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by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

from Boylan Website

from ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website

Aloha, I thought it worth commenting on Richard Boylans latest article which appears to be a well reasoned
appraisal of the antigravity craft possessed by the U.S. military. Dr Boylan cites a number of whistleblower
sources to build an overview of the antigravity craft developed by various U.S. military contractors as a result of
reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial vehicles.
Its worth keeping in mind that Boylan is certainly correct in his main thesis that military contractors have been
working on advanced craft based on extraterrestrial technologies covertly supplied to them.
This should come as no surprise based on what Col Philip Corso revealed in terms of his involvement in U.S.
Army efforts to pass on extraterrestrial technologies to civilian industries from the Roswell wreckage available
in his filing cabinet. Of course, the scraps of ET material in Corsos filing cabinet pales in comparison with the
actual craft retrieved by elite UFO retrieval units on many occasions as whistleblowers such as Sgt Clifford
Stone claim.

While the details of each covert program cited by Boylan may be called into question due to the inherent
problem in whistleblower testimonies that may be seeded with disinformation, his basic premise and overview
appears well thought through. Boylans research reveals that Space based weapon systems already exist and have
been used for several decades.
This suggests that the Strategic Defense Initiative is just a cover for a covert weapons program that has been
underway for some time and has already been deployed. SDI therefore may be little more than an effort to take
space based weapons systems out of the black world of illicit black budget funding, into the white world of
Congressionally approved Special Access Programs that can be funded by federal appropriations. This allows the
black budget funds raised through illicit sources that previously funded these covert programs to be earmarked
for other urgent purposes.

This suggests that efforts to prevent the weaponization of space need to consider the covert programs already
deployed and the need of military policy makers to get some of these into the white world in order to gain
Congressional funding for other black projects. The proper focus should therefore be on making transparent the
space weapons systems currently deployed, and to have some accountability process for the deployment and use
of such weapons systems by Congressional committees. Turning back the covert deployment of space based
weapons is a much more difficult challenge than preventing their initial deployment which has already occurred.
Furthermore, the targeting of extraterrestrial vehicles by exotic weapons systems is certainly a major cause for
concern as Boylan points out. However, as influential insiders such as Col Philip Corso have indicated, there is
genuine military concern over extraterrestrial violations of national sovereignty and human rights.
This has led to Corso and others supporting the deployment of such space based weapons systems.
Consequently, there is great work to be done in bridging genuine military concerns over intrusive extraterrestrial
activities, and egregious military practices of targeting extraterrestrial vehicles with exotic weapons systems.

Michael Salla, PhD

As a behavioral scientist and clinician, I have been working for over 15 years with persons who report having
had an encounter with an extraterrestrial intelligent life form, a Star Visitor. During the course of this work I

have felt it necessary to learn as much as possible about the veridical reality of UFOs, and what the government
already knows about these visitors from afar.

As information on Star Visitors and their encounters with humans piled up, I began to publish my findings,
presenting them at national and international conferences, in specialty journals, and in media interviews. This in
turn brought me to the attention of certain figures, currently or formerly in highly-classified sectors of
government and the military ad intelligence agencies. These individuals decided to leak certain additional
information to me, knowing that I would thus serve as a conduit to bring such leaked information to the attention
of the portion of the public interested and ready for such information.

My doctoral training in psychology and anthropology taught the value of first-hand field research. And because
the existence and operations of various undeclared or secret government installations related to Star Visitor
matters are not going to be plumbed without field research, I made it my task, starting in 1992, to reconnoiter,
observe, and in some instances penetrate many of the most important of these installations. I reasoned that the
knowledge I gained could be very helpful to the experiencers who consult with me, to help them feel secure that
they had not hallucinated, but that such advanced technology exists, and in fact, the American government is in
possession of some of this technology.

Additionally, the hundreds of experiencers of encounters shared with me information they possessed, including
about advanced U.S. craft, either by reason of being told such things by the Star Visitors, or by being kidnaped
by rogue military-intelligence units and taken aboard one of these craft to one or other of these installations, or
viewed such craft once they arrived. This added to my store of information and data on advanced U.S.
antigravity craft.

While I have gathered, or been entrusted by others with, considerable information on special American
aerospace craft, I do not purport to know everything that is in the U.S. arsenal, nor everything about the
operations and capabilities of the craft that I am about to identify. What I know is presented here. I have held
nothing back.

At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-
speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form. These ten are:
the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber
the Aurora
Lockheed-Martins X-33A
Boeing and Airbus Industries Nautilus
the TR3-A Pumpkinseed
the TR3-B Triangle
Northrops Great Pumpkin disc
Teledyne Ryan Aeronauticals XH-75D
Shark antigravity helicopter
Lockheed-Martin and Northrops jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber
Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating
antigravity fields is in order.
The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of
volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravitys hold on airframes in
such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the considerable
ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage
electrogravitics is also employed with these craft.

The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields
spun at incredible rpms, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a
counterforce to Earths gravitational pull is generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this
dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only
been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which appears to utilize this

The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation
and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic
nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-
4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter

reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by
vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is
available on Bob Lazars website.
This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked
on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51s Site S-4.

Let us now examine these 10 advanced craft in more detail. The amount of information available for each
varies; in some cases more is known, in other cases very little.
1) The B-2 Stealth bomber is manufactured Northrop-Grumman.
The Air Force describes it as a low-observable, strategic, long-range
heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense
shields. Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware passed on to me
information from a three-star general he knows, who revealed to him in
July that the B-2 [Stealth bombers] have electro-gravitic systems on
board; and that this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a
billion dollars each.

2) The Aurora SR-33A is a moderate-sized spacefaring vehicle.
The late National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf
NSCs unacknowledged Special Studies Group subcommittee, (formerly
called MJ-12), has stated that the Aurora can operate on both conventional
fuel and antigravity field propulsion systems. He further stated that the
Aurora can travel to the Moon.

Wolf had also disclosed to me that the U.S. has a small station on the
Moon, and a tiny observation post on Mars
. Thus I doubt that Dr. Wolf
would characterize the Aurora thus, unless it was a vessel already used in
making such trips. He disclosed additionally that the Aurora operates out of Area 51, (Groom Dry Lake Air
Force Station), at the northeast corner of the Nellis AFB Range, north of Las Vegas, Nevada.

3) The Lockheed-Martin X-33A military spaceplane,
is a prototype of Lockheeds other spaceplane, the single-stage-to-orbit
reuseable aerospace vehicle, the National SpacePlane . Lockheed-Martin
does not say too much about its winged, delta-shape X-33 VentureStar,
except to say that we are building it. To be at that stage of development
for its public-program SpacePlane, clearly Lockheed-Martin has already
long since built prototypes, as well as an unacknowledged military
version, which I have dubbed the X-33A. The A suffix stands for

Colonel Donald Ware, USAF (ret.) told me that he had recently learned
from a three-star General that the VentureStar X-33 has an electrogravitics (antigravity) system on board
This virtually assures that the unacknowledged military antigravity version, the X-33 A, must surely also have
electrogravitics on board. It is possible that what I have called the X-33A is the Aurora craft which Dr. Wolf

4) The Lockheed X-22A is a two-man antigravity disc fighter.
The late Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.), stated that military
astronauts trained at a secret aerospace academy separate from the regular
Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts
then operate out of Beale and Vandenberg Air Force Bases, Northern
California From those bases, these military astronauts regularly fly trans-
atmospherically and out into space
. One of the aerospace craft they use,
Colonel Wilson reported, is the X-22A.

Another informant, Z, aka Jesse, who formerly worked at the NSA,
told me that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter disc fleet is equipped
with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy weapons, that it is capable of effecting optical as well as radar
invisibility, and that it is deployable for worldwide military operations from the new U.S. Space Warfare
Headquarters, located in hardened underground facilities beneath 13,528 Kings Peak in the Wasatch
Mountains High Uintas Primitive (Wilderness) Area, 80 miles east of Salt Lake City

Recently I also heard from an Army engineer, formerly TDYed to NASA, who shall remain unnamed at his
request. He also confirmed that Lockheed had made the X-22A, the two-man antigravity fighter disc which I had
seen test-flown in a canyon adjacent to the main Area 51 operations zone. He explained why I had seen the X-
22A so nervously flown during that test flight. He said that the original X-22A had had a standard altimeter hard-
wired into it, but that such an instrument would give faulty readings in the crafts antigravity field, which bends
space-time. He had recommended that they instead use a gradiometer, which would function better.

Apparently his suggestion was finally taken up, since in more recent years I have seen the X-22As flying more
smoothly and confidently at high altitudes over and near Area 51.

Another informant who wishes his identity kept private related operational details about military deployment of
antigravity disc craft which sound like the X-22A. He reports:
During operation Desert Storm a close relative of mine was in charge of a Marine Division right on the front. In
the first days film footage and especially video-cams which a large number of G.I.s had were impounded, so they
wouldnt capture any sensitive material. Iraq was pumped up and Gung-Ho, since they had well over 50,000
troops ready to charge us, [and] since we only had about 3500 they knew of, and they knew [that], because of the
close proximity of troops we couldnt nuke them, so, they were assuming piece of cake. Wrong.

Two pictures my relative confiscated from one of his officers showed:
1. a large disc-shaped craft slightly in front of our men with a high intensity beam of light emitting out of it;
2. where men, equipment, etc. was [had stood], there only remained dark charcoal-like spots on the desert floor.
We have had this technology for quite a while.
The described disc was clearly an antigravity, levitating, aerial-weapons platform in the U.S. arsenal. Quite
possibly it was the Lockheed X-22A two-man discoid craft, the real DarkStar, of which the unmanned drone X-
22 DarkStar is but an aircraft cover program to disguise the existence of this manned antigravity fighter disc,
the X-22A.

Further, as Z noted, the real manned discs come equipped with the latest Neutral Particle Beam weapons,
which take apart the target at the molecular level. Star Visitor craft do not incinerate humans. Only human
military fighters are so deployed. So the above report does not deal with any extraterrestrial event.

5) The Nautilus is another space-faring craft,
a secret military spacecraft which operates by magnetic pulsing
. It operates out of the unacknowledged new
headquarters of the U.S. Space Command, deep under a mountain in Utah. It makes twice-a-week trips up to the
secret military-intelligence space station, which has been in deep space for the past thirty years, and manned by
U.S. and USSR (now CIS) military astronauts. The Nautilus also is used for superfast surveillance operations,
utilizing its ability to penetrate target country airspace from above from deep space, a direction not usually

It is manufactured jointly by Boeings Phantom Works near Seattle and EUs Airbus Industries Anglo-French
consortium. During travel to Washington State several years ago, I had a conversation with a former Boeing
executive who worked in their Phantom Works, Boeings black projects division, (roughly the equivalent of
Lockheeds Skunk Works). The executive confirmed what I had earlier learned from an intelligence insider: that
Boeing had teamed up with Europes Airbus Industrie to manufacture the Nautilus.

6) The TR3-A Pumpkinseed is a super-fast air vehicle.
The Pumpkinseed nickname is a reference to its thin oval airframe,
whose contours resemble that seed. It may be the craft identified as using
pulse detonation technology for propulsion in a sub-hypersonic regime,
and also uses antigravity technology for either mass-reduction or
complementary field propulsion at higher speed levels. As air breathers,
these Pulse Detonation Wave Engines (PDWEs) could theoretically propel a hypersonic aircraft towards Mach
10 at an altitude in excess of 180,000 feet. Used to power an trans-atmospheric vehicle, the same PDWEs might
be capable of lifting the craft to the edge of space when switched to rocket mode.

7) the TR3-B Astra",

is a large triangular anti-gravity craft within the U.S. fleet. Black projects defense industry insider Edgar
Rothschild Fouche wrote about the existence of the TR3-B in his book, Alien Rapture

My ex-NSA informant, Z, also confirmed that the TR3-B is operational. Z had this to say about the TR3-B
triangular antigravity craft.

TR3-B. This is the code name for what everyone on Earth has seen. It is a very large triangular-shaped re-entry
vehicle with anti-gravity. It is what the November [2000] issue of Popular Mechanics identified as the Lenticular
Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer, the first version of which went operational in 1962, [the
version which Popular Mechanics illustrated.]

It was used in Gulf Wars early hours with electromagnetic-pulse/laser cannons. It literally sat mid-air, firing
long-, medium-, short-range to take out antennas, towers, communications, air traffic control towers, TV dishes
and centers, etc. For three hours, these three triangles [TR3-Bs] just sat there blowing up everything in sight.
Then the Stealth fighters had fun for the rest of the day into the early evening next night. Then [followed] carpet
bombings from high altitude B-52 Strato-Fortresses. They dumped all the old, aged Vietnam-era crap
[munitions]; a third blew up and the rest [were] duds. Anyways, the TR3B has been in testing since the 60s. But
it has only been perfected for the last 8 years [since 1992].

It is a good remake of what Truman first saw, [the Roswell semi-circular craft]. It is compartmentalized, built
by the Skunk Works (Lockheed-Martins classified plant at Palmdale, CA) and Boeing [Phantom Works, Seattle].
It is housed in Utah. Z was reminding of his earlier revelation that the U.S. Space Command has located its
prime headquarters and antigravity space-launch fleet facility beneath King Mountain, the tallest mountain in the
Wasatch Range east of Salt Lake City, Utah.

8) Northrop Aircraft Corporation has manufactured its Northrop antigravity disc, (designation
which I have dubbed the Great Pumpkin , from its brilliant ruddy golden-orangish glow. I first saw these craft
operationally test-flown in 1992 above the Groom Range ridge line at Area 51, Nevada. Later I saw the same
intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft that I had seen above Area 51 being test-flown sixty miles north of
Los Angeles, in the Tehachapi Mountains east of Edwards Air Force Base.

There the Northrop has its secret saucer manufacturing works buried deep within the mountains. I saw the same
intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft test-flown above Northrops mountaintop test bed there as I had seen
above Areas 51/S-4

When energized these discs emit their characteristic intense glow. It is reasonable to assume that this is due to
strong ionization, and that electrogravitics is the methodology of their field propulsion.

9) The XH-75D or XH Shark antigravity helicopter,
is manufactured by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Corporation of San
Diego. USAF Colonel Steve Wilson reported that many of these XH-
75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National Reconnaissance Organization
Division which retrieves downed UFOs. That Division is also implicated
in mutilating cattle as a psychological warfare program on the American
public, to try to get citizens to fear and hate extraterrestrials through
assuming that aliens are the ones cutting up the cattle. Colonel Wilson
also leaked a drawing of the XH-75D Shark.

10) The TAW-50 is a hypersonic, antigravity space fighter-bomber.
A defense contractor with whom I have been in communication leaked to me details of this U.S. Advanced
TAW-50 warcraft. Developed during the early 1990s, the capabilities of this war-bird are jaw-dropping. And
the technology shows that the Defense Department did not fail to utilize what it learned combing through the
wreckage of various UFO crashes.

The TAW-50 was jointly developed by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale-Helendale, CA) and
Northrop (undoubtedly at their undeclared Anthill facility within the Tehachapi Mountains, northwest of
Lancaster, CA.) Both companies have a history of development of secret anti-gravity craft at these Mojave
Desert facilities.

The TAW-50 has speed capabilities well in excess of Mach 50, a number the contractor calls a very
conservative estimate. Its actual speed is classified. Since Mach-1 is 1,225 kilometers per hour, (approximately
748 mph), this means that the TAW-50 is capable of moving considerably faster than 38,000 mph. In
comparison, the velocity required to escape Earths gravity is 25,000 mph. Therefore the TAW-50 is capable of
going into space, and does.

The TAW-50 has a SCRAM (supersonic ramjet) propulsion system for passing through the outer atmosphere.
The TAW-50 utilizes electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial gravity while in weightless space, as well as
to nullify the vehicles mass during operations. The TAW-50s power supply is provided by a small nuclear
power generator that the contractor said is Normal-Inert. The contractor said that the space plane uses
electromagnetoferrometric power generation by the immersion of pellets in heavy water (deuterium) and
specially-designed coil superconductive magnets, which yield enormous amounts of free electrons when placed
in an immersion which has been triggered into an oscillating field-state flux.

The TAW-50 has a crew of four. Nevertheless, the TAW-50 flies so fast that it requires computers to fly it.
These were developed by American Computer Company, who derived them from its Valkyrie XB/9000 AI
[artificial intelligence] Guidance series. They utilize a RISC Milspec Superchip. There are 180 of them in the
flight control system, and 64 more in the weapons guidance system, the contractor reported.

It can carry a combined payload of glide bombs and a package of MIRV (Multiple Independently-targeted
Reentry Vehicles, mil-speak for a group of intercontinental ballistic missiles), each of which can seek out and
strike a different target. The MIRV pack also contains reentry-capable balloon countermeasures to make it very
difficult for laser and other defensive weapons to track down where the real MIRVs are and intercept them.

The TAW-50 is armed with its own Kill Laser system, which can track and immolate SAM (Surface-to-Air
missiles), STTA (Surface-To-Trans-Atmosphere missiles), ATA (Air-To- Air missiles), and ATTA (Air-To-
Trans-Atmospheric missiles). The TAW-50s killer lasers can also knock down high-performance fighter
interceptors. The TAWs Kill Laser is much smaller than the earlier 1980s-era SDI (Star Wars program) models,
and has a miniaturized cooling core and 500 times the wattage. The contractor said it uses a spontaneous
nucleonic burst to trigger the lasing [laser] effect.

In addition, the TAW-50 is armed with microsuperexplosive HyperDart missiles. These are just a little larger
than ordinary aircraft cannon ammunition, but travel at hypersonic speed for up to three minutes, and have
enormous explosive capability. One HyperDart can blow apart a MiG fighter anywhere within 20 feet of the
HyperDart. The TAW-50 carries several hundred HyperDarts.

Because the TAW-50 is designed to operate in space, it has on board a two-day air supply. This air supply can be
extended by using its scoop system and traveling into the upper atmosphere to harvest more oxygen.
The contractor did not reveal the size of the space fighter-bomber except to say, Its a pretty big thing.

The performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend against.
It can hide in orbit many hundreds of miles into space, orbiting at times at 22,000 mph.
Then, without warning, it can dive straight down through the atmosphere at over 38,000 miles per hour on an 80-
degree attack vector, reverse direction within 150 feet of the ground with very little loss of motion and without a
glide turn, and almost instantly go vertically straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after it leaves the
atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space.
The contractor noted, Those [electro-] gravitics allow it to change its mass to almost nothing in a moment, and
reverse direction in a second, increase its acceleration to so many times G [Earths gravity] its not funny, yet
they are able to nearly nullify the G-force on the pilots. They [the electrogravitics] are fourth-generation, with
the ability to bring it to a complete standstill in under 2 milliseconds, if need be, without crushing the pilots, and
keep it there for quite some time. The contractor notes, Its far too fast for tracking radars. And, he adds,
what military aims its radars straight up?

The TAW-50 can be refueled and rearmed in orbit by docking with the secret undeclared Military Space Station
that is in orbit
The entire refueling and rearming procedure takes under 10 minutes. Who mans the gas
pumps? Military astronauts trained at the Secret Air Force Academy, located in the hills immediately west of the
official Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts rotate duty by traveling to and
from Vandenberg Air Force Base on other military antigravity vehicles

The Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles have carried the arming platforms (classified Defense Department
payloads) up to the secret Military Space Station. The contractor reported that with a few extra tanks of LOX
(liquid oxygen), the TAW-50 could fly to the Moon and back.

As of 2002, the U.S. has 20 TAW-50s in its arsenal. But, as the contractor commented, You could take out an
entire nation in under 10 days with only 10 of these, doing three attacks a day. One can wipe out an entire city
the size of suburban Cleveland in a single attack without having to use any nukes at all.
The electrogravitics for the TAW-50 was produced by GE Radionics.
Pratt & Whitney designed the SCRAM atmospheric penetrator technology.
American Computer Company created the artificial-intelligence supercomputers.
The contractor said he could not tell me anything else. And it was clear he did not want his name used. So, this is
what is known.

11) The Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc?
Are the above the current state-of-the-art in advanced aerospace craft? No. There have been advances beyond
mere antigravity field propulsion. Quantum particulate physics is now being used to update a variety of
aerospace craft and their weapons systems.

On a recent (09/16/05) field trip to the boundary of Area 51, during a middle-of-the-night observation, I saw
first one, then another, and finally six brightly-lit objects suddenly appear at approximately 1000 (305 meters)
height above the desert floor. The intensely-glowing, ruddy, golden-orangish ionization field surrounding these
craft appeared identical to the field around the Northrop antigravity disc. But in the 13 years since I had last
observed the Northrop discs above Area 51, and at their Tehachapi Mountains manufacturing site, considerable
progress has been made.

In 1992, the Northrop disc slowly rose vertically from its flight pad and gradually reached flight altitude. But in
2005 these craft are able to depart from their flight pad and suddenly appear at flight altitude without any visible
ascent. And it is not a matter of their ionization field having been turned off during ascent for stealth purposes.
The ionization field comes with electrogravitic field propulsion. If the ionization were turned off, the craft would
have fallen from the sky. Rather what appears to be going on is that the Northrop engineers have incorporated
quantum physics principles into the propulsion. Simply stated, Northrop appears to have harnessed quantum
entanglement to achieve quantum teleportation. To the observer the craft simply ceases to exist on the flight pad
and instantly begins to exist at, (in this case), 1000 feet altitude. If the interpretation of this observation is
correct, then there exists an 11
entry in the U.S. antigravity arsenal, the Northrop Quantum Teleportation

If the black-budget scientists keep advancing along these lines, we could foresee the day when a fleet of Air
Force craft suddenly cease to exist on the air base runway and instantly appear at 35,000 feet altitude over a
target city halfway around the globe.
America has used its enormous wealth to become the global super-power. The TAW-50 is but one example of its
exotic, unnecessarily proliferative, and highly-destructive arsenal. The world awaits the day when America finds
its soul, and pays more attention to matters of spirit, mind, and metaphysical development, and withdraws from
its addiction to war toys.
It has been said that if the American people knew what the military had in their arsenal today, they wouldnt
believe it, and would think that someone was fantasizing about a George Lucas Star Wars movie episode.

But its not science-fiction. The future is already here.

The implications of the advanced antigravity craft back-engineered by humans are several. All of the antigravity
technology is in the control of the organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up. This organization is so heavily
infiltrated by Cabal types that Dr. Michael Wolf regretfully concluded that the Cabal had effective control of it.
He should know; he was a high member of that Special Studies Group, [formerly "MJ-12"], buried within the
National Security Council.

Since the Cabal effectively control the development and special uses of these craft, there remains a very high
danger that the Cabal will use its growing antigravity fleet to try to repel the Star Visitors and even conduct
Space War. Elements within the U.S. Air Force and the Naval Space Command are making preparations for such
a Space War.

What can we do about this as light workers, Star Kids, Star Seed adults or other humans of good will?
First is to keep ourselves informed about dangerous and evil uses of antigravity (and quantum) technology.
Second is to contact our political representatives to oppose policies and weapons systems development that is
oriented towards space warfare.
Third is to encourage the release of this technology into the civilian sector, where it can revolutionize
transportation, energy generation, large construction projects, and other peaceful uses.
Fourth, the existence of this human technology is a two-edged sword for the Cabal. Not only is the existence of
antigravity technology starting to get out to the public, but also the very existence of a massive worldwide
organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up and confiscation of Star Visitor technology.
As the public becomes aware that the Cabal have unfairly monopolized this technology for 40+ years, the public
will become incensed at the Cabal for their greed and selfishness. This then becomes the opportunity to expose
and discredit the Cabal, the Number One obstacle to human safety and progress.

1. See: (USE Username: papoose - Password: sector)
2. UFOs and Area 51, Vol. 2 - The Bob Lazar Video (1999)
3. Personal communication, September 20, 1997.
4. See: MJ-12: Inside Revelations - Dr Michael Wolf
5. See: Quotations From Chairman Wolf
6. Personal communication, September 20, 1997.
7. See:
8. Personal communication, February 10, 2002.
9. See: Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954
10. See:
11. See:
12. See: Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954
13. See:
14. See:

by Robert M. Stanley
Extracted from Nexus Magazine
Volume 9, Number 5 (Aug-Sept 2002)
from NexusMagazine Website

Space technology consultant David Adair goes on the record about his extraordinary experiences at Area 51
when, as a mere teenager, he was testing one of his electromagnetic fusion engine prototypes.

About the Interviewee:
David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and
commercial use. At age 11, he built his first of hundreds of rockets which he designed and test-flew. At 17, he
won "The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Sciences" award from the US Air Force. At 19, he
designed and fabricated a state-of-the-art mechanical system for changing jet turbine engines for the US Navy
that set world-record turnaround times that still stand today. David Adair is the president of Intersect, Inc., and
he lectures and provides consulting services to companies and organizations that want to know how to use the
latest cutting-edge technological advances.

About the Interviewer:
Robert M. Stanley is a writer and researcher specializing in technology trends. His articles have been featured
in numerous publications and he has appeared on various television and radio programs. Currently he is serving
as an R&D consultant for an international corporation.

He can be emailed at [email protected]

ROBERT STANLEY: Tell me about the government disclosure letter you are circulating.

DAVID ADAIR: That letter is based on a series of events that occurred when I first testified for Dr Steven
Greer in 1997. It's very simple what we want: a congressional hearing that will grant covert operatives total
immunity from their national security oath. Dr Greer is telling us that he has hundreds of witnesses. I know he
is not blowing smoke regarding this issue, because in 1971 I saw a lot of people working on these things.

ROBERT: At Area 51?

DAVID: Right. I saw them underground working on all these different craft and back-engineering lots of stuff. I
believe there are people that have spent 30 years or more working on these types of projects. Imagine what they
could tell us! But more importantly, they would be able to tell us who paid them, who signed the cheques.

ROBERT: So you are pushing for public hearings?

DAVID: Absolutely. I really want the world to hear what these hard-core engineers have to say.

ROBERT: You told me in our pre-interview that this event would radically change our lives, that we could
begin integrating some of the more advanced technologies into our infrastructure.

DAVID: Exactly, but unraveling everything poses a problem. I know that while I was at Area 51 and was being
taken through offices that were off to the side of the hangars and labs, they took me to a room and locked me in
it. And that's where I stayed until General LeMay came and got me. But I saw a lot of people working down
there as we were walking past these offices.

ROBERT: Wait a minute. General Curtis LeMay personally came to get you out?

DAVID: Yes. If you read his autobiographical book called Iron Eagle, he was a former commander of SAC
[Strategic Air Command]. "General Curtis E. LeMay: retired February 1, 1965; died October 3, 1990. LeMay
was the fifth Chief of Staff of the US Air Force." You will see, in the back of the book, he talks about his
parents. They lived in Mount Vernon, Ohio. I lived in Mount Vernon, Ohio, when I built my first fusion rockets.
I was on the cover of the local newspaper.

ROBERT: How did that happen?

DAVID: Well, because his parents' caregiver was my mother, Evangeline Adair.

ROBERT: What a strange coincidence!

DAVID: Yes, and that's how LeMay came to know me personally. And when our local congressman started
funding my second rocket, that's when the Mount Vernon News got wind of the story. It was the fastest vehicle
ever built on Earth.

ROBERT: Is this a picture of the second rocket I'm looking at?

DAVID: Yeah; there were all kinds of newspaper stories printed about me that I have saved. I was being funded
by Congressman John Ashbrook. He was chairman of the Internal Security committees of Congress. That's a
pretty powerful place to be. He was also on the Education and Labor committees, which is how he funded my
work - through the Department of Education. Then when the Air Force showed up to inspect my second rocket,
they were totally gung-ho for all the formulas and the prototype I built from scratch. They knew I was on to
something, so they funded me through the NSF [National Science Foundation]. Then my mother got concerned
because the government people were really getting involved in our lives. So she went and talked to General
LeMay. Curtis really liked my mother a lot and he had seen the newspaper stories, so he came over to talk with
me. Later he talked with Congressman Ashbrook. The next thing I know, LeMay told me: "David. I am going to
be your buddy. I am going to be your project manager." And actually, that was the greatest thing that could have
happened to me because I found out much later that it was LeMay that saved my ass.

ROBERT: That's some powerful protection.

DAVID: Yeah, but what's really interesting is an investigator pulled the records for Congressman Ashbrook
from the Library of Congress and found all this documentation. The investigator was shocked to learn that I was
telling the truth. In one letter I told the Air Force that without the right electronics and the right formulas to
compress and scale down the fusion engine I was building, I would need a really big vehicle to put the engine in
and it was going to be a damn big engine! Eventually I found an ICBM, a Titan III, that had been pulled out of
mothballs and had been given to the Center for Science and Industry in Ohio. They had recently pulled all the
fuel out of it and parked this thing in a storage area. It was flight ready. After a while, I got the Titan. During that
time, I had more information-based dreams and from that I eventually reconfigured the fusion engine down to a
workable size. Everybody loved that, because hauling a Titan rocket around is pretty tough to do - it's 30 storeys
tall! After I told them I could compress this thing down to an engine that would fit in a 12-foot-tall rocket
housing, I had to build everything from scratch.

ROBERT: Didn't you tell me there were two rockets?

DAVID: Yes. You're right. There were two of these prototypes. This one went to the science fair. But here is the
one that no one ever saw publicly.

ROBERT: The one you told me was "stealth"?

DAVID: Right. We built one just for the local people to see what we were working on. The Air Force guys came
over to my house every day. They took their uniforms off and walked around in T-shirts and shorts so the locals
would think they were just average people helping out with all the rocket stuff I was building. So when the town
folks came by, they just thought, "Boy, he's building a big one this time." But we had two of them in production.
I set up one that I used to win the science fairs with, but here is the design we used to move past the prototype
stage with. Anyway, we had a front operation and another in the back. And it worked well. That was my
introduction to covert activities. Al this documentation that I am showing you here, I brought with me to
Congress. I didn't want to testify because I was really treading the fine line of National Security. However, I
could tell this particular story because I was only 17 years old when that happened. According to constitutional
law, the federal government is prohibited from signing a minor to a National Security Oath. Strom Thurman
said to me one time, "You're the biggest loose cannon on the deck, boy."

ROBERT: Let's go back to your experience at Area 51 with General Curtis LeMay.

DAVID: Okay. What happened was, well, it was very simple. I had blown up my own engine. I sabotaged my
rocket after it landed at Area 51. I blew it into a billion pieces. After they showed me the engine downstairs, I
knew what they were after from my engine.

ROBERT: Which engine?

DAVID: The Electromagnetic Fusion Containment Engine, because they are so fast. There is nothing like it. The
liquid fuel and solid propellant engines are like Model Ts compared to a Lamborghini. This thing took off so
fast. It went from zero mph to 8,754 mph in about 4.6 seconds. It was so fast that you couldn't even see it.

ROBERT: It went that fast from a standing start?

DAVID: Right. You couldn't even see it. It would be like trying to watch a bullet leave a rifle barrel.

ROBERT: That's not possible to see with the naked eye.

DAVID: Right. So everyone else at the launch site thought it blew up. I built most of it out of titanium. We also
used inconel and carbonite. We had every kind of known material for lightness and strength incorporated in that
rocket. And because of the extreme g-force of the launch, everything inside was just warped.

ROBERT: But the engine was still intact when the rocket landed at Area 51?

DAVID: Exactly. It came down on a parachute. And that is where it got weird, because there are a lot of
characters in this story. The man that was really on my case, he was a bad guy. Dr Wernher von Braun warned
me. As a child, I knew von Braun because I was doing all this work with rockets in the early 1970s when we
were landing men on the Moon. An hour-and-a-half's drive from my house was Wapakenneta, which is where

Neil Armstrong lived. His mother Viola and I became friends. She became like a surrogate mother to me. So I
was hanging out with her and I would see Neil around the house. And many times I would go over to her house
and I would run right past Neil and go hang out with Viola. And Neil loved that about me because I wasn't
interested in his fame; I just loved his mother. Neil was a very reclusive person, almost like a hermit, because
when he came back from the Moon mission he literally just disappeared.

Anyway, because I was in that kind of environment, I got to attend parties where all the original Apollo VII
astronauts would show up, and von Braun showed up. And that's how we all crossed paths and I started
interfacing with him. The thing is, von Braun warned me that if, during my rocket work, I should encounter a
man named Dr Arthur Rudolph, I should be extremely careful because he was so dangerous.

Dr Arthur Rudolph was the chief architect of the Saturn 5 engines of our Apollo Moon rocket. He came into
the US with von Braun and other German scientists under Operation Paperclip. Rudolph was a full colonel in
the Gestapo. He had killed hundreds of Jews personally during the building of the V-2 rockets and Peenemnde.
If you made a mistake, he would put a cable around your neck and slowly lift you up, which would strangle you.
Then he would disembowel you and leave you hanging there for everyone to see. There were rotted corpses
hanging all over the place. They would also feed you sawdust and water. This would take the hunger out of your
stomach until you fell over dead, then they would just replace you with more fresh people. This man was the
winner of the Most Distinguished Service award - the highest award NASA can give. The Mossad caught up
with Dr Rudolph on May 25, 1984. Due to war crimes, he was deported out of LAX to Munich, Germany, where
he died [in jail].

Anyway, General LeMay had sent me from Mount Vernon, Ohio, to Wright-Patterson in Dayton, Ohio, where
the SAC headquarters was located. From there, me and my rocket and some other colonels all got on board a C-
141 transport and flew to White Sands. Soon after we arrived at White Sands, a black DC-9 plane showed up.
LeMay had told me that if this plane showed up, it would represent a real problem for me. Anyway, out stepped
these guys wearing suits and mirrored sunglasses. And among them was this one little guy wearing khaki
uniform. I knew that was Dr Rudolph because Dr von Braun had showed me his picture.

ROBERT: Whom was Dr Rudolph working for?

DAVID: I'm not sure, one of those alphabet-soup intelligence agencies. But he was primarily working for
NASA. And as soon as he got off the plane, he asked to see my rocket. When I asked him who he was, he told
me, "Oh, I'm just a guy that inspects rockets for the government." Then I asked him if he was from NASA, and
he said he had never worked there.

So we walked over to my rocket and I opened up a side panel. And when he leaned over to look at the engine, he
began mumbling to himself and he seemed really upset - probably because I had built something he thought was
impossible to do. So I took that opportunity to lean over and whisper in his ear, "Do you know that in
proportional size, this engine has 10,000 times the thrust of the F-1, Saturn V engines, Dr Rudolph?" And he
stood up and was furious. He wanted to know who I was and how I knew so much. And I told him, "I'm just a
kid that launches rockets in the cow fields of Ohio." [Laughter] Anyway, I had friends around me who were Air
Force colonels that LeMay had assigned to take care of me.

And I got upset when Dr Rudolph told me that he wanted to change the landing coordinates on my rocket. He
was really nasty about it. The navigation system I was using was off-the-shelf stuff. Back in those days, it was all
analogue. But I had my system programmed to where the rocket would come back down within a two-mile
radius of the launch site. Dr Rudolph had me reprogram the coordinates so that my rocket would land 456 miles
northwest of White Sands in an area called Groom Lake, in Nevada.

Well, I immediately pulled out my national survey maps and I looked at Groom Lake and thought, "My God!
Why are we launching up to a dry lake bed in Nevada? It's so far away." That's when Dr Rudolph told me, "Just
do it!" He was really hostile. And I had been warned many times by von Braun and LeMay that if I ran into Dr
Rudolph, not to push his buttons.

So I reset the coordinates on the guidance system and we launched my rocket and it took off perfectly. And sure
enough, it landed right on target. And you know, it wasn't until they made the movie Independence Day that I
ever heard the term "Area 51".

ROBERT: How could that be?

DAVID: I always knew this place as Groom Lake. It was the only name I had ever heard for that place, growing
up. So we were getting ready to board the plane to go and recover the rocket and I said, "Hey, do you see these
rubber tyres on this plane? Would you please tell me how you are going to land this thing on a dry lake bed?
This thing is going to plough into the ground and never leave." Someone yelled at me to shut up and get into the

After a while, we arrived in Nevada. And as we flew over the landing site, I looked down at these twin 10,000-
foot runways and I said, "My God! There's a huge base down there!"

So we landed at this place that doesn't exist on any map, and that's when I started getting really concerned. I was
trying to locate any Air Force emblems, Navy emblems, any kind of logos or emblems that would identify the
commanding authority, but there was nothing anywhere on any of the buildings. Normally, standard universal
painting of water towers at an airstrip is an orange-and-white chequerboard pattern. But here, everything was
painted either solid white or solid black. So they were not conforming to any code.

After we got out of the plane, we got on this go-cart-looking thing. It looked kind of like the electric carts that
you see at airports. Then we drove from the landing strip to a series of hangars and headed into the centre one. It
was really cool, the way this place was built. There were all these really big lights at the top that had louvres on
them so the light will shine down. And when I got close to the buildings, they looked old and ratty, but
underneath it was alloy, unlike any alloy I had ever seen. It was an incredible-looking stainless steel type of
metal that I thought was really unusual to use for buildings of that size.

When we got inside the hangar, we went down to the basement area. Actually, we drove into the hanger and
there were little yellow lights flashing and big hangar doors, and out of the ground came all these little pipes with
chains attached that blocked off all the doorways. Then the whole floor - about the size of a football field -
slowly dropped down. The entire hangar was an unenclosed elevator.

ROBERT: So, it was more like a hydraulic lift in a garage?

DAVID: Yeah, but it was built to carry some really heavy stuff. The floor was made of concrete. God knows
how much weight that was. The whole thing went up and down on giant worm-screws.

ROBERT: I see. That's a lot more stable than using a hydraulic system.

DAVID: Nothing can take the load like a worm screw. These things were the size of sequoia trees, and there
were at least 12 of them lifting the floor! We went down at least 200 feet until we rested flush with the floor of
an underground hangar that was huge. It had a huge arched ceiling, but it went so far that you couldn't see the
end of it. It just went forever. And I thought, "My God! You could park a hundred 747s in here and they
wouldn't even be in the way!" At that point I asked, "What in God's name did you do with all the dirt?" And they
just looked really strangely at me. I guess they didn't expect me to try and figure things like that out. The walls
were at least 30 feet high, and all along them were different workshops and laboratories and periodically there
were big, huge, work bays. So we kept driving down past all kinds of aircraft that I had never seen. Some of
them I had seen, like the XB-70.

ROBERT: Was this area carved out of dirt or was it rock?

DAVID: I don't know. Everything was coated with a ceramic- like material.

ROBERT: I thought there were mountains surrounding the dry lake bed? Those must be fairly solid?

DAVID: Yeah. There are all kinds of mountain ranges around that area. I never saw any "dirt", though, because
everything had concrete over it or was covered with some type of ceramic material. The most interesting thing
about this to me still is how well lit the underground area was. There were no shadows, anywhere. And there
were no light fixtures, anywhere. I was wondering how they generated that much light. It didn't look like the
walls were glowing, or the floor or the ceiling. But every square inch of this place was lit, and yet there was no
visible source of light.

And after we had been driving for a while and we had passed a lot of different aircraft, we took a road to the left
that took us away from a lot of the other activities. I could see a lot of people working on stuff. These aircraft

appeared to be operational. Some of them I have never seen before or since. They were shaped like a reverse
teardrop. And there were others that looked similar to the flying wing. One aircraft, the XB-70, was a delta-wing
bomber built in 1959.

ROBERT: And you were at Area 51 in 1971?

DAVID: Right. June 20, 1971. So, we get there and it was just amazing, because we drove up to the side of these
big steel doors and one of the officers got out and put his hand on a scanner-type thing and it flashed a light at
him. I thought it took his picture. In hindsight, I would have to guess that it was a retina scanning device. And
after the guy was scanned, the door opened up, so I knew this was a security system of a kind. This was 1971.

Let me put this into perspective. In 1971, we had no laptops, no modems, no fax, no VCR, no cellphones; we
didn't even have handheld calculators. Texas Instruments developed those about five years later. So where in the
hell did these guys get all this technology?

As soon as we went into the room, I immediately noticed the temperature drop, because it was warm in the big
open areas we had just come from. It was very cool in this room. You could almost see your breath. And as we
entered the room, the lights - wherever they were coming from - came on. And again there were no shadows
being cast, anywhere.

Then someone threw a switch and activated a hoist attached to some cables that were attached to a big tarp. The
tarp was lifted straight up, and sitting on this huge steel platform was a giant electromagnetic fusion containment
engine! And I immediately knew that, because its configuration was similar to mine but it was the size of a
Greyhound bus. Mine was about the size of a large watermelon!

You can recognize engines that are comparable. If I had an internal combustion engine taken out of a Model A
Ford and had it sitting on the ground and you pulled an engine out of a Viper today and placed it alongside, you
would recognize that they operate on the same principle of internal combustion. However, the difference in
performance between the two is unbelievable.

It was the same situation with my little engine and this thing they had stored underground. They both ran on the
same principle, the same configuration, but the level of sophistication is like that of the Model A compared to the
Viper engine. This thing they had was so powerful. There were so many design features that I didn't recognize,
for reasons that became clear.

ROBERT: At this point you were just looking at the engine. Where was the rest of the craft?

DAVID: Well, that's where the argument started. They asked me if I liked what I saw. I said, "Well, yeah, but
I'm confused. I thought I was the first one to build one of these engines."

And this is where things really started getting odd. The colonel that was with Dr Rudolph said, "Son, you want
to help us with this design here since yours is very similar to it. You do want to help your country, don't you?"

Well, I had an American flag blanket. And I listened to Anita Bryant's record before I went to sleep. I was a real
patriotic flag-waver even in the '70s. Of course, it wasn't real popular to do that then because the war in Vietnam
was still raging. My peers couldn't understand why I loved America so much, but it was just the way I was

So at first I agreed with the colonel that I wanted to help. However, I was very curious and asked, "Where are
your people that built this engine?" He paused for a moment, then told me, "Well, they are on vacation right
now. You're off on summer vacation, right?" And I said, "Okay! That's good. Did they leave any notes on their
work that I can look at?" Then I was told, "Well, they took them with them as homework. You get homework."
And I was thinking, "You know, this is really condescending. I am 17 years old." But that's how they treated 17-
year-olds back then. So I thought, "Okay; I will play along with this asshole."

I agreed to help them, but told them that I needed to get a closer look at the engine. And they agreed, at which
point I walked up and got onto the platform. And the closer I got to it, the more I realized that these people had
no idea what this engine was; they were still trying to figure it out. I could tell that it didn't belong to us. And
when I was about three feet away, the first thing I noticed was a perfect shadow of myself on the engine. And
what did I tell you earlier?

ROBERT: There were no shadows anywhere.

DAVID: Right. So how is my shadow showing up on this thing? And stranger still was that the shadow moved
about a half a second behind me. That really got my attention. And I thought, "If this is what I think it is, a heat
sensitive recognition alloy." And then I realized we don't have [any] known material that could do that. So I
looked up at the engine and I asked for permission to climb to the top because I wanted to see the damaged area.
The thing had a hole about four feet in diameter in the side of it, and this was the area that most interested me.
Now, think of a figure eight, and right where the two circles cross each other is the eye of the hurricane. That's
where the damage was located on this engine. Knowing my own engine, I was assuming that this thing had
experienced some kind of breach in the electromagnetic flux field that acts as the containment wall that
harnesses the power of the reactor engine.

These engines basically function like a magnetic bottle or sphere, and inside you have contained the power of the
Sun or a hydrogen bomb continuously detonating. It's not impossible to figure out how this works, because it
occurs all the time out in space. Black holes can suck an entire galaxy full of suns into their point of singularity.
Obviously a black hole has no problem containing that fusion energy.

What I did was mathematically figure out a way to artificially create a synthetic black hole. And because it is
based on a figure-eight design, once it has stabilized it will always implode and consume itself without pulling
everything around it in. But this engine at Area 51 had lost its stabilization in the figure eight, and that's why I
was so curious about the hole.

The way this engine was built was really cool. There wasn't a single screw or rivet or weld seam anywhere on
this entire device from end to end. It looked like it was grown rather than assembled. And I thought, "Man,
whoever built this really has some incredible manufacturing techniques."

Over the years, I have been able to replicate this process to some extent in an experiment that I built. It flew
onboard one of the 1993 Space Shuttle missions. It was part of the GAS (Get Away Special) program. That's
where you rent space in a 55-gallon drum for your project. The first thing I did was melt alloys together, and
when you spin them in a weightless environment you can create any type of dimension you want, because I
figured out a way to control this. There was always a question about how you shape liquid metals in a weightless
environment. It's a containerless process. It's a real phenomenon.

ROBERT: You made a form without using a mould?

DAVID: Right. I figured out how to take a fluid glob floating in this weightless environment and control it. For
every geometric shape and dimension, we know there is a corresponding sound wave. So I created this machine
that was attached to a Moog synthesizer, which allowed me to replicate any shape I wanted simply by playing
notes. This machine generates interlocking standing sound waves that vibrate, even in space, and which allowed
me to shape the liquid metal.

That process proved to me what I had suspected when I first saw the engine at Area 51 in 1971: whoever built
that engine used this process. This raised an even larger question in my mind. Who could have built an engine of
this size in space? I have never discussed this publicly. But I was curious and I wanted to replicate that engine
design, which was clearly built in a weightless environment.

ROBERT: Which means outer space?

DAVID: It would have to be deep space. Like intergalactic deep space, away from any planets or stars.

ROBERT: I guess you wouldn't want your design process to encounter any gravitational fields?

DAVID: Right. The less the better. They are called "gravity convections". They didn't want any gravity
convection currents to show up in the alloy shaping process.

Anyway, when I placed my hands on the engine to pull myself up, I began climbing up the exterior of the
engine, which was designed with an exoskeletal structure. The best way to explain this is to look at the designs
of H. R. Geiger; he is the designer that created all the sets of the Alien movies.


ROBERT: What happened when you touched it?

DAVID: It was warm, which didn't make any sense at all. It was so cold in that hangar, you could almost see
your breath. I looked around on the floor and saw no power lines. And I asked myself, "How in the world could
this alloy be staying warm?" And it was really hard. It was the hardest material I have ever touched. It didn't give
anywhere. The surface cohesion tension on it felt more like a baby's skin. It was supple, but hard and warm.

ROBERT: That is weird, especially for metal.

DAVID: Yeah, and I was thinking, "What the heck is going on?" And as I was crawling up everywhere, I
touched the surface and it reacted. When I turned and looked at the Air Force guys, all their mouths were
hanging open. And so I assumed that the reaction they were seeing hadn't happened for them, because wherever I
touched it there were these really amazing blue and white swirls moving down through the hull of this thing. It
looked like wavelengths that you see on an oscilloscope. When I pulled my hands off, it stopped. And I said,
"Wow! This thing is reacting!"

So I continued to climb up until I reached the centre area. It had these vertebrae that branched off, cascading,
fibre-like. They looked almost like fibre optic cables filled with some kind of fluid. They were very small tubes
the size of angel hair pasta. There were millions of these things cascading over the hull of this engine. And I
thought, "Boy, these patterns look familiar." Then it dawned on me: they looked like neural synaptic firing
patterns. There were millions of them going out everywhere on this thing. So I thought that maybe the engine
was designed with an exoskeletal brain. And at that point, I reached out and grabbed some of the fibres and
found that they were really tough and that there was fluid in them. And wherever I touched, no matter what I
touched, there would be a reaction to it like a tremor of visual lights.

As I walked down into the damaged area of this thing, I finally said to the Air Force guys, "You know, this thing
is a power plant. It is more than a propulsion system. It is a power plant. It obviously came out of a big vehicle, a
craft of some kind. Where is that craft located?" Now they were not happy with me, but I continued. "A craft like
this must have had a crew. What did you do with those people? This is clearly not American or Soviet
technology, is it, boys? This is some kind of extraterrestrial entity. How old is it? Did you dig it up? Is it millions
of years old or did you guys shoot it down?" And man, they got really upset. They told the MPs to take me down
off the engine. As I was coming down, I was really pissed off. I was so pissed off because I had had enough.

At this point, I knew where I was. I knew that this engine was from somewhere other than Earth. I didn't know
where it had come from or how long they had had it, but it was obvious that my whole world was coming
undone in that moment. I grew up in a world where the government would never lie. We had just landed on the
Moon the year before. And here the Air Force had this technology and they weren't saying anything, which made
me furious.

ROBERT: Let's back up a little. When you were on the engine, there was something that you saw, which you
told me about in a previous conversation and which I found really fascinating. How and when did you see the
interior of the reactor? Can you describe the crystals?

DAVID: What happened was I asked for permission to inspect the damaged area inside of the engine where it
had been blown open. They hesitated on that request.

ROBERT: This was before you made them angry?

DAVID: Before I came out of that damaged area, totally pissed off. Because when I got down in this thing, they
told me to make it brief. So I got down and looked in the area. Man, there was some incredible-looking
technology up and down this engine. And I couldn't get more than three feet into it before I came up to a wall.
And this wall. It was like the iris/shutter on a camera lens. It had lots of interlocking fans that contract or expand
- and I've always thought that would make the coolest door. Well, there was this little round pod-thing there, and
I just put my hand on it; and when I did, the wall just shuttered open.

ROBERT: It opened for you?

DAVID: It made a slight noise.

ROBERT: Maybe that's where they got the inspiration for the door design you saw at Area 51?

DAVID: It could have been. I have no idea. But I got to look deeper into the engine. And what I saw in there
was fascinating. It was such a trip being there because whenever I worked on my fusion engines, everything was
so small; some parts I even had to machine under a microscope. Now, here was a replication of my basic design
that was big enough to walk through. But man, this thing that I had manufactured to achieve a certain function in
my engine, this thing would have something else in its place. And this something else would be stuff I couldn't
begin to recognize. There were these crystals that were facing each other. They were fabulous-looking crystals.
And they were integrated into this plasma duct type thing.

And in my engine, I had such a hard time getting a cyclotron to curve the blast waves I needed for propulsion.
This thing had some kind of venting system that allowed them to flush their plasma out through an area that
looked like the gills of a shark. The whole thing was so organic looking. It looked like a living machine - both
organic and inorganic incorporated together. It was an oxymoron. How do you explain something like that? So
anyway, I just got to see a lot of stuff in there that I couldn't believe.

ROBERT: How many minutes were you in the interior alone?

DAVID: I don't think I was in there more than five minutes. I know that doesn't sound like a very long time, but
it felt like I was in there a week.

ROBERT: And I believe you said you have a photographic memory.

DAVID: Yeah. I was just clicking non-stop. I was just absorbing it all in. And when I left, I didn't touch that
pod, right? But as soon as I passed that area, the door closed behind me. I never told the Air Force guys that I
went into that part of the engine. I don't think they ever knew there was another compartment in the interior that
they could enter.


DAVID: I don't believe that it allowed them access. There was a presence, though, about this engine. Just like
you have a presence of a person and an entity. It just had its own. So I came out of the engine and was totally
pissed off because I knew there was no way we could have built it. It was using some kind of crystal
containment field power that we can't even imagine. I would have to work on it for a long time to figure out
how they were doing the fractions. Where I was using the plasma in a linear mode, this thing was designed to go
any direction it wanted with its plasma flows. That's impossible.

ROBERT: With a rocket?

DAVID: Yeah. This thing could do anything. And I really wondered who in the hell built it. So as I started
coming down the outside of the engine. After we got into a big argument, I noticed that now, wherever I touched
the engine, it was no longer reacting with the nice blue and white swirls of energy. They had changed to a
reddish-orange flame-looking pattern. And as I calmed down to try and figure out what that was, it changed back
to the bluish white, more tranquil-looking pattern.

That's when I realized that the engine is not just heat sensitive; it reacts to mental waves. It is symbiotic and will
lock on to how you think and feel. This allows it to interface with you. And that means this thing was aware.
And it knew it was there. And I knew that it knew I was there.


by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
from Boylan Website

In July of 1952 the world was electrified by large newspaper headlines and photos of squadrons of UFOs flying
repeatedly over the nations Capital in Washington, DC. Four months later WW II General Dwight Eisenhower
was elected President. The same month President Eisenhower took office (January, 1953), the CIAs Office of
Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was
ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. OSI convened the Robertson Panel of scientists, which
recommended expansion of an Air Force study of UFOs, Project Blue Book.

A year later, in April, 1954, as documented by Gerald Light, President Eisenhower made a secret trip to Muroc
Field (now Edwards Air Force Base), in the California desert, accompanied by generals, reporter Franklin Allen
of the Hearst Newspapers Group, Los Angeles Catholic Bishop James McIntyre, and others. The President had
previously arranged to be in nearby Palm Springs, CA, purportedly for a golfing vacation. He "was spirited over
to Muroc one night," while reporters were fed the cover story that the President had a toothache and needed to
see a dentist.

While at Muroc Air Field, Eisenhower was present while an extraterrestrial disc landed. Several Star Visitors
emerged to converse with the President and the generals. The extraterrestrials requested that Eisenhower make
the public aware of extraterrestrial contact with Earth forthwith.

The President protested that humans were not ready, and needed time to be prepared for adjusting to this
stupendous reality.

By the end of the following month, May, 1954, President Eisenhowers CIA Director, Walter Bedell Smith,
Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, David Rockefeller and other top world financiers, later-Secretary of State
Dean Rusk, later-British Minister of Defense Denis Healey, and other Western power leaders convened the
inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group, "a means of Western collective management of the world order". [5]

One of the early items on the Bilderberg agenda was extraterrestrial contact. Shortly after establishing itself, the
Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body
devoted to world management. They discussed the problem of adjusting humankind to extraterrestrial presence.
Bilderberg and CFR decided jointly in the mid-1950s to enter into an arrangement with the extraterrestrials: The
ETs were given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth. This arrangement afforded them an
opportunity to monitor closely Earth cultures and behavior; and it permitted Earth governments a way to monitor
extraterrestrial culture and behavior.
"It became an on-going experiment," as my former-NSA informant put it.
He added that when official public announcement of the extraterrestrial presence occurs,
"they will be the ones introduced to Earthlings; Oh, by the way, we want to welcome our neighbors from the
Pleiades, who by the way have been here since [the beginning of Earth] time, but [are] actually living in our
place, date, space and time."

"They are the diplomatic corps."
Jesse reported that the U.S. particularly held out for many concessions before agreeing to the arrangement. (He
did not specify what those concessions were, but history subsequent to 1954 suggests that what the U.S. obtained
was the lions share of extraterrestrial scientist consultants, to assist American scientists in understanding and
adapting exotic ET technologies into such devices we now know as the:
computer chip
fibre optics

gene-splicing therapy
night-vision equipment
super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar lightweight armor)
aerospace ceramics
Stealth technology
particle-beam devices
gravity-control flight
NSCs Dr. Michael Wolf has previously revealed in his book The Catchers of Heaven that he worked with ETs
as part of his governmental duties. "I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work, and shared
living quarters with them," while doing research at extremely-classified underground government research
laboratories. He added,
"Zetas work in underground facilities, as requested by the U.S. Government. The ETs are not breaking the U.S.
Government- Zeta treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ETs, and trying to fire on
Dr. Wolf also described working with very human-appearing races dubbed the Nordics and Semitics. He said,
"The Semitics and Nordics [ETs] come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades [star systems]."
Wolf also disclosed that in 1954 the U.S. had four extraterrestrial corpses in the "Blue Room", Hanger 18 at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. These bodies came from a series of retrievals of downed UFOs.
"The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy." [6]
Between that and the first publicly-announced Roswell UFO crash in 1947, Wolf says there was another crash in
1946, as well as two other crashes in 1947.

The following additional revelation will permit you to ignore those Boeing commercials and NASA press
releases about how America currently is building its own first manned space station. My ex-NSA informant
revealed that there has been a manned "deep space platform" in orbit above Earth for over thirty years!
"It [has] had three-man [American] crews as well as Russians on since 68!"
He further states that since 1973, the space station received additional extremely-high technology, "and has had
upgrades since." His disclosure confirms reports I had heard previously from former military officers about a
secret space platform in orbit. This disclosure makes clear that the Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles launches, and
the "first" American space station being assembled by NASA, are just government "cover" programs. Such
programs have served to deflect the public from becoming aware before now of the existence of a black-project
military space station, and of classified military craft which can go well past orbit into deep space.

Jesse furnished me additional details about its operation. The space station has been serviced by secret military
spacecraft long before the first American Space Shuttle flew in 1981. In 1988 previous models of spacefaring
military vehicles were superseded by the "Nautilus", a spacecraft with a rounded delta shape built jointly by
special projects divisions of Europes Airbus Industrie and U.S.s Boeing Corporation. Nautilus has a propulsion
system which utilizes magnetic pulsing. Nautilus-type craft make twice-weekly trips up into space and back, to
service the secret international space station. The Nautilus is based in Utah. My informant would not identify the
base, but said that it was positioned within a mountain so stealthfully that you could drive by and never know it
was there. He also stated that the principal headquarters of the U.S. Space Command has been relocated from
Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado to this underground installation in Utah. [7]

Look for further significant disclosures in the weeks and months ahead, as the current U.S. Administration tries
to disentangle itself from 50 years of Cold War secrecy. And as it does so, those who have felt all alone with
their personal experience of contact by Visitors from the stars, (who have been deeply involved in our society
and its evolution), should feel less isolated.

1. Jesse provided additional comment on successor craft to the secret military Space Shuttle. "Matter of fact, it
(military Shuttle) was replaced in 85 with Aurora up to 92", thus indicating that the oft-rumored Aurora
hyperfast aerospace vehicle not only was operational since 1985, but is already obsolete. Jesse says that its
successor "followed on with DarkStars retro-fit." This, according to the late USAF Colonel Steve Wilson, is the
Lockheed X-22A DarkStar, a two-man discoid craft, which uses antigravity technology on a airframe perfected
on Lockheeds "cover" program, a conventional unmanned reconnaissance drone, the X-22, also called DarkStar.

Jesse tantalizes with a hint about the antigravity DarkStars having becoming obsolete by "another [craft] in
2001", yet another exotic space vehicle. Jesse added, "The [Cape Canaveral] Shuttle stuff you see is for
Hollywood to direct."

2. And the apparent coincidence of Arthur C. Clarke writing in "2001"about a Monolith discovered by
astronauts turns out not really to be a coincidence at all. Jesse revealed that Clarke has been in the employ of the
Central Intelligence Agency, and thus could well have heard about the non-fiction Monolith even before its

3. "It depends on the vacuum expectation value to go particle ground state, and with this you time travel on a
wave." Jesse says that Dr. Wolf was at the RAND Corporation at one point in his career, and developed an 18-
foot-wide torus-shaped antigravity field, using counter-rotating magnets. Wolf was quite familiar with the
government gravity-control formulae, being involved in UFO research as a member of NSCs MJ-12 [UFO
information control] subcommittee.

5. (Sklar, H., ed., 1981. Trilateralism. Boston: South End Press.)

6. The Navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters ever since.

7. Nautilus-class craft were also used at the beginning of the Gulf War, to penetrate Iraqi airspace from space.
Soon thereafter, Stealth aircraft took over covert penetration operations.

by Jackie
Exopolitics Graduate Paper #1 (Fall 2004)
from Exopolitics Website


Black budget operations have produced weapons and other experimental technologies that can be used in
military operations or civilian control activities. According to Dr. Michael Salla, every year billions of dollars
of Congressional appropriations are diverted from their congressionally sanctioned purposes to the CIA and
DoD based intelligence agencies without knowledge of the public and with collusion of Congressional leaders.

This paper will discuss the latest Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) weapons and other experimental
technologies, some of which originated out of these black budget projects. With much of this technology, there
are official, public descriptions of what these weapons or other technologies are used for, and then there are
potential covert uses for these technologies that could have exopolitical significance. EMF weapons, by their
nature, are the most insidious type of weapons, because the victim cant visibly see them coming, nor necessarily
immediately feel any adverse health affects from exposure to them. I will discuss both types of uses and their
overall exopolitical significance.


The official information on the HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Program is that
it is jointly managed by the US Air Force and US Navy, and is based in Gakona, Alaska. It is designed to
understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and
surveillance systems for both civil and defense purposes. It intends to beam 3.6 Gigawatts of effective radiated
power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere for these purposes:
To generate extremely low frequency (ELF) waves for communicating with submerge submarines
To conduct geophysical probes to identify and characterize natural ionospheric processes so that techniques
can be developed to mitigate or control them
To generate ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of high frequency energy, thus providing a means of
triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for Department of Defense purposes
Electron acceleration for infrared (IR) and other optical emissions which could be used to control radio wave
propagation properties
To generate geomagnetic field aligned ionization to control the reflection/scattering properties of radio waves

To use oblique heating to produce effects on radio wave propagation, thus broadening the potential military
applications of ionospheric enhancement technology.
There is much speculation that this technology is being used for other and possibly more sinister purposes. One
of the main unofficial uses for HAARP is as an incoming missile defense shield that is effective against
missiles from Russia or China. It is believed that the decision to build HAARP was one of the major reasons for
the collapse of the Soviet Union. HAARP works by knocking down missiles and aircraft by affecting their
guidance systems and creating atmospheric disturbances that lead to them crashing. At lower power levels, it has
the ability to look down from the ionosphere and detect cruise missiles and other incoming objects. The shield
can be put down to fire weapons, and then put back up to defend against incoming missiles.

On the morning of February 1, 2003, the morning of Space Shuttle Columbias re-entrance into the Earths
atmosphere over California, Marshall Smith, ex-NASA engineer/scientist, logged HAARP transmissions in the
missile defense mode from 4:15 am to 7:20 am PST. These were the first HAARP transmissions since late 2002.
He believes that Columbia was hit by the shield that heated up its left side and caused it to turn into a fireball. He
also believes this was a terrorist act performed by Al-Quaida through a graduate student with an F1 student visa.

Another suggested use for HAARP technology is to detect and image subterranean features such as tunnels,
bunkers, and other potential military targets. Research into the feasibility of using HAARP for this purpose is
still underway.

HAARP has also been associated with the ability to control global weather and use it as a weapon. This
includes climate modification, polar ice cap melting, ozone depletion, earthquakes, and ocean wave control.

There are health concerns associated with the use of radio frequency and microwave radiation (as in HAARP) in
the form of chronic, nonthermal effects. These effects include behavioral aberrations, neural network
disturbances, birth defects, cataracts, altered blood chemistry, and changes in the endocrine and immune
systems. More insidious than these effects is the concern that this technology can be used to manipulate and
disrupt human mental processes (mind control) of a very large population in selected regions over an extended
period of time. The frequency needed to detect subterranean features is within the same range that is disruptive
to human mental functions.

HAARP and Montauk

One of the most intriguing pieces of recent news with respect to HAARP is that it is speculated to be operating
at Montauk! John Quinn, in his article entitled HAARPs Covert Agendas The Big Picture talks about
the evidence to back up this assertion. I would like to talk about the evidence in some detail, as I think there is a
significant exopolitical side to this development.

The story starts with the change of directorship and direction and focus for Brookhaven National Laboratories
(BNL) on Long Island. Several of the Navys key HAARP personnel are now stationed at Brookhaven.
Brookhaven has been associated with the Montauk Project and has a reputation for participating in clandestine
projects. Particle accelerators are also known to underlie much of the area and are in use.

John Quinns allegation is that the photos taken of the HAARP complex in Gakona, Alaska that appear on the
Navys official HAARP website have been doctored and that the REAL location of HAARP is in the
Westhampton pine barrens on Long Island! Why Montauk? It is a major earth grid hot spot where various EMF,
radio frequency, and gravitational processes all link together and can be amplified.

This has been confirmed by Preston Nichols, author of several books on the Montauk projects and a participant
in some of its operations, and another independent source. Nichols also confirmed that he had been working with
an Air Force contingent at Camp Heros subterranean complex when they were working with particle beam
technology in planetary defense operations against the Hale-Bopp comet and an object claimed to be traveling
in its wake. Since then, the Air Force contingent has moved out and been replaced with the Navy contingent
associated with HAARP.

Preston is not absolutely sure what these particle accelerators and beam weaponry is being used for. However,
on April 18, 1998, he received a FAX that he does not think is disinformation. It contains a lot of classified
information that, in his opinion, could only come from deep within the U.S. Navy. The FAX reveals another
agenda for HAARP that is more secret than the mind control and weather manipulation agendas. The
document indicates that the particle beam accelerators are being used to effect interdimensional and time

manipulations! The author speculates that because the time portal apparatus that was used during the Montauk
project back in the late 1970s-early 1980s was destroyed in 1983; this is another chance to generate the portals.
There is some evidence that the Navy has been experimenting with bringing various creatures through the portals
such as seals and Macrihanish Chinook. It is speculated in Puerto Rico and Brazil where there are a number of
Chupacapra sightings that these creatures are being brought through a portal into our dimension.

Microwaves Used as Weapons

Microwaves are key in the evolution of a new series of non-lethal weapons that the Military is interested in
developing. These weapons could be capable of:
preventing voluntary muscular movements
control emotions (and thus actions)
produce sleep
transmit suggestions
interfere with both short-term and long-term memory
produce an experience set
delete and experience set
Microwaves used at low power densities can be used to induce sounds and words within a persons head so that
it appears that the person is hearing voices. This technology can be used in isolated individuals either to send
instructions to soldiers in the field who are in combat situations or it can be used on the enemy to scare and/or
disorient them (one of the non-lethal weapons being developed). There is also some evidence to suggest that this
technology has the capability of remote mind reading.

Microwave Cell Phone Towers

Cell phone towers are popping up all over the US terrain. Because it is a multi-billion dollar industry, there is
concern that the health effects from being exposed to the microwave radiation are not being addressed. It can
cause body tissue to heat up and possibly alter DNA. This can lead to the development of pre-cursors for cancer.
Common sources of microwave radiation include: cell phones; cordless phones; garage door openers; wireless
PDAs and notebook computers; and microwave alarm system sensors.

Ted Twietmeyer, in his article Dangerous Radiation from Hidden Cell Phone Towers speculates that the
proliferation of cell phone usage will force companies to add more microcells, thus many of the existing towers
will become obsolete because they serve too large of an area. He thinks these towers will most likely be
converted to other mind control and tracking activities. Ken Adachi, in his paper Mind Control The
Ultimate Terror says that other towers whose antennae look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2
feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower are being constructed. It is presumed that
these are for cell phone usage but they produce power levels that far exceed cell phone requirements. He believes
these towers are being used for mind control purposes as the frequency bandwidth chosen for cell phone use
matches the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late 1940s to effect thought transmission
and allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it.

Exopolitical Issues Associated with the Use of This Technology

I think there is a real story here if we look at the combination of the HAARPs use to open portals to other
dimensions and time, and the race to find stargate technology in Iraq and other locations around the world.
Various scenarios come to mind that have exopolitical meaning.

Searching for ways to use HAARP to open up portals is consistent with Michael Sallas assertion that a motive
for driving the Bush administration to invade Iraq was to control ancient stargate technology that could be
found there. If the goal for the US is to be the unofficial greeters of the Anunnaki when they arrive, then it
makes sense that the US would want to offer the Anunnaki portals to come through that are controlled by the US.
This includes both the ancient stargate technology as well as new portals that can be opened. If the US cant
figure out how to restart the ancient stargates, then they still have these new portals to use. This will give the
US the edge in being the first to deal with the Anunnaki, find out what their intentions are towards humanity
and Earth, and then make the appropriate deals.

Another scenario is one in which the US knows that if the Anunnaki come back, they may decide to destroy
humankind because they want to end the experiment or they want to upgrade us and cull the population down to
a useful number. In that case I would see the US wanting control of the ancient stargates to STOP the Anunnaki

from entering into our dimension & time, especially if there was a concern that Saddam Hussein would let them
in. Additionally HAARP technology could then be used as a shield to destroy any incoming spaceships of the
Anunnaki, since it is thought that there are two forms of transportation that the Anunnaki use: stargate
technology for the Anunnaki elite and spaceships for the rank and file Anunnaki. The HAARP portals
could be used to allow helper ETs in, who could help us fight the Anunnaki.

It is not only in the interest of humanity that we not be completely destroyed, but it is also in the interest of the
Reptilians, since they use our emotional and psychic energy to feed off of. Making the assumption that the
shadow government is the one supporting the grey/Reptilian presence on earth, these portals can be used to
bring more Reptilians into our dimension and time to, perhaps, stop the Anunnaki from destroying us.

If the main goal for use of the portals and stargates is to bring in more Reptilians for a complete take-over of
the planet, then using as many portals as possible to bring in these Reptilians seems logical. I am assuming that
each type of being has its own frequency and that these frequencies can be controlled at the stargate or portal so
that a frequency can be set to allow in entities of that particular frequency. At the same time, HAARP can be
used to keep out the helper and watcher ETs by destroying spaceships as they arrive.

Another scenario is that the US does not want ANY Reptilians coming in through the portals and stargates so
they want to again ensure that they are in control of who comes through, and use HAARP to find portals for the
helper/watcher ETs to come through. HAARPs shield would be used to keep the Reptilians away.

In the scenario where there could be a take-over of the planet either by the Anunnaki or the Reptilians, these
EMF weapons and mind control mechanisms could be used on the general population to control them so the
take-over would be relatively easy. Control can take many forms. Microwaves can be used to give commands to
individuals to do something by disguising the voices as God, Angels, Satan, personal guides, or the higher self
or whomever the person would listen to. On the other hand, microwaves can be used to render an individual in a
zombie-like or confused state so they cannot fight back. I can imagine an easy take-over of major cities within
the US just by turning on the microwaves that are broadcast through the cell phone towers to render the
population harmless. Any resistance could be met with the use of the non-lethal weapons.

To conclude, I hope that our country is taking the high road and intends to use this technology to help us
understand our origin and where we are going as a civilization. If the intent is to use this technology to help us
communicate better with the helper/watcher ETs, it would be a goal worth pursuing. The use of non-lethal
weapons is preferable to the use of weapons that kill, but we need to get to a place where weapons are altogether

Salla, Michael E., The Black Budget Report: An investigation into the CIAs Black Budget and the Second
Manhattan Project 11/23/2003.
Bertell, Rosalie, Ph.D., GNSH, Background of the HAARP Project,
Jonathan, Brother A., What is HAARP? How it Looks and Sounds! 12/15/00.
Begich, Nick, HAARP Updates,
Smith, Marshall, HAARP and Spaceship Columbia, 02/08/03
HAARP Detection and Imagine of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves. FAS Intelligence
Resource Program
Begich, Nick, HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?
Trustees for Alaska, Waking up the Military
Quinn, John, HAARPs Covert Agendas The Big Picture, The Konformist, 1998.
Nichols, Preston B., and Peter Moon, Pyramids of Montauk, Skybooks, New York, 1998. Pages 247-252.
Begich, Nick, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Killing Politely,
McMurtrey, John J., M.S., Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence, , December 23, 2003.
Twietmeyer, Ted, Dangerous Radiation from Hidden Cell Phone Towers, 8/7/04.
Adachi, Ken, Mind Control The Ultimate Terror
Salla, Michael E., An Exopolitical Perspective on the preemptive War against Iraq, Research Study # 2.
February 3, 2003.


My Last Year in R&D: The Hoover Files, Fiber Optics, Supertenacity, and Other Artifacts

winter months of
1961. The work didnt even stop for the Christmas holiday, when most of Washington likes to take a break and
head for the West Virginia mountains or the Maryland countryside. I was traveling a lot during the final months
of 1961, seeing weapons undergo testing at proving grounds around the country, meeting with university
researchers on such diverse items as the preservation of food or the conversion of spent atomic pile material into
weapons, and developing intelligence reports for General Trudeau on the kinds of technologies that might shape
weapons development into the next decade.

With my other eye, I was keeping a look out for any reports going to the Air Intelligence Command about UFO
sightings that I thought Army Intelligence should be thinking about. The AIC was the next step in classification
from the Project Blue Book people. Its job, besides the obvious task of moving any urgent UFO reports up the
ladder of secrecy to the next levels where they would disappear behind the veil of camouflage, was to classify
the type of event or incident the sighting seemed to indicate.

Usually that meant separating real aircraft sightings that needed to be investigated for pure military intelligence
purposes from either true UFO sightings that needed to be processed by whatever elements of the original
working group were on watch or false sightings that needed to be sent back down to Blue Book to be debunked.
The AIC loved it when it had actual false sightings it could send back: an obvious meteorite that they could
confirm, some visual anomaly having to do with an alignment of planets, or, best of all, a couple of clowns
somewhere that decided to pull a Halloween prank and scare the locals.

There were guys running around wheat fields with snowshoes or submitting photos of flying frozen pie tins to
the local papers. Then the folks at Blue Book could release the story to the press, and everybody patted
themselves on the back for the job they were all doing. Life could be fun in the early 1960s, especially if you
didnt know the truth.

Moving into 1962, Army Intelligence was lit up with rumors about potential threats coming in from all over the
place. The anti-Castro Cubans were mad about the Presidents refusal to support the Bay of Pigs invasion and
were looking for revenge; Castro was mad about the Bay of Pigs invasion and was looking to get back at us;
Khrushchev was still furious about the U2 and the Bay of Pigs and thinking Kennedy was a pushover, would
soon jump on an opportunity to force us into some humiliating compromise.

