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he word "cancer" is of Latin derivation and means "crab". Today,

T cancer "cure" is a vast industry. But by the turn of the 20th century,
the medical profession had come to the conclusion that it was not a
matter of whether infectious disease caused cancer, but of which one.
For over 200 years, a cancer germ had been discovered and rediscovered,
named and renamed, each scientist adding to the knowledge but to no avail.
The US medical Then, in 1910, certain American medical powers did a 180-degree rotation,
deciding that cancer was not caused by a microbe and that anyone who
establishment once thought otherwise was a heretic, a charlatan or a quack.
accepted a microbial Dr Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe Livingston and her network were none of the
above, their meticulous peer-reviewed research and publications produced
cause of cancer, at the height of US post–World War II technology. Dr Dean Burk, who co-
but in 1910 it did an founded the US National Cancer Institute and headed its cell chemistry
department for 34 years, went so far as to say that Livingston's cancer germ
about-face and from was as real and certain as anything known about cancer. Researcher Dr Alan
Cantwell, Jr, grew up thinking that all germs responsible for the important
thereon refused to diseases were supposed to have been discovered already. But much to his
accept the validity of dismay, he found one that had been left out: the cancer germ. Cantwell
knew that Livingston had already been branded by the medical orthodoxy for
scientific studies that finding this cancer germ—thus, what he thought to be perhaps the major
discovery of the 20th century was left largely discredited.
proved the existence The striking analogy between cancer and tuberculosis (TB) was noticed
of a cancer germ. long before the tubercle bacillus was discovered. In 1877, Sir John Simon
clearly pointed out the similarity and in fact argued very strongly in favour of
a microbial mycobacterial origin for cancer. Since then, literally thousands
of articles and texts have shown malignant changes to spring from
tuberculous infection. But Sir John's vindication would have to wait for
Part 1 of 2 Livingston's germ which, although tuberculosis-like, was not tuberculosis
but an atypical form of this mycobacterium, melded from the mycobacterium
and other related Actinomycetales. Had medical science, and the powers
that be, spent as much time in investigating and destroying Livingston's
germ as they did in attacking her and those around her, cancer might be
curable today.
by Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD Hodgkin's cancer under attack
© 2009 When Virginia Livingston was a student at Bellevue Medical College in
The N. Y. Institute of Medical New York City, her pathology teacher mentioned rather disparagingly that
Research, New York, USA there was a woman pathologist at Cornell University who thought Hodgkin's
Email: nyinstituteofmedical disease (a form of glandular cancer) was caused by fowl tuberculosis.1 This
[email protected] pathologist had published, but no one had confirmed her findings.
Website: Afterwards, Livingston compared slides of the two diseases. In Hodgkin's, the giant multinucleated cells were called Reed–Sternberg cells and were
similar to the giant cells of tuberculosis which formed to engulf the tubercle


bacilli. Livingston stored away in her memory that this Hodgkin's was caused by tuberculosis. Both Fraenkel
pathologist—Dr Elise L'Esperance—was probably right and Much5 held, as did L'Esperance, that it was caused
but would have a difficult time gaining acceptance for by a peculiar form of tuberculosis, such as fowl
her findings. tuberculosis, and debate over the infectious cause of
By 1931, L'Esperance was seeing "acid fast" Hodgkin's waxed the hottest of all the cancers.
tuberculosis-like bacteria riddling her Hodgkin's cancer Into this arena L'Esperance stepped in 1931, with few
tissue samples. That germ, once injected into guinea listening. Her article "Studies in Hodgkin's Disease" was
pigs, caused them to come down with Hodgkin's, too, published in Annals of Surgery.6 It proved to be the one
fulfilling Koch's postulates. She brought her stained legacy that no one, not even Ewing (who would soon die
slides to former teacher and prominent Cornell cancer from a self-diagnosed cancer), could take away.
pathologist Dr James Ewing, "the father of oncology".
