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(2013-2014 Review Cycle)

Civil Engineering Program

College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture

Umm Al-Qura University


Saudi Arabia

June, 2013

The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except
for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.

Table of Contents
BACKGROUND INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 9
A. Contact Information .................................................................................................... 9
B. Program History .......................................................................................................... 9
C. Options ........................................................................................................................ 9
D. Organizational Structure ........................................................................................... 10
D-1 Organizational Chart ..................................................................................... 10
D-2 ABET Accreditation Steering Committee .................................................... 10
D-3 Curriculum Committee ................................................................................. 11
D-4 Graduation Projects Committee .................................................................... 12
D-5 Surveys Committee ....................................................................................... 12
D-6 Assessment & Evaluation Committee .......................................................... 12
D-7 Laboratories Committee ............................................................................... 12
D-8 External Advisory Board (EAB) .................................................................. 12
D-9 Academic Advisement Committee ............................................................... 13
D-10 Student Advisory Board (Student Council) ................................................ 13
D-11 ASCE Advisor ............................................................................................ 13
D-12 ABET Coordinator...................................................................................... 13
E. Program Delivery Modes .......................................................................................... 13
F. Program Locations .................................................................................................... 13
G. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the
Actions Taken to Address Them............................................................................... 13
H. Joint Accreditation .................................................................................................... 13
CRITERION 1: STUDENTS ................................................................................................... 14
A. Student Admissions .................................................................................................. 14
B. Evaluating Students Performance ............................................................................. 15
B-1 Examination and Grading System ................................................................ 16
B-2 Minimum GPA.............................................................................................. 17
B-3 Academic Probation ...................................................................................... 17
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses ................................................................... 18
C-1 Transfer from Other Universities .................................................................. 18
C-2 Transfer of students within the University.................................................... 19
C-3 Transfer to a department within the College................................................. 19
D. Advising and Career Guidance ................................................................................. 20
D-1 Registration Procedure.................................................................................. 20
D-2 Academic Advisement Committee ............................................................... 20
D-3 Functions of the Academic Advisor ............................................................. 20
D-4 Registration Process...................................................................................... 21
D-5 Process for Eliminating Pre-Requisite Violations ........................................ 22
D-6 Process for Minimizing Deviation from the Study Plan ............................... 23
E. Work in Lieu of Courses ........................................................................................... 23
F. Graduation requirements ........................................................................................... 23
F-2 Process for checking the graduation requirements ........................................ 25
G. Transcripts of Recent Graduates ............................................................................... 25
CRITERION 2: PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES ............................................ 26
A. Mission Statement ..................................................................................................... 26
A-1 Mission of the University ............................................................................. 26
A-2 College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture Mission........................... 26

A-3 Civil Engineering Department Mission ........................................................ 26
B. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) .................................................................. 28
C. Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the
Institution .................................................................................................................. 28
D. Program Constituencies ............................................................................................ 29
E. Process of Revision of PEOs .................................................................................... 29
E-1 Initial Establishment of PEOs ....................................................................... 29
E-2 PEOs Revision Process ................................................................................. 30
CRITERION 3: STUDENT OUTCOMES ............................................................................. 32
A. Student Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 32
B. Relationship of SOs to PEOs .................................................................................... 33
CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ............................................................... 35
A. Student Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 35
A-1 Essential Elements of SO Assessment & Evaluation ................................... 35
A-2 Assessment Processes Summary .................................................................. 43
A-3 Assessment Processes Details....................................................................... 45
A-4 SO Attainment indicated by Formative Assessments ................................... 59
A-5 SO Attainment indicated by Summative Assessment .................................. 69
A-6 SO Attainment indicated by Course-wise Student Survey ........................... 74
A-7 SO Attainment through indicated by Course-wise Faculty Survey .............. 74
A-8 SO Attainment indicated by Exit Surveys ........................................ 75
A-9 SO Attainment indicated through Alumni Survey ........................................ 81
A-10 SO Attainment indicated through Employer Survey ........................ 82
A-11 SOs Revision Process ................................................................................. 83
B. Continuous Improvement.......................................................................................... 84
B-1 Microscopic Continuous Improvement Process ........................................... 84
B-2 Loop-closing ................................................................................................. 87
B-3 SO Loop Closing Data for Spring 2013 ........................................................ 89
B-3-1 SO (a) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 90
B-3-2 SO (b) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 90
B-3-3 SO (c) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 91
B-3-4 SO (d) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 91
B-3-5 SO (e) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 92
B-3-6 SO (f) Loop-closing ................................................................................... 92
B-3-7 SO (g) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 93
B-3-8 SO (h) Loop-closing .................................................................................. 93
B-3-9 SO (i) Loop-closing ................................................................................... 94
B-3-10 SO (j) Loop-closing ................................................................................. 94
B-3-11 SO (k) Loop-closing ................................................................................ 95
B-4 Improvement Planning based on Facultys Opinion of Students Weaknesses
.............................................................................................................................. 95
B-5 Improvement Planning based on Course Readiness ..................................... 97
B-6 Improvement Planning based on Exit Surveys ........................................... 101
B-7 Improvement Planning based on Alumni and Employers Surveys ........... 101
B-8 Improvement through Curriculum .............................................................. 103
B-9 Future Program Improvement Plans ........................................................... 104
C. Additional Information ........................................................................................... 104
CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM.......................................................................................... 105
B. Program Curriculum ............................................................................................... 105

A-1 Plan of Study............................................................................................... 105
A-2 Curriculum Alignment to Program Educational Objectives ....................... 120
A-3 Curriculum Alignment to Student Outcomes ............................................. 121
A-4 Prerequisite Structure of Required CE Courses .......................................... 121
A.5 Satisfaction of Hours and Depth Requirements .......................................... 123
A-6 Major Design Experience ........................................................................... 127
A-7 Cooperative Education................................................................................ 129
A-8 Materials Available for Review during Visit.............................................. 130
B. Course Syllabi ................................................................................................................... 130
CRITERION 6. FACULTY ................................................................................................... 131
A. Faculty Qualifications ............................................................................................. 131
B. Faculty Workload.................................................................................................... 131
C. Faculty Size ............................................................................................................. 131
D. Professional Development ...................................................................................... 132
E. Authority and Responsibility of Faculty ................................................................. 132
CRITERION 7: FACILITIES ............................................................................................... 138
A. Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories .................................................................... 138
A-1-1 Offices ..................................................................................................... 138
A-2 Classrooms .................................................................................................. 139
A.3 Laboratories ................................................................................................ 140
B. Computing Resources ............................................................................................. 148
B-1 University Computing Resources ............................................................... 148
B-2 College Computer Resources ...................................................................... 148
B-3 Department Computer Laboratory .............................................................. 148
B-4 Faculty Personal Computer ......................................................................... 148
B-5 ELECTRONIC-GATE System ................................................................... 148
C. Guidance ................................................................................................................. 148
D. Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities ............................................................... 149
E. Library Services ...................................................................................................... 149
E-1 Library Collections...................................................................................... 151
E-2 Library Databases........................................................................................ 151
F. Overall Comments on Facilities.............................................................................. 152
F-1 General Safety Measures ............................................................................. 152
F-2 Laboratory Safety Guidelines ...................................................................... 152
F-3 Policies related to the safety of computer software: .................................... 153
CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT ................................................................... 154
A. Leadership .................................................................................................................... 154
B. Program Budget Process and Financial Support .......................................................... 154
B-1 Sources of Financial Support ...................................................................... 154
B-2 Support for Teaching Activities .................................................................. 156
B-3 Support for Facilities................................................................................... 156
B-4 Adequacy of Budget ................................................................................... 156
C. Staffing ......................................................................................................................... 156
D. Faculty Hiring and Retention ....................................................................................... 157
E. Support of Faculty Professional Development ............................................................. 157
CRITERION 9. PROGRAM CRITERIA .............................................................................. 159
A. Curriculum .............................................................................................................. 159
B. Faculty..................................................................................................................... 161

References 162
Appendix A Course Syllabi ................................................................................................ 163
Plan 25 Core Courses ........................................................................................................ 163
List of Plan 25 Core Courses ............................................................................. 164
Engineering Mathematics I ................................................................................ 166
Engineering Mathematics II ............................................................................... 168
Engineering Drawing II ..................................................................................... 170
Statics ................................................................................................................. 172
Numerical Methods ............................................................................................ 174
Fluid Mechanics ................................................................................................. 176
Surveying I ......................................................................................................... 178
Civil Engineering Drawing ................................................................................ 180
Strength of Materials.......................................................................................... 182
Hydraulics .......................................................................................................... 184
Water Resources Engineering ............................................................................ 186
Basic Geology .................................................................................................... 188
Soil Mechanics I ................................................................................................ 190
Engineering Projects Management .................................................................... 192
Structural Analysis I .......................................................................................... 194
Transportation Engineering I ............................................................................. 196
Concrete Technology ......................................................................................... 198
Building Materials ............................................................................................. 200
Engineering Reports Writing ............................................................................. 202
Surveying II ....................................................................................................... 204
Soil Mechanics II ............................................................................................... 206
Foundation Engineering ..................................................................................... 208
Structural Analysis II ......................................................................................... 210
Reinforced Concrete Design I ............................................................................ 212
Reinforced Concrete Design II .......................................................................... 214
Design of Steel Structure ................................................................................... 216
Transportation Engineering II ............................................................................ 218
Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply ............................................................ 220
Construction Engineering .................................................................................. 222
Contract and Specifications ............................................................................... 224
Graduation Project ............................................................................................. 226
Islamic Culture I ................................................................................................ 228
Islamic Culture II ............................................................................................... 229
Islamic Culture III .............................................................................................. 231
Islamic Culture IV.............................................................................................. 233
The Holy Quran I ............................................................................................... 235
The Holy Quran II .............................................................................................. 236
The Holy Quran III ............................................................................................ 237
The Holy Quran IV ............................................................................................ 238
Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ...................................................... 239
Arabic Language ................................................................................................ 240
Calculus I ........................................................................................................... 241
Calculus II .......................................................................................................... 242
General Physics I ............................................................................................... 243
General Physics II .............................................................................................. 245

General Chemistry I ........................................................................................... 246
English Language I ............................................................................................ 247
Communication Skills in English I .................................................................... 248
Communication Skills in English II ................................................................... 249
Computer Programming I .................................................................................. 250
Electrical Engineering for CE Students ............................................................. 251
Engineering Statistics and Probability Theory .................................................. 252
Engineering Drawing I ....................................................................................... 253
Workshop Basics ............................................................................................... 254
Engineering Economics ..................................................................................... 255
Experimental Engineering for the Civil Engineer ............................................. 256
Dynamics ........................................................................................................... 257
Plan 30 Core Courses ........................................................................................................ 258
List of Civil Engineering Core Courses for PLAN 30 ....................................... 259
Engineering Mathematics I ................................................................................ 260
Engineering Mathematics II ............................................................................... 262
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) ...................................................................... 264
Statics ................................................................................................................. 266
Numerical Methods ............................................................................................ 268
Fluid Mechanics ................................................................................................. 270
Plane Surveying ................................................................................................. 272
Mechanics of Materials ...................................................................................... 274
Hydraulics .......................................................................................................... 276
Water Resources Engineering ............................................................................ 278
Basic Geology .................................................................................................... 280
Theory of Structures .......................................................................................... 282
Introduction to Transportation Engineering....................................................... 284
Engineering Design ............................................................................................ 286
Concrete Technology ......................................................................................... 288
Building Materials ............................................................................................. 290
Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey .......................................................... 292
Soil Mechanics ................................................................................................... 294
Foundation Engineering ..................................................................................... 296
Structural Analysis ............................................................................................. 298
Reinforced Concrete Design I ............................................................................ 300
Reinforced Concrete Design II .......................................................................... 302
Design of Steel Structures .................................................................................. 304
Highway Engineering ........................................................................................ 306
Environmental Engineering ............................................................................... 308
Contract and Specifications ............................................................................... 310
Professional Ethics ............................................................................................. 312
Graduation Project ............................................................................................. 314
Islamic Culture I ................................................................................................ 315
Islamic Culture II ............................................................................................... 316
Islamic Culture III .............................................................................................. 318
Islamic Culture IV.............................................................................................. 320
The Holy Quran I ............................................................................................... 322
The Holy Quran II .............................................................................................. 323
The Holy Quran III ............................................................................................ 324
The Holy Quran IV ............................................................................................ 325

Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ...................................................... 326
Arabic Language ................................................................................................ 327
Calculus I ........................................................................................................... 328
Calculus II .......................................................................................................... 329
General Physics I ............................................................................................... 330
General Physics II .............................................................................................. 332
General Chemistry I ........................................................................................... 333
English Language I ............................................................................................ 334
Communication Skills in English I .................................................................... 335
Communication Skills in English II ................................................................... 336
Computer Programming I .................................................................................. 337
Electrical Engineering for CE Students ............................................................. 338
Engineering Statistics and Probability Theory .................................................. 339
Engineering Drawing I ....................................................................................... 340
Workshop Basics ............................................................................................... 341
Engineering Economics ..................................................................................... 342
Experimental Engineering for the Civil Engineer ............................................. 343
Appendix B Faculty Vitae .................................................................................................. 345
Name: ABDULRAZAK B. ABDULGHAFOUR.............................................. 346
1) Name: AHMED H. BAKHIT ......................................................... 348
2) Name: ALI A. AL-MASMOUM .................................................... 350
3) Name: ALI M. AL-SHAERY ......................................................... 351
4) Name: ALI M. IBRAHEEM ........................................................... 353
5) Name: ASIF A. HUSAIN ............................................................... 355
6) Name: AYMAN G. ABDEL-RAHMAN ....................................... 357
7) Name: BASAM A. GHULMAN .................................................... 359
8) Name: EHAB ABDURAHEEM A. MLYBARI ............................ 360
9) Name: ERFAN M. A. AL-QASIMI ............................................... 362
10) Name: FAIZ ABDULLAH M. MIRZA.......................................... 364
11) Name: IMTIAZ A. AHMED .......................................................... 366
12) Name: KEHLAN A. SALMAN ...................................................... 368
13) Name: KHALID L. EL-ASHMAWY ............................................. 370
14) Name: MAHMOUD A. ELTOUKHY ............................................ 372
15) Name: MAHMOUD M. ELSAADANY ........................................ 374
16) Name: MAJID M. ASSAS .............................................................. 376
17) Name: MAJID O. ALSAYDALANI .............................................. 378
18) Name: MARAI A. AL-SHIHRI ...................................................... 380
19) Name: MARWAN A. SARRAJ ..................................................... 381
20) Name: MEDHAT M. HELAL ........................................................ 382
21) Name: MOHAMED A. ALSABBAN ............................................ 384
22 ) Name: MOHAMMED A. SAIF ...................................................... 385
23) Name: MOHAMMED H. ALWY .................................................. 387
24) Name: MOUSSA S. EL-BISY ........................................................ 388
25) Name: MUHAMMAD H. IMAM................................................... 390
26) Name: SAMEH A. EL-REFAIE. .................................................... 392
27) Name: TAREK A. EL-DAMATY .................................................. 394
28) Name: TARIQ M. NAHHAS ......................................................... 396
29) Name: TURKI M. AL-ABOUD ..................................................... 398
Appendix C Equipment....................................................................................................... 400

Appendix D Institutional Summary ................................................................................ 407
A. The Institution .............................................................................................................. 407
A-1 Name and address of the institution............................................................ 407
A-2 Name and title of the chief executive officer of the institution .................. 407
A.3 Name and title of the person submitting the self-study report .................... 407
A.4 Name the organizations by which the institution is now accredited and the
dates of the initial and most recent accreditation evaluations. ........................... 407
B. Type of Control ............................................................................................................. 407
C. Educational Unit ........................................................................................................... 407
D. Academic Support Units ............................................................................................... 408
E. Non-academic Support Units ........................................................................................ 408
E-1 Deanship of Admissions and Registration .................................................. 408
E-2 Deanship of Library Affairs ........................................................................ 409
E-3 Deanship of Information Technology ......................................................... 409
E-4 Deanship of Student Affairs ........................................................................ 410
F. Credit Unit ..................................................................................................................... 411
G. Tables ........................................................................................................................... 411
Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data ............................................ 412
Table D-2. Personnel ........................................................................................ 413
Appendix E Policy on Regulations of Study and Examinations......................................... 414
Signature Attesting to Compliance ........................................................................................ 420


A. Contact Information
Dr. Mohammad A. Saif
Head of Civil Engineering Department
College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture
Umm Al-Qura University
P.O. Box 9125, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-2-527-0000 Ext 1524
Fax: +966-2-527-0027
E-mail: [email protected]
B. Program History
The Civil Engineering Program started with the establishment of the department of the College
of Engineering and Islamic Architecture at Umm Al-Qura University (UQU). The college
started with four departments: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Islamic Architecture. After a few years of initial planning and after obtaining
the necessary resources from the institution, the first batch of students was admitted to the
Civil Engineering Program in Fall-1986. The degree offered by Civil Engineering Program is
called Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.

The program has not gone through a general review by ABET or any external accreditation
agency yet. This report is for an initial ABET accreditation.

The program curriculum has gone through several changes since it started. The curriculum that
was introduced nine years ago is known as Plan 25. This curriculum was a little deficient
with 29 units of Math and Sciences. The requirement of 32 units of Math and Science was not
satisfied. Also, a program requirement for Civil Engineering of one additional area of basic
science was not met. To rectify this deficiency, a short-term stopgap arrangement was made on
the recommendation of the curriculum committee of the department approved by the faculty in
the departmental council meeting. This stopgap arrangement encouraged the students to take a
Numerical Methods course and a Basic Geology course as electives. At the same time,
based on the recommendations of various constituencies, over the past few years, a thorough
overhaul of the program has already been performed to improve the program. This improved
plan has already been implemented with the name Plan 30. The students being admitted to
the program since Fall-2009 are following the curriculum of Plan 30. Currently the department
is going through a transition period and we have students from both plans: Plan 25 and Plan 30.
Within a period of two years all students of plan 25 will have graduated and only Plan 30 will
remain in effect. The Plan 30 has Numerical Methods and Basic Geology as compulsory
courses to satisfy the requirements of ABET accreditation. The chapter on curriculum (Chapter
5) will present the details of both plans. As a persistent continuous improvement policy, the
program goes through a review every five years and recommendations of all the constituencies
are considered.
C. Options
At present, the department of civil engineering offers a single option. The graduates from the
program obtain a degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.
D. Organizational Structure
The Civil Engineering (CE) program is run mainly by the civil engineering faculty under the
leadership of the chairman of the department who is responsible for all administrative matters.
All matters requiring a decision are presented in the departmental council meeting. Based on
the faculty opinion, decisions are made and documented. The recommendations and decisions
made in the departmental council are sent to the dean for approval. The dean presents
important matters to the college council for making decisions. The heads of the academic
departments, all vice deans, college academic coordinator, director of summer training unit and
some selected senior faculty constitute the college council which is chaired by the dean. The
decisions and recommendations of the college council are sent to the relevant university
administration officials for final approval and action. The organizational structure is illustrated
by the organizational chart and the tasks of various committees as follows
D-1 Organizational Chart
The chart in Fig. 0-1 shows that each college is headed by a Dean who reports to the Rector of
the University appointed by the Minister of Higher Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Rector is assisted by a few Vice-rectors and the administrative units. The Dean of the
college of Engineering is supported by four Vice-Deans, a Summer Training Coordinator and a
College Academic Coordinator. The chairmen of the four departments report to the Dean. The
chair of the Civil Engineering Department is supported by the Faculty, Administrative staff and
a number of committees.

The committees have been formed by the departmental council. The tasks of the committees
are described as follows:
D-2 ABET Accreditation Steering Committee
a) Leads the work for ABET accreditation.
b) Plans the tasks, implements the plans and monitors work progress of all other
c) Plans the revision of the program educational objectives (PEOs), Student
Outcomes (SOs) and the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).
d) Co-ordinates the communication among faculty concerning ABET
Accreditation process, report the progress, and assign faculty for various
committees and for preparing Self Study Report (SSR) and other reports.
e) Compiles the feedback of the assessment process into recommendations and
submit it to the External Advisory Board (EAB) meeting.
f) Arranges meetings of the EAB once per year.
g) Prepares EAB meeting documents such as agenda and working papers and
sends them to the EAB members well before the scheduled date of the meeting.
h) Prepares the minutes of the EAB meeting and documents the opinions of the
EAB members.


Figure 01: Administrative Structure of Civil Engineering Department
D-3 Curriculum Committee
a) Reviews currently-in-progress curriculum for weaknesses and suggest measures
to overcome the weaknesses.
b) Makes decisions on proposals for course and curriculum improvements.
c) Sets up the prerequisite structure of the program and make sure that it is
d) Promotes the implementation of new educational technologies that enhance
learning and encourage faculty to publish course materials on the Web.
e) Updates faculty members with recent rules and guidelines for textbook
selection, review textbook forms, and give recommendations.
f) Assesses the implementation of the curriculum in all courses being taught. The
committee may demand the samples of examinations, homework and grading
procedures from all faculty members to ascertain that the curriculum is being
g) Performs final assessment of the implementation of the curriculum by reviewing
the course files submitted by the faculty at the end of the semester.
D-4 Graduation Projects Committee
a) Develops learning outcomes for the projects.
b) Controls the distribution of graduation projects.
c) Monitors the progress of projects.
d) Makes assessment and grading rules and implement them to ensure that the
projects completed by the students are Capstone Design Projects.
e) Ensures a procedure for uniform assessment and grading of all projects.
D-5 Surveys Committee
a) Conducts surveys for all graduating students (Exit Interview) that provides a
secondary (indirect measure) for Student Outcomes.
b) Assigns one or more faculty members to interview the graduates in person and
assess how much they have achieved the Student Outcomes. (direct measure)
c) Conducts employers survey to obtain data about how well our graduates are
attaining the PEOs and SOs.
d) Collects information on graduates and conduct a survey for alumni targeting
graduates within 3-5 years of receiving their degrees. Analyze the data collected
through surveys and report results to the assessment and evaluation committee.
D-6 Assessment & Evaluation Committee
a) Oversees the assessment process in the department
b) Analyses and evaluates the assessments of PEOs, SOs and CLOs.
c) Rreviews the courses files and SO satisfaction data.
d) Rreviews the Continuous Improvement Plans submitted by the faculty for
courses with SO satisfaction lower than the specified satisfaction criterion.
D-7 Laboratories Committee
a) Keeps a complete inventory of all lab equipment.
b) Identifies strengths and weaknesses of existing laboratories and facilities.
c) Develops plans for improvement of the laboratories.
d) Initiate requests for new laboratories or upgrades of existing ones with complete
list of equipment, possible vendors and approximate price quotes.
e) Plan for upgrading, maintenance, technical support, safety policy, etc. for all
laboratories and facilities of the department.
f) Implement the safety rules for each lab.
g) Create awareness among students of safety in the laboratories.
D-8 External Advisory Board (EAB)
The External Advisory Board has representatives from the following constituencies:
a) Programs graduates.
b) National and regional employers of programs graduates.
c) Local government: both as an employer and as a party interested in the region
economy and workforce needs.
d) Faculty from other national and international institutes.
The EAB meets once per year. Its tasks are as follows:
a) Review the vision, mission, PEOs and SOs of the program.
b) Review the progress towards accreditation.
c) Suggest improvements in the curriculum to suit the current job market for the
program graduates.
D-9 Academic Advisement Committee
a) Plans and supervise general academic advising.
b) Deals with academic advisement issues/problems
c) Plans and supervises career advising.
d) Creates awareness in students about advising and encourage them to have
meetings with their advisors.
D-10 Student Advisory Board (Student Council)
a) Give feedback on curriculum, laboratories and the program in general to the
ABET Steering Committee.
b) Arrange seminars and short courses to enhance students abilities
D-11 ASCE Advisor
a) Maintains ASCE local chapter.
b) Plans and organizes ASCE activities.
c) Encourages students to participate in activities of this chapter.
D-12 ABET Coordinator
a) Maintains the system of assessment and evaluation for the accreditation of civil
engineering program with ABET.
b) Advises the faculty on assessment procedures
c) Advises committees about ABET accreditation requirements.
d) Coordinates amongst various ABET committees.
e) Coordinates, assists and provides feedback to the Dean and Dept. Head with
reference to ABET related activities.
f) Prepares course folder guidelines
g) Collects and keeps track of submitted course folders.
h) Coordinates the preparation of SSR
E. Program Delivery Modes
The program is delivered basically through daytime classes. Most classes are between the time
spans of 8 AM to 4 PM. However, due to non-availability of classrooms or faculty engagement
in certain projects, classes are also offered in the evening. No classes are offered during the
weekend. The courses are delivered in traditional lecture/laboratory environment.
F. Program Locations
The program is offered at the new Abdia campus in the holy city of Makkah Al-Mukerremeh.
G. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous
Evaluation(s) and the Actions Taken to Address Them
This is the very first accreditation of this program. No previous evaluations were done by
ABET. However, the two other departments of the same College of Engineering have been
accredited with ABET in the 2011-12 accreditation cycle.
H. Joint Accreditation
The program is seeking accreditation by one commission only, i.e., EAC.


A. Student Admissions
In general, students applying to the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture are
centrally admitted by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. The new students are not
accepted directly to the Civil Engineering program but they must spend one year in the
Preparatory Year Program (PYP). University Council decides the number of students to be
admitted for each academic year according to the recommendation of various academic
colleges. The deanship of admissions and registration implements all policies in coordination
with the colleges. Admission takes place only once each year in the beginning of the academic

Requirements of admission to the civil engineering program:
1) Secondary School Certificate (Natural Sciences) or its equivalent from inside or
outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2) Score of Entrance Examination which consists of an aptitude test, and a subject
test. The test is administered by the National Center for Assessment in Higher
Education, Saudi Arabia. It has two parts. The first part is General Aptitude Test.
This test measures a student's analytical and deductive skills. It focuses on testing
the student's capacity for learning in general regardless of any specific skill in a
certain subject or topic. The other part is called Achievement test for Science
Colleges. This part covers the general and key concepts in biology, chemistry,
physics, mathematics and English covered in the courses of the three years of
General Secondary School.
3) Record of good conduct.
4) Appearance in interviews required by the university council.
5) Certificate of physically fitness.
6) Permission from the employer (For employed candidates).
7) No record of suspension from UQU or any other university.

Students applying for admission fulfilling all the above conditions are considered as applicants.
A merit list of all applicants is prepared by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration on the
basis of the following weights to the three types of scores:

a) Secondary school certificate score (50%).
b) Aptitude test score (30%).
c) Achievement test score (20%).

Students are offered admissions in a college of their choice in the order of their position in the
merit list subject to the availability of seats. Once seats are exhausted in a particular college,
the admission to that college is closed and remaining students have to make their choices from
other colleges.

All newly admitted students to the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture seeking
acceptance to the Civil Engineering program spend their first academic year in the PYP. The
major objectives of this program are:
(a) to improve the students' English language proficiency to enable them for the
engineering education in English language which is the principal language of
(b) to strengthen the students' abilities in mathematical and analytical techniques and
calculus-based physics.
(c) to improve computer skills of the students.

The duration of the PYP is one academic year, divided into two semesters, as well as a summer
term, if needed. The PYP represents the first two levels (semesters) of the undergraduate Civil
Engineering program. The complete program consists of 10 levels spanning over a period of 5
years. The courses offered in PYP are English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering
Graphics, Engineering Workshops, and the Holy Quran and Islamic Culture. Based on their
performance in the PYP, and in accordance with the implementation rules, students will be able
to select the major of their choice. An orientation session is held during the second semester of
PYP for students to learn about all programs in the engineering college to help them select the
program that suits them the most.

On successful completion of the PYP, the performance of students seeking admission to the
Civil Engineering program is evaluated based on the GPA in the PYP. A merit list of these
students is prepared and the department accepts the allocated number of students from the top
of the list.

The admission procedures are regulated by the Education and Examination Regulations
available in Arabic language at the following URL (Note it is a common set of regulations for
all colleges):

The English translation of relevant articles from the above document are given in Appendix E
of this report.
B. Evaluating Students Performance
Each Civil Engineering student is assigned to a faculty who acts for him as an academic
advisor. The academic advisor assists him in choosing courses for registration in each semester
according to the study Plan-25 of the Civil Engineering program. The study plan-25 is
documented in the chapter on Curriculum. The study plan available for the students and the
academic advisors online at the URL: and is also posted
on the department notice board. The academic advisors of the Civil Engineering program may
access students registration record for academic advisement. Based on this study plan a
student can register on-line.

The maximum course load allowed to a student is 18 credit hours. Exceptions to this rule can
only be allowed by the coordinator of Students Registration for the College based upon the
performance of the student during the last few semesters.

The instructor evaluates students performance each course. The instructor designs the
assessments for finding out the attainment of the course learning outcomes specified by the
Curriculum Committee. The instructor may use homework assignments, quizzes, periodic
examinations, and a final examination to evaluate students performance in terms of the
attainment of the course learning outcomes. In the courses that involve laboratory classes,
laboratory written reports (for the lab work throughout the semester) and the laboratory final
examination are used to assess the attainment of the learning outcomes. Based on the Policy
and implementation Rules of Examinations and Grades, CE program has formulated a grading
policy that was approved by the Department Council. The Grading Policy of Civil Engineering
program is documented in Appendix E.
B-1 Examination and Grading System
Success in a course is usually based on the combination of grades awarded to term work and
final examination. Each course has a total of 100 points. Out of this, the instructor may allocate
40% to 60% marks to the term work consisting of quizzes, homework, term projects and mid-
term or other periodic assessments while the remainder is allocated to the final examination.

The rubrics used for the grading system of Umm Al-Qura University are shown in Table 11.
The instructor awards the grade as marks out of 100. The marks are converted to a letter grade
and grade points as shown in Table 11. Table 12 shows a sample of student's grade report for
six subjects in a typical semester.
Table 11: Grading system at UQU

Grade Points
Per Credit Hour
Description Letter Grade Marks out of 100
A+ 95-100
3.75 A 90-less than 95
Very Good
B+ 85-less than 90
3.0 B 80-less than 85
C+ 75-less than 80
2.0 C 70-less than 75
D+ 65-less than 70
1.0 D 60-less than 65
0 Failure F Below 60

Table 12: Sample calculation of GPA
Grade Points
(CH) (GP)
Grade Points
Per Credit Hour
(out of 100)
7.5 3.75 A 92 2 Course 1
12 4.00 A+ 97 3 Course 2
9 3.00 B 81 3 Course 3
14 3.50 B+ 86 4 Course 4
8 2.00 C 74 4 Course 5
5 2.50 C+ 76 2 Course 6
55.5 18 Total
Computed GPA = Total Grade Points / Credit Hours = 55.5 / 18 = 3.08

Grade of Incomplete (IC) is given to the student if the course requirements are not completed
by the student. This is usually allowed in courses that require a project to be completed by the
students. It is awarded only on the recommendation of the instructor and approval of the
Department Council. The student getting IC must complete the requirements during the next
semester otherwise the IC automatically changes to F.

Some courses need more than one term to complete the requirements particularly the
Graduation Project. For these courses, the student gets In Progress (IP) grade. IP grade does
not require the approval of the departmental council. Student getting an IP is required to
continue the work and appear for the assessment when the work is completed.

Umm Al-Qura University requires that students do not miss more than 25% of the total number
of lectures, labs and tutorials. Students failing to meet this requirement in any of the courses
are prohibited from attending the final examination of that course and earn a DN (Denied)
grade in that course. A student who is absent in the final examination of a course(s) for a valid
reason accepted by the department council and the Dean of the college is allowed to take the
examination at a later date.
B-2 Minimum GPA
According to the regulations of Umm Al-Qura University all students are required to maintain
a grade point average of at least 1.0 out of 4.0. A student failing to maintain the GPA of 1.0
will be placed on academic probation and is given two semesters to improve. After this
period the student may be removed from the program.

The Dean of the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture has requested the University
Council to raise the minimum GPA requirement to 2.00. The University council sent it to the
UQU Legal Advisory Council to complete the procedure. Recently, this recommendation was
approved by the UQU Legal Advisory Council. Now the recommendation has to be scheduled
for presentation for a formal approval of the University Council.

B-3 Academic Probation
At the beginning of each term, the Deanship of Admission and Registration provides each
student with his full academic advising record showing the results of all the courses that have
been studied from the study plan as well as the number of academic warnings that have been
issued. The student gets a warning if his CGPA is below 1 .0 out of 4.0 in a term. The student
is suspended if he gets a maximum of three (3) such consecutive warnings. After the third
warning, being suspended for one term, College Council, in coordination with the Deanship of
Admission and Registration, may recommend to the University Council to give a fourth chance
to those students who can raise their CGPA by taking courses according to the rules of
registration. The student will also be suspended if he is not able to complete the graduation
requirements within a period of 15 terms. The academic suspension is governed by the Article
#20 of the Policy on Regulations of Study and Examinations. The English translation of
implementation rules of Article #20 is documented in Appendix E.
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses
Transfer to the College can be done through three different channels as follows:
C-1 Transfer from Other Universities
A student may be accepted to transfer from outside UQU if he has studied at a recognized
university or college and has not been suspended from that institution based on disciplinary or
academic reasons. The transferring applicant must not have spent more than 6 terms at the
university he is transferring from and he must study at least 60% of the required courses at
UQU. The applicant is required to get an approval from the Dean of College and head of the
department he is transferring to. These requirements and process for accepting transfer students
are governed by the Article #42 of the Policy on Regulations of Study and Examinations
available in Appendix E.

Credits for courses taken by the students outside the university (UQU) may be transferred
provided the college council based on the recommendations of the concerned department
offering the equivalent courses approves the transfer of credits. The equivalent courses are
documented in the academic record of the student being transferred. The equivalency credits
are granted for only those courses in which the students has obtained a letter grade of C or
above. But the points for the equivalent courses are not used in the computation of CGPA of
the student.

The transferred student submit an application for getting equivalency credits to the Deanship of
Admission and Registration along with the original academic record and certified detailed
description of the courses taken by student outside UQU. The Deanship of Admission and
Registration refers the application to the concerned department for evaluation of equivalency
credit. This evaluation is performed by the academic advisor in coordination with the chairman
of the department on a case-by-case basis. The department, after getting the approval of the
college council on the equivalency evaluations, sends the results to the Deanship of Admission
and Registration. These requirements and process for courses equivalency and transfer credits
are governed by Article #43 of the Policy on Regulations of Study and Examinations available
in Appendix E.

The student should have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) or equivalent from
a reputable college. This is complemented with other conditions developed by the College
Council on a yearly basis. The procedure for evaluating transfer applications to the College
from outside the university is as follows:

Fill in the university application form
Upon receiving all applications, the university registrar office sends all
applications that satisfy the College requirements to the Colleges Vice Dean of
academic affairs office. The college Vice Dean of academic affairs office prepares
the applicants information for the College dean. The college dean evaluates the
presented applications information and makes decisions on transfer applications.
The maximum allowable percentage of credit hours that could be transferred by
students from other universities is 40% of the total credit hours in the curriculum.

Students who want to study some courses in other universities must do the following:
i. Fill in a course transfer form and submit it to the chairman of the department.
ii. The chairman consults the faculty who teaches the course.
iii. The faculty reviews the syllabus of the transfer course in light of the departmental
course syllabus checking the equivalency of the syllabus and credits.
iv. The chairman approves the equivalency and signs the form.
v. The student should then get the approval of the vice dean.
vi. The student hands in the form to university registrar office and gets an official
acceptance letter to study the course at the specified university.
vii. After studying the course, the student should get an official completion letter and
the transcript from the registrar office of the university where the transfer course
was completed.
viii. Finally the student should hand the official completion letter to the UQU registrar

C-2 Transfer of students within the University
Students can apply for transfer only after studying at least one semester in the College
they are registered. (Summer semester is not counted). The student must satisfy the
College admission conditions which are announced on a yearly basis. The procedure for
evaluating transfer applications is as follows:
1. Fill in the transfer form (Inter-College Transfer Form).
2. Submit the form to the College Vice Dean.
3. Upon receiving all applications, a designated college-based committee (which
consists of the Vice Dean and the chairs of all departments) meets and
recommends on transfer applications. If the number of eligible applicants is
high, students with the highest cumulative GPA are tentatively accepted.
4. The tentative transfer decisions are then forwarded to the dean for final
5. The academic committee of each department reviews transcripts of all
tentatively accepted transfer students and decides on the equivalency of credits
based on an equivalency table of credits approved by the College Council.
C-3 Transfer to a department within the College
The procedure for evaluating transfer applications between departments within the
College is as follows:
1. Fill in the Inter-departmental Transfer Form.
2. Get the recommendation of the chairman of the department to be transferred to.
3. Submit the form to the College Vice Dean.
4. Upon receiving all applications, a designated college-based committee (which
consists of the Vice Dean and the chair and representatives of all departments)
meets and decides tentatively on transfer applications. If the number of eligible
applicants is high, students with the highest cumulative GPA are tentatively
5. The tentative transfer decisions are then forwarded to the dean for final
6. The academic committee of each department reviews transcripts of all
tentatively accepted transfer students and decides on the equivalency of credits
based on equivalency tables of credits approved by the College Council.
D. Advising and Career Guidance

The University considers student advising by faculty as an important academic activity. A
faculty member is expected to advise students in planning their academic programs during
early registration, registration and throughout the academic year whenever a student seeks his
advisor's input in academic matters.
D-1 Registration Procedure
Under normal circumstances, all students are registered automatically through the University
computerized registration system following a model study plan set by the department. This
plan includes all prerequisites and maximum and minimum allowable number of credit hours
per semester. The system allows the student to make changes and adjustments within the preset
rules. It is during the first week of classes that students are allowed to make changes, such as
add and drop. Afterwards, only course withdrawals are allowed provided they are done five
weeks before the final examination period, and with the head of departments approval.

Nevertheless, a student can only drop a course or withdraw from course(s) if his workload will
not fall below a minimum of 12 credit hours. This procedure can be repeated for four times
during the course of a students study.

The student must confirm his registration within the first week of the semester. The load for
each student is determined as follows:
Students with GPA of at least 2.0 are eligible to register for 14 credit hours.
Students with GPA of 3.5 or above are eligible to register for up to 20 credit hours.
Allowed credits range between 14 and 20 based on GPA.
D-2 Academic Advisement Committee
All academic advisement processes are proposed and implemented by the academic
advisement committee. Its formation and responsibilities are as follows:
Chairman of the department, selects the members and chair of the academic advisement
The chair of the steering committee may remove or add members to the committee in
consultation with the chairman.
Following are responsibilities of the academic advisement committee

e) Plan and supervise general academic advising.
f) Deal with academic advisement issues/problems
g) Plan and supervise career advising.
h) Create awareness in students about importance academic advisement.
i) Facilitate students meetings with the advisors.
D-3 Functions of the Academic Advisor
The academic advisement committee allocates groups of students to academic staff. The
academic advisor is a faculty member that performs academic follow-up of the student from
the moment he is accepted in the department until graduation. The academic advisor provides
support to the students to ensure the educational process is progressing as planned. Academic
advisors provide educational counseling for students.

The academic advisor's primary responsibility is to ensure that students take all courses to
satisfy the requirements for graduation. To be effective, the advisor must recognize that each
student has different abilities, interests, aspirations, needs, experiences, and problems so that
his approach in dealing with students can be different from one to the other. The general
advising duties can be stated as follows:

Deal with the academic problems of his advisees.
Helps his advisees examine the course offerings.
Helps the student understand the graduation requirements.
Serve as a link between the student and the administration.
Counsel his students on matters of what to do if he fails a subject, on the procedures for
dropping and adding courses, course scheduling, and academic progress.
The academic advisor must alarm students of the exclusion procedure well in advance,
and of any subsequent changes that might be enforced during the course of their
Maintain a folder for each student containing the following:
a) Recent Academic record (transcript).
b) Academic advisement record.
c) Study plan.
D-4 Registration Process
Students have to be registered in courses required by their study plan each semester. The
registration process is briefly given as follows:

1. The student meets his advisor during the last month of each semester to plan for the pre-
registration advisement for the next semester. However it is optional. If a student is
following the study plan with no courses failed, he does not need to see the advisor
because the University registration system will register him for the courses according to
the study plan.
2. At the student-advisor meeting, the student and advisor agree on the course schedule for
the next semester. The form is retained with the advisor and a copy is provided to the
3. The university registration system will register the student for all courses that are
suitable to him without violating any pre-requisites.
4. The student may look at the registered courses on line at the beginning of the academic
5. If the student does not desire any modifications to the proposed course schedule, then
this course schedule will be considered as the final schedule and the student does not
have to meet with the academic advisor.
6. In case the student needs to change the proposed course schedule, he may try add/drop
on line. If the seats are available in the course he wants and the pre-requisites have been
taken by the student and the course is from his level in the study plan, he will be
successful in doing add/drop on line.
7. In case, he is unable to register the courses he wants, he should contact the academic
8. The advisor may request the chairman to open a new section of the course or open the
upper limit on the number of students if the not registering the course will result in delay
of the graduation. In this case a form is to be filled in by the student and then the advisor
must sign it.
9. The student will take the form to the chairman for approval. The registration department
will not register the student without chairmans signature.
10. Finally, the student will submit the form to the registration department.
11. If the course belongs to a department other than Civil Engineering, the student needs to
get approval of the chairman of the department offering the course.

D-5 Process for Eliminating Pre-Requisite Violations
Normally a student is not allowed to register a course without taking the prerequisite courses as
specified in the study plan. However, for a number of years, a student under certain
circumstances would be allowed to take a course without a perquisite if the college coordinator
for registration sees a need for it and finds out that the pre-requisite abilities have been attained
by the students from other courses, training he might have taken or due to his lifelong learning
ability with interest in the topics related to the pre-requisite subjects. This strictly required the
approval of the instructor teaching the course. However this practice that continued for last
several years was misused and therefore the Civil Engineering program has tried to eliminate
it. Now, no student is allowed to register a course without a pre-requisite. The instructors or the
academic advisors are not authorized to allow a student to register in a course without
satisfying the pre-requisites under any circumstances. For students who somehow get
registered in a course without satisfying the pre-requisites, the following process has been
implemented in the department of Civil Engineering to stop it completely.

Pre-requisites are automatically checked by the university electronic registration system. It
does not register any course unless the student has passed the pre-requisite courses. The
registration department has the data of perquisites in their system. It does not allow any student
to take a course without a pre-requisite taken already. Any pre-requisite violations present after
the registration period are rectified by the department using the following process.

1) The chairman prints the transcripts of all students.

2) The transcripts are handed over to the Academic Advisement committee chairman.

3) The advising committee divides the transcripts among its members.

4) The advising committee members audit the transcripts for the violations either with the
help of the academic advisers, or other faculty members. It takes took 2 or 3 days to do
the auditing.

5) The chair of the advising committee collects the list of violations from all members,
reviews them and then hands over to the chairman of the department.

6) The chairman then drops the courses registered by the students with pre-requisite
violations using the online system.

7) This process is done prior to the last date on which the registration department allows
the chairmen of departments to drop the courses with pre-requisite violations, usually
during the fifth or sixth week.

D-6 Process for Minimizing Deviation from the Study Plan
The issue is slightly different but similar to pre-requisite violations. The process to stop pre-
requisite violations has already been implemented. The following process to stop such
violations has been planned:
1) Each semester, after the course add & drop period is over, the academic advising
committee will review the students transcripts to determine if a student is deviating
from the study plan.
2) In case a deviation from the study plan is found, the student will be called for an
3) Students academic advisor will evaluate students particular situation and will
advise him to register the course in the next semester.
4) Normally, the university registration system is not supposed to allow a student to
take courses of the subsequent semesters without registering the courses remaining
from the previous semesters. In case, a violation of this type is found, the chair of
the academic advisement committee will inform department chairman.
5) The department chairman is already in discussion with the Dean and the coordinator
of the college for registration to communicate to the registration department about
enforcing the rule concerning this issue.
6) The above process to minimize deviation from the study plan will be applied
starting from spring 2014.
7) The faculty in the departmental council meeting has proposed that all such courses
which are beneficial to the student in the subsequent courses of the study plan, must
be linked to the core engineering courses as pre-requisites. The curriculum
committee has been advised to review the pre-requisite for all courses and suggest
changes to the pre-requisite if really needed.

E. Work in Lieu of Courses
The university only grants credit(s) for the academic courses that are successfully completed.
No credit is offered towards achieving life experience, advanced placement, dual enrollment,
military experience. Nevertheless, two credit hours are awarded for completing summer
training which is explained under the graduation requirements.
F. Graduation requirements
Head of the Civil Engineering Department and the Deanship of Admissions and Registration
are jointly responsible to ensure that all graduating students have met all the graduation
requirements. With the help of the online registration system, the Deanship of Admissions and
Registration ensures that graduating students are fulfilling all the requirements for graduation.

The Civil engineering curriculum consists of 165 credit hours. According to the University
regulations, the student cumulative average should be 1.0 out of 4.0 or better at the time of
graduation. As was mentioned in Section B.3, a new regulation is in the process of approval by
the University to increase the minimum GPA requirement for graduation to 2.0 out of 4.0. The
University Council may allow additional course load for a student to improve his cumulative
average in case he passes the required courses but fails to fulfill the cumulative average. The
requirement of 165 credit hours is distributed amongst various components as shown in Table
13 for Plan 25 and as shown in Table 1-3 for Plan 30.

Table 13: Graduation requirements for Plan 25
Credit Hours Curriculum Component
19 Islamic Education
10 General Education
Mathematics and Basic Sciences
94 Core Courses
3 Electives
4 Summer Training
165 Total

* Note: The original Plan 25 had only 29 units of Mathematics and Basic Sciences. The
number of elective courses was three. The remaining Plan 25 students are now encouraged to
take Numerical Methods and Basic Geology courses in lieu of two of the electives. The
students of Plan 30 dont have this issue.

Table 14: Graduation requirements for Plan 30
Credit Hours Curriculum Component
19 Islamic Education
15 General Education
37 Mathematics and Basic Sciences
86 Core Courses
6 Electives
2 Summer Training
165 Total


F-2 Process for checking the graduation requirements
The following process has been in place for several years to ensure the student has completed
all graduation requirements before he is awarded a degree:

1. In the semester the student wants to graduate, he request the Deanship of Admissions
and Registration to obtain to the Recommendation for Graduation from.
2. The Deanship of Admissions and Registration prints for him the Recommendation for
Graduation form that contains all courses taken by him with grades and the courses he
has in the current semester.
3. The student provides the form to his academic advisor for verification of graduation
4. The advisor signs the form after verification.
5. The student takes the form to the chairman for his approval.
6. The form is then submitted to the Deanship of Admissions and Registration.
7. The Deanship of Admissions and Registration approves his graduation if he clears all
subjects that he is registered in the current semester and fulfils the minimum GPA

G. Transcripts of Recent Graduates
Sample copies of transcripts of graduating students have already been sent to the ABET
program evaluator.


A. Mission Statement
A-1 Mission of the University
The existence of Umm Al-Qura University in the Holy City of Makkah gives it a distinguished
character as an academic institution that serves Islam and contribute to the development of
human resources and the provision of services at the levels of both the public and private
sectors in the light of the requirements of the comprehensive development plans of the country.
The major objectives of the University as set by the Council of Ministers Decree number 190
on 21/7/1981 include the following:
Provision of higher education and graduate studies to enable citizens to contribute to
the development of their country in the light of Islamic principles in the following
o Islamic studies.
o Natural and applied sciences.
o Humanities, social sciences and languages.
Contribution to enhancement of scientific research by conducting and encouraging
research and establishing research centers, and suggesting means for provision and
satisfaction of present-day needs.
Preparation of specialized scientists and teachers.
Helping other Islamic societies in the specialized education of their citizens in the
different fields of knowledge.
This University mission statement is available online at:
A-2 College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture Mission
The mission statement of the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture is as follows:

To prepare engineers to be capable of fulfilling the needs of the work market through team
working and creation with continuing learning, teaching, and scientific research, and transfer
knowledge according to the highest academic and professional standards to serve the needs of
the local, national, and international community and to encourage scientific and technical
publishing and share the development of the knowledge abilities of the community members
and establishments and promote them to continuing learning.

This mission statement is available online at:
A-3 Civil Engineering Department Mission
The mission of the Civil Engineering Program is to provide the students with high-quality
education and training required to fully develop their professional qualities and skills as civil
engineers and to develop their personal potential to the greatest extent possible to be able to
pursue higher studies and research to serve the holy city of Makkah with its particular
engineering needs due to the pilgrims, and the Saudi Arabian society at large.

The mission of the Civil Engineering department requires striving for highly qualified faculty,
technicians, laboratory equipment, information resources and learning facilities, to facilitate
research activities and to keep its students up-to-date with recent development and advances in
science and technology through greater cooperation and involvement with the local industrial
activities. Beside its scientific mission, the department is keen to emphasize on the ethical
qualities for its graduates.
This mission statement is available online at:

In order to show coherence between the Department mission and the College and University
missions, the mission statements will be divided into simpler statements. These simple
statements will then be mapped to each other as shown in Tables 21, 22 and 23.

The University mission can be summarized into three sub-missions:
1. Contribution to development of the country.
2. Contribution to scientific rsearch.
3. Local and global community service.

The College mission aims to do as follows:
1. Prepare engineers for the work market.
2. Conduct innovative research.
3. Offer professional services to the community.

Table 21 illustrates how the College mission helps in achieving the overall University

Table 21 Mapping of College mission to the University mission
College Mission
University Mission
1 2 3



The mission of the CE department can be summarized as:
1. To provide the students with high-quality education and training required to fully
develop their professional qualities and skills as civil engineers.
2. To develop their personal potential to the greatest extent possible to be able to
pursue higher studies.
3. To enable them to do research to serve the holy city of Makkah with its particular
engineering needs due to the pilgrims, and the Saudi Arabian society at large.

Tables 22 and 23 illustrate how the mission of the Civil engineering department helps
achieve the mission of the College and the University.

Table 22 Mapping of Department mission to the University mission
University Mission
1 2 3

Table 23 Mapping of Department mission to the College mission
College Mission
1 2 3
B. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Civil engineering department has defined a set of PEOs that translate its mission into
definite abilities they attain a few years after graduation. The PEOs of civil engineering
program are defined as follows:

Graduates of the civil engineering program are expected within a few years of graduation to
have demonstrated their ability to:

1. Practice the civil engineering profession by interacting with members of professional
teams in industry, government, or other organizations.
2. Follow professional standards in executing civil engineering projects and in technical
communications concerning the projects.
3. Keep their professional knowledge updated through exploring available resources and
through engagement in civil engineering educational seminars or workshops.
4. Attain leadership positions in providing solutions to civil engineering problems that
account for economic, environmental, ethical and societal considerations.

These PEOs are documented in the Guide of the Department of Civil Engineering and the
departments website:

C. Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives
with the Mission of the Institution

Table 24 shows a mapping between the Institutions missions and the PEOs indicating the
consistency of the PEOs with the mission of the institution.

Table 24: Mapping of PEOs to the missions of Institution
University Mission
1 2 3

D. Program Constituencies
List the program constituencies. Describe how the program educational objectives meet the needs of these

The program constituencies are the following:
Program students: They are the primary input to the program. It is expected that
students become technically qualified, marketable, and productive scientists upon
Program alumni: This group includes students who have earned B.Sc. degrees from the
Civil Engineering program and are currently working in various professions.
Department faculty: Faculty consists of members of the departmental teaching staff
who are responsible for meeting the program outcomes and objectives during the
teaching process.
National and regional employers of Civil Engineering professionals: The employers
range from public to private sectors and from small to large organizations.

The Civil Engineering program objectives align with the needs of different constituencies:

PEO I and II align with the needs of the national and regional employers to have
qualified graduates being competent in their field, being effective team members,
applying professionalism, and being ethically responsible
PEO III and IV align with faculty members aim to see part of their graduates
continuing through post-graduation studies and taking part in applied and innovative
All PEOs are aligned with the needs of the students to be well prepared for the job
market and/or for continuing their graduate studies

E. Process of Revision of PEOs
E-1 Initial Establishment of PEOs

Initially, the PEOs were established by a process that involved discussions with the faculty,
and consultants with experience in the assessment of PEOs. Also, the PEOs were presented to
the graduating students during the exit interviews to determine their acceptance of the PEOs. A
survey of randomly selected employers of our graduates was also performed in 2011. Table 2-5
shows the response of the employers to the question asked about PEOs. The question was
simply how well they agree that a particular PEO has been attained by our graduates. Fig. 2-1
shows the percentage-weighted average of the response with the weights associated to each
rubric (Strongly Agree has a weight of 5 and Strongly Disagree has a weight of 1).

It is obvious from the results of the survey that the employers were satisfied (level of
satisfaction above 7-% for all PEOs) with the attainment of PEOs of our graduates.

Table 2-5: Level of satisfaction for each PEO
Employers Satisfaction
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
PEO 1 0 0 0 5 5
PEO 2 0 0 3 3 4
PEO 3 0 0 0 6 4
PEO 4 0 1 0 4 5

Fig. 2.1: Level of Satisfaction of each PEO
During this process of the establishment of the PEOs, several times the wordings were
modified and finally the PEOs were approved with the current wording by the departmental
council October 2012. The PEOs were then presented to the members of the External Advisory
Board (EAB) of the Civil Engineering Department in their first meeting on Dec 29, 2012. The
EAB includes representatives of the employers of Civil engineering graduates, alumni and the
local community. Selected faculty members of the Civil Engineering department are also part
of the board. The EAB members discussed the PEOs and approved them.
E-2 PEOs Revision Process
The review and revision process of the PEOs is planned to be launched every three years. It
involves consultations with the programs constituencies. From these consultations the
Assessment and Evaluation Committee will propose revisions to the PEOs. The process is as
1) Students will be involved in the process three ways:
a. The current PEOs are published on the department web page and students are
encouraged to present proposed revisions through the CE Student Council
b. Close to the date of each revision (Oct 2015 for the next revision), the CESC
will take students opinion about PEO revisions through a questionnaire.
c. Each semester exit surveys are held for the graduating students. In this survey,
the graduating students are asked about their opinion about the PEOs.

2) Alumni will be involved in the revision process through a survey of randomly selected
alumni graduated within a period of 3 to 5 years from the date of survey. They will be
sent a questionnaire to give their opinion on the following:
a. Do they see consistency between the University mission and the PEOs?
b. Do the PEOs reflect their needs?
c. Do they suggest any revisions?

3) Employers will also be involved in the revision process through a survey of major
employers of the program graduates.

4) Based on the data obtained through student survey, exit interviews, alumni surveys,
employers surveys, and the faculty survey data gathered through the CLOSO software
during the last three years, the Assessment and Evaluation committee will form
proposals for revisions of the PEOs.

5) The proposals will be presented to the faculty in the department council meeting.

6) Faculty will play the most important role in revising the PEOs through the department
council meetings. The following will be analyzed:

a. Consistency of the revised PEOs with the institutional mission
b. Consistency of the revised PEOs with the needs of the constituencies
c. Consistency of the revised PEOs with the General Criteria

7) The revised PEOs approved by the department council will be sent to EAB members
8) EAB members will present their opinions in the EAB annual meeting
9) The department council will consider the recommendations of EAB and will give final
approval to the revisions.


A. Student Outcomes
The Civil Engineering Department has adopted the Student Outcomes a-k as prescribed in
ABET Criterion 3. These abilities that students must demonstrate at the time of graduation are
attained through various courses taken by all students during the program. However,
performance measures have been specified for all SOs to make them measurable and relevant
to the program. These performance measures will be presented in Chapter 4. Student
Outcomes a-k are listed in Table 3-1. These have been published at the following URL:

Table 3-1 Student Outcomes (SOs)
SO ID SO Description
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice

B. Relationship of SOs to PEOs

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) as described in the previous chapter identify
career and professional accomplishments attained by the graduates a few years after
graduation. The graduates possess the abilities represented by the Student Outcomes at
the time of graduation. These abilities assist them in attaining the prescribed PEOs. How
the abilities gained through the SOs prepare the graduates for attaining the PEOs after a
few years in practice is shown in Table 3-2.

