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Parts of a System Unit and Input Devices

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson a successful student will be able to:
1. Define the input devices and parts of a system unit.
2. Recognize the input devices and parts of a system unit.
3. Classify the input devices and parts of a system unit.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Parts of System Unit and Input Devices
b. Materials
Laptop, Overhead projector, Materials in demo teaching
c. References
K-12 CHS Module and Internet
III. Procedure:
Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Daily Routine
Before we start our discussion for today
let us ask the guidance of our Lord.
(The teacher will click the presentation

Greetings: Good Day class.

Before you take your sit kindly pick up
all trashes on the floor and arrange
your chair.

Checking of attendance: May I ask the
class president to report todays

(The students will feel the presence of the Lord.)

Good Day Maam

Maam, no one is absent for today.

Teachers Activity Students Activity
B. Review
Before we proceed to our next topic let
us have a short recap about our topic last
meeting. Who can recall what is our
topic last meeting?
Very Good.
What is an operating system?

Operating systems perform basic tasks,
such as recognizing input from the
keyboard, sending output to the display
screen, keeping track of files and
directories on the disk, and controlling
peripheral devices such as disk drives
and printers.
What are the classifications of operating
system? Kindly enumerate.

Very Good.
C. Motivation
Divide the class into three groups. Each
group has one representative to play the
Pinoy Henyo Game.
(The teacher will explain the rules of the
D. Presentation
Based on the words you guessed a while
ago, do you have any idea of our topics
for today?

Our topic last meeting is about operating

The operating system is the most important
program that runs on a computer.

Multi-user allows two or more users to run
programs at the same time. Multiprocessing
supports running a program on more than one
CPU. Multitasking allows more than one
program to run concurrently. Multithreading
allows different parts of a single program to run
concurrently and real time responds to input

The students will form three groups. Each group
will have a one representative. They will listen
to the rules and regulation of the game.

Maam, parts of a system unit and input
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Very Good.
Our topic for today is about the parts of system
unit and input devices. Before we discuss the parts
of a system unit let us define first what is a system
unit. Who can define it?
Very Good.
Here are the parts of system unit, first is the
motherboard. Kindly read.
Thank you.
Motherboard contains all the circuits and
components that run the computer.
Next part of system unit is the CPU or the central
processing unit. What is the other term for CPU?
Very Good!
The processor is the main brain or heart of a
computer system.
What are the other parts of system unit?

Very Good!
There are two types of memory. What are those?
Your right.
RAM is volatile while ROM is non-volatile.
The next parts of system unit is the expansion bus,
it is the pathway between several hardware
components inside or outside a computer.
Can you give another one?

System unit is the main part of a desktop
computer, it sometimes called a chassis.

The main circuit board of a computer.

Maam microprocessor.

Memory is the computer's working storage
space that holds data, instructions for
processing and processed data (information)
waiting to be sent to secondary storage.
Maam, the two types of memory is RAM
or random access memory and ROM or read
only memory.

Adapter enables the computer to use a
peripheral device for which it does not have
the necessary connections or circuit boards.
Teachers Activity Students Activity
Very Good.
They are often used to permit upgrading to a new
different hardware.
The other one is the power supply unit. It converts
120vac (standard house power) into DC voltages
that are used by other components in the PC.
What is the parts of system unit that used as
permanent storage for data?
Very Good!
Also known as hard drive is a magnetic storage
device that is installed inside the computer.
What is the last part of a system unit?
Very Good.
An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers
to read data on the optical media.
Lets proceed to the input devices.
Do you have any idea what is an input device?
Excellent idea!
There are two types of input device. The keyboard
entry and the direct entry. The keyboard entry is
where data is inputted to the computer through a
keyboard. The keyboard is the first input device
developed for the PC. While direct-entry devices
create machine-readable data on paper, or magnetic
media, or feed it directly into the computers CPU.
There are three categories of direct entry, what are
Very Good.

Maam hard disk drive.

Maam optical disk drive.

Input device composed of a device that
accepts data and instructions from the user
or from another computer system.

Maam pointing device, scanning device
and voice input device.

Teachers Activity Students Activity
Pointing device is an input device used to move
the pointer (cursor) on screen. Examples are
mouse, touch screen, light pen and digitixer tablet.
Scanning device also fall on the categories of
direct entry. It is device that can read text or
illustrations printed on paper and translates the
information into a form the computer can use.
The last category in the direct entry is the voice
input device, it also known as speech or voice
recognition systems that allow a user to send audio
signals to a computer for processing, recording, or
carrying out commands.
IV. Generalization
Class, is there anything you want to clarify?
Will someone shares what he/she has learned for

Very Good.
What are the tree categories of direct entry?
Very Good!
Can you give the examples of pointing devices?

Very Good!
It seems the youve learned a lot today.

None, Maam.
Maam there are eight parts of system unit,
the motherboard, CPU, memory, expansion
bus, adapters, power supply unit, hard disk
drive and optical disk drive.
Maam, I also learn the types of input
device. The keyboard entry and direct entry.
The pointing devices, scanning devices and
voice input devices.

Mouse, light pen, touch screen and digitizer

Teachers Activity Students Activity
V. Application
Given a picture of a system unit, the students
will identify each part by labeling it correctly.
They will be divided into three groups.

The student will identify each part of a
system unit correctly.

VI. Evaluation
Matching Type: Match column A with column B and write your answer on a sheet of paper.
______1. It serves as the brain of computer. A. Optical disc drive
______2. It is also called primary storage. B. Keyboard entry
______3. The main circuit board of a computer. C. Mouse
______4. Most common pointing device used in PCs. D. Power supply unit
______5. Data is inputted through a keyboard. E. Digitizer tablet
______6. Translates data into a form a computer can use. F. Scanning device
______7. It is a permanent storage for data. G. Memory
______8. It converts 120 ac into DC voltages. H. Hard disk drive
______9. It is a graphics drawing tablet. I. Motherboard
______10. A storage device that uses a laser. J. Microprocessor
VII. Assignment
1. What are the output devices? Explain each.
2. What are the storage devices? Explain each.
Reference: Internet

Prepared by:
Ariane Jayne D. Roque

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