He initially confirmed that her tissue slides indeed Dr Virginia Livingston and cancer's true cause
showed Hodgkin's. But when he found out that her Our [cancer] cultures were scrutinized over and over again.
samples came through guinea pig inoculation with fowl Strains were sent to many laboratories for identification.
tuberculosis which she had found in humans with None could really classify them. They were something
Hodgkin's, Ewing, visibly upset, said that the slide unknown. They had many forms but they always grew up
samples then could not be cancer. again to be the same thing no matter how they were cultured.
This reaction betrayed his chequered history as a high- They resembled the mycobacteria more than anything else.
placed medical politician. In The tubercle bacillus is a
1907, you could have mycobacterium or fungoid
approached Dr James Ewing bacillus.
about a cancer germ and he – Virginia Livingston, 19727
would have embraced you over By 1931, L'Esperance was
it. Was it not Ewing who at one
time had proclaimed that
seeing "acid fast" Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe
Livingston was born in 1906 in
tuberculosis followed Hodgkin's tuberculosis-like bacteria Meadville, Pennsylvania, and
cancer "like a shadow"? went on to obtain impeccable
But a few years later, Ewing
riddling her Hodgkin's credentials. Graduating from
sent a sword through the heart cancer tissue samples. Vassar College, she received her
of an infectious cause of cancer MD degree from New York
with Neoplastic Diseases, 2 University. The first female
becoming an ambitious zealot medical resident ever in New
for radiation therapy with the York City, in time Livingston
directorship of what would one day become the became a school physician in Newark, New Jersey, where
Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center squarely on one day a staff nurse asked for medical assistance.
his mind. His entry lay in the hands of prominent The nurse had already been diagnosed with Raynaud's
philanthropist James Douglas. A vote for Ewing, syndrome: the tips of her fingers were ulcerated and
Douglas knew, was a vote for continued radiation and so bled intermittently. Livingston diagnosed scleroderma,
Douglas began sizeable uranium extraction operations but upon further examination she noticed a hole in the
from Colorado mines through his company, Phelps nasal septum, something she had seen previously in the
Dodge, Inc.3 mycobacterial diseases TB and leprosy.
Soon, Sloan's predecessor became known as a radium So Livingston approached dermatologist Dr Eva
hospital and went from an institution with a census of Brodkin and New Jersey pathologist Dr Roy Allen for
less than 15 per cent of cancer patients—separated by confirmation, all the while convinced that mycobacterial
partition, lest their disease spread to others—to a infection was causing the scleroderma. She then
veritable cancer centre. But the very history of radiation performed cultures from a sterile nasal swab, and
revealed its flaws: by the early 1900s, nearly 100 cases mycobacteria appeared everywhere. When she injected
of leukaemia had been documented in radium the mycobacteria into experimental chicks and guinea
recipients, and not long thereafter it was determined pigs, all but a couple died. During the autopsies,
that approximately 100 radiologists had contracted that Livingston observed that the guinea pigs had indeed
cancer due to radium exposure.4 Still, Ewing, by now an developed the hardened skin patches of scleroderma...
honorary member of the American Radium Society, some of which were cancerous.8
persisted. Livingston, now possessed, solicited fresh sterile
Elise L'Esperance was anything but alone in linking specimens of cancer from any operating room that
Hodgkin's to a germ called fowl tuberculosis. would give them to her. All cancer tissues yielded the
Historically, Dr Carl Sternberg himself, co-discoverer of same acid-fast mycobacteria. Allen confirmed her
Hodgkin's trademark Reed–Sternberg cell, believed that findings. Livingston then found that she could actually


differentiate malignant from benign tissues by their In the same year, another American, Dr H. C. Sweany,
tuberculous mycobacterial content. 9 But still the proposed that both the granular and other forms of
explanation for why the cancer germ showed so many tuberculosis that passed through a filter caused
different forms was elusive. Hodgkin's cancer.10 This was subsequently supported in
Virginia Livingston tried as she might, but part of her studies by Beinhauer, Mellon and Fisher.11, 12 Mellon
problem in obtaining an American validation of her prophetically warned that tuberculosis could assume
multi-shaped cancer germ lay firmly entrenched in the both its characteristic red acid-fast forms as well as its
history of medicine, especially in the constantly blue nonacid-fast forms, indistinguishable from
changing field of microbiology. Louis Pasteur could common germs such as staphylococci, fungi and
handle being quickly rushed off a Paris Academy of corynebacteria, and that this would surely perplex
Sciences podium to escape harsh reaction to his modern microbiologists.
