and do (act) as per their teachings [esp.
Sultan al-Awliya (Rehmatullah Alehe)]. Allah knows the best.
[3rd Revision]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 325


We stated under footnote, “… About Precautions for Muharram, so Sultan Al-Awliya (Rehmatullah
Alehe) also right and is advisable to acquire, as some events are expected to happen however if
doesn’t so not means they wouldn’t happen in future …” [Topic: 4.Precaution for Muharram al-
Haram | Pg. 23-24]

Revision: Foretell is still relevant since revealed; because every passing year that didn’t
sees or have fall of regime, particular described states, wouldn’t happens so that
means/shows or probability exists of happening in future, or say upcoming identified
month. Allah knows the best.

We stated, “… Nothing will happen to Pakistan, it will remain stand as said by Sufiya’e Kiram,
IN-SHA ALLAH …” [Topic: Divined Personality(Baba) | Pg. 24]

Revision: ^Remembers, none of them happened yet, however 1st one italic dark foretell
(separated by Dots), is going to be true as present regime didn’t fall neither removed
hence tenure seems to be completing. Allah knows the best.
[1st Revision]

Revision: Foretell about Govt. Removal, has been transpired as present regime didn’t fall
neither removed contrary has completed its tenure, whereas coming again (this regime)
and then the 3rd part (separated from dots again) will be discuss in forth coming article to
the next. Allah knows all the best.

Foretell about Awaiting Personage, has befall partially when Sahib-ul-Waqt took charge,
spiritually and physically (authorised) as said (revealed) by Sultan al-Awliya
(Rehmatullah Alehe), whereas 2nd part (separated from dots, in bold about charge) is left
and surely becomes transpire whenever appear and take leads. Allah knows all the best.

Foretell about clashes (fierce fight), is dependable upon some factors that have been
depicted partially in next article whereas in forth coming article we’ll highlight some more
details. Allah knows all the best.
[2nd Revision]

DENOTE: An article (3rd) was written during the Former President Zardari tenure,
therefore by govt. (or say regime) means PPP Demon-Crazy Regime.
[3rd Revision]

We stated, “… For further understanding (or information) first kindly read (click the link below
given under 1) the very right and simplest answer gave by Sufi Scholar Hudhrat Shah Sahab
(Sallamahu) …” [Topic: Specification | Pg. 25-26]

Revision: 1. Why Spiritual Predictions are not Time Specific (Lecture, 20-08-2006)

Question: Some Sufi Saints (Awliya Kiram) have foretold the future events, commonly
which are described or some of which I have read, predictions of Naimat Ullah Shah Wali
are quite famous and there are also by others but these predictions are not very clear and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 326


time specific, many consequences can be drawn from them, what is the reason that these
predictions are in such pattern?

Answer: Actually this is not done deliberately, if somebody is blessed with abundance of
spiritual knowledge, it will complement his clarity of expression. He will be clearer in his
expression. Someone has seen something through Kashf (Influx), if he lacks in knowledge,
his clarity of expression will be less. This is one point.

2nd thing is, due to the fear of misuse of these predictions, sometimes covert is left in
these predictions, especially time is not being specifically mentioned, as this event will
occur in that date, month or year etc. You will not see exact time indication in any of these
spiritual foretelling or predictions because this thing will astray people even the Holy
Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) who had the highest knowledge after God and
whom God has shown Him maximum hidden things. When He (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) told the signs of End times, He (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) didn’t mentioned exact
time (date). Signs are linked with each other and also are in sequence but time is not
mention, still if you see these end time predictions, these are very definite and very clear
because there is abundance of knowledge which our Holy Prophet (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) has.

Similarly the things which Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajho had told, they are also very
clear. Other great saints also have same situation. Normally, Aulia Allah refrains from
doing foretelling or predictions but if something said from their tongue (not deliberately
did), you will see, it will be very clear but time is not being specified.
[2nd Revision]

We stated, “… Specifically in crucial circumstances when too much chaos n anarchy (Arabic:
Fitnah wa Fasad) including hopelessness being spread by Satan (Arabic: Kuffar wa Munafiqoon
bil’Khusoos) …” [Topic: Specification | Pg. 26-27]

Revision: However there were uncounted miracles, written and explained by Ulama
(Sufiya), that expressed by Awliya regarding event(s)/matter(s) in which date & time
were mentioned, and those event(s)/matter(s) were happened exactly on their specified
date & time. If possible, so we’ll discuss this matter in some detail in forth article, until for
more details see kutub’e Tasaw’wuf or asks Ulama. Allah knows all the best.
[1st Revision]

Revision: A phrase, “. . . not every Muslim have strong faith or understanding (though
always praise for that) therefore can begin to think (Khad’sha) or dodge (al-Dagh’ah:
Dho’ka) by Satan about Shaykh or Foreteller as Allah or as a partner (al-Shareek al-Haqiqi)
in Control or Fate and many other related intuitions (Assault on Heart from Satan)”, so
would like to elucidate that actually Shaykh or Foreteller, whom reveals or does alike
discussions (Urdu: Kalam), were a chosen person and in reward also becomes a secret
keeper (Urdu: Majazi Raz’Dan), even some highly divined rank (like Ghawth’ul Azam,
Abdal, Qutub al-Aqtab Wagheiy’rahum) were awarded (Urdu: Tasar’rufat) control of
worldly matters either, and it was all granted (Urdu: Atai) from Allah all-Mighty’ own will
(Urdu: Mansha’o Mardhi).

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 327


Second, it (an intuition; until not make it faith and declares or

says from Tongue) didn’t makes a Muslim polytheist (for instance; like Buddhists), Ma’az
Allah, if someone thought (from complete expression or even revised note elucidation),
however Kharji-Salafists particularly considered/counted such matters as polytheism
(compares to Buddhism], although here debating about satanic assaults on heart (and had
mentioned too in braces), because ULAMA says, if one confessing Kalima’at (all six) from
Tongue [and isn’t a refuter of any religion necessities (Zaruriyat’e Diniyah) either],
offering prayers five times (as per any specific amongst four schools), doing fast in
Ramadhan, paying Zakat (becomes obligatory, as wealth reaches certain amount after
passing year), go for Hajj (as per eligibility criteria) and performs necessary SUNNAH as
inculcated, as well as act upon Musteh’bat Wagheiy’rahum, one would be considered and
remained as MUSLIM; even if not following or linked to any Tari’qah (though shall joined
must, and strive for heart cleanliness also). Fa’fahum (keep considering), Allah knows all
the best. Faqeer Bukhari (ghafaralahu)
[2nd Revision]

FINAL NOTE(s): Append following note (2nd Revision): There are some similar words in Arabic
and Urdu having same meaning (or understanding) in both languages, for instance; al-E’man
(Arabic) has same meaning (or understanding) in Urdu. Hence if reader found words mentioned
(under braces) by Urdu but also used and have same understanding in Arabic, so has understood
it righteously. [Topic: Correction | Pg. 28]

Written On:
16th Muharram al-Haram, 1433 Hijri
Sunday, 11th December, 2011 (5:09 PM)
[1st Version, published via email (possibility of one day error exist in Islamic Date)]

Revises On:
22nd Rabi al-Thani Sharif, 1434 Hijri
Tuesday, 5th March, 2013
[1st Revision, Illustrated in Italic Style under Revision]

12th & 14th Jamadi’ul Awwal Sharif, 1434 Hijri

Saturday & Monday, 23rd March & 25th March, 2013
[2nd Revision, illustrations has been pointed-out onto their respected places]

barkat’e SULTAN al-AWLIYAH wa fuqarah

faqeer tanzeel bukhari al-hanafi (ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014
[3 Revision, composing (spelling etc) being corrected & few note(s) appended]

NOTE: Rectifications of 2nd Article, published by DAR – HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), have been
taken because of page numbers being mentioned in this book of revised version published by DAR - HAQQ,
send via mail to some, whereas to read online (internet) visit the DAR - HAQQ site’s collection at SCRIBD.

------------------------------- | End of the 3rd Article | ------------------------------

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 328


Strength of an Ummah in al-Mashreq

(4th Article | or a transcript)


We stated, “… and Allah (Subhanahu) will grant success to Muslims (Sunni) and removes stepwise
these Deviated Sects from this face of an earth (Farsi: Khus kum jahan pak) in upcoming Big Wars
…” [Topic: Addition(Jurisprudence Narration) | Pg. 17-18]

Revision: This statement seems to be contradictory or colliding to one extent, but it’s fine
in another (one) context, actually it is a speculation [intense praise] or an expectation
[removal of Fitnah’s in Ummah as soon as possible], especially when separating Sunni-
Wahabi and Sunni-Rafdhi conflicts [that if not all then one should ends], one before Imam
Mahdi would be removed (Kharji-Wahabi) whereas another one in Imam Mahdi’s (Radhi
Allah Anhu) Time or say upon beginning of Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak [Kharji-Rafdhi], but if
we seen in the light of Ahadith’e Mubarakah, both will be presented (as from khuwarij) or
might be in new form or ways (Allah and his Rasul knows) in the Time of Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu) and which are finally finishes or eliminated by Sidna Imam Mahdi
(Radhi Allah Anhu), some before arrival of Sidna Hudhrat Esa Bin Marium (Alehe Salat-O-
Salam) whereas all others, including Infidels and Polythiests (Arabic: Kuffar wa
Mushrikeen) completely, mutually through Jihad’e Azeem Mubarak. Allah knows more
and better.
This [Revised Note] correction was also done in 2nd Article, from where it has
been taken, hence could see their too, second in next article we’ll look this matter in
further details (includes all previous, since first article, depictions under it). Jazak’mallahu

