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Spanish II Performance Indicators aligned to Montgomery County

Unit 1: Who am I?
1A Exchange, identify, interpret, and present personal and biographical information
including physical descriptions, personality characteristics, origin, and interests.
1B Identify and describe physical and personality characteristics of well-known,
Spanish-speaking contemporary personalities or characters from literary works.

Unit 2: School Life?

2A Exchange information about present school classes and school-related activities.
2B Interpret and describe a daily school routine including course schedules and
extracurricular activities in a Spanish-speaking country.
2C Present information comparing your school life to that of a student in a Spanish-
speaking country.
2D Describe the programs of study and the mandated courses at a Spanish-speaking
2E Describe the importance of extracurricular activities and team sports.

Unit 3: Daily Routines and Chores

3A Exchange information about daily routines and common household chores in
present tense.
3A1: SWBAT identify common questions related to household chores and
♦ ¿Qué haces normalmente por la mañana?
♦ ¿Qué haces por la noche?
♦ ¿Cuáles son tus quehaceres?

3A2: SWBAT identify vocabulary related to household chores and routines

♦ lavar los platos / la vajilla
♦ cortar la hierba / el césped
♦ hacer la cama
♦ poner la mesa
♦ recoger la mesa
♦ sacar la basura
♦ pasar la aspiradora
♦ cuidar a los niños
♦ limpiar el baño
♦ sacudir los muebles/sacar el polvo
♦ barrer el piso
♦ cocinar
♦ poner la lavadora
♦ planchar
♦ arreglar el cuarto
3A3: SWBAT conjugate verbs in the present tense to respond appropriately to
questions related to chores that one undertakes in the morning
-ducharse / bañarse
-arreglarse el pelo
-ponerse la ropa / vestirse
-maquillarse / pintarse
-cepillarse los dientes
-lavarse la cara
-quitarse la ropa

3A4: SWBAT conjugate verbs in the present tense to respond appropriately to

questions related to chores that one undertakes at night
♦ acostarse
♦ dormirse
♦ cepillarse los dientes
♦ lavarse la cara
♦ secarse
♦ quitarse la ropa

3B Interpret situations regarding household needs and respond with the proper
3B1: SWBAT identify and interpret 14 words or phrases related to personal
♦ el peine / el cepillo
♦ el cepillo de dientes
♦ la pasta de dientes
♦ el champú
♦ el jabón
♦ el desodorante
♦ el maquillaje
♦ el secador
♦ la toalla
♦ el agua de colonia
♦ el suavizante
♦ la maquinilla de afeitar
♦ la loción
3B2: SWBAT interpret and use the expressions tienes que, hay que, and debes
when discussing household needs
♦ tienes que…
♦ hay que…
♦ debes…

3B3: SWBAT interpret household events (boda, una celebracion, evento

especial, quincenera, etc.) and respond with the appropriate chores needed to
prepare for such events
♦ Me preparo para…
la boda de mi tío
la quinceañera de mi prima
una cita
un evento especial
una celebración

3C Present a daily routine.

3C1: SWBAT identify chores that would comprise a typical daily routine
♦ arreglarse el pelo
 ♦ ponerse la ropa / vestirse
♦ dormirse
♦ lavarse la cara
♦ hacer la cama
♦ cocinar
♦ poner la mesa
♦ recoger la mesa
♦ lavar los platos / la vajilla

3C2: SWBAT use chore vocabulary to present their daily routine

3D Identify typical household chores in Spanish-speaking countries.

Unit 4: Shopping (de Compras)

4A Exchange and present information about personal preferences for style and
clothing for specific events.
4A1: Identify vocabulary related to different clothing styles, colors, and fabrics
♦ de flores
♦ de lunares
♦ a cuadros
♦ a rayas
♦ claro
♦ oscuro
♦ vivo
♦ pastel
♦ de un sólo color

4A2: Use clothing vocabulary and expressions to express preferences

♦¿Cómo te queda(n)…?
♦Me queda(n)…
♦ apretado/s
♦ suelto/s
♦ cómodo/s
♦ incómodo/s
♦ bien
♦ mal

4B Request sales assistance and state preferences for purchases.