Table 32: Relationship of SOs to PEOs
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Practice civil











The first PEO is Practice the civil engineering profession by interacting with
members of professional teams in industry, government, or other organizations. This
objective is supported by all student outcomes except (i) i.e. lifelong learning and (j) i.e.
knowledge of contemporary issues. In fact both (i) and (j) also do play some role in
attaining the PEO 1 but not significantly.

The second PEO is Follow professional standards in executing civil engineering
projects and in technical communications concerning the projects. Outcomes (c), (d)
and (f) support this objective because they provide the ability to oversee a design project
working in multi-disciplinary teams and maintaining the ethical responsibilities.

The third PEO is Keep their professional knowledge updated through exploring
available resources and through engagement in civil engineering educational seminars
or workshops. The outcomes (h), (i) and (j) support this PEO through the broad
education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions, recognition and
ability of lifelong learning knowledge of contemporary issues.

The fourth PEO is Attain leadership positions in providing solutions to civil
engineering problems that account for economic, environmental, ethical and societal
considerations. This objective requires the CE graduates to attain leadership positions
which usually requires a record of ethical integrity (f), effective communication ability (g),
broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions (i), a knowledge of
contemporary issues (j) and skills of using modern tools and techniques (k).


A. Student Outcomes
Several processes have been implemented for regularly assessing and evaluating the student
outcomes (SOs). This section of the chapter documents these processes as well as the results
that indicate the extent to which the SOs are actually attained. This section has been structured
as follows:

1. The essential elements of the assessment and evaluation processes are described in sub-
section A-1. Knowledge of these essential elements will help the reader understand the
processes described later. These essential elements include:

a. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
b. Linking the CLOs with the SOs
c. Level of Learning (LOL) based on Blooms Taxonomy
d. SO Performance Measures (SO-PM)
e. Courses Used for Evaluation
f. Program Satisfaction Criterion (PSC).
g. Accreditation Software (CLOSO)

2. A summary and overview of the assessment processes are given in sub-section A-2.
3. Processes listed in section A-2 are described in Section A-3.
4. Data showing the attainment of SOs are discussed in Sections A-4 to A10.
A-1 Essential Elements of SO Assessment & Evaluation
The assessment and evaluation processes are dependent upon a set of essential elements. It is
necessary to describe them to make it easy for the reader to understand the whole process.
These essential elements are described in the following:

A-1-1 Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are the basis of all direct assessments of SOs. Each course
has a set of outcomes called Course Learning Outcomes or CLOs. The CLOs of a course
describe the abilities to be attained at the end of the course. The CLOs for each course are
specified so that they are non-overlapping and are as few as possible still covering the specified
syllabus of the course. The curriculum committee is responsible for updating and revising the
CLOS based on the recommendations of the Course Coordinators. For Civil Engineering
program, the CLOs are part of the syllabus and are published for students and the faculty at the
URL: A typical set of CLOs is shown in Table 4-1 for
the course 803331 Hydraulics:
Table 4-1: Typical CLOs (803331 Hydraulics)
CLO 1 Ability to calculate flow in water distribution systems and design
CLO 2 Ability to analyze flow in different types of open channels
CLO 3 Ability to conduct flow measurement experiments in pipes/open channels
CLO 4 Ability to use computer software in network design
CLO 5 Ability to design and select different types of pumps
A-1-2 Linking the CLOs with the SOs
For each course, the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are linked to the SOs that are attained
as a result of attaining the CLOs. This implies that the ability attained by a student in a
particular CLO represents an ability in the relevant SOs. At this stage, we have a 0-1 logic for
this linking. If a CLO significantly helps in attaining an ability related to a SO, we include the
SO otherwise we dont include it. Since we are using a software, the effectiveness of a CLO in
the attainment of a particular SO may be specified on a continuous scale or a fuzzy logic may
be used. However this improvement has been planned for the future based on the experiences
of the current processes. A typical CLO-SO map for the course 803331 Hydraulics is shown in
Table 4-2. In this Table, SO-PM means SO Performance Measures as discussed in Section A-
Table 4-2: Typical CLO-SO map (803331 Hydraulics)
SOs: a b c d e f g h i j k
SO-PM: a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Since SOs are linked to the CLOs of various core courses through the CLO-SO mapping, if the
CLOs are attained to the required level of satisfaction, the relevant SOs are also assumed to be
attained to the required level of satisfaction. This has been elaborated in more detail in the
publications [1,2]. Based on this proposition, the most important part of our SO assessment
process is to track the attainment and satisfaction of CLOs in various course. The data obtained
for CLO satisfaction are then converted to SO satisfaction data automatically by the software.
Figure 4-1 shows this central idea of the SO assessment process.

Figure 4-1: The SO assessment linked to CLO assessment

A-1-3 Level of Learning (LOL)
Level of Learning (LOL) is an essential element of the assessment process. It is obvious that
just saying that an SO has been attained by the students is not enough. The question arises
about to what level an SO has been attained. Therefore, it is important to prescribe proper LOL
for each SO. This is the only way to keep track of the level of learning for each SO and make
sure that the SOs are attained to the required level of learning. For LOL, Blooms Taxonomy is
well established way to specify and assess the level of learning. It covers the various levels of
attainment of educational objectives by dividing them into six levels of cognitive development.

We have adopted the ASCE version of Blooms Taxonomy as described in Civil engineering
body of knowledge for the 21st century - Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future,
Appendix F, Prepared by the ASCE Body of Knowledge Committee of the Committee on
Academic Prerequisites for Professional Practice, 2008. They are described here in Table 4-3
and an example has been given in Table 4-4 (reproduced from ASCE).

Table 4-3: Blooms Levels of Learning (LOL)
Level Illustrative Verbs
1 Knowledge
define; describe; enumerate; identify; label; list; match; name;
reproduce; select; state
2 Comprehension
classify; cite; convert; describe; discuss; estimate; explain; generalize;
give examples; paraphrase; restate (in own words); summarize
3 Application
Administer; apply; calculate; chart; compute; determine; demonstrate;
implement; prepare; provide; relate; report; solve; use
4 Analysis
analyze; break down; correlate; differentiate; discriminate; distinguish;
formulate; illustrate; infer; organize; outline; prioritize; separate;
5 Synthesis
Adapt; combine; compile; compose; create; design; develop; devise;
facilitate; generate; integrate; modify; plan; reconstruct; revise; justify
6 Evaluation
Appraise; compare and contrast; conclude; criticize; defend; evaluate;
judge; justify

Table 4-4: Example of instructional objectives based on Blooms Taxonomy*
Level Illustrative Verbs
1 Knowledge List assumptions required for the analysis of a particular structure.
2 Comprehension Explain the procedure for calculating member forces in a structure.
3 Application Calculate the member forces in a truss, using the method of sections.
4 Analysis Analyze a bridge structure for the relevant loading conditions.
5 Synthesis Design a truss bridge of a specified span for relevant loading conditions
6 Evaluation Compare the design alternatives and decide on optimum configuration
*The above table has been based on a similar table in ASCE publications

A-1-4 SO Performance Measures (SO-PM)
SOs as stated in ABET criterion 3 are quite generalized. They are generalized to the extent that
all types of engineering programs have exactly the same criterion. For a particular program,
more specific statements based on these SOs are needed to measure the performance of the
students. For this purpose SO Performance Measures (SO-PM) were designed for the Civil
Engineering program as shown in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5: SO Performance Measures (SO-PM)
SO Performance Measures LOL
(a) a.1
Demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics through
differential equations, statistics, probability, calculus-based physics,
and chemistry to perform calculations and solve engineering
(b) b.1
Demonstrate an ability to design and conduct experiments, to
operate test equipment, to collect data, to analyze, to compare with
theoretical prediction, to make conclusions and prepare
presentations using graphs, tables and reports.
(c) c.1
Demonstrate an ability to perform civil engineering component and
system design to meet defined constraints
(d) d.1
Demonstrate an ability, as a member of a team to lead, interact,
communicate in a professional manner with other members on the
team and contribute civil engineering discipline specific input into
multi-disciplinary project
(e) e.1
Demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering
problems in the following civil engineering areas; environmental and
water resources, geotechnical, structural, and transportation
Demonstrate an ability to analyze a situation in which personal or
professional ethics are involved
Demonstrate knowledge of civil engineering codes, standards and
Demonstrate an ability to give an individual or group oral
presentation that is organized and uses effective visuals
Demonstrate an ability to convey technical information through the
use of visual instruments such as plots, graphs, calculations,
drawings, and equations and write well-organized technical reports
(h) h.1
Demonstrate an ability to identify economic, environmental and
social impacts (benefits, use, and cost) of civil engineering projects
(i) i.1
Demonstrate the ability to extract required information from library
services and Internet search and gain working knowledge of civil
engineering software packages
(j) j.1
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues of civil engineering
related to materials, environment, government laws and practices
(k) k.1
Demonstrate an ability to use computer programs and computer
skills to organize and present information, to analyze problems, and
to design components and systems used in civil engineering
A-1-5 Courses Used for Evaluation
Students of the Civil Engineering program acquire abilities as prescribed by the required SOs
through various courses during the five year degree program. These courses are from various
departments from different colleges and span over a wide range of subject areas. Despite the
fact that all such courses contribute a little or more towards attaining the required SOs,
assessment and evaluation presented here to demonstrate the attainments of SOs are limited to
the core courses of the program administered by the Civil Engineering Department including
the Graduation Project. Since Engineering Mathematics I and Engineering Mathematics II are
administered by the Civil Engineering department, they have also been included.

The above refers to the courses that are taken by all students enrolled in the program and the
department has full control on them for devising the assessment and evaluation processes as
well as implementing the improvement plans.

The courses that are not considered in the SO evaluation processes are the following:

General courses to satisfy the university requirement
Engineering courses administered by other departments
Elective courses of the Civil Engineering program
The two summer trainings administered by the College of Engineering

It must be re-emphasized that all the above courses that are not considered in the evaluation of
attainment of SOs definitely contribute to the abilities related to SOs. The preference here to
exclude the above from evaluation of the SO attainment has the following main reasons:

a) We will demonstrate that all the SOs are attained to the required satisfaction level
through the Civil Engineering core courses, as mentioned above. Therefore the abilities
gained through other compulsory courses, elective courses and summer trainings
represent a plus and are not required to be evaluated.
b) These courses are not administered by the department and therefore we dont have full
control on them to obtain proper satisfaction data and we might not be able to
implement the improvement plans.
c) Preference to exclude the elective courses administered by the department from the
evaluation of SO attainment is due to the fact that all students do not take the same
elective courses. The SOs attained in various elective course are different and therefore
the attainment of SOs in these elective courses are not representative of the abilities of
all students in the program. However, the data from these elective courses are collected
just like all core courses.

The core courses of the program used in the evaluation of SO attainment cover all the SOs
though not equally. The list of all core courses and the relevant SOs for each course are shown
in Table 4-6(a) for Plan 25 and in 4-6 (b) for Plan 30. In these tables, the performance
measures used for the assessments in each course are indicated. At the end of each table a
summary is given that indicates how many courses contribute to a given SO and to what LOL
they are attained.
Table 4-6 (a): Course-SO Map for Plan 25 Core Civil Engineering Courses
Course Student Outcomes
ID Name (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)
800201 Engineering Mathematics I a.1
800202 Engineering Mathematics II a.1 e.1
803152 Engineering Drawing II i.1 k.1
803221 Statics a.1
803305 Fluid Mechanics a.1
803311 Surveying I b.1 e.1 k.1
803321 Civil Engineering Drawing k.1
803322 Strength of Materials a.1
803331 Hydraulics a.1 b.1 c.1 e.1 k.1
803332 Water Resource Engineering a.1 c.1 e.1
803341 Soil Mechanics I a.1 b.1 e.1
803345 Engineering Project Management f.1,2 h.1 k.1
803351 Structural Analysis I a.1 e.1
803361 Transportation Engineering I e.1 f.1,2
803381 Concrete Technology b.1
803382 Building Materials h.1 i.1 j.1
803390 Engineering Report Writing g.1,2
803441 Surveying II b.1 e.1 j.1 k.1
803442 Soil Mechanics II a.1 b.1 e.1
803443 Foundation Engineering a.1 b.1 c.1 e.1
803451 Structural Analysis II e.1 k.1
803452 RC Design I c.1 e.1 f.2
803455 RC Design II c.1 e.1 f.2
803459 Design of Steel Structures c.1 e.1 f.2
803461 Transportation Engineering II c.1 e.1 f.2
803471 Sanitary Eng. Water Supply c.1 e.1
803482 Construction Engineering h.1 i.1 k.1
803483 Contracts and Specifications f.1,2 h.1 i.1 j.1
803270 Numerical Methods* a.1 e.1 i.1 k.1
803492 Basic Geology* a.1 b.1 e.1
803499 Graduation Project a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1,2 g.1,2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
Number of courses for each SO 12 9 9 1 19 8 2 6 7 4 10
Blooms Taxonomy LOL for each SO 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3
*Required Elective for Plan 25 students
Table 4-6 (b): Course-SO Map for Plan 30 Core Civil Engineering Courses
Course Student Outcomes
ID Name (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)
800201 Engineering Mathematics I a.1
800202 Engineering Mathematics II a.1 e.1
803151 CAD a.1 f.1 g.1 i.1 k.1
803221 Statics a.1
803270 Numerical Methods a.1 e.1 i.1 k.1
803305 Fluid Mechanics a.1
803310 Plane Surveying a.1 b.1
803323 Mechanics of Materials a.1
803331 Hydraulics a.1 b.1 c.1 e.1 k.1
803332 Water Resources Engineering a.1 c.1 e.1
803340 Basic Geology a.1 b.1 e.1
803350 Theory of Structures a.1 e.1
803364 Int. to Transportation Eng. c.1 e.1
803370 Engineering Design a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 g.1,2 k.1
803381 Concrete Technology b.1
803382 Building Materials h.1 i.1 j.1
Topographical and
Photogrammetric Surveying
b.1 e.1 j.1 k.1
803440 Soil Mechanics b.1 e.1
803443 Foundation Engineering a.1 c.1 e.1 f.2
803450 Structural Analysis e.1 k.1
803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I c.1 e.1 f.2 k.1
803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II c.1 e.1 f.2
803459 Design of Steel Structures c.1 e.1 f.2
803464 Highway Engineering c.1 e.1 f.2
803470 Environmental Engineering a.1 c.1 h.1
803480 Construction Eng. Proj. Mgmt. c.1 e.1
803486 Contract and Specifications f 1,2 j.1
803485 Professional Ethics d.1 f.1,2 h.1 i.1 j.1
803499 Graduation Project a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1,2 g.1,2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
Number of courses for each SO 16 7 12 3 18 9 3 4 5 5 8
Blooms Taxonomy LOL for each SO 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3

A-1-6 Satisfaction Criterion
Another essential element of the SO assessment and evaluation process is the Program
Satisfaction Criterion or PSC. It specifies the percentage of students that must attain a certain
level of ability represented by their percentage marks in each CLO and SO. If the satisfaction
level for a CLO or SO in a course is lower than the PSC (specified by the department) it will
trigger the alarm for the instructor and a Course Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) must
be written and implemented by the instructor.

Civil Engineering program had specified a satisfaction criterion of 60% students attaining the
ability represented by 70% marks (i.e. C grade) for previous academic years. It was realized
that this triggered the alarm for CCIP in very few courses. Therefore for the current
academic year and onward it was decided to raise it. The recommendation was brought forward
by the Assessment and Evaluation Committee and then approved by the Departmental Council.
The target satisfaction criterion is now stated as follows:

Target PSC: 70% students attain the ability represented by 70% marks

It must be emphasized here that it is a target to be achieved over a period of two years starting
from Fall 2012. With this target, for any course that cannot attain this PSC, a CCIP must be
provided by the instructor and then implemented to obtain the required Target PSC. The
purpose of this Target PSC is to encourage the faculty to suggest a CCIP whenever the CLO
or SO attainments fall below this Target PSC. Since the department has resolved that this target
will be achieved gradually over a period of two years, SO attainments between 60 and 70 %
students reaching the level of 70% are expected for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. It also must be
understood that the department at the same time is trying to curb the grade inflation. Therefore
the SO attainments as reported by the instructors now and in the future will appear lower than
what was reported for the same actual level of attainments in the past. Considering the fact that
some faculty members are always too hard graders and some are too soft, the Target PSC
provides a guideline to the instructors and the chairman to evaluate the level of learning of the
students and a crisp number PSC may not be considered as a hard and fast rule. A research
proposal has been submitted by some faculty members to apply Fuzzy logic to determine the
learning more realistically.

A-1-7 Accreditation Software
The department is using a software package called CLOSO marketed by The department decided to use a software package to achieve the following
a) To cut down the instructors time and effort in preparing the course file and data
b) To increase the reliability of the collected data.
c) To allow error-free processing of large amount of data and thus enable the department
to analyze and evaluate all courses within a week after obtaining the data files from the
d) To obtain facultys opinions on a number of issues that may help improve the CLO and
SO attainments.
e) To identify any course that has an issue and to take corrective measures.
f) To enable the chairman of the department, the ABET coordinator to re-view the SO
attainments and Loop-closing in each semester.
g) To maintain a unified database for syllabi of all courses.
h) To make the assessment and evaluation system highly sustainable.

The software CLOSO was licensed because it satisfied all the above requirements. The
software has been extensively used by the instructors in preparing the course files and by the
ABET coordinator in getting data for this SSR. The details of the software are available at the
following link of the Software developers site:
A-2 Assessment Processes Summary
The attainment of SOs are continually assessed and evaluated through a number of processes.
The evaluation system is automated through CLOSO software package mentioned above. The
evaluation system maintains a unified database containing the syllabus, CLO-SO maps for all
courses, Program Satisfaction Criterion and various other data. The evaluation system is itself
being improved continually. At this time the system has reached a very stable and reliable
status with a very high degree of sustainability and the department was quite successful
drastically cut down the instructors time in preparing the course files and the evaluation of
data. To understand the assessment processes, the following two points are to be noted:

a. In the direct assessment process, reliance on some SO-based questions in a subset of
courses was not fruitful. Complete data for all core courses are required to make decisions
that bring improvement. Since the instructor teaching the course is more oriented towards
the Course Learning Outcomes CLOs and naturally plans to assess the CLOs of the
course and considers students attainment of the CLOs of the course as the major
responsibility, we let the instructor focus on the CLOs for proper assessment of the course
CLOs. The CLOSO software converts the CLO based data to the SO based data through
the CLO-SO map of the course as described in Section A-1-2.

b. Due to the automation, the ease and the speed available through CLOSO, Civil Engineering
Program, the Formative Assessment now includes all core courses. The philosophy in the
Formative Assessment is based on the fact that SOs are in fact the abilities at the time of
graduation and not the abilities demonstrated in individual courses. All core courses taken
before the graduation are actually just preparing the students to attain the SOs. Therefore
the Formative Assessments represent the quality of learning and teaching and the data from
these assessments are indicators of students progress towards the attainment of SOs. The
SOs are demonstrated by the students in their graduation projects completed in the senior
year. The graduation projects cover all the SOs. For this reason we call the assessment of
the Graduation Project as Summative Assessment.

Other than the direct Formative and Summative Assessments, five other indirect assessment
processes constitute a system of assessment and evaluation. A summary of these processes is
given in Table 4-7. Following the table, brief description of each process is given to help the
reader have a quick view of the processes. The details of these processes are given in the later
Table 4-7: Assessment Processes at a Glance
SO Assessment
Collected by:
Evaluated by:
Instructors CLOSO
Student Survey
Instructors CLOSO
Faculty Survey
Instructors CLOSO
5 Exit Survey Indirect
6 Alumni Survey Indirect Triennial
7 Employers Survey Indirect Triennial

A-2-1 Formative Assessment
For each course, course assessment data are collected by the instructor in a prescribed format.
The data for each core course are input to the CLOSO software by the instructor. CLOSO
software produces all the required analyses and evaluation data. It also produces a print out of
the complete course file for accreditation purpose. The results are finally reviewed and
evaluated by the CLOSO Admin part of the software. The compiled results are reviewed and
evaluated by the Assessment and Evaluation Committee. Details are given in section A-3-1.

A-2-2 Summative Assessment
Five students work as a team on the Graduation Project over a period of two semesters under
the supervision of a faculty member with good design back ground. Their tasks, for each of the
two semesters, are defined in a document approved by the department. CLOSO data templates
are available for the instructors to report the assessments of all the tasks done for each of the
two terms of the project. The data are processed and all the required analysis of data and the
evaluation are produced by the CLOSO software. The details are given in Section A-3-2.

A-2-3 Course-wise Student Survey Assessment
For each course, CLOSO software produces a CLO satisfaction survey form. The instructor
distributes the survey form to the students at the end of the semester before the final
examination. The students fill in the survey form to tell their opinion about how well they think
they have learned based on their perception. The data is entered in the CLOSO software by the
instructor. The software does the rest of the processing as explained in Section A-3-3

A-2-4 Course-wise Faculty Survey Assessment
For each course, the instructor enters his own opinion about students learning based on his
perception at the end of the course. The data are entered in the CLOSO software by the
instructor. The software does the rest of the processing a swill be explained in Section A-3-4

A-2-5 Exit Survey Assessment
Exit survey is conducted just before the final examinations of each semester... All graduating
students fill in a survey form. In this survey the graduating students give their assessments of
how well they have attained the SOs. The data is compiled by the Exit Interview Committee
and is reviewed by the Assessment and Evaluation Committee. It is discussed in Section A-3-5.

A-2-6 Alumni Survey Assessment
The Alumni survey is performed at an interval of three years. The survey has other purposes
but one of the objectives is to obtain the opinion of the alumni about how they found
themselves in the abilities relevant to the SOs at the time of graduation. Details of this process
are described in Section A-3-6.

A-2-7 Employer Surveys
Employer survey is performed every three years. There are several items on the questionnaire.
One major purpose of the survey is to determine the opinions of the employers about the
abilities of the graduates of the Civil Engineering Program related to each SO at the time they
were hired after graduation. This is described in Section A-3-7.

A-3 Assessment Processes Details
A-3-1 Formative Assessment
Since all data processing is done by CLOSO software which has been thoroughly checked by
comparing with calculations done manually in two different departments of the university, the
key to success in achieving the reliability of the direct course assessment and evaluation system
is the data collection and data entry. The data to be collected by the instructor during the whole
semester are described in the following sections.
A-3-1-1 SO Assessment Plan
The first piece of information that is required by all instructors is a SO assessment plan for the
courses they are teaching and share it with the students in the first week of classes. The purpose
of this plan is to increase the awareness of the course relevant SOs among the students and to
re-emphasize the faculty of the importance of SO assessment though done implicitly through
the assessment of the CLOs. This helps the instructor in keeping in view the relevant SOs
whenever designing an assessment for CLOs. At the same time, it helps the students in paying
attention to their abilities that are required at the time of graduation.

Table 4-8, 4-9 and 4-10 show the choices available to the instructor for three different aspects
of the SO assessment plan. Fig. 4-5 shows a typical instructors input in CLOSO software.
Table 4-8: SO Introduction to Students - Choices for Instructors
Choice No. When will the SO be introduced to the students?
1 In the first week of classes
2 In the second week of classes
3 Any time before mid-term
4 After the mid-term
5 Last week of classes
6 Never

Table 4-9: SO Students Awareness Check - Choices for Instructors
Choice No. How will it be ascertained that students are aware of the SO?
1 Through verbal cross-questioning
2 Through a questionnaire
3 Through questions in assessments
4 No. Nothing will be done.

Table 4-10: SO Assessment Method - Choices for Instructors
Choice No. How will the SO be assessed?
1 Implicitly through CLO based questions
2 Explicitly through SO based questions
3 Through a presentation, student will make
4 Through an assessment for this purpose
5 Through oral questions
6 Not applicable (because no plan to assess)

Here the instructor enters the plan of SO evaluation. The questions and the possible answers
are shown in the screen snapshot in Fig. 4-5. The SOs in the first column are only those that are
relevant to the course. This information is gathered from all instructors for increased awareness
of the faculty teaching the course and the students and may be used by the Assessment and
Evaluation Committee to resolve any issues concerning the satisfaction of SO attainment.


Fig. 4-5: An example of SO Assessment Plan Input
A-3-1-2 Assessment Contribution Data
For the purpose of data input to CLOSO software, an assessment is characterized by four

a) An assessment ID (usually the serial order of occurrence of assessment)
b) A name given to the assessment by the instructor
c) Raw marks used for grading the assessment
d) Actual marks out of 100 that the assessment contributes to the final grade

An example is shown in Table 4-11. It is worth noting that data shown in Table 4-11 is
typically maintained by all instructors universally and therefore it is no additional burden on
the instructor.

Table 4-11: Typical Assessment Marks Contribution Data
Raw Marks
(Used for grading
the assessment)
Contribution to
Final Grade (%)
1 Quiz 1 20 5
2 Homework 1 100 5
3 Quiz 2 20 5
4 Mid-Term 20 20
5 Term Project 50 15
6 Final Exam 100 50
Total marks contribution: (must add up to 100) >> 100

A-3-1-3 CLO Marks Allocation Data
Keeping track of the CLO marks allocation data is an important part of the process. The
instructor in each assessment must specify the marks allocated to each question and the CLO
that it addresses. In some assessments like quizzes, only a single CLO is addressed, while
there are others like the final examination and other periodic examinations (such as Mid-term
examination) that have questions belonging to different CLOs.

If an assessment is a Single CLO Assessment i.e. it has all questions belonging to the same
CLO, it makes things simple because keeping track of the students marks for the assessment is
enough. The instructor does not need to keep track of students marks in each different
question. Fig. 4-6 shows the CLO Marks Allocation data required for a Single CLO

However, if an assessment is Multiple CLO Assessment, the questions in the assessment
belong to different CLOs. In this case, it is required that marks of students for all questions
belonging to each CLO be recorded. In such cases, the data collection is a little burdensome on
the instructor but there is no other way to determine how the students are performing in a
particular CLO that in turn provides their performance in the respective SOs. Fig. 4-8 shows
the data input by the instructor using CLOSO software for the Multiple CLO Assessment
shown in Fig. 4-7.

Fig. 4-6: Single CLO Assessment Marks Allocation

Fig. 4-7: Multiple CLO Assessment Marks Allocation


Fig. 4-8: CLOSO input for CLO Marks Allocation Data

A-3-1-4 Assessment Data
Assessment marks for the students are among the data that an instructor always maintains.
Civil Engineering Program Assessment and Evaluation system requires that the assessment
marks be recorded CLO-wise. The instructor may maintain such data for all students in an
EXCEL sheet and then copy-paste to the CLOSO data input window. Alternatively the
instructor may input the data directly to CLOSO and there is no need to store data in EXCEL
sheets. Table 4-12 is an example showing the required data for each assessment to be recorded
by the instructor. The last column indicates the Non-CLO marks i.e. marks for questions in an
assessment that dont belong to any of the course CLOs. This option is only used by instructors
who assess the students in areas not covered by the prescribed CLOs. Later they may
recommend improvements in the curriculum based on their observations of the Non-CLO

Table 4-12: Example of Required Assessment Data
(Marks Out of 20)
(Marks Out of 30)
(Marks Out of 50)
Non CLO Marks
1 17 20 45 0
2 16 22 43 0
3 10 25 30 0
4 17 26 39 0
5 15 23 38 0
6 14 19 37 0
. . . . .

Fig 4-3 shows the data input window for assessment data. It is interesting to note that analysis
of two types are shown instantly as the instructor inputs the data. These analyses keep the
instructor informed of the students performance so that the instructor may take measures to
improve the learning outcomes. The two types of analyses shown in the data input window are
described in the following:

a) Bar chart for each CLO: For each CLO in each assessment a bar chart shows the grade
distribution. The instructor may display the distribution for the total of all CLOs for a
given assessment or the total of all assessments for a given CLO. Final grades
distribution i.e. the total of all assessments for the total of all CLOs may also be

b) In the right bottom part of the window, the percentage of students satisfying a criterion
is displayed for each CLO for varying satisfaction criterion ranging from 60% to 95%
marks. For example in the screen snapshot shown in Fig. 4-9, the analysis indicates
that for CLO 1 in Assessment 6, 95% students get more than 60% marks, 90%
students get more than 65% marks, 85% get more than 70% marks, and so on.

The above two analyses are sufficient for an instructor to evaluate the students performances
continuously as the semester progresses and take necessary steps to strengthen the areas which
are weak.

Fig. 4-9: Assessment data input and analysis of CLOSO

A-3-1-5 Evaluation of SO Attainment through Core Courses
For each course, CLOSO software performs analysis of the collected assessment data. Two
types of results are produced: a) CLO satisfaction results, b) SO satisfaction results. They are
described below:

a) CLO Satisfaction Results: CLOSO software analyses and determines the percentage of
students satisfying the program satisfaction criterion for each assessment. Then a weighted
average is calculated for each CLO. An example of CLOSO display of CLO Satisfaction
data is shown in Fig. 4-10.

Fig. 4-10: Typical CLO satisfaction data

b) SO Satisfaction Results: CLOSO performs SO satisfaction analysis of each course using a
conversion formula based on CLO-SO map for the course and produces the percentage of
students satisfying the program satisfaction criterion for each SO that is relevant to the
course as shown in Fig. 4-11. For each SO, there are two columns of data. The first column
displays the marks allocated for the assessment for the particular SO. The second column
displays the percentage of students getting marks greater than 70% (Program satisfaction

The last row in this table of data is important. It gives the cumulative sum of all
assessments done for the course. In this example, 33.5% marks are allocated to
assessments related to SO (a) and the percentage of students getting more than 70% marks
is 67%. For SO (e), 64.5% marks are shown allocated and the percentage of students
getting marks greater than 70% is 70%.

Fig. 4-11: Typical SO satisfaction data

A-3-2 Graduation Project (GP) Assessment
In addition to a brief orientation in a semester prior to the start of the project, the Graduation
Project (GP) is completed in two semesters. Its complete procedure with specified tasks to be
done are given in the document prepared by the department. The document is available at the
following link:

The document is distributed to the faculty and the students and is considered as a guide for
both the students and the faculty. It describes the assessment process of the Graduation Project,
its administration and evaluation. The graduation project assessment is even more important
and has much more weight than the Direct Course Assessment because the students doing the
graduation project are close to graduation. Their abilities in all SOs are assessed in the
graduation project. We describe the process of data collection and evaluation as follows:

A-3-2-1 Graduation Project CLOs & CLO-SO Map
Assessment data for the graduation project submitted by the GP advisers are based on a set of
CLOs that are pre-specified and are strongly linked to the SOs. The CLO-SO map for the
graduation project is also pre-specified. The CLOs and the CLO-SO maps of the graduation
project are approved by the Curriculum Committee. They are also reviewed by the Assessment
and Evaluation Committee to make sure all SOs are properly represented. The prescribed
CLOs are shown in Table 4-13. The CLO-SO map is shown in Fig. 4-12.

It can be observed from the CLO-SO map that all the 11 SOs from (a) to (k) are significant in
the GP. Therefore over the two semesters, the students demonstrate their abilities in all the
required SOs through the tasks required by the GP. Since graduation project is taken by the
students when they are close to the graduation, the data obtained from the GP is the most
reliable data indicating the attainment of the SOs.

Table 4-13: Graduation Project CLOs for First Semester
Ability to identify, formulate and solve the analytical and numerical problems
associated with the project
Ability to design a system, component or process with defined constraints of the
Ability to plan, design and conduct the laboratory or numerical experiments
required for the project and to analyze and interpret the data
Ability to describe the economic and environmental impact and contemporary
issues of the project and various alternative solutions
5 Ability to function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
Ability to understand the codes and local laws regulating various aspects of the
project and apply the codes wherever possible
Ability to identify and analyze a situation involving professional ethics and to
make a decision
Ability to prepare an engineering report of the project and present it
demonstrating engineering communication skills
Ability to collect data and information required to complete the project from
Library and Internet resources


Fig. 4-12: Graduation project first semester CLO-SO map

A-3-2-2 GP Assessment Data Collection for First Semester
For each of the two semesters of GP, the project advisor submits the assessment data using
CLOSO software. There are two template CLOSO files available to the faculty to report the
collected assessment data. The project advisor has just to enter the marks obtained by the
students in the project group for each task. Table 4-14 shows the list of tasks for the First
Semester of GP. It also shows the relative weight of each task and the CLO it belongs to. The
weights shown in the third column of Table 4-14 are used by CLOSO to process the
assessment data. The instructor does not have to worry about calculating the assessment marks
based on the weights. The instructor reports the assessment of each task out of 100.

Table 4-14: GP First Semester Assessment Items
Task Task Description Weight
(Out of 100)
1 Coordination with the client 5 CLO 5
2 Problem definition and constraint statements 10 CLO 1
3 Literature review 5 CLO 9
4 Task 4: statement of objectives 5 CLO 2
5 Design quality evaluation criterion 5 CLO 2
Design fees structure statement(code/local laws) 5 CLO 6
Design fees structures (analyze professional ethics) 5 CLO 7
7 Design schedule 5 CLO 2
8 Feasibility of alternatives 5 CLO 2
9 Initial site plan 5 CLO 2
10 Impact of design on neighborhood 5 CLO 4
11 Geotechnical study plan 5 CLO 2
12 Traffic/environmental impact statement 5 CLO 4
13 Design code requirements and sanitary aspects 5 CLO 4
14 Teamwork 5 CLO 5
15 Presentation 15 CLO 8
16 Numerical or laboratory experimentation plan 5 CLO 3
Total Marks 100

A-3-2-3 GP Assessment Data Collection for Second Semester
Similar to the tasks of the First semester, the tasks of the Second semester of the Graduation
project are specified in addition to the required CLOs. However the tasks and the CLOs are
different for each semester of work. The CLOs of the second semester are also mapped to the

Table 4-15 shows the list of tasks for the Second Semester of GP with the relative weight of
each task and the required CLO to be attained from these tasks. Again just like the first
semester tasks, the weights shown in the third column of Table 4-15 are used by software
CLOSO to process the assessment data. The instructor does not have to worry about
calculating the assessment marks based on the weights. The instructor reports the assessment
of each task out of 100.

Table 4-15: GP Second Semester Assessment Items
Task Task Description Weight
(Out of 100)
1 Weekly meeting with advisor- team progress 2 CLO 5
2 Schedule of project deliverables 3 CLO 5
3 Team work abilities - log sheets 5 CLO 5
4 Identify and formulate problem 5 CLO 1
5 Design with constraints 10 CLO 2
Laboratory/Numerical Experiments, Data analysis and data
10 CLO 3
7 Application of codes in design 5 CLO 6
8 Consideration of local laws in design 5 CLO 6
Economical-Environmental Impact and Contemporary
5 CLO 4
10 Ethical decisions in design 5 CLO 7
Data and information obtained from Internet and Library
5 CLO 9
12 Cost estimation 5 CLO 2
13 Construction Schedule 5 CLO 2
14 Final Report 15 CLO 8
15 Poster summarizing the project 5 CLO 8
16 Group presentation 10 CLO 8
Total Marks 100

A-3-2-3 GP Assessment Data Evaluation
The Graduation Project data collected from the instructors in the form of CLOSO data files are
automatically processed by CLOSO software for CLO and SO satisfaction. The analysis and
the output are exactly similar to what has been described in Section A-3-1-5 and therefore are
not repeated here.

A-3-3 Course-wise Student Survey
Indirect assessment of SO attainment through course-wise student survey is the most important
indirect assessment. Students get a chance to tell about their perception concerning the
attainment of the CLOs. The form for getting each students opinion is generated and printed
by CLOSO. Since the CLOs are different for each course, the forms are printed differently for
each course. On the form, the CLOs are listed and a student scores the learning outcome
attained as perceived by him. A typical form is shown in Fig. 4-13.

Fig. 4-13: Typical student survey form

The filled in forms are collected from all students just before the final examination. The data
are entered in CLOSO. CLOSO processes the data and evaluates the CLO satisfaction. A
typical CLOSO screen snapshot of Student Survey Analysis is shown in Fig. 4-14. In the
analysis produced by CLOSO, the percentages in the columns, labelled 3:C, 4:B and 5:A, are
summed up to determine what percentage of students perceive that the CLOs have been
attained to 70% or higher marks. The SO satisfaction is also calculated and displayed as shown
in the bottom part of Fig. 4-14. It may be noted that the required satisfaction is obtained when
70% students believe that they have attained the CLOs to the level of 70% or higher marks (i.e.
C or above).


Fig. 4-14: Typical student survey data and analysis

A-3-4 Course-wise Faculty Survey
Indirect assessment of SOs through Faculty Survey is important because it is the judgment of
the instructor teaching the course. Obviously the instructor knows from the direct assessment
how well the students have attained the CLOs and SOs. The judgment of the instructor will be
usually about the same as reflected by the direct assessments. However, the instructor observes
the performance of students over the semester and there may be reasons to believe that the
students ability as reflected by the direct assessments are not true. Thus, the indirect
assessment through Faculty Survey is necessary. It shows the perception the instructor has
about the students abilities attained in the course. In this survey, the instructor indicates, for
each CLO, his opinion about the real abilities attained by the students. Therefore the input is
very simple. CLOSO takes the input from the instructor and then converts it to SO satisfaction
using the same CLO-SO mapping as discussed earlier. Fig. 4-15 shows a CLOSO screen
snapshot of the faculty survey of CLO satisfaction for a typical course. The snapshot also
shows the rubrics used for the faculty survey. CLOSO displays the rubrics to help the
instructor input his perception of students abilities. The rubrics are as follows:

1: Unsatisfactory
2: Progressing (towards satisfaction)
3: Satisfactory (i.e. 70% students are attaining the abilities to a level of C grade)
4: Excellent
5: Exemplary

A score less than 3 is unsatisfactory and therefore an improvement plan will be required to
rectify the low attainment of the CLO and the relevant SOs.


Fig. 4-15: An example of faculty survey data input

CLOSO converts the CLO Satisfaction data to the SO satisfaction data. Fig. 4-16 shows the
converted data for a number of courses. This is presented here as an example. Faculty survey
analysis is not done only for the CLO and SO attainment but actually is done for numerous
factors affecting the quality of learning and prosed improvements. The data shown in Fig. 4-16
is for SO attainment that is displayed when the user selects the Outcome Analysis tab. Other
data tabs will be discussed in the section on Continuous Improvement.

The example of SO satisfaction data based on faculty survey as shown in Fig. 4-16 gives for
each course the marks allocated to the relevant SO and the percentage of students getting more
than 70%. For example the SO (a) has two columns namely M(a) and P(a). M(a) is the marks
that were allocated to questions used in the assessments of SO (a). P(a) is based on the faculty
survey data about his perception of the percentage of students satisfying the criterion. One can
immediately see that the course 803323 has a satisfaction of 54% only i.e. unsatisfactory. It
means that the instructor believes that only 54% of the students have attained the learning
outcome to the level of 70%. In addition to this information, the first few columns of the table
give the Course ID, Sections, the credit hours (CH) and the number of students (NS).

Fig. 4-16: Example of SO satisfaction based on faculty survey data
A-3-5 Exit Survey
In each semester, all graduating students are required to fill in a survey form and go through an
exit interview by the Surveys Committee of the department. The survey form is shown in Table
4-16. An example of data collected through Exit Survey is shown in Table 4-17. The data are
used to compare the SO attainments of two or more semesters as shown in Fig 4-17 where
attainments of Fall and Spring of the academic year 2011-12 are compared.
Table 4-16: Exit Survey SO Attainment Form
As a graduate of the civil engineering program at Umm Al-Qura University, please rate the following Student
Outcomes. Now at the time of graduation, how well you think you have attained these abilities? Use the
following rubrics for your answer to each ability.
(Almost no abilities)
(Attained D grade
(Attained C grade
Very good
(Attained B grade
(Attained A grade
Student Outcome

1 2 3 4 5
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and

an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
and interpret data

an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet
desired needs within realistic constraints ..

(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental,

a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering
tools necessary for engineering practice

Table 4-17: An example of SO attainment obtained from exit survey
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
3 (9%) 1 (3%) 4 (12%) 17 (53%) 7 (23%) (a) 1
2 (6%) 2 (6%) 8 (25%) 13 (41%) 2 (6%) (b) 2
1 (3%) 1 (3%) 7 (22%) 16 (50%) 7 (22%) (c) 3
1 (3%) 1 (3%) 8 (25%) 15 (47%) 7 (22%) (d) 4
1 (3%) 0 (0%) 16 (50%) 14 (44%) 1 (3%) (e) 5
2 (6%) 2 (6%) 11 (34%) 11 (34%) 6 (19%) (f) 7
2 (6%) 1 (3 %) 6 (19%) 16 (50%) 7 (22%) (g.1) 9
3 (9%) 2 (6%) 11 (34%) 11 (34. %) 5 (16%) (g.2) 10
1 (3%) 2 (6%) 9 (28%) 10 (31 %) 10 (31%) (h) 11
1 (3%) 3 (9%) 5 (16%) 13 (41%) 10 (31%) (i) 12
2 (6%) 2 (6%) 8 (25%) 11 (34%) 9 (28%) (j) 13
2 (6%) 3 (9%) 5 (16%) 12 (34%) 10 (31%) (k) 14

Fig.4-17: An example of comparative data from exit surveys fro SO (a)
A-3-6 Alumni Survey
Alumni survey is done at an interval of 3 years. A questionnaire is sent to a set of randomly
selected alumni. Among the questions in the questionnaire Table 4-18 is provided. In this
table, the alumni indicate the perception of their abilities in each SO at the time of graduation.
Table 4-18: Alumni survey form for SO attainment
As a graduate of the civil engineering program at Umm Al-Qura University, please rate the following
Student Outcomes. Do you agree that at the time of graduation you had attained these abilities?
Use the following rubrics for your answer to each:
Student Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and

an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
and interpret data

an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet
desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability

(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and
societal context

a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering
tools necessary for engineering practice

A-3-7 Employer Survey
Employers survey is also done at an interval of 3 years. Questionnaires were sent to a set of
randomly selected employers. Among the questions, a table similar to Table 4-18 used for the
Alumni survey is provided so that the employers may indicate how well they found our
graduates that they employed in abilities concerning each SO.
A-4 SO Attainment indicated by Formative Assessments
This section presents data showing the attainment of the SOs from various assessment
processes described in the previous sections. Before presenting the data a brief discussion of
how the data is obtained using the CLOSO software is given.

A-4-1 Extracting SO Attainment Data from CLOSO
SO attainments indicated by the Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments and Student
Surveys are evaluated by CLOSO software Admin Panel. The ABET coordinator of the
department is authorized to use the Admin panel of CLOSO. Since the authorization for
CLOSO Admin Panel enables the user to modify the data base including the syllabus and
customization data, only one person in the department (currently the ABET coordinator) has
such authorization. The chairman of the Assessment and Evaluation Committee collects the
CLOSO assessment files each semester from all instructors and stores them in a single folder.
The folder is sent to the ABET coordinator for analysis and evaluation using CLOSO Admin

CLOSO Admin Panel opens with an interface screen shown in Fig. 4-18. Among other
controls, it has a button labelled Evaluation. Clicking this button opens a dialog for the user
to specify the folder that contains the course files (i.e. CLOSO data files).

Fig 4-18: CLOSO Admin Panel

When the button Evaluation is clicked, data from all files in the specified folder are input by
CLOSO. CLOSO reads the data from each file and performs the required data processing to
obtain the SO Satisfaction Data. The SO Satisfaction Data are displayed in a window
labelled SO Based Satisfaction as shown in Fig. 4-19. The displayed data shows the
attainment of SOs for each course. The numbers in the columns for each SO (a) to (k) indicate
the percentage of students attaining the target Program Satisfaction Criterion (PSC) which is
currently 70% (70% students attaining 70% marks is considered satisfactory). As mentioned
earlier, there are faculty members with a high standard who turn out to be tough graders
whereas there are some who are too soft and the grades are inflated. While the department is
continuously trying to minimize this variation and curb the grade inflation and increase the
reliability of assessments, the issue of variation of grading criterion from instructor to
instructor will always remain in a University where faculty members are free to teach the
courses the way they like. Therefore, the SO attainment in a particular course is not a true
indicator. The average of SO attainments of all courses is therefore considered as a reasonable
indicator of SO attainments and will be used.

The columns of data displayed in SO Based Satisfaction Window (Fig. 4-19) need some
explanation to understand the data and therefore are briefly described in the following:

1) Column 1 shows the serial number of the course in the folder of CLOSO Course Files.
2) Column 2 displays the course IDs as specified in the curriculum.
3) Column 3 gives the sections of the course that the same instructor was teaching.
4) Column 4 has the header CH. It indicates the credit hours for the course.
5) Column 5 has the header NS. It shows the number of students registered in the course.
6) Column 6 and 7 have the header (a) and sub headers M(a) and P(a). This means that
columns 6 and 7 are displaying the data for the SO (a). Column 6 with header M(a) shows
the marks allocated to the questions related to SO (a). Column 7 has the header P(a). It
shows the percentage of students getting marks 70% or higher.
7) The same is repeated for SOs (b to k) in the subsequent columns.
8) In the bottom of the screen the weighted averages are displayed. The user may display the
simple averages or the weighted averages based on NS, CH and marks allocated to the SO.
9) The data may be exported to EXCEL by clicking the button EXPORT.

Fig 4-19: An example of SO attainment data display by CLOSO Admin Panel
A-4-2 Comparing SO Attainment for Varying Satisfaction Criteria

The data shown in Fig. 4-19 indicate whether the target PSC of SO attainments have been
achieved or not. However, for decision making, a question always arises: If the percentage
marks specified for the satisfaction of SO attainments are raised or lowered then what
percentage of students will be achieving the satisfaction. For this purpose CLOSO produces
comparative data for varying satisfaction criteria. The comparative data can be displayed for
each SO by clicking the button Compare criteria shown highlighted with an arrow in Fig. 4-
19. When this button is clicked, a window opens with the display as shown in the screen
snapshot of Fig. 4-20. This window is called Satisfaction Criterion Comparison window.

Fig. 4-20: SO Attainment Data for SO (b) Fall 2012

The data shown in Fig. 4-20 are for the selected SO (b) for Fall 2012. CLOSO Admin Panel
user may choose any of the SOs and display the data. The columns are described as follows:

1) Column 1 shows the serial number of the course in the folder of CLOSO Course Files.
2) Column 2 displays the course IDs as specified in the curriculum.
3) Column 3 displays the course name.
4) Column 4 gives the sections of the course that the same instructor was teaching.
5) Column 5 has the header CH. It indicates the credit hours for the course.
6) Column 6 has the header NS. It shows the number of students registered in the course.
7) Column 7 gives the marks used in the assessment of the selected SO.
8) Column 8 has the percentage of students getting 60% or higher (P: 60%)
9) Columns 9 to 14 show the percentage of students getting 65%, 70%, and so on to 90%.

The CLOSO display shown in Fig. 4-20, shows the column with the specified PSC highlighted
with red and blue color text. Blue mean the criterion is satisfied and the red mean the criterion
is not satisfied. For example in the case of Plane Surveying (the first row), for P: 70% which is
the specified PSC, percentage of students getting 70% or higher is 66%. Since the specified
PSC requires 70% students get to the level of SO attainment of 70%, 66% has been highlighted
with red color. Similarly Concrete Technology and Topographic & Photogrammetric
Surveying have low satisfaction and are shown in red color. The average however 73% which
is satisfactory is but the weighted average is slightly low (69%) and therefore is shown in red.
The maximum is also displayed, in the last row, which is 90% for P: 70%. It means that in at
least one course the SO attainment reached to the level of 91%. It is interesting to note that for
P: 65%, no issues exist and all courses got to the SO attainment of 70% or higher. This
indicates that the SO attainment is progressing from the 60% to 70% and therefore the overall
picture is promising.
A-4-3 SO Attainment Data Fall 2012

In Section 4-4-2, the example used was for SO (b) attainment for Fall 2012. Similar data for
other SOs have been obtained. They are shown in Figures 4-21 to 4-31. However, it must be
noted that in some cases there are issues with the submitted course files or the course files are
not submitted or not all courses are taught in a given semester. Therefore, not all courses are
included in the evaluation data presented here. However the averages and specially the
weighted averages and the maximum are very good indicators based on 80% of the course
files. Non-submission of course files from some instructors will not have any significant effect
on the average SO attainment. The department chairman takes measures to pursue all
instructors for the submission of course files and we are hoping to have 100% course files
submission for the next academic year.

Fig. 4-21: SO Attainment Data for SO (a) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-22: SO Attainment Data for SO (b) Fall 2012


Fig. 4-23: SO Attainment Data for SO (c) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-24: SO Attainment Data for SO (d) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-25: SO Attainment Data for SO (e) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-26: SO Attainment Data for SO (f) Fall 2012


Fig. 4-27: SO Attainment Data for SO (g) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-28: SO Attainment Data for SO(h) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-29: SO Attainment Data for SO (i) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-30: SO Attainment Data for SO(j) Fall 2012

Fig. 4-31: SO Attainment Data for SO (k) Fall 2012

A-4-4 SO Attainment Data for Spring 2013

SO attainment data for Spring 2013 are presented in the following in Figures 4-32 to 4-43.
Again all the course files have not been submitted but will be received in due course and the
evaluation for all course files together will be available at the time of the visit. In any case, as
mentioned earlier, since most of the course files have been submitted, the averages will not
change much and the data we present now will be quite representative of the overall picture.
(The revised data after receiving more course files are shown in Figures 4-44(a) and 4-44(b))

Fig. 4-32: SO Attainment Data for SO (a) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-33: SO Attainment Data for SO (b) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-34: SO Attainment Data for SO (c) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-35: SO Attainment Data for SO (d) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-36: SO Attainment Data for SO (e) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-37: SO Attainment Data for SO(f) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-38: SO Attainment Data for SO (g) Spring 2013


Fig. 4-39: SO Attainment Data for SO (h) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-40: SO Attainment Data for SO(i) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-41: SO Attainment Data for SO (j) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-42: SO Attainment Data for SO (k) Spring 2013

A-4-5 SO Attainment Summary and Comparison for Formative Assessments

A summary of SO attainment for Fall 2012 is shown in Table 4-19. The data is for the PSC
raised to 70%. It is obvious that SO (j) is the weakest and ways to improve it must be explored.
The Assessment and Evaluation Committee looked into the matter and asked the instructors to
come up with a Continuous Improvement Plans. The results improved in Spring 2013 as will
be obvious from the Attainment data of Spring 2012-2013. Also, it is worth noting that the data
presented are for Formative assessments. Graduation Project assessment methods were revised
and implemented in Fall 2012. The assessment data will be available in Spring 2013. Also it
must be noted that 70% is the Target to be achieved over a period of 2 years. However, the
program is very close to reach the target PSC. If we consider the previous PSC i.e. 60%
students getting 70% marks, then from the data in Figures 4-20 to 4-30, it is obvious that the
PSC is satisfied for all SOs. Therefore in Fall 2012 we had a situation of satisfaction in most
SOs and progressing towards satisfaction in some SOs (a), (e), (f) and (j) but all above the
P:60% level. A summary of SO attainment for Spring 2013 is shown in Table 4-20.

Table 4-19: SO attainment for P: 70% (Fall 2012)
Student Outcomes (SO)>> a b c d e f g h i j k
Simple Averages (%) 64 73 58 67 59 62 83 70 77 51 73
Weighted Averages (%) 59 69 53 67 57 53 81 70 77 48 73
Maximum (%) 99 91 86 67 83 99 99 70 99 56 98

Table 4-20: SO attainment for P: 70% (Spring 2013)
Student Outcomes (SO): a b c d e f g h i j k
Simple Averages (%) 68 68 68 79 65 65 85 70 76 60 80
Weighted Averages (%) 67 54 65 79 65 62 84 70 75 62 76
Maximum (%) 88 92 84 79 82 86 99 70 86 65 97

A comparison is shown in Fig. 4-43. As expected, the SO attainment is improved for Spring
2013 as compared to Fall 2012. The only issue is in SO (a). It went down in Spring as
compared to Fall. This issue was investigated in the Assessment and Evaluation Committee. It
was concluded that the most probable cause is efforts of the department to curb the grade
inflation that was recognized by the faculty in Spring 2013 as an important issue and they were
more careful in grading.

Fig. 4-43: SO Attainment Data Comparison Fall vs Spring 2013


Fig. 4-44(a): Revised SO Attainment Data Spring 2013

Fig. 4-44(a): Revised SO Satisfaction Indicies Spring 2013

A-5 SO Attainment indicated by Summative Assessment
As described earlier in Section A-3-2, while discussing the assessment process of the
graduation project, the Graduation Project addresses all the SOs from (a) to (k). Also the
Graduation Project is completed just before graduation and therefore it represents the abilities
at the time of graduations. No other course or set of courses have such strong summative
property for the purpose of assessment of the SOs. Therefore, we consider the Graduation
Project assessment as the most important direct Summative Assessment of the Civil
Engineering Program. The department has established a system to regulate, monitor and assess
the Graduation Projects. Since the grade inflation has been too high with the Graduation
Projects, the implementation of the new Graduation Project Assessment and Control system
brought down the grade inflation to some extent. Since it was implemented in Fall 2012 and
the Graduation Project is required to be completed in two semesters, the only SO attainment
data available is for Spring 2013. It is expected that, this new system will be completely
implemented and accepted by the faculty and therefore from the next academic year data for all
Graduation Projects will be available. Figures 4-43 to 4-53 show the SO attainment data for all
SOs. Again all raw assessment data was collected by the instructors and was input to CLOSO.
CLOSO performed all the required data processing and generated these tables. Table 4-21
gives a summary of the summative assessments.

Fig. 4-45: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (a) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-46: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (b) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-47: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (c) Spring 2013


Fig. 4-48: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (d) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-49: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (e) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-50: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (f) Spring 2013


Fig. 4-51: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (g) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-52: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (h) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-53: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (i) Spring 2013


Fig. 4-54: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (j) Spring 2013

Fig. 4-55: Graduation Project SO Attainment Data for SO (k) Spring 2013

Table 4-21: Graduation Projects SO attainment Summary (Spring 2013)
Satisfaction Criteria
70% Marks 75% Marks 80% Marks 85% Marks 90% Marks
Percentage of Students Satisfying the Criterion
(a) 95 93 91 65 51
(b) 92 92 92 84 72
(c) 90 90 90 67 52
(d) 99 98 98 67 50
(e) 95 93 91 65 51
(f) 90 90 90 67 55
(g) 95 94 94 70 39
(h) 91 91 91 72 55
(i) 92 92 92 64 45
(j) 91 91 91 72 55
(k) 94 93 92 92 69

A-6 SO Attainment indicated by Course-wise Student Survey
As described earlier, CLOSO analyses the student survey data. Students opinions are based on
their perception of learning concerning each CLO of the course. CLOSO converts the data to
SO based satisfaction. The attainment indicated by the course-wise student survey has been
showing very satisfactory results. Almost for all SOs in various courses, 90% students believe
that they have the abilities to score 70% marks. Although the direct assessment results indicate
much lower satisfaction, this expression of students belief of their learning is a good indicator.
Its reliability however must be determined. The data shown in Table 4-22 are student survey
results for Fall and Spring semesters of 2012-13. The weighted averages have been shown.
Similar data has been observed in the past years. Basically, the data reveals that about 1 to 7 %
of the students believed that their abilities in the course related student outcomes were below
70%. Student survey becomes useful when the students strongly disagree with the notion that
they have the achieved the abilities and the satisfaction goes below 70%. In such special cases,
the department looks into the matter on the recommendation of the Assessment and Evaluation
Committee and corrective measures are taken though the averages indicate 70% or higher
Table 4-22: Student Survey SO Attainment (Academic Year 2012-13)


A-7 SO Attainment through indicated by Course-wise Faculty Survey
The process of faculty survey has been described earlier. Each instructor gives his perception
of the level of learning of the students in each CLO of the course. This way the instructor
expresses his opinion about whether the direct assessment data is an accordance with his
perception of students learning or otherwise. CLOSO software processes the faculty input and
converts them into SO based satisfaction data. The data obtained from CLOSO for the
academic year 2012-13 are shown in Table 4-23. These are weighted averages for all the core
courses not including the Graduation Projects. It is obvious from the data that in facultys
opinion the abilities are being achieved by the students in the courses at satisfactory level.
Table 4-23: Faculty Survey SO Attainment (Academic Year 2012-13)


A-8 SO Attainment indicated by Exit Surveys
Exit surveys are performed to obtain data of the graduating students perception of their
abilities at the time of graduation. The data obtained for the semesters Spring 2011, Fall 2011,
Spring 2012, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 are shown graphically in Figures 4-56 to 4-66 . The
ordinate in each of these graphs is the percentage of students giving an opinion about whether
they strongly agree, agree, are neutral on the issue, disagree or strongly disagree. The graphs
show attainments of SOs (a) to (k) as indicated by the surveys. Since the satisfaction criterion
is 70%, we consider the attainment satisfactory if percentage of students disagreeing and
strongly disagreeing are less than 30%. Whenever the attainment is unsatisfactory, an
improvement plan is required. The proposed improvement plan is then presented in the
departmental meeting for approval. From the graphs, shown in Figures 4-56 to 4-66, it is
concluded that the SO attainments are satisfactory and progressing.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Fig. 4-56: Exit survey results for attainment of SO (a)
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Fig. 4-57: Exit survey results for attainment of SO (b)

Fig. 4-58: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (c)

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Fig. 4-59: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (d)

Fig. 4-60: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (e)

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Fig. 4-61: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (f)

Fig. 4-62: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (g)

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Fig. 4-63: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (h)

Fig. 4-64: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (i)

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Fig. 4-65: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (j)

Fig. 4-66: Exit Survey results for attainment of SO (k)
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
A-9 SO Attainment indicated through Alumni Survey
The process of Alumni Survey has been described earlier in section A-6-6. Here the data is
presented based on a random sample of 73 alumni. The results are interpreted using the simple
approach that if the number of alumni strongly disagreeing and disagreeing exceeds 30% then
the satisfaction is less than 70% and will be considered unacceptable. As a result, an
improvement plan must be devised to tackle the issue of low satisfaction. In this case, the issue
will be discussed in Assessment and Evaluation Committee, departmental council, and the
EAB meetings and ways to resolve the issue will be determined. In case the number of alumni
who are neutral, disagreeing and strongly disagreeing exceed 30% then the situation is
considered progressing towards satisfaction and the Assessment and Evaluation Committee
recommendations will be required to improve the situation. The data shown in Table 4-24
indicates that the all SOs are in states of either satisfactory or progressing towards satisfaction.

