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University Library newsletter - information and new developments from your
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October 2014
You can also view this newsletter online.
In this issue
Library survey - have your say!
Russian DVDs - new acquisition!
Talk by Calligrapher Donald J ackson
Now we're open 0800 - 0200 every day
A year of gift cataloguing
Open access publishing for the humanities: a SPARC Europe UK road show
New student guide
Library survey - have your say!
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How do you feel about the Library and our services? Is the Library too small? Do you
think the Helpdesk staff are great? Is it too noisy?
We know that people feel strongly about talking on stairs, the improvements to Inter-
Library Loan, the ability to request books through MoreBooks@st-andrews, and the
Library being overcrowded, so now is your chance to tell us exactly what you think!
In return we promise to listen to what you say and think about how we can make
improvements. We also promise if you give us your details to enter you into a prize
draw to win 250 of Amazon vouchers.
All staff and students are welcome to enter! Complete the online survey now! It should
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only take 5 minutes.
Russian DVDs - new acquisition!
We've had some interesting recent additions to our Library DVD collections!
Around 30 Russian-language DVDs from 1930s musicals to 1990 TV series have
Here are some examples:
Dvd PN1997.M8D8 - My iz Kronshtadta (1936) (We are from Kronstadt)
Dvd PN1997.C54R5 - Chelovek niotkuda (1961) (The Man from Nowhere)
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Search SAULCAT for more.
- Acquisitions team
Talk by Master Calligrapher Donald Jackson
The next Friends of the Library lecture will be on Thursday, November 6 at 5.15pm
in the Arts Lecture Theatre, and will be delivered by Master Calligrapher Donald
Jackson, who will be talking about The Saint John's Bible: Handwriting a
Contemporary Illuminated Manuscript.
Made of vellum, and with 160 illuminations, the Saint J ohn's Bible is the first completely
handwritten and illuminated Bible to have been commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey
since the invention of the printing press. Worked on between 1998 and 2011 under
Donald J ackson's artistic direction, it cost an estimated $8 million to produce. The
completed work is divided into seven volumes and is two feet tall by three feet wide
when open.
We are excited to have Donald J ackson here in St Andrews to tell us more about this
project, and we hope as many people as possible will come along to hear him speak.
Tea and coffee will be served as usual after the talk, and all will be very welcome.
- Friends of the Library
Now we're open 0800 - 0200 every day
The Main Library has changed its opening hours during semester from 8am-2am
Monday-Thursday, 8am-midnight Friday, 10am-midnight Saturday and 10am-2am
Sunday to: 8am-2am 7 days a week!
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Since early 2010, theres been a gradual increase in the Main Librarys opening hours to
meet the growing demand of its users, recognising that different people work in the
Library in different ways. Weve also recognised that theres less and less difference
between weekdays and weekends in terms of footfall and in actual fact, Sundays are
frequently our busiest day of the week for visitors.
We are incredibly grateful to our own team of Attendants, colleagues in Estates for their
efforts to increase cleaning service provision and also to the Students Association and
the Students' Representative Council for the sterling work theyve done over the last year
to keep the issue of opening hours at the forefront of our discussions with them.
More details are available on our Library blog.
Do you know what these terms mean?
Green and Gold
accepted manuscript
version of record
Have you heard about RC-UK and Hefce Open Access policies? Are you familiar
with copyright? None the wiser? Please read on...
The University Library has a long history of supporting Open Access, mandating deposit
of electronic theses since September 2006 and is a member of the British Librarys E-
Theses Online Service (EThOS). A major funder, the Wellcome Trust, introduced its
policy on article and conference proceedings in 2006. But the Open Access and
research funding landscapes are changing rapidly with major funders coming on board
such as Research Councils UK in 2013. Hefce has now introduced an Open Access
requirement for REF-admissible research publications, which is expected to be a game
changer in the UK. Also, the Wellcome Trust recently extended its policy to monographs
and books. So its important that research staff and students are aware of current
developments for their academic careers and the dissemination and impact of their
The OpenAccess@StAndrews blog is a rich source of current information featuring
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regular posts on many aspects of Open Access and related topics you might not have
considered. Recent posts covered a new Open Access book on French History and
Culture, St Andrews academic engagement with Pure and
Research@StAndrews:FullText and a freely available report about Affordable Housing in
St Andrews. Open Access has many dimensions.