4B1: SWBAT request sales assistance
♦ ¿Podría Ud. ayudarme?
♦ Uso la talla/el numero…
♦ ¿Puedo probármelo/la/los/las?
♦ ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?

4B2: SWBAT interpret and respond to questions about preferences by stating

preferences for purchases
♦ Me gusta(n) / me encanta(n)…
♦ Me queda(n) bien/mal…
♦ ¿En qué puedo servirle?
♦ ¿Qué talla/número necesita?
♦ ¿Cómo le gusta(n)?
♦ ¿Qué le parece(n)?
♦ ¿Cómo le queda(n)?
♦ ¿Algo más?
♦ ¿Cómo va Ud. a pagar?
♦ con la tarjeta de crédito
♦ con el cheque
♦ con el cupón de regalo

4C Interpret size, price, and style of clothing items from authentic sources.
4C1: Identify clothing vocabulary related to size, style, and price of clothing
♦ de flores
♦ de lunares
♦ a cuadros
♦ a rayas
♦ altos
♦ bajos
♦ baratos
♦ caros
 ♦ razonables

4C2: Use vocabulary to interpret size, price, and style of clothing items

4D Describe a past shopping experience.

4D1: SWBAT conjugate verbs in the preterite to describe a past shopping experience
4D2: SWBAT conjugate irregular verbs in the preterite (yo: -car, -gar, -zar)
4D3: SWBAT identify vocabulary that they can use to describe a past shopping
4D4: SWBAT use vocabulary to describe a past shopping experience
♦ la caja
♦ el probador
♦ la entrada
♦ la salida
♦ el letrero
♦ la marca
♦ la talla/el número
♦ la liquidación

4E Describe the concept of bargaining in Spanish-speaking cultures

4E1: SWBAT explain the concept of bargaining in Spanish-speaking cultures
4E2: SWBAT identify common expressions used during the bargaining process
in Spanish-speaking cultures
♦ ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?
♦ en efectivo
♦ comprar
♦ vender
♦ gastar dinero
♦ pagar

Unit 5: Community (La comunidad)

5A Identify types of stores and their products.
5A1: Identify types of stores
♦ a la florería
♦ al supermercado
♦ a la papelería
♦ a la juguetería
♦ a la mueblería / la tienda de muebles
♦ a la zapatería
♦ a la joyería
♦ el banco
♦ la barbería
♦ la peluquería
♦ la estación de servicio
♦ la parada (de autobús)
♦ el correo
♦ la farmacia
♦ la estación de bomberos
♦ el consultorio

5A2: SWBAT identify the types of products produced or activities that one undertakes at
specialty stores
♦echar una carta al buzón
♦ mandar una tarjeta
♦ comprar unos sellos
♦ cobrar un cheque
♦ cuidar a
♦ buscar
♦ devolver
♦ llenar el tanque

5B Ask or give simple directions to specified locations, including specialty

5B1: SWBAT identify and use common questions regarding directions and
¿Cómo se llega…?
¿Adónde fuiste de compras?
¿Qué hiciste?

5B2: SWBAT interpret and use simple vocabulary/espressions that indicate

♦ recto/derecho
♦ a la izquierda
♦ a la derecha
♦ hasta
♦ desde
♦ por
♦ para
♦ en el medio de
♦ aproximadamente
♦ ir a pie
♦ decir
♦ salir
♦ esperar

5B3: SWBAT use simple vocabulary related to location and conjugate verbs (in
the affirmative formal command) to give simple directions to specified locations
bajar baje
doblar doble
seguir siga
caminar camine
continuar continúe
conducir/manejar conduzca / maneje
cruzar cruce
entrar entre
parar pare
pasar pase
subir suba
tomar tome
quedarse quédese

5C Follow oral and written directions to a specified location.

5C1: SWBAT orally interpret 10 words/expressions related to location to follow
5C2: SWBAT interpret 10 written words/expressions related to location to follow

5D Provide directions to a specified location.

