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Manifesting Goals with Reiki

Do you ever notice that some people seem to be born under a lucky star, enabling
them to easily obtain everything they desire? Do you ever notice the opposite people
who rarely get what they want, no matter how hard they try? If your answer is yes to
both of these questions, then I ask you, do you know what makes the difference
between the two kinds of people? Do you believe some people are just naturally lucky?
The answer to these questions is simpler than you think. There is a power so simple to
access and operate, and so automatic, that it is active at all times just outside of
your conscious awareness. This is the power of manifestation, which is created by your
mind. This power can be greatly enhanced thru Reiki. Your minds power of
manifestation is in constant communication with the Universe. It is telling the Universe
what to manifest in your life at all times. Most people are not aware of this power of
manifestation generated by their mind. They do not pay attention to the quality of their
thoughts or to their inner dialogue. Prophets and other spiritually advanced souls have
been telling people of this power for ages. Yet, in spite of all these reminders, both
from past and recent years, most people fail to recognize the power of manifestation
generated by their mind as being the cause of their failure or success.
There are several ways in which we can use Reiki to help manifest our dreams or goals.
Which one to choose might depend on ones preferences, time constraints or Reiki level.
I would suggest you try them all (if you can) and decide which one you feel more
It is important to note, though, that Reiki can only work for the Highest Good of the
person. That needs to be taken into consideration when choosing your goals. Carefully
decide WHAT you want and WHY you want it. If the reason to achieve it is purely selfish
or if by achieving this goal you will end up hurting others, I would not advise to use
Reiki for this goal. Examining your reasons for wanting to achieve your goals is
enlightening per se, and can help you identify, and perhaps readdress, some important
elements of your current life.
Consider the following situations: the case of Ravie, the school teacher, who while
passing by a store window, sees a beautiful dress, and says to herself, Gee, I wish that
were mine; the case of Vinay, the newspaper delivery boy, who says, Boy! Id love to
have a bike like that! as he watches a neighborhood boy riding his new bike; the story
of Sakshi, the salesperson, who worries about not having enough money to pay next
months mortgage as she balances her checkbook; and the story of Nitin, the executive,
who has been unemployed for more than two years, and constantly dwells on his
inability to find work in his field. These four people have not yet learned how to harness
the power of manifestation generated by their individual minds. They either express
occasional half-hearted wishing, which does not generate sufficient energy for
manifestation, or focus on the problem instead of the goal, which is even worse.
If you are one of the millions of people with similar problems, you can change your life
starting today, but you must first learn how to clarify your goals. Once you do this, and
you learn to discipline your mind appropriately, then Reiki can help bring your goals
into physical reality. This all happens via the path of manifestation.
This is how the path of manifestation works. The path begins the very moment you
conceive an idea. At that moment, the idea exists in the Causal Plane. The Causal Plane
is the plane of existence where the newly conceived idea acts as a spark to ignite the
path of manifestation. As you first start thinking about the idea, it begins to manifest in
the Mental Plane. The idea is now becoming a thought form. Now you must give the
idea structure by developing it in greater detail. Always do this in writing. Create plans

