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What is Depository ?
Depository is an organisation which holds your securities in electronic (also known as
book entry) form, in the same manner as a bank holds your money. Further, a
depository also transfers your securities without actually handling securities, in the same
day as a bank transfers funds without actually handling cash.
Need for Depository System :
The trading in physical segment is full of inefficiencies due to handling of large volumes of
certificates and also involves various other problems like delays in transfer, delay in
settlement, loss in transit, forgerly certificates, stolen certificates, mutilation of certificates,
postal losses, court cases, litigation etc. To overcome these deficiencies, a new system
of trading, viz. Depository system was introduced, which facilitates investor to hold
securities in electronic form and to trade in these securities. The first depository set up in
India is National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and is promoted by IDBI, UTI and
Benefits of Depository System :
1. No danger of loss of share certificates since the shares are credited to your
2. No possibility of bad deliveries.
3. Elimination of all rise associated with physical certificates such as loss, theft,
forgery, mutilation etc.
4. No need to affix share transfer stamp as it is a paperless trading.
5. No postal / courier charges.
6. Less brokerage charges.
7. After the settlement, pay in and pay out are on the same day for paperless trading
which means you get your securities and cash immediately.
8. Scriptless trading helps allocate corporate benefits faster.
9. Facilitates pledging and hypothecation of your securities.
10. Eliminates the problem of odd lot shares.
11. Facility to lock your account if you are abroad.
Steps involved in joining depository system :
There are 3 steps in which an investor can covert his physical certificate into electronic
1. Open an account with one of the participants of NSDL (A participant is a market
intermediary through whom NSDL interacts with the investors).
2. Sign an Agreement with the participant.
3. Submit Dematerialisation Request form along with share certificate to the Issuer
How do you open a depository account ?
Choose a participant from amongst the participants (a list of participants is given in
Annexure-A) offering depository services and registered with NSDL. Thereafter :
a. Fill up an Account Opening Form available with the participant.
b. Sign Participant-Client Agreement.
c. Receive your account number which should be quoted in all your
d. Your participant will provide you a statement of holdings and statement of
transactions (like a bank pass book) every fortnight giving details of your holdings
and transactions in your account.

A financial institution that holds customers' securities for safekeeping so as to
minimize the risk of their theft or loss. A custodian holds securities and other
assets in electronic or physical form. Since they are responsible for the safety
of assets and securities that may be worth hundreds of millions or even
billions of dollars, custodians generally tend to be large and reputable firms.
In addition to holding securities for safekeeping, most custodians also offer a
variety of other services including account administration, transaction
settlements, collection of dividends and interest payments, tax support and
foreign exchange. The fees charged by custodians vary, depending on the
services desired by the client. Many firms charge custody fees payable
quarterly that are based on the aggregate value of the holdings.
The role of a custodian in such a case would be to:
hold in safekeeping assets/securities such as stocks, bonds, commodities such
as precious metals and currency (cash), domestic and foreign
arrange settlement of any purchases and sales and deliveries in/out of such securities
and currency
collect information on and income from such assets (dividends in the case of
stocks/equities and coupons (interest payments) in the case of bonds) and administer
related tax withholding documents and foreign tax reclamation
administer voluntary and involuntary corporate actions on securities held such as stock
dividends, stock splits, business combinations (mergers), tender offers, bond calls, etc.
provide information on the securities and their issuers such as annual general meetings
and related proxies
maintain currency/cash bank accounts, effect deposits and withdrawals and manage
other cash transactions
perform foreign exchange transactions
often perform additional services for particular clients such as mutual funds; examples
include fund accounting, administration, legal, compliance and tax support services

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