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Oracle Data Integrator
Data Lineage with OBIEE
PTS Workshop: ODI 11g
OBIEE Lineage
Lineage Drill Down vs. Hierarchy
The Lineage icon allows you to drill down into a column lineage. The lineage goes down the following path:
> The OBIEE Presentation Column(s) used in a request's column
> The OBIEE Logical Column(s) used in a Presentation Column
> The OBIEE Physical Column(s) used in a Presentation Column
> The ODI Column(s) corresponding to OBIEE Physical Column(s)
> The ODI source columns used to load a given ODI target column via an ODI interface. This path can
recurse if the source columns
One lineage level displayed in the dashboard
Hierarchical column lineage
OBIEE Lineage
Contextual Lineage
Copyright 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
OBIEE Lineage Components
2. Lineage Artifacts for OBIEE: Pre-packaged
OBIEE artifacts are deployed in OBIEE to
access the lineage information:
Lineage RPD
Lineage Web Catalog Requests
Images used in these dashboards
OBIEE Lineage Components
3. Command Line Tools and a Wizard to automate the lineage tasks:
Deployment of the Lineage Artifacts for OBIEE in an OBIEE instance
Extraction of the OBIEE Metadata from a OBIEE Instance
Consolidation of the OBIEE and ODI Metadata in the ODI repository
1. Lineage Tables
Consolidate both the OBIEE and ODI
Stored in the ODI repository schema
Contains the Physical,
Logical and Presentation
layers to access the
Lineage Tables
Used in existing
dashboard to
create report -to-
source dashboards
Lineage Lifecycle
1. OBIEE Metadata Export: BIEE metadata (RPD and Web catalogs) is exported
in file format into a temporary directory
2. Metadata Consolidation: BIEE export files are consolidated with the ODI
metadata (using an ODI Package) in the lineage tables
3. Lineage Browsing: The lineage tables are accessed from the end-users
dashboard through the Lineage Artifacts that are depoyed in the BIEE Server
Contains the
consolidation process
and is used to run it
Contains all the
Load (ETL)
processes that load
the data warehouse
Hosts the lineage
OBIEE Lineage Wizard
Process Overview
Wizard screens Execute Action:
Install Lineage
Export Metadata & Refresh Lineage
Refresh Lineage
Command line
edit manually
Installing Lineage
Installing Lineage in an OBIEE Server deploys the
required OBIEE artifacts in the OBIEE Repository
and Web Catalog
Setting up the Lineage process is required once.
Use the OBIEE Lineage Wizard for installation
Note: This wizard is also used for configuring and refreshing
the Lineage.
Post-installation tasks depend on OBIEE version
Installing Lineage
Install Flow
When Using OBIEE 10g When Using OBIEE 11g
OBIEE Lineage wizard installs only the
Lineage RPD, not the Lineage Web Catalog
Requests and the dashboard images
OBIEE Lineage wizard installs only the
Lineage RPD and the Web Catalog
Requests, not the and the dashboard
1. Review the Requirements
2. Install and Start the OBIEE Lineage Wizard
(alternative: install lineage script)
3. Use the OBIEE Lineage wizard to install Lineage in OBIEE Server and
deploy the OBIEE Lineage artifacts
4. Deploy the Web Catalog requests in
the OBIEE 10g Web Catalog
Done by the wizard
For 10g: Post-
install task
For 11g: Wizard
5. Deploy the dashboard images
Post-install task
6. Update the BI Physical Layer Connection to ODI Work Repository
Post-install task
Installing Lineage
Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (JRE)
Work Repository on Oracle database
Stop BI Server and BI Presentation services component
Backup the OBIEE RPD and Webcat
RPD file used by the server is NOT open in BI Admin tool
Install and execute OBIEE Lineage Wizard or Command
Line tools on the machine where the BI Admin tool is
The database user used to connect to the Work
Repository must have privileges to create views in the
schema hosting the Work Repository
Installing Lineage
Installing and Starting the OBIEE Lineage Wizard
ODI Companion CD: /misc/biee-lineage/

1.Extract the contents of the zip file to a directory.
2.Start the wizard from the /bin sub-folder:
On UNIX operating systems:
On Windows operating systems:

Tip: You can also use the installlineage.bat
script to start the wizard. Use no parameters
when starting the script.