Table 4-24: Alumni Survey Data for SO Attainment

Alumni response to the question related to each SO about how well
they agree that they possessed the abilities at the time of graduation.
(a) 22 22 22 21 5 2 17 15
(b) 25 21 22 22 2 8 56 15
(c) 22 22 22 22 2 2 65 24
(d) 22 21 22 21 7 2 94 17
(e) 22 22 25 2 7 2 15 11
(f) 27 28 22 22 2 1 56 13
(g) 22 21 22 22 5 1 56 19
(h) 28 21 22 25 2 2 65 16
(i) 22 27 21 22 2 2 54 13
(j) 22 21 25 22 1 1 65 17
(k) 25 28 28 22 8 1 55 19
A-10 SO Attainment indicated through Employer Survey
The process of Employer Survey has been described earlier in section A-6-7. Here the data is
presented based on a random sample of 10 employers. The results are interpreted using the
simple approach that if the number of employers strongly disagreeing and disagreeing
exceeds 30% then the satisfaction is less than 70% and will be considered unacceptable. As a
result, an improvement plan must be devised to tackle the issue of low satisfaction. In this
case, the issue will be discussed in Assessment and Evaluation Committee, departmental
council, and the EAB meetings. Employers and alumni will be contacted and ways to resolve
the issue will be determined. In case the number of employers who are neutral, disagreeing and
strongly disagreeing exceed 30% then the situation is considered progressing towards
satisfaction and the Assessment and Evaluation Committee recommendations will be required
to improve the situation. The data shown in Table 4-25 indicates that SO (d) and SO (h) are in
the state of progressing towards satisfaction (highlighted by red frames) and all other SOs are
in satisfactory state.

Table 4-25: Alumni Survey Data for SO Attainment
Agree Neutral Disagree
Apply knowledge of
mathematics, science, and
engineering to Civil
engineering problems.
Design and conduct
experiments, as well as
analyzing and interpreting
Design a system, component,
or process to meet desired
needs within realistic
constraints such as economic,
environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and
Functioning on
multidisciplinary teams.
- -
Identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems.
- -
Understand professional and
ethical responsibility.
- - -
Communicate effectively. 4
- - -
Understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a
global, economic,
environmental, and societal

Recognize of the need for,
and engaging in life-long
2(20%) - -
Have knowledge of
contemporary issues.
- - -
Able to use techniques, skills,
and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering
A-11 SOs Revision Process
The student outcomes are planned to be revised in a way similar to the revisions of PEOs.
The revision process of the SOs is planned to be launched every five years or whenever
there is a change in ABET Criterion 3 or the PEOs. Definitions and revisions of the
student outcomes are discussed biennially by the assessment committee as a part of its
assessment exercises; any recommended changes are then submitted as a draft
recommendation to the department faculty for discussion and final approval. The
assessment committee additionally solicits feedback on the set of SOs from the external
advisory board. Our current outcomes were last discussed with the advisory board in Dec
2012 meeting; they recommended no changes. The revision of SOs will involve
consultations with the programs constituencies. From these consultations the Assessment
and Evaluation Committee will propose revisions to the SOs. The process is as follows:

1) Students will be involved in the process three ways:

a. The current SOs are published on the department web page and students are
encouraged to present proposed revisions through the CE Student Council
b. Close to the date of each revision, the CESC will take students opinion about SO
revisions through a questionnaire.
c. Each semester exit surveys are held for the graduating students. In this survey, in
the year of revision of SOs, the graduating students will be asked about their
opinion about the SOs and whether they want to add new SOs.

2) Alumni will be involved in the revision process through a survey of randomly
selected alumni graduated within a period of 3 to 5 years from the date of survey.
They will be sent a questionnaire to give their opinion on the following:

a. Do they see a need to modify any of the SOs?
b. Do they see a need to add a new SO?

3) Employers will also be involved in the revision process through a survey of major
employers of the program graduates. They will be asked:
a. Do they see a need to modify any of the SOs?
b. Do they see a need to add a new SO?

4) Based on the data obtained through student survey, exit interviews, alumni surveys,
employers surveys, and the faculty survey data gathered through the CLOSO
software during the last five years, the Assessment and Evaluation committee will
form proposals for revisions of the PEOs. The assessment committee will provide
answers to the following:

a. Are the revised SOs incorporate the outcomes of ABET Criterion 3?
b. Are the SOs attainable by our students?
c. What are the performance measures for the revised SOs?
d. Is there a need to revise the performance measures of the existing SOs?
e. What Blooms Level of Learning is suitable for the SOs.
f. How the SOs are mapped to the PEOs

5) The proposals will be sent to the faculty for their input and then presented to the
faculty in the department council meeting for discussion and approval.

6) Faculty will play the most important role in revising the SOs through the department
council meetings.

a. Are the course CLOs covering all the SOs?
b. Do the specified LOL for SOs in accordance with the CLOs

7) The revised SOs approved by the department council will be sent to EAB members
8) EAB members will present their opinions in the EAB annual meeting
9) The department council will consider the recommendations of EAB and will give
final approval to the revisions.
B. Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is something very significant in the civil engineering program. For
the last 5 years, there have been continuous improvements on numerous fronts including the
curriculum, the assessment processes, academic advisement, career advisement, facilities,
graduation project quality and assessment, etc. The whole process of improvement itself is
being improved to obtain a highly sustainable system of assessment, evaluation and
improvement. The processes used for evaluating the Student Outcomes were described in
Section A-2. In this section, we discuss the following:
a) Using SO evaluations in continuous improvement of the program.
b) Results of changes made to the program
c) Future program improvement plans based on recent evaluations
B-1 Microscopic Continuous Improvement Process
The first and probably the most important part of our continuous improvement plan is a
microscopic continuous improvement that deals with an instructors teaching and assessment
plan. We believe that improvements at microscopic level contribute the most to the continuous
improvement of the program through improvements in the course outcomes. This process is
described as follows:

B-1-1 Course Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)
In this process, the instructor identifies the weak CLO or SO and then comes up with changes
in his teaching plan that he alone can do to improve the learning outcome. The instructor treats
the weakness in a particular CLO or a related SO by suggesting changes in the teaching plan to
be implemented next time the course is taught. An example of a CCIP is shown in Fig. 4-67(a)
and (b) together. Some examples of the measures that are suggested in a CCIP are as follows:

a) Timing of teaching particular topics
b) Timing of assessments for particular topics
c) Re-assessment of students with weak CLOs or weak SOs after giving them an
opportunity to learn
d) Holding extra classes/tutorials to remove the weakness in particular CLOs or SOs
e) Increasing the number of quizzes or assignments in particular CLOs or SOs
f) Providing students with solutions of problems related to particular topics in which
students face difficulty
g) Suggesting ways to increase the students interest in topics related to weak CLOs or
h) Arranging group discussions among the students
i) Ensuring that the students know about the nature of questions in the assessments in
advance before the assessment
j) Re-designing the teaching plan to have more lectures or laboratory sessions for the
weak CLOs and SOs

It will be again emphasized that in this type of Course Continuous Improvement Plan
(CCIP), the focus is only on what an instructor can do without asking for things that the
department can do or modifications in the curriculum. Such a microscopic improvement plan is
possible because, as described earlier, CLOSO produces CLO and SO satisfaction data for the
instructors. From the data, the instructors can easily identify the CLOs and the SOs for the
course with satisfaction level lower than the specified satisfaction criterion. If in a course, all
CLOs and the relevant SOs are satisfied (i.e. 70% of the students or better obtain 70% marks),
then no CCIP is required, though an instructor may due to his own interest try to improve the
learning outcomes even further and suggest a CCIP.

Fig. 4-67(a): An example of a CCIP


Fig. 4-67(b): An example of a CCIP (continued)

B-1-2 Learning Outcome I mprovement through CCI P

All the CCIPs are first submitted to the ABET coordinator who ensures that all the required
information has been provided and the plans are implementable. Any issues in the plans are
discussed with course instructors in the Assessment and Evaluation Committee meeting where
the improvement plans are finalized. The instructors then implement the improvement plans.
Once the CCIPs are implemented and new results are compiled, the assessment and evaluation
committee discusses and evaluates the new results to ascertain if student learning has
improved. We introduced this system first time in Fall 2012. It reflects actually an
improvement in our continuous improvement plan for the program. Tables 4-26 and 4-27
summarize the results of CCIPs. In the fourth column of Table 4-26, the CLOs that were below
satisfaction are shown. The table shows the Weak CLOs for each subject, their satisfaction
percentage before improvement in Fall 2012 and their satisfaction after implementing the CCIP
in Spring 2013. It however does not include the CCIPs that did not result in any improvements.
Table 4-26: CLO Improvement Loop-closing
Course Name Instructor
Satisfaction (%)
803270 Numerical Methods Helal CLO 1 68 70
803321 C E Drawing Albisy CLO 1 60 70
CLO 2 59 64
803323 Mechanics of Materials Sarraj CLO 1 60 72
803350 Theory of Structures Husain CLO 2 55 86
803450 Structural Analysis El-Refaie
CLO 1 49 71
CLO 2 45 87
CLO 3 65 84
803495 Comp App. in Structures El-Refaie CLO 1 46 100

Similar data are given in Table 4-27 for SOs. In this table, the SOs that were below satisfaction
are shown in the fourth column. The table shows the Weak SOs for each subject, their
satisfaction percentage before improvement in Fall 2012 and their satisfaction after
implementing the CCIP in Spring 2013.
Table 4-27: SO Improvement Loop-closing
Course Name Instructor
Satisfaction (%)
803270 Numerical Methods Helal (a) 69 70
803321 C E Drawing Albisy (k) 60 67
803323 Mechanics of Materials Sarraj (a) 69 74
803450 Structural Analysis El-Refaie (e) 52 80
803495 Comp App. in Structures El-Refaie
(e) 61 100
(h) 46 100
(i) 46 100
(j) 46 100
(k) 61 100
B-2 Loop-closing
CLOSO software provides the instructors with an option to specify whether an improvement
plan for their course was available at the beginning of the semester and did it improve the
outcome. The purpose of this option is to collect data from all instructors and then analyze
them for making decisions. Table 4-28 shows the choices available to the instructors for the
questions asked by CLOSO.
Table 4-28: Improvement plan existence for relevant SOs
Question Possible answers
Was an improvement plan available for
implementation for this SO from the experience
of previous year/semester?
Not Applicable
Who was responsible for improvement plan?
Instructor and Department
Not Applicable
Was the improvement plan implemented?
Yes, all parts implemented
Only instructors part implemented
Only departments part
No, nothing was done
Not applicable
Was the improvement plan implemented?
Yes, the satisfaction criterion was
Yes, but improvement was not
Yes, but improvement was
No, was not at all effective
No, the outcome went down
Not applicable
Was the loop closed?

B-2-1 Meaning of Loop-closing
It is important to understand what is meant by Loop-closing in the data presented here. We
consider the loop closed in the following two cases:

1. An improvement plan was available from the beginning of the semester and its
implementation caused the satisfaction attained in a particular SO to improve to a
level of 70% or better.
2. The satisfaction obtained for a particular SO is greater than 70% although no
improvement plan was available because the satisfaction in the previous semester was
already greater than 70%.

The Loop-closing for a particular SO will remain false if the satisfaction for that particular SO
remained below 70% whether an improvement plan was available or not or whether the
satisfaction was ok in the previous semesters.

B-2-2 Loop-closing Data Entry

The Loop-closing data as entered by an instructor in CLOSO software is shown in Fig. 4-66
that shows a typical instructors input in CLOSO software. This information is gathered from
all instructors for all the courses and is fed to the software for processing. The instructor
provides the Loop-closing data for the SOs as described above. CLOSO displays the data. An
example of the Loop-closing data input is shown in Fig. 4-65 for all SOs relevant to the course.

Fig. 4-68: SO Loop-closing data input

B-2-3 Loop-closing Data Analysis Example
The Loop-closing data collected as described above, is analyzed by CLOSO to enable the
department to make decisions for any possible improvement plans for the future. An example
of the Loop-closing analysis results is shown in Fig. 4-67 for SO (a).

Fig. 4-69: CLOSO loop-closing analysis example

The loop closing data shown in Fig 4-67 are based on 36 course files of Fall 2012. Out of them
24 addressed the SO (a). In this figure, the data collected by the instructors are shown on the
top and the statistical analyses are shown in the bottom. The data analysis for Loop-closing
example is shown in the table on the extreme right in the bottom. It indicates that out of 24
courses addressing the SO (a) the loop was closed in 16 and for the rest of 8 course files, the
improvements did not take place to the required level. CLOSO displays similar data for all
other SOs.

These statistics obtained by the software CLOSO are discussed by the Assessment and
Evaluation Committee for resolving any issues and recommending future actions to be taken. It
is worth mentioning here that the process of decision making based on such data is planned to
be done every three years because enough data that indicate trends are required to make
B-3 SO Loop Closing Data for Spring 2013
The example presented in Fig 4-67 has been taken from Fall 2012. The loop-closing data
produced by CLOSO for all SOs in Spring 2013 are presented here in Figures 4-68 to 4-78 by
copying the CLOSO screen snapshots for each SO. The bottom right corner of each screen
snapshot gives the data indicating how many instructors reported loop-closing was true and
how many reported that the loop-closing was false i.e. there was no improvement over the
previous semester and the satisfaction was below the Target PSC.
B-3-1 SO (a) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-70: SO (a) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-2 SO (b) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-71: SO (b) loop-closing data for Spring 2013
B-3-3 SO (c) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-72: SO (c) Loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-4 SO (d) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-73: SO (d) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-5 SO (e) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-74: SO (e) loop-closing data for Spring 2013
B-3-6 SO (f) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-75: SO (f) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-7 SO (g) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-76: SO (g) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-8 SO (h) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-77: SO (h) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-9 SO (i) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-78: SO (i) loop-closing data for Spring 2013
B-3-10 SO (j) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-79: SO (j) loop-closing data for Spring 2013

B-3-11 SO (k) Loop-closing

Fig. 4-80: SO (k) loop-closing data for Spring 2013
B-4 Improvement Planning based on Facultys Opinion of Students
Instructors identify student weaknesses and suggest possible improvements in their courses.
They do it two ways. First by pointing out weaknesses and then by identifying the ways to
improve. CLOSO displays a list of 16 weaknesses. The instructor may choose from the list the
weaknesses he thinks exist in the students. The 17
in the list is for the instructor to specify any
weakness not among the sixteen. This list is shown in Table 4-29.

Table 4-29: Student Weaknesses
S/N Weakness
1 Students' abilities were not according to the pre-requisite courses.
2 Proficiency of students in English language was not sufficient.
3 Students were poor in computer programming.
4 Students did not get practice on SO based questions.
5 Students were weak in tools like PowerPoint/EXCEL/MATLAB/AutoCAD.
6 Students did not take interest in the course.
7 Students did not do the home assignments properly.
8 Students did not read the textbook at home.
9 Students were lazy and unwilling to learn.
10 The textbook for the course is not appropriate.
11 Syllabus has too many topics and the time was not enough.
12 Assignments focusing the SOs were not enough.
13 Home assignments were not corrected due to lack of teaching assistants.
14 Questions in the assessments were above standard for this course.
15 Instructor's absence from the lectures/labs without a replacement.
16 Lectures/labs were missed due to unscheduled events.
17 Other than the above? Please write in the space provided.

In addition to the identification of weaknesses, the instructors also identify ways to improve the
SO attainments. The list of possible improvements to be choose from is shown in Table 4-30.

Table 4-30: Ways to improve SO attainments
S/N Improvement Method
1 Students were weak in tools like PowerPoint/EXCEL/MATLAB/AutoCAD.
2 Students did not take interest in the course.
3 Students English proficiency be improved.
4 The CLO with weak performance be addressed earlier in the semester.
5 More assignments related to the CLOs be given.
6 More Quizzes related to the weak CLO be given.
7 Assessment marks for questions related to the weak CLO be increased.
8 Students admission policy be made stricter.
9 Students interest be improved through lectures/site-visits.
10 A different textbook be specified.
11 Syllabus of the course be revised.
12 Tutorial classes be arranged.
13 Contact hours for the course be increased.
14 Lab facilities be improved.
15 Complexity of questions in assessments be reduced
16 Errors in exams be explained with elaboration to the students.
17 Other than the above? Please write in the following space:

CLOSO performs SO-wise analysis of the data gathered by the instructors for their courses.
SO-wise analysis gives a good idea of the particular weaknesses and particular improvement
methods for a particular SO. Fig. 4-79 and 4-80 show such data displayed by CLOSO for SO
(a) and SO (k) respectively.

Fig. 4-81: Example of SO-wise weakness analysis for SO (a)


Fig. 4-82: Example of SO-wise improvement methods analysis for SO(k)

All such data are evaluated by the Assessment and Evaluation committee and ways to improve
recommendations for future improvements. However as mentioned earlier, such data are
collected each semester but are evaluated once every three years. We hope to have all such data
considered in the Fall of 2013-14 for resolving any issues and suggesting the improvement
measures that must be implemented in the department.

B-5 Improvement Planning based on Course Readiness
CLOSO software provides the opportunity to the instructors to voice their concerns about the
Course Readiness. It involves the readiness aspects required at the beginning of the semester.
Following C LOSO snapshots obtained from the analysis of such survey for Fall 2012 are
given in Figures 4-81 to 4-98.

Fig. 4-83: Pre-requisite courses

Fig. 4-84: Pre-requisite abilities in the students

Fig. 4-85: Instructors class schedule

Fig. 4-86: Instructors class size

Fig. 4-87: Instructors classroom space

Fig. 4-88: Instructors classroom facilities

Fig. 4-89: Instructors classroom environment

Fig. 4-90: Lab equipment


Fig. 4-91: Lab utilities

Fig. 4-92: Lab assistants/technicians

Fig. 4-93: Lab class size

Fig. 4-94: Required software

Fig. 4-95: Textbook availability


Fig. 4-96: Reference material availability

Fig. 4-97: Teaching assistants

Fig. 4-98: Classroom Wifi

Fig. 4-99: Lab Wifi

Fig. 4-100: Instructors office Wifi

B-6 Improvement Planning based on Exit Surveys
The results of exit surveys as shown in section A-11 clearly indicate that the SO attainments as
perceived by the students have improved in Fall 2012 when compared to previous semesters.
Mainly it happened because of several activities concerning preparations for ABET
accreditation. Therefore, no improvement plans are based on these results.
B-7 Improvement Planning based on Alumni and Employers Surveys
Alumni and Employers surveys are done every three years. In the last surveys as shown in
section A-12 and A-13, it was found that for SOs (d) and (h), the number of employers
Strongly Agreeing and Agreeing were less than 70%. The departmental council considered
the recommendation of the Assessment and Evaluation Committee and passed the following
resolution to improve the students exposure to these SOs.

a) A unified assessment method for SO (d) be developed and students be informed about
various aspects of the multi-disciplinary team work in the courses of Engineering
Design and the Graduation Project.
b) Teamwork be introduced in the design courses and laboratories where possible.
c) Graduation Projects must contain a chapter to demonstrate students understanding in
SO (h) i.e. Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
d) Specific assessment for SO (h) be introduced in the graduation project

Part (b) of this recommendation will be implemented starting from Fall 2013-14. Part (c)
and part (d) of the recommendation have been implemented in Spring 2013.

Part (a) of the recommendation has been implemented in Spring 2013. The form was
developed for the assessment of teamwork as shown below in Figures 4-99 an d4-100:


Fig. 4-101: Teamwork assessment for the whole team


Fig. 4-102: Teamwork assessment for the individual team member
B-8 Improvement through Curriculum
Since SO (d) was not addressed in Plan 25 in any of the formative courses, this issue was taken
care of in Plan 30 curriculum. The effect of the curriculum improvement on the SOs have been
shown in Tables 4-6(a) and Table 4-6(b) of this chapter. It may be noted that in Plan 30 SO (d)
is addressed in two formative courses other than the Graduation project. Chapter 5 of this
report will show the details of changes made to the curriculum to resolve all issues and to
improve the SO attainments. Also to strengthen SO (f), a course Professional Ethics has been
introduced. A course Basic Geology was introduced to satisfy as core course to satisfy the
Civil Engineering program requirement of another basic science area. A course Numerical
Methods was introduced as core course to improve the attainment of SO (k).

B-9 Future Program Improvement Plans
Future program improvement plans are based on the evaluations as described in this chapter.
Some of the improvement plans are very short ranged as described in section1 B-1 under the
heading Microscopic Continuous Improvement Plans. Based on the evaluations of Spring
2013, faculty has already planned to implement the CCIP they have submitted. Some
improvement plans will be made at the beginning of the semester when the Assessment and
Evaluation Committee will present any issues that need attention. There are other long-term
improvement plans that are based on the evaluation results for 3 years. The following is a list
of improvement plans based on the recent evaluations:

a) A laboratory will be acquired for the experiments in the Mechanics of Material.
b) A contract will be given to a local company to provide the lab technicians for all
c) A contract is in the process to be given to a local company to maintain the laboratories.
d) Another contract is proposed for enhancing the safety in the laboratories and
maintaining all safety related systems and equipment.
e) Graduation Projects assessment plan that has already been implemented will be
enforced so all Graduation Projects go through a uniform assessment of all SOs.
f) A proposal will be presented to the University administration to open ways to hire
senior students or practicing engineers to help the faculty as teaching assistants.
g) Although the SO attainments for SOs (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) and (j) are considered
satisfactory based on the previous Program Satisfaction Criterion (PSC) (i.e. 60%
students getting 70% or higher marks), they have yet to reach the Target PSC of 70%
approved by the department. Special attention to these SOs will be given in the next
academic year to improve their attainment and bring then to the Target PSC of 70%
students getting the learning level to 70% or higher. Faculty members will be selected
as SO champions for these SOs and they will be assigned the task of suggesting plans
to improve the attainments.
h) From the evaluations and discussions, it is obvious that students in several courses need
tutorial classes. A plan to hire lecturers who will take tutorial classes is already under
consideration. The plan will be pushed by the department to acquire positions for
lecturers and hire them as soon as possible.

C. Additional Information
Hard copies of the course folders will be available in the ABET resource room. Each instructor
submits a course folder. It contains the copies of the assessment instruments, assessment data,
improvement plans, samples of students work, faculty and student survey data, syllabus,
instructors time table, office hours, CLOs of the course, related SOs, CLO-SO map, course
topics teaching plan, instruction methods used, assessment methods used, SO assessment plan,
student survey analysis, faculty surveys, Loop-closing data, and samples of all assessments.

Minutes of the meetings of committees involved in the evaluation of the assessment results,
minutes of department council where recommendations for action were made will be available
for reviewer at the time of visit.


B. Program Curriculum
A-1 Plan of Study
The plan of study for Civil Engineering Program is shown in Table 5-1. This plan is known as
Plan 30. As indicated earlier, the department is in a period of transition from the older Plan 25
to the newer improved Plan 30. At this point there are few students left in Plan 25 and most
students are following the Plan 30 though no students from Plan 30 have graduated yet. Next
year (Spring 2014), some students of Plan 30 are expected to graduate and within a period of
two years all students from Plan 25 would graduate. Students of Plan 25 are encouraged to take
the equivalent courses of Plan 30 whenever possible. The two plans are not two options or two
different curricula paths. Plan 30 is just an improvement of Plan 25. The students being
admitted to the program since Fall-2009 are following the curriculum of Plan 30 and the
students admitted before Fall 2009 are following the curriculum of Plan 25. Fig. 5-1 presents
the breakdown of both plans.

(a) Plan 25 (b) Plan 30
Figure 5-1: Breakdown of CE Curriculum
Number of engineering science credit hours earned by the undergraduate is 101 credit hours in
Plan 25 and 94 credit hours in Plan 30. Both are above the minimum specified by ABET (48
credit hours). In the area of Math and Sciences, Plan 30 cures two weaknesses of Plan 25. Plan
25 had only 29 units of Math and Basic Sciences and no course in an area of Basic Sciences
other than Math, Physics and Chemistry. Plan 30 has additional Math credit hours, Numerical
Methods course and a Basic Geology course to cover the weaknesses of Plan 25 in Math and
Basic Sciences. Recently Plan 25 was modified and the students were encouraged to take a
Numerical Methods course and a Basic Geology course from Plan 30 in lieu of two of the three

Table 5-2 gives a comparison of the two plans giving the courses that have been removed,
added and renamed.
Table 5-1 Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 1)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



English Language Center 4800170 English Language R 6
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
113 Lecture
Preparation Year Center 4800104 Skills in Learning R 3
Preparation Year Center 4800140 Introduction to Math I R 4
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
102 Lecture
Computer Engineering 4800150 Skills in Computer (1) R 2
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 2)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



English Language Center 4800171
Technical English
R 4
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
113 Lecture
Computer Engineering 4800153
Skills in Computer
R 3
Physics 4800130 General Physics I R 4
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
96 Lecture
Preparation Year Center 4800141 Introduction to Math II R 4
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
110 Lecture
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 3)

(Department, Number, Title)
Course is
Elective or a
Elective by an
R, an E or an
Category (Credit Hours)
Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Chemistry 402101 General Chemistry I R 4
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
82 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803151 CAD R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
60 Lecture
60 Lab
Preparation Year Center 800201 Engineering Math I R 4
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
101 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803221 Statics R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
239 Lecture
Arabic Language and
501101 Arabic Language R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
94 Lecture
Dawah and Islamic
605101 The Holy Quran I R 2
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
93 Lecture
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 4)

(Department, Number, Title)
Course is
Elective or a
Elective by an
R, an E or an
Category (Credit Hours)
Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Physics 403102 General Physics II R 4
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
74 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803323 Mechanics of Materials R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
80 Lecture
Preparation Year Center 800202 Engineering Math II R 4
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
123 Lecture
Mechanical Engineering 804222 Dynamics R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
80 Lecture
Dawah and Islamic
605201 The Holy Quran II R 2
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
83 Lecture
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 5)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803306 Fluid Mechanics R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
111 Lecture
111 Lab
Civil Engineering 803382 Building Materials R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
105 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803310 Plane Surveying R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
128 Lecture
128 Lab
Dawah and Islamic
605301 The Holy Quran III R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
57 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803370 Engineering Design R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
87 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803350 Theory of Structures R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
121 Lecture
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 6)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803331 Hydraulics R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
112 Lecture
112 Lab
Civil Engineering 803450 Structural Analysis R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
119 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803410
Topographic &
R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
177 Lecture
177 Lab
Mechanical Engineering 804343
Engineering Statistics
and Probability Theory
R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
83 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803381 Concrete Technology R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
129 Lecture
129 Lab
Dawah and Islamic
605401 The Holy Quran IV R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
74 Lecture
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 7)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803332
Water Resources
R 3 ()
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
91 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803452
Reinforced Concrete Design
R 3 ()
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
81 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803364
Introduction to
Transportation Engineering
R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
66 Lecture
Dawah and Islamic
601101 Islamic Culture I R 2
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
91 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803340 Basics of Geology R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
101 Lecture
101 Lab
Civil Engineering 803270 Numerical Methods R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
153 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803300 Summer Training I R 1
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 8)

(Department, Number, Title)
Course is
Elective or a
Elective by an
R, an E or an
Category (Credit Hours)
Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II R 3 ()
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
49 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803470 Environmental Engineering R 4 () Spring 2013 61 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803464 Highway Engineering R 3 () Spring 2013
67 Lecture
67 Lab
Dawah and Islamic
601201 Islamic Culture II R 2
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
84 Lecture
Kitab and Sunna 102101
The Biography of Prophet
Mohammed (PBUH)
R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
84 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803440 Soil Mechanics R 3 Spring 2013
93 Lecture
93 Lab
Continued on next page


Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 9)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803443 Foundation Engineering R 3 ()
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
67 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803459 Design of Steel Structure R 3 ()
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
59 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803499 Graduation Project R 3 ()
Dawah and Islamic
601301 Islamic Culture III R 3
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
26 Lecture
804344 Engineering Economics R 2
Civil Engineering 803400 Summer Training II R 1
Civil Engineering 803491 Elective Course I R 3
Continued on next page

Table 5-1(continued) Program Curriculum for Plan 30 (Semester 10)

(Department, Number, Title)
Whether Course
is Required,
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.
Category (Credit Hours) Last Two
Terms the
Course was
Year and,
Semester, or

for the Last
Two Terms
the Course
was Offered
Math &
Check if
Design ()



Civil Engineering 803480
Construction Engineering &
Management of Projects
R 3
Dawah and Islamic
601401 Islamic Culture IV R 2
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
33 Lecture
Mechanical Engineering 804302 Thermodynamics R 3
Electrical Engineering 802306
Electrical Engineering for
CE Students
R 2
Civil Engineering 803485 Professional Ethics R 2 Spring 2013 1 Lecture
Civil Engineering 803486 Contract and Specifications R 2
Civil Engineering 803492 Elective Course II R 3

94 15 19
PERCENT OF TOTAL 22% 57% 9% 12%
Total must satisfy
either credit hours or
Minimum semester credit hours 32 hrs 48 hrs
Minimum percentage 25% 37.5 %


Table 5-2: Comparison of Plan 25 with Plan 30
Plan 25 Plan 30
Remarks Course
Course Title
Course Title
1 601101 Islamic Culture I 2/0/2 601101 Islamic Culture I 2/0/2 No change
2 601201 Islamic Culture II 2/0/2 601201 Islamic Culture II 2/0/2 No change
3 601301 Islamic Culture III 3/0/3 601301 Islamic Culture III 3/0/3 No change
4 601401 Islamic Culture IV 2/0/2 601401 Islamic Culture IV 2/0/2 No change
5 605101 The Holy Quran I 2/0/2 605101 The Holy Quran I 2/0/2 No change
6 605201 The Holy Quran II 2/0/2 605201 The Holy Quran II 2/0/2 No change
7 605301 The Holy Quran III 2/0/2 605301 The Holy Quran III 2/0/2 No change
8 605401 The Holy Quran IV 2/0/2 605401 The Holy Quran IV 2/0/2 No change
9 102101
The Biography of Prophet Mohammed
2/0/2 102101
The Biography of Prophet Mohammed
2/0/2 No change

10 705101 English Language I 2/0/2 4800171 Technical English Language 4/0/4 Equivalent Course
11 705102 Communication Skills in English I 3/0/3 4800170 English Language 6/0/6 Equivalent Course
12 705103 Communication Skills in English II 3/0/3 Removed
13 501101 Arabic Language 2/0/2 501101 Arabic Language 2/0/2 No change

16 4800104 Skills in Learning 3/0/3 New Course
17 4800150 Skills in Computer (1) 2/0/2 New Course
18 4800153 Skills in Computer Programming 3/0/3 New Course
19 805211 Computer Programming 1 3/0/3 Removed

Continued on next page
Table 5-2 (Continued from previous page): Comparison of Plan 25 with Plan 30
Plan 25 Plan 30
Remarks Course
Course Title
Course Title
20 800101 Calculus I 4/0/4 4800140 Introduction to Math I 4/0/4 Equivalent Course
21 800102 Calculus II 4/0/4 4800141 Introduction to Math II 4/0/4 Equivalent Course
22 800201 Engineering Math I 3/0/3 800201 Engineering Math I 3/0/3 No change
23 800202 Engineering Math II 3/0/3 800202 Engineering Math II 3/0/3 No change
24 804343
Engineering Statistics and Probability
3/0/3 804343
Engineering Statistics and Probability
3/0/3 No change
25 403101 General Physics I 3/1/4 403101 General Physics I 3/1/4 Equivalent Course
26 403102 General Physics II 3/1/4 403102 General Physics II 3/1/4 No change
27 402101 General Chemistry 3/1/4 402101 General Chemistry I 3/1/4 No change

28 802306 Electrical Engineering for CE Students 1/1/2 802306 Electrical Engineering for CE Students 1/1/2 No change
29 804344 Engineering Economics 2/0/2 804344 Engineering Economics 2/0/2 No change
30 804222 Dynamics 3/0/3 804222 Dynamics 3/0/3 No change
31 804342
Experimental Engineering for the Civil
1/1/2 Removed
32 804231 Workshop Basics 1/1/2 Removed
33 804302 Thermodynamics 3/0/3 New Course

34 804151 Engineering drawing I 2/0/2 Removed
35 803152 Engineering drawing II 2/1/3 Removed
36 803151 Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) 2/0/2 New Course
37 803370 Engineering Design 2/0/2 New Course
Continued on next page

Table 5-2 (Continued from previous page): Comparison of Plan 25 with Plan 30
Plan 25 Plan 30
Remarks Course
Course Title
Course Title
38 803321 Civil Engineering Drawings 1/3/2 Removed
39 803221 Statics 3/0/3 803221 Statics 3/0/3 No change
40 803305 Fluid Mechanics 3/0/3 803306 Fluid Mechanics 2/1/3 Lab introduced
41 803311 Surveying I 2/1/3 803310 Plane Surveying 2/1/3 Equivalent Course
42 803322 Strength of Materials 3/0/3 803323 Mechanics of Materials 3/0/3 Equivalent Course
43 803331 Hydraulics 2/1/3 803331 Hydraulics 2/1/3 No change
44 803332 Water Resources Engineering 3/0/3 803332 Water Resources Engineering 3/0/3 No change
45 803351 Structural Analysis I 3/0/3 803350 Theory of Structures 3/0/3 Equivalent Course
46 803361 Transportation Engineering I 3/0/3 803364 Introduction to Transportation Engineering 3/0/3 Equivalent Course
47 803381 Concrete Technology 2/1/3 803381 Concrete Technology 2/1/3 No change
48 803382 Building Materials 2/0/2 803382 Building Materials 2/0/2 No change
49 803390 Engineering Reports Writing 2/0/2 Removed
50 803411 Surveying II 2/1/3 803410 Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey 2/1/3 Equivalent Course
51 803341 Soil Mechanics I 2/1/3 Removed
52 803442 Soil Mechanics II 2/1/3 Removed
53 803440 Soil Mechanics 2/1/3
Soil Mechanics I and II
merged and modified
54 803443 Foundation Engineering 3/0/3 803443 Foundation Engineering 3/0/3 No change
55 803451 Structural Analysis II 3/0/3 803450 Structural Analysis 3/0/3 Equivalent Course
56 803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I 3/0/3 803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I 3/0/3 No change
57 803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II 3/0/3 803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II 3/0/3 No change
Continued on next page
Table 5-2 (Continued from previous page): Comparison of Plan 25 with Plan 30
Plan 25 Plan 30
Remarks Course
Course Title
Course Title
58 803459 Design of Steel Structure 3/0/3 803459 Design of Steel Structure 3/0/3 No change
59 803461 Transportation Engineering II 3/0/3 803464 Highway Engineering 2/1/3 Equivalent Course
60 803471 Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply 3/0/3 803470 Environmental Engineering 4/0/4 Modified
61 803345 Management of Engineering Projects 2/0/2 Removed
62 803482 Construction Engineering 3/0/3 Removed
63 803480
Construction Engineering & Management
of Projects
803345 and 803482
merged and modified
64 803483 Contract and Specifications 3/0/3 803486 Contract and Specifications 2/0/2 Modified
73 803485 Professional Ethics 2/0/2 New Course
65 803499 Graduation Project 4/0/4 803499 Graduation Project 3/0/3 Modified
66 803491 Elective I 3/0/3 803491 Special Topics I 3/0/3 Name change only
67 803492 Elective II 3/0/3 803492 Special Topics II 3/0/3 Name change only
68 803270 Numerical Methods 3/0/3 New Course
69 803340 Basics of Geology 3/0/3 New Course
70 803493 Elective III 3/0/3 Removed
71 803300 Summer Training I 2/0/2 803300 Summer Training I 1/0/1 Modified
72 803400 Summer Training II 2/0/2 803400 Summer Training II 1/0/1 Modified

A-2 Curriculum Alignment to Program Educational Objectives
The curriculum alignment with the program educational objectives are shown in Table 5-3. In
this table only the core courses of the curriculum are shown. Additional support to the PEOs
comes from other courses of the program. It is obvious that Plan 30 is rich in supporting all the
PEOs more evenly.
Table 5-3: Civil Engineering Core Courses Alignment to PEOs for Study Plan 30
Course No. Course Title
(1) (2) (3) (4)
800201 Engineering Mathematics I

800202 Engineering Mathematics II

803151 CAD

803221 Statics

803270 Numerical Methods

803306 Fluid Mechanics

803310 Plane Surveying

803323 Mechanics of Materials

803331 Hydraulics

803332 Water Resources Engineering

803340 Basics of Geology

803350 Theory of Structures

Introduction to Transportation

803370 Engineering Design

803381 Concrete Technology

803382 Building Materials

Topographic & Photogrammetric

803440 Soil Mechanics

803443 Foundation Engineering

803450 Structural Analysis

803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I

803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II

803459 Design of Steel Structures

803464 Highway Engineering

803470 Environmental Engineering

Construction Engineering &
Management of Projects

803486 Contract and Specifications

803485 Professional Ethics

803499 Graduation Project

A-3 Curriculum Alignment to Student Outcomes
Each of the Civil Engineering courses in the curriculum has a set of Course Learning
Outcomes (CLOs). The CLOs are related to the student outcomes considering that each CLO
will help the students in attaining the abilities required at the time of graduation. This
relationship of the CLOs of a course with the SOs are expressed as a CLO-SO map as shown in
the syllabi given in Appendix A. The support of each SO from various courses based on the
CLO-SO maps of Civil Engineering Core courses are shown in Table 4-6 of the previous
A-4 Prerequisite Structure of Required CE Courses
CE curriculum builds from basic to advanced courses, and has a logical prerequisite tree as
shown in the prerequisite flowcharts presented in Fig. 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Civil Engineering Prerequisite Flow Chart of Courses for Study Plan 30
A.5 Satisfaction of Hours and Depth Requirements

A-5-1 Math and Basic Sciences
Mathematics and basic sciences courses of the program represent 37 credit hours as shown in
Table 5-4. CE graduating student is required to complete six courses in mathematics (22 credit
hours), two courses in Physics (8 credit hours), a General Chemistry (402101) course (4 credit
hours) and a Geology course (3 credit hours). All science courses have laboratory

Table 5-4: Hours and depth of Mathematics & Basic science
Course Title Prerequisite
4800140 Introduction to Math I 4
4800141 Introduction to Math II Introduction to Math I 4
800201 Engineering Math I Introduction to Math II 4
800202 Engineering Math II Engineering Math I 4
Engineering Statistics and
Probability Theory
Engineering Math I 3
803270 Numerical Methods Engineering Math II 3
4800130 General Physics I 4
403102 General Physics II General Physics I 4
402101 General Chemistry I 4
803340 Basics of Geology
General Physics II,
General Chemistry I
Total 37

A-5-2. General Education & I slamic Studies
The university general education mandatory courses are shown in Tables 5-5 and 5-6. Nine
courses of 19 credit hours (601101, 601201, 601301, 601401, 605101, 605201, 605301,
605401, and 102101) are to develop understanding of Islamic core values, ethics, and social
conduct. Two credit hours course of Arabic Language (501101) is to develop the
communication skills of the student in Arabic since the Arabic language remains the official
language of the country and an important communication tool in many professional and social
situations. In addition to these requirements, the students are required to complete one course
of Skills in Learning (4800104), and two intensive courses of English language of ten credit
hours, English Language (4800170), Technical English Language (4800171). The students
through these two courses will develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in
English. The students will have knowledge of some socio economic issues facing today's world
as well as some major National and local issues. Collectively, the General Education and
Islamic Studies components of the program represent 34 credit hours.

Table 5-5: Credit Hours and depth of study of Communication Skills
Course Title Prerequisite
4800170 English Language 6
Technical English
English Language 4
4800104 Skills in Learning 3
501101 Arabic Language 2

Table 5-6: Credit Hours and depth of study of Islamic Studies
Course Title Prerequisite
601101 Islamic Culture I 2
601201 Islamic Culture II Islamic Culture I 2
601301 Islamic Culture III Islamic Culture II 3
601401 Islamic Culture IV Islamic Culture III 2
605101 The Holy Quran I 2
605201 The Holy Quran II The Holy Quran I 2
605301 The Holy Quran III The Holy Quran II 2
605401 The Holy Quran IV The Holy Quran III 2
The Biography of
Prophet Mohammed

A-5-3. Engineering Courses

Tables 5-7(a) to 5-7(h) give a summary of credit hours and depth in Engineering Topics.

Table 5-7(a) Credit Hours and depth of study of Engineering Fundamentals
Course Title Prerequisite
4800150 Skills in Computer (1) 2
Skills in Computer
803151 CAD Skills in Computer (1) 2
804222 Dynamics Statics 3
803370 Engineering Design Mechanics of Materials 2
804302 Thermodynamics 3
804344 Engineering Economics 2
Electrical Engineering for CE
General Physics I
Introduction to Math I
803485 Professional Ethics 2
Total 21

Table 5-7(b) Credit Hours and depth of study of Structural Engineering
Course Title Prerequisite
803221 Statics
Introduction to Math II
General Physics I
803323 Mechanics of Materials Statics 3
803350 Theory of Structures Mechanics of Materials 3
803450 Structural Analysis Theory of Structures 3
803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I
Structural Analysis
Concrete Technology
803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II
Reinforced Concrete
Design I
803459 Design of Steel Structure Structural Analysis 3
Total 21

Table 5-7(c) Credit Hours and depth of study of Construction Engineering
Course Title Prerequisite
803381 Concrete Technology Mechanics of Materials 3
803382 Building Materials Mechanics of Materials 2
Construction Engineering
& Management of Projects
Foundation Engineering 3
803486 Contract and Specifications
Foundation Engineering,
Reinforced Concrete Design II
Total 10

Table 5-7(d) Credit Hours and depth of study of Geotechnical Engineering
Course Title Prerequisite
803440 Soil Mechanics
General Physics II,
General Chemistry I
803443 Foundation Engineering Soil Mechanics 3
Total 6

Table 5-7(e) Credit Hours and depth of study of Transportation Engineering
Course Title Prerequisite
Introduction to Transportation
Topographic &
Photogrammetric Survey
Engineering Statistics and
Probability Theory
803464 Highway Engineering
Introduction to Transportation
Basics of Geology
Total 6

Table 5-7(f) Credit Hours and depth of study of Environmental Engineering
Course Title Prerequisite
803306 Fluid Mechanics Dynamics 3
803331 Hydraulics Fluid Mechanics 3
803332 Water Resources Engineering Hydraulics 3
803470 Environmental Engineering
General Chemistry I
Total 13
Table 5-7(g) Credit Hours and depth of study of Surveying
Course Title Prerequisite
803310 Plane Surveying
Introduction to Math II
Topographic &
Photogrammetric Survey
Plane Surveying 3
Total 6

Table 5-7(g) Credit Hours and depth of study of Engineering Practice
Course Title Prerequisite
803499 Graduation Project
Approval of Project Course
803491 Special Topics I Instructors approval 3
803492 Special Topics II Instructors approval 3
803300 Summer Training I
All courses of the first six
803400 Summer Training II
All courses of the first 8
Total 11

Collectively, the Civil Engineering competency component of the program represents 94 credit
A-6 Major Design Experience
CE curriculum provides the engineering design experience, which begins early and continues
throughout the curriculum. The number of engineering design credit hours in the curriculum
exceeds the minimum traditional ABET requirement of 16 semester-hours. In the CE program
curriculum, there are three major design experiences components that may prepare students for
engineering practice namely: Design Courses, Elective courses, and Graduation Project course.
Co-operative Summer Training also adds to the practical aspects.

A-6-1 Design Courses
The curriculum exposes the students to major design experience incorporating appropriate
engineering standards and realistic constraints. General design concepts are first introduced in
the course of Engineering Design (803370). In this course, the students also learn the basic
elements of Experimental Design required by the general criterion 3(c).

Design is integrated in several CE courses. These courses are: Reinforced Concrete Design I
(803452), Reinforced Concrete Design II (803455), Design of Steel Structure (803459),
Foundation Engineering (803443), Environmental Engineering (803470), Highway
Engineering (803464) and Water Resources Engineering (803332).

A-6-2 Elective Courses
The CE program curriculum contains two elective courses in the final year offered at level 9
and level 10. Table 5-8 describes all elective courses offered by CE department to be taken
during their final year. Students have the choice to take classes in the areas that they want to
enhance their design experiences skills to prepare them for engineering practice. Table 5-9
shows the frequency of offering for the elective courses during the next two years.

Table 5-8: Elective Courses
Elective Course Prerequisite Course
Course Title
Course Title
Computer Application in
Structural Engineering
803450 Structural Analysis
803457 Advanced Structural Analysis 803450 Structural Analysis
803481 Advanced Concrete Technology 803381 Concrete Technology
803434 Ground water Engineering 803332 Water Resources Engineering
Municipal Solid Waste
Treatment & Disposal
803470 Environmental Engineering
Irrigation and Drainage of Arid
803332 Water Resources Engineering
803474 Sanitary Waste Disposal 803470 Environmental Engineering
Computer Application in
Environmental Engineering
803470 Environmental Engineering
803446 Stability of Soil Masses 803440 Soil Mechanics
803444 Tunnel Design And Construction
803310 Plane Surveying
803440 Soil Mechanics
803448 Advance Soil Mechanics
800202 Engineering Math II
803440 Soil Mechanics
Computer Application in
Geotechnical Engineering
803443 Foundation Engineering
803463 Traffic Engineering 803464 Highway Engineering
803462 Transportation Planning 803364
Introduction to Transportation
803465 Public Transportation 803364
Introduction to Transportation
Computer Application in
Transportation Engineering
803464 Highway Engineering

Table 5-9 Frequency of Offering Elective Courses
(Two Years Plan)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Application in
Sanitary Waste
Technology Analysis
Ground water
Application in
Municipal Solid
Waste Treatment
& Disposal
Irrigation and
Drainage of Arid
Tunnel Design
And Construction
Advance Soil
Stability of Soil
Application in
Application in

A-6-3 Graduation Project
In addition to the design experience attained from the required and elective courses, students
attain a major comprehensive design experience in the course called Graduation Project
(803499). Students are taught how to analyze specific problems and how to synthesize
appropriate data into a systematic approach for determining design solutions. Design
experience in the course can be categorized into system, component and process design worth
defined constrains. The graduation project course requires planning process, critical analysis;
develop reading/writing/research skills, and a follow-up to achieve the finished deliverables.
The graduation project is utilized to assess most of the student outcomes.

In the selection process of the project, students will choose their own topics or areas of interest,
and the main advisor in the area will provide the structure, the process, the deadlines, the
criteria, the feedback, and the support to promote success. The B.Sc. graduation project
committee is responsible for establishing the schemes of students' assignment to different
projects, guiding the assessment tools of the students, and organizing the final presentation of
the students.

Graduation Project (GP) is completed in two semesters. An orientation takes place in the
semester prior to the two semesters. Its complete procedure with specified tasks to be done are
given in the document prepared by the department. The document is available at the following

This document is is considered as a guide for both the students and the faculty. It describes the
assessment process of the Graduation Project, its administration and evaluation. Its learning
outcomes have already been described in Chapter 4.

A-7 Cooperative Education
During summer, students are distributed on different sites around the kingdom of Saudi
Arabian to do summer practical training. They get involved in real civil engineering fields
experience including exposure to tools, processes and safety regulations. They also learn how
to function in a multidisciplinary team. Moreover, they get exposed to professional and ethical
responsibility. The summer training is not accounted for any of the outcomes.
A-8 Materials Available for Review during Visit
The materials available during the ABET evaluators visit has been described in Section 4.C.
In addition the following will be available concerning the curriculum:

1. Course syllabi.
2. Teaching Materials.
3. Course text book(s).

B. Course Syllabi
Course syllabi are attached in Appendix A.


A. Faculty Qualifications

The Civil Engineering faculty members have experience of teaching in different
countries of the world. Several faculty members have experience in industry, consulting, and
working in professional organizations. The Civil Engineering faculty members have been
assigned various administrative positions at the college and the university levels. Three faculty
members of Civil Engineering held the position of the Dean while three others held the
positions of the Vice Dean of the college during the past 10 years. Qualifications, experiences,
and level of professional activities of the Civil Engineering faculty members have been listed
in Appendix B and Table 61.
B. Faculty Workload
The maximum teaching load that can be assigned to a faculty member without any extra
remunerations is based on the academic rank according to the published University regulations
as follows:

1. Professor: 10 credit hours
2. Associate Professor: 12 credit hours
3. Assistant Professor: 14 credit hours
4. Lecturer: 16 credit hours

Department chairman and faculty members who are assigned the administrative positions get
only 50% of the above teaching load. The above teaching load allows the faculty to spend time
on research and educational quality improvement activities and professional development.

The expected working hours for the Saudi faculty members is 35 hours/week (Article #41 of
the University Policy) and for the faculty on the yearly contract the working hours are 40
hours/week (Article #15 of the Policy and Regulation of Non-Saudi faculty). The working
hours are to be spent on teaching, research, academic advising, laboratory supervision, and any
other tasks assigned to them. The teaching workload of faculty for the Term I and II of the
academic year 1432/1433H is given in Table 62.

C. Faculty Size
Currently, the department of Civil Engineering has 30 members: 6 full professors, 12 associate
professors, and 12 assistant professors. The faculty members come from diverse backgrounds
and nationalities. Currently the faculty members are from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UK, India, and
Pakistan. Student-to-faculty ratios are shown in Table 63. Table 64 shows the current
distribution of the faculty across the four subject areas of civil engineering that the department
supports. There are a number of teaching assistants sent abroad for Ph.D. studies at the
expenses of the university. They are not included in Table 6-3.

D. Professional Development
Our faculty members serve the university and community through membership in academic
and nonacademic committees and coordination with government departments. Some of the
faculty members serve the community by working with the organizations like Makkah
Development Authority, Hajj Research Center as well as non-governmental organizations.
They also gain professional development in several other ways, including editorial board
membership of peer-reviewed journals, conference organizing and professional consultation.
University supports professional consulting and allows faculty to propose consulting offices
located and provides support for such consulting offices.

All faculty members are encouraged to be involved in research in their areas of interest and
specialization. As an effort to promote continuous professional and scholarly development
amongst the faculty members, the department encourages the participation of faculty in
technical courses/workshops related to their expertise as well as that of non-technical type like
leadership and management skills acquirement. Detailed information on research activities,
grants, and publications is available in faculty resumes in Appendix B.

For tenured faculty members, UQU covers all the expenses for attending wide range of
conferences, workshops and professional development courses on approval of the Civil
Engineering Department Council and the College Council subject to UQU rules and
regulations. In addition to that, UQU allows tenured faculty members to have one sabbatical
leave after five years of full time service to the department. (Article #61 Policy and
Regulations of Saudi Faculty).

E. Authority and Responsibility of Faculty
Civil Engineering program is under direct control of the faculty members. The Department
Chairman, Dean, and Rector have administrative oversight to ensure that the college programs
are in compliance with the college and university mission statements.

The department chairman is the chief administrator of all resources provided to the department.
The department chairman has the responsibility to oversee and manage the wide range of
operations required to run the civil engineering program. The department chairman also
participates in the executive management of the college as a member of the College Council
and, as such, has a responsibility to contribute to the overall success of the college.

Input on all academic matters is solicited from the faculty. Faculty of the department proposes
to the College Council study plan, curriculum, textbooks, references and the appointment of
faculty members, lecturers and teaching assistants. Faculty members discuss all matters related
to research projects, distribution of courses, faculty traveling for conferences in the department
council meetings and make decisions for the chairman to present them in the College Council.
Faculty qualifications, responsibilities and workload are listed in Tables 61 and 62
respectively. Faculty members' Vitae are available in Appendix B.

