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The David Wilk Workout Plan (Faisal Khurshid, fall/winter 2012)

General Tips:
Always stretch.
Always strive for correct form (check YouTube vids and
Minimize time between sets (aim for around one minute).
When you think youre fatigued, you actually have two reps left. Your body is lying.
Eat enough and eat well, with emphasis on lean proteins and complex carbs.

Recommended Supplements:
Multi-Vitamin (ex Anavite), Fish Oil throughout day as dosage recommends
Jack3d Micro before workout, BCAA during workout
Protein (Whey after workout, Casein before bed)

Phase 1
Monday: Chest & Back
4 x 8 Chin-Ups
Pull up and hold position if fatigued
3 sets Dumbbell Bench superset
10 reps full weight followed by 12-15 reps half weight
Try to keep rest short (under 1 minute if possible, max 2-3 minutes)
3 sets Incline Dumbbell Bench superset
10 reps full weight followed by 12-15 reps flys with half weight minus 5lb
3 x 8 Pec Fly (machine)
Last two of each set should be struggle
3 sets Push Ups, to exhaustion
Aim for at least 10
Superset 3 x 8 Seated Row with 3 x 8 Lat Pulldown
Use arms only for seated row
Ab/Core Workouts
In & Out, Seated Bicycle (forward, backward), Hip rock back and raise, In
& Out with grab, Leg Climb, Plank, Side Plank, Mountain Climber, Knee
Raises, V-Ups, Scissors
Tuesday: Legs & Cardio
Do Cardio if desired
3 x 8 Back Squats
Feet shoulder width, arched neutral back, sit back with butt, pause, head
leads hips on way up. GO LOW.
3 x 8 Front Squats
Feet shoulder width, bar rests on clavicle, huge wrist bend to hold bar.
Descend butt back, go low, pause and drive up with heels.
3 x 8 Box Squats
Weight should be lighter than normal squat.
Feet much wider, sit back onto box at knee height of lower. Shins should
be perpendicular to ground; knee angle should be at 90-degree or less.
3 x 8 Forward Lunges with dumbbell weight
3 x 8 Romanian Deadlift
With overhand grip and straight elbows, deadlift to mid-thigh. This is
starting position.
Descend bar to below knee level (feel stretch in hamstring), squeeze butt
and reverse the motion to ascend. Hips should sit back then go forward.
3 x 8 Standing Calf Raise with dumbbell weight
With dumbbell in hand of target side, stand on elevated surface with ball
of foot. Go down, hold, go up, hold, repeat.
Ab/Core Workouts
Wednesday: Biceps & Triceps
4 x 8 Pull-Ups superset with 4 x 7-8 Concentration Curls
On pull-ups: palm faces towards body.
Keep hand clenched the whole way on concentration curls.
4 x 8/8 In & Out Bicep Curl superset with 4 x 7/7/7 Bicep Curl Partials
In & Out curls are one rep normal and one rep at 45-degree angle.
Curl partials are 7 bottom half, 7 top half, 7 full motion.
4 x 12 Skullcrusher superset with 20 Bench Dips
Skullcusher: lay on bench curl bar from vertical towards head.
Bench Dips: raise one leg, switch leg every 5 reps.
4 x 10 Tricep Kickbacks (dumbbell) superset with Diamond Pushups
Pushup sets are to exhaustion
Ab/Core Workouts
Thursday: Chest & Legs & Core
Do Cardio if desired
3 x 8 Bench Press (barbell)
3 x 8 Back Squats
3 x 8 Incline Bench Press (barbell)
3 x 8 Front Squats
3 x 8 Pec Fly (machine)
Harder Core Workout Sequence:
In & Out, Seated Bicycle (both ways), Hip rock back and raise, Push-ups
In & Out with grab, Leg Climp, V-Ups, Push-Ups
Wide Leg Sit-Ups, Leg Raises, Forward Plank, Side Plank, Push-Ups
Friday: Back & Shoulders
4 x 8 Reverse-Grip Pull-Ups
wider grip, palms facing away
4 x 8 Bent-Over Barbell Rows
4 x 8 Close-Grip Pulldowns
on Lat Pulldown machine
4 x 8 Reverse-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Rows
4 x 8 Deadlifts
4 x 8 Pull-Ups
4 x 8 Dumbbell Pullovers
With only upper back on bench and body flat, extend dumbbells from
vertical over body to horizontal above head, then pull up to start position
3 x 8/8/8 YTWL Dumbbell Raises
Lay face down on inclined bench
Y: arms hanging down to arms forming Y shape above shoulders
T: arms hanging down to arms spread (open chest)
W: elbows bent to dumbbells at ear-level
L : arms hang down, then raise up, then rotate dumbbell toward ear-level
Ab/Core Workouts
Saturday & Sunday: Do light cardio and core or stretching as desired