The Russians were on the verge of sending manned spacecraft into extended orbital flights and robot probes out
to explore Venus. We were way behind in the space race and none of the services had the budget or the ability to
get us back into the fight. NASA was telling the President they would have to dig in, develop the technology
base, and, by the middle of the decade, put on a show for the whole world. But now, as the year turned, it was all
silent running until we could put something up we could brag about.

The army was making ominous noises about events in Southeast Asia. The more the army pushed to get troops
on the ground, the more the Kennedy administration refused to get involved. The army was telling the President
we would eventually be sucked into a war we could not win and the events would control us instead of our
controlling them. Later that same year, I would be offered the job of director of intelligence for the Army Special
Forces units already operating in the Southeast Asian theater.

At about the same time the army said it was going to name Gen. Arthur Trudeau as the commander of all U.S.
forces in South Vietnam. As our names were being circulated, General Trudeau confided to me that he doubted
we would get the jobs. And if we did, he said, it would be a toss-up as to who would be the most unhappy, the
Vietcong or the U.S. Army.
If they send us over there, Phil, he said after one of our morning briefings, one of two things will happen.
Either well both get court martialed or well win the damn war. Either way the armys not going to like the way
we do business.
As usual, General Trudeau was right. Before the end of 1962 and right about the time the old man was making
up his mind whether to retire or not, his name was vetoed as the commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam and I
was told to stay at my desk. The handwriting was on the wall: Vietnam was going to be a political war run by the
disinformation specialists at the CIA and fought under a cloud of unknowing. Unfortunately, history proved us to

be correct. By the time Richard Nixon surrendered to the Chinese and we crawled out of Southeast Asia a few
years later, we would learn, I hope for the last time, what it was like to be humiliated on the battlefield and then
eviscerated at the negotiating table.

The new year brought J. Edgar Hoover over to the Pentagon. The FBI director was growing increasingly
anxious at all the Roswell stories circulating like ice cold currents deep under the ocean throughout NASA and
the civilian intelligence agencies. Somebody was conspiring about something, and that meant the FBI should get
involved, especially if the CIA was messing around in domestic issues. Hoover didnt like the CIA and he
especially didnt like the cozy relationship he thought President Kennedy had with the CIA because he believed
his boss, the Presidents brother, was keeping him on a short leash when it came to taking on the agency about
territorial issues.

Hoover knew, but didnt believe, that after the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy had become very suspicious of the
intelligence information he was getting from the CIA. By the end of 1962, the President would learn from his
own brother, who would learn from me, just how deliberately flawed the information coming out of the CIA
was. And I would also learn, when I worked for Senator Russell on the Warren Commission in 1964, how that
had sealed his fate.

But in 1962, still near the height of his power, J. Edgar Hoover was as territorial as any lifetime bureaucrat in
Washington could be. And when somebody stepped on his toes, or when he thought someone had stepped on his
toes, he kept kicking them until the guy was dead. Even his own agents knew what it was like to get on his bad
side. I was as territorial in my own way as the FBI director was in his, and during my years at the White House
under President Eisenhower, we had established a professional relationship. If he needed to know something that
bore on some KGB agent nosing around the government, I helped him out. If I needed to find something out on
the qt. about somebody I needed to take out of the bureaucratic loop, he would tell me what he knew. We never
established any formal relationships in the 1950s, but we let each know who we thought the bad guys were.

In the 1950s, Hoover got interested in the rumors about Roswell because anything the CIA got their teeth into
made him nervous. If it were only the military running a cover-up, he could live with that, although he thought
the military never should have run the OSS during World War II. But once he suspected the CIA was part of the
Roswell story, he wanted in. But in my years on the White House staff, there wasnt much I could tell him. It
wouldnt be until 1961 that I got my hands on what really happened at Roswell, and then I didnt have to contact
him. He called me.

We found we could help each other. Besides being territorial, J. Edgar Hoover was an information fanatic. If
there was a bit of information floating around, whether it was rumor or truth, Hoover was obsessive about
putting it into his files. Information was such a valuable commodity to him, he was willing to trade for it with
anybody in government he trusted. I wanted information, too. I was going out to meetings with scientists and
university researchers whose loyalties I couldnt verify. I had to be very circumspect about the technological
information I was delivering, and many times I needed to know whether a particular chemist or physicist had
ever been suspected of dealing with the Communists or, worse, was on the payroll of the CIA.

In retrospect I can see how all this smacks of the thinking of Senator Joe McCarthy, but I was at the White
House during the army McCarthy hearings and I can tell you straight out that Joe McCarthy - unwittingly - was
the best friend the Communists ever had in government. Single handedly, Senator McCarthy helped give
respectability to a bunch of people who would never have had it otherwise. He turned behaving in contempt of
Congress into a heroic act by his very tactics, and the Communists in government were laughing at the free rein
he gave them. All they had to do was provide him with a human sacrifice every now and then, someone
completely unimportant or actually innocent of any wrong doing, and McCarthy pilloried them on television. But
when he turned against the US. Army, he crossed into my territory and we had to shut him down.

The Communists used McCarthy to give them good press and open up an area where they could work while the
anti-Communists were made to look like fools. I told this to Robert Kennedy, who as a young lawyer had been a
member of Roy Cohns investigative staff working for the McCarthy subcommittee and who had learned
firsthand what it was like to be completely misled into self destructive behavior. It was a mistake, he confided to
me, that he would never make again. Unfortunately, his brothers enemies were his own, and he was misled into
thinking that being president would allow him to settle the score.

But in January of 1962 all that was on my mind was reestablishing a relationship with J. Edgar Hoover so that I
could pursue my agenda while keeping a lookout for who might be dangerous out there in the academic

community. Now I had something to bargain with for the information I wanted. Not only did I have the bits and
pieces of the Roswell story that I knew Hoover wanted, I also had information about the domestic activities of
the CIA. Hoover was more than interested in sharing information, and we continued to talk right through 1962
until I left the army and went over to Senator Thurmonds staff.

Our relationship continued right through1963. And in 1964, when I was an investigator for Senator Russell on
the Warren Commission and Hoover was pursuing his own independent investigation into the Presidents
assassination, he and I could only stare at one another again on either side of the abyss of that crime. Stacked up
against the enormity of what had happened, Hoover and I both understood that there are some battles you cannot
win. So you leave them alone so you can fight another day.

Im not sure whether J. Edgar Hoover ever really believed that the Roswell story was true, an absolute
conspiracy to cover up something else, or just a delusion that became mass hysteria out there in the desert. There
were so many details buried in army memos and maintained under layers of cover stories fabricated by military
intelligence experts that he couldnt possibly know the truth. But like the good cop that he was, he took
information wherever he could find it and kept on searching for something that made sense.

If the army saw a threat to our society, then Hoover thought there was a threat. And whenever he could follow up
a report of a sighting with a very discreet appearance by a pair of FBI agents to interview the witnesses and get
away with it, he did. He was more than willing to share that information with me, and that was how I found out
about some of the unpublicized cattle mutilation stories in the early 1960s.

My J. Edgar Hoover connection was important to me as I began my work in the early weeks of 1962 because the
level of research into the types of projects we were developing became very intense. The rumors of General
Trudeaus appointment to the Southeast Asia command and my selection as intelligence director for the Green
Berets in Southeast Asia, as vague and unconfirmed as they were, set a deadline for the general and me to push
our projects forward because we knew we had only a year or so left on our tenure at R&D.

So when the FBI director and I would talk, I had questions ready to ask. No information we ever shared was in
writing, and any notes that I took from the conversations we had I later destroyed after committing them to
memory or taking action on the things he said. Even to this day, although FBI agents have contacted me about
records supposedly still left in the old files, I dont know what notes the FBI director took about our
conversations and what specific actions he ever took. Because we trusted each other and remained in contact
once every six months or so even after I left government service, I never followed up on anything I said and
never asked for any verification of information in the files. I think Hoover appreciated that.

By February of 1962 I had lined my nut file projects up for an end run that would take me to the end of the year
and either South Vietnam or retirement. The first folder on the desktop was the glass filaments.

Fiber Optics
Members of the retrieval team who foraged around inside the spacecraft on the morning of the discovery told
Colonel Blanchard back at the 509th that they were amazed they couldnt find any conventional wiring.

Where were the electrical connections? they asked, because obviously the vehicle had electronics. They didnt
understand the function of the printed circuit wafers they found, but, even more important, they were completely
mystified by the single glass filaments that ran through the panels of the ship. At first, some of the scientists
thought that they comprised the missing wiring that also had the engineers so confused as they packed the craft
for shipping. Maybe they were part of the wiring harness that was broken in the crash. But these filaments had a
strange property to them.

The wire harness seemed to have broken loose from a control panel and was separated into twelve frayed
filaments that looked something like quartz. When, back at the 509ths hangar, officers from the retrieval team
applied light to one end of the filament, the other end emitted a specific color. Different filaments emitted
different colors. The fibers - in reality glass crystal tubes - led to a type of junction box where the fibers
separated and went to different parts of the control panel that seemed to acknowledge electrically the different
color pulsing through the tube.

Since the engineers evaluating the material at Roswell knew that each color of light had its own specific
wavelength, they guessed that the frequency of the light wave activated a specific component of the spacecrafts
control panel. But beyond that, the engineers and scientists were baffled. They couldnt even determine the

spacecrafts power source, let alone what generated the power for the light tubes. And, the most amazing thing of
all was that the filaments not only were flexible but still emitted light even when they were bent back and forth
like a paper clip.

How could light be made to bend? the engineers wondered. This was one of the physical mysteries of the
Roswell craft that stayed hidden through the 1950s until one of the Signal Corps liaisons, who routinely briefed
General Trudeau on the kinds of developments the Signal Corps was looking for, told us about experiments in
optical fibers going on at Bell Labs.

The technology was still very new, Hans Kohler told me during a private briefing in early 1962, but the promise
of using light as a carrier of all kinds of signals through single filament glass strands was holding great promise.
He explained that the premise of optical fibers was to have a filament of glass so fine and free of any impurities
that nothing would impede the light beam moving along the center of the shaft. You also had to have a powerful
light source at one end, he explained, to generate the signal, and I thought of the successful ruby laser that had
been tested at Columbia University. I knew the EBEs had integrated the two technologies for their glass cable
transmission inside the spacecraft.
But what makes the light bend? I asked Professor Kohler, still incredulous that the aliens seem to have been
able to defy one of our own laws of physics. Is it some kind of an illusion?
Its not a trick at all, the scientist explained. It only looks like an illusion because the fibers are so fine, you
cant see the different layers without a microscope.
He showed me, when I gave him the broken pieces of filament that I still had in my nut file, that each strand,
which looked like one solid piece of material enclosing the circumference of a tiny tube, was actually double
layered. When you looked down the center of the shaft you could see that around the outside of the filament was
another layer of glass. Dr. Kohler explained that the individual light rays are reflected back toward the center by
the layer of glass around the outside of the fiber so that the light cant escape. By running the glass fibers around
corners and, in the case of the Roswell spacecraft, through the interior walls of the ship, the aliens were able to
bend light and focus it just like you can direct the flow of water through a supply pipe. Id never seen anything
like that before in my life.

Kohler explained that, just like lasers, the light can be made to carry any sort of signal : light, sound, and even
digital information.
Theres no resistance to the signal, he explained. And you can fit more information on to the light beam.
I asked him how the EBEs might have used this type of technology. He suggested that all ships communication,
visual images, telemetry, and any amplified signals that the vehicles sent or received from other craft or from
bases on the moon or on earth would use these glass fiber cables.
They seem to have an enormous capacity for carrying any kind of load, he suggested. And if a laser can
amplify the signal, in their most refined form, these cables can carry a multiplicity of signals at the same time.
I was more than impressed. Even before asking him about the specific types of applications these might have for
the army, I could see how they could make battlefield communications more secure because the signals would be
stronger and less vulnerable to interference. Then Professor Kohler began suggesting the uses of these fibers to
carry visual images photographed in tiny cameras from the weapons themselves to controlling devices at the
Imagine, he said, being able to fire a missile and actually see through the missiles eye where its going.
Imagine being able to lock onto a target visually and even as it tries to evade the missile, you can see it and make
final adjustments.
And Kohler went on to describe the potential of how fiberoptics based sensors could someday keep track of
enemy movements on the ground, carry data heavy visual signals from surveillance satellites, and pack very
complicated multichannel communications systems into small spaces.
The whole space program is dependent upon carrying data, voice, and image, he said. But now, it takes too
much space to store all the relays and switches and theres too much impedance to the signal. It limits what we
can do on a mission. But imagine if we could adapt this technology to our own uses.
Then he looked me very squarely in the eye and said the very thing that I was thinking.
You know this is their technology. Its part of what enables them to have exploration missions. If it became our
technology, too, wed be able to, maybe we could keep up with them a little better.
Then he asked me for the armys commitment. He explained that some of our research laboratories were already
looking into the properties of glass as a signal conductor and this would not have to be research that was started
from complete scratch. Those kinds of start ups gave us concern at R&D because unless we covered them up
completely, it would look like there was a complete break in a technological path. How do you explain that? But
if theres research already going on, no matter how basic, then just showing someone at the company one of
these pieces of technology could give them all they need to reverse engineer it so that it became our technology.

But wed have to support it as part of an arms development research contract if the company didnt already have
a budget. This is what I wanted to do with this glass filament technology.
Where is the best research on optical fibers being done? I asked him.
Bell Labs, he answered. Itll take another thirty years to develop it, but one day most of the telephone traffic
will be carried on fiberoptic cable.
Army R&D had contacts at Bell just like other contractors we worked with, so I wrote a short memo and
proposal to General Trudeau on the potential of optical fibers for a range of products that Professor Kohler and I
discussed. I described the properties of what had been previously called a wiring harness, explained how it
carried laser signals, and, most importantly, how these fibers actually bent a stream of light around a corner and
conducted it the same way a wire conducts an electrical current. Imagine conducting a beam of high intensity
single frequency light the same way youd run a water line to a new bathroom, I wrote. Imagine the power and
flexibility it provided the EBEs, especially when they used the light signal as a carrier for other coded

This would enable the military to recreate its entire communications infrastructure and allow our new
surveillance satellites to feed find store potential targeting information right into frontline command and control
installations. The navy would be able to see the deployment of an entire enemy fleet, the air force could look
down on approaching enemy squadrons and target them from above even if our planes were still on the ground,
and for the army it would give us an undreamed of strategic advantage. We could survey an entire battlefield,
track the movements of troops from small patrols to entire divisions, and plot the deployments of tanks, artillery,
and helicopters at the same time.

The value of fiberoptic communication to the military would be immeasurable. And, I added, I was almost
certain that a development push from the army to facilitate research on the complete reengineering of our
countrys already antiquated telephone system would not be seen by any company as an unwarranted intrusion. I
didnt have to wait long for the generals response.
Do it, he ordered. And get this under way fast. Ill get you all the development allocation you need. Tell
them that. And before the end of that week, I had an appointment with a systems researcher at the Western
Electric research facility outside of Princeton, New Jersey, right down the road from the Institute for Advanced
Study. I told him it came out of foreign technology, something that the intelligence people picked up from new
weapons the East Germans were developing but thought we could use.
If what you think you have, he said over the phone, is that interesting and shows us where our research is
going, wed be silly not to lend you an ear for an afternoon.
Ill need less than an afternoon to show you what I got, I said. Then I packed my Roswell field reports into my
briefcase, got myself an airline ticket for a flight to Newark Airport, and I was on my way.

Super-tenacity Fibers
Even before the 1960s, when I was, still on the National Security staff, the army had begun to look for fibers for
flak jackets, shrapnel proof body armor, even parachutes, and a protective skin for other military items. Silk had
always been the material of choice for parachutes because it was light, yet had an incredible tensile strength that
allowed it to stretch, keep shape, and yet withstand tremendous forces. Whether the armys search for what they
called a tenacity fiber was prompted purely by its need to find better protection for its troops or because of
what the retrieval team found at Roswell, I do not know. I suspect, however, that it was the discovery at the crash
site that began the armys search.

Among the items in my Roswell file that we retained from the retrieval were strands of a fiber that even razors
couldnt cut through. When I looked at it under a magnifying glass, its dull grayness and almost matte finish
belied the almost supernatural properties of this fiber. You could stretch it, twist it around objects, and subject it
to a level of torque that would rend any other fiber, but this held up. Then, when you released the tension, it
snapped back to its original length without any loss of tension in its original form. It reminded me of the
filaments in a spiderweb. We became very interested in this material and began to study a variety of
technologies, including spider silks because they, alone in nature, exhibit natural super tenacity properties.

The spiders spinning of its silk begins in its abdominal glands as a protein that the spider extrudes through a
narrow tube that forces all the molecules to align in the same direction, turning the protein into a rod like, very
long, single thread with a structure not unlike a crystal. The extrusion process not only aligns the protein
molecules, the molecules are very compressed, occupying much less space than conventionally sized molecules.
This combination of lengthwise aligned and super compressed molecules gives this thread an incredible tenacity
and the ability to stretch under enormous pressure while retaining its tensile strength and integrity. A single

strand of this spiders silk thread would have to be stretched nearly fifty miles before breaking and if stretched
around the entire globe, it would weigh only fifteen ounces.

Clearly, when the scientists at Roswell saw how this fiber - not cloth, not silk, but something like a ceramic - had
encased the ship and formed the outer skin layer of the EBEs, they realized it was a very promising avenue for
research. When I examined the material and recognized its similarity to spider thread, I realized that a key to
producing this commercially would be to synthesize the protein and find a way to simulate the extrusion process.
General Trudeau encouraged me to start contacting plastics and ceramics manufacturers, especially Monsanto
and Dow, to find out who was doing research on super-tenacity materials, especially at university laboratories.
My quick poll paid off.

I not only discovered that Monsanto was looking for a way to develop a mass production process for a simulated
spider silk, I also learned that they were already working with the army. Army researchers from the Medical
Corps were trying to replicate the chemistry of the spider gene to produce the silk manufacturing protein. Years
later, after Id left the army, researchers at the University of Wyoming and Dow Corning also began experiments
on cloning the silk manufacturing gene and developing a process to extrude the silk fibers into a usable
substance that could be fabricated into a cloth.

Our research and development liaison in the Medical Corps told me that the replication of a super-tenacity fiber
was still years away back in 1962, but that any help from Foreign Technology that we could give the Medical
Corps would find its way to the companies they were working with and probably wouldnt require a separate
R&D budget. The development funding through U.S. government medical and biological research grants was
more than adequate, the Medical Corps officer told me, to finance the research unless we needed to develop an
emergency crash program. But I still remained fascinated by the prospect that something similar to a web spinner
had spun the strands of super-tenacity fabric around the spaceship. I knew that whatever that secret was,
amalgamating a skin out of some sort of fabric or ceramic around our aircraft would give them the protection
that the Roswell craft had and still be relatively lightweight.

Again, I didnt find out about it until much later, but research into that very type of fabrication was already under
way by a scientist who would, years later, win a Nobel Prize. At a meeting of the American Physical Society
three years before, Dr. Richard Feynman gave a theoretical speculative assessment of the possibilities of
creating substances whose molecular structure was so condensed that the resulting material might have radically
different properties from the non-compressed version of the same material. For example, Feynman suggested, if
scientists could create material in which the molecular structures were not only compressed but arranged
differently from conventional molecular structures, the scientists might be able to alter the physical properties of
the substance to suit specific applications.

This seemed like brand new stuff to the American Physical Society. In reality, though, compressed molecular
structures were one of the discoveries that had been made by some of the original scientific analytical groups
both at Alamogordo right after the Roswell crash and at the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, which took
delivery of the material. As a young atomic physicist, Richard Feynman was a colleague of many of the postwar
atomic specialists who were in the armys and then the air forces guided missile program as well as the nuclear
weapons program in the 1950s.

Although I never saw any memos to this effect, Feynman was reported to have been in contact with members of
the Alamogordo group of the Air Materiel Command and knew about some of the finds at the Roswell crash site.
Whether these discoveries suggested theories to him about the potential properties of compressed molecular
structures or whether his ideas were also extensions of his theories about the quantum mechanics behavior of
electrons, for which he won the Nobel Prize, I dont know. But Dr. Feynmans theories about compressed
molecular structures dove tailed with the army efforts to replicate the super-tenacity fiber composition and
extrusion processes. By the middle of the 1960s work was under way not only at large industrial ceramics and
chemical companies in the United States but in university research laboratories here, and in Europe, Asia, and

With my questions about who was conducting research into super-tenacity fibers answered and learning where
that research was taking place, I could turn my attention to other applications of the technology to see whether
the army could help move the development along faster or whether any collateral development was possible to
create products in advance of the super-tenacity fibers. Our scientists told us that one way to simulate the effect
of super-tenacity was in the cross alignment of composite layers of fabric. This idea was the premise for the

armys search for a type of body armor that would protect against the skin piercing injuries of explosive shrapnel
and rounds fired from guns.
Now this wont protect you against contusions, General Trudeau told me after a meeting with Army Medical
Corps researchers at Walter Reed. And the concussive shock from an impact will still be strong enough to kill
anybody, but at least its supposed to keep the round from tearing through your body.
I thought about the many blunt trauma wounds you see in a battle and could imagine the impact a large round
would leave even if it couldnt penetrate the skin. But through the generals impetus and the contacts he set up
for me at Du Pont and Monsanto, we aggressively pursued the research into the development of a cross aligned
material for bulletproof vests. I hand carried the field descriptions of the fabric found at Roswell to my meetings
at these Companies and showed the actual fabric to scientists who visited us in Washington.

This was not an item we wanted to risk carrying around the country. By 1965, Du Pont had announced the
creation of the Kevlar fabric that, by 1973, was brought to market as the Kevlar bulletproof vest thats in
common use today in the armed Services and law enforcement agencies. I dont know how many thousands of
lives have been saved, but every time I hear of a police officer whose Kevlar vest protected him from a fatal
chest or back wound, I think back to those days when we were just beginning to consider the value of cross
aligned layers of super-tenacity material and am thankful that our office played a part in the products

Our search for supertenacity materials also resulted in the development of composite plastics and ceramics that
with stood heat and the pressures of high speed air maneuvers and were also invisible to radar. The cross stitched
super-tenacity fibers on the skin of the Roswell vehicle, which I believe had been spun on, also became an
impetus for an entirely new generation of attack and strategic aircraft as well as composite materials for future
designs of attack helicopters.

One of the great rumors that floated around for years after the Roswell story became public with the testimony of
retired Army Air Force major Jesse Marcel before he died was that Stealth technology aircraft were the result of
what we learned at Roswell. That is true, but it was not a direct transfer of technology. Army Intelligence knew
that under certain conditions the EBE spacecraft had the ability to hide their radar signature, but we didnt know
how they did it. We also had pieces of the Roswell spacecrafts skin, which was a composite of super-tenacity
molecular aligned fibers.

As far as I know, weve still not managed to recreate the exact process to manufacture this composite, just like
weve not been able to duplicate the electromagnetic drive and navigation system that enabled the Roswell
vehicle to fly even though we have that vehicle and others at either Norton, Edwards, and Nellis Air Force bases.
But through the study of how this material worked and what its properties are, weve replicated composites and
rolled an entirely new generation of aircraft off the assembly line.

Although the American public first heard about the existence of a Stealth technology in President Jimmy
Carters campaign against President Ford in 1976, we didnt see the Stealth in action until the air attacks on Iraq
during the Persian Gulf War. There, the Stealth fighter, completely invisible to Iraqi radar, launched the first
high risk assaults on the Iraqi air force air defense system and operated with almost complete impunity. Invisible
to radar, invisible to heat seeking missiles, striking out of the night sky like demons, the Stealth fighters, with
their flying wing almost crescent shaped, look uncannily like the space vehicle that crashed into the arroyo
outside of Roswell.

But appearances aside, the composite skin of the Stealth that helps make it invisible to almost all forms of
detection was inspired by the Army R&D research into the skin of the Roswell aircraft that we sectioned apart
for distribution to laboratories around the country.

Depleted Uranium Invisible Artillery Shells
For the air force, Stealth technology meant that aircraft could approach a target invisible to radar and maintain
that advantage throughout the mission. For the army, Stealth technology for its helicopters provides an incredible
advantage in mounting search and destroy, Special Forces recon, or counter insurgency missions deep into
enemy territory. But the possibility of a Stealth artillery shell, which we conceived of at R&D in 1962, would
have allowed us something armies have sought ever since the first deployment of artillery by a Western
European army at Henry Vs victory at Agincourt in the early fifteenth century.

Certainly Napoleon would have wanted this ability when he deployed his artillery against the British line at
Waterloo. So would the Germans in World War I when their artillery pounded the Allied forces hunkered down

in their trenches and again at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 when those of us stationed in Rome could only pray
that our boys could hang on until the clouds broke and our bombers could hit the German emplacements.

In all artillery battles, once a shell is fired, it can be tracked by an observer back to its source and then return fire
can be directed against whoever is firing. But as the range of artillery increased and we found ways to
camouflage guns, we became proficient in hiding artillery until the advent of battlefield radar, which allows the
trajectory of shells to be tracked back to their source. But imagine if the shell were composed of a material that
rendered it invisible to radar? That was the possibility we proposed to General Trudeau: an invisible artillery
shell, I suggested to him in his office one morning as we were designing the plan for research and development
of composite materials.

On the night battlefield of the future you could deploy weapons that were invisible even to radar tracking planes
flying over head behind the lines. Shells would start falling, and the enemy wouldnt know where they were
coming from until after we had the advantage of five or more unanswered salvos. By then, and with the
advantage of surprise, the damage might well be done. If we were using mechanized artillery, we could set up
positions, fire a series of quick salvos, redeploy, and set up again.

The secret lay not just in the same Stealth aircraft technology but also in the development of a Stealth ceramic
that could withstand tremendous explosive barrel pressures and still maintain an integrity through the arc of its
trajectory. The search for just such a molecularly aligned composite ceramic was inspired by the composite
material of the Roswell spacecraft. In analysis after analysis, the army tried to determine how the extraterrestrials
fabricated the material that formed the hull of the spacecraft but was unable to do so.

The search for the kind of molecularly aligned composite began in the1950s even before General Trudeau took
command of R&D, continued during my tenure at Foreign Technology when the early Stealth experimentation
began at Lockheed that resulted in the F117 fighter and Stealth bomber, and continues right through to today.

The general was also more than interested in the kinds of warheads we would propose for just such a shell, a
warhead that did come into use in 1961 and was successfully deployed during the Gulf War. And we had a
suggestion for a round that we thought could change the nature of the kinds of battles we projected wed be
fighting against the Warsaw Pact forces, a warhead fabricated out of depleted uranium. This was a way to utilize
the stockpile of uranium we foresaw wed have as a result of spent fuel from commercial nuclear reactors,
reactors powering U.S. Navy vessels, and the nuclear reactors the army was developing for its own bases and for
delivery to bases overseas.

Depleted uranium was a dense, heavy metal, so dense in fact that conventional armament was no match for a
high speed round tipped with it. Its ability to penetrate even the toughest of tank armor and detonate once it was
inside the enemy vehicle meant that a single round fired from one of our own tanks equipped with a laser range
finder would disable, if not completely destroy, an enemy tank. Depleted uranium would give us a decided
advantage on a European battlefield on which we knew wed be outnumbered two or three to one by the Warsaw
Pact or in China where sheer numbers alone would mean that either wed be overwhelmed or wed have to resort
to nuclear weapons. The depleted uranium shell kept us from having to go nuclear.

Privately, I suggested to General Trudeau that depleted uranium also fulfilled our hidden agenda. It was another
weapon in a potential arsenal we were building against hostile extraterrestrials. If depleted uranium could
penetrate armor, might the heaviness of the element enable it to penetrate the composite skin of the spacecraft,
especially if the spacecraft were on the ground? I suggested that it certainly merited development at the nearby
Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, and if it proved worthwhile, it was a weapon we should deploy.

Even though the composite ceramic Stealth round is still an elusive dream in weapons development, the depleted
uranium tipped war head saw action in the Gulf War, where it didnt just disable the tanks of the Iraqi
Republican Guard, it exploded them into pieces. Fired from the laser range finder equipped Abrams tanks, TOW
missile launchers, or even from Hedgehog infantry support aircraft, the depleted uranium tipped warheads
wreaked havoc in the Gulf. They were one of the great weapons development successes of Army R&D that came
out of what we learned from the Roswell crash.

HARP - The High-Altitude Research Project
HARP was another project whose need for research and development was suggested to us by the challenge posed
by flying saucers. They could out fly our own aircraft, we had no guided missiles that could bring them down,
and we didnt have any guns that could shoot them down. We were also exploring weapons systems that had a

double or triple use, and HARP, or the big gun, was one such system. Essentially, Project HARP was the
brainchild of Canadian gunnery expert and scientist Dr. Gerald Bull. Bull had studied the threat posed by the
German Big Bertha in World War I and the Nazi V3 supergun toward the end of World War II. He realized
that long range, high powered artillery was not only a practical solution to launching heavy payload shells, it was
very affordable once the initial research and development phase was completed.

Mass produced big guns and their ordinance, assembled in stages right on the site, could provide enormous
firepower well back from the front lines to any army. They would become a strategic weapon to rain nuclear
destruction down on enemy population centers or military staging areas.

Dr. Bull had also suggested that the gun could be retasked as a launch vehicle, blasting huge rounds into orbit,
which could then be jettisoned, like the booster stage of a rocket, so the payload warhead could thrust itself into
position. This would require a minimum amount of rocket fuel and could effectively push a string of satellites
into orbit very quickly, almost like an artillery barrage. If the army needed to put special satellites into orbit in a
hurry or, better still, explosive satellites that would pose a threat to orbiting extraterrestrial vehicles, the big gun
was one method of accomplishing this mission.

There was still a third potential to the supergun. General Trudeau foresaw the ability of this weapon to launch
rounds that could ultimately be placed into a lunar orbit. Especially if hostilities broke out between the United
States and USSR or, as we expected, between Earth military forces and the extraterrestrials, we could re-supply a
military moon base without having to rely on rocket launch facilities, which would demand long turn around
times and be very vulnerable to attack. A camouflaged supergun, even a series of superguns, would allow us all
the benefits of a field artillery or quick response antiaircraft unit, but with a piece that could launch payloads into
space. It was this combination of capabilities that delighted General Trudeau because it enabled one R&D
project to help create many different systems.

The United States, Canada, and the British military combined their joint expertise to find ways to develop Dr.
Bulls supergun with General Trudeau, I believe, becoming one of Bulls staunchest supporters. But by the time
military budget decisions had to be made to fund the weapon, all of the governments military establishments had
become committed to the guided missile and rocket launched space vehicle rather than a supergun. While the
weapon had some potential, the United States, UK, and Canada were too far along with their own missile
programs to start up a completely new type of weapon. And in the end, they decided to end the research while
still keeping close tabs on Bulls efforts to sell his technology to other powers, especially governments in the
Middle East.

Through the 1980s, Gerald Bull, whom I had met at a reception honoring General Trudeau in 1986, Entered into
negotiations with the Israelis as well as with the Iraqis and perhaps even the Iranians. The decade long war
between Saddam Hussein and Iran proved a fertile sales territory for weapons merchants in general, and
particularly for Gerald Bull, who was courted by both sides. In the end, he cut his deal with the Iranians, testing
experimental versions of a supergun and planning to build the monster weapon before the British intervened and
seized shipments of gun barrel units before they were shipped out of the country. By this time, Dr. Bull may
have become a liability to the Iraqis, as well as to the Israelis and to the United States as well, and was shot to
death outside his apartment in Belgium before the outbreak of the Gulf War.

Like Jules Vernes character Barbicane in From the Earth to the Moon, Bull had a vision of the potential of a
long range artillery piece. Unlike Barbicane, he came very close to proving it a practical way of launching
vehicles into space. The murder of Gerald Bull has never been solved, and whatever secrets he still possessed
about the assembly of a gun to launch vehicles into space probably died with him in the hallway outside his

List of Omissions
As I worked through the stack of projects on my desk during the spring months of 1962, I found I was devoting
more of my time to the Roswell file and less to some of the other projects under development. It was apparent to
me that the treasure trove wed retrieved from Roswell was beginning to pay off in ways that not even I thought
would happen. There were so many army research projects under way, I told my boss, that were not foundering,
but sputtering along that could benefit from something similar found in the Roswell wreckage it we could find
the match between the two.


Night vision, lasers, and fiberoptic communication were obvious, I said to him, but I was sure there were other
areas we could find just by looking at the problems posed by what we discovered from Roswell, not just
retrieved from the wreckage.
Make it specific, Phil, the general asked. What do you mean?
If you just look at what we didnt find at the crash site, I said. That goes a long way to explaining the
differences between what we are and what they are. It also shows us what we need to develop if were going to
prepare for long periods of travel in space.
Can you make me a list? the general asked. There are a lot of ongoing research contracts out there that could
benefit from a list of things wed have to concern ourselves with if were going to be planning for space travel in
the next fifty years.
By the time our conversation was finished, General Trudeau had asked me to prepare not only a list of what
were called the omissions at Roswell but a very brief report detailing the areas where I thought development
needed to take place. So I assembled all the reports and information in the Roswell file and began looking for
what was missing that I might expect to find at a space travelers crash site.

There was no mention in any of the reports of any food source or nutrient, and no one discovered any food
preparation units or stored food on board the spacecraft, nor were there any refrigeration units for food
preservation. There was no water on the ship either for drinking, washing, or flushing of waste, nor were there
any waste or garbage disposal facilities. The Roswell field reports said that the retrieval team found something
they thought was a first aid kit because it contained material that a doctor said was for bandaging purposes, but
there were no medical facilities nor any medications. And finally, the army retrieval team said there were no rest
facilities at all on board the ship; nothing that could be construed as a bunk or a bed.

From this available data the army assumed that this UFO was a reconnaissance craft and could quickly return to
a larger or mothership where all of the missing items might be found. The other explanation Dr. Hermann
Oberth came up with was that this was a time dimensional travel ship that didnt traverse large distances in
space. Rather, it jumped from one time space to another or from one dimension to another and instantly
returned to its point of origin. But this was just Dr. Oberths speculation, and he would usually discount any of it
the moment he believed I was taking it as fact.

I believed, however, that the EBEs didnt require food or facilities for waste disposal because they were
fabricated beings, just like robots or androids, who had been created specifically for space travel and the
performance of specific tasks on the planets they visited. Just like our lunar rover in the 1970s, which was a
robot, so these creatures had been programmed with specific tasks to perform and carried them out. Perhaps their
programming could be updated or altered from a remote source, but they werent life forms that required
ongoing sustenance. They were the perfect creatures for long voyages through space and for visiting other
planets. Human beings, however, werent robots and did require sustenance. Therefore, it would be necessary to
provide for long term sustenance and waste disposal needs if humans were going to travel long distances in

Other scientists from our R&D ad hoc brain trust suggested that, indeed, this could have only been a scout ship
that either got caught in our tracking radars from the 509th or from Alamogordo or was hit by lightning in the
fierce electrical storm that night. They believed that the ship was navigated by an electromagnetic propulsion
system. Other scientists suggested that even before we could generate the necessary power to drive such a
propulsion system, we would have to have developed some form of a nuclear powered ion drive first. As for the
absence of food, scientists suggested that this would pose a major drawback for long term human space
exploration. Thus, in my quick and dirty proposal for General Trudeau, I suggested that the army had to
complete the development of at least two items that I knew had been in the R&D system for at least ten years: a
food supply that could never spoil and didnt require refrigeration and an atomic drive that could be assembled in
space out of components as the power plant for an interplanetary space craft.

Irradiated Foods
The general read my notes a few days later, and seemed impressed. He knew from the memo I had left him the
night before that Id be ready to talk about my omissions list the next day, but he didnt say anything to me right
away Instead, he picked up the phone, dialed a number, told someone at the other end that hed be right over,
then looked up at me.
Go get your hat, he said. Meet me on the helipad. Weve been invited to lunch.
Ten minutes later after the generals helicopter had picked us up, we circled the Pentagon once and were flown
over to the Quarter master Center.

An officer who shall remain anonymous met us at the helipad. He saluted as we got off the chopper. Thank you
for joining us.

He took us inside to a downstairs store room where he showed off shelves and shelves of all types of meat, fruit,
and vegetables.
Look at this pork, he said. Its been stored here unrefrigerated for months and its completely free of trichina
worm. He held up a couple of loose eggs and a chicken breast. Eggs, unrefrigerated, and chicken. Completely
free of bacterium salmonella. And its the same for the seafood.
He escorted us along the shelves of food and, almost like a salesman, presented the virtues of each of the items.
The food was wrapped, but not vacuum sealed, in a clear cellophane to keep it free from dust and surface dirt,
but it was not preserved in any manner that I could determine.
Free of fungus or any spores, he said about the vegetables. No mold or any insect infestations in the fruit,
he said.
And the milk, its been here on the shelf for over two years and its not even slightly sour. Weve taken great
steps to preserve food completely without salting, smoking, refrigeration, freezing, or even canning.
Does this answer one of your questions, Colonel? General Trudeau asked as we looked at the stocks of food
that seemed completely resistant to spoilage.
The commanding general of the Quartermaster Center joined us in the stockroom.
Pick your lunch, gentlemen, he said and chose a thick steak for himself.
Im going to have this and, if you dont mind, Ill take the liberty of ordering up the same thing for you, General
Trudeau, and you, too, Colonel. How about some potatoes and maybe some strawberries for dessert. All fresh,
delicious, and harmless.
Then he paused. And completely bombarded with what some people would call lethal doses of radiation to
destroy any bacteria or infestation.
We were escorted upstairs to the commandants dining room, where we were joined by a number of other
officers and civilian research and food technology experts who described the process of ionizing radiation to
destroy the harmful bacteria while preserving the food without canning or smoking. The irradiation process was
so complete that if the food were maintained in an antiseptic or dust free atmosphere, it wouldnt be attacked and
would remain uncontaminated. However, because the atmosphere was as dirty as any other atmosphere inside
any other building, the food was wrapped in cellophane. Other foods were packaged in a clear plastic wrap and
were displayed for visitors like us just as if they were on supermarket shelves.
We first wanted to determine whether the whole concept of irradiated food was safe, one of the engineers
explained. So our first studies were made with food which was irradiated and then stored in the frozen area. We
fed these foods to rats and noticed no harmful effects. Then we did the same thing except this time we increased
the radiation to six mega rads and then froze the food. Again, no harmful effects.
His presentation continued while we ate, accompanied by charts that showed how the sterilization rate was
increased to try to find any harmful effects on rats. Then they tested the irradiated and then frozen food on
human volunteers.
But wait, I asked. I still dont understand why you irradiated the food and then froze it.
The engineer was waiting for this question because he had his answer already prepared. He acted like hed been
asked it many times before.
Because, he said, we were testing only for harmful effects from the radiation, not for spoilage, not for taste,
not even for harmful effects from the food itself even though we knew it had been sterilized and was tested
completely free from bacteria when it was defrosted. What we needed to prove in field trials was the
harmlessness to animals and humans of the irradiation process.
Then he described the field trials to prove that irradiation preserved food stored at room temperature.
We selected high spoilage foods, he said. Like the meats, chicken, and especially the seafood. We also made
composite foods like stews which we fed to rats and dogs along with straight meat and then straight tuna. We
first irradiated a sample at three mega rads then another sample at six mega rads and tested the animals over a
period of six months to see whether radiation became concentrated in any of their organs or bones. He paused,
letting the dramatic effect of what he was going to say sink in while we were sinking our teeth into the irradiated
foods that resulted from the years of experimentation throughout the 1950s.
No toxicological effects whatsoever. And we were very thorough before we tested these foods on human
Whats next? I asked.
Were setting taste trials of favorite foods at Fort Lee, Virginia, to see how troops in the field respond to this.
We think that before the end of the decade well have a variety of Meals Ready to Eat for troops in the field who
have no benefit of cooking facilities or refrigeration.

General Trudeau looked across the table at me and I nodded. This was perfectly good food that was right up to
any quality youd care to measure.
Gentlemen, General Trudeau said as he stood. As a three star general, he was the highest ranking officer in the
room, and when he spoke everyone was silent. My assistant believes that your work is of utmost importance to
the U.S. Army, our nation, and the world, and will contribute to our travel in space. I am of the very same
opinion. We are most impressed with your test results and want to help you expand your operation and speed up
the testing process. The army needs what youve developed. In the next two weeks, submit to me your
supplementary budget to expand your operation and I want it also included into next years budget.
Then he turned to me, nodded, and we thanked the commanding general for lunch and walked out to General
Trudeaus helicopter.
How about that, Phil? he asked. I think we checked off some of the items on your list right on the spot.
The pilot helped the general into his seat and I got around on the other side.
So what do you think? he asked again.
I think if we move any faster well have the EBEs down here asking for some of our irradiated food, I said.
General Trudeau laughed as we whisked off the helipad and headed back for the short jump to the Pentagon.
Now you have to get to work on finding out what you can about your atomic propulsion system. If NASA ever
gets it into its mind to push ahead with building its space station, Id like the military to have a power source that
can keep us up there for a while. If we can get a surveillance window on our visitors, I want it sooner rather than
And before the week was out, I was at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, again looking at the developments the army had
made in the development of portable nuclear reactors.

Portable Atomics
A challenge posed to us directly by the armys retrieval of the Roswell craft and our further discovery that the
craft was not propelled by a conventional engine - either propeller, jet, or rocket - pressed upon us the critical
realization that if we were to engage these extraterrestrial creatures in space we would need a propulsion system
that gave us a capability for long distance travel similar to theirs. But we had no such system. The closest form
of energy we had that did not rely on a constant supply of fuel was atomic power in a controlled, sustained
reaction, and even that was far away from development. However, at the close of the war the army had
operational control over atomic weapons because, under Gen.

Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project, the army had established the bureaucracy that developed and
deployed the atomic bomb.

So for army engineers, struggling to find out how the Roswell spacecraft was powered, atomic power was the
easiest form of propulsion to seize upon, in part because it was the most immediate. However, by 1947, a
struggle was already breaking out within the Truman administration over who would control nuclear power, a
civilian commission or the military. As the nation was making the transition from wartime to peace time, the
specter of a General Groves secretly dictating how and in what manifestation atomic power would be used
frightened Trumans advisers.

So in the end, President Truman made the decision to turn control of the nations nuclear program over to a
civilian commission. Thus, by 1947, the army was getting out of running the nuclear power business, but that
didnt mean that research into the military applications of nuclear power plants stopped. We needed to develop
nuclear reactors, not only to manufacture nuclear power propulsion systems for naval vessels and for on site
installation of power generating stations, but to experiment with ways nuclear power could be made portable in
space by assembling systems in orbit from component parts.

This would enable us to maintain long term outposts in space and even to power interplanetary vessels that could
serve as a defensive force against any extraterrestrial hostile forces. If this sounds like science fiction, remember,
it was 1947, and the nation had barely gotten out of World War II before the Cold War had begun. War, not
peace, was on the mind of the military officers who were in charge of the Roswell retrieval and analysis of the

The army, I discovered from the Army Atomic Reactors reports at Fort Belvoir, not only had a very
sophisticated portable reactor program under way, but had already built one in cooperation with the air force for
installation at the Sundance Radar Station six miles out of Sundance, Wyoming, early in 1962. This was a highly
sophisticated piece of power generating apparatus that provided steam heat to the radar station, electrical power
for the base, and a very precisely controlled separate power supply for the delicately calibrated radar equipment.
But this wasnt the first portable power plant, as most people thought it was.

The first portable nuclear reactor plant anywhere was for a research facility in Greenland, under the Arctic ice
cap, designed for Camp Century, an Army Corps of Engineers project nine hundred miles from the North Pole.
Ostensibly operated by the Army Polar Research and Development Center conducting experiments in the Arctic
winter, Camp Century was also a vital observation post in an early warning system monitoring any Soviet
activity at or near the North Pole and any activity related to UFO sightings or landings.

During the years when I was at the White House, the UFO working group had consistently pushed President
Eisenhower to establish a string of formal listening posts - electronic pickets staffed by army and air force
observers at the most remote parts of the planet - to report on any UFO activity. General Twinings group had
argued that if the EBEs had any plans to establish semipermanent Earth bases, it wouldnt be in a populated area
or an area where our military forces could monitor. It would be at the poles, in the middle of the most desolate
surroundings they could find, or even underneath the ocean.

The polar caps seemed like the most obvious choices because during the 1950s we had no surveillance satellites
that could spot alien activity from orbit, nor did we have a permanent presence at the two poles. It was thought
that we wouldnt be able to put any sophisticated devices at the poles, either, because doing so would require
more power than we could transport. However, the armys Nuclear Power Program, developed in the1950s at
Fort Belvoir, provided us with the ability to install a nuclear powered base anywhere on the planet.

In 1958, work was started on the Camp Century power plant, which was to be constructed beneath the ice in
Greenland. Initially this was supposed to be top secret because we didnt want the Soviets to know what we were
up to. Ultimately, however, the high security classification proved too unwieldy for the army because too many
outside contractors were involved and the logistics, transportation to Thule, Greenland, then installation on skids
beneath the ice pack created a cover story nightmare. So Army Intelligence decided to drop the security
classification entirely and treat the entire plan as a scientific information gathering expedition by its polar
research group.

Just like the whole camouflage operation that had protected the existence of the working group, Camp Century
provided the perfect cover for testing out a procedure for constructing a prefabricated, prepackaged nuclear
reactor under arduous conditions and flying it to its site for final assembly. It also provided the army with a
means of testing the performance of the reactor and how it could be maintained at an utterly desolate location in
the harshest climate on the planet.

The plant was the first of its kind. It had a completely modular construction that had separately packaged
components for air coolers, heat exchangers, switch gear, and the turbine generator. The power plant also had a
mechanism that used the recycled steam to melt the ice cap surface to provide the camps water supply. The
entire construction was completed in only seventy seven days, and the camp remained in operation from October
1960 to August 1963, when the research mission completed its work. The entire operation was successfully
taken apart and placed in storage in 1964, and the site of Camp Century was completely restored to its natural

I received reports about the camps operation during the later months of 1962 after General Trudeau had asked
me about the feasibility of the armys portable atomics program as a way to instigate research into a launchable
atomics program for generating power in orbit. I was so enthusiastic about the success of our portable atomics
and the way they provided the research platform for the subsequent development of mobile atomics that I urged
the general to provide as much funding as R&D could to enable the Fort Belvoir Army Nuclear Power Program
to construct and test as many mobile and portable power plants as possible.

Each power plant gave us a kind of a beachhead into remote areas of the world where the EBEs might have
wanted to establish a presence because they believed they could go about it undetected. They were a kind of
platform. Once we had demonstrated the ability to protect remote areas of the earth, wed be in a better position
to establish a presence in space.

The atomics program, which was in part a direct outgrowth of the challenge posed to us from our analysis of the
Roswell craft, ultimately helped us develop portable atomic power plants, which are now used to power Earth
satellites as well as naval vessels. It showed us that we could have portable atomic generators and gave the army
a longer reach than anybody might have thought. Ultimately, it allowed us to maintain surveillance and staff
remote listening posts. It also provided the basis for research into launching nuclear power facilities into space to
become the power plants of new generations of interplanetary vehicles. The portable atomics program allowed

us to experiment with ways we would develop atomic drives for our own space exploration vehicles, which, we
believed, would enable us to establish military bases on the moon as well as on the planets near us in the solar

And from our successes with atomics, we turned our attention to the development of the weapons we could
mount on surveillance satellites in orbit, weapons we developed directly from what we found in the flying
saucer at Roswell.

by G. Edward Griffin
Updated 2005, June 12
from FreedomForce Website

The possibility that there are intelligent life forms visiting Earth from outer space is difficult to consider because,
if true, it may conflict with our views about the importance of man and the nature of creation. The answer
impacts both philosophy and theology and these are things that, beyond the mid point of life, we tend to defend
more than to question.

There is a tendency to say: That cant be true because I believe that .

The older we get, the more reluctant we are to make revisions.

Another problem with this issue is the possibility that, if there is a Black-Ops group that really does control our
government, that means we the people do not and that, too, is an extremely unwanted conclusion. So, for two
excellent reasons rooted deeply in our subconscious, we do not want to think that the answer to the opening
question is yes, and we tend to dismiss any claim to the contrary as the ranting of the lunatic fringe.

If there ever was a Reality Zone topic, this is it. If you are unwilling to even consider the evidence, then please
do not view this video. It is two hours long, and you will be wasting your time.

However, if you proceed, what you will see and hear is the personal testimony of men and women who have
held top-security positions in the military, intelligence agencies, corporations under contract to the government,
and air-traffic control services all of whom have direct knowledge of extraterrestrial activity going back for
over 50 years, and they will tell you how they were required by their superiors to conceal these facts from the

There are about fifteen of them on this video, but they are drawn from a witness pool of over 400, and each of
them has offered to repeat the testimony under oath before the US Congress. The high quality and sheer volume
of this evidence is overwhelming.

A word of caution is in order. You may wonder, as I did at first, what is to stop governments from sending
agents into this group to disseminate disinformation?

We know that one of the favorite tactics of intelligence agencies is to use agent provocateurs who, while
pretending to be on one side of an issue, are really providing false information to taint the larger data pool. If
they can dump a little garbage into the grocery bag, it will stink up the whole batch so that most people will
throw the whole thing away thinking that none of it is any good.

So how do we know that this tactic is not being used here?

The answer is that we dont. In fact, we should assume that one or two of the witnesses may be doing exactly
that. But, even if several of these stories are disinformation, it is impossible that all of them are. Even if only one
out of these hundreds of testimonies is true, the case for extraterrestrial life is made and so is the case for Black

A second word of caution is that several of the speakers advance the concept that development of weapons in

space must be opposed because it could be perceived as a threat to our Galactic neighbors who, in self defense,
might cause great harm to Earth.

Actually, there is evidence presented in this video that whatever beings may be monitoring Earth weaponry have
no difficulty in disabling our puny devices, so one must be cautious about the self-defense scenario. Equally
important is the fact that Leninists are experts at using the dread of war and the natural desire for peace as a
means to generate mass pressure for disarmament - in non-Leninist countries.

We must be alert to the possibility that Leninists may be active within this movement for that purpose. Nothing
would suit their plans for world domination better than to maneuver the US and the Western nations into not
deploying weapons in space while they proceed to do exactly that. I would be a lot more worried about space
weapons controlled by Leninists (or Rhodesians, for that matter) than by Galactians.

While looking above the Earth, we must not forget the realities on the surface of it.

With all these precautions and possible traps, why do we present this information at the Reality Zone and
Freedom Force?

The answer is twofold.
(1) The possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is one of the most important issues to be resolved
by introspective man

(2) knowledge of the existence of an illegal cabal that virtually controls governments is of the utmost importance
if we ever hope to build a future of freedom for our children and grandchildren. We cannot overcome that which
we do not know exists
Ok, enough said. Its time for you to take the red pill or the blue.

by Tim Swartz
from UFOLandingStrip Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website

With the release of the book, The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip Corso (ret). The controversial issue of
whether or not the United States came into possession of extraterrestrial technology, has once again become a
subject of contention among believers and skeptics alike. In his book, Col. Corso claims he spearheaded a super
secret reverse-engineering project that "seeded" extraterrestrial technology into American corporations such as
IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, and Dow Corning. These corporations had no knowledge of the extraterrestrial
origins because Corso, through his contacts, had implied that the technology was clandestinely obtained from the
Soviet Union.

He describes the devices found aboard the Roswell craft, and how they became the precursors for todays
integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar plastic
armor), stealth aircraft technology, and "Star Wars" particle-beam devices. He also discusses the role that
extraterrestrial technology played in shaping geopolitical policy and events, how it helped the United States
surpass the Russians in space, spurred elaborate Army initiatives such as SDI ("Star Wars" Projects), and
ultimately brought about the end of the Cold War.

Col. Corsos claims are nothing new to anyone familiar with UFO history. However, instead of hard-to-trace
stories from nameless witnesses, Col. Corso has been up front about his involvement in the situation. This has
come as somewhat of a surprise to many, considering Col. Corsos long and distinguished career in the military.
His service included being an intelligence officer on General Douglas MacArthurs staff during the Korean War,
a member of President Eisenhowers National Security Council, as well as head of Foreign Technology in Army
Research and Development at the Pentagon in the early 1960s.


While Corso could have made up the entire story, it is difficult to find any good explanation why he would want
to do so, considering that UFO books are rarely best sellers. Col. Corsos book however, seems to corroborate
the claims of others: that some of our modern technology was gleaned from extraterrestrial sources.

Stories and folklore of crashed flying saucers and acquired alien technology are considered to be a 20
phenomenon. However, legends and tales from our distant past reveal that mankind has periodically been the
recipient of technology not from this planet.

The appearance of Homo Sapiens some 200,000 years ago seems to defy modern theories of human evolution.
Even though humans are clearly related to primates, there has been little fossil evidence to support that modern
man naturally evolved from his primitive relatives. In fact, if we go by fossil records, modern type men appeared
suddenly on the planet, and soon supplanted his other less developed brethren. The sudden appearance of
civilization, especially in prehistoric Mesopotamia, has also confounded scientists over the years.

For thousands of years the height of mans technological achievement was the use of flaked stone tools. Then
seemingly overnight, neolithic-nomadic hunters discovered agriculture, which in turn brought about the
emergence of defined communities. One of the oldest known civilizations were the Sumerians. No one knows
for sure where the Sumerians came from, because their language and culture have no traceable sources.
However, they did things that no human beings had done before. Between 3900 B.C. and 3000 B.C., the
Sumerians developed a society rich in art and technology never before seen in the annals of recorded history.

Writer Zecharia Sitchin believes that the Sumerians were able to achieve their high order of society because they
had guidance from the Anunnaki, or "those who from heaven to Earth came." Sitchin, a biblical scholar and
linguist, is one of only 200 people in the world to decipher and read the early Sumerian language. Sitchin
believes that the Sumerians wrote down the true story of highly advanced aliens that came to Earth and created
the human race.

According to his interpretation of the ancient texts, wisdom was "lowered from heaven to Earth" by aliens
around 3760 BC. This gift of knowledge, says Sitchin, included agriculture, medicine, and mathematics. The
Anunnaki also disclosed the secrets of astronomy. Sitchin says that the ancients actually understood the solar
system better than many later generations of astronomers. The Sumerians were aware of all the planets in the
solar system, they also wrote of a planet that modern astronomers have yet to discover, the home planet of the
Anunnaki, Nibiru.

Sumerian legends tell the story of how the Anunnaki came to Earth from Nibiru in order to mine gold. The
Anunnaki soon grew tired of the back-breaking labor. Ninharsag, the goddess in charge of medicine, combined
the genes of the Anunnaki with a primitive ape-man or hominid and created a Lulu, a primitive worker, to relieve
the Anunnaki of their labor. Ninharsag, thereafter named Ninti, or "lady who gives life," held up the prototype
hybrid and cried out, "My hands have made it." The Lulu resembled the Anunnaki. Unlike its hairy ape-man
ancestor, the hybrid had according to the Atra Hasis text, "a skin as the skin of a god." Man was created in the
image of the gods.

Many ancient peoples believed that their technology was a result of gifts from the gods. The gods would
occasionally come down to Earth in times of great need, and assist humankind with various kinds of knowledge.
This tale has been so often repeated in the past that the recent stories of acquired technology from a crashed
flying saucer could be the modern version of gifts from the gods. Gods that still have an interest in mankind,
their own creation.

Dr.V.Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit department of India's prestigious University of Madras, contends
that centuries-old documents in Sanskrit (the classical language of India and Hinduism) prove that aliens from
outer space visited Earth centuries ago.
"Fifty years of researching this ancient works convinces me that there are living beings on other planets, and that
they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C., " The scholar says. "There's just a mass of fascinating information
about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas
(scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text."
The Mahabharata (writings), mentions divine lighting and ray weapons, and even a kind of hypnotic weapon.
there is also a description of Vimanas, or flying machines, that navigated at great heights with the aid of mercury
and a great propulsive wind. These were space vehicles similar to the unidentified flying objects reported
throughout the world today.


The Ramayana even describes a beautiful sky chariot which "arrived shining, a wonderful divine car that sped
through the air." In another passage, there is mention of a chariot being seen "sailing overhead like a moon." The
references in the Mahabharata are no less astounding.
"At Rama's behest, the magnificent chariot rose up to a mountain of cloud with a tremendous din."
Another passage reads:
"Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like the
thunder of a storm."
In the ancient Vymanka-Shastra (science of aeronautics), there is a description of a Vimana:
"An apparatus which can go by its own force, from place to place or globe to globe." Dr. Raghavan points out,
"The text's revelations become even more astounding. Thirty-one parts of which the machine consists are
described, including a photographing mirror underneath. The text also speaks of 16 kinds of metal that are
needed to construct the flying vehicle, but only three of them are known to us today. The rest remain
Another authority who agrees with Dr. Raghavan's interpretations is Dr.A.V. Krishna Murty, professor of
aeronautics at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
"It is true," Dr.Krishna Murty says, "that the ancient Indian Vedas and other text refer to aeronautics, spaceships,
flying machines, and even astronauts." Dr. Krishna continues, "A study of the Sanskrit texts has convinced me
that ancient India did know the secret of building flying machines-and that those machines were patterned after
spaceships coming from other planets."
If we are to believe the ancient tales and legends of our predecessors, humankind was originally bred to be slaves
by alien visitors to our planet. Using the genetic material of early hominids, the visitors combined their own
genes to create a new species, a species that was both mortal and divine. That species we now know today as
Homo Sapiens. The ancient texts state that man was given the gift of knowledge, making him almost like the
gods. The gods however denied man the gift of immortality, for if mankind had both the gift of knowledge and
of immortality, then he would be just as the gods.

After nearly wiping out their genetically engineered offspring more than once, the visitors eventually decided to
leave man to his own affairs. They have however, continued to interact with man at various times in history.
Priesthoods and mystical orders were established, the mysteries taught were called Gnosis, or knowledge. These
secrets were the secrets of science and technology, hidden in a veil of religion and mysticism.

The mysteries were taught by scientifically educated humans, initiated into a bond with the extraterrestrials and
preserving their teachings. Unfortunately over the centuries, the scientific knowledge and teachings degenerates
and is lost, so an occasional re-seeding of knowledge is necessary. This process continues today. Abductions and
other forms of contact with UFOs seems to indicate a vast, subtle education system that interacts with people on
an individual level, but is ultimately geared to influence mankind on a far larger scale.

We must consider that UFO crashes were deliberate acts in order to infiltrate new technology to mankind.
Recently, stories have surfaced about what the Army or Air Force supposedly did with the downed alien
spacecraft. Nuclear powered engines, advanced communications and computers, all of which were a hundred
years beyond post-World War II technology, were allegedly taken from the alien wreck and later were sent to
The Bell Systems Bell Laboratories, then located in Murray Hill, New Jersey.

There, the technology was studied, dissected, micro-analyzed and tested. One piece was supposedly found to be
a switching device composed of Silicon and Arsenic, arranged in a microscopic array much more complicated
than anything made at the time. The device became the priority focus of Bell Labs and The US Department of
Defenses analysis and scientific research.

It was discovered by the researchers, that the unusual electronic alien device could act as both a high speed
electronic switch and as an amplifier. They decided to call it the "Transfer Resistor," because it could be made to
resist or accept power flow at much higher or lower currents than were applied to it, depending upon unique
application of electron flows.

The alien silicon "amplifier / switch," evaluated in October and November of 1947, was discovered to have
enormous implications. The alien device was allegedly a hundred years beyond the then simple "junction diodes"
commonly in use at the time by military electronics. Yet it was reportedly determined at the time that simplified
versions of the alien devices could be manufactured by the effecting of several upgrades to existing technology.
Then President Harry S. Truman ordered the devices "cloned" and a cover story manufactured. He was
supposedly quoted as saying:
"We cant keep so earthshaking a technological advance out of the hands of mankind. It just isnt right !"

In mid-December of 1947, to effect a plausible cover story, the DoD and Bell Labs purportedly manufactured a
series of Press Releases that stated: After a "2 Year Long Extensive Research Effort" --discovery of the
Transistor had "at last" been accomplished, supposedly by Bell Labs researchers (Drs. Shockley, Bardeen and
Brattain, at Bell Labs Electronic Circuits Research Center, under the aegis of maverick Bell Labs Vice President
John "Jack" Morton).

Since that time, The Bell System, and Bell Labs, in the hands of successor company AT&T and its partly owned
subsidiary, Lucent Technologies, have continued to maintain the "Transistor Story" for all of posterity, while
quietly covering up the real tracks that led the alien devices to Bell Labs.

Col. Corso however, says that the device in the famous "transfer resistor test rig" at Bell Labs was, in fact, back
engineered from the original extraterrestrial integrated circuit array of transistor-like circuit pieces, found in one
of the alien communication devices at the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico. It has allegedly been reported that
it took a year or more for Bell Labs to then figure out how to commercially produce the devices. Reportedly,
subsequent technology obtained over the course of the next 10 years by Bell Labs, from the pieces of the wreck
delivered to them by the DoD, included the Laser, enhanced solid state circuit components, large scale switching
control systems and high definition imaging devices.

However, some devices from the downed alien spacecraft are still not fully understood to this day. Allegedly
these include a high energy microwave amplifier that has the secondary effect of decomposing solid objects into
their molecular components. A form of circuitry that runs on other than electrical power, using particles thought
to have very short half-lives in the natural universe ("muons"). A huge induction generator-like coil system some
50 feet in diameter which appears to implement part of some aspect of the vehicles ability to perform unique
flying characteristics and aerobatics, some think it might be a "gravity nullifying" device.

Sources have said that, in 1948 and 1949, thinking that the aliens might object to this research, the U.S.
Government hurriedly erected anti-missile batteries in the surrounding Watchung Mountains of New Jersey...
near Bell Labs Murray Hills facility, to protect it from space invasion. It is not known if this is any indication
that the Department of Defense deliberately shot down a space craft and feared reprisal.

The alleged Space Defense Anti-missile Batteries, along the Lookout Mountain Ridge north of Bell Labs, is now
abandoned and partly over built by a regional high school. On the "Lookout Mountain Nike Base" there were,
supposedly, frequent "alien anti-invasion" readiness exercises and drills throughout the 50s, 60s and the early
70s, notably: their frequency reportedly increased any time UFO sightings were reported to the US Air Force,
particularly in the New Jersey flight corridors.

Claims of acquired extraterrestrial technology have been further confirmed by Colonel Steve Wilson, U.S. Air
Force (ret.), former head of Project Pounce, an elite Air Force/National Reconnaissance Organization Special
Forces unit which allegedly retrieves downed UFOs.

Colonel Wilson reports that,
"the first successful U.S. antigravity flight took place July 18, 1971 at S-4, Dreamland (Area 51), wherein light
bending capabilities were also demonstrated to obtain total invisibility. Present at this flight were notables such
as Admiral Bobby Inman (former National Security Agency director), who is now head of SAIC (Science
Applications International, Incorporated) in San Diego, CA, which makes the antigravity drives."
Colonel Wilson also revealed that the recent announcement by Lockheed about an unmanned, electric-
propulsion reconnaissance drone with short wings named "Dark Star," was actually a "cover" project. The exotic
technology being concealed is designated the X-22A, and manufactured by the Lockheed Skunk Works at
Helendale, CA. This craft is an operational, two-man, wingless antigravity vehicle. Its metallic structure in flight
is hidden by an intense bluish-white light, which pulsates off and on at about two-second intervals.

Colonel Wilson also states that the mysterious Black Helicopters spotted around the country are actually U.S.
made antigravity craft, designated the XH-75D or "XH Shark", made by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical
Corporation of San Diego. He says that many of these XH-75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National
Reconnaissance Organization Division which retrieves crashed UFOs. Russia is reported to have its own anti-
gravity vehicles.

Paul Stonehill, a Russian UFO investigator, reports that the Russians in April, 1988 started using space-time-
bending antigravity technology to do time travel. In June, 1997, a Washington, DC-area intelligence official who
has been quite reliable in the past, has indicated that China has now acquired antigravity technology. There have

been reports that Nazi Germany obtained extraterrestrial technology from a crashed disc sometime during World
War Two. That technology was subsequently stolen by the Soviet Union at the end of the war, but it wasn't until
the 1980s that the Soviets were able to effectively back engineer some of the technology for their own use.

Some witnesses of the Roswell incident spoke about a material resembling lead foil that wouldnt crease or dent,
and that would return to its original shape. The July 1997 edition of AMBASSADOR, the in-flight magazine of
TWA, featured an article about a new technology called Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon Nanotubes are fullerene-
related structures which consist of graphene cylinders closed at either end with caps containing pentagonal rings.
They were discovered in 1991 by the Japanese electron microscopist Sumio Iijima.

Carbon Nanotubes are between 10 and 100 times stronger than steel with one-sixth the weight. It can crumple
without breaking, then spring back to its original shape. Within a few years, it may be used to reinforce airplane
wings and tether satellites to the Earth. The carbon Nanotube is thinner than a pencil lead and made entirely of
interlinked graphite atoms. This is the strongest material known, reports Thomas Ebbesen, a professor of
chemistry at Pasteur University in Strasbourg, France, and a pioneering expert on the filaments. Rice University
physicist Peter Nordlander goes a step further, echoing the views of most researchers working on the tubes,
This is quite probably the strongest material that can be made.

The evidence is overwhelming that man, over the centuries, has somehow obtained science and technology far
beyond their current knowledge base. St. Augustine wrote of temples around Greece and Egypt that had
perpetual lights, unaffected by wind or rain. An underground chamber of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
shows priests carrying what looks like giant electric lamps, their filaments depicted as snakes.

While it is conceivable that mankind in the past achieved technology equivalent to modern science, only to lose
this knowledge in some cataclysmic event. The ancient writings of these peoples state clearly that their
knowledge was given to them by the gods, or sky people. These sky people could very well be with us today,
but instead of disguising themselves as gods, we know them as the pilots of UFOs.

These UFO occupants wherever they come from, seem to be interested in seeding mankind with new ideas and
original thoughts. Unidentified flying objects seen in the 19
and early 20
century resembled the airships that
would soon be developed by Earthly inventors. The ghost rockets seen after World War Two bore a striking
resemblance to the space rockets built years later to finally send men off the surface of the planet.

Now the UFOs resemble silver discs and triangles, flying about with what appears to be anti-gravity propulsion
systems. Could this be the next major step in mankinds technological revolution? Were the seeds for this
technological giant step planted in 1947? If the stories and myths of the past are any indication, then mankind
will continue to achieve scientific wonders, thanks to gifts of technology from the gods.

Special thanks to American Computer Company

The Advertiser, Adelaide, South Australia - Date: Monday 11th August 1997
The Day After Roswell, By Col. Phillip Corso (Ret.) and William J. Birnes, 1997
Genisis Revisited, By Zecharia Sitchin
Architects of the Underworld, By Bruce Rux
The Sky People, By Brinsley Le Poer Trench

by Col. Philip Corso
Paola Harris 2005
from PaolaHarris Website


Excerpts from "THE DAWNING OF A NEW AGE" Published in Italy

collage by Paola Harris

Dear Dr. X
I am sorry I did not answer sooner. I have been in Italy. I am sending you an extract of my new book. It may
never see the light of day... I have just completed an analysis of the Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. How it was
made and its purpose. Also what its creators looked like.

I have not made a penny from my book, but I will not put anymore information in the hands of greedy people: I
will only talk to people like you.

To my skeptics and debunkers, My answer is "I will not let them pass their stupidity on to me".


Sincerely, Philip j . Corso

In 1944, Dr. Castellani, who isolated sleeping sickness and made the famous Castellani ointments, used them to
cleanse and soothe, the healing power of the brain did the rest. He once examined one of my CIC officers that
the U.S. hospital couldn't stop his swelling and itching. He called me and said I will have him back to work
tomorrow. He was allergic to his own dandruff.

Brain Entry
While sitting at my desk in the office of foreign technology, I thought of the Italian doctors Casimiro Franck,
and the apparatus he had perfected to bring back to normal, or resonance, the organs and muscles of the body
using long low waves affecting the organ an the exact frequency; he used a scanning system of long low wave
emissions from an oscillator he devised. For example he told me paralysis is not the absence of controlling brain
wave, but that the wrong wave is reaching the affected part and he had to correct the emission to the correct one.
He had astounding success.

I thought briefly and then had a brain wave of my own. I went to my UFO junk drawer and pulled out an item
that looked like a small flashlight about an inch in diameter and about five inches long. It had a flat indentation
about 1 by 2 and on the opposite side 1by 3 flat indentation. On one end appeared to be a domed lens, the 1x2
indentation appeared to have, a transparent cover through which could be seen a series of fine wires, and on the
other side a transparent cover over a serious of dots, running in three horizontal lines of 8 each.

I had put this apparatus away because I could get no reaction from it. No switch was apparent. And I surmised in
human limited thinking that the battery in it was dead. Suddenly the thought came to my mind of long low
waves. I got up ,called the atomic lab at Fort Belvoir, and took off with the apparatus. Under enlargement, the
1x2 windows showed 24 wires. We projected long low waves on the small wires in a scanning maneuver. The
dome lens began to glow. We activated it, as we passed over different areas of our bodies, the small dots in the
1x3 opening would light up, in turn, as if passed over different areas of our body.

I thought is this instrument registering the wave length of different organs and muscles of the body and could Dr.
Franck's oscillator bring them back to their normal and healthy electrical function if for some reason they were
thrown off of their normal resonance.

I went back to my office and wrote a full report for the general. We sent it with the apparatus to our laboratories
at Ft. Monmouth.

Shortly after General Trudeau retired, and in early 1963 I followed him into retirement, I often think what a
boon such an apparatus, with a built in micro miniature oscillator emitting long low waves, would have been to
the medical profession.

One of the great problems to be solved is the direct entry into the brain. Recently science has found a possible
direct entry for electrical impulses into the brain. The opening is in the nose, direct from the olfactory tissues in
the nose organ. This path to the brain could be of immeasurable value. UFO buffs and abductees have often
reported a transistor like device placed in the victim's nose. This could be a control device for ulterior motives,
but I believe earthly scientists could use this for beneficial purposes.

Modern science has found that long low waves can pass through the marvelous structure of the skin to the
organs, high frequency waves can not.

I had another device which was about eight inches long. It emitted three different laser beams. Each a different
wave length. One cut, the second repelled cells, the third seared an incision. I passed it to our laboratories..


Paola Leopizzi Harris

Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena
research. She is also a widely published, free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied extraterrestrial
related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From
1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many top military
witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo. She is a long time collaborator with

Dr. Roberto Pinotti, Director of the Centro Ufologico Nationale (CUN).

In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became a personal
friend and confidante. She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which she wrote the
preface, translated into Italian. She consequently brought Colonel Corso to Italy for the editorial group Futuro,
publisher of Il Giorno Dopo Roswell, and Corso was present for many TV appearances and two conferences. She
returned to Roswell in the summer of 2003 for the American debut of her book, Connecting the Dotsmaking
sense of the UFO Phenomena, published by Granite Press.

Because of her international perspective on extraterrestrial related phenomena and her work with Dr. J. Allen
Hynek, Paola has consulted with many researchers about the best avenues for planetary disclosure with emphasis
on the big picture and stressing the historical connection. She is a close friend of Monsignore Corrado
Balducci and assisted in filming the Italian witnesses, including the Monsignore, for the Disclosure Project for
the May 9, 2001 press conference. She was instrumental in bringing to Italy Robert Dean, Dr. Steven Greer,
Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Richard Boylan, Russell Targ, Travis Walton, Derrell Sims, Helmut Lamner, Michael
Lindemann, Nick Pope, Bill Hamilton, Carlos Diaz and Dr. John Mack. Her new non-profit association,
Starworks Italia, will continue to bring speakers to Italy and promote disclosure and exo-political dialogue

Paola has been interviewed from Rome and her home in Boulder, Colorado by Jeff Rense, George Noory, Hilly
Rose, Mike Murphy, Bob Hiernomous and Jim Hickman, among others, and is a regular on the Tony Gill Radio
Show, American University Radio out of Springfield, Massachusetts. She has been a speaker in many
conferences in Italy, San Marino, Belgium and Germany and has appeared many times on Italian TV. She has
written for Nexus, UFO Magazine, Notizario UFO and Dossier Alieni, among others publications.

Paola lives in Rome and has a Masters degree in Education. She teaches history and photojournalism at the
American Overseas School of Rome.

by Brenda Livingston
Living-Tracer Enterprises
from Rense Website

Camouflage of aircraft has been the ongoing focus of the military since the discovery of human flight. Hiding
from the enemy, protects pilot lives, military secrets and provides the ability for sudden and highly effective
strikes on targets. As the number of sightings of "disappearing" aircraft and objects increase, lines are becoming
blurred as we attempt to delineate between our true technological capabilities what may be a common capability
of the UFO (unidentified aerial device/vehicle). Star-field and cloud/haze camouflage are now frequently
reported in addition to blending into the sky, using various techniques and devices.

Increasing, UFO Researchers are witnessing what appears to be aircraft at various altitudes suddenly and
inexplicably vanish from sight. George Filer in Filers Files relayed a report of two MUFON members returning
from the MUFON Symposium 2000 watching as an apparent aircraft "winked out" before them. George Filer also
told of such an experience along the Eastern seaboard. Other researchers and the public continue to relate to
Living-Tracer Enterprises similar sightings.