Table 61: Faculty Qualifications
S/N Faculty Name
Highest Degree Earned -












Years of



Level of Activity
H, M, or L













1 Abdulrazak B. Abdulghafour Ph.D. Construction, 1998 ASC NTT FT 11 14 1 L H M
2 Ahmed H. Bakhit Ph.D. - Structural, 2008 AST NTT FT 10 1 L M L
3 Ali A. Almasmoum Ph.D. - Geotechnical, 1990 AST NTT FT 25 25 L L L
4 Ali M. Al-Shaeri Ph.D. Surveying, 2013 AST T FT 0 0 0 L H L
5 Ali M. Ibraheem Ph.D. - Surveying, 1991 P NTT FT 33 14
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate
6 Asif A. Husain Ph.D. - Structural, 2004 ASC TT FT 16 2 L L L
Ayman G. Abdel-Rahman Ph.D. - Structural, 1994 P NTT FT 14 19 12
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate
8 Basam A. Ghulman Ph.D. - Construction, 2000 ASC T FT 13 13 M H H
9 Ehab A. Mlybari Ph.D. Construction, 2012 AST T FT 2 2 H H L
10 Erfan M. Al-Qasimi Ph.D. - Geotechnical, 1993 AST T FT 4 20 19 L L H
11 Faiz A. Mirza Ph.D. - Structural, 1992 P T FT 21 21 M M M
Imtiaz A. Ahmed
Ph.D. - Transportation, 1993 P NTT FT 35 8 2 M M H
Kehlan A. Salman
Ph.D. - Structural, 2007 AST NTT FT 23 4 4 M M M
14 Khalid L. El-Ashmawy Ph.D. - Surveying,1999 ASC NTT FT 6 26 2
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate

15 Mahmoud A. Eltoukhy Ph.D - Environmental, 2003 AST NTT FT 3 18 3 L L L
16 Mahmoud M. Elsaadany* Ph.D. - Geotechnical, 1991 P NTT FT 33 8
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate
17 Majid M. Assas Ph.D. - Structural, 2007 ASC T FT 21 4 4 L M H
18 Majed O. Alsaydalani Ph.D. - Environmental, 2010 AST T FT 1 3 3 M H L
19 Marai A. Al-Shihri Ph.D. - Structural,1991 ASC T FT 22 22 L M L
20 Marwan A. Sarraj PhD. - Structural, 2007 AST NTT FT 11 4 3 L L L
21 Medhat M. Helal Ph.D. - Eng. Maths, 2000 ASC NTT FT 22 4 M H L
Mohamad A. Alsabban
Ph.D. - Structural 1991 AST T FT 23 23 L L L
Mohammed A. Saif
Ph.D. - Transportation, 1998 ASC T FT 15 15 M M M
Mohamed H. Alwy
Ph.D. - Transportation, 2000 ASC T FT L L M
25 Moussa S. El-Bisy Ph.D. - Environmental, 1999 ASC NTT FT 11 23 11
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate
26 Muhammad H. Imam Ph.D. - Structural, 1977 P NTT FT 5 32 29
PE License Ontario,
27 Sameh A. El-Refaie Ph.D. - Structural, 2002 ASC NTT FT 13 17 2 L M L
28 Tarek A. El-Damaty Ph.D. - Surveying, 2000 AST NTT FT 8 19 1
Consultant, Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate
Tariq M. Nahhas
Ph.D. - Structural, 1987 ASC T FT 26 26 L H L
Turki M. Al-Aboud
Ph.D. - Environmental, 2006 AST T FT 19 5 5 M H M
* Prof. Mahmoud M. Elsaadany passed away just recently

Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information is to be provided at
the time of the visit.
1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other
2. Code: TT = Tenure Track T = Tenured NTT = Non Tenure Track
3. The level of activity, high, medium or low, should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years.
4. FT means full time, PT means part time

Table 62: Faculty Workload Summary

Faculty Member (name)

PT or

Classes Taught (Course No. /Credit Hrs.)
Fall 2012-Spring 2013

Program Activity Distribution%
% of Time
to the

Research or

1 Abdulrazak B. Abdulghafour FT (803450 / 3, 803226 / 2, 803325 / 2) Spring 13 80 10 10 100
2 Ahmed H. Bakhit FT
(803221 / 3, 803326 / 2, 803458 / 3) Fall 12
(803221 / 3, 803326 / 2, 803458 / 3) Spring 13
60 20 20 100
3 Ali A. Almasmoum
(803341 / 3, 803442 / 3) Fall 12
(803442 / 3, 803221 / 3) Spring 13
60 20 20 100
4 Ali M. Al-Shaery FT 80 10 10 100
5 Ali M. Ibraheem
(803311 / 3, 803312 / 2, 803491 / 3, 803499 / 4) Fall 12
(803311 / 3, 803411 / 2, 803499 / 4) Spring 13
60 20 20 100
6 Asif A. Husain FT
(803221 / 3, 803226 / 2, 803451 / 3, 803499 / 4) Fall 12
(803225 / 2, 803322 / 4, 803499 / 4) Spring 13

20 10

Ayman G. Abdel-Rahman FT
(803325 / 2) Fall' 12
(803326 / 2, 803499 / 4) Spring' 13
60 20 20 100
8 Basam A. Ghulman FT
(803482 / 3, 803499 / 4) Fall 12
(803345 / 2, 803482 / 3) Spring 13
50 10 40 100
10 Ehab Malibari FT
(803382 / 2 {4 sections), 803482 /3 [2 sections})Fall 12
(803482 / 3, 803482 / 3, 803482 / 3) Spring 13
50 10 40 100
9 Erfan M. Al-Qasimi FT
(803221 / 3, 803323 / 3) Fall 12
(803221 / 3, 803323 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
11 Faiz A. Mirza FT
(803381 / 3) Fall 12 & Spring 13
60 20 20 100
Imtiaz A. Ahmed FT
(803461/ 3, 803491/ 3, 803491/ 3) Fall 12
(803464/3, 803464/ 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
Kehlan A. Salman FT
(803452 / 3) Fall 12
(803455 / 3, 803495 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
14 Khalid L. El-Ashmawy
(803311 / 3, 803312 / 2) Fall 12
(803226 / 2, 803411 / 3) Spring 13
60 20 20 100
15 Mahmoud A. Eltoukhy FT
(803390/2, 803331/ 3, 803332 / 3, 803499 / 4) Fall 12
(803331 / 3, 803326 / 2, 803499 / 4) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
16 Mahmoud M. Elsaadany* FT
(803341/3, 803442 / 3,803499 / 4) Fall 12
(803442 / 3, 803499 / 4) Spring 13
70 10 20 100
17 Majid M. Assas PT
(803221 / 3, 803351 / 3) Fall 12
(803451 / 3) Spring 13
70 10 20 100
Majid O. Alsaydalani FT
(803305 / 3) Fall 12
(803331 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
19 Marai A. Al-Shihri
(803351 / 3, 803451 / 3) Fall 12
(803451 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
Marwan A. Sarraj FT
(803221 / 3, 803459 / 3) Fall 12
(803221 /3, 803459 / 3) Spring 13
90 0 10 100
21 Medhat M. Helal FT
(800201 / 4, 800202 / 4, 803270 / 3) Fall 12
(800201 / 4, 800202 / 4, 803270 / 3) Spring 13
90 0 10 100
Mohamad A. Alsabban FT
(803425 / 2, 803459 / 3) Fall 12
(803226 / 2, 803322 / 4) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
Mohammed A. Saif PT
(803491 / 3) Fall 12
(803381 / 1.8, 803411 / 1.8) Spring 13
40 10 50 100
Mohamed H. Alwy PT
(803461 / 3) Fall 12
(803461 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
25 Moussa S. El-Bisy FT
(803321 / 2, 803497 / 3) Fall 12
(803321 / 2) Spring 13

60 20 20 100
26 Muhammad H. Imam FT
(803152 / 3) Fall 12
(803152 / 3, 803390 / 2) Spring 13
40 10
27 Sameh A. El-Refaie FT
(803495 / 3, 803225 / 2, 803221 / 3, 803499 / 4, 803351
/ 3, 803326 / 2) Fall 12
(803326 / 2, 803451 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
28 Tarek A. El-Damaty
(803311 / 3) Fall 12
(803312 / 2) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
29 Tariq M. Nahhas FT
(803221 / 3, 803351 / 3) Fall 12
(803221 / 3, 803351 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
Turki M. Al-Aboud FT
(803471 / 3, 803332 / 3, 803499 / 4) Fall' 12
(803332 / 3, 803471 / 3) Spring 13
80 10 10 100
* Prof. Mahmoud M. Elsaadany passed away just recently
1. FT = Full Time Faculty or PT = Part Time Faculty, at the institution
2. For the academic year for which the self-study is being prepared.
3. Program activity distribution should be in percent of effort in the program and should total 100%.
4. Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other."
5. Out of the total time employed at the institution.

Table 6-3 Students Faculty Ratio
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Faculty 15 17 22 30 33 30(29)*
Students 546 567 599 560 543 612
Student-Faculty Ratio 36.40 33.35 27.23 18.67 16.45 20.4
* Due to death of Prof. Mahmoud M. Elsaadany

Table 6-4 Faculty distribution by discipline
Civil engineering Discipline Faculty Count
(Oct. 2013)
No. of
Main Core
No. of
Structures 14 10 8
Geotechnical 3(2)* 3 6
Transportation 3 2 5
Environmental 4 4 6
Surveying 3 2 0
Construction & Management 3 4 1
Total 30(2)* 25 26

* Due to death of Prof. Mahmoud M. Elsaadany


The College of Engineering occupies a building at the University campus in Al-Abdiyah,
Makkah. The study program in the college of Engineering began in 1409H/1999 with the
establishment of the Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, and Architecture departments.
A. Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories
A-1-1 Offices
The civil engineering departmental occupies part of three floors in the college of engineering
building in an enclosed suite space. There are 40 (CK) faculty and assistants offices, four staff
offices, one secretariat room, one conference room, and nine laboratories and two computer
labs. The department head office is in the second floor. Offices of the faculty and staff
members are located on the ground and 1
floors of the building.

Each professor has a dedicated office with space ranging from 7.5 square meters (2.5x3) to 12
square meters (3x4). Office size allows enough space for individual and collective work
including the possibility to hold meetings with at most two to three colleagues or students. All
offices are air-conditioned and most of them have access to natural daylight. Each faculty
member has a desktop computer and a laptop computer with basic software installed including
Windows, and Microsoft Office. Specialized software are installed as needed. Faculty
members have full access to the Internet. A photocopy machine is also available for faculty
members in the department secretary office.

Sample of faculty office, department chair office and secretary office are shown in Figures 7-1,
7-2 and 7-3.

Figure 7-1: Sample of Civil Engineering faculty office

Figure 7-2: Civil Engineering department chairman office

Figure 7-3: Civil Engineering department secretary office
A-2 Classrooms
The College of Engineering provides excellent teaching classrooms. Classrooms are
adequately equipped with chairs and desks, instructor desk, data show, and a white board. Each
classroom is equipped with a wireless network allowing instructors to use laptops. There are 25
classrooms available each with capacity of 30 students (Fig. 7-4); and 15 large-size classrooms
each with capacity of 70 students (Fig. 7-5). Most of the classrooms have access to natural
daylight and all rooms are air-conditioned. All classrooms are scheduled by the Deanship of
Admission and Registration office. Each semester the department is provided with a proposed
course schedule for the next semester based on previous semesters offering. The proposed
course listing has the time period and classroom assignment. The Department reviews the
listings and makes the necessary changes and then submits the updated course listing to the
university enrollment management for further modifications.


Figure 7-4: Picture showing a typical small class room

Figure 7-5: Picture showing a typical large class room

A.3 Laboratories
The laboratories used by the Civil Engineering Department are located in the Engineering
building. The laboratories have adequate equipment for carrying out experimental work for
courses, senior projects, research projects and community service. The laboratories are well
maintained and regularly upgraded. The laboratories thus adequately support the curriculum
delivery. The laboratories serving the teaching and research activities within the department
are as follows:

Soil Mechanics Laboratory.
Concrete Laboratory.
Concrete Quality Control and Assurance Laboratory.
Asphalt Laboratory.
Surveying Laboratory.
Photogrammetric Survey Laboratory.
Hydraulics Laboratory.
Sanitary Engineering Laboratory.
Water resources Laboratory.
Computer Laboratory.

Table 7-1 summarizes the specific laboratory facilities, their purpose (i.e., which classes are
supported), condition, adequacy and space. The laboratories and the activity therein contribute
towards achieving the following ABET outcomes:

Outcome b: Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments,
as well as analyse and interpret data.

Outcome k: Students will demonstrate the ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

A.3.1 Soil Mechanics Laboratory
The Soil Mechanics Laboratory (Figure 7-6) is utilized to determine the geotechnical
properties of soil (physical, engineering, and mechanical) and geotechnical design parameters.
The following tests are conducted in this laboratory:

Water content test.
Unit weight test.
Specific gravity test.
Sieve analysis test.
Hydrometer test.
Liquid limit test.
Plastic limit test.
Shrinkage limit test.
Constant head permeability test.
Falling head permeability test.
Standard proctor test.
Modified proctor test.
Degree of compaction test.
Dynamic cone penetration test.
Pocket pentrometer test.
Shear Box test (Direct shear test).
Undrainedtriaxial test.
Unconfined compressive strength test.
Consolidation test (Oedometer).
California bearing ratio test (CBR)


Figure 7-6: The Soil Mechanics Laboratory

A.3.2 Sanitary Engineering Laboratory

The Sanitary Engineering Laboratory (Figure 7-7) is used to teach concepts and perform
research related to Sanitary Engineering, water and wastewater reclamation and related fields.
The following tests are conducted in the lab:

Determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in Water sample.
Determination of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
Determination of Settle-able Solids (SS).
Determination of Volatile Suspended Solids (TDS).
Measuring pH of Water/Waste water.
Measuring Electrical Conductance.
Measuring Turbidity of Water/Waste water.
Measuring total alkalinity of a given water sample and type of alkalinity.
Measuring total hardness of a given water sample.
Determining the type of hardness.
Measuring the Dissolved Oxygen in a given water/Waste water sample.
Measuring Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of a given effluent sample.
Measuring Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of a given effluent sample.
Measuring Total coli form bacteria in a given sample.
Measuring fecal coli form bacteria in a given sample.


Figure 7-7: The Sanitary Engineering Laboratory

A.3.3 Hydraulics Laboratory

The Hydraulic Laboratory (Figure 7-8) is utilized for the Fluid Mechanics (8-3305-3) and
Hydraulics (803331-3) class. The students are trained on conducting laboratory on the
engineering characteristics of water including measuring the speed of water flow in pipes and
measuring friction losses. Students also study the different types of pumps and ways of
concerting them (in series or parallel). In addition, they also study water networks and flux
surface measurement, measurement of drainage in open channels (measurements of the
hydraulic jump) and effects of the waterbed inclination and shape on water surface. The
laboratory is also utilized for research purposes.

Figure 7-8: The Hydraulics Laboratory

A.3.4 Water Resources Laboratory
The Water Resources laboratory (Figure 7-9) contains modern instruments and apparatuses for
projects and researches purposes. The laboratory is used by the students in the graduation
projects. The laboratory's equipment includes:
Basic hydrology apparatus.
Surface irrigation model.
Infiltration apparatus.
Rainfall hydrographs.
Drain permeameter.
Ground flow/well abstraction.
Sand table.

Figure 7-9: The Water Resources Laboratory

A.3.5 Photogrammetric Survey Laboratory
The Photogrammetric Survey Laboratory (Figure 7-10) includes instruments for stereoscopic
viewing such as lens and mirror stereoscopes. The purpose of this laboratory is to have
students make a series of experiments in the survey II (803441-3) course. These experiments
include stereoscopic viewing, parallax measurements on a set of photographs, determination of
the air base, flight altitude, the elevations of a series of points, transformation of photo
coordinates to object space coordinates, and preparation of mosaics.

Figure 7-10: The Photogrammetric Survey Laboratory
A.3.6 Concrete Quality Control and Assurance Laboratory
The Concrete Quality Control and Assurance Laboratory (Figure 7-11) designated to be as a
national scientific laboratory. The laboratory provides a wide scope of services and tests on
fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The following tests and services are conducted in
the laboratory:

Slump and flow of fresh concrete.
Air content of fresh concrete.
Concrete compressive strength.
Concrete tensile strength. (Modulus of rupture and split tensile strength).
Concrete permeability (ion chloride and water test).
Rate of heat hydration.
Concrete shrinkage.
Carbonation content in concrete.
Chloride diffusion in concrete.
Testing of concrete raw materials.
Non-destructive testing.
Testing of flowable and self-compacting concrete.
Revision and verification of concrete mix designs.

Figure 7-11: The Concrete Quality Control and Assurance Laboratory

A.3.7 Concrete Laboratory
The concrete Laboratory (Figure 7-12) is equipped with apparatuses that are necessary for
conducting tests on aggregate, cement, dry concrete, and wet concrete. The laboratory is used
by students who study the subject of Concrete Technology (803381).The laboratory is also
utilized by students in their graduation projects. The laboratory is equipment with the

Electronic apparatus for crushing concrete samples (to measure pressure and
Concrete permeability measurement apparatus.
Machine for measuring air content of concrete.
Machine for capping concrete cylinders with sulfur.
Treatment room for sample preservation.
Concrete mixer.
Los Angeles Abrasion aggregate-testing machine.
Sieves shaking apparatus.
Dry concrete linear change measurement apparatus.

Figure 7-12: The Concrete Laboratory

A.3.8 Surveying Laboratory
The Surveying Laboratory contains surveying instruments which are used to train students in
the practical aspect of the Surveying I (803311-3) and Surveying II (803441-3) courses. It is
also used in graduation projects and research conducted in different surveying fields. The
laboratory contains traditional surveying instruments as tapes, surveying compass, digital
Planimeters, levels (automatic, digital and laser levels) and its accessories, and the optical and
digital Theadolites. The laboratory contains modern surveying instruments including total
stations with different accuracies and capabilities scanner total station and Global Positioning
System (GPS).
The training part of the surveying courses includes many experiments such as measurements of
distances using different instruments, measurements of angles and direction of lines,
measurement of height of points and its application in drawing the profile and volume
calculation and point coordinates determination relative to local or international coordinates
systems and drawing of maps using the obtained coordinates.

A.3.9 Asphalt Laboratory
The Asphalt Laboratory (Figure 7-13) is utilized for testing and evaluating bitumen, aggregates
and asphalt mixes. The laboratory currently holds state of the art equipment for determining
asphalt binder properties like penetration, viscosity, ductility, Flash point and softening point.
Comprehensive aggregate characterization can be undertaken through tests like, gradation,
soundness, specific gravity and CBR. Whereas, sampling, testing and evaluation of Hot Mix
Asphalt can be undertaken both for developing design criteria and evaluation to ensure quality
control. Equipment like, fully automated Universal Testing Machine to determine stress-strain
and strength properties under simulated traffic loading, gyratory compactor with computer
control, Marshal Stability and flow testing machine, asphalt extraction apparatus and core
drilling of asphalt pavements is held. The laboratory is fully equipped to provide effective
support to academic and research related activities in the field of flexible pavement design and
analysis for undergraduate Civil Engineering program.

Figure 7-13: The Asphalt Laboratory

Table 7-1: The Civil Engineering Department Laboratory current state
Room Number
Soil mechanics (G119)
V. Good 20 107
Sanitary Engineering (G165) (803499-4) Good 20 131
Hydraulics (G170)
Good 20 300
Water resources (G167) (803499-4) Good 20 136
Photogrammetric survey (2090) (803441-3) Good 20 135
Concrete quality control (G168-G169) (803499-4) Excellent 20 440
Concrete (G118) (803381-3) Good 20 147
Surveying (G166) (803311-3) Good 20 169
Asphalt (G117) (803499-4) Good 20 113
Computer laboratory I (803152-2) Good 20 110
Computer laboratory II (803321-2) Good 20 97

B. Computing Resources
The computer services and facilities are available at three different levels, university, college
and departmental levels.
B-1 University Computing Resources
The university computer center is the umbrella for all the sub facilities located at different
offices colleges and department spread over the campus. Students have open access to the
campus network and the Internet. There are wireless access points that serve campus buildings
including staff offices and laboratories. The practical result is that anyone in the campus
community can have access to the campus network and the Internet at any time from any place.
The university computer center maintains the Internet servers and provides internet services
through local area network and remote dial-up facility. It is also provides various licensed
version of educational software. It operates around the clock with supporting staff for any
technical consultation and trouble shooting.
B-2 College Computer Resources
The College of Engineering operates and maintains an Open Access PC Laboratory. The
laboratory is open five days a week, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday to Wednesday.
B-3 Department Computer Laboratory
The civil engineering department has a separate two computer laboratories that has 30
computers each. They are used for teaching different courses like Engineering Drawing II,
Civil Engineering Drawing, Computer Application in Environmental Engineering, structural
analysis I & II.
B-4 Faculty Personal Computer
Each faculty member has a computer in his office that has access to internet, University
network and registration system for students. Each faculty has a personal laptop computer and
a data show to be utilized in the classrooms and laboratories. The faculty computer and laptop
can use both wireless and plugged networks. The computer laboratories are maintained by the
IT maintenance department of the University.
The Deanship of Admission and Registration provides access to the electronic-gate services
system to students and faculty members through the link
Through the use of the Electronic-Gate system, students can perform online registration,
monitor their academic progress, view transcripts/grades, etc. while instructors can monitor
their students, see their academic progress and results, insert marks and absences for students,
edit their profiles.
C. Guidance
The faculty members are responsible to support and guide the use of college laboratories and
resources, each in his assigned laboratory. Faculty prepares laboratory notes, set procedures for
performing the experiments; and discusses the safety regulations for each lab. The faculty
members or lecturers and teaching assistants attend the laboratory sessions with the students
and guide them in performing the experiments.
D. Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities
The current procedure for maintenance or upgrades of the laboratory facility is to inform the
chairman of the department who in turn takes the request to order the required equipment. A
new procedure is being developed and can be summarized as follows:

The faculty responsible for the laboratory fills a form describing the required
equipment that needs to be purchase or upgraded.
This form is submitted to the laboratories committee.
The laboratories committee will study all the requests and takes the required
decision with the help of the department chair.
E. Library Services
Umm Al-Qura University has a central library named The King Abdullah Library located at
Abdiyeh campus. It is the main body that collects and develops information sources, organizes
these sources (classifying, cataloging, indexing, and shelving), and makes them available to the
university community through a range of services (loans, reading areas, electronic access). The
library contains a large range of information resources such as books, periodicals, digital
libraries, documents, manuscripts, audio-visual material, maps and atlases, and other
electronically accessible material. It contains more than one hundred thousand books. It has
the following departments:
The Department of Library Users Services.
The Department of Scripts, Dissertations, and Audio-visual Materials.
The Department of Technical Procedures.
The Department of Exchange and Official Publications.
The Department of Special Collections.
The Department of Planning, Follow Up, Organization and Research.
The central library also supports and controls the following branches:
King Abdullah Library - Zaher campus
College of Dawa and Usul-ud-Din Library (Abdiyah)
College of Arabic Language Library (Abdiyah)
College of Applied Sciences Library (Abdiyah)
College of Computer & Information Systems Library (Abdiyah)
College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture Library (Abdiyah)
College of Medicine Library (Abdiyah)
Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic Heritage Library (Abdiyah)
College of Applied Sciences Library (Zaher)
Al-Jamum University College Library (Jamum)
College of Arts and Administrative Sciences Library (Zaher)
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj Research Library (Aziziah)
College of Islamic Law Library (Abdiyah)
College of Education Library (Abdiyah)
Al-Qunfudah University College Library (Qunfudah)
College of Fine Arts and Design Library (Abdiyah)
Al Leith University College Library (Leith)
The library holdings can be searched electronically by using computer terminals at the library
or via the internet at The university provides connections to
different and varied information sources. These include:
University Dissertations and Theses
Arabic Books
Foreign Books
Periodicals and Microfilms
Government Publications
Automatic Lending Service
Automatic Book-Return Service
Reference Service
Book Purchase Request Service
Digital Library Service (e.g. IEEE Explore, ACM, Elsevier, and Wiley)
Umm Al-Qura University Journals
Original and Photocopied manuscripts
Records of conferences and symposia held at Umm Al-Qura University
Photographed meetings held at Umm Al-Qura University
The library is opened from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during working days (Saturday to Wednesday).

Figure 7-14: King Abdullah Library

Due to its central place in the teaching and research processes, the university library has
received considerable attention so that it can provide its services in an efficient manner.
Resources of the library branches in Makkah (at the males and the females sections) and at
Taif witness continuing improvement in both holdings and technology for the best possible
E-1 Library Collections
The university provides connections to different and varied information sources. These

1. University Dissertations and Theses.
2. Arabic Books.
3. Foreign Books.
4. Periodicals and Microfilms.
5. Government Publications.
6. Automatic Lending Service.
7. Automatic Book-Return Service.
8. Library Website Service.
9. Automatic Indexing Service through the Internet.
10. Reference Service.
11. Laptop Wireless Connection Service.
12. Book Purchase Request Service.
13. Library Database Service.
14. Photocopy Request Service.
15. Digital Library Service.
o University Dissertations and Theses.
o Umm Al-Qura University Journals.
o Original and Photocopied manuscripts.
o Records of conferences and symposia held at Umm Al-Qura University.
o E-books and e-articles that reflect current research conducted by Umm Al-Qura
faculty members.
o Photographed meetings held at Umm Al-Qura University.
E-2 Library Databases
Library subscribes to different databases, few of which are listed below:
1. CSA Technology Collection.
2. COS (Community of Science).
3. ABI INFORM Global.
4. Academic Search Premier - EBSCO.
5. AkademiaiKiado.
6. Applied Science & Technology.
7. Dissertations & Theses.
8. First Search.
9. IEEE/IEE Electronic Library
10. MATHnetBASE.
11. CRCnetBASE.
12. OVID.
13. Sage.

F. Overall Comments on Facilities
Safety procedures for all Civil Engineering Laboratories follow the University's centralized
plan and policy. Specific laboratory procedures are documented for each Civil Engineering
Department laboratory. Required safety equipment and the proper operation of laboratory
equipment is conveyed to students and classrooms through training sessions by qualified
faculty members, technicians, and students. Several policies and measures have been defined
and taken in order to ensure that facilities, tools, and equipment used in all programs offered in
the college of computer and information sciences are safe for their intended purposes. These
policies and procedures are included in the student handbook. They are summarized below.
F-1 General Safety Measures
The general safety measures taken in the college are summarized as follows:

The college building is equipped with surveillance cameras for security purposes.
A health center is available in the University for all students.
Smoke detectors are installed everywhere in the college building.
Fire extinguishers are installed everywhere in the college building.
Sprinklers are installed everywhere in the college building.
All labs are equipped with an Emergency Button enclosed in a breakable glass that can
be activated in emergency situations.
An emergency evacuation procedure is affixed in laboratories and in different
appropriate places in the college building.
A General computer laboratory safety procedure is affixed in each laboratory.
F-2 Laboratory Safety Guidelines
The College of Engineering offers these guidelines for improving laboratory safety. The
department believes that having an understanding of inherent hazards and learning how to be
safe should be an integral and important part of the educational process. To insure safe
practices in laboratories, the College of Engineering has adopted the following guidelines.
They will be consistently enforced. Non-compliance will result in suspension from the

F-2-1 Personal Safety
Experiments, tasks or job in the department facilities are to be done according to
No student is allowed to work alone in a laboratory
When working with hazardous materials gloves, safety glasses or face shields be worn.
Clothing: Entrance in laboratories is not allowed without laboratory coats and shoes.
Shorts and sandals should not be worn in the lab.
No equipment to be used without Instructors permission.
Food or beverages in the laboratory are forbidden.
Hats are required to cover long hair that can entangle the equipment.
All accidents should be reported to the faculty/staff member supervising the laboratory.
Students entering the lab must be aware of the location of all safety equipment and
must learn how to use them.

F-2-2 General Laboratory Safety
Keep aisles clear.
Maintain unobstructed access to all exits, fire extinguishers, electrical panels,
emergency showers, and eyewashes.
Do not use corridors for storage or work areas.
If leaving a lab unattended, turn off all ignition sources and lock the doors.
Do not store heavy items above table height. Any overhead storage of supplies on top
of cabinets should be limited to lightweight items only. Also, remember that a 36"
diameter area around all fire sprinkler heads must be kept clear at all times.
Spills should be cleaned up immediately.
Be careful when lifting heavy objects. Lift comfortably, avoid unnecessary bending,
twisting, reaching out, and excessive weights, lift gradually and keep in good physical

F-2-3 Electrical Safety
Electrical equipment must be GFI-protected (i.e. "grounded") when used near any
water source. If water or fluid is spilled in or around electrical equipment, FIRST shut
off circuit breaker, then unplug the equipment before cleaning up the spill.
Maintain a 36" unobstructed access to all electrical panels.
Avoid using extension cords whenever possible. If you must use one, obtain a heavy-
duty one that is electrically grounded, with its own fuse, and install it safely. Extension
cords should not go under doors, across aisles, be hung from the ceiling, or plugged
into other extension cords.

F-2-4 Chemical Safety
Make sure all chemicals are clearly and currently labeled with the substance name,
concentration, date, and name of the individual responsible.
All pressurized containers (e.g. gas cylinders) will be moved and installed only by staff
Secure all gas cylinders and label all chemicals to show nature and degree of hazard.
Use volatile and flammable compounds only in a fume hood. Procedures that produce
aerosols should be performed in a hood to prevent inhalation of hazardous material. Be
sure the fan is on at all times when using a fume hood. Fume hoods should not be used
for storage.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be provided for all hazardous chemicals
before use. MSDS shall be kept in a predetermined area for each laboratory.
Clean up of large spills should not be attempted by students or teaching assistants. Ask
a faculty member for help Evacuation of a laboratory should be conducted in event of a
large chemical spill.
Know the proper use of chemicals and proper disposal of waste. Your Professor or
Laboratory Instructor can supply this information.
F-3 Policies related to the safety of computer software:
F-3-1 Safety against Viruses/Malware:
Antivirus is installed on all the PCs in the college. This is configured for automatic updates and
real time scanning.

F-3-2 Software Piracy:
All software tools used within the college are legal and licensed. The installation and use of
illegal and/or unlicensed software tools is strictly forbidden.
A. Leadership
The departmental leadership consists of the chairmen of the department, and the department
council (which consists of highly qualified and experience faculty members) Faculty members
hold Ph.D. degrees in various Civil Engineering disciplines. The chairman heads the
department council responsible for making all academic decisions related to the curriculum,
faculty and staff appointment, teaching load distribution and faculty research and professional
development activities. The department chair and council have played a very important and
key role in promoting departmental interests at the college and university levels. They created
a friendly productive environment to facilitate faculties and departmental program missions.
As a result, many of our faculty members demonstrate excellent academic performance at
national and international level.

B. Program Budget Process and Financial Support
Umm Al-Qura University is one of the leading university in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia situated
in Holy city of Makkah. It provides excellent higher education to the citizen of the Kingdom's.
Like other state-owned universities in the Kingdom it receives very generous financial support
from the Ministry of Higher Education. The Civil Engineering Program budget is supplied by
the funds allocated by the university to the College of engineering and Islamic Architectures.
The financial support and Budget are on an annual basis and it is based on resources provided
by the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Finance. This ensures the continuity of
financial support. The Dean commits resources to the program whenever the need exists.

B-1 Sources of Financial Support
The financial plan for the University and the Civil Engineering Program budget is mostly
centralized and controlled by the University Finance Department under the Rector of the
University. University budget preparation involves consultation with the organizational units
including but not limited to the University Vice Rectors, University hospitals, Projects General
Department, Financial Department, Procurements General Department, Deanship of Faculty
and Staff Affairs and Deanship of Admission & Registration to define the University
requirements and complete the forms specifically prepared by the Ministry of Finance. This
process helps to ensure the adequacy of funds for programs and services to be provided for the
next year. During the budget preparation, consultation with the Rector and Vice Rector is
maintained to obtain their guidance. The draft budget with a brief memorandum on it will be
submitted to the University Council for approval. Once the proposal is approved by the
Council, it will be submitted to the Ministry of Finance with copies of the same to the Ministry
of Civil Service and the Ministry of Economy & Planning. A date will be set for discussing the
draft budget with the Ministry. The Directorate has to prepare all required data for holding
discussions on the budget proposal with the Ministry of Finance. After the University budget is
approved, it is announced and disseminated.

The funds allocated to salaries, benefits and wages, as well as the budget assigned to the
security, maintenance, and other amenities are administered and audited centrally at the
University campus. The operating expenses for laboratory equipment, office furniture, teaching
materials, raw material for maintenance, spare parts projects, repair projects, and building
rehabilitation plans are allocated based on the needs and requirements of the various units of
the University.
The University budget has grown from 1,400,000,000 Saudi Riyals (SR) in 2010 to
2,000,000,000 SR in 2013.

The college budget is a part of the University. The budget of the college during 2012-13 are as

a. Educational expenses: 57,000 SR
b. Modernization of Laboratories and workshop equipment: 500,000 SR
c. Raw materials: 100,000 SR.
d. Development of new Laboratories: 900,000 SR
e. The salaries and compensations for the faculty members and staff is the
responsibility of the University.

The college funds are controlled by regulations issued by the College Council and
implemented and monitored by the Dean. The College has managed to increase its full-time
non-Saudi faculty with highly qualified full-time faculty members from all over the world. The
University also supports the College with a generous share of the available Teaching Assistant
positions at the University level for top Saudi graduates. Appointed Teaching Assistants are
required to pursue their MS and Ph.D. degrees in top-ranked international universities within at
most two semesters of their appointment. After earning their Ph.D., they return to their
respective departments to serve as full-time faculty. Budgets continue to be adequate to cover
program and departmental needs for all operations.

The Civil Engineering Department had his share from the college budget according to the
requirements of the department. Also, the following funds were used by the department
directly from the University:

a) Computer Laboratory equipment (renewal every 5 years): from IT department
b) Basic computer software (Windows, MSOffice etc.): from IT department.
c) MATLAB educational license with various tool boxes from IT department.
d) Laboratories equipment: about approximately 1.9 million SR.

The Civil Engineering Department receives required support from the UQU administration for
purchasing new lab equipment and upgrading current equipment. These requests are handled
on priority basis. Civil Engineering Department has been awarded annually funds for these
issues. Thus, currently, Civil Engineering Department has adequate modern equipment in its
labs. Very recently, Civil Engineering Department established a highly modern world class
Concrete Quality Assurance laboratory in their premises with the special grant of Ministry of
Higher Education, KSA.

The College relies mainly on the University-allocated governmental budget provided each
fiscal year for the acquisition and upgrading of laboratory equipment, teaching facilities,
furniture, etc.
IT department provides required maintenance and operation service for the PCs in labs and
offices. The operation and maintenance department handles the maintenance of the buildings
and facilities. The College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture programs have efficient
teaching infrastructures, facilities and laboratory equipment to support attainment of student
B-2 Support for Teaching Activities
Each faculty is in charge of the teaching and grading activities assigned to him. There are
seven department assistant that are utilized by the department chair to help the faculty on a
case by case needs.
B-3 Support for Facilities
Formal department plans to acquire, maintain, and operate equipment, laboratories, and other
facilities are revised and followed every year. Other permanent improvements of the facilities
are planned during the budget process. The plans are developed with the input of faculty
members assigned as coordinators of various laboratories in the department.

The College relies mainly on the University-allocated governmental budget provided each fiscal
year for purchases for acquisition and upgrade of laboratory equipment, teaching facilities,
furniture, etc. The College also utilizes its University-allocated liquidity to acquire any additional
facilities and equipment needed by faculty or students of the various College programs. There are
no specific regulations or policy to carry out periodic or emergency maintenance of equipment in
different laboratories. However, in order to maintain equipment in good operating conditions, the
following measures are taken:

a. Currently, the suppliers are called upon by faculty or researchers using the equipment to
provide periodical, calibration and/or repair and maintenance using funds supplied by the
University administration in the form of maintenance contracts.

b. There is a plan to adopting a maintenance contract with a specialized firm for the maintenance
of equipment and facilities. The process of providing maintenance contracts is governed by the
regulations and procedures set by the University.

B-4 Adequacy of Budget
The fund and the budget allocated by the university to the Civil Engineering Department is
adequate to enable the Civil Engineering Program achieving its academic goals and objectives.
The university provides salaries of all its employees, including Civil Engineering Department
personnel. The faculty member consist of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and full
Professors are hired by the Civil Engineering Department as staff members according to
convenient rules including: a basic salary, a professional allowance between 30 to 100% of the
basic salary, transportation housing allowances. The long-term needs for the department are
stated in the Strategic Plan are covered in institutional support. Short-term needs for the
department are addressed by the Civil Engineering Department are full fill by the consultation
with the College level administrators. The university assigns financial resources based on
needs and priorities of all its academic and administrative units. This is a competitive process
in which every priority identified in the budget solicitation must be supported.

The faculty and staff employment processes are centrally supervised and administered by the
Deanship of Faculty and Staff Affairs. Moreover, the Deanship provides all personnel services
for Umm Al-Qura University Colleges.
C. Staffing
The College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture programs enjoy high class teaching
infrastructures, facilities and laboratory equipment. The infrastructure is adequate to help
students in the different programs at the college of engineering to attain the required student

The civil engineering department has a strong resource team composed of faculty,
administrative assistants, engineers, clerical and other support personnel. New faculty hiring is
also progressing well. College faculty members are encouraged to regularly attend training and
professional development workshops held either within the University, by the Deanship of
University Development and Quality Development, or outside the University.

Outside the Civil Engineering department, all levels of institutions administration are
supportive to help the department attain a quality program. The department maintains advising
and administrative staffs that provide various kinds of support to the department and the
program. The College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture also maintains a Deanship of
community services as well as Deanship of student affairs and a directorate of training office,
which look after the various students related facilities and services such as a student council,
career advising, sports facilities etc. that are of great value to students in the college. Recently,
department of civil engineering formed a student council and provided an office and recreation
space. Department student council arranges the special invited lecture for various civil
engineering topics by experts. They also arrange the special national and international
professional visits to the civil engineering student. Standard support functions and services
exist on an institution-wide basis to meet other students needs. These services are assessed
periodically in compliance with the I nstitutional Plan for the Assessment of Student
Learning and the Administrative Assessment Plans.

D. Faculty Hiring and Retention
In order to hire new faculty the department must create a case to the University for hiring. The
faculty discusses the needs in a department meeting. The department considers the demand, the
coverage of the curricular areas, and the potential growth in a disciplinary area. In the last five
years there have been ten faculty hired as university have the funds required. There is no
problem in retaining faculty as the salary here is tax-free and faculty receives free housing and
medical benefits plus air tickets to their country of origin.
E. Support of Faculty Professional Development
Faculty professional development is primarily accomplished through workshops, seminars,
conferences, professional publications, and committee service in professional societies. The
University supports the College with a generous share of the available Teaching Assistant (TA)
positions at the University level for top Saudi graduates. Appointed TA's are required to pursue
their MS and Ph.D. degrees in top-ranked international universities within at most two
semesters of their appointment. After earning their PhD, they return to their respective
departments to serve as full-time faculty. In addition, the University also provides resources to
the College to hire non-Saudi MS-holders as teaching assistants with the "lecturer" rank, and
BS and MS holders as research assistants. The University also allows departments to hire part-
time teaching faculty and assistants on a per-semester basis with the approval of the University
Permanent Committee for Collaborators. The University has made outstanding progress not
only in increasing the quantity of its faculty and staff but also in enhancing its quality. It
provides opportunities to faculty for personal and professional development through
workshops, including teaching workshops, offered regularly by the Deanship of University
Development and Quality, and by encouraging faculty members to attend international
conferences or training workshops abroad.

Every faculty member can be given a leave to attend national or international conferences
twice a year and to attend a workshop every two years. Faculty staff members are given
financial support for transportation, conference registration fees and living allowance for the
conference period. They are also allowed to have a one year sabbatical leave every five years,
after providing an acceptable plan for research and scientific contribution to be performed
during the expected leave.

The civil engineering program satisfies the Program Criteria in both the areas of curriculum
and faculty as described in the following.
A. Curriculum
1) Prepare students to apply knowledge of Mathematics: The program prepares
graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through Differential Equations (DE) as
shown in Table 9-1. The third column shows the highest Blooms Taxonomy level
reached in the course with reference to the syllabus given in Appendix A.
Table 9-1 Courses for Proficiency in Application of Mathematics
Course Title
Highest Level
of Blooms Taxonomy Reached
4800140 (4) Introduction to Math I
2: Comprehension - Preparing students to
learn DE in later courses
4800141 (4) Introduction to Math II
3: Application - Preparing students to learn
DE in later courses, some topics as in the
course content require application
800201 (4) Engineering Math I
3: Application - A course in DE with its
applications as is obvious from the course
800202 (4) Engineering Math II
3: Application - Covers PDE with its
applications in addition to other topics with
804343 (3)
Engineering Statistics and
Probability Theory
3: Application - Part of the course objective
and several topics in course content require
803270 (3) Numerical Methods
3: Application - An applied course with
applications of various mathematical
techniques including DE.

2) Prepare students to apply knowledge of Calculus-Based Physics: At UQU, students
complete the Preparatory year (i.e., Two semesters) taking two courses of Calculus
(4800140 and 4800141). Students then join the Civil Engineering department during
their third study semester taking Engineering Math I (800201) followed by General
Physics II (403102) in their fourth semester of study. General Physics II (403102) is a
calculus based Physics as outlined in the course content

3) Prepare students to apply knowledge of Chemistry: Proficiency in general
chemistry is achieved through General Chemistry I (402101) taught by the Chemistry
department. Proficiency is also attributed to the course Environmental Engineering
(803470) that has elements of Environmental Chemistry.

4) Prepare students to apply knowledge in one additional area of basic science: This
is achieved by requiring the student to take a basic Geology Course (803340). This is
consistent with the first program educational objective (PEO 1) because such a course
in Geological sciences is helpful in working with professional teams in industry,
government and other organization especially in students home country with abundant
geological resources.

5) Prepare students to apply knowledge of four technical areas in civil engineering:
The curriculum is designed to prepare students to apply knowledge in more than four
areas as summarized in Table 9-2.
Table 9-2: Technical Areas Covered by the Curriculum
Technical Area Courses from Curriculum (Chapter 5)
Highest Level
of Blooms
Structural Table 5-7 (b) shows courses in this area. 5: Synthesis
Geotechnical Table 5-7 (d) shows courses in this area.. 5: Synthesis
Environmental /
803470 (Environmental Engineering) 5: Synthesis
Transportation Table 5-7 (e) shows courses in this area.. 5: Synthesis
Water resources
803306 Fluid mechanics, 803331 Hydraulics
and 803332 Water Resources Engineering
5: Synthesis
803310 Plane Surveying and
803410 Topographical & Photogrammetric Survey
4: Analysis
Construction Table 5-7(c) shows courses in this area. 5: Synthesis

6) Prepare students to conduct civil engineering experiments and analyse and
interpret the resulting data: This is achieved through several civil engineering
courses with laboratory component as listed in Table 9-3.
Table 9-3: Civil Engineering Courses with Laboratory Component
Course Name
803310 Plane Surveying
803331 Hydraulics
803381 Concrete Technology
803470 Environmental Engineering
803331 Hydraulics
803440 Soil Mechanics
803381 Concrete Technology
803410 Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey
803440 Soil Mechanics
803464 Highway Engineering

7) Prepare students to design a system, component, or process in more than one civil
engineering context: This is achieved through courses requiring design in more than
two civil engineering areas as listed in the following in Table 9-4:
Table 9-4: Civil Engineering Courses with Design Component
Course Name
Engineering Area
803443 Foundation Engineering Geotechnical
803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I
Structural 803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II
803459 Design of Steel Structure
803332 Water Resources Engineering Hydraulics/ Water resources
803470 Environmental Engineering Environmental
803464 Highway Engineering Transportation

8) Prepare students to explain basic concepts in management, business, public policy,
and leadership: This is attained through the courses shown in Table 9-5.
Table 9-5: Courses with Basic Concepts in Management & Related Areas
Course Name
804344 Engineering Economics
803370 Engineering Design
803480 Construction Engineering & Management of Projects
803485 Professional Ethics
803486 Contracts and Specifications

9) Prepare students to explain the importance of professional licensure: This is
attained through the course shown in Table 9-6.
Table 9-6: Courses with Importance of Professional Licensure
Course Name
803485 Professional Ethics

B. Faculty
The qualifications of the faculty members are described in Criteria 6 above. All of the faculty
teaching design courses have a Ph.D. within their area of focus. Faculty members that are
licensed professional engineers or are in process of obtaining professional licensure are listed
in Table 6-2. Faculty members are active in consulting and research activities. Resumes for
each faculty member can be found in Appendix B. The Civil Engineering program faculty
represents a diverse background of expertise with at least two faculty members in each focus
area. The faculty in each focus area with a brief description of their specialization was
presented in Table 6-3.

1. M.H. Imam and Imran A. Tasadduq, Evaluating the Satisfaction of ABET Student
Outcomes from Course Learning Outcomes through a Software Implementation,
International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology
(IJQAETE), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 2133, 2012

2. M.H. Imam and Imran A. Tasadduq, Satisfaction of ABET Student Outcomes, Proc.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1720, April, 2012

Appendix A Course Syllabi

Plan 25 Core Courses

List of Plan 25 Core Courses
No Department
Course Title
Civil Engineering
Engineering Mathematics I
Civil Engineering
Engineering Mathematics II
Civil Engineering
Engineering Drawing II
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Numerical Methods
Civil Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Civil Engineering
Surveying I
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Drawing
Civil Engineering
Strength of Materials
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering
Basic Geology
Civil Engineering
Soil Mechanics I
Civil Engineering
Management of Engineering Projects
Civil Engineering
Structural Analysis I
Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering I
Civil Engineering
Concrete Technology
Civil Engineering
Building Materials
Civil Engineering
Engineering Reports Writing
Civil Engineering
Surveying II
Civil Engineering
Soil Mechanics II
Civil Engineering
Foundation Engineering
Civil Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Civil Engineering
Reinforced Concrete Design I
Civil Engineering
Reinforced Concrete Design II
Civil Engineering
Design of Steel Structure
Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering II
Civil Engineering
Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply
Civil Engineering
Construction Engineering
Civil Engineering
Contract and Specifications
Civil Engineering
Graduation Project
Dawah and Islamic Culture
601101 Islamic Culture I
Dawah and Islamic Culture
601201 Islamic Culture II
Dawah and Islamic Culture
601301 Islamic Culture III
Dawah and Islamic Culture
601401 Islamic Culture IV
Dawah and Islamic Culture
605101 The Holy Quran I
Dawah and Islamic Culture
605201 The Holy Quran II
Dawah and Islamic Culture
605301 The Holy Quran III
Dawah and Islamic Culture
605401 The Holy Quran IV
No Department
Course Title
Kitab and Sunnah
102101 Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Arabic Language
501101 Arabic Language
Preparation Year Center
800101 Calculus I
Preparation Year Center
800102 Calculus II
403101 General Physics I
403102 General Physics II
402101 General Chemistry (1)
English Language Center
705101 English Language I
English Language Center
705102 Communication Skills in English I
English Language Center
705103 Communication Skills in English II
Computer Engineering
805212 Computer Programming 1
Electrical engineering
802306 Electrical Engineering for CE Students
Mechanical Engineering
804343 Engineering Statistics and Probability Theory
Mechanical Engineering
804151 Engineering drawing I
Mechanical Engineering
804231 Workshop Basics
Mechanical Engineering
804344 Engineering Economics
Mechanical Engineering
804342 Experimental Engineering for Civil Engineer
Mechanical Engineering
804222 Dynamics

Engineering Mathematics I
Course Title Engineering Mathematics I Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 800201 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact
Prerequisites Introduction to Mathematics I, Introduction to Mathematics II

Course Objective
To enable the students to understand the use of complex numbers, apply ordinary differential
equations to engineering problems using various methods including Laplace transform

Course Description
Application of the basic theorems of the ordinary differential equations and Laplace transform

Course Contents
Ordinary Differential Equations: First order DEs, Exact DEs, DEs reducible to exact, linear
DEs and Bernoulli DEs, modeling of LR-electric circuits, orthogonal trajectory, civil
engineering application - Homogeneous second order ordinary DEs - modeling of free
oscillations of spring mass system - Non-homogeneous second order ordinary Des: Wronskian
and the undetermined coefficient method, the variation of parameter method, modeling of
forced oscillation and LRC-electric circuits - Laplace transform (LT): Introduction, linearity,
first shift. Second shift, multiplication by t and division by t, inverse LT, Heaviside theorem,
convolution theorem, unit step and Dirac-Delta function, applications on Initial value problems
(IVP) and systems of such equations

Textbook / Reference(s)
Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to formulate engineering problems as ODE and to solve them.
2. Generate the mathematical model from the physical phenomena and then solve it.
3. Ability to apply Laplace transform to solve some engineering problems.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Medhat Helal & M. H. Imam
Last update: May 7, 2012

Engineering Mathematics II
Course Title Engineering Mathematics II Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 800202 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Engineering Mathematics I

Course Objective
To teach the students various operations involving linear algebra of matrices and methods of
solving system of algebraic equations using special functions (Gamma, Beta and Bessel
functions) and enable the students to apply Fourier analysis to Engineering problems

Course Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the linear algebra of
matrices, special functions, Fourier analysis and partial differential equations with application
to engineering problems

Course Contents
Matrices and Vectors, linear system of equations (Gauss Eliminations) - Determinates,
Crammer rule, inverse of matrix Gauss, Jordan elimination - Special function, Gamma
function, Beta function - Introduction to Fourier analysis, Fourier series, Fourier sine series,
Fourier cosine series.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to classify and solve linear systems of linear algebraic equations
2. Ability to solve integrals related to Gamma and Beta functions
3. Ability to expand a piece-wise continuous functions in Fourier series, Fourier sine
series and Fourier cosine series with applications to engineering problems

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Medhat Helal, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 7, 2012

Engineering Drawing II
Course Title Engineering Drawing II Coordinator M. Imam
Course Number 803152 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Engineering Drawing I

Course Objective
Teaching Auto CAD skills for civil engineering drawing.

Course Catalog Description
Introduction to the use of computers in engineering drawing, practical applications,
dimensioning, drawing of sections, conventions and symbols.

Course Contents
Introduction to Computer: Hardware, Program Execution, System and Application Software -
Introduction to Auto CAD: Using Auto CAD Menus and commands - Coordinate Systems -
Drawing Aids - Drawing Accuracy - Line Types - Hatching - Drawing Entities - Colors,
Dimensioning - Advanced Editing Commands - Layers and Blocks - Advanced Drawing
Control - Drawing Symbols - Working Drawings.

Imam, M. H. (2012), Step by Step AutoCAD with Engineering Concepts, (1
ed.), To be

AutoDesk Inc., (2012). AUTOCAD Users Manual, AutoDesk Publication.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to use AutoCAD software and understand its functionality as a modern tool
2. Ability to prepare and print scaled two-dimensional engineering plans utilizing

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: April 20, 2012 by MHI

Course Title Statics Coordinator Marwan Sarraj
Course Number 803221 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Calculus II

Course Objective
To teach fundamental concepts of statics and applying the laws of statics for solving
engineering problems.

Course Description
Vector analysis of force, Force systems in 2D and 3D, moments and couples, equivalent for
system, Equilibrium in 2D, analysis of structures, Centroids and composite bodies, Distributed
force system, friction, area moment of inertia.

Course Contents
General Principles: introduction to the basic quantities and idealizations, Newton's Laws of
motion and gravitation, applies the SI system of units, procedures for performing numerical
calculations, general guide for solving problems - Force Vectors: vector analysis of vectors in
2D and 3D - add forces and resolve them into components using the Parallelogram Law,
express force and position in Cartesian vector form and explain determine the vector's
magnitude and direction, dot product in order to determine the angle between two vectors or
the projection of one vector onto another - Equilibrium of a Particle: introduce the concept of
the free-body diagram for a particle, solve particle equilibrium problems using the equations of
equilibrium. - Force System Resultants: principle of moments, moment of a force about an
axis, couples, equivalent force-couple system, resultants of forces, parallel forces, and principle
of distributed loading to a resultant force - Equilibrium of a Rigid Body: equilibrium of forces
in 2D for a rigid body, free body diagram, equations of equilibrium laws, solve rigid-body for
support reactions. - Structural Analysis: analysis of structures, types of trusses, plane trusses,
method of joints and method of section - Friction: frictional phenomena, types of friction,
friction coefficients - Center of Gravity and Centroid: centroid of mass, lines, area and
volumes, centroid of composite bodies - Moments of Inertia: moment of inertia of an area.

Hibbeler, R. C., (2013), "Engineering Mechanics; Statics" 9th Edition, Prentice Hall

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to analyze forces in 2 & 3-dimensions and calculate resultant and moments of
force systems.
2. Ability to draw free body diagrams and determine reactions using equilibrium
3. Ability to determine member forces using joint and section methods
4. Ability to analyze friction problems
5. Ability to calculate centroids and moment of inertia of composite sections

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Marwan Sarraj
Last update: April. 24, 2012

Numerical Methods
Course Title Numerical Methods Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 803270 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Engineering Mathematics II

Course Objective

Students will acquire skills to implement fundamental numerical methods in the solution of
engineering problems using modern computer tools.

Course Description

Theory of key concepts on equation solving, optimization, curve fitting, numerical integration
and differentiation and the solution of both ordinary and partial differential equationsare
introduced with the computer implementation using MATLAB or a programming languages
like VB.

Course Contents

Mathematical modeling and engineering problem solving - programming and software:
Packages, MATLAB, other languages Approximation and round of errors Truncation
Errors and Taylor Series - Roots of Equations: Bracketing Methods, Open Methods, Roots of
Polynomials, Engineering Applications Linear Applications: Gauss Elimination, LU
Decomposition and Matrix Inversion, Gauss-Seidel, Engineering applications Optimization:
One-dimensional unconstrained optimization, multi-dimensional unconstrained optimization,
constrained optimization, engineering applications Curve Fitting: Least-Square Regression,
Interpolation, Fourier Approximation, Engineering applications Numerical Differentiation
and integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule, Integration of Equations, Numerical
Differentiation, Engineering applications Ordinary Differential Equations: RungeKutta
method, Eigenvalue problem, Engineering applications.


S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canale, "Numerical Methods for Engineers", 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,

Reference(s) and Software

1. MATLAB Primer,, The
MathWorks, Inc., 2012.
2. MATLAB software, Purchase a student version or use PCs in
the labs.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to estimate approximation and round-off errors
2. Ability to apply curve-fitting interpolation methods to engineering problems using
3. Ability to apply numerical methods to solve engineering problems involving
differentiation, integration, systems of linear equations differential equations & eigen
value problems using MATLAB
4. Ability to obtain optimal solutions for simple constrained and unconstrained
problems using MATLAB.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Medhat Helal
Last update: Sept 20, 2012

Fluid Mechanics
Course Title Fluid Mechanics Coordinator Faisal Asraa
Course Number 803305 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Dynamics

Course Objective
To learn the basic principles of fluid mechanics and apply those to determine hydrostatic
forces, stability of floating and submerged bodies and forces of moving fluid by applying the
energy and momentum equations

Course Description
Introduction on dimensions and units Fluid definition Fluid properties Fluid statics
Fluid dynamics (flowing fluid and pressure variations) Control volume approach and
continuity equation Momentum equation The energy equation.

Course Contents
Dimensions and units Fluid definition Fluid properties: density, specific weight, specific
gravity, viscosity, surface tension, vapor pressure, bulk modulus of elasticity and ideal gas law
Fluid statics: Pressure, Pressure variation with elevation, Pressure measurements: barometer,
bourdon tube gage, piezometer, manometer Forces on plane surfaces, Forces on curved
surfaces Buoyancy Stability of immersed and floating bodies Fluid dynamics (flowing
fluid and pressure variations): Descriptions of fluid motion, streamlines, pathlines, streaklines,
flow types Acceleration Euler's Equation The Bernoulli Equation. Control volume
approach and continuity equation: Rate of flow Mass flow rate Control volume approach
Continuity equation Momentum quation The energy equation - Hydraulic and energy grade

Crowe, C. T., Elger, D. F., Williams, B. C., and Roberson, J. A., "Engineering Fluid
Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 9th edition, 2009

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate basic fluid properties
2. Ability to determine hydrostatic forces on surfaces
3. Ability to determine stability of floating and submerged bodies
4. Ability to apply momentum equations to evaluate forces of moving fluid
5. Ability to apply the energy equation of moving fluid

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer, Majid Al-Saydalani
Last update: May 5, 2012

Surveying I
Course Title Surveying I Coordinator A. M. Ibraheem
Course Number 803311 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Engineering Drawing II

Course Objective
To enable the students to handle site surveying instruments with skills to uses basic site
surveying techniques.

Course Catalog Description
Types of surveying - equipment and instruments - Measurements of distances, elevations,
angles and directions - cross section and profile - surveying and topographic maps -
Surveying project.

Course Contents
Introduction: Units and scales - Distance measurements: taping - errors in taping measurements
- electronic distance measurement (EDM) - Leveling: Theory of Leveling, curvature and
refraction, instruments - profile and cross section leveling - grid leveling contouring - errors
in leveling - Angles Measurements by Theodolite: Types of theodolite, Method of field work
measurements - errors and adjustment - Direction of Lines: reference direction, azimuth,
bearing, Qibla direction - Area calculation - Volume calculation: from cross sections from
grids and contours.

Barry, F. Kavanagh, "Surveying, Principles and Applications"8
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.

1. Wolf, P. R., and Ghilani, C. D. Elementary Surveying, 11
Edition, Prentice Hall,

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to choose surveying techniques suitable for various civil engineering
2. Ability to use different types of surveying instruments for taking measurements in the
3. Ability to determine measurement errors and to correct them
4. Ability to collect, process and plot data necessary for the scaled drawings
5. Ability to calculate earthwork volume and draw cut and fill profiles

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Ali Ibrahim, Khalid Ashwami, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 9, 2012

Civil Engineering Drawing
Course Title Civil Engineering Drawing Coordinator M. S. Elbisy
Course Number 803321 Credit Hrs 1/3/2 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Engineering Drawing II

Course Objective
To enable the students to understand and draw each element of reinforced concrete structures
and each reinforcement and steel structures drawings.

Course Catalog Description
Plan elevation and sectional drawing of buildings; foundations; structural drawing and details
of reinforced concrete and steel structures.