We stated, “… Ulama says, “Ahadith’e Mubarakah are very averting”, and they added further in
that “but not the faqih (Jurisprudence Master) …” [Topic: Jurisprudence Importance &
Blessings(Footnote) | Pg. 22-23]

Revision: Same about Quran Majeed, as it was mentioned too, which depicts (Urdu:
Mafhoom) “where this Book guides (towards right direction) similarly averts too” and
Ulama has explained its definition, see kutub’e fiqh or concerned books or asks Ulama,
hence to be safe from misinterpretation that leads oneself as well as others (if follows)
towards astray which results hell forever (for all), it would be much better and advisable
too, either learn properly (gain knowledge) otherwise present Tafsir (from authentic and
renown Tafasir | like Tanwir al-Miqbas, Khazin, Durr’e Masoor, Jalalayn, Mazhari etc) along
with Jurisprudence Narration or Seerah References or both, wherever taking reference
(evidence) while quoting; OR avoid to do so (donot quote until not knows precisely | all
necessary illuminations) but not the recitation (in prayers, or besides etc). Allah knows all
the best. [1st Revision]

Also see, Url:

DENOTE: It is mentioned in Quran Majeed, “(Mafhoom) … Allah sends astray many by

it and guides many and Bends astray those by it who are disobedient … [s.2:v.26]”

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 329


and Ulama has explained its definition [Tafsir’e Mazhari: ... Whenever there comes a
verse, one nation called belief upon it and receive guidance from it whereas
another nation refute it and becomes astray ... (Pg.106)], also see kutub’e fiqh or
concerned books or asks Ulama, hence to be safe from misinterpretation that leads
oneself as well as others (if follows) towards astray which results hell forever (for all), it
would be much better and advisable too, either learn properly (gain knowledge)
otherwise present Tafsir (from authentic and renown Tafasir | like Tanwir al-Miqbas,
Khazin, Durr’e Masoor, Jalalayn, Mazhari etc) along with Jurisprudence Narration or
Seerah References or both, whenever taking reference (evidence) while quoting; OR avoid
to do so (donot quote until not knows precisely; all necessary illuminations) but not the
recitation (in prayers, or besides etc). Allah knows all the best.
In context of this verse, an
eminent scholar writes, “(Mafhoom) … Many people will be led astray by the Qur'aan
and many people will receive guidance from it …” In this Command, becoming strayed
is mentioned first. So it is proved that every one who recites the Qur'aan is not the one
who is guided. This does not, however, at all mean that the Qur’aan leads people astray.
This only means that such people do not understand words and meanings of the Qur'aan
as had been originally intended; rather they give importance to their personal opinion and
change the meaning of the Qur'aan on the basis of their defective knowledge and, thus,
pave the way to their own ruination and destruction. [Excerpts from Deoband to Bareli, by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Kaukab Noorani Okarvi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat
[2nd Revision]


There were no revisions being done on this part of last article (or say a transcript) later
(remained as earlier).


We stated, “… Thus, from there all will stride under Imam Sahib (Radhi Allah Anhu) banner
liberating all Muslim Lands comes in their way till Sham al-Sharif where they will have to stay and
made camps because Infidels have brings massive army in opposition (Arabic: Mukha’lifat),
comprising upon 80 Flags where under each flag there will be 12000 men (totaling 9,60,000*),
and while reaching or after arriving Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will be then joins by
Khorasan’s Black Flag Army lead by Ahle-Bayt Banu’Abbas lineage personage, whom are also
striding from Khorasan towards al-Mashriq al-Wusta (Sham al-Sharif) liberating all Muslim Lands
comes in their way being captured by Infidels …” [Topic: Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) | Pg. 40]

Revision [*]: By Mistake (Typing error), we wrote 7,20,000 which is definitely incorrect,
because 12*8=96, hence correct total is 9,60,000. Jazak’mallahu Khairah
[1st Revision]

DENOTE: Though some Ulama has written 7,20,000 figure as well.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 330


We stated, “… first, Sidi Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Hanafi al-Braheichi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
speculated (foretell) that Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) will emerge after 1837 Hijri (might be
in 1900 Hijri, as 19th Islamic Century Revivalist, faqeer) when all Islamic Government, even by
name, would not left or existed upon planet earth. Sidi Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Rehmatullah Alehe) extracted this date from Sidi Muhiyuddin Ibne Arabi al-Qadiri al-Shadhili
(Quddussurahul Aziz) Futuhat’e Mak’kiyyah Sharif …” [Topic: Imam Mahdi (Radhi Allah Anhu) :
ADDITION | Pg. 41-42]

Revision [*]: We wrote (or say linked), Sidna Shaykh’e Akbar Muhiyyuddin Ibne Arabi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) “Al-Shadhili” in Tariqah, however in Futuhat’e Makkiyah Sharif
prologue (Muqad’dimah), which we got n read recently, a chain has been given of his
order expressing “Al-Qadiri” in Tariqah, though remembers such highly divined and
ranked personages, were not only linked to one chain but holds other chains
authorization (Ijazah) too. Jazak’mallahu Khairah
[1st Revision]

NOTE: It has been rectified on last transcript. Thanks

[2nd Revision]

We stated, “… Then in last Article, we illustrated that “First, humiliation and showing disrespect
to the Holy Relic, “Jubba Sharif” . . . to one documentary report which was made by Non-
Muslims (BBC Team) …” [Topic: Taliban | Pg. 45]

Revision [*]: We have written down the true words of Hudhrat al-Shaykh Abdur-Rehman
al-Djonabi Sahab (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah), for more satisfaction. See their.
[1st Revision]


We stated, “… Objection: Therefore one could say that it means it is not a good medium (e-Media)
to share or exchange information. Answer: In one aspect yes (shall be avoided), but similarly in
other context if desired to use then should be righteously and with justice. Rather than going in to
details we would like to recommend our recipients (all) to read (online) or download (PDF) the
transcript, follow the link below; Jazakamallahu Khairah …” [Topic: Nations | Pg. 45]

Revision: Adds another link, Url:

[1st Revision]

We illustrated under Al-Mashriq, demographies of some Asian countries, in which also discussed
China & India hence in same regards have added some vital information later on, under
reectification. [Topic: al-Mashriq | Pg-58-64]

Revision: There are difference of opinion or say debate (in regards of contradiction)
exists regarding Sikandar’e Azam Sidi Zulqarnain (Alehe Salam) Nabuwwah, some Ulama
says that He (Alehe Salam) was a Rasool and Nabi, whereas some says He (Alehe Salam)
was only Nabi nor Rasool, and there is a difference (Rank | Munsab) between Rasool and

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 331


Nabi, whereas some Ulama says He (Alehe Salam) was neither Rasool nor Nabi, but very
fearer to Allah, pious, generous and worshiper, in other words Kamil Wali.
About using or writing
“Alehe Salat-O-Salam” or “Alehe-Salam” other than Ambiya, so Ulama says it is permissible
to write upon Pious people (Awliyah) too. See Kutub’e Fiqh or asks Ulama.
Muslims has ruled HIND
nearly 1000 year’s approx before their down fall to The British Empire, in 1857 A.D.
[1st Revision]


We stated, “… Sidi al-Shaykh Abdul-Kareem al-Kibrisi (Rehmatullah Alehe), the collapse of

regimes event has been forwarded from this (recently passed) Muharram (1433 Hijri, 2011 A.D)
to upcoming Muharram (1434 Hijri, 2012 A.D) as it was said before that will occurred (took
place) from previous Muharram of 1432 Hijri (2010 A.D) to this (recently passed) Muharram
(1433 Hijri, 2011 A.D). However, possibility exists of further delays meant may be postponed
(events) till next coming Muharram (1435 Hijri, 2013 A.D) …” [Topic: Solution | Pg.69]

Revision: This sohbah revealed matters are forwarding ahead, however some partially
has happened (after fall of regimes in some states, like Mesir, Libya, Yemen etc) since the
mentioned period, and leftover (fall of regimes in some states) are expectable (may be
depends upon emergence of Sahib al-Waqt). We have discussed some in this article, and
will highlights furthermore in forth one. Allah knows the best.
[1st Revision]

We stated, “… Sahib-ul-Waqt is present amongst us but due to Hikmat’e Elahiyyah (waiting for an
order actually) not appearing publicly for while, and he is not from Pakistan or say a Pakistani but
will come and take control soon (Spiritually Pakistan is under his command, let see when takes
physically) …” [Topic: Solution | Pg.69]

Revision: Mentioned little about Him (indicated: Isha’raten) in 2nd & 3rd Article, and some
about in this one, and will do further in forth coming article. In-Sha Allah.
[1st Revision]

NOTE: Earlier we wrote “few”, now altered with “some”

We stated, “… O’Dear, those who acquired these precautions in Muharram (1433 Hijri), as stated
by Sultan Al-Awliya (Rehmatullah Alehe), and founds that nothing had happened (event of
collapse, and civil war) in their respected territories then why it has been revealed? …” [Topic:
Solution | Pg.70]

Revision: Foretell is still valid and relevant since revealed; and best way of protection
(from FITNAH), which is also revealed by Sultan al-Awliyah (Rehmatullah Alehe) is by
doing Zikr’O Azkar (Tilawat Sharif, Mahafil’e Milad, Wazaif Wagheiy’raha), or be with
Masha’ikh’O Ulama (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), and do (act) as per their teachings [esp.
Sultan al-Awliya (Rehmatullah Alehe)]. Allah knows the best.
[1st Revision]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 332