suggestion that children's milk be boiled first before When the American medical establishment chose to
drinking, but he could not tolerate his rival Antoine ignore these studies, Alexander-Jackson warned that a
Béchamp's statement that a single bacterium could so-called cure for TB could be short-lived, as classical
assume many, many forms. However, on his deathbed, TB rods, for the moment gone underground as a
Pasteur apparently changed his mind nonacid-fast form, could resurface
when he said "The terrain is one day and spring back towards
everything"—meaning that the culture destruction. The medical orthodoxy
or milieu which the bacteria grew on had no serious time for Alexander-
or in could change their shape or Virginia Livingston Jackson or her discoveries, but this
characteristics. But it was too late, would not disturb her as long as she
and even today most conventional
tried as she might, focused on tuberculosis and its
microbiologists deny the existence of but part of cousin, leprosy. But when she shifted
such form-changing (or pleomorphic) her focus towards Livingston's cancer
germs. her problem in germ, the orthodoxy would move to
Dr Robert Koch, "the father of obtaining an destroy her. She simply posed too
bacteriology" and discoverer of great a threat.
tuberculosis, could have helped. American
When he first worked with anthrax validation of her Recognition at last
bacteria, he noticed that By December 1950, Livingston,
anthrax's classical rod shapes multi-shaped who would go on to write over 17
became thread-like inside the
blood of laboratory mice, and
cancer germ lay peer-reviewed articles by the end
of her career, wrote together with
then, after multiplying, they firmly entrenched Alexander-Jackson and four other
changed again into the same
assumed spore-like forms that he
in the history of prominent researchers what still
stands as a milestone on the
later documented in tuberculosis medicine... infectious nature of cancer.13
as well. At the American Medical
Aware of what she faced, yet Association's 1953 New York
undismayed, Virginia Livingston convention, participants were
methodically went about proving particularly riveted by an exhibit
cancer's true cause. First in her of Livingston's cancer germ, live.
line of attack were the long- On the TV screen above, the
suspected and well-publicised tumour agents of Rous, cancer germs seemed indestructible, surviving a five-day
Bittner and Shope. By photomicrographs, Livingston experience of intolerable heat from closed-circuit
and her group demonstrated acid-fast mycobacterial microscopy. The press, muzzled by Sloan–Kettering's
forms in each of these so-called "viral" cancers. These head, Dr Cornelius Rhoads, was not allowed to interview
included the famed Rous chicken sarcoma. Livingston or report on this exhibit.14
Early on, Livingston had decided that she needed help As Livingston and Alexander-Jackson's work on the
in validating her cancer germ, and nobody knew the cancer germ became more and more convincing,
shapes and staining capacities of mycobacteria-related opponents of their work surfaced and became more and
germs better than bacteriologist Dr Eleanor Alexander- more vocal.
