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Applications of Taxes and Discounts


Lesson Objective

Do Now

By the end of the lesson, we will be able to ____________________________________

(AZ-7.RP.A.3) Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems.
Tax/Discount Review

1. Raquel wants to buy a shirt that costs $16.99 and a pair of pants to go with the shirt for
$12.99. If there is a 7% sales tax, what is the final cost of her purchases?

2. The Family Dollar offers regular discounts at their stores. One weekend, they are
selling all merchandise at 15% off the listed price. Manuel and his mother separate in the
store and shop alone. When they meet at the cash register, he has bought $30 worth of
goods and she has bought $15 worth of items. How much money do they save after
applying the discount?
Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Teacher Model

When we solve for taxes, tips, discounts, or other problems with percents/decimals, sometimes
there is more than one task in a problem Look at the two examples below.

2. Example 2

Solving for the Final Price with Tax

John takes his family to Dennys for breakfast. John orders the Grand Slam and an orange juice,
which comes to a total of $6.50. His two kids both order the same breakfast plate, at a cost of
$4.35 each. If the tax for breakfast is 6.5%, how much will the final price be?
Solving for the Final Price with Discount

IKEA is holding a sale where everything in the store is 15% off everything. The discount will be
applied at checkout. Marshal sees a few items he likes for his home. A new drawer for $60, new
bed sheets for $18, and a painting for $85. What will be the final price for Marshal after the
discount is applied?

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Teacher Model

Look at the menu for the math caf to be able to answer the following questions.

1. Filiberto goes on a date to the Math Caf. He orders the Buffalo fingers as an appetizer,
two sodas, one medium pizza with two additional toppings, and for dessert he and his date
split a chocolate cake. He wants to impress the date by leaving a 20% tip. How much
should his tip be?

Buffalo fingers:

Medium Pizza:

Sodas (2x):

Chocolate Cake:

2. Julia goes to the Math Caf with her friends on Friday night. She starts her night with a
Caesar salad, then for an entre orders the Sirloin tips. She gets French fries and cole slaw
on the side. She wants to order a lemonade but is worried her $20 dollar bill wont be
enough does Julia have enough money to order a lemonade? How do you know?

Caesar salad:

Sirloin tips:

Sides (2x):

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Guided Practice

Look at the menu for the math caf to be able to answer the following questions.

1. After getting straight As on his report card, Lukes family takes him to the Math Caf
to celebrate. He is told to order whatever he likes, so he orders a chicken quesadilla, a
personal side pizza with one extra topping, and a cup of mixed vegetables. For dessert he
gets ice cream. If his parents just shared a hamburger for dinner, and the tax rate is 8.5%,
what will be the total cost to Lukes family for their visit to the Math Caf?

2. Martha has a coupon for the Math Caf. It is 25% off all entrees and 10% all desserts. If
she orders the vegetarian lasagna and strawberry shortcake, what will her bill be?

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Math Caf Extension

Look at the menu for the math caf and follow the questions in the order they appear.

Example: Consuela will be meeting for an interview at the Math Caf. Her employer is
late, so she orders food while waiting. She gets tomato soup, the big delicious salad, a
side of rice, and chocolate milk. If she he had a coupon for 30% off everything on the
menu and wants to leave a 20% tip on the pre-discounted price, what will the final price
be for Consuela?

Step 1: Add up components to find the total price

Step 2: Multiply the original price by the discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the total price

Step 4: Multiply the original price by the tip

Step 5: Add the tip to the discounted price

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Guided Practice

Look at the menu for the math caf and follow the questions in the order they appear.

Example: Gus wants to use an expiring coupon at the Math Caf. His coupon is good
for 20% off all menu items. He gets vegetable spring rolls, a side salad salad, a side of
fries, and the veggie burger. His friend his paying the tip, so he only has to worry about
the tax. The sales tax will be 8%. What is the final price to Gus after receiving his
discount but paying the tax?

Step 1: Add up components to find the total price

Step 2: Multiply the original price by the discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the total price

Step 4: Multiply the discounted price by the tax

Step 5: Add the tax to the discounted price

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Partner Practice

Read carefully and follow the guiding questions provided to answer the question.

Example: Miguel took his car in for service and repairs. The cost is broken down in the

He had a coupon for 15% off. What is the final price after applying the 8.5% sales tax?

Step 1: Add up components to find the total price

Step 2: Multiply the total price by the discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the total price

Step 4: Multiply the discounted price by the tax

Step 5: Add the tax to the discounted price

Labor $130.40
Parts $78.67
Other $18.13
Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Review: Adding for the Final Price

Read the word problems below and answer the questions accordingly. Follow the steps to correctly
solve for the final price.

1. The price of goods at checkout in line at Target is $16.57. After scanning all the items,
a tax of 7% is charged. What is the final price after checkout with the tax included?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the tax?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and tax

Step 3: Add the tax to the original price

2. The Andersons want to meet their friends at Starbucks for coffee. Mr and Mrs.
Anderson each get a deluxe coffee and the price is $9.09 between them. They want to tip
their barista 20%. What will be the total charge to the Andersons after tipping?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the tip?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and tip

Step 3: Add the tip to the original price

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Review: Subtracting for the Final Price

Read the word problems below and answer the questions accordingly. Follow the steps to correctly
solve for the final price.

1. The price of goods at checkout in line at Safeway is $30.88. After scanning their
rewards card, 8.5% of the price is taken off. What is the final price after checkout with the
special discount?

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the discount?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price

2. For Black Friday, many retailers offer special discounts to attract Christmas shoppers.
At Wal-Mart, TVs are significantly cheaper the day after Thanksgiving. A TV that is listed
full price at $250 is marked down 33%. What is the final price of the television after the

Step 1: What is the decimal form of the discount?

Step 2: Set up a multiplication problem with the original price and discount

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the original price

Applications of Taxes and Discounts

Math Caf Creation

Modeling your work after the examples in our notes, write a word problem that incorporates the
menu for the math caf.

Write the problem







Identify total price of menu items

Identify the percentage component of question


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