We stated, “… *Current Govt. is very strong therefore if not remove than will complete its Tenure
(of 5 years), and will be elect or come again for next term (of 5 years) … (May be we loose
something first) …” [Topic: Solution | Pg.71]

REVISION: The 2st part of foretell (separated from Dots, in bold italic about Govt.), has
been transpired as present regime didn’t fall neither removed contrary has completed its
tenure, whereas coming again (this regime) and then the 3rd part (separated from dots
again) will be discuss in next article. Allah knows all the best.
[1st Revision]

We stated, “… ^(he has come, and takes charge soon) …” [Topic: Solution | Pg.71]

REVISION: This foretell is befall partially when Sahib-ul-Waqt took charge, spiritually and
physically as said (revealed) by Sultan al-Awliya (Rehmatullah Alehe), whereas 2nd part
(separated from dots, in bold about charge to lead) is left and surely becomes transpire
whenever appear and take charge. Allah knows all the best.
[1st Revision]

We stated, “… ~there is a danger of war ahead upon us … (a very fierce or dangerous fight very …
with *INDIA) … (too much blood will flow) ...” [Topic: Solution | Pg.71]

REVISION: These foretell are dependable upon some factors that have been depicted
partially in this Article whereas in next article we’ll discuss in some detail. Allah knows all
the best.
[1st Revision]

We stated, “… whether nothing happens, if someone noticed, then Olympics opening and closing
ceremony has actually gave (delivered) the message already, which was based and designed
especially and called (or say whole event was dedicated to) “Spirit of Zionism” and also said as
revival (“Rise of Paganism”), and so if one event has passed without any odd happening then
remembers they have still one ahead in their pockets, that is *London Paralympics 2012, starting
from 29th August 2012 and finishes on 9th September 2012, and if we look so they have their
special numbers hidden in it too ...” [Topic: Finally | Pg.75-76]

REVISION: As mentioned already that can be thrown into dustbin, because an odd
observation, and nothing has happened as expectable severe yet, however later on after
publishing of this article (via email), another angle that is also looking quite possible, that
might be it is a signal towards any preplanned move or event later on after London
Olympics 2012 (in short period, or far but before coming of new Olympics), because as we
stated “… if someone noticed, then Olympics opening and closing ceremony has
actually gave (delivered) the message already, which was based and designed
especially and called (or say whole event was dedicated to) “Spirit of Zionism” and
also said as revival (“Rise of Paganism”) ...”
Praises for all that may Allah saved from the
satanic evil plans, and its severe aftereffects. Ameen Thum’ma Ameen.
[1st Revision]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 333


ADDITION: Finally in references, add one more authentic book, actually renowned
simplification (Sha’rah) of Tafsir Ibne Abbas, real version in Arabic whereas its English
translation was used, name “Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibne Abbas”.

Written On:
24th Shawwal al-Mubarak, 1433 Hijri
Tuesday, 11th September, 2012 (5:09 PM)
[1st Version, published via email]

Revises On:
10th Jamadi’ul Awwal Sharif, 1434 Hijri
Friday, 22nd March, 2013
[1st Revision, Illustrated in under Addition & Rectification]

Ju’mayrat, 28th Zhi’qad Sharif, 1435 Hijri

Thursday, 25th September, 2014
[2nd Revision, corrections (composing) and few note(s) being appended (here in book)]

Lab’bayk Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)

faqeer tanzeel bukhari al-hanafi (ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014

NOTE: Rectifications of 2nd Article, published by DAR – HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), have been
taken because of page numbers being mentioned in this book of revised version published by DAR - HAQQ,
send via mail to some, whereas to read online (internet) visit the DAR - HAQQ site’s collection at SCRIBD.

------------------------------- | End of the 4th Article (Transcript) | ------------------------------

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 334

ADDITION (Review | Nu’kat)

[RESEARCH] We wrote, “… After Pakistan came into being, when beloved Shaykh, Hudhrat
Jamaat Ali Shah al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe) requested 1st Governor General of
Pakistan for implementation of Islamic System (based upon Quran Sharif and Sunnah Karim) so
he presented excuse and referred it to assembly that it will decide the ruling system; and we all
knows that General Gracey, 1st COAS, Pak-Army called back army from Kashmir which was
fighting there even from 1st Governor General orders he (Gen. Gracey) presented excuse (or say
refused to send); after refutation 1st Governor General then requested Sarhad Pathans to fight and
capture as much as they can (they freed current part known as Azad Kashmir); and we all knew
that 1st Governor General has been eliminated, by giving poison from which he became sick for at
least 10 months and kept in isolation in Ziyarat, Quetta where he dies, in 1948 ... now isn’t seems
like or proving TIT FOR TAT … [2nd Article | Pg.8]” Review: Underlined bold words needs
research because circulated (Tradition | Rivayat) amongst common Muslims (in Pakistan), that’s
why wrote as listening since childhood; might be propaganda against founder of Pakistan.
Second, to know about founder’s religious perspective (Muslim | Sunni), read Maslak’e Quaid’e
Azam by Hudhrat Allama Shabbir Hussein Shah Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum).
Allah knows all the best.

[REPRESSION] We wrote, “… However remember, whether we don’t wish or want, it will occur
(Sectarian War | Sunni-Wahabi & Sunni-Rafdhi) in future decisively … [2nd Article | Pg.14]” though
illuminated (Highlighted | I’sharah) a point in forth article, “… Remembers, that in this collision,
one will rise and one will fall, as Power, but in this fight third will take benefit and took control,
In-Sha Allah wa Rasulehi … [4th Article | Pg.57]” Review: We presented then verse (s.9:v.73) in
fourth article; justified it in an aspect (Both | Sirr & Fight). Second, revealed on July-2011 (Earlier
| Second-one) and then September-2012 (Latter | Fourth-one), though before was about far future
but has began meant earlier (Happening | Muta’waqqey) together, but can’t deny in far future
(repetition). Therefore would like to rectify that in these simultaneous conflicts at Iraq (After
withdrawal | Begun since invasion) and Sham (Since uprising | Protests converted havoc), that has
been now striking by an old archenemy (on name of elimination | Funded Terrorism) too; US &
Coalition alongwith Israel (playing from both sides | ISIS/ISIL/FSA etc) whereas Russians was at
another side (Syrian Socialist Regime | Seculars[Shiete]) say opponent, hence soon both will
collides (even if not) and from here third will emerge (As fighting | Muslims[Sufiyah esp.]). Third,
it is a conflict between deviators (Backed or Plotted | West & Israel particularly) whereas
confronted to both by Muslims therefore don’t relate or called it Sunni-Arabs and Iran’s Shiete
war, but in real Salafi (Saudia & Allies | US & West Supported) & Shiete (Iran & Allies | US & Russia
Supported) fight which is confronted to both by Muslims (third strength). Fourth, actually have
formed (Made | Deliberately) a three sides (Trica | West & Arabs against both Iraq and
Sham[Russian Backed]), to show illuminatism as well as avoid emergence (Create confusion |
Towards Right Side) but in reality The Great Sultan is present in that region and Sufiya’e Kiram
are intact hence monitoring (Bi’iznillah) the situation. Fifth, Muslims shouldn’t be embarrassed
upon that we are fighting each other; NOPS. A. Actually, not fighting each other but against
illegitimate people; it’s a cleaning of mess. B. Deviators (Munafiqoon[Khawarij] | West supported),
as well as regimes (Inappropriate policies | Un-Islamic) has converted it into War therefore its
evident, otherwise Muslims demanded reforms peacefully (in Sham particularly). C. Allah’s
Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 335

gracious custom, revealed in Quran Majeed too, that eliminates small disease (Mou’zi) from
bigger and then to remove ‘BATIL’ sends ‘HAQQ’. Keep Thinking. Note: On earlier (2nd Article), had
added note later illustrates that both will be persisted (as they will emerge time to time [Waqt’en
Fa’Waqten] | Groups) till Sidna Imam Mahdi Muhammed Bin Abd’Allah al-Hasani (Radhi Allah
Anhu) though mentioned their removal stepwise; even both possible. Impeding here for while
and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

[REPRESENT] We wrote, “… However, these distinctions if not sabotage UNITY (One Nation) or
say concept of one UMMAH (in all aspects, Political, Economical and Social etc) under one flag of
ISLAM so we can distribute them (Region-Wise) for their (Tribes or Nations like Arabs, Turks,
Hinds and etc) satisfaction and better control (for Sultanate) because distinctions were also for
our recognition (Arabic: Ma’arifah) of sole creator’s (Arabic: Khaliq’e Haqiqi) creativity (Arabic:
Takh’leeq) that how Allah (Subhanahu) have created and distributed humans in various Tribes
where each spoke different kinds of language and so on forth …[3rd Article | Pg.17]” Review: In
forth article (4th), has responded but would like to say, can form (Region-Wise | Advise) upon
Pashtun (though “Khurasan Region” is appropirate) but shall be lead by right faith Muslims, not
TALIBAN as illuminated that not part of solution but the problem. Allah knows all the best.