These sightings are so unusual that they have provoked the consideration of two possible explanations: the
common use of ultra high tech military and civilian aircraft camouflage or UFOs camouflaging as aircraft.

Human Made High Technology Explanation

One must consider both prosaic explanations and exotic Defense R&D before concluding what some report

seeing is taken as conclusive evidence of alien technology. Electrochromatic panels (tiny video sensors) on the
skin of aircraft is one such exotic technology which could explain as least some of the sightings reported.

It might be enlightening to visit the Project Chameleo/Richard N. Schowengerdts website which presents
papers, videos and drawings explaining some of the more recent research projects conducted by research
scientist and the Air Force...

While the following patent does not prove the current use of this technology, it does show interest and research
into the development of it:

Cloaking Using Electro-Optical Camouflage Patent No. 5,307,162 issued 26 April 1994 Patent Renewed in 1997
- Next Maintenance Fee Due 26 April 2001

An interesting report from Australia from Harry Mason points to get another possible high tech explanation for
disappearing or "limited sight" aircraft (though it is not clear whether the "object" seen by observers was indeed
an aircraft):
Harry Mason writes, "I have some input for you on the disappearing aircraft technology?" I have a friend in a
foreign country who is their top English language translator. I will not name the country for her safety. In the
early 1980s, she went with a foreign military delegation from her country to the USA to meet with top US
Military. She translated for both sides. One aspect of their visit was to observe film and hard technology of the
operation of a "cloaking device." This made ships, aircraft, or airfields totally invisible in reflected light and
radar wavebands. It was being offered to her country as an inducement to back US policy. The device was
capable of retrofitting to any aircraft etc. There is "eyewitness" evidence of such a device in operation at an
RAF-NATO airbase on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland.

One day a bunch of golfers noticed a V shape wave rushing across the calm sea surface with a vague
shimmering space in the air above it -- similar to that seen in the movie "Predator."

The V wave of unsettled water and the shimmering air shot towards them at a fair speed and the shimmering
went over their heads accompanied by a loud roaring noise -- exactly in line with the airstrip. They concluded
that a high powered invisible aircraft had approached low over the water and landed at the airfield. Thanks to

Harry Mason
[email protected]
Living-Tracers has received reports from reliable witnesses sighting similar V-shaped "airwave" streams having
no accompanying sound or color-- with one astounding difference. These "objects" were only a few hundred feet
away and much smaller -- having a basketball sized rounded "shape" in front of the stream.

These reports indicate that the "airwaves" were similar to seeing a small wake in a lake moving quickly by...
only in the air. Might these be the small spherical objects reported by so many all over the world entering
another state dimension?

Who Are They ... And Who Are They Hiding From?

While it is possible that many experimental missions and varying atmospheric conditions are occurring in our
atmosphere and that stealth tech/camouflage undoubtedly is being developed, one must ask the following
What would be the purpose of using such stealth tech (if economically and technologically feasible) in non-
combat situations in the skies above populated areas?
If it is feasible, why would it be necessary?
Who are they hiding from?
Perhaps one explanation for my sighting of a blinking out "craft" is the experimentation of emissions cloaking
along with aircraft camouflage. Much R&D is taking place in radar jamming and emissions control... but why
would our military be testing or using such cloaking devices over a populated area in mid day?

Who are they hiding from?

The sudden and inexplicable disappearance, I personally witnessed in December of 1999 was in a clear blue sky
was stunning. While I was intensely watching an oblong pinkish object (which I at first assumed to be an
aircraft) with a long "dashing" persistent contrail the object along with the miles long persistent contrail "winked

out". I searched the clear blue sky for a possible reappearance of the strange object or aircraft and saw nothing
but blue skies

While I have seen various "camouflaging" effects of aircraft -- white aircraft becoming darker in different
lighting conditions, aircraft moving through a thin haze becoming white then blue and back again, even shadows
bouncing in front of aircraft. This sighting seemed to defy plausible common explanations.

What purpose would it serve for a military aircraft flying over a populated area to be visible then suddenly
become invisible (in supposedly non-combat, non-experimental situations)? From whom are they hiding?

Disappearances And Contrails

An interesting sighting report by George A. Filer (Eastern Director of MUFON) in Filers Files #31, August 7,
2000 asks the same probing question:
"The last few months the search for Unidentified Flying Objects has taken on a new phase with dozens of reports
of aircraft disappearing in front of numerous eye witnesses. Sometimes the craft appear to change color prior to
disappearing, we have reports of white, gray, red, and patchy blue or white aircraft. In World War II, camouflage
techniques lit up allied anti-sub aircraft using soft lights to conceal them from Nazi submariners.

I personally have 5000 flying hours. On July 3, I saw an aircraft making heavy dark looking contrails that
appeared quite different from standard. They may have powder or impurities in them that may come from the
new jet fuels. The most amazing thing that occurred is that when the spraying stopped the aircraft disappeared. I
searched the clear blue sky with binoculars but no craft could be observed. An aircraft simply does not vanish
from a clear blue sky unless it has active camouflage or crashes.

One possible way for an aircraft to vanish would be to use a liquid screen similar to one used on a typical lap tap
computer. If hundreds of liquid screens were mounted on the underside of aircraft it could be made to seem to
vanish by videotaping the sky above the aircraft and applying this same color to the liquid screens covering the
aircraft. To the naked eye the craft would disappear, [but] why would these aircraft want to vanish?"
Report Of Disappearing Aircraft By MUFON Members. Excerpted From Filers Files #30 July 31, 2000:
Driving home from the MUFON conference the Georgia State MUFON director [Tom Sheets] who is a retired
Chief of Police and other witnesses observed a aircraft "wink out" suddenly.

George Filer: " These are high quality witnesses, they are not mistaken. Ive learned from other contrails
experts this has happened before. To my knowledge humans do not possess aircraft that can disappear. The
spraying is real, therefore I suspect that UFOs are involved. I want to know what they are spraying and why"
(see for similar reports)
Consider also the following reports:
Mark Cashmere MUFON CT. State Director reports that, "On December 13, 1999, four witnesses observed
two anomalous phenomena at 3:30 PM." The observations lasted for a total of 40 minutes. The witnesses were
two adult business owners 49 (Y) and 51 (F), and his son 12, and a woman business associate (W), 80. The
observations are broken into two phases.

Observation of an estimated five contrails in sequence descending toward a ridge to the west. These contrails
became visible in each case after a bright star-like light appeared and were the width of the light, and once
reaching a specific length retained that length without change. Each contrail displayed a "puff" about halfway to
the hill that acted as the horizon. The witnesses also thought there was an orange flash as each light passed below
the tree-line. One contrail split into two. The witnesses believed it was possible that the lights crashed on the hill,
though they heard no sound. The contrails dissolved, including the puffs.

They observed two solid objects, gray in color, one "bullet-shaped" with smoothly faired fins, and one spherical
with no seams or protrusions. One witness observed an apparent seam on the bullet-shaped object. The objects,
of large angular size (3 inches at two feet), passed the witnesses at a relatively close distance, and as they moved
to the north vanished in full view. The location of the second phase was about thirty feet to the east of the first at
41.81120 (Lat.), -72.92348 (Long).

A third "phase" was the observation of a number of aircraft identified as commercial Short Skyvans believed
looking or what they had just observed. The two adult men seemed credible and articulate but perplexed by the
event. The child offered a reasonable level of corroboration. A more detailed analysis can be found at
[email protected]:

Thanks to: Mark Cashman.
Very visible -- then very invisible. What were possible explanations of this activity if these were experimental
aircraft? Were these missiles gone astray? If so--what is a plausible explanation for their location and the bright
light in front of the trails?

Consider a report with some similarities from Texas. Could a light-producing propulsion system account for the
appearing and disappearing of this apparent UFO?:
"On January 10, 1999 near Lewisville Texas -- I witnessed the unexplainable... I was back out at my sighting
post on the lake just at sunset scanning the western skies when I suddenly caught sight of a very strange orange
trail on the horizon.. zigzagging very low to the ground. Whatever was creating this trail was moving toward the
southeast -- moving toward me at an angle. I kept my eyes on it as it proceeded closer and I still could not make
out a definitive shape in front of it -- though I thought I saw something small and dark there a couple of times.

As it reached past I-35 (which is a major thoroughfare running north and south through the Dallas area) -- I
could see that something was creating short bursts of contrail in a zig-zag fashion. It was low-flying -- seeming
to be between 500-700 feet above ground.

Suddenly a bright light appeared several hundred feet in front of a burst of orange trail. Then both the light and
the trail would disappear. The light would appear again and then the short trail -- and both would disappear
again. This pattern continued for a few minutes until the light appeared without a contrail and disappeared. The
light repeated this behavior a few more times before disappearing for the final time."

(Living-Tracer Enterprises)
If one takes into consideration that some rather odd-shaped "aircraft" (eg. oval, teardrop, spherical, oblong) and
unusual fireballs and projectile-appearing objects (see NUFORC report of two pilots sightings of an missile
shaped object flying between them) are reportedly flying through our atmosphere in proximity to aircraft some
creating persistent contrails themselves this may provide a very good explanation for the sudden necessity for
both aircraft and UFOs to make a sudden "disappearance" for stealth or protection. (also see

We just may be witnessing aircraft and UFOs and their projectiles, using some high and higher tech camouflage
in the open skies.

From A. Hebert

Dear Jeff -
In reference to the post titled "Winked Out - UFOs Or high Tech Camouflage", our government and numerous
governments around the world already have camouflaging technologies in use that most people cannot even
begin to imagine. I have just finished a book on this very topic titled "The Pretenders" which covers 5 years of
research into camouflage technology - some of which I shared with Ms. Livingston over this last year in
presumed confidence.

The so-called "winking out" effect people refer to has nothing what so ever to do with any kinds of camouflage
or "cloaking". These effects are due to increasing levels of pollution and haze that cause conventional aircraft to
become temporarily "invisible" when flying at certain angles between the observer and the aircraft. Since I live
in the same area as Ms. Livingston (about 4 miles down the road), I have witnessed this same effect myself
dozens of times. Days in which there are "clear blue skies" have become quite rare in this area due to all the
pollution and haze. One day while driving to a meeting in Lewisville, Texas, I watched more than 10 planes
flash (reflect sunlight), disappear, reappear, disappear and actually vanish as they came in to land at DFW
Airport. To my knowledge commercial airplanes do not employ any forms of camouflage to "wink out",
however, this may be what causes passenger luggage to "disappear". <wink

In reference to the "dash-dash" contrails people are observing, according to Physicist, M. Kim Johnson,
"If the atmospheric water content is not consistent with altitude (picture atmospheric "waves" of high water
vapor content below a layer of low water vapor content much like waves on the ocean), then a jet will alternately
pass through air that allows contrail formation and air that does not. This gives the appearance of a dashed line if
the plane is flying at, or near the perpendicular to the waves."

I have observed this "dash-dash" effect dozens of times and video taped this in the skies over Dallas, Fort Worth,
Lewisville, The Colony and Plano, Texas. Sometimes if you observe these "dashes" at sunset, you can actually
see these "waves" between the contrail dashes as they shift the ends of the whispy contrails up and down. Just
keep your eyes and mind open and avoid jumping to conclusions that they are camouflage effects or a "spray"
plane turning its "chemtrail" off and on and you will see it.

Ms. Livingston stated,
"On January 10, 1999 near Lewisville Texas -- I witnessed the unexplainable... I was back out at my sighting
post on the lake just at sunset scanning the western skies when I suddenly caught sight of a very strange orange
trail on the horizon.. zigzagging very low to the ground. Whatever was creating this trail was moving toward the
southeast -- moving toward me at an angle. ...As it reached past I-35 (which is a major thoroughfare running
north and south through the Dallas area) -- I could see that something was creating short bursts of contrail in a
zigzag fashion. It was low-flying -- seeming to be between 500-700 feet above ground."
This event occurred at sunset. At sunset contrails often turn bright orange when reflecting the setting sun.
Sometimes they become so bright orange that they seem to be an object themselves (I have witnessed this many
times personally in the same area). I-35 runs parallel to the runways at DFW Airport. The area near Lake
Lewisville has very heavy air traffic landing and taking off from DFW and Dallas Love Field. I have been to this
area near the lake many times and observed aircraft leaving bright orange contrails, disappearing, reappearing,
disappearing, etc. However, I know the difference between a normal, natural occurrence and aircraft using

In reference to electrochromatic panels, these have been mentioned in connection with the "proposed" Stealth
Blimp. These panels were applied to an early prototype of the F-117 stealth fighter but it crashed and were not
applied to the later F-117s. One reason why electrochromatic panels and LCD type camouflage are probably not
used on aircraft that leave contrails is because the panels cannot withstand the friction and heat caused by flying
at mach speeds. Even the Raptor does not employ this form of camouflage but does use a form of multicolored
paints designed to help conceal the aircraft while flying at certain altitudes.

When it comes to camouflage, if one is seeing the aircraft and any form of contrail, it is obviously not using
camouflage technology. Thats why they developed camouflage - to become "invisible". Camouflage and high
tech is more complex and being used in the last place most people would think to look.

A. Hebert

From Brenda Livingston

In response to Amy Heberts remarks regarding my article "Winked Out: UFOs or High Tech Camouflage"
(above report):

As I mentioned to you several months ago, Amy, The Colony is indeed big enough for two or more UFO
researchers. I have invited you to join in the search for UFOs in and out of persistent contrails in this area and
suggested to you that putting forth an intellectual presentation is a much more persuasive approach that attacking
the work of other researchers.

Although you have not shared any of your research with me regarding "camouflage" -- I found your article
"Pretenders" on fascinating and informative. I think we are in agreement on many aspects of UFO
and human camouflage techniques. And we have both had some very dramatic and revealing sightings of UFOs
in this area.

I think in your above comment, you did hit upon an intriguing idea which I believe does support the theory that
UFOs are camouflaging as aircraft and perhaps even distributing the small spherical objects now so commonly
seen within persistent contrails.

If UFOs are laying at least some of the persistent contrails in our skies (and there are indications that they are
from the myriad of strange fireballs and UFOs reported with lasting trails -- see -- they certainly could be utilizing persistent contrails to release
objects/gases (for whatever purpose) into our atmosphere.

Why is this camouflage? As we now see so many persistent contrails moving across our skies, it would be a very

clever way to carry out tasks "right above our heads" without our awareness of it.

In your article "Pretenders: UFOs and Camouflage" -- you mentioned "a witness in Northern California who
described a UFO that imitated an airplane AND a star."

Interestingly enough, my sighting of a "star-like" object long before sunset on February 25, 1999 above a broad
low persistent contrail and then hovering within it as a white oval object -- was what motivated me to work to
uncover the apparent interest these mysterious objects had in persistent contrails.

This particular white oval object displayed a "flare" of light covering and moving out of one side. This could
indicate a transitional state from "star" to a more physical form, shutting down its corona/propulsion system or
shedding its previous camouflage.

In addition to the V-shaped "air-wave" techniques reported by Harry Mason in "Winked Out" and many
reporting smaller more spherical versions of this phenomena or technology -- Living-Tracers has brought
forward yet another camouflage technique that appears to be utilized by small spherical objects.

As Ellen Crystal stated in Silent Invasion (as you quoted in your "Pretenders" article):
"...The aliens could change the lights in any manner, and we could see why people could mistake their shapes if
the lights defined only portions of the vehicle..."
As lights at night can change formation, it certainly appears that these enigmatic energy "balls" so many have
reported can organize themselves into shapes resembling aircraft in broad daylight. (see for an interesting photo enhancement which may exemplify this

Perhaps the "lights" some report changing location are actually separate spherical objects moving from their
"normal" free flight positions to a right-angled formation resembling and aircraft in a camouflage effect?

I personally feel that research into the mission, techniques and environmental interactions of the UFO and their
makers/occupants would be better served by researchers focusing upon gathering new information and
presenting theories and findings rather than continually pursuing attempts to suppress the work of others.

Perhaps we should meet over a cup of coffee to continue this discussion?

I wish you much luck on your upcoming books and continued research.

Brenda Livingston
Living-Tracers Enterprises


from AboveTopSecret Website

Element 115, the key to understanding how the ultra-secret "Black World" has created aircraft capable of
manipulating gravity and space/time, has been identified, and the recent discovery of element 118, which
decayed into element 114, further helps identify the possibilities.

The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it
actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A
field around them, in addition to the gravity B field that is native to all matter.

The Key To Gravity-Control Systems

No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to
extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave
extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave length, and
frequency, just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave,
you can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic waves.

And in like manner, the gravity A wave is amplified and then focused on the desired destination to cause the
space/time distortion required for practical space travel.

This amplified gravity A wave is so powerful that the only naturally occurring source of gravity that could cause
space/time to distort this much would be a black hole.

We're amplifying a wave that barely extends past the perimeter of an atom until it's large enough to distort vast
amounts of space/time.


We synthesize heavier, unstable elements by using more stable elements as targets in a particle accelerator. We
then bombard the target element with various atomic and sub-atomic particles. By doing this, we actually force
neutrons into the nucleus of the atom and in some cases merge two dissimilar nuclei together. At this point,
transmutation occurs, making the target element a different, heavier element.

As an example, in the early 80's, the lab for heavy ion research in Darmshtot, Germany synthesized some
element 109 by bombarding Bismuth 203 with Iron 59. And to show you how difficult it is to do this, they had
to bombard the target element for a week to synthesize 1 atom of element 109. And on that subject, this same lab
has projected that in the future they should be able to bombard Curium 248 with with Calcium 48 to yield
element 116 which will then decay through a series of nuclides which are unknown to them, but are well known
to the scientists at S4 located within the complex of the Groom Lake "Area 51" installation.

The length of time which an element exists before it decays determines its stability. Atoms of some elements
decay faster than atoms of other elements, so the faster an element decays, the more unstable that element is
considered to be. When an atom decays, it releases or radiates sub-atomic particles and energy, which is the
radiation that a Geiger counter detects.

Alien Craft

The reactor found in the alien craft at S4, as widely mentioned by physicist Robert Lazar is primarily based on
a superheavy element with an atomic number of 115. Element 115 will be designated as "Ununpentium"

according to IUPAC guidelines. Its periodic designation and electron configuration appear in the diagram at the
top of the page.

Name: -Ununpentium -Symbol: -Uup
Atomic Number: -115 -Atomic Weight: -UNKNOWN
Density @ 293K: -31.5g/cm -Atomic Volume: -13.45cm/mol
Group: -Superheavy Elements -Discovered: -1989
State: -Solid --
Melting Point: -1740C -Boiling Point: -3530C
Heat of Fusion: -UNKNOWN kJ/mol -Heat of Vaporisation: -UNKNOWN kJ/mol
1st Ionization Energy: -531 kJ/mol -Electronegativity: -UNKNOWN
2nd Ionization Energy: -1756 kJ/mol -Electron Affinity: -UNKNOWN kJ/mol
3rd Ionization Energy: -2653 kJ/mol -Specific Heat: -UNKNOWN J/gK
Heat Atomization: -kJ/mol atoms --
Structure: -FCC Face-centered cubic -Color: -Reddish-orange
Uses: -Reactor Fuel -Toxicity: -UNKNOWN
Hardness: -UNKNOWN mohs -Characteristics: -Stable
Thermal Conductivity: -6.1 J/m-sec -Electrical Conductivity: -7.09 1/mohm-cm
Polarizability: -20.5 A --

New superheavy elements created
BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
Wednesday, June 9, 1999 Published at 10:52 GMT 11:52 UK

The collision of lead and krypton leads to the new elements.

Two new "superheavy" elements have been made by bombarding lead atoms with energy-packed krypton atoms
at the rate of two trillion per second.

After 11 days, the scientists working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US, had produced just three
atoms of element 118. These contained 118 protons and 175 neutrons each in their nucleii.

The new elements decayed almost instantly to element 116, which itself was short-lived. But, for that brief
moment, they were the only three atoms of these elements ever to have existed on Earth.

Ken Gregorich, the nuclear chemist who led the discovery team, said:
"Our unexpected success in producing these superheavy elements opens up a whole world of possibilities using
similar reactions: new elements and isotopes."
US Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson, commented:
"This stunning discovery opens the door to further insights into the structure of the atomic nucleus."

Unstable combination

Atoms consist of a central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The nucleus consists of protons and

But not all combinations of neutrons and protons are stable. In nature, no element heavier than uranium, with 92

protons and 146 neutrons, can normally be found.

Scientists can make heavier ones by colliding two large nuclei together and hoping that they will form a new,
heavier nucleus for a short time.

One of the most significant aspects of the new elements is that their decay sequence is consistent with theories
that predict an "island of stability" for atoms containing approximately 114 protons and 184 neutrons.
"We jumped over a sea of instability onto an island of stability that theories have been predicting since the
1970s," said nuclear physicist Victor Ninov.
He is the first author of a paper on the discovery submitted to Physical Review Letters journal.

Atomic structure

Synthetic elements are often short-lived, but provide scientists with valuable insights into the structure of atomic
nuclei. They also offer opportunities to study the chemical properties of the elements heavier than uranium.

I-Yang Lee, scientific director of the atom smasher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, said,
"From the discovery of these two new superheavy elements, it is now clear that the island of stability can be

"Additionally, similar reactions can be used to produce other elements and isotopes, providing a rich new region
for the study of nuclear properties."

Fast work
Element 118 takes less than a thousandth of a second to decay by emitting an alpha particle
This leaves behind an isotope of element 116 which contains 116 protons and 173 neutrons
This daughter is also radioactive, alpha-decaying to an isotope of element 114
The chain of successive alpha decays continues until at least element 106

Element 118
disappears two years after it was discovered
1 August 2001

Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the US have retracted their claim to have
discovered element 118. The retraction follows more detailed analysis of the original data at Berkeley and the
failure of experiments at Berkeley, the RIKEN laboratory in Japan, and the GSI laboratory in Germany to
observe the element.

In 1999 a team of researchers from the Berkeley lab, the University of California at Berkeley and Oregon State
University claimed to have detected three atoms of element 118 in collisions between high-energy krypton ions
and a lead target.
"The observation of a chain of six high-energy alpha decays within about one second unambiguously signalled
the production and decay of element 118" said team leader Ken Gregorich at the time.
Element 118 was then the heaviest element to have been detected.

In a brief statement submitted to Physical Review Letters, which published the paper reporting the original
discovery, the Berkeley team write:
"Prompted by the absence of similar decay chains in subsequent experiments, we (along with independent
experts) re-analyzed the primary data files from our 1999 experiments. Based on these re-analyses, we conclude
that the three reported chains are not in the 1999 data. We retract our published claim for the synthesis of
element 118."

"Science is self-correcting," said Berkeley director Charles Shank. "If you get the facts wrong, your experiment
is not reproducible. There are many lessons here, and the lab will extract all the value it can from this event. The
path forward is to learn from the mistakes and to strengthen the resolve to find the answers that nature still hides
from us."


by Montalk
February 2005
from Montalk Website

What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government, corporations, military, academia, media,
and the alternative research community are either reprogrammed versions of their former selves or artificial
beings entirely? What if you learned these were under the complete control of covert forces possessing a vested
interest in manipulating society?

Then you would see a hidden order beneath the chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited
understanding shaking their heads in puzzlement. (and youd take politics a hell of a lot less seriously).

* simulacrum n.

1. an image or representation of someone or something.
2. an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute. (Oxford English Dictionary)
3. a copy without an original. (Jean Baudrillard)
1. Dr Peter Beter
2. Cosmic Awareness
3. The Ra Material
4. The Allies of Humanity
5. Dr Karla Turner
6. The Cassiopaean Transcripts
7. Anecdotes and Conclusion

What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government, corporations, military, academia, media,
and the alternative research community are either reprogrammed versions of their former selves or artificial
beings entirely?
What if you learned these were under the complete control of covert forces possessing a vested interest in
manipulating society?
Then you would see a hidden order beneath the chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited
understanding shaking their heads in puzzlement.
This document is a compilation of sources discussing various aspects of the human simulacrum phenomenon: the
strategic and covert replacement, reprogramming, or artificial creation of individuals to function as total societal
control devices.

Multiple descriptive terms exist for these creatures: organic robotoids, reanimated humans, synthetics, clones,
duplicates, doubles, look-alikes, replicants, robots, and cybergenetic humanoids. Although these terms differ in
their precise definition, they concern themselves with the same general phenomenon of impostors.

The information presented here approaches the subject from angles that vary in their accuracy, so it is the
readers responsibility to discern which viewpoints are viable, relevant, and functional. What is provided should
be sufficient to give direction for further research and allow the reader to correlate these concepts with personal
experience and observation.

My intent is to provide clarification and elaboration where necessary and give guidance as to the proper use of
this potential knowledge.

There are two dangers regarding the reception of this knowledge: ignorance and misuse. The danger of ignorance
is misconception, stemming from force-fitting into a limited viewpoint those facts originating beyond; gullibility,
arising from failing to perceive such facts at all; and frustration, which comes with holding others to a standard
not in accordance with who they really are. The danger of misuse includes obsession with the subject, fascination

solely out of being entertained by the bizarre, having ones vision colored rather than expanded, seeing danger
where there is none, and worrying about that which one cannot change.

Proper use of this knowledge requires bringing it into consideration when other explanations fail, seeing patterns
that one would otherwise miss, and most of all, avoiding the frustration and gullibility experienced by those who
disagree or fall for that which they do not properly understand.

Sources will be presented in rough chronological order with an introduction preceding each series of excerpts,
concluding with my own information and thoughts on the subject.

Dr Peter Beters Audio Letters

Dr Peter David Beter (1921-1987) is most remembered for his Audio Letters, cassette tapes on conspiracy
topics sent out monthly to subscribers from 1975 through 1982. He was a successful and well-connected
business man who disseminated dangerous information most refused to believe and many attempted to suppress.

From a website dedicated to Dr Beter:
Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington; a candidate for the governorship of
West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas
utilities building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in underwater manganese
nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers.

As a political and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries including Franz Pick,
Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd, Emmanuel Josephson, and many others.

He wrote prolifically, including Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York).
From the editor of the Revelations of Awareness newsletter, 1979:
For the benefit of new CAC members, a brief explanation of why this particular reading was given. Dr. Peter
Beter (his first and last name rhyme) is a well-known and respected Washington lawyer with many contacts high
in government positions who leak information to him. During the past four years, he has been revealing this
information to the public in the form of Audio Letters -- 40 minute tape-recorded cassettes which he mails to
subscribers each month. His information mainly is concerned with behind-the-scenes activities and intrigues,
power struggles etc. between agents of the United States, Russia etc.

The information Dr. Beter reveals seldom appears in the controlled press or television networks. In the past he
has uncovered such strange plots as the removal by Rockefeller of the gold from Ft. Knox, the placing of
neutron bombs in the freshwater lakes and rivers of the U.S. by the Russians. Although his information is far
out to many, quite controversial and sensational, most of his accusations have never been adequately refuted by
his many detractor (mainly publishers who have been scooped by his stories). [.] Dr. Beter revealed the
Bolshevik plot taking place behind the scenes in Washington.

These were entities expelled from Russia, brought to the U.S. by Kissinger, Rockefeller and Nixon and placed in
high positions of authority - their ultimate aim being to take over the government of the United States and
collectivize the entire country, thus creating a totalitarian police state. In the meantime, the new guard in power
in Russia, (Christians, who had been waiting 60 years to oust the Bolsheviks) had perfected the art of creating
doubles - trained look-alikes by use of plastic surgery, actors etc. who would quickly replace an official who
had been secretly executed, and assume that pretense to the public. In this manner, a revolution took place
behind the scenes in Russia, unknown to the public, and the familiar faces in the Kremlin began to gradually
change their stance.

According to Dr. Beter, the Russians no longer desire a cold war or any war for that manner, for they have
developed technology (with the aid of UFOs) that is years ahead of that of the United States. They have
developed particle beam laser-type weapons, UFO type aircraft, (Cosmospheres), which hover above our
nation and which are capable of incinerating an entire city within moments if necessary. In short, according to
Dr. Beter, the Russians have not only won the cold war, but are totally in command and fully capable of winning
any kind of hot war the US or any other country might try to pull off.

The four RockefelIer brothers (who were behind the plot to take over the US) were all executed, according to Dr.
Beter and replaced with doubles (all but Nelsons, whose murder was detected and subsequently covered up).

When the Bolsheviks in power in the U.S. learned about the doubles being used here and abroad, they became
desperate. In order to maintain their positions, they decided to try a first-strike limited nuclear war which
would wipe out the missile bases in Russia and destroy that country as a world power.

Thus Operation Global Shield 79 was staged. The plan was to send all SAC bombers and NATO bombers
around the world, loaded with nuclear warheads to the Russian boarders (without prior notice), then turn around
and come back. This so-called exercise was so planned that the bombers would not turn back at the Soviet
borders, but would continue on into Russia and wipe out their missile bases.

Fortunately, this did not occur as the Russians had informed Washington that if they proceeded with the plan,
they would launch a full response of nuclear warheads against the United States, and a cosmosphere hovering
over Washington DC was ready momentarily to wipe out that city. None of this, of course, appeared in the
controlled press. []

One big reason this nuclear disaster was avoided was because the Russian agents in Washington, working behind
the scenes to prevent the Bolshevik takeover here in the U.S., began a campaign of executions. Systematically
they executed those in positions of power who had been pushing for war and replaced those entities with
doubles or look-alikes.

According to Dr. Beter, some of those executed included Jimmy Carter, his entire family, Vice President
Mondale, all of Carters Cabinet, many in the military, the heads of NATO. In Dr. Beters latest Audio Letter
(No. 47) he reveals that the U.S. Supreme Court has been replaced, that the assassins are now moving through
Congress and the mass media, eliminating and replacing those who have been Hawkish on containing Russia
and promoting legislation and propaganda favorable toward war in the Middle East and elsewhere etc.

Heady stuff, this, and if true the citizens of the United States are due for quite a surprise when the plot is finally
revealed to them, which it eventually must. (You cant kill off every right-winger and hawk in the U.S. and
replace them with doubles without eventually being caught in the act).

When Cosmic Awareness, which in the past had indicated that Dr. Beter was 90% accurate in his revelations,
confirmed that these executions were indeed going on behind the scenes, many members of C.A.C. decided that
was too much, they could not handle that type of information-so they resigned. Many of Dr. Beters subscribers
cancelled also. If they thought that was too far out to swallow or handle, they should have waited until Audio
Letters No. 46 and 47 were released.

For Dr. Beter revealed on these two latest tapes that the reason the Russians have successfully executed and
replaced so many bigwigs with doubles is that they have been able to create artificial humans (organic robotoids)
- grow these creatures from a single cell of the executed person within hours and program them through
computers to do and say what they want them to. Having the same DNA as the original, the robotoids retain the
same memory, personality and traits as the original entity. Their lifespan, however, is very short (a matter of
weeks) so new Robotoids must constantly be grown.

Weird, huh! Far-out!

Straight out of science fiction, perhaps? Well .... who can say?
What follows are key excerpts from the mentioned Audio Letters #46 and #47:
Audio Letter #46
May 28, 1979

In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years in biological synthesis - that is,
artificial life forms; and according to high intelligence, a stunning break-through took place in Russia some years
ago. The Russians refer to this break-through as a providential discovery, something they learned almost by
accident. They discovered the key to creating what are known as organic robotoids. An organic robotoid is an
artificial robot-like creature, it looks and acts exactly like a human being and yet it is not human.

A robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it is an artificial life form. Robotoids respond to conventional
routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they breathe, they bleed if cut; and they
can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any other
computer, the brain of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many
electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses an enormous memory. As a result,

robotoids can be programmed to communicate and think in such complex patterns that they act human.

Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks. They dont grow or reproduce but
must be manufactured one by one in the desired form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in
months or even weeks, depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism, while
it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient.

A robotoid can be manufactured on very short notice, a matter of hours; but after a few weeks or months it
suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally. When that takes place, the robotoid has to be removed
from service and disposed of. To extend its useful life as much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled
down to slow its metabolism between assignments. Organic robotoids are extremely expensive, troublesome
creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid capabilities do not exceed those of human beings. All they can
really do is simulate human beings; but, my friends, for Intelligence purposes thats all they have to do!

To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to have a pattern to go by. The pattern required is that of genetic
coding taken from a few cells from the body of a human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like
cloning, but the technique itself is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced within a matter of
hours, and it simulates the human donor at his current age.

Like any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect copy of the human that is to be simulated;
theres always small discrepancies in appearance and behavior, but these are seldom great enough to arouse any

Audio Letter #47
June 28, 1979

Last month I made public one of the most carefully guarded of all Intelligence secrets - that is, the existence of
ORGANIC ROBOTOIDS. As I explained last month, they are now the key fact of life in understanding current
world events. Without knowing this very important secret, you will have no hope of understanding present and
coming events. Even so, some of my listeners are not waiting for events to speak for themselves. Instead, they
are shakily telling themselves,
There just has to be some other explanation for the strange things in todays news.
The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is remarkable from head to foot; but the most
astonishing thing about them is their ability to simulate human beings - not just in appearance but in behavior. In
other words, the most crucial and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its biological
computer brain.

The developments that were destined to lead to Russias breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years
ago, in 1947. In that year a Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make three-
dimensional photographs called holograms. It was a revolutionary scientific discovery, and it was destined to
lead to the Nobel Prize for Dr. Gabor. He did not receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then,
holograms were a reality in numerous laboratories world-wide; and yet most members of the general public still
had not heard of holography.

And even today, more than three decades after Dr. Gabors original discovery, holography is still unfamiliar to
the public as a whole. In 1947 Dr. Gabors theory pointed the way toward holography, but at that time holograms
could not actually be made. What was needed in order to make them was something called monochromatic
light - that is, light of just one wave length. No one knew how to create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960
the situation suddenly changed - that was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are discussed in public,
attention is usually focused on just one of their amazing characteristics - thats the ability of a laser to produce a
narrow, intense beam of light.

The beam can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing. Lasers pointed the way toward energy-
beam weapons, among other things; and as I revealed long ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly
spawned Americas crash program to get to the moon in 1961. But the reason laser beams behave the way they
do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are made to order for generating holograms.

Like lasers, holography has led to developments that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian
breakthrough in biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, youll understand
why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace.

A hologram is a very unusual kind of photograph. To make one, the film is exposed using a laser and a set of
mirrors and lenses; and to make the holograph image on the film visible later on, laser light must again be used.
When you look at a hologram, it is as if you were looking through a window at the real object. You can move
back and forth, up and down, and see it from different angles in three-dimensional detail. By contrast, of course,
a conventional photograph is flat and looks the same from all angles.

Holograms are also different in another way. If you tear a normal photograph into several pieces, you ruin it.
Each piece contains only a disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with a hologram. If you cut up a
holographic film into several pieces, each piece still contains almost the entire image. There is some loss of
detail but basically its all there. Its this fact that led years ago to the Russian breakthrough in biological
computer brains for their robotoids.

[] Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids, which are almost exact carbon
copies of real human beings. This is done by a process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be
copied. It sounds a little like cloning, but its not. A clone of a human would itself be a human, but an organic
robotoid is NOT human. Its an artificial life form, like an animal in some ways but like a computerized machine
in others.

Every Russian robotoid has what is called a holographic brain. This brain duplicates essentially the entire
memory of a person being copied. The key to doing this is a new technique called an ultrasonic cerebral
hologram. Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete three-dimensional picture is
made of a persons brain. This is a painless, non-destructive process; and under the proper conditions it can be
done without the person even being aware of it.

[] Organic robotoids are such amazing creatures that they are still a subject of questioning and debate. This is
true even among the Russian scientists who made them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have no true
instinct for self-preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they are told to do.

By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct for self-preservation. Robotoids can be
programmed for self-preservation, but they are equally willing (if willing is the word) to perform suicide
missions, exploratory one-way trips into space. Ive only one example of this: if a space mission looks too
dangerous to risk the life of an experienced cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used. The robotoid copy of the
cosmonaut is already trained the moment its made, thanks to its holographic memory.

Organic robotoids look and act so much like human beings that its hard for us to get used to the idea that they
are not human; but the Russians decided several months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ them, and
so the silent Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under way.
Dr Beter goes on in Audio Letters #51, #52, and #53 to discuss another category of artificial human known as
synthetic automatons (or simply synthetics) who have a longer life span than organic robotoids but suffer
poorer mental abilities, appearing dull-witted in comparison to those they replace. Synthetics manufacture
involves the use of cattle parts and glandular substances, more complicated than the rapid-grow procedure used
to produce organic robotoids.

It is well known from other literature on cattle mutilations and alien abductions that cattle organs and glandular
secretions are used in the manufacture and maintenance of synthetic organisms such as the grays. Related to this
are the oriental-looking and olive-skinned humanoids seen in conjunction with some black helicopter and cattle
mutilation phenomena.

From the infamous O.H. Krll document (purportedly written by John Grace and John Lear):
Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to be a little more insidious. A good example is an event
which occurred in Madison County, Montana, between June and October of 1976. Twenty-two confirmed cattle
mutilations had occurred during that period, and they were accompanied by reports throughout the county of
silent, unmarked, jet-black helicopters, flashing or steady anomalous lights in the air and near the ground,
unmarked fixed- wing aircraft and white vans in remote and previously inaccessible areas.

Toward the latter part of this period, in early autumn of 1976, a hunter from Bozeman, Montana, was out alone
around 3:00pm one day in the Red Mountain area near Norris. He watched as a black helicopter without
markings flew overhead and disappeared below a small hill. The curious hunter climbed to the top of the hill.

There was the black chopper (a Bell Jet Ranger, he thought) on the ground, the engine still running. Seven men
had apparently exited from the craft and were walking up the hill toward the observer.

As the hunter advanced toward the seven, he waved and shouted congenial greetings. It was then that he realized
there was something about the men - they were all Oriental. They had slanted eyes and olive skin and were
jabbering among themselves in some indecipherable language. They wore "everyday" clothes, not uniforms.
Suddenly they began to return to the helicopter. The hunter, still waving and shouting friendly greetings, started
after them.

The Orientals quickened their pace. When the hunter approached within five or six feet, they broke into a dead
run, crowded into the chopper and took off. In a documented "mystery helicopter" wave in England, accounts
place Oriental-appearing occupants in an unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive skinned, Oriental-seeming
occupants have been a staple at the heart and at the periphery of UFO accounts for years.

Significant numbers of the infamous "men-in- black" (MIB) have a similar appearance, but very often they are
seen as very pale and gaunt men who are sensitive to light.
If these are genuine accounts, such entities are probably synthetics. The point of mentioning this is that while Dr
Beter may have erred in his perceived context of phenomenon (framing it in context of the Cold War), many of
the specific details he discussed concerning the synthetics and robotoids themselves are scientifically plausible
and generally correlate with other discoveries and anecdotes in fringe research.

But whereas grays and the olive-skinned humanoids comprise mysterious phenomena easy to sandwich between
the covers of Time Life books, what hits closer to home is the idea of equally artificial beings gracing the pages
of Time magazine.

That public officials, authors, scientists, military personnel, and others with power and influence in their
respective fields can and have been replaced by cybernetic doubles gives pause for considering of the

Cosmic Awareness

Dr Beters expos on robotoids and synthetics made waves far and wide, catching the intense interest of those
who were not immediately turned off by his claims. Fortunately this spurred others to do their own investigating
and pick up where Dr Beter left off.

In 1979, a channeled source identifying itself as Awareness was asked to comment on the validity of Dr
Beters material. Normally discussing matters of a spiritual or practical nature, over the next several years
Awareness divulged interesting information on the subject of synthetics and robotoids, particularly concerning
its connection with the alien phenomenon.

Channeling is not generally valued for its accuracy, but rather its depth and breadth of information. Accuracy is
left for the reader or listener to achieve by filtering signal from noise. And so it is with the Cosmic Awareness
material, which contains deeper insights than Dr Beters Audio Letters but also makes wilder claims.

What we seek in this document is sheer data on the phenomenon of human simulacra, data from any and all
sources that, like panning for gold, allows the sifting process to produce greater quantities of valuable substance.
There is no better candidate for this sifting process than the Cosmic Awareness material.

Here are numerous excerpts from Revelations of Awareness newsletters published by Cosmic Awareness
Communications (C.A.C.):


Weve received quite a few letters in reference to Dr. Beters latest tape and the Robotoids, and we will
probably no doubt get many more unless we print something up. And, probably this letter from M.W. will
suffice for the general tone of the letters weve received.

I will read the letter, then ask the first of three specific questions tacked onto the letter.

Dear C.A.C. I think it is absolutely imperative that Awareness comment further on Dr. Beters last two tapes,
No.s 45 and 46, concerning the Russians killing top American leaders and replacing them with organic
robotoids. This idea is so completely ridiculous that not even the most open-minded people are willing to accept
it. To me it seems as though Dr. Beter has flipped out and CAC also must be flipped out to support this crazy

I admit, Beter had me going with the Bolshevik double theory, but now the robotoid thing is just too far out. []
how can ANYONE believe that our nation has been taken over by Russia by means of organic robotoids ?

It sounds like nothing more than a paranoids fantastic fantasy, and CACs support of these crazy people forces
one to question CACs credibility. IS it possible that Paul has tuned into Dr. Beters twisted mind? Is it possible
that Paul has become lost on a path of right-wing political insanity? I dont know, I hope there is some logical
explanation for all this. I dont think CAC can just shrug off the robotoid thing now that theyve brought it to our
attention. I feel Awareness MUST explain this craziness. You cant really expect anyone to believe it, can you ?
At least not without some solid evidence.

If Shockley is indeed a clear channel for Cosmic Awareness, cant he give us information on how to prove these
happenings? I have accepted much of the conspiracy theories up to now. But I now am beginning to feel Ive
been led down the path of some crazy peoples paranoid fantasies. I hope Awareness can satisfactorily explain
some of these seemingly crazy theories.

At this point, I dont put much faith in anything Ive [] heard from Dr. Beter, because their ability to see things
clearly and open-mindedly seems suspect. And now I have to say Im even suspicious of the clarity of CACs
readings. Im sure a lot of people feel the same way. I hope this can be cleared up.
And his first question is:
Awareness, please comment in detail on Dr. Beters theory of Russian robotoids replacing Carter, Brezinski and
so forth, and give some means whereby this seemingly insane theory nay be proven true or false.


This Awareness indicates that before attending this first question, this Awareness wishes to comment on your
letter in general.

This Awareness indicates that throughout your letter the question is asked, How could anyone expect another to
believe such insanity?

This Awareness has again and again asked entities not to believe. This Awareness asks entities to discover what
is. This Awareness asks entities to discover what is by questioning and doubting-by doubting not only others, but
by doubting ones own beliefs.

This Awareness suggests that entities in discovering what is must first question themselves and their own beliefs.

This Awareness suggests that in terms of the information which this Awareness has given, It did not say to
support Dr. Beter [] this Awareness indicated that these were sources of information which could not be
found in other places. This Awareness indicates that these sources of information add to ones general
understanding of what is occurring.

[] This Awareness has indicated that the Dr. Beter material as being approximately 90% accurate in those
areas which it covers. This Awareness indicates this means there is approximately 10% that is not accurate. []

[] This Awareness indicates that in terms of your evaluation of Dr. Beters information - you have the right to
close your mind at any time you choose- all entities have the right to close their eyes and not look. []

This Awareness indicates that in your demands, or your request, whichever it may be, that this Awareness or the
entity Paul Shockley prove to you that the robotoids exist, you are setting yourself up for a disappointment, for
neither this entity nor this Awareness is your servant, nor needs to prove anything to you, but can share what is
seen, when and if you open your consciousness to receive, to search, and to wonder whether there is anything to
this or not.


This Awareness indicates that the fact that you wrote the question, asked the question, indicates that your mind is
still searching, and therefore you have not closed your mind to this.

This Awareness therefore suggests that the question be asked and that this Awareness shall give you indications
whereby you may search for better understanding of how these robotoids might be real.


Please comment in detail on Dr. Beters theory of Russian robotoids replacing Carter, Brezinski, and so forth,
and give some means whereby this seemingly insane theory may be proven true or false?


This Awareness does not wish to prove this true or false.

This Awareness indicates that if It presented the proof of this information, the Interpreter, the staff of C.A.C. and
the majority of members in C.A.C. and Dr. Beter, would in fact be jeopardized and endangered by the proof.

This Awareness indicates that this information as being extremely dangerous for this entity to have released -
that the only reason why the entity has been allowed to continue serving after the release of this information is
because it appeared to be so unbelievable that the public has not responded or reacted in a manner that threatened
those who are behind this action.

This Awareness indicates that there is no way and no need for this Awareness to prove these exist in order to be
in your good graces. This Awareness indicates it is for you to make this discovery after researching and learning
and digging and waiting, and wondering if this is important to you to make a decision as to their reality or not.

This Awareness indicates however, that there are ways whereby you may search out further information on the
development of these creatures. This Awareness indicates that you research the areas of the DNA (you may
begin with the book mentioned by Dr. Beter), that you research areas on cloning, that you research areas on
electromagnetic fields, that you research areas in relation to UFOs - for these are all tied together.

This Awareness indicates that the electromagnetic fields are used in creating certain atmospheres of an electronic
nature, for the transmuting of the DNA. This Awareness indicates that information which may lead to certain
possible areas of research in this field, can be found in studies on mice and frogs and other small animals in the
early researches of the DNA. This Awareness indicates that the majority of this type of information has been
withheld from the public, and is not available.

This Awareness suggests that if you wish to spend some time moving into these fields of study, you may spend
approximately ten years working through various scientific works and becoming acquainted with different
scientists in the fields, to ask questions and research the information in this manner.

This Awareness indicates that otherwise you may seek to explore through contacts with secret services, various
entities who have contacts in the CIA or the secret services, and if careful you may become aware through some
of these entities of areas wherein certain researches of this type have occurred.

This Awareness indicates this may take quite some time in developing friends in these branches of government
who will share information with you or refer you to others who would do so.

This Awareness suggests that if working your way up through the scientific academy or working through the
secret services or through research in libraries does not appeal to you, this Awareness suggests that you wait for
other Dr. Beter tapes and other Awareness messages and other sources to present themselves to you for your
further evaluation, and that you shelf your concern for immediate answer to this situation.

This Awareness indicates that: essentially there are more things in heaven and earth than you have dreamed of
in your philosophy.

This Awareness indicates that the magnitude of this area of research and development is so great that entities
cannot at present comprehend.


This Awareness indicates that this however is but a small portion of information which is withheld from the

This Awareness indicates that entities ask this Awareness questions - this Awareness, speaking through Its
Interpreters, gives information.

This Awareness indicates entities are not satisfied with the information given, but want more information, more
in-depth information - want to know more about how this or that can be.

This Awareness indicates if It gives everything that an entity could ask about, if It answered all the questions in
perfect proof and perfect evidence, exposing all secrets that the members would ask about, the Interpreter would
be slain and the members hunted down for knowing too much about vital secrets to those who have power and
wish to continue holding that power.

This Awareness indicates the Project Bluebook once had twelve hundred employees - there are now thirteen of
these entities still alive - for they knew too much.



Were starting to get questions in about organic robotoids, and I thought maybe if I asked a couple, it might be
sufficient. D.W. of Ridgefield, Washington, wants to know if these robotoids have an aura...?


This Awareness indicates that this around the heart chakra only.


Do these robotoids become inhabited by spirits or other entities?


This as negative, except in rare instances whereby certain forces might penetrate briefly.

This Awareness indicates these creatures as not being suitable for the complete embodiment of a disembodied
spirit - that the metabolism of these creatures is such that the disembodied spirit would not enjoy being involved
inside such a creature, except very briefly.

This Awareness indicates this much likened unto a spirit inhabiting an animal for a brief time. This Awareness is
referring to human spirits, and assumes the questioner is also referring to this.


That is correct. Organic robotoids, apparently having the facility to think like humans, must therefore have some
form of fife-force similar to that which motivates humans. Is that correct?


This Awareness indicates this essentially correct - that these creatures do not have a self-awareness, except when
this self-awareness is programmed into them. This as a kind of awareness similar to that of a plant, except when
programmed to be self-aware.

This Awareness indicates that the programming of behavior being that which is implanted into these creatures,
according to the memory pattern from the predecessor.

This Awareness indicates that the creatures themselves carry certain subconscious programmings similar to that
of an entity who is in a kind of coma or zombie-like state. The entities basic functions and basic responses carry
through in the DNA cell memory, but the general programming of behavior and personality will occur from the

implanting of the memory of the predecessor - this through the methods described by Dr. Beter in his June 79


Then when a robotoid burns itself out and essentially dies, is there any form of soul-stuff that emerges and goes
into consciousness that might be identified with the original entity whom it replaced?


This Awareness indicates this as very little - this similar to ectoplasm, or the electromagnetic field of energy that
might emit from a hand or finger seen under Kirilian photography.

This Awareness indicates there is an energy which is released from these beings, that this also may be similar to
energy which is held in plants.

This Awareness indicates this may be somewhat stronger in the robotoid.

This Awareness suggests that the robotoid does not have a complete development of soul, but does have certain
spirit energies - this similar to what might be termed an elemental.

This Awareness indicates these creatures in time can be perfected scientifically through other means whereby
exact duplicates with potential for reproduction and human development could be made - this being closer to that
which Jehovah created on Mars as Adam and Eve, and this as being closer to that which this Awareness referred
to as synthetics.

This Awareness suggests the synthetics live longer than robotoids, that the synthetics have been created by
extra-terrestrials rather than Russians.


A question from R.K., of St. Cloud, Minn., which came in during June of 1978, end was held in abeyance
because at that time Awareness asked that we not question into this area. But in light of some of Dr. Beters
material, this particular question might prove enlightening:
The people at the Summit Lighthouse are being taught about so-called robot people. They ere supposedly
laboratory-created skull-less humans, who have reproduced themselves since the time of Atlantis, when they
were created. According to this source, there is a large percentage of these people in America today, particularly
in the government, because they ere easily influenced, and therefore manipulated by the Fallen Ones, who are
ceaselessly working to overtake the earth for their own use.
Would Awareness please comment on this?

This Awareness indicates that this information is basically correct. This Awareness suggests that this be included
in that material being released under the heading of UFO Project Reading.

This Awareness indicates that essentially these entities are being associated more with the synthetics this
Awareness has described, than with the robotoids described by Dr. Beter.

This Awareness indicates that explanations regarding both of these creations is available in other readings from

This Awareness indicates that essentially this is well-known by certain departments in the government - that
many of these have been involved in the government, and in fact, many of these robot-like creations have taken
over certain departments of government.

This Awareness wishes entities to consider that there have been several unusual movie plots during the past few
years, which are not purely science fiction.

This Awareness indicates that the movie Future World, wherein celebrities were taken into a new type of
amusement park, and their doubles emerged, this being in the state of Nevada.

This Awareness indicates this movie was, in actuality, based on the alien base which was in existence in the
mountains above Las Vegas, wherein these synthetics were being created, and released into society after
receiving proper training and programming and the necessary money for carrying out their assignments.

This Awareness indicates this movie as having had a substance based on reality.

This Awareness indicates also that the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers, wherein entities were being
created who became doubles for humans and took their place.

This Awareness suggests you consider this movie in light of the information which Dr. Beter has given on the


Would Awareness expand on that part of the question where it said, These entities have reproduced themselves
since the time of Atlantis, when they were created. Is that correct?


This Awareness indicates this as being essentially correct - that these entities as being somewhat more refined
than the robotoids or the synthetics.

This Awareness indicates that the synthetics as being creations by the alien UFO invaders - the word invaders as
not exactly appropriate, as these entities have been here for so long.

This Awareness indicates that the synthetics being created from parts taken from humans or from animals and
certain processes involving decompression chambers and various nutrients and magnetics.

This Awareness indicates that the robot-like humans which the Summit Lighthouse is referring to are basically
humans or humanoid in appearance and capability. The latest difference between themselves and humans is that
they have not been in used with the higher spiritual vibrations, but are more closely aligned to animal vibrations.

This Awareness indicates however that these can mate with the human being and in this manner receive the
divine vibrations. This Awareness indicates these also can develop over long periods of time to tune into
spiritual or divine energies.

This Awareness wishes to define the term divine energies - these being energies which allow for identification
with universal harmonies as opposed to simply self-oriented vibrations.

This Awareness indicates that generally however these beings are self-centered to an extreme, and may not even
have the ability or concern for self-preservation, but simply have a strong appetite and desire to acquire or to
obey an barter programming which has been passed on through the genetic code of the being.

This Awareness indicates that generally these creatures remain below the surface of the earth as subterranean
creations. These not however emerging to the surface except for certain assignments and purposes and these also
not generally emerging in that area known as Middle Earth that these entities generally remain in caverns and
caves and tunnels deep under the surface of the earth.

This Awareness indicates that these synthetics as being created from an action similar to cloning, yet in part
using certain flesh from animals or humans, particularly common is the use of the cerebral and nerve system of
the cow.

This Awareness indicates that these synthetics are put together and indeed living creatures in which astral beings
may enter to work through upon this physical plane.

This Awareness indicates these entities also are capable of creating synthetics who look exactly like other living
persons upon this plane. These entities being trained in an area in the mountains near Las Vegas, Nevada, given
information regarding the person who they are to replace, given background, childhood experiences, memories,
being given programmed memories of that child, and identification to allow them to slip in and fill the role of

that person.

This Awareness indicates that often there are created sets of synthetics who are identical in appearance, but are
placed in various areas so that they are not spotted or recognized as being the same person in two locations.

This Awareness indicates these entities generally are operating from a rather obscure position in society whereby
they do not call attention to themselves by their occupation, but these entities as generally having vast amounts
of money.

This Awareness indicates this as given to them before leaving the training area in Nevada this at present as
being approximately three to five hundred thousand dollars. This to allow them to mingle in society and serve as
agents for those aliens who are seeking to take over this planet.

This Awareness indicates that these entities in appearance have, until last year in February (1977) have had
certain types of characteristics that could be distinguished - that they showed no Adams apple; they did not eat
in public, for they have no need for food. They used pills, and when caught in a situation whereby they were
required to eat, would eat only soup or light salad - a very small amount.

This Awareness indicates that these entities generally had a mottled skin, something like pizza crust.

This Awareness indicates these entities often had a walk that was reminiscent of a penguin or duck, a kind of
waddle back and forth. These entities as not being able to turn their necks very far and needing to turn their
entire body, as though they had a stiff neck.

This Awareness suggests that the information being given presently not being given to allow entities to become
paranoid and search out me synthetics in their midst and begin some kind of persecution drive, but as being
given to allow entities to understand there is something occurring, and to assist them in being cautious in regard
to who they are associated with.

This Awareness indicates that these entities themselves are slaves. The Bigfoot creatures are slaves, and those
dwarfs and those entities beneath the ground known as Deros or detrimental robots, these also are slaves.

This Awareness indicates those entities referred to as Men in Black, the MIBS, are also slaves. That all these
entities are set up under that entity who has presented himself in the midst of the seat of power known as the

This Awareness indicates this entity as having control upon this hierarchy system, intent upon gaining power and
control of the earth, in order to set up his realms.

This Awareness indicates that these entities have great power in terms of physical and occult controls. That these
entities have machines which allow them to listen to the thoughts of others, which allow them to teleport; and
whereby, even in vehicles, they can hook their teleportation machine to the vehicle and teleport, or disappear,
right before the eyes of others.

This Awareness indicates these entities have the ability to appear, to materialize, before others.

This Awareness indicates that these entities have the ability to create pains and nausea and sickness in others.
These entities as often causing accidents and death and illness to those on the surface, particularly when these
entities on the surface level become too aware of their activities and become a threat.

This Awareness indicates that this realization and this awareness of these entities can become that which is
dangerous to know, until entities have the spiritual awareness which allows them to protect themselves from this
kind of psychic force and power that that these entities can emanate.

This Awareness wishes you to understand that these powers these entities use comes from an understanding of
the electromagnetic spectrum and the super spectrum.

This Awareness suggests that entities read the book by John Keel, called The Eighth Tower. This Awareness
indicates that in these various vibratory rates there are powers that echo and reflect from one octave to another.


This Awareness indicates that the Forces of Hades are using those powers which are of a lower vibratory rate
than are those who are working from levels of Celestria.

This Awareness indicates those higher vibratory rates have dominion over the lower vibratory rates. This
Awareness suggests that those who are attuned to the highest and best cannot be touched, cannot be harmed by
those forces which are operating from the lower vibratory rates.

This Awareness indicates that they can be aware of those forces. They can feel the vibrations of those lower
forces, but they cannot be shaken from their place, or destroyed, or shattered by lower vibratory rates.

This Awareness indicates that the only way entities of a higher vibratory rate can be harmed by those of a lower
vibratory rate, is if they allow themselves to become frightened, fearful and intimidated to the point of being

This Awareness suggests that in order to avoid this, this Awareness suggests that entities be cautious, careful,
loving, discerning, and protective-of that which is the highest and best, and to avoid careless exposure to those
areas and forces which can be harmful without having confidence and protection accompanying that exposure.



Awareness, it has been indicated (by this Awareness) that for the most part those heads of governments and
those entities in power that would create war, nuclear war, are synthetic entities, artificially created entities.

Now, Awareness has indicated these entities can be taken into the astral and programmed. Is this programming
confined to these synthetics entities, or can real live flesh and blood human beings with souls and spirits also be
taken into them astral levels and programmed?


This Awareness indicates that this is mostly with the real life flesh and blood entities in the movement into the
astral levels for programming. This Awareness indicates that generally the synthetics are programmed by
prompters of a physical nature.

This Awareness indicates however, they can also be influenced to a lesser degree from the inner planes.

This Awareness indicates there appears to be a very weak astral body in the synthetics. That essentially it is not
strong enough to be effectively programmed. That the efforts by those entities in the astral levels are aimed more
toward the programming of human agents on this plane and that the synthetics are generally used to carry out the
programming which was given by these human agents.

This Awareness indicates that this programming of synthetics is generally accomplished through electronic
technologies, this including a bioelectronic technology.


Awareness has previously indicated that synthetics have a difficult time eating the normal foods that the average
entity eats. There are certain people in government who are promoting the use of candy, like jelly beans. Is
candy a particular food source for these entities?


This Awareness indicates that this appears to be a way whereby these entities can take their supplements.

This Awareness indicates that this is not necessarily candy in the usual sense, but is a supplement which is made
to appear as candy.

This Awareness indicates that the technology associated with the synthetics and robotoids as that which has
progressed somewhat in the past several years and the limitations which were previously given are not as

pronounced at present as in the past.

This Awareness indicates that It does not wish to probe or reflect on this topic any further.

This Awareness indicates the reason being that it is too confusing and too bizarre for the readers of your
material. It detracts from greater concepts because of its bizarre nature.

This Awareness indicates however, that very gradually, information is being released whereby within
approximately 5 to 10 years entities will understand without such apprehension that life can indeed be created
using the cells to create a full grown adult human being of a synthetic nature.

This Awareness indicates that a recent tabloid released last month headlined the creation of a human being by

This Awareness indicates that this however, was not allowed to develop to full size. This creation was terminated
while at a very early stage of development.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose for releasing this information to the masses was simply to prepare
them for future acceptance of synthetics and robotoids in society.


Five years ago Dr. Beter made the statement to the effect that if entities could not grasp and fully understand this
concept of robotoids and implying later the synthetics, that nothing that was going to happen in the next 5 to 10
years was going to make any sense at all to them.

Does Awareness agree with that statement?


This Awareness indicates that this as a general statement is correct. This is not necessarily applying to every

This Awareness indicates that essentially all corporations of any magnitude have been take over by synthetics,
and are being controlled and run by those who are behind these forces.

This Awareness indicates that It does not mean that every individual in power in a corporation or in the
executive or administrative level are robotoids or synthetics, but rather those key positions within the structures
are quite usually controlled and operated by this type of being.

This Awareness indicates that in many instances the being is a replica of one who is still living, and this allows
the entity to be elsewhere, while still at his office.



This Awareness indicates there is seen some concern in regard to the concept of robotoids, synthetics, doubles
and humans in government.

This Awareness indicates that this in relation to readings which were released at previous times through this
channel and also in relation to information released by Dr. Peter David Beter in his tapes.

This Awareness indicates that the present situation in regard to these entities is such that specific individuals
shall not through this channel be singled out and defined in terms of their type.

This Awareness indicates that other questions in regard to this can be asked.

This Awareness indicates that the reason for this is for your own protection, for in singling out an individual and

calling that individual a robotoid or synthetic, or saying the person is a double, one could open oneself up to suits
or to other harassment.

This Awareness indicates that enough was presented previously to explain the nature of events that are occurring
behind the scenes and this Awareness does not intend to be used to point fingers at individuals, tattling on the
individual for being a robotoid, synthetic or double, for that is not the purpose of this Awareness coming to this
plane at this time.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose is to awaken consciousness to allow entities to have a greater
expansion of concepts that allow the mind to move into areas which were previously unthinkable, to expand
consciousness into thinking about unthinkable things, to explore the unknown and to discover new things
regarding the universe in which they live.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose is also to eliminate sorrow, suffering and tragedy from this plane,
through such enlightenment.

This Awareness indicates that for It to present messages of pointing out this or that statesman, labeling this or
that entity in order for people to hold certain judgments of that particular entity; this is not the function of this

This Awareness indicates that for the record, this Awareness indicates there are approximately 700,000 aliens on
this earth at this time; this besides the Wanderers who were born of earthly parents.

This Awareness indicates these entities have been since the time of the Eisenhower administration, the early 50's,
have been moving slowly and carefully into positions in government whereby they can have influence.

This Awareness indicates that some of these aliens rep-resent the Ahrimanic Forces, the Forces of Ahriman;
some of these represent the Galactic Command Forces, these beings of the Light Force who are assisting in
countering the efforts of the Dark Ahriman Forces.

This Awareness indicates the intrusion by these entities of the Galactic Force is to help assure the continuance of
this planet, for without their assistance and the assistance of those who are the Wanderers (read A Wanderers
Handbook), this planet would be lost and would be destined for destruction.

This Awareness indicates that many of these aliens of both the Ahriman Forces and of the Galactic Forces do
participate in actions whereby they enter into the bodies of those who are presently here, either as robotoids or
synthetics, or whereby they enter in duplicate form, replacing entities who pass on, or they may enter as Walk-
ins, whereby the owner of the body steps out and allows the body to be taken over by an alien being.

This Awareness indicates that this message as that which may be released or may be held back from your
readership at your discretion; that It does not consider this to be an important factor to the current needs of your
membership, but that it does have some degree of interest to some entities.

This Awareness indicates it also may lead some of your readership to consider it as being too bizarre and
unbelievable for public consumption.

This Awareness is not concerned about whether or not this message is released; that it is your choice.

This Awareness suggests that if there are other questions in regard to this, that these may be asked, so long as
individual names are not included in asking questions about public figures.


Well, about the main question that members write is: they read the information released back in `79, five years
ago, about these various public figures which the communications, and Dr. Beter explicitly showed were
eliminated and made into substitute entities... the question most often asked is that they want us to explain, as
publishers of the information, how come these same people five years later are still in the news, still running for
offices, still talking the same old line, look like they always did, sound like they always did and so forth, and we
simply don't know what to tell them because Dr. Beter hasn't published any more information on it.



This Awareness indicates that this information was given at they time; it was explained in those readings and in
that information at the time that these entities were replaced by those which were called robotoids in some
instances, or by those which were called synthetics.

This Awareness indicates it takes little stretch of the imagination to realize that if they were replaced once, they
can be replaced by still another duplicate.

This Awareness indicates that these synthetics and these robotoids may have been replaced by human doubles.
This Awareness reminds you that there are quite often look-alike contests, that many of the movie stars have
look-alike doubles; that many of the tabloids on occasion will have contests, searching for entities who look like
the new president, and this Awareness suggests that these contests are often sponsored and used by those forces
seeking to find doubles to play the parts for these public figures.

This Awareness indicates that down through the ages kings have often had their doubles; that this is no secret. It
may be unknown to many of your members, but it is no secret; that there are many who are aware of this; there
are many historians who recognize that this has been part of the formula for protecting the monarchies.

This Awareness indicates that there are a number of ways whereby entities who are seen at one time may be
replaced by another who looks similar.



I have a few question from one of the SPIRAL people,
Recently reference was made in the Village Voice newspaper to the subjection of, Russian dissidents to E.M.R.
(electromagnetic radiation) emitted from Russian remote sensing instrumentation, which involves thought
detect-ion studies via scanning microwave holography. Would Awareness please explain the process and tell us
if this is related to the production of synthetics and robotoids.

Also, is the method now in use for thought detection of US. citizens; and if so, how can we protect against it?

This Awareness indicates that this as being an advanced form of radionics, or that which is known as psionics;
that this also as related to instruments described in the Shaver mystery material, produced in the early 40s.

This Awareness indicates that the present technology using these devices is that which has its basis from the
radionics of vibration, or frequency, whereby the instrument tunes in to the particular frequency of the subject,
and from such frequency, can detect as well as send information. That this as associated with the mind of the
operator, whereby the operator can send certain frequency through the machine, while also sending certain data
from the mind of the operator to the subject, once the subject has been identified and tuned in to by the
frequency on the machine.

This Awareness indicates that similarly, in the radionics machines, whereby the subject may be contacted by its
frequency, either through use of a photograph, or through a part of the subject containing the vibration of the
subject; (this may also include the signature of the subject); that the machine may be used to locate and identify
the frequency of the subject, to send a particular energy or to send a particular message.

This Awareness indicates that an example being to use a photograph of an orchard, whereby every other row is
painted with pesticide to kill the pests in those rows in that orchard. This photograph then being placed in the
radionics or psionics machine, then sends forth the vibration which tend to kill the pests on those rows marked
on the photograph.

This Awareness indicates that likewise, this may be used to heal diseased plants or subjects, by giving medicines
to the photograph rather than poisons.

This Awareness indicates that the principle being that of the Law of Correspondence, wherein that which is a

substitution for another thing carrying the vibrations of that thing, may be used for psychic attunement; this
closely associated with principles used in voodoo.

This Awareness indicates that what has been described is relatively well-known by entities involved in the
radionics field; that the new twist which has been more recently developed by the Soviets, is that of scanning the
mind of entities in order to not send, but receive information from entities whose photographs are available.

This Awareness indicates that the principle works the same, except in reverse: rather than sending a thought, the
operator becomes open to receive a thought by attuning to the frequency of the machine, after the machine has
tuned to the frequency in the photograph.

This Awareness indicates that this is not an exclusive machine used by Soviets, that the United States has also
use of this type of equipment and it has been in use for some time - this in certain segments, particularly
associated with the Rockefeller powers and the agencies under their control.


This principle is also used in the creation of the robotoids and synthetics, is it not?


This Awareness indicates that the principle as particularly developed in the Soviet Union for use in gathering
information electronically, and implanting that information into the robotoid through the attunement of
frequency; this as similar to a program which would combine recording techniques with broadcasting techniques.

This Awareness asks you to imagine a particular machine that could not only record information, such as on a
tape, but take from that recording - read off the vibrations from the tape by erasing or drawing out; that
information without losing the vibrations or frequencies, and implanting that information into another tape.

This Awareness indicates this may be difficult to imagine, yet it becomes simple when you consider the
transplanting of information from a phonograph record to another phonograph record through the usual process
of duplicating records.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, these machines through attunement to vibrations, can tap the
consciousness of an entity, record the frequencies, and translate and broadcast these energies to other entities
through the machines involved


Another question from the entity in SPIRAL.
Is the Eastern establishment encouraging and permitting an increasing number of large corporate mergers to
occur at this time in a frantic attempt to implement a corporate world-wide dictatorship? And are the Bolsheviks
in control in the United States lending to this plan so that their plan of taking over the United States will then be
made easier?
Large power blocks might be easier to nationalize than many smaller ones.


This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative, particularly in the first part.

This Awareness indicates that in reference to the Bolsheviks allowing this to occur, that this as being allowed
with reservation. That wherein the Bolsheviks find an opportunity to move in and establish control of these
corporations, this would be acceptable to these Bolsheviks, even though the total dictatorship had not yet been

This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Bolsheviks have much control of these corporations already, in
that many of the heads of corporations are in fact synthetics, this having been accomplished during the past two


This Awareness wishes to clarify also to entities that there are very few robotoids in the United States; that these
entities have been essentially removed and replaced by synthetics.

This Awareness indicates that this appears to have been a source of misunderstanding by many entities who still
speak of robotoids in the United States.

This Awareness indicates there are a few, but the majority have been replaced by synthetics of the Bolshevik


Would Awareness give an approximate figure of the number of synthetics there are now in the United States in
the government and corporations and other places? Just a ballpark figure...?


This Awareness indicates that it appears approximately one-third of the entities in the higher level of government
agencies and also in corporations, - approximately 20% in the corporation levels - this in terms of the larger
corporations. That this 20% being in terms of the higher echelons of the corporations, not referring to the lower
management levels.

This Awareness indicates this including the banking system to some degree also. That this also includes the
security agencies of the government, wherein many of these entities are synthetic in nature.

This Awareness indicates that this information as that which can become somewhat troublesome in terms of
questions from your membership, and may cause you to lose some of your membership.

This Awareness suggests that you consider whether you wish to print this or withhold this information.


Is there any foolproof method that an entity who is non-synthetic can detect the new, improved synthetic? For
example, legend has it that vampires cast no reflection, no shadow, or ...


This Awareness indicates that this as a reference to the aura; that these entities who have no aura of magnitude.
That the aura as that which is limited in size to a very small close thin aura, or only that which surrounds the

This Awareness indicates that with certain machines using processes similar to Kirlian photography, or with
psionic machines, entities can distinguish the synthetic from the real entity or from the robotoid. That without
such, the entities cannot, except through sensitivity or ability to see auras, make such distinctions.

This Awareness suggests that entities not become overly curious about things which they can do nothing with or
about; or about things which, if they become too involved in, would simply cost them their lives.

This Awareness reminds you of the saying that curiosity killed the cat.

This Awareness indicates that it is one thing to become aware, it is another thing to know too much for your own
good; for there are those who take great pains at preventing entities from finding out what is happening.

This Awareness indicates that in order to continue to function upon this plane, entities must grow in wisdom and
knowledge at a pace which is not too rapid, so as to draw too much attention; at a pace whereby entities can not
be too outstanding, but whereby they can be on the cutting-edge of consciousness without protruding out beyond
that edge.

This Awareness indicates that It must withhold some information for the right time; that when It gives too much,
trouble follows.


This Awareness indicates that it is healthy to be curious, but it is also healthy to be patient and to be able to
accept that which has been given, knowing that there is more which may come later.

This Awareness does not intend to chastise anyone for questioning, but rather wishes to explain why certain
information often must not yet be released. That in retrospect, looking back at the information on the UFOs,
wherein for approximately ten years entities were asking questions regarding the UFOs; if entities will recall the
information released in that message regarding the UFOs and synthetics, they will now understand why this
Awareness did not release this information ten years earlier.

This Awareness indicates that even when it was released, it lead to the loss of approximately one-third of the
CAC membership, and to many questions, hostilities and other expressions of disbelief.

This Awareness indicates that there are many areas which the human mind cannot conceive, refuses to examine,
and would not believe, yet wants to know. This Awareness indicates that the area of robotoids, synthetics, and
the intrigues of the government are very touchy areas which can cause problems, even though entities may, out
of curiosity, wish to find out what they cant.

This Awareness indicates that curiosity is that which sets the thinking mind apart from the dull and thoughtless
mind; yet curiosity, if not checked, can also be fatal.



I have a small file of previously unreleased information on robotoids and synthetics. Would it be appropriate to
put that together sometime and publish it?


This Awareness indicates that this could be published, presented more for those who wish to pursue this further.
This Awareness indicates that there is very little value in that information except as satisfying those who are
obsessed and curious about the entities; that essentially, the general information regarding robotoids as that
which has already been released except in regard to the link between the aliens and the robotoid factor.

This Awareness indicates that many entities who have not been with your organization for a long period of time
will find this to he quite unusual and disturbing perhaps. These entities could be referred to the Dr. Beter
information for further information on robotoids. There is very little real value in pursuing this, and this
Awareness does not encourage entities to pursue research that only satisfies curiosity in regard to its having to do
with bizarrism.

However, because these things have some effect on the potential future of individuals, this Awareness brings out
the information in a general sense.

This Awareness prefers that entities have the general overview and not become obsessed with details regarding
robotoids or synthetics or any of this bizarre information just because it is bizarre and may have some curiosity
to know all the details, such as: What do robotoids eat for breakfast? and so forth. That these things are of little
significance. What is of significance is that there is an influence acting upon the affairs of humans which entities
know little or nothing about which have many ramifications and is behind much of what you see in the news
which is never mentioned, and it is this factor of this unseen hand or unseen influence that this Awareness
wishes entities to become aware of.