Recovery Week
Full Body Split:
Sunday Workout 1, Monday off, Tuesday Cardio, Wednesday Workout 2
Thursday off, Friday Cardio, Saturday Workout 1
Workout 1
1 x 15-20 Deadlift*
1 x 10-12 Push Press*
1 x 6-8 Pull-Ups (weighted if possible)
1 x 10-12 Snatch*
1 x 10-12 T-Bar Row
1 x 6-8 Dips (weighted if possible)
1 x 15-20 Shrugs
1 x 15-20 Seated Calf Raises
Workout 2
1 x 15-20 Squats
1 x 15-20 Pullovers
1 x 10-12 Bent-over Barbell Row
1 x 10-12 Power Clean*
1 x 8-10 Closed-Grip Bench Press
1 x 6-8 Pull-Ups (weighted if possible)
1 x 15-20 Standing Calf Raises
** Some of these are dangerous to the back if done with bad form
Possible alternatives: leg press for deadlift, overhead press for push press.

Phase 2
Monday: Chest & Triceps
5 minute cardio warm-up
Incline Dumbbell/Barbell Press
Warm-up set 8-12 reps, then 3 x 8-12 w/ 60-90 sec rest
Finish with mixed grip drop set (21 reps, 7 each grip)
Incline Dumbbell Fly
3 x 8-12 w/ 30-60 sec rest. Drop set on final set
Dumbbell/Barbell Bench Press
4 x 6-10 w/ 60-90 sec rest
Chest dips superset with chest-modified push-ups
3 sets to failure. 30 sec rest
Skullcrushers superset with closed-grip bench press
8-12 rep warm-up set, then 3 x 12-16 w/ 60 sec rest
Tricep Pushdown (w/ rope cable)
3 x 12-16 w/ 30 sec rest
Tricep Extension (overhead with dumbbell)
Drop set (four drops), no rest
Ab/Core Workouts
Tuesday: Biceps & Back & Calves
5 minute cardio warm-up
Wide-grip pull-up: 4 x 10 w/ 60 sec rest
Bent-over T-Bar Row
3 x 10-15 w/ 60 sec rest. Drop set on final set
Single-Arm Row w/ Dumbbell
3 x 8-12 w/ 60 sec rest
Straight-Arm Lat Pull-Down (w/ rope cable)
Arms grip bar at 90-degree then pull down towards body
3 x 15 w/ 30 sec rest
EZ Bar Curl
2 x 12-14 w/ 60 sec rest. Strict form
2 x 4-6 w/ 60 sec rest.
Incline Dumbbell Curl
4 x 10-12 w/ 30-60 sec rest
Spider curl superset w/ dumbbell hammer curl
2 sets to failure w/ 30 sec rest
Standing Calf Raise: 4 x 10 w/ 30-60 sec rest
Donkey Calf Raise: 4 x 10 w/ 30-60 sec rest. Drop set each time
Seated Calf Raise: 4 x 15 w/ 30-60 sec rest
Wednesday: Cardio & Core
5 minute cardio warm-up
Intensive Ab/Core Workouts
Thursday: Hamstrings & Quadriceps
5 minute cardio warm-up
Straight-Leg Deadlift
Warm-up set (8-12) then 3 x 8-12 w/ 60 sec rest
Standing Leg Curl: 3 x 8-12 w/ 60 sec rest
Seated Leg Curl: 5 x 8-12 w/ 30 sec rest
Front Squats
Warm-up set (10-15)
3 x 14-16 10-12 6-8 w/ 60-90 sec rest & drop set
Leg Press: 3 x 10-12 w/ 60 sec rest and drop set
Leg Extension superset with Jumping Lunges
3 x 12-15 each w/ 30 sec rest
Friday: Shoulders & Traps & Calves
5 minute cardio warm-up
Dumbbell Press: 3 x 12-16 w/ 60-90 sec rest and drop set
Lateral Raises: 3 x 10-12 w/ 30-60 sec rest and triple drop set
Reverse Pec Deck Flys: 5 x 10-14 w/ 30 sec rest
Front Raise superset with Upright Row
3 x 10-14 w/ 60 sec rest
Barbell Shrugs: 8-12 rep warmup then 4 x 8-12 w/ 60 sec rest
Standing Calf Raise: 4 x 10 w/ 30-60 sec rest
Donkey Calf Raise: 4 x 10 w/ 30-60 sec rest. Drop set every set
Seated Calf Raise: 4 x 15 w/ 30-60 sec rest
Saturday: Cardio & Core
5 minute cardio warm-up
Intensive Ab/Core Workouts

Recovery Week (same as previous)

Phase 3
Monday: Chest & Triceps
5 minute cardio warm-up
Ab/Core Workouts
Tuesday: Biceps & Back & Calves
5 minute cardio warm-up
Wednesday: Cardio & Core
5 minute cardio warm-up
Intensive Ab/Core Workouts
Thursday: Hamstrings & Quadriceps
5 minute cardio warm-up
Friday: Shoulders & Traps & Calves
5 minute cardio warm-up
Saturday: Cardio & Core
5 minute cardio warm-up
Intensive Ab/Core Workouts

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