[RELIANCE] We wrote, “… saying of Nabi al-Kareem (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), “(Mafhoom) ... My

Ummah (according to sha’reheen here meant Ulama and in their accordance Muslims)
never gathered upon AVERTION (Dhala’lah: Gumrahi) ...” … [3rd Article | Pg.19]” therefore
gathering of Ummah was happened; meant simplification of Quran & Sunnah by blessed
companions (Ijma’e Sahaba (Alehemur Ridhwan)) to Taba’ein Kiram, which was then transferred
to Taba Taba’ein Kiram till formation (or say finalization) of four schools of thought in Islam
(Mazahib Arba’a | Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa’ei, Hanmbali). Second, now all matters & issues will be
look (or search) under theirs interpretations hence if can’t found then needs consensus of Ulama
in particular emerging matter (or say innovation). Note: Sidna Imam Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi
(Quddussurahul Aziz) illustrated that, “(Mafhoom)… Ulama, didn’t left any matter or issue, from
al-Maghreb to al-Mashreq, be unresolved … [Ref.: FT30]” meant presented resolution or provided
base (Rules | Usool) for every matter & issue, only thing left is an implementation of resolved
matters & issues, whereas for newly emerging matters or issues so Ulama (Muftiyan’e Kiram)
shall do scrutiny (Thinking | Ijtihad) under interpretations. Allah knows all the best.

[REVERSAL] We wrote, “… Just like Taliban, they made terrorist PKK and supplied horrible
ammunition and their kits … [3rd Article | Pg.21]” Review: PKK was formed in 1970 under Soviet
Union Banner, in wake of Peshmerga (fighting for freedom since collapse of Ottoman & Qajar
Empires simultaneously | 1927) to exploit (Form State | Communist Ideology) the struggle or
confrontation for Muslims-Kurd for their self determination (Sovereign State | Kurdistan).
However after invasion of Iraq by US led Coalition forces, Pashmerga helps invaders to topple the
Sadam Hussein’s Regime, which was since then being also exploited by U.S and had provided
them weapons (As per some reports). Whereas Taliban was formed indirectly not directly, by the
West, similarly PKK can be said alike too, because West & North both follows and admires Karl
Marx’s [d.1883 | London, UK] Theory of Economy renowned as “Das Kapital”; published in 1867.
Second, United States of America is an indirect British Empire Colony (Declared separation | But
have influence[follows]). Keep Thinking. Impeding here for while, and discuss it (issue in detail)
later. Allah knows all the best.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 336


[RECALL] We wrote, “…“(Mafhoom) … Banu Isra’il (Sons of Israel) parted into seventy-two
groups (Sects). My Ummah will part into seventy-three groups (Sects). Seventy-two of them
will burn in the fire, only one will be safe. They are those who follow me and my Sahaba …”
(Allah knows the best) … [3rd Article | Pg.8]” Review: As illustrated earlier (Forward | Pg.9) “…
Judaism or Christianity [both doesn’t exists in its true and valid form either, and former was
canceled by the latter, whereas later was then declared canceled after proclamation of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)] …” therefore divisions occurred during theirs
(Judaism & Christianity) validity time, from earlier to latter, whereas after proclamation of Sidna
Muhammed Rasul Allah (Alehe Salat-O-Salam), cancelling the latter it was then revealed in wake
of contradiction that would occurred in this Ummah either (Similar | Severely[73]). Allah knows
all the best.

[REMINDS] We wrote, “… Oh shall we not discuss it in the light of Sufiya’e Kiram sayings
(Predictions), besides The Soviet Empire disintegration; though Russia had enough knocks from
Muslims but may be get one more and that is in response to our beloved CHECHNIYA, what other
achievements from PAKISTAN will also be attain, not only INDIA will be conquer, till Rangoon
(Burma) and Tibet to Lanka, but also USA get weak and no longer left as Super Power (whenever
confront or if she try or wish to collide) and CHINA will break (Our Kashghar, East Turkestan will
get freedom) too, and Europe also pay the price according to its role, mean all devastations done
in past or still undergoing in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Libya. However here would like to add one
important thing that all this will be attain by The Great Sultan, whom will honor and select
Pakistan as centre for future Islamic Empire (say Khilafah or Sultanate) otherwise it has no
importance, because Hijaz’e Muqaddus and Bait’ul Muqaddus are more sacred and honorable
than Pakistan. (Allah knows the best) … [3rd Article | Pg.16]” and then wrote in next article, “…
Since foundation Pakistan have been examined several time even with very hard hits, meant got
many punches by Western (US & Europe) and Northern (USSR Late) Powers, and most of all very
famous our neighbors INDIA, also faced many punches, distribution of Indo-Pak Subcontinent
was not fair, then lost Jammu & Kashmir (got chance in 1998 to take it back, during Kargil War,
which was nearly won, but then loose on table with US), and then lost East Pakistan (Mominan’e
Sharqi) in 1971 War (once again on table which includes Soviet Pressure), and there are many
other small disputes with INDIA (seems to be very Lucky, Hindu Banya). Therefore another hard
punch is expected, and this time might be loose something, hence do not fear or worried that
Pakistan will collapse … [4th Article | Pg.63]” Review: Though had discussed much in details
earlier under Nations, but would like to state that all is true and valid. Muslims shall relied upon
their own abilities rather than looking towards north or northeast (Avoid | Dependency), as we
have everything to build anything. Second, if quotes then what about interpretation being done
depicting coming of assistance, from Qaseedah Naimatullah Shah Wali hence answer for that,
obviously Muslims will come physically, whether with or without means, doesn’t matter because
developments will be carried-on in Mominan’e Gharbi. Keep Thinking. Impeding here for while
and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

[REFORMS] We wrote, “… Sultan’e Islam meant “Ou’lul Amr”, should be Alim and Pious
personage, becomes legitimate through oath (Arabic: Bay’et) carry out or gathering by all
Masha’ikh wa Ulama and in their follow through all Muslims. After recognition, then Sultan is
authorized to deploy the hierarchy (structure or command of chain), whatever thinks feasible and
suitable (whether already implemented or needs deployment), for appointments of Umra wa
Wuzra wa Qadhi’yan. Ulama says; Sultan’e Islam is responsible for appointing Ameer and Qadhi’e

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 337


Islam (The Grand Mufti), whereas Ameer is responsible for appointing Qadhi for his allotted
Jurisdiction, and Qadhi can appoints subordinates if essential … [4th Article | Pg.26-27] Review: A
layout, for selection is, Muslims shall gathered upon Imam’e Masjid (Alim | Otherwise at least
Hafiz[eligible for Imamet]), whereas A’eymma Masajid then select (or say gathered upon) an
appropriate Alim or Learned person (Practicing Muslim | Right Faith & Act) as their
representative, and then representatives from all regions (depends upon State Structure |
Internal) selects anyone amongst them as Ameer; most eligible and appropriate. Note: Islamic
Politics is purely Ulama’e Kiram domain, particularly Law Making from Quran & Sunnah, hence
they should be made legislators not anyone else. Second, Ameer is then responsible for
appointing Wuz’ra (Ministers), Umra’a (Excutives) and Qadhi’yan (Ulama). Note: Either Qadhiyan
shall be appointed separately or being deployed from Majlis’e Shura to their own locality
(Member | As Representative). Third, Ameer can either refer or left upon Muslims (Decision) for
later selection of next Ameer. Fourth, as we illustrated earlier, or say emphasize a lot that ‘be
with Ulama’ or ‘ask Ulama’ etc., therefore it includes submission of opinions or advises (Public
Voices | To Majlis’e Shura) either to them for consideration (In legislation or decision | Qanoon
Sazi ya Fais’lon Main). Impeding here for while and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

[REACHES] We wrote, “… After independence, India did tremendous achievements and

developments in their Political, Social, Economical and Military structures, they became largest
Democratic Nation in World, having 3rd largest Army (in both perspective; HR and Artillery),
called 7th largest economy, and made progresses in some other fields too (for instance;
Engineering, Science and Technology), though having such characteristics or say achievements …
[4th Article | Pg.63]” Review: Recently reaches a new sky (Mars | Really?), gaining lot of
appreciation or say empathies either, particularly from Pakistan (By some | Media Writers)
whereas RUSSIANS (Luna 2 in 1959 | Unmanned by then Soviet Union) are the first to send space
mission to MOON, which was then followed by U.S.A (in 1969 | Manned) and recently then by
CHINA (Change’s 3 in 2013 | Unmanned). Huzoor Mufti’e-Azam al-Hind Al-Shaykh Mustapha
Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz), said that both, Sun & Moon, exists
and revolves under first sky upon earth (Static | Sakin Zmeen Per) hence reaching MOON is
possible and it wouldn’t harms any Islamic Rule or Principle but they haven’t developed yet,
implies not reached, that level or such machinery (revealed, in discussion, during grand prix
between then USSR & USA was going on for reaching Sky | Even not presently) for it (to land on
Moon | Touch Down) [Ref:FQ16 | Pg.11]; although atmosphere and fuel (Massive Tanks(For Liquid
Fuel) | Weight & Speed impacts Duration) are amongst core parts hence one or both or else could
be an issue, impeding here for while and discuss it later. Second, this isn’t a big achievement that
Muslims may feels embarrassing or suppressed because Sufiya’e Kiram went with physical body
beyond this (Spiritual Rank | Ma’qam’e La’hoot, Jab’root Wagheiy’rahum) without any equipment
assistance, only thing need to reach (Go beyond | To Travel) is required religious practices (Right
Creed[Ahl’al-Sunnah] & Act[Any Particular School amongst Four]) with purity. Impeding here for
while and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

[REVISION] We wrote, “… before 9/11 they made several movies and cartoons, in and during 70s
to 90s, depicting fall of twin towers hit from airplanes or pilot has saved luckily the Twin Towers
from destruction (foiled the plot) etc, and so in-real it happened, and amongst many objections
one is which they hide on Media (or never talks about it), as per some sources, is that on 9th of
September 2001, it was announced official holiday in all offices (nearly 4000 Jews were on leave)
means all were actually closed (then how come such large number of casualties happened …?, but

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 338


still they claimed and repeating the same crocodile cry) … [4th Article | Pg.76] and then ahead also
illustrated (or say provided), in same article, some explicit numbers depicting specific lobby’s
representation. Review: Even in between 1990-2000, there are many clear indicating cartoons,
movies, card-games etc depicting clearly pre-planned move; can finds them on Youtube (Selection
| Snapshots [Being composed]). Second, about explicit numbers, though had mentioned either
that throw them in to a dustbin (Meant useless | Figuring Numbers) if seems irrelevant, and so
later we have seen nothing has happened (On particular dates | As per numbers & expectation), al-
hamdo’lillah, and then later has added a revised note stating, earlier praised (Thanking |
Allah[Subhanahu]) that nothing had happened, and then illuminated that might be now happens
(Conflict | Due to False Flag) between London Olympics (2012) and Brazil Olympics (2016). Allah
knows all the best.