Jackson of Cornell. As far back as 1928, Alexander- Yet with recognition came visitors. Dr George Clark, a
Jackson had discovered unusual and, up to that point, pathologist from Scranton, Pennsylvania, told
unrecognised forms of the TB bacillus, including its Livingston that he had cultured Dr Thomas Glover's
filterable forms. By 1951, Alexander-Jackson was famed cancer germ from human cancer and developed
considered the expert TB microbiologist at Cornell. metastasising tumours in animals from it. Clark assured


Livingston that Glover was onto the same bacterial laboratory, now based at New York's Murdock
pathogen that she was. Foundation. Glover was under investigation and McCoy
wanted him to repeat his work, this time under Health
Dr Glover's anti-cancer serum Service surveillance and in Washington. Glover
Clark knew Glover as part of an investigative team of complied, and he and his team went to the nation's
the US Public Health Service (USPHS), headed by Dr capital to prove their case at what was soon to become
George W. McCoy in 1929. Glover had just become too the National Institute of Health.
well known to be ignored. His cancer serum was McCoy, the investigator, was impressed by Glover's
working. Much was at stake. The country was already work, and instead of coming down on Glover he issued
committed to the idea that cancer could not possibly be in 1937 a letter to Surgeon General Thomas Parran,
an infectious disease, and Glover was saying that he had which spoke in glowing terms of the great importance
already isolated the cancer germ. Actually, he had not, and significance of Glover's cancer findings. Soon
but few would believe that it was really Glover's young, thereafter, McCoy was abruptly and mysteriously
tobacco-chewing assistant, Thomas Deaken, who had replaced by Dr R. H. Thompson.
isolated it. Dr Parran, a product of orthodox medicine, had a
Deaken had worked his way up New York's health and definite agenda. The question before him was whether
hospital system from the most menial positions to or not to publish Glover's now finished Washington
laboratory assistant. With neither formal medical nor report, and Parran, despite continued committee
scientific training, he approval, was not about to. This
nevertheless learned laboratory sent Glover into a cold rage,
protocol. Incredibly, Deaken which ended with his walking
engineered a geranium-based It is poorly recognised away from Washington to
culture medium, managing to publish independently.
grow out acid-fast tubercular that the chemotherapy In the meantime, Glover's
bacteria. Then he inoculated or "chemo" used against serum, which had helped and
mice and dogs, producing saved so many, was subjected to
cancer with metastatic spread cancer began as a weapon cursory animal studies and a
in every case. Some time
between 1917 and 1918,
of mass destruction review without clinical trials
before being condemned by
Deaken produced specific anti- par excellence. government agencies.
cancer sera by injecting horses Glover eventually returned to
with the human cancer germ. Canada, but he would never
Moreover, the sera worked answer questions as to just
whether in prevention or cure of cancer in his laboratory what had happened in America.
animals.15 But Deaken had come to the point where he
needed someone to lend credibility to his work, and Focus on breast cancer
that someone came in the form of Dr Thomas J. Glover Virginia Livingston now went specifically after breast
of Toronto, Canada. cancer. She had 30 sterile cancerous breasts transported
It will always be to Glover's credit that he saw the from operating rooms to her lab and isolated cancers
importance and application of Deaken's work from day from each breast. When axillary tissue from under the
one. A contract was quickly drawn up and executed. arm was supplied, she cut the cancerous portion from
Glover rushed back to open a cancer clinic in Toronto. this as well. Livingston and Alexander-Jackson found the
The serum worked in many but not all cases. However, cancer germ everywhere; and in the case of underarm
as Glover's reputation grew, so too did the interest in glands, even when the pathology report was negative,
him from Canada's medical establishment. A subpoena the cancer micro-organism surfaced.18
was issued, giving him 21 days to submit a full Meanwhile, Cornelius Rhoads, a champion of toxic
presentation of his treatment. But Glover was not chemotherapy, had replaced Ewing at Sloan. The head
cooperating. He was in trouble and would soon be of chemical warfare during the Korean War, Rhoads was
chased out of Canada.16 deeply committed to chemotherapy and the huge grants
In 1926, and now in the USA, Glover had his paper it brought from the pharmaceutical industry.
