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People vs Assad et. Al.

Angkaya, (dismissed at trial court, because of death)
Sarahaji, (dismissed at trial court, because of lack of evidence)
Mora Nahula.
Sampang and Suhaili

For some time prior to July 1929, trouble has been brewing between the Moro Angkaya and the Moro Japal Alli.
Angkaya took council with some of his relatives and a plan was made to kill japal alli. The meeting took place at the
house of Ankayas son Asaad, where the other accussed attended. Two other moros were chosen to perpetuate the
crime, namely Sampang and Suhaili. it was Asaad who along with his father promised Sampang and Suhaili the sum
of P200 for committing the crimes, and it was Asaad who insisted that the wife of Japal Alli needed also to be killed.
When informed of what they were to do Sampang and Suhaili accepted without a word of disagreement
Sampang and Suhaili, on two occasions visited the house of Japal Alli, and on the third visit on July 11, 1929, the
accused killed Japal alli and his wife.
The accused were subsequently arrested

Trial Court:
The case of Angakaya and Sarahaji were dropped because of death and lack of information respectively
All of the accused were found guilty for the murder of the victims
All except Nahula were sentenced to life imprisionment not exceeding 40 years
Nahula was sentenced to 20 years of cadena temporal.
And all the accused are sentenced to pay jointly and severally an indemnity to the heirs of the deceased in
the amount of P2,000 and each of them to pay one-ninth (1/9) of the costs of this trial.

Guilt of Sampang and Suhaili
No doubt guilty, as they were principals by direct participation
Guilt of Assad
No doubt guilty, as he was the principal luitenant of the head of the band Angkaya, now deceased. The
meeting was held at his house, he and his father offered the 200 php for the killing, and it was Assad who
insisted that the wife of the victim also be killed.
Guilt of Mawaji, Salim, Saladi, and Nahula.
There is doubt as to the guilt of these accused
o These four accused merely attended the conferences and entered no opposition to the nefarious
o After the commission of the murders, they joined with the other accused in celebrating with a
o these four did not cooperate in the commission of the crimes. Nor is it certain that, as relatives or
retainers of Angkaya, the four had any influence over Sampang and Suhaili, and that any of the
four said or did anything that determined the commission of the crimes.

Whether or not the four accused could be considered principals by inducement or if not at the very least

The supreme court held:
the four accused may neither be considered as authors by inducement nor as accomplices. Merely assenting out of
respect and fear, and merely attending a feast by way of custom does not constitute an effective inducement. What
the four did amounted to joining in a conspiracy. But the Penal Code, in article 4, does not punish a conspiracy as
such. As to the accused being accomplices, it has not been shown that, aside from attending the meetings of the
conspirators and joining in a feast, they cooperated in the execution of the crimes by previous or simultaneous acts.
We have heretofore said that in addition to the precepto and the pacto there are similar means by which another may
be induced to commit a crime which also make the one who offers the inducement the principal in the crime by
virtue of the provisions of article 13, paragraph 2. But it must be borne in mind that these acts of inducement do not
consist in simple advice or counsel given before the act is committed, or in simple words uttered at the time the act
was committed. Such advice and such words constitute undoubtedly an evil act, an inducement condemned by the
moral law; but in order that, under the provisions of the Code, such act can be considered direct inducement, it is
necessary that they be as direct, as efficacious, as powerful as physical or moral coercion or as violence itself. (2
Viada, Codigo Penal Comentado, p. 386, 5th Edition; U. S. vs. Indanan [1913], 24 Phil., 203.)

Rulling of the Supreme Court:
They affirmed the judgment regarding the accused Sampang , Suhaili, and assad
Acquitted Mawaji, Salim, Saladi, and Nahula

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