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We are excited to bring back Division 1 and 2 for the Winter 2010 season, along with new SVC Player Ratings and
Division Eligibility requirements. Everyone participating with SVC in 2010 must have an SVC rating. If you are
planning on adding a new to player to your team, please review the 2010 SVC Player Rating list. If a player does
not have a current SVC rating, they will need to attend either an SVC Open Gym or Skill Clinic so that their playing
ability can be assessed.

New to SVC players: Please create a profile on our website @ If you are looking
for a team, please indicate on your profile registration, and use the Matchmaker Tools to create a player ad. Once
you have created your profile, you will have access to the PayPal features of the site, please pay your individual
player dues by 1/6/2010 to avoid the late fee.

Returning SVC Members: Please do NOT create a new SVC profile. Simply login and update your individual
information, making sure that all info is up to date, including mailing address, email address, phone #s and
emergency contact info. If you are looking for a team, please create a player ad using the Matchmaker tools.

All Captains: All player/team associations will be deleted, you will need to rebuild your team via the Captain’s Tools
on the website. All teams have been put into pending status. You will need to login to the site and ad your players
to your team. Once your team has been created and approved, you can add your player’s to your team roster by
searching with their email address. Please advise your players that their information needs to be correct in their
profile, name, address, phone #, birthdate, T-shirt and warmup sizes, as awards sizes are pulled from the website.
Please create your teams online immediately so we can gauge division interest levels.


With a cutback in the 2009-2010 SVC Program offering (Open Gym, Practice Courts, Website), we are able to
lower the Player Fees to $60 for the Winter 2010 season. Any Rostered Fall 2009 SVC member, who is re-
registering for the Winter 2010 season, will only pay $50 for their Winter 2010 Player Fee, realizing a $10 credit for
the Fall Season. All teams are responsible for the Winter 2010 Team Fee of $150, unless they pre-paid in Fall

LEAGUE - REGULAR SEASON – January 12th thru March 17th

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The Winter 2010 SVC League Season will run from Jan 12 thru March 17 . All divisions are expected to play the
same match format, with matches consisting of 2 games played to 21 points. Teams will be accepted on a 1 PAID
basis. If a division has 8 paid teams, any additional teams may be put on a waiting list.


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The end of Season League Championships are planned for Saturday or Sunday March 20 or 21 .


Seattle Volleyball Club spent the Fall 2009 season establishing new numeric player ratings for all of its current
members. In addition to current members, those that have played in an SVC League within the past 3 years should
also have an established 2010 rating. The SVC rating system was designed to assess the actual skills required to
compete in volleyball, and can also serve as a roadmap for player development.

SVC made every effort to rate all past and present members. If you do not agree with a Member’s rating, you may
file an objection via surveymonkey that will be reviewed by the Competition Manager and Club Director. Please
use the link below.

2010 SVC Player Rating Objection

The SVC Rules & Regulations have been updated for the Winter 2010 season. You will find new definitions and
criteria for each each division that are based on SVC ratings. As we are further qualifying teams’ eligibility through
player ratings, we have archived the Team Champions rule, and it is currently not in effect. Teams that won the
last SVC League season are eligible to return to their division, granted they meet all other Team Composition and
Division Eligibility requirements. Please make sure to read the R&R document for complete details.

The SVC Director and Competition Manager with input from Division Commissioners, reserve the right to deny a
team entry into a division based on the Division Eligibility and Definitions. It is SVC’s intent that all divisions be
made up of competitive teams. Please see the 2010 SVC Rules & Regulations for complete details.


All new to SVC members will be required to attend either a Skill Clinic or SVC Open Gym, where an assessment of
their skills will be completed. Upon completion of the assessment, the Competition Manager or Club Director will
then establish an interim rating for the new member which will be confirmed and final during league season play.
The Competition Manager reserves the right to change a player’s rating during the league season if they feel the
player’s rating was established under false pretenses by said player. It is SVC’s intent to foster competitive


SVC will hold new player Skill Clinics and Open Gyms on the below dates. The Skill Clinics provide basic
instruction on the core Volleyball Skills, and allows new and existing players an avenue for finding a league team to
join. The Division 3 & 4 Open Gyms will allow you to apply what you have learned during the Skill Clinics in real
game situations. Team captains will be on hand to assist in drills, while also looking out for players to add to their
rosters. There will be opportunities for new captains to form teams in all divisions. So if you are interested in
organizing a team come ready to complete your roster.


Dec 29th Skill Clinic 7:30 – 9:30pm Garfield CC
Jan 5 Skill Clinic 7:30 – 9:30pm Garfield CC
Dec 30 Open Gym – D1-4 7:00 – 10:00pm Rainier CC
Jan 6 Open Gym – D1-4 7:00 – 10:30pm Rainier CC

SVC will hold an official’s clinic on Wednesday, January 6 from 7-8:30pm at the Rainier Community Center. If
your league team does not have a NAGVA or USAV certified Official and Scorekeeper, then you must send 1 of
each to the Official’s Clinic. Basic instruction on how to facilitate, referee, and scorekeep a volleyball match will be
presented and discussed.

Uniforms are required to participate in the Winter 2010 league season. SVC follows the USAV Uniform
requirements, but with a more relaxed attitude. Uniforms must have at least a 6 inch # on the front, and at least an
8 inch # on the back. In order to be fully aligned with USAV/NAGVA tournament standards, #’s shoud be centered
on both the front and back. (SVC will require that the front # must be at least 4 inches, and the back # must be at
least 6 inches). Numbers should be contrasting to the main color of the body of the uniform, and are specified as 1-
99. Liberos are to wear a contrasting jersey to those of the other players, with the same # requirements. If you
have a specific question as to the legality of your uniforms, please reference the USAV Rule Book: Participants
Equipment Rule (, or inquire with the SVC Director.


We are currently looking for interested SVC members who would like to officiate the weekly Division 4 play nights.
We are looking for 2 individuals who have at least have a basic understanding of Volleyball rules and who has
played at least at the SVC Division 3 level. There is compensation involved for the selected officials.
Divisions: Division 1 – (AA-BB/high) | Division 2 – (BB/mid – B) | Division 3 – (B) | Division 4 – (Novice)

Nights: Division 1, 2 & 3 – Wednesdays | Division 4 – Tuesdays

Locations: Divisions 1, 2 & 3 – Rainier Community Center

(Divisions 1 & 2 will have a combined regular season with a tiered playoff)

Time: Rainier CC Gym 7- 10:00pm | Garfield 7:30 – 10:30pm

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Duration: Jan 12 – Mar 17th – Divisional Tournament will be Sat or Sun Mar 20 or 21

Team Fee: $150 / team | PayPal – $155

Who: All teams – New & Returning (unless pre-paid in Fall 2009)
Due by: January 8th - $20 Late Fee after
Method: PayPal or Check
Made By: Team Captain / Sponsor

Player Fee: Fall 2009 Rostered Returning Player = $50 / player – PayPal - $52
Non - Fall 2009 Rostered Player = $60 / player - PayPal - $62
Due by: January 5 (Received by) - $10 Late Fee after
Method: PayPal or Check – NO CASH
Made By: Individual or Captain

Individual Registration & All interested players will need to create a profile on our website @
Matchmaker: Select: Need a Team, if you are looking. Y

Team Registration: Create a League player “ad” stating that you are looking for a team for the upcoming season.

Rosters due by: Team Captains will build their online roster by keying their player’s email address. All online
profiles must have accurate information including full name, address and birth date.

Checks Mailed To: January 5th, 2010

Seattle Volleyball Club

303 NW 117 Street
Seattle, WA 98177

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