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JUNE 2013

Lloyd's Market Association (LMA) provides professional technical support to the
Lloyds underwriting community. For more detailed or current information on a
range of topics please visit the LMA website.

If you have feedback on this guide, or would like to suggest a question for future
inclusion, please contact: [email protected]



Uses of Catastrophe Modelling.................................................................................1
Catastrophe Modelling practice................................................................................2
Different components of a Catastrophe model..............................................................2
Catastrophe Modelling Terminology........................................................................ 4
EP curve...........................................................................................................4
OEP and an AEP curves ........................................................................................... 4
VaR and TVaR ...................................................................................................... 4
Event Loss Table ................................................................................................... 5
Coefficient of Variation (CoV) .................................................................................. 5
Difference between Near Term, Long Term and Historical rates ......................................... 5
Difference between Ground Up, Gross, Net and Final Net losses ........................................ 5
Frequently Asked Questions. .................................................................................. 6
Why is it that every time an event occurs I hear that it was not covered properly by the
catastrophe models? .............................................................................................. 6
What is the impact of poor quality data on results? ........................................................ 6
Why do I need aggregates if I have a model? ................................................................. 7
What is a 1-in-250 return period? .............................................................................. 7
Why do 1 in 100 year losses happen every few years? ...................................................... 7
What is an n-year event? ......................................................................................... 7
Why can you not add up return period losses? ............................................................... 8
What is Pure Premium? ........................................................................................... 8
How can I still get a loss to a layer when the mean loss is less than the attachment point? ........ 9
Why is the 10,000 year loss in RMS not the worst case loss for this account or portfolio? .......... 10


The LMA Exposure Management Working Group (EMWG) was formed to look after the interests of
catastrophe ("cat") modellers working in the Lloyd's market. Given the increasing use of cat models
in the market in recent years and their perceived complexity and sophistication, the EMWG agreed
that it would be useful to put together a simple guide for colleagues not working on cat modelling.
The aim of this guide is therefore to provide some of the background information as to what a cat
model is, explain the terminology frequently used by modellers, and answer many of the most
frequently asked questions on cat models. This document is not intended to be a comprehensive
guide to cat modelling or to answer all questions on this subject. It will hopefully provide non-cat
modellers with a basic understanding of the work of cat modellers, and also act as a quick
reference document on cat models.
Uses of Cat Modelling
A cat model is a computerised system that generates a robust set of simulated events and estimates
the magnitude, intensity, and location of the event to determine the amount of damage and
calculate the insured loss as a result of a catastrophic event such as a hurricane or an earthquake.
As with any emerging industry the boundaries are not defined, and many myriad of uses of cat
modelling continue to be established. At the core, within the insurance industry, cat modelling
Risk pricing using local software a quick repeatable risk assessment over the known
locations of a risk being offered can be run. In addition to supporting the calculation of a
robust internal technical price, the cat modelling process can provide a wealth of
additional information regarding the potential hazard exposure. This includes;
susceptibility to hurricanes or earthquakes, proximity to liquefaction (the process of
something moving from a solid to liquid mass) storm surge risks such as flooding, or
vulnerability assessments (for example, which building standard code was in place when the
locations were built and what relative impact this could have). While there is still a lot of
uncertainty and complexity to assessing such risks, the benchmark figures produced allow
relative comparisons between risks, and over time. All of this is intended to supplement an
Underwriters wider knowledge about a risk and lead to optimal decision making over the
long term, including calculating the correct price.
Portfolio management As above for individual risks, so for an entire portfolio of risks, cat
modelling is used to rapidly accumulate across a portfolio to communicate the combined
profile. For example, acting as a common currency, cat modelling can put a high value
industrial facility in the US in direct comparison to a warehouse in Belgium. At this level cat
modelling supports business strategy, both identifying areas of concern (such as with too
great an accumulation of correlating risks) or identifying opportunities (where diversifying
risks could be added to the portfolio with marginal impact).
Capital requirements The robust standardised approach to assessing cat risk that cat
modelling provides, can benefit other processes undertaken by insurers. The main usage is
in calculating solvency and other regulatory or economic capital requirements, where the
output from a cat modelling process will provide a risk profile that can be combined with
other forms of business risk to inform capital requirements.