Installing Lineage and Deploying the
Lineage Artifacts
Using the OBIEE Lineage Wizard

Oracle Home
directory for the
OBIEE installation
BIEE Repository
(RPD) file
OBIEE repository
administrator user
name and password
Screen depends on
OBIEE version. The
version is detected
from the RPD selected
in the previous screen.
Location of the OBIEE
Web Catalog
Home Directory of your OBIEE Instance
For example:
Name of the web catalog folder into
which the Lineage Artifacts will be
For example: /shared
Post-Installation Tasks (OBIEE 10g only)
Deploy the Web Catalog Requests in the OBIEE 10g Web Catalog
The OBIEE/ODI Lineage comes with a Web Catalog for building your
reports on top of the Lineage and ODI Repository tables.
To import the Web Catalog requests:
1. Connect to your Web Catalog. 1. Connect to your Web Catalog.
2. Expand the catalog and select the shared folder into which the
ODI catalog items will be imported.
3. Select File > Unarchive.
4. In the Unarchive catalog window, enter in the Archive File Path
field the location of the ODI catalog archive file. Note that this file
is located in the /artifacts/10g sub-folder of the Lineage
installation folder:
For OBIEE, enter
For OBIEE, enter
5. Click OK.
A new folder called ODI appears in the catalog folder.
1. Connect to your Web Catalog.
2. Expand the catalog and select the shared folder into which the ODI
catalog items will be imported.

1. Connect to your Web Catalog.
2. Expand the catalog and select the shared folder into which the
ODI catalog items will be imported.
3. Select File > Unarchive.
1. Connect to your Web Catalog.
2. Expand the catalog and select the shared folder into which the
ODI catalog items will be imported.
3. Select File > Unarchive.
4. In the Unarchive catalog window, enter in the Archive File Path
field the location of the ODI catalog archive file. Note that this file
is located in the /artifacts/10g sub-folder of the Lineage
installation folder:
For OBIEE, enter
For OBIEE, enter
Post-Installation Tasks (OBIEE 10g + 11g)
Deploy the Dashboard Images
Prepackaged requests use images that must be deployed into the
application server that hosts the analytic application
Dashboard images (hie.gif and lin.gif) are located in the
/artifacts/images sub-folder of the Lineage installation folder
Copy these dashboard images to the res folder under the deployment
directory of the BI analytics application.
For example:
For OBIEE 10g:
For OBIEE 11g:

3. Expand the ORACLE_ODI_REPOSITORY database in the OBIEE
Physical Layer.

Post-Installation Tasks (OBIEE 10g + 11g)
Update the BI Physical Layer Connection to the ODI Work Repo
1. Start the Oracle BI Administration tool.

6. Expand the renamed schema and test this updated connection.

2. Open the RPD file (.rpd) used by the BI Server.

4. Edit the Connection Pool to match your ODI work repository
5. Update the Physical schema to match the schema of the ODI Work

Update the Data
source name field
Update the Username
and Password fields
Refreshing the Lineage
Process Overview
The lineage is refreshed when either ODI or OBIEE metadata
has changed
To synchronize the lineage tables content with the active
OBIEE and ODI systems' metadata
This refresh process:
Extracts the OBIEE Metadata from a OBIEE Instance
Consolidates the OBIEE and ODI Metadata in the Lineage
Tables stored in the ODI Work Repository
Requires a mapping:

The ODI Data Model and the OBIEE Physical Database should
contain the same tables.
ODI Data Model OBIEE Database
Refreshing the Lineage from Existing Exports
With the OBIEE Lineage Wizard
Refreshes the OBIEE Lineage from existing OBIEE Repository and Web
Catalog exports created manually

Tip: You can also use the refreshlineage.bat
script instead of the wizard.
1. Start the wizard from the /bin sub-folder:
On UNIX operating systems:
On Windows operating systems:
2. Follow the instructions on the wizard screens

Refreshing the Lineage From Existing Exports
Refresh Lineage Wizard Flow
The location of the repository
export file. This file is
generated using the OBIEE
Admin tool.
The location of the web catalog
export file. This file is
generated using the OBIEE
Catalog manager.
ODI username and password.
This user should have
SUPERVISOR privileges
Database user name and
password to connect to the
schema (or database, library)
that contains the ODI Master
Driver name and URL to
connect to Master Repository
Select a Work Rrepository
attached to the Master
Select the OBIEE
physical schema you
want to map
Select the ODI Model you want to
map to this OBIEE schema
With OBIEE 10g it is not possible to automatically
export the web catalog content
perform a manual export
1. Start the OBIEE Lineage wizard

1. Follow the instructions on the wizard screens.

Exporting Metadata from OBIEE and
Refreshing the OBIEE Lineage

Tip: You can also use the refresh lineage script instead
of the OBIEE Lineage wizard.
Exporting Metadata from OBIEE and
Refreshing the OBIEE Lineage
Export Wizard Flow
Oracle Home directory for
the OBIEE installation
BIEE Repository
(RPD) file
OBIEE repository
administrator user
name and password
Screen depends on OBIEE
version. The version is
detected from the RPD
previously selected.
Location of the OBIEE
Web Catalog
Home Directory of your OBIEE
For example:
Name of the web catalog folder into
which the Lineage Artifacts will be
For example: /shared
ODI username and password.
This user should have
SUPERVISOR privileges
Database user name and
password to connect to the
schema (or database, library)
that contains the ODI Master
Driver name and URL to
connect to Master Repository
Select a Work Rrepository
attached to the Master
Select the OBIEE
physical schema you
want to map
Select the ODI Model you want to
map to this OBIEE schema
Copyright 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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