and drawings the more detailed the better. The final written product is called the
convincer. It must be written as if the goal has just been achieved. This is very
important. After your idea forms in the Mental Plane, it needs to receive energy lots
of good positive energy. Reiki and powerful positive emotions are best for this.
Remember, emotions serve as catalysts for manifestation. As your idea receives Reiki
and lots of positive emotions, it will begin to manifest as an astral form in the Astral
Plane. This Plane of existence is also known as the Emotional Plane. Once your idea has
received sufficient positive energy in the Astral Plane, then it will manifest in the
Physical Plane. This is the path of manifestation, not just for goals, but for everything,
including health and disease. Everything starts in the energy field before it manifests in
the physical body.
Therefore, before any goal can manifest in the Physical Plane, it must first manifest as
an idea in the Causal Plane, then as a thought form in the Mental Plane, and then as an
astral or emotional form in the Astral Plane. For the latter, both positive emotional
energy generated by your mind and lots of Reiki act as the catalysts for manifestation
in the Physical Plane.
Here is an example of how the path of manifestation works. Say that Sandeep decides
to get a new car. The very moment Sandeep thinks of getting the car, the car starts to
exist in the Causal Plane. Now, as Sandeep writes out all the details about this car, i.e.,
make, year, model, color, accessories and most importantly, includes the convincer
the car then begins to manifest as a thought form in the Mental Plane.
Again, Sandeep needs to write out the convincer as if his goal of getting a new car
already had been achieved. The convincer is the event that would need to take place in
order to let Sandeep know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had already received
the car. In Sandeeps case, the convincer could be an event where he would see himself
receiving the car keys, or he would see himself driving the car, or would see the car
parked in his garage. Never worry about how your goal is going to manifest. You do not
ever want to try to figure out the chain of events that would lead to the realization of
your goal. Leave this up to the Universe. Otherwise, you would limit many of the ways
by which the Universe could bring our goal into manifestation. The Universe is endlessly
abundant and endlessly creative. Leave the how up to the Universe. Your job is to
clarify your goal in as much detail as possible and then give it positive energy, including
Reiki energy.
As you clarify your goal, pay attention as to whether you are focusing on the problem
(from which you are trying to move away) or on the goal itself. Be careful what you ask
for. Never ask for a goal that would bring harm to anyone in any way or that would
violate ones rights. For example, if Sandeep were to focus on wanting the car because
of a problem that he were trying to eliminate, say the problem was lack of
transportation, and if Sandeep were to place emotional emphasis on lack of
transportation instead of on receiving the car, then lack of transportation would be
the message the Universe would receive from Sandeep. The Universe does not judge
whether or not the message received is in Sandeeps best interest. The Universe only
acts as a mirror to reflect back what it receives in this case it would reflect lack of
transportation back to Sandeep. At best, the energy created by this situation would
hinder Sandeeps effort to reach his goal. Think of this situation as an energetic
mismatch between Sandeeps emotional energy and the energy that must be generated
in order to propel the goal down the path of manifestation.
Once your emotional energy is in alignment with the energy of the goal, all you have to
do is maintain a relaxed focus on your goal. This is accomplished by trusting that the
Universe and your Higher Self will always bring you that which is for your highest and

most loving good if you allow your ego to get out of the way. Remember to continue
giving Reiki to your goal on a consistent basis. For Reiki I practitioners, give 10 to 15
minutes of Reiki daily to the convincer written down on paper, (place your hands
directly on the paper)as you visualize, with great emotional power, the convincer event
having taken place. For those who are Reiki II or more advanced practitioners, many
other Reiki options are available. You can call the goals thought form via the absent
treatment symbol and then energize it using some of the mental/emotional techniques
available via the communication channel. In this manner you will be able to accelerate
its manifestation in the Physical Plane. We teach all of these techniques and many
others in our classes.
After you finish giving Reiki to your goal, let it go. Release it. Send it back to the
Universe. For the rest of the day, dont think about the goal. Most people find this step
to be very difficult yet it is absolutely necessary. If you do not release your goal, then
the Universe will not be able to work with it. Letting go of our attachments including
our attachments to our goals is one of the important lessons you must learn in order
to advance as Reiki healers. Most importantly, always remember to give thanks. Once
your goal has manifested, always give thanks to the Universe, your Higher Self, Christ
Consciousness, God/Goddess, your spirit guides and to any other manifestation of
Divinity you believe in. Takata always said that having gratitude is essential in order for
Reiki to work.
Ok, so now you have decided your goals, lets move to the fun part! Here are a few

Manifesting Triangle
On a large sheet of paper, draw a triangle
At the bottom left corner write the persons name that this manifestation is to be for
(yourself or someone else)
At the bottom right, write the goal or situation, for example: To have a job
Above the top point, write a very specific and detailed outcome: a job in New York
City, with a 6-figure salary, etc
In the middle of the triangle, write I am now manifesting this for the Highest Good.
Connect with the Reiki energy by doing Gassho and draw a Power Symbol over the
triangle (repeating its mantra three times)
Place your hands over the paper and give Reiki, intending it to manifest it.
Repeat this every day until it is manifested.
Writing it on a Paper
Write down your goal in a piece of paper. Write as many details and specifics as
possible. Make this goal into an affirmative, positive statement. Decorate the paper
with Reiki symbols (specially the Double Power symbol, used in manifesting) and take
some time with the creation of this paper. Perhaps use some colored construction
paper, colored pens, stickers, even some picturesAs you create the paper is important
you repeat your goal-affirmation and visualize it over and over.
After the paper is done, connect to the Reiki Energy while doing Gassho. Draw the
symbols on your palms and then draw them on the paper (repeating their mantra three
times) in this order: first the Distant, then the Emotional and then the Power symbol.
Hold the paper in your hands and intend Reiki to flow into that goal for the Highest
Good. Give Reiki at least five to ten minutes a day until you achieve that goal.