We encourage readers to leave comments on the blog to help us get as much feedback
as possible to understand researcher needs and support their journey to Open Access.
Have a look at our recent International Open Access Week (20-26 October) posts.
Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback.
Find essential information about Open Access and support for Open Access on the
Library webpages.
- Open Access team
A year of gift cataloguing
Book from the Oresko Collection
Since September 2014 we have catalogued a total of 2783 gift items, all of which
are now available in SAULCAT and SEEKER. The material came from a range of
donors, including:
428 items from Robert Oresko
216 anonymous gifts
14 books from Stirling University
98 from the Ardekani collection
90 volumes from the late Oliver Smith
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77 items from Celia Kerslake
These gifts cover a wide range of subjects including art history, poetry, coastal erosion
and South-West European history. We, in the Cataloguing team, analyse the content of
each item and include as many keywords and subject terms as possible to help you find
the books you need.
Although our cataloguers have excellent detective skills as well as expertise in German,
Persian, French and Italian, the variety of foreign language material among gifts can be
challenging! For example, the donation from Stirling University was entirely in German,
the Ardekani collection was in Persian while the Oresko collection contained French and
Italian elements. The greatest linguistic challenges, however, were the Turkish-language
Kerslake collection, two books in Hungarian in the Oresko collection and a book in
Luxembourgish. If you have expertise in any languages and would be willing to help us,
we would love to hear from you!
Have a look at our Oresko collection in SAULCAT.
- Cataloguing team
Open Access publishing for the humanities: a
SPARC Europe UK road show
The Library, in association with SPARC Europe, is hosting a road show especially
for humanities researchers to learn more about Open Access publishing options.
Come along to Lower College Hall on 26th November, 12-2pm. Lunch will be provided.
A number of Open Access publishers (Manchester University Press, Knowledge
Unlatched, Ubiquity Press, Open Book Publishers, Oapen, The Open Library of
Humanities, Open Humanities Press) will be exhibiting information about their publishing
programmes in a tradeshow area and this will include materials and samples of
publications as well as short presentations about their activities. This is an opportunity to
meet these publishers, most of whom are themselves researchers who have established
Open Access presses, and to discuss the practicalities of publishing your work in both
Open Access monographs and journals.
Speakers are:
Eelco Ferwerda of OAPEN and DOAB
Dr Rupert Gatti, Open Book Publishers and University of Cambridge
Dr Guy Rowlands of the University of St. Andrews
For more information, please email: [email protected]
- Open Access team
New students guide
Are you a new student at St Andrews? Maybe you didnt make it to one of the Library
tours during orientation week, or maybe you did but want to know more? In order to help
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you, and anyone who needs to find out more about the Library weve created our New
Students Guide.
A screenshot of our guide
Whether you need to find out where the Library is, or want to know more about where
youll find the resources for your subject, the guide has the answers to your questions.
Youll find floor plans for the Main Library, videos on how to use our self-service borrow
and return services, how to search SAULCAT the Library catalogue, and much, much
The New Students Guide is a great place to start, and if you cant find the answer you
need, use the Contact us tab to see all the options for asking your own questions.
- Academic Liaison team
Subscribe to our RSS feeds for all new acquisitions: books, DVDs, etc and new
items by subject

read the Library Blog | follow on Twitter | like on Facebook
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Questions: Please email [email protected]
Address: University of St Andrews Library, North Street, St Andrews, KY16 9TR, Scotland
Tel : +44 (0)1334 462283
Images: University of St Andrews, Cataloguing team, and Kim Bennett.
The University of St Andrews is not responsible for the content of external websites accessed via links in
this e-newsletter.

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