5D1: SWBAT identify vocabulary used to indicate specific points of reference
♦ la avenida / la calle
♦ la carretera
♦ el cruce de calles
♦ la esquina
♦ la cuadra / la manzana
♦ el puente
♦ la fuente
♦ la estatua
♦ la parada
♦ el semáforo
♦ la señal
♦ el tráfico
♦ el edificio
♦ el destino final

5D2: SWBAT use vocabulary related to specific points of reference to provide

directions to a specified location

5E Identify and describe the types of stores and markets in a Spanish-speaking

5E1: SWBAT identify the types of stores and markets in a Spanish-speaking
♦ a la panadería
♦ al Mercado
♦ a la carnicería
♦ a la dulcería
♦ a la pescadería

5E2: SWBAT describe the types of stores and markets in a Spanish-speaking


Unit 6: When I was young—Cuando Era Joven

6A Exchange, interpret, and present past biographical information about
yourself, others, and famous Spanish speakers.
6A1: SWBAT respond to use personality adjectives to respond to
biographical questions about one’s childhood personality or disposition
Cómo eras de niño-a?
egoísta -- generoso-a
bien educado-a -- mal educado-a
agradable -- travieso-a
obediente -- desobediente
valiente -- miedoso-a
fastidioso-a -- tranquilo-a

6A2: SWBAT identify and conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the imperfect to
explain the actions one takes during various stages of life
cumplir años
tener éxito

6A3: SWBAT identify and use expressions that indicate events occurred in
the past
por primera vez
hace # años
-cuando yo/él /ella tenía # años…
a los # años…
de niño/a
durante la niñez/la juventud
generalmente ! usualmente

6A4: SWBAT interpret and conjugate irregular and regular verbs in the imperfect to explain
what activities they engaged in when they were young
-coleccionar monedas
montar en triciclo
saltar a la cuerda
asistir a la guardería infantil
pelearse con mi hermanito
contar chistes
ver dibujos animados
dormir con la luz encendida
mentir -- decir la verdad
portarse bien -- portarse mal
llevarse bien -- llevarse mal
-jugar a las escondidas
jugar en los columpios
-ver los fuegos artificiales
trepar los árboles
ir al campamento de verano
hacer castillos en la arena
hacer un hombre de nieve
construir un fuerte

6A5: SWBAT interpret and use vocabulary to describe who and what they
played with
¿Con quién jugabas?
-los vecinos
los parientes
los mayores
el bebé / la bebé
todo el mundo
mi mascota

¿Con qué jugabas?

la muñeca
los dinosaurios
el oso de peluche
el tren eléctrico
los bloques
el pez / los peces
la tortuga

6B: Identify and describe a typical story or song that a child from a Spanish-
speaking country would know.
6B1: SWBAT identify and describe a typical story that a child from a Spanish-
speaking country would know
6B2: SWBAT identify and describe a typical song that a child from a Spanish-
speaking country would know

Unit 7: Natural Disasters and Emergencies: Los desastres y las emergencias

7A: Exchange, interpret and present information about past emergencies,
crises, and rescues.
7A1: SWBAT interpret and use vocabulary to present information about various
kinds of emergencies that occurred in the past (using the preterite)
un accidente
un huracán
una inundación
un terremoto
un incendio
una explosión
una tragedia
una tormenta

7A2: SWBAT interpret and use vocabulary to present information about

various kinds of emergencies that occurred in the past (using the imperfect)

7A3: SWBAT identify and interpret vocabulary to explain the various

individuals that were affected by the natural disaster
¿Quiénes estuvieron?
los bomberos
los paramédicos
héroe / a la heroína
los heridos
los muertos
 los sobrevivientes

7A4: SWBAT identify and use vocabulary to describe the dispositions of the
people who were affected by the natural disaster

7B Exchange information and present a description of past weather

7B1: SWBAT identify and use expressions (in the imperfect) to
describe past weather
-hacía buen tiempo -- hacía mal tiempo
-hacía calor, hacía fresco, hacía frío
hacía sol
hacía viento
había hielo
había relámpagos / tronaba
estaba nublado
estaba despejado
había neblina

7C Identify emergency polices and responses in a Spanish-speaking country.