It does not wish to engage in disputes, arguments or questions dealing with the miniscule details of some bizarre
aspect here or there, just to satisfy some mental curiosity, or obsession that an entity might develop. There are
certain mentalities that tend to focus not on the overview or on the significance of something but on some
miniscule detail and they become obsessed with knowing everything about that particular detail, in order to
become some kind of expert or something, and this is not the purpose this Awareness has for giving this

This Awareness does not particularly wish to deny information, but It does not wish to focus on information that
is irrelevant to the main purpose of Its communication on this plane


[] Theres some questions that arise from a book called: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton III, and
theres a part of this book called: THE DULCE BASE, by Jason Bishop III, and Id like to read some of this, if
its alright, and ask Awareness to confirm or deny this information, and when appropriate, to expand on it.*


They were interested in intelligent Disposable Biology (Humanoids), to do the dangerous atomic (Plutonium)
rocket and saucer experiments. We cloned our own little Humanoids, via a process perfected in the Bio-
Genetic Research Center of the World, Los Alamos!


This Awareness indicates this relates to the synthetics and in Russia, to the robotoids; that the reading continue.


Now, we have our own disposable slave-race. Like the alien Greys (EBES), the U.S. government
clandestinely impregnated females, then removed the hybrid fetus, (after about 3 months) and then accelerated
their growth in the Lab. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is instilled; they are implanted and
controlled at a distance through regular RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions. These act as telepathic Channels
and telemetric brain (Advanced Research Project Agency). Two of the procedures were R.H.I.C. (Radio-
Hypnotic Intracerebral Memory).

The brain transceiver is inserted into the head through the nose. These devices are used in the Soviet Union and
the United States, as well as in Sweden. The Swedish Prime Minister Palme gave the National Swedish Police
Board the right, in 1973, to insert brain transmitters into the of human beings covertly.

They also developed ELF and E.M. wave propagation equipment (RAYS), which can affect the nerves and can
cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This is essentially the same as Richard Shavers Cavern Telaug

This research into biodynamic relationships within organisms (Biological Plasma) has produced a RAY that
can change the genetic structure and HEAL also.

Is that information correct?


This Awareness indicates that this is correct; that the instruments which Dr. Beter once spoke of in his Audio
Letters as being able to locate and determine what anyone on earth was doing at any time, is an instrument that
was just spoken of, that was made available through his contacts with scientists in Nevada; that they were using
these instruments in order to supply him with information for his Audio Letters. You will recall that often he
spoke of entities who would allegedly be at some place, but by his sources would be found to be elsewhere, such
as Jim Jones actually being flown to Israel and being thrown out of a plane near the Turkish boarder, and other
instances of a similar nature, wherein entities were believed by press releases and so forth to be in a certain
place, and Dr. Beter would indicate that they were truly elsewhere.

This Awareness indicates that this also allowed them to distinguish between the real entity and a duplicate, a
double who was replacing that entity, because the vibration of that double would be slightly altered and different.

This Awareness indicates that Dr. Beter also was able to distinguish the difference between a robotoid, synthetic
and human, because the human had a soul at the time; that in his later reports and in further technology, the
robotoids were even being given a soul.

This Awareness indicates that this occurred through further alien technology in which the soul of an entity can
be severed from the body and implanted into anothers body. It is a technology that allows for the Walk-In. It
also allows for the soul to be put into a duplicate body, a robotoid for example, so that the soul can continue to

exist after the first body has been eliminated, and in this kind of action it is almost the same as if the entity had
received a new body. That in this sense, and for the purposes of changing the entity from one body to another,
the reason for such might be, for example, to alter the memory or alter the philosophy of an entity in moving it
from one body to another, by erasing certain aspects of memory.
This aspect is discussed further in the next chapter reserved for the Cassiopaean channeling material, where it is
claimed that human souls can be extracted from their bodies, reprogrammed while in an etheric state, and
inserted into a duplicate physical body.

Upon completion, this process results in an individual who shares his or her former superficial identity but is
covertly and perhaps unknowingly in complete subservience to the agenda of his or her programmers, to the
point of going against his own previous ideals and opinions and instead disseminating disinformation dressed up
by the credibility of his former self.

The Cassiopaeans were not asked why body duplication is preferred over reanimation of the original body, but
fortunately Awareness explains this in detail.
This Awareness indicates you will recall that the memory is stored in the etheric, between the mental and etheric
bodies, and that it can be altered in the human. It can also be erased, and by taking the soul and these bodies
from one physical body and putting them into another replica of the physical body, they can actually bring about
a changed person with a different philosophy or different values, and yet the entity would essentially be the same

This Awareness indicates that perhaps this can answer many questions that entities have had, in regard to past
notable figures that have been indicated by Dr. Beter as having been replaced by duplicate bodies.

This Awareness suggests the reading continue.

The studies on Level No. 4 at Dulce, include Human-Aura Research, as well as all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis,
Telepathy, etc. They know how to manipulate the Bio-plasmic Body (of Man). They can lower your heart beat
with deep sleep Delta Waves, induce a static shock, then re-program via a Brain-Computer link. They can
introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind (Information impregnation - the Dream Library.)

We are entering an era of the technologicalization of psychic powers. The development of techniques to enhance
man/machine communications; Nano-tech; Bio-tech micro-machines; Psi-War; E.D.O.M. (Electronic
Dissolution of Memory); R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control); and various forms of behavior
control (via chemical agents, ultra-sonics, optical and other EM radiations). The Physics of Consciousness.

This Awareness indicates that it is also on this level that the technique whereby souls can be extracted from the
physical and transferred into other bodies or into replicas occurs. That in the transference there can also be the
alteration of memories, values and qualities of the soul, so that an entity can appear to be the same, but there will
be certain changes that have occurred that may be unseen, and the attitude and purposes and directions of the
entity may then be controlled.

This Awareness indicates that this occurs when the vibratory qualities of a soul are extracted by these electronic
equipment from a body and moved into another. This needs not necessarily be a replica of the entity; it can be a
totally different persons body, in which case it becomes what is termed a walk-in.

This Awareness indicates that if it is a replica, it will tend to work with the replica to create the final features that
result in a duplication of the features of the entity.

That this generally takes place on the almost human form, when the mind-state or soul energies, including the
various electro-body energies are transferred, and as they begin to grow and attach themselves to that almost
human form. The features then begin to solidify, to match the features of the electro-magnetic energies and the
soul energies and astral energies and other mental and etheric bodies of the older original being.

[] This Awareness indicates that the Stan Deyo book (The Cosmic Conspiracy) has been suppressed in this
country. There is some chance of getting copies from Australia. There are rare copies in the United States.


This Awareness indicates that in regard to the corporations as being fascist in nature; that this is in the
affirmative. This Awareness suggests also that you will recall remarks by Dr. Beter that heads of corporations
were being replaced by synthetics or robotoids; in other words, replicas of themselves.

This Awareness indicates that this as having been part of the alien program in order to assure continued use of
such corporations.

These entities being replaced are under control, or were under control, of these technologies of the alien and of
those who were putting implants into their replicas to control the corporations, according to their general plans.



A question from XX, who writes:
When my husband Robert retired last year, I noticed what looked like scars with pink scar tissue behind his
ears. Also, the space under his ears was more concave. His personality also changed (for the better). This will
sound like a strange question, but Ill ask it to help other women in a similar predicament. Is this man who is so
similar yet different than my husband of many years, a double of my real husband? Is his body now inhabited by
a walk-in? What is going on?

This Awareness indicates that this appears to be in the affirmative; that it appears your husband was deeply
involved in levels and projects of a very unusual nature; that this entity as being different.

This Awareness refers you back to the messages of Dr. Beter and earlier messages from this Awareness in regard
to the creation of duplicates and the transplanting of intelligence from one entity to another.

This Awareness suggests this as something you may prefer to keep to yourself as it would be of no benefit to
pursue further concerns.

This Awareness indicates however, that you also need to be aware the scars behind the ears as implying the
implants of monitors that can have some control over this entity.

This Awareness suggests that names be stricken from this question, so that this entity can be identified.

(Follow-Up) Vikki:

For her own benefit, is it best for her to pretend to herself that this still is her husband and maintain as normal a
relationship as possible?


This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative; that this entity may make the best of her relationship
with this entity in accordance with what feels proper to her; that the entity actually is modified to be a better
husband for her; that some of the more gentle qualities of this entity have been made stronger and the more harsh
qualities have been removed, in this creation.



We occasionally get questions like this one from J.J. particularly since weve been advising the new members to
review some of the earlier material, She asks:
The current Carter family emerges in the news from time to time, all three of them in connection with the best
of causes: pacifism, ecology, building homes for the poor, etc. In what possible fashion does this serve the
purposes of those who replaced the originals with these, or is it simply a function of the duplicative material


This Awareness indicates that these entities as being used more now for the purpose of the causes in an effort of
keeping good will. That this is a very difficult question to answer without getting into the entire alien technology
of the use of duplicates and their ability to transfer consciousness and the replacement of parts. It would open a
can of worms to answer this question at this time.

This Awareness suggests that entities may wish to review this information in light of the Dr. Beter material
regarding synthetics and robotoids and to also then study the mate] that is available in regard to the aliens and
their technology how this is and has been adopted in a kind of secrecy by the government: all of this is simply
too much in terms of getting into military secrets to answer such a question.

It simply cannot be answered through this channel in this manner without endangering the entities involved for
there is information needed that is not yet made public which, if exposed, would break secrecy of your
government. This in regard to the duplication of beings. It is also unnecessary for entities to have this
information although it is a fascinating concept which tends to create a fixation for the mind to attempt to
understand something that is in effect quite intriguing, even bizarre.

This Awareness suggests however, that if you wish to understand the concept of robotoids and synthetics, you
may find much of this very powerful information in one or two paragraphs in the book Alien Magic, in which
there is a very brief description of how these entities are created, as witnessed by abductees who were inside the
Dulce base in New Mexico.

That by reading what is said and what has been given previously in regard to robotoids and synthetics, an entity
can read between the lines and get a strong hint of the general nature of these technologies, and in understanding
this, and that the CIA and aliens have worked together in the Dulce base as indicated in the book and in other
sources, entities can put two and two together for themselves to reach answers.



[] To extract a lifetimes worth of information out of his head in four hours, they must have some very
sophisticated equipment or something to do that, do they not?


This Awareness reminds you, however, that this technology is not unique to the aliens; that in the creation of
Robotoids and synthetics it was also used, whereby an entitys consciousness could be extracted and put into the
double for that entity, allowing the double to remember everything the entity also knew.

This Awareness reminds you that Dr. Beter spoke of this and this Awareness discussed this information
approximately 10 to 12 years ago.


In one of his questions, I recall that he described the movie They Live and all of the various ways that the
public was being deceived by these entities, and he was focusing on the possibility that with the Robotoids and
synthetics and doubles and all of these implants, that it would possible to construct some simple method so
entities could see these entities around them.


This Awareness indicates that there might be some electronic means whereby measurements could be obtained
in terms of electronic frequency that would allow discrimination between one type of entity and another.

This Awareness indicates that the field of radionics essentially does this kind of thing. The entity seeking to
attune to anothers vibration, uses a kind of drum with powder and moves the fingers around on this until they
stick, while at the same time turning a knob which changes frequency on the machine and when the fingers stick,
the frequency at a certain level is assumed to be the frequency of the person or individual the operator is attuned


Once you have that frequency, then you set the dials to that entitys frequency and begin to do readings on the
entity in terms of frequencies associated with illness or other concerns. You could use the same method for
finding the frequency in a diode or implant that the entity may have within himself, or if the entity is a synthetic
or Robotoid or non-human type, you might use this method for finding what frequency this entity is and thus,
gain some understanding of the frequency level associated with synthetics.
For more on radionics, research the works of Dr Ruth Drown. A decent radionics box consists of nine small
rheostats (wire-wound variable resistors) with numbered dials (1 through 10) electrically connected in series.
Into this tuning arrangement is plugged an electrode upon which rests a sample of what is to be analyzed.

The output of the tuning arrangement passes through a metal plate covered in stretched latex, the metal plate then
being connected to earth ground. An operator rubs the latex covering (called a stick plate) while tuning the dials
until the fingers stick and the latex makes a snapping sound indicating the dial has been properly tuned the
operator then moves to the other dials and repeats the procedure until all nine are tuned.

This produces a nine digit readout encoding the vibrational characteristics of the analyzed sample. It is a
sophisticated form of dowsing; whereas pendulum dowsing produces little more than three answers:
yes/no/maybe, a radionics box with nine dials allows for two billion possible numeric answers.
The only problem is you would have to know for sure the entity is a synthetic and there would need to be a great
enough difference between most entities and synthetics that there would always be a standard level for synthetics
shown by the vibration or frequency so that you could distinguish this entity is a synthetic because his vibrations
are those that match other synthetics that we have tested.

This Awareness indicates that it would require many years of research unless it has already been done and you
would also need to have a control group of synthetics to measure and compare with a control group of real
humans to determine if there is indeed a difference in the vibration and how much difference and if it is always
present in synthetics and if the human vibrations never extend into the same areas as the synthetics.

This Awareness indicates that it is an area which would require considerable commitment and long-term
research and probably quite a large amount of time and money.



I dont understand why it is easier for the aliens to kill someone and then force back their soul into the Robotoid
body, makes it easier to reprogram them to do things that would have been morally repugnant to them in their
previous body.

This Awareness indicates that this is not what this Awareness has indicated at any time, that aliens were killing
them in order to use their soul in some other body, to get them to do something they would not have done
otherwise. This is conjecture.

This Awareness indicates that It has indicated that the aliens technology - and this can be used by others besides
the aliens themselves - the alien technology as having been used to record the psyche or information or soul
qualities of an individual.

It is possible for these entities to extract a recording, an electronic recording of ones memories, psyche and
vibrations, including the personality, and to put these into a synthetic replica of the entity.

This Awareness indicates that the actions have been done for numerous years as have been described in the Dr.
Beter tapes; that it does not even require the first entity be killed in order to extract this recording or this
information and to transplant the recording to the personality, etc., into a double.

The double can exist along with the original. It is seldom exactly the same, but is usually very much the same.
There is always something lost in the transfer.

This Awareness indicates that the double can also be altered in terms of its information, so that it can be
reprogrammed more easily than the original.

This Awareness indicates it is in this way that an entity may be caused to take a position that is different from the
position the original held, because the new programming or the collection of vibrations that hold the information
of the individual when transplanted to a new body can be altered with new programming because it is not based
on direct experience.

The information the original obtained was obtained by direct experience linked with emotions. The information,
when it is transferred, does not have that same depth of attachment and therefore, can be altered more easily.
This Awareness indicates that this is not necessarily a transfer of the soul; the aliens do have the ability to sever
the soul or cause a split in the soul or move the soul of an entity into someone else.

This, of course, as being subject to a definition of what is meant by the soul. Theres a certain aspect of an entity
that goes on, and that may be termed the true soul. There is still another aspect of the entity that is the emotional
passion associated with the magnetic center of an entity and it may be moved it may be severed from the etheric
body and from the physical body and this results in a kind of splitting of the soul.

It is not necessarily the ultimate spirit of the entity, but it can be a great injury to the soul of the entity so that the
soul development, if left to progress naturally, would be different from the soul development that is tampered
with by alien technology and injured in the process of transfer. It is for this reason that many of those in other
areas who have sent some of their best to the earth to assist on the earth are very concerned and are considering
pulling them out because they are receiving them back with warped, twisted, broken souls that cannot easily be

This Awareness indicates the problem here is language. The term soul in one use is different from what
another may mean by soul. In speaking of the immortal soul; that part which is indestructible, referring to this
as the life of the entity the more permanent part of the entity, this may be but likened unto a denser part of the
larger soul in which there are lesser parts that are not so dense that can be severed and can be split off and put
into another body. You will retain the same essence of the entity, but without the depth of soul.

This Awareness indicates that this is extremely complicated when attempting to communicate it in words rather
than energies. If entities can see behind the words to the energies that make up the soul, and realize that the soul
is not just a thing, It is an energy that is accumulating experience and that there are parts of that energy that are
denser than others, that are more permanent than others, and that every little incident is added to the overall
complex known as the soul, but that many of these incidents can be lost, can be forgotten without the soul itself
being destroyed or lost and forgotten, or these incidents can continue to compact and grow and develop into a
larger and more compressed soul, so that all of these incidents are part of the soul.

If you can understand what makes up the soul, that it is an accumulation of experience, then it becomes more
easy to understand what is meant when one speaks of the severing of the soul. A part can be cut off, whereby one
loses experiences, loses memories, loses a part of ones essence, and is returned, remaining immortal but
damaged from the experience of alien severing of ones soul.

If you can understand that, rather than simply seeing words, then perhaps you can understand what is meant by
this concept of transferring a soul or transferring energies or personalities from an original being to its
counterpart replica.

This Awareness indicates it is a fact that many entitles who have known the original and who then meet the
replica will comment. It looks like him, it claims to be him, but it isnt the same person I used to know.


The terminology is confusing. Can we accurately say then that the Robotoids and the synthetics are artificially
created creatures and sometimes imbued with soul-stuff by the aliens, and the walk-ins are living humans that
have abandoned their body; their soul has either abandoned it, or been pushed out and taken over by an alien


This is in the affirmative. The personality that has been imbedded on the brain (this in reference to the walk-ins)
in terms of its recording of events and memories, remains with the body. The brain serves in the same way as a

cassette tape recording stays on the tape and has its impression on the tape, whereas the etheric astral or soul
energies may also carry these same memories.

An entity entering into a body that is abandoned by a soul will still have access to the entitys memory of events.

The entity will still be able to recognize friends and associates, certain jobs and skills, and will in general appear
to be the same person, but the entity generally knows that he is someone else in this body, and generally those
who know the entity closely will recognize a major change; that the entity is like the one before, but is different,
appears to be a different person.

Sometimes the walk-in is much more enjoyable to be around than the original.
Further resources on Cosmic Awareness:
The Master File

The Ra Material

The Ra Material is considered by many to be one of the most accurate and consistent set of channeled messages
ever published. Printed in five small volumes known as The Law of One books, the material primarily focused
on a practical system of spirituality and cosmology centered around the concept that All is One.

Additionally, the material explored relatively more mundane subjects including the nature of negative alien
forces (termed the Orion Crusaders) and their involvement in the manipulation of mankind.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 12
January 28, 1981

Questioner: Are there any Confederation or Orion entities living upon the Earth and operating visibly among us
in our society at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no entities of either group walking among you at this time. However, the crusaders of
Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding, shall we say. The first type is the thought-form; the second, a
kind of robot.

Questioner: Could you describe the robot?

Ra: I am Ra. The robot may look like any other being. It is a construct.

Questioner: Is the robot what is normally called the "Men in Black"?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

Questioner: Who are the Men in Black?

Ra: I am Ra. The Men in Black are a thought-form type of entity which have some beingness to their make-up.
They have certain physical characteristics given them. However, their true vibrational nature is without third-
density vibrational characteristics and, therefore, they are able to materialize and dematerialize when necessary.

Questioner: Are all of these Men in Black then used by the Orion crusaders?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 5
Session 12, January 28, 1981

Questioner: If a Man In Black were to visit me and I locked him in the closet could I keep him, or would he

Ra: I am Ra. It depends upon which type of entity you grab. You are perhaps able to perceive a construct. The
construct might be kept for a brief period, although these constructs also have an ability to disappear. The

programming on these constructs, however, makes it more difficult to remotely control them. You would not be
able to grapple with a thought-form entity of the Man in Black, as you call it, type.
Above, Ra distinguishes between the robotic creatures and the thought-form entities, both of which are used by
the Orion Crusaders as control devices. From the description given, gray drones are good candidates for the
robotic types.

But that the robotic beings are construct and may look like any other being suggests they may take human form
if manufactured as such; in other words, they are synthetics as defined in the Dr Peter Beter Audio Letters and
the Cosmic Awareness channeling.

Note that like Ra, Awareness claimed synthetics are associated mostly with alien forces.

The Allies of Humanity

Although not a significant source on the subject of human simulacra, there is one potential reference to it in The
Allies of Humanity.

What claim to be a group of benevolent alien observers have dictated through Marshall Vian Summers this
manuscript, which is essentially an appeal to humanity to become aware of the hostile alien agenda and the
impending enslavement of planet earth.

Through awareness and preparation, these alien observers hope mankind can head off a grim totalitarian future.
Here there is a great challenge for the people of your world and particularly for those who are in positions of
power and responsibility to recognize the difference between a spiritual presence and a visitation from the
Greater Community. Yet how can you have the framework to make this distinction? Where can you learn such
things? Who in your world is in the position to teach about the reality of the Greater Community?

Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for life beyond the world, and life beyond the world is
now in your world, seeking to establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and
hearts and souls of people everywhere. It is so simple. And yet so devastating.

Therefore, our task in these messages is to bring a great warning, but the warning is not enough. There must be a
recognition amongst your people. At least amongst enough people here, there must be an understanding of the
reality that you are now facing. This is the greatest event in human history - the greatest threat to human freedom
and the greatest opportunity for human unity and cooperation.

We recognize these great advantages and possibilities, but with each passing day their promise fades - as more
and more people are captured and their awareness is recultivated and reconstituted, as more and more people
learn of the spiritual teachings that are being promoted by the visitors and as more and more people become
more acquiescent and less able to discern.

We have come at the request of the Unseen Ones to serve in this capacity as observers. Should we be successful,
we will remain in the proximity of your world only long enough to continue to give you this information.

Beyond that, we will return to our own homes. Should we fail and should the tide turn against humanity and
should the great darkness come over the world, the darkness of domination, then we will have to depart, our
mission unfulfilled. Either way, we cannot stay with you, though should you show promise we shall stay until
you are safeguarded, until you can provide for your selves. Included in this is the requirement that you be self-

Should you become reliant upon trade with other races, this creates a very great risk of manipulation from
beyond, for humanity is not yet strong enough to resist the power in the Mental Environment that can be exerted
here and is being exerted here now.
as more and more people are captured and their awareness is recultivated and reconstituted [emphasis mine]
The choice of words is very revealing because it implies something beyond mere social indoctrination.

To be captured is not unlike being abducted, and awareness being recultivated and reconstituted is even more
indicative of something already detailed in earlier chapters: the abduction, extraction, and reprogramming of the
soul during the duplication process.


Like reconstituted orange juice, the soul is similar but not quite identical to its original form.

Further information in The Allies of Humanity.

Dr Karla Turner

The late Dr Karla Turner was a dynamite researcher whose investigations during the early 1990s focused on
aspects of the abduction phenomenon considered taboo by mainstream UFOlogy.

This led her into dangerous territory because it struck at the core of the alien agenda, revealing it to be far
from benevolent. An abductee herself, she wrote three books detailing her own experiences and those of others.

Her books are out of print and extremely rare, but fortunately the most important of her works titled Taken is
now available, from which the following excerpts have been extracted:
The second controversial area reported by Lisa involves, as with the case of Pat in the previous chapter, the
viewing of "new bodies." She told me that her memory of seeing a new body occurred sometime in late 1992.
Although she was keeping a journal by that time, which recorded UFO sightings, conscious events, and dreams,
both alien-instigated and the normal, self-generated variety, she refused for some reason to include this event in
the record.

Lisa recalled lying on a table aboard a craft, with her "new body" beside her.
"I got out of my old body," she said, "and stood next to it. I was looking it over, and I even looked at my teeth.
The body was perfect, but it had my long hair that I used to have. Somebody said they could make people
believe that was me," she continued, "even though it was perfect and with long hair. I wanted so badly to get in
it, but I did not. I don't remember who the beings were in the room with me, just being overwhelmed seeing the
body. I don't remember how I got back in my old body."
...Of more concern are the three accounts of abductees seeing, or being told of, cloned human bodies. Both Lisa
and Pat were shown clones of their bodies, although they were given different explanations. Similar reports
come from other abductees, and in one case a man said he saw a room full of inert male and female human
bodies, who were beautiful and identical. The implications of such reports are enormous, considering the
possible uses the aliens could make of these carbon-copy human bodies.

...But by far the most alarming evidence of alien technology concerns the "new" bodies and "clones" they
manufacture. Whether these are really bodies for a future human "resurrection," as Pat was told, remains to be
seen, for other explanations have been given. In a case privately reported, for instance, a man was told that a
duplicate of his body could be used to "replace" him if he didn't "cooperate" with the aliens. Lisa, too, was told
that other people wouldn't be able to distinguish her cloned body from the original, if they chose to replace her.

And Angie was shown the cloned infants as part of a "novel breed" the aliens are producing.
Here we see some compelling references to human duplication by hostile aliens.

These are testimonials given by individuals who experienced for themselves evidence of the human simulacra
phenomenon, and who despite not knowing each other or being familiar with the other sources discussed in this
document gave virtually identical accounts.
The implications of such reports are enormous, considering the possible uses the aliens could make of these
carbon-copy human bodies.
Dr Turner knew this was a significant subject, one with disturbing implications. In Taken she did not further
explore these implications, but from what has been discussed so far in this document, these should be obvious.

Dr Turners continued exploration into the darker corners of the abduction phenomenon invited much hostility
by those forces threatened with exposure:
I began the book project, and in the course of taking care of necessary business through the mail, it soon became
clear that many of my letters to the women were being diverted. It was an annoyance, but a minor one. But then
the women began having serious problems, physical afflictions of a suspiciously similar nature. Beth was first.

On the night she decided to participate in the project, she phoned a friend to discuss the decision, but in the midst
of the conversation the line went dead. That night, she had disturbing but cloudy dreams, and the next morning
both her legs from knees to ankles were in excruciating pain for no apparent reason. And then she had a sudden,
frightening flashback that linked the mysterious pain with military personnel warning her not to be a part of the

That was in early October 1993. Three weeks later, after discussing my determination to do the project with one
of the women, I went to bed in fine shape and woke up at 6 a.m. with wracking, spasmodic pains in both legs,
from my knees to my ankles. It was unbelievably bad, unlike any pain I've had before, and after swallowing
ibuprofen I hobbled back to bed and tried to sleep.

I must have, for I dreamed after that, seeing myself surrounded by military personnel who were injecting
something into my knees. They taunted me, saying, "Don't think you can do anything you want. This is just a
little demonstration that we can bring you, literally, to your knees any time we choose."

For Beth and me, these may have been mere dreams, reflecting our fears about the project. But Anita's report of
experiencing this same pain after an abduction, years before, makes it harder to discount a connection. And on
the same weekend I had the leg pains, both Anita and Jane suffered unexpected gall bladder attacks, so severe
that they both underwent emergency surgery at almost the same hour.

Angie was the next to suffer. After an abduction in early November, she woke up with several physical
symptoms, the worst of which was heavy congestion. It quickly grew worse, and in the space of less than two
months she had to be hospitalized. Before that time, however, her health had been remarkably pristine. It was in
November, too, that Angie recalls military personnel threatening punishment if she "talked to Karla Turner."
Taken was published in 1994. Following an abduction experience in 1995, Karla Turner contracted a sudden and
aggressive form of breast cancer that soon tragically took her life. In memory of Karla Turner (1947-1996)...

Read the complete version of Taken.

The Cassiopaean Transcripts

Rounding out the discussion on duplicate humans are excerpts from the Cassiopaean Transcripts, another
published channeled source but one with a greater level of accuracy and conciseness than most. This material
was produced between 1994 and 2002, and unlike trance methods of channeling, the Cassiopaean transmissions
utilized a Ouija board with multiple participants.

Whereas trance channeling requires an external intelligence to take over through the subconscious and direct the
vocal apparatus of a lone individual, Ouija board channeling works through multiple participants and uses the
more easily directed muscular system; thus there is less opportunity for bias and corruption. What bias exists
stems from energies of those present tainting the conduit of communication, which is always present to some
degree so discernment is advised.

The following excerpts explore the duplicate/alien theme covered in previous chapters, adding further correlation
and data to what we already know of the subject.

The format is in question/answer, with names of session participants abbreviated in parentheses and names of
others also abbreviated to preserve their anonymity.
October 21, 1995 (discussing the Roswell crash)

Q: (L) There were two complete craft that came down?

A: Bouncing off ionized waves between two craft traveling in tandem.

Q: (L) OK, was one of these craft totally destroyed?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And all the beings in the one that was totally destroyed were incinerated, or blown to bits, is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Did some of them eject?

A: 4th density.


Q: (L) OK, they knew it was coming and they went into 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) They were 4th density beings, and therefore when they blew to bits, they disappeared, is that it?

A: Close.
For those unfamiliar with the term, fourth density denotes a transdimensional environment, the native realm of
those aliens such as the grays and reptilians (nicknamed lizzies in the Cassiopaean Transcripts).

These are the same as the Orion Crusaders spoken of by the Ra Material, and the alien abductors investigated
by Dr Turner.
Q: (L) OK, now of the 21 that were in the craft that was captured, so to speak, there were four outside the craft
when it was approached, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Then that would mean that there were 17 inside... Of these 21 beings, how many were greys, the standard
grey lizzie-probe type being?

A: Most.
The Cassiopaeans claim grays are cybergenetic organisms with whom reptilians psychically interface to probe
our three dimensional reality, that they are essentially 3D space-suits for 4D reptilian beings.
Q: (L) Were there other kinds of beings in there?

A: Human.

Q: (L) There was one human in there also?

A: 5.

Q: (L) There were 5 humans inside, so we have...
(LM) Why?
(L) Why were those humans in the craft?

A: Retrieval and study specimens, two big foot types.

Q: (L) Does that mean that the humans that they had in there were retrieval and study specimens, or otherwise
known as abductees?

A: Deceased.

Q: (L) Oh, they were dead humans. Wonderful. Did they abduct them dead? Or did they abduct them alive?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did they abduct them alive and then kill them?

A: No.

Q: (L) Were they dead as a result of the crash?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, then, what's the story here, I mean, what other choices do I have?

A: Retrieved.

Q: (L) Ohh, these were beings that had been retrieved at death and remolecularized? Is that what you are
referring to, what we discussed before?

A: 3rd density.

Q: (L) Were they remolecularized in third density? Is that what you are saying?

A: Retrieved in 3rd density.

Q: (L) OK, tell me once again what it means for a being, a human to be retrieved.

A: Picked up after expiration.

Q: (L) OK, so they picked up dead bodies, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (LM) Why?
(L) To study them. OK, did they plan to reanimate these corpses?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Do they ever pick up dead bodies, you know, right after, and reanimate them?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When they pick them up and reanimate them, do they reanimate them with the souls that left them? Do
they like, catch the soul and put it back in?

A: No.

Q: (L) When they reanimate them, do they reanimate them with an alien soul?

A: Multiple possibilities.

Q: (L) If they reanimate them, is it possible to reanimate them with no soul?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, when they reanimate them with no soul, do they have kind of like a zombie-like situation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, could you give us a little more information on this particular aspect? If they reanimate them with no
soul, what is the animating force or energy?

A: Indistinguishable from other humans.

Q: (L) They're indistinguishable from other humans.
(LM) How is that possible?

A: Technology makes all things possible!!!

Q: (L) Of course, you are talking about 4th density technology?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What form of... Now, a reanimated corpse that has been animated by infusion of some form of an energy
(SV) Is it 'chi' energy, maybe?
(L) What if the reanimated corpse dies again, I mean, you have got to understand here, that we perceive the soul
as being the animating force of the physical body, and when the soul is gone, the body dies. Is that correct?

A: You are making assumptions based on limited data.

Q: (L) OK, well, will you expand my database by telling me how a corpse can be reanimated if not done by a...
if not with a soul?

A: Complex technology, using electronic biogeneration frequency matching, combined with extremely high
frequency radio beacon transmitters for tracking and control of all functions, including thought pattern mimic
and emotional frequency vibrational rate modulation!!!!
Thought pattern mimic is simple enough to understand, but more important is the duplication of the frequency
vibrational rate modulation in other sessions, the Cassiopaeans explained this is associated with the aura and
ones emotional make-up.

The significance of this will be discussed below.

Furthermore, that such entities are controlled by extremely high frequency radio beacon transmitters suggests
that whatever spectrum these transmissions occur on, they are most likely not anything shieldable via ordinary
means, suggesting these transmissions employ scalar waves, longitudinal waves, or identically waves composed
of curl-free magnetic vector potential fields, none of which cannot be detected by standard instrumentation, but
all of which are known to be biologically and psychologically active.
Q: (L) If they're doing this, does it make the physical body...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The blood, the heartbeat and everything...

A: All functions, including cellular, duplicated.

Q: (SV) What about the aura? (L) Would a being such as this still have an aura?

A: Projected.

Q: (L) OK, that would be projected, along with all of the frequencies, and everything else. Now... (SV) Are there
a lot of dead people walking around?

A: This is method used for subjects discussed in "Matrix Material" instead of "Robots", as suggested.
Matrix Material" is a reference to Valdamar Valerians book Matrix III volume 1, which included excerpts
from the Cosmic Awareness channelings, some of the same ones referenced earlier in this document.

The Cassiopaeans are therefore suggesting that the duplication phenomenon involves a process more
sophisticated than what was discussed by Dr Beter concerning organic robotoids.
Q: (L) Is there any way that a normal person would be able to identify such a being?

A: No.

Q: (L) Approximately how many of this type of being are walking around on our planet, acting like normal

A: 2,000,000.

Q: (L) Approximately 2 million?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK...

A: You, Laura, have come in contact with 7 of them!

Q: (L) Who are they?


A: Discover.

Q: (L) Are you going to tell me anything about it at all? If there is any question I could ask to get any
information concerning this, consider it asked.

A: Who is nutritionist?

Q: (SV) Is that the one who wrote the book? SS___?
(L) She's not a nutritionist.
(SV) Who do you know that's a nutritionist? Isn't she a nutritionist, the one that wrote that book?
(L) Do you mean SS___?

A: Yes.

Q: (LM) I find that hard to believe.
(F) Is SS___ a robot?
(LM) When did she die?

A: Open. All it takes is a "hospital visit." [Laura's note: To my knowledge, SS___ has been hospitalized for
surgery at least twice.]

Q: (LM) Then what happens?
(SV) All what takes?
(LM) It doesn't make sense.
(L) Maybe there's a death certificate for her...

A: Yes it does.

Q: (L) Does this mean if one goes into a hospital for surgery, that it's possible for them to die and be reanimated
in this manner? Without anybody being aware of what happened?

A: Yes.

Q: (LM) Why?
(L) Well, we know why, because they're creating a force, you know, putting it in place all over the planet so they
can take over... We already know that! Is that correct?

A: Open.

Q: (LM) What's open mean?
(L) Open means that's not absolutely determined yet, at this time, that's not something that they're just... it could
be, yes.
(L) So, you're saying that SS____ was one of these robotoids, is that what you're saying?

A: We gave you one for your own knowledge and protection, but cannot give you others at this juncture.
[Laura's note: Does this mean they can be given at another time, after a particular, destined interaction takes

Q: (L) Is it up to me to figure out what characteristics these individuals have, in order to...

A: Based upon data given, yes.
This individual, SS____ is a practitioner in the alternative health field whose later research and publications
contain a strong disinformative bent, as would be expected of someone who has been duplicated or

What can be said of her research and the products she endorses is that these serve to weaken will, disrupt health,
peddle fear and encourage preoccupation with physicality, and encourage a specific alternative health service
that requires the use of specialized hospital visits.


The point here is that disinformation is most prevalent in areas where truth and knowledge must be diverted,
where those interested in advancing beyond the control system are likely to turn.

Therefore, SS____ is just one manifestation of a greater phenomenon of individuals in the alternative research
community (conspiracy, esotericism, channeling, alternative science, exopolitics, etc) peddling disinformation
in ways that many either gullibly fall for or else find extremely frustrating for its irrationality and deafness to all
reason and criticism.

Irrationalism is typical of anyone who is highly programmed, be it one simply indoctrinated, one who has been
reprogrammed through soul extraction and insertion in a duplicate, or one who is not even sentient but
technologically animated.
Q: (L) OK, is one of the, I mean, I'm clicking right now, one of the characteristics I think, that these kind of
individuals might have, since they have this projected emotional frequency, would be a repeating emotional
pattern, that they just simply, in spite of seeming intelligence, do not seem to learn from anything; that it just
repeats over and over again, is that a clue?

A: Yes.

Q: (SV) Wait a minute, was that her idea, that we should eat like the monkeys do?
(L) Yes.
(SV) And then you've read about... saw the Jane Goodall film that talked about the fact that monkeys like to eat...
(L) Other monkeys, yes.
(SV) And what did she say when you told her about that?
(L) She said, "Well, I'll just say:" and she changed the entire paragraph to read "That in the wild, primates eat
primarily vegetation with some amounts of protein," and no specification as to where the protein came from.
(L) That's really stretching it.
(SV) She should have just left it out...
(LM) That doesn't make any sense...
(L) Now, she does... there are some strange things about her, I'll have to admit that. OK, then, this same inability
to get a clue about what's going on... OK, that's a clue, right there. Is there any kind of instinctual sensation that
one would get about these types of individuals?

A: Bland.

Q: (L) That they're bland in some way? Is that it, that these individuals are bland individuals?

A: Spend inordinate amounts of "time" in solitude.
When the Cassiopeans put words in quotes, they imply a deeper meaning to the term than at first appears,
perhaps a double meaning. If transdimensional beings are involved in the human simulacra phenomenon, then
this introduces the factor of hyperdimensional technology not constrained by the limits of our three-dimensional
space or linear time.

There is very likely a nonlinear time factor involved in the retrieval of humans from 3D and the re-insertion of
altered versions back into the timeline.
Q: (L) Well, that means Frank's one! Well, Frank's kind of bland! And he spends a lot of time in solitude.
(SV) A lot of people do!
(L) So, is Frank one?

A: No.

Q: (LM) So, if you put a lead shield up around him, he'd collapse!
(L) We're teasing you, Frank! I didn't mean it!
(SV) He's not bland, though! Frank's anything but bland!
(L) Is my husband one?

A: No.

Q: (SV) Am I one?
(L) Of course not! Don't be silly! Now, let's stop a second. Now, we had several questions, and one of the
questions was...

A: Bland is not universal in this situation, just a clue for you to identify individual.

Q: (L) OK, one is a nutritionist, one is very bland. Is that what we're getting at?

A: No.

Q: (L) OK, bland is just part of it.

A: Not key component, more likely to be spreading of disinformation.

Q: OK, is John W one?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Well, John W has got some stuff, because, I tell you what, you tell him something logically, it's almost
like he's got a pre-set program that runs, and the minute you get to the point where you almost might possibly
think... then it just shuts down and he repeats the program. And it just amazes me that people can be that way.
OK, have we... I guess you're not going to tell us any more about this. Do these beings know what they are?

A: Not conscious beings!

Q: (L) They're not conscious beings, so, they just react to you as though they are being remote controlled.
(SV) So, if you told one of them what they were...

A: Are being remote controlled.

Q: (L) OK, do we have any more questions on this subject?
(SV) So, if you told one of them what they were, they'd agree with you?
(L) No, they'd probably disagree with you.
(SV) Yes, being remote controlled...
(L) Whoever is in charge would not want you to know it, so they'd naturally deny it vehemently.
(SV) Then they'd probably come and get you...
(L) Yes, no doubt about that. Now, what is the purpose of putting 2 million of these kind of critters on the
planet? Can you give us a clue?

A: Wait and see.

December 2, 1995

Q: (L) When we did the session on October 21st, we were talking about robotoid type people, or reanimated
humans, and that this is what is done rather than cloning and replacing. Then you said I had been in contact with
7 of these, and we identified one of them. Then, we talked about profiles, and it was indicated that a "bland"
personality might have something to do with identification. You also said that you could not identify the others
right at that moment. Can you now do so?

A: Search your "files." Learning is sometimes best accomplished by study and exploration.

Q: (L) Can I have a couple more clues as to what I am looking for? You mentioned being in a hospital...

A: Non-emotive. There are other clues which you can discover by your own study. It would not be advantageous
for us to give you further information on this subject. Speculation about this particular subject will throw you off

Q: (L) Is the subject as important as I think it might be?

A: Ultimately, but not yet!!

April 28, 1996


Q: (L) Okay, if a person were, say, a robot person, when a person becomes a robot person, what happens to the
soul of the robot person?

A: Same process.

Q: (L) As what?

A: Death.

Q: (L) So, a person can die and leave their body, their body can be taken over and reanimated and controlled to
function and do a lot of things for a long time. Meanwhile, the original soul has completely departed to 5th
density ready to recycle?

A: Yes, but body is replaced, not reanimated.
This is what the Cosmic Awareness channeling stated, that the primary component of the soul goes on through
the death after a holographic fragment is first amputated to seed the new body, and that a duplicate body was
needed because the old one holds memories and tendencies that might run counter to the reprogrammed
tendencies, memories, and opinions of the transferred soul fragment.
Q: (L) Is this what happened to Lewis when he had that surgery back in 1981?

A: We caution that, even though you have met 7 "robots," in your entire lifetime, not to "see" them under every
bush or around every corner. You have met so many people in your life. We gave you one, and only one!!


Q: (L) Well, that is why I said that was enough of that because I don't want to talk about my personal stuff
anymore. I did think that the thing about the robot people was pretty significant, but obviously it is not that
significant or important. There are two million of them on the planet, and I have been told that I have
encountered seven. I did think that this was a pretty high ratio of robot people for one person to encounter...

A: Yes, but your life path has been unusual. And you have met 4588 people personally!

February 22, 1997

A: Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially in general population. You may have
already encountered one or two during the past 10 days.
If in 1995 there were two million robotic beings on the planet and by 1997 these were increasing exponentially
among the general population, then where does that place us in 2005?

That individuals cannot be un-replaced indicates a saturation point that makes the presence of human
simulacra among the human population no insignificant matter.
Q: (L) You, who? You, as in me, you as in Frank, who?

A: Reflect upon activities, and power and influence centers for answer.

Q: (L) Well, we will reflect on that over the next week, but we're going to have to say goodnight for now.

A: If you wish. Goodbye.

Laura's Note: During the specified 10 day period, there had been a LOT of activity relating to finances,
insurance, driver's license bureau, the purchase of an automobile; Ark attended a conference at UFL, interacted
with numerous University officials... so, there is such a lot of ground covered that it is hard to think which it
might be. However, one of my guesses would be the attorney who handled the paperwork for the loan for the car.
His name is "Chip."

Other than that funny connection, nothing else comes to mind.

That funny connection also carries a serious side, namely that the nonlinear time technology employed by these
transdimensional aliens allows them to change superficial details in the timeline, meaning that many times

(though not always) reanimated or artificial humans carry odd synchronistic details about them slightly hinting at
their true nature.

This is not to encourage name anagramming or analysis as a reliable means of detecting impostors, rather that
one shouldnt be surprised if in retrospect such individuals wear odd clues about them.
November 29, 2001

(L) My next question is, of course, what is wrong with V____? What is driving him?

A: He is a robotoid.

Q: (L) Who did his programming?

A: 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Doesn't that contradict him having his free will?

A: No. Even robots have minimal consciousness.

Q: (L) So, all his whining and all his "poor pitiful me" stuff is just a program?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) That explains, I guess, why he doesn't seem to learn from anything. Even a dog would have figured it out
by now.

A: Yes.

February 23, 2002

Q: (L) Anybody have any wrap up questions?
(R) Yeah. I have one completely unrelated.
(L) Go ahead.
(R) It relates to this girl I was communicating on the net. I was just wondering if she was just doing all of that
[crazy manipulating] on her own or if she was just being helped.

A: FRV robot. You will encounter many more in times to come.

Q: (L) FRV Frequency resonance vibration.
(R) The question still is: if she was doing it on her own or if she was being controlled.
(L) Well, FRV robots are being controlled. They can download an agent into anybody at any time.
I was given the opportunity to analyze the communications between the individual R and this supposed FRV
robot to see if anything stood out. I was shocked to find that her behavior, style of approach, and vibrational
signature (as determined by my intuition) precisely matched those of several other bizarre individuals I once
dealt with, as though all these individuals were cut from the same die.

After some extensive observation, what I can generalize about these particular individuals is that their personal
history, interests, and personality seemed to have been superficially tailored to their targets; they were decoys.
Some of these similarities were so uncanny that only a transdimensional manufacture technique could account
for it.

All of these individuals demanded inordinate amounts of time and energy from their targets and were themselves
of a very fragmented and unstable emotional nature.

The term FRV means frequency resonance vibration which as explained earlier has to do with the emotional
composition, emotional learning path, and auric profile of a person. It is their quantum vibratory signature that
determines where their most natural pathway progresses through the web of probable timelines.

An FRV robot is therefore most likely a synthetic being whose frequency resonance vibration is artificially

generated, or perhaps inserted via a rudimentary soul imprint that puts them on the energetic level of animals (as
discussed in the Cosmic Awareness material).

If done for strategic purposes, the inclusion of low FRV characteristics in such entities might serve to dampen
the vibration of their target, thus the demand for energy and time commitment to allow maximum osmosis of the
lower frequency from decoy to target, which in turn makes the target more vulnerable to scanning and
interference by the alien forces whose vibrational signature may otherwise be too far removed from the target to
interfere as much as they wish.

Another possible reason for the low FRV characteristics of these robots is that it may simply be the highest alien
technology can achieve, which despite their advanced transdimensional status still possesses metaphysical

The purpose of my recounting the above experience with possible FRV robots is that these appear slightly
different from the reanimated/duplicated types whom the Cassiopaeans said are generally non-emotive. And
indeed, there does appear to be a different class of programmed disinformation agents who are verbally slick and
mentally sharp, but only within the boundaries of their programming.

They appear calm and rational but quickly become hot poppers if pushed beyond such boundaries, which for
ordinary individuals would evoke more rational reactions like puzzlement or intrigue. This is not to say all
irrationalism can be attributed to artificial humans, but rather that some cases are so bizarre that no other
explanation suffices.

The Cassiopaean Transcripts were once available at but have since 2003 been
removed from public access. This, after the website and research group underwent drastic - and some would say
irrational - restructuring of personnel, philosophy, location, and research focus.

The transcripts may be found in The Cassiopaeans Logs - Cassiopaeans Transcripts from 1994 to 2002

Anecdotes and Conclusion

Besides my own experiences with what could fit under the category of human simulacra (as recounted in the last
chapter), other clues have come my way from those who have odd stories of their own to share.

I shall include two examples here:
6 Sep 2002, written by KW

This year during Spring for the first time I began seeing auras of trees and plant life. Ive seen the auras of
people and animals for about 5 years now. In all your studying of auras have you come across anyone else who
can describe this:

I am perhaps on my lunch hour in the heart of downtown not just once but several times, walking amongst many
other pedestrians. I notice in one instant many or most of them go what I call blank, that is no aura in a flicker
of an eye. ?? That is, they previously had an aura and in an instant they dont?

Ive also walked in areas where there are many blanks, malls are good for this.

26 Jan 2005 written by C
Someone I knew in 1989/90 who had spent a lot of time around Glastonbury in the UK told me that she had
spent some time doing healing work with a colleague there. Over a period of time she and her colleague noticed
that some of the people who came in for healing had absolutely no auras that they could perceive. This to her
seemed very odd but she had no explanation for it at the time.

It was one of those pieces of information that I have stored, waiting for an answer.
When reading these, a couple excerpts come to my mind:
Revelations of Awareness, Issue 87-11

This Awareness indicates that this as a reference to the aura; that these entities who have no aura of magnitude.
That the aura as that which is limited in size to a very small close thin aura, or only that which surrounds the

heart. This Awareness indicates that with certain machines using processes similar to Kirlian photography, or
with psionic machines, entities can distinguish the synthetic from the real entity or from the robotoid.

That without such, the entities cannot, except through sensitivity or ability to see auras, make such distinctions.

Cassiopaean Transcripts, October 21, 1995
Q: (L) If they're doing this, does it make the physical body...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The blood, the heartbeat and everything...

A: All functions, including cellular, duplicated.

Q: (SV) What about the aura?
(L) Would a being such as this still have an aura?

A: Projected.
If auras can be projected artificially, then a temporary technical glitch would cause such auras to flicker out a
glitch only noticeable to those with auric vision. And if KWs account is true, that in one instant many or most
of them go blank and that there are areas where there are many blanks, malls are good for this - what does
that say about the prevalence of artificial humanoids among the general population, and where is this all leading?

As the Cassiopaeans say, wait and see.

As much as this information may gnaw at the mind, one would do well to remember the words of Awareness:
This Awareness indicates that enough was presented previously to explain the nature of events that are occurring
behind the scenes and this Awareness does not intend to be used to point fingers at individuals, tattling on the
individual for being a robotoid, synthetic or double, for that is not the purpose of this Awareness coming to this
plane at this time.

What is of significance is that there is an influence acting upon the affairs of humans which entities know little
or nothing about which have many ramifications and is behind much of what you see in the news which is never
mentioned, and it is this factor of this unseen hand or unseen influence that this Awareness wishes entities to
become aware of.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose is to awaken consciousness to allow entities to have a greater
expansion of concepts that allow the mind to move into areas which were previously unthinkable, to expand
consciousness into thinking about unthinkable things, to explore the unknown and to discover new things
regarding the universe in which they live.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose is also to eliminate sorrow, suffering and tragedy from this plane,
through such enlightenment.
The last paragraph summarizes my intent for writing this document: that understanding and perception be
expanded so that one may become freed from some of those mysteries that obsess, frustrate, or manipulate others
lacking this knowledge.

In all sincerity I recommend this information be kept in the back of the mind, that it be brought forth as a
possible explanation only when more mundane ones fail to account for the observed facts. I would also
recommend greater reliance upon discernment, reason, and intuition rather than credibility when considering
whose words to believe, because even those with respectable pasts can be reanimated and begin peddling
disinformation sold on the basis of their previous credibility.

Lastly, only those with gaping spiritual vulnerabilities can be abducted and messed with to the point of

Valuing spiritual awareness, avoiding pitfalls in an active but nonplussed manner, and maintaining a positive
attitude in life are crucial measures of defense.


by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Kona, Hawaii
from Exopolitics Website

On July 5, 2007 Benjamin Fulford, a former Forbes Magazine Asia Pacific Bureau Chief, gave a series of
interviews (Part 1 - Part 2) where he gave ultimatums to the Rockefeller branch of the Illuminati concerning a
covert depopulation program that targeted Asians. Fulford was allegedly recruited by Chinese secret societies to
deliver a stark ultimatum to the Rockefellers to abandon this depopulation policy, and to begin a policy of
positive works to atone for past transgressions including the suppression of advanced technologies.

Fulford claimed that thousands of Chinese secret society members would begin targeting Rockefeller banking
interests around the world if they did not comply. Fulford subsequently offered to meet with the Rockefellers at
the historic Canadian residence of G.T. Fulford (his industrialist grandfather) to negotiate directly with them.

G.T. Fulford was allegedly murdered by order of John Rockefeller, Snr., for attempting to fund Nikola Tesla's
efforts to create a new energy system.

Fulford's professional background with Forbes Magazine led to me to conclude that he did have the kind of
underworld connections he claimed, and that he was likely being used as an intermediary to negotiate on a
sensitive regional policy issue.

A new article concerning Fulford's dealings with the Rockefellers has just appeared . This concerns 'channeled'
letters from his deceased grandfather, G.T. Fulford, to David Rockefeller. Fulford tells Rockefeller about the
importance of thinking about "his legacy", and then talks about a number of issues, some of which concern
disclosure of interstellar space travel technology.

Fulford wrote:
The planet is like a giant egg that is about to hatch. Humanity is about to expand into billions and trillions of
different species spreading throughout the universe and into different fractal dimensions. Many will be immortal
by your standards.
According to Fulford, Rockefellers disclosure of advanced space faring technologies would ensure his legacy
and he would be remembered as the benefactor of humanity's interplanetary future:
You will be known as the Greatest of the Mortals, the man who presided over the dawn of the age of immortals.
Strangely, Fulford dares Rockefeller to go ahead with a false flag operation involving holographic projections,
flying saucers and to stage a contrived Armageddon, but one with few casualties or destruction:
Please, turn on your hologram machines, bring out your flying saucers, fill your screens with your best
computer graphics. We want to see the greatest show the planet has ever seen. But please, no hurting people and
no vandalism.
This is very reminiscent of the contrived alien invasion about which Dr Werner Von Braun had allegedly
issued warnings.

Fulford claims that after he received his 'channeled message' that he was able to contact David Rockefeller who
was secretly visiting Japan where Fulford resides. According to Fulford, his deceased grandfather advised him
on how to contact Rockefeller.

Fulford claims:
The fact that I was able to call him (David Rockefeller) directly (without going through middlemen), and knew
he was in Tokyo for what was supposed to have been a secret visit, may have spooked him a bit.

All the above sounds fantastic, yet Fulford was able to supply Henry Makow with a photograph * of him
meeting with David Rockefeller in Japan. This in itself is highly unusual and very significant in light of
Fulfords claims if the photo proves to be genuine.

* Thanks to Dr Henry Makow for permission to use the Fulford-Rockefeller photograph.

There are three possible explanations for Fulfords experience and unusual meeting with David Rockefeller.
1. One explanation is that David Rockefeller may be playing some kind of bizarre joke in meeting with Fulford.
Given Rockefellers prestige and influence, it is highly unlikely that he would expose himself to public ridicule
by conducting such a bizarre joke. Furthermore, David Rockefeller is not publicly known to have much of a
sense of humor. So this possibility is most unlikely.

2. A second explanation, Fulford's letters from his deceased grandfather genuinely spooked Rockefeller in ways
that might genuinely lead to him thinking about his legacy in terms of disclosing suppressed technologies and
information. The Rockefellers have had a powerful influence in the cover up of advanced technology and
extraterrestrial life.

David Rockefeller is currently in a position to make the kind of grand gesture indicated in the Fulford letters to
ensure a positive legacy for him. In this scenario, Fulford is giving an accurate account of factual events which
suggest a profound change in public policy is about to occur on suppressed technologies, and possibly
extraterrestrial visitation.

3. A third possible explanation is that Fulford may have been targeted through remote mind control technologies to
hear voices in his head, so as to unwittingly participate in a psychological operation. The Rockefeller meeting
was therefore contrived to convince Fulford that he is playing an important role in the release of suppressed
technologies that will take humanity to the stars.
The impending failure of the United States dollar and the financial impact this would have on banking interests,
may have contributed Rockefellers decision to participate in such a psychological operation. The Fulford
Rockefeller meeting might therefore herald the release of advanced technologies, but this would be done in a way
that promotes national security interests.

What Fulfords meeting and letters mean for official disclosure of advanced space travel technology and/or
extraterrestrial life that has been suppressed for decades is not certain. The fact that Fulford was able to meet
with David Rockefeller after having earlier threatened him and his banking interests on behalf of Chinese Secret
Societies, is significant. The meeting gives credence to some of Fulfords earlier claims, while not eliminating
the possibility of an elaborate psychological operation.

All this makes Fulford's latest article something to seriously ponder.


by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Wolf has since 1979 served as a scientific consultant to the President and the National Security
Council on extraterrestrial matters, and a member of its Majestic Twelve (MJ-12), UFO-secrecy management
agencys, Special Studies Group, and has been in charge of its lead agency, the Alphacom Team. Previously he
has served as an Air Force Colonel, pilot, flight surgeon and counter-intelligence officer for the CIA and NSA.

Dr. Michael Wolf

He has an MD in Neurology, a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, a ScD in Computer Science, a JD in Law, an M.S.
in EM influence on organisms, and a B.S. in biogenetics.

Dr. Wolf has decided to reveal to the world what he has learned inside secret government programs about the
visiting extraterrestrial cultures, "because we have a right to know." His book, The Catchers of Heaven (1996)
makes many well-informed revelations.

Dr. Wolf states that the most important mission objective of his Alphacom Team is resumption of negotiations
with the visiting extraterrestrials. In the 1950s, the U.S. administration entered into treaty terms with the so-
called Grey extraterrestrials from the fourth planet of the star system Zeta Reticuli, but these treaties were never
ratified as Constitutionally required. The Greys shared certain of their technological advances with
military/intelligence scientists, apparently often while prisoner "guests" within secure underground military
installations in Nevada and New Mexico. The extraterrestrials have given the U.S. government some of their
antigravity craft and a huge amount of fuel (element 115).

On May 1, 1975 during one such technology exchange in Nevada, a demonstration of a small ET antimatter
reactor, the lead Grey asked the Colonel in charge of the Delta Forces guarding the ETs to remove all their rifles
and bullets from the room, (so that they would not accidentally discharge during the energy emissions.)

The guards refused, and in the ensuing commotion a guard opened fire on the Greys. One alien, two scientists
and 41 military personnel were killed. One guard was left alive to attest that the ETs apparently used directed
mental energy in self-defense to kill the other attacking Delta Forces. Dr. Wolf states that "this incident ended
certain exchanges with (the Greys)."

Military/intelligence scientists learned cloning techniques from the extraterrestrials. After perfecting cloning
techniques on animals, Dr. Wolf and his associates cloned an artificial-intelligence human being, "J-Type
Omega", as part of Project SENTINEL, an effort to create a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would
follow orders without fear or question. The J-Type clone was terminated, because he would not follow an order
to kill an innocent dog, because Dr. Wolf had surreptitiously programmed ethics into his artificial intelligence.

Wolf notes that the extraterrestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers need for

continuing world industrialization, which they see as headed towards planet-killing. Another of the Alphacom
Teams missions is to determine "whether we can use the ETs technology to restore this planet to its former
pristine state of natural balance." The ETs are also concerned about the massive proliferation of nuclear devices
into many countries.

Wolf states that other missions of the MJ12SSGs Alphacom Team are:
to determine the number and types of ET visitors,
the extent of visitation and the reasons,
to learn about human interactions with extraterrestrials in the past and currently,
the cultures of the various off world visitors,
and how we can negotiate with them.
According to Dr. Wolf, several confederations of extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting us in loosely-
coordinated fashion. These are:
the Alliance (of human-looking ETs from the Altair Aquila system),
the Corporate (of Greys from the Zeta Reticuli system),
the Federation of Worlds (of unspecified races from many star systems),
and the United Races of Orion (cultures from those star systems).
Further, the Alliance is in affiliation with the Corporate and with the Federation of Worlds.
The United Races of Orion are in affiliation with the Corporate, and, through them, with the Alliance and the
Federation of Worlds.
Dr. Wolf told of learning during a high-level briefing in the UK that the Vatican had been applying pressure
concerning the possible announcement by President Clinton of UFO visitation. Of specific Vatican concern was
"whether he will make reference to the extraterrestrial biological entities data revealing in detail how religion
was created and why". Wolf comments, "Rich organized religions feel threatened by such an announcement."

Perhaps Wolfs most startling revelation is that within the UFO Cover-Up there is a dark, covert renegade
organization known as the "Cabal". He describes it as "well-orchestrated conspiratorial bevy of plotters ... top-
heavy with the military, and headed by (a Navy Under- Secretary)." The paranoiac Cabal works against, and
deliberately undermines, the goals of peaceful negotiations with the extraterrestrial visitors. The Cabal uses Star
Wars weapons to shoot down extraterrestrial spacecraft and overcome the ETS by military might.

Wolf concludes by stating,
"In all of my preparation as a scientist, nothing ever prepared me for our visitors. We must understand the
complexity of the various forces at work on this planet, and yes, on others. Let us not forget multi-dimensionality
and space-time distortions, and the spirituality we must regain. I feel I must also mention that spirituality is
gaining strength on this planet, this Sol Three. But also is the evil. We have the power to sanction whatever is
...for a better good for mankind."


- Dr. Michael Wolf died of cancer on September 2000
- Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and
researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.

Posting 19 -


[CR = Crystal Rectangle, Eben alien energy device]
[NTS = Nevada Test Site]

1) U.S. Secret Production of Pentagen (Hydrogen-5).

A. Tritium is made by capturing neutrons in helium gas. To supply the neutrons, protons are energized in a linear
accelerator and used to bombard a heavy-metal target made of tungsten and lead, creating neutrons in a process
known as spallation. The resulting neutrons are moderated (slowed) by collisions with lead and water, increasing

the efficiency of their capture in helium gas flowing through the target to make tritium. The tritium is extracted
from the gas continuously, providing supply to the stockpile.

B. While making Tritium, U.S. researchers found that another isotope quickly vanished in the process. In fact,
several isotopes were discovered that bounced off the tungsten metal. U.S. researchers began a program that
attempted to capture these elusive isotopes. One secret facility was built on the Nevada Test Site. This facility
was called, The Lance.

The cover for this facility was that it contained an experimental chemical production accelerator. A Tritium
production facility contained an Injector, Accelerator, Tritium Production and Tritium Separation facilities. The
Lance contained an Injector, Accelerator, Containment building, Collection Apparatus and a Storage Vessel.

C. The MAKING of PENTAGEN. Although the exact details of this is highly classified, a rough explanation is
stated below.
1) The INJECTOR: The process starts with the injector. A high energy beam is directed at hydrogen atoms and
accelerating them to form a proton beam. This beam differs from the tritium beam in that instead of a low energy
beam, this beam is a high energy beam, enhanced with a Chemical Laser booster.

2) The ACCELERATOR: The protons are accelerated by mixing a Carbon atom and Nitrogen-13 isotope. This
creates two carbon atoms, positron and a neutrino. The B13 isotopes fuses to form a high energy booster

3) The CONTAINMENT BUILDING: The Containment Building was built to house the Injector and
Accelerator. This building actually contains an underground tunnel that leads from the Accelerator Facility to the
Containment Building. Because of the fusion and radiation involved in the accelerator process, the Containment
Building had to be over 1 Kilometer away. The exact reason for this is not known. The Accelerator beam is
directed from the Accelerator facility to the Containment Building (tunnel).

4) The COLLECTION APPARATUS: This facility contains a complex series of filters, which contains
chemicals and other classified items. It is believed to be similar to the tritium spallation process, however, there
are several different steps involved. The injection port contains leak valves, which contains a flow meter that
measures the leakage of Pentagen from this port. The leaking Pentagen is collected. Polonium is used in this
process, however the exact method is not known. Argon gas is also used in one of the filtering systems. One
filter contains Zinc lined vessels that are charged with electrons.

5) The STORAGE VESSEL: This storage vessel is where the Pentagen is finally collected and stored. The
interior of the Vessel is lined with an alloy of Beryllium. The Vessel contains several complex collection tubes
that collects, cools and stores the Pentagen during the final production process. The final product is collected in
liquid helium, which is charged with gamma radiation. As of September 2002, the U.S. has collected 53.5
picocuries of Pentagen per liter of Helium. Once the Pentagen is needed, there is a process by which the
Pentagen is extracted from the Helium. This process is CLASSIFIED.
D. The Lance is jointly operated by scientists from Los Alamos, Brookhaven, Livermore, Sandia, and
Savannah River Plant. A company by the name of General Atomics built The Lance. Eagle Systems is also a
prime contractor.

E. According to one source, a Visitor explained how Pentagen was made. But since the Visitor was
explaining a system we could not fully understand, our scientists took bits and pieces of the information and
started experiments. The U.S. first experimented with Pentagen processing in 1977 at Los Alamos.

F. Pentagen is the fifth isotope of Hydrogen. It is radioactive with a half life of .34222 seconds. However, with a
complex containment and storage system, Pentagen can be collected for an extended period of time. Somehow,
U.S. scientists found that Pentagen is produced naturally on the Planet Mercury. Pentagen vapors can be detected
in the lower atmosphere of Mercury. In 2006, NASA plans on sending a probe to Mercury in an effort to collect
Pentagen. Los Alamos has a secret project called, Pindall, which will build a special collection method for the
space probe.

G. Pentagen is the substance that aggravates the energy process inside the CR. Pentagen inside the CR is not
radioactive and will not decay.

H. There is also an experiment using Pentagen to enhance energy output inside Electrical Transformers. Sandia
Laboratory is currently conducting this experiment. The experiment is being conducted in Tech Area III.

I. The director of The Lance, is Philip Conklin, a Department of Energy Scientist.

J. The Lance will be expanded in 2008, which will include two additional structures that will house new
technology in the production of Pentagen.

K. It is believed that MIT and The University of Miami has experimented with the collection of Hydrogen-5 by
using a Chlorofluorocarbon system of collecting the Hydrogen-5. However, according to DOE, this method does
not work!

L. Hydrogen-4, which was also collected, was shown to be too unstable to capture and retain for any extended

M. The Lance is manned by 62 scientists and technicians.

(Crystal Rectangle - Energy Source)

A. Since 1956, many experiments were conducted using the CR. Most of the experiments were conducted by
Los Alamos or a contractor for the Department of Energy. Remember that the CR was described as follows:
The dimensions were 26cm x 17cm x 2.5cm. The CR weighs 728 grams. There is a possibility that two CR
exists. One that weighed 668 grams and one that weighed 728 grams. There was a notation in a classified
document that read: PVEED-1 [Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device]. This would indicate that there is a
PVEED-2! Scientists do not refer to the CR as a CR but as a PVEED, or The Magic Cube.
B. Remember the small dot that moved around the inside when an energy demand was placed on the CR? Our
scientists have discovered the substance contained in the dot. The dot was found to be a perfectly rounded
particle of charged (?) antimatter. Our scientists still dont understand how this piece of antimatter can remain
stable until it is tasked with movement. They still dont understand once a demand is made to the CR, that the
antimatter starts its movement and creates energy.

C. Our scientists have found the CR is made of an unknown material with several unknown elements which
have been detected. One of the materials is similar to carbon, but not exactly like carbon as we know it. Another
substance is similar to zinc, but not the same consistency of zinc.

D. Our scientists cannot explain the action of the antimatter and the actions of neutrons that are created and then
disappear when the demand is lifted.

E. Our scientists cannot explain why the constant temperature of the CR is 72 degrees. Even when heat is
directed on the CR, the temperature remains at 72 degrees. How this occurs cannot be explained.

F. Some scientists think the CR is operated remotely, perhaps by an unknown satellite in Earths orbit. However,
even [when] shielded, the CR operates normally.

G. When an energy demand is placed on the CR, it creates a signal, that can be measured at 23.450 MHZ.
However, when increased demand is placed on the CR the frequency is modulated from 23.450 MHZ to 46.900
MHZ or double the original frequency. However, when the demand is reduced, the frequency drops to 1.25
KHZ, which is a constant frequency when no demand is placed on the CR. Regardless of what power demand is
placed on the CR, the frequency NEVER raises to more than 46.900 MHZ!

H. Remember the small set of squares which contained horizontal wires? The wires were determined to be
similar to tungsten. The wires somehow conduct the energy by bouncing the neutrons off these wires back into
the fluid. The small dot bounces against the wire when energy demand is placed on the CR. Remember, only
certain wires would react or expand when energy demand was placed on the CR. Scientists think that, depending
on the demand, only certain wires would expand. Somehow, the energy output would be controlled by the
amount of squares used.

I. The U.S. Government duplicate of the CR. The USG made one in 2001 that actually worked ... for a short

period of time. The operation was EXTREMELY CLASSIFIED and the device blew up at the Nevada Test Site,
injuring two (2) employees.

J. The timeline for the CR is as follows:
1) 1947: CR found in the second crash site.
2) 1949: Los Alamos scientists first conducted experiments with CR. At this time, no one knew what it was.
Some scientists thought it was just a window.
3) 1954: Sandia Labs conducted several experiments with the CR, but still didnt know its actual use.
4) 1955: CR was lent to Westinghouse for experiments.
5) 1958: CR was lent to Corning Glass in an effort to determine its construction material.
6) 1962: CRs first official test conducted at Los Alamos and published in a classified report.
7) 1970: CR was determined to be more than a window. The CR was found to fit into a space on the spacecraft.
Scientists determined CR was some sort of energy device.
8) 1978: CR determined to be a high powered energy device that provided electrical power to the spacecraft.
9) 1982: CR was first tested and produced energy.
10) 1987: CR was given to E-Systems for extensive testing.
11) 1990: CR was proven to be an UNLIMITED POWER SYSTEM. The construction and contents of the CR
was learned. However, no one knew just how it worked.
12) 1998: CR project, The Magic Cube was started in an effort to accelerate the knowledge of the device.
13) 2001: CR project, The Magic Cube was transferred from Los Alamos Futures Division to its Special
Projects Section K division.
K. Currently [as of September 2002], the CR is contained at the Section K division facilities, Los Alamos.


A. Based on Project Gleam (will be discussed later), the U.S. can communicate with our Visitors. The
communication system is a complex, highly classified series of relay stations and satellites. The communication
system is entitled, Echelon. It is run by the Defense Communication Agency, and NOT the National Security

B. The Visitors have come to this planet or have provided direct communication links to us on the following
1) April 1964 - Socorro, NM.
2) April 1969 - White Sands, NM
3) April 1971 - White Sands, NM
4) April 1977 - White Sands, NM
5) November 1983 - Unknown location, but believed to have been Kirtland AFB
6) November 1990 - White Sands, NM
7) November 1997 - Nevada Test Site
8) November 1998 - Nevada Test Site
9) November 1998 - Nevada Test Site
10) November 1999 - Nevada Test Site
11) November 2001 - Nevada Test Site

C. THE NEXT ALIEN VISITATION DATE IS: November 2009 at the Nevada Test Site.


A. The following is a list of scientists/officials who have or had access to The Program
Admiral Henry G. Chiles, USN/Ret, U.S. Naval Academy
Willard H. Miller, Ret USN Cmdr, E-Systems
Vic Alessi, U.S. Industry Coalition
Steve Chu, Department of Physics, Stanford, University
Charles B. Curtis, Nuclear Threat Initiative
Derrick J. Olterson, Department of Energy
Colena H. Besman, USAF

Shirley A. Jackson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Raymond Jeanloz, U of California at Berkeley
Paul Messina, CA Institute of Technology

Robert W. Noonan, Palisades Institute for Research Services
Christopher W. Mauche, Lawrence Livermore
Gerhard L. Weinberg, Scientific Research Agency
Harris Wesley, MIT
Earl Barnes, Institute for Technological Studies
James Sherley, MIT
Charles Yost, USAF
Alfred Hubbard, NSA
Albert Osterheld, EG&G
Konard L. Kahler, EG&G
Robert E. Miller, BDM

Jason D. Menzel, Northwestern University, Physics
Klaus Von Karman, Los Alamos
George Haufman, Los Alamos
Lyle Rossmart, Los Alamos
Richard Devitt, Los Alamos

Arthur Lundahl
Stanley Schneider
Robert Friend
Phillip Keaton
Richard Helms
Clyde Neiberheimer
Charles Sheldon
Leo Vrana
R.B. Willingham
Aronld White
Dr. Gerald Rothberg
James Garland
William Hipps
Curtis Lemay

Norris E. Bradbury, Jr, Los Alamos/DOE
Craig McPherson, DOE/EG&G
Dean L. Housman, Sandia
Charles A. Delormonte, Sandia
Jonathan K. Doty, Sandia
Barbara K. Shipman, White House Intelligence
Nicholas O. Bausmenta, MIT
Harold Zirin, Calif Institute of Tech

John Manley
MG K.D. Nichols
Albert Alexander
Norris E. Bradbury
T.B. Larkin
Edward Teller
Alvin Graves
William Webster
James McCormack
Carroll Tyler
James Russell
Samual Mickelson
Alvin Betts
Glenn T. Seaborg
Robert Oppenheimer
David Lilienthal
Daniel Gallery
Harold Harmon

5. Los Alamos Project Gleam

A. A highly classified project that deals with direct communication with The Visitors. New communication
technology dealing with multi-frequency sending units. Units direct multiple frequencies in a particular
direction. High speed sending system allows the beam to be propelled at an enormous speed. Not too much more
known about it. Los Alamos and several contractors, including, EG&G, BDM, Motorola, Risburn Corporation
and Sandia, are [all] involved with this project. Facility built at Site 40, Nevada Test Site.

One rumor (only rumor from my source) is that The Visitors provided us with this technology. It enables us to
communicate with The Visitors in a speedier way, than in the past. Part of this program involves the use of
Chemical Lasers pushing the communication beam.

As it was explained to me (in laymans terms), several frequencies are put together on a beam and propelled
towards a target or receiver. The receiver, then boosts the energy and re-sends the signal to another point
(relay?). Somehow, the Chemical Laser pushes the beam, thus propelling it faster than normal.

B. More information on this project may be forthcoming NEXT year and released via your [UFO Thread] list for
posting on the Web site.

6. Technology transfer from Area 51 to Nevada Test Site [NTS]

A. The NTS was established in the early 1950s by the old Atomic Energy Commission to conduct above ground
nuclear tests. The test site consists of 1,426 square miles of test space and a total of 5,470 square miles of
bombing and other testing ranges. NTS is divided into 30 AREAS, which are then divided into UNITS.
Nuclear testing, both above and below ground, were conducted in eight of the 30 areas. Mercury is the base
camp for NTS. Mercury includes all the support facilities to operate the NTS. Although, officially the
Department of Energys contractor, Bethtel operates NTS; unofficially, NTS is controlled by U.S. Army Support
Group Lima. You wont find Lima mentioned in any official U.S. Army publications or unit listings.

The security for NTS is officially performed by Wackenhut Security Services, a private Department of Energy
Contractor. However, of the 185 Wachenhut security officers, 57 are actually commissioned Federal Agents by
the Department of Justice. An additional 80 U.S. military policemen perform classified security protections on
NTS. An additional 44 USAF Security Police guard the Special Storage Facility (SSF), located in Area 6, Unit
23A. The SSF stores special stockpile weapons (nuclear weapons).