Course Contents
Qualities of professional drawing - Conventions and Practices - Steel Members and
Connections: Basic Connections, Column bases - Reinforced Concrete Members &
Connections - Steel reinforcement: Standard dimensions, Standard spacing, Types of bars,
Cover of steel bars, Bar shapes, Bar schedule - Detailing of reinforcement - Columns: Basic
column cross-sections - Beams: Cross-sections of typical concrete beams - Beam/Slab
connection in concrete floors - Reinforcement details of continuous beams, Slabs, Walls -
Foundations Details - Reinforced concrete structure drawings.

Elbisy, M.S. (2012). "Introduction to drawing for civil engineers." (1st ed.), To be published.

1. Qin, Z. S. (2009). Civil engineering drawing. Communications Science Pub.
2. MacLaughlin, D. C., Estrada, H. (2009). Structural Steel Drafting and Design. (2

ed.), Delmar Cengage Learning.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to prepare detailed engineering drawing for reinforced concrete structures.
2. Ability to prepare detailed engineering drawing for steel structures.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. S. Elbisy
Last update: May 11, 2012

Strength of Materials
Course Title Strength of Materials Coordinator M. El-Saban
Course Number 803322 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Statics

Course Objective
To enable the students to calculate stresses and strains generated in material due to external
loads for various types of loading conditions

Course Description
Concept of stress and strain, state of stress and strain at a point, equilibrium, stressstrain and
strain displacement relationship. Two-dimensional problems. Stress transformation. Shear
force and bending moment relations and diagrams. Torsion, Combined loading, Statically
indeterminate problems, Energy method and stability.

Course Contents
Stresses due to axial loads - Hooks low Equilibrium laws for two and three dimension
problems - Stressstrain diagram - Relation between distributed load, shear and bending
moment - Beams: Support reactions, shear, bending moment - Moment of inertia - Shear stress
- Principal stresses - Straindisplacement relationship - Mohrs circle to determine stresses and
strain - Torsional moment - Shear stress due to torsion Statically indetererminate problems -
Energy method and stability

Hibbeler, R. C. (2011), " Statics and Mechanics of Materials " 3rd Edition.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate internal forces in members subject to axial loads, shear,
torsion and bending and plot their distributions
2. Ability to calculate normal, shear, torsion and bending stresses and strains
3. Knowledge of the behavior of ductile and brittle materials
4. Ability to transform the state of stress at a point and determine the principal and
maximum shear stresses using equations as well as the Mohrs circle
5. Understanding of column buckling and ability to calculate critical load and stress

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Course Title Hydraulics Coordinator Majid Al-Saydalani
Course Number 803331 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Fluid Mechanics

Course Objective
The main objective of the course is to achieve an understanding of the basic hydraulic
engineering principles and an ability to apply those principles to solve hydraulics problems.

Course Description
Steady flow in pipes Special pipe systems and networks Flow measurements Flow in
open channels Pumps Modeling and similitude Unsteady flow in pipes.

Course Contents
Steady flow in pipes: general equation of flow, secondary losses, friction loses, energy grade
line & hydraulic grade line, pipes in series & pipes in parallel Special pipe systems and
networks: problems of three tanks, special pipe systems, networks, hardy cross method use of
computer in network design Flow measurements: velocity measurement discharge
measurement Open channels: general equation of flow, types of flow, normal depth, specific
energy, critical depth, application on specific energy, gradually varied flow, rapidly varied
flow, different forms of water surfaces Pumps: types of pumps, velocity triangles in pumps,
characteristic curves of pumps, pump efficiencies, similarity in pump, caviation in pumps,
pump design, pumps in series and parallel Modeling & Similitude: hydraulic modeling, non-
dimensional numbers, -Theorem and application Introduction for unsteady flow in pipes.

Houghtalen, R. J., Akan, O. Hwang, N. H. and Fundamental of Hydraulic Engineering
Systems, Prentice-Hall, 4
edition, 2010.

Crowe, C. T., Elger, D. F., Williams, B. C., and Roberson, J. A., "Engineering Fluid
Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 9th edition, 2009.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate flow in water distribution systems and design networks
2. Ability to analyze flow in different types of open channels
3. Ability to conduct experiments of flow measurements through pipes and open channels
4. Ability to use computer software in network design
5. Ability to design and select different types of pumps.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Majid Al-Saydalani, Mahmood Al-Toukhi, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 6, 2012

Water Resources Engineering
Course Title Water Resources Engineering Coordinator M. El-Tokhy
Course Number 803332 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Hydraulics

Course Objective
To teach the students engineering aspects of water resources to enable them to conserve, plan,
develop and manage water resources

Course Description
Quantitative and descriptive water resources , Hydrology, Stream flow, measurement methods,
Groundwater hydraulics, Reservoirs, Dams, Irrigation

Course Contents
Introduction: History of water resources engineering, scope of water resources engineering,
water quantities, water quality, hydraulic structures - Economy of water resources - Social
aspects of water resources engineering - Planning of water projects - Descriptive hydrology:
hydrologic cycle, types of rainfall and its measurements - Stream flow: velocity measurement,
discharge measurement - Evaporation and transpiration and measurement - Hydrologic data
collection - Quantitative hydrology: basin recharge surface runoff, infiltration and methods of
measurement, surface runoff from snow and its measurement - Groundwater: occurrence,
sources, types of groundwater reservoirs - Ground water hydraulics, well hydraulics -
Reservoirs: reservoir characteristics, reservoir yield, reservoir capacity for a certain demand -
Sediment transport, reservoir sedimentation, sedimentation control - Wind set up and waves in
reservoirs - Reservoir clearance, leakage from reservoirs, reservoir site selection Dams:
Types, forces on dams, structural stability for dams, analysis and construction of different
dams, important precaution for dams construction Irrigation: methods of irrigation, soil
classification - Irrigation water requirement and its measurements, soil moisture measurements,
irrigation water quality, irrigation systems.

Viessman,W., Lewis,G"Introduction to Hydrology" Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 2011

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of global hydrological cycle and ability to calculate its elements
2. Ability to compute reservoir storage capacity and understanding of reservoir sedimentation
3. Ability to identify, analyze and design different types of dams

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Dr. Moosa Al-Bisy
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Basic Geology
Course Title Basic Geology Coordinator
Course Number 803340 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Course Objective
Giving the students knowledge of the earth geology and different types of rock and soils
minerals, lab tests to defined soils and rocks for engineering purposes.

Course Description
An introductory course in the geotechnical engineering branch of civil engineering. It is
intended to be a first course in this subject to give civil engineers the feel for the soil material
as it relates to civil engineering.

Course Contents
The Earth Origin: Surface, Structure and Age - The Interior of the Earth: Density, Earthquakes
- Rock Magnetism, Plate Tectonics - Surface Processes: Chemical Weathering, Mechanical
Weathering - Erosion and Deposition Minerals: Physical Characters, Crystalline Form - The
Rock forming Minerals, Silicate Minerals, Clay Minerals - Igneous Rocks: Texture and
Composition - Basic Rocks, Acid Rocks - Sedimentary Rocks: Composition, Arenaceous
Deposits, Argillaceous Deposits - Metamorphic Rocks: Crystal Shape and Fabric,
Classification - Geological Structures: Folds, Faults, Joints - Strength of Geological Material:
Behavior of Rock and Soil - Laboratory Investigations : Samples and Sampling - Laboratory
Tests: Tests for Composition, Tests for Strength - Descriptions and Classifications: Soil
Classification - Rock Classification.

Textbook / Reference(s)
1. Aurele Parriaux (2009) Geology: Basics for Engineers Taylor & Francis; Pap/Cdr 2.ed

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

1. Ability to understand the geological formation of earth.
2. Ability to understand the geological structures of rock.
3. Ability to conduct laboratory tests on rock and soil.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h I j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, AbdulAziz Alfi
Last update: Nov 14, 2012

Soil Mechanics I
Course Title Soil Mechanics I Coordinator S. El-Naggar
Course Number 803341 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Course Objective
Giving the students knowledge of the different types of soils minerals of soil and rocks, lab
tests to classify soils and rocks for engineering purposes. Subsoil exploration methods.

Course Description
An introductory course in the geotechnical engineering branch of civil engineering. It is
intended to be a first course in this subject to give civil engineers the feel for the soil material
as it relates to civil engineering.

Course Contents
Glossary of terms used in soil mechanics Soil composition: Soil gradation, Organic soils, Soil
minerals Standard soil test : Soil sampling, Water content , liquid limit , Plastic limit,
Shrinkage limit , Unit weight and unit destiny, Relative density, Soil acidity Soil
classification - Soil compaction: Field density Subsoil exploration.

Budhu, Muni (2011) Soil Mechanics and Foundations, John Wily & Sons

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of soil origin, structure, and clay mineral
2. Knowledge of soil classification and its physical properties
3. Ability to conduct laboratory tests on soil properties
4. Ability to solve problems related to soil stresses, permeability, and compaction

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: S. El-Naggar ,M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, AbdulAziz Alfi
Last update: May 11, 2012

Engineering Projects Management
Course Title Management of Engineering Projects Coordinator Basam Ghalman
Course Number 803345 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Senior year

Course Objective
To teach students basic principles of management and introduce them to management practices
and skills in engineering projects.

Course Description
Management - Managers - Engineering Project - Project initiation - Project budgeting - Work
Plans - Construction Phase - Project Tracking and close-out

Course Contents
Management definition - Effective management and elements of effective managers -
Management functions - Management levels - Project components - Project parties -
Organizational charts - Motivation - Motivation techniques for engineers and management -
Communications - Types of communication systems - dispute resolution - Negotiation - The
successful negotiator - Planning for negotiation - Participative management - Time
management for managers - Control techniques and systems - Objective of control - The
interacted project control systems - Bids analysis - prospective bidders - Project management
- Steps in Project management: definition, scope, budgeting, planning, scheduling, tracking,
and close-out - Quality - Project scheduling - Techniques of scheduling - Cost distribution
and analysis - Forecasting - Forecasting principles, Types and errors - Tracking the forecast
- Decision making - Elements of decisions - Types of decisions.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Smith.N.G,(2009), "Engineering Project Management", Blackwell, 3rd edition.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to classify project parties, study communication techniques and understand
organizational charts
2. Understanding of planning negotiation and contract bidding
3. Ability to implement steps in project management including scope, budgeting, planning,
scheduling, tracking, and close-out
4. Ability to utilize techniques for project scheduling cost distribution and analysis

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1
4 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Structural Analysis I
Course Title Structural Analysis I Coordinator Tariq Nahhas
Course Number 803351 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Course Objective
To teach the students the essential skills required to analyze simple structures using various
analysis procedure and techniques.

Course Description
Static and moving loads - Reactions - Axial force - Shear - Bending moments - Determinate
and indeterminate structures - Trusses, Beams - Frames - Deflection - Energy method.

Course Contents
Static and moving loads - dead and live loads - reactions equilibrium equations - types of
supports - stability and determinacy - planer truss - joint method - method of sections -
combined method - Determinate structure - Internal forces - Shear - Bending moment -
relationship between loads and moments - diagrams of shear and moment - moment area
method - conjugate beam - virtual work - Indeterminate structures - consistent deformation -
deformation of structures with one redundant - support settlement - structures with several
redundant - Least work - Castigliones theorem - Application.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Hibbeler, R. C. (2012), " Structural Analysis " 8th Edition.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to analyze various types of structures (beams, frames and trusses) for
determinacy , stability, reactions and member forces Ability to analyze various types of
2. Ability to compute displacement and slopes for beams using geometric methods
(double integration, moment area or conjugate beam method) and energy methods
(virtual work method, and Castigliones theorem)
3. Ability to Analyze indeterminate structures using the force method (consistent
4. Ability to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams and frames

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Tariq Nahhas, Majid Assas , Marai Al-Shihri, M. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer,
Last update: May 11, 2012


Transportation Engineering I
Course Title Transportation Engineering I Coordinator Khalid Osra
Course Number 803361 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Surveying II

Course Objective
To enable the civil engineering student acquire the basic knowledge related to the
fundamentals of transportation engineering.

Course Description
An introductory course in transportation engineering that is divided in to the following main
subjects: - Transportation Modes- Vehicle Motion - Human Factors - Vehicular Flow Models
- Capacity Analysis - Flow Interruptions - Transportation Planning.

Course Contents
Motor Carriers - Railroads - Pipelines - water Transportation - Air Carriers - Couriers -
Intricate Travel - Equation of Motion - Human Factors - Vehicular Stream Models - Stream
Variables - Vehicular Stream Equations and Diagrams - Stream Measurements - Shock
Waves in Traffic - Urban Mass Transportation Systems - Highway Capacity and Level of
Service - Pedestrian Flow - Transit Interruptions - Highway Interruptions - Capacity of
Signalized intersections - Traffic Data Collection Methods - Signalization Warrants - Basic
Elements of Transportation Planning - Use of Data for Origin Destination Analysis -
Transportation Systems Modeling - Plan and Project Evaluation.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Nicholas, J Garber and Lester A. Hoel, "Traffic and Highway Engineering, 4th Edition, 2009,
Cengage Learning, USA / Canada.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to identify driver, user, vehicle and roadway characteristics and analyze the
interaction among the parameters
2. Ability to conduct a capacity and level of service analysis
3. Ability to understand traffic data collection methods and describe traffic control system
components and devices.
4. Ability to understand transportation planning process and apply transportation modeling

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Khalid Osra , M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012 (No update from the Course coordinator since Feb 1, 2012)

Concrete Technology
Course Title Concrete Technology Coordinator Faiz Mirza
Course Number 803381 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Course Objective
To enable the students to understand the properties of cement and concrete, to conduct all
required tests on concrete and obtain knowledge of concrete manufacturing, transportation and

Course Description
Concrete Constituent materials and its properties. Properties of plastic and hardened concrete.
Testing procedures and curing. Concrete manufacture.

Course Contents
Nature of concrete as building material - Cement manufacture- composition of cement -
Types of Portland cement - Specifications and tests of Portland cement; Fineness, Consistency
and Setting of cement - Water quality - impurities in water, sea water, testing of water -
Aggregates; properties of aggregate, Shape & surface texture, Grading, sieve analysis, bulking
moisture content, specific gravity, unit weight - Fresh concrete; Workability, Factors affecting
workability, water content, Aggregate content, properties of aggregate, Time and Temperature,
Properties of cement, segregation and bleeding of concrete, Measurement of workability:
slump test, Compacting factor, Flow test - Setting time of concrete - Curing; curing at
ambient temperatures, curing at elevated temperature - Hardened concrete; compressive
strength, factors affecting strength, other types of concrete strength - Testing of hardened
concrete; compression, tension, and Impact - Concrete manufacture; batching, mixing,
transportation, Placement, Compaction, Finishing .

A. M. Neville., "Properties of Concrete",Prentice Hall 5th edition,2012.

1. Mehta , P,K, Monteiro,P,J,. "Concrete : Microstructure, Properties, and Materials" 3rd
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Vol.4.02, Concrete & aggregate.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of the properties of concrete constituents
2. Understanding of manufacturing and properties of fresh and hardened concrete
3. Ability to conduct quality control tests on fresh and hardened concrete

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b C d e F G h i j K
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer & Faiz A. M. Mirza
Last update: May 11, 2012

Building Materials
Course Title Building Materials Coordinator Ahmed Bakhit
Course Number 803382 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Course Objective
To introduce the students to current and modern construction materials and their properties and

Course Description
Use of different building materials including concrete blocks and bricks, steel, aluminum,
wood, and other newly developed and generated materials. Inspection and supervision of

Course Contents
Cast iron - Manufacturing of cast iron - Structural components - Heat treatment of iron -
Steel - clay bricks - Manufacturing of bricks - Physical and engineering properties -
Retaining wall - Gypsum boards - Concrete walls - Physical and engineering properties -
Tiles - Ingredients of tiles - Mixing and properties - Types of reinforced concrete structures -
Wood - wood structures - Dry and wet wood - Physical properties - Mechanical properties -
Deterioration of wood - Strength and protection of wood - Plywood - Plastic - Types of
Plastic - Plastic manufacturing and properties.

Marotta, Coffey, Brown, LaPlante (2011), Basic Construction Materials Eights Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of properties of various engineering materials
2. Ability to select appropriate engineering materials for civil engineering projects

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Ahmad Bakhit, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 12, 2011

Engineering Reports Writing
Course Title Engineering Reports Writing Coordinator M. H. Imam
Course Number 803390 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Academic advisors approval

Course Objective
Students training on writing engineering reports and making effective presentations

Course Description
Basic elements of engineering reports, Steps of the engineering report writing, Preliminary
planning for writing an engineering report, practice in writing and organizing reports,
preparing presentations using Power Point

Course Contents
Nature of engineering reports - Styles of engineering report writing - Levels of engineering
report writing - Official and un-official engineering reports - Laboratory reports - Methods of
engineering report writing - Steps of engineering report writing - Objectives of engineering
report writing - Data sources for engineering report writing - Preparation of time scheduling -
Nature of summary notes - Draft copy of engineering reports - Sequence of writing, figures,
drawings, maps and tables - Quality and homogeneity of information in the engineering
reports - Organizing information in the engineering reports.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Instructors Notes

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to organize the material for technical reports based on standard guidelines
2. Ability to prepare an organized engineering report
3. Ability to present summary of technical reports

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Surveying II
Course Title Surveying II Coordinator K. L. ElAshmawy
Course Number 803411 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Surveying I

Course Objective
The student can handle modern site surveying instruments as Tatal Station and GPS and
develop his skill in photogrmmetic techniques.

Course Catalog Description
The Traverses - Highway curves, Total Station measurements, Global Positioning System
(GPS), Principles of Photogrammetry, equipment and instruments, overlap photographs and
stereoscopy, practical applications.

Course Contents
Traverse Surveys: Open and Closed Traverse, Determination of the Closure Errors and the
Accuracy - Traverse adjustment - Coordinates calculation - Tacheometric Surveying: Stadia
Principles, Inclined Stadia Measurements - Stadia Field Practice - Electronic Surveying
Measurements: Total Station, Field Procedures for Total Stations in Topographic Surveys -
Construction Layout Using Total Stations, Overview of Computerized Surveying Data
Systems - Global Positioning System (GPS): Instruments - Observation Methods, Sources of
Errors - Horizontal Curves: Computation, Field Procedures - Vertical Curves: Computation,
Field Procedures - Introduction to Photogrammety: Camera Types and Photography - Vertical
and Overlap Photographs, Stereoscopy - Ground Control of Photography, Mosaics,
Stereoscopic and Plotting Instruments - Digital Photogrammetry.

Barry, F. Kavanagh, "Surveying, Principles and Applications"8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009

Wolf, P. R. and Ghilani, C. D. Elementary Surveying, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to select, measure and adjust the traverse.
2. Ability to compute horizontal and vertical curves elements
3. Ability to use total station and Global Positioning system for determining point
4. Ability to apply photogrammetry in map drawing

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Soil Mechanics II
Course Title Soil Mechanics II Coordinator M. El-Saadany
Course Number 803442 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Soil Mechanics I

Course Objective
Introduce the student to soil characteristics and engineering behavior while exposed
to loads, to know its capacity for different types of loading and determine according

Course Description
Characteristics of soil - Bearing capacity - Consolidation - Analysis of settlement - Slopes
stabilization - Retaining wall - Application in civil engineering - Earth dams.

Course Contents
Physical and mechanical properties of soil: voids ratio and porosity - Water content and
saturation of soil - Organic material percent - Different salts percent - Bearing capacity and
method of determination - Consolidation in one direction and three direction - Secondary
consolidation - Settlement due to consolidation - Types of settlement and its calculations -
Earth slope equilibrium - Analysis using lateral pressure of soils - Soil pressure at rest -
Rankines theory - Coulombs theory - Application in civil engineering: Retaining walls,
earth dams.

El-Saadany, M (2012), Fundamental of Soil Mechanics, under publication.

Budhu, Muni (2000) Soil Mechanics and Foundations, John Wily & Sons.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of the characteristics of soil exposed to various types of loads
2. Ability to determine soil consolidation, bearing capacity, and settlements
3. Ability to analyze retaining walls and earth dams structures

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. El-Saadany, Sameer el-najjar, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012

Foundation Engineering
Course Title Foundation Engineering Coordinator S. El-Naggar
Course Number 803443 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Soil Mechanics II

Course Objective
Introducing various foundations types; their advantages and disadvantages. Proper selection of
foundation type for a specific site, and corresponding design for sizes of such foundations.

Course Description
Foundation types, selection of foundations, Settlement analysis of shallow foundation, Deep
foundation, piles, caisson, filed visits.

Course Contents
Stability of retaining construction : Stability of sheet pile wall Stability of earth slopes :
Infinite slopes - Stability of finite slope - Shallow foundations: Ultimate bearing capacity,
Terzaghis bearing capacity theory - General bearing capacity equation - Factor of safety,
Eccentrically loaded foundations - Settlement of shallow foundations: Settlement calculations ,
Immediate settlement - Primary consolidation settlement, Creep settlement - Settlement from
field test - Structural design of shallow foundation: Contact pressure distributions - Isolated
footing , combined footing - Strap beam footing, Mat foundation Deep foundation: Pile
foundations , Types of pile and their structural characteristics - Estimation of pile length,
Installation of piles, Load transfer mechanism - Equation for estimation of pile capacity -
Settlements of piles, Pile driving formulas, Pile load tests - Efficiency of group piles,
Consolidation - Settlement of group piles.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Braja M. Das ( 2011), Principles of Foundation Engineering seventh edition, CL-

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding the stability of sheet pile and earth slopes.
2. Determining the bearing capacity and settlement for shallow foundation.
3. Selecting appropriate type of foundation and learn to analyze and design shallow foundation.
4. Estimating pile capacity and learn how to design pile foundation.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: S. El-Naggar, AbdlAziz Alfi, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Oct. 14, 2012

Structural Analysis II
Course Title Structural Analysis II Coordinator Majid Assas
Course Number 803451 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis I

Course Objective
To teach the students the various analysis approaches of indeterminate structures. Also, the
application of computers in the analysis of structures.

Course Description
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - moment distribution - continuous
beams - frames - variable cross- section matrix algebra - flexibility - stiffness - analysis
using computer

Course Contents
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - Application - continuous beams -
space frames - moment distribution - Structure with and without joint translation - members
with variable cross-section - matrix algebra - flexibility method - flexibility matrix -
Stiffness - local and global stiffness matrix - member stiffness matrix - structure stiffness
matrix - direct stiffness method - analysis of 2 and 3 dimensions - computer applications

Hibbeler, R.C., Structural Analysis

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using the flexibility method
2. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using slope deflection and moment
distribution methods
3. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using the stiffness method
4. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using well-known structural analysis
software packages

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Majid Assas, Marai Al-Shihri
Last update: Jan 14, 2011

Reinforced Concrete Design I
Course Title
Reinforced Concrete Design I
Coordinator Kahlan Slaman
Course Number 803452 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis II, Concrete Technology

Course Objective
Introducing the students to the different methods of design, designing essential elements such
as beams, columns, slabs and footings.

Course Description
Reinforced concrete properties and advantages as a building material, loads, design of beams,
one-way slabs, design, of short columns, design of footings, all according to ACI-318

Course Contents
Mechanical properties of concrete - reinforcement - design of beams for flexure - cracking
moment - working-stress design - stresses and deflections under service-loads - control of
cracking - failure modes - flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams - balanced failure,
strength design of beams - double reinforcement - T-beams - temperature and shrinkage steel
- Shear failure: designing for shear, shear reinforcement, punching shear - Shear due to
torsion: reinforcement for torsion - Spacing of stirrups - bond strength - Development length
of tension and compression steel - Cutoff points, splicing reinforcement - Columns behavior:
design of short columns for axial loads and combined loads - Footings: for vertical load, wall
footing with a uniform load - All according to ACI-318.

McCormac J. C. and Nelson J. K., Design of Reinforced Concrete, John Wily and son Inc,
8th Edition. 2010

ACI Committee 318, ACI Standard, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2008.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of ACI Building Code loading combination and material properties
2. Ability to design structural elements in bending using the ACI building code
3. Ability to design structural elements in shear and torsion using ACI building code
4. Ability to design reinforcement detailing for serviceability using the ACI building code

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Kahlan Slaman, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012

Reinforced Concrete Design II
Course Title
Reinforced Concrete Design II
Coordinator Kahlan Slaman
Course Number 803455 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Reinforced Concrete Design I

Course Objective
To enable the students to design reinforced concrete structures for real-world application

Course Description
Design of one way and two way slabs and other type of slabs - Design of long column
subjected two combined moments - Design of combined footing and raft foundation.

Course Contents
Shear force in slabs and foundation - strength and reinforcement for shear - effect of slab
opening in the shear stress - Torsion and moment from slab to column - combination between
shear and torsion - Design of sections subjected to torsion - Specification of steel
reinforcement the upper limit of its cross section area, size and spacing between bars - Length
of curtailment, anchorage length, connection - Factors effecting the design of slab. Relations
between moment and curvature - Code. Redistribution of stresses - Plastic hinges - Failure
mechanism - upper and lower limit of loading factor. Slabs on rigid beams - elastic analysis -
approximate analysis- Distribution of steel reinforcement - Strip method for slab design -
Slabs with opening - Design of rectangular slabs - Direct design method - long columns -
Effect of column length and shear stress - Effective length of column - creep problem -
Design of long column in frame - footing - Type of footing. Design and analysis of square
and rectangular footing wall footing, wall footing, Combined footing, cantilever footing - raft
foundation - piles

McCormac J. C. and Nelson, J. K., Design of Reinforced Concrete, John Wily and son Inc,
8th Edition. 2010

ACI Committee 318, ACI Standard, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2008.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to design solid and ribbed slabs using ACI building code
2. Ability to design flat slab and punching shear using ACI building code
3. Ability to design columns in using ACI building code
4. Ability to design combined footings and raft foundation using ACI building code

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Kahlan Salman, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012

Design of Steel Structure
Course Title Design of Steel Structure Coordinator Marwan Sarraj
Course Number 803459 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis II

Course Objectives
Introducing the students to the basis on how to design different elements of steel structures,
and related techniques.

Course Description
Design of tension members, beams, and columns under axial loads, design of columns under
biaxial loads, base plates, connections, and frames, according to (AISC) specifications

Course Contents
Structural steel: members of steel structures - economical and safety considerations - design
methods - Tension members: types of tension members - allowable tensile stresses - cyclic
loading - slenderness ratio - Columns under axial loads: allowable compressive stresses -
design procedure and AISC specifications - Beam design: allowable bending stresses - design
procedure and AISC specifications - lateral support requirement - deflection limits - Columns
under combined loads: beam column design - frames design to AISC specifications -
Connections: types of connections - connections design

McCormac J. C. and Csernak, S. F., Structural Steel Design, John Wily and son
Inc, 5th Edition. 2012

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to design tension members and beams using the AISC specifications
2. Ability to design columns under biaxial loads and frames using AISC specifications
3. Ability to design connections and connectors using AISC specifications

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Marwan Sarraj, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 7, 2012

Transportation Engineering II
Course Title
Transportation Engineering II
Coordinator M. Alwy
Course Number 803461 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Transportation Engineering I

Course Objectives
To enable the civil engineering student acquire the basic knowledge related to the
fundamentals of highway engineering.

Course Description
An introductory course in highway engineering that is divided into the following main
subjects:-geometric design of highways - roadside design - intersections - interchanges -
terminals - highway mass transit facilities - drainage and drainage structures - surveys - plans
and estimates - highway materials - flexible pavement design - rigid pavement design - airport
planning and design.

Course Contents
Design Standards and Design Criterion: Cross Section Elements, Roadway Alignment, Sight
Distance - Roadside Design: Longitudinal Barriers - Intersections at Grade: Grade Separations
and Interchanges - Design of Parking Facilities - Truck Terminal Planning and Design -
Highway Mass Transit Facilities - Surface Drainage: Design of Surface Drainage Systems:
Design of Side Ditches and Open Channels, Design of Culverts, Highway Bridges, Highway
Subdrainage, Drainage of City Streets - Traffic Control Devices and Systems: Surveys, Plans
and Estimates, Preparation of Preliminary Plans, Preparation of Final Plans - Soils: General
Soil Types, Basic Soil Properties, Soil Classification for Highway Purposes - Soil Survey for
Highway Purposes - Moisture-Density Relationships - Aggregates - Bituminous Materials -
Production of Asphalt - Laboratory Tests: Consistency Tests, Ductility, Volatility Tests and
Aging Tests, Testing of Emulsified Asphalt - Bituminous Materials: Classification, Uses -
Pavement Types: Principles for Flexible Pavements, AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design
Procedure - Principles for Rigid Pavements: AASHTO Rigid Pavement Design Procedure -
Types and Elements of Airport Planning: Airport Configuration.

Paul H. Wright and Karen K. Dixon, "Highway Engineering" 7th Edition, 2004, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., USA.

F.L. Mannering, S.S. Washburn and W.P. Kilareski, "Principles of Highway Engineering and
Traffic Analysis" 4th Edition, 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Washington D.C, USA.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to perform geometric design of a road
2. Understanding of road side design, intersection, interchange, and drainage structures
3. Ability to select highway materials, and knowledge of design flexible pavement
4. Ability to perform design of rigid pavement
5. Understanding of airport planning

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply
Course Title
Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply
Coordinator Turky El-Abod
Course Number 803471 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites General Chemistry, Hydraulics

Course Objectives
To provide the student with the basic information about sanitary engineering, water supply and
pollution in water.

Course Description
Water quality - sources of water - water collection - water purification - water distribution -
water desalination - sewerage works - sources of sewage - sewerage collection works
sewerage - treatment works - disposal of sewage .

Course Contents
Definition of environmental engineering and pollution of water - water sources - water quality
- water consumption - design period of water works - population studies and forecasting -
water collection - ground water - surface water - purification of water - sedimentation -
coagulation - filtration - water disinfection - demineralization of water - water desalination -
water distribution works - High lift pumping station - pipe networks - elevated storage tanks
- sewer works - sewer systems - collection of wastewater composition and characteristics of
sewage - treatment works - primary treatment works - biological treatment trickling filters -
activated sludge treatment - sewage disposal works - sludge treatment and disposal .

Textbook / Reference(s)
Mines,R., Lackey,L.,"Introduction to Environmental Engineering", Prentice-Hall,2009.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of basics of sanitary engineering, water supply and pollution
2. Ability to calculate water usage and predict future usage based on population forecast
3. Analyze and design water distribution system and sewer system
4. Design water purification and waste water treatment systems

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer, Moosa Albeesi
Last update: May 11, 2012 (No update from the course coordinator)

Construction Engineering
Course Title Construction Engineering Coordinator Bassam Ghulman
Course Number 803482 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Building Materials

Course Objectives
To teach the students to construction classifications, practices and method, job planning and
scheduling of construction activities and select and use different construction equipment

Course Description
Construction practices and methods - Job planning and scheduling - Selection of construction

Course Contents
Construction - construction classification and types - Future trends - Value Engineering -
Building components and construction methods - Foundation, retainers and backfill -
Structural frames - Slabs - Inclined walls - Stationery and moving scaffolds - Failure in
construction - Scheduling of construction activities - Critical path method - Plotting of time
network - Construction equipments - Types of construction equipments - Different uses of
construction equipments.

Schexnayder.K., May,F., (2011), "Construction Management Fundamental", McGraw-Hill,
2nd edition

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of construction classifications, practices and method
2. Ability of Job planning and scheduling of construction activities
3. Ability to select and use different construction equipment

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012 (No update received by the course coordinator)

Contract and Specifications
Course Title Contract and Specifications Coordinator Abul-Aziz Alfi
Course Number 803483 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Management of Engineering Projects

Course Objectives
Implementing local laws, regulations and rules practicing quantity survey, getting acquainted
with contract documents for a real applied project, gaining ability to prepare bill of quantities,
cost estimates, and tender documents, technical and general specifications for building

Course Description
Local regulations and rules - tender preparation - Cost estimates including labor, transportation
and insurance. Drawings and details of a real typical applied project - Quantity survey and
preparing bill of quantities from drawings and technical specifications.

Course Contents
Contracts: definition, legal conditions, parties, classifications, beginning, documents -
Regulations and rules for implementation of tender regulations: general specifications for
building construction, Announcement for tender, Submission of tenders, tender documents -
Compliance with National / local law: form of tender, cost estimate - Tender and performance
Guarantees - Insurance - opening and evaluation of tenders - Regulations for contractors
selection - Pre-contract negotiations - Award of contract and contract procedure -
Assignment and sub-letting - Contract documents - General obligations - Labor - materials
and workmanship - Beginning and delay of works - Construction supervision - Alterations ,
additions and omissions - plant, temporary works and materials - Quantity survey - Cash
flow - provisional sums - Certificates, payment and preliminary handing-over - withdrawal of
work and remedies - Guarantee and defects - contract termination - Special risks - payment
in event of frustration - settlement of disputes - notices - guarantee for latent defects - form
of contract - Examples of general technical specifications (General site preparation,
excavation and earthworks, structure, applicable publications , quality assurance, temporary
facilities, contract execution) - companies regulations - work and workmanship regulations.

Text Books
1. "Government Tenders and Procurement Law", Royal Decree (M/58) dated 4/9/1427 H,
Printed at the Government Printing Press Agency- 1987/3000, Under supervision by The
National Center for Archives and Documents, 1st edition / 1430 H.
2. "Implementing Regulations of Government Tender and Procurement Law", Minister of
Finance Decision No. (362) dated 20/2/1428 H (10/3/2007 G), Printed at the Government
Printing Press Agency- 1963/1500, Under supervision by The National Center for Archives
and Documents, 1st edition / 1430 H.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to interpret local laws, regulations and rules, and prepare contract documents
2. Ability to prepare bill of quantities and cost estimates
3. Ability to prepare general technical specifications for building construction

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Abul-Aziz Alfi
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Graduation Project
Course Title Graduation Project Coordinator Kahlan Salman
Course Number 803499 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Senior year

Course Objectives
Students learn to fully define a design problem, requirements and constraints. Projects allow
students to experience the rigor and structure of a full-cycle design, including: problem
definition, benchmark studies, concept generation and feasibility study, engineering design
analyses and testing. Students demonstrate teamwork and communication skills.

Course Description
The Graduation Project is the capstone of all abilities students acquire in the program.
Students, working in small teams, tackle specific design challenges demonstrating various
abilities they have attained through the courses in the degree program.

Course Contents
Coordinate with the client - Prepare problem definition - Develop a permitting process -
Suggest alternative solutions - Identify the project realistic constraints - Prepare cost estimate
for the engineering design - Prepare scheduling for the complete design phase - Evaluate
feasibility of alternatives - Develop initial site plan - Study impact of design and construction
on the adjacent properties - Develop Geotechnical study plan - Identify Traffic and/or
Environmental constraints impact statement for short (i.e., construction duration) and long term
(i.e., 15 years) periods - Identify design codes requirements including storm and sanitary drains
system design and a plan for disposal of waste materials, if any exist - Prepare a project
proposal - Provide schedule of project deliverables - Prepare design - Prepare cost estimate -
Prepare construction schedule - Prepare detailed drawings - Prepare final report

Textbook / Reference(s)

Not specified

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Ability to identify, formulate and solve the analytical and numerical problems associated
with the project
2. Ability to design a system, component or process with defined constraints of the project
Ability to plan, design and conduct the laboratory or numerical experiments required for the
project and to analyze and interpret the data
Ability to describe the economic and environmental impact and contemporary issues of the
project and various alternative solutions
5. Ability to function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
Ability to understand the codes and local laws regulating various aspects of the project and
apply the codes wherever possible
Ability to identify and analyze a situation involving professional ethics and to make a
Ability to prepare an engineering report of the project and present it demonstrating
engineering communication skills
Ability to collect data and information required to complete the project from Library and
Internet resources

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k

1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Islamic Culture I
Course Title Islamic Culture I Coordinator
Course Number 601101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
1. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
2. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
3. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
4. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
5. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
6. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
7. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
8. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
9. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)

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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture II
Course Title Islamic Culture II Coordinator
Course Number 601201 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Islamic Culture I
Course Objectives
1. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
2. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
3. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
4. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
5. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
6. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
7. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
8. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
9. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture III
Course Title Islamic Culture III Coordinator
Course Number 601301 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Islamic Culture II

Course Objectives
1. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
2. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
3. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
4. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
5. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
6. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
7. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
8. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
9. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture IV
Course Title Islamic Culture IV Coordinator
Course Number 601401 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Islamic Culture III

Course Objectives
1. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
2. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
3. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
4. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily life.
5. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
6. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
7. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them to
adopt and apply these values.
8. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
9. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students daily

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)


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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran I
Course Title The Holy Quran I Coordinator
605101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
1. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
2. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
3. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
4. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
5. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
6. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran II
Course Title The Holy Quran II Coordinator
Course Number 605201 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran I

Course Objectives
1. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
2. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
3. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
4. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
5. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
6. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran III
Course Title The Holy Quran III Coordinator
Course Number 605301 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran II

Course Objectives
a. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
b. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
c. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
d. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
e. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
f. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran IV
Course Title The Holy Quran I Coordinator
Course Number 605401 Credit Hours 2/0/2 Contact Hours 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran III

Course Objectives
To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new peculiar
words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Course Title Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Coordinator
Course Number 102101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
1. To explain the advantages of studying the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
2. To provide the students with a historical background of the situation in Arab
countries before the divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
3. To explore the era of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the events that cover his
4. To emphasize on the effect of adopting Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) actions, way
of life, and daily dealing with people as a source of ethics and values.
5. To encourage the students to adopt and follow Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) life as
a role model for their life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)

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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Arabic Language
Course Title Arabic Language Coordinator
Course Number 501101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
1. To learn and practice essential Arabic grammar necessary for daily life
2. To enhance the expressions style using examples of the Holy Quran, Hadeeth (sayings
and actions) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and famous poems.
3. To enhance the students communication skills in their mother tongue.
4. To recognize the importance of Arabic language as the language of Islamic civilization.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)

Calculus I
Course Title Calculus I Coordinator
Course Number 800101 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4

Course Objectivess
To enable the students to understand the use of inequalities, functions and their graphs,
derivative and higher order derivatives, maximum and minimum values and indefinite

Course Catalog Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the inequalities, functions
and their graphs, derivative and higher order derivatives, maximum and minimum values and
indefinite integrals

Course Contents
Inequalities, the absolute value, the coordinate system, the distance, the straight line, the
equation of a circle - functions and their graphs, operations on functions, the trigonometric
functions, the limits of functions and their theorems, continuity of functions - the derivative,
rules for finding derivatives, derivatives of the trigonometric functions, the chain rule, higher
order derivatives, implicit differentiations - maximum and minimum values, monotonicity and
concavity, local maximum and minimum values, limits at infinity, infinite limits, sketching of
the functions - indefinite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of calculus.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry; Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Varberg, By Prentice Hall
Publications, 4th edition, ISBN-10: 0131118072

Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Calculus II
Course Title Calculus II Coordinator
Course Number 800102 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Calculus I

Course Objectivess
To enable the students to understand the use of methods of integration and applications of

Course Catalog Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the inverse functions and its
derivatives, methods of integration, definite integration and its properties and applications of
integration and improper integrals.

Course Contents
Inverse functions and its derivatives, Exponential functions and its derivatives, logarithmic
functions and its derivatives, Inverse trigonometric functions and its derivatives, hyperbolic
functions, inverse hyperbolic functions and its derivatives - Methods of integration (integration
of trigonometric functions, integration of rational functions, integration by substitution,
integration by parts, integration by partial fractions), definite integration and its properties -
Applications of integration : calculating (areas, arc lengths, and rotational volumes, areas in
the Polar Coordinates) by using integration - LHospitals theorem and its applications,
improper integrals.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry; Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Varberg, By Prentice Hall
Publications, 4th edition, ISBN-10: 0131118072

Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

General Physics I
Course Title General Physics I Coordinator
Course Number 403101 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5

Course Objectivess
1. Evaluating the components and direction angles of two-and three dimensional vectors.
2. Evaluating the forces required for static equilibrium of a particle.
3. Evaluating the magnitude, direction, and location of a point on the line of action of the
single force that is equivalent to a system of planar or parallel forces.
4. Determining the nature of the supports of a rigid body and to draw a free body diagram.
5. Evaluating unknown reactions holding a rigid body in equilibrium by solving the
equations of static equilibrium.
6. Understanding the principles of dry friction.
7. Evaluating the friction forces required to hold a system in equilibrium.
8. Developing the ability to use constant acceleration formulas that describe the position
and velocity of a point in rectilinear motion.
9. Understanding the definitions of the basic parameters for Cartesian coordinates and
cylindrical coordinates and from that to identify when each description is most suitable
for the solution of a given problem.
10. Developing the ability to convert velocities and accelerations from one kinematical
description to another.
11. Evaluating the kinematical properties of a projectile.
12. Relating the relative position, velocity, and acceleration of two points to their absolute
13. Analyzing the force in machines systems with friction such as belts.
14. Obtaining the equations of motion for a particle by using force acceleration, work-
energy, and impulse-momentum methods in conjunction with the kinematical
description appropriate to the motion and the force system.

Course Catalog Description
Mechanics Vectors - Properties of matter - Fluid dynamics - Wave motion - Sound waves -
Heat - Light.

Course Contents
Mechanics (The Physical Quantities, Standards and Units of Units, The International System,
he Standard of Time, The Standard of Length, The Standard of Mass, Dimensional Analysis)
Vectors (Vectors and Scalars, Components of Vectors, Adding Vectors: Component,
Multiplication of Vectors) Properties of Matter (Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Statics,
Fluids, Pressure and Density, Fluid at Rest, Variation of Pressure in a Principles, Pascal's and
Archimedes', Measurement of Pressure, Surface Tension) Fluid Dynamics (Streamlines and
the Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli's Equation, Applications of Bernoulli's, Equation and
the Equation of Continuity, Viscosity, Turbulence) - Wave Motion (Mechanical Waves, Types
of Waves, Travelling Waves, Wave Speed, Power and Intensity in Wave Motion, The
Principle of Super-position, Interference of Waves, Standing Waves, Resonance) - Sound
Waves( The speed of Sound, Travelling Longitudinal Waves, Power and Intensity of Sound
Waves, Standing Longitudinal Waves, Vibrating Systems and Sources of Sound, Beats,
Doppler Effect) - Heat (Temperature, Macro- and Microscopic Descriptions, Thermal
Equilibrium, Measuring Temperature, The Ideal Gas Temperature, Scale, Thermal Expansion,
Heat Form of Energy, Quantity of Heat and Specific Heat, Heat Conduction, The Mechanical
Equivalent of heat, Heat and Work) Light ( Visible Light, Speed of Light, Geometrical and
Wave Optics Light waves, Reflection and Refraction, Deriving the Law of Reflection, Image
Formation by Plane Mirrors, Deriving the Law of Refraction, Total Internal Reflection,
Spherical Mirrors, Spherical Refracting Surfaces, Thin Lenses, Optical Instruments).

[1] Physics by : Halliday, D and Resnick, Krane
[2] Electromagnetism Principles and Applications by Paul Lorrain and Dale R. Corson
[3] Physics for scientists and engineering by Serway 7
[4] Physics for student of science and Engineering by A.L.Stanford and J.M. Tanner

General Physics II
Course Title General Physics II Coordinator
Course Number 403102 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites General Physics I

Course Objectives
1. To understand basic Fundamentals of the course phenomena: Physics of electrostatic
Field, electrostatic Energy, and magnetic field.
2. The students should be trained on physical and generic skills (knowledge cognitive
interpersonal communication problem solving IT)
3. To describe, in words, the ways in which various concepts in this course come into play
in particular situations; to represent these physics102 phenomena and fields
mathematically in those situations; and to predict outcomes in other similar situations.
4. The day life applications in the domain of these course phenomena.
5. To analyze electric systems using a required basics.
6. To understanding behavior of components with direct and with alternating current.

Course Catalog Description
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric
structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential,
electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials.
Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic
waves and Maxwell's equations. Subject taught using the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active
Learning) studio format which utilizes small group interaction and current technology to help
students develop intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena.

Course Contents
Introduction to TEAL; Fields; Review of gravity; Electric field; Electric charge; Electric fields;
Dipoles; Continuous charge distributions; Coordinate systems; Gradients; Line and surface
integrals; electric potential, equipotential; Gauss's law; Conductors and capacitors; Current,
Resistance, and DC circuits; Magnetic fields: Creating magnetic fields - Biot-Savart, Ampere's
Law, Feeling magnetic fields, charges and dipoles, Magnetic levitation; Magnetic forces on
dipoles, Force and torque on a current loop, Faraday's law; Mutual inductance and
transformers; Inductors and magnetic energy; RC and RL circuits; LC, and undriven LRC
circuits; Driven LRC circuits; Maxwell's equations, EM radiation and energy flow, EM
radiation, Generating EM radiation.

1. Physics by : Halliday, D and Resnick, Krane
2. Electromagnetism Principles and Applications by Paul Lorrain and Dale R. Corson
3. Physics for scientists and engineering by Serway 7
4. Physics for student of science and Engineering by A.L.Stanford and J.M. Tanner

General Chemistry I
Course Title General Chemistry I Coordinator
Course Number 402101 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites General Physics I

Course Objectives
1. Definition of the basics of physical chemistry and the impact of various factors of
pressure and temperature on the three states of matter. The chemical reactions and laws
used to set the physical constants.
2. Studying the different types of solutions and their properties and laws used to set the
physical constants.
3. Studying the changes in chemical energy into thermal or electrical energy and laws

Course Catalog Description
The course includes theoretical and practical bases for the calculation of some of the physical
constants of material transformations from state to another and in their chemical reactions.

Course Contents
Concentration: Methods of Expressing Concentration, Concentration of Pure Substances,
SI Units
Thermodynamics and Therochemistry: First Law of Thermodynamics, Hesss Law and its
Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells, Electrochemical Series, Electromotive Force, Nernst
Equation, Electrolytic cells, Faraday Electrolytic Equation.
Matter states:
The gaseous State: Equation of Ideal Gas, Van der Waalss Equation, Gas liquefying
The Liquid State: Evaporation, Vapor Pressure of Liquid, Boiling, Boiling Point, Heat
of Vaporization, Surface Tension, Viscosity
The Solid State: Heat of fusion, Crystalline Solids, X-ray and Crystal Structures
Industrial chemistry:
Cement: Components, Specifications, Types of Cement, Theory of Cement Hardening.
Water: Natural recourses of Water, Water hardness, Softening of water, Purification of
Oil: The origin of crude oil, Oil refining, Crude Oil Evaluation, The different types of

General and Physical Chemistry by Dr Omar AbduAlla AlHazazi, Faculty of Applied
Science, Umm Al-Qura University
Chemistry for Scientists and Engineering by: L. W. Fine, L. W., Beall, H. and Stuehr, J.

English Language I
Course Title English Language I Coordinator
Course Number 705101 Credit Hrs 0/8/2 Contact Hrs 8

Course Objectives
1. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to a wide range of universal
topics selected from a wide variety of materials.
2. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand and use four language skills of grammar, Oral Communication, Reading, and
3. Enhance use of everyday English to practice functional language skills and social

Course Contents
The course has the following 4 skills:
READING COMPREHENSION contact hours 2 per week
In this course students study mathematics, therefore the first few units are about simple
mathematical concepts. The latter are about simple scientific topics. The exercises for the
three levels are graded from very simple to advance. In English 101 the students sift
through the reading texts for measuring of technical terms, fill in the blanks ,choose the
best answers and answer simple comprehension questions.
WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aims of the course: The student should be able to:
Write simple and compound sentences about numbers, expressions, figures and shapes;
Describe forces energy and graphical concepts in simple sentences:
Translate tree diagrams and tables into simple sentences;
Describe fully labeled diagrams into sentences;
Answer simple questions about visual presentation in sentences;
Write short paragraph about instruments and simple processes (devices.)
LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to introduce the students to listening and note-taking skills
through the medium of simple to medium level oral texts of engineering and Islamic
Architecture subject matter.
GRAMMER contact hours 2 per week
The main goal of this skill is to help the students master the basic grammatical structures of the
English language. By doing so, the students will be able to read, write and speak English as
correctly as possible.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.

Communication Skills in English I
Course Title Communication Skills in English I Coordinator
Course Number 705102 Credit Hrs 0/8/3 Contact Hrs 8
Prerequisites English Language I

Course Objectives
1. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand the technical language offered in English as a medium of instruction.
2. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to the technical language.
Expose students to wide range of topics. Build knowledge of key vocabulary in their
relevant field.

Course Contents
READING COMPRREHENSION contact: 2 per week
In this course students study chemistry, therefore, the lessons have been chosen from
general topics in chemistry but are of relevance to students of all Engineering departments.
The exercises for the three levels are graded from very simple to advance .In this course the
students use different parts of speech in sentence building definitions comprehension

WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aim of the courses:
The students should achieve all the objectives (aims) of English Language I writing.
The Student should be able to.
Write about simple and complex processes from the fully labeled diagrams;
Describe the reactions into sentences;
Describe the information from a table of results.
Translate tree diagrams into meaningful sentences.
Write instruction and description from the visual input;
Change instruction and description into report structure;
Extract information by answering simple questions on the conceptual area.

LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to expand the students listening and note-taking skills
practiced in the previous course English Language I through the medium of medium to
slightly difficult level oral texts of engineering subject matter.

GRAMMAR contact hours 2 per week
Grammar this course continues the task of teaching the structure of the English language
that was initiated by Grammar English Language I.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.
Communication Skills in English II
Course Title Communication Skills in English II Coordinator
Course Number 705103 Credit Hrs 0/6/3 Contact Hrs 6
Prerequisites Communication Skills in English I

Course Objectives
1. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand the technical language offered in English as a medium of instruction.
2. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to the technical language.
Expose students to wide range of topics. Build knowledge of key vocabulary in their
relevant field.

Course Contents
READING COMPRREHENSION contact: 2 per week
In this course the topics are about general physics and other topics pertinent to all
engineering disciplines.
The exercise for the three levels are graded from very simple to advance .In this course the
students use different parts of speech in sentence building and summarize passages.

SCIENTIFIC REPORT WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aim of the courses:
The students should achieve all the objectives (aims) of English Language I and
Communication Skills in English I writing.
Student should be able to.
Understand the scientific apparatus used in the experimental situation.
Write instructions of the experimental actions using imperatives;
Write the description of a simple scientific experimental situation;
Write the procedure of the experiment in passive voice;
Present results in a tabular form;
Plot a graph from the experimental data provided;
Understand parts of a report;
Write conclusions from the discussion of the graphs;
Write simple report from visual input and without graphs;
Write and experimental report of a set format;
Answer language questions on the written report.

LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to complete the students listening and note-taking skills
thorough the medium of difficult level oral texts of engineering subject matter.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.
Computer Programming I
Course Title Computer Programming 1 Coordinator
Course Number 805211 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites English Language 1

Course Objectives
To make students acquainted with: Ground rules, Digital computers and computer systems,
high level versus low level programming languages, Compilers.

Course Catalog Description
Students are to be exposed to computer organization and hardware concepts, Programming
languages, FORTRAN programming.

Course Contents
1. Demonstrating the steps involved in editing and Compiling: Linking, and Executing a short
program, Involving manipulations of data objects stored as constants or variables.
2. Data types: Type declarations, Arithmetic expressions, Assignment statements, Simple
READS and PRINTS, FORTRAN 90 features.
3. Round off error caused by finite storage representations: Character expressions and
operations, Relational and Compound logical expressions, Intrinsic functions.
4. Structured programming and Control structures: IF statement, Solving problem with
decision steps, Tracing an algorithm or program.
5. Repetition in programs: General DO loop structure, Number of loop repetitions, Case study
Accumulating a sum, Problem solving illustration.
7. Using DO loop to evaluate a series as a case study: WHILE loop for the simulations that
the exact number of loop repetitions can not be determined before loop execution begins,
Comparison of WHILE and DO loops.
8. Top-Down design: with Subprograms, Library functions, User-defined functions, Calling
user-defined functions, Rules for using functions.
10. Function Interface: Argument Correspondence rules, Side effects of functions, Single-
Statement user define functions.
11. Defining a subroutine: Calling a subroutine, Rules for using subroutines, Top-Down design
and structure charts, Main difference between subroutine and function, When to use a
subroutine or a function.
12. Bottom-Up testing and Top-Down testing: Common programming errors, Format
statement for input and output, Line control characters, Partitioning a data line into fields,
Rules for formatted input, Edit descriptors.
13. Declaring and Referencing arrays: Array subscripts, using DO loops to process arrays,
input and Output of arrays.
1. Elliot B. Koffman and Frank L. Friedman. 1993. FORTRAN with Engineering Applications.
2. Daniel D. McCraacken and William I. Salmon. 1988. Computer for Engineering and
Scientists with FORTRAN 77. 2

Electrical Engineering for CE Students
Course Title Electrical Engineering for
CE Students
Course Number 802306 Credit Hrs 1/1/2 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites General Physics I, General Physics II

Course Objectives
To give the Civil Engineering students basic concepts on electrical circuit components &
theories; with emphasis on electrical machines, transformers, distribution of electric power &
wiring of buildings.

Course Catalog Description
Electric units & quantities, Ohm & Kirchhoff laws, reduction of resistors, dc circuits, network
theories, single & three-phase ac circuits, emf generation, phasors, power factor, transformers,
electric machines & applications, distribution of electric power & wiring of buildings.

Course Contents
International system of units for basic electric quantities: work/energy, power, current,
potential difference, resistance, inductance & capacitance.
Ohm & Kirchhoff laws, reduction of resistors connected in series & parallel, Y-D conversion.
DC circuits, nodal & mesh analysis, superposition & Thevenin theorems.
AC circuits, generation of alternating emf, average and rms values, representation of an
alternating quantity by a phasor, addition and subtraction of sinusoidal alternating quantities.
Single-phase ac circuits, resistive ac circuits, inductive ac circuits, capacitive ac circuits,
relationships between their currents & voltages, series RLC ac circuit, active & reactive power,
power factor.
Transformer principle, emf equation, phasor diagram at no load & full load, three-phase
transformers, auto-transformers.
Electrical machines, general arrangement of alternators, stator windings, expression for
alternator emf, applications on single-phase & 3-phase generators.
Internal electrical connections in buildings, live & neutral conductors, three-phase distribution,
correct connections, fuse boards & sub-boards, circuits & sub-circuits.

1. Hughes, Electrical technology, 7
Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1995.
2. P.J. Freeman, Electric power transmission and distribution, 2
Ed., Harrap.

Engineering Statistics and Probability Theory
Course Title Engineering Statistics and
Probability Theory
Course Number 804343 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Engineering Math I

Course Objectives
To have students understand basics of probability and statistics and their numerous pplications
in solving engineering problems.

Course Catalog Description
Data treatment and analysis probability discrete probability distributions continuous
probability distributions sampling distributions statistical inferences basics of regression.

Course Contents
Frequency distributions graphs of frequency distributions descriptive measures
calculations for central tendency and variability sample spaces and events counting
axioms of probability elementary probability theorems conditional probability Bays
theorem mathematical expectations discrete random variables Binomial distribution
hypergeometric distribution mean and variance of a probability distribution Chebyshevs
theorem Poisson process multinomial distribution continuous random variables normal
distribution uniform, log-normal, gamma, beta and weibal probability distributions joint
probability densities populations and samples sampling distribution of the mean sampling
distribution of the variance point and interval estimations tests of hypothesis hypothesis
concerning one and two means operating characteristics curves engineering applications in
each topic are emphasized method of least squares inferences based on least square
methods correlation.

1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers by Douglas C. Montgomery, George
C. Runger John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 1998.
2. Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Management Science, 3rd Edition by
William W. Hines, Douglas C. Montgomery John Wiley & Sons, 3 edition, 1990.
3. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Anthony J. Hayter Duxbury
Press, 2nd edition, 2001.
4. The Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Harrison M.
Wadsworth (Editor) McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 2nd edition, 1997.

Engineering Drawing I
Course Title Engineering Drawing I Coordinator
Course Number 804151 Credit Hrs 0/6/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
Drawing equipment and use, Geometric construction, Multi view projection, Pictorial
projection, Free hand sketching, Sectioning and section, Intersections, Development.