[RESISTANCE] We wrote, “… Remember this, they have always Plan A, B, C etc if or whenever
they wanted to do any false flag event for creating justification, either to invade or to gain some
political or economical benefits (exploitation), hence if they are thinking or eager to wage a new
war on any territory then might be they do any else (besides Olympics and Paralympics) false flag
plot (31st December, 2012) or might be without any justification (without false flag plot), because
in present era no one is giving them *originally tough resistance on all physical grounds that is
needed (requires to control or dump them forever) therefore all lands (including Pakistan) are
naturally opens for them … [4th Article | Pg.76]” Review: It revealed to us later that Muslims in
Iraq has resisted them brilliantly, made or turn US aggression alike Soviets in Afghanistan from
1979-1989, that’s why they (Coalition | US & NATO esp.) left earlier (in just 6yrs), besides
Afghanistan (stayed too long | Because not resisted), though needs further little support
(resistance) to lay down leftover (present puppet regime). Note: Same planning (Ousting | Alike
Vietnam) and capabilities (Weapon | Guerilla Tactics) are required in other regions (States |
Muslims esp.) where being stationed currently because they aren’t (Stationed | Presence) for
benefits but for instability (Blazing | Conflict). Second, Iran is creating a problem also for Muslims
in bringing down a puppet regime (Backing them | Shia’ism) that is a part of problem not solution
of instability in Iraq. Impeding here for while and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

[RESTRICTION] We wrote, “… because in present era no one is giving them *originally tough
resistance on all physical grounds that is needed (requires to control or dump them forever)
therefore all lands (including Pakistan) are naturally opens for them … [4th Article | Pg.76]”
Review: Would like to rectify, and that is by underlined words doesn’t meant complete
destruction (U.S.A particularly | Wiped Out) as some Ulama (Sufiyah) didn’t likes or appreciates
such attitude towards infidels (Whether became extortive | Uncontrolled), because of restrictions
(To an extent | Aspect) and that is of believers (Right Faith | Muslims) being lived amongst them,
and so Muslims were living there (USA | Large Numbers) of different regions (Nations | Different
Culture & History), therefore praise (Bad | Bud’dua) would effects or hurts them either. Hence our
anxiety is actually restricted, and that is towards those (Regime | Administration[Policy Makers
etc.]) urging people through exploiting strength (Military | Presence) for wrong motives and
permitting them to violates respect and rights openly of any sovereign nation regardless of
religion; therefore shall be dumped. Second, If someone thinking of complete annihilation
(Underlined Words | By Muslims) so it would be reader’s own extraction as don’t meant neither it
seems (In an aspect | Restricted) because Muslims will not destroy U.S.A contrary shows mercy
hence leave them (Meant Invasion | Assault) contraty U.S Government in first place
(Inappropriate Policies | Conspiracies), and then someone else would destroyed them (Exploits

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 339


Instability | Takes Revenge). Note: Actually sometimes good (Exists | whatsoever faith) has to
barred punishments or suffer negative consequences either because or with bad (Presence |
whether faith-ful/less) hence can’t refrain from condemnation, but can restrict it. Keep Thinking.
Impeding here for while and discuss it later. Allah knows all the best.

These are the some phrases from previous articles, might be assessed incorrectly therefore could
be censure due to their compressiveness (Ij’malen | Ikh’tesar) that’s why presents rectification,
hopes that it would be taken or understand righteously. Note: Actually Ulama says that say those
thing which contains at least two aspects, and both shall be good (Priority | Must) otherwise one
must, so that we may picked good one in justification as righteous (In statement | Aspect).
Jazakamullah Khairah

Allah (Subhanahu) and his Rasul (Alehe Salat-O-Salam) know all the best.

Duaon Ka Talib,
Adna Faqeer
Tanzeel Bukhari al-Hanafi(ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014

Karachi City, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 340


‘Part B’

In this section, Books, Transcripts, Articles (Religious Websites) that are taken or being used in
preparation of this Book has been stated (only few have been mentioned); amongst them (Books)
some are available on Internet at DAR–HAQQ (Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah), also provided
links of concerning Websites; Political Affairs, History, Personal etc.

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 341


Al-Hamdollillah, thum’ma al-hamdollillah, our little effort has been finally completed by the grace
of al-Mighty Allah (Subhanahu), and at the end like to present references (Some Major | Books &
Links), from which taken assistance.

STATE: Illustrated earlier, at beginning, that used more then hundred book, therefore has written
down more than hundred books. TAFSIRS: Under Pretexts (Tafasirs); has mentioned only few
whereas, from others also, have taken assistance. Second, because of denunciation to use, from
Shaykh al-Kareem Taj’ush-Shariah Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Azhari
(Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah) [Read in Q&A], has dropped (Refrain | Ij’tenab) Tafsir Ibn’e Kathir
(Urd. & Eng. Versions) Third, some other Pretexts (Tafasirs) weren’t available to us otherwise
added them either (takes assistance) like Tafsir’e Savi, Tadarek at-Tanzeel etc. OTHER
CATEGORY BOOKS: Similarly books being mentioned in other categories are also few, not all,
whereas several has been used in preparation. FORMS: We used both form of literature, hard and
soft; for which, particularly soft, like to present special thanks (from deep heart), upon theirs
keen efforts [Scanning & Uploadings esp. | May Allah showers uncountable mercies upon them].

Jazakamullah Khairah
Adna Faqeer
Tanzeel Bukhari al-Hanafi(ghafaralahu)
Juma’tul-Mubarak, 14th Zil-Hajj Mubarak, 1435 Hijri
Friday, 10th October, 2014

Karachi City, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 342


Quran Majeed:

[QM01] “Kanz’ul E’man fi Tarjuma’tul Qur’an”

Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Al-Shah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
English Translations by
Prof. Syed Shah Farid’ul-Haq
Ex-Vice President, Jamiat Ulama Pakistan
Published by
The Treasure of Faith (Eng. Ver.)
Muhammed Aqib al-Qad’ri (Barakallahum)
Also taken (assisstance) from site:

Quran Majeed (Tafasir):

[TM02] “Tafseer Ibn’e Abbas”

Mufasir-e-Qur’an Hudhrat Sidi Abd’ullah bin Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhuma)
Translation by
Qudwat-us-Salf Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Muqtadir al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Simplification (Tas’heel) by
Ustadh al-Ulama, Baqi’yatus-Salf, Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Aziz Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM03] “Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas”

Mufasir’e Qur’an Hudhrat Abd’ullah bin Abbas (Radhi Allah Anhuma)
Al-Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Ya’qub al-Shafa’ei Al-Firouz’abadi (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
English Translation by
Mokrane Guezzou
Edited by
Yousuf Meri (Barakallahum),
Published by Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute of Islamic Thought, Amman, Jordan

[TM04] “Tafsir al-Jala’layn”

Imam al-Shaykh Jalaluddin al-Shafa’ei al-Mahalli (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Imam al-Shaykh Jalaluddin al-Shafa’ei al-Suyuti (Rehmatullah Alehe)
English Translation by
Feras Hamza (Barakallahum)
Edited by
Ghazi Bin Muhammed Bin Talal (Barakallahum)
Published by Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute of Islamic Thought, Amman, Jordan

[TM05] “Tafsir Durr’e Mansoor”

Imam Ahle-Sunnah al-Shaykh Jalaluddin al-Shafa’ei al-Suyuti (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by Dar’ul Musannifeen, Darul-Uloom Muhammediyah Ghawthiya, Bhera Sharif (Sargodha), Pakistan
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM06] “Tafsir’e Mazhari”

Imam al-Qadhi Sana’ullah Pani’patti al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Dar’ul Moosannifeen, Darul-Uloom Muhammediyah Ghawthiya, Bhera Sharif (Sargodha), Pakistan
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 343


[TM07] “Tafsirat’e Ahmadiyyah”

Al-Shaykh Mullah Muhammed Jeevan al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Sharf’uddin al-Hanafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM08] “Khazain’ul-Irfan (Hem on Kanzul E’man)”

Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Sidna Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Simplification (Hem | Hashiyyah) by
Sadr’ul-Fadhil Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Naimuddin Murad’abadi al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM09] “Tafsir’e Hasnat”

Imam Ahle-Sunnah al-Shaykh Abul-Hasnat Syed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM010] “Tafsir Dhiya’ul-Quran”