Cat Modelling Practice
Operating the software is only a small part of what it takes to effectively utilise cat modelling
within a business. As with any model that attempts to simplify and represent real world phenomena
it is vital that there is a strong understanding of the appropriate usage and limitations of the
Different components of a cat model
A cat model is built up of a number of modules that must all operate in coordination to produce the
desired risk assessment. It is important to note that two of these (the hazard and vulnerability
modules) could be considered individual models in their own right, and the combination of one
feeding the other brings with it challenges that need to be understood.
The vendors of cat models create and fix a set of events. While these are a small subset of the
range of potential outcomes they provide a sensible number of scenarios that will represent the
underlying hazard, while remaining at a practical level to make quick decisions. These events are
run consistently each time a model is operated, so there is no random element involved, and they
can be compared between risks and between different companies using the same model. As they
only represent a subset, increased uncertainty should be applied to events at the extreme tail.
The components of a cat model are:
Exposure data module every cat model needs an input of risks against which an
assessment is to be made. This usually consists of capturing multiple details about a risk,
along with recording insurance policy terms. The two essential features of a risk that need
to be known are the geo-location and an insured value. After this, depending on the type of
risk, there might be options to enter primary characteristics, such as construction type or
year built for a property risk, and even secondary characteristics such as roof type. Some
models provide approaches for geocoding locations based on addresses, and for estimating
characteristics if unknown.
Hazard module each generated event is tagged with the core components relevant to the
hazard. For a Hurricane this might be landfall location and direction of travel, peak wind-
speeds and central pressure; for an earthquake this would normally be the epicentre and
magnitude. The hazard module must combine this information with the exposure data being
provided and any information the model has on salient features such as surface roughness
(for windstorm hazard) or soil type (for earthquake hazard) at each location. For each
event an assessment of the hazard impact at each location being assessed must be
Vulnerability module the resulting output of the hazard module is then passed to the
vulnerability module. The hazard at any one location is independent of the risk that is
actually there, but what we are interested in is how the risk at that location will respond to
the predicted hazard conditions. The vulnerability module contains a number of
vulnerability curves, with the appropriate one chosen depending on the primary
characteristics of the risk. These are often derived from engineering studies or past
experience, and represent how a risk will respond under different conditions. For an
earthquake, for example, peak ground acceleration (PGA) is often the most important
factor when considering how badly damaged a building will be. As the PGA increases, so
does the expected damage. The relationship between the two is described in the
vulnerability curve. Secondary characteristics, if provided, will often be used to make
minor modifications to the vulnerability curves. The result of these calculations is a damage
ratio to be applied to the risk at the given location.
Financial module armed with the expected damage ratios for each location that we are
assessing, the cat model can then begin to accumulate upwards through the

financial and insurance terms. Starting with a calculation of the Ground Up loss to the
individual location the financial module will typically accumulate through location-level
terms, to policy and then programme level conditions, at each stage applying limits,
deductibles, and special conditions that have been coded into the model. The resulting
output is an Event Loss Table that provides an assessment of the financial risk exposure to
individual events. This can then be combined to an exceedance probability (EP) curve to
give further measures for the entire risk.