Reiki Manifesting Meditation

Sit down, breathe deeply and connect to Reiki while doing Gassho. Either out loud or to
yourself state your goal, and state it such a way that there can be no misinterpretation.
Visualize it as vividly as possible by creating a picture of your goal already
accomplished. Surround the image with the four Reiki symbols. If your mind wanders,
just acknowledge these distractions and let them go. Bring back your focus to your
Hold this image in your mind for several minutes. Feel that you have already achieved
your goal. Imagine yourself rejoicing at your own accomplishment.
When you are trough with the image, let it float above to a field of white light,
surrounded by the Reiki symbols (as many as you have been attuned to, preferably
three). Accept the idea that your goal has already been achieved. Feel the sensation of
fulfillment. Believe it to be true.

Reiki Box
If you have several goals that you want to manifest, you can work towards them at
once by either writing them in a notebook or by placing several goal-affirmation papers
inside a Reiki Box. You can then give Reiki to the notebook or the Reiki Box for a few
minutes every day, intending that the Reiki energy will flow towards those goals. I
usually hold the box or notebook for a few minutes, (following the steps stated above:
Gassho>Draw Symbols>Hold Box/Paper for a few minutes daily). If you are travelling
or cannot access the Reiki Box or your notebook, you can also send distant Reiki to
I personally think the Reiki Box is the best and more time-effective method of all. You
can create or buy a Reiki Box that will be used over and over again for the specific
purpose of manifesting goals. You can also dedicate it to send Reiki to the goals inside
by consecrating it before use (or after some time of not using it), cleansing and
charging it. You can cleanse the box with some incense, sage sticks or with Reiki
symbols. You can also include crystals inside the box as well as draw with pens or
attach pictures of the Reiki Symbols (in particular the double Power Symbol). You can
also charge the box with some Reiki even before adding any papers, and intend that
Reiki flows continuously until your goals have been reached. Once your Reiki Box is
personalized, cleansed, and charged placed it in your meditation altar or in a special
place in your home.
Once your goal manifests, you can remove that goal-afffirmation paper from the Reiki
Box and burn it as a form of closure to the work.

Reiki Symbols
If you have received your Reiki II attunement, you can use the power symbol to
enhance your finances. Draw the symbol over your money and intend that your wealth
grow. Write the symbol on all checks you receive or write with the intention that your
abundance will expand.
Use the distance healing symbol to send Reiki into the past to heal any blocks or
obstructions that have hurt you financially. Or send distance Reiki into the futurethe
day your rent is due, for exampleand intend that all the money you need is there.
The mental/emotional symbol can help resolve outdated beliefs that restrict your ability
to receive the abundance of the universe. Send this symbol to any sense of

unworthiness, beliefs about your lack of value, or to resolve scarcity consciousness.

Reiki Crystal
Grab a quartz crystal point that can stand up on its own. Use your Reiki to clear the
crystal and then intend that your Reiki charge the crystal so that it continually radiates
to draw money to you. The distance symbol and power symbol can amplify your
intention. Ask that the crystal gently clear any restrictive beliefs and magnetize
prosperity to you. Set it up in a special place and know that it is continually attracting
wealth to you.
If you are not attuned to Reiki, you can still use these methods. Reiki is very much
about intention so just hold your goal-affirmation paper or box in your hand and
visualize positive energy illuminating your goals. You can imagine the energy flowing
from your heart center and out through your hands to empower your goals and bring
them to fruition. Accept the idea that your goals have already been achieved. Feel the
sensation of fulfillment and believe it to be true.

Manifestation Grid
For those that wish to know this material, the teaching of Manifestation grids is as
follows. There are several methods available to help use reiki and the reiki symbols to
manifest goals. Advocates of these techniques feel that they can help manifest changes
in your life. Manifestation practices can be done alone, or after doing a Reiki Meditation
No matter what method you use to manifest goals, always be ethical in what you ask
Sit and relax, breathing gently and deeply. Either out loud or to yourself, say your goal.
State it in such a way that their can only be one interpretation and cannot be
misinterpreted. Connect to the Reiki energy. Draw the symbols on your palms. In your
mind, create a mental movie, or mental image of this goal being accomplished. Draw
the reiki symbols on the mental picture starting with the power symbol and ending with
the power symbol. Repeat this same procedure for each goal you wish to accomplish.
When you are finished, say (out loud or in your mind) If this be possible within Divine
love and wisdom, then let it be so. Finish by drawing all the reiki symbols again on the
visualization and sealing it with a power symbol. Believe totally that this process is
done and that this goal is already being manifested.

