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Yankee Dryers

Hydrostatic testing of Yankee dryers

Bengt Unneberg

ABSTRACT: The hydrostatic pressure testing of a Yankee dryer

is performed as a fitness-for-service test made before delivery of
the Yankee. In some countries, there are also statutory
requirements for on-site hydrostatic testing after the delivery, as
well as periodic testing of the cylinder during its lifetime.
Hydrostatic pressure testing is discussed, and the particular case
of a Yankee dryer failure during on-site hydrostatic testing is
KEYWORDS: Drum driers (drum dryers), failure, hazards,
hydraulic pressure, pressure, test methods, yankee driers (Yankee

he hydrostatic pressure test is

performed by filling the dryer
with water and increasing the pressure to 1.52.0 times the design pressure, depending on the specific
pressure-vessel code. The dryer is
filled and pressurized with water
because the potential for explosive
failure of a cracking cylinder during
this test is greatly reduced with the
incompressible medium.
Hydrostatic testing is a fairly relevant testing procedure for a pressure vessel that will only be exposed
to an internal pressure. A Yankee
dryer, on the other hand, has a much
more complicated loading situation.
The dryer is pressurized with hot
steam and cooled on the outside of
the shell by the wet sheet. This induces large thermal stresses in the
shell. The Yankee dryer is also a
rotating pressure vessel that is mechanically loaded from the outside

with the linear load from one or two

press rolls. In Fig. 1, the relative
magnitude of these loads can be seen.
In this case, the load from internal
pressure is only 23% of the total load.
These facts reduce the relevancy
of the hydrostatic testing of a Yankee dryer; in some cases, it may
cause more harm than good.

Dryer deformation
Figure 2 illustrates the deformation
of the Yankee dryer during the hydrostatic test, which means deformation from internal pressure only.
This load causes a bending moment
in the shell and head flange area
that attempts to increase the angle
between these parts at the flange
Figure 3 illustrates the deformation of the Yankee dryer during op-

Unneberg is tissue machinery application engineer, Valmet-Karlstad AB, Box 1014,

S-65115 Karlstad, Sweden.
Vol. 78, No. 9 Tappi Journal


erating conditions. The significant

deformation here is the thermal deformation caused by the wet sheet
on the shell surface. This reduces
the diameter and length of the shell
and causes a bending moment in the
flange corner that decreases the
angle between the shell and head at
the flange interface.

Stress distribution
Figures 4 and 5 provide two plots of
the maximum principal stress in the
flange area, with the hydrostatic test
condition shown in Fig. 4 and the
running condition in Fig. 5. The dark
areas in these plots indicate high
These plots clearly show that the
stress distribution is quite different
for these two scenarios. During hydrostatic testing, the high stresses
are located on the inside of the shell
flange and extend into a region
around the first grooves for a ribbed
dryer. For the operating condition,
the stresses in this area are very low
and mostly compressive. The high
tensile stresses are, in this case,
found on the outside of the shell.
This is an effect of the thermal stress,
caused by the temperature difference through the shell wall, that creates a bending stress in the shell
with compressive stresses on the inside and tensile stresses on the outside.
The hydrostatic test requirement
makes the design of the flange area
more difficult, as two different load
scenarios must be considered. For
running conditions, the current
bending forces tend to open a gap
between the head and shell at the

Yankee Dryers
outer head radius. This will increase
the risk for crevice corrosion between
the shell and head flange.
The loads during hydrostatic testing are just the opposite of those for
running conditions, so a design compromise must be developed that
keeps the deformations within acceptable limits for both. If this is not
done, a gap may develop in the spigot
fit area on the inside of the flange
connection at the shell-flange inner
This gap will only be present during the hydrostatic test, but it may
cause permanent deformation that
could cause problems in the future
steam leaks, for instance.
The hydrostatic test is examining
the dryer and demanding design considerations for a completely different load scenario than what the dryer
will be exposed to during its operating lifetime. The primary justification for a hydrostatic examination is
to establish that no major flaws exist
in the materials of construction and
to inspect the dryer for eventual

On-site hydrostatic testing

The previous discussion described
hydrostatic testing that is routinely
performed by the manufacturer before delivery of the Yankee dryer.
Some countries, such as Italy and
Russia, also require an additional
hydrostatic test after delivery of the
Yankee to the mill. The purpose of
this test is to determine whether any
damage was inflicted during transportation to the mill site.
Some countries also require a hydrostatic test at regular intervals
during the lifetime of the dryer. Others require a hydrostatic test even
after relatively minor repair work
on the dryer.
These on-site hydrostatic tests introduce some new concerns about
this procedure, since mills normally
do not have the same control over
the testing process as the manufacturer, which does this procedure routinely.


September 1995 Tappi Journal

1. Yankee loads

These new concerns include:

The enormous weight of water
upwards of 300,000 lb in large Yankeescan require structural
analysis and additional structural
support for the vessel.
The Yankee cannot sustain the
additional water weight through
its bearings and, therefore, arrangements must be made to support this load through the heads.
Without proper support of the
Yankee, it can be irreparably damaged.
Care must be taken to ensure that
the water used does not carry or
create deposits that may cause a
nonuniform barrier to heat transfer.
The monetary costs and downtime
to perform the structural analysis, provide adequate building and
Yankee support, perform the hydrostatic test, and internally clean
the Yankee are considerable.