Al-Shaykh Muhammed Karam Shah al-Azhari al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Former Chief Justice of Pakistan
Founder & Principal, Dar’ul-Uloom Muhammediyah Ghawthiyah, Bhera Sharif (Sargodha), Pakistan
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TM011] “Tafsir Surah Fa’teha”

Al-Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Shah Turab’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Ameer, Jamat’e Ahle-Sunnat Pakistan
Published by (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 344


Ahadith’e Mubarakah (& Shuruhat Wagheiyraha):

[SM01] “Mu’attah Imam Muhammed”

Imam Muhammed Bin Hasan al-Shebani (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abu’l-Ula Muhammed Muhiyuddin Jahangir al-Hanafi (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM02] “Nuz’ha-tul Qari Sharah Sahih al-Bukhari”

Imam Sidi Muhammed Ismail al-Bukhari al-Shafa’ee (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Simplification (Sha’rah) by
Faqih’e Azam al-Hind Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Sharif-ul-Haq A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz).
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM03] “Sahih Muslim”

Imam Muslim Bin Hujjaj al-Qasheeri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abu’l-Ula Muhammed Muhiyuddin Jahangir al-Hanafi (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM04] “Sunnan’e Abi-Dawood”

Imam Abi-Dawood SulE’man Bin Ash’ath Sajastani (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abudul-Hakim Akhter Sha’jahanpuri al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM05] “Ja’mey Tirmizi”

Imam Abu-Esa Muhammed Bin Esa al-Tirmizi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Muhammed Siddiq Hazarvi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM06] “Moosan’naf Abd’ar-Razzaq”

Imam Abi-Bakr Abd’ar-Razzaq Bin Ham’mam (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Research by
Doctor Esa Bin Abd’Allah Bin Muhammed al-Hameeri
Preface (Taqdeem) by
Al-Shaykh Abdul-Hakim Sharf al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Moussassa’tul-Sharf (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM07] “Mustad’rak al-Hakim”

Imam Abi-Abd’Allah Muhammed Bin Abd’Allah al-Hakim al-Neeshapuri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abi-Fadl Muhammed Shafiqur Rehman al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM08] “Asha’tul Lam’aat Sharah Mishkat”

Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Sidna Abdul-Haq al-Shah al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Saeed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Hudhrat Allama Abdul-Hakim Sharaf al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Khan al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 345


[SM09] “Dhiya’ul-Hadith”
Al-Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Shah Turab’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Ameer, Jamat’e Ahle-Sunnat Pakistan
Composed (Murat’tab) By Janab Engr. Muhammed Asif al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Barakallahum)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM10] “Shafaat’e Mustafa (Forty Blessed Sayings)”

Imam Ahl’al-Sunnah Sidna Shah Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[SM11] “The Companions Are The Stars Of Guidance”

Taj’ush-Shariah Badr’ut-Tariqah
Al-Shaykh Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
English Translation by
Janab Muhammed Junaid al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Barakallahum)
Published by Ihsanica Media (South Africa)

[SM12] “Arbaeen’e Afdhaliyah”

Ustadh al-Ulama, Al-Shaykh al-Tariqah
Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Af’dhl al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Maktaba’e Ahle-Sunnat International (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 346


Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

[FQ01] “al-Hidaya”
Imam Abul-Hasan Ali Bin Abu-Bakr al-Hanafi al-Far’ghaani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Lia’qat Ali al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ02] “al-Qudoori”
Imam Allama Abi-Hussain Muhammed Bin Ahmed al-Qudoori (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Al-Haaj Mufti Muhammed Shabbir Puranvi al-Hanafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Qasim Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ03] “Meezan al-Kubra al-Shey’raniyah”

Imam Muhammed Abd’al-Wahab al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli al-Shey’rani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Hayat al-Hanafi Sunm’bhuli (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Paiy’gham-ul Quran (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ04] “Al-Subai’yat Fi Fiqah’tul-Hanafi”

Imam Allama Abu-Tayyab Hamdan Bin Hamdo’yah Tartousi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Ghulam Nasiruddin al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ05] “Takmeel’ul-E’man Fi Taqviya’tul Eqan”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khatima’tul-Muhadditheen, Muhaqiq alal-Itlaq, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Abd’al-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Moarikh’khe Ahle-Sunnat Iqbal Ahmed al-Faruqi al-Hanafi (Barakallahum)
Published by Subz’wari Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ06] “Fatah’ur Rehman Fi Ath’bat Mazhab al-Nauman”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khatima’tul-Muhadditheen, Muhaqiq alal-Itlaq, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Abd’al-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Muhi’yuddin al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Zaid Maj’dahu)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ07] “Tamheed’ul E’man (The Preamble To Faith)”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Version
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
English Translation by
Mawlana Abu-Hasan al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Zaid Maj’dahu)
Published by Ridawi Press (United States of America)

[FQ08] “Iy’lam al-Aa’lam Bi’Anna Hindustan Dar’al-Salam”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 347


[FQ09] “Dawam al-Eysh Min al-A’eymma Min Quraiysh”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ10] “At-Taleqat’ur Ridhaviy’yah Al’al-Fatawa al-Hindiy’yah (Arb./Urd.)”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Hamid Ali al-Hanafi al-Qadiri al-Aleemi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Kafeel Ridha al-Hanafi al-Madani (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Siddiqui Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ11] “Kif’lul Faqih al-Fahim Fi Ahkam Qirtas ad-Dirha’him”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ12] “Al-Zeyl’ul-Manut Li-Risalat’in Noot”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ13] “Nut’qul-Hilal Bi’Arkhi Wilad’il-Habib Wa’l-Wisal”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ14] “Masail’e Sama’a”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Raza Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ15] “Edha’ud-Dala’laat Fi Sama’a il-A’alaat (Samaa Aur Moseqi)”

Shaykh’ul Islam, Arif Bi’Allah,
Imam Abd’al-Ghani al-Nablisi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri al-Naqshbandi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Ejaz Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Darul-Bayan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ16] “Fatawa’e Ham’diyyah”

Hujjah’tul Islam, Arif Bi’Allah
Al-Shaykh Muhammed Hamid Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Zaviyah Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ17] “Fatawa’e Mustafa’viyyah”

Mufti’e Azam al-Hind, Arif Bi’Allah
Al-Shaykh Muhammed Mustafa Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ18] “T.V/Video Ka Operation Aur Shara’i Hukum”

Taj’ush-Shariah Badr’ut-Tariqah
Al-Shaykh Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Idara’e Maarif’e Naumaniyah, Ridhavi Foundation (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 348


[FQ19] “Video Aur T.V Ka Shara’i Istey’mal”

Shaykh’ul Islam, Rais’ul Muhaqqiqeen,
Al-Shaykh Syed Muhammed Madni Miyan al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Shaykh’ul Islam Academy [Hyderabad Deccan] (India)

[FQ20] “The Sunni Path”

Hudhrat Mawlana Huseyn Hilmi Isik al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Hakikat Kitabevi (Republic of Turkey)

[FQ21] “Taqleed’e Ayemma Mujtahideen”

Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Abd’al-Wahab al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Alehe Rehma)
Published by Bazm’e Ala-Hudhrat [Karachi] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ22] “Aasar’e Qayamat (The Signs of Qayamat)”

Taj’ush-Shariah Badr’ut-Tariqah
Al-Shaykh Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Collected and Preface by Hudhrat Mawlana Abd’al-Raheen al-Faquri al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Al-Majma’u al-Ridhavi [Breilly] (India)
English Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Afthab Cassim al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre (South Africa)

[FQ23] “Qayamat Kub A’aeygi”

Rehbar’e Shariah, Peer’e Tariqah, Shaykh’ul Hadeeth
Hudhrat Allama Abd’al-Mustafa al-A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Nafs’e Islam (Internet Version)

[FQ24] “Mazarat’e Awliyah Aur Tawassul”

Al-Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Shah Turab’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Ameer, Jamat’e Ahle-Sunnat Pakistan
Published by Zawiyah Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FQ25] “Halat’e Hadhrah Aur Massih’ad-Dajjal”

Resp. Prof. Dr. Abd’Allah Bin Ahmed al-Taifi al-Makki (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Translation by
Janab Misbah Akram (Barakallahum)
Research & Re-arranged by
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Wasin Akram al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Mushtaq Book Corner (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Fiqh & Tasawwuf (Jurisprudence & Mysticism)

[FT26] “Ghunyat’ut-Tualibeen”
Sultan al-Muhi’yuddin, Peeran’e Peer Dastagir, Ghawth’ul Azam
Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Abd’al-Qadir al-Geylani al-Hanmbali (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Siddique al-Hazarvi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 349


[FT27] “Ahya’ul Uloom’ud Din”

Imam Sidna Muhammed Muhammed al-Ghazali al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Siddique al-Hazarvi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum)
Published by Progressive Books (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FT28] “Tehseel’at-Ta’arruf Fi Ma’arifatil-Fiqh Wa-Tasawwuf”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khatima’tul-Muhadditheen, Muhaqiq alal-Itlaq, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Abd’al-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abdul-Hakim Sharf al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Maktaba’e Qadiriyah [Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FT29] “Al-Ibriz”
Al-Malfooz Ghawth’ul-Waqt Sidna al-Shaykh Abd’al-Aziz al-Dabbagh al-Maliki (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Imam Ahmed bin Mubarak al-Maliki al-Salj’masi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Abul’Ula Muhammed Muhi’yuddin Jahangir al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Nooriya Ridhviya Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FT30] “Bahar’e Shari’at”