Reiki Crystal Grid

The advocates of this procedure believe that a crystal grid can be created and charged
with Reiki energy. These practices seem to come from new age crystal practices. It is
thought that it will continue to send Reiki energy for healing, protection, or to assist
with goal manifestation for several days or longer. The idea of using charged objects to
bring about a desired outcome for the user or wearer is nothing new. Talismans have
been used throughout recorded history.
This technique was developed to set up a continuous flow of reiki energy for healing or
protection by using crystals and the reiki energy. This technique did not exist in Reiki
Ryoho in Japan, and was not part of the Hayashi-Takata Usui Shiki Ryoho, but like most
of the add-ons was developed after the death of Mrs. Takata.
To make the Reiki Grid you need eight crystals. (There are many books on crystal
selection with rather lengthy guidelines about how to select the perfect crystal for

you.) For our purposes, the easiest method of crystal selection is to pick the crystals up
and just see how they feel to you. Try not to so much think about this as feel it.
Send some reiki into the crystal and see how that feels as well, allowing your intuition
to guide you. Most new age shops and many science or hobby shops sell crystals.
Regular Rose Quartz, or White Quartz tumbled smooth stones are sufficient for the
purpose of making this grid and are inexpensive. You will also need a picture of the
person that the grid will send to or protect.
After you have the stones, they will need to be cleansed. Some crystal experts believe
you should cleanse them in clear water and then leave them in the sun and moon light
for a period of three days. Other experts believe it is best to place them in rock or sea
salt or salt water for 24 hours. Say a prayer over them after you have put them in the
salt or salt water, asking that they be purified for your highest spiritual good.
Choose a place for the Reiki Grid. The best location is one where others do not go so
that the grid is not disturbed. Take the eight crystals that you have cleansed, and
choose the one that seems the strongest. This will be the Master Charging Crystal. For
your central (Master) crystal, you may want to choose a double terminated crystal, a
cluster, a pyramid or a crystal ball. (Some practitioners conceptualize this in terms of
yin and yang. You are looking for the crystal that is the most yang or having the
strongest male energy.) Next, place six of the crystals at equal points around a circle
about 10 to 12 inches in diameter. This creates a hexagon or six sided figure. Place the
last crystal in the center. This makes seven stones in the design in total. The eighth will
be used as the Master crystal. Play with the arrangement until it feels right.
This arrangement uses a six sided figure. It is possible to construct them in any
geometric shape. Choose one that best represents what you are trying to accomplish.
Take a picture of yourself or the person that you want to send reiki to. Draw the four
Reiki Symbols on the back, the persons name, and an affirmation to help empower and
set the intent of the process. Be creative. You can use a piece of paper with a goal,
intent or need on it instead of a picture. Draw out the four Reiki Symbols on the paper
and then Reiki it between your hands and place it within the crystal Grid. The belief is
that the Grid will continuously send Reiki to heal the person or bring about the goal.
At this point you have the purified crystals and your prepared picture. The next step is
to charge the crystals with the reiki energy. This is very simple to do. Take each crystal
into your hands and send Reiki into it for about 10 minutes or so. Do this with each
crystal, one at a time until all of them are done. You can also say prayers, or ask your
Reiki or spiritual guides to assist you while you are charging them. Another way to
charge them is to do a Reiki Attunement on each crystal or do an attunement on the
grid once it is completed.
Once the crystals are charged put each back in its place on the grid. Put the Master
Crystal in last. It is suggested that you not move the crystals after they are in place as
it will weaken the energy connections.
The Master Crystal is used to keep your Reiki Grid charged. This stone can be recharged
when needed by holding it in the hand during a reiki meditation, beaming reiki into it,
or re-attuning it. To finish the grid hold the Master crystal in your right hand. Starting
at the top, begin to connect the dots that are formed by the crystals on the grid. You
will be starting at the top and making six triangles as you connect the imaginary lines
between the stones on the outside and the center stone. Move around the Grid in a
counterclockwise direction. You can also say an affirmation or mantra as you do this.
Some masters meditate with they Master Crystal frequently to keep their Reiki Grid
charged up.