7C1: SWBAT interpret and use 16 verbs to exchange information about
emergency responses in a Spanish-speaking country
tratar de

7C2: SWBAT identify and use vocabulary to exchange information about media
coverage of a Spanish-speaking country’s response to an emergency
las noticias
el reportero
-el locutor
el noticiero
el artículo

7D Identify an organization in a Spanish -speaking country that one could

contact in an emergency situation.
7D1: SWBAT identify organizations (and their members) that one could contact in
an emergency situation
-los bomberos
-los paramédicos
-el reportero

7D2: SWBAT interpret and apply useful expressions when contacting

organizations in an emergency situation
-¡Qué lástima!
-sin duda
-de prisa
-de repente

Unit 8: Injuries: Las heridas

8A Exchange, interpret, and present information about past accidents,
injuries, and treatments, including conditions leading up to them.
8A1: SWBAT identify and use 16 verbs/expressions to present
information about past accidents, injuries, and treatments
tropezar con…
chocar con…
tener un accidente
- tener fiebre / temperatura
tener dolor de…

8A2: SWBAT apply the structure “tuve + vocabulary word” to present

information about past accidents, injuries, and treatments

8A3: SWBAT use vocabulary to describe the actions that some took in
the aftermath of an accident or injury
-en ambulancia
-a la sala de emergencia
al consultorio
-al médico
al enfermero
-al cirujano

8A4: SWBAT identify and use vocabulary to present information about

injured body parts
-Me dolía(n)…
la cabeza
el oído
el cuello
la garganta
el pecho
el corazón
el estómago
la espalda
el hueso
la muñeca
el músculo
el codo
el brazo
la rodilla
el pie
el tobillo
el muslo

8A5: SWBAT use vocabulary to present information about the

treatments that were implemented in the aftermath of an accident or injury
“Me dieron…”
-una curita / una tirita
unas puntadas / unos puntos
una medicina / unos antibióticos
unas pastillas / unas píldoras
una receta
unas muletas
una silla de ruedas

8B Identify cultural perspectives on health.

Unit 9: Restaurant Experiences: ¡Buen Provecho!

9A Exchange, interpret, and present information about foods and recipes.
9A1: Identify and use adjectives to describe the taste of foods
¿Cómo estuvo la comida?
-sabrosa / rica
asquerosa / repugnante
 caliente
poco hecha
medio hecha
bien hecha

9A2: SWBAT identify and interpret 14 verbs to use and exchange information
from recipes

9B Give and receive instructions for making a recipe.

9B1: SWBAT conjugate 14 verbs in the Tú afirmativo and negativo to give
instructions for a recipe
9B2: SWBAT interpret 14 verbs in the Tú afirmativo and negativo to follow
instructions from a recipe

9C Comment on, inquire about, and make selections from a menu.

9C1: SWBAT identify and use common questions to inquire about selections
from a menu
¿Qué sirvieron?
¿Qué pediste?
¿Cómo estuvo la comida?

9C2: SWBAT identify and use food adjectives to comment on selections from
a menu

9C3: SWBAT interpret a menu in Spanish to make selections from a menu

9D Describe food products and dishes typical in Spanish-speaking
9D1: SWBAT list dishes typical in Spanish-speaking cultures
Entremeses/ Platos principales
-la paella
-la tortilla española
el gazpacho
-el chile relleno
el tamal
la empanada
el ceviche
La carne
-la ternera
las chuletas de cerdo
la carne de res
el jamón serrano
el pavo
el cordero

Los mariscos / Los pescados

-la almeja
las gambas
la langosta
la trucha
el pulpo
los camarones al ajillo

Los postres y frutas

-la fruta del tiempo
las cerezas
el durazno / el melocotón
la sandía
el melón
la piña
el flan

9D2: Describe food products and dishes typical in Spanish-speaking cultures.

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