Imam al-Fiqah, Sadru’sh-Shariah, Badr’ut-Tariqah,
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Amjad Ali A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Correction (Proof Reading) by
Hudhrat Allama Mufti Muhammed Amin al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Sham’aa Book Agency (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
English Translation (1st Volume) by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Afthab Cassim al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre (South Africa)

[FT31] “Al-Mal’fooz”
Malfoozat’e Ala-Hudhrat,
Sidna Imam Muhammed Ahmed Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Collected (Murat’tab) by
Huzoor Mufti’e Azam al-Hind Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Mustapha Ridha al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri
(Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FT32] “Jan’nati Zay’wer”

Rehbar’e Shariah, Peer’e Tariqah, Shaykh’ul Hadeeth,
Hudhrat Allama Abd’al-Mustafa al-A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[FT33] “Gulistan’e Shari’at (Mukammal)”

Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Sabir Naseem Bastavi al-Hanafi al-Qad’ri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Preface (Muqad’dimah) by
Khateeb’e Mashriqh Hudhrat Allama Mushtaq Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Maktaba’e Nooriyya Ridhviyyah [Sukkur] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 350



[TW01] “Sirr’ul Israr”

Sultan al-Muhi’yuddin, Peeran’e Peer Dastagir, Ghawth’ul Azam
Sidna al-Shaykh Muhammed Abdul Qadir al-Geylani al-Hanmbali (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Muhammed Mansha Tabish Qasuri al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Qad’ri Ridhavi Kutub Khana (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW02] “Kee’miya-e Sa’adat”

Imam Sidna Muhammed Muhammed al-Ghazali al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Muhammed Saeed Ahmed al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Progressive Books (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW03] “Kashf’ul Mahjoob”

Qudwat’us-Salekeen, Umdat’ul Arifeen, Arif Bi’Allah, Data Ganj-Bakh’sh
Al-Shaykh Al-Syed Ali Bin Usman al-Hasani al-Hajveri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Ghulam Moin’uddin al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Nooriya Ridhviya Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW04] “Al-Yawa’eqatu wal-Jawahir”

Imam Muhammed Abd’al-Wahab al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli al-Shey’rani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah,
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Muhammed Mehfooz’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Nooriyyah Ridhviyyah Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW05] “Tabqat’e Imam Shay’rani (Barkat’e Roohani)”

Imam Muhammed Abd’al-Wahab al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli al-Shey’rani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah,
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Muhammed Mehfooz’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Nooriyyah Ridhviyyah Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW06] “Awliyah Rijal al-Hadeeth”

Rehbar’e Shariah, Peer’e Tariqah, Shaykh’ul Hadeeth
Hudhrat Allama Abd’al-Mustafa al-A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
[Extracted from several Kutub al-Rijal al-Ahadith, esp. Tehzeeb-ut-Tehzeeb by Imam Zah’bi]
Published by Hanfiyah-Pak Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW07] “Sawaneh Muhadith’e Azam Pakistan”

Composed (Murat’tab) by
Janab Muhammed Lia’qat Ali Sadiq Shb (Barakallahum)
Published by Maktaba’e Ghawthiyah Sultaniyah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TW08] “Sawanah’e Hayat Allama Shah Ahmed al-Siddiqui al-Noorani”

Composed (Murat’tab) by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Amin al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum)
Published by “-Missed-”, (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 351


Hayat Tayyibah

[HT01] “Shifa Bi’Tareef al-Huqooq al-Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Imam al-Qadhi Muhammed Ayadh al-Maliki al-Andalusi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Enlgish Translation by
Dar-Sirr (Marakesh)
Published by (Marakesh | Morocco)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abdul-Hakim Akhter al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi Sha’jahanpuri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Maktaba’e Naba’viyyah [Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT02] “Al-Wafa Ba Ahwal al-Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Imam Abd’ar-Rehman Ibne Jouzi al-Hanmbali (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Muhammed Ashraf Siyalvi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum)
Published by Hamid & Company (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT03] “Hujjat’ul Lahil-Ala’meen Fi Moaj’zaat Sayyadil Mursaleen”

Imam Muhammed Yousuf bin Ismail al-Shafa’ei al-Nibhani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Prof. Ejaz Janjua al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum)
Imam-Khateeb, Jama Masjid Madni, Khushab
Published by Nooriya Ridhviya Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT04] “Jawahir al-Bahar”

Imam Muhammed Yousuf bin Ismail al-Shafa’ei al-Nibhani (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Muhammed Abdul-Hakim Akhter Sha’jahanpuri al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT05] “al-Khasa’is al-Kubra”

Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Scholar Raja Mehmood al-Hanafi al-Chishti, M.A (Islamic Studies)
Published by Hamid & Company (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT06] “Mawahib al-Lad’dunyah”

Imam Ahmed Bin Muhammed al-Khateeb al-Qas’talani al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Abd’al-Sattar al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT07] “Madarij an-Nabuwwah”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khatima’tul-Muhadditheen, Muhaqiq alal-Itlaq, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Abd’al-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Ghulam Moin’uddin al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Published by Shabbir Brothers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 352


[HT08] “Jazb’ul Quloob Ila Dayar’il-Mehboob (Tareekh’e Madinah)”

Shaykh al-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khatima’tul-Muhadditheen, Muhaqiq alal-Itlaq, Arif Bi’Allah
Imam Ahle-Sunnah Muhammed Abd’al-Haqq al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Abu-Dawood Muhammed Sadiq al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Noori Kutub Khana (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT09] “Ma’qam’e Mustapha Yan’i Tasheel’e Anwar’e Ahmedi (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Shaykh’ul Islam,
Imam Hafidh Muhammed An’warullah al-Faruqi al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Extraction and Simplification by
Hudhrat Allama Arshad al-Qadiri al-Aazmi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Fidayan’e Khatm’e Nabuwwat (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT10] “Seerat’e Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Rehbar’e Shariah, Peer’e Tariqah, Shaykh’ul Hadeeth
Hudhrat Allama Abd’al-Mustafa al-A’azmi al-Hanafi al-Mujaddidi (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Mawlid Sharif

[HT11] “An-Naima’tul-Kubra”
Shaykh’ul Islam,
Imam Hafidh Ibn’e Hajar Makki al-Shafa’ei (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Malwana Muhammed Salik Fadhli al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Qad’ri Kutub Khana (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT12] “Mawlid Ibne al-Jouzi”

Imam Abul-Faraj Jamaluddin Ibne Jouzi al-Hanmbali (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Malwana Syed Riyadh Hussain Shah al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Idara’e Taleemat’e Islamiyah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT13] “Milad Sharif Aur Allama Iqbal”

Resp. Janab Syed Muhammed Noor al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Barakallahum)
Published by Majlis Khuddam’e Islam (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT14]“Mahafil’e Milad | Allama Iqbal Ki Nazar Main”

Resp. Janab Dr. Muhammed Baber Baig Matali (Barakallahum)
Published by Sheyr’e Rabbani Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT15] “Of Pure Origin”

Taj’ush-Shariah Badr’ut-Tariqah
Al-Shaykh Mufti Muhammed Akhter Ridha al-Braheichi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Ihsanica Media (South Africa)

[HT16] “The Birth of the Holy Prophet”

Shaykh’ul-Islam, Ustadh al-Fiqh,
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Hafidh Syed Dhiya’uddin al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Professor of Law, Jamia Nizamia [Hyderabad Deccan] (India)
Published by Abul-Hasnat Islamic Research Centre [] (India)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 353


[HT17] “Meelad’e Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Hudhrat Mawlana Qari Ridha’ul-Mustapha al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Maktaba al-Geylaniyah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT18] “Dawn of The Blessings (Subh’hey Baha’ran)”

Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Ilyas al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Ameer, Dawat’e Islami (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Published by Maktaba’tul-Madinah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
English Translation by
Majlis al-Mutaraj’jimeen (Translation PAn’el), Dawat’e Islami
Published by Maktaba’tul-Madinah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT19] “Zikr al-Mehboob Li-Tatma’inn al-Quloob (Milad Karao E’man Bachao)”

Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Abd’al-Wahab al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Alehe Rehma)
Published by Bazm’e Ala-Hudhrat [Karachi] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[HT20] “Munkarin’e Milad Kay Aytera’dhat Kay Jawabaat”

Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah
Published by Majlis Ulama’e Ahl’al-Sunnah [South Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
[Note: From this Book (Transcript), Muslims in our area has won a debate held for or in same regards; this Year (2014).
Faqeer Bukhari(ghafaralahu)]

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 354


Tareekh (History):

[TR01] “Tareekh al-Khulafa”

Imam Abd’ar-Rehman Jalaluddin al-Suyuti al-Shafa’ei al-Shazli (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Shams-ul-Haq Siddiqui al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullahi Alehe)
Gold Medalist on Honorable Services, From Govt. of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Published by Progressive Books (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR02] “Saltanat’e Uthmaniya”

Resp. Al-Daktour Ali Muhammed Muhammed al-Salabi (Barakallahum)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Muhammed Zafar Iqbal Kalyar al-Hanafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR03] “Mashal’e Rah”

Hudhrat Allama Abd’al-Hakim Akhter Sha’jahanpuri al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
[Book is upon British Rule over India and their extortions | Tremendous Research Work]
Published by Farid Book Stall (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR04] “Tareekh’e Waha’biyah”

Hudhrat Mawlana Abul-Hassan Muhammed Ramdhan al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Maktaba’e Qadiriyyah [Shahpur Cha’kar, Sindh] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR05] “Tareekh’e Najd’O Hijaz”