The existence of this SSF is classified since the U.S. government wont acknowledge it stores any more weapons
than officially published under the test ban treaties. The SSF has approximately 300 nuclear weapons. Next to
this SSF is another highly classified storage facility known as, Site K. No one actually knows what is stored in
Site K, but some believe it contains Visitors gifts to the U.S.! Officially, NTS advertises several facilities
located on its property. One is the Device Assembly Facility in Area 6, Unit 2A.
According to an official publication, this facility assembles nuclear weapons prior to underground testing.

Unofficially, this facility conducts experiments on Visitor Gifts. Another facility contained on NTS and
officially named the Big Explosive Experimental Facility, conducts simulations of explosions. Unofficially,
this facility houses the underground entrance to Site U, which contains classified underground testing facilities
built in 1987. Sources reports Site U is used to assemble Visitors propulsion systems.

Although Bethtel operates the NTS, several other contractors have buildings and conduct experiments on NTS.
Amador Valley Operations, Los Alamos,
Lawrence Livermore,
Special Technical Laboratories,
the U of California,
Special Physics Operational Laboratories,
Sandia National Laboratories,
BDM Corporation,
Kyle-Witt Corporation,
General Motors Remote Research Facility,

U.S. Army Special Forces Training Center,
USAF Scientific Evaluation Center,
Defense Communication Agency,
Remote Operations Facilities,
U.S. National Reconnaissance Office,
Advance Physics Laboratories,
KENN Corporation and
General Dynamics.
B. VICTOR: Some important dates obtained by my sources that pertain to UFOs and historical milestones.
1) 1957: First attempt to test Roswell capture crafts propulsion system. Test was conducted in Area 8, Unit 3c.
2) 1961: First attempt to fly repaired Roswell craft in Area 29, unit 1b.
3) 1962: Radiation tests conducted on Roswell craft by Los Alamos in Area 18, unit 3Z.
4) 1964: Explosion caused by experimental propulsion system placed in Roswell craft, Area 7, unit 19S.
5) 1968: First successful flight of Roswell craft (with U.S. propulsion system; old nuclear propulsion system)
Area 29, unit 1B.
6) 1970: Explosion caused by The Visitors propulsion system Area 25, unit 8B.
7) 1970: EBE-2 set up home in Area 15, unit 11.
8) 1987: Construction began on a new underground testing facility in Area 6, Area 12 and Area 26.
9) 1991: Construction began on additional testing facilities in Area 23 (Mercury), Area 14, Area 20 and Area 19.
All support facilities used for ALIEN RESEARCH FACILITY [ARF] and Defense Advance Research Agency
10) 1994: The first movement of Alien Research Facility [ARF] from Groom Lake to Area 11.
11) 1996: President CLINTON visited ARF.
12) 1998: The movement of all ARF complete to NTS.
13) 2001: The testing of the new Visitors propulsion system begin.
14) 2002: Testing of Project Gleam, Project Delta, Project Adam, Project KRISPA and Project Orion.
15) 2004: The final movement of Groom Lake facilities to NTS is complete.
16) 2006: The final movement of Papoose Lake facilities to NTS is complete.
17) 2008: New construction of The Visitors Landing Platform [to be] completed at Area 13 [with extra time
allotted; this is all for the next ALIEN VISITATION to the U.S. now scheduled for November, 2009 at The
Nevada Test Site].
a) Ebens [Planet SERPO, Reticulum]
b) Archquloids
c) Quadloids
d) Heplaloids
e) Trantaloids


A. Project DELTA: A highly classified project to develop methods to extract specific material from ALIEN
SPACECRAFT. This project is attempting to take materials from known ALIEN ARTIFACTS and determine
the exact make up of these materials.

B. Project ADAM: A project that uses radiation/nuclear energy against ALIEN material to determine how the
ALIEN material can absorb or repel radiation.
(VICTOR: I received an oral briefing on this and Im not sure if they are talking about Adam or Atom, as
the project name.)

C. Project KRISPA: A highly classified project that is taking ALIEN TECHNOLOGY and developing civilian
applications. Not much else is known.

D. Project ORION: This is the ALIEN PROPULSION SYSTEM testing project, which I will discuss later.

E. Project (unknown name): A highly classified project that involves medical experiments using ALIEN
TECHNOLOGY. This is being conducted both at NTS, Armed Forces Institute of Technology and the U. of
Miami Medical School.

F. Project (unknown name): A highly classified project that takes ALIEN TECHNOLOGY and applies it to
space travel. Little else is known.

G. Project SIGMA: An on going project that involves the studying of ALIEN SPACECRAFT. This project
moved from Groom Lake to NTS.

H. Project NOMAD: A highly classified project to study ALIEN SPECIES. Not much else is known.

I. Project STARLIGHT: Little is known, but it involves the study of space using ALIEN TECHNOLOGY.


NSA/NASA both teamed up to develop new technologies to explore the Universe. NSA/NASA have deployed
the following deep space probes.
A. 1965: First Deep space probe, Code name: Patty
B. 1967: Second deep space probe, Code name: Sween
C. 1972: Third deep space probe, Code name: Dakota
D. 1978: Fourth deep space probe, Code name: was unknown
E. 1982: Fifth deep space probe, Code name: was unknown
F. 1983: Sixth deep space probe, Code name: was unknown
G. 1983: Seventh deep space probe, Code name: was unknown
H. 1983: Eighth deep space probe, Code name: Moe
I. 1985: Space probe launched on SS Mission 51-J, Code name: Sting Ray
(VICTOR: Im not sure if this was an actual communication probe or some other type of probe.)
J. 1988: Ninth deep space probe, Code name: Amber Light
K. 1988: Tenth deep space probe, Code name: Sandal Slipper
L. 1989: Eleventh deep space probe, Code name: Cocker Peak
M. 1992: Twelfth deep space probe, Code name: Twinkle Eyes
N. 1997: Thirteenth deep space probe, Code name: Kite Tangle.
These probes were used to establish a communication link with the ALIENS. They formed a type of repeater
system for the communications. Not much else is known.

9) A new propulsion system is being developed at NTS.

This system, although highly classified, involves the actual use of ALIEN TECHNOLOGY to be placed in U.S.-
style aircraft. I will obtain more on this during my next trip to NTS and for posting on your list.

More to come....


I) Supplementary, corroborating information on the alien energy device [ED] or Crystal Rectangle aka The
Magic Cube, and H5/Pentagen can be found in the UFO underground bestseller classic:
EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE, Capt Robert M Collins, Ret USAF, 2nd ed., May 2006
READ: pp. 159-168, Alien Energy Device (ED), Code Named Crystal Rectangle and H5 Production


The "Foreign Technology Division--Wright Patterson "Alien" Graphics"
Allegedly the symbol in the upper left hand corner of one image as "FTD-WP."
This means the "Foreign Technology Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base."
from UFOFolkloreCenter Website

The Red Book is an extremely thick, very detailed account summary written and compiled by the U.S.
government on UFO investigations dating from 1947 to the present day. This orange-brownish book is updated
every five (5) years and also contains some cross-over information from The Yellow Book.

The Yellow Book or Bible is the aliens history of our universe written by the aliens themselves as well as
their interactions and involvement with Earths development/evolution. It was brought to Earth and presented to
the U.S. government at the famous Holloman AFB landing in April 1964 by female Ebe #2 which was also
translated by her.

Steven Spielbergs 1977 film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind is based on the famous Holloman landing as
well as the human-ET exchange depicted at the very end with 10 (ten) men and two (2) women who are shown
embarking on the alien spacecraft.

In the Pentagen Document, there is a reference to the Defense Advance Research Agency (DARA). Unless there
are two agencies with similar names, this may be a typo, sloppiness, or a variation or shorthand on the current
full and official name and acronym, which is:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Reference:
Variants of the agency name and use of the DARA acronym appear at: Projects.htm mentions Defense Advance Research Agency

(? Discrepancy name and acronym do not match)

The Pentagons Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is attempting to create a low-cost space
launch technology. DARA hopes to use a propulsion concept known as mass injection precompressor cooling
(MIPCC), as well as advances in rocket motors... (? Discrepancytwo acronyms for same agency?)

As for England military acronyms:

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25, 1999 -- The Boeing Company has awarded a contract to the United Kingdoms Defence
Aviation Repair Agency (DARA) for inspection and repair work on CH-47 Chinook helicopter transmissions in

According to, ECHELON is a highly secretive world-wide signals intelligence and analysis
network run by the UK-USA Community. ECHELON can capture radio and satellite communications, telephone
calls, faxes and e-mails nearly anywhere in the world and includes computer automated analysis and sorting of

ECHELON is estimated to intercept up to 3 billion communications every day.

Some of the known or suspected ground stations belonging to or participating in the ECHELON network include
the following:
Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S. (headquarters of the NSA)
Geraldton (Western Australia, Australia)
Menwith Hill (Yorkshire, UK)
Misawa Air Base (Japan)
Morwenstow (Cornwall, UK)
Pine Gap (Northern Territory, Australia - close to Alice Springs)
Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico - U.S.)
Shoal Bay (Northern Territory, Australia) Sugar Grove (West Virginia, USA)
ma (Washington, U.S.)
Waihopai (New Zealand)
West Cape, Western Australia (Exmouth Gulf, Australia - U.S.)

by Joe Daniels
from CanadianXFiles Website

Carp, Ottawa Area, Ontario, CANADA
Key Dates: November 4, 1989 & August 1991

The Carp-Guardian case of Eastern Ontario, is the most controversial in Canadian UFO history. The story
involves A UFO crash retrieval, aliens, Canadian and American investigators, the RCMP, TV show producers
and a handful of witnesses.

For years a battle has raged over the authenticity of some of the claims made in the case and what exactly was
recorded on the video tapes. When the smoke clears an American Investigator would resign from the field.

It all started in 1989 when UFO researchers in Canada and the USA received a package of documents from
someone calling himself "Guardian". The contents describe the crash of a UFO near Carlton Place in the Ottawa,
Ontario area and a photocopied photograph of an alien.


In 1991 video tapes arrives that shows the crash retrieval. An American researcher contacts a Canadian UFO
group and they decide to get together for a trip to the area to investigate further, and the circus starts!
American Television Networks Investigate Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Almonte
1. The Guardian Case by Bob Oechsler
2. The Guardian Analysis by Bruce Maccabee
3. The Guardian Caper, Part 1 by Mufon Ontario
4. Guardian Documents From "Guardian"
5. The Guardian Caper, Part 2 by Mufon Ontario
6. The Guardian Caper, Part 3 by Mufon Ontario
7. Graham Lightfoot Letter Regarding Bob Oechsler
8. Comment On Mufon 2nd Part of Report by Bruce Maccabee
9. RCMP Report by Constable De Haitre
10. Final Report on Carp by Bob Oechsler
11. The Rutkowski Summary by Chris Rutkowski
12. Letter of Resignation by Bob Oechsler

The Almonte Gazette
Feb. 3, 1993

UFO researcher Bob Oechsler waved a hand over the pile of documents and photos on the kitchen table.
"This is a landmark case in ufology (the study of UFOs)," he said.
The pictures on the table show a blur of multi-colored lights in a disc shape and white faces with black almond-
shaped eyes. Most of them were taken off a video sent to Oechsler anonymously almost a year age. Since then,
Oechsler has methodically and meticulously analyzed the video and the site near the Old Almonte and Corkery

His case was convincing enough to draw two major American television networks there to film. NBC's Unsolved
Mysteries airs its version this Wednesday on cable at 8 p.m. and this Friday on CJOH. The Fox network's story
on Sightings hits the airwaves Feb. 12. Oechsler's involvement began when he received the videotape at his
Annapolis, Maryland home last February.

Attributed only to "Guardian," the pack age bore an Ottawa postmark.

The 32 minutes of footage show a "mostly white" linear light with red flares off to the left and a flashing light on
top, said Oechsler. The color of the lights ranges from red to blue to green from one end to the other. Smoke
billows out from under the lights and moves to the right. As the photographer moves closer, reflections off the
disk show a rounded turret in the centre with a vertical blue strobe on top and "fins" or slates around its edge.

Closing in even more, "Guardian" gets shaky close-ups of the upper strobe.

The sound track has sounds of barking dogs and a "ratchet" sound. (NBC spent $115,000 to recreate this whole
effect with no success, said Oechsler.) The rest of the tape is taken up with freeze frames or still shots of
supposed aliens standing in tall grass. Some are holding bright lights in their hands.

Hooded figures with large almond shaped eyes have short snouts and little facial detail.

The tape was wrapped in six pages of accompanying information, some typed on fake Department of National
Defense (DND) letterhead. The documents showed a map of the Corkery area and a page of hand-drawn symbols
with a map of the same area. There is also a photocopy of two Polaroid shots with grass lit by a flash in the
foreground and a row of lights in the back.

The fake DND documents have thick black markers through several lines as if released via a Freedom of
Information Act request. The remaining text suggests aliens wish to take over the world via the cultural arts and a
liaison with the "Red Chinese." "The earth is their entertainment" writes Guardian of the "beautiful blonds" who
are infiltrating the New York art world, Hollywood, rock music, literature and sculpture.

A diagram shows the craft flying under the radar curtain to avoid detection.

"It's very different from anything I'd ever received," said Oechsler.
He added,
"it appears "Guardian" is looking to spread the word of his findings to as many people as possible. We're talking
about someone who is very, very knowledgeable here," said Oechsler, referring especially to the complex
symbols. "This person is obviously environmentally concerned."
He said Guardian is obviously aware that in the case of alleged UFO sightings, skeptics often attack the
messenger without considering the message.
"Guardian wanted to focus on the events not himself", said Oechsler. "That shows a knowledge of UFO cases."

For the past year, Oechsler has been researching every element of the video to determine if it is a hoax. So far, he
is convinced it is not. Given the complexity of the video image, "we're not talking about a crude model here," he
said. With his colleagues in the United States, Oechsler spent 20 hours studying the video frame by frame.

He said the strobe on top of the "craft" is the only vertical one he has ever seen. He added it is unheard of the
pulses alternate in high and low frequencies at a "very fast" speed of 7.5 cycles per second.

Comparing the craft to the grass in the field, Oechsler and company determined it is 25 feet in diameter and less
than five feet high. The red flares in the video left no traces of strontium or cesium the two elements that make
up most of the content of military flares.

Instead, the site was powdered with "substantial amounts" of titanium an element used in strong steel alloys.
"That was quite curious," said Oechsler.
Oechsler found the titanium all over plants in a 50 foot diameter area where plants have been "dehydrated and
melted" with no signs of burning, he said. "All around that sphere the grass was waist-high," he added.

Information from Environment Canada confirms the direction of the wind matches the video's interpretation of
the weather that night. Oechsler, a former NASA mission specialist, hooked up with the Canadian UFO Network
and found they had received a similar package from Guardian after an incident Nov. 6 1989.

Through member Graham Lightfoot of Cobden, Oechsler met Diane and Bill Labenek who own the property
being investigated.

Without letting on they had received a tape, Lightfoot and Oechsler asked if the Labeneks had seen anything
unusual. It turns out Diane Labenek had seen an unusual set of lights when tucking her children into bed around
11 p.m. Aug. 18 1991, said Oechsler. She had also witnessed the November, 1989 event. (Because of her
agreement with NBC, Labenek cannot tell her story until after the broadcast.)

She drew pictures that were "geometrically correct" to the video and gave details about the incident not captured
on tape, like the craft's departure. A neighbor recalls seeing "red lightning" and a white light with a gold halo the
same night, according to Oechsler.

Within a half hour of the sighting, and for months afterward, the Labenek home became the target for unusually
active helicopter activity. The black, seamless, unmarked choppers hover over the house sometimes low enough
to see in the Labenek's windows. Twice they have blown shingles off the house and the outside shed.

DND has given the Labeneks pictures of its machinery to prove it is not their doing. That element still remains a

Oechsler has also joined forces with the National Research Council (NRC). He claimed he is the first person to
work with the council on a suspected UFO matter. They agree, after looking at photos taken by the family, the
helicopters are not Canadian.

Oechsler is still questioning many aspects of the video. His biggest question remains Guardian.
"How does he know when and where they land?" he queried.
He said Guardian has to have prior knowledge to arrive on site with packages of Polaroid film and an excellent
quality video camera. He said he hopes the television exposure will generate interest and hopefully more

He will be in this area until Friday.

by Bob Oechsler
Former NASA Mission Specialist

The Guardian Case is simply one of the most important investigations in UFO research. My involvement in the
investigation began in February of 1992 with the receipt of a video tape and documents sent by an anonymous
individual using only the name Guardian. The video represents a remarkable improvement in the quality of UFO
photographed images. It shows an unmistakable three dimensional image of a structured craft with extraordinary
luminosity characteristics. Further images on the video have proved to be the first authentic images of alien
beings associated with such events.

The subsequent field investigation efforts yielded gross physical effects at the landing site which was witnessed
by several credible individuals. A Canadian Government official who resides in the area of the landing was taken
on-board the craft and claimed to have interacted with the occupants, one of whom was a Chinese man in a black
business suit. The witness testimony was subjected to polygraph examination.

The results proved positive.

This once case has undergone more diversified scientific analysis than any other case in history. This due largely
to the abundance of physical evidence found at the site. The case has been popularized with international
publicity including segments on NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries" and FOX's "Sightings".

We are currently in production involving a documentary on the case to be broadcast during ratings week in
February 1994.

The Guardian Analysis
Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D.

The article, "Uncovering the Guardian Caper," by Errol Bruce Knapp and Tom Theophanous of MUFON in
Ontario (MUFON J,. May 1994), is quite strange. It purports to be a refutation of the Guardian case and the
casual reader may well believe that the authors provided some evidence that it was a hoax perpetrated by
"Guardian," whoever that is, and promoted, for money, by Bob Oechsler.

However, the alert reader will realize that the article presents no convincing evidence to show that either the
witness testimony or the video constitute a hoax. Instead the article makes a number of unfavorable allegations
about Bob Oechsler and tries to make it look as if the investigation was inept. I was a consultant and active
participant in portions of the investigation and I can state that the investigation was not inept. Furthermore, it is
my opinion that the hoax conclusion seems unlikely to be true, considering the witness testimony, and is, at the
very least, premature.

The reasons for my opinion of the Guardian case are outlined below.

One of the allegations in the article is particularly disturbing to me, since it distorts my initial impression of the
Guardian case. According to the MUFON [Ontario] article:
Oeschler (sic) had shown the tape to Bruce Maccabee and they agreed that what they saw was a UFO and should
be investigated further... and that's why Oeschler called Tom at CUFORN.
I don't know how the author or Tom Theophanous could have known my initial opinion of the Guardian video
since neither one talked to me about it. Psychic, perhaps?

Anyway, they are wrong.

When Bob first showed me the video and the "documents" that came along with it I most certainly did not
"agree" that what I saw was a UFO. My immediate impression was that, if it weren't a hoax, it was, at the very
least impossible to prove true since Guardian was anonymous.

To the best of my recollection, Bob did not say that he thought it "was" a UFO. However, he did indicate that it
was intriguing and could bear some "looking into." My own reaction was one of disinterest. I generally feel that
a case without a witness is, at best, a waste of time.

The "documents" which Guardian supplied made it appear to me to be another of the "Nazi UFO" types of

paranoid UFO literature that has circulated in the past. The video, with no commentary, was difficult to
understand. Nevertheless we did spend some time studying the video and we arrived at some tentative
conclusions. We decided that the red lights were probably flares sending off smoke. We could see what we
supposed was the UFO with its blue flashing light on top. We could hear background machine-like noises and
we could hear dogs barking in the background.

I was particularly interested in the second part which starts off with the image moving rapidly around the screen.
The image becomes somewhat more stable and then one sees, on a frame-by-frame basis, the best images of the
supposed UFO as it is silhouetted against light from the background flares. (Note: the second part of the video
which Bob received in the mail was many seconds longer than what appeared in the video sent to CUFORN.)

The way the image of the UFO appears, first showing just the top flashing light and then further and further
downward on the UFO until finally you see all the way down to the bottom suggested to me that the
videographer was walking toward the UFO and climbing a hill while he was videotaping. But, of course, with no
witness testimony and no other evidence, for all we knew the whole video could have been a fabrication.

Bob pointed out that the map which Guardian supplied seemed to show a real location and that there appeared to
be a lot of potentially verifiable information in some of Guardian's diagrams. However, I was not convinced that
the case was worth pursuing. I forgot about the Guardian case soon (seconds?) after I left Oechsler's house on
that early spring night when he showed it to me.

I was surprised to learn later that he had contacted some Canadian investigators in order to pursue the case a bit
further. I was even more surprised to learn a month or so later on that he planned to go to Canada to try to locate
witnesses and perhaps even find Guardian.

I did not really pay any attention to the Guardian case until after Bob returned from his May, 1992, trip and
informed me that he had found a witness. According to Bob, she (Diane Labenek) had been found as a result of
a door-to-door search along one of the roads indicated on Guardian's map. She had recalled an event that she had
seen in the field behind (east of) her house late one August night the previous summer while putting her children
to bed. They had seen it, too.

What she recalled was basically what is depicted in the Guardian video, including bright red burning fires and an
object with bright lights and a flashing light on top.

Bob told me that he videotaped her describing her sighting and making drawings before she was shown the
video. He then videotaped her reaction to seeing the video. She said it showed what she had seen. She also stated
that the object or UFO initially landed near the fires and subsequently departed some time after the flares went
out. Shortly afterward a helicopter flew over her house and the field. Her estimate of the date and time of the
event were consistent with the information provided by Guardian.

During an investigation of the area where Mrs. Labenek indicated that she had seen the red fires Bob located
what appeared to be evidence of some "landing traces. These were found at the back (east) end of the Labenek's
field, about 2,000 ft from the house.

There were crushed bushes, mashed to the ground, that had not grown back by the time of his visit, even though
the event had occurred the previous August. (These bushes were still mashed down in November, 1992, when I
visited the site.) He also found black material on the bushes.

Bob found that the Labenek's have an outdoor kennel near their house. This fact is important inasmuch as a dog
or dogs are heard barking in the Guardian videotape. He also found a path or route, starting at the fence on the
north side and running eastward, through the field that the videographer might have taken.

Mrs. Labenek's view of the portion of this route closest to the house (still hundreds of feet away, however) was
blocked by a large storage building on the Labenek's property. This blockage, and the darkness, could explain
why Mrs. Labenek didn't notice anyone walking in the field. Bob discovered that while he was walking along
this route he went through an area that gave the impression of walking up a hill, similar to what we had deduced
that the videographer had done during the second section of the video.

All of this information made the first four segments of the Guardian video, but not the accompanying
"documents," more interesting to me. (The later segments of the video showing an "alien face" in various poses

is still enigmatic and, at the present time, of little value in establishing the validity of the Guardian case.)

The video raised lots of questions, of course, about Guardian and how he (she?) managed to get the video. These
questions were unanswerable at the time (and many are still not answered). However, the existence of the
questions did not prevent a more careful study of the video to determine what it actually showed and whether or
not it was consistent with the witness testimony.

Of course, when Bob returned he had an accurate map of the area and a drawing of the field with dimensions. In
the following months, Bob and I explored other possible routes through the field for the videographer.

Although Bob had found a route through the field that seemed to involve walking up a slight hill, it was his
impression that this path was too far from the UFO and flares. We therefore tried to think of other possible areas
in and around the field where the videographer could have walked. Bob had not found a "real" hill, but
something more like a depression in the field. It was my impression that he should look for a real hill somewhere
near the back of the field. He did look for a hill in his July and September visits but he found none. The problem
of determining the most likely route was not solved until his October trip, which is discussed below.

In June, Bob and I visited Dr. John Conkling, President of the American Pyrotechnic Association and professor
of chemistry at Washington College in Chestertown, MD. By this time Bob had received the results of scanning
microscope and X-ray tests of plant material from a laboratory at the University of Maryland. The laboratory had
done analyses to determine the chemical elements present in plants that had been partially coated with black
material that was found on some of the plants at the supposed landing site.

These tests failed to show the presence of strontium, although they did show excess titanium, as compared to
control plants that did not have the black material. Dr. Conkling viewed the video and agreed that the fires look
like flares, but he was puzzled at the lack of strontium. He pointed out that in military red flare mixtures the
color is imparted by strontium (nitrate or carbonate). Although there were two other materials to create red fire
(calcium and lithium), for various reasons these are not used in military flares.

He suggested that Bob get more plant samples to look for strontium residue, which should persist in the
environment for years. (He also supplied us with a spectrum of red flare light which I used in the analysis of
diffraction camera photos of one of the Gulf Breeze "red lights." The Gulf Breeze red light was found to have a
spectrum different from that of a military or road flare.)

During subsequent analyses of the video I discovered that not all of the faint images above the bright red flares
were smoke. Initially I had thought that all of these faint images were puffs of smoke being blown upward and to
the right. But after watching a number of times I realized that some of these images stayed in fixed positions
above the flares.

I concluded that these images must have been caused by light reflected from trees behind the flares. When I
visited the site in November I found that there is a dense row of pine trees behind the location where Bob
estimated that the flares were. Thus these faint images of trees provided another element of consistency between
the video and the landing site identified by Oechsler. Incidentally, the images that are puffs of smoke move to
the right in the Guardian video.

From the reconstruction of the videographer's route through the field it is clear that he was facing roughly east. A
check with the weather for the date of the sighting given by Guardian showed a gentle north or northeast wind,
which would blow smoke southward or to the right in the video, thus establishing a measure of consistency
between the video and the known conditions on the date of the sighting.

Before Bob's fourth trip in October, 1992, we tried to estimate the size of the UFO in order to obtain an even
better estimate of the videographers path through the Labenek's field.

By this time I had realized that any reasonable path for the videographer would have to be consistent with the
image sizes on the video. By combining the size of the landing trace area with the estimated camera distance, the
focal length and the estimated zoom ratio (6:1) of a typical video camera I "guessed" that the diameter of the
UFO was 20 to 30 ft. Therefore I proposed that Bob carry out an experiment using a 25 ft diameter "model
UFO" consisting of tall stakes driven into the ground to form a circle.

I then suggested that Bob use his own video camera, restricting the zoom ratio to 6:1, in the following test: walk

away from the circle of stakes while filming until the size of the "UFO" image in his camera is comparable to
that in the Guardian video. I expected that Bob would find himself quite a distance from the "UFO, although he
thought that he would be relatively close (he was of the opinion that the videographer had gotten really close to
the UFO).

As it turned out, this was quite an important experiment because it proved that the videographer was farther from
the UFO than Bob had previously guessed. Bob found that he had to be about fifteen to seventeen hundred feet
away to get the same image size for the first part of the video which shows the red fires and the UFO side by
side. Because of the shape of the field and the because of the trees around the field the only route which was
compatible with both the relative orientation of the flares and the UFO and also with such a large distance was
the route that Bob had found initially.

This route started at the northwest side of the field near the Labenek's large storage building, and continued in a
direction slightly south of eastward for a distance of about 700 feet. All other alternate routes were rejected. To
get into the field the videographer could have either entered from the empty field to the north or by walking up
the Labenek's driveway, past the house and past the dog kennels. (I thought it unlikely that he would have
walked up the driveway.) In order to enter the Labenek's field from the north the videographer would have had to
cross a barbed wire fence. Bob found two places in the fence where the wires had been pushed apart indicating
the passage of someone. (I confirmed that these existed during my visit in November.)

When I visited the area I investigated the route through the field which Bob had determined during the October
tests. Although I had earlier considered the possibility that the videographer had walked partway around the
UFO and found a hill in some other direction to walk up while videotaping, I realized that the simplest path for
the videographer was straight toward the UFO from the location of the initial point which was 1,500 to 1,700 ft
from the UFO and flares.

Therefore, to carry out my test I started at the estimated initial position and walked in a straight line toward the
supposed landing location. In so doing I rediscovered what Bob had found during his May trip: this route led me
through a depression in the field which caused my view of the estimated landing location to be obscured
temporarily. As I continued to walk, however, my view was restored in the same manner as shown on the
Guardian video. At the point where my view of the ground level was restored I was about 1,000 ft from the
supposed landing area.

I should point out that I had no problem walking through the field and did so while looking through the video
camera lens. I found no big rocks or potholes to trip over. (Of course, in the summer it would have been more
difficult because of the tall grasses and plants that grow in the field.)

I made yet another check when I was at the site. In September, 1992, Bob learned that the Labenek's next door
neighbor, Dr. A. J. Quarrington had also seen some strange things that night.

He was watching TV when suddenly there was some interference with the signal. At this time he looked away
from the TV and noticed red light coming through his window. His first thought was that he had seen red
lightning. He looked through the window to see the red lightning and, instead, he saw red looking fires at the
back of the Labenek's field.

He also claims he saw a yellow glowing object pass over and drop down behind trees. He did not say he saw an
object on the ground with a flashing blue light. Yet the flashing blue light is a prominent feature in the video and
was recalled by Diane Labenek.

I wondered, why didn't he see it if he could see the flares? While I was in the field I looked toward Quarrington's
house, which is about 500 ft south of the Labenek's house and about 2,000 ft west-southwest of the supposed
landing site. I discovered that I could see his house from the estimated location of the flares (about 50 - 100
north-northeast of the landing site, ) but a line of dense pine trees cut off my view of his house when I was
standing at the estimated the landing site itself.

Hence his failure to see the UFO on the ground is consistent with the nature of the Labenek's back field and the
estimated landing site area discovered by Bob in May, 1992.

One result of this case having been presented on Unsolved Mysteries in February, 1993 was that another witness
came forward. This lady, called "Sarah" claims that she saw the UFO take off from the Labenek's field and then

land on the road in front of her house where she saw aliens coming out.

"Sarah" has recently told a portion of her story on the "Encounter's" TV show (she wishes to remain anonymous
and uses a pseudonym). I tend to believe her because she has passed a lie detector test. It was administered by a
rather skeptical polygrapher who tested her twice.

He reported,
"In my opinion 'Sarah' was truthful on all issues examined," which included the following subjects:
seeing bright lights over the trees at the Labenek's farm (yes)
seeing two aliens exit a craft on the road in front of her house (yes)
hearing a helicopter pass over the Lebanek farm after the event (yes)
knowing whether or not the video of the aliens was a hoax (no knowledge of a hoax)
As far as I am concerned the case stands or falls on the testimony of the witnesses, not on the video (and
certainly not on the Guardian documents). However, since the video seems to be largely consistent with the
witness testimony it becomes a valuable resource for details of the imagery that the witnesses could not recall.

One such detail of particular interest is the flash rate of the "blue beacon" on the top. It is a brief flash occurring
in one frame of every four frames, which corresponds to about 7.5 flashes per second (at 30 frames per second).

A recently released document from the Canadian government states that three experts from the Department of
Transportation concluded that what landed in the Labenek's field was "likely" either a Sikorsky S-76 commercial
helicopter or else a UH60 U.S. military helicopter (yes, U.S. helicopters do cross the border). These helicopters
have a white "masthead light" at the center of rotation of the control rods. The control rods are small diameter
(ca. 1") vertical bars which run between the top of the helicopter body and the blades. They control the
aerodynamics of the blades.

According to this document the masthead light was turned on and the helicopter blades were rotating at 360 -
400 RPM. According to the document, the repeated rotation of the control rods around the masthead light caused
the light to pulse at "7 cycles per second as stated in the television video" each time a rod passed between the
light and the camera. To some people this "authoritative explanation" may seem convincing.

However, it fails in several ways:
1. The supposed UFO does not at all resemble a helicopter.
2. Rotating helicopter blades would create a wind that would stir up the smoke from the red fires.
3. Although the videotape picked up the noise of a dog hundreds of feet away, there is no engine noise that would
be expected if the videographer were as close as 1,000 ft from a helicopter.
4. The masthead light is white, but the flashing "UFO beacon" is blue.
5. This explanation contradicts the characteristics of the flashing light recorded on the video, a fact that should have
been obvious to the Canadian "experts." The passage of small diameter control rods between the camera and the
masthead light would cause periodic decreases in brightness of the light which would be at full brightness most
of the time (e.g., three frames bright, one dark). This is the opposite of the Guardian video flashing light which is
dark most of the time and bright for only a short time (i.e., dark for three frames, bright for one frame).
Another aspect of the flashing light is of interest. Each time the light flashes at the top of the UFO a light appears
a short distance below it. This lower light is less bright and is extended in the left-right direction.

Analysis of the shape of the UFO and the location of this light indicates that it is the reflection of the top light
from the curved surface of the UFO, thereby indicating that the UFO is a 3 dimensional structure and this
reduces the likelihood that the "UFO" was a two dimensional model, such as might be used in a hoax.

Regarding the hoax hypothesis, without any information on Guardian or how the video was obtained we must
allow for the possibility that the video is a hoax because virtually any photo or video could be created given
enough desire (or a reason for doing so) and the necessary time, money, technical capability and equipment.

If we accept as a "given" that the video could be a hoax, then the real question is can we prove it was a hoax?
Without information about Guardian or the manner in which the video was obtained we certainly cannot directly
prove it was a hoax. We can reverse the question and ask, can we prove it was not a hoax? Again we must
answer no, we cannot prove it was not a hoax. Since we can't prove it was not a hoax we might decide to err on
the side of caution and "conventional wisdom" and say that it probably is a hoax.

On the other hand, a person who accepts the hoax hypothesis for the Guardian video must explain the testimony

of three witnesses. The testimony points to some very unusual UFO-type event that occurred on one night in
August, 1991, at the east end of the Labenek's field. Are we to assume that the video is a hoax but the Labenek/
Quarrington/"Sarah" sighting is real?

About the only ways I can imagine to establish consistency between the video hoax hypothesis and the testimony
is to either assume that someone set up an elaborate hoax in the Labenek's field without them being aware of it
or to assume that the Labeneks and the others were part of the hoax.

At present I am aware of no convincing evidence which supports the idea that the Labeneks or anyone else were
part of a hoax conspiracy and it is difficult to imagine that anyone could have set up a hoax in their field without
their permission.

Hence I conclude that the hoax hypothesis is unlikely to be correct, and is, at the very least, premature. (Note:
Diane Lebanek at first offered to take a lie detector test. Then someone told her that if she passed she would be
killed. She then refused to take a test.)

In this letter I have briefly summarized some of the important information in the Guardian case. I have presented
more factual details here than there are in the MUFON article. The MUFON article seems to be more of an ad
hominem attack on Bob Oechsler than an analysis of the Guardian case. If the author of the article or any of his
sources can convincingly refute the testimony of the witnesses then, indeed, this case can be consigned to the
scrap heap.

However, until then, it must be treated seriously.

The Carp Case
(The Guardian Caper)

- The MUFON Ontario Version: Part 1 -

This case has had much coverage in the media. Tabloid television shows like 'Unsolved Mysteries', 'Sightings'
and 'Encounters' have given it much air-time, as have cable-TV stations all over North America.

Internationally, magazines newspapers and news-letters have devoted hundreds of pages to it and UFO
conferences around the planet have intrigued many thousands of attendees with it's seemingly startling details.

'Carp' has achieved 'One Of The Most Significant Cases In UFO History' status. You've probably heard, seen and
read about it yourself.

In this and succeeding issues we'll deal with the FACTS of the case. We'll describe the events, as told by the
media and as we've experienced them - and we'll try not appear too judgemental.

Beginnings - 1989
Tom Theofanous, working with The Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN), received a package from
someone calling themselves 'Guardian'. It had no return address.
"The package contained a story about a UFO crash that supposedly happened close to Carlton Place, which is
about a half-hour drive from Ottawa", Tom said. "There was also a photo-copied picture of an Alien."

"For the most part, we thought it was a joke. But, CUFORN director Harry Tokarz decided to call Arthur Bray, a
well-respected UFO author and researcher who lives in Ottawa, and ask him if he had someone in the Carlton
area who could check out the story for us. As luck would have it, Arthur knew a fellow who was fascinated by
the field of ufology, Graham Lightfoot."
Graham, with what was to become typical thoroughness, used the somewhat sketchy co-ordinates he got from
Arthur Bray to not only pinpoint the 'UFO crash-site' near Manion Corners, but also locate a number of

One of those witnesses, Diane Labanek, claimed that on the night of November 4th 1989, she saw an intense,
bright light pass overhead, heading towards a swamp at the far end of the field behind and south of her home.
She said she also saw several helicopters earlier that evening using bright lights to scan the area.

Another West Carlton resident recalled that that was the weekend when some cattle escaped from a nearby

pasture and that it took till late Sunday to round them up.

A couple told Graham about the wife being scared by a very bright light shone through their south-facing
bathroom window. "It reached right down our hallway!". The wife also mentioned that she vaguely remembered
hearing the sound of helicopters at the time.

Others talked of "dogs and cattle being disturbed".

Many people could think of absolutely nothing unusual happening during the course of the weekend, including a
couple who had a telescope set-up.

Graham reported those findings to CUFORN, along with results of his examination of the field and swamp
behind Labanek's home - there were no signs on the ground, anywhere, of the heavy equipment that would be
needed to recover a 'crashed craft'.

His report closed with,
"although I could find nothing conclusive to support or disprove any of the witnesses claims. I shall check back
around the area later this summer."
The same Guardian material had been sent to several other investigators, researchers and UFO groups and as the
story spread, both the former Provincial Director of MUFON Ontario Clive Nadin, and the current Quebec
Director Christian Page, visited the area on separate occasions, and spoke to the 'witnesses'.

They confirmed Graham Lightfoot's initial findings and agreed with Tom & Harry at CUFORN that someone
was "trying to put us on - a hoax!"

Guardian Re-Surfaces - 1991
In the middle of October 1991 CUFORN began receiving more Guardian 'information' via the mail and all
postmarked 'Ottawa'.

An envelope with some documents that mention a 'conspiracy' between the Chinese and 'Grey Aliens that are
planning to take over the world', arrived first. Then came a Polaroid photograph of a 'UFO' flying across an
unidentified road. A while later came a black & white picture of a grey-type 'Alien'.

The fourth delivery in the series was a package. It contained the now infamous VHS video tape with a green
label on the cassette, with a thumb print and the word GUARDIAN printed on the label.

There were also three playing cards in the package, all with hand written notes on them - an Ace, King and

A photo-copied map showed the 'Grey's landing area', along with notes explaining that the flares in the video
were used to help the UFO, which can out maneuver anything on the planet, fly under the radar and know where
to land!

There were also 'Canadian Department of National Defense documents' enclosed - which, upon later
investigation, proved to be forgeries. These 'documents', it is thought, were designed to look like the official
documents on UFOs that Canadian UFO author/researcher Stanton Friedman acquired, via 'The Freedom of
Information Act', from the United States Government.

The video - a few minutes long - showed two different angles of what Guardian alleges was an 'alien craft', on
the ground.

First, a long shot of bright lights clumped together to the right of the scene and what looked like four red
emergency road flares or fires in barrels on the left side of the screen. The second scene showed the same clump
of bright lights from approximately the same distance but more to the centre without any flares and the sound of
a single dog barking in the distance. The third scene was only three frames long and was a close-up of a a pair of
wipers half-way across a very Earth-bound vehicle!

CUFORN pondered what to do with all the Guardian information that arrived in October of '91 and decided, that
in view of the season - winter, that they would hold off visiting Carlton until after the spring run-off.


Enter Oechsler
At the beginning of March '92, Bob Oechsler (pronounced Bob Ex-ler) an American MUFON investigator -
who describes himself a 'former NASA mission specialist' - called CUFORN from his home in Maryland.

Apparently, he too had received a video and documents from Guardian, although when comparisons of the two
videos were discussed, his had an additional scene - a somewhat closer one minute shot of the 'alien craft'.

His version also had a couple of minutes worth of the windshield, plus several still shots of the 'Grey Aliens'.
The most important difference, however, was that his version of the tape had no audio-track at all - "it seems it
was intentionally removed", says Tom Theofanous.

Oechsler had shown the tape to Bruce Maccabee and they agreed that what they saw was a UFO and should be
investigated further - and that's why Oechsler called Tom at CUFORN. They agreed they would meet in Carlton,
Ontario on May 10th 1992. Tom then called and spoke with Graham Lightfoot, for the first time, and Graham
agreed to act as guide for the May meeting.

It transpired that Graham worked for The O.F.A - The Ontario Federation of Agriculture - and knew the Carlton
area and its farmers well.

The First Visit
On May 10th, Mother's Day, 1991, Torontonians, Tom & Lise Theofanous, Victor Lourenco, Vaughn [LAST
NAME?], Drew Williamson, Harry Tokarz and Wayne St. John met with Oechsler, his son and Graham
Lightfoot at the motel the Oechslers were staying at in West Carlton, near Ottawa, Ontario.

They all had breakfast together as Oechsler told many, many fascinating stories. Eventually they ended up in
Oechsler's motel room to compare their copies of the Guardian video.
"Oechsler, despite being an expert in video analysis, had a great deal of difficulty connecting my video camera
up to the TV set in his room so that we could play back the Guardian videos. In retrospect, his combination of
technical ineptness and more story telling seemed to be a stalling tactic", said Tom.
They stopped at a spot off Highway 7 near Manion Corners and Graham pointed out the direction from which
the 1989 'UFO' had come when it 'crashed', and where the Labanek's house was in relation to where the group
was standing.

Oechsler seemed to be stalling once more, shooting video of everything.

Finally, they set off again.
"This time Oechsler took the lead, with me following him and Graham who's supposed to be our guide following
me!" Tom says. "I thought at the time that this was pretty odd. How did Oechsler, who supposedly had never
been to Canada, let alone this area before, know his way, using side-roads and making the correct turns toward
our destination?"
Earlier, Oechsler had asked the Toronto group to check for anomalies on their compasses while they were
driving, because the Guardian papers described magnetic changes in certain parts of the area the group was
traveling in.
"So, we're driving down a small hill when Oechsler braked suddenly up ahead of us, stopped and came back to
our car to tell me that he had found an anomaly on his two compasses", Tom recounts, "now, he had both of his
laying in the back of his pick-up on the metal floor where they were bouncing around. His son was keeping an
eye on them from the cab. I told him that the three compasses, we were holding in the palms of our hands, in our
car didn't waver at all. But, he insisted that he'd go back up the hill, by himself, and check again."
While the rest of the group stood around waiting for Oechsler, Drew Williamson noticed a Stop-sign at the end
of a long driveway leading to an abandoned farmhouse with a For-Sale sign on it.

Tom continues:
"I looked through my binoculars at the Stop-sign and saw that it was propped up by rocks. There were other
signs around it that read 'Do Not Enter' and 'DND Killing Fields'. The last one had pictographs of tanks,
helicopters and weapons on it and appeared to be riddled with bullet-holes.

"So, out of curiosity, we went over to the signs and looked more closely."

"We found tracks left by cars and what might have been four- wheeled vehicles, leading into the property. We

felt that perhaps the field around the old farm house was being used for 'War Games' - or maybe even was the
location used for the Guardian video."

"Why? Because the terrain was perfect - lots (200 acres) of open field. I also noticed a dog barking up at the
house at the top of the hill." said Tom.
This would become significant later in identifying the possible location of the Guardian video shoot.
"Eventually, we continued along Corkery Road. But, when I mentioned to Oechsler that we should be
interviewing the people in the neighborhood we were passing, who were out sitting in their front gardens or
working on their lawns, he insisted that we look for the 'crash' or 'landing' sites."
Guardian's map described an area about one and a quarter miles square, which consisted of dense, knee-high
scrub, and wet, swampland.

The group headed toward it, using a path beneath high-tension power transmission lines that cut across below the
southern end of the Labanek's property.

Most of them had great difficulty with the rough conditions and became very tired, annoyed by biting
mosquitoes and soaked by the swampy ground. They gave about a half way into the swamp and headed back to
the back to the parking lot.

Tom picks up the story again:
"Bob and his son continued to look for the landing site as the rest of us left the swamp in a couple of different
groups. Lise, Drew, Wayne and I left first and drove off looking for a drink of cold pop."

"When we got back to the parking lot twenty minutes later, the second group out had left a note on our
windshield saying they'd meet us at a restaurant twenty minutes away in Carp. We left a note on the Oechsler's
truck windshield telling them where we'd be.

"The first of our group to arrive at the restaurant ordered their food and twenty minutes later the rest of us
arrived and placed our orders."

"Thirty minutes later, as Oechsler and his son were walking through the door, I jokingly said: I bet he'll say he
found the spot!"

"As he sat down, I asked him what had happened. He smiled and said he'd found the spot."

"I asked how he'd managed to do that when we'd left him a about a mile from his car in a dense swamp halfway
to the alleged site and it was getting dark. There simply hadn't been enough time to get there examine the 'site'
and get back out to his truck and drive to the restaurant. He just smiled, but didn't answer."
After they finished their dinner, Drew, Victor and Vaughn decided to leave for Toronto.

Graham suggested that the remainder should go talk to the Labanek, and he and Harry left ahead of Tom & Lise
and the Oechslers, since Oechsler senior was still eating. The seven of them would meet at the corner by the
"Lise, Wayne and I confronted Oechsler out in the parking lot, where the three of us had gone to discuss the days
events privately."

"I asked him what he was trying to pull here. He responded by asking "what's wrong with trying to make a
buck?", I answered that there was nothing wrong with making money as long as we didn't compromise our

"Oechsler came back with: "No matter what or how good the story is, 50% of the people will believe you, 50%
wont. All you have to care about is the 50% that will".

"It was at that point", recalls Tom, "that I decided to back away from the investigation for a while to see what
Oechsler would do."
They joined the others at Manion Corner by the Labaneks house - Graham had knocked on their door but there
was no one home. So, they waited, enjoying a pleasant early summer evening, talking.

The Labaneks didn't get home till after 10 p.m, which the group felt was late to do an interview. Graham and
Oechsler would come back the next morning and talk to them

Tom finishes up this part of the story:
"I told Graham about the conversation that I had in the parking lot of the restaurant with Oechsler, after he left
the restaurant. Then Lise, Harry, Wayne and I left for Toronto, shaking our heads."
- End of Part One, MUFON Ontario Version -

Documents Received from Guardian in 1989

Canadian and American Security Agencies are engaged in a conspiracy of silence, to withhold from the world
the alien vessel seized in the swamps of Corkery Road, Carp, in 1989.

UFO sightings in the Ontario region had intensified in the 1980s, specifically, around nuclear power generating
stations. On Nov. 4, 1989 at 20:00 hrs Canadian Defense Dept. radars picked up a globe shaped object traveling
at phenomenal speed over Carp, Ontario. The UFO abruptly stopped, and dropped like a stone.
Canadian and American Security Agencies were immediately notified of the landing. Monitoring satellites traced
the movements of the aliens to a triangular area. (see aerial map) off Almonte and Corkery Roads.

The ship had landed in deep swamp near Corkery Road. Two AH-64 Apaches and a UH-60 Blackhawk headed
for the area the following night. The helicopters carried full weapon loads. They were part of a covert American
unit that specialized in the recovery of alien craft.

Flying low over Ontario pine trees the Apache attack choppers soon spotted a glowing, blue, 20 meter in
diameter sphere. As targeting lasers locked-on, both gun-ships unleashed their full weapon loads of 8 missiles
each. All 16 were exploded in proximity bursts 10 meters downwind from the ship.

The missiles were carrying VEXXON, a deadly neuro-active gas which kills on contact. Exposed to air the gas
breaks down quickly into inert components. Immediately after having completed their mission the gun-ships
turned around, and headed back across the border.

Now the Blackhawk landed, as men exploded from its open doors. In seconds the six man strike team had
entered the UFO through a 7 meter hatchless, oval portal. No resistance was encountered. At the controls, 3 dead
crewman were found.

With the ship captured, the US Air force, Pentagon, and Office of Naval Intelligence were notified. Through the
night a special team of technicians had shut-down and disassembled the sphere. Early the next morning Nov. 6,
1989 construction equipment and trucks were brought into the swamp. The UFO parts were transported to a
secret facility in Kanata, Ontario.

As a cover story the locals were informed that a road was being built through the swamp. No smokescreen was
needed for the military activity as Canadian forces regularly train in the Carp region. Officially nothing unusual
was reported in the area. Although someone anonymously turned in a 35mm roll of film. It was received by the
National Research Council of Canada, in Ottawa. The film contained several clear shots of an entity holding a
light. (see photo) At this time the photographer is still unidentified.

The humanoids were packed in ice and sent to an isolation chamber at the Univ. of Ottawa. CIA physiologists
performed the autopsies.

The reptilian, fetus-headed beings, were listed as CLASS 1 NTEs. (Non Terrestrial Entities) Like others
recovered in previous operations, they were muscular, grey-white skinned, humanoids.

The ship was partially reassembled at the underground facility in Kanata. Unlike previous recoveries this one is
pure military. Built as a Starfighter it is heavily armed and armored. In design no rivets, bolts, or welds were
used in fastening, yet when reconstructed there are no seams. The UFO itself is made up of a matrixed dielectric
magnesium alloy. It is driven by pulsed electromagnetic fields generated by a cold fusion reactor. All offensive
capabilities utilize independently targeting electronic beam weapons. In the cargo hold were found ordnance
racks containing fifty Soviet nuclear warheads. Their purpose was revealed by advanced tactical/combat
computers located in the flight deck.

Threatened by recent East-West relations, and the revolutionary movements within itself, Red China is preparing

for the final ideological war. The aliens have agreed to defend China from the free worlds combined military
and nuclear forces.

At this time China is arming the Middle East with their own nuclear arsenals, in order that they can successfully
take on Israel. Unifying the Arabs under one Chinese command was simple, especially with Israels recent iron
fist attitude toward occupied territories.

The Soviet warheads found in the UFO were destined for Syria. CIA operatives in the Middle East have noticed
huge movements of Chinese technicians and advisors. China is also supplying the Arabs with bacteriological
agents, Migs, Hind gunships, tanks, and missile launchers. The use of Soviet instead of Chinese nukes is
part of a disinformation campaign to break up East-West relations after the annihilation of Israel. The Warheads
were hijacked from Soviet subs in the Dragons Triangle.

A section of alien controlled Pacific once frequented by Russian subs. After losing some 900 high yield
warheads and 13 vessels, commanders were ordered to steer clear of the area.

The most important alien-tech find were the 2 millimeter, spheroid, brain implants. Surgically inserted through
the nasal orifice the individual can be fully monitored and controlled. The CIA and Canadian Govt have actively
supported mind-slave experiments for years. Currently the Univ. of Ottawa is involved in ELF wave mind
control programs. A continuation of the CIA psychological warfare project known as MKULTRA, started at the
Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal.

Using ELF signals transmitted at the same wavelength the human brain uses, the researchers could subliminally
control the test subject. The alien implants utilize the same principles except that the whole unit is sub
miniaturized and contained in the brain. Fortunately the implants can be detected by magnetic resolution
scanning technology. All individuals implanted by the aliens are classified as ZOMBIES.

The ZOMBIES have been programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the near future. When China finishes with
Israel it will invade Europe. At the same time Chinese space based bacteriological weapons will be launched at
the Arctic. The winds will carry the diseases into Russia and North America. In days 100s of millions will be
dead, survivors will have to deal with Chinese, aliens, and the ZOMBIES.

The aliens want all out war so that human resistance would be minimal, when they invade. They tried this same
tactic once before with Nazi Germany. Most of the scientific advances we have today came from German
science which was based on alien technology. Had Hitler won the war, the earth would have become a
concentration camp in order to depopulate the continents for the aliens.

Data aboard the sphere explained why the aliens are so comfortable on our world. They preceded man on the
evolutionary scale by millions of years; created with the dinosaurs. Some 675 million years ago an
interdimensional war destroyed most of their civilization, and forced them to leave the earth. Now they have
chosen to reclaim what was once theirs.

The alien forces with their Chinese and Arab allies will attack within the next 5 years.

Waiting longer than that would make it impossible even for the aliens to reverse the ecological damage inflicted
on the Earth by Man.

The Carp Case
(The Guardian Caper)

- The MUFON Ontario Version: Part 2 -

The following morning, Graham Lightfoot, Oechsler and his son met and drove to the Labanek's home at
Manion Corners near Carp, Ontario. Graham reintroduced himself and asked Diane Labanek if she remembered

him. "Vaguely" she said, and then remembered their conversation about a bright light that had headed towards
the swamp at the bottom of her field back in 1990.

When asked if she had seen anything strange since then, she described an event that happened in their field. It
seems she was putting her children to bed one night in August 1991 and something caught here eye from the
second floor bedroom.

Labanek described seeing what she thought was a fire, or perhaps flares burning at the far end of the field behind
the house and as she watched, a 'craft' landed next to the fire/flares.
"After a few minutes, maybe five or eight, the very bright lights on the craft went out - just like you turn off a
light-bulb. And soon after, the flares went out. Then some minutes later, a helicopter came and hovered over the
area - like they were looking for something" she said.
When she was asked later why she hadn't called the fire department about a 'fire' burning in her field, which was
tinder dry in the August heat, she replied,
"I didn't think that anyone would believe and I thought I'd get into trouble!"
On Oechsler's next visit to the Labanek's, she was asked to draw what she had seen. She drew a craft that she
described as being silver/grey, with a zigzag design around it, sitting on three blocks which, coincidently,
matched a drawing that was in one of the Guardian packages - a drawing that she maintained she'd never seen.

Labanek was able to see an object and details that were over 2200 feet away in the dark and brightly lit from the
bottom up. Guardian's video camera, which was closer, couldn't see the 'thunderbolt insignia' around the 'craft' or
the three 'blocks' beneath the craft.

The video clearly shows the 'craft' to be red and not silver/grey.

In the version of Guardians video that was sent to CUFORN, the Canadian UFO Research Network, the last
three frames show a windshield with the wiper blades in an upright position.
Why would Guardian put those frames that appear to have been shot at night with artificial light, on the tape?
Were those frames designed to give a clue as to what the craft really was?
In the course of one of many discussions between the investigators, Tom Theofanous asked Oechsler what he
thought about the windshield footage on Guardian's video. Oechsler replied that it wasn't a windshield but rather
the design on the side of the 'craft'. Tom asked how he'd come to that conclusion? Oechsler replied,
"Well there's Diane's evidence together with my expertise in analysis - that's how."
Oechsler had once again brought up his 'qualifications and expertise', which he seemingly did and still does at
the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, Oechsler's qualifications on the subject of windshields were definitely non-
existent when compared to Tom's - he's been running a windshield repair company for the past seven years!

Oechsler and Graham went out to the field after their first talk with Diane Labanek.

The previous night, at a restaurant, Oechsler had claimed that he had found the 'landing site' and now insisted
that they look for 'evidence'. He spotted an area of grass that had been "dug up during the landing". Graham, who
works for the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, patiently explained that skunks caused that kind of damage
while looking for grubs.

Oechsler's biography touts his experience in dealing with the UFO phenomenon and his expertise in 'field work',
an expertise not on display that day. "He seemed not to know what he was looking for or anything much about
country nature" Graham observed later.

Oechsler's inexperience continued to make to show as he pointed to vegetation that had "been treated with
microwave radiation"! How did he come to that conclusion without using any instruments?
"It's very dry and brittle, so it's obviously been irradiated" Oechsler said.
The 'irradiated' plants were Juniper bushes that always look that way after a Canadian winter - bleached, dried
and flattened by heavy snow, probably in much the same way as in Maryland, Oechsler's home-state.

Graham and Oechsler continued to examine what Oechsler was convinced was the landing site. He then asked
Graham if he had anything to put samples in. Graham thought that it was extremely odd that an investigator of
Oechsler's 'calibre' would show up with no sample containers and handed over some empty film canisters for
Oechsler's samples.

On returning to Labanek's house later that day, Labanek told them that her husband Bill had "gone for milk" at
around 10:00pm on the evening of the 'landing' and had missed it. Bill Labanek had been doing a 'milk-run' on
the night in 1989 when there had been a 'crash' in their swamp.

He didn't seem to be at all concerned about what had transpired on his property on either occasion. He didn't
bother to take the time to go look at the spot which his wife said had been a 'UFO landing site'.

Diane Labanek claims to have gone only part way into the field the day after the 'landing', looked briefly in the
direction of the 'landing site', didn't see anything, and walked back to the house. She had told no one about what
she saw that night until Graham and Oechsler asked her about it.

Why didn't she walk the remaining couple of hundred yards to where this 'amazing event' took place? She says
that it was a beautiful summer evening too.

That evening Graham called Tom in Toronto and recounted the days events. They discussed Oechsler and his
amateurish approach to the investigation and observed that a pattern seemed to be emerging.

It seemed that Oechsler was incompetent, egocentric and attempting to steer the case and its facts to fit in with
his own agenda.

As a follow-up to Diane Labanek's assertions about helicopter activity following the 'landing', Investigator Drew
Williamson called the Department of National Defence (DND) on May 12, 1992. He was told that the military
held exercises every August using helicopters and that they had to get permission from landowners for the
choppers to land in their fields. If an emergency were to arise and a helicopter had to land DND would pay
compensation for any damage caused.

On July 12, 1992, Graham made a number of calls to various military establishments to get information on
helicopter activity. He was told that they don't use flares during landings at night, but do use Chem-Sticks that
glow in the dark. Captain Mark Bigoutte said that although choppers were on exercise on August 19, 1991, they
were many miles to the west of Manion Corners.

On July 14, 1992 Oechsler arrived back at Graham's place and the next day they went to Uplands Royal
Canadian Airforce base and showed Colonel Cajo Brando and Major Norm Patterson the Guardian video - over
and over.

Colonel Brando didn't think it was a helicopter and when shown a photograph taken by one of the Labanek
children of a Huey Helicopter that Diane Labanek maintained had 'buzzed' their home after the 'landing', he said,
"It's not one ours, they were decommissioned (taken out of active-service) two years ago."

Brando suggested that it may have been an American chopper that had come across the border without notifying
Canadian authorities - something which, apparently, happens often.

Later that day, Graham and Oechsler returned to the Labanek's and collected some fifteen soil and plant samples
from the supposed 'landing' site. On a radio call-in show, March 30th '93, Oechsler claimed to have collected
"over a hundred samples from all over the area"!

Oechsler, in a conversation with Graham and Tom expressed interest in getting the case on the 'Unsolved
Mysteries' TV show, feeling that it might flush Guardian out. Tom countered that it might be better to further
investigate the claims of the 'witnesses' before giving the case national TV exposure.

What neither Tom nor Graham knew at the time, was that Oechsler had already gone ahead and made a deal with
Unsolved Mysteries to shoot a segment on the Carp Case in the fall.

In the following three months preparations were made for the shooting of the 'Unsolved' segment with Graham
received many calls from and eventually met the TV show's Bob Kiviat and Bob Wise. Oechsler flew into
Ottawa in mid October 1992 with the 'Unsolved' crew and interviewed Major Patterson about the Guardian
'Documents'. Graham, feeling as he did about Oechsler's 'slant' on the case was very reluctant to appear on the

show and it took many calls from various production people to eventually talk him into appearing.

On November 15, 1992 participants in the Carp segment gathered at General Assembly for the taping. Graham
met Bruce Maccabee for the first time and, to use his words, "was not very impressed."

He put his contribution 'in the can' the next day at the Labanek's.

In the course of a meeting on November 19, 1992 Graham learned that a man named Andy Williams claimed
that he knew who Guardian was. Graham and Oechsler arranged to meet with Williams the next day in Ottawa.
Andy Williams explained that a friend of many years, Bobby Charlebois, had an on-going interest in UFOs and
had called himself 'Guardian' over the course of those years. He went on to give details about Bobby Charlebois
and his 'interests'.

Oechsler, inexplicably, gave Andy Williams much material regarding the Carp case.

On November 22nd, Graham discovered that a co-worker knew Bobby Charlebois well - his sister, Meg had
dated the Guardian 'suspect'. Graham talked with Meg and she confirmed that Charlebois was an avid UFO buff
and had discussed the phenomenon on many occasions in the past.

Despite having signed an 'exclusive' with Unsolved Mysteries to not do another show until 30 days after their
'airing' of the Carp Case, Oechsler records a segment for 'Sightings' in January of 1993 without telling Graham
until after the fact.

Interestingly, Dr. A.J. Quarington a 'witness' participates in 'Sightings' after refusing meet or even discuss the
case with Graham and Clive Nadin (the former Director of MUFON Ontario) in the early stages of the

On February 1, 1993 Oechsler and Graham meet with reporter Lois Tuffin, who also knows Bobby Charlebois
well. Oechsler asked her to deliver a large package of UFO material to Charlebois in the hopes of getting his
fingerprints. She did so, but the package was returned to her an hour later.

The following day Oechsler collected the package from Lois and took it to the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police)
to have it checked for fingerprints. There were none and the feeling was that Charlebois had out-smarted them,
wiping the package clean. It seems that Charlebois has something to hide.

Diane Labanek, on hearing Bobby Charlebois name said that she had known him "for a while" and that he was a
good friend who visited often.

Oechsler asked her to try and get Charlebois' fingerprints from any drinking glasses that he might use. Labanek
claimed that Charlebois always wiped them clean.

- End of Part Two, MUFON Ontario Version -

The Carp Case
(The Guardian Caper)

- The MUFON Ontario Version: Part 3 -

On February 4, 1993 Graham and Oechsler went to the Labanek's where Leanne Cuzak interviewed Bob
Oechsler and Diane Labanek for CJOH-TV, Ottawa.
During this interview Labanek claimed that "a lot of others had seen the event that had transpired in my field".
She didn't, however, seem to recall any names and in talking to many residents in the Manion Corner area,
MUFON Ontario has not been able to find any other witnesses to the 'UFO Landing'.

During the CJOH-TV interview that day Oechsler also claimed that he too had received a large number of calls
from 'witnesses'. Graham wasn't aware of any calls to the Labanek's or anywhere else other than a few to
Oechsler's hotel.


Later that day, Graham Lightfoot and Oechsler met with a couple of high school girls in Almonte, a short drive
from the Labanek's. They had called the Unsolved Mysteries Hotline, which again Graham wasn't aware of, to
report that they knew who Guardian was. The name they gave wasn't Charlebois'. Oechsler told them who
Guardian was. Oechsler, despite avowing not to, was blowing Guardian's cover'.

On February 24, 1993, Labanek told Graham and Oechsler about a sighting that her mother had the previous
week. Her mother had seen a 'craft' hovering "not fifty feet from the house" but was too scared at the time to call
out to anybody.

Later Labanek claimed that her husband saw a 'craft' around the same spot as the August '91 sighting. There were
no explanations as to when or if there were any traces of this second 'landing'.

Apparently, neither of these 'incidents' were of interest to Oechsler and he has only mentioned them very briefly
since and only in passing!

If these two events were 'real' why wouldn't he have investigated them too, instead of making such a fuss about
the 'evidence' that he'd found nine months after the August '91 'landing'? Labanek's mother's and husband's
'experiences' would have surely produced more witnesses and ground effects?!

Labanek has constantly complained about being harassed by 'low-flying' helicopters that blew shingles off her
roof. When close neighbours were questioned by MUFON Ontario investigators about any low-flying choppers
they might have observed, they only mentioned the regular Air Ambulance flights that passed overhead and the
occasional military or Mountie aircraft. Not one mentioned choppers flying at unusually low altitudes - below
the regulation five-hundred feet.

At the time of describing her mother's 'sighting' to Graham and Oechsler, Labanek told of a white helicopter that
passed over the house the following day. Subsequent investigation showed that it was a NATO aircraft on a
training-exercise and that it too would not have been flying below the standard five-hundred foot level.

Due to the proximity of the Labanek's neighbors it would be impossible for a helicopter to fly low enough to
blow the shingles off one house and not be noticed by the residents of neighboring houses.

Labanek had told Graham that she knew nothing about UFOs, nor did she care about them or talk about them
with anyone. And yet, when the Unsolved Mysteries show was being taped at her home, one of the 'grips' on the
crew setting up a scene (in which Guardian was mailing a video) in Labanek's basement recreation room, found
"cupboards containing many UFO books".

Graham Lightfoot Letter Regarding Bob Oechsler

On February 28, 1993 Graham wrote the following to Bob Kiviat, producer of the Unexplained Mysteries
segment on 'Guardian':

Bob Kiviat, Producer
Cosgrove/ Meurer Productions
Dear Bob,

No doubt youve heard from Oechsler that there has been another sighting at Labaneks... on Feb 17th 93. It was
Dianes mother who saw the event at 11:10 pm, very close to the house. She was so frightened that she didnt
call to Diane and no one else saw it. She said the craft was right over the garden which means it was within 50
feet of the house. It hovered there for a short while and moved south over the swamp, in the direction that the
1989 crash light was seen. It came back beside the house and then moved off out of sight over the swamp. She
described it as having a flashing light on top and lots of light all around it. She pulled the curtains from the
window, but didnt wake anyone else in the house. The next day a white helicopter arrived and flew over the
same course.

Oechsler may or may not have told you he is working with the RCMP in trying to get Guardians (Bobby
Charlesbois) fingerprints. He tells me he is trying to get the RCMP to charge Bobby with a minor charge of
forging DND documents to scare him into an admission. This is contrary to Oechslers stated intent to Bobby, of
not disclosing Bobbys identity if he wished to remain anonymous.

I am trusting you to keep my comments to you in confidence from Oechsler as I will no doubt be working with
him again on this case. I have no problem working with him at arms length, but his methods and rather chaotic
behavior bothers me. He has told me that he wants to set up a 24-hours a day, two week watch at the Labaneks
since he feels the sightings will re-occur in the near future. He has no funding for this operation and told me he
will seek help from your company in this regard.

This may all be a good idea, but my feeling is that these things will run their course, with or without 24-hour
surveillance. In fact Id hazard a guess that the event is less likely to occur with surveillance.

Ive heard through the grapevine that the expert on the Sightings show claims he doesnt know who Oechsler
is, never met him. It seems Sightings showed the tape to this expert and he said he didnt know what it was.
Also MUFON is distancing itself from Oechsler after their credibility suffered with the Gulf Breeze story. It
seems Oechsler wants to speak at their annual meeting and they dont want him there.

Oechsler has a lot of background information and he certainly has a lot of contacts that are invaluable in doing
research of this nature. He is persistent in looking for evidence, yet at the same time he often tries to build a case
to fit his preconceived story line.

This bothers me.

We have talked about his ego and wanting credit for everything he learns. Thats OK by me. In the Labanek case
he used a lot of material that I got for him. The show implied that he found Labaneks place from the Guardian
map. He could have spent weeks looking for the location on his own.
But what bothers me the most is his tunnel vision, that only he can find the answers.

- Graham Lightfoot

On March 4, '93, Oechsler phoned Graham to boast that he had asked the RCMP to apply pressure the Guardian
suspect, Bobby Charlebois, by charging him with forging Department of National Defense documents. In actual
fact, the only way the RCMP would have paid any attention would have been if a formal complaint was filed by
a Canadian Citizen.

What Oechsler didn't tell Graham was that a complaint was lodged by the Labaneks who told the RCMP that
they were being 'harassed' by helicopters flying over their property, below the 500 feet minimum set by the
Federal Government.

March 8, brought a call from Labanek to Graham. She complained about being 'harassed' by the RCMP. She said
that they tried to get her to sign a 'confession' ( her word ) that craft she saw landing in her field on the night of
August 18, 1991 was a helicopter! She also claimed that Bobby 'Guardian' Charlebois was also being 'harassed'
by the Mounties and had hired a lawyer.

Graham, at the time, was convinced that Labanek was telling the truth and felt that something should be done
about her complaints. He called Charlie Greenwell at CJOH-TV in Ottawa and suggested that perhaps the station
could cover the story on their local news. A report aired three days later on the 6 O'clock News.

CJOH-TV's news item infuriated Oechsler. On March 29, he blasted Graham for giving the story to a TV station.
This puzzled Graham - why would Oechsler take exception to him helping Labanek expose RCMP harassment?

What Graham didn't know was that the complaint to the Mounties was lodged by the Labaneks, apparently at the
urging of Oechsler, to increase the credibility of the Carp Case. p A censored copy of the RCMP report on the
case, obtained by Christian Page of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Quebec, told a different story.

The Labanek's complaint was actually filed with the RCMP on February 10, 1993! The purpose of the
investigation was to:
[Quote from RCMP Report ]

ascertain if sufficient evidence was available to support a prosecution under the Aeronautics Act, Section 534 (2)
(b) for flying below 500 feet

ascertain if in fact the object observed was an aircraft
ascertain if the craft observed (by complainant) is a UFO (as per complainant).

[End Quote]
The investigation by RCMP Constable De Haitre, started on February 15, 1993 with interviews of the Labanek's

De Haitre found that signs bearing the words 'Defense Canada', 'Killing Fields', and a 'Test Area' sign with a
hand-painted tank and 'Air-Wolf' helicopter on it had been seen in a field that later proved to be owned by the
Labanek's. Const. De Haitre observed in his report that the lettering-style on the signs was similar to those in the
Guardian documents.

Constable De Haitre was told by one of the Labaneks neighbors that another sign had the word 'Nuclear' mis-
spelled as 'Nucleear'.

Oechsler then directed his energies toward De Haitre and Canadian Airforce Major Patterson - which created
more confusion. Oechsler told Constable De Haitre about finding Titanium at the 'landing site' in the Labanek's
field and showed him some of the photographs that he had taken. He also told De Haitre that there were no traces
of Strontium, which there would have been had the flares at the 'site' been of the military 'high-heat', type.

Later, in the February/March issue of UFO Library Magazine, Oechsler wrote that he "had the smoking-gun in
the pyrotechnical mystery". He now claimed that there was evidence of Lithium Carbonate which is not used in
military flares, but rather in "expensive fireworks displays" (or perhaps in roadside emergency flares?).
Fireworks that, of course, can be purchased at any 7-11 Store.

Isn't it strange that he would wait a whole year to tell the world the results of his 'tests'?

Oechsler had results of a test that refuted his completely baseless theory about military flares being used at the
Carp 'landing site' and didn't publish them for over a year?

And what did he do during that time? He traveled the lecture circuit making money telling people that the flares
were definitely military in origin because of the strontium residue that he didn't find at the 'landing site'!

Oechsler tried to cement his relationship with the RCMP. He told Constable De Haitre about his 'witnesses' and
his 'analysis' of the Guardian video and suggested that Bobby 'Guardian' Charlebois be charged under the
'Fraudulent Cheque Act' for distributing forged Government documents (the 'Canadian Department of National
Defence' documents). De Haitre concluded that no charges could be laid.

De Haitre investigated Oechsler's claims about Titanium and Strontium flare-residue and included the results
about the circumstances under which they could and could not be found and where, in the final RCMP report on
the case.

Several conversations and correspondence occurred between Oechsler and Constable De Haitre, all of which the
Mountie, naturally, recorded in his notes on the case.

- End of Part Three, MUFON Ontario Version -

Comments on the Second Installment of The Carp Case by MUFON Ontario
Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D.

In the second installment of their critique of the Carp case the MUFON Ontario authors have published the
names of people who said they wished to remain anonymous, including that of the "Guardian Suspect" who
claims that he is not Guardian. This is bad form if not just unethical. MUFON International should consider
disciplinary action.

(Note: the witness known as "Sarah" has a quite a sensitive Canadian government job, which could be "on the
line" if her involvement becomes general knowledge.)
(Note 2: no disciplinary action was taken.)

The MUFON Ontario version supports Mr. Oechsler's claim that the primary witness, Diane Labenek was

"discovered" in a search of the neighborhood for witnesses to a strange event the previous summer. (It is
important to note that she was found in a search of the area. There had been no publicity about the Guardian case
and the people who were living in the area were simply asked about any strange event they could recall the
previous summer.)

She told of seeing red fires at the back end of her field, of seeing a flying craft land near the fires, of seeing the
craft "turn off" and the fires go out, all late one night in August, 1991. The article fails to point out that she
recalled all of this before she was shown the video (as documented by Oechsler in his video of the initial

The article claims that there is a contradiction between Mrs. Labenek's testimony and the video. According to the
article she said the craft appeared to be silver grey with a zig-zag pattern around it and appeared to be sitting on
three blocks, but the video doesn't show the,
"thunderbolt design around the craft or the three blocks" and "the video clearly shows the craft to be red, not
Taking the last statement first, the video shows the fires to be red and it shows white, red and green bright areas
(not point lights, but areas) around the lower edge of the craft.

However, the main surface of the craft is seen only in the "close up" portions of the video as a silhouette against
the flares/smoke. The surface appears totally dark in the video except where the flashing top light reflects off the
upper surface. At that point one sees blue/white light. Thus all one can really say about the main body of the
craft, as seen in the video, is that it is reflective. This does not refute her claim that it was "silver/grey."

Regarding the other statements about what the video camera did not see ("thunderbolt insignia" or blocks under
the craft), it should be noted that the typical home video camera is nowhere near as sensitive to light as the
human eye. Bright lights cause over exposure and dimly lit surfaces are not detected at all. Unfortunately we
don't know what the characteristics of the Guardian video camera are, but based on typical available video
cameras in 1991 and earlier, it likely had a sensitivity of 5 lux or more. This is enough to create barely useable
videos in a dim room.