Course Contents
Drawing equipment ( method of use Lines Title blocks - Drawing scales) , Geometric
construction (Geometric construction on lines, arcs and circles Drawing of conic sections) ,
Multiview projection (Projection Views of point, Views of solids Lay-out of views ) ,
Pictorial projection (Pictorial presentation of point, line and surface - Pictorial presentation
solids Isometric and oblique presentations ) , Free hand sketching (Free hand sketching of
lines, rings, circles and conic sections - Isometric and oblique free hand sketching of solids
Free hand sketching of views and sections) , Sectioning and section (sections and types full,
half and partial sections Special sections Hatching ) , Intersections (cutting planes
intersecting of surfaces and solids Intersecting of solids ) , Development.

1. Engineering drawing, Mahmoud S. Zaamout and Hani Al- Hakim
2. Engineering Drawing and Design by Cecil Howard Jensen, Jay D. Helsel Glencoe
McGraw Hill, 5th edition, 1997.
3. Engineering Drawing and Graphic Technology by Thomas E. French, et al McGraw-
Hill Higher Education, 14th edition, 1993.
4. Principles of Engineering Drawing : by Louis Gary Lamit, Kathleen L. Kitto Delmar
Learning, 1st edition, 1994.

Workshop Basics
Course Title Workshop Basics Coordinator
Course Number 804231 Credit Hrs 2/4/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Engineering drawing I

Course Objectives

Studying some elementary manufacturing techniques as well as gaining some practical skill.

Course Catalog Description
Industrial safety- Engineering material-Bench work-Fundamental of metrology and inspection-
Shearing machine-Drilling machines-Shaping machines and shaping operations-Turning
machines and turning operations-Milling machines and milling operations-Grinding
operations- Sheet metal work- Forming operations-Forging and heat treatment operations.

Course Contents
Industrial safety-requirements, methods and applications-Engineering materials (ferrous and
non-ferrous , metallic and non-metallic)-Properties of the engineering material-Bench work
(techniques-tools-advantages)-Basics of metrology and inspection (studying some measuring
hand tools and inspection by using limit gauges)- Drilling operations and machines, the use
and advantages of each drilling machine- Shaping operations and machines. Machine parts and
basic movements. Turning machines, its parts and function of each part. Turning operations,
cutting tools, and materials of cutting tools. Milling machines (horizontal, vertical, and
universal) and the use of each. Grinding machines, operations and wheels. Sheet metal work
(different operations) Cold and hot forming process, forging . Etc. Introduction to Special

1. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes by John A. Schey McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 3rd edition, 1999.
2. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, 2nd
Edition by Mikell P. Groover John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 2001.
3. Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide by Robert H. Todd, et al Industrial Pr, 1st
edition, 1994.

Engineering Economics
Course Title Engineering Economics Coordinator
Course Number 804344 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
To have the student grasp the significance of the economic aspects of engineering and
become proficient in the evaluation of engineering proposals in terms of worth and cost and
their feasibility.

Course Catalog Description
Economic significance in the field of engineering simple and compound profit formulae
economic equivalence bases for comparison of alternatives decision making among
alternatives evaluating replacement alternatives break even and minimum cost analysis
depreciation sensitivity analysis.

Course Contents
Physical and economic efficiency value and utility economic aspects of exchange cost
classifications: fixed, operations and maintenance, life cycle, variable, incremental and
marginal simple and compound profit describing cash flows over time profit formulae
(discrete compounding and payments) nominal and effective rates equivalence
calculations: single factor, cash flows, frequent compounding, bonds and loans comparisons
based on: present worth, annual equivalent, future worth, rate of return, and payback period
mutually exclusive alternatives present worth, annual worth, and future worth on total
investment and incremental investment comparisons with unequal lives nature of
replacement analysis and calculations replacement analysis for unequal lives economic life
breakeven analysis: two alternatives and multiple alternatives minimum cost analysis:
single and multiple alternatives accounting for the consumption of assets classification of
depreciation depreciation methods: straight line, declining balance, sum of the years digits
and sinking fund service output and unit production depreciation depletion sensitivity
analysis for factors such as gradient, rate and expected life.

1. Advanced Engineering Economics by Chan S. Park, Gunter P. Sharp-Bette John Wiley
& Sons, 1st edition, 1990.
2. Fourth Generation R&d : Managing Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation by
William L. Miller, Langdon Morris John Wiley & Sons, 1
edition, 1999.
3. Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and perations Management by
Gavriel Salvendy (Editor) Wiley-Interscience, 3rd edition, 2001.

Experimental Engineering for the Civil Engineer
Course Title Experimental Engineering for Civil Engineer Coordinator
Course Number 804342 Credit Hrs 1/2/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Electrical Engineering for CE Students

Course Objectives
Studying the basics of experimental engineering measurements, measuring systems, and
methods of sensing the physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, force, temperature,

Course Catalog Description
Introduction on experimental engineering, measurements, and general definitions. Importance
of engineering measurements. Different measuring systems, and the generalized measuring
system. Advantages and limitations of each system. Static characteristics of measuring
systems. Experimental theory, and measuring errors. Basic units, standards, and dimensions of
physical quantities. Transducers. Different applications.

Course Contents
Introduction on experimental engineering, importance, and definitions. Measuring systems
(Mechanical systems- Direct and indirect measurements- Generalized measuring system-
Mechanical and electrical measuring devices- Advantages and limitations of each system)-
Static, and dynamic characteristics of measuring systems. Characteristics of good measuring
system. Experimental theory, measuring errors and errors analysis ( Importance of
experimental work- Experimental procedure-Technical reports- results verification- results and
data representation)-Measuring errors; types, analysis, elimination, average, deviation,
uncertainty, curve fitting .etc.- Elimination of dubious readings. Basic units and standards.
Transducers and their classification. Applications on using the transducers in measuring
displacement, pressure, strain, force, speed, temperature, humidity, flow rate, liquid level, air

1. Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers by Hugh W. Coleman, W.
Glenn, Jr. Steele Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 1998.
2. Experimental Methods for Engineers by Jack P. Holman McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 7th edition, 2000.
3. Experimental engineering by Mastyn Sary McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Course Title Dynamics Coordinator
Course Number 804222 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Statics

Course Objectives
Teaching students how to describe particle motion and study velocity, acceleration and path of
particles and bodies.

Course Catalog Description
Particle kinematics particle kinetics kinetics of a multi-particle system plane kinematics
of rigid bodies - plane kinetics of rigid bodies.

Course Contents
Linear motion (displacement, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average acceleration
and instantaneous acceleration) different cases of acceleration (constant, function of time,
function of velocity and function of displacement) rotation (displacement, velocity, angular
acceleration and representing rotating quantities in terms of vectors) Plane motion (position
vector, velocity, acceleration, cartesian - polar normal tangential coordinates) Plane
relative velocity Coriolis acceleration Newtons second law inertia work kinetic energy
potential energy power law of conservation of mechanical energy impulse momentum
rigid impact

1. Applied Dynamics: With Applications to Multibody and Mechatronic Systems by
Francis C. Moon Wiley-Interscience, 1998.
2. Engineering System Dynamics by Forbes T. Brown Marcel Dekker, 1st edition, 2001.
3. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics by Ferdinand Pierre Beer, et al McGraw
Hill College Div, 6th edition, 1997.


Plan 30 Core Courses

List of Civil Engineering Core Courses for PLAN 30
Course Title
1 800201
Engineering Mathematics I
2 800202
Engineering Mathematics II
3 803151 CAD
4 803221 Statics
5 803270 Numerical Methods
6 803305 Fluid Mechanics
7 803310 Plane Surveying
8 803323 Mechanics of Materials
9 803331 Hydraulics
10 803332 Water Resources Engineering
11 803340 Basic Geology
12 803350 Theory of Structures
13 803364 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
14 803370 Engineering Design
15 803381 Concrete Technology
16 803382 Building Materials
17 803410 Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey
18 803440 Soil Mechanics
19 803443 Foundation Engineering
20 803450 Structural Analysis
21 803452 Reinforced Concrete Design I
22 803455 Reinforced Concrete Design II
23 803459 Design of Steel Structures
24 803464 Highway Engineering
25 803470 Environmental Engineering
26 803480 Construction Engineering & Management of Projects
27 803486 Contract and Specifications
28 803485 Professional Ethics
29 803499 Graduation Project

Engineering Mathematics I
Course Title Engineering Mathematics I Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 800201 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Introduction to Mathematics I, Introduction to Mathematics II

Course Objectives
To enable the students to understand the use of complex numbers, apply ordinary differential
equations to engineering problems using various methods including Laplace transform and
learn to apply line integrals to compute the area and volumes of irregular shape

Course Description
Introduction to use of complex numbers, application of the basic theorems of the ordinary
differential equations, Laplace transform and line and double integral to engineering problems

Course Contents
Complex numbers: complex plane, real and imaginary parts, modulus and argument, complex
conjugate, addition, multiplication, division, De Moivre's theorem; the roots of unity, addition
formulae for cosine and sine Ordinary Differential Equations: First order DEs, Exact DEs,
DEs reducible to exact, linear DEs and Bernoulli DEs, modeling of LR-electric circuits,
orthogonal trajectory, civil engineering application - Homogeneous second order ordinary DEs
- modeling of free oscillations of spring mass system - Non-homogeneous second order
ordinary Des: Wronskian and the undetermined coefficient method, the variation of parameter
method, modeling of forced oscillation and LRC-electric circuits - Laplace transform (LT):
Introduction, linearity, first shift. Second shift, multiplication by t and division by t, inverse
LT, Heaviside theorem, convolution theorem, unit step and Dirac-Delta function, applications
on Initial value problems (IVP) and systems of such equations - Double integrals, surface
integrals, triple integrals, applications (area, mass, moment of inertia, center of gravity) - Line
Integrals, relation between line integrals and double integral, green's theorem, conditions for a
line integral to be independent of the path, applications

Textbook / Reference(s)
Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
4. Ability to use complex numbers and interpret solutions expressed as complex numbers.
5. Ability to formulate engineering problems as ODE and to solve them.
6. Ability to apply various single and double integrals to formulate and solve engineering

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Medhat Helal & M. H. Imam
Last update: May 7, 2012

Engineering Mathematics II
Course Title Engineering Mathematics II Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 800202 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Engineering Mathematics I

Course Objectives
To teach the students various operations involving linear algebra of matrices and methods of
solving system of algebraic equations using special functions (Gamma, Beta and Bessel
functions) and enable the students to apply Fourier analysis to Engineering problems

Course Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the linear algebra of
matrices, special functions, Fourier analysis and partial differential equations with application
to engineering problems

Course Contents
Matrices and Vectors, linear system of equations (Gauss Eliminations) - Determinates,
Crammer rule, inverse of matrix Gauss, Jordan elimination - Introduction to vector differential
calculus, Dot product and Cross product - Vector differential calculus, Gradient, Divergence
and Curl of a vector field) - Special function, Gamma function, Beta function - Introduction to
Fourier analysis, Fourier series, Fourier sine series, Fourier cosine series - Partial differential
equations, Classifications and methods of solution, heat equation, wave and potential equation.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
4. Ability to classify and solve linear systems of linear algebraic equations
5. Ability to solve integrals related to Gamma and Beta functions
6. Ability to expand a piece-wise continuous functions in Fourier series, Fourier sine
series and Fourier cosine series with applications to engineering problems
7. Ability to solve PDEs (especially heat, wave and potential partial differential equations)
with applications with applications to engineering problems

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Medhat Helal, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 7, 2012

Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)
Course Title Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) Coordinator M. H. Imam
Course Number 803151 Credit Hrs 1/1/2 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Computer Skills

Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide civil engineering undergraduates with basic understanding
of theory and practice of engineering drawings and computer-aided design for civil engineering
applications. Students will learn to read and construct blueprints and working drawings using
AutoCAD members. Students will be introduced to conventional drawing equipment but will
use AutoCAD for all drawing exercises.

Course Catalog Description
Engineering graphics fundamentals, Introduction to conventional drawing practices, Computer-
Aided Drawing using AutoCAD with two-dimensional civil engineering orientation

Course Contents
Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics -Conventional Drawing Materials and Equipment -
Visualization of 3-D objects - Basic Orthographic projections - Axonometric Drawing -
Dimensioning Conventions- Sections - Materials and CE drawing symbols- Introduction to
Auto CAD, Using Auto CAD Menus and commands - Coordinate Systems -Drawing Aids -
Drawing Accuracy - Line Types - Hatching - Drawing Entities - Colors, Dimensioning -
Advanced Editing Commands - Layers and Blocks - Advanced Drawing Control using Paper

Step by Step AutoCAD with Engineering Concepts, M. H. Imam, (Draft under preparation
for publication)

AUTOCAD Users Manual, Autodesk Publication.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
3. Ability to construct and read two-dimensional drawings related to Civil Engineering
4. Ability to use AutoCAD software and understand its functionality as a modern tool
5. Ability to prepare and print scaled two-dimensional engineering plans utilizing AutoCAD

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam
Last update: July 15, 2012 by MHI

Course Title Statics Coordinator Marwan Sarraj
Course Number 803221 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Calculus II

Course Objectives
To teach fundamental concepts of statics and applying the laws of statics for solving
engineering problems.

Course Description
Vector analysis of force, Force systems in 2D and 3D, moments and couples, equivalent for
system, Equilibrium in 2D, analysis of structures, Centroids and composite bodies, Distributed
force system, friction, area moment of inertia.

Course Contents
General Principles: introduction to the basic quantities and idealizations, Newton's Laws of
motion and gravitation, applies the SI system of units, procedures for performing numerical
calculations, general guide for solving problems - Force Vectors: vector analysis of vectors in
2D and 3D - add forces and resolve them into components using the Parallelogram Law,
express force and position in Cartesian vector form and explain determine the vector's
magnitude and direction, dot product in order to determine the angle between two vectors or
the projection of one vector onto another - Equilibrium of a Particle: introduce the concept of
the free-body diagram for a particle, solve particle equilibrium problems using the equations of
equilibrium. - Force System Resultants: principle of moments, moment of a force about an
axis, couples, equivalent force-couple system, resultants of forces, parallel forces, and principle
of distributed loading to a resultant force - Equilibrium of a Rigid Body: equilibrium of forces
in 2D for a rigid body, free body diagram, equations of equilibrium laws, solve rigid-body for
support reactions. - Structural Analysis: analysis of structures, types of trusses, plane trusses,
method of joints and method of section - Friction: frictional phenomena, types of friction,
friction coefficients - Center of Gravity and Centroid: centroid of mass, lines, area and
volumes, centroid of composite bodies - Moments of Inertia: moment of inertia of an area.

Hibbeler, R. C., (2013), "Engineering Mechanics; Statics" 9th Edition, Prentice Hall

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
6. Ability to analyze forces in 2 & 3-dimensions and calculate resultant and moments of
force systems.
7. Ability to draw free body diagrams and determine reactions using equilibrium
8. Ability to determine member forces using joint and section methods
9. Ability to analyze friction problems
10. Ability to calculate centroids and moment of inertia of composite sections

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Marwan Sarraj
Last update: April. 24, 2012

Numerical Methods
Course Title Numerical Methods Coordinator Medhat Helal
Course Number 803270 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Engineering Mathematics II

Course Objectives

Students will acquire skills to implement fundamental numerical methods in the solution of
engineering problems using modern computer tools.

Course Description

Theory of key concepts on equation solving, optimization, curve fitting, numerical integration
and differentiation and the solution of both ordinary and partial differential equationsare
introduced with the computer implementation using MATLAB or a programming languages
like VB.

Course Contents

Mathematical modeling and engineering problem solving - programming and software:
Packages, MATLAB, other languages Approximation and round of errors Truncation
Errors and Taylor Series - Roots of Equations: Bracketing Methods, Open Methods, Roots of
Polynomials, Engineering Applications Linear Applications: Gauss Elimination, LU
Decomposition and Matrix Inversion, Gauss-Seidel, Engineering applications Optimization:
One-dimensional unconstrained optimization, multi-dimensional unconstrained optimization,
constrained optimization, engineering applications Curve Fitting: Least-Square Regression,
Interpolation, Fourier Approximation, Engineering applications Numerical Differentiation
and integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule, Integration of Equations, Numerical
Differentiation, Engineering applications Ordinary Differential Equations: RungeKutta
method, Eigenvalue problem, Engineering applications.


S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canale, "Numerical Methods for Engineers", 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,

Reference(s) and Software

1. MATLAB Primer,,
19842012 by The MathWorks, Inc.
2. MATLAB software, Purchase a student version or use
PCs in the labs.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to estimate approximation and round-off errors
2. Ability to apply curve-fitting interpolation methods to engineering problems using
3. Ability to apply numerical methods to solve engineering problems involving
differentiation, integration, systems of linear equations differential equations & eigen
value problems using MATLAB
4. Ability to obtain optimal solutions for simple constrained and unconstrained
problems using MATLAB.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Medhat Helal
Last update: Sept 20, 2012

Fluid Mechanics
Course Title Fluid Mechanics Coordinator Faisal Asraa
Course Number 803305 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Dynamics

Course Objectives
To learn the basic principles of fluid mechanics and apply those to determine hydrostatic
forces, stability of floating and submerged bodies and forces of moving fluid by applying the
energy and momentum equations

Course Description
Introduction on dimensions and units Fluid definition Fluid properties Fluid statics
Fluid dynamics (flowing fluid and pressure variations) Control volume approach and
continuity equation Momentum equation The energy equation.

Course Contents
Dimensions and units Fluid definition Fluid properties: density, specific weight, specific
gravity, viscosity, surface tension, vapor pressure, bulk modulus of elasticity and ideal gas law
Fluid statics: Pressure, Pressure variation with elevation, Pressure measurements: barometer,
bourdon tube gage, piezometer, manometer Forces on plane surfaces, Forces on curved
surfaces Buoyancy Stability of immersed and floating bodies Fluid dynamics (flowing
fluid and pressure variations): Descriptions of fluid motion, streamlines, pathlines, streaklines,
flow types Acceleration Euler's Equation The Bernoulli Equation. Control volume
approach and continuity equation: Rate of flow Mass flow rate Control volume approach
Continuity equation Momentum quation The energy equation - Hydraulic and energy grade

Crowe, C. T., Elger, D. F., Williams, B. C., and Roberson, J. A., "Engineering Fluid
Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 9th edition, 2009

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate basic fluid properties
2. Ability to determine hydrostatic forces on surfaces
3. Ability to determine stability of floating and submerged bodies
4. Ability to apply momentum equations to evaluate forces of moving fluid
5. Ability to apply the energy equation of moving fluid

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer, Majid Al-Saydalani
Last update: May 5, 2012

Plane Surveying
Course Title Plane Surveying Coordinator A. M. Ibraheem
Course Number 803310 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)

Course Objectives
To enable the students to handle site surveying instruments with skills to uses basic site
surveying techniques.

Course Catalog Description
Types of surveying - equipment and instruments - Measurements of distances, elevations,
angles and directions - cross section and profile - surveying and topographic maps -
Surveying project.

Course Contents
Introduction: Units and scales - Distance measurements: taping - errors in taping measurements
- electronic distance measurement (EDM) - Leveling: Theory of Leveling, curvature and
refraction, instruments - profile and cross section leveling - grid leveling contouring - errors
in leveling - Angles Measurements by Theodolite: Types of theodolite, Method of field work
measurements - errors and adjustment - Direction of Lines: reference direction, azimuth,
bearing, Qibla direction - Area calculation - Volume calculation: from cross sections from
grids and contours.

Barry, F. Kavanagh, "Surveying, Principles and Applications"8
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.

2. Wolf, P. R., and Ghilani, C. D. Elementary Surveying, 11
Edition, Prentice Hall,

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to study the unit systems and map scales in survey
2. Ability to measure distance using different methods.
3. Ability to use the level instruments in leveling types and applications.
4. Ability to calculate area and earthwork volume using different techniques.
5. Ability to measure directions and angles.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1 1
4 1
5 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Ali Ibrahim, Khalid Ashwami, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 9, 2012

Mechanics of Materials
Course Title Mechanics of Materials Coordinator M. El-Saban
Course Number 803323 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Statics

Course Objectives
To enable the students to calculate stresses and strains generated in material due to external
loads for various types of loading conditions

Course Description
Concept of stress and strain, state of stress and strain at a point, equilibrium, stressstrain and
strain displacement relationship. Two-dimensional problems. Stress transformation. Shear
force and bending moment relations and diagrams. Torsion, Combined loading, Statically
indeterminate problems, Energy method and stability.

Course Contents
Stresses due to axial loads - Hooks low Equilibrium laws for two and three dimension
problems - Stressstrain diagram - Relation between distributed load, shear and bending
moment - Beams: Support reactions, shear, bending moment - Moment of inertia - Shear stress
- Principal stresses - Straindisplacement relationship - Mohrs circle to determine stresses and
strain - Torsional moment - Shear stress due to torsion Statically indeterminate problems -
Energy method and stability

Hibbeler, R. C. (2011), " Statics and Mechanics of Materials " 3rd Edition.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate internal forces in members subject to axial loads, shear,
torsion and bending and plot their distributions
2. Ability to calculate normal, shear, torsion and bending stresses and strains
3. Knowledge of the behavior of ductile and brittle materials
4. Ability to transform the state of stress at a point and determine the principal and
maximum shear stresses using equations as well as the Mohrs circle
5. Understanding of column buckling and ability to calculate critical load and stress

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Course Title Hydraulics Coordinator Majid Al-Saydalani
Course Number 803331 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Fluid Mechanics

Course Objectives
The main objective of the course is to achieve an understanding of the basic hydraulic
engineering principles and an ability to apply those principles to solve hydraulics problems.

Course Description
Steady flow in pipes Special pipe systems and networks Flow measurements Flow in
open channels Pumps Modeling and similitude Unsteady flow in pipes.

Course Contents
Steady flow in pipes: general equation of flow, secondary losses, friction loses, energy grade
line & hydraulic grade line, pipes in series & pipes in parallel Special pipe systems and
networks: problems of three tanks, special pipe systems, networks, hardy cross method use of
computer in network design Flow measurements: velocity measurement discharge
measurement Open channels: general equation of flow, types of flow, normal depth, specific
energy, critical depth, application on specific energy, gradually varied flow, rapidly varied
flow, different forms of water surfaces Pumps: types of pumps, velocity triangles in pumps,
characteristic curves of pumps, pump efficiencies, similarity in pump, caviation in pumps,
pump design, pumps in series and parallel Modeling & Similitude: hydraulic modeling, non-
dimensional numbers, -Theorem and application Introduction for unsteady flow in pipes.

Houghtalen, R. J., Akan, O. Hwang, N. H. and Fundamental of Hydraulic Engineering
Systems, Prentice-Hall, 4
edition, 2010.

Crowe, C. T., Elger, D. F., Williams, B. C., and Roberson, J. A., "Engineering Fluid
Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 9th edition, 2009.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to calculate flow in water distribution systems and design networks
2. Ability to analyze flow in different types of open channels
3. Ability to conduct experiments of flow measurements through pipes and open channels
4. Ability to use computer software in network design
5. Ability to design and select different types of pumps.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Majid Al-Saydalani, Mahmood Al-Toukhi, M. H. Imam
Last update: May 6, 2012

Water Resources Engineering
Course Title
Water Resources Engineering
Coordinator M. El-Tokhy
Course Number 803332 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Hydraulics

Course Objectives
To teach the students engineering aspects of water resources to enable them to conserve, plan,
develop and manage water resources

Course Description
Quantitative and descriptive water resources , Hydrology, Stream flow, measurement methods,
Groundwater hydraulics, Reservoirs, Dams, Irrigation

Course Contents
Introduction: History of water resources engineering, scope of water resources engineering,
water quantities, water quality, hydraulic structures - Economy of water resources - Social
aspects of water resources engineering - Planning of water projects - Descriptive hydrology:
hydrologic cycle, types of rainfall and its measurements - Stream flow: velocity measurement,
discharge measurement - Evaporation and transpiration and measurement - Hydrologic data
collection - Quantitative hydrology: basin recharge surface runoff, infiltration and methods of
measurement, surface runoff from snow and its measurement - Groundwater: occurrence,
sources, types of groundwater reservoirs - Ground water hydraulics, well hydraulics -
Reservoirs: reservoir characteristics, reservoir yield, reservoir capacity for a certain demand -
Sediment transport, reservoir sedimentation, sedimentation control - Wind set up and waves in
reservoirs - Reservoir clearance, leakage from reservoirs, reservoir site selection Dams:
Types, forces on dams, structural stability for dams, analysis and construction of different
dams, important precaution for dams construction Irrigation: methods of irrigation, soil
classification - Irrigation water requirement and its measurements, soil moisture measurements,
irrigation water quality, irrigation systems.

Viessman,W., Lewis,G"Introduction to Hydrology" Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 2011

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of global hydrological cycle and ability to calculate its elements
2. Ability to compute reservoir storage capacity and understanding of reservoir
sedimentation control
3. Ability to identify, analyze and design different types of dams

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Dr. Moosa Al-Bisy
Last update: Jan 14, 2012

Basic Geology
Course Title Basic Geology Coordinator
Course Number 803340 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives
Giving the students knowledge of the earth geology and different types of rock and soils
minerals, lab tests to defined soils and rocks for engineering purposes.

Course Description
An introductory course in the geotechnical engineering branch of civil engineering. It is
intended to be a first course in this subject to give civil engineers the feel for the soil material
as it relates to civil engineering.

Course Contents
The Earth Origin: Surface, Structure and Age - The Interior of the Earth: Density, Earthquakes
- Rock Magnetism, Plate Tectonics - Surface Processes: Chemical Weathering, Mechanical
Weathering - Erosion and Deposition Minerals: Physical Characters, Crystalline Form - The
Rock forming Minerals, Silicate Minerals, Clay Minerals - Igneous Rocks: Texture and
Composition - Basic Rocks, Acid Rocks - Sedimentary Rocks: Composition, Arenaceous
Deposits, Argillaceous Deposits - Metamorphic Rocks: Crystal Shape and Fabric,
Classification - Geological Structures: Folds, Faults, Joints - Strength of Geological Material:
Behavior of Rock and Soil - Laboratory Investigations : Samples and Sampling - Laboratory
Tests: Tests for Composition, Tests for Strength - Descriptions and Classifications: Soil
Classification - Rock Classification.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Aurele Parriaux (2009) Geology: Basics for Engineers, Taylor & Francis.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

1. Ability to understand the geological formation of earth.
2. Ability to understand the geological structures of rock.
3. Ability to conduct laboratory tests on rock and soil.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h I j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, AbdulAziz Alfi
Last update: Nov 14, 2012

Theory of Structures
Course Title Theory of Structures Coordinator Tariq Nahhas
Course Number 803350 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives
To teach the students the essential skills required to analyze simple structures using various
analysis procedure and techniques.

Course Description
Loads - Reactions - Axial force - Shear - Bending moments - Determinate structures -
Trusses, Beams - Frames - Deflection - Energy method. indeterminate structures

Course Contents
Types of loads - dead and live, wind, earthquake loads - types of supports - reactions
equilibrium equations - Determinacy and stability of beams, frames and trusses - planer truss
- joint method - method of sections - combined method - Internal forces - Shear - Bending
moment - relationship between loads and moments - shear and moment diagrams
deflection and slope - elastic beam theory geometric methods: the double integral method -
moment area method - conjugate beam method - energy methods : virtual work -
Castigliones theorem Indeterminate structures - Force method (consistent deformation)

Textbook / Reference(s)
Hibbeler, R. C. (2012), " Structural Analysis " 8th Edition

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to analyze various types of structures (beams, frames and trusses) for
determinacy , stability, reactions and member forces
2. Ability to compute displacement and slopes for beams using geometric methods
(double integration, moment area or conjugate beam method) and energy methods
(virtual work method, and Castigliones theorem)
3. Ability to Analyze indeterminate structures using the force method (consistent
4. Ability to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams and frames

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Tariq Nahhas, Majid Assas , Marai Al-Shihri, M. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer,
Last update: Oct 9, 2012

Introduction to Transportation Engineering
Course Title Introduction to Transportation Eng. Coordinator Imtiaz Ahmed
Course Number 803364 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Topographic Survey, Basic Geology

Course Objectives
To enable the civil engineering students to acquire basic knowledge related to the
fundamentals of transportation engineering.

Course Catalog Description
An introductory course in transportation engineering that covers the following main topics:
Modes of Transportation - Components of Traffic Systems and their Characteristics -
Introduction to Traffic Control Devices - Capacity and Level of Service for Freeways &
Multilane Highways - Transportation Planning Process and Studies.

Course Contents
Introduction to Multimodal Transportation - Fundamental Aspects of Various Modes of
Transportation, Highways, Railways, Airways, Waterways and Pipelines- Transportation
Planning Process and Planning Related Studies - Road Users and Vehicle Characteristics -
Roadways Classifications and their Geometric Characteristics - Traffic Stream Characteristics -
Urban Mass Transportation System - Introduction to Traffic Control Devices - Capacity and
Level of Service for Freeways and Multilane Highways

Textbook / Reference(s)
Nicholas, J Garber and Lester A. Hoel, "Traffic and Highway Engineering, 4th Edition, 2009,
Cengage Learning, USA / Canada.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Learning about fundamentals aspects of various modes of transportation and develop
ability to compare the effectiveness of various modes.
2. Developing understanding about planning process and various components of traffic
system, i.e, road users, vehicular traffic, roadway geometrics and traffic stream
3. Acquiring basic knowledge about transportation planning process and related studies,
traffic control devices, capacity and level of service for freeways and multilane

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h iI j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Imtiaz Ahmed, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: 27 May 2012

Engineering Design
Course Title Engineering Design Coordinator M. H. Imam
Course Number 803370 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Introduction to Engineering Design I

Course Objectives
To introduce the students to the basic concepts of engineering design like modeling, design
process, teamwork, presentation, estimation and interpolation, units and dimensions, use of
spreadsheets and to train them on effective thinking for proper engineering design.

Course Description
The course is a training of engineering students on correct thinking and use of techniques
generally required for engineering design. It includes a variety of subjects including system
modeling, design process, teamwork, presentation, units & dimensions, use of spreadsheets.

Course Contents
Design Process - Design Criteria - Experimental Design - Teamwork Planning - Technical
Writing & Presentation - Numerical Estimation Techniques - Conversion of Fundamental
Dimensions and Base Units - Universal Units in Engineering Design - Dimensionless
Numbers, Dimensional Analysis and Raleighs Method - Excel Workbooks: Cell References,
Functions, Logic, Conditionals, Sorting and Filters - Graphical Solutions: Graphing
terminology, qualities of graph, Graph in EXCEL - Graph Interpretation: Meaning of line
shapes - Models and Systems: behavior of linear, power and exponential models

E. A. Stephan et al, (2013), Thinking Like an Engineer: An Active Learning Approach
Second Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2013

Reference(s) and Software
Microsoft Corporation (2010), "Microsoft Office on line documentation"

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of the design process, experimental design, design criteria and evaluation
Ability to convert units of common engineering quantities and to perform dimensional
3. Ability to use estimation techniques
Ability to use EXCEL conditional statements, functions & charts for plotting engineering
data and ability to interpret the graphs
Ability to make technical presentations and understanding of various types of technical
6. Ability to plan teamwork
7. Understanding of system behavior for linear, power and exponential models

Relationship between CLOs and Student Outcomes (SOs).
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam
Last update: Sept 1, 2012

Concrete Technology
Course Title Concrete Technology Coordinator Faiz Mirza
Course Number 803381 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives
To enable the students to understand the properties of cement and concrete, to conduct all
required tests on concrete and obtain knowledge of concrete manufacturing, transportation and

Course Description
Concrete Constituent materials and its properties. Properties of plastic and hardened concrete.
Testing procedures and curing. Concrete manufacture.

Course Contents
Nature of concrete as building material - Cement manufacture- composition of cement -
Types of Portland cement - Specifications and tests of Portland cement; Fineness, Consistency
and Setting of cement - Water quality - impurities in water, sea water, testing of water -
Aggregates; properties of aggregate, Shape & surface texture, Grading, sieve analysis, bulking
moisture content, specific gravity, unit weight - Fresh concrete; Workability, Factors affecting
workability, water content, Aggregate content, properties of aggregate, Time and Temperature,
Properties of cement, segregation and bleeding of concrete, Measurement of workability:
slump test, Compacting factor, Flow test - Setting time of concrete - Curing; curing at
ambient temperatures, curing at elevated temperature - Hardened concrete; compressive
strength, factors affecting strength, other types of concrete strength - Testing of hardened
concrete; compression, tension, and Impact - Concrete manufacture; batching, mixing,
transportation, Placement, Compaction, Finishing .

A. M. Neville., "Properties of Concrete, Prentice Hall 5th edition,2012.

1. Mehta , P,K, Monteiro,P,J,. "Concrete : Microstructure, Properties, and Materials" 3rd
edition, 2006.
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Vol.4.02, Concrete &

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of the properties of concrete constituents
2. Understanding of manufacturing and properties of fresh and hardened concrete
3. Ability to conduct quality control tests on fresh and hardened concrete

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b C d e F G h i j K
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam, Akthem Al-Manaseer & Faiz A. M. Mirza
Last update: May 11, 2012

Building Materials
Course Title Building Materials Coordinator Ahmed Bakhit
Course Number 803382 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives
To introduce the students to current and modern construction materials and their properties and

Course Description
Use of different building materials including concrete blocks and bricks, steel, aluminum,
wood, and other newly developed and generated materials. Inspection and supervision of

Course Contents
Cast iron - Manufacturing of cast iron - Structural components - Heat treatment of iron -
Steel - clay bricks - Manufacturing of bricks - Physical and engineering properties -
Retaining wall - Gypsum boards - Concrete walls - Physical and engineering properties -
Tiles - Ingredients of tiles - Mixing and properties - Types of reinforced concrete structures -
Wood - wood structures - Dry and wet wood - Physical properties - Mechanical properties -
Deterioration of wood - Strength and protection of wood - Plywood - Plastic - Types of
Plastic - Plastic manufacturing and properties.

Marotta, Coffey, Brown, LaPlante (2011), Basic Construction Materials Eights Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of properties of various engineering materials
2. Ability to select appropriate engineering materials for civil engineering projects

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Ahmad Bakhit, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 12, 2011
Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey
Course Title Topographic & Photogrammetric
Coordinator K. ElAshmawy
Course Number 803410 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Plane Surveying

Course Objectives
The student can handle modern site surveying instruments as Tatal Station and GPS and
develop his skill in photogrmmetic techniques.

Course Catalog Description
The Traverses - Highway curves, Total Station measurements, Global Positioning System
(GPS), Principles of Photogrammetry, equipment and instruments, overlap photographs and
stereoscopy, practical applications.

Course Contents
Traverse Surveys: Open and Closed Traverse, Determination of the Closure Errors and the
Accuracy - Traverse adjustment - Coordinates calculation - Tacheometric Surveying: Stadia
Principles, Inclined Stadia Measurements - Stadia Field Practice - Electronic Surveying
Measurements: Total Station, Field Procedures for Total Stations in Topographic Surveys -
Construction Layout Using Total Stations, Overview of Computerized Surveying Data
Systems - Global Positioning System (GPS): Instruments - Observation Methods, Sources of
Errors - Horizontal Curves: Computation, Field Procedures - Vertical Curves: Computation,
Field Procedures - Introduction to Photogrammety: Camera Types and Photography - Vertical
and Overlap Photographs, Stereoscopy - Ground Control of Photography, Mosaics,
Stereoscopic and Plotting Instruments - Digital Photogrammetry.

Barry, F. Kavanagh, "Surveying, Principles and Applications"8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.

Wolf, P. R. and Ghilani, C. D. Elementary Surveying, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to select, measure and adjust the traverse.
2. Ability to compute horizontal and vertical curves elements
3. Ability to use total station and Global Positioning system for determining point
4. Ability to apply photogrammetry in map drawing

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Soil Mechanics
Course Title Soil Mechanics Coordinator M. El-Saadany
Course Number
Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Basic Geology

Course Objectives
Introducing the student to soil characteristics and engineering behavior while exposed to loads,
to know its capacity for different types of loading.

Course Description
Characteristics of soil - Preliminary definitions - Compaction - Consolidation - Analysis of
settlement -Shear strength of soil - Application in civil engineering.

Course Contents
Formation of soil: Residual soil, Transported soil - Soil structure , Clay mineralogy -
Preliminary definitions and relations: Three phase system, Water content - Density of soil,
Specific gravity, Void ratio and porosity, Degree of saturation - Index properties of soil:
Laboratory test, Water content, specific gravity - Particle size distribution - Consistency of soil,
Relative density - Classification of soil: MIT classification, Unified soil classification -
Permeability of soil: Darcys law - Coefficient of permeability in lab, Aquifers Compaction
of soil: Proctor compaction test, Field test - Compaction quality control - Stress in soil: Total
and effective stresses - Stresses in soil from Surface loads, Elastic settlement - Consolidation in
one direction: Basic concepts - Primary consolidation settlement - Coefficients of
consolidation - Shear strength of soil: Coulombs law, Mohr Coulombs failure criterion -
Laboratory tests to determine shear strength parameters, Field test - Lateral earth pressure:
Rankines theory - Stability of retaining construction: Rigid retaining walls - Check of
stability and stresses.

El-Saadany, M (2012) Fundamental of Soil Mechanics, under publication.

Budhu, Muni (2006) Soil Mechanics and Foundations, John Wily & Sons.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding soil classification and its physical properties.
2. Conducting laboratory tests on soil properties.
3. Solveing problems related to stresses in soil, permeability, compaction and retaining

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Oct 14, 2012

Foundation Engineering
Course Title Foundation Engineering Coordinator S. El-Naggar
Course Number 803443 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Soil Mechanics

Course Objectives
Introducing various foundations types; their advantages and disadvantages. Proper selection of
foundation type for a specific site, and corresponding design for sizes of such foundations.

Course Description
Foundation types, selection of foundations, Settlement analysis of shallow foundation, Deep
foundation, piles, caisson, filed visits.

Course Contents
Stability of retaining construction : Stability of sheet pile wall Stability of earth slopes :
Infinite slopes - Stability of finite slope - Shallow foundations: Ultimate bearing capacity,
Terzaghis bearing capacity theory - General bearing capacity equation - Factor of safety,
Eccentrically loaded foundations - Settlement of shallow foundations: Settlement calculations ,
Immediate settlement - Primary consolidation settlement, Creep settlement - Settlement from
field test - Structural design of shallow foundation: Contact pressure distributions - Isolated
footing , combined footing - Strap beam footing, Mat foundation Deep foundation: Pile
foundations , Types of pile and their structural characteristics - Estimation of pile length,
Installation of piles, Load transfer mechanism - Equation for estimation of pile capacity -
Settlements of piles, Pile driving formulas, Pile load tests - Efficiency of group piles,
Consolidation - Settlement of group piles.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Braja M. Das (2011), Principles of Foundation Engineering, Seventh Edition, CL-

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding the stability of sheet pile and earth slopes.
2. Determining the bearing capacity and settlement for shallow foundation.
3. Selecting appropriate type of foundation and learn to analyze and design shallow foundation.
4. Estimating pile capacity and learn how to design pile foundation.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: S. El-Naggar, AbdlAziz Alfi, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Oct. 14, 2012

Structural Analysis
Course Title Structural Analysis Coordinator Majid Assas
Course Number 803450 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis I

Course Objectives
To teach the students the various analysis approaches of indeterminate structures. Also, the
application of computers in the analysis of structures.

Course Description
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - moment distribution - continuous
beams - frames - variable cross- section matrix algebra - flexibility - stiffness - analysis
using computer

Course Contents
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - Application - continuous beams -
space frames - moment distribution - Structure with and without joint translation - members
with variable cross-section - matrix algebra - flexibility method - flexibility matrix -
Stiffness - local and global stiffness matrix - member stiffness matrix - structure stiffness
matrix - direct stiffness method - analysis of 2 and 3 dimensions - computer applications

Hibbeler, R.C. (2012), Structural Analysis, 8

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using the flexibility method
2. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using slope deflection and moment
distribution methods
3. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using the stiffness method
4. Ability to analyze indeterminate structures using well-known structural analysis
software packages

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer, Majid Assas, Marai Al-Shihri
Last update: Jan 14, 2011

Reinforced Concrete Design I
Course Title
Reinforced Concrete Design I
Coordinator Kehlan Salman
Course Number 803452 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis II, Concrete Technology

Course Objectives
Introducing the students to the different methods of design, designing essential elements such
as beams, columns, slabs and footings.

Course Description
Reinforced concrete properties and advantages as a building material, loads, design of beams,
one-way slabs, design, of short columns, design of footings, all according to ACI-318

Course Contents
Mechanical properties of concrete - reinforcement - design of beams for flexure - cracking
moment - working-stress design - stresses and deflections under service-loads - control of
cracking - failure modes - flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams - balanced failure,
strength design of beams - double reinforcement - T-beams - temperature and shrinkage steel
- Shear failure: designing for shear, shear reinforcement, punching shear - Shear due to
torsion: reinforcement for torsion - Spacing of stirrups - bond strength - Development length
of tension and compression steel - Cutoff points, splicing reinforcement - Columns behavior:
design of short columns for axial loads and combined loads - Footings: for vertical load, wall
footing with a uniform load - All according to ACI-318.

McCormac J. C. and Nelson J. K., Design of Reinforced Concrete, John Wily Inc, 8th
Edition. 2010

ACI Committee 318, ACI Standard, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2008.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Knowledge of ACI Building Code loading combination and material properties
2. Ability to design structural elements in bending using the ACI building code
3. Ability to design structural elements in shear and torsion using ACI building code
4. Ability to design reinforcement detailing for serviceability using the ACI building code

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Kehlan Salman, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012

Reinforced Concrete Design II
Course Title
Reinforced Concrete Design II
Coordinator Kehlan Salman
Course Number 803455 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Reinforced Concrete Design I

Course Objectives
To enable the students to design reinforced concrete structures for real-world application

Course Description
Design of one way and two way slabs and other type of slabs - Design of long column
subjected two combined moments - Design of combined footing and raft foundation.

Course Contents
Shear force in slabs and foundation - strength and reinforcement for shear - effect of slab
opening in the shear stress - Torsion and moment from slab to column - combination between
shear and torsion - Design of sections subjected to torsion - Specification of steel
reinforcement the upper limit of its cross section area, size and spacing between bars - Length
of curtailment, anchorage length, connection - Factors effecting the design of slab. Relations
between moment and curvature - Code. Redistribution of stresses - Plastic hinges - Failure
mechanism - upper and lower limit of loading factor. Slabs on rigid beams - elastic analysis -
approximate analysis- Distribution of steel reinforcement - Strip method for slab design -
Slabs with opening - Design of rectangular slabs - Direct design method - long columns -
Effect of column length and shear stress - Effective length of column - creep problem -
Design of long column in frame - footing - Type of footing. Design and analysis of square
and rectangular footing wall footing, wall footing, Combined footing, cantilever footing - raft
foundation - piles

McCormac J. C. and Nelson, J. K., Design of Reinforced Concrete, John Wily and son Inc,
8th Edition. 2010

ACI Committee 318, ACI Standard, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2008.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to design solid and ribbed slabs using ACI building code
2. Ability to design flat slab and punching shear using ACI building code
3. Ability to design columns in using ACI building code
4. Ability to design combined footings and raft foundation using ACI building code

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Kehlan Salman, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 11, 2012

Design of Steel Structures
Course Title Design of Steel Structures Coordinator Marwan Sarraj
Course Number 803459 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Structural Analysis

Course Objectives
Introducing the students to the basis on how to design different elements of steel structures,
and related techniques.

Course Description
Design of tension members, beams, and columns under axial loads, design of columns under
biaxial loads, base plates, connections, and frames, according to (AISC) specifications

Course Contents
Structural steel: members of steel structures - economical and safety considerations - design
methods - Tension members: types of tension members - allowable tensile stresses - cyclic
loading - slenderness ratio - Columns under axial loads: allowable compressive stresses -
design procedure and AISC specifications - Beam design: allowable bending stresses - design
procedure and AISC specifications - lateral support requirement - deflection limits - Columns
under combined loads: beam column design - frames design to AISC specifications -
Connections: types of connections - connections design

McCormac J. C. and Csernak, S. F., Structural Steel Design, John Wiley, 5th
Edition. 2012

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to design tension members and beams using the AISC specifications
2. Ability to design columns under biaxial loads and frames using AISC specifications
3. Ability to design connections and connectors using AISC specifications

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Marwan Sarraj, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: May 7, 2012

Highway Engineering

Course Title Highway Engineering Coordinator Imtiaz Ahmed
Course Number 803464 Credit Hrs 2/1/3 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites Introduction to Transportation Engineering

Course Objectives
To enable Civil Engineering students develop understanding about fundamentals of highway
geometrics, structural design of pavements and highway materials.

Course Catalog Description
An introductory course in Highway Engineering that is divided into following main topics:
Highway Design Controls and Criteria - Cross Section Elements - Geometric Design of
Highways - Structural Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements - Characterization of Pavement
Subgrades and Bases - Properties of Asphalt Materials and Mix Design - Environmental
Effects on Pavements

Course Contents
Highway Design Controls and Criteria - Design Considerations for Cross Section Elements -
Vertical and Horizontal Roadway Alignments - Pavement Traffic Loading - Analysis of
Pavements - AASHTO Flexible and Rigid Pavements Design Procedures - Introduction to
Mechanistic-Empirical Design of Pavements - Capacity of At-Grade Intersections - Roadside
Design - Properties and Testing Procedures for Characterization of Subgrade Soils and
Aggregates - Subgrade Soils Improvement Techniques - Properties and testing of Asphalt
binder - Asphalt Mix Design Methods - Earthwork - Pavement Distresses - Highway Drainage
- Environmental Effects on Pavements.

Paul H. Wright and Karen K. Dixon, "Highway Engineering" 7th Edition, 2004, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., USA.

F.L. Mannering, S.S. Washburn and W.P. Kilareski, "Principles of Highway Engineering and
Traffic Analysis" 4th Edition, 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Washington D.C, USA.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. To develop an understanding about the highway design controls and criteria,
considerations for cross section elements and highway geometric design.
2. Learn about the AASHTO design procedures of highway pavements and develop
understanding about the basics of Mechanistic - Empirical pavement design.
3. Understand properties and testing procedures for characterization of highway materials
and methods of asphalt mix design.

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Imtiaz Ahmed, M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: 27 May 2012

Environmental Engineering
Course Title Environmental Engineering Coordinator Torky El-Abod
Course Number 803470 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites General Chemistry, Hydraulics

Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the fields of environmental
engineering and science and to develop the skills necessary to solve problems in this field.

Course Description
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry - Water quality issues - Water and wastewater
treatment - solid waste management - Air pollution and control - Global atmospheric change.

Course Contents
Environmental and Human Interaction - Water pollution - Water Quality - wastewater systems
- wastewater treatment - wastewater disposal - Air pollution - control of air pollution - solid
waste - solid waste management.

Textbook / Reference(s)
Mackenzie I Davis & David A. Cornwell (2008) Introduction to Environmental engineering",
Forth Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Ability to define and measure the environmental quality.
2. Ability to understand the environmental engineering works and designs of its different

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1
2 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Torky El-Abod , M. S. Elbisy, M. H. Imam
Last update: Oct. 11, 2012

Contract and Specifications

Course Title Contract and Specifications Coordinator Abdul Aziz Adnan Alfi
Course Number 803486 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Approval of the department

Course Objectives
Implementing local governmental laws and regulations, getting acquainted with contract
documents for a real applied project, gaining ability to prepare tender documents, technical and
general specifications for building construction.

Course Catalog Description
Local governmental laws and regulations-tender and technical specifications preparation.

Course Contents
Basic Principles, Submission of Bids and Opening of Sealed-Bids, Examination of Bids and
the Power to Contract, Contract Drafting and Execution Period, Bank Guarantees, Increase and
Decrease of Contractor Obligations, Payment of Entitlements, Procurements and Works
exempted from Public Tenders, Penalties and Extension of Contracts, General Provisions,
Preparation of Tender Documents and Announcement of Tender, Conditions to be Satesfied by
Bidders, Submission of Bids, Opening of Sealed-Bids, Examination of Bids, Conclusions of
Contracts and Execution Periods, Bank Guarantees - Terms of Preliminary Guarantees - Terms
of Final Guarantees - Terms of Advanced Payment Guarantees - Extension of Guarantees -
Confiscation of Guarantees - General Provisions Relating to Guarantees - Cash Guarantees,
Increase and Decrease of Contractors Obligations, Payment of Entitlements, Procurements
and Works exempted from Public Tenders, Penalties, Extension of Contracts and Relief from
Delay Penalty, Withdrawal of Works from the Contractor, Delivery of Works in Public Work
Contracts and Service Contracts, Receipt of Supplied Items, Announcement of Names of
Bidders and Results of Public Tenders and Procurements - Announcement of names of Bidders
- Announcement of Results of Public Tenders, General Provisions.
General Specifications for Building Construction, Examples of general technical specifications
(General site preparation, excavation and earthworks, structure, applicable publications ,
quality assurance, temporary facilities, contract execution).

1. "Government Tenders and Procurement Law", Royal Decree (M/58) dated 4/9/1427 H,
Printed at the Government Printing Press Agency- 1987/3000, Under supervision by The
National Center for Archives and Documents, 1st edition / 1430 H.
2. "Implementing Regulations of Government Tender and Procurement Law", Minister of
Finance Decision No. (362) dated 20/2/1428 H (10/3/2007 G), Printed at the Government
Printing Press Agency- 1963/1500, Under supervision by The National Center for Archives
and Documents, 1st edition / 1430 H.
Ministry of public works & Housing, Deputy Minister of public Works,GENERAL
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Interpret local laws, and regulations, and prepare contract documents
2. Interpret and prepare general technical specifications for building construction

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
A b C d e F G h I j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1

g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1 1 1
2 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: Abdul Aziz Adnan Alfi
Last update: September 28, 2012

Professional Ethics
Course Title Professional Ethics Coordinator M. H. Imam
Course Number 803485 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Engineering Design

Course Objectives
This course develops the understanding of professional ethics for engineers. The students will
learn how to make ethical decisions, what are the ethics of the engineering profession, what are
the ethical responsibilities and will be informed of the contemporary issues.

Course Description
A practical course in professional ethics for engineers, to understand the ethical issues and
develop an ability to make ethical decisions. Students will search for the cases of ethical
decisions in cases involving ethics in civil engineering field, will understand the contemporary
issues and will present them. Students will investigate a situation of ethical issues and will
work as a team.

Course Contents
Awareness on the role of engineers and engineering profession and the ethical issues in the
practice of engineering - Professional responsibility to clients and employers - Corporate
responsibility - Identifying the issues and the stakeholders in ethical situations - Considering
the case from the perspectives of intent, consequences and character - Correlation of various
perspectives - Implementing the right ethical decision - Engineering codes of ethics - Safety
and liability - Legal obligations, Conflicts of interest - Risk assessment - Social and
environmental issues - Contemporary issues - Copyright, Plagiarism and other non-ethical
practices in the use of intellectual assets - Ethics of working with multidisciplinary teams -
Presenting cases of ethical situations.

Harris, Pritchard, and Rabins, Engineering Ethics: Concepts and cases, Fourth edition
(Wadsworth, 2009).

Reference(s) and Software
Weston, A Practical Companion to Ethics, second edition (Oxford, 2002).

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
1. Understanding of role and responsibilities of engineers on ethical issues
2. Ability to make correct ethical decisions
3. Understanding of engineering code of ethics
Knowledge of contemporary ethical issues in various aspects of engineering profession
involving safety, liability, legal obligations, copyright and plagiarism
5. Ability to work ethically in multi-disciplinary teams
6. Ability to present cases of ethical situations

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning
a b c d e f g h i j k
a.1 b.1 c.1 d.1 e.1 f.1 f.2 g.1 g.2 h.1 i.1 j.1 k.1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam
Last update: March 1, 2013

Graduation Project
Course Title Graduation Project Coordinator Kahlan Salman
Course Number 803499 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Senior year, Approval of the advisor

Course Objectives
Students learn to fully define a design problem, requirements and constraints. Projects allow
students to experience the rigor and structure of a full-cycle design, including: problem
definition, benchmark studies, concept generation and feasibility study, engineering design
analyses and testing. Students demonstrate teamwork and communication skills.

Course Description
The Graduation Project is the capstone of all abilities students acquire in the program.
Students, working in small teams, tackle specific design challenges demonstrating various
abilities they have attained through the courses in the degree program.

Course Contents
Coordinate with the client - Prepare problem definition - Develop a permitting process -
Suggest alternative solutions - Identify the project realistic constraints - Prepare cost estimate
for the engineering design - Prepare scheduling for the complete design phase - Evaluate
feasibility of alternatives - Develop initial site plan - Study impact of design and construction
on the adjacent properties - Develop Geotechnical study plan - Identify Traffic and/or
Environmental constraints impact statement for short (i.e., construction duration) and long term
(i.e., 15 years) periods - Identify design codes requirements including storm and sanitary drains
system design and a plan for disposal of waste materials, if any exist - Prepare a project
proposal - Provide schedule of project deliverables - Prepare design - Prepare cost estimate -
Prepare construction schedule - Prepare detailed drawings - Prepare final report

Textbook / Reference(s)

Not specified

Islamic Culture I
Course Title Islamic Culture I Coordinator
Course Number 601101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
10. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
11. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
12. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
13. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
14. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
15. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
16. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
17. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
18. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)

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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture II
Course Title Islamic Culture II Coordinator
Course Number 601201 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Islamic Culture I
Course Objectives
10. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
11. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
12. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
13. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
14. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
15. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
16. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
17. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
18. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture III
Course Title Islamic Culture III Coordinator
Course Number 601301 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Islamic Culture II

Course Objectives
10. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
11. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
12. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
13. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily
14. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
15. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
16. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them
to adopt and apply these values.
17. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
18. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students
daily life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Islamic Culture IV
Course Title Islamic Culture IV Coordinator
Course Number 601401 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Islamic Culture III

Course Objectives
10. To consolidate the true Islamic believes of the students based on scientific basis and
methodologies deduced from the Holy Quran, Biography of Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him (PBUH), and other well known Islamic references.
11. To define the concept of ethics in Islam.
12. To explain the rules of Islam in dealing with instincts through ethics and moral rules.
13. To provide the students with the Islamic ethics and values necessary for their daily life.
14. To explain that Islam is a religion that takes care of both daily life and the hereafter
through solid historical examples.
15. To demonstrate the Islamic solutions for daily life problems.
16. To fill the students with passion towards the true Islamic values and encourage them to
adopt and apply these values.
17. To explain the effect of applying the Islamic ethics and values on community.
18. To correlate between Islamic values and ethics and the enhancement of students daily

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)

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Course Contents (In Arabic Language) cont.
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran I
Course Title The Holy Quran I Coordinator
605101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
7. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
8. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
9. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
10. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
11. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
12. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran II
Course Title The Holy Quran II Coordinator
Course Number 605201 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran I

Course Objectives
7. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
8. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
9. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
10. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
11. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
12. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran III
Course Title The Holy Quran III Coordinator
Course Number 605301 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran II

Course Objectives
g. To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
h. To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
i. To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
j. To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
k. To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
l. To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new
peculiar words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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The Holy Quran IV
Course Title The Holy Quran I Coordinator
Course Number 605401 Credit Hours 2/0/2 Contact Hours 2
Prerequisites The Holy Quran III

Course Objectives
To provide a link between the students and the book of ALLAH, the Holly Quran.
To learn how to recite Holly Quran in the correct way.
To apply correctly the rules of reciting Holly Quran.
To memorize some parts of the Holly Quran.
To adopt the ethics and values of the Holly Quran as part of daily life.
To explain the meanings of words, and verses of the Holly Quran specially the new peculiar
words and expressions.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Course Title Biography of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Coordinator
Course Number 102101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
6. To explain the advantages of studying the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
7. To provide the students with a historical background of the situation in Arab
countries before the divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
8. To explore the era of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the events that cover his
9. To emphasize on the effect of adopting Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) actions, way
of life, and daily dealing with people as a source of ethics and values.
10. To encourage the students to adopt and follow Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) life as
a role model for their life.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)

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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)
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Arabic Language
Course Title Arabic Language Coordinator
Course Number 501101 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectivess
5. To learn and practice essential Arabic grammar necessary for daily life
6. To enhance the expressions style using examples of the Holy Quran, Hadeeth (sayings
and actions) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and famous poems.
7. To enhance the students communication skills in their mother tongue.
8. To recognize the importance of Arabic language as the language of Islamic civilization.