Hudhrat Allama Mufti Abdul-Qayyum al-Hazarvi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Zia’ul-Quran Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR06] “Confessions of a British Spy & British Enmity Against Islam”

Hudhrat Mevlana Muhammed Hussein Hilmi Isik al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Hakikat Kitabevi (Republic of Turkey)
Urdu Translation
Published by Sunni Dunyah [Breille Sharif] (India)

[TR07] “Al-Balagh”
Hudhrat Allama Dr. Syed SulE’man Ashraf al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Idara’e Pakistan Shinasi [Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR08] “Hudhrat Ameer’e Millat Aur Tehreek’e Pakistan”

Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Sadiq al-Qasuri al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Da’mat Barkatahum
Published by Markazi Majlis’e Jamatiyyah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[TR09] “Takh’leeq-e-Pakistan Main Ulama’e Ahle Sunnat Ka Kirdar”

Al-Shaykh al-Shariah Wa’l-Tariqah
Hudhrat Allama Mawlana Syed Shah Turab’ul-Haqq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Ameer, Jamat’e Ahle-Sunnat Pakistan
Published by (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 355


Others (Degar Kutub):

[OB01] “Paikar’e Noor (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Shaykh’ul-Hadith, Sharaf’ul-Ulama,
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Abd’al-Hakim Sharf al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Ala-Hazrat Network [] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB02] “Nizam’e Mustapha (Alehe Salat-O-Salam)”

Adeeb’e Shaheer,
Hudhrat Mawlana Muhammed Shams Siddqui al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Gold Medalist on Honorable Services, Govt. of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Published by Hajveyri Book Shop (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB03] “Khilafat’e Islamiyah Aur Maghrebi Jamhoriyat”

Shaykh al-Hadith wa’Tafsir,
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Ghulam Sarwar al-Abbasi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Afdhalahum)
Published by Umda’tul-Bayan Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB04] “Khilafat’e Rashidah”

Master Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Shah al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barkallahum)
Defense Analyst, Brasstacks Pakistan
Published by Brasstacks (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB05] “Sawa’iq al-Muharriqah (Barq’e Sou’zan)”

Imam Muhammed Ibn’e Hajar Makki al-Shafa’ei (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Urdu Translation by
Hudhrat Allama Akhter Fatehpuri al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Astana Faidhan’e Jamali [Faislabad] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB06] “Dharb’e Hayderi”

Al-Shaykh al-Hadith Wat-Tafsir,
Hudhrat Ghulam Rasul al-Hanafi al-Qasmi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Rehma’tullil-Aalameen Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB07] “Dharb’e Khat’naiyn Ber-Munkir’e Afdhaliyat’ush-Shaykhayn (Urdu)”

Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammed Fadhl Rasul Siyalvi al-Hanafi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Darul-Uloom Ghawthiyah Ridhviyah (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB08] “Islam and Christianity”

Hudhrat Mawlana Huseyn Hilmi Isik al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi (Rehmatullah Alehe)
Published by Hakikat Kitabevi (Republic of Turkey)

[OB09] “A’atth-sow Sa’la Payshen’goeyan - Hudhrat Naima’tullah Shah Wali(Rehmatullah Alehe)”

Hudhrat Hafiz Muhammed Sarwar al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Successor, Abul-Haqaiq Hudhrat Shaykh Syed Amanat Ali Shah al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Miyan Ali Hasan Jalandehri (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB10] “A’atth-sow Sa’la Payshen’goeyan - Hudhrat Naima’tullah Shah Wali(Rehmatullah Alehe)”

Hudhrat Hafiz Muhammed Sarwar al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Successor, Abul-Haqaiq Hudhrat Shaykh Syed Amanat Ali Shah al-Hanafi al-Chishti (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Revised Version (2007)
Published by Nooriyyah Ridhviyyah Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 356


[OB11] “Payshen’goeyan (Hudhrat Naima’tullah Shah Wali[Rehmatullah Alehe]) [Farsi/Urd./Eng.]”

Col. (Retd.) Mutloob Hussein (Barakallahum)
Preface by Doctor Deen Muhammed (Barakallahum)
Published by Taj Kutub Khana [Peshawar] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB12] “Payshen’goeyan (Hudhrat Naima’tullah Shah Wali[Rehmatullah Alehe])”

Master Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Shah al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barkallahum)
Defense Analyst, Brasstacks Pakistan
Published by Brasstacks (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB13] “Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi’a Revivalist Role & Two Nation Theory (Eng.)”
Janab Muhammed Aslam al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Barakallahum)
Published by Imam-e-Rabbani Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB14] “Bani’e Pakistan Ka Maslak”

Al-Shaykh Syed Sabir Hussein Shah al-Bukhari al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by
[1st Edition] Bazm’e Ridhviyyah [Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
[2nd Edition] Al-Ghazali Islamic Center [Di’nah] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB15] “Maslak’e Allama Iqbal”

Hudhrat Mawlana Sahibzada Muhammed Rauf al-Hanafi al-Ridhavi (Da’mat Barkatahum Aliyah)
Published by Jamat’e Ridha’e Mustapha [Gujranwala] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB16] “Kuliyat’e Iqbal”

Shaeyr’e Mashriq, Hakim’al-Ummah,
Hudhrat Allama Dr. Muhammed Iqbal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Under-Supervision of Professor Shoh’rat Bukhari
Published by
Iqbal Academy [Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Iqbal Foundation [Islamabad] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB17] “Jawab’e Shikwah”

Shaeyr’e Mashriq, Hakim’al-Ummah,
Hudhrat Allama Dr. Muhammed Iqbal al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published on Internet [SCRIBD]

[OB18] “Allama Iqbal Aur Moujuda Firqa’e Wariyat”

Resp. Janab Dr. Mehmood Ahmed Saqi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Barkallahum)
Resp. Janab Dr. Muhammed Aslam Bhatti (Barkallahum)
Published by Nooriyyah Ridhviyyah Publications (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB19] “Iqbal Pur Israr (Vol.1)”

Master Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Shah al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barkallahum)
Defense Analyst, Brasstacks Pakistan
Published by Brasstacks (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB20] “Alakh Nagri”

Mumtaz Mufti (Marhoom)
Published by Al-Faysal [Nashir’O Tajiran’e Kutub, Lahore] (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 357


[OB21] “Deh’shatgard Khar’jioun Ki Ala’mat (Eng. Ver)”

Master Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Shah al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barkallahum)
Defense Analyst, Brasstacks Pakistan
Published by Brasstacks (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB22] “National Security Papers”

Master Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Shah al-Hasani al-Geylani (Barkallahum)
Defense Analyst, Brasstacks Pakistan
Published by Brasstacks (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB23] “Dajjal al-Kabeer”

Dr.Ahmed Hasan al-Faryuni (Barakallahum)
Urdu Translation by
Janab Zain’ul-Abideen (Barakallahum)
Published by Islam Book Depot (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB24] “Qaumi Fa’khar”

Faidh’e Millat, Aftab’e Ahle-Sunnat, Rais’ut-Tahrir,
Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Faydh Ahmed al-Owaisi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
Published by Qutb’e Madinah Publishers (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)


[OB25] “Al-Munjid Fil-Lughat (Arabic-Arabic)”

Published by Matba’a Kathu’likiyah (Beirut, Lebanon)

[OB26] “Popular Oriental’s Husn’ul-Lughat (Farsi-Urdu)”

Published by Oriental Book Society (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB27] Chambers Concise Dictionary (English-English)”

Published by Chambers Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

[OB28] “Popular Oxford Practical Dictionary (English-English & Urdu)”

Published by Oriental Book Society (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[OB29] “Urdu English Dictionary”

Published by Ferozsons (Pvt.) Ltd. (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 358



Here are some amongst several sites, from which assistance has been taken in preparation.

[IN01] Ala-Hazrat International Islamic Web

(United States of America)

[IN02] Bahar’e Madinah

(United Kingdom)

[IN03] Hidayah Research Foundation

(United Arab Emirates)

[IN04] Saltanat

[IN05] Sufi Way

(United States of America)


[IN06] Abul-Hasnat Islamic Research Centre

(Hyderabad Deccan, India)

[IN07] Ashrafi Times [Muhaddis’e Azam Mission]


[IN08] Dar-Haqq [Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah]

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN09] Faizan’e Attar library

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN10] Jamaat’e Ahle-Sunnat

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 359


[IN11] Marfat
(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN12] Maktabah
(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN13] Rehmani Network

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN14] Ridawi Press

(United States of America)

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN16] Talib Ghaffari

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN17] Tariq Mehmood Tariq

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN18] The Sunni Way

(United Kingdom)

-----| Personages |-----

[IN19] Shaykh’ul-Hadith Wa’t-Tafsir, Munazir’e Ahle-Sunnah, Rasi’ut-Tahrir,

Hudhrat Mawlana Mufti Fay’dh Ahmed al-Owaisi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri (Quddussurahul Aziz)
(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN20] Harun Yahya (Barakallahum)

(Republic of Turkey)

[IN21] Master Zaid Hamid al-Geylani (Barakallahum)

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 360


-----| Information |-----

[IN22] Architects & Engineers

(United States of America)

[IN23] Dawn Newspaper

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN24] Muslims Today

(Daghestan, Russian Federation)

[IN25] Nation Newspaper

(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

[IN26] Russia Today

(Russian Federation)

[IN27] Wikipedia
(United States of America)

[IN28] Youtube
(United States of America)

-----------------------------------------| The End |-----------------------------------------

Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 361



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Dar-Haqq | Mazhab Ahl’al-Sunnah Wa’l-Jama’ah 362

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