Case study
Lets look at a case study from a
Yankee dryer in a Russian mill as an
example of the potential danger involved with these on-site hydrostatic
On this dryer, the mill had problems with two minor steam leaks be-

tween the head and shell flanges and

was injecting sealant through predrilled holes in the head. After this
repair, the Russian authorities required a new hydrostatic test.
The Yankee was manufactured in
1987. The diameter was 5000 mm (195
in.), and the shell length was 4850
mm (191 in.). The design pressure
was 900 kPa (130 psi). This dryer
was hydrostatically tested the first
time at 1350 kPa (196 psi), which is
1.5 times design pressure, before delivery. Then, according to Russian
rules, it was hydrostatically tested a
second time after arrival in the mill.
This was done in December 1988. In
January 1993, steam leaks were
sealed, and the dryer was hydrostatically tested a third time.
Before filling it with water, the
Yankee was unloaded from its bearings and supported with cradles that
were positioned underneath the shell
in the flange area on the front and
back sides. The water pump that was
used to fill the dryer had a capacity
of 730 L/min at 2100 kPa (190 gal/
min at 305 psig) or 420 L/min at 3750
kPa (111 gal/min at 554 psig).
This means a pressure capacity
was possible of up to 4.2 times the
maximum allowable working pressure of the dryer. A manual pump
was also installed in the system that,
after filling, would be used to increase
the pressure to its final value.

2. Deformation during hydrostatic test

3. Deformation during operation

4. Stresses during hydrostatic test

5. Stresses during operation

The dryer was made ready for the

hydrostatic test but was not filled
with water because it was getting
late in the day. Plans were made for
the testing to be done the next day,
and preparations would continue the
next morning. However, during the
evening, the plant employees began
to fill the dryer with water to save
time the next day.
The filling was initially made
through the open manhole, which was
located in the 12 oclock position. At
around 10 p.m., the manhole cover
was closed and the filling continued.
The air evacuation in this stage was
done through a 10-mm-diameter hole
in one of the head-to-shell bolts.
About an hour later, the dryer
Vol. 78, No. 9 Tappi Journal


cracked. No personnel were near the

dryer at the time.
It was not known at what volume
or pressure the pump was operating
when the failure occurred, but a rapid
pressure increase is expected when
the dryer is filled and water starts to
be evacuated through the 10-mm airventing hole, or if this hole becomes
plugged by some foreign material.
Later calculations indicated that at
about 2500 kPa (363 psi) the stresses
in the dryer reach a critical level,
which is also the pressure level that
was expected to be created by the
Here is a list of the resulting
cracks in the dryer:

Drive-side journal cracked at inner flange radius

Six journal-to-head bolts broken
on tending side
Radial cracks at Bolt 135 on tending-side head
Crack across shell at Bolt 135
Circumferential crack in tending
side at second groove
Circumferential crack in drive side
at first groove.
This list is written in the probable
order in which the cracks developed.
It suggests that the initial crack probably occurred in the center flange,
followed by the heads being pushed

Yankee Dryers
6. Cracks in drive-side journal and tending-side head

7. Tending-side cracks in shell

Tending-side shell

Drive-side journal

Second groove

Tending-side head

Six bolts

8. Drive-side cracks in shell

Drive-side shell

First groove

out and the breaking of the journalto-head bolts. From this point, radial cracks progressed in the head
out to the shell flange, where the
axial crack started and progressed
over the full width of the cylinder.
From this axial crack, the two circumferential cracks were initiated.
These cracks started close to the
outer grooves in the shell that is, as
shown earlier, one of the areas of
highest stress during a hydrostatic
Figure 6 shows the position of
the crack in the center flange, also a
very highly stressed area during a
hydrostatic test, and the cracks in
the tending-side head.


September 1995 Tappi Journal

Figures 7 and 8 show the crack

pattern in the tending side and the
drive side of the shell.

The case study clearly establishes
the danger inherent in on-site hydrostatic testing. When we combine
that danger with the costs associated with hydrostatic testing and
compare them with the information
gained by performing the tests, the
risk and costs are far too high.
With improved calculation methods and material investigation procedures, the value of the on-site
hydrostatic test has changed over
the years. Global acoustic emission
examination and a variety of modern and sophisticated local nonde-

structive testing procedures provide

good alternatives to hydrostatic testing. These examinations should be
performed by experienced, qualified
technicians using a detailed written
For all these reasons, the Yankee
Dryer Safety Committee strongly
feels that in any case where a request for an on-site hydrostatic test
is made, a discussion should be initiated with the involved authorities to
try to substitute the hydrostatic testing with a safer and more appropriate testing method. TJ
Received for review July 11, 1994.
Accepted Nov. 11, 1994.
Presented at the TAPPI 1994 Engineering Conference.

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