The cat modelling industry is full of terminology and acronyms, many of which have been borrowed
from mathematics or actuarial modelling. This section will attempt to explain some of the most
common ones used by cat modellers.
EP Curve
An EP curve communicates the probability of any given financial loss being exceeded. It can be
used in one of two ways: provided with a financial loss the EP curve could be read to give you the
probability of this loss (or a greater loss) occurring; or alternatively provided with a probability
level the EP curve could be read to show you the financial loss level that this corresponds to.
It is important to note that this refers to a loss being exceeded, and not the exact loss itself. This
approach is used for cat modelling, as it is beneficial to identify attachment or exhaustion
probabilities, calculate expected losses within a given range, or to provide benchmarks for
comparisons between risks or over time. Calculating the probability of an exact financial loss is of
little value.
OEP and an AEP curve
OEP stands for Occurrence Exceedance Probability; AEP stands for Aggregate Exceedance
The OEP represents the probability of seeing any single event within a defined period (typically one
year) with a particular loss size or greater; the AEP represents the probability of seeing total annual
losses of a particular amount or greater.
They can be used in tandem to assist with managing exposure both to single large events, as well as
accumulations of multiple events across a period.
VaR and TVaR
VaR stands for Value at Risk; TVaR stands for Tail Value at Risk.
They are both mathematical measures used in cat modelling to represent a risk profile, or range of
potential outcomes, in a single value.
Value at Risk is equivalent to Return Period, and measures a single point of a range of potential
outcomes corresponding to a given confidence or fixed position. When used to compare two risks,
in conjunction with the mean loss, it communicates a measure of uncertainty in the loss
Tail Value at Risk (or Tail Conditional Expectation) measures the mean loss of all potential
outcomes with losses greater than a fixed point. It helps to communicate how bad things could
get. When used to compare two risks, along with mean loss and Value at Risk, it helps
communicate how quickly potential losses tail off.
With current modelling techniques any EP curve is limited by the number of theoretical events or
simulation years used to make it up. In the tail of a distribution there can be large jumps between
individual points. Value at Risk points read at high return period / confidence levels can perform
strangely as the limited number of sample points makes figures jump back and forth between
assessments. The TVaR measure provides a small amount of protection against this effect. By
considering the average of all points in the tail it is less sensitive to such effects and can provide a
more stable measure.
However the TVaR is necessarily reliant on the quality of modelling in the tail of the distribution,
where models will always be fairly weak.

Event Loss Table (ELT)
An ELT is a collection of theoretical cats (hurricanes, earthquakes etc.) along with the modelled
losses estimated to occur from each event. This forms the raw data that is used to build up EP
Curves and calculate other measures of risk.
Coefficient of Variation (CoV)
The CoV is the standard deviation divided by the mean (annual average loss). The wider the
variation on the distribution of data, the higher the COV.
Difference between Near Term, Long Term and Historical rates
Models for North Atlantic Hurricane need to take into account the strong influence that global
climate and oceanic conditions have on them, potentially affecting everything from frequency and
strength to landfall location.
Long term or Historical analyses use all available information on past Hurricane activity (stretching
back to around 1850) to advise on likely frequencies to be seen in the coming year.
Near Term analyses by AIR (which are referred to as Medium Term analyses by RMS) attempt to
better represent current conditions.
AIR does this by marking each historic year as either having the Atlantic in a warm phase (where
sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic are warmer than the long term average) or a cold
phase. At present we are assessed to be in a warm phase, so AIR uses only historic years in a
similar phase to advise on likely frequencies for the model.
RMS takes a different approach, instead eliciting a number of academic models designed to
forecast the next 5 years of events. They then apply a weight to each model according to how
accurately it is able to represent the previous 5 years, to form a blended assessment of future
Difference between Ground Up, Gross, Net and Final Net losses
A Ground-up loss is the loss to the policyholder or risk insured; gross loss typically refers to claim
made to insurer; net loss typically refers to gross loss net of reinsurance; final net loss typically
refers to the gross loss net of reinsurance and reinstatements.


