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1 "Training Wheels" for Police> . . "
By Robert Clark Stone, Commissioner, Bureau ot Training,
Department of Justice, Richmond, Ky.
Operations 7 Everett's 12-Hour Shift .
Police Conduct
Police .. Community 14
Relations '
By Capt. Gil Davis and James J. Tracy, Ph. D., Police Department,
Everett, Wash.
A Procedural Model for Processing
By Lt. Dorothy D. Knox, Police Department, Detroit, Mich.
The Junior Security Patrol and the instal.lation .
By SSgt. Mary F. Baker, Security Police/Crime Prevention Section, Nellis
Air Force Base, Nev.
The Lust Murderer & .
By Robert R. Hazelwood and John E. Special Agents,
Behavioral Science Unit, FBI Academy, Quantico, Va.
Administration 23 The Administration of the Small Police
By Sgt. Raymond E. Arthurs, Police Department, Palos Heights, III.
The Legal Digestt7 Interview of Public Employees Cril)1inal 2?' r 0
Misconduct Allegations-Constitutional Considerations if
(Conclusion) . . .
By Joseph R. Davis, Special Agent, Legal Counsel DIVISion, Federal 'j
Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. \J
32 Wanted by the FBI
The Caver:
A patrol boat and
helicopter of the
Portsmouth. Va . Police
Department respond to
a call.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
Washington, D.C. 20535
William H, Webster, Director
The Attorney General has determined that the publication
of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the
public business required by law of the Department of
Justice. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been
approved by the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget through December 28, 1983.
ISSN 0014-5688
Published by the Public Affairs Office,
Homer A. Boynton, Jr.,
Executive Assistant Director
Editor-Thomas J. Deakin
Assistant Editor-Kathyrn E. Sulewski
Art Director-Carl A. Gnam, Jr.
Writer/Editor-Karen McCarron
Production Manager-Jeffery L. Summers
USPS 383-310



Special Agents
Behavioral Science Unit
FBI Academy
Quantico, Va.
18 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Lust Murderer
On August 29, 1975, the nude,
mutilated body of a 25-year-old mother
of two was found near Columbia, S.C.
Both breasts had been removed, the
reproductive system had been dis-
placed, numerous cut and stab wounds
were evidenced by the body, and there
was indication of anthropophagy.l
This was the scene of a lust mur-
der, one of the most heinous crimes
committed by man. While not a com-
mon occurrence, it is one which fright-
ens and arouses the public as does no
other crime.
It is the authors' contention that
the lUst murder is unique and is distin-
guished from the sadistic homicide by
the involvement of a mutilating attack
or displacement of the breasts, rectum,
or genitals. Further, while there are
always exceptions, basically two types
of individuals commit the lust murder.
These individuals will be labeled as the
Organized Nonsocial and the Disor-
ganized Asocial personalities.
Of primary concern are those fac-
tors which differentiate the lust murder
from the more common sadistic homi-
cide, physical evidence present at the
scene which may assist in determining
the responsible individual($), and
Possible personality characteristics of
the murderer. It is not the authors'
contention that the material presented
is applicable to all such crimes or their
perpetrators, but rather that the major-
ity of the crimes and offenders involved
will exhibit the characteristics set forth.
The data presented here have not
been quantified, but are based upon
the authors' examination of case re-
ports, interviews with investigative per-
sonnel, and a careful review of the
literature. Minor variations of the terms
used may Occur, depending on the
source of reference.
The Organized Nonsocial
The organized nonsocial (nonso-
Cial) lust murderer exhibits complete
indifference to the interests and
welfare of SOCiety and displays an irre-
sponsible and self-centered attitude.
While disliking people in general, he
does not avoid them. Instead, he is
capable of displaying an amiable fa-
cade for as long as it takes to manipu-
late people toward his own personal
goal. He is a methodical and cunning
individual, as demonstrated in the
perpetration of his crime. He is fully
cognizant of the criminality of his act
and its impact on SOCiety, and it is for
this reason that he commits the crime.