Course Contents (In Arabic Language)
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Textbook(s) (In Arabic Language)

Calculus I
Course Title Calculus I Coordinator
Course Number 800101 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4

Course Objectivess
To enable the students to understand the use of inequalities, functions and their graphs,
derivative and higher order derivatives, maximum and minimum values and indefinite

Course Catalog Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the inequalities, functions
and their graphs, derivative and higher order derivatives, maximum and minimum values and
indefinite integrals

Course Contents
Inequalities, the absolute value, the coordinate system, the distance, the straight line, the
equation of a circle - functions and their graphs, operations on functions, the trigonometric
functions, the limits of functions and their theorems, continuity of functions - the derivative,
rules for finding derivatives, derivatives of the trigonometric functions, the chain rule, higher
order derivatives, implicit differentiations - maximum and minimum values, monotonicity and
concavity, local maximum and minimum values, limits at infinity, infinite limits, sketching of
the functions - indefinite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of calculus.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry; Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Varberg, By Prentice Hall
Publications, 4th edition, ISBN-10: 0131118072

Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

Calculus II
Course Title Calculus II Coordinator
Course Number 800102 Credit Hrs 4/0/4 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites Calculus I

Course Objectivess
To enable the students to understand the use of methods of integration and applications of

Course Catalog Description
The course introduces basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the inverse functions and its
derivatives, methods of integration, definite integration and its properties and applications of
integration and improper integrals.

Course Contents
Inverse functions and its derivatives, Exponential functions and its derivatives, logarithmic
functions and its derivatives, Inverse trigonometric functions and its derivatives, hyperbolic
functions, inverse hyperbolic functions and its derivatives - Methods of integration (integration
of trigonometric functions, integration of rational functions, integration by substitution,
integration by parts, integration by partial fractions), definite integration and its properties -
Applications of integration : calculating (areas, arc lengths, and rotational volumes, areas in
the Polar Coordinates) by using integration - LHospitals theorem and its applications,
improper integrals.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry; Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Varberg, By Prentice Hall
Publications, 4th edition, ISBN-10: 0131118072

Erwin Kreyszig; Herbert Kreyszig; Edward J. Norminton (2010), Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, John-Wily

General Physics I
Course Title General Physics I Coordinator
Course Number 403101 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5

Course Objectivess
15. Evaluating the components and direction angles of two-and three dimensional vectors.
16. Evaluating the forces required for static equilibrium of a particle.
17. Evaluating the magnitude, direction, and location of a point on the line of action of the
single force that is equivalent to a system of planar or parallel forces.
18. Determining the nature of the supports of a rigid body and to draw a free body diagram.
19. Evaluating unknown reactions holding a rigid body in equilibrium by solving the
equations of static equilibrium.
20. Understanding the principles of dry friction.
21. Evaluating the friction forces required to hold a system in equilibrium.
22. Developing the ability to use constant acceleration formulas that describe the position
and velocity of a point in rectilinear motion.
23. Understanding the definitions of the basic parameters for Cartesian coordinates and
cylindrical coordinates and from that to identify when each description is most suitable
for the solution of a given problem.
24. Developing the ability to convert velocities and accelerations from one kinematical
description to another.
25. Evaluating the kinematical properties of a projectile.
26. Relating the relative position, velocity, and acceleration of two points to their absolute
27. Analyzing the force in machines systems with friction such as belts.
28. Obtaining the equations of motion for a particle by using force acceleration, work-
energy, and impulse-momentum methods in conjunction with the kinematical
description appropriate to the motion and the force system.

Course Catalog Description
Mechanics Vectors - Properties of matter - Fluid dynamics - Wave motion - Sound waves -
Heat - Light.

Course Contents
Mechanics (The Physical Quantities, Standards and Units of Units, The International System,
he Standard of Time, The Standard of Length, The Standard of Mass, Dimensional Analysis)
Vectors (Vectors and Scalars, Components of Vectors, Adding Vectors: Component,
Multiplication of Vectors) Properties of Matter (Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Statics,
Fluids, Pressure and Density, Fluid at Rest, Variation of Pressure in a Principles, Pascal's and
Archimedes', Measurement of Pressure, Surface Tension) Fluid Dynamics (Streamlines and
the Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli's Equation, Applications of Bernoulli's, Equation and
the Equation of Continuity, Viscosity, Turbulence) - Wave Motion (Mechanical Waves, Types
of Waves, Travelling Waves, Wave Speed, Power and Intensity in Wave Motion, The
Principle of Super-position, Interference of Waves, Standing Waves, Resonance) - Sound
Waves( The speed of Sound, Travelling Longitudinal Waves, Power and Intensity of Sound
Waves, Standing Longitudinal Waves, Vibrating Systems and Sources of Sound, Beats,
Doppler Effect) - Heat (Temperature, Macro- and Microscopic Descriptions, Thermal
Equilibrium, Measuring Temperature, The Ideal Gas Temperature, Scale, Thermal Expansion,
Heat Form of Energy, Quantity of Heat and Specific Heat, Heat Conduction, The Mechanical
Equivalent of heat, Heat and Work) Light ( Visible Light, Speed of Light, Geometrical and
Wave Optics Light waves, Reflection and Refraction, Deriving the Law of Reflection, Image
Formation by Plane Mirrors, Deriving the Law of Refraction, Total Internal Reflection,
Spherical Mirrors, Spherical Refracting Surfaces, Thin Lenses, Optical Instruments).

[1] Physics by : Halliday, D and Resnick, Krane
[2] Electromagnetism Principles and Applications by Paul Lorrain and Dale R. Corson
[3] Physics for scientists and engineering by Serway 7
[4] Physics for student of science and Engineering by A.L.Stanford and J.M. Tanner

General Physics II
Course Title General Physics II Coordinator
Course Number 403102 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites General Physics I

Course Objectives
7. To understand basic Fundamentals of the course phenomena: Physics of electrostatic
Field, electrostatic Energy, and magnetic field.
8. The students should be trained on physical and generic skills (knowledge cognitive
interpersonal communication problem solving IT)
9. To describe, in words, the ways in which various concepts in this course come into play
in particular situations; to represent these physics102 phenomena and fields
mathematically in those situations; and to predict outcomes in other similar situations.
10. The day life applications in the domain of these course phenomena.
11. To analyze electric systems using a required basics.
12. To understanding behavior of components with direct and with alternating current.

Course Catalog Description
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric
structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential,
electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials.
Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic
waves and Maxwell's equations. Subject taught using the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active
Learning) studio format which utilizes small group interaction and current technology to help
students develop intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena.

Course Contents
Introduction to TEAL; Fields; Review of gravity; Electric field; Electric charge; Electric fields;
Dipoles; Continuous charge distributions; Coordinate systems; Gradients; Line and surface
integrals; electric potential, equipotential; Gauss's law; Conductors and capacitors; Current,
Resistance, and DC circuits; Magnetic fields: Creating magnetic fields - Biot-Savart, Ampere's
Law, Feeling magnetic fields, charges and dipoles, Magnetic levitation; Magnetic forces on
dipoles, Force and torque on a current loop, Faraday's law; Mutual inductance and
transformers; Inductors and magnetic energy; RC and RL circuits; LC, and undriven LRC
circuits; Driven LRC circuits; Maxwell's equations, EM radiation and energy flow, EM
radiation, Generating EM radiation.

5. Physics by : Halliday, D and Resnick, Krane
6. Electromagnetism Principles and Applications by Paul Lorrain and Dale R. Corson
7. Physics for scientists and engineering by Serway 7
8. Physics for student of science and Engineering by A.L.Stanford and J.M. Tanner

General Chemistry I
Course Title General Chemistry I Coordinator
Course Number 402101 Credit Hrs 3/1/4 Contact Hrs 5
Prerequisites General Physics I

Course Objectives
4. Definition of the basics of physical chemistry and the impact of various factors of
pressure and temperature on the three states of matter. The chemical reactions and laws
used to set the physical constants.
5. Studying the different types of solutions and their properties and laws used to set the
physical constants.
6. Studying the changes in chemical energy into thermal or electrical energy and laws

Course Catalog Description
The course includes theoretical and practical bases for the calculation of some of the physical
constants of material transformations from state to another and in their chemical reactions.

Course Contents
Concentration: Methods of Expressing Concentration, Concentration of Pure Substances,
SI Units
Thermodynamics and Therochemistry: First Law of Thermodynamics, Hesss Law and its
Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells, Electrochemical Series, Electromotive Force, Nernst
Equation, Electrolytic cells, Faraday Electrolytic Equation.
Matter states:
The gaseous State: Equation of Ideal Gas, Van der Waalss Equation, Gas liquefying
The Liquid State: Evaporation, Vapor Pressure of Liquid, Boiling, Boiling Point, Heat
of Vaporization, Surface Tension, Viscosity
The Solid State: Heat of fusion, Crystalline Solids, X-ray and Crystal Structures
Industrial chemistry:
Cement: Components, Specifications, Types of Cement, Theory of Cement Hardening.
Water: Natural recourses of Water, Water hardness, Softening of water, Purification of
Oil: The origin of crude oil, Oil refining, Crude Oil Evaluation, The different types of

General and Physical Chemistry by Dr Omar AbduAlla AlHazazi, Faculty of Applied
Science, Umm Al-Qura University
Chemistry for Scientists and Engineering by: L. W. Fine, L. W., Beall, H. and Stuehr, J.

English Language I
Course Title English Language I Coordinator
Course Number 705101 Credit Hrs 0/8/2 Contact Hrs 8

Course Objectives
4. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to a wide range of universal
topics selected from a wide variety of materials.
5. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand and use four language skills of grammar, Oral Communication, Reading, and
6. Enhance use of everyday English to practice functional language skills and social

Course Contents
The course has the following 4 skills:
READING COMPREHENSION contact hours 2 per week
In this course students study mathematics, therefore the first few units are about simple
mathematical concepts. The latter are about simple scientific topics. The exercises for the
three levels are graded from very simple to advance. In English 101 the students sift
through the reading texts for measuring of technical terms, fill in the blanks ,choose the
best answers and answer simple comprehension questions.
WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aims of the course: The student should be able to:
Write simple and compound sentences about numbers, expressions, figures and shapes;
Describe forces energy and graphical concepts in simple sentences:
Translate tree diagrams and tables into simple sentences;
Describe fully labeled diagrams into sentences;
Answer simple questions about visual presentation in sentences;
Write short paragraph about instruments and simple processes (devices.)
LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to introduce the students to listening and note-taking skills
through the medium of simple to medium level oral texts of engineering and Islamic
Architecture subject matter.
GRAMMER contact hours 2 per week
The main goal of this skill is to help the students master the basic grammatical structures of the
English language. By doing so, the students will be able to read, write and speak English as
correctly as possible.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.

Communication Skills in English I
Course Title Communication Skills in English I Coordinator
Course Number 705102 Credit Hrs 0/8/3 Contact Hrs 8
Prerequisites English Language I

Course Objectives
3. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand the technical language offered in English as a medium of instruction.
4. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to the technical language.
Expose students to wide range of topics. Build knowledge of key vocabulary in their
relevant field.

Course Contents
READING COMPRREHENSION contact: 2 per week
In this course students study chemistry, therefore, the lessons have been chosen from
general topics in chemistry but are of relevance to students of all Engineering departments.
The exercises for the three levels are graded from very simple to advance .In this course the
students use different parts of speech in sentence building definitions comprehension

WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aim of the courses:
The students should achieve all the objectives (aims) of English Language I writing.
The Student should be able to.
Write about simple and complex processes from the fully labeled diagrams;
Describe the reactions into sentences;
Describe the information from a table of results.
Translate tree diagrams into meaningful sentences.
Write instruction and description from the visual input;
Change instruction and description into report structure;
Extract information by answering simple questions on the conceptual area.

LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to expand the students listening and note-taking skills
practiced in the previous course English Language I through the medium of medium to
slightly difficult level oral texts of engineering subject matter.

GRAMMAR contact hours 2 per week
Grammar this course continues the task of teaching the structure of the English language
that was initiated by Grammar English Language I.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.
Communication Skills in English II
Course Title Communication Skills in English II Coordinator
Course Number 705103 Credit Hrs 0/6/3 Contact Hrs 6
Prerequisites Communication Skills in English I

Course Objectives
3. Provide English Language instruction to enhance students proficiency and enable them to
understand the technical language offered in English as a medium of instruction.
4. Build students confidence and motivation through exposure to the technical language.
Expose students to wide range of topics. Build knowledge of key vocabulary in their
relevant field.

Course Contents
READING COMPRREHENSION contact: 2 per week
In this course the topics are about general physics and other topics pertinent to all
engineering disciplines.
The exercise for the three levels are graded from very simple to advance .In this course the
students use different parts of speech in sentence building and summarize passages.

SCIENTIFIC REPORT WRITING contact hours : 2 per week
Aim of the courses:
The students should achieve all the objectives (aims) of English Language I and
Communication Skills in English I writing.
Student should be able to.
Understand the scientific apparatus used in the experimental situation.
Write instructions of the experimental actions using imperatives;
Write the description of a simple scientific experimental situation;
Write the procedure of the experiment in passive voice;
Present results in a tabular form;
Plot a graph from the experimental data provided;
Understand parts of a report;
Write conclusions from the discussion of the graphs;
Write simple report from visual input and without graphs;
Write and experimental report of a set format;
Answer language questions on the written report.

LECTURE & NOTE-TAKING contact hours: 2 per week
This component is designed to complete the students listening and note-taking skills
thorough the medium of difficult level oral texts of engineering subject matter.

The reading units in this course have been chosen and prepared -in form of booklets- by
English Language Center staff, Umm Al-Qura University, keeping in the mind the subjects
which the students study in their respective departments.
Computer Programming I
Course Title Computer Programming 1 Coordinator
Course Number 805211 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites English Language 1

Course Objectives
To make students acquainted with: Ground rules, Digital computers and computer systems,
high level versus low level programming languages, Compilers.

Course Catalog Description
Students are to be exposed to computer organization and hardware concepts, Programming
languages, FORTRAN programming.

Course Contents
1. Demonstrating the steps involved in editing and Compiling: Linking, and Executing a short
program, Involving manipulations of data objects stored as constants or variables.
2. Data types: Type declarations, Arithmetic expressions, Assignment statements, Simple
READS and PRINTS, FORTRAN 90 features.
3. Round off error caused by finite storage representations: Character expressions and
operations, Relational and Compound logical expressions, Intrinsic functions.
4. Structured programming and Control structures: IF statement, Solving problem with
decision steps, Tracing an algorithm or program.
5. Repetition in programs: General DO loop structure, Number of loop repetitions, Case study
Accumulating a sum, Problem solving illustration.
7. Using DO loop to evaluate a series as a case study: WHILE loop for the simulations that
the exact number of loop repetitions can not be determined before loop execution begins,
Comparison of WHILE and DO loops.
8. Top-Down design: with Subprograms, Library functions, User-defined functions, Calling
user-defined functions, Rules for using functions.
10. Function Interface: Argument Correspondence rules, Side effects of functions, Single-
Statement user define functions.
11. Defining a subroutine: Calling a subroutine, Rules for using subroutines, Top-Down design
and structure charts, Main difference between subroutine and function, When to use a
subroutine or a function.
12. Bottom-Up testing and Top-Down testing: Common programming errors, Format
statement for input and output, Line control characters, Partitioning a data line into fields,
Rules for formatted input, Edit descriptors.
13. Declaring and Referencing arrays: Array subscripts, using DO loops to process arrays,
input and Output of arrays.
1. Elliot B. Koffman and Frank L. Friedman. 1993. FORTRAN with Engineering Applications.
2. Daniel D. McCraacken and William I. Salmon. 1988. Computer for Engineering and
Scientists with FORTRAN 77. 2

Electrical Engineering for CE Students
Course Title Electrical Engineering for
CE Students
Course Number 802306 Credit Hrs 1/1/2 Contact Hrs 4
Prerequisites General Physics I, General Physics II

Course Objectives
To give the Civil Engineering students basic concepts on electrical circuit components &
theories; with emphasis on electrical machines, transformers, distribution of electric power &
wiring of buildings.

Course Catalog Description
Electric units & quantities, Ohm & Kirchhoff laws, reduction of resistors, dc circuits, network
theories, single & three-phase ac circuits, emf generation, phasors, power factor, transformers,
electric machines & applications, distribution of electric power & wiring of buildings.

Course Contents
International system of units for basic electric quantities: work/energy, power, current,
potential difference, resistance, inductance & capacitance.
Ohm & Kirchhoff laws, reduction of resistors connected in series & parallel, Y-D conversion.
DC circuits, nodal & mesh analysis, superposition & Thevenin theorems.
AC circuits, generation of alternating emf, average and rms values, representation of an
alternating quantity by a phasor, addition and subtraction of sinusoidal alternating quantities.
Single-phase ac circuits, resistive ac circuits, inductive ac circuits, capacitive ac circuits,
relationships between their currents & voltages, series RLC ac circuit, active & reactive power,
power factor.
Transformer principle, emf equation, phasor diagram at no load & full load, three-phase
transformers, auto-transformers.
Electrical machines, general arrangement of alternators, stator windings, expression for
alternator emf, applications on single-phase & 3-phase generators.
Internal electrical connections in buildings, live & neutral conductors, three-phase distribution,
correct connections, fuse boards & sub-boards, circuits & sub-circuits.

3. Hughes, Electrical technology, 7
Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1995.
4. P.J. Freeman, Electric power transmission and distribution, 2
Ed., Harrap.

Engineering Statistics and Probability Theory
Course Title Engineering Statistics and
Probability Theory
Course Number 804343 Credit Hrs 3/0/3 Contact Hrs 3
Prerequisites Engineering Math I

Course Objectives
To have students understand basics of probability and statistics and their numerous pplications
in solving engineering problems.

Course Catalog Description
Data treatment and analysis probability discrete probability distributions continuous
probability distributions sampling distributions statistical inferences basics of regression.

Course Contents
Frequency distributions graphs of frequency distributions descriptive measures
calculations for central tendency and variability sample spaces and events counting
axioms of probability elementary probability theorems conditional probability Bays
theorem mathematical expectations discrete random variables Binomial distribution
hypergeometric distribution mean and variance of a probability distribution Chebyshevs
theorem Poisson process multinomial distribution continuous random variables normal
distribution uniform, log-normal, gamma, beta and weibal probability distributions joint
probability densities populations and samples sampling distribution of the mean sampling
distribution of the variance point and interval estimations tests of hypothesis hypothesis
concerning one and two means operating characteristics curves engineering applications in
each topic are emphasized method of least squares inferences based on least square
methods correlation.

5. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers by Douglas C. Montgomery, George
C. Runger John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 1998.
6. Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Management Science, 3rd Edition by
William W. Hines, Douglas C. Montgomery John Wiley & Sons, 3 edition, 1990.
7. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Anthony J. Hayter Duxbury
Press, 2nd edition, 2001.
8. The Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Harrison M.
Wadsworth (Editor) McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 2nd edition, 1997.

Engineering Drawing I
Course Title Engineering Drawing I Coordinator
Course Number 804151 Credit Hrs 0/6/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
Drawing equipment and use, Geometric construction, Multi view projection, Pictorial
projection, Free hand sketching, Sectioning and section, Intersections, Development.

Course Contents
Drawing equipment ( method of use Lines Title blocks - Drawing scales) , Geometric
construction (Geometric construction on lines, arcs and circles Drawing of conic sections) ,
Multiview projection (Projection Views of point, Views of solids Lay-out of views ) ,
Pictorial projection (Pictorial presentation of point, line and surface - Pictorial presentation
solids Isometric and oblique presentations ) , Free hand sketching (Free hand sketching of
lines, rings, circles and conic sections - Isometric and oblique free hand sketching of solids
Free hand sketching of views and sections) , Sectioning and section (sections and types full,
half and partial sections Special sections Hatching ) , Intersections (cutting planes
intersecting of surfaces and solids Intersecting of solids ) , Development.

5. Engineering drawing, Mahmoud S. Zaamout and Hani Al- Hakim
6. Engineering Drawing and Design by Cecil Howard Jensen, Jay D. Helsel Glencoe
McGraw Hill, 5th edition, 1997.
7. Engineering Drawing and Graphic Technology by Thomas E. French, et al McGraw-
Hill Higher Education, 14th edition, 1993.
8. Principles of Engineering Drawing : by Louis Gary Lamit, Kathleen L. Kitto Delmar
Learning, 1st edition, 1994.

Workshop Basics
Course Title Workshop Basics Coordinator
Course Number 804231 Credit Hrs 2/4/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Engineering drawing I

Course Objectives

Studying some elementary manufacturing techniques as well as gaining some practical skill.

Course Catalog Description
Industrial safety- Engineering material-Bench work-Fundamental of metrology and inspection-
Shearing machine-Drilling machines-Shaping machines and shaping operations-Turning
machines and turning operations-Milling machines and milling operations-Grinding
operations- Sheet metal work- Forming operations-Forging and heat treatment operations.

Course Contents
Industrial safety-requirements, methods and applications-Engineering materials (ferrous and
non-ferrous , metallic and non-metallic)-Properties of the engineering material-Bench work
(techniques-tools-advantages)-Basics of metrology and inspection (studying some measuring
hand tools and inspection by using limit gauges)- Drilling operations and machines, the use
and advantages of each drilling machine- Shaping operations and machines. Machine parts and
basic movements. Turning machines, its parts and function of each part. Turning operations,
cutting tools, and materials of cutting tools. Milling machines (horizontal, vertical, and
universal) and the use of each. Grinding machines, operations and wheels. Sheet metal work
(different operations) Cold and hot forming process, forging . Etc. Introduction to Special

4. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes by John A. Schey McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 3rd edition, 1999.
5. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, 2nd
Edition by Mikell P. Groover John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 2001.
6. Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide by Robert H. Todd, et al Industrial Pr, 1st
edition, 1994.

Engineering Economics
Course Title Engineering Economics Coordinator
Course Number 804344 Credit Hrs 2/0/2 Contact Hrs 2

Course Objectives
To have the student grasp the significance of the economic aspects of engineering and
become proficient in the evaluation of engineering proposals in terms of worth and cost and
their feasibility.

Course Catalog Description
Economic significance in the field of engineering simple and compound profit formulae
economic equivalence bases for comparison of alternatives decision making among
alternatives evaluating replacement alternatives break even and minimum cost analysis
depreciation sensitivity analysis.

Course Contents
Physical and economic efficiency value and utility economic aspects of exchange cost
classifications: fixed, operations and maintenance, life cycle, variable, incremental and
marginal simple and compound profit describing cash flows over time profit formulae
(discrete compounding and payments) nominal and effective rates equivalence
calculations: single factor, cash flows, frequent compounding, bonds and loans comparisons
based on: present worth, annual equivalent, future worth, rate of return, and payback period
mutually exclusive alternatives present worth, annual worth, and future worth on total
investment and incremental investment comparisons with unequal lives nature of
replacement analysis and calculations replacement analysis for unequal lives economic life
breakeven analysis: two alternatives and multiple alternatives minimum cost analysis:
single and multiple alternatives accounting for the consumption of assets classification of
depreciation depreciation methods: straight line, declining balance, sum of the years digits
and sinking fund service output and unit production depreciation depletion sensitivity
analysis for factors such as gradient, rate and expected life.

4. Advanced Engineering Economics by Chan S. Park, Gunter P. Sharp-Bette John Wiley
& Sons, 1st edition, 1990.
5. Fourth Generation R&d : Managing Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation by
William L. Miller, Langdon Morris John Wiley & Sons, 1
edition, 1999.
6. Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and perations Management by
Gavriel Salvendy (Editor) Wiley-Interscience, 3rd edition, 2001.

Experimental Engineering for the Civil Engineer
Course Title Experimental Engineering for Civil Engineer Coordinator
Course Number 804342 Credit Hrs 1/2/2 Contact Hrs 2
Prerequisites Electrical Engineering for CE Students

Course Objectives
Studying the basics of experimental engineering measurements, measuring systems, and
methods of sensing the physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, force, temperature,

Course Catalog Description
Introduction on experimental engineering, measurements, and general definitions. Importance
of engineering measurements. Different measuring systems, and the generalized measuring
system. Advantages and limitations of each system. Static characteristics of measuring
systems. Experimental theory, and measuring errors. Basic units, standards, and dimensions of
physical quantities. Transducers. Different applications.

Course Contents
Introduction on experimental engineering, importance, and definitions. Measuring systems
(Mechanical systems- Direct and indirect measurements- Generalized measuring system-
Mechanical and electrical measuring devices- Advantages and limitations of each system)-
Static, and dynamic characteristics of measuring systems. Characteristics of good measuring
system. Experimental theory, measuring errors and errors analysis ( Importance of
experimental work- Experimental procedure-Technical reports- results verification- results and
data representation)-Measuring errors; types, analysis, elimination, average, deviation,
uncertainty, curve fitting .etc.- Elimination of dubious readings. Basic units and standards.
Transducers and their classification. Applications on using the transducers in measuring
displacement, pressure, strain, force, speed, temperature, humidity, flow rate, liquid level, air

4. Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers by Hugh W. Coleman, W.
Glenn, Jr. Steele Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 1998.
5. Experimental Methods for Engineers by Jack P. Holman McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 7th edition, 2000.
6. Experimental engineering by Mastyn Sary McGraw-Hill Book Company.


Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Ability to identify, formulate and solve the analytical and numerical problems associated
with the project
2. Ability to design a system, component or process with defined constraints of the project
Ability to plan, design and conduct the laboratory or numerical experiments required for the
project and to analyze and interpret the data
Ability to describe the economic and environmental impact and contemporary issues of the
project and various alternative solutions
5. Ability to function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
Ability to understand the codes and local laws regulating various aspects of the project and
apply the codes wherever possible
Ability to identify and analyze a situation involving professional ethics and to make a
Ability to prepare an engineering report of the project and present it demonstrating
engineering communication skills
Ability to collect data and information required to complete the project from Library and
Internet resources

CLO-SO Map: Entries in the table indicate which CLO relate to which SOs.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Student Outcomes (SO):
Course Learning Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k

1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Blank or 0: Very low or no skill level 1: Significant skill level

Prepared by: M. H. Imam & Akthem Al-Manaseer
Last update: Sept 16, 2011

Appendix B Faculty Vitae
CVs of faculty members are given in the following pages:


1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN, USA, 1998
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, TN. USA., 1991
B.S. Architecture and building Engineering, Technical Univ. Budapest, Hungary, 1988
Ass. Civil Engineering Mousul technical institute, Iraq 1984

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Assoc. Prof., Civil Engineering, January, (2013 - now) FT
Lecturer at Road institute, Riyadh, KSA, (2010- 2012) FT
El Furat University AL- Hassake, Syria, Lecturer, Civil Engineering, (2009-2010) FT
Itihad University, Raqqa, Syria, Head, Civil Engineering Department (2006-2009) FT
Itihad University, Raqqa, Syria, Assoc. Prof., Civil Engineering Department (2005-2006) FT
University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA Architecture Department (1990-2992) PT

3- Non-academic experience
Bin Sammar Construction Co., Riyadh, Projects Engineer 2012-2013 FT
Gulf Engineering House (GEH), Riyadh, KSA, Projects manager, 2010- 2012 PT
Various constructions companies, Syria, Consulting Engineer, 1999-2005 FT
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Research Associate, Civil Engineering Dep. 1996-1998 FT
Tennessee Department of Transportation, Project Engineer, Tennessee, USA 1992-1996 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

Member of the Saudi Council of Engineers

Member of the Syrian Council of Engineers
6- Honors and awards:
1- Certificate for the. top student, 1984 from Faculty of Civil Engineering from mosul institute of
technology rank 1/77 Students
2- Full teaching assistant ship 1990,the university of Tennessee, Knoxville, Civil Engineering
3- Full Research Associate 1996,-1998 the University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Civil Engineering
7- Service activities:

1- preparing and teaching seminars in construction management, Riyadh road
2- preparing and teaching seminars in bridge inspection and evaluation, Riyadh road
3- preparing and teaching seminars in quality control and quality assurance, Riyadh road
4- preparing and teaching seminars in super pave design, Riyadh road institute,2012


8- Publications and presentations from the past five years

1- presentation for preparing structure code for bridges, tunnels, culvert and pedestrian,
Riyadh 2011 spencer by ministry of municipalities
2- presentation for alternative methods for infra-structure trench in the city of Riyadh
2011 spencer by ministry of municipalities
9- Recent professional development activities
1- Super pave design for border guard road 2012,Bin laden Inc.
2- Constriction work plan and methods, for the fourth wring road intersection with Jabal
Thor road in Makah 2012
3- Project manager for fourth wring road in makkeh,2012
4- Head of project ,to design 100 parks and gardens in city of Taaif
5- Head of preparing structure code for bridges, tunnels, culvert and pedestrian, Riyadh
2010-2012 spencer by ministry of municipalities.

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering Al Minia University 2008
M.Sc. Civil Engineering Al Minia University 2004
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Al Minia University 2001

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor, 2011-date FT
Beni suef University, Lecturer, 2009-2011 FT
National Research Center (NRC), Project Coordinator, 2005-2010 PT
Construction Research Institute (CRI), Researcher, 2007-2009 FT
Al Minia University, Assistant Lecturer 2001-2007 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Beni suef University, Manager, Quality Assurance Unit, 2010-2011 PT
Beni suef University, Coordinator, Counseling Center, 2009-2011 PT
Beni suef University, Member, Faculty council, 2009-2011 PT
Construction Research Institute (CRI), Member, Counseling Center, 2007-2009 PT
National Research Center, Project Coordinator, Fire protection project, 2005-2010 PT
Private Consultant, Structural Designer, 2001-2011 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Egyptian Engineers Association.
2- Membership in Egyptian Engineers Association-Makkah-Al Mokramah

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
1- Coordinator of Consulting engineering - Beni Suef University.
2- Manager of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit Beni Suef University.
4- Scientific publishing work shop -Beni Suef University.
5- Strategic planning work shop -Beni Suef University.
6- Examination systems and Student calendar work shop -Beni Suef University.
7- Teaching credit hour system work shop -Beni Suef University.
8- Quality standards in educational process work shop -Beni Suef University.
9- Ethics of scientific research work shop -Beni Suef University.
10- Time and Meeting management work shop -Beni Suef University.

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- "Effect of Openings Locations of Quadratic Folded Plate Roofing Systems on Their Static and
Dynamic behavior" under review.
2- "Protection of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted by Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer
Composites Against Elevated Temperatures" Canadian journal of civil engineering, Vol. 37, No. 9
September, 2010 ISSN 1208-6029, page 1171-1178, Impact Factor 0.402.
3- "Effect of Geometric Configuration of Quadratic Folded Plate Roofing Systems on Their Static and
Dynamic Behavior" Journal of American Science, Vol. 6, Issue. 7 July, 2010 ISSN 1545-1003, page
318-326 Impact Factor 0.5.
4- "Evaluation of Proposed Low Thermal Conductivity Mortars for Application on CFRP Retrofitted
Reinforced Concrete Structures" Alazhar University Vol. 31. No.4 page 1092-1104.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Research project about the Effect of Reinforced Concrete Member Scale Factor on its Fire
2- Research project about Repair of Flat Slab after Fire Damage.
3- Research project about Repair of Flat Slab after Fire Damage.

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Eng. (Geotechnical) University of Wales, College of Cardiff, UK 1987
M.Sc. Civil Eng. (Geotechnical) University of Arizona, USA 1984
B.Sc. Civil Eng. King Fahad of Petroleum and Mineral, KSA 1980

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:

Umm Al-Qura University, Professor 2010-date FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor 1994-2010 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor 1987-1994 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
1- Makkah Civil Defense, Part time consultant, 2000-2010 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
1. Al Baha University, Vice Rector 2007-2010 FT
2. Al Baha University, Dean 2005-2007 FT
3. Umm Al-Qura University, Dean College of Engineering, 2001-2004 FT
4. Umm Al-Qura University, Vice Dean College of Engineering 1989-1991 FT
5. Umm Al-Qura University, Head of Civil Engineering department, 1988-1989 FT
6. Member Technical Committee University campus
7. General Secretary of 5th Saudi Engineering Conference.
8. Member of University Science council.
9. Participation in the committee for preparation of college of Engineering and Islamic Architecture
programs in Makkah 2002.

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:

9- Recent professional development activities:

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Surveying & Geospatial Engineering, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney 2013
M.S. Surveying, University College London, London, UK 2007
B.S. Civil Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia 2002

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering 2013-date FT
Umm Al-Qura University Assistant Lecturer, Civil Engineering 2004-2005 FT

3- Non-academic experience: Non-academic experience Non-academic experience
Projects Engineer, Al-Qunfuda Municipaity, Al-Qunfuda, Saudi Arabia, 2002-2004 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
Member of the Saudi Council of Engineers
Member of the U.S. Institute of Navigation

6- Honors and awards:
Promoted Mueed Position at Umm Al-Qura University for high Performance during
undergraduate studies.

Awarded the best paper in 14
International Association of Institute of Navigation (IAIN)
Congress 2012.

7- Service activities:
Financial officer at Saudi School London

Co-Founder of Saudi Students Training Centre in Sydney

Founder of my Future is In Career (FIC) project (

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
Al-Shaery, A., S. Lim and C. Rizos (2011) Investigation of different interpolation models used
in network-RTK for the virtual reference station technique Journal of Global
Positioning Systems, 10(2), 136-148.
Al-Shaery, A., S. Zhang & C. Rizos (2012) An enhanced calibration method of GLONASS
inter-channel bias for GNSS RTK, Journal of GPS Solutions, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-
Al-Shaery, A., S. Zhang, S. Lim and C. Rizos (2012) GPS/GLONASS Network-RTK for
Mixed baselines, GPS Solutions, Submitted.
Conference Proceedings
Al-Shaery, A., S. Lim and C. Rizos (2010) Functional models of ordinary kriging for real-time
kinematic positioning, 5th International Navigation Conference and Exhibition-Melaha
2010, Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 May, CD-ROM procs.

Al-Shaery, A., S. Lim and C. Rizos (2010) Functional models of ordinary kriging for medium
range real-time kinematic positioning based on the virtual reference station technique,
23rd International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of
Navigation, Portland, Oregon, 21-24 September, pp 2513-2521.

Al-Shaery, A., S. Lim and C. Rizos (2011) Assessment of network-based positioning
performance using GPS alone versus GPS and GLONASS Combined, 24rd
International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation,
Portland, Oregon, 19-23 September, pp 2341-2349.

Al-Shaery, A., S. Zhang, S. Lim and C. Rizos (2012) Challenges of Seamless Multi-GNSS the
International Associate of Institute of Navigation (IAIN) conference, Cairo, Egypt, 1-3
October, CD-ROM procs.

Al-Shaery, A., S. Zhang, S. Lim and C. Rizos (2012) A Comparative Study of Mathematical
Modelling for GPS/GLONASS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK), 25rd International
Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Nashville,
Tennessee, 17-21 September.

Al-Shaery, A., S. Zhang, S. Lim and C. Rizos (2012) Multi-GNSS Opportunities and
Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 27 April.

9- Recent professional development activities

25th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of
Navigation, Nashville, Tennessee, September 2012

Challenges of Seamless Multi-GNSS the International Associate of Institute of
Navigation (IAIN) conference, Cairo, Egypt, 1-3 October 2012

24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of
Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 2011

Co-Founder of Saudi Students Training Centre in Sydney 2012

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Eng. Surveying, Al Alzhar University, Egypt 1991
M.Sc. Civil Eng. Surveying, Al Alzhar University, Egypt 1986
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Al Alzhar University, Egypt 1979

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Professor 1999-date FT
Banha University, Associate Prof., Higher technology institute 1997-1999 FT
Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Assistant professor, Civil Dept. 1991-1997 FT
AUC (American University in Cairo), Civil Department. 1991-1992 PT
Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Lecturer, Civil Dept., 1986-1991 FT
Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Demonstrator, Civil Dept. 1980-1986 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
EHAF Consultant Engineering for R.C and Surveying Works 1980-1999 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Consultant Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers
2- Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers
3- Society of Saudi Civil Engineers
4- Consultant Engineer for design R.C. Structure
5- Consultant of Center of Consulting and Engineering Works of Al- Azhar University

6- Honors and awards:
3- Certificate for the B. Sc. top student, 1979 from Faculty of Engineering Al Azher University
4- Certificate for Consultant Engineer 1998, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- "Mobile Measurement of Rut Depth Using Close Range Photogrammetry " Sixth International
Conference on Engineering Computation Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008
2- "The Effect of Vehicle Speed on Rut Depth Measurement Using Close Range Photogrammetry"
Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computation Technology, Valencia, Spain, 2010.
3- Effect of Control Point Location on Rut Depth Measurement Using Close Range Photogrammetry
The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering
Computing, China, Crete, Greece 2011.

9- Recent professional development activities
1- Academic lecturer preparation Workshop in each of Al Azhar and
2- Supervisor of the Surveying laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Al Azhar University, Egypt.
3- Supervisor of the Surveying and Photogrammetry Laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department
of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (till 2011)
4- Consulting of Surveying of Higher Committee of Culture, Culture Ministry, Egypt.
5- Member of Civil Engineering Department Committee in the Civil Engineering Department, College
of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
6- Member of Capstone ABET Committee in the civil engineering department, College of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
7- Chair Man of long term learning ABET Committee in the Civil Engineering Department, College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Structural Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 2004
M.Tech. Structure Analysis Aligarh Muslim University, ALIGARH 1995
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 1992

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering 2011- date FT
Jamia Millia Islamia, INDIA, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering 2007-2011 FT
Jamia Millia Islamia, INDIA, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering 1995-2007 FT
Jamia Millia Islamia, INDIA, Research Associate, Dept. of Civil Engineering 1995-1995 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Jamia Millia Islamia, Central Govt. University, New Delhi,
Senior Warden, Hostel, Administration 16.7.2005- 03.01.2011, PT
Staff Selection Commission, Government of India, Advisor of Interview Board To conduct the
Interviews for Engineers, Periodic, 2008-2011, PT
Jamia Millia Islamia, Central Govt. University, New Delhi, Assistant Proctor, University, To
maintain & management of student discipline, 2007-2009, PT
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, INDIA,
Tabulator Examination of B. TECH, M.Tech 2005-03.01.2011, PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Life Member, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, India
2- Member of Academic Council, Jamia Millia Islamia, N. Delhi, India
3- Senior Executive Member of JTA, Jamia Millia Islamia, N. Delhi, India
4- Member of Faculty Committee, (2004 2007), Faculty of Eng. & Technology, Jamia
Millia Islamia, N. Delhi
5- Member of Board of Studies, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Eng. &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, N. Delhi, India
6- Life Member, Indian Society of Environmental Management, India
7- Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education, India

6- Honors and awards:
1- Recipient of merit scholarship in JMI, University
2- Recipient of Central Government merit scholarship

7- Service activities:
1- Member, Purchase Committee of Hrayna Wakf Board Engineering College, Haryna
2- Member, Building Committee of Hrayna Wakf Board Engineering College, Haryna
3- Treasurer, Jamia Engineering Alumni Association, JMI, India, 2000-2011
4- Registered Design and Construction Consultant in Building Department of University
5- Registered Structural Design Consultant to various Government and Private organization,
Government of India and NCT of Delhi

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Asif Husain & Majid Matauq Assas, Utilization of Demolished Concrete Waste for New
Construction, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 73, January 2013,
Zurich, pp. 675 679.
2- F. Hafees, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N.Deshmukh Miniature Test Technique for accuiring
true Stress-Strain curves for a large range of Strains using a tensile test and Inverse Finite Element
method, Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland, Applied Mechanics and Materials vols. 110-116
(2012) pp 4204-4211.
3- Majid Assas, Asif Husan, D.K. Sehgal Identification of mechanical characteristics of materials
using diminutive specimen-an empirical study, Published by Elsevier Ltd., Procedia Engineering
10 (2011) 3109-3116.
4- F. Hafeez, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N.Deshmukh, Small Specimen test Technique to
Monitor the Performance of in-service Components: Experiment and Modeling, Proceeding of
National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2011) India, pp. 15-
5- Asif Husain, Jabbar Ahmed and Mehtab Alam RECYCLE AND REUSE OF DEMOLISHED
CONCRETE WASTE Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Sustainability
with Green Building Technology, 15-17 March, 2010, Dept. of Civil Engg., Meenakshi Sundarajan
Engineering, College, Chennai, India. pp.198-202.
6- Asif Husain, Farrukh Hafeez, D. K. Sehgal and M.N.Deshmukh, ANN Based Finite Element
Method for the Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Materials International Conference on the
ICCES Special Symposium on Recent Studies in Meshless Methods Suzhou, Shanghai, China, Edt.
Z. H. Yao., J. Soric, S. N. Atluri, Tech Science Press, pp.74-90, 2009.
7- Husain, A., M. Guniganti, Sehgal, D. K., and Pandey, R. K., Miniature Shear Punch Test For The
Identification of Materials Properties With The Help of Finite Element Method And Neural
Networks, International journal of Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol 3., 2009.
8- F. Hafees, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N. Deshmukh Inverse Modeling Technique for the
Prediction of Constitutive Behavior of Steels, Proceeding of International Conference on Advances
in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science,
Pilani, Rajasthan, pp.1-8. Oct. 25-27, 2009
9- Husain A., D. K. Sehgal and R. K. Pandey Design of a Simple Versatile Small-Specimen Punch
Test Setup for Determination of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Journal of Experimental
Techniques, Bethel, USA, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 33-38.

9- Recent professional development activities
1- Development of Reinforced Interlocking Hollow Block System for Earthquake Resistant
Construction Using Industrial Waste,
2- Developed a Simple Versatile Small-Specimen Punch Test Setup for Testing the Miniature
3- Developed Inverse Finite Element Procedure for The Determination of the Mechanical Behavior of
4- Utilization of Demolished Concrete Waste for New Construction

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Material Engineering Zagazig University - Egypt 1994
M.Sc. Material Engineering Zagazig University - Egypt 1990
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Zagazig University - Egypt 1985

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al_Qura university Professor 2009-date FT
Umm Al_Qura university Associated Professor 2001-2009 FT
Zagazig University Assistant Professor 1994-2001 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Hassan Osman office. (Consulting Engineers), Consultant, Design, 2002-date PT
Dar El Khbera El- Handsia, (Consulting office), Consultant, Design 1999-2002 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Consultant of concrete Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 2004

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers
2- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering
3- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1985

6- Honors and awards:
1- Certificate of Recognition for his services to the college of engineering administration and
departments, 2008

7- Service activities:
1- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
(2004 2006- 2008 - 2009);
2- Supervisor of the concrete technology laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (from 2004 to 2010);
3- Coordinator of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-
Qura University (2006);
4- Member of Surveys and Exit Interviews Committee of civil Engineering department of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011);

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman. Impact of silica fume and fiber on the Performance of Scoria concrete 36

CSCE Annual Conference in Quebec City, June 10-13, 2008, Canada.
2- O. A. Salah El-Din, M.M.M. El-Aiat, A.G. Abdel-Rahman, and M. Ramadan Behavior of
Strengthened or Repaired R.C. Columns using Corrugated Steel Jackets Technique Civil
Engineering Research Magazine, Civil Engineering Department, Al-Azhar University Vol. , No.
2009, Cairo.
3- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman, and F. A. Mirza. Investigations on Behavior of Self-Compacting Lightweight
Aggregate Concrete Civil Engineering Research Magazine, Civil Engineering Department, Al-
Azhar University Vol. , No. 2009, Cairo.
4- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman, and F. A. Mirza. Investigations on Behavior of Self-Compacting Lightweight
Aggregate Concrete Civil Engineering Research Magazine, Civil Engineering Department, Al-
Azhar University Vol. 31 , No.1, 2009,PP,225-237 Cairo.
5- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman, and F. A. Mirza."Mechanical Properties of light weight Fibrous Concrete
Using Local Scoria Lightweight Aggregates" Scientific Bulletin, Ain Shams University, faculty of
Engineering, Vol. 1, March, 2010.Cairo.
6- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman, "The Linkages between mix proportions, transport properties, and durability
for different types of concrete "Scientific Bulletin, Ain Shams University, faculty of Engineering,
Vol.1, March, 2010.Cairo.
7- A.G. Abdel-Rhaman, S. Abdel-Raheem. "Self-compacting lightweight concrete Containing fly
ash Scientific Bulletin, Ain Shams University, faculty of Engineering, Vol.1, March, 2010, Cairo.

9- Recent professional development activities
1- Participation in the studies for developing wandering of Alharm-Makkah KSA.

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, USA 2000
M.S. Construction Engineering & Project Management, Oklahoma State University 1997
Diploma in Geographic Data Management, Oklahoma State University, USA 1997
B.S. Civil Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia 1991

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor, 2007-date
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant professor, 2000-2007
Umm Al-Qura University, Chairman, Civil engineering Department 2004-2010

3- Non-academic experience:
Civil Engineer, 1991-1994
Civil Engineering Department head, 1428-1432.

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
Active in ASCE and Saudi Society of Civil Engineers

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
Several activities listed on web site
8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Role of Fluids Viscosity in Modifying Some Sand Properties at Construction Work Sites, 2010,
2- Groundwater Assessment of Makkah al-Mukarrama, 2008, Egypt.

9- Recent professional development activities
Several workshops and seminars on Construction Management (2011-2013)

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Leeds, UK 2012
M.Sc. Civil Engineering University of Leeds, UK 2007
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Umm Al-Qura University, SA. 2004

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al_Qura university Assistant Professor Vice-Dean 2012 to present FT
Umm Al_Qura university Graduate Assistant 2005 to 2012 FT

3- Non-academic experience
Office of ExperienceMEED Chairman Studies and design 2012 to present PT
Ministry of Hajj Consultant Studies and design 2012 to 2013 PT
Makkah Municipality Senior Engineer Studies and design 2004 to 2005 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
1. Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering.
2. Member of Saudi Council of Engineers.
5- Membership in professional organizations:
1. Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (President of ASCEs Saudi
2. Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering.
3. Member of Association for Project Management (APM).
4. Member of Project Management Institute (PMI).
5. Member of SAVE International.
6. Member of Institute of Value Management (IVM).

6- Honors and awards:
1- Certificate of Recognition for supervising the graduation ceremony of College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, 2013
2- Certificate of Recognition for his services to the college of engineering administration and
departments, 2008

7- Service activities:
1- Member of High Committee for academic Plans and Programs (2013);
2- Member of Coordination Committee of the 4th Scientific Conference for Higher Educational
Students (2013);
3- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura
University (2012 2013);
4- Coordinator of the External Advisory Board and Chairman of Career Advising (2012-2013).
5- Member of Qeyas (Qdraat) Committee (2012-2013).

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years
1- One of the main speakers in IVM Northern Branch Seminar about Programmes, Portfolios and
Projects- VM Interventions (1 day, 2010);
2- One of the main speakers in IVM Northern Branch Seminar about the future directions for value
management (1 day, 2007).

9- Recent professional development activities
1- Training Course in Formulation of the Research Idea and Research Management, provided
by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (5 hours, 2013);
2- workshop in Historical Geographic Information System, provided by Harvard University
(7 hours, 2013);
3- Training Course as The first program to prepare faculty members and the like, provided by
Umm Al-Qura University (3 days, 2012);
4- Training Course in Managing Successful Programmes Practitioner , provided by QA (3
days , 2011);
5- Training Course in Managing Successful Programmes Foundation , provided by QA (2
days, 2011);
6- Training Course in MS Outlook, A Personal Management Tool, provided by Saudi
Students Clubs and Schools in UK (6 hours, 2010);
7- Training Course in Researcher @ Leeds, provided by University of Leeds (7 hours, 2010);
8- Training Course in Project Management, provided by Saudi Students Clubs and Schools in
UK (6 hours, 2010);
9- Training Course in APMP, provided by QA (5 days, 2010);
10- Training Course in Management of Risks Foundation, provided by QA (3 days , 2010);
11- Training Course in Management of Risks Practitioner provided by QA (2 days, 2010);
12- Training Course in Team Leadership and Management, provided by Know How Training
(5 hours, 2009).


1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
PhD. Civil Engineering (Geotechnical), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 1993
M.S. Civil engineering (geotechnical), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 1986
B.Sc. Civil engineering from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1982

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate professor, Civil Engineering department, 2013-date FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant professor, Civil Engineering department, 1994-2012 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Teaching assistant, Civil Engineering department, 1984-1985 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Part-time consultant and expert witness in the office of lawyer Mohammad A. Al-Qasimi,
Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Work included resolving disputes between contractors and owners,
review of engineering designs, checking for structural defects, repair and rehabilitation
of structures, 1984-1985 PT
Member in the earthquake risk assessment committee of the western region, Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia, 2001-2003 PT
Part-time consultant to the ministry of Hajj, Saudi Arabia, 2002-2006 PT
Head of the work team appointed by Makkah Emirate to study the linkage of parking areas of
pilgrims' busses to their tent locations in Arafat, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2004 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member in the services committee for the international conference "NUMIFORM-86",
held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A., 1986
2- Member of the international experts panel formed to make the plans for organization and
control of the pilgrims movements during the most critical pilgrimage season of 1427 H,
3- A referee for various scientific research articles published in the Journal of Engineering
Sciences of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
6- Head of the publications committee for the first civil engineering symposium held at Umm Al-Qura
University titled "Maintenance of Buildings & Public Structures and Preventive Measures",
Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1995-1996
7- King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia, Evaluator of several papers for publication in the
Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference held at 1995
8- Head of the committee for review of the civil engineering curriculum, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1997
9- Evaluator of several papers for publication in the Fifth Saudi Engineering Conference held at Umm
Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1998
10- Head of the academic affairs office in the civil engineering department, Umm Al-Qura
University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2000-2001

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:

9- Recent professional development activities:


1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, USA 1992
M.S. Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, USA 1987
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, KAA University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1982

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Professor 2010-date FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor 2003-2010 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor 1992-2003 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Graduate Assistant 1983-1985 FT

Umm Al-Qura University, Chairman, Civil Engineering Department 1997-2000 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Supervisor Academic Unit, College of Eng. 1995-1997 PT
Umm Al-Qura University, Supervisor Summer Training, College of Eng. 1991-1995 PT
Umm Al-Qura University, Supervisor Laboratories, Civil Eng. Dep. 1992-1995 PT

3- Non-academic experience:
Chief Editor for UQU Journal of Engineering & Architecture 2005-2007
Chief Editor for UQU Journal of Science, Medicine, and Engineering 2004-2005
Member Editorial Board, UQU Journal of Science, Medicine, and Eng. 2001-2004

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Concrete committee, Saudi Building code
2- Saudi Society of Civil Engineering (SSCE)
3- Co-Chairman Concrete Branch, SSCE 2005-2011
4- Technical committee, Concrete Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance, King
Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Harram Expansion. 2009

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:

1- Head of the publications committee for the first civil engineering symposium held at
Umm Al-Qura University titled "Maintenance of Buildings & Public Structures and
Preventive Measures", Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1995-1996
2- Head of the committee for review of the civil engineering curriculum, Dept. of Civil
Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1997
3- Evaluator of several papers for publication in the Fifth Saudi Engineering Conference
held at Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1998
4- Head of the academic affairs office in the civil engineering department, Umm Al-Qura
University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2000-2001
5- Financial Committee, Building Maintenance and General Structures Seminar, 1992
6- Technical Committee, 5
Saudi Engineering Conference, 1995
7- Registration Committee, Architectural Environment Seminar, 1998

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Faiz A. M. Mirza and Ayman G. Abdel-Rhaman, "Mechanical and Transport Properties
of Self-Compacting Lightweight Concrete Using Local Lightweight Aggregate in
KSA" The twin conference: 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering
(Towards a better Environment) and 5th International Conference on the Concrete
Future. Covilh, Portugal, 2013.

2- Faiz A. M. Mirza, "Effect of Sand Replacement and Silica Fume Addition on Chloride
Ion Permeability of Lightweight Concrete", JKAS: Eng. Sci., Vol. 20, No. 1, 2009, pp.

3- A. G. Abdel-Rhaman and F. A. M. Mirza, "Mechanical Properties of Lightweight
Fibrous Concrete Using Local Scoria Lightweight Aggregates", Ain Shams Journal of
Civil Engineering, Ain Shams University, 2009.

4- Ayman G. Abdel-Rhaman and Faiz A. M. Mirza, "Strengthening of Reinforced
Concrete Beams With Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers", ERJ, Vol. 32, No. 2, April
2009, pp. 223-231.

5- Faiz A. M. Mirza, "Structural Semi-lightweight Concrete Using Crushed Hollow Block
(CHB) as Lightweight Aggregate", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University,
Vol. 37, No. 2, March 2009 pp. 319-330.
6- Ayman G. Abdel-Rhaman and Faiz A. M. Mirza, "Investigations on Behavior of Self-
Compacting Lightweight Aggregate Concrete", CERM, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan. 2009, pp.

7- A. G. Abdel-Rhaman and F. A. M. Mirza, "Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete
Composite Beams", 4
Int'l Specialty on The Conceptual Approach to Structural
Design",pp. 28-29 June 2007, Venice, Italy.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Co-Chairman Concrete Branch, SSCE 2005-11
2- Technical committee, Concrete Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance, King
Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Harram Expansion. 2009
3- Concrete committee, Saudi Building code 2011-13

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering Purdue University, USA 1993
M.Sc. Civil Engineering MIT, USA 1990
B.Sc. Civil Engineering National Univ. of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 1982

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Professor, Civil Engineering, 2011-date FT
National University of Sciences & Tech, Islamabad, Civil Engineering, 2010-2010 FT
Quaid-e-Azam Univ., Islamabad, Research Student, Defense & Strategic Studies, 2003-2004 PT
National Institute of Transportation, Director / Professor, Civil Engineering, 1998-2000 FT
Purdue University, Ph.D., Research Assistant, Civil Engineering, 1990-1993 PT
SI&T, Pakistan Instructor, Civil Engineering 1986-1988 FT
Instructor, Civil Engineering PMA, Pakistan 1983-1984 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
National Logistic Cell (NLC), Pakistan, Director General, Mega Development Projects in Pak /
Overseas, Freight Svcs. and Dry Ports 2008 2010
National Highway Authority (NHA), Pakistan, Chairman, Planning, Dev. 2007 2008
Pakistan Army Corps of Engineers, Director General, 2005 2007
Directorate of Doctrine & Evaluation, Director, 2004 2005
Military Engineering Services (MES), Director Works & Chief Engineer Army 2002 2003
Directorate of Design & Consultancy, Chief Consultant Engineer 1993 -1996
Pakistan Army Corps of Engineers, Civil & Combat Engineer 1974 -1992

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member Institute of Pakistan Engineers, 1982.
2- Member Pakistan Engineering Council, 1982

6- Honors and awards:
1- Purdue University (USA) Civil Engineering Alumni Achievement Award - CEAAA 2009, awarded
in recognition of exemplary career accomplishments and contributions to the civil engineering
2- Hilal-i-Imtiaz, on overall meritorious service.
3- Sitara-i-Esar, the highest national award given in recognition for services to humanity for
coordinating relief / restoration efforts as Director General Engineers in the aftermath of a massive
earthquake in 2005.
4- Tamgha-i-Imtiaz. On construction of road for linking remote valleys in formidable mountainous /
glaciated areas of Himalaya.
5- Engineer-in-Chief's Silver Medal, completing BSc Civil Engineering with distinction.

7- Service activities:
1- Member Board of Eminent Executives and Scholars from Business, Education and Government,
Center for Emerging Technologies in Infrastructure, International Construction Innovations
Conference, 2006, Peoria, Illinois, USA.
2- Member of the Think Tank Committee on Infrastructure, 2009-10, Pakistan Engineering Council,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
3- Member of Research & Development Committee, 2009 - 10, National University of Sciences &
Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
4- Chairman ABET Survey Sub-Committee of Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University.
5- Supervisor Asphalt Laboratory, Civil Engg Dept, College of Engg & Islamic Arch, Uqu.