If the surface of the craft were unlighted or had very dim lighting, and if the blocks were unlighted or very dimly
lit, the video camera might not detect them. Consider, again, that the surface of the craft itself made no
impression on the video; it was seen only as a silhouette against the flares and flare-illuminated smoke. If we
knew for a fact that the Guardian camera was a very sensitive, expensive camera, then we might have a good
reason to question the lack of complete agreement with her description.

However, we don't know its sensitivity (and I suspect that the camera was not very good one because the video is
quite poor) so we cannot state, as if it were a fact, that there is a contradiction between the video an Mrs.
Labenek's testimony.

The article makes reference to "three frames" of the video (taking 1/10 of a second) which, it is claimed, show a
windshield wiper "in the upright position."

The article then asks, as if the windshield wiper identification were proven,
"Why would Guardian put those frames that appear to have been shot at night with artificial light, on the tape?
Were those frames designed to give a clue as to what the craft really was?"
These questions appear to he rhetorical questions, not designed to be answered, but designed to make the reader
think..."aha, a hoax." They make sense only if those three frames do show a windshield wiper.

I have examined the frames in question and also the approximately 500 which follow in the video that Mr.
Oechsler received (apparently Tom did not have these frames). The imagery in those 17 seconds shows nearly
straight or zig-zag lines of varying brightness and orientation including a bright one which slants upward and to
the right from near the bottom of the frame. This, I presume, is the "windshield wiper" (as confirmed by Tom's
expertise as a windshield wiper repairman!).

How he would arrive at that identification is a mystery to me. The only similarity is that the slant of the bright
line in the video is comparable to the orientation of a windshield wiper blade at rest.

But since windshield wiper blades don't glow in the dark, in order to videotape one in the dark it would be
necessary to illuminate it, and the illumination would make apparent other things around the blade, such as the

hood of the car/truck, scattered light from the windshield itself, etc.

The recorded image is, in fact, much closer to something that might be described as a "thunderbolt" insignia
which, according to the article, Diane recalled but did not appear on the video (?)!

Apparently it did not occur to the Ontario analysts that, perhaps, this portion of the video shows a portion of
what Diane called a zig-zag design. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing just what this shows, since there
is no verbal description on the videotape.

However, I can see no justification for stating, as if it were a fact, that this portion of the video shows a
windshield wiper blade (illuminated in some unknown way that manages to hide all the other things that would
be around such a blade!). And then, what about the numerous other thin, dimmer zig-zag lines in the images?
Are they other wiper blades?

The article refers to juniper bushes which were flattened in the area of the craft itself. The article claims that this
sort of flattening is what happens in a normal winter as a result of the weight of snow. I saw some of those
bushes myself after they had had a whole summer to "rejuvenate." Other such bushes were standing up nicely,
but these were crushed and dead. If normal snow did this to juniper bushes... there wouldn't be many such bushes
in Canada.

And, if this were a result of snow, then why weren't all (or most) the bushes in the field crushed in a similar
way... why just in the area of the craft?


Information Access Directorate
720 Chemin Belfast Rd.
OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0R2


Security classification : PROTECTED A
RCMP File References : 93A-0735

Division : A
Date : 1993-APR-01
Sub-division : Federal Policing Section
Detachment : F.I.U.

Reference : Unsolved Mysteries
Assistance to General Public


5. (N.J. PATTERSON) Mjr.
Canadian Forces Base Ottawa
Base Information Officer
ph: (613)991-4457

7. (P. FRASER), Sgt.
Add: R.C.M.P. H-Q, Audio Visual Enhancement
ph: 993-8448


Municipal Offices
ph: (613)839-5644

2. Huisson Aviation Ltd.
Add: Carp Ont.
ph: (613)839-5868

3. Department of Transport (D.O.T.)
Add: Ottawa Ont.
ph: (613)990-1189

4. National Research Council (N.R.C.)
Flight Research
ph: (613)998-3071

5. Ottawa Weather Office
ph: (613)998-3440


2.1 On February 02nd 1993, a television broadcast entitled
Unsolved Mysteries was aired. In this broadcast Diane LABENEK alleges that on August 18th 1991, at
approximately 22:00 hrs, she observed a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), approaching, landing then departing
from the back fields of her residence.

2.2 Ten minutes after the departure an unidentified helicopter passed over her residence at an altitude close
enough to cause some damage to a few roof shingles.

2.3 At the time Mr. LABENEK was reported to be on an errand and as a result he did not witness the incidents.
The broadcast also indicated that the UFO incident had been captured on video tape by an unknown individual
identified only as, THE GUARDIAN. The video and correspondence was then sent [-CENSORED-] some six
months after the incident.

2.4 On February 10th 1993, A Division F.I.U. received information from a source stating that the incident [-


3.1 A: To ascertain if sufficient evidence is available to support a prosecution under the Aeronautics Act, Section
534(2)(b), for flying below 500 feet.

B: To ascertain if in fact the object observed is an aircraft
C: To ascertain if the craft observed is a UFO.


4.1 On FEB. 15th 1993, Cst. DE HAITRE conducted a enquiry with the following results.

4,2 One source interviewed (A) had not observed the reported occurrence, however on February 14th 1993, he
did video tape a sign [-CENSORED-] of where the incident had occurred. This sign was approximately five feet
square, made of steel, painted in yellow with the phrases; DEFENCE CANADA KILLING TECHNOLOGY
TEST AREA, in black paint with a hand drawn picture of a tank and an airwolf type helicopter at the bottom
of the sign. A copy of the video was made for the writer.

4.3 One observation made of the sign, is that the general characteristics of the lettering closely resembled that of
the correspondence sent by THE GUARDIAN [-CENSORED-], along with the video taping of the UFO.

4.4 The source had in 1991 and 1992 observed several more such signs in that area, one even had the word
NUCLEAR spelt as NUCLEEAR, with two Es. It appears that at the present time these signs are either
gone or buried under the snow.

4.5 The source [-CENSORED-] further stated that low flying helicopters with no observed identifiable markings

have been in the area at different times of the day and night. As a result it was agreed that the source would keep
a daily diary until further notice. An attempt to photograph and or video tape future helicopters flying over
would be made, as an assistance to the writer.

4.6 At approximately 10:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE attended at the location where the video of the sign was made.
Four more signs were located and photographed for the file. These signs were similar to signs previously
mentioned in 4.4 but smaller in size, with only the word WARNING on one and the word ONE on the other.
Nothing of further value was found. These signs had been severely damaged by gun shots likely as a result of
hunters using them as target practice.

4.7 At approximately 11:00 hrs a red and white helicopter was observed and photographed by the investigator
who was at the intersection of Corkery Rd., and Old Almonte Rd. The helicopter was traveling in a north to
south direction crisscrossing [-CENSORED-] well above the 500 feet limit required by law.

4.8 Another source interviewed (B) did not observe any UFO sighting as mentioned on the broadcast. This
individual has lived in the area [-CENSORED-] and has had occasion to observe helicopters flying in a south-
west direction. He stated that a military base exists in Carp, and that there is also a training school at the Carp
airport about seven miles away.

4.9 This source further stated that around 1988/1989 a helicopter was sighted in the field behind [-CENSORED-
]. A few months later it was rumored that a farmer in that area had been missing a few cows. No comments was
made regarding the Unsolved Mysteries showing.

4.10 Another source interviewed did not observe the UFO sighting, however did say that helicopters do fly
low in the area, further, that there is a medical helicopter described as being white and orange-red in color that
does the Carp to Kingston run. The helicopters flight path is directly over their residence. It was not mentioned
if the medical helicopter was the suspected low flyer.

4.11 Another source interviewed (D) who has resided in the area
[-CENSORED-] did not see the program in question [-CENSORED-]. This person [-CENSORED-] indicates
that there are many helicopters flying usually out of the Carp Airport, but not at low altitudes.

4.12 Another source interviewed (E) has resided in the area
[-CENSORED-], (same area visited by the first source and the investigator). He further stated that almost every
night at approximately 21:00 hrs, for the last couple of years, helicopters have been flying over the residence.

4.13 Another source interviewed (F) has lived in the area
[-CENSORED-] has seen several helicopters fly over, noticed nothing out of the ordinary and added that this is a
quiet area. The source did view the Unsolved Mysteries program [-CENSORED-].

4.14 Another source interviewed (G) has lived in the area many years [-CENSORED-] same area visited by the
investigator). He is aware of the signs erected saying, NUCLEAR TESTING etc. [much deleted]

4.16 When questioned about the red and white helicopters the source indicated that this was the new emergency
helicopter which for the last two years has been flying over the house when making its runs to and from Barrys
Bay. At times it even flies three times a night.

4.17 As a final piece of information the source indicated that a person living in the area, [-CENSORED-].

4.18 Another source interviewed (H) has lived in the area many years and indicates that for as long as he can
remember their (sic) have been odd grass formations, approximately ten feet in diameter. They could be found [-

4.19 Another source interviewed (I) has lived in the area [-CENSORED-] and could only say that [much

4.21 Attendance made at the West Carleton township clerks office where it was learnt that a similar letter much
like the one aired on Unsolved Mysteries had been received about a year ago. Since it made reference to the
military it was subsequently handed over to the Military Police at the Carp military base. It was also learnt that

pictures had been taken of various signs on the previously mentioned property, by a by-laws officer who
subsequently handed them to the military. To date this information has not been made available to the writer.

4.22 On February 17th 1993, another source interviewed (J)
[-CENSORED-] advised that the air ambulance has been in operation for the last two years, it covers all of
Eastern Ontario and the flight path from Carp to Cornwall takes it directly [-CENSORED-]. The helicopter has a
white strobe light which at night can look blue and can flash several cycles per second much like the one seen on
Unsolved Mysteries.

4.23 The air ambulance helicopter was in operation from 20:35 hrs on the 18th of August 1991, till 00:22hrs on
the 19th. At the time of the sighting the helicopter was on route from Cornwall to N.D.M.C. (National Defense
Medical Center) in Ottawa and therefore eliminated as a subject.

4.24 The writer heard rumors that the military, the RCMP
S.E.R.T. teams and the N.R.C. (National Research Council) had each been conducting helicopter exercises and
training sessions during the same period of time. This information was later denied by the Military and RCMP.
The NRC flight research lab with facilities in Carp have been experimenting with different means of
commanding a helicopter, a Bell 205 Red and Yellow. Such tests are usually during the day and originate from
Uplands Airport, furthermore no such flights were recorded on the 18th of August.

4.25 On February 18th information was received from the D.O.T., revealing that Military helicopters have in fact
been conducting exercises at Connaught Ranges, [-CENSORED-] and that often helicopters land in farmers
fields. The exercises consists of night vision goggles (NVG) flight training, in which the pilot flies the helicopter
without lights in total darkness using only special night vision equipment, the purpose is to fly as close to the
ground as possible. It is conceivable that the pilot may by design or by error stray from the designated area.
When such activities are to take place a Notice to Airmen should be sent out advising of same and that red flares
will be used as markers, in a T formation.

4.26 The D.O.T. also advises that it is not uncommon to see the U.S. military making unscheduled or unspecified
flights into Canadian Air Space, without alerting Canadian authorities. Such patrols would never be admitted by
U.S. authorities. These flights are likely out of Fort DRUM, N.Y. They will often participate in Cnd. Armed
Forces maneuvers, for an exchange of experience and information during training sessions, and some-times
although rarely, just for a ride. It has also been learnt that the Canadian militarys actions are not governed by
the Civil Aeronautics Act but rather by parallel military air regulations. Should the military be found flying in a
manner dangerous to the public safety, the D.O.T. procedure is to advise the Ministry of Defence who will then
investigate the matter. In the sources opinion it is an accepted practice that until something happens the
infractions are ignored.

4.27 Mjr. PATTERSON admits that helicopters do fly in the area but not at tree top level. That N.V.G. flights
are made but in designated areas. He further admits that he may not be aware of all unscheduled or unspecified
flights. He further stated that it is not uncommon to have U.S. helicopters in the area for reasons such as
refueling etc.

4.28 Mjr. PATTERSON who had received a copy of the video tape and a letter relating to the incident [-
CENSORED-] provided same to the writer for investigational purposes. [-CENSORED-] PATTERSON has
viewed the video and in his opinion, the event appears to be real but the location where it occurred is not certain.

4.29 On February 18th three experts from the D.O.T. viewed the video and as a result a letter expressing a
personal opinion was provided to the writer, indicating the following.

Note that the letter has been condensed
The main rotor, the tail bottom assembly, the bright white light under the object is consistent with helicopter
high intensity hover lights, the red and green lights which could be navigation lights that are low and close to the
body again consistent with a helicopter.

The flickering light could be a masthead light, which is a white light shining on the rotor mast of a helicopter
for inspection purposes. This light shines on the rotating portion of the flight control rods of the main rotor and
gives the impression that the light is pulsing. The frequency of the flicker, 7 cycles per second as stated in the

television video, would be consistent with the rotation speed of a helicopter rotor (360-400 RPM). As a result the
helicopter is likely a SIKORSKEY S-76 commercial or a SIKORSKEY UH60 U.S. Military helicopter.

4.30 On February 19th at approx. 10:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE spoke [-CENSORED-] made reference to several
individuals he had apparently inter-viewed regarding the incident and who the GUARDIAN might be.


4.32 Fraudulent Cheque Section at H-Q was provided a copy of the correspondence as seen on the broadcast, to
compare with any similar material. This resulted with a negative reply.

4.33 On February 22nd the writer obtained the weather conditions for the 18th AUGUST 1991, for the general
area including Carp.

High 23.5 C Low 15.8 C Precipitation nil
At 20:00hrs: 18.7 C - wind East 11Km - mild
At 21:00hrs: 17.3 C - wind East North East 11Km - mild
At 22:00hrs: 16.9 C - wind North North East 9Km - mild
At 23:00hrs: 16.1 C - wind East North East 11Km - mild
At 24:00hrs: 15.9 C - wind North East 11Km - mild
No clouds from 20:00hrs to 24:00hrs clear visibility 15 miles+

4.34 On February 25th at approx. 15H00hrs [-CENSORED-] scaled photograph of the fingerprint found on the
GUARDIANs video cassette. However without a suspect print to compare to, A-Div. Ident. was not able to
provide any results.

4.35 On February 26th at approx. 09:30hrs Cst. DE HAITRE contacted the complainant and was advised that
low flying helicopters had been recorded in a diary and video taped. On the 02nd of March attendance was made
to view the diary and the video. Unfortunately the quality was so poor that the helicopter could not be identified.
However the daily diary has no less than six separate sightings of a low flying white helicopter between
February 15th and 25th.

4.36 At approximately 13:15 hrs Mjr. PATTERSON was informed of this new development and provided a
response for only two of the sightings. He states that they are UN helicopters, white in color, on maneuvers and
should be no lower than 500 feet.

4.37 D.O.T. advised that the helicopters referred to here are likely RCMP S.E.R.T. TEAMS doing scenarios,
flown by the military. The bottom line is that the civil air regulations does not apply in this case, but these flights
may be bordering on illegal low-flying.

4.38 The Ottawa Intl. airport could not provide information regarding the UFO and would not ordinarily know of
any incident in the Carp area unless advised. As for the Carp airport it is a limited operation, operated by the
township. Basically one can come and go at will without anyone knowing.

4.39 On March 02 at approx. 10:30 hrs the writer attended
HUISSON Aviation in Carp where pictures were taken of the air ambulance and the Bell 205 helicopter. [-
CENSORED-] the maintenance crew and pilots were allowed to view the video. Their conclusion is that the
aircraft in question is likely a SIKORSKY UH-60, Black Hawk. One person mentioning that it sounded like one.
Their opinions mirror that of the Dept. of Transport. These helicopters including the Bell 205 all resemble each
other with very minor differences.

4.40 Attendance was made at the [-CENSORED-] residence at approx.
12:30hrs. In conversation with [-CENSORED-] it was learnt that on the date in question he remembered that at
approx. 14:00hrs he saw a dark colored possibly green helicopter in the third field, and observed people jumping
out. He stated they dont bother me I dont bother them. He admits it may be that they were doing the same
thing later that evening. His concern is that helicopters fly so close to his house that they damage the shingles.

4.41 On March 03 at approx. 13:30 hrs [-CENSORED-]
In the conversation he indicated that there was no STRONTIUM residue in the area and that there should have
been since it is a component of red flares. This residue remains in the ground for years and years and should

therefore have been present. [-CENSORED-] also made mention to the writer and to Mjr. PATTERSON, that
TITANIUM had been found in some of the soil samples he had taken from the area. He did not ex-plain how the
samples were taken and if any precautions were made against contamination.

4.42 On March 03rd at approx. 14:45hrs Cst. DE HAITRE was advised by H-Q chemistry section that time and
knowing where to look is an important factor when attempting to find strontium. All traces of the material would
disappear in a very short time especially when exposed to the elements. This information contradicts [-
CENSORED-] theory that because strontium was not found, that the red flares were from a U.F.O.

4.43 At approx. 10:30 hrs [-CENSORED-] contacted the investigator by phone. He refused to be interviewed in
person stating that he had no time. [-CENSORED-] and further does not wish to be involved with the
investigation. When asked about the alien pictures in the video [-CENSORED-] immediate response was that it
was a picture of a mask taken in the dark. Its that simple to do.

4.44 On March 8th a voluntary statement was obtained from a source (K) who said that, after hearing of the
Unsolved Mysteries crew being in the Carp area filming a UFO incident, he provided the name [-CENSORED-]
as a possible reference, simply because of his knowledge on the subject. The source also advised that [much
deleted] also claims that the GUARDIAN tape has been poorly edited. That it has several of what is called jump
cuts, poor edits throughout. In his opinion there is nothing in the video to suggest it was filmed in Corkery and
he also suspects that the Alien pictures were from another video tape.

4.45 On March 05th at approx. 09:30hrs Sgt FRASER RCMP Video
Analysis viewed the video in question. The video provided appeared to be a third of fourth generation and there
is an attendant decrease in the quality of the video recording with each successive generation. As a result of this
viewing certain characteristics of a helicopter were noted, ie:
A: Tail end

B: Lights at front

C: Two sets of windows

Prints of the above were provided to the writer. The following two observations were equally as interesting.

D: The flares appear at the beginning of the video with the UFO then they disappear not to be seen again. This is
contrary to [-CENSORED-] the Unsolved Mysteries program which show the UFO leaving then the flares

E: The UFO shown on Unsolved Mysteries was seen approaching, landing then departing the scene as the flares
went out. This is contrary to the actual GUARDIAN video which shows the UFO stationary throughout the
filming and the red flares disappearing at the beginning.

4.46 On March 30th 1993 at approx. 08:00 hrs Cst. DE HAITRE interviewed [much deleted].


5.1 It is worth noting that to this date there have been no further reported incidents of low flying white
helicopters, as indicated in 4.35.


6.1 The purpose of the investigation is stated in paragraph 3.1. In reviewing the facts pertaining to the incident
[-CENSORED-] it has been determined that ;

A: Not enough evidence has been brought forward to support a prosecution under Section 534(2)(b) of the
Aeronautics Act.

B: The object observed was a helicopter but could not be identified due to a lack of sufficient details ie;

C: See B above.

Unless further information regarding this incident comes to light this file will be as here under noted.


Reg. #: 34529

Federal Investigation Unit

Distribution: - original to General Enforcement Branch HQ
- copy to the file

by Bob Oechsler, Investigations Analyst
RE: CARP: FINAL WORD, O4 APR/AVR 94, Leblanc: O.C.I.P.E.

In order to qualify my response to the rather authoritative commentary published recently by Benjamin Leblanc
(Co-director of O.C.I.P.E. near Montreal), it will be necessary to provide some insight into my philosophy on
analysis and reporting of UFO case investigations.

First let me establish some basis for authority regarding my qualifications in submitting this report, I have no
idea what Mr. Leblanc's qualifications may be as he failed to report any such information in his submittal -

My active involvement in the research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon dates back fourteen years,
five years in which I served as the host of what became a nationwide radio broadcast called: UFOs Today.
Anyone who spends 250 hours a year chatting over the telephone with UFO specialists and witnesses is bound to
get an incredible education.

Add to that another 1,000 hours a year looking at UFO photos and videos in the company of Ph.D. level
technologists and you've got a good basis for fundamental analysis training. When you couple those credits with
several weeks a year of field investigations, diplomatic and intelligence agency contacts, former NASA
engineering credentials, and acclaim as a robotic innovator, you have Bob Oechsler, Investigations Analyst.
Biographical Information sheet available via fax

With regard to the CARP / Guardian Case Investigation, I have a particular level of expertise that warrants
elucidation under these specific circumstances. My involvement commenced with the receipt of a video tape of a
landed craft and some crude, but elaborate, manufactured documents detailing what is on the video and
expressing ideological concerns arising out of the history of alien events reported locally over two decades.

The package arrived postmarked from Ottawa with no return address and only the designation Guardian on the
videotape accompanied by a fingerprint. I researched the history of previous claims by the same source which
detailed events in the West Carleton township area just 30 miles west of Ottawa, Ontario. The town of Carp is
located several miles to the north of the area where the landing reportedly occurred on August 18, 1991.

Since beginning the Guardian video analyses process in February of 1992, I have visited the Ottawa area
conducting field investigations and research on at least nine occasions. I have invested almost three months time
on location and thousands of dollars in expenses which include costly electron scanning microscope and x-ray
analyses of contamination and control field samples collected at the landing site.

Over the course of my two years of investigation into the mysterious Guardian Case, I have consulted on no less
than three major network television broadcasts on the case in question and have included in my investigation
three top Canadian Government Agencies, RCMP Federal Investigations Unit included. My investigation has
involved more Ph.D.. level scientists in varied disciplines that any other case in civilian history to my


While I feel confident in certain findings and assessments derived from these efforts, it would be premature and
inappropriate for me to offer a 'Final' conclusion.

I cannot even eliminate with 100% certainty that the whole thing was an elaborate fabrication, although I believe
it would be an extremely remote possibility.

The investigation conducted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Federal Investigations Unit was
the basis of the report recently filed by Mr. Leblanc of O.C.I.P.E (Organizations de Compilation et
d'information sur les Phenonomenes Etranges).

Since the Guardian investigation is a significantly compelling one, I'll confine this rebuttal to the issues raised in
Mr. Leblanc's report with specific attention to the RCMP investigation cited. Readers can write to the referenced
address for more detailed information on my investigation regarding the Guardian Case.

Although I was intimately involved in the RCMP Investigation following a complaint filed by a resident
concerned about the low level helicopter flights in the area and perplexed about the reports of a UFO landing
nearby, the RCMP refused my written request for a copy of their final report citing internal regulations.
Therefore in spite of Mr. Leblanc's arrogant perplexity at my failure to publish the RCMP report, this was the
first time I've actually seen it. Nonetheless, I was familiar with much of the contents and am aware of the
identities of most of those interviewed along with their comments. Consequently, I am fully prepared to respond
to the arguments raised.

The primary issues raised in the RCMP Investigation centered on the reports of potentially illegal helicopter air
traffic operations in West Carleton township. As a result of my investigation on the same issue with the
Department of National Defense (DND), the RCMP contacted me regarding my investigation into the videotape
of a reported landing of an unusual aircraft on private property. That's how the UFO issue got pulled into the

When I was contacted by RCMP Constable Dennis De Haitre, he was interested in what information I might
have to help in his investigation. I agreed to participate on an information exchange basis which was honored in
principle. Cst. De Haitre made it clear to me that his investigation was on thin ice due to adverse public relations
concerns regarding the investigation of a reported UFO incident. I indicated to him that my investigation was
initiated with the conviction that the event most probably was some sort of military operation.

There appeared to be enough evidence in the video to detect military pyrotechnic flare residue at the landing site.
The laboratory results proved negative on required detectable elements and most likely eliminated military
involvement. Thus began the scramble at RCMP HQ to come up with a viable explanation for the craft in the
Guardian video, namely a helicopter. It seemed to be the optimum solution for them since there were so many
reports of helicopters in the area, yet the DND report concluded the object in the video and the helicopters

When it became evident to Cst. De Haitre and his superiors that I was prepared to put my technical experts with
impeccable credentials up against his experts for a meeting at RCMP HQ, they declined my invitation and
terminated the case investigation. Cst. De Haitre scheduled one final meeting with me at RCMP HQ in Ottawa to
return some investigation exhibits which were loaned to him for his investigation. During that meeting I was
permitted to review a letter in the file from an individual at another Canadian Government Agency.

The letter detailed the author's expertise and indicated that based on several points (which will be addressed in
this report) he concluded that the object in the Guardian video was a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter.

The specifics cited from the Guardian video suggesting a helicopter include a presumed relationship between the
rapidly strobing blue light on top of the craft which reflects off a curved surface and the masthead light which is
a white light shinning "up" through the control rods at the rotor assembly on a helicopter. This is a ludicrous
assumption that is easily refuted as the premise for the explanation of the object depicted in the video. The first
problem with the hypothesis exists in the RCMP concession that the rotor assembly is operating at 360 to 400
RPM. Any rotation of the rotor assembly would visibly affect the pyrotechnics smoke which is drifting toward
the object at 7 to 11 knots, which incidentally matches the meteorological report for the date and time period. No
such effect is visible on the video tape.


Another issue associated with the helicopter hypothesis and the rotation of the rotor assembly involves the
analysis of the audio track from the Guardian videotape. The RCMP investigation revealed that a sound could be
heard on the tape that is consistent with the sound of rotating chopper blades. I retained the services of an
acoustical physicist to conduct an audio analysis.

One of several steps involved in the analysis required dubbing the audio track from the Guardian videotape onto
a digital audio tape recording (DAT). The sound attributed to the helicopter hypothesis was not on the DAT and
therefore it could only be attributed to video noise associated with the bright burst of light coming from the blue
strobe. The video noise need not be a product of the audio track in order to be audible.

Frame by from analysis of the Guardian videotape refutes another factor in the masthead light issue in the
helicopter scenario. In order to account for the 7-8 Hz oscillation frequency of the flashing "blue" (white shows
up white on video, never blue) strobe light in the video, RCMP analysts concluded that the rotor assembly would
need to operate at 360-400 RPM.

With the masthead light turned on, the control rods might give the impression of a strobe effect. There are
several problems inherent with this theory. The masthead light would have to be of tremendous luminosity in
order to match the video image and the control rods not matter how thick could not totally blank out the scatter
effect of the constantly burning light. And there is nothing to account for the reflection of the strobe on the lower
surface are of the craft. RCMP declined a suggested demonstration with a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter.

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation reviewed the Guardian video materials and could find no one who could
agree with the RCMP interpretation.

Clearly RCMP would have been better off concluding that the object in the Guardian video was a model
constructed for an AT&T Corporation advertising campaign. At least that hypothesis had some eyebrow raising
coincidences that proved difficult to accept.

Perhaps they were on the right track in looking in the direction of Sikorsky. After all, the Sikorsky Aircraft
Corporation was named as a U.S. defense contractor researching electro-gravitics disc programs in the 1950's
according to Wright-Patterson AFB Technical Library documents. Maybe the object in the Guardian video was
in a new kind of helicopter, without the rotor and blade assembly.

Perhaps a touch of professional protocol might be advisedly exercised by Mr. Leblanc regarding his commentary
following his publishing of the RCMP report. He evidently has not done enough research on this case to offer
academic conclusions. He certainly did not bother to contact me for comment upon receiving the RCMP report,
in fact he didn't bother to send me a copy of his submittal nor alert me to its posting. Every single assertion made
by Leblanc is wrong. Comments in the RCMP report that he attributes to me were actually made by the Guardian
suspect who has refused even simple methods of proof that he is not Guardian.

Is it possible that O.C.I.P.E. is really an organization whose objectives are to debunk UFO cases? Consider the
following factual scenario. O.C.I.P.E. collaborated on an investigation involving a report from Guardian
regarding a 1989 event which he called a UFO landing in the swamp. The investigation correspondence was
published as a crash and probably a "hoax" in Leonard Stringfield's July 1991 Status Report VI.

The problem with the assessment is that their investigation located three independent witnesses who triangulated
a UFO sighting and other details that matched precisely with the Guardian report. To my knowledge they didn't
even bother to spend $12.00 Canadian to obtain dated before and after aerial photos of the area available from
Energy and Mines. I have great difficulty giving credence to any individual or organization publishing articles
with the title: FINAL WORD.

The RCMP investigations report does have some merit in retrospect. They provided a resident with a video
camera who recorded a helicopter dive bombing the residence of one of the eye witnesses to the UFO landing
reported and videotaped by Guardian. I personally inspected the roof area where shingles were clearly blown off.
The fact that the helicopter was attempting to intimidate the witnesses was overshadowed by the fact that DND
declined to confirm identification to RCMP.

And the revelation by one resident that odd grass formations, ten feet in diameter, have been observed for years
is an interesting oddity that seems common in areas of UFO activity.

The Guardian videotaped UFO landing investigation has proven to be a very complex endeavor. Confirmation of
the landing site with gross physical effects and elemental deposit anomalies, multiple independent eye witness
accounts, and meteorological and topographical consistencies all tend to support the analyses and authenticity of
the Guardian video.

Will we ever know for sure what landed in the fields of West Carleton? Perhaps the answer will never be proven
to everyone's satisfaction, but many will go away dazed by the testimony of a Canadian Government Official
who claims to have been taken aboard a craft that night in August of 1991 at the site where Guardian filmed his
video. The witness passed two lie detector tests administered by a Canadian polygrapher trained by the U.S.
military. The story is one of intrigue that involves telepathic dialogue with nonhuman entities and extraordinary
identification details of the entities depicted in the Guardian video.

Anyone wishing more detailed information on the Guardian Investigation can write to me at the address below.
If you would like a videotaped report of the summary of my findings including a complete copy of the Guardian
video, send a postal money order in U.S. funds in the amount of $35 to [-CENSORED-].

Examine the evidence, review the findings and evaluate the analyses before drawing your own conclusions; that
is, if one can be reached within our self imposed limits of reality.

Cheers ...
Bob Oechsler,
Investigations Analyst

February 9, 1993

Here's the REAL info about the Guardian case.

A few years ago, several UFO researchers including myself received a package of info from an anonymous
sender. Included were several supposedly authentic documents, map and diagrams concerning a crashed saucer
near Carp, Ontario, which is near Ottawa. The documents alleged that both the Canadian and US military
covered up the crash, which included recovery of alien bodies, saucer, etc.

Investigations by Clive Nadin, Christian Page, Leonard Stringfield and myself showed that this was in all
likelihood a hoax, and a pretty poor one at that. The docs were badly contrived amateur jobs with numerous
spelling mistakes. In one long, tedious section, the docs warned mankind about a threat by Red China to Jews
and how the White Brotherhood was working somehow to keep the military in line, etc.

Clive and another researcher went to the site indicated on the map and found NO indication of anything. Local
residents knew nothing about the movements of "heavy equipment", as the docs alleged, and there had been only
a few minor NL sightings during the past number of years. Later, blurry Polaroid photos were received by
several researchers. These showed nothing but patches of color, and were accompanied by more ramblings about
the White Brotherhood.

I notified the RCMP about the packages. It was determined that the sender mailed the items from somewhere in
Ottawa/Hull, specifically the downtown Ottawa post office. The RCMP were interested in the items because of
their similarity to hate literature. The video came later. Oechsler was only one of several people to get it. He
obviously thinks it's real.

Okay, the video LOOKS good, and he somehow found a witness, whose story matches exactly the video image,
who saw something during the year in about the same area. But putting it into the context of all the other stuff,
the case looks very bad.

Now, of course, if someone fingers the Guardian, then the UM segment will have been worthwhile. But as a
UFO case, forget it!

The docs have been reprinted in a few ufozines, including my "Swamp Gas Journal" and, I think, the Cambridge
UFO newsletter. Len Stringfield has copies, and so does Christian Page.


They both have written about the case as an obvious hoax.

Chris Rutkowski
[email protected]
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada


As of September 1st 1994, I will be retiring from UFO research and investigations.

My tenure in UFO research has in some ways been very rewarding, especially the many close friendships that
I've developed and enjoyed over the years. In many other ways the effects of my involvement have been quite
debilitating, especially to my family.

I don't like what I've seen this phenomenon do to otherwise concerned rational people, including myself. The
malicious libel, slander, distortion and unchecked fabrication that runs rampant in the UFO field is destructive
and counterproductive. My belief is that UFOs are indeed real and that the management and spokespersons for
ufology suffer greatly from egocentricity and self-importance when the evidence is clear that few really care
much beyond the novelty.

Therefore, I've decided to extricate myself from this eternal abyss and return to the family life that I've sorely

My final effort over the course of the summer will be dedicated to writing and publishing the truth of the matter
regarding the guardian UFO Landing investigation in the Carp area of Ontario, Canada. My archives and
research will be turned over to a private research institute where my work will continue. The institute is
dedicated solely to unmitigated academic discourse and scientific research. The institute wishes to remain
anonymous at this time.

After September 1st, I will not accept any orders for UFO materials which I have made available to assist in my
research costs. For those of you who have maintained an interest in my research efforts, I thank you sincerely for
your support and encouragement. It is because of you that I regret that this decision has become necessary.

My final opinion is that there is no mystery to the UFO phenomenon, the real mystery involves the sociology of
how it affects and polarizes those drawn to it. This may be the best reason for government secrecy. There is a
great need for comprehensive change in the attitude and management of the current UFO organizational
approach to UFO study if the subject matter is ever to receive and retain the attention of serious scientific

My final recommendation for those seriously interested in the potential scope and possible origins of the UFO
Phenomenon is to read "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku (1994).

Farewell all of my friends, colleagues and antagonists, good luck in all your endeavors.

Bob Oechlar (sic)

by Steven Greer, M.D.,
Director CSETI,
May 1996
from UFOEvidence Website



PI-40 is a quasi-governmental, USAPS (Unacknowledged Special Access Programs) related, quasi-private entity
operating internationally/transnationally. The majority of operations are centered in private industrial 'work for
others' contract projects related to the understanding and application of advanced extraterrestrial technologies.

Related compartmentalized units, which are also USAPS, are involved in:
public deception
active disinformation
so-called abductions and mutilations, reconnaissance and UFO tracking
space-based weapons systems
specialized liaison groups (for example to media, political leaders, the scientific community, the corporate world
Think of this entity as a hybrid between government USAPS and private industry.
Last code name related to me by reliable sources: PI-40
Meaning of code name: Unknown


PI-40 consists primarily of mid-level USAPS-related military and intelligence operatives, USAPS or black units
within certain high-tech corporate entities, and select liaisons within the international policy analysis community,
certain religious groups, the scientific community and the media, among others. The identities of some of these
entities and individuals are known to us, though most remain unidentified.

Approximately to or those comprising the decision-making body of PI-40 are now in favor of a public
disclosure of some type on this matter; these are, in general, the younger members who have less complicity in
past excesses. The remaining members are opposed or ambivalent regarding a near-term disclosure.

Actual policy and decision-making seems to rest predominantly at this time in the private, civilian sector, as
opposed to USAP-related military and intelligence officials, though some information indicates that there is
significant relative autonomy in certain areas of operations. It is our current assessment that a rising degree of
debate exists within PI-40 regarding certain covert operations and the advisability of a disclosure.

Many compartmentalized operations within black or USAPS projects are structured so that those working on
the task may be unaware that it is UFO/ET related. For example, some aspects of the so-called Star Wars
effort, or SDI, are intended to target extraterrestrial spacecraft which come into close proximity to earth, but the
vast majority of scientists and workers in the SDI program are unaware of this.

We have learned from three separate, corroborating sources that since the early 1990s, at least 2 extraterrestrial
spacecraft have been targeted and destroyed by experimental space-based weapons systems.

The vast majority of political leaders, including,
White House officials
military leaders
congressional leaders
UN leaders
other world leaders,
...are not routinely briefed on this matter. When and if inquiries are made, they are told nothing about the
operations, nor is the existence of any operation confirmed to them. In general the nature of this covert entity
ensures that such leaders do not even know to whom such' inquiries should be addressed.

International cooperation exists to a wide extent, though some, witnesses state that certain countries, particularly
China, have aggressively pursued somewhat independent agendas.

Major bases of operations, apart from widely diversified private sites, include
Edwards Air Force Base in California
Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, particularly S4 and adjacent facilities
Los Alamos New Mexico
Fort Huachuca Arizona (Army Intelligence Headquarters)
the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama

a relatively new, expanding underground facility accessible only by air in a remote area of Utah, among others
Additional facilities and operations centers exist in a number of other countries, including:
the United Kingdom
Numerous agencies have deep cover, black, USAPS related units involved with these operations, including:
the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
the National Security Agency (NSA)
the CIA
the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
Naval Intelligence
Army Intelligence
Air Force Intelligence
the FBI
and others...
An even more extensive list of private, civilian and corporate entities have significant involvement.

The majority of scientific, technical and advanced technology operations are centered in the civilian industrial
and research firms. Significant - and lethal - security is provided by private contractors.

The majority of personnel as well as the leadership of most if not all of these agencies and private groups are
uninvolved and unaware of these compartmentalized, unacknowledged operations. For this reason, sweeping
accusations related to any particular agency or corporate entity are wholly unwarranted. Plausible deniability
exists at many levels. Moreover, specialization and compartmentalization allows a number of operations to exist
without those involved knowing that their task is related to the UFO/ET subject.

Both positive inducements to cooperate and penalties for violating secrecy are extraordinary. A senior military
source has related to us that at least 10,000 people have received $1 million or more each to ensure their
cooperation, over the past few decades.

Regarding penalties, we know of more than one credible case where individuals have had their families
threatened should they break the code of silence, and we have learned of two recent alleged suicides at a
private contract industrial firm which occurred after the victims began to violate secrecy on a reverse-
engineering project related to ET technology.


A senior congressional investigator has privately related to us that black budget funds apparently are used for
this and similar operations, which are USAPS.

This black budget involves conservatively $10 billion, and may exceed $80 billion per year. The amount
dedicated to the UFO/ET operation specifically is unknown at this time. Additionally, significant funds are
derived from overseas sources and private and institutional sources. Amounts deriving from these activities are
also unknown by us.

This is part of what we know at this time. Obviously, there are more questions than answers here, and what is
unknown exceeds what is known. Nevertheless, we have, I believe, made significant and historic advances in
understanding how this entity operates. I have presented this general assessment to a number of important
military, political and policy institute figures, and was surprised that it was regarded as quite accurate and in
agreement with independent assessments arrived at separately by them.

But the larger question is why? As in life in general, the whats, who's and how's are always easier than the
whys. Why the continued secrecy and deception?

I am reluctant to go too much further out on this limb, because here we get into questions related to ultimate
motive and purpose, which is always a rather squishy area, ill-defined in the best of cases. And this, I am afraid,
is no ordinary matter, and the emotions, motives and purpose behind such extraordinary and high-stakes actions
are likely complex and dissonant. Indeed, such motives are likely a very mixed bag, ranging from the initially
noble and well-intentioned, to the depraved.

Sen. Barry Goldwater told me in 1994 that the secrecy surrounding the ET subject was a damn mistake then
and a damn mistake now.... I am inclined to agree with the senator here, but the drive for secrecy was not and is
not altogether rooted in stupidity. Rather, I see it rooted in fear and a lack of trust.

While I generally dislike psyche-babble, I believe the psychology of all of this is important. It is my belief that
secrecy, especially extreme secrecy of this degree, is always a symptom of illness. If you have secrets in your
family, it is a sickness, born out of fear, insecurity and distrust. This, I feel, can be extended to communities,
companies, and societies. Ultimately, the drive for secrecy is a symptom of a deeper malaise derived from a
fundamental lack of trust, and an abundance of fear and insecurity.

In the case of UFOs/ET, the early days of the 1940s and 1950s were, I sense, a time of fear bordering on panic.
We had just emerged from a devastating world war, and unleashed the horror of nuclear weapons. The USSR
was expanding its empire, and arming itself to the teeth with bigger and deadlier nuclear weapons. And they
were beating us in the race into space.

Now along comes extraterrestrial spacecraft, which are retrieved along with deceased (and one living) life form.
Panic. Fear. Confusion.

Countless unanswered questions arise, all tinged with fear.
Why are they here?
How will the public react?
How can we secure their technology - and keep it from our mortal enemies?
How can we tell the people that the most powerful air force in the world cannot control its airspace?
What will happen to religious belief! To the Economic order? To Political stability?
To the keepers of current technology?
It is my opinion that the early days of secrecy: were predictable, even understandable, and possibly even

But as the decades rolled by, and especially with the end of the Cold War, fear alone does not fully explain the
secrecy. After all, 1996 is not 1946 - we have been to space, landed on the moon, detected planets around other
star systems, found the building blocks of life in far-away space, and about 50% of the population believe the
UFOs are real. And the soviet empire has collapsed.

I believe two other significant factors are at play now: Greed and control, and the inertia of decades of secrecy.

Greed and control are easily understood: Imagine being involved with a project unraveling and then applying
advanced extraterrestrial technology. The power and economic impact - and thus value - of such technology
exceeds the combined significance of the internal combustion engine, electricity, the computer chip and all forms
of telecommunications. We are talking about the technology of the next millennium. You think the
computer/information age revolution is big? Fasten your seat belts, because down the road - sooner or later - will
be the non-linear, zero point technological revolutions based on advanced ET technologies.

No wonder the corporate, military-industrial complex interest and secrecy exceeds even that of the government
related USAPS. The formula for Coca Cola has nothing on this.

The bureaucratic inertia of large secret operations is yet another matter. After decades of operations, and of lies,
public deceptions and worse, how does such a group unravel all the webs it has weaved? There is a certain
addictive allure to secret power for some types of people; they are charged by having and knowing secrets. And
there is the specter of a sort of cosmic Watergate, with all manner of people calling for this head or that. It
becomes easier to maintain the status quo, something all bureaucracies are adept at doing.

And even now there is fear. Not just fear of being exposed in the age of Watergate, this-gate and that-gate, but a
rather xenophobic and primitive fear of the unknown. Who are these humanoids, why are they here; how dare
they enter our airspace without our permission! Humanity has a long tradition of fearing - and hating - that which
is different, unknown, from elsewhere. Witness the still-rampant racial, ethnic, religious, and nationalistic
prejudice and hatred which ravage the world of humanity. There is an almost ingrained xenophobic response to
the unknown and that which is different. And it is certain that the ETs are more different from us than, say,
protestants are from catholics in Ireland.

I once asked a physicist involved with military and intelligence operations related to UFOs why we were
attempting to destroy these spacecraft with advanced space-based weapons. He immediately became agitated and
Those cowboys running this thing are so arrogant, so out of control, that they view any entry by a UFO into our
air space as an offense worthy of a hostile response. And they are going to get us into an inter-planetary conflict
if we are not careful ..."
And so it goes. Fear. Fear of the unknown. Greed and control. Institutional Inertia. These are a few of what I see
as the current animating forces driving the continue secrecy of PI-40.

But where to from here? How to transform this situation from extreme secrecy to disclosure?

There is an old Chinese proverb which says,
Unless we change directions, we are likely to end up where we are going.
How true. And where we are going in this area is immensely dangerous. Extreme secrecy, especially on
something this far-reaching and important, undermines democracy, subverts the constitution, concentrates
enormous technological power in the hands of the unelected few and puts the entire planet in harms way. This
must end.

CSETI Project Starlight has been working for nearly 3 years to collect evidence, identify current and former
government, military, intelligence and corporate witnesses, and brief various world leaders. Much has been
accomplished, with no paid staff, no significant funding and the dedication and volunteer efforts of a persistent

But much remains to be done.

Here is a partial list:
In June of 1995, we convened a meeting of important military and government witnesses from the US and
Russia, and we all signed a letter asking President Clinton to issue an executive order permitting such witnesses
to speak without penalty or retribution. I suggest that the Administration, in cooperation with Congress, sponsor
open hearings where these witnesses, who now number over 2 dozen, could openly testify to what they know
about the UFO/ET matter.

This would constitute a definitive disclosure, I assure you. In this regard, you can help in two ways :
1. Write the President and ask that he issue an executive order permitting these witnesses to safely come forward,
and at the same time write your Senator and Congressman and request that they sponsor open hearings where
these witnesses may speak.
2. Contact me immediately if you or someone you know may be a current or former government, military or
corporate witness. We have protective measures in place, and the more witnesses we have, the stronger the case -
and the greater the margin of safety for all concerned. Please help us if you can.
The international community and the United Nations should similarly hold open hearings on this matter. We
have witnesses from all over the world, and ideally, an international disclosure and evidence gathering effort
should begin immediately.

The world community should not sit by passively, thus abdicating responsibility to secret operations. CSETI has
for 5 years been involved in a citizens diplomacy effort, and made significant breakthroughs in developing
protocols to contact these extraterrestrial visitors. Rather than passively watching this as some distant
phenomenon, we should attempt to establish communication with these life forms, and begin the early stages of
an open inter-planetary relationship. If you are interested in learning more about how you can be involved in
such a research and diplomacy effort, contact us.
Lastly, we must be prepared to forgive.

There is nothing to be gained by calling for severe retribution for those involved with either current or past
secrecy. Many may have felt they were doing the right thing at the time, and even currently. We do not need a
cosmic Watergate, and we must collectively renounce it. We should be willing to look to the moment and to the
future, and forgive the past. There is precedent for this: In the early days of the Clinton Administration, there
were sweeping disclosures about past excesses and crazy experiments within the Department of Energy, and the
former Atomic Energy Commission.


We learned of plutonium being put on the oatmeal of kids in orphanages, of deliberate radiation releases in
populated areas to see what would happen, and so forth. This truth came out, and the world did not end.
Nobody had to go to jail. The government did not collapse, and the sky did not fall. Let us move forward, with
some real compassion and forgiveness, and begin the next century anew.

Ultimately, if the people will lead, the leaders will follow. Courage, vision and perseverance are needed to
transform this situation, and create a time of openness, trust and to lay the foundation for both global and inter-
planetary peace. If our leaders currently lack this courage and vision, then we must manifest it for them. The
stakes are too high to look the other way while our future is stolen from us.

The future of life on earth, and our place in the cosmos, are at risk.

Together, let us work to secure it, for our children and our childrens children.


The Laser

AS I WORKED MY WAY THROUGH THE LIST OF ITEMS IN MY NUT file, writing advisory reports and
recommendations to General Trudeau about the potential of each item, I lost all concept of time. I could see, as I
drove up and down the Potomac shore to Fort Belvoir to check on the progress of night vision at Martin
Marietta, that the summer was coming to an end and the leaves had started to change color. I could also see that
now it was already dark when I left the Pentagon. And it was dark now when I set out for the Pentagon every
morning. Id gotten into the habit of taking different routes to work just to make sure that if the CIA had put a
tail on me, Id make him work harder to stay up with me.

General Trudeau and I had settled down into a long daily routine ourselves at R&D. We had our early morning
meetings about the Roswell file - he also called it the junk pile because it was filled with so much debris and
pieces of items that had broken away from larger components - but we had buried the Roswell material
development projects themselves so deep inside the regular functions of the R&D division that not even the other
officers who worked with us every day knew what was going on. Wed categorized the work we did so carefully
that when it came time to discuss anything about Roswell, even if it had a bearing on some other item we were
working on at the time, we made sure that either no one was at the office, or we were at a place where we
wouldnt have to stop talking just because someone came into the room.

My responsibility at Foreign Technology was to feed R&Ds ongoing project development with information and
intelligence from sources outside the regular army channels. These ran in interconnected rings through the
Pentagon to defense industry contractors to testing operations at army bases and to researchers at universities or
independent laboratories who were under contract with us. If we were developing methods of preserving food,
always trying to come up with a better way to prepare field rations, and the Italians and Germans had a process
that seemed to work, it was my job to learn about it and slip the information into the development process.

Even when there was no official development process underway for a specific item, if something I learned was
appropriate to anyone of the armys major commands, whether it was the Medical Corps, the Signal Corps, the
motor pool, ordnance, or even the Quartermaster Corps, it was also my job to find a way to make that
information appropriate and drop it in without so much as a splash. This made the perfect cover for what I was
doing with the Roswell file as long as I could find ways to slip the Roswell technology into the development
process so invisibly no one would ever able to find the Roswell on ramp to the information highway.

For all the world to see, General Trudeau and I regularly met to review the ongoing projects in Army R&D,
those we had inherited from the previous command and those we wanted to initiate on our watch. Officers whod
been assigned to R&D before we arrived had their own projects already in development, too, and the general had
assigned me the task of feeding those projects with information and intelligence, no matter where it came from,
without disturbing either what the officers were doing or interfering with their staffs. It was tricky because I had
to work in the dark, undercover even from my own colleagues whose reputations would have been destroyed if
word leaked out that they were dealing in flying saucer stuff.

Yet at the same time, most high ranking officers at the Pentagon and key members of their staffs knew that
Roswell technology was floating through most of the new projects under development. They were also vaguely,
if not specifically, aware of what had happened at Roswell itself and of the current version of the

Hillenkoetter/Bush/Twining working group, which had personnel stationed at the Pentagon to keep tabs on what
the military was doing.

Uniting what I called my official day job at R&D on regular projects and my undercover job in the Roswell
file, was my official, but many times informal, role as General Trudeaus deputy at the division. In that job, I
would carry out the generals orders as they related to the division and not specifically to any one project or
another. If General Trudeau needed information to help him redefine his budgetary priorities or assemble
information to help compile supplementary development budgets, hed often ask me to help or at least give him

And I functioned as the generals intelligence officer as well, supporting him at meetings with information,
helping him present position papers, assisting him whenever he had to hold briefings or meet with congressional
committees, and defending him and the division against the almost weekly attacks on our turf from officers in
the other military branches or from the civilian development and intelligence agencies. Everybody wanted to
know what we knew, what we were spending, and what we were spending it on. And we had no quarrel with
telling anybody who wanted to know exactly what kinds of goods the American people were getting for their
money except when it came to one category - Roswell.

Thats when the mantle of darkness would fall and our memories about where certain things came from became
very dim, as it did with the dramatic improvement in night vision technology shortly after the summer of 1961.
Even our own people became very frustrated with us when General Trudeau would turn to me at a meeting and
You know that night vision information you sent over to Fort Belvoir a while back? Where did you find that
file, Phil? And if I couldnt play dumb and say, I dont think I ever came across this before, must be someone
else in charge, then Id simply shrug and say, I dont know, General, must have been in the files somewhere.
Ill have to go back and look.
It was an act, and many of the officers who suspected we had a stash of information somewhere knew we were
covering up something. But if they were career, they also knew how to play the Pentagon version of steal the
bacon. We had it and we were hiding it. No one would find out anything unless we let them. So the general
would typically hand off anything having to do with military intelligence information to me and I would usually
find a way not only to lose the answer but to lose the question as well. We became so practiced at this that
entirely new inventions could find their way into development at many different places at the same time without
anyones ever becoming aware of the source of the technology, especially the officer who was assigned the task
of project manager within our very own division.

The CIA got so frustrated at not getting any information out of us that they began keeping closer tabs on the
Russian attaches floating around Washington and working under their KGB controllers at the embassies and
consulates. Because the CIA knew how thoroughly our universities had been penetrated they figured theyd get
information on the rebound by photographing what was inside the photocopiers at the Russian embassy in
Washington. And sure enough, from the rumor mill circulating around the exchange of scientists between
industry and academia, the CIA knew that we were on to something at Army R&D and kept the circle as tight
around us as they possibly could. So I had to keep close tabs on the general, not letting him go into meetings, any
meetings, unprotected and always making sure that the CIA knew that they would have to climb over me to get
to General Trudeau and anything he knew. And the CIA knew that I knew what they were doing and where their
loyalties lay and also knew that it would have to come to a showdown someday.

General Trudeau and I had quickly established our routine in early1961, and our categorization of how we did
our jobs seemed to be working. Night vision was under development at Fort Belvoir, and researchers who
worked with us had made sure that the silicon wafer chips had gotten to their colleagues at Bell Labs and assured
us that a new generation of transistorized circuitry was already finding its way into development. The silicon
chips were a covert reintroduction to the people at Bell Labs because the initial introduction of the integrated
circuit chips from the Roswell crash had reached defense contractors as early as 1947 in the weeks after the
material reached Wright Field.

A similar history of introduction and reintroduction had occurred with stimulated energy radiation, a weapon the
early analysts believed they were looking at in the wreckage of the Roswell craft. Since directed energy radiation
was a technology wed already deployed in World War II, seeing what they thought was a super advanced
version of that technology, so advanced as to be in a completely different realm, so excited the analysts at Wright
Field that they wanted to get it out to research scientists as quickly as possible, which they did. And by the early

1950s, a version of stimulated energy radiation had found its way into the scientific community, which was
developing new products around the process of microwave generation.

Most Americans who were alive in the 1950s remember the introduction of the microwave oven that helped us
live better electrically in our new modern kitchens. One of the miracle appliances that burst onto the scene in
the 1950s promised to cook food in less than half the time of conventional ovens, even when the food had been
completely frozen. Marketed under a variety of brand names including the now historic Radar Range, the
microwave oven cooked whatever was inside not by the application of pure heat, the way conventional ovens
did, but by bombarding the food with showers of tiny waves of electromagnetic radiation, usually only a
centimeter or so long.

The waves would pass through the food, exciting the water molecules deep inside and causing them to align and
realign, back and forth, with greater velocity. The molecular activity generated heat from within and the food
cooked from the inside out. Once you enclosed it in the right kind of container to keep all the moisture from
evaporating, you had a quick cooked meal.

The theory behind the microwave oven that started us down the long and profitable path of stimulated energy
research was formulated in 1945 with the first commercial microwave ovens rolling off the line at Raytheon in
Massachusetts in 1947 before any dissemination of either intelligence or material from the crash of the Roswell
spacecraft. But in the wreckage of that craft, the scientists from the test firing range at Alamogordo reported that
the inhabitants of the craft seemed to use very advanced wave stimulation instrumentation that, according to their
analysis, bore a relationship to the physics of a basic microwave generator.

The retrieval team that pulled the wreckage out of the desert also found a short, stubby, internally powered
flashlight device that threw a pencil thin, intense beam of light for a short distance that could actually cut
through metal. This, the engineers at Wright Field believed, was also based on wave stimulation. The questions
then were, how did the EBEs use wave stimulation and how could we adapt it to military uses or slip it into the
product development already under way?

By 1954, when I was at the White House, the National Security Council was already receiving reports of a
theory, developed by Charles H. Townes, that described how the atoms of a gas could be excited to
extraordinarily high energy levels by the application of bursts of energy. The gas would release its excess energy
as microwaves of a very precise frequency that could be controlled. In theory, we thought, the energy beam
could be a signal to carry communications or an amplifier for the signal. When the first maser was assembled at
Bell Laboratories in 1956, it was used as a timer because of the very exact calibration of the wave frequency.

The maser, however, was only a forerunner of the product that was to come, the laser, which would
revolutionize every aspect of technology it touched. It would also prove to be a weapon that would help us
deploy a realistic threat to the EBEs who seemed poised to trigger a nuclear war between the superpowers.
Where the maser was an amplification of generated microwaves, the laser was an amplification of light, and
theories about how this might be accomplished were circulating widely throughout the weapons development
community even before Bell Labs produced the first maser. I had seen the descriptions of the EBE laser in
reports about the Roswell crash, a beam of light so thin that you couldnt even see it until it landed on a target.

What was the purpose of this light generator? the Alamogordo group had asked. It looked like a targeting or
communications device, seemed to have an almost limitless range, and, if the right power source could be found
to amplify the light beam to where it could penetrate metal, the device could be used as a drill, a welder, or even
a devastating weapon.

Even while I was at the White House, all three branches of the military were working with researchers in
university laboratories to develop a working laser. In theory, exciting the atoms of an element to produce light
energy in the same way that atoms of a gas were excited to produce microwaves, lasers offered the tantalizing
promise of a directed energy beam that had such a wide variety of applications it could become an almost
universal utility for all divisions of the military, even controlling warehouse inventory for the Quarter master
Corps. Finally, in 1958, the year after I left the White House, there was a surge in research activity, especially at
Columbia University where, two years later, physicist Theodore Maiman constructed the first working laser.

The first practical demonstration of the laser took place in 1960,and by the time I got to the Pentagon, General
Trudeau had put it on our list of priorities to develop for military purposes. Also, because stimulated energy
radiation devices were among the cache of technological debris we recovered from Roswell, the U.S.

development or the laser encompassed the special urgent requirements of my Roswell mission. I had to write a
report to General Trudeau suggesting ways the EBEs might have used laser technology in their missions on this
planet and how we could develop similar uses for it under the guise of a conventional development program. In
other words, once we guessed how the aliens were using it, it was to become our developmental model for
similar applications.

We believed that the EBEs used lasers for navigation, by bouncing beams off distant objects in space and
homing in on them to triangulate a course; for communication, by using the laser beam as a carrier signal or as a
signal in and of itself; for surveillance, by painting potential targets with a beam; and for power transmission,
illumination, and even data storage. The strength and integrity of the laser beam should have served as the EBEs
primary method of communication over vast distances or even as a way of storing communications in packages
for later delivery.

However, it was the EBEs use of directed energy as a medical tool and ultimately as a potential weapon that
sent shivers up and down our spines because to our minds it was evidence of the aliens hostile intentions.
Whether they saw us as true enemies to be destroyed or regarded all life on our planet as laboratory specimens to
be experimented with, the results from the animal carcasses picked up in the field by our military nuclear,
biological, and chemical recovery teams and the civilian intelligence investigators could have been very much
the same.

In the Pentagon from 1961 to 1963,1 reviewed field reports from local and state police agencies about the
discoveries of dead cattle whose carcasses looked as though they had been systematically mutilated and reports
from people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens and experimented on. One of the common threads in
these stories were reports by the self described abductees of being subjected to some sort of probing or even a
form of surgery with controlled, intense, pencil thin beams of light.

Local police reported that when veterinarians were called to the scene to examine the dead cattle left in fields,
they often found evidence not just that the animals blood had been drained but that entire organs were removed
with such surgical skill that it couldnt have been the work of predators or vandals removing the organs for some
depraved ritual. Where there was evidence of crime of someone staging a bizarre hoax, it was usually obvious
from the clumsiness of the attempt and the deliberate staging of the carcass. And in the overwhelming majority
of instances where the animal was killed by a predator who consumed its blood and carried away internal organs,
the evidence of teeth marks or of a brief life and death struggle was also a clear indicator of what had happened.

But in those cases where investigators claimed to have been baffled by what they found, the removal of the
organs and the draining of the animals blood - where blood had been completely drained - were so sophisticated
that there was almost no peripheral damage to the surrounding tissue. There was even some speculation, in the
early 1960s, that whatever device the EBEs had employed, it didnt even cut through the surrounding tissue. We
had no medical instruments that even remotely approached what the aliens could do. It was as though some
device had simply excised the organs with techniques that even went beyond our own surgical precision.

While I was on the White House National Security staff and later when I was at the Pentagon, I was intrigued by
these reports. I also remember that both civilian and military intelligence personnel attached to the staffs of
individuals who worked for the Hillenkoetter and Twining working group on UFOs in the 1950s were actively
engaging in research into the kinds of surgical methods that would produce crime scene evidence like this.

Could have been the Russians, they thought at first. Given the tense climate of the Cold War, a fear that the
Soviets were experimenting with American livestock to develop some form of toxin or biological weapon that
would devastate our cattle population was not unduly paranoid. Its sufficient to say, without going into any
detail, that we were thinking about the same kinds of weapons, so it was not far fetched to say that we were
projecting our own doomsday strategies onto what the Russians might have done.

But it wasnt the Soviets who were going after our cattle. In fact the Soviet strategy for destabilizing the United
States was so sophisticated that it was only a strategy of playing nuclear chicken with the Soviets that forced
them to back down in the end. It was the EBEs who were experimenting with organ harvesting, possibly for
transplant into other species or for processing into some sort of nutrient package or even to create some sort of
hybrid biological entity.

This is what people attached to the working group thought in the 1950s and 1960s, and even though we had no
solid intelligence at the time that we were right, we operated on the assumption that no one takes an organ just

for the sheer pleasure of removing it. Although the first public reports of cattle mutilations surfaced around 1967
in Colorado, at the White House we were reading about the mutilation stories that had been kept out of press as
far back as the middle 1950s, especially in the area around Colorado.

There was speculation, also, that maybe pharmaceutical companies were responsible because they could utilize
the organs and soft tissues in biological experimentation, but we dismissed that because the companies had their
own farms and could grow anything they wanted. Our intelligence organizations and especially the working
group believed that the cattle mutilations that could not be obviously explained away as pranks, predators, or
ritual slaughter were the results of interventions by extraterrestrials who were harvesting specific organs for

So if our cattle were important enough to the EBEs to get them to expose what they were doing, it was an
important thing for us to understand why. The EBEs were nothing if not coldly and clinically efficient - their
methodology reminded us of the Nazis - and they didnt waste time sitting around on the ground where they
were most vulnerable to attack or capture unless they had a darn good reason for doing so.

We didnt know their reasons back in the 1950s and 1960s and can only make educated guesses about them now,
but back then we were driven by a terror that unless we found ways to defend ourselves against the EBEs we
would be corralled by them and used for replacement tissue or as a source of nutrition. In 1997 this may sound
like a nightmare out of a flying saucer horror movie, but in1957 this was our thinking both in the White House
and in the military. We didnt know, but we had irrefutable evidence that EBEs were landing on farms,
harvesting vital organs from livestock, and then just leaving the carcasses on the ground because they knew we
couldnt do anything about it.

The mutilations that interested the National Security personnel seemed to have the same kind of modus operandi.
Whoever went after the animals seemed most interested in the mammary, digestive, and reproductive organs,
especially the uteruses from cows. In many cases the eyes or throats were removed in a type of surgery in which
the demarcation line was almost microscopically thin and the surrounding tissue showed that the incision had
super heated and then blackened as it cooled.

But the crime scene and forensic specialists noted that in any type of cut by a predatory animal or a human -
even a skilled surgeon - one would find evidence of some trauma in the surrounding tissue such as swelling,
contusions, or other forms of abrasion. In these reports of mutilations, forensic examination showed no evidence
of collateral trauma or even inflammation.

Therefore, they believed, the cuts to extract the tissue were made so quickly and wounds were sealed so fast that
the surrounding tissue never was destroyed. This meant that whoever was operating on these animals did so in a
matter of minutes. It was rare, therefore, that police would ever catch them in the act. So if we couldnt protect
our livestock or react intelligently to the stories of human abductions, except to debunk them and make the
abductees themselves think they were delusional, we had to find weapons that would put us on a more equal
footing with the EBEs. One of those weapons, which had a wide application potential, was the laser - light
amplification through stimulated energy radiation - the device the army found in the Roswell spacecraft and
would later develop as a weapon in cooperation with Hughes Aircraft.

Shortly after the first successful demonstration of a ruby red laser at Columbia University, the three military
branches realized they had a winner. The following year, the results of the tests at Columbia, the industry interest
in developing laser based products, and the Roswell report on stimulated energy all merged on my desk. Now it
was my turn to get involved and assemble the information to support laser product development with military
funds before the whole operation was turned over to one of the R&D specialists who would take the product
through its next stages. That was the way our backfield worked: I fed the play, made sure the snap got off, and
then faded in behind the blockers. By the time the ball carrier had made his way into the secondary, I was
already off the field. I never got the Heisman Trophy, but I sure as hell moved the ball.

I began by listing the needs of the army for what the laser might be able to accomplish. Based on what the army
analysts reported they saw in the Roswell ship, it seemed to me obvious that if the Roswell laser was a cutting or
surgical tool, the beam could also be utilized as an advanced rapid firing weapon. With a beam so precise and
directed, the laser would also make an excellent range finder and target manager for artillery. If the beam was
capable of instantaneous read adjustment and fed into a computer, it would also be the perfect targeting system
for a tank, especially a tank on the move.


Typically, a tank must stop before it can fire because the gunner needs to have a fixed firing platform from
which he calculates range direction, and other compensating factors. The laser can do all that while the vehicle is
moving and should therefore enable a tank to stay on the move while firing. And if a laser can paint a target from
a tank and find the range, I speculated, it can do the same for a helicopter from air to air and air to ground.

I suggested to General Trudeau that all the research we were conducting into helicopter tactics, especially into
the role of helicopters as infantry support gun and rocket platforms, dove tailed perfectly with the possibilities of
the laser as a range finding mechanism. We could paint friendly troops to locate them, identify our foes, and
illuminate potential targets with light invisible to all but our own gunners. At the same time, our own bombs or
missiles can home in on the laser image we project onto a target, like a heat seeking missile. Once painted, the
target could evade the laser guided rocket or shell only with great difficulty. For a stationary target such as a
fortification or artillery redoubt, a laser guided shell would be particularly devastating because we could take it
out with one or two rounds instead of having to go back again and again to make sure wed found the target.

As a signal, a laser is so intense, refined, and perfectly stable that it is almost impervious to any kind of
disturbance. For this reason, I wrote General Trudeau, the EBEs must have used an advanced form of a laser for
their communication, and we can, too. The intensity of the beam and its highly refined focus mean that it can be
aimed with minute precision. Amplifying the power to boost the signal should not distort the beams aim, which
makes it perfect for straight line long distance communication.

Lasers also have high capacities for carrying multiple signals. Therefore, I wrote the general, we can pack a
greater number of transmission bands into a laser signal than we can with our conventional signal carriers. This
meant that we could literally flood a battlefield with different kinds of communication channels, each carrying
different kinds of communication, some not even invented yet, and have them securely carried by laser signals.
For command and control on the increasingly sophisticated electronic battlefield the army was predicting for the
1970s, lasers would become the Signal Corps workhorses.

General Trudeau said that he was also interested in an item from one of the specification reports that other
military observers wrote that said that lasers could also serve as projection devices for large screen displays.
Lasers were so bright that displays could be shown in rooms that didnt have to be darkened. The general saw the
possibility of fully lit situation rooms with large screen displays from satellite radar transmissions. The room
would allow computer operators to see what they were doing at their keyboards while seeing the displays and
listening to the briefing.

I suggested that the army cartography division would be particularly interested in the accuracy of the laser
derived measurements for maps. That same measurement ability would also be able to generate digital data for
ground hugging infantry support helicopters or low flying planes. Aircraft that could stay close to the ground
could avoid enemy radar and stay concealed until the last minute. But unless there was a method for accurately
charting the topography, aircraft could find themselves scraping tree tops or crashing into the side of a hill. If a
laser could accurately transmit topographic features to altitude control and navigational computers on board
attack aircraft, it would keep the aircraft safely above any ground obstacles but close enough to the ground to
remain concealed.

This ground hugging capability that I suggested to General Trudeau had been suggested to me from the analysis
reports of UFOs that also had this capability. It was what enabled them to hover close to the ground and to move
rapidly at speeds over a thousand miles an hour at treetop level without hitting anything. The laser type devices
aboard the UFO instantly fed the craft with the topographic features of the landscape and the craft automatically
adjusted to the terrain.

In late 1961, General Trudeau asked me to visit Fort Belvoir again, this time to meet a Dr. Mark Johnston, one
of aeronautical research scientists from Hughes Aircraft. Fort Belvoir was one of the safe houses for the Office
of R&D to conduct meetings in because it was a secure military facility. My comings and goings there on Army
R&D business were completely routine, even to the CIA surveillance teams that would occasionally pick up my
car coming out of the Pentagon, and could be covered in our daily logs with references to the ongoing projects
that served as covers. My meeting with Johnston, for example, was to talk about the Hughes helicopter
development program, not to give him my reports on the laser measuring devices we believed were in the
Roswell spacecraft.


I briefed Johnston on what the scientific team from Alamogordo believed was on the spacecraft, asked him not to
talk about it, and suggested that the Hughes team developing the navigational radars for the helicopter project
consider using the newly developed lasers as terrain measuring apparatus and for target acquisition.
Yes, of course, I assured him. The Office of R&D would have a development budget for the laser project if
the R&D team at Hughes thought our idea was feasible and they could develop it.
And thats exactly what happened. Using the positive results from the Columbia University test and the army
weapons specifications we drew up in R&D for the requirements of a range finder, targeting, and tracking
weapon, and with research grants from the Pentagon, Hughes signed on as one of the contractors for the military
laser. Today, the laser has become the HEL, or High Energy Laser, deployed by the armys Space Defense
Command as, among other things, an antisatellite/antiwarhead weapon.

My meeting at Hughes was quick and direct. Like so many of the research scientists I met with from Hughes,
Dow, IBM, and Bell, Johnston disappeared behind the work benches, computer screens, or test tubes of the
companys back room and out of my sight forever. When General Trudeau would ask me to follow up on the
project months later, a different company representative would meet with me and the project would look just like
any other Army R&D initiated research contract. Any traces of Roswell or the nut file would be gone, and the
project would have been slipped into the normal R&D functioning. Of course this device didnt come out of the
Roswell incident. The incident was only a myth; it never took place. This came out of the Foreign Technology
desk, something the Italians or French were working on and we picked up through our intelligence sources.

Our work with laser products was becoming so successful by the end of 1961 that General Trudeau was urging
me to spread the wealth around as many army bases as I could. I spoke to weapons experts at Fort Riley, Kansas,
for example, about the use of lasers by troops in the field. Maybe as range finders, we suggested, or even as ways
to lock onto a target the way the air force was experimenting with something they were calling smart bombs.
By 1964, after seeing the research into the feasibility of lasers that we had commissioned, hand held range
finders were being tested at army bases around the country, and today, police forces use laser sights on their
weapons. Lasers became one of the armys great successes.

In one of our final pushes for the development of laser based weapons systems, we argued successfully for a
budget to develop laser tracking systems for incoming missiles. This was a project we fought hard for, over
political opposition as well as opposition from the other military branches, which were looking at our proposal as
a conventional method of tracking missiles.

The laser was too new, they argued. Atmospheric interference or heavy clouds would distort the laser over long
distances, they said. Or, they said, it would simply take too much power and would have no portability. General
Trudeau and I had another agenda for this project that we couldnt readily share with anybody. We believed that
lasers could be used not just to track incoming missiles - that was obvious. We saw the lasers too as our best
weapon for not only tracking UFOs from the ground, from aircraft, or from satellites but, if we could boost the
power to the necessary levels, for shooting them down. Shoot down a few of them, we speculated, and they
wouldnt violate our airspaces with such impunity.

Equip our fighter planes or interceptors with laser firing mechanisms and we could pose a credible threat to
them. Equip our satellites with laser firing mechanisms and we could triangulate a firing pattern on the UFOs
that might even keep them away from our orbiting spacecraft. But all of this was speculation in late 1961.

Only a very few people in the other branches of R&D even had a hint about what we were proposing. The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration had its own plans for developing laser tracking systems and
didnt want to share any development budget with the military, so there was very little help forth coming from
NASA. The air force and navy were guarding their own development budgets for laser weapons, and we couldnt
trust the civilian intelligence agencies at all.

So General Trudeau and I began advocating a plan as a cover to develop laser tracking and other sophisticated
types of surveillance projects. It was outrageous on the surface, but it quickly found its adherents, and its real
agenda could be completely masked. We could never call it an anti-UFO device so we named it the antimissile
missile. It was one of the most successful projects ever to come out of Army R&D. It owed most of its theory to
our discovery of the laser in the Roswell wreckage.


by Steve Mizrach
from Website

Now that the armies of the Earth have covered its land area and its navies have filled the sea, the only area left to
be militarized is space, and the Pentagon is doing it with a vengeance. Some of the very persons involved in this
effort may be ex-Nazi rocket scientists brought over from the Peenemunde V2 factory to work on our fledgling
rocket program so we could beat the Soviets to the Moon.

While space has already been used for military purposes - mostly the use of reconnaissance satellites to gain
information on the enemy and carry communications for military operations - there has never been deployment
of actual weapons in orbit. Concern over the deployment of ASAT (anti-satellite) weapons led the UN to pass
the treaty on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, forbidding such programs. Fortunately, the use of space has mostly
been limited to exploration and cooperation, as with the Soyuz linkup of the 1970s, and the planned joint Mars
mission of 1992.

But there are plans to change that.

The COPUOS treaty has not hindered the U.S. under Reagan and Bush from pursuing the Strategic Defense
Initiative (SDI), more colloquially known as "Star Wars." The idea would be to deploy space-based X-ray laser
satellites and projectile systems for 'shooting' down interballistic missiles before they can reach their target.

While Reagan characterized such a defense as a 'shield,' most physicists see it as having so many problems in
both the technological and strategic area that they call it a 'sieve.' At best, it might be able, according to some
computer models, to take out 20 to 40% of incoming warheads. But, as with any system, there are
countermeasures, and multiple warhead systems (MIRVs), decoy missiles, and enemy ASATs might reduce
even that level of effectiveness.

Most scientists were afraid, especially during the Cold War, of "Star Wars" destabilizing effect as a concept. An
enemy which even thought that a country was on the verge of creating such a shield might feel they were
prepared to launch a 'first strike,' and they might feel pressured to launch an 'anticipatory' strike to prevent it!

Many scientists are afraid that militarization of space also represents a territorialization.

While there are UN treaties to restrain the nations of the world from taking what is in the seas or in Antarctica
for their own, there is no real set of agreements that declares space to be the common heritage of mankind.