He generally lives some distance from
the crime scene and will cruise, seek-
ing a victim. Dr. Robert P. Brittain,
author of "The Sadistic Murderer," has
stated, "They (sadistic murderers) are
excited by cruelty, whether in books or
in films, in fact or fantasy." 2

_ 1
The Disorganized Asocial
The disorganized asocial (asocial)
lust murderer exhibits primary charac-
teristics of societal aversion. This indi-
vidual prefers his own company to that
of others and would be typified as a
loner. He experiences difficulty in ne-
gotiating interpersonal relationships
and consequently feels rejected and
lonely. He lacks the cunning of the
nonsocial type and commits the crime
in a more frenzied and less methodical
manner. The crime is like!y to be com-
mitted in close proximity to his resi-
dence or place of employment, where
he feels secure and more at ease.
The Crime
The lust murder is premeditated in
the obsessive fantasies of the perpe-
trator. Yet, the killer may act on the
"spur-of-the-moment" when the op-
portunity presents itself. That is to say,
the murderer has precisely planned the
crime in his fantasies, but has not con-
sciously decided to act out those fanta-
sies until the moment of the crime.
Consequently, the victim is typically un-
known to the killer, a fact borne out by
the cases studied by the authors.
The location of the victim's body
may be indicative of the type of mur-
derer involved. Typically, the asocial
type leaves the body at the scene of
death, and while the location is not
open to the casual observer, there has
been no attempt to conceal the body.
Conversely, the nonsocial type com-
mits the crime in a secluded or isolated
location and may later transport it to an
area where it is likely to be found.
. c....:...
While there may be no conscious in-
tent to be arrested, the nonsocial type
wants the excitement derived from the
publicity about the body's discovery
and its impact on the victim's commu-
The lust murder is committed in a
brutally sadistic manner. While the vic-
tim may be either male or female, the
crime is predominantly heterosexual
and intraracial in nature. The victim's
body exhibits gross mutilation and/or
displacement of the breasts, rectum, or
genitals and may have been subjected
to excessive stabbing or slashing with
a sharp instrument. The victim's death
typically occurs shortly following ab-
duction or attack, and the mutilation
that takes place follows death. Dr. J.
Paul de River notes in his book, Crime
and the Sexual Psychopath:
"The lust murderer, usually, after
killing his victim, tortures, cuts,
maims or slashes the victim in the
regions on or about the genitalia,
rectum, breast in the female, and
neck, throat and but-
tocks, as usually these parts con-
tain strong sexual significance to
him, and serve as sexual stimu-
lus." 3
If, however, there is physical or
medical evidence indicating the victim
was subjected to torture or mutilation
prior to death, this factor indicates that
the perpetrator was the nonsocial rath-
er than the asocial type.
Seldom will the lust murderer use a
firearm to kill, for he experiences too
little psychosexual gratification with
such an impersonal weapon. Most fre-
quently, death results from strangula-
tion, blunt force, or the use of a pointed,
sharp instrument. The asocial type is
mora prone to use a weapon of oppor-
tunity and may leave it at the scene,
while the nonsocial type may carry ihe
murder weapon with him and take it
when departing the scene. Therefore,
the murderer's choice of weapon and
its proximity to the scene can be greatly
significant to the investigation.
20 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Dr. de River comments that the
instrument itself may be symbolic to
the murderer and he may place it in a
position near the victim. This is a form
of pride and exhibitionistic behavior
and can be sexually gratifying to him. 4
The investigator may find that the
victim has been bitten on the breasts,
buttocks, neck, abdomen, thighs, or
genitals, as these body areas have
sexual associations. Limb or breast
amputation, or in some instances total
dissection, may have taken place. Dis-
"The lust murder is
premeditated in the
obsessive fantasies of
the perpetrator."
section of the victim's body, when
committed by the nonsocial type, may
be an attempt to hinder the identifica-
tion of the victim. The asocial individual
approaches his victim in much the
same way as an inquisitive child with a
new toy. He involves himself in an
exploratory examination of the sexually
significant parts of the body in an at-
tempt to determine how they function
and appear beneath the surface.