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
2- Chief Guest at Inaugural Session and Opening Address, "Impact of Strategic Road Communication
of Pakistan on Urban Development" International Seminar on "Urban Traffic Engineering Problems
and their Solutions", 14-15 Nov 2007, Department of Transportation Engineering & Management,
University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan.
3- Chief Guest Inaugural Session and opening address, "Geostrategic Significance and Challenges to
Emergence of Pakistan as a Trade Corridor" , International Seminar on "Improving Rail-Road Linkages
and Freight Services to Enhance Connectivity and Transit Trade", organized by Lahore Chamber of
Commerce and Industries (LCCI), 2007, Pakistan.
4- Chief Guest and closing address at International Seminar on "Advances in Cement Based Materials",
held on 21-22 January 2010 at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad,
5- Guest Speaker at National Institute of Policy Management (NIPA), "Road Infrastructure of Pakistan
and National Trade Corridor: Challenges and Prospects", 2007, 8 & 9, Lahore. Pakistan.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- "A Real-time Route Planning and Emergency Evacuation Management Tool for Hajj and Umrah
Activities", member of research team sponsored by Center of Research Excellence in Hajj and Umrah
(HajjCORE), Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah Al Mukarramah, KSA.

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Concrete Sheffield University, UK 2007
M.Sc. Concrete Sheffield University, UK 2000
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Baghdad University 1986
2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm-Al-Qura Univ., Assist Prof.,Structural Engineering 2009-date FT
Umm-Al-Qura Univ., Consultant Entrepreneurial Centre 2011-date PT

3- Non-academic experience:
A-B Centre, Manchester Director Educational Centre 6/1996 -9/2009 PT
Romabuild Ltd, London. Site Engineer Buildings Refurbishment 12/2003-5/2004 FT
Saudi Red Crescent, Construction Office Structural engineer and project manager Schools, Orphanages
& Community Centers (Reinforced Concrete Structures) 01/1992-04/1994 FT
Udaym Airport, Iraq Site Engineer, Runway Extension and Maintenance, Heavy Good Vehicles
Parking Area (Rigid Pavement). 08/1990-07/1991 FT
Private sector. Iraq. Structural Engineer Structural engineer and Site Engineer. Housing Scheme,
Community Centers, and shopping Centers, (Reinforced Concrete and masonry)
01/1990-8/1990 PT
Al-Bakr Airport Construction Office Samarra, Iraq Site Engineer Runway Extension
04/1987-01/1990 FT
Al-Muthanna Construction Structural engineer Execution of conventional structures
12/1986-04/1987 FT
Al-Rasheed Construction Office Site Engineer Hospitals Construction and maintenance
08/1986-12/1986 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1. Member of the Institute of Structural Engineers, UK.
2. Member of Iraqi Institution for Engineers, 1987.

6- Honors and awards:
1- Purdue University (USA) Civil Engineering Alumni Achievement Award - CEAAA 2009, awarded
in recognition of exemplary career accomplishments and contributions to the civil engineering
2- Hilal-i-Imtiaz, on overall meritorious service.
3- Sitara-i-Esar, the highest national award given in recognition for services to humanity for
coordinating relief / restoration efforts as Director General Engineers in the aftermath of a massive
earthquake in 2005.
4- Tamgha-i-Imtiaz. On construction of road for linking remote valleys in formidable mountainous /
glaciated areas of Himalaya.
5- Engineer-in-Chief's Silver Medal, completing BSc Civil Engineering with distinction.

7- Service activities:
1- Member of steering committee for ABET accreditation, Department of Civil Engineering, Umm Al-
Qura University.
2- Head of the capstone project committee, Department of Civil Engineering.

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- A New Elasto-plasticity Constitutive Model for Concrete under Multiaxial Compression Based on
Experimental Observations, PhD Thesis, Sheffield University, 2007.
2- Code Design for Steel-free Bridge Decks. MSc dissertation, University of Sheffield, 1999.

9- Recent professional development activities
1- IEEC 2011: International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, 7-9/9/2011, Coventry University,
Coventry, UK
2- 1st International conference for Iraqi Expert, Baghdad, 23/11/2008.
3- Building Design to Eurocode 2: Theory and Worked Examples, Course, University of Derby, UK, 26
June 2008.
4- Ground Engineering Solutions using Cement and Concrete, Seminar, The Concrete Centre,
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, UK, 17 June, 2008.

1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Eng. - Surveying University of Roorkee, India 1999
M.Sc. Civil Eng. - Surveying University of Zagazig, Egypt 1992
B.Sc. Civil Engineering University of Assuit, Egypt 1985
2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
University of Helwan, Associate Professor, Surveying, 2007-date FT
University of Helwan, Assistant Professor, Surveying, 2000-2007 FT
Surveying, Two M. SC and Two Ph.D. thesis, Supervisor, 2000 - 2009 PT
University of Helwan, Assistant Lecturer, Civil Engineering, 1992-2000 FT
University of Helwan, Demonstrator, Civil Engineering 1985-1992 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Digital Mapping Center for surveying, Owner and Consultant, Work Review
2007-date PT
Emmar-Misr Consultant Work Review 2005-2007 PT
Exxon-Mobil Consultant Work Review 2001-2005 PT
4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Consultant of Land Surveying Applications, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 2005

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers

6- Honors and awards:
1- Certificate for the B. Sc. top student, 1985 from Faculty of Engineering Assuit University
2- Certificate for Consultant Engineer 2005, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate

7- Service activities:
1- Academic lecturer preparation Workshop
2- Supervisor of the Surveying laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt
3- Supervisor of the Photogrammetry Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
4- Member of Civil Engineering Department Committee in the Civil Engineering Department, College
of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
5- Member of Capstone ABET Committee in the civil engineering department, College of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)
6- Chairman of Curriculum ABET Committee in the Civil Engineering Department, College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011)

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1. El-Ashmawy, K., 2013. Using low-cost desktop publishing (DTP) scanners for aerial
photogrammetry. Journal of Geoinformatica, in publication stage.
2. El-Ashmawy, K., 2013. A comparison between analytical aerial photogrammetry, laser scanning,
total station and global positioning system surveys for generation of digital terrain model. Journal
of Geocarto International, in publication stage.
3. El-Ashmawy, K., 2012. SoftPhotoMap: A Simple and Educational Softcopy Photogrammetric
System. Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, University of Helwan, Egypt, Vol.
135, pp C31-C45.
4. El-Ashmawy, K., 2010. Effect of Control Distances Constraint on the Accuracy of Block
Adjustment. Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, University of Helwan, Egypt,
Vol. 109, pp C258-C274.
5. El-Ashmawy, K., 2008. Bundle Block Adjustment without Control Points. Engineering Research
Journal, Faculty of Engineering, University of Helwan, Egypt, Vol. 108, pp C66-C81.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Ph. D. supervisor, Surveying, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University.


1- Education - degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Irrigation and Hydraulic Cairo University 2003
M.Sc. Irrigation and Hydraulic Cairo University 1999
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Banha University 1993

2- Academic experience - institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex.
1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor, 2009 -date FT
Banha University, Assistant Professor, Irrigation and Hydraulic 2003-2009 FT
Banha University, Teaching assistant, Civil Engineering 1999-2003 FT
Banha University, Instructor, Civil Engineering 1995-1999 FT

15 May Institute, Assistant Professor, Irrigation and Hydraulic 2006-2009 PT
Ramadan Institute, Assistant Professor, Irrigation and Hydraulic 2005-2009 PT

3- Non-academic experience:
BASO Petrol Company Co. Consultant Water Structures 2009 PT
Military Service Civil Engineer R.C. Designer 1993-1995 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1993.
2- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers.
3- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering.

6- Honors and awards:
1- Certificate for the Bs. C. top student, 1993 from Faculty of Engineering Banha University
2- Certificate for the Bs.C. top student, 1993, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate
3- Financial award of Prof. Dr. Hassan Afify for the best PhD thesis in Cairo University, 2003

7- Service activities:
1- M. Sc. Thesis supervisor, Irrigation and Hydraulic
2- Academic lecturer preparation Workshop
3- Legal Sides Workshop (L4) Faculty and Leadership Development Project Banha University
4- Effective Teaching Workshop (T1) Faculty and Leadership Development Project Banha
5- University;
4- Course Design Workshop (T3) Faculty and Leadership Development Project Banha
6- University;
6- Quality Control Workshop Faculty and Leadership Development Project Banha University.
7- Supervisor of the groundwater and water resources engineering laboratories of the civil
Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
(since 2011);
8- Supervisor of the Hydraulic laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2009-2011);
9- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the
civil engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura
University (2009-2010);
10- Member of Capstone ABET Committee in the civil engineering department, College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2010-2011);
11- Member of surveys and Exit Interviews ABET Committee in the civil engineering department,
College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011);
12- Member of Engineering and Architectural Science Institute, College of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011);

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- ISSN 1110 1385, Vol. 43, No. 1, March 31, 2008
2- Paper of title" The Impact of Manmade Interventions on the River Nile at Elrayramoun, Egypt"
3- Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(9): 1088-1102, 2009, 2009, INSInet Publication
4- Work Sites" Tenth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD10), Dec. 16 19, 2010,

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Ph. D. supervisor, Irrigation and Hydraulic, Faculty of Eng. Banha University.

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Geotechnical Engineering Brano university Czechoslovakia 1991
M.Sc. Geotechnical Engineering El-Azhar university - Egypt 1986
B.Sc. Civil Engineering El-Azhar university - Egypt 1978

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al_Qura university Professor 2005-date FT
El-Azhar university Professor 2004-2005 FT
El-Azhar university Associated Professor 1998-2004 PT
El-Azhar university Assistant Professor 1991-1998 FT
El-Azhar university Assistant Lecturer 1986-1991 FT
El-Azhar university Demonstrator 1978-1986 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Elsaadany & Elkasaby (consulting office), Consultant, studies and design, 1999-2002
Banha university (consulting office) Consultant, studies and design 1993-1998
Tanta university (consulting office) Consultant, studies and design 1993

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Consultant of Geotechnical Engineering, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1994.

5- Membership in professional organizations:
Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1978
1- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineer
2- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering

6- Honors and awards:
1-Certificate of Recognition for his services to the college of engineering administration and
departments, 2007-2008.

7- Service activities:
1- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
(2005-2007, 2009-2010);
2- Supervisor of the Soil laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2005-2011);
3- Supervisor of the Foundation laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (200522011);
4- Member of Capstone Committee of civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011).

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Elsaadany, M. M. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Sandy Egyptian Soil Prediction: the neural
networks. Canadian Journal on Environmental, Construction and Civil Engineering, Article in Press.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Participation in the studies for developing Mattef of Alharm Makkah KSA.
16) Name: MAJID M. ASSAS

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Structural Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. 2007
M.Sc. Structural Engineering King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1990
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1987

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:

Umm AL-Qura University, Associate Prof., Structural Engineering, 2012-2013 FT
Umm AL-Qura University, Assist Prof., Structural Engineering, 2008-2012 FT

3- Non Academic experience:
Makkah Municipality, Senior Engineer, Director of city planning from 2005-2007
Saudi Telecom- Makkah, The network construction from 1/1/1419-11/11/1419
Makkah Municipality, Senior Engineer, Director of Building Permits 1995-2005
Saudi Telecom- Makkah, Jeddah -Real state department from 1/1/1408-1/1/1419
Makkah Municipality, Civil Engineer, Director of Maabdah Branch, 1983-1985
Makkah Municipality, Project Coordinator, Development of slums from, 1981-1983

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
1- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
(2009 2010)
2- Member of Student Advisory Committee of civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
3- Member of Laboratories Committee of civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
4- The 13
International Conference for Building and Construction-Cairo 15-19 June 2006
5- Workshop for Makkah Gate project - Geneva, Switzerland July 23, 2007
6- Performance Focused Leadership London July 27 to a August, 2007
7- International Symposium on Safety and Durability of Materials and Construction Barcelona 25 to 27
February 2008
8- Arab Structural Engineering University of Petroleum Conference 25-27October 2009

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- W. Attia, M. Assas "An Expert System For Evaluation Of Informal Settlements" Cairo,2007
2- W. Attia , M. Assas "Structural Defects Of Informal Settlements Buildings" Cairo,2007
3- M. kotb ,M. Assas, H. Abd-Elrahman .," Effect of Grounded bone powder on the
mechanical properties of cement mortar", Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
on Comparing Design IN Nature With Science And Engineering, Pisa, Italy , 2-5 September,
4- M. kotb ,M. Assas., "Thermal Stresses In Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridges", Civil
Engineering Research Magazine, Al-Azhar University, Vol. 33, No. 2, April, 2011.
5- M. Assas, A. Husain ,D. Sehgal., "Identification of Mechanical Characteristics of Materials
Using Diminutive Specimen-An Empirical Study" ,Available online at WWW.

9- Recent professional development activities:


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering Southampton University, UK 2010
M.Sc. Civil Engineering Heriot-Watt University, UK 2006
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Umm Al-Qura University, KSA 2002

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
University of Umm Al-Qura Assistant Professor 2011-date FT
University of Umm Al-Qura Demonstrator 2003-2004 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Umm Al-Qura University, Deputy Director of Professional Accreditation Support (PAS) Center
28/Dec/ 2011 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Saudi Society for Civil Engineering, (SSCE).
2- Institute of Civil Engineers, (ICE).

6- Honors and awards:
1- A scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia, to pursue M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees, 2004.
2- Appreciation certificate from the Rector of Umm Al-Qura University for the efforts and
performance during the Second Career Day, organized by Umm Al-Qura University, 2003.
3- A Civil Engineering degree with the second degree of honor, 2002.

7- Service activities:
1- Committee member for the development of Civil Engineering Labs (2011)
2- Coordinator of the Measurements and Evaluation Unit for the College of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2003);
3- Committee member of employment and support for the Second Career Day at Umm Al-Qura
University, 2003.
4- Member of the executive committee for the Third Career Day at Umm Al-Qura University, 2004.

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Fluidisation around water distribution pipes, Postgraduate research students symposium, University
of Southampton, United Kingdom, March, 2009.
2- Internal Fluidisation of Granular Materials, PhD Thesis, Southampton University, School of Civil
Engineering and the environment, September, 2010.
3- The Transition from Annular Flow to Full Bore Flow In Vertical Pipes. MSc Dissertation, Heriot
Watt University, School of the built environment, 2006.

9- Recent professional development activities
1- University Teaching Strategies, K.S.A., Umm Al-Qura University, provided by learning circles,
March, 2012.
2- Leadership through personal goal setting, United Kingdom, Surry University, provided by LMI
Company, Ray King, June 2009.
3-Training at the Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Division of Network Engineering and Construction,
Yanbu, KSA, 10-June to 9-Augest, 2000.
4-Training at the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO ( - Civil Engineering Projects, Yanbu,
KSA, 18-June to 23-Augest, 2001.


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK 1991
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, USA 1986
B.S. Civil Engineering, King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1978
2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Associate Professor 1997-date
Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Assistant Professor 1991-1997
Served as chairman of the department, Coordinator of Summer Training and Dean of the College of

3- Non-academic experience:
Editor of the Journal of Engineering of UQU

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

6- Honors and awards:

7-Service activities:
1- Dean of faculty of Engineering, Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah KSA, 1427-1432
2- Head of Civil Engineering Department at Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah KSA 1414

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Maximum Strength of heavy steel columns.
2- The Use of the finite element method in the non-linear analysis of structure-soil interaction
3- Building Foundation Isolation .
4- Optimum Topology of Structural Supports.
5- Numerical Modeling of Flexible beams with sofit Projections interacting with elastic Subgrade.
6- Behavior of Reinforced Fibrous concrete Beams in hot-dry climate.
7- Application of various yield Criteria to soil-structure interaction problems
8- Deformation behavior of plates resting on elastic foundation Engineering.
9- Application of neural networks in the prediction of compressive strength of high strength concrete.
10- Neural networks for predicting compressive strength of structural light weight concrete.
11- A primitive crossover for improving the reliability of genetic algorithms for structural
12- Optimum design of axi-symmetric concrete dome structure

9- Recent professional development activities:

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:

PhD Civil Engineering University of Sheffield 2007

MSc Civil Engineering University of Sheffield 2003

Bachelor Degree Civil Engineering Al Baath University 1993

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University Assistant Professor 2010 - to date FT
King khlid University Assistant Professor 2009 - 2010 FT

3- Non-academic experience
Corus Group plc Structural Designer Structural Designer 2008 - 2009 FT
Edge Structures Ltd. Structural Designer Structural Designer 2007 - 2008 FT
Rabya Ltd. Site Engineer Site Engineer 1998 - 2000 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)
2- Member of Steel Construction Institute (SCI)

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:

Chairman of the Student Advising committee (2011-2012)

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years

9- Recent professional development activities


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Zagazig University 2000
M.Sc. Engineering Mathematics, Zagazig University 1995
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Zagazig University 1989

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering 2009-now FT
Zagazig University, Associate Professor, Civil Eng. (Engineering Mathematics) 2006-2009 FT
American University in Cairo, Researcher, Civil Eng. (Engineering Mathematics) 2003-2006 PT
Zagazig University, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering (Engineering Mathematics) 2001-2005 FT
Zagazig University, Instructor, Civil Engineering (Engineering Mathematics) 1991-1995 FT

3- Non-academic experience:

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of Egyptian Mathematical Society.
2- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers.
3- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1990.

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1. Medhat M. Helal, Mohammed A. Saif, "Free convection heat and mass transfer in a power law
fluid past an inclined surface with thermophoresis", Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical
Society, Volume 21, Issue 3, October 2013, Pages 224-232.
2. Mohammad H. Alawi, Medhat M. Helal, "A mathematical model for the distribution of heat
through pavement layers in Makkah roads", Journal of King Saud University - Engineering
Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 28 November 2012.
3. Helal, M.M., "Generalization of the integral transform method to nonlinear heat-conduction
problems in multilayered spherical media", Journal of King Saud University - Science 24 (4)
(2012), pp. 367-377.
4. Alawi, M.H., Helal, M.M., "Mathematical modelling for solving nonlinear heat diffusion
problems of pavement spherical roads in Makkah", International Journal of Pavement
Engineering 13 (2) (2012), pp. 137-151.
5. Abd-el-Malek, M.B. and Helal, M.M., "Group method solutions of the generalized forms of
Burgers, Burgers-KdV and KdV equations with time-dependent variable coefficients", Acta
Mechanica 221 (3-4) (2011) , pp. 281-296.
6. Alawi, M.H., Helal, M.M.., "A mathematical Model for the Distribution of Heat Through
Pavement Layers in Makkah Roads", Proceedings of ICFD 10, Tenth International Congress of
Fluid Dynamics, December 16-19, 2010, Stella Di Mare Sea Club Hotel, Ain Soukhna, Red
Sea, Egypt.
7. Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. and Helal, Medhat M. (2010) "Application of a fractional step method
for the numerical solution of the shallow water waves in a rotating rectangular basin",
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87: 10, 2268 2280, First published on: 31
March 2010.
8. Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. and Helal, Medhat M., "Application of a fractional steps method for the
numerical solution of the two-dimensional modeling of the Lake Mariut", Applied
Mathematical Modelling 33 (2009) 822834.
9. Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. and Helal, Medhat M., "Similarity solutions for magneto-forced-
unsteady free convective laminar boundary-layer flow", Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics 218 (2008) 202 214.

9- Recent professional development activities
1. The finite integral transform for solving nonlinear partial differential equations. M.Sc., Faculty
of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt. Prof. Magda Kassem and Dr. Medhat Mostafa
Helal, 2009
2. A two Training courses in Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Univ. in HEEPF Project;
3. Member of surveys and Exit Interviews ABET Committee in the civil engineering department,
College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011);
4. Member of Engineering and Architectural Science Institute, College of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011);


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, USA 1987
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, USA 1980
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, USA 1977

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al- Qura University, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering department 1987-date FT
Umm Al- Qura University, Lecturer, Civil Engineering department 1981-1987 FT
3- Non-academic experience:
Consultant Planning, Organization for development of Makkah and Madinah cities, 2066-2007
4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah KSA, Academic Advisor of faculty of Engineering 1997-2005
Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah KSA, Vice dean of faculty of Engineering 1997-2001
Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah KSA, Head of Civil Engineering Department 1996-1997
8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:

9- Recent professional development activities:


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering (Traffic Engineering) Michigan State University, East Lansing 1998
M.E. Civil Engineering (Highway Engineering) Michigan State University East Lansing 1989
M.Sc. Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, 1987
B.Sc. Civil Engineering King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1982

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering 2011-date FT
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering 2008-date FT
Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering 2003-2006 FT
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering 1999-2008 FT

3- Non-academic experience:

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
2- Member of Transportation Research Board
3- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
Director of the Department of Civil Engineering Academic Advising Office 2001-2003
Dept. of Civil Eng. Representative to Eng. and Architectural Research Center 2000-2008
Research Transportation Unit 2000
Supervisor of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques for Hajj 1999
Director of the Center for Engineering and Architectural Research 2008-2011

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- M. Saif, I. Ahmed, E. Mlybari, Disaster Risk Management - A Case for Sustainable
Transportation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , The first Saudi International Conference
on Crisis and Disaster Management, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 8-9 Sept.,2013.
2- M. Saif, M. El-Bisy, M. Alawi, Application of Soft Computing Techniques to Predict the
Stability of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes, The Third International Conference on Soft
Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Cagliari,
Sardinia, Italy, 3-6 September 2013
3- Saif, M. A., Ibrahiem, A. M., Effect of Control Point Location on Rut Depth Measurement
Using Close Range Photogrammetry The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil
Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, China, Crete, Greece 2011.
4- Saif, M. A., Ibrahiem, A. M., "The Effect of Vehicle Speed on Rut Depth Measurement
Using Close Range Photogrammetry" Seventh International Conference on Engineering
Computation Technology, Valencia, Spain, 2010.
5- Saif, M. A., "Pedestrian Characteristics in the Holy City of Makkah and Suitability of the
Highway Capacity Manual to Evaluate their Facilities", Journal of Engineering and
Architectures, Umm Al-Qura University, Vol., No. 2-20, 2009.
6- M. Alawi, M. Rajab, M. Saif, "Application of Image Processing to Measure Road
Distresses", 6
International Engineering Conference", Faculty of Engineering Mansoura
University, Mansoura/Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 18-23 March, 2008.
7- Saif, M. A., and Ibrahiem, A. M., "Measuring Rut Depth Using Close Range
Photogrammetry", Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Science Medicine Engineering,
Vol. 20, No. 1, 2008.
8- Saif, M. A., Ibrahiem, A. M., "Mobile Measurement of Rut Depth Using Close Range
Photogrammetry", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering
Computational Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September, 2008.
9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Attended a one week course on Basics of e-learning, E-learning environment, E-learning
course management, Electronic tests, and Virtual classrooms, Umm Alqura University, 5th
21st November, 2012.
2- Attended a two weeks E-Learning training program in HAAGA-HELIA University in
Finland entitled, Teachers E-learning Competences in the 21st Century, 26th September
06th October, 2013, Helsinki, Finland.


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Leeds, UK 2000
M.S. Civil Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1988
B.S. Civil Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1978
2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering department 2013 until now FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering department 2000- 2013 FT

3- Non-academic experience:

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Effectiveness of Using Wearing Course Waste Materials in Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures,
From 17 to 19/6/2009, The first international conference in civil engineering University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Petroleum Institute, 24-27 march 2007, UAE Abu Dhabi

9- Recent professional development activities:

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Water & environmental engineering, Ain Shams university Egypt, 1999
M.Sc. Water & environmental engineering, Mansoura university Egypt, 1995
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Mansoura university Egypt, 1990

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al_Qura university, Associate Professor 2006-date FT
Umm Al_Qura university, Assistant Professor 2002-2006 FT
Higher Tec. Institute, Assistant Professor 1999-2002 FT
Higher Tec. Institute, Assistant Lecturer 1995-1999 FT
Mansoura university, Demonstrator 1991-1995 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Hamza Office (consulting Engineers), Consultant, Studies and design, 2002 to present, PT
CBM (consulting office), Consultant, Studies and design, 1999 to 2002, PT
CBM (consulting office), Senior Engineer, Studies and design, 1990 to1999, PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Consultant, water and environmental engineering, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 2006.

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
2- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers
3- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering
4- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1990

6- Honors and awards:
1- Who is who in the World for the years (2009 and onward).
2- Certificate of Recognition for his services to the college of engineering administration and
departments, 2009

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Alshihri, M., Azmy, A.M., El-Bisy, M. S., 2007. Application of neural networks in the prediction
of compressive strength of high strength concrete. Al-Azhar Univ., Civil Engineering Research
Magazine CEM 29 (2), 573-589.
2- El-Bisy, M. S., Ghulman, B., 2008. Groundwater assessment of Makkah Al-Mokrma. 12th
International Conference of Water Technology, Egypt.
3- Ali, H., El-Bisy, M. S., 2008. Water quality model induction from surface drainage data. Al-Azhar
Univ., Civil Engineering Research Magazine CEM 30 (2).
4- Alshihri, M., Azmy, A.M., El-Bisy, M. S., 2009. Neural networks for predicting compressive
strength of structural light weight concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 223(6), 2214-
5- El-Bisy, M.S., Turki, M. A., Ali, H., Abd-Elal, M. A., 2010. Water quality model induction from
surface drainage data: Using neural networks approach. Al-Azhar Engineering 11th international
6- El-Bisy, M.S., Ghulman, B., 2010. New approach in integrated coastal zone management and
marine science. .Al-Azhar Univ., Civil Engineering Research Magazine CEM, 32(3).
7- El-Bisy, M. S., Ghulman, B., 2011. Management of longshore currents along Ras El-Bar coast,
Northeast Nile Delta, Egypt. Canadian Journal on Environmental, Construction and Civil
Engineering, 2(4), 32-36.
8- El-Bisy, M. S., Ghulman, H., 2011. Flow Velocity Profiles Distribution in the Entrance Region of
Straight Rectangular Duct. Canadian Journal on Mechanical Sciences & Engineering, 2(5), 111-
9- Ghulman, B., El-Bisy, M.S., Abdel Hadi, A. M., 2011. Effect of soil properties on the Saturated
Hydraulic Conductivity of some Egyptian problematic soils. International Conference on
Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications, Canada.
10- Turki, M. A., El-Bisy, M.S., 2011. Longshore current velocities prediction: using neural networks
approach. WIT Conference Proceedings, Italy.
11- El-Bisy, M.S. An alternative approach for prediction of longshore current velocities based on
support vector machines. Current Development in Oceanography Journal, Article in Press.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Coordinator of the website of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic
Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (from 2008 to 2010);
2- Coordinator for Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation for the civil engineering
department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2009);
3- Member of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Center in the College of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2009);
4- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University
(2005 2007- 2009 - 2010);
5- Supervisor of the Hydraulic and groundwater laboratories of the civil Engineering department of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (from 2004 to 2008);
6- Coordinator of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-
Qura University (from 2004 to 2006);
7- Chairman of laboratories and Facilities Committee of civil Engineering department of Engineering
and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (since 2011);
8- Member of the steering committee of the International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology,
ASCE, Cairo, Egypt, 2002 and 2005.

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 1977
M.S. in Mech. Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 1973
B.E. in Mech. Engineering, N.E.D. University of Engineering, Karachi, Pakistan, 1968

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Professor, Civil Engineering, (1998-to date) FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assoc. Professor, (1990-998) FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Assistant Professor, (1984-1990) FT
N.E.D. University Karachi, Professor (1982-1984) FT
Univ. of Southern California, Research Associate, (1977-1978) FT

3- Non-academic experience: company or entity, title, brief description of position, when
(ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time:
General Motors Research Labs., Michigan, Staff Research Engineer, (1978-1982), FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Professional Engineer License, State of Ontario, Canada

5- Current membership in professional organizations:
1- Member, International Society of Structures and Structural Optimization (ISSMO)
2- Retired member ASCE, California

6- Honors and awards:
1- Deans list during graduate studies at University of Southern California.
2- Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, USA
3- Various Who is who awards

7- Service activities (within and outside of the institution):
1- Member of the editorial board of conferences
2- Reviewer for local and international journals and conferences.
3- Umm Al-Qura University, Chair, Assessment Committee
4- Umm Al-Qura University, Coordinator, ABET accreditation,

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:

1. Imran A. Tasadduq, M.H. Imam and Abdul-Rahim Ahmad, A Novel Adaptive
Boundary Search Algorithm for Solving Facility Layout Problems, Proc. 43

Atlantic Schools of Business Conference (ASB), September, 2013, Antigonish, Nova
2. M.H. Imam and Imran A. Tasadduq, Evaluating the satisfaction of ABET student
outcomes from course learning outcomes through a software implementation,
International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology
Education (IJQAETE), Vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 21-33, 2012
3. M.H. Imam and Imran A. Tasadduq, Satisfaction of ABET Student Outcomes,
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), April, 2012,
4. Imran A. Tasadduq, M.H. Imam, Abdul-Rahim Ahmad, A Novel Metasearch
Algorithm for Facility Layout Optimization, Proc. 41st Intl Conf. on Computers
and Industrial Engineering, Los Angeles CA, 23-26 October, 2011
5. M. Velasquez, A.R. Ahmad, M. Bliemel, M.H. Imam, Online Vs Offline Video
Rental: A Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints International Journal of Global
Business and Management Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 2010
6. M.H. Imam and Imran A. Tasadduq, An Extremely Simple Operation for Drastic
Performance Enhancement of Genetic Algorithms for Engineering Design
Optimization, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
(IJEST), vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 60316046, November, 2010
7. M. H. Imam and I. A. Tasadduq, An extremely simple operation for drastic
performance enhancement of genetic algorithms for engineering design
optimization, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol.
2, no. 11, pp. 6630-6645, 2010
8. M. Velasquez, A.R. Ahmad, M.H. Imam, Online Vs Offline Video Rental: A
Comparative Study of Carbon Footprints Proceedings of the International Online
Conference on Management Control & Sustainable Development (MCSD 2009),
Malaysia, November 21-22, 2009.
9- Recent professional development activities:
- ABET Accreditation Workshop, Electrical Engineering Department 2010
- Forty presentations in the department on ABET accreditation 2010-2013
- CLOSO Software Administration for ABET accreditation 2011-13
- More than 80 citations in the last three years bringing the total to Total of 428 citations
(reported by Google Scholar)
- Chairman, Assessment committee, Civil engineering Department 2011-13
- ABET coordinator for the Civil Engineering Department 2010-13
- Presentation about ABET accreditation in EDUCON 2012
- Paper Evaluating the satisfaction of ABET student outcomes International Journal, 2012
- Seminar in UQU Business School about using CLOSO for accreditation 2012
- Seminar for the College of Engineering about using CLOSO for accreditation 2011.
- Involved in two funded research projects 2011-12

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Structure Engineering University of Bradford, UK 2002
M.Sc. Structural Engineering Helwan University, Egypt 1997
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Helwan University, Egypt 1994

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura Univ. Associate professor, Structural Engineering, 2011-date FT
Helwan University, Egypt, Associate professor, Structural Eng., 2011 FT
Helwan University, Egypt, Lecturer, Structural Engineering 2002 - 2011 FT
University of Bradford, UK, Lecturer Assistant, Civil Engineering 1998 - 2002 PT
Helwan University, Egypt, Demonstrator, Civil Engineering 1994 - 1998 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Architecture and planning studies center, Cairo, Structural design engineer 1994-1998 PT
e.construct, Cairo, Structural team leader, Dubai based, Cairo branch 2002-2005 PT
e.construct, Cairo, Structural team leader, Dubai based, Cairo branch 2002-2005 PT
El-Saie (CEC company), Cairo, Head of structural division 2005-2008 PT
EGEC, Cairo, Structural project manager 2008-2011 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Reviewer for ACI structural Journal, USA
2- Reviewer for ICE structures and Building journal, UK
3- Member of Egypt Engineers Syndicate, 1994

6- Honors and awards:
1- Awarded Ideal Student Prize from Helwan University, Egypt,1994
2- Awarded PhD scholarship from the Egyptian government, 1998

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- El-Refaie, S. A. (2011), Stress analysis for externally confined concrete columns with FRP,
Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, February, No. 1,
Vol. 58.
2- El-Refaie, S. A. (2008), Deep beams reinforced with GFRP square bars, Engineering Research
Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt, August, Vol. 89, pp. C77-C91.
3- El-Refaie, S. A. (2007), Optimization techniques for equally sided solid slabs, Al-Azhr
Engineering Ninth International Conference (AEIC 2007), Cairo, Egypt, 12-14 April.
4- El-Refaie, S. A. (2007), Design guidance for optimum dimensions of single panel solid slabs, Al-
Azhr Engineering Ninth International Conference (AEIC 2007), Cairo, Egypt, 12-14 April.

9- Recent professional development activities:
Departmental seminar on e-learning 2012
Member of the scientific committee of ABET in the Civil Engineering Department, College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011-present)
Member of laboratories committee of Civil Engineering Department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011-present)
Member of capstone project committee of Civil Engineering Department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011-present)


1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Surveying GIS Technical University, Prague - Czech 2000
M.Sc. Surveying - GPS Banha University 1996
B.Sc. Civil Engineering Ain Shams University 1991

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Alqura University, Assistant Professor, Surveying 2011-date FT
Three Ms. C. thesis, Supervisor, Surveying 2000-2011 PT
Banha University, Assistant Professor, Surveying 2000-2011 FT
Banha University, Lecturer assistant, Civil Engineering 1996-1998 FT
American University at Cairo AUC, Lecturer assistant, Surveying 1994-1996 PT
Banha University, Demonstrator, Civil Engineering 1993-1996 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Egyptian Embassy at Kuwait Cultural Attach, Head of the Cultural office, 2004 - 2007 FT
Environmental Services Company, Consultant, Head of Cairo office 2007 - 2010 PT
Al-Wadi Engineering office, Designer, Design and supervise different projects 1994 - 1998 PT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:
Surveying consultant in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.
5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of Society of Egyptian Civil Engineers.
2- Member of Kuwait Society of Engineering.
3- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate since 1991.
4- Member in the Egyptian Engineering Society.
6- Honors and awards:
1- The Ms. C. thesis that I supervised was selected as the best dissertation in Banha University year
2- Certificate from CZ university indicated that I was one from the top 10 in the university; year 1999.
3- Certificate from Ain Shams University indicated that I was one from the top 10 students awarded the, year 1991.
4- Several certificates from different agencies like: The African sportive Council; The Scouting Arab
Organization; The Ministry of Youth and Sport in Egypt; The ministry of high education in Egypt;
The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR); Embassy of Egypt in Kuwait; etc.

7- Service activities:
1- Egyptian Wind Farm Analysis Integrated with GIS Site Selection Support (project).
2- Supervisor of the Surveying laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (from 2011 till now).
3- Member of Lab ABET Committee in the civil engineering department, College of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011 till now).

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Hazard vulnerability assessment as a tool to manage risk associated with large scale touristic
development plans using GIS and RS First international conference on contemporary environmental
issues in arid and semi-arid regions, (ENVI 2008), 25 27 October, 2008, Faculty of science,
Alexandria University
2- Geo-environmental application using remote sensing and geographic information system techniques
The second international conference on environmental and sustainability. 16-19 February, Kuwait
3- Applying remote sensing technique in environmental applications The second international
conference on environmental and sustainability. 16-19 February, Kuwait 2009
4- Application of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to support environmental assessment using GIS
technique Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Volume 126,
5- Ambient air quality assessment at Damietta port using GIS technique Engineering Research Journal,
Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Volume 126, 2010
6- Area estimation using remotely sensed image classification techniques for land use purposes
Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, El-Azhar University 2011
7- Comparison of area Estimators for Image Classifications, Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of
Engineering, El-Azhar University, 2011

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Ms. C. supervisor, surveying, Faculty of Eng. Banha University.
2- Egyptian Wind Farm Analysis Integrated with GIS Site Selection Support (running project).

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Civil Eng., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, 1987
M.Sc. Civil Eng., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA,1983
B.Sc. Civil Eng., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, 1982

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al-Qura University, Vice President women students, 2008 2010 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Vice President in charge women students 2007 2008 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, General supervisor Colleges of Education for Girls 2007 2007 FT
Umm Al-Qura University, Dean of College of Engineering 2000 2006 FT
General Organization for Technical Education, Dean of Academic Affairs 1998 2000 FT
General Organization for Technical Education, Secretary of Academic council 1998 2000 FT
Riyadh Telecommunication College, Supervisor 1998 1999 FT
Abha College of Technology, Saudi Arabia, Dean 1991 1998 FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone Manager of Engineering Division 1990 1991 FT
Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone, Chief of the Structural Division 1987 1990 FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Saudi Building Code National Committee: Member

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:

8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
5- The Journal of Engineering Research Vol. 6, No. 1 (2009) 66-75, Sultan Qaboos University
6- Dynamic Behavior of Lamella Braced Domes .Tariq M. Nahhas ASJCE, Vol. 1, March, 2010
7- Ain Shams Journal of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Eng. Cairo, Egypt, ISSN 1687-8590
8- A comparison of IBC with 1997 UBC for modal response spectrum analysis in standard-occupancy
9- Earthq Eng & Eng Vib. (2011) 10: 99-113, Vol.10, No.1
10- Sensitivity of Predicted Maximum Bending Moment to IBC Design Response Spectrum
Parameters, Tariq M. Nahhas, The Journal of Engineering Research Vol. 6, No. 1 (2009) 66-75,
Sultan Qaboos University
11- A comparison of IBC with 1997 UBC for modal response spectrum analysis in standard-
occupancy buildings, Tariq M. Nahhas, EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING
VIBRATION, Earthq Eng & Eng Vib (2011) 10: 99-113, Vol.10, No.1
12- Flexural Behavior and Ductility of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams with

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Livable World Cities Summit (Singapore)
2- Engineering Project Management Forum(Jeddah)
3- Female Higher Education... Trends and perspectives Symposium (Medina)
4- Thirty Fifth International Conference of "Harmony in Education and Training (Malaysia)
5- Tunnels Safety and Underground Facilities and Roads Workshop (Riyadh)
6- Sixth International Conference on Construction Techniques (Dundee)
7- The First Saudi Building Code Conference (Riyadh)
8- The Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Engineering Technology
9- STCEX the Third Conference and Exhibition (Riyadh)
10- Successful engineering practices Conference (Beirut)
11- The First annual Forum of the Saudi Building Code National Committee (Riyadh)
12- Educational Technology Conference and Exhibition (Muscat)

1- Education degree, discipline, institution, year:
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, King Abdul Aziz Univ. KSA, 2006
M.Sc., Environmental Engineering, King Abdul Aziz Univ. KSA, 1998
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, King Abdul Aziz Univ. KSA. 1986

2- Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate),
when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time:
Umm Al_Qura university, Assistant Professor, 2008 to present, FT

3- Non-academic experience:
Engineering and Housing Directorate, Royal Saudi Air Defense Force, Branch Manager Supervision,
2006 to 2006, FT
Engineering and Housing Directorate, Royal Saudi Air Defense Force, Operation and Maintenance
Manager, Supervision, 1998 to 2001 FT
Engineering and Housing Directorate, Royal Saudi Air Defense Force, Projects Manager Supervision
1996 to1996, FT
Engineering and Housing Directorate, Royal Saudi Air Defense Force, Manager Supervision 1992
to1995 FT
Engineering and Housing Directorate, Royal Saudi Air Defense Force, Branch Manager Supervision
1988 to1992, FT
Dalla Company, Civil Engineer Supervision, 1987-1988, FT

4- Certifications or professional registrations:

5- Membership in professional organizations:
1- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
2- Member of Saudi Association for Civil Engineering
3- Member of Saudi Society of Civil Engineering

6- Honors and awards:

7- Service activities:
1- Member of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Center in the College of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2010)
2- Member of the scientific committee of examining and selecting new teaching assistants in the civil
engineering department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura
University (2009-2010)
3- Supervisor of the sanitary laboratory of the civil Engineering department of Engineering and
Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University (2011)
8- Publications and presentations from the past five years:
1- Turki M. Alaboud. 2009. Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Reclamation-Pilot Plant Study in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2): 267-277.
2- Turki M. Alaboud and Saleh Faraj Magram. 2008. A Discourse on Feasibility of the Membrane
Bioreactor Technology for Wastewater Reuse in Saudi Arabia. Research Journal of Environmental
Sciences , 2(6): 445-455
3- El-Bisy, M.S., Turki, M. A., Ali, H., Abd-Elal, M. A., 2010. Water quality model induction from
surface drainage data: Using neural networks approach. Al-Azhar Engineering 11th international
4- Turki, M. A., El-Bisy, M.S., 2011. Long-shore current velocities prediction: using neural networks
approach. WIT Conference Proceedings, Italy.

9- Recent professional development activities:
1- Member of Research Project " Integrated management of ground water quality for Noman Valley
Makkah, Saudi Arabia" funded by Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic Heritage,
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.
2- Principal investigator of Research Project "Predicting tides variations with artificial neural networks
along red sea coast of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia." Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic
Heritage, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.
3- Principal investigator of Research Project "Evaluation of membrane bioreactor as an effective
residential wastewater treatment system" KCAST, Saudi Arabia.

Appendix C Equipment
List of the major pieces of equipment used by the program in support of instruction.

No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
1 Drainage and seepage tank 1
Water Resources
2 Surface irrigation model 1
Water Resources
3 Rainfall hydrographs 1
Water Resources
4 Drain permeameter 1
Water Resources
5 Ground flow/well abstraction 1
Water Resources
6 Sand table 1
Water Resources
7 Soil analysis test 2
Water Resources
8 Turbidity sensor for quanta 2
Water Resources
9 Paqualab system 50 2
Water Resources
10 Basic hydrology system apparatus 1
Water Resources
11 Infiltration apparatus 1
Water Resources
12 Mirror stereoscope 10 Photogrammetry
13 Pentograph 10 Photogrammetry
14 Total Station 11 Surveying
15 Theodolite 11 Surveying
16 EDM 1 Surveying
17 GPS receiver 4 Surveying
18 Digital Camera 1 Surveying
19 Level 12 Surveying
20 Compass 7 Surveying
21 Planimeter 7 Surveying
22 Dry oven 1 Concrete
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
23 Crushing specimens apparatus 1 Concrete
24 Los Anglos apparatus 1 Concrete
25 Electronic balance (kg) 1 Concrete
26 Electronic balance (g) 1 Concrete
27 Concrete mixer (large) 1 Concrete
28 Concrete mixer (small) 1 Concrete
29 Cement mixer 1 Concrete
30 Permeability apparatus 1 Concrete
31 Sieve vibrator 1 Concrete
32 Specimens vibrator (large) 1 Concrete
33 Specimens vibrator (small) 1 Concrete
34 Concrete air ventilation ratio apparatus 1 Concrete
35 Concrete air entrain ratio apparatus 1 Concrete
36 Sieve vibrator 1 Concrete
37 Specimens vibrator (large) 1 Concrete
38 Fluid friction apparatus 1 Hydraulics
39 Hydraulic bench and accessories 3 Hydraulics
40 Orifice flow meters 2 Hydraulics
41 Multi-purpose teaching flume and accessories 1 Hydraulics
42 Pipe surge and water hammer apparatus 1 Hydraulics
43 Fluid properties and hydrostatics bench 1 Hydraulics
44 Series / parallel pump 1 Hydraulics
45 Centrifugal pump 1 Hydraulics
46 Bernoulli apparatus 1 Hydraulics
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
47 Flow meter demonstration 1 Hydraulics
48 Loss in bends apparatus 1 Hydraulics
49 Acid Storage cabinets 2
50 Chemical storage cabinets 2
51 Glassware Storage cabinets 2
52 Autoclaves 1
53 Balances 2
54 Centrifuges 2
55 Heating blocks & hot plates 6
56 Incubators 3
57 Ovens 2
58 Thermometers 6
59 Fridges 2
60 Ultrasonic and water baths 2
61 UV sterilization units 1
62 Water distillation apparatus 1
63 Water deionizer 1
64 Vacuum pumps 2
65 Furnaces 1
66 BOD test instruments 1
67 COD test instruments 1
68 Spectrophotometers 1
69 Conductivity meters 1
70 Dissolved oxygen meters 1
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
71 Ion selective electrodes for fluoride 2
72 Ion selective electrodes for nitrate 2
73 Ion selective electrodes for nitrite 2
74 Ion selective electrodes for ammonia 2
75 pH meters (bench) 2
76 pH meters (portable) 2
77 Automatic pipettes 6
78 Bottle Top dispensers 6
79 Digital burettes 2
80 Spectrophotometers 1
81 Triaxial (soil strength) digital apparatus 1 Soil
82 Odometer machine 6 Soil
83 Digital shear machine 2 Soil
84 Manual shear machine 2 Soil
Unconfined compressive strength and California
bearing ratio machine
2 Soil
86 Liquid limit machine 6 Soil
87 Desiccator 2 Soil
88 Drying oven 8 Soil
89 Cone dynamic machine 1 Soil
90 Permeability machine 5 Soil
91 Triaxial (soil strength) digital apparatus 5 Soil
92 Odometer machine 4 Soil
93 Digital shear machine 1 Soil
94 Manual shear machine 1 Soil
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
95 Electronic balances 1 Soil
96 Shaker of specific gravity 5 Soil
97 Triaxial machine 1 Soil
98 Unconfined compression test 5 Soil
99 Proving ring penetrometer 5 Soil
100 Shaker sieve analysis 4 Soil
101 Digital Triaxial machine 1 Soil
102 Electronic balances 1 Soil
103 Weight scale (Dhaus Ebseries) 1
Concrete quality
control and
Compression test machine (with computer & HP laser
printer (5000 kN)
Concrete quality
control and
Compression test machine (Walter+baiag) with
computer & HP laser printer (3000 kN)
Concrete quality
control and
Compression test machine (Walter+baiag) with
computer & HP laser printer (300 kN)
Concrete quality
control and
107 Rapid chloride permeability test machine 1
Concrete quality
control and
108 Form + Test water penetration Tester 1
Concrete quality
control and
109 Penetrometer for penetration test 1 Asphalt
110 Penetrometer for penetration test 1 Asphalt
111 Apparatus for Flash point test 1 Asphalt
112 Softening point (ring &ball) 1 Asphalt
113 Say bolt furl viscosity 1 Asphalt
114 Ductility apparatus 1 Asphalt
115 Set of sieves 1 Asphalt
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
116 Proctor hummer manual 1 Asphalt
117 Modified proctor hummer manual 1 Asphalt
118 Molds 1 Asphalt
119 Casagrande apparatus 1 Asphalt
120 Set of balance electrical 2 Asphalt
121 Gyratory compactor (servopac) 1 Asphalt
122 Marshall hummer manual 1 Asphalt
123 Marshall hummer manual 1 Asphalt
124 Marshal hummer automatic 1 Asphalt
125 Set of Marshall molds 1 Asphalt
126 Marshall samples extruder 1 Asphalt
NCAT apparatus for determining % of bitumen
(asphalt content tester)
1 Asphalt
128 Extraction test for asphalt apparatus using petrol 1 Asphalt
129 Personal computer 1 Asphalt
130 Mixer (Hobart) 14 liter 1 Asphalt
131 Ovens 3 Asphalt
132 Air compressor 1 Asphalt
133 Marshall machine 2 Asphalt
134 CBR Machine (multiplex 50) 1 Asphalt
135 Control temperature water bath 1 Asphalt
136 Los Angeles abrasion machine 1 Asphalt
137 Sample cuter machine 1 Asphalt
138 Utm-5p- asphalt testing system 1 Asphalt
139 Conical flasks 10 Asphalt
No. Item Name Qty. Laboratory
140 Measuring cylinders 10 Asphalt
141 thermometers 10 Asphalt
142 Shaker for sieve analysis 1 Asphalt

Appendix D Institutional Summary

Programs are requested to provide the following information.

A. The Institution
A-1 Name and address of the institution
Umm Al-Qura University
Abdia, Makkah-21955
Saudi Arabia
A-2 Name and title of the chief executive officer of the institution
Dr. Bakri bin Matouq Assas
A.3 Name and title of the person submitting the self-study report
Dr. Hamza Ghulman
College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture

Dr. Mohammed Saif
Civil Engineering Department
A.4 Name the organizations by which the institution is now accredited and
the dates of the initial and most recent accreditation evaluations.
The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments of the University were accredited by
ABET-EAC in the year 2011. Whereas some of the other colleges and departments of the
university are either accredited individually or are in the process of accreditation.
B. Type of Control

Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) is a state institution that operates under the auspices of the
Ministry of Higher Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The UQU system is governed
by the University Rector with the help of the Vice Rectors and the University Deans Council.
The Rector is usually appointed by a royal decree.

C. Educational Unit
The educational unit is the College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture. Within the College,
there are four academic departments with four academic programs. These are:

1. Civil Engineering
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Mechanical Engineering
4. Islamic Architecture

The administrative body of the College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture is composed of:
1. Dr. Hamza Ghulma, Dean
2. Dr. Ihab Malibari, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
3. Dr. Abdulghani Monawar, Vice Dean for Development and Academic Accreditation
4. Dr. Mohammed Alawi, Vice Dean for graduate Studies

The department chairs are:
5. Dr. Muhammad Saif, Chairman Civil Engineering Department
6. Dr. Ahmad Nahhas, Chairman Electrical Engineering Department
7. Dr. Talal Mandoura, Chairman Mechanical Engineering Department
8. Jameel Salafi, Chairman, Islamic Architecture Department

An organization chart has been provided in the chapter on Background Information.
D. Academic Support Units

Support Unit (Department) Unit Head
Computer Science Dr. Ahmed Kattan
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Talal Mandoura
English Language Center Dr. Sultan M. Alshareef
Physics Dr. Saud H. Allihyani
Deanship of Preparatory Year Dr. Abullah A. Abdullah
Dawah and Islamic Culture Dr. Hasan A. AlAbdel-Hadi
Chemistry Dr. Khalied S. Khairo
Arabic Language and Grammar Dr. Hasan M. Alqarni
Electrical Engineering Dr. Ahmad Nahhas
Kitab and Sunna Dr. Ghaleb M. Alhumaidi
E. Non-academic Support Units
E-1 Deanship of Admissions and Registration
(Responsible: Dr. Mohammad Al-Hazmi Dean)
This unit has following sub-units:

E-1-1 Admission and statistics:
This unit is concerned with the acceptance of new students and all the other activities that
relate to it such as organizing interviews, evaluation of certificates, preparation of the new
students ID cards, and coordination with the university faculties with reference to acceptance
conditions that relate to their respective departments. This unit is also responsible to maintain
the statistics of students.

E-1-2 Registration, Time-Tables and Computer:
This administration prepares the academic calendar, time-tables and other related registration
activities such as examination results, withdrawals, and all computer-related matters.

E.1.3 Documents, Graduation and Certificates:
This administration is responsible for the follow up of graduation requirements for each
department and the preparation of final documents and certificates. It is also responsible for
translation of university certificates and other documents for presentation to countries outside
the Kingdom.

E1.4 Academic Guidance:
This administration is responsible for the academic guidance of new students and matters
related to transfer of students from one department to another or, from one university to

E.1.5 Financial Aid:
The financial aid administration deals with financial aid eligibility and monthly payments, and
all other decisions on different types of payments and allowances.

E.1.6 Administrative Affairs:
This department is responsible for the administrative affairs of the deanship such as the
performance of the staff, typing, archiving and photocopying services.

E.1.7 Academic Follow-Up and Monitoring:
This department is responsible for the follow-up and monitoring of students educational
performance in the light of academic standards. The department also prepares reports on
suspended students and submits to the admissions and registration committee to take necessary
E-2 Deanship of Library Affairs
(Responsible: Dr. Adnan M. Al-Shareef Dean)
The Central Library serves the University community and Makkah region in various academic,
cultural and research activities. The Central Library has the most important material on the
Two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madina in the Hall of The Custodian of The Two Holy
Mosques. The Central Library embraces all information resources such as books, periodicals,
documents, manuscripts, audio-visual material, maps and atlases, and other electronic material.
These services are provided by the following departments:

1. The Department of Library Users Services.
2. The Department of Scripts, Dissertations, and Audio-visual Materials.
3. The Department of Technical Procedures.
4. The Department of Exchange and Official Publications.
5. The Department of Special Collections.
6. The Hall of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
7. The Teaching Staff Hall.
8. The Department of Planning, Follow Up, Organizations and Research.
9. The Computer Department.
E-3 Deanship of Information Technology
(Responsible: Dr. Fahad Al-Zahrani Dean)
This unit provides the required IT support to the University faculty, staff and students. This
includes a high speed Internet on fiber optic, infrastructure and environment to support remote
lecturing specially for the girls campus, software, servers, and PCs etc.
E-4 Deanship of Student Affairs
(Responsible: Dr. Ali A. Al-Zahrani Dean)
1. This Deanship is responsible for the welfare of students. The objectives of the
Deanship of Student Affairs are:
2. To promote healthy social relations between the students on the basis of the noble
Islamic principles.
3. To promote self-reliance, leadership and objective thinking among students by giving
them the opportunity to be responsible for planning, execution, follow up and
evaluation of their activities and the services provided to them.
4. To help the students attain the best academic progress by discovering the problems they
might face and solving them.
5. To enhance the spirit of teamwork, cooperation and mutual support.
6. To Identify gifted students and give them special attention and guidance.
7. To help the students utilize their leisure time in activities that suit their interests and
needs, and contribute to their behavioral and mental development.

To achieve these objectives, the Deanship provides the following services/facilities to students:
Students employment
Students mail services
Students housing
Summer centers
The Guest House (Dar Al-Diyafa)
Students catering

The students activities include four departments that consist of fourteen clubs. These are as
1. The Department of Cultural Activities. It includes the following clubs:
The Students Cultural Club
The Islamic Awareness Club
The Students Theater

2. The Department of Social Activities. It includes the following clubs:
The Students Social Club
The General Students Club
Al-Noor Club for Blind Students
The Foreign Students Club

3. The Department of Public Relations and Media For Student's Activities. It includes the
following clubs:
The Information Office (Manar Al-Jamm'ah)
The Public Relations Office
The Light Photography Club

4. The Department of Scientific and Aesthetical Activities. It includes the following clubs:
The Scouts Club
The Scientific Inventions Club
The Aesthetical Talents Club
The Computer Club
F. Credit Unit
The academic year consists of two semesters, each of which lasts 14 weeks excluding the
examination period, which is an additional 2 to 2.5 weeks. The regular semesters are fall and
spring. The institution also offers a summer session which is 8 weeks long. Classes in the
summer session are extended (doubled) to compensate for the reduced semester length. One
semester credit is equivalent to one class hour per week for lecture-type courses, or two
laboratory hours and one tutorial hour per week for laboratory courses. The total number of
credit hours required for graduation in the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture is
165 credit hours for the five-year Civil Engineering program. The average number of credit
hours in one academic year is 33.
G. Tables
The required tables are given on the following pages.

Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data

Civil Engineering Program

Enrollment Year




Degrees Awarded

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Associates Bachelors Masters Doctorates
FT 91 119 127 118 88 543 0
0 83 0 0
Year PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FT 88 118 120 124 110 560 0
0 129 0 0
PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FT 125 115 120 119 120 599 0
0 145 0 0
PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FT 112 122 116 122 95 567 0
0 93 0 0
PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FT 105 112 120 126 83 546 0
0 78 0 0
PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate
and graduate degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the fall

FT--full time
PT--part time

Table D-2. Personnel
Civil Engineering Program

: Fall 2013



- - -
Faculty (tenure-track)
3 14 - 10.5
Other Faculty (excluding student
16 (15)* - 16(15)*
Student Teaching Assistants
4 7 - 7
2 - 2
Office/Clerical Employees
2 - 2

- - -
* A faculty member passed away just recently

Report data for the program being evaluated.

Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated tables
for the fall term when the ABET team is visiting are to be prepared and presented to the team
when they arrive.

Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should
be allocated to each category according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that

For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time load.

For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For
undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours (or 24 quarter
credit-hours) per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses science, humanities
and social sciences, etc.

Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank.

Appendix E Policy on Regulations of Study and

The policy is given on the following pages.







Signature Attesting to Compliance

By signing below, I attest to the following:

That Civil Engineering program has conducted an honest assessment of compliance and has
provided a complete and accurate disclosure of timely information regarding compliance with
ABETs Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs to include the General Criteria and
any applicable Program Criteria, and the ABET Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual.

Dr. Hamza Ghulman
Deans Name (As indicated on the RFE)

________________________________ _______________________

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