"Progress in Cancer Research" published.17 It presented It is poorly recognised that the chemotherapy or
over 50 cases, most of which went into remission with "chemo" used against cancer began as a weapon of
his serum. It sparked additional notoriety, both in mass destruction par excellence. When the Axis folded at
America and abroad. the end of World War II, nitrogen mustard, declassified,
In 1929, Livingston's friend Dr George Clark joined Dr first came under real medical scrutiny for cancer
McCoy, then head of the Hygienic Laboratory of the treatment. It was initially evaluated for lymphosarcoma
USPHS. Their intended destination: Glover's in mice, but human studies soon followed as more and


more variants of nitrogen mustard were concocted and to go after the deep chest node. Livingston had had
tried. 19 Other related classes of chemotherapeutic enough. Just the thought of the cruel, disfiguring
agents followed, and so did their repercussions. Most procedure made her sick.
had the potential to cause a second, entirely different, "Not on your life," she shot back as she left.22
cancer. Even tamoxifen, first synthesised in 1962,
when used for the treatment of breast cancer was How bacteria cause cancer
associated with a twofold to threefold increased risk of By 1965, Dr Edith Mankiewicz, Director of Laboratories
cancers of the uterus lining (endometrial cancers), some at Montreal's Royal Edward Chest Hospital and
of which were high grade with a poor forecast.21 Assistant Professor of Bacteriology at McGill University,
Nevertheless, Rhoads remained committed to the had established the existence of mycobacteria-like
treatment and at the same time prepared a series of germs inside cancer by examining human cancer tissue.
major roadblocks to stop Livingston. In 1950, he had In the bibliography of one of her landmark papers is
barred her from presenting her paper on the cancer reference to a personal communication with Dr Eleanor
germ at the symposium of the New York Academy of Alexander-Jackson.23
Sciences by discrediting Dr Irene Diller, the One of the cancers under Mankiewicz's trained eye
symposium's sponsor, the chief editor was lung cancer. Lung cancer, or
of the respected journal Growth and a bronchogenic cancer, was first
prominent cancer researcher. Diller,
like many others, had accepted a gift
Mankiewicz not reported in the 19th century at a time
when it was practically unknown,
from a pharmaceutical house at one only showed the while mycobacterial disease of the
point. lung, primarily tuberculosis, was so
Livingston had come across Diller in
cancer germ in rampant as to be called "white plague"
a Life magazine article which discussed malignant tissue or, in certain circles, "captain of the
a Philadelphia cancer researcher who men of death". By the middle of the
was observing strange fungus-like but significantly 17th century, one in five deaths was
filaments protruding from cancer cells. demonstrated how due to tuberculosis, and at the end of
Livingston and Alexander-Jackson the 19th century there was fear that it
convinced Diller that her fungal forms it probably evolved would destroy the very fabric of
(the prefix "myco-" in mycobacterium from tuberculosis civilisation in Europe. So difficult was
denotes a germ with fungal it to differentiate tuberculosis
properties) were part and parcel and related micro- from the newly discovered
of the cancer microbe, and that
crucial to the microbe's
organisms when bronchogenic cancer that it was
only after cases first mistakenly
identification was acid-fast some of the viral diagnosed as lung cancer were
Alexander-Jackson's elation over
phages that lived operated on that the benefits of
surgical resection of tuberculosis
the group's infectious breast in them jumped were recognised.24
cancer findings came to an abrupt Mankiewicz not only showed the
halt when she was informed by
germs... cancer germ in malignant tissue
her private physician, Dr Frank but significantly demonstrated
Adair, that she had breast cancer. how it probably evolved from
A radical mastectomy was tuberculosis and related micro-
performed at Sloan–Kettering on organisms when some of the viral
Adair's advice. phages that lived in them jumped germs, bringing
While anxiously waiting for the outcome, Livingston genetic materials which altered the target germs'
heard her name paged on Sloan's overhead intercom. virulence and made them drug resistant. In fact, beneath
Rhoads wanted to speak to her regarding Alexander- her microscope lay a pictorial of how the cancer germ