Why is it that every time an event occurs I hear that it was not covered properly by the cat
A model is only a representation of reality. Depending on the questions being asked a model could
be highly complex or extremely simple, and it is in understanding the limits of a model that its
value can be properly achieved.
First and foremost it must be understood what a model is attempting to represent in the first place.
More recently model vendors have begun to explicitly state the elements of loss that their model is
intended to represent, and more importantly they have started to identify known elements of loss
that they explicitly do not cover. Cat models do not pretend to cover all elements of all cat risks
worldwide, and it is therefore the responsibility of individuals to ensure that they clearly
understand both of these. Vendors do continue to work to add to the suite of risks covered by their
models, but this is a continual work in progress and is driven largely by market demands.
However, even within risks that are covered we would still expect to see elements that are not
perfectly represented. Producing a model of a real world phenomenon is only as good as the
information that is available and the investment spent in studying it. Loss Amplification (price
increases following a major event caused by a scarcity of resources and an increased demand) is a
known impact, but relatively little recorded information about it is available historically worldwide,
and how it varies between events that occur once every 10 years to events that occur once every
100 years is almost non-existent. An attempt to allow for this is included in a number of models,
but it is highly likely that this will need to develop over time.
Models must be considered in the context of the purpose for which they were designed. For most
cat models this is to assess the overall risk profile of a set of locations to particular hazards. To
achieve this practically, certain assumptions and approximations are required. When used for its
intended purpose these reductions should produce negligible impact, however drilling down too far
into any model will reach a point below which the model is no longer appropriate. The climate
simulation models, used by the IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) to estimate the
impact of climate change on the planet, would do an appalling job of telling you what the weather
will be like at your house on your birthday, but still remain valid approaches for predicting
worldwide temperature changes over decades.
When an individual event occurs and the resulting profile is compared against the cat models it is
important to identify when an outcome casts doubt on a key assumption relevant to the overall
value of the cat model, or whether the particular features of the event simply fall outside of the
subset of generated events, but within the consideration of the overall model.
What is the impact of poor quality data on results?
A model is only as good as the data that feeds it. Even if we had perfect exposure data the
challenge of cat modelling is still huge, and the results that are produced will contain numerous
uncertainties, however if the input data is of poor quality then no amount of modelling will produce
correct output. Poor quality data can be of two forms, inaccurate or incomplete.
Models are unable to identify inaccurate data, so will continue to assess the risk based on the
information being correct. This means that output will be presented back to the user with no
indication that the results being analysed are inappropriate, and if this information continues to
feed further down the chain incorrect decision making will follow.
An incorrect location could put the risk further into a hazard zone, or further away. Incorrect
primary characteristics could imply the location was more or less vulnerable than reality. If
inaccuracies are minor and random and spread through a large enough portfolio of risks then are


unlikely to cause too many problems, however if the inaccuracies are systematic, or if they occur
on peak risks they have the potential to significantly mislead.
Incomplete data causes problems for a different reason. Models need certainty to proceed, so
missing information is usually replaced by estimates. This is beneficial in that it allows us to
proceed with a modelled analysis even with information missing, but what is not always clearly
communicated is the additional uncertainty that this brings.
In cat modelling communicating and understanding the uncertainty is vital, however in the case of
incomplete information no additional uncertainty is added to the results. If there were sufficient
time to reprocess the analysis with the complete range of potential inputs it would be more obvious
that the missing information will have introduced a far wider range of potential outcomes than is
otherwise suggested. When dealing with natural cats the difference between building codes, or
distances from the coast or a fault line can make the difference between a risk having no loss or
being a total loss.
Why do I need aggregates if I have a model?
Cat modelling is just one of many tools in an arsenal for understanding and managing cat risks. As
noted there are many elements of cat risk that cannot currently be modelled, or are in the early
stages of being developed into a cat model. Additionally, while modelling helps to push the
boundaries of loss forecasting, the limitations and uncertainties are unlikely to go away any time
soon, and one must never lose sight of common sense approaches to managing risk.
The recording and monitoring of aggregate positions can provide a useful fall-back and sense check
against which the complex output of cat models can be reviewed and challenged.
What is a 1 in 250 return period?
Future losses from cat events cannot be accurately predicted. Instead the purpose of any form of
modelling is to use what knowledge we do have about the likelihood of events occurring, along with
estimates of the potential impacts that each event could have, to build up a picture of the range of
potential outcomes.
To translate this range of outcomes into something meaningful it is common practice to select a
fixed confidence level to report against. Asking for the 1 in 250 return period is, like gambling
odds, simply an easier way to represent asking for the monetary loss in the range of outcomes
where only 1/250 = 0.4% of potential outcomes are worse. In mathematical terms this is the
1 0.4% = 99.6% confidence point, and you are stating that you are 99.6% confident that losses
will not be larger than this value.
Return Period figures must therefore always be considered within the context of the analysis. For
example: Which regions and perils have been included in the assessment, and are there additional
potential losses not included? It is important to note that this is simply a way of representing how
confident you are about potential loss outcomes being reviewed and is not directly intended to be
translated into a multi-year assessment of event frequency, where other considerations would be
Why do 1 in 100 year losses happen every few years?
1 in 100 relates to the probability of a loss in a particular region to a particular peril. Imagine you
have a 100 sided dice. With just one dice your chance of rolling a 100 would be 1 in 100 or 1%.
However, if you had 10 dice, your chance of rolling a 100 would be 10 times greater - so 10%. The
different dice represent the different perils and regions that are insured around the world so,
unfortunately, 1 in 100 year events should be expected every 10 years, if not more frequently.
What is an n-year event?
The events used by the models are theoretical and used as vehicles to support the calculations,
and should be used with caution. EP curves are then built up considering all events and scenarios,

