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mars in 6th house

Auspicious Results : The person is wealthy and destroyer of enemies. One bring
s fame to one's family. One will be brave, victorious and the slayer of one's fo
es. One's respect and influence in the state remains. The person will have a sha
rp hunger, will be strong, belonging to a good family, very strong, slayer of en
emies and a police officer. Mars in the sixth bhava makes a person thoughtful, p
rudent and happy. One's wealth may be destroyed but it is regained once again. O
ne and one's maternal uncle may fear poison, fire and weapons. One will apprecia
te people and be the best in one's family. One will be religious and in the comp
any of good people and will be responsible for promotion of one's family members
. One will be victorious over enemies, slayer of foes and one's enemies are quie
tened. One will be honored, famous, victorious and a king. One will be wealthy,
prosperous, famous and strong. One will attain fame. One will have the ability t
o perform work and will have plenty of energy to do work. One will have a son an
d a daughter in the 27th year. One may possess vehicles and may possess animals
like camels and horses. One may have relations with the opposite sex, be infatua
ted by the opposite sex, perform pious deeds and be very strong. One will have a
good appetite and a good digestion. One will mix with cultured people. One will
have authority over one's relatives and may be the head of a village or group.
One will be attractive and will have a broad physique. One will be physically
robust and mentally pious. Inauspicious Results : One may suffer from skin disea
ses and blood related ailments. One will be very extravagant. One may be injured
in the waist with a weapon or stone. One may be ailing, angry, wounded, in debt
, extravagant and suffering from blood related ailments. One may suffer due to l
ow quality of servants. One may have very powerful enemies but they are unable t
o stand before him and tend to show their back and run away. One may not be fort
unate for one's maternal relatives uncle and aunt etc. One might even be trouble
some for them. One is always in a state of anger. One's enemies are calmed down
. One will be sensuous. One's sexual desire is acute. One may die in a battle. O
ne may be very short tempered. One may trouble one's maternal uncle. As on offic
er, if one takes bribes one is not caught. The first or second son expires at th
e age of accumulating wealth causing great mourning. Before attaining fame, one
will have to pass through a lot of struggle. Planetary situations increase
sexual desire. There may be a son who may die. The planetary positions pecu
liar to this chart generally give auspicious results. There may be a fear o
f fire, baldness, kidney ailments and pain in the joints. Servants are not good.
There is a fear of accidents. Due to some special conditions, the ent
ire results are inauspicious. One may suffer from gastric problems.

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