Jackson's ongoing surgery. It was urgent. Alexander- emerged from TB-like bacilli to create pre-malignant
Jackson was still in the operating room. In Rhoads's change in mammalian tissue.25
office, the two adversaries faced off. Incredibly, Rhoads By 1970, Sakai Inoue, a PhD from Maebashi, Japan,
was asking for permission to go after a cancerous lymph and Dr Marcus Singer, from Case Western's
node deep in the middle of Eleanor's chest. Livingston developmental biology centre, had completed the single
bristled. most convincing study of how bacteria cause cancer
"We have been looking for a tumor such as she has," altogether, with TB-like mycobacteria. Supported by
said Rhoads. grants from the American Cancer Society and the
Apparently, a radical mastectomy was not enough. He National Institutes of Health, their study26 used cold-
was seeking permission to try a new surgical technique blooded animals, namely the newt or salamander and


the frog. But similar studies showed its applicability to America's AIDS epidemic. In conjunction with colleagues
mice27 and humans.28, 29 According to Inoue and Singer: in San Francisco and at the University of Nebraska, he first
pursued, as lead author and originator, a novel technique
An organism similar to the mycobacterium described here has
to kill AIDS mycobacteria with outstanding results (see
been isolated and cultured from tumors and blood of tumorous
mammals, including man, and when injected into mice and The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002 Oct 15; 186[8]:1155-
guinea pigs has been reported to yield a chronic 60). Recently he contributed a chapter regarding these
granulomatous disease, neoplasm [cancer], or some findings in Sleator and Hill's textbook Patho-biotechnology,
intergrade.30 published by Landes Bioscience.
Dr Broxmeyer's research covers the most challenging
Back in the spring of 1953, Dr Sakai Inoue noticed an medical problems of our times, including AIDS,
adult salamander with a hard mass on its stomach. He Alzheimer's disease, bird flu, cancer, Creutzfeldt–Jakob
removed the mass, which turned out to be malignant. and "mad cow" diseases, diabetes, heart disease,
Then he injected tissue from the mass into healthy Parkinson's disease, swine flu, tuberculosis and more. He
animals. Again, cancer developed. In is the founder and director of The N. Y.
the work that followed, Inoue and Institute of Medical Research in
Singer knew from electron Bayside, New York, USA.
micrographs that bacteria were Dr Broxmeyer can be contacted by
involved, bacteria which stained acid Inoue and Singer's email at nyinstituteofmedicalresearch
fast: mycobacteria. Inoue inoculated and via his website
three other types of mycobacteria into study should
healthy animals. All came down with have convinced
cancer—something that did not Endnotes
happen when other germs such as Livingston's 1. Livingston, Virginia Wuerthele-
staphylococcus or streptococcus were
used. Amazingly, Inoue and Singer
opponents once Caspe, MD, Cancer: A New Breakthrough,
Nash Publishing, Los Angeles, 1972
even noted regressions in some of the and for all of 2. Ewing J, Neoplastic Diseases: A
cancers, especially if very dilute
solutions of the germs were used
the veracity of Textbook on Tumors, WB Saunders,
Philadelphia, 1919, 2nd edition
to initiate them. Furthermore, her results, and 3. Rusch HP, "The beginnings of
since cancers stemming from cancer research centers in the
"carcinogens" were structurally
that she was United States", J Natl Cancer Inst
identical to mycobacteria- not mistaking 1985; 74(2):391-403
induced cancers, the investigators 4. Hunter D, The Diseases of
suggested that such common Occupations, Little, Brown &
"carcinogens" might merely be contaminants... Company, Boston, 1978, 6th
factors that activate pre-existing edition
infection. 31 The phages inside 5. Fraenkel E, Much H, "Über die
mycobacteria are viruses known Hodgkinsche Krankheit
to be activated by carcinogens (Lymphomatosis granulomatosa),
such as UV light and chemicals.32 insbesondere deren Ätiologie"
Mankiewicz, five years previously, ["About Hodgkin's disease
had shown that these phages, once activated, could (Lymphomatosis granulomatosa), particularly its
cause pre-malignant changes in mammalian tissue.33 aetiology"], Z Hyg 1910; 67:159-200
Inoue and Singer's study should have convinced 6. L'Esperance E, "Studies in Hodgkin's Disease", Ann
Livingston's opponents once and for all of the veracity Surg 1931; 93:162-8
of her results, and that she was not mistaking common 7. Livingston, Cancer: A New Breakthrough, op. cit.