and how they interact with each other and the final resulting curve should be considered as
separate from the individual events that went to make it up. This EP curve can now be used to
reach your n-year loss, but there is no such thing as an n-year event.
The trouble with converting the purely financial EP curve to a real world comment on events can be
seen when you consider that a rare Category 5 hurricane that skims the coast can cause far less
financial loss than a more frequent Category 3 that drives onshore.
Additional useful information can be gained from looking at the events or scenarios that cause
losses at the n-year level; however it is important to remember that there are a large number of
different combinations that could achieve the same result and it will not always be possible to
determine this from the model alone. For example, careful examination of the EP curve may lead
you to find that your n-year loss is being strongly driven by one country/peril or another; or that
you have more or less exposure to single large events than multiple small events.
Why can you not add up return period losses?
A Return Period Loss is the monetary amount, given a range of potential outcomes, where a given
fixed percentage of outcomes result in worse monetary losses (see also What is a 1 in 250 return
Combining two analyses means combining two sets of potential outcomes. In some cases the two
sets may be independent, leaving you simply with a single larger set of outcomes. In other cases
the two may interact perhaps a large loss outcome from the first analysis is linked to a large loss
outcome in the second, such as if both have been caused by the same theoretical Hurricane.
The new Return Period Loss for the combined analysis now depends heavily on how the two
different sets of outcomes interacted, which cant be seen by looking at the individual analyses
alone, and must be recalculated once the grouping has been performed.
Example to illustrate combining two event sets

What is Pure Premium?
The Pure Premium represents the average of all potential outcomes considered in the analysis, and
could be considered to be the break-even point if such a policy was to be written a very large
number of times.
Event Annual Rate Loss EP
CA EQ 101 0.10% 15,000 0.10%
CA EQ 202 0.30% 14,500 0.40%
CA EQ 103 0.10% 13,000 0.50% Event Annual Rate Loss EP
CA EQ 304 0.20% 12,500 0.70% US HU 101 0.12% 20,000 0.12%
CA EQ 105 0.15% 12,000 0.85% US HU 202 0.10% 16,000 0.22%
CA EQ 206 0.21% 11,000 1.06% CA EQ 101 0.10% 15,000 0.32%
CA EQ 407 0.10% 10,500 1.15% CA EQ 202 0.30% 14,500 0.62%
US HU 103 0.15% 14,000 0.77%
US HU 304 0.22% 13,500 0.99%
CA EQ 103 0.10% 13,000 1.09%
US HU 105 0.25% 12,750 1.33%
US HU 206 0.11% 12,600 1.44%
Event Annual Rate Loss EP CA EQ 304 0.20% 12,500 1.64%
US HU 101 0.12% 20,000 0.12% CA EQ 105 0.15% 12,000 1.79%
US HU 202 0.11% 16,000 0.23% US HU 407 0.10% 11,500 1.88%
US HU 103 0.15% 14,000 0.38% CA EQ 206 0.21% 11,000 2.09%
US HU 304 0.22% 13,500 0.60% CA EQ 407 0.10% 10,500 2.19%
US HU 105 0.25% 12,750 0.85%
US HU 206 0.12% 12,600 0.97%
US HU 407 0.10% 11,500 1.07%
100 Year Loss is about 13,500
100 year Loss is about 12,500
100 Year Loss is about 11,000

