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What techniques increased Mr Mukherjis communications effectiveness?2.)

Do you think that an open-door policy was the right way to improve upwardcommunication? What
other technique would you suggest?3.)

What problem s do you think an open-door policy creates? Do you think manyemployees are reluct
ant to use it? Give reasons for your answer.4.)

Experience from the case and learning from the module.Answer:Q.1: what techniques increased Mr. Mukherjis communication effectiveness?
: Mr. Abhishek Mukherji believed in open door communication policy. He announced that hisown
door was open to all employees and encouraged senior managers to do the same. With
thistechnique many employees who used the open door policy had been with the company for year
andwere comfortable talking to the president. Mr. mukherji would raise this issue and explain any
change at the next senior managers meeting. This type of techniques increased Mr. mukherjis
communications effectiveness.
Q.2: Do you think an open-door policy was the right way to improve upward
communication?What other technique would you suggest?Ans.
: Yes, Upward communication means employees to manager
s communication. In upward
communication employees give information to higher level them about work. If employees not give
information properly so that time upward communication doesnt work properly. In organization
higher level use open door policy for upward communication. In open door communication if
anyemployee faces any problem in work then he directly go to higher level for complain. If
managerknow what is problem of employees? So he easily solve problem. With use of this
techniquemanager easily know every work going proper or not. In this way open-door policy is the
right way toimprove upward communication.

Q.3: What problems do you think an open-door policy creates? Do you think many employees
arereluctant to use it? Give reason for your answer.Ans.
: yes many employees are reluctant to use it. The open-door policy may result in the owner of the
company having to spend a significant portion of his day listening to employees vent their
concerns. This is time taken away from the owners important responsibilities and duties. In
addition, the conversation may stray from business matters to no work-related topics, such as
hobbies, sports and current events, which may of be little or no interest to the owner. The
companyowner must make it clear that the open-door policy is a problem-solving mechanism
designed tohelp the company run more efficiently not an excuse to socialize on company time. An
open-doorpolicy can cause employees to become too dependent on the company owner instead
of learninghow to take the initiative to solve problems that come up themselves.
A business owners open
-doorpolicy can have the unintended effect of disrupting the reporting relationships he has put in
place. Alower-level employee may ask to come into his office and ask for him to mediate a
conflict he/she ishaving with the supervisor to whom he/she directly reports. If the supervisor finds
out the employee
has gone over his head and talked to the owner, it may result in the employee being disciplined for
violating the chain of command. Also, it puts the owner in the awkward position of trying to
decidewhether the employee had a legitimate grievance or whether he/she was in the wrong for
involvinghim in the issue.
Q.4: Experience from the case and learning from the module.Ans.
: With this case study I learn this policy work successfully when if all workers are come with real
problem. Its dont work in small business & also where employees are not educated because
theydont try to solve problem and they directly come to manager

office thats why manager was disturband dont work properly. In this policy if manager believe on
employees so its not sure that worker
is right or not.
1. Rogue means a dishonest person. Koslowski was described as a dishonest person because he
became so unhinged by greed and started spending the companys business money luxiriously. He
was not genuine to his shareholders and thus left many debts behind after his fall from the business
2. Kozlowskis behaviors are described as good, bad and ugly. First, they are good because when he
was a CEO of Tyco International, he made the company a corporate giant in terms of growth. At its
peak, Tyco had already emerged with 200 sudsidiary companies in a year under good leadership.

This led Tyco value to increase 70-fold thus Kozlowski had to be remembered as the greatest
businessman in the world. Secondly, his behaviors were bad because he became dishonest. He was
then accused as a criminal together with his former financial officer for stealing $170 million from
the company. They squandered money through manipulated purchases of stock within the
company. Lasty, his behaviors are ugly because his actions almost led to fall of the company where
he had worked for 27 years. This made the value of the companys stock to drop dramastically for
about $90 billion.
3. The explanations are both internal and external. On the external side, we focus on Kozlowskis bad
and ugly behaviors that made the company to make losses. In addition, the case of making illegal
transactions and bad managerial misconduct are external aspects that affect business.Consequently,
his behaviors are internal because he had good leadership qualities at first thus added value to the
company making it a corporate giant in terms of growth.
4. To understand the behaviour of Kozlowski, one needs to focus on the events that shaped his
personality. This is because we can be able to tell his behavior well and how he came to change.
Following his events, his mother worked in Newark police department and his father was a wheeldealer. His father was a deceiver and an effective persuader who used to tell lies though he had a
stong personality. This could actually contributed to Kozlowskis behaviors. Kozlowki was an
easygoing child in school, which led to him being elected as a classs politician and this contibuted to
his good behaviors. However, his demeanor disappeared after he had already worked for 27 years in
Tyco company.
1. Role conflict is a special form of social conflict that takes place when one is forced to take on two
different and incompatible roles at the same time. In this case the Role Conflict was on the side of
the people who is handling telephone calls in relation with the customer and what was the
management want them to do in handle customer calls. It is very difficult to serve two masters. In
the other hand Maggie here has also problem in role conflict- between his employee and customers.
His subordinates complaining regarding there headache cause by the customer and knowing what
was there customer need.