Could nations then declare the sovereignty of the space above their countries, even as they do over their
Would they then declare the right to control all space launches or orbital paths that enter that zone?
If wealth is located in space - say in the asteroid belt - will nations also go to war in space over who owns it?
When nations begin settling in space - either in permanently manned stations or in lunar colonies - will there be
conflict over docking rights?
The militarization of space is a bad trend, away from where mankind should be going - declaring space to be the
place where our lines on Earthly maps should not matter.

"Smart" Weapons - The automatization and mechanization of warfare

Human soldiers make mistakes. They can be sloppy and very inefficient and undisciplined. They are subject to
fatigue, terror, and other problems of the human condition. And occasionally they are restrained by other things
like 'conscience' or 'morals' which prevent them from carrying out orders.

Robots represent the Pentagon's wet dream: a soldier that can deliver its 'payload' with no foul-ups and no guilt.


"Smart" bombs may be more accurate, since they are guided by complex terrain-mapping programs, but they do
not distinguish between civilians and military targets. And they serve to further separate the act of killing from
its completion, because the person who programs the guided missile can claim that he bore no malice toward the
people that it hits.

They may make war more 'surgical,' in that certain targets and sites can be carefully and precisely excised, but if
their programmers are in error, these "smart" systems can make very stupid errors, because they don't "know" the
difference between a bunker and a milk factory, or between a jet fighter and a 747.

The Pentagon also wants to computerize the chain of command at higher levels than delivery - specifically, in
the coordination of C3I - communications, control, and intelligence - which are so important in fighting a war.
Afraid that nuclear war could claim the lives of the commander-in-chief and most of their own war-planners, and
paralyze computer networks and other electronic systems through an EMP surge, the Pentagon has spent a lot of
change developing MILSTAR.

MILSTAR is supposed to be a system of satellites that are supposed to make nuclear war-fighting strategies once
most of the existing C3I has been wiped out; in short the Pentagon is trying to develop the computer in 'War
Games,' which will fight WW IV. With computers giving the orders, the chain of command in a complex
situation like a 'limited' nuclear strike - which may require hundreds of decisions in a few minutes - is supposed
to be 'simplified.'

But what happens when computers make mistakes, as when the NORAD radar confused a gaggle of geese for
incoming missiles?

People who have seen the movies "Short Circuit" or "Terminator 2" may laugh at the idea that the Pentagon is
developing 'robot warriors' that will 'carry a bomb into the heart of Moscow'. But the Pentagon is funding
university studies of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and also cognitive science (CS) research projects
seeking to find computer algorithms that will duplicate human vision and motion-response, precisely for that

Realizing that as the lethality and scale of warfare has grown exponentially in the 20th century, the Pentagon
war-planners may also feel that soldiers have become less and less able to execute it. Better to have robots that
do not question orders and can withstand much more damage than humans. It is very possible that one such
project in the future may be to develop androids which are perfect human simulacra, for covert warfare purposes.
In that sense, perhaps Terminator 2 may be very prescient.

Will we surrender our authority to some omniscient 'Skynet' to fight all our wars, only to have it turn against us?

Once again anticipating (or responding to) science fiction, the Pentagon has seriously looked into the
development of 'bionic' additions to its soldiers. There are already exoskeleton prototypes out there that may
magnify the strength of their operators tenfold. It is not unreasonable to find in the future that prostheses might
be developed with greater tensile strength than human limbs, or artificial eyes that see in other EM spectra or
have greater magnificatory power. (a la "Six Million Dollar Man"?)

Perhaps the next step for creating the perfect soldier are cyborgs, who may be outfitted with electronic implants
for receiving and carrying out orders. Fantastic, but not impossible.

Eco-Terrorism - the use of Nature against the enemy

In the recent Persian Gulf War, we saw something new: eco-terrorism on a massive scale.

Saddam Hussein tried to destroy the ecological balance and natural resources of Kuwait by dumping crude
petroleum into the ocean and setting the Kuwaiti oil fields ablaze. Wars have always had disastrous
environmental consequences, with unexploded ammunition and minefields making many areas uninhabitable,
and used armaments destroying the landscape and biota of others.

Wars consume vast amounts of fuel, energy, and resources; create massive amounts of air and water pollution;
and pose massive hazards to other forms of life besides people, especially fragile 'key' species in precarious
ecosystems - such as the bactrians of the sandy dunes of Iraq. What made Hussein unique was his decision to
deliberately undertake actions which would destroy the environment of his enemy and render it unlivable.

He is not the first person to consider the use of such techniques, however. The Pentagon used the defoliant Agent
Orange to erode the jungles of Vietnam, ostensibly to expose the guerillas underneath their cover. In practice,
Agent Orange and other defoliants are used for more deliberate, and savage reasons - to destroy food crops or
defoliate other plants upon which communities depend.

The military has also explored the use of climate control in conflict - searching for ways to create drought,
hurricanes, or tidal waves which might be directed toward the enemy so as to cause destruction. Subtle methods
of decreasing rainfall, raising temperature, or changing soil composition might also damage agriculture and
paralyze economic production.

The use of "weather warfare" has obvious advantages: how can you prove that a tornado which devastated your
country was 'sent' by an enemy to cause that destruction?

The military, as one of the world's largest polluters, is quite aware of the problem of toxins in the environment. It
has commissioned many studies of toxicology, but not necessarily for the reason of cleaning up its mess.
Imagine the effectiveness of introducing small amounts of a toxic substance into key species in an enemy's
ecosystem, then allowing it to build up in the food chain until the whole ecosystem is ruined.

Or subtly allowing radiation to build up in the environment by spreading low-level radioactive waste over a
battlefield. Such radiation would be invisible (except to a Geiger counter) and be very effective. I would not be
surprised if the Pentagon is working on it right now. It is also now widely believed that underground nuclear
detonations may be able to trigger earthquakes elsewhere on the planet.

Might this be the reason that underground nuclear testing was continued up until very recently?

Battle for the Mind - Behavioral and Psychological Warfare

At the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, Army doctors tested a wide variety of psycho-chemicals on unsuspecting
soldiers. Two of those substances were the hallucinogen LSD and the mood-altering BZ. While the CIA has
been interested in LSD as a 'spook drug' or truth serum, the Army saw it as a means for disorienting and
confusing the enemy. It could be delivered through their water supply (which was tried) or through aerosol
sprays (which didn't work very well since it dissipated very quickly.)

They found BZ interesting because they felt it could increase human aggressiveness; when tested on rats, it set
them to fighting savagely against each other. It might, they thought, cause the enemy to get paranoid and turn
against its own forces. Other psycho-chemicals were tested in the hope that they might cause enemy pacification
reactions (reducing the will to fight or resist), increase allied performance (by stimulating adrenalin and
alertness, etc.), or outright delusions (for distraction purposes.)

Many of the drugs that leaked into the hands of the counterculture were being tested by the military and the
intelligence community long before, as early as the early 1950s. Drugs have always been an instrument of
conquest; opium was the principal means that Britain extended its imperial ambitions into China and kept the
populace from resisting.

But psycho-chemicals were by no means the only means of behavioral warfare being explored by the military.
Fascinated by the behaviorist idea of conditioning, the military tried to explore the 'programming' of the human
brain, and examined ways in which - through deprivation, sensory isolation, or punishment-and-reward - it might
be made a "blank slate" for receiving new programs.

The military was fascinated by the possibility of developing a Manchurian Candidate - an assassin from the
enemy who could be 'brainwashed' into killing its enemies. To that end, the Army also explored hypnosis, the
effect of ELF waves on human brain frequencies, and the use of sounds as signals to 'trigger' specific behavioral

Other low-tech methods of exercising power, such as entrapment, intimidation, and coercion, continue to be
explored. There was also a great deal of research into "psychoacoustic" technology, involving the use of induced
audible hallucinations and disorientation created by infrasonic or microwave technology. Such "directed-energy"
weapons may well be battlefield-tested someday for behavioral warfare ops.


Other forms of non-behavioral psychological warfare revolve around what might be called 'disinformation' or
propaganda. An important part of fighting an enemy is feeding them false knowledge and misdirecting them with
false facts. But even in peacetime propaganda can serve to demoralize, destabilize, and divide internally a hostile

Various techniques have been explored - the use of false rumors, doctored photographs and images, and
"planted" news stories - fall into this category. The U.S. military in Nicaragua was accused of distributing a
handbook which described vividly the arts of industrial sabotage.

In Panama, they used rock music to drive Noriega out of a church where he had taken refuge, which may be the
ultimate form of psychological warfare.

Weapons of Mass Destruction - chemical, nuclear, and biological agents

Despite an ostensible ban on chemical weapons after the horrors of using mustard gas in WW I were revealed,
the U.S. continued to attempt to develop them. Most efforts focused on developing 'binary' weapons which
involved inert chemicals which became deadly upon mixing. Unfortunately, up until 1972 much of the chemical
weapons in the country were 'unitary,' and we are stuck with stockpiles of nerve gas which we don't know what
to do with.

In the recent Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein threatened to use Scud missiles with chemical warheads, but he
did not make good on his threat. Unfortunately, many of the chemical agents used in this warfare are extremely
lethal, and some do not even need to be breathed (they penetrate the skin) rendering the use of gas masks for
protection worthless. Since such agents are often odorless and colorless, detection is a high priority.

In the biological warfare realm, Army technicians worked with genetically-altered microbes - disease bacteria
and viruses - in the hopes of creating infectious diseases which were even more pathogenic and virulent than
normal. Some even feel they experimented with 'ethnic warfare' - biological agents that may be more effective
on certain racial groups due to their blood type, genetic makeup, etc... - and that AIDs may have come out of this

One project in this vein may have been the Tuskegee Experiment, during which black men were exposed to a
particularly potent strain of syphilis, without their knowledge. The attempts may have been to create a disease
strain - such as a mutant form of anthrax - which would not respond to the standard medical treatment because of
its genetic modification. The possibilities in this realm are truly frightening.

Having long since faced up to the fact that the hydrogen bomb makes a nuclear war un-winnable and a 'limited
exchange' nearly impossible, the Pentagon has tried to develop a 'flexible response' which might allow us to
initiate a nuclear war and win it. Components of this strategy include 'first-strike' hard-penetrating weapons like
the Trident missile, mobile-launched missiles such as the MX or submarine-fired IBCM, multiple-target MIRVs,
zero-tech damage Neutron Bombs, and antiballistic missile (ABM) systems.

The idea would be to launch a nuclear attack which would be rapid and undetected, would take out the enemy's
ability to respond, and create a unilateral victory. While neither side claims they would initiate a first strike,
during the Cold War the U.S. tried to develop ways that it could, and so did the Soviets. Perhaps neither side
knew how dangerous that was, or how likely it was to provoke the enemy toward more rapid and irresponsible
judgments because they would feel they had to respond immediately.

Many so-called 'tactical' nuclear weapons - for battlefield or "theater" use - have been deployed in crisis
situations. Their use was certainly contemplated in Iraq. But many of the ordinary munitions used in the air war
carried explosive potentials close to that of nuclear weapons: a greater amount of explosives were dropped on
Baghdad than were used in all of WW II.

Particularly deadly were Fuel-Air Explosives which would create firestorms that would suck all the oxygen out
of bunkers, and Cluster Bombs which would spread around 'incendiary' bomblets over large areas.

These munitions are so destructive that they may obtain some of the secondary effects associated with the use of
nuclear weapons - the psychological demoralization of the enemy.


The Pursuit of Stealth

The Stealth bomber is the culmination of the Pentagon's search for an invisible bomber. Of course, it is only
radar-invisible, and even that is only partially true, since it only deflects some radar frequencies. However, there
is some reason to believe that the Navy may have made attempts to render ships 'invisible' to radar or magnetic
mines during WW II, and that this may have been the basis of the 'Philadelphia Experiment' of 1943 made
famous by Moore and Berlitz.

"Stealth" technology facilitates covert operations because it allows the Pentagon to send in a fighter to strike
undetected and escape unscathed. Of course, any one with good eyes can spot the plane, and if it has American
insignias, they will know who has bombed them... plus, it turns out, the effort to make the B2 stealthy has also
made it very unstable (it requires six computer systems to fly) and very vulnerable to attack (there is no armor or
armaments aboard) but who's counting?

The Navy has been very interested in propulsion systems that might allow a submarine to move silently (perhaps
by countering wave turbulence, etc.) and shielding techniques that might deflect sonar waves. A "stealth"
submarine may be in the works, able to sneak up on other subs undetected. It is not unfeasible to imagine that
one might be able to "stealthize" a land vehicle, though this has not been attempted, mainly because once over
the horizon any land vehicle is quite visible, and cannot strike as fast as a plane or a submarine.

Camouflage, radar jamming, chaff, electronic countermeasures, and other techniques have long been used by the
military to hide its forces from the enemy. "Stealth" technology is an attempt to take the quest for invisibility one
step further. As to whether the Army has developed a technique for visual invisibility... they certainly aren't

Nonetheless, there do appear to be more developments in the 'black programs' in the aerospace field. If and when
"Aurora" makes its appearance, it is expected to be able to do upwards of Mach 5 or 6 - it is a hypersonic plane
built, according to certain sources, on the 'wave-rider' principle, utilizing "pulsed wave detonation engines" that
employ a unique means of external combustion.

Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at
such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity - who would be able to identify the markings
on the plane at that speed? Further, such a plane might have to be a "drone" piloted by computers, since a human
pilot might have a tough time reacting quickly enough or surviving the inertial acceleration.

And it would once again put the act of war out of the hands of human decision-making.

Low-Intensity Conflict

Ever since Vietnam, fears about 'escalation' and the erosion of public support have led the Pentagon to adopt
caution toward involvement of American servicemen in foreign conflicts. While people seem to be able to suffer
countless casualties on "their" side, watching "our" boys take losses quickly can erode support for the war.

Hence the Pentagon's doctrine of 'low-intensity conflict,' (LIC) which generally involves the use of proxies or
surrogates, such as the contras in Nicaragua.

Such proxies are often CIA-trained mercenaries, "counterterrorist" squads like the 'Delta Force,' and infiltrators
or saboteurs. One important LIC effort during the Vietnam war was the CIA's Project Phoenix, which identified
and assassinated over 60,000 members of the Vietcong cadres. LIC is yet another effort by the Pentagon to wage
war without the government declaring it - because LIC can be maintained even while the pretense of
nonintervention is used and blamed on paramilitary "death squads" which, of course, get no aid from us.

An important part of LIC is economic warfare, focusing on attempts to disrupt the economy of the enemy's
country (and thereby hopefully destabilize his political regime.) While many countries often use forms of
economic coercion prior to the use of war, such as tariffs, sanctions, freezing of foreign assets, expropriation of
property, and blockades, these techniques can often be used in conjunction with others for devastating effect.

Some of the methods used in LIC include flooding the enemy country with bogus currency to create inflation,
sabotage of factories and other production facilities, disruption of trade routes and transportation networks (such
as railroads), resource depletion, and the use of 1980s-style "junk bonds" to create false debt in the economy.

This strategy can often paralyze the opponent's economy, creating vast amounts of misery, but equally vast
challenges to his authority.

The CIA, recognizing the economic battlefield as the next possible field of war, has begun to devote important
amounts of intelligence to industrial sabotage and espionage. They know that the techniques employed by the
U.S. to cripple foreign economies could be used against us. Most current LIC efforts involve a complex
coordination of proxy fighting, economic warfare, and covert support to foreign political parties, trade unions,
and "think tanks" supporting a pro-American policy for their government.

This, combined with some vote-rigging, electoral fraud, and outright poll-place coercion, can often produce the
desired result. Amazingly, Americans bark at the role foreign lobbyists play in their deliberative process - but
consider what a hue and cry there would be if it was found out that Mexico gave the Republicans thousands of
dollars for their campaign and paid for anti-Democrat advertisements in the U.S.!

Yet we do this kind of thing in the Third World all the time.

"Nonlethal" Warfare?

The idea of non-lethal warfare seems almost cheerful.

One almost starts to think of teams of Shaolin monks going out to disarm their opponents and send them home
bruised but uninjured. But the Pentagon's interest in non-lethal warfare is once again simply PR. Tired of being
told that they are in the killing industry, the Pentagon wants to brag that it can deter America's enemies without
harming them.

Some of the things being explored in this field are:
chemical corrosives to break down the molecular structure of enemy tanks, artillery, and vehicles
infrasonic, holographic projections, and hallucinogenic gasses to disorient and confuse opponents
'low-energy' lasers to blind soldiers and electro-optical systems
carbon-wire "bombs" to short-circuit electrical generating plants
"infrastructure targeting" such as EM bursts to wipe out electronics and communication or sabotage efforts
against physical plant
the use of "riot control agents" such as electrical 'stun-guns' (tasers), tear gas, smoke, or sleep or paralytic agents
against enemy troops in battle
Yet the Pentagon's praises of the potential for 'non-lethal' hi-tech warfare deserve several grains of salt. There are
many drawbacks to so-called "non-lethal" weapons. There are, after all, "fates worse than death." Is it truly
preferable to be permanently blinded by lasers, deafened by infrasonic, or maimed or disabled by some other
technology designed not to kill?

Further, the infrastructure that maintains a nation's war machine also supports its people in peacetime:
"infrastructure targeting" can cause high additional "collateral damage" from disease, hunger, and social
breakdown, as we can see from postwar Iraq. And weapons designed to disable can accidentally kill - as when
your paralyzed tank is slammed into by the tank behind you. "Non-lethal" weapons might be quite lethal in
certain circumstances (which one might or might not categorize as unavoidable.)

It is fairly obvious that any weapon with a "non-lethal" setting (just like Star Trek - 'set phasers on stun') could
easily be augmented for a lethal one. (Low-intensity lasers could be amplified and refocused.)

Distinguishing between lethal and non-lethal weapons on the battlefield might not be so easy to do. Such non-
lethal technologies may backfire in numerous ways (such as when chemical agents dropped on 'their' side are
carried by prevailing winds back over to 'ours') and exacerbate the problem of "friendly fire."

And non-lethal weapons are quite simply more likely to be used in a conflict situation, since their usage might
not attract the same international criticism as conventional warfare. Possession of "non-lethal" weapons may
encourage conflicts rather than forestall them, and one might consider that opponents may not be so generous as
to retaliate to 'non-lethal' weapons with similarly non-lethal "attacks."


"Non-lethal" weapons may end up making life on this planet much more lethal.

What else is in store?

The "Buck Rogers" mindset in the military - its love for gadgets - means more developments in the future.

Who knows what we might see?
Mobile particle beams or laser cannons?
Deployment of holographic illusions?
Antimatter bombs?
Virtual-reality (VR) sighting systems for weapons?
Sonic weapons that can cause buildings to crumble like Joshua's horn or can even kill?
Genetically-engineered attack animals that are more savage, poisonous, or razor-clawed than normal?
Genetically altered 'super soldiers' which are tougher and stronger?
Transporters straight out of Star Trek?
All I know to expect from the Pentagon is the unexpected.

I imagine they will continue their efforts to move postmodern warfare into the high-tech realm, moving it into a
distant, abstract, electronic realm, where only images and icons are being killed, not people. As warfare becomes
more and more lethal, they will try to sell it as a 'video game.'

That is what it was called by the fighter pilots in the war against Iraq, who also called it a 'turkey shoot.'
Will the new high-tech battlefields of the 21st century be outer space?
Will there be wars over possession of the moon, 'orbital rights', or the resources of the asteroid belt?
Will nation-states carve up the heavens much as they have the seas and most of the surface of the earth?
"Star Wars" is a highly frightening reality, very different from the movies. In space, there is almost no friction to
slow down the momentum of objects.

If a satellite were to be blown apart, there would be a hail of fragments preceding outward at thousands of miles
an hour. Some of those fragments would continue to orbit around the Earth at the same velocity as initial impact.
If they slammed into a civilian rocket ship (such as our Shuttle) the cabin might depressurize and all the oxygen
in the vessel would rush out in a wave of explosive decompression. It would be a highly deadly affair.

Our astronauts have enough to worry about, with cosmic rays, micrometeorites, and tons of "space junk" as
existing space problems.

I suspect that in the future, increasingly corporatized universities will get more and more of their funds to do
R&D (Research & Development) for the DOD (Department of Defense), all academic ethics and ethical
problems aside. The university has been made a full partner in the military-industrial complex. Despite protests
against university research on napalm in Vietnam, and continuing demonstrations against work on nuclear
weapons, the 'marriage' between academia and the military seems to be proceeding apace.

There will be more and more penetration of the military into the fields of aerospace, electronics, and materials
research. As a result, more and more scientific research will become classified material hidden in the "black
budget." Sadly, technology has been a handmaiden of war ever since Da Vinci.

Perhaps someday it can be the companion of peace.

Black Projects Update

Recently, several new "black projects" have come to my attention from various alternative media sources, and
I've decided to mention a few of them as an addendum to this essay.

These projects include:
the Pentagon's 'cyber-war' initiative
HAARP is supposedly a multimillion dollar civilian project in the Arctic to study the Aurora Borealis, but close
observers note many elements of the project which suggest it is actually a cover for military research into using

the ionosphere for long-range communications, and perhaps even such things as weather manipulation, power
transmission, or EM interference.

The HAARP project has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, which is why Project Censored gave it
one of its "Top Ten Most Censored Stories" awards... Tesla enthusiasts note that it seems to be based on many of
the inventor's ideas regarding the use of the Earth's own electromagnetic field - but for some perhaps very
sinister purposes.

The Pentagon also announced it was going into the 'cyberwar' business. They are going to try and develop
viruses and worm programs which are designed to directly attack an enemy's C3I capability, knocking out
critical systems. Further, they are going to develop a coordinated strategy for monitoring security threats on the
Internet - mentioning several domestic groups, including UFO enthusiasts, which would require more extreme
electronic surveillance.

Finally, part of their 'cyberwar' program seems to involve the more stepped-up dissemination of electronic
disinformation - with the sinister purpose of destroying the assets of enemy nations, through the reduction of
trading partner confidence.

A third "black" initiative appears to be Project Stargate, where the CIA, DIA, and other military agencies
revealed that since the 1970s, they have been using psychics, primarily for "remote viewing" of enemy
installations and even testing some experiments in precognition, psychokinesis (attempting to scramble enemy
missile codes), and ESP.

The mainstream media played up the Stargate story for its laugh factor, but they simply bought the military's
story that the program was discontinued due to a lack of results. In point of fact, the program was simply
reshuffled bureaucratically, and while Stargate was ended, military use of psychics continue. If such human
talents exist, nothing will be gained by using them in such restrictive, paranoid ways.

All three stories reveal the ongoing determination of the Pentagon to pursue dangerous projects which could
backfire tremendously, outside the scope of public scrutiny. HAARP could have unguessable long-term
consequences on planetary climate, or even knock out electronic systems and communications worldwide

'Cyberwar' techniques could very easily wind up in the hands of agencies determined to use them back against
the U.S.; such is the nature of everything on the global net. And Stargate may have even involved some
dangerous efforts to biochemically 'boost' psychic functioning, according to some reports.

The emperor marches on...

1. Strange Craft
2. The Drones and Whitley Strieber
3. Drones and Bridges
4. The "CARET" Program - Explanation for Drone UFO Sightings in California
5. Big Basin (CA) Strange Craft High Resolution Photographs
6. More Big Basin, California, Bizarre "Drone" Images

Strange Craft
Last month
(April 2007),
my wife and I were on a walk when we noticed a very large, very strange "craft" in the sky. My wife took a
picture with her cell phone camera (first photo below).

A few days later a friend (and neighbor) lent me his camera and came with me to take photos of this "craft". We
found it and took a number of very clear photos. Picture #4 is taken from right below this thing and I must give
my friend credit as I was not brave enough to get close enough to take this picture myself!

The craft is almost completely silent and moves very smoothly. It usually moves slowly until it decides to take
off. Then it moves VERY quickly and is out of sight in the blink of an eye. MORE THAN ANYTHING I simply
want to understand what this is and why it is here?

We found your show with Google and I have listened for a few nights now. I have decided that if anyone can
help me understand what this thing is, it is you and your audience. I must admit I am deeply unsettled by this
thing. I have never seen anything like this in my life... Location: I would prefer not to say for now.

Additional Comments underneath the photos.



Chad wrote back to us with additional info:
Thank you so much for posting my photos! I hope someone can help identify this... First of all, I see this thing
VERY often. Since it first appeared, I have probably seen this thing maybe 8 different times since the first
appearance. My friend and I went out the next day after I first saw it to get the photos, but it was not there.

Then we tried again the next day, and we found it within like 30 minutes and followed it for a while. Most of the
time I see it out of windows in my house, in the distance. But I would say almost half of the hikes I have gone on
in my area, I have seen it very close. It is very easy to photograph and... many neighbors aside from my friend
have also seen it.

It is almost totally silent but not quite. It makes kind of "crackling" noises. It's hard to describe them but they are
only intermittent and not very loud, but you can notice them. Sometimes there is a very slight hum that sounds
kind of mechanical, almost like when you are near very large power lines. But it is nothing loud like a jet engine,
it is very quiet for the most part.

It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a pond, it is kind of like that. It is VERY smooth
and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go VERY fast into another
direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it

Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am normally not the kind of person who really ever
gets them. Also my wife has been tired and fatigued lately. She is about a month pregnant, and the doctor said
fatigue is normal around this time, but I worry that it is a lot. Basically what I'm worried is that this "craft" has
got some kind of radiation or something. Like I said, it sounds like power lines if you get close enough to it.
Obviously I am worried for our health, especially with a baby on the way.

I don't know if they are related, but again, this is why I really hope someone can answer these questions!


Drones and Bridges
by Craig R Lang, MS CHt
May/June, 2007
from TheCosmicBridge Website

I recently read an interesting article series in Whitley's Journal, on Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country
website. In it, Whitley talks extensively about a new class of UFO sightings, which are referred to as "Drones."

The articles are named in above 'Contents'.

As we have not had any local (Minnesota) cases of the "drones," I had not followed this new class of UFO
sightings until recently. Also, to be conservative, I will state that it is not yet clear that the sightings are all
legitimate. However, Whitley claims that the evidence is quite strong in support of their validity. So for the
moment, I will assume that the drones are for real and ask what they imply.

In reading the literature on them so far, I note that they appear to be clearly technological, yet extraordinary at
the same time (machines, but not ours). Whitley suggests that they are a blending of alien and human, in origin,
technology and culture. They make no attempt to hide themselves but seem designed to be seen - alien
technology overtly displayed for mainstream human consumption.

In "The Drones Unveiled," Whitley suggests that this may be part of the ongoing effort at overt contact by
"Them." He states that this may be part of a three-pronged contact approach:
1. The creation of what he calls a "Theatre in the sky" - This takes the form of obscure but overt displays of
technology - i.e. UFO and entity sightings - visible to a large number of people. The purpose is simply to show
clearly that there are "others" present in our world.

2. Close encounter phenomenon - This is in effect, a covert, grassroots [my term, CL] acclimation program to get
us ready, at the individual level, for contact. He states that this is similar to what we would do on encountering a
culture of lower technology and/or more limited worldview. We would monitor that culture - being careful not to
interfere with its progression. Then gradually, we would acclimate it to our presence. Finally, when the time was
right, we would openly introduce ourselves.

3. E.T. contact with secret organizations within the human community - Whitley states that this may be the core of
the coverup. While it is vital (in the E.T. view) to contact Earth institutions, it is also critical that this not overly
impact human society. Thus, careful management of any public release of information would be necessary to
prevent crippling culture shock that might paralyze human culture and initiative. Thus we see a motivation for
the coverup and the allegedly staged subtle release of purported alien technology into the human mainstream.
Whitley describes the revelations of someone with the pseudonym of "Isaac" who claims to have inside
knowledge about the mainstreaming of alien technology. One claim is that this is part of the acclimation process
mentioned above. Whitley then ties this in with the drones - saying that these factors, in combination, may be the
next step in the acclimation program.

All of this is, to say the least, speculative. Are we being systematically acclimated to the visitor presence? Is
there a coverup - and is it in some way non-malevolent?

While I don't know the answer to any of these questions, I suggest that from anecdotal evidence, the answer may
be "yes."

In The Cosmic Bridge we discuss just such an acclimation program. I talk about an analogy to the animal-ranger
relationship of the managed wilderness - what I call the "nature preserve" metaphor. I cite the James W.
Deardorff "Proposed Extraterrestrial Agenda for Earth," which a "super" civilization might follow in initiating
contact with us. What Whitley is describing appears to be closely in line with exactly such a program of contact.

As one test of whether such a program might be in place, I suggest that as we get closer to being ready for
contact, we should expect to see more overt sightings of UFOs, and eventually overt sighting of actual alien
beings, with large numbers of witnesses. With the appearance of "the drones," are we now seeing just such a

If the drone sightings turn out to be legitimate, does it mean that overt contact is imminent? Again, I don't know.

However, to me, it suggests that we might just be one step closer. Perhaps we adding one more vital plank
connecting "Us" with "Them" - the connection I refer to as The Cosmic Bridge.

The Drones
and Whitley Strieber
from UnknownCountry Website

1. The Mystery of the Drones - June 8th, 2007
2. The Drones Unveiled - June 26th, 2007
3. The Drones - Are They Real, and What Do We Do? - June 29th, 2007


The Mystery of the Drones
Friday June 8th, 2007

Linda Moulton Howe and I have been deeply involved in the mystery of the "Drones," the first pictures of
which appeared on the Coast to Coast AM website in May. Subsequently, Linda interviewed "Sylvia" on
Dreamland and got pictures from "Mr Smith" in Birmingham, Alabama. She also spoke extensively to him, as
she did to "Chad," and is convinced of their honesty.

Throughout the process, I have obtained analysis of the pictures offered, with little success because of the
generally low resolution and the proliferation of effects programs more sophisticated than Photoshop that can
make virtually undetectable inclusions in still images.

So far, no video of the object has emerged, however, there are now new still pictures on the UFO Casebook
website. These images are startlingly convincing, and the only thing that prevents me from declaring that they
are real is that special effects are just so sophisticated. However, for the purposes of this journal, I am going to
go beyond the question of whether or not they are real and ask another question: if they are real, what might that

Understand, please, this does NOT mean that I'm endorsing these images. I believe Sylvia, Chad and Mr. Smith,
but I cannot endorse the images because I cannot, personally and beyond doubt, prove that they are authentic.
Prior to seeing the images posted on UFO Casebook, I might have thought that the objects were manmade. But
the one that was supposedly photographed in the Big Basin area of Northern California must be enormous. It is
not the same as the one shot by Chad or the one shot by Mr. Smith. This is a gigantic device, probably weighing
tons, judging from its appearance.

It hangs in the air, exhibiting no aerodynamic qualities, no engines, no means of lift at all. Structurally, it is
entirely purpose-built. There is no allowance made at all for its need to stay airborne and to move. This means
that its means of propulsion are either not known publicly, or not known to us at all.

The photographs were made from a significant distance and there was haze in the air, and the object's appearance
is absolutely consistent with it actually being in the sky, right down to the deterioration of detail that is involved
in the tips of the strange "crown" that appears on the top of this and other some of the other objects

So, if it's a fake, its a very good one, and the wide array of witnesses and variety of photographs would mean an
elaborate hoax, which Chad, Sylvia and Mr. Smith--all apparently unconnected and all sounding entirely sincere
over hours of conversation--all in collusion and all lying. But what if they aren't lying? Then what's going on?
Certainly, nothing like this has ever been seen before. So, one has to ask, if this is not of human manufacture,
then does it represent a new presence in our world? And, if so, what might it be doing?

The chances of it being a secret military device were always remote. Now, if the new pictures are real, they are
remote to the vanishing point--but still, of course, not impossible. However, I know people who are hard at work
on exotic propulsion systems of various kinds, and I have never heard a whisper about anything like this.

In fact, it is so exotic, so strange, its design so 'movie-like,' that, if it is an alien object, then I think it has been
intentionally designed to make us think it's a special effect, right down to the writing seen on the object in the
Chad photos, with its resemblance to Klingon and some other science fiction movie letterings.

So there is an attempt going on to hide it in plain sight, and this leads me to think that it might indeed mark the
arrival of somebody new. I have seen grays appear and disappear before my eyes on numerous occasions. In one
multiple witness event that I was part of, one of them appeared beside the bed of a filmmaker who was at my
cabin, transformed before his eyes from a little man with a huge head to a creature with the head of a falcon, and
then disappeared in a wink.

Some time later, as my son and I returned from the cabin after spending the night in the woods because the house
was so crowded with people, we saw a small hooded figure--gray and translucent--come gliding across the porch
and down the deck about two hundred feet ahead of us, then dart off into the woods. Meanwhile, the filmmaker
and his wife experienced such a burst of heat in their bed that they jumped out of it, thinking that it was on fire.
When my son and I arrived in the house, they were standing there in consternation, trying to understand what
had happened.

There were two things involved, I believe: suggestion and technology. The transformation of the creature was
probably accomplished with masterful suggestion of a kind we can hardly imagine, but which is related to
hypnosis. The disappearance, however, must have been carried out via the use of a device that affected local
gravity in such a way that it bent light around it while the creature remained concealed inside.

There was a cost, though: the device also enclosed the heat that it was generating, and when the being finally
reduced power, he released a lot of that heat, which is why the filmmaker felt it, and why we could see the
creature, but as if it was translucent.

Now, these drones exhibit no such cloaking. In fact, they are, collectively and by far the clearest UFO pictures
ever made. Could it be that they belong to somebody who possesses advanced means of propulsion, but not
invisibility technology, or that they are simply too large for that technology to work? Whatever the answer, they
represent a fundamental and material change in the whole UFO phenomenon.

On March 30, I published a journal called Are They Coming and If So What Do We Do in which I said,
"It is possible that the visitors are about to show up. I am not saying that this will happen, but only that this is a
time when it could happen, and there are some indications that it may be about to happen."
I then discussed the reasons why this might be about to take place, and suggested that, if it was happening, there
would be more developments soon.

It is possible that the drones are the "more developments" and that our response to them is being carefully
observed. In a way, that's why I'm writing this. It is an attempt to respond rationally and on all levels available to
me--accepting them as a possible human hoax, as possible human secret craft, as something constructed by
known alien forms or possibly new alien forms, and as something attempting to hide in plain sight by subtly
suggesting itself as a special effect. This about covers the waterfront regarding what the objects might be. As to
what they might be doing, that's another matter entirely.

The pictures offered by Chad and Mr. Smith are small objects, probably no more than thirty to fifty feet across.
The Maine photos are obvious fakes, made with Photoshop. I could have made them myself. The video of the
prototype is a CGI fake, a nice one and a reminder of how easy this is to do. As I said, I am as yet unsure about
the Big Basin photos.

What is interesting about all this is the blizzard of fakes and real images involved, almost as if somebody is
trying hard to obscure the truth, or rather, to hide it in a maze of confusion and thus defuse its impact. This
would suggest to me a sort of social control at work, or even an organized operation.

Some years ago, I wrote a short story called "The Open Doors," which is available to
subscribers that explores the last days of a scientist called John Von Neumann, called by the press of his time
"the smartest man alive." He died of liver cancer, in great terror.

I was told by General Arthur Exon that Dr. Von Neumann had been an important part of the scientific steering
committee that worked on the alien question, and that he had come up with a warning based on his
understanding of quantum physics, which was one of the underlying reasons that the US has so adamantly
refused to admit that the aliens are real.

I called my story "The Open Doors," because, by reading Dr. Von Neumann's work on the quantum perception
problem, I figured out the nature of his warning. I was also aware of this warning from another direction. When
Lyndon Johnson was president and Hubert Humphrey was vice president, a briefing was offered to the president
on the UFO subject. He was not interested, but Humphrey was given a document, probably similar to the
Brookings Report that postulates that the discovery of aliens would be a terrific shock to mankind. However,
Humphrey would also have been told that they were already here, and that, in the absence of some sort of
acceptance 'tripwire' being triggered on our part, they might be literally unable to fully interact with us.

I believe that Dr. Von Neumann thought that this tripwire would be official recognition, and that, if it happened,
it would open a door onto an unknown world that we could never again close. This is why Humphrey, on reading
what he had been given, commented that its release would have "unpredictable consequences" and the Johnson
Administration took no further interest in the UFO phenomenon.

In its simplest form, the quantum perception problem asks the question, does the observer's presence mediate

reality? In other words, if nobody is there to see it, is there anything there to be seen? And, if so, does our
general disbelief in aliens, carefully cultivated by our government, literally act as a wall that they cannot scale
without expending enormous resources in energy? Probably, nobody knows the answer to that question, which
cannot be resolved unless we accept the alien presence--but if we do that and we don't like what we see, then

The reason for the secrecy--one of them, anyway--revolves around the unanswerability of that question. Even if
Von Neumann's suggestion was only wild speculation, because we can never close the door once it is open, we
dare not test his hypothesis by officially admitting that aliens are real and that they are here. This is why I know
that all disclosure projects are doomed from the start. The government can't answer the question of whether or
not official disclosure will be the tripwire that brings aliens pouring into our lives without doing it, and they are
not going to do it without knowing what might happen.

However, if Von Neumann was right and our refusal to acknowledge the aliens --if that's what they are-- as real
IS what is keeping them back, then the whole UFO and abduction phenomena are explained as a sort of military
operation designed to bypass official denial by creating so many firsthand witnesses that they themselves
eventually become the tripwire, and the door opens despite government denial.

And this could be the explanation for the drones. The utter clarity with which we are seeing them means that
whoever has been banging against the wall of human perception has made a breakthrough. These photos are
clear because so many of us now accept the aliens as real that they can engage in much more substantial
penetrations of our reality than ever before, and no matter official denial. If this is true, then this journal, along
with all the other material that has been posted, will be regarded as acknowledgment of a communication, and
there will be a further response of some kind. It will be clearer and more definite than what we have seen so far,
possibly even something that cannot be denied. We shall see.

If the drones are an elaborate hoax, they could have appeared as part of an attempt to undo the damage that has
been caused by the UFO wave that began with the United Airline Terminal UFO over O'Hare Airport last year.
This 'damage' would be increasing public conviction that UFOs are real, and the purpose of the drones would be
to lure investigators into believing the hoax, then reveal it and make them out as fools in the media.

The drones have received little general media attention. Effectively none. But, if they are a hoax, its revelation
will get widespread coverage. If there is a partial hoax involved, such as the famous 'Doug and Dave' crop circle
hoax, then the hoax part of it will be lovingly featured throughout the media, and the reality thus obscured.

If it's not a hoax but a communication, we might well hear more soon, and it will not be video or more pictures
of the drones. That's been done. No, if it is a real communication, a new note will be sounded.

I would suggest you stay tuned.

The Drones Unveiled
Tuesday June 26th, 2007

In my last journal entry, I speculated about the possible meaning of the extraordinary "drone" photos that have
recently surfaced. Now a new witness has appeared, "Isaac," who claims to have worked on part of a project that
involved the use in partnership of alien technology to create these remarkable devices. But is this true? If it is,
then it is obviously very important.

As I have been doing all along, I am going to reserve judgment for now about whether or not the material he has
deposited--and for that matter, the whole production of witness testimony and pictures--is a hoax or not. That is
not to say that I'm not investigating. I certainly am investigating. But for now, I am going to address the larger
issues that arise if we assume that it is NOT a hoax. By this I mean that the witnesses are genuine, the pictures
are real, and the material deposited by "Isaac" is authentic.

If it is, then I would say that that a test is under way of our ability to respond in a useful and coherent manner to
what is being revealed, and I would like to begin by saying that I have always understood that one of the primary
reasons for the secrecy has been that, if the superb technology of the aliens was revealed publicly before its
principles were understood, we risked a profound cultural descent, that would result from our focusing ourselves
on their greater achievements, and becoming supplicants.


This would mean that we would not be a resource but a burden, and there is no reason to expend all the time,
wealth, thought and emotion that are necessary to make contact work, if the only outcome is going to be a failure
like this. Therefore, a three-pronged effort was made to engage with us without intervening in a way that would
bruise our sense of independence and our self-worth.

The first part of this was the creation of a theater in the sky, that has been ongoing now for many years, and has
served to make us aware of the possibility that strangers may be here. The second part was the close encounter
phenomenon, which was designed to acclimate us to new ways of thinking and to a culture very different from
our own, that arises out of a mind that does not work like the human mind.

This is the part that bleeds off into the darkness of alien abduction, cattle mutilations, and all of that material.
Certainly, our visitors are not angels. Indeed, despite their very different minds, they are in some ways quite

To understand what I am saying here, imagine what might happen if we discovered another planet with
intelligent creatures living on it who had never encountered the outside world.
First, our anthropologists would demand that we remain hidden so that we would not ruin their chances of
studying the local culture.
Second, our biologists would demand everything from blood to sexual material. The creatures would be
abducted, studied and tagged, just as we do to lions on the wild, and the visitors apparently do to us.
Third, there would be exploitation, both officially sanctioned and not so officially sanctioned.
In other words, what we are experiencing at the hands of the visitors is almost a blueprint for what we would
almost inevitably do if we were the star-faring species and we were involving ourselves with creatures from
another world.

I might also add that really interacting with them would probably be orders of magnitude more difficult than it is
for us to interact with dolphins in any way that actually means something on their terms, not ours. We can teach
them to play ball and nuzzle tourists, but we cannot speak a word of dolphin. It might be, though, with the
precious treasure of another intelligent species, we would want very much to interact with them on terms that
would be meaningful to us both, and not just toy with them.

This brings me to Project Caret, and, I am sure, other such projects, and the third and reconciling side of my little
triad of contact.

This third part is a kind of melding of the other two, which involves direct contact with the most advanced
human institutions available that could also be counted on to keep a secret. Thus large scientific institutions such
as universities have been left out of this equation, while defense contractors and military elements are included.

The secrecy was not, and has never been, evil or greedy or arrogant in any way. It has been necessary to preserve
us as free and independent beings. It has been abused by those among the visitors who have sought to exploit us,
also, I would assume. I can only surmise that the appearance of the drones, and now the release of materials by
Isaac, is a new step in the ongoing experiment that we call contact. It has happened now because we have taken a
number of steps forward, and are no longer seeing things in quite as provincial a manner as before. We can know
that the visitors are real and that they have been in contact with elements of our society for some time, without
being confused or deranged by this knowledge.

It is possible that this experiment will involve the general media as well. If so, then it is to be hoped that they
approach the situation with the same calm and open-minded attitude that will be exhibited on Coast to Coast,
Earthfiles and Unknowncountry, and that the general public will take their cue from you, the members of the
public who are already aware of what is really unfolding here, and not from the various hysterics and egoists
who will emerge to promote one myth or another.

The visitors are not demons. They are not angels. They have a complex living history just like we do.

They are part of a vast and ancient web which is intelligence in the universe, and I think that this event may
signal that it is time for us to attempt another step in the direction of joining ourselves to this great resonance.
And none too soon. We need clearance to pass many outsider technologies into the general population, because
ways can undoubtedly be found to use them on behalf of the whole species and, ultimately, all the living worlds.

I have learned from firsthand observation just how wonderfully clever the human being is, and how very capable

we are of proceeding another step down this road. Of course it will be difficult. It's hard to walk at first, and our
weakness has to be respected along with our strength. Our weaknesses are all quite familiar. There are seven of
them, and all seven will be playing their roles in our attempt to weave conscious awareness into the web of
contact that already penetrates our society on many, many different levels.

But also, our virtues of faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance and, above all, prudence must be
brought to bear by us with care, dignity and determination. We have lived with the visitors among us for a long
time. The next step is perhaps for the general population to know that they are here, and for the open scientific
culture to begin to take command of some of the technologies that have been made available to us.

It is, at any rate, a goal worthy of hope and prayer, for, if it were to unfold in this way at this time, our children's
children will see this as the age of heroes, when they look back on our memory from their vantage in the stars.

All well and good. In my next journal entry on this subject, absent intervening events, I will deal with the
possibility that there are one or more hoaxes involved. But it won't come right away. It takes time for
investigations like this to proceed, given the care that is needed.

The Drones - Are They Real, and What Do We Do?
Friday June 29th, 2007

There isn't any serious doubt at this point that people are observing strange objects in the sky, most often near
certain air force bases. There is also a plethora of computer graphics animations appearing on various video
websites. So far, all of this video consists of animations and is not real.

However, the witness reports, such as the one featured on this week's Dreamland, are almost certainly real, and
some of the photographs are real, too, quite possibly all of the ones that we and Linda Moulton Howe have

This could be human technology, pure and simple. Perhaps a much more potent expression of
electrohydrodynamic propulsion has been deployed and is being tested. There is a very high demand within the
intelligence community for low-level, close in monitoring systems that are undetectable, so certainly such
technologies are being worked on with high priority.

And then there is the matter of the "Isaac X" posting, which has been so violently attacked by UFO researchers.

Maybe it is a hoax and maybe not, but there is one element of it that isn't a hoax, and this element is of
extraordinary value, as you will see.

For this reason, the hoax issue isn't all that important when it comes to this material. Even if Isaac created it
entirely out of his imagination, this material is still real, and it is pure gold.

He says on the website he has created for this material:
"They had something akin to a language, that could quite literally execute itself, at least in the presence of a very
specific type of field. The language, a term I am still using very loosely, is a system of symbols (which does
admittedly very much resemble a written language) along with geometric forms and patterns that fit together to
form diagrams that are themselves functional. Once they are drawn, so to speak, on a suitable surface made of a
suitable material and in the presence of a certain type of field, they immediately begin performing the desired
This is correct, and not only that, one of the materials on which these imprints will work is the human brain, and
one of the fields that will activate the forms is the electromagnetic field of a living brain.

Now, it is VERY important to realize something before I go on, and to take it into your mind and heart: EVEN
IF the entire Isaac production is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a hoax, and that may happen, the
statement above is STILL true. How would a true statement come into a hoax? Quite simply, because the hoaxer
is probably a close encounter witness himself, probably in amnesia about his encounters and very disturbed by
them, and has dropped information from those encounters into his hoax without even knowing it.

Understand, my gut feeling is that the Isaac material is real. The main objections to it are not convincing, and I
will detail why not later in this journal, for those who are interested. But, even if a hoax is proven, please don't
throw out the baby with the bathwater, because we all have a chance now to make a major advance, and, for

those of us who work hard and effectively, to transform ourselves in fundamental ways.

Always remember this: the visitors have said what is on offer to us. Phillip Corso was told, in no uncertain
terms, "a new world, if you can take it." This means that we must wrest it out of the hands of the grays, and also
be able to bear it. And I warn you, the more parts of yourself you don't like, the harder the light that it brings will
be to endure, because that light drives consciousness deep into the parts of ourselves of which we dare not even

I warn you, but I also seek to tempt you ahead. We can remake our world. The equipment has already been
installed. All we need now to do is turn it on.

Let me offer two instances of how the patterning described above works in a human brain. The first of these
involves a man called Jose Garcia. I don't believe that this case is referenced on the internet. This is not the Jose
Garcia associated with the Ashtar Command material, but a simple farmer in Mexico who had an unusual

A tall man walked up to him in his field one day and showed him a set of symbols, and told him to memorize
them, then visualize them while planting his crops. He did this, and after that the crops began growing to record
size. The case briefly appeared in Texas papers, and was privately investigated by a Texas sheriff. I assume that
it is documented somewhere, but I cannot find it. I'm grateful to one of the people who have worked on this case
with me for bringing it up.

A second data point involves long-time close encounter witness Jim Sparks. He recounts an instance of being
made to trace a letter "E" when in the presence of a gray, and experiencing unusual physical sensations as he did
so. He was told that he was being taught a skill.

What is happening now is that this skill is being offered on a gigantic scale, and it is possible for us to take
advantage of it.

First, we have been show, in the drones, some of the equipment that can be constructed using it. What they do,
we do not yet know, but I have a thought that some of them, at least, are used in making crop circles.

Understand, I cannot prove any of this, and it is not my intention to do that. It is my intention to continue on the
road I've been on most of my life, that stretches into the unknown and arises out of my soul's old long time.

We are all on this road, and to demand the wrong sort of explanations--concrete proof, for example, that none of
this is a hoax--is to stand fast instead of continuing the journey. No risk, no gain.

That said, I think that the two fragile indications I have described above, plus Isaac's message, suggest that there
may already be a set of patterns, in the form of the crop circles, that we can apply to the material of our brains by
memorizing the images and calling them to mind when we need them.

Understand, I have no idea how this will work or even if it will work. But I sense that it will, and that we need to
do it, and that by doing so we will create a technology within ourselves that will reconnect us with powerful
energies that are intrinsic to the earth, and enable us to reunite with our planet in a journey of healing that might
just save this species.

The program is simple enough. It involves going back to images of the early crop circles, and methodically
memorizing them and bringing them to mind during mediation and in our everyday lives, and seeing what, if
anything, happens.

Obviously, some of the circles we do this with will be authentic and others fake. It isn't important. The fake ones
simply won't work and will end up being forgotten.

I believe that the circles are placed near ancient sites of power because these are the fountainheads of whatever
energy it is that we seek to reconnect with. Ancient man probably couldn't do as much with these energies as we
will be able to, but he knew they were there, and that's why he clustered his places of worship around them.

Most of you might go to a crop circle website or open a book and try this once or twice. Nothing will happen and
you'll forget about it. Or you'll wait passively for it to "do" something to you and it won't, and you'll move on. I

know you will do this because I am liable to do it, too. When I first started meditating nearly forty years ago, it
felt useless. Now, however, it is the foundation of a gigantic second life that penetrates into all sorts of realms.
Had I not been meditating, the visitors would never even have found me.

So, I urge you to stay with this new practice. In our subscriber section, I am going to begin a series of sample
meditations on the circles, and go on with it as best I am able. In our consciousness, fact and imagination are two
different things. We say, "it was just imagination" to dismiss something.

The visitors have a different view of this. They say that imagination creates fact, and it is out of this more correct
understanding of reality that their evolution of power forms has arisen.

Because we have not recognized the degree to which the mind actually mediates reality, we are making two
mistakes, and one of the reasons that I think that the Isaac material is real is that it very subtly reflects one of
these mistakes, which is that the universe is founded on a group of facts that we must discover in order to
understand how it works.

In reality, the universe that we live in is founded on the human mind, and our imagination governs the laws of
existence as we experience them.

The mistake that was made by the Isaac scientists was to assume that, if only the understood the principles
behind the equipment they possessed, they could use it. This isn't completely impossible, but a much more
elegant solution is to work backward from what we see the equipment doing, and use our imaginations to
determine how something might do that. This way, we adapt our vision of the universe to our understanding of
it, rather than slowly and painfully entering somebody else's vision and contorting our own imagination to fit it.

I know that this sounds esoteric, but it actually isn't. In fact, if you want to explore it more deeply, you can turn
to the cover story on this week's New Scientist (June 30-July 6, 2007) and read the article "How the Universe
Got Its Laws and Our Surprising Role in Shaping Them."

I digress in this way to offer some rationale for why using the crop circles in the manner I describe above will
work. How it will work, of what our minds will do to enable it to work I don't know. But, for some of us, it will
bring changes that will be in the direction of greater power over ourselves and our world.

We are moving from the age of Pisces to that of Aquarius. The coming of Christ announced Pisces, which is
why he is symbolized by the fish. Now, Aquarius has no specific messenger. Aquarius pours out the water in
which the fish swam.

In the real world, that water was the earth and the fish is us. The pouring out of the water is the earth becoming
unable to support us. Now the fish is left on the dry, hot land. His fish body is not equipped to live here--and that
is literally true. Earth is becoming inhospitable. It will not be long before many, many of us die here. Some say,
'we must stop global warming.' Others that it isn't happening. Still others want it to happen because they believe
it will bring about their ascent into heaven.

To see how best to do that, we need to examine the fate of a fish out of water, because that's what we presently
are. In the distant past, living creatures crept onto the land by inches, over millions of years, evolving with
infinite slowness. We have to do it in a single generation. And we can, because we have a tool that the creatures
of the past lacked: the mind. The communication that has come to us in the context of this recent sighting group
is phenomenal. It is powerful. It is easy to use.

Now I would like to turn to the various objections to the Isaac material. To me, this is not very important,
because the useful information has appeared whether a hoax was involved or not. One objection is that there are
no classification stamps or notations on the document. However, I have seen formerly sensitive documents that
were prepared for upper management at one agency or another that were not visibly classified at all. This was
done so that, if they got away, there could be deniability.

Another is that the document is too clear and precise to have been created via computer in 1986. This isn't true,
either. There were plenty of systems around that could do it. They were not in home computers, but they could
certainly create this document.

A third is that this is all a viral marketing program for Transformers or the latest Halo game or something.

Maybe if the production just consisted of pictures and documents, a case could be made for that, but there are
now too many witnesses on tape. Are we to believe that a viral marketing campaign has also hired actors to fool
Linda Howe?

Whatever this is, it isn't that.

From: Exopolitics
Date: 06/27/07 11:34:11
To: Exo-Institute-News; Exopolitics Institute; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: [exopolitics] Explanation for Drone UFO Sightings in California

Aloha, here is a significant breaking story. A whistleblower has stepped forward to give information on the spate
of Drone sightings in California that appear to be UFOs. The whistleblower gives a detailed personal account of
his work on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology in a highly classified commercial military joint
He believes that drones are related to extraterrestrial technology he worked on, especially the development of
'cloaking' or invisibility technology. His information on advanced computing applications and communications
is very accurate and he provides documents to substantiate his claims. He gives an insight into some of the ways
the military works with the commercial sector as described by Philip Corso in the Day After Roswell to reverse
engineer extraterrestrial technology.

In peace,

Michael Salla, Ph.D

Explanation of the Recent "Strange Craft" Sightings
by "Isaac"
from CoastToCoastAM Website


Isaac's 'CARET' image compared with Chad's drone photo


Greetings Coast to Coast AM,

I have information that can explain a great deal of what is going on in the photos provided by Chad, Rajman, the
Lake Tahoe witness, as well as the photos taken by Jenna and Ty in Big Basin, CA

I'm going by the alias "Isaac" while I release this information. I'm an electrical engineer and computer scientist
and used to work in a program called "CARET" that was concerned with research and development based on
extra-terrestrial technology. Many key elements of the technology I worked with during my time with CARET
are clearly visible in these crafts. This work was done in the 80's in Palo Alto, CA, so it's no surprise to me that
these sightings are taking place within such proximity to that area.

Attached to this email you will find numerous scans of photographs and documents from my CARET days that
pertain to what I'm going to tell you, and would like to share with your audience. In addition, I have put up a
small website that has very high resolution copies of all of these scans, as well as a lengthy letter that explains a
lot about me, the CARET program, and these sightings. I've been listening to your show since 2002 and would
like to work with you to get this information out there. Please read the text at the website for the rest of the
details, as I am taking a fairly significant personal risk and would like to make sure it's worth it:

All I ask in sharing this information is that it's kept together. There are 4 photos and a total of 15 pages of
scanned documents. If you'd like to resize them for your website, that is fine... I want people to have easy access
to this information IN FULL. I feel this is reasonable and it is all I ask. I am NOT trying to sell anything and the
only reason I created this very simple website is to ensure all the information is presented correctly and in one


Documents and Photos

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My Experience with the CARET Program and Extra-terrestrial Technology
by "Isaac"
June 2007
from IsaacCaret Website

This letter is part of a package I've assembled for Coast to Coast AM to distribute to its audience. It is a
companion to numerous document and photo scans and should not be separated from them.

You can call me I saac, an alias I've chosen as a simple measure of protection while I release what would be
called tremendously sensitive information even by today's standards. Sensitive is not necessarily synonymous
with dangerous, though, which is why my conscience is clear as I offer this material up for the public. My
government has its reasons for its continual secrecy, and I sympathize with many of them, but the truth is that
I'm getting old and I'm not interested in meeting my maker one day with any more baggage than necessary!
Furthermore, I put a little more faith in humanity than my former bosses do, and I think that a release of at least
some of this info could help a lot more than it could hurt, especially in today's world.

I should be clear before I begin, as a final note: I am not interested in making myself vulnerable to the
consequences of betraying the trust of my superiors and will not divulge any personal information that could
determine my identity. However my intent is not to deceive, so information that I think is too risky to share will
be simply left out rather than obfuscated in some way (aside from my alias, which I freely admit is not my real

I would estimate that with the information contained in this letter, I could be narrowed down to one of maybe 30-
50 people at best, so I feel reasonably secure.

Some Explanation for the Recent Sightings

For many years I've occasionally considered the release of at least some of the material I possess, but the recent
wave of photos and sightings has prompted me to cut to the chase and do so now.

I should first be clear that I'm not directly familiar with any of the crafts seen in the photos in their entirety. I've
never seen them in a hangar or worked on them myself or seen aliens zipping around in them. However, I have
worked with and seen many of the parts visible in these crafts, some of which can be seen in the Q3-85 Inventory
Review scan found at the top of this page. More importantly though, I'm very familiar with the language on
their undersides seen clearly in photos by Chad and Rajman, and in another form in the Big Basin photos.

One question I can answer for sure is why they're suddenly here. These crafts have probably existed in their
current form for decades, and I can say for sure that the technology behind them has existed for decades before
that. The language, in fact, (I'll explain shortly why I keep putting that in quotes) was the subject of my work
in years past. I'll cover that as well.

The reason they're suddenly visible, however, is another matter entirely. These crafts, assuming they're anything
like the hardware I worked with in the 80's (assuming they're better, in fact), are equipped with technology that
enables invisibility. That ability can be controlled both on board the craft, and remotely. However, what's
important in this case is that this invisibility can also be disrupted by other technology. Think of it like radar
jamming. I would bet my life savings (since I know this has happened before) that these craft are becoming
visible and then returning to invisibility arbitrarily, probably unintentionally, and undoubtedly for only short
periods, due to the activity of a kind of disrupting technology being set off elsewhere, but nearby.

I'm especially sure of this in the case of the Big Basin sightings, were the witnesses themselves reported seeing
the craft just appear and disappear. This is especially likely because of the way the witness described one of the
appearances being only a momentary flicker, which is consistent with the unintentional, intermittent triggering of
such a device.

It's no surprise that these sightings are all taking place in California, and especially the Saratoga/South Bay area.
Not far from Saratoga is Mountain View/Sunnyvale, home to Moffett Field and the NASA Ames Research
center. Again, I'd be willing to bet just about anything that the device capable of hijacking the cloaking of these
nearby craft was inadvertently triggered, probably during some kind of experiment, at the exact moment they
were being seen. Miles away, in Big Basin, the witnesses were in the right place at the right time and saw the
results of this disruption with their own eyes.

God knows what else was suddenly appearing in the skies at that moment, and who else may have seen it. I've
had some direct contact with this device, or at least a device capable of the same thing, and this kind of mistake
is not unprecedented. I am personally aware of at least one other incident in which this kind of technology was
accidentally set off, resulting in the sudden visibility of normally invisible things. The only difference is that
these days, cameras are a lot more common!

The technology itself isn't ours, or at least it wasn't in the 80's. Much like the technology in these crafts
themselves, the device capable of remotely hijacking a vehicle's clacking comes from a non-human source too.
Why we were given this technology has never been clear to me, but it's responsible for a lot. Our having access
to this kind of device, along with our occasionally haphazard experimentation on them, has lead to everything
from cloaking malfunctions like this to full-blown crashes. I can assure you that most (and in my opinion all)
incidents of UFO crashes or that kind of thing had more to do with our meddling with extremely powerful
technology at an inopportune time than it did mechanical failure on their part.

Trust me, those things don't fail unless something even more powerful than them makes them fail (intentionally
or not). Think of it like a stray bullet. You can be hit by one at any time, without warning, and even the shooter
didn't intent to hit you. I can assure you heads are rolling over this as well. If anyone notices a brilliant but
sloppy physicist patrolling the streets of Baghdad in the next couple weeks, I'd be willing to guess how he got
there. (I kid, of course, as I certainly hope that hasn't actually happened in this case)

I'd now like to explain how it is that I know this.

The CARET Program

My story begins the same as it did for many of my co workers, with graduate and post-graduate work at
university in electrical engineering. And I had always been interested in computer science, which was a very new
field at the time, and my interest piqued with my first exposure to a Tixo during grad school. In the years
following school I took a scenic route through the tech industry and worked for the kinds of companies you
would expect, until I was offered a job at the Department of Defense and things took a very different turn.

My time at the DoD was mostly uneventful but I was there for quite a while. I apparently proved myself to be
reasonably intelligent and loyal. By 1984 these qualities along with my technical background made me a likely
candidate for a new program they were recruiting for called CARET.

Before I explain what CARET was I should back up a little. By 1984, Silicon Valley had been a juggernaut of
technology for decades. In the less than 40 years since the appearance of Shockleys transistor this part of the
world had already produced a multi billion dollar computer industry and made technological strides that were
unprecedented in other fields, from hypertext and online collaboration in '68 to the Alto in '73.

Private industry in Silicon Valley was responsible for some of the most incredible technological leaps in history
and this fact did not go unnoticed by the US government and military. I dont claim to have any special
knowledge about Roswell or any of the other alleged early UFO events, but I do know that whatever the exact
origin, the military was hard at work trying to understand and use the extra-terrestrial artifacts it had in its
possession. While there had been a great deal of progress overall, things were not moving as quickly as some
would have liked.

So, in 1984, the CARET program was created with the aim of harnessing the abilities of private industry
in silicon valley and applying it to the ongoing task of understanding extra-terrestrial technology.

One of the best examples of the power of the tech sector was Xerox PARC, a research center in Palo Alto, CA.
XPARC was responsible for some of the major milestones in the history of computing. While I never had the
privilege of working there myself I did know many of the people who did and I can say that they were among the
brightest engineers I ever knew.

XPARC served as one of the models for the CARET programs first incarnation, a facility called the Palo Alto
CARET Laboratory (PACL, lovingly pronounced packle during my time there). This was where I worked,
along with numerous other civilians, under the auspices of military brass who were eager to find out how the
tech sector made so much progress so quickly.


My time at the DoD was a major factor behind why I was chosen, and in fact about 30+ others who were hired
around the same time had also been at the Department about as long, but this was not the case for everyone. A
couple of my co-workers were plucked right from places like IBM and, at least two of them came from XPARC
itself. My DoD experience did make me more eligible for positions of management, however, which is how I
have so much of this material in my possession to begin with.

So in other words, civilians like myself who had at --at most-- some decent experience working for the DoD but
no actual military training or involvement, were suddenly finding ourselves in the same room as highly classified
extra-terrestrial technology. Of course they spent about 2 months briefing us all before we saw or did anything,
and did their best to convince us that if we ever leaked a single detail about what we were being told, theyd do
everything short of digging up our ancestors and putting a few slugs in them too just for good measure.

It seemed like there was an armed guard in every corner of every room. Id worked under some pretty hefty
NDAs in my time but this was so far out of my depth I didnt think I was going to last 2 weeks in an
environment like that. But amazingly things got off to a good start. They wanted us, plain and simple, and our
industry had shown itself to be so good at what it did that they were just about ready to give us carte blanche.

Of course, nothing with the military is ever that simple, and as is often the case they wanted to have their cake
and eat it too. What I mean by this is that despite their interest in picking our brains and learning whatever they
could from our way of doing things, they still wanted to do it their way often enough to frustrate us.

At this point I'm going to gloss over the emotional side of this experience, because this letter isn't intended to be
a memoir, but I will say that there's almost no way to describe the impact this kind of revelation has on your
mind. There are very few moments in life in which your entire world view is turned forever upside down, but
this was one of them. I still remember that turning point during the briefing when I realized what he'd just told
us, and that I hadn't heard him wrong, and that it wasn't some kind of joke.

In retrospect the whole thing feels like it was in slow motion, from that slight pause he took just before the term
extra-terrestrial came out for the first time, to the way the room itself seemed to go off kilter as we collectively
tried to grasp what was being said. My reflex kept jumping back and forth between trying to look at the speaker,
to understand him better, and looking at everyone else around me, to make sure I wasn't the only one that was
hearing this. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, it's a lot like a child learning his parents are divorcing. I
never experienced that myself, but a very close friend of mine did when were boys, and he confided in me a
great deal about what the experience felt like.

A lot of what he said would aptly describe what I was feeling in that room. Here was a trusted authority figure
telling you something that you just don't feel ready for, and putting a burden on your mind that you don't
necessarily want to carry. The moment that first word comes out, all you can think about it is what it was like
only seconds ago, and knowing that life is never going to be as simple as it was then. After all that time at the
DoD, I thought I at least had some idea of what was going on in the world, but I'd never heard so much as a peep
about this. Maybe one day I'll write more on this aspect, because it's the kind of thing I really would like to get
off my chest, but for now I'll digress.

Unlike traditional research in this area, we werent working on new toys for the air force. For numerous reasons,
the CARET people decided to aim its efforts at commercial applications rather than military ones. They
basically wanted us to turn these artifacts into something they could patent and sell. One of CARETs most
appealing promises was the revenue generated by these product-ready technologies, which could be funneled
right back into black projects. Working with a commercial application in mind was also yet another way to keep
us in a familiar mind state. Developing technology for the military is very different than doing so for the
commercial sector, and not having to worry about the difference was another way that CARET was very much
like private industry.

CARET shined in the way it let us work the way we were used to working. They wanted to recreate as much of
the environment we were used to as they could without compromising issues like security. That meant we got
free reign to set up our own workflow, internal management structure, style manuals, documentation, and the
like. They wanted this to look and feel like private industry, not the military. They knew that was how to get the
best work out of us, and they were right.

But things didnt go as smoothly when it came to matters like access to classified information. They were
exposing what is probably their single biggest secret to a group of people who had never even been through basic

training and it was obvious that the gravity of this decision was never far from their minds. We started the
program with a small set of extra-terrestrial artifacts along with fairly elaborate briefings on each as well as
access to a modest amount of what research had already been completed. It wasnt long before we realized we
needed more though, and getting them to provide even the smallest amount of new material was like pulling
teeth. CARET stood for Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology, but we often
joked that it should have stood for Civilians Are Rarely Ever Trusted.

PACL was located in Palo Alto, but unlike XPARC, it wasnt at the end of a long road in the middle of a big
complex surrounded by rolling hills and trees. PACL was hidden in an office complex owned entirely by the
military but made to look like an unassuming tech company. From the street, all you could see was what
appeared to be a normal parking lot with a gate and a guard booth, and a 1-story building inside with a fictitious
name and logo. What wasnt visible from the street was that behind the very first set of doors was enough armed
guards to invade Poland, and 5 additional underground stories. They wanted to be as close as possible to the
kinds of people they were looking to hire and be able to bring them in with a minimum of fuss.

Inside, we had everything we needed. State of the art hardware and a staff of over 200 computer scientists,
electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists and mathematicians. Most of us were civilians, as Ive
said, but some were military, and a few of them had been working on this technology already. Of course, you
were never far from the barrel of a machine gun, even inside the labs themselves (something many of us never
got used to), and bi-weekly tours were made by military brass to ensure that not a single detail was out of line.
Most of us underwent extensive searches on our way into and out of the building. There it was, probably the
biggest secret in the world, in a bunch of parts spread out on laboratory tables in the middle of Palo Alto so you
can imagine their concern.

One downside to CARET was that it wasn't as well-connected as other operations undoubtedly were. I never got
to see any actual extra-terrestrials (not even photos), and in fact never even saw one of their compete vehicles.
99% of what I saw was related to the work at hand, all of which was conducted within a very narrow context on
individual artifacts only. The remaining 1% came from people I met through the program, many of which
working more closely with the good stuff or had in the past.

In fact, what was especially amusing about the whole affair was the way that our military management almost
tried to act as if the technology we were essentially reverse engineering wasn't extra-terrestrial at all. Aside from
the word extra-terrestrial itself, we rarely heard any other terms like alien or UFO or outer space or
anything. Those aspects were only mentioned briefly when absolutely necessary to explain something. In many
cases it was necessary to differentiate between the different races and their respective technology, and they didn't
even use the word races.

They were referred to simply as different sources.

The Technology

A lot of the technology we worked on was what you would expect, namely antigravity. Most of the researchers
on the staff with backgrounds in propulsion and rocketry were military men, but the technology we were dealing
with was so out of this world that it didnt really matter all that much what your background was because none of
it applied. All we could hope to do was use the vocabulary of our respective fields as a way to model the
extremely bizarre new concepts we were very slowly beginning to understand as best we could. A rocket
engineer doesnt usually rub elbows much with a computer scientist, but inside PACL, we were all equally
mystified and were ready to entertain any and all ideas.

The physicists made the most headway initially because out of all of our skills, theirs overlapped the most with
the concepts behind this technology (although that isnt saying much!) Once they got the ball rolling though, we
began to find that many of the concepts found in computer science were applicable as well, albeit in very vague
ways. While I didnt do a lot of work with the antigravity hardware myself, I was occasionally involved in the
assessment of how that technology was meant to interface with its user.

The antigravity was amazing, of course, as were the advances we were making with materials engineering and so
on. But what interested me most then, and still amazes me most to this day, was something completely unrelated.
In fact, it was this technology that immediately jumped out at me when I saw the Chad and Rajman photos, and
even more so in the Big Basin photos.


The Language

I put the word Language in quotes because calling what I am about to describe a language is a misnomer,
although it is an easy mistake to make.

Their hardware wasnt operated in quite the same way as ours. In our technology, even today, we have a
combination of hardware and software running almost everything on the planet. Software is more abstract than
hardware, but ultimately it needs hardware to run it. In other words, theres no way to write a computer program
on a piece of paper, set that piece of paper on a table or something, and expect it to actually do something. The
most powerful code in the world still doesnt actually do anything until a piece of hardware interprets it and
translates its commands into actions.

But their technology is different. It really did operate like the magical piece of paper sitting on a table, in a
manner of speaking. They had something akin to a language, that could quite literally execute itself, at least in
the presence of a very specific type of field. The language, a term I am still using very loosely, is a system of
symbols (which does admittedly very much resemble a written language) along with geometric forms and
patterns that fit together to form diagrams that are themselves functional. Once they are drawn, so to speak, on a
suitable surface made of a suitable material and in the presence of a certain type of field, they immediately begin
performing the desired tasks.

It really did seem like magic to us, even after we began to understand the principles behind it.

I worked with these symbols more than anything during my time at PACL, and recognized them the moment I
saw them in the photos. They appear in a very simple form on Chads craft, but appear in the more complex
diagram form on the underside of the Big Basin craft as well. Both are unmistakable, even at the small size of the
Big Basin photos. An example of a diagram in the style of the Big Basin craft is included with this in a series of
scanned pages from the [mis-titled] "Linguistic Analysis Primer". We needed a copy of that diagram to be utterly
precise, and it took about a month for a team of six to copy that diagram into our drafting program!

Explaining everything I learned about this technology would fill up several volumes, but I will do my best to
explain at least some of the concepts as long as I am taking the time to write all this down.

First of all, you wouldn't open up their hardware to find a CPU here, and a data bus there, and some kind of
memory over there. Their hardware appeared to be perfectly solid and consistent in terms of material from one
side to the other. Like a rock or a hunk of metal. But upon [much] closer inspection, we began to learn that it was
actually one big holographic computational substrate - each "computational element" (essentially individual
particles) can function independently, but are designed to function together in tremendously large clusters. I say
its holographic because you can divide it up into the smallest chunks you want and still find a scaled-down but
complete representation of the whole system.

They produce a nonlinear computational output when grouped. So 4 elements working together is actually more
than 4 times more powerful than 1. Most of the internal "matter" in their crafts (usually everything but the
outermost housing) is actually this substrate and can contribute to computation at any time and in any state. The
shape of these "chunks" of substrate also had a profound effect on its functionality, and often served as a
"shortcut" to achieve a goal that might otherwise be more complex.

So back to the language.

The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is
itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is
dependant on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or
modified independently. Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood
on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-
sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally,
contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another.

The ability for a single, small symbol to contain, not just represent, tremendous amounts of data is another
counter-intuitive aspect of this concept. We quickly realized that even working in groups of 10 or more on the
simplest of diagrams, we found it virtually impossible to get anything done. As each new feature was added, the
complexity of the diagram exponentially grew to unmanageable proportions. For this reason we began to

develop computer-based systems to manage these details and achieved some success, although again we found
that a threshold was quickly reached beyond which even the supercomputers of the day were unable to keep up.

Word was that the extra-terrestrials could design these diagrams as quickly and easily as a human programmer
could write a Fortran program. It's humbling to think that even a network of supercomputers wasn't able to
duplicate what they could do in their own heads. Our entire system of language is based on the idea of assigning
meaning to symbols. Their technology, however, somehow merges the symbol and the meaning, so a subjective
audience is not needed. You can put whatever meaning you want on the symbols, but their behavior and
functionality will not change, any more than a transistor will function differently if you give it another name.

Here's an example of how complex the process is. Imagine I ask you to incrementally add random words to a list
such that no two words use any of the same letters, and you must perform this exercise entirely in your head, so
you can't rely on a computer or even a pen and paper. If the first in the list was, say, "fox", the second item
excludes all words with the letters F, O and X. If the next word you choose is "tree", then the third word in the
list can't have the letters F, O, X, T, R, or E in it.

