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polarity=top-mid&ae=0&rs=4&u=MATHEW CASWELL&print=true)
Ethical Lens Inventory
Your preferred lens is:
Rights and Responsibility
and Relationship Lens
You use your reasoning skills
(rationality) to determine both
the universal rules that each
person should follow
(autonomy) and the
processes that will assure
fairness and justice for all in
the community (equality)
Your Core Values:
Autonomy/Equality and
You value autonomy and equality equally. For you interdependence is the goal, harmonizing the
rights of individuals with the well-being of the community.
You prioritize the value of rationality over sensibility. You believe universal rules exist that apply
equally to everyone and that the best results are achieved through consistent application of the
universal rules.
Your Classical Values: Temperance and Justice
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Your Key Phrase: I am fair and responsible.
Because you equally value autonomy and equality, along with rationality, you tend to assume
that every person must value the universal application of a fair system in order to achieve an
ethical result.
Your Definition of ethical behavior: Fulfilling duties fairly
You define an ethical person as one who fulfills their duties and does the right thing as an
autonomous, fully-responsible adult. In your mind, the ethical person fulfills their duties by
implementing systems that give everyone in the community, especially those without power, a
chance to succeed.
Your Tools for analyzing problems: Reason and Authority
You tend to think through a problem carefully and research options to find the one that will allow
you to fulfill your duties. You pay particular attention to the experts on the subject, to find the
best solution for a problem. Your goal is to make a fully informed decision and to meet the needs
of the community, without harming the least advantaged.
Your Gift: Self-Awareness and Justice
Your gift to the community is being responsible and doing what is fair for members of your
community. You know what you need to do and just do it. Once you say that you will do
something or care for someone, that is what you do, because you value loyalty and consistency.
You are also able to live in the present as you work to create interdependence.
Your Blind spot: Belief that motive justifies method or Overconfidence in
Because you believe that a consistent process results in a just outcome for all, you sometimes
trust the process too much. You forget that unequal access gives rise to unjust outcomes, even
when the process itself is fair. Sometimes are so focused on your good motive that you dont
see the problems with your method, causing unintentional upset and pain.
Your Risk: Being autocratic or authoritarian
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Your Temptation: Excuses and Exemption
If you are not paying attention, you can be tempted to excuse yourself or exempt your group
from following the rules. Even though you believe the universal rules should apply to everyone,
youll convince yourself that in this special case, what you or your groups leaders want to do
really does meet your obligations and is just for all. Thus, youll define yourself and your group
as above the law.
Your Vice: Becoming judgmental or an ambitious elitist
Without self-knowledge, you can become overly rigid in your expectations. When others do not
fulfill (what you believe are) their duties, you will be quick to judge them. When your personal
ambition overpowers your concern for justice, you overlook abuses of power by those in
leadership positions. This will be especially true when the leaders are part of your group, and
they claim to be protecting the rights of those who cannot protect themselves.
Your Crisis: Exhaustion, isolation and guilt
Unless you develop the practice of mindfulness and reflection, at some point you will become
exhausted. No one can meet all of the obligations that your Responsible Self has on your to-do
list. You will also become isolated, guilty that you cannot guarantee justice, or even a fair
process, and that you resent the lack of gratitude from those you help. If you find you have few
friends, it could be because your obsession with justice and judgment of those who fall short (in
your mind) drive everyone away.
Your Seeing Clearly: Listen to your heart
To see more clearly, make sure that both your head and your heart agree. Although you do a
good job of balancing the needs of the community and the rights of individuals, you do tend to
be rigid in your application of universal principles regardless of circumstance. As you consider
what your duty is and what is fair, focus on the uniqueness of the specific situation and the
possibility that an ad hoc solution will work better than application of universal rules. As you
learn to consider different perspectives in your decision making process, you will live out the
best of your ideals with compassion and care for all.
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