The nature of cat risk means that the profit made when actual losses are lower than this assessed
average is heavily outweighed by how much of a loss you could have when actual losses are higher
than this assessed average; and that real experience will be very spikey i.e. several years of no
loss, followed by a large loss.
Because of this underwriters usually add an uncertainty load to reach a technical premium which
the models can assist with calculating.
In addition the actual premium charged by underwriters should include consideration for potential
losses not included in the modelled assessment, these can include claims handling capabilities,
moral hazard, loss record, Loss Adjustment Expenses and other perils (fire, flood, theft etc).
How can I still get a loss to a layer when the mean loss is less than the attachment point?
Future losses from cat events cannot be accurately predicted. Instead the purpose of any form of
modelling is to use what knowledge we do have about the likelihood of events occurring, along with
estimates of the potential impacts that each event could have, to build up a picture of the range of
potential outcomes.
The mean loss given by a model is then just the average of this range of outcomes the break-even
point if this scenario were to be repeated a large number of times however when applying
financial structures the models retain the full range of potential outcomes, and use these when
considering losses to insurance policies.
While the average loss may be below the attachment point, the uncertainty involved in predicting
exact losses may mean that there are some potential scenarios that do in fact exceed the
attachment. It is therefore important that we consider these when calculating possible losses to the
written policy.

Diagram shows how losses can enter a layer despite the mean loss being less than the attachment
point. Red bar = layer; Blue dash line = Ground up Average Annual Loss (GUAAL); Solid blue line =
range of potential losses.


To give an example, a model might suggest that out of 10 potential future years they will see 9
clean years, and have one year with a single $100m loss. If you were to consider writing a $20m xs
$20m policy on this risk the mean loss is $100m/10 = $10m, which is below the attachment point;
however in reality you would have a 9-in-10 chance of a zero loss, but a 1-in-10 chance of a total
loss of $20m, giving you an average loss to the policy of $2m.
Why is the 10,000 year loss in RMS not the worst case loss for this account or portfolio?
This question confuses the AIR / simulation approach to modelling, with RMSs approach.
AIR uses a simulation methodology prior to setting up their model, whereby they run their model to
create a potential year of cats 10,000 times. Each time the model is run you get different
combinations of events, selected according to pre-coded frequencies. When we run the model in-
house we get the resulting losses from these 10,000 potential simulated years. The EP curve that
AIR builds up is created by ranking losses in descending order, and assigning each simulated year an
equal likelihood of occurring. In this case the 1 in 10,000 year loss is the largest in the set.
RMS takes an entirely different approach. Each event in their model represents a scenario with a
range of uncertainty, and each scenario is given an event rate that represents a likelihood of
occurrence (a weighting). EP curves are built up mathematically from all events in the catalogue,
resulting in a final distribution of potential loss outcomes that stretches out as far as they are
willing to calculate. In practice this will result in the model being able to give figures for return
periods in excess of 1 in 1million, although very little confidence should be given to the modelling
anywhere near this part of the curve.
The reality is that neither model can tell you what the worst case loss for the account actually is,
because our knowledge of cat is still developing. The only sensible answer to this is total loss.
Both models are simply stopping calculations at an extreme point.


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