Occasionally, it will be noted that
the murderer has smeared the victim's
blood on himself, the victim, or the
surface on which the body rests. This
activity is more frequently associated
with the asocial type and relates to the
uncontrollable frenzy of the attack.
Penis penetration of the victim is
not to be expected from the asocial
individual, but is predominantly associ-
ated with the nonsocial type, even to
the extent of "necrophilia." 5 These ac-
tivities on the nonsocial's part reflect
his desire to outrage SOCiety and call
attention to his total disdain for societal
acceptance. The asocial type more
commonly inserts foreign objects into
the body orifaces in a probing and
curiOSity-motivated, yet brutal, manner.
Evidence of ejaculation may be found
on or near the victim or her clothing.
Frequently, the murderer will take
a "souvenir," normally an object or
article of clothing belonging to the vic-
tim, but occasionally it may be a more
personal reminder of the encounter-a
finger, a lock of hair, or a part of the
body with sexual association. The sou-
venir is taken to enable the murderer to
relive the scene in later fantasies. The
killer here is acting out his fantasy, and
complete possession of the victim is
part of that fantasy. As previously men-
tioned, the perpetrator may commit an
anthropophagic act and such an act is
indicative of asocial involvement.
Finally, the scene itself will exhibit
much less physical evidence when the
murderer is the nonsocial type. As stat-
ed, the individual categorized as the
nonsocial type is very cunning and
more methodical than the asocial type,
who commits a more frenzied assault.
It is interesting to note, however, that
both types may be compelled to return
to the scene, albeit for different rea-
sons. While the asocial type may return
to engage in further mutilation or to
relive the experience, the nonsocial
type returns to determine if the body
has been discovered and to check on
the progress of the investigation. In-
stances have occurred when the non-
social type changed the body's
location to insure its discovery.
Of interest is the almost obsessive
desire of the nonsocial type to assess
the police investigation, even to the
extent of frequenting police "hang-
outs" to eavesdrop on discussions of
unsolved crimes, or in some manner,
inserting himself into the investigation.
In one case, the murderer returned to
the scene after it had been examined
by police laboratory technicians and
deposited articles of clothing worn by
the victim on the day she died. In both
of two other cases, the killer visited the
cemetery site of the victim and left
articles belonging to the victim on her
grave. It is as though he were involved
in a "game" with the authorities. Such
actions appear to further his "will to
power" 6 or desire to control.
Portrait of the Lust Murderer
What set of circumstances create
the individual who becomes the lust
murderer? The authors do not possess
the expertise to explain the multiple
and complex casual factors associated
with the psychological development of
the individual who commits such a hei-
nous crime. But, it is generally ac-
cepted that the foundation of the per-
sonality is formed within the first few
years of life. While extreme stress, fre-
quent narcotic use, or alcohol abuse
can cause personality disorganization
in later life, it is the early that are
critical to the personality structure and
Seldom does the lust murderer
come from an environment of love and
understanding. It is more likely that he
was an abused or neglected child who
experienced a great deal of conflict in
his early life and was unable to develop
and use adequate coping devices (Le.
defense mechanisms). Had he been
able to do so, he would have withstood
the stresses placed on him and devel-
oped normally in early childhood. It
must be emphasized that many individ-
uals are raised in environments not
conducive to healthy psychological de-
velopment, yet they become produc-
tive citizens. These stresses,
frustrations, and subsequent anxieties,
along with the inability to cope with
them, may lea.d the individual to with-
draw from the society which he per-
ceives as hostile and threatening.
Through this internalization proc-
ess, he becomes secluded and iso-
lated from others and may eventually
select suicide as an alternative to a life
of loneliness and frustration. The au-
thors have designated this reaction to
life as disorganized asocial. This type
possesses a poor self-image and se-
cretly rejects the society which he feels
rejects him. Family and associates
would describe him a nice, quiet per-
son who keeps to himself, but who
never quite realized his potential. Dur-
ing adolescence, he may have en-
gaged in voyeuristic activities or the
theft of feminine clothing. Such activi-
ties serve as a substitute for his inabil-
ity to approach women sexually in a
mature and confident manner.