New Crystal Grid Method

First I got the 7 crystals I wanted to use. Which was amethyst and clear quartz. And my
extra large rose quartz wanted to be involved on this grid too. :-) I bathed them and
blessed them. Cleared any and all programming and energy they may have collected. I
bathed them in warm salty water. Then blessed them by saying the Lords Prayer 3
times over them. Then asked that all things be cleared from them. I then sent healing
to them. After this, I took one at a time and programmed them to heal Vaibhav . Any
healing he may need. Also to send this healing to him every hour until he no longer
needs it. Then once this was done, I laid them out in a circle with my rose quartz in the
middle. I wrote Vaibhavs name on an index card and sent him healing and asked to
send him healing every hour until no longer needed. I placed the index card under the
rose quartz. And then in a circle around the rose quartz, I place amethyst and clear
quartz. I did this , amethyst, clear quartz, amethest, clear quartz, and so on. There
were 3 amethyst and 3 clear quartz. And so I balanced the energy by placing one then
the other. Ok, so after doing this, I took my wand. (Clear quartz) and circled each one
beginning with the rose quartz. As I circled each one, I ask that it send Vaibhav
healing. Then I would go clockwise on each crystal and do the same. But what I did is
the rose quartz, then a crystal, then move back to the rose quartz, then to the same
crystal and then to the crystal next to it. Then did that one, then the rose quartz, then
back to that crystal, and so on until I completed each one. I did it this way so that each
crystal would be connected to the rose quartz and the crystal on each side. So in the
end, if you could see how I did the circling, it would look like a bicycle wheel. With the
spokes. Connecting them with the center, and then with the other crystals too. Ok, so
then I placed my hands over the entire grid and sent healing to it. Then asked that it
heal Vaibhav. And send the healing every hour until he no longer needs it.

Manifest Money Using Reiki

Our true career on earth is the pursuit of enlightenment, and the divine loving force
that created the universe provides our paycheck. Even when we receive money from a
human boss or client, it is important to remember that God is acting through these
people to provide us our pay. Image
Because we are lovingly supported by this divine force, we can surrender fears about
job security and financial lack and choose instead to embrace the natural, ever-present
abundance that is all around us. We truly receive everything that we need when we
need it, and often in mystical ways.
I am sure some readers are noticing that they cannot believe what I just wrote. The
exact thoughts and feelings that arose can point you in the direction of healing so that
you are able to receive the abundance and blessings of the universe.
Here are some tricks to develop the ability to manifest money for all your earthly
needs. Once you begin consciously manifesting financial abundance, look for it to
appear in a variety of ways. Sometimes we can get the essence of what we want or
need without using cash at all!
Reiki is a divine loving consciousness that can help us to heal any blocks that prevent
us from living a financially prosperous life. Once you are attuned to Reiki, you can
harness the power of this energy to bring blessings to your money situation.

Reiki Healing Box

Create a special magical box for your intentions and charge it with Reiki each day. Be

sure to be clear about your needs. Let the universe know the amount of money youd
like as well as when you would like to receive it. Write these desires on slips of paper,
draw the Reiki II symbols on the slips, and place them in your box. Hold the box in
your hands and feel the Reiki flow. Sit with a sense of knowing your desires are
yours. Reiki always works for the highest good, so be open to receiving the equivalent
or better of what you have wished for. Youll be amazed to look back and see how
every intention was realized, often in unexpected ways.

Reiki Candle
Grab a candle and hold it in your hands. A green candle, if you have one, symbolizes
money specifically, though any color can do. Intend that Reiki flow powerfully through
your hands to charge the candle. Ask that the Reiki bless and heal any resistance you
have to receiving money Image and that it magnetize financial abundance to
you. Once the Reiki stops flowing burn the candle and know that Reiki is healing your
money situation. It can be especially interesting to draw the chakras on the candle and
see how your experience mirrors the chakra on the part of the candle that is currently
burning. Know that your Reiki guides and angels will lead you to the exact resources
you need when you need them.
I hope these tips help you to manifest money and other blessings with Reiki. Please
share any stories you have about how you used Reiki to successfully manifest!
Have fun trying and experimenting with all these methods! As mentioned earlier, Reiki
is all about intuition. Follow it and adapt what we have exposed above to what you feel
is more comfortable or convenient for you. There are endless possibilities! And dont
forget to let us know your experiences and ideas!

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