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Taxes, Tips, and Discounts


Lesson Objective

Do Now

By the end of the lesson, we will be able to ____________________________________

(AZ-7.RP.A.3) Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems.
Quiz Review

4. The price of a house is originally listed at $135,000. The owners are having a hard
time selling it and decide to reduce the price to $106,650. What is the percentage
decrease of the price of the house?

A. 79%
B. 21%
C. 28.35%
D. 2.1%

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Essential Vocabulary

Teacher Model

When we solve for taxes, tips, discounts, or other problems with percents/decimals, we need to be
able to perform a few basic tasks. Follow the examples below.

1. Example 1

2. Example 2

Vocabulary Term Teacher-Provided Definition Visual



Prerequisite Skills

A value that is _________________ to the total

A value that is _________________ to the total

Moving the Decimal

1. 45% 2. 8% 3. 6.5% 4. 12% 5. 7% 6. 8.5%
Multiplying with Decimals

1. .2 x 3.99 2. .15 x 4 3. .12 x 4.85

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Teacher Model

Follow the steps in order to find the final price in each problem.

Exemplar (with steps). A souvenir shop collects and sells maps from around the state
of Arizona. The maps retail for $12.99 apiece. If the state of Arizona charges a tax rate
of 9% for all sales, what is the final price of single map?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the tax?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and tax

Step 3: Add the tax to the original price

Steps: Adding a Tax

1. Convert the percent of the tax or tip in the problem to a decimal

2. Multiply the original price by the decimal form of the tax or tip

3. Add the tax/tip to the original price

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Guided Practice

Read the word problems below and answer the questions accordingly. Follow the steps to correctly
solve for the final price.

1. The price of goods at checkout in line at Target is $13.89. After scanning all the items,
a tax of 7% is charged. What is the final price after checkout with the tax included?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the tax?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and tax

Step 3: Add the tax to the original price

2. The Andersons want to meet their friends at Starbucks for coffee. Mr and Mrs.
Anderson each get a deluxe coffee and the price is $8.65 between them. They want to tip
their barista 15%. What will be the total charge to the Andersons after tipping?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the tip?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and tip

Step 3: Add the tip to the original price

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Teacher Model

Follow the steps in order to find the final price in each problem.

Exemplar (with steps). A warehouse is having a huge sale on all of their old
merchandise. All products are being marked down 35%. If a bedframe is originally
priced at $85, what will be the final price after the discount is applied?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the discount?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price

Steps: Subtracting a Discount

1. Convert the percent of the discount in the problem to a decimal

2. Multiply the original price by the decimal form of the discount

3. Subtract the discount from the original price

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Guided Practice

Read the word problems below and answer the questions accordingly. Follow the steps to correctly
solve for the final price.

1. The price of goods at checkout in line at Safeway is $15.89. After scanning their
rewards card, 15% of the price is taken off. What is the final price after checkout with the
special discount?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the discount?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price

2. For Black Friday, many retailers offer special discounts to attract Christmas shoppers.
At Wal-Mart, TVs are significantly cheaper the day after Thanksgiving. A TV that is listed
full price at $150 is marked down 33%. What is the final price of the television after the

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the discount?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Partner Practice

For the first five problems, convert the given percent to an equivalent decimal form. For questions
6-12, solve for the final price.

1. 37% 2. 9% 3. 6.5% 4. 8.5% 5. 5%

6. In a grocery store, a $12 case of soda is marked down by 25%. What is the sale price of the
case of soda?

7. In a candy store, a $5.99 jar of candy is being sold at a 50% discount. What is the sale price
of the jar of candy?

8. If the sales tax rate is 7.5% in California, then how much would you pay in Los Angeles
for a pair of shoes that cost $39.49?

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

9. The price of a new car is $29,990. If the sales tax rate is 6.5%, then what is the total cost
for the car including tax?

10. If the sales tax rate is 9% in New York State, then how much sales tax would you pay in
Albany for a $34 pair of pants?

11. At a store they have a 42 TV that sells for $1250 and is on sale for 15%. What is the
final cost?

12. You go out to eat with 3 friends and your meal was $72.50 and you want to tip the waiter
15%. How much is the total tip?

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Independent Practice

For the first five problems, convert the given percent to an equivalent decimal form. For questions
6-9, solve for the final price.

1. 25% 2. 80% 3. 7.5% 4. 3.5% 5. 1%

6. A souvenir shop collects and sells maps from around the state of Arizona. The maps retail
for $12.99 apiece. If the state of Arizona charges a tax rate of 9% for all sales, what is the
final price of single map?

7. The price of goods at checkout in line at Target is $13.89. After scanning all the items, a
tax of 7% is charged. What is the final price after checkout with the tax included?

8. A warehouse is having a huge sale on all of their old merchandise. All products are being
marked down 35%. If a bedframe is originally priced at $85, what will be the final price after
the discount is applied?

9. The price of goods at checkout in line at Safeway is $15.89. After scanning their rewards
card, 15% of the price is taken off. What is the final price after checkout with the special

Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Common Core Prep: Justifying Answers

The new math assessments will expect us to be able to explain our thinking and how we arrived at
an answer. Read and solve the problem below that models this expectation.

In the box below, show your work. Draw a picture of the situation being described.

On the lines below, explain how you arrived at the solution. What steps did you take? Use the
sentence stems to write complete sentences in your response.








Francisco is preparing to go to Black Friday for all of his Christmas shopping. He has been
saving money all year; he has $425 to spend. Looking at the gifts he wants, it looks like
hell need at least $500. What was Franciscos percent error?

Solve it (show your work and steps) Draw it (visualize)
Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

Open-Ended Paragraph Frame

Use the steps below to craft a paragraph when you come across open-ended
responses in math class. Begin each sentence with the prompt and complete it
by describing your work.

1. The first step I took was

2. I did this because

3. Next, I

4. I took this step because

5. Finally, I had to

6. This is how I arrived at the answer of (YOUR ANSWER),
which answers the question of (repeat question from text

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