The individual designated by the
authors as the organized nonsocial
type harbors similar feelings of hostil-
ity, but elects not to withdraw and inter-
nalize his hostility. Rather, he overtly
expresses it through aggressive and
seemingly senseless acts against soci-
ety. Typically, he begins to demon-
strate his hostility as he passes
through puberty and into adolescence.
He would be described as a trouble-
maker and a manipulator of people,
concerned only for himself. He experi-
ences difficulties with family, friends,
"The lust murder is
committed in a brutally
sadistic rrlanner."
and "authority figures" through antiso-
cial acts which may include homicide.
Thomas Strentz and Conrad Hassel, in
the June 1978 issue of Journal of Po-
lice Science and Administration, wrote
of a youth who had first murdered at
the age of 15 and was committed to a
mental institution. After his release he
murdered and dismembered eight
en. 7 It is the nonsocial's aim to get
even with society and inflict pain and
punishment upon others.
The Role of Fantasy
As noted, the lust murder is
premeditated in obsessive fantasies
experienced by both the asocial and
nonsocial murderers. Fantasy provides
them an avenue of escape from a
world of hate and rejection. Dr. James
J. Reinhardt in his book, Sex Perver-
sions and Sex Crimes, has written:
"A study of these cases almost
invariably reveals a long struggle
against what Reik calls the 'for-
ward thrust.' By fantasy the mur-
derer attempts to wall himself in
against thE! fatal act, while at the
same time gratifying the compul-
sive psychic demands in the de-
velopment and use of fantasy.
These sadistic [fantasies] seem
always to have preceded the bru-
tal act of lust murder. These fanta-
sies take all sorts of grotesque
and cruel forms. The pervert, on
this level of degeneracy, may re-
sort to pornographic pictures, gro-
tesque and cruel literary episodes,
out of which he weaves fantasies.
On these, his imagination dwells
until he loses all contact with reali-
ty, only to find himself suddenly
impelled to carry his fantasies into
the world of actuality. This is done,
apparently, by drawing human ob-
jects into the fantasy." 8
James Russell Odom, tried and
convicted with James Clayton Lawson
for the brutal lust murder described at
the beginning of this article, stated that
while he and Lawson were at a mental
institution, they would express their
fantasies about women:
"(Odom) raping them and Lawson
mutilating them . . . (we had fan-
tasized so much that at times I
didn't know what was reaL" 9
If he acts out the fantasy (commits
the crime), his goal will be to destroy
the victim and thereby become the
sole possessor. James Lawson (men-
tioned above) is quoted as saying:
"Then I cut her throat so she
would not scream. . . . at this
time I wanted to cut her body so
she would not look like a person
and destroy her so she would not
exist. I began to cut on her body. I
remember cutting her breasts off.
After this, all I remember is that I
kept cutting on her body." 10
The victim may represent some-
thing he desires sexually, but is unable
to approach. Lawson speaks again, "I
did not rape the girl. I only wanted to
destroy her." 11
April 1980 / 21
Rarely encountered is the asocial
type who is capable of normal hetero-
sexual relationships. He may desire
such relationships, but he also fears
them. Dr. Reinhardt, on an interview
with a famous lust murderer, wrote:
" ... he at first denied ever at-
tempting any sex play with girls.
