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Space Hulk Rules

Chaos Space Marines

Power Armour:
Action Points: 4
Weapon: Bolt Gun
No sustained fire
No jamming
Weapon: Heavy Bolter
No move and shoot in a turn
Sustained Fire
1 AP to shoot
Plasma Gun
1 AP to shoot
Sustained fire
Gets Hot - On a 6+ while using sustained fire, the plasma gun will explode. The gun can no longer be used. The
Marine uses a Bolt Gun from this point onwards.
Lance - On a successful hit, the plasma bolt will continue through to the model in the square immediately
behind the original target.
These Power Armour rules can be used for loyalists as well as Chaos Marines, and you may want to use the
Plasma Gun rules from the Dark Angels supplement.

Similar rules to Librarian.
Force Weapon and Bolt Gun
Range 12
Can turn one enemy model into a possessed/daemon
Cost: 3 Psi Points
Target rolls D6 on a 4+ it is possessed.
Once per turn
Space Marine is dead, new model is under Chaos Player's control.
A possessed marine (or Fire Warrior) acts exactly as a genestealer

Daemon Prince
Same rules as Brood Lord
Group Possession:
The Daemon Prince is a fearsome creature of the Warp with enhanced psychic abilities. He may possess an
entire room if there is no Librarian present in the room.
Cost: 3 Psi Points, +1 point per model possessed after the first. (10 Psi Point limit)
Possession: Same as Sorceror.
The Librarian's Psychic Hood and arcane knowledge of the Force the Warp means that he cannot be targeted by
Possession or Group Possession.

Fire Warriors
Action Points: 4
Pulse Rifle: 1D6 5+
Overwatch: 1 AP Jam on a roll of 1

Shoot around corners - as the Fire Warriors do not have the bulky armour of Terminators or
Space Marines, they may use corners as cover. A Fire Warrior adjacent to a corner may shoot
down the corridor to which he is adjacent.

Fire in ranks - The lack of bulky armour means that a Fire Warrior may shoot over the top
of up to two of his squad mates, if they are all in adjacent squares.
Grenades: A single Fire Warrior may be equipped with grenades.
Range: 4
Area Affect When using a grenade, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+ the grenade explodes
with an area affect the same as the Flame template.
Throw away When a model is targeted by a grenade he may throw it away on a roll of 6+
A grenade may be used to open a blocked door.

Fire Warrior Sergeant
Pulse Rifle 2D6 5+
Overwatch Jams on doubles

Gun Drone
Action Points: 6
Always on Overwatch
Does not Jam
Can move and shoot over the top of friendlies.

Gun Drones are fragile and have no close combat capabilities. Therefore, in melee, the Gun
Drone is immediately destroyed no roll is necessary.

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