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Team building is part of a psychological discipline called organizational psychology. It

inspires groups of workers to communicate through a series of planned events that are fun &
motivational. These events can be used to determine strong points in an individuals personality,
such as leadership skills. This can benefit the individual by giving them greater job satisfaction
& the opportunity to progress to their full potential as their strengths are highlighted. This is a
circle of reward, with positive feedback following positive action; a far more efficient way to
have efficient workers. Job satisfaction is an important part of a person's employment. Feeling
worthwhile, worthy, part of a team & having a sense of achievement within the working
environment are essential elements to happiness.
These feelings can motivate a workforce & ensure they are at their most productive, & in
turn, this attitude will motivate their colleagues. Working on the premise that happy staff are
productive staff, companies often find that team-building events positively affect the productivity
of individuals, teams & the company as a whole. Team building also benefits the team as a
whole. When people who rarely work together are forced to communicate, they can discover that
they enjoy the interaction & continue to network & bond with different people back at the office.
Those who previously may not have been getting along will have to forget their differences in
order to overcome an obstacle & their dislike is be diminished as the work together for a
common goal.
Our Organizational Development Team Building does not only benefits us and makes us
learn something, but it helps us build lasting friendship and explore the odds of unity through
colors. It improves our communication, it motivates our team, because we further believe that
Team leadership and team building go hand in hand. The more comfortable your employees are
to express their ideas and opinions, the more confident they will become. This will motivate
them to take on new challenges. It also identifies and utilized our strengths and weaknesses, it
breaks the barrier that are created between our team, it also improves our productivity and
practiced effective collaboration with our team members.
Overall, team building in the workplace enables better communication, better
relationships and ultimately increases productivity

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