Two days later with one of his rare
shows of emotion he said, looking
much ashamed, that twice, later
correcting himself to eight times,
he had touched girls 'on the
breasts' and then pressed 'on the
leg.' Always having done this, he
would immediately burst into tears
and 'be upset and unable to
sleep'." 12
The Psychological Profile
A psychological profile is an edu-
cated attempt to provide investigative
agencies with specific information as
to the type of individual who committed
a certain crime. It must be clearly
stated at the outset that what can be
done in this area is limited, and pre-
scribed investigative procedures
should not be suspended, altered, or
replaced by receipt of a profile. Rather,
the material provided should be con-
sidered and employed as another in-
vestigative tool. The process is an art
and not a science, and while it may be
applicable to many types of investiga-
tions, its use is restricted primarily to
crimes of violence or potential
When prepared by the FBI, the
profile may include the perpetrator's
age, race, sex, socioeconomic and
marital status, educational level, arrest
history, location of residence in relation
to the scene, and certain personality
22 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
A profile is based on characteristic
patterns or factors of uniqueness that
distinguish certain individuals from the
general population. In the case of lust
murder, clues to those factors of
uniqueness are found on the victim's
body and at the scene and would in-
clude the amount and location of muti-
lation involved, type of weapon used,
cause of death, and the position of the
body. The profiler is searching for
clues which indicate the probable
personality configuration of the respon-
sible individual.
"The location of the
victim's body may be
indicative of the type
of murderer involved."
In preparing the profile, it is prefer-
able to have access to the scene prior
to its disturbance. In most instances,
this is impossible. In lieu of being at the
scene, the profiler must be provided
investigative reports, autopsy proto-
cols, detailed photographs of the body,
scene, and surrounding area, as well
as a map depicting the victim's last
known location in relation to its present
location and any known information
pertaining to the victim and her
There are violent crimes in which
there is an absence of uniqueness;
therefore, it is not possible to provide a
profile. However, this is not likely to
occur in the case of a lust murder.
While not a common occurrence,
the lust murder frightens and arouses
the public as does no other crime. The
lust murder involves the death and
subsequent mutilating attack of the
breasts, rectum, and genital areas of
the victim. The crime is typically het-
erosexual and intraracial in nature and
is committed by one of two types of
individuals: The disorganized asocial
personality, or the organized nonsocial
The organized nonsocial type
feels rejection by and hatred for the
society in which he lives. His hostile
feelings are manifested overtly, and
the lust murder is the final expression
of the hatred he feels. The disorgan-
ized asocial type also feels rejection
and hatred for his world, but withdraws
and internalizes his feelings, living
within a world of fantasy until he acts
out that fantasy with his victim.
While commonalities exist in the
commission of the lust murder, there
are certain factors which may indicate
the personality type involved. These
factors include the location of the
body, evidence of torture or mutilation
having occurred prior to death, smear-
ing of the victim's blood, evidence of
penis penetration or anthropophagy,
and the availability of physical evi-
dence at the scene.
. The crime is premeditated in the
obsessive fantasies experienced by
both the asocial and the nonsocial
yet it is a crime of opportunity,
one in which the victim is not usually
known to the murderer.
The use of psychological profiling
in such crimes may be of assistance in
determining the personality type in-
volved. It is a search for clues indicat-
ing the probable personality
configuration of the responsible individ-
ual(s). It is a useful tool, but must not
alter, suspend, or replace prescribed
investigative procedures. FBI
I Anthropophagy: Consuming the victim's flesh or
'Robert P. Brittain, "The Sadistic Murderer," Medical
Science and the Law, vol. IV (1970), p. 202.
'J. Paul de River, Crime and the Sexual Psychopath
(Springfield, III.: Charies C. Thomas, 1950), p. 40.
J. Paul de River, The Sexual Criminal (Springfield, III.:
Charles C. Thomas, 1950), p.233.
'Necrophilia: A desire for relations with the dead.
Calvin S. Hall and Lindsey Gardner, Theories of
Personality, 2d ed. (New York: .John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
'Thomas Strentz and Conrad V. Hassel, "The Socio-
path-A Criminal Enigma," Joumal of Police Science and
Administration, (June 1978).
'James J. Reinhardt, Sex PeNorsions and Sex
Crimes (Springfield, III.: Charles C. Thomas, 1957), pp.
Statement of Odom as reported by Tho Record
(newspaper) April 7, 1976, l-A.
IStatement made to South Carolina law enforcement
authorities by James Clay10n Lawson on September 3,
II Ibid.
I2Reinhardt, pp. 221-222.
J ),






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