2. Speaking of benefits in the side of management there are functional benefit. Although to others
it's a problem but if were gonna look at it in the other perspective this seems to be opportunity.
Opportunity in terms of improvement and working as a group. When we say working as a group we
interact with each individual to accomplish a common goal. If management will treat it in a negative
way the problem will not be solve. Management have to encourage every employee to know what
was the goal of the company and help them to improve if they encounter problem. In the long run in
every interaction new idea came to solve the problem then this will be beneficial to the company.

3. The people who work directly to a customer is much grater than those who's not. I believe that
the employee in telephone services seems to be part of a group not of a team. Part of a group
because they rely more on what was the management want them to do. They have no choice to do
but to follow what was the management want them to do and their customer too. When we say
team it is the same in group which interact different individual but they are more focus to every idea

gave by every team members. Unlike groups they are focus on what was the leader want to do. In
this case employee who is in-charge of telephone services 100% absorb the customer anger and
what was really pressure.

4. Maggie should monitor and not set aside the different concern raise by her employee. Like for
example in our company we have a circle meeting every time we will start our work. This maybe
compare to Maggie situation, she should set a meeting at least 5mins. to discuss or endorsed every
concern encountered in the workplace. Management is not always right. Even though employee are
getting paid in there work it's not a valid reason that they have to sacrifice their health just to met
company's goal. Maggie should have to utilize and see what was their customer want and how to
treat it with the help of each employee. The same thing Maggie should always look for her
employee's idea so that they will create a mutual understanding and work as a group.
CASE 4-How a UPS Manager Cut Turnover
1.In dollars-and-cents terms, why did Jennifer Shroeger want to reduce turnover?
A high turnover rate results in an increase of recruiting, selection and training costs. In addition, this
could affect the operation of the UPS when experienced staffs leave; they need to hire more new,
inexperienced replacement with high pay and full benefits to fill the responsibilities of one full-time
staff. In this case, after the implementation of Jennifers program, her districts attrition had
dropped from 50 percent to 6 percent and had lower hiring cost around 1 million.
2.What are the implications from this case for motivating part-time employees?
The entire UPS organization relies heavily on part-time employees. Most of current executives began
as part-timers while attending college or university, then moved into full-time positions. UPS has
always treated its part-timers well. They are given high pay, flexible work hours, full benefits, and
substantial financial aid to go back to school.

3. What are the implications from this case for managing in future years when there may be a severe
labor shortage?To prevent future labor shortages and workers from leaving the work place, Ms.
Shroeger found that college students are most interested in building skills that they can apply later
in their careers. Therefore, she offers them Saturday classes for computer-skill development and
career-planning discussions (Judge, 2007).Since many new UPS employees in Buffalo are intimidated
by the huge warehouse inwhich they had to work, Ms. Shroeger improved lighting throughout the
building and upgraded break rooms to make them more user-friendly (Judge, 2007).

3. What are the implications from this case for managing in future years when there may be a severe
labor shortage?To prevent future labor shortages and workers from leaving the work place, Ms.
Shroeger found that college students are most interested in building skills that they can apply later
in their careers. Therefore, she offers them Saturday classes for computer-skill development and
career-planning discussions (Judge, 2007).Since many new UPS employees in Buffalo are intimidated
by the huge warehouse inwhich they had to work, Ms. Shroeger improved lighting throughout the
building and upgraded break rooms to make them more user-friendly (Judge, 2007)

To help new employees adjust, she turned some of her best shift supervisors into trainers who
provided specific guidance during new hires first week. She also installed more personal
computers on the floor, which gave new employees easier access to training materials and humanresource information on UPSs internal network. Finally,
Shroeger expanded training so supervisors had the skills to handle increased empowerment and to
see how difficult it is to be a manager (Judge, 2007).
4. Is it unethical to teach supervisors to demonstrate interest in workers as individuals?Explain.
In my opinion, every person has the ability to learn a skill if they are not naturally born with the
natural ability to show interest in others. Being a supervisor requires some degree of taking on a role
of leadership and having some additional qualities about them in which could be aquired if one does
not possess it naturally already. However, there must be an initial interest or passion to begin that
journey of aquirement because all the qualities and emotions that we need are the same within
ourselves and others.So is it unethical to teach supervisors to demonstrate interest in individuals?
You can't make somebody change without them wanting to change and you can't make somebody
learn what they don't want to learn. It is not unethical to me to teach supervisors to have interest in
workers as individuals if they want to be taught.5. What facts in this case support the argument that
OB should be approached from a contingency perspective?

5. What facts in this case support the argument that OB should be approached from a contingency
The supporting facts from the case of the argument that the approach of OB is from a contingency
perspective, supports Ms. Shroeger by how she improved hiring, communication,the work place, and
supervisor training. She analyzed the large database of information that UPS had on her districts
employees and made many changes to adding skills and career development classes, improved
conditions in the warehouse and buildings and finally expanded supervisor training.The approach
made a statement that she was responsible of determining which managerial approach was likely to
be most effective in achieving her cutting the turnover rate. It resulted from a fifty percent turnover
rate per year to six percent and an annual savings of one million dollars. Buffalo district gained a
twenty percent reduction in lost workdays and finally dropping from four percent to one percent in
packages delivered on the wrong day or at the wrong time

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