contaminants such as staphylococcus or streptococcus 8. ibid.
for the cancer germ...but it did not. 9. Wuerthele-Caspe V, "Presence of consistently
recurring invasive mycobacterial forms in tumor cells",
Continued next issue... N Y Microscop Soc Bull 1948; 2:5-18
10. Sweany HC, "Mutation forms of the tubercle
About the Author: bacillus", JAMA 1928; 87:1206-11
Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD, is an internist and medical 11. Beinhauer LG, Mellon RR, "Pathogenesis of
researcher. He was on staff at New York affiliate hospitals noncaseating epithelioid tuberculosis of hypoderm and
of SUNY Downstate, Cornell and New York universities lymph glands", Arch Dermatol Syph 1938; 37:451-60
for well over a decade, his work including extensive 12. Mellon RR, Fisher LW, "New studies on the
treatment immediately prior to and in the midst of filterability of pure cultures of the tubercle group of


micro-organisms", J Infect Dis 1932; 51:117-28
13. Wuerthele-Caspe V, Alexander-Jackson E et al.,
"Cultural properties and pathogenicity of certain
microorganisms obtained from various proliferative and
neoplastic diseases", Am J Med Sci 1950; 220(6):638-46
14. Livingston, Cancer: A New Breakthrough, op. cit.
15. Boesch M, The Long Search for the Truth about Cancer,
GP Putnam's Sons, New York, 1960
16. ibid.
17. Glover TJ, "Progress in Cancer Research", Canada
Lancet and Practitioner 1926; 67:5
18. Livingston, Cancer: A New Breakthrough, op. cit.
19. Goodman LS, Gilman A (eds), The Pharmacological
Basis of Therapeutics, Macmillan, New York, 1975, 5th
20. Skirvin JA, Relias V, Koeller J, "Long-term sequelae
of cancer chemotherapy", Highlights Oncol Practice 1996;
21. Pukkala E, Kyyrönen P et al., "Tamoxifen and
toremifene treatment of breast cancer and risk of
subsequent endometrial cancer: a population-based
case-control study", Int J Cancer 2002; 100(3):337-41
22. Livingston, Cancer: A New Breakthrough, op. cit.
23. Mankiewicz E, "Bacteriophages that Lyse
Mycobacteria and Corynebacteria, and Show
Cytopathogenic Effect on Tissue Cultures of Renal Cells
of Cercopithecus aethiops: A Preliminary Communication",
Can Med Assoc J 1965 Jan 2; 92(1):31-3
24. Dubos R, The White Plague: Tuberculosis, Man, and
Society, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ,
25. Mankiewicz, op. cit.
26. Inoue S, Singer M, "Experiments on a
spontaneously originated visceral tumor in the Newt,
Triturus pyrrhogaster", Ann N Y Acad Sci 1970; 174:729-64
27. Aaronson JD, "Spontaneous tuberculosis in salt
water fish", J Infect Dis 1926; 39:315
28. Wuerthele-Caspe VE, Alexander-Jackson E, Smith
LW, "Some aspects of the microbiology of cancer", J Am
Med Wom Assoc 1953; 8:7-12
29. Alexander-Jackson EA, "A specific type of
microorganism isolated from animal and human cancer:
Bacteriology of the organism", Growth 1954; 18:37-51
30. Inoue and Singer, op. cit.
31. Inoue and Singer, ibid.
32. Lwoff A, Biological order (Karl Taylor Compton Lecture
Series), The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962
33. Mankiewicz, op. cit.


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