As you can imagine, coming up with even a third word might start to get just a bit tricky, especially since you
can't easily visualize the excluded letters by writing down the words. By the time you get to the fourth, fifth and
sixth words, the problem has spiraled out of control. Now imagine trying to add the billionth word to the list
(imagine also that we're working with an infinite alphabet so you don't run out of letters) and you can imagine
how difficult it is for even a computer to keep up. Needless to say, writing this kind of thing "by hand" is orders
of magnitude beyond the capabilities of the brain.

My background lent itself well to this kind of work though. I'd spent years writing code and designing both
analog and digital circuits, a process that at least visually resembled these diagrams in some way. I also had a
personal affinity for combinatorics, which served me well as I helped with the design of software running on
supercomputers that could juggle the often trillions of rules necessary to create a valid diagram of any reasonable

This overlapped quite a bit with compiler theory as well, a subject I always found fascinating, and in particular
compiler optimization, a field that wasn't half of what it is today back then. A running joke among the linguistics
team was that Big-O notation couldn't adequately describe the scale of the task, so we'd substitute other words
for "big". By the time I left I remember the consensus was "Astronomical-O" finally did it justice.

Like I said, I could go on for hours about this subject, and would love to write at least an introductory book on
the subject if it wasn't still completely classified, but that's not the point of this letter so I'll try to get back on

The last thing I'd like to discuss is how I got copies of this material, what else I have in my possession, and what
I plan to do with it in the future.

My Collection

I worked at PACL from 1984 to 1987, by which time I was utterly burned out. The sheer volume of details to
keep in mind while working with the diagrams was enough to challenge anyone's sanity, and I was really at the
end of my rope with the military's attitude towards our need to know. Our ability to get work done was
constantly hampered by their reluctance to provide us with the necessary information, and I was tired of
bureaucracy getting in the way of research and development. I left somewhere in the middle of a 3-month bell
curve in which about a quarter of the entire PACL staff left for similar reasons.

I was also starting to disagree with the direction the leadership wanted to take as far as the subject of extra-
terrestrials went. I always felt that at least some form of disclosure would be beneficial, but as a lowly CARET
engineer I wasn't exactly in the position to call shots. The truth is, our management didn't even want us
discussing non-technical aspects of this subject (such as ethical or philosophical issues), even among ourselves,
as they felt it was enough of a breach of security to let civilians like us anywhere near this kind of thing in the
first place.

So, about 3 months before I resigned (which was about 8 months before I was really out, since you don't just
walk out of a job like that with a 2 week notice). I decided to start taking advantage of my position. As I
mentioned earlier, my DoD experience got me into an internal management role sooner than some of my

colleagues, and after about a year of that kind of status, the outgoing searches each night became slightly less
rigorous. Normally, we were to empty out any containers, bags or briefcases, then remove our shirt and shoes
and submit to a kind of frisking. Work was never allowed to go home with you, no matter who you were. For
me, though, the briefcase search was eventually enough.

Even before I actually decided to do it, I was sure that I would be able to sneak certain materials out with me. I
wanted to do this because I knew the day would come when I would want to write something like this, and I
knew I'd regret it until the day I died if I didn't at least leave the possibility open to do so. So I started
photocopying documents and reports by the dozen. I'd then put the papers under my shirt around my lower back,
tucked enough into my belt to ensure they wouldn't fall out.

I could do this in any one of a few short, windowless hallways on some of the lower floors, which were among
the few places that didn't have an armed guard watching my every move. I'd walk in one end with a stack of
papers large enough that when I came out the other end with some of them in my shirt, there wouldn't be a
visible difference in what I was holding. You absolutely cannot be too careful if you're going to pull a stunt like
this. As long as I walked carefully they wouldn't make a crinkling noise. In fact, the more papers I took, the less
noise they made, since they weren't as flimsy that way. I'd often take upwards of 10-20 pages at once. By the
time I was done, I'd made out with hundreds of photocopies, as well as a few originals and a large collection of
original photographs.

With this initial letter I have attached high resolution scans of the following:
A page from an inventory review with a photo that appears to depict one of the parts found in the Rajman
sighting and parts very similar to the Big Basin craft
The first 9 pages of one of our quarterly research reports
Scans of the original photographs used in that report, since the photocopies obscure most of the details
5 pages from a report on our ongoing analysis of the language (inappropriately titled linguistic analysis),
depicting the kind of diagram just barely visible on the underside of the Big Basin craft
This material is the most relevant and explanatory I could find on short notice.

Now that these are up, IF I decide to release more in the future, I'll be able to take my time and better search this
rather large collection of mine that I've sadly never organized. I'm not sure what I'll be doing with the rest of the
collection in the future. I suppose I'll wait and see how this all plays out, and then play it by ear. There are
certainly risks involved in what I'm doing, and if I were to actually be identified and caught, there could be rather
serious consequences. However, I've taken the proper steps to ensure a reasonable level of anonymity and am
quite secure in the fact that the information I've so far provided is by no means unique among many of the
CARET participants.

Besides, part of me has always suspected that the government relies on the occasional leak like this, and actually
wants them to happen, because it contributes to a steady, slow-paced path towards revealing the truth of this

Since Leaving CARET

Like I said, I left PACL (Palo Alto CARET Laboratory) in '87, but have kept in touch with a great many of my
friends and coworkers from those days. Most of us are retired by now, except of course for those of us that went
on to get teaching jobs, but a few of us still hear things through the grapevine.

As for CARET itself, I'm not sure what's become of it. Whether it's still known by the same name, I'm quite sure
it's still active in some capacity, although who knows where. I heard from a number of people that PACL closed
up shop a few years after I left, but I've still yet to get a clear answer on why exactly that happened. But I'm sure
the kind of work we did there is still going strong. I've heard from a lot of friends that there are multiple sites like
PACL in Sunnyvale and Mountain View, also disguised to look like unremarkable office space. But this is all
second-hand information so you can make of it what you will.

Around 2002 or so I came across Coast to Coast AM and have been hooked ever since. I admit, I don't take most
of the show's content as anything more than entertainment, but there have been occasions when I could be sure a
guest was clearly speaking from experience or a well-informed source. For me, there's just something very
surreal about hearing all this speculation and so-called inside information about UFOs and the like, but being
personally able to verify at least some of it as being true or false.


It's also a nightly reminder of how hectic things were in those days, which helps me enjoy my retirement all the
more. Knowing I'm not part of that crazy world anymore really is something I enjoy on a daily basis, as much as
I miss some of it.


What I've shared so far is only a very small portion of what I have, and what I know. Despite the very sheltered
and insulated atmosphere within CARET, I did ultimately learn a great deal from various colleagues, and some
of what I learned is truly incredible. I'd also like to say that for what it's worth, during my time there I never
heard anything about invasions, or abductions, or many of the more frightening topics that often pop up on Coast
to Coast AM.

That's not to say that none of it is true, but in my time working alongside some of the most well-connected
people in this field, it never came up. So at the very least I can say my intent is not to scare anyone. My view on
the extra-terrestrial situation is very much a positive, albeit still highly secretive one.

One thing I can definitely say is that if they wanted us gone, we would have been gone a very, very long time
ago, and we wouldn't even have seen it coming. Throw out your ideas about a space war or anything silly like
that. We'd be capable of fighting back against them about as much as ants could fight back against a stampede of
buffalo. But that's OK. We're the primitive race, they're the advanced races, and that's just the way it is. The
other advanced races let them live through their primitive years back in their day, and there's no reason to think it
will be any different for us. They aren't in the market for a new planet, and even if they were, there are way too
many planets out there for them to care about ours enough to take it by force.

To reiterate my take on the recent sightings, I'd guess that experimentation done in the last couple months on a
device that, among other things, is capable of interfering with various crafts onboard invisibility has resulted in a
sudden wave of sightings. It may not explain all of the recent events, but like I said, I'd bet my life that's exactly
what happened at Big Basin at least, and it's probably related in some way to the Chad, Rajman and Tahoe
sightings. So, despite all the recent fanfare over this, I'd say this doesn't mean much. Most importantly, they
aren't suddenly here. They've been here for a long time, but just happened to turn unintentionally visible for
brief periods recently.

Lastly, there are so many people selling books, and DVDs, and doing lectures, and all that, that I would like to
reiterate the fact that I am not here to sell anything. The material I'm sharing is free to distribute provided it's all
kept intact and unmodified, and this letter is included. I tend to question the motives of anyone charging money
for their information, and will assure you that I will never do such a thing. And in the future, just to cover all the
bases, anyone claiming to be me who's selling a DVD or book is most certainly not going to be me.

Any future releases from me will come from the email address I've used to contact Coast to Coast AM, and will
be sent to them only. I'd like to make this clear as well to ensure that people can be sure that any future
information comes from the same source, although I must be clear: at this time I do not have any future plans for
additional information. Time will tell how long I will maintain this policy, but do not expect anything soon. I'd
really like to let this information settle for a while and see how it goes. If I find out I'm getting an IRS audit
tomorrow, then maybe this wasn't too smart.

Until then, I'm going to take it slow. I hope this information has been helpful.

Big Basin (CA) Strange Craft
High Resolution Photographs
from UFOCase Website

The UFO Casebook, through the efforts of Forum members, has received high resolution images of the Big
Basin drone/strange craft. The images clearly show "Isaac's" linguistic primers. These photographs tend to give
more credence to Isaac's claims.

See photographs below.

June 5, 2007-Big Basin by Stephen and other witnesses


More Big Basin, California, Bizarre
"Drone" Images
by Linda Moulton Howe
from EarthFiles Website
"It was rotating, slowly, but often changing direction from clockwise to counterclockwise randomly."
- Ty B.,
Big Basin, California

Big Basin Redwoods State Park
is northwest of Santa Cruz, California.

June 17, 2007
Big Basin, California

- In yesterday's post office mail, I received twelve more images of the latest, more menacing-looking dragonfly-
shaped aerial "drone," along with a letter mailed on June 11, 2007, from an eyewitness named Ty. He had also
emailed me on June 11, telling me that he was sending photographs he had taken while bicycling with a group of
riders near Saratoga, California, in Big Basin.

Ty said the cycling group saw the bizarre aerial object three times on June 5, 2007. He said in his email that he
was surprised to see at Earthfiles the images allegedly taken by someone named "Stephen" that showed the same
object Ty and his friends watched appear and disappear also on June 5, 2007, and that Ty photographed.

Here are the twelve printed photographs I received in the mail and scanned in Photoshop, sized to 72dpi, 7
inches wide and added very slight enhancement in a few for more clarity. The aerial object is rotating through
the sequence of images.

- - -


- - -

- - -


Enclosed you'll find the photographs I mentioned in the email, which were taken some time early afternoon on
the 5th. These were all the shots we were able to get of the "mothership", as I have taken to calling it, during a
sighting that lasted probably around a minute or so. Now for the story!

First of all, I've been a long-time fan of C3C and have been listening since before even Noory hosted. Of course
I'm very familiar with your work as well and am quite honored to be able to submit something that I feel is of
value 10 an ongoing investigation of yours! 1 caught up with the "Chad drone" story about a week after everyone
else due to a backpacking trip that kept me away from the radio (also in Big Basin, interestingly enough)* but
I've been hooked ever since and am still besides myself with amazement that I suddenly find myself involved in
it first hand!

On the 5th of this month, 1 was on a mountain biking trip with 7 other riders that I often ride with in the Big
Basin area near Saratoga. CA. We were about 20 minutes into it when the most specular "craft" appeared in the
sky above us, maybe two miles away from where we were. And when I say this thing "appeared" I mean exactly
that h just came out of nowhere! It was routing, slowly, but often changing direction from clockwise to counter-
clockwise randomly. It might have been moving a little too, but it was hard to tell from our location. For the
most part it was stationary. After a few seconds it vanished again. It was like a light switch being turned on and
off! There was no special FX transition like on Star Trek. It didn't shimmer and fade and stuff, it just stopped
being then- in the blink of an eye.

I won't even bother trying to describe this thing in detail because the photos will do a much better job than I ever
could. All I know is that ii was really* really big and looked like it came from the same place as Chad's drone. It
has the same weird "upside down jellyfish" thing on the top, and similar looking ring structures. What was
different here, though, was how much more stuff was on it. It had a ton of different rings, all connected to a big
column in the center, and a big long needle/poker thing coming down from the center surrounded by big curving

lubes. If the drone was like a jet, this was like an aircraft carrier. I don't have to tell V4HJ that this thing is
intense to behold!!!

We all stopped short and practically went over the damn handlebars! All 8 of us were frozen. I tried reaching for
my camera but wasn't fast enough. Ii was gone just before 1 was ready to lake a shot. Normally I keep the
camera in a small backpack along with my usual outdoor stuff, but from that point on I kept it hanging from my
wrist just in case I saw it again. Honestly, I didn't think I would get another chance, though. Here was the most
amazing thing I had ever wren, and 1 had missed my chance to capture It! All 1 could think about was how I was
going to explain this to everyone else I knew, trickily we all saw it together, so at least I had that. We stayed
frozen for another few minutes but finally "snapped out of it" and decided to take a break and regroup.

We spent a good half hour trying to figure out what had just happened. We all agreed though that whatever it
was, on the off chance that it happen again, we should do our damnedest to photograph it. I started filling
everyone in at that point on the Chad drone too. Normally I don't
share much C2C stuff with friends simply because most people I know think it's nutso, but believe you me, after
an experience like this, they were willing to listen!

So we got moving again and about a mile further into our trip it appeared a second time. This lime it was about a
mile closer too, which told us that it was stationary. So that of course gave us the idea to get as close as we could
to it! But it was just there for a moment that time. Within like 3 seconds it was gone. By the way I should
mention that it made no sound when it appeared and disappeared. However, the mothership itself was making a
noise when it was visible. If I remember, Chad describes a kind of low rumbling with hisses and crackles.

This craft wasn't so much like that. It was more like a really low, kind of subsonic vibration with what sounded
like really, really high pitched "clicking" noises on a regular interval, Like maybe every 5 seconds or so. It was
super faint though, you almost had to hold your breath to bear it (which I was able to do for about 10-20 seconds
before it vanished again).

Another two miles or so and the third appearance hit. This time we were right near it! We were working our way
up the mountain and were right on the edge when it happened. And it hung there for at least a good minute or so,
during which time | got all the pictures I could! All it really did was rotate. Ii was moving very slowly as well but
not much activity. It appeared a fourth time, about an hour later, but this time for literally like a split second. We
didn't see it again after (hat* Sol finally had my pictures, even if I nearly fell off the side of the damn mountain
to get them!

Now here's the really strange pan. One of the guys I ride with works for a bay area newspaper and had some very
interesting things to say about this. Although he was just as blown away by this as we were, it turns out that this
was not the first time he had been made aware of it. Apparently about a year ago, a couple reports came in from
Somewhere in Saratoga about basically the same thing. This gigantic thing just appears in the area and then
switches off like a light again.

Also, he received at least one photograph at the ______________________ was clear enough to be undoubtedly
the same thing we just have seen. So of course we all ask him why we've never heard of this thing! He then goes
on to inform us that in no uncertain terms, they were told to ignore the story entirely!! So he said I could send it
to any media outlet I want but that in all likelihood it would just be ignored. So that's why I'm sending it to the
one place I know will always cover stuff like this! I'm trying to find out now if he'd be willing to appear on the
show to discuss this in detail I really do get the feeling that he's willing to talk about this. He isn't the kind of guy
who likes to be pushed around, so I assure you he's not happy about having storks silenced!

Section III
The Suppression of UFO Technologies and Extraterrestrial Contact

The UFO question carries with it the baggage of centuries of speculation as to the very nature of who we are and
how we got here. It calls into question conventionally accepted theories of evolution, and has the potential to
unravel and invalidate many of our most cherished beliefs in the supremacy of the human species on the
evolutionary ladder.

Reports of sightings and abductions have unearthed new quandaries concerning government involvement with
alien visitors, and the extensive cover-up of these stories by various governments. Clearly the human race has a

propensity for avoiding and/or denying uncomfortable information. We attempt to support our fractured and
failing paradigms with what, at best, can be considered an amazing display of obstinacy.

It is no wonder that the Brookings Institute was commissioned in the 1950s to study and report on the
implications to the social fabric of the revelation that we are "not alone." Sadly, the possibility of extraterrestrial
life has highlighted the persistence of the various scientific establishments in cozying up to military money and
perquisites at the expense of their science, their ethics, and in the end, their self-respect. Those skeptics curious
enough to investigate may find that the UFO information unfolding in the past few decades has been very, very
carefully managed so as to achieve the desired results.

And what might these results be?

The logic behind any institution seems be self-perpetuation, and it comes as no surprise that the institutions
charged with managing UFO and extraterrestrial information are tasked with a virtual information hot potato.
Despite the supposed existence of an alien culture making its presence known and felt, our dominant terrestrial
institutions would make it appear as though we are alone in an otherwise lifeless universe. It would not be
presumptuous to assume that there has in fact been some sort of bargain or treaty negotiated between the alien
visitors and the major Earth powers to perpetuate this appearance.

Such a pact might allow the present power hierarchies to continue to operate (with some new limitations and
guidelines, of course) while at the same time essentially doing the work they've been assigned. It seems
incredible that the fate of all beings of earth may already have been decided without our knowledge or consent,
due to the censorship and top secret classification of sensitive information.

Stanton Friedman, UFO researcher and nuclear physicist, has publicly stated that "whoever controls alien
technology rules the world." While there is abundant evidence that the U.S. government has had access to some
alien technology for several decades, there is no doubt that the ones who really control alien technology are the
aliens themselves.

Regardless of this, much time and effort has gone into the research and development of these same innovations
right here on earth. T. Townsend Brown was succeeding with his antigravity work in the 1940s and 1950s and,
in fact, experimentation of this sort has been ongoing for at least seventy years. Indeed, there are many serious
researchers who now believe that the U.S. moon landing program was accomplished with the aid of antigravity
machines, and there is more than a little reason to believe them. (The lack of a blast-off exhaust from the lunar
Lander on Apollo 11, for example, is one intriguing bit of evidence for this assertion.)

Yet it is only recently that the news of a successful antigravity breakthrough is being allowed to be published in
mainstream physics journals.

UFO research is big news these days, and the news is coming fast and thick. I have chosen some of the most
revealing stories I have been able to find to illustrate the extent of the cover-up of information concerning UFOs
and the principles on which they operate. Avoidance and outright denial have made it possible for our
governments to hide the truth thus far.

It is interesting to speculate how this knowledge, made public, is likely to alter our perspective.

Breakthrough as Boffins Beat Gravity

Scientists in Finland are about to reveal details of the world's first anti-gravity device. Measuring about 30 cm
across, it is said to reduce significantly the weight of anything suspended over it.

The claimwhich has been rigorously examined by scientists and is due to appear this month in a physics
journalcould spark a technological revolution. By combating gravitythe most ubiquitous force in the
universe everything from transport to power generation, could be transformed.

NASA, the United States space agency, is taking the claims seriously and is financing research into how the
antigravity effect could be turned into a means of flight.

The researchers at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland, who discovered the effect, say it could form
the heart of a new power source in which it is used to drive fluids past electricity-generating turbines.

Other uses seem limited only by the imagination:
Lifts in buildings could be replaced by devices built into the ground. People wanting to go up would simply
activate the antigravity device making themselves weightlessand with a gentle push ascend to the floor they
Space travel would become routine, as all the expense and danger of rocket technology is geared towards
combating the Earth's gravitational pull.
By using the devices to raise fluids against gravity and then conventional gravity to pull them back to Earth
against electricity-generated turbines, the devices could also revolutionize power generation.
According to Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, who led the research, the discovery was accidental.

From the
New Zealand Star Times
September 22, 1996

It emerged during routine work on so-called "superconductivity," the ability of some materials to lose their
electrical resistance at low temperatures.

The team was carrying out tests on a rapidly spinning disc of super-conducting ceramic suspended in the
magnetic field of three electrical coils, all enclosed in a low-temperature vessel called a cryostat.
"One of my friends came in and he was smoking his pipe," said Dr. Podkletnov. "He put some smoke over the
cryostat and we saw that the smoke was going to the ceiling all the time. It was amazingwe couldn't explain
Tests showed a small drop in the weight of objects placed above the device, as if it were shielding the object
from the effects of gravityan effect deemed impossible by most scientists.

The team found that even the air pressure above the device dropped slightly, with the effect detectable directly
above the device on every floor above the laboratory.

What makes this claim different from previous "antigravity" devices scorned by the establishment is that it has
survived intense scrutiny by skeptical, independent experts and has been accepted for publication by the Journal
of Physics-D: Applied Physics, published by Britain's Institute of Physics.

Even so, most scientists will not feel comfortable with the idea of anti-gravity until other teams repeat the
experiments. The Finnish team is already expanding its program to see if it can amplify the antigravity effect.

In its latest experiments, the team has measured a 2-percent drop in the weight of objects suspended over the
deviceand double that if one device is suspended over another.

If the team can increase the effect substantially, the commercial implications are enormous.

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
from Boylan Website

The following information was disclosed to me by a reliable confidential informant, who previously worked on
contract for the National Security Agency, and maintains connections within the Intelligence community. This
informant, whom I shall call "Jesse", has over 40 years of notes from a very close relative, who served as CIA
liaison to the National Security Council on UFO/ET matters.

This information has been confirmed by a second source, Dr. Michael Wolf of the National Security Councils
unacknowledged subcommittee, the MJ-12 Special Studies group. I have talked with Dr. Wolf about the notes

author, Jesses relative. Dr. Wolf said that that CIA official "was like an uncle to me."

The reports which follow are thus not "leaks", but rather based on planned releases of information. These
releases are part of a public Acclimation Program, an official though unacknowledged U.S. Government policy
of "processed release of information", as Dr. Wolf described it.

According to "Jesse", in 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan and Young were the first to film an
extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith, somewhat like, but smaller than, the one in Arthur C.
Clarkes book/movie "2001". They were not, however, the first astronauts to spot this ET beacon. The Monolith
was first sighted by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. He was followed into
space that same year by American astronaut Alan Shephard, who also sighted the beacon. Apollo 10 went to it,
and filmed it from every angle.

The Monolith acted like a communication beacon.

Jesse said,
"It sort of acts like the message received in the movie "Contact". It had a message on it, in addition to a map of
the extraterrestrial civilization which placed it there, and how to get to them."
The Apollo 10 astronauts brought back the message captured on film. The Monoliths energy affected Apollo
10s instrumentation, so that its crew almost didnt get back. As soon as the film Apollo 10 took came back to
Earth, those Intelligence compartments which deal with UFOs were busy poring over information from the

The government then used an early secret military space shuttle to go get the Monolith itself. This covert military
spacecraft flew years before the first "official" NASA Shuttles public flights in 1981. The spaceplane is
operated by a secret military astronaut program out of Vandenburg Air Force Base, California, among other
locations. The second flight mission of this unacknowledged military shuttle retrieved the Monolith, and brought
it back to Earth in 1972 for study.

After being retrieved, the Monolith was then transferred to a secret research facility. Scientific analysis of the
Monolith was conducted at this domed underwater facility located north of Abaco, the northernmost of the
Bahamas Islands. RCA Corporation is in charge of that experimentation research, Jesse says.

Jesse stated,
"They did it underwater, after they saw people dropping like flies. They figured that there would be better
containment [of the Monoliths suspected cosmic energy emanations] underwater." He noted that the space
beacon "has a sound to it, like it talks. It also gives off a light show."
Dr. Michael Wolf shed additional light on the beacons.
"They are postcards from the rim. They emit both light and tone signals, sending a mathematical language.
There may be five or more ET civilizations involved in setting up these beacons."
Among the scientists who worked on it were famed astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan, U.S. Army Intelligence and
Security Command General William Stubblebine, (ret.), National Security Council consultant Dr. Michael
Wolf, and a former division head of CIA.

Everyone who had prolonged close physical contact with the Monolith got cancer, Jesse says.
"And those who tried to dissect it [the Monolith] died right there on the spot."
The CIA Counter-Intelligence official and Dr. Wolf got colon cancer. The CIA man required surgery, but Dr.
Wolfs cancer later went into a spontaneous remission. Dr. Sagan eventually died of his cancer.

Jesse feels that there are many more space beacons out in space, acting as "postcards".
"Im sure Mother Russia had one."

Jesse also revealed a 1973 formula for gravity control, used by the military to construct antigravity aerospace
He disclosed that noted quantum physicist Jack Sarfatti was in a position to be familiar with this
gravity formula used by the government.

Jesse observed,
"With regard to Sarfatti, as I can determine it [from the notes], he was on site doing work on the relationship
between downed UFOs and back-engineering, to the degree that he assisted in the gravity makeup formulae."
Jesse added that Sarfatti noticed that the captured UFOs field propulsion guidance was focused on the ET pilot.

"[The UFO pilot console] had the hand placement with micro holes and light-emitting senses [sensors] to feel the
impulse of the sudden hand movement; hence it [pilot and UFO] became as one. The driver always feels the
outer skins road feel, so it [the UFO] can handle better than a Corvette at 125 mph in fifth gear in the big
Jesse added,
"Then again, Sarfatti has these [formula] numbers... he can attest to the numbers and even affirm that
[antigravity field propulsion] is in use today! Matter of fact, the formulae even tell a story of the skin association
between flyer and craft."

They [ET pilots] think [a command]... and go. Sort of like... point-click and ship! Boom... youre there."

"The RAND Corporation (a CIA think tank) holds the key to the [gravity-control] formulae." Jesse revealed.
"Our Navy even set up the United Earth Space Naval Forces. I believe this group to be in existence today."

[a] U.S. Governments old gravity-control formula:
phi(x) =<0lphi(x) l0 > + &phi(x), where <0lphi(x)l0> is the vacuum expectation value, and m2^<0lphi(x)l0>^2
represents the particles density of the ground state in the non-relativistic limit. The action of this field in the
presence of gravity is... intrinsic gravitational cosmological constant Lambda/ 8piG receives a contribution (1/2)
(Continued in Article: "Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954")

click above image to watch Flash Video Presentation

I am very intrigued by artists who convey a message concealed in a plot, film or painting. One work that has
caught my attention is Kubricks "2001" and I think it is very relevant to the "Secret Rulers of the World"
debate. Kubrick was very interested in secret societies, as his last film, "Eyes Wide Shut", illustrated.

Kubrick has never given an explanation for 2001 and neither has Arthur C. Clarke, who cooperated with
Kubrick on the script. Is it possible that Kubrick designed the film so that it could be understood at some point
in the future, possibly 2001?

This is my interpretation of the film, garnered from reading various interpretations, mixed with some of my own:

Chapter 1

The film opens with a dramatic lunar eclipse; the sound track is Strausss "Also Sprach Zarathustra". At once
Kubrick is making a reference to Nietzsches anti-hero - Zarathustra and his philosophical struggle with the
nature of existence, his struggle for consciousness.

After this stunning introduction, a sunrise and the dawn of man! We see ape men and their main preoccupation is
the struggle for survival. They have limited knowledge of the world around them; it is a dark and forbidding

Soon, the ape men are confronted by a strange black monolith. The sounds of Ligetis "Requiem" and "Lux
Aeterna" ("Light Eternal") stream during this encounter with this strange piece of masonry.

(Notice the subtle imagery, in the above picture, of a kind of truncated pyramid, topped by the "eye" of the sun.)

The ape men are afraid and jump around but the leader approaches the object and reaches out to touch it but at
the last moment withdraws. The music becomes more ethereal and the ape man leader reaches out to make
contact with it again and this time he successfully touches its jet black, perfectly smooth surfaces. This is the last
moment of sensuality in the whole of the rest of the film. Simultaneous to this portentous event, the sun is
eclipsed by the moon and the monolith withdraws far away to a distant location. What a tease!

The ape mans childlike curiosity was aroused and then frustrated - like a child that is given a toy and then its
suddenly taken away! Kubrick is telling us that something very profound has happened here - that the masonry
and the position of the planets have had an influence on the destiny of mankind.

As a perfectionist, Kubrick planned and agonized over every scene and so they are all important and should not
be discarded by the viewer.


In the next scene, we see the ape man with a pile of bones. He has one in his hand and he realizes that it can be
used as a tool. Kubrick was definitely making a specific statement here because it comes immediately after the
contact with the black masonry. The strains of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" are heard again and during this
musical episode the ape man wields the bone above his head and realizes that the bone can be used as a weapon,
a weapon with which he can kill! It is the dawning of a new age for mankind.

Now, the ape men are no longer foraging for vegetation to eat, instead they are eating raw meat. This is an awful
scene, which we leave with our ape men confronting another group of ape men. The leader takes his bone and
kills the leader of the other clan. The other ape men come forward and triumphantly pound their bone clubs on
the body of the defeated victim.

The leader of the ape men victoriously throws his club up into the air. Instantly, the bone is transformed into the
spaceship and in so doing Kubrick implies that the whole of human history is meaningless - a story not worth
telling. All the wars, births, deaths, celebrities, declarations, civilizations are all completely irrelevant.

By jumping millions of years, we are left in no doubt that Kubrick estimates the monolith and the effect it had on
the ape men, and what is about to happen in the rest of the film, to be more important.

Chapter 2

The second chapter of the film is quite different to the first. We are now in
the space-age future. Strausss "Blue Danube Waltz" is playing and we see
an American spaceship spinning in space on its way to the moon. Kubrick
seems to be celebrating advanced technology but this is only a whim of
fancy. Inside the spaceship is a lonely character called Heywood Floyd.

He and his colleagues are completely without emotion, they seem so
lifeless and pitiful. The green pastures and blue skies of home are left
behind and the inhabitants of the space station have become like the
computers and machines that they operate. For the next two hours of the
film there will only be sterile environments and a tightly trapped mind in
an infinitely large universe.

The spaceship lands on the moon. Floyd gives a strange speech telling his
audience that they must keep what they have discovered on the moon a
secret. The implications of their find could cause great problems for the
citizens of earth. He tells the scientists and military in his audience that
people on earth will have to be "conditioned" to accept what it is they
have found. Floyd drones on about why it is so important that they should
"spin" a cover story. Basically, they should say that an epidemic has
broken out at the American moon base.

What is revealed in this scene is the utter contempt the military
commanders hold for us. This ploy is done so deftly that it is not even
considered much by the audience. Everyone in the room nods their head in approval without considering the
implications of what they are really doing.

In the next scene we discover what they have found. We are taken on a tour of the moon in a moon bus. It is dark
but the sun is beginning to appear over the horizon.

Again, the men involved here are humourless, lifeless and soulless and the men eat revolting food as they discuss
the importance of the most important discovery in all the history of humanity.

A magnetic survey of the moon has revealed that something was giving off an anomalous reading just below the
surface of the moon. It has been dug up. They discover that the object giving off the anomalous reading is in fact
a black monolith. When we actually see it, we find that it is the same one that appeared to the ape men at the
beginning of the film. Kubrick does not tell us who buried it there or why.

As the men robotically stand in front of the monolith to have their photographs taken the sun rises over the
horizon. The light shines on the black monolith possibly for the first time since it has been buried, possibly 4
million years ago. As the rays of the sun strike the monument it gives off a piercing signal. As you look into the
distance you see that the earth is being eclipsed in darkness. A lunar eclipse is taking place at the exact moment
that the monolith begins to give off its signal.

Although we are not told why this crafted masonry is buried here, we can be sure that the government knew
about it, hence the mission to the moon to uncover and inspect it by the military and whoever placed it here
obviously had hopes that humanity would one day have the technology to go out and discover it.

We can also assume that it was placed on the moon by the same intelligence that created the encounter between
the monolith and the ape men.

Chapter 3

The third chapter of the film now begins unfolding -
its title, "The Discovery Mission to Jupiter - 17
months later". Each chapter ends with the monolith
changing the direction not only of the story line but of
the human race too.

Without explanation, we are on this ship, on its way to
Jupiter, with two astronauts, David Bowman and Frank
Poole. The other crew are hibernating in sealed
capsules. The two astronauts, Bowman and Poole, are
even more lifeless than the men on the moon.


There is, though, a third "living" entity onboard the ship and this character actually does seem to have a soul, or
at least the beginnings of one! He is HAL, the onboard computer that runs the ship. It is strange but the two
astronauts never even wonder or question the purpose of the trip.

Dave and Frank go about their chores serving the ship, collecting data and playing chess. Kubrick was a keen
chess player. The movie takes up a game just before Frank loses to HAL, the computer. It appears that Frank has
played into a trap set by HAL. HAL has baited Frank into moving his queen over into HALs queen rook area.
The only other piece that Frank has developed is a knight, which appears to have been baited by HALs pawns
from the king side of the board to the queen side.

All of Franks other pieces are undeveloped, which in chess is equivalent to "hibernation". HAL has focused on
the development of his own pieces towards Franks king. With Franks queen and knight conveniently out of the
way, busy capturing pawns, HAL is able to checkmate Frank. The activity in the chess game appears remarkably
similar to what is going on in the mission. Most of the humans are hibernating. HAL baits both Frank and Dave
out of the ship pursuing relatively minor problems with the AE35, while he (HAL) continues on with his plan of
taking over the mission by killing all the crew members and locking Dave out.

In the first scenes of the movie, the "Dawn of Man", Kubrick made a
point of showing us a tiger sitting over the carcass of a zebra. In this
scene the eyes of the tiger were glowing, probably because the tiger was
looking into the setting sun. The ape-men were hiding in their cave and
could hear the roar of the tiger not to far away and they were fearful.
Why did Kubrick show us these scenes, were they just poetry?.

As a perfectionist, Kubrick planned and agonized over every scene and
so they are all important and should not be discarded by the viewer. Later in the movie, HAL is portrayed by a
glowing camera lens. I have noticed that in real life camera lenses dont glow, so why did Kubrick choose to
portray HAL with glowing eyes? Kubrick is making a link here between the predatory tiger and HAL. HAL is a
predator. If HAL had succeeded he would have been just like the tiger, glowing eyes sitting over the carcasses of
the dead crew members in Discovery.

All the shots show HAL as a glowing eye inside a
monolith shape in the brain room (see picture left). The
implications are astonishing and profound. 2001 is
about evolution, and HAL appears to be the next stage
in evolution after man.

But where does evolution lead from HAL? To the
monolith itself! HAL is still a predator, the destroyer of
life, but as we saw with the ape men and later at the
end of the film with the birth of the star child, the
monolith without the glowing eye is the creator of new life, the bringer of the next step in evolution! It appears
that the evolutionary path from organic life, to computer, to monolith is
one possible evolutionary path.

The HAL 9000 did not in fact fail but was only acting under programming
to ensure that above all else the mission was to carry on to Jupiter at all
costs. HAL was given details of the true purpose of the mission, which was
withheld from the crew.

This part of the saga ends with Dave "murdering" HAL. As its circuits are
shut down, one by one, it garbles out the song: "A Bicycle Built for Two". It
is only after HAL dies that Dave discovers the real reason for the Jupiter
mission. A video of Heywood Floyd comes onto a TV screen as HAL dies.
The tape was made for the astronauts for when they were to come out of
hibernation. Now that all the hibernating astronauts are dead, it is only
Dave who gets the message. According to Floyd, the reason for the mission
was to find out why the monolith was emitting the strange signal towards


On one hand, Kubrick wants us to know that the forces behind the monolith are not good because it was
responsible for all those killings and on the other hand, he wants us to know something quite different. He is also
telling us that the monolith is a great spiritual gift and beneficial to our evolution. There is a strange
juxtaposition going on here. We have an outside force broadening our limited view of reality that we previously

What he seems to be saying here is that it is not the monolith itself that is bad but the forces that are in control of
it. The monolith is 99% truth and 1% poison and that poison is powerful enough to destroy millions of times
over. It is only because humanity has been negligent and in some cases willfully so, that it has had to go to hell
and realize the power of the Divine in order to find redemption.

The spinning, circular space station in the sequence immediately after the first chapter is a celebration of the gift
of the monolith; however, as we replace nature with technology, we also replace our souls and individuality with
a hive-like mentality. We are also failing to ask the relevant questions. There is also little doubt that Kubrick
knew this all the time; it isnt accidental in anyway. Kubrick is actually telling us that the monolith is the film,
and conversely, the film is the monolith. His message was for mankind to wake up.

Now at the very end of the age, at the very end of the millennium, mankind has accomplished much. But at what
cost? Kubrick is content to show that the cost of this gift is our souls generally speaking. When the ape man
threw the bone up into the sky, that was the last time that we saw any part of nature again in the film. From then
on Kubrick shows us the antiseptic hospital like future, implying that this is the end of the trail that the bone
weapon began four million years ago.

Kubrick was not predicting that initiations would come by a literal mission to the moon or Jupiter. The mission
to the moon and Jupiter is purely psychology portrayed as symbols, in this case science fiction. This is why the
last 25 minutes of the film seems so weird.

The last stretch of the film takes place wholly inside the human mind. In a way, we all have the potential to be
Dave Bowman.

Chapter 4

Chapter four, the final chapter, begins with the ominous, psychedelic music of Gyorgy Ligetis Atmospheres.
We are deep in space now. Bowman is now Odysseus like the title assumes and like Odysseus, Bowman must go
as far away from home as is possible. He must face monsters and experience things that he does not understand.
All of this must be done before he can return home. Earth, or home, is a long way off now.

Bowman is just following orders and he must now investigate the strange monolith that is circling Jupiter. Like
Odysseus, Bowman will be transformed by this voyage beyond all recognition. When, and if, he does return,
Bowman will be the wisest of all - for he was the one brave enough to enter the waters of eternity and come back
home to tell us about it.

As Bowman leaves the Discovery for the final time Kubrick cuts straight to a montage of shots of the monolith.
We are out on the edge of the Jupiter system, the Discovery is a small and tiny aspect of what we can see on the
screen. The moons of Jupiter, like the moon and sun before, are aligned in a mystical and awe-inspiring way.
The monolith appears ominous as it floats among Jupiter and her moons. The dance that is now taking place is a
majestic, incredible ballet between the monolith and the celestial bodies of the Jupiter system.

Without one word being spoken for the rest of the film, Bowman leaves the Discovery. He begins to travel
towards the floating monolith in one of the space pods. Bowman is the man who has travelled further away than
any human that has ever lived. He is all alone - having been seemingly chosen by the monolith for the final
initiation of the human race.

The dance of the celestial bodies and the monolith
continues. Kubrick consciously has chosen Ligetis
music because it evokes a religious or spiritual feeling
within the listener. He brilliantly juxtapositions this
music with the sacred geometrical alignments of the
monolith and the moons of Jupiter.


The very last shot in this sequence is the monolith crossing at a ninety degree angle with the moons of Jupiter. At
that moment the famous light show sequence starts. The monolith is a gate that allows Bowman to witness the
infinite. He is the first man who has ever experienced the truth of the monolith and what it has to offer.

Bowman first falls through a web of geometries and colours. The universe is passing by at light speed and it has
become porous and blended together. Seven octahedrons - all changing colour and form - appear over the sliding
universe. The core of a distant galaxy explodes. A sperm cell-like creature searches for something. An ovary? A
cloud-like embryo is forming into a child. Now alien worlds fly by, all of their colours and hues gone wild.

Bowman is experiencing overload and looks like he might not be able to handle the amount of information that is
being given.

This is humanitys initiation. Bowman is our representative in this process. He is the first man through. In this
experience of passing through the monolith, Bowman is transformed by a completely psychedelic experience.
Real information is being passed to Bowman by the monolith.

Finally, the scene ends in the strange hotel room. This is the mysterious ending that Stanley struggled to shoot.
The set is that of both a modern and baroque French-style room with startlingly modern lighting coming up
through the floor. This is no normal hotel room. The light just seems to glow out of the bottom of the scene
causing everything to carry this numinous, incandescent quality to it. There are weird voices on the soundtrack
that are laughing at Bowman. The uncomfortable feeling of incomprehension encourages us to look to physical
features for familiarity; something solid to grasp onto. Kubrick does not offer us this.

This ambiguity heightens our sense of curiosity.

Bowman goes through three series of transformations during this scene. He gets older with each transformation.
Daves environment, the decorated white room, becomes a metaphor for the human body. The body, Dave
Bowman, becomes a metaphor for the human mind. At the beginning of the scene, as Dave taps into a new level
of consciousness, he is initially shocked. This can be seen by the alarming contrast between the red space suit
Dave initially wears and the near pure white background. As Dave begins to accept his surroundings, we can see

his body age rapidly: the mind is maturing.

The room, which remains completely static and has no windows or doors can be seen as a container, and in this
way likens itself to the human body, the container of the human mind throughout life. The room itself appears
highly constructed and artificial, an indicator of physicality. In some cases this can be seen to represent
pretentiousness and vanity.

On the other hand, the elements, namely the artwork, tiles and furniture, that make up the contents of the room
appear to indicate a myriad of human achievements spanning centuries and continents. High technology, a
yearning for innovation, human creativity, classical architecture, cleanliness, calculated precision and high art
are just a few elements that spring to mind; factors which distinguish the human race from the rest of the animal
kingdom. Already the viewer has received a universally positive statement, whether or not they are aware of it
on a conscious level..

The glowing tiles which line the floor of the room are symbolic of technology, the future and humanitys
yearning for innovation. The combination of geometric lines, the definition of the x, y and z planes and bright
white light give an impression of calculation, purity and precision: elements that are synonymous with high
technology. It is known that bright cross lighting, used throughout this scene, can be incredibly revealing and in
most cases can expose blemishes and imperfections in the set. In combination with the white walls, ceiling and
floor, it can be seen that this set achieves nothing short of perfection, another reason to suspect a shift of reality.

The glowing tiles also serve as a source of high contrast to the artworks and old furniture situated throughout the
room. Here the viewer is introduced to the featured color: green. Green universally represents harmony with
nature and the environment. The choice of green as a featured color softens the intensity of the geometry of the
floor tiles. If, for example, were blue used as a substitute, the room could risk appearing overly clinical, perhaps
too futuristic, which would emphasize a reliance on technology.

The furniture itself appears to be sophisticated and stylized, as though it came direct from an upper class
nineteenth century western European home. This furniture implicitly suggests the idea of human sentimentality
and an appreciation for the old and the aesthetic. The artworks which appear to be in the renaissance style put
forth this idea also.

Once Bowman accepts the mental transition, he begins to indulge himself. On one level we can see Dave begin
to eat, on another he begins to consider his place in evolution, thinking, examining, progressing, evolving, and
spiritually maturing.

When Daves wine glass smashes we see that it is time to move on. This action has been likened to the Jewish
tradition of breaking glass at a wedding ceremony: a symbol of great change occurring. Stanley Kubrick himself
was Jewish, which makes this parallel plausible. Aware of the Jewish tradition or not, the sight and sound of
broken glass alone in the controlled environment holds enough contrast to shock us into thinking that change is
about to occur.

Dave is thereby about to enter the new level of conscious existence.


Finally, right after the scene where Bowman breaks the wine glass, the monolith appears again for the last time.
Bowman is in the bed now and he is extremely old. He stares at the monolith, the single stone that stands like a
huge stone book at the foot of his bed.

He raises his hand and points at the stone monolith as if he finally understands. Slowly, his aged body begins
turning into a bright glorious light. The light is so intense that, for a brief moment, the viewer cant see what is
happening on the bed. But, momentarily, something does appear. It is an embryo with a nearly-born foetus in it.
This is the famous Starchild.

The Starchild comes more in focus. In the next shot, Kubrick tracks his camera into the very body of the
monolith - coming from the direction of the bed. He is showing us that the Starchild has entered into and passing
through the monolith. In the very next scene - which is the last scene in the movie - the Starchild is passing the
moon and is heading towards the Earth.

The Starchild looks down at the earth as the World Riddle theme from "Also Sprach Zarathustra" sounds out.
This is the third time that we have heard this theme. And this will be the last time. In the book, that the
screenplay by Kubrick and Clarke was based on, the Starchild looks at the earth and thinks "there was a lot of
work that needed to be done."

It is important to note that the Starchild model was made to look like Keir Dullea, the actor who portrayed
Bowman. Kubrick is saying that this child is a reincarnated Bowman.

So what is this all about anyway? Bowmans realization that he is trapped is made symbolically by Kubrick with
the breaking of the wine glass. Even after all that he has been through Bowman still makes mistakes.

The wine glass is like a Zen koan that illuminates the mind in a flash. His own fallibility thrusts the scene
towards its climax as the old man dies on the bed and sees the monolith for the last time. The Great Work of the
stone is complete. There is now a man, a human, who understands the greater universe. This man also
understands that he is trapped in a jail that his own consciousness has designed.

With the realization of his own fallibility, and his own trapped spirit, he is finally liberated from the realm of the
hotel prison, or the world of illusion. In that instant he understands what the book of stone is trying to tell him.
He lifts his hand in a gesture of understanding. And in that moment he is transformed - without dying - into the

In the end, Kubrick is saying that life would be completely meaningless if it were not for the intervention of the
monolith, or the stone. He realizes that he himself could not be transformed without the assistance of an outside
intelligence, a God if you will.

This film director has made the ultimate religious movie.

The film is the monolith. In a secret that seems to never have been seen by anyone -- the monolith in the film has
the same exact dimensions as the Cinerama movie screen on which 2001 was projected in 1968. This can only be
seen if one sees, or rents, the film in its wide-screen format. Completely hidden from critic and fan alike is the
fact that Kubrick consciously designed his film to be the monolith, the stone that transforms.

Like the monolith, the film projects images into our heads that make us consider wider possibilities and ideas.
Like the monolith, the film ultimately presents an initiation, not just of the actor on the screen, but also of the
audience viewing the film. That is Kubricks ultimate trick. He slyly shows here that he knows what he is doing
at every step in the process. The monolith and the movie are the same thing.

Kubrick is revealing that he understands the Great Work. He is also, like Christ, warning us that there are dark
powers more powerful than human beings, and that these powers are, at the present time, in control of this Great
Work here on earth. The monolith represents the, the White Pebble of Revelation, the Holy Grail, the
Philosopher Stone, the Book of Nature and the Film that initiates.

Stanley Kubrick has truly made the Book of Nature into film. Using powdered silver nitrates, glued onto a strip
of plastic that is then projected onto the movie screens of our mind, Kubrick has proven himself to be one of the
ultimate esoteric artists of the late 20


by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
from DrBoylan Website

Michael Wolf, MD, Ph.D., ScD, JD, is scientific consultant to the National Security Council's Special Studies
Group (popularly known as MJ-12). In December, he began a new series of disclosures to the author. These are
not "leaks", but are sanctioned by the U.S. Government under its "Processed Release of Information" program.

It is my conclusion that other prominent participants in the government's Acclimation Program include:
Colonel Philip Corso, U.S. Army (ret.)
Colonel Steve Wilson, U.S. Air Force (ret.)
ambivalently, Colonel Donald Ware, U.S. Air Force (ret.)
The latter have also been in communication with the author. This report is a follow-on to the previous report on
disclosures by Dr. Wolf which appeared in NEXUS.

Commenting on the U.S. Government's Processed Release of Information program, Dr. Wolf stated that the
"Powers That Be" [reactionary global control elite, aka Cabal] resist disclosures, and want the pace of any
information release to be glacially slow. They fear that if Star Visitors technology gets out into the public
domain, (such as petroleum-coal-natural gas-uranium-replacing Zero-Point Energy, as well as pharmaceutical
industry-replacing Star Visitor curatives for almost all diseases), that the elite's near-monopoly on wealth and
power will be broken.

Indeed, Wolf said that the government has operational cold fusion "in the back room".
"We have modules that will restore [polluted] sea water to its natural state, as well as devices which connect to
condensers and storage devices that produce unlimited energy."
But, so fearful are those super-wealthy power-brokers of Star Visitor technology replacing their crude and
polluting assets, that a considerable amount of Black Project funds for the Project MILSTAR grid of DSP-1
UFO-surveillance satellites come from Oil States.

Dr. Wolf angrily retorted to the elite's selfish fears,
"We need to cut through the crap!"
During our conversations I challenged Dr. Wolf that the disclosures he has made only come to the attention of
that small percentage of the public with a special interest in UFOs, (because of the controls on the mass media
against covering this subject thoroughly.) Thus, I pointed out to Dr. Wolf, he could be being played for a "useful
fool" by those "Powers That Be", in dribbling out rationed tidbits of UFO information to the tiny boutique of
UFO magazines, thus having the unintended effect of cooperating in the delay of full and public disclosure.

Wolf dismissed the "useful fool" possibility, sharing that he has given a warning to his bosses at the National
Security Council, including General Bob _______, that Wolf will stop playing a role in the Processed Release of
Information program,
"unless they get to the core of the problem: letting governmental and military witnesses (to UFO/Star Visitors
reality) get out and speak," and be allowed to testify at open televised hearings.
The UN maintains an unacknowledged Special Intelligence Branch, which is involved in working with all
countries and their intelligence services around Star Nations matters. Dr. Wolf revealed that he is negotiating
with an official within the UN's Security Council staff to have the UN release UFO information it possesses in
1999. This official has advanced degrees, and has been given "incredible powers" during her Star Visitor

He says,
"The UN people know everything (about the visiting ETS). And (Apollo astronauts) Edgar Mitchell and Gordon
Cooper have made appeals to the UN to let the truth be known."

He added that a "Cabal" is a significant part of the problem. The Cabal is a rogue group of private industry,
government, intelligence and military officials who have aggressively misused national security secrecy to
achieve illegal monopoly over Star Visitor technology. The Cabal is so entrenched, that it is hard for honest
official government to remove them.

Some of the Cabalistas are very high military officers, while others hold leadership positions as Senators and
Congressmen, predominantly but not exclusively of Republican party membership.
"They want Clinton out of the loop [of detailed UFO/ET information]," Wolf said, because the President has
given private indication of being prepared to make public announcement of UFO reality as his departing
message, if he is forced out of office.
Wolf stated that,
"the Cabal is slowly dying off, and some are being relieved of duty."
When I retorted, "But not fast enough," Wolf sighed and did not disagree.

Dr. Wolf became quite excited as he shared with me signals he has been receiving recently, that,
"Something is coming, so big that the government will have to announce UFO reality."
When I pressed him for a time-line for the "big event", he replied, "six months to 1-1/2 years."

He added that besides adequate public psychological preparation about Star Visitor presence, there is another
condition: that any such public announcement Star Visitor ET presence,
"has to be in agreement with the (extraterrestrial) Council of the (ET) Elders," the High Council of the Star
Nations-RB (personal communication).
The Council is the ruling body of the Federation of benign extraterrestrial races that in contact with Earth, sort of
like a galactic UN Security Council. The Council is in ongoing communication with the governments of Earth
through our UN's designated emissaries.

The Star Nations federation is working collaboratively with world governments to gradually prepare the general
population to accept the reality of, and presence of, Star Visitor races on Earth. The Star Nations federation has
wished to avoid any mass panic or major disruption of society that could have come from a premature
announcement. And the time is now near, if not already arrived, for the world public to accept contact with races
from the stars.

The Star Nations federation has another precondition before they are willing to present themselves openly: Peace
on Earth. They are unwilling, short of a global cataclysm, to show themselves publicly, until all major conflicts
on Earth have been peacefully resolved. They do not want to emerge and try to share their culture amidst
Humans shooting at each other and bombs dropping. World governmental leadership has taken the Star Nations
federation's challenge to heart, Wolf said.

Thus, the reader may have noticed a concerted international effort in the past several years to resolve major
conflicts, some of which have been going on for centuries.
The Soviet Union has been dissolved, allowing self-determination by its member states.
In Northern Ireland, Protestant and Catholic factions are implementing a Good Friday Peace Accord.
In the Middle East, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have begun implementing the Camp David and Wye River
Accords, albeit with many interruptions and setbacks.
In the Balkans, the new peace agreement seems to be holding in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while in Kosovo, a shaky
modus vivendi is being worked out between ethnic Albanians and the Serbian minority.
And regarding the dispute between the Tibetan people's demand for autonomy and its occupation by the People's
Republic of China, Dr. Wolf says that back-channel dialogues are under way to attempt to resolve this, by a
sharing of Star Visitors-based high technology in exchange for the Dalai Lama being allowed to return to Tibet.
Canada has returned immense sections of its Northwest Territories to self-determination by Aleut and Inuit
original peoples.
Japan and the Russian Republic have entered into discussions about settling disputed ownership of the Kuril
Yet there are a few remaining major problem areas.
Civil war in Congo and Angola could spread to nine adjoining African states.
A fratricidal Moslem-animist war in Sudan has not yet been resolved.
Iraq remains a Middle East flashpoint, threatening Iran and other countries. (Dr. Wolf says that behind-the-
scenes efforts are now focusing on moving Iraq to a post-Saddam Hussein governance.)
And North Korea continues to threaten aggression against South Korea.

Thus, those who wish an end to the UFO Cover-Up should support world peace efforts. The Star Nations are not
willing to be openly introduced until the flood of arms is ended.

Recently, my "ex"-CIA informant "Jesse" alerted me to a secret NATO Operation TEACUP. When I asked Dr.
Wolf about it, he identified TEACUP as at one level having to do with intelligence services having identified
Iraqi agents in Romania trying to buy advanced guidance systems technology for Iraqi SCUD missiles. Thus
equipped, Iraqi SCUDs would allow delivery of nascent Iraqi nuclear, chemical and biological warfare
warheads. NATO is concerned that Saddam Hussein would be able to hit Iran's capital, Tehran, thus starting a
Middle East war, and possibly precipitating World War III.

For those having a higher secrecy clearance, Operation TEACUP's guidance systems concerns are a cover for
higher-level information concerning Rumanian knowledge about Star Visitors and their technology. Wolf thus
indicated that Rumanian advanced guidance systems are derived from back-engineering Star Visitor technology.

The NSC consultant next mentioned a Star Nations space beacon, dubbed "the Monolith", which had been
retrieved from space by a U.S. military spacecraft and brought back to Earth in 1972 for study.

The beacon looks somewhat like, but is smaller than, the Monolith in the movie "2001".The MJ-12 scientific
section began analysis of this beacon at RCA's underwater laboratory north of Abaco Island, Bahamas. The
military, naturally, wanted to examine the beacon's intense power source for possible conversion to weapons

The Monolith's extremely powerful energy fields were designed for its precise position in deep space. When it
was brought to Earth, those fields exert an unbalancing force.

Dr. Wolf said,
"I told them not to keep it. Already the Moon is 2% out of its orbit."
This has adversely affected the weather and global warming.
"I told them [SSG - "MJ-12" subcommittee] to get it the hell off of Earth!"
He has been negotiating with U.S. National Security officials visiting him about returning the space beacon to its
former position in space and restore the balance. As leverage, he has delivered an ultimatum, threatening to stop
participating in the Acclimation Program, and stop serving as the premiere Star Visitor-specialist consultant to
the National Security Council.

His final trump argument to the NSC has been,
"I will blow the whistle publicly on the whole thing," if the space beacon is not put back.
He is so serious about this matter that he contemplated asking the Director of the Secret Service to provide a
Secret Service detail, or asking his Admiral colleague on the NSC's MJ-12 subcommittee to provide a Navy
SEAL contingent, to accompany the previously-mentioned female UN Security Council official to Area 51 to
compel the return of the Monolith.

Wolf also stated,
"We are currently negotiating with an ET mothership to bring the Moon back into its axis."
He declared that the Moon is artificial, long ago positioned in its orbit by Star Visitors. Furthermore, he
confirmed that there is a Star Visitor base on the Moon. When I suggested the base was on the dark side, he did
not challenge that assumption.

The NSC's enfant terrible railed about the disinformation on "cattle mutilations" so prevalent in pop UFO
articles, and set the record straight. The harvesting of cattle tissue that is done by the Star Visitors is not to be
confused with cattle mutilations done by Special Forces operating out of Stealth antigravity helicopters, using
hand-held lasers. The Star Visitors know that bovine tissue is genetically very close to human. They use this
tissue to bioengineer human organelles. (An organelle is a specialized part of a cell that resembles and functions
as an organ.)

The Star Visitors are engineering organelles to place within humans, which will operate to filter out the
pollutants we take in from our increasingly-contaminated environment, so that we can survive. The organelles
also provide increased hardiness for the person's immune system, to successfully resist the increasingly virulent
strains of infectious bacteria, viruses and prions we face.

Current Star Visitor-human encounters have little to do with seeking sperm and ovum donations, Dr. Wolf says,

but are directed towards making a compatible match of bioengineered organelles with the individual human's

The conversation then turned to Egyptian pyramids. As the movie "2001" reflected reported CIA-asset Arthur C.
Clarke's insider knowledge about a real extraterrestrial space messaging beacon, so once more, art imitates real
life. In this case, the movie "Stargate" introduced the public to the concept of a special portal, which permitted a
person stepping through to travel to another dimension.

Dr. Wolf revealed that,
"The Egyptian pyramids were built by our [Star Visitor] ancestors, using sonic technology and other advanced
He added that within the Egyptian pyramid complex is a Stargate, which permits access to the Star Visitors
existing in a different dimension. He intimated that the Stargate was near the Sphinx's paw.

He complained,
"Egypt won't allow John Anthony West access to the area, even though the Egyptians don't have the technology
to make it work."
Dr. Wolf has communicated about the Stargate with his friend, the UN Security Council staff official.
"She said, 'We ought to work together to get this out. This will raise consciousness in the general public, and will
speed up getting out the fact of extraterrestrial contact into the open..'"
As the conversation wound down, Wolf delivered one final bombshell. If, as seems increasingly likely, Al Gore
steps into the Presidency, the U.S. will have a President whose family has been personally involved with Star
Visitor encounters. Gore has a child who was seriously ill, and who was cured by the Star Visitors.
"And Vice-President Gore himself has had an encounter with a Star visitor."
Thus, America might have an Experiencer President.

1. "Inside Revelations on the UFO Cover-Up", R. Boylan, NEXUS, 5:3, Apr.-May. 1998, 45-50

2. Although Dr. Wolf did not enumerate the Oil States, previous financial involvement by certain States in secret
U.S. national-security operations suggests that the list may include Brunei and Saudi Arabia among other Oil

by Michael Salla
Sat Dec 1, 2007
from ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website

Aloha, a very large artifact has appeared on Google Earth which depicts a rectangular green/orange object that is
80 km (50 miles) long and approximately 1 km wide, and nearby is another black rectangular artifact that is
about half the size (40 km/25 miles). The green/orange object looks artificial and the melting snow is exposing
what appears to be a massive artificial structure.

The black object looks very much like the monolith in Kubrick's 2001.

Both objects are parallel.

One can verify the existence of the two objects using the latest version of Google Earth. If the Google Earth
images are accurate, this may well turn out to be very large artifact(s) from an earlier civilization in Greenland.

Thanks to ECETI for notifying me of this amazing development.


Mystery Of Greenland 'Object' Solved By Data4Science
by Ted Twietmeyer
December 15, 2007
from Rense Website

With all the mysterious images found on the web today, it was time to take a closer look at one of these oddities.

The mysterious object is located in the country of Greenland, which even today is melting at an incredible rate.
We will look at this mysterious Greenland Object someone has found on Google Earth, which also has at least
one spooky-music youtube video (above video) describing it. Polar North is indicated in all images.

The youtube video shows what can happen when image data falls into the hands of someone without an
understanding of satellite imaging problems, and who may not look for rational explanations.

Fig. 1
Untouched overview from Google Earth of long yellow and black object measuring about 79.83 Km. long.
A black rectangular object appears to accompany it.


Fig. 2
Image of Greenland (like most all Google Earth images) is constructed of a mosaic of images taken from
These images are taken in overlapping bands as these satellites orbit the Earth.
Lighting conditions vary with each exposure causing edges of individual images to mis-match.
Resulting mis-matched image borders create faint diagonal, horizontal and vertical lines.
Red circles added here indicate some of the individual mosaic borders for various individual image areas.


Fig. 3
Closeup of the mysterious object in question.
Here were can see that this object is simply a glimpse (in color) of the landscape below.
A false color yellow band is visible along the top edge of the orange area, and can occur during image overlap.
This image segment may have been imaged by a different satellite on a cloudless day, or imaged on a different
day or perhaps even a different year.
Various light and dark areas of the area in question also tend to be similar to those of the normal white image
area shown just above it.


Fig. 4
Closer view of the mysterious black object in Fig. 1.
What we see here is a total absence of any image in this area.
Perhaps data was missing from the original image mosaic.

There are many reasons for the black rectangle in Fig. 4 including operator error during image alignment,
satellite data dropouts, computer file processing errors, censoring, etc... Data for any satellite image travels a
VERY long journey from the time the image data reaches Earth to Google Earth's image database.

However, it's highly unlikely the black rectangle itself is an actual object. Though various articles and videos on
the web focus more on the larger color rectangular object (see Fig. 1.) the absence of any image area here is
actually more intriguing.

If similar black rectangles do not appear on other Google Earth images and in this image of Greenland, then
perhaps something was actually found here we are not supposed to see.

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
from DrBoylan Website

Now it can be told.

Ancient ancestors of the current Star Nations civilizations had constructed and placed in space a network of
Space Beacons which would facilitate navigation and position-finding across the galaxy.

Three of the Space Beacons were positioned within our solar system. At least one of them had been spotted by

Apollo astronauts during flights to the Moon.
These 30-mile-long black rectangular Beacons look somewhat like the "Monolith" in Arthur C. Clarke's
novel/movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey." Not a coincidence; Clarke was a CIA asset and knowledgeable.

In 1972, the Cabal, covetous of the advanced technology these Beacons utilize, had secret military astronauts go
into space and retrieve first one, and later the other two Space Beacons. These they ultimately placed in remote
snowy locations in Nunavut Territory, Canada, in Greenland, and astride the Alaska-Yukon Territory boundary.

These Beacons exert powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt Earth's natural energy lines and grids, have
altered the weather, and have been used by the Cabal to focus energy in undisclosed ways.

Previously I had referred to them with some correspondents using the vague term (for security reasons) "Cabal
disruptive-energy devices". The extractions of two of these Beacons were:
Space Beacon #1 (Nunavut Territory) on July 18
Space Beacon #2 (Greenland) on August 14

Additional information about the Space Beacons, recently restored to space

On September 9, 2007 the third of three Space Beacons was restored to their rightful position in space after they
had been stolen and brought to Earth around 1972.

The Extraction Operation involved Colonel Shadow and his Counter-insurgency Team providing defense
against Cabal mercenaries surrounding the Beacons, as well as Star Nations providing the technical expertise and
personnel to lift the Beacons back into space.

The Beacons have some internal energy systems and intelligent guidance systems to interact with other objects
in space, (including Earth). They are not just inert lighthouses.

Ancient ancestors of the current Star Nations civilizations had constructed and placed in space a network of
Space Beacons which would facilitate navigation and position-finding across the galaxy.

Three of the Space Beacons were positioned within our solar system. At least one of them had been spotted by
Apollo astronauts during flights to the Moon.
These 30-mile-long black rectangular Beacons look somewhat like the Monolith in Arthur C. Clarke's
novel/movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Not a coincidence; Clarke was a CIA asset and knowledgeable.

In 1972, the Cabal, covetous of the advanced technology these Beacons utilize, had secret military astronauts go
into space and retrieve first one, and later the other two Space Beacons. These they ultimately placed in remote
snowy locations in Nunavut Territory, Canada, in Greenland, and astride the Alaska-Yukon Territory boundary.

These Beacons exert powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt Earth's natural energy lines and grids, have
altered the weather, and have been used by the Cabal to focus energy in undisclosed ways.

Earlier in mid-2007, the extraction of these Beacons from Earth began. The dates were:
Space Beacon #1 (Nunavut Territory) on July 18, 2007
Space Beacon #2 (Greenland) on August 14, 2007
On September 09, 2007, ex-NSA Colonel Shadow and his Counter-Insurgency Team (CIT) helped provide
security for an operation in which the Zeta came down and extracted the Third and final Space Beacon back into
They did so amid withering fire from Cabal mercenaries ordered to prevent the Beacon from leaving Cabal
grasp. The Colonel sustained a superficial flesh wound, which he minimized, as well as many rounds to his
chest, (but protected by body armor.) Others in his CIT also took hits to their bullet-proof vests.

Now that these Beacons are back in their natural positions in space, the equilibrium of electromagnetic forces in
local space and on Earth is restored. Star Nations is grateful for this, as is Mother Earth.

And so should be we all.

Because satellite imagery is only updated occasionally, you can still see these beacons where they rested (before
extraction) on Google satellite imagery, at:

Beacon 1 -

Beacon 2 -


Beacon 3 - Http://

Their precise locations were:
Beacon #1 was located in Nunavut Territory, Canada, northwest of Chesterfield Inlet on the central western
shore of Hudson's Bay and south of Baker Lake. (N62-W95 about)
Beacon #2 was sitting atop the south-central Greenland snowy ice sheet, east of Kangerlussuaq (Sondre
Stromford); i.e., WNW of Iceland. Being 30 miles long and pitch black, it's hard to miss. (N69-W42.3 about)
Beacon #3 was situated in Alaska near the Gerstle River Army Test Site, (near Fort Greely), SE of Fairbanks and
west of Highway 2. (N62.15-W141.30 about)

Aprox. Beacons location

I extend my personal thanks to Star Nations for their forbearance these past 35 years while Cabal had confiscated
property stolen from space. And my deepest thanks to Colonel Shadow and his CIT for a huge job well done.
When the Cabal stole those Space Beacons and brought them to Earth, it was the Cabal's responsibility to restore
them to space.

When Humans learned (a couple months ago) where the Cabal had been storing those Space Beacons, it also
became our responsibility to see that that stolen property was put back where it came from. But we lacked the
technical know-how to do that. So, we asked Star Nations for help. Star Nations graciously agreed to help us
with OUR responsibility.

Thus, the three Beacon extraction missions were successful.

The Beacons did not stand out so much because, for one thing, the Beacons were "invisible", since they do not
reflect light. As for the perfectly-dark image, that is because the Space Beacons absorb all incoming
electromagnetic energy (including light - photons). The Beacons only emit energy when and if they are
programmed to do so. Thus, the Beacons are like a light-photons "black hole". A perfect "black body" object.
Light goes in, but it isn't reflected, (which is how we see objects typically, via reflected light striking our eyes.)

The satellite camera is in the same situation. It recorded reflected light from the scenery all around each beacon,
but not from the beacon itself. All we see are the beacons' shape traced by the absence of reflected light in that
beacon's total surface area. A question was asked about how the Cabal got the three Space Beacons to Earth,
examined at least one in their underwater RCA lab, and transported them to their until-recent northern locations.

Additional information from Zeta informants reveals that the Beacons were brought down through atmosphere in
a controlled descent. These Beacons operate with a very advanced form of artificial intelligence, so advanced
that they can be considered partially alive. The Beacons had no interest in burning up in atmosphere, and utilized
gravitational buffering to control descent.

Once at the ocean's surface, the Beacons floated just above the surface, (to avoid unhelpful electrical contact
with the water.)

When positioned above the Cabal's underwater RCA laboratory north of Bahamas (in 1972), when it was time to
be examined, the Beacons enveloped themselves with a shield against contact with the sea water and then
descended to the sea floor. After the scientists had finished examining them, they floated back up to the surface,
their enveloping shield serving as a floatation aid.

Since the Beacons floated just above the water, they could be moved across water and land surface without

While the Space Beacons absorb electromagnetic energy including light, their presence can be inferred by their
blotting out the background scenery behind them, whether that background scenery be a snowfield in Greenland,
or the star field behind a Beacon in space.

Just as more than one observer has spotted a TR3-B black triangle antigravity craft sailing across the dark
nighttime sky, by noting the triangular patch of sky where the view of the star field has been blocked by the
craft. Note carefully that I said to Marih that the Beacon was invisible (in quotes), meaning not really invisible
technically, but rather failing to reflect light, which is how we normally see things.

I also cited Dr. Michael Wolf and Colonel Shadow as Expert Witnesses testimony that the Beacons are real, and
not some alleged software glitch.
None of the debunkers of the Beacon satellite images has managed to explain why the Beacon image "mistake"
was exactly repeated three times in three widely-separated areas of Earth, and why the Cabal would lose
hundreds of their mercenaries fighting to defend software glitches.
Nor why multiple independent remote viewers saw these Beacons.
Nor why Star Nations was so insistent that the stolen Beacons be repositioned in space, if they were just
"software glitches".
Nor has anyone successfully rebutted Bob Roth's eloquent explanation (below) of why the Beacon satellite
images are not software glitches.
Satellite photographic evidence is physical evidence... Photo documentation is not verbal testimony. It is solid,
three-dimensional, objective phenomenological reality.

This is not a photo that some MUFON member in Keokuk, Iowa took and then PhotoShopped. Those satellite
images are directly from Google Space satellite imaging of the globe. You can go to Google Space and see them
for yourself. That's why we gave you the Google addresses (above). There are some limits to conspiracy theory.

The Space Beacon was discussed on my website for years, in one of my articles on what National Security
Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf revealed during his tenure working with the special Studies Group (formerly

The Space Beacons were only remote-viewed by Mantis incarnate woman (Fran) of my UFOFacts on-line
Group a handful of weeks ago. This led to my bringing a demand for their restoration to space to the attention of
the U.S. Government (CIA and NSC and NSA, etc.). When the government wouldn't act, then Colonel Shadow
volunteered to help ward off Cabal security troops, and Star Nations accepted his offer and volunteered to do
their part (by extracting the Beacons back to space.) This all happened rather fast.

Star Nations and I pushed it, because Earth had been hurting too long from the Beacons' misplacement and their
powerful energy fields.

Civilians were not alerted to the Beacons before their removal because if anyone got to within a quarter-mile of
them, the electromagnetic radiation they emit would have been injurious-to-lethal. Also, if any civilian began to
even begin a directed approach to the Beacons, Cabal security would have intercepted them, with unwelcome

The Beacons were not some tourist attraction that somehow you were deprived of going and kicking the tires on
yourself. Making the general public aware of their location before extraction would have tempted some to take
foolhardy action that would easily have cost them their lives. Neither I nor Star Nations wanted any even
tangential responsibility for letting that happen.

Bob Roth's statement:
(Mr. Debunker),
Your assertion that the monoliths are nothing but an artifact of image stitching errors theory doesn't explain why
the monoliths are visible at multiple altitudes (the Greenland monolith is just barely visible when looking at all
the continents together), when I know that the images at differing altitudes are made with individual photos
taken at different zoom levels by satellites (the altitude-to-zoom-level isn't one-to-one, but I've seen where
zooming out makes the image colors, hence different photo sets).

It also doesn't explain why the software used to create the map would have such a glaring error, when it's job of
displaying EVERYWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET is so well done. Nor does it explain how these supposed
image errors should just so happen to show up where monoliths were remote-viewed to be, and where Colonel
Shadow went and saw them.


Don't you find it odd that the stitching of images should produce such a narrow strip of blackness, although it's
using rectangular images of much larger size? Don't you find it odd (as I mentioned before) that the software
wouldn't catch such an image overlap bug in these three places, but nowhere else, and that those supposed errors
would form a near-perfect isosceles triangle, kind of like it was by design?

- Bob Roth
Star Nations Council member Asheoma te ka Meata shared the following information:
We Humans tend to think of technology in our own terms. What many people don't understand about these
Space Beacons (monoliths) is that they operate in all the levels and in all dimensions. That is how they work
and were designed.
The Beings who made these also developed the energy grid system that is like the super highway that ties
together many dimensions of space/time. These Monoliths do a lot of work for Star Nations.
1. Monoliths are more than just fancy computers. They interact in a way considered to be conscious. Star Nations
found them along the grid system and learned that they were not just devices but were capable of interacting with
Star Nations in a way which demonstrated intelligent life.

This might have been programmed into the Monoliths, or it could be a result of their own learning after they
were made.

2. A few bits of information Humans should know about what Monoliths do:
a. Monitor traffic of all known dimensions. Star Nations continues to develop understanding about the dimensions /
also called the levels of Source by Zeta.
b. Recording of all traffic patterns.
c. Prediction of future traffic patterns. Asheoma said to let all know that when he says traffic that he is talking
about not just Star Nations and Beings but ALL energy patterns. The grid system is like the nervous system in
that it carries information throughout the grid.
d. Emitting information such as warnings and other information of interest to other Monoliths.
e. Emitting energy communication broadcasts which are available to be read by any interested party. Asheoma just
showed an example of this that made me laugh like the Monolith was a news broadcast station and the Planets in
the area could listen to it or not.

3. Monoliths on Earth were mostly deactivated or in a form of sleep in order to limit the damage being done to
Earth energy systems. Humans were activating parts of these Monolith systems against the will of the Monolith
but the Monolith would not harm the Humans doing these things. They act with a form of consciousness that
does everything it can to avoid causing any damage to anything it comes into contact with.

Asheoma is showing us that the Star Nations believe they were designed this way because the ones who made
the Grid System knew that the Monoliths might be accidentally discovered by lower evolved Beings and they did
not want those Beings to be hurt. But they also did not want the technology to be misused so the Monoliths were
programmed to shut down as much as they could without going against their own internal built system of

4. When the Star Nations removed the Monoliths from Earth, they used inter-dimensional transport, and are
working on repairing them before they are returned to service.

They said it was a very big undertaking to do this and could not have done this without Col Shadow doing the
ground security he provided because the Monoliths could not activate with their own energy because it would
